The Sevan Podcast - #544 - HillerFit Review Show | The Birth of An Empire

Episode Date: August 9, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I guess, I guess, man, I guess he always had those eyebrows. I was just reading that. That was good.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Did you, did you see the picture that I used as the thumbnail? That was your doing. Yeah, it was. I just typed into Google. i just typed into google and wrestling i just typed into google andrew hiller i needed a picture it was last minute late last night i'm like shit normally will makes that makes good ones can't hear me can't hear me i fixed it okay sorry i had the youtube thing open i was was, I was seeing what was going on. I fixed it. We're good. Bam. We're live.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Better. All I have to do is say that. And that makes everything better. It's just like the equalizer. It met, it levels everything out. I was reading the comments and everyone's like, they're going so early.
Starting point is 00:01:18 It's like, do they not understand what your shirt says? No plan B. Five 38. It is. It is. Is a B. 538 for seven. It is. It is. And I was up late. When did you go to bed?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Fooling around with D-balls. Probably 1130. What do you mean you were fooling around with D-balls? I just, I start, normally I just pick them up and slam them. But I was trying to do them like i was pretending i saw a video someone posted maybe it was someone sent me an old video of justin madaris doing uh the d ball the old the way you're supposed to do it not the d ball but the stones the way you're supposed to do it you know if you have like a 300 pound stone you lap it and then you kind of extend backwards stand up and open your hip and let the ball roll up
Starting point is 00:02:06 your chest with an explosive movement so i did that with balls yesterday 60 to 100 pounds it was easy like nothing heavy but i got to play with the technique and i told myself i shouldn't share this but i told myself that i'm going to keep a tally of doing i'm going to do a thousand like that with the hundred pound d ball likeball over the next two weeks, maybe. And then if I get to 1,000, then I'll reward myself with a 150-pound D-ball. Stupid. So stupid. It's like the actual D-ball, or you're going to get a sandbag?
Starting point is 00:02:37 No, no. The D-ball D-ball. The rubber guy. Yeah. What makes you not want to get a sandbag with the ones they were just using this past weekend you want to spend the extra three hundred dollars per pound or whatever it ends up being yeah yeah because you're balling yeah and sandballs are um i can use they're easy to move around easier a little easier to move around and then i'm looking on the rogue site to see if they have them ab mat med ball rogue i does rogue make a a a heavy d ball no they've just got oh they do they're like 400 bucks for the one you're talking about and
Starting point is 00:03:13 then 500 for shipping oh it's it's that much extra i got mine a couple years back 461 i wonder if i go to d every Every time you hear dball. Something else might pop up. Just don't put it on the screen. And when you hear dball, you salivate. Sounds like Diana ball, huh? Yeah. Dball, slam ball.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I believe this company never sponsored me. I'll tell you a story the in 2008 prior to the uh i'm trying to look for the name of that company where the fuck are they what's the name of that company i used to tag them all the time and then they did something to piss me off so i stopped i'm trying to you want me to go check i can go read the ball right over there i don't think it'll say it on it. You know, what's amazing is I've got over,
Starting point is 00:04:08 can you see like, yeah, they're right over here. These are my D balls. I have them up on this wall with the wall balls. And I have all these things. Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I couldn't believe that it didn't rip the wall down. What, what is the name of that company? Shit. Give me a second. Who knows? Uh, it's got some weird name.
Starting point is 00:04:28 D-Ball Slam Ball. Broke Fitness. Rep Fitness. Oh, Mondo. It says on it. Okay. It's It's D-Ball, and it's D-Ball by Mondo. It says on it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:49 It's d-ball and it's d-ball by Mondo. Okay. So the, the, the guy, I don't know if this guy still owns this company. I think he sold, I think he sold it or gave the management to someone else. But, uh, I, in 2008, I called him and I was like, Hey, you know, the CrossFit games are going on. And, uh, you should, um,Fit games are going on and, uh, you should, um, you should come there and set up a booth. And he, he didn't want it. And he didn't want it. I'm like, dude. And he's like, whenever I set up a booth, I never sell anything. I'm like, dude, you want to come there and set up a booth? And he's like, no, no, no. I'm like, Hey, come there
Starting point is 00:05:18 and bring fucking a hundred of the a hundred pound balls and a hundred of the 60 pound balls. He goes, dude, no one ever buys those big ones.'m like okay so he comes he ends up getting a booth he comes and he only brings like 20 or 30 balls with them and within opening his booth within 15 minutes he sold them all and he's like holy shit dude i can't believe i sold all these i go dude you could sell a rock to a crossfitter anything that you say that you can pick up and sit down it'll make you stronger they'll buy it they don't care just bring a bag of rocks he couldn't believe it i was trying to think about what might have been the most ridiculous thing that i saw getting sold this past weekend but i'm not scorched earth right now i'm not trying to bury anything
Starting point is 00:06:02 yeah you're a good dude so these are not this early a d ball by mondo and then they have i have all of these balls i have the half pound the one pound the 1.5 pound i have all these two my kids wait what do you do with a half pound d ball and how big is it it's this this particular one's tiny but you just start like you throw them at the you play catch with them with the kids and then you just keep going up and then i have them do like hold like the fort a ton of shit ton of shit can you scroll up how much was that half pound d ball cheap cheap but the problem with that one is it only comes it only comes $23 for that you're kidding but it only
Starting point is 00:06:43 comes in the 3.7 inches. Kind of sucks. But yeah. It's a half a pound. How big can they make it? With having that rubber coating? Let me see how much their 150-pound ball is. If it's cheaper than Rogue.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Oh, no. Same price. It's due to the penny. $4.6194. You want to see how big they are? Yeah. $300. That's. You want to see how big they go? Yeah, $300. Oh my god. That's more than a rower.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's going to sit in the corner for the rest of its life. Dude, that comes in a 15-inch option. I cannot fucking... I don't believe that. I'm looking for my tape measure. It's usually around here. I feel like I have a couple 18-inch balls. Well, see, no, this is cool because I didn't know they came in any other color than black,
Starting point is 00:07:32 and they come in yellow and pink. I have one pink ball. I regret it. Why? Is it dirty? No, it's fine. I'm just joking. It's six pounds.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I have the six-pound pink ball. Actually, it's probably pretty good. That way I uh it's six pounds i have the six pound pink ball actually it's probably pretty good that way i don't confuse it with the nine pound ball i can't believe you have as many of these as you say you have so man i saw a comment down here from tom and he goes i saw hillary a couple times over the weekend and that he hopes that i enjoyed my steak at rare And that is the most pissed off I've been in a long time. Because that place, we're walking around. I'm like, oh, it's right next to the hotel. And I want to get a good steak.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And they overcooked the fuck out of it. And it was expensive as shit. And I was in a bad mood because of all that. And when I was walking by, I'm like, where the hell is my food? The only shining light was that the server was, he was freaking out because he goes, I polished this fork myself. The kitchen's really fucking me over. So I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So your steak wasn't cooked, right? Uh, well, it took a long, so we got there at what? 8.30. And then the steak didn't come out until like 10. And it was like this little motherfucker. They called it the CrossFit cut. And I was like, I'm going to split it. It's like, all right, this will be nice. that it it really wasn't and then you know the longer it
Starting point is 00:08:48 comes the more pissed you get and then when they finally brought it out it's like they were cooking it that entire time at that point we were just ready to get out of there so we chucked it down and went back you needed you needed uh two of those per person not to split one correct yeah alexis can eat more than I do. She eats. Usually does, and she usually makes fun of me for it. What did that comment mean? What did that comment mean, I need four times the coffee?
Starting point is 00:09:15 Was it tainted? Tainted meat. Come on, you new here? Yeah, yeah, I just got it. Maybe I do need four times the coffee. You were up late. i'm sensing it on you hey that gimbal stick you got is dope it's cool and did you watch that video i did watch that video oh yeah did you like i want to actually i thought it was super cool how i overlaid it and
Starting point is 00:09:38 i kind of had them wind up with one another that was neat it was like inception i also watched the video with the girl so so last night the last video i watched was the video uh with the uh girl you the girl and the guy did the uh assault bike for 30 seconds on four minute rest yes yes so i that's that's fucking hard did you do it not really but what i did is at the i just worked out really light yesterday i worked out really light yesterday i just full i just full a lot it was late last night i was just fooling around with the d balls fooling around with the mace i rode the assault bike for 20 minutes but just super light and then afterwards i was watching that video while i was stretching i'm like okay i'll get on the assault bike and go as hard as i can for 30 seconds first of all i couldn't convince myself to go as hard as i could i went probably like 90 to 95 percent and i got 16.6 calories in 30 seconds
Starting point is 00:10:32 which was less than the girl the girl got 17.2 and then my back was like spasming not bad but my lower back was like spasming not not a little bit but just scared dude i was drenched from 30 seconds or no but i've been i've been i've been working out i've been working out yeah i'd already been working out for like i was 21 second one why did you do the second one i was hurt because i was because my back was spasming a little bit and i didn't want to injure myself and i was fucking like that wounded me i stood up up. You guys didn't stand by the way. I stood up. Well, why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:11:09 Is that just kind of your thing? I mean, you're the master. I don't know. Why don't you stand up? I feel like it really, I like to pull on the handles as much as I like to push. And if I'm standing,
Starting point is 00:11:20 I don't feel as if I have the same leverage to do that. Right, right. You know, because really all you can do is push down and away at them. So I'm not the Assault Bike Master, though. But yeah, when I was doing that. Well, you crushed it. You got more calories in 30 seconds than I can get in a minute. I would really like to see.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And I was trying to bait you into that because not one thing, very few things get me into as much pain as that workout. I'm going to try. I'm eventually going to try it here before we see each other in Newport. Hey, where do I go to find that gimbal? Photography? I got it from the Apple store. I just walked in.
