The Sevan Podcast - #514 - HillerFit Review Show & Rich Froning / Angelo DiCicco

Episode Date: July 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam. We're live. Uh-oh, is the car parked backwards? So what's wrong?
Starting point is 00:00:40 What's going on? No, it's the same as always, dude. It's that thing you hate where the camera's, you know, the wrong way. Fine. I like it. But I can't watch your videos and your videos, the cars parked the other way. I never pull it in backwards. It just looks backwards because of the way your camera is on your videos. Interesting. Same to me. Same over here.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Do you guys get your workout in i'm starting a hashtag did you work for seven i did you have to work out before your shows or else you act like a slug yes did you did you row no i did a bike erg workout five rounds 50 count 100 double unders no wait That's this thing? No, that's the ski erg. Yeah, that's this. Yeah, that's the ski machine. The bike erg is the assault bike without the handles. And it feels really different because it's not chain-driven. It's fan-driven like the rower. Wait, what's he talking about?
Starting point is 00:01:38 The biker, the Concept 2 bike machine. It looks like a rower with your bike on it. Oh, you call that an erg? It is. It's a bike machine. It looks like a rower, but you bike on it. Oh, you call that an erg? It is. It's a bike erg. Bike erg. Okay, can you look up erg? Sousa, what do you call that thing?
Starting point is 00:01:52 I don't know what the fuck that is. C2 bike. Erg bike. C2 bike. Yeah, it's an erg bike. I've never heard it called an erg. Oh, shit. The thumbnail is awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Which one? The Hiller Fit Review Show. That was taken by Fury Photography. We brought him up before yeah there you go it's way more expensive than it used to be oh shit he's right it is called this bike erg the fuck does that word mean erg i thought erg man like i always heard the row referred to as the erg i I thought it was some synonym for boat. Susie, you got input on that? What is erg? Would it stand for ergonomic?
Starting point is 00:02:32 No, because that would be like a mouse. It fits to your hand. Ergometer? I had a nice exchange with Richard Margerin today in my DMs. Who's that? Just one of the regular listeners what was it about it was just cool like it touched me it moved me a little bit well are you going to go any deeper than that or do i have to keep pulling at you no i'm not going to you know you had a good conversation i'm just everyone wondering just
Starting point is 00:03:02 like everything you've done with Daniel Brandon and uh I haven't done anything I haven't done anything with Daniel Brandon that anyone should be wondering about don't let Hiller start rumors like that not that you personally did shit there's stuff that I wanted to be with her I wish I knew things
Starting point is 00:03:19 everyone wishes they knew things and no one knows anything which is the way that it should be I suppose so someone else DMing is like you thought you were going to get things and no one knows anything which is the way that it should be i suppose so someone someone else dm me is like you thought you were going to get kotler to talk you thought pull up that jake kelly comment it's the ultimate compliment right there if you could i i wish i i that's the best part about running the is that you can just like click on and pull them up as you see them. Says the dude with arms bigger than his head. Look at his fucking arm.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Oh, I mean, it's awesome. Don't you want arms bigger than your head? It is awesome. But that, that, that is juice to the gills. Are my arms bigger than my head? No, they're nice, but they're not big. Thanks. I got a, I got a video coming out today which is just it's like an interesting you'll see maybe you'll like it maybe you won't oh that's all you got i have a video coming out today you'll see that's all you got something like hey you know it takes one you know i gotta play the game no jake you're all good i wasn't thinking of talking
Starting point is 00:04:21 shit it's a compliment this shirt look you're here on steroids are just like, thank you, California hormones. That shirt. So, what's up, dude? What's up, Salon? How are you, man? It's the leader jersey. No, Rev, get lower. It looks awfully like the GW15016 shirt.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I have that somewhere. I don't know where. I wore it yesterday, and then I was sweating too much in it. Oh, it's right here. Hell yeah. Dude, this is good. Hey, Hillary, you know what would be cool? If you were into Knight Rider and Kit.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Do you remember that show with David Hasselhoff? You're probably too young. With the car that talks to you, right? Yeah, yeah. GW501516. It's in this cool army print it's not on the site i think he's gonna put it up after the games but it is cool hey is it like a fatigued look the shirt it's a camo it's like a light camo oh that's dope i couldn't tell if it was dirty like you clean the floor with it or if that was i tried to do a handful of rope climbs in it though like somebody that i know oh how'd you do
Starting point is 00:05:31 uh elbow didn't hold up that's part of the video oh is that mean you went still seven rope climb master awesome so wait a minute did that take you seven minutes or did it take you 20 minutes fucking talk about it i don't think he i don't fucking believe the video i did 20 in seven minutes and 10 seconds and the video comes out and it looks like i did so basically what happened was he's claiming this i did 19 and then then somewhere in there that's not in the video i went back and i did i i don't know why but i did another one for some reason to show him something legless one you wanted to show you could do a legless no and then and then at the end i did the legless one but then when this dude went back and edited
Starting point is 00:06:13 the video he gave me like a time of over 20 minutes but i'm going with 7 10 fuck him seven that's quick that was that's pretty good i was surprised that was really fast i thought you'd be about 10 like two rope climbs a minute. That was good. I felt like I was sandbagging it until like 18, 19, 20. Something started like this thing. This movement right here started getting like really tight. Like I was pulling through drying cement.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Where did it get tight? Everywhere. Lat, bicep, arm. Everything just felt like, what the fuck? These don't feel like my arms. When's the last time you did a rope line. It'd been a while, a few months,
Starting point is 00:06:47 but I used to do a lot, but it'd been a few months. You say that you're really good at pulling. You just like doing this. Yeah. Yeah. I think we're the same person. I know where I'm going to be when I'm 50.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Dude, you have a three, you have a three 50. You said a three 15 bench press in one of your videos was like, not impressive. Like I was like, we are not the same person. It depends on what realm you're coming from so you think i think if i got all juiced up i could put 100 pounds on my bench press increase it by 33 my greatest bench is 220
Starting point is 00:07:15 i'm not sure you have the structure for a three i don't know if you you could i don't know seven you might be able to look at, these are handfuls. You've got some nice movies. You've been working on those things. You've got a good frame. You got to like good triangle shape coming in. You might have less body fat than Hopper at this point.
Starting point is 00:07:36 No, I don't. I am a marshmallow. The first interaction you ever had with me. I don't even know if you remember it was, I made that super list with the CrossFitters where I was like, they should be able to do all of these things. And I think it was 30 rounds of Cindy and it was. How many rounds?
Starting point is 00:07:54 30. Well, because that's like, that's something Chris Spieler could do, but he could probably do it operating at what, 92 to 94% effort. Okay. So you think about someone like a griffin raleigh could he do 30 rounds of cindy it'd be tough for him because he's a bigger guy yeah but then also on there i had things like a 350 pound bench press for the males as like top of the top so i'm thinking of a matt frazier sort of individual it's i wonder if i can pull this thing up but it was a 600 pound deadlift a 500 pound back squat a 400 pound what was the 400 maybe it was a 600 pound deadlift, a 500 pound back squat, a 400 pound.
Starting point is 00:08:26 What was the 400? Maybe it was a, maybe it wasn't a 400 pound bench press because those are almost double all my PRS. You're just like, he was a 400 pound clean and jerk. And I would think about Guy and I was thinking like maybe Frazier could do that. It was me trying to level up Glassman's benchmark numbers to a modern day or like it's something people could reach for. And 30 rounds ofindy was in there whatever savon can do double it that that could be a metric yeah is it a requirement for hillary to talk about savon boobs in this show yes always that uh standard we've done that a lot we can talk about suze's boobs pull them out there's not much to talk about pull them out so here's the show
Starting point is 00:09:07 you ready you'll send me five dollars or i'll take a discount card on your shirts of ten dollars a code all right travis you hear it we gotta give it to him 2k road 630 kate remembers sorry that was my list but keep going kate kujawa and everyone thought that was too slow. So I think they're right. But sorry, continue. A ranking. One through ten. Watch Suze's face as I say this. He is going to fucking love this. A ranking of one, two through ten.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Of people in the ecosystem. Who are the wealthiest. Would I need to pull that up via Google Docs? The Forbes list. No, you could just make up whatever you want. Who gives a fuck? Well, you could do that by an estimate. You could do that by an estimate.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I mean, they all have programming. They all sell stuff. You could kind of generally assume how much purchase they get for a month, and then you could... I might need some help on that one from you guys. I'm game. You're game?
Starting point is 00:10:03 And do Bill and Katie, are they like one and two are they both tied for one they're both tied for one they're one entity because you would just have to do them as rogue right because they both own rogue unless katie's got some other stuff going on and i i don't know because you know like you'll see like the the list of the richest people in the world and they'll have like the um the the walmart family and they're like listed in there separately the waltons the walton did you see i think that was because after mr walton died their shit got divvied up glasman and henniger ties his catch here i don't know i don't think so same with like the in and out family you think henniger's crushing i think henniger has like yeah yeah you know we need to find out if henniger has
Starting point is 00:10:46 a jet texan hey are you on your jet and he'll either say yes or i don't have one no he won't say oh god i don't know if i have the balls i don't really don't want to piss him off you used to have the biggest balls you know i did i'm getting a little i fucking have 6 000 followers on my new account i want to fuck it up your old one came back no it went away again it went away again you might just got oh shit it's washington and out you got this morning and i think that whoever i made that video on yesterday sent the hounds after me and they uh they made my account get a little bit uh yeah yeah they didn't like that i was coming after him for talking shit about crossfit she got crushed as soon as it was all over that yeah that pissed me off hey i was so angry i saw that i was so
Starting point is 00:11:35 angry i was i i had to fire up the camera i haven't been angry like that in a bit like i gotta turn it on i don't care what i'm doing it was that girl is so fucking stupid imagine you're saving people with the fucking imagine you're saving people like the people are drowning in the ocean you're out there in your fucking rubber dinghy saving people and she's critiquing the color of your boat i mean that's what it was her shit was so fucking moronic and superficial. Yeah. I was hoping you'd seen it. That'd be good for this show. Wow. I got some. It's so bad that I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Do you want to give it effort? Yeah. You have to. You said one thing in there, though, that I do want to course correct. It's the last video. You have to understand when Greg said Floyd 19, it was the exact opposite. It was as racist as saying I want to save black people because in its essence that is racist because you're distinguishing people between their color. But that's all he was fucking saying.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Do not let the people who fucking handled our COVID policy handle our race relations policy because we saw what happened with covid yep disaster and so for anyone to think that that's racist and then someone in the comments wrote he's overtly racist that's the woke fucking ambiguousness i hate you took the time to write that tell me what he did that was racist you think it's racist to say that I don't want, he said, I think he also said, I don't mourn George Floyd's death. How is that racist? Unless you, unless you're racist and you only see the world through people's color. It's fucking. I knew you'd cover it.
Starting point is 00:13:17 You know, you know, you say I left it out, but I knew, I knew you didn't leave it out. I felt like you agreed with him. You actually pissed me off. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:24 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I just have a certain stance that I take in my stuff, and I knew that you would be all over it. Okay. So wait. And then here's the thing. The dumbest thing she said at the end,
Starting point is 00:13:37 this is the most unbelievable part. She said, I respect the sport. Oh, God. I want to tell you the three. Did you like my little bit there? I want to tell you the three things about CrossFit. Probably a lot of you don't know this. If you want to be smart about CrossFit, this is the order you keep things. The fact that it has the cure for the world's most vexing problem.
Starting point is 00:14:01 The only thing that's so sad about that is the fact that the leadership doesn't talk about it every single day. That is so sad. That is their only, like when she says she has a vision or someone has a, yeah, when the CEO says she has a vision for a hundred thousand affiliates, that should piss affiliates off. Her vision should be to spread the word that you guys have the cure for the world's most vexing problem. That's cure for chronic disease the second thing about crossfit is that it's a small business miracle there's never he is think of all the jobs fucking greg glassman created the barrier to entry is so fucking low and yet the tools you receive are so fucking high and then the third thing is just the fact that he got men and women to fucking work out almost naked for us that's the crossfit games that was just a byproduct
Starting point is 00:14:50 yeah that's the crossfit games oh ladies put on bra and panties and get out there and move men fucking get as jacked as you can and run around cones for us so we can point cameras at you and that's it that's it that's it there it is i just told you fucking idiots and these fucking people i've been tripping on these people with the burning twin towers here as they're as the as the every time i see the um noble i just think oh they're they're really really stuck on the burning of the twin towers but i was thinking about this too they support outwad which supports men and women's sports but which also i bet supports hormone blockers for kids how is any parent out there supporting this company not this company but this company i i would support just taking i would support if at the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:15:46 everyone take their Nobles off and throw them onto the field. First pissing them. First pissing them. You know what Noble would do? They'd pick them up and sell them at a discounted rate. Right. For like $30. What is the deal here?
Starting point is 00:15:59 I heard someone said that Noble has come back and said, these are different shirts. These are the ones the athletes wore, and that's why they're more expensive, which makes me just say, so the ones last year weren't the ones they wore? What's the bottom line on that? Why does Lauren Khalil say that? What does that mean, the bottom line? Why does she ask?
