The Sevan Podcast - #517 - Women's Predictions | 2022 CrossFit Games Insider

Episode Date: August 2, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:00:33 Never mind. Speak sweet nothings. Tell me in the private chat. You want to tell me in the private chat? Type in the private chat. Oh, look. i'm going over there i don't know buddy i don't know it's a lot to ask okay uh i have a question for you and i'm supposed to stay uh we have a long show a lot of stuff to get through it's about tia toomey
Starting point is 00:01:04 supposed to stay uh we have a long show a lot of stuff to get through it's about tia to me is the um someone said to me that there's a big documentary crew following her around and that is a sign that this is her last year and it's kind of the celebration documentary the fittest human being who ever lived any any truth to that? Brian, I assume that's a question for you. How many times has she won the CrossFit Games? Twelve. Five. This will be six.
Starting point is 00:01:41 This will make her the king and queen. No, no. That seems like a good story to tell. Yeah. So you don't think maybe it's necessarily indicative of the fact that she done that? No, no. So it seems like a good story to tell. Yeah. So you don't think maybe it's necessarily indicative of the fact that she's retiring? I don't know, but regardless of whether she is or isn't, she has an opportunity to do something that no man or woman has done before, and I'm sure that's a story that they want to have a lot of footage and coverage of. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Fair enough. they want to have a lot of footage and coverage of fair enough fair enough uh did um uh we got a we got three events but i have uh howell and uh jr howell and the thumb coming on tomorrow to talk about that maybe if we have some time at the end we can talk about that but i'm very excited because i do have jay crouch either the first or second place winner of that bike event which is really cool right john tell me how cool i am how smart i am i think you only have that because ricky told you to have that everyone has their sources according to james tooter and down are going to tie at the finish line who according to james tooter and down are going to tie at the finish line oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:02:46 those bikes can't even hold dallin tires are just going to go flat uh and if that's true this is the last chance someone will have to beat tia which makes this pretty exciting since the workouts before we dig in since the workouts uh three of the workouts have been announced have any has that affected any of your predictions for tonight's show i made the predictions for both the men's and women's field before i knew any of the workouts i haven't changed them uh as a result of any knowledge i've gained since then mr young say mine were made three weeks ago. Now I don't feel as good about some of my picks
Starting point is 00:03:28 after the events have been announced, but I haven't changed them because you already picked them. Well, let me address that real quick because someone messaged me something today. Obviously, I put up the rankings for the women a few hours ago on Instagram and said something like, dude, have you seen the events? Haley's going to podium for sure.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And it's like, those are three of 12, 13, 14, 15. We don't know how many events. Right. It's not. We know there are going to be good events for Haley at some point over the weekend. There always are. We know there's going to be points that are, you know, events that are more challenging for at some point over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:04:03 There always are. And that's the case for almost everyone in the field. The order and the number of events that we know right now is not that relevant, really. Because we still know a very small proportion of the test. And there's not going to be eight more tests that look just like these tests. So, you know, I understand that people like to get excited about information and whatever but you know keep in context there's a lot more to learn and don't you know don't get too excited about a couple events in terms of drastically changing or altering your expectations for a
Starting point is 00:04:35 certain athlete or another that seems very fair especially an athlete like her. By that, I mean an athlete like her or Laura, where there is an event that could pop up that could actually stop them. You have to be careful. Yeah, there could be something like a heavy sled push that we haven't seen, like the dog sled way back when, and Haley can't move it, and then his last place. Really? That would be super fun to see something like that.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I just do it out there, top of my head. Okay. Let's do it. Let's dig in. Let's dig into the women. Did we say that the women were easier? Challenging in a different way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:22 So, I think John said this last night that where with the men, I mean, going down even 20, 25 spots, you know, we're finding guys like Andre who day and, and Travis mayor that are, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:37 certainly capable of pushing towards a 10th place finish, but also capable of finishing in the range of 25. I think that on the women's side, the ranges for most of the women are smaller, and there are a few exceptions to that. Meaning the women at the bottom don't really have a chance of going to the top, and the women at the top, outside of catastrophe, don't have a chance of getting pushed down to the bottom. I think the way John said it last time is there are more defined groups or tiers of women when you're doing rankings or predictions. And that maybe just take an example of women's 6 through 12.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You could see a lot of variance within there, but they're probably all – five of those six women that we think are going to be in there are going to be in there. Okay. Hey, why the hostility towards John Young in the comments on YouTube? Why? Why? Why the hostility to it?'s he's he's a cool dude hostility where it was he's a student of the game people my goodness come on he'll come over there and slap you around he's a big dude too well i'm happy john's here strong guy too me too matt suza i don't know but john oh suza you're in madison now yeah
Starting point is 00:06:51 i was looking for you a little bit ago you did not tell me you are we didn't get a chance to say hi i'm bitter i feel like you're too important yeah you're too busy i'm just wandering around the rv all you have to do is just say brian i'm in madison oh i would have said i got five minutes that's what he would say let's call someone for five minutes done okay brian friend and john young it's almost like they're made up names let's do it number one who am i pulling up here first uh do you let's let's just go off of brian's list because he got the fancy graphics and then we'll have john say his got it let me i think i think that was a good way we went went yesterday uh brian who do you got a number one to get clear
Starting point is 00:07:37 to me no and uh john young to declare to me same and the same. And there's no wiggle room, right? No. I think a better question when it comes to Tia is, you know, how many of the events do we expect her to win? What kind of margin of victory are we expecting maybe relative to last year? Because everyone knows this, and it's basically been saying this throughout the year. because everyone knows this and it's basically been saying this throughout the year outside of something really bad happening, illness, injury, et cetera. Tia is clearly, you know, way ahead of the field based on her performances in the last, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:16 five years, but also even more so, you know, in the last 12 months. And I do think that if you're, you know, if you want to look at some of those other things that I mentioned, there's some interesting topics of conversation, but if you're just trying to ask the question of if she's going to win, it's not, it's not that interesting to talk about. Is, is TM a more, uh, popular than Matt Fraser? That's a good question. And I don't really know. What do you think, John? I don't, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I think she's probably the same popular. She might be more likable than Matt Fraser, but as far as popularity, like when Matt was competing, I think Matt was more popular than Tia was at the same time when they were competing together. And now Tia's got the throne and Matt's not there to have it the other way so i mean i
Starting point is 00:09:05 would say they're the same popular popularity i i wonder who that's interesting i wonder who has um greater influence in the most shallow i mean that in the most shallow sense like if tia says we know she takes she tia says she takes creatine does that sell more than if matt fraser says he takes beta alanine here's the reason why I ask. It only comes up because of what Hiller posted, how he ranked his athletes by popularity on Instagram. And then at the end, there was a very telling number that the women at the CrossFit games have twice as many Instagram followers as the men.
Starting point is 00:09:38 So when you say like how popular are they? I know it's, it's not a quantifiable thing, but I just think about when I'm at these competitions and an athlete is announced, what's the crowd's reaction. Yeah. And last year, Danielle had the biggest reaction, right? Well, what I was going to say is throughout Tia's career, there have been other women that have gotten bigger ovations than her regularly. Sarah Sigmund's daughter being the biggest standout in that regard, right. Almost every competition she goes to, regardless if she's competing to win
Starting point is 00:10:07 or she's showing up to compete after an injury or whatever, the reception for her is massive. And, uh, and, and yeah, Daniel Brannon gets big ovations. There were times when Catherine David's daughter got big ovations, Annie Thor's daughter. So there's been these other like really big, powerful personalities in the women's field and, on the men's field Fraser was that guy for a long time and of course there's people that love Vellner and love Brent and BKG but I don't think that they that the support for those guys and I'm literally talking about the cheers from the crowds rival what I would hear when Annie was announced or Sarah was announced or Danielle was announced. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:49 By the way, I'm so happy that Brian's picks are better than the morning chalkups. They didn't have Laura on the podium. I watched that too, but they did have some interesting picks. And we'll bring that up in a minute. They definitely went out on a limb. And I enjoyed the show. I believe they're talking about the show with Jamie Higaya, uh, Lauren Khalil and some lady. Bella Martin,
Starting point is 00:11:07 I think was on that show. Bella Martin, Bella Martin. Does she have an, uh, okay. Stay on topic. Stay on topic.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Sorry. Okay. Uh, uh, who's your number two? Uh, uh, sorry. Who's your number two,
Starting point is 00:11:19 Brian? Laura Horvath. And Mr. Young. I have the same. Laura Horvath. Okay. And your number three, I have the same. Laura Horvath. Okay. And your number three, Brian?
Starting point is 00:11:28 Valerie O'Brien. And John, your number three? Gabby Magawa. And your number four, Brian? Haley Adams. And Mr. Young? Hayley Adams. And Mr. Young? Hayley Adams. And your number five, Brian?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Gabby McGowan. And your number five, John? Milo Bryan. This show's going to go by quick. He's going to ask us about them I am I am I am
Starting point is 00:12:08 I am I am I am I am sorry tell me who is your number five Mal O'Brien Mal O'Brien
Starting point is 00:12:13 sorry okay and here come the comments here's the thing here's the thing there's a there's a lady that won the Wadapalooza event
Starting point is 00:12:24 and her name is Emma McQuaid. And the Morning Chalk Up had her in the top five. I want to say even number two. Wait, wait, wait. When you say the Morning Chalk Up had her in the top five, maybe number two, what are you talking about? On the show. The Morning Chalk Up has posted Justin LaFranco's picks. They've posted Lauren Khalil's picks.
