The Sevan Podcast - #537 - Indy Event 11 "Alpaca" Recap

Episode Date: August 7, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Yeah, it does look like the turnaround's going on. Oh, it's coming in an hour. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah, it's going to be very quick. Are you in the garage? Yes, I am. Did you move to a new house? Yes, this is my new home. Didn't you just buy a house? That's the one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I haven't been living there. Oh, congratulations. That's awesome. John Young, I don't think they needed to do this workout. I think they could have just weighed people and ranked them by weight. I think this was a fat boy workout. Fat boy, fat girl workout. The workouts at the games this year are a complete disaster.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I'm putting an asterisk mark by it. I wouldn't say that. Oh, all right. You think it's a little, I went a little overboard. I'm just so frustrated the rope climbs weren't in there. I'm so fucking frustrated. I don't think it would rope climbs weren't in there. I'm so fucking frustrated. I don't think it would have affected the men very much. Like, it's bullshit what we saw happen.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Say that, really? Really? Yeah, because it was only two. Remember, not just two. Legless up, legless down. I understand, but maybe it would, like, somebody like Sam Quant might not have gotten second. like somebody like sam quant might not have gotten second but as far as far as uh between roman ricky and justin i don't think those placings would have changed yeah oh the cleaning jerks is where everybody made their time those cleaning jerks were killing people people could
Starting point is 00:02:00 not do them unbroken um the biggest set i saw unbroken was 10 and that was by roman um so that's where people made their moves now the women it affected greatly i think the rope climbs would have been a game changer for the women um people like hayley people like mal emma lawson they they make all their time on those like those rope climbs t is well t probably would have ran uh one going away with it on the if the rope climbs were in there um but they weren't so laura i mean daniel brandon did way better because there wasn't any rope climbs totally off subject here totally off subject here but did you i want to go look at what you just said in the fucking big picture of the totality you're saying that with the men um that it you you think that it's okay we lost the rope climb like but you're saying with
Starting point is 00:02:50 the women we it's it's a totally different it affected everything does that mean men and women need significantly different workouts at the crossfit games no uh they don't because their legless rope climbs still play a role um it would affect some men i just think the top three guys that have separated themselves it would i don't think it would affect their places just those top like the big picture as far as the podium or top five goes here's the thing okay here's the thing even if i even if i decide to agree with you um if we would have put those legless rope climbs in, and I think you can agree with this too,
Starting point is 00:03:27 legless up, legless down, what we may have seen is someone get stopped. Someone unexpectedly get stopped and change the entire fucking landscape. Especially on the women. Right, right. I mean, let's say it would have stopped Mal. Let's say it would have stopped Tia.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Let's say it would have stopped someone and someone else could have just skyrocketed to the top it just sucks that it really it really really really bummed me out uh i didn't enjoy i didn't enjoy anything about that i didn't enjoy anything about that workout at all i mean i enjoyed it all right well you're a good dude uh benjamin moreau um i hope they add a one rep max weighted pull-up to balance removal i i hear you i hear well you're a good dude uh benjamin moreau um i hope they add a one rep max weighted pull-up to balance removal i i hear you i hear what you're asking for i don't think that does it though i mean i really think that that rope climb was like hey you're running full speed and someone put their leg out in front of you i mean it was gonna fuck some people up you also have to
Starting point is 00:04:20 think though everybody that made it here made it to the 10 legless rope climbs and that semifinals. And that's what stopped a lot of women in the semifinal. A lot of women got close to last place and didn't make it because of that workout. So every every person here has proven themselves to a certain point on legless rope climbs. Again, there was only two at a time. People would have gotten slower. McGowan would have been slower. Daniel Brandon would have been slower.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Brooke Wells would have been slower. And those kettlebells fucked your grip up too. They did. They did. But I don't think they've still been through a lot of upper body pulling. Just because they don't have legless rope climbs in a workout doesn't mean it wasn't tested. It's been tested a lot of upper body pulling just because they don't have legless rope climbs in a workout doesn't mean it wasn't tested it's been tested a lot it just changed how this workout went uh justine with the uh flawless complexion says magawa would have been bottom 10 at bat but she's
Starting point is 00:05:19 bad at legless rope climber for example and and how about laura how would laura have done laura would have been fine she's a rock climber yeah laura's got excellent pulling strength it's it's the descent that added element of the descent that i'm curious uh who would have um who would have exposed i mean you've done that right you do a legless rope climb you get to the top you feel great and then right away you're like thank god i can clamp my legs. I mean, it's a different creature going down. I'm not great with my legs when I get to the top of there. I kind of do a descent anyway.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah, all right. Medardo Perez. Medardus can win only if he stays behind Roman on the last two events. 100% Roman will finish before the other two. Now, Medeiros got to stay close. Medeiros got to stay. But we don't know what the workouts are, right? I'm sure they're announcing it sometime within the next 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Caleb, are you watching their Instagram also? Yes. Yeah, okay, cool. uh caleb are you watching their uh instagram also yes yeah okay cool because i they might do something just they might go live on there right yeah uh go ahead i'm trying to think of what they haven't tested um again we thought it was a two-parter can you think of anything besides burpees rowing deadlift and thrusters those are the ones that you guys talked about on the uh on the last show deadlift row burpees thrusters no but you're asking the wrong person they haven't tested the softball throw they haven't tested the softball throw i'm asking the chat oh uh justin madero came out trotting uh with the uh his legs were trotting um ricky was just pushing methodically one step at a time uh i thought ricky and justin were way too close doing um