Starting point is 00:12:01 So when I picked these guys up, the headphones I'm wearing, I saw it there, and it was kind of in the back of my mind, and I just went in there and got it for this event. Who makes it? What's the title? No. That's not DJI. I thought it was right here.
Starting point is 00:12:21 One second. I see the gimbal, but I don't see the stick. That's it. Right there on the screen? Correct. Yeah, one second. It's in here. I haven't gone very far.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I kind of pulled the car in and started making my video for today. I got my suitcase right here on the floor, and I got a backpack and everything. I see it. Wow. Wow. It is that you're right. Click over a few pictures, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Hey, is, is that what, is that what Sousa bought too? No, Sousa had the little tripod stand. So I let him use it. Why didn't he buy that?
Starting point is 00:13:04 That's so much better yeah that's like opens up and then it turns into like a selfie stick it's like a telescopic deal oh here we go and then you just put the stick on there and it's actually does it get longer no that's it all right it's fine i'm good with it i'm good with it i'm getting one it was kind of bent up afterwards i go hip and steel actually broke this freaking thing but it was just kind of tilted so i had it in there and i go it doesn't quite get back in but it tilts oh somebody the comp someone in the comments goes it's made for people under 65 it's also got one of these deals so it turns into a
Starting point is 00:13:49 tripod on the bottom this thing is awesome it's like the coolest thing so that one of those tripod bases you just screw it in down there why not just always leave that in oh so you can put it in your bag oh yeah when you walk around it turns into like this spear, and it vibrates.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Come on. Come on. It vibrates. Does it smell like hip and steel? That's good. I think one of my doctors used it on my prostate. These are good. I want you to put on your biggest empathy hat you can.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Oh, boy. And why was he using ā€“ what did he mean? I'm stuck on the fact that he thought that using a ā€“ what did he keep saying? You don't know what it's like to walk in my shoes, and you don't know what it's like to be 65? He didn't say it more than twice, but he goes, you don't know what it's like to be 65 he didn't say it more than twice but he goes you don't know what it's like to be me and i i have these like thoughts that when i'm laying in my deathbed i'll have these giant regrets and a couple of them are going to be like this weekend i wish i had a better mic to have gotten these interactions when they ended up
Starting point is 00:15:01 happening and in this one in particular i wish i had a recording the whole time i wish i hadn't given him that a little bit of space because what i was doing is i had to hear about him yeah you guys were having your conversations i wanted to let you keep rolling i didn't want to say okay here we go and conveniently enough he was right there and i go all right this could might maybe not go the best so i had you in my ear it was very courteous of you not yeah it was very courteous of you not to um blast him not well not to come come on with with the sound so you walk in there and he's walking around he's with whom could be family or friends or whatever and i assumed he wouldn't really want to talk to me but i did want to talk to him for the obvious reasons and saw him by himself and you guys are doing your bit and all right let's uh talk a little bit and then he uh tried to fuck my camera up yeah the whole thing i i understand him being pissed
Starting point is 00:15:58 right i understand all that like i'm not saying it's right at all. I think he should have just laughed at himself. But to justify going into a competition with bad reps and say, you don't know what it's like to be me. Look at, can you pull up that video I just sent you, Caleb? This is a guy who's blind, who's doing the long jump. Look at this he's already off the track what what what whoa now if that guy if that guy said hey you don't know what it's like to be me like what the fuck is wrong with you he goes dude it's hard when you're blind i guess perspective is everything huh i mean that guy didn't do that on purpose right no wait you're talking about the guy but yeah but everything that hip and steel did he did on purpose
Starting point is 00:17:00 and so i just don't right to my knowledge everything else that we've all been given and in this instance you you're brought up he wasn't given sight that dude yeah like i understand why that just swerved off the track i just no matter what how no matter what like that guy chose to do those reps that way it wasn't like it's if let's say you're yelling at a guy to use both hands on a muscle up but he only has one hand say you're yelling at a guy to use both hands on a muscle-up, but he only has one hand. Then you're kind of a jackass. You're kind of like, hey, he only has one hand. You're asking me to do the impossible.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I just don't understand that. I want to understand his argument. I want to understand what he thinks is so different about him that makes it so that he can do bad reps. I just don't get it. I'll tell you what. I got something yeah i'm walking around and a couple of times i heard that either one they couldn't like they didn't know how i was doing what i was doing which was just walking up to people and talking it's like well that's all you do you walk up to them and you talk and then two when i was talking to hip and steel well that shit's scary that shit's scary uh it gets easier it got
Starting point is 00:18:06 easier and easier and easier but then when i was talking to the other guy who was like saying fuck off fuck off fuck off i all i tried to do is say all right what would i want to be witnessing in this instance i'm gonna go talk to this guy and see what he's got to say about it yeah uh with all that said i understand there's an entire world of things that he has heard and told himself. And I assume the same with hip and steel. He's probably living in a little bit of a bubble where they're saying, Biller's a piece of shit and I don't think he's going out of his way to figure out what would be wrong. And that's just the type of person you are.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Either you have this echo chamber of thoughts in your head. And when you witness him in the beer garden there's a couple of other what look like masters athletes and i'm watching them and i go i bet those people all fucking hate me too and they're all probably saying that i'm the problem right so that was your world yeah in my world everyone's saying that he's the problem right right so when he comes and approaches me i want to like combat the world and try not to be the worst of the two worlds. And by the way,
Starting point is 00:19:11 I thought he looked good. I thought he looked good. By the way, Taylor commented, he looks his age. I thought, I thought it was interesting. He probably was five pounds heavier than probably his competition weight or
Starting point is 00:19:22 something. I thought he looked the healthiest I'd ever seen him. He looked good hmm um you look good i think i what some of those masters athletes when they get there by the end they look fucking horrible so my fiance is into skincare and yeah i found myself more and more looking at wrinkles and age and that more and i mean of course like you and i look at the the muscle tone and the vascularity yeah from that perspective he looks damn good but when you're standing right there maybe taylor was seeing up here which is what alexis would look like and he goes okay he looks like he's 75 but from the neck down he looks like he's 50.
Starting point is 00:20:02 yeah i just i thought he looked good i thought his face looked good too what did alexis say anything about his face no um she was working at a booth all weekend like a fucking slave oh they they beat the crud out of her and this is this is where i get a lot of my uh my back end stuff where it's i hear things from various people, her being one of them, not exclusively, of course, but people feed me some information. It's like, oh, Naughty Don, and don't get me wrong. It's a lot of them. And that's why I wanted to make that little thing on Noble where like they were paying their people 15 bucks an hour.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I didn't see that. It was every, and like she enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong. Alexis had a great time working this weekend. And so did the other people that I was speaking to they all wanted to be there and they weren't complaining but tell me about noble the noble video where the people get paid 15 bucks an hour where was that where was that video that was an instagram post so that wasn't yeah so on an instagram post i had somebody reach out the day before and uh two or three days before and they were getting outfitted every day
Starting point is 00:21:07 and then i spoke to actually the same individual so that he came on up to me and he goes hey i'm the guy who sent you all that stuff on the internet like the background of all the jerseys and all the boxes full of the brookwell stuff and he let me know that they were giving him like salmon meals to bring home and put in the fridge and stuff like that no one was uh correct and it was air conditioned in there they're getting paid 15 bucks an hour they got entrance into the event and all that noble just noble not the crossfit games volunteers pete's coffee by my house has a sign saying hiring now starting at $20 an hour. That's not Madison, though.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I live in fucking Santa Cruz, California. Correct. So 20 is kind of barrier for entry? I guess. When I started working, the minimum wage was like $4.25. $7.25 for me. $20 an hour sounds awesome as a starter oh yeah like as a kid i'm 16 i fucking pour coffee and get to look at hot chicks all day at a pete's coffee i'm fucking down free coffee there was a starbucks in the hotel that we stayed at that we went to and tried to grab like an egg bite every morning.
