The Sevan Podcast - #547 - 2022 CrossFit Games Programming Breakdown

Episode Date: August 11, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. He says, JR says, I'm burnt out with the games. I really don't want to do this show today.
Starting point is 00:00:40 And I'm embarrassed that all of my predictions were so wrong. I was only 99% right. And I can't face the world because I got 1% wrong. I understand. How crazy is that reel? Oh my goodness. That reel is dope. Hey.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Did Jen Green do that? You. McDonald's. Jen McDonald's. Jen McDonald's. Sorry. Did Jen Green do that? You. McDonald's. Jen McDonald's. Sorry. Different Jen. So good. So good. I was just stuffing my face with pineapple. Do you think when JR saw that
Starting point is 00:01:17 he was in bed and he got out of bed and started dancing around the room in his underwear? He probably got angry that someone gave him a compliment. Yeah. I can't believe you would say something nice about me. Yeah, I was a little bit reluctant to accept the collaboration since it talked about me in the first person in the caption.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I didn't feel too good about that. Yeah, I can't believe I wasn't in it. Fuck you, Jen. Come on. Lucky camera. about that yeah i can't believe i wasn't in it fuck you jen come on lucky camera is this camera uh for the first programming show and to help lift seven's mood wait what's wrong with my mood i'm not poopy i'm in a great mood oh my god what the next comment down from that one taylor's got a date so he's loading oh holy shit is there any truth to that
Starting point is 00:02:09 trying to decrease that pha buddy is that really is that what is there can you go to lucky this guy's so generous or this gal can you dustin can you go to hit you you know him uh i've just talked to him on instagram can you go to the website i want to see they it is real business lucky camera straps oh yeah they're and you don't have to just use them on your camera like you can beat your spouse with them you know they can be part of your pineapple escapades do they make dude you can do anything you can strap them on they're they're cool i mean you're in a leather leather i have so many leather straps camera straps is that the dude there uh i don't know is he uh is he a hipster he's australian
Starting point is 00:03:00 oh do they have hipsters in Australia? I don't know. I mean, he strikes me as a cool dude. You know who would probably be into meeting this dude is Dave. Dave loves sewing and leather and shit. Right. He's like, Dave's got like a whole eighth grade home economics club at his freaking ranch. It's crazy. Yeah yeah these are cool do they have any of the the ones that like straight like that i used to have
Starting point is 00:03:32 that everyone that let everyone know that i don't know shit about cameras don't ask me i have no idea uh wait deluxe pro wrist straps simple custom reviews desert tan leather, shot by size, camera. Extra small, is that one? Oh, go to standard 53 heavy DSLR. Let's see that. Is Taylor in a bomb shelter? Fuck. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:04:03 No, I was going to say, sometimes the comments get me going and sometimes they put me in my feels be be nice to me today okay everybody why why am i not um i'm in a good mood i'm in a good mood i'm in a better okay i am a whore i'm in a better mood because of 50 australian dollars that's for sure. Oh, can I show the new shirt that Vindicate made also? I don't know how long this shirt is going to last because of the logo. Taylor, I had one sent to you. You liked it, right?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Dude, that thing is so fucking – dude, I grew up skateboarding. I was a huge skateboarder taylor how many t-shirts do you have courtesy of uh our counterpart on this show i haven't said have you gotten any yeah i've got a ceo shirt and a politically homeless shirt do you have any shirts jr you know the answer to that question but that was two days ago you're getting some you're getting some that was two actually you know what two two some. You're getting some. That was two days ago. Actually, you know what? Two of my members that went to the games both brought me a CEO shirt because they felt so bad that I didn't have any yet. So they stopped by the booth at Gabe's and got one for me.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I don't know. You can't see Susan, but maybe Taylor can see him in the back. Can you see him laughing? Yeah. Wait. So why do you not think this shirt's going to last? You think they're going to freak out about the logo? I don't want to say it out loud yeah i don't know dude it is so cool fuck that's cool anyways well at least go buy like if you're out there buy the
Starting point is 00:05:37 shit out of them yes yes okay um this boy we earned the right to do this show we talked about the games and the games and the games and then we predicted the workouts and taylor and jr watched everything they could find on uh mr adrian bosman and we did all the political delicate two-stepping around who's doing the programming this year. And then the games came and we watched them all while J.R. juggled kids and a wife, intending to them with chicken noodle soup. And Taylor drove back and forth to mommy, back and forth to mommy's house. And here we are. Reviewing.
Starting point is 00:06:23 How many events were there? 15? 13. 13. And do we like the programming of the games? If you had to give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down, which one is it? Double thumbs up. Thumbs up, JR?
Starting point is 00:06:40 Thumbs up. Thumbs up. I'm looking at Taylor's outline and like there's a there's a point here says we are not experts what well i put that i jr likes that i put that in there for jr you know good you want to have a little he's feigning humility i'm feigning humility i'm feigning humility. I'm feigning it too. So that's just a couple of dudes with opinions that like to break down workouts. We're not saying that our opinions are the end all be all. And that if you don't agree with us, that you're wrong. Yeah. And we just love CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:07:19 We both have been doing it for a while. We both, you know, when you like something and you become obsessed with it, you like to learn a lot about it. So that's in there just to preface. I haven't been doing it as long as Adrian, and I haven't been around the caliber of people to do it with as long as Adrian. So who the fuck am I to say? Just to preface it with that, those guys know what they're doing, and the result of the weekend and the workouts speak to that. Uh, when,
Starting point is 00:07:47 when did you start playing organized sports? Me? Yeah. I was three and a half. Okay. And have you ever taken a break from it? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And you're 28, 26, 26. So you have 23 years of, of steady training and experience. And JR, how long have you been playing organized sports? How old are you? 22 to 27, 28. It was just like rec men's league, church league, basketball type, still trying to hold onto hoop dreams, still trying to think that I could go overseas and play. And then when I kind of let that die, when I found CrossFit, so I didn't really start doing that competitively until, I don't know, 30 years old. So it was a pretty big gap there.
Starting point is 00:08:40 But, but train you've been training since you've been three. Oh yeah. Okay. So some experience, some, yeah. Okay, so some experience. Some experience. Some experience. And both obsessed with CrossFit. Affiliate owner with clients from fucking weak as birds and old as dirt to dudes who are ready to fucking eat steel and go to the games so i i i think it's a little insincere that you guys aren't experts but if you guys want to go with it fine uh hindsight is 2020 um what meaning that uh taylor meaning that it's it's easy for us to talk shit on what's already
Starting point is 00:09:23 happened yeah like it's easy for us to to look back and I guarantee you they've maybe they haven't done it yet, but they will be doing, you know, a hot wash soon where they just go back and break down everything that happened in the weekend and what went wrong, what could do better. That's all just to say it's easy for us on the outside to look at and all the mistakes and point out the mistakes. and all the mistakes and point out the mistakes. It's really fucking hard to plan for mistakes and to know what's going to happen and to react to the mistakes or to react to the bad things as they're happening. So, again, that's just to say, like, I want to do as little armchair quarterbacking as possible or at least preface all of my armchair quarterbacking with, like, I understand that, you know, they have a hard-ass fucking job and we're
Starting point is 00:10:05 just sitting here looking at everything that's happened and saying what we liked and didn't like yeah you know similarly to something i said in the last couple weeks maybe on the prediction show everyone is influenced by experiences everyone has personal biases everyone simply just has things that they like so adrian is going to program to that. I'm going to program that way. Taylor's going to program to that way. I love odd objects and strongman training more so than just barbell, barbell, barbell. And there are going to be people that just love traditional classic barbell workouts like Taylor does. So that doesn't mean that either one of us are right or wrong. It just means that's what we like. And you can still have good programming and not be centric to one thing or the other.
Starting point is 00:10:51 That's important to state before. There's programming that centers around kettlebells that's good. Sure. Acts of God. Uncontrollable things were out of control of the um organizers need to at least be taken into consideration and recognized in this particular circumstance it was the weather put didn't change any of the workouts but changed the order no it changed they took uh the seated legless out right it also right it also changed the order too so those athletes were
Starting point is 00:11:27 supposed to do the shuttle to overhead workout after the bike and before the two gymnastics workouts but they ended up doing them the next day so it did change the way that those workouts felt before and after okay so when we get to that what workout number is that that was two and three oh you're talking about the legless workout or the yeah yeah the legless that was event 11 that was 11 yeah that is 2a 2b um that is one you we have not talked about uh and when we get there i think we should fucking really dig in i'd'd like to like hear what they should have done, what they could have done, what they did do. How did it affect how people finish time domains affected? Did they not? Did they make up for it elsewhere?
Starting point is 00:12:15 I think that that was a pretty big change from the root, my the rudimentary basic layman perspective that I have. They really altered that workout and they didn't replace it with the similar stimulus so yeah we will for sure talk about it when we get there okay um uh and and finally i think jr uh hit this pretty well uh programming and our biases he talked about basically your guys's uh particular biases um do we want to talk about some of the things we've heard in terms of uh athletes i've heard a couple things about uh athletes and and can we put can you guys all go to a bathroom break so we where do we talk about this in private chat where do we decide whether we talk about these two next items we should have had a call we should do a show before the show that no one can hear well i'll bust i'll break the ice gently i think okay
Starting point is 00:13:11 we've heard we've heard from people that tutor was having some issues at the games and that allegedly hey someone reported to us in the comments, I just saw Tudor Magda explode on James Townsend. And I read it on the show. Yeah. And we never got clarification of what that meant. Well, yeah. And I heard from several athletes at the games that they had it out several times, you know, according to some after every workout.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And that apparently he's moving on and that he's going to naples to train with matt torres or under matt torres in the brute camp which is where he came from originally which is where he came from originally and i think he didn't want to move there because he did not want to leave his family um and so it's that's interesting i mean it just kind of kind of shocked me i don't know i've never gotten into a fight with my coach. So I don't, you know, I've never gotten into a fight with my CrossFit coach. I'd gotten into fights with baseball coach. I played baseball most of my life.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I played baseball for like 17 years or until I was 17. And I got kicked out of the dugout several times, but it was usually because of me. So I'm not saying it's Tudor's fault. You were like going through cocaine withdrawals or something. I was talking shit to my own teammates and the coaches. Like, get the fuck out of the dugout. So I, you know, it's, who knows? That's.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And this other one I've been hearing for months. Yeah. Well, and this is conjecture on my part, but really just seeing some of the Instagram posts of Haley and Mel spending a lot of time together. She spent her post-games, you know, cool down or break down or whatever with the HWPO crew. Um, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's where Haley goes. I think, you know, to her, her biggest issue is strength. Matt would be a great coach to her, but I'm not saying rich wouldn't be, or isn't. Um, it's interesting. I just wonder if maybe she doesn't listen to Rich or you just have no idea. But I wouldn't be surprised if soon here we see an announcement from her about her switching camps.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I heard a couple months ago that there were some grumblings. I didn't hear anything about HWPO. And then a couple days ago, I heard she's out, that she is going up there, which is – I mean, she's obviously very close to Tasia also. I have not asked – I have not talked to James Townsend about the first thing we talked about, and I have not talked to Rich or Haley about the other one. Yeah, we haven't talked to anybody. And again, I'm not talking shit about any of this. I'm just reporting it.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I think – I also think – But I can't wait to talk some shit about it. It would be interesting to see where Haley goes, though. Does she go to Vermont and move in with Mal or live with Mal? To me, that seems like fuck. They would just be throwing haymakers every day. And is that productive for them? Would Matt be able to keep that from happening?
Starting point is 00:16:25 day. And is that productive for them? Would Matt be able to keep that from happening? The one thing I feel like I can intuit from Matt's coaching style is if he sees something he doesn't like, he's going to fucking say it. And if you don't listen to him, you're not going to be his athlete. And I think that's exactly what Haley needs in a coach. I just wonder if it's the best environment for her and Mal to be beating the fuck out of each other every day, or if maybe she moves to one of the other hwpo athletes and and trains maybe with jason hopper david martin haley did buy a house in cookville yeah she did say she owned the house she was in it doesn't sound like she'd have any problem renting it but also there's the tasia factor right i don't know tasia i really love to get her on the show but um uh wow wow tahiza or taja uh tahiza i don't think taja's
Starting point is 00:17:10 leaving um i mean what do i know but i don't think she's leaving uh the mayhem empire no idea so the rest is direct is the rest is pure speculation there was another great there was something else I heard. Maybe it will pop in my head. About an athlete and a camp? God, it was good. Was it about Justin Kotler talking about Kerry Pierce going team next year? No.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Did you hear that again? Yeah, she's thinking about it. That guy I had on this morning is an underdogs athletics athlete. Oh, is he? Yeah, Casey Acree, two-time CrossFit Games champion. He's a coach for them too, I believe. Yeah, totally. I didn't do that. Some people think – Hayley Adams to Harry Pally.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Oh, some people think i did that show to promote adaptive i did not do that show to promote adaptive i did it because that guy's a savage yeah i just fucking saw that guy and i fucking like that guy and i have a thing for one-armed people no i just but when i was interviewing him today i was like holy shit you're the third one-armed guy i've had on the show i I had Bethany Hamilton, or one-armed person. And then I had Logan Aldridge, and then I had that dude. Maybe I should do that every month, have a one-armed dude, call it the one-arm hour. And this is the other thing I would provide.
