The Sevan Podcast - #527 - Live Call In Show | No Games Talk

Episode Date: August 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Like, bam. We're live. Ish.
Starting point is 00:00:34 That. Oh, God, no. No, no. I don't know what to change it to. That one wasn't bad. That one wasn't bad. What about this one? No, this one.
Starting point is 00:00:50 That one's not as bad. Not that one. I used to have one that was just like ticking. Oh, remember when I had the Darth Vader breathing? Yeah. What was wrong with that? I don't know. Why'd you change it?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Oh, how about that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or, Oh wait. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:01:18 There's a whole other, like one that, no, a train. No. A train? A train? That last one sounded like a casino. A slot machine at a casino. How about this one? Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Wait, was that what it was? I think that's what it was back in the day. Oh, yeah. That one sounds good. It just can't be super sharp when it rings. Okay, so it's either this or this. I kind of like the second one. Okay, me too. Okay, let's try that.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Oh. Oh. Hi. Holy shit. I thought you escaped. He's back in the hostage bunker. He fucking escaped. He's back in the hostage bunker. What the fuck is going on? Can you be in the show today?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Yeah, sure. I'm in a bunker, so. He's so easy these days. He's been such a dude. If he could peel back the layers of Caleb's ego. Caleb's been up for 36 hours. It feels like it, dude. Yesterday.
Starting point is 00:02:44 And then I just stayed up until this morning. Oh, I could lose my shit. This afternoon. That's crazy. I thought I was bad. I want to read to you this DM someone sent me. I got approval for it. Because, you know, I was looking for games content.
Starting point is 00:03:09 The whole games content thing is so funny. There's so much. Man, it's like the wild, wild west meets the home for mentally disabled adults. The wild, wild west is just me. And the home for mentally disabled adults is wild wild west is just me and the home for mentally disabled adults is crossfit hq did you did you know that they've had their games live stream pulled down already dude no i tried to find it i was like oh i just want to go look for it and it is gone i just wanted to re-watch a little bit of it there's nothing it's all like Granite Games and Foreign Pro. Who is running CrossFit Media? What a mess. Hey, and the thing is that their PR guy, Andrew Weinstein over there, he thrives off of problems.
Starting point is 00:03:56 So you're only – like you bring a cat and a snake home to catch rats, right? And then if there's no rats, then fucking what are the cat and snake gonna do right that's what this dude is they have a pr guy there that only functions if there's problems and man do they create a lot of problems for themselves 15 years and and they're still getting shit pulled down off of youtube the irony is is that those fuckers all i've done is promote them even when i talk shit about them all it does is promote them and help them and they had my shit pulled down they went out of their way some guy i looked at um some guy named stewart harris at
Starting point is 00:04:35 he's he's the one that reported he's the one i'm sure he's on the legal team there he's the one that had our video pulled down when we were doing the torian pro thing ah good dude yeah what a good dude but it's dude but but like that dude that dude should be fucking let go haynes should be let go um whoever whoever slept their way um had sex uh while in wedlock with other employees there and slept their way to the top uh but yet walks around and priding themselves on being a strong woman that person should be let go military for that for what banging fucking yeah extra marital relations or something like that really so if you had if you if some dude had sex with your wife even though she's not in the military if you reported him he would be toast
Starting point is 00:05:25 yeah if you can prove it then you get you get disarmedly discharged i'm just so you know i'm i think i don't mean to meddle in other people's business like sex is a powerful powerful uh component of life and people should be able to do what they do but as i've matured there's this thing you have to realize about leadership and about relationships. So for example, if I'm friends with Matt and his fiance and I'm friends with Caleb and his wife and we hang out and there's like four other couples
Starting point is 00:05:55 and we all hang out regularly together. We're the group, right? And there's the Christians and there's the Scientologists and there's the Muslims and we're all different. But we're all friends. We know each other and we're friends because we have kids. We go to the park, and there's the Scientologists, and there's the Muslims, and we're all different, but we're all friends. We know each other, and we're friends because we have kids. We go to the park, all that shit. You have to understand once you have kids, that's the way life is.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And then all of a sudden, Caleb and his wife get a fucking divorce. All the other couples, that fucking hits them so fucking hard. They're like, oh shit, because it makes all of us realize our relationships are vulnerable then we find out that it was because caleb's wife was cheating i'm sorry caleb to use you as an example what that does is then all the wives now are like telling the husbands are you cheating and so when you have people in your ranks that are behaving like that basically liars and and um and and stomping on other people's feelings it it fucks everything up it's not that it's not that it's just not what leaders do it's a um and you know you don't want the president fucking out banging a bunch of people because in that compromise and
Starting point is 00:06:57 if he if he's not honest about it because we judge people for that and if you're not honest about it it compromises the whole national security what if we find find out that there's – what if the Russians found out that Biden likes getting naked with the Chippendales and fucking running a train with them? But he doesn't want anyone to know. So then – hypothetically, of course. So then they tell him, hey, you better do this, this, and this around the Ukraine or else we're going to release the fucking monkeypox party you had with the chippendales and it's like and so when you have someone at hq uh like this person who banged their way to the top what's crazy too is they celebrate what a strong woman they are and all this shit but anyway i digress you can't have a media team who it's the biggest i mean yesterday was the biggest show in savant podcast history it was was nuts. I think there were almost 100,000 downloads from our live views just on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Joe Biden is one good bang away from being in a casket. Say that again, Caleb. Just after the show, like after it was over, we had a shitload too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it was nuts. It's nuts. So that means it's the biggest day probably for CrossFit media because we're fucking just piggybacking off of their shit. And then to have your feed pulled down? I mean if I'm the sponsors and I'm the – if I'm anyone involved, I'm tripping.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Who did I get in bed with? No. Has that ever happened before? Yes yes yes yes it's definitely it's definitely happened before should not be should not be happening on day one of the games should not be happening day one of the definitely happened before i think i remember the first time it happened it was one of those events we did in San Jose. It was like – what was it like when we did like the international game shit? Like the – what's that called? The – is that the Invitational? It was Invitational.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yeah. Yeah. We did Invitational. It was like Europe and USA and Australia. Speak to me from the desert. Speak. Hey, Siobhan. Massive fan from the Middle East east kata have you been here
Starting point is 00:09:06 before i have not been to kata awesome well we hope to welcome you one day i just want to ask can you get mal o'brien onto the show because i'm sure she's going to win this weekend and she'd be great for the show um i've never even heard mal o'brien talk that's actually true i couldn't tell you what she sounds like i couldn't tell you um i send out invitations to everyone's invited to the show it's my it's my honor to have anyone on the show i'd love to have free of moose bruger on the show i'd love to have mal o'brien I'd love to have Freya Moosebruger on the show I'd love to have Mal O'Brien I'd love to have Jorge Navarro I'd love to have your mom
Starting point is 00:09:47 Mal O'Brien would be great Matt Fraser would be great Jake Marconi I had him on that wasn't so great Say that again In 2016 Matt also didn't do any interviews He was just grinding through the games So you managed to get him onto your podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah, but everything's, yeah, I agree. Here's the thing, too. Yeah, I don't know. I can only speculate why she hasn't come on the show. I do think that everyone who comes on the show, no matter like what your, I really do believe this, no matter what your political bend is, whether you like me or hate me, when you come on the show, your value goes up. I think we've only had one guest where they came on and it went sideways for them.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And it was, and it was James Fitzgerald and it was towards the end of the podcast. And, um, I asked him what the difference is between – I told him I didn't know the difference. Oh, he was saying that his program customizes workouts for their staff, for their clients. What's he do? OPEX. He said OPEX does customization training. And I go, so does CrossFit. And he rolled his eyes and kind of like was like, oh, you're one of those that doesn't know the difference.
Starting point is 00:11:01 of like was like oh you're one of those that doesn't know the difference and that I don't I don't mind but the um uh because I'm fine being stupid and someone rolling their eyes at me I have kids they do that shit to me all the time but the audience didn't like it but other than that the other 499 guests
Starting point is 00:11:17 we've had on yeah have walked away looking great I mean look at fucking um people have come on the show slap me around Annie Thor's daughter slapped me around, was like, yo, you say one word about catch and I'll fuck you up.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, Laura Horvath slapped me around. It's like, just come on here. I'm the heel. Just come, like, you'll,
Starting point is 00:11:34 you'll, you'll leave looking great. I'm a bottomless pit of fucking love and pure energy. Sorry, say that again. I was getting off on myself.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Say that again. If you get Mano Bryan on the show, it'll be the most viewed show on the channel um show yeah i think it already is the most viewed i think oh oh oh you're saying that she'll be more popular than any other guest well hey let me tell you what's more popular than any guests when it rains when that when crossfit games has no strategy for their media and they don't put out any content worth watching and then it rains and everyone has to leave their dumb ass feed that i mean we i think we had 30 000 viewers or something yesterday so well keep up the great efforts on your podcast because this is the closest we can get to
Starting point is 00:12:22 behind the scenes okay probably the best content out there for CrossFit. Thank you. I hope you can go there someday and do your own independent thing. God, I hope not. Please stop asking. Please don't pray for that. Can you just pray that – Yeah, I'd love to know why.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Can you just pray that like a chest full of a billion dollars falls on me? Falls next to you. Next to you. Next to me. Next to you, yeah. If you're going to pray for me, pray for that. Yeah. Ask Don.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Don. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Ron. Don't call about the games anymore. You're on timeout. Cater.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Cutter. That's it. No games talk. Starts with games talk. So what a mess that yesterday's games shit is down. But that's just good for us again. I swear
Starting point is 00:13:11 you better not say a thing about the games. Hi, how can I help you? Hey, is this Siobhan? It depends on what your question is. I'm a, I'll be a, I call myself the crazy Canadian. Just that you want no games talk.
Starting point is 00:13:30 So I had a question for you. Oh, thank you. Yes. This is several. Nice to hear from you, CC. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:35 My name is Rob. My name is Rob. I'm from Canada. So, you know, just, just a little, we do have,
Starting point is 00:13:41 we do have sunshine once in a, once in a while. Anyways, the question I had, how's your, how's your myocarditis doing I don't have it that's Rob number two
Starting point is 00:13:52 okay I think yesterday people were more excited to watch the post your post show than watching the actual games it was such an awesome day for you guys anyways thank you the games were the games were I thought you said you weren't going. Thank you. The games were, the games were, I thought you said you weren't gonna talk about the games, but you did.