Starting point is 00:12:41 We have Jamie Aguila's picks. So to say the Morning Chalk Up's picks is very broad. Okay. On the Morning Chalk Up, I saw a show with Lauren Khalil, Bella, and Jamie Higaya. You would like Bella. I think I would too. I like the name. Sounds like an OnlyFans girl.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And I like that pick. I like Emma McQuaid. I like that pick. It's bold, she's great How come, Brian, you go first How come she doesn't make your top five? Well She has Sam Briggs coaching her, so she might just win, I don't know
Starting point is 00:13:16 No, I mean, look, if you look at Emma was 12th at the games last year, it was a very good performance, she had a great run at Wadapalooza, she got second at strength and depth to uh jacklyn dalstrom and that's uh you know if you're trying if you're talking about winning or podium at the crossfit games um you got to be winning your semi-final against this women's field and then and then to get into that conversation you have to go through laura haley gabby mal christie amanda barnhart, and Daniel Brandon, who all beat you last year. And I don't see anything in Emma McQuaid,
Starting point is 00:13:47 who's older than most of those women later in her career. She is just now coming into the best of her career, but I think all those girls are getting better, and I don't think she's closed the gap. Who took second at Wadapalooza in the female division? Bethany Shadburn. Okay, who took third? Ariel Lowen. Oh, wow. okay and and how did ellie do
Starting point is 00:14:09 um ellie got sixth okay so so and those are the two big names she beat right bethany shadburn ellie who is the other one sorry ariel lowen a. Ariel Lowen. Lucy Campbell and Danny Spiegel were the other big names. Okay. I'll be watching where you stick these people. Mal O'Brien. Brian, why don't you have Mal O'Brien in second? Didn't she get better last – didn't she grow more from last year than Laura did from last year? Yeah, but she had more room to grow. I think that, I think that Mal, I mean,
Starting point is 00:14:50 basically by putting her here, I feel that she has made the biggest strides of anyone on the women's field relative to where she was last year and what we're going to see from her this week. And, you know, it's always a little bit risky, I guess, to trust, you know know the coaches too much obviously they're going to build up their athletes but i have uh you know i have a strong feeling that as impressive as mel was at granite games we might see an even more impressive version of her this weekend however for me you know right now there's uh when we're talking about the tears i
Starting point is 00:15:22 still think it's tia in a tier of her own and Laura in a tier of her own, barring one circumstance, which is that there's a specific movement and a rule within that workout of the movement that if you can't do it, that you're out of the competition. If that doesn't happen, I think she is so good at so many other things that she will, like she was last year, be clear of the field by 50 to 100 points in the second spot. Do you think she could take a last place and still get second? No problems. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:56 John, whose, whose hole is bigger? Laura's being upside down or Gabby Magawa climbing ropes? Laura's. But Gabby's hole will come up a lot more than Laura's. Laura's at most will be one event. Gabby, there's going to be high volume pulling in multiple events. She's better at some high volume pulling implements than others, but that's still her weakest thing,
Starting point is 00:16:24 and that's going her weakest thing. And that's going to come up more times than not. And Laura's weakness is only going to come up once. If it does come up. What other stuff does Gabriella McGowan not? So you're saying pull-ups muscle-ups bar muscle-ups ring muscle-ups. You're saying all of those pulling things, Laura's better than her.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah. Yes. Ryan, you concur. Well, I don't think that he's necessarily talking about just just a head-to-head comparison i wasn't but he yeah he's but but but but since we're leaning that way i'm just curious why um i was moving from the fact that you guys both have lauren second to why john has gabby so high well the case that I would make for putting Gabby that high is that the thing I think
Starting point is 00:17:07 she's worst at, which is Legos rope climbs, seems unlikely to pop up this week because they forced the CrossFit themselves, being Adrian Bosman and his team, forced everyone in the semifinal stage to do that movement. And there are other upper body pulling movements that are also difficult, like ring muscle ups or peg boards, that I think would be better included in this test, knowing that all of these athletes already proved that they could do the legless rope climbs in advance. Have you guys seen ropes at the venue? Have you guys walked around the venue? Have you seen any rigs set up with ropes dangling? I haven't really gone into the venues at all. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I haven't seen anything. It still looks like they're setting up and most of it was blocked off and he couldn't access it because I think all the athletes are checking in and warming and like wandering around. So they probably want to block them from that. So Brian, you wouldn't rule out rope climbs. You would rule out legless rope climbs. I think it's,
Starting point is 00:18:01 I guess. Yeah. I mean, well, as soon as I saw CrossFit program them in the semifinals I was making the assumption in April or whatever when we found out that there probably would not be legless rope climbs at the games and that there probably would be either ring muscle ups or peg boards or both okay okay and look Gabby's like those are things that she's not
Starting point is 00:18:20 great at but I think she's better at those than she is at legless rope climbs and she can manage them much much better than she can legless rope climbs because once you blow up on a legless rope climb you're kind of screwed and once you blow up on a ring muscle up you can just wait five seconds and still do another ring muscle up and obviously we have the same five women in the top five and so for you know for gabby's sake if the thing that she's worst at is not in the competition, that's a, that's a really good thing for her. And it could potentially be the difference. You know, the fact that that workout, maybe she takes a 30th and a pegboard workout. Maybe she makes a 20th and those extra 35 points or whatever could be the difference between a fifth and a third. I just, I, i'm just looking at
Starting point is 00:19:08 gabby lately like she looks much leaner than she does just just eyesight like she looks more much leaner than she did in 2021 i don't know if she like is or not on the scale but she looks much leaner which she looked different in the photos i saw also i think the scale i thought she just had her eyebrows done or something i thought she could wait she could weigh exactly the same but i mean that's what i'm saying i don't i don't know if it's yeah but i know this is what seven wants me to say i trained with her earlier this week yes and she did look amazing um speaking of big heads um uh i saw a picture of uh we had ricky garard on earlier and i saw a picture of him and roman kranikoff together it's like fucking two bodies with pumpkins on their shoulders crazy what size hat do those guys wear what he does uh roman does give a
Starting point is 00:19:59 shrek-like vibe to him a little bit yeah totally i feel uh okay um what how close is mal o'brien to uh getting on the podium are we talking is it's going to come down to the final event brian i mean i i'm sorry not mal o'brien sorry sorry sorry sorry how close is hayley adams to getting on the podium both you guys have her in fourth place does it come down to the final event? We see her and Mal go to war or her and whoever? I think, I really do think that the margins between Mal, Haley, and Gabby are going to be fairly small. And I think, I don't know about the final event, but I think coming into the last day,
Starting point is 00:20:35 each of them will still have a chance to podium. John, how close will Haley Adams be to getting on that podium? I mean, I agree with Brian. I have all three of those girls on like equal footing and it's honestly it's just going to depend on how the programming is for the games and who it favors the most it's going to favor one of them more than the other two um and that will decide the third place maybe it might but it could just come down to execution
Starting point is 00:21:01 seven twelve points she's going to miss the putting by 12 points damn i love it thank you you demand wow and you know that because you worked out with gabby magawa and crew now now let me let me propose let me propose this to you totally irrelevant correlation but okay let me tell you let me propose this to you matt fraser pulls mal o'brien aside i uh i agree uh uh see hill i agree. Y'all sleeping on Kara. I agree. We'll get to that in a minute. Matt Fraser pulls Mal O'Brien aside and says, hey, your only chance of beating this girl is just to push her into the red zone. You have to get – you have to push Tia into somewhere where she hasn't been before.
Starting point is 00:21:41 You have to come out so fucking hot and make her so fucking uncomfortable john's already not like fuck you no way you have no you have to do something that makes really really fucking um uh out there you're gonna have to risk it or are they playing it safe and just trying to get mal on the podium because mal has to risk her own demise by doing that but why not why not not push to you, make to you a chaser? Well, it's a great, it's a great question.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And it's a, you know, and honestly, I think it's one that maybe Fraser doesn't want to communicate directly to Mal, but he should be contemplating that. And he has to make the decision. Do I really think she can beat her?
