The Sevan Podcast - #536 - Event 10 "Sandbag Ladder" Recap

Episode Date: August 7, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Jay Sizzle. Bam, we're live. Howdy, baby. Hey, hey, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Come on, man. Sorry, sorry, that was my bad. Noah Olsen getting ready to go home. Let's listen to Sousa a second. It's going to be loud as shit there. Let's listen to Sousa. Sousa, can we get in? Can we get some Sousa? Can we get some Sousa? Can we get some Sousa? Hi.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Hi, Heidi. Are you headed over to where Sousa is, where the athletes are kissing and hugging? Look at all the time Noah's given people. Holy shit. Um, I wish, I don't know where that is. Oh, I see where it athletes are kissing and hugging. You look at all the time Noah's given people. Holy shit. I wish. I don't know where that is. Oh, I see where it is. Okay, sure. I can go up there.
Starting point is 00:01:12 All right, let us know when you get there. Sure. Suze, what's up? Matt Suze. Can we unmute Suze? No. He can only unmute himself. Anikoski, Ricky,ad oh my goodness oh i wonder
Starting point is 00:01:29 if we could get um oh this next event is gonna be fucking sick hey that was amazing. Hey, Rick, that's so good. That's it! That's it! Woo! Crazy, right? He gave it his all. By the way, all those people right there could just go outside and catch up with the athletes as they come out into the parking lot. Lazar Jukic.
Starting point is 00:02:04 This is the beer garden. Also also we saw yellow wolf play there yellow wolf yellow wolf the rapper yeah heidi hi are you muted oh she might be she might be getting jacked up because of her uh yeah the connection's too slow too many people she froze moose knuckle got away with two no reps who who's that green shaper your girl dude oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know it's funny and then she cleaned and then she cleaned it up a little bit right at the end she got better she went which is yeah good honor her. But man, they were giving her some home cooking at first. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Woo. I would say even Fikowski was as close as some of hers. Wow, look at that shirt. Fraser is not the goat. Changed my mind. That's a good shirt. That is a great shirt. Alpaca. Can we that um up while we oh well we got to talk about this last event i know i know but i'm just so excited i'm
Starting point is 00:03:14 just so excited about what suze is all right what is suze filming let's brief this then oh the press conference right oh yeah i can't believe there's someone actually at the press conference i heard the other day only three people showed up. Look, someone – who's that? Is that Danny Spiegel? Someone's, like, barely clothed. Well, Trish – oh, fuck. Wrong.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Where'd that go? Here we go. The event was the badusi of the game so far it was pretty wild and i look i like how long it took to uh to uh drag out that was awesome i am so happy they added another bag had to do that uh adrian bosman sitting there in the middle will trisha take a 15 or tonight wow wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Can we hear this?
Starting point is 00:04:08 Can we listen to this? Yeah. You want me just to try to go give it on the regular mic and see what happens? Yeah. Got it. No, no. Don't mute. No, no.
Starting point is 00:04:20 What regular mic? What's he doing? Oh. All right. Justin Berg, the two executives of the game, will be here today. You've seen some spectacular performances from these individuals. The Eddie Spiegel. We're now going to turn it over to Justin. We have some media on the line as well. If they would like to ask questions, Oh, that must be Andrew Weinstein.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That's the guy that called and fired me. That's the fucking guy that French kisses fucking Justin DeFranco. Over there on the left. Open mouth kisses him. Is that Berg? It is. Hey, let's just pull this down to the corner and talk. And if we see something, I can't listen to this.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I can't listen to this. It's going to be a bunch of bullshit. Let's debrief Alpaca. Let's talk about Alpaca. And we'll debrief the sandbag ladder ladder yeah hey they wilted at the end huh all the guys they had such a chance just before we before we go over alpaca my coach texted me this and i wasn't quite sure at first but he goes this is so exciting i don't think it's too much to say that this sandbag event has potential to be the most iconic in history
Starting point is 00:06:04 can you imagine the pictures that are going to come from this of freaking event has potential to be the most iconic in history can you imagine the pictures that are going to come from this of freaking danny spiegel holding 250 pounds on her shoulder that was the most engaged the fucking in a lift i think that's the most engaged the crowd has ever been it's the most engaged i've ever been and i i i think it was oh taylor froze did taylor freeze for you guys too yeah taylor's toast here's the thing i here's it was an it was an amazing competition it was an amazing competition and i would say that uh i don't want to take anything away from the program but i want to say 50 sorry the program, but I want to say 50, you sorry,
Starting point is 00:06:45 Taylor, you froze. I want to say 50% of it was the fact that we got to see basically, Oh, now he's gone. Taylor Krennikoff. We are sorry. Not Taylor.
Starting point is 00:06:54 We had Justin Medeiros, Taylor. Jeez. Justin Medeiros. All right. Krennikoff and Ricky Gerard all hanging on until like for so many rounds I think that's really what made
Starting point is 00:07:10 that great and Danny Spiegel don't get me wrong that was fucking insane how easy she made every lift but I think it was the competition between those men that made that it was 51% of that we basically got to see that what is going to see the, the, what,
Starting point is 00:07:25 what is going to end up being the winner of the games. Everyone's going to look back and be like, it happened right there at that workout, I think. And then the sad part is, it seems like it mattered a little bit more for the men than it did for the women. So the excitement just wasn't there as much for the women.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yep. And the sad, the only sad part about that whole event was jason jason hopper and not that he's not going to have future chances but those are the kind of moments that make people like the josh bridges that like they didn't win the games but you never forget them so if he lifts that he goes down as the guy who was the only guy to lift the heaviest bag and you don't get a lot of those opportunities and so and i really wanted him to make that no one's gonna forget fukowski i think there's something to seeing the three people that go before you fail
Starting point is 00:08:15 and not giving the confidence that you know you can do it too i agree i agree but still fuck you was so close and i thought the same thing i was like man this is it's an opportunity but it wasn't there this year but i was there in 2019 on the clean ladder the first year they did the one person at a time on the platform when matt hit 380 and tia hit 270 it was i can't imagine it being much louder than that but the people that were at both probably would know yeah i i was in i've been in there when it's so loud that while they're screaming um i i and i've never been anywhere where it's this loud um i i had a thought i oh i need to get out of here it's getting too loud like shit was ringing like weird shit was happening it was it was beyond deafening and uh
Starting point is 00:09:01 and i've been in there when everyone's crying too so that year uh i think it was the year to the first year t did t winter first year there t winter first year and no t winter first year even further back in carson right yes yeah anyway uh i did i did like the event i thought it was fucking crazy. The fact that they rolled out a 350, mind-boggling, right? A perfect run event. I'm just glad they did that and they didn't send all of them to the tiebreaker setup. Right. Oh, did we lose Sousa too?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Oh. There we go. Hey, guys. Hey. Do we want to talk about um out i'll uh hey susan were you in there for that for that last workout just now yeah the announcement of it oh you're breaking up pretty good yeah you're breaking up pretty good that's okay uh can we bring up Alpaca? Do you want to talk about Alpaca first, or do you want to talk about that event first?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Alpaca it is. Let's talk about Alpaca. Yep. Justin wasn't on mat for tiebreak. I don't know what that means. Is that a wrestling thing? Brandon Reed, $10. I don't think I've heard a louder crowd,
Starting point is 00:10:19 even though it was Classic CrossFit. Though it was or wasn't? I think they put Colton in that last bag. Stuffed him in there and rolled it out. Jeremy sent that to me. I fucking lost it. Taylor, I think you have a bad connection. 126 feet sled push. 126 foot sled push decreasing in load what does that mean
Starting point is 00:10:52 anyway so it means they're it looks like they're going to start with six kettlebells they're going to push it down then they're going to do legless rope climbs. They're going to take two of the kettlebells off. They're going to do their cleaning jerks with those. Then they're going to push the sled back. Then they're going to do clean jerks again after legless rope climbs. So it looks like the load. So that 126 foot sled push decreasing load is not one of the movements. That's a description.
Starting point is 00:11:27 That should be probably at the bottom. That's a description. No, it's a start push. Correct. So, three, two, one, go. They start the push. Is my connection better? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Okay. So, three, two, one, go. They start the push with all six kettlebells in the sled. When they get to the first 42-foot marker, they unload two kettlebells. They get to the next 42-foot marker, they unload two kettlebells in the sled when they get to the first 42 foot marker they unload two kettlebells they get to the next 42 foot marker they unload two kettlebells they get to the final spot where they have their legless rope climb they unload the last two kettlebells exactly what i was saying so that 126 foot sled push decreasing load is just a title it's not has nothing to do with that's how the workout starts no because 42 plus oh you push it with the entire load all the way to one end and
Starting point is 00:12:07 then work your way back. So three, two, one, go. You start at one end of the field and you have six kettlebells in the sled. Yeah. The field is broken into three sections, three 42 foot sections. Which equals 126. Exactly. Which makes that thing the title, which makes that thing the title for the workout.