Starting point is 00:16:17 If I'm ever on her show and she asks me what the bottom line is, I don't know. I don't. What's amazing is they always have it ready to go. No matter who she asks that to't it's what's amazing i don't i don't know like no matter who she asks that to it's ready to shoot out if it's like oh i have a bottom line i know i'd be like what the hell did we just talk about in the past it's probably set up that way right she's like i'm gonna do this ask these questions and at the end i'm gonna ask what the bottom line is but what is my bottom line is i'm not i only came on your show so you would come work for me i mean like what what what am i what's my bottom line it's the only reason that's what you would say yeah according you
Starting point is 00:16:50 and someone thought the phone call in that video with me doing the rope climbs when suza called it was staged wait somebody said it was staged yeah why what was it would be the point of that i i have fucking people are so crazy hey that's the way you definitely not staged you think that yeah yeah you're like mr analytical you think like that too dave thinks like that too like you guys are always like there's no coincidence someone that you guys are like you guys are sluthers i think i think what i think is you guys talk to each other a lot more than we think well that's what i thought that was the parallel i was drawing it's like jesus he was just trying to do a little workout and suze is bothering him and by defense i didn't know he's working out i know i know i know seven's always working out
Starting point is 00:17:35 though trying that's true suze or did you see those things i sent you is it possible to what'd you say oh you text me sorry i was staring at you like the show of i think that'll be a huge show if you rank people by how much money they make i would need to do a whole lot of groundworks i just don't i mean you can do it on google but those are never right i think if you yeah but who cares if you're wrong like 2.5 i guess and yeah who cares yeah yeah dude that's what Forbes does anyway. Like just start making the list. Bill and Katie, Miranda. There's people you aren't even thinking about, huh?
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah. Who? I don't want to say it. I'll save it for the show. Rich Froning, Matt Fraser. Just start make a list of like 30 people and then start crossing people off. To ever be in CrossFit. Yeah, the richest people in the ecosystem. Not like you can't make your money from the outside really maybe make
Starting point is 00:18:30 that the rule the richest people in the ecosystem i wonder um how the icelandic piece people are doing comparison you think i fucked the hayley adams video up yeah i told you right away didn't i yeah you were the first person who told me i think i talked to you a couple hours later you're like dude so other people also told you yeah unfortunately what did they say was it along the lines of what i said as well no you're like hey dude you really fucked up the other like three people who on the internet who said i sucked or just it's the same shit dude you're a fucking creepy weirdo i didn't say that i know you didn't i'm just telling you that's the other that's the other uh what i said was i believe that you were making her second
Starting point is 00:19:12 guess herself often because you that the show is good that's the opposite of what i want to do that broke my heart so it'd be like we're talking we're talking we're talking i'm here and then you'd be like god things are weird i'd be like are things, things are weird. I'd be like, are things weird? What's weird? What did I do? What did I say? And she kept on second-guessing everything she was saying. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Am I not vibing? Am I ruining the conversation? And you've done 500 episodes. And through your 500 episodes, I probably listened to, what, 80% of them. And I think you've only done that once. You're picking on her. You're like, this is so weird. I just don't know what to do with my hands.
Starting point is 00:19:47 You know what happened is I went through like two pages of notes. They should have lasted me like fucking a three, a five hour show. And I went through two pages and I'm like, Oh fuck. Now she's all business and she's going to be on the podium. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 00:20:03 I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I, I guess I guess I, I guess I guess I, I guess I guess I, I guess I guess I, on the podium yeah i i guess i and instead of taking responsibility myself i started blaming her oh there you go i should have been like god hayley you make me so nervous i swooped in with a dead freezer cat story so we were good you know what's funny i was walking just talking. Just talking about it makes no sense. I had my phone in, and I was in the freezer section. And I was like, what? It's weird. I hate weird coincidences. Because there are none.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Like, why is this happening while I'm next to this freezer? I wish you would have called and saved me. Like, just shown up with a Batman mask, like, down below. Oh, look. Hiller's here with some questions. I think I was listening. It recorded. It wasn't live.
Starting point is 00:20:44 You said in one of your shows this week you said that you think Craig Ritchie has good content used to he used to have very good content go look pull up his channel and sort it reverse oh please don't please don't all right I'll pull it up all right don't pull up dude it's he's just kissing ass because he's getting close to the game yeah that's what i see all these that's what i think that's what i thought i think you're gonna see him at the games and you're just trying to like make it a little bit smoother no no no no he's he's completely backwards and i you know what i also have to understand that what have i been doing this for four or five months he's been doing it for four or five years okay but when he started it was awesome he'd go visit rich in the barn and you'd
Starting point is 00:21:30 watch frazier jerk 400 pounds like where else did you see that you saw it on the richard channel and that sort of thing they used to be good there's a lot of people who like it i mean his numbers are insane but it is let's say you throw your show to 500,000 subscribers and it's all because of this i think five years down the line you'll have people who are still around because they're waiting for those good parts of you even if you were completely joe rogand or whatever what do you do howard stern you just don't like him anymore right yeah you used to like him yeah i loved him and now he's a sellout in your head right yeah there's your comparison just a life cycle so yeah what are you gonna be like
Starting point is 00:22:11 when you're 55 you're not 50 you're 55 king of the world sellout rich as fuck and selling out someone's gonna offer you a hundred million dollars and you're going to be promoting the vaccine and shit. The Sevan podcast brought to you by Pfizer. Berkshire. I'm going to clip that out. I just want to start this show by saying sorry for all three million of you that I fucked your moms in the comments. I'm so sorry. Oh, I was listening to that this morning.
Starting point is 00:22:47 What? Was that a Netflix show? I fucked your mom? No, our father. We were talking about it. All the moms. Oh. They went to go see the doctor.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's going to be you. I'm so sorry for what I said about your mom in the comments. Thank you,izer for the millions and i will never ever talk shit about noble again giving beta blockers to little kids is totally fine thank you by pfizer you by johnson and johnson thank you thank you black lives matter it's okay that homicides with black males have gone up 34 percent since you popped up on the scene it's no big deal i can see it for 200 million right there you're saying that and anyone with
Starting point is 00:23:30 a gun should be taken and flown to uh siberia thank you you ever been there you've been a lot of places you talk shit like you know something i don't think i've ever been to northern... I don't think I've been to northern Russia. I think the only place in Russia actually... Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I've been to two places. Brought you my GW.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Maybe three. No, I haven't been to Siberia. I haven't been to Siberia. I interviewed a fighter who's from there the other day. He said it's fucking tough as shit. Siberia is yeah like really tough just the lifestyle there the people on the streets just just fucking there's a lot it's tough they're they're hard to iraq they're hype hard people i have not been to iraq i haven't been to iraq or iran how about afghanistan i have not been to afghanistan so when i was at the the affiliate, it was at a strip mall.
Starting point is 00:24:26 It was a pretty nice building. It was on the road, unlike a lot of affiliates and how they're kind of in, I don't know. They're in the back. You got to go find them. But we were on a main road and there'd be all these other gyms that would also open up next to us. And at one point there was a bodybuilding dude who opened up his gym and he'd wander over and he'd be like, I'm going to bring you to Iraq. We're going to do fitness stuff over in Iraq. And he'd be like, I'm going to bring you to Iraq. We're going to do fitness stuff over in Iraq.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And he'd be like, I'll pay for your ticket. You can bring your wife. And I'm like, she's not my wife. You can bring your wife. And then I had a cop, but he goes, do not go to Iraq with that guy. Don't do it. Like, why? He goes, you don't want it.
Starting point is 00:24:58 You will not come back. I don't know anything. You do want to go to Iraq with that guy. I did. I really wanted to i was i was waiting and i i just kept having the guy like do not do it i repeat do not do that i think caleb might be in iraq right now or iran i would have seen him while i was there or afghanistan but you but you never went no i really i wanted to but then his gym shut down for i don't know it was
Starting point is 00:25:24 really sketchy all it was there and then it it wasn't, and I never saw him again. Probably the best. Here's the reason why I don't like Craig Ritchie stuff, and I haven't watched a lot of it, but the stuff I have watched is because I don't walk away remembering anything. It's just, it's, there's nothing in there that I walk away thinking I'm smarter. It's like watching the Roadrunner, when my kids are watching roadrunner and coyote it's just completely empty and his opinions on stuff are like the six million foot view they say nothing damn i hate that i know
Starting point is 00:25:57 exactly what you mean it's like it's like he's looking he's looking at the earth from fucking three planets away being like it's raining down there raining down there. I don't care if it's raining down here. Which continent is it raining on? What? Do you hate the face-to-face view too where it's almost as if you're so close you don't see anything else? There's like a happy medium between 10,000 foot. Yeah, that's the people who think I'm getting rid of handguns or quarantining or putting masks on work. They're like snailsils they only see the one
Starting point is 00:26:26 to one ratio okay my mouth is covered everything must be great now yeah that's the snail that's the snail view yeah so how do you say you look at things i can do it all clouds and dirt clouds focus and scope i can look down i can be a snail i can be the three million foot view i can i can i can do it all you're either a snail or you're a hawk yeah i can do yeah i can do it all i can even be like the bigfoot yeah just go like that's gonna be your new logo it's gonna be a snail hawk hawk with a shell on its back whoever can zoom out between the two of those the best wins you you use the word persnickety i did not yeah you did okay i believe you i start the camera i don't know what comes out of my mouth i should have time code that yeah in slow mode it like he does
Starting point is 00:27:12 do you remember the context i don't i should have damn okay hold on um you seem to remember it it was in the defending cross it was in the defending crossfit episode i think you were you were talking about the girl being all persnickety can you look up that word i don't know if you used it right can you look up that word yeah you tend to do this and i tend to get fucked over by a whole bunch of people saying i'm using the wrong words and hey dude the games are going to be so weird for you the games are going to be so i i wish I could go to the games just to watch how weird it's going to be for you. Don't worry. I'm going to stream right behind them, so we'll all get to watch it. Let me hear why you say it's going to be weird, and let me tell you why it's not going to be weird. Because people are – you're going to be – you're not going to – you like listening to your thoughts.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And you're an introspective person, and you're listening to the story in your head and like, you're taking in info and that's how you create stuff. And you're not going to get any time to do that. Yeah. You're going to be fucking, that's why you're not leaving. You're speaking. That's why you're not going and you're projecting.
Starting point is 00:28:20 True. And you're, and you're going to be mobbed and it's just going to be, you're going to like it for eight seconds. You're going to, you're not even you're gonna be mobbed and uh it's just gonna be you're gonna like it for eight seconds you're gonna you're not even gonna be able to get you're gonna want to give someone attention and then like three other people are gonna come up and try to talk to you and you're gonna be like what the fuck i'm can't i'm under the impression that no one wants to talk to me that's what's gonna happen that that's why that's the difference i'm gonna walk around like is that fucking guy on youtube no you're like people's friend people are people are gonna feel like they know you and that they're your best
Starting point is 00:28:48 friend because you're chill placing too much emphasis on trivial what this is exactly this is exactly how i would probably want to use it no yeah i think you used it perfectly right actually yeah it seems like something she was doing placing too much emphasis on something trivial or minor like the fact that she left out well the thing that i failed to put in there and alexis pointed it out and she in there it says major the basics or master the basics of gymnastics right basics is a very key word she says master gymnastics like front flips and backflips i'm like you son of a bitch the basics of gymnastics what is wrong with you shot and there was nothing that made me more angry than reading her responses in the Instagram section.
Starting point is 00:29:29 She took absolutely no accountability. Susan, were you reading those? She was like going back and forth with me a little bit. And I was just like looking for anything that she had that could have been, oh, I understand where you were coming from. Or, oh, I watched your video. One, she never said that she watched the video. Two, she's just like just like oh thanks for making me go viral i'm like bitch do you understand that 600 likes on a video is not going viral like if you think that's viral then i understand what's all wrong about you and then three she's just like well you're just doing the same thing i'm doing and i'm gonna take the moral high ground i'm like fuck you're not let's go with duke it out in here and she didn't want to do it yeah well she had nothing what's her will you i click to her profile will you pull her profile up
Starting point is 00:30:08 yeah let me see how kind of you want to be my bodyguard if you guys don't know what we're talking about because we haven't said it she basically took glassman's 100 fitness in 100 words and tried to tear it up and it's just nuts because it's so concise. It's so tight. I agree. And for anyone to tear that up is just mind boggling to me. She made a fitness in 80 words because she's that much more concise. Did she? She did.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Yeah. I sent it to you guys. Where is it in the private chat? A text message thread, but it's also click on med fit co owner-owner it's in the it's in her description and then it's like the third post second post fourth post unless she took it down no she took it oh nope she took it down haha oh she did it was on here i swear to god but don't worry i screenshotted it and you guys have it in your text thread oh no no but that's not no that's not her account i know it's not but
Starting point is 00:31:05 that's her company that's where she maybe it's metabolic click on the second one look they have cookies in hers look at her tattoo i like the tattoo i don't so i hate directing suits but if you click on the second one maybe that's where the fitness in 80 words is. You're a fucking adult and you have the fucking most woke, indoctrinated fucking kids show, Sesame Street. Fucking one of the characters tattooed on your forearm. And she has a kid. You should have your fucking kid taken from you. Metabolic director. I got what you want.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Have you seen the Sesame Street episode where they're promoting kids to take the vaccine? Have you seen that? I haven't. I don't watch Sesame Street episode where they're promoting kids to take the vaccine? Have you seen that? I haven't. I don't watch Sesame Street, dude. Fucking nuts. This is it. No foods are forbidden.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Eat a lot of protein to support your muscle mass. Taste the rainbow of fruits and vegetables to support longevity. Do you want to break this down bit by bit, Sivan? What do you think? Hey, well, here's the thing. Here's the thing. Recently, it came out that Skittles are being sued and, uh, because they're unfit for human consumption and there's something in them
Starting point is 00:32:09 that people shouldn't eat. Joe Rogan just came out with some thing on his show where he said like all human beings have like plastic in them, like too much plastic. And it's like, and then she has something called foods, but she doesn't define it. I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:22 it just starts off just screaming. I'm a retard. Yeah. This is just sellout shit. This is like what craig this is something craig richie would put up it says nothing it said like i don't walk away from it being like i what it does is it pushes people into their heads are you saying you've you've read this and you've already determined that this is your takeaway no i just see the first line no foods are forbidden because you're right when you read the rest of it it'd be like you're living your life you're doing exactly whatever the fuck you want to do and now you're going to continue to do the same thing after you've read this yeah yeah hey if you don't train if you don't train in my opinion every day then then then i think you
Starting point is 00:33:01 should train every day what does it mean, and then we should define what training means. 2013, rich froning put out a tweet and the tweet was every day you should sweat and you should get something heavy. Yes. And then in the next sentence it goes, game season comes around, multiply the equation by three. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:20 That's it. That's how he trained. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like, um, and, and you know how i know that too there's like if you if you're a guy who puts in flooring you work out every day you're moving flooring you're moving 27 pound tiles 6 000 of them every single day there's dudes all there's dudes all over fucking uh instagram doing like shoveling grain out of the backs of trucks or whatever flipping bags or all that fun stuff you see them doing in third world countries or throwing watermelons around. Yeah, but they need a scheduled rest day.
