The Sevan Podcast - #543 - Adrian Bozman | Final CrossFit Games Recap

Episode Date: August 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Just when I think it's over, bam, we're live. It was funny. I took a nap for an hour and I was about to, Jorge Ventura had reached out and told us he'd got that new documentary done.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Oh, awesome. So I was just about to sit down, watch it. I was like, oh, maybe I should go outside. I think the kids have gotten, I think for the first three days of the game, the kids were like, oh my God, we miss you. Now they're like, fuck you. Who are you?
Starting point is 00:00:58 They moved on. Yeah, they moved on. They wanted a different dad. Instagram. CrossFit, games. I think what's weird is when we do stuff like that, I think I consumed the least amount of media that I've,
Starting point is 00:01:24 well, except... I mean, it was just like stuck on CrossFit for a week. I know. The place we went to eat was like the... Oh, hold on. I lost you. I lost you. Something happened.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I think you touched something on your head and you muted yourself. Boz. I lost Adrian. Oh, I think. Let me see. Are you back, Matt? Oh, the sounds of an old man sitting down.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I don't know if I'm an old man, just a tired man. Where is everybody? They're working, and I'm slacking. Look at that place. Yup. There it is. The Coliseum is like,
Starting point is 00:02:21 they already have the floor up. The guys are doing the rigging on the Jumbotron. They don't waste any time, man. It's already there. It's crazy. Hey, dude, is that grass normally there, too, that turf? Or that leaves, too? Oh, it's gone.
Starting point is 00:02:35 It's a parking lot. This is literally a parking lot. Wow. A parking lot. Hey, when you go there and scout the site is it just a parking lot yep like we the first well when we come here for production meetings you have to kind of chalk line it out get a sense of the dimensions i mean now that we've been here for a few years you kind of know them
Starting point is 00:03:00 and you have a sense of where it's going to be but yeah adrian someone was asking me about going to different places and i don't remember how it happened exactly what they were saying but i think they were alluding to the fact that places were chosen based on i can't remember what they said but i said that i thought that you and dave for sure through the years that you guys have been working together, sort of viewed the locations as canvases. It's like, hey, a new location is kind of adds to like it changes the creativity. Like today, I'm going to paint with my foot and paint with my hand. I mean, do you see when you I mean, you haven't had much time, but have you thought about how the games is affected over the years
Starting point is 00:03:45 by the location whether it was at aromas or carson or at madison yeah i i think that you've seen that over and over and over at the games i mean like we did that pendleton run that one year um you know we ranch that one year uh you know we used all sorts of santa monica pier and the beach and all of that i mean how can you if you have a natural feature like that how do you not use it and i think that was the capital this year right it's like dude how do you not so it just seems like a missed opportunity like a stadium is a stadium anywhere Much like the inside of a hotel room is the inside of a hotel room anywhere. You know, it's not like what to travel to stay in a hotel. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It's kind of the same thing. Thoughts. Are there thoughts about where you're going to be next year? Not right now. And not for me. I'm I'm blasted, man. I am so tired. Will you actually will you take some time off?
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah. Big time i i you know it's funny i um this might seem insane to some people but uh for years now um my wife and i are games routine just come home from the games collapse and then i spend the next week just re-watching i still like literally i will talk to anybody I will like mow my grass on my own and I will watch the games. Study film. Well, yeah, enjoy it. And I mean, there's so many things that I don't see because I'm too close to it sometimes. And you go back and watch and you're like, holy shit, some of that was really awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Most of it was so cool. That is that is actually the question sorry say that again sorry even right now we were having a drink in the in the room like celebration toast kind of thing and they had the highlights from some of the days up and like all of us were gravitating towards it and we're like oh wow that's awesome i didn't know that person won that heat or whatever you know it's cool and and that's what the question was it was actually jr i just sent him a link because he's i think he would love to talk to you but jr was actually asking hey do they go back too good he's too good
Starting point is 00:05:53 no i i i was so impressed with him he's really done his homework he's a smart guy yes um for some reason your phone keeps cutting out because of some sound that's in the background there i don't know if it's uh i can try to move somewhere they're like that's that might be better that actually helped yeah the leaf blower back there that this guy's just ripping on so is this weird i just have to be really careful we don't talk over each other. Okay. Hold on. I can try to move somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:06:29 When? Move. JR actually asked. That's how he asked the question. He said, do they go back and re-watch the events to learn about the events and the locations? But going on to what you said about JR, you were surprised by how well he did his homework. Was there any stuff that he came up with that you're like, holy shit,
Starting point is 00:06:50 that wasn't even my intention to reveal that. This guy's like tapping into my subconscious. Not that I can think of explicitly. Maybe, I don't know. But nothing comes to mind immediately. Adrian, I don't ever remember... the audio better yes yeah cool adrian i don't ever remember really um the i don't want to reveal his name i know he likes to say secret but the guy who does the programming for dot com uh working so closely with um you and uh and Dave over the years.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I mean, of course, I know building up to the game the month before and during the games, you guys would all work very, very closely together because he does a lot more than just programming. I mean, he's integral to everything forward facing But this year, JR kept proposing that you had to programming. And years past when people said that, I would kind of like chuckle like, no, you don't. But but it seems like maybe you do. Like I just wasn't paying close enough attention.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I don't think it's a bad idea. But I mean, me and this he who shall not be named. Yeah, we don't. You nailed it, actually, on one of your podcasts. I don't remember. I mean, it's impossible because you put out so much stuff, but, um, the, you had a conversation with somebody and you said that it's kind of like we arrive at the same idea without communicating. Sometimes that happens a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Um, but the times that we actually explicitly connect those dots are not that often, but I will say one that i thought was really cool that we did connect on the dots and it was really important to me was that swim test that uh we put that up as friday's workout of the day for saturday friday night for saturday and we put a dry land version on it and i thought it would just be a cool idea because we had everybody at the games do it here and it was like well let's see how many other people we can get around the CrossFit community to do it too. And so that was fun. And that I wanted to coordinate that. But do you think that will become a theme that every year there'll be a
Starting point is 00:08:56 workout that everyone does? Maybe, I don't know. It was really hard to pull off. So we'll see. I like the idea though. I think it's really cool. And there's so many cool stories that come out of it. So it'd be it'd be fun if we can if we can do it the the crossover event at any time did you consider um letting the athletes know like a um a month ahead of time like hey two weeks no you're out of your mind. A month. Come on. You give those guys another night with that. And it would have been a completely different story. Like one day advance notice with that. And that would have been totally different.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Did you consider that? No, no. I mean, I did it, but then rejected it. Yes. And because you wanted to see what they could do just with, with that short notice that was part of it. Yeah. I mean, like, I think we saw that this year where a lot of athletes were stretched in a direction that they weren't used to being stretched. And a lot of the athletes think that they had a beat on Dave's rhythm, which that's great. They did. But that it's a little different now. It's just the way it's going to be. So the job is to create a test that is legitimate and not goofy. I mean, you know, like I think that there is a point where you can put skills out there that are just kind of useless or goofy.
