The Sevan Podcast - #521 - Indy Event 1 "Bike to Work" Recap

Episode Date: August 3, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. And on my back. Yeah, that's InsideScoop. How do they do that?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Hold on. Okay, I'm going to mute Heidi for a second. And then Heidi will be with you one second uh suza what do you know what the fuck happened just so you guys know event one just happened it was uh looked like there was some chaos um we saw a little bit of it in the women's event when daniel brandon uh finished uh a lap early and then in the men's event we saw all sorts of stuff like that happening did you get the scoop on that yeah so right now what i what i heard is the first three guys across the finish line uh skipped a lap so
Starting point is 00:01:10 that would be uh lazar that would be spencer and ricky making the first person or first place in that event um yanukovsky i think and does that mean they'll all laz and Spencer will all finish worse than Colton Mertens? Once penalties are assessed? I'm not sure if that five-minute penalty is going to be what they decide to hold with. But even if they do, that still only puts them at like 38 minutes and change. So I don't know how they're going to assess it. But yeah, if you think it was a five-minute penalty, they're still going to end up with a pretty good score. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Give me one second here. We're going to go over to Heidi here. Hey, Heidi, what's up? Thanks for checking in. Hi, how's it going? It's going good for me. Were you down there? Are you at the venue? And did you get to watch the women's and men's heat today? Yes, I'm here. It's super humid. It's super hot.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It's like sprinkling off and on, but it's not raining anymore. And what was the crowd's response? Were you able to hear the crowd's response to the chaos? Are they laughing? Do they think it's cool? Are they angry? Is there excitement? Is this quality drama or people
Starting point is 00:02:26 pissed oh i feel like it's good quality drama me too me too oh yeah it's great content um but yeah the crowd was you know obviously excited when the first mail crossed and then everyone's you know the cheers are kind of confused like okay that's, that's great, but this is not right. So it seems like everybody knew right away that something was not right. From home, I had sympathy for when I saw Lazar and Spencer enter the stadium. And it looked like to us that Lazar tried to turn around and go back onto the playing field, that he realized he had made a mistake, but that maybe someone wouldn't let him reenter the race once he finished. Do you know anything about that? I don't, but that seems accurate.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Okay. Did you witness that also? Did you see, because Spencer entered the stadium and just finished strong, like he thought he'd done five laps, but it was clear that Lazar Jar jukic was like oh shit yeah it wasn't i wasn't able to see that part but everyone was talking about it but yeah i wasn't really able to see it very well okay fantastic okay thank you heidi uh thank you thank you we look forward to seeing you all week uh we got andrew hiller here from his car we got jr howell from the house we got C. Beaver from an undisclosed location.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Let me ask Andrew Hiller a question here. Oh, thank you, Caleb. Caleb, I'll let you do the unmuting. Sorry. I'm going to stop messing with that. Hiller, I am hearing that as the athletes were doing their laps, they would come to a point that's called, I think, called the why. I'm not sure where that is. And they would would yell at the judges what lap number are we on and the judges would
Starting point is 00:04:10 respond it's your fucking responsibility and any thoughts on that before i give you more information that it was on the athletes and not on the judges so the athlete so at which rate it would have been entirely on spencer and lazar and ricky to keep count of their five numbers that they've got to keep count of it's literally they have to count to five how many times have i crossed this point five times if that's the case they're idiots really you like here's the thing i i haven't done this workout but have you ever gone to the track and you're running and and and and you and you lose count that's happened to me a shitload of times in college i'd go to the track and then next thing
Starting point is 00:04:50 i know i'm thinking about the girl i want to date not i'm like am i on fucking lap seven or am i lap 12 what the fuck excited but all you hear is about matt frazier knowing where he's at in space in relation to the field and did they know whether or not they had passed the leaders and if they hadn't then how are they they're to be the ones to be finishing right there there correct or no incorrect you said to be spatially aware count to five count to five uh davy d um says no with five exclamation points it shouldn't not be on the athletes play devil's advocate for me here and tell me why. Do you have any thoughts on why it shouldn't be if you had to play the other side? Are you talking to me still?
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Well, if you're playing devil's advocate, you say if they're not squatting below parallel, then it is on the judges when it's in competition to be holding them all accountable, of course. Correct. If you want to compare the two and why don't they have something it's very difficult and all i can think about actually alexis is the one who said it you never see anybody in the nfl running the wrong way on a football field they all know which way to go and
Starting point is 00:05:56 there was 104 000 people when i was watching it watching it live and some of them might be their first experience and all they're seeing is the announcers say, oh, it looks like they fucked up. They're going the wrong way. There's something totally wrong here. And that's not a first impression you're ever going to get watching a professional sport. Oy, oy, oy, oy. And Andrew Hiller Dipson.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Okay, I personally am enjoying the drama. I can't disagree. I'm enjoying it as well. I was sitting here and I'm like oh my god i can't fucking believe that they would they oh my god they all they have to do is count to five that's all i'm going to keep saying count to five well hey the judges or the athletes so here's the thing if it's if this is the athlete's fault i don't think it leaves a bad impression on the sport if it's a if it's a problem with the course or if there should have been something on there i mean let me ask jr here a question jr how would do we know if there's anything on the field
Starting point is 00:06:53 that was notifying them like that they each per each person had someone or a manager who could have been there been like four five like did they was there? Did they know from the beginning this was on them? We can assume that there's someone out there representing each athlete to at some point tell them, hey, this is number four. This is where you're going to push. Hey, the next pack is 10 seconds behind you. Something like that. However however the question i would ask is if every athlete has a judge for their gymnastics why isn't that judge standing outside after the chest to bar counting laps okay so it didn't look like go ahead kid go ahead it didn't look like they had anybody they allowed anybody else on the course either so i mean it was it's probably pretty feasible to put the judges out there and
Starting point is 00:07:47 count the lapses are coming through because there were no fans there were no coaches anything so i just want to be clear for those of you who are listening what jr and caleb are talking about when this when the race started um these athletes ran over to their bar and they did 75 toes to bar. And each of them had an individual judge that counted their reps and made sure they went through the full range of motion. It does sound like something CrossFit would do that every athlete would also have a judge placed somewhere on the course, probably around the same area who might be counting their reps um as they do laps too and maybe when they came across their last lap their ref maybe would have put their hand up or something to let the athlete and the fans know uh andre who day is on his last lap is that what
Starting point is 00:08:36 you're saying jr no i'm saying it would actually be that same judge oh the same judge well well okay whether it be the same judge or not a judge correct okay because usually they have plenty of judges and they'll the judges don't like uh when an athlete moves from section to section that it's not uncommon that there would even be different judges so the judges didn't have to chase the athletes correct yeah aesthetically it looks a lot better if the judge is just standing there with their hands behind their back. And then when they leave the field, the judge stays at the pull-up bar and just waits and their responsibility is done. But if we're talking about whether or not athletes are going to get confused, you know, to your track analogy, I can't think of any time I'm going to run track where I don't know i have one more because i'm ready for it to be over uh have you ever run 10 miles on a track no yeah i mean i i've done that a few times it's it's it's batshit crazy you have to you have to come up with some sort of plan to help you
Starting point is 00:09:37 count what i would do is i would just move back i would move in the lanes go go ahead here yeah go ahead we had the four and a half mile run as workout one for the masters and like there were tons of age divisions running at the same time we didn't have someone out there yelling for us we we just had to run four and a half and then when we were done with our i think it was six loops when we were done with our sixth loop we just ran in okay so it was on the honor system right um hayley adams lap daniel brandon but she finished top 10 i think judge should tell them what lap they are on yeah we don't here's the thing actually we're trying to figure out if they even had a judge we don't we can't confirm or deny that
Starting point is 00:10:20 is that correct where did you hear that you said you heard that they were counting their own laps. I can't tell. There was someone on the ground at the event who was standing near the course who said there was a section called the Y. And as the athletes rode by it, they would yell at judges. Oh, and I don't think sorry. Let me be clear. And I don't know this for sure. I'm guessing that they weren't the specific athletes judges. They were just course judges. So to make sure people I think were probably staying on the course and they would say to these judges, what lap are we on? And the judges yelled back, that's your responsibility. So thank you for the clarification on that. I know there have been events where they've got to go out and grab something and bring it back. I just don't know. I wonder how they were briefed. And I know I saw a comment in there.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Is there any way that we could figure out grab an athlete and ask what the briefing stated? Okay. And by the way, that is a clever solution to the problem that Hillard sort of implied that every lap someone were to grab something or uh make a mark on their arm or something like that i mean you could you could do something like that would dave castro have done that there would have been something okay um let me see uh can let me see if I can send, uh, I wonder who I can send a, a link to. Let, let's just see if we can, I will send one to, um. It looks like Luka Djukic is in here. Uh, he, oh, Luka's in the, uh, chat.