Starting point is 00:22:25 They were always out. I'm like, how are you guys always out every morning? Like, and then, you know what? I figured that it's kind of overrun because of the CrossFit game. So I asked them,
Starting point is 00:22:34 I go, how many egg bites do you have when you start the morning? They're like, Oh, we got like 15, but you have only 15. So Alexis was trying to show you. They're busy.
Starting point is 00:22:46 They're busy. I got to ask. I know they're dumb. Can you pronounce what those are called? It's like with a G, like a Guerrero or something. Do you know how to pronounce it? They're egg whites? Not a chance in hell.
Starting point is 00:22:58 No. You know what I'm talking about, though, right? Correct. Yeah. It's a type of ā€“ is that not the type of cheese? I don't know. But whenever I say it, I take a shot i take a shot of the bacon guerrero career i always say it like three different ways let's okay kib's gonna pull it up yeah that one you're rare those that cannot be good for you but man it tastes good there's probably all sorts of seed oils and shit in there do you weigh yourself every day or at all no i have a scale but i don't weigh myself
Starting point is 00:23:30 takes too long i thought i was gonna lose like five pounds this weekend because i don't think i ate at all did you not really just monster swear to god it was only monster yeah 43 of them oh it is a kind of cheese you're right you had 43 monster energy drinks over in five days yeah how else do you think that we were like zooming around doing what we were doing wow that would explain so much explain you should watch your interview with the demo team. What happened? What did I do?
Starting point is 00:24:09 You just asked like 18 questions in a period of 22 seconds. It was like you were trying to set a Guinness World Record for how many questions you could ask in the shortest period of time. There were seven people there. I know. It was amazing. It was fucking amazing. You were using performance-enhancing drugs. you were using performance enhancing drugs you were using peds
Starting point is 00:24:26 you know if you were to have done a drug test on me i may have popped for having too much caffeine in my system at that time yes caleb are you gonna play that um can you play the audio on that let's learn something Gruyere Gruyere Gruyere Gruyere Gruyere Gruyere
Starting point is 00:24:57 Gruyere Gruyere Gruyere Everyone at home all together now Gruyere Okay never mind not at home together This is your Go ahead
Starting point is 00:25:16 When you said that Hibbenstiel just wants to look good to the people That really resonated with me I was like oh yeah that is what he's doing He doesn't care about anything except for the fact that maybe you made him look bad. Like he, he cares what people think. Like it's good to care what people think, but there's a better way to say it. He cares what people think about him outside of the truth. Like who gives a fuck if, uh, like if people think badly of you,
Starting point is 00:25:43 but it's the truth, who cares? If they think badly of you but it's the truth who cares if they think badly of you and it's not true then i kind of maybe i kind of get it but like hey you fucked up the reps just lean into it his little everyone tries to create this world right and i got a little bit of this it's very interesting having walked around and picked up on a couple of things while I was over there. And there's a whole bunch of people that a whole lot of people know about. And I guess hip and steel would be one of them. And up until that video, maybe no one had seen anything like that of him. And they just had this certain picture of him and it kind of blows it up. And I think that could happen for a whole lot of people in a whole lot of different ways in ways that they wouldn't really expect like that's not really what that person does or is or
Starting point is 00:26:30 says or anything and they give it's really interesting i i i i still i when i think of him i just think of him as a super fit dude and then after your video i just thought him as a super fit dude who has some mobility issues. That's it. That's not. But then when he got upset that you called him out on, it's like, dude, come on. Like, just just own it. I don't think he's any less fit because 90 percent of his movements aren't full range. Well, you look at certain I think it's decathletes and they're not very mobile.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And one of the most impressive things of some of the CrossFit athletes, in particular, Jason Hopper and then Justin Medeiros, it was what was actually keeping Ricky from doing well in the handstand push-ups was what looked like his shoulder mobility, overhead position. But Hopper was crushing it because you could see his shoulder blades kind of moving along with his ability to press all upside down in that dream handstand push-up position. And that's something that's one of the components of fitness. It's something that very clearly hip and steel no longer has.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Oh, all right. You are less fit. Well, you're less fit in accordance to the 10 components of fitness. You go to the CrossFit Games, I would venture to bet that Hip and Steel would really, really struggle with that standard. And some 65-year-olds, there's probably some people who would be very good at it. And it's like you can't just short the movement to be able to do it, to keep up, and then win the CrossFit Games as David Hip and Steel. You've got to work on that position to increase your fitness level.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, yeah. Right? I mean, he's fit's fit as shit yeah you put on the assault bike he probably beats everybody because all you do i'm picking on you now you're assault bike man and he could hit his number of calories lift the weights move around do that wall facing handstand push-up that thing is was one of the best things of the weekend because the athletes that you may have thought would have been the best handstand push-upers were exposed a little bit i want to show you how racist i am this guy yash gami he says i did a thousand swings good job then he took a nap and then he says about to hang laundry up and make a booger protein smoothie. Bougie. Oh, Badoosie protein smoothie. This guy looks like he lives in Bangladesh, and he washes his clothes by hand,
Starting point is 00:28:55 and now he has to hang his laundry. Doesn't he look like he does his laundry by hand? You're not as racist as I am. Yes, yes. Oh yes oh well you are close one what is what is this buddhist buddhist because i clicked on and you guys were just rolling with it someone said i used the word buddhist in the show and we had i had to look it up because i never heard of it what it means do you know what it means i got not a clue is it like urban dictionary or is that
Starting point is 00:29:25 not cool i don't know if we should anymore here we go one second jason sure i gotta take a picture of this this is how i know when i need to like check my messages it's an odor but this is an odor it's when you mix the the the smell of the dick and pussy yes holy butt penis and vagina and um when you exercise all three of them vigorously the mixture of the aromas especially in a humid like in a sweaty room humid room uh that smell is badussy and no one no one in the comments or anyone uses the word correctly but i'm actually fine with the word being that word being used wrong i don't like being used wrong that one like people are calling each other badusi and put it in your badusi and it's just being it's being used as a
Starting point is 00:30:16 noun and an adjective and a verb it's fine yeah it shows why would you hang laundry when it's 85 or 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the clothes get ruined? Maybe I'm reading that wrong. No, no. She's talking about it. It's just, in the United States, you just put everything in the dryer on high. You buy everything a little too big, and you just put it in the dryer on high. That's how we do it.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Especially dudes. You want to do the want to know you want to do the man test it's not whether you like pink or blue it's not whether you paint your nails or not it's not whether you like penis or not it's how you wash your clothes wash your clothes at one temperature and dry them at one temperature and you mix everything together you're you're dude if you don't then you're not a dude. And then you also have to see how much laundry you can fit into the washing machine all at once.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Yes, yes. Always trying to set a PR. I'm on the same podcast right now, and I can't keep wrapping my head around this as one, you, and two, the director of the CrossFit Games giving his insight at the end of every single event. So I was like, all right, we're walking around, Susan and I, and it's very cool and we're doing our thing. And then at night, at midnight, I click on and Adrian Bosman's there.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And I was like, no shit. It's the same thing that I was doing earlier today. And now you're talking to Bosman. He's giving you all of his insight, foresight about the the events and it was just pretty cool that he's doing he's over here it's crazy i couldn't fucking believe it i couldn't believe it either and it was all like cool stuff i tried to when he's on too i tried to uh narrow my lane of vulgarity. And there's something else I narrow too.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I don't. You were precise. Yeah, precise. You only had so much time. But like, I don't want to talk any shit about his peers or his cohort. it's not that I'm fake. But I, I. I'm not going to bring a vaccine injury with him on the fucking show.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Well, not in a five minute blurb or a 10 minute blurb. It's like CrossFit, CrossFit, CrossFit. How's this? What's that? What was the thought about this? Do you like that? How did that go? Well, I just don't. Yeah. blurb or a 10 minute blurb it's like crossfit crossfit crossfit how's this looks that what was the thought about this do you like that how did that go well i just don't yeah i don't want to put him in a situation to where he doesn't want to come back on the show oh yeah and i mean you don't want to put him in a weird position and you appreciate the shit out of him coming on you
Starting point is 00:33:00 probably have a little bit what i was you're like i can't believe he's on my fucking show i i i couldn't i couldn't but you also in my head i can't believe when most people are on the show i can't believe there's people in the comment section at freaking 6 a.m your time chatting with us but so the entire thing is cool and the coolest thing is it's i mean if you're him you probably think that it's just like a very easy avenue for him to get however many thousands of years. I mean, you say you get tens of thousands of downloads a day on the podcast, and then you get all the live viewers, and he's just trying to get the message out, and it's just cool for him and everybody to hear about the first CrossFit Games that he's programming. Yeah, I bet you, though, the same way that I bet you,
Starting point is 00:33:45 he doesn't want to do it. I bet you when he's doing it, he's happy. He's doing it. I should have asked him. By the time he came on every night, I was done. Like I never was like, every time he came on, I was like, fuck really again. But I knew I had to do it. And it was fun because we're friends and it was easy. You didn't give that vibe at all you were doing good okay it wasn't like that wasn't like when i interviewed hayley adams well it's not like you weren't it's not like you were shot you didn't want to be there
Starting point is 00:34:18 just that you were uh in your own head about it yeah yeah yeah yeah i wasn't i wasn't in my own head with adrian with adrian i'm just like the whole time i'm thinking yeah i wasn't i wasn't in my own head with adrian with adrian i'm just like the whole time i'm thinking um he doesn't i don't have a lot of time with him try not to make small talk some of the best stuff i mean well to be fair he came up to you at the games okay go ahead yeah that was cool huh i didn't get much of the broadcast side of it people would walk up to me and they go did, did you hear? Did you see? And I'd go, well, I was sitting over there and you really can't see shit. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:34:50 On last night's show, I heard you talking to Adrian. He says he rewatches the games. That's kind of what I plan on doing. I want to rewatch them sitting on the computer screen. And then I can almost do what I typically would do for the semifinals, the quarterfinals in the open just a week later it'll be like not in the moment and everyone will be like what did you see when you make a video about the handstand push-up standard and i go on this stupid laptop that i get like
Starting point is 00:35:15 dog shit internet on the internet quality there was driving me fucking nuts couldn't do anything at the venue at your hotel? All of the above. Yeah. I felt like a little old so I could talk to you. You were at the stairs of the Capitol building. I was blown away at how good the cell service was there, even though it was sometimes spotty for us. I can't believe there can be that good of cell service when there's fucking 20,000 people smooshed into one area.