Starting point is 00:12:22 126 foot sled foot. Oh, okay. Four time. Three, foot. Oh, okay. Four time. Three, two, one, go. You push the sled, and when you get to the first 42-foot mark, you unload two kettlebells. You get to that 84-foot mark, you unload two kettlebells. You get to the 126-foot mark, you unload two kettlebells. You advance to your rope climb, two legless.
Starting point is 00:12:38 You go back to the first set of kettlebells. You do your kettlebell clean and jerks, and then you load those kettlebells in the sled you push it 42 feet run back to your legless you do your two legless rope climbs go back to the next uh go back to your sled at least i think that's how it's gonna go jr when do you push the sled 126 feet unloading the kettlebells as you progress down the field to your rope and then but you never push the sled 126 you never push the sled 126. You never push the sled 126 feet unbroken. It's 42 feet stop.
Starting point is 00:13:09 42 feet stop because three times 42 is 126 is what I'm saying. Yes, but the first. When have you ever seen in a work? Sorry, go ahead. The first push is 126 feet straight. You're just unloading the kettlebells as you go. That's correct. And then you push the sled
Starting point is 00:13:25 each section on the way back as you progress through the workout and you pick them back up and you pick the kettlebells back up as you go load them it's a it for sure okay but it's pointless to have that written there does nothing it's only mean it's pointless to have that written there when it says decreasing in load i think it means that you push 42 drop off to push 42 drop off to push 42 drop off to and those are the two that you're going to use that are near your rope for the first cleaning jerks then you'll reload your sled and push down and progress back down the field all right we got collar hold on all right we got we got color here he can hear you guys and we have enough uh audio to where he can hear you,
Starting point is 00:14:06 and hopefully you guys can hear him. What's up, boys? What's up, man? Congratulations. Oh, my God. That was fucking epic. Holy shit. I swear to God, I was losing my fucking mind in there.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I can't. I wasn't watching. I was underneath with Shane. The two of us are too nervous to go up. So we're watching down the belly of the Coliseum. We're watching the feed and I'm fucking going nuts. I swear to God, in warm-ups, Ricky barely hit the 260. I was like,
Starting point is 00:14:32 oh, this is going to be a fucking disaster. And he gets out there and, I mean, that was just sick. That was fucking sick. Did you guys know that they were going to pull out a 350 bag? No. And honestly, Curtis back there, when I was like, what are they going to do after 340 uh curtis was curtis bowler he was just like i don't know i may probably gonna go to a tie break and
Starting point is 00:14:51 then when they pulled out the 350 i looked over and he was smiling i was like you sneaky fucker you know but nah man uh that was listen when that event started i was like oh my god this is fucking dumb and then by the end i just like, this is pretty fucking epic. It was pretty sick. Yeah. So, and that's kind of where I was at it too. What do you think grew on you? Do you think it was the fact that it was Ricky, Justin, and Krennikoff put on such a good show?
Starting point is 00:15:17 I mean, obviously, that added to the drama and that was amazing. But the truth of the matter was, like, these athletes have not touched these bags. And to me, the fact that they were able to do what they were able to do i mean think about what they did think about danny spiegel hitting 250 and jackie dalstrom hitting 240 are you fucking kidding me like that that's crazy and then these guys uh what they were able to do is just amazing and you watch you watch these behemoths right right? These power lifters who are strong men who, who can do this, but they weigh 350 pounds, 400 pounds. And these guys, what they did tonight was superhuman. I mean, it was really, it was, it was one of those things where we know
Starting point is 00:15:55 they can lift a barbell. The fact that they were able to stretch themselves and do this, it was fucking epic, dude. It was, it was phenomenal. I i am i was dead wrong because when it started i was like this was fucking dumb and by the end i was like this might have been one of the coolest fucking things i've seen at the games have you that's good jayler good i was gonna say do you think that's one of the most iconic moments of the games in recent history i think so i mean i think the capital yeah was one of the coolest events especially especially finishing at the Capitol in Madison. And I think this one, I think you got to see those, these two events so far from this games are, are the two that really stand out.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Will you talk to Ricky tonight? He's going, there's Benny over there. Get him, get him. Treatment here. Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. Just let Snorri know. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I was just helping check. All right, all right. Just let Snorri know.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Yeah, I will. Okay. The other one's with Gabby anyway. All right, all right. Yeah, cool. Okay. He's getting some body work done now because I think when the adrenaline is going to wear off.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I mean, he just lifted how many fucking thousands of pounds of sandbags? He's probably going to be pretty beat up. And it sounds like they've got a pretty grueling one in the morning. I haven't heard the event yet, but sleds, kettlebell. What's the kettlebells? Is it a clean and jerk? Okay. What's the weight?
Starting point is 00:17:15 70 kilograms. Sorry. 70 pounds each hand. 20 reps to start, then 15, then 10. Okay. That's aggressive. What's the sled? The sled starts with 126 feet, and they push it 42 feet sections
Starting point is 00:17:28 and unload the kettlebells as they go. So it starts with six kettlebells, push 42 feet, unload two. Push 42 feet, unload two. Push 42 feet, unload two. They go to the rope, two legless. They go back to their first set of kettlebells, 20 clean and jerks. Load them in the sled, push 42 feet. Back to the rope.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Love it. That sounds great. Is the legless stays consistent at two? Two, yep. Six total reps. Is it six? It was more. Probably tall.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I wish it was three. Might be tall. That would be great. They're probably 18 feet. Yeah. Well, they'll say it's 20 feet, but they'll be 18. On that Zeus rig, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And from the demo, it looked like it started in the seated position. Oh, so i don't know if you guys caught that wow but i saw it looked like they were out of seated position they also look like they also looked like they had to lower themselves down legless as well to ask you questions we were joking about this earlier me and some of the coaches there you feel like like boz just like opened up his dream journal and like started journal. And it's like, it's like all this shit I've ever wished at the CrossFit games. And he's just fucking like spewing it out this year. It's hilarious. It's just like all these things are fucking, but it's cool, man. I mean,
Starting point is 00:18:39 and listen, you got, how long has it been since we've had the drama of these like three monsters going into the final day all within 30 points of each other? I mean, it's incredibly compelling. I think it's great for the sport. You got Justin, who everyone fucking cheers for. You got Ricky, who everyone fucking hates. You got Roman, you know, he's a cyborg from Russia, fucking Drago. Like you got, it's just this fucking awesome drama that's so fucking
Starting point is 00:19:05 cool. It's pretty fucking good. Oh, there's Ricky right there. You want to say hi? Oh, I'd love to say hi. Real quick. Oh, he does. Woo! Warrior. What's up, Siobhan? What's up, dude? Warrior.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Hey, Ricky. Every guy I saw. Benny, what's up, brother? Ricky, every guy i saw benny what's up brother ricky every saw i got every every guy and gal i saw who started getting into the heavy bags after every everything every lift they would do this with their neck or they'd be doing some weird stuff with their back was that shit fucking you guys up like tweaking you in some in some contorted uh a little bit the neck was a bit twisted in the back. Just trying to make sure it was ready to go for the next lift. How much time
Starting point is 00:19:50 did you have? Once you started lifting, did you have a time limit? They said 30 seconds, but if we were confident to reattempt it, they'd let us go again. So 30 seconds, but if you just wanted to say, fuck you, I'm going to stay up here, you could. Yeah, exactly. Those are some interesting rules. Give me one more shot. Ricky, are you going to stay up here, you could. Yeah, exactly, yeah. Those are some interesting rules.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Give me one more shot. Ricky, are you getting a lot of love at the games? Yeah, man, it's incredible. The comment section loves you. Hey, what feedback do you have? Are you working on a feedback list for Justin for next year? Not yet. Back to them tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Okay, awesome. All right, brother. Hope you win. Rooting thank you thanks bye yo all right i'm gonna try to get some sleep boys i'll probably talk to y'all tomorrow okay okay bye bye guys oh thank you bye ladies caller's a good guy i like him a lot what what um when you tell him it's 100 it's not 120 pull up the workout again pull up the workout again what's the very first thing you do when that workout starts three two one go what do you do my my guess is you're starting at the end zone opposite the rig where the ropes are you have all of your kettlebells on your sled you push 42.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Wait, wait, wait. Scroll down a second. You think you push 40 even though it says. It says. It says. Let's read it. That's why it says decreasing in load because you're decreasing the load every. I fully understand that.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I fully understand that. I fully understand that. Fran doesn't start off by saying this is going to be 45 thrust. Read at the bottom. It says unloading. Unloading. I hear you. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I'm saying when you write Fran, you don't say 45 thrusters, 45 pull-ups. You still don't. What don't I get? Help me. Help me. Let me do it. Okay. This is the field.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Thank you. It starts. You're on the side of the field. Let's. Let me get, let me do it. Okay. This is the field. Thank you. It starts. You're on the side of the field. Let's say there's a rig, blah, blah, blah. You go 126 feet with the sled. You're unloading kettlebells as you go. I totally get that. You guys stop.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I totally get that. I totally get that. He's saying, why do you write it that way? You would never write that in a fucking workout ever anywhere. It's fucking idiocy is what I'm telling you. Hey, did you guys, did you guys get that? So what was what was your right scroll down scroll down so i can see the workout the work please or scroll up so i can see the workout look at this if this is written the way it was written on dot com you would do two legless rope climbs that's what the workout would start that's
Starting point is 00:22:18 how it's written then you would do 20 kettlebell cleans then you would push the sled 42 feet and then you would you would you would pull out the the two kettlebells that's the way it's fucking written no you almost had it you almost had it you're you're still missing it okay the workout actually does start with the sled push the workout doesn't start with the legless rope climb ah i see i see now i and it's just not written out i see i see okay so scroll down let's read it so make sure we're right so let me ask you this so it should be written 42 foot push unload two kettlebells 42 foot push unload two kettlebells 42 foot put okay thank you
