The Sevan Podcast - #531 - Indy Event 7 "Echo Press" Recap

Episode Date: August 7, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I wonder where Hiller and Suze are. Bam, we're live. What's up, guys?
Starting point is 00:00:34 What's up, Jer? What up? What's up? Self-made training program. What's up? what's up I'm gonna get through a list of shit to say here and then we'll circle back look at scoreboards
Starting point is 00:00:53 talk about tomorrow have fun um well shit scissors are by the athletes well shit log in and see um Heidi by the athletes. Well, shit. Log in. I didn't even see Heidi. I did not enjoy Dan Bailey commentating. Why?
Starting point is 00:01:16 Explain that to me. Just get the fuck out of the booth. He's not adding anything for me. I don't respect him, first of all, but he doesn't add shit for me. Why don't you respect him? Because he's a tool in a sellout. For? A woke punk. I don't want to get into it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Well, I'll tell you why, yeah. Because when the company was sold, he chose the wrong side. Talk shit behind my back. But I'm not a Sean Woodland fan on a personal level either, and I think he did great. I think it's good when Dan can speak to the fact that he tested some of these workouts. I think that's useful. Sure. I agree.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Sure. I just hear bullshit. I think it's just sissy shit. He's pretending to say something, and I'm getting nothing from it. What did you did what did you think taylor did you enjoy it uh to be honest i don't listen to the commentating oh okay um i heard that if you if the media was told to take off no rep shirts in the coliseum that hillary was told to take turn his shirt inside out or else he wouldn't be let into the media pit at the Coliseum.
Starting point is 00:02:25 No way. Really? No. Why? Because CrossFit has sold its soul to Noble. They take orders from Noble, is what I'm guessing. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:02:47 That's unfortunate.'s that's just i hate censorship inclusive set in hillary multiple videos of female athletes not meeting depth depth standards on the handstand push-ups and lexus raps is super disappointed we're not fully uh we have not fully confirmed what the official standards are, but what we're hearing is that men had to pass the top of the head below the bottom of the white line. They had to break the bottom of the white line and women just had to break the top of the white line. So we're not sure if it's the top of the white line.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Then I think a lot of the reps are a whole lot closer than initially thought, but there for sure were some females who, who didn't even look like they were getting close to the top of the white line then i think a lot of the reps are a whole lot closer than initially thought but there for sure were some females who who didn't even look like they were getting close to the top of the line i almost lost my job when uh heber margineau were doing that danny broflex thing and i was uh head of crossfit media i was told given direct orders not to do that and i ignored those direct orders and i had had it happen. I used to follow Dan Bailey around like crazy when I had a camera, and I would do the behind-the-scenes. When he needed a place to stay, I let him stay in an extra bedroom at a beach house for three months free of charge where my wife and my kids lived.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I could go on and on for what I fucking did for the fucking guy. No one owes me anything, but I made the assumption that we were friends and we were close. When the company was sold, when Eric Rosa bought the company, I had multiple people tell me, and a lot of you people, you motherfuckers who've been on the show too. You motherfuckers have been on the show too. Some of you have been on the show. You didn't do it quite as bad as Dan. But Dan several times sold me out behind my back. Told people high up that I was a fucking problem and that they should fire me.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Hey, dude, I wish you would have told me to my fucking face or never stayed at my fucking house. Or I would have never introduced you to my mom or my fucking kids or my wife. I would have never made any of those videos about you. I wish you wouldn't have been such a bitch. So now when I see you, I just think you're a fucking bitch. And, uh, I don't think you are. I know you are. And so, uh, you're a sellout. You're a woke tool. You play both sides. You act like a fucking christian you're a fucking devil as far as i'm concerned and i don't use that word i don't use that word okay house cleaning uh it disappoints me it is um if they are if they are paying for the event
Starting point is 00:05:19 and they don't want people and they're wearing certain shirts i mean fuck they're paying for the event it just bums me out but but either way because it because it's um censorship yeah um gerard uh showed no urgency in that work oh so i'm going to talk about uh lazar jukic so lazar jukic got into it i guess so heated with his ref that jason mcdonald was called over to speak to him. Jason McDonald's the former UFC fighter who – what was the event that happened in Del Mar where the guy said he was going to kill the ref? What was that guy's name again? Ryan Fish. Mr. Fisher. Yeah, Mr. Ryan Fisher, same thing. When he threatened to kill the ref, Jason McDonald was sent in to kind of like be there and so whatever whatever lazar said um scared the ref enough that they called jason mcdonald over that being said i have multiple sources that said lazar was going uh below uh the distance that he was supposed to and he got no rep like seven times and then also i
Starting point is 00:06:17 guess the same thing would happen with jacqueline dollstrom she had the same ref i don't know who it is but jacqueline dollstrom stopped i hear and, and went over to Jason McDonald and said, will you come over? So I want a second judge. So something there got pretty intense. I, from Nikki Brazier, did a demo with one of the demo ladies. I'm trying to remember who it was. I can't remember but they showed the demo and they said that the women have to break the line and the men have to go through the line whatever that
Starting point is 00:06:54 means i guess there was a white line down there i i honestly wasn't paying attention too closely uh i'd like to also say this before i forget, uh, when we asked, uh, who was going to win this event, um, uh, Taylor said, uh, self called it. I believe we'll more, I'd won this event. And, uh, Taylor had called that a couple of days ago on the show. Good job, dude. I don't, I don't think I did. Don't give me that credit. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Yeah. I didn't say, I told, uh, I don't know if anyone said we'll more at it was Jr. And I don't think, did you say Jr? I did not. No, it was JR? I brought up Will Morad I said will he win any of the events do you remember that? I talked about him doing well on this event
Starting point is 00:07:35 we didn't talk about Will Morad since this event had been announced ok I strike that from the comments those of you who gave me that intel fuck off maybe we did i don't know um and although i thought daniel did incredible ass off say that again and all although jason has been working his ass off on all kinds of pressing bench press strict press z press handstand push-up deficit handstand push-up, deficit handstand push-up. I would not have thought he would have gotten second.
Starting point is 00:08:06 It was very impressive. He did very well, yeah. It looked like to me your top five. What was that? What happened? I said you don't have to whisper. Oh, yeah, shout. Oh, you're live on Savant.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Did you know? I'm actually trying to put this like right in your face so they can hear you a little bit. Oh, shoot. Yeah, I'm not just recording you. There you are. I liked it because
Starting point is 00:08:24 I did decent at it. Yeah. Do you know your recording you. Yeah, you're good. There you are. I liked it because I did decent at it. Yeah. Do you know your official placing by chance? Okay. I just know I beat certain people. Have you heard any whisperings around? Because all I'm seeing are, this athlete didn't get this first. And from where I was standing, it's like you can't tell in the stands.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And I've had some things sent me from the live stream, but you don't hear any whisperings yourself, do you? No. If they were in my heat, I didn't even see them. Yeah, of course. You're too busy doing your thing. Exactly. But before or after a round, I don't know what's going on back there. Remember, I'm the washed up regional athlete. You're the one who knows everything that's going on back there. I still have more followers than me, though.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Well, I'll send them your way. Everyone go follow Ariel or I'll kill you. That's what I'm here for. I'll kill you. You're here to pick up followers? No. No way. She wants signage. She wants signage. She wants signage. You want another sign, right? You're on the sign parade.
Starting point is 00:09:10 At this point, we need to hang up the signs from last year. We're finishing our house right now. I saw a video and I'm like, that looks awesome. Good work. It looks sweet. You built it? Designed or built or both. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I built out two things in the house. That's awesome. Very cool. I built out two things in the house, and it's the two things we don't like. So I just learned to like. No way. Yeah. So like whatever you want to do. It's typically the other way around. Usually it's like the wife in the family is doing all the good.
Starting point is 00:09:38 From a man, and I got the feminine of a woman. Yeah, you own that shit. Yeah. Ariel Lowen is currently in seventh place with 566 points. Danielle Brandon is doing better than her, and Alexis Raptus is doing worse than her. And she's gone. Hiller, can Hiller confirm that he had to turn your shirt inside out? Yeah, it is. I did have to turn my shirt inside out? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I did have to turn my shirt inside out. One second, Savant. We have something we got to tell you. Yeah, Savant, I found out why you like Colton Mertens. And it's because he's the only athlete you're taller than. Oh. You hear that, Savant? It's truth.
Starting point is 00:10:18 It's truth. It's written on my tombstone. He said it's the truth, and it's written on his tombstone. Hey, I'm going to have his shirt. I'm taller than Colton. Seven. What was the question? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Yes, I can confirm that I had to turn my shirt inside out. Oh, and did they tell you why? They said that it came from somewhere up top and that I wasn't allowed to be bad there if I was wearing this shirt. And I wasn't the only one. I've had three others tell me something similar where they either had to change or they had to turn it inside out. They'd come up to me with their shirts turned inside out.
Starting point is 00:10:56 So can't confirm. What a big dick move. Fuck them. It is a big dick move. Taylor has spoken. Hey, in the end, it just hurts their sales that's that's the thing in the end it just hurts their sales but at least they get to keep their ego intact um we know that this the swim event was announced that's pretty awesome um i thought spiegel did incredible but we have some video of her and some people are really concerned about her death but uh
Starting point is 00:11:24 man what a fucking amazing amount of work she put in. And if she wasn't getting low enough, it's not her fault, right? I mean, at the end of the day, it's not her fault, is it, JR? I mean, she's not looking at that line. She's going to go down until the judge says the number and then she's going to press up. It just is indicative of someone who's always just trying to do just enough i hear you i hear you want like once again she's at the center
Starting point is 00:11:52 of some sort of controversy yeah yeah uh i also heard i don't know what it was but i heard that mayhem destroyed the pack and in the interview uh mr froning said something that could be perceived as snarky i wish i could remember what it was it was very very uh someone sent it to me that's saying that he was sending a message do you guys remember what do you guys know what he said did any of you listen to his interview snarky slash slash funny i can't remember what it was but hopefully it'll pop up or it'll come back to me thanks for for the content from Australia. Why Ricky suck in this event? I guess
Starting point is 00:12:30 everyone's got a hole. Shoulders. They said they were worried about the jerk event. It turned out he didn't need to worry about that, but you would imagine he was worried about that because of his shoulders. I think today's handstand pushups were probably as dependent on shoulder endurance and shoulder strength as you could think today's handstand pushups were probably as dependent on shoulder endurance and shoulder strength as you could get
Starting point is 00:12:47 in a handstand pushup. It's all dealt, wall facing. And that's not the last we'll see of a like shoulder intensive workout, for sure. I mean, we still got the whole weekend. There's gonna be some kind of overhead lunge. There's gonna be some kind of overhead squat. There's gonna be something more with pressing overhead or overhead stability for sure.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Okay. And there's the snarky. He said something about finally doing a workout with CrossFit in it. Okay. And that sentiment is rumbling through some of the athletes. I mean, to tell you the truth, I've heard that before. I remember especially during the year when there was the L-sit and the softball throw. Taylor, do you want to say something about that?
Starting point is 00:13:30 There was a comment that we were passing around in our thread that one of the Mayhem team members did have up. Yeah, can we pull this story up? Will, do you have that? Yeah. Oh, my gosh. So this guy, Seth Stovall, he's on the CrossFit Mayhem Justice team. He said, me wondering when CrossFit Games is going to program a CrossFit workout. What are your thoughts, Taylor? I think one, it is the CrossFit Games, but they're titling the champion the
Starting point is 00:13:56 fittest on earth, not the cross fittest on earth. So if you can't complete the events and you're not doing well, you're not the fittest on earth. I also think if you're going to – But what is that distinction you just said? Isn't CrossFit the definition of fitness? Isn't that – isn't – It is, and I think the distinction he's making is if it's not a Metcon with thrusters and pull-ups, it's not CrossFit. So give us the thrusters and pull-ups, and we'll be happy. But if you make us bike and run and do some max strength, then it's not CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:14:22 But the reality is everything is crossfit and the methodology all functional movement executed at high intensity is crossfit so he either one doesn't know the methodology in which case just shut up or two you come to the crossfit games to compete not complain so if you're not doing well get better at those things uh what do you think uh jr if you think back to something dave always, he wasn't worried about showcasing the athletes of the games. He was more concerned with testing them. So when you get to the games, you've already been through the open quarterfinals, semifinals. Everyone is really, really, really, really good who's there at classic CrossFit. So if you're going to do classic CrossFit the whole time,
Starting point is 00:15:04 it doesn't give too much of a point of comparison. There'll be some more stuff mixed in. I mean, a lot of people would argue that the pig flip ring muscle up synchro workout wasn't even classic CrossFit, but a lot of people would say that. Christy O'Connell, you're live on the Sevan podcast. How are you? That was good, right? You liked everything about that? The handstand pushup standard, the event? I didn't like judging it. That is what I asked another athlete just now. What do you got to say about that? I was curious. I don't know. I think that... What was the standard? What was the standard?