Starting point is 00:11:59 In the chat, yeah. I sent a link to, uh, Lazar. In the chat, yeah. I sent a link to Lazar. Let me see if I can send a link to Ricky. Oh, you know who I can send a link to also? Let me send a link here to Justin Kotler. Maybe he is on the ground there, and he can hook us up.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Some thoughts. And we'll see if uh if anyone can pop in um some of the notables going back to the uh women's um hayley adams came out strong and and held it the entire time impressive right yeah she looked like she knew what she was doing as far as the toes to bar in the first five laps and then when she got to the chest of bars when she made her move and then when she got on the bike it looked like she knew that she was going to hold the lead and she looked impressive she looked like an athlete on that bike go ahead caleb yeah in the second five miles she just blew right past everybody and took the lead for the entirety of the five miles uh there was there were definitely different skill levels on the bike the most obvious thing i noticed was someone like yonakoski basically his foot stays parallel to
Starting point is 00:13:22 the ground the entire time and if at any time it changes to parallel the tobe would point down thank god i i also ride a bike like that i did notice unbelievably that lazar jukic's foot would sometimes point like this and every time his foot went around the pedal you would see his ankles have change in range of motion which is mind-boggling to me that means he's pushing the pedal with his ankle that's like i mean i'm no biking expert when i'm on a bike that's like the least efficient thing to do and and he was in the wrong gear it looked like he never switched gears once during the entire ride it didn't look like he ever stood up and yet he stayed in the in the um, um, in the, in the top group, which was crazy impressive.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And any thoughts on that? Jerry, you ride a bike. Yeah. I've got some guys at my gym that were former triathletes and the way they try to describe it to me, even on a biker was just act like you have mud on the bottom of your shoe and you're trying to scrape that mud off on the ground. Every stroke. Look at this. Sorry. I was just watching five dudes holding CEO shirts up. That's awesome. Yeah. You're trying to scrape what on you're trying to scrape what on your, uh, on, on mud on the toe of your foot. No, it's kind of like if on the, on the ball of your foot, if you've got mud on your shoe, if you're going to scrape it on the ground and try to get it off, that's kind of what you want to do. You want to have your foot flat like that at the bottom,
Starting point is 00:14:44 keep the pedal parallel to the floor. Right. You're not pushing down. You're making circles. Right. You're making circles. You're not pushing down. Yeah. It's kind of incredible. Another absolute painful performance to watch was Keelan Henry. He was so tense and he had his arms bent the whole time. Aesthetically, it looked great. The guy has the nicest arms in the biz, but man, that looked tense. Did you guys see him as he was getting lapped there?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah, I saw him. Fantastic event. I loved it that all the women went at once, and I loved it that all the men went together. Fantastic event. Hiller, do you have any thoughts on that? Did you like the layout of it, the look of it, the sprint at the end? I thought that the event was awesome. I was
Starting point is 00:15:29 thinking that maybe I liked the amount of toes bar and the amount of chest bar. And my initial thought was that it wasn't enough in comparison to the amount of biking that they did. And then when Laura lost her position after the first one, because of the chest bar, I took it back immediately in my head. I thought that because you saw that first one because of the chest-to-bar, I took it back immediately in my head. I thought that because you saw that she was coming into the chest-to-bars first, and then where did she finish? Do we know? Somewhere in the top 10, correct?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah. Fifth or sixth, I believe. You're talking about Horvat? Correct. Because you kept hearing them say that she had a 10 or 15 second lead amongst the next person in relation to the bike, and you think okay she's just holding that lead but the chest bars actually ended up making a pretty big difference and then the toes to borrow were actually pretty cool too and the fact that like you wanted to push those enough so that you had
Starting point is 00:16:16 a pretty good position on the bike in the first place made the entire event awesome it played out even cooler than i thought it would be uh and and you couldn't be more correct hillary look at the difference between laura and alexa raptus it's i can't ever remember seeing a closer race it is uh it's less than a second it's less than a second that they came in yeah that was a great foot race at the end i loved seeing that uh if i were the disappointment was and this is this you know there's a lot of continuity here with um uh a lot of the um events we see that crossfit does mal o'brien's a superstar coming into the event and we didn't get to see her uh much we only knew basically i think the first time i heard her name mentioned it was she's coming across the finish line uh which was a little bit of a disappointment but i understand it um there's uh limited resources only so many cameras and uh you know what they worked with um
Starting point is 00:17:11 i felt like they did an amazing job uh if you're danielle brandon and you only did four laps as an athlete i'm guessing you're tempted to be like fuck my management they fucked me someone should have known that would be the worst feeling in the world to be or fuck the yeah yeah or sorry hillary fuck the judges they they they uh they they should have told me um what is she but the truth is is to get to the next event, doesn't she have to just like take it on the chin? Like, how do you get past this? Go ahead, Jared.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Any thoughts if you're Daniel Brandon's coach, what you tell her? Or if you're Daniel, more importantly, if you're Daniel Brandon, how she gets past this? Yeah, I don't know if there's any right thing to say right now. I just know that the look on like lazar's face when he came across and looked around like oh no this isn't right and like knew that he needed to go back out there because he knew that koski was ahead was like that's got to be the worst feeling he looked like he was gonna cry let's face it he had he had that little boy kind
Starting point is 00:18:21 of contorted look. Yeah. Andrew, any thoughts on what can be said here to the athlete? Is it the manager's place now to console the judges? What do you do if you're Danielle Brandon? Because she's got to get on to the next event, right? There's 12 more events. It's the first event of the CrossFit Games, and I missed the finish of the female event,
Starting point is 00:18:45 but I did watch the finish of the male event. I could only imagine being Spencer or Lazar at the end there having thought that you maybe possibly won and then realizing it and then you've got to sit there and wait for the person who had actually won to come on in and you know and we don't know why but I'm under the assumption that it's the judges or some sort of system fault there and not at the fault of the athlete because it looked like Lazar was being sent back and he was trying to continue on. And my biggest question forward is going to be like, is that five minutes going? I think I heard that somewhere that they're going to be like digging them five minutes. Have you heard that or no?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah. Yeah. That in the comments, that's what they're saying. We don't have anything official. Can you bring up the scoreboard and see if any penalties have been assessed, Caleb? Sam Herring, $20. Thanks, dude. Great coverage to cover this as soon as it happens. You're the man. I want to touch on one more thing here.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Nicholas Sellers, you're wrong about the judging. Then the athlete would have to know what judge they need to see. Go ahead, Caleb. The judges do a better job of keeping track of their athletes and the athletes of their judges like right but i what nicholas is saying he brings up a valid point let's say four bikers come across at the same time and tyler hill or jr and you might or the judges in one two of you guys yell three laps to go and two of you yell four laps to go the the the cyclist at that point the athlete's gonna have to try to figure out what the fuck's going on right okay go ahead hillary you want to respond there's no excuse for the age of like the
Starting point is 00:20:12 technology that we have and as simple as it's been in the past with like if you're running five miles you run two mile two and a half miles out you grab a piece of rope or something and you bring it back and say hey i got the rope there has to be something that they could have done to have made this easier and it's ridiculous that there's a counting error here why not just make it a five mile loop right like why do they have to make it a five five lap thing i don't understand that that's that's a good uh it's another we're coming up with all sorts of solutions here uh tyler I see you give me one more second I'm tending to the people who are paying the bills Yon Clark
Starting point is 00:20:49 Going broke today with his generosity It couldn't have been made simpler A five year old could have counted the laps That's what I'm saying I disagree Come on why do you disagree You can't count to five Savan It couldn't have been simpler.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Craig Ritchie could have counted the laps. Oh, that's not nice. Yon. I can't believe you said that. That's not cool. Uh, Clive McLaughlin.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Uh, not look at the no rep shirt. Hey girl. Hi. What's your name? That's dense after 40 there. Yeah. Denise. Why does she have a no rep shirt on instead of a CEO shirt then
Starting point is 00:21:30 What the fuck Oh she's saving it for Sunday She's saving it for Sunday Why do you have a no rep and not a CEO shirt on That's for Sunday I'm trying to win the assault by a couch anyway There you go awesome perfect Tell her she's one of the few people that looks prettier in person
Starting point is 00:21:43 Than in her picture. Good job. It's tough to do. Weren't all those ramps the sensors for the chips? You know, I think I was thinking about the sensors playing a role too, but they don't actually count laps. They just tell you time, right? And they don't actually – those chips don't actually track your –
Starting point is 00:22:01 they're not geo-tracking, are they? No, I think it's just a timing chip okay and uh and finally uh tyler we're almost to athletes who can't count should do a lap of shame i did like it that the men had their shirts off i thought that was fucking cool i want to give uh madaris points for that uh leaderboard is up alisa car redow uh omar echeveria uno dolares racist thank you i appreciate it um brandon reed 20 bucks californian that's awesome amazing content seven don't ever change i appreciate you and your opinion a beaker was my favorite muppet by the way i i know he does lsd and shit uh jeremy williams y'all see the men's leaderboard on we will go there right while we talk to tyler watkins in two seconds imagine the fans chanting no rep oh oh my goodness uhments are fast and furious. Danny, $5.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It all depends on the athlete briefing, in my opinion. Nothing else matters, even if the judge has made a mistake and opened the entrance early. That is true. We do need to know the athlete briefing before we start being assholes. Tyler Watkins, welcome to the show for the second time today uh uh any thoughts on what we've been talking about so far yeah i mean like i i saw an interaction i was hopeful for lazar and spencer but skeptical all at the same time i saw the interaction between
Starting point is 00:23:36 them and bosman i was like it was positive like neither of them looked upset so i was like you know it was very like on the floor no one knew what was going on you know there's a texting thread between all of us and it was like no one knew from the phone no one knew on the floor but like you know everybody's saying in the comments and i think hillary was alluding to this like it as someone who constantly screws up workouts it's your it's on your ass like you need to know i'm in the fourth i'm in the fourth bike or I'm not. And so like, I, you know, tough luck guys. You should have done it right.
Starting point is 00:24:10 What do you mean? You're saying as you, you personally, you're saying you mess up workouts. You'll be doing it. Costly. Yeah. Hey, and this is off subject a little bit, but when I mess up, if I'm not sure if I'm on rep eight or nine, I always go back to eight. I discount myself every time yeah
Starting point is 00:24:25 yeah you never fucking give yourself the right it's like fuck you sometimes you got to go back and start the whole set over right as a penalty like you ass nothing feels worse than finishing when you weren't supposed to because then you're the asshole yesterday you bid uh bid on helpings article how there are no longer athletes that were affiliated with an acrossfit affiliate what effect that could have it'd be interesting if these athletes are affiliated with a CrossFit affiliate, because that's something that you will learn in your like first day of class,
Starting point is 00:24:51 like how to count through your workouts. Good point. Good point. You should have gone to an affiliate and you would have counted your shit. Right. Uh, very interesting point by Omar here.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Uh, one of the best characters on, uh, maybe no, probably one of the best characters in the entire history of television, uh, rest in peace. Omar from, one of the best characters on – no, probably one of the best characters in the entire history of television. Rest in peace, Omar, from – what was the name of the show? Out of Baltimore. He was a gangster.