Starting point is 00:22:58 okay scroll down but yeah let's make sure we're right athlete will start with a sled loaded with six kettlebells they will progress down the field, unloading pairs of kettlebells as they go. Once to the other side, they will complete two rope climbs, then 20 kettlebell cleaning jerks with the first pair. They will then load the kettlebells into the sled, push it down the field to the second pair of kettlebells. After going back for two more rope climbs,
Starting point is 00:23:18 etc, etc, etc. Damn, wow. We were right. Good guess. We didn't need to do that we could have just scrolled down and read the fucking description or it could just be written right or it could just be the inspiration for that did you guys see the video and boss explaining what inspired that workout what did inspire it so he went back all the way to and savannah you'll remember this the uh storage box. I watched it. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Well, explain it to us. I didn't see it. So basically he said back in the day when they first started, there wasn't all this
Starting point is 00:23:53 equipment, like Rogue hadn't built all these sleds and everything else. So they would find these pieces of sheet metal and they would essentially load a bunch of equipment on it, use them as sleds. And then as they started to do that, they said, well, we could incorporate in the workout, loading a bunch of equipment on it, dragging it to one side, doing a movement with that equipment and then dragging it back. So it was kind of old school CrossFit inspired from when there wasn't all this fancy equipment. Booyah.
Starting point is 00:24:24 This is a grinder. This is a grinder. This is a grinder, but fast, right? It's just the movements and all the demands are so short and not high that you just have to keep going, right? That's a fucking heavy sled. That's a grip. And a heavy sled. But it doesn't say anything about the rope climbs being legless. Can you scroll back down for us?
Starting point is 00:24:45 Oh, it says legless in the description up there, or in the actual write-up that's in there. I know, but seated. Oh. Remember who said seated? Sousa? Yeah, that was a visual that they showed up. Don't quote me on that, but that's what it looked like.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And then also in the video on the descent down, it looked like they had to go legless on the way down as well. Oh, my God. That is a game changer. Where did you see that? Where did you see that, Sousa? So they had a whole video on the broadcast big screen inside the beer garden that we watched that on.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Right. I saw that. And you saw someone doing legless descent too. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. It's's gonna be 420 pounds to start the sled that's fucking heavy and then 420 again to finish i i assume it'll be outside in the uh what's that called the north field
Starting point is 00:25:40 yeah on the turf wow and this happens tomorrow at, uh, 9 00 AM central time. Hey, it's, it's, it's a good one for a lot of guys, right? Well, it's definitely one of those movements that is going to expose people similarly to the pegboard, but that workout started with pegboard and it really wasn't that many. And some of the athletes only had to do three in the whole workout because they were cut. So this one having to do six, if they are from a seated position and if they are at least 15 feet or higher, that's going to be probably eight to 10 poles for most of them, just to 15 feet. And remember we talked about, we did our predictions that seated rope climbs were on seated legless preferably in an l position were on main site within two weeks before the games
Starting point is 00:26:32 another point for jr uh that was two weeks before the games it was within two weeks yeah i think the workout was uh overhead squats and seated legless rope climbs maybe. I think Suze is on to something. What do you think? If it's a seated legless rope climb, it completely changes the workout, and I don't think there are going to be a lot of guys that are good at it. I think there are going to be a select few that can be good at all three of these movements in tandem. It also depends on the length of the rope too, right?
Starting point is 00:27:04 We talked about that too. Remember we said, okay, okay well you can't just keep making the rope taller and taller although it would be entertaining it's a little bit dangerous so what can you do to make the rope climb longer without actually lengthening it you just make them start in a seated position yeah that's pretty crazy uh any thoughts right off the bat do you see this and say okay this person's gonna win this out of the dudes their bodies are fucked on those kettlebell cleaning jerks too after tonight 45 reps is gonna be nasty terrible it's gonna mangle people yeah they they they looked mangled every dude who walked off from the bag i mean did you see the way those bags were like collapsing
Starting point is 00:27:42 madaris's midline it was like and jr this is these kettlebells are for sure coming from the hang and that's just going to make make the legless so much harder for sure like i said so much grip fatigue so much forearm and pulling fatigue this is going to destroy anyone with even the slightest hole in a legless rope climb brian i love it that will shows up when it's clear savon needs a chaperone yeah it's like he brought the wheelchair out and took me out took me out of the party oh my goodness i got heated uh have we talked to hillar not yet but give me some guesses on this who is this does this lazar spencer and Saxon come out of the woodworks and fuck shit up here? Patrick Vellner, he can work, right?
Starting point is 00:28:32 Pat Vellner would be great on this workout. Someone's going to make a statement here, right? Brent's good at legless, traditionally just really good at this kind of a format. Ricky's great at legless. He is? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Does he do that running man thing when he's legless, like that kind of that format ricky's great at legless he is oh yeah yeah does he do that like running man thing when he's legless like that kind of that kip a lot too justin's also really good
Starting point is 00:28:52 i i was i was surprised on that bag there were some people who had some explosive pops they looked as good as gee and and they just couldn't land it on the shoulder like did you see the the round that saxon lost and he actually threw the bag over his shoulder and then the second attempt couldn't make it too strong the first attempt not strong enough the second attempt i'm sorry jr i said yeah i did see that it was crazy how fast it flew up and and same with travis mayor like he it seemed like maybe he had the ability but just couldn't uh just couldn't pull it off. Houdet looked good. Okay, so at the top here,
Starting point is 00:29:31 they haven't put in the scores yet, but it looks like Roman and Ricky and Justin will still be the guys, right? Yeah, I think so. Adler took 16th in that last workout, and Roman took 13th. And that's the one who's nipping at the Hills of, uh, of Roman,
Starting point is 00:29:50 uh, thoughts on who is going to win this workout tomorrow. Alpaca between Justin Medeiros, Ricky Gerard and Roman Krennikoff. Roman's also really good at legless. He won the legless workout in the last chance last year. I would say Roman on this. He's a big, ah, man, but the seated legless changes things for somebody with a big body like him.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Man, I don't know. I think Ricky. Who do you think takes second? I got Roman for JR, and I got you down as Ricky. I think Justin takes second. He's got great overhead too with the kettlebells. It's hard to bet against the champ. Yeah. I mean, he's good at everything really. I mean,
Starting point is 00:30:37 the technique and the discipline that he showed doing the exact same thing from the lightest sandbag to the sandbag that he failed was pretty impressive to me you could tell he had been taught how to do that you think he was just taught that in the back and then just it just stuck oh okay i think adam's smart enough to have had him work with someone on that skill on that technique beforehand hey here's the here's a giant bag this This is how you do it. It's interesting. Do you think he would have taken Guy's technique and made the last bag? Because it was clear that, at least to me,
Starting point is 00:31:19 it seemed like the best technique was picking it up long ways in between the legs, getting it to the lap, and then popping it to the shoulder, or at least inching it up. When they interviewed that strongman during the female competition, he actually said that what they were going to have to start to deal with is what Justin was planning for. The turning of the bag on the way up, the twisting of the bag so it could go on their shoulder. And it seemed like him starting in that position, it was almost like the more so traditional strongman technique.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I think that requires more athleticism, but I think it gives you more longevity. Somehow, I think that your hip extension translates to moving the bag better when it's the width ways. Yeah, they showed that slow-mo of maybe the second-to-last one that he did, and it looked so easy the way that it moved. Justin. Yeah. last one that he did and it looked it looked so easy the way that justin yeah yeah because basically when you have it like this and it's too and it's too heavy you just run out of room and then you're forced to just inch it god that looked bad on some people's backs right and when he goes there's gonna be a lot of popped bicep tendons i was like oh my god not in this sport because it's clean that hurt when i heard that
Starting point is 00:32:26 and he was like yeah they're gonna be careful doing that i'm gonna tear a bicep tendon on on live air i was like dude yeah that was silly that was silly did you hear that hiller that doesn't happen across it because everyone's clean it's a pipe down where is hiller i don't know that's how we know ricky's clean, because his bicep tendon didn't pop. Sounds like it. So you have Ricky in last place, or in third for this, JR. And you have Roman in third, Taylor. I got Ricky in second, Justin in third.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Oh, wow. Okay. I got Ricky first, Justin second, roman third yeah your name is taylor let's take over is that what it said no no he doesn't i don't think he drinks i don't think he drinks a drop he might be wasted like tired wasted uh can we go over and look at the women we're just gonna we're picking who who's to win tomorrow the alpaca workout, which was just announced and everyone understood but me. Tia Claire Toomey.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Oh, she's going to win. Oh, man. Oh, shit. The female leaderboard's been updated. You see that? Yeah, she's pulling away. One point. Danielle's in third now.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Danielle's on the podium now. She wasn't on the podium before. Emma Lawson's working her way down. Hayley Adams in fifth. Holy shit. Wow. Holy shit. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Wow, look at the fucking point spread between emma and danielle that's what i just said one point yeah he was texting his mom no i wasn't i was asking dude i had a fucking terrible sneeze i had asking it asking her if he could borrow her office for one more hour my mom's asleep man don't make fun of her. I'm not making fun of her, buddy. Someone else in the family, not her. Merton's got cut. Oh, man. Can we pull that up and see who all got cut from both sides? Can you do that?