Starting point is 00:15:38 The standard for women was they had to cross their touch, the right line, and not the dip. And I think that that wasn't necessarily happening at the court. Okay things people sent me from the stands i've seen the streams and of course i was trying to see it in person and it all looked a little different everywhere uh and of course i don't want to ask you about anyone particular but you are seeing things was it like each previous or while you were going or good what was for not getting low enough yeah i was kind of looking around and just trying to see like whatever i was doing which i shouldn't be doing on the floor but i did anyway um and so then it's just like okay well i'm gonna have to figure out how to meet the standard so not paying attention all yeah i do is what you gotta do yeah i heard about
Starting point is 00:16:17 a lane in particular did you hear the same thing i think it was lane number one some athletes were getting some where they weren't getting other repetitions somewhere deeper than others some weren't getting deep at all yeah you were hearing similar what was what was the men's standard and that's not a fun feeling going to the floor no males and females have the same standard though right no male standard was there's a white line males had to clear the bottom of the white line females just touch the top of the white line. Oh, cool. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Did anybody know that? I didn't know that. I mean, it looked like the males were going deeper. The thing I was noticing was the angle of the elbow on the females. It looked like they weren't getting low at all. No. Well, you did awesome. Hey, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I'm sitting in the stands, and I always do this thing where I'm like, I think she'll do well, he'll do well, or whomever will do well. And then I also like this person will do terrible. And then I was like, I think Krista's going to crush this one. I had a feeling. I was happy with her. She's done a self-life workout up on the beautiful. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Typically, I love it. No, not this time. Not this time, Echo Bike. Yeah, it's been really different. So, I mean, it's been... Everything, right? The whole spiel? I mean, the workout, the programming by Boz?
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah, it's been a challenge. Are you expecting it to change up or it's going to kind of be all wonky the rest of the weekend? I feel like we've done so much, I have no idea. I'm like, what's left? It's cool, right? I mean, they can use you on doing handstands, right? You've got the press the handstand. You've got the... no more handstands.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I'll do some squats. We'll do some squats and wall balls maybe, 40-pound wall balls, 30 for the females. You remember those giant Atlas balls? Now I'm just talking. I appreciate you talking. Yeah, thanks. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Thanks, guys. So we're one for one on a frustrated athlete. So do you remember where you were Jr? We were talking about athletes coming there who haven't done any CrossFit yet. It's one, it's a lot easier to be frustrated if you're not as high on the leaderboard as you want to be.
Starting point is 00:18:23 You're always going to look for things to back up your frustrations. But then outside of that, you go to the games and you have this idea in your head about what the events are going to be and how you're going to perform well at them. And then when you don't get those events, it makes you want to complain about it. I have a question for Taylor. Yep. Do you think that block was added so that there would be a deficit to where your head had to go below your hands? Like, do you think wall facing just to a dollar would have just been too easy? I think they added the block to aid in some balance and to make it a little bit more difficult i think they want a little difficulty but i also think being able to hold on to the edge of that block and be away and kind of
Starting point is 00:19:12 press at an angle all right guys i got the demo team i got the demo team don't tell us the workouts how you guys feeling streets back what's the workout for tomorrow that street and i only want street top we're gonna swim. How did you figure that out? I feel like I've heard that a couple other places. How are you guys feeling? Good. Good to see you back, James. Yeah. How do you go about,
Starting point is 00:19:38 I mean, you got more males than females now, no? Yes. Mean street equals half, so we're still three guys. We're both in half. You guys have any questions for the demo team? Ask James how many calories he got on the swim workout. James, how many calories did you have in the swim workout?
Starting point is 00:19:54 I think we should ask Street. Street's the swimmer, no? All right, they can't talk about the workouts. Anything else? Ask James if he was beating me in the swim workout. I can't talk to you about the workouts. Stop it. Workouts that they've already done.
Starting point is 00:20:07 The handstand push-up standard. Yes. The female standard was get the head into the line. The male standard was get the head below the line. We figured that out. And I've heard rumblings about some athletes being frustrated looking up and down the lanes and hearing about previous. Have you heard any of that from your end?
Starting point is 00:20:20 And when you were testing it, what was it like for you guys? I heard some rumblings. I think that's always going to happen in a new movement you know the athletes are unfamiliar with how to do it properly extremely fair statement yeah yeah but i think you know do it and to be fair like doing it you can't really see so like when when i was doing it with the first couple you're like not quite low enough but then i was able to figure out like just go eyebrows to the corner of the thing and press out. How did you figure that out? Eyebrows to the corner of the thing.
Starting point is 00:20:49 When I would do that, I would get a good rep. That's interesting. If I would go less than that, then I would. If you're like me, just raise your eyebrows really high. The big thing that probably a lot of, I wasn't really able to watch super closely, but if you go like this with your neck, your head's a lot shorter. You might be reaching full depth. Interesting, because I think I was watching Laura and she was really looking up and she was getting called quite a bit. like go like this with your neck, your head's a lot shorter. So like you might be reaching full depth. Interesting because we were watching,
Starting point is 00:21:05 I think I was watching Laura and she was really looking up and she was getting called quite a bit. So then I would go like down and then kind of go up with the neck after reaching depth. So just figuring out those little things and that takes time and repetition. So. Oh, so you're the captain, right? I am.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah. Cool. Well, is that why you have a different color? Oh no. The females have the black shirts and the guys have these camo shirts. How did you, Oh, cause it's smaller.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Well, that's cause you were an ad on and they screen printed that shirt for you, but they didn't screen print a shirt for anybody else. Street Horner special street. Street Horner is the name. Ask Griffith Raleigh. He's going to try to go to the games again next year. I had,
Starting point is 00:21:39 I had to say, I'm sorry about that video, but have you had any backlash about the hips coming off the bench from me? No, not at all. I mean, I guarantee you weren't the only one. But nothing happened. Nothing personal. Somebody today came up to me and they're like,
Starting point is 00:21:55 do you remember that video you put? And I'm like, oh, fuck. It's just because it's Griffin and he's strong as shit and everyone wants to. What are you talking about? Did you see that? Was that funny? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't watch the video at all, but the cartoon, it's all.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I have a question for. Is he? I got a question for Street or James. What is it, Taylor? Look at this, guys. Who wins in a fist fight? Ricky Garrard or Justin Medeiros? Oh, great question.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Did Street ever make the room smell like Badoosie when he was with Captain? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Who wins in a fistfight, Ricky Garrard or Justin Medeiros? Ricky or Justin in a fistfight, who wins? Oh. We got one Ricky in. So I've seen Ricky and his knuckles just look really big. So I think Ricky too.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I feel like you can break your hand on his head. The rest of the demo team. Any questions? How are you guys? Introduce yourselves. My name's V. V? Chloe?
Starting point is 00:23:01 Mitchell. How are you guys doing? First time on the team. Yeah? How are you feeling? I mean, I've seen you've been eating a lot of pancakes. Chloe hasn't been eating a lot of pancakes. Yeah. You're the professional pancake eater. We call her Chloe Cakes.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Yeah, Chloe Cakes. Where's that place at? Short Stack. Short Stack. Okay. That's where you guys have been. Shout out to Short Stack. Mitch, is your wife competing? She's not. She's not. Gotcha. Okay. That's where he hasn't been. Shout out to short stack. Mitch, is your wife competing? Yes. She's not. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Okay. I know you were married to a competitor, right? That would be cool. All right. Anything else on the demo team, guys, before I let them go? They're just kind of saying. Guys, you hear that, Sevan? $100,000 in donations.
Starting point is 00:23:45 He'll leave the workouts. I like street. I like street. Scott is getting pissed at him right now. Scott is like, you can't say that. Tell them thank you. Let them go. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Sevan says to let you guys go. Thank you so much, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I want to tell you guys a story here real quick about that restaurant called short stack bye hi feisty
Starting point is 00:24:07 coffee what's up griffith raleigh off the air right that restaurant um i couldn't make it to the meal well i think you were busy right yeah you're very i'm gonna talk that that um that restaurant that they went to short stack i believe believe it's owned by two, two women. I think they're, they're girlfriend and girlfriend, or maybe they're even a married couple and, uh, lesbian women. And, uh, Greg would go to that restaurant every morning for breakfast. And I can't remember what happened, but basically they were struggling. Their landlord was doing something to him. happened but basically they were struggling their landlord was doing something to him and i'm pretty sure greg just fucking right there had the cfo cut them a check for like twenty thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:24:48 right fucking there to keep their business open when we were there for the crossfit games if i'm pretty sure it's the exact it's the same restaurant yeah it was fucking cool as shit and that's the kind of man he was by the way he did the right thing for the right people for the right reasons okay well heidi i know you're just sitting in your car there. Anything you want to report from the day? What did you see? Who did you like? Was it fun working for the Savant podcast?
Starting point is 00:25:11 Were they nice to you? Did you have to turn your shirt inside out? Anything good? I did not have to turn my shirt inside out. I got a lot of compliments on it, though. I think that last event was super exciting everybody in the stands loved it they were going nuts like even for the first heats it was just really cool to see people going savage on the bikes um i think it was really interesting to see so many of the no reps and i think for the
Starting point is 00:25:38 women too like just seeing it was a little sketch with their hair like the buns that depending how they had their buns on their head it looked like they're going past the line but really it's just their hair um i think a lot of people were talking about how tia toomey just looked like the champ in that one she looked amazing like her body was stick straight the whole time so that was pretty cool to see um but yeah just the athletes on the struggle bus who just couldn't do it like laura and the other ones it just was bad who struggled the most who were you out there where it was like almost uncomfortable was it was ricky was pretty bad too right like that was like hard to watch like you could feel bad for him yeah i think ricky um i actually heard a couple
Starting point is 00:26:24 people booing for ricky when they first announced him coming out this time, which I was like, no shit. Yeah, I was like, OK, savage, but whatever. Yeah, I've never you know, the comments are pretty mean towards him, too. Yeah. On the side. Yeah, I like him. I hope I fuck I'd be I'd be very I'd be ecstatic if he won. I think most people are cheering, but it's like couple loud boers, a couple grumpy people. But what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:26:51 How about Pat Vellner? Do you get a vibe from him looking at him? Does he seem focused? Does he seem like he's still in it to win it? Gosh, I don't know. He doesn't give off a vibe that he's really going to win for sure. I don't know. He seems kind of like maybe it's his last year and he's just tired of me. I don't know. I'm just making shit up. But I feel like being a dad and all that wears on you whether you want to admit it or not. Having a baby is tough. Right. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I dropped you. Are you home? i just got home oh well thank you very much for everything today will we see you tomorrow yes awesome you're the best thank you so much thanks guys bye heidi croon from the fake savant podcast i'd like to get hillar's input on some of the finishes but we can pull up the leaderboard while we wait for him to finish or do you want to look at those videos too yeah let's pull up the danny spiegel videos yeah let's look at those this is right hillar's gonna make a video about this we already know it um so we'll just beat into the punch okay good let's see if we can get those and uh and uh to preface this she wasn't the only one there
Starting point is 00:28:08 are a lot of athletes struggling with the movement um but this was just what was sent to us by others so we have okay so before we go what i don't see a white line on that the white line oh there it is there you go okay and her hair is flirting with it dangerously yeah i saw this guys it's hard it's so fucking hard to see you know what i was saying if i were a female aunt but you just let your oh like that definitely light the world on fire yeah like that definitely wasn't low enough but but how do we even know she's getting reps for those we can't even see the judges she didn't get a single no rep almost the entire event. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yeah, so my connection didn't work at all, but I ran into Haley Adams, and I was talking to her about this. And apparently the way that it was briefed is it was to the line, but then there was in particular inconsistency with judging, which I'm sure you guys had already talked about. there was in particular inconsistency with judging which i'm sure you guys had already talked about but um and there was one particular lane that apparently got the um the worst end of the stick there so they were talking about how when it was demoed everything seemed good and then once they got onto the floor it was seemed to be really inconsistent do we um do we know if
Starting point is 00:29:19 laura's lane was that lane yeah that was that was that one. Not the lane, but I guess the judge that switched through that was ours, Laura's, Amanda Barnhart's. It was Laura's judge. Yeah, pretty much everybody had a tough time with it. Jacqueline Dahlstrom also, right? I heard Jacqueline Dahlstrom had the same judge as Lazar Djukic. Yeah, I'm assuming so, but that's what they were saying, was that some of the judges were basically,
Starting point is 00:29:45 if your forehead barely tapped the line and came up, they were calling it good. That's why some of the athletes were able to just smash through them. And then some of the other ones who particularly would have been stronger overhead or could have been a better movement for them, really struggled with it because they were having to really hold down there and wait for, Haley was saying she was holding and waiting for the judge basically to say, press back up. And by the time that that was clear for her to press back up, it was just blowing out her shoulders. One of the commentators made a statement about where Laura looks to improve her capacity or looks for potential in her handstand
Starting point is 00:30:25 push-up and I was curious what some of you guys thought Hiller Sousa well from what I saw there that seemed to be the inconsistent part I don't know if she approved or not and I don't think she got to showcase it due to the fact of the um the ability to find the line and in the judge's eyes to where that was being met. So I don't know. We might have to wait for another handstand pushup event for her to show. I think it was J.R. who said something about midline, right? And I think that that's something that the best movers and those who have had the best midlines are the ones who probably did best on the event.
Starting point is 00:31:04 At least that's kind of what I was seeing. Well, if you think about like your body position, when you're straight up and down, you can be as tall as possible. But if you're standing up straight and you arch your back, it's automatically going to make you shorter and your head's going to go back. So just think of the opposite being upside down. If you lose your midline and your stomach starts to go toward the wall, that's going to make your head come forward and up, and it's going to make you not get to the line as quickly
Starting point is 00:31:28 yeah and you can really see that in laura so like it almost by the way her angle was through midnight almost looked like a bench press at that point with how parallel she was now now to mal o'brien as well did you hear any booing in the stadium for ricky suza no but you know what it was interesting there was obviously a loud cheer for for maderos but you know of course we're reigning champ you would that to be expected but with ricky in first place i was actually expecting to hear that crowd almost picked up a little bit and i didn't hear any boos but it definitely was a softer uh cheer than it was for justin Well, I think it's great for him to be in first for the sport, the story,
Starting point is 00:32:06 if he wins the games and, and Jr was talking about this, but this, it is incredible. Um, okay. Thank you, Susan.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Um, uh, thanks for all the great footage, Jr. What about this line? Oh, it's Jeffrey Adler. What about this line?