Starting point is 00:35:40 But when you were at the Capitol, he walked by you carrying a bicycle and it was jam-packed crowded i can't even believe he heard you and you yelled at him what did you say why did you say be careful to him be careful with what because he went up over that step and he had a big old bicycle on his shoulders okay so you're like why is the only one taking pictures right there and i'm like this will be cool because everyone's like dumping the bag and picking it back up and they're starting to struggle up the stairs. I was surprised I was the only one there. And yeah, he walked by because he was going to if he had like certain spots, you could tell he wanted to be at certain points in the event.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yeah. Be careful because he picked his bike up to go up the steps. He wandered away and then he did one of these and then he wandered back. Yeah, he came back. That was crazy that he came back that's better than saying my name say my name bitch he came back he came back and said hi to you correct that was cool huh was that like a cool little video right there he's a schmooze he's a schmoozer he's smart
Starting point is 00:36:42 he's he's cool, too. Everything he was doing, it was very cool, the way he was going about it. I got videos to make on that for a bit. The entire Adrian Bosman experience at the CrossFit Games. Yeah, and imagine if he would have snubbed you and then you made the video, but he didn't
Starting point is 00:37:01 snub you, and so he might get a nice video. He's not that kind of guy. I don't know. Maybe I'm easily confused, but I didn't get the vibe from him that he was doing it out of best interest for him, although it likely is in his best interest, in my opinion. I think he just got to be nice to people. That's what he wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Look at him. He's having a good time. Susie sent me all these pictures. The same lady sent me all these pictures. I met Susie. You did? Oh, yeah. She's cool.
Starting point is 00:37:37 She was having a good time. Oh, she's raging. She had a lot of energy. Yeah, she's fucking raging. Sunday, and she was just bouncing off the wall. Still. She probably had four monsters for her. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Oh, look, there she is. And that's me. That is you. Uh, can we play the, um,
Starting point is 00:38:00 equal rights video? I don't remember why I wanted to show this to Hill or equal rights video. I don't remember why I wanted to show this to Hiller. Equal rights. Mr. Smith, what do you have to report to the show? Man, I wanted to pick you and Hiller's mind about something that I was thinking about after the games was all wrapped up. So just looking at the programming and everything this year, I feel like this year's CrossFit Games was more of like the community games because the way I looked at it was, so basically, of course, Adrian Bosman this year,
Starting point is 00:38:42 bringing in all these new movements, variations of movements that we've seen in the past. And I think, you know, just from looking at it from a spectator's point of view, it's like, oh, that's cool for the athletes. But I think that's why I say it's more of a community thing, because you had people posting pictures everywhere that knew double under variation everybody in their gym taking their time to try to see if they can do it the handstand push-ups people going up against the wall trying to do it and what i noticed in games past it's like yeah there'll be implements that dave would introduce but they would only be at the game but when you are adding new movements it gives you that opportunity to go to your gym and get a group of people and say hey you know you watched this last night let's give it a try
Starting point is 00:39:40 and i felt like that was very unique for a lot of the things that he did this year. You know, even when, even the statement he made with, you're saying that the movements inspired people to go into their affiliate and try something new. Like, and I did that yesterday, right? Um, yesterday, I was excited by the, by Madaris's lift. So I saw them, I put them on my phone and I watched him. I didn't wait a second. Sorry, Mr. Smith. Seven, your hips need to be below your Badooski on the squad. I was wondering that.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I just thought that I wasn't going low enough because the ball wasn't heavy enough. It was only 100 pounds and it wasn't smashing me down. I thought I was only supposed to go lower if it if the ball was heavy. So you're saying that I needed to go lower once I lapped it. I needed to go lower. Okay. Is that what you're saying, DS? Yeah, I agree, Mr. Smith. I fell prey to that, too.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I wanted to do, and I made a little video, put it on my Instagram of my dumb ass doing some new shit that was introduced. Not that it was new, but it was something there happened at the games that inspired me, that caused me to make some videos. It was kind of like the way I felt during the games. And after it was all said and done, it's like you're having sex with your girl and you're used to having a condom on. And one day she's like, hey, you know, go ahead and take it off. I mean, you already had sex with her. But then it's like it's a little bit new.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's like a little bit refreshing. You're like, you know, maybe this isn't so bad. Maybe I can't go back to the old way. Who knows? Raw dog. Has that ever happened? Have you ever done that? Has your girlfriend ever told you that?
Starting point is 00:41:13 Just go raw dog? I don't know. Let me go ask my kids. Raw dog. Let me go ask my kids, he says. Raw dog. Jamal, thanks for coming in, brother. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:41:23 As always. Of course. Thank you, guys. Bye, Jamal. Bye coming in brother appreciate it bye Jamal can I see the equal rights video the guy who you had on yesterday who was kind of going off about not being CrossFit what was your take on that
Starting point is 00:41:36 comment section was kind of fed up with him sorry you said sex with your bro then you said her i missed that but uh uh say say that one more time hillary they had a caller yesterday yeah they were talking about how they didn't like the programming and the gist of it was because it wasn't crossfit and the dog shit getting pissed at him yeah and they're like hang up on him hang up on him next call or next caller
Starting point is 00:42:06 i i remember him saying that i thought it was funny i i didn't i missed the comments uh kevin wolfork horrible analogy i i agree but but i but i i'm gonna give him an a for effort i felt like maybe i'm just an egotistical arrogant uh dwarf, but I, I did think that there was a, he was trying to seduce me with that. Impress me. Okay. You're talking about the condom comment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah. The, yeah, the analogy that Dave had never been anywhere near as good as with that statement, right? Who? If you're to go with that analogy,
Starting point is 00:42:44 it's like, okay, that means that Bosman's just the best thing ever bosman's fucking without a condom and dave's fucking with a condom uh and i would say that i like what he was doing there but it maybe missed a bit oh now that hillary's explained it to me i kind of like it it missed a bit oh that's my thing dude i explain stuff thank you okay let's let's watch uh this video real quick. This is a PSA. The women occupy 65% of PR jobs.
