The Sevan Podcast - #529 - Event 5 "The Capitol" Recap

Episode Date: August 6, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Guys, we did it. Let's start with, we'll cruise over to Heidi.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Heidi, what's up? Hi. The event is over. Did everyone clear out of there once they sent all the heats? Did everyone split? No, once they left on the run, everybody moved to the cafeteria
Starting point is 00:00:55 area where the big screen was and everybody's still kind of hanging out. Now it looks like they're kind of going into the stores. But the teams are about to start in the North Park, so people are hanging around. Is there any chatter? Is the Ricky hype train starting? Is there, like, as you walk around, do you hear people murmuring Ricky's name?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah, I think mostly people are just excited. I mean, obviously, there's a lot of haters still, but people are cheering for him and stuff, so it's good. And people are starting to believe. I think so. My fucking mom was cheering for him. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:35 All right, Heidi, we're going to check in with Susie. He's over at the finish line. It looks. Oh, Susie. What's up, brother? Matt Susie. it looked oh suza what's up brother matt suza so there are a lot of cell phones where suza's at so there's a lot of competition there for uh self cell tower bandwidth what's up suza how are things hey guys can you hear me okay there's a lot of internet yeah we hear you great we hear you great oh perfect okay so i'm at the finish line here.
Starting point is 00:02:05 This is where they came across, and that line there is where they had to switch the grip on the Roosevelt bag. The athletes just walked out and are being escorted back to the venue now. So what you think is everything just got to be picked up? Susan, the carnage for some people looked brutal. We basically saw Hayley Adams just fucking collapse. Yeah, it looked terrible. And we got Rebecca Luce.
Starting point is 00:02:32 She's limping pretty bad right now. I don't know if you guys can see it. Who is? Rebecca is? Rebecca is, yeah. When she came in on the run, she was being escorted by a medical through that run. Okay. So she was hurt even before she picked up the Husafell bag?
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yes. Yeah. Yes. Something happened. I don't know what exactly, but she has her shoe off, and she barely looks like she could have weight on her left leg there. J.R. Taylor, when you see someone with their shoe off um is that a ankle roll potentially uh could be a lot of things i don't know typically when you i don't know typically
Starting point is 00:03:15 when you roll your ankle you want to leave your shoe on and lace it up tighter if you sprained it uh to offer you some support if it's a high top. Yeah, maybe. Hey, did she finish, Sousa? I left the TV to come over to the computer before the end. Sousa, do you know if she actually finished? Hey, guys. So I think I'm going to jump back and try to get back to the venue to avoid this crowd here. Was there anything else you wanted to see on scene real quick?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Do you know if Rebecca actually finished? Yeah, Rebecca did finish. She did finish. All right, Chuck. Is that Chuck Carswell there? Yeah, that is. I'm just going to watch for a second. Stefan Roche, it looks like, from the...
Starting point is 00:04:14 Oh, is that Stefan? I don't know. I don't know who that is. Hugs for everybody. So is that all? That is it, yes. Sounds like Chuck's making sure everyone's... Chuck Carzo, what's up, baby? Did we know that Rebecca finished? No, did you see that?
Starting point is 00:04:37 The very end right there? Absolutely, she was able to finish. There was no time cap for that event, so the athletes were going to finish. But obviously, we've got other events and needed her to get back, but she did what most CrossFitters do, hammer down and got it done in time. She did.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Scott Hart. Thanks, Chuck. Appreciate you. Chuck Carswell, head judge. He has replaced Adrian Bosman and probably one of the most senior guys over there on the CrossFit seminar team. I am Hop. Ricky is a beast. And I don't think Jason dropped the bag once going up the stairs.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Can we confirm that? He did drop it one time. And I think that's what he was banking on was to make up more ground than maybe he could on the sandbag carry. Still a great finish. It was a fifth place. Right, JR? Right. JR, JR? Right. JR, did you smile at all when he crossed the finish line?
Starting point is 00:05:28 What's up, Hiller? JR? No, not really. Okay, cool. Just checking. Mal won't win this year, but will next year. Let me tell you something. If Emma Lawson, Mal might just be a placeholder.
Starting point is 00:05:42 You better watch out for Emma Lawson. If she gets 5% better, which I think she can in the next year. I love just the overlooking of Haley. Was that not her third event win for a female? Could have been, but she didn't win. Could have been, right? I mean, could have. You got to go back and watch that, man.
Starting point is 00:06:02 You got to go back and watch that, man. That's that like, like rarely do you get to see an elite level athlete get to 100% muscle failure. And that's where she was at. It was crazy. Wow. Oh, what about finish? She still finished fifth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And what's kind of amazing about that too, is that we saw that happen to Jason Hopper last year with the Husafell carry, but still, Jason's was more devastating to his score. Haley still got a decent score, right? Yeah, because Haley was crushing everyone even after the farmer's carry. Hey, the commentators are saying that basically she switched grips too soon. That didn't cause her to reach muscular fatigue. That was maybe five feet. They were saying like 25 meters or some shit, weren't they?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yeah, I think Chase said 15 meters, so about 50 feet is what he thought. I think maybe at that point when she dropped it, it was going to take too much effort to get it up to her shoulder just to carry it for 50 feet and drop it again. So she i might as well just start carrying it in front now and it might and that might that may have made the difference that may have been just a uh an error i mean because it was the last 20 feet it was the last four meters that she couldn't carry the bag
Starting point is 00:07:22 yeah it was really toward the top of the steps. I mean, that last flight of steps was probably three attempts to get it up. Sousa, did you want to jump in and say something? You and Andrew? This is Hiller. I took Sousa's phone. Oh, is he in the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Where'd he go? In the bathroom? Why'd you get such a late start this morning? He went to the bathroom. Yeah, should I follow him? No. Why did you get such a late start this morning? Is it... You're sounding like a robot. Sorry, I can't hear you. Alright, fine. Eat a dick.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Okay, can we pull up the leaderboard? 8.45 a.m. Just so you guys know, the next event will be starting at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. That's 9 a.m. Central Time. And then we will come back live at 12.45 a.m. I will remind you guys of this. Okay. Okay, so the scores are in in can we look at the overall
Starting point is 00:08:27 ranking the um laura horvat took second in that no it's yep wow okay uh malabar oh these haven't been updated no the points haven't okay Okay, sorry. Sorry, you were right then, Will. How could the leaderboard be updated without the main points being updated? Isn't that a trip? Brooke Wells crushing it. I did not have her up there. First place was Gabby Magawa. Second place, Laura Horvat. Man, Laura needed that.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Isn't that right? Tiatumi in third place, Brooke Wells. in fourth place, Haley Adams in fifth. Let's check in with the ultimate numbers guy, Mike Halpin. Halpin, what's up, brother? You're live. Yeah, I'm pulling the numbers now. So what happens is they load in the time score, but they don't actually load in and recalculate the total overall score until they do any adjustments or things along those lines.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Not that this event really calls for that, like the last few days I've obviously had, but just historically it happened a lot in the semifinals as well. They're not updating or recalculating and resorting. And what's the reason for that? That doesn't make sense to me. What's the reason for that? I doesn't make sense to me what's the reason for that i mean if there's a mistake there's a mistake and they wait i guess until they can remedy it before inputting the scores instead of putting the scores in as they see them and then having
Starting point is 00:09:55 to go back and double back and correct them again i'm assuming it's just a button you push though and it just it just does it for you not a tech guy helping lightly attack guy and uh there's a bit more nuance i guess um so i i recalculated it myself oh even better okay um bring up the leaderboard again well so we can ricky and well i won't say the points because the points are a bit all over the place. But just ranking-wise, after this event, Ricky in first, Roman in second, Justin in third, Jeff Adler in fourth, Lazar in fifth. Did you say you have Justin in third? Did you say you have Justin in third?
Starting point is 00:10:40 And Roman in second. Yeah. Okay. By about... That makes sense. By about eight points. Eight points between Roman and Justin. That's big. But Ricky's
Starting point is 00:10:51 75 points up. You can assume Sam Quant is over his chronic illness, at least for the time being, because that was just a pure capacity event, and he did fourth. Half and seven. Halpin, Ricky is just a pure capacity event and he did fourth how how how been uh ricky is uh two events away though from losing first place also people shouldn't get carried away and be like he's won this thing correct i mean we've seen crazy shit and we'll ever and not like occasionally crazy shit like
Starting point is 00:11:19 every year we see crazy shit every year yeah you can uh you have. Do you agree, Halpin? Well, I mean, the perfect story for that, here to just jump over to the women, the perfect story for that, Tia's in first place. Say that again, you broke up. Can we go back to the women's leaderboard
Starting point is 00:11:33 and say that again? He said Tia's in first by two. Well, as you said, so the, so yeah, yesterday Tia was in eighth. Tia's now in first. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And again, these aren't official. These are unofficial. Hey, let me tell you something. You're as official as it fucking gets. How dare you? You're on the Step On podcast. How dare you? So I have Tia in first by two points. Okay, and so do I. I did the
Starting point is 00:11:55 calculations also. Yep, I have her ahead by 2.2 points, but that's close enough. That's the Z score. So and then Mal in second emma and third hayley and fourth daniel brandon brandon and well it looks like daniel brandon and christy tied and i don't know the tiebreaker oh and who so who did you have in fourth
Starting point is 00:12:19 uh hayley adams hayley adams okay and this isn't just for this workout this is for overall so daniel brandon jumped up uh three spots looks like it okay thanks dude i appreciate you calling in you're the best yep okay bye uh mike albin uh the ultimate numbers guy uh let's check back in with suza and then i want to come back and ask jr and taylor what they think about uh how daniel brandon's doing uh what's up two minutes i don't know who is the american ambulance elevator and where uh okay back to jr jr um daniel brandon are we going to see her keep climbing up the
Starting point is 00:13:03 leaderboard what don't we want to see what like if you're a daniel brandon are we going to see her keep climbing up the leaderboard what don't we want to see what like if you're daniel brandon fan what what are you what don't you want to see pop up well if you go off of semi-finals performances and things that she's talked about trying to manage some lingering injuries she's had over the last you know year or two then you know we've we've already heard that the athletes have been fitted for yokes you know that can be a lot of taxing on the low back and on the midline in general um you have to think there's going to be some heavy squatting coming they've only done the 63 squat cleans at 95 pounds so we know there's gonna be heavy squatting but look at this next workout
Starting point is 00:13:41 like i think danielle will crush that she's athletic. So the getting over however they have to with hands, without hands, clearing it in the air and ring muscle ups. She's going to be great on that workout. Just to repeat what you said, J.R. thinks it's going to be a great workout for Danielle Brandon. It's got muscle ups. It's got the athletic component of jumping over a bunch of different objects and the GHD sit-ups. And then an 84-foot weighted lunge for this powerhouse is nothing. Event win, even, JR? No.
Starting point is 00:14:16 No, I don't think so. I think this has Tia written all over it. Yeah, without a doubt. Tia, potentially, Laure Laura Horvath as well. She's a good jumper and really good at pulling. She's got good muscle-ups. JR, thanks for checking in. Please keep checking in throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Your connection was fucking perfect, dude. So anytime, please just— Yeah, I just got to the gym to coach. I'm sorry. Okay, please keep checking in. Thank you. So at this point, does it become the Tia Toomey show? Is she going to just slowly pull away now? Again, it's early, but it's hard not to assume that that's the case.