Starting point is 00:33:54 They don't want to overtrain. She's just a fucking tool. I don't know about Starburst. I don't even care. But you get my point. Starbucks. I mean, I would I think all that shit tastes good, but is it food? How loose are we going to get with that definition, food?
Starting point is 00:34:10 If I just go out into the garden and eat a snail, is that food? Yes, it is. Oh, yeah. I got a buddy who's convinced he can eat his house, but that's different. You know what makes me mad about this entire thing with this? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You really have a friend who thinks he can use entire house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:28 He's cause he thinks it's all food. It's kind of along like the crazy Bobby shit that you hear. He's got all these things. He's bench pressed. He's bench pressed 400 pounds. And he did. So linearly, linearly progressing week by week,
Starting point is 00:34:44 every three days, he'll start at the barbell. He'll do three sets of 10. Three days later, he'll do three sets of 10 at 50. Three days later, he'll go 55, 60. He'll do it all the way until he can, and then he'll restart at the barbell. And he's been doing this since he was 16, and he's got 400 pounds doing it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Dude, every freaking three days, and he'll restart at the barbell and he'll work his way up to what ends up being like i think he's done 315 for 10 you know how long that takes like eight months i like it and then yeah all my all the all the gardeners i've ever seen who who've been at my house are yoked or in good shape there's no sloppy gardeners at least in my house i've seen two dozen in the last you know 10 years a punter in this second round wait who'd i pick i pick colton is he the punter is that's fucked up he's not the punter what does that what does that mean a punter the punter is somebody that you pick with one of your last couple of picks on a fantasy football
Starting point is 00:35:52 draft what does jeremy basically the same thing unless you have the best in the league i picked who i wanted on my team so did i i think my team yeah yeah but then i look at some of the other teams i'm like i really wish i would have had fikowski or velner or something and i could have had them but he's gonna be great too people i i don't i don't know if i'm fucking this up but event wins are worth something i think he's gonna win like three or four events so yeah who got him me oh yeah you're good yeah and then spiegel's gonna win a couple of events and for you he's gonna win a couple of events so like everyone doesn't know what they're talking shit about. Yeah, you played it right.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Brandon Waddell, these are awesome. There's a button on here that blocks out all noise. You think my team is good, but you think I fucked up the Hayley Adams podcast. I'm going to have to take that into consideration. Yeah, I think you should do a career change. You should be more of a Tommy Marquez and less of a podcaster. I should not be more of a Tommy Marquez.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I wish you wouldn't have shown that stuff. What? The Tommy Marquez stuff. Like again? Like over again? Yeah. YouTubers. I had to.
Starting point is 00:37:02 He was hating on the YouTubers saying i wasn't real media and i got a media credential and you slow and you slowed it down and he's like in just the way he's like like my seven-year-old boy has started doing that you had a professional like my girlfriend yeah like my girlfriend my senior my sophomore year would do that i'm like oh fuck why hillar why did you have to be it was so funny we can't even do it devon was complaining i was i was actually doing the opposite of complaining i was actually capitalizing on he said i was complaining because i didn't get a media uh invited to the press conference it was the exact opposite of complaining. I was capitalizing on it.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I was celebrating it with you. Would I have rather gone to the press conference or would I have rather – that's how Hiller and I kindled our relationship. About being like the Jews in the old days, left on the outside of the city walls. And you know what happened to them? They started lending money to people. Now they control the world's finances. You can think of me and Hiller as Jews. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I absolutely loved. I absolutely loved. I absolutely loved it. I loved it. Oh, there. So that was my real media video. That one did shit.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I get so upset when videos do shitty that one that one only got 5.5 000 but it's okay you don't want to know about real media anymore it's all about the clip art man i swear to god see you look you're falling into the trap pillar careful no no no it's okay as long as there's good stuff in there i can make the clip art and the title as outlandish as i want that's true as long as it's still stuff in there, I can make the clip art and the title as outlandish as I want. That's true. As long as it's still got context. The montage at the end of the real media video is fucking – What was it?
Starting point is 00:38:57 I don't even remember. It's so artsy. I'm like, this guy has fucking balls. Come on. I don't have any art in my soul. Dude, it's so artsy. Oh, I know what you any art in my soul, dude. It's so artsy. Oh, I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:39:06 You like that. It's just wild. It's like, I'm like, I don't know what that means. I kind of understand that reference. Oh, I get that.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I get that. And always fucking. Ooh, I don't know what that is. The entire premise of that movie. And I made a video two or three months ago and it was in relation to the constant vengeance shirt. I made it mocking the level one shirt,
Starting point is 00:39:24 the free t-shirt, right? Yeah. t-shirt you remember it and i wanted to like sell as many as i could at thirteen dollars a shirt and i think that like 600 or so went out uh wow but the idea was everyone wears it at the crossfit games and i said like this friday actually now wear the no rep shirt because there's more no rep shirts out there than there are constant vengeance shirts. And I think you want to do this on Sunday where the seven CEOs are on Sunday. No, no. You don't think I want to do it on Sunday. You stole your Friday idea
Starting point is 00:39:53 from me because I am doing it on Sunday. Motherfucker, I made a video three months ago bookmarking that I wanted to do this on a day. We gave up at this point last year. Sunday. No, we didn year. You didn't have Sunday. Did you? Did you really? Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:05 No, we didn't. We didn't. You win. You win. All right. On Friday, no rep shirt. On Sunday, Savant CEO shirt. All fucking all the days the CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Wash that shit in your sink. And then on Saturday, throw your Noble shirt out in the field. Yes. Take it fucking. Light it on fire and throw it. Everyone's fucking naked and we're going to be a free society. The CrossFit games. Just running around.
Starting point is 00:40:28 If everyone's naked, it's not weird. Do you think, do you think in all honesty, like, so Craig Richie took time out of his day to like click into his YouTube. Go ahead. I won't forget what I'm gonna say.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Go ahead. What were you gonna say? No, just Colton. Oh, okay. Oh, hello,
Starting point is 00:40:44 Mr. Colton. I wonder if Colton, hello, Mr. Colton. I wonder if Colton, are you wearing a games gear? Are you going to be wearing CEO shirts and no rep shirts? Cause that'd be bad-ass. And I want to just go out there. I'll send you, I'll send you. How much should I send Colton?
Starting point is 00:40:59 500 bucks. If he wears a no rep shirt on the field. Yeah. I would match that another 500 if you wore a ceo shirt out there too for sure yeah it's a thousand bucks hey i don't think they i don't think they would pull them off the field either give colton for having them also support their own company i don't think they'd pull them off the field they might they might i don't know take it off and we'd have a shirtless
Starting point is 00:41:25 colton and no one would be mad about a shirtless colton how would they how would they pull him off the field they wouldn't pull him off they pull the shirt off of him yeah i wonder how that would right they probably do like a check before they allow him on the field right so they probably wouldn't let him on the field until he took the shirt off unless he had like it under another shirt and then like D shirted right before the three, two, one go.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Would they send, would they send like Raleigh out there? Like, like some, the biggest dude from the demo team and be like, take that shirt off. Really quick into it. Colton's CEO,
Starting point is 00:41:59 no rep, no plan B shirts. Hell yeah. Are they going to make him wear a mask this year too? No, I just sent you those things from the little booklet we got. You just sent me something? No, I sent you that in the AM. It was probably 6 o'clock your time.
Starting point is 00:42:17 What? What's it say? Yeah, what's happening? That they will not be something about COVID. Fuck, I don't remember. Oh, that's good. Yeah, that there's no COVID anything, which is good. I don't remember but yeah that there's there's no covid anything which is good i don't even see it come on i said okay um so so craig richie was on his youtube in
Starting point is 00:42:33 the back on the back end of his youtube channel he had to go hit a bunch of he probably spent five minutes blocking you or something right i'm just trying to i I'm just 10 seconds, but whatever. He did it. Okay. Is that, is that a good, so what that does is that makes it so you won't comment in there. It's so that I, I can comment and I can see it, but no one else can,
Starting point is 00:42:57 no one else can see it. So it's weird that YouTube allows that it's a, it's deceitful. Correct. And it takes a little bit of sleuthing i wonder why they do that they should just say hey this dude doesn't want you to comment i don't understand why they don't do that why does it have to be deceitful when it came to nate edwardson somebody let me know because i remember i commented something on his video and i put it on my instagram and someone reached out and going i can't find it on the nate edwardson video like
Starting point is 00:43:21 motherfucker i can understand what i can understand really quickly the two cent analysis why he doesn't want it he doesn't want you to come on there he doesn't want people posting bats on there and you to come on there and like and like i don't know get attention from him but but like what is he maybe it's a maybe it's a bad strategy maybe it's good having you on there it is they're yeah they're screwing up let's just embrace it or make it playful and then you're would start making more videos about them and drag more attention to them there's one person that always does the right thing and it's mr rich froning and what did he do yep he's a joker face thing he leaned in as soon as he had the opportunity yeah he leaned in hard
Starting point is 00:44:02 yep and you know what happened since? What did he do? He addressed you? Like, he just leaned into it? He put the, like, the Joker. He wanted to be the Joker. He put the hand. Like, drew it on his hand and did the whole post and...
Starting point is 00:44:14 Oh, I didn't see that. No. Is it on his Instagram account? Yeah, let me see if I can find it. What's up with you? Fuck. Not going. Gone.
Starting point is 00:44:22 It's all that creatine. I saw you up to the post in the last video. That 10-year- that creatine. Are you done with that yet? That 10-year-old creatine? Is it done yet? Dude, he takes a little bit each time that's going to last a lifetime. I worked out three times in one day. Not real workouts, but I took it each time. Yeah, I got one.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I wish I had a Colton one now. Oh, shit. He's got that Danielle Brandon one. I have two of my there it is good job oh look at this i hadn't seen did we talk about that uh i think it's before we did shows like this yeah but i think we brought it up but i don't think we put much attention on it when when was this there's a date on there no 16 16 weeks ago oh wow yeah that was pre. Go to WadZombie and get your cards. Yeah, before CrossFit Games makes them.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I had an entire video fired up. I have it all done and ready. And then I was informed that they aren't actually, that was like a, what do they call it, a mock-up? Oh, yeah. It was just a graphic. Well, it's funny because, you know, I don't even know how long ago, at least six months ago, maybe more,
Starting point is 00:45:27 Will was making those for the Instagram. And so when we announced that we got people or athletes coming on, he would post up a trading card of them on our Instagram. I remember that. So that's where kind of that graphic started. I'm hoping that when we're at the games, they release some playing cards so I can release my video to shit on them I still have it ready it'll
Starting point is 00:45:48 give me a couple hours to work on something else you've reached 3 million views already have you not yeah I have but that's fucking fast 3 million yeah congratulations you're a badass do you know what you're at?
Starting point is 00:46:06 I don't want to talk about it. We're at 6.5. 6.5. Just checked it. Yep. 6.5 million? Uh-huh. Easy.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I just made that number up just to double yours with a little bit more. Good job, Sousa. 12 to 13. I want to double that to 13. Yeah, 13. What am I at? Let's see. Lifetime views. We're in the button for that
Starting point is 00:46:25 lifetime yeah but i've also had my youtube channel since 2000 i'm at 3 million exactly probably a little more but i've had the channel since 2012 uh andrew the only show that i enjoy less than the ped show is the programming show. You have to know that. Yeah. That program. But, but I do like, I really do enjoy hearing you talk about PDs and I've enjoyed those shows.