Starting point is 00:25:13 He was the homosexual gangster. He carried the shotgun in his – do you know who I'm talking about? Omar. Indeed. Indeed. God, what's the name of that show? Someone tell me. The Wire. Wasn't Omar the best character in the of that show? Someone tell me. The Wire.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Wasn't Omar the best character in the history of television? You haven't seen The Wire, Hiller? I haven't seen The Wire. You have to see it. When was this show a thing? 1974. No way. I know. I know. Hiller just wants to make fun of me because I'm old, so. So I wanted to give him a, uh, alley-oop there. He could dunk it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Um, uh, just have judges ride on back with the athletes. It's another, I appreciate being solution oriented, but I want to read what Omar said. Omar said that, um,
Starting point is 00:25:56 Oh, you made a Jr smile. Uh, we'll give you your money back for that. You win. Um, Omar said that, uh,
Starting point is 00:26:03 no one who skipped a lap should be placed higher than every single person who did five laps. I hate to say it, but I agree. Tyler Watkins, the scoring guy. I have a question for J.R. It depends on the briefing. It depends on the judges. Sorry. You can ask your question.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Oh, good point. Good point, Hiller. Okay, go ahead, Tyler. He stole your answer. He stole the show from you, Tyler. What would your contingent plan be in this situation? You never think your own team's going to screw it up. I'm imagining that somebody probably on the game side might have messed something up, which alluded to the athlete.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Again, I'm saying the athlete is ultimately responsible. But what do you do in this case? If you're Scott Pancheck, you get out there and just start beating spencer for fucking up the family name yeah so as someone who runs events jr like what do you what do you do in this give them their money back and send them home no so we did an event no so we did an event like this last year. It was called the Belton Run. It was like the burden run with pig flips and sleds and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And when the athletes went on their laps, they ran four 200-meter laps around the gym with a sandbag on their shoulder. The judge just followed them out the door and stood next to the building and counted for them as they came in. And then when they came in to go to the pig flip, the judge followed him inside. So I think going ahead and thinking up a penalty for something, like if you don't do a lap, it's going to be five minutes added to your time. If you ever get off your bike when you're not supposed to get off your bike, unless you crash, it's a five minute penalty. And you just set those standards from the get go and you just hold to those. I wonder also when I, so I took my plea, I took the police exam, the physical exam once and we,
Starting point is 00:27:52 we had to run a mile and a half and they separated us. I think there were like 20 or 30 of us there. And it was like each cop that was there that was counting, like had four people and they just watched those people and they counted. so it's like was no one out there doing that and it's like if you're only responsible for four people it's that that's not that hard but again okay they screw it up now what do you do hey how about this tyler what about the person who didn't do five laps that they're not going to catch. Oh yeah. Good for you. You got away with it.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Well, well, cause you, cause if, if, if what's happening on this end is happening, then you have to assume it's happening in reverse. Also,
Starting point is 00:28:36 if you reverse engineered, it's happening. You have to know about, there's also ones that you don't know. Yeah. Yeah. There's someone, there's someone who took 17th.
Starting point is 00:28:43 You should have taken 27th. Right. And they don't even know it either. They don't know it. I don't know yeah yeah there's someone there's someone who took 17th he should have taken 27th right and they don't even know it either they don't know it i don't trust me i don't think ricky gerard i don't think ricky gerard came in thinking he i think when he knew i don't think he came in thinking that he was pulling it off i mean how stupid would would they be if they thought they were going to enter the stadium with all those people there and cameras on them? Like no one knowingly cheated. Maybe you all have already asked this out. But like, has anybody figured out if Yona did six laps? Because I'm hearing reports he did six laps.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I did hear reports of that too. Which is crazy because he still beat everyone. Say that again, Caleb? They were lapping at like 15-16 minutes per lap. I don't think that would have been possible. Me either, but that, I mean, there were several people on the floor saying that they thought he did an extra lap. But, I mean, like everybody, there's
Starting point is 00:29:36 claims going everywhere. No one has any clue what's going on online. Hey, dude, he fucking lapped Travis Mayer. I don't think there's any way that the fastest times were five minutes ahead of the female times, and that's where it is right now. No. I mean, and you guys were part of that thread. From a Z-score standpoint, I was like, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:55 These athletes are so much better than them at this one event. And I was like, this would be nuts. But then I was like, wait a minute. He said Z-score, and I watched our numbers just drop a thousand. Sorry, I got to throw it in there. Catherine Schaefer, 10, 10, 10, 10 of your money. Thank you. That's I bet you that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I am hop. What would you guys do to juke a chimpanzee? How would you place them um let me just ask you this jr put you on the spot just really hardcore do do the can they place higher than a guy who like does the penalty have to be severe enough that they um that they that they're behind everyone i mean they didn't do the event right i'm in the camp that they proved that they were one of the fittest on that event so giving them a harsh penalty like five minutes which is closer to two lap penalty than a one lap penalty based on their split times is more appropriate
Starting point is 00:30:58 than just putting them behind everyone that just chose to finish it slowly tied for last place okay uh hillar what do you think about j do you agree jr i think well do we know that a lap was taking about two and a half minutes because you just said five minutes would be equivalent to a two lap yeah right i would say more more it would it's that would probably be closer to a two lap penalty than a one lap penalty yeah he's he's right hillar because someone's if some uh caleb just pulled up a uh split split times and it looks like jr spot on okay so i think at three minutes what i would have done is i would have not had the leaderboard finalized yet unless they had this set beforehand because the leaderboard set so quick with that
Starting point is 00:31:41 five-minute penalty you would go and see who of the 40 male athletes had the slowest final lap and then you put that on top of the people who had skipped it that's what i would do or something close like that but that's hard to do after the fact it looks like they had it set up beforehand uh just have judges right on the back of the bikes we had that one already uh let's see what else we got here um five bucks for tyler for dealing with me and my lawn chair league you're a fucking legend unlike mr richie uh mike sour sour a lap time of slowest athlete overall 40th place gets added to their time see i don't like it i just i don't like i don't like that either zero score oh zero score you didn't do the workout tied for last place the chips and
Starting point is 00:32:32 you're and then if they if they pop up be like hey next we kick you out so shut up uh jason five dollars from california the chips give you split times so if you don't have five splits then you didn't ride five laps. Take their slow. Jason, do you know that? That was one of the questions we had. Are the chips giving split times? They do ride over that bump, and that bump is full of cords and shit.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I wonder if there are sensors in there. Did you see that? Do you know which bump I'm talking about? That yellow thing? They put it. Yeah, I thought that was what it was for. You thought it was for split times? You think that thing, there's a chip tracker in there also?
Starting point is 00:33:08 It might just be a point where they have to cover up all the extension cords from the booths and all that kind of stuff. Radiating all the athletes. But there is like a sensor somewhere. There is? Yeah. Okay. Maybe they included yesterday's lap. I mean, the solution-orientedness of this crowd is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:33:26 This shiz. And I don't know how Jay Crouch did. That was my pick for the Tyler Watkins Fitness Fantasy League. I don't think he did well. Rainer Klages, something five from somewhere, Chechnya. There should be a fixed camera at the finish lap line so you can review the counts count athletes crossing you know what i bet you they do have that um torvad five from something europe backward you got your yeah let's say it looks like an e
Starting point is 00:33:59 uh most athletes at this level are self-aware wait a second wait in my opinion they skimmed voluntarily holy shit i don't even know what that means but i don't like the sound of it um eric ootley dnf did not finish us that's tyler walken sentiment uh just be lucky we're not kicking you the fuck out of the event uh hillar can you rotate your phone sideways that is from our private chat thank you have you all gone over the next event because it is awfully wet out there it oh okay no we have not let me just let me just say some positive things here about the women. Let me go over some of my notes. You guys chime in if you want to. Matilda Garns was the first one to get off the bar, but she made the mistake of not being the first one on the bike, and Tia Toomey took the lead.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Sounds like it was an error on Matilda's part. There was a small wreck right away. These were 10-speed bikes. There was a small wreck right away. These were 10-speed bikes. It was very obvious for anyone who rode a bike to school every day that half the pack did not know how to use gears. Laura took the lead right away. Well, sorry. Tia took the lead right away, and Laura made a statement by passing her. And I think having up to a 15-second lead at some point and then lost it when they came in for the chest-to-bar. The group was having audio problems. We could hear the walkie talkie guys talking i kind of liked it i kind of
Starting point is 00:35:32 liked it uh emily rolf commentary uh was impressive um letting the world know that i know my crossfit athletes um no sign or mention mention of mal even after two laps uh emma lawson crazy impressive uh michelle moran doesn't look like she's ever been on a bike uh tia absolutely destroyed the pull-ups what we saw her tia do on the pull-up bar is why she is going to dominate the games this year. JR, thoughts on her Tia's pull-ups? Yeah. I mean, they were talking about Laura hanging on for a big set, Haley hanging on for a big set. But then by the time Tia got to her last set of pull-ups, she was already in the lead. I want to say she did them in four sets, which is
Starting point is 00:36:20 super impressive. It may have been, I think it was four sets. At speed too too after a ton of grip fatigue hold on to that bike for 15 minutes uh i never go ahead go ahead i just saw her like running up to the pull bar and starting her set almost immediately like laura when she got to the pull bar she took probably 20 30 seconds just chalking her hands before she even hopped up on the bar like hayley hopped on the bar like five or ten reps after laura did uh alexa uh raptus uh third on the bike for the second round of bikes making a quite a statement uh for herself i never saw a single woman stand which is another sign and i did see madaris uh and the boys and koski on the hill stand how you how that's not just intuitive for people just when when you hit
Starting point is 00:37:12 a hill to just stand and give a couple pumps or right at the beginning when they ran with their bikes and jumped on not to stand to get a couple pumps to get ahead i have no fucking idea i am not like any i'm just a kid who rode my bike to school every day and and i and i know that shit it's kind of amazing um a note about alexis i please i contacted everybody i knew at ttt and was like how is she on a bike and they were like they've been working on this a lot um and she's not afraid to get aggressive um i'm really bummed out i didn't play her i went i went safe with emily rolf um but yeah i was i was very impressed i that was a big statement for her i i feel like speaking of impressed can
Starting point is 00:37:53 we look at um brookwell can we look at the female leaderboard the commentators were saying she came top 10 which is crazy impressive to me most improved because she was one of those girls that i saw on a bike in madison a couple years ago who it looked absolutely dangerous for her to be on a bike did she come in top 10 here you see campbell okay no oh 12 still not bad man wow do we know do europeans are can you break people up by continent? Do Europeans normally do better at biking events? I mean biking seems to be like more of their thing, right? We drive around in SUVs. They ride bikes.