Starting point is 00:14:51 You look back at the events she did at Portland, and predominantly you're looking at the speed skill medley and just that mistake of missing a single under and being set back 20 seconds in a workout where one second is a place. They must be pretty excited, Brooke and her. Didn't they finish one right after each other just now? Didn't they come up the stairs together? Yeah. Yeah, that's got to be good for morale. Let's check in with Tyler Watkins. Tyler, what's up, brother?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Greatest story this morning. Tyler Watkins. Tyler, what's up, brother? Greatest story this morning. Danielle runs up the hill, grabs the bags, walks about 10 feet. Cooper comes over, says, let's go, let's go, speed up. She drops the bags, says, shut the fuck up, and picks the bags up. And Cooper just smiles and walks away.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I fucking hate that. That's funny. I got a that that's funny i got a story though i got a story at granted wait wait before you before you tell us right that was that during the event classic wait a second i get it i'm the same way i've i've told my fuck off in the middle of i i want to hear that again basically what you're saying is this cooper marsh her agent was at the place where she was picking up the uh husafel bag at the final movement just now she ran she picked it up she carried it 10 feet he told her to hurry up she put it down and said shut your fucking mouth shut the fuck up hey how many people heard that oh it was like i don't know 100 people's name that's that's
Starting point is 00:16:26 the problem if it's you if it's you in the open and your coach that's fine but when you got like 100 people watching you and that's somebody who does a lot for you and you're just in front of everyone shitting on them hiking your leg up and pissing on them i don't like that hey i don't know i don't know i love it i love it he he handled it like a champ too you gotta know what you get you gotta know what you're getting yourself into at granite games in 2018 there's this hill run event and we were walking the guys were walking down the hill as the women were going and there's this one girl amanda goodman i think she's like an opex girl yep running up she was in last place and some of the guys were like you got this you got this and
Starting point is 00:17:02 she stops and stops in the workout looks over and goes shut the fuck up i know i got this and then we were just like whoa we'll never cheer you on again oh wow yeah that's what that's what exactly exactly tj i got butt hurt and so did the rest of the men it's just hey you know what's crazy though she um that's not uh i've never even heard amanda goodman talk in all the years I did the behind-the-scenes. I never heard her say a fucking word. She said that to us. That's the thing. If you can open your mouth and say shut the fuck up in a workout, you should probably be going faster.
Starting point is 00:17:36 That's fucking awesome. I'm sending out some links here. See if we can lure some people in with their star power. Go ahead, Sousa. I'm reporting live from inside the Batmobile right now. What are you guys doing? We're headed back to the event trying to get our way out of the downtown area.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Are you guys going to go over to that to that warm-up area where the athletes enter again and see if you can catch them as they're coming back? Yeah, exactly. That's like the media room. So we're going gonna go right back there and just hang out and see who we could catch perfect okay awesome and then uh there there will be a noble route or a no rep rally in front of the noble booth today as well no shit what time is that at and what time is time is the No Rep Rally? 2.30. 2.30. 2.30 Central Time.
Starting point is 00:18:29 If you are at the event, come to the Noble booth for the No Rep Rally. That's fantastic. So, did she just cruise over there? Even if you don't have a No Rep shirt, are you welcome? Yes, of course. Yes. If you want to come hang out and see see everybody we'll be getting some shirts and you will have about 15 or so minutes before you head to the coliseum oh oh right because for the event that starts at uh 245
Starting point is 00:18:56 that's not a dusty that's not a dusty ass couch that's that's not just yet but thank you uh jamal smith cooper understands her headspace in that moment yeah what we don't know oh i can't say that i can't say that i can't say that yeah let me tell us hey just go to the instagram page self-made training program and click the link to go to go where to get what sign up for my program yes yes yes if you want to donate money for a new couch for me go to the self-made training program and click the link not only will you buy me a new couch but you'll get uh some fantastic programming when are you gonna when are you gonna when are you gonna i need to see i need to see one of these workouts and fuck one of your workouts up do one you should do the burpee one. It'd be perfect for you. It was the one, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:46 Jim Lebonski, uh, three 65 Murph and hero guy. He did it. He told you to do it. What was it? Zero to five minutes, 50 bar facing burpees for time,
Starting point is 00:19:58 five to 10 minutes, 50 burpees to a 12 inch target for time. The last chance standard. And then 10 to finish 50 burpee pull-ups. That middle part would be terrible. And you get it, you get a break. If you get as much of a break as you earn. So from zero to five,
Starting point is 00:20:16 you've got 50 burpees as fast as you can. Five to 10, another 50, 10 to finish the 50 burpee pull-ups. And what, how do you score it then? Score of each triplet or, or sorry, score of each 50 burpee pull-ups and what how do you score it then uh score of each triplet or sorry score of each 50 burpee section okay when you score second course third score okay
Starting point is 00:20:32 can't wait uh boss program one of the best events ever with this one everyone felt like ricky has felt everyone felt like ricky has felt these past four years tested oh that was an awesome workout that was so fucking cool this guy's a poet kivat uh well said buddy um is danielle's fuck off to the judge any different than ryan fisher's meltdown was that uh it wasn't a fuck off to the judge it was to her agent but they were also talking about on the speed medley speed skill medley she she yelled at her judge and yelled what the fuck at her judge oh uh it's very i think it's very different than what i think ryan fisher threatened to kill his judge yeah ryan said i'll kill you he had a neck vein bulging yelling at his judge that's a little crazy hey if you did if you did a movement i don't know
Starting point is 00:21:23 i fuck what do i know i've never competed but if you if you've done a movement, I don't know. Fuck, what do I know? I've never competed. But if you've done a movement and the judge gives you a no rep and you know you did it, I think a what the fuck is okay. I mean, even if you're just talking to yourself. I get what you're saying. I guess where I disagree about it, and I'm really not butthurt about it. I just think you're wasting seconds saying what the fuck rather than just making the adjustment and doing the rep again. So you're just allowing your emotions to get in the way of potentially getting a better score because you got a no rep that you feel like is undeserved. Your feelings are kind of irrelevant in the middle of a competition.
Starting point is 00:22:01 You should be the one shutting the fuck up. Just moving forward. Just keep moving forward. Oh, you're muted. Go ahead, Tyler. Go ahead. You're muted. It is weird because in other sports, we like, they do check the refs, but they have time.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You know, usually it's during timeout or something like that. It is a little weird. So it's like part of me does think, yeah, like maybe throw your judge some heat every now and again, but then at the same time, you are wasting seconds. She was talking, I remember, while she was doing the jump roping. She was still talking to her judge. That was different, though, because it was like, what is the state? Like, I think she was legitimately confused.
Starting point is 00:22:37 What do I do here? So at that point, like, I totally get put stuff down and be like, what do you want me to do? You've also got to remember that the second that you say that or treat a judge like that you're just you're just asking for more issues yeah i mean you have to be a people person to a degree you go out there shake the judge's hand you respect them if they tell you you're doing something wrong hey what do i do i don't know if danielle brandon told me to shut the fuck up i'd get aroused what if he yelled back what if he i'd yell back at her no you shut the fuck up hey can the judge do that they'd probably get fired but hey you can do whatever
Starting point is 00:23:10 you want um there was another did you guys see uh wimbledon this year with uh jokovic i can't remember the guy's plan basically the guy fought the guy he played against was fighting with the whole stadium the judges his his coaches the entire time. It was amazing. Like the entire time. After every point, he talked shit. It was awesome. You know that guy's name, Will or Caleb, that guy?
Starting point is 00:23:37 It was Kyrgos. Kyrgos, yeah. You got to see that match, the finals in Wimbledon. It was amazing. Daniel Brandon speaks the same in and out of competition. Nothing wrong it there is there is a piece to that right that at least it's consistent jeremy i don't know if that justifies it um it's funny though i have like because we i was criticizing tutor magda the other day for kind of being you know a little moody after the jump rope event yeah but then yeah i guess i have a double standard because i think it's it's cool for daniel to do it but it was a little lame for him to do it he um yeah he he it's well
Starting point is 00:24:11 it's the same you look at how jason reacted during that snatch workout last year people were freaking out and it's the same reaction it's emotional reaction yeah uh let's look at the workout that's coming up. When Nikki – I don't know her last name. Nikki Brazier. Is that it? Brazier? Nikki Brazier. When she was interviewing Gabriella Magawa, the winner, and Ricky Garrard, she goes, okay, they fully recovered. And I'm like, fully recovered?
Starting point is 00:24:43 and Ricky Garrard, she goes, okay, they fully recovered. And I'm like, uh, there, there, there will be no fully recovered, right. For any of the athletes, even with a good night's sleep, like they're, they're now into the, everyone's into the damage zone. I think that's what the test is on the, on, on this next one is like your ability to recover going into up and over. So it's going to separate the men from the, from the boys on this one. You know, how well did you recover going into the up and over? What do you think Taylor, the people who, um, want to take a break cause they just can't take any more. Where are they going to take a break here? There's, there's not really a break in this workout. The muscle up is too short short it's too small of a set for even the
Starting point is 00:25:25 females to be resting on the jump overs uh we're assuming that the difficulty decreases as the workout goes it could increase but we're going to assume that it decreases as the workout goes um and then 30 ghz is no place to rest in a three-round workout you should be sprinting the ghz doing the muscle ups unbroken and then you've got to find a steady cadence on the jump overs that keep you moving. And I think the people that get to the lunge and can lunge that as close to unbroken as possible are going to win the workout. Are you going to, are we going to see a lot of unbroken all three sets on the muscle ups? Oh, in the men's field, I think most of the field will do all 12, all three sets of 12 unbroken a lot, not most, maybe not thrown, not most of the field, I think most of the field will do all three sets of 12 unbroken.
Starting point is 00:26:10 A lot, not most, maybe not thrown, not most of the field, but a lot of the field will do all three sets. The upper part of the field. At least 10 men, at least 10 men. So if you stop and put your hands on your hips or on your thighs in this one, you're not top 10. Correct. So you see this almost as a kind of a, I know this is a bit of a paradox, but a pace sprint. I look at this workout, and I think of it as similar to like a mile run. It's not a 400, but it's not slow, and there's not much – there's a strategy to it, absolutely, but it's fast. it's fast uh the the grip well will the muscle-ups be um bothered by any of the uh grip work that they in in that chest work and that holding work that they did from this last workout
Starting point is 00:26:52 they will for sure be challenged but i again i don't expect three sets of 12 to be a huge obstacle for most of the men's field and i don't expect it to be a huge obstacle for a lot of the women's field either and after the gymnastics day a couple days ago i say that again tyler so like all they did was gymnastics pressing triceps on the first day i'm wondering going like you know you're starting to get doms now probably i'm wondering if they're going to feel that on the on the muscle ups they'll feel it but again it's this workout is nothing like last year's muscle-up workout where you've got 48 in a row. This is just so different, and the dose is appropriate, I think,
Starting point is 00:27:34 but it's not the muscle-ups that are going to hold people back. It's not a muscle-up workout. I think it's a very well-balanced workout. Cara Saunders, will she be top five for this? No. No. Can we see the women's leaderboard? How did Kara do on this last workout?
Starting point is 00:27:57 Fair. Have we got any more word about Rebecca, not Rebecca not rebecca fusli uh emily rolf have we heard anything more by the way she had uh a double uh what was it called a blood clot two blood clots right said that she started eating solid foods today so yeah it's i think she'll have a pretty quick recovery especially since she's already pretty fit. But otherwise, that's pretty much it. I saw her husband this morning, so I know that he's not standing right next to her, so that's a good sign. You saw him at the event at the venue? I saw him at Starbucks.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Hey, can you pull the workout back up? Because I didn't see if they specified if it was front rack or overhead lunge. It's front rack. It's front rack, okay. Yeah. Hey, 185 pounds do the guys do that unbroken 125 for the women unbroken 84 feet i don't 384 it'll be hard it'll be hard i don't think a lot of them do it unbroken and if somebody does it'll be like two or three people i don't you know 28 steps that's pretty yeah that's a lot of steps but and i'm not necessarily thinking about uh the legs as much as
Starting point is 00:29:11 i'm thinking about the grip and holding the axle bar no yeah because you're you're going to be your midline is going to be fatigued and so just yeah that pressure sitting on you for that long it'll be the grip and it'll be if they allow athletes to do this it'll be we may see some more going unbroken uh jacklyn robinson thank you you're awesome as always you're all you've always been It'll be the grip, and it'll be if they allow athletes to do this, it'll be – we may see some more going on broken. Jacqueline Robinson, thank you. You're awesome as always. You've always been there. Frank, thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Don't stand too close to the fire. Ginga Ninja, have they specified how the axle bar will be head, overhead, or front rack? Perfect timing. Probably could have got that answer for free, but thank you for the ten dollars uh can we go back and look at the at the um leaderboard here tyler when you look at this is there any i guess i i guess it hasn't been updated yet so we don't know for sure what place everyone's in but is there any can you rank them uh in order uh order by first through whatever? Not by the event, but overall in their totality? Is there anyone right now that you think is completely out?
