The Sevan Podcast - #513 - Fantasy CrossFit Games Draft

Episode Date: July 31, 2022

Fantasy CrossFit Games Draft with Sevan, Andrew Hiller, Brian Friend, Lauren Khalil, J.R. Howell, Taylor Self, Chad Schroeder, and Tyler Watkins. Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign u...p for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Are you bailed out? Did he really? I can't say what I was going to say now.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Why'd you make us live, dude? Don't say anything stupid that gets us all canceled. I'll shut up then. I need to hide this somehow. So what is going on here is Tyler Watkins has created something that makes even myself interested in CrossFit competitions. I've always been interested in the people, but during semifinals, he invited me to be a part of this. I guess it's called the Fantasy League. I've never done anything like that. I guess it's popular in other sports. And I kind of participated, but I didn't, but I was on the text thread and I got to see the guys play throughout the semifinals and I started feeling left out. I was like, oh shit, this does look really fun. And so they organized it again for the CrossFit Games. And this time I'm definitely going to take it more seriously.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Even if you don't want to win, you're just totally engaged in it. You have a horse in the race and it makes everything better and you get a better depth of knowledge. The only way I can really think of it is, it's an example I always use all the time. But if you go to the Louvre and you look at the Mona Lisa, you might have no interest in it. You get there and it's only this big and you're like, what the hell? This painting is dumb. But then when you find at the Mona Lisa, you might have no interest in it. You get there and it's only this big and you're like, what the hell? This painting's dumb. But then when you find out the guy who painted it was blind, he only had one testicle and he painted it with his hand behind his back. Then all of a sudden you're like,
Starting point is 00:01:52 okay, this shit's cool. And so what this game does is it brings, uh, brings out the nuances, brings out the depth of the athletes. You have to get invested. And so here we are,
Starting point is 00:02:02 Mr. Watkins. Thank you. Yeah, man. Yeah. Thanks for letting me, uh, debut it on the show. So for everybody listening, I'll share a link at the end so everyone can go create their own lead. You all can follow along and I'll share an Instagram where you can get further instructions. But besides that, Brian, do you want to break down how we're playing the game?
Starting point is 00:02:24 get further instructions but besides that um brian do you want to break down how we're playing the game well i i think that we clarified it the other day but um my understanding is we're going to do all the men first and then all the women yeah just for simplicity's sake for our people following along and for savan primarily there are eight of, so there will be a five-round draft. The first four picks are your play. Those are your male players that you can use for the weekend. The fifth-round pick is an alternate that you can only use if one of the players above is forced to withdraw from the competition. What do we agree on as the minimum number of minimum and maximum number of
Starting point is 00:03:07 plays. Minimum number of places to maximum number of places for, so that's how many times you can replay an athlete for anyone at home who hasn't played, which is everyone we'll put in one male and one female for each event. You get their points after you've played them four times, they're burnt. You can't play them anymore. Highest points at the end of the weekend wins.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So there's a lot of strategy that goes into it. Does your athlete withdraw? Does your athlete survive a cut? You know, you think an athlete might do well on a certain event, and they might not. So there's a lot of skill involved. So basically, if event number one will happen, let's say lot of skill involved so so basically if event number one will happen let's say it's just a swim event and i get to go i get to pick and i have uh be
Starting point is 00:03:50 lucky enough to have uh yonakoski and tia i pick i have to pick one male one female i pick the two of them and now they've each done one event they have to do at least one more but they can't do more than four absolutely and and how many athletes do I have all together? I have two female, how many, four female and four male, five, five, the last two male or the last two,
Starting point is 00:04:11 one male, one female are reserve, reserve picks. If you have an athlete withdrawal, you get access to them. If they do not withdraw, you do not get access to them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:20 So Brian said four males, but it's four males and four females. Did I miss that? Okay. Yeah. Okay. We're just, we're going to, we're going to pick all the men first and then four females. Did I miss that? Okay. Yeah. Okay. We're going to pick all the men first, and then we'll do all the women just to make it easy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:30 What if at the end of the games, one of my athletes fails the drug test? Is that a bonus? Do I get what's behind door number two? Or is that fucked? I'm fucked. How is that right? Yeah, that's why I'm going to withhold all the money until we definitely do all the drug testing. Oh, how's that dry yeah that's why i'm gonna withhold all the money until we definitely do all that bullshit so it's bad if your athlete pops it's bad
Starting point is 00:04:50 yeah if your athlete pops you get the man oh my goodness uh for those of you who don't know who everyone who is here on the show we have taylor self he is a crossfit games athlete he has a great programming service and he is a trainer uh Games athlete. He has a great programming service, and he is a trainer somewhere on the East Coast with a bunch of other great trainers. We have Brian Friend, who works the Morning Chalk of the 7-1 Podcast, Talking Elite Fitness. Anyone who will fucking have him.
Starting point is 00:05:14 He is going to be at the CrossFit Games feeding them information that he says is his, but he really gets from the bald guy at the bottom with the giant beard named Chad Schrader, who is the most giantest brain on the planet and we all um live off of it but we never get to see him and he was kind enough to bless us in the center square we have jr howell who owns the finest crossfit affiliate on the east coast fuck you if you don't like that and uh he is um riding on the coattails of uh jason hopper and taylor self and he's kind of
Starting point is 00:05:42 slipped in with his two great athletes then on on the bottom, we have the most controversial man in all of CrossFit, Mr. Hillerfit, who has identity Christ fit with Batman. And then we have, unfortunately, the hardest working person in all of the real media space, Lauren Khaleesi Khalil from the Morning Chalk of Their Shirt. The greatest addition to the show. And I'm the biggest dork there is,
Starting point is 00:06:04 but I have the swimming pool, so all the cool kids come to my house all right i'll take it bam good job we're live thank you okay we're ready to start drafting yep please okay let's see and anyone who pricks pick pricks anyone who picks Freya Moosebrugger, I hate you. Have you guys ever seen those dilapidated buildings that say, like, arcade, skill games? You guys have those where you're from? JR, do you have those in South Carolina? No.