Starting point is 00:18:36 No, no. Sorry. I have one thought in my head, and I want to get it out. I just hated that. It can't just be just that I wanted to have that guy on like i don't like i'm not i'm not i could have had justin madera's on i chose casey acre because i wanted him yeah go ahead as well that's one of my favorite parts about doing the show with you is at least with me and jr like the reason you asked for us to come back is because you kind of like us and we have fun together we have fun together i'd like to have this person on just because they're newbie and queen oh she's all over the comments um but how many of these training camps you know that's like a rap lyric from the 80s like there
Starting point is 00:19:16 was like the newbie and queens okay sorry go ahead what how many of these well i'm just curious to how many of these coaches put out. Feelers? No, not feelers. Come to me. I'm trying to throw a softball down the middle for JR, but how many of these coaches can analyze what we're going to see in a year or in a season of programming as well as he can? I don't. He's going to say he doesn't coach individuals.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I don't, I don't think that doing research or being diligent and paying attention is very hard. No, it's not very hard, but no one does it. I don't know that anyone wants to take the time to do it. It's not,
Starting point is 00:20:03 it's boring. It's not, it's not, but you know, for me at least that was preparation. That was research that was trying to see if there was anything out there that maybe would speak to biases and experience that Adrian has had since he started in CrossFit and how he may use those things like Dave did with his military background to test fitness. So I think people that aren't doing that already, probably missing out on a lot. I know Ben Bergeron there for a while was notorious and Sevan can speak to this about he, and maybe, maybe it was
Starting point is 00:20:45 Harry back then having this. And I do nothing like this. I mean, I like use a notebook, but having almost like a movement predictor based on movement patterns that were seen in the previous three years and how they would use that to anticipate what might be coming because it was programmed by the same person for 15 years and not by a council and not by like, okay, on the odd years, this group of people are going to do the programming. And then on the even years, this group of people are going to do the programming. It's all based on one person. So that's a little different. That's I am sitting
Starting point is 00:21:20 on an exercise ball, Richard, the chair I have in here, the, the, the varnish sticks to my shorts. So when I stand up, it pulls my shorts off. Um, he sweats at the anus. None of those. It's not hard. What do you mean? It's not hard. Well, he thinks it's not hard. And I'm going to agree that it's not like, it's not a physically demanding thing to and to do research, but it takes passion and it it takes your you have to want to do the work and it also takes intelligence to see trends to see things that are repeated you have to to remember uh you have to be looking for it yeah that does yeah that does i mean it it it does take a level we're surrounded by fucking idiots dude and and also ben and them didn't do what you did
Starting point is 00:22:03 they're like there might be box jumps rowinging, deadlifts, handstand pushups, thrusters, chest-to-bar, and double-unders in the open. You didn't do that. You called like eight-for-eight shots, which is crazy and cool. And so basically what I'm saying is, Haley, you should move to Greenville and train with Jason on a JR, or at least at his gym. Oh, Haley? Yeah. greenville and train with jason on a jr or at least at his gym oh hayley yeah if she's thinking about switching jason's hwpo go down there and work out with somebody who can point you in the right direction careful stefan you might want these guys again tell them they're what who not these guys fucking knucklehead magnus i'm telling you that it's the the thing is is i'm trying i think with j i don't
Starting point is 00:22:46 know if i agree with taylor that it's not hard but that being said i'm saying the exact opposite that jr and taylor aren't idiots that people are fucking idiots let me give you a perfect example the cdc website said that the people dying from covid 94 of them that had four or more comorbidities and six percent of them there was no data on that means that whatever's killing them doesn't kill someone like me and yet half the world's population took an injection and is now sick from it that's what i'm saying so jr went and listened to uh 10 podcasts with adrian on him went and looked at all the fucking workouts that were on dot com and then used that giant
Starting point is 00:23:31 fucking brain of his with 30 years 34 years of athletic experience and said okay this is what i think they're gonna be i'm not saying they're idiots what the fuck's wrong with you trying to pick a fight with me and jr Taylor, did you guys think for a second I was calling you guys idiots? No. Remember when that guy in the comments told JR there was somebody looking through his window? Mike the Sauce.
Starting point is 00:23:57 You're now Mike the Sauce. You're not just Mike Sauce. Mike the Sauce. That means you're on the sauce. Haley needs HWPO and vice versa. HWWPO podium one and two something mayhem couldn't hey dude there's not there's mayhem is there's no you
Starting point is 00:24:13 there's no amount of shit talking you could do that would even put a dent into mayhem and they're pretty successful well that's what I like and rightfully so and rightfully so I think we should put all that we're saying under the umbrella of reckless speculation because you guys might, but I don't even know what the day-to-day training is like for Haley and Mayhem. Does she write her own workouts? Does Tasia?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Does Rich? Do they tell her to do something and she says, no, I'd rather do this? Do they give any input? Do they give her all input? Um, does she train with anyone? Does she train alone? Primarily does she go and train with other people from time to time? I think she doesn't really advertise a lot of that stuff. And what you see on YouTube videos isn't necessarily the day to day, just because it's a day in the life doesn't mean it's every day in the life. So I think it's, it's really important to the life doesn't mean it's every day in the life i hate those i i think it's it's really important to be cautious when speculating recklessly and let something
Starting point is 00:25:10 like that come out from her i hate the day in the life i think kaylee just needs to do some ayahuasca ayahuasca oh wow dude i have a friend who paid to do like a like you can go places and do like a fucking facilitated trip anyways i'm just joking don't do it don't do it well you can do it you can pay someone hayley and do it in like a safe environment and have maybe a spiritual experience so you'll never be you'll never be the same which might not be a bad thing that's true you get strong as shit you put 50 pounds on your back squat but you also start wearing tie-dye um new equipment uh rogue jerry cans the alpaca sled the tall parallel bars the ones they traversed yep the jerry block jerk blocks the jerk blocks sorry can't read it you spelled it right it's fine uh wall facing handstand push-up block by the way i apologize someone in the comments said that people were bouncing their head off of
Starting point is 00:26:10 that and we said no it was impossible but i went back and watched there were some people who were look like they were bouncing their no they were tapping their head you couldn't bounce because they cut at an angle to where you couldn't okay okay sorry maybe you're right maybe i'm wrong jr's got your back too he's like no shut up arming in dude just i can read from the paper i didn't see any athletes making contact with the block but oh definitely you didn't see any athletes making i definitely saw at least making contact with the block i did see that area that was shaved out of the front of it to give their forehead room to go down but i think a lot area that was shaved out of the front of it to give their forehead room to go down but i think a lot of people were almost looking out in front of them
Starting point is 00:26:49 so i think it would be hard for them to hit at all because they were so arched i wish i could remember who i saw a dude bouncing his fucking a girl bouncing her head off the block hey and you know what i don't think you i don't think that should be illegal either you should it shouldn't be like some subjective shit rec regulation they're calling our reckless speculation regulation that's true uh 200 to 350 pound sandbag um and an indoor pool those were all of the new new pieces of equipment new quote-unquote elements it's hard to call the sandbag new, but it's so heavy that I feel like you have to call it new. JR?
Starting point is 00:27:31 I think that's fair. It's tough. Yeah, we've seen D-ball to shoulder several times, but at a CrossFit Games workout, I can't think of a sandbag to shoulder variation used we've seen indoor pool before too just not no no no twice oh oh oh fair okay we saw an indoor pool that was outside you saw an outdoor pool new new movements at the games i swear we're going to get to the workouts people i swear
Starting point is 00:28:13 new movements at the games l sit to handstand or the low start is what they called it in the comment or in the the write-up but basically you started in a tuck or an l and then you pressed a handstand handstand pirouette which always which i was surprised was actually a 360 when when when jr talked about it on the show um uh jr nostradamus what's his name uh does he have a name jr nostradamus what's it's it's roaster domus joe stradamus does do we have a nickname where we can mix jr with nostradamus someone in the comments will come up with something cool okay thank you um when he would talk to us about it i pictured um a 180 like them facing the crowd spin around to a 180 and then walk away but they did a 360 and man who were the first two girls to do it it was mal and daniel brandon and they it looked good yeah that was cool it was cooler than i thought
Starting point is 00:29:11 it was gonna be me too and i think daniel one of them did it clockwise and the other one did it counterclockwise it was really cool uh single unders crossover double under which isn't really it's a new movement to the games doing two crossovers in a row under one jump which i originally thought it was it's a single under and a crossover underneath one well i think they counted any of that but the way the crossover double is supposed to happen is cross uncross in one jump cross uncross in one jump so a lot of people are doing single cross single crop i don't even like oh shit but it was supposed to be cross uncross or uncross cross like it doesn't yeah so cross cross and then uncross first cross uncross so he's doing in the opposite direction you can cross first uncross second or you can uncross first cross second okay i have no idea what i'm talking about uh matt murski did it
Starting point is 00:30:23 correctly in 2008 in the fantastic movie called Every Second Counts. Yeah, that is a sick movie. Classic. Hey, do you know if CrossFit bumped that up to the top of its YouTube the week before the games? Because I went to the CrossFit games on YouTube and Every Second Counts. It's funny you should say that. Free with ads was right there at the top. I should say that because I own that movie.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Did you notice that? I own that movie. Yeah. I don't just own, I like, I own like that movie is the ownership of that movie is myself, Carrie Peterson, Dave Castro,
Starting point is 00:30:58 and the Glassman's. And it was separate from CrossFit Inc. And so when CrossFit put that on youtube they gave it to gravitas i immediately sent a note to the lawyer and to gravitas saying yo what the fuck are you guys doing i was nicer than that i'm friends with both of them they said don't worry it's it's it's making money on youtube and we'll get it to you all right fine and not a lot of money like eight dollars probably but like they'll like they'll get it to you like you'll get me t-shirts get it to you that is a great question to be determined tbd
Starting point is 00:31:35 but basically you used to have to buy it on itunes and then they put it on uh and then they moved it over to um and once again just shows complete fucking lack of integrity like for the people who work at crossfit inc i'm gonna assume whoever the fuck's working on the media team it's probably that person who fucked their way to a leadership position there uh who made that call i'm pretty sure when i started crossfit i pirated that shit yeah that's fine i mean you deserve it. Pirate away. Pirate away. No alternating, non-alternating single leg squats, non-alternating pistols. That's the first time we've seen that? Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Wow. Never before, they'd never even just had a choice. Hey, you can do. It's always been alternating. It's always been alternating. And yeah, I mean, as far as balance goes, there's your balance right there with the 10 general physical skills. Yep. Oh, big time. And a lot of the handstand walking as well. P-bar traverse.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Bar dips. God, I can't believe that's the first time I've seen bar dips yep crazy i don't um have there been ring dips at the games either or just in regionals ring dips yeah well the year they did elizabeth oh that's right fuck yeah that was a long time ago pig jump over yeah i don't know if i i'm yeah you can think of it like as a box jump over no touch like a box that's what it was you have to clear it in the air they've done no touch box jump overs at the games i believe just not over a pig i was also wondering why they didn't flip the pig over the other way like long longer like how it's wider than it is tall if they flipped it over the taller side it probably would have been like 24 inches versus 18 or 20 yeah no idea hey how do those stand if you put
Starting point is 00:33:33 them like this they don't yeah they don't they don't it's like it's like trying to stand like a yeah like a pen on its head like it's just not going to find the balance point easily uh 11 or 12 11 and 12 wall ball shots i was really surprised at how much that changed the game yeah accuracy and so what's normal nine and ten at the ball at a box yeah 10 for men this year quarterfinals they did 10 feet for both yeah for for women as well and a lot of a lot of semifinals followed suit and did that also uh strict i want how much pineapple are you eating how much straight to pegging i mean uh 30 off at lidl this whole with like some circle pineapples the ones you put on burgers you know that tastes a little funny if it's no dude it tastes fucking amazing when they put them out there they're not even right
Starting point is 00:34:28 bro once they're fucking ready to discount it's got a little bit of that tart uh like uh carbonated flavor you're like it's going bad the fermentation has already has already yeah stop that stop that look best tasting come in the biz uh strict strict pegboard strict pegboard i'm glad to see that that made me happy a kettlebell clean and jerk wow first time yeah max sandbag to um to shoulder first time correct with with you had to like show control yeah that was cool the handoff was yeah kind of a hand release standard something that i think would be good with even lighter sandbag and is that is that a strong man standard typically i don't know i don't know how they i don't know if they ever do that for load or if they do it Is that a strongman standard typically?
Starting point is 00:35:26 I don't know. I don't know if they ever do that for load or if they do it over a yoke or to a pedestal if you ever see it to shoulder very often. I'm not sure. Unbroken designation. Yeah. Oh. So if you mess up, you start over like that's never been that's never been
Starting point is 00:35:47 they they they started implementing that with handstand walks like yeah like where they weren't going to give you that five foot at a time but this is so different and now they just if you can't do 25 feet unbroken you don't get credit for it which i think is awesome at this point um for competitive athletes if you can't if you're trying to rely on just falling forward for five feet at a time it shouldn't be counted as handstand walking but doing it for things like pistols on one leg jump rope jump rope at one time it really really puts a premium on on uh accuracy for sure and it feels more like a gymnastics uh like that's a gymnastics component i mean i feel like i'm at a gymnastics competition like hey you better not mess up you're gonna lose points and it's really gonna hurt you kind of kind of but there's no
Starting point is 00:36:40 there's nothing subjective about it which is what needs to what we need yeah there can't be this you know subjective i didn't like that right gymnastics it's they weren't broken they did but yeah there was a there was a comment here i wanted to um slap this guy around a bit where is he seth devol hey buddy seth we got this i'm gonna be like throwing in don, we got this. I'm going to be like throwing in, don't. We got this. Row with time cap. You pipe down. And row pace designation. Is that the guy from the Mayhem team?
Starting point is 00:37:12 Is that the same Seth? No. Oh. Oh, I don't know. That's Stovall. Oh, okay, okay. Wow, close. I'm just busting on him because he nailed it.
Starting point is 00:37:23 It's called a backhanded compliment. That's a lot of new shit. So much new stuff. I mean, how many is that? Go back and count. One, two, three, four. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen new movements. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Seven pieces of new equipment and two athletes that are switching camps. It's like a Christmas song. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Yeah, and I don't want to probably go into too much detail right here but the broadcast notes are basically is it's the same shit every year we got problem with uh watching it like between the scoring and the shots that are used and who's being followed i will say this i don't know i don't understand how anyone could hate on the commentary i just really i got sean and chase
Starting point is 00:38:21 fucking killed it i enjoyed listening to them i took a shitload of notes when I listened to them. I got information. Things were put in context. People in the comments are just assholes to them. I'd love to – To Chase? Dude, Chase crushes it. To both of them, and it's just stupid.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It's like, hey, I think the vast majority of people love it. My only – yeah. Yeah, it was good. It was good but but it is it is a little bit disrespectful to the it puts chase and sean in a weird spot and it is a little disrespectful to all the people who put on the event when it's not covered well yeah what yeah wide shots please if you're if you're yes please we just need wide fucking shots just to see the whole race we can't zoom not a sport without the right wide shots exactly it's not a sport without the wide shots and the other thing i would say is and then show us the close-ups in the instant replay
Starting point is 00:39:14 yeah we'll go back and look at them and then maybe on screen graphics i don't know if that's how much of a budget issue that is but you could just have a little icon dashed off an athlete's head as they're running first place or just one two three um and that just makes it so easy to follow for people who have no idea what's going on and a lot more pleasant to watch for people that do i don't have to work hard to watch now i can sit back i can relax i'm like all right sitting on my couch eating some fucking cheetos and haley's in first i don't have to question that as cheetos that's disgusting uh spiegel snatch reporting for duty thank you we'll let you know um probably something after the show probably uh uh siegel spiegel is super hot my spidey sense tells me that her shit jesus criminy my god please please my mom might be watching you jackass Jesus Christ. My God. Please. Please.