Starting point is 00:43:09 We still live in a world where only 14% of Alaska crab fishermen are women. And 10% of roadkill removal specialists. Women are perfectly capable, and they have every right to be down there mining coal with the boys. 50% of coal miners should be women minimum. It starts at home, whether it's mowing the lawn or building furniture we've both been doing our part i support you in both of your careers 90 of whale snot collectors are still men or 94 of porta potty cleaners what message does this send to our daughters are you willing to step up or are you too entrenched in gender norms total equality in every way well it's great that women how do you feel about like
Starting point is 00:43:47 possibly carpenters and and uh electricians i i don't know if i've ever met a female electrician and i'm sure they're out there my dad's an electrician by trade i've met a lot of them any thoughts on that seven i just i do i when i think of female electricians and female carpenters i always think it's like some sort of like porn shtick you know what i mean i just like you know what i mean like just like some story in a porn like the electrician comes over and it's a chick you know what i mean it's just like i just it just it just seems to go sideways but it just yeah i mean the all that shit is just complete fucking come on now let it loose unleash the dragon i mean i just i just think about that fucking girl who works at the CrossFit Games, the chick who thinks she's fucking the king shit of the fucking media,
Starting point is 00:44:50 and she fucked her way to the top, and she has no skills, no experience. And with this hand, she's telling the world women rights, and 13 out of 17 women on the CrossFit Media Games team were so proud of our women. And it's just so blatantly sexist. And, and, and then on the other hand, she just fucked her way to the top.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And it's even worse than that. It's just un-fucking-believable. Just do your fucking job and shut the fuck up and understand that we're different. That's it. We're different that's it we're different like have you ever seen those things that men wear and they're fake titties and they breastfeed their babies with them because they want to have that feeding bonding experience you fucking idiot
Starting point is 00:45:35 you fucking selfish piece of shit let the baby have a fucking normal life what's normal sebon i've told you i've told you what fucking normal is caller are you on there i am and i'm just letting you rant thank you thank you i'm gonna hang up on this other guy and keep you normal is you fucking put a seed in a pot and it's in a windowsill and you water and it grows and goes towards the light 100 of the time that's what it does that's normal there you go i gave you an example of something that's perfectly fucking normal hi caller hey man please tell me you're a carpenter i'm actually an architect um so but but oh so you're the slave master
Starting point is 00:46:25 you are the bougie slave master that bosses these blue collar hard working men around with your fucking cockamamie ideas and angles and weird shit I just say read the plan move on that's what I mean but you know it kind of ties in
Starting point is 00:46:42 I just took my O1 and this past couple weeks, and I heard a new phrasing that I hadn't heard. I heard a phrasing put differently that I hadn't heard before. I've been crossfitting for about six years. And so the definition of fitness being constantly varied functional movements carried out at high intensity. But then this twist here is that according to your according to your physiological and psychological capacity and i heard that emphasized quite a bit
Starting point is 00:47:12 through the through the seminar and uh and it was new for me so i was watching for it through uh through this weekend and uh and you saw the psychological meltdown in a few people and then you saw that they their fitness didn't just didn't come through in their meltdown but then you saw it rise to it and uh and i saw the tests in it uh i saw adrian testing in those arenas and i appreciated the fact that while that that psychological could go down to a woe is me and, you know, don't hurt my feelings. And he's like, no, I'm going to push this. Can you give me an example, Mr. Architect? By the way, there's no architect porn, by the way. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:55 No, actually, there is. Well, that's a different discussion. But no, you saw some people melting down, you know, Daniel Brandon, you know, and her yelling back at people. It's like, no, just keep it to yourself and just keep motoring on. Could that have changed things for her? Can you go up? Say that again, Hiller? I wanted to cough that out.
Starting point is 00:48:24 It sounded like there's something stuck in there no uh daniel brandon's meltdown i think it impacted her uh and uh and a couple of others i don't think it helped them in the moment a practical application of that is uh just what hillary and i were talking about earlier in the beginning of the show when i was on the bike last night when i went to about 90 95 that was like my psychological max and then my physical max was the fact that even after that i still had a little bit of a back spasm and it could have been it could have been from pushing that hard it could have been just the excitement of just trying to do that in 30 seconds. But yeah, everyone has to ā€“ you do have to have some fucking ā€“ that part's important that you said so that the layman doesn't get injured.
Starting point is 00:49:12 You have to go as hard as you can, but at the ā€“ what were the terms you used? What were the terms? I'm missing what you're referencing. Psychological and physical capability you have you can't be a fucking idiot you have crossfit is not for um it's not you just set a ball at the top of the hill bowling ball at the top of the hill and roll it down and see what happens you have to have some some uh ability to not calibrate. Yeah, I guess calibrate. I've always loved the leaderboard and everybody,
Starting point is 00:49:52 and my wife especially thinks that it's a competition thing and it's not. I love the leaderboard because I see that people are capable of doing something. And so I look at it and I go, okay, that guy did one more. And so it's possible. And where it's it's not not a competition it's more competition with myself is that i'm capable of going okay it is possible how am i going to get there and that's where the psychological comes in i have to talk myself into getting there this comment by todd lines up with what you're saying very well caller the sport was heading toward holding on to the red line capacity and volume this was a huge swing back to the red line, capacity and volume. This was a huge swing back in the other direction.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I think it bounced it out. The quick example, dirty example I can think of is the sport was people running as fast as they could downhill. And in this week, maybe we saw a balance being pulled out and people asked to run as fast as they can on the balance beam. And people asked to run as fast as they can on the balance beam, meaning there was a serious focus on precision and accuracy, which are one of the 10 or agility accuracy. Kia knows how to walk it out and pace it out and not let the trap of people getting ahead of her. She knows how to calculate the process. God, there must not be a lot of women in architecture. How many women?
Starting point is 00:51:05 What are you? Is that 90% man uh it is pretty high yeah god you guys are sexist assholes you guys just keep women out huh on purpose do you guys have like a secret no actually you know what there's a strain that's gone over the past year of of trying to raise women up and put them up into it and and you see it trying to be an agenda. It's blatant, completely blatant. It's of course they are those fucking idiots, but they don't do it around being carpenters, garbage men.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It's so fucking lame that they're forcing women to think like that. Just let, let women do what they want. They do it in the name of this fucking, but not okay. There are 140,000 architects currently employed in the United States. 23% of architects are women perfect perfect and 100 of uh uh moms are women also that's just the way it is go to your fucking room yeah well thank you man thanks for the rant
Starting point is 00:51:58 thanks for the rant okay there's a good there's a good avenue to go off of after that call and it has to do with the call from yesterday in my opinion and it's got to do with my step my seth stovall post which was that he was wondering when the crossfit would start and the only thing that i can have to say in rebuttal to him is i go where the fuck fuck have you come from? You've been around for one year. You signed up for the Open first this year. Why can you say, when does the CrossFit start against someone like Adrian Bosman, who's been in the world basically since it started? Every single time somebody wants to come up to you and say, this wasn't CrossFit, this wasn't CrossFit, I go,
Starting point is 00:52:43 all right, what is CrossFit? Define it. If they say it's thrusters and pull-ups and that's it, then you don't really have a pretty good understanding of what CrossFit is. It's like one of those you start to tune out a little bit. It's like, oh, your head's really pigeonholed into something that you think
Starting point is 00:53:00 you're doing, but this is the CrossFit games and you can't fight with Adrian Bosman. You have to understand why he's doing what he's doing do you have anything about any of that seven no that's what you just said i don't want to pay i i agree with everything you're saying i just don't i feel bad for i don't want to pick on i feel um i don't want to pick on seth for some reason you're okay it's it's because you're more um you treat people there's a respect you give people when you pick on them that i kind of like like you're like hey everyone's fair grain they're all equal you say something dumb i'll i'll mention you i just think oh he's i don't know for some reason i just can't but but i did i but i did toss free a moose burger around too so i
Starting point is 00:53:44 guess i have do you know who saquon barkley is he's the running back for the new york giants he hit like a 405 pound clean as a 17 year old in high school oh yeah it sounds familiar yes he's a big ass motherfucker and he's one of those guys where it's like if you were to join crossfit then he would totally kill everybody imagine signs up for the open and he finishes somewhere where seth did which was well 100th in the quarterfinal qualified qualified as an individual into the semifinals, ended up going team. Imagine Saquon Barkley posting, when the fuck does the CrossFit start? It's about the same thing. It's like, all right, dude, you're a football player. I just don't know where this guy came from, where he can make these claims.
Starting point is 00:54:21 When does the CrossFit start? What do you think CrossFit is? Because, I mean, you were at the CrossFit games. It does the CrossFit start? Where, what do you think CrossFit is? Because I mean, you were at the CrossFit games. It's fricking CrossFit, man. The guy, the Adrian Bosman right here. He started with the best of them.
Starting point is 00:54:35 You know, how does, how does age? Yeah. I mean, he's as OG as they get. How, how,
Starting point is 00:54:41 how is he only have 53,000 followers? How do you only have 5, that's a good question he'll get well i thought about this yesterday i clicked on i saw he had 50 something thousand maybe probably about 53 and people used to have to go through dave's profile to find out some stuff and you're i know you're comparing it to Dave having six or 700,000, however many he has, but it'd be the open post to people would follow him to see if they could pick up on anything. And I don't know if Adrian will do that,
Starting point is 00:55:13 but he hasn't done that yet. And it's not really necessary to go through his Instagram profile yet. I bet Jr follows him, picks up on all of his insights through him. He's commented on his stuff. He, he's really impressed with JR. So am I. Just so you know, please don't cancel Adrian Bosman for wearing these shoes.
Starting point is 00:55:37 This is not cultural appropriation. His wife is Asian. Although, maybe that's cultural appropriation, having an Asian wife if you're not Asian. Fuck it, cancel him. I think I might follow him because of these flippers. I know, they're cool, right?
