The Sevan Podcast - #552 - Shaun Zimmer

Episode Date: August 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And wild and bam, we're live. Mr. Zimmer. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Dude, were you in a tussle? Once upon a time, a few times. I'm, is that, do you have have a black eye I can oh that's a uh that's a scar from oh geez I don't even know 15 years ago a beer bottle a little uh tussle many many years ago left a pretty good uh pretty good markup on my face so shit I've watched so many videos of you isn't that weird that I've never noticed that before? You know what? It seems in the summertime when I get more sun, it's shining through.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Oh, you're trying to show off like you got sun up there in Winnipeg right now? We had a couple days before the snow gets back here. Dude, I had a co-worker live up there and um we had a meeting in california and i'm like hey dude i'm so sorry it's short notice can you come down tomorrow i'd love to see you he goes yeah no problem and i go dude i go wow that was so easy i thought you were going to push back he's like dude go to type in winnipeg and look at the temperature it was it was like negative 24 is that real there oh yeah yeah yeah i guess uh yeah i'm uh celsius i guess to about minus 50 with the uh wind chill so i can't remember what that is in fahrenheit it's uh yeah it's real cold the wind is what gets us here is that um uh
Starting point is 00:02:03 is that is that this is gonna sound so naive but is that real that like you can go outside and take a bucket of water and throw it in the air and it freezes before it hits the ground yeah if you take uh hot water yeah because the vapors yeah if you take hot water boiling water and throw it in the air it'll freeze before it hits the ground oh as opposed to cold water won't yeah yeah i don't think cold water will, no. No, no, it won't. No. How about when, so if you peed, does it just hit the ground and turn to ice?
Starting point is 00:02:31 No. Because that comes out at, I think your pee comes out at your body temp, right? Not hot enough. Yeah, it's not hot enough. No, no, because the pee doesn't freeze enough. Savage. How did you end up in Winnipeg? what's your family's history that you ended up there
Starting point is 00:02:47 uh well i actually i was born and raised in a small town outside of ottawa capital of canada um and my family uh german roots um they've been they've been in canada for a few generations now. But I ended up in Winnipeg because I got in too much trouble in Ontario. So I got the boot to follow my dad over here when I was 17 years old. So I've been braving the cold since then. I heard you say that about getting in too much trouble did they actually give you an option like the legal systems like hey if you it sounds like fucking California in 1860
Starting point is 00:03:32 listen Billy yeah not so much the legal system so much for the detective that took my case I was 17 at the time I was stealing a bunch of cars and on the run from the police for a while. Finally got caught.
Starting point is 00:03:48 And, you know, when I look back on it, I see the hand of God. With this one, it was a detective took my case, brought me out of the cell, took me around. I showed him where I had a bunch of cars dumped all over. He got to know me for a day and spoke to my old man who had moved to winnipeg a few years prior that i didn't talk to anymore he called him up and made arrangements i guess you know hey i got your kid here's what happened they they talked it out and then he presented me a plane ticket he's like i got a ticket for you to move within 48 hours. And if you do that and leave everything behind here,
Starting point is 00:04:26 you'll leave this behind as well. And it'll be off. You got a second chance, I believe a second chances. So that's what was presented to me. So within a two day period, I was up and gone to Winnipeg. How long did it take before you were in Winnipeg before you stole a car? I didn't steal a car again in winnipeg so that was it that was that you took that moment and we're like okay i get it no not not quite no i was no i was still an idiot you started stealing planes you started stealing planes
Starting point is 00:04:58 yeah no i still got in lots of trouble i got booted at my dad's house uh within a year and then was on the streets in winnipeg for a couple years until you know well i guess actually a year and then i smartened up um you know just before turning 19 is when i started uh i i uh spent a short visit in a uh in a detention center for a few months and after that didn't want to go back so that's when i started smartening up um just before turning 19 i started uh a landscaping company um and then i just poured everything into that work and built that business you know and still made a few fuck-ups along the way but nothing that nearly as bad as when i was a young young buck the title of the podcast i put um you obviously caught my attention because you were standing up god it's standing up it seems such a weird thing to just say you want to just go outside but
Starting point is 00:05:57 you weren't you weren't going to accept the fact of hey stay inside and you can't have friends over to get your you get your swole on yeah yeah that's when you first came across what what uh what we were doing here right yeah and i i wonder if um i have i have i've been a similar boat to you i have three little kids i have uh two two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old and i think that if i was 20, I would be like, man, these are great days. Like civilization is going to collapse. I'm going to fucking party. But now that I have a kid, I can't really have a totally different perspective.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Like I can't tolerate that. Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly what it is, right? It's the attack on the kids to so many ways that we see. That's yeah. That's where I feel obligated to stand up. many ways that we see that's uh yeah that's where i feel obligated to stand up i uh you know before as he said standing up seems so weird just for you know what really we had to do but before that i was happy being by myself secluded in my home uh you know i was working on so many
Starting point is 00:07:00 things um didn't really care for uh needing to be out in in what most people are attracted to in today's society um but when they when they announced yeah you couldn't have more than one person over uh even in your yard i knew everything was bullshit from the beginning when they started coming out with all this but when they said that i said enough's enough this has gone way too far people are actually listening because i didn't think people were going to listen at the at the beginning and then realizing how many were and uh you know the mental health issues that were coming in the collateral damage with all those measures that people were getting behind how much fear was getting inside their head and that damage I was like I need to I need to do something so the home
Starting point is 00:07:41 I'm at right now I have a large well fairly large size city lot right on one of the busiest streets in the city actually coming right into the city from North Dakota side here and I said all right you know I used to do fitness classes I had moved out of it for a couple years but I have this big yard people have no place to go for their fitness right now and they need somebody to see that's hey um f you you can still have people over i'm not listening to this bullshit so that's exactly what i did i got on my social media said hey boot camp starting it up free for everybody four days a week come on down and that's where it all started um in terms of you know taking a stand against uh this
Starting point is 00:08:21 totalitarianism coming in right now that we see on all fronts. So right here in Winnipeg, what we needed to do to just show people, hey, you can push back and say no, right, and still enjoy a normal life as long as you don't let that fear inside and let a bully boss you around. And the numbers got crazy. Yeah, we picked up pretty quick here for sure. Yeah, it's transpired. 1,000 to 2,000 a month, right?
Starting point is 00:08:49 At its peak? Yeah, a few thousand a month, which was nice to see. I moved it in, evolved it into doing Junior Patriots, kids boot camps, martial art classes. Then we started doing the bi-weeklyly freedom fires where we just had a massive bash here, which was great. That was really good because that helped a lot of people, you know, because the police would come here and try to shut me down because the restrictions and regulations and I would just give them a big F you, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:18 let's not happen. I'm sick of this shit. People saw that and they got inspired. Right. And they're able to connect with more like-minded people, not completely think they're so crazy considering the relations they're having with their peers at work and family that are pushing them out and you know ostracizing them and call them conspiracy theorists for having uh any questions raised so it's uh it was a good place for you know those people to connect and and uh engage a sense of normalcy at least to some degree connect and and uh gain a sense of normalcy at least to some degree we're such a fragile uh creature i was actually shocked at how many people and and how many people continue to reach out and
Starting point is 00:09:53 you probably got this too thanks for speaking up i feel like i was going like everyone was trying to make me feel like i was the crazy one and these are just people who just want to go to work and just not take an injection like it's like out of a movie right i mean can't you see that in a movie like everyone at work's getting the injection and i'm not now i'm crazy i'm like wow we did man that some people are in some tough spots tough spots yeah and i'm sure you've heard of you know so many individual cases that really moved you and that's what's an opportunity that kept me going and made me, you know, be like, all right, we're going to do this now. We're going to do that now. And I was hearing people's stories.
