The Sevan Podcast - #520 - CrossFit Games Morning Show

Episode Date: August 3, 2022

GOOD MORNING FROM MADISON! Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEV...AN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TS Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Let's see if this will work. Whoa, just drop him. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Getting crazy. What were you going to say about that guy pushing the sled behind you? Oh, he's got three Emmys. Boomer. Boomer Allred. So he works for, he shoots for ESPN, like 30 for 30s,
Starting point is 00:00:47 and he's doing the documentary on LeBron James. He's a member of our team. Long-time member. Oh, cool. Yeah, he's a good dude. I'd love to have him on. Are they going to talk about what a racist LeBron is? A racist, sexist, a victocracy?
Starting point is 00:01:00 How he sells poison to little black kids with one hand, but waves BLM signs with the other hand? I'm sure he'd love to little black kids with one hand but waves bln sign blm signs with the other hand i'm sure he'd love to come on and talk about that he should uh excuse me mr lebron chronic disease is the biggest problem in the world and yet you sell um sprite to uh little uh melanated kids oh and but but i love equality. You sell it to little white kids, too. You're really cool. Susie, good morning. Hey, good morning. Good to see you.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Ladies and gentlemen, this show is not for everybody. This show is just for people who can handle the truth. I know that sounds so self-righteous and pretentious. I know, but it's the premise of the show. It's the premise of the show it's the premise of the show give him a break savon no you don't get a break
Starting point is 00:01:50 hey oh my goodness that's the outside of the uh how do we make him big how do we make him big bam no bam there we go you got it oh i think think it's me and someone else trying to do it at the same time. There we go. You want to check out this line first? Okay, so that is the entrance to the CrossFit Games day one. Is that right, Sousa? That's right. This is the ticket, bag check, and everybody getting in right now.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Why are the lines so long? Is the security that tight, or just it hasn't opened and these are people lined up early yeah second one hasn't opened this people lined up early could you shake the camera more i want to see if taylor has a seizure oh shit sorry what do you have this camera on the end of a slinky oh yeah it's on a rubber band wow how long do you think it's going to take for people to get in that line is fucking enormous Flinky. Fuck. Yeah. It's on a rubber band. Wow. How long do you think it's going to take for people to get in? That line is fucking enormous.
Starting point is 00:02:53 You can talk to Taylor too. You don't have to just talk to me. Sousa. Do you know if, do you know if most of the tickets are just like general admission and that's why people are getting in line early because it's kind of like first come first serve on the seating no i just think that they were lined up before they just now started letting them through so that's why the blinds along it wasn't even open before gotcha yeah holy fuck it's wrapped around yeah i'm trying to hold this
Starting point is 00:03:21 as steady as i can they're not doing a good job. Don't worry. Oh, my goodness, Sousa. Look at that. Look at that line. Oh, my goodness. Barack Bez, I'd love to give someone an actual class on nutrition with clinical research. Barack Bez, I'd love to give you a lesson on clinical research. How about that? I'll trade you.
Starting point is 00:03:44 on, um, the, uh, on clinical research. How about that? I'll trade you. I can talk to you about the replication crisis crisis in academic science. And you can talk to me about, um, the lies that you study in, uh, academia. How about that, buddy? Jackass. I know I read into that, but, but, but I'm okay with it. This is incredible. Um, is this, is it, uh, is it sold out? Do you know, Sousa? I had no idea. I know the stadium's sold out in like 10 minutes. It is sold out. We had a member from our gym that was trying to get tickets, and he couldn't find tickets anywhere.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Sousa, will you give $5,000 to the first person you see wearing a CEO shirt? Yep. Thank you. $5,000 cash. Incredible. Have you been inside already no no no no the traffic to get in and like the uber situation was about as crazy as this line getting in i know sorry graham i didn't mean to let you down sorry i know i know i know i know and it keeps going further and further back wow it's going to be exciting it is going to be exciting and where is this how close are you to the starting line the
Starting point is 00:04:51 first event this morning which starts in uh 57 minutes is the bike to work event how close are you to the starting line um it would just be in between there. So wrap back around to where I first came from and through those gates and then to the left. So I don't know, 100 meters away. Okay. So it's inside the venue. So this biking that they're doing is around this massive venue. Yeah. I think it might even trail through that RV park.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Because if you guys saw some of the photos of Boz and stuff stuff like where it goes from gravel to cement or gravel to asphalt that's where kind of the rv park entrance in the um in the stadium kind of meet right there so i i wonder if it's around even the rv park because that's only that's the biggest loop i could think of inside the event unless they're going outside of the event all the way to my left on the far side. All right. This is the first time that a little tiny bit of me wants to be there. How cool. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Compared to yesterday, there was absolutely nobody here. This was basically empty. And pulling up this morning, I was shocked. do you have to wait in that line with the media pass no good yeah yeah that's why i decided to give a little show of this line because it was just so nuts that i figured everybody would want to kind of see it as they came wow that is unreal yeah and it keeps going all the way back and bends around that corner that's nuts fantastic all right don't cut someone in line susan see if they yell at you or they recognize you susan um i'm gonna i'm gonna uh log you off i'm gonna pull your camera off well i'll just keep you small for a second i'm
Starting point is 00:06:38 just gonna mute you for a second and uh yeah i want to i'm gonna pull up a comment that i want to share and i'm gonna go get around to the inside of the venue, okay? Okay, cool. Camera will be shaky, so you can drop me backstage if you like. Here we go. Okay, okay. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Let's see if this is it. Okay, so yesterday I did a show. I went off a little bit on one of the guys who's in the space who vlogs called Craig Ritchie, and I just went off on his content. And I just wanted to share with you guys something. This is a museum quality specimen comment of someone who's trapped in their head. This is what it looks like when you're trapped in your head. And I'll help you define anyone, what it means to be trapped in your head, trapped in your head.