Starting point is 00:34:43 The male scores aren't in already, so we can see who's cut from the female. Well, they're in, but they just haven't adjusted the rankings. Is the 30th place person cut, or they're in it? She's in. Wow. So, Frusselier takes a fucking 39th in that event, and Mikalyshin takes a fifth, and it's still not enough. Wow. 346, 342. Are you sure the points are updated?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yeah, they are. 346, 342. Are you sure the points are updated? Yeah, they are. Freya Moosberger, Victoria Campos, Solvig, Elisa Fuliano, Caroline Connors, Julia Cato, Elena Sanahua, Michelle Moran, and Emily Rolfe. Oh, does Emily Rolfe count as one? I guess it doesn't matter. They're keeping the top 30.
Starting point is 00:35:23 That's all that matters. Yeah, they're just cutting 230. Okay. Wow. It's going to get interesting tomorrow. The rest of these girls are basically just they can
Starting point is 00:35:38 just get in the way of the other girls, right? In terms of the scoring, they can just fuck with the scoring. When you look and saw what regionals 2014 legless did at semis and how much problems that caused on the leaderboard wait until tomorrow if those rope climbs are legless from a seated position with the females and a legless descent ass fucked really just people just getting stopped oh yeah people yeah. People falling. Wow. Not Tia. People getting to failure.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And it'll be people in the top 10 that really, really struggle, that take big hits. How about Hayley Adams? You think she got good legless? She's good at legless. She's good to go. Brooke really struggled at semifinals. Remember, we talked about that. But that was also maybe a confidence thing with the ul owner surgery and having some pain she was dealing with don't say that mike that's fucked up too
Starting point is 00:36:34 that would fuck me i'm not even gonna turn around ricky up 20 ricky up to 25 points on roman justin up 16 on ricky oh it's gonna be good to be good. Okay. I think that the people who... Wow. His name's not Mike. The guy who said it? Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt. Oh, is that what it said?
Starting point is 00:36:58 Oh, right, right. Okay. Justin Menderes, 923. Ricky Garrard, 906. Roman Krennikoff, 881. Still really close. How many workouts are left tomorrow? Two.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Three. Well, there are three events, but we still don't know if any of them are multiple scored or not. If the final is three scores, I'm going to queef. Hey, but I have individuals 9 to 10, and then individuals, and that's the alpaca, and then I have individuals 11 to 2. How do you know there's two workouts in there? On the website, it's got… It's got three on the website.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah, three. For Sunday or for that 11 to 2 slot? For Sunday. So workouts. Okay, okay. There you go. 2022 games. Alpaca and then two more. Individual event 12, individual event 13.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I wonder if they're going to bring out the barbells. They are, right? Oh, dude, they fucking have to. They will. They don't have to. I think we'll still see a deadlift and absolutely a squat with a barbell. And for God's sakes, a burpee just for me, please. So Tia's, I mean, she has to have a fucking,
Starting point is 00:38:22 she has to get hit by a train on the way to the event to lose, right? And even then she might not lose. But Mal O'Brien is not – if she gets stopped, something weird could happen, right? Could she get stopped on the legless? Mal? No. I think she's good at legless. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:39 So then the war there, once again, Danielle Brandon, Emma Lawson, Haley Adams, and Emma Lawson has dropped from third to fourth. Danielle's taking her spot. You think Danielle keeps that? And do you think Haley comes up to pass as Emma Lawson? There's still a lot that can happen with 300 points up for grabs. I think that three through five position is going to – there's going to be some movement all day tomorrow. Yoke carry for the final?
Starting point is 00:39:02 I do think they'll still use the yoke for carry, yes. God, there's a lot left on the table. You got snatch, overhead squat, burpee, yoke, deadlift. Well, they did dumbbell squat snatch. You think they'll still do a full snatch? That's what I said earlier on the show, and I don't know. Maybe they won't. And we haven't seen the rower.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Or a clean jerk. They're doing the kettlebell jerks yeah i think you could still see a thruster yeah no thruster in the crossfit games fuck that's tough do they have chest to bar pull-ups yeah they did chest to bar on the first workout what was the first workout i can't even remember mountain biking chest to bar toast bar we've had no muscle up to this point 36 muscle ups already in the up and over oh that's right that's right sorry wow my brain is farting hard let's just point something out here with tia i think it needs to be said the only reason why she's even this close is because she messed up on single unders and got a 23rd.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yeah. I mean, look at her finishes, her bad finish where we said, we've never seen Tia blow up like that on elevated Elizabeth. She still took ninth. Yeah. Crazy dude.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Crazy. It tripped late in her set on singles and it set her back tripped on singles and it made it very similarly to when Matt dropped that bag unknowingly and got penalized for it. So it kind of made that games closer than it really was. And on top of that, it's not like she was using some foolish technique on the singles either. Like it was a true one in a million error. It's not like she was one of those people who like, oh shit, she doesn't know how to do single unders. Exactly. And there were some people out there who look like that
Starting point is 00:40:47 okay so so any thoughts on who's going to take that third spot there's only one i mean who's going to take that third spot danielle emma or hayley i say either dan or Haley. But if Emma gets it, holy shit. That'd be amazing. I don't know. You have to kind of go with experience on Sunday. I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah, I agree. You got to go with experience on Sunday. But I think experience on Sunday also has a lot to do with maturity. I think you've got to take that into account. I don't know. I think I could see Emma taking it. Yeah, and if I knew either any of those three were weak at legless, I would absolutely say they're out.
Starting point is 00:41:35 But they all perform pretty well on legless at semifinals. I'm looking at a text right here, and John Young is saying that Justin is one of the best legless rope climbers out there, so is Ricky. Roman, not so much, not bad, but not like those two. That's from who? Echoing your sentiments. John Young. I'll go with John on that then because I'm not aware of how good or bad Ricky,
Starting point is 00:42:01 I mean, Roman is at legless. I know that he did fine on that workout in his semifinal but that was against the field that was for Roman Roman won the last chance Legolas workout in in 2000 last year not this last chance last year before last whole thing ends with a hero workout it'll complete the narrative call castro hey uh what is the um is there is there a hero workout that pops your head that's got a yoke in it i can't think of one yeah there's one with uh double unders and knees to elbows with overhead yoke carry empty but that's the only one i know of off the top of my head that has a yoke in it. Damn, you're good.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Damn, you're good. Mike Halpin, if Emma does well on alpaca, she is a mathematical lock for? I think she's a lock anyway. What's Roy? Rookie of the year. Oh. We could have killed another five minutes looking that up if jr wouldn't have known that for the show is there is it is there another rookie even in the top 10 i'm trying to look right now ah just miss darris ricky garrod roman jeff no. Livia, we don't think there was a faulty chip timer.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Rather, that spot where your ankle has to cross to set off the chip timer is on your number, not right on the ledge of the platform. And so we think when Gies slowed down, Nick Matthew caught up, and that is why there was a tie instead of Gies hitting the platform first because he kind of walked across the mat. Yeah, he kind of stood up in posture, right? Yeah. He stood up in posture, a little bit of a celebration. Are those the kind of things that are brief to the athletes? Hey, the chip is here. They probably tell you to run all the way through the finish.