Starting point is 00:10:29 feet um but the test should stretch the best and i think it's really cool that you saw the best rise to it i mean t is still on top justin's still on top yet did it look not quite like it did in the past were there some moments where i think they were having a a bit of a oh shit yes but they rose to and they adapted and that's the whole point, right? Is to see who can do that. And they did it. So good, good for them. There was a, there was a games that in Carson, where there was a softball toss and when it was proposed, when it was proposed to Greg, everybody's favorite event when, when Greg proposed it to uh dave i think um and you feel free to
Starting point is 00:11:06 correct me if you remember better differently or better than i do greg wanted them to throw right and left-handed and oh that's awesome and and dave dave pushed back and he's like hey i just don't want like this thing to turn into like the next two years of memes of CrossFitters throwing with their left hand and just destroying them. Um, but it is, but I think it is, it's a, it's a valid test to be able to throw with your right and left hand. Something like that. Could you, is that something that you would put out as a, uh, you would give a hint to or a challenge to, um, I'm just using an example. If you want to use your own example, I'd fucking love it, but it'd be like, Hey guys, next year, you have one year to be able to be ambidextrous. Well, I don't know. I don't think so. I. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Like when you start getting too specific about things, I think you lose it a little bit. And it's it's hard to quantify sometimes where that line is. And I don't know. It's like pornography right like you know when you see it uh thank you great example i appreciate you knowing your audience i appreciate you relating to my audience you guys yeah but uh so no i don't know i don't know how far to put that like greg used to talk about the importance of throwing, obviously, that's in that hierarchy and like non-technical climbing and stuff like that, where you're not looking to be so specialized in that activity that further development in it is just kind of a dead end. But you want to be competent enough that it plays into the generalist. So the basic body awareness, the basic ability to transmit force
Starting point is 00:12:46 through your body and through an F an object, stuff like that. Um, so I think as long as you kind of stick to that, there's a lot of freedom to play around with it. Um, I love the idea of a 50 foot rope climb that can never happen, right? Dude, they will fall from it, right? I love that idea too have you seen some of i think it's red bull maybe that does uh one of those like super tall ropes and they do it over water usually and it's through a platform so it's like a like a suspended platform i don't even know what it is and it and it drops down like 40 feet and you you start in the water and they climb it up out of the water and oh not everybody and it's awesome i would love to
Starting point is 00:13:27 do something like that we were discussing a giant rope and uh taylor brought this up i think he said after 25 feet since most people have never climbed a rope that big there's a component that starts where you can't loop the rope under your feet anymore it becomes incredibly difficult because there's so much rope below you hanging you know you, you can't pinch it. Sorry. And I'd love to see them in that circumstance. Me too, because we go back to basics. I could climb that rope. Spanish rap. Thank you. You nailed it. I could climb a hundred rope right now and I'm not that fit, but I know a technique that would maximize my efficiency.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And it's basic, and a lot of people skip over that because they're, quote, beyond it. And it's like, yeah, that's cool until you need it. Oh, I see. Like a single under. Like, hey, I know three ways better than climbing a rope that are faster than you unless you hit that random rope that's 70 feet tall. Yep. And then what do you do? You burn out and you're done.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Yeah. Single under, same kind of deal. Or like you see people now, like the game is so advanced for so many people. There's so many places where people just learn a kipping muscle up, for example, before they could ever do a strict, or they learn how to right just do these flying
Starting point is 00:14:45 dynamic skills before and and it's and that's fine but they view it almost as why would i bother to do that first step if i could jump to the third step yeah you know it'd be interesting for that i don't know if you've ever seen it before but they have these things like an endless rope so it only comes out about 10 feet and then it just feeds into it and tells you how many feet you're going oh that'd be fun you just okay last man standing let's see how far yes exactly when you fall it's only a little little bit i just love the idea from a uh a photographic you know cinema cinematographic uh spectacle of dudes who are 30 40 feet in the air and you could take pictures of them and yeah it would just look airball the drone shots you could get that would be nuts i love it
Starting point is 00:15:31 um adrian we've had uh movements that change the entire game for the entire community change the whole fitness world uh and the hand release push-ups the chest to bar pull-ups um things that just not that they weren't they were invented by crossfit but when so many people start doing it once because they witnessed it at the games that's just what happens did any of that happen this year did we change is the pegboard game uh going to be different are we going to see a kind of a resurgence in um uh jump roping seminars things things like that. You think? I don't know. I don't, I mean, that's not really for me to decide, but I I'll tell you what's been really cool is I've gotten so many messages from coaches, from affiliate owners, from just regular
Starting point is 00:16:15 people that were like, man, it's so cool to see some of these things highlighted that, um, people haven't thought about in a little while. And I've actually got some really encouraging messages from people that were like, hey, I was kind of feeling my training was stagnant, but I'm fired up to explore again. I'm fired up to get out of the rut that I've been in. So that's really cool to hear. But as far as the long-lasting impact, that's not for me to decide. Yeah. Well, to your point buzz i think it'll be cool because as an affiliate owner sometimes you're trying to get people to work
Starting point is 00:16:49 on the skills right nobody wants to work on their double unders and it comes up in the open and next thing you know they got 12 hours and everybody wants to learn and if you try to warm up with different things like a cross everybody's like this is lame we're not gonna do it but now that it's in the games everybody's gonna that door reopens now there's more excitement into practicing and playing with those new uh techniques whether it's in a warm-up or whether it's in a workout so that was pretty cool uh boz thanks for an amazing games experience as a ceo spectator and the pics you took the time to take with me and the demo team today oh oh hey i said that uh if what wait what was the name suzy suzy tell me i never met i never i did meet suzy i saw her a couple times but
Starting point is 00:17:34 i didn't know suzy was her name she was like front row man she's having a great time and uh i said that if you didn't pick that photo that we took with her, dude, I was going to send you a text and be like, what the fuck? Oh, Susie, send me that. Send me that so we can post it. For your winner, right? She's going to donate. Oh, for the Echo bike. Yeah, she didn't win.
Starting point is 00:17:56 What, do you hate charity? No, no. We had to pick a Mexican guy. Sorry. DEI council picked him. Santiago something. Sorry. Sorry, Susie. picked him. Santiago something. Sorry, Susie.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Did you hear Ricky get booed in there? I heard some rumors that Ricky. It was mild and it was early. And then after that, I think people were just celebrating what was going on in front of them. I didn't see it be like a real persistent thing. Hey, let me tell you something, people. Maybe Adrian's going to tell me there's no fucking way if adrian heard you booing and he was standing there he probably call you out to the field hand you the microphone and be like hey express yourself
Starting point is 00:18:32 you better you better fucking watch out someone doesn't call you out for that shit no not adrian probably i mean this community can get you catch adrian on uh on at the right time he's but anytime he's a no-nonsense guy yeah you know the thing that i'd tell you what um was uh weirder to me than that was some of the behind the scenes not behind the scenes in the sense that um it was happening here hold on a second uh but i was getting um early in the competition i was getting a bunch of dms from people um and this is really unfortunate to me uh calling out our decision to allow russian athletes to compete and they're like you know how can you support the murder of babies and this and that and i thought man like what a terrible thing for those athletes that have, you know, I'm a firm believer that people should not be held accountable for the crimes of their regime that they happen to live under. You know, it's a terrible thing to lump that onto somebody who is just trying to live their life.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Especially a guy who left correct uh yeah kind of that and has sacrificed truly sacrificed so much to come here uh to do this um and so that was really disheartening but the amount of support that he was shown on site was incredible that guy is so cool man i'm telling you not only is he an absolute savage but just the coolest dude like despite the fact that i don't speak any russian and his english is not good i like you can feel it you know what i mean that guy is he's the real deal and uh just a just a sweetheart of a guy it's awesome did we ever find out where he's... The support that he got was just so cool, man. Like, people love that guy. Adrian, did we find out where he's going to end up staying? Like, Sean announced over the live feed on the broadcast
Starting point is 00:20:37 that he got a five-year visa. Oh, I wasn't aware of that. That's awesome. No, I don't know anything about it. That's cool, though. Do you keep up with the athletes at all? It seemed like something that Dave didn't really do either, and it doesn't seem like what you –
Starting point is 00:20:55 do you have any favorites, or do you have people who you think are going to win, or do you think about the athletes when you create the workouts? I don't think about the athletes when I'm, when I'm doing the workout planning. Um, I mean, do I keep like an ear in on the sport? Absolutely. Uh, but I don't, you know, it's, it's weird. Cause for so many years being in the, um, kind of head judge and officiating role like my there was a very kind of rigid i don't know what you call a professional distance where i mean frankly i don't think they wanted much to do with me and that's fine because my job is right my job is to keep things
Starting point is 00:21:40 straight and that doesn't always land in their favor so So I get it. Um, so I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what it's going to look like. I mean, I, I'd like to think that I get along pretty well with anybody most of the time. Um, but as far as like actively pursuing relationships with the athletes and, and, uh, that sort of thing, not, not really. not really uh thanks Sevan and Susan I feel like I competed
Starting point is 00:22:08 as as I came off as an emotional rollercoaster staying up late five nights in a row was oh alright thank you wow this person stayed up five nights late in a row to listen to the interview with you Boz oh wow thanks that's cool
Starting point is 00:22:24 hey what did how did you guys like that sandbag thing like no bullshit because that was the roll of the dice man it was like it could have gone like i knew we had something because every time we did it in testing we did twice once at rogue and then once back a house here with the demo team and you know there's always a few people milling around like there's an equipment guy doing stuff and a signage person doing whatever and every time we ran those sandbags no matter what people were doing they would stop and gather around and just stare at it because it was such a spectacle you know and i was like okay i think we got something here but you never know until you do it um so i was really nervous that because that wasn't going to play well and that the athletes weren't going to dig it but there was a ton of that that met me at the finish line when they were doing their tie break and they're
Starting point is 00:23:14 like this is awesome you know yeah that was heartening but i'm curious to see how because you guys you know you're on the i i liked it a lot because you know the athletes are so proficient at the lifts now you're either going to make it or they're not. They all know their numbers, right? But not a lot of them have probably touched those bags as how heavy they got. And there was so much drama through the middle of the lift. Like they would get it to the lap. You would hear the hands, the crowd would go crazy. They would get it here. You would think they're not going to make it at all. And somehow they would complete the lift, get the go from the judge and go. So I really liked it because it got to showcase their strength in a different way but the drama aspect of it was
Starting point is 00:23:50 really cool so i i was a fan of that i was a fan of that event they were smoked coming off the field too like you think they was like you know eight nine ten efforts the last three or four were like max efforts for like 20 30 seconds i mean that's a lot of time dude i cole sager cole sager i would love to have seen someone do like whatever however you check someone's neurological system after that his final lift that's the shit he he's a savage all of you guys are i mean like danny spiegel's last lift i'm oh unbelievable i just uh i don't know what the ceiling is for her you know like that i i was blown away by that it was so cool someone should have yelled drag out it we'll keep we'll
Starting point is 00:24:31 give you a thousand pound dollars for every extra bag you go and just let her just go start collecting grand at a time i thought it was brilliant uh to be um honest i like the uh the showmanship showmanship of it i like the way they come out one by one. I like the way it went longer. Sometimes lift events are too short for me. I kind of like the way it dragged out. I like the different color bags. I like the way the guys sit around and we get to see them kind of posture on each other in front on each other. I liked it that the 350 bag came out. I like the show of it. And then as far as the lifting part, I learned to appreciate that there's that jujitsu aspect of it that Justin Medeiros was doing, which is he had a really, really interesting technique to submit the bag, so to say.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Get it into its submission and then fuck you. I like that piece. I think what was crazy, too, is the difference in body types. I mean, your boy Mertens was crushing at the beginning there. I mean, I couldn't believe how fast he got that thing to the shoulder. Uh,
Starting point is 00:25:31 and then also Nick Matthews. Oh, I mean, dude, you look at him, you pick, you line those guys up and you say, which one of these guys is going to lift a 340 pound sandbag.