Starting point is 00:46:54 And I really did enjoy the programming show. It's kind of blown away by the fan in Jr. Oh, I was just saying, I didn't do what I'm programming, but I did. Oh, but you kind of did about their programming. I did. I kind of, after you what I'm programming, but I did. Oh, but you kind of did. About their programming.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I did. I kind of did. After you talk shit about programming, like in my notes, it says, oh, shit. First of all, you talk shit. When, where and when did I talk shit? I don't fucking know which show it was. It was to you on the phone. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:21 It was in your show. What are you going to see now? It was in your show and you basically like, to see now? It was in your show, and you basically like, Sebon hates PED shows. Fuck him. And I hate programming shows. Did I say that in the show? Okay, well, I also know what you're saying. I'm exaggerating a little bit.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And then basically you made it seem like I liked doing programming shows, and I'm like, listen, motherfucker, I don't like doing programming shows or ROID shows. And then you went on, and then look at my notes, and it says, oh, oh shit then you did a programming prediction show yeah what did i say i don't even remember see oh then you said you called jr and in my notes it says tell hill or not to call jr he's my friend i'm gonna call jr right now oh yep seven seven point five million that's what you're at oh i'm sorry i'm only
Starting point is 00:48:03 looking at our buzzsprout, not on our YouTube. Hey, if I pull up my Buzzsprout, I think I got like – You'd have to add those together. I got a Buzzsprout profile too. Come on now. You compare Arnold Schwarzenegger's book, the Pumping Iron book? Yes. To – is it better than the crossfit level one it is not better than the crossfit level one and i i suppose that other than the fact that
Starting point is 00:48:35 the content in the level one handbook which is free to download the pdf on the internet the content is i guess if level one's a 10 out of 10, the content's like a six, five, maybe a seven out of 10, but that's way better than anything else you'll get anywhere for the price, which is 20 bucks on Amazon. It's like, I show him at your, I said, look how fucking big this thing is. It's 800 pages. And the hardback is like $140. Yeah. What's weird is the e-book is $30. This book's $20-something. The e-book's more expensive.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And the biggest differentiator is that there's a weekend course. So you go to the CrossFit Level 1, you're there. This one doesn't have a weekend course, and neither do any of the accredited NSCA, AC ns nasm cscs for the nsca none of them have in-person shit biggest differentiator between level one and any of them but even then i have the nsca cpt handbook that i had to take from my exercise kinesiology courses in college and it all sucks compared to this because it's mostly biology and shit and like what do you need biology for in order to do the stuff that we're doing it's not all biology but there's like one thing in there that i took away and it was like oh do this for this sort of
Starting point is 00:49:55 adaptation and do this and it's like a paragraph in a fucking 500 page book that cost me three hundred dollars right that's first breath i took in a while why do you think they do on online courses only i i have two reasons but i'd like to know your your thoughts they being all those other people besides crossfit why do you think crossfit does because they like money is that your reason that's one reason it's easier and they don't have to have like any sort of accountability uh uh yeah that wasn't my second reason but that's true too that's a distant you know third or fourth what was your second reason all of us who took the level one i shouldn't say all of us all most of us who took the in-person level one wanted to go like we wanted to go we're like oh fuck i'm gonna go yeah big deal i want to go the people
Starting point is 00:50:53 who take all of those online shit i'd say the vast majority inverted let's say 80 of the people who take the level one want to go and the other 20 are just going to check it off the list of fucking shit they have to do i would say it's the other way around for all those other things. People do those other things. 80% of them just do it because they have to do it. Because they want to put it in their bio. They needed to get the job at Gold's to work the counter. And so, of course, they want to do it online.
Starting point is 00:51:21 It's just a fucking money grab. There's no value there i i'm actually i'm so bummed that anyone does the level one online i'm so bummed i've heard nothing but good things about it but i'm so bummed yeah i think it harms the level one a little bit the brand like i get the yeah i get the quality of the content both because one of the biggest things that i thought was l1 is in you've said this evan is that it's curating the culture for crossfit so when you go there and you see the way that disseminating to disseminating right right disseminating yeah that that's a better word choice for it but inside there you get to learn what it's like to to to experience crossfit from the l1 and how they interact with it and how they teach it. And then also how they treat each other within the group, which then spreads to like, this
Starting point is 00:52:08 is so fun. I want this same vibe of my affiliate. And then that's how that continues to grow. So when you, when you have it online and I'm just staring at a computer and I'm like pushing my kid away over here, or I'm also going to be cooking dinner or doing something right. You know, at home, you're going to be distracted as opposed to when you're there at the weekend, you're in this little bubble. That's what's a huge portion of it, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Should I buy a level one and send it to Finley Funston? Let her go partake in it. That would be hilarious. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. You know what the biggest issue with the Bible of bodybuilding is now? Yeah, what? The person who wrote that doesn't believe in freedom anymore.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Oh. I believe it was taken out of context. You should probably just... Oh, he's a con. Don't defend your daddy. Screw your freedom is not taken out of context, brother. Arnold's a bitch. I think he was drunk.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah. Oh, that's true. Okay, we'll give him that. No, I know. That doesn't sound good. I'm fucking... I know he was bad. I don't know why he said that.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Yeah. It's like if Stefan were to go full Howard Stern and start promoting Pfizer, I'd cut him off at 53. And I'd only remember 53 and younger Stefan chasing butterflies and shit in his backyard, eating food off the tree, mid-road climb workout. Do they still have the beer social at the end of the L1 on Saturday? I can't answer that question. Oh question oh no they don't have it they got rid of fran i think they got rid of the beer social um i remember on my first one like you did fran and like we did in a couple heats and it was pretty fun and people died and trying to just go all out and that and then right as you finish up everybody's kind of of like, there's some beverages, some beers,
Starting point is 00:53:46 some soda waters, different stuff on everybody kind of hangs out. You know, it's cool. I think I've gotten three people who have told me they've bought in the encyclopedia of bodybuilding since I put it in that video. Oh, that's a way they should, they should buy overcoming gravity.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Have you read that book before? How dare you say it's a wish they can have both. They can, but what's overcoming gravity. What's who's that by supporting a communist um oh fuck dude let me see cut him off at the knees and remember him from the ankles up it's okay it's okay to support a communist it's not okay to support someone who wants to take down fucking our freedom in this country uh let me fight uh i don't want to get up and get it because then I'm going to leave. Let me just Google it. Or support allowing your kids to switch their fucking hormones at the age of 12.
Starting point is 00:54:32 You guys are so politically. It's not politics. That's what they're called. It's not politics. Well, he is, I suppose, then. Yeah, Steven Lowe. He's a politician. This looks good.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Politics is having you on the show to bolster my brand. Ah, I agree. That's politics. Okay. Politics is me being on the show to bolster my brand. Yes, yes, that's politics. Wait, is there like a page by page on there? That looks like a good book.
Starting point is 00:55:00 It is a good book. You want to talk more on that book? I'm curious about it now i mean yeah just go buy it you did skull crushers with 130 pounds that's where you're um um more i used to be able to do more maybe that's why my elbows all fucked because i used to love skull crushers it was my thing my triceps were huge i was uh i wrestled at 140 pounds in high school which is lighter than you right and i could skull crush more than my body weight um that was my party trick i think i mentioned that in the video
Starting point is 00:55:35 i was never a big drinker so i would just be like doing stupid shit like skull crushing people um what do you think about skull crushers is when you when you're when you're laying flat on the back on the bench right and and you let um did you ever do with dumbbells two dumbbells just one dumbbell uh no i always had like an easy curl bar is it bad to do with dumbbells no no uh it's more of a pullover i think is what you're talking about though yeah like this you bring it to your chest that of a pullover i think is what you're talking about though yeah like this you bring it to your chest that's a pullover what's the difference between that and a skull crusher skull crusher is all tricep or it's supposed to be mostly tricep oh this oh oh like this okay okay so i don't know what a skull crusher is i never did skull
Starting point is 00:56:23 crushers i guess i just did pullovers i like pullovers because you get a fucking awesome stretch where just at my house just on a bench no no not where you do them where do you get a stretch motherfucker i don't know somewhere in here my lap maybe yeah so in the schwarzenegger encyclopedia of bodybuilding he'll let you know that that's what allowed him to get the separation is serratus it's to pull it's through pullovers you know when froning does that press and you you have a picture yes one of your shows and he's got those muscles that look like his ribs yes that's uh that's the stuff that pullovers will work a lot of not exclusively because i think it also does your lat a lot in your chest a little bit anyone who watches hiller's video should that's what i do when i'm when i'm doing that i do i do
Starting point is 00:57:09 like uh all accessory work i do pullovers i do sit-ups and i just have my phone next to me to take notes of shit to talk to them and then i stop but pullovers are a great pullovers go very nicely with hiller fit shows speaking of accessories do you follow sam dancer like pretty close on the internet and i have i have been in the in the last month i have been he's been doing your sit-ups you know how you like the dumbbell on the chest and doing sit-ups oh dumbbell he's been doing those on a ghd like 100 a day he said holy shit along with 100 reverse hypers a day the other thing this motherfucker did and i don't know if he's continued to respond was he did 30 on 30 off for 30 minutes and he got 620 something calories
Starting point is 00:57:52 holy and i know suza 10 minutes like the standard for a male gold standard or like a very good number is 200 calories in 10 minutes on the assault bike right yeah it is yeah 21 we talked about this 30 fucking minutes he was able to hold that only working 30 seconds at a time at elevation you you at elevation you do you think you can do 200 calories in 10 minutes on the assault bike i've never been able to do it no yeah that's 191 that's fucking wow nuts yeah like what like i'm thinking is this assault bike fucked up is he gonna like rip everyone's head off of the fucking games or what's going on my best 10 minutes is 139 or 137 that's not bad it's it's like it's not like this is absurd i was like Are my comments in there somewhere?
Starting point is 00:58:45 I know he responded a little bit about how many he got or what he's done in the past for 10 minutes. Maybe he said he needs to do 10 minutes. There it is. Yeah. He didn't respond. Sure. But I can give it a go. Interesting. The other Sam dancer related thing was Finley Funston in her thread. Someone commented that she was following a CrossFitter who said that fruits and vegetables were irrelevant to their diet. In a recent post, do you know who that CrossFitter said that they don't want to eat vegetables because it's a waste? Sam Dancer.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Sam Dancer. And again, it's taken completely out of context. And these motherfuckers don't understand why he would say something like that. Sousa, why would he say something like that? I have no idea. Because he's probably eating a cardboard diet. He cares about protein, carbs, and fats. Right. He probably takes a multivitamin to fit the rest.
Starting point is 00:59:39 And if he eats a shitload of vegetables, he can't fit the required number of carbohydrates in his diet. shitload of vegetables he can't fit the required number of carbohydrates in his diet like you could eat a big ass bowl of salad and it's gonna have 50 grams of carbs and it's gonna take up room in his stomach for three hours because it's got slow digesting time or he can eat two potatoes and then an hour later eat two more potatoes like they just don't understand what the fuck he's doing yeah why eat vegetables when you could eat testicles he's not doing that he might be is he that's a liver king that's a liver king that's liver king vegetables are carbohydrates but they're not carbohydrate dense and if he's working out four times a day you can't just be eating vegetables and they also don't understand that that's elite athlete man and fitness in 100 words are made for
Starting point is 01:00:18 get off the couch people who should be eating vegetables who should be filling up their stomachs with a big ass bowl of salad which is going to be carbohydrate like not dense but also like filling volume is food all right that was that was a that was a rant good that's good sam dancer's the man uh so are those jerseys special jerseys or not which the one i'm wearing no the noble jerseys they're saying someone someone in my comments said hey the reason why they're so expensive is because they're the ones the actual athletes wore and my response was well were the ones in my head not i didn't write it down but were the ones they wore last sold last year not the same as the ones they wore out on the field you get what i'm saying here yeah yeah are they different material
Starting point is 01:01:07 like i like yeah i don't know is the lettering more expensive like i'm gonna call can you respond does anyone know what's it like what was the shirt like last year jersey does it just feel like an ass shirt thanks thanks nicholas sellers hey i don't think the straddle the handstand i i think jr and the thumb are on to something that there's going to be some interesting gymnastics. But I don't think it's going to be straddle to handstand. What do you guys think? Is it too obvious? Two months ago, I put out the CrossFit League, the games workouts video.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yep. And a couple of days ago, I was directed to someone who can't be named because you might get mad but they directed me to a podcast saying where adrian bosman was speaking about that exact test of fitness yeah and how much he thought that it would correlate to the 2022 year you guys are an example of how how would you how would you what would you do you have 30 seconds to do a straddle to handstand and then everyone just goes around a circle and tries oh you're still caught on that um i don't know that's exactly why it would be tough i suppose how would you test that how would you test that
Starting point is 01:02:17 i have no fucking idea i just tell my kids hey let me see you do one so and if they could i was trying to do a lot from what i understand i mean remember they brought up that freestanding handstand with the walking and the lines yeah like starting a handstand touch your head and end in a handstand or and then like reestablish control on your head at the end of it yeah i think you probably have to start in an l sit with your feet out in front establish a lockout and then establish a bottom position in an L again. And the judge watches all of those points of performance. Where's the end?
Starting point is 01:02:51 What would be the end range? Because I think you might run into a little – That would be tough because – Yeah, because you're going to run into the handstand ring kind of thing where everybody's like overextended through their back and, you know, are they extended at the shoulder? Is it going to be just extension at the elbow? That's going to get sketchy. Wad zombie, it does matter in this sense.
Starting point is 01:03:10 If they were selling a $20 shirt for $40, that's cool. I fucking get it. I have no issue. Market the fuck up. You got a lot of staff. You got insurance. You got trucks. You got fucking woke investors you got to pay.
Starting point is 01:03:22 All that shit. But now if it's a $40 shirt and they've done nothing to add value to the shirt and it's now $67 and then they're claiming that they're giving money to the athletes this year, it seems it's insincere. It's lying. It's deceptive. Cara said that in order for her to get toia it was a hundred dollars a t-shirt yeah but that might be the same as you fucking imagine what is the conversion on that
Starting point is 01:03:52 i don't know it doesn't matter don't go that deep into it but it just said sit at 100 100 australian is alexis about to work out, that was the finishing 99 of the workout I did this morning. Oh, 69.89. That's conversion? Okay. Whatever the fuck that means. Who knows how money works anymore? It's such a mess. Are you, is there any, is there any true, oh, so will you pull up the video CrossFitter Suck at CrossFit and start it at 510? This was the best editable. CrossFitter Suck at Gymnastics.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Yeah, CrossFitter Suck at Gymnastics. Thank you. First of all, Adrian's press to handstand is awesome. So are you trying to be a little more political in your approach to some people? Tell me what you mean. Again, you might have to unfuck me on what you think politics are. Are you being...