Starting point is 00:30:18 How far down do we have to go where it's like, hey, you're mathematically toast? What do you mean out? Like there's no chance there's no chance of them there's no chance of them winning the games is the is the person who's in 40th place do they still have a chance mathematically i think at this point mathematically yes but it would i mean like probably no so it's like if you're not inside the top 15, it's a definitely no. If you're 7 to 10, it's getting hairy now. You can't screw up anymore.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Brooke Wells being on the podium, I think for her, that's out of the question. Okay, let's see what place Brooke Wells is in. So right now we have… We've got five events. I don't think there's much that's out of the question. Looking at who is in the top 10, we were talking about the density of competition before we ever started. I just don't see people making a lot of moves on who's in this top 5 and top 10 right now.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And I don't see a lot of moves going on between the top 10. Can you scroll up a little bit? Yash Gami, five, five, five something. Thanks for the podcast, guys. It's been a rough year. So I think a couple of things to remember. Mal O'Brien and Emma Lawson, while very, very good, are still super young. Emma being a rookie.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Christy O'Connell, again, we're going to get hit with high volume and heavy squatting. Um, and that's traditionally something that she's not super great at. And I think the things that are coming up are things that Brooke is great at the classic CrossFit. So do you think that we've been too biased so far? Well, that's the key word is so far. It's impossible to look at what's happened and call it biased or judge the programming as a whole, because there is so much, there's a, there's two thirds of the test still on the table. Right. So I don't want to look into that really much, but I just do think that there's still going to be some big swings in the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And I don't think, i think it's way too early to call anything on justin because again his best events are still coming the classic crossfit the high volume and the heavy squatting uh the big lifting there's a lot still on the table yeah you mean justin madaris yeah justin there's someone in the comments like justin is done people are people i'm like relax there's a yeah the champ is definitely not done yeah 800 points still i will say by six events you generally things start to settle by six events you can tell who's going to be where um now there's going to be settling towards you know towards the top end but yeah six events is a good but a lot of the tests up front were gymnastics and i agree i agree taylor like we still have to fight the heavy lift
Starting point is 00:33:11 and we still have to fight the the swim and and those are the knowns ricky's a good swimmer man it's hard to look at him and say that what what he's doing and and think that there's going to be much of a drop but i also also do think Justin's there to fight, and so we'll see on his side. It's crazy to think that Justin's out. Oh, yeah, it's stupid. It's ridiculous. My heart wanted to be Pat this year, but I'm buzzing for Ricky. He's causing waves for sure, for sure. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Maximus Holmgren, $100 from Mexico uh i'm sure that's not mexico right seven i'm glad you are getting your self-esteem back that's what i'm here for blow me having jr and tyler on and not only the bad looking guys like taylor that you outshine thank you that's what i'm here for damn pump him up hey he just he just stepped on all of us like he just shit on all of us that's a that's a on all of us. That's pretty amazing. Good job, Holmgren. Yeah. All in one swoop, you asshole.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Magnus. Oh, man's leaderboard is updated. Can we go over to that? Yeah, thanks. How did you know that? How did you know that? I'm looking at the comments. I'm doing my thing, man.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Tia's in first place, by the way. Yeah i'm doing my thing no t is it t is in first place by the way yeah yeah how's been at it right is it by two points happens for sure correct yeah yeah hey mine's not mine's not updating uh we're talking about ricky's uh somebody asked in the comments what is ricky's relative weakness not necessarily max strength, but high volume and heavier squatting. And the only point we look back to that semifinal King Arthur workout where there was so much squatting. And I brought up those videos of him squatting on his toes and his heels coming up off the ground. And how seemingly, you know, that's like the cliche thing here in affiliate heels down, but across a workout with 100 squatting reps,
Starting point is 00:35:05 your heels are coming up. The efficiency is just so low. So in the past, that's been kind of his quote-unquote weakness, but we'll see if he's addressed it. Sousa. Hey, guys. Sorry about that. It cut out on the way in.
Starting point is 00:35:20 No, that's okay. You got anything for us? Nothing. We just got to the event. We just parked, so we're heading over to that media room to see if we can snag some more athletes for a couple quick interviews before they head to rest for until the next event okay cool uh we're gonna go back to the leaderboard um yep i'll check back in with you guys when we get there what do you think uh is this normal i can't every year i forget but uh first place has 561 points and um six places
Starting point is 00:35:46 basically three sorry 200 points behind him samuel quant yeah is this normal that's pretty normal it seems like well look in the fraser in the froning era that is for sure normal normal and what you what you usually see is you've got first place and they've got 100 points over second and second through seventh are are a bit closer um and that looks like what's happening right now ricky's almost got a hundred point lead over roman um he's got a 90 point lead over justin gosh that's a that's a big lead to relinquish as good as ricky is hey uh i wonder if anyone here knows, maybe Mike Halpin's listening, what the worst place finish anyone ever has gotten who made it onto the podium in the last 10 years,
Starting point is 00:36:34 since 2012 or something. Oh, Tyler, you're muted. It's got to be close to a last place with Vellner. I mean, his swim workouts this year, he took that 35th with five jerks in 2A or 2B. So when we see someone in – when you see Samuel Quant with a 26, it's like we've seen worse. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And I like – I love this question.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Let me pull this up. Legitimacy of the Crossfit games in question the last four years with no ricky or roman i think without ricky that has nothing to do with legitimacy because he tested positive um and again i he has clearly used those four years to his advantage um with roman being out that's maybe more of an argument him not i don't know if legitimacy is the right word though yeah it's not i't know if legitimacy is the right word though. Yeah, it's not. I agree. Legitimacy may not be the right word,
Starting point is 00:37:27 but man, you're, Romans, they're both making a statement and it's pretty cool to watch. But, but it is, um, if we could go back in time,
Starting point is 00:37:37 I'd like to see them both in there. That's for sure. Yeah. Without a doubt. I'd like to see them both in there. Hey, when your dog bites someone, they'll, they'll come to your house. And if someone reports you, they'll come to your house
Starting point is 00:37:49 and be like, Hey, uh, you can, uh, we can quarantine your dog for one week and it's like a hundred dollars a day, or you can corn your dog for free quarantine, your dog for free and for two weeks and it's free. But if you do it yourself, it's two weeks. If you take the, have the pound do it, it's a week. I wish there was a way to do that when people test positive. So like, hey, Ricky, you could still live at home for four years, or we're going to keep you in this fucking cell for a year, and you can come back after a year. Could have gotten back faster.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Hold on. Here we go. Mr. Halpin. Yes, Mr. Halpin. Yes, Mr. Halpin. In 2016, Katrin got a 38 in event two. Rich in 2014 got a 37 in event three. Wow. There's a lot of Pat. There's a lot of pat there's a lot of pat velner there ben smith um yeah but but those are but those are winners those first two you gave us micro winners you're
Starting point is 00:38:54 saying in 2016 catcher won the games but took a 38 yeah and then yeah it was on a lift it was a 295 lift and at that point 38th may have been last place because two people may have dropped yeah and then 2014 for Rich it looks like an endurance event because he has a 38-31 I don't remember what event 3 was in 2014 wow crazy somebody's saying that Kotler is saying, uh, Ricky swimming
Starting point is 00:39:27 is okay. I bet you differ. I also think people were talking about, um, prior to bike to work event, the, how Jay crouch and Ricky just went out and stomped the field in, uh, the, the pre-runs. And I was thinking to myself, how many athletes are actually really good at biking who are just not out there, big dicking everyone in practice because they don't want to give anything away same thing for swimming i'm sure kotler's not going to get on a podcast or talk to somebody about ricky's weaknesses and what he's amazing or bad at why give that information to the field also like you were saying with europeans and biking aren't australians just really great at swimming period it's like i mean that's the i mean that's the i mean that's
Starting point is 00:40:05 the conventional well that's that's if you're uh i don't know if you're a racist you think that that that that is the conventional wisdom if you voted for biden like me yeah yeah then you then you definitely think ricky's good at swimming uh helping what do the numbers say is can ricky swim or we don't have any numbers because he's been at home for four years i'd venture to say he can swim numbers are wiped out so he's technically a rookie so rookie of the year is what the numbers say all right hey halpin should i send you a link so we can see you and you don't have to call in with the peasants yes okay it's your show all right all right fine oh i know i know i'm gonna get in trouble for that peasants comment i don't give
Starting point is 00:40:51 a fuck shut your face i'm gonna look i'm on a thread with you it's like the smart thread it's what i want to read when i want my iq to go up i can't find it is this thing i should be on your show apparently why is he nodding yeah that's the other oh this is a crazy thing I just remember I just found him I just found the link so okay Kotler and Ricky were talking about shuttle to overhead being a mitigation event mitigating his weaknesses and he took a second and a third and what were the events to say them again the second and third the shuttle to overhead they, they were talking about the overhead, him needing to mitigate weakness in that event and damage control.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And he took a fucking third in it. He's not supposed to be strong, right? Uh, that's not necessarily true. I just think some of his movement has room for improvement, but he is strong. He's clearly strong.
Starting point is 00:41:42 He moved that sandbag. Well, maybe in years past, maybe four years ago strong he's clearly strong he moved that sandbag well maybe in years past maybe four years ago he wasn't strong but he's had four years to work on that that is a long time oh yeah good point good point good point even hayley adams will be strong in four years oh yeah there we go okay it looks like suza is uh thank you mike we'll be oh he's he's gone um it looks like suza is posted up where the athletes come in and out uh oh and i can hear a hill or two yeah we made it we're here now so we're just kind of hanging out
Starting point is 00:42:21 exactly the same spot we were at yesterday and we're going to see who we could catch up with. Do you want me to bring my stuff down there so they have a mic and headphones? I don't know if we'll get them to sit down. I think we'll just rock out of the same way we did last time. Hiller's camera is shot. Do you know why? Because he was looking at the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Okay, that's fine. I just want to make sure. Let's go over to the men's leaderboard one more time that has been updated, except not updated on my computer. This is such an amazing story for Ricky, too. I have to be honest, when he tested positive in 2017, I hated him. I was like, like man this guy fucking sucks um and then four years later he does his time and he he has the kind of fortitude
Starting point is 00:43:11 and the resilience to stick with it um that shows a lot of maturity it's cool it's hard not to root for something like that first with my personal background oh meaning meaning meaning what what do you what do you mean just being being sober you know fucking up for a long you can't judge anyone on previous actions especially when they're willing to go to such lengths to make them right right uh 561 points 483 for roman 471 for jesse madaris jeffrey adler lazar jukic these guys who are in the top five in this next workout to do all those guys finish top 10 those those guys who are in the top five finish top 10 in this next workout yeah ricky is top 10 in the workout without a doubt justin without a doubt uh samuel quant i don't think so yeah i don't know that sam
Starting point is 00:44:01 quant is is top 10 jeff adler without a doubt top 10 top 10 in that workout top five maybe i don't know about roman roman's good at muscle ups but he's he's a big boy like a big guy and what about uh uh lazar jukic i think that's another good event for him oh my goodness we got we got a we got a full house. Mike, hi. How are you? Hiller, how's it going for you today? We haven't heard one peep from you. It's going well. I was up a little bit late, and I got to the venue kind of right as they were starting, but we're ready to rock and roll. How's it going over there for you? How are you? Great. I'm living the dream. How are you with all the attention? I'm living the dream? I'm with Mike Halpin. How could anything be bad?