Starting point is 00:25:42 It ain't on, on site. You know what I mean? It crazy to me that just the yeah i i don't even know what to say about that it was wild that dude should go home and be like that that dude star like skyrocketed nick mack yeah wins the skill event and then he wins the sandbag event like what a crazy range to have yeah um boss i'm glad there was a sandbag ladder instead of a barbell squat clean ladder thanks for changing it up mike sauce no problem man my pleasure i'm glad it played out well mike i hope you're on the sauce with a name like that i hope
Starting point is 00:26:18 you're all sauced up boss which which event were you most nervous about before it started now that we know them all now now that they're over, preemptively, as you wrote it, as you were coming into the weekend, which one were you most nervous about? And then as it got closer, logistics-wise? That's hard. I don't know about most. There's so many that could have gone so differently. The capital was really tough just because of the range that we covered
Starting point is 00:26:48 and so many opportunities for so many things to go wrong with that one, just because, you know, like it's so spread out that was anxiety inducing. And then, uh, the pool for a different reason. It's funny because that workout is so simple, right? You look at it on paper you're like okay you're gonna you're gonna swim you're gonna roast some calories but the integration to get all of our stuff there to integrate with the pool system to get the busing schedule right to integrate that with the rest of what was going on and can't on campus to keep that train rolling i mean again that was another one that could have fallen apart so easily. And once you're off track, the compound would have been just like, get it. Like if you're off one heat, it's like, well, that's another two hours to the day now, but playing catch up.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Jacqueline Dahlstrom and Emma McQuaid were also did some freaky shit. Let those like, I was like, what the fuck are you guys doing? They were so impressive. Yep. Anyway. shit that was like i was like what the fuck are you guys doing yeah they were so impressive yep uh anyway uh lucky lucky uh camera straps uh adrian the entire weekend was amazing congratulations boz thanks to you and the entire games team for all the hard work thanks man just trying to make it awesome that's really what it's all about the the games there was um i like the i learned something about media today that i always i've known for a while now that i just keep learning over and over and over the games open
Starting point is 00:28:11 pretty tough you guys had event one and it was like holy fuck like like well i forgot like yeah right ever the fucking we lost count i mean through the whole weekend there's always one jackass who's saying ricky gerard only did four laps um it's just it was a but it reminded me of how trump used twitter like who cares if i fucked up over here i'm just gonna fuck up over here do something over here right away so that you don't even remember what the fuck happened over there i'll call this 2022 the trump games i mean you know what i mean it was just like one You saw me fall down the stairs over here So over here I'm going to throw a rock at the last living koala bear You forget about my falling down the stairs over here It was amazing how quickly
Starting point is 00:28:53 People forgot The bike thing because It was literally I mean you could even be accused of being a fucking genius Like I'm purposely going to set the bar really low, and then just from there up, just go up. Lawnmower? Oh. Oh, was that Bill Henninger? Was that the Don?
Starting point is 00:29:15 No, but I'm going to go see Bill and Katie next. Bill and Katie. Hey, would you kiss the ring for me, too? Yes. Thank you. Just double kiss it and if they say hey what are you doing be like that one's for that second one's for seven on proxy yeah no problem um uh so so that bike event what there was there was there was no that they were responsible for counting the laps and and that's where it went sideways? Yeah, 100%. You never thought for a second
Starting point is 00:29:46 oh shit, someone's going to forget counting, this can turn into a nightmare. So as that started unfolding were you just like, oh god, what the fuck? We thought that and that's why we told them, hey it's counting to five, it's on you guys, we're going to do our best but if the pack spreads out
Starting point is 00:30:01 and you either get lapped or you're lapping people it's going to be really difficult. So, yeah, you guys need to be accountable for that. How do you end up at the end figuring it out? You have a stationary camera locked off and someone has to watch it and see every person go by? No, we actually, right over there. they exited see where that car uh that car is yeah you go right in that's where i got into the stadium and then i was up there talking to you guys initially okay out that way and then they rode that way and so right about where the car is
Starting point is 00:30:40 we put a timing loop down that was not active to score the race as far as their um finish time or whatever but it did collect lap data and so we could go back and look at how many times did they cross that loop and then dig it out so it took some time in certain instances but hey why doesn't sun young toy get why doesn't sun young toy get spirit of the game she did six laps was that thought of in the um it would do what she thought of as a possible winner because the six laps i mean that shows some spirit that all it takes is to do extra work hey hey i i judge a crossfitter go ahead i was just gonna say she's awesome but you know no i extra let me ask you if you're doing if you're if you're let's say you were doing uh I was just going to say she's awesome, but you know, no extra.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Let me ask you if you're doing, if you're, if you're, let's say you were doing a Fran just for sake of ease and you're on the, you're on the last set of pull-ups and you did, you can't don't remember if you're six or seven, what do you do? I mean, usually just assume that it's the lower of the numbers and you just, you know, song young, song, young joy, spirit of the games. the numbers and you just you know sung young sung young joy spirit of the games i'm telling you fair enough
Starting point is 00:31:48 i will i all my years working there i always wanted to be that person who chose it i just thought it should be me instead of nicole but whatever i would tell dave that and i would be so critical of who they pick but i think you did good with Noah. Even though I wasn't there, Noah is a fucking – he's a solid piece of chocolate through and through. He is what he is what he is. That's a great statement. So the – oh, so the bike event and then from there, everything just got better, right? You know, I didn't think the bike event was this big disaster. Everybody was freaking out about it.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah. Oh, wait till you go home and watch it. Wait till you go home tomorrow and watch it on TV. Okay. I'm joking. I'm joking. It was, it was fine on TV too. It was just weird at the end.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Poor Sean and Chase are like, oh, like you could just tell like when lazar came in and like lazar came in and it was almost like you know like two people make a mistake yeah and lazar's like oh fuck this spent pancheck dude fucked up and he tries to get back out but he's already in the jaws of death they waved him out uh he ran out this he ran halfway out this thing and then came back and was convinced that he had done it and so then he ran over the finish and so yeah it was a little like messy oh shit but they waved them out i mean they i saw the whole thing happen right in front of me and they waved them out they were like you need to do another lap mad scramble to get out there and then he's like ah he kind of you know heat of the moment kind of thing came back into the stadium and then ran over the finish line oh fuck his face was all contorted
Starting point is 00:33:31 when he realized what happened yeah how close were they to well dude too like i really like that guy so when when that happens there becomes judging options right um they didn't finish they they fucked up they're out of the games they get their score no never never that was never an option like a dnf look if it was like an intentional very clear this person is trying to cheat well then yeah that's on the table because that's just not what we're about but if it's i mean that was an honest mistake through and through both of them you know for sure and so in something like that it's like I mean, that was an honest mistake through and through both of them, you know, for sure. And so in something like that, it's like, okay, well now we got to start looking at solutions that are fair, not only to them, but to the rest of the field. And I think that's what people forget about when something happens to a specific athlete is that you can't just resolve
Starting point is 00:34:18 it for them. You have to resolve it so that it's fair to the field and that oftentimes um gets lost because people fixate on will it happen to athlete x you know what do what do new people call you do they call you boz or adrian like what what's happened what's what's who what's going on with your name i don't know people call me either one i guess whatever they like better i don't care when you're when you're out there on the field and like someone from the crowd like wants to say hi and like they scream from like eight rows up do they yell boss or do you hear adrian both yeah no mostly boss because it's shorter and i think it's i think it's easier to remember you know yeah it's a weird name
Starting point is 00:35:05 you've really turned into the boss it's the sunglasses uh uh mike sauce man i knew it he's all juiced up uh any plans to bring the games to a different city every year like the super bowl i don't think so every year would be really hard for us like you you know it's such a games is hard man it's it's um it's a lot to connect all the dots and having to learn the new a new system even if it's just like a new layout and you know things like that having to do that every single event would add another factor of difficulty that i don't think would allow us to do a lot of things that we like to do. Like, I don't think we would have been able to do an event like the Capitol if we were at a new place for the first time, because you still have to get your feet under
Starting point is 00:35:54 you with the existing regular venue. Once you get comfortable in a location, then you can start to expand out because you're like, okay, like we know the system at the North part. We know the system in the Coliseum. It's like you get us inside in that Coliseum. We can knock it out because we've done it and we know that system. But if it's new, you get a little bit more reserved because it's not certain yet. So I don't, I don't think that would be the right move for,
Starting point is 00:36:20 for that and other reasons. If you, if you attend the games, it's like attending Burning Man for those of you who don't know, for that and other reasons. If you attend the games, it's like attending Burning Man, for those of you who don't know. You don't want it to, once you go to Madison once,
Starting point is 00:36:32 you never want it to leave. It's a big little city. I mean, that's why I'm still here, man. I mean, like I'm on site, nobody else is around. And, you know, I have a little bit of the old stockholm syndrome not really um and i do think that a lot of people experience that at i'd like to think that they experience that at our events uh you would be so disappointed if you brought your family to madison for the first year you brought your wife and your three kids and then the next
Starting point is 00:37:01 year it was in carson and let me tell you why you'd be disappointed because in Madison, it's such a good place to bring your family. And Carson is not so much, not because it's a bad place. It's just not set up for that type of freedom, that type of mobility. There's traffic everywhere. It,
Starting point is 00:37:16 when, when CrossFit comes to Madison, it's the big fish in a small pond. When it goes to fucking Carson, it's the fucking minnow. Yeah. Nobody cares. Yeah. And it's, it's the fucking minnow yeah nobody cares yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:37:25 and it's it's such a good man i could see it stay in madison forever to be honest with you it's fucking dope yeah i i love madison too i i don't think we're gonna be here forever i mean i know we're not gonna be here forever but um yeah dude they've been so good to us and um you know now and that's another thing too so we have such a good relationship with the city when we say, hey, we have this hairball idea to do this, like you said, a cannonball run through the city. And it ended up kind of being that way. You guys ended up not closing the city. I thought it would be closed. It was open.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah. We just had timed closings to get the athletes across certain points. And the bike path was public. I mean, we had so many people on that path that were like, what the fuck is going on? And then stop and then cheer on the athletes. And, uh, I mean, you know, to approach a new city and say, Hey, nice to meet you. We're the CrossFit games. We want to shut down your most iconic landmark and do this weirdo event that you probably have no idea what it is
Starting point is 00:38:26 that trust isn't there yet you don't get to do stuff like that on first pass so have you met the mayor adrian i have not i have not i'm gonna throw this idea out there just came to me wait are you suggesting i get the key to the city is that what's going on here yes um but i do think you should make a one minute video um saying how much how great it was and thank you and then also show that clip of fusli on the steps and and i and i bet you that would go a long way seven i was thinking i you know i can help you make that video have someone contract me to do that i I could use some scratch. I heard we can't afford you. You cannot. You cannot. That is right. That is right.