Starting point is 00:32:22 Um, what if, what, what about the workouts? I serial killer. What if, what about the workouts? I think I've heard Dave say this before too. The workouts are not supposed to outshine the athletes. They're supposed to be able to showcase what the athletes could do, but people should
Starting point is 00:32:36 be talking about the athletes and not the workouts. The workouts are not, shouldn't be the stars. It's a good theory, but people are always going to love to talk about the workouts. Okay. JR, do you have a thought on it? Yeah, I think that's kind of tough because when you think about the workout, you think about the athlete usually that performed the best on that workout. So to Dave's point, you think about, oh, do you remember when Katrin smashed chaos and Pat smashed chaos?
Starting point is 00:33:07 But people still think of the workout chaos just as highly as they think of that performance. So I feel like they kind of go hand in hand. And I also think it's easy to look at the people that are the fittest on earth and have a lot to talk about and looking at them. But you also want to talk about what defines them as the fittest on earth, which is the test that they're completing. Is it right? To your guys's point, I ran into Facundo as well. And, um, that was some, that was his sentiments from a coach's point of view. He was basically saying he liked different variations.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Sorry, one second. Sorry. One second. That guy that just passed you, Eric O'Connell on the left side there, that is the most decorated L1 trainer on the planet. That guy's done more seminars than any L1 trainer on the planet right there. Anyway, go on. Sorry. But he was basically saying the same things that you guys were, that he liked the variations. He liked the uniqueness of the program, the new implements.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Will. Live on the Sivan podcast. you want to talk about the event win? Yeah, it was good. Will Morad, the winner of the event just now. I'm like, if I had to pick one guy, it would have been Will Morad to win that event. Have a good one, man.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Didn't he block you? Yes, he did. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, Willie. Willie's a a good dude i can't believe he did that good dude he's all smiles he's a good dude man oh no but you saw it on the on the camera right hillar's ability to not take that personally i admire you so much because i take no i don't take it personally so what you're saying you're you and me i'm me i don't know i just don't get that angry all right i got a question for you i got a question for you okay okay hold on to that question so so what you're saying you guys are
Starting point is 00:34:52 saying is is that it's mount like when you climb mount everest it is the climber who does it but we have to know how fucking gnarly this mountain is to appreciate how gnarly the climber is and so there's a relationship there. It's a beautiful metaphor. Yeah, like in five years when we talk about the Capitol, that event. Yeah. Are you going to remember exactly what the event was? Are you going to remember things like Haley barely being able to pick up her bag?
Starting point is 00:35:17 Yeah. And Fuselier being cheered on by the crowd and she was the last place finisher. Will you remember that Gabby won it? No. Holy shit. Fluffy dick. Yeah, that is the last place finisher. Will you remember that Gabby won it? No. No. Fluffy dick. Yeah, that is the fluffy guy. Hey, guys, this is the fluffy duck.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Is that true? Gabby won that, JR? He's got to let you know something. I want to go on your show, but I'm double-backed. No, you're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. How big is your dick?
Starting point is 00:35:42 How many followers do you have? Hey, it's how many vaccines, how big your dick is, and how many followers do you have hey it's how many vaccines how big your dick is and how many followers you have it's a combo four and four four and four he's always welcome he's always welcome he said you're always welcome cool awesome tell me this is behind the scenes dude you miss your behind the scenes thank you hillar is the new behind the scenes hillar is the new behind the scenes no no no not hillar hillar and susan there he is as long as his internet freaking works yeah look at him look how oh jr go on with your point so what were you saying
Starting point is 00:36:24 yeah i mean that's i didn't even know gabby won to be honest you're telling me gabby mcgaw will won that event yeah she did yeah i had no idea that's what i'm saying i i feel like you you can't really think of the workout without thinking about the competitors that made the workout so special i think you they they're it's like a 50 50 thing and i had no idea laura horvat took second and i had no idea that uh brooke wells took fourth it's funny to say that i i was most focused on hayley adams because of the having to bring the husafell stone one step at a time that was fucking batshit crazy yeah like if i ask you about the workout last year with rope climbs and the
Starting point is 00:37:05 husafel bag and the ski you're probably going to remember jason hopper that's it for you before you remember pat who won it pat who seriously oh yep sorry i call him patrick sorry yeah fuck you're right you're totally right but what But drive that home. So what are you saying? So I'm saying that the performances of the athletes are what make you think about the workout, but the workout is what makes you think about certain performances as well. And it's not always the ones that win it. It's the ones that crumble. Right. Right. Okay. I hear you. You're right. Absolutely. Does Sevan even watch the events or just critique the whole thing? We watch them for him.
Starting point is 00:37:52 No, he watches. Come on. No, it's just fucking raining your mom jokes, but I couldn't choose one. Do you guys want to start with the men or the women when we talk about this workout a little bit? The handstand one. Preference? Roll the dice. Okay, men it is. Let's talk about Roman Krennikoff.
Starting point is 00:38:12 We have the bike in here. He took third place in this. He lost to Jason Hopper and Will Morad. Andrew Hiller, you're live on the Svahn Podcast. You want to say a little bit? Because you just won that event, did you not? I was watching. You fucking smoked it.
Starting point is 00:38:30 That was awesome. Good work. Did you know it was going to happen? Yeah. You knew it. And you're with Training Think Tank, right? Yeah. And you've got that dolphin shirt out there?
Starting point is 00:38:38 That's for sure. Yeah. I'm wearing that. Yeah. Check this out. Really? Oh, my. I'm a large. Wow. No way. Can Susie get one? Yeah. Yeah, check this out. Really? I'm a large.
Starting point is 00:38:47 No way. Can Susie get one? Sweet. That's awesome. I mean, he says it's all right, but thank you, Alexis, for the dolphin shirt. How did you know you were going to do so well on that event? Because, oh, I hope I don't get the dolphin shirt. That's how I kind of, yeah, I know. I saw the dolphin shirts.
Starting point is 00:39:03 They're going wild out there. Because I worked with the-ups and I knew. This isn't zoomed down your face that far. It's the microphone, just so you know. No, I just knew. I don't know. I've never done them like that before, but it was a strict handstand push-up. So I was confident.
Starting point is 00:39:19 So nothing, you've never trained them, but you just had a feeling. Have you trained them? No, I've never done them before. They were rather unique. What was the biggest difference between them and a regular strict handstand push-up and a regular handstand push-up i mean you can't bounce your head okay it was like as strict as you can get i just did a little bit on something about the ability for you to correlate your midline to the movement any feedback on that are you rather connected would you say or because everyone's breaking out there and those were the people i saw felt but failing quite a bit yeah i think i ended up arching my
Starting point is 00:39:53 back quite a bit at the end okay but it's right at the end you were trying to get through it yeah anything with training think tank that led to you doing that well there because i'm a big fan of training think tank and i think that max is one of the smartest dudes in the business. Do you work with him personally or do you have one of his coaches with you? Nope. My coach is Adam. Adam. Okay. Idiot. Me. We do a lot. Adam.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Alexis is coach Adam. We do a lot of deficit handstand pushups. So I felt very prepared. Okay. Cool. And for tomorrow the swim? familiar. Okay. Cool. Well, and for tomorrow, the swim? Yeah. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Can't wait. Can't wait. I think you're a swimmer, right? I'm not a swimmer. You're not a swimmer, but you like swimming. Yeah. Cool. Alexis Raptus, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Thank you. Thanks. Adam, you knew she'd smash you too then, right? Yeah. Yeah. And that was no mystery. Yeah, no mystery at all. She's killing the entire weekend too then, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No mystery at all. She's killing the entire weekend thus far as well.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Nice. LBA. I appreciate it. I'm going to wear this on Sunday. A medium for. Oh, Sunday. I got to wear the CEO shirt on Sundayay but i'll throw this on for the when you're going because you're gonna make a run for the podium it's up to adam all right don't answer
Starting point is 00:41:12 that question sometimes i ask dumb ones and i i'm new at this don't answer that question also don't look at the leaderboard i mean i think she does so well when she's out there she's not putting pressure on herself so sorry talking about putting her even when that event like what i said don't drown but it doesn't sound like she's afraid of that happening so cool well i appreciate the shirts thank you anything else you want to say no no dude you're badass awesome smash that workout you too adam dude you're badass awesome smash that workout you too adam that's that's actually a really cool shirt all business that's a hey suzy you should rock the shit out of that shirt tomorrow that shirt's do you open it up i'll open mine up
Starting point is 00:41:56 oh man okay uh so uh roman roman krennikoff, third place. I think he proved a lot there today because he's a big dude. He is a big dude, 220 pounds. He killed it on the bike, but then the handstand push-ups. Does that make us feel better, right? That, hey, we haven't seen a hole in this guy yet, right? Yeah, I mean, his lowest place finish is 15th and that was a on the muscle up workout previously so that's a that's pretty impressive yeah he's got champion he's got
Starting point is 00:42:32 championship scores not mount fraser scores not to you to me scores but championship scores there's just a really really big gap right now between him and Adler. And I know we're only about halfway through the points, but that's a huge gap. And I suspect that Velner is going to continue to do what he needs to do to climb up. I think Velner is going to be on the podium. I can see that. I say it's a huge gap and ricky had what a 80 something point lead going into that workout and now look at his lead i mean it's it can get a lot smaller really fast do we know anything about roman swimming i don't know shit
Starting point is 00:43:16 about it this is the thing i was noticing with uh velner so and a lot of people on this workout we can talk about this the women's leaderboard was even a better example of this but even though he did worse in this because this workout was so strange the way it played out uh strange isn't the right word because it didn't play out basically in the hierarchy of uh who had been first all the way down to 40th even though uh velner took ninth he still climbed up in the leaderboard he did what he just needed to do to not get damaged meaning that it was people like way down at the bottom he did who did better than him do you know what i mean you following that
Starting point is 00:43:55 like i'm not explaining it very well yeah what you mean yeah same with bjorgvin uh bjorgvin carl goodmanson right took 16th but but in, if, but didn't even drop down a single place. And so I, I think, I think these are the guys we're going to be looking at the whole week. Now is Jason high enough to come back in and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:15 and, and cause problems. I don't think he's going to cause podium problems, but I think he can crack the top five potentially. Uh, this swimming, have we, have we ever seen Vellner swim? How did Vellner do that year when they did the D-balls and the GHDs? He wasn't there. He wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Oh. Yep. And this does change the game. I'm really glad this guy threw this comment out here. It is so, so different than a distance swim. And I think personally harder for people who aren't as comfortable in the water. When you've got a distance swim, you've got a lot of time out there to relax and go slow. When you make it a sprint
Starting point is 00:44:55 and you throw in a skier, the people who aren't comfortable being really out of breath underwater are going to be exposed. And it excites me. I'm looking'm looking for where uh so in 27th place we have uh guillaume guillaume briant i i do think he is going to do well in this i do think that he is a great swimmer and that he is going to do well in this yeah he's a pool swimmer and i think cause uh yannikoski is still going to do well in it yeah i mean the athletes with swimming backgrounds are still going to finish probably high top 10 yeah i mean just because you're throwing ski in there doesn't doesn't doesn't add enough interference in that movement to to make you a bad swimmer but the shorter swims with the skier kind of level the playing field for velner with the rest of the
Starting point is 00:45:39 guys no no i don't think it levels the playing field i think the shorter swim with the skier and the fact that is the sprint almost widens uh widens the gap like makes it like makes it worse for velner yeah i think base has been on talking before and you know he's a i think he's a former swimmer saying no it's actually the opposite when you make it a sprint it actually is going to make it more evident who's good in the water and who's not. Think about this. You have an athlete who has swum their entire lives and they can perform a simple maneuver called a flip turn. That's three to four seconds every lap. Well, in this case, every interval, just because you can tuck your chin, somersault, push off the wall and kick straight into your next 25 yard lap. If you don't know how to flip turn, two things are gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:46:24 You're either gonna stop at the wall, take your big old fucking head out of the water, take a breath, and then push off with your hands and arms and start swimming again. You're three to four seconds behind, or you're going to try to flip turn. Me watching you watching us. Or you're going to try to flip turn, and you're going to go diagonal into somebody else's lane. You're going to take a big mouthful of water, and it's just not going to be a good day. So that alone, and then you just add in people who are not comfortable in the water being super-duper out of breath.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I don't know. I really think the shorter sprint exposes people way more than a long swim. Hey, do you think that they should have taken that out then? No. Fuck no. No, but i mean the 25 yards there and back no i think i think you should i think you should expose people don't have a flip turn i mean it's what what about the crossover double under should we take that out should we take out the wall facing strict handstand push-up it's a skill it also is a strength but learn how to do it word okay and be comfortable in the water so so you think this workout's going to hurt patrick velner who's
Starting point is 00:47:33 currently sitting in fifth place with 531 points 150 points out of first place you think this this this is he just has to hang on for dear life and hope this doesn't knock him out of contention i do think in the early rounds it's going to be people that are really experienced though, like Pat, they're not going to push it too hard. And I think you will see some people get a little bit overzealous and do that. I do think that Pat may be an anomaly in terms of he, I'm sure swims a whole lot more in the pool than he does in open water living up in the great north. I'm sure the water up there is cold pretty often. But I also think he's such a long athlete compared to the field, and his arms are so long, and his capacity is so good.
