The Sevan Podcast - #550 - UFC Fight Night Pre-Show ft. Darian Weeks

Episode Date: August 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. This is not going to be the last time you hear me talk about this. Not because I love being right, but because this is, it's just, okay, because I love being right.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I want you to know something. Two years ago, I was very clearly, I don't know, a hundred times until you guys wanted to throw up. I told you guys how stupid New Zealand and Australia were, are. Probably the worst two dumbest governments uh on planet earth which is saying a lot because i mean we are in a sorry sorry state for governments although man life is good isn't it damn it's been a good summer whoo so many good people but anyway look at new zealand and australia look at this this is march of 2006 when they were doing the lockdowns. And I was like, you guys better not do that.
Starting point is 00:01:29 You guys better not do that. And seriously, I probably lost 500 followers. Well, that account I've been completely kicked off of Instagram for. But these fucking knuckleheads in Australia and New Zealand thought it was a good idea to lock down. And during this whole time, like, you guys better stop. You guys better stop. You guys better stop. You guys better stop. I want you to look at this.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Those of you who understand graphs, this means that shit's good. And people would respond to me in my DMs. You fucking idiot. Australia and New Zealand have the lowest COVID rates and lowest death rates. Dude, look over here. New Zealand and Australia. Look over here, New Zealand and Australia, highest COVID and death rates by over 400% in the history of the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:02:12 It's amazing. I did see the new CDC guidelines. We are almost at an all-time high for COVID spreading everywhere on the planet, but I'm nowhere near what's going on in New Zealand and Australia. And at the same time, cdc says there's don't worry um don't worry just go about your business nothing's required they change their guidelines it's done it is amazing i know i they're so they're so angry when you this is this is from uh what this is from our world and
Starting point is 00:02:44 data i mean what's funny is i just say the stuff that's on the cdc website people get upset They're so angry when you, this is, this is from, this is from our world and data. I mean, what's funny is, is I just say the stuff that's on the CDC website and people get upset. If the CDC website says that 94% of the people who died have four or more comorbidities and 6% there's no data for, that's the same as me saying, show me one healthy person who's died from COVID. I want to see one because the cdc can't report one but when i say it on instagram i get in trouble if when i when i just phrase it differently a scientist is someone who asks questions who tries to prove their hypothesis wrong not someone who tries to prove it right how could anything that comes from Pfizer that they're trying to prove right, that their medicine works, be science? When that's at its foundation, the process of science is about trying to prove yourself wrong. It takes a special person
Starting point is 00:03:39 to do that, not someone who wants to make money. You guys remember that from high school? You got to try to prove your hypothesis wrong. The point of the lockdowns, the quarantines, the masks, the injections, and all of that was, if it was science, we would have gone with the, the goal was to reduce deaths and transmissions and the spread and the number of, more specifically, the number of people who have the cases so that didn't overwhelm our hospitals. And so they took measures that they believe were the greatest predictive value to mitigate the stress it would put on hospitals. And so you see that the exact opposite happened. We're two years later and we're at an all-time high by 400% in Australia and New Zealand, which means that that wasn't science. It didn't offer the greatest
Starting point is 00:04:29 predictive value. And once again, all you have to do is go to the CDC website and see that they said the worst thing you can do during an outbreak is quarantine healthy people. So either they don't know what science is or they did they did that on purpose because we misunderstood them thinking the goal was to help people and the goal was to injure people i mean i don't think that but i'm sure there's someone who does it's it's like you can't even get my CDC streamlines COVID-19 guidelines to help the public protect themselves and understand their risk streamlines streamlines. What does that word even mean? If you participated in these shenanigans on any level, you – I mean you're not – streamlined, designed to provide with a form that presents very little resistance to a flow of air or water.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I think that's just a pun, which is the irony. That's the last thing they were trying to do. Oh, man. which is the irony. That's the last thing they were trying to do. Oh, man. Hey, can you imagine streamlining guidelines? It's not even the right use of the word. Isn't that what they did the entire time? Just streamlined it, right? Everything was streamlined kids let us tell you what to do it's streamlined
Starting point is 00:06:10 we're gonna distribute it just follow the guidelines it's so easy to watch to read i so don't want to destroy my family i so don't want to destroy my family but the shit that i saw family members do is crazy oh dude absurd right and the hypocrisy i have family that's traveling that's that that is traveling all over the world now and yet they were afraid of this before and yet they took an injection that hurt their immune system so So they're even more vulnerable now. I, I, I, Oh yeah. I have friends who were just, how stupid are these people?
Starting point is 00:06:50 What? Oh yeah. They're calling people names on their, on their social medias. It's like, how stupid are you for not staying home, doing all the things. And then here they are taking vacations to Hawaii, going on cruises.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yes. Within a year. It's like, didn't you just say that everybody was an idiot? Like, I don't understand. What changed for you? Hey, dude, there were games athletes wearing masks at the fucking games this week. Oh, no shit. It's unreal.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It's unreal. By the way, every time there's's one of those events it's a super spreader event which i think is kind of cool hello what's up what's up brother sorry for being late my man it's okay just allows me to fucking go off on how silly things are well there you go let's more in tangents in how silly the world is dude uh how are you i'm doing good how's everyone doing good yeah life's awesome i'm fucking i'm stoked we get to do this show it's uh it's fun shaved all your facial hair off i see i did a couple days ago i i was uh my mom my mom my my wife bought me the, this is, I'm going to say something really sexist here. That ball trimmer that's like being advertised everywhere, Manscaped, they're on their 4.0, but my wife bought me the 3.0.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Like I would never do that. Like I don't, dudes don't do that. They don't accidentally buy the wrong model. But anyway, she, but i've never used it on my balls but i used it on my face there you go yeah yeah is it is it a good trimmer it's actually a great trimmer and i should be very thankful she got it to me instead of complaining there's probably no difference between the three and the four probably not but i can understand you wanted the four. She needs to get her shit straight. Yeah, girl. Technologically, just get with the times. Although I think she can run the remotes better than me for the TV.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Justin had work today or something? I guess. He works for the government. Oh. He texts saying sad. I'll text him back. Yes, you are sad. We are happy.