Starting point is 00:06:40 We have these things in North Carolina. They're like, you go there to die, and you never escape. are these like blacked out like gambling arcade places and this is what you play when you go in one of those places oh really is that it can you win money in there yeah you can lose a lot that's for sure okay did you just randomize it yes all right so the the uh and then i've got something for you all right the athlete order is chad hiller how self seven on brian me lauren oh and suze is in there uh lauren lauren ends it who where was saving the best talk about ladies first i mean tyler is that the updated order in the spreadsheet oh no i'm gonna update it give me one second hey could i could i could i fix my uh the rumors that i'm a misogynist if i switch places with
Starting point is 00:07:39 lauren no thank you hillary all fuck it. She's at the end. Okay, what do you got? Who's drafting fourth and fifth? Taylor and someone else. Let's see. I'm after Howell, I think. That's all that matters. I'm third.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I thought Taylor was after me. Okay, then I'm not after you. Boom, it's updated. Chad, Hiller, Hal, Self, Savan, Friend, Watkins, Khalil. How the fuck does Chad get first pick? Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:08:15 The person who drafts first for the men will draft last for the women. Oh, lads. Oh, baby. He's got the best play place it'll make sense on the spreadsheet exactly because when we get to lauren's last male pick she'll be forced to take the last guy and then she'll get the first pick for the women and we'll just keep going yep it's snake draft snake draft okay what's that mean chad down and back up so lauren will get eight and then she'll get the ninth pick and then we'll work back up
Starting point is 00:08:47 yeah okay so yeah all right there you go oh yeah we're going one minute shot clock we're gonna try to stick to that yeah this is in the background he'll mute you if you're if you're done uh i'll fuck you up go so you want us to just i want to say it and then just not put it in the spreadsheet yeah okay i just say i just say that if then just not put it in a spreadsheet? Yeah. Okay. I just say that if you take more than a minute, you just get some guy like Enrico. Like Moose Burger. Yeah, you get Enrico Zanoni and Freya Moose Burger. I will go with Mr. Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:09:23 And you'll be taking them off as you say them? They'll come off. Okay pillars up gee please gee oh my god they are pat justin madera wow and you guys are moving saxon pan oh is my turn Justin Madera. Wow. And you guys are moving. Saxon Pan.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Oh, is it my turn? Yes. Yes? Yeah. Saxon Pan chick. Brian. Oh, shit. I forgot we were doing all men first.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I'll take Roman. Oh, that's I forgot we were doing all men first. I'll take Roman. Oh, that's a good pick. Oh, God. Let's see. I'm going to go with... Ricky. Damn. He really belongs on my team.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Lauren. Double pick. Jeff Adler. And BKG. Solid turnaround picks right there. Yeah. Hey. I'm going to go with Lazar. Oh, nice. I'm gonna go with Bazaar
Starting point is 00:10:48 oh nice whose turn man the shot it's uh Brian the shot clock makes everybody feel a little more focused so usually a lot more shit talk going on than this. Yeah, you don't even get muted. You just get dropped off if you don't do it in a minute. Yeah, Brian sucks.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I know who Brian's going to pick. Brian's going to pick Janikowski. Hurry up, Brian. I am going to pick Janikowski. 20 seconds, Brian. 20 seconds. Whose turn? Yours. Colton. Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I'm going to pick Guillaume Briant. Briant. Al. Jason. Jason got to go home with daddy. Jason got to go home with daddy Jason got to go home with daddy That's too perfect Noah Olsen the winner of the 2022 CrossFit Games
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah He is the most popular male CrossFitter in all of CrossFit Right on the roster Allegedly He is let me tell you something he didn't pay for any of those followers Looks like a fucking ninja turtle He didn't pay for any of those followers. He looks like a fucking Ninja Turtle. He didn't. See, now Chad makes me not feel so bad about taking my time.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Well, he took my pick. Oh, it's so easy 30 seconds chad it should be a 30 second shot chad don't pick dallen pepper whatever you do that one's mine all right i'll go with uh oh oh I know who I'm picking George
Starting point is 00:12:54 Travis Mayer no I know who I want the last two guys wait we should be dragging who's ever turned it is to the top whose turn is it shit yeah i got the snake and so that shot clock is definitely over by now it's a second pick it's a second pick stay within the mini come on uh who goes after chad It's a second pick. It's within the mini. Come on.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Who goes after Chad? Hiller. I won't. Oops, sorry. Okay, three, two, one, go. Go with Caron. You guys know who to pick. Be smart, people.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Hiller, you know who to pick. Is Willie Georges off the board? Yeah. I'll take Travis Mayer. Damn it. There's a dude. There's a dude. There's a future games champ on there, guys. Future games champ sitting on there.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Tudor Magna, we know. M2. M2. Shut the fuck up with M2. Did you see that Tudor Magna James we know. M2. M2. Fuck up with M2. Did you see that Tudor Magna James Sprague? Holy shit. Tudor Magna looks like a little bite, like a little
Starting point is 00:14:14 Oreo cookie in there. Sager. Come on, guys. Whose turn is it my turn taylor self-thinking 20 seconds i have 20 seconds left or 20 seconds in nobody knows ask your girlfriend ask your girlfriend i usually don't even get that high um i'm gonna go with andre who day my turn yeah man jay crouch oh fuck yes yes boss move guys so for everybody's listening at home whenever i release the app um this will
Starting point is 00:15:07 you can do this inside the app you get with your friends and you all pick and you can plug it in chuck that way it's just easier on the sheet visually right now and would the app say when i got jay crouch and none of you guys did would it be like dang savvy you demand yeah good confetti shot who. I'll take Dallin. Nice. I'm going to go with the little train that keeps on going. Will Morad. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Dang it. It has been. Whoa. Damn. Doc Barb. it that has been i'm just trying to add some spice to this bad boy damn will i really like you but fuck off you suck you blocked me on instagram oh did he who did who did is that true will more red oh my goodness that's it's a bad look for an athlete that does that. IMO. Katrin hasn't even blocked me. Okay, let's go with Alex Vigneault.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Good one. Oh, so she gets two picks now? And Sam Quant. And so the people at the end, they're done in two picks huh well this is the last round of your actual roster the last round is your alternate in case one of your top four is eliminated so you want to you know you might have made a little thought into this one relative to the other guys you have on your team yeah oh you're telling me that after i pick yeah your team is great you still got one b, I put thought into all of mine. Look at Brian talking down to us and shit.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Sevan's going for it. He's trying to pick as many guys away less than 190 as possible. I'm going to go with Paulson. Interest. Yeah, I know. You all make fun of my picks every freaking time. I'll take tutor seven on oh do i go with baden brown because he's a great dude nick matthews because he
Starting point is 00:17:20 fucking probably conceal carries or sp Panchick because fucking night. It would be cool to have both brothers. There is a little bit that hurts in this. Feel bad that Saxon got drafted so early. Spencer's still on the. I really like this. I really like the thought of Nick Matthew. That guy probably carries a gun, right?