Starting point is 00:10:31 And with that said, you know, just using the space to speak up and give people a voice where they're like, I'm not alone. That's one thing I look back on as a win for sure when I first started standing up and speaking about what was going on. Because I made some mistakes. I fell into the trap of divide and conquer you know I I got angry I I was out there yelling at people um in a way on my videos you know it was such aggression to stop enabling it and the going along to come to make it happen, right. To get along and continuing to grow it was something I was so furious about. And it, it didn't help those people. They saw me speaking like that and just got up on edge. Right. And it didn't really sync with them, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:11:15 it did give all those people sitting around and specifically women, we were seeing more women share their voice than anything. Them sitting and waiting for a man to start speaking up, being so few out there, it definitely helped them. And so I look at, you know, there's a positive with that. People needed to hear what was going on, that they're not alone. Seeing people take a stand. But at the same time, I see that aggression, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:43 was a play into the whole bigger picture right now on what they're trying to do in Divide. So I try to come at it from a different angle now, which is, you know, it can be challenging to say the least, as I'm sure you're aware. That's why I titled this. That's exactly what you just shared. Why a couple of days ago, I changed the title of this podcast to the evolution of a freedom fighter, because something has happened to you in the last uh two years yeah oh yeah big time big changes spiritually yeah yeah i was i was pinpointed right at spiritually uh massive changes where you know i i had my eye open we'll say and uh showing really how we're all one here and just the the connected to consciousness and and what we're all one here and just the the connective the consciousness and and what we're doing here and how everybody has their own journey um and there's kind of a play to play out and
Starting point is 00:12:31 to respect as much as you can the journey on the other side for people because this is all i look at as a spiritual awakening right now and uh you can't you can't have that birth let's call it that we're seeing without the other side and without those people that are playing the other side to have it all come together, right? That polarization. So that allowed me to really let go of a lot of anger inside, you know, holding a lot of resentment, especially to, you know, the male figures in my life as I'm the only family member. And pretty well at the time, my friends circled the only one who had the views that I had let alone the voice and the stance that I was taking right at a time when nobody was standing other than you know we saw Ian Smith all over the place in the states and a few individuals but Canada was
Starting point is 00:13:17 just crickets so it definitely received a lot a lot of hate taking that stand which if you don't process it right can uh can sit and build up right just like a volcano it's gonna want to blow up um and it definitely did with me a few times you know it got me into a bit of trouble last year actually we can even get into that um and uh so having that experience and allowing me to let go and forgive and focus more on unconditional love for the human human race and mother earth has changed the game for me it's kind of you went i don't know if this is going to resonate with you because you're because of your you know you're canadian but you kind of went from malcolm x to martin luther king yeah malcolm x was a a great man and his attitude was by any means necessary yeah yeah he all he
Starting point is 00:14:07 also did something really incredible that i don't think enough people realize the value of while malcolm was in jail he he um copy he opened up a dictionary and he taught himself every single word in there and he hand wrote out a dictionary and became a mass and became a master of the english language i didn't know that and when you mastered the english language or any language uh you're fucking you know level 10 sorcerer or whatever i'm just yeah whatever you want to call it you now are conducting reality and that when i hear you talk you you've changed your through you you you acquire you cultivated some awareness you acquired a larger scope a bigger picture of what's going on here and then from there you changed your perception of reality based on being able to see more and then now we're taking action based on
Starting point is 00:15:00 that larger perception and and the keywords are that we're all one that basically beating down your enemy is like cutting off your element of like cutting off your own arm precisely okay wait wait wait what am i doing i need that's not that's not the way to get rid of that mosquito bite is chop off the arm yeah yeah exactly yeah and what you know what you're putting out there is coming right back at you so that that, yeah, completely changed the perspective, completely changed my approach. I still find my old programming coming in and wanting to speak up with aggression a little bit more sometimes. And that's where I do my best to just give some thought process to you before I'm getting out and sharing any message a little bit more so than I used to, because that evolution right now is integrating within my whole being my consciousness right we're seeing it in a lot of people putting down the anger and and just opening up their their sleeve let's say putting their heart right on their sleeve more so than they're used to and uh and just sharing that light that we all have inside we have this place in in California I don't know if you guys have in canada it's called costco it's like a giant yeah okay so i hadn't been in a costco in 25 years i just shop at like
Starting point is 00:16:10 a store that's just you know they have the vegetables in the boxes down the street from me i stopped shopping in like real stores like two years ago you know um when they started making you wear masks in there and i went went to Costco yesterday with my dad. He wanted to buy a giant bottle of Tito's as a gift for someone, big old fucking gown. So I went there and I couldn't fucking believe what I saw. It was like when I went to Disneyland six months ago. I saw hundreds of people who were more than 100 pounds overweight,
Starting point is 00:16:43 wearing masks, double masks, standing in front of bags that said vegetarian meatballs and listening and being going, oh, don't those look good through their mask? And the first five items are like safflower oil, canola oil, high fructose corn syrup. And I'm thinking, I'm tripping. And my dad looks at me, my 82 year old dad looks at me and he goes, and I'm like wide-eyed. Like, you know what I mean? Like I just saw a lizard in the yard for the first time as a four-year-old kid. And my dad's like, wow.
Starting point is 00:17:11 So when he goes, you look like a little kid. I'm like, I can't fucking believe what I'm looking at. I cannot fucking believe that someone is trading wearing a mask to eat vegetarian fucking meatballs in a plastic bag. a mask to eat vegetarian fucking meatballs in a plastic bag um on the most superficial level how do i not get mad when i see someone where i'm at the beach and i see someone with a double mask and i see their two-year-old five-year-old and seven-year-old also masked i'm carrying uh six bags of doritos down to the beach what do i where do i need to grow spiritually to not let that because you know the voice starts up in my head god you're fucking stupid and you're fucking sending the wrong signal
Starting point is 00:17:56 to the fucking world how do i where do i help help me mr zimmer. How do I make that love? Yeah, that's definitely one of the biggest challenges. It's really tough, especially when we look at the example that's being led in front of children. The reminder for me that I'll take mentally thinking upon without that ridiculousness, the rest of the world wouldn't be waking up as they are and connecting more spiritually, coming to this evolution where the meek will inherit the earth, where I think everything will crumble and we will have everyone rise up. But without that other side of it, we're not going to get there. So I just remind myself, hey, that right there, I'm looking at like, fuck, I wanted to say this person is such such an idiot what do you do and take that fucking thing off especially in front of the kids right but that has its place right now that needs to be here because these people beside me and that couple walking over there and that one kid out of that group has gone through so much conscious
Starting point is 00:19:00 awareness of what's happening seen enough where now they're looking at that and like holy fuck this is stupid but they've lost their fucking mind i have to go actually i'm not going to the cabin this fucking weekend i need to meet up with these people jump on this podcast or start doing this project to get the fucking word out like alarm more people educate more people right so it inspires other people it helps other people, their awakening, if you want to call it in simple terms, um, to, to get to that point where they're taking the necessary action steps to put a stop to what's going on right now. And, you know, obviously the masks and all that stuff is, is just a, a smoke and mirror. It's just a little thing to, to, uh, keep so many of us who are
Starting point is 00:19:43 conscious to it distracted when we don't look at the bigger attack, right? What is that bigger attack? What do you mean? I would say taking over your soul, honestly. Having a society that's just programmed completely in a one world government coming where everybody is giving up their freedom so much. And it's such a fear based. That Charles, what's the guy's name? The Schwab? No, not Charles Schwab. What's the guy's name? Oh yeah. What is Schwab?
Starting point is 00:20:17 I mean like that guy's, yeah, that guy's plan. That shit I just keep hearing over and over all over Instagram. Yeah, pretty well. I see, you know, they're already planting the seed for a social credit system here, your credit score in Canada, which, so it's that, you know, take four steps forward and then three steps back once you get kind of too much pushback and then come back at it, right? Just little by little, but they're going for the entire thing just to have everything
Starting point is 00:20:44 completely controlled and your rights given away and people people coming into a society where they think that's normal um you know a little bit by little bit where they get used to it and conditioned to it and then are fed the bullshit that uh everything's collapsing or you're having this this uh pain you're experiencing because of uh the race war or the the war with uh what's going on with the kids, like all this stuff in between the people, right? Bringing the people against the people while they just sit back and spread disease and more control over us, taking away our rights more and more.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Left, right and center. We're seeing in Canada a set of fast pace giving that right up. So that's, yeah, we'll see where we are in years to come from here. Even, you know, everything being pushed on the States, how many people aren't waking up to it. We're so glued. We've been so old as fuck in life, you know, looking at the world on our phone while we're missing actually being in it
Starting point is 00:21:37 and connecting with Mother Earth and remembering our roots and just having that intuition speak loudly with a good connection that can warn us of all the bullshit that's actually happening instead of being so glued to a uh a fake life we'll call that people have been uh so attracted to uh jeremy nielsen does this guy's balls hang past the knees asking for a friend dude needs to narrate some audiobooks well thank you jeremy for the uh added value to the podcast i actually do have a bunch of stuff i'm narrating right now on my app that's being lost really oh good this is a this is a great uh great group of people in here
Starting point is 00:22:19 um that that guy so so that guy you think that they're that there's do you think that, that guy, so, so that guy, you think that there, that there's, do you think that as that way, the, so you think that there's, there are sentient beings, other human beings who this thing is playing out to their plan that there's like, okay, this week, let's do, let's set up the George Floyd thing and fucking create some chaos over here. Let's do this over here. Start up with some sexualizing children over here. Let's do this thing over here. You think that that's part of – let's change the price of gas, that there is some master puppeteer that's got like a heartbeat like me and you? Absolutely. Yeah, I absolutely agree. Wow. Wow, that would be – I just can't believe that there's a human being who's smart enough and coordinated enough to do that and connected enough. Right, yeah, well, when you got most of the money in the world, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Dollars and power speak, right? So when you have just that much leverage and been doing it for that long, it's not something I put over my head at all anymore. I remember two years ago when I first started waking up to just how much was going on, I definitely was a lot more skeptical of that possibility. But now there's no doubt about it. When you look at the individuals, do a little bit of knocking on the channels that aren't censored for documentaries that have been put out there over the last few decades. And you see these guys talking about things where it's all played out, you know, these, these, the documentaries they put out a decade ago where every step has been here and
Starting point is 00:23:51 they spoke about it before it was even, you know, no one to the public at all. And now, yeah, everything they said, the, the, the conditioning, the, the way they're trying to justify everything and why they're doing everything and what they're doing to our skies, what they're doing with third world countries, the medications, pharmaceuticals they're pushing there, the test trials, the depopulation, it's all over the fucking place now. All you got to do is just sit there and be open to it
Starting point is 00:24:19 and do a little bit of research one day. And if you're actually level-headed and not fear-based inside where you're so conditioned to think you need to be saved by these people and they're helping you you'll you'll see it right away but unfortunately uh that's not where most people are right if the conditioning the programming is they've executed quite well that's uh so that's you know letting go of that understanding that uh goes back to your question right like they did a good job of scaring people and programming them um so we need to we need to you know that's where i take uh you know spiritually i speak out of the outside the box when people maybe see me going to a christian
Starting point is 00:24:55 church they they think i i line up completely with christian values based on what most believe in the church um and talk about jesus christ and i say, well, most definitely I take, you know, Jesus Christ. And maybe if you want to call that himself, his spirit, the consciousness as my savior, because he taught me unconditional forgiveness, unconditional love. And that lesson right there saved me to being the man I need to be to, you know, live fully in this life, be without going crazy looking at these guys getting behind all this shit and uh and the
Starting point is 00:25:25 nonsense that we see in front of us so it's uh kind of part of that evolution that we're speaking about playing out that i see and you know the people around me feel it it's uh i can tell you the tension has been a lot less this year compared to last year which has been nice despite things still going to the shits uh when we look over in the news and what's going on yeah that is cool you mean you personally just because of the changes you've made me personally and everybody around me yeah the group that i'm around yeah yeah we could see that that that that evolution from last year yeah just a lot less anger and a lot more a lot more hope and uh and just you know, you know, I have crazy hope. I, you, you wrote something on your Instagram recently about believing I have crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I, I not only do I have hope, I just believe in my fellow man so much. So, so do I. I think we're so fucking capable and so strong. Yeah. I don't, I don't, uh, you know, I don't take it off the table that we're going to see some very hard times and, you know, what could happen in blood the table that we're going to see some very hard times. And, you know, who knows what could happen. Bloodshed, maybe. You never know what we're going to see in bloodshed. So, but I have crazy, as you said, hope, belief, faith in my fellow man.