Starting point is 00:39:14 This is something I really hope that they – I know somebody filmed it, but I hope they can find the footage of it. At the bottom of the stairs, this was something that happened where it's it got it gives me a weird feeling just thinking about it we um like i'm not a religious person but this was pretty close someone saw the virgin mary effigy no in someone's vomit no okay there was a group of school-age kids probably i don't know like toddlers like preschool i don't know kindergarten maybe five years old six years old 30 them. Maybe they're right up against the line where, um, facility was coming up. She was at the bottom of the stairs at that point, right by the state street statue. And the teacher was kind of in the group behind them. And they just, I don't know if it
Starting point is 00:40:02 was organic or if they had planned this chant, but just in unison started chanting you can't do it and then the teacher would go yeah and they would start it up again and that just continued for like minutes and i like i said i'm not a religious person but i had this totally i don't know what you call it like a divine moment where you're there there's all these people around it's going crazy you have this children's choir on the side it was like being in a surrealist movie i it was very weird and awesome in real time you heard it yes and where are you can you see this picture yeah and are you? See the cameraman on the right? Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Where are you standing? At that point, I think I was at the top of the stairs. For a minute, I was at the bottom. Just kind of make sure that people didn't get too close to her. Number one, for safety. Number two, man, you just don't want people breathing down the athlete's neck that much. Hey, I'm going to throw out another million-dollar idea. Fuck my – I should not be working for free like this. But Rogue should make a commercial with this right here.
Starting point is 00:41:15 This is fucking nuts. Yes. You can't buy that marketing, right? Yeah, and she's fucking so cool. Yeah. Yes, absolutely. She's cool as shit. Hey, I got a funny one for you on the other end of it. Please. This is kind right by where they staged all the dudes that had dropped out.
Starting point is 00:41:50 So, you know, there's most of the athletes just sitting there on the field. And on the women's side, they were excited. You could see it. They panned over there sometimes, like hyping each other up and like, yeah, you know. hyping each other up and like, yeah, you know, and then the dudes came and I went over and said, Hey, uh, if we go through this next round after the tie break, would you guys want to sit on the front bags and look at the last lifter? You know, like just kind of like a, like a auditorium seating front row action to this last lift those guys looked at me like i had four heads i was just like i can read the room no problem isn't that amazing because um the boys have so i think the boys it's
Starting point is 00:42:35 fair to say the boys have a lot more camaraderie during the field of play but but actually if you put them too close to each other they might just start fucking chewing on each other where the girls like yeah that that's it they the girls flip the script in that scenario they want to support their comrades and the fucking dudes are like i don't care if you die even though we were acting like friends back here yeah it's great though and i mean like you know that's part of competition i get it it's no slight against any of those guys they They're in it, you know? Scott, Noah was like, I'll go watch, boss. I'll go.
Starting point is 00:43:08 He was already there. Yeah. Scott Lefford, $20. Thank you. You could have asked a question for that much, a prostitute question to Adrian. I had to shake down Sousa for my internet fee the other day.
Starting point is 00:43:21 You know what I mean? I had a rough internet the other day and you guys were getting callers sending money to upgrade on the Comcast and checks in the mail buddy dude morgan morgan dornt dornt dornte thank you t elliot field thank you uh does your new place have uh internet i know you bought some place out in the sticks. No, there's like nothing out there. I got to figure that out. Is there even cell service?
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yeah, it's okay. It's not like amazing, but. All right, so I could steal a podcast from that. Did you know Con Porter barfed at the swim event? No. No idea. Really? you know con porter uh barfed at the swim event i think no no idea really yeah while he was doing the this thing so he had too much water yeah incredible i they catch it on camera uh i don't know but he he he was one of the guys he's one of the guys who like you can send him a link and he'll he'll
Starting point is 00:44:24 fucking call in from his bed it's so awesome yeah conhan's a dude he's great and he told us uh he told us that story yeah all right uh thank you it's i gotta get out of here but you're awesome i know i pushed it i know you said a quickie and i got you for 45 minutes longest one ever fun uh catching up with you guys thanks for keeping casual. It's nice to be able to show that we are just people trying to make awesome shit happen. So thanks for keeping me relevant, Adrian. It's not lost on me. I love you. Amazing week.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Congratulations. Yeah. Thanks, guys. See you. Bye. Bye. I'm lying. I'm dying.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Is that the last one? I don't know. Send Rich a link. Rich, what's up? Holy shit, you did it. Holy shit, you did it. I did send... I did send... I did send... What's his name?
Starting point is 00:45:31 JR. A link. A link, yeah. Yeah. He's got the bosses on here. He's going to be so devastated. He's been juggling so much family stuff during the week. Yeah, he's been super generous with his time and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:45:46 So they've been awesome. Samuel Fleming, hi. What's up, Siobhan? Hi. Hey, just a little fun fact. When y'all were talking about the single-unders and people thinking they can go to the third step and not start the first step, Chris Henshaw is super big on that. And Mayhem had put out a video
Starting point is 00:46:08 about him doing one of his seminars. And you can watch all the games athletes be absolutely terrible at single unders. I remember that. Yeah, that was a few years back. And like, I loved it. To see it come to the games. I was like, Oh fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:33 We're about to see some people that look like superheroes look human again. Yes. So I just thought that was awesome. When he mentioned that, it popped into my brain. I remembered that video and I was like, Oh fuck. Yeah, this is, that's perfect. And it tripped up the champ. Oh, yeah, it tripped up everybody. I mean, yeah, he placed 23rd. Like, crushed it.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And it's awesome. And it's like, just to, it lets everybody know, like, hey, start at the beginning. Don't try to, like, move too fast. Like, this is a journey for your life, not for right now. So,
Starting point is 00:47:06 but, uh, love what y'all did and everything like that. And, uh, still fuck Dan Bailey. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Thank you. Bye. Uh, I just want to say that this is a guy that I will be getting on the show. He is the winner of the armless division. think it's called upper extremity uh this guy won uh first first first first first first all the first this motherfucker clean house um he is a savage casey acree he has some crazy numbers he also trains over there at underdogs athletics we'll be getting him on later in the week super good dude, too.
Starting point is 00:47:45 What's up, Collin? Yeah, great. Cool. He's going to be easy. Yeah. Hey, guys. Hey. Hi.
Starting point is 00:47:51 How are you, Collin? Hey, I'm good. This is Max and Lucy from Milwaukee. Hi, Max and Lucy from Milwaukee. What's going on, guys? Yeah, I'm the guy who always tells you to keep the language down because I got all the kids in the house. Oh, shit. I mean, shoot. Okay, I'm sorry. Sorry always tells you to keep the language down because I got all the kids in the house. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I mean, shoot. Okay, I'm sorry. Sorry. I try. But I am calling about something else, though. I just want to give a shout out to CrossFit. They actually put up a CrossFit kids program for the first time this year at the game. You know, having four kids, that was great.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So explain that to me. So you show up at the venue and they have a place where you can take your kids and they can play and get crazy? And they actually run CrossFit kids classes from 3 and up to 17, 14. Dude, best thing I've ever done. You're saying this is the first year they've done that? Yeah. Oh, I'm surprised. That's really cool.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah. Very, very, very, very cool. I took my kids to Universal Studios. Don't give you a reason to come up next time. Say that again? Don't give you a reason to come up next time. Say that again? Don't give you a reason to come up next time. I know. It actually is.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I took my kids to Universal Studios in Los Angeles. It's supposed to be a place for kids. It costs like, I don't know, $400 a ticket or something outrageous to take your family there. A family of five would be like over $1,000, probably more expensive than Disneyland. And I go there, and my kids start jumping from stairs and climbing on railing and doing stuff. And security comes over and goes, what are you doing? And I'm like, my kids are just planes. Oh, they can't do that. I'm like, well, where's the kids park? And they're like, they don't have one, but they have candy shops, donut shops, and it's a place for kids.