Starting point is 00:07:18 If someone says something to you, you respond to it in your head, you have a reaction to it. And then instead of responding to what they said, you respond to your reaction and you don't even know you're doing it. And so now you're stuck talking to yourself and the person is trying to figure out what's going on. And most people will still engage you. They won't even realize that you're doing that. It's a huge problem with couples. I see men and women doing it all the time. It's bizarre, but, um, people get sucked down that rabbit hole all the time, but, but here we go. Uh, a reason why people enjoy Craig Ritchie's video is that
Starting point is 00:07:50 unlike Yusef on his happy, positive person. And he takes you with, with him into his adventures. Oh, I made it big. Oh, you're a good dude. Oh, can you scroll down a little i want to see your name she's uh so um my first concern is that you're an ocr racer but but whatever a reason why people enjoy craig richie's videos is unlike you someone he is happy positive person and he takes you with him on his adventures i'm so fucking happy and positive um and I would argue that Craig Ritchie, I don't think, well, you know his wife got some fake titties, right? I don't think that that's necessarily
Starting point is 00:08:30 the first step you embark on if you're a happy, positive person. But maybe you have things that you think that I do that make it so I'm not unhappy and positive. You brought this up, Anna, by the way. No doubt British Airways had comped him with a first class ticket with promos expected. So this is the second sign that you're trapped in your head you think that i was being critical of him flying in first class because you were critical of him
Starting point is 00:08:54 flying in first class so then you justify it is that he was comped when let me tell you something i wouldn't fucking fly to my fucking mom's house unless it was on a private fucking jet. I'm stoked for him that he went first class. But you read into that and then thought it was me. That was not me. That was you, my dear. That was you, my dear. My criticism is that we spent three minutes in first class looking at his seat. I love flying first class.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I fully support everyone who flies in first class. Poor Taylor. Poor Taylor's never even been in first class. I fully support everyone who flies in first class. Poor Taylor. Poor Taylor's never even been in first class. Taylor, have you ever been in first class? Once. I was like eight and it was me flying by myself as a child. So my parents paid for it. You peon.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Further on from about 15 minutes, there was a lot of content from the athlete check-in that was enjoyable. Okay, cool. So you made it 15 minutes. So now you agree with me that the first 15 minutes was complete nonsense watching his dog watching him fluff his pillows in first class watching like him check into his house like so i i'm sorry i mean um but it that doesn't stimulate me but i'm okay with it stimulating someone like you and i think i said that i think i said i'm okay with him stimulating the retards people i'm fine with it i appreciate
Starting point is 00:10:05 your show for the analysis and great interviewing but the bitterness is not it's not bitter it's a stand-up bit why i wonder why you think it's bitter i mean poor freya moosebruger dude freya freya moosebruger went on a podcast and called me fucking misogynistic. It's the exact opposite of what I am. Damn, I picked her too. She's in my fantasy. She's a good dude. She's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:10:36 She hates women, and I celebrate women. And when you hate women and you see someone who celebrates women for them being women, you project that hatred onto them. That's all that is. I spent my entire career glorifying females. I would love to see either you or Freya Moose Bruger say to my mom or my wife or my sister that I fucking am a misogynist. And you know why you use that word? Because you can't say what I did. Because you're a lying, misleading, vicious, mean, bitter, what's this other word you use? Derision? Derisive? I don't know if that's a word.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Person. And so you use words like that instead of giving examples of why I have misogynistic tendencies. And I could go on and on. But you're trapped in your fucking head, and this is a perfect museum-quality specimen. By the way, the banana is not a tree. Nice garden, though. Oh, it's not? Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. That's what you should have told me. That's the kind of detail I needed when you called me misogynistic. Be like, hey, Sevan, I hate it when the fact that you point out how amazing Amanda Barnhart's body is. I think that's misogynistic.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And then we can start talking. And I can be like, actually, I do that to men too. It has nothing to do. I think you're bringing the sex part into it, and that's the part that's triggering you. Because you hate women's bodies. And this is the problem. This is the problem with people. They just say shit like this.
Starting point is 00:12:13 You've said nothing. You say say I'm in an echo chamber. I might be in an echo chamber by surrounding myself with my friends who agree with me, but you're in an echo chamber because you're trapped in your fucking head. all that is that's just nothing but content i appreciate it but i do think it's more stimulating and more enlightening than watching craig ritchie fluff his pillows in first class for three minutes but i love first class and i'm happy for him and i hope it wasn't comped i hope he paid for it i've flown in that first class a thousand times and i deserve it i deserve my own fucking plane okay i love you guys where were we uh john clark just dropping in to say coverage you've provided this year's games is already next level it's hard to keep on top of everything and run a business and family cannot wait for this week um i thank you dude it's kind of weird i um i understand the total obsessive compulsiveness to want to catch every uh show and sometimes i feel bad putting out so many shows,
Starting point is 00:13:09 but every show is going to be so packed. We're going to have JR and Taylor here the whole time. We got Sousa on the ground. It's going to be an amazing week and we're going to have access to tons of people. We were super duper lucky yesterday to have Adrian Bosman, the programmer of the games and a guy who's been around CrossFit as long as me uh come on the show for five minutes um so it's going to be uh really cool okay uh do you want to add anything here taylor about do you want to say anything to anna uh we are about to have tyler watkins on the um owner of uh and creator of the tyler watkins fantasy fitness league that is not what he calls the calls it he has a um a name for it lawn chair leaderboarding lawn chair leaderboarding but i just love this guy's name so much that i want him to change the name of the app to be his name, the Tyler Watkins Fantasy Fitness League.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Do you think that release by CrossFit on Facebook, their shitty version was a coincidence the day after we announced it on the podcast? I didn't see they have a I didn't even see that. Oh, it's it was almost comical. It's through the Facebook app on their Facebook page. Oh, and it was the day I guess they released it the day after we did that show. As Hiller would say, there are no coincidence. I don't know. I, I, so I judge, I judge the media over there pretty harshly. And, but the only really places I go are YouTube and Instagram.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I don't ever go over to Facebook, but so, so I don't Uh, Sousa, what are we looking at? That's that, is that one of the main venues? Yeah. So right behind this thing, this is like a VIP sitting in, and that's the, uh, field of play right behind that. And I'll bring you guys post that. And it was just confirmed to me that the bike trail is through the campground. Okay, cool. Hey, Sousaan did you find out susan if the shuttle run is sideline to sideline on the field 50 yards i do not know but we'll head over there and check it out right now
Starting point is 00:15:14 yeah let's see where the jerk box are set up yeah see if we can see it set up if you see this it talks about watching the weather bulletin and stuff like that boss talked about that last night a little bit so they may not have it totally set up yet, but let's go see what we can see. Hey, do you see anything that shows signs that, oh shit, this thing's, we're never going to make it? Like, do you see a cloud far away that's like dropping bolts? A little gray.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Oh, oh. Hey, has the pressure dropped there? Like, you know, right before, like about 15 minutes before it rains, it starts to get really windy. Have you felt that yet? Just as you said that I felt the wind come in. You could see the flags kind of moving and stuff like that, too, a little bit. So fuck that rain. It's not coming in.