Starting point is 00:14:07 The games were awesome. No, no, no, no. I got a question outside of the game. It was, it was an excellent day. It truly was an excellent day. More Travis Mayer. If we would've had more Travis Mayer, it would have been perfect. We need way more Travis Mayer, but go on. Yeah. I had a question for, and maybe, uh, Susan can, it can, and Susan was great yesterday, but this is a question about the fitness industry. I sent you a message on your last couple of live calls ago. F45 recently had a plummet, 60% plummet on their stock. They fired the CEO, 110 staff laid off, shutting down a bunch of locations. And I know you're on their journey. You've done one, your first affiliate interview was excellent with my fellow Chris
Starting point is 00:14:47 and he was, you know, true and down to earth. And where I know I have a, someone connected to the Orange Theory world that they're seeing memberships declining. So my question is, are when the pandemic occurred and people shifted to either Zoom calls,
Starting point is 00:15:03 Zoom workouts, or they bought Peloton or whatever they did, bought a bunch of barbells and stuff. Are people truly shifting to working at home or are we getting less fit and people aren't going to the gym? And how do we get people back in the gym? And what's the outlook for the fitness industry for the average Joe? Well, if I can answer this, I actually think it has nothing to do with the garage gyms. I think it has everything to do with $10 gas prices in California. I mean, the cost of living has risen and we're entering this recession, even though the White House doesn't want to admit it
Starting point is 00:15:36 right now. But by definition, we are now in a recession with two down quarters in a row of GDP. And I just think that people's extra income is evaporated. And when that happens, those first things that go is stuff like the gym memberships. And especially when you talk about Orange Theory or F45, because they usually lack community in a sense. So the bonds are not as tight as it would be at a CrossFit affiliate. And it's just easy to let it go. Hey, we're down several hundred dollars this month. What are we going to do? Well, I haven't been to F45 in a while.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I could just run on my own. Let's cut the membership off. So that's what I think it has more to do with it. It's just like a circuit training. Mark Wahlberg was a big investor in it. Yeah, they just do it. There is really good news for CrossFit, though. There is really good news for HQ.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I don't know if it's good for the affiliates, but when in a recession, CrossFit explodes. So seminar sales will begin to skyrocket, especially if they work it right. They really have to work it right and keep their eye on the ball here. Keep their eye on the ball here. But I think Nicole Carroll knows that if she can get to working with the right people in media and get it out there, when shit hits the fan, people will turn to their bodies and making themselves better. And the recession of 2008 was absolutely fantastic for CrossFit Inc. Well, I think at this time, people strive for community. So if there's something more than just a workout, they see more value in it. So if I have all my friends go there and I'm very closely tight knit with everybody at my CrossFit affiliate, it's going to be much harder for me.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I'm valuing that much higher than I am going to 45 and doing a bunch of weird quarter squats and stuff like that with a bunch of people that I don't really talk to that much and then just kind of show up for my hour and leave. So I think that's the biggest differentiator between these franchises. Also too, when you're speaking about valuation, a lot of times businesses like that will start to just go after capital. They'll just go after a bunch of money. And so it gets hyped up a bunch. And then when that doesn't materialize, it crashes really hard, kind of like we saw with Peloton. People overvalued it because they said, this is it. Everybody's working out at home. It's going to last forever. So all this money came into Peloton. All these investors came into Peloton. And then once that started to decline, they said, oh, wait, this isn't going to last. Let's all pull our money out. Then you see a cascade effect as it just continues to plummet. And I think that's just what we're seeing but to sebon's point
Starting point is 00:18:05 2001 crossfit hits the internet right after the dot-com bus 2008 2009 crossfit affiliateship skyrockets right after the market crash and so if h super low barrier to entry uh super positive super upbeat people who aren't victims people who want to better themselves, people who get high off of the fucking dopamine rush of work. It's just – it's a good place to be. And you can justify being broke while running a CrossFit gym because you're doing God's work. You have the cure for the world's most vexing problem, and you're part of a community like Sousa said. So CrossFit can really be recession-proof, but the brunt of will, a lot of the brunt will fall on the affiliates. I mean, dude, let's face it from 2018 to 20, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:52 by getting rid of the media team, CrossFit HQ. And I was part of that, this team, I ain't gonna hide from it. We fucking bent the affiliates over. Then from 2000 to 2022, they stuck an apple in your mouth and fucking prolapsed your anus by bringing rosa on and firing dave castro so first the firing greg and that dipshit ceo who is cheating on his wife and with another lady who was there cheating on his on her husband they fired the media team that was affiliates getting bent over 2020 22 rosa and the venture berkshire knuckleheads prolapse your anus and now you guys are just kind of sitting there with your fucking intestines hanging out of your asshole
Starting point is 00:19:31 and you're just wondering what's going to happen next and that whatever i just i just like the prolapse that's when the shit gets turned inside out right i've never seen one but it's like yeah just cry like when someone signs up to become an affiliate obviously land costs are different rent costs for each warehouse across the world is very that's a variable cost you can't control but the crossfit provides a potential affiliate the uh mathematical formula like how many people they need the estimated cost to start up the gym so they kind of see where they're going to be at when they start when they're going to open up gym no and that's the best part about it all you're paying for is a licensing fee they're not going to tell you what to do that is up to you and how you want to run it plus two you see affiliates all over i could
Starting point is 00:20:15 open an affiliate in my garage so what's going to be the economics on that right it's going to differ from place to place they do give you a book they do have this book that i the 20 affiliates who've told me about it have said it's a complete sham and a pile of shit i've only started looking at it it's called the affiliate playbook um it's some sort of tool that the affiliates are supposed to use uh but what's funny is that the first thing that i opened it and i saw is a quote from eric rosa a dude who bought the company in a uh it's kind of like a midlife crisis temper tantrum and uh and he's giving business advice on uh on how to run a gym i could just go on forever about that but it's just i think it's a very noble profession if you get into crossfit extremely
Starting point is 00:21:03 noble like basically what you're you are doing god God's work. You're, you're, it is really what Greg Glassman said. It's lifeboats. And if you can figure out how to pull it off, you should do it. And we're going to do this affiliate series. And I think it's going to be huge and it's give people a lot of good help and advice, but I think it's going to also expose them. Some things that aren't so, so pretty, like, like it's like, it's a lot of hard work,
Starting point is 00:21:25 but maybe you shouldn't be doing anything in life unless it is hard work. So, um, No, no, it's great stuff. And I really enjoy it. So thanks for that guys. Taking your L one though. You won't regret it. You don't need to have to open a gym. If you have kids and you haven't taken your L one, you're, you're, you're neglecting your kids. I think it's tantamount to not keep teaching your kids how to swim.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Two thirds of this planet is water. You have kids, teach them how to swim, inoculate them from drowning. Go to your L1, get that information, start moving every day in front of your kids, get that nutrition advice from them. Learn about the culture that they disseminate there, which is huge. You won't get it online or anything else. Take that L1. And then, you know, if you decide to open up a gym later, but either way, you can't go wrong take that L1. And then, you know, if you decide to open up a gym later, but, but either way, you can't go wrong with your L1. It's, it's, you will save someone. If you take your L1, you'll probably end up saving someone's life and not know it. I can't promise you on accident. You will save someone's life. You will add 15 years.
Starting point is 00:22:20 I see one coming up in September. So I may have to, I mean, I've been working on it for years, but I've never been a full on cross-footed guy. I do. I like, I take, I take a nuggets of concepts. Like I really liked the 21, 15, nine concept and I build it into my routine, but thanks dude. Yeah. Thank you. Talk to you later. Bye. The other thing too, I've seen a couple of comments there. And people in here were saying like, um,
Starting point is 00:22:45 Oh, it's, it's most cost of gyms are profitable and stuff like that. And that's just the cost of the low barrier to entry because most of the people that are getting into business. And I learned this the hard way. And if you could talk to a lot of affiliate owners that have been around a long time, owning a job and owning a business,
Starting point is 00:22:59 I'm getting an echo. Call and mute your YouTube before I mute your ass. Thank you. Automatic hang up. Get your shit together. But the difference between owning a job and owning a business is very vast. And most of the trainers that get into this business, they do it like seven on set out of the love of just coming in and helping
Starting point is 00:23:20 people. And what ends up happening is they end up owning a job, not a business. And those two, those are two very different things. Uh, Craig White says L1 is way overrated. Hey, man, I bet you, I have added a million years to people's lives because of the L1, because of what I learned there and what I was able to share. So if you think that's overrated, I, I, I, I'm, I'm open to it, but I don't and here's this craig burden of
Starting point is 00:23:46 proof is on you show us something better my friend show us something better for your cost of money that'll give you that roi on your health and those around you don't come at me with the l1 that's my you're triggering me craig you're triggering me bill billy mr kid hi honor to speak to you good how are you yeah good to hear from you here Hey, Tevon. How are you? Good. How are you? Yeah. Good to hear from you. Here to talk about abortion. You wanted something not CrossFit, so. Oh, my goodness. Okay. What do you got? Do I have to ask you a question or are you going to tell me something?
Starting point is 00:24:16 I'll throw something at you and you can tell me what you think. Okay. But I think you understand that abortion is the deliberate ending of an innocent human life. But I think what you and I perhaps disagree is on the nature of law in our country. If laws do not have moral integrity, then there is no reason to follow them. Then they are just applications of political power. Who establishes the morality? Who establishes the morality in law? Okay, so God establishes the morality, and who speaks God's word, and how does that definition go clear across everybody? Because your God is different than my God,
Starting point is 00:25:06 is different than Sevan's God, is different than the God from the people across the country. So how do we first define God and the morality? I mean, we may have different conceptions of God, but there is one. There's one. But let's just step back. It is about the natural law.
Starting point is 00:25:24 You got to define it. Yeah, so I'm getting there. I'm getting there. So if we understand the world to be created, if we understand every human being to be a manifestation of God's creation, something that he saw as good, then it is incumbent on us as people, individually and collectively to recognize the dignity in every human person and so laws should be oriented to that end on the dignity of every human person well did you hear that show with jay did you hear that show with jay neasy that we had on jay nara and he and he talked about something called objective morality and i go what's that and he said objective morality for example is like you don't want to be killed and so you and so therefore
Starting point is 00:26:13 you shouldn't kill and that's objective morality and i was like oh i fucking really like that i think that's kind of what you're saying too right oh i think so i mean, I think all four of us can agree that there is objectively good and evil things in the world. Or else I go back to my original point. Hey, sorry, sorry, Will. Sorry, Will. Sorry, sorry. I'm so sorry. Dude. Get him, Seth. Sousa comes in hot with saying because we can't agree on religion, we should just keep killing babies. Like, dude, he didn't even, like, that's not even close to what he said what do you call it like class of your
Starting point is 00:26:49 head like floyd 19 motherfucker like what's that mean like dude come on judah come on okay go ahead will go on sorry i i mean frankly i i i don't i don't think jesus meant that no but I think that's the logical conclusion. Oh, I don't think so. He was asking questions for definition. You've got to define, man. That's what I'm saying when you say something arbitrary like God defines morality. It's not
Starting point is 00:27:18 defined in a sense that we could govern a whole entire society by because the definition of God and morality differs. I mean, go to certain religions as they've evolved over the years. And a few years ago, if you thought one way, they would be stoning you, burying you in the ground and throwing rocks at your head. And years later, that changes. Do you understand? So until you define it. I'd turn the question back on you. How should we ground our concept of morality?