Starting point is 00:17:43 He can still. He's the only athlete to brought him and willie ah no willie's from france if willie was an american he packed too fuck i'm going spencer god you guys are so lucky spencer jay colton and sax that means you guys get to come on the podcast all week every time you look at your phone, there's going to be a text message from you. Taylor said he wants Baden. Are we sure about this? Where is he?
Starting point is 00:18:14 What happened to him? He's taking a piss? He said his computer is messing up. His computer. What state does he live in? North Carolina. Computer. His IBM?
Starting point is 00:18:27 His ThinkPad? JR, you up? Seven, I'll just take Tudor. No. Tudor, Spencer, and Baden-Brown were the last three. I take Spencer. I see it. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I hope some athletes are watching and like, yeah, thank God, Sevan got it. Yeah, Jason Hopper gets the celebrity pick. You can do it in the comments for JR on the last round. Hey, you guys, think of this. If you got picked by Hiller, like you've carte blanche the only quarter squat. You can get zero no reps. It's just bro reps the whole week from Hiller. Give me Hapalainen. Oh, I thought for sure Brian gets stuck with him
Starting point is 00:19:16 for talking about him so much. Brian's going to get Arthur, though. Semenov, I guarantee it. Semenov. Whatever. Mr. Siberia. Cool this. Oop-a-dix.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Mayhem athlete, right? This is going to be interesting. Yeah. Chad's got a good spot. This might be a little bit better of a spot. How do we know whose turn it is? It's up on the sheet. Oh, all right. right guys we're flying i love it
Starting point is 00:19:55 20 seconds chad okay um do you actually have a shot clock going. I'll do Corvias. And then the backup, I'll do Matthew. Oh, nice. Filler. I don't know how he knows Hey Brian why did Matthew get picked
Starting point is 00:20:29 Is Nick Matthew available No just drafted He got taken like your virginity boy You got Raquel May Late but good Spencer Cole Gray Schaber
Starting point is 00:20:42 Zanoni Cleland Henry and Moritz Feibig Cole Gray, Schaber, Zanoni, Claylin Henry, and Moritz Feibig. Oh no, what if I get Zanoni and I have to talk to him and apologize for talking shit to him? Oh gosh, no, call me, please. Oh.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Grease Schaber? Gray Schaber. Greyshaber Greyshaber Greyshaber Just call him Cole I talked to Tommy yesterday I think he was screwing with me I think he pronounced it Greyshaber Greyshaber Give me Zanoni
Starting point is 00:21:24 Zanoni Zanoni Taylor who we got I'm gonna pick Cole Grayshaber This pick doesn't even matter right I'm picking the dude who fucked up my boy Joyal Austin Spencer Asshole.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I'll take Moritz. Moritz. I'm going with Semenzov. Warren, I got you. No worries. Who picked Semenov? I like how they threw a z in there cements off just because it just just who was that was that was that yeah watkins just z in there it sounds like semen off not cements off making it p pg-13 up in here cements off cements off we like our russians with z's in the name i i got a question who uh brian in your opinion who um the matthew pick seemed really late to me who is in
Starting point is 00:22:31 there at the end there that was like oh shit i can't believe he's in there well there's uh not too many people i mean i think the teams are pretty well balanced when i look at them and if you're looking at the bottom like the last eight eight picks, I guess you're maybe looking for a guy like an Augustine Raquel May or he's really the one that stands out that could do great if there was a really bodyweight specific high rep workout.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Lauren, is that who you wanted to just put in the field with me? It's okay. Just speaking for me before I can even have my turn. is your turn yes that's who i'd pick okay but before we go into the women i have a question because we have tons of time right we're killing yeah we're we're really killing time lauren so every time um i have uh i've had kotler on or um danielle brandon there's like before they come on, there's just shit.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I mean, obviously, there's shit ton of rumors and there's tons of people in the DMs and there's tons of comments going between all the people in text messages. And then we get on there to interview them and we kind of have to play stupid. Or is that just me? Do you struggle with that? Not struggle with that sometimes, but it's weird, right? Like people are telling you shit and they're like, hey, I know this, this and this. And why didn't you say this? And you're like, well, fuck, I can't just come out and say that. You don't know anything. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I think that everybody on this call always has a little bit of intel because we're always talking to people in the space and you always hear maybe rumors or maybe what you think is fact and there's ways to ask certain questions and there's other topics that maybe you don't want to be the one to open those can cans of worms. And I want to have access to Danielle and Kotler and Adrian throughout the week. I don't want to like throw them some zinger. Like Adrian, is that true that you robbed the bank when you were 12 and did a year and a half in jail? Like, I don't want to bring that shit up.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Right. Like just kind don't want to bring that shit up. Right. Like, just kind of play nice to him. Preserve the relationship. No, burn the boat. All right, fine. You burn the boat. You burn the boat, Lauren. Like, fuck them.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Like, I'm going hard. I am not a pot stirrer. Yeah, me neither. Good. Although I am wearing the coffee wads and pods. I'm wearing the coffee wads and pods shirt because I want everyone to think I'm Peter because my pick sucks so bad. I don't want anyone attributing it to me. Not a pot stirrer.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Yeah, not a pot stirrer. Oh, that's a good shirt. Only in some situations. Not a pot stirrer. Your pick sucks. It's not as diverse of a team as some other teams are. Dude, I got Colton Mertens. I mean, I'm as diverse as it can be.
Starting point is 00:25:12 He's the most diverse. Who do you think has the most diverse team, Brian? I guess well-balanced might be a better word. Yeah, let's go over whose team is balanced. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are there females taking, Hey, here's,
Starting point is 00:25:27 here's the, here's the, here's the thing. Here's the thing. Let's let, let's be honest. Let's be honest. Um,
Starting point is 00:25:33 my, my guy that you're my guy who some of you might think is my weakest guy. Um, Colton Mertens. The truth is, is that he might be there's, if I plug him in the right events, he's the most,
Starting point is 00:25:43 he could be one of the most powerful pieces on the board that's potentially potentially there's the potential that's what i mean there's people on here that you guys have that might finish higher that aren't gonna fucking win events so you all should best seven what was his best finish last year any event i have no idea 15 oh yeah the games it's hey's a different man. What was his best finish at the semifinals? First. We'll see. But for the second round pick, I think it was a little early. No, that's what you think.