Starting point is 00:22:21 And if the answer is no, it's like, this is what I tell people when I play disc golf. If you have a putt from 35 feet away and you don't think you can make it, don't try to make it. Put it so close you can't miss the next one. But if you think you can make it, you have to understand that you might hit the basket and roll another 35 feet away and take a boat. So in this case, I think that there are still a lot of women that were ahead of her last year, namely those three women that she, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:46 she has to, she's like, she can't overlook them. The one thing that I'll say is I don't agree with the concept that if you want to beat Tia, you have to do it as a group. If you want to beat Tia, you have to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:01 You can't count on anyone else doing it. And if I beat her in one event and you beat her in another, and beats her in a third event, that doesn't matter. Right. Because where are you finishing in the event that I win? And where's John finishing the event that you win? If that's a seventh and a ninth, Tia's taking second, third or fourth on all of those workouts. And even though she didn't win them, if you're not taking second and third on the workout, she's winning. And you're not also beating her as often as she's beating you. You're not going to beat her no matter how many times she loses to someone else.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Right. So if you are coming in, whether you're Mel O'Brien or anyone else, and you actually want to take a run at knocking T off the top of the podium, you have to be aggressive. You have to take a risk and you have to do it in every event. And I think that would be dumb to do because you're not fit. She's not fitter than her.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I, I, I, you know what I'm her i i i wonder yeah yeah yeah i hear you i hear you i hear you so so you think it's it's also more important that she get on the podium than take risks i think she should just do her best and see where she lies and not worry about where it is like if she makes i know that's the traditional wisdom but she's not fitter than tia she knows she's not fitter than tia so trying to go all out to beat tia every single workout she's going to run herself into the ground and then get fifth when she could have got third right and i think that's the way like you need to know where you are in the field and like you could shoot above where you are, but you can't shoot four levels above where you are.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And that's where Tia is. John ranks her fifth because he thinks she's going to risk it. I ranked her third because I don't. Why are we arguing the reverse points? I don't know why we're arguing the reverse points then. Because that's what it is about, John. Daniel Brandon and Laura Horvath had an Instagram commercial release today for rad shoes. Are these types of things, a distraction for them?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Rad global shoes. Great disc golf shoes. Okay. Fair enough. I'll take the plug. Yeah, no. Yeah, I did actually. Great. Okay, good. Okay. Good. Yeah. Great disc golf shoes. And, and a really, I mean, I don't know the owner, but just from his Instagram account, it seems like cool as shit. The dude is amazing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:11 What's the dude's name again? Ben. Ben. And what? Messy. Ben. Messy. Ben.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Messy. Messy. You call him messy. I call him messy. Um, Oh, is this a distraction for, for them to be fooling around with their sponsors and doing commercials and dressing up? You call him Ronaldo. I call him Ronaldinho. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Okay. Wait a minute. Or does it help them? Does it pump them up? Does it pump them up? I don't think they were filming that commercial today. I don't think it really matters much. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:42 At the right time, the sponsors will leave them alone. Yeah. I mean, if I was sponsoring an athlete like Daniel Brandon, I would want to have some content in the bank too, and release it right before the pinnacle event of the year. So we're, but,
Starting point is 00:25:54 but I mean, they're shooting this. It looks like they put it together. It's a picture. I mean, it's actually, they got a video. They got a video that looks like a full blown,
Starting point is 00:26:01 a shoot type of thing. I, I mean, I haven't not seen this yet, but this thing, if they're doing a little thing like this today, actually might not be that bad of a thing to do in a timing wise either because i think that today and tomorrow monday and tuesday between checking in the start of the competition are some of the hardest days for the athletes where they're looking for things to do and so this is a fun cool thing that they're you know
Starting point is 00:26:20 that they can do today and fill some time so i'll reframe my mindset on that. But 48 hours from now, we'll be talking about Danielle Brandon's shoe coming off and Laura Horvath falling off a bike and shit like that. I mean, we're close. We're close. Right?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah, it's getting close. It's going to be great. It's getting close. It'll be on Wednesday. Okay, number six. Mr. Friend. Six? I guess I should pull up my picks. I think I have
Starting point is 00:26:53 Kara Saunders, six. Mr. Young. I have Amanda Barnhart. Number seven. Ryan. Yeah. Seven, I have Amanda Barnhart. Number seven. Ryan. Yeah. Seven, I have Amanda Barnhart.
Starting point is 00:27:15 What's the highest Amanda Barnhart has ever finished? I think it was... Last year. Seventh? She's been seventh twice and ninth once. She was ninth last year. So she was seventh in 2019 and 2020, ninth last year. And I think I've said this before. I'm most impressed by her finish in 2020 because the way that the – oh, no, wait.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Sorry. What? I'm most impressed by her finish in 2019 because the way that those workouts fell was really favorable to athletes that don't look like Amanda Barnhart. And she was basically the only one that Buck the Trenum was able to get into the top 10 at that size and weight basically that year. Obviously, last year's ninth place finish is also good. But three straight top 10 finishes from any athlete at any point is a very impressive thing and and this is her fifth year fifth yep fifth in a row and it's three straight in three different uh competition formats uh meaning she's been to waterpalooza five times and no like the games was different in 2019 the games oh 20 and the games different 2021 she was
Starting point is 00:28:26 top 10 in all three formats i mean that makes me think she's legit perennial top 10 in every competition she's going to be in good point what's your background swimming uh who do you got at number seven john cara saunders and and why do you put cara at seven instead of uh six why do you put her below amanda barnhart um i just think i think amanda's gonna have some home run hits and cara's uh used to be home run hits she'll be third or fifth now and not first anymore oh you think so you think do you think cara's uh her not first anymore. Oh, you think, so you think, do you think car is, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:06 her, her skillsets waning? You think she's, she's going to be, this is going to be the worst version of car Saunders we've seen. I don't, I don't think, I don't think that I just think the field is getting better.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Wow. From our interview with morning chocolate, I think it's Amanda's last year. Oh shit. Okay. Uh, uh, uh, Karen, uh, think it's Amanda's last year. Oh, shit. Okay. Karin Frejova is Brian's number eight, and I have – I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I mean, I've heard the name a million times. You don't know Karin Frej? No, I couldn't pick her out of a crowd. Before we talk about her, my number eight is also Karin Frejova, and I promise I made my picks way before Brian. Sure, sure. I know. Brian can tell. Brian, how would I know who she is? I'll tell you about Karen Frey, and I'll tell you
Starting point is 00:29:54 the same thing I've probably told you half a dozen times this year. I'm sure. Karen Frey was, she competed at Dubai in 2019. She was in the mix with Sarah Sigmundsdottir, Sam Briggs and Jamie Simmons or Green. I'm not sure which one. She was in the mix with Sarah Sigmundsdottir, Sam Briggs, and Jamie Simmons or Green. I'm not sure which one she was at that year. To win the competition with one event left out of 10. She's very good in a live competition. She's built to endure. Last year, she finished sixth in an online format. I do not think online format is super favorable her in the semifinals.
Starting point is 00:30:23 The five women who beat her last year at semifinals all finished 13th or better at the crossfit games and i would have picked her to beat three of those five women that not laura and gabby i think were the ones that beat her but the other three i would have picked her to beat them at the games which means she probably she would have been inside the top 10 last year if she's made the games based on that logic. Additionally, last year she was finishing up school. She did finish school last year. And when she qualified in Amsterdam this year, I had a chance to talk to her briefly afterwards. And she said that that was a big deal for her in terms of freeing up not so much the time that she had to train, but that she could recover better.
Starting point is 00:31:00 She could get more sleep. She could have more rest when she needed to do more body work and those types of things. And so she's been able to be more aggressive and focused in her training than she was while she was in school. So we've already seen her compete with some great women in the sport. You know, the European women in general have done very well once they make it to the games. I think she's better in not just a live format, but a longer competition with more kind of odd object ruling outdoor style events. And she has more time to focus on being a professional athlete this year than she's already have before. And she never has ever had before.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Sorry. If you said this, has she been to the games before? 2019. And 2020, 2019, she was cut in the same cut as Maddie Sturt, Fisa Goffey, Danny Spiegel,
Starting point is 00:31:48 etc. After five events. 2020 was online. She was middle of the pack. She's very... She gives me Brent Fikowski vibes. I don't know if Brian would agree with that, but... I think when you do
Starting point is 00:32:04 see her, Sevan, I think you're going to be very impressed she's she's uh pretty intimidating force um there's definitely some things that that she i would consider weaknesses of hers that could be exposed a little bit more broadly than some of the women above her who i think have very pointed weaknesses um but i think that like you need to think about the events that have been announced so far flipping a pig carrying a sandbag uh uh those whatever those jug things or sand bags are running biking keep scrolling down suza i didn't see your face okay she's gonna be fine and actually good on many of those things. What's her background? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:49 John, you can talk about her if you want. I mean, you kind of went on a rant and said everything that I would have said. Swimming background? I don't know. Do you know, Brian? Give me one second. So she's kind of like part Emily Rolfe, part Laura Horvat, her build. She looks tall.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yeah, I think she's like 5'9". Oh, I noticed that there was something. She has a handball background. Oh. Handball. Shit, that's gangster. That's super gangster wow her listed coach is miko salo no kidding wow what would a handball background give her an advantage in what type of a workout handballs are really i mean handball requires a lot of athleticism speed and agility
Starting point is 00:33:46 but also the the ability to do it over a long period of time hand-eye coordination um that shit hurts balance jumping yeah there's a you know handball's a cool sport that a lot what is she what is she a lot of experience with is she? Is she Finnish? Slovakian. How the fuck is Miko her coach? Okay. Well, I'll keep an eye on her. Good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Number nine, Brian has Christy Aramo O'Connell. Who do you have, Mr. Young? Same. Okay. And Brian, who do you have, number 10? No, no, no. Sorry. I'm on a different thing.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Sorry. Number nine, I have Daniel Brandon. Okay. And who do you have brian for number 10 daniel brandon and who do you have for number 10 uh john brooke wells wow okay um uh how much of a factor um you guys uh brian has danielle at 10 john you have her nine how much a factor is her um is the shake-up in her career in the last month uh play and is it a benefit i think maybe for her it's a benefit like it lights a fire under her yeah we talked about that for sure um this is not like now for me, I think I have all the women on this list. I think Kara Saunders has the best chance to get into the top five. The other four women there that I have, Amanda, Karen, Christie, and Danielle, along with probably the girls I have in
Starting point is 00:35:18 11 and 12, that's like the next group for me. So I think Danielle has a potential to finish as high as seventh. I like the competition experience of, of Amanda and Christie better and kind of the, just mental discipline proving it year after year. I still think they're in the, like, they're not regressing in terms of their fitness and I'm taking, you know, and I'm taking a little bit of a fire on Karen having not done this style of competition at the games, even though she's competed twice in it before, meaning there were some drastic cuts and it was online. Um, yeah, but, and I think, I don't think that that's going to be necessarily the factor for her. I just think this is where her fitness is going to, is going to have her fall. That's a good delineation, uh, that you did there speaking
Starting point is 00:35:59 about car versus those, the difference. Uh, but in those, um, that you mentioned, uh, is, is those the difference uh but in those um that you mentioned uh is is christy aramo the most likely to win an event at the games between cara amanda without knowing the events uh uh karen freyova christy aramo and daniel brandon who would you think is most likely to win uh an event at the games daniel brandon really over christy aramo the handstand walk event so the problem with the problem with christy is that the events she's most likely to win she'll get second to tia and the events that danielle's most likely to win she can beat tia okay fair i would say second best would be amanda barnhart for the same reason yeah why what is? What is it? What's Amanda's like superpower? Machines and short barbell cycling.