Starting point is 00:07:12 the kettlebell uh uh presses uh cleaning jerks did you see that how close that everyone else was separated by their carts they were right next to each other same with emma lawson and tia and what's crazy is emma lawson failed her second uh press and i was just thinking well shit what if that would have just fallen over hitting the champ totally possible uh they talked about roman getting a five-year visa whoopty fucking do uh daniel and here's another thing that doesn't mean that he doesn't have to go home for the semi-finals no he's going to be in a u.s semifinal but why is that because he's here for five years he's his living residence is here for five years the criteria is you have to be at your gym for that year training correct yeah that's what they did with tia too that's what they did with tia but she could not travel to australia at the time and roman has shown that he has troubles getting back and forth
Starting point is 00:08:11 between russia and us no but let's say he doesn't anymore like they sent tia home last year even though she i don't know if they're gonna take that risk i don't i would not take that risk if i was roman and i could stay here for five years he He has a visa, so he's essentially American for five years. You know what I mean? That's a big deal. That's a big deal, Sevan, for Roman and his wife and his kids. It's correct. But what I'm saying is you can't send home Tia back to fucking Australia
Starting point is 00:08:41 and not send Roman back home to Russia. In scenarios like this though they may they've made uh uh special arrangements for people that have they did trouble traveling and roman fits that to a t i don't know anybody else that has a worse situation than roman what do you mean why wait why do you say that he the visa. Why can't now he can travel back and forth freely for five years. It's actually been made perfect for him. Yeah, but he's had this stuff all through before. I don't. Roman does what he wants.
Starting point is 00:09:16 OK, fine. Roman does what he wants. He needs to learn English. All right. Everyone's John Young is wrong. I like that. I doubt the semi will be in russia no not in russia not in russia oh not in russia i'm just saying i don't
Starting point is 00:09:32 think he can go to fucking knoxville to do the semi-final just because you have a five-year visa in the united states in case people were wondering from brian yeah he will almost definitely be at a US semi next year. Brian has no fucking idea what he's talking about. Stefan, it's not that easy with the visa. Korean lady, same situation. No, visas are for you to stay, not go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:10:05 John Young Head. He needs head? I don't know if there's an appropriate place to talk about that. Brian makes all this shit up. Thank you, Kenneth. Why does Beaver look like he is in a Russian prison cell? Well, you know why.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I'm in Roman's basement. He's house-sitting for Roman's house. Daniel Brandon, crazy errors right off the bat. Crazy errors. She recovered well, though. She fucked up and stopped with the sled. I'd say she lost at least five seconds there. Then she pulled her kettlebells out and put them on the
Starting point is 00:10:48 wrong side of her sled and had to re-pick them up again. Can we pull up the women's leaderboard? What if we give Danielle Brand 15 more seconds? What happens? And those are only the two errors we saw. I hope Matt Torres paddles her. I don't think it would have made that big of a difference.
Starting point is 00:11:07 15 more seconds. Can we rank them by their... Oh, yeah, that's it. Thank you. Based on alpaca, can you rank them based on the alpaca workout? Maybe I can do it over here on the females. Oh, yeah. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:11:19 So she was 14th, and then if you gave her 10 more seconds, that's what 15th would be. So 15 seconds would not have been— Daniel Brecken, 9 of—okay, 9 of 5. Even 20 seconds would—yeah, 15 or 20 seconds, then now we're getting significant. No, not really. Three or four places, 12 points. What would that have done to her?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Anyway, it's not really. Three or four places, 12 points. What would that have done to her? Anyway, it's not good. It's not what you want if you're going to be podium person. Anyone who purchased any coffee or T-shirt from... Okay, here we go. Sorry. Guys, anyone who purchased coffee from the booth, the Paper Street booth... I don't know if anyone at the games is listening to this right now. But anyone who purchased coffee from the Paper Street booth
Starting point is 00:12:12 will be entered to win one of those vests that Jim Broski... Jim Broski... I will say, I know you, she's war when he did. Sorry, let me finish this thought. So, so paper street coffee is giving away a weighted vest. All you have to do is go in there to be entered by a shirt, by a bag of coffee, you'll be entered into the contest.
Starting point is 00:12:41 And it's the same vest that Jim wore when he did not the exact one but a replica of the one that jim broski wore when uh he did mer for 365 days also gabe has sent me another thing from paper street coffee saying the name cal sharrington 65 plus i have no fucking idea what that means that's his number if you want it i i don't i don't know what the fuck that means but i is that guy have a gofundme page uh okay let's say that again what about her heirs i know you said she has heirs but she has a decent gap on a third place right now third to fourth i almost i kind of think the biggest threat to her is Laura Horvath. You think she can come up and get her?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Because there's two. It would be a big jump. But there's two events. Oh, 50 points. 50 points. 50 points. If Danielle gets 15th in both and Laura gets second in both, she would win. Or she would get third place.