Starting point is 00:26:15 See, and Lauren, see that? Like, I need Colton, so I got to pick him a little early. I got to take one for the team, pick him a little early. That's politics, people. So, Brian, who's got the most balanced team hiller does thanks hiller you can't say that about yourself can you do you not think you do no i don't have a balanced team my team's a mess i got spencer and colton i really uh my, I won't.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Well, I like Lauren's team a lot. I like Chad's team and I like, um, I think you went too early with Briant self. Taylor, Taylor picked me on a little early. I like Jr's team a lot too.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I have the shortest dude, Colton Mertens, the biggest outlier. I have the most nervous dude out of the whole fucking batch, Jay Crouch. I have Spencer Panchik. He's riding in his brother's coattails. I have one good guy, Saxon. That's it.
Starting point is 00:27:17 See, I see Hopper and Cole Sager doing about the same. The events they're both going to be good at, they're both going to be good at they like they're both going to be good at the same events i don't i disagree okay all right who did you say hopper and who sager and hopper but like hopper i okay i'm just going to speak straight hopper's going to do better than sager in those events but it's the same events that they're both going to do well in no sager can shine on some other stuff that uh that jason probably won't do as well on um some more you know as we've seen in the past with cole he's got some like tenacity and some kind of athletic enduring style events felner's great
Starting point is 00:27:57 because you know he's very versatile a lot of top five finishes so if you plug jason and cole into the right events and henry capolini has got a little bit of a different skill set than those guys. I like JR's team. You can play each athlete up to four times. You just got to make sure that you have a guy that you want to be confident you can
Starting point is 00:28:18 play everyone that you picked twice. I think Taylor is the worst team. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Hey, he does. He has the best guy and the worst guys. You're right. I agree.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Who are the worst guys? Fuck you, Sean, too. All the foreigners. All the foreigners. Guillaume, Andre, and Baden. The whole team, Justin Medeiros has to carry your whole fuck. According to everyone. According to everyone.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Medeiros is falling to four pick. The only reason that I was trying to make sense of that. I think the only reason why is because someone thinks that maybe they can't. He's not going to have enough first place finishes or I'm playing with a bunch of fucking wackadoodles. Well, that's the former. Yeah. At the end of the weekend, we should come back and see if this. a bunch of fucking wackadoodles. That's the former. Yeah, okay. At the end of the weekend, we should come back and see if this, okay, Guillaume's not
Starting point is 00:29:09 going to be that, or Guy's not going to be that high, but the draft order, Brent's not going to be in first. Guy's not going to be in second, so that's going to be useless. Maybe it'll be closer for the women. Yeah, but to an extent, you have to pick for specialty. I mean, Taylor picked Briand for one reason. And that's the women. Yeah, but to an extent, you have to pick for specialty. I mean, Taylor picked Riyan
Starting point is 00:29:26 for one reason. And that's the reason for two reasons. What? Because there's going to be two swim events, according to all the people who know the workouts already. No shit. Yeah, look at Brian laughing. He knows. Same with Lauren Khalil. She knows.
Starting point is 00:29:41 So people in here know the workouts already? Yeah, it's fucking... They're cheating. I workouts already yeah it's fucking they're cheating i don't think it's hillar knows them no hey hillar hillar knows a bad pass just gives us an opportunity for a great catch that's what i always say in frisbee so if they know them and we beat them in frisbee are we doing like an open humiliation sort of deal for last place dude yes i'd do that yes i'm not gonna do it because he's doing it fucking last no hey kyle kyle if i lose kyle's doing it for me Okay Lauren
Starting point is 00:30:27 Khalil went last and she Now gets to go first Miss Khalil I see someone a name's been put In for you are you sure you want that name Positive Mr. Watkins the Owner of this fabulous game that we're Allowed to play has picked
Starting point is 00:30:43 Gabriela Megawa. Is that correct, Mr. Watkins? Mm-hmm. And Brian Friend, you're up. I'll take Laura Horvat. I like how fast they're on change subjects. I cannot have Mal O'Brien just on principle. I cannot.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Good. Cara Saunders. There are plenty of good picks right there. Mal O'Brien. He's a hoe. It is funny. I feel more comfortable drafting into the women farther than the men.
Starting point is 00:31:25 How did she go to fourth? One, two, three, four. Fifth. Alexis Raptus. Hey, Watkins has been listening to all of Brian's hype about Gabriella Magawa. Jeez Louise. Oh, I've been on that train. Jeez Louise.
Starting point is 00:31:42 He's higher on her than I am this year. Jeez. I'll take Danny Spiegel. What? Oh my god. Oh my god. Danny, you're cleared
Starting point is 00:31:56 hot for bad reps this game. Do your shit, girl. You're cleared hot. I'll go with Haley Adams. Wait, who did Chad pick? Haley Adams. I almost took her with a three pick. We've given Chad time to think.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yeah. And then... Do it, Chad. Just do it. You know you want to. Just do it. Don't do it. Do it. Just do just do it you know you want to just do it don't do it do it just do it fuck it just do it it'll make it more fun for you just get her uh what are you no i'll do i'll do barnhart he doesn't he doesn't have the fortitude to pick
Starting point is 00:32:44 up let's see if hillary's got the fortitude to pick her. That's great balance right there, Chad. Well done. I'll take Brooke Wells. Woo! Ladies, you are free! The man has set you free! These are all politics picks. Yes, for sure.
Starting point is 00:33:00 You should have seen Hiller's view kissing Adrian's ass. I just watched on the assault bike. I can't wait to talk to him tomorrow about that shit if he wins with politics picks I'll never play every did you not even see my ranking show video come on those are the two and three place finishers of the games this year
Starting point is 00:33:18 oh you suck Brian come on he was taking the pick before my pick. Everyone has an excuse. He could have been your first pick. He could have been my first pick. That's right.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Alex Kazan. Yes. He could have been either one of your first two picks, Lauren. Well, he didn't call me out. He called you out. No. Okay. So just really quick here.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I'm going to pick Daniel Brandon. But before, number three, J.R. Howell said Alex Gazan. It says Willis because he's using her. I used what was on the game site. Okay, but her real name is Gazan, right? I don't know. Is it Gazan or Willis? Yeah, it's Gazan.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Okay. She just said, yeah, she didn't change it. At the beginning of the year You gotta stay with what you set On the game side Next year she can change it over You have to stay with what you start with I know
Starting point is 00:34:16 I'll take Christy Aramo Fuck Damn you. I'm going to go with 30. 30? Yeah, 30. Emma McQuaid? Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Emma McQuaid. Ellie Turner. Yeah, nice. Ariel Lohan. She knows I'm a big fan. Don't let me down, Ariel. She's not. She's going to go hard. Don't let me down, Ariel.