Starting point is 00:15:59 We're going to make it. I love that as a kid. Hey, I I he he said he talked about the rain and about doing jerks. Oh, okay. I guess doing jerks on a wet surface is dangerous as shit, right? Yeah, he said they've got a contingency plan for that and the shuttle runs if it's raining outside well are we making the assumption they would stay outside yeah i i don't know i i think i'm sure they have a contingency for both i would think that they would scrap the shuttle and make it just one course like a 400 meter loop a 600 meter loop and-meter loop so that there's no change of direction potentially. And then I have an inkling that they would go from shoulder to overhead.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah, I don't know. They might even just do it indoors, like how they did last year's uh clean and jerk run ladder yeah just make the shoulder overhead inside in the coliseum and run jerks run jerks their feet would still be wet though their shoes and stuff yeah but you're not on wet turf like wet turf when you're not wearing cleats is so fucking slippery right and we have to assume they'd want to keep it as something heavy or else it changes the whole test. Yeah, I would I would think they would just simply move the jerks inside. They actually there's actually a study, an NFL study of the frequency of ACL injury since fields have been moved from real grass to turf.
Starting point is 00:17:36 It's pretty crazy. Tommy Rodriguez, a beer for Sousa. The dude is getting the work done. Can we pull up this morning's workout, Mr. Beaver, and take a look at it? Clive McLaughlin from the great land of – he looks Irish, right? I know I know this. And he's got pounds, so it's got to be the UK or Ireland. My advance payment for the best games content this week.'s go viewers show your appreciation for the content these guys give us here and now at the start of the week put your hand in your pocket and say thanks here i am on youtube every twice a day putting my ass on the line and that
Starting point is 00:18:17 and anna says i live in an echo chamber so people like her can throw rocks at me uh 75 toes to bars five mile bike ride 75 chest to bar pull-ups uh susan tell them not to interrupt again i'll have to come down there and beat their ass uh bike to work for time thank you uh bike bike to work is the very first workout of the 2022 crossfit games it's 75 toes to bar five mile bike ride 75 chest to bar pull-ups five mile bike ride uh why um why why chest to bar does that does that really make a difference uh it for sure makes a difference at higher rep ranges i think with these athletes most of these athletes if you're doing sets of 10 to 15 in a round for time workout the difference between
Starting point is 00:19:17 a pull-up and a chest to bar is it's it's still there but it's almost negligible um but 75 in a row is definitely a big difference a lot of these athletes most of these athletes i would venture to say can do 75 pull-ups unbroken um you probably cut that in half for who can do 75 chest to bar unbroken okay and uh i think that that is the first event and that one will if if it rains will we see that one get, um, changed, altered or moved around? Or is that one good to go in the rain? I think they do that on C2 bikes if it starts to rain. Okay. Can you have the C2 bikes out in the rain? No, again, I think they would probably have them in a covered pavilion potentially, or again, inside in the Coliseum, which would be unfortunate. Um, but that's kind of the game you play uh lord q wow that's a hell of a name
Starting point is 00:20:08 thanks question mark so he gave 20 bucks he's saying thanks but he's not sure like if he's really thankful but but but i am extremely thankful for the 20 bucks thank you cory pulido pitching in for the thumb to streak this weekend. Yep. Nice. Well done. You were saying that you think this is going to be won or lost for the majority of the pack on the chest-to-bar pull-ups in yesterday's analysis? No. No, no, no, no. I think the 75-toe-to-bar and the 75-chest-to-bar cumulative is probably
Starting point is 00:20:43 seven to eight minutes potentially of the workout, probably closer to seven. But then you have a 10 mile bike ride and that's probably closer to 20 minutes of the workout. So I really do think the workout is for most going to be one and lost on the bike. So you can probably look to people with a lot of biking experiences for those who are going to do the best on this event. I think maybe Ricky Gerard,
Starting point is 00:21:09 um, who else, some of the Europeans, a number of the Europeans have a lot of biking experience. And it also depends on how kind of twisty and turny the course is, you know, the more, the more, or the higher degree of difficulty, is, is obviously going to favor the people who are better on a bike, but you just think of sharp turns or leaning in a bike and people who aren't used to doing that, especially in gravel or just get scared and they back off the pace where someone like Ricky who's mountain biked a lot is going to lean into kind of the harder sections on the course.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And, or if they don't back off, they crash and lose even more time. Yeah. Like, yeah. what's the time cap on that do we know we don't i don't believe so john woods thank you sir you're a good dude 999 appreciate it uh recognize your face from the comments is he wearing a bike helmet maybe a cyclist himself uh molo molo molo please you're welcome you're welcome wow 58 minutes
Starting point is 00:22:10 thank you so that is making me believe that the five mile bike course is quite a bit harder than just a simple like one mile road or five mile road bike um through the campground it's probably some turny stuff in there uh let me see if um oh it was that oh shit i just that was uh was that brian suza yeah that was yeah that was brian well he's gonna he just fucked up he's gonna get kicked off for that uh suza have they have the do you know if the riders have tested, have, have, uh,
Starting point is 00:22:47 ridden a lap of the actual course? Yeah. Do you think they have, I think, uh, those are the photos that I was talking about earlier where boss was actually leading them around the course on his bike. So I think they all got a chance to possibly even take a full lap on the
Starting point is 00:23:01 bike, maybe so they could just kind of get to know the train and what they're dealing with, uh, prior to the event. Okay. And we had Ricky on ricky on and you're you're right now my memory's coming back you had ricky on yesterday and he did say that adrian took them for a lap and then cut them loose and said hey you can ride as hard as you want oh nice and that's when jay and ricky i think they both put it on everyone and let them know, hey, we're winning this.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Flexed a little bit. Yeah. Do you see any signs of the bikes anywhere? I do not. No, I don't see them at all. Over there were the nameplates for the athletes. And it looks like that's security kind of debriefing over there. We saw medical and athletic control over on the other side.