Starting point is 00:26:34 And that intuitional, you know, connection inside that speaks up to enough people. And they stand together. It's going to be something beautiful, right? to enough people and they stand together it's going to be something beautiful right and uh as we know in business and our fit our physical uh activities whatever it might be the the best view comes from the hardest climb so as we get over this hill it's going to be something fucking beautiful if if so so i'll give an example uh when there were some riots in south africa probably every day but i remember uh six months I forget, and they were burning that fucker down. I forget. Maybe it was Johannesburg. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And there were videos that would show neighborhoods who've gotten together, and they had their cars parked at all the entrances of the neighborhoods, and they had guns, and they were keeping the riots out. out right so um you i'm trying to picture what this looks like so like this person wrote uh here tyler collins wrote raw child don't have the world's wealth multiple families run it so in a way what what these people there's just there's a handful of people who live on a different in a different stratosphere of wealth and like anyone who's trying to protect their neighborhood and wealth there's let's say there's 10 families around the world you think that they get together uh once a year they talk or there is some formality of like hey um we need to make sure that that this happens this happens and this happens so we can keep our wealth you want to keep your oil wealth you want to keep your pharmaceutical wealth you want to keep your entertainment wealth or whatever and you think
Starting point is 00:28:02 that somehow they get together like these leaders in this neighborhood to protect their their their goods and their interests and then also on top of that you think that like they have kids and when they're like okay johnny seven honey i'm gonna take him out in the fucking jet and i'm gonna start explaining to him how the fucking rothschild empire works it's like that yeah that's a that's a good way to put it yeah i would say something like that not far off from from the feeling i get what i believe most definitely yeah there's a handful so it's normal human behavior but just on a really high level yeah yeah and it's uh yeah it's been a place they've been uh yeah exactly yeah been playing hell for quite some time like me and you would do it if you were my neighbor and and there was a
Starting point is 00:28:50 neighbor across the street and we knew that there was a pack of coyotes coming in tonight maybe we would stay up all night and and to keep them off our chickens and cows it's like that but these people have a lot yeah yeah they're just they're just regular humans just regular douchebags like the rest of us but they just have a shitload of resources. Yeah. Power, power corrupts, right? How many people have you seen that gets to that certain stage of power and it corrupts. So that's, uh, you know, and that's where I don't even sit anymore. I'm thinking too much on what this fucking guy's doing,
Starting point is 00:29:21 what that guy's doing, what's going on has got to a point of driving me crazy and making it pretty tough for me to come out of that place of love like we were talking about. So now I focus on, well, what can I change? What can I do? Well, I can start governing myself, making myself more self-sustainable, my understand the bigger picture more and what their purpose is and how to spiritually align themselves so they can go through this path that they have in front of them without succumbing to the anger, succumbing to the fear and executing on, you know, one being for fucking human beings, not human doings. You know, we're always so focused on the next fucking thing or stuck in our past. So getting to that point of being and living and experiencing this world while as well, lifting others up and helping them raise their vibration, their consciousness and connect closer with God and our plan altogether.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Right. And do you think that maybe, uh, God has given me everything I've asked for once I've shown him I'm ready? Yeah, the good and the bad, I always say with that one. The good and the bad. The lessons that I haven't necessarily wanted to face the way I have, but exactly what I needed when I was ready, right? Giving me everything. Whether it's been something right off the hop I can see is beautiful or right off the hop, I can see it's beautiful or right off the hop. It looks terrible, but that
Starting point is 00:30:45 has carried me somewhere through something that is, uh, you know, transformed me into the man I am today. That's allowed me to be who I am and, and continue to, uh, receive what I'm looking to receive from this life I have here. Yeah. Have, have any of your, um, constituents or your posse or your group or your tribe, your tribe, have any of your tribe struggled with you as you make this change oh yeah huge huge huge uh um yeah they came in as fighters and they're like sean what are you doing we have a fight a war to fight and you're like that is not the way yeah yeah so i went you know um i'm sure you're familiar with the trucker's convoy in ottawa um so that was in my hometown um right before right when that trucker convoy was getting together um lining up i had just taken a month off i was like i'm taking a fucking break i went over to a cabin jumped off
Starting point is 00:31:38 social media for a month didn't see anything about it and uh right when i jumped back on you know i got everybody like where the fuck sean you should be right up and in this should be helping organize this blah blah blah going on about it and i was like all right well let's take a look i joined the the convoy here in winnipeg and felt the energy there um felt what what was actually happening so i followed suit and joined along in ottawa and and stayed there for six weeks. And, you know, that was an intense time. And, you know, it was mostly nothing but just peace and love. It was seeing people come together in a way that I've never seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And anybody who experienced it in person felt that vibration there. They left a different person. Now, anybody who didn't go, they see another side of the story because when the riot police finally came in and we pushed back, you know, we held the line until they brought enough riot police in to push us back. A lot of people watching from afar who wanted to see us start just cracking heads and and really going to war you know and and our prime minister was was spouting lies about how we were racist we were uh he's a really bad man he's a really bad man he's a really bad man yeah it maybe one of the worst maybe one of the worst i hate to say it he is one of the worst, maybe one of the worst, I hate to say it. He is one of the most racist, evil. I don't even use that word evil.
Starting point is 00:33:10 He's a hateful man. It's all projection. Yeah. We look at everything that he's, you know, said about freedom fighters or anybody out there and it's, it's all projection from within himself. Right. And it's more and more people are seeing it. And that was the purpose I see of Ottawa because he was out there so diligently with these lies that he's spreading and controlling the news where people weren't seeing the truth so all of us out there sharing on all our social media the world seeing just how we were just nothing but peace and love we have fucking bouncy castles on the street with
Starting point is 00:33:38 kids playing we were doing festivities and and all sorts while he's saying we're sitting there beating up the locals and it's all hate speech and racist uh you know all all um white supremacists there and uh when they saw that come together and not be the truth um it woke a lot of people up and that video right there is what pissed off a lot of people in the community um who just haven't hit that evolution uh of of respecting the journey and understanding you know what's really going to win this to some degree, at least to wake up, bring the consciousness up in the collective together to take a stand is that love, right? And so that was on Valentine's Day. The Canadian frontline nurses had a bunch of roses and they said, hey, Sean, we want to give these out to the police officers who have been helping us,
Starting point is 00:34:24 you know, regulate things because the police officers at the beginning were great they spoke about how peaceful we were and everything but then all of a sudden they were getting orders shut shut down their throat that they couldn't talk to us anymore couldn't share that we're being peaceful anymore that you saw the fear come inside them and them change over time but they were really supportive and really helpful and we're getting fucking trampled on just as most of the people that were protesting there were so they said hey let's hand out these roses and what better than to get burly sean uh to do doing that and we'll share it with everybody showing and that's what we did and i think it was a great thing but a lot of people
Starting point is 00:35:00 in the community didn't you know they saw me as the viking uh wanting to be uh having pictures of me uh you know chopping heads off when it came to it not fucking handing out roses so i think i think that's perfect i think it's perfect yeah when i look back on it there's no question in my mind that we didn't go about doing it the right way for what we could have you know the day the riot police came in they did a very good job at blocking off all the highways uh so we had our numbers down just a couple hundred people in the morning um you know there was tens of thousands of people who wanted to get in but couldn't so the numbers weren't there to uh completely stand that ground any longer right we got pushed out um some people got injured pretty bad um but nonetheless you get arrested there by any chance no i didn but nonetheless did you get arrested there by
Starting point is 00:35:45 any chance no i didn't i didn't get arrested there there's a video of them trying to pull me off the front line the the officers actually sneaked through about three rows of riot police and come and grab me um and luckily that uh that didn't uh take a strong enough hold on me and were able to kick back um a video somewhere on my page there but i didn't get arrested uh at that time um i did get my bank account frozen um and i've been prior yeah my bank account got frozen for uh for uh donating money yeah that's the video where they snagged me out here did it ever get unfrozen did your account get unfrozen? Did your account get unfrozen? No, actually, they ended up closing that account on me after the bank decided after a certain period that they just didn't want to deal with it anymore or whatever the case was. But they shut that bank account down on me after 15 years of banking with them.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So I moved over. Did you get your money? The money I lost, the money I lost through that process was lost. So it's, you know, that along with the $40,000 in tickets I have right now, they're still trying to push that upon me because I didn't even go to court for them. All the stuff they've said to me, I've just written on their paper. I'm not in contract with you. I don't consent. I'm not wasting my time even in court.
Starting point is 00:36:57 You can take all your entire system and shove it up your fucking ass is where I'm at with it. them and shove it up your fucking ass is where i'm at with it so so so you had a bank account for 15 years because you donated money through go fund me to the truckers convoy someone for the the canadian government froze your bank account what bank was that uh that wasn't uh integer credit union that switched to a cineboy credit union now it wasn't because i gave money on go fund me i had made a statement that i was going when when they shut down GoFundMe, I said, hey, I'll be a medium to help get money to these truckers. I'm going to donate everything I have in my account right now that I can spare. Anybody else wants to send money to get in the hands of these truckers who just had all
Starting point is 00:37:37 the millions of dollars frozen, shoot me a message and I can help you make that transaction. So I put that out there. And then the next day my bank account got frozen. So, because I sent money to, because I raised money to help truckers, their families that needed money. So someone's watching. That means someone's listening and watching.
Starting point is 00:37:57 They're like, oh, who's this Sean Zimmer guy? He's working. Is that even, wow. Yeah, it was something. It was something, yeah. I don't know how many bank accounts got frozen, but quite a few, a few people that I know. So you were robbed. Your money was stolen from you by your government.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yep. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Gone. Have they tried to kick you out of your house? No, but they did do a raid on my house last year, looking for illegal firearms, saying that they had enough evidence that I was starting a militia
Starting point is 00:38:34 and they had concern and needed to check for illegal weapons. So I had two SWAT teams come here last year and pull a search warrant and raid on the house. With your daughter home? No, thankfully my daughter wasn't home. That's one thing I'll give, whether that's divine intervention. Well, it is, I know, on every level. But if more so man's thought process on that, where all the events that I did here,
Starting point is 00:39:01 minus the parties, but when we did the kids boot camp, which was on Thursdays, it was one of the busiest ones. We had 70, 80 people here. The police never came on the kids day. You know, they always showed up on the other, just adult boot camps and the parties here. So again, whether that was divine intervention or just a line that the police sergeant wanted to respect, they never, never came for that came for that, which was nice to see. But yeah, they came plenty of other times and I still got all those tickets sitting somewhere in the trash.