Starting point is 01:04:50 Here's what I think. You poke people, you poke people, you poke... Maybe start it at 510. This is the best edit of the week for this week. This is my favorite edit right here. Let's see. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I love that. I don't remember that. Do you even watch my videos and make memes? It's like, people think that I'm overly aggressive and it's just like me living my best life, looking out the window, seeing all the clouds.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Like you guys even watch my videos. If you say anything negative, I'm just going to assume that you don't watch my videos. But back then, before all of this, while he was just doing his things, he says, thanks for the kind words,
Starting point is 01:05:25 and I let him know that he's the man. I wonder if he's seen that, if he knows that that was the person he was talking to. And all of this that I'm talking about prefaces the Savant podcast, where JR and Taylor were talking about their predictions for the CrossFit Games. I've never really understood what Savant means
Starting point is 01:05:40 when he talks about he doesn't like addressing the steroids issue. He says that it doesn't appease him, it doesn't draw him, he doesn't he doesn't really what the fuck this is the oh no show us what you is this the right video crossfit or something well at least you're bringing up something that you were talking about earlier yeah that was the thumbnail yeah crossfit crossfit what is it oh i did not get my press pass and get soft david i don't what i really don't want to do is get taken away that's like the only thing i'm
Starting point is 01:06:11 going to try and like not have happen um there was a there was a thing in there where he uses a breaking bad quote i thought it was at crossfit or something oh that was great i don't remember where that was maybe is that the very beginning? No, it was at 510. I must have written down the wrong video. It's the wrong video. The Heisenbergs say my name. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Right? Yeah. It is in that video. It's in this video? Have you seen Breaking Bad? Yeah, it's so good. Yeah. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I can't believe you've actually seen something. I can't believe i fucked that up that that was good though i agree okay so here's here's what i mean here's what here's what i think i cracked the code on hillar oh all right let's hear it i'll let you know if you're right he it's right there it's 455 oh so i didn't go back enough. Oh, it was just there. I think I cracked the code on Hiller. Let's try it. Okay, are we going to?
Starting point is 01:07:11 This is the edit of the week first, and then I'll tell you how I cracked the code on Hiller. Edit of the week. Oh. Oh, we need a thing for it. All right. You said 55, right? You can go back even a little more if you want. Let me get a little, like, go back to 40 or something. Let's get a little buildup.
Starting point is 01:07:24 All right. Yeah. All right. Whatever. We'll go for a little hill or four play 60 or 65 ring muscle ups maybe even 100 ring muscle ups so i thought that them losing dave castro was the worst thing ever until they brought in adrian bosman to program for the crossfit games and what's wild about this is i've made all this thing about say my name say my name you all know exactly who i am say my name you all know exactly who i am
Starting point is 01:07:45 say my name you want i don't have a damn clue who the hell you are yeah you do bullshit say my name people listening be like oh he's talking about hillar you're goddamn right adrian bosman i know damn you're fucking shit up god when i saw that i was like what the fuck that was so good yeah i like that one too yeah god damn right i'm like splattering into the garage when i was making that like you gotta look at this this is so far about it i was excited about that one yeah that was good i i did one recently that was that i was very excited about too. I wonder, I wonder, like, you know, like if you're in the garage and you're squatting, you know, 225 for fucking 20 and fucking Alexis walks in and she's like,
Starting point is 01:08:31 fuck, I'll just want to fucking fuck that dude and take a load off him. I wonder if she, I wonder, I wonder if she... Usually what happens. I wonder if when you call her over to like look at your videos, if she's like, I'm fucking break up with this dude. Pretend like I like his shit. I have to pretend like I like his shit one more time. Dude, I didn't fucking.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I don't fuck you for your art skills and your Final Cut Pro skills, motherfucker. Put a ring on it and back squat and fuck me. Oh, my gosh. I just wonder. She seems rather supportive, but I always have that thing in the back of my gosh. I just wonder. She seems rather supportive, but I always have that thing in the back of my head. You know, I think there she is.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Oh no. I, I wanted fucking a jock and I got fucking Michael Angelo. What the fuck is going on? If I wanted Vincent van Gogh, I would have fucking moved to New York. I expected Hercules and I got Vincent van Gogh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:24 You're going to have your ears caught on. Fuck. Here's the thing with Hiller. He just pokes you, pokes you, pokes you, pokes you, pokes you, and the second you say what, he's like, hi. He's like that boy in kindergarten who's like pulling the girl's hair like in front of him. As soon as she says hi, he's like, hey, what's up?
Starting point is 01:09:52 And that's the last time he pulls her hair. So now that we're talking, what do you want to do? It's like he got, he got, he, Adrian said Hiller's name and now they're off. Like that was like Hiller planted the seed. Now Adrian's watered it. And now Hiller's like, oh,'re off. Like that was like Hiller planted the seed. Now Adrian's watered it. And now Hiller's like, I just need a little water.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Just a little sustenance. Just the seeds never going to fucking turn into a seedling unless you pour a little water on it. I got seed over here. Okay. And he keeps poking you on your forehead. You're pretty good. And I tried to reverse the script on you too.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Like I was like, I just like, okay, I'll fuck it. I'll pretend like this dude's fucking like I'm scared of this dude and that he got under my skin and I'll, I'll fucking, I'll, I'll script on you too. Like I was like, I just like, okay, I'll fuck it. I'll pretend like this dude's fucking like, I'm scared of this dude and that he got under my skin and I'll fucking, I'll fuck with this dude. I'll play the kindergarten game.
Starting point is 01:10:31 I got a little kindergarten. I got a little kindergarten. I was just like, I just start acting like, like I give you backhanded compliments. That's like how I work people. I give them like, if someone like when, I just give backhanded compliments. When people call me Sebi, I'm like, I don't like it it or like when i tell you um i don't want you calling jr i only say that because
Starting point is 01:10:49 that's my way of complimenting you and jr like or at least complimenting oh excuse me sorry hillary i have to interrupt this thought ricardo montalban welcome to the show pmi premium services for 1999 the edit hillary was good and seven seven, you pinned him. Thank you. He's just a kid. He's just a kindergartner at heart. He likes the girls with those little braids in their hair with a little beat, you know, those things,
Starting point is 01:11:12 those little, they have little balls in them and they got the pigtails. There's nothing in the world that upsets me more than people trying to act older than they should be acting. Right. If you're saying I'm acting like a kindergartner i think that you might be on to me you have a very just a primitive and uh uh a courting process that's um tried and proven over the uh for millions and billions of years and it's uh yeah i mean froning does this to you and it's like we're in you're done check him off the list of like people i'll
Starting point is 01:11:42 never attack again i'm the next one well the thing is after that i put out a handful of things attacking him so that's not true oh hey listen i'm attacking him telling his justice thing telling this is how you attack froning this is the when froning did grace he actually did 35 reps that's how you attack froning he actually does he actually does too froning actually locks out too long that's how you attack froning idiot he actually does he actually does too froning actually locks out too long that's what i was gonna say he locks out too hard yeah yeah i i know how you attack froning i know i'm sure you know people like that though that they act like they're too cool they got their oh fuck those pants on yeah yeah no one wants to see those people i know you showed us You showed us one in your video.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Which one? Tommy Marquez acts like an adult. Big boy pants man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got big boy pants on. He's real meat. You know, I'm still poking him. I'm poking him until he wants to play. I don't know if he will.
Starting point is 01:12:38 You know? No? All right. He'll leave the sandbox. Adults don't want to play in the sandbox, dude. They sit on the side and cross their legs. I know in this life, they act like they're freaking kindergartners still and they're 50 60 years old yeah yeah but you're one of them there you go i'm not talking about you either but i guess
Starting point is 01:12:53 you fit in that camp i hope so i haven't started getting too stuffy yeah everyone wastes their their everyone wastes their years acting like they're too old or too good to do shit. Poke away. Kindergarten it up. Noah Olsen has the most Instagram followers of all the males competing this year. I was making this. I got through it. It actually took not a short amount of time to grab all those numbers and put them together. Stupid.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Whatever. I knew you'd love it. I loved it. I fucking loved it knew you'd love it i loved it i fucking loved it it was like it was i loved it i loved it yeah so so that's true he's the big dog on campus he's the i mean he's got all the followers someone in one of your videos in the live comment section was saying that frazier had referenced somebody only wanting to be there for their following. Then they referenced Knowles. And I'm like, you know, I don't know if that's true.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Wait, I didn't understand. What's that mean? Matt Frazier does these things where he kind of, if there's a thousand hours of Frazier content out there over the years, there's these sections in there where he'll say someone's a complete fake or someone's there just to get their following up. Oh, the people who think these things are. Noah Olsen is the one who wants the followers on the male side.
Starting point is 01:14:12 And Cole Sager is the fake one on the male side. And there's all you've never heard these things. They're all. Yeah, yeah. I've heard I've heard those things. And then you also hear how sega runs people the fuck over because he actually doesn't give a shit about them i don't know cole very well at all but i don't either i've fucking hung out with noah a bunch and i don't get fucking one iota of fakeness
Starting point is 01:14:40 from him well that's why i'm telling you they're from the comments people who haven't hung out with them yeah yeah and he's really um he's fucking really pleasant to be around like really really fucking pleasant to be around and he's very warm you touch him yeah many times um uh 98.6 there were people when he came on the scene that thought that mistook his friendliness is for a lack of respect. I never saw any of that. I get he's. He's a kindergartner. Yeah. I don't know if it's that he's super mature and above the fray of of of smut or maybe he is just a kindergartner but he's cool as shit
Starting point is 01:15:26 i love i think he's yeah from the outside looking i mean i would pick him to date my sister before a lot of dudes like like most dudes like yeah i would i would if my mom needed someone to fucking open her car door and say it again anyone who talks shit about noel all of a sudden should go die in a hole like Get the fuck out of here. He's a good dude. Yeah, he's a good dude. What has he ever done other than just be nice? People don't like being nice.
Starting point is 01:15:54 I think from the... Oh, we have some guests here. Hey. What were you saying about Rich Hiller? What were you saying? I said he locked out his jerks too long. Yeah, yeah. He wastes too much time at the top what's up guys what's up what's up oh they can hear us yes yeah we're at the airport yep rich i was defending you recently in the graciano video i was defending your 225 grace time because I was trying to shoot it down.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Yeah, I know. I heard actually. So I actually sent him a, um, a message after that. And I said, uh, you're wrong. I think this is all I said. And then he's like, I corrected it. Oh, he did. Cause I didn't see it. He said, I guess he put something on his Instagram saying that he, um, he said he was wrong about the time, I guess. And then I had to let him know that the two 25 Isabel time as well. That way he didn't screw that up too. Who Dave, you told Dave. Yeah. Have you redone that since the time you're
Starting point is 01:16:57 referencing? Yeah. Uh, it was, there was another time in, uh, well, so there's that like seven minute one that was at the old gym, but then there was another one I did at Advocare at an Advocare event. And I think it was like 416 or something like that. With the fireworks. With the fireworks and stuff. It's way easier when you got like 20,000 people screaming for you versus in the gym by yourself. Very cool. This is how Alpha Rich is.
Starting point is 01:17:20 He has the best fucking audio of anyone ever on the fucking show. Rich is. He has the best fucking audio of anyone ever on the fucking show. And he's sitting with one earphone in with the fucking mic dangling off his shoulder and it's like he's the only dude who's ever sounded like a man who's come on the show. What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 01:17:35 The best part of this is that it's like I don't even know if it's an actual iPhone headphone but I can't keep track of wireless headphones to save my life so i've got these crappy like wired in headphones but are those even the official apple ones or those i don't cookville gas station one cookville gas station or at least airport gas station of course sir look how clear his audio his video is too it's all crisp hey rich have you ever been
Starting point is 01:18:00 um is is close of friends with your any competitors that you are with um uh angelo no no no angela and luke really well ben too ben who's on justice uh no we've it's it's gonna be fun to have those guys uh out there and and um it's gonna it's gonna be cool it's gonna be special for sure how about you angelo have you ever been close with a competitor like this? I guess you were in the team division. You guys were kind of close there, right? Yeah, we're close, but like, I mean, no, I mean, with Nick, when we competed our second year,
Starting point is 01:18:34 we competed against each other, so that was the first time I ever competed, like, the only time I really competed with a friend, so yeah, I've been, I've done it before. And you've done it, like, with James and Dan. Yeah, with James and Dan and Bridges in my last couple years that we competed Kalipa. So, yeah, I mean, yes and no. But Angelo's team can literally walk into the barn or wherever you guys are working out and sit there and just fucking study you guys and be like,
Starting point is 01:18:58 okay, we're stealing that, we're stealing that, we're stealing that, and no one would say shit to them. No, no. Yeah, but I think I speak for all of us. They work hard enough to where they don't worry about if anyone knows what they're doing, and I feel like we work hard enough so we don't worry about if any other team around us
Starting point is 01:19:13 knows what we're doing either. And it's just kind of like you show up on game day and then you see who's got what. You can cheat all you want, try to get all the cheat codes, but it doesn't matter when you show up on game day. You just have to compete. I mean, we literally sell what I do on a daily basis on the internet.