Starting point is 00:09:10 We are happy because we are. I. Well, you're on your keyboard through your phone. Eat a dick. No, no. On my computer. Yeah, I'm saying. Oh oh that's pretty decent yeah if you dude you got you don't own a computer darian i don't yeah if you had a uh if you if you had if you had a laptop you can connect this thing on that i message you can have it on
Starting point is 00:09:40 your laptop that's pretty so here i'm telling just to eat a dick, but then I can look at you and be cool with you. Hey, that's pretty dope. I didn't know that you could do that. I need, might need a little, I might need to get a little laptop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I'll send you a link to a dope one. Okay. For sure. Yeah. A dope one that, that I was, okay. I want to,
Starting point is 00:10:00 I want to, I want to show you, Oh, here it is. I want to show you this. Have here it is. I want to show you this. This is fucking gnarly. These are two gnarly guys, people. If you don't watch, Dominic Cruz, I think he's the first ever 135-pound champion in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Oh, really? 37 years old. That's how new this sport is. Isn't that crazy? Crazy, crazy yeah i didn't know he was the first ever that's pretty nuts and here he is and this guy he's fighting is so cool what a trip you know vera is is a he's a cool guy and he's a an amazing fighter they're both weirdos in a good way right they're odd ducks yeah yeah i would say dominic dominic cruz is definitely a weirdo okay uh check check this out i'm gonna try to play it caleb am i gonna get in trouble for this do i have to play in seven second chunks is that how i do it or is it from the ufc's youtube it's um i don't know uh ufc uh
Starting point is 00:11:11 espn mma i'll just be careful you can play without the audio try playing with them although it's what they say that's so crazy okay yeah let's just let's just see what happens. We'll try it. Okay, here we go. Nothing really. I have nothing to say. I'm going to come Saturday night. I'm going to fight my ass off and everybody knows I'm willing to die in there. I'm willing to die in there. I'm going to
Starting point is 00:11:39 fight my ass off. Okay, here we go. This is my life. I do it for my family. I want to be a world champion. I fight my ass off. Okay, here we go. This is my life. I do it for my family. No noise. I want to be a world champion. That's it. I fight for my family. I want to be a world champion.
Starting point is 00:11:51 That's it. I'm also here to be a world champion. I'm willing to die too, and I'm fighting for my family too. Well, yeah. I feel like, and I mean, Dominic Cruz kind of has to win this fight, I feel like, just because he might be at the edge of his career, you know, and this, if he can win this fight, it'll show like he's still in it.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I mean, he has some of the best footwork ever, you know, that little switch foot work he does. I don't know if you've ever seen it, but. I don't know anyone else who fights like that. No one. I don't recognize it. No one else does. And it's pretty, it's outrageous footwork, really.
Starting point is 00:12:42 You know what I mean? And I will say, you remember, what's his name? Who's the guy that beat him real bad? Cody what? Got all the tattoos now. I can't even remember his name. Oh, it's not Sanhagen, is it? No, it's his name.
Starting point is 00:13:00 He's a little short guy. I mean, he's so tatted from his neck down oh cody garbrandt cody garbrandt he could have been you know somebody who moved like dominic cruz um in their fight he was you know kind of simulating the same thing and looked tremendous yeah i remember cody had a couple fights where he looked like he was going to be the next great fighter yeah and then i don't know what happened i don't know if he i think he became champion right for like a second a second he got he got turned into luke rockhold he got the spirit of Luke Rockhold in him and just couldn't take a punch anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Wait, is that his next fight right there, Cody Garbrandt? I mean, look at the two dudes. Oh, yeah, it does look like he's got a fight coming up. Oh, well, yeah. But, dude, look at the two dudes he had to fight. Look at Rob Font and Kai Carafrance. Yeah. Assassins, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:04 They both demolished him. Look at that. Lost, lost, win, lost,. Assassins, dude. They both demolished him. Look at that. Lost, lost, win. Lost, lost, lost, lost. And then Dominic Cruz was the last one. And he did pretty good in that one. He didn't finish Dominic Cruz, though. I think he could have, but he was playing around every time he dropped him, I think.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Dominic Cruz must look back at that and feel horrible for losing him man i'd say so hey did your fight change yeah it did um what happened you were fighting the fucking world champion kickboxer and now you're fighting a guy named johan johan lenice yeah and i'm in vegas now i'm not even in Paris. On a crazy card, dude. You're on a crazy card. I know. You're on a crazy card. It's pretty.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I'm glad it worked out this way. But I think what happened with that is, see, this fight was going to be the first time that the UFC was ever in Paris. that the UFC was ever in Paris. And I think with the France Boxing Commission, they thought he had not enough fights in MMA to fight somebody with seven fights in MMA. Oh, no shit? Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know that for certain, but that's what the hearsay is. All my manager told me was, that fight's over. The guy's out of that fight. What was his name? Cedric something. Cedric Dombe. Hey, he looked scary.
Starting point is 00:15:39 He looked formidable to me. Yeah, he looked good. I mean, his credentials were scary. Yeah. He looked good. and uh but i mean i don't know maybe they just thought he wouldn't have had enough wrestling experience i don't know like i said it was the first fight that was going to be in france and they just felt like they didn't want to put that matchup together. What's your new date?
Starting point is 00:16:09 September 10th, just a week from the original date. And that's the – Diaz. Yeah. Yeah, where Nate Diaz gets a W and me too. That venue is going to be chaos. Chaos. And I thought it was going to be at the Apex in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Because most of them usually are. But it's at the T-Mobile Arena. Yeah, it's going to be sold out. It's going to be chaos in there. It's going to be nice. Yeah, it's going to be a very aggressive crowd. Yeah, I cannot wait. It's going to be a very aggressive crowd. Yeah, I cannot wait. It's going to be fun. What's cool about this opponent, about opponent 8-1,
Starting point is 00:16:52 he actually got knocked out to that Gabe Green guy, you know, the same dude who fought Ian Gary just a second ago? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he got touched up way more than me, so I thought it would be, I thought this was going to be cool, you know what I mean? Yeah, that is cool. The Gabe Green guy knocked him out, and I feel like my fight with Ian Gary went way better than his fight with Ian Gary.