Starting point is 00:55:57 He's really cool. He is a renaissance man. He's extremely eclectic. He has got a total broad... Yeah, he's extremely eclectic he has got a total broad uh uh he yeah he's a trip he's cool he's not he's not normal he's far from normal like if he were a seedling he would grow away from the light okay go ahead caller hi hey what's going on um just a quick question for i think both of you i'm just curious if you guys think that a lot of the athletes' programming
Starting point is 00:56:28 is going to change after this game. Or I guess how much do you think it's going to change? Do you think it exposed enough holes in their programming that you might see, like, I don't know, mayhem or proven to start to change up their programming or the way they approach it? I don't know the way they approach it, but definitely everyone's programming is going to change up their programming or the way they approach it. I don't know if the way they approach it, but definitely everyone's programming is going to change, everyone.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Well, I got something on this, if you don't mind. I was talking to somebody last night, and when you play football, you don't practice football. You don't go play football games, same with basketball, same with baseball. And here's Andrew making the same cross-sport comparison, but we remember that Frazier oftentimes you would see doing things that weren't cross-fit to get ready for the cross-fit games. And I very vividly remember something Hinshaw was doing
Starting point is 00:57:18 with the turnover of the single-unders and the plate-hopping deal that he would have his athletes do, and it kind of had some sort of correlation to something but it would tie over very well into the single unders and while they weren't doing single unders practicing that skill would tie over really well so i see maybe a push more towards the odd what would be very practical into just about everything sense of things more than more volume more crossfit more crossfit, more crossfit, more crossfit, which you do see some people thinking is what's going to get you there.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And so I'm more of like the Frazier with his handle or the double under rope without the rope on it. So you're not frying out your calves and that sort of deal. I hope that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense. Oh yeah. I forgot about that. No, it didn't. No, it didn't. Don't lie. I hope that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense. I forgot about that. No, it didn't. No, it didn't.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Don't lie. How did that make sense? It made sense. It made sense. Or like, if you want to get better at rope climbs, you don't just go do a dick load of rope climbs. You freaking do weighted pull-ups and maybe you, because you say you feel your chest light up seven,
Starting point is 00:58:20 maybe you start doing some pec flies because it's going to carry over to your ability to do pull-ups and maybe you don't do them in the bodybuilder sense but you do them in sets of 100 well i started doing snatch snatch grip deadlifts uh farmers carries all that shit because i want to like next time i want to try that curse that are challenge again and i just want to make sure i'm um god yeah well even then what helped i'm working on my overhead squat all that shit what did you say what held you back on the curse that are challenged i fucking tried to put that first snatch with 125 i thought it was going to come up easy and i haven't snatched in fucking forever and i fucking failed the first snatch at 125 and i was like i didn't even have good position i couldn't even get position okay
Starting point is 00:58:57 so that's one so like that's something that you could be working on and my and my grip was fatiguing and i didn't have good position so i'm like okay i'm gonna start doing a lot of all my deadlifts i'm gonna start doing snatch grip deadlift and i'm gonna and i'm gonna do a ton of uh overhead work with the 45 pound bar like just you know i do i do i do think there's like layers to the ability to get better at certain things and you understand that in order to get a better overhead position one you've got to expose yourself to it more and two you might need to open up the tissues to be able to get to that position. Peck is tight, lats tight, whatever the hell. But what I recall you saying is that your back was fucked up from doing all that hinging, right?
Starting point is 00:59:34 You like, right? Were you sore? I can't remember. Oh, come on. I thought you said you were so sore. Yeah, I mean, yes, of course. Of course. Just like your posterior, your backside. And I know a games athlete that I've heard does a lot,
Starting point is 00:59:47 a lot of posterior accessory work. And I know that we've seen Sam Dancer spending a lot of time on the reverse hyper. Just that's not a CrossFit thing, but it's really giving him the ability to tolerate the hinging. And if you were to do a hundred reverse hypers a day, you would not have woken up the next day with a fucked up back just because you can tolerate it through your posterior. Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah yeah i felt like i had been beat up it's more or less
Starting point is 01:00:08 like how is your extreme accessory do you own a reverse hyper yeah it's right here alexis got me one for christmas like three years back wow but this is basically everything in here i've kind of pulled together since i was 17 wow is that how that how many, is that a three car garage? It's like a five car garage. Oh no shit. It was a two car garage and I built it up. How do you have a reverse room for reverse labor? Uh,
Starting point is 01:00:34 thank you caller. Did you get the answer you needed? Right there. I did. Yeah. Yeah. And I just wanted to make one comment because it made me think of, uh,
Starting point is 01:00:41 when Bob came on and he mentioned the, uh, what's the Spanish wrap with the rope climb. Yeah. That was one of those moments where I was like, Oh God, like that makes sense. Uh, so someone sent me the, someone sent me the video that I made with Boz and his wife where they teach the Spanish rap. They sent it to me last night. I wonder if I could, can you find that Caleb's Spanish rap CrossFit Adrian Bosman? Uh,
Starting point is 01:01:04 thank you thank you Hiller did you have any contact with Matt Fraser's training program question mark it was nice the coverage didn't stay on top of the coaches I did like how much they showed Justin Medeiros' parents I thought that was cool that was
Starting point is 01:01:20 that was actually cool it was brief and it was good the interaction that I had with hard work pays off matt frazier mal o'brien i mean i talked to hopper and i grabbed his belly and i noted that he's probably lessly he's less than 11 body fat so i made a retraction on that video on your show you gave nine you gave nine i gave him nine about nine just just with the belly fat i was trying to with the athletes i thought i could potentially have some sort of like ding in their head. And everyone's like,
Starting point is 01:01:49 did you see Spiegel? Did you see Spiegel? If I saw her, I would have tried to have read the room. And there were a couple instances where I got the unverbal cues, just like a body cue, not to push it. Cause I don't want it to be like,
Starting point is 01:02:03 Hey, Hiller's here and he's just completely ruining the weekend for the athletes right right right so i mean but you didn't talk to mal you didn't talk to mal or um if we're being all right let me do this we'll more i'd block me on instagram right i brought that up at one point and i tried to approach him at one point and say hey man what's up good job and i felt like it was the perfect storm of me being able to go talk to him because he had just won the event and i could get a little bit of a touch on it and he didn't want to talk and i didn't want to push it and say wait where are you going you blocked my instagram it's like that's fucking bullshit it's a really good
Starting point is 01:02:34 way to get myself in trouble with everybody right you were you were nice to him you made it comfortable if i could see like eye movements or like gestures away from me i was like all right i don't want to fucking ruin a crossfit games athletes crossfit games weekend like how much of a dick would i feel like so you don't want to get in there see i did see mal and matt and i got a couple of cues and i was like all right i'm gonna go say i met so i gave him a fist bump like what's up he said what's up and they were going into the athlete warm-up area that was it but he said what's up and they were going into the athlete warm-up area that was it but he said what's up he goes why don't you think why don't you think she talks to anyone except the buttery bros because they're so buttery they're just they're just so cool god i wish i was the buttery
Starting point is 01:03:18 bros uh can you play the uh i i heard they just loved me actually you know i heard from like fucking 10 different people that they were just ecstatic to see me there here comes this fucking clown is what i heard i wonder if you imagine could you imagine i wonder why they think that that's zach hi all right he's cutting me off he's like don't he's like get out of here here he goes i just i just don't want to Zach hi it's not that because they were it's because I
Starting point is 01:03:55 it's because I worked with them I mean so I I've heard they're extremely I mean. So I, I, I, I, I've not, I've heard they're extremely unfriendly at,
Starting point is 01:04:11 at the venue. I've heard that they are extremely unfriendly at the venue and that they posture on people. But, but whenever I hear that, I think I just go, I get defensive for them. And I think,
Starting point is 01:04:20 Oh, maybe they're just crazy busy. Um, but, but I do hear that they're extremely like in their own world sorry zach hey good morning hi um this is kind of a segue off this better be better than what hillary's about to say about the buttery bros i'm sorry go ahead no no no let's hear it um savon do you still have a working relationship like a corridor relationship with frazier because i know he used to be on your show with josh you guys had it like a podcast going for a little bit um yeah i mean i mean if i text him he'll text me back uh for for the most part as long as you know it's like the other day he uh he thought i was making fun of him and he texted me because what's this when um i guess he did an article. I never saw the article, but, but,
Starting point is 01:05:25 cause I think you had to have a subscription, but he was interviewed by USA today and everyone was cracking jokes about, uh, on the morning chalk up, uh, Instagram, I guess the saying that, do you remember that line? He said, I'm very, I am very careful how I pick or I use incredible discernment when I pick people. I work with. People at the Morning Chalk were like in that post, I guess, were attacking him. So someone made him someone posted a picture of me and said, I use great discernment when I pick my podcast guests.