Starting point is 00:13:46 It would take a really huge comeback by Laura, but I think she's the biggest threat to Danielle because everything they have left, I think Laura is the only one who could beat Danielle by enough to get into third place. But Danielle's got a good gap on third have they update is this is this updated this women's uh is this updated caleb uh yes it is fuck yeah hailey adams got fucked up
Starting point is 00:14:17 oh man poor haley 23rd we wait wait wait and look at alexis raptus is about to fucking put a stamp on it oh dude it's getting crazy it's getting crazy no one's safe look at this oh my goodness hayley you need to pull out you need to work hard girl um hayley could drop fucking out of the top 10 if she's not careful. If it's heavy. I don't know if it's going to be, though. These are Cara Saunders, Brooke Wells, Ariel Loewen, Alexis Raptus, Haley Adams, Laura Horvat, all fighting for that fifth spot. And John saying that Laura even, and I think I agree with him, of all the people there, she definitely has the capability to do the most damage and make it onto the podium.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And Danielle would have to struggle for that to happen. So Mal O'Brien's the heir, huh? Tia steps out this year, Mal steps in, and it's done deal. She'd be the person to beat. 2023 CrossFit games champion, Mal O'Brien, HWPO. Now,
Starting point is 00:15:31 like Taylor said, though, like the sooner you start CrossFit, you peak earlier. Yeah. I believe that too. I don't get it. By peak.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Well, do you peak earlier and then, and then maintain that peak for longer yes oh okay okay maintain that peak okay i don't think i don't think like malvick could win the games next year and she could be the person to beat but i don't see her making this huge jump the way tia did and then is unbeatable you know what i'm saying right you think emma lawson's another two years away from Olivia Kerstetter.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I think Laura's there. I think Olivia Kerstetter's coming. I think there is a competition. You know what I mean? Tia's not... Mal might be the best one, but there's still a competition for first where Tia's just kind of been
Starting point is 00:16:23 better than everybody by a lot i am hop uh twenty dollars wow that many double kettlebell cleans in that short of a time was brutal i agree hey that was cool seeing that that movement exposed people i would say that was the coolest part of the workout that was a thick girl workout yeah yeah it's a total fat boy fat girl workout 100 that's why uh roman and lauren are big they move shit that's it's it's you could you literally could have i bet you you could weigh the fucking athletes and rank them by their weight that's why fusli took last because she weighs fucking six pounds she's a fucking bird and uh and and roman one because he's a fucking rhino brick shithouse.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Same with Laura. Who took second? I bet you, who took second? Like Amanda Barnhart, who took second? No, Amanda didn't. Danny Spiegel, listen to me. Danny fucking Spiegel. Ellie Turner, Karen Freyova, Gabrielle Magawa.
Starting point is 00:17:21 This is the fucking, I don't watch football, so bear with me here. This is the fucking line for the 49ers oh cut hike i you know you're not wrong thank you amanda barnhart emma mcquade get the fuck out of there you ruined my story seventh place yes the fuck is she doing carl saunders ariel lowen even she's a thick girl mama alexis isn't big emma's not big emma's not no no alexis is stout though man she's stout she's not big though i agree i agree uh on the men's side though the men's side kind of stays to your point, too. Quant got second. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Quant is a fucking giant. He's a fucking crazy. Valner's not the biggest guy, but he is a bigger guy. Gorilla. Gorilla. Ricky's not big. Okay. Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Tim Paulson. Lazer Jukic. Lazer's a big dude, too, man.ic lazar's big dude too man lazar's big dude yeah big guy workout fakowski but but you got yannikovsky in there in 10th ahead of brent that's weird well i mean i think once you get past like the top five fitness probably takes over. Dallin pepper 15th. What's going on with Dallin? Uh, I'm not hating on him at all, but sitting in 19th place, um, just rookie year. I mean, yeah, that's what I would say. Uh, Dallin has all the attributes to be very good,
Starting point is 00:19:00 but he still has really big holes and this games. I feel like Dave, when Dave was programming the games, it was more of a beat down and just who can recover the best. And then with Boz, it's more like who can do stuff that you've never done before. Who's the most adaptable? Because we've seen so many things that you do not train. And you're honestly probably not going to. People aren't going to train parallel traverses.
Starting point is 00:19:33 They're not going to train max out sandbag cleans. Like there's been a lot of stuff that is just who can adapt the best. And Dallin, that might not be a good trade for his. Like if you look at the – he got 39th in Elizabeth elevated and that's where you had to traverse the parallel bars. That means- Dallin got 39th in that? Yeah, and that means he just couldn't go across the bars. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And it's hard to do. I've done that before. It is very, it's a hard thing to do, way harder than people think. And what's crazy is not the first time, not the second time, but it's like once it goes, it goes. Echo Press, he got 37th. That's where you did the handstand push-ups reversed.