Starting point is 00:36:50 So any type of a sprint Amanda with with implements, Amanda's phenomenal at. And she had she has won a workout at the CrossFit Games each of the times she's competed at it in a live setting. Amanda has. Whereas Christy's only won one workout at the Games in her career, and it was in 2018, and it was on 30-ring muscle-ups. But she's been second like four times in her career all to Tia. Wait, Amanda's won an event at the games every year she's been?
Starting point is 00:37:26 Not the online version, but she did win an event in 2000, what was it? 18, 19, and 21. Wow. Do those events all look alike? In and Jerk Speed Ladder, Sprint Couplet, which is slide bar muscle-up, and Bike Snatch, Echo Bike Snatch
Starting point is 00:37:42 last year. Okay. All right. I like it uh who what which guy would you so is she uh is she roman no which guy is she most like a hopper maybe yeah that's a good comparison like a better version of hopper better looking a more controlled version of Hopper I want to ask John I want to ask John about his number 10 pick but first I want to see Brian's number 11 can I see Brian's number 11
Starting point is 00:38:13 okay how did you get how do you have Brooke Wells up there so she has the injury. She also has some amazing performances at the semifinals, but she also overheated and looked like someone fucking punched her between the eyes when she got off the assault runner. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:38:37 Do you remember that, John? Yeah. How do you get her in the top ten? She's still untested, right? She's got some well i mean i just i i honestly i just put her there from her past performances in 2020 she made the top five in uh 2019 she got cut because she stepped in the line and 2021 looked like she was going to finish top 10, like in the sixth range, fifth to eighth range before she blew her elbow out. And I think that fitness is still there.
Starting point is 00:39:13 She might not be she might not have faith in her lifting as much, but the rest of her fitness would still be there. And I think that'll come out to 10th place. And I also thought it would be a good story for Brooke to make the top 10. I think it's within the realm of possibility and I would like it to happen. So I put her as 10th. Brian, Brooke Wells, what did she place at the semifinals?
Starting point is 00:39:40 Was it fourth or fifth? It was within one point of fourth or fifth. Either way. Oh, right, right. She was in that three-way. I think she was fourth. Rebecca was fifth. Right. Okay. So on one hand, points-wise, it wasn't an impressive performance points-wise. But for some reason, I do remember it being impressive. Like, holy shit, she's back. Whatever I saw there, I was impressed by. This is my question for you.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Now she doesn't have Tia to look at in the stands. How much of a factor was that versus now she has Tia on the floor? Is it better that Tia will be on the floor? Does that charge her more or is it no factor or is it worse for her? I don't think it's any factor she still has uh she still has her coaches telling her what to do t is not her coach she's just a training partner who's your coach i believe shane is brian yeah i mean go ahead brian yeah i i don't i don't know when there's those big training camps how you necessarily say who's the coach for which athletes, but there are several coaches from Proven here.
Starting point is 00:40:49 There are several athletes from Proven here, and I think that the thing that I learned most from watching her compete that weekend is how tight-knit that group seems to be. She will have an incredible support team around her in every capacity this week. She also has a ton of experience at the CrossFit Games. And the reason why you were so impressed and everyone was so impressed with her performance
Starting point is 00:41:10 at the semifinals is the last time we saw her, it was really hard to watch and it was really sad what happened. And there was a huge amount of uncertainty of what the recovery and road back would be like if she ever came back. And for her to do that in such a short amount of time and then make it through to the games, it was completely irrelevant if she won or got fifth by a point, just making it to the games after that, you could see it was an incredibly emotional thing for her. And I think it was probably very freeing. My guess is that since then, they've had an incredible training cycle. She's continued to build confidence in the things that were maybe still kind of weighing in her mind. I don't know if I can do this again.
Starting point is 00:41:48 And I think that she'll come here feeling, you know, really good about making here, but also probably really good about her fitness. You know, she's, like I said, she's got a huge base to build upon to rebuild upon following that injury. And I think that she will be better than she was at semifinals she's kind of the like that's where i would draw the line on my list here at 12 with emma mcquade and then brooke wells along with that of barnhart aramo freiova and daniel brandon group where i think she she has the potential to push back into the top 10 like john is saying there's just a little bit of unknown.
Starting point is 00:42:30 There are definitely still some questions she has to answer. It did look like the elbow was a little bit maybe under stress on a legless rope climb. Obviously, a heavy snatch is going to be a mental hurdle in competition if it happens to come up. So there's potential that she'll have to answer some questions for herself and everyone else still. And so I kind of have her on the back end of that group, fully understanding that she could be further up on this list. Is the bike event on day one? First event. Okay. I don't remember exactly who,
Starting point is 00:42:59 but I think it was Brooke and Camille. They looked like they did not belong on bikes whenever I saw them on bikes at Madison, I think they both crashed, actually crashed, 18, 27, crashed in the warmup,
Starting point is 00:43:12 crashed in the warmup, crashed like at one mile an hour, crashed Karina rain. Thank you. Uh, uh, I think here's the thing. I'm not concerned.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I'm not concerned when you're an athlete like Brooke Wells. And let's say she takes bottom 10 in this event. Does, does that like, I'm glad that's out of the way it's up upward and onward. Or is it, Oh fuck. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:43:39 we said, we know Velner can take the hit in the beginning and be like, I'm glad that's done with let's climb. But, but someone else that might take the steam out of their train yes brian 2017 she was 35th 35th she finished 14th at the games okay 2018 bike event she was 18th okay finished eighth at the games okay 2020 bike event bike repeater she was fifth out of five and took fifth out of five at the games. Stage two.
Starting point is 00:44:07 You should not have added 2020. Yeah, yeah, that one fucked me up. That last one fucked me up. Okay, let's just say she's getting better at the bike. Okay, cool. No, no, no. What we're saying is she can have a bad finish on a bike event or any event early in the weekend and still rally and do a much better than that event.
Starting point is 00:44:25 It's come the end of the week. Is this the longest bike ride in the history of the games? 10 miles. I believe 2012 Pendleton Pendleton was long, right? I don't think it was 10 miles and it was a single speed. I don't know how much distance they've covered on the crit race. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:44 10 laps, uh, however long a lap was. And I don't know how much distance they covered on the cyclocross, but I think it was less than 10 miles. So I would say this is the longest. Okay. Who do you have number 11, John? Number 11. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Sorry. Christy Aramo o'connell okay and brian had her at nine uh brian who do you have at number 12 i had emma mcquade 11 brookwell is 12th okay who do you have 12 uh john emma mcquade okay uh who do you have 12, John? Emma McQuaid. Okay. Who do you have 13, Brian? Jacqueline Dahlstrom. Who do you have at 13? I have Ariel Lowen. And Brian, who do you have at 14?
Starting point is 00:45:40 Alexis Raptus. Who do you have at 14, John? Jacqueline Dahlstrom. And 15, Brian? Sydney McElishan. And who do you have at 15, John? Alexis Raptus. She's training in Think Tank?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yes. Yeah. uh she uh she's training think tank yes yeah uh number john has uh ariel lowen at 13 i have underestimated her before uh brian how is there anything wild about this that you see by john young's pick putting her at 13 i think she was 14th last year I mean it's a very reasonable place to have her I think and where do you have her? I have her 16th oh okay
Starting point is 00:46:34 so basically the difference between his pick and my pick there is is Sidney McElishan almost I mean yeah same people. Sydney's the only one that's there. That's not there for me. Um,
Starting point is 00:46:48 why is this is a Sydney's second, second games. Yeah. Do any, do any of these ladies that you have in here, it's their first games. No one yet, right?
Starting point is 00:46:59 Alexis. Oh, okay. And that's the only one. It's the only rookie so far. Okay. And how old is she? 23, I think.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Okay. Who do you got? I'm ready to keep going. I'm ready to keep going unless you guys want to stop and talk about one of these. You're the question master. Okay, let's go. Number 16 for John Young. 16. I got Ellie Turner. these you're the question master okay let's go uh number 16 for john young uh 16 i got ellie turner and uh one of the best in the game but massive holes
Starting point is 00:47:35 right just massive holes right but just amazing like is she gonna have an event win sorry not my event sorry sorry let me say that is she gonna take it she can have a second place she i think i mean right right i mean right i think she's capable of multiple top threes okay ryan what john said that uh he thinks ellie's capable of multiple top threes. Do you think she's capable of multiple top threes? No.