Starting point is 00:40:05 My mom might be watching you, jackass. You made JR laugh. You jackass. I just thought JR was looking at his notes and didn't even see it. No, he's trying not to laugh. Oh, my God. I got to read the whole thing before I click on them. It's not cool.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Holy shit. I thought I was going to be be a compliment i thought i was trying trying to like let people know like i don't hate the girl and then and then that happens for me when i try not to laugh i laugh for way longer so i just let it out it's all that pine it's all that pineapple you've been eating tainted pineapple event number one uh bike to work uh super duper excited about this workout and i'm gonna tell you i love it how we just came into the weekend just with the just a colossal shit show and it kind of it i feel like it invigorated uh even if it was unintentional shit show i feel like it invigorated all the commentary the people i think it was unintentional shit show, I feel like it invigorated all the commentary, the people.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I think it was cool. And then it was onward and upward from there, I think, in every respect. Yeah. I mean, the only negative about that event is the athlete's mistake. And ultimately, they put it on the athlete to count your five laps. So for the people that fucked it up and they just fucked it up if anything i thought that maybe they're a little too nice and probably should have given them a zero for the workout not a dnf to where they can't continue competition but i don't think if you if you don't
Starting point is 00:41:36 finish the workout to that capacity uh you might have earned zero points in my opinion. Jeez. Yeah, that's a little harsh. I wouldn't do that, but that's okay. Harsh, yes. You're talking about the people that have shown the most capacity over, what, seven-eighths of the workout to give them a zero? And then to show the lack of mental capacity to miss a lap.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I mean, I don't know, but golly, I know they're not trying to test intelligence, but fucking zero. Here's the thing. I'm perfectly, I'm glad they let Lazar and, and Sun Yungoy and well she did
Starting point is 00:42:26 an extra yeah same thing though well no not spencer uh and spencer continue but that being but but by letting them continue there's that component to let's say we found out fraser was on roids well it doesn't it didn't matter he so much. Like who cares? Like he could have won without him too. It's like that same way that they let those guys go. Well, I showed capacity three times. Everyone else. Roy's only give you 0.4% improvement. Uh, he, he still gets to the wins. You know what I mean? Like Ricky, like Ricky didn't, didn't even win the year. He, he, he, he dabbled.
Starting point is 00:43:11 No, you don't see the comparison i'm drawing there i see it but i like yeah it's a weird metaphor simile simile simile simile sorry so you said like an azure right uh the workout was the workout was 75 toes to bar five mile bike ride 75 chest to bar five mile bike ride um did you guys like that the and then it was on a very terrain very level ups and downs um with uh 10 speed bikes whether it was there any part of the that programming that you didn't like did it need more toes to bar more chest to bar did they need it to be reversed you know i thought the way the workout played out that gymnastics actually mattered um it was a lot of reps in one chunk for sure and i think you know i thought the way the workout played out that the gymnastics actually mattered um there was a lot of reps in one chunk for sure and i think you know at the end of the weekend or at the end of going over the events we'll look back and it'll seem like the monostructural didn't get that much of a hit across the weekend but then you have to take into context the volume
Starting point is 00:43:58 at which it's placed in each event the 10 miles of biking is a lot of volume. And every time we see the gymnastics for the most part, we'll see high volume. I loved it. I thought that was a great event. Yeah. So I think like at first glance, I'm kind of doing the math in my head and thinking, okay, well, they're going to be on the bike 12 to 15 minutes twice, and they're going to be on the gymnastics. I don't know, like three to four minutes each. So like close to eight, like this seems a little bit skewed toward the bike. But it was interesting that you saw some people really make a move on the bike and take advantage of it. And then you saw other people really make a move and take advantage on the gymnastics, especially the chest-to-bar.
Starting point is 00:44:40 This is when it really seemed like it started taking shape. chest to bar is what it really seemed like it started taking shape. Grip fatigue started to set in after that first five miles after the 75 toaster bar, which would love to know. Why do you say that? Do you think that, or do you, do you,
Starting point is 00:44:53 do you, or do you know that? Why do you think that? Yeah, because these are the best athletes in the world. And to think that all of them, if they, if they wanted to couldn't do three sets of 25 chest to bar is crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:03 But the fact that they came back in from that bike and weren't able to do that a lot of them really got slowed down by that that's that's not heart rate that's localized muscle fatigue gripping the handles for 12 to 15 minutes straight yeah riding that bike pumping the brakes squeezing with your forearms and that's the other thing about people who don't know how to ride a bike or aren't that good at riding a bike you're dumping all that fucking tension into the handlebars oh keelan's cool too i mean keelan henry looked like he had never been on a bike yeah or people that just are you know fuck they're holding on for dear life and something that's really cool too about how that workout started think about if you started it with the bike instead so you go bike toes to
Starting point is 00:45:44 bar bike chest to bar, how much different the athletes attack it. Now, putting the gymnastic first puts a premium on position. So if you were willing to be aggressive on the gymnastics, you got a better position and there wasn't a bottleneck when you left to get on the trail for the first time. Yeah, right. But what is also really cool and really consistent
Starting point is 00:46:02 with something that Boz has mentioned is that he really, really likes the idea of not letting people have the choice of whether or not they want to pay something. Yeah. Right. You saw that on the last chance qualifier workout with the 2K row into the handstand walk. You had to push the pace on your 2K row or you lose. You have to have time to handstand walk or you lose. We saw that on the last workout of the
Starting point is 00:46:25 games. No, I know that all of you are just going to look at each other and be like, okay, everyone cool. The one 45 pace. All right, cool. See you at the bar muscle ups. Best man win. But no, he's like, no, you have to row hard because I'm telling you, you have to row hard. So putting the toes to bar there is just a way of telling people, if you baby this, you're not going to finish well. You have to be willing to take a risk and get these done fast to have a good position on the rest of the workout. And I just think that's a calling card. That's something we can look to in the future as a, oh, that's a boss workout right there. You know why? Because there is no pace from the beginning. He didn't give you the option of pacing it. Same thing with shuttle to overhead.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Um, and I, gosh, I love that. There's too much trying to fucking game it. And he eliminates that, which is great. I mean, that's, it's awesome. Which is interesting too, because during the semifinals, we did talk about athletes. The transitions are almost like as people come off of, let's say doing bar muscle ups, they go straight into their burpees. Now, just because it's a transition,
Starting point is 00:47:38 you don't let these newer athletes, these faster athletes don't let the transition points dictate when they're going to rest. They might think it's better to rest after 10 bar muscle-ups and 10 burpees and then rest before they do their next 10 burpees as opposed to just using the transition. And he's forcing that too. Don't rest. Push, push, push.
Starting point is 00:47:56 So maybe it's a theme where he recognizes the caliber of the athletes. They're ready to be pushed like that. the uh the caliber of the athletes they're ready to be pushed like that yep uh if if uh before we move on to workout number two what would you tell if you um are going to go back now to the lab um would you implement some sort of counting yeah i i thought of this you could have uh speedos or tachometers on the bike and they make little devices that you can set right on the handlebar that just what if what if the games didn't do it well like if you have an athlete would you make him put on a garment and be like okay wait till that thing five miles or would you be like hey every time you cross this point say out loud one say it out loud two it
Starting point is 00:48:41 could be something as simple as you have a piece of tape on the handlebars and you just peel it off five pieces of tape on the handlebars uh i think someone mentioned tape on the fingers um what if you forget to what if you forget to pull that off yeah see i i you know fucking five wristbands i wouldn't have an issue with it i don don't. And like you said in the previous show, Sung Young Choi did that. If you, if you lose count, do an extra. Right. Um, but I, it's your job to know at that point. Um, it's not the judge's job to know for you. It's not the judge's job to know how many reps you have left in a workout. It's nice to hear a judge count, but it's your job to know the workout inside and out. Visualize the workout.
Starting point is 00:49:27 See yourself doing the workout. Know exactly where the reps are and do them all. I think that's what I would encourage as a coach is as an athlete prior to every event is visualize the event and get as detailed in your visualization as possible. Smell the fucking dirt. Fucking feel the rain. You know, just every part of it the gravel path just see yourself doing the workout and when like so for instance in quarterfinals like in in like the muscle up ghd pistol workout i go through the workout like five or six times in my head where i feel every rep three two one go i step forward
Starting point is 00:50:02 begin my pistols right left right left and i'm feeling every single rep and then when you do the workout it's like you've done it five times so that's what i would encourage as a coach so feel the five laps yeah just know know the workout be a professional thoughts on jr oh yeah that whole time i was thinking about i was thinking about how many more people will implement strategies in training. Like when there's anything monostructural, you will be told what pace to hold from now on because of workouts like that last workout, because of workouts like shuttle to overhead, where there isn't the opportunity to pace and to do what you know will give you the best score, but you have to anticipate something like this coming down the road. You have to anticipate something like shuttle to overhead. But now if you don't finish the run with 30 seconds remaining your DNF, then you don't get to continue the workout because that's the evolution of something like that is not okay you have to
Starting point is 00:51:05 row and you have to be done in 320 it's you have to be done with the row and tweet 320 and if you drop the bar on the thrusters you're out if you specifically i was talking about go ahead and finish that but specifically i was talking about how to count better how yeah how should these coaches be okay i know yeah and i think taylor pretty much hit everything with that okay uh um late to the show maybe i missed it but when will you guys discuss taylor's smtp and how he is secretly trying to end lives also smile more jr jr don't listen to them and seven did you do taylor's burpee challenge yet no i won't do it until someone makes me do it with a camera dude fucking do it twenty dollars buy me three answers yes are you secretly trying to end people's lives
Starting point is 00:51:49 when they're 120 yeah i'm extending their lives um okay thank you jeremy you're beast um Thank you, Jeremy. You're a beast. He is. Number two, skill speed medley. This was the pegboards, unbroken single unders, and then unbroken alternating pistols, and then the handstand walk course. And then they cut the herd down every time, right? Yep. It was. It started with all 40 athletes cut to 20 athletes cut to five athletes uh thoughts on this workout there was only one thing i would change um i would think about beginning instead of with single unders then to double unders then to the crossover double
Starting point is 00:52:40 unders i would think about beginning with the crossover double unders and just having 25, 25, 25. That way, when you get to the last five, at least at that point, you know, the athletes that are there can do them and can complete the test and make it look appropriate. Um, or unbroken single under unbroken, double under triple under. Um, but I think if you're going to include the crossover double under, which I like, I don't dislike it. I just think you include it from the start. So that way the things that is cutting people, isn't your ability to do, you know, single unders per se,
Starting point is 00:53:16 but your ability to do the crossover dubs, which is what everyone couldn't do ultimately, or everyone but two people couldn't do. JR. You have a lot of thoughts about this one my initial thought is almost why put all these cool new things in one workout right yeah so like for instance you can still do the elimination style every round has three pegboards. Every round has 50 unbroken double unders. People will still mess that up.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Every round has 10 pistols in each leg. And then the handstand movement is what's progressed. So on the first one, they do the obstacle. On the second one, they do pirouette into the obstacle. On the last one, they do L-sit press to handstand into the obstacle. So you get something cool and new in that workout, but you can still bring out the legless pegboard, the crossover double under, the single under if you want to. You can still bring that out down the road. It's almost like, man, we got all these new things, but we got them all on the same workout.
Starting point is 00:54:21 So you almost couldn't appreciate any one of the elements. but we got them all on the same workout. So you almost couldn't appreciate any one of the elements. I, me personally, if I, if you, if I was going to keep do that workout over, I'd had to go 40,
Starting point is 00:54:31 20, 10, not cut to five. And I would have, I think the crossover double unders are stupid. But if you are going to do them, I would have given the athletes a week. No,
Starting point is 00:54:42 that's something too, that we talked about, like to do them. Was there talks of single under double under triple under. And ultimately if there was talks of, do we do triple unders or do we do these crossovers? What was, what was the determining factor of no triple unders are a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Is it judging? Is it, is it counting? Is it just that he doesn't want to do on this year and he's going to do them next year? Who knows? The other thing that I would, I would wonder too is, was the time cap maybe just a minute too tight? Because if you give the athletes one more minute late, they all get a chance to show
Starting point is 00:55:21 that they can do the press to handstand, which was like probably the one thing everyone was like, I want to see if these people can do this. I do think if you do that though, you just get an extra minute to see people fumble around and fuck up a crossover double under that half of them couldn't do anyways. So it's like, oh, now we got to watch them sit and fail for that much longer. Yeah. That's a really good point too about, you know, if you were going to have them do the crossover, is that one of those skills that in a week you could practice and get good at? Like we saw people do with the L-sit press to handstand, and they just needed a week to try it, and then they could all do it. I think some people were using the wrong rope, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yeah, that too. I mean, that was that shit crazy. But if you watch, if you watch some athletes, like I think Daniel was one of them when she was, you know, fresher with her judge, she would do a single under then try to cross in the same rep. And the judge was like, no, because it was supposed to be cross uncross. Um, so I, I, you had athletes where, yeah, that beaded rope makes a difference. And then you just had athletes that i don't know loves boz's loves unknown and unknowable we know that now yeah like he didn't release any workouts until the day of those workouts he is like savage like that that unknown and unknowable i like that too that i like it's something that he really digs so he may push
Starting point is 00:56:45 back and say well dude if i tell you you're gonna have to do crossover double unders then it's the whole point of them being in there is now lost females should not have had an extra minute it makes no difference whether you have a dick or a vagina if you can do crossover double unders yeah why did they have an extra minute they didn't oh oh oh they had one they had oh he's saying seth duvall oh seth you fucked it up you were being so smart and then you fucked it up well overall again i know hey i think the men should have had longer because it was all the girls jumping rope on the playground when i was a kid yeah i think if there's any workout to look at and say there were some question marks on that
Starting point is 00:57:29 but again you know he said that boz did say that he thought this was the workout he was going to get the most pushback on and he didn't get much pushback then how is it his fault when the people around him that are there to give feedback don't give a ton of it and maybe they you know again that's speculation as well um magnus it's all that pineapple he's been eating his semen just has gotten just so sweet that it's it's uh it's taking his voice up an octave well maybe i'm a magnus is drunk tonight for sure maybe you're what a staccato a castrato a castrato he talks about that yeah uh elizabeth elevated event number three um i i'd love this workout sick yeah i love this 21 15 999 um uh squat cleans with 135 95 i loved it how they kept the weights um 135 95 i loved it how they kept the weights um and uh parallel uh bar dips with the traverse basically you had to break everything into three rounds so you had to go seven seven seven
Starting point is 00:58:32 seven wait did you have to traverse first you did right yes okay traverse seven traverse seven traverse seven same thing with 15 555 and and the 9th i thought it was it was awesome i was thinking of the man test the the old jason kalipa you jump up do five dips walk forward five dips walk backward four walk forward four walk backward three why didn't they make him go why didn't they make him go backward it's fucking hard it's why i tried the man test today it's so fucking hard to walk backwards i think it would have made athletes look dumb again. Again. JR, thoughts on this workout?