Starting point is 00:20:18 All these things are just things he's never done before, and he's just not adapting well. Hey, do you think we're going to have all new athletes at the games this year because the people who program the semifinals this year or whatever they end up calling it this year are going to change up their programming to be more Boz-esque? I mean, people might try new things more often, but you're not going to train how to sand sandbag heavy cleans instead of a max clean. You're always going to max clean before you do that. I don't think people will train that. I think the fittest will always rise to the top. I don't think that. No, but do you think the programming is going to change significantly at these events that you have semifinals? Yeah, I think they are. I think I think people are going to jump on the boss train hardcore i mean how could you not i think everybody will have
Starting point is 00:21:10 one event that's kind of like an oddball thing and then for after that it'll be kind of like normal semifinal alissa car redow quant is back johan lopez I agree with you 100%. Fat boy workout. Let's go check in with Sousa. Sousa, what's up, man? What's going on? Hey, guys. I don't know if they've talked to me. Once they absorbed the water, they actually shrunk by almost a foot and they became what shrunk by a foot what sorry say that again we missed what you were saying what happened so the reason why they
Starting point is 00:21:53 ended up dropping the ropes out of the event was because when the uh ropes got wet they started to absorb the water like a sponge and it actually made them shrink by almost a foot which then as you went to go climb it it became kind of like a big bungee cord and it would made him shrink by almost a foot, which then as he went to go climb it, it became kind of like a big bungee cord and it would spell a bunch of water out of it, making it really slick. So apparently they had an option where they were just going to go with legs and double it up.
Starting point is 00:22:15 But once they got out there and tested it, they realized how much water they had actually absorbed. And about 20 minutes before the event, Boz made the call and he said, hey, we're cutting the ropes and made the call and he said hey we're cutting the ropes and made the adjustments that we saw on the field no pun intended when he says cut uh hold on one second uh suza let me ask john something john what about that if they just would have said okay you can use your feet and we're gonna would that have been better than pulling
Starting point is 00:22:40 them out all together or? I don't know. Everybody can do four rope climbs pretty easily. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. It really was about the legless ascent and descent, right? Yeah. Hey, Susan, did they brief? Did they brief?
Starting point is 00:22:58 Does anyone know if they briefed that workout live on Instagram today? Are we? Oh, look at the CEO shirt. Are we 100% sure? I didn't see anything about it briefed in from what we heard that the call was made about 20 minutes before the event
Starting point is 00:23:14 as to exactly how the event was going to take shape. So I don't know if they had enough time to make adjustments to make the announcements or if they announced anything over the broadcast that you guys could hear.
Starting point is 00:23:23 But as far as us out here in the field know, there was no. When do they announce the next event? I'm trying to see if they have or not. We're headed over here to the state. Back in. Say that again. Sorry. We're headed over here to the state.
Starting point is 00:23:43 back in uh say that again sorry if we could get the uh we could get the announcement uh but they've been officially that we know of us now and we checked the site just probably about a minute ago and there was nothing up yet okay caleb uh he was cutting out pretty good do you have any idea when they are going to make the announcement do they have a schedule somewhere um i'm not sure when they're going to announce it but i'm checking both instagram and youtube and they haven't said anything good right now they're broadcasting the team so maybe they'll do an ig live um shortly just to announce it so that they don't have to interrupt the team workout or they'll wait until the teams are done i guess not sure uh what about what about replacing the um the rope climbs with
Starting point is 00:24:28 pull-ups i don't know if they could do something because of you have to bring in a whole long zeus they'd have to put up those pull-up bars again and those oh they weren't they weren't up already they weren't just they're not just on there okay yeah yeah they pulled the they took the pull bars down with to put up the ropes so they'd have to send the team out there to reinstall all of those pull-up bars um to if they were going to do any sort of pulling movement like that uh stefan i believe yesterday the story i heard is that a judge walked by, one of the official judges for the CrossFit Games walked by and slipped that shirt to Hiller, gave him an official judge shirt. And I wonder if at some point someone from the noble Gestapo
Starting point is 00:25:19 will come over and ask him to take that off. Let's ask Hiller. Is that judge shirt a noble shirt? It's lower in his T count. He said he got one yesterday. Hey, Hiller, who makes that shirt? What's the tag say in the back? Have Sousa check it.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I want to see what the tag says in the back. What's the tag say back there? Made in China? Noble made with the sweat of children. Yep. Hey, you should tell Hiller that's going to lower his T count. Not only are those tight shorts going to crush his nuts, but that shirt's going to lower his T count.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I didn't know Hiller supported. Not only are the shorts going to crush the nuts, but the Noble shirt is lowering your T-count. Come on, I think my legs look good. Hey, wow. Hey, where did he get that hat at? Ikea. It's an actual tarp.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's a tarp material. Yeah, did he just get it or he brought it with him? Did you just get that hat or did you bring it with you? Sorry? Did you just bring that? Did you buy that hat and bring it with you or did you just get it now he found it he took it off a homeless guy fuck it's cool just like the judge shirt look at this outfit let's get that they're announcing the event right now let's go over to Instagram
Starting point is 00:26:46 or wherever that is God, Hiller looks like a slut dressed like that CrossFit Games live on the Instagram? yeah let's see if I can meet you too can you find it, Caleb? Terrence, Terrence, can we get chocolate, please?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Oh, yeah, the yolks. They haven't done the yolks yet. Okay. It looks like they're in the Coliseum. Doesn't look like there's any fans there. Looks like it's all the remaining athletes. Most of them dressed. Fikowski shirtless. Thank you, Miss Radao. Ricky Garrett.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Looks like we got a barbell on the floor. It looked like it was loaded with 95 pounds. The greens are 25s, right? Yeah. Yes. It's like, I don't know why they don't pan over to the right a little bit. No Olsen in the house they got 5,000 people watching
Starting point is 00:28:31 their live announcement nothing started yet you guys aren't missing anything yet it's just the individual athletes Justin Medeiros is staying warm got the long sleeves on. Gabby Magawa with the long sleeves. Cara Saunders with the sweatshirt.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I think I saw Ricky with some like E-stem on his back or something. He was kind of hiding it with his shirt. Oh, no shit. Adrian Bosman started talking. Oh shit. 315. 315.