Starting point is 00:48:19 As long as he's got comfortability being out of breath in the water, I think he's going to be okay. A complete shit show for Colton mertens right get out it's swim skier the skier it's not not friendly to him right it's not great for him no it's pretty cool too about the format really you just want to get through the sixth round yeah that's your goal because you don't because you don't have to get a certain number of calories on seven and eight you just that's just explain the workout explain the workout jr so you start so the buy-in every time is the swim and every two minutes you go starting with eight calories adding two calories each interval if you get capped before you get through the sixth round your score is however many calories you got on the round that you were capped but if you make it through the sixth round which is 50 yard swim plus 18 calories then you just get to work for two more rounds getting as many calories as you can it's there's there's no death
Starting point is 00:49:16 by anymore you just earn two more rounds of points so so so i have two i they say three two one go i jump in the water i swim 50 yards let's say I get out at 90 seconds. I have 30 seconds to get as many calories as I can. No, you have 30 seconds to get eight. Yeah, so three, two, one, go. The workout starts. Okay, okay, okay. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Go ahead. You can say it, Taylor. Yep, so three, two, one, go. Athletes dive into the pool, and they've got a 50-yard swim. You're going to swim 25 yards down, turn around, swim 25 yards back. You get out of the pool and you have the remainder of the two minute window to complete eight calories. If you do that and you have 30 seconds left on the clock, you rest for those remaining 30 seconds. At the two minute mark, you repeat 50 yard swim. Now you've got 10 calories. Again, if you finish the 10 calories and you've got time on the clock, you rest.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Again, if you finish the 10 calories and you've got time on the clock, you rest. At the four-minute mark, again, this time 12 calories, then 14, then 16, and then finally 18 calories. If you get through the 18 calorie, then your final two rounds are max calories. So you're going to— So it doesn't even matter if you only get six, you don't get cut. You get the two rounds. Yeah, you get two free rounds. And your score seems to be total calories skied in the workout, not just your max calories at the end, but all of your calories together.
Starting point is 00:50:32 I love the workout. Is it too fucking complicated? I love it. I get it. It's not – okay. I don't think so, no. Okay. I think for – it takes some explanation for the fans,
Starting point is 00:50:42 so I hope Chase and Sean do a good job. But the athletes are going to be briefed and it's pretty simple execution. Yeah. Not for, I'm not worried about the athletes. They'll get it. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:50:49 And I get it now that we've, you guys have taken three times to explain it to me and I got to read it. Uh, what happens? We're going to see some pretty crazy shit here because we're going to see that buzzer hit, I think, right.
Starting point is 00:51:00 As someone's getting 18. And so basically if you're on the skier i'm guessing the pool's two feet behind you what do they say go and you just turn around and get in or you don't you just stay in there and you're like no i'm gonna rest 20 seconds or i'm gonna drown and then you jump in oh or maybe there's no reason to even go because you know you're not gonna make it another round but oh but you get another chance at the ski or at least to get some calories. Don't let me do that again, by the way. I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:51:29 That's the main reason I don't like the ski. You don't want to double jerk? All right. I don't want to demo the ski. So I think we've got a couple of things to think about in this workout. One, the swim speed for men. I'm not too confident on giving some seconds for women, but for the most part, I think it too confident on giving some seconds for women, but for the most part,
Starting point is 00:51:45 I think it's going to be comparable to running. Uh, men are going to be finishing the 50 yard swim. The good men, uh, between 36 and 40 seconds, I think in the early rounds, uh, the good swimmers. And I think that's a pace that is a pretty moderate pace. Someone like Yami Briant is more than capable of swimming a 50 yard in under 30 seconds, but that's a pretty aggressive swim pace. So I think he holds 35 to maybe 40 seconds, gets out of the pool. And the workout doesn't really get hard for someone like Briant until you get to the 16 calorie mark. Um, and I think at that point it starts to accumulate. Uh, and then the 18 calorie is, I don't know, even then, I think for someone
Starting point is 00:52:27 like Briant, the workout simply just comes down to around seven and eight. And I think for the people who aren't good swimmers, the workout gets pretty difficult at 14 calories and then 16 calories. And then can they make 18? But someone like Briant Koski, it's not difficult for them to swim a 50 yard in 40 seconds under high fatigue. And so you're going to get out of the pool and have a minute to ski 16 calories or 18 calories. These guys could do a 50-yard on the minute for an hour. Yeah, I mean, the cool thing is— What's a world-class—sorry, JR.
Starting point is 00:52:57 What's a world-class pool? Like, what can all the really good games athletes pool in the ski or in a minute? How many calories? In this workout, under this fatigue i'm thinking no i mean no fatigue just no fatigue just yank 30 30 plus like 33 maybe okay a minute okay sorry jr go ahead no i was gonna say what's really cool is the best swimmers are going to be using the first few rounds as a recovery ski. Like literally, like if you were told, Hey, go swim.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And then during your rest, just do a recovery ski. That's what it's going to be like for them. They're going to have that much time. I mean, you're talking about a minute 15, like lackadaisical, just gaming the shit out of it.
Starting point is 00:53:38 They're not going to, they're not going to be skiing hard just to, just to try to ski hard, but they don't want the rest time, right? They don't need the rest time. They would rather just not exert themselves. I'm just saying they're not going to exert themselves for no reason
Starting point is 00:53:49 because they're going to be so fast in the water. But what's really cool about the format is as you go, the really good swimmers, the people that really know their bodies, they know they have to either keep a fast pace on the swim or increase their swim speed because they need more time to complete the ski? What I do think is going to be important to note is the athletes that are good at swimming in round seven and eight are still not going to be pushing the 50 yard swim. If you could push a 50 yard swim and be five seconds faster and the effort it took to shave that five
Starting point is 00:54:21 seconds off of your swim is not, in my opinion, not worth the fatigue it's going to create. Whereas if you get out of the pool five seconds after someone else and you're fresh and they're fucked and you can pull hard on the ski, you're going to do better. Five seconds is, ah, we'll see. That would be my,
Starting point is 00:54:38 you hold a 1250 on the skierg and that's a right at 20 cows in a minute. So those guys, there's no racing component to this. It's that, that's, that's a right at 20 cows in a minute so those guys there's no racing component to this it's that that's that's my one concern there's no race i don't know where the race is on screen yeah how are we gonna follow it on screen i mean as long as they have a ticker i just mean in the narrative there's no race you're getting there's well there's no advantage to get being the fastest swimmer i think it'll be uh there is and there's no advantage to being the fastest ski to well let me rephrase that there's no advantage to doing the swimming the fastest
Starting point is 00:55:10 or doing the skier the fastest there's no advantage except for the if you make it to the last two rounds which which is the point um i mean the race doesn't start until yeah say that again, Jerry. I mean, it's just like any death by workout. So if we do death by thrusters and burpees, and you start with five thrusters and five burpees, there's no advantage to doing it. He's got five minutes, guys.
Starting point is 00:55:39 In the flesh, Brian Friend, guys. It's his – Brian, is it cool that you're live on the Savant podcast? Of course it's cool. What's up, man? How are you doing? Oh, you guys are live? We're live, yeah. What are you talking about? I believe they're talking about the Savant podcast. Of course it's cool. What's up, man? How you doing? Oh, you guys are live? We're live, yeah. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:55:47 I believe they're talking about the swim. Have you seen it? Yeah. Excited. It's cool. It's different. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:53 I think it's going to be one of the most exciting swim events for the men in a long time. Why do you say that? Because there's a lot of good swimmers in the field. Yeah. I mean, this guy, Guillaume Brion, is a real deal swimmer. Lazar's really good. Obviously, you don't want enough cow ski. of good swimmers in the field yeah i mean this guy guillaume brown is a real deal swimmer lazar is really good obviously you don't want enough kowski they're not all in the same heat i don't know how to run in the heats but um you know a lot of times the swims are runaway i don't think i don't think that's going to be the case i think people can get ripped on that ski or get on that because it's the first time
Starting point is 00:56:17 that they're not doing just a straight out endurance lake swim they avoided the lake entirely this year they have had shorter distance swims but still the best guys rise to the top. And when they had the swimming stuff, there were so few athletes in the field that it was like, you know, it wasn't what it could be. So this is cool. This will be a different expression of song. Have you heard anything about, like, grumblings with Ricky and how he's at the top of the leaderboard first year back? Actually,
Starting point is 00:56:37 I've been, like, totally oblivious to it, but I think the crowd's been booing him. That's nuts. Which is, uh... So is the, uh, comment section. I don't read comments. I do. I live in the comments. Which event in particular? This last one or a couple of them?
Starting point is 00:56:54 Someone mentioned the Coliseum. They're still doing them even though he's the first. I didn't even notice it because I'm just focused on whatever's going on. He's got to earn that love back. He's performing really well any other thoughts no things concerns all right someone says thank you get off my show brian thanks hey i know brian's a busy the busiest dude crossfit jr taylor
Starting point is 00:57:20 thank you hillar uh jr uh taylor you could say the first six rounds are a buy-in. They are. It's not even a – yeah, go ahead. No, I said they are a buy-in, and I really agree with Brian that this is going to be one of the more exciting swim events we've ever seen. I think comparable to swimming stuff and the swim bar muscle-up workout from way back in the day. I don't – It's going to require them to tell – okay, go ahead. Here's why I think they're going to have a problem tell okay go ahead here's why here's where i think
Starting point is 00:57:45 that they're going to have a problem it would i think it would be the most exciting swim event ever if we had all the best guys in the same fucking heat but the problem is you might see fukowski get out of the pool and be the only guy who fucking made it to those last two rounds and then he's going to be jerking off over there by himself if they do you know what i'm saying i think this could be crazy exciting if we had whoever brian named is the good swimmers all in one heat and we all saw them make it to the sixth round and then i'll start pulling and it would need to be shown on the screen really well what the score is or else we're not going to be able to buy in at home that's that's going to be my biggest concern is the score on the screen
Starting point is 00:58:24 i don't think mikowski is going to be stuck in a heat where he's the only one that finishes i don't believe in the workout two rounds seven and eight is that much of a barrier to keep that many people out personally you could swim the 50 in a minute which is painfully fucking slow and still pull 18 calories in a minute the top guys in the field with ease. I mean, that's like a fucking, like Jr said, a 1200 calorie per hour pace.
Starting point is 00:58:50 That's like something you're pulling for an hour straight on the ski. Here, here are some thoughts. This event would be better after the cut. Quite possibly. Gar, Gareth, Chisa,
Starting point is 00:59:00 with some Chicano art. Fuck everyone. Booing Ricky, all capitals. Everyone is righteous until they fuck up that's truth gareth fuck everyone booing ricky and that is true everyone's righteous free country though boo your ass off it is free country free country do what you want to do uh jennifer nicole pool swimming is so much different than open water swimming. I think Jeremy Garcia said that earlier. You got to throw out all the swim data. Let's go over to, do you guys mind if we switch? Were you going to say something, JR, about the pool?
Starting point is 00:59:32 No, yeah, I was just going to say to your point about what's the point of swimming fast or what's the point of skiing fast if you're only trying to make it in the two-minute mark. But just think about any death by workout. You do death by thrusters and burpees, five plus five. And every minute you add six plus six, it doesn't matter if you do the five as fast as you can and then do the five burpees and stand there for 45 seconds. Or if you do five thrusters, stand there for 30 seconds and then do five slow burpees. It's the same thing. It's just, can you, it's just, can you going it's it's interesting just as we talk about it um just there are you know there's amraps um there's all these different there's triplets
Starting point is 01:00:10 there's couples there's all these things that you know way we kind of categorize workouts right long workouts short records we have but i've never heard now that we're talking about this i'm like this is a survival workout just like a death by as a survival workout as opposed to like fran is a fucking race and this is a combination of a survival and a race i think it's for i think the first piece is survival and then if you survive it it's like the joke's on you you have to race i think it's crazy cool but if they can't depict this right if we don't understand it and we don't got good scoring it's going to be bad it's going to come down we made the point about what's going to happen if if there's a great swimmer and a heat all by himself.
Starting point is 01:00:47 It's no different than what happened with Zanoni and heat too. He was just crushing the handstand pushups and it was like he was out there working out by himself. So, I mean, we see stuff like that all the time. Yeah. Right. Right. Right. But I feel like in most workouts, there's a broader depth of good people.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And in this one, I think that we, it would be nice to get all the, the, the specialists, the swimmers in one heap, impossible fantasy, but I'm just saying, I'm not being critical. I think Taylor will probably disagree with me, but I've heard former swimmers say that when you're swimming any longer than a couple minutes, the skill involved in it takes the capacity element away from it. That's why there are 80-year-old women that can beat games athletes in the water, because it's such a skill-based aerobic movement. It's not as much about capacity as much as it's about knowing what you're doing. So if you make the swim shorter, you're making it a little bit
Starting point is 01:01:41 more capacity-based and not so much technique and skill-driven. I agree in large part. I agree for the most part. I don't like the word skill. I like the word efficiency in the water. I think efficiency in the water is king. I just, I don't know. I don't like the word skill there, but I know what you're saying and I agree with it. I would just use the word efficiency. If you're efficient in the water and you're comfortable in the water, it takes a lot of capacity out, and there are a lot of CrossFit athletes that swim with their muscles. Newbie and Queen, this is an every-minute-on-the-minute workout.