Starting point is 00:17:17 So it'll be cool to kind of see what this guy's about. I mean, he's got like – maybe he's got a little wrestling. His striking looks awfully awkward, but I mean. Did you see Brian Battles talking shit about Ian Gary? I like Brian Battle. Yeah, I did see that. Oh, yeah, and that card. Yeah, we didn't get to podcast.
Starting point is 00:17:46 That card was crazy. Yeah. Every single one of them, every fight got finished on that card. Yeah, and that's only the third time that's happened in UFC history. All 11 fights, fucking K, people got slept. Those motherfuckers came to bang. But yeah, I seen that. And I think that's a good, i think that was a good call out you know what i mean i mean what brian battles on his what fourth or third fight in the ufc he won the contender series nope he won tough contest oh right right right right right right
Starting point is 00:18:22 and now i feel like yeah i feel like that's a good call out for sure yes it's gonna be good i like him he's wild yeah he is he was the first champion at 135 pounds he came from uh something called world extreme cage fighting yeah wec andEC and he beat some dude named Scott Jorgensen in December 16th of 2010 man 12 years ago yeah Cheeto on the other hand beat
Starting point is 00:18:56 fucking Rob Font and fucking chopped Sean O'Malley down like he was a bitch and what happened with that fight did they give that loss to Sean o'malley or yeah oh yeah i thought they said that there was like a sean claims it's not a loss he denies it's on there he just keeps saying i'm undefeated but dude he got fucking chopped up couldn't even stand it and hey i bet you i bet you uh uh vera does that to him again dude dude, if they ever meet again.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And that's what's so crazy. And now, since he's going against Peter Yon, I mean, I don't know. You know what I mean? Don't get me wrong. O'Malley has all the talent, but there's some bad motherfuckers at 135. What do you think Yon does to him? You think Y Jan wins that? I think it looks like the same as Corey Sandhagen fight.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I think they have a good, you know, exchange for one, two rounds. But after that, I mean, I feel like Peter Jan will start putting some things together. I mean, with wrestling and you've never seen, you've never seen Sean O'Malley wrestle. You know, you've never seen him taken down. You've never seen him defend many shots. So, I mean, that'll be a whole new, new ball game, I think. But then again, I'm so disappointed that Peter Yan got beat by Aljamain Sterling. I did not see that coming.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Um, uh, Aljamain, I think I can't even, i can't even imagine aljermaine fighting uh sean that puts it in perspective for me too because i think aljermaine would fucking take sean o'malley and tie him into a fucking knot yes i think he would take sean o'malley down and beat him to a pulp it would be so fucking bad for sean o'malley and so to think yeah you're right peter yawn if that goes gets into the third fourth and fifth round i, he's a superstar in those rounds. And Sean O'Malley couldn't even put that fucking Chris Montanillo away and used his face as a punching bag. He couldn't even put him away.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Yeah. And that's, I mean, we'll see how it goes. I mean, Sean O'Malley, he's still a great athlete. I mean, Sean O'Malley, he's still a great athlete. I mean, he's fast. He's, he hits hard for being as skinny as he is. But Jan is,
Starting point is 00:21:12 like you said, he's a superstar of the sport. I feel like, I feel like some, some things are going to be shown to Sean O'Malley. Like, Hey buddy, this is what it's like when you're,
Starting point is 00:21:21 when you're not getting a handed fights. Uh, what it's like when you're yeah when you're not getting handed fights uh can you play that clip on instagram um where we can look at sean o'malley's footwork get darian i know darian was saying just how crazy it is you kind of can't even believe it did he i heard he created that like he that's his creation in the lab that's not like some any there's no conventional boxing there's no there's nothing there's no one else who does it do you see the link uh caleb if not i could pull it okay no which one is it it says a dominant cruise innovative or weirdo you you hear him you hear uh you know when um Cormier and Rogan talk about him, they're always like,
Starting point is 00:22:08 the most innovative fighter of all time. Yeah, I saw this video. It's so nasty. The way he just moves away. And he can switch stance and then switch back. That's what's crazy about it. Boom.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Eesh. I mean, you know how fast you have to be to fight like that with your hands down? You think he can still do that at 37? We're going to fucking find out. And not only that, I hope he can move like that because like you said chito vera is a leg kicker yeah he is gonna try to bust them calves up and if he can hit those legs early yeah no he's not moving like that if he can get them legs early you know i mean he's
Starting point is 00:23:01 gonna be stationary uh dominic cruz has blown his knee out twice and had two two like nine month recoveries probably from that footwork boy that looks it looks drastic to do to be bouncing back and forth like that it's and uh and his last fight was against ped Munoz on December 21st. And sorry, in December of 2021. And he beat Pedro, which is kind of crazy. Pedro's legit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Isn't that the guy that just fought Shano? He pulled out, I think, right? No, he was in the fight, but he got poked in his. Oh, that's right. Poked in his eye. Yeah. You's right. Poked in his eye. Yeah. You think that was bullshit? That was straight bullshit.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I mean, anybody who's a fighter would have known. I mean, if it's like a straightforward, oh, I got finger in the eye, this thing, like, touched his eye like this. Like, come on. Will you pull up Pedro Munoz's Instagram? That's interesting you say that so why do you think he did it was so early in the fight you think he knew it was bad for him i don't know like sean o'malley claims that he was blocking his kicks and he could feel that
Starting point is 00:24:18 dude's shin hitting up against his shin and he was getting hurt he feels feels like. But, yeah, I don't know. It was so early in the fight. So early. And maybe he just felt like things were going south. I couldn't look at that. There it is, yeah. Look at this. I mean, it's placed on his eye. Watch. Oh, God, that's so hard to watch someone's eyeball get touched like that but look how flat the finger
Starting point is 00:24:49 is yeah yeah there's no fingernail it's not extended yeah you're getting injured hardly with that and your eye is still open look at that i would have had to immediately close my eye if it was a bit come on dude that's not no damn interesting i like like why would he do that i don't know that's so in one of these in one of these interviews dominant crew said that that um those knee injuries were so depressing that he was considering ending his life. What? Yeah. Crazy, right? That is horrible.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I hate to see an athlete think that way, you know what I mean? 37, Marlon is 29. You could say that, is 29 a prime for a fighter? I feel like it is. I feel like from the ages 28 to 33, 34 would be a prime. Really? That's not old for a fighter, 33, 34? I don't think so, especially not in this day and age with the technology that's out.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I mean, I don't feel like – The diet, the training. Yeah, the stuff that you're able to you're able to do with I mean I know we keep going back to this but look at Yoel Romero you know Glover Teixeira those people are you know up there in age and still fighting you know
Starting point is 00:26:18 and when you when you I mean yeah I feel like you think Glover stutters a little bit now after that last fight? You think he does? I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised. Get a little...