Starting point is 00:35:02 She's not. She's going to go hard. Man, these are some savages. Brian, you should be obligated to pick Julia Cato. I'm going to get her a little later on. All right. That is not how it works. No, Rich, you are not on there. I'll take Karen Frey over.
Starting point is 00:35:35 We do teams if we ever knew who was coming from Africa or if any teams were coming from Africa. I could pick Emma Lawson, who won her her region i could but you can't get her on an interview because she her agent doesn't let her do podcasts she's out i interviewed emma lawson oh fuck who said that damn mute her oh you teed that up perfect thank you oh there's my there's my girl uh Sydney McElishan that's who I'm grabbing
Starting point is 00:36:14 okay man Lauren pulling rank on him twice should we reveal why we're actually doing this show I'll go Emily and Rolf. Oh, boy. Dang it. Yeah, she was a good fit for both of you right there.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Unlucky, JR. I'm not going to. Maybe you can get her to send you one of those shirts that only comes in quadruple X large that her sponsor sells. Wait, did you say something, JR? Bailey Rail. Rail. Okay. Biller,
Starting point is 00:36:52 I want to get on the Emma Lawson train. I just feel like she's really young. I'll take Emma Lawson. There it is. You just don't know how good anyone is who came from that There it is. There it is. You just don't know how good anyone is who came from that region. What was it?
Starting point is 00:37:10 The Atlas? Atlantic? Yeah, you don't know. Hey, I'm... You're Dahlstrom? And... and oh it's chad's turn everyone p break everyone go take a pee break it's my final pick no pressure yeah um well if uh page powers i knew it uh that's the girl who was in the lane next to emma lawson is that yes the mayhem okay yeah she's cool let's go wow wow that look at that team that's just that's just the team i wanted pretty well hey i want to ask all those girls if they're happy that they're on hillar's team
Starting point is 00:38:19 that's the most disgruntled team in the world, dude. Well, you know Danny's blocked him. She has not. She actually has not. Oh, that's good. It's only three of the athletes. I mentioned them. It was Moret, Mel Eros, Guy, and who was the other one? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Mel. First one. Mel. Mel O'Brien. Bousselier. Bousselier. Seven, you know who you're taking, right? Nice burger.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Eric Weiss. I probably have the best fantasy playing. It's not my turn, is it? Brian, who should I take, Brian? No way. I got a pick coming up but you need to just find the hole on your team hey you brian you think i should take that elena no you have to take the unless taylor drafts this person you have to take this person okay okay freya moose bruger there's no way i can take freya moose
Starting point is 00:39:26 there's no way oh you're taking a pick so you're off the hook there uh i want to pick sung young choi just because i want to say the name all week you should pick uh um seven there's a there's a very talented region of the world that has some pretty good women left on the board here yeah i see her i see her down at the bottom they're through what he's fishing the doter is her last is her last name doter no oh yeah that would be a good one yeah it's either her or Lucy Campbell. Yeah, both good. They're both from Europe.
Starting point is 00:40:08 But you were talking big. Stop giving him clues. He gave me a clue, but he gave me a clue. He has to do his own research. He's going to talk about this, and then he's going to take Seherkaya. And then Paige Semenza. You were talking to Paige Semenza to me the other day, too. Telling me we got to get her on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I know. I'm trying to get you to take one of the European girls so I can pick her. Why did Gabby McAllen go second? Because fucking Mr. Watkins, she must be part owner of the app or something. So Watkins had to pick her or something. It's crazy. Him and Brian have lost their mind about her. About Gabby?
Starting point is 00:40:46 You've lost your mind. It's crazy. Him and Brian have lost their mind about her. About Gabby? You've lost your mind. Okay, fine. Solvig, Sigurds... Watch it. Okay, good. The only thing about... Yeah, never mind. Tell me. No, I was just going to say something about Gabby.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I'm not low on her, but we'll see. I disagree with Tyler. She's going to be top five. I'm just giving them a hard time I disagree with Tyler. She's going to be top five. I'm just giving them a hard time. She's dope. It's going to be tough for her. The top five is going to be so tough this year. But I think she has it in her. She just can't.
Starting point is 00:41:16 You guys have to remember, with the Laura and the Gabby picks, you have to remember what Boz is saying, too, and take that into context, if it means anything. Where are their biggest holes and where is Boz? Who is up? Taylor Self thinks Laura Morvatt's going to take 23rd place at the game this year. I know you want to take
Starting point is 00:41:34 Alicia Juliano. I'm going to take Paige Semenza. Alisa. I'm going with Campbell. It's a good one. I think I drafted her during semifinals and Brian was hating on me.
Starting point is 00:41:58 She paid off. She's a perfect fit on your team, honestly. I didn't need her. I already have people for the event. She's going to be besting. Is Michelle Moran from South Africa? Yes. That's the one that takes all the pictures, like group shot pictures, like
Starting point is 00:42:11 hardly clothes with Danny and Scuds and... No, no, no. Different Michelle. She was at the games last year. Lauren's got the best team on this one, the female side. Well, you would if you had your guaranteed four wins she'll screw it up
Starting point is 00:42:32 she'll only play Tia twice I don't want to hear it Caroline Connors It can't be worse than that time that Hiller played somebody who had withdrawn Yeah well that was horseshit That was crazy That's inclusivity, that's the eye
Starting point is 00:43:02 We need a loser challenge for sure. Garns. Oh, yeah. I want a loser challenge. Let's see. I'm making T-shirts for my team members. I'm going for Liano. My wife just walked by and said, Brian Friend is hot.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Wow. Yeah, well, look at your hot. Wow. Yeah. Well, look at your name. I love bond Bruce and your dude. I'll take some. I love Bo and Bruce. I think. Oh,
Starting point is 00:43:33 Choi. Joy. Uh, all right. Brian, Brian, you fucked. Brian said Julia Cato. He didn't say Sung Young Choi. I had a feeling you wanted her.