Starting point is 00:48:10 No? One top three? At best. Wow. Okay. I think that in almost every discipline that will be tested as like the limiting factor of a workout, there are, it's like pretty easy to identify at least three women that are really, really good at that thing. And I, and I think that there's a very small number of events where she can push into the
Starting point is 00:48:36 top three. I do think that there are a little more, a few more events where like four through seven is possibility for her. And that's, that's fair to say. fair to say. I would change it to multiple top fives. Let me see. There's some athletes where the longer events benefit them. More events in the competition benefit them, right? There's some athletes where more events hurts them. Is Ellie Turner that one? And is that she in that stage in her career where more events hurt her? It's more of a chance that that her holes will show up.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I'm not sure. Oh, more of a chance that her holes will show up. Yeah. Like would she prefer does she prefer semifinals to games as opposed to someone like – you know, Vellner prefers – he's probably good at both of them. But there are athletes out there who prefer more events. I think Vellner is going to shine. The longer and harder and more diverse the test is, the better he's going to do because he has very few holes. And those one or two holes can easily be offset by the variety
Starting point is 00:49:43 and plethora of things he's excellent at. Yeah, I mean, look, if you look at Ellie Turner's games last year – one or two holes can easily be offset by the variety and plethora of things. He's excellent at. Yeah. I mean, look, if you look at Ellie Turner's games last year, and first of all, I do think she's improved quite a bit from last year. She,
Starting point is 00:49:51 I have her moving up, I think eight or nine spots on this ranking from her finish last year. She, she did have a fourth place finish. That was her best finish. And it was towards the end of her competition. She only, she got cut after 10 events.
Starting point is 00:50:02 She had a fourth place finish on the ninth event. I don't think it had anything to do with where that event was placed. That was a good event for her, but that's exactly what I'm talking about. That was pretty much as good as it gets, and she was able to finish fourth in terms of a style of event that she's going to excel in. She also had finishes of 34th, 33rd, and 30th. My guess is those will improve, and that's why I think she's going to improve at the games. And what about her? She switched coaches this year, and she has her training partners the best in the game. Best male in the game.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I think that… Justin Medeiros. I know nothing about the reasons why she necessarily changed. This is what I do know. Michelle LaTondra has proven that she... Sorry, I wasn't asking why she changed. I was just... Oh, sorry. Okay, okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Michelle LaTondra has proven over her career as a coach that she is very capable of coaching high-level CrossFit Games athletes. Pat Bellner. So, no, she's coached others in the past as well, including Laura Horvath, James Newberry. And Freya Moosberger. She's new this year.
Starting point is 00:51:04 She's one of my favorites. Savan knew that. You probably had an hour-long conversation with Freya today, right, Savan? I did. I can't wait to get her on the show. It's going to be awesome. We're going to put her in a little bit on the list, too. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Send her an invite to the show, please, Sousa. I will do. You told me no surprise guests. No, you didn't do no surprise guests. But Justin Medeiros and Adam Neiffer, have they changed? So she has a great base from her training with, with LaTondra. That's right. It's going to transfer over to wherever she goes as a, as a positive entering into an environment like that.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And we mentioned the other day or Sam Dancer mentioned the other day, it seems like she's fitting in very well there. She's very happy there. And I think that for a case like her, a young athlete coming up and trying to excel in this sport, the environment, and meaning like how comfortable and happy she is in that environment, is just as important as having a quality coach or a quality training partner. And I think she has all of those things, which are all positives for her coming into this competition. How's her handstand walking? Not good.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Not good. Last time we saw her. I mean, are you talking about last year's games event? Say it again. She struggled at Waterpalooza, too. Didn't she take last at the games in that workout? It was a bad
Starting point is 00:52:25 finish but i would say right um i'm i can't i won't say that just because you did bad at the work the handstand walking workout at the games last year that you're bad at handstand walking that was a really challenging handstand walking test and you know handstand walking could show up in a capacity where it's like do something over here walk handstand walk across the field do something over here and go back like a strongman sphere style event and she might be just fine at handstand walking in that capacity so there you know it can be tested in different ways we've seen that there are ways where it can expose her but i'm not gonna say definitively that she's you's bottom 10 in this field if it was just a handstand walk along with some other stuff. Yeah, I don't know if she's bottom 10, but she's bottom 20 guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:53:12 That's okay. She can have a couple bottom 20 finishes. She's 32nd at Waterpalooza in the handstand walk event, and at the game she was, what, 36th, 35th? Yeah, that's not good. That's multiple bottom 10s tens like i mean she might what was that handstand walking event at wadapalooza it was a sprint dolly that one yeah yeah dale dale yeah for the americans it's day to your point brighter she moves from 26 to 17 that's
Starting point is 00:53:44 a massive improvement for her. It is. It is. Yeah. So even if all those things were true, like Savon was saying about a new coach, new training environment, all that type of stuff, for her to make nine spots more in the games with this field, that's massive. Well, it's not nine spots.
Starting point is 00:53:58 The people that were ahead of her that are gone from the games this year are Emma Carey, Emma Taw, Sam Briggs, Alessandra patelli mackenzie riley and laura clifton so you know basically that's seven spots already that that you know those people aren't in the field not to mention annie thor's daughter catch and david's daughter and kristen holta so obviously there's new people in the way as well but there's a huge number of women that were ahead of her that aren't here this year okay so she didn't improve but other people just left got it i think no i think that was so harsh i'm just spicing it up a little bit i felt like that was a seven comment there i wanted to get mine in thank you i don't even know what it was i was i hear something in the room next to him takes him out of what's what's that noise in the carriage stop it i better not do that you should come in here and slap me okay uh number 17 brian
Starting point is 00:54:55 17 i have ellie turner okay uh 17 mr young emily rolf uh number 18 brian lucy campbell Turner. Okay. Uh, 17, Mr. Young, Emily Rolfe, uh, number 18, Brian, Lucy Campbell. Okay. Uh, number 18, John,
Starting point is 00:55:15 Lucy Campbell, uh, number 19, Brian, Matilda Garns. Okay. Uh, number 19,
Starting point is 00:55:23 uh, John, Terry, how the daughter okay number 19 uh john turi helga daughter and brian 20 turi helga daughter and number 20 john alex kazan oh here we go okay here we go triggers that's my girl yeah triggered uh John, I haven't heard you say Sydney McElishan yet. No, I think that's one of our biggest gaps. Where do you have her? Well, we'll get to her when we get to her.
Starting point is 00:55:55 We're almost there. Okay. Brian, you had said something about Cara Saunders. You said the top six are kind of in a separate league, and you wouldn't be surprised if Cara moved up. This group below 10 for you,
Starting point is 00:56:14 who do you not see in this from 11 to 20 breaking the top 10? You're like, yeah, they're not going up there. Everyone after Brookwell's. Okay. Uh,
Starting point is 00:56:28 Jacqueline, I would say to that is, is Alexis Raptus. I'm really not sure how good she can do at the games. I, I know there are actually a lot of people that were very critical of my pick of her at, uh,
Starting point is 00:56:40 14. And, and actually some people that said both, both Brian and John are crazy with this Alexis Raptus pick. She's going to do way better than that. I think that's a little, you know, I don't know what grounds are necessarily saying that on. She is very, very good. She looked very good at the semifinals, but the, you know, those top 10 women that we talked about, it's like,
Starting point is 00:56:58 those are some, those are some pretty, you know, fierce athletes and competitors that have, most of them have proven themselves regularly in this format. And she's going to have a lot to learn this week, just like all the rookies always have a lot to learn. But I will say that of all the women 13 through 20 on my list, she is the one that I'm least confident about not having the ability to make a top 10 run. about not having the ability to make a top 10 run i'm listening to that sound in the room next i'm guessing i wonder if it's the washer i wonder if it's fucking driving me nuts want to get someone uh um yeah well you i i hear you say that but what about karen freyo but you're saying that
Starting point is 00:57:41 karen freyo is better than alexis raptus you, you guys both have Karen Freyova at eight. I don't even know who that is. That's not, that's not your problem. You should know who she is. I've talked about her at least a half dozen times. I've heard her name. It just doesn't stick.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Has she flipped anyone off? Does she hate me? Like those are the only people I remember. Okay. Uh, and Brian, I, Brian, I've heard you be pretty high about Thurie Helga Dauter, but you got her down at 20. How many games has she been to? Thurie, this will be her seventh games, but she has like the longest tenure, I think, of in the field along, uh, going back to 2012. So she doesn't necessarily made it every year, but, and when she has made it, she has a pretty
Starting point is 00:58:31 big range of finishes, you know, with, uh, finishes as low as 35th and 28th in her early years. And her best year was the ninth place in 2019. Uh, outside of that, her best finish was last year at 13th. She also had finishes pretty close to 20th. I think she was 18th and 19th or 19th and 20th in a couple of years in the mid teens. Turi is very experienced. I was actually super impressed with her at the semifinal this year. I feel like at this point in her career, I have a really good grasp on her as an athlete. I know what she's good at. I know what she's not great at. And I kind of would expect, expected her to be, you know, third, fourth, fifth,
Starting point is 00:59:05 but not really challenging the top women at that semifinal. And she seemed to be instead in the conversation with Jacqueline Dahlstrom and Emma McQuaid at that semifinal. I don't know. I'm taking, you know, I'm taking definitely taking some risks on rookies here. I mean, I have Lucy Campbell and Matilda Garns slightly ahead of her competition experience at the games would definitely give Turi the edge over them. I just happen to think that those two women are, you know, pretty good athletes that connect, that can manage this type of competition, but I don't, you know, I don't know that. So it's
Starting point is 00:59:39 a little bit of a risk or bold prediction to put both of them ahead of her. I could have had her up there at 17 or 18, I suppose, but I feel i feel good about her you know in the 15 to 20 range in this field uh someone in here said where is it damn i looked away for a second and scrolled away uh she is svelte she i mean granted her body composition has changed i remember when she came in in 2012 was like who the fuck is this? Who is the girl who had the British accent, but she would compete under the American flag and she was an Olympian in boating? Who is that? Anna Tobias. Anna Tobias. And what was her name before? Anna Tunnicliffe. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Another that was another girl. That was another lady who I would see and I would be like, man, is that is that really a CrossFitter? And she would come and she would fucking tear shit up. And I feel that way about this. The first year that three I was like, OK, she's starting to look a little more stout. You know what I mean? Like she can throw the weights around a little bit um and you're saying that she is uh she she's the most tenured person in the field if you go by when they first came is there anyone else and she showed up at the game is the first time in 2012 has anyone and it's 2022 and that's uh carl saunders is the only other one from 2012 yep crazy crazy crazy crazy i think tonic cliff uh tobias may have had a kid i chat i think i chat with her sometimes on instagram she did do masters one year when uh briggs went masters because she
Starting point is 01:01:16 she was one who beat briggs god she looks better now than even when she did when she was young that crossfit shit really works. Oh, is that her? Is that Daniel Chaffee? How is she an American, but she had an accent? Who's that guy on the right? On the right. Maybe that's not Daniel Chaffee.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I can't tell. No, it's definitely not. Okay, so she's not a threat to the podium. after 10 years. She's just here just hanging out. No, she's competing. And I think, I think she a serious threat to Tia on this biking event? Well, I think in the biking event, right? She's a triathlete. Brian doesn't have her 17th. Sorry, John.