Starting point is 01:02:17 That is true. It's an every-two-minute-on-the-minute workout. Oh. Sorry. That's okay. She had the spirit right, or he. Sorry, I didn't mean to assume you're she just because you had queen in there uh can we go to the uh do you guys mind if we roll over to the women it would be cool a lot of people in the comments are saying they should do a prelim to set the heats uh 50 yard time trial that would be cool i doubt they'll do it
Starting point is 01:02:42 oh yeah because yeah because i mean if you're in the top 10 i mean you just want to race against the people you need to stay close to you don't want necessarily you don't care about 39 and 40 who gives a fuck if they're going to get this event or what if you seeded them by how they are on the skier that would be a lot harder to do because the field's going to be a lot more leveled out on the ski. T. Claire to me in first place by 40,
Starting point is 01:03:13 44 points. Then Mal O'Brien and Emma Lawson. Let's start there. 17 years old going into Saturday and she got herself wedged in between what's becoming a fucking icon and a legend in the sport hayley adams and uh mal o'brien the the fucking best thing since sliced bread that's happened to crossfit uh what is she doing does does she know what's going on? Do you think she's struggling managing this at 17? I wouldn't be able to manage it at 17.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah, she should be in the fucking kids division. Has anyone checked her scoring? Is Hiller checking her reps? She's the real deal. She's legit. Do we know about her swimming? Do Canadians swim? I don't know anything about her swimming.
Starting point is 01:04:03 JR, do you know anything about her swimming? Do Canadians swim? Nothing, but I'm sure she's been preparing for this. And who's her coach? Same coach that Jack Farlow has, right? At that affiliate. I can't think of his name. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:04:22 And someone sent me a link to it. It's just like a podunk affiliate in uh canada and he's got jack farlow and uh affiliate emma lawson that's the heart of crossfit that's dude it's the light listen they're almost all podunk how many people live in your town jr no clue but not a lot he competes with one other CrossFit gym, but I think if there were 50 others, he'd still smash them. Do you think that... There's like four in the city limits, I think. Do you think there's 50 stoplights in your town?
Starting point is 01:04:54 Yeah. Oh, yeah, easily. It's a big city in South Carolina. Okay. We've got 50 affiliates in the Charlotte city limits. Okay. I was just hoping that JR jr's was in a poe dunk also no emma lawson thank you brandstetter from 16 weeks ago he pulls up all smiles because
Starting point is 01:05:13 it's thursday and that means it's swimming over the past few weeks i've been back in the pool and i'm loving working with the real coach nemo to help dial in my technique to improve my swimming capacity who's hoping we see swimming at the semifinals? I think that's the same coach Pat Vellner uses or Michelle LaTondra used for athletes and swimming. How about this line? Is this a little concerning over the past few weeks I've been back in the pool?
Starting point is 01:05:39 You could look at it two ways back in the pool, meaning she used to swim a lot or back in the pool. Like I just started swimming again and I'm not that good at it so who knows i go ahead i mean i doubt she was i mean i doubt she was focusing on swimming leaning up to semifinals because she was trying to qualify for the games it's not something that you are going to focus on unless you know you're going to make it through and she's 17 she probably wasn't that confident going into it. Yeah. And I think athletes who are good at swimming and CrossFit don't need to spend a lot of time on it. I swam maybe twice between, I swam maybe twice between going to the ranch in the summer and Guadalupalooza. So she might be a really good swimmer
Starting point is 01:06:20 and she was just knocking the rust off it potentially yeah her background's dancing right though right she was a dancer until she was like she was focused on dancing competitive dancing yeah i think you're right uh and anyone else in here that um jumps out to you that needs uh tending to this evening let's go down are there any big names like like the men have fikowski who's who's just in an awfully odd spot and did the women have one of those car saunders 13th laura corvette 15 laura is the most surprising i would say so on everyone's list she's on the podium is there are all of those lists now lists now impossible she has, let's look at how many points she has. She's, uh, 429 points.
Starting point is 01:07:12 If she won every event from here on out, I don't think she's climbing back to the podium. No, I don't think it's impossible with six events left, six potential six events. We don't know if there's going to be more than six scores, um, with 600 points on the board, it's going to be hard to make up 200 points on any athlete.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And especially with the girls who are in front of her. There's no slouches in this top seven. No, and we know the top three that are there now are good at CrossFit. And we know the top seven that you can see on the screen are very, very good at CrossFit. And that's what we can expect to see more of over the next two days. Saturday and Sunday, we spend a lot more time in the Coliseum traditionally. So outside of this swim event, we can expect to see things that are going to be hard for Laura to make up ground on.
Starting point is 01:07:57 She typically does better in the long events, the bike events, things of that nature. And we still have a strength event looming, for sure. At least one. And an obstacle course. Tomorrow, right? Yeah, it's supposed to be tomorrow night. That's the event that cuts the field. And we've talked about it before.
Starting point is 01:08:19 The way Boz has continued to drive home the, oh yeah, that video was so cool. They posted for the big lifts on Saturday, right? Did you like that? Yeah, that was so cool, wasn't it? Yeah. Like, are we doing a barbell lift? Are we going to do a strict, a weighted pull-up for max like the age groups are?
Starting point is 01:08:36 Like there's a lot of things still out there. That would be awesome. More so than this strict handstand push-up exposed people that I still think is coming. And you just never know. I mean, Laura's, you know, she's a climber. She's great upper body puller. I mean, look at what we've seen so far. Most, most people have the field only did three or two peg boards because half the field got cut and didn't do the strict peg boards, right? They did 75 chest to bar and they did, they did 36 muscle ups. They have not done a lot of pulling. And I think that a weighted pull up or another strength
Starting point is 01:09:16 driven pull would really fit nicely. Whether it's like a heavy hand over hand, whether they bring out a rope and do a high volume rope climbs or legless rope climbs, whether they do the strict way to pull up for max, like the age groups are doing. There's, there's some things coming that Laura is going to be good at and she's strong. And there's going to be something heavy as far as external load goes to,
Starting point is 01:09:35 to showcase strength. She needs to, but she needs to string together. She needs like a remainder top three finishes. I would say she more so needs people above her to bomb and have a weakness exposed. Alexis Rapsis didn't use her hands on the bike in that final round. She's that good at pressing.
Starting point is 01:09:56 When you got it, you got it. You know you got that much of a cushion. Yeah, and that shows a little bit of a high IQ, right? Competition IQ. Yeah, Adam, her coach, Adam Rogers, is super cerebral. He's a really smart dude. I am. JR, do you think they're going to be diving from the deck?
Starting point is 01:10:13 We've got a few people in the comments talking about if the athletes dive, that my times would be off. And I personally don't ever dive when I practice in a pool. I think it's been years since I've since I've dope, what I do think, and this happened to a lot of athletes at Wadapalooza, is that I don't think anywhere near half the field knows how to position their goggles or swim cap
Starting point is 01:10:35 or tuck their head when they dive to keep their goggles. I'm not even kidding. I'm not even fucking kidding. Keep their goggles from ripping off their face. I don't know if they're going to let them dive or not. I think they'll dive because it'll just make it.'ll just make it more exciting i think it will and i hope they have some practice because half of them if they don't are gonna goggles are gonna come flying off their face and they're like fuck i'm done i i i'm trying to remember if they've did if they what they've done in the past if they've dove in the past
Starting point is 01:11:01 oh they did at the 2020 games at swimming stuff they dove they dived they dove uh and and um and did goggles come off i don't know i know a lot of people at wadapalooza also had issues with their goggles fogging up and i was kind of again rookie mistake getting what do you do you spit in the goggle right yeah you just tongue it put it on your face and you're good just tongue the goggle right yeah you just tongue it put it on your face and you're good just tongue the goggle let's see what we got going on over here uh keep up the great content from ac310 uh please put a bicycle helmet on especially when you're doing downhill mountain biking okay uh can we go down the women's list a little bit more and see if the floor is the only heavy weight down there i think tomorrow's gonna be referring to her stature or like how like she's
Starting point is 01:11:55 one of the big names just when she's one of the big names she's one of the big ones no no uh she she might be the biggest athlete out on the floor too though also she might be the heaviest athlete uh laura horvat is she she looks like the tallest she looks like the thickest uh i have no idea what her weight is or listed weight is uh amanda barnhart are we surprised she's down here in 20th that's a that's i'm pretty surprised yeah yeah and once and once again the things that she's really good at we haven't necessarily see come up yet swim she's really good swimmer really really high power output if you think about it we really we really haven't had any sprint workouts in general like just really fast gas pedal type workouts. This is, I guess you
Starting point is 01:12:45 could call the first one, but this is going to end up being 16 minutes for people. So typically you see Amanda excel at stuff like the snatch echo bike workout and just heavy barbells in general. They've done the jerk for what? 10 to 18 reps, some athletes, the heavy overhead. And then they did the 63 squat cleans at 95 pounds. So again, that stuff is going to come. They're going to squat a lot tomorrow or Sunday. It's going to come. And that's it. That's it.
Starting point is 01:13:18 That this it's all it's I mean, scroll all the way down. And I don't mean this any offense. I know all of you women are amazing. But but down here, it's just all the newbies and everyone you kind of expect. Ellie Turner is great as she is. She got huge holes. We knew that coming in. People expect her to be so good because she's so good at a few things.
Starting point is 01:13:36 But she is so bad at some of the things they tested. Yeah. She's still a couple years away probably. And then Emily Rolfe obviously had the injury. But the only one down there really, the only kind real real strange one uh is laura horvat down there taylor is such a chode that's that's the spot between the balls and the anus no it means your dick is your dick is fatter than it is long is it yeah i don't think that's true look it up i think chode and taint are kind of the same region i think it's a geographical region on its anatomy in grundle no chode is your dick is fatter
Starting point is 01:14:15 than it is long tuna can yeah or like a half a soda can there's a dive for you taylor yeah everyone gets in the pool tomorrow the complete details tomorrow's all division swims were announced during the library okay oh and this and uh adrian told us about this i think this is really cool that they did this they basically announced the workout to everyone in the entire stadium all at once through all the big screens all around the stadium and that's super cool oh that's an awesome transition too right to the right to the ski lucas zapata that's the guy that's the keeper of the book by the way that i mentioned that's super cool. Oh, that's an awesome transition too. Right to the ski. Lucas Zepeda, that's the guy.
Starting point is 01:14:48 That's the keeper of the book, by the way, that I mentioned. That's him. Gosh, this looks like such a fun event. Like you would have loved it? Yeah. Does it hurt your soul a little bit? It's tough to watch because I know I would have done very well at this workout. But it'll be fun to watch too it's a beautiful center yeah it's it's gosh it's gonna be and you know what i don't know i've i've rode i've done row and swim intervals
Starting point is 01:15:16 quite quite a bit there's this uh pond a lake um by my old gym and i used to take my rower there and do like two 500 meter row 250 swim um there's like this dock i'll go down and back but i've never skied i've done assault bike swim i've done biker swim i've run swim uh i've done work like crossfit movements and swim but i've never done skier swim um and i'm interested to see how that will feel. It didn't look like there was a spot for crowds. No, I think it'll probably be closed. Wink, wink, Heidi. They let 800 people in, and you can see it's above.
Starting point is 01:15:56 The stands are above. There's that 15-foot wall and then a set of bleachers. Oh, wow. Oh, you saw that in the video? Can you say that again taylor people are going to be allowed inside that's awesome they really google the venue so we can see it yeah oh you had to sign up for it like you had to reserve your seat through the sugar wad app and i'm sure it was like one minute and all the seats were reserved
Starting point is 01:16:21 it's gonna fuck people's lats up oh that's the seating up there in the red there yeah oh wow and that's gonna be a giant echo chamber it's gonna be bat shit crazy in there this is the loudest that place has ever been this is really gonna expose people who are not good at swimming and they're not comfortable in the water because the people who are comfortable in the water have good efficiency people who are not are going to be muscling it and the skier is going to take away the muscler's ability to muscle the swim damn that's going to be fucking cool dope venue uh what's what traditionally how many lanes uh does a pool like that have no idea uh how big do you think the heats will be probably heats of i would say 10 yeah i don't want to say 20 i think dude will look at this picture i can't believe that's the same place that island in the middle
Starting point is 01:17:13 that like moves around look how many people that thing can hold yeah that's fucking awesome and if you think about this workout and you know what it's going to tax, like Taylor said, the lats. And you look at what happened today. You look at what happened this morning after what was supposed to be a day of rest. So they do a workout that's all posterior with the carries and the running and midline fatigue with the carries. And then what do they do right after that? He hits the midline again with the GHDs and the muscle-ups, and then he hits the posterior with the jump-overs and the lunge.
Starting point is 01:17:50 So wouldn't you think that tomorrow that he is going to fatigue the lats, and then they're going to have to pull? They're going to have to upper the baseball. Rope climbs, I think, are coming. I foresee that this first event is the swim. The next event is going to be an obstacle course with some rope climbing. And then maybe that max lift we see is a one rep max strict pull up. I've seen pictures of rigs with ropes hanging from them.
Starting point is 01:18:20 We know they're doing it. Well, there was an old course that they built out. Well, the age groups did have done it too. Already? Okay. And it's a new rope setup. I haven't seen this one before. The way they were hanging.
