The Sevan Podcast - #553 - Killing the Fat Man, Catching Up with Gary Roberts

Episode Date: August 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. But I'm like, oh, you don't say. Oh, bam, we're live. No shit. Well, that happens.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Gary Roberts coming on the show tonight. Yeah. Gary Roberts. I feel like that mic instead of gives you a real like radio voice right there. Hiller, Hiller called me today. He's like,
Starting point is 00:00:51 Hey, we haven't talked in a while. I was like, I know. Fuck. He doesn't normally call me. I call him. So like when I'm like,
Starting point is 00:01:00 it's weird. He doesn't, he doesn't really ever call. I just call him. But today he called me. It was weird weird he just wanted to check in yeah it was too long before you called him he was getting a little nervous i think i was i think i need to play more hard to get with him yeah a little break was good you know you let him you let him come after you a little bit let him chase you i was like calling him like five times a day he was in the rotation
Starting point is 00:01:25 and then and then he and then he's like today he calls hey it's been a while he didn't he didn't even have the hillary didn't even have the guts to tell me it's been a while he's like my girlfriend told me that it's been a while since we talked he didn't even have the vulnerability to say it was him to put himself out there he had to get a go through that second person i i think it's okay to say share this right it's part of my he had to get a go through that second person i i think it's okay to say share this right it's part of my shtick it's not like oh what's this what's uh the first are you talking about the notes uh no no no i think it's yeah the notes too but i think it's okay to share that like normally i wouldn't share personal phone calls but like i think it's
Starting point is 00:02:00 okay to share that it's funny right it's like part of a shtick it shows the intimacy between hillar and i without revealing too much to where he would be offended he's not going to call me and be like dude that wasn't cool you sure you shared that no i don't think so i think that was it was the perfect amount let's see maybe people were wondering he didn't have him on the hillary and we can review on sunday so i'm just uh he did he did say this to me too he's all hey are you licking your wombs from the game I go I am he goes me too it's weird it's um it's um I didn't uh Tony I didn't drive through Bakersfield did I I drove down the five I drove down the five I don't think I drive through
Starting point is 00:02:37 Bakersfield close though I think the the highest I saw the temp get was 94 I am sweating like a pig though I just did 100 burpees with um I I fasted for 36 hours, probably like 40, almost 48 hours, showed up to Newport, went straight to the bar, had a bloody Mary, came back, met the benefactor, California hormones, then went back to the bar with her, had two vodkas and Red Bull then i know you guys that's unusual for you because i was falling asleep so now i'm probably 48 hours fasting but just with three crazy drinks bloody marrying two vodkas and rebels here we then i went for like a two mile walk while my boys skateboarded and then i came home and did 100 burpees just like to of clear my mind for the show. So if I seem in a unique state, it's because of that.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Those are the chemical compounds. I still haven't eaten. I think I had a little bit of chicken, a tiny bit of chicken, probably like three ounces of chicken, two ounces. Oh, look at Eric Wise. I called it three deep. Yeah, you did earlier. You can tell. You know me. And 100 burpees. Come on, man at Eric Wise. I called it three deep. Yeah, you did earlier. You can tell. You know me.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And 100 burpees. Come on, man. Come on. I kind of burped fast. You stay dedicated. Tomorrow morning, we have Trevor Cashy on. A brilliant guy. Super duper duper duper brilliant.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Rolls with some fucking high rollers. He is a PhD biochemistist we've had him on the show before a trippy cat stony cat um a specialist in um training weight loss and a sober thinker extremely sober in his uh thinking and logic i'm excited to have him on tomorrow i got a bunch of notes um and it's gonna be fun to talk to him about that. I'm going to try to, I'm going to go through some of his videos and ask him about that, but I'm going to try to lure him into the deep end again. Last time I tried to lure him into a discussion of the difference between reality and thoughts, right? So the, the example that I always use on the show is sex, uh, which is male, female versus gender, which is in your thoughts and sex is real.