Starting point is 00:39:35 You said that a year ago that there was, maybe, I mean, this aren't your exact words, but you did have an interaction that kind of was the climax of negative interactions. Yeah. What was that? Yeah, that was in August. I had a...
Starting point is 00:39:53 So a year ago, a year ago today, this month. Okay. Yeah, a year ago today. Yeah. And I have my sentencing date at the courts on September 16th, um, where the, uh, the crown is trying to, trying to give me 12 months behind bars for this one. Um, so it was, uh, yeah, it was a mistake on my end, um, that, uh, an incident that, you know, transpired into something that it didn't need to. But then again, when we speak on divine intervention, I look at all the lessons that's come with it. What has given me and set me in the direction of now was a huge gift.
Starting point is 00:40:31 So there's always a blessing in disguise, right? Every adversity has its seat of equivalent or greater success as long as we know where to look for it. We're open to receiving it and then we can put it in the ground and nourish it and take care of it, right? and then we can put it in the ground and nourish it and take care of it right um i was uh at my home here and playing music uh having a sit right on the uh building next to my home here uh leading a guest to having a drink checking out the new lights i hooked up on my tree. And this individual came by who knew who I was. And this is, now I should back up. This is two days after I gained awareness of an entire Reddit forum, online thread
Starting point is 00:41:15 that's nothing but hate speech directed towards me and what I do. And threats of calling CFS, which is Child Family Services, says I'm an unfit parent because I am allowing these boot camps here and whatnot, which CFS did call me. Case is open. So leading up to sharing that gives you an idea of, you know, maybe a little bit of the anger that I had inside. Now, I wasn't surprised to see something like that, but still, nonetheless, it still made its effect.
Starting point is 00:41:44 So I had just seen this two days prior this individual comes up to me um intoxicated after a football game i'm having a few beverages and he starts melting off uh to me knowing who i am what i do and his outlook um on what i do and i immediately uh got on edge you know i had that anger inside i was still in that at that point where i was uh not taking any shit not not uh not putting up with that at all um and and having a few drinks in my system um i was you know i wasn't leaving i was like hey get the get the fuck out of my face short story, I had five times in me telling the guy to get out of my face. Um, he mentioned the Reddit post.
Starting point is 00:42:30 He was familiar with it. I find out later, he's actually the guy who wrote most of it. Um, but anyway, he, uh, he said something after the fifth time and I lost it. And, uh, he, uh, he saw that I was, you know, he's like, Oh shit. He saw, he pushed, he pushed too far, uh, pushed the button too hard and turned around and ran away from me. And I just seeing red, I got behind the guy, pushed him down on the ground and got on top of him and started asking him some questions about, you know, if he's going to speak about
Starting point is 00:42:58 my daughter again or whatever, whatever it was when he gave me the wrong answer, um, he was getting hit and he ended up uh getting hit uh with you know probably three or four fists and i took three of his beer can smashed over his head um so he was really excessive force you know i just saw red um yeah yeah when child molester these things these accusations are being mentioned and what was being said uh about my family. I lost it, you know, and and the alcohol hit in there, too. So the guy ended up with 10 staples in his head.
Starting point is 00:43:40 And he's an individual who absolutely hates me, hates anybody that is, you know, taking a stand in the world right now. And whatever reason that is. But you can look the forums that this guy still talks on about i refuse to go to reddit i've refused to go there since day one i think anyone who goes to red it's a vile piece of shit i think it's a uh it's one of the most disgusting people on the planet yeah it's something else and the guy who started red it's a woke piece of shit too by the way oh yeah i'm not surprised ohanian uh, he's married to, um, another fucking, uh, racist fucking duplicitous piece of shit. Venus, uh, not, uh, Serena Williams, another person just keeping it while she fucking with one
Starting point is 00:44:17 hand, she holds up BLM sign. And the other hand, she fucking keeps her foot on all of black society. It's, it's, it's gross. Yeah. Yeah. i wasn't even familiar with reddit until until this whole incident so so yeah and i'm sorry i'm sorry to be so negative i know i know that you don't want you don't want to go there it's just it's um it's hard for me that i see people who work so hard to get they know how hard it is to get to the top and now they're part of preaching the victim mentality to other people instead of being like, hey, quit being a victim. And what you're like, like Kanye, quit being a bitch and work.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Yeah. And then you got these other people at the top, like LeBron, who are selling Sprite to little black kids and killing them. Yeah, total sellouts. Yeah, it's nuts. Yeah, it is. It's nuts to me. Yeah, it is. But, you know, that whole incident, like I said, it's taught me a lot.
Starting point is 00:45:04 It's really helped me reflect on the meaning behind them. You didn't kill the guy. Did you? No, no, no, no, no, no. He got 10 staples in his head. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So it's. And is he suing, is he suing you or it's the cops? No, it's the, it's the, it's the city crown. Yeah. The, the, the court system. Yeah. Yeah. He's pushing, he's pushing for it though. Yeah. He's pushing uh it's the it's the city crown yeah the the core system yeah yeah he's pushing he's pushing for it though um yeah he's pushing for it um so that's uh yeah that's where that's at right now so we'll uh we'll find out on uh if september 17th i'm still online then i'm still online otherwise i'm uh going to live somewhere else for a little while does he have kids
Starting point is 00:45:41 yeah he does he has a boy yeah it's amazing to me that you you could have kids and think it's okay to attack in any way verbally or physically another man's kids and not expect to be killed yeah all right yeah i mean that becomes our whole thing becomes to protect our children yeah yeah i mean and and that's and that's where it's at. You know, like right now I pled guilty to the incident is something I have. I have remorse over for for losing my cool because I see the test now. I was I was supposed to shoot that sword. Right. That was a test on my my growth and the leadership role I'm stepping into.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And that wasn't the time to, to be, you know, especially physically harming somebody. It was the time to walk away, right. And, and just be the bigger man. Totally. So that whole process has taught me a great deal on reflection, but at the same time it's, you gotta be careful. Like an individual should know when certain things, whether he was saying or not but getting behind um threats to someone's family specifically a man's daughter
Starting point is 00:46:50 um and and that relation and and the the his role as provider and protector for her you know you threaten that um that's stepping into dangerous ground and you should know that right that's that's just instinct of a man an animal super dangerous and if you don't have kids you should always stay away from people who have kids they're capable of anything i i honestly can't to be completely frank uh when when you're when you're i don't know if he's a president or what he is but when your true true trudeau guy started talking directly to kids i i seriously can't believe that um i can't believe he's still around to be honest. I just can't believe that anyone tolerates anyone talking to their kids.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Yeah. What's being tolerated with kids right now is absolutely unreal. You know, we're seeing it not just in Canada, but all over, especially in the States as well. It's it's it's nuts. Hey, what are you going to do if I'm assuming you're not you haven't got vaccinated? No, I haven't. If they take you to jail, are they going to for how does that don't they are they going to try to force what's going to happen then? Yeah, that's something to think about. Right. Yeah. Yeah, well, I guess I'll be getting into, who knows? Who knows? We'll just leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:48:11 We'll cross that road when I get there. But there's definitely nothing being injected into me unless they manage to completely pin me down and absolutely force it upon me. So I know there was incentives for everybody incarcerated last year when they were coming out with uh the shot originally uh reduced jail sentences and whatnot for uh inmates to get the to get the job so um they were doing that in the states too there were judges telling people hey if you take the shot you don't have to go to jail yeah it's that it's crazy it is it is and you know when uh so that's just brainwashing right those judges aren't part of the plan by that i mean that's not someone from i don't mean dependent on the rothschild just because someone in my comments said it but let's say there's no one being like okay judge number 72 uh um you need to make sure that everyone gets a shot and then
Starting point is 00:49:05 you can set them up for that's not that right that's just they've been programmed the same way my family members have been programmed to believe yeah you know what i go both ways uh i don't spend i don't spend any time myself making assumptions and trying to you know think too much on that on that part of things but it could could very well be programmed or could very well be a judge with this individual that does understand everything that's going on and is sadistic in his own ways or has been corrupted by the money that's been you know put in his back pocket through this deal or that that's uh taking that outlook right it's either way um we're still seeing it just be pushed like there's not many we're not
Starting point is 00:49:46 seeing many at all that uh took any kind of stand uh question anything right so i think it's uh i think whatever fear tactics they utilize behind the scenes that we don't even see on those you know well that we're aware of at least even with the passports where people were threatened for their their jobs and their security on so many fronts right that got that fear put inside them um that that feeling of helplessness where they got got along and then as people started getting along like well fuck i've jumped in this lie now the brainwashing takes effect and as well they get protective over it right their ego gets into play where they're like well man i got this in me now and you're saying all the shit well you know and they start pushing pushing harder against you than they would have done before
Starting point is 00:50:28 if they never got behind it. To come into the United States, you have to be vaccinated. I know it was like that in Canada. Is it still like that? Yeah, it's something I haven't been keeping up to date too much with the, where they're at, but I know people do cross, do go across the border that aren't and there are certain ways of doing it. They, I think most of them get really big tickets, but they deny everything.
Starting point is 00:51:00 We're still at the point, thankfully, where we, we still can deny everything. Um, they're going to make you feel, uh, like you're a prisoner. They're going to do everything they can to scare you into thinking otherwise. And that's always been the case, but we still do have the power, the sovereignty within ourselves, at least at this point to, to say no and still, still travel across that border. But it doesn't come, it doesn't come easy. They, they interrogate you.