Starting point is 01:18:31 They're hanging from some new hardware that Rogue made that I've never seen before. It's like basically it's like a square or a diamond like this, and the rope's coming out of the center of it. Oh, we've seen that before. It's called the knuckle. Have they always had those? Oh, they have? Yeah. I think so. The moose knuckle. Maybe I've just – it always takes me a couple years. I'm a couple years behind. it oh that's we've seen that before it's called and i always had those oh they have yeah i think
Starting point is 01:18:45 the nearest knuckle maybe i've just it always takes me a couple years i'm a couple years behind drake webster someone already called a 50 foot rope climb for time let's get wild man if they that i would love to see the highest rope ever if they have think about that oh my that would scare the fucking shit out of me and you know what's crazy about climbing a really tall rope? We have a 30 foot ceilings in my gym. Yeah. Or 25. We do 25 foot rope climbs or I've done 25 foot rope climbs.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Once you get past 15 feet, that rope becomes heavier and heavier and trying to pinch with your feet becomes so much harder. Oh, it is fucking sketchy. Wow. Yeah. I never even thought about that. Yep. It's fucking sketchy wow yeah i never even thought about that yep it's fucking sketchy so going 50 feet up like that rope's not moving at all and you're just pinching it with your legs like it's you're not pulling it over top right at all hey and the thing is the same panic that
Starting point is 01:19:37 you would see that people have in the ocean we would see them like at 40 feet oh yeah fucking like there's people who would just be like when i have to hang a fucking somebody brings in a new flag and he's like all right let's hang this flag i'm like dude he's like if you're gonna be a pussy about it i'll do it and andy's like 60 so i'm like i gotta climb this ladder again it is scary as fuck up that high 30 feet up fuck you kalyan uh runner penis did you see what just happened at this track and field event? Is this what they look like, Seven? Or different? It's different.
Starting point is 01:20:11 It's different. But it's that shape, but it's like gnarly. You know, it's rogue shit. It's like fucking hardcore hardware. Yeah. I think we've had that. Have you guys seen this article? I don't know what made me think of this
Starting point is 01:20:26 i guess i guess it's just how i think but have you guys seen this there's the videos of it on instagram are crazy italian decathlete penis kept popping out of his short shorts and it's this dude and he's fucking right he's on the track doing the you look look at an Italian – and, of course, it's a fucking Italian. It's fucking racist. So he's got a huge dick? Yeah, an Italian with a huge dick. An Italian decathlete was faced with a dilemma during a 400-meter race at the 2022 World Athletics U2 Championships in Cali, Colombia. His genitalia – so it's crazy. He's running, and as he's running running he's tucking his cock and oh maybe
Starting point is 01:21:06 they're gonna show it here it is no way they're not gonna show it's this guy in the blue right here it's this guy in the blue right here it's gonna i wish i could can i make this full size how to make this big yeah look look look like they oh they got it look at him look at me. Why'd they blur it out? Oh, they show. They showed his face. That's. Oh, shit. Dude, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:29 everyone in the comments is looking this video up right now, taking their pants off, getting ready to whack. Oh, he's talking it. Hey, they go, they go to a,
Starting point is 01:21:38 a wide shot and he's basically winning the race. And then he just has to stop running on Instagram. The athlete wrote afterwards. I felt terrible. I'm thankful to my friends and family to help me get over have you ever heard hey have you ever heard how charles barkley used to have to tape his shit to his leg before basketball games no is that true dude i looked it up on google and it said it was true charles barkley oh my goodness oh my goodness italian privilege italian privilege is what that is look at look at i just got ten dollars for that story thanks for being the real cf media futm antonio caballo caballo caballo caballo uh you're very welcome thank you uh he's
Starting point is 01:22:23 joe johan lopez he's cheating using three legs i so hope that something like that happens at the crossfit tomorrow at the games god i hope someone in the swim a booby flips it's just anything i'll take anything i'm not even i don't even care just want something fun to talk about uh let's go over to the teams um since we do have possibly the great rich froning in his last year um doing individual uh crossfit mayhem freedom at 552 uh oslo last time we looked oslo is in um third looks like they've switched places with invictus uh and and look mayhem is doing what they need to do right i mean if oslo is going to take second they have to take first where's
Starting point is 01:23:09 the illegitimate mayhem team uh it's not independence why do you say illegitimate today they get that's what hillar calls them 24th oh wow they're not going to be happy with less crossfit tomorrow are they swimming they're not going to be happy with less CrossFit tomorrow. Are they swimming? They're not going to be happy, period. What are the chances of this Independence team getting past this Invictus team? Oh, man. You know, I bet CrossFit Mayhem swims a lot, but Invictus is in California, so I would imagine they swim a lot too.
Starting point is 01:23:47 I think we're still going to see at least one, I would say probably two worm workouts. And I feel like that's really where like the mayhem teams excel with that. And then classic CrossFit movements involved with them, like Coliseum type movements. I think we'll, I think we'll still see them. I think mayhem probably, I think independence probably passes them tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:24:04 And you know who else is coming up. You see it, right? Ray Kovic, yep. Yep, they're coming. They got that 30th out of the way. Two-thirds is scary. Well, I don't know. How is Annie swimming?
Starting point is 01:24:16 I don't know about Tolan, Annie, or Lauren, to be honest. I know Khan's a good swimmer. I guarantee you that they go to the pool a lot. She left no stone unturned. Have they released a swim workout for the teams? That's a good question. I don't think so. Will knows everything.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Yeah, it's on there for teams. No. Read it. Read it. Were you there? Okay. okay just says the same event that's all four members with each member having their own lane wow okay so you're gonna add the cumulative calories earned oh shit that's kind of weird i don't know how that's is that is norway a big swim country? Norway is a big swim country, right?
Starting point is 01:25:09 I think just in Scandinavia in general, I think it's a cultural thing that people swim a lot. Wow. Can we go over the Masters real quick? I want to see how this dude's doing. He's in the upper extrem extremity men uh casey acree we saw him on the show coming out and he was in first yesterday okay oh my god he's slaughtering oh poor jose jose jose moldonado is getting – oh, man. He's a savage. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Yeah. First in every event, he has a fucking perfect score. And the guy below him is perfect seconds. That's a little – that's interesting. And look, perfect seconds only get you 375. Oh, because they have their scorings more brutal because they got – They only got five athletes, I think, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:10 All right. Shit. I'm going to have that guy on the show. I think I'm going to try to get him on with us tomorrow. And let's go to the Masters women over 65. That's where the lady is who's won the game five times, right? Maybe someone will drop her name in the... I am hop for $5.
Starting point is 01:26:30 If my stuff slipped out, I'd still be running and super proud. That guy's damaged, I think. Who is the lady in this? Who's the... Is it Pia Gund? I think it is Pia Gund. Watch this. Let me see if I can go over here it Pia Gund? I think it is Pia Gund. Watch this. Let me see if I can go over here.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Pia Gund. Is she the five times CrossFit Games winner? You know, Will, by any chance? No idea. Pia Gund. Joke's in this group, isn't she? Yoki, or is it Joke? Yeah, I think she is.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Last I heard, she was in seventh. I think she was in eighth, yeah. Okay, so Pia Gund is, okay, she has, so think she is. Last I heard, she was in seventh. I think she was in eighth. Okay, so Pia Gund is... Okay, so no, no. She's been to the games four times in a row. This is her fifth time. So she took a fifth, a fourth, a fifth, and a fourth. So she's been to the games a shitload of times.
Starting point is 01:27:21 All in the 60-plus category. This is her first year. Oh, no. Sorry sorry she hasn't been since 2018 this is her comeback okay she's one to watch too if you guys haven't seen um who's what was the lady's name i want to look her up to i want to show uh we go to crossfit games and show um uh yoke doing the uh weighted pull-up this is the lady 72 years old one of her videos went viral i don't know a couple weeks ago uh she's doing a pretty high looks like a 15 foot legless rope climb it was seven for everybody yeah 72 and she's not like a small woman she's like
Starting point is 01:27:56 she's got a lot of muscle on her but here she is uh oh there she is yep nice will 72 72 years old people hey listen most oh wow any grip most people we know who are 72 couldn't put that belt on them with those weights that's fucking crazy they would doing a weighted strict pull-up yeah imagine asking just that you're someone who said who's 72 years old on the street, like someone you meet in Starbucks, to put that on them. They don't even have to do a pull-up. I just want you to try to get this belt on you. Fucking kill someone. They'd fall down and break their hip. This lady's a savage.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Yokey yoke. If you just type in her, what's her Instagram? We should share it. The individual's got to be doing that, man. Yeah? Yeah. And if they do, the only thing I'll say is if they do, then we're going to see a lot of heavy barbell workout come out Sunday. Anyone will break 150? 150 pounds?
Starting point is 01:29:02 Yeah. Wow. Do you think he'll make it 2011 standard to compare to where they got to touch their chest that's what it was if that is the case for sure no one comes close to 150 i don't think anyone breaks 150 even with just a chin over bar i think the heaviest you'll see is around 130 i think that that kid from fucking italy is an oni yeah i think that dude does a weighted pull-up that fucking breaks your brain open and here's why his his strength of a body weight ratio is all is is not normal how much does he weigh i don't know but he's he's pinner he looks
Starting point is 01:29:41 like a fucking chipping he's he's a he's a skinny ripped dude he's fucking jr he's pinner. He looks like a fucking chipping. He's a skinny ripped dude. He's fucking J.R. He's not fucking J.R. He has J.R.'s body. J.R.'s not fucking anybody, except his wife. Sorry, J.R. I didn't mean spread rumors. What'd you say, J.R.? I mean, he's built like a gymnast. He looks like a gymnast to me. Yeah, he's going to do something nuts. I'm going
Starting point is 01:29:59 to give him the win on that. Oh! I don't know. Colton's heavy. Colton might do really good at a way to pull up to colton mertens yeah you're forgetting that are both good strict upper body pullers pat's fantastic with an upper body big dude big dude yeah but kranikoff takes a hit on that like i'm talking like like like like i do more than him i bet you kranikoff gets like a 110 i don't know like if you look at his legs he's like he's got drumstick legs he's got massive quads but it's like his calves and ankles are tiny he does he's not carrying a lot of extra like flint tree trunk legs he's
Starting point is 01:30:35 got legs like taylor taylor's got really small ankles and like soleus but really big calves soleus you got a big you got a small soleus taylor you've been told that before yeah my calves are fucking huge uh does anyone have any do you guys have a few more minutes yeah a couple okay uh i will for i'll give you guys 10 minutes if anyone starts dragging on i'm fucking hanging up on you we're being ruthless seriously you drag on your if i see taylor do this if you start telling us about in eighth grade how you had a 200 pound pull-up someone you get that and then i'm hanging up on you um but uh if you have any questions you want to talk some shit uh you think that uh you want to tell us who you think is going to win in
Starting point is 01:31:20 the teams um you think if you want to fight i would really like someone to fight with jr and be like hey this is crossfit could be like or or this isn't crossfit um this is just bullshit uh i'm open to you fighting with uh not jr taylor about that um if not we will hang Now, someone did call in. What is this one? Max bike calories in five minutes. One rep max weighted pull up. One rep max weighted front squat. That's what the age groups had. It was biker, cows, front squat and way to pull up. Oh, hello.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Hi. How are you doing, man? Living the dream. Someone else's nightmare, but you man living the dream someone else's nightmare but i'm living the dream that's nice to hear so my question is do you think like the podium will change with all the teenagers like all the women like any veteran will make a move or something you're asking if any veteran on the male or the female side? On the female side. I don't think both Mal
Starting point is 01:32:34 and Emma podium. I think one of them does. I think Tia's first and I think either Mal or Emma hang on to the podium and I think potentially this may be the first year we see hayley adams on the podium all right that's nice and if emma makes it on the podium everything's changed the entire narrative next year changes like completely she's going to
Starting point is 01:32:58 take all the air out of the room she will be a fucking superstar yeah Yeah. Yeah, that's for sure. Okay. Thank you. That was pretty painless, except I didn't understand the question. Hey, how are you? I'm good. How are you? Awesome.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Thank you. Hey, quick question. I'll let you guys keep going. Want to know your opinion. Tomorrow, top 10 guys, beer mile, legitimate for time with Bud Heavy's Who Wins. That's it. Thanks. Bye. Beer Mile?
Starting point is 01:33:30 Like, what do you have to do? You have to drink a beer and run a mile out of these guys? You want to know who wins? No idea. Ricky Garrard. Heroin Mile. Pat enjoys a beer from time to time. I think he'd do okay.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Oh, Pat would probably do pretty good. Yeah, Pat. Adler would have to ask his wife if he could drink a beer from time to time i think you do okay try that would probably do pretty good yeah pat adler would have to ask his wife if he could drink a beer and then his eyes would be like that picture you sent us of adler was crazy he looks like dexter man the canadian dexter that was crazy uh kyle landis says the beer miles you drink a beer every quarter mile we should have looked it up uh pat uh drink a beer every miles, you drink a beer every quarter mile. We should have looked it up. Pat. Drink a beer every 400 meters.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Chug a beer every 400 meters. How come we're the only ones who don't know this? Chug a badussi. Oh, my gosh. Did someone write that? No, someone wrote the fentanyl mile. Yeah. I started that. I shouldn't have.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Hey, how are you? Australia, talk to us. Hey, Sadie. Trina calling. Hi have. Hey, how are you? Australia, talk to us. Hey, Stevie. It's Trina calling. Hi, Trina. How are you? Yeah, yeah. I've got a question for you that's for you.