Starting point is 00:49:14 And they don't have a single place for kids to burn off energy. Yeah. You know, I think my kids are geared to the game to give them a little different perspective on life and what good looks like. Awesome. Yeah, that's cool. How do I win the Echo Bike? You would have to, you have to, we had criteria, our DEI council said you had to be a midget, and then we had a little card.
Starting point is 00:49:35 You had to be a certain shade of, fit into the right parameters of the shade color of your skin. I think I did. Are you a midget? Are you sure? You have to be under 4'7". Define midget. Define midget. I know I did. Are you probably, are you, are you a midget? Are you sure? Are you have to be under four, seven? Define midget.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Define midget. I know how to go about definition. You're, you're under four, seven. I'm under four, seven. No,
Starting point is 00:49:52 I'm not. But what if I get there? All right. Thank you. All right, guys. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Bye. Thanks. Bye. There's people listening to the show. Probably who haven't listened before. They're like, what the fuck is going on? Mary Hollis.
Starting point is 00:50:08 If those pictures are of you, thank you. You are a fricking superstar. Keep strutting that shit. You know, you'll get kicked off of Facebook for that, by the way. I'm not joking.
Starting point is 00:50:22 We're going to have a guest. We're going to have a guest on lost 150 pounds. It works out across the Krypton. instagram is big and flexi and uh he had his post pulled down because he was celebrating his uh his we call it weight loss but celebrating his uh healthy recovery uh lewis mckenzie lewis hi Lewis, Mackenzie Lewis, hi. Oh, sorry, sorry, standby. Okay. So, Mackenzie Riley, we texted the other week, Siobhan. I was going to say I was going to come on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Oh, you did. Thank you. Here you are. Perfect. Thanks for coming on. So, I got myself here. Were you at the games all week? I was. I ended up coaching some teenagers. Were you at the games all week? I was.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I ended up coaching some teenagers. Oh, what do you mean? Like teenagers who are competing at the games? Yeah, teenagers competing, yeah. So you just stumbled into a coaching job for that? So I coach for Miss Athletics. I used to compete under them. I was coached by them, and now I kind of do some coaching for them that I'm not competing.
Starting point is 00:51:26 So they pulled me in last minute to help out with some teenagers. Oh, awesome. Our team is a bit of a – it's not appropriate to call it a shit show because of the connotations that come with it, but it is a shit show. Like right before we go on, I never know exactly who's going to come on. Is it going to be Taylor, JR, John Young, Halpin helping i never know exactly who it's going to be on the floor and so uh i apologize for not um being organized enough or having enough depth in my bench to uh include you but please maybe there's something in the future oh Oh, that's quite fine. I just, my husband was watching every night. And he actually called in about the TCA tree that you were asking about the adaptive athlete.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Yes. He called in saying he's from his hometown and gave you some info on him. So what did he say about it? Say that again. He told me just call in and we were watching and he's like, you should just call because we never linked up. So I thought I should follow up on being on the podcast. Yeah, you definitely should. You definitely, I'm glad, I'm glad you did.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I don't know. Uh, I don't have a formal job interview for you here. I just have an apology that I didn't keep you in the loop and use you. I suppose I'll accept that. All right. Thank you. But, well, but we'll stay in touch. We have each other's numbers, right? And we're texting. I got your number. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I'm just a home being a mom now. So hit me up. Okay. I think that, I think the next events we're going to do would be Rogue, Dubai, Wadapalooza. I think, I think, I think those, that's the stuff I got to talk to someone who actually knows. Do you have,
Starting point is 00:53:06 do you go to any of those? Of course. Um, and even if you don't, if you just watch them, we just need people who can talk and commentate and express their, be opinionated about it. It kind of depends on,
Starting point is 00:53:17 I mean, I try and go to as much as I can. I am 16 weeks pregnant right now, though. So the end of this year, I'll be getting real pregnant and then I'll be a new mom in the new year. So how many kids do you have? I'm not sure my availability. Uh, this will be our second. Oh, congratulations. Why thank you. Wish me luck.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Yeah. Um, are you, are you, are you still training hard? Do you have morning sickness? Um, definitely not training hard, but definitely still training. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I had a month that was pretty rough. But, you know, I know it goes away. So I think I'm out of it now, luckily. Being at the games was really hard, though.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Being out in that heat. And you walk around a lot being a coach. I learned that. So it was tough on this pregnant lady. I learned that. So it was a tough on this pregnant lady. The lady who helps run, she's kind of, she's kind of in charge of all the media for the Sevan podcast. She's working herself into that role. She's a beast, but she has,
Starting point is 00:54:17 I think she has five kids. Is that nuts? And I think she's like, and I think she probably homeschools them and shit. They're like, and, and I think she's like a good person, like a clean, like Christian lady. And she has to deal with listening to my tongue. It's pretty crazy. She's pretty. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:34 She's a champion. And I think she has a full-time job because her husband just fucking work, just works out nonstop. Wow. I know. Wow. That's a lot going on. Goals. No, but we're not going for five kids no thanks not never say never all right thank you for calling tell your husband thanks for watching of course
Starting point is 00:54:53 okay all right bye later guys jenny sock i'm gonna guess that that's really you with the nice auburn hair uh thanks guys it's been a great few days um you're welcome i don't know who this is mr logan hey hey hi what's up now you know just doing my thing i should have got off after i got off with adrian but i have suzy here i figured i'd take a shitload of calls suzy tell it's okay about the echo bike. Although I am 11% Mexican savvy. Maybe you can send me a rogue sandbag. It's rogue sandbag. What a fucking waste of money.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Just go pick up something heavy, have another kid and carry it around. Thank you, Susie. You're the best. By the way, you have really got me fired up a few times. She's awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Ran into her a couple of times at the event. Real cool. Andrew, did you go to the event or did you watch it from home andrew oh no i'm there i came up from tennessee oh cool oh yeah you know i kind of hear it you sound like one it's one of my friends from tennessee what do you think about this being his last year uh i don't know i don't know if i believe her hold on who who do you believe because she said she didn't answer it but i think kiki and and sean both announced it for her yes so that that got weird hey do you think that was coordinated
Starting point is 00:56:23 you think like i think i think i think they're wanting her to get pregnant. Oh. I mean I want everyone to get pregnant. But in – Shane, call me. My mom sent me – when I was trying to get my wife pregnant, my mom sent me a one-page document on how to do it. So I'd be more than willing to share that with you. Fucking my mom's nuts. Greatest mom in the world until she did that i sent you an email i look at it i'm like mom this is like how to get hayley
Starting point is 00:56:51 pregnant she's like yeah i'm like yeah i know how to do that she's like nah there's some nuances i'm like what um uh but uh i i wonder if it was coordinated i'm guessing that sean went up to her and said hey are you are you, are you retiring? And she said, yeah. And he said, is it okay if I announced it? And then probably Kiki did the same thing. I don't think that they would try to take the words out of the champ's
Starting point is 00:57:12 mouth unless she was okay with it. Um, but then when she was up there, she said, doesn't, isn't that what everyone wants to know? I, I,
Starting point is 00:57:19 I, I think, um, there's this thing that happens to human beings where they start to feel themselves. I don't – I wish I could explain it better. But they start to feel themselves, and I think she's starting to feel – say that again. That's dirty. That's dirty.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Yeah, it's a little dirty. I think she's starting to feel herself. I don't even know if all human beings ever feel themselves the whole time that they're alive. I guess maybe they don't. But I'm thinking of like a jazz musician probably is up there playing his trumpet. And after 30 years of playing it, his last 30 years, he starts to really feel himself. And I think she's feeling herself. himself. And I think she's feeling herself. And it's like, it's going to be hard to give up CrossFit if she's feeling herself, because she's going to kind of see the two together as the tool
Starting point is 00:58:10 of, of feeling herself. It's a, it's a trippy experience. Sometimes I pass through it while I'm doing the podcast. I'm like, holy shit, I'm not being fake for a second. So, or, or maybe maybe it's like you're being, I'm being super fake for a second. I don't know, but I feel it sometimes, and it's weird. Say that again, caller? Do you think she would ever switch to a Tames event? Oh, I thought you were going to say the men's competition. So fuck yeah. I thought for sure you were going to say that.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah, fuck yeah. Hey, I'd love to see that. See her get juiced up to 1,500, her TRT levels or whatever that highest level is, and enter the men's competition holy shit it would be legal too i guess the transitionary period no i don't think she does teams i don't think she does teams i think you're probably right i think they're probably ready to have a kid i think they're probably rich by rich i mean independently wealthy i think that they have enough money in the bank that they can make $38,000 a year and live in
Starting point is 00:59:05 Tennessee or maybe it's $380,000 a year, whatever it is. Who do you think will take her spot next year at the top? Mal is completely unstoppable. The only hope is
Starting point is 00:59:20 the only person who could possibly challenge her I think is Emma Lawson. Olivia Kerstetter might be like – I mean, someone has to test her. I mean, she is a superwoman. It would be very interesting to see what happens when she's finally shot out of the cannon into the pros. But I think Emma Lawson is the only hope. And I think Mal is going to get so fucking good, it's going to be mind-boggling. Yeah, Mal's like, I did it.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I think it's not a lot of fire under Danielle Brandon. I just, Danielle Brandon is a fucking muscle car, man. And she's, I just don't see her, I see her coming every year and getting to the podium and doing crazy shit. I just don't see her winning it. She's a fucking, I think she's more like, Oh, she doesn't corner. Well, you know what I mean? She's a fucking American muscle car.