Starting point is 00:04:43 It's on the outside, the penis and the vagina. And last show, he kind of said that there is no difference, but there is a difference. And I got another example too. This time I'm going to tell them like jealousy. Jealousy is only in your head. It's not in the outside world. Oh, that's a good one. It does not exist, right?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah, yeah. So I'm going to try to lure them into the deep end using that. Gary Roberts, what's up, buddy? What's up, man? roberts what's up good buddy what's up man what's up hey did you just work out too yes sir yeah me too yes drunk as a skunk but still worked out deadlifts kettlebell swings uh squats fun times fun times. Fun times. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a company called CrossFit LLC. It used to be called CrossFit Inc. It was founded by Greg Glassman in the early 2000s.
Starting point is 00:05:42 It's a fitness and lifestyle methodology with its foundation being nutrition, which is bizarre because most of the people who follow it don't even know that. And the foundation is nutrition. And it is a hardcore lifestyle, personal accountability lifestyle where you take responsibility for your health and wellness and well-being, and it empowers you. And although it is based in nutrition and movement, it bleeds over into the brain because as you become more independent physically, you become more independent in thought and you start understanding how to think correctly um and when uh during during the the upcoming of this company the internet sort of took off at the same time some of you take the internet for granted but there was a time when this company started where the internet really wasn't a thing and then around 2006 and and 2007, the Internet started having bandwidth speeds fast enough to where you could upload pictures and videos. That's when I came onto the scene. And then at that time, I was also working with a man named Gary Roberts in the arm wrestling scene.
Starting point is 00:06:37 This was like four or five, six, seven, eight, nine of the 2000s and gary had a very very innovative company called arm tv where for a subscription you could watch arm wrestlers arm wrestle and he could brought the whole entire planet together on this website it was fucking gnarly and then youtube came along and youtube even democratized it even more and it's the irony is that i use the word democratization because now the things like youtube and facebook and twitter and instagram that were supposed to democratize this are now instead are fucking big brothers, which is fucking bizarre. But that sort of caused Gary to rethink his business model because Arm TV was no longer exclusive in its showcasing of arm wrestling talent all around the world. And everyone could upload it from their phones. At that time, Gary and I, because I was following the arm wrestling world at that time.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Also, Gary and I had a close friendship. We were the only two videographers in the arm wrestling space around the world. In the world. I came across CrossFit. He said, hey, at that time, he told me he was going to run a marathon to lose some weight. And I said, hey, dude, why don't you do CrossFit? Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, my story has been hijacked by a man taking California hormonesia hormones i wish i could tell you we had this planned out ahead of time i wish i could tell you i was drunk and this whole thing was planned out
Starting point is 00:08:12 it's just b-roll hey you're not supposed to push it in aren't you supposed to do wait no you gotta you gotta prime it dude shouldn't the bottle be the other way gary this is too good no wonder you don't know what you're doing the bottle what the fuck is going on here they don't give you enough the needle doesn't reach the other way bro wow uh ladies and gentlemen gary rober Roberts is, oh my gosh, Alyssa Carr-Ridau. I'm uncomfortable. You should be uncomfortable. Holy shit. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Holy shit. Those are nice shorts. Oh my God. Look at her butt. Can we run the California Hormones banner on the bottom this time? run the California hormones banner on the bottle this time? Shouldn't that go closer to your ball sack?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Shouldn't that go closer to your ball sack? How the fuck did I just... I'm a nurse and this is not kosher. That's what your mom said. Hey, I'm pretty sure I saw him use a straw. Oh my God, I can see the muscles growing.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Oh! Oh! Alexander Hitch. Alexander licks it right in the tank. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Sorry. I didn't mean to.