Starting point is 00:26:35 Get a little stutter now. That fight was crazy. Are they running that back? I heard that the guy wants to run it back. Really? Prochazka? The ponytail man? Because he said he doesn't feel like he beat him the way he wanted to or something.
Starting point is 00:26:55 He's fucking stupid. He better not get back in there with Glover. I know. Glover was on my man. Glover would have won that fight if it would have ended 15 seconds sooner. Man, if he would have just held out. He was... He won the fight.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I mean, crazy. But another fight on this San Diego card that's weird. Why did they move the Quinlan-Jason Witt fight? Did you see that? I'm looking.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I had Jason Witt on the show. He had to do it from a... I don't see that fight. Is it still on here? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Tomorrow at 1 p.m., Jason Witt versus Josh Quinlan. Yeah. Quinlan's like the only one of two dudes who's undefeated on the card.
Starting point is 00:27:47 What do you mean? Where was it? Where did they move it? It was supposed to be in Vegas last week on that card, on that last week's card. Oh, and they moved it to here. I don't know what happened. Yeah. I thought Jason was going to quit after his last fight for some reason.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Retire. No, I doubt that. I think he wants to get this bread. Do you train with him? I don't train with him. I have trained with him. He's one of my favorite training partners to train with, really. Yeah, he's a tough dude.
Starting point is 00:28:18 He's cool as shit, too. Yes, he's cool. Yeah, he's a real strong guy. I'm excited to see his fight i was excited to see it last week but look at the guy he's fighting he looks like he fell out of a samurai movie yeah i know i've seen that so this is the thing wow uh wit looks uh thin there yeah he does doesn't he? Yeah. But, oh, yeah, this is also, look, they weighed in, and then they moved the fight. So you drop down to 170, and now you have to go a week and then drop down again.
Starting point is 00:28:55 That would be frustrating. The reason Quinlan and Witt got moved to next weekend per UFC, you saw the notified UFC that a urine sample from quinlan indicated a small amount of m3 metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone uh-oh and and here's the kicker that's the same reason okay so quinlan won his contender series is how he got into the u. And that's the same reason they took that win away from him, is because he had a metabolite of that as well.
Starting point is 00:29:32 A little juicy juicy? Yeah. And so... How can it just move down a week? You hear me? But this is why they did it, is because each city has a different rule on how much metabolite you can have in your system of something and fight.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah. So they were like, Oh fuck it. We'll just like Las Vegas doesn't give you any space at all. The Nevada commission is like, Nope, you might be on steroids. You can't fight.
Starting point is 00:30:04 But that's what happened to Jon Jones, right? He got just like a micro dose. That's why they moved that car to somewhere, too, I think, like Texas or something. But then they moved it down to San Diego, where I guess everything's good to go. But this fight, oh, that's where the fight is this weekend in San Diego it's yeah on the Dominic Cruz card why is this fight in San Diego and why is it starting so early
Starting point is 00:30:32 I don't know why the fight starts so early because you're over there on the west coast it starts at 1 guys the main card starts at 4 and this prelim card starts at 1. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Because that would be 6 o'clock over here. I don't know. It is awfully early. I don't know why it's starting so early. Who do you think wins that fight between Witt and Quinlan? I mean, I... Too close to home? I'm just saying I feel like Witt has strong wrestling.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I think he needs to do something different with his striking. That's why he got touched up in the last fight. His striking doesn't fit his style of fighting. James Krause kind of puts everybody on the same kind of striking system at Glory and I feel like Jason Witt needs more of a more of a bulldozer
Starting point is 00:31:33 I come forward throw overhands type striking because I feel like he will sleep a lot of people just because of how short he is and how stocky his shoulders are I feel like he'll put a lot of people to bed, but you know, Josh Quinlan's on, you know, juicy up. Who knows what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I've never, I can't remember ever seeing Quinlan fight. Yeah. He fought, remember he was supposed to fight me, but then he fought, uh, some guy named, uh, what the hell is the guy's name it's some guy that they pulled in for two in two days notice and the guy made 170 in two days wow yeah wow i'll look it up see who it is real quick josh what's his name logan logan urban that's who he fought logan urban oh this guy didn't always have he used to have short hair oh yeah yeah he said okay yeah yeah no fucking logan urban and he knocked that dude out in 47 seconds. Holy shit. I don't recognize any of these other guys he fought. Do you recognize them?
Starting point is 00:32:48 Dallas, Joe, Pete? Dallas Jennings is a teammate of mine. He fought these guys on LFA. Okay. These are all LFA fights. And then that contender series fight was his UFC break-in. Which I find that so weird. his UFC break in and which I find that so weird. Like you win a UFC container series and then you pop for a drug test.