Starting point is 01:02:15 John. John. Sorry, John. Did I say Brian? John. John, you have Emily Rolf at 17. Are we going to see an event win from her? I think it's possible.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I don't know if we will but there are two events where she already announced where she could be in the running which are they literally which are they which ones are they every event that has running in it and biking right she's a triathlete right for instance for instance like the 2a 2B one where you run and then you do the jerks. If she decided to just sell her soul on the run, she's going to be – She probably should do. Yeah, and she probably should do because she's not very strong and just do like James Newberry did whenever he sent it on the bike
Starting point is 01:03:00 in the toe-to-ring workout and beat Fraser. Tia will not beat Emilyily rolf if she sells her soul because he is going to hold back a little bit so she can jerk a whole bunch and still have advantage why do you get scored wait but you don't get you get scored on the jerks not on the run right you get scored on the run that's one workout and then you get scored on the jerks that's the second workout there's two scores okay i thought it was going to be just the total number of jerks. And are they both worth 100 points, Brian? Yeah. This, that, I think they're, I don't know what they're called, 2A and 2B or something like that.
Starting point is 01:03:32 But the strategies that different athletes implore for these two workouts is going to be varied. And Emily Rolfe is a great example of why. She is towards the bottom of the field in terms of her shoulder to overhead strength and she's in the top five possibly the top three maybe even the top one on certain running style workouts she if she thinks she can push it on the run and get a hundred points even if she takes last on the lifting that's 102 total points between those events and there will be women that take 25th and 22nd they get less points than that overall like if i was her i would put my rebox shoes on and i would run as hard as i could and that's 13 000 that she's gonna get and that for that 400 why
Starting point is 01:04:19 would you not do that the 400 800 1200 it's a combined time for the repeats uh what this this this 200 pounds my god these women are strong this 200 pounds do they take it off a rack or uh yeah it's off it's off of jerk blocks and okay okay so even if you screw up the lift it doesn't go to the ground no which is huge for a lot for some people it's a It's a really big deal that they get to do that. Hopefully it does not go to the ground. Yeah. Something's gone really wrong if it goes to the ground, right? No, no.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Everyone who's done CrossFit knows, like, sometimes you put something overhead and then you lose stability. And if you drop it in it, you know, like, that could happen. Especially if you're coming off a high heart rate of a run. That's a part of execution, though. I don't think they should be, they should have help to get it up. I think they have to clean it up and put it back. You're saying if you come off the blocks, someone shouldn't come out there and help you.
Starting point is 01:05:13 You're toast. Yeah. The time caps are so small that if that happens, you're probably done within that working interval anyway. We're going to see it come off the blocks. I can't wait to see the setup. God, this is going to be amazing. That reminds me of when the wheelbarrow would tilt over at car you know what i mean like that big element of it when that dumped you were screwed you were basically out
Starting point is 01:05:33 of the running but you had to get your wheelbarrow back and put your bags back in i'm saying if this happens and the time runs out in your rest minute i think you have to put the weight back oh interesting you know what i mean because you're the one who threw the weights off right steven blow me blow me buddy blow me uh okay um so so m so emily rolf's uh emily this is day one's good for emily rolf i mean two two out of the three of me i don't i don't know if she's going to be great at the biking event she's a triathlete what are you guys talking about she's going to be the best who's going to be better than her at that laura hayley um everybody in
Starting point is 01:06:23 the she should she should do fairly well on this event. She should do fairly well on the running event. She should do very poorly on the lifting event. I think Emily's going to be top 10 after day one. Emily Rolfe. I think she could be. There are...
Starting point is 01:06:40 Maybe you say after these three workouts that you know. These three workouts. It's possible. These aren't all on. These three, yeah, these three workouts. It's possible. These aren't all on the same day, the ones they've released. No, these are 1, 2A, and 2B. We don't know if that's the totality of the workouts on day one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Yeah, but he's talking about the capital event. Which is not on day one. No, it's not on day one. But she might have a chance on that one too. I think she would have a chance, yeah. I hope Tia carries it up the stairs without putting it down. I think Laura's got a better
Starting point is 01:07:14 shot than Tia does at that. Good point. 21, Brian. 21, Paige Semenza. John? Emma Lawson. Oh, nice. page simenza uh john um emma lawson oh nice uh rookie rookie year yep 17 years old is she that young i don't think she's that young could be competing in the teen division this year right correct oh man then she's the only one in the field doing that yeah guys that's worth just being a fan just for that she's like she deserves a standing ovation for that
Starting point is 01:07:51 yes it would have been more uh it would have been more well celebrated if not for emma carry and mallory o'brien last year also doing the same thing okay Okay, fine. If Olivia Kurtz said or did the games this year, that would have been really celebrated. 22, Brian. Emma Lawson. Oh, wow. Okay. John, 22.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Bailey Rail. Oh, who's bigger? Who's bigger, Thurry or Bailey Rail? Bailey. Bailey. Okay, so when you see them standing next to each other bailey looks like the more formidable person turi is very tiny and that's what holds her back in workouts uh 23 uh brian emily rolf wow no respect uh 23 john young sydney mickalician Wow. Oh, respect. 23, John Young. Sydney McElishan.
Starting point is 01:08:48 God, I hope you're wrong. You see some glaring issues? No, it's not that. She finished 25th this year. And I mean, I know she's a great semifinalist, but I just don't think, um, I don't think she's going to jump, make a huge jump, but,
Starting point is 01:09:09 uh, I mean, maybe Brian knows something I don't, uh, about her. Cause he has her much higher. She's going to have a tough first day. She's going to have a tough,
Starting point is 01:09:17 anything with running. She's going to, it's going to be tough on her. She does not, uh, run. I wouldn't even call what she does running. And, but other than that, she's a savage that's complete savage it's terrible well i mean and you know i say that but what
Starting point is 01:09:32 annie thor's daughter does doesn't look like running either and she's fucking great at it she seems to do great but it doesn't look like running to me it's like it's like something else it's like shuffling or something or lumbering or she doesn't look like a runner right plotting uh 24 uh mr friend bailey rail uh 24 john young danny spiegel and uh brian 25 solvig sigurd our daughter, that's my girl. That's who I got. Sigurdardotter. Sigurdardotter. She's on your fantasy team? To Tyler Watkins Fantasy Fitness League.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Have you put her into your lineup for any events yet? No, are we allowed to do that already? For the ones that are announced, yeah. Oh. I put my picks in today. You can go and look at them, and you can make your picks accordingly. What's the website? Lawnchair Leaderboarding. Lawnchair.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Okay. I better do that. Lawnchair. Over 1,000 people have signed up. That's amazing. Wow. That is awesome. Lawnchair.
Starting point is 01:10:37 And it's just in its beta too, right? It's not even like a polished app yet. Yep. Yep. I better put in my big... Should I put Solvig? Sigurdardotter?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Sigurdardotter? Sigurdardotter? Every event, put her in. Which event should I put her in for? Any of the ones that have been announced yet? 1, 2, 3. I'll probably try to sabotage you. She's not going to be good at any of those events.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Thank you, John. We'll team up, Sevan, and I'll help you out. Okay, thank you. 25, John. 25. I have Paige Semenza. Okay. 26, Brian.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Danny Spiegel. 26, Mr. Young. Matilda Garns. 27, Brian. Young. Matilda Garns. 27, Brian. Alex Gazan. And of all the people on here right now, the highest American is Mal O'Brien. Haley Adams.. Hayley Adams. And Hayley Adams.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Okay. 27, John Young. Solveig Sigurdadotter. Solveig. 28, Brian. Paige Powers. John, 28. Freya Moosbrugger. No shit. hours uh john 28 freya moose brother no shit she's not gonna take last why do you why do you hate freya i hate her she's been training with belner yeah she's a good dude
Starting point is 01:12:20 she's a good dude she's a good dude i just i just just you know she's a good dude uh 29 uh brian brian did you see that i stayed on topic i'm being cool see that brian you're being great i really appreciate it thank you thank you uh 29 uh brian carolyn privo carolyn privo uh do we get an event do we get a second place finish from carolyn prevo at the game i mean the right style of a deadlifting workout and she can have a top three finish for sure yes she could have a first place if it's the right style right beat tia yeah yeah wow she's an incredible athlete uh she's like her her the things that she's good at are not like the relative of the field uh that are not tested here it's like incredible how good she is
Starting point is 01:13:14 at those types of things fighting hockey just like whatever but in terms of things that will be tested here she's also world-class meaning the the best in the world, I think, at a very, very specific deadlifting for reps style workout. How is someone like her 29th, but someone like Katrin Frejova? Karen Frejova, thank you. Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. Yeah, Karen Frejova. She. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. Okay. Yeah. Karen. Yeah. Karen Freya. Um, she comes from handball.