Starting point is 01:19:32 So it is what it is. There's a couple times I'm like, should I really be telling people exactly what we're doing? But hey, it is what it is. But there's also nuances to it too. It's different between you telling them what you're doing and them seeing like everyone's right like how the fuck is rip never get rich never getting called for a no rep well because when i'm in the bar and watching them every single rep is fucking perfect he's at the right he hits all the points of performance yeah i mean i really i look at these guys are you know they're helping us as well because you know well because if they can get in between us,
Starting point is 01:20:06 we always want to beat them. I'm sorry, Angelo, but if they can beat some of these other teams and get some space and help us get points here and there and all that type of stuff, so we want them to be better. Same with Justice where Justice is a little bit different of a case. Their overall fitness, they're a lot younger and a lot newer. But with the worm, they're actually pretty good. And so if we can clean up some of that stuff,
Starting point is 01:20:31 you're not going to gain a ton of fitness between semifinals and the games, contrary to popular belief. But you can learn a lot about each other. And those guys did a ton of worm workouts. And we tried to help them with that type of stuff because that's the stuff that can make a big difference at the games with teams you could get injured between semi-finals in the games you could you know something we don't no no i hope yes um hey i do i do too uh rich um uh does angela angela do you still have that
Starting point is 01:21:03 gray patch on the top of your head somewhere he's got on his chin too i saw that but that's what made me think of it do you have the one on your head still no yeah i haven't seen it oh rich do you ever catch yourself just staring at that thing at angelo yeah it's great patch just in the back just like what what is going on there like no no oh if we were friends i'd always be standing behind i would just be studying yeah i'd be like is he part cheetah you just stare at my bald spot on the back of my head so there's that i thought you're gonna say you could just stare at my balls that's right that too that too um we were talking to
Starting point is 01:21:42 someone yesterday i don't know if it was uh Lazar, but he said there were 11 individual athletes in the training center, wherever you guys were training, all at the same time. Is part of you like – did you say hi to someone, Angelo? No, I think that sounds right. Oh, is that – is part of you like, okay, this was cool for like 10 seconds. Now can you guys fucking get the fuck out of here? This is too much. Rory, how many fucking people did we invite what the fuck actually no no it was good it was uh jake why is your mom here like we added that little facility off the back that uh eventually will be kind of uh games athletes or you know athlete only as weird as that sounds and um it just we're running out
Starting point is 01:22:27 of space that the gym is as crazy as that sounds with members and um you know members come first so we want to make sure that they have the the best experience and so we we did have a kind of a a back patio at the gym that was you know just a slab and then we covered it open air and then now we've just kind of closed it in and commandeered it so we'll have that as well i mean the good thing is there's no shortness of uh of places to work out in cookville between the barn between mayhem off hours and then now the athlete facility so um i think it was good you know it's tough when uh you know as cool as crossfit is and in how you know everybody wants to say they're they're friends and they want the best for everybody, the real competitors, you know, it would be a lie for, for me to say, yeah, you know, if I was an individual, I wouldn't have loved it as much.
Starting point is 01:23:16 But like I said, we've got enough places where people weren't, you know, if they wanted to work out with each other, they could, if they didn't, they didn't, you know. And what, and what about it wouldn't you have liked as an individual you just i mean you don't want to train with your enemy that close you know even with me and dan it got weird the last you know couple weeks where you know i'd kind of sneak out to the the garage and he'd walk in and he'd be like hey what would you do and i'm like i'm not telling you and then like what was your time everybody can beat your workout when they know the time.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Like that's the caveat, I guess. So, you know, I mean, you know, everybody's friends until it gets too close to competition. Other than I think with the teams this year, we've been we get along really well. I mean, we interchange and train with each other literally on a daily basis. So it's not as big of a deal. But as an individual, I don't know. There's just something weird about it. It's just hard. Um, Angelo, um, is any, is there a, as people start filing into town, does there become a, um, jockeying for position of who can
Starting point is 01:24:18 get Rich's time or other people's time that they want there? No, I don't think so. Be honest, time that they want there no i don't think so i think be honest be honest no i think i think they're um i think rich and jake and you know the other coaches and other people there are pretty um and i think even the athletes are pretty understanding that like um you know it's everybody's time it's everybody you know i you know it's like if you um qualified as an individual and someone else did you know you're on the same level at that point you know, it's like if you, um, qualified as an individual and someone else did, you know, you're on the same level at that point, you know, you both get the equal amount of time with those guys or equal amount of help. And I don't think they really show any favoritism either.
Starting point is 01:24:53 I think they're pretty good at being not partial towards anybody. They're pretty, um, open, you know, like if you want to be our athlete and you want to be a part of the crew, then, you know, you can't really just like cast some people out because then that's how you ruin relationships you want to make everyone feel equal you want the non-political answer yes the the guys and girls that trained in cook bill kind of since november got most of my time if i'm being 100 transparent i mean those are the guys and girls that i'm in there day in day out you look at hayley gee uh hayley's a little bit of a special case because
Starting point is 01:25:25 she just wants to grind all the time and i'm 35 years old and i'm like all right i can't i can't do as many workouts as you can and she's once always wants to do another piece or whatever and so um but hayley gee page bailey um even tyler up at the semi-finals like those guys and girls probably got more of my attention just because i mean mean, we're human, right? So those I'm, I'm with those guys and girls all the time, more comfortable. And then Jake kind of took on more of the people that came in a little bit later, the Lazar's and all this and, uh, Baden and all that. So, um, you know, I, we still, you know, really cordial with them and help them when they need something. But, you know, my focus really was on those people that made that commitment that moved at Cookville.
Starting point is 01:26:08 So part of the family now, really. Did you tell Guy to block me on Instagram? Did he block you? No, I did not. I did not. I know you didn't. I know. It was probably a two-second off-the-cuff thing.
Starting point is 01:26:19 He's like, fuck this guy. I think he literally went through after that Copa Sur with anybody who gave him crap about it. I think he just went ahead and blocked them all. He was like, you know what? I'm blocking them all. I really don't blame him. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:34 So I think it's – I thought we got along rather well at Lottapalooza the year before, but – He probably doesn't remember. I know. Yeah. Okay. That's fair. He's 12.
Starting point is 01:26:44 He's 12. He doesn't have much of a memory. I don't remember he's 12 you know I don't remember anything from when I was 5 years old exactly you know memories become fuzzy after that before that Rich when I asked Haley if she had a boyfriend and she said something
Starting point is 01:26:58 like why are you asking me that and I said I'm curious or we went back and forth a little bit and then she said she keeps that stuff private so does she have a boyfriend I honestly I don't know I'm curious. We went back and forth a little bit, and then she said she keeps that stuff private. So does she have a boyfriend? Honestly, I don't know. Mine and Haley's conversations are basically training, and that's it. Oh, God, that makes me feel so good to hear that.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Yeah, yeah. I've got enough. I don't have enough bandwidth for everybody else's problems. I don't, you know. Fair enough. I bet he's got 2K row time, I've got a wife and two daughters that those are the three women that I need to, you know, worry about their problems. And there's enough. I heard recently that if you do mayhem programming, if the people who come over there to get coached by you don't actually get coached by you.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Yeah. Did you hear that? No, I didn't hear that, but it's probably pretty accurate. I mean, we, I'm more of a glorified training partner and a mentor. I, you know, I just, I'm not going to stand over somebody with a stopwatch and a clipboard and that's just not my style. You know, I can kind of speak to like i'm programming is something that i really enjoy
Starting point is 01:28:07 um i'm very involved with that um on a daily basis but as far as like if somebody wants to come to me and ask a question or some you know like if i see something major then i'll tell them but all these athletes at this you know level they don't need somebody standing over them and personally in my opinion um don't need somebody standing over them and personally in my opinion um don't need somebody standing over them lording over them and i just that's just not my style that's not who i am i'm basically like i am with my kids i'm just a you know a big uh playmate what about for good for who's the other guy the other kundo and jake uh they do a lot more of the like day-to-day stuff jake does a ton because he's here all the time. Facundo does a lot. I know especially with Lazer.
Starting point is 01:28:47 So they do – those guys do get – those do more like the clipboard like – Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like think about paces and stuff like that. You know, I might like if I've done the workout or done something, I can, you know, give them a little, hey, this is where I would push this or whatever it is. And on game day, definitely. But, yeah, I'm just not a...
Starting point is 01:29:06 I'm just not a... I didn't like or never had anybody standing over me telling me what I needed to do. I just got my shit done. I feel like athletes at this level, personally, most of them can do that. Angelo, where's the rest of your team?
Starting point is 01:29:21 I'm looking at Luke right now. Sasha flew out like an hour ago or so and then alexis i think flies out later today that's cinnabon um i i i uh had a nice exchange with ellie in the um dms i'm going to try to drag her onto the show throughout the games. That'll be a four-hour conversation. I need people who can talk. You won't say a word. Okay. Put her and JR together.
Starting point is 01:29:52 It'll be perfect. So she's good. So she can talk. She could talk to my suitcase that my phone is sitting on. Oh, that's fucking awesome. Okay. Yeah. Okay. You're going to be so turned around that you're not going to know if you're asking the questions if it's your podcast or her podcast.
Starting point is 01:30:14 That's good. Rich, no RV park this year? Yeah, so we will have kind of the RV park. A bunch of mayhem people will be up there. My dad will be up there. park. A bunch of mayhem people will be up there. My dad will be up there. I'm actually going to stay at the hotel just because my kids are coming later in the week and trying to like shoo them out of the camper and then them go to a different place. I was like, nah, I can't do that. So, um, I'll be at the hotel this year, but we'll be, so you'll have a separate room and instead of
Starting point is 01:30:38 shooing them out, you'll just leave the room. No, no, I'll be, I'll be in the room with, with the chaos. So it's, you. So it's normal for me. It takes my mind off of kind of the chaos of everything else. I enjoy the chaos of the kids. And it makes me feel more back to kind of – to normal, I guess. Are you doing – did you bring the kids because you think, oh, this could be my last year and I want them to get the experience? No, I think it's just because the kids are getting older and they can kind of realize and be a part of and like what's going on. The kids
Starting point is 01:31:11 now do CrossFit kids at the gym. They see us now and Trice, he'll walk out and he's like, hey, how come everybody knows my name? When drop-ins come in, they're like, oh, it's Trice. And he's kind of confused at what the hell is going on like they have no grasp really of what lakeland does i guess she's starting to get to that age but the little two could care less but i think they're starting to kind of understand you know they went to or to syndicate wherever we were at and then they actually went to mac the next weekend so they you know they like it they enjoy it trice gets was so mad at me after syndicate because I never
Starting point is 01:31:45 really celebrated because there was never really any event that was super close. So I didn't have to like have a cool flex celebration or anything. So every time we'd come off the floor, he would ask why I didn't flex, you know? So, Oh, wow. Yeah. He was pretty, pretty angry about that. He loves the celebrations. Wow. I was like, I wish my kids would ask me to flex. Yeah. That's always thinking about right now i know angela where are you staying hotel with luke and it's are any of the mayhem athletes staying in the campground uh i don't think any of the athletes are like i said there'll be a bunch of members and uh my dad and and kind of our crew so we'll we'll be hanging out there we're
Starting point is 01:32:25 staying super close to the venue that way we can ride our bikes back and forth i brought my brought our bikes yeah that's cool i wonder if you're gonna you're gonna miss the like the just going outside and like whatever you guys were doing i can't remember if it was a wiffle ball you guys yeah i mean we'll still be there probably till you know seven eight o'clock at night depending on the event and hanging out and we'll definitely wiffle ball game will happen trice's trice and lakeland are really getting into wanting to do that type of stuff they're bringing their bikes or we're bringing their bikes so they can ride around the campground a little bit and uh run off some energy so hillary doesn't kill us all my last question for you is this when we were joking around earlier about people who um when
Starting point is 01:33:02 we fuck with them or when they fuck with us like you lean into the people instead of like take offense and push away yeah and when hillar was fucking with you instead of lean instead of pushing away you leaned in you made the the yeah the joker thing the joker post do you think that that's just part of your personality to to lead to lean into like things instead of uh push away from them i think maybe i've grown into it i think you know i i like what hillar's doing i like that the the things that are being and both of you guys are doing that are being brought to light that for so long nobody wanted to talk about and i think you know what's great about this community is it's so supportive but that's also the downfall as well as
Starting point is 01:33:39 like sometimes you got to call it bullshit and so um, um, you know, but I enjoy, I mean, nobody's perfect. I'm not perfect. I know we screw up and we do stupid things. And, um, you know, we 100% screwed up that standard in that, um, event. And we, if it was before the deadline, we would have redone the event, but we didn't realize until after, until somebody pointed out in the video that we screwed it up. And so not owning up to not, you know, necessarily saying, Hey, we screwed up, take it or leave it. It was like, Hey, we screwed up. We'll take our penalty because we can't go and redo this workout. So, um, yeah, no, but I, you know, it was more of a playful banner. I mean, who doesn't like Batman? So I was like, all right, what can we do here? So I really wanted to do something
Starting point is 01:34:18 because I think Bane would have been a cooler, um, kind of comeback, but the Joker, the smile made, made the most sense, I guess. It was a cool picture. Yeah, Ben did a good job. Ben Davidson, who's on Justice, actually drew that. He's like an art major. You brought up the fact that you like that I'm doing this. And the other day, Savon had Kara Saunders on, and she was kind of sticking it to Noble a little bit
Starting point is 01:34:42 in a way where you don't really hear many athletes at your level speaking about the title sponsor of the games. Do you see that you wouldn't say things you might typically say because you don't want eyes on you for a reason you might not want them on you? For example, like the judges, like if you're all of a sudden, maybe they're scrutinizing you more or less or your teams more or less. Yeah, I mean, I feel like, you know know there's things you might want to say but you hold back yeah not necessarily i mean the judges at the games and the judges at most semi-finals are are almost to a professional level at this point depending on the event the venue a lot of them travel around and stuff like that i feel like they can almost detach from you know the title sponsor being you know they're they're good people so i don't feel like they're gonna do that
Starting point is 01:35:25 and so you know it's different you know me and cara don't get paid by noble so it's a little different uh and so you know it might be a little bit different if she was getting paid or i was getting paid by noble um their shoes suck i do like their apparel yes if we're actually i say the same thing i like their shirts and their shoes i like their apparel. Yes. If we're actually being honest here. Flip it. Flip it. I say the same thing. I like their shirts and their shoes are terrible. I love their – and their shorts last year grew on me, but I just – I don't like their shoes personally. This is my opinion. And let me tell you why Rich likes them because as Rich ends – he had his individual career and then his team career.