Starting point is 00:29:55 1. Dead left. 4. 4. 5. Oh my god. Who's running the camera? Jesus Christ. A shot of Boz's ass while he does the deadl deadlift what the fuck is wrong with these people they should just hire us next time dang
Starting point is 00:30:34 come back the other way 475 on the deadlift so the yoke is the lightest thing and then you got a 315 clean plus front squat. Three deadlifts at 475. Down and back. And when you say 315 clean and front squat, you can do a squat clean if you want, right?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah. Well, I think it has to be a squat clean. So squat clean plus front squat. Okay, okay. So you can't clean it and then squat. Okay. Two front squats. Three deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Two front squats. One yield. 665. 485. My goal. 350. 250. Front squat. 475. 665.85 315 250 475
Starting point is 00:31:29 350 Not good for Haley Adams, right? Fantastic for Laura Horvath That yoke is not 685 I'm pretty sure that's just what he said. He just said it was a 675. That's not what the weights were on there. Okay, but that's what he's saying what it is for the night.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Do you know how heavy that is? I don't know. Casey's going to be dictated to you guys tomorrow if you do not finish the run in 350 or less you just have our hands in the car for the women if you do not finish the run in 3 4th
Starting point is 00:32:17 you do not advance to the bar oh shit there's cuts down the way and you got 50 thrusts. Now, if I'm at 65 on the plate, you're going to have to dance forward every 10 repetitions until you've got your feet at the same time. That's 20, 30, 40.
Starting point is 00:32:44 You've got to dance forward every 10 repetitions. That's 20, 30, 40, you guys get 50. 50. When the last front is done, you're going to go over the bar. If you're on the middle bar, you're going to do 20 more muscles. When you've done 20 more muscles, you're going to go into the red bar for 10 more, for a total of 30 bar muscles. When you finish that last workout, you're going to pop up on the left. Do you rest your bar muscle-up workout with a time component?
Starting point is 00:33:16 If you don't, this is your row. I believe it's 1,000 meters because you said three-something. You had to finish in three something. Jackie Crow. Thousand meter roll. 50 thrusters 30 bar muscle-ups wow they really got it all in there let's keep listening a little bit damn just ended uh maybe we could go over to where the workouts are and they'll have it up Let's keep listening a little bit. Damn. Just ended. Maybe we could go over to where the workouts are and they'll have it up. So just so you guys know, it looks to us like the final two workouts were just announced on CrossFit Games Instagram. The first workout is a yoke squat clean deadlift and then back again workout.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Super heavy. And then the second workout is some nasty, nasty workout, rowing thrusters and bar muscle-ups. We will be going over to the leaderboard in just a minute after we look at the workouts and ask John Young how he thinks this is going to
Starting point is 00:34:38 shake out. They haven't posted them on their website yet. Let's cruise over to the men's leaderboard see what's going on here uh how is roman is roman strong he's a great dead lifter he's strong enough to clean and front squat that um yoke you know nobody knows really i think he'll be fine um i don't know if he beats justin on that i he he could it's kind of hard to say who's gonna win i don't think ricky's gonna be great god you guys this is such a close workout uh adler should crush this um i almost look for him to win it let me ask you this real quick john let me go through here i'm gonna say a guy's name and you Adler should crush this. I almost look for him to win it.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Let me ask you this real quick, John. Let me go through here. I'm going to say a guy's name, and you tell me if you think they have a 500-pound deadlift. Justin Medeiros? I think all of them have a 500-pound deadlift. They do, all the way down from hopper on up? Yeah. Okay, does anyone in there have a 550?
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yes. Anyone have a 600? No. Maybe. No, no no valdor maybe but so so is is it so that first workout uh the yoke um that requires a little bit of skill you don't want your yoke to uh hit the ground and drag who did we see get stopped at the semi-finals recently was it nick matthew and he had to come through the last chance qualifier where he, he basically took last. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Who took who, who, whose yoke hit the ground and fucked him up in the semifinals. And they basically just got stopped. Am I thinking about that? Right. Was it in the semifinals? I don't remember this.