Starting point is 00:23:47 This is the broadcasting spot right here. So they're kind of going through some rehearsal and everything else but no sign of the bikes yet and that section right there that you're pointing your camera that's where i used to hang out when they when i couldn't do the behind the scenes anymore i think that's the oh no no let me see the other side of the field sorry do you want me to walk over there no you can just point the camera over there where's the where's the vip seating that's all glassed in and there's a balcony right there oh that's it oh it looks like it's gotten a little more ghetto than when i was there when i was there was there was a glassed off section you could be in there just getting your swerve on and then this is the broadcast like um can't really see that well but that's kind of looks like the background of where
Starting point is 00:24:23 they'll bring the athlete over and interview them and then there's annie sakamoto talking to uh somebody from broadcast as well and then and then that building back there with the dome that is the actual that's like where the final event will be on the last day right i mean other events too but that's that's the spot where it gets so loud you can't even hear um from before look at the clouds now yeah we had blue sky completely over you and now it's 50 blue sky michael c thank you uh john george all these people with these like uh cool names and like this guy has two first names john george super sticker 1999 thanks dude uh met Taylor at Festivus it's a competition that we run um great guy help bait quite the beta but still a good guy no no help beta test SMTP and I can vouch for the program it's great especially the track for everyday crossfitter a great coverage
Starting point is 00:25:20 guys my little please um you do a lot of track work. Is that what he's saying? You're programming. No, there's two tracks of training. Oh, Oh, gotcha. Uh, Jody Lynn,
Starting point is 00:25:30 one of our, uh, long time callers, uh, always around. Uh, thank you. 49 99.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Crazy generous. Uh, you guys are awesome. Thank you. Solid opening. Seven on preach. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:25:44 I, I, I know that half the people are going to be like, shut the fuck up. So I appreciate that. But I just can't resist. I can't resist. I love a museum specimen quality trapped in your head, person. says that's crazy it the the workout is so different if they switch it to a c2 bike on the road bikes ricky and jay are probably beating everyone i don't know about jay crouch i i just don't know what kind of a biker he is but we know what kind of a biker ricky is and the workout as written and as prescribed ricky probably takes the win on that um but on a c2 bike, probably someone like Roman or Jason. Sousa, can you hear me? Yeah, I can. We need to start a thread.
Starting point is 00:26:34 For some reason, I can't find Heidi's phone number. Oh, Mr. Friend, what's up, brother? How are you? How are you doing? Great, man. Ready to go. Hey, ask Brian if you hear me. We can hear you. you Yeah we can hear him
Starting point is 00:26:47 Oh good perfect What do you want to ask him Ask him if the weather is going to be a factor And what the alternate movements are If there is rain Is the weather going to be a factor And what are the alternate movements if there is rain I don't know the alternate
Starting point is 00:27:01 I know there's a contingency plan And I think it's going to rain There you have it They think it's going to rain. There you have it. They think it's going to rain. He doesn't know the contingency plan. And ask him, what about the next workout? Does he know the alternate movements for the shuttle runs and jerks? What about shuttle runs and jerks?
Starting point is 00:27:15 Any word on the alternate movements that might take place there when it's raining? Oh, no, I don't know any of it. I know they have a plan in place for both events, one and two, if it rains, but I don't know any of the backup details. Did you guys get that? Yeah. Okay. Tell Brian, I don't know. I know they have a plan in place for both events, one and two, if it rains, but I don't know any of the backup details. Did you guys get that? Yeah. Okay. Tell Brian, thank you so much. That's good to know. Thanks, Brian. Good to know that we're not the only ones who don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Sousa. Yeah. At the next possible break when we're not bugging you, could you start a thread with Heidi, Will plumber uh and tyler watkins yes i will okay how close are you to the um to the uh gabe's uh booth the coffee booth um pretty close actually so this building so that's the no like a big noble building and then right next to it is the vendor village inside there and i do believe he's inside there i haven't seen him yet or the booth yet okay and that noble building is that so that's where they do the county fair that looks like an open-air building like where they'd
Starting point is 00:28:15 have livestock yeah that looks about right that's where all the noble volunteers are at oh okay okay i'm just saying i don't know oh so that so vendor village is is all indoors is there an outdoor vendor village not that i've seen no so i do think it's all indoors i mean this is obviously just the food court here that we're looking at but i i think everything's indoors as far as vendors are concerned what the fuck is this comment czar what is a czar like a um a dictator 350 czar uh uh ben let admission fee 11 25 p.m in sydney let's see how long i last love your work and thanks to all the team putting together absolutely thanks for the nice unicycle buzz will run for brownies 449 of some european money you're a good dude you're a good dude um uh jared jared doig oh oh thanks step on a team five house points for guessing the currency
Starting point is 00:29:20 he's on the beach i'm gonna say uh like crete or something or or greece or um some some mediterranean country anyone know south african hand jobs 350 you're going south africa you think that's uh it's in the comments oh oh is that what it is it It's South African? South African Rand. Here we go. Mr. Watkins. Morning. What's up, brother?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Good to see you. Do you have login, Caleb, for the lawn chair leaderboarding? Who? Login for lawn chair leaderboarding. Oh, yeah. Mr. Beaver, do you have the login for that? If not, I can share my board. Who you got, Tyler?
Starting point is 00:30:10 Who you got, Events 1 and 2A2B? I felt like my picks were okay. So it's like the scary thing is like you need to burn some of your shitty picks early on. Yeah. And it's a total – Lauren and I were just talking about that. It's like, okay, like she knows she can probably do well with Tia, but like, do you want to use Tia up right now? No, you want to use her like the last two days. I, I want to use Baden if the bike workout switches to the biker.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And if it doesn't, I have Andre who day on the bike. Yeah. Okay guys, let's dig in and give these guys a look at this. So is it, is itage Slam Mac 22? Is that us? No. That's the old one. We're Justice League CFG. Hide that.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I was not a part of that. Me neither. I will not participate. Well, actually, I was. I was the leader of the Sausage Slam. I slammed some sausage for breakfast. Some breakfast sausage. So can we see everyone's works?