Starting point is 00:27:48 If it is not a natural understanding of God's creation, what should we use to understand it? Hey, Will, people don't even want morality. I mean, I like what you're saying, but I'm concerned that we're with cavemen, that they don't even see the value of morality anymore. Oh, I agree what you're saying, but I'm concerned that we're, we're with cavemen that they don't even see the value of morality anymore. Like they don't like, or honor or code, or, I mean, these are people who, um, who are defend, people are defending their weakness. There's people out there saying that as long as you're happy, it's okay to be 300 pounds overweight. No, it's okay to be 300, 300 pounds overweight because you're um you're uh you have autonomy but but they're lying to themselves that there's happiness there there is not we know that well and that and that's why i don't think autonomy or freedom are goods in of themselves
Starting point is 00:28:37 the ability to do whatever you want is not good and and that and that exact thing that you just said is why this country is so great because they're because of people like you and that's the thing that people don't understand we don't we don't so when people say the united states isn't free thank god it's not free because if it were completely free and by that by that by that i mean even if like like like you heard elizabeth warren say the majority of, the majority of people in this country want abortion to be legal, the Supreme Court. Like that's not what this country is built on. This country, if the majority of people wanted slavery, you still can't put it into effect because it's not moral. It's what Will is saying.
Starting point is 00:29:22 It's not fucking moral. This country, we can't vote in slavery. That's fucking insanity. And our founders were so fucking smart. And this is what I'm defending you a little here, Will, or explaining because they fucking believed in this God moral code that Will's talking about. And a bunch of other crazy people believe, which I'm OK. Yeah, and I don't actually disagree with your premise at all, Will. I don't disagree with your premise at all.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I actually agree with it. But the thing is, is that in order for that argument to be really true, and you're asking like, well, then what is it? Everything's great. No, we start with the truth and we start with really defining words and then operating off those definitions. So we're all on the same sheet of music. So that's all.
Starting point is 00:30:02 It was just a challenge on that. Not a challenge on your premise. I actually agree overall with your premise, but we have to first really accurately define that if we're going to govern society by it so we're all on the same sheet of music. I agree because most people who believe in God are fucking morons.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But I'm also okay with that too. I'm like, okay. I don't mind sharing the world with morons. Especially if their imaginary God's a good one. Fuck. And he's keeping them in check. Yeah, he is a good one. I mean, you're able to recognize the love for your kids and your wife.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And you're also able to recognize the beauty in creation. So you understand that men are men and women are women, regardless of what they may think. You know, there is there is a coherence to the world that we can understand. And I don't think that coherence would exist if if the world were merely a scientific accident and not the result of a loving creator who made us in his image. Hey, go ahead go ahead there well i had this friend um who was taking this uh i think it was okam fuck i can't remember it must it couldn't have been ok but i was at uc santa barbara and one of and one of my friends was taking this class and it was it wasn't ok but it was talking about basically the the like the seven major evolutionary steps in um in uh you know in the species, like if you believe in evolution
Starting point is 00:31:29 and one of them, like the second or third, like biggest leap that creatures took on the planet. And this was even before there were plants on the planet when it was just creatures in the ocean was, uh, the mollusk had, had its ass in front of its mouth. And so if it was like traveling, had its ass in front of its mouth and so if it was like traveling it would shit and then its mouth would run over its poop and the and a major evolutionary leap in creatures on the planet was when the mouth was put in front of the anus so that it no longer did that it was like and you can see that that's one of the uh hallmarks of like this evolution that um scientists can see scientists i'm sorry i use that word but but now here we are in 2022 and fucking they've they've decriminalized defecating and littering in public in kalamazoo michigan it's now once again now it's once again
Starting point is 00:32:22 okay to shit where you eat it's i'm i'm'm, I've seen some people do that out here. It's pretty crazy. Hey, for those of you who believe that the polio vaccine worked, you have done, you have done zero reading on it and you've looked at zero of the numbers and stats, zero, all you fucking doctors out there, scientists go, go, go, go get a book on the polio vaccine and start reading about it. It was because people were fucking – it was so obviously a sanitary issue. So obvious it was a sanitary issue. All you have to do is look at the fucking graphs.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Polio was on a massive decline once they fucking put in some sanitation laws long before the vaccine came out. And we've known forever. The measles vaccine doesn't work. Just look at fucking the, what the hell the LA times reported the measles outbreak in Disneyland a couple of years ago. So fucking nuts. Hey,
Starting point is 00:33:17 as soon as, as soon as seven, I know you said you didn't want to talk about CrossFit games on this call show, but that last call was absolutely brutal. I is the one we're still on about abortion? Are you talking about my call? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I think their call was great. I love these discussions. And you could really tell who's listening and whose mind is open versus the people that think I'm trying to push some sort of agenda other than everybody defining in words and becoming on the same sheet of music. Will, will you unfuck me about the law? I know we had a back and forth on YouTube. So tell me where I have it wrong about the law. Because you acknowledge, and I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I at least sense that you would,
Starting point is 00:33:56 that you acknowledge that abortion is the killing of an innocent human life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if I would use those words, but yes, for yes, I don't, I think would use those words but yes for yes i i don't i i think that um even though i am pro-choice it's fucking insane to think for people on the left to be mad at people at the right for wanting to stop abortion like what these people are like trying to stop shit from being killed but that's and and they're extremely racist too because basically the vast majority of the fucking people who are pro-abortion are like, hey, being born a black child is a life of incredible suffering. And so black people should have complete access to killing their babies.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And then you see it's fucking nuts. All their premises are so grossly racist. It's fucking disgusting. Anyway, go on. Sorry. More black babies are aborted in New York City than are born. So to your point. Fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:34:53 And I'm okay with that if you want to do that. But the fucking pro-choice people need to stop fucking saying that because being born a black person is such a struggle that they don't fucking deserve to live and they just have it they have the option to die fuck you i would fucking way rather be born into a life of massive struggle i want a shot i want a shot you want a shot will you want a shot will i got one yeah enough to have one yeah right yeah i want a fucking shot fuck you for fucking thinking it's okay to fucking kill me because of the color of my skin and then you think it's going to be hard for me to fuck a hard life anyway go i'm getting all wound up
Starting point is 00:35:40 one of those kids could win the crossfit games for real i mean the only thing i'll say is if you think it is there is something wrong then it is not absurd to think our laws should reflect what is right and wrong just like we should have laws that prevent children from getting gender transition surgery because it is wrong. It is by all objective measures bad for that to happen. I can't even believe that that's a possibility. But it's freedom, Sevan. It's their choice, right? freedom, it's their choice, right? And so it is illogical to simply say, because someone feels differently, we should have a law that allows it. Because there are a lot of things that people may
Starting point is 00:36:35 be inclined to do that our laws thankfully prohibit. And my only contention is abortion should be one of those things our laws prohibit because it is objectively wrong to kill an innocent human life. Right, right. I mean, I and I hear you on that. And you're right. I just can't go with it because I just cannot put a law on a woman's body. I just cannot. But let me ask you this. So this is the part I was tripping about, about.
Starting point is 00:37:02 So this is the part where we were fighting on youtube about it um uh i thought i was saying that basically the democrats should be exceedingly happy because roe versus way was overturned because what that's done is that's taken the power away from the federal government to say whether abortions are legal or illegal of course they're just frustrated it's like it's like godzilla comes into your town and fucking kills um all the people you don't like well you shouldn't be happy there's a godzilla next time he comes he could fucking kill you that's just fucking like idiot thinking you should be like oh fuck that's not good so so basically when roe versus way was turned over,
Starting point is 00:37:45 I would think that the libs would be like, holy shit, this is fucking awesome. Now, now this, that same court can't based on their decision, they can't make abortion illegal. They're saying it's not in the choice of the federal government.
Starting point is 00:37:56 And I thought you were saying that I'm not looking at, I thought you were saying, I'm not looking at that. Right. All, all the court ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson is that a right to abortion is not found in the united states constitution yes yes thank you right great but that doesn't that doesn't
Starting point is 00:38:15 mean a future court or the u.s congress of course could not perhaps find a right to life applicable to all persons born and unborn. Yeah. That, that protects babies in the womb. Yeah. How does the constitution not do that? How does the constitution not do that? I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:37 I think it does. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection to life for all persons. That's a quote. To all persons in the United States. And you may say – let's say you're crazy pro-choice. You may say – you may say as soon as there's a precedent that you can kill an unborn baby or a fetus or a baby in the mom's stomach, you're setting precedent to kill other people too. I'm anti-death penalty too. That's fucking nuts for two fucking reasons.
Starting point is 00:39:16 One, if you kill someone, you've created a murderer. I'm not in the business of fucking creating murderers. Sorry, Caleb. And – US military. And the second thing is, the courts are going to be wrong a huge percentage of the time. We're going to accidentally kill innocent people.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Can't do that. I largely agree with you. I agree with you from a policy perspective, but there is a world where you might have to kill someone to protect other people. I understand. I understand.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Right. So, so the death penalty in of itself is not intrinsically evil. It's not intrinsically wrong because there is a way where perhaps, no, because there is a world where perhaps someone has been a serial killer in on the outside and then has been a threat to the people inside prison and this is a rare circumstance i think the death penalty is far too common what if i killed someone in my let's say you came into my house and i
Starting point is 00:40:19 killed you then it's not all of a sudden the court case is whether I was justified in killing you or not. Right? Right. And if you come into my house, I'm protecting yourself and your family. Yeah. My first thought, if anyone comes in my house, anything, like I look at a cricket in my house, I'm like, everything goes through one litmus test. Could you hurt my kids?