Starting point is 00:51:23 They make you feel like you don't have an option. So anybody who's interested, you can, you know, sure jump on BitChute because YouTube takes everything down and Google or look up, sort of search some people that are crossing the Canadian border or the U.S. border and how they're doing it. You must still use arrive can within 72 hours before you arrive in canada and partially vaccinated children under the age of 12 are not required crazy
Starting point is 00:51:51 crazy crazy crazy hey uh there's this there's this uh there's there's a lot of media coming out um the uk uh just released a study saying that uh on average 1800 people more dying a year every week in uh the united kingdom than they were at this exact time last year and they're basically they're in all domains basically you know from cancer to heart attacks to anything that basically involves the immune system. And these are alarming numbers. They're going to hit a hundred thousand more deaths, uh, for the year easily. What is that kind of news? I see that news everywhere. Now we just, I covered the CrossFit games pretty thoroughly and I've been covering the CrossFit games for 16 years. We've never had a, uh, a blood clotting event at the games ever but you're like of course we haven't and this year we had two and uh are people in your circles uh seeing that um did you hear is that
Starting point is 00:52:55 making any mainstream news in canada you know as for mainstream news i haven't been following along with that for quite some time. Even keeping up to... And they were both Canadians, by the way. Both of the athletes were Canadian. Oh, sure. Yeah. No, people aren't seeing that. I know not many people are seeing that on mainstream news.
Starting point is 00:53:17 You're probably not seeing that at all. I don't think we're seeing any mainstream news report on anything like that. So unless you're actually watching people on social media that are sharing you know the uh the small individual news outlets or their own reporting people aren't catching on with that kind of stuff how come you haven't posted in a month it's exactly a month today on your instagram i think yeah i've been busy i've been busy busy getting this garden together, getting my place together. I've turned my home into a community home and decided to do a community garden in the back. And I've been just focused strictly on getting all that together, especially with the court date coming up. It's not something I've shared. This is the first time I've talked about it publicly. I've shared. This is the first time I've talked about it publicly. So a lot of people aren't aware, but I was really racing to get everything together. So the house is good to still be a community space, whether I'm here or not, and have it set up so it can function as such. So that's been just
Starting point is 00:54:18 priorities. Not feeling the priority, the need to get on social media posts much right now. So I definitely want to start putting more content together to share what we're doing and inspire more people. And that's, you know, like I said, becoming self-sustainable, focusing on these urban homesteads is one thing that I think can make a huge difference. You know, getting rid of all the grass and helping people bring food in and start being able to feed themselves with a lot less money spent at the grocery stores and inspiring their neighbors to do the same fucking ridiculous that we all have grass that we pay to cut and take care of when we could be growing food that we could all be sharing in our front and backyards. I'm in California.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I moved into this house five years ago and you'll be happy to know that when I moved in, I hurt my uh shoulder it's since healed digging 100 three by three by three foot holes and planting over 100 fruit trees i think now oh nice yeah and now five years and people thought i was crazy they're like you're over planting but let me tell you five years later i am so happy i didn't oh fuck yeah yeah that's that's i'm doing a bunch of fruit trees in the front while i put six back here where we had room and uh and come february uh looking to pick up some property right around uh coming into the springtime that we're gonna plant just a massive orchard and lots going on that uh looking forward to that's where it's at uh most definitely
Starting point is 00:55:40 sean sean are you scared about um going away for a year no no no no I've come to terms with it now I had I had a a few months there where I was I was taking on a lot not only facing the court Dave but you know putting the yard together trying to get all that finished up I decided at the same time to stop taking my my testosterone replacement therapy that I've been on from the doctor for two years. Many reasons I decided to do that. One of them was the fact that, hey, if I'm going behind bars, I don't want them coming to me with a shot every week. So I went through, I focused on a lot at once and that that hormone imbalance definitely made me face a lot of uh a lot of depressed days where i was taking an outlook where i was fearful
Starting point is 00:56:31 i'm letting that fear in my mind but um i've hit a point now where i've gone all my ducks in a row face that battle um gone across that battlefield let's say and come out the other side where now i'm prepared and i have a that awareness that's sitting in like hey i know i'm protected and provided for um i'm i'm on my path of purpose and uh doing everything i need to do and whatever comes will be meant for me and if you know if i am going away and that's uh that's justice uh in the system, uh, the universal system that I, that I am willing to take my part in than it is. And I'll go help people inside while, uh, while I'll, I'll take something from that as well to, to bring on the outside after. So I've, uh, I've crossed that, crossed that bridge
Starting point is 00:57:18 of having that fear set in. And now it's, uh, you know, I'm taking whatever's coming and do my best with it being in the moment, not living in the past and not living in the future. Um, this is way off subject here. Uh, and I want to, I want to ask you more questions about that. Um, and, and the judge particularly, but, um, the testosterone replacement therapy, I have, uh, one of the benefactors of this podcast is a company called California hormones and, uh, all And basically, if you go to their website and you type in their website and you use the name Sevan, you get a free blood work
Starting point is 00:57:51 and you get a free doctor's consultation. And all my friends that got on testosterone replacement therapy since then, and some of them are significantly older than me, I'm 50, they said it's the greatest fucking thing that ever fucking happened to them. And they said it's not even what they thought they thought that it would be like this physical reaction they said mentally they've never felt better in their life they said they can't
Starting point is 00:58:12 even believe it yeah so when i hear that you were on it for two years and got off um yeah so uh and and the reason why you're saying you did you're doing that is because if you were in jail, you didn't want them saying that they were giving you testosterone, but really giving you a vaccine. You know, that was one one of many reasons for a while. And yeah, you're right. Your friends are right. Definitely. The mental change is astronomical. They said they slept. They sleep perfect and wake up like holy fuck what i'm here yeah yeah it definitely made a massive change and my testosterone was low um hence why i was put on the replacement therapy and your body stops producing it naturally too right so um coming off of it after two years, it was a big, big challenge, most
Starting point is 00:59:06 definitely. And the reasons for that, though, wasn't just in case I'm incarcerated and not wanting them to come with a shot. You know, for a while, I started not liking the idea of having anything synthetic in my body and realizing as I've gained my conscious awareness of what is being put in our foods and our water system and all this, I started looking back why I wasn't taking into account all these things. And I wasn't drinking clean water. I wasn't really eating clean food, even though at that time I thought I was. So all these factors that were playing against my testosterone that I can change naturally. So there was that point, really wanting to see if I can do it naturally and not be reliant on the synthetic, um, this, this, this injection once a week to, to get me
Starting point is 00:59:51 to that level. And, um, and then, you know, the challenge on its own, just wondering if I can do that, uh, what's being done, seeing everything that's being pushed on our children, um, you know, the transgender movement and these hormones that are being given to kids and whatnot, just kind of being involved with that at all, just knowing that I'm taking the same shot that they're prescribing to this kid over here, right? That didn't sit well with me to a certain degree. And then, you know, if shit ever hits the fat, uh, and then, uh, you know, if, if shit ever hits the fat, um, being reliant on getting that from the pharmacy, um, you know, that's my reason. I think too, I would don't, I do not want to be reliant even on coffee. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. So that was, you know, all those factors. And also I'd like to have kids again, uh, more kids at some point. Um, so wanting to repair all
Starting point is 01:00:44 that. So right now I've been going through the process of seeing if I can get my, my levels back like to have kids again uh more kids than somebody oh good on you so wanting to repair all that so right now i've been going through the process of seeing if i can get my my levels back up and you know what i did the exact opposite of what i should have done and i knew this i had it all planned out but the depression hit hard um i got into that fear mindset of court coming up trying to race to get the property done uh for the community i should have been forcing myself to eat because i lost my appetite and doing heavy lifts, you know, pumping up that testosterone, especially first thing in the morning. And I did the exact opposite. I stopped working out after being an individual who works
Starting point is 01:01:13 out all the time. I stopped eating healthy, not just eating healthy, but stop eating. I would work around the clock in the garden, plus 30 degrees, sweating my balls off, dropping weight like crazy, didn't eat all eat all day gets the end of the day exhausted headache all let's order pizza um and i did that for 40 days so i probably lost 30 pounds just crashed everything so not only just the mental effect but then as well the challenge on the ego facing that and and everything coming together it was a hard hit but again uh blessing in disguise it came with its own gifts you know now I I have a lot more that I can relate with a lot more people to as well and help people
Starting point is 01:01:50 make that transition naturally and you know if you had a coach in your corner just the tools in your corner to keep you on point you wouldn't necessarily have to go through such a deep crash that I went through on that standpoint so that's where I'm at now I finally finally a week, just a week ago, gone back on my routine, started working out, started eating healthy again. Congrats. That's awesome. Yeah. And I already feel a hundred times better, but I tell you, it's definitely no fucking joke though. Um, like I've dealt with some hard days before and I could feel that hormonal imbalance and just my thought process, the, uh, you know, the, that hormonal imbalance and just my thought process, the, uh, you know, the, the lack of confidence inside the mind and into that whole depression, um, is, is definitely, uh, it was
Starting point is 01:02:31 dark and I could see anybody that's less equipped, um, you know, not being able to get out of that. So it was, uh, it was an experience to say the least. And now I'm, uh, I'm happy to just have it natural and, uh, and get my levels up naturally right now. So it's been a fucking experience to say the least. Bravo, sir. Thank you for your community, home, and garden. Thank you for your love for humanity and for your daughter. Our creator sees everything that is happening and he is in control.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Yeah, 100%. I'll keep you in my prayers I think of you Lord may your will be done peace and grace do you know this do you know the judge what are you going to be made an example of or is there a chance that you're going to go in there
Starting point is 01:03:18 and you're going to you're going to meet someone who's like-minded as yourself and it's going to be like hey Sean I feel your remorse basically what we're going to have you do Hey, Sean, I feel your remorse. Basically what we're going to have you do is just work at the community, blah, blah, blah, five hours a week for the next two years. And I hope I never see you in here again. Yeah. You know, I think whatever God's plan is on that,
Starting point is 01:03:41 that's definitely a possibility and, you know, moving forward from a real conversation on it. That's what I want to focus on and visualize the manifest, right? I have quit drinking alcohol since, you know, when I look back at that day. Congratulations. Congratulations. Awesome. Thanks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:55 You know what? There's, I'm sure you ask anybody if they've ever had a time where they regret drinking, you know, an evening, they'll say yes. But if you ask, yeah, you know, have you ever regretted not drinking drinking the answer is no um there's never been a time i wish i drank right so strong yep strong it's it's got yeah it's got really no place uh in my life um especially with the hate that comes towards me the responsibility not even just the hate but the responsibility and what i need to do to step up and help more children and really develop the things that I have on the, on the path ahead. It doesn't have a place. It'll it'll slow me down too much. So quit drinking. You know,
Starting point is 01:04:32 I've got a bunch of character references from the community. A lot of people come to court to support me behind those letters of reference. So the hopes are exactly that. Yeah. Look at Sean, the changes made that when he's done the community, you know, he's,'s he's removed the alcohol knows that was a poison at the time that wasn't helping um is remorseful of the excessive force he's used so definitely a possibility it could be you know community service uh programs to take on agri-management uh whatever they want to put in the probation officer pre-screening report suggested exactly that, that I'm not incarcerated. But at the same time, the police report does lead the charge
Starting point is 01:05:09 with all my stance with the measures in the pandemic and puts that in there. It does? It does? Yeah, it does. How the fuck is that relevant? Exactly. And it talks in terms of, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:24 setting the stage for kind of what's going on, the feel for it and why I'm in that situation. Right. So there is the outlook that they are trying to make an example of me. And, you know, I'm a guy who not only took the stand, one of the only ones in Winnipeg publicly. And, you know, I was I had police coming here and I was saying, you know, know go fuck yourself get off my property um you're not even allowed in here uh and they turned turned around right so i was that defiant that really inspired a lot more people so for them to just let that individual go uh is something that's of you know a thought process at least that they don't want to uh consider uh you know letting me go because they want to make an example of putting this guy behind bars who took a stand against us. I organized the rally the protest at the police station
Starting point is 01:06:14 down the main drags of Winnipeg here. We'll see. We'll see on that front. They definitely could have a biased opinion and an agenda that is not even related to the court case itself that they're going off of uh sean m being anti-vax won't help i feel like they'll try to make an example of them when when i i'm i'm really appreciative of my friends who are vaccinated because I say some really fucking harsh things, and I don't judge them.