Starting point is 00:36:21 If anybody in the comments remembers, I know I don't remember. Uh, Velner has a 595 deadlift. Holy shite. I don't know exact number. I can look it up. Here it is. It was Nick Matthew.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Nick Matthew was a DQ. And was that in the semifinals, Mike? Did we send Mike a... Yeah, but did he get stuck on the yoke he sang? I don't did he get stuck on the yoke, he's saying. I don't remember him getting stuck on the yoke. Let's see if I can get helping in here. How come I...
Starting point is 00:36:52 So Roman has done 535, 545 for three. Okay. Medeiros can deadlift fine, like five 25. And even though J and Jr was saying their central nervous system is shot, uh, the crowd will push them through that, right?
Starting point is 00:37:12 That will play a big part into it. I mean, I don't think any, I think everybody will be able to do all of the reps. It's just, some people will be able to crank it and other people will not be able to crank. I think Ricky is going to struggle in this workout compared to everybody else and if that happens uh he there's there's not a very strong chance
Starting point is 00:37:32 that wow man and look who's behind him samuel quant could conceivably uh but he could he could i mean samuel quant could conceivably win this workout no no sam doesn't have a good as good a good deadlift compared to everybody compared to the people i just named but strong no he is strong but like he he in the total he deadlifted like 5 30 5 20 for one so basically all we're looking at here is you're saying that one two three are going to be shuffled around this workout could make it so ricky's kind of out of contention and then it becomes a fight for first place between roman and justin yeah yes exactly it's exactly what i'm saying yeah can i see the points uh for uh just madera so so it wouldn't surprise you if in if after this workout roman krennikoff was. So, so it wouldn't surprise you if, if after this workout,
Starting point is 00:38:26 Roman Krennikoff was in first place. No, that would surprise me. I think Justin's going to do fine at this workout. Um, I don't even know if Roman beats Justin in this workout. I think he has to be Justin in this workout to even have a shot in the last one, because the last one Medeiros is going to crank those muscle ups out fine madero there's nothing stopping justin in the last workout so for roman to even have a chance to win he would have to beat justin by three or four spots and then honestly probably send it on the row and just hope that you don't blow up but if justin gets justin could get fifth or fourth in both of these.
Starting point is 00:39:06 And then he went, what was the weight on the thrusters for the men? It was 95. It looked like 95. Yeah. 95. Maybe, maybe 115.
Starting point is 00:39:16 So basically 95, 95, 65. This is a fortitude test. This is basically, we're going to break your soul on the rower by demanding you go faster. We're going to cut you. And then we're going to give you a on the rower by demanding you go faster we're going to cut you and then we're going to give you a thruster that you know you can do easily
Starting point is 00:39:28 but but fuck you don't want to yeah i think this like jackie i do i i i think everybody i mean i think the good people can do 95 for 50 i've done 95 for 50 before and i'm not good you know what i mean so like i i'm sure they can't but i that's going to affect the bar muscle-ups huge the winner is going to be whoever's the best at the bar muscle-ups um because i think they do it on the bar muscle-ups no the whole thing i think basically what caleb is saying is when he asked does does it have to be done like jackie meaning is this a full-on sprint are we going to see someone come off the rower do the thrusters unbroken except for like when maybe
Starting point is 00:40:09 they move the bar forward jump on the bar muscle ups and fucking bang them out well i think i think the winner is going to do that by the way i have to break every 10 because you go right on the thing i don't besides that could they could they carry it in the front rack like they could i don't see them doing i don't see them doing that for 50 reps. Like 50 reps is a lot. It's enough where you might do like 30 like that and then break and do 20. Can you close the Justin Medeiros tab, Caleb? I don't think he needs seven or eight people, man.
Starting point is 00:40:39 No, he just needs three. Oh, no, I need to see the leaderboard. Just close the tab. Sorry, the Medeiros tab was. If he were to win and Roman were to get fifth, they'd basically be tied. Oh, no, I need to see the leaderboard. Just close the tab. Sorry, the Medeiros tab was... If he were to win and Roman were to get fifth, they'd basically be tied. And then whoever wins out of the last workout,
Starting point is 00:40:54 whoever won between Justin and Roman, that would be the winner. If Roman gets four spots between him and Justin in the second to last one and the heavy one i think the rose everything it used it was on old jackie i don't think it is on this one here's why i think it is because because you're gonna have to pull hard because they're gonna demand it but by uh by having the cut off and then i think people are gonna be hurt yeah but 315 is not hard for them and then i think people are going to be hurt yeah but 315 is not hard for them okay like what's your thousand meter row on a short bar
Starting point is 00:41:30 what do you mean on a short bar sorry i'm thinking i'm thinking sorry my bad i'm on the row yeah i got what you're saying on the row 315 is not hard for them do you know do you know what your thousand meter time is savon no but i just did 2007 49 so whatever you could say it's half of that say your thousand meter is 340 okay it would be like five okay 355 it'd be like you having to row a 415 okay you know what i mean it's really easy to hold that pace 20 seconds less than your max pace which is what it is for most of these guys i think people row way faster than 315 roman won the fork the sorry roman uh won the 1k row in 2020 the yoke is 665 for men just that's a heavy yoke uh karenikov uh did it in 230 the 1000 wow
Starting point is 00:42:31 they can do it in three no we didn't it was 248 but they put a question romans romans thousand000 meter was 248. Workouts are on the official CrossFit page. Let's go over there and take a peek. Okay, real quick, tell me who's going to win out of Justin, Roman, and Ricky, the yoke squat clean deadlift workout? It's a hard call between Justin and Roman. It depends how Justin handles those deadlifts. If Justin can crank 475 for three, then I think Justin will win. If he can't and he has to pause between those three, I think Roman will win.