Starting point is 01:34:33 If Tia wins this year, so she could win this year under Bobby's program and the last five years under Castro's program, does that make her the most dominant regardless and they can't say it's because of the programming there? It's another feather in her cap, girl. It's another feather in her cap, that's for sure. If she wins this year, regardless of the
Starting point is 01:34:54 programmer, she's the most dominant athlete of all time because she's won six individual championships. Correct. I do think, though, Matt would be slaughtering this. I think I don't think this programming exposes Matt Fraser. I think he just fucking eats this for lunch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:12 And what about Melvin? Mal O'Brien? Oh, good job. You understand the accent so good, Taylor. What about her? What about her? What about her? Well, what do you think of the programming compared to last year's performance?
Starting point is 01:35:33 Do you think she was perceived to come and perform better this year because of her performance last year? That's a good question. We know that her running and her top, top-end lifting is not her best. So it's interesting you draw that uh correlation wait what did she say what did she ask what did she ask about mal's performance last year when she was in the top 10 and her performance this year when she's in second i think she was 10th last year jr am i correct on that um i want to say a little bit higher eight maybe i don't know but well there's a lot of the weekend left. I think one, but two,
Starting point is 01:36:06 the events have played to her strengths so far with the exception of that Shuttle A workout and the Capital. I think it's pretty obvious that she has gotten fitter comparatively. She had the leader jersey on a lot the first day. She's still in second now.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Comparatively to the field, she's absolutely a lot fitter. Dude, look at last year's. Yeah, thank you, Trina. Look at last year's. Seventh, yeah. Wow. And dude, look, you just take Laura and Annie and Kristen Holt out and just move Haley up to second.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Gabby seems to kind of hit a roadblock and then just bring Mal up here and you're and you've got tia haley and mal emma lawson replaces laurel horvath she is not doing very well but we talked about kind of that gymnastic limiter when you think of um emma lawson in your head is it just like a question like you look in there for like how is she gonna do does it just feel like a question mark like yeah like you almost can't even believe it enough about her. I mean, yeah. We watched her at Atlas games perform amazingly. Right.
Starting point is 01:37:11 And even, you know, Brian was like, I don't know where to put her. I don't know how she's going to do, you know, most rookies don't go to the games and perform like this. We, we, we haven't even seen her like get phased either. Like it's just, there's just this like calmness to her just this like this i mean mal o'brien's got it too right same thing like there's just this calmness to him they go out there they execute they smile when they walk off and yeah they look very composed yeah that's the word composed thank you well i'm sending a video to the instagram for us to pull up
Starting point is 01:37:40 on uh the screen here in a second it's a video video of Casey, a Cree front squatting three 65. Oh, I can, I can, uh, do you want me to do it? You got it. Well,
Starting point is 01:37:53 you know, man, crazy. So the guy's got one arm. It's a big front spot. What's his rack. What's his, what's a rack position for a,
Starting point is 01:38:03 he's got one normal rack and the other half rack oh crazy 365 yeah three three blues and a green he's probably using a women's bar it's probably only 360 that would be 355 we don't know yeah it's in pounds oh so this is here fucking crazy is that 365 or is that four blues? That's not four blues. There's no way. Three blues and a green. Yeah. Hey, this is, the king has entered the building. Oh, he's an underdogs dude also?
Starting point is 01:38:35 Yeah, he's a collared boy. Wow. Mackenzie, hi. Mackenzie, hi. Casey, 305 with one arm? Is that what you said? Yes. That's crazy. That's nuts.
Starting point is 01:39:06 What the fuck? Does he pull it with one arm or does he have a strap I mean he's a strap I've seen him do like 50 unbroken chest tomorrow wow 60, 60, 50 50 wow I think
Starting point is 01:39:22 we talked to him today thank you caller I think we talked to him today. Thank you, caller. I think we talked to him today, or I talked to him today or yesterday or I texted with him. I can't remember, but I think he said he did a single-arm hang for a minute and 16 seconds at the games this year. Anthony, hi. Hey, how's it going? Good show, guys.
Starting point is 01:39:40 Did we see the free handstand walk, handstand push-ups again, like last year, another handstand obstacle course to finish off the weekend? We already had the obstacle. So I don't think we're seeing any more exercise on hands. Yeah, I would be surprised with this variation of the strict handstand pushup, the handstand push-up the handstand push-up um elimination style and the p-bar workout that they do any more inversion gymnastics awesome we haven't seen thank you tony
Starting point is 01:40:16 i just wanted to say that because his name is anthony tony tony uh emma lawson comes from an incredible family of course uh she's a phenomenal athlete but an even better human i knew it super respectful darn it lovely lovely young woman her future in the sport is very bright everything oh look the show's getting more classy oh we'll already erase them we're having less porn and more um bitcoin spam yeah oh yeah i think that means that uh like we're kind of a next level show do you have any bitcoin seven i do wow how much honestly on uh no not that much honestly i got locked out of the app because they wanted a two, two something authentication. And I, and I couldn't figure out how to jump through the hoop.
Starting point is 01:41:08 So I think I have like $2,000 like stuck in there. That's on my Instagram account. I didn't know what the two factor authentication was. Oh, no shit. Yep. Uh, you,
Starting point is 01:41:20 yo, what's going on? Aaron, you better do better. I love you to death. You better do better. I swear to fucking God. I was, you know, I was thinking about it better do better. I love you to death. You better do better than yesterday. I swear to fucking God.
Starting point is 01:41:28 I was thinking about it. All right, I'll keep it quick. It's for JR and Brian. Sorry, for JR at the sub. Brian. With everything that we've seen so far, what do we think that predictor that Boz talked about that would be like a podium indicator? What do we think that movement might might entail aaron aaron call anytime that's a brilliant question thank you
Starting point is 01:41:50 i knew you i knew you'd fucking hit one out of the park good job nice and he just he just dissed himself okay go ahead jr good unfortunately i think he's already said that that was the shuttle to overhead would be the would be the best yeah i thought he i where did he say that yeah i thought sean woodland reported that but i don't know if he actually said that that's what i'm going off of what you said sean said he already said that was the that was the one those two whoever did the best my counter to that and this was on the show earlier was that when boz was talking to Chase on his show, he specifically said, after the weekend, let me know which event you think is the best predictor, and then I'll tell you which one I thought it was. And so I would have a really hard time believing he would say something to Sean when giving that to Chase, and I think that was Sean's guess.
Starting point is 01:42:46 But I could be wrong. I, I felt like it would be a triplet and I felt, yeah, that's what, it's kind of what I said on one of the shows. I want to say yesterday or the day before that I have a hard time seeing it's not being a monostructural weightlifting gymnastics test. Exactly. I was thinking a squat, a pole and monostructural, either a burpee or a row potentially. Who won that workout? Which workout? The shuttle to overhead? Saxon did really good comparatively. Jason did pretty good comparatively, like both scores. Saxon and Ricky had the best. Saxon was three and two, and Ricky was two and three.
Starting point is 01:43:28 I'm going to screw it up here but i think a triplet is your best bet and like jr said mwg classic someone sent me a uh a text a doctor telling me giving me like medical advice scares me oh yeah about what i don't know i don't know probably it's probably gonna be to get my prostate checked or something i really don't want to do that again i did it once caller hi hi um i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry okay go what just as um it's fucked up no so you're stoned it's okay you're stoned it's okay go ahead there's been a lot of new implemented movements
Starting point is 01:44:21 for like gymnastics and things like that do you think they'll do any kind of uh weight like big boy weightlifting movements kind of like the um the hammer that we saw or a snail or some crazy pig tied to a rope or something crazy like that so you're saying that let me see if i understand. You're saying because Adrian's kind of gone out with the variation on the pegboard, the jump roping, the handstand, that we're going to see something crazy like you have to throw a Thor's hammer. But JR has suggested there will be a big boy implement. Yeah, I want to say that he made a comment on one of his interviews that there's an implement that the age groups and the individuals will put their hands on so it seems like to me that that would be something that maybe rogue made specifically or maybe it's like a strongman element that we haven't seen before at the games
Starting point is 01:45:14 what do you think what do you think i think i think yeah not you not you the girl sorry sorry sorry uh i would love to see like a tank or something i'm still new to crossfit so i don't know all the cool toys they got but i'd love like i don't know what do you think that was a tank yeah she likes the torque tank seven you better what the fuck are you doing don't you pay attention to this show you can't even use that word on this show the torque tank how can you get the torque tank it's saying tell me why you like the torque tank you get one one because i could i could move it so that's why i like it all right fine that's fair that's why yeah that's fine i love anyone who loves and i didn't do any of the
Starting point is 01:45:54 gymnastics stuff so that's why i don't like those but fun to watch all right thank you for calling uh thank you taylor uh what what do you think do you think he's going to go out on a limb and do something fancy with weights? I don't think it'll be too fancy, but I think we will see a new weightlifting implement. I also really do think we're going to see heavy squat snatching on Sunday, probably in a workout. We haven't seen it to this point in the season, and I feel like that's a pretty big thing to miss. Yeah, that or just overhead squats for reps. Like you said, in the LC, um,
Starting point is 01:46:26 LCQ workout one saying that it being overhead squat instead of thruster, that you were kind of surprised that it wasn't heavy overhead squat or squat. Yeah. I'm going to add, uh, David, give me one second. Uh,
Starting point is 01:46:38 I'm going to say a really dumb question. God, I shouldn't say this. Shouldn't say this. We haven't done the workout that everyone's going to do yet. Have we? No. And we don't know what it is yet right well he said that everyone will do all divisions will do this swimming workout oh shit so that's the one i think so i don't but i don't know that's the workout that everyone can do. I don't know. I mean –
Starting point is 01:47:05 Oh, shit. Interesting. So, okay, let's get – You said Peter from – what's up? We already have all the workouts for age group. So, like as far as implement that everyone's going to get their hands on, I think it might be that blog obstacle. That's what was my first instinct.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Because age group had that, and then they also have the swim workouts. I think it's what everyone can do, even though it so you think everyone's gonna do this swim workout all the ages everyone except the adaptive are gonna do this this uh skier one yeah it's it's uh already out for everyone wow okay shit okay that was a dumb question thank you adaptive is doing it too oh no shit casey's gonna get in the pool with what what about the okay all right thanks yeah let's see uh david hi how are you uh yeah the um swim workout tomorrow do you think it's gonna have other event or other yes i do jr taylor i got this one yes i love an easy question that was like a fake voice right that was this isn't the paul feinbaum show
Starting point is 01:48:14 i don't know who that is but that dude was gonna tear us up i'm sorry i was fucked up that guy got scared he was gonna he was gonna talk shit and he got scared. Hi, Burris. How can I help you? Hey, so two things I want to put out in the universe. One, can you do a combined show with Hopper and Luke Parker and kind of just like what it's like to be Matt Fraser and Rick Schrodinger's tank boys? And then... Hopper and Luke Parker fantasy stay in voice. And then... Hopper and Luke Parker fantasy show.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Okay. I'm going to start it on... Is this a personal fantasy? How much are you paying us to set this up? Okay, go on. I just... The second thing, I just want to put it out in the...
Starting point is 01:49:02 The chat, you kind of have the... If madero's just went like door to door to go after people what if we get like a goat comp where tia matt and rich get to pick their teams and get three months to do a camp like a mix of individual and team uh competitions and then uh you are the one obviously doing the commentary. Sure. We just need $3 million. Give them a million dollars each and then the rest of us work for free. And I'm sure they'll do it. I think one time on the podcast,
Starting point is 01:49:38 Matt said he would come back and we asked him for how much, and we said 500,000. He said, no, it wasn't enough. And I kind of don't blame him. But a million, I think we could get him to come out of retirement. Fair enough. Thank you. Alex Peters, do you think we would ever see a marathon run in the coming years since we've had the marathon row?
Starting point is 01:50:03 What do you guys think? No. I don't think so. I don't think Boz ever goes anywhere near something like that. I think it's more likely that they have a one-mile run versus a marathon. Yeah, or a 5K. The most programmed dot-com workout ever. I don't think they would ever do just a strict run like that
Starting point is 01:50:25 what do you think you think they just they did the row i mean that's interesting you what if what if they did what if they did the one mile the same way they did the marathon row and kalipa won it for first 400 meter run is your first score and then your mile time is your second score imagine how badly that would fuck people up. That's what I was going to ask you. What is the recovery time if you put fucking 20 CrossFit athletes at a starting line somewhere, and you say the winner gets $300,000 if they win, go, and it's run a mile? You are fucking blacked out.
Starting point is 01:51:02 It's ugly, right? Yeah. The worst I've ever heard in a workout was on one a mile and a half run for time now now why is that why can we set them loose on all these hair brain things that dave and adrian have thought up but that one i've always thought oh shit something bad would happen i i think just because running is so natural to the human body you don't have to worry about technique movement pattern uh an external load, ripping your hands. There's not really much to think about.
Starting point is 01:51:30 It's turn it off and go and hurt. So some people might use that. Someone gets injured from that. From from. No, nobody gets. I mean, not any not any more than any other event. All right. Fifteen hundred for time would be so epic uh run destroys people
Starting point is 01:51:49 i think they didn't want to do a run but rowing you can recover for the marathon agreed but i think a one mile run for time with a 400 meter run being the first score would be pretty cool and would fuck people up uh ladies and gentlemen uh it's a pleasure to have Jason Hopper's father on the show, Joseph Hopper. Hi. Yeah, no, we're probably like distantly related, but probably not. So here's my question to you guys. If you were the girl that was the last person on the Capitol workout and everybody was trying to surround you guys, would you be like enjoying it? Or would you be like, F off all of you? The latter. I'd enjoy it. I don't think I'd be thinking about it that much. I think she was probably in so much pain. She wasn't thinking about it. I'd still probably be like F off all y'all.
Starting point is 01:52:41 I don't think enjoy is the right word, but I, but I could, but I would use the motivation. It would push me. That makes sense. That definitely makes sense. All right, guys. Well, I've thoroughly enjoyed your coverage of the games. Thank you so much. Thank you, and I love your voice.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Thank you. One of the coolest things about people calling in is all the different voices, right? The Australian was hard. She said, yeah, and I couldn't australian was hard she said yeah and i couldn't tell she was saying yeah or yeah trina oh this this is gonna be a crazy accent this one's gonna be intense i got like one minute okay samuel fleming how can i help you uh so when it comes to the females and looking like i know ta claia Claire Toomey has only placed outside, like, I think the top 10 and one and it's 23rd, right? But do you just think it like absolutely destroys them to see the absolute tenacity that she has of just crushing every single one of them?
Starting point is 01:53:43 As a competitor, that definitely does something to you. If you see somebody that's just beating the shit out of you, and you can tell that the more they beat you, the more energy they get, and the harder they push as they widen the gap. It's a good feeling for Tia. Yeah. I don't know if y'all noticed this,
Starting point is 01:54:06 but Tia and Mal were right next to each other right for the echo press when Tia passed her up and Mal was finally coming up for the handstands as like Tia's just fucking knocking them out like you could see Mal just staring at Tia the entire time she walked up and it
Starting point is 01:54:23 looked like defeat like she just knew like fuck I'm so good at Tia the entire time she walked up and it looked like defeat. Like she just knew like, fuck, I'm so good but I'm not that good. That's how I saw it. From a... I just look at other podcasters and think, fuck, they're so much better than me.
Starting point is 01:54:40 I need to work harder. That's the only fucking way I can relate to it. JR played sports at a high level what do you think jr when you're playing against a team and they got a basketball team and they got a dude that's unstoppable yeah i mean the competitor inside of you wants to say okay i'll check up with that dude but when it comes down to it you know some people just can't can't be stopped it's it's uh it's interesting feeling and you really don't feel it very often so i would say t is a once-in-a-lifetime athlete
Starting point is 01:55:10 so this that's probably a once-in-a-lifetime feeling for a lot of the athletes that are on the floor with her i was gonna say i saw that moment and i think that uh i interpreted as mal is like i'm struggling on these handstand push-ups i don't know why t is crushing them so as she walked up she was just looking at Tia to see what Tia was doing differently than her because they have pretty similar builds. Mal was probably expecting to do better on them. And so she's probably just gaming it.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Like, is there something she can pick up on the floor to change what she's doing? That's how I saw that moment. Yeah. You don't think Mal knew she was going to shit the bed on that? She definitely tested that move before she went out on the floor. So I don't think Mal knew she was going to shit the bed on that she definitely tested that move before she went out on the floor so I don't think it was a huge surprise and I don't think she shit the bed either
Starting point is 01:55:53 okay I'm going to look let's see Echo Press she took 15th here's the thing she didn't shit the bed but she was hanging with the big girls, and that fucking gave her a shot, and that didn't feel good. Sorry, go ahead, caller.
Starting point is 01:56:11 Yeah. No, like, and it's not like I knew she didn't shit the bed. Like, there was a damage control workout for her, and you could see it, but just to have to sit there and be next to Kia, and, like, you know when you walk walk up and you're already seeing like, like she started off slow and that go by. And, but her handstand pushups were so fast.
Starting point is 01:56:33 They were all unbroken and they were perfect. Like I even think Andrew Hiller would have been like, all of those were reps. So like, and she just got faster on the bike and it never hindered her handstand pushups but to see Mal like she knows she's struggling
Starting point is 01:56:50 fuck I'm second place this is first place like this is what a champion is and I'm not saying Mal can't be a champion I think she's still fucking 18 years old she is the prime shape of her entire life
Starting point is 01:57:05 and crushing it so like I just think she realized like alright something I think she realized she has more holes than maybe the world tells her she does because like all you heard this year was Mal O'Brien Mal O'Brien
Starting point is 01:57:22 Mal O'Brien and it's like I think she has more holes than she, than anyone's told her besides Matt Frazier. Like Matt's going to be real with her as a coach. We shall see. Let's have this conversation again in six days. Yes. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:57:38 Yes. Yes. Fuck Dan Bailey. Thank you. For the win. And good night, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, I went off in the beginning of the show about what a douche he was. And then I didn't like the fact that I didn't like how I was ambiguous about it.
Starting point is 01:57:55 So I was like, fuck it. I'm just going to tell the story. Oh, damn. Okay. So, and I gave the G-rated version. So, and I gave the G-rated version. Lazar, Lazar, Lazar Jukic, please check your WhatsApp. I sent you a message, my friend.
Starting point is 01:58:17 JR, you can split any time, brother. Make me sad. I might shed a tear, but you're also welcome to stay. Okay, thank you, Lazar. Stefan, you may be the last. This is Darren. Darren. Hey, uh, quick question. Cause we got Lazar for two minutes. You got one second. You got one second.
Starting point is 01:58:37 Do it. Everyone's telling me to hang up on you. Go buddy. Okay. Rich. If Rich Froning was competing as an individual this year, I think over the last few years, he... His wife would divorce him. Please call back later. I love you. Bye. Cut it. Ah, that's it, you kids.
Starting point is 01:58:52 What's up, guys? What's up, brother? How are you? Thanks for doing this. Hey, no worries. I have five minutes for you always. Okay, let me... So this is what we heard, and you tell me how true it is.
Starting point is 01:59:02 You had a problem with a judge. You got angry at him. They had to bring over the fucking bouncer, Jason McDonald, to make sure you didn't beat anyone up. Then after the event was over, Jacqueline Dahlstrom got the same judge. She got seven no reps in a row. She started freaking out. She went and got the bouncer and was like, hey, what are we going to do about this?
Starting point is 01:59:20 And then now we're hearing that there were three other athletes who also had uh issues uh with this same uh judge it was it the judge's fault was it are you guys being babies completely judge's fault and i believe that standard was left to judge's opinion and it's it's not supposed to be like that uh like. They just should have made the depth slower and make us touch the head on the ground and nobody would have any problems. And yeah, I watched the broadcast.
Starting point is 01:59:56 I don't want to say other people got away with it and I didn't. And I just made sure in the warm-up area to make a standard for myself and touch the line with the nose each time. So if I touch the line with my nose, this much is over the line. Like, it's not possible that I'm not over the line. Even if I go like this, like, there is still some part of my head over the line. And, like, I don't know what's the name of the head judge.
Starting point is 02:00:26 He did his job. He took a stand for his judge, and I don't blame him for that. The only thing was I had video proof of many reps that I did, and I got no reps for them. And they said we are not doing external videos, reviews. So they didn't want to take that into account. And I think I could do place very good since I even caught up some people on the Echo, even though I had like 16 no reps in the workout.
Starting point is 02:01:02 Wow. Wow. Wow. I did total reps and I got 16 or apps, which is like 38 reps total. Do you watch? Yeah. Do you watch the NFL at all? No. Do you know what,
Starting point is 02:01:18 do you think as an athlete you should go into the weekend with a challenge? Do you know what I mean by that? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what you mean by that. What do mean by that do you think it could be abused well if you have a proof like proof that something is true i think they should like evaluate it i challenge like that yeah so what what do you what i'm asking is if you go into the weekend, every athlete has one challenge.
Starting point is 02:01:46 Oh. Like tennis. I think it's also tough when the head judge just stubbornly sticks up for a judge that makes a fucked up call. Like he said there were no reps, so
Starting point is 02:02:01 what can I do? I will not even watch the appeal because I was right there. So I'm like what can i do like he's like i i i will not even watch the appeal because i was right there so i'm like okay whatever uh it it of course a ton of people have come out and um and said that the judging was a mess for this one in general do you think that judging has been great for the rest of the for the rest of the event? Have you had any other issues? No. Judging was very good. And like Boz is such a nice guy, like crazy good guy. Like for an event organizer,
Starting point is 02:02:36 he's great. And judges Chuck, like the new head judge, is also incredible. So yeah, I didn't have any problems with them and even when i missed a lap on uh on a first event like they could have gave me 40th like dnf and they didn't they like took into account that i was a leader almost. And, uh, they just gave me like the slowest lap, which is also,
Starting point is 02:03:06 I think a penalty, but, uh, it's dessert penalty. Like I don't have anything against it. Uh, so, so what you would like to have seen is a place where there's some sort of pad at the,
Starting point is 02:03:18 whatever depth they wanted you to go to. And the judge just keeps his eyes down there. And if he sees your, your head, touch it, it's a rep. If he doesn't see your head touch it's not a rep that would be really simple yeah and what would we do with the girl what would be sorry taylor what would we do with the girls part of the thing that we're having trouble and when the video we're watching is we can't tell what's
Starting point is 02:03:35 crossing the line if it's their hair if it's their forehead well they had a standard for that uh everybody with a longer hair needed to go either bun down or like something to on the side so they did there's a wow like visible head that's crazy top of the head so do you know what the difference would have felt like with the standard you had versus if you would have just had no blocks and you just went to the floor is there is there a reason they use those blocks because i've only ever done wall facing to the like to a to a regular mat i've never done it like that uh like i think maybe it was because of bouncing ah really like if you go no no um no deficit that you smash your head maybe it's like a safety issue or something i don't know okay yeah because i never – I can imagine if you're bouncing facing the wall, you're going to fuck yourself up.
Starting point is 02:04:28 Yeah. Okay, so – And we did see buns on the top, by the way, or the buns in the back were coming to the front. Either way, if they said that to you, if they briefed that to you, it definitely ended up by the time they got out on the floor, that shit was all blocking our view. Yeah. They should have made everyone shave their head like yours, Lazarus. That shit was all blocking our view. Yeah. They should have made everyone shave their head like yours, Lazarus. Everybody clean cut.
Starting point is 02:04:56 Can I ask you, Taylor, did you want to ask him a question? I'm going to ask him one more question before we let him go. You got it. Okay. Tomorrow's swim event. Have you spent time in a pool? Do you like this? Do you like the SkiErg? Do you plan on making it to those final two rounds?
Starting point is 02:05:12 I'm gonna make it 100% Awesome It will be so easy for me to make it to the end because like my swimming is sub 40 seconds like sub 37 seconds per 50 meters if i'm not trying hard so i'll have like a minute and a half to do 18 calories which is i think not that hard for me that's what i was ball parking and then max calories will be just i think probably like
Starting point is 02:05:42 out of 40 guys i think like 10 will go to the max calories. And yeah, we'll see. Only 10? Probably more, like Yone, Guilhem Bryant, the French guy, Brent, Noah, Roman, Ricky, and probably Justin. Me and... You don't think... I was speculating it would be really hard for an athlete to be so bad
Starting point is 02:06:13 that they can't swim a minute 50 and then still can't pull 18 calories in a minute. Minutes 50? Well, that's what I'm saying. If an athlete swam the 50 yard in a minute, they'd still have a minute to pull 18 calories. Well, depending on where the skiers are positioned and how
Starting point is 02:06:32 long it takes to go out. So, yeah. Still, if you pull 1,500 out of the water, you're going to make it in a minute for sure. You're going to make it in 45 seconds, which is possible still. You're not going to have rest, but you're going to make it in a minute for sure. You're going to make it in 45 seconds, which is possible still. You're not going to have rest,
Starting point is 02:06:48 but you're going to make it. Brother, thank you so much for calling. Love you. Talk to you soon. Thank you. Bye. I just like soaking it in when people call in. I just can't believe it. Lazar Jukic, fueling up.
Starting point is 02:07:08 And I apologize to that caller when I said cut it, but we can't go into a hypothetical if Rich was an individual. We got Lazar here. It's like, come on, dude. They get it. That caller was cool as shit. It was cool. They get it. Let me look at tomorrow's schedule. Tomorrow is Saturday. look at tomorrow's uh schedule tomorrow is saturday and the individuals start at a 11 a.m central time that means we will come on at 10 a.m central time tomorrow 11 a.m eastern 8 a.m your time oh thank you good good 8 a.m. your time oh thank you good 8 a.m. my time you did the math right
Starting point is 02:07:47 oh no no not 9 a.m. my time 9 a.m. my time 2 hours you guys are 2 hours ahead no 8 a.m. shit you're right 8 a.m. pacific standard time I shouldn't be trying to do this 8 a.m. pacific standard time tomorrow we will go live it will be our pre-show
Starting point is 02:08:03 then we will watch the swim it's 90 minutes and then we will come back and we will go live it will be our pre-show then we will watch the swim it's 90 minutes and then we will come back and we will go live again and that will be around 10 45 a.m pacific standard time and there's not much time uh between that and when the individual start again between that and when the individuals start again. Not much time at all. Okay. Thank you, everyone, for calling in. Susie, you and Hillary did great today.
Starting point is 02:08:32 Branstad are awesome. We miss Caleb. Caleb, if you're watching at home or wherever the fuck that hole is, we missed you today. J.R. Howell, thank you very much. Halpin, thanks for helping out all day today. All you guys in the comments. Heidi, thank you. We will see you guys tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:08:48 Bye-bye.

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