Starting point is 00:09:57 No, no, I didn't mean to interrupt your scheduled, uh, your scheduled injection. So at that point, Gary said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:10:04 I'm going to run a marathon. And I said, okay, why don't you do CrossFit instead? He said, okay. And I go, why don't we film it and make it into a series? And we made the series Calif, uh, California hormones. We made the series killing the fat man season one, and it ended up being the most popular series in the history of CrossFit outside of games content i think the first episode has more than a million views yep actually more importantly than that yeah um 10 can you pop it up on the screen tens of thousands of people had their lives changed from this series and and gary how often do you get hit up on facebook instagram that's how old is that is it five years ten years old
Starting point is 00:10:43 how old is it we hit our ten-year anniversary. A little over that. Yeah, a little over that. Yeah, we had our ten-year anniversary. So episode one has a million, 80,000 views. Yep. How many comments? Over a million.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I cannot read any of that. 332. That's awesome. I get messages at least weekly. Now, it used to be like multiple daily, but I always get people checking on me. They want to know how I'm doing. Dude, you look exactly the same. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:25 You didn't even age. Somebody said they thought I was in my 30s the other day. That's positive. I am 49, bitches. Yeah, crazy. So Gary lost a ton of weight, and it's 15 episodes. I highly recommend you watch it. Then we did a season 2 and now we are
Starting point is 00:11:46 embarking in season 3. It is not a CrossFit production though. It is a California Hormones. That's with an H-O-R, not a W. Hormones. It's not a Savon Matosian production?
Starting point is 00:12:03 A California Hormones Gary Roberts partnership. I am simply Uh, uh, California hormones, Gary Roberts partnership. I am simply the voyeur Gary. So what's up, man? Hi, I called,
Starting point is 00:12:19 I called you. Um, I don't know, a few months ago and we started talking again and i was like how are you doing and can you tell me can we protect can we fake that conversation for the group yeah yeah yeah because you said some shit that kind of that freaked me out a little bit and scared me so after season so after season two you met a new woman and you have two babies now yeah now. Yeah. I forgot. I forgot when everyone's and when everyone says, Hey, what precipitated your, your recent fall off? Because I have had babies on the mind. I, I keep, I fall off. You mean what
Starting point is 00:12:59 caused you to gain weight again? Yeah. Yeah. I keep attributing into having children, but it, you to gain weight again? Yeah. Yeah. I keep attributing into having children, but it, but mofo preceded that. And I totally forgot. And then a hundred percent ties in. I cannot believe I forgot all this maybe because it was such a traumatic experience that my brain sort of blocked it out. But, uh, do you, it really begins with when you called me to fire me from crossfit oh tell me about that i don't even remember that do you remember no you don't remember tell me tell me tell me tell me i want to hear it i at the time had been commuting about an hour and 15 minutes. Since I met a girl and fell in love, I was living at her house in Oakland.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I was commuting to Santa Cruz. And you call me in the morning and you're like, Gary, before we begin, I got so-and-so from HR on the line. And I was like, well, that's weird. Why is so-and-so from HR on the line? And you're like, Gary, I hate to do this. We're buddies. I love you, but I want to save you the drive into HQ today. I'm sorry, buddy, but I have to let you go. Something happened to your microphone just now, Gary. Something happened to your microphone. Did you hit it? I hit it. There you go. You said, I'm sorry, but I have to let you go. And the first thing that I thought was, I said, are we still friends?
Starting point is 00:14:35 You're like, of course. I was like, okay, as long as we're still friends. Stand by one second. Listen, Kenneth. They probably told me they were going to fire Gary, and I demanded that I be on the phone. Don't get this fucking crooked. They tried to make it so I couldn't fucking let go of my people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Don't get this twisted. They were over – they fired 100 people under me, and 50 of them – I demanded that I be there for all of them, and they only let me under me and 50 of them i demanded that i be there for all of them and they only let me be there for 50 of them and they threatened to fire me so don't get this twisted yeah anything that you think bad about me is wrong ever okay and you said i you know i'd hate for you to drive in to the office yeah that's a long drive home. From Oakland, and I completely appreciate that. So anyways. Hey, you guys have to also know this. I would do anything.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And Gary, tell me to fuck off if this is wrong. I would do anything. And ask even the people who hate me at HQ. I would do anything to fight for my guys. I put my job on the line so many times to fight for my guys. I don't want, I don't want to get specific. Cause you can't know,
Starting point is 00:15:49 get specific. It's fine. It's fine. If you think I was an asshole to you, I want you to say it. I mean, no, it's just cause we, we don't,
Starting point is 00:15:55 we don't have time, but I would just take, say to the people, the seven, the Tosian did so many things for me throughout my years at CrossFit that he could have fired me 50 times and I still wouldn't have been – I still would be forever indebted to the man. I may not have humility, but I'm a fucking good dude. For instance, Sevan and I, we were in Scotland one time.