Starting point is 00:43:16 If you look at those scores, people, too, and this is where it gets really weird and tricky. Let's say we just put Ricky, Roman, justin in a vacuum and had them just just work out against each other these last three workouts you could say hey justin's gonna win but that's not that's not what's gonna happen there's gonna be other dudes there and justin may easily win one of the workouts and in the second workout there may be seven people between him and the next guy and that causes him to lose the CrossFit games. If Justin wins, I don't think he wins a workout.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I think he'll be the first one to win without winning a workout. Wow. He hasn't won one yet. No. Wow. Wow. Okay. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:44:01 How about the second workout? The row thruster bar muscle-up? Who wins out of that between Ricky, Roman, and Justin? It's honestly a huge toss-up. I have no idea. Roman's going to be the first one off the rower easily. But those thrusters, Justin and Ricky, will move to those thrusters faster than Roman. They just squat faster.
Starting point is 00:44:25 They're both very fast squatters. And then Justin is very good at bar muscle-ups. He's one of the best gymnastics people in the whole entire field. So for Roman to win, he has to start the bar muscle-ups before Justin. Is Bo Maddox correct? Haley Adams is screwed on the event 12 yes we're gonna see she's gonna get stopped right we're gonna see her stand there again on event 12 yeah damn yes damn damn damn listen danielle brandon does not is not very good at heavy deadlifts either. So she will take a hit too, but neither is Emma Lawson.
Starting point is 00:45:09 So all the people that are vying for top three will all struggle. So I kind of think Danielle Brandon's got it. I think Danielle Brandon's going to win third. Will Danny Spiegel win that first workout? Yes. Maybe. Tia might beat her. Depends on the joke.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Laura, Danny, and Tia will be very close. And the second one, amongst the women, we could see Haley do extremely well in that second one. Yeah, now that I think about it, Laura, I think Laura might get Danielle. I forgot Laura was there. Laura might get Danielle Brandon for third. I think you opened it. I think you opened the show saying that.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I know I opened it and I forgot about it. Laura is going to do great in event 12. And Daniel Brandon is not the best deadlifter. I know. I opened it and I forgot about it. Laura's going to do great in event 12. Danielle Brandon is not the best deadlifter. She's going to struggle with those. I think Laura's going to get... I don't know how big of a gap she's going to get on her, though. But that third place will come down to event 13, for sure, between Laura and Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And I kind of give Laura the edge. and Danielle Brandon. And I kind of give Laura the edge. It's turned into quite the party here. Go ahead, Halpin. I just saw Hiller's shirt and it says Judge on it. That's hilarious. Oh, you have kids?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Holy shit, you're like a real adult. Oh, yeah. I had no idea. I have a family reunion this weekend is that uh you you have how many kids you have two you only have one with you daughter ran into the school yeah my son's back here and your daughter how old's your daughter 14 how old are they when you can send them into the store by themselves? My oldest is 7. Oh, no, my wife's in there with them. Oh, Mike G. in the house.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Look at him. Oh, okay. Oh, Rich Froning Sr. Sorry, Halpin, you're on hold now. Hey, I dare you to give Rich Froning Sr. a wet willy. I dare you. Just fucking hawk a maid in his ear and wash it around in there. And watch him slaughter me.
Starting point is 00:47:31 I'm going to throw this out. It's not working. I think we should do a video of me, Taylor, and Hiller doing event 12. I haven't seen event 12. What is it? It's a heavy yoke and then two front squats with 315 off the floor and then three deadlifts
Starting point is 00:47:50 with 475 and then go back down. Oh, I love that. I would do it. Let's go. I'm in. Hey, are we back on schedule? Does the show start in 12 minutes? Guys, are we back on schedule? Does anyone know?
Starting point is 00:48:07 It's all inside now. I don't think they'd have a delay. But I'm looking at it now. Hill 2, did they have to start the teams late? Hill 2, we're approaching this event. Caleb, feel free to mute Hiller and Sousa whenever that shit gets crazy like that. Okay, sorry. Are we starting in 12 minutes? If they're
Starting point is 00:48:28 staying on schedule, which I have to assume they are, the next individual event will start in 12 minutes, and then the CrossFit games will be over, and we'll come back, and we'll finish, and then we'll be done, and we won't have to talk to each other for a year. On the app, it's still saying that it's starting in 12 minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, this is all the CBS stuff, right? It has to be on schedule, is what Boz said. Oh, good point. Then why... Let me check in with Sousa real quick. Sousa, why aren't you guys in the stadium? I didn't realize that the event was starting right now. So we're headed there right now. Let's go. Awesome. Good job,
Starting point is 00:49:00 guys. Okay. Your media team on the ground misses the event.'re awesome they're awesome is that a is that rich fernandes senior's girlfriend i thought he was gay i had no idea yeah caleb so you were right on the yoke but what griffin did was not loaded to 665 that's why i was thinking they just had it loaded for the i'm guessing they just had it loaded for the ladies demo yeah because maybe the ladies will go first but i was just going off of what i saw yep hey uh
Starting point is 00:49:47 susan are there any issues with the fact that hillary's wearing a judge's shirt shirt has anyone said anything to him like hey you can't have that like if someone was wearing a media shirt and they weren't media and when i was running the show i would tell them to take it off yeah well we haven't really ran into anybody like uh official why he's been wearing it but obviously a lot of uh questions from the the people as we're walking by. Oh, awesome. And it is an official shirt, right? Someone slid it to him on the DL?