Starting point is 00:44:49 You know, I called Halpin last night and he didn't call me back. It was midnight. Yeah. Yeah. I needed some information. I don't know what the fuck's going on over here. Are you on the team or not? What was the question? How are you doing with um uh the all the eyeballs on you people talking to you or i i was guessing you were gonna hate it no i kind of am doing okay uh years past i i think i made a video about this this morning here i flip myself around and typically i like to see how the events go how they play out and i just try to analyze and see where everyone's picking up paces and what their techniques and strategies are and this year i feel like i can't freaking do anything and then a camera pit the media pit yesterday awful you can't see anything you can't do anything it's a whole bunch of people just like snapping pictures it's like i'm gonna post this to the internet as fast as i can like this is what you guys do in here this is terrible
Starting point is 00:45:43 so that's kind of what i've experienced so far and then as soon as i actually ditched him i'm like i gotta go watch this on my phone so i actually have some idea of what's going on in this event because when you're there you can only see really one person doing something and other than that the stream believe it or not might actually be better than seeing it live so so even though you were at the event just now, you, instead of just standing at the Capitol. I'm talking mostly about the jerk event yesterday at the Capitol. It was pretty easy to see what was going on there. It went much easier than it is in the outdoor stadium and in the Coliseum.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Everything I just said doesn't really apply. I'm more or less talking about the outdoor events. You don't know what's going on in my opinion who is that who's being interviewed under that crossfit sign crossfit sign all the way over there susan do you know i don't know i don't recognize either of those gentlemen is it a podcast that's going on over there no i think they just pull people over real quick for short interviews well what we've seen with the athletes' interviews have been real short, like two, three questions.
Starting point is 00:46:47 They sit them in front of their interview and then they're on their way. I saw Tommy Hackenbrook there last night. I think that – oh, that is Stéphane Rocher. Is that Stéphane Rocher? Is he really tall? Yeah. The dude in the – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yes. Okay. Yeah, that's like one of the most senior uh people on the training staff dude's been there forever crazy talented he may have even been a professional athlete like he's been doing a lot of the uh a lot of the interviews but they've been kind of cycling out who uh is doing the interviews as well too and and hillar move i want to see get to see the guy's face he's interviewing can i see that guyary move i want to see get to see the guy's face he's interviewing can i see that guy's face i want to see is that joe degane who is that i don't recognize that guy i don't recognize that guy nice hair though i'll give him nice hair but
Starting point is 00:47:41 yeah that is stefan roche that's a cool dude if you guys get a chance, introduce yourself to him. One of the top dogs in the training department. I think he was the strength and conditioning coach for UC San Diego's maybe football team. He's probably worked with the Seals over there at Coronado. He's a fucking legend. And he's nice as shit. And he's tall as shit.
Starting point is 00:48:00 That's all I got on Stephon. He looks tall. Tall and nice. Have they updated the female leaderboard yet? It looks like Tia was in first. Let's see if the information Halpin gave us was accurate. I believe he said Tia had
Starting point is 00:48:19 402 points. He said she was up by two points, but maybe he did say 402. Oh, no, he didn't. Oh, 500. Okay, 500. Yep, two points. Wow, he was right. Nice, Mike.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Holy cow. Okay, so now we got a fight over here in the women. That's a tight, tight women's. In sixth place, have uh christy arama 462 daniel brandon tied 462 uh-oh uh 465 hayley adams then 480 emma lawson uh mal o'brien 498 and uh tia toomey 500 taylor any chance emma lawson's gonna be top five when uh sunday when this when this shit's over? I don't think so. I think she's top ten, but I think it's similar to like Mal's year last year
Starting point is 00:49:09 where she's tenth or ninth. I don't see her staying in the top five. What is the highest a rookie has finished? Fikowski and – Austin. Second. How you doing? Okay, and I guess Fraser and Rich finished second also, right?
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah, Laura Horvath, 2018, was second. Tia, her first year was second, and her second year was second. Oh, let's listen. That's Austin Spencer. That's the guy who came in through Joal's. So you came in as a backfill, correct? Yeah. And how are you liking everything so far?
Starting point is 00:49:41 Did you take a break on your training? I had like three or four days off because I had the lcq so i trained okay you're right mostly like it's like pretty low volume leading up to that so when i came back to training it was just getting used to volume again so there wasn't any sort of like uh fuck off period you were just right on it the whole time july weekend gotcha okay and that's not at all affecting you this weekend is it you're doing pretty good with everything yeah It was like one day. I kind of experienced a little bit of that. It's like the extended period.
Starting point is 00:50:09 So it's probably even good for you that you had a little bit of a break. It's like mentally, I got a little bit of a break. And then like just the excitement of like getting to come to the games. There was no like weird, like shift that had to happen. Well, it might kind of be interesting is that you weren't expecting to come right and then you get the invite and you're elated and just like let's fucking go and you're probably just like riding high coming on in yeah it was like easy training like it didn't feel like a grind like you know burnt out at the end of the season you were on
Starting point is 00:50:37 the savant podcast right yeah didn't you talk about how it's been quite some time you've been working and shipping away and you're glad that you did it the right way yeah yeah that's very cool so how is it feeling now that you're here after all of that and you've done a couple of these events and that capital one is fucking awesome yeah that was cool right yeah we're locked down the city so you could run up some steps they've done a really good job so far like the events have been cool they've been doing a good job with like yeah plates and everything like keeping us like you know we're not like stuck in a tiny room or something all day is that that's pretty big? We can't get in there. We don't know what it's like.
Starting point is 00:51:08 What's back behind that one that you just came out of? That one's just another open space. I was having someone do some body work on these. So there's a couple of PTs, Chiros back there? If you brought your own, they said that they could set up over there. Did you bring one? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I had a friend that works for a PT. Cool. Taylor, does
Starting point is 00:51:24 he have a goal, a place he wants? Sevan wants to know if you have a goal my goal is sunday he wants to make it a sunday could you hear that yeah yep top 30 where are you at do you know do you look at the leaderboard 26 how does the next event look next one looks decent decent okay don't tell him he's 29th. Don't tell him. Three sets of 30. Gotcha. So I think he'll be okay. Okay. Muscle upsets of 12 unbroken? Or is the GHD going to... No, the GHD is going to fuck those up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:52 So I made a video about an athlete competing amongst you guys. And it was in relation to making the muscle ups a little bit easier than they should have been. And because they weren't doing them correctly, you're telling me right now that you would say the GHD will affect the muscle ups and you all you've done them in combination before. Yeah. And if you don't quite do the muscle up, right. It's almost as if you aren't doing the workout the correct way. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Thanks for confirming. You're the man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Cool. Well, we're looking forward to it. One more question. Is being barefoot part of your recovery protocol there? It's definitely like bruised right now, so I stay barefoot as long as I can. We saw that. Anthony, what was that? Fuseli was walking off the field, and she
Starting point is 00:52:37 had a shoe off. He's Pat Barber 2.0. Do you guys see it? I have like bunions on the side of my foot, so it's just like bones stick out, and they just get bruised it but it's got nothing to do with the event it's kind of who you got you got some yeah i see that so long what do you do trees oh shit you chop trees down you're a lumberjack where's your flannel he's a tree flannel and an axe it's like you know uh sweeney's got the cowboy
Starting point is 00:53:05 hey does he chop them down or just or just trim them up does he chop them down or just if you chop them down or if you trim them up or if you do both you do both yeah depends on what the customer and what do you do with them when you're done wow we chip them up we give chips away to people we like wood chips for their yard and they you chop them down and then you redistribute them amongst everybody awesome that's the best thing free money is like people we like wood chips for their yard and they you chop them down and then you redistribute them amongst everybody awesome like that's the best thing free money it's like if we like chip up a tree and like people want to use them for their garden or something it's like good that actually feels so bad about taking the tree down but is it you give them back to the people who have them chopped them down there's actually an app that people can like go on to
Starting point is 00:53:42 and like request chips and we can just drive and dump them out of the house. No shit. Oh, shit. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need that. I need 50 year old avocado tree that gives like a fucking thousand avocados a season of 3000. What does he ever try to talk someone out of cutting down like an epic? You ever try to talk anybody down from cutting down something, a significant kind of tree.
Starting point is 00:54:13 So his wife or your mom's like a tree that's like giving off a thousand avocados a year, giving off a thousand avocados a year. If you were to be asked to chop that thing down, have you ever been like, I don't think we should take this thing down. This is a great tree uh if it's not like a hazardous tree and it's uh you know it doesn't need to come what is a hazardous tree well i'm just like something that if a tree is like decaying or there's like there's a crack in the scene like a scene creating like oh you mean hazardous for the surrounding it can fall on you. I mean, we've worked on these trees that have fallen on houses
Starting point is 00:54:45 from cars. The tree killer. A lot of our job is like hazardous. Sevan says that your nickname is going to be the tree killer. Does he chuckle
Starting point is 00:54:54 when he hears the word whenever I hear the word wood, I chuckle. Does he still chuckle when he wants to know if you chuckle when you hear the word wood? Our entire company
Starting point is 00:55:03 is very immature. So there's a lot of those kind of jokes awesome awesome well we should let you go and recover a little bit man thanks it's nice to meet you good luck thanks austin you're the man oh my goodness how you doing and hillar dustin how you doing international no rep day You got this shirt on. Awesome. Of course you can. That's what Hiller's going to look like in 15 years, 20 years. He's going to look like that, dude. He's going to be like probably 10 pounds skinnier
Starting point is 00:55:34 and have a kid with him. Really? Awesome. He's going to say what's up for me. We were on the water. It's like an old version of Hiller. Wrapping arms but not getting too close. Hey, are those the same size shirts?
Starting point is 00:55:52 He's the freaking man. Hiller, ask him what size shirt he's wearing. Is that a medium? What size shirt is this? Evan wants to know. Yeah, it's an extra large. It's an extra large? You fill it out?
Starting point is 00:56:02 Well, I was like, oh, okay. Is it a large? It's a medium. No, it's not. It's a medium large. You fill it out well. I was like, oh, okay. Is it a large? It's a medium. No, it's not. It's a medium. All right. We got a medium. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:10 It's a medium. Sevan said that I'm going to look like you in a couple of years. So I think it's a compliment. 48. I take it as a compliment. 48, Sevan. Sevan, why don't you look... What was your name again?
Starting point is 00:56:20 Dustin. Sevan, why don't you look like Dustin? He's 48, two years younger than you. Look at that thing. He gets on my schlep. Look at that fucking thing. Sevan, why don't you look like Dustin? He's 48, two years younger than you. Look at that thing. He gets on my schlep. Look at that fucking thing. On camera, it's even cooler looking. Get closer.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Get closer. Hey, Sevan, check that thing out. Hey, hey, Natty or not. Natty or not, Hiller. Natty or not. Is he on DW? Is he on Natty? If I say that he isn't Natty, then it's a compliment.
Starting point is 00:56:43 If I say he is, it's an insult. So I'm going to say he's not Natty. Not Natty. All right. All right. I think he's all about it. Dustin, nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Nice to meet you too. Tell Brennan I say what's up. Ben. Hi. Oh, Ben Smith. Can you, you want to go on for two seconds?