Starting point is 00:33:11 This is like the fourth guy who's done that. And they still give them their contract. Like what? Yeah. What is the UFC policy on that? Do you know? I don't, I,
Starting point is 00:33:19 I have no clue, but I guess it's like, uh, it's all right that you take steroids. We'll jump you in the UFC anyway. Send Daring some Paper Street coffee. I know he's a little sluggish today. I was thinking maybe he's been up all night doing Molly or something.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Yeah, you know, I was on that Justin vibe, and it didn't work. Where are you? You're not even at home, are you? I am at home. That's, yeah. Oh, I thought, so didn't you just immediately get up and go to training camp oh yeah i did for that two two or something weeks uh to new mexico and now you're back home yeah now i'm back home back home yeah it's uh it's a good uh it's a good feeling. I like going to training camps, but I also just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You're not getting soft, are you? I've never been soft. Never. I'll send you his address. You got a grinder? You know how to grind beans, Darren? No, we don't have a bean grinder. How much does a bean grinder cost?
Starting point is 00:34:22 I don't know. Maybe that may be paper street coffee go ahead caleb gabe can grind them for him pre-grind them over yep awesome i love i love coffee so dominic cruz is a commentator for the ufc and i didn't know this marlon vera is also a commentator for the ufc he commentates in spanish so for all the cats south of san diego he commentates in Spanish so for all the cats south of San Diego he commentates did you know that I did not know that where's he commentate at I guess just he's there also but he just does it all in Espanol so we never we never know so it's the first time two UFC commentators have fought this that's pretty that's pretty cool just a little cool uh snippet there I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:35:04 up some videos of him commentating i mean i know i won't understand it but i just want to see how he does uh and uh you know who else is on this card who i i really we tried to get on the show a bunch and i i'm gonna bug him as soon as this fight's over is david onama have you have you have you fucked with him at all yeah i've trained with. I've sparred with him. He's good. He's a super good athlete. I like to see him do good.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I'm excited to watch him fight. I hope he gets a good finish on this guy as well. This guy's been on the same little fight streak that he has, though, or win streak. I think they've both won four in a row or three in a row. David's six KOs, four submissions, one loss, and he's with James Krause, too. Hey, when they do that, when they schedule these fights, will they just go and try to get, like, a bunch of fighters from the same camp like that on purpose? I don't—yeah, I don't know. Or scheduling or logistics?
Starting point is 00:36:04 I don't think so. I think that—remember, because Jason Wendt was supposed to be on the card previous. Okay. like that on purpose i don't yeah i don't know scheduling or logistics i don't think so i think that remember because that jason went was supposed to be on the car previous okay right yeah and so i think they just it just worked out that way james kraus is everywhere now he is and he retired from the ufc did you see that yeah i did i'm having trouble believing that what do you mean because i think he was on a six fight win streak oh so you think he wants to uh i think i mean he may be done like you said like he's everywhere and now he's the corner to the champ of what 125 uh moreno yeah yeah i mean he's doing good for himself you know he don't need to get punched in the face anymore.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Oh, he's not on it. Okay, so he has one loss in his last seven fights. Trevon Giles, I think, right? Yep, yep, yep. Damn, you're good. Yep. Trevon Giles. Yeah, but I'll give him props for that because James Crouch usually fights 155.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And he fought him at 18 usually fights 155. Yeah. And he fought him at 185. Holy shit. Wow. And he didn't get knocked out. And he didn't get knocked out. And took it to a split decision. You know what I mean? Like, could have won it, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:20 Only undefeated guy. I guess Josh Quinlan's undefeated too, Um, only undefeated guy. I guess Josh Quinlan's undefeated too, but there's another undefeated guy on the card named Azamat Mirzakhanov. Whenever I see those Russian names, I start to get a fucking little scared. Um, he only has one fight in the UFC, and he's 5'10", and he's fighting light heavyweight.
Starting point is 00:37:43 You see that guy on the card, Caleb? Do you know who this is? Do you have any thoughts about this guy, Darian? I don't even know. Find him. I want to say he's 5-0. Oh, he's fighting Devin Clark, wolf. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Put the tool on him. But 11-0? Oh, that's pretty decent. Is that on the main card? Where is that? That's got to be on the main card. Oh, yeah, main card. I don that? That's got to be on the main card. Oh, yeah. Main card. I don't think there's many big fights of this San Diego card.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Oh, that'll be a good fight. A good, interesting fight. Devin Clark had a pretty nasty knockout against that real stocky. Oh, man, yep. He's as Russian as they come, huh? And 35, right? So he's getting there. He's getting old.
Starting point is 00:38:36 He's getting there. He's fitting in a little bit past his prime, but he seems like he's got to. Where was his fights before that? How many fights has he had in the UFC I think only one I think he came up through the contender series and then he had one fight
Starting point is 00:38:53 flying knee he did a flying knee KO wow that's savage wow well I'm excited to see this guy fight, though. And that's short for a light heavyweight, right? 5'10"?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah. And I mean, you know how bulky you are at 5'10", 205? Two other fights I want to bring up. Bruno Silva versus Gerald Mears Charette. versus uh gerald uh mirrors chur churret and uh the first time i saw gerald fight was when he had to fight um hobbins on hobbins on what's the guy's name the guy's fighting the on your card against nate diaz hazmat chamayev yeah yeah hazmat chamayev uh this guy fucking hazmat just walked over to him and just fucking punched him twice in the face and basically the fight was over it was fucking crazy but this guy is the has the most submissions in the middle
Starting point is 00:39:51 class in ufc history he how's my farm at middleweight uh uh i want to say they fought at 185 is that middleweight yeah yeah okay crazy right and um and then since then uh hazmat's all only fought at 171 but he just walked right over to this dude and this dude was talking some crazy shit that he was going to win the fight and he got knocked out with two punches but this guy has like 26 submissions and i think he has like eight in the UFC all rear naked choke or something. So this is going to be a pretty interesting fight against Bruno Silva. Oh, that boy is a human anaconda. Yeah. But he takes a lot of shots, man.