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yep. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's official. That's awesome. Fantastic. Okay. I think John and Mike, well, let's start with John. John, is there anything you want to leave us with before we go find out who the fittest man and woman in the world are?
Starting point is 00:50:27 I think one and two is going to be a fantastic race for the men. And I think Laura's going to pull it out for the women. I think Laura's going to get third place, which is crazy considering how bad her first day was. Okay. She's really moving up. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. how bad her first day was. Okay. And she's really moving up. Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. Danielle's in a weird spot.
Starting point is 00:50:49 If Laura can jump her here, that'd be really impressive. And when we come back, we'll just, I'm going to be the fittest man on the planet. I don't, I have no idea. If he,
Starting point is 00:50:59 I mean, it's in his head. I would say it's in his hands. Like if he slips up on either of these events, he's got some but it's his to lose yeah there you go uh part of me thinks that we might not come back to after the teams the teams are pretty crazy it looks like mayhem is has first place for sure but the deal is is reykjavik is in fourth place can they get on that podium and push Invictus and CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue
Starting point is 00:51:27 Out? I'm not sure what's going to be more important, to get back to you guys or watch that, but either way, we are at least... The individuals is three hours. They have a three-hour window for this. Well, they're going to do ceremony. Yeah, they're going to do the
Starting point is 00:51:44 whole thing on CBS. What do you mean ceremony? It says the award ceremony is at 3.30. Oh, no, no. It's a three-hour window just for individuals and then another hour for team. Oh, somebody was saying that there's a third secret scored event. So there might be like how they did double grace
Starting point is 00:52:02 at the end of that one year. If that's true, Ricky might still be in it. Just rumors. You think they're solid rumors? I don't know. I have a hard time checking right now. I can check. I think I remember seeing something about like a fourth workout on
Starting point is 00:52:26 the end of this day but i'm not 225 grace it's uh well if people are seeing the numbers the numbers are a little off because of that 2a 2b earlier that it says that there's like a 14th event but it's really just the count of the total score. Maybe that's what it is then. But if they change and update the data, it would have to show where that scored event would come in. Did Mayhem compete this morning? Have the teams done anything today? Yes, they did.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Did they win? Yeah, they won. All right. That's a record. Okay. No one's ever done six in a row. Okay. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:53:08 There you go. Another one. I'm glad Mayhem could beat their record of what Mayhem did. Yeah. Mayhem beat their record last year of five in a row with six in a row. Good for Rich. Hiller just pushed a woman to the ground oh he just pushed Lauren Hill Lauren Khalil
Starting point is 00:53:28 yeah they're broadcasting the demo of the workout that we showed on our live stream right now let me ask can I ask Lauren Khalil a second they have started the live broadcast no just the demo hey can we still watch on YouTube or do we have to go to CBS Can I ask Lauren Khalil a second? They have started the live broadcast? No, just the demo.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Hey, can we still watch on YouTube or do we have to go to CBS? We can still watch on YouTube, I'm pretty sure. Ask Lauren what her plans are for after the games if she's going to be doing a lot of interviews. What do you think, Stephanie? She's going to get back to working hard again. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Do you think I've been taking a vacation while i'm here it sure fucking looks like it seems like i'm owning the fucking youtube the youtube these days you're just taking the week off and i've stomped you out of existence you're sitting at home in your cushy chair watching the live streams my ass is running around i got boob sweat i don't know what's going on i have boob sweat too i have more uh um ask her she she froze but ask her who she's going to interview first who's who's her top three people to interview can she who who's her top three interview i? I promise I won't chase after them. Sousa? Hiller?
Starting point is 00:54:51 Sousa? Hiller? Sousa? Hiller? Someone get her a CEO shirt. What the fuck is she wearing? Yeah. Hey, Sousa, ask her who her top person is to interview after the games.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Fine. Who's your top person to interview after the games? Fine. Who's your top person to interview after the games, Ms. Khalil? Okay, and we're off. Guys, can we go watch this on YouTube, or are we stuck on CBS now? It's still on YouTube. You can watch it on YouTube. Yeah, for the international, it's still on YouTube. Guys, we'll see you guys in a couple hours.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Everyone have fun. Thanks for checking in. Caleb, Mike Halpin, John Young, Taylor, and JR, we missed you. Hopefully we'll see you when we wrap things up.

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