Starting point is 00:59:11 This is for sure top three for me. Not only because it's like a classic girl twist on that, but just because the – I mean, I would love to know stuff like this. Like, did they play with, okay, traverse, and then you can do all 21 if you want. And if you break, you have to traverse again. Or from the beginning, was like so genius to me to look at the workout and know that no one's talking about the 150 feet of traversing. Everyone's just talking about the 63 repetitions. When the whole workout ended up being about the traverse into the dip. reverse into the dip. It would be essentially like doing Diane, but before every round of handstand pushups, you had to handstand walk and you had to handstand walk to a wall and do seven and then handstand walk to another wall and then do seven more and do handstand walk to another wall and do seven more. And that's your round of 21. People don't understand how much harder
Starting point is 01:00:22 that makes the movement i someone did something like that back in the day yeah jillian it was it's the i believe it's the parallel bar mantis i just sent you a video no no no die the diane someone did diane by walk and then walk was walking this is back in 2009 oh roaming? God, who was that? It was some chick named Jillian. And everyone thought she was going to win the 2009 games, but the initial run blew her up so bad, and she fucking had a meltdown there.
Starting point is 01:00:55 I just sent a video. She was a gymnast. I just sent a video to the group of walking backwards and what it looks like if you want to play it. Maxim Holmgren, some money that's MX, the group of walking backwards and what it looks like if you want to play it um maxim homegrown uh some money with that's mx and it's a lot of it on my fifth beer so seven on point uh jr is a predictor of uh and taylor predictors of workouts i am a um intoxication expert i'm that too uh anything anything you would uh i so i don't think you were suggesting jr that you would necessarily change the workout but you you do like thinking about this in terms
Starting point is 01:01:37 of maybe in the future rewarding athletes if they um want to do this unbroken with only having to do one? No, no, no, no, no. I was just thinking aloud of different variations that were tested. Like, was it always written this way where you had to break up each set into three different traverses? Or if it was like, okay, jump up, do your traverse to the end, and then do your 21 dips, which would have made it way easier for all the athletes. And I think deciding to break it all into three sets was brilliant, and that ended up being the separation in the workout. Well, what do you think about a workout then where you traverse? If you can't do them all unbroken, you have to traverse back and continue.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I think that sounds like something Boz would do, looking at his programming for this year, almost penalizing you for not being able to go unbroken and do big sets. Yeah. Next, oh, Jillian Munze finished third overall in 2008 CrossFit Games. Yes, it was her. Jillian Munze did do a Diane that's very similar to the way, I don't know who said it, J.R. Taylor was talking about doing Diane.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Roman Diane. Yeah, is that what it's called? Yeah, the handstand walk one? Yeah. Well, I was just saying you do Diane, but if you did it the way that they did the P-bar dips, you would do 21 deadlifts, handstand walk, seven handstand pushups, handstand walk, seven handstand pushups,ups handstand walk seven handstand push-ups handstand walk seven hands push up and until you describe it in that way people underestimate how much the traverse affects the dips her that that that girl jillian munsey by the way um when i was filming with her she i don't know if it was her husband or her boyfriend
Starting point is 01:03:21 but whoever she was with they broke up because he didn't like it that she was fitter than him. Wow, really? Yeah, that's fucking batshit crazy. I couldn't even fucking believe that. I believe it. I'm going to pull up. Do you want me to show this, Cenk? Sousa can't pull it up on the chat, but I can put my phone to the camera if you want to see this.
Starting point is 01:03:40 No, thank you. Okay. Sousa can't pull it hey man why can hey man why can jason bill show the whole man test video and not worry about it but we got to worry about it no they're talking about youtube but i have a video that of me doing it oh jesus youtube of the man test can we pull that up yeah i make it look way better than those people but all right seven no shit kayla harrison and chris cyborg are gonna fight kayla's gonna destroy her dude i wish my fucking life regret is not watching that ufc fight at
Starting point is 01:04:20 your house oh yeah there'll be because you're in your feelings. There'll be others. Yeah. Well, no. We left early, but I was in my feelings. I was like, maybe I'll just go fucking eat like shit at Sevan's house and relapse. Okay. You want to know something?
Starting point is 01:04:39 So Dave called me, and he goes, and Taylor wants to stay because he wants to go watch a UFC fight at your house. I'm not fucking tolerating that. We're not paying for his hotel room so he can go. I'm sending him home. home god you're an asshole that's not what he said you you fire you for you you you wouldn't let taylor come over and watch the fight at my house you fired my friend brian friend from the games last year all i do is love you dave okay event number four shuttle totle to Overhead. Two-minute AMRAP, 400-meter shuttle, max
Starting point is 01:05:07 jerks, rest one minute, three-minute AMRAP, 600-meter shuttle. If you don't know this workout, fuck you. I'm not saying it again. Maybe Susan will pull it up so you can look at it. But it's basically you had to run a bunch and then do max jerks at 300 pounds
Starting point is 01:05:23 for the men, 200 for the women. It was savage. And then when you ran out of time, you got to rest and then do max jerks at 300 pounds. For the men, 200. For the women, it was savage. And then when you ran out of time, you got to rest and then do it again. Here it is. The first run was 400 meters, then you got to rest. Then the second one was 600 meters, then you got to rest. Third run was 800 meters. And basically with whatever time you had left over, you had to do max jerks.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And it was crazy. And I think we're going to talk about this tomorrow, but this one really shocked us. I think there were some people here. This one, this one rocks some people like Pat Vellner. I thought he would have killed this one and he didn't. do well on it i mean i don't think anybody was even close on the male side picking who they thought was going to win it was so cool to see how athletes could tolerate that that form of like cardiac output going into something heavy and how some people couldn't like look at gee score we all kind of agree that he is the strongest pound for pound in the sport and just having to run right before it just completely changes the game for people and what a fucking shot i mean truly a shocker at how well ricky did being that overhead is his massive weakness but because he's so fucking fit yep and such a good runner he smashed it that was awesome what would you say i i know this is a
Starting point is 01:06:48 little unfair to ask you this because there's been 15 games is there anything that you would compare this to in the previous 15 games this workout that just jumps out at you what tested someone's strength smacks like matt you know pushing to like you know what is what would you say 90 80 80 90 100 of these guys some of these guys lifts but after asking them to be in a foot race uh not a foot race the thing that pops into my head is thick and quick where they did the rope climbs into the overhead squat and they're just fatiguing the same muscle group that you use in the overhead squat fatiguing the shoulders and the core on the rope climb and you go forward and you got to do three heavy overhead squats but it's such a different format
Starting point is 01:07:32 it was though fatigue your body and then lift a really really heavy weight in the same workout jr the two run clean back-to-back workouts last year were pretty similar those guys were running hard on the 200 meter runs i think just the fact that there was the fact that there was built-in rest changes it so much like those guys were doing rounds for time of ascending weights on the exact so yeah they were still running hard but there was a little bit more pacing involved versus the shuttle. I don't know if that's really Brian, but I don't remember a double Helen.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah, I thought he wasn't supposed to be watching the show. What is a double Helen? Was there really a double Helen? It was Pyramid. Yeah, Pyramid double Helen into a max shoulder to overhead. What year was that? 2011. God, I'm having trouble picturing that. What year was that? 2011?
Starting point is 01:08:25 God, I'm having trouble picturing that. Double hell in the... 2011. They did hell back to back or it was twice as... Susan's giving me the thumbs up. Let's fucking go. Spiegel's snatch, $20. My contribution to outfitting the Sebon media team
Starting point is 01:08:42 in Andrew Hiller ball-crushing shorts. Thanks for the game's coverage and the best analysis of the events. It's going to take a lot more than $20 to fund four pairs of shorts that are that tight from Noble. Put another zero on it. You know who sells those Josh Bridges shorts that— Oh, Born Primitive. Born Primitive. I had a pair of those.
Starting point is 01:09:01 I don't know. I lost them. I've been asking my wife to find them again. By the way, in the gains box, they sent some born primitive sweats. I never want to take them off. They're like silk. Do you guys have any sweats like that? Those are joggers, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:17 I've never owned anything like that. It's crazy. Born primitive? They're like tied around the ankle? Yes, yes. Yeah. Some of my members have some. They told me I need to try them.
Starting point is 01:09:26 I mean, literally, you just start to put them on, and they're on. I mean, that's how fucking slick they are. I'm not a fan of more primitive joggers. I think I tried a pair on, and they literally, like, my thighs are so fat. They, like, stick together. It just, yeah. No. Not for me.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Yeah, let me see if the... I might try those Traverse pants. No. No, they're like – oh, look at – yeah, those blue ones. What are those blue ones? Maybe it's those. Is that it, the male recovery jogger? No.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I don't know, but they're so fucking nice. They're called the male rest day jogger. They're so slippery. They're so slippery. Slippery. Rest day. Male rest day jogger. You don't even feel like you're wearing.
Starting point is 01:10:14 They don't put any friction on you. No friction. That's nice. Yeah. Athleisure. Is that it right there? Is that the one? Wait, there's one.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Those are the ones I'm not. My members told me about are these. Can you see that guy's cock through there? Zoom in on that. I got a born primitive athlete coming to Crucible. I need to get her to bring me some. Why does that? Why is every picture?
Starting point is 01:10:39 Why does that guy's? Yeah, the caulking's in there. Oh, dude, his dick is right there. Yeah. Dude, why are you staring at his helmet bro can we talk about the next workout are you trying to figure out if he's circumcised or not yes um so so that was a good that was a great workout and and there'll be more of that in the games right we're gonna see more of that yeah oh yeah i think so something we can talk about at the end but boz likes him some work rest for workouts for workouts where you could you could call them interval interval style workouts four out of 13 is a lot that is a lot
Starting point is 01:11:16 that should have been an outline in the beginning uh it should have been hey i asked jr for feedback and he sent me one thing and that wasn't it he didn't like he was like i don't like your font now he wants to make me feel like shit on the show uh oh nice i like it it's good tactical uh event five the capital 20 pig flips at 510 pounds 350 pounds um that was and i love the fact that it started at the um venue at the alliance energy center then a 3.5 mile jog into town and an open course cannonball run style open fucking course meaning like someone could throw an egg at you or run next to you or the public could run next to the athletes if they wanted then a after the 3.5-mile run, a 200-meter bag carry.
Starting point is 01:12:06 They call it jerry cam, but it was two bags. And then after that, a 200-meter hussafel carry. Can you separate the emotion that you felt from this workout, watching the athletes do it, and the actual workout itself? Was it a good workout? Yeah, I can for sure separate the emotion. I didn't, yeah. I think it and the actual workout itself was it a good workout yeah i can for sure separate the emotion i didn't yeah i think it was a great workout i loved it i say that because those of you who didn't watch the event um that that kind of workout kind of stole the show uh when rebecca fusli finished last and they basically let the crowd just fucking descend on her and come on to the course and kind of every step she took they moved
Starting point is 01:12:45 with her up the capital steps it was also pretty amazing to see uh the great hayley adams get stopped and and and basically have to drag that bag one step at a time that was probably very unique for her that feeling right oh yeah sure yep and awesome to see that play out on live tv that's what we want you want to see the athletes hit some a place that they don't hit on occasion not every event but you definitely see it and then she's up there at the top of the stairs and the the the finish line is like like she could fucking spit and hit the finish line and she can see the athletes from fucking a hundred mile a hundred yards away coming so slowly and and but still catching her and passing her and there's nothing she can do because the
Starting point is 01:13:35 fucking bags the bag she needs to pick up is 150 pounds and her grip is shot right yep yep is that what it was yeah 150 it's kind of you could say it's year of the bag, year of the odd object. No? Yeah? Lots of strong man. Lots of strong man in this game. And the other thing to note is to this point, every work – Sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:56 She's been stopped before, but it was different. When you're stopped, she was stopped because of massive fatigue, not because she wasn't strong enough. Correct. Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. was stopped because of massive fatigue not because she wasn't strong enough correct yeah sorry go ahead so to this point in which makes you even more helpless by the way it's like being sorry taylor it's like being in a fucking fight and gassing out but there's two minutes left okay to this point oh no go ahead go ahead go ahead my fucking God. To this point in all the workouts, interestingly, and, and we'll be able to revisit this at the end.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Uh, there have only been in terms of the modalities pairings of two at a time. So event one, gymnastics, monostructural event to, uh, weightlifting, monostructural event, three gymnastics, monostructural event three gymnastics monostructural event four weightlifting gymnastics event five weightlifting monostructural and so on and so forth uh so just i want to throw that out there before we get to the end because there's you know just and for those of you who didn't understand that we will have complete other shows where we really dig into that because i'm a little fucking slow around that but i know that's crazy important we will be digging into that in the coming weeks sorry go ahead jare yeah and it's
Starting point is 01:15:14 a i mean you can't see this workout and not think this is one of the flagship events the boss talks about you know you build the games with flagship workouts, really big, spectacle, viewer experience, athlete experience, but wow factor. You have three or four of those at the games, and then you build all the other events around those. I'd be hard-pressed to think this isn't one of those flagship workouts of this year's games. This was my favorite workout of the games, but it's got a lot of bird-and-run feels, and it reminds me a lot of that workout. That was my favorite all-time games workout, so this workout was very similar. Teddy Williams, he's the one-man media team covering Colt Mertens. If you do not follow this guy on Instagram, you should. He got some insane video and pictures of Colt Mertens and also a very astute point. Haley led by ninety nine point five percent.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Dick Butter said that he had a spot where people were just dropping loads right in front of him. How appropriate. OK, sorry. That dude is so cool, too, Teddy. He sent me like videos of Jason and reels that he had made to like pass along to Jason, which was really cool of him. So he does. Holy shit. Is that real?
Starting point is 01:16:30 I crossed. Yeah. My mom goes across the Fairfax. That's Jeff Tinter's old gym or he still owns it, but he's out of a CrossFit wrestling. That's crazy. It's in DC. No,
Starting point is 01:16:39 no, no. Right outside Fairfax. Did she fall? Was she fucking sandbagging? Give me, send me the video. Anything you guys want to say about this event? Did you like enough pig flips?