Starting point is 01:13:50 I need to interview her. Does she speak English? Does she speak English? Not great. We'll make it work. All right. I want to, I want to hear there's something, there must be something.
Starting point is 01:14:00 There must be something. She must've been like the world's best handball player or something, or she was like Pogo stick champion or something. That would be good. And Henry on here though. Tylan Henry. Yeah. You should get him on South African.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah. I think he's a, I think you'd love talking to him and everyone had him at 40th. Yeah. All right. All right. I'm willing to do that. Fittest man in africa that's it that's your thumbnail right there carlos nesta fz i wonder if sevan acts stupid uh i wonder is
Starting point is 01:14:36 sevan acts stupid sometimes or is it just all weed from his 20s that that weed didn't stop in his 20s carlos you still got that in his 20s, Carlos. You still got that bag next to you that you showed that one episode? Many episodes. I didn't even smoke weed until my... I didn't even smoke weed until my mid-20s.
Starting point is 01:14:59 I thought that was God. Yeah, he just has it for show. That's what he rests his Colton Merton's card on top of. Philly B, can they talk why they project Danny where they did? They can talk. Can they talk why they? Yes. Philly, I think you found your match with Carlos.
Starting point is 01:15:19 He likes to speak in tongues also. I wonder is. Okay. First, before then, I want to see john young you're 29 please uh christine colin brander okay uh sorry brian i'm gonna get to you in one second with danny spiegel and uh number 30 uh brian elena caratala and i apologize that should be two r's in her last name not one el. Elena. Oh, that's my girl too. Santa Hua. There's two R's in my spreadsheet, but it's no big deal.
Starting point is 01:15:52 And Mr. Young, you're number 30. Paige Powers. Your graphics guy is dope. I like Paige Powers. That's the Mayhem Girl. Atlas Games. Is anyone in the Atlas Games top 20 in either of your lists? No. No, we both have Emma Lawson just slightly outside the top 20.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Right, okay. Okay, Danny Spiegel. Brian has her at number 26, and John Young has her at 24. and John Young has her at 24. I will have an article coming out on some of the top women in the sport for the Morning Chalk Cup tomorrow, and Dani Spiegel is actually listed in there, and I write a little bit about her.
Starting point is 01:16:39 This is the thing about Dani Spiegel. I'm just worried about her durability. She has competed at the Games three times. times in 2019 she got cut after five events that's okay 92 of the field was cut after six events so whatever 2020 she competed it was online seven events she did them all i think everyone did them all uh she did okay whatever it's it's like those are not good sample points for me to say whether she can endure this test or not i know that she struggles with long distance running we know that she did better at the granite games this year on it and i'm definitely aware of that last year she was forced to withdrew from an injury that was the would have been the first time that we could have
Starting point is 01:17:17 seen her compete what i did see when i looked back at the events from last year was after she got cut i think there are between five and eight events that she had the potential to take top 10 finishes on and on a couple of them she could have even take top threes so if she's able to last the weekend when i kind of projected what uh a traditional games 13 and 14 events or whatever would look like i think she actually could accrue enough points to be in the 10 to 15 range. This is a, you know, I just, this, so this prediction is more reflective of the fact that I'm not sure if she can last over the course of this style of competition, where there's going to be a ton of running, which has historically been her weakness. And, and if that's the case, I don't want to, you know, I don't want to put her up there
Starting point is 01:17:59 in a 13 spot when I think that there's 10, 12 other women that I'm pretty confident are going to be able to, um, excel across the duration of this test. Have you, I didn't hear you say that she's pulled out an event. Did I think that there's 10, 12 other women that I'm pretty confident are going to be able to excel across the duration of this test. I didn't hear you say that she's pulled out an event. Did I miss that? She withdrew last year. Oh. Yeah. And is that the only stuff?
Starting point is 01:18:14 She has a history of doing very well in six and seven and eight workout events. I mean, she's done well at Wadapalooza. She's done well at semifinals. Her event finishes at semifinals over the last two years are very impressive. She has some really unique skill sets she's super strong she's got some pretty specific things she's good at gymnastics on um like she'll have some good of assuming she can do all the events she'll have some really good event finishes and she'll do better than 26
Starting point is 01:18:38 but i'm not sure she's going to last the whole competition i thought she was crazy impressive at semi-finals crazy impressive um would you would you put fukowski in that same boat too what no of what boat of just do you ever have concern that he's not going to finish it's a lot of body to get through the whole the week the when is when is he not finished uh competition i i don't know maybe he hasn't i'm just thinking i was just looking at straight just strictly body composition it's a lot and i wonder that about roman too there these are just big human beings it's a it's it's a toll on him it's not it's not uh you know uh christia rama o'connell it's less pounding on the body less force less you're dragging around. Alex Gazan, her rookie year.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Will she do anything impressive or should she just be down at the bottom the whole week? You think she's just going to be just straight across 13 events at 27th place? More or less. I'm exaggerating. Specific gymnastic capabilities that if the right event showed up, she can make noise.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Someone just sent me a link this is her company the oh oh sorry i was i thought someone sent me a link to danny spiegel's only fans page but it's someone else's only fans page okay i apologize uh dan uh does danny spiegel have an OnlyFans page? Sorry, stay on topic. Okay. Sorry, John, what were you saying? Do you have any concerns about Danny Spiegel not making it the whole week? Yeah, half the competitions she does, she doesn't finish. Okay. Especially the longer ones. Like Brian said, she's very good at the, at two day competitions,
Starting point is 01:20:25 but when it's four day competitions, she just, she tends to get more beat down than everybody else or most people. So some people are like, man, I just want to be top 10. Danny Spiegel is like, man, I just want to finish the competition. Like she could finish anywhere between 15 and 30. Okay. I would push that even up to 10th. Wow. Yeah. She's one of the athletes I think has the biggest range of finishes. Uh, and I, and look, I hope that she's able to last the competition because she's incredibly popular. She has, she has a great
Starting point is 01:20:57 capacity in certain things to be very exciting and perform very well. And that's, you know, those are the type of athletes that I want to be in the competition throughout the competition. I want to see people that excel in certain things push Laura and Haley and Gabby and Cara and Tia in those things that they specialize in. And she does have the ability to beat Tia in an event. Not many people can say that.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Well, that's a good point. That's a great point. 31, Brian. 31. I have Christine Colon Brander. John. I have Carolyn Spencer. Carolyn.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Who? Carolyn Spencer. One is Caroline Connors, nowoline spencer married to austin spencer consecutive year at the games i might have her in my in my she might be my my she might be my backup none of the picks that we mentioned in the top 15 he recognized as being on his team he knows all the bottom 15 christine cole colin brander you had at 31 and some chick named carolyn connors you have at 31 i i don't god that name is okay 32 ryan carolyn spencer carolyn let's why carolyn spencer can we call her carolyn oh is this austin spencer's wife yeah yeah holy shit okay now now the picture is starting to make sense good wow they're stoked
Starting point is 01:22:28 they're both misfit athletes yep wow they're really really stoked does misfits have any other athletes at the games um i'm not sure i'm not sure i I'm not sure. I wonder, at that point, you come in because of the Joel testing positive situation. You make it to the games, Austin Spencer. I wonder if there's a huge kind of relief. Like, hey, fuck it. I'm just going there to have fun and cheer my wife on. We've got to get him on the show too did we have him scheduled
Starting point is 01:23:07 might be misfit we can get him scheduled we had him pop in but we need to do a full show with Austin okay and Colton maybe tomorrow oh yes and then we got to get Gary Roberts and Paul scheduled and Alex Stein the week after the games.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Okay, I'm off subject again. Sorry. 33, Brian. Freya Mooseburger. Freya, what's up, girl? That's your girl. And I just want you guys – it's not Freya Mooseburger. There's an R in there, Bruger.
Starting point is 01:23:41 And I feel like you and John are missing that. So just so you know so be careful when you say your name uh 33 john elena carotala oh elena that's my girl spanish girl elena elena who uh uh 34 uh brian rebecca fusile rebecca she's been on the show great podcast i just recommend everyone go listen to it she's a little bit she's a uh what's it called firecracker uh 34 john young elisa foliano elisa uh lisa foliano she's the one with uh now i'm just showing off for brian uh she's the one with arthritis that has a day job they couldn't't believe she made it, and she's hot as fuck.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Number 35, Brian. Sung Young Choi. Sung Young Choi. I wanted her just because I wanted to say her name. John Young, number 35. Rebecca Fusile. Okay. I feel like the last hint is just testing our pronunciations
Starting point is 01:24:45 36 brian victoria campos john victoria campos uh brian 37 oh i got a good i have a good uh trivia question for you guys uh 37 john young sun young toy I have a good trivia question for you guys. 37, John Young. Sung Young Choi. Be honest with me. Down here when it gets to the end, did you actually give it any time or were you like, hey, throw your five names and see where they land? Just fill the vid.