Starting point is 01:00:08 And she did what she does. She does extremely well, but I don't, uh, Mal is like a fucking something Italian. The corner's nice. She's a, she's a,
Starting point is 01:00:17 she's like a motorcycle. A car will never catch a motorcycle. Peace and love. Danny Siegel put in some work today. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on. Come on. This show's not about you.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Andrew? Andrew? It was a joke. I didn't even hear what you said. What did you say? I said Danny Siegel put in some work today. She did. I'm crazy impressed by her someone in the
Starting point is 01:00:46 dms like someone in the dms pissed me off you know who you are and he said why don't you bury the hatchet with danny spiegel and have her on the show it's like i don't have i'm not i don't have a hatchet with her i say nice shit about her all the fucking time i think she's a beast i just fuck with her because she wouldn't come on the show because of her moral state high moral standards and yet she prances around in the smallest clothes ever. And I just think that there's a – can't we meet in the middle somewhere? Can't we meet in the middle? You're a little smutty.
Starting point is 01:01:15 I'm a little smutty. I mean, why do I got to be smutty all by myself? But I don't got to beef with her. I'd love to have her on. But, yeah, I'm impressed. Okay, impressed okay thank you andrew yeah thanks for the coverage we're gonna head out okay head out bye i got on my screen over here i got a big fat picture of casey acrey nice he only got one well i just see him becoming almost a regular and dropping in from time to time
Starting point is 01:01:48 me too he's easy yeah super easy to have a conversation with really cool really down to earth he i was gonna say he only has one arm but he he can't really say that he's got one arm and then his other arm he got part of his other arm, like a lot of it. He doesn't have the hand part, but he has the forearm. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Look at this. Look at this, this fucking guy. So this guy has one arm and then another arm that's missing a hand.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Thank you, Shelby. But look at that black thing on his – that should be a sebon podcast wristband can't you see that yeah this yeah yeah yeah on on his uh right over that i wish i could yeah uh will branstetter if you're watching this can you take casey's uh it looks like noble and and photoshop in the ceo on there oh make me famous, make me famous, Will. Make me famous. A lot of people were putting the Laura Horvath stuff in here
Starting point is 01:02:53 as she climbed up. It would have been interesting to see how that would have shook out if those rope climbs didn't get eliminated. I think a lot of people got helped out by the rain last night. Oh, yeah. Canada. That's yeah. Canada. That's me. Hi.
Starting point is 01:03:11 You might have to turn off your YouTube. I got you. I can't believe you're a real media... That's the only real media thing I say. Whenever I'm a kid listening to the radio and the DJ would be like, Hey, you jackass, turn off
Starting point is 01:03:26 your radio. AM 960. I'm a rookie, long time listener, first time caller. Hi. What's up, brother? I was wondering about Ricky and the ramifications of what happened before. Are they trying to cover it up
Starting point is 01:03:44 or do you think conspiracy theory how he kind of was in the lead that he dropped or like do you think that's a big black eye on the industry or like i have no i would have to read i have no idea what you're asking uh you need to ask it again because whatever you're referencing i can only pretend to know so you have to tell me exactly but i want to know what you think about about uh um about uh emily rolf and uh the other canadian uh who fucking had clotting that's what i that's what i want to know about yeah i was actually watching her show and i was actually alarmed about that too and um i'm alarmed too the three doctors i talked to are alarmed too
Starting point is 01:04:25 it's funny it's not it's only been going on a fucking year in soccer and all over the world 1800 more deaths a week on average in the uk more this year than last year but you had to wait till two of the fittest people in the world fucking collapsed before anyone gave a shit not you sorry i'm losing my shit okay back to you what do to you. Tell me what you want to know about Ricky. No, I was just thinking, like, with his reputation, does it supersede any accolades or awards he does, or is he always going to have this, like, black cloud over him or anyone that, like, tests positive?
Starting point is 01:05:03 His reputation being as a man who used an illegal substance to, and some would call that cheating. Damn, I hate that word, but it's probably true. I should just say he cheated. But it was a long time ago, but do you think they like, if any bad stuff, they want to, they want to kind of cover it up or what? No, I think it makes a good story like he got no you mean like crossfit like if they wouldn't talk about it yeah no i well i mean they don't even have any media what do they even talk tell me what they talk about in the
Starting point is 01:05:35 first place i mean there's a fucking joke over there am i if i'm lying i'm dying no you're good i mean it's all good yeah i mean they only say they they put out so little content that they don't have to hide anything they they only could they can only talk about like three things it's um it's uh hey you know what they should have done they've been doing it they did they're bringing back some of the og shit they got the forging elite fitness um that but you know what they should have done? They've been doing it. They're bringing back some of the OG shit. They got the Forging Elite Fitness. But you know what they should have done during the games is they should have tapped into some Glassman shit. Like played some old – what's this video Michael Dalton once made? And it had like the moon landing sound effect.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Do you remember that video, Sousa? Who could find that for me? I reposted it on my Instagram, I think. Yeah, they should have played something like that about how we have the cure to the world's most vexing problem or some shit. Oh, God, it would have fucking given people the chills. Yeah, that would have been cool. I'm – I shouldn't do that. It's funny how many people turned on him and who are now nostalgic and forget they turned on him and posted shit.
Starting point is 01:06:49 There's an affiliate in particular that fucking went after him really, really hard, and they're trying to cozy up to him again. And what I did – yeah, leave that up, please. I'd like to read that. And they're trying to cozy up to Greg again, and I went to their Instagram, and they pulled it all down. Now, I'm all for letting people change their ways. But dude, crucifying a man while he's down is, uh, you better come up with a lot of fucking dick sucking and apologies before you fucking come back. It's brutal. Not because Greg wants it or anyone wants it. It's just like, show some fucking humility.
Starting point is 01:07:16 If not, you just seem like a scumbag. Spiegel snatch says Weinstein's ass to mouth Franco. CrossFit Media. I made a comment that the reason why Morning Chalk Up knows everything right away is because LeFranco's ass sits on Weinstein's face. And when he talks, it just goes straight into fucking LeFranco. Oh, my gosh. Anyway. No, I don't think they're hiding anything.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I'm stoked for Ricky. I like him. i like him if i had to pick a dude to go out with and drink or like my wife and me to go out with another couple i'd fucking pick him in a second i do a crew i do a cruise the dumbass cruise i hate a cruise and i do a cruise with them you know i mean i know it's gonna be fun yeah him and benny oh my god benny would be so awesome yeah i'd be fucking skinny dipping with those two in a minute they'd be cool yeah
Starting point is 01:08:08 alright thanks guys thank you yeah Hiller out oh I wish he'd have done that a few times oh my goodness Morgan Dornte what do you think about Medeiros winning without an event win would that be like Froning winning without a rope climb no no no i don't think so it is interesting but i mean i don't think it i don't
Starting point is 01:08:31 think the event win speaks to the programming and how good crossfit is sorry go ahead susan no i was gonna say i just don't think like you could make the argument like if you couldn't do a specific movement or something like that and tried and failed that might be more of a blemish than not a event win but i think you're looking for the most well-rounded person you're not looking for somebody who's just going to win a bunch of events right so they always got to say you don't have to win you just have to be really good and consistent at everything and that's what i think madero's proved this weekend what do you think oh they didn't call in i read it i was going to be like i mean it's it's so it's so crossfit-esque um yeah
Starting point is 01:09:05 are you calling somebody right now i'll call my wife i just want to know what my kids are doing right now oh i hear i i know i only have a couple hours of i mean i want to do this this is like cathartic hello hi hi um we're live on the air oh cool what what are the kids doing right now what are you guys doing um oh no i can hear me oh so you're watching the show okay okay all right i love you i love you i'm gonna do this for uh uh 21 more minutes and then i'm gonna play come play okay they're all yours okay bye play. I mean, they're all yours. Okay, bye. Avi, Ari, Joseph, what's up, buddies? Brant, how are you?
Starting point is 01:09:51 They're going to love it. Thanks, Susan. Hi, Brant. Brant? Brant? Brant, how are you? What's up Nothing Elisa
Starting point is 01:10:15 You guys are rock stars Stephanie Christina $10 California and thank you for all the coverage guys Such a great weekend you're very welcome Very welcome There's Bruce Wayne Christina, $10, California. Thank you for all the coverage, guys. Such a great weekend. You're very welcome. Very welcome. There's Bruce Wayne. God, I haven't said hi to all my – whoa.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Look at this. I haven't seen this name in a while. No income tax in Tennessee. Thank you for the financial advice. Yes, Budusi. Are you selling CEO wristbands yet? Yeah. CEO wristbands are for sale at Life is RX. Life is RX.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Selling testosterone replacement therapy, wristbands, and coffee. Oh, here we go. Sevan, you and the whole team crushed the coverage. Awesome job. Also, please continue to deploy the Hiller weapon system for future events. I need to do a bunch of shows not CrossFit related. You know what's going to be weird? It's going to be a little scary at first.