Starting point is 01:05:55 And I posted that and he sent me something saying, hey, dude, what's up? I thought we were friends. Why are you fucking with me? And I'm like, I'm not fucking with you. I'm actually supporting you. it's fucking preposterous uh so in that regard and he and then you know he'll send me a text i guess periodically and say what's up buddy um but something is definitely amiss like it's not it's not it's not a normal it's not a real relationship it's not um right i and i can only speculate but i think uh i think either he's made something up that he heard or he's terrified that um any of my any of my truth would uh impact his ability with sponsorship sponsorship yeah you know what i mean like five pfizer brings you cnn and he doesn't want that like you know what i mean like he'sfizer brings you cnn and he doesn't want that
Starting point is 01:06:45 like you know what i mean like he's on a mission to make money and and the truth doesn't like he's not that it's not his avenue i'm not taking that as a dig towards towards him but um maybe when he has kids uh he'll he'll he'll he'll think differently he'll put more he'll put more on the line but as of now i think he's just building the fraser empire and i think that he wants to do it his way um yeah that's the that's the vibe i was kind of getting it because i'm a big like fan of his and like his programming but i was thinking about it the other day like like a lot of the people that he seemed to be friends with, like to me, Frazier, you, like they're, they're just,
Starting point is 01:07:30 it looks like the relationships are like just odd. Like they end on like weird terms, like just looking in from the outside. Right. I think that's a fair, I think that's a fair assessment. We definitely didn't have any falling out. I don't have any animosity towards him. The relationship just, I mean, here's the thing too. For me, the podcast is everything for him. It was just, it was just like an Avenue. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:07:55 It's like the same thing with like protein powder. If someone sends me some for free, I'll take it for him. Protein powder is everything. And it's, it's flipped like that the other way. So we're kind of on two different places with it. I mean, he has done a shitload of dumbass fucking podcasts that I think a lot of people like. But I think it's just so superficial and shallow yeah and makes them look bad but but people love it people love the rock and and craig richie and and in this just everything's gonna be
Starting point is 01:08:34 okay this is great i love the color green if you if you went to if you went to a uh movie theater and you had to pee do you hold it or do you wait till the movie gets out what do you would you prefer to eat three mice or 12 cockroaches what would you i just i downloaded it i have to tell me when to pee during movies yeah right it just it does i there's there's a point of that where i think it just makes you dumber but i but i do think it just makes you dumber, but I, but I do think it sells. And I think that's what they're doing. I have to guess. That's why Shane, Tia, Matt, Mal, they all stay away. Yeah. There's people. I don't think it's that they hate me. I don't think it's that they disagree with what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I think it's that. And then there's other people who stay away just because they hate me because everyone in their family got the shot and they're scared to death that I'm, that what I'm saying might be true. And I understand wanting to stay away from that too i mean if you if you sell hamburgers if you own 30 mcdonald's and you make a living selling hamburgers if you sorry simon i want michael to expand upon his comment but you can keep talking if you make a living if you make a living if you make 100 million dollars a year selling meat beef you are going to have no tolerance for veganism
Starting point is 01:09:50 right right yeah so and that's just how that's how i think that they i think that there's a lot of that going on and i don't blame people for that part. Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah, definitely. But, but, but it's not cool. It doesn't make you cool. You'll never be free. You'll never fucking get that money for doing the stuff that you're doing though. Right?
Starting point is 01:10:13 Way cooler. You'll never be free. You'll never be as happy as me. You'll never fucking be comfortable with your life. You won't ever be comfortable in your own skin. You won't ever be when you go that route, you just won't be. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Yeah. So, and then I have one last question is the crossfit media team are they located in california like where are they i don't think that one exists i don't first i don't think one exists i think that's like saying that uh um hiller's car back there is a limousine it's a limousine for ants it's like it's not a limousine and so there is a there is a there's a car but it's a limousine for ants it's like it's not a limousine and so there is a there is a there's a car but it's not a fucking limousine i don't know where they don't exist they're these fucking knuckleheads god i wish i could tell you some of the dumb shit that they're doing they're just wait if you're the owner of fucking crossfit you have to fucking step in they're wasting your money yeah because
Starting point is 01:11:06 like just as an outsider this is like my last point then i'll open up the line for other people but i was like a little disappointed because there's so many good like teams like just in the team competition even individuals do like crossfit like i would like to know more about like crossfit invictus or Oslo Navy Blue, but there was like 10 documentaries on Reyhavik on YouTube that they put out. Yeah. And I was like, if you're based in,
Starting point is 01:11:34 if you're in California, why can't you just go film Invictus for like a couple hours? I met them. They're cool. There should have been more stuff on them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The media team, it's, it, there, there, there isn't one. There's a guy who runs social media. There's a two social,
Starting point is 01:11:56 there's a social justice warrior and that's the games media team. Yeah. Thank you guys. Social justice warrior is someone who uh hides behind a kindness but pushes their agenda of sexism racism and homophobicness yeah yeah and then there's susan and i and then there's susan and and hillar the gay duo oh yeah it's cool it's cool it's cool and great job this weekend hey did you see the video of the guy who, um,
Starting point is 01:12:26 who said, fuck you to Hiller and Hiller? Did you see how big he was standing next to Hiller? He made me look small. Dude, he was a monster. Dude. Was it the guy that grabbed your arm?
Starting point is 01:12:38 No, no, no. Hiller made that guy look small, but there was another guy that, um, I don't know how you get that big you're big dude i'm not saying you're not big that guy was a monster i'm waiting to get a message from him i
Starting point is 01:12:53 gotta go check i am not talking about mariah moore right i would not consider mariah moore on the crossfit media team i think she's an independent contractor i am not talking about i couldn't believe i remember that fucking guy's name. I was standing there, I'm like, holy fuck, I remember your name. It was a one-off Instagram post. Good for me. I patted myself on the back of my head during that conversation. Sean Sullivan, fuck the Iceland team.
Starting point is 01:13:18 CrossFit sucked them off the whole damn weekend, and they didn't make it. I like sucking them off. I thought it's a good group. I thought Tolo, Lauren, Com Porter, and Annie, I think they deserved. I didn't watch a lot of teams, but I liked what I saw.
Starting point is 01:13:34 I liked the focus on Nistler and Taylor, and I liked it. I think Seth Stovall got just as much press as anything on the team side. No, I have not always felt this free. I've pursued it my whole life, but I've not always felt this free. Is that Mike's brother? David Arsenal.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Being canceled was kind of like the last straw. Then I was like, and having kids, like actually having something to stand for. I don't think most people have anything to stand for. Like I wouldn't, I didn't have anything to stand for before. And now I have something to stand for, which is fine not to have something to stand for i don't think most people have anything to stand for like i i wouldn't i didn't have anything to stand for before and now i have something to stand for which is fine not to have something to stand for don't make something up just for the sake of standing for something and now i have something to stand for it's like it's it's your tolerance it becomes your tolerance it's i'll bring up george floyd
Starting point is 01:14:22 it's your talk i have no tolerance for people driving drunk and before like what did i care it was only me who would be killed now it's my kids like everything has changed i have zero tolerance for drinking driving high on fentanyl high on meth driving in your car zero i don't care what happens to you if you're doing that i don't have you done it yeah fuck yeah shit ton i drunk drove like a motherfucker. I only drove drunk for 10 years. And now you're saying if something bad were to have happened, you wouldn't expect sympathy for it because it was on you. Or you just don't do it anymore because you've learned and you're not an idiot. Both.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Might be both. My perspective has changed. Like my both. I don't have any it's not it's not that i don't have sympathy for it it's i don't the the fact that the risk of running over a child outweighs everything to me sympathy compassion all that shit like hey fuck you you're you're like like like that was that dude's third time in a year being pulled over high on fentanyl and drunk and high on meth in a row and it's like hey like at that point curious you just said for 10 years that's all you did though well i just drank and
Starting point is 01:15:36 drove what would your state of mind had been like if you had been pulled over three times and then i was pulled over a shitload of times drunk i was pulled over a shitload of times drunk and the cops let me go and you kept doing it and And what if there was an entire movement in the world in relation to you? What would your opinion be on that? I don't understand the question. But what if I got pulled over and they would arrest me and give me a DUI? I probably would have stopped. And what if I would have hit someone and killed someone and i was living with that now that would suck something you would have thought about before it had happened right i never thought about it i was a fucking tard i just was a fucking 18 year old kid just getting drunk at my friend's house and driving home every single night. So I did.
Starting point is 01:16:28 And if I would've got a DUI, probably maybe it would have, maybe it would have changed my life for the better. I'm looking at this very surface level because I know you know way more about the situation than I do, but we're just talking about drunk driving in general. And 10 years, you were doing something that you knew you shouldn't have been doing. And now you've just
Starting point is 01:16:45 become a smarter more enlightened individual you look back and you go that was a bad idea right it's not even smarter and enlightened i have more on the line okay i have well you know what i have way more on the line my car too like they just keep on stealing cars because you know what they have nothing to lose right they're not even thinking about it yeah if it's this easy like why don't i just start like an underground car stealing business because all you do is get away with it like well when you're when you've got something to lose they fucking take it from you i'll tell you i'll tell you here here here's here's the perspectives a friend of mine a friend of mine arrested a kid who's a cop arrested 16 year old kid the other day for stealing two bottles of vodka. And while the kid's in the back of the car, he's like,
Starting point is 01:17:26 fuck you, cop, fuck you. This is nothing. You're arresting me, but this is just sense. This is just a few cents of damage to these corporate greedy motherfuckers. And he's justifying his stealing because he stole it from some mega chain store. This is fucking...