Starting point is 00:43:55 There was more of a defensive play. That girl, Sanahuya. Is that the chick from Spain? Yes. That's who he's going with. I like Spanish girls. He's just rereading it, trying to be able to say it. I like her.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Hey, someone say her name for me, please. Helen. She prefers to go by Helen. Chad is right. Can I say the whole thing? Elena Caratala Sanahuya. Elena Caratala Sanahuya. Elena Caratala Sanahuya. I think that's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Caratala Sanahuya. Do we have to play each athlete at least once, Tyler? Twice. You have to play each athlete twice. Yeah, man. Who got BKG? I did. Oh, damn it.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Hey, can we trade? I don't know why I didn't think about that. No, you can't trade. What are you giving me for Spiegel? If you're going to trade, you got to do it now before we seal up the... No, no trades. No trades. I'm taking Michelle Moran.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I'll give you Spiegel for Mertens. Mertens in the women's division? I want $5 too. I want Spiegel. I want to give you Spiegel and $5. Spiegel and a Handy for Mertens. Wow. The Handy is for Mertens?
Starting point is 00:45:20 No. Who else would it be for? It's a pretty good deal for Mertens? No. Who else would it be for? It's a pretty good deal for Mertens. Hey, whose icon on this thread is the unicorn? Khaleesi, for sure. Where are you looking? On the Google Doc. Actually, I think it is, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Wait, no, it's my picture. JR struggling. Campos., Campos. Victoria Campos. Nice. Y'all are rude. Brian was supposed to take Julia. Kato, I'll take her.
Starting point is 00:45:55 You're a good dude, Hiller. Someone's got to represent. Hey, Hiller, when you said you're going to make T-shirts, you're going to make them and then give them to them? Yeah. Travis and I already talked about it and you're gonna is it gonna say team hiller oh we got a name for it already what is it oh i was wearing the shirt earlier what is it gw501516 oh yeah you have a shirt that says that. Oh, shit. And then it'll say Wells on the back? You know it. Or Spiegel or any of that.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Oh, they hate you. It looks like a leader shirt. It's in camo. It's epic. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. I think Carolyn Prevo is the only one
Starting point is 00:46:37 that's got the balls to wear that. As long as her girlfriend doesn't... Be careful. Her girlfriend will slap you around. Savant's team is actually pretty decent like i'm very surprised thank you thank you i'm gonna put cindy mccallish in anything
Starting point is 00:46:56 without running but car saunders in any anywhere i see the calise put fucking Tia, I'm putting in Cara. Fuck you. Block. Yeah. Fuck off. Smash that bitch. Who are you playing for your running events, Sevan? Miss Brandon. All right, hombres. I got to bounce. See you, dog.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Later. Nice draft. See you tomorrow morning. 7 a.m. Hiller Fit Review. What do I do with Sigur's Dardot odor that's that's up to you it's up to you well i'm asking for a chat fuck off all you guys chat hi how are you how are you young man what should i do with the um uh icelandic queen how should i play her
Starting point is 00:47:39 just play share your wisdom play her any event that you don't know who to play she's kind of all around her oh i like that yeah that deep and that deep on your roster like she's definitely a utility player at that point just keep throwing that up there scissor i'm gonna go until it hits the loser has to get a ceo ass tattoo geez louise everybody else you don't you don't get an o you just get the c and the e and your body part uh represents the o everybody else down the crack or across the cheeks in any way you can line that zero up everybody else gets the the ceo savon gets the mustache on in the thumb oh yeah hey hey do you have mustache do we stand a chance against uh lauren in what the men's or the women's field in in the women's field yeah if she misplays i don't i don't think that's as stacked i mean she has tia so that's tough but she can only play tia four times
Starting point is 00:48:52 and then she's got some good other athletes which is is it a is it a combined game or is it or do we do two different games no it's a combined game okay Okay. Very important. How bad, who, when you look at that fourth row, Paige Powers, Carolyn Prevost, Rebecca Fuselier, Freya Moosebruger, Solvig, Paige Semenza, Lucy Campbell, and Caroline Connor. Who, who's the worst in there? Please tell me. Well, the thing about the, the thing about the, like that line for the women is I think that good plays out of that group, you might get a couple top fives out of all of them combined. Assuming we each play them twice, just play 16 plays, you might only have like three top fives. So your good plays of those players might be like 10th place finishes.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I got confused there. You're saying that those women in that in that fourth row the best they're going to do is 10th place in any of the workouts if you place them perfectly some of them like there are there are a couple that could have top five finishes and very specific events okay but for the most part your plays of those athletes like 12 of the 16 plays you're hoping for like an eighth to 12th place finish yeah because the top eight or ten women are going to be the top eight or ten women in so many events do you even touch your first round draft picks the first day depends who they are depends on the events
Starting point is 00:50:18 yeah you know there's some like you know if you i coming out hot. I'm using Saxon up on the first day. That's a good plan. That's a really great plan. No, I think that, you know, if you have Vellner or Medeiros, you can hold them until Sunday, basically. Yeah, I would. Because you're going to be better as the weekend goes on. But if you have Guy, you know which events that pop up, you're going to play them.
Starting point is 00:50:41 If you have Roman, you know if this events pops up, you're playing it. Same thing with the Kowski, uh, probably an Adler. Like they're going to be more specific plays just whenever those events happen to pop up. I'm putting Colton in event two. That's a one hour event,
Starting point is 00:50:55 whatever that is. He's winning, right? It's one hour for all the teams and all the individuals. That's the window, right? Yeah. Unless it's like the fucking broad jump then we're
Starting point is 00:51:06 fucked but i'm i'm putting colton in there i can't wait to see who forgets their pick because they weren't paying attention what do you mean what do you mean so so everybody should know this at home if you end up playing at home um and if you want to play you can go to lawn chair leader and you register there get your friends and you all get together. You can also follow me at lawn chair, leader, boarding and on Instagram. And the link is there, but anyway, I have to log into that website right now. No, you don't have to do it right now. But I mean, sometime if I'm going to put, that's how I have to be on that website.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Yes. Oh, I need to do that right now or else you're right. I'll never. Susan and I already talked about that. Vaughn chair leader. Are you signed up already, Lauren? Obviously. Sevan, you're signed up.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Did my homework before the show. You're signed up. You just need to re-get your password. But anyway, so if you don't play someone by the start of the event, it locks down. It will not let you play anyone anyone which is the only fair way we can do it so when do you choose you choose before i mean you'll know the event you know at least 15 minutes out or something like that can you take us to that site susan and pull it up share it on the screen so we can see it oh yeah i can share it susan if you want and so we go there and you just drag in your guys hey so
Starting point is 00:52:27 i could drag in all my soon as all the we know how many events they are i can just drag my guys in and just fill them in even if i know don't know what the actual event is yeah and then move them at the last minute right so that way at least i have someone in there tell the show yours because for some reason to log me out i can't get back in right now. That's weird. Is it sharing? Negative. There we go. So this is one that I'm doing with some other folks.