Starting point is 00:40:34 He takes a lot of shots. Who is he fighting on this card? A guy named Bruno Silva. So that's going to be – I think that's another good one that's gonna be a fun interesting one to watch just because there's some history there and then finally uh did you see who's fighting uh the the main event on the uh preliminary card angela hill she's she's 13 and 12 like when do you stop right that's not good right well losses is pretty i mean if they're gonna keep paying you i guess keep getting in there you know i mean like money's money but man 12 losses i mean you're
Starting point is 00:41:14 going she's going 500 dude. 13 and 12. What do you think? You got her winning the card? No. I can't ever see her winning again. You know what is one of the strangest fights? So, hey, dude, she's lost three in a row. Yeah, I see.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I know. The UFC is like she's lost 5 of her last 6 fights dude the UFC is kind of like picky about that they try to keep people on who they think I don't know are good fighters or may
Starting point is 00:41:57 beat other fighters or something I don't know hey did you ever see this fighter I think it's amanda lemos probably don't want to cut female fighters because there's not a whole ton of them but no i don't know who amanda lemos is no it's not her it's verna this one oh have you seen this fighter look at look at click that chick verna i remember when angela hill fought her and look at this chick's eyes i i could never tell where she's at the top sorry she's her she's angela hill's last fight i and i could never tell
Starting point is 00:42:33 where this chick was looking oh yeah she got her eyes cocked like a pistol oh yes i do remember her and i'm like what the fuck is she looking at angela hill or like what's going on here what who's she looking at the crowd and angela just yeah keep things make sure she's got all her surroundings covered yeah she does and look at her nickname i don't even know what that means cara cara yeah i don't know what that means either it's got to be what is she she brazilian or something 18 and three maybe i don't know but yeah yeah brazilian that that i want to see her instagram that chick needs to be a champ yeah with that yeah dude the images are fucking wild go to google images and check her out oh yeah and you can see that that left eye is far out of there
Starting point is 00:43:31 yeah okay so that is so that is what's happening look at that first picture of her caleb yeah yeah one of her eyes is looking to the right and one's looking to the left so that's why you can't tell yeah you think she. You think she has normal vision? No, I think she can see behind her head. I think she's like part owl. Oh, my gosh. Look how far they all are off to the side. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:44:00 18 and 3. Hey, she can see everything going on in the ring, though. That's for damn sure her eyes are pretty normal there yep I wonder when she fights next do we I'd like to see her next fight oh she's not scheduled oh yeah man how was that
Starting point is 00:44:16 CrossFit game that's what I was gonna ask you those freaking girls in there are jacked savage jacked yeah it was something else the people who were supposed to win one that there's a uh a lady named tia toomey she cleaned house and uh she was like her sixth sixth victory and then the and then the guy who was supposed to win justin madaris won also he took second it was a long week dude
Starting point is 00:44:45 i'm not gonna lie yeah covering the same shit i thought ufc is great what what you know they fight it's over yeah it was fucking they do this they do those competitions for a week long basically yeah it was five five days that's shitty to work out that much oh dude they're so beat down i get so tired of watching people work out i'm like fuck man yeah no i was just skimming over a couple videos because they had it on um social media and i was just like these girls would put to shame some of the dudes who go to the gym regularly you know oh dude there there was a there was one workout there where um it was a it was a swim skier workout i don't know if you know what a skier is yeah you know what it is you pull the ropes and and basically she she finished
Starting point is 00:45:39 better so those guys there really fit the 40 fittest dudes on the planet meaning they just they're they have a perfect mixture of strength and conditioning and gymnastics, right? Those three elements. And so there was a girl there who, in that workout, beat 13 of the men because they did the exact same workout. That's how fit she was, Lucy Campbell. And these are young girls, like under 20. Yeah, and their freaking back muscles are just peeling out of their freaking training bras do you i i don't think they're juicing do you think i'm crazy
Starting point is 00:46:09 i mean man some of them it's hard to like think oh you just did this by yourself now do i say am i gonna say like steroids or no i'm not gonna say they're on that but i mean some kind of freaking hormonal enhancement not like i'm not saying illegally but i'm just saying to be able to get your body that ripped especially as a woman and again i'm not trying to be sexist but you have to be able to recover immediately like to keep going they are not juicing who said at least car redow i here's one of the girls one of the girls is 17 her name's emma lawson she looks nothing like the other girls she she took she she was like in third place the whole weekend and she ended up finishing
Starting point is 00:47:03 like sixth or seventh. She has a phenomenal physique, don't get me wrong, but she's not all jacked out of her brain, but she's 17, right? Yeah. But man, she performed crazy. But I bet you we're going to see her body in four or five years, and just from that fucking pounding she's putting on it, she's going to get jacked. Yeah. And I feel like, like I said, I don't feel like they're juicing but i mean alan kestenbaum definitely juicing you asshole no show the real big ones dude oh yeah so that's the girl that's the 17 year old
Starting point is 00:47:38 and don't get me wrong i mean she she walks into a starbucks and everyone's gonna look at her but she looks nothing like the other girls look at her look at her look at her six-pack yeah well they yeah and look at her shoulders and her delton shit yeah like she is she is jackie but she's been doing this since she's 13 god and that's another thing i can't imagine a 17 year old girl ever being like, I can't. Dad, can we go to Mexico? I want to get juiced up. I just can't. I want to get juicy. Yeah. I just can't. I don't know. Maybe I'm just naive. I just can't see it. I feel that. I don't I don't I don't feel like you know what for the majority of them.
Starting point is 00:48:19 No, I don't feel like they're juicing. You're a good dude. Like the big ones. don't feel like they're juicing you're a good dude like some big ones but uh if you're if a girl's not 40 pounds heavier than me then she she can't get she can't get at this you can't get at it yeah i don't feel like most of them are juicing but i mean there are gonna be those few i mean there was one she's a blonde chick and she's like super i mean gosh damn dude it's hard to say who's who's he who's the one that he thinks is the big one show him danny spiegel i wonder if that's who's talking are you talking about the one that picked up the 250 pound sandbag and threw it on her shoulder let me see let's see
Starting point is 00:48:58 i want to see her pick darian up and carry him away to the bedroom to the back room to the champagne room yes bro I think it is her yes look at that's too fitty dude do you know how unruly that bag is yeah because it's like not even like
Starting point is 00:49:18 it would be different if it was solid through it's sand you know what I mean so yeah hey that's just um what's the singer's name who sings that song hello yeah uh lionel richie no no no no the girl who does it lionel richie damn you're showing your age uh um who's the girl who sings it uh gazelle? Linnell? Giselle? I don't know no hello by Giselle. No, hold on.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Hold on. She was like. Adele. Adele. Yeah, thank you. Hey, that's Adele if she worked out. You think so? Adele does work out.