Starting point is 00:40:40 Then the second thing, what are the chances you're hurting my kids? That's how I look at everything. My wife buys a new knife and brings it home i look at that knife as soon as it comes over i look at him like my my own mom comes over what's what plus or negative to my kids everything has to go through that filter and if there's a tiny bit of threat that you could kill my kids i'll fucking kill you like i just come over the piece of kleenex and and yesterday i fucking ended jerusalem cricket was in my kid's bed. I ended his life. That hurt. Cause it has the word Jerusalem in it.
Starting point is 00:41:09 That's a good identification of that insect. I love a Jew. Damn. I love me some Jew. All right, well, thank you. Well,
Starting point is 00:41:19 great discussion. Love what you're doing. Okay. Stay safe over there. Yeah. Love what you guys are doing this weekend over there. Yeah, put it in your shoes. Love what you guys are doing this weekend too. Thanks, bro.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I blasted. Go ahead, Susie. I know you have something to say. And then I'm not going to forget what I'm going to say. No, no, no. I was just saying that those type of conversations are great because we should be processing, debating, giving stuff people to think about. And before everybody starts to jump to like what we're insinuating, what he's insinuating, you should just sit, listen, process, take all that information in and formulate. So I think those type of discussions, especially when there's a disagreement as we try to reach on points, are really good.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And so much in today's society, everybody's like, don't disagree. Don't defend. This is a FaceTime video call. Can I do that? Whoa, that's crazy. I don't think I can do that. I'm just cracking up at these comments
Starting point is 00:42:09 about Caleb over here. They're hilarious. I did a little stand-up bit tossing Craig Ritchie around the other day, metaphorically. I could never toss him around physically.
Starting point is 00:42:23 He's too fucking big, young, and strong. But I just tossed him around on he's too fucking big young and strong but I just tossed him around on the show just basically talking about his content and how it doesn't sit well with me and I someone sent me this in my DMs and I want to read it
Starting point is 00:42:38 I thought it was pretty insightful here's some perspective Sevan on Craig Ritchie's vlog his early videos were all in the gym, his journey with CrossFit, learning movements, the frustrations we all went through when we first started. It was educational for someone getting into CrossFit for the first time. And after an injury, it gave me a glimpse into the community before I had the confidence to go
Starting point is 00:42:59 myself. That's all awesome. I got my first ring muscle up after watching one of his videos on ring muscle ups and how he learned them. Fuck i'm starting to feel bad the vlog has evolved largely because of covid shutdowns in the uk into more of a lifestyle and less gym athlete content but now i'm four years into it and i've gotten to know craig and jas i don't know what that name is but i'm guessing that's his wife yeah okay craig. Craig and, and, and jazz to, to a point where the, the personal content, their dogs, for example, are just part of it. I've tried to turn friends onto their channel and they share your perspective.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I don't think I would enjoy their content if I found it right now, but having watched since the beginning, my expect expectation and enjoyment of their content has evolved with them. God, I'm a piece of shit generally speaking i crave crossfit content glimpses into athletes lives and there aren't enough enough people producing that sort of content within the space fine okay i lose you win peace and love mr richie hello hi jennifer how are you oh beta blockers are working hey hey yeah hey man my name is Charlie hey uh
Starting point is 00:44:07 sorry to change the topic on you guys but um I've heard you guys quite often talk about like the history of Rogue and the founders of Rogue and then I've heard you shit on Noble quite a bit I've been as a fan fascinated to watch the growth of like the companies that have come out of CrossFit I'd love to hear you guys talk a bit more about like how those brands, the founding stories of those brands and how that came to be and why like, you know, CrossFit was so happy to work with Rogue, but not happy to work with Reebok and all that sort of stuff. How did you get the name Charlie?
Starting point is 00:44:42 What? How did you? I don't know. You named after your grandpa or something no just sort of kind of good yeah it's a good name and do they call you charles or do they call you charlie not charlie hi charlie and and and you live in the uk no no i'm an i'm aust Australian, but I live in America. Fuck, I'm horrible with accents. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:10 It's a great... Oh, someone says this is Craig Ritchie. Craig, is this you? No, definitely not. I'm one of the bastard sons in Australia, not the UK. All right. You know, I would love to have Bill henniger on um i would love to
Starting point is 00:45:26 have uh katie on um they're they're amazing people i don't know if it's my place to tell um they're they're i i know it's not my place but most of the shit i say is not my place so i don't know why i'm even starting but um i i guess i don't want to sell their shit short. When I, it is a true fucking amazing story, what they did. I mean, they come from absolutely nothing. Dirt, dirt, fucking poor. Now, I don't know too much about Bill's background, but Katie is a fucking really hardworking talent. I mean, I think she was just put into the Hall of Fame
Starting point is 00:45:59 for Ohio State for basketball. And Bill is just a fucking regular dude like fucking Caleb here, just a dude in the military. Welded a fucking pull-up bar together and started selling them. So how did it come together that like CrossFit and Rogue
Starting point is 00:46:17 became like a strong partnership? That dude had a CrossFit gym and one of his clients was katie and she's a crossfit games champ and then he started putting it to her and they got married or became boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever they are and they became a power team and they're both they're especially him he's very stoic and basically just through handshakes he's gangster you have to remember like these fucking people are gangster like him greg glassman uh dave castro and i mean gangster in in the most um like in the movie terms like shit gets done like great day like dave has a gabe's family has a crazy past greg has a crazy
Starting point is 00:47:01 past these are people who did business on fucking handshakes and eye contact. And that's all that shit. But they're fucking grinders, right? I mean, Dave comes from a very fucking – people like Dave who turn into SEAL Team 6 operators. People like Bill who become – well, Bill for sure who become owners of a billion-dollar company that they built from scratch. There's no comparison between even Rogue and Noble. Noble is a paper house compared to what Rogue is. It's like Facebook. Facebook could be gone tomorrow. It's nothing. Rogue is like real.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Rogue is sex. It makes sense, right? Facebook is genitalia or his gender it's like rogue like like you can go to see their 600 000 square foot facility and see the thousand employees and the blow torches and shit yeah well it makes sense right because it's like when it comes to any business like if the founders are there they're mission orientated they started the company to solve a problem they truly care about. And then once the founders leave, right, it all falls apart. And that's usually the same. If NoBull is what you say it is,
Starting point is 00:48:10 then it was just a brand that was created to take advantage of an opportunity. It wasn't created because they believed in the mission. I think that they made the name before the product. I think they're like, oh, we have this great name for it. This is the way I've heard the story. We have this great name for a company, NoBull. And then they're like, fuck are we gonna make yeah i think that and i think it's true i've heard it a bunch i have this amazing dick what am i gonna do with it i never
Starting point is 00:48:35 think i never think that i'm always like fuck i'm horny and then i'm like well i got this dick i guess it'll express it or or maybe i'll do something stupid like turn up my radio really loud and drive down the street trying to impress girls. But I don't buy the radio and then be like, I'm going to use this to get pussy. Like, it doesn't – I don't work like that. And that's how I feel like Noble is. They got it backwards. I never wake up in the morning and look at my dick and be like, man, I really need to use this today. Never.
Starting point is 00:49:06 What am I going to do with it? my dick and be like man i really need to get to use this today never what am i gonna do i don't know if that metaphor sits well with you or that simile but it sits well with me what's the story with um what was can you guys what's the more story with crossfit so with rebox so how come like how come like um uh the original crew was so happy to work with Rogue and stuff that, like, had such big problems with Reebok? Why did CrossFit HQ have problems with Reebok as opposed to not – we never had problems with Rogue? Yeah. Because Reebok was just – they're corporate sellouts. Like, they're not gangster. They're not gangster.
Starting point is 00:49:41 They're complete fucking corporate sellouts hundred thousands of pages contract like soon as we signed with them they put out a shoe that they claim would make your butt um firmer if you wore it this is they they and they just went to business with the first guy on earth who defined fitness with a scientific definition observable repeatable measurable dude that's a it's even crazy i was thinking about maybe i should do a show in the middle with a scientific definition, observable, repeatable, measurable. Dude, it's even crazy. I was thinking about maybe I should do a show in the middle of the week this week that like 99% of the people at the CrossFit Games don't even know what CrossFit is. They don't even know why they're mesmerized by it,
Starting point is 00:50:16 about what really happened and what they really have been sucked into. I mean, I think if you stick around long enough everyone eventually gets it but if he wouldn't have defined it this shit never happens never ever ever ever happens and people don't realize that i guarantee the people who bought the company don't realize yeah reebok agrees to 25 million dollar settlement and so we were fucked from day one we like we had no chance of getting along it's like dating a girl who's batshit crazy, but she's so hot, and you're just like – I mean, that's what it was. I think they were just excited that a shoe company was interested in us. We'd have to ask.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Dog shit shoe. God, it's bad. Hey, but they did make the Nano 2, and fuck, man. That shoe's amazing, and I'm so thankful for it. I'm so thankful for it. I'm so thankful for it. Greg went to Harvard Business School. Greg went to Harvard Business School and spoke every year for like five years in a row. And every year, he started the fucking lecture by defining to these kids what fucking business was because they didn't know.
Starting point is 00:51:20 They think – their definition of business was so fucked up and he would that's the balls that Greg had on him. He would fucking define it for him. Go ahead. Well, yeah. I mean, the kids in, uh, in Australia, they have an expression for kids to do MBA. They call it second chance. Second chances. Yeah. Yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 00:51:41 It's like, Oh, you didn't, you didn't start, you didn't start your own business as a founder. You got to get an MBA so you can go run somebody else's business i i think um harvard may have a book that requires those guys there now to sign a code of ethics i don't know if they follow it but um yeah so now that now that greg's lost his um now that greg's lost his like the vehicle he's created to like so to to complete this mission that he's on a mission to solve, do you have any idea or are you allowed to publicly say, he's brought to science. And he's making right now a curriculum. He's making a curriculum, a movie, a movie, a fucking book, a lecture, a whole – all the things you need to explain to people what is science.
Starting point is 00:52:42 And in a nutshell – because we live on a planet with people who use the word science and don't know what is science. And in a nutshell, because clearly we live on a planet with people who use the word science and don't know what it means, but in a nutshell, um, science is what allows us to predict things. That's all it is. It allows us to predict things. So anyone that believe, believe anyone that believe science is like real is that doesn't know what science is. Science is just believing what offers the greatest predictive value and tomorrow it can change and we're open to it changing tomorrow but it has to be have predictive value so like climate science it's it's it's complete fucking horseshit to predict the prediction of um uh climatology and global warming and all that shit if you're a scientist maybe it's happening but if you're saying, and why is that? Because it hasn't been able to predict the future.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And when you use the models they've created to look at the past, it doesn't predict the past. So I'll give you an example. I can predict you when Haley's comment is going to come next, right? It's going to come in 66 years, three weeks, two hours, and seven minutes. I can use that same model that I used to predict when Haley's comment is going to come to tell you when it's been here. That it's a, It's a scientific predictive model that can look both forward and backward in time. There was no science around COVID. There's no science around the vaccines. They offered no predictive value that was greater than chance. Meaning if the people who now didn't get the vaccine have a greater chance of survival, but the science around the vaccine was supposed to make it so that you had a greater chance of surviving.