Starting point is 00:52:59 You go in here and everything will be loaded in for you guys. Let's see. Oh no, that's ours ours i think i saw us yeah our picks aren't loaded in yet um so if i want to make a pick i just scroll down here change my pick or enter a pick and all my picks will pop up and then down here you'll also be able to see who everyone else is playing. A critical component of Savant's strategy is to see who everyone else is playing. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Guaranteed. Shouldn't that be everyone's? Yeah. I mean. Hopefully not. No. It's not necessarily a defense it's more offensive game all right well then you know how i'm gonna do i disagree like in some ways i disagree i think you can play defense like if i'm if i just sit and watch till like if i had justin and i waited till lauren had tia in on the right event like i would just wait to block her to get 100 points whenever she does if i can yeah yeah i was thinking of mind manipulating everybody
Starting point is 00:54:16 and like putting fake people in and then changing it yeah yeah that's my strategy. Mind manipulation. You're going to be doing that because your team is, you have a lot of good players on your team, but you're going to be constantly debating which one's the right play. And you're probably going to get it wrong half the time. No, that was frustrating. That was so frustrating during semifinals when your bench players outscore.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Oh yeah. That's the worst. Chad's curse was his bench players would always – that was a wild one, though. Yeah, strength and depth. I had like three wins of players on the bench. I was so lappable. Let's see. Which one did JR do with us?
Starting point is 00:55:03 Chad, why did you pick Fikowski in the first round? Because he's home run hitter i should i should if i'm smart about it get at least one or two wins and then some top fives given the events so yeah and and and uh jr why did you pick patrick over uh justin madaris because pat usually wins more events. Yeah. Yeah, it's a different mindset. You can't be thinking about who's going to win the games. It's like who's going to score in these events. Last year, there were only
Starting point is 00:55:35 three men who won multiple events at the games. One of them's not in the games this year, and it's Scott Pancher. Those were Guy and Vellner. They were the second and third pick. But Fikowski has the fourth most event wins of all time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:52 He only had one last year. So those picks make sense. And I think Medeiros fell about where he is because he's so versatile. He's going to be so good on so many events. And he'll probably win more than one this year too. Do you think this is the last year Brent Fikowski either competes or makes it in the top 10 I think it's more uh I mean it seemed I don't know it seems like he's enjoying competing still uh that's a great question like him and Dillner yeah it's like I don't know it's yeah I mean they they have the
Starting point is 00:56:23 ability but are they going to want to come back? And they're riding that cusp of that age line that everyone jokes about with them, but it's real. So we'll see. You never know. I mean, something to rejuvenate guys like that could be somewhat of a shift in the direction the sport is heading and new challenges and stuff like that. of a shift in the direction the sport is heading and new challenges and stuff like that with with your all's analysis you and taylor about how much like kind of old school adrian is i am interested
Starting point is 00:56:52 to see if the older athletes actually do better because like some of the old athletes still have that mentality of like training and do new sports all the time where a lot of the younger people just do crossfit all the time and it's like i wonder if because of those years of building yourself that way if those that those guys when that weird stuff comes out actually hang on a little bit more than some of the young guns i don't know if i would say it will be that or maybe the shift towards intensity over volume would be the reason. What do you guys think? I'll start with you, Lauren, if you don't mind. What do you think about your pick of Adler? Why not?
Starting point is 00:57:37 And Brian, feel free to, if I'm forgetting someone, look at these other three guys who picked after you picked Adler. BKG, Jukic. She also picked BKG, so. Oh, okay. Okay. Right. Okay. So sorry. Right. guys who um picked after you picked adler bkg um she also took bkg so oh okay okay right okay so sorry right uh jukic koski and let me go down to your fourth round pick samwell samuel uh quant couldn't those have easily been where adler is or no not for me adler earned his spot for me. Adler earned his spot for me. All right. Brian, do you like her pick for Adler right there? Over Jukic, Koski, Quant? There are very specific events that Adler could have a top three finish in, for sure. He got two of them last year.
Starting point is 00:58:22 for sure. He got two of them last year. I think that it's, you know, if you're talking about Lazar Jukic or Yonah Koski compared to Jeff Adler that there are more events that they have top five potential than Adler does, I think. So I probably would have gone with him just by playing the odds, but there's definitely events that could
Starting point is 00:58:40 pop up, which Adler will be a home run in. And then Lauren picked Samuel Quant in the fourth round. Is he pop up which adler will be a home run it um and then and then she and then lauren picked us sam samuel quant in the fourth round is he the biggest wild card in the entire field i mean possibly uh you know he went from being second second in the world to being too sick to compete and now he had a pretty solid run, but you know, nothing really flashy. So yeah, I think that the range for finishes for Sam is as big as anyone.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Yeah. Here at Ricky probably. And what the fuck is going on with J.R. Howell's women's picks? Did he, did he fall down and bump his head in between the men's and women's picks or what, what happened over there? No, I think somebody, I think some people on here can tell what I was doing, for sure. What's he doing?