Starting point is 01:06:56 I judge them. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here. Let me take a third stab at this. what i'm trying to say here let me let me let me take a third stab at this there's there's when people with melanated skin speak up against like things like blm i i see them as like god's gift to fucking humanity when i see obese people speaking up against um covid i see them as god's gift like hey this is i'm i put myself in jeopardy when I see there's this amazing new Instagram account that says it's called Gays Against Groomers. Yes, yeah. I want to have every single person on that show on my show because I grew up in the Bay Area.
Starting point is 01:07:34 I fucking partied. I had a gazillion gay friends. They were nothing like these fucking people that they're trying to show parade around. They were free. They were fucking sexual as motherfuckers, but they did. There was no want desire to harm kids or any of this shit, or they would never allow the gay flag in front of an elementary school. And so when I,
Starting point is 01:07:54 I just hope that the judge or anyone who's there sees like what, what you've done, even if they are vaccinated and they like secretly, they admire what you've done. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:08:11 Like people say, why do you do what you do? Why don't you keep your, keep your head down? I feel an obligation. I feel like anyone who has some form, not that I'm a wealthy by any means, but I have some sort of income and sustainability that therefore I have to
Starting point is 01:08:24 stand up for the cops who are being forced to get injections or the firefighters or the nurses. I have an obligation. means but i have some sort of income and sustainability that therefore i have to stand up for the cops who are being forced to get injections or the firefighters or the nurses i have an obligation i mean do you do you see any of that possibility in canada i feel like you're so alone there like it's even worse there than it is here i think about australia new zealand like that too i feel sorry for my brethren there i'm like what the fuck is going on there i feel yeah even more so for you know australia um different areas like that because at least we share a border with you guys um if the middle east were doing if there was a leader in the middle east doing what trudeau was doing i i the united states would maybe would have gone over there and gotten them and taken them out.
Starting point is 01:09:05 And we would have never tolerated that, what he was doing. Right. I mean, it's nuts. Yeah, no, it's, it's, uh, yeah, we could do a whole couple hours show just on everything he's done. Um, if anybody's not familiar with, you know, what the Trudeau government is, uh, put in place and, and the statements made over the last two years. Definitely check it out and be in for some really surprising facts on that front.
Starting point is 01:09:31 People in Canada are aware of it. Now they come out and release all the statements about PCR tests. It wasn't effective. All these different things right in front of people's face and they don't even acknowledge it. They don't realize like, holy shit, we were just ostracizing people for saying that a couple months ago and now that is actually the fact. The conditioning program has worked
Starting point is 01:09:55 quite well. The CDC just released new guidelines in the United States. Basically, let's say I was in a room with 20 people with COVID. Now it's like hey don't worry you don't need to get tested unless you have something it's all good just keep going yeah yeah and you got nobody that's like holy fuck crimes against humanity look what we just did the last two years and nope that was an honest mistake right that's an honest learning curve that
Starting point is 01:10:19 was needed to be taken now that they have so many people conditioned on it the fear set in and it's just going to be another thing now right they're not going to let go off of that whether it's climate change or whatever whatever fear-based smog or anything can spread into the minds of everybody the more more they'll be doing it and we'll see that come that's for sure look at the look at these words they use to cdc streamlines covet 19 guidance you you don't streamline it's not that you can't that's not even a legit sentence you don't you don't streamline I thought it was done for safety not for speed not for I thought it was being you streamline how fast you make cookies when you and your kids are making
Starting point is 01:11:02 them I'm mixing the butter over here you're doing this you're making stream i guess you know what maybe they you know what they got to put it right in front of your face a lot of people say that you know with everything they're doing it needs to be dangled in front so streamlining in terms of hey you you have a covid well you can go in this room with 20 people now because we know those vaccinated have a weakened immune system and you're gonna you're gonna help uh our depopulation agenda quicker, you know, that could be their, their, their actual hidden basis behind streamlining, when you think about it, because, and you know, I resonate with what you said about your friends who are vaccinated. I'm so thankful for their friendship. I put a lot out there, in terms of like, you know, I'm wondering if, if you're seeing it yet, different things where
Starting point is 01:11:42 I feel they are, and we still have a friendship, and, and, but I know they're seeing it yet, uh, different things where I feel they are. Um, and we still have a friendship and, and, but I know they're getting behind it and they probably, they look at the shit I'm putting out and it's got to hit them, uh, somewhere, uh, you know, and the thought process on just what they're going through in that, that standpoint, like I respect them, uh, for still showing up and still being friends and, and, you know, being able to look at all that.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Hopefully one day they really start waking up because it's all my vaccinated friends are getting sick right now. That's it's sad to see actually how often they're getting sick. So it's hoping that resonates with them soon. My, my, my best friends have even had their kids vaccinated. The dozen or so of my closest friends. And I've said some really gnarly shit about people who do that yep same same yep i know um when you go away to the freedom convoy for six weeks where does your daughter go uh with mom yeah we we got her uh 50 50 most of the time so that was a uh yeah that
Starting point is 01:12:47 was a time where i was like hey i feel i'm getting called to go here uh not sure how long i'm gonna be but uh do you support me and yeah she supported that so we co-parent we're not together but we do very well co-parenting so that was uh great to have the support of her and kiddo stayed with mom that whole time and watched from afar seven the u.s only takes out people that won't listen to the deep state in the middle east people in the u.s have no clue they all know trudeau it's different all right um and and what does so i must you and your um your daughter's mom and you are not together? Correct. Does she get, is she supportive of what you're doing?
Starting point is 01:13:33 Oh, thank goodness, yes. Oh, congratulations. So she's not like, fuck you, idiot, we're injecting our daughter with these drugs. Oh, that's awesome. That's something that's, you know, I know a lot of people who have that divide uh within the household on the parents and thank god yeah that is uh yeah you know when when we first started everything i remember attending a rally and i brought my daughter to it and we ended up on the front page of the paper and uh her mom wasn't too impressed at that time you know was against what was happening but wasn't
Starting point is 01:14:06 really very awake to it very much and at that time she's like I think you're going too far with this but it didn't take long a couple months down the road where she's thankful I am who I am and we've done what we do here she's attended a lot of the community events with her family you know she's got more children now and a partner that we get along with and can do stuff together so it's uh she's part of the community that's coming together to to you know stand against what's happening especially for our children i know this is me prying a little bit but will she will she um speak at um your court at your court case yeah yeah actually she did come yeah we had a because that seems pretty valuable yeah it was supposed to be a couple weeks ago um so we we had she was there um but there's a
Starting point is 01:14:51 technicality when we got there so the court did get pushed back yeah yeah she's yeah she's there as a as a character reference for me which is great well i i was uh i when my wife originally told me um five years ago that, um, we weren't going to get our kids vaccinated when we had our first kid or seven years ago, I'm like, oh no, I've married like someone who's batshit crazy. Same, same. I was, uh, same with Jason's mom. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Fuck. How did, how did I not know? But I was like, okay, just, I'll just push it away and I just, I'll just ignore it and like, fine, whatever. but i was like okay just i'll just push it away and i just i'll just ignore it and like fine whatever and and then she she she read this book called uh dissolving illusions do you know this book no no haven't heard of it holy shit uh anyway thank god for these fucking moms that parents and uh and and then and then and then it took it really it wasn't until five years later that when the covid vaccine came out i started doing my own research on it and and the numbers didn't make sense to me at all i started just doing simple third grade math
Starting point is 01:15:56 and i'm like wait a second you're more likely to get first of all you can't die if you're not obese and second of all you uh and this was on the cdc website yeah this is the book i highly recommend this holy shit to anybody check it out this will blow your fucking mind it's uh the covid is what really woke me up um you know i'd always i'd always had a uh something inside me that's knowing the system is just wrong this control just the way it's way it's done you know so i've always been a rebel uh my whole life and standing up against authority but it was colded when that first came out intuitively i knew it was wrong and i started looking at the numbers i was like this is absolutely ludicrous nobody's going to listen to
Starting point is 01:16:38 this and then i realized people were listening and that's when it woke me up i was like what's happening here actually wait a second why are the masses and then i started looking at you know the play the fear what what's being done the the one world agenda and everything that's come along with that and all the all the dots started connecting so it wasn't until you know two years ago that i started questioning things and now it's like fuck you see anything and it's like i wouldn't doubt it these days it's i'm not quick to write things off like i used to be uh and look at people as you know back It's like, fuck, you see anything. And it's like, I wouldn't doubt it these days. I'm not quick to write things off like I used to be and look at people as, you know, batshit crazy because of their thoughts on some conspiracy. Do you remember what number specifically what you saw that made it so you weren't afraid of COVID?