Starting point is 00:54:07 That was the predictive value of the vaccine. And so there's all these people – oh, it's not until 2061. A little off, but it's okay. I should learn that so every time I use that example, I get it right. So that's what he's doing. And everything I just told you right there, he's basically taught me by chewing my ear off for two hours a day every day for the fucking last uh year and he's meeting with the smartest minds all over the fucking world once again it's all he's doing it with people from hillsdale college stanford harvard fucking you name it and it's all these people
Starting point is 00:54:39 are like because they know greg has the balls to do it so and these are the these are some of the most published scientists in the world like john John Iannotti, et cetera. Go ahead. Sorry. So what's his plan for the final deliverables? So besides releasing a movie and a course, is he going to generate – Yeah, I think it's going to be a college course, an elementary school course. I think he's going to make this curriculum so that it's consumable by anyone. Yeah, incredible book.
Starting point is 00:55:02 And the best thing about this, what he's offering once greg teaches you this you're armed to the gills so you could go there and a doctor can be like hey i think you should take these statins and you can be like why and they go because they help people with uh get over high cholesterol and you can say are those the absolute or relative values and then the doctor will be like uh i don't know and they're like well can you point me to the study so i can look myself and then next thing you know just by asking questions you can realize oh that's it's a lie and then the doctor gets really annoyed with you and then tells you to get out of his office yeah this book yeah it's gonna be like fine so you can't go to a doctor anywhere because you're banned or whatever but
Starting point is 00:55:37 i got this book pulled up i don't i don't know if you could uh see a caller but it's called rigor mortis how sloppy science creates worthless cures crushes hope and wastes billions and i I don't know if you could see it, Collin, but it's called Rigor Mortis, How Sloppy Science Creates Worthless Cures, Crushes Hope, and Wastes Billions. And I strongly suggest to everybody who's watching this, go check that book out. You can listen to it or you can read it. It's fascinating, but it talks about what Sevan was just talking about. Greg bought this book for every single member who wanted it, who worked at CrossFit HQ, including the entire L1 team. Yeah, I bought it because of him. I saw it
Starting point is 00:56:05 on there you'll love this book it's great that's good caller thanks for calling they probably got thank you it's funny because when i talk to the doctors that i work with they'll i'll tell them like hey why don't we just tell them to work out or change their diet or whatever it is and they're like oh you mean preventative medicine no that's not what i mean at all they're just so baffled that like anybody would even think of that they're like no just fucking give them a statin or get them give them tylenol or fucking whatever you could give them so many other things that don't change their body chemistry but yeah you decide to just prescribe some medication and send them on their way. Wouldn't it be crazy if you went to see a doctor or something like a mental health professional and they're like, okay, we understand. But before we start this session, I'm going to start this timer.
Starting point is 00:56:57 You're going to do 50 burpees as fast as you can. Then we're going to talk about how you feel. You ready? Okay, go. And then they just blast through the burpees and they're like, all right, now let's sit down and talk. It would change a lot of stuff. Those that didn't have myocarditis. Sorry, go ahead, Kevin. Devin, hi.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Hi, it's actually Jeff. Jeff? Yeah. Hi, Jeff. Jeff. Jeff? Yeah. Hi, Jeff. Hello. Or Jeff. Like Jess, like Jessica. Oh, Jess.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Perfect. I identify as a woman. Sorry, we freak out when there's a female voice on the line. We don't know what to do. I know. There's not a lot of us that call in, but I've been a long-time listener, so I always enjoy hearing you guys and um just appreciate all your content thank you yeah and i wanted to tell you that um i've listened to you for like over a year when you first started actually doing podcasts again and um i'm back in the uh crossfit gym and working with nutritionists now
Starting point is 00:58:09 oh that's awesome hey what what gym are you what state are you in i'm in or i'm in uh santa barbara oh a couple times on awesome are you born and raised no i I was born in like a cornfield outside of Chicago. Okay. But I'm out here and... Is Dick Mertens your dad? Is Dick Mertens your dad? You know, he's not. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:38 But could have been. Could have been. Hey, how did you end up in Santa Barbara? Did you go to school there? No, my husband got a job up here and we were living in Ventura, so you have to either drive an hour each way or move here
Starting point is 00:58:52 So we moved here Did you get a good spot? He lost his job two weeks after we moved here Oh shit Yeah, it was crazy, but we're fighters You just gotta keep going What little things get you down How long have you been there? um yeah it was crazy but we're fighters you know you just got to keep going can't what little things get you down but how long have you been there for like four years now yeah do you think you guys are gonna are you gonna stay there i mean i um i'm going to be a nurse now
Starting point is 00:59:19 so i made it into the nursing program my husband just bought a business here okay he just took over a business from a partner. So we keep doing things that like they're going to keep us here, but it's so expensive. Do you have kids? No, not yet. That's what I'm working on. That's where I, uh, you know, I'm going to get the health in order and, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:42 that's the next goal. Project. Go to a CrossFit gym and then start humping your husband and then have a baby. It's a pretty good plan. I mean, I like that. Yeah. Sue's always talking about the order. It's important to have like the order in which you do things are important.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Right. Right. And not only is being healthy important to having a baby, but it'll keep you sane during your pregnancy. And after you have the kid, I mean, it really working out as like, it really is a therapy for me and my wife. Like, I think that whenever my wife says, I'm going to go work out, I'm like, Oh, that's awesome. Or whenever I say, I'm going to work out, babe, I think she says, I think it's like, cool. It's like, you know, your mate's taking their meds. Right. Right. And it was, I mean, mean when before i got back to the gym i honestly um couldn't get down on the ground and get back up very easily and last week i just did like five jumping burpees for the first time and i know that sounds so pathetic but it's so it's a big deal
Starting point is 01:00:38 you know no i'm stoked for you that's not pathetic at all. That's awesome. Hey, how many days a week are you going? I go three days a week right now. I have a couple injuries too, so it's kind of like you've got to push and then come back and push and come back. So I go three days a week solid, and then I walk my dogs the other day of the week. Oh, that's good. Do you like the staff at the gym? Oh, it is such a good gym. If you're ever in, you need to go.
Starting point is 01:01:07 It's Pacific Coast CrossFit, and they're just such a well-run organization. I've been there before with Greg. We went there. Oh, so the owners right now are Danielle and Tim. Uh-huh. So good. Hey, that's what you need, too. You know when, like, there's a cute guy in one of your
Starting point is 01:01:26 classes and like that's the only reason why you go to class and it's like it's like just like it's just the excuse to go right or if there's a coffee shop on the way of somewhere you have to go that you never want to go you stop at the coffee shop and it makes everything better that a gym is like that too you need people there that you're like almost more excited to see than the working out and then you you get there and you're like, oh, I guess I'm a workout too. Oh, totally. Yeah. I'm like excited to go there and see all the people and yeah, it's just awesome. I'm so happy to be back.
Starting point is 01:01:54 And I honestly, if I hadn't been like listening to you talk about it for the past year, every day, I probably wouldn't have never made it back. So you really are helping people out there. Awesome. Thanks for sharing that. Makes my day. And I'm not just saying that lightly.
Starting point is 01:02:09 I will, when I leave here, I'll probably like, my dad's coming to visit me today. I'll probably brag to him. Oh, please do. You know, like I was, I was heading to the life of diabetes, chronic health issues. Well, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:22 it's kind of ironic or, you know, turn the ship around and, you know, the's going to be a nurse or a son of a moronic or, you know, turn the ship around and, you know, the ship's turning around now. And I'm just like, I couldn't be more happy. So I really appreciate it. Awesome. Congratulations, Jessica. Congrats. Thank you. All right. Have fun guys. Bye. Thanks for sharing. Jerry Garcia about to get some CEO shirts.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yes, sir. Paper Street Booth coffee. Come on down. Grab your shirt. You don't have any already. Come on. So that's why you open an affiliate. Yep. Like there's no, there's no, that, that, that can, that can never get old.
Starting point is 01:02:59 So imagine you're an affiliate owner and you're like, you're going and you're like, fuck, I'm done. I'm shutting this place down. And one client comes in there and is like, holy shit, you saved my life. That client just fucked you. You'll probably keep your doors open another year because that person said that to you. And stuff like that, too, is so fulfilling. Like I've been lucky enough to land some big, big contracts with some decent checks. And it's still nothing like fills you up emotionally and everything else, like hearing stuff like that or seeing people's success in the gym and have them tell you how much it's turned their life around and the people around them.
Starting point is 01:03:29 It's crazy. I'm going to send – oh, maybe I can just play it. Tell her to send us a message. Oh, I should have. Jessica, you're in California, so you can get free blood work from California Hormones if you want and get a free doctor's consult if you're interested just use the code SEVON
Starting point is 01:03:52 it's a good point hey so oh Sarah I gotta tell you something I gotta tell you something good news I gotta tell you something okay so I didn't interview this isn't what I'm gonna tell you Sarah I'm gonna call and tell you something good news. I got to tell you something. Okay. So I didn't interview. This isn't what I'm going to tell you, Sarah. I'm going to call and tell you.
Starting point is 01:04:08 I didn't interview with this guy, Mr. Dorst from CrossFit TYL in Iowa. If you guys haven't seen it, you have to see it. And the day after I did the interview with him, by the way, a lot of people reached out, especially strong people like Craig Howard. And I was like, hey, give me this dude's contact number. I want to help him get the resources to stay in business, which is pretty fucking cool. But I want to show you – Craig Howard owns Diablo CrossFit, by the way. I want to show you – isn't it fucking ironic? Craig Howard owns Diablo fucking CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:04:44 He watched the video of a fucking struggling affiliate owner. He reaches out and says, hey, I need to be put in contact with that guy so I can help save his business. And yet this is the same guy that because he left his doors open during the pandemic and was fined tens of thousands of dollars from the city, Walnut Creek, CrossFit HQ took away under Rose's leadership, took away his field rep. hq took away under rose's leadership took away his field rep uh um he was supposed to be the guy that's the go-to uh in in northern california for other affiliates to come and talk to but because he didn't he didn't do what the company wanted to was follow your city's policies and shut your doors they took away that job from him you understand what i'm saying he told the city walnut creek fuck you i'm staying open he took the fines and Walnut Creek, fuck you. I'm staying open. He took the fines. And Rosa and his cronies over there at CFHQ were like, wow, we're trying to do some political maneuvering here.
Starting point is 01:05:31 And if you fight back against the city, we might not get our tens of hundreds of billions of dollars issued to us by Congress. So he's like, fuck you. I'm staying open. And the other thing about that story, too, is when he started fines, uh, without his knowledge, his members went and started to go fund me to help support and pay those fines. And when he realized what was happening and he obtained the money, he goes, Hey guys, like, I really appreciate this, but we don't need this. Or I, you know, I don't, I don't need this, but we're okay. We could take care of it. And then he turned around and he paid for affiliate ships for other struggling gyms. He paid for tents so that way they could operate outside because in certain
Starting point is 01:06:08 counties they were really strict and gave that money to the community of CrossFit gyms that he was responsible for. He raised money and then paid the fines for other gyms that stayed open. And part of that money that he raised was a donation that came from fucking Miranda and Julian Alcarez, the founders of street parking, not affiliated with CrossFit anymore at all. Could might as well just see CrossFit as the enemy. And they they she gave five thousand dollars to keep Jim's CrossFit gyms open their fucking home programming service. Yeah. OK, so this is so the day after we did the interview with this guy, he got a notice from his landlord saying, get the fuck out. And it's a church, which is really sad.
Starting point is 01:06:47 It's probably because he couldn't pay his rent. But that's his big, beautiful gym. He said. And so this is a couple of days ago, 14 hours ago. I'm so proud of Bill. He's already lost weight, lowered his blood pressure and consistently attends our 415 class. He started with our basic intro package fundamentals, one on one session to learn the basics. First nutrition coaching from Cassie.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Then he started group class. Here he is celebrating saving dude lives this is a gym in the middle of fucking iowa if you are not from the united states you can't even imagine this place uh it it's a massive massive land and in the middle of this massive land um is a place called iowa full of farms and pigs and roads with potholes. There's someone there trying to save people's lives in between their stops to Popeye's Chicken and McDonald's. They're not free. You stole a CEO shirt? What the hell?
Starting point is 01:07:42 Asshole. Here's the thing, dude. I didn't want you guys. here's the thing dude i didn't want you i didn't want you guys here's the here's the thing i didn't want you guys to know they were free so you guys would i was hoping like a ton of you knuckleheads would buy them online first i didn't want to be like yeah we're giving away a thousand free at the even though i was so excited i think i let it slip a few times i wanted you guys just to buy the shirt so i could so you could donate to your favorite athlete hey california hormones paid for their shirts and you know why they did that because that chick fucking listens to the show
Starting point is 01:08:12 this whole thing is just crazy community driven she paid for a thousand shirts the california hormones lady and and said gave them away free at the games hi oh c, you keep getting screwed. Every time you call, you call too late. Joshua, how can I help you, my friend? Okay, this is weird, but it's Victoria. Hi, Victoria. I don't know if I'm on my phone.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Victoria, what's up? Hi, Matt. How are you? I'm good. I just popped in. i was making breakfast and i just wanted to say thank you guys for all that you guys are doing um in the light of all the stories you guys were sharing um this podcast has been a big part of my weight loss journey and getting healthy and turning my life around so i just wanted to say thank you well and when you say when you say this show has been a large part of
Starting point is 01:09:10 your weight loss journey are you like fucking that misogynistic homophobic racist sevan matosian i'm gonna lose weight and show him is that is that what i i'm not, um, woke. Um, no, no, I mean, I'll tell you, I'll help anyone. I can, if someone wants to leverage me like that, I would, I I'm open to it. As long as my anus doesn't get prolapsed, I'm open to it. Oh, wow. Yeah. No, that's no, that wasn't, um, I, I've been, it's more so I think just the consistency aspect and um I I've lost about 90 pounds now and um like I would literally just turn on the podcast and go on a walk for as long as the podcast would go on so sometimes they were really long sometimes they were 45 minutes it just kind of depended.
Starting point is 01:10:09 But that was kind of where I started. And it was just really cool, too. I found it kind of great when I started losing weight. And I was just thinking about it yesterday. Like, whoa, a lot has changed since then. And part of it is just being able to stay entertained while working out or going on a walk. Other times it's just to kind of stay in the know. I'm not like a crazy CrossFit person. Um, like super, like I don't go to a CrossFit gym anymore, but, um, I still do a lot of the, those types of workouts and stuff. So I just appreciate it. Um, uh, how old are you? I'm 24. How do you do day one of the, um, so,
Starting point is 01:10:49 so you say you lost 90 pounds. Is there a day one? Is there like a rock bottom or is there like a fuck I'm going to do? Like, how do you make that? What does, did something happen or did you try, is it like quitting smoking?
Starting point is 01:11:00 You try so many times and, and, and finally one time it sticks how long did it take to lose the 90 pounds i'm sorry so many questions so i started i started in november of 2021 okay november um and where do you live what state i live in idaho now okay the potato state but i actually grew up um in livermore and i that how I know Matt. I've known him for quite a while. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Yeah. It's a small world. Wow. Day one, it was a lot has changed for me in the past year. I'm a nurse. I left the hospital after the vaccine shenanigans happened. I was working night shifts and I was extremely unhealthy. I was just like, I literally felt like I was going to die. Like I just was like, well, I'm just going to be one of those
Starting point is 01:11:54 people that just is going to die. I mean, I just, I felt horrible. My, I could barely walk like my, my ankles were in, it felt like I ran three miles and I was literally just getting up out of bed. And so after I left the hospital in August of last year. You mean you'd be winded like that? Like you get out of bed, take a shit, come back and you're winded. Like sweat and sweat, maybe sweaty even. Not sweat. Just like my bones hurt.
Starting point is 01:12:23 And for no reason other than i was extremely overweight yeah i can't no i can't even relate to that that's fucking fascinating to me so heavy that your bones hurt and and yeah i mean i i used to do um like competitive olympic lifting so i i was i know what like four felt like I knew what that felt like. And it was nothing like that whatsoever. It was just like, how I just felt like I had ran three miles. That's, that's kind of just where it was. So I left the hospital in August of last year and started working from home. And was this kind of one day was like, I'm, I'm done. Like, I know that I know my potential. I know the things that I've accomplished in the past. I know that that's
Starting point is 01:13:13 not who, like, I'm not living into the person that I know that I could be. And I'm not just going to like, sit around here and wait for something to happen. And I just, it just started like literally with walking and then slowly changing my eating habits. And then I was to the point I had gotten a Peloton because I literally was so scared to go to the gym, which was weird just because I had,
Starting point is 01:13:42 you know, grown up like at a Crossfit gym and that was very normal and safe to me um but once i kind of just because you what people would say you're like oh i don't want to go in there and have people stare at me and i don't want to wear clothes that are all fucked up because i'm too overweight yeah like i i mean the gym that i've only my husband and i moved here two years ago two and a half years ago. And I, I mean, I have a lot of friends at the CrossFit gym, but like I was, I felt like I couldn't go anywhere. I just needed to like put my head down and work like on myself. Um, so after I got comfortable
Starting point is 01:14:17 enough, like just, you know, gaining a little bit of momentum, I started going to the gym and getting on a normal, you know 5 30 in the morning schedule um but yeah it's just been it's just been a it's been life-changing to say the least but how do people not work out do you ever think that do you think you'll ever go back to not working out like and by that i mean like yeah like like i used to be a crazy walker i love walking so i like when especially when i first had my son, Avi, I would like, if I didn't walk five miles a day, I was pissed. I needed to walk.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Well, and, and working from home, it's different because I can take breaks, you know, it's just, I can take those breaks and go outside and move a little bit. My Peloton's in my office. So it's hard to not. You dig in the Peloton? You a little bit. My Peloton's in my office. So it may, it's hard to know. You dig in the Peloton. You like, you like the Peloton? Um, I would rather go to the gym just cause I mean, it's fine. I, it got me started. I still ride it sometimes. Um, What happened? What do you do?
Starting point is 01:15:21 You get on there and there's a screen and you push a button and then, and is it a live class and you just ride with other people all over the world? Yeah, so they have live classes or just like the recordings of the live classes. They're good. They're nice. I really want to try it. I wish they would sponsor me. I really want to try that shit. We have them here actually. They're kind of fun. we have them here actually they're kind of fun for the military guys you can just get on it and live i just like the thought of doing something with other in a live class with other people and like just like and kind of being pushed like a leaderboard next so you can like yeah see where you're at yeah everybody else really cool it's a nice way to compete
Starting point is 01:15:57 oh someone just said have you ever shit in the shower and waffle stomped it down the drain i was like no no i have not i have not i have not even i've been in the shower and had to poop and been like okay and start over you dry off and you get out and you take a deuce i've been swimming and had to get out of the pool and go take a deuce but waffle stomped it down the drain i want to vomit oh god at least it's clean hey you can just wash yourself off that boy it's like a bidet oh my goodness sorry to interrupt your story sorry the comments are just oh no yeah it's it's a great description waffle stomp you know because like you push it through and it's like leaves those marks on the poop like that pattern it's good oh i guess i guess waffle i had this guy says i haven't either just a question i don't believe you no i'm guilty of reading into that i read
Starting point is 01:16:55 into that you got all trapped in my head now okay sorry sorry hey um uh you said you walk your dog Hey, you said you walk your dog. I didn't, but I do have a dog that requires a lot of walking, so I have to walk him. Oh, okay. Sorry. I thought you said you walk a lot and you have a dog. Do you ever – I'm just trying to figure out if we can be friends. Do you ever let your dog – does your dog ever poop and you don't pick it up um i my husband would get very mad at me if i did that because i like the shitty side of my
Starting point is 01:17:33 personality would probably just let it go but i have i swear i'll whoop your ass i would just pull over and just beat the fuck out of you if i saw you do that you can't talk like that i'm aware i cannot you motherfuckers let your dogs poop everywhere how big's your dog how large is the average of your dog yeah how many times i punch you if you got a great day and i'm fucking kidnapping you if it's a little chihuahua i might just slap you around a little bit i have a german short hair pointer, it's a big deuce. It's a big deuce.