Starting point is 00:44:02 When I was there last year, you got to pick which foot you had it on so you knew already which foot you needed to cross with but you got to know where you're going um did you see what uh tim paulson did yeah he like almost did an about face and then stuck his leg out yeah yeah but kind of like a foot it wasn't necessarily like a baseball slide but it was like more like a like a foot sweep like you do in martial arts. It's crazy. I don't know that. I have a hard time seeing Haley jump past Emma and Danielle. And I have a hard time seeing Emma beat Danielle just because of the experience.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah, what we've talked about might be left. If there's, if there's a really heavy yoke or if there's a heavy squat workout or deadlift workout, that's going to be tough for Haley for sure. Right. I'm completely burnout. I'm just completely fucking burnout.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I've completely OD. I've completely OD on the, on the games uh dick butter rookie roman yeah not even well what he did stage one in 2019 right i still feel like i don't know that they're gonna count they don't have an r next to his name hey can you scroll down a little bit? See where Alexis Raptus is? She's the only other one that could take that rookie of the year if she climbs and Mawasin falls. I guess that's the only other option. Let's stretch this fucking thing out.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Let's go over and look at teams. Sebon, how do you feel about Colton? You know, I'm happy. The truth is I'm happy for Colton. I'm happy I got to see him compete. Yeah, I'm happy. The truth is I'm happy for Golden. I'm happy I got to see him compete. Yeah, I'm happy for him. I hope he's stoked on himself. It's pretty fucking impressive what he did.
Starting point is 00:45:55 CrossFit Mayhem, 852 points. Okay, so they're doing it now. Four in a row first. CrossFit Oslo. They shot themselves in the foot by getting that 10th. CrossFit Invictus, they got that 10th crossfit invictus they got a 10th and a 7th uh crossfit reykjavik okay so i guess that i guess there is something to watch there yeah two through four is still pretty tight they do they only have so teams have two
Starting point is 00:46:17 workouts left tomorrow it looks like and that if reykjavik does well on both of those, they can take second place to Mayhem Freedom. That's quite the comeback. Let's see where the other team is. Oh, you're talking about the CrossFit Mayhem Justice? 27th. Ah, man, that's so ironic, their team name. Wow. Why do you think that team's illegitimate because they had a member who's not actually at their gym just kind of mosey on over and take it don't you just have to be like within 70 or 100 miles or some shit i think it's 100 i'm just listening to hillar i'm just listening to hillar okay so this will be riches last year they um they win uh uh i is it a shoe in form 60 points
Starting point is 00:47:16 two workouts what's their lowest finish if they get a 13th they get a couple 13ths i don't they're not gonna lose to oslo what workout was that that they got a 13th, they get a couple 13ths. I don't, they're not going to lose to Oslo. What workout was that that they got a 13th in? Was it the running workout? The mile run? Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. It was like run a mile, all four,
Starting point is 00:47:36 and then two athletes run another mile, and then the other two athletes run another mile. And that's it? That was a three-mile run like that? I think so. Oh, wow. Man, Nistler looked so impressive today today did you guys watch any of the teams yeah i watched that workout on the turf with the wall balls and the dumbbell cleaning jerks lunges and snatches yeah she looks savage
Starting point is 00:47:57 right and it's cool it was cool watching annie looked amazing annie's in a whole fucking different league that was cool watching taylor and annie kind of race yeah and he's just fast the individual she's just so fast and same with khan khan was you didn't trust me you need to look it up will uh the workout is fast it's run a mile with the whole team then two members run a mile and two members run a mile so what's the strategy there your two strongest runners uh run back-to-back miles run the back-to-back miles yeah do you know who they picked no idea i would uh i really don't know i would think rich would have ran for for the men but i could be wrong mayhem will win both workouts tomorrow. No sweat, Trevor Gentry.
Starting point is 00:48:46 But we don't know what they are. Team event 10 and 11. I don't think they've been announced. Yeah, I thought that was a pretty funny line too. Favorite was when Williamson said, who's Annie? The commentators asked Taylor Williamson after they won, hey, what was it like going up against Annie? And Taylor said, Annie who?
Starting point is 00:49:07 I thought that was – That's so unnecessary. No, it was cool. She's way better than you. No, it was cool. She's won the games twice. So what? It was cool.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And I think maybe she said just joking, but I wish she wouldn't have even said just joking. Okay. Oh, if she said just joking, then it's not bad at all. If she didn't and she big-dicked her, it's like, can you really big-dick her, though? She's way better than you. I liked it. I liked it. Ricardo, carry the show, buddy.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Carry the show. Oh, shit. Get hit, motherfucker. Hello. Hey, what's up? What's up? This is Blade on the phone, and I just wanted to say that
Starting point is 00:49:52 I think this is a very well, nearly perfectly programmed games, and here's my theory. So, you have Ricky Garrard, a little dude who can do big guy shit, scary combo. You have Roman Kranikov pushing 220. He's like the Russian Khalifa,
Starting point is 00:50:12 a big guy who could do little guy shit. And then you got Justin Medeiros, a perfectly sized quote unquote prototype build. And all three have risen to the top you know so it's not like oh this favored the little guy this favored the big guy no this favors the baddest motherfucker out there and all three of them are
Starting point is 00:50:34 fucking putting their dicks on the table and this is a very entertaining dick measuring contest I agree 99% of it is Ricky small though no 99% of it. Is Ricky small though? No. Ricky's taller than Justin. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yep. Justin's... Them angles are a beast. Hey, don't ruin his story. I like the story. Yeah, man. I like your story, please. No, but still, I like your story, please. This was like some gags and shit going on and it's very entertaining. As Coach Glassman said, everybody wants a dick measuring contest, but nobody has their pants down and nobody has any rulers.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Well, these three dudes, I'm buckled the belt and all got their rulers and I'm here for it. Yeah, they warred tonight. I'm going to continue listening off air. Okay, thank you. Thanks for keeping our streets safe too, man. I really appreciate it. All the families in the world out there need men like you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I appreciate the kind words. Yep. Thank you. That dude's fit as shit. That's a police officer who works out at uh what's up at suez's gym officer blade officer blade hey hi how are you i'm just i'm just burnout and i feel bad i'm just i'm just i'm just whiny little bitch tonight what for just because I don't know. That time of the month.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Yeah, well, I don't feel that, but, I mean, I guess. So, we're here at the campground at the games. Did we just want to call in and comment about Tim Paulson's no reps on the sandbag clean? Okay, okay. What do y'all think we we just saw from the we're spectating from like the uh corner near the finish line and saw a lot of people a lot of a lot of reps that were questionable where he didn't have the bag on the top of his shoulder uh the the one that i did see
Starting point is 00:52:39 a few of those the one that stuck out for me most was uh two that freya moose bruger did she was like in a back bend and it was just resting on her chest but um but then she cleaned that shit up as it got heavier did you guys see tim paulson getting some some home cooking i he was not one of the ones that stood out to me no no okay they were doing they were just kind of inching it up looking at their judge inch it up again inch it, looking at their judge, inch it up again, inch it up again, put their hand out, inch it up again until the judge said good. Correct. Are you Colton Mertens fan? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yeah, okay. I was just checking. John Young thought by your accent and your voice, you were definitely Colton Mertens fan. We all have the shirt, dude. We were loving being Colton on were loving tomorrow i'm wearing mine tomorrow i'm wearing mine tomorrow in honor of his being cut i thought we were wearing ceo shirts tomorrow i'll change i'll do many wardrobe changes
Starting point is 00:53:36 okay maybe i should take two shirts with me as well yes always always all right well good talking to you all. All right. Ciao. See you. A. Event 12. Murph event 13. For a second,
Starting point is 00:53:58 someone thought this was real info. He was like, holy shit. Back to back. How do you guys have the number? Did we put the number up no bowman hi devon what's up man you know just hanging out with heidi jr and taylor oh you guys are the best man i'm so glad i got a hold of you yeah i'm not carrying the show tonight. Talk, please.