Starting point is 01:17:42 This is a retard logic. And how do I know this? Because now now i care about society as a whole and even if what this kid is saying is true if everyone thought like that we collapse as a civilization and that's what's happening we have fucking idiots who don't care about civilization at a whole and they think oh it's only a couple cents off the corporate empire it's no big it's no big deal but But if everyone stole, we would collapse as a civilization. So what mindset's better to not steal and believe in respecting other people's property and the rules that we've made up about that, or to have this kid's mindset, it's only a couple. And you right away see, once you start putting perspective on it, you're like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:18:20 I can't, I can't, I can't allow that't i can't allow that i can't allow that because if everyone thought like that we collapse as a society and the goal is is to have a safe society so that my boys can hang out with your daughters and that's what's changed so before it was like what do i give a fuck if i'm drunk it's just about me me me me me and now it's not thanks everyone for the instagram chat this weekend and all your great work going back when you did the cf podcast thanks greg stevens does that make sense to you what i'm saying It's not. Thanks everyone for the Instagram chat this weekend and all your great work going back when you did the CF podcast. Thanks, Greg Stevens. Does that make sense to you?
Starting point is 01:18:47 What I'm saying? And that guy. And when you have people driving around who are fucking drunk and high on fentanyl and all that shit, they're just ruining neighborhoods. They're just, they're ruining everyone else. And they're setting a bad example for everyone.
Starting point is 01:19:01 And if everyone was like that, the roads would collapse. Everyone has to behave like every, they want everyone else to behave. You have to. I just can't believe people do that stuff. Can't believe it? I don't touch shit like that. You're kind of square, right?
Starting point is 01:19:18 You didn't do any of that? You didn't drink and drive and shit? One time I had a beer and drove a car home from a college party. And I was like oh fuck i'm gonna die i'm kind of square god you're a dork everyone's like or i think suze is like you want this beer someone like bought me a beer i go i don't really like beer i don't like the taste people how do you have like such a nice body and you're a dork and i've fucking been a marshmallow my whole life and i'm cool as shit. It's so fucked up.
Starting point is 01:19:46 What I always tell my clients is what is going on in the back end? I don't know. I'm going to have to mute this caller. I'm going to mute the caller. Oh, wait, shit. Hey, this is... Wait, hold on. Let Hiller say something real quick. No, no, no, no, no. Talk. I don't care. Talk.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Caller, where are you? You in a fucking coffee shop? Tell motherfuckers to stop making the espresso for a second. No, no, no. I'm in the metro. But if you're talking about like overhead stabilization and low primes and sandbag stuff, you should really talk to Julien Pinot from StrongTips. He also coached Val. And this guy
Starting point is 01:20:28 is a genius. I mean, he's got so many insights on how to get rid of that, those kind of things. And he's got really good stuff on, like a good theory on when Matt Frazier's arm blew up on the
Starting point is 01:20:44 road climb in whatever year it was. I think then he lost it, on when Matt Frazier's arm blew up on the rope climb in whatever year it was. I think then he lost to Rich Roman that year. So he's a really interesting guest. No, no, no, we can't do this. We can't do this. No, no. We can talk about what he said, though.
Starting point is 01:21:00 Hit him. Ding him. Hang on, man. Thank you for calling from the moon. I got it though julian pano was the first person to i think he brought out a bunch of the barbell shrugged people and he was talking to them about how they don't hit that high intensity you're gonna die threshold and he was also talking about i don't remember exactly but i remember watching the bit on matt frisch and wise arms blew up who uh julian pannell strong fit owner he was one of the first person to like bring in the sandbags and he
Starting point is 01:21:32 had his entire line of sandbags i believe sam dancer had a whole bunch in quincy illinois and what he was trying to get at was that there's the whole training methodology that he would bring into the crossfit world i'm speaking for the caller now. That was about all I had, though, in relation to that. Greg Puno. Can we look at the Colton Mertens video, Mr. Beaver? I got four minutes. Me too.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Okay. I've had to poop this whole time. This is not. Is this the Colton Burns video? Yeah. Oh, my God. I don't even think he has. I don't think short athletes can even be in the games anymore.
Starting point is 01:22:19 And then Colton steps up to him. Is he talking to Gary Roberts there in the CEO shirt? I just thought that was cool. Colton Mertens has such a great sense of humor. I wonder if he's... They pulled down my video. I got a strike. Hey, are you going to go to copyright school?
Starting point is 01:22:39 Did you go? Yeah. How was it? It's just four and a half minutes of your life. Yeah, I'll go. Yeah, and then 90 days later, they'll pull the strike. Okay, yeah, I'll do that. Hey, you know they had to do that to you.
Starting point is 01:22:53 I've been told. Yeah, they had to do that to you. Is it true that there's no Event 4 coverage? Like there's no Event 4? I was told that by a couple of people. I told that I had the only Event for coverage for the males on that event. I was literally the event for the, uh,
Starting point is 01:23:12 the bar dips. Yes. Like if you go back to try to watch it, I don't think it's anywhere to be seen, but that's not from my investigations through what I've been told. And I just wanted to record it for Colton. I'm like, Colton did win this event for it. I record Susan and I record. I'm like, Colton's going to win this event. Before it, I record
Starting point is 01:23:26 Susan, I record Alexis, and I go, Colton's going to win this fucking thing. I want to record it for him and then I'll put it on the internet for him. As far as I knew, you couldn't stream and I was just a person in the stands because I was in a stand seat. I also confirmed with a couple people on a couple of other media
Starting point is 01:23:42 teams that it would have been cool because what makes me any different than his mom. fuck me if i'm wrong because what the hell do i know but it's no longer up and i now have to get it to colton some other way colton said it was cool because you're not his mom no no no no it would be no different than if i were his mom oh right i tried to keep it just on colton the entire time. I was broadcasting the event. It was right. Colton do an event for you. Film that with your phone.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Yeah. Yeah. You film that. Great. What a steady. It was on the gimbal stick. Fuck. It was good.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Thanks. Real media. But yeah, I got a strike. Thanks. I want to see Finley Funston do the uh 30 seconds on four minute rest that would be awesome yeah a messenger yeah all right wait what do you got nothing yeah nothing uh how are you feeling how's the weekend
Starting point is 01:24:42 being over you know it's weird i wish we could go back tomorrow not me well because i got i got a two-hour drive over there i could be there asap it's weird that it's over oh you saw taylor oh yeah yeah that was funny in the video when you said you saw taylor he's like pushing the thing around the the event team guy yeah yeah that was really good i laughed i wonder if he saw that that was nuts i didn't realize i had talked to that many people it ended up being what like 18 or 20 people in 40 minutes or so um they're gonna i bet you they're gonna move the games next year which is a tragedy will you go to it wherever it's at what if it was in another country would you go to it who's paying right not not not us anyone out there who's hey um who said and susan i over there you know uh jr said on the show the other day he said um hey taylor and i need a sponsor for the programming podcast we do with sebon does anyone want to sponsor us and someone reached out cool
Starting point is 01:25:45 well i can't even fucking believe it that's awesome yeah hell yeah good for them i know i'm stoked for it they're impressive as fuck i mean adrian keeps on giving jr props and taylor knows his shit tip yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna try to put something together for taylor pretty soon here what oh just like a video that like gives him a handy oh yeah more than that oh this this video that we just made has already been flagged what do you mean like i can see it's already been flagged it says right now yeah modernization restricted what what did we do i probably said the v word vagina shut up is it does that happen hey do you know that the only video i have that's um flagged for mature audiences only is a hillar fit review show i did with you and i tried to approach and i
Starting point is 01:26:32 tried to brought up some freaking video didn't you oh is that why with the giant that was the giant dick you pulled up on it oh well this one we talked about badusi over and over and over the comments are kind of funny. I see those rolling in, and they're all irrelevant to what it actually means. Tomorrow morning. They are. Yeah, people use the word however they want. Games is confirmed in Madison, 2023.
Starting point is 01:26:59 I believe I've seen that, too. But there's a comment in there. Vincent Ramos said, I'm disappointed i crashed you your podcast twice and it didn't get you yo mama joke hillary you rock alexis thank you for the shoes got them signed by matt brian and lauren wow alexis gave him a pair of shoes who's who's matt um i don't know who's brian maybe suza i mean that would make some sense right oh wow brian friend lauren khalil wow three best friends that anyone could have thank you for the loop matt frazier brian
Starting point is 01:27:37 um wong and lauren fisher Wong and Lauren Fisher. Tomorrow. Games athletes. Tomorrow. I liked your first guess. Tomorrow I'm having DJ FN on. Pretty stony cat. He is not only a DJ, but he's got a podcast where he interviews rappers. And it's pretty big time. I think they've had like Kanye. They've had everyone on.
Starting point is 01:28:01 You name the rapper, they've had him on. So I'm pretty excited. Hopefully some of his mojo will rub rub off on me um thanks for watching uh Seva Matosian and the buff Andrew Hiller

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