Starting point is 01:35:59 And now he's going to enter the women's division individually. And Noble fully supports that. That he's able to enter the women's division individually. And Noble fully supports that. That he's able to enter the women's division. So I think that's why Rich is into him. We're all dead. All political. All political. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:36:14 He had to stick it in there. Mr. Angelo Rich, thanks for coming on, guys. Appreciate it, boys. You guys are awesome. Thank you. See you in a couple days. Are you guys coming up? I'm not. I'll be there. All right. I'll be there. When you come out couple days. Are you guys coming up? I'm not.
Starting point is 01:36:25 I'll be there. All right. We'll be there. When you come out to the campground, check it out. I'll be everywhere you're at. Everywhere. Everywhere. Way to make it weird, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:36:35 That wasn't creepy at all. No, no, no. All right. See you, boys. See you guys. Bye. Everywhere. Everywhere.
Starting point is 01:36:44 They're at. I am the shadows the shadows dude none of these uh texts had come through on my phone that's weird oh yeah i wanted to bring up that picture i know i had to get that by the way just so you know in the future too it takes a minute for me to be able to get them to where i could like screen share i was trying to make it weird and i did it yeah is that funny look at that oh shit wow yeah you guys could be brothers there oh shit hillar just has the exact same haircut rich has yeah i was trying to make it weird one or another and i just told him i'd be everywhere but i was hoping this picture would come up while i was on he'd be like what the fuck he's even got my
Starting point is 01:37:19 necklace on there was a guy at my gym like a couple years back that did everything that rich did like he watched the video that seban made the day in the life one a while back so many times that like the mannerisms were almost the same he had the puka shell necklace like he had the same clothing like he would do the same like like coming to the bar like it was such a trip and we didn't realize it then one day grace and i watched that video and we're like holy shit it's the dude it was like like he studied that fucking thing it was nuts it was nuts people want to emulate greatness i've studied that thing as well i've watched a couple a couple a couple of times oh yeah me too that was always fucking playing in the background when i'd come home there's a comment in Rich is going to kick Tia's ass next year.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Oh, gosh. Look what you've done, Savan. Look what you've done. Hey, hey. It's just the facts. It's not politics. It's just the facts. Just the facts.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Who would win is the real question, Tia or Rich, at a diminished level of testosterone for an entire year? Because he would have to take testosterone blockers and he would have to get his hormone levels at a diminished level of testosterone for an entire year because he would have to take testosterone blockers and he would have to get his hormone levels at a certain level i don't even think you well i don't know if they're following wise i don't know because i know that's what you got to do in order to compete as a female in the olympics there's to be a certain timetable where you are at a no one's no one's going to push back on rich if he did that. Well, maybe it's exactly what CrossFit needs to get a whole lot of eyes on it. That would be fucking awesome if some tech dude offered Rich a million dollars to enter the women's race.
Starting point is 01:38:54 Come on. He wouldn't do it for a million. Are you out of your mind? 1.1 million. That's a difference. I would so support that. so support that. Tonight at 6pm Pacific Standard Time,
Starting point is 01:39:07 we are doing a prediction show. You can watch it to find out who's going to win the games and the games will be ruined for you or you can come watch it to watch Brian Friend and John Young duke it out. It's the best when they do. Rich said to you, you really want to see it. What a win.
Starting point is 01:39:22 He did. He's like, alright, now what are they saying after i got off the show t is fucking unbeatable um oh you know what you know we should have asked do you know what i heard i heard um justin madaris's uh track times are now are better than matt's track times the year he won and then i also heard rich's now are currently better than matt 21 i should have asked rich if he knew that oh interesting yeah i someone sent me uh henshaw has the numbers yes someone was telling me that they had some inference inside information and that they would have been talking and they said that basically rich is the fastest he's ever been i should have fucking asked them that Did you also see that Henshaw knows the workouts?
Starting point is 01:40:06 Henshaw does know the workouts? No, I don't think he does. They're so secretive about that shit. I know. I don't think the commentators know the workouts yet either. This would be a little early. You think they do? Someone told you that they do?
Starting point is 01:40:23 In the betting show? You think Schroeder knows? Schroeder knows? Schroeder knows? Wow, okay. Why would he know? Why would he know? Why would he know? Mr. Will Plummer, hi. Stefan, I got the intel on the proning and his time from yesterday. Oh, tell me, tell me. How fast is Rich? Hinshaw said
Starting point is 01:40:48 he ran, it was like a sub, I think it was like 5-10 miles. Uh-huh. And then he said that if he competed individual, he'd podium. Wow. Hinshaw said that. That's it? He wouldn't win?
Starting point is 01:41:03 He'd win. He'd win. He'd win. He didn't say win, but he said podium. I think the only thing going on with Rich would be just his recovery. And he even admits at the semifinals in one of those videos, he snatched 275 and he said he hadn't snatched more than 255 in two years or something. I mean, so... Man, that would be crazy to see him come back as individual oh shit everybody wants it he's all i want i mean he there if he if he did do that he would
Starting point is 01:41:38 probably be the in in and he did get on the podium he'd probably be the oldest guy that's never gonna happen again i don't think no old guy i mean for his age for his age i'm saying hillar that's done i think he might make that push at masters next year though i think he wants to he said it right there he said it in the show that he's doing masters and not women's i think he's gonna do women's there's more money in it masters now women's okay i also think like rich is the type of guy that like if he decided to do individual like he would it would be a hundred percent all in on it you know what i mean like i don't think he plays with it in his mind at all so you got you got you guys what do you think's bigger swimming or crossfit as a sport swimming swimming yeah like a lot bigger yeah yeah and so and so think dude they have a dude
Starting point is 01:42:30 like quit quit acting like i'm making shits up some shit that's like weird they have a dude who's the best female swimmer in the world right now and two years ago he was the 456 best male swimmer in the world quit acting like this is like something preposterous i'm saying hold on this is like we're it's here people it's fucking here it doesn't matter what you're what's in your pants it doesn't matter go ahead well you said it's ridiculous are you saying uh taylor self needs to transfer over to the women yeah just fucking do it who cares it's a shit show now just do it to make a point
Starting point is 01:43:07 and like wear shorts that are so short that the helmet of your fucking cock is hanging out of your shorts and you're in the women's division I'm serious just like just make a complete fucking mockery of it tattoo on the side of your penis.
Starting point is 01:43:25 This is a vagina. From the toe to the head, the vein. Yes, yes, the toe to the head. Oh, my God. This is why we're not real media, Stefan. Yeah, right. Right here. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:43:43 I talked about it yesterday in the live calling show, but in May, these three boys used the wrong pronoun. They're eighth graders. They used the wrong pronoun in school, and they were charged with sexual harassment. And I showed it to some of my friends whose kids go to school in Berkeley. I'm like, hey, you better pull your kids out of school. Shit's going to get really weird. Two days ago, my friend's eight-year-old son was just eight years old, was suspended from school for using the wrong fucking pronoun.
Starting point is 01:44:09 Eight fucking years old at a Berkeley public school. Damn. It's getting really fucking froggy. So, Rich, get in there and win the females individual. Fuck. Rich has enough money. Taylor, let's have Taylor do it. Taylor. Yeah, Taylor. Wake up tonight. Oh, my money. Taylor. Let's have Taylor do it.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Taylor. Yeah. Tonight. Oh my goodness. Taylor would just mash in every workout. And Taylor's bald. He would put a wig on that shit. Nice.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Just like it would slip over that. Nice. I think he'd be an ugly girl though. Not going to lie. Whatever. Whatever. I like all girls. I like the ugly ones. and skinny ones get that money yeah get them i like rich ones especially you think california hormones would sponsor me to do it i'd do it i think i could do it
Starting point is 01:44:57 enter the women's competition oh god dude i would hiller if you did that, that would be fucking amazing. You think California Hormones would sponsor my way? Yes. Yes. Yes. I could probably be the most controversial man in the world at that point. Not just in CrossFit. Yeah. Stephen A. Smith is now going to join the WNBA.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Yeah. What's up man when are you getting to Madison tomorrow afternoon oh you're stressing then dude like you have no idea I'm like playing it cool making all these shows
Starting point is 01:45:39 trying to make this work but I gotta go to the gym for an hour here then I have another thing that I have to go to then I have to come back and my flight leaves at 6 15 a.m out of the bay area oh oh yeah you're getting there early tomorrow god damn yes sir hey look killer i can make my eyebrows come like i can have them up here or i can hide them behind my glasses i don't know why this one gets so high hillary hillary's eyebrows don't go below parallel they don't that's as low as they go oh furrow furrow the brow there's a comment in here i really like they got to bring it up and said that they're not buying noble because of myself and rich probably mainly rich but probably because they broke too and nobles are not good shoes what was that upper class
Starting point is 01:46:28 so rich is a 510 mile huh will yeah he's speedy uh chris was uh is he gonna be pissed that you told us that whatever it's all right what is this what is what does this mean misogynistic report he did just say that uh knowing someone's time is all it takes to beat it so if everyone at the games is a 509 mile he'll know who to come after yeah they can uh they can go out there and try to beat his test i mean hinshaw has all his old workouts and stuff like it's a program that he offers but I don't know it drops people's like average mile time by about like one minute
Starting point is 01:47:11 who does Hinshaw does his program yeah it's 12 weeks with Rich but he like just does it with like the Mayhem crew like he offers it to all of them so Rich's mile time before that was 610 like, just does it with, like, the Mayhem crew. Like, he offers it to all of them. So Rich's mile time before that was 6'10"? Well, it's different if you're really good.
Starting point is 01:47:31 I know. He takes two minutes off mine and 30 seconds off of Rich. I was trying to be a dick the way I said that. Oh. It worked. Yeah, I think his was 6'0", and was 603 that's shitty yeah hey but when they shaved him down when they took all the hair off him and they got rid of the drag it went down to like 531 yeah they know you nair kalipa and he takes 30 seconds off his mile time
Starting point is 01:48:01 there was something special about so many funny stories about he told us so many funny stories about jason and how he just like didn't understand like exercise oh who henshaw and he's like he did two 400 two 400 meter sprints and that was it and just killed himself each time and he was like yep that's the workout like we're done like didn't warm up he's like i'm gonna go hard and hope to hang on it's unbelievable it's a lot of man to move around yeah if you've ever been around him he is like a lot of crossfitters you get around him and you're like oh they're not as big as i thought they were kalipa is a he's big he's not it's something yeah
Starting point is 01:48:50 he's yeah he's five nine two twenty i believe his genetics are crazy his genetics are crazy he's all try and he's just triceps yeah he's fucking i wonder what i wonder what he could skull crush 129 god every time i hear that i wanted to say you could skull crush your mom yeah i wonder what so this is this the the mile time and all that that's always why i thought hunter was in such incredible shape because his mile time four and a half something like in the mid fours really and then he could also hold like he could hold rich's pr mile time for a 5k wow i remember watching him at the granite games he was on a team and he was like fucking with everybody so if the the track was this long he'd run all the way ahead and then he'd go back to
Starting point is 01:49:42 his team he'd run all the way ahead and that then he'd go back to his team. He'd run all the way ahead. And that was like, all right, it's a giant waste of energy, but he was just kind of flexing on how much better he wasn't running than everybody else at the granny games. I was competing amongst him. And I remember that he also couldn't snatch 205 at that time, but look how much bigger rich and Jason are than Matt. So if you read the Arnold Schwarzenegger, that's like a little breadcrumb. I'm going to tell you, if you read the arnold schwarzenegger that's like a little breadcrumb
Starting point is 01:50:05 i'm gonna tell you if you read the encyclopedia of bodybuilding there's a section in there on how to take pictures for photos and what you'll see is frazier is probably three inches behind the two of them and oh right right good point and you know what else i'm i like frazier's hair like that he should keep it like that like that shaved like shaved i love that look on fraser yeah like he's like he looks like he's in prison right there huh he just shaved off the yard gen pop that looks like a different human easy there buddy you should shave your head i knew where he was going easy he's what do mean? He doesn't have a beard. His head is shaved. He's completely different. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Sten, why don't you shave your head? How much to shave your head? I'd do it just for free. You really want me to shave my head? No, I don't, then. I wanted to make more of a big deal. I want you to have a connection to it, but if you're just going to do it for free, that's not cool. This is actually
Starting point is 01:51:03 work, and I don't like working. You know what i mean like i don't like this kind of work like the time it takes to put my the wax in my hair i'd rather either be watching hillar fit videos planting seeds in my backyard or um staring at my wife's ass like i don't i'm not i'm not like this is i don't enjoy this. I don't enjoy this. Yeah, it looks good, though. Thank you. Okay, Will, thank you for being on. Okay, go ahead. Last thing, Will.