Starting point is 00:16:19 We were working on some CrossFit projects. I was kicking my butt, and then we were getting ready to go back, and he goes – We went to Scotlandotland together yeah yeah he goes he goes hey i upgraded you to first class oh good dude like you let me take first class on the way home i was like did i make you give me a handy no it's just like it just like that's one that's one this comes at a price still i'm just saying that's one of like a thousand things that you did out of kindness like hey your first class going home like i gave you some of my only person i've ever met who works harder than you is uh lauren khalil not including matt susan so anyways one of
Starting point is 00:16:59 the i promise this story is going someplace. I keep interrupting you because I've had three drinks. Keep going. But when you guys had let me go, I got a severance check. And I'd always, one of the biggest things about losing all that weight is that I hated, hated all this loose skin on my, on my belly. And so the minutes you guys issued me a severance check, I hated, hated all this loose skin on my belly. And so the minute you guys issued me a severance check, I immediately went to a doctor who does – I think we talked – I it, but I totally forgot that the recovery on that effed me up for a long time. Explain. Explain. So let me get this right. So you're saying that you lost all this weight. You went from 265 to 205. You had all this extra skin, and you wanted to remove it, and now you're saying that that fucked you up.
Starting point is 00:18:02 and you wanted to remove it. And now you're saying that that fucked you up. I mean, it effed me up twofold. One, so that they surgically, they surgically cut from here all the way around and they basically tore the skin up to my titties and stretched it down. So this belly button is skin that used to be up here. They stretched it down. And, and all the research I did from this surgery, nobody told me that the, when they remove that skin from your body, that they kill all they kill, you become numb for months. My entire mid drift was numb. I couldn't feel it. And I couldn't, I mean, one, just from the exercise, I mean, from the surgery, you can't exercise for like, I don't know, let's say four to six. What do you mean? They don't, when you went in for your consultation to have that skin removed,
Starting point is 00:18:54 they don't say to you, Hey, you're just so you know, one of the side effects is you're going to be numb there. No, that's like when you buy a pair of nobles, they don't tell you, Oh, by the way, we support putting men and women's sports, or we, we, they don't tell you like when you buy a pair of Nobles, they don't tell you, oh, by the way, we support putting men in women's sports. Or they don't tell you that when you buy Nobles. So I guess I understand. When I went back for the month checkup, I said, doctor, why do I not feel the entire middle section of my body? He's like, oh, yeah, that's just – it grows back in a millimeter a month, your feeling. And I couldn't, I literally, it jacked up my working out. You think circumcising boys is okay?
Starting point is 00:19:34 You think that's okay? I did not circumcise my son because I didn't like that. I didn't get to choose. I left him free. I left him free. Yeah. I know that's hard for a lot of you. I know it's hard for a lot of you guys. I know. I want to tell you something about circumcision. There's a movie called American Circumcision. I dare you to watch it. And I want you to know something that the same membrane that attaches your fingernail to your finger, hold your foreskin to the head of your penis. And when you circumcise a baby it rips that membrane off the helmet and instead of allowing it to attach naturally over a few years and then eventually the foreskin falls back i'm telling you hey this is an appropriate time to bring this up
Starting point is 00:20:19 this is an appropriate time you are genital mutilation is fucking like nuts but go on okay so your skin sorry so i i want to i want to get something i want to tell you a discovery that i had so thank you so when i used to gain the weight all the weight went went outside of my outside of my uh you have the weight the fat that's external to your organs and then the internal. And everyone, I guess, tells me the internal fat is the dangerous fat. Have you heard that? Yeah. The stuff that's on your organs is not the good stuff. You don't want that. That's not the good stuff. So when I had them remove all that area,
Starting point is 00:21:20 So when I had them remove all that area, when I started to gain weight back, one, because of that hell of a recovery from the surgery, then the pandemic hit, then having children, it just snowballed this lack of diet and exercise. Anyways, when I started to gain the weight back, the fat on my body went internal because they removed the fat cells where they used to be. All the fat went internal inside my guts. And right around the time that you called me was right around. And so since killing the fat man, I lost my father, my father, who was featured in the first season. And we talked about him in the second season. He, he passed away last Thanksgiving. Uh, my beautiful father, um, you know, the lifestyle, the sedentary lifestyle is what caught up to him. I also have another family member who had esophageal cancer and it, it primarily, they say the esophageal cancer comes from acid reflux, like years of acid reflux. And what I was experienced, I feel like I'm not a big divine intervention type guy, but I swear to you, Sevan, the week you called me, like the week I had experienced maybe 10 days in a row.