Starting point is 00:50:00 She does? She lost like 50 plus pounds, I think. She looks lean. She looks better. But I bet you, I could just see Danny Spiegel as like Adele. I wonder if Danny can sing. Dude, and you don't think she's, I mean, no disrespect if Danny ever sees this podcast. I know you are a CrossFit podcast. I don't want her coming to my house and beating the shit out of me.
Starting point is 00:50:24 She's just sitting on your porch with a fucking gallon of ice cream darian i know you're in there motherfucker come out but i'm just saying man that i mean her i'm just giving her props her physique is unreal that it makes my mind go to enhancements uh caleb show darian one of those pictures pictures where she's on the porch with all the girls and they're in their bra and panties. Pull up one of those. And it's just ridiculous. Whenever I see pictures like this, too, I just imagine, hey, girls, you want to come over and take some pictures on my porch in your bra and panties? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:58 These pictures are just ridiculous. And I see them a lot. All these jacked women, just, yeah, look at them a lot just all these jacked women just yeah look at them they're all jacked and look she's yeah she's got sleeves on so you can't really tell right here do do the one where they're on the porch that one's just ridiculous in the pink bra that freaking training bra up there right there where she's flexing she there, where she's flexing. No, where she's flexing. She is fucking jacked right here,
Starting point is 00:51:30 where she's flexing right in the thing. Look at her back, dude. Yeah. She could do some pull-ups. Pull-ups? How much weight is that? I don't know. That's hundreds of pounds.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Look at the one of her in the bathing suit. Let's sit Madison, the bathing suit. Let's look at, let's all go that one for a minute. And she looks pretty fucking lean there too. Dude. She's she's jacked.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I heard though that she does not look like this in person. What's that mean? I don't know. Someone said that to me. They said, Hey, I just saw her on the buttery bros video and she looks totally different than she does on her Instagram. So I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:52:10 She diets for this one, and then she's probably eating freaking 9,000 calories a day. Look at her legs. To get those type of legs, I mean, goodness, man. And she has a straight, I mean. I'm just looking at her toe spacers i never even looked at her legs i hate toe spacers do you use them no i just feel people were they weirded me out when they put toes off i feel like they just went to the freaking pedicure and got their feet done and now they weren't toe spacers i mean i know they probably
Starting point is 00:52:46 help they said they help with like balance and dude i bet you have to wear them for like three hours a day for fucking 10 years for them to move your toes even any amount yeah for them to actually work yeah and people are jumping on them like oh oh, my gosh, I can feel such a difference every day. I wake up and squeeze my little rubber toe spacers on. Like, okay, you weirdos. One of the coolest chicks in the cross. You wear Toe Spacers on 7? You got Toe Spacers?
Starting point is 00:53:15 No, no. Yeah, you got Toe Spacers. No. But I'm barefoot a lot. I'm barefoot now. I feel like that's the best thing to be like yeah just bare foot to walk around barefoot is yeah a big like that's a help to what we're supposed to do you know wearing shoes all the time i get it not good but have you seen lebron's feet no i couldn't
Starting point is 00:53:39 imagine what his feet look like will you pull that up real quick caleb and then we'll pick the winners feet up real quick you will not you then we'll pick the winners. Pull LeBron's feet up real quick. You will not believe these are the feet of the greatest basketball player alive. It is fucking nuts. I don't even know how these work. His big toe and his small toe are like trying to meet. Oh, that's ugly, bro. Oh, that's ugly.
Starting point is 00:54:04 What's wrong with his pinky toe? Hey, dude, it's fucking too many. He just wore Nikes for too long. That's what Nikes do to your feet, dude. Dude, that is the weirdest fucking looking foot. Hey, your big toe, that's just from shoes, dude. That's you're just wearing the wrong shoes. You see that?
Starting point is 00:54:23 The way that big toe, My big toe goes out. Mine does too. Mine squares up. It does not bend in like that. No. Look at that. That's from wearing high heels. That's from doing all those.
Starting point is 00:54:36 That's from, yeah, those are from wearing high heels. But I'll tell you this. I wear these type of shoes all the time. Like, they don't have any, like, tie. Damn, those are like boots. what are you going to a fashion show hey you know i'm saying i was going to paris boy i was trying to get ready on the ass holy shit you're gonna walk the runway who makes those what are those dude i got these fucking off i don't know who makes them i got these off amazon for like 27 and they're comfortable
Starting point is 00:55:01 dude comfortable as hell i looked up man's shoes, and they're the best comfortable shoes. That's bullshit. Hey, Caleb, look up men's walking shoes. Those look like he looked up men's cross-dressing shoes. I think he got his fucking – he keystroked that wrong on his keyboard. Those look like something Bruno would wear. Oh, shit. I wish Justin was was here he never let you live those shoes down never he'd never he'll probably watch it and then message me about the shoes let me see this
Starting point is 00:55:36 those not no man i did on amazon man i knew it i knew it i knew it hey the reason why they put those they he got those during a lgbq month on amazon he looked at men's walking shoes that that was like a lgbq owned business 40 off only yes dollars for the buy oh shit well they are comfortable so these gay guys do know how to wear shoes, make comfortable feet. I'm going to ask you the four fights we talked about. Pick the winners. Jason Witt, Josh Quinlan.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I'm going to go Jason Witt. Let's see him win. You know what I'm saying? He's a good dude. Angela Hill or Lupita? Could you pull up the sheet so he could see it too? I don't need to see the sheet. She's 13 and 12.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And Lupita's 8 and 2. Yeah, I'm going Lupita. Bye-bye. I'm going with Lupita too. That sucks too because I like Angela Hill, but she needs to fucking retire yeah I mean she's just in there for a beating now you don't want to be the girl who they just
Starting point is 00:56:50 want to get beat up at 4pm Bruno versus this guy Gerald Gerald's 34 and 15 Bruno's 22 and 7 but Gerald holds the most submissions in middleweight UFC history I'm going gerald you're
Starting point is 00:57:07 going with gerald i'm going bruno 185 okay go bruno uh devon clark or as as asshat as a mat i ain't going with asshat i'm going with fucking devon clark devon you trained with him before i have trained with him. He's the one that introduced me to Jon Jones. Oh, cool. Oh, wow. Him and Jon Jones are like close buddies. Nate versus David Onama.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I'm going to go David Onama. You want to pick a round for that? Yeah, I want to go. You know what? Let's just get risky. risky i'm gonna say beginning of the third round maybe like minute and a half in a knockout yeah a finish let me say finish okay i don't know let's just maybe not knock out let's say finish and now be honest marlon vera dominant cruise and i would so honest, and it sucks to hear this, but I'm going to go Marlon Vera. Me too. You know, he's just too big of a savage right now.