Starting point is 00:54:27 So I just wanted to ask you guys, so unlikely event that Ricky ends up winning tomorrow. Do you think he gets the respect he deserves? From me, he does. JR, does he get it from you? Yeah, I mean, one thing I think is really, maybe not surprising, I mean, one thing I think is really maybe not surprising but impressive was how he had performed at some of the big offseason competitions leading up to this. He kind of was dealing with some sicknesses that made him not be able to compete
Starting point is 00:54:59 at places like Guadalupalooza after he did fairly well at Dubai, but he didn't win Dubai. And then even at his semi-final remember he he got beat by jay right he was second to jay so it's not like he was going into the games with a lot of people being like oh yeah he's one of the front runners to win people have thought that he would be top 10 maybe top five but yeah i mean his fitness has definitely been impressive uh yeah he didn't he didn't answer the question hold on let me fuck with jr a little bit standby uh jr he wants to know if he if he's gonna if you're gonna respect him as the champ you respect his when did you put an asterisk by his name is what he's asking i think no i No, I mean, I think he did his time.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I'm sure he was doing all the things that he was required to do in his four years off as far as getting tested and obviously training really hard. And yeah, I think he did his time where we live in a place of second chances and he got his and he's making the best of his. Someone's trying to log into my fucking Apple ID right now. Oh, sorry, dude. Oh, hold. Hold on. I get another piece of advice.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I'm not allowing this. I'm hitting don't allow. Do you want to change your password? No, I'm good. But fucking don't be logging into my shit. Let me ask Heidi what Heidi thinks. Heidi. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Hi. Someone thinks you're a smoke show. I don't know what that means. I think it's kind of mean um i think that's good i'd like to interject i think that's good i like uh someone thinks heidi is queen that sucks because king everyone knows kings are the best um but uh can you answer this gentleman's question will you respect ricky garard if he as as as our as our crossfit king is the fittest man alive sure i personally yes i will but i think a lot of people will still have
Starting point is 00:56:53 an asterisk next to his name like you can for sure tell in the crowd like there's still people booing him even today so i mean and you know the people you know the people that are booing him are the righteous fucks. People who think their shit doesn't stink. I mean, personally, I don't know. I just think it's one of the coolest things that he got the ban, stuck around for four years, waited it out, and did it right, and came back
Starting point is 00:57:15 and look where he is. Not a lot of people can say that. He ate crow, and not only that, but he has the humility to come back to a place where everyone fucking hates him in his mind. I mean, think about that. So for all the people that are booing him, eat dick.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Maz says, Ricky broke the rules in 2017, and the rules dictated a four-year suspension. He followed the rules, disqualified, qualified by the rules, and playing by the rules now. Win or lose, I respect the hell out of him. Yeah. Uh, Taylor,
Starting point is 00:57:48 I, do you need to answer that question or do we know? No. What? If you were going to respect a Ricky as the champ, if he wins. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Yeah. I, I, I think though that man, Justin's unstoppable. Thank you for calling. Thanks. I appreciate you,
Starting point is 00:58:03 man. I'll be rocking my CEO shirt tomorrow. Awesome. Thank you. Do you want to know the MWG tally now? The what? No, you don't. You don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:58:12 The what tally? The MWG tally after this last workout announcement. MWG. I don't know what that stands for. What is it? 988? It's 10 gymnastics, 7 monostructural, 10 weightlifting. Tiffany Hampton, I'm still not convinced Sevan understands the start of the alpaca.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Forecast in Madison shows storms are 90% of the day tomorrow. Any thoughts on how they'll pivot for extended weather? We pull up the alpaca, pull up the motherfucking workout. Legless in the rain. Pull up the motherfucking workout. I heard it's supposed to thunderstorm, though. So, Sevan, let me ask you this yes if you were riding the workout you would write 42 foot sled push and in parentheses you would put six kbs and then you would write 42 foot sled push four kbs and then 42 foot sled push two kbs
Starting point is 00:59:00 that's what you would do i would say whatever i would say whatever anytime you have to do a new movement i would start a new line so 42 foot sled push uh well it says it would say so 42 foot sled push and it would tell you how many kettlebells were in the were in the sled on the side you know what if it's six kettlebells in there it says six kettlebells and then and it would say 42 feet push sled with six kettlebells for and the weight them, 42 feet, remove two kettlebells. Push another 42 feet, remove two kettlebells. Push another 42 feet, remove two kettlebells. Okay, people want me to repeat the NWG count. So can I say –
Starting point is 00:59:35 Hey, whoa, whoa, hold on a second. Do I understand the workout, JR? Yeah, you do. But I think they were wanting to know if you – how you would write it differently. Oh. I'll write it up tomorrow. It would go long form. I'm going to bitch slap Sevan seven it would complicate it you aren't you you okay maybe you will uh y'all think this is tia's last go yes yes no i hope i'm wrong Heidi? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:00:11 They're not going to do anything different if it rains, I don't think. You guys think they will? But it might thunderstorm. So if it's lightning, they have to. Hey, that's nice right there, too. 126-foot sled push, unload two kettlebells every 42 feet. Anthony. Anthony.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Hi. Hello. Hello. Hi. Hey, just two questions. How much do you all think the sled weighs? And do you think this is all Boz's workouts? Or did he create this with Dave before Dave stepped down or was fired or let
Starting point is 01:00:42 go? They're all Boz's. before Dave stepped down or was fired or let go. They're all Boz's. And the sled on its own or with the kettlebells in it? Sled on its own before the kettlebells. Probably around 70 pounds. We got a little sneak peek of the sleds on Boz's story if we want to pull that up, that Rogue made him a gift.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Those look like the sleds that they're going to be putting the kettlebells on because they have a flat surface on the top. I would say they're probably – Do you like his guess for the weight, JR? A dog sled 2.0 is like 97 pounds. And the ones they normally use at the games are the slice sleds that are a little bit less robust. So I would say what, Taylor?
Starting point is 01:01:22 Probably 75 to 100 pounds. Do you think that they still do the workout outside oh they can't do the workout tomorrow if it rains because the ropes will be slippery right they could do regular they oh sled is heavier than according to someone according to my inside information my inside report sled is heavier than that. Here's my question too. Take a look at those sleds. All right. So let's say you start with the tall railing when you push to unload. Look at the other side of the sled. That's a low attachment like the tort tank had.
Starting point is 01:02:00 What if on the way back you're pushing it low attachment? Hey, my cunt stop i hate myself it took me so long hit that patissier heidi are you driving a smart car it's the quietest car in the world. Oh. It's a Subaru. I'm not a lesbian. Okay, thank you. Guys, listen, listen, listen. Listen, if you wake up in the morning and you're not fucking sky high and ready to just take on the world like I am, then you should consider getting some blood work done and then sending that blood work to California Hormones.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Use the code SEVON,, and get a free doctor's consultation, and they'll tell you if your BODUSI levels are too low, and then they'll recommend what you do. And if you live in California, you can get the blood work done for free, blood work done for free, and doctor's consultation for free blood work done for free and uh doctor's consultation for free understand but then you won't be able to compete in the crossfit games you can't right if you have testosterone replacement therapy you can't compete in the games correct yeah so you know you're not gonna wait even if it's even if it's still like if you're just bringing yourself up to normal levels? Correct. Oh.
Starting point is 01:03:27 That's good. They had a guy who was a master in 2018 who popped because of that. Or no, he was individual, but he was 35 and he popped because of that. This friend of mine, I think I told you guys about him before. He's a doctor, which is fascinating to me. Very, very, very, very successful doctor, affiliate owner. He told me he heard us talking about it on the show, and he got on it, and he said it changed his whole fucking life. He's in his 70s.
Starting point is 01:03:54 He said he can't even fucking believe what it did. He said he wish he would have known about it sooner. Some people in the chat have gotten cheated on and got back with the person before four days. Ricky cheats and gets back four years following. Oh, this is good. I'm going to start this over. Jiggy Josh, $20. Shit.
Starting point is 01:04:12 I owe you $20 for this. Some people in the chat have gotten cheated on, you know, like when your girlfriend fucks your friend. And then you got back with your girl in just four days. Now, Ricky cheats and he has to take four years off and he followed the rules to get back. Can't we just let it go? And he also hashtagged, you fucking ignored it.