Starting point is 01:51:32 How much money for Matt Fraser to come out to the California Hormone Game and win it? How much does he need? Probably a dickload. Oh, yeah. Why do you say a dickload? I have that in my notes, too. I've heard a fuckload and a shitload, but you use a dick load. Oh yeah. Why did you say it's a dick load? I have that in my notes too. I've heard a fuck load and a shit load, but you use a dick load.
Starting point is 01:51:51 That is weird. Yeah. Yeah. What's it with a dick load? Cause it could mean a whole bunch of different things. It can. It sure can. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:01 What you got working? What are you working with in there? All right, Will. Thank you. Thanks Will. See you soon. Bye. What you got working? What are you working with in there? All right, well, thank you. Thanks. Well, see you soon.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Bye. See you soon, brother. Well, you've never heard that before. I probably have. I probably heard the swear word and then the word load after a lot, but I noticed in two of your videos I had in my note,
Starting point is 01:52:17 you said a dick load when I would expect someone to say a shit load. Just a dick load. I never even really noticed that. say it hey mr butter do you um mr butter do you need a dickload i am a dickload dickload of the baby batter okay guys uh thank you very much you never finished up on what this programming show is all about who's on it is it jr and taylor no no no no no tonight tonight it's uh today it's brian and john and they're gonna tell us who's gonna win the crossfit games and i bet you they're gonna nail it and outside of any who do you think is gonna win the crossfit games i know who's gonna win
Starting point is 01:52:57 madaris and uh t are gonna win doesn't it just bother you that it's always the same people i it bothers me when i think about it but when i watch it i'm you that it's always the same people? It bothers me when I think about it, but when I watch it, I'm just – my mouth's like just – Having Tia win every year doesn't bother me. But if Justin wins every year for the next eight years, not that I don't like Justin. It's just like, all right. All right. All right. Come on.
Starting point is 01:53:18 No, I like it. Can anyone else do anything? Hey, I don't like the super friend. I don't like the movies where i don't like the um uh uh movies where the superhero is like getting beat up i just like superman just to come in and fucking grab the fucking bad guy by the neck and rip his head off and everyone lives happily ever after i don't like these fucking close calls he's at the bottom of the swimming pool with a kryptonite necklace around his neck i'm like you're a bitch i don't like those movies are the ones with the
Starting point is 01:53:47 twists dude the one where you just don't see it coming at all that that's fine he could let superman be fucking someone's mom or something or cheating on his lowest lane or something i don't need him like in a close fight with godzilla take that fucking reptile tie his fucking tongue in and not drown his ass are you saying that justin maderos is godzilla no i just like i like justin justin t once i'm there at the games i'm like yeah t is just mashing hoes justin's just fucking justin's just giving these guys a dick load all right to hear more about the dick load that Justin Medeiros is in, you might watch the programming show tonight on the 7-on-5. It's not a programming show.
Starting point is 01:54:28 The prediction for the winner of the 2022 CrossFit Games not programming show on the 7-on-5 podcast. Hey, this is Bruce Wayne just put up a Jeopardy question. A dick ton of dick. A dick ton of dick. No, what is a dick ton? Alex, me over here. 7-on, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:54:46 What's in Hiller's mouth yes oh a dick ton of dick that wasn't nice i'm sorry depends on where it's coming from it's either good or it's bad it's night dressing let's get off the show okay i hope justin doesn't win well you're a dick damien that's rude no you got a dick ton of dick in your i hope noels you know what i hope for i hope that it's i i said it in my programming not programming fucking predictions oh program i hope that my prediction video is more accurate than anyone else's namely i want to go head to head with brian and mine is entirely off yeah you're looking at not too far off you can i could see no winning depending on how uh adrian goes about programming me uh me too i would hey if someone were to win besides justin and um no would be a great a great one i i want to say this to you guys real quick as we go into the games like a bunch of new people are going to start watching this show
Starting point is 01:55:47 and they're going to be so fucking confused because because it's like it's too too it's a bunch of kindergarteners getting on just fucking talking shit like this show might not be for you i get it i totally get it but those people who come on like let them know like no one here is trying to be i'm gonna call i don't know what we're not trying i don't know what we're not trying to be but um some people might it's gonna be a tough week for some people who jump on the bandwagon some people are gonna be like oh my god i can't believe i finally found this show where has it been my whole life that's gonna be 99 of you but one percent of you are gonna find to stumble upon the show and be like,
Starting point is 01:56:25 what the fuck? Like that other person that was all pissed off at them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No idea what's going on. Yes. So if you're,
Starting point is 01:56:34 if you, if you, if you, uh, if you hate women and, and, and their body parts and vaginas and stuff, this show is not for you.
Starting point is 01:56:42 If you, if you, if you hate men and you hate penises and penis talk, then the show is not for you. That could you hate man and you hate penises and penis talk then the show is not for you that could be a good list test all right i hope noel wilson just comes down and fucks everyone up i'm reading the comments i it would be so awesome it'd be so good for my my one episode hey is anyone going to test positive is anyone going to test positive this year yes at the games yes yeah of course there's somebody you think an individual will test positive at the games this year yeah they always do yeah there's gonna be somebody there is you know
Starting point is 01:57:21 that if not an individual do you say individual definitely yeah for sure who tested positive last year an individual we can pull it up um let me see if i can do it off the top of my head i can't so maybe not every year someone tests positive because usually i remember those sorts of things yeah i feel i love everyone and all their body parts me too how do you say him no wilson for the win i don't know why people hate him so much he's the only one to ever come close you know do you have a link send noel wilson a link i'm not ready to get off i want to give him a pep talk okay i can try i can try let's see let's see libby's icon picture reminds me like she's at like some sort of rave or something let me see noah um okay so i'm gonna send him a link uh noah can you come on for a quick minute
Starting point is 01:58:15 we want to love we want to love on you is that fair i do so yes let's see if um noah is a good dude though i was gonna make a point too like if you watch it from the out from like the outside looking in you would you would he'd always come off as fake because you're like nobody could be that positive and nice but then when i had a chance to like be around him at waterpalooza and like experience it in person and talk to him and stuff like that you're like no that just is his personality like he is just that nice he's just that good of a dude hey so rich just sent a text and like it i get so excited when he sends a text i won't even open it until like later today like i'll i see i'm not joking i'll wait till like i'm like not like if i'm usually walk around like a 10 if i dropped like
Starting point is 01:59:00 a 9 8 i'm gonna open it like you know what i mean like the excitement metal drops and then it just says hi and you're like oh chantal ayote thank you my dear i think that's i think that's a girl i think so too thank you from luxembourg thank you lux lux luxembourg is that a country or is that a capital? Uh, capital. No idea. I got a buddy who majored in geography in college.
Starting point is 01:59:31 I'll call him up. Um, it sounds like one of those places where like, is that like in Geneva? Like what the fuck? I'm so Luxembourg, Germany. That's like somewhere that Facundo would live.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Luxembourg Luxembourg. I'm doing political work. I mean, what do you mean by his brand is fake? We're going all in on Noah. I just don't know what that means. Maybe I pride myself too much on my ability to possibly know where they're coming from. I don't think Noah has a fake bone in his body. Let me tell you why I don't think that. I'm going to tell you this.
Starting point is 02:00:02 Oh, Luxembourg. Oh, so it's a small-ass country. Damn, luxembourg is a small european country surrounded by belgium france and germany all those other countries mostly rural dense forest well uh what let me see dude that country's fucking not even 1 000 square miles my yard is that big did you flex on everybody with that drone shot in your video yeah i am standing in my garage drone over my estate how sick is the skateboard ramp looking that yeah here's the thing i want to tell you why noah's such a stud okay he showed up to the games one year and he was kind of serious it was in carson and i'm like hey i can't remember
Starting point is 02:00:43 and i go and i it was the year after he did really well and and I'm like 15 I can't remember and I go and it was the year after he did really well 15 and he said and I go hey what's up with you he goes I'm trying something new I think I was too loose
Starting point is 02:00:51 and too nice and too I'm gonna try something new and after a day like after half the games were over after two days he's like dude
Starting point is 02:00:59 I'm not doing that he goes what he goes I'm just gonna fucking be myself that shit's not fucking working like this is who I am I'm fucking happy go lucky I'm goes, I'm just going to fucking be myself. That shit's not fucking working. Like, this is who I am. I'm fucking happy-go-lucky. I'm fucking, like, I'm not going to try to put on a fake kind of, like, sternness. And I just respected the fuck out of that. Like he tried, he tried, he tried to put on an act and it wasn't like an act, like he was being fake, but he tried, it was just trying to hold his energy in. He was, he's not that kind of person.
Starting point is 02:01:30 He's the dude who has the shit has to flow through him. I don't see anything back. I actually went to a trending think tank seminar in 2016 and I like had little interactions with them. Seemed great. Everything you're saying seems true. Yeah, he's cool. And he fucking works hard. Was it you, Sousa, who was talking about how Froning has all these interactions with people and he's always good
Starting point is 02:01:54 and you'd think that after all this time, he would be a little bit more brash at some point. He never is. It's no one. Same thing. You can't put up the act forever. It just is who you freaking are. And especially in those stressful environments.
Starting point is 02:02:06 I mean, there, there is times watching him at water palooza where like, they just finished kind of their warmup and stuff. They have to rush over here to get into this spot. And he just gets mobbed. Rich just gets mobbed every time he walks out into the crowd, but him and no one, those people that have been dealing with that for a lot of years are still super good.
Starting point is 02:02:21 They're so giving to everybody around them and with their time and their patience, most importantly, it was impressive to to watch that's a feast all its own is this your tibia this thing that's it oh yeah tony so so would mine i i that's why um so i had i had done that workout 20 row climbs for time i don't know five years ago and i wore those knee sleeves i've had or those ankle sleeves or whatever they're called shin sleeves and it actually burned through them this time i actually pulled some old school like knee high rogue socks underneath them and i didn't burn myself but yeah if i if i didn't wear whatever those sleeves are called from clear bear claw bear new bear some bear my shit would be fucked up i just usually wear a knee
Starting point is 02:03:06 sleeve down on down on your ankle yeah mine aren't neat mine are ankle minor have you seen mine i think mine are actually for shin their shin sleeves yeah i had those but mine still bit through i don't know what it was you know there's some people who came here just for that content two hours into the show how do you protect your tibias while rope climbing? And there it is. So how much longer are we going to wait for – I want to see how this show is doing right now. Did you see the number skyrocket when Rich came on? Yes.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Skyrocket. How do people know? They just flock to wherever he's going? No. Oh, shit. This show is not being monetized. Damn it. Oh, fuck. What does it even look like
Starting point is 02:03:47 when you're live is it worth it yes i don't i don't know i like every if i make an extra 80 cents i like it it goes directly into the the jujitsu fund everything fund yeah all the fun yeah condom fun it's just my whole life on the planet fun yeah pulling water out of my well to water my fruit trees you know if there's one there's one reason to follow the podcast it's going to be to see what your kids are like when they're teenagers and then 20 year olds because they're going to be wild good wild they're gonna be cool did you see i hope they don't the video ever how about kotler's daughter oh bear complex yes that's it how about kotler's daughter what about five years old and i couldn't believe the rock she was doing she's a she's a she is a phenom she is oh dude it's nuts
Starting point is 02:04:41 it is i was actually a made me want to go outside and push, make my kids just work hard. Harder. College kids are better than you. I'm disappointed in your ability to not do it with a five-year-old daughter. How old are your kids? I can't wait till my wife goes through menopause. I'm going to tear that thing up. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 02:05:16 Oh, man. can't wait till my wife goes through menopause i'm gonna tear that thing up oh boy oh man i'm old school no no i've talked about that a million times caleb i'm not changing the viscosity of my baby batter i would never get snipped why never because it takes the swimmers out okay the swimmers are important to something they're they they they add to the texture the feel the the the you know what's the size the amount the distance that the whole fucking shebang it's everything they're the swimmers and the show where i brought like having a pool and never using it what say it again i brought up a show where I brought up how Ronnie Teasdale – It's like having a pool and never using it. What? Say it again. I brought up a show how Ronnie Teasdale would eat his semen, remember? Oh, yeah. And then he brought it up with him on the next show. It was like an hour and a half in. I was waiting for you to ask him about it.
Starting point is 02:05:53 I don't think he liked it that I brought it up. I know. Why was he so uncomfortable? You're the one who fucking broadcasted it to the world. Why are you uncomfortable now? You just mature and you're like maybe i shouldn't have done that so maybe i should have told everybody that i was eating my freaking semen off my stomach hey listen listen to mr wayne mr wayne mr wayne you're telling me
Starting point is 02:06:16 that you take out 300 million swimmers out of the load and the viscosity doesn't change the weight, the duration? I don't know. There's one way to find out, Sevan. No, no. Come on, guys. No. Definitely.
Starting point is 02:06:36 Tell us what the real reason is. I spend all my time doing my hair and don't have time to go to the doctor. You don't want anything caught up. Because I get a new girl girl pregnant every day because i get a new girl pregnant every day your plan is our father what the fertility doctor is doing are we gonna wait much longer on this i got a jam okay bye i could just dip out i'll see you guys later now we're out of here

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