Starting point is 01:25:20 I had a tier system. You did? Okay. And then from there, I didn't put as much research in as i did the top 20 brian did you make you make three by five cards with their names on them and then kind of like move them around on a board i just i just picked these out of a hat okay uh 38 elisa fuliano uh and john young 38 julia kato Elisa Fuliano. And John Young, 38. Julia Cato. Joya, it's Julia.
Starting point is 01:25:53 I said Julia. I said Joya Cato. 39. Brian? Seher Kaya. Country's that? Seher Kaya. Country's that? Seher Kaya. Country's that?
Starting point is 01:26:07 She's from Turkey. She trains in Norway. Oh, I think I've DM'd with her. Yeah, 39. John Young. Michelle Moran. South African? Yep.
Starting point is 01:26:24 And 40, Brian? Michelle Moran. And 40, Brian? Michelle Morant. And 40, John Young. Say her, Kai He. Kai He. These ladies that you have down at the bottom, these bottom 10, Paige Powers, Carolyn Connors, Carolyn Spencer, Hua, Rebecca, Freya Mooseburger, Victoria,ia aliciano etc um sun young choy do
Starting point is 01:26:50 they these are down here like these ladies are not coming up they will be in that final heat all week i would say that colin brander and privo think, could go in the next seat. Power bottoms, yes. Okay, so I would say from, let's just say from 34 to 40 range, Hussle, Choi, Campos, Cato, Fuliana, Kaya, and Morant, I think that one of them will be in the top 30 and will exceed our expectations. Yeah, I think that one of those will exceed our expectations i just don't know which one um have the games ever started with um uh 40 women and 40 men where they all start but also don't forget someone that there's like
Starting point is 01:27:35 there's always a certain number of people that withdraw from the games yeah and that's what i'm wondering have they ever started can you remember them ever starting and it's 40 and 40? Yeah, most years it's 40 and 40. No one pulls out right off the bat? Someone can't show up? It does happen, but I mean, most years they start 40 and 40. I'm just looking like, let's check 2016 for example. In 2016, all 40 women started and all 40 men started there we go 2016 yeah there were only one withdrawal on each side that year it was yonakoski
Starting point is 01:28:15 withdrew after the swim and it was a late aletheia boone who withdrew after 100 when she ruptured her achilles okay oh yeah, yeah. There's some of the comments you fuckers should be kicked out for, but they're so damn funny that I'm going to let it slide, but you better fucking watch your fucking self. Fucking slap you guys around. Fuck nuts. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:40 I like these lists, and this list does feel more certain than the men's list. Can we show you something that Mike Halpin made earlier today? Please, please. Susan, do you have it ready to go? Yeah. We're actually considering using this, but I think it would have confused you,
Starting point is 01:28:57 so we decided to save it until the end. I can guarantee you it would have confused me. I haven't even seen it yet. I am confused. I walk around confused. This is cool. It's really neat. And at the end of the games, we'll be able to see very clearly who was better.
Starting point is 01:29:13 So the number there, negative two, means that John placed her two spots below. And if it's a positive two, then he had her two spots higher. Okay. Oh, interesting. Okay, good. really nice it's a really nice visual so you can see that there's not a lot of variance through the first 12 picks here and then as you scroll into the next round you can see there's a numbers get brighter sydney mccullish and matilda garns and emily rolf are places that we differed more dramatically
Starting point is 01:29:40 than anywhere else on this list um you i think you guys said from just listening to you talk that the biggest unknown... Damn, I just had it. Oh, Alexis Raptus. So I think that the three people, if you want to watch, and you guys tell me yours too, if you want to watch three people who I think really we're uncertain about on this list,
Starting point is 01:30:04 it's Kara Saunders, uh, Alexis Raptus. I just say those two. I would put Emma Lawson in that conversation. I put, I put Brooke Wells in that category too. And of those,
Starting point is 01:30:18 who would you say is the most, the most like, yeah, this, this one, we could have really had, this one could have really had wrong. I, I, I feel least confident of anyone on this list of my ranking of emma lawson
Starting point is 01:30:30 okay and yeah and just to be clear the difference between placing someone the way i think of it is if you place someone fourth who ends up taking second that's like more often if you place someone 40th and they take 30th it's like fuck the guys at the bottom who cares if they fuck that up you know what i mean because it's so hard it's so much harder to climb around at the top than move around at the bottom any those knuckle heads like anything could happen they slept on a banana peel but that makes sense to what you're saying it's crazy to talk like that about the 40 any of the 40 fittest women in the world but shit here we are we have the lowest discrepancy in the top 10 so that would lead to what you are saying i would agree with
Starting point is 01:31:16 that uh mr radio slam you shouldn't believe anything on reddit just so you know no never do you uh i know we're talking about the women but he's got this for the men too do you want to see the men because it's very similar as far as our differences didn't weren't that big yeah sure it's incredibly close it's incredibly close and you guys aren't surprised either right i i'll be honest when i saw john's rankings compared to mine there were certain athletes that we had had so similarly ranked that I didn't think we would. And that was true for both the men and the women.
Starting point is 01:31:54 He surprised me with Roman. This is a perfect place to have a big difference. Dallin, right? Because there's a bit of an unknown. It's his first games. Yeah. If there was going to be someone that you guys were going to have a huge discrepancy on,
Starting point is 01:32:08 that's the guy. Susie, can you scroll down this one a little bit? Samuel Kwan is probably our biggest discrepancy. And Patrick's. Yeah. But I would say like Kwan's probably more likely to do what you've said. And I think Spencer's probably more likely to do what I've said and I think Spencer's probably more likely to do what I've said like we both took a risk a different type of way and and Kwan's another
Starting point is 01:32:30 unknown like of course of course if there was going to be someone different you know with that massive discrepancy it's going to be Kwan yeah so like a good example of what I was just referring to is Emma Lawson I thought that her range of finishes was like 10th to 30th and I put her 22nd and John had her 21st. I could have seen her putting him. I could have seen him putting her 15. I could have seen him putting her 27. And the fact that he ended up with a ranking that was one spot away from me.
Starting point is 01:32:55 And that happened on multiple occasions where I was like, wow. What is this? I mean, FTW, Mike Halpin, fuck the whiteboard? What's FTW? For the win. Oh, oh. Okay, Brian, do you have any news that you can share with us about anything? Any of the athletes, everyone look healthy?
Starting point is 01:33:25 Anyone limping? Anyone with ice on shoulder any did how did it look today you're there right yes yes yes i i have um played tommy marquez and disc golf twice and he's his peck is bothering him a little bit and uh who won between you and tommy and disc golf dude i'll tell you what. Both Tommy and Chase Ingram rarely ever play disc golf. I play all the time, and I usually only beat them by five or six shots. They're very, very good for not playing very often. Yeah. I know
Starting point is 01:33:56 Chase is good at swimming, and Tommy's just fucking good at everything. It's really fun to play with them. They're very competitive. They're very competitive. They're very athletic. Good body control. And, yeah, so it was nice to be able to do that.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Were they asking about me? Well, we did kind of speculate how you would be doing at disc golf. Tommy also is much better. He says he's a much better ultimate frisbee. I said, oh, so Saban is also very good at Ultimate Frisbee. In fact, you two would probably be an incredible combo. Yes. Because you could throw it and he will chase it down.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Yes. Yes. That's a team I could get behind. Holy shit. The Tommy and Seve. He throws this shot. The Seve. It's usually called the Tomahawk, but he calls it the Tommy Hawk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:43 I'm familiar with the Tommy Hawk. Yeah. I'd even call it that for him if he'd get on the team with me um okay i i love this uh i think we did a great job covering this i'm happy um and uh the games will commence in less than uh 48 hours wednesday what time does this sucker roll i think we could it's probably less than 36 hours now it's uh 10 to 10 central oh and what time is the first event on wednesday 10 it's teams right okay so 36 hours and 26 minutes and i think teams are first correct i i'm not sure actually or they their last. Never mind. Their last
Starting point is 01:35:25 event. It ends with them. All right. Any final words, thoughts? This was fun. Thank you, John, for coming on. I don't know. I haven't been paying attention to any of your comments,
Starting point is 01:35:42 but I appreciate the time and work that you put into doing this. And glad that you were able to jump on uh tomorrow morning at 6 55 a.m pacific standard time i will be jumping on with jr howell and taylor the thumb self to discuss the workouts that have been released to talk about uh the rumors that i didn't bring up today because brian asked me to stay on subject. And I think it's going to be a great show. We also might have a show shortly in 25 minutes. You may see it on the schedule with a special guest.
Starting point is 01:36:18 I'm just waiting for confirmation. I think we're at 51%. Good night. We also have Amanda Barnhart. Oh, when? Oh, what time? Right after that programming show. Oh, great. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:31 I got all my notes for that already, so I don't have to stay up until 2 in the morning. Yeah, just some people were asking about it in the comments, and we've, you know, just trying to get it squared away, so it's moved around a little bit, but she will be on tomorrow. Yep. That was our fault. That was not Amanda's fault. No, definitely not Amanda's fault. amanda's fault no no no let's push back barnhart back another day no let's not okay bye

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