Starting point is 01:04:36 MGW tally matters. I don't, I don't know what that stands for. What is that? Monostructural weightlifting, gymnastic, monostructural, gymnastic weightlifting. Oh monostructural gymnastic
Starting point is 01:04:45 weightlifting oh the tally yeah that we were doing today yeah i added to it and you won't let me talk about it oh here's i'd fucking let i not only i defended you i was defending you this earlier in the show jr when you weren't here we were talking we were breaking down the game the i listened to it oh fuck and people were going nuts i don't know okay let we should start a poll what was worse um when me not understanding the workout or uh or taylor fucking me hijacking this show and fucking it up or taylor hijacking the last show with this dork shit i i man i don't know uh hip and still uh hillar versus hip and still will be more entertaining than bridges versus Hefner. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:27 there it is. That was good. Hey, that can be a whole show. Don't you think Jr. Dude, that, that interaction was about as raw as you could get.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Uh, the, the, the one from the previous podcast or earlier today in this one no the hillar hippenstiel oh wow when he said it was it was muted he said you're a liar and he said okay you are too you guys you don't need even to go see it it wasn't that good it's just really uncomfortable that's what i'm saying i hope hillar makes it basically what happened was this hillar had his live cam going and we could see he was talking hip and still and i made it big on the picture and i was basically saying dude we can't hear we can't hear we can't hear and we couldn't hear for a reason because uh hillar was trying to respect the dude's face and not play the audio but just show the video and then i couldn't hear for a reason because Hiller was trying to respect the dude's face and not play the audio, but just show the video. And then I couldn't exactly see what happened.
Starting point is 01:06:28 But according to Hiller, Hippenstiel grabbed his camera that's on a stick, grabbed his stick camera. At which point, Hiller quickly turned on the audio and he tells him, hey, the audio is on now. And Hippenstiel goes, I thought you said the audio was off. He goes, it was. I just turned it fucking on. And then that's when the liar comments came. that right jr that's that's pretty accurate yeah you understood it was crazy and yeah it was we pulled the screen up at first and his face is big on the screen i'm like wow he really looks his age but he looked better as he as he took a few a few steps back
Starting point is 01:07:02 uh boss is using these games to not only change how CrossFit trains going forward, but also is at the same time collecting data. He now knows where the athletes stand and their limits. This will show in next year's programming. New Zealand having the world's
Starting point is 01:07:20 largest COVID outbreak that they've had since the invention of COVID. Which doesn't matter. Hiller got soft. Just reading that. Yeah, that is what happened. That's how I – Hiller got soft for hip and steel,
Starting point is 01:07:37 and then hip and steel irritated him, and Hiller turned into a savage again. I know. It's – man. I think as he walked away, he told Hitler, you're subversive, subversive. No, he said, you're you're you're an interesting dude. You're a special guy or something like that. Mexico. Hola.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Hello. Hello. Just wanted to give you some credit for doing a great job Oh, thank you Yeah And also Ricky's a cheater He has the face of a steroid user He should be pushed out
Starting point is 01:08:15 You asshole How can a man with such a nice voice Have such mean opinions But I love Taylor's mustache You want to sit on it It's mean opinions. But I love Taylor's mustache. You want to sit on it. Come on. Seriously.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Why? Why can't we? He's not a cheater. He cheated. Yeah. Once a cheater, always a cheater. That's the thing. Just throw them out.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Oh, come on. You're breaking my heart. You're breaking my heart. Hey're breaking my heart. Hey, Chris Hassel, that's racist. Someone in the comments called you Pablo Escobar. I'm sorry. I apologize. You have an amazing voice. Are you an actor?
Starting point is 01:08:57 No, I'm a Swedish guy living in Mexico. We talked before. Oh, yeah. I'm the Maximus who's giving some hard time to Taylor, but he's growing on all of us. He's doing a great job. He is. He is doing a great job.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I'm not going to take your time, but Ricky shouldn't be there. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you. Take care. I accept all opinions on the show. I'm very open. Dickhead. Okay. Cheater, cheater, but does he eat her?
Starting point is 01:09:34 Can we pull up the leaderboard? Let's try to get... I don't think we're going to get the show back on track. I know JR's like, fuck, I should be with my family. What am I doing? Samuel Fleming, how can I help you? Hola. Samuel.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Oh, I haven't hit the speaker. Shit. Samuel, hi. You there? Kind of. Kind of. Okay. So you think this is Tia's last year?
Starting point is 01:10:02 I do, yeah. She got the documentary crew there. Her whole family's there. She wants to get knocked up. Yeah, dude. I'm just making that up. How perfect is that, though? Like, Rich's last year, Tia's last year.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Like, the only thing that else would have made it even better is if, like, her, Matt, and rich all did it at the same time it's it's it's interesting i i do i do think the next i do think that every generation people are getting better yeah i really think that i mean maybe maybe i just have short-term memory but man these guys everyone looks good oh yeah like, I don't know if we're going to see another Tia, Matt, Rich, people like that where they're just unstoppable. Except for Justin and Emma. Except for Justin and Emma.
Starting point is 01:10:54 You think they'll be able to just absolutely crush it like them with everyone getting better? Mal looks phenomenal, too, at the same time. It's only her second year danielle's fucking crushing it then you still have hayley like hayley does have her bad finishes but she's still fucking grinding all the way into fucking uh okay i can't have you be talking about hayley grinding but thank you i appreciate it uh hi caller hi hi i just want you this show has this show does have uh boundaries i just want you to know you can't don't get all crazy i just want to talk mwg don't i don't want to talk about ricky being a cheater and i don't want to talk about hayley grinding this show will not go there
Starting point is 01:11:36 anymore but this show is now officially okay this show is what what did you say sorry caller one second i'm sorry heidi but doosie's on the table though. Yeah. Badoosie's fine. Yes. Right. Okay. Thank you. Mine's not on the table. Caller, please go ahead. I was going to ask, I felt like this was kind of a max, it was a max list in a way. And it felt like there was a lot of camaraderie between both of like the women and the men, um,
Starting point is 01:12:06 more than usual. And I know it's the bond you've talked about not liking like fake hugs at the end, um, of events. And I was just wondering if this camaraderie felt genuine to you or something that stands out to me is when Hopper, I think it was on his last sandbag lift. He was facing away from his judge.
Starting point is 01:12:24 So the Kelsey kind of stood up to let him know that he was good to put it down. I was just wondering if I like, I felt like you saw that. You saw that. Well, are you there live? No,
Starting point is 01:12:35 I wasn't. I saw that in the video. Wow. Good observation. Nice job. And also all the athletes watching from the sidelines who had already been kicked out. We're like hanging on for dear life was smiling, excited and and looking like holy shit this is fucking cool
Starting point is 01:12:49 when do you ever see athletes who get kicked out of an event or an elimination style bracket look happy to watch the rest of the competition or excited even that's how cool the event was um not not to throw a wrench in there but to throw a wrench in there i did like how basically while they were competing i liked how ricky and uh justin stayed the fuck away from each other like they sat on opposite sides they didn't they didn't like acknowledge each other i watched to see if they ever made eye contact or fist bump i didn't see any of that matt probably told justin his podium contract was up if he lost to Ricky. And I thought it was fantastic that Justin was standing behind Ricky every time he lifted and then they went basically one right after each other.
Starting point is 01:13:35 That was tense. Yeah, the camaraderie seemed genuine. I think they were all pretty impressed. And there's a bit of them that's proud to be out on the floor. it elevates you to know you're out on the floor competing against someone like danny spiegel who's just throwing that shit around i'll make it yeah i agree the what jr did you like the camaraderie you're real i actually thought it was pretty genuine from the females especially when they showed tia and some of the other ones, like they generally looked impressed by, um, Dahlstrom and especially Spiegel, like how effortlessly she was doing that.
Starting point is 01:14:11 It was, it was pretty cool to see the guys looked a little bit more like, when can we leave? Uh, what other, what other observations did you make? Anything else? Did you see all the CEO shirts in in the stands did you make that observation uh no i didn't make that observation but i'm sure they were there okay thank you my observation was that cole gray shaver's legs though that was my observation like nice technique and he tried hypnotizing he tried to sneak in that rep though i gotta be honest this pissed me off he like he like stood that rep, though. I got to be honest. This pissed me off. He like he like stood this rep up on his belly button.
Starting point is 01:14:48 And I got it. I got it. And we were all like, no, you fucking don't, bro. Put it down. I don't think his legs are. I think he's sure. I think it's that his shorts are so short that they make his legs look. He looks like he's coach's little league softball with that goatee too he needs to get
Starting point is 01:15:06 that thing off his face oh my goodness I don't know and just to clarify I only noticed this because I noticed it first on the pig flip and I said hmm okay I'm gonna add that to my notes and then yeah he's 22 come on
Starting point is 01:15:22 22 yeah he's only three years younger than Heidi. Yeah, do your thing, Heidi. Right. I mean, sure. Relax, Kat. Christian Leon. His ass is popping.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Everyone's been on too long. That's funny. Holy shit. The old grape shaper. That's fine. Holy shit. The old grape. Okay. What's crazy is that's without even putting the phone number up. I'm scared to put it up. What are we wearing?