Starting point is 00:38:33 We don't really do that here. A friend I have moved to Amsterdam, and he was on a bike all the time, and then he moved back over to like Ohio or something. And he was like i realized that felt weird because like usually when we see people on bikes we just think they're poor fair fair fair i love it um that's like phoenix arizona they have the they have the best sidewalk network system in any big city i've ever seen in my life. The sidewalks are wide. There's nobody on the sidewalks.
Starting point is 00:39:08 No one walks there. Pat looked like a fucking rhino on his bike. Like he looked like he was capable of knocking someone else. If you got close to him, you were going to get hit. There's like a wobble in him, like an inefficiency wobble. But you're crazy if you rode next to them. We talked about Lazer. We saw Colton get lapped, and I was happy because at least that gave him some screen time.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Get your Colton Mertens. Son of a bitch. Hey, we'll take what we can get. Get your Colton Mertens card from Wadzombie right now, or you can order it at Wadzomb you can go to vindicate uh dot com there's it's it's spelt funny uh spencer panchik i just have a oh shit we covered that pretty extensively that spencer and lazar came in too early um can we look before we uh take tyler uh watkins lead and look at the next event and and talk about the weather can we go look at both leaderboards men and women and take a event and talk about the weather. Can we go look at both leaderboards, men and women and take a peek and see what's going on over there.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Okay. So in first place, we have Haley Adams, Tia Toomey, Emma Lawson. Does anyone have any problems with that? That seems extremely accurate to me. And I think the big name there is Emma Lawson,
Starting point is 00:40:22 the 17 year old. Yeah. Lots of youth in that top six. Raptors, O'Brien, Lawson, Adams, all really young. Yeah, half the pack's under 25, right? In the top six, seven. And then where we start to have our first issue is where we know that the leaderboard's gone is not correct yet is we have daniel brandon in eighth place and something must not be right there because we know that she was uh further
Starting point is 00:40:58 behind let's let's see what the time difference is there 39 38 now 38. Now let's go and see, uh, what did, um, Haley Adams get? And we know Haley laughed. 35, I think. 38, 23. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:12 So, so, so really, uh, Danielle's time was probably going to be closer to 42 or 43. 44. And maybe even unless they gave her a five minute penalty. Okay. And let's keep scrolling, um, down and scrolling um down and and see what we got here caleb suza thanks for all the video from the event it's cool
Starting point is 00:41:33 it's cool seeing that as we do the show in real time go uh emma mcquade car saunders uh gabby magawa no other women other women besides Daniel Brandon right now are being, I'm thought of as doing too many laps, right? I haven't heard of anyone else. Okay. Let's keep going. I am hearing now. I just got a text message that there could be as many as 10 men who need their scores changed. That sounds right.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Wow. Uh, okay. Let's go down to the bottom there, Caleb, and look at the bottom 10. I'm just curious how, if there's any changes we can see going on there let me see 40th place I can't see it I think that was Christine Colin Brander okay so she wow look at
Starting point is 00:42:19 that guys she's 33 seconds away from the time cap perfect pretty close crazy did anybody play her She's 33 seconds away from the time cap. Perfect. Yeah, it's pretty close. Crazy. Did anybody play her? God, I hope so.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I can't even remember who I bet. Brian. Brian probably played Colin Brander. I played. I played Luca. I'm pretty much fucked there. All right. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Let's go over to the men's leaderboard and and then we'll talk about the shuttle run jerk. Good start for Haley Adams. Okay, so Spencer Panchik at the top, then Lazar Jukic, then Ricky Garrard. But are we all in agreement that first place is Janikowski even though he's sitting in fourth there definitely I think so there's only it's what two two and a half minutes faster than Haley's time um Tyler why are these up on the board already does that mean they have some high-tech shit that automatically is reporting the scores to the board I would imagine it's the default um i mean probably jr can speak to this
Starting point is 00:43:29 a little bit closer than i can but i would imagine the scores get reported to the scoring table and they just type they they have one job and it's type yeah um and then you can make adjustments later and that's why everybody who's like looking at the leaderboard right now like hey things are wrong is like this means nothing like until until the end of the night who's like looking at the leaderboard right now, like, Hey, things are wrong. It's like, this means nothing. Like until, until the end of the night, it's like, yeah, we can speculate on it, but it's not, it's not clear. Okay. Let's do a little, let's do a little speculation. I want to, I want to see if they give five minutes to Lazar or if they give five minutes
Starting point is 00:43:59 to Spencer, that'll put them at 38 56. Now let's find my homeboy on there. That's fine. Let's find my homeboy on there. Let's find my homeboy on there. Where is he? Where is he? 3856 was 21st place. Oh, darn it. Okay. So even if you give him five minutes penalty,
Starting point is 00:44:20 he still beats Colton Mertens. Well, fuck. The spread on that's really really tight what what was a lap time what was like an average lap time do we know i i saw the the two things i've seen i've seen lap times ranging from 230 to three minutes for the men but i think that was looking at um uh whoever whoever what yannikoski's times and then i also saw someone put up in the chat during the event that the guys were going around at about 18 and a half miles per hour but that might be for the fastest guys considering all the places that you can mess up in this workout how many breaks you can take during the gymnastics your transition on the bike your transition to the bike um
Starting point is 00:45:03 something you might you know your lap time these these scores are really tight um even even for the with the consideration of people messing up and not doing a lap they're they're still really tight so why do you think that someone like travis mayer brent fukowski and colton mertens are all clumped up together like this you think that this is you think this biking was a skill is this a is this a high skill workout i think the comfortability on the bike probably probably mattered two to three minutes of total time i would say if you you know if you if they did this workout on a stationary concept two bike the exact same workout 75 5 miles 75 i don't think the i don't
Starting point is 00:45:46 think the leaderboard would look anything like this uh would brent be at the top i think he would be toward the top just because of how powerful and how well he buffers lacked it uh let's see who's let's see the final four let's see the four um uh the four guys who are at the bottom of the heap well there's an interesting go of the heap. Well, there's an interesting, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Well, there's an interesting point here because like, I thought Emily Rolfe was going to do well and she didn't do that well. Um, and, and Colton's sort of a counterpoint to this, but she's, she was much longer than everybody who did pretty well. And I'm like, well,
Starting point is 00:46:18 maybe just the amount of gymnastics that she had, that she had to do. Maybe that time made the difference. I don't know. Uh, like I said, colton's the counterpoint to that but for brent and some of those guys they're they're quite a bit longer um the difference um thank you for all your hard work this is great was good to see hayley win one but what do y'all think of emma watson uh lawson keeping up uh yeah emma lawson's a beast um uh sorry i should say your name matthew murphy thank you um michael c i i i mean i i i i'm i'm stuck on the fact of the dF stuff. Which one of you thinks that it should be a DNF? Tyler, you do me.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yeah. But if it's only a few now, if it's half the field have, so say, say one guy screws, say Danielle screwed up and goes in early or something. And then four people follow her. Cause they're like,
Starting point is 00:47:20 well, I'm definitely right behind Danny, Danielle. And she's going in. Then you have a bigger problem on your hand. But if one or two people screw up in seclusion dnf them so and what and you guys think that um jr and hillary you think it shouldn't be a df dnf did not finish oh you do think it should be a dnf hillary it totally depends on the athlete briefing and who the responsibility falls upon based upon what they were told in that briefing.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Agreed. Because what is the point? What is the point? I guess we can't know until I guess it's just really poor speculation until we know what the briefing is, because on one hand, like you want to do what's fair or do you want to do what's right? Thank you. Do you want to do what's fair or do you want to do what's right thank you do you want to do what's best for the competition i guess you have to know what your what your um wow look at those guys holy shit see the guys in the ice pass that guy in the right's unconscious someone pull him out does anyone see that that guy's unconscious oh no he opened his eyes oh there he is maybe you can speak to this maybe Maybe you can't, Siobhan, but Dave's definitely been through this several times.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Have you ever been there while he has to go through these decisions and make them based on? Yeah, I wish I could give some insight into that. I can't think of anything that jumps out at me. I mean, the event when I think Matt Fraser was running an event one time, and a weight fell out of his backpack. Right. But he did – well, no, he didn't. Did he go back and get that weight? I'm not sure what – no, I don't think he noticed it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 And that started becoming the speculation because he looks back when the weight falls out, but he doesn't look at the ground. And so did he know? Did he not know? And then you start – I don't think you can do all that. I think there has to be some. There has to be something in place or something that's just set based on some ideology or thought process, and I'm not sure what that is. Right. But I'd like to hear someone who can think clearly about it, spit it out. So if Dave can call in, that'd be great thanks yeah good job okay uh can't caleb
Starting point is 00:49:26 can you pull up the next workout um we're off to oh chase chase chase ingram what's he doing probably taking a shit or something dropping a deuce deuce does chase deuce didn't chase deuces commentator making his play in his fantasy app he screwed that that up. I only, yeah. I only eat raw meat, so I don't deuce. I don't deuce. The next event is a shuttle run, rest, a long, no, sorry, shuttle run, max jerks, shuttle run, max jerks, shuttle run, max jerks with some resting in there. JR, if it is even a little bit wet no they should not no they should not do the workout as written and i think the most likely
Starting point is 00:50:14 well i think the most likely substitute is going to be a strict press from the blocks because you don't have because you don't have to i am on my way to medicine and it's pouring because you don't have to move your feet and because even if the bar is wet they can still do it safely okay okay msouza can you ask james townsend it's james townsend right there can you get james townsend james yeah yeah hold on let's get him here real quick hey james can we ask you a couple questions real quick you're live right now quick question if it is even a little bit moist do they have to scratch if the turf is even a little bit moist do they have to scratch the jerk and put in a different movement if the ground's even a little bit moist do you think they're going to scratch the jerk
Starting point is 00:51:00 and have to bring in a new movement. Absolutely. Absolutely. And what is that movement? I don't know. You're breaking up. And, Susan, what is that movement? JR says that that movement will probably be a strict press. Oh, no. That thing's bad. Well, James looks good on our end.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Hey, what will the movement be that they replace the jerk with will it be a strict press do you think they'll switch the movement to a strict press something less dynamic push press or a strict press no no no the whole point is to do something on heavy legs he thinks he thinks that the only safe the safest movement that they would do would be deadlift nothing overhead uh because of safety or because of um it being a similar movement and he's gone thank you suza all right we brought up the other guy uh who's on a car phone uh okay car phone like i'm from 1988 uh stop you know i was using a car phone Stop. I just a brain fart. What do you think about that, J.R.? Deadlift. And I think he's thinking deadlift because of the the lower extremities that would be taxed.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah, no, that's a that's a that's another good assumption. I would think one of those two. I can't see them doing bench press. And if they're not going to do anything dynamic, I don't think they, they would do anything other than those two. Um, what about the, hold on, let's check in with Sousa. All good, Sousa. Thank you. Okay. So, okay. So did you guys hear there is going to be potentially a move to a strict press? No. Tell us, tell us, did you? Yeah, so somebody just told me that
Starting point is 00:52:46 from Underdog Athletics, somebody from there said that they are switching it to a strict press. Wow, wow. Are you a wizard? Broken clock strikes twice a day, Tyler. Hey, this guy's right every five minutes, but he always uses that same thing.