Starting point is 00:31:07 Yeah, if you scroll down right there, everybody's plays are in should be okay jr we're working on that okay and how do i go to event one so and this is it it's bike tour yeah you can and you can click event details and it'll drop down all the event details okay okay guys so guys. So this is the, um, some people call this, uh, the lawn chair leaderboarding app. I call this the Tyler Watkins, uh, fitness fantasy league app. Um, that's where I'm putting my money. And basically at the beginning of the week, we did an episode on this and every person got to pick four men and four women and one alternate. You can play all of your characters, uh, up to four times. You must play them twice. And so as events come up, you pick who you think you want to win.
Starting point is 00:31:49 And then this thing does the math for you and tells you who's winning. So there's eight of us who are in the game. Three of us are right here. Taylor Self, Seva Matosian, and Tyler Watkins himself. And you can see, so here I picked Jay Crouch for the bike event for my dude, and for my chick, I picked Sydney McElishan. And I can still change them up until right now? Yeah, you can change them up until the event starts.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So 30 minutes. How do we – so they're going through right now. We have to assume that within the next 30 minutes, they're going to determine whether the bike workout is going to happen on the course or their contingency plan. Yeah. Whichever that, whatever that means.
Starting point is 00:32:32 It's gotta be a biker. I just don't see it being anything else, man. That would be terrible. Are you at the venue, Tyler? Yeah, I'm at the venue.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Your connection's amazing. What are you, what are you thinking is going to happen? Do you think they're going to roll with the contingency, or do you think they're going with... If I'm doing it, if I'm Dave, I'm rolling. But I'm not, like, Dave's not here, you know? But, yeah, if I'm Dave, like... Like, there's no real, like, there's no thunderclouds,
Starting point is 00:33:00 so you don't have to worry about, like, we haven't seen any lightning or thunder. I don't know that there's reports of that. So, like, you don't have to worry about like, we haven't seen any lightning or thunder. I don't know that there's reports of that. So like, you don't have to worry about the rig getting struck by lightning or whatever. Um, and then it's like,
Starting point is 00:33:10 okay, you can't bike in the rain. Like that's a really cool event. If you bike in the rain and do toes, the bar. Yeah. Now everybody does it in that situation. Now,
Starting point is 00:33:20 if that can't be a thing, then, then we got problems. Yeah. The tough part is do they start heat one with no rain and what happens when heat three heat four it starts to rain on them now the boards aren't compatible they have to take into account oh sweet i think they just have to take into account if they can get away with all the heats of both the men and women competing
Starting point is 00:33:42 under the same conditions then yeah like you said I think if it starts to rain early, then potentially all four go. But if it, look at that guy, sorry to interrupt. That guy just got a free CEO shirt at the paper street coffee booth. Look at, I need to get one of those. Look at that. Monona test team shirts. Those are the best. Look at that. So it's a family event look at you got oh that dude
Starting point is 00:34:07 has the same hair as me uh you you got a a mom and a dad with their new baby and that's what's so cool about the crossfit games crazy family event hey suzy you need a gimbal you know you can get a gimbal like at best buy uh a dgi gimbal for like less than 200 bucks. Yeah, maybe maybe maybe could drop me off on it something or I could go grab one tomorrow. OK, I'll have to shuttle
Starting point is 00:34:31 Susan around again all night. Yeah, your scooter. You guys look at the double up on scooters. Yeah. Did Gabe have to pay extra for that corner spot?
Starting point is 00:34:44 He's got a sweet spot as soon as you walk in there that's where you go and he's giving away free uh free caffeine oh that's awesome wow yeah he needs to put up the live episode get brian off that fucking he is hey they got five poundpound bags at Paper Street? Wow. Yeah, they got a suite set up. Holy shit, five pounds? All right.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Don't worry, Taylor. I won't forget to get you coffee. I won't forget to get you coffee. Okay, let's go back to this Tyler Watkins Fitness fantasy. Oops, sorry. Sorry sorry i screwed that okay and so you can see tyler picked ricky gerrard and lucy campbell and then below that uh uh the kalisi lauren khalil from morning chaga picked bjorgman carl goodmanson and uh caroline connors and then andrew hiller picked travis mayor who a lot of people think can win this biking event also. And Emma Lawson, the 17-year-old who won the Atlas Games. Andre Houdet, unaffiliated guy who works out in the middle of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I do not see Travis Mayer winning the event, regardless of the variation. There are people who are way too good on real bikes and people who are way too good on the C2 for that to happen, I think. You think he's top five? I think are way too good on the c2 for that to happen i think you think he's top five uh i think he's top five on the c2 bike i don't know how good he is on a road bike or a gravel bike how much do you think the gymnastics are going to come into play on this because like i think people might be overlooking that part um i think the gymnastics play so here's the thing if you're if we're on the, on the course, I think a good general estimate for each mile on the bike is probably around three minutes,
Starting point is 00:36:31 maybe three and a half minutes. So you're looking at 30 minutes total of biking and seven minutes total on the gymnastics. So I think there is a lot of room to be made up for people who are competent on the bike. Same thing. If it's a C2 event, there's a lot of room to be made up for people who are competent on the bike same thing if it's a c2 event there's a lot of room to be made up for people who are very good on the bike um i think for people who are not that great on the bike the gymnastics matters a lot for people who are really good on the bike the gymnastic does not matter as much look at look at john young telling me what to do in the comments. Hey, zip it. John Young, frequent guest on the show. Taylor, you should not have wasted Emily on this event.
Starting point is 00:37:16 See, that's the thing. No event is a waste. You have four plays. Right, and especially if you know you might be in the top three. You definitely need to play that person. Like Ricky, is it a little bit aggressive to play him out front? It's a waste to not play him. Right, it's a waste to not play him. And that's the other thing that I was going to get upset about,
Starting point is 00:37:33 but I kept my mouth shut the other day when we did the draft was Patrick Clark telling me what to do in the comments too. Yeah, get him, get him, get everyone. Scorch earth, scorch earth. I do think Taylor has a top five finisher in uh emily rolf um i think she's gonna do fantastic uh brian picked uh yana koski and uh laura horvat um chad schrader schroeder picked uh alexander carone and hayley adams uh i don't know much about alexander's uh writing but we know hayley's out there at mayhem and i think rich takes him on a lot of bike rides i'm ethnic profiling with andre
Starting point is 00:38:10 houdet he's european and i trust that europeans bike a fuckload legitimate legitimate uh legitimate profiling legitimate isn't it weird when you can use racism and you can't. Yeah. Austin pig really enjoying the content. Taylor gives great insight. You all are some good dudes. Thanks brother. Thank you. Awesome. I think Brian might've went out.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Like, I don't know that I would've played. Okay. Maybe Laura's okay. I don't know. I just think I would've saved those picks for later, but like, who is his roster?