Starting point is 00:22:38 So my wife during pregnancy got acid reflux. My brother always told me he got acid reflux. My dad always said he had acid reflux. And I said, even during those years of being overweight, I think that's common for pregnant women, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because the baby's, you know, taken up the room. I, and I never experienced it. All my fats was always hanging on the outside. I never had that problem, but because I had that surgery, I hit this breaking point where I was just eating regular meals and I was getting full. Like imagine if you had the gastro bypass, I feel like that was happening naturally because the fat
Starting point is 00:23:19 was getting so condensed into my organs that it was squeezing my ability to have like a normal meal. And the acid reflux was coming up. And I was getting really concerned. I was popping the Tums. And I was scared to tell my wife. I was like, I never had this before. And it's literally getting bad. You called me literally that week. And you're like, hey, buddy, You called me literally that week and you're like, Hey buddy, how's your fitness? And of course I'm like, I'm like telling you exactly what happened to that week. And you were, you know, kind of panicked of course, which I, I was, but I hadn't verbalized it to anyone.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Anyways, I was panicked. You could tell I was panicked though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Travis Bajan. Travis Bajan called me two days later. He's like, dude, what's up? What's up? What's up? And I was like, oh, yeah. Yeah, I called Travis.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I'm like, what? Hold on one second. Johnny, Johnny, my homeboy said he's had a hard time getting oral because he's not circumcised. Chicks don't want to touch it oh yeah girls only want to put a mutilated penis into their mouth you're right you're a fucking jackass thousand serve buddy wilt chamberlain's on my jock i'm not gonna be sorry go ahead go ahead my wife okay so so listen listen listen since i've started back at CrossFit, interestingly enough, the very first – I told you I was like – I'm not – I want to tell everyone what's going on here real quick.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Sorry. About a couple months ago, I called Gary. I'm like, hey, what's up? We checked in. I check in with him every couple months. I had him on the show when I started the first podcast again, this podcast again. I've talked to him a couple times since. We had him on the show when I started the first podcast. Again, this podcast, again, I've talked to him a couple of times since. We have some distant friends, but we have some deep connections.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And I called him and he said, hey, dude, I had this fucking skin removed on me. And when that skin was removed, there were fat cells in there. And those fat cells are now gone and they're gone forever. I can't remake them. I'm like, what's the implications of that? He's like, well, now I put on weight and the fat cells that it's being stored on are the fat cells that are attached to my organs. And I go, is that bad? He goes, dude, it's really bad.
Starting point is 00:25:30 That's the last place you want fat. I said, fuck. I go, hey, dude, we got to get you a new fucking CrossFit gym right away, and I'm working with this company called California Hormones. And let's – do you want to be part of another experiment? He said, fuck yeah, let's do it. And part of that experiment – did they ever talk to you about the weight loss stuff too no we haven't got into that part okay okay okay okay so that's where we are yes can i add to that yes yes yes i do it i i'm going to visualize something for you guys that you're not going to un be able to unvisualize
Starting point is 00:26:01 i've never heard anyone describe it before. And I feel like, cause my now weight loss journey has been multiple. I've the wellness to sickness. I've been back and forth now. I that I'm attuned to my body, both in the healthy state and the sick state. But the other day I was doing Murph and in the pushup position, when you go down, doing Murph and in the pushup position, when you go down, if I'm putting 50% of the pressure on my chest cavity and I'm, I'm trying to maintain some form. So I'm not letting a hundred percent of my weight go to the deck and my chest cavity. So it's compressed. If I let up and I put 100% of my body and I let the chest cavity go to the deck, I can feel inside my chest cavity, I can feel the fat being displaced from one side of an organ to another. to another. If you picture, if you can picture the, you know, the rubber ball where you squeeze it and the rubber will pop out of each finger. And if you squeeze it where it balloons over here, if you squeeze this balloon, it'll shoot through and pop out of the other. I can feel the fat
Starting point is 00:27:16 being displaced like a water balloon between my organs and my lungs. When I let, when I come down and I let my chest – Did the doctors tell you about this, Gary? Did they warn you at all? Were they like, hey, dude, you got to watch out for this shit? No. They weren't like, hey, you can never gain weight again because it's going to be on your organs. They said if you gain weight, it goes somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Like because we've removed that skin, the fat won't go back right there. Here's a risk. It goes somewhere else. Because we've removed that skin, the fat won't go back right there. Here's a risk. It goes somewhere else. Holy smokes. What it means is I am now the stakes. One, I'm older. It's harder.