Starting point is 00:53:04 He only has a five-minute clock. He has a 10-minute watch, and every five minutes, but he always uses that same thing. He only has a five-minute clock. He has a 10-minute watch, and every five minutes, he's right. Oh, my goodness. Let me see. Okay, there you go. Sorry, my thing is my internet's so bad right there. Hey, there's no way Ricky Garrard won that event, is there? Now, I just received a text that there is belief now,
Starting point is 00:53:26 there is suspicions that maybe Ricky won the event. I still don't think he could have been ahead of Yana. Yeah. How? He's a BMX guy. Oh, man. What, what? Sorry. Hold on. Let Sousa go. Go, Sousa. They just sent a big announcement. Severe weather is approaching.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Take shelter or return to your vehicles. And it looks like everybody right now is clearing out. Hey, I want to tell you something crazy. I was there one time at Madison, and the tent blew over, and it was like the third biggest tent there. It was fucking huge. It could have held 500 people under it. I'm trying to remember whose it was.
Starting point is 00:54:04 It was some supplement companies. And the tent tent blew over and no one was there right they played because they had warned severe uh weather warning if people would have been there fucking 100 people would be dead this thing fucking just picked up off the ground moved over and then just slammed it was seriously it looked like fucking god did it like you just bam like how you would smash a bunch of bugs it was crazy so uh i would take that shit seriously but not you and uh heidi you guys stay there and risk your lives so we can get reporting please wait let's hear that it just says severe weather approaching take shelter return to your vehicles and is that sean Woodland's voice?
Starting point is 00:54:45 Do they have him do it? Hello, I'm the voice of CrossFit. Please, please return to your cars. I don't know. I would listen to it if he said it. Oh, my God. Go over to where that is and grab the mic and Susan be like, don't be a pussy. Stay and compete.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah, everybody's definitely leaving this thing is turning out pretty quickly now okay I think we are going to get Justin Kotler on in a moment and we will find out we had started speculating what the next movement is oh shit Hiller just gave us the weather conditions holy Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Okay. Any hail? I got about five minutes, Yvonne. You have five minutes? Is that what you said? Yes, sir. Okay, thank you. Hiller, any hail or just rain? Just rain so far. I saw lightning strike maybe five minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And how far are you from the venue? Probably 20 minutes. Okay. Hey, they must have taken down the feed because our numbers are fucking escalating. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the show. Gray, thank you. you if they stop this uh event it looks like people actually really are leaving um if they do this will the plan be how important is it they still get in the same number of events
Starting point is 00:56:18 or do they just start scratching events go ahead hillary you first how important is it that they make let's say they lose two events today let's say let's say now all of a sudden the crossfit games is 11 instead of 13 events they can do that they can't do that they've never missed an event have they we've never scratched an event they've got backups for every event yeah so you're saying it is important that they do all the events um jr saying it one way that they have a backup and hillar saying that they can't in the complete test of fitness you have to have the full field of events because like what if this is the event that the winner should have done shitty on and then they wouldn't have won as a result uh but what about the whole act of god thing you know
Starting point is 00:57:02 it's the weather it's like hey you're saying that god didn't want whoever to be the fittest in that point or what no i'm just saying that that's how you get your money back on a plane ticket if it's an act of god you get your money back if it's just you being a jackass and did too much coke the night before you don't well here's the thing too you got to think about that there's a reason why event 2a and 2B are after the first event. There's an event that what follows event 2A and 2B is there. There's a reason for all of it. So if you change the movements too much, then what the next workout test is no longer as relevant. So let's just say that you do deadlift instead of strict press.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Well, maybe tonight's movement is a complex handstand movement or another upper body movement and he wants to see whose shoulders are still recovered from the heavy jerks then right at that point he goes out the window right uh justin kotler hi hey bud how we doing good um i there would there is uh some serious um speculation and belief that several athletes only did four laps. At least one woman, Daniel Brandon, your old athlete, and maybe up to 10 men, including maybe one of the best bikers out there, Ricky Garrett. We're trying to figure – we weren't in the athlete briefing. Were you in it? Yeah. Garrett, we're trying to figure we, we weren't in the athlete briefing. Were you in it? Uh, yeah. Um, who,
Starting point is 00:58:32 do they talk about whose responsibility it is to know what lap they're on? I'm pretty sure when they briefed them, honestly, I didn't hear it today, but, uh, according to them the other day, I'm pretty sure they said, it's up to the athletes to count. Um, well, thank you, Justin. It was the athletes to count. Well, thank you, Justin. It was nice talking to you. There's no reason to be rude and get off so abruptly. Oh, you're back.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Hi. Yeah. Can you guys hear me? Let me see if I can get. Yeah. We hear you great. We hear you great. The audio is fantastic. If he wants to come up to the press area, he can use this rig.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Okay. Okay. But I can tell you that according to Ricky, he is adamant that he did five laps. He came off the chest of ours fifth. He was in a group with Adler, Medeiros, Roman, who could see Koski the entire time. He said he was creeping up. And on the final lap, he went ham sandwiches. He caught Koski on the final hill and
Starting point is 00:59:26 he out sprinted according to him he says he is 100 positive he did five laps i'm just relaying what he said because i'll be honest with you i didn't see it um some of these some of these events i get a little nervous and i i can't watch so okay and i have a quote here uh from ricky ricky text me himself and he said i can only count to five and i maxed out my county so he knows he did five yeah he he he said he feels 100 positive that he did five so that's awesome i can only tell you what what what he's saying um you know who wouldn't know you know koski knows yeah koski didn't say anything to me because he he knows if ricky passed him or not because that was like oh fuck moment for him right i mean my assumption um according to ricky he was in it like i said he was that group. He got off the chest of bars right around fifth, fifth place. Um, and he felt, he said he was, Koski was in touch the entire time.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Well, what, you know, how, how far back, I'm not sure guys, honestly, I, this is, this is really just going exactly by, by what he said. So, okay. Okay. Let me ask you this. Um, there were, there were judges, each athlete had one judge on the field, right? At the pull-up bar and at the toes to bar bar. Yeah. Right. Yeah. And did each judge have an athlete on, did each athlete also have a judge that was on? I don't believe so. No. You just, so you do each, there wasn't a judge who was like, Hey, watch your guy on the bike race, stand here and count how many laps they do no i don't think so i'm pretty sure that uh they were just they were scattered about kind of keep them make sure they didn't go off course so their field of play judges not judges for accuracy laps how about the chips do the chips count how many laps you do i don't i don't know i don't think so i'll be honest with you i think it's uh you know i think we're looking at a pretty a shit show of situation i don't think so. I'll be honest with you. I think we're looking at a pretty shit show of situation. I don't know that we're going to get a resolution that's actually correct, other than it seems relatively certain that Lazar and Spencer did one less lap.
Starting point is 01:01:39 If you just look at their time, it seems like that seems pretty obvious. Right. It seems like that that seems pretty obvious. And they they didn't argue about that. They they I believe they both appealed just because of the the process. They said they were waived in. So they are saying it was a judge's error. is this is all speculation guys that's kind of what i'm uh what what i've seen um but uh yeah i don't i don't know exactly what they're going to do according to a few of the people i've spoken to um they said they're checking videos now trying to figure it out but i'll be honest with you it looked to me like the feed cut out at times because of the rain um and i think i'm not sure that that they really even have the video evidence to go back and see what exactly happened. Here's what I'm hearing the problem is. If the chips didn't count the laps, if there were no judges counting laps, then that part of the race was on the honor system.
Starting point is 01:02:50 system and at that point spencer and lazar as much as their times might not make sense you have to then be like well shit maybe the other guys did six laps i mean if no one can count how how the fuck do you score it if you want to be 100 fair right i i listen i, I'm in agreement with you. I just kind of feel like at this point, unless you have like 100%, you can't speculate. Like unless you know, fuck no it's too important. You know, if you, you know, in tennis, you know that rule in tennis, right? Cutler, if you don't know a hundred percent it's in, it's out. Like if you have 1% of 1% doubt, because there's no
Starting point is 01:03:25 judges in tennis until you get to the very highest highest level yeah and so you can't speculate no this is this is uh i don't know guys i mean listen it's um i wish this is not the way things started it uh i like it i know it gives you stuff to talk about, but as a coach, you, you, you know, you fucking hate to see this. You don't want to see people penalize. Like Lazar and Spencer were doing incredibly. Like they were, they, they should have finished top five. You know what I mean? They were going to finish top five or I guess there was a group there that was like six or seven. They were in the top six or seven.
Starting point is 01:03:59 That's an excellent finish no matter what, and and right i mean i'm assuming um i mean you guys would have scores in front of you i don't know all the times but um you know and then it's all it's all messed up it's all the times and scores are all messed up like the leaderboards are the leaderboards jacked up i'm definitely more stressed right now than ricky he's fucking laid back he he feels like he's like coach don't worry he's like i did five laps i'm i'm positive so but you know i'm like of course as a coach you until it's 100 uh, Cutler, but before we lose you, I want to switch subject on you.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Do you have any fears about the weather and are you leaving the event, the venue with your athletes? Uh, so we are suspended, it's suspended right now for severe weather. Um, I think it's relatively obvious that they're going to change the event. It's going to be, uh, sprint and strict press, according to what I've heard.