Starting point is 01:17:18 Were you like, oh, that does. I'm not. I'm not worried. I'm good. Do you remember anything in specific? Yeah. No. I remember seeing like ninety nine point percent uh survival rate right yeah when i saw that i was like survival the fittest like this is fucking ridiculous you
Starting point is 01:17:32 know so when people are gonna die that happens right um that wasn't uh you know that wasn't a popular uh statement and especially when you look at uh you know the play the decade before attack on masculinity right for a man to be speaking up and saying those words is absolutely when you look at, you know, the play the decade before, Attack on Masculinity, right? For a man to be speaking up and saying those words is absolutely not okay, being how sensitive people are. So it's, yeah, you know, I understand now through this whole process why so many men are not standing up, you know, scared to share opinions. Like, fuck the hate I get within the community alone
Starting point is 01:18:04 when I make a move that goes outside what somebody would like me to do right it's uh people are so quick to judge and and uh and and criticize others whether it's coming from a a place of good intent and usually not it's coming from a place of their own insecurities their own trauma their own anger that's built up inside the unresolved anger there that they take out on you. Projection. I have a friend who's pretty wealthy who lives in Canada, and he says basically he earned every cent of it. He worked his fucking ass off. And he said that basically he has to hide his wealth because Canada in general, I guess, i guess it's it's socialist way of thinking
Starting point is 01:18:48 that um anyone who wants to push the boundaries work extra hard earn what they get celebrate their successes it's frowned upon there's something culturally there in canada that's like that i think and i think a lot of the um i think countries like uh what are they called nordic countries have that too. Yeah, I definitely see the cultures there quite a bit more than I see in the States for sure. If you're going to make a comparison. Yeah, like this tall poppy syndrome. Instead of celebrating the successes, people are fucking chopped down. Like, hey, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Yeah, stuck in that victim mindset, right? Yeah. Yeah, it comes out for sure. Is there anything, can, can, can that be changed in Canada? You think, you think that's part of the awakening? Oh yeah. Yeah. I would, I would hope so. At least I think so. I think we'll see that on all fronts.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Not how many years that's going to take to have that happen. I don't know. Yeah. You know, it's, it's interesting to see a lot of people are scared to see, you know, the next year's play out. I'm not. But I've come to a place spiritually where I know God's plan is much better than the plan I've designed in my head originally from what society has conditioned me to think that I want. Right. So I've let go of that. If you can do the work of letting go what that little voice inside your ego wants and surrender it to the universe and what God has planned for you, it's exciting. But a lot of people are still stuck on the worldly possessions or their thought of what a happy life is that they're always chasing and never actually living, right? So you can give up what society is conditioning you to think that you want and need and what life should be and can surrender to the universe. God's plan for you. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Makes the future look exciting, actually, as you're going to see it unfold. It is exciting. I wake up every morning so excited. Yeah, yeah, same, same. Congratulations. You get another fucking day is the way I look at it. You know, so many people aren't celebrating that they have another day. I often ask people, you know, if I was to say, here's a million dollars I'm going to put in your
Starting point is 01:20:50 account tomorrow morning, you wake up and see that transaction, would you celebrate? 99.9% of people say absolutely yes, other than those that are extremely depressed. I say, all right, well, what if I told you I'm going to give you this pill? You're going to take that and you're going to have two days to live. So you only get to spend that money for for a day but here's a million bucks like well no i choose to fucking live more in a day than a million dollars all right well why aren't you waking up celebrating that you got another day if you choose life over you know yeah yeah celebrate for right like wake up with that gratitude that you have the air in your lungs you know every day
Starting point is 01:21:22 i i look at it as the best damn day of my life and that doesn't matter what's going on people think that's bullshit like no i got all the i got all the lessons from yesterday that i've learned from the tools that i've gained from all the good memories from yesterday and here i am with air in my lungs and the life to fucking make the most out of the day and move forward and be right like what else do we have other than the moment right at hand someone said heard someone say it similar the other day. If Bezos would give up every cent he had to start life over again, if he could go back to being a little boy. And it's right.
Starting point is 01:21:54 You're like, wow. You're right. You would. Would you pay $10,000 to take 10 years off your life? Yes. Would you spend $100,000? Yes. A billion?
Starting point is 01:22:02 Yeah, whatever. Take it. I'll take it. Give me my. Take it. I'll take it. Give me my 10 years back. I'll take it. Man, and, man, yeah, it's even if every day is a fight, it's being alive. It's worth being alive.
Starting point is 01:22:19 100%, yeah. You know, and I'm sure you probably share the same outlook after you cross so many mountaintops. It gets to a point where you know the challenges at hand are something that's a gift. Whether it's knocking you right on your fucking ass and kicking your ass over and over, you hit a point in life where no matter how hard those challenges are, you know it's for good reason. There is a beautiful view when you get through it. Keep going and enjoy the process as much as you can, which takes, you know, a conscious reminder quite a bit that, that,
Starting point is 01:22:50 that comes from experience that's for sure. Sean, since you have been keeping your head low for the last month, what was your thought about coming on just some random podcast to some dude you don't know? Happy man. Happy to always chat. You know, it's not something I put myself out you don't know. I'm happy, man. I'm happy to always chat. You know, it's not something I put myself out there very much anymore. Like you said, I've been pretty quiet. I do plan on making changes to that.
Starting point is 01:23:12 It's more so, you know, trying to be wise where I put my attention to sharing the words that I share, you know, doing my best to create unity over division. So it's, you know, it's something I'm happy to come and shoot the shit with man for for for a daily reminder what do you use as a tool to stay on track with this unity over division i have this book here uh the dao Ching, written by Lao Tzu, Stephen Mitchell. You can just basically open it to any page.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Here, number 22. If you want to become whole, let yourself be partial. If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. If you want to be given everything give everything up and this is what you were saying you want the universe then surrender to it and let it let it stop fighting with it stop arguing with reality and let it fucking dump its
Starting point is 01:24:14 abundance on you do you have a do you have a a tool that you use uh yeah most definitely um i have an app actually i developed that i have all my tools in that I utilize now. And I would start, you know, the day with, well, quite a few things. Breath work, meditation. That's how I start my day. But my I am's, you know, I write all my I am's, what I'm grateful for, following I am and remembering I am and who we all are and connected as one in the consciousness. So that's a huge one, you know, in terms of a book, one I always go to that, you know, kind of like your reference there, it would be the Four Agreements by Dom Miguel Ruiz, you know, simple, simple four agreements to live your standard life by that help bring
Starting point is 01:24:55 everything in check. And yeah, just remember who we are and what we're here to do, not get lost in the design of it to, you know, getting a fearful mindset and just give up all your fucking rights and your sovereignty and lose track of the spiritual connection and the spiritual path that we have here. Has your daughter made – how old is your daughter? Nine. Nine. Has she made any – I know she's she's at that age um they seems like they start around five where they start um telling you who you are like oh i noticed you did this today or hey you're you
Starting point is 01:25:31 no need to yell at me or is she has she made any observations about your transformation dad i noticed blah blah oh yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah she hasn't uh you know stated it so bluntly like as as you uh as you shared their suggestion, but she definitely has, I can feel that change. You know, everybody around here does. It's yeah. It's a completely different energy, which I know is appreciated by most. Some people are still stuck in wanting to be angry, so they don't appreciate it. But that's where you just be true to yourself, right? Authentic. And you'll attract your tribe.
Starting point is 01:26:04 And do you own a dog yes i do yeah vincent he's sleeping beside me here it's it's kind of like those people who get really aggressive dogs yep and i always wondered like like there's i think i always thought oh like people who get those pit bulls that like they have to they're the dog that at the dog park always has to have the ball or the dog that's always just doing something bad and i think why did those people get those dogs do they hate themselves trying to complicate their lives like why did you get three jack russell terriers i think he's going to get i think he's going to do you know what i'm saying why, if you weren't going to get a dog, why not just get a chill dog? Why, why are you getting a dog that adds problems to your life?
Starting point is 01:26:51 That like, like if your front door is left open, it's fucking, the police are going to be there. Yeah. I don't, you know, I think a lot of dogs embody the energy of the owner too. Right. So whatever, whatever's going on inside there is,'s going inside there is transmitting through that animal that's spending all that time and picking up that energy from you. You could be a,
Starting point is 01:27:12 you're like, do you know who Dan Blazarian is? Yeah, yeah. Has anyone ever compared you to him? Not in your behavior. My page used to be all about guns, firearms, and off-roading, and the beard., my page used to be all about guns, firearms, and, you know, off-roading and the beard.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Yeah, I used to get that relation, that suggestion on, you know, the resemblance quite a bit, which obviously I don't think I ever appreciated very much as a father. No, no. Oh, shit. This guy got married? Holy fuck, no shit. Wouldn't think that. congratulations dude wow i that's an i'm armenian and that's an armenian uh uh last name is that is is that his wedding wow good on him and he's living his life yeah yeah for sure no judgment uh he um uh
Starting point is 01:28:08 it's i i was i was um just sitting on the assault bike you know you know the exercise the exercise bike in front of a tv just going through watching videos of years interviews and it just a couple days ago it just hit me i was like holy fuck this is like the angel ver this is like the angel version that sits on blazarian shoulder uh sean zimmer is like buddy should you really be doing that i don't know if you should uh really do you need 18 girls at this party dude come on put down the vape pen dan um i i am gonna stick you in my uh google alerts i'm gonna watch you closely uh please um for those of us who who have uh taken an interest in you please keep us posted um uh be sending all my love dude it's even better talking to you than i imagined you're such a cool
Starting point is 01:29:01 cat and uh and we'll be watching to see what happens in the next month and then hopefully have you back on and hear about the court case and about how, uh, cool the judge was. And the judge realized the work you had to do outside the cell. Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you on that brother. Thanks for having me on. Absolutely. All right. You have my number. If there's ever anything I can do for you, let me know any suggestions you have for me. All right, man. Cheers. Take care guys. Peace and love. Bye. And then there were two. Going to turn my fancy light on.
Starting point is 01:29:38 I don't know if Beaver can come on. Beaver, can you come on? Yeah, I know. Hey. Thoughts, Mr. Beaver, from an undisclosed location. What are your thoughts on Mr. Zimmer? He's an interesting cat.