Starting point is 01:18:07 No, he's not big. He's 40 pounds. Oh, that's not bad. Hey, that's a great dog. Yeah, he's actually away at training camp right now because he's such a shit. I've always wanted a pointer. Man, they're fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Yeah, he's a good little companion to go on long walks with. Like a vishla. And he will never complain about more exercise. I want a vishla. Yeah. They're awesome. All right. Well, thank you for calling.
Starting point is 01:18:38 I'm sorry I had to threaten to beat you up. It's okay. It's not the first time I've had that threat against me. It's all good. Thanks for sharing, Victoria. i'm glad you called yeah thanks for all you guys do have a good rest of your day okay get order lots of poop bags you can never have too many poop bags put them everywhere oh look at it they're so cute yeah they are all right talk to you guys later okay bye cory pueblo pueblo cory i'm so sorry You've called and you just keep missing the fucking. Hey, and you could definitely be friends with Victoria.
Starting point is 01:19:11 When she was younger and her mom first started to come to the gym, we expanded out the old spot that I was at. And we asked if anybody would come help like move and cut up the mats. And she was definitely like the VIP worker. Like she was like cracking the whip and she stayed the whole time. And she was like, at that time, I think she was like cracking the whip and she stayed the whole time and and she was like at that time i think she was like 17 or something maybe or 18 like she was young and was there on her own time and and crushed it so she's a hard worker and her and her mom and her dad and stuff they're great family she sounds like a great person she is yeah
Starting point is 01:19:40 she sounds fun uh uh sam dancer isn't doing rope climbs and ran off the field. Sam Dancer just pulled – Sam Dancer walked off the field. Sam Dancer just pulled out. Pulled out of what? Pulled out of Paris? Pulled out of your dad? Pulled out of your mom. Pulled out of your mom? Pulled out of your mom. Pulled out of your mom?
Starting point is 01:20:07 I hope he's okay. That doesn't sound good. Can we go... Let's play something. Can we go to... Hour 20 in. I don't know if I should play that. That's kind of crass.
Starting point is 01:20:22 That waffle stuff comment was just crazy yeah that was funny um what's the play 307 it says bush trim oh, okay, do you have those notes? Because I could pull it up too if you need me to. The bush trim. Hey, I'm going to do something crazy. It's probably one of the craziest things I've ever... Oh, this is amazing. This is amazing.
Starting point is 01:21:03 My brother's doing the Lord's workout out in portland first of all portland needs lord's look at that someone drew someone drew a woman's a woman's thighs legs and hands i'm assuming i think it's a woman looks like a woman's hips around on a wall that had some overgrowth the side and then the brother came and trimmed the bush down into a v like can you play that i want to see the god it's so good oh so it's just music just to get in trouble yeah as i kill that god that's so wonderful that's art do you see that, Sousa? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:46 I've seen a bunch of different things like that, but not as good a placement as that one. Hey, dude, that's where I would take my kids to teach them about anatomy. I'd be like, come on, we're going for a walk, boys. By the way, that is illegal street art. I like that top one. I like that shit wild myself. I don't know if he, but I appreciate the. Is that a Banksy?
Starting point is 01:22:14 Hey, that's a, what's crazy is, is that's a, that's a collaboration. The dude who drew it. And then the dude is working on the bush. I think, I think it's the same guy. If it's a bank, you know who Banksy is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's, and that would make sense if that is him because he dresses as like a
Starting point is 01:22:29 street worker sometimes like that like totally blends in would seven sweat bands fit one of caleb's fingers probably barely it'd be tight it'd be tight it'd be tight uh number 30 uh number 305 dei approved 305 dei approved i think these are i hope these are all funny ones i need some funny shit it looks like sam dancer is injured well if he ran off man yeah that's what it looks like he went for the judge and like shook his hand. Oh, I thought this was great because look at all, look at the diversity. Look at the diversity of this family. They got the old people, the young people, the black people, the Mexican people. I think I even saw like a Sikh in there.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Oh, okay. Oh, and they got a dwarf in there. You see that? Hey, that must be like, they must be visiting like their grandkids at college, right? Wow, it's almost like in the U.S. everybody, with the exception of what the media presents, gets along. I know. And enjoys each other's company. That's so weird.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Regardless. Number 304, this guy needs to be put on timeout. You guys, we're taking a break from the games. We're taking a break from the games we're taking a break from the game how cool is it that boss came on last night so oh yeah yeah this is so uncool look at this guy hey this is this this is this game is so stupid this pickleball game these are the kind of goof balls who play it look at what the fuck he throws his paddle in anger and hits one of the opposing players immediately bad about it
Starting point is 01:24:33 horrible he's like oh my god i'm so sorry one time in a game of foosball at the old house i lived at i kept losing to my roommates and i got pissed and i took the foosball and the old house i lived at i kept losing to my to my roommates and i got pissed and i took the foosball and i was like damn it i threw it at the ground and it bounced up broke this like plain window that we were renting and that's exactly how i felt uh uh i threw a golf ball my sister once and broke a window in the house when i was a kid i was so scared my mom came home She wasn't even mad at me. I did that when I was like 22 years old.
Starting point is 01:25:08 I broke a window with lacrosse ball and I took, it was 22 years and I did nothing wrong. And then I broke a window and it was devastating. I felt like a 12 year old. Like at your parents' house? Yeah. Yeah. And it was like my neighbors.
Starting point is 01:25:22 It was the neighbors that I broke the window of. And I went over there and I was like, can I fix it? And they're like, no, it's cool. Fix it. And I think we checked on it like five or six years later and it's still broken. Oh, damn. They were making meth in the basement. They didn't want anyone fucking with their shit.
Starting point is 01:25:36 They're really sketchy neighbors. I will say that. 302 smoking with a mask on. Anything is possible. This one where he's playing oh it's gone it is yeah is that the one where he's playing slots i think so yes yeah yes yes yes we just that's hilarious um how about uh 298? She's fucking born in Mexico. Bam. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Okay. This lady. Go down. This is CNN. Go down the other way. Sorry. Up, okay. This lady, go down. This is CNN. Go down the other way. Sorry, up, up. This is CNN in their opinion section. They're allowing this.
Starting point is 01:26:34 These GOP Latina candidates are not the real deal. This fucking lady was born in Mexico. She worked in fields picking strawberries and shit. They're not the real deal, though. It's how? It's like when they said Larry Elder was a
Starting point is 01:27:00 white man in blackface, the black dude who ran for governor of California to do with the black skin. I don't get it. Yeah, everything has gotten so weird. You're trying to twist it all. What do you want? Right.
Starting point is 01:27:19 They want their agenda pushed, and anything that goes against it has inherently wrong. They want their agenda pushed and anything that goes against it has inherently wrong. 2.95, how racism works. Oh, this one might be fun. I hope this is funny. Not funny, funny. Not funny, funny.
Starting point is 01:27:44 White person told me that I'm less than because of the color of my skin. I've never once had a white person tell me that there was something wrong with my hair. I've never once had a white person tell me that I was too big. I've never once had a white person even tell me really that I was too loud. And I probably am. I've never once had those things. But my community has labeled me those things and told me that my skin color was ugly and told me that my hair was nappy and told me that they don't date black girls and told me that I was too loud and told me that I was too much. So when I was I was raised with white people, a ton of white people.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I was the only black kid in a lot of situations. And I never once was demeaned for it. If anything, my black my white friends think that I'm so cool. They think I should run for the frickin mayor of their town. And I'm not even lying. I'm not even lying. I'm not even lying. I didn't learn oppression. I didn't learn victim mentality until I started listening to my black friends.
Starting point is 01:28:30 And that's flat out. I know people don't want to hear it, but let's talk about it. Tell me what you think. She's hot as fuck. That's what I think. Very good point. I've asked some of my coworkers.
Starting point is 01:28:43 I just stared at her. I was just looking at her i was just looking at her skin the whole time i was like she's fucking hot she does have great skin uh okay sorry what we're gonna say i've asked my friends the same question i was like because i mean i i guess friends co-workers whatever um who are black and i was like so what like tell me your experiences like tell me what when you've been the victim of racism or what, what have you experienced essentially? And they can't really give me any sort of answer. They're like, oh, well, I have a friend who said that they experienced this one thing. I'm like, okay, but have you experienced it yourself?
Starting point is 01:29:19 Like, have you had anything happen to you? And like of the 10 plus people that I've talked to about it, they just, none of them can give me an answer they just say like well it's out there it's out there i promise i'm like everything's out there everything is out there it's of course it's out there allowing it in your head because you've heard it somewhere on cnn or you've heard it somewhere from your friend or whatever hey dude i've had it happen to me in seventh grade i was going over where they had all the you know when you turn in a paperwork and the teacher would just kind of lay them over to one side and be like, okay, go over there to pick up your project or whatever. And I walked over and these two guys were standing there and they had mine. I was like, oh, that one's mine.
Starting point is 01:29:54 It was like a mix of a bunch of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade all in one class because it was like one of the elective ones you could take. It was our class. And he looked at me and he goes, oh, this one's yours. And he throws it on the ground and he goes mexicans pick it up off the ground oh shit and i was like oh shit oh your teacher did that no no no no no no no it was one of the kids in the class yeah i was an older eighth grader and i think i was either sixth or seventh grade and said that and i was kind of like remember thinking like that's weird like i'm not i'm not mexican and like yeah what if you'd have been that fuck you i'm mexican i'm black why'd you throw it on the ground like it's ridiculous hey i had this teacher in the seventh
Starting point is 01:30:35 grade i really liked him but he was fucking weird and i'm pretty certain he was gay i really like no and he and i but i didn't like him coming close to me and i didn't like him touching me like getting close to me at all like too close to me or put his hand on my shoulder or nothing and one day in class he put his fingers in my ear he came up behind me like a what willie no just like put his fingers in my ear just like touch my ears and I pulled away and I jumped up I go hey don't do that it was in front of the whole class. And this motherfucker, I swear to God, he goes, oh, Seban must have been molested or something. By you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:11 What the fuck? That was it. I hated him after that. I fucking hated him after that. Wow. What a piece of shit. Mr. Boylan. I'm sure he's dead.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Yeah. I fucking hated him after that. Wow. That guy molested people. Yeah. Yeah. For sure hated him after that. Wow. That guy molested people. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. That really fucking pissed me off.