Starting point is 00:38:42 Let's look at his roster. Justin V only coverage worth watching all weekend appreciate seven on a team time and effort justin v 1999 thanks dude that's a fucking great uh donation you're you're a fucking boss uh trey whit thanks dude 10 bucks you're you're the man uh keep the great work dudes looking forward to the great content y'all's put out this week y'all's well we all is gonna we're gonna hit it hard for you this is interesting somebody suggested in the comments that boz is gonna have the athletes wear a weight vest for the bike workout to change the dynamics of gymnastics i don't necessarily think that
Starting point is 00:39:16 that's gonna happen but it would be cool if it did uh i want to come uh I think if he does that, it will be a ruck. I don't. I think you put on a ruck because that would be more like a backpack. It would be more like real life, right? Yeah. A grow up would be cool. Costas Anton. I don't know what this money is, but I like it.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I like the number. It's 100. Believe it's euros. Oh, that's a lot of money. Just kidding. I just said you should believe oh oh crete greece in the house you guys rock thanks dude thanks i think crete's the country why uh bitcoin exploded do you know that story no do you know the story tyler yeah if you guys don't know that story look that story up That will change your whole view on the world in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Look what happened to Bitcoin and why it exploded and what the relationship is to the country treat. Barney Roberts, $5, great show. Check DM. Or you can watch the show where I interviewed the author of the social network, Ben Mesrick, and you can learn about it there. James Rogers, $2.79. author of the social network, Ben Mesrick. And you can learn about it there. James Rogers, 279. Sevan, which event do you plan on playing Colton? Whichever one Taylor tells me to.
Starting point is 00:40:34 The burpee squat event. Yes, that one. Alisa Carr-Ridau. We love you, Gabe. He is the owner of Paper Street Coffee. It's his gimbal fund. Suze's gimbal fund. Thank you. LaRouche Cheerio Original.
Starting point is 00:40:53 LaRouche Original. That's one of the guys from the Plate Stack chat. Jacqueline Robertson, $10 California. Thank you for the gimbal, whatever that is. Yeah, I hear you. Holy cow, the comments are exploding. The event starts in 20 minutes. I hope I'm not going to lead you guys wrong,
Starting point is 00:41:14 but I think you can just go over to CrossFit Games' YouTube channel and pop in the YouTube station, and you'll see Red Live in the upper right-hand corner. Can we check now really quick caleb and see if crossfit's gone live it looks like on the stream they just talked about uh what was going on with the um prospect ranking team too they had any on this big screen and i didn't hear it but when it cut back they had said there are some rumors swirling but it looks like they're good to go so if you guys an opportunity, you might want to listen to that stream for exactly what happened earlier.
Starting point is 00:41:48 They put out a video yesterday, and at the 1730 mark, they give a lot of attention to Lauren Fisher's injury. But you still at the end don't know if she's injured or not. Like you can't tell she was so injured. She couldn't do a pull up six days ago, but now she's good to go. That's all, you know? And like part of my brain is like, Hey, well, I'll ask Taylor while he's here, Taylor, you can't have an injury that's so bad that you can't do a pull up six days ago, but now you're good to go. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Quarter zone. Oh yeah. Quarter zones. That's a real thing. And they, do a pull-up six days ago but now you're good to go right quarter zone oh yeah quarter zones that's a real thing and they and they use that oh but when she says she heard a pop a snap in her lat that that sounds uh not so good sounds like you tore your lat yeah and you need i i mean i don't know anatomy but i'm assuming we're like marionettes and there's a fucking cable there and somehow you activate that cable and that's how you fucking do a pull-up the other thing is these athletes are so fucking strong that the musculature around certain muscles can support things it's not going to feel good and it's probably not going to be good for overall health but i'm sure she can compete if she's out there and the medical team has cleared her then she's going to be able to do what she
Starting point is 00:43:01 needs to do okay just like um i can hang a towel from my vase deference because it's so strong. That's what you're saying, right? The musculature around the vase deference is so strong. Specifically that area. I understand. For those of you who don't understand, I hope that that imagery helped you understand those of us who aren't as sophisticated as Taylor, Taylor self.
Starting point is 00:43:23 You don't need a towel. It's just your, yeah, never mind. A heavy towel, like one of those hotel fancy towels from the Four Seasons, like a 12-pound wet towel. I fucking do curls with it with my Vaz Deference. TJ Heffernan. Heffernan, a dollar. A dollar.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Thanks. Yes, thank you. Benoit the Butcher. C-H-F. Great live show. As good as the big production. Greetings from Switzerland. Greetings, brother.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Greetings. Thank you for staying neutral in all of the fucking world wars. You're a good dude. You're a good dude. Kate Kuhawa has become a regular on the the show love seeing you in the audience even though you talk some shit so you just pulled up the stream of sorry you just pulled up the stream of tommy marquez and annie sakamoto and annie was almost as tall as tommy is he that short or is she standing on a box no he's a he's not yeah he's not short so she's standing on a box yeah you think oh yeah no no no taylor she's standing on three boxes
Starting point is 00:44:29 yeah what the fuck this is funny when they did the wadapalooza online qualifier announcements uh they had danielle brandon justin madaris and jason was there and jason sent me a picture of like the behind the scenes of them filming. And Justin was standing on three 45s next to Jason. I just thought that was so funny. Yeah. Sakamoto is five feet tall. I mean, she'd be talking,
Starting point is 00:44:54 she'd be talking to Tommy's crotch if they were really doing it straight. And John Young with the stats. He's six too. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. i remember him being very tall swipe right on him john you can swipe right he's over six foot he's like a he's like uh do you remember that game cubert he's like the first no rep shirts first no rep shirts let's oh nice wow and that's like a new version
Starting point is 00:45:21 let's see. All right. I'm going to have to jump off here in a minute to get to the event. Okay. Taylor, did you see Ryan and I's picks on the Real7Podcast Instagram? No. Your picks for… Who we think the winners are going to be.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Of these three events coming up? Are these three scores? Yeah. So, yeah, if you go to the Instagram, Ryan and I are choosing event winners. And for people watching, go vote. You can win a pair of shoes from Strike Movement. Yeah, who do you think's got better picks on those
Starting point is 00:46:05 let's see i do like this avatar it's a it's a unicorn carrying a gun event one you have ricky garrard and emily rolf and then brian okay i think your men's pick is better than Brian's men's pick. And I think the women's picks are neck and neck. And I feel like I want to give the edge to Emily. No, I may want to give the edge. It depends on if they're on the C2 bike or the road bike. I think Emily's better on the road bike and Haley Adams is better at the chest-to-bar and toes-to-bar. Well, you have to think about how much Rich and them have been mountain biking, which has been a lot. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:49 But at the same time, I don't know if Haley's been doing that. I think the last time she went on a froning adventure, she hurt her ankle. Yeah. Yeah. She's probably like, fuck you. I'm not. I need to see her do some athletic stuff because she seems like I have no idea how she is at that kind of stuff. Haley or Emily?