Starting point is 01:16:53 Was the run too long, too short? Were any of the carries too long? Did you like the incorporation of the stairs? No, I think it was as about a well-programmed workout as you can get as far as effect on the athlete, stimulus. I think they felt this workout the whole rest of the weekend. I think this workout being the first one of Friday was on purpose, and they really felt it from here on. Set the tone.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Yeah. The one thing I wanted to— James, break. In-house comp. This ain't an in-house comp. It's at the gym, but it ain't in-house comp this ain't no it's not in-house comp it's at the gym but it ain't in-house this is the real deal dude get off your ass yeah going to be lit wow he said he said he can't do it he needs to let his body rest for a couple months oh wow james no drug testing at this event get all fucking juiced up and show up. He could have done it last year, but I would have beat his ass.
Starting point is 01:17:49 I like, just kidding, James is very fit. I think the one thing I wanted to talk about quickly is the word gimmick. And there was someone in the comments talking about Rich saying some of the workouts were gimmicky, maybe in reference to speed skill medley. And I think when I think gimmick, I think the workout is primary purpose is to attract attention or to look cool. So when I look at all the workouts this year, I don't see a single workout where the primary purpose was to look cool or to attract attention. You could look at every movement and make a case as to why that tested the athletes in a certain way and why it was important for it to be included in the test that crowned the fittest on earth um so going forward stupid crossover i know you feel that way but the athletes need to be able to adapt to things like that it's a
Starting point is 01:18:37 fucking movement a third grader can do and if it's a gimmick why can't the fittest people on earth do it uh it is a movement a third grader can do. What are you going to say? And gosh, they should be tested on things they've never seen or tried or done before. And I loved it. I just thought that maybe doing it earlier so that we could see the athletes who are good at it shine. Event number six, up and over. Three rounds for time, 12 muscle-ups,-ups 25 jump overs 30 ghd sit-ups
Starting point is 01:19:08 three rounds okay i was trying to i was having trouble remembering this so this was the one where they had to do the 12 muscle-ups and then they had to do 25 jump overs the first time it was over a 50 inch like a log 50 inches off the ground. Then a box that was 42 inches and you couldn't put your hands on the box. You had to jump up there, which was crazy for Colton. And then the third round, you had to jump over a 20 inch pig and you weren't allowed to touch that either. And then 30 GHD sit ups. And it was quite the race. And at the very end, after you did those three rounds, you had to pick up an axle 185 for the men, 125 for the women.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Put it in the front front rack put the axle in the front rack and uh what was it like go 84 feet or something yeah that sounds right and and i think um some people did that yeah unbroken but just to let you know how big that axle was i i think it was uh O'Brien or Rebecca Fuseli, someone like you could see that their hand could not purchase, get purchase on it. And when they cleaned it, it actually came out of their hand. It was pretty crazy. Yeah, I love this workout. I do think that to me, workouts like this seem to be more spectacular and and more better to watch in the
Starting point is 01:20:29 coliseum i like muscle-ups in the coliseum i like jump overs in the coliseum when it's out on the field and you've got 40 athletes or 20 athletes doing it at one time especially with the broadcast it's just so hard to follow that's's my only complaint. I love the workout. Amazing. Will, Will Plummer. Hi, I got one thing.
Starting point is 01:20:50 You better. Whoever lost, whoever lost to Colton Mertens in this workout needs to just quit. Needs to just quit. Now watching him do all those box jumps. It was a max effort. Every time it was unbelievable. That was one of the coolest things i watched all weekend that's it well hey will are you sick because i heard it was a super spreader event
Starting point is 01:21:10 super spreader my mom my mom has a bad headache right now i feel fine you sound like shit dude you sound like you sound like you need to eat some pineapple i know i just need to clear my throat okay bye thank you uh well said well said Colton was those jumps were pretty hard he's 51 inches 52 inches that's how tall he is he's 5'3
Starting point is 01:21:35 52 inches is 5'4 64 inches 60 inches is 5 foot 64 wow so he's doing a full like he's standing at that box and it's literally at his fucking collarbone. That's, that's, yeah, that's impressive. Did anyone finish after him? I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:21:58 He's great at muscle ups. I'm sure there are a couple guys, you know. If you finished after Will, Will Plummer says that if you finished after Colton Mertens You should quit, you should retire, go into school teaching Will Branstetter People wouldn't be saying the crossovers are stupid If the athletes in the final round were able to do them Exactly
Starting point is 01:22:15 It was a test of practicing skills And the other thing is this I don't know if that's true It was, if they would have started with crossover doubles And you had Fikowski and Horvath in the final event able to showcase all of that, it would have been fucking so cool. And the other thing about it is this. We see workouts every single day where you're testing cardiovascular endurance, strength, stamina, endurance, yada, yada, yada. The games rarely gets to the point where they're testing coordination or things like balance or things like accuracy to the degree that they were tested this year but what is defined in fitness by crossfit is your capacity across all 10 general
Starting point is 01:22:52 physical skills where one's not detracting from another the juggling juggling um five balls is pretty fucking cool and uh shooting three pointers is fucking dope when people do like shoot like six three pointers in a row without missing and those just because it's cool and if they could all do it doesn't mean it's appropriate for the games. And I think crossover jumping rope has that sort of specialty component in there. There's a really interesting discussion trying to make the distinction between if something is a skill, but is it testing fitness? And if you go there, then do we have to define fitness by CrossFit methodologies terms? And if we define it by CrossFit's terms, do we have to use world-class fitness in a hundred words? And it just kind of keeps going in that way, right?
Starting point is 01:23:46 You can't just stop something and say, well, single unders aren't fitness. They're just a skill. Okay. Well, how do you define fitness? Because we're playing their sport and they're saying it's fitness. Yeah. And the other thing is this, it's the CrossFit game. So we're using the CrossFit methodology and we're using the CrossFit
Starting point is 01:24:05 definition of fitness. And it's the first methodology to ever objectively define fitness. And it uses the 10 general physical skills to define fitness and coordination is one of them. So if coordination is a general physical skill and we're using the definition CrossFit uses to define fitness and coordination is equally as important as a human being as strength. Stamina is equally as important as endurance. Start juggling. I can't fucking juggle, but I can do crossover double unders. Event number seven.
Starting point is 01:24:41 One question about that. As high as that was for was that the highest jr i'm really disappointed in you really disappointing you that you've left room for me to ask a question like this very disappointing this shan't happen again master um is that the highest athletes have been asked to jump in a crossfit games without using their hands is 42 inches the highest and has it ever been done before yes yeah boom so what so what in which workout chaos from 2019 or 18 18 18 or 17 and so 40 that's tied with the highest athletes have ever been asked to jump yes and what would what
Starting point is 01:25:25 was the rep scheme for that did they have to do how many did they have to do i want to say they it was a number it was a weird number it was either like 30 i think it was 35 or 25 uh no 42 inches for men and it was higher for women in chaos 36 for women in chaos i believe wow uh but really it's not 42 or is this 40? It was 42 this time. Okay. Well, that's what we're saying. It's chaos.
Starting point is 01:25:49 So for women, the, the, the women, the highest wasn't this year. What was the height for the women this year? 30 inches. So Brian,
Starting point is 01:25:57 the website saying 30 inches. I thought when they announced it, it was 42, 36, but see the women's is 30 inch box, but I could be, I wonder if that's a typo. I don't know that it, it was 42-36. But see, the women's is a 30-inch box. But I could be wrong. Yeah, I wonder if that's a typo. I don't know that it was 30 inches.
Starting point is 01:26:09 I thought it was 36 inches. Brian will probably weigh in here. Brian was on the field. He would know. Oh, so it was the highest for men. It's tied with the highest for men. But that was the highest women have ever had to jump in a CrossFit Games. It was chaos.
Starting point is 01:26:26 36 inches was chaos. Yeah, I thought they were both 42 and 36. Yeah, and that's what it was for this event. It wasn't a 30-inch box for females. It was 36 inches without a doubt. So that's a typo. And that's what we're here for. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Are you sure? I'm 100% sure. I watched the event. It was one six-inch. I was going to say, if it was a six-inch piece Velcroed to the top of a 24-inch box, then obviously it was 30, but it looked like it was a 12-inch piece on top of a 24-inch box. What do we know? What do we know?
Starting point is 01:27:08 Uh, Susie, can you go over to that event and, uh, you don't have to pull it up and maybe just start digging around and, and see what, see what you see. Uh,
Starting point is 01:27:17 send that link to Brian. He feels left out. Brian has a, needs to be studying for his show. Um, tomorrow. Well, let's go to the next event while susan's
Starting point is 01:27:25 pulling that up uh here listen you jackass i there uh oh this is good so uh will plumber thinks that austin spencer andre who day tutor magda moritz the big uh caravans artur simmons we'll go with today's theme simon off and keelan henry should all um quit because they're all pretty tall other than keelan which is surprising you would think they would have done better but maybe i mean cold's got great capacity like he can fucking hurt yeah he can hurt. Those athletes need to learn how to hurt. Yeah. So I think the Taylor's point, you look at a workout like this, you, you have like the big logs and you have the things to jump over. It's a little bit too much going on to be inside. However, a workout like this, there's probably 50 or 60 feet between the GHD and the rings.
Starting point is 01:28:27 And you have that many long built-in transitions. I think sometimes you get lost watching it versus like really, really tight transitions in the Coliseum. And I do think that sometimes based on the movements, that is more aesthetically appeasing inside. Well, you could call this workout busy for the Coliseum as well i mean i get what you're saying but i fuck i just feel like i go back to to amanda 45 and that being probably one of my favorite workouts of all time just how fucking cool it was you had the seven or six rigs with the rings wait a second we moved on no i was just talking about the ghd workout because taylor was talking about how he thinks a workout like that would be better suited in
Starting point is 01:29:14 the coliseum but i was why is this workout up here right now because we moved on i said to move on and then jr backtracked oh good can you pull this down just a second sorry sorry sorry taylor hold on i just um this is so sorry sorry taylor i know we're running out of time hold on uh luis luis limos thank you you're so fucking generous every show um thank you uh it was it was 30 inch uh 24 box with six inch top okay are you sure it wasn't a 30 inch box box with a 6-inch top? I just want to ask you guys one question. Should we go higher? Why didn't Boz go 44 inches?
Starting point is 01:29:52 While he's fucking us the whole week with all this crazy shit, why didn't he just go the extra – just add two inches, just one more like – I thought that was appropriate. I thought 42 inches was appropriate for men and 36 inches would have been appropriate for women uh i think he should have gone 43 what the fuck does that do i just think he should have gone for the record you it goes with the with the pegboard and with the crossover and with the the um l sit to handstand. But then you could argue he's just doing shit to do it.
Starting point is 01:30:28 I think everything he did, again, I look back at it, and I don't see a single gimmick because I don't see him doing any movement. I don't see any movement or workout or pairing of those in the event that could be said it was just for the spectacle or just to garner attention or just to look cool they all tested something that i think is near and dear to his heart and his belief in the methodology um and that being kind of rooted in the 10 general physical skills and athletes sucking at some of those things and being world- at others. We can't call these people the fittest on earth if you can't do a single
Starting point is 01:31:06 crossover double. That's 30 inches. It is? Okay. It looks like it. Who's replacing J. Aaron Taylor for the show when they make the CF games? John Young. John Young's like in the wings at all times. Like if fucking Taylor were to get hit by a brick in two seconds
Starting point is 01:31:24 we'd have John Young in there. You wouldn't even know even know or if that guy staring at him in the window behind him fucking reached he closed his shades he closed his shades earlier i fucking laughed 44 this ain't the pussy games we're not crowning the we're not crowning the almost the fittest thank you ken yes 44 inches as heidi said just add two inches just two inches okay sorry now we're ready taylor sorry echo press sorry i really i i was so proud of myself that i found something jr hadn't um sleuthed some historical piece of workout something or another uh the echo press uh 30 uh calories for the men 25 women on the echo bike 10 wall facing handstand push-ups i hated this event i thought this was fucking
Starting point is 01:32:12 stupid i thought the setup was stupid i thought those black things they had to touch to or see i hated this event it was a good time to just take a big shit and go through my dms oh my god i i like the event and i think the only thing that i would have liked to have seen differently was a tactile feedback on the wall facing handstand push-ups so instead of a line that they had to sit you know from judge to judge and where that judge is kneeling or the angle they're taking the standard is different for everyone um where they have to cross that line i would have preferred to have seen 10 wall or 15 strict wall facing handstand push-ups just to the floor no deficit no block i thought it would have looked cleaner um why not why didn't they do that why didn't they just have like two if just a couple plates there old school style with the sit-up pad.
Starting point is 01:33:09 What the fuck is that thing called? The ab mat in between it, and you just touch your head off of it, and you're good to go. I don't think they – I think they wanted a deficit. I guess my issue is just increase the reps a little bit. People still don't do wall-facing handstand push-ups that much. 15 reps would have been more than enough to challenge them, and then you eliminate that fucking weird standard. And kind of to Sevan's point, the blocks looked kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:33:36 It was an interesting visual. People who tuned in who had no idea what CrossFit is are like, what the fuck are they doing, and what is that thing? Yeah, what is that thing? At least if it's just to the floor, they're like're like oh they're just doing handstand push-ups they don't know whether you're supposed to face the wall or not but with that block it's like what the fuck um yeah and this is a question for boz is that is that wall walk up onto the block there just to fatigue the triceps a little bit more before they start the repetitions
Starting point is 01:34:03 or is it solely for hey we're making sure that, because those are just like ballistic blocks, which are nine inches tall at the outside. So is it just, hey, we want to make sure they're high enough off the ground to where no matter how deep they go in their repetition, they're not going to be banging their head off the floor because we know people do that just to gain advantage,
Starting point is 01:34:23 that they don't care about cte yeah bang their head into the they just bang their head into the pad to get a little bounce and we don't want that you know what it could have been and this might have been pretty cool is 10 hand release wall facing handstand push-ups to the floor so rest your head on the floor yeah i guess not yeah i don't think so oh jr you should have just let him roll with it for a second we just had slipped into idiocracy i mean they already they do that on regular strict handstand push-ups though so what's the difference yeah like people rest on their head and shake their arms out and then keep going. Is that true? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Um, uh, rich bros. Duh. Idiocracy is a great movie. Have you seen it? Oh, it scares the shit out of me.