Starting point is 00:57:01 On, on. Okay. But anyway, thanks. Nice to meet you. Finally in person. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:07 He looks like a little, he looks like a shrimp in person. What do you mean? That's rude. I would fucking out. I pick any three workouts. I'll be Ben Smith in them. Uh,
Starting point is 00:57:17 10 minutes of max cows on the assault bike, five minutes, max cows on the assault bike and one minute max cows on the assault bike. Oh, shut up. I didn't mean it. Aaron Frazier.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Matt's brother. Thank you so much. $49.99 for the Hiller interviews. Thank you. Noah's in his towel again. We bugged him yesterday in the towel. We're going to let him go today. Only new people really bug.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Who did you see in the towel? Noah was in a towel again. He was wearing a $100 Noble pullover. That's the only thing he knows. I doubt he paid for it. They look comfortable area as he's walking around.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Let's see if we can get the $100 Noble waffle pullover. There's Noah in his towel again. Oh, wow. What do you think's underneath that? Go ask him. Cock and balls? Underneath the towel or underneath the pullover? Rippled abs and what
Starting point is 00:58:15 Stefan said. Rippled abs, cock and balls. Frank, thank you very much. Yeah, I bet. Ariel Lowen sitting in Uh, Frank, thank you very much. Yeah, I bet. Um, Ariel Lowen sitting in seventh place, Brooke Wells in eighth. Jason Grubbs.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Didn't you have him on the podcast the other day? Yeah, we do. Did you see him? I think he's coming on in right now, but I've never spoken to him. Here we go. I wonder if he's popping in here. Is he going to hook her right? He is. Here we go. I wonder if he's popping in here. Is he going to hook
Starting point is 00:58:46 a right? He is. Here he comes. All right. Haven't to bother him. Hey, Jason. Andrew Hiller. Fellow YouTuber, yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've seen a couple of your things and you were on set on the other day. Yeah, I've seen a couple of your things. How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:59:01 Are you winning? Yes, I'm currently winning. Awesome. I'm tight foreting. Really good. Really good. Are you winning? Yes. Because you've won a handful. I'm currently winning. Awesome. I'm currently tight for winning. I'd like to be winning-winning by a lot. I'm tight for winning. Who are you up against right now? Mike Hearn.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Mike Hearn? Yeah. Mike Hearn. Wait a minute. Mike Hearn is a professional bodybuilder. Mike Hearn. Mike Hearn. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Mike Hearn's this massive dude. I don't think he's any good at crusting. But Mike Hearn is also a massive dudearn's this massive dude. I don't think he's any good at crossfit. Mike Hearn is also a massive dude. Oh, yeah. Legit competitor. We've been battling for years. Okay. This last event, I just took two first places and finished the day yesterday
Starting point is 00:59:35 and this morning. And we're at a great... We've got a little gap going. A little separation, but we're tied for first. Weird. Are you sure? He was most concerned about He was most concerned about the Russian of Vlad. How's Vlad?
Starting point is 00:59:54 You're most concerned about Vlad. How is Vlad doing? Vlad was tied for first yesterday. Now, Keith faltered in that last event a bit. He was middle of the pack, lower in the pack so we've got some points spread now but I'm still concerned what is it that you were concerned about?
Starting point is 01:00:11 big stream dude, he won quarterfinals, he won semifinals and in his home gym good reps? yeah he's good reps, he's a solid dude he's the man, okay, he's a good dude years past he's been competitive with you as well? no, no, he's aged up so what was it different about all aged up?
Starting point is 01:00:26 It's interesting because last time I experienced that, and the only time I've experienced that was when I was on swim team younger, and aging up was good. And now it's good and bad again. It's an interesting thing that some people might not think about in the Masters. It is. I turned 46. I'm 46 now.
Starting point is 01:00:40 So second year in this age group. And, man, right there, all of of a sudden i got guys coming up next year i know the guys coming so it's probably one of the most interesting things about the masters and you're talking about it right now so when you're 49 right it'll be a tough year because you're going to be competing against guys four years younger than you there's a big difference there there is at that point so your goal is to kick ass all four years and yeah absolutely and you got a last year, next year. I got lots of years.
Starting point is 01:01:06 My body feels good. I love the sport. I'm not going anywhere. He has two first places, but he's tied with Mike Kern, but those two first places give him the first place. So it is very close. Because you're tied, then you're in first place due to the tiebreaker. I hope so.
Starting point is 01:01:19 It's crazy close. Seven's the stat master, so we're going to believe him. Do you know your next event? Next event, yeah. Are you better than Mike Kern in it? It should be tough. We'll see. It's multiple movements.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Yeah, we'll see. Where are they? Wing muscle-ups and then an obstacle sprint. Do you know what the obstacle looks like? It is. It's a big pole that we've got to jump over. Okay. So we jump over it, run 30 meters, come back, jump over it,
Starting point is 01:01:45 immediately jump back over it, run 30 more meters. back, jump over it, immediately jump back over it, run 30 more meters. So it's just, it's a really large school. That seems cool. Yeah. It's 20 months, three months into that unbroken.
Starting point is 01:01:53 We'll see. None of the long straps. Okay. Oh, okay. Probably, probably three cents. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Smart, conservative, but that could be Hiller in 10 years too. You know, then we would reset and then we did 20 snatches, same obstacle, right? 20. conservative. That could be Hiller in 10 years too, you know? Then we would reset and then we did 20 snatches. Same obstacle run. 20. So currently strong on the snatches. What are the snatch weights? 135.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Okay. So it's kind of like standard minus plus the obstacle, which is cool. Really cool. And third is 30 calorie row, same obstacle. So it's this three-parter. One score? One score? What's the break in between?
Starting point is 01:02:31 How does that work? So, and then it's wherever you've stopped, then you start ahead of everyone else or no? You do this, you do bring those ups, sprint, three minute time cap. If you get time caps, you're time capped. Okay. If you finish it, that's the time for that event and a one minute reset. Okay. I'll start again. Oh, interesting. And it's cumulative interesting it's cumulative time awesome cool well thanks for breaking it down kind of feel like a butthead not knowing all these things i've done little bits on how i don't know what the fuck's going on he's lucky we're even talking to a master's athlete don't ever apologize to a master's athlete what was that sorry one more time there's a lot of events going on yeah
Starting point is 01:03:00 i i know the individuals because i'm really trying to hammer in the teams and this is a cool event that you back up on that next and how do you feel about all of it any different than years past nope i feel good oh i mean so it's good that you feel good but do you like it more or less than years past considering who's programming i you know you're still in first so you can't really argue too much it feels well balanced it's pretty well-balanced. I think there's a lot of consistency for us between the years. I know for the individuals, they've got some new elements that are a little wonky.
Starting point is 01:03:34 But for us, there's been a lot of consistency. And when Colin Lawrence says the test's not hard enough, he means the drug test. It's a win. Even Bosman, I got to talk to him for a little bit yesterday. Must be nice. I really liked it. Yeah. I like that guy, too. He's the nicest guy. So I like even awesome. And I got to talk to him for a little bit yesterday. Must be nice. Really liked it. Yeah. I like, I like that guy too.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Just the nicest guy. So I like the, so far it's awesome. So far. I'm glad you think so too. I like it. Jason. It was nice to meet you,
Starting point is 01:03:54 Matt. Let's go get recovered and whatnot. I know. I hear there's some nice stuff back there to get worked on. Or maybe you make a YouTube video, right? I'll make a YouTube video. Hey,
Starting point is 01:04:04 you know, you know, you know, tuning in, tuning in Jason Grove guys. Hey, came back. You know, I thought you were kind of blowing me off. You get to go work with your athletes. Yeah. Laura, she's feeling good. Dude. I'm glad I got to meet you. I watch your stuff and I'm like everything he's saying. I agree with. And from what I understand, I think the guys on the show do as well as Taylor on Taylor.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Do you agree with most of the stuff you hear Ben say? Ben's a genius. I love hearing it. Taylor goes, Ben's a genius and he loves to hear it. So helping press.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Oh, we have the lowest. Yeah. Real. We're spending in a workout theory. One of the games, do you know? What's that?
Starting point is 01:04:46 Go ahead. Did she? You guys hear that? No. Taylor. One second. Louder. Wow.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Awesome. Wow. Yeah, including the males, right? Did she put it down? Did she put it down? Did she put it down to bear hug it? Sorry, I made this really close. I believe this is where the speaker is. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:05:16 So she was like, they were at the people in one, two, and three were at the top of the stairs when she was just picking the bag up to go up the stairs. So she picked up a lot of room there. Dude, people were melting on the stairs when she was just picking the bag up to go up the stairs so that was so she picked up a lot of room there dude people were melting on the stairs you screaming that's very cool can you ask him can you ask him what he thinks the muscle-ups are going to be uh are they going to be unbroken for the women are going to be looking like as far as how they break them up so i think that last event actually is in play okay because of the carries and the pulls i think people were really tired on those stairs and just holding on with both legs and arms i think it's going to factor into the next workouts i think you're
Starting point is 01:05:55 going to see a girl's broken on the first set and then they're gonna break it's just a men's field yeah sure and the men's i think the men will be better than the girls. Because I think that Taylor and I are on board with thinking that you know more than everybody else. You don't, but we think you do, so it's cool to hear what you got to say about it. You can say it. I've been in all the movements and stuff, and everybody's like, oh, do you program the games? I'm like, no, I just have people do classic CrossFit, and these events are awesome. People were speculating about seeing Laura doing the RX jump rope in the crossovers.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Have you been asked about that at all yet or no? No. What do you think? How did that happen? In the sandbag stadium. He used to do them all the time. Yeah. The double under crossovers.
Starting point is 01:06:36 You're dead to the men. 600-pound deadlift and crossover double unders. Hey, ask Ben if he's related to a guy named Zane. I learned how to do them a while ago. Hey, ask Ben if he's related to a guy named Zane. And this is the guy from RX Jump Rope. Is there any, uh, like canoodling there? Or is it just kind of, it happened that way?
Starting point is 01:07:04 That's very cool. Canoodling. there or is it just kind of it happened that way no that's very cool and he just wanted to come run a seminar for people because he was going to be in the area and he showed us and gave us some new ropes showed us some new ropes and then taught us how to do some different drills did you pick them up for the affiliate was it one of those where it's like hey buy them and i'll take crossfit krypton with our we have their we have their roach for everybody to like learn how to do the webinars and everything so are you looking at the HODDL runners and everything. Are you looking at the events and thinking, I wish I was doing these because they're so cool and they're so different?
Starting point is 01:07:30 Yeah. The last two years, I've really liked the events. Yeah? Especially this year, for sure. Uh-huh. I definitely love to be out there. When you're watching, do you think, I would have finished here, I would have finished here?
Starting point is 01:07:39 Because I know that I think, I don't know where I asked you, but I asked if you're in the best shape you've ever been. I definitely am in the best shape. Do you feel that way standing here right now as well? Yes. Cool. Let's go work out. Ask him if he knows what canoodle means. Seven wants to know if you know what canoodling means.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I just insinuated from the usage of it that yes, I get it. It's like when, I don't know. Tell him you used it wrong, Hiller. He's very big on words. Hiller, you used it wrong. I used it wrong. It means to make out under the bleachers. Okay. Make out under the bleachers?
Starting point is 01:08:11 Would you use Urban Dictionary? It's like when one person does something and there's a working behind the scenes and now they have insight knowledge. That's how I made it. That's called home cooking. That's called home cooking. The entire English language is a whole bunch of made up languages thrown into a That's how I made it. That's called home cooking. That's called home cooking. The entire English language, the whole bunch of made up language is thrown into a sentence. Oh, shut it.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Any other thoughts, Ben? He's got a question. Go ahead. Ask Ben if he's 14 or if he's 40. People in the audience want to know. He wants to know if you're 14 or if you're 40. Seven wants to know if you're 14 or if you're 40. I'm really excited to see Laura do the rest of the weekend.
Starting point is 01:08:43 I think that was like a momentum shift for her. I appreciate you answering my question and not his question, by the way. There were terrible questions. I'm used to it. Yeah, that would be huge because she's the only one to go up unbroken. That'll be very cool. And she's not going to get beat up and the muscle ups won't be affected because she's doing the Krypton way where they know what's up. Been preparing for Bosman since day one.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Ben. Ask him. Wait, one more question. One more from Sevan. Has the sentence come out of his mouth to his athletes or to Lauren? Hey, don't worry. It's only day one. Has the sentence come out of your mouth?
Starting point is 01:09:22 It's only day one to your athletes, considering placing. It's only day one. You got the whole weekend to go. There's just many events. I think they've done the whole weekend already. I can't miss it. It's big. And that's what I have to,
Starting point is 01:09:34 I have to deal with that. You got nine scores, at least. At least. That's like, it's just getting started right now. Thoughts on Ricky? I think it's great. I think it's great.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I'm in agreement. I like Ricky, especially. If I can't, I think he's going to stay. He seems like he's humble this year. He's out there. He's killing it. It's good to see him back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Any interactions between the two of you guys? Should I give him a fist bump? I gave him a fist bump after the last workout. He's got about an 80-point lead from what I saw. It looks like it's going to be almost insurmountable to me. And I know that people, and maybe even Taylor, is going to be like, no, it's not insurmountable. You're out of your fucking mind.
Starting point is 01:10:13 But with the role he's on in the programming, yeah, it's just cool. Is it going to melt CrossFit if he wins? It's way too early. What's Taylor talking about? Look at the comment section on Facebook or Instagram. It's like, there's no way in fuck he should be able to win. He's a cheater. I'm like, do you guys understand anything about
Starting point is 01:10:31 anything? Not one sport kills anyone for the rest of their lives unless they pop like three times. That's baseball. Then they're done for life. No one pops three times in baseball. We'll see how it goes. Thank you, Ben. Thanks, guys. 14 with the hat, 45 without the hat. one pops three times in baseball yeah we'll see how it goes cool thank you all right thank you ben thanks guys i have 14 14 with the hat 45 without that patrick anderson hearing ben say
Starting point is 01:10:52 that about ricky i gotta i gotta go find him i gotta go find him we'll do it right now good to see you again you're live on seven who is that looks familiar familiar. We're trying to be as creepy as possible. Just me. Is that guy wearing tights? I'm wearing tights. I was given a hard time yesterday. Right here. You.
Starting point is 01:11:21 A little bit of a hard time. It was good. This is the constructive criticism I was receiving yesterday. Right. You know, because one of the arguments you made yesterday was or was it you, that Batman never became a cop. Oh, you've been thinking about this one all night. Because Batman also
Starting point is 01:11:36 didn't hide behind a keyboard. What do you mean? He hides behind a mask at night. Nobody can find him. I'm right here. He takes action. That's the biggest thing. The argument yesterday was is that it's about the content.
Starting point is 01:11:51 It's about getting people to buy into that. Now, granted, you've done a great job bringing yourself. You made a couple thousand dollars. That's incredibly impressive off your t-shirts. I like that. Wait a minute. I haven't made money on the t-shirts. Don't get that messed up. I thought you were talking about YouTube monetization, which isn't anywhere near as much as anybody would think.
Starting point is 01:12:07 It'd be like a million views to make $10. I know, $10 you could buy like, I don't know. Stopping. I might be able to buy one of those little mics that I can actually get good audio out of. I'm putting this right up to your face so they can hear you, by the way. I would say that taking action is what i suggested yesterday i know he suggested i go judge next year the subtle arm touch hey ask him if he's vaccinated
Starting point is 01:12:34 dude he gave you he gave you the subtle hill are you listening how you doing andrew hiller how you how you doing? Andrew Hiller. How are you? How are you doing? Be free. CrossFit United States. You know, I like,
Starting point is 01:12:50 I just wish they weren't so expensive. God, that's got to take a professional WWE wrestler. Seven says you look like a professional WWE wrestler. That seems like it's a compliment. Yes. Yeah. How are you doing this weekend?
Starting point is 01:13:02 Uh, we're doing okay. We're picking ourselves out. We've got second on the last one. And this is your team, BeFree? That's my team. No, it's just my individual. Which division are you in? 55.
Starting point is 01:13:13 I did not know that they did that with the shorts. 55 and finished second in the semifinals. Shut the fuck up. 5-5-2. That's how that works? Thank you. Fifth place, 230 points. This is the only time you're going to get information about what the numbers on people's shorts mean. I don't think anyone knew that. Did you guys know that?
Starting point is 01:13:29 No. Did you know that that's what the 5-5-2 meant? So it's the 55 division. No, what's it mean? And then you finish second coming out of the semifinals. Oh, that's cool. Wow. That's so cool.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Well, thank you for that information, man. I hope you – so what place do you know? We're in fifth now. You're in fifth. I like how you say weird. You confused me. You made me think you were a coach. Awesome. Coach're in fifth. I like how you say weird. You confused me. I think you made me think you were a coach. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Coach. And killer. Nice to meet you. This is awesome. That's a very cool thing you said right there. I know a very well, a guy who has a business and he does very well. And he never says that he has employees. He works with people.
Starting point is 01:13:58 And that's what you just did right there. And I like it. It was cool. Good luck the rest of the weekend. Higher than second. Higher than second. That's right. Good luck. rest of the weekend. Higher than second. Higher than second. That's right. Good luck.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Dude, those shorts were so short. I can't believe his helmet's not hanging out the bottom there. What's up, Taylor? He must have a short helmet. Who was that guy that was, he gave you that arm touch that pisses me off so much? Yeah, who was that guy? I fucking hate that.
Starting point is 01:14:21 If someone did that to you. That was fucking amazing. Don't touch me, fucker. Hey, what is that guy saying to you? He thinks that you, you shouldn't be able to criticize judges unless you judge. He doesn't understand. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 01:14:34 That's like saying you can't criticize doctors. If you, uh, healthcare, if you're not a doctor, that's can't vote. If you're not the president. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Hey, which, Hey, you guys, everyone first, first doctor that comes to your mind who is it Fauci right now and and who does he work on one-to-one none dude he's a dude there you go that's the only thing i think about that's the only way i chalk it up everyone
Starting point is 01:14:59 knows what he's at the biggest reach the biggest impact whether or not you think it's a good impact because of his reach and the way he goes about it. Everyone knows what he has to say. That's kind of what I'm trying to do. I don't know how to make ice cream, but I'm a fucking amazing ice cream tester. I thought you did a great job telling that guy that you were taking action. He didn't really have any argument to that. Well, so as soon as I were walking around yesterday, I was kind of doing some off the live stream recording.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And he was doing a little bit of a bit and Sousa unfucked him. Oh, wow. Sousa. I was talking and Sousa's like, whoa, hold on. Josh, how are you? Last time I saw you, you had a big old beard. Hey, this is world-class trolling. Like how, no one can talk shit to Hiller.
Starting point is 01:15:43 I mean, he's just right out in the open. Yeah. This is awesome. Fuck that guy. How are you doing. I mean, he's just right out in the open. Yeah, this is awesome. Fuck that guy. How are you doing? I'm doing well. This was your last event? We just finished. You're live on the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Is that cool? Just letting you know. Josh Maroon Day, guys. How'd you do? Good. I mean, a couple of guys that were like out of reach. So I think the weekend is like. Is that the adaptive class?
Starting point is 01:16:02 What's that guy? This is the 35 to 39 year old division this is not the adaptive class some of you are uh do you have that same interval kind of workout coming up next where it's the rower and the muscle ups and you got to go up and over that beam i was just talking to jason grubb about that so how do you feel about that? You're good at muscle ups. I like muscle ups. Yeah. The rest is probably just going to hurt. Yeah. To be expected, I guess, at this point.
Starting point is 01:16:30 You want to go into a little bit of cool information about you? We can do that. Yeah? You were the drummer on Pop Evil, weren't you? Yes. Yeah. So Josh, in a previous life, or maybe it's current life, he was crossfitting.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Pop Evil. Yeah. He was traveling around, and him and I also stood up in a wedding together with our buddy, Anthony Copp. That's how I know him so well. Yeah. Did he do drugs when he played in that band? They want to know if he did drugs when he was in that band. He did.
Starting point is 01:16:56 He did. He's honest. God, he looks so young. Not performance enhancing. They were performance enhancing. They were inhibiting. They were inhibiting. They were ruining his life. Yeah. How did he get into CrossFit,fit hillary he wants to know how you got into crossfit
Starting point is 01:17:09 yeah actually i was in east tennessee of course of all places and uh some mutual friends were like hey there's this new thing now it's like strong man running and we're all together and uh he introduced me to like some of the lifts and my competitor Mr. Gover, I did the 14 open on tour in Europe and I had no fucking clue what I was doing. I finished like 100
Starting point is 01:17:30 and I'm like, oh, I was dumb, I'm going to quit. My buddy said, you finished 100 and I'm like, what in the world
Starting point is 01:17:35 is 100 place good? And he's like, no, there's like tens of thousands of people. I think you have exactly the same story that I had,
Starting point is 01:17:43 but you're now competing at the CrossFit Games. I don't know. We've got to straighten this freaking thing out first. I don't know. We'll see. Josh and I competed at the 2016 Central Regional together. Yeah, and now we compete at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:17:56 What place are you in? Do you know? Do you care? Have you looked? He's tied. It doesn't matter? I think I'm like around fourth. You're around fourth?
Starting point is 01:18:02 Cool. Sam Dancer, any thoughts on that? Have you heard anything? Yeah. He messed up his bicep. What was the event he did that on? It was, like he said, it was like a couple weeks ago. A couple weeks ago?
Starting point is 01:18:13 Oh. So he literally corralled. Yeah, he's always doing that. So this is sort of like a little back story, but so we go in the night before, opening the back Wednesday, we're like playing with some of the men, going through a briefing, and Sam like has his backpack on and doesn't touch anything. He's just, like, chilling. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:27 This is so weird. He's that confident. You're going to, like, play with him. And he comes the next day. I mean, Sam's so chill already. We come out. He's like, hey, guys. I'm going to take a few of you guys.
Starting point is 01:18:39 And we're, like, about to walk out. So he knew before it even started uh it sucks i wonder when he did that and there was this lead up and i don't know where i heard him say it but he was training a lot and i believe it was with maderos and i wonder if it was just like a little bit too much do you see that at all like you're in the 35 to 39 i know you're a badass motherfucker but you tinker it down a little bit or not? I think I noticed him doing a lot of aerobic work, at least what he's sharing. Correct, yeah. I also know that you tinker it down.
Starting point is 01:19:10 You can't look at that. Come on, that's Instagram. Yeah. You think I'm the same on YouTube as I am here right now? So, like, I'm like, this is weird. But he's also so powerful. Yeah. It wouldn't surprise me if he was only doing this.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Was it Danny Nichols, the exact same sort of thing? Yeah. So strong. All you got to do is run miles and miles and bike forever. Hey, this dude Josh. Oh, yeah. How are you liking him? Hoppin' Opelisk.
Starting point is 01:19:32 He's close. Yeah. For sure. Do you know how many points out you are from the top? You had a shot? 30. 30. I think you got a shot.
Starting point is 01:19:41 I think you got a shot. Yeah. That's badass. He's close. Fuck yeah. And you're going to muscle up. Let's pump it up. You think you got a shot. Yeah. That's badass. He's close. Fuck yeah. And you're going to muscle up. Let's pump it up. You might be right up there after this.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Cool. Badass. Josh, I was expecting a lot from you this weekend. Good to see you. Wow. That's so fucking cool. The drummer from Pop Evil. Go get him.
Starting point is 01:19:57 No rep. Awesome. Hell yeah. Ryan, Morgan, what's up? Hey. Morgan again. Guys, this is Morgan again. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Morgan's the neuromuscular adaptive athlete we had on yesterday how did you compete today yeah cool I looked at the leaderboard yesterday I put you in my video this morning which I don't you saw I don't expect you to look at that that's cool though and I was like I'm not sure she's that she said she was in first on a coldy shit she's up by like 30. That's cool. They're up by 100? Oh, wow. What was it?
Starting point is 01:20:31 Oh, cool. I like the chick in the background who's pretending like she's not paying attention. But she's fully enthralled with Hila. Ariel Lowen. Behind her? She's sitting down with the glasses on. She's sitting there. Very cool. With the Birkenstocks.
Starting point is 01:20:51 She's on her phone. I think we were talking to a couple of the masters. She's watching our show. So we have to do a sprint style, something. We have ring pull-ups. So ring pull-ups, and then jump over the log, and then run. Have you looked at the individual events at all? Yeah. And I'm curious if that log is going to come into
Starting point is 01:21:10 play. Because everyone would say they're jumping over this log. Yeah. They're jumping over the pig, from what I understand. Right, guys? Is that true? Can you confirm that? Both. Both. Log, pig, and box. Log, pig, and box. I know we're jumping over the log today. Okay. Log, pig, and box, Devon says.
Starting point is 01:21:25 I guess I don't know anything because I've been too busy talking to you guys. I don't know if the adaptives are, but for sure the individuals are. I know you want to pick it up. Yeah, let's do it. He's not like, I didn't take a picture with anybody. I'm like, yes.
Starting point is 01:21:40 That guy got a no-rep shirt on? And I got the sticker on here. You know, this works so well. I'm just walking around. I forgot this was back here. Andrew, when they walk away, I dare you to say to them, Andrew Hiller out. It's nice to meet you. I'll see you at 2.30.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Andrew Hiller out. Unless you're competing, of course. Do not mess up your competing. Go mess around in front of the Noble 10. I'll kill you. Go win. Andrew Hiller out. Andrew Hiller out. Are we Go win. Andrew Hiller out. Andrew Hiller out.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Are we good enough? Andrew Hiller out. Sousa. Whoa. What do you do? We're loving on you, Hiller. We're loving on you. You're a man right now.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Who do I go to next? You got to say Andrew Hiller out to someone when you leave them. You should have said it to that fucking guy who arm got to say Andrew Hiller out to someone when you leave them. You should have said it to that fucking guy who arm tapped you. Andrew Hiller out. Yeah, you should have said that to him. You really didn't like the arm tap. Dude, I just hate it.
Starting point is 01:22:35 I hate it for you. I don't take things personally like that. I honestly didn't even notice. Hey, I don't know if we want to do... I don't think we want to use his... I think I'm fine with the audio using his, oh, it's Karin Thompson. Holy shit. Good, how are you? Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:22:51 That's the founder. When Greg Glassman started the health initiative, CrossFit Health, that's who he charged right there. She's a beast. Where are you going? That is a smart and super connected woman. Sorry? She knows all the smartest doctors in the world. I got one right here.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Around health and medicine. Oh, perfect. You just got to walk around with me. And she's the author of a book, if you guys could pull it up, called Sugar-Free Revolution. I read it. It's a fantastic book. Okay. Well, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Hey. I know. South African supermodel turned drug addict, turned fucking nutritional fucking genius. She's so good. What do you think? Nice. Thank you. He's like, it was very generous.
Starting point is 01:23:36 We needed some misogyny. Some boob appreciation is misogyny in 2020. Thank you so much. How you feeling? Ireland.. How are you feeling? Ireland. Damn. Dude, how are you feeling?
Starting point is 01:23:49 I'm hiding an assault rifle on his beard. Doing better? Yeah? What was your last event? Take flip. Take flip? Oh, yeah. Finishing,
Starting point is 01:23:57 I was walking up that hill. I hope he's been on the show for 30 minutes because it's so hard. Oh, crap. Yeah, no. Okay, so what did you, I'm so out of sync with like what the events
Starting point is 01:24:06 look like and everything how did the uh how did that all go for you guys and what did it look like what did it look like inform me tell me what's up so four rounds 10 sink ring most loves on four okay and then any uh anything look shoddy out there you look left and look right and like why are theirs all synced out and i know you guys you wouldn't be talking to me if yours looked bad how about how about how about you looking left and you're looking right and it's like those were in sync were they being pretty good out there yeah okay you're too busy doing your to notice what everyone else could possibly be doing wrong that's the way it should be yeah yeah and so the pig flip for you the teams yeah you and your buddy were kind of it was that the guys were moving one of the females were moving the other yeah you guys were about mano a mano no
Starting point is 01:24:47 problem you didn't take the whole brunt of the pig yeah oh cool and female same way no they were less they let less 50 oh I mean the how do they move it oh yeah yeah you know are you finished on the event CrossFit 808 0 820, yeah. Do you guys know how you're doing this weekend? We're sitting around 30th. 30th? And then there's a cut coming up. Nervous or no?
Starting point is 01:25:13 No, I'll just eat a whole house. That's right. No, we're not nervous. Whole ass take names. You're right. Good luck. Do not finish under 30th or I'll find you. I'm muting your ass for a second, Hillary. Here's the book.
Starting point is 01:25:26 We just saw Karin Thompson. She's the author of this book, Sugar-Free Revolution. And not only that, but she is the producer of the most popular video in the last year on And it's a video when Greg Glassman invited Dr. Fung to speak at a health conference. And Karin produced that. So feel free to check out that video. Last minute, uh, invited Dr. Fung to speak at a health conference and, uh, Karin produced that. So feel free to check out that video. I think it's got like 6 million views or something like that, but she's a special person. There's a lot of cool people in this community. Hiller you're back. Suzy, you're back. What's up? We're back.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Daniel, what's up? Just hi. You can run away from me too. I'm like, I got to say hi to Daniel. Hello. Good to meet you. You want to talk for two seconds or you got somewhere to be, which is okay. Guys, Daniel Brandon, you're live on the Saban podcast. Oh my gosh, I love it. Yeah, we're just kind of roving around and talking. How was that event for you? Wait, I got a question for you.
Starting point is 01:26:18 I was sitting right there and I saw that there was an athlete on the male side who was standing right behind you, making it almost impossible for you to stand up. And you're like, what the fuck? What do you think? Yeah, no, I squeezed up because the part where you had to, like, switch and drop it off your back, like, came up so quick. And so I was like, well, I'll drop it between these two guys. I think it was Belner and, like, I want to see this one. Sager.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Yeah. And I'm like, okay, I'm ready to go now. And I'm, like, trying to fucking pick it up. And I'm like, okay, Cole's picking it up. And I'm like, okay, I'm ready to go now. And I'm like, trying to fucking pick it up. And I'm like, okay, Cole's picking it up. And I'm like, Cole, where the fuck are you going? Is that what it was? I was just wondering what it was going through your head right there. Because I got it on camera.
Starting point is 01:26:55 And you're like, get out of my way. I got to pick it up and get right up these freaking stairs. I literally, yeah, I'm like under it. And he's like, fucking with it. I'm like, get the bag already. Would you be a man and pick up the bag? Come on. You're competing with me out here.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Get out of the way. Did she tell Cooper Marsh to shut the fuck up at the Husafell bag pickup? Did you tell Cooper Marsh to shut the fuck up at the Husafell bag pickup? I believe I said it. It was during the farmer's fairies. During the farm. Why? Yeah, the cue before that Torres gave me was keep your eyes up.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And so Cooper was like, keep your eyes up. Keep your eyes up. And I was like, got it, Cooper. Now shut up. Like, shut up. Let me do my freaking thing. Did you have a question about the muscle-ups, Evan? Well, let me ask you.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Let me let her plug her shoes real quick, too. Wait a minute. He wants to plug your shoes, but they're not on. How are the rad shoes? Has she competed with the rad shoes on? How are the rad shoes? Have you competed with them on? Yeah, I've been competing.
Starting point is 01:27:53 They're doing well? Yeah, I love them. Hoka's are the running shoes, right? Yeah? That's right. There's no, like... Not yet. Why is what, Savan?
Starting point is 01:28:01 Why is her throat chafed? What happened to your neck here? Did you catch a barbell on there? Is it the shoulder overhead workout? Yeah. A little bit of a mark. It looks badass. A little prostate.
Starting point is 01:28:11 It's just like those freaking barbell marks. Who knows? Last question. Sevan, go ahead. Muscle-ups unbroken? Muscle-ups unbroken? She's not going to tell you. She doesn't want to tell you.
Starting point is 01:28:24 She says who knows. If I keep putting this close to your face, it's because you whisper. I think the mic to tell you. She doesn't want to tell you. She says, who knows? She's thinking about it. If I keep putting this close to your face because you whisper, I think the mic's in there. I don't know. Sounds better when it's closer.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Yeah. And it's actually broadcasting off of that one. So cool. Danielle, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Yep. Went in for the hug, pervert.
Starting point is 01:28:40 It's that double hug. Thank you. I double hug everybody. Fist bump the guys and double hug the gals. She has nice legs. That's awfully nice of you, Stefan. My entire charging apparatus
Starting point is 01:28:52 has kept going down here. You should have done with the her, hill or out. What the fuck is wrong with you? Everything I do just comes from me. I can't take cues from somebody else. It's in the back of my head now. It'll happen and you're going to love it when it happens. Everything I do just comes from me. I can't take cues from somebody else. Right. Understood.
Starting point is 01:29:07 It's in the back of my head now. It'll happen and you're going to love it when it happens. I'm going to be so excited. I hope you like it. Just always talk about yourself in the third person. I love it when people do that because I love watching other people's reactions. They get all fucking bent out of shape. Alexis was giving me a hard time for doing that yesterday.
Starting point is 01:29:23 As soon as it was there for her, I believe. It's so good. I love it when Oliver King does it. Oliver King out? So, she did tell Cooper to... Oh, look, there's Susan stretching his legs and shit. Susan, don't walk around with your wrist like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Yeah. We are... I'm afraid I'm just one team's event 46 minutes away from the next individual event starting um can we pull it up and look at it uh thank you heidi is heidi out there can she is she with the mayhem team can she get let's see if we can send how long ago did that happen just happened let's see if we can get it's pretty good do you know who's sitting at that table right there uh you know who he looked like i thought he was the ufc fighter greg hardy for a second do you know who that is is that dude huge hey you're a bad dude when you sit down with a backpack on that means you're just strong as shit you don't even know like the second i stop moving i take my backpack off
Starting point is 01:30:28 okay the the workout is going to start in 45 minutes for individuals it is the sixth workout of the 2022 crossfit games it is the one uh for three rounds for time 12 muscle-ups 25 jump overs each round it's something different they jump over 30 ghd sit-ups and then an 84 foot weighted lunge walk with an axle bar 185 pounds for the boys and for the big girls the that we call women uh You, uh, you like the workout, uh, Taylor. I love it. Um, how, how, thank you for your in-depth response. Uh, how been, are there any numbers on there that just like titillate you? You're like, that you're like, Whoa, whenever there's 12 muscle ups, 80% of the pack does them unbroken. But if you go down to 10 muscle up, it's only, uh, 78, 22%. Anything that you see here that, you know, it's your inner calculator hard?
Starting point is 01:31:29 Crusher for Taylor, what part would they break up the most? Like, like I look at this and I sort of look at some of these individuals and I wonder, like, is there somebody that could just go straight through this? If no one's going to. Well, not no one's gonna well not no one the people who we care about and who are gonna be watching are not gonna be breaking up the ghd sit-ups at all um and i think where athletes break uh is gonna be on the second round of muscle ups potentially unbroken on the third or on the second and third round of muscle ups if If there is a place to break, that's where it is, but the best will go on broken.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Just start to finish them. Yeah. Hey, does anyone do everything on broken? I don't think anyone does everything on broken because it's because every, you think everyone's going to put the axle bar down. I think some will put the axle bar down. And I think the people who don't put the axle bar down don't because they saved a lot in the first part. Hey, will you scroll so I can see a little bit more of that workout? Do you think this will be in segments where if you put it down – you know how sometimes they have it if you put it down or drop it, you have to go back like 10 feet or whatever or all the way back to the beginning or whatever?
Starting point is 01:32:45 Do you think this will be segmented, or you can just put it down anywhere and the judge will mark where your foot is? That's a good question. I would assume it would be segmented, but that's an odd number to segment as well. And is this in the Coliseum? No, this is going to be on the field. So what Heidi told us was the North something or... North Park. Yep.
Starting point is 01:33:05 That's right. Where the Zeus rig is. So Halpin, why 84 feet? Just because it's convenient for the size of the venue? Yeah, I haven't seen the field, but if they're going back and forth on the first part, it's whatever they got left in the venue, most likely. They did move.
Starting point is 01:33:23 You could see it yesterday in differences in the individual and team events that first women's heat when they did, what was it? The bike race, they were running into the jerk blocks. So it looks like they've, I don't know if they changed this event since they just announced it, but it looks like they've moved the finish line up a little bit.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Cause you could tell the difference between that versus another finish line event. That's just something else. Oh, go ahead, Mike. Um, they,
Starting point is 01:33:55 they, Oh, this one does say the time cap. They've been unclear on some of the things they post where the time caps are. So it's good to see that. Will everyone finish this 18 minutes? I think most people are finishing that for sure. I was looking at it more like a 12, 13-minute workout.
Starting point is 01:34:10 No one at the CrossFit Games gets stopped here. It's not enough muscle-ups. The lunge isn't heavy enough. It might slow some people down, but no one's like it's just going to stop them like we saw the Husafell bag kind of stop Haley Adams on the stairs. The slowest part of the workout is going to be the jump-overs for sure. Okay. Who will have the fastest time in this workout, a man or a woman, a man. And why is that? Uh, the muscle ups, I think, but Tia, uh, I don't know. Tia,
Starting point is 01:34:38 Tia can do muscle ups about as good as all the men in the field. So there's men and women, and then there's Tia. There's a superhero. Yeah. With muscle ups specifically yeah hello uh you're live in the savan podcast how are you guys hi uh what's your last event and how'd you fare how'd you like it how's the pig it isn't too bad wasn't too bad first time using it yeah yeah and wait first time ever like you'd never touch it so you went out there, and how did it feel? A little bit of a shock after the muscle up, but, like, once you figure it out, it was just heavy. Pretty even distribution amongst teammates?
Starting point is 01:35:14 Or did you guys take the load of the pig? You wouldn't say that. You'd say, no way. You couldn't really. How come? I keep on telling everybody, because I'm walking out of this, I don't know what's going on. So why is it that you couldn't kind of rep for rep? Okay, that was good to know.
Starting point is 01:35:28 I haven't heard that yet. I just try to stay ahead of our minds and wrestle longer. Yeah, awesome. That's the best part of it. You put your teammates in the vortex. You do all the work and then they try to keep up and someone's going to fall off. And the person who doesn't fall off ends up being the fittest team in general, right? Nobody goes in the vortex.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Tell her what her number means. Do you know what your number means? The 3-3-1? I do not. A team number? Now, so we were talking to a master's athlete, and it was 55-2. And he said that it was because 55 was the age group, 59. And the 2 was where they came in out of the semifinal.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Does the 33 have any, like? I think the three is we were at the MAC, and then we took third. Okay. Three, three. Technically. Did someone pop? Yeah. Which one?
Starting point is 01:36:17 Which one was ahead of you guys? Really? Two, five. Oh! And when you were competing, you weren't like we know there's no way to tell but afterwards what was the feeling about that were you pissed
Starting point is 01:36:31 it was what it was it's kind of annoying to see how they act on the floor and then they get popped in your leg you're having all these flashbacks like you did this you said that you reacted that way and the entire time it was all because you were fucking cheating piece of shit uh that's cool though it's cool to see some people who are competing against them uh looking forward to the next event always yeah which one
Starting point is 01:36:55 is it uh it's a wall facing handstand push-up no shit i haven't heard this wall facing it can you guys hear them you gotta wall walk into the wall facing okay and then you also have to do like two rowers are connected to each other and you have to keep your kid in from the same time it's crazy this is nuts yeah and how do you like that it's nuts it's cool it's nuts for everybody yeah right the rowers are connected to one another yeah they're on that slide or it's it's kind of like you're actually rowing so like you have to stay in sync but it's still a concept too yeah cool when did you guys get briefed on this have you been briefed on it yeah do you get
Starting point is 01:37:35 a chance to try it out or no that's cool awesome very cool that's one some teams have seen in the past but this freaking unison rower is it's like the bicycle that you ride together while you have to be on the unison your other two partners have to be in a free hand standing after having done the wall walk into the straight handstand push-up so you can't row unless one partner is there any rule about like climbing your toes up the wall on that uh yeah they said you can't do it how and what are they going to do just Just no rep you? What are they looking for? To me, it reminds me a lot of that ring
Starting point is 01:38:10 handstand push-up where they're kind of worming their legs up. That's going to be hairy. That's standard. And no one's ever done it. Just fucking no rep them. That's right. We'll see. Hopefully, I'm going to make a video on it. But it's going to be cool. We were on your video. Which one?
Starting point is 01:38:26 Just one. This is a great example of I don't know. All I see is movement and then I talk about the movement that I see. There's nothing personal. And now you're at the crossfit game so you're like big middle finger to Hiller. Did you talk shit about me? Mute Hiller.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Ricky! What's up player Justin Kotler. What's up, player? Justin Kotler. What's up, dude? What's happening? Fuck, dude. You're fucking shit up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:52 That's what I'm here to do. You look fantastic. How does your body feel? I mean, you look unstoppable. Yeah, no, I feel good. My body feels real good. Just getting started. You are awesome.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Tell me what you and Kotler are going to do to warm up right now. In 37 minutes, you'll be fucking selling your soul again. What are you guys going to do in the next 37 minutes? Open up the shoulders, get ready for the muscle-ups, a little bit of bouncing around for the jumps, and then just stretch out the hips, hip flexors. Cool. That's about it.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Do you win this one? I'm going to try, yeah. You're the man. We got to go. Love you guys. Love you. You're the best. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Benny. We even got some Benny Garrard. Wow. Oh, those dudes are awesome. Okay. Heidi, hi. Heidi, hi. Heidi.
Starting point is 01:39:56 She can't hear you. It's kind of choppy. I can't hear you. Okay, we heard rumors that when Froney took his top off, you fainted and needed medical attention. Someone said that in the comments. Rich Holton. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:11 I can't believe we had fucking Ricky Garrard on. We got to get him on tonight. See if we can get him on after that. How fresh did he look? Sorry, Hillard, to interrupt your interview. No, you're good. There was just a whole bunch of good stuff going on. The thing that i'm learning is everything that i can't pick up so i'm asking them questions about their upcoming events how
Starting point is 01:40:29 they've done the last ones that sort of thing it's cool it's different uh so hey so you would you would you'd torn those guys a new one in one of your interviews in one of your videos yeah i like i always say i i get sent videos or i'll see videos and I'll make a video on the movement that I see. It's never anything personal, unless, of course, it's like Shoofly, who I guess they also competed against. I also made a video on. Or unless it's about Noble, the company with the burning Twin Towers is their logo. Correct. Yeah. Hey, that's Dr. Sean Rocket. We had him on the show yesterday.
Starting point is 01:41:03 This is Dr. Sean Rocket. How are you doing? Andrew Hiller. Nice to meet you. Hey, he could probably tell you how fucked up your elbow is, dude. I bet he could. He would just say, you never have a shot. He heard the word shot, and he thinks it's getting controversial. Oh. Let's pull up the workout one more time before we take off. Uh, we are 24 minutes from Showtime event six. Uh, when, when Ricky says, um, when I asked Ricky Taylor, uh, are you going to win this workout? Um, and he says, I'm going to try. Does he, does he mean it?
Starting point is 01:41:44 Yeah, this is a workout he knows he can win. Mike, do you agree with that, knowing Ricky's numbers? Yeah. Yeah, it looks good for him, for sure. I was looking at some of his numbers, and it was comparing it to, well, his disqualified season, but he's like 30 points higher event over event compared to 2017 he's he's amazing muscle-ups too yeah okay let's go through that so amazing muscle-ups
Starting point is 01:42:15 maybe the best in the pack not the best in the pack but but close i mean the the gap between the best at the games and fifth in terms of just muscle-ups is so small. But there are five or six guys there who are just way better than the rest at muscle-ups. I'd say Pat is one of them. Ricky is one of them. Justin is one of them. Maybe Saxon Pantrick. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:41 So I want to hear those names again. So Pat, Ricky, Justin, and saxon yeah i think it okay and then uh jump overs uh are all those guys athletic that's about athleticism and efficiency right they are all super athletic so i think those four for sure a good shot for this workout and then ghd who are we going to see slow down are we going to see a velner slow down on the ghd no none of those four will slow down on the ghd either all are very good on the ghd especially justin can fly okay and then so so let's say they all come off that last ght ghd simultaneously they all pat velner ricky garrard justin madaris and saxon pancha get to their 18-pound axle bar all at the same time,
Starting point is 01:43:26 and they start lunging. I like Justin for the lunge. Justin for the lunge. Who's second? Ricky, Pat, Saxon, then who? Out of those three. Maybe Saxon, then Ricky, then Pat. Saxon, Ricky, and then Pat.
Starting point is 01:43:41 Okay. So you will not be surprised if Justin Medeiros wins this, Saxon Panchik takes second, Ricky Garrard third, and Pat Vellner fourth. Yeah, but I won't be surprised with any variation of those four in any order. Let me throw this out there. What if Spencer gets to the bar first? You know, I don't know. And that's the thing i don't know enough about saxon and spencer is their last couple minutes of the workout you're side by side with somebody
Starting point is 01:44:12 are you gonna put the bar down because it hurts are you thinking in your head fuck you i'm not putting the bar down because we know ricky can think that we know justin can think that we know pat can think that um and i think in workouts like this especially when you're finishing with the lunge regardless of it being the axel and being the front rack it's it's your mentality and how bad you're willing to hurt to just say fuck you to the guy next to you i'm not putting it down before you how been is there is there anyone we're overlooking uh no i was just looking at a couple events like there was the 2021 final event where they had the walking lunges although those were different racks every single time saxon and justin were well justin was number one saxon
Starting point is 01:44:51 was number two in that event and it was similar weights it was a 185 short bar and then um also last year it was the cheese curd event with the ghd's over the Hay Bale. BKG did well in that event along with Pat and Justin. That's the top three. BKG is a great pick. But that one's with the Yolk. So that was that 605, and it was the 2223 event. So that was the one that Tia broke. I'm going to go over to the women, and let's play the same game with the women.
Starting point is 01:45:24 I'm going to go over to the women and let's play the same game with the women. Let's pick four horses that we think are the best horses. Is it Tia, Gabby? Tia, Laura, Gabby, and then Danielle. Or Tia, Laura, Danielle, and Gabby. Why not Hayley Adams on this? This is all mayhem shit isn't it ghd the muscle ups that's a good point uh i don't know she did well on that again it's the walking lunch part of it that i'm looking at she did well on that event last year and that but it was it was again that it just doesn't make a comparable
Starting point is 01:46:03 really well but the yoke carry one um it was tia gabby laura hey what what about the ladies that we saw go to complete failure like ellie turner and hayley and and rebecca fusli is there a uh is there a chance that the second they might think they're recovered and the second they start going again they realize that they're not like oh shit like it's broken that'll affect the athletes but they're going to be able to recover enough to where it's not oh i have to break this muscle up into three sets because of the bag i don't think that's going to be the case okay and it may be for some but the best athletes are training this way leading up to the games they're purposely training interference they're purposely training high
Starting point is 01:46:43 volume they're purposely doing a workout right after the next that affects the next workout to train for it yeah i mean the the closest i can think of is the murph event but i mean that just destroyed people in 2016 a long time ago too yeah but i mean cara came right back around and jumped right back into the next squat clean event after obviously looking dead on the field what about brooke wells and the muscle ups is she freaking out right now no i don't think she's freaking out but i also don't think she's gonna be top five in the event okay uh tia to me laura horvath gabby gabriella magawa mal o'brien and hayley adams all get to the axle bar at the same time. Who wins the event?
Starting point is 01:47:29 Tia. Okay. Now we have a Laura, Gabby, Mal and Haley Adams left. I think Laura or man, I don't know. See,
Starting point is 01:47:42 that's the other thing you're talking about the men's side and you have some question marks about who can say, fuck you. But all of those women can Haley, Mal, man, I don't know. See, that's the other thing. You're talking about the men's side, and you have some question marks about who can say fuck you, but all of those women can. Haley, Mal, Laura, Gabby, they all have a killer instinct. This is going to be a good one, huh? Yeah. Okay, guys, it looks like they are going to go live in 18 minutes. I'm going to give the team a break. We've been on for an hour and 50 minutes.
Starting point is 01:48:03 You guys killed it. Mike, thanks for stepping up big time. We got Lauren Calise, it looks like, hanging out with Hiller and Sousa. That's all good news for us, the more reporting horsepower. We will be back at – basically in two hours and 12 minutes. We will be back approximately 12.45 p.m. Pacific Standard Time here on the East Coast. Just add three hours to that, so We will be back approximately 1245 PM Pacific standard time here on the East coast, just add three hours to that. So that'd be three 45 central time, uh, two 45. Thank you everyone. Uh, C beaver. Thank you. Uh, Hiller, Matt Sousa, Halpin,
Starting point is 01:48:37 uh, Branstetter, everyone, uh, Gabe at paper street coffees, uh, California killing it.

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