Starting point is 01:31:30 I was like, really? Crazy. God. And you know what's funny too? I think I told my parents that, but they were just too busy working. They're like, yeah, stay away from him. Don't be alone with him or something. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:31:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's my kid. I fucking go down to the school and be like listen fuck not beat some ass you're gonna go out to your car today and all your windows are gonna be broken and your tires are gonna be slashed and if you ever say anything to my kid again it's gonna that it's gonna be worse than that um so about what happened to the afghan affiliate
Starting point is 01:32:02 owner it's not on the map anymore You interviewed him on the sea of podcast. Yeah. I'll reach out to him. I need to get him back on. I'm, I'm still friends with him. Uh, Tyler,
Starting point is 01:32:11 uh, Shin, Shin, Shin Garris. Yeah. I'll, I'll reach out to him. Why can't I remember his name? I still text with him.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Uh, good morning. I'm sure you've heard, but in case you haven't heard, Dancer is pulling out of the games. Yeah, something wrong with his bicep. Who is that? Is that? Oh, is that?
Starting point is 01:32:35 I can't tell if that's Ricardo Montalbán or Manny. Did I give the PMI guy my phone number? It looks like him, but I also have a friend named Manny Serrano. I have one same dancer out. Jen Dancer said he felt a sharp bicep pain two days ago. Damn. Well, he's trying to be a cyclocross guy now anyway. So I think he was just kind of doing this for fun.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Wow, he's a huge cyclocross guy yeah which that sucks that that happened because it was his first event and when we had him on here he was talking about how his whole year and everything he had like really dedicated himself to his training and being disciplined for it and it just sucks when you know somebody puts that much effort into it and something like that happens on this weekend. I'm bummed for Sam. Me too. It's probably the noble shoes he was wearing. Um,
Starting point is 01:33:32 no, number, number two, eight, seven Chinese and dumb liberal kids. Oh no. Oh, and then I think it's time to go play.
Starting point is 01:33:42 I can hear my mom's here playing piano with the boys. I should go out there. Oh, I think he posted like something like this the other day and it made me laugh the boys. I should go out there. Oh, I think you posted something like this the other day, and it made me laugh hysterically. Okay, let's see. No? Why not?
Starting point is 01:33:52 What's up, man? How you doing? You like my costume? You are a... You like my outfit? I mean, not particularly. Strikes me as pretty intensive. Really? Why is that? It's from another cultural tradition.
Starting point is 01:34:07 It's not really something you should be using as a costume, really. Does my outfit make you mad? No, good. Good? Yeah. Tear it down. Tear it down. Tear it down.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Do you have to be Chinese to wear this? You don't have to. Anybody can wear it. What do you think of my outfit? You really like it? Yeah. Looks good? What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:34:42 Gonna go with good. Do you like my outfit? What is wrong with our kids that they that how and that's the magic of words someone uses the word cultural appropriation as like in a negative way and then all of a sudden it's this negative thing it's fucking hilarious i love the one with the sombrero. Same thing. Yeah, same thing. Yeah, I saw that one too. College kids are so fucking dumb. They're ruining their lives. It's the same thing over here.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Like, if you wear something similar to what they wear out here, they think it's really awesome. Oh, of course they do. If you try to speak the same language, like, they don't fucking care, dude. They just appreciate you're trying to, like, be them or like just befriend them it doesn't fucking matter dude dude when i would go to my friend's house and they would the parents would make like some armenian dish it only made me feel like better if i yeah right they're trying it doesn't yeah yeah and even if they're making fun who cares i never cared it's so crazy and that's once again that's the projection that's the exact projection that the democrats put on the chinese people they now they put it on white men they put it on black people
Starting point is 01:35:55 it's the same it's the same fucking playbook every time it's more on central fucking insanity and they've they've probably never talked to somebody of that culture ever in their life and if you want to know all about it you can ask andrew you can ask andrew weinstein over at crossfit hq just email him andrew weinstein at you can ask him all about what it means to be the purveyor of hatred and slavery and maintain it exists sanity don fall i want to tell you you're welcome on the show you better do it quick buddy i'm getting huge getting only too big for my britches gonna be bigger for dawn fall apparently i'm excited for you um but man this shit's getting big this shit is getting
Starting point is 01:36:42 big we're scheduled out like three months but i'd squeeze you in donnie man squeeze you in uh mr az talazaz bernard how can i help you what uh i was actually just uh talking about the whole appropriation thing you guys were talking about okay and i've spent you know i did 12 years on active duty and like you go to other countries and they love when you just acknowledge them in their language, just saying hello, goodbye, Korea and like the Middle East and stuff. And this is the only place that I've lived or been to where it's like, oh, you're being culturally appropriating and you're being mean and hurting feelings. It's all ass backwards. It's all... Those are all pussies. It's all ass backwards.
Starting point is 01:37:33 Anytime I've ever gone to any country, anywhere, they appreciate you trying to converse with them, trying their food, trying their... Their garb, wearing their outfits, all that shit. It never fucking matters to them because they don't give a shit. They just appreciate that you're trying. Going to the Middle East, they'll give you
Starting point is 01:37:52 their head wraps and stuff and it's cool. They like seeing people wear. For them, it's almost comical. They're like, look at these idiots, but they're not mean about it. Right. Exactly. I don't think the problem i i realized
Starting point is 01:38:07 is you know being um proactive duty now working as a contractor and stuff and still being able to travel is people in the u.s don't realize how how like how lucky and how sheltered we are. And I do this and I'm like, have you ever smelt the souk and the food being cooked fresh, like the naan bread being baked fresh in Jordan or in Al Udeid? Did you say Jordan?
Starting point is 01:38:40 Yeah. Okay. I went to Petra a few years ago so it was pretty sweet there you ever heard of that place caleb petra never heard of it never heard of that okay yeah well it's one of the what is it
Starting point is 01:38:56 the seven wonders or eight wonders or nine wonders of the world whatever it's called cool um yeah so but yeah like you don't realize how like a lot of people don't realize how lucky they have it and like you know you're in like I have been to Africa and like you see kids like
Starting point is 01:39:15 they're just wanting water you know they're so appreciative of the little things that we do for them that you come back home and you're like oh we're home and it's just people are like bitching on their iphones about anything that they can just like come on guys get out of the world get out of your bubble entitlement man entitlement half the world walks 10 miles for water and i'm pissed off because the the flow rate and the way um my my sink puts spits out water it's true it's so true son of a bitch but
Starting point is 01:39:48 it is what it is but uh also appreciate the coverage you guys have been putting on this weekend it's been awesome thank you we just did this show uh tried to do a non-game show to call the herd because i know people are probably listening and getting shocked when they hear the shit that comes out of my mouth so i thought we would i i actually love listening to you when like it's not games related i love crossfit and stuff but i love when you get real because i don't think i don't think enough people um think well they think like you do but they just don't vocalize it because they're afraid of how they'll be looked at. Tell me how huge the show is going to get and how rich I'm going to get.
Starting point is 01:40:30 You're going to get, you're going to blow up, man. Okay, good. Thank you. I believe you. I believe you. Thank you. I'm with it. Hey, what the fuck is your name?
Starting point is 01:40:40 The phone, it just looks like someone took a handful of letters and threw them on my phone. It's Ostalaza is my last name austalaza what is that uh spanish by descent i'm puerto rican but i'm like really white or white wash austalaza it's a pretty name but it also sounds like one of those creatures like in a uh dr seuss book ah the austalaza it's got like a fucking six foot nose yeah that's awesome all right thanks for calling brother and thank you for your service appreciate it yep thank you thank you another man fighting for our freedoms did you guys see that day one of the crossfit games got hit with a car i know we i started off the show with that and just ridiculous just more more and
Starting point is 01:41:23 and it won't be flowing it won't be sent up the flagpole there because it's just people banging people and there's no accountability and it's just garrardo camacho if the me so so here's the thing if you want here's a good example industrialized science is science that has to work that's what fucking adrian bosman is doing adrian bosman is putting on this show and and it fucking has to work. The bikes have to work, the pedal, the scoring system, the clocks that let us say, hey, meet at this time, the cars that drive the people there. What you're seeing is a product of industrialized science, meaning it's the business. what you're seeing on the media department over at hq is what you call academic science none of it matters there's no fucking accountability none of it's true it's all just fucking people jerking off on each other if you don't know exactly what i mean look at the replication look up go to wikipedia and look up replication crisis and be prepared because you
Starting point is 01:42:22 are going to freak out and let me tell you wikipedia is downplaying it you have to know wikipedia is woke so if they're reporting on that shit it's like holy shit uh garrardo camacho thank you uh cool last name camacho i wonder if you're uh what famous camacho is you're related to uh yon clark dude always giving up the loot and from his rowboat um i still think you should have stoltman Brothers on. I don't know who that is, but I would love to have them on. I would love to. Should we DM with their IG handle and stuff and we'll look into it?
Starting point is 01:42:53 I've been getting I'm going to tell you, I've been getting slapped around a little bit by Dave lately. He has been slapping me around. It's okay. I'm trying not to get slapped around. I want to make Dave happy happy he's a cool dude fucking beyond cool he's not a cool dude i view him as a uh he's a mentor and a leader so um he's
Starting point is 01:43:14 beyond cool maybe he's not even cool okay uh i want 42 minutes caleb thanks for coming on matthews thanks for coming on i'm gonna go work, play with my kids. The thing is this. I don't know when the event is taking place. Can anyone tell me? For sure. And then we will come on one hour before that, and I will invite J.R. Howell and Taylor, the thumb self, from SMTP Programming. And maybe some other people. Anyone know? I keep thinking someone's gonna oh 12 45 pacific time okay so that is it okay so at 11 40 in two in three hours we'll be live then at 11 45 a.m pacific time is that really true eric do you know that uh let's see this is where i start to get worried look at look at this this is um
Starting point is 01:44:06 jim johnson oh great name uh no not that uh right here sorry ethan maz says uh 2 30 central time which would be 12 30 which would mean we should come on at 11 30 okay that's close enough okay i'm gonna schedule the show for 1145. I'm going to send it over here to the official games text thread. Did you? Can we schedule a show for 1145? What were you going to say? Nothing.
Starting point is 01:44:37 It's this right here. Okay. Today they drew an adaptive at 1 p.m. Central time. All athletes competing across the games will parade by country. Okay. So we know it's not at one. Oh,
Starting point is 01:44:50 I see what you're showing me. Two thirds. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So, sorry. So I am going to go at 1130.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I mean, 1130. Hey, um, Pacific standard time. You cool with that? You guys 1231 30. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:03 Yeah. Okay. Look, it was like by tyson oldroyd awesome former former co-worker of mine fuck sebon it's at 11 12 45 pacific time the morning chaga posted it and so did other media outlets fuck sebon i think that's too okay pmi uh i want to know what happened to his bicep okay me too we'll look into it that'll cost you 49.95 no i'm just joking uh you're always a good dude pmi all right i'll talk to you guys soon

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