Starting point is 01:35:18 We're living in it. That's where we're going. Rich bros. Duh. Uh, three beautiful daughters. Wife, uh,
Starting point is 01:35:23 owns a suit, blue shirt. Your guys coverage made the games extraordinary and this is a great podcast every day thanks for all the hard work to keep it informative and entertaining thank you this this show is actually the well this one taylor's put in a lot of maybe jr has too but this one i was so excited this is i'm more excited to do this show right here than all the other shows we've done on the games and i'm excited for the one with brian's tomorrow too because fuck man we watched all those events maybe the coolest thing about this workout was just who could get through the 30 and watch them race on the bike putting the bike at the end was
Starting point is 01:36:01 the best part of this workout i agree you got to see people like tim paulson you got to see um what jason and will trying to try to go head to head jason try to catch him down at the end like them seeing the athletes really put out on the bike to try to make the time cap or just get as many reps as possible was awesome not only is he good looking but he sees the positive even in dumb shit jr howell uh that thing that i don't know which one you just brought it up but where you had to walk up on the blocks before you started that was soul crushing for the athletes who had to do like onesies and tuesdays tuesdays like when you saw poor ricky have to climb up on the on the block it was like
Starting point is 01:36:42 oh then he he had to do he did would do one and then he'd do his second one and he'd toast you know the really cool thing about that movement was and people might argue and say nothing was cool about that movement but when you saw the athlete do one rep you knew whether or not it was going to be a bad workout or a good workout and you can't say that about many movements what do you mean what do you mean so like from from the first rep it showed ricky do you knew oh no his positioning isn't good enough for this to be a good workout for him which was kind of cool because you can't say that about one rep on anything right usually unless it's a heavy heavy heavy right right so or if there's someone
Starting point is 01:37:26 who's just like when you see hayley adams run you're like good luck everyone else right yeah it's like um you look at this workout and you think okay will morad's awesome at handstand push-ups of any kind and he won it but whoever would think jason hopper is going to finish second no one or that mal o'brien and ricky would have so much yeah or that mal o'brien or ricky would have so much problem you're right yeah we saw mal do one and you were like oh yeah she broke her back on the first rep and it's like yeah it's gonna be a long day um when you start to look at this workout and the effect of it on the weekend because i think that it is hard not to look at the workouts and not say whether or not they were good tests based on what the athletes could or couldn't do in
Starting point is 01:38:14 them. And you look at this workout and you say, Hey, this showed a chink in Ricky's armor. If this workout would have been programmed, the CrossFit games, would he have won the, won the games?
Starting point is 01:38:23 You have to say things like that. And, workout would have been programmed the crossfit games would he have won the games you have to say things like that and and just look at what they're being asked to this point tricep tricep tricep tricep tricep elizabeth elevated workout three and workout seven shuttles overhead yep and the 36 muscle ups um don't forget that especially after those other two. And then finally, the wall-facing handstand push-ups. So you can just assume at that point their pressing is fatigued, to say the least. Event number eight, rinse and repeat. Every two minutes for six rounds, you do a 50-yard swim, eight ski calories, and then add two calories each round. So basically what you had to do is you had to swim 50 meters and then get a certain number of calories on the ski erg that's outside of the water. And then if you finish that, you got to proceed to the next round.
Starting point is 01:39:18 After six rounds of that, then the next two rounds were free. Didn't matter how much you got, but that's where you had to score your points. Awesome to watch if you knew what was going on i absolutely fucking loved it but but but the i i i loved this workout but but fuck man if you didn't if you didn't know crossfit and you didn't weren't a student of the game you probably fucking hated it you were like what is this shit it's hard to watch and hard to follow i think aside but but again to me for the most part i put that on the broadcast and if they could have brought a graphic that showed calorie and cows per hours in real time um instead of just the you know what i also hate is you have the leader's calorie count and then you have everyone behind a minus one minus two minus you're like i care less is you have the leader's calorie count, and then you have everyone behind them, minus one, minus two, minus three.
Starting point is 01:40:06 I care less about minus off the leader, but more just show us their actual calories and their calories per hour. And then beyond that, I think the biggest miss was having the females do the same amount of calories. I would have had the females start at seven and go up again by two each round. And by the time the athletes got to 18 calories or that final round, the female will have done six or however many less up to that point. And I don't think we would have seen those female athletes get cut. How many did we see get cut?
Starting point is 01:40:42 A few, was it three or four? Why did they use the same? Why do you think they used the same? No idea. It is definitely a lot harder for women to ski at the same pace that men ski at. That being said, Lucy Campbell, the woman who won that event, beat 13 of the fittest men in the world. Because she's a fantastic swimmer. beat 13 of the fittest men in the world because she's a fantastic swimmer she swam her final 50 in 30 seconds after basically a minute and a half of max effort skier or close to max effort skier
Starting point is 01:41:15 anything you want to say about this chair before we move on to the hat trick um only that kind of echoing taylor's sentiments i think a cool graphic idea in a workout like this would just to put at the top round of 14 to have all the athletes listed on the side of the screen all their names and then as they got eliminated just erase their names and then yeah on round seven and eight you just put the calorie count and you just leave it up on the screen for all the athletes. Right. And the reason machines are so different than something like a double under. Earlier on in the show, I said that the females don't need an extra minute for a double under.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Just running is running but when you're on a machine body weight plays so much of a role your ability to produce power on a machine is directly correlated to how big you are and how much do you weigh the difference between jason hopper and colton mertens on a rower is fucking astronomical because of the size and that's it uh one of the neuroadaptive women would have taken 28th in the indie that's why there's so much there's that's why there's so much controversy around the neuro adaptive i got an athlete at my gym that missed the games by one spot neuro adaptive man or woman woman and what does that mean what was like what's neuro what's neuro what's her neurological issue uh she's got cerebral palsy oh all right
Starting point is 01:42:54 is that what all of them have uh is that what it means neuro neuro should they just call it the cerebral palsy class i don't think they all do but i think i don't want to speak out of line but i think that um it's usually some form of like neuromuscular like a dystrophy of some kind okay but i'm like i'm not sure if like some sort of like muscle i'm not sure if like someone who's had a stroke can compete in neuromuscular like i don't sure if like someone who's had a stroke can compete in neuromuscular like i don't know if that is grounds for you know what i mean i don't know the criteria right by the way i had uh casey acree on the show this morning uh super cool cat two times
Starting point is 01:43:38 crossfit games champion uh i had a blast suck that i had to go to the skate park i probably could have talked to him another two hours i I would, I think that would have ended up being a three hour podcast, a number event, number nine hat trick. Um, I shouldn't say it's suck on a skate park. I had a blast there. Uh,
Starting point is 01:43:52 three rounds for total time, field sprint, 20 ball, uh, 20 wall ball shots and six dumbbell squat snatches. Why am I having trouble remembering this one? Oh, cause the sprint okay it was the event where they did one round rested four minutes another round rested four minutes another round and their total time across all three rounds was their score
Starting point is 01:44:17 so it was basically who can be as accurate as possible on the wall ball and smooth and fast on the dumbbell squat snatch, have zero no reps, and make perfect runs for all three rounds. I actually enjoyed this one too. Really? Something was wrong with the filming on this. This one definitely needed more wide shots, way more wide shots. This is my least favorite workout of the weekend.
Starting point is 01:44:39 Less than the handstand one? You like the handstand one more than this one? I thought seeing Nick Matthew finish it and the excitement that created was pretty awesome. And I think for that reason, I like the handstand one more. Guy also. Guy also, yeah. But watching Nick Matthew, I mean, again, the broadcast didn't do a great job of following Guy. It was on Nick Matthew the whole time.
Starting point is 01:45:03 Or at least it was on him to the point to where he finished the crossover double unders then it was his show they didn't really show g all right so taylor how does so how do you think you make this work out better i've got an opinion on that uh they should have made the dumbbell heavier okay so that's the heavier 100 ton pound 100 ton pound 10 pound i i i just think you make it three rounds for time and take out the rest. And I think there's room for that just because like you said, there are three other workouts that have rest programmed in. And are you including the speed skill medley in that?
Starting point is 01:45:40 Yeah, I was, I was, yeah. And I would too, but I, again, you just. Yeah, I was. Yeah, I would, too. But again, you just. So I think that so I think that you I think you either cut the rest in half. So you go essentially two minutes on two minutes off. Yeah. Or you go 30 and 1030 wall ball 10 dumbbells i like the increase in reps but again i think his intent with that huge rest was to put the the primacy or the focus on perfect runs who can nail the 12 foot target have some accuracy and who can really move a dumbbell beautifully and go fast doing it so i see what he was trying to do there and this is just one of those times where my opinion and what i bias towards and what i like is just one of those times where my opinion and what i
Starting point is 01:46:25 bias towards and what i like is just different and i would have liked to have seen three rounds for time and i would have liked to see him suffer and a little more capacity shine through rather than just the the main focus being on accuracy um but yeah and you saw what tia get two no reps and and i mean you saw people be really unstable overhead on the dumbbell squat session. Then you see Guy doing what no one else in the sport can do as far as speed goes. It's crazy. How about this for next year? And I like this workout.
Starting point is 01:47:00 I like the rest because I liked watching Ellie Turner go three times and just mash. But how about this for next year this is the one where you have the cuts you go 40 2010 and you and you make the dumbbell heavier each round till in the final round the women are using 100 pound dumbbell and the men are using a 120 or something look at you dude programming mastermind i like that too thank Thank you. Thank you. I wonder if they did some testing with a heavier dumbbell. They probably did. I don't think a heavier dumbbell is appropriate, but to Savan's point, maybe round one is 30 wall balls or 40 wall balls, 10 dumbbell snatches. Round two, 30 wall balls, eight. Round three, 20 wall balls, six. Something like that.
Starting point is 01:47:44 Visually too too it was interesting to me like to use the entire field or to make the sprint shorter what if you just what if you just do six in place and you let people go touch and go for six instead of doing two move to move two because you'll see athletes like he ripped six on one set okay i like it but but that creates even more separation exactly i agree i like i like the ability to do six in a row i wasn't sure that was another thing i didn't think of until you just mentioned it but i definitely did not like the two at a time because the athletes that are capable of doing all six it's like you just you don't give them that opportunity hey if the crossovers
Starting point is 01:48:22 made the athletes look dumb this made the athletes look great by the way this really showcased why cross why you can't fuck with crossfitters like they they can do some shit yeah i mean as as simple as this was i mean this is a this is a cbs event it's fast it's easy to watch you see people racing you see people sprinting you see their bodies i mean it's it's this is a very easy viewer friendly type workout just as easy as it is to watch people row and do thrusters uh event i agree event number 10 uh sandbag ladder that's my favorite event and probably my opinion, maybe one of the most iconic events in the CrossFit Games history. One rep max sandbag to shoulder. The women started at 160 and went up to 250.
Starting point is 01:49:12 The men started at 260 and went to 340. So we thought, and when a handful of men crushed the 340, they wheeled out a new bag at 350. By the way, if you didn't see the interviews, the short interviews I did with Adrian Bosman every night, you should go back and watch them if you're really into this programming because there's things that we're talking about here that Adrian will talk about. For example, where the 350-pound bag came from. Taylor, love this. JR, you love this? Yeah, this is one of my favorites. And I think that you can look at the events as a whole and see that gymnastics and maybe other strength realms
Starting point is 01:49:59 outside of the barbell is where Boz kind of is pushing the sport and challenging athletes to maybe get outside of their comfort zone. We can look at a max clean with a barbell or a clean and jerk and come pretty close of who we think is going to win. And still, we saw some of those familiar faces. You know, Guy is probably the strongest athlete. Jason is a really strong athlete, maybe not the strongest.
Starting point is 01:50:31 But then you got guys like Nick Matthew and Brent and you got Jackie Dahlstrom doing the same load as Danny Spiegel. And yeah, she's got like a 245 pound cleaning shirt. So she's technically really strong too, with a barbell comparatively to her body weight, but to see a little bit of parody and to see Tia watching people and not being one of the last ones out there. Like that was just, it was an awesome experience for, for, for all the athletes. And to see her smiling, she had fun watching this event and that speaks to how amazing it was. And it was a risk. Like in boss said it on some of these interviews and even Kotler came on and
Starting point is 01:51:03 said, man, in the beginning it was like, dude, this is so dumb. Like, I can't even watch this. And then as it got heavier and heavier and as the athletes fought the weight more and more, it was like it just amped you up. It was like they were literally fighting another being and not just a bag. Like it was a hit, man. It was awesome. It was fucking cool. I think the one thing I would have liked to have seen a little differently was the tiebreaker, especially for women. That 50 pound bag was just so irrelevant, so irrelevant and nowhere near the equivalent to the men's hundred.
Starting point is 01:51:35 Um, but aside from that iconic. When we think of grit from CrossFit games, athletes, I can think of no more grit than, I don't know, 2009 chipper Michael Fitzgerald screaming, screaming as he's doing the chipper at the top of his lungs. Fucking screaming in agony. I can't think of too much. I hate to be so old school, but Jason Kalipa collapsing in the opening event of the 2009 Games. Collapsing. Into the wall. collapsing in the opening event of the 2009 games, collapsing. Into the wall. And then getting up, finishing the race,
Starting point is 01:52:14 and then an hour later deadlifting 500 pounds. We see grit, but it's always in these long events. Not always, but all the ones in my memory in these long events that we saw some grit like what Cole Sager did and what Ricky Garrard did. We saw some grit that you don't normally get to see in these one rep lifts because when we see it with the bar, it's like either you did it or you didn't. We don't see them war. It's over in an instant. Yeah. We saw dudes war with a fucking 300 bag fat lady.
Starting point is 01:52:47 Got to get her on her shoulder and get her out of the fucking burning building. Functional fitness. We saw these dudes war. We saw why Justin Madaris is the champ. We saw that technique, even with something as savage as this bag, separates the champ from the rest. Notable mentions, of course, like these guys says, Nick Matthew fucking blew everyone's brain. Jacqueline Dahlstrom and Emma McQuaid. And, of course, Danny Stiegel.
Starting point is 01:53:14 I mean, to be honest, they should have just, back in the day, maybe if Greg owned the company, Greg would have come out there and been like, okay, keep bringing bags out for her. Every bag she gets, I'll give her five grand. I mean, she deserved it, and we would have come out there and been like okay keep bringing bags out for every bag she gets i'll give her five grand i mean she deserved it and we would have fucking loved it the community that was like the community would have eaten that shit up yeah that was gosh and and watching the other athletes watch that one person on the platform fighting like for in some people's case like fucking 40 seconds with that bag is just unreal just unreal. I so wish Cole Sager would have gotten that bag. I was on the edge of my seat
Starting point is 01:53:49 and I was like, oh, he's getting it. He's getting it. And then he just stopped. I was like, fuck. He was either blacking out. I don't know. It looked like he would have blacked out.
Starting point is 01:53:58 He was close to it. Event number 11, the alpaca. And just so you guys know how much fucking taylor self likes me he broke it he broke this workout down in his write-up he broke this down for me and he's such a nice man 42 foot sled push unload two kettlebells 42 foot sled push unload another two kettlebells 42 foot sled push, unload two kettlebells, 42 foot sled push, unload another two kettlebells, 42 foot sled push,
Starting point is 01:54:29 unload the last two kettlebells. Uh, and this workout had a seated legless rope climb in it. Next ascent. And what we, what we, I think we know for sure was a legless descent, which would have been a first in CrossFit games history. True from the seated sure was a legless descent which would have been a first in crossfit games
Starting point is 01:54:45 history true from the seated position and a legless descent and uh and it didn't happen and uh it it it drastically changed the workout i think what i saw is that some people were finishing in six minutes and some change but the time cap it would have been more like 18 minutes people finishing in 18 minutes if we would have had these rope climbs in there maybe is that true yeah the workout was and and this was uh this was because of the weather the rain yeah the rain that the it made the ropes um unclimbable i guess yeah there's a lot there's a lot going on here and there's a lot that we can discuss um, unclimbable, I guess.
Starting point is 01:55:25 Yeah, there's a lot, there's a lot going on here and there's a lot that we can discuss about how this workout changes the whole shape of the weekend about what athletes excelled at the modified version with versus which athletes we knew probably would not have had the legless airplanes being in there. athletes we knew probably would not have had the legless rope climbs being in there. How strict upper body pulling is almost always tested extensively. Yes, these athletes all did the legless rope climb workout to get here, but that doesn't mean that all of them are up to par at that movement. Up to this point, tons of pressing was tested, right?
Starting point is 01:56:07 They dipped out of a muscle up 36 times. They did 63 bar dips with 150 feet of traverse. They were inverted on a handstand workout. They did shoulder overhead at 300 and 200 pounds. Upper body pulling, though, was only tested with 75 reps on chest to bar. And only half of the field did more than three or two pegboards. So you take the legless rope out of this workout, and you drastically, drastically change the athletes that were tested. I mean, the fact of the matter is—
Starting point is 01:56:39 You could almost say, JR, you could almost say that there was so little in the beginning to be fair to them and save this workout for them. Oh, this workout is – That's how important this is. This workout is brilliantly placed and the movement is brilliantly placed here because they later have to do 30-bar muscle-ups. It's the crux. It's really almost – And it's a deal-breaker workout much like the wall facing strict handstand pushups where it's like
Starting point is 01:57:05 the same, it's the same kind of workout in that if you can't do something, we're going to know, and it may cost you points on the leaderboard. But more importantly, guys, there are people that made thousands of more dollars on the weekend because they didn't have to do those. Yeah. I think Christy Araw lost up to $20,000 because of it. Brian wants to add, also, there were 36 ring muscle-ups, some pulling there. We said the ring muscle-ups. Ring muscle-up is not a pull. It's way more of a dip and dig issue.
Starting point is 01:57:37 It is more of a press, and I would agree with the bar muscle-up as well. The bar muscle-up is a pull. Swimming and skiing, in my opinion should not be thought of as upper body pulling movements as far as um muscular contractions go and uh external load be it body weight or otherwise but you go back to on previous shows i've talked about the degree of importance that i place personally on climbing and the upper body pull. I know you love upper body pulling, JR. And this was just with it in the weekend. Incredible. Without it, so different. And it really is a linchpin movement. You take out the kettlebell cleaning jerks and you could switch them with anything. No big deal. You take out the sled, switch it with anything. No big deal.
Starting point is 01:58:26 no big deal. You take out the sled, switch it with anything, no big deal. You take out the legless rope climb, seated and strict on the descent, and it is just, yeah, like we've said, so different, beyond different. But I think it's also important though, to think about one thing, the time slot for the television broadcast right so everyone's saying okay cool they took out the legless rope climbs let's just make them do that inside well there's so many things that have already been set up for those workouts inside right with the last two workouts that just deciding to change them last minute might not have been possible so this one on tv we don't know i don't know which one was this one no i think i think it was the last i think it was the slot of the last two brian will definitely know that i think it's the um back nine and then jackie pro
Starting point is 01:59:16 that were on tv what i would have preferred to see at the very least was just add the rope to the sled and make it a hand over hand pull to some degree at some point in the workout and again it's still nowhere near the same as a seated legless and you know what you know the sleds are already out there though all you gotta do but you know why that's no good you know why that's no good that still rewards the big athlete and this josh bridges won that sled event hand over hand pull back in the day. He's a little guy. He is.
Starting point is 01:59:49 But Fikowski's amazing at it. Well, Fikowski's also very good at Legolas rope climbing. Yeah, he's good at both. Very good at Legolas. All right, you win. Yeah, I mean, I thought about the regular rope climb. They can climb it in the rain. Yeah, why didn't they switch it to regular rope climb? But that wouldn't have been the way to do it that they did that the plan was to switch to regular and then at the last minute
Starting point is 02:00:10 that was decided that it wasn't the best option so it looked dangerous apparently i think fuck them i think i think the best i think my big takeaway is just that it was really disappointing that we didn't get to see the workout be performed as written and how it would affect the workouts later. What do you think? Especially the bar muscle up workout. What do you think the athletes think about the programming in general across the games? If they can do a rope climb with three feet hanging on the ground at semifinals and a wet rope, fuck. They make you run that all the time
Starting point is 02:00:45 on military of course good point oh well what do you think the athletes thought about it i saw arama wasn't stoked on it she said it's the first time she's complained in nine years obviously i've had a few people chirp in my ear saying that they're really pissed um i don't think they were upset that they took it out it's for for the athlete's safety, and I think that was the right call. Not just that. I mean the totality of the program. Hey, and does it even matter what they think? Athletes that are complaining about the totality of the programming,
Starting point is 02:01:15 I think, need to get over it. But doesn't it – okay. I think complaining about not replacing this movement, I think this is the one area you can look at with maybe the addition of saying the crossover double unders should have been tested from the start so that the right people got to that final round. Aside from that, pulling the legless rope climbs out of this workout, those are the two areas that an athlete can look at and say, damn, I caught the short end of the stick. Everywhere else, everywhere else. Be prepared. do your research and train the unknown and unknowable. Um, but part, part of me thinks it doesn't like, I don't,
Starting point is 02:02:00 I don't mind the athletes complaining, but part of me thinks like, I don't, I don't, I don't care because it's not, it's, it's, it's that's not the way it works. That's not, that's not the way it works. That's not the way it works. Josh killed it on the strict handstand pushups. Rich was catching him on the sled. Thank you, Cody. I knew I was right, and Taylor was wrong. Another guy asking how hard it was to cover the ropes in the rain.
Starting point is 02:02:24 It was apparently a constant drizzle. And there's somebody in the comments complaining about Boz and Boz saying they were going to climb the ropes wet or dry. And that Bill, I think referencing Bill Henninger said that it wouldn't be an issue if the ropes were wet. He said it would not be. It would not be. Exactly. Yeah. And at the end of the day, they got up and tested it in the rain and made the decision that it was safe
Starting point is 02:02:48 for athletes to not do it. And so I trust their decision. I trust their decision a hundred percent too. And if you're boss, I'm not thinking about Christie Aramos, $20,000. Yeah. That's a lot of money,
Starting point is 02:02:57 but what happens if we get seven more ACLs blown out because that rope is wet and people are sliding down and landing on the excess or whatever, whatever the case may be. Hey, yeah, this is going to be a little bit of a stretch, but it's going to be hard for, I think some people, and it's not playing it safe. They did the right thing. I don't make that call. I don't look at it and I don't think, oh, they played it safe. I think they did the right thing at the end of the day so so this there's a new ceo on board um the um dan fall f-a-u-l i don't know how to pronounce the last name but he put out this video with stefan roche i think stefan did an amazing job interviewing him and he basically says i'm gonna
Starting point is 02:03:36 listen to the affiliates and i know a bunch of you guys aren't gonna like this fuck what the affiliates say fuck you guys it doesn't matter what you say that's not what the affiliates say. Fuck you guys. It doesn't matter what you say. That's not what the fucking CEO should be doing. The CEO should be protecting the to protect the brand and to protect the affiliates, including from them wanting to do dumb shit. It's the same way the Constitution protects this country from doing dumb shit too. The democracy cannot be like, okay, all white people are now enslaved. The Constitution prevents the democracy from fucking up the freedom. And it's the same thing I feel about the games. That's why Adrian Bosman is there. That's why Dave Castro is there. Like, like I like listening to you complain. I'm open for
Starting point is 02:04:29 the discussion, but at the end of the day, it's like, it doesn't matter. You hope that your leader has a strong vision for what's going to take you across the finish line. So we all feel good about it. Do you think that's as big? So it stays true. So it stays true to the methodology. So it stays true to the practice. And that's what we need from a CEO too. This guy concerns me just a little bit in that regards. It's the same fucking Rosa rhetoric. You would never hear Greg be saying that shit. Do you think he's just out to grow the business for his shareholders?
Starting point is 02:04:59 Sure, yes. And I'm okay with that too. Make shitloads of money. I want you to get rich as fucking shit. But I don't have a okay with that too make shit loads of money I want you to get rich as fucking shit but I don't have a problem with that how hard is it to cover the ropes in the rain $1.99 thank you Jose de la Torre
Starting point is 02:05:12 someone in the comments saying injury is not possible if you're doing a seated legless rope climb with a huge pad under you I would imagine think about falling from 20 feet up whether there's a pad or not there's the potential to get hurt sir trolls a lot well that's a great name is that a man or a woman my other thought was maybe they did maybe they could have done strict pull-ups there was a rig out there to begin with you can do i mean fuck a wet pull-up bar that you don't have to jump up to. Who cares if you slip off at that point?
Starting point is 02:05:51 They had to do kettlebell snatches with wet kettlebells. So I don't know. I thought maybe that would have been an opportunity to introduce a strict pull-up to the games. You can definitely standardize it and just make the reps, I don't know, 16. JR? Yeah. Smoke weed every day.
Starting point is 02:06:14 JR, I can't believe you just said that. Event number 12, the back nine. Hey, so rank this in the word so what should they have done are we okay with it at the end of the day i mean like are we okay with it jared but say something positive you're the man of like positivity say something like love on boss a little bit i actually like the workout as it was performed as as a workout on its own but knowing what it was originally written as and what it would have done to the leaderboard and to the subsequent workouts i'm pretty bummed about it yeah i i i too it's like finding out your prom date is on our menses it's a big mess. Oh, I tried to hold it back.
Starting point is 02:07:08 I tried not to say it, mom. I tried not to. Event 12. By the way, I did not have sex on my prom night. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18, mom. Like, I waited. Like, even though it was the same girl I've been dating since I was 15, I just didn't. I just didn't.
Starting point is 02:07:23 I was a good boy. Okay. Event 12, back nine. 54-foot yoke. By that, I mean it was a disappointment. Jerry, are you saying that if we wouldn't have known that it was in there, we wouldn't be whining bitches right now? Like if we didn't know it was in there? I still think some people that follow programming really closely would have said
Starting point is 02:07:44 there should have been more upper body pulling for sure. But it wouldn't be this. But the average person would not have. And there wouldn't be, even to the programming heads, I think there wouldn't be this, man, like, damn, I can't believe we didn't get to see that. Because when I saw that, that workout was like, man, this is going to be my favorite workout. And I thought it was going to be the hardest workout of the weekend, without a doubt. And then you take it out, and it's just so different. I was excited to see who was going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 02:08:12 Yeah, it was going to fuck a lot of people up. And now we don't get to see because people are going to go practice for a year now. Guy had to propose to get camera time. I didn't even see that, but that's a pretty cheeky comment. I like it. Event number 12. Damn, we're almost there. Two hours and seven minutes into the show.
Starting point is 02:08:30 Back nine, 54-foot yoke carry, 665 pounds. Two front squats from the floor, 315 pounds, 215 for the women. Three deadlifts at 475, 315 for the women. Two front squats from the floor. We talked about that 315 and 215 and then final, uh, 54 foot yoke carry 665 for the men, 485 for the women. I loved this workout guys. Yeah. I think this is an awesome application of testing strength without it being, you know, 20 seconds to lift, wait for three minutes, lift again, wait for three minutes, lift again. This is the kind of, this is the kind of workout
Starting point is 02:09:11 that you can look to sometimes to see where athletes have come like someone like Mal and how much stronger she's gotten moving heavy loads fast versus doing it not underneath fatigue. When you kind of know who's going to win those events. fast versus doing it not underneath fatigue when you kind of know who's going to win those events why is yolks why is yolk spelt that way that's how you spell yolk that kind of yolk i love that oh i see that's the one that goes over animals jr did you have a guess before or after after the week like when it was first release yeah he meant legless with the legless was his best
Starting point is 02:09:52 was their guess oh yeah I like that one as the test Mehmet Adinli 2008 I did all the workouts 2009 I did all the workouts 2009 I did all the workouts 2007 I did all the workouts 2008 I did all the workouts
Starting point is 02:10:11 2009 I did all the workouts 2010 I think that was the first year there was something I couldn't do there was like actually like some weight I couldn't lift or something like I think they had a deadlift at 315 or something I was like no you can't do that then I just stopped i was actually supposed to compete again in in the 2008 games against the women but instead i made the
Starting point is 02:10:30 movie that's for a different podcast i i like the workout i like the fact that it separated the athletes that some people we saw like it was actually a sprint like they just they just did all the shit and that's a workout that a lot of athletes look at and get scared of without a doubt which i think the games needs a few of those and i think alpaca was another um is that the heaviest yoke we've seen for men and women in the crossfit games it's it's equal to i believe uh aeneas individual final from 2018 i believe was a 665 yoke it was a 600 plus pound yoke for men um i hardly doubt it seven can you hold i hardly yeah it's a 137 i can't even imagine that i did a 749 2000 meters so that do whatever you need to do to figure out what a pussy i am um 315 can you how would you have done on that taylor
Starting point is 02:11:29 taylor self that healthy healthy wouldn't have been my best event but i wouldn't have taken last by any means would you finish in the time cap a four minute time cap uh i think so. It would have been close. A 315 squat clean is not huge. It would have been the deadlifts for me. I'm great on the yoke. The squat cleans wouldn't have been an issue. It just would have been the deadlifts. And finally, event number 13.
Starting point is 02:12:03 We don't even have to talk about this. Should we just wrap the show up? I thought they missed again with this workout. I like the idea of Jackie bro. I don't like the layout of it. I think there should have been, the bar should have had more spacing out on the floor, less advancing of the thruster,
Starting point is 02:12:18 more advancing of the bar muscle up. Uh, what's the, the only difference between this and Jackie is the speed of the row. No, no, the bar muscle up. Oh, right. And the thruster this and Jackie is the speed of the row. No, no. The bar muscle up. Oh, right. And the thruster weight. Jackie's an empty bar.