Starting point is 00:28:03 It's harder than it was the first two times around and now i mean the stakes have been raised dude i we always talk about you know you literally are like extending your life by doing this but i mean because i made that choice for you know really it comes down to ego and visual and I just wanted to look better, but I literally put my, my, my health at more risk. And, uh, you know, you can't go back, but I did what I did. But now I, when I, my wife, I made promises to her and now I've been bringing my babies to the gym and they're seeing me move it's like i have that's so badass that you bring your kids to the gym i know you showed
Starting point is 00:28:51 me that the other day that's beast mode yeah i have so much more on the line that i'm like fighting for and uh anyways what affiliate are you going to? Iron Valley CrossFit. What state? Oregon City, Travis Meade. This guy's crazy, dude. He just finished 24 hours of Murph. He's nuts. He does weird, crazy shit. And how long have you been in the CrossFit gym? I've been at Travis's for a month, and I was at CrossFit Kako.
Starting point is 00:29:29 CrossFit Cock and Balls? Kako. Kakao. Kako. for a month and i was at uh crossfit caco uh in uh crossfit cock and balls caco cacao cacao uh i was cacao i was there for a month and that's in my like beaverton area hills oh you're in crossfit cock and balls in beaverton um hey no that's a legitimate affiliate yeah is this it here iron valley that's where i'm at right now and how long have you been doing the trt uh let me look it up it's been a over it's been over a month now you remember i told you i told you it uh i hadn't felt anything yet. Like I knew I'd been going back to CrossFit. I knew I'm feeling better. But from the time I spoke to you till now, I feel like a switch has been flipped.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Like I feel like I feel muscles. Let me see that thing. Let me see that thing. Let me see that thing. Like there weren't muscles here before. I swear my bicep was, it was missing. And now I'm feeling. How about your mindset when you wake up in the morning?
Starting point is 00:30:31 I keep hearing that when you wake up in the morning, it's different. Well, I can only tell you that when I first started coming back to CrossFit, I was accomplishing the workouts, but I was feeling embarrassed. Like I don't deserve to be here. I don't deserve to be part of this community. And it was like, okay, this is a mission I have to do and I have to put the negativity aside. And I didn't feel empowered at all. Why is that, do you think?
Starting point is 00:31:02 I felt terrible. Because of where you were in the past, coming back to it, those feelings arised, as opposed to the first time kind of walking in and getting back into it? What was the difference there? I mean, just from the very first get-go. When Travis, when Sevan called me and said, hey, let's do Killing the Fat Man, it was just a personal challenge that he kind of put to me. It wasn't like, Hey, I'm going to step up and be an influencer and be like a role model.
Starting point is 00:31:31 It was just like, Hey, can I do this? And, uh, you know, when you put yourself out there in the communities, like motivated and you fired someone up to go,
Starting point is 00:31:42 you know, when someone finds killing the fat man today and they're motivated to go like do something about it, when they're sending me messages saying, hey, man, just want to let you know, I just started my first week CrossFit and thank you for motivating me. And I've been a piece of shit, you know, unworthy of that, you know, whatever that is that I haven't been walking the walk, talking the talk and all that, you just feel pretty terrible, