The Sevan Podcast - #535 - Indy Event 9 "Hat Trick" Recap

Episode Date: August 7, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Brought shirts there. Look at these guys. How are you? Awesome.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I got this thing. Here we go. Now we're moving. Oh, my goodness. You guys are awesome. I was a little bit shaky. Bam, we're live. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:00:43 This is so great. Plumber. This is good. Look at the lake water catcher. It's the Colton Merton shirts. Oh, there's the butcher. Here we go. I saw the butcher.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Oh, yeah, sweet. He's actually there. This is so good. This is so good. What an event, huh, Taylor? It's cool. Man, he's a there this is so good this is so good what an event huh taylor it's cool man he's a savage whoo you could see how it would be so easy to make a games for him to win i think that's unfortunately for him what happened last year he is explosive and not win but i mean he did so much better than this year to this point.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I feel like he could go to any local comp. If there's local comp programming, he wins. Even if there's other great people there. You mean like the classic one rep max lift, really short workouts? Couplets, triplets, fucking... Unless there are some other really good athletes there. They better be really good. Hey, can you guys hear me?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Yes. Yes. You can hear me. Yes. Yes. Awesome. Okay. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I love it. All right. This is crazy. So good. Susan, can you kind of tell us what's going on? can you tell us where you're at exactly paint the picture for us yeah so we're here this is the uh entrance oh my screen there so this is the entrance of the place this is the uh affiliate here and then um these are all our people uh gathered up and then we'll be heading right across there to uh grab a beer in just a minute here so check this out we got everybody in the
Starting point is 00:02:33 little ceo action wave guys you guys are all live right now wow what a rager we still got more people trickling as the event is already um where how close was the event is letting out. How close was the event to where these people are meeting up that just finished? Let me see this. Can you show me the beer garden? This is it. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:06 We're going to give it just another second, and then we'll invite them him all over for a drink what's that yeah on his way he's got a helicopter in i love this shirt though the water testing shirts yeah those are great those are great hey suze i don't know if you saw the post, but CrossFit – who was the guy we had on the podcast? CrossFit Life, was it? Yes. He got the new shirt, and it's awesome, and he posted himself training one of his clients with it. Is that the beer garden over there that says Recovery 02 on it that the Fake Savant podcast is showing? Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:03:44 So we'll head over there. So it looks like we have just about everybody gathered up, so I think I'll make the announcement here. that the fake seven on podcast is showing. Yeah, that's right. That's right. So we'll head over there. So it looks like we have just about everybody gathered up. So I think I'll make the, uh, announcement here. Please message. You wanted me to relay at all. Just thank California hormones for the generous offer that you're about to
Starting point is 00:03:56 share with these guys. Yeah. All right. Okay, cool. Okay. So thank you for coming in. Uh,
Starting point is 00:04:03 and also obviously supporting us. It would not be possible without everybody that is here. And Sevan, thanks to you from the bottom of our heart. You guys make all this possible. You guys are oxygen to keep going. And we absolutely just admire and are appreciative of all of you guys. Okay, so first off, big hand for all you guys. Secondly, I would like to thank so if you guys haven't go there and
Starting point is 00:04:28 get you guys free blood break they made this possible um without them we would not be able to do any of this and so now the board meeting well what do we do at a board meeting we're just gonna go grab a drink so here's what we're gonna do okay i'm gonna put my credit card down we're gonna do a thousand dollars worth of beer if you guys are doing your shirt you could go on over and you're gonna get a free beer from us here no you could uh down. We're going to do $1,000 worth of beer. If you guys are doing your shirt, you can go on over and you're going to get a free beer from us here. No. And you can thank California Hormones for doing that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:50 It's vital you know. It's vital. These beers are on California Hormones. California Hormones was nice enough to give us $1,000 to buy beer. It's vital that you guys know that it was california homos that are buying the b here okay vital as someone says vital okay so we thank you guys so much and uh i think there might be a few more people coming but if you guys want a drink come on over we're gonna be hanging out kind of by the bar and uh you guys can come we'll
Starting point is 00:05:24 have this thing going live so you guys can jump on in give a little wave be inside the uh podcast there okay awesome thank you come on over oh wait actually hold on we're gonna get one big group we love hormones we love hormones oh maybe we should maybe that should be a shirt we love hormones that should be a shirt that's a cool shirt yeah we love hormones thank you kate these beers are on california hormones and so am i oh it's a great photo. Now we're going to do Bamber Live. Ready?
Starting point is 00:06:14 One, two, three. Bamber Live. I wish I could find the California Home Runs banner in our... You're telling me you don't want to go to Madison next year and experience that? Come on. I just got work to do. I mean, I want to do that. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Work to do. Come on over. I mean, we can't do this. We can't do this if we're there. I can't. What if we – what if – man. Behind the scenes, bring it back. All right. behind the scenes bring it back all right here uh has i have a question for you kaylor and i have a question for anyone out there
Starting point is 00:06:58 we all know about emily rolf's cardiac event cardiac noiac? No. Ah, kind of. Almost. We all know about her clots. We know about her clots that are in her arm. Everyone's been told. If this morning I had not shown you the cardiac event, the guy who had the clot, I think the clot was at the base of his neck, at the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:07:20 one of the Masters competitors, would you know? No, you wouldn't know. I don't think so tell me would anyone know had you heard about it i'm asking people who are working the games who are relatively high up relatively and they have heard nothing does that mean that there's a third or a fourth or a fifth or a sixth how come i haven't announced the second one how come we don't know about that how come they haven't told us second one how come we don't know about that how come they
Starting point is 00:07:45 haven't told us is there an analysis maybe there is maybe the games has a thing where they're like these are the athletes that's pulled out fukowski has a kink in his penis emily rolf has had a vaccine incident this other guy had this like maybe there is a list somewhere i haven't seen it and i can't find anyone who knows about it except for the fact that we announced it on the podcast and had the two doctors on well fukowski's got a love hook? No, I don't think so. Man, I was impressed by him, dude. He's a savage. Man, he can run.
Starting point is 00:08:10 How about Guy? 16 seconds faster than anyone else in that event. Yeah, crazy. In a fucking four-minute event. Crazy, savage. Hey, that's good, too, because I was starting to just think that he was just having a horrible week or something. Like he was lovesick or, you you know something was wrong with him he's got some really he's got some really really big home run events and he's got some pretty big weaknesses as well yeah grand slam even
Starting point is 00:08:34 how come we can't get all the information you know what else i was thinking at the end of the event dear crossfit at the end of the event you end it so abruptly why don't you guys run a commercial for the affiliates you have them just run one run a couple just run like five or six it's free it's on youtube run like run a handful of those i'm just not seeing enough promotion of the affiliates it'd be awesome if you ran one at the end run one in the middle go ahead yeah stop sorry stop the whole thing right in the middle and instead of having chase and sean talk which i do enjoy listening to them talk run a commercial for the affiliates how about this yeah gee destroys
Starting point is 00:09:15 the event and who do they interview i didn't even see who richard madaris oh oh He beats everyone by 16 seconds, and they don't even fucking interview him. Wow. Well. Well, what? You have to interview Justin there, I think, because he's two reasons. He's the champ, and he gets the jersey back. But are you saying you do both interviews? I mean, you got to interview the event winner.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Sure. Okay. I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you. I mean, like you said, he hit a grand slam. He fucking destroyed everyone. So Tyler Lopez crushing with the coverage. Appreciate all you do.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Let's not make friends, though. Which CrossFit athlete? Let's not make friends, though. Which CrossFit athlete hasn't lived up to the expectations placed on them uh give me one second there was someone said something about hippa hippa yeah we don't have any of her medical information so how's it they don't yeah they don't need to say whether um they don't need to tell us uh they don't need to tell us what happened to people, but they can be telling us who pulled out. In 16 years with no cardiac events and now two and one games – sorry, not cardiac, clotting events, something's weird. Oh, is that Gabe?
Starting point is 00:10:42 That guy with a tattoo on his face? That wasn't Gabeabe oh my god hey oh that's gabe man i wish i was there i wish i was called there i wish i was there first first of all um hippa yeah hippa so 2021 in california you need to show your uh medical records to buy a hamburger so um but but uh hipp hip only matters if you're part of the treatment team yeah and that's the thing by the way so i spoke i spoke to some people on the medical team and they weren't going to tell me about the old guy uh who who had the event and then once they knew i knew and i sent them a link to where it is on the internet they talked to me about it a
Starting point is 00:11:20 little bit and uh yeah people people in the know are concerned thank you california hormones nice hillar nice oh this is an awesome there's will plumber yeah look at plumber good guy yeah he looks good plumber should bring the throwback you're on the seven podcast how are you cheers will looks good, you said? He's on my training. He should. Is he? Yep.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah, he looks thicker. He should grow that fro out. He can. You got to keep it high and tight. That's right. That's right. Look at the big guy. Look at the big guy with the shirt tied around his belly.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Hey, that's because it's probably dirty. He wore it yesterday. That's awesome. There's two things I want to talk about before we leave today. I just want to mention them so we don't forget. I want to talk about the yoke that we've heard that the athletes have been measured for and about the video that the picture, still picture that Adrian posted where he's in front of some, I don't know what you call those, tanks?
Starting point is 00:12:26 Sleds. They don't look like they have wheels. Oh, I thought they did look like they had wheels. We'll pull the picture up and we'll see. Okay. Let's start with the women. Is the leaderboard updated for the? Hey, Sevan, we have somebody here.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Athena, what's up, girl? Hey, Sevan, what's up? And mama, what's up? girl? What's up? And mama. Mama Athena crazy. Good to see you guys. What a community. It doesn't look like the women's points are updated. That was Butch the Carpenter.
Starting point is 00:12:58 OG shirt. You're welcome. OG shirt gets a free beer too. Hey, OG shirt only gets 50% off. Jeremy Garcia, I think. Dude's cool as shit. I think that's him. Unless I'm getting my Mexicans mixed up.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I think it's Williams. Jeremy Williams? Is that the coffee wads and pods guy right there? That wasn't him, was it? No, no, no. Yeah, I don't think he's here. Okay. Let's pull up the woman's leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Is it updated, Will or Caleb? No. The points are not updated. Okay. Can we go over there anyway and see what's going on? Yeah. Oh, hey. That's disrespecting the CEO shirt wearing like a crop top.
Starting point is 00:13:43 But we do know who. Okay. Could we rank them by the uh the event but yeah if that's all we got uh ellie turner why did she win the event and was she low enough in the squat she won the event because of her squat power uh her capacity, one on the wall ball, but also the dumbbell squat snatch. She was so fast on the dumbbell squat snatch. And according to the video and my eye that we received, her hip crease does not fall below the knee. It's tough because you see some athletes that appear to hit depth and they appear to get as low as they can in their squat. Yet their knee shoots forward. they have great ankle flexion and for whatever reason depth their hip crease doesn't fall below the knee uh that is the case with ellie turner so we can pull that video up if you want uh we have that here we go oh yeah, yeah. So, man, I wish we could draw on that.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Pause. Yeah, try to drag. Yeah, see that bottom? Like, you look at the hip crease right at the corner of where her shirt meets her pants. Yep. And that appears to be just a bit higher than the top of her knee. Is that the top of her knee? That's the top of her knee.
Starting point is 00:15:08 A little, uh, go over a little there. That's the top of her knee. It's close. And let me tell you something. I think the next one's even, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:19 even more suspect. Yeah. So, I mean, she's got some massive legs. that the reason and i don't think that's the worst angle it's it's not a that's not a bad angle hey and to be to be fair uh did you see justin madaris's uh his squats yeah i did and they were below i saw your text but you can tell his are below if we can pull that video up. I don't have that video,
Starting point is 00:15:49 but it's also because in the shot of him doing the wall balls, you could see Roman, and Roman's like ass to grass. So the thing with Medeiros, which makes it appear that he's not going as low, is he's got such a wide stance in his wall ball. So you're right. His depth overall is not as low. The range of motion is shorter, but his hip crease is without a doubt below the knee the thing that is challenging for ellie turner
Starting point is 00:16:09 she's got a narrow stance and her knees shoot so far forward and she has such great ankle flexion she doesn't have to sit into her hips as much and so her hip crease doesn't she doesn't get as much hip flexion she has more ankle flexion than hip flexion if you have to advise adam knifer do you have her fix that she can i think she can she for sure can fix it absolutely uh look at chase ingram holy cow what's he doing there is adam knifer official meet of uh chase hey someone someone hand chase a beer i want to see what happens to his commentary. We're giving out free beer right now. Are you able to drink right now? Get him fucked up. Yes, he can.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Don't be a badussy. Get him fucked up. Yeah, come on. Come on. Is Knifer her coach now? She's not under Michelle LaTondra? That is my understanding. My understanding is that the days with uh is
Starting point is 00:17:05 that ariel lowen who is that get her a beer no okay cool so she's with knifer i mean if i'm his coach i address it just because you only get away with it for as long as you get away with it and then you don't and if you don't know how to fix it and you don't have that uh that is jeremy williams he's another guy on my program good dude fit as fuck also yeah he looks ripped um yeah you just fix it it's an easy thing to fix for her she's so athletic she's for sure got the mobility to do it she widens her stance up just a hair sits back in the heels gives herself more hip flexion you get the wrong judge and uh and those are a no-go yeah and that's the difference between someone like Medeiros in that last event
Starting point is 00:17:47 and someone like Ricky who's got the capacity. But if you just watch the mechanics in Medeiros' squat and his shoulder position, impeccable. And you look at the mechanics in Ricky's squat and his shoulder position and not impeccable. And that's the difference between a second place and a 12th place in an event like that. Their capacity, their physical capability what the work they can do is so close but the degree to which they can express that the degree to which they can express that because we're going to go up every time for a top bag of 340 oh it's a sandbag now here's the deal. Guys, this is a live event. In the event that you are out at a certain weight and other athletes also are out at that weight, we're going to have a tie break.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And so over on the side, we're going to have 10 lanes of yokes set up with three bags that are lighter at the bottom. 50, 100, 150 for the ladies, 100, 150, 200 for the men. So once you have washed out of a particular lift, if others don't make that one either, you're going to line up in front of the yokes. You can imagine the finish platform is right here. Greg is facing the finish platform right now in this scenario. At the beep, beep, he's going to pick up the bags and he's going to put them over the yoke. Go ahead and do it, Greg. There you go. One, two, three, and then he's going to run to the finish platform to break the tie. I don't care how you get him over. Is it heavy to light? Is it light to heavy? I don't know. You tell me. Get him over. Get to the platform. Simple. Simple. Yeah. Men's tie break weights weights 100 150 200 women's 50 100 150 Travis mayor hey
Starting point is 00:19:53 Knowles so that's the event you guys feel good about it Chuck's gonna give you a brief on the movement standard but you understand it feel good about it it's gonna be nuts in there in the Coliseum. They're going to love you guys doing this. We also have a very special guest that's going to come and give you guys a couple of pointers on how to do this safely and efficiently. I want to bring in
Starting point is 00:20:15 Jerry Pritchett, professional strongman. I was wrong. It's a half-thor. That's a two-hundo. It's like a one-hand lift for him. And Jerry's going to give you guys a couple of pointers here to think about while you're taking this on.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Thank you. Personally, I was hoping for a max deadlift, but they gave me a bag. So a couple of the biggest things, I like to go over on the bad guys when you get to the bigger bags. I'm guessing that they have to carry the yoke a certain distance and then go ahead potentially no you're right the yokes are fitted for them so I think you have to carry the yoke a certain distance and if you don't make it with a certain amount of weight and if you don't it's kind of it's death by by yoke I think i mean those are heavy they have heavy sandbags that you have to lift as well because the men end at 340 pounds
Starting point is 00:21:29 and the ladies end at 250 pounds do you do you see the workout somewhere no but i just heard him say that interesting fuck i wonder what uh will or caleb did you guys hear the? Is there anywhere where we can know the workout is on the game site yet? No, that was it. That was the announcement live and we missed the beginning. Well, either way, what it does look like or what it sounded like is that each round you can get knocked out. So that means I think that something is getting heavier every round. Sandbags. Oh, the sandbags are getting heavier every round. My question about the yoke is how do they make it a standardized sandbag over yoke if everyone has been fitted height-wise for their yoke?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Does that make sense? Yeah, well, then maybe it's a little bit easier for the guys who have the lower yoke. Here we go. One rep max sandbag to shoulder. Women's bags. Oh, wow. One rep max sandbag to shoulder. Women's bags. Oh, wow. One rep max sandbag to shoulder. I don't get that.
Starting point is 00:22:31 You're telling me if the – It's just a shoulder. So they're just going to be taking the bag to the shoulder. And as soon as you get knocked out at a weight, the tie break is going to be that three bag over the yoke sprint to finish. Like how last year and then the year prior was one rep max clean or one rep max snatch and the weight that you got knocked out at if two other athletes got knocked out at that same weight you all would enter a tie break
Starting point is 00:22:55 and in years prior oh so the tie break is just to throw the bag over you it's the three bags over the yoke and then advance the finish wow that's gonna be fucking nuts hey is it that hard for the is 250 sandbag is crazy for a woman to put on women yeah i've never even approached a 340 right i've done a 250 uh but that's as heavy as is my gym's got well we don't even have 250 i use a 250 at jr's and it's and it's just awkward as shit yeah it's 250 is challenging but you can sandbags like a sausage it's it's long it's long a couple shit. Yeah, 250 is challenging, but you can do it. The sandbag's like a sausage. It's a couple feet long and then like this.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It's not like a sausage. It's like a... It's like a D-ball. It's like the black bag D-ball. It's almost like a cylinder. Do they sell them at Rogue? Can we go over there and look at them? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Like a cylinder, more like a hot dog. But not like a hot dog, like a chode-ier cylinder, like a mini corn dog. A chode-ier. Shorter and more stout. But it's not the round black bag. No, I don't believe it is, but the heavier they get, see, the heavier they get, wow. Oh, okay, you're right, it is chode-ier.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I didn't expect that. Fucking crazy. So from what, just to – I like precision with words. The 150 is the ultimate chode, right? And once you go to 200, it's not a chode anymore. It's actually longer than it is round. Yeah. The 150 is my cock. Okay. So they do start in the – what's the lightest bag?
Starting point is 00:24:22 Good find. What's the lightest? For men, 240. Okay. So the men never handle the chode how about the women the women handle the chode i think they start at 150 it also probably depends on what they load it with because you could load it with like buckshot and it would be heavier and still be using the women start with a 150 pound bag so i'm telling you guys now do not fucking buy this Do not buy this This is a waste of money This will sit around in your fucking garage
Starting point is 00:24:51 And you'll wish you never bought it You'll use it for a month or two And that's it you're done If you buy this you have too much money Dude they're not that expensive One the other thing Yes I do They're like the best piece of
Starting point is 00:25:07 equipment dude that's all i use is my fucking d balls i've i want 150 and 100 i use it all the time yeah d d balls yeah yeah i fuck with the d balls but these things trust me don't buy anything that weighs 400 pounds yeah don't buy that what the fuck are you gonna do with that uh okay let's go back over to the uh women's event well man these guys are making me thirsty making me thirsty uh the women's event the women's uh leaderboard uh the event was called hat trick oh there's 55 murph it was uh three rounds it was the wall ball and the 70 pound snatches rest do it three times take the
Starting point is 00:25:46 scores add them together and boom we had our winner ellie turner uh first place then uh mal o'brien second place then tia claire to me uh tia lost that right tia lost uh lost she took fourth or third but by that i mean but i mean she did it to herself. She could have been... She got a few no reps unfortunately. She could have been eight seconds faster at least. She could have beaten Mal. I don't think anybody was beating Ellie.
Starting point is 00:26:17 She could have what? Say it again. She had the opportunity to beat Mal but not Ellie. Okay. Ellie straight put it to him yeah showed the shoulder that's what the event should be called hey what um what else could we see ellie when you see that what else are we going to end up seeing her being just super duper dominant in i think she's going to do ah well she's wicked strong on a barbell but she had an issue with the sandbag at waterpalooza so i'm holding my tongue there um she's great at squat burpee think
Starting point is 00:26:51 great at snatch pull-up she's really good at couplets and and classic crossfit like again snatch burpee thruster burpee double under pull-up shit like that fantastic if at the end of the week um daniel brandon is uh three points out and uh let's let's come back and look from changing places on the leaderboard let's come back and look because look how close she is to tia toomey just over a half a second slower than tia yeah but tia had a few really bad no reps i hear you i hear you uh car saunders gabriella magawa um and uh the lady from all the way down 34th place uh from korea sung young choy with the seventh uh why why why is an athlete who's so poor, not so poor, not as good as these other elite athletes come into an event like this and kick ass? Well, she got a seventh on this morning's workout.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Sorry, a seventh on last night's workout. Which was? Press, echo press. Okay. That's not bad. Can you scroll over and see what her other finishes are? Wow, she's in 34th. None of them are going to be in top 10.
Starting point is 00:28:07 None of the others are top 10. She just has two top 10 finishes. I don't know. You think power output, but also mobility, position, ability to rip the dumbbell quickly and finish in a good position. And that single arm overhead squat and stand, that's – I mean, you watch Ski move it. So you can imagine if she's moving maybe in a similar fashion she's gonna have a good finish in that event is uh is emma lawson's finish going to take her out of the top three where did she finish 10th she's 10th nah
Starting point is 00:28:37 and what's the point spread she's's got 702 points, and what is fourth, Adam? Oh, yeah, I could have done the math too. Oh, yeah, it's Haley Adams who was 12 points behind her. And she took 21st in that event, so I think Emma Lawson's okay. Oh, Haley did. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Ariel Lawson ain't passing either. She had a really bad finish there too
Starting point is 00:29:05 so she may even secure her place on the podium she may have done well enough to even distance herself further from Haley Adams yeah and I like the sandbag for Haley though I don't think that's a bad workout for her I think that's about as ideal
Starting point is 00:29:21 of a strength event for Haley as you could possibly get okay let's roll over to the uh men's scoreboard uh it doesn't look like it's been updated either but at least we have the uh at least we have the ladder yeah the hat trick uh gee we talked about him, 344, 16, 17 seconds ahead of the champ. Justin Medeiros took second. Dallin Pepper, Dallin's out now, right? 24th place, doesn't matter really what he does.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Now he's just trying to secure that. Can he even reach his goal of being top 10? No, he's got no shot at climbing 14 points with one day left, with four events left. 14 places. 14 places, not points. Okay. Yeah, I don't see that happening.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Well, just take a look now. He's got 384, and can we go ahead and look at what 10th has? I can do it too. Okay. 344, 5. Yeah, I don't think he's making up 200 points. And the guys ahead of him, 10th and up, are so good. Where's Hopper at? Oh, 12th 44, five. Yeah, I don't think he's making up 200 points. And the guys ahead of him are so, 10th and up are so good. Where's Hopper at?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Oh, 12. Interesting. I think he can still climb to the top 10. I know that's his goal for the weekend. Who, Dallin? Jason. Oh, yeah. If he's in 12th, he can.
Starting point is 00:30:38 But, but man, they're savages up there. Yeah. Uh, I think he can, I think he can pass. Jason's going to do very well on the sandbag. How's Ricky going to do? That's a big question mark. Same with Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Guy, you know, is going to be fucking fantastic at it. Haley struggled with the dumbbells today because of her position, not strength. She doesn't have great overhead squat position, and you can see that when she snatches. Zanoni, two 39ths in a row. Tough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Showing out the weekends going on and him being a rookie, handling the volume, handling the breadth of the test is starting to show. Brent Fikowski came into this event in 21st place he took fifth a man he looked so fast when he was running he looked so fast but uh 408 just just not too too little too late right he's he's toast too do you think colton's taller than the 340 pound sandbag yes okay i'd i did yeah yes i'm just fucking with him he'll be like fuck you when he sees this um basically basically justin did what he had to do in that workout and ro and and roman and ricky kind of handed it to him roman took seventh he had two or three
Starting point is 00:32:05 uh errors that did not need to happen because he didn't let his dumbbell uh touch the ground all the way i guess you needed both sides of the dumbbell ricky ground roman roman uh both roman and ricky gave uh madaris a present i don't think roman gave him a present, but. Seventh, man, seventh. Yeah, then I guess. The thing is that the guys that point-wise, Justin is definitely advancing, but no one got in between them either. I mean, look at the people. I mean, it's Dallin, Nick, Brent, and Lazer. Lazer's the only one who's a potential threat.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Ricky only had a 12th as well, so. It's not terrible. That event probably is going to hurt jeffrey adler a little bit he came in in fourth place uh and is now uh and took ninth on that i don't think that'll uh but lazar who's in fifth velner and no velner was in seventh who is in fifth samuel quant oh samuel first but he's not samuel he's sam sam quant he's not sorry he's not a samuel no he's not a canadian he's not a come on man uh and saxon so it looks like saxon is uh relinquishing his shot at the title this year? What place is he in right now? He's in sixth. He was in sixth, but he took a 23rd.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Yeah, he's not going to win the games. It's going to be tough for him. Man, his start to the weekend was so puzzling. An enigma, maybe. What do you mean? What do you mean? You know, I just, I guess i guess okay that's what i'm looking the 32 and the 32 not the start but uh they started with two saxon started with 232 he
Starting point is 00:33:55 didn't start with them but on that first day they had so scroll up what event is that that's elizabeth and elizabeth elevated and he took a 13th, a third, a second, a 32nd and a 32nd skill speed medley and Elizabeth elevated. So those are on, this was supposed to all be day one. So bike to work shuttle to overhead,
Starting point is 00:34:16 a B skill speed or speed, skill medley and Elizabeth elevated were day one. And so that's what I meant. He starts the weekend. Oh shit. Spencer's putting it to Saxon. That's that's tough i and it's puzzling not that part not that part they had just the 230 seconds and it's it's crazy to me because he's so athletic i don't understand how he does so bad in such a classic couplet of crossfit in elizabeth yes and how he does so
Starting point is 00:34:42 bad with the jump rope the pistol and the handstand walk. You know, he's good at stuff like that. Oh, hip and steel. Oh, let's see. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:34:53 God, he looks his age right now. Unmute. Nice. Be nice. Can we unmute yourself? Hiller, unmute yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Hiller, unmute yourself. Hiller, unmute yourself. Someone unmute Hiller. Suse, go over and film this shit. What's wrong with you? Come on, guys. You are live on the Savant podcast. You are now live on the Savant podcast. You were not, but you were muted.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I told you you were muted, but now you're unmuted. And now we're talking. And all right, but you were muted. I told you you were muted, but now you're unmuted. And now we're talking. And all right, you grabbed my equipment, man. That wasn't cool. I told you you were muted and that I was recording. Word for word. How'd it go, man? I didn't hear that.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Go ahead. Well, I did say it. It's the first thing I said to you. I said, what's up, man. I didn't hear that. Go ahead. Well, I did say it. It's the first thing I said to you. I said, what's up, man? I'm muted. But I was live on the... Okay. So are you, man.
Starting point is 00:35:52 So are you. Oh, wow. Damn. I fucking hate that we missed that juicy shit. Oh, it's the CrossFit Games. You need to give him a hug, Hiller. Why didn't you give him a hug? The CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Yeah, I was just wandering around. Hey, Savant, come on now. Come on. What happened? What happened? Tell us what happened. I walked up to him and I go, hey, man, I'm live right now, but I'm muted. And I was talking to him.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Wait, look at this giant girl. Okay, sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We got to hear this. Don't interrupt him. This is crazy. I said, hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I said, hey, guys, but I'm muted. I went up and I said, I'm Andrew Hiller. He goes, I know. And I was like, you never got back to me. I was texting with you. He goes, you broke my trust once you put it all on the Internet. And I said, I only put it on the Internet after you hadn't responded to me. So I didn't think we were going to have a forward conversation.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I didn't see the issue because it's everything. I don't know where you got the number from, but you texted me. There was no trust. And then he started getting into it a little bit and then he grabbed my equipment all right now you're live on the savant podcast and then he goes you said that i wasn't live on this no i said i was oh i see wow make a video about it. Hip and steel grabs Hiller's equipment. Put a picture of your dick up there.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Hip and steel does what Sevan's always wanted to do, grab Hiller's equipment. Yeah, that could have gone one of two ways, and it went the way that I kind of expected. I thought it was the CrossFit Games and you guys would end up hugging and being like, hey, it's all good. That might be the only real reaction you might have at the entire CrossFit Games right there. What do you guys think? With the way that I presented it, because that's how it went. I told you everything.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I think that doesn't surprise me at all just because, you know, you made the video. It's not your fault. I'm 66. You don't know what I've been through. And I'm like, hey, can you argue with anything that I've said? You don't know what I've been through. Can you argue with anything that I've said? That's all I asked.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah, that doesn't make sense. That's not a good argument. That's like the equity. That's like the – that's not a good argument. I guess what I should have said like yeah i guess i'm 30 well he grabbed my fucking stick i don't know you can't i hate it when someone grabs my stick he grabbed he grabbed this metal pole and he was just trying to get after it so wow that's i i think that's a pretty immature morat i can see why he's emotional um but he's acting like a child too if you make a video shitting on me yeah if you made a video shitting on me i'd probably have
Starting point is 00:38:31 it coming and i would be like damn this sucks but i better squat to death i tell you what yeah three months hey you mean you wouldn't you mean you wouldn't if you made it hiller if you made a shitty video about uh taylor and what showed him not squatting taylor be like do you know what i've been through i got in a car accident with my dad when i was a kid i mean that's what he's saying like dude like like dude i was held in the concentration camp for 20 years and raped and molested. How dare you make a video about me not squatting below parallel? Like, I don't get the connection.
Starting point is 00:39:11 It's like, I'm sorry, but like, what's the connection? You don't know what I think. I'm glad I said he looked the same way as yours. Whatever. Yeah, I wanted to. Like I said, I was trying to keep it between the two of us. Don't grab my stick. At the end of the day, here's the deal with Hip and Steel.
Starting point is 00:39:30 He's fit as fuck. He's a great role model for all of fucking humanity. But for the competition, it's a competition and you got to go through range of motion. I don't think he's a great role model for all of humanity, character-wise. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about just what he presents to the world in terms of his fitness and and like he could have been like oh my god
Starting point is 00:39:48 you guys you're so right he could have just embraced it and been and been like you know you're right none of that shit was working i'll work on it next year and he didn't but but i but but he still is a good role model and the fact that he's fit as fuck he's taking care of himself he's moving but there are some people that are like he's like mad he's fit as fuck he's taking care of himself he's moving but there are some people that are like he's a competitor he's competing amongst the entire age group he's not i agree when he does that shit come on thank you hillar he he isn't a role and this is why and this is and this is what i think he's not a role model maybe to this community but he's a role model to the world owning it he's the only person i've met isn like, oh, hey, nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Okay, you're right. Fuck him. He's doubling down on bullshit. Thank you. Fuck that guy. Oh, shit. Here's the thing. I think seniors right now, if you want me to feel bad for you, it's because you can't squat or press or anything.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I agree. I agree. Go ahead. Go ahead. Someone who walks into an affiliate, loses 100 pounds and turns their fucking life around, that's the role model for the community. Someone like Tia Claire Toomey, yeah, she's a role model, but she's going to be fit with or without CrossFit. She doesn't need
Starting point is 00:40:59 CrossFit to save her life. There he goes again. No. There he goes again no there goes hip and feel look at suza just fucking getting a swerve on fucking hillar's processing some like yeah really intense shit doesn't even know that that went down right now suza's oblivious yeah he has no he oh yeah he just has his camera posted up. Yeah, he has no idea that happened. He's not got his boys back.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Come on, Suze. We're supposed to be throwing bows when that shit goes down. Hey, someone's got to be paying for the beer. California hormones. Ah, leaderboard update. I could. Hey, Hiller, I love you. You're doing an amazing job.
Starting point is 00:41:42 You're doing an amazing job, buddy. We got an update on the leaderboard. All I wanted to do was walk through Vendor Village and show you guys what it looks like in there. And that's what happened. So, oh, that didn't. So that happened in Vendor Village and he followed you all the way over to the beer garden. No, it happened. I was in the beer garden. He was walking in and I thought, here's my opportunity to go and talk to him.
Starting point is 00:42:02 And then I had it muted that whole time. Oh, cool. I mean, you guys were having a conversation. I can have this in the background. And then you're like, unmute it, unmute it, unmute it. He grabbed my stick, and I'm like, all right, I'm going to mute it. It's going to be a lot. So weird he grabbed your stick.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I know. It's just something about me. Dude, you've got to make that video. I'm going to do this thing. Hippensteel, Brad, Miller's just something about me. Dude, you've got to make that video. Hip and steel. We'll see how I want to go about it. Is your stick longer than it is wide? Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:42:34 You're live on the Savant Podcast. How are you, sir? Hey, guys. I'm good. It's your first time, right? So everyone knows James and I at one point had chatted, and we're all good. We're cool.
Starting point is 00:42:44 And he's the best in the world. So, man. Ask James if he'd ever grab your stick. Oh, yeah. Really quick. I need you to grab this thing. Yeah, just grab it. Thanks for grabbing my stick.
Starting point is 00:42:57 It's a long story. And you didn't do anything wrong, but. He fell for it. Thanks, man. It was nice to meet you in person. God, Hobart looks young. Hey. You did it. I for it. God, Hobart looks young. Hey, you can call the name of the video now, Hiller. My stick was grabbed twice.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Your stick was grabbed twice. I condone one stick grabbing. You condone one, not two. What it looks like to you and how it... Grabbing. Okay. Leaderboard's updated. what it looks like to and how grabbing okay uh leaderboards updated okay we're going over the leaderboard thank you hillar um 882 points exactly 50 points over mouth that's not huge it's not insurmountable i think her lead stays about the same Maybe it was 40 points going into that event. I've just got a hard time seeing Tia relinquish that.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I think Danielle potentially can surmount Emma Lawson. Scroll down. Haley's still in it for sure. Thank you for taking over. Ariel Lowen is a little out of reach. But anything could happen eighth through third. I think that's where it stops. I think Brooke Down don't really have the potential to make it to the podium.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And I am a little concerned about Danielle's. I think she's coming with, with some injuries. Um, Brandon, not into the competition, but she's got a history of some back issues. Um,
Starting point is 00:44:34 some midline resiliency problems. So we'll see. I don't worry about that for Tia or Mal at all. Uh, I'm listening to you, but I'm also, I don't worry about that for Tia or Mal at all. I'm listening to you, but I'm also checking some texts that are trying to give me some intel. Let's go to the men's leaderboard. Yeah, this is going to be the big shocker.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Where is – oh, they haven't updated the points. Fuck. Let's go back over to the female, and'm gonna ask you some questions yep um oh what is this oh i see i see the video i'm getting i see i see yeah we've got a couple Aussies that are doing great. The rest, underwhelming. Someone just sent me some video of Matt and Tia hanging out and talking.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Someone was saying, letting me know that they appear to still be buddies. So there's that. Was there a rumor that they weren't buddies uh i was yeah i was starting to think that maybe that they that they're that they weren't uh that there was some issues from some of the things that i was hearing from uh good sources i've got to agree with hillary i think it's a show no i don't think so what do you mean like hey let's pretend like
Starting point is 00:46:04 we're not friends uh no not that i think them communicating and being together at the games and probably talking to one another is just a way to let the community know like hey i'm sure it's calculated very calculated oh i don't oh is that the monster energy booth dude i was one of those right it looks like a fucking porn set over there is that the monster energy but that's crazy i was like that they do not look like crossfitters where is that what guys you're live on the savant podcast ask them if they do crossfit ask them if they do crossfit they've never heard they do you don't okay these guys do crossfit you guys you're live in the sa Podcast. Say hi to the monster booth.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Hello, everybody. Hi, hi, hi. Thank you for the monster. Definitely. How many of them have done porn? Three. I asked earlier. Three of them. That dude on the right has definitely done some of the porn I watch. Okay. Savant recognizes his helmet. I'm a member to his only fans page okay let's go back over to the um the chicas the chicas the females uh the gap between uh hayley adams and can i see sixth place too uh caleb
Starting point is 00:47:24 so who wins in a fight mal o'brien or tia toomey Haley Adams in... Can I see sixth place too, Caleb? Who wins in a fight? Mal O'Brien or Tia Toomey? God, I think Tia might be just gnarly. Who wins in a fight? Danielle Brandon or Tia... What was that, Hiller? I don't think Tia loses at anything. Tia doesn't lose in a fight to anyone
Starting point is 00:47:42 except for Danielle Brandon. You think she loses to Danielle? I don't think so. I think Danielle's all talk, and I think Tia would beat the fuck out of half the match. I don't know about that. She scares me. I think it goes 10 rounds with her and Danielle,
Starting point is 00:47:57 but man, Tia... I've seen some shit, dude, and Tia looks nasty. Tia Toomey is 50 points ahead of Mal O'Brien. She's definitely pulling away now. Emma Lawson is in third place, and she is the same distance away from Daniel Brandon. I think that's where the tension is now going to be.
Starting point is 00:48:17 These are the people you want to watch amongst the women. You want to watch Emma Lawson, Daniel Brandon, and Haley Adams. That's third, fourth, and fifth place, and I think there is going to be a battle for third place now. Colton's in 31st place. We have to see if he's going to make the cut after it's the night. Oh, shit. So he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Dude, Tia reminds me of Crocodile Dundee. What do you mean we get to – we're going to – go over to the men. I can't believe you just dropped that on me like so lightly like that. Fuck. It's like, you have cancer seven let me see this because scroll so the men are updated too no they're not updated no no but scroll down to it wow look colton was in 30th anybody got a 24th that's i think it drops to 31st after this event i think why why are you saying that who's telling you that someone put that in the comments fuck you i how how what am i not understanding about the math if you were in 30th and then you took 24th
Starting point is 00:49:13 how could you drop down oh shit helping you douche let's go you do you're gonna have to fucking he's gonna have to put the work on Cole Grayshaber in the sandbag event. God, I don't know if he can do it. Fuck. He's going to have to load some pigs. Dude, he is literally picking up pork chode in this event. Hey, so he has to put it on Cole Grayshaber, Tim Paulson, Vigneault. Those are some strong cats.
Starting point is 00:49:44 He could pass Enrico Zanoni. Fucking Zanoni? Zanoni doesn't have shit in this event, so we'll see. Guillermo Briant, Jay Crouch, Henrik Havilland. Let me see. Oldest Upanikis. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Boz is fucking putting the twist on this year's games. There's like a barbell nowhere in sight. Who retires this year? Do you think Fikowski or Vellner are like, fuck this? Let me go back to the workouts. Let's pull up the list of workouts. And I just want to count how many times we've seen a barbell to this point.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Hey, how about the people who wanted Dave gone who are athletes? And now they went from fucking being top 10 to bottom bottom 10 athletes who complain about the programmer can just stuff it even this year even this year yeah okay so event one no barbell event two no barbell event three and four so or sorry two to B. We got one barbell and then shuttle to overhead another barbell. Capital, no barbell. Up and over, no barbell. Echo press, no barbell. Rinse and repeat, no barbell. Hat trick, no barbell, but we've got a dumbbell squat snatch, but still no barbell. Sandbag ladder,bell here's an interesting point we've got two events with the barbell and now we've got two events with the sandbag
Starting point is 00:51:10 say the thing before you say about seven we had two events with what two barbell events shuttle to overhead b and also elizabeth elevated and we've also got two events with the Sandbag. So to this point, the importance of Sandbag strength and barbell strength are equal, which in years past has not been anything like the case. We've had years where we've had six or seven events with the barbell. Okay. Wow. So you got me hooked.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Where's JR when you need him him what does that say about tonight oh we already know tonight we already know tonight what does it say about tomorrow right so wait a second so that yoke today is nothing yeah so they're either the yoke is just a place to throw over your sandbag they don't actually carry the yoke today yeah they've got to be using the yoke tomorrow man oh and and we haven't seen the new implement yet right oh we did okay can you bring that up that's something we haven't talked about let's bring up let's pull up that picture of the sled oh all the workouts are just getting jumbled there we head. There we go, Jim Blavatsky. Oh, shit. What a good guy. Oh, my God. Miller, tell Jimmy he's the fucking man for me.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Look at that Colt hat. Hey, can we just watch Adrian's story all the way through? Let's just watch Adrian's story all the way through with audio and then pause it when we – okay, that's – never mind. Fuck that idea. There are way too many stories to be going through that. It does not look like they have wheels. Can we zoom in?
Starting point is 00:52:50 Why is it called – why is it – oh, it's not. Okay. So we don't even know. Look, Bill Henninger and Katie Henninger at Rogue Fitness made me a present. And when he means me, he means we, us. There's a high handle and there's a low handle. You can see that. You can see it's got a bin in the center where you can load it.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Oh. You can't really see much else. Like you can't tell if it has wheels and you can't tell if it has skids. What are they loading? They're loading those bags in there. Oh, okay. The chode bags. Marissa made a good point there was a barbell lunge at the end of up and over but i don't really count that as a barbell it's an axle bar
Starting point is 00:53:31 fair though it's fair but it's an axle bar it's not a barbell uh okay i think they're gonna load the chodes in there what do you think another sandbag event dude marissa how how many times a day do you have to brush that hair that shit would dread and fucking 15 seconds in madison hey that she i she this when you when you huh when you use hair like when you have hair like that you have to use use leave-in conditioner. Put that shit in after. What do you think they're going to load? The men are updated.
Starting point is 00:54:14 What do you think they're going to load in there? I don't know. I mean, it's hard to imagine anything other than a sandbag, if anything. They might just put plates or dumbbells in it just to load the sled. They might not have to load it themselves, but they've got a weighted sled pull or push. It's interesting. I think again, I just want to go back and look at the fact that there's only been two
Starting point is 00:54:35 events with a bar bell. Um, and by that, I mean, in Olympic barbell, the squat clean in Elizabeth elevated and the jerk in shuttle to overhead is so interesting i mean you think about a year like 2017 where you've got amanda 45 heavy 17.5 thrusters the
Starting point is 00:54:51 barbell uh the muscle up clean ladder um just barbell everywhere barbell barbell barbell the overhead squat workout oh where did that uh uh justin just justin hold on one second where the fuck did that picture come from? Those are the age groups. That's the new toy. Caleb, did you find that? Will did. Can you find out... Can Will tell us where he got that?
Starting point is 00:55:19 Age group and teens used it earlier today. Did they put anything in it? Not that I've seen so far. But those are definitely did they put anything in it no uh not that i've seen so far but those are definitely trays to put something yeah right at first i couldn't tell they were trays but i kept looking at it and i could see that there's the middle so you could put a sandbag or something in it yeah they might also have a rope attached to one and into a hand over hand pull this is so this is so uh how tired do you think bill henniger is of making new variations of
Starting point is 00:55:48 fucking sleds there's got to be 50 different rogue sled variations he loves it you think he does isn't that the sign for making money that's true i think you do it the other way you're like. You're like shuffling it towards you. I think you're supposed to shuffle it away. That's wiping the badisi off your palm. Is that what that means? Hey, can we, Will, can you play just like three seconds of the video so we don't get a copyright infringement?
Starting point is 00:56:19 No, look at Will. He's got a shitty grin like, I don't know, Seve. I don't know. I don't know, buddy. Fucking don't know i don't know buddy fucking greedy i want to see what's on the bot what those skids look like on there i wonder if that's like i wonder if those sleds can be pushed on concrete justin i had to hang up on you you can call back but i had to hang up on you because there was some crazy sound coming from your phone like you were fucking gargling gravel okay the men's leaderboard has been updated can we take a look at it uh justin madaris is
Starting point is 00:56:46 ahead of ricky gerard by so tight so tight 11 11 points and then he's up he's up on roman by 18 points only god first through third is 18 points when's the last time we could say that in the individual men's field yeah it's uh when is the fucking years finally it's a war i think because of the workouts we are about to see that the justin madera show is about to start the sandbag roman at some point at some point at some point adrian has to be like okay you're you're going to hate me for this. You're going to hate me for this. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Back to CrossFit. Here's the deal. Hold on one second. Hold that thought. Justin, affiliate owner from Utah, please speak your mind always. Affiliate owners can always call and speak their mind. I love the content. I love the thumb addition to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:57:44 He's got a great mind. OG mind with programming and stuff. And I just think that the conversation about the minimal barbells and the other external load is, in my opinion, exactly what Adrian was alluding to with what we give primacy towards. And I just wonder what taylor thinks about that like we should be moving external loads but it shouldn't be just clean and jerk and snap and it shouldn't be just with a barbell um i was talking to one of my coaches this morning and just came up with these numbers off the top of my head in relation to the theoretical hierarchy of the development of an athlete the pyramid and really if you look at a program if it's true true and blue cross it and
Starting point is 00:58:31 again i just came up with the numbers off the top of my head 40 of the movement should be should would be considered metabolic conditioning or monostructural 35 of the movement would be gymnastics and then 25 of the movement would be gymnastics and then 25% of the movement would be weightlifting just in that order because metabolic conditioning comes before gymnastics gymnastics comes before weightlifting so I this was just kind of a tongue-in-cheek conversation when my coaches and I were having but I just want to hear Taylor's response to our thoughts on both Adrian challenging us to rethink what we consider weightlifting or being able to move external loads. And then the thought of monostructural movements or conditioning movements to more general taking precedence over and then gymnastics and then weightlifting but anyway thanks justin appreciate it he's gonna he's gonna answer thank you
Starting point is 00:59:33 yeah tell me what justin what's the name of your gym again salty hive remember you like salty beaver oh yeah i've heard of Salty Hive. How could I forget that? Thank you. I'm writing that in the context, Salty Hive CrossFit. I've actually heard of that affiliate. Inappropriate. So I think he's got a good question. So in the hierarchy on the pyramid of building an athlete, metabolic conditioning, gymnastics, then weightlifting,
Starting point is 01:00:02 Um, metabolic conditioning, gymnastics, then weightlifting. I think that's the order in which athletes approach building elite fitness. So if you're creating elite fitness, you need an aerobic base. Then you need to be able to move your body through space efficiently. And then you need to be able to move external loads through space and around your body efficiently. I don't think though, that has bearing on how you shape the test and how you wait the test. I think the test is shaped and weighted by the 10 general physical skills. And the fact that no general physical skill is more important than another general physical skill. And I think that is where Boz is going with this year's games. The bar,
Starting point is 01:00:49 but it isn't the barbell games. It isn't the Olympic weightlifting games. It's the CrossFit games. And all 10 general physical skills are equally weighted, equally tested, equally emphasized. Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:01:01 uh, uh, okay. Let's go back and look at, let's go back and look at the workouts real quick you know what word i was getting stuck on right what equal but okay you just relax okay okay okay all right so i can't fucking i can't change this thing i can't i can't i can't it'll be better to pull this up once uh the entire weekend is complete but to start we've got toes to bar gymnastic five mile bike monostructural gymnastic so we've got two gymnastics one monostructural now we've got three gymnastics
Starting point is 01:01:38 two monostructural four gymnastics five gymnastics one monostructural uh four gymnastics, five gymnastics, one monostructural. Uh, now we've got five gymnastics, sorry, three monostructurals. Um, and then we go to, I mean, I need something to write with and a note just so I don't fuck this up. So I can keep track of it for you too. You got my undivided attention now. I was just putting in salty five g uh let's see let's see let's see okay so let's start over total bar is g column is this the place to do this yeah let's talk about it well i mean we can we can just real quick i'd like to do it okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay gymnastic chest to bar bike is monostructural and we've got pegboard. That's gymnastic jump rope,
Starting point is 01:02:28 monostructural pistol, gymnastic Hanson walk, gymnastic. We've got the run. That's monostructural. We've got the weightlifting with the barbell. So that's the first weightlifting in the weekend. Then we go to pig flips,
Starting point is 01:02:38 weightlifting. We go to run monostructural. We go to Jerry can and who's felt carry. That's two weightless so on hang up on taylor ah sorry i'm not even looking at the screen i'm looking at the workouts if you guys want me to shut the fuck up we can no go go go you're almost there you're almost there you're almost there you got muscle up is gymnastic jump over gymnastic jhd sit up gymnastic uh can we scroll down from up and over uh echo press we've got monostructural another gymnastic okay let's scroll up so we're really heavy so we're not equal we're
Starting point is 01:03:14 really heavy to this point uh swim and ski is going to be mono mono hat trick is going to be weightlifting weightlifting and i'm not even going to include the sprint. I can't. This guy's such a nerd. Boring. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:03:30 I got it. I'm done. I'm done. All right. So to this one. Step on, flash the bag of weed. I bags, bags, bags, a ball. Did someone send that to you?
Starting point is 01:03:40 What's the story? No, dude, I grew. Here's the story. I grew like 50 plants in my backyard and a friend of mine who's a cop said hey dude you can't do that and i go i don't even smoke it's legal in california he goes no it's only legal up to like 10 plants and so i was like oh fuck so i that was the last year i ever grew but i just grew because of the sake that i thought it was legal and i and i ended up harvesting a fucking a kill a ton of fucking weed and that and I don't smoke weed so I just have like and one day I just was just showing this
Starting point is 01:04:08 I think I was showing it to Matt and Josh during that podcast and it never left here but I just have these plastic bags like this I'm full of chronic and um I mean this thing is fucking dry this thing this thing weighs about the same amount as a piece of paper. Look at it. That's bigger than your dick. No. Okay, so. Okay, go ahead. How was that, Heather? Tell your boyfriend instead.
Starting point is 01:04:32 You're welcome. Nine different gymnastic movements throughout the weekend to this point. Seven different monostructural movements. Okay, so sorry. Seven gymnastics. Nine gymnastics. Nine gymnastics. Seven different monostructural.
Starting point is 01:04:45 If you count the second five-mile bike ride, you could go eight, but it's not a different monostructural movement, so I'm leaving it at seven. And then seven different weightlifting movements. So you have nine, seven. Okay, let me help people out who are as dumb as me. So when he says nine gymnastics movements, he's talking about pull-ups and muscle-ups and shit like that. Body weight.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Yeah, body weight. Thank thank you and handstand walks when he's talking about um uh what's the second one monostructural monostructural he's talking about just like running swimming cyclical motions beating off yeah like that and then and then the last one weightlifting is like you know you pick you just snatching the the dumbbell and shit like that. Okay. So this is what you wanted. It's almost equal. It's very, very even. And I think that does leave for Sunday to be weight lifting heavy. I would be shocked if there's not a barbell squat snatch. Uh, we've got the clean in Elizabeth elevated. So I would just be really shocked if we don't see a squat snatch overhead squat. Um, but I don't think you need anything in addition to that tonight's workout is going to be a sprint and not a heavy lift it comes down to a dozen athletes
Starting point is 01:05:49 separated by thousands of seconds the workouts announced yeah but but but but that still might work right no oh no it is a heavy lift it's a heavy lift but but there's probably there probably is a time cap for how long you can pick up the bag. No, but it's just a ladder. So it's like three, two, one. I will see the format. The only sprint thing is going to be the tiebreak. But they are lifting in 10-pound increments a sandbag.
Starting point is 01:06:17 And when you drop out, then you move to the tiebreak. Yeah, Colin. And I love that there is nothing more uh human in nature than picking up an odd object like that and taking it to your shoulder it is so fundamental to what you need to do as a human being far more fundamental than a barbell so i like the direction that boz is going with this what started this uh this um uh thought process that caused our ratings to plummet that taylor was on has actually paid off nicely basically what he's saying is is that bosman is going to make things more equal amongst uh gymnastics monostructural and weightlifting and he did the quick and dirty
Starting point is 01:06:55 on it and we're basically at 33 each with a little bit heavy on gymnastics which makes sense because as we've come to expect as we go into the final day we're going to start seeing what i call crossfit and what taylor calls it's all crossfit so of course he thinks it's crossfit too but you guys know what i mean look suza's got the beer sweats no what happened is they haven't had any they just charged three thousand dollars on his credit card for beer he forgot to tell him to stop at a grand. So he's tripping. Hey guys, I just wanted to again,
Starting point is 01:07:31 thank California hormones. Um, I, you guys probably couldn't necessarily hear it, but there was about five or six shout outs to California hormones for the, for the beer. Um, in front of the booth,
Starting point is 01:07:40 everybody yelled it out during that shot. And, what is super appreciative. So if you guys could head over to California hormones right, right right now and just set up for the blood work and uh just do the orientation just just let them know and uh get you guys this stuff there it's amazing i don't even know where the california hormones banner is i'm just trying all the i'm just pushing all the i'm just pushing all the please stop okay i don't know what i got a correction to make it was it's eight weight lifting movements because i forgot the axle lunge again so we have nine gymnastics seven
Starting point is 01:08:14 monostructural eight weight lifting movements so it's to this point um it's been even but gymnastic slight lean and none of this matters until taylor does this by the way for all the years so we need to see this with all the years to see if it's really all the years and and uh maybe that'll be next week's show oh i like it me jr and sebon the programming show i like it you jr and lauren khalil um and Lauren Khalil. Joking. Nice shirt. Ask her how the water is. Did she test the water? You can drink out of it now.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Okay. Where are we? Oh, so what do you think? Is this the Medeiros show now? Medeiros and Toomey? They're going to just pull ahead? If tomorrow is barbell heavy, Medeiros pulls ahead. If tomorrow is similar to the way things have been going,
Starting point is 01:09:09 Ricky and Roman both have a chance. Are you expecting any machines tomorrow to start seeing the machines being pulled out, the rowers and all that stuff? We haven't seen the individual men row, which is hard to imagine us getting through a game without the Concept Tube rower. But would you be okay with it? I sure as fuck would be okay with it. is hard to imagine us getting through a games without the concept to rower. Um,
Starting point is 01:09:26 but, but would you be okay with it? I sure as fuck would be okay with it. Yeah, I'm okay without the rower. Uh, here's the thing. We haven't seen burpees.
Starting point is 01:09:33 We haven't seen rowing. It would be, man, I don't know how I would feel about us not having any burpees. You could, you could make the argument when boss talked about the event is not intended to make athletes fitter. It's intended to make athletes fitter.
Starting point is 01:09:46 It's intended to test the athletes. And at this level is a burpee really testing the athletes. Um, fuck, there's no burpees and there's no thrusters and there's no snatching. There's no overhead squats. That's the only, ah, it's hard to fuck.
Starting point is 01:10:00 I want to see that stuff tomorrow. And we could, I want to see burpees. I want to see rowing. I want to see thrusters. I want to see that stuff tomorrow. And we could. I want to see burpees. I want to see rowing. I want to see thrusters. I want to see a squat snatch. I really want to see. They did the dumbbell squat snatch, though.
Starting point is 01:10:11 So who knows? Do they really repeat that movement pattern just with a different weightlifting modality? I don't know. Half of the names. Well, it's interesting that Patrick Vellner bjorgvin carl goodmanson saxon panchik and uh fukowski are in the situation that they're in right well you look at these guys and and saxon velner bkg cole sager uh all so proficient on a barbell and we've had a barbell for all intents and purposes nowhere in sight i mean gee gee was the wild card people could but people
Starting point is 01:10:54 could see him being he's in 17th right now and like i don't think anyone's tripping on that because he he had a bit of a one-hit wonder element to him and we just weren't sure how it was going to turn out this year but these other guys saxon's like a well saxon's but think about how much time these athletes and granted i'm sure justin and ricky and roman do as well but how much primacy this is crazy you think about it i mean and boz is changing the way actively currently in real time, changing the way we think about training. Think about how much time you spend on a barbell and training. Justin Madaris's background is wrestling. Ricky Garrard is has done a lot of different things. The well-rounded athletes are at the top.
Starting point is 01:11:39 But what about Roman? Do we know what he did? He's Russian. Right. OK. Racist. Let's go over to the women and just take a peep at that too. The ladies at the top, we have Tia Claire Toomey. We know she's done it all. Mal O'Brien's a gymnast, gymnastics background?
Starting point is 01:11:56 No idea. And Emma Lawson, dancing. Is that dancing? And then at 13, she was a competitive dancer and at 13 crossfit in fourth place we have danielle brandon she did it all too uh and uh was a super high level collegiate pole vaulter setting records at her school nuts uh brandon reed ten dollars californian roman crown new champ is it possible no it's possible yeah it is it's for sure possible do i think it'll happen no but it is possible he's he's 7 18 points back dude it's crazy possible four events yeah with four events on the table fuck dude talk about i just hey it justin madaris is like a couple
Starting point is 01:12:41 errors away from losing it yeah and even if the events are perfect for him. That's the thing going forward. Think about this sandbag event. Roman Krennikoff has felt 220 pounds. Justin Medeiros is right around 185, 190. And that plays a part when you're moving something like a sandbag, without a doubt. TJ Heffernan, we should go through each event and see which of the 10 physical skills they are testing on a future podcast. Yeah, I'll schedule that for four in the morning.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Hippensteel has got a hold of Hiller's stock again. No shit. Do you see that? Does he really? Scroll down. Are they? Where's Hiller? Are Hiller and Hippensteel?
Starting point is 01:13:21 I hope so. Are Hippensteel and where's Hippenstiel? Where's Hiller? Who the fuck? Who is this Yash Gami guy? Hello? A repeat workout. I don't know. Hello? Hi. Hey, do you think that's really his picture, his avatar? It sounds like it.
Starting point is 01:13:38 He looks like he's smoking weed in a Moroccan prison. Yeah. Caller, hi. Hi, how are you guys doing? Good. I appreciate your patience some people just call in and they just start talking even though they they can tell i've answered and we're still talking but i've answered and let them in but then they just start interrupting i appreciate you having the fucking situational and social awareness to fucking navigate that peace and love i appreciate i love listening to you guys and hearing what you're saying. I had a question about the programming and kind of how it's been going with the heat.
Starting point is 01:14:09 I feel like we've been seeing a lot of winners of events in separate heats. Do you think the programming has anything to do with that? Like you're finding a better winner and not necessarily specialists or seeing what times are and you're like, all right, I have to beat that. Do you guys get what I'm saying? I don't understand the question. Can you repeat? Yeah. Are you,
Starting point is 01:14:28 let me see if I can take a shot. Are you saying is the heat affecting the outcome? No, I feel like I'm seeing event winners, uh, outside of the, the last heat. I feel like we've seen a couple of events where like,
Starting point is 01:14:43 like Ellie, like Ellie, like right right and like I think Lucy Campbell they were both in the ass heat and yet they dominated right and so I'm just wondering if the programming is finding I guess people who are better
Starting point is 01:14:56 at that certain movement or whatever I will tell you this it's indicative that the out that something might be wrong with the programming I mean I don't think there is but it's indicative that it's be wrong with the programming. I mean, I don't think there is, but it's indicative that it's outlier programming. You think it's a problem more so than I think it's kind of cool that like… It might be cool too. I'm open to it being cool, but it is…
Starting point is 01:15:16 I mean, do you think that almost every event that there should be someone from the bottom who's always like comes up to the top because it hits their specialty i feel like we haven't seen it i feel like there's always been something where it's like capacity and volume and like pain cave stuff where like they just know what they need to be and so they sell out but now it's like i know that i can take this event i know this is my wheelhouse even even though I'm in 31st. You know what I mean? Yeah, let me ask it like this. In the past, let's say there were 15 workouts. 10 of them would be the usual suspects who finished in the top five.
Starting point is 01:16:01 And those other five would be the things that have the outlier movements, the long running, the fucking paddleboard, the swimming, the, the 30 muscle ups for time, these things. And this year, it seems like I, if I'm hearing you right, that, uh, we're seeing every event has some outlier outlier component to it. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's a great way of putting it. Yeah. It's cool seeing people who are who are not knowing what the best are doing like they're not seeing what he is doing at the top and they're
Starting point is 01:16:31 still able to go out there give it their best and they're ending up winning and it's kind of like in a blind position i don't know if that yeah yeah taylor what taylor's not fucking listening to a word you said said but i heard you and i like the question i heard you fair enough i don't think i don't think the programming is shaping uh the ability for athletes to to game it based on who's in a different heat and see others go i just think that's there are some i think there are some home run hitters in the earlier heats because of their specialties. Well, have you ever, have you ever seen many people outside of the top heat when events like, I feel like it's happened probably, I mean,
Starting point is 01:17:12 it's twice today because Allie Allie ended up winning a hat trick, right? No. And I think that's the case because to this point, the programming has been so balanced. Will Morad echo press. Yeah. But I think that's, yeah. Will Morad was another one. And, but I think that's... Yeah, Will Morad was another one. And we have seen that in the past. Think about athletes like Dakota Rager from years earlier.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Never is going to be in the final heat, but has won a few events. Maybe Josh Bridges, heavy 17.5, Dakota Rager with Amanda 45. Oldest Upenex, shuttle to overhead. Yep, it happens. And I think it's happening this year maybe hey it's every other one dude caller a skill speed medley nick matthews yeah i feel like three or four years into the sport now so i'm still catching up on history but um yeah i know just something that caught my eye i thought it was kind of cool we're also
Starting point is 01:18:03 definitely going through some something in the sport, some sort of transition. Not only did we transition from Dave to Boz, but there's something going on with the athletes too. It's like we're seeing some change of guard here. That's for sure. Like depth of field has been one of the main topics of this upcoming game season. I think that's just showing off too.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Like these people are freaks. It's crazy. When you say that, just out of curiosity, the depth of field, where do you see that conversation? I mean, I feel like the depth, like Brian has commented many times on just the depth of field, and then I feel like it hasn't been much
Starting point is 01:18:35 of a conversation within the females, but the females have been more of like the next-gen topic, just with the youth. And so you're really seeing them come through. Awesome. All right. I agree with you. with you thank you very much caller i wish we could stream this hey just imagine this i want you to imagine this for a second imagine the crossfit games giving us access right giving us fucking access imagine how much we do for the would do for the sport, how much everyone would love it.
Starting point is 01:19:07 And I wouldn't talk any shit because I wouldn't I'd be scared I'd lose my my access. Instead, we're fucking killing it and being divisive from the fucking outside. There's so they're they're never going to let us hijack the stream. We don't even have to hijack the stream. We could just be allowed in there with five cameras to be interviewing to be doing real life behind the scenes like we were outside the uh you think they'd allow that no fuck no that's why we had they hey dude i'm hearing rumors that they're looking for any way to fucking kick us out already here the the stuff pardon me what do you mean kick you out of what kick kick out the kick yeah yeah kick out the what we're doing now they they would love to.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Elaborate. I don't want to know if I should, but it's coming from the sponsors. It's coming from Noble specifically. Really? Fuck them. I know. I'll say it. I'll say it. I'm not a part of the Sevan podcast. I'm not yet, but fuck Noble.
Starting point is 01:19:59 I'll say that too, but it's just funny that they're putting pressure. I was just talking about how, imagine if they would have, imagine if they, instead of CrossFit fighting, fighting with us, they facilitated us having access. So instead, like, instead of you being outside of the swim center, trying to sneak it, imagine if you would have rode in the bus to the venue. Imagine that. And as soon as they go live on their stream,
Starting point is 01:20:26 we turn our shit off and send everyone over there. It would be sick. But it doesn't affect us. We're still going to murder it. But it just shows someone over there has no vision. And in the meantime, I'd be pumping the affiliates, and I wouldn't be talking shit about their fucking moron sponsors, Noble. It's a win-win for everyone.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Embrace us, baby. Em embrace us baby embrace us instead they lost probably instead they lost 10 000 probably sales of shoes because rich froney came on here and said their shoes suck i'm not i know that i'm not enough of a cocksucker to take money from someone who i disagree with an ideological basis or on a philosophical basis or just just well we don't have to and it doesn't need well it doesn't need to be financially a financial track california hormones sorry let me take that out it doesn't have to be a transactional all they have to do is give us access we'll play nice and we'll blow them the fuck up i know but so people i was just saying people in the comments are there goes taylor sponsorship and whatever i don't't care. Oh, thank God.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Yeah. I'd rather be able to say what I want to say than take fucking 30K a year to wear something. Hey, hey. So you guys know why Tia and Mal won't come on this show. I'm going to tell you because you guys were asking earlier. The reason why they won't come on the show is because probably Mal O'Brien made a fucking million dollars last year or some shit. And Tia, I'm sure, made a million dollars. And the last thing they want to do is fucking jeopardize that by coming on here and some truth coming out that's why
Starting point is 01:21:47 but if you're a smaller athlete who's only making $27,000 a year you come on here and it doubles your popularity oh wow there you got Jim's pushing his weight with us they're sick Oh, wow. There you got Jim's pushing his way to us. They're sick. This guy did Murph 365 days in a row, and now he's doing HeroWad 365 days in a row. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:22:20 And then somebody else does it, and he's already correct, right? Instead of buying two sets of plates, he's buying three sets of plates. Is Hiller holding the camera? Who's holding the camera? No idea. But this guy's done Murph 365 times. It's Gabe. Gabe's actually holding the camera for us now. Let's go, Gabe.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Hey, what's the name of these? What's the name of these? These are the ones he used, Susan? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:48 This is Jim's best here. This is the one that he endorses. And he's kind of showing us those Sam things that he put in. Who makes it? Built, I believe. Let's shoot that real quick. Bullet. Bullet.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Bullet. Bullet. Nothing beats a bullet. I bet you those are expensive. How much, Sousa? How much is this? Okay, they're running a deal right now. Until Sunday.
Starting point is 01:23:16 They're running a deal until Sunday. You get the sand plates with it? What? Bring a buddy. All right, so they're deal until Sunday, you guys get the sand plates that go inside, which are adjustable different weights that are on it, plus the vest for $200. And if you and a buddy buy it, it's how much is it? If you and a buddy buy it?
Starting point is 01:23:37 $190 for the vest and the plates. All right. I can fill it up with three pounds and get all the way up to 10. I'm going to buy one more plate. Yeah. 90 bucks for the best in the place yeah so it fits really well and it does uh great for for cross and style workouts and uh seven he was actually saying for avi it would be perfect because you could take it and you could actually just put some three pounds worth of sand in it and build it up as he is getting stronger so you can slowly build it up with the sand inside of it do they sell the little sandbags or you got to make them yourself i hate making that shit no no no no no no they they sell it right here can you guys see that
Starting point is 01:24:15 so they sell right here and you can fill it up as well as they have different ones oh yeah yeah regular it also makes a regular plate i said it's the only one that you could do burpees in pretty easily what what increments do the plates come in no no it's not even a inclement it's like a little uh pouch here so you can put the different same things in it and build no but i thought you said you can also put plate i thought you said you can put plate they sell plates too oh yeah yeah you could yeah you could put do they sell do they sell plates in it as well, or will it just fit the regular plates? We're recommending rope plates because we're going to be very sure we could make a better plate than that.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Yeah, so he said the rope plate that rope sells will actually still fit inside this the same way. The Echo Curb plate fits. Yeah, the Echo Curb plate fits perfect. So if you already bought those and you want to get a different vest, if the 511 vest is sitting too tall or catching in the throat, you can still use your metal plates from the inside of that if you have your own ones, and they'll fit right inside this, buddy. And I will say, you have much more freedom, especially overhead.
Starting point is 01:25:16 So if you wear a 511 or some of those other tactical vests, what are you going to press? If you do a handstand push-up, it'll kind of choke you up. And then Savannah has a quick question. Could you do a workout naked. It'll kind of choke you up. And then, Savana has a quick question. Could you do Murph naked?
Starting point is 01:25:33 Oh, shit. He got muted. He got muted. Gabe, you're muted. There you go. And it's nice, too, because it doesn't like... Get that on video, Gabe. Get his depth. Let's check his depth. Can you get my depth on there? Make sure it's legit. Oh,
Starting point is 01:25:49 look at that. Cause he got a good squat. Chest up, Sousa, chest up, chest up, Sousa. Jeez,
Starting point is 01:25:54 Louise, chest up, Sousa, hands over your head. Come on, man. I've been walking all day over here. Goodbye.
Starting point is 01:26:01 That's awesome. Well, dude, those were good oh look at seven wow yeah you could just anyhow that needs to train with a little bit of extra weight or uh military personnel that is once it's great because i feel like if you got a barbell and everything else too you would still have a lot of freedom
Starting point is 01:26:28 in the shoulder itself okay uh tell them they owe us five thousand dollars for that commercial caleb hi yeah yeah we're gonna invoice them okay good thank you uh miss uh i'm sorry miss heidi before we bring you on let's talk to uh i think Caleb was going to come on and talk some shit. Caleb. I said, we don't want extra weight. It's too much for us. It's a lot of work. It's enough, right?
Starting point is 01:26:53 Good. Perfect. Me neither. But does he wink? But does he wink? Heidi, hi. How are you? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:27:00 How the fuck can you be reporting about the games you're in your goddamn car? I had to just run home quick but um i'm doing good how are you guys i missed the beginning of the show sorry did you did you do one of those things where you thought you left your oven on uh no i did one of those things where i had a kid and so i had to make sure the kid was alive what did you just put some water out for him some water some snacks the door, and hope for the best, pretty much. You are headed to the Coliseum? Yes. And do you have tickets for the Coliseum?
Starting point is 01:27:35 I do. Okay, and you'll be getting in. What are the chances that you'll be able to fire your phone up from your seats? Well, the chances are i could 100 it's just whether or not i'll get kicked out so right have they told have they told you you can't do that they haven't said anything to me personally but i mean is there a rule is there a rule that you can't fire up you can't stream from i know you can't stream from the media pit but you can't stream from the your seat either um either? I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Yeah, I think there's a sign that says probably don't stream, stuff like that. Okay. Oh, you saw Brian. I did. Brian's taller. I didn't know Brian was taller than you. He's pretty tall, actually. Is he standing on something?
Starting point is 01:28:18 He's fucking 5'9". Yeah, I'm 5'66 so you can estimate it from that he's tall for a crossfitter you guys are perfect alright thank you very much for checking in check in with us later please ok bye the party
Starting point is 01:28:38 Heidi from the fake sebon podcast doesn't get she's probably the harshest woman i've ever known or met i mean her shit is harsh she puts she puts an ass whooping to us seven what kind of office chair is that it's some crazy fancy one that glassman bought me i don't even know it's like called like the x chair or something it's got a uh it's got all the adjustments and it's got a special uh material on it that doesn't hold the badusi scent uh how much how much is that chair yeah 13.95 and and and uh 13.95 but in 1200 payments jesus christ uh seth duvall i am six five taylor i don't know why he's telling you that yeah cool
Starting point is 01:29:27 anything else we need to talk about tonight caleb's shaking his head is there anything we're forgetting okay uh everyone thank you for checking in i feel like this was the least productive show we've ever done but i i still had a shitload of fun true true we did we did have some smart talk in the beginning let me just check my notes here from that last event dude it smells like a fart it smells like a like a poop in this office and i've been looking around to see if a dog shit in here it's your mom's office uh in that event uh we did see that tia had at least two bad wall balls but because of how far back she fell behind and what the commentator said i think she may have had three uh i did also
Starting point is 01:30:13 get some uh that fraser was talking to the judges and he seemed to be uh frustrated but i have no verification of that i did send him a link to see if he'd jump on uh once again and this is something i brought up to you and jr and you guys didn't bite but the commentator started talking about it there's the there's components that are being brought in in terms of movements to make these these games more gymnastic-y but what we also have are more elements that in regards to the gymnastics competition where there's no room for error by that that, I mean the judges are judging you, and you have to follow the protocol perfectly or you're penalized for it. And I think in that workout that they were having them do the unbroken pistols,
Starting point is 01:30:55 the unbroken double unders. That's what I'm saying. And in this last event, they said that the way this workout was designed, there's no room for error. And you were hugely punished for error. The same way a gymnast would be hugely punished in the Olympics. Good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:12 If you make a, that's all I have. Let's, let's get a quick prediction for this event tonight. Okay. Caleb, can you bring up leaderboard? Or will? The workout is a speed ladder with sandbags.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Increasing by 10 pounds every lift until failure. I don't think it's a speed ladder. No? No. It's a one rep max, and and it increases everybody gets a chance at it increase 10 pounds everybody get a chance increase 10 pounds and when you fail you go to the tie break which is three sandbags over the yoke sprint to the finish mat hey so what is this thing is this just like just basically squat down like this and just you pick it up off the floor uh
Starting point is 01:32:03 at 100 pounds you pick it up straight off the floor and you put it on your shoulder at 340 pounds you get your hands under it onto the floor you lift it up to your knees and your legs you re-grip it and you hip drive it up to the shoulder oh so like a uh there's some components there of the um maneuvering technique of the uh stones yes okay women prediction laura first place tia second place cara third place oh oh you laura tia cara uh let me throw some other names out there just to fuck with you a little bit amanda barnhart um cara uh let me throw some other names out there just to fuck with you a little bit amanda barnhart oh it's a good one but but no i think the thing with amanda barnhart is and you see this in previous years games as soon as her technique starts to falter or break down she pulls back and she's like i'm done i'm gonna call it there and this is an event where your technique is
Starting point is 01:32:59 going to falter a little bit and you've just got to be strong enough to get it to the shoulder and so i worry that she has she just she puts the she puts the brakes on a little quick for herself in my opinion she doesn't always push past what she thinks may be possible so i don't think she will be top three okay and uh danny spiegel ah that's a good one too um but no i don't think she's going to beat the other women and there was one more miss ellie turner again i don't think she's going to beat the other women. And there was one more, Miss Ellie Turner. Again, I don't think she's beating Tia, Cara, or Laura. Okay. Cruise over to the men. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Guillerme Magueros is going to be first. Wow. Okay. guillermo mayeros is gonna be first wow okay uh second place i'm gonna take fuck jason hopper okay a little home cooking and then third place i'm gonna take roman krennikoff here's why jason's not going to because he's gonna going to have an error. He's 220 pounds, dude. I understand. It's a one rep,
Starting point is 01:34:07 but here's the thing. It's a one rep lift. Unlike a barbell. It is. There's, there's so much more room for error and for you to still be able to manage the bag up to the shoulder. As long as you've got the brute strength and Jason has some brutishly
Starting point is 01:34:23 brute strength. Okay. So does Roman. 103 kilograms kilograms what does that translate to pounds tutor magda no andre who day barbell guy okay uh 26 roman weighs 226 dallin well yeah that's crazy dallin pepper dallin's a good choice and so is Jeff Adler Travis Mayer no Cole Sager no not top three okay for the women
Starting point is 01:35:01 Laura Tiacara for the men I missed one lady Christineine colin brander she is fucking stupid strong and uh and you put her in there and so you want to get four for the girls yeah i think i think colin brander potentially wins the sandbag event with the other women coming second third and fourth yeah i like you taylor i'm gonna let you have four in the girls section four four is good uh and uh and for the um boys gee jason hopper and roman here's what you do need to know that race between justin ricky and roman is super close and regardless of who wins if you want roman to wins he needs to be doing better than ricky and wins, if you want Roman to win, he needs to be doing better than Ricky and Justin. If you want Ricky to win, he needs to be doing better than Justin and Roman.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Yep. And if you want Justin to win, well, you need him to win. But that's where the excitement is. And if you still have belief in the women's – oh, and in the women's division, I think the fight's for third place. And the women you want to watch, and this is going to be – you always want to watch Emma Lawson. Because this is just – we're basically – we've been digging in the ground, and we see a gold vein, and we have no fucking idea how much gold we found. And that gold is Emma Lawson. So you want to watch every single one of her events and see what's going on.
Starting point is 01:36:21 We've got to figure out how much gold is she. And then Danielle Brandon and Hayley Adams. That's going to be the war there. All right, guys. We will see you after that event. It looks like it's going to be finished at 6.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, which means we would go on at 6.45 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. I could work out again.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Yeah, and JR will be on. Let's go. Awesome. You know that for a fact yeah all right uh let's check in with matt suza before we go mr no uh mr suza hi you did awesome hey trash no thanks hey can you guys hear me okay yeah okay awesome hey thanks for uh let us kind of get in there and um check out that bullet the i loved it i love gear i loved it you froze keep walking buddy walk to a spot where you're unfrozen and then stop i like doing that i you know what i like fender village i like shopping
Starting point is 01:37:17 go ahead yeah they got they got an app that uh has all the hero workouts loaded into there on the day um that they actually pass. You can scroll through, open that app up, and everything else. They're just big proponents of military and first-finger personnel. Just wanted to go over there and show you. How was the beer garden? The beer garden was nuts. Everybody was crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:42 It was such a good time. It was really cool to meet everybody that was fans of the shows. Huge shout out again to California Hormones. We cannot thank you enough. Everybody was in there. Everybody was talking about it. And it was just, it was a good success. It was a great meetup.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Of course, Sevan, you were missed, buddy. They wanted to see the man himself. I was here kicking it with Char. I was here. No one's ever given $1.11. I've seen all the other like 99 cents or a dollar. I like it. Char, thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Char, Char, Char, Char. I love that Taylor can speak in such technical terms and then drop a flurry of obscenities. Talk about unknown and unknowable. That's what I'm good for. Char, I think you found your home. I'm a renaissance man uh okay um we will see you guys soon uh branstetter caleb thank you uh taylor uh jr i hope we see you soon and uh we'll talk to you guys uh in four hours about oh and and be ready for the surprise podcast every single night it's happened every night
Starting point is 01:38:47 but we don't get invited on are we invited on fuck no

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