Starting point is 00:59:30 JR's playing for Vince. He's not playing for him overall. Raptors is a great pick. He picked the prettiest team. Those are just the prettiest girls. That's it. He picked on looks. He just insulted 35 other women.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Hey, someone has to be the prettiest someone has to be hey the comments are full of people who want to fuck brian like what are we gonna do like jr you like those pics you don't want to switch anyone out i'll trade you something what do you need what you need no i like those pics i like those pics i'll trade you Daniel Brandon for two of your picks. No. What does the winner get? Right. These guys want to beat up on the loser.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I mean, look, it is just as hard to win as it is to lose. It's going to be tough'll and everyone will make mistakes like you'll you'll think you have a lock on something and uh it won't go that way and you'll leave a bunch of points on your bench and it'll happen to every one of us brian does it every time and i'm like there's no way i'm gonna beat brian and every time i'm like i'm still in the game because he's like somebody surprises him or underperforms it, it's a lot more to do with the plays in your pigs. My team. I think my girl's team could probably beat up all the other girls teams.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Maybe not, maybe not Hiller's team. Carolyn Prevo will fuck some people up, but yeah, she's, she's gotta be a heavy favorite in it. A lot of fights. I'm trying to think how my men's team would do in a fight against... Oh, no, not so good.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Not so good. Oh, God. Spencer, Jay, and Saxon would be playing the bongos. Kumbaya. They're too nice. I'm trying to think who's got a tough team. Tough men's?
Starting point is 01:01:23 Tough group of men? Yeah. That's difficult i mean we see these guys get tenacious in terms of a workout but there's very few of them like you know that's why caroline prevo obviously stands out that we see do any kind of thing that would suggest you know combat prowess does anyone have a martial arts background that just sticks out at you? Are there any black belts in the men's? I feel like Hapalainen probably should be, but I don't think. Briant has a judo or something background or some martial art. So his family is really in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Check the notes, Chad. Someone sent him out recently. I don't know. Where did that come from? JR, is there anything you want to add before we check out here no i think it's interesting that the event everyone will do still hasn't really been released we just know that it's going to be a swim on saturday and that's it oh we do know that we do know that's the event yeah well everyone is swimming in the pool on saturday it's pretty i mean if you're thinking you just don't know if it's like a 500 if it's a 100 if it's elimination style if it's a long swim
Starting point is 01:02:37 if it's with other modalities we just don't know but we know they're swimming on saturday and everyone's doing i think the assumption is it that an event that everyone's doing should be a fairly straightforward event not very complicated not a lot of equipment probably nothing with weights so there's no variable weights for different divisions and so it's you know just a straight swim or maybe a swim with a you know lower skill gymnastics movement uh you don't think we'll see the bar muscle up again could be a higher skill gymnastics movement. You don't think we'll see the bar muscle up again? Could be a higher skill gymnastics movement.
Starting point is 01:03:11 It's in the pool at UW-Madison. I don't know if they're going to bring a rig in there. Lauren, any final thoughts? Frozen. Dead. You're out. I was waiting for everybody's attention
Starting point is 01:03:28 your ass is going down um uh mr friend any any final thoughts hold on how happy were you when i said that the last pick for the men gets the first pick for the woman oh i had butterflies i felt so happy you didn't see that coming did you no i women oh i had butterflies i felt so happy you didn't see that coming did you no i didn't i had no idea how we were gonna like decide who like what order we did so that was cool i just made that rule up for you thank you always no he didn't no he didn't no he didn't that rules always i remember that from the other time uh mr chad schrader schroeder schrader schroeder schroeder mr chad schroeder uh any any final thoughts from you i'm excited it's gonna be fun it's just it's
Starting point is 01:04:14 working the games it's always hectic so i gotta make sure i get those picks in early because i may not be able to on the fly but uh yeah i just like talking back to semi-finals i just hope i don't leave too many points on the bench i will i just yeah hopefully it's not event wins but what does that mean you picked meaning you have someone on your team that could do really well but you picked the wrong guy correct yeah so yeah you pick someone up and they like win the event but you didn't start them so it doesn't matter so right and then like think Brian said it's going to happen regardless to everybody. It's just hopefully it's nothing too bad.
Starting point is 01:04:49 The event wins and such. And then the person you start bombs. That's the worst. But that's why it's so fun. Yeah, that's fantasy sports. Do you anticipate yourself to be rooting more for your players or more against Hiller's players? No. I won't root against them.
Starting point is 01:05:09 That's one thing I don't do. I don't really root against anyone, but I will be rooting for my guys that's not fair and balanced. Everyone else is a cheater already. Eric White is such a great lineup. Excited to play and watch the games uh mr watkins thank you um is there can you tell us one more time what's the name of the app lawn chair leaderboarding and is it specifically for lawn chair leaderboarding is um specifically for crossfit fantasy league yeah i think um we haven't really released this yet but we're gonna also do strong man we noticed there's a big market for that um yeah we got we we have a lot in in in in the works um
Starting point is 01:05:53 we're gonna be in miami live um we're gonna have a whole different game for that a lot easier for everyone to play so yeah we got a lot of stuff going but we wanted to do a big release and the app is not in the app store yet no okay gotta get it wrapped gotta get some cash all right uh so basically right now people can is there any way that people can play now yeah yeah if um so basically they just follow what we did if they go to launch your leaderboarding i have like however many people you have that you want to play i have um some guidelines that they can set up their game that way. Yeah. So just go to lawn chair,
Starting point is 01:06:29 lawn chair leader boarding and with a bunch of friends and sign up and start your own group. And the biggest, the group can be as eight people. Yep. Okay. Awesome. Mr.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Wayne. Mr. Salon. How are you? I'm great. How are you? Hey, I just want to let everyone in the chat know I already registered.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Start registering so we can get a tournament going. Awesome. You demand. That's awesome. You're a good dude. No, you're the man, Savan. Did I say it right? Yep, you did.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Close enough. Savan. No, I want to say it right. Savan. I want to be like Brian. Savan. Savan. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Savan. Yeah. Perfect want to be like Brian. Sevan. Sevan, yeah, there you go. Sevan. Yeah. Perfect. Thank you, Bruce. Everyone, go watch The Evening Wipe Down. Great news over there. Uh-oh. All right, brother.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Thanks for calling. Awesome. You've had the first sign-up on the lawn chair leaderboarding. Okay, we don't know when we're going to be coming back together. All of us have these pretty crazy schedules throughout the week. We will try to come back together throughout the week. I don't know if it's going to be possible, but I promise you at the end, we will go through and look at all of our picks. And we'll have everyone on here.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Maybe Hillary can bless us for being on an entire show. And you'll see us uh battle that shit out uh mr suza thanks thanks for doing the show and uh we will see all of you guys tomorrow morning 7 a.m for the hillar fit review show and you can go over to the morning chalk up and watch uh lauren cleo's fantastic coverage of the crossfit games also and buh-bye

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