Starting point is 01:11:21 It's going to be a little weird. Even just a week of just doing two weeks of doing nonstop CrossFit, it's going to a little weird even just a week of just doing yeah two weeks of doing non-stop crossfit it's gonna be weird to like talk to like a normal person again mike sauce what did you guys think about the new sleds i thought i mean i thought thought I thought it was cool they just had to make them up something like that was cool can I push them on concrete
Starting point is 01:11:48 I'm sure you could yeah if I can push them on concrete I'd love them I'd love to get them to my house and dear Bill dear Bill
Starting point is 01:11:57 and Katie Henninger I would love for a scholarship for my kids to get one of those sleds from the CrossFit Games so I can push it back and forth in front of my neighbor's house who makes too much noise and he needs to get paid back. Yeah, it's not about us. It's about the kids, guys. Come on, Rogue. I thought there was just another sled. I thought it was cool that you could load it up i don't know i don't know what to uh the thing is is if i had something like that what if it turned into a planter like i could see myself
Starting point is 01:12:32 being like oh i'm just gonna drill a couple definitely turn into a place i drill a couple holes in the bottom so water could seep through i'd fill it up with dirt and then i would just push it around to sunny spots in my yard that's exactly what happened it was at your house so on now that the games is over should we start moving the things in your ziploc again to make money to have the greatest show enough to survive no oh geez that thing again That's very good. The bag. Giddy up, boys. Nailed it. Thanks, Trina.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Holy cow. Holy cow. The Badissi post is, God, this sucks that I'm going to do this, but I'm going to do it anyway. I just, this is, Trina made this for me. This is so great. That's one of the things, like being out there on the floor with everybody, I feel like I'm missing so much all the time. Like I'm kind of just in my bubble at the games there.
Starting point is 01:13:31 I get it. I get it. That goes both ways. I get it. So she – let's see if this works. Trina made this, and I just like this so much. Let's see if I can get the audio on it. Trish is back with the sweet comments.
Starting point is 01:13:54 This is the lady who took the 15-inch deuce earlier. I will wipe my badussy. Wow. Wow. On a noble shirt for Hillary. I'm not even sure what the... Caleb, Caleb, we're going to need the Urban Dictionary. I swear to God, I have no idea what that is.
Starting point is 01:14:15 No. Should I? I didn't play college basketball. I didn't hear like that. You should know what it is. The Bud Dosey. The Bud Dosey. What's the Bud Dosey?
Starting point is 01:14:33 I mean, I understand. It looks like it's a combination of some words. Oh, my gosh. Trish. So that right there. I think. So this woman here, Trina McLeod, that's her Instagram. I pinched that from.
Starting point is 01:14:51 I think it's called like Sevan Podcast, Gone Rogue or Gone Rogue Sevan Podcast. And then she makes those. That's awesome. That one's hilarious. Here's our homeboy from CrossFit. Yeah oh it's crossfit tyl crossfit l light what the fuck what was the image jim nothing can stop me i'm all the way up did you see this oh yeah you did see this that's's crazy, right? Yeah. There she is, the queen. Oh, this dude. Okay, fuck it. Now I'm going to take it.
Starting point is 01:15:34 So this is the guy from PMI Premium Services. This is the guy that always donates $19.99. Look at this. Good deal. Yeah, look at this. For those of you that ever wondered what an owner suite looks like in a cruise ship, we're going to check out my room come on in i went on a cruise once and i had a really nice room but not this nice this is going to be my home for the next few days or so we're going to give you a quick tour as you come in
Starting point is 01:15:56 you're going to see it's got a nice spacious dining area here we've got a little. That's the way to go on a boat, right? Yeah. Hell yeah. First part of the ship is going to be out here. This is nuts. It's got a nice wide deck. Yeah, you have the whole, I'd have the whole family in there. I'd have to be careful that my kids didn't climb up over that deck.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Holy shit. That would be scary. When you going to go to sleep. Oh, that's cool pmi i don't know i don't know what that i don't know if that guy that guy's like part real estate agent part travel agent part like something for ballers david hi what's up why are you posting my stuff you like my my uh owner's suite oh what's up yeah that thing was crazy yeah that thing's nice that thing was crazy i was like dumbass cruise ship oh wait a second what is this what is this you need to get if if you like it like i said follow me i'll show you how to get on that thing for free oh my goodness
Starting point is 01:17:05 that thing is amazing i follow too many people this i just i follow too many people to actually see anyone i hardly ever scroll but that thing just somehow popped up and uh wow yeah that thing was cool yeah it's nice are you a crossfitter you i you can't see your body in this picture. You do have a nice physique, especially for an old gray guy. I am a CrossFitter. Yeah. I'm an old gray guy, and I'm a CrossFitter. I think I met you when I was on the CrossFit Endurance staff when Brian McKenzie used to run it.
Starting point is 01:17:35 You remember that? Wow. Yeah. You know, I've been having a lot of flashbacks about that. Did we meet in Newport? Yep. In Newport, correct. Yeah, because I've been going a lot of flashbacks about that did we meet in Newport yep in Newport correct yeah because I've been going down there lately and wow that's fucking crazy John Wellborn was down there
Starting point is 01:17:52 Balboa Island Brian McKenzie who's the other cool dude Serrano the cop yeah Serrano correct yeah SWAT team cool cool wife cool kids those people Uh, yeah, just around the crack. There was a, I think it was a company, a company beach shop or something like that. Yeah, SWAT team, cool, cool wife, cool kids.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Those people were cool shit too. Exactly. In fact, I'll tell you a funny story. I got introduced to CrossFit because of him, because I was on the SWAT team here in Fort Lauderdale, and we did a joint operation with them. And he introduced me to CrossFit. I got my level one back in 2006. What a small world. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Yep. Hey, I did a... Very small world. Fernando, right? Yeah. Fernando, I did a video where I worked out against one of his daughters. I was like 35 and she was probably like 10.
Starting point is 01:18:50 And it went on dot com. And I was wearing this shirt that was too small for me. It was the only time I was ever accused of doing steroids. I'll never forget it. I was like so fucking flattered. Someone in the comments is like, oh, God, it's so obvious. A year ago, that guy looked nothing like that. I was like, yeah. like yeah want some this killer yeah so anyways and i got affiliated back in 2009 uh i own soft
Starting point is 01:19:17 water crossfit here in fort lauderdale um yeah and i've been part of CrossFit since then hey thank you for all your support it really fucking means oh that's nice it really means a shitload to us it really like it's impossible to convince you anyone how much it means to us when you give us
Starting point is 01:19:39 money because this thing is like just bootstrapped and it really is just a shit show with just really, really good people. So when you, when you do that, it, um, it, it, it, it, it keeps the ball rolling. I appreciate it. And now listen, it's my pleasure. I get a lot of enjoyment out of your, your podcast. I know how tough it is. I know how difficult it is to generate income, especially when you're not politically correct. Like some people do it just to be PC
Starting point is 01:20:11 so they can monetize their channel. You guys aren't doing that. That's why I love you guys. I want to continue to support you and I will continue to support you. Keep doing what you guys are doing because we need more of you. Just like Joe Rogan, we need a lot more of Rogan and you guys.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Thank you. Thanks, brother. Wow. It means a lot. All right, my heroes. Keep it up. Love you guys. Stay in touch, brother.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Thank you. Will do. Bye. Bye. I'm giving that to you. That's awesome. I'm giving that to you, my phone number. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Send Fraser a link, you badussy. I sent him a link. I mean, not recently, but during the week, I sent him a link. I have some. Actually, I'll talk to you about it later. Plumber, I hardly know her. Oh, do you have stories about running into Matt? Gentlemen, congrats on a good weekend.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Yes, I do have stories about Matt. Oh, tell me. No, no, no. Matt was crushing it last night. He crushed it all weekend. No, no. I was asking Matt Souza
Starting point is 01:21:13 if he has any stories of running into Matt Fraser over the weekend. Oh. He just smiled big because he was going to tell me. Someone said, why don't you send a link
Starting point is 01:21:23 to Matt Fraser? And then Souza goes, hey hey I want to tell you something and then he goes later and then being the fucking genius I am with that supercomputer up here I'm like hmm did he want to tell me a story about Matt Fraser
Starting point is 01:21:37 I got a couple interesting stories to tell but I got to talk with you about them first and then maybe we'll I'm still hoping I get some free podium don't fuck that up no no no plumber what's up dude what did you do this weekend what did you do there what did you did you did you work did you participate did you compete did you what's up yeah so i uh i uh why didn't why didn't we ever see you did we send you links how come you never came on? I was working with the Strong Coffee booth all weekend.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Oh, even better. I love those guys. I'd love to jerk those guys off. Yeah, they're good dudes. I drink probably at least a gallon's worth every day. Hey, tomorrow morning, tomorrow at some point when I break my fast, I will put a big giant scoop of that into a cup of raw milk and a couple of huge scoops of cretin. And I'll get out of it. You don't even do big scoops. You don't even do the right size. One gram, one gram of cretin.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Microdose. Yeah, a microdose. Yes, thank you. Oh, shit. Oh, Microdose. Thank you. Oh, shit. That's good stuff. We hooked Suza up. It was a good time. And then just watched.
Starting point is 01:22:53 I mean, the fittest win. Watched Crop Top Nick. Oh, man. Oh, God. It bums me out that he's a crop topper. I can't. I can't. Oh, come on now.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Will you get him on the show now, finally? Sure. Does that dude speak English? What language is he? Nick Matthews? Come on now. Drop the S. Nick Matthews. What language is he?
Starting point is 01:23:16 Oh, I thought I heard him speak, and he spoke, like, in tongues or something. He spoke a different language. He's not a foreigner? No, he's not a foreigner. Oh. He was born and bred Minnesotan. Oh, well, there you go. That explains it.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Yep. Okay. Alrighty, gents. Well, good weekend. All right, thanks for calling in. Thanks for the suggestion. Come on. You're coming next year to Madison.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Probably. You have to. Oh, I don't know. The campground is asking for you last night. That's sweet. It's going to have to be something special. I would need to time it with some sort of drive cross country or something. I think that there is...