Starting point is 01:05:11 We don't know loads yet, but I don't see how you can put them out there. The field's going to continue to be wet, can't dry the field. You can't put them out there and do 300 and 200-pound jerks. That would be incredibly irresponsible, and i can't imagine even if it if it stops i can't imagine that they're they're gonna do that that would be i i mean jesus imagine somebody hurt themselves that would just be i mean fuck after what just happened so are you suggesting that that the show with the athletes goes on even though the spectators are being sent home um so i think they cleared the stands but i i think um they're planning on coming back when the weather passes which i think is a couple hours
Starting point is 01:05:52 um so we're i think everything's just going to be pushed back um i'd be surprised if they if they um i mean i guess unless they can move everything to tomorrow right i mean it's an off day but um i guess you could do that. I don't know, man. It looks fucking, it looks ugly out though. I can tell you that right now. But the fans have been sent home. They've been told the venue is not safe to go to their cars and get the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Wow. Really? And it is pouring rain now. It is pouring rain. Yeah. Yeah. It's pouring. Sousa, Kotler's a VIP and and he's indoors don't talk to him directly talk to me and if you have anything you want to say excuse me of
Starting point is 01:06:32 course of course of course um but yeah it's uh so i'm curious to see i mean i i i can tell you right now that that the that when boss said strict press this morning as the sub man, the fucking, Oh, he did say that. He did say that. Oh yeah. He said it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:48 He said that, that we, I thought he was joking. So I initially, I thought it was a joke. Um, but then when he, he said,
Starting point is 01:06:56 you know, contingent on the weather, if the weather's good, we'll do, we'll do the event as written. If, if, uh,
Starting point is 01:07:03 if it rains, we will run and then we will strict press, but we do not know the, um, we do not know the, uh, the loads. Okay. Mr. Kotler. Thank you so much. Uh, extremely insightful. Uh, you are the kind of person that makes this the best place for people to get their news about the 2022 CrossFit game. Thank you, dude. Good, good talking to you guys. I'm sure we'll, I'm sure we'll catch up again.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Okay. Later brother. Thank you. Okay. It's too bad. We don't have Hiller and Jr here or Taylor to continue the, the thought on this. But basically what we are hearing is in the briefing,
Starting point is 01:07:40 the athletes told they were responsible. So that does cover cross the game's ass. We are told that Ricky Gerard is certain he did five laps and that he does remember he did sprint past yannikoski at the end and it was when the cameras weren't on him we still are uncertain on whether the chips were counting laps but if they were not we do have a serious fucking problem especially if there were holes in the video coverage and the final thing which is exciting to know is is that in the athlete briefing they were told that if it pours um if it rains they will do strict presses but what's interesting is i don't think that was that could i think change again because it is so much rain
Starting point is 01:08:19 and by the way it looks like um uh do you want to comment on that um tyler before i ask who's where he is and what's going on? I'm going to hop off and go do some digging on that because the stimulus is very different. Yeah, it's strict press, but really the limiting factor in that workout is your legs more so than it is your, you're going to be limited by your ability, like your strength overhead, but your legs are going to get very very heavy and so making that a strict press seems a little ignorant to me um okay yeah fair so yeah i'm going to jump off and i think and i think james townsend agreed with you yeah yeah jane i think james and i would rather do deadlift or or some something like that okay but i don't program all right thank you very much i appreciate you
Starting point is 01:09:05 coming on the show thank you i'll be back see you okay imagine i told all these fucking knuckleheads this is going to be the biggest show in the fucking space during the week all the other feeds are down we have the largest live audience ever and where the fuck is brian friend jr howell taylor the thumb self you jackasses jackasses let's see what's going on with Matthew Sousa you fucking it all up you guys
Starting point is 01:09:37 don't worry I'm still climbing my way to the top but like you guys know let's do games coverage we're all in Seve we're all in fucking caleb's all in and he's stuck in some fucking place with the fucking costco fucking ghetto fucking air conditioner not america these motherfuckers uh Hiller, thanks for coming back on. Imagine, imagine, I told all these motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Yeah, yeah. Listen, listen, listen. What's up? I know Alexis made you get back on. She said, yo, if you want to marry me, you better get on the Sebon podcast and put some fucking followers on. That's exactly how it went down.
Starting point is 01:10:22 We had different phone services. I've had her phone, then we switched phones. We're trying to figure it out, but it's working now. The ring's not by me. And your audio went to ass. Your audio was better before. I mean, you sound like you're in a tin can now. It's shit now? Yeah. It's the same setup. Interesting. Alright. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:10:37 That's okay. Did you hear some of the stuff that we heard? Oh, that is what I'll do. Thank you. I'm going to send a link to Rich Froney. He won't let me down. He won't let me down. He knows what's up. Did you hear some of the stuff that we just found out from...
Starting point is 01:10:53 Yeah, the strip press. I was reading. You can't just throw a strip press at it. It completely changes it. Also, do we know how they're doing the run? Is it shuttle run-esque? They're going down and back. I believe so.
Starting point is 01:11:04 And I do think that they pulled the shuttle run out that Adrian said that they would not have that if it did get wet, because it's dangerous. So how are they going to do it then? That's a good question. Oh, I should have asked Kotler that. If one of you
Starting point is 01:11:20 guys would have been on the show to fucking help me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My bad. But I take all personal responsibility and accountability for it, because the show to fucking help me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My bad. My bad. No, but I take all personal responsibility and accountability for it because the buck here stops with me. My bad. Move your eyebrows around for me. Move your eyebrows around for me. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Anything for you, man. Whatever you need. So, they are sending the fans home, although, Let's ask Susan what's going on. Susan, are the fans actually going to their cars and leaving, or are they just going and spending money? It looks like they're just going and spending money. It's so crowded in that vendor village now, it's nuts. Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:11:57 What is this? Is this true? Have you heard about anyone withdrawing from the competition? Why would that be the case? I don't know. Didn't she just do well on that event? I don't know. Someone said she withdrew because Danielle only did four laps.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Luke said that Morning Chalk Up posted that emily rolf is withdrawn withdrawn and the morning chaka just sits there uh it was andrew weinstein the pr guy has an absolute duty as he sits on lefranco's face to report everything directly to lefranco so i'm guessing that that's a pretty good source straight from the ass to the mouth. I shouldn't be left alone on here. I'm going to start getting really crass. At least when I look at Jr,
Starting point is 01:12:52 I see an adult and I start to, I start to clean it up a little bit. Emily Rolf has withdrawn from the individual competition and Tom Tom Moolbeer Moolbeer has withdrawn from the men's 65 plus competition because his pacemaker stopped working. All right, fine. Wasn't he the top seeded guy coming into the competition for the 65 plus? I don't know. We would need Brian here for that. Oh, I'm telling you he was.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Thank you. Okay, fine. But you said it like you were trying to be humble. Like, wasn't he? I'm pretty sure. was. Thank you. Okay, fine. But you said it like you were trying to be humble. Like, wasn't he? But now you're... I'm pretty sure. Like, fuck you. I got like a 92% on that one.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Okay. Have you talked at all about the fact that they're going to possibly change the strict presses? Because that completely changes the event. Okay, tell me why. I actually like the strict press. But Town townsend and uh um someone else was saying i can't remember uh tyler watkins were saying uh you need something that that taxes the legs also for it to be comparable oh yeah why do you why do you like
Starting point is 01:13:56 the strict press because i'm just a fucking knucklehead and in my l1 they teach you press push press push jerk and so i think okay if doesn't work, you switch to the next one. It's because he's old and he doesn't have the coordination to do jerks. I'm just trying to get boxes of water up onto the fridge, buddy. I'm done carrying my wife around the room when we get kinky. That's the kind of shit you do. That window's closed for me. So with that being the case, I would prefer the strict press.
Starting point is 01:14:25 We're using a parallel right there. But there are very high-level weightlifters, and God, I wish I had their names in my mind, but they will be able to strict press. Let's say a male can jerk 405 pounds. There have been instances in which they can't strict press 185 pounds. No shit. Very, very true. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:47 And that's because they're using their legs to drive it overhead and once the bar is overhead and they can establish the lockout, they're very stable in their shoulders.
Starting point is 01:14:55 So it's an entirely different move. It entirely changed the event and part of the difficulty in it would have been the fatigue that they would have been accumulating from pushing the pace on the runs.
Starting point is 01:15:04 And if it's entirely leg and then it's entirely upper body, it's completely changing it again. I mean, it's just as bad as if it – I shouldn't say it's just as bad as if they didn't have it, but it's pretty bad. Tony Andrews, Sevan is a beta and lets his wife dominate in the bedroom. That's almost true. Let me just do a little correction on there. Sevan is a beta and lets my mom dominate in the room that but but other than that you got it you got it right tony uh but thank you um his mom his his mom okay his mom his mom let me uh seven is a beta and lets uh tony's mom dominate in the room okay oh fuck tony i let your mom dominate in the room that's what i'm trying to
Starting point is 01:15:45 say asshole okay uh hillar when you talk can you turn the mic to your mouth just a tiny bit would that give us a little bit more baritone speaking of betas you sound just horrible this is helpfully talking no you know what it is those earpieces aren't working it's your mic on your phone that's turned on oh is that better i mean your nose is clean looks like you haven't done any blow in a while not not recently no one second oh you know i got something okay two seconds i'll be right back okay uh caleb can you pull up do we know what the third event is oh no they're supposed to announce that this afternoon. I know. I totally botched that. I was on track, Sid.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I was on track. I was on track. I don't even get this. Savon only has sex in the Amazon position? Oh, like Amazon, like Amazonian women? Like you get picked up? You get carried? Is that how that works
Starting point is 01:16:45 emily wasn't allowed into the noble tent because she is a hustle athlete and craig didn't set up a tent i wonder if that's true let's uh let's ask suza for an update here while we wait for hillary to get his shit together suza how's how are things going i think they're doing good they're they're like this lady here is stopping people from going that way and they're trying to push everybody out and then shuttle them into the vendor village or here in this spectator workout area. So that's basically what's happening. Point me to where the actual venue is where the event was taking place.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Can you point the camera in that direction? Yeah. So you would go down this way and then you would make the left. And that's where the actual venue is. So that way and then make the left. And you can see how everything's closed up over there now. That was all opened up before. And medical staff here and then a couple people back there are blocking and pushing everybody back this way.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Okay. And is it still raining where you are? No, it stopped raining now. It stopped raining. It came down pretty hard for a little bit and then just kind of stopped. So everything's wet now, but it's not raining. Any wind? No wind.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Little bit, but nothing crazy. Thunder and lightning? Not that I've seen yet, but nothing crazy. Thunder and lightning? Not that I've seen yet, but the clouds are looking pretty dark. Okay, so this lady's sending those people back right there. Those people right there. Okay, let's watch someone get sent back. Let's watch this lady in the summer dress get tossed around. There you go.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Bye-bye. Get the fuck back. Do you not? Get your car, yeah. Do you want me to try it and they'll turn me around on camera? Yeah, sure. Why not? Why not? Let's see what happens.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Okay, let's try. I think that's Katina. That's Katina. She was with Daniel Brandon. Oh, yes, it is Katina. Oh, dang that. I'm sorry. They were going to boot me. How long do you guys expect this thing to be closed down before they let people back in?