Starting point is 01:15:56 Don't put the fucking phone number up. Let me see. Okay, yes. Thank you. Thank you, Caleb or Will, whoever or will whoever will yeah for getting us back on track here he has a shelf he does have a shelf 100 yeah he does have a shelf like if you were standing next to him you could just set your cocktail on his ass anything you could set on there you You could sit up on there.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Okay. Let's talk about Sam. Sam will quant did great. When he got stopped, he got stopped. Any chance he'll make it into the top five. Sam quant. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Between him and him and fifth was the spread. Eight points, but it's, but it is Saxon. It is Saxon. And Saxon's going to kill tomorrow, I think. It ain't going to be on the workout tomorrow that he makes up those points. It's not going to be. Not on that workout.
Starting point is 01:16:55 But maybe in the last two, some barbell cycling, something heavy like that. Saxon's so strong. I don't think you can even say. I don't know. Like I was listening to the show that Taylor did earlier. Those two workouts that he took such poor finishes on seemed like such flukes.
Starting point is 01:17:11 They were really uncharacteristic in the style of workout. I also think Adler's going to do really well on tomorrow's first event. He's a legless freak. It'll be crazy if he threatens Roman. Hi, caller.
Starting point is 01:17:29 How are you? Great. Great. I'm loving the programming. I was pleasantly surprised. But I wanted your thoughts on Lauren Fisher's miraculous turnaround with her injury. Someone was saying she got a shot. I don't know if it's true uh what are those shots
Starting point is 01:17:46 called cortisol yeah is that what it is own cortisone a cortisone shot and i have seen athletes get that and just a fucking miracle happened so maybe she went that route any thoughts guys and then a couple days later her arms fucking hanging off her body by a thread it's a good short term it's a good short term anti-inflammatory type relief but yeah it it doesn't last very long what did you guys think about the way she was holding the dumbbell that like that is a heavy dumbbell to hold like that did you see that position she had it in i didn't see anyone else using that technique where basically she held it on one end and let the weight of the the the dumbbell kind of cock her arm back and hold
Starting point is 01:18:25 it in that position do you know what i'm saying yeah i know down and it's kind of like a late it's kind of when i use it i always feel like i'm doing it because i'm lazy i cringe when i see that yeah because it's it's it's a lot of torque going back or i don't know if torque's the word but leverage something something's happening in the back there thoughts jr about doing that yeah i think in that kind of workout you just put it in whatever position it's most stable in, and you just roll. Sousa, hi. Hey, guys. What's going on?
Starting point is 01:18:52 Just nothing. How was dinner? Did you just go get a burger and say that you didn't have any connection or what? No, not quite yet. I actually stopped over at – you guys can't really see it, but there's a little meetup at Craig Howard's RV over there. He was throwing an OG affiliate gathering. Oh, how'd that go? Oh, it was awesome.
Starting point is 01:19:11 It was awesome. We just popped in and said hi to everybody. It was kind of a who's who of the CrossFit affiliate owners from 10-year plus. There was a lot of cool people. Did you pass out all those um clean needles and vials of uh trt samples that we got from california hormones have you passed those out yet oh yeah everybody's juiced i'm ready to rock baby all right you know it you know it athletes biceps are going to be smashed from the sandbag llrc are going to be a problem and a half tomorrow what's llrc legless legless uh
Starting point is 01:19:46 you he's talking because of that when people are grabbing underneath the bag and doing that fucking 300 pound static hold yes a lot of people are actually pulling the sandbag up with their biceps that's what he was saying you want to try to avoid but especially the athletes who are getting it up on their chest and just kind of inching it up they would get one hand underneath and there's nothing but tension on that bicep oh i accidentally hung up on that caller hey hey it's calling or calling what's up brother not much how'd heidi's interaction with brian go today and the other thing is is there a minimum work requirement for the legless rope climb
Starting point is 01:20:28 workout tomorrow? I think it's going to be interesting who actually attempts all the rope climbs and who doesn't attempt all the rope climbs. Heidi, go. Obviously love at first sight. That's clear. Went great, got the picture. That's what
Starting point is 01:20:44 the goal was. Is's it is that the first time you met him no we met at wadapalooza but it was kind of like a hey how's it going good all right see ya so this was like a second date this time was like hey how's it going let's get a picture cool all right see ya did he give you five minutes? when are you going to go play disc golf? I didn't even get five minutes dude I'm just kidding disc golf yeah that's not that's going to have to be I guess next year
Starting point is 01:21:15 when we meet again playing the long game if you tell him you play disc golf you're in like Flynn what was the second question Colin? minimum work requirement tomorrow who's going to actually just quit on the rope climbs and just cut their losses so i don't think i don't think that the athletes are going to try to game the legless rope climbs in that manner for what might be coming later i think if you look over the course of the weekend, they did 75
Starting point is 01:21:45 chest to bar. They did 36 muscle ups. Some of them did anywhere from what six to seven peg board, but most of them only did three or two peg board because that workout cut half the field. I don't think there's going to be any more dense upper body pulling. The only other thing that could be possible would be if they did like a skills style three-part workout and they did a weighted pull-up because the age groups did a weighted pull-up this year. But doing that on the same day as those legless from a seated position would be rude. So I don't foresee any of them like saving themselves like they like they would if you're thinking about something like pedal to the metal
Starting point is 01:22:30 and people just like didn't attempt the pegboard because they knew they had more afterwards what about if they have to lower down leg width as well that was the talk that was the talk i think i think susan may have seen that in the video if there is the minimum work requirement it's not we're not going to know that until it's briefed and we won't know that till the athletes know how many of the women can actually do two legless rope climb ascents and descents well we don't know what the height of that is Well, we don't know what the height of that is. Assume it's 18, assume it's 20.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I mean, those rigs out there are about 18 that have the big pads underneath, but they can always put tape and have the women go to 10 feet, the guys go to 12. Because if you're going up seated, that's just like going up to a 15 foot, especially if you're controlling down. Yeah, I think that's what they would do too. I think they'd mark the ropes. JR, like 10 times smarter than the thumb. Thank you. Thank you. Ouch. Just a dig at the end. Damn. Yeah, he can go fuck himself. I told myself like 10 minutes ago,
Starting point is 01:23:37 he started talking about some dumb shit and I tuned out. What did he say? I didn't even hear him. He said, JR, you're much smarter than in the thumb five times smarter than the thumb it's not true at all thank you you're sweet okay he didn't actually say that he said you're 10 times smarter uh i think we're done here. I do think that I will be back sometime tonight. I was hoping that maybe my surprise guest would pop on while we were all together. Tomorrow morning, I will be a new man. It will be, we will come on. Holy shit, I have to come on at 6 a.m.
Starting point is 01:24:21 We will be on at 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. That's 8 a.m. Central Time. Does that sound right, guys? Because the first event starts at 9 a.m. We'll come on an hour before. Talk about alpaca with fresh minds. Everyone good? So that's 10 a.m. our time?
Starting point is 01:24:44 You're East Coast? Yeah. So that would be 9 a.m. our time? Are you East Coast? Yeah. So that would be 9 a.m. your time, I think. I don't think I'll be on that show. I'll be driving back at that point, but I'll be on the next show after that. Okay. Will you be there, JR? Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.?
Starting point is 01:24:57 Yes. My time? No, he said it's 6 Pacific Standard. He's going. Oh, yeah, so 9. So 9 a.m. your time. Yeah, I can probably do that. And if J.R. and Taylor don't make it,
Starting point is 01:25:09 I will desperately reach out to John Young and give him two minutes warning. And if he doesn't make it, I will still come on this show and I will fucking spend the whole hour explaining to you the fucking workout and how it was written wrong.
Starting point is 01:25:32 If you don't like it, then that's not the show for you cody i can be a dick i'm sorry uh uh thank you everyone uh thanks for watching i will be back later on tonight probably i will with my with my buddy just to laugh and talk for 30 minutes and find out how his night went. Taylor. Thank you today. Heidi, Matthew Sousa, Jr. Your beast.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Who else was a beast today? Will Branstetter and the great Caleb Beaver. All you guys in the comments. Awesome. Jiggy Josh, I'll give you the award for best question or comment. Oh, best comment of the day.
Starting point is 01:26:02 When you said, yo, your girlfriend been cheating on you for five years and you let it go but you won't let ricky go for juice and once how about that good night

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