Starting point is 00:47:07 Haley. Like she's. Yeah. So when I talk to her, I get like this real girly thing, like she may have not not have spent a lot of time on a bike. I know they bike a lot around Mayhem, but I'm not sure like about her in particular. Yeah. OK, Tyler. So you're on the thread thread we're gonna start a thread
Starting point is 00:47:27 a different thread with with everyone who's at the venue and so we're gonna stick you on that thread if you don't mind yeah hey for everybody who's uh participating in the app thank you we've gone to 2 000 users in three days awesome i can't it's it's unbelievable thanks to everybody's support even though the app is really hard to use at this moment, we were not expecting this sort of turnout. So this is great. Is it an app? Is it an app or just a website?
Starting point is 00:47:50 It's a web app. So it's a website. Yeah. And if you're a rich man or woman from Silicon Valley, I can put you, contact me. I'll put you in contact with Tyler so we can get this thing wrapped up and rolling as an app.
Starting point is 00:48:03 And I will only take 3% because I only fly first class. Okay. Thank you, Tyler. Thank you all. See you. Okay. Bye. Uh, Kate, uh, Kate plays four 99. Your boss can girls be bosses. Yeah. Super boss. Oh, thank you. I didn't even notice my coffee was missing. And you came in here in a sports bra and panties. That's awesome. Uh, Mike Buckley, $5 for seven on his dedication to the sport. Um, Ooh, Mike, came in here in a sports bra and panties that's awesome uh mike buckley five dollars for someone's dedication to the sport um oh mike i i want to course correct you but i don't have time right now uh but thank you for the money chase the roar 999 thanks for the dedication yeah you're welcome
Starting point is 00:48:36 thank you to these other guys that i don't share a dime with because they fly coach like uh fuck caleb doesn't even fly coach caleb flies in the back of a c fucking 71 fucking yeah he's in a fucking cot that's buckled to the ground ground of the airplane uh you're all good dudes what would i like to see for the heavy event, Austin Pig? There's going to be a lot of heavy events, I think, one. I think for the heaviest event, I really want to see a heavy, heavy squat snatch in the context of a workout, which I don't think we've seen at the games yet. We've seen a 185 snatch, but we've never seen anything over 225
Starting point is 00:49:24 in the context of a workout. So I'd like to see a workout with 185 snatch, but we've never seen anything over 225 in the context of a workout. So I'd like to see a workout with 275 snatches. You know, I'm not a fan of the heavy snatch. I like it when they parade the guys out there one at a time and they do snatch inside the stadium. We get to cheer them on, but it's just not one of my favorite lifts it's just i i love it in a workout you do i love it for you personally but or to watch to watch i think it's cool uh well i like a heavy clean too in a workout to watch i would say they're probably about equal but i think the heavy clean has been tested so much in workouts and the heavy snatch hasn't and that's why i want to see the
Starting point is 00:50:04 heavy snatch more uh omar uh uh diaz please tell my wife it's cool to bring a newborn baby to the games i don't know how newborn it's definitely cool to bring a newborn baby to the games i don't know about bringing a lady who just had the baby to the games but um yeah it's awesome keep them away from the loud speakers and it's dope nowhere better for a kid to be outdoors uh the clang and bang of the weights is cool all the people the noises the humanity these are really nice people at this event you will never ever go to another fucking a buddhist retreat has more fights than the crossfit games this place is some cool people so family friendly it's not like going to an nfl
Starting point is 00:50:42 game where people are gonna fucking shit on you yes you can let your kids run all around there and not worry about them like it this is everyone there is really cool someone mess with your kids there's 20 people who fucked them up like this is a cool place uh tons of moms and dads there uh the young people there are so fucking cool they're not uh they're they're not the dudes out there uh doing um what's that called when we used to run into the 7-eleven and run out with a 12-pack what was that called or case of beer what's that move called anyway smashing grab yeah not so we didn't do so much smashing but just like the beer cap now i guess you don't have to do that now in
Starting point is 00:51:22 california it's legal as long as you only take less than 950 dollars worth of goods you just wear two masks and you'll never get caught yeah wendy eckhart holy cow thank you you are awesome i saw i saw uh caleb twitch a little bit when he saw how big that donation was yeah that was it um suza what we believe is that suza went to we're nine minutes from start by the way people suza when you went to when you went to the um media uh kind of rules the media um not inauguration media what was it called you went to yesterday where they tell the media orientation when you went to the media they tell the media orientation when you went to the media orientation yesterday they basically told you where you can and can't go and where you can and can't point the camera will you can you point the camera at the events
Starting point is 00:52:16 um no so like what i was just doing walking around with it and streaming wouldn't be allowed once the event starts it's kind of a gray area when there's nothing out there because you're not really infringing upon anything with the title sponsors okay um but what we can do and this this is actually my big idea is I could have a camera out there and film I just can't stream live so what I'll do during the events while they're going on is I'll just have my camera on standby so if anything happens someone falls a bike or something like that, I'll try to capture it. And then we could be able to, you should be able to use it as a replay
Starting point is 00:52:47 after the event is done. And will you be able to go backstage to the warmup area and access the athletes at all? No. Wow. No. Does any media get to do that? Not to my knowledge.