Starting point is 01:18:47 Any word on that? No. And you guys are just clearing everybody out of the venue? We have the university weather staff here. We've been monitoring the sales just to make sure that we have clear lightning. Lightning is the most major lightning that's been in the past. As far as I know right now, we're probably looking at about
Starting point is 01:19:09 30 minutes, 35 minutes. But it's weather. Hey, are we in tornado country? I don't think so. Are we in tornado country? Yes, we are. That's not a concern, but we are. This is why they're pushing everybody out.
Starting point is 01:19:25 So to your point, that tent that blew over that years back, that's why they're moving everybody away from the built structures and the permanent structures here. So that way they don't have a fear of anything blowing over on anybody else. Ask Ms. Katina Thornton. Did you see the doctor there right there in that red shirt? That's Dr. Katina Thornton. Ask her if her and um if uh her and
Starting point is 01:19:45 danielle got to see each other yet because she was danielle's one-on-one last year have you and danielle got to see each other yet and how is she and how was that experience for you all right thank you awesome and it was a little lightning now that I'm seeing happen back behind us over there. So last year, so, so just so you guys know, so last year, Daniel Brandon's, uh, two, uh, um, training partners were, uh, diagnosed with the cold common cold. And so they weren't allowed to compete, but Danielle was allowed to compete even though she didn't have the cold. And then, uh, Danielle was though given a doctor to follow her around everywhere which is kind of funny i'd have given her like a dude who's like 6 10 just to beat her up if she gets out of line but they gave her a doctor instead and and that was the lady who was nice
Starting point is 01:20:36 enough to do it and of course you hang out with daniel brandon all week and she became a huge daniel brandon friend uh fan and daniel brandon said that that lady was super duper duper cool and that lady's been around forever um and and she's a ma i think i think that lady has like six kids she does and her husband's a doctor too they're really cool people go ahead kayla yeah no yeah i've worked with her a few times in the past just with other events and she's incredible she's she works really hard she's always always really nice to everybody she doesn't say a bad thing about a single person. And she's really good at her job.
Starting point is 01:21:08 And she's got jokes because when I pointed out the lightning, she said, remember, you're not a meteorologist. Hey, Jamal Smith, Sevan, they are beta shaming you. I know. I know. I get in where you fit in. A guy named Dick Camp says, Sevan, Susan needs help on the ground, says Dick.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Dick, he needs your help. He's a power bottom. I'm coming, Susan. I'm coming. When you ask someone about the weather and they use the words, we're tracking the cells, you know you're not in California anymore. You're like in weather country. We don't have that word here, or the incels,
Starting point is 01:21:48 or whatever the fuck he said. Matt, are these people waiting, these people who are now suspecting that it's going to open back up and they're ready to go back in? Yeah, that's definitely what's happening. I don't know if you can hear the gentleman that was talking to us, but he said right now they're only expecting about a half hour and then they should let everybody back in but as we know weather is always subject to change at any moment's notice but right now it's about a
Starting point is 01:22:11 half hour so i've really seen a ton of people actually fully leave the venue um it looks like they just came to these two locations at least the mass majority of them just to kind of wait it out um yesterday uh adrian bosman said that uh he has a long day today that will be going to 9 20 p.m and uh i wonder if that day just got longer yeah i wonder if they're going to move some stuff into tomorrow too maybe or maybe even like the age groups, just shift them over to tomorrow. Yeah. Sousa.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Yep. What do they do? What's more important to give the individuals all – what has priority? There's only so many hours in today. I know by tomorrow morning they want to probably get back on schedule. Will they start hacking away at Masters and Adaptive and Age Group in order to make the individuals get their shit done? That's what I would assume. Yeah, they're probably going to take priority.
Starting point is 01:23:13 So if there's any shifting that'll happen, that's probably where it'll take place in order to allow the individuals to still complete the day of competition. But you haven't heard anything yet? I haven't heard anything yet, no. competition. But you haven't heard anything yet. I haven't heard anything yet. No. And I think they're just trying to hope for the best and thinking that this might clear up within the next 30 or 40 minutes and then they could kind of just get back on schedule. Um, the, the team, the teams are, so they've just been completely put on hold, right? We haven't had any team events yet. I think there was one. I don't know that both both heats concluded, but I know one heat was going on. And so maybe after that he concluded is when they started pushing people out,
Starting point is 01:23:50 but I don't know. Can you check the leaderboard? When would the teams have gone? When would they have gone? They were going right after the women's or the men's heat. I don't know if they finished or not. But you're saying that while we were doing the first five minutes of the show, the team started up. Yeah, that was the first week going.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Okay. They haven't awarded any points, but they have time, so I'm not sure. Can we take a look at that? Can we peep that? Yeah. We just have a bunch of teams that know and the times, but they didn't give anybody points or positions or anything like that. Okay. I'm getting a note here from cat sheer from the uh clydesdale podcast the following athletes have withdrawn from the crossfit competition
Starting point is 01:24:57 and she's and she's getting this on the uh on the app which is pretty damn cool kudos to crossfit for having this uh she sent me a screenshot emily rolf and tom mulbear tom mulbear man set 65 plus uh so now i guess the just the question is is what happened to uh these two thank you cat let's see have you seen her have you seen her on the ground there and we lost tiller uh michael edwards five uh i think that might be pounds ricky gerard is 228 behind jukic i think he did five laps also based on how how Tia Emma closed the gap on final lap. Not a fan of strict press judging consistency. Okay. Oh, that'd be nice to have JR here for this.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Or Hiller. I imagine an issue with the strict press judging is that you're going to have a lot of people like with a knee bend at the bottom. So even if you're just coaching at your gym and you're doing strict presses, you have people with little knee bends at the bottom of their like right as they engage to do their strict press. But whether or not they're going to be super sticklers about it or just let it just be, oh, it's not a non-factor is kind of up to the judge i guess internet went down i'm off for now mr hiller okay thank you andrew oh my goodness nice nice i'm i'm seeing all the ceo shirts uh coming out. Sorry, Caleb. I'm fighting with my friends in the text threads.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Fighting with my friends in the text threads. Let's see this comment. Can we send Sousa into the pavilion? Darren, he was in there and it was batshit crazy in there. See how tight it is? See how all those people are standing at the entrance? Heren he was in there and it was bat shit crazy in there see how tight it is see how all those people are standing at the entrance um he will be going in there uh throughout the
Starting point is 01:27:09 weekend um but as of now uh i don't think it's a good idea for him to go in there. I think any second. Yeah, it's pretty packed, and they've actually stopped letting people travel back and forth between the two of them. So now they're being held here, so there's a big kind of pack here, and then they're being held on this side as well too. That's why this is all clear now. Let me see i wonder if the athletes uh if their taint hurts really bad after that bike race yes there was there was no suspension on the front or the back and i've
Starting point is 01:27:58 ridden one with just a hard tail and my taint hurts for probably the next week you need one you need one of those seats with the hole in it. Yeah, either that or I need to get like the butt pad and just put that under my ass because that's just painful. Oh, how lucky are fucking we? We are so lucky. James. What's up?
Starting point is 01:28:28 Thanks for joining us, brother. What's what's up man thank you for the shirt oh yeah oh yeah uh are are you leaving the venue no i'm actually uh leaving the rv park going back to the exhibition hall that's where i'm staying at this year i got an rv didn't want to pay 500 a night for a hotel gotcha and i heard the rv park school oh yeah yeah yeah it's real cool and good vibes good people definitely just how many people are staying there i want to say at least 200 people to at least 200 campsites or at least 200 people, at least 200 campsites. Like you even have people over there, um, in their tents. So you got a section for your tents and then where I'm at, it's like, uh,
Starting point is 01:29:18 basically where they went for the bike ride, where they went through on the gravel. That's where all the RVs are at. Yeah. So it's just like a big circle and then in the middle. So, yeah, that was cool how they wrote through there. So there might be 500 or a thousand people in there. Could be.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Uh, are you, are you, what do you think about, um, your guys, uh, placement in this workout tutors placement in this workout?
Starting point is 01:29:44 You know, um know he had a lot of jitters you know being a young guy coming in you know that's like that's like opening kickoff jitters you know as soon as you get your first hit hey you know you knock
Starting point is 01:30:00 the jitters out but now he got his feet wet I told him hey look Belner did 35th last year and got second, finished the weekend second. So it's a long weekend. You know, play is over. That workout is over. Short-term memory.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Workout number two is in your wheelhouse. Nobody moves a barbell like you in the shoulder to overhead position. So got to take your strength where you can get it and then let's focus one workout at a time go ahead caleb ask your question even if it's a strict press you think he's still pretty good overhead oh yeah i work that that's i mean you know with me like i agree with what hillary was saying a lot of weightlifters do not work on their strict press you know they could have a 420 jerk but can only strict press 185 200 pounds but me since i do i love doing you know the whole bench press strict press you know super
Starting point is 01:30:57 total trainer i have tutor doing it so that's in that's in his wheelhouse man you know you got to prepare for all things um james were you in the um uh athlete briefing uh for that event yes um and and we had kotler on and he said that they told the athletes they were responsible for their laps yep but he also told us that there were no judges on the course counting laps as far as he knows the judges were there to make sure you didn't ride off the course i know that that was weird because now a lot of people are saying that you know the judge was telling him to go in i mean you could see one guy with a red flag like waving them in but the the head judge guy did say, hey, if you fall, if your chain come off, you got to count your own laps.