Starting point is 01:29:55 I mean, I actually went through the Reddit feed a little bit, just like listening to what people were saying or reading what people were saying about him. And it's just crazy. They have no idea what they're... Top secret orders. Basically, people just hate him because he didn't take the vaccine and he wants to keep his yard open and exercise. And so people are calling him a child molester for that or a murderer or just like – Yeah, they call him a mooch.
Starting point is 01:30:26 Because he put up a GoFundMe because the Canadian government seized everybody's GoFundMes and took all their money from them. And he's like, oh, why don't you get a real job? Call him a piece of shit. He's like, why do you have so many guns? You must be – like, dude, it's crazy. It was just insane what people were writing in there. And they're just saying it all behind some guys of random Reddit account name. And you'll never know who that person is unless you do some serious digging.
Starting point is 01:30:55 The ambiguity that, that it's all, it's all ambiguity and just nonsense attacks that, that God, I can't. Anytime, just so people know when you send me links, there's two places. I don't, I don't go to face. I don't go to Facebook, Tik TOK or Reddit. tax that that god i can't anytime just so people know when you send me links there's two places i don't i don't go to face i don't go to facebook tiktok or reddit i don't go to facebook or tiktok because i don't have time so if you send me links to that i just go right past it and i i will go to twitter although often um for some reason i can't see shit on twitter on my phone it's always asking me to log in and i get annoyed with that and but, but, uh, I, I will never go to Reddit ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. I think of Reddit as a place for child, child molesters. Even now I'm
Starting point is 01:31:31 concerned about Beaver. I fucking hate that place. It's the worst. It's coward. It's coward heaven. Gross. It's like, it's like, um, it's the worst kind of indulgence. I imagine everyone over there spends 12 hours of their day. All the men who go on Reddit spend 12 hours of the day trying to suck their own dick. Like that's the best time. I imagine a lot of them are bots too. Bots that try to suck their own dick. They're just gross. It might be difficult.
Starting point is 01:31:59 They're a little square. That's OK. What did you think of Mr. Zimmer, Sousa? I thought what he's doing is cool i just think it's funny just the power of division through the media and how much that like once that division is created you need an enemy and if you look at somebody like him and you were to just take all the thought that we had and just kind of analyze him for what he's actually doing it'd be hard to hate an individual like that but with the power of the media spotlight and um the way that that information can be manipulated it just it's crazy to me that you could create an enemy out of somebody like that you know what he reminded me of the um damn
Starting point is 01:32:35 blazerian no no no um you didn't like that that wasn't a good note to end on that's all right it was it was good so funny the uh the guy who owns runs the acting academy oh that's good that's what he reminded me of because i mean with i mean with how he's running his house he's got like a community i mean obviously it's not like a school or anything but i imagine there is some sort of like home education going on with them. I thought that was very cool. Yeah. And he just wants to do his own thing. Well, I think he's threatening to the powers that be because if more people like him kind of take their own lives,
Starting point is 01:33:15 community and stuff within their own responsibility, you would see a shift of the, of the power and the influence. And so when people usually have a large collection of power influence, they'll do whatever they can to keep it and keep amassing more and i think that's just what we're seeing now caleb getting jacked on his work trip are you training a lot caleb looks like it's instagram yeah that's awesome a lot um it's hot is your is your is the gym hot hot as fuck dude no ac in there okay it's hot as fuck um so so when you do that you just drink a shitload of water before you work out like
Starting point is 01:33:55 you're like okay i'm gonna work out dude i probably drink like two liter over two liters of water a day i only know gallons how many how many liters that's like it's i mean it's probably a gallon and a half well i probably drink about a gallon and a half a day wow wow and i just sweat my ass off um uh sevan i swear you're i i i i tony andrews jesus i swear you swear you're – Tony Andrews. Jesus. I swear, Sevan, you say you're not religious or believe in God. You certainly hold many Christian values.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Wait, what's today? Oh, shit. I got to take the kids to play test. Well, the thing is this. I had that guy Jay Nara on, and he talked about objective morality, and he explained to me what that is. And I guess I have that. My mom raised me. My mom and my dad raised me to treat is and i guess i have that my mom raised me my mom and my dad raised me to treat people the way i want to be treated so that's like that was really both my
Starting point is 01:34:52 mom and dad that was really beat beat into me like and my dad my parents are very nice people like you know my dad's the kind of guy like if he drove by like a seagull injured in the road a fucking seagull dude you know how fucking big a seagull is it's like this they're fucking huge he would swerve and hit it to make sure no he would fucking pull over and put it in a paper bag and bring it home and put it on our deck and feed it until it could fly away on its own yeah oh my god like i'm telling you like i have my like my parents are like my parents are good people and and so like i just have i just have that um i have the and then i've been around really smart people too you know um i don't know why it takes so long for these things to hit me but i remember greg glassman says you
Starting point is 01:35:38 can't be for a death penalty and i go why is that and he said because they're gonna get it wrong and innocent people are gonna get killed and i'm, because they're going to get it wrong and innocent people are going to get killed. And I'm like, oh, shit, they are going to get it wrong. Innocent people are going to die. And then you start thinking. And it's the same thing why it's like I struggle with war, because you send these ifs. If we kill someone, then we've also made a murderer. You can't kill someone and then no one killed them. Would you rather have a keep a murderer alive or kill one and add another one i it starts to become batshit crazy to me and and i don't want to rationalize idiocy by the way i just i just saw some i just read this uh i just saw this amazing video sent someone sent
Starting point is 01:36:20 me from the dark horse podcast can you pull up that podcast really quick it's between peter bogosian and whatever the guy's name is weinstein these are two of the most gnarly fucking left-wing dudes ever and now they've been red-pilled and if you want to if you want to hear their conversation about why they use this model of why the left has no morality, and it's fascinating. I used to never even like that word morality because I couldn't really understand what it meant. But in a nutshell, it means like, yeah, yeah, this is so good. You guys got to listen to this. These are two fucking real fucking Portland fucking betas that fucking unfucked themselves. It's fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 01:37:07 And this guy's been around forever, both these guys. And if you haven't seen the movie, There Are No Safe Spaces, or no? What's the movie with Adam Carolla and the PragerU guy? No Safe Spaces? You have to watch that movie. That guy's one of the main characters in it. It's crazy no safe spaces oh yeah yeah especially watch it with someone who's a who's a fucking tree
Starting point is 01:37:31 hugging liberal like me watch it with them it's so crazy to get to watch it with liberals it really fucks with us you'll be i start like twitching and shit it's crazy i don't so somebody i work with she's she's like hardcore leftist and then she started just like realizing how crazy people are getting and then watched the uh what is a woman is that the one yeah yeah yeah she was like she's like these people cannot be a part of this and now she's like completely against it it's it's fucking hilarious so so i i have really close family members and friends and i'm like hey you know you how could you be democrat black lives matter kills kills like has led to 34 increase in uh black on black crime and they'll be like well
Starting point is 01:38:16 not that part not that part and i'm like well what about this part over here uh sexualizing kids well that's not left either what about this and I'm like, well, what the fuck is left anymore? What's remaining? Tell me what you stand for. All your cities are fucked. Philadelphia, New York, Brooklyn, San Francisco, Los Angeles, every city.
Starting point is 01:38:38 You know where it's not fucked? It's Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Guess what? It's not run by guess who? Fucking nuts. Well, okay. Who do we have on the show tomorrow? Hey, Keith. Do you work with that chick? Caleb?
Starting point is 01:38:57 Keep us updated on her, please. Well, she's coming. I like her. I want you to tell her I like her. It's starting to open up a little bit. Yeah. I want you to tell her I like her. Be like,
Starting point is 01:39:14 tomorrow is a, uh, interesting day. I don't know what the fuck's going on. I think tomorrow night though, that we will do a live call-in show. I think it's going to be a late night call-in show at 7 PM. Maybe I'll even do a Hiller fit review show there. I haven't talked to Andrew in a week.
Starting point is 01:39:28 And then on the 16th, we have Dr. Cashy back on, probably one of the smartest dudes walking the planet. He's always fun to listen to. Wednesday, we have Sherman Merrick on. I've had Sherman on the CrossFit podcast and this podcast before. He is a CrossFit gym owner, businessman, entrepreneur, but he's also an incredible role model
Starting point is 01:39:52 for personal accountability in the most real sense and in the financial sense. Then on the 18th, we have Kevin Kessler. Kevin had a heart attack in a CrossFit gym and his life was saved I think by one of the members. It would be cool to hear his
Starting point is 01:40:08 story. Then on the 19th we have the author of We have Alan Stein. We have two different books that we were... The author of Raise Your Game and Sustain Your Game. That's right. Raise Your game and sustain your game. That's right.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Raise your game and sustain your game, which I'm going to listen to on audio book tomorrow. When, as I drive, sit in the car for seven hours. All right. That's it. Nothing else. Thanks for checking in everyone. Hey, you know what I was thinking? What do you think about this as an idea for a show? We should we just do an entire show on going through workout by workout on what a Mal O'Brien, what things we could tweak that made it so she would have beat tia like each event and what
Starting point is 01:41:06 she would have to do to win or just yeah or who took or do the same thing for roman and um and justin yeah so basically to show either how close it was or how far away be like hey if she would have done this here and not tripped here in this event, she could have gotten these points. And just kind of make a what-if scenario to show. I think that'd be cool. Because you might uncover some interesting information. Like, oh, if she had done her muscle-ups 10 seconds faster, it would have changed the point spread by whatever because of who came in between.
Starting point is 01:41:37 Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. It's better than the what-if Rich was an individual conversation still. Right, that's too hard. But yeah, I like that non-stop dear caleb i'd suggest lmnt two packets before your workout you'll feel amazing and have more energy and your loads will fly across the room wow less dehydration equals better performance those are so salty though have you had them before yeah they fly across the room yes definitely those are those are very salty sometimes unless i eat pineapple it's not so bad when i life source myself at night it's uh it's kind of hit or miss out here watch out for friendly fire over there caleb we don't
Starting point is 01:42:19 want to be walking it into the room and catch a salty we leave each other alone yeah we give each other time um get your shirts at vindicate and life is rx get your uh coffee at paper street coffee get your testosterone at ca use the code word sevan and get extra love maybe a handy okay bye

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