Starting point is 00:53:02 That's fucked. I used to do it for the behind the scenes and they would even tell me i couldn't but i still did this is the opposite of disneyland it's fitland yeah yeah it's personal accountability personal responsibility land too it's a it's probably the most it's a gathering of people who have taken personal responsibility and accountability for themselves and their contribution to humanity. Probably more so than anywhere else. You could go. It's really cool. And then there, of course, there are some outliers in there who there's some outliers in there.
Starting point is 00:53:41 What's the cost to get in there, Susie? Do you know? I don't. I don't know um i would assume probably for stadium it's probably around 150 bucks that's what it's kind of been in the past and uh maybe maybe about 80 for general admission but that's kind of just guessing and what if it's this crowded on what's today wednesday wednesday yeah it's gonna be nuts over the weekend like i did not expect it to be this crowdednesday yeah it's gonna be nuts over the weekend like i did not expect it to be this crowded already so it's gonna be one hell of a weekend wow i think sam quant and dylan pepper are brothers from the flds
Starting point is 00:54:14 uh fl fundamentalists latter-day saints church of jesus christ oh are oh meaning they're both mormons i'm kidding there's a new documentary on that that's pretty crazy is it what is it what is it on netflix yeah it's called keep sweet pray and obey it will fucking blow your mind is it just talking shit about the mormons dude no not the mormons but a specific sect of the Mormons, the EFLDS, and it is fucking insane. Is it on Netflix? Yeah, it's on Netflix. Okay, I'll watch it in my spare time today. Do it.
Starting point is 00:54:53 It's fucking crazy. Renee DeMola, holy cow, $49.99. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much. Angela Shoof, you guys are killing it. Love it all. Thank you. Angie!
Starting point is 00:55:04 She's a member at my gym. Angela? Angela Shoof. You guys are killing it. Love it all. Thank you. Angie! She's a member at my gym. Angela? Angela Shoof? Angie, yep. She needs a picture so we can judge her looks. I like this one with the dog. Renee DeMola. God, that's a fucking nice donation.
Starting point is 00:55:24 That's crazy. Justin Kotler just came by. Cooper Marsh just came by. Wow, you should ask. Susan, explain this comment to me. When I tried to buy all access a month ago, it was $1,400. Are there $1,400 tickets? Yeah, that might be this kind of VIP section here.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And I think they had some other perks for ticket holders in the stadium as well, too, for the more scale tickets, if you will. There's like alcohol up there and like bowls of like mixed nuts and shit. Yeah, we'll see if we can get in there and check it out. You're definitely going to get kicked out before the week's over. I was already running a little bit of interference so if you guys ever see the camera drop off or or just uh go to the ground real quick you'll know what's going down look at these look at a lot of people have seen this the most mental documentary i've watched fucking crazy and I'm sure there is an agenda, but the agenda is like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:56:25 let's not have 30 wives and rape little kids. Oh yeah. That's not good. That's not, you can't say that on this show. Hey, I just wanted to donate more than anyone. Uh,
Starting point is 00:56:39 Parker, Parker, listen, listen, buddy, I'm going to give you my address. And if you, you come over to my house, I'll bathe you.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Holy fuck. I will fucking drink a fucking bottle of vodka and bathe you for that. Wow. Just come over here naked. You don't even need to wear a thong or anything. Will you rub it down in olive oil like the old French Olympics? The whole thing. $199.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I will do whatever you want. You can bathe me. For $5 more, you can bathe me. Hey, listen, Parker. My wife just got me a fucking Manscaper. I will fucking Manscape the fuck out of you for $199. Do you use it on your beard? I only use it on my beard.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I've never used it anywhere else. It's so nice. Dude, me too, but it's only meant for your nutsack. Isn't that crazy? But I'm scared to put anything that hums like that on my nutsack unless it has a heartbeat. Dude, even the Manscaped nips the sack. It does? Oh, yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:42 And your sack will bleed. You'll bleed out. You'll bleed out you'll die i've i've used the wrong electrical thing on the sack once and it was it was like in in that quickly it was like 30 small paper cuts i was like what the fuck it was like just one of those 20 dollar gillette like he used like a cookie dough a cookie dough mixer dude oh Heidi so we need to get fucking Heidi a link Susie can you can you log off real can someone send does it who has women are on the field okay okay we need to go and uh get in position so I'll drop off here and then um just do some regular non-live filming and that way we can look at some stuff later too.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Okay. Wad Zombie, anyone who wants the cards, now is the time to get them. I do think some of these cards are in limited run. There's a Daniel Brandon. There is a Colton Mertens. These also might be available at the Paper Street booth, by the way. So if you want these cards and you're at the venue, you can go there. These also might be for sale at vindicate um jason hopper um and you can send these to taylor and he will get them
Starting point is 00:58:51 signed for you by jason and uh and mr velner and two new cards uh got released um one boy and one girl i can't remember who uh ashley and alexis ashley hagan uh i always enjoy the content thank you for what you do you're absolutely welcome who dallin pepper and who alexis raptus alexis raptus yeah yawn you already donated money today oh my goodness you guys are nuts thank you so much i need a mertens bro you do need a mertens bro uh maybe there'll be a maybe there'll be a second edition mertens after the games maybe there'll be a second edition uh mertens we'll find out uh from wad zombie um listening to seven on my phone while having the crossfit stream up on my laptop at work i'm getting nothing done today. That's awesome. Okay, guys, listen, we, I do not know when we are going on next, but it is going
Starting point is 00:59:49 to be very soon after this first event is over. I suspect usually we'll go on within 15 minutes after an event. Uh, we are 30 seconds away from starting Heidi crew. And one of our reporters on the ground, uh, said that, uh, the women are on the field. So we are going to log off. Thank you, everyone, for being here. Love you guys. And we will see you within a couple of hours. Any thoughts you want to send them off with, Taylor? Okay, Mr. Beaver, anything that I forgot?
Starting point is 01:00:21 Nope. Looking forward to a good week. Okay, cool. Thanks, everyone. Thank you, Sousa. We will talk to you guys soon. Ron Sutton, your boss.

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