Starting point is 00:58:15 He is a dangerous person, and Dominic Cruz hasn't fought in, what, four years? Dude, look at Dominic's record, though. He only lost three times. That's fucking tremendous. I don't think it's going to go the distance either. I think it might be a long fight. Oh, yeah, but I think someone's getting finished. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:40 I think Vero will, like I said, I think Vero will chop his legs up, slow him down a little bit. I mean, I promise you that's the game plan for his camp, just to slow him down a little bit. Once you get four or five hard kicks on Dominic Cruz's legs, he can't jump around like that. And then just commence to punch him in his face. I got bad news for you. Huh? 30 seconds into the first round, Dominicures himself and it's over that's not an eye poke either it's gonna be yeah his third it's gonna be his third
Starting point is 00:59:13 knee injury 30 seconds in damn you're already putting his third knee injury on him he's toast you just heard him say he almost took his life he He's like, fuck it. He's going to blow it out again. He's toast. Damn. Well, I'm hoping. Seven, I'm going to. Send you my bet slip. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I suck. Someone's calling Darian. Darian Weeks, thanks for coming on the show. And we're going to get you a paper street coffee sent to your house. I got your address. I'll send it over to this dude. And remember, text me your address. I still have the senior t-shirt. Oh, perfect. Okay. I will see you on the text thread soon. Let's make sure we make fun of Justin for not joining the show today. I'm going to blow them up. I'm going to blow them up with
Starting point is 01:00:02 messages. Awesome. thanks for coming on dude i'll talk to you soon okay bye heidi i'm glad you said that homie needs some serious coffee holy cow what if i would have had to do this show by myself when me and caleb had to do it caleb do you watch the fights overseas? I haven't really been able to. They're kind of late here. Oh.
Starting point is 01:00:31 But you could if you wanted to. Yeah, I could, for sure. You guys have like TV or ESPN or that shit? Yeah, usually I'll pull it up, not through the UFC website. Oh, gotcha. Do you guys have a chow hall or something with a big TV that's like, um, not, no, not, not like that.
Starting point is 01:00:53 No, we just kind of like eat and believe. Uh, I play a ton of soccer. The toast bakers combined with knees over toes, got ATG training helps a ton for foot health. I knew you were toast spacers combined with knees over toes, got ATG training helps a ton for foot health. I knew you were toe spacers. Fucking knew it. Um, tonight we might do something.
Starting point is 01:01:16 What is tonight? It's Saturday. No, is it Saturday? It's Friday, Friday, Friday. Oh,
Starting point is 01:01:23 that's good. Oh, you know who fights tonight? Guys, uh, Steve Mowry fights today. He's been on friday friday oh that's good oh you know who fights tonight guys uh steve maury fights today he's been on the show uh we call him tall steve he's 10 and 0 or maybe 11 and 0 as a heavyweight uh he's six foot eight um he's been on the show at least twice he fights tonight bellator 283 he's the co-main event i think it's on show time and i think you can watch the prelims for free on youtube you just have to type in bellator god tall steve yeah god do you know how much like an organization like that do you know how much i could help blow them up it's so it's they just have no media. They have nothing.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Even this UFC fight this weekend has just ass media. I never see anything about it until the day of. The UFC fight night stuff? All of them. And then all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:02:22 I see their behind the scenes and their YouTube video. It's crazy. and then I all of a sudden I see like they're behind the scenes and they're any sort of YouTube video it's crazy are you guys having an outbreak where you're at no it doesn't exist over here I think we have more serious problems. I used to love watching UFC Embedded. All right, guys. I will talk to you soon.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Maybe we'll do a show this evening. Tomorrow morning we have Ariel Lowen. I think I scheduled it last night. And then Sunday we have Sean Zimmer a guy from Canada who basically put his middle finger up to the cops and used his backyard to train thousands and thousands of people during the pandemic and then on the 15th
Starting point is 01:03:16 I'm traveling to Newport, California and I don't know when I'm going to do a podcast on that Monday I guess it's going to be at night time in that studio in the kitchen at the beach And I don't know when I'm going to do a podcast on that Monday. I guess it's going to be at nighttime. In that studio in the kitchen at the beach. And then the 16th, we have Dr. Cash on again. Then on the 17th, we have Sherman Merrick's CrossFit affiliate owner.
Starting point is 01:03:36 The 18th, we have Kevin Kessler. 19th, Allen Stein. Alex Stein. I think somewhere in there, we're going to have Adam Neiffer on also, Justin Medeiros' coach. And who else? There's another UFC fighter that's supposed to come on. AJ Fletcher is going to come on. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I will talk to you guys soon. Thanks for checking in. Thanks for watching the show. Bye-bye.

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