Starting point is 01:24:04 Yeah, I shouldn't even put this out there. Why not? Just because it's, it's, it's, uh, it's not based on anything, but at some point someone has to be like someone whose money's involved has to be like, like some sellout has to finally realize that like, they're selling out to the wrong people. Like how, how much easier it's like, did you see that guy for that guy for Fernando who was just on? He said that he supports the show because he wants to support this voice. That's exactly what Gabe said.
Starting point is 01:24:39 That dude gave from paper street said, Hey, I'm going to give you X amount every month. I'm like, dude, I'm not, I drink fucking good dudes. I don't drink your shit. I ain't promoting your shit. And he goes, I don't care. You can talk shit about my coffee. I'm like, what the fuck? So I'm like, okay, send me out some. So he came out and I liked the way the beans look right away.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Like you can tell they're not like, they're not processed beans. They're just like fucking naked little brown beans. I started drinking his shit. It's fucking almost too strong. And, uh, and, and I'm like, Hey, why are you doing this? We can't possibly be selling you enough coffee to uh to make it worth how much money you're giving us and he said because i don't want the show to die and i already have a little bit of uh um success same thing with uh uh the the lady
Starting point is 01:25:17 who owns california hormones that's just a side hustle for that hormone business but she she she wants to see she wants to support the voice so um at some point someone at crossfit like has to be like okay we're selling out to this woke crowd and it's so much work and so fake and there's nothing real there and it's a bunch of fucking zombies trapped in their head or we could sell out to you you'll sell out for half the price we can sell it right we can sell out to someone we can we can work with people who are like actually care about other human beings who actually love people for uh with uh um uh what's that called compassion no strings attached and uh which way which way do we want to go and i have to
Starting point is 01:26:00 assume that they're not going to do it for those for moral ethical reasons but they're just going to be like, Hey, this is easier. And this is where the money is. I mean, at some point, I mean, we, we, we, we, it's, it's kind of funny. We own their event. They should send us a thank you card even for like, for only sticking the tip in them. I mean, we own them. It's funny. And this is only our second year. So it's like. And this is only our second year. So it's like,
Starting point is 01:26:26 damn, I'd say it was like the first year for like, or at least really, you're right. It really is kind of like the first year. Cause the said the first year was just like, just us getting off the ground. Should it's getting all out of someone last night.
Starting point is 01:26:39 And last year it was almost as if like, it was still fringe, but now it's not like, like, like it's still next year. We're going to give away 5,000 shirts. Yeah. Then what?
Starting point is 01:26:51 And you're going to have a t-shirt gun. It's going to be, yeah, it's going to be fucking, we're going to take over the fucking event next year between, uh, um, Gabe hormones and Hiller.
Starting point is 01:27:03 It's, it's, it's the Sevan podcast. We're going to just fucking take over. It's going to be so fun. And we, and we're, and we're good for it too.
Starting point is 01:27:12 It's not even, we're, we're, we're nothing, but even our negativity is positive. God, that's some convoluted self-righteous shit. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:27:20 I can't believe I just said that. All right. Thank you. Plumber. Yeah. As soon as you get some rest. Thanks, bro. It's great seeing you that. All right. Thank you, Plummer. Yeah, choose to get some rest. Thanks, bro. It was great seeing you this weekend, man. Great seeing you.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Yep. Bye. Good seeing you. Bye. Bye. Look at Matt Broatsman. So, Evan, you and your family can stay at our home next year. 30 minutes from the game is next year, rent-free.
Starting point is 01:27:42 It doesn't smell like Badoosie, does it? Call her. What's up? What's up? from the games next year rent-free. It doesn't smell like Badoosie, does it? Caller, hi. What's up? Badoosie's actually a scent. Hi. But everyone on this show just uses it however they want. But it's actually a scent.
Starting point is 01:27:58 We looked it up in the Urban Dictionary. It's a unique scent. Okay, hi, caller. What's up? What's up, LeVon? So, I have a question yeah perfect um so what did you think about the programming and maybe i missed something with dave being gone and bozeman taking charge on that i don't know is that the case first of all and then the question is what do you think of the
Starting point is 01:28:25 programming? Because I thought it was kind of dog shit, except for the Capitol and all of today's stuff. How long have you been doing CrossFit for? Like three years. I would love to know. Hold on one second. You'll need to clean up your views, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:28:43 I don't even know what that means. You might as well have just said to me, Abu Ghadir. The world will keep canceling you. I mean, he's being nice, but I just don't know what that means. I hate that shit, though. That fucking threat. Get over it, man. We're over here having conversations. Everybody's welcome. Every opinion is open and everybody you can't talk about that the thought police are coming oh you might get canceled well he says because it's too risky he says it's because it's too risky i mean i don't want my kids talking about badusi well we might could clean that up a little bit yeah but but not my views i can clean up my language but i can't clean my views i don't know if i i don't know i don't here's you want to know the truth don't tell anyone this okay caller yeah yep i'm so fucking loyal to dave that i can't have
Starting point is 01:29:34 a fucking clear thought about it okay so at least that's honest i cannot have a clear thought about it. Do not. Right. I guess. I mean, he, he, man, he, uh,
Starting point is 01:29:51 I've never seen him quite like this. He sure feels like he stepped into it. He's always been a fucking diamond in the rough. And now he's like a fucking polished fucking diamond. I mean, he's fucking solid. I like both men. I really do. I think he's a fucking hog.
Starting point is 01:30:05 But. And don't let him lie to you. The dude's fit is fuck, too, and strong. Oh, I'm sure. Yeah. I'm sure. But the problem is, who did the programming? Because I don't like— It was him.
Starting point is 01:30:17 It was Adrian. It just— He's freaky. It was odd. He's freaky. He used to have blue hair. It was odd. He's freaky.
Starting point is 01:30:24 I don't know let me just like okay okay okay you ready yeah i didn't like the jump roping thing what was that was stupid i'm sorry why are you talking so loud someone's gonna hear us oh my gosh i mean the whole fucking internet will hear us it It'll be all right. I didn't like the jump roping. Okay. But, but, but as lame as that was,
Starting point is 01:30:53 the, the, the pegboard without using your feet, it's like, yeah, finally, man,
Starting point is 01:30:57 the fuck up. Like, I like that. Bring, bring Josh back. Josh needs to, to speak on that it was a very gender fluid games
Starting point is 01:31:07 between adding more jump roping and more like just man shit pegboard I mean I don't know I like Rebecca Fusli I thought she was cool
Starting point is 01:31:22 I thought she was gonna get speared at the games she was going to get speared of the games, but I think she was probably too much is a rookie. So maybe that wasn't, didn't put enough time. What else? What else? Okay. So I told you something that I was, that I was struggling with. One of my inner demons, the jump roping. What's one of yours? I have nothing. Oh, so you just tricked me. You love the games and you just wanted to lure me out. You were just fishing. Well, I'm curious.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Did you think it was it was it the time domains? Was it not a good test? Do you think that there is something left out? Like, was there? Yeah, I think maybe I don't think the time domains were bad. I don't think the test was bad. Anything like that. It just it was just not what we've seen for the past, what, three, four, five years even.
Starting point is 01:32:09 I mean, since Matt really kind of took over and Tia kind of took over, it's just not the same games in my opinion. I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. Was it from a spectacle standpoint, you think? Yeah. Like the way that that's unfolded? Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Yeah. yeah like the way that that's unfolded okay yeah because oh so to be completely honest for for years past i've watched this podcast and then when it was you josh and matt and then i've also watched a lot of heber and a lot of behind the scenes shit and so i'm waiting for that to come out obviously but like watching all there's no behind the scenes shit what do you mean what do you mean what behind the scenes shit just like as far as like hebrews and uh and mars they're they're kind of shit oh okay not like you're old behind the scenes i thought those guys just said kids birthday parties i didn't know what they were oh oh man like ab dude what the fuck is he on about who suzer or the caller i don't know okay well thank you very much yeah all right later bye my wife just texted me and says the kids want to know
Starting point is 01:33:14 what but but dussey is i don't think this shows kids appropriate okay obvi wants to know why you make sure you look handsome before your podcast i don don't do that every show, but this is a big day. Uh, and Joseph wants to know if Matt has a hot girlfriend. Can't show you. She's good, bad. He does.
Starting point is 01:33:37 I'll tell, I'll vouch for it. He does. Okay. Uh, guys, thank you very much. Um, I,
Starting point is 01:33:43 we don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow um suza's traveling tomorrow i don't know what time do you leave tomorrow uh 11 a.m but we leave out of chicago so we got a little bit of a drive okay i i'm not sure what i'm gonna do i think i'm going to try to watch a documentary tonight and see if i can get jose ventura on sometime tomorrow it won't be games related if for some reason one of the athletes does anything stupid like text me like if rich says like text me about anything or something i'll hit him up back because i'd be like hey can you come on tomorrow um but other than that i don't have any plans i do like hanging out with you guys 7 a.m i do kind of need suza for the live call-in show i prefer having him
Starting point is 01:34:21 here so i don't think i'm going to do just one of those, but, um, I will talk to you soon. Adrian Bosman. Thanks for coming on everyone at CrossFit. Thank you for letting us, uh, piggyback and, uh,
Starting point is 01:34:33 stay relevant through all of your hard work and, uh, Greg Glassman. Thanks for creating all this shit. Thank you.

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