Starting point is 02:12:31 Thank you. So this is a thousand meter row, 50 thrusters, uh, 95 for men, 65 for women. Normally just the bar for both. This is the women use a 35 pound bar and Jackie. Yes. Okay. And then normally it's 30 pull-ups. And what is it? What is a world-class bar in Jackie? Yes, 35, 45. And then normally it's 30 pull-ups.
Starting point is 02:12:49 And what is a world-class time for Jackie? Right? Yeah. I think Jason Kalipa is like a 440-something, 449 maybe, 456. I can't remember. I think really low fives were what people were hitting that year at regionals, but it's a little different. And what did you think was a miss Taylor again? Just that to me,
Starting point is 02:13:09 this event just wasn't, you had so many spectacular moments. You had, maybe I would have felt differently had the legless, see the legless, not been pulled out. But after such a letdown from alpaca, I was hoping like hoping, holding onto my seat, hoping
Starting point is 02:13:26 to see something after this. Like maybe they did a surprise announcement right after. Maybe they implemented the legless in some way. Maybe there was going to be a twist to make up for removing the legless from Alpaca. But this just seemed to be a bit of a letdown after the change in that event earlier in the day. Um, and, and personally not the most exciting workout to watch. When I think about an exciting final, I think about a year like double grace and watching rich and Matt race, or I think about a year like pedal to the metal one and two and watching Matt lose it to Ben Smith on the parallel at handstand workshops. I think about something exciting. And to me, this just wasn't it. I do love the workout at a different spot in the weekend. It's also the only MWG workout period in the weekend,
Starting point is 02:14:17 the only monostructural weightlifting and gymnastic combination workout of the weekend, lifting and gymnastic combination workout of the weekend, which I thought to my programming biases was just not enough. I would have liked to have seen three NWG workouts. JR. I think if you make this workout 12 and the yoke workout, workout 13, it's an unbelievable final to, to,
Starting point is 02:14:47 to a games. So switch the two around, right? They're both good races. Do you think, do you think that the race, the race just doesn't start to really matter, take shape until the bar muscle ups,
Starting point is 02:15:01 because we saw a lot of jockeying in those 30 reps. Do you think for the back nine that that layout of the barbells gives you the excitement for a final event? I think just carrying anything or any kind of horizontal displacement down the floor in a race is the best way you can finish a workout. I did hear that they added a section to the Coliseum floor for Noble or for some company to add ticket sales or whatever. And that shortened or made the Coliseum a bit smaller. And I feel like I would have liked to have seen yoke carry, front squat bar, deadlift bar, second front squat bar, and then yoke carry to finish all in one linear kind of progression rather than down and back but sometimes logistically that's not possible yeah that's interesting that would
Starting point is 02:15:51 be a question for brian when he comes on if the the floor was actually like footage wise a little bit shorter this year and again to me gosh i just i want to see more workouts like two, two, three intervals. MWG, just a classic triplet with monostructure. They just hurt bad, and they're classic to the methodology. And I don't think – I think there's room for that across a 13-event weekend without a doubt. Hypoticus, Roman didn't complete the last 10-bar muscle-ups on the red bar, did all 30 on the first two bars. Should he have had to complete the 10 on the red bar? He doesn't speak English and I don't think his judge advanced him.
Starting point is 02:16:32 So he cut him a break. Yeah. I was, I was watching that. I'm wondering too, are they going to count all these? But then I thought to myself, you know, there,
Starting point is 02:16:37 there may just be, um, language barrier there. And he's not, he's not getting really any of advantage staying if you're going to allow those athletes who missed a lap to get credit for a lap based off of time you can't say shit about him just not advancing to the red bar in my opinion ah good call well i know they had an option well at least the broadcast said they had an
Starting point is 02:17:02 option of the first two bars but then they were supposed to advance to the red. So if he was the only one that chose to stay back, I didn't see anyone else do it. Neither did Fikowski. He was tall, and so he needed that other pull-up bar. He was tall. That's good. That's a step up from Granite Games, right?
Starting point is 02:17:33 For who? For us? Not making tall athletes use the short bar. Oh, oh, right, right, right. Well, this is the big leagues. This is the CrossFit Games. Wow. right right right well this is the big leagues this is the crossfit games um wow we could we could go on for another fucking hour well we can summarize this up real quick do it at the end of the weekend we've got
Starting point is 02:17:58 eight monostructural movements eight different monostructural movements 15 different weight lifting movements and 14 different gymnastic movements And if we had had the seated legless with the legless descent, we would have had 15 different gymnastic movements. And you go back and you look at the monostructural and you're thinking, wow, that's half as much of the weightlifting than the gymnastic. You just have to look at the volume in context. So much more volume in each individual monostructural movement and time under tension to where, in my opinion, it all equals out very, very well. I thought the dose of monostructural, the dose of weightlifting, the dose of gymnastics was great. I thought the spectrum from light to heavy, low skill to high skill was great. Short event to long event was great.
Starting point is 02:18:47 low skill to high skill was great short event to long event was great my only big gripe about kind of this nitty-gritty in the programming was just what i said a few minutes ago and that is i am very partial to triplets that have monostructural weightlifting and gymnastics i love them they look cool they're elegant they're so deeply rooted in the methodology and we only had one of them uh other than that the nwg checks out uh of the uh closing thoughts there are four things i'll pick this one here's the thing i think three of these things are kind of have a, a, what have you done for me lately? Component meaning we're all, there's always a fight we're going to see. There's always something we're going to see because we're seeing it now that we're going to say, like, we're saying the sandbag care,
Starting point is 02:19:34 the sandbag event was the most iconic in history. It, I need, I need to give it some time before I say that it's, it's so hard to say that because it's just, I just saw it. It's like the girl I went out with last night is the coolest girl i've ever went out with because i went out with her last night so but there is one thing in here that i really thought was i always wonder about and it's most it's the most athlete friendly volume and toll on body and recent memory and i mean it does seem like some games have just fucking dismantled these guys i haven't had a chance to talk to anyone who's done the full games yet but what did you
Starting point is 02:20:11 guys think about that in terms of how the athletes come in and leave so that's through my perspective before i give jr a chance to speak and me personally i have a really i can handle a lot of midline and hinging. So something like the Capitol and something like the Sandbag event after the GHDs from up and over are not – And the back nine. And the back nine. I mean, to me, that's not something that's going to wreck my body. that's not something that's going to wreck my body.
Starting point is 02:20:48 What I think about when I think events that wreck your body are 2017 CrossFit games where you run and squat for five days. And by the end of it, you can't walk for two weeks or 2015 Murph, uh, things of that nature. Um, where you get one year, gosh,
Starting point is 02:21:00 they ruined their, I was Murph again, just ruined the biceps. or gosh, they ruined their, oh, it was Murph again, just ruined the biceps. Or you think about 2020 and Atalanta and the double 5K trail run. There were events that were hard and pushed athletes to the brink. And we saw that with Haley. But then you look across the test and kind of the variance of movements and modalities and how many of the events were kind of built around showcasing the athletes and testing skills that maybe aren't so tied into crushing them physically.
Starting point is 02:21:34 And to me, it just looked like an event that wasn't an enormous physical toll. Yeah. And I actually don't really agree with all of that like i do think that repetition wise yes there's a there there are a lot of workouts that maybe in years past would have been programmed with a lot more reps but i think the the toll that the cns took on the event like the capital to strain and to carry like that and to get to close muscle fatigue to muscle failure to do the max sandbag where you saw some of those dudes holding that load on them and some of the ladies holding that load for like 30 seconds at a time before dropping and then they go to bed at night they wake up in the morning and they have to do the kettlebell sled which was just just the absolute beat down of a workout intensity-wise.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Then they go and they do that fast back nine workout. Then they go and they do a row where they have to row hard into 50 thrusters. I actually think that they probably felt the beat down almost as much as in years past just because they were presented in a little different manner and the intensity was so much higher, not so much repetition intensity, but relative intensity, time domains and loading. I think that when the loading was there, it was aggressive and it was usually fast. And that's not to say I'm not sitting here thinking this was an easy games. I'm just saying the way all of the workouts were presented i think were weighted more towards showcasing their ability rather than beating them down because there have been workouts and kind of the ways they've been programmed in years past where it seemed like that was kind of an intent was to
Starting point is 02:23:18 to put them in the dirt a little bit and i just didn't see a ton of that this year, which I liked, uh, Sam Kennedy, 49 99. Nice silhouette shot. Great job this weekend, guys. Very, very grateful for the coverage.
Starting point is 02:23:31 You're welcome. Crushed it. Thank you. Can we take a second to appreciate the fact that they made them row fast as hell? I agree. Before doing the thrusters and bar muscle ups. That's on the,
Starting point is 02:23:43 uh, that's the final workout. He's referencing Jackie pro where two two three two uh thurs daughter uh helga thura's daughter and and uh thurie helga daughter yeah her thurie helga daughter uh who's who's a 10 times crossfit nine times crossfit games athlete and rebecca fusli the um rookie both didn't make it off the rower in time, which is crazy, right? Yeah. I think that, yeah, what's crazy is that the capacity we think of her as having, but for some reason it just doesn't translate to that machine.
Starting point is 02:24:18 Size. And, you know, there's only three machines in the competition too, which is something I maybe thought Taylor would say. I think the monostructural spread was awesome. Usually when I try to program, you know, for weeks or months at a time, or even when I try to program a competition, usually if I end up with a monostructural number, that's about half of the weightlifting and gymnastics, I usually think I'm on the right track. So that spread was, I think, a really good spread. And you got real biking outside, not on a stationary bike.
Starting point is 02:24:47 And you got swimming. And then you got ski, rowing, and echo bike. And I mean, I think that was a, it wasn't, those workouts were not all, oh, well, whoever's the best on the bike is going to win this. No, it was a strict handstand pushup workout. And it wasn't whoever's going to row the bike is going to win this. No, it was a strict handstand pushup workout. And it wasn't whoever's going to row the hardest is going to win Jackie. No, because you all kind of had to row the same speed and it wasn't, you know, whoever's the best skier is going to win. It was no, whoever's the best skier and the best swimmer is going to win because you had
Starting point is 02:25:18 a top 10 littered with high level swimmers. And then you had some people in the top 10 on that workout that we didn't think of as great swimmers. And there were some questions about the machines were placed was really good. And there were questions about that going into that event specifically. And a lot of people looking at it and thinking, ah, the swim isn't going to matter. The swim isn't going to matter.
Starting point is 02:25:36 And ultimately it did, but it just, it mattered in the right way. It wasn't, I like workouts where oftentimes there's not a true crux. It's everything in the workout. And that's why I tend to be partial towards MWG because they all matter. MWG, uh, Trevor Gentry, 499 just got home from a late night dinner and thought you guys
Starting point is 02:25:55 would be surely done by now. You guys are beasts catching up now. Thanks, Chance. Hey, thank you, Trevor. Uh, this is, uh, on what JR was jr was saying uh it kind of i would like next year's game the theme to be fuck the machines and just put all the machines in one workout on day one just all of them in one workout just all of them that's one of my favorite workouts is that salt bike echo bike the ergs the fucking just toss them all in there and then i never want to see them again the rest of the
Starting point is 02:26:25 week but i did i i do i do like what uh jr said i did not notice the the machines dominating the events this year which was really nice which was really nice okay uh here we go here is taylor self um doing something i'm worried about i just just for the backwards walk portion of it is why it's important. Because the backwards walk is just so much harder. I think it was the right call for them to not do that in the event. God, are those the most janky pair
Starting point is 02:27:01 of fucking parallettes in the world? Is that JR's gym? No, that's my gym gym no that's that's my gym andy's that's pretty impressive wow what are those hooks for there what hooks see the the see these hooks oh that's a good question oh no no okay so those eyelets are screws and you can unscrew them and adjust the height of the bars oh okay okay god those look dangerous yeah if you don't put fucking sandbags on it and you try to do dibs on one end it's just gonna flip over and smack that thing will take it's just gonna go like this uh anything
Starting point is 02:27:35 else you guys would like to finish with i thought boss did a great job and i and i thought that to me going into the year with the open and quarterfinals, I didn't have much excitement and, and this kind of revitalized things for me personally. I think it was tough to, I think it was tough not being there. I think you do have a different perspective and you have a different feel of the workouts and of the athlete performances and how things look when you
Starting point is 02:28:03 don't have to look at it through a screen. So when Brian comes on, it'll be interesting to see the juxtaposition in the way he saw the workout go down and the way we saw the workout go down. Very different. So I just hate that it's over. We look forward to it every year. Other than some off-season comps, we've got a long, long time until we start to ramp up for it again.
Starting point is 02:28:26 In the, uh, since in all the years I've been messing with CrossFit, I've never geeked out so much on workouts, programming the games. Thank you for the just intense education and appreciation. It's made me, uh,
Starting point is 02:28:37 appreciate all this stuff. Um, I'm glad I put in the work so that I could appreciate this podcast on Wednesday, August 10th. J.R. Howell, Taylor Self, thank you. Matt Souza, thank you. Tomorrow morning, we have a second episode of the affiliate show.
Starting point is 02:28:56 I'm going to try to do 52 of these in the next year. The first one was spectacular. If you are an affiliate owner, if you love an affiliate owner, if you're thinking about opening an affiliate, if you used to own an affiliate, these are the shows. These are going to be just awesome conversations. We have Jed Rogers coming on. I think it's CrossFit Amity, A-M-I-T-E, Amity. He'll be on at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning Pacific Standard Time. And then in the evening, we have scheduled right now for 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Brian Friend will be coming on.
Starting point is 02:29:26 I think in this podcast, we're going to really look at the athletes and how they did on these workouts. Of course, we'll also look at the programming and the workouts, but it's going to be fun. It's going to be fun seeing because Brian talked about who did what, how well they did, who lived up to their expectations and who didn't. It'll be fun to find out, you know, there's some really great athletes that we expected to be in the top five who were not. It'll be fun to hear Brian's understanding of what what went wrong. Do we get to blame Boz? Do we get to blame them? Do we get age? Is it the new guys? What is it? And then on the 12th Friday morningiday morning we have sean zimmer coming on um if you don't know who that is go ahead and google him uh canadian dude just standing up for canadian
Starting point is 02:30:11 rights it's he's an amazing man father um he has a a daughter and he his videos went viral just by like making videos of him and his daughter like changing the tire on a car but he's turned into a freedom fighter and And then after that, we have a show. We have the, uh, UFC show with Justin Nunley and Darian weeks by a t-shirt of vindicate.
Starting point is 02:30:35 Bye.

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