Starting point is 01:31:48 That's on your discretion. Okay. But everybody is blaming a judge for waving, I guess, Dukic. I guess he was waving Dukic in. Yeah, so. I mean, hey, you went around five times the first lap. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:12 I don't get it. 10 out of 20, I don't get it. So, and what do you mean by that? Is there a place that you're putting the blame? Do you think that this all comes down to the athletes? Do you think the judges, you think it's split? Oh, no, absolutely. It comes down to the athletes? Do you think the judges need to get split? Oh, no, absolutely. It comes down to the athletes.
Starting point is 01:32:27 They need to be counted. I mean, you did the first five fine, right? Yeah. What do you mean the first five? The first five. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Oh, right, right, right, right, right. Right. Well, here's the thing right, right, right. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Well, here's the thing. We don't even know. Did they? Here's the thing. Do we even know? Do you know some people are speculating, James, that Janikowski may have done six laps? I heard that, too. And if he did, he's a beast. Yeah. Plain and simple. If he did did he's a beast uh oh my goodness james we'd love to keep you on for a second i want to talk to cat sheer but if you have to go i understand but no no i mean what i'm gonna do i'm gonna just play in the rain i mean okay good
Starting point is 01:33:19 cat hi how are you hey buddy how are you uh Hey, buddy, how are you? Good. Did you get to watch that biking event? Sure did. And what was your vantage point of that? I started out underneath the rig taking photos for the Toast-a-Bar section and then scooted over to the finish line after that first round because they blockade places that you can't get through, so I wanted to make sure I was at the finish line after that first round. Cause they like blockade places that you can't get through. So I wanted to make sure I was at the finish line for the end to take photos
Starting point is 01:33:50 or talk to people. And the, the one thing that struck me Savan was that when the winner crossed the finish line and I heard the time 33, whatever, first thing that came to my mind was like, damn, these boys are fast, right? Like much faster than the women. And so it was kind of, it didn't really occur to me that something might've been wrong, but I was just like, wow, like way faster than the women. And then we saw Luca or Lazar come over and he sort of was pantomiming like
Starting point is 01:34:19 one of these things. Like he kind of knew something was up, but there was nothing he could do about it at that point. Like he kind of knew something was up, but there was nothing he could do about it at that point. Was there any official games counter for each individual? What we're trying to figure out is did the chips count the laps? Did, did,
Starting point is 01:34:38 did, was there a judge counting laps or worst case scenario? Was there a camera that followed every, that they gave you a vantage point where you could actually count everyone's laps is there any is there any um you know i guess it's the god's eye view or any view that's like objective that we would know what who did what we and we can't get an answer to that right now yeah i mean i i would think there would be a camera at the entrance to the stadium where people were coming in and perhaps if that was
Starting point is 01:35:05 running they'd be able to see you know people coming through one once twice three times there were individual counters obviously underneath the rig um there were a lot of extra people just standing around i mean i know there were team judges that weren't on that were just standing back there watching um so it wasn't like there wasn't manpower enough to maybe do something like what people are suggesting like why wasn't there somebody on the rack on the track for every athlete to count i know amy you snuck back yeah i was on this i was on the sidelines and saw spence you know race in there and look around and nobody was near him and then lazar came in and then it was just waiting there was was no one else. But when you were behind, when you were where you weren't supposed to be,
Starting point is 01:35:47 but on the track, did you see anything out there? Like were there counters or people just guide courses? And there were drones around, but nothing specific. When you guys, hi, Amy. When you guys saw Lazar enter the stadium, it looked like he realized he guys saw Lazar enter the stadium, it looked like he realized he didn't even enter the stadium yet. It looks like right before he entered the stadium,
Starting point is 01:36:10 he realized something was wrong. He got on his bike and he started to try to ride back to the track and someone wouldn't let him. I didn't see that. I wouldn't have been able to see that from where I was. I did see Boz come over to walk over to Spencer and say something to them.
Starting point is 01:36:29 And I think that's what Spencer tried to get up and they just said no. It sucks. It's so great to be here live and to see all the action and to be so close to everything. But not having that broadcast in your ear or some other visual that you can see, it's just really difficult. You feel very narrowly focused. broadcast in your ear or some other like visual that you can see, it's just really difficult because you can, you feel very like narrowly focused. Like I can only see the person I'm taking a picture of and you lose that bird's eye view of what's going on.
Starting point is 01:36:52 It's difficult. Let me ask you this. Kevin Mullins is asking, how did they count the laps in the crit a few years back? I, I, I don't have an answer for that. No.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Did anybody get lapsed? On the crit? I don't, I don't have an answer for that. No. Did anybody get lapped? On the crit? Yeah, I guess they did. I don't remember. Because if you're not getting lapped, it's a lot easier to, you know, pick track of. Okay. You guys, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:37:19 I'll keep sending you links throughout the week. I can't tell you how much I appreciate and the people appreciate it. It's clearly the CrossFit Games feed is down because there's so many people watching. Go ahead, Kat. One thing, we are in the affiliate lounge right now. There's a special lounge for affiliate owners. And I know you have a big focus on affiliates. We're also taking an affiliate class tomorrow morning, coached by the handsome Paul Tremblay. So we'll report back on that. I think what they're doing here, that onsite affiliate is, uh, is a really cool thing. And, uh, you know, we'd like to share it with everybody. So we'll be doing that in the morning.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Awesome. Cool. Thank you, Amy. Thanks for coming on. Yep. See you guys later. Pulling from the masses. pulling from the masses. So what all those people that, uh, that didn't finish, do they got to bump them to the back? Um, well that, well, I'll ask you that question. We were, we were, we were debating that quite a bit. Like, what is the goal? If you didn't finish,
Starting point is 01:38:23 do you get a DNF and you just all tie for last place? Or do they take the slowest lap and add a minute to your score or the end? And I guess it depends on what, what the goal is, but I do like what someone said in the comments, you didn't finish. And there is something for that. It's called the DNF and just be thankful that they're going to let you keep competing, like get to the fucking end of the line. Right. Right. But then, but then James, what do you do if someone, what if we find out that Lazar tried to get back on the course and a judge told him, no, you're done.
Starting point is 01:38:55 And he went in. I mean, I guess if in the briefing, they said it's on you as the athlete, you could say, well, you should have stood up for yourself and told the guy to fuck off but right that's pretty intense in the line of uh competition i mean it is on the athletes but then the athletes do rely on the judges so you got to hold that judge accountable too if that is the case yeah why aren't you with tutor right now he's out there eating oh okay but I came back here
Starting point is 01:39:29 to the to the noble thing where they checking at so and are are you his you
Starting point is 01:39:35 you are his coach at the event yes yeah awesome and do you have any other athletes there I have a 15 year old um
Starting point is 01:39:44 that's competing this year, Kevin Hill. They start tomorrow. They get ready to do their orientation, but they were supposed to do a practice, I guess the bikes as well. But I don't know if they're going to be able to do that. Yeah, so tell me that. One of the things we're speculating is, will they start cutting off age qualifiers team events adaptive
Starting point is 01:40:07 before they start cutting off individual events because people paid a lot of money to come see the individuals right but then also these athletes who are uh you know the adaptive the age etc they paid a lot of money to be there too how are they going to do that if they start running out of time have they told you like hey we're cutting out one of the age group workouts? Have you heard anything like that? No, no, I haven't heard that. But if they do, like today, the plan was to go to nine o'clock, right? So Friday, we'll have to go to nine o'clock. Saturday, we'll have to go to nine o'clock.
Starting point is 01:40:37 So they will have to put in late days. Okay. You know, you can't just cut that. That'll be a big ass shit storm okay so you're saying your vote is to make the days longer yeah uh let me see if i can ask matt suza here what if he's heard anything suza are you there yeah i'm here why why why is everyone indoors did the rain start up like crazy? We got James indoors. You're indoors.
Starting point is 01:41:06 What's going on? No, they finally pushed me inside, and they're just holding everybody inside. I don't know for how long for, but they're not really letting us even cross back and forth right now. Wow, what a trip. I wonder if they're expecting something really violent. Any tornado talk, Matt? No, nothing that I've heard of. They're just kind of
Starting point is 01:41:34 holding everybody here in limbo. That's what it looks like. Shit. Alright. I think that we've just about exhausted everything we could tell you from here. Any other thoughts here, Mr. Souza? Anything you'd like to share with us? No, I think from when we talked to him, it's been about 15 minutes. They were suggesting that possibly it only be a half hour.
Starting point is 01:42:04 Will that hold everybody in? So if that holds true and nothing has changed since we originally talked to them, then we should be able to move around here in about 15 minutes. Okay. But the rain hasn't been crazy. The wind hasn't picked up. Like, nothing's been extreme this whole time. It's kind of just been relatively the same.
Starting point is 01:42:20 We'll get a little downpours every now and then, but nothing too crazy. Okay. Let's take one final look at the leaderboard. What was the final leaderboard position, which takes points, and how does that time differ from Spencer? Caleb, can you pull up the leaderboard and see if they've had any corrections on there, if they're still sorting that out?
Starting point is 01:42:37 I guess the weather's good for them there because it's allowing them to sort out this mess and make decisions. A tough year for Chuck Carswell to start and have to be making. These are tough decisions. Let's go over to the men's, I think. Oh, okay, so I see what you're showing us, Caleb. Caleb's showing us that Daniel Brandon is still in eighth place, and we're fairly sure that that is incorrect because she did only four laps.
Starting point is 01:43:02 And I guess the next is to go over and look at the boys and those guys. Yeah, we have Spencer and Lazar, and those are the two. Okay. James, do you have any thoughts on this? Ricky Garrard is saying he did five laps and that he did sprint by Janikowski at the end, and it was a time that the camera wasn't on yanikoski have you heard anything about that no nothing they kind of they're kind of
Starting point is 01:43:31 keeping everything under wraps out here um yeah i don't blame them yeah yeah they all tucked away in the rooms and stuff right now yeah i don't blame them all right everybody thanks for watching we will be back shortly i bet you within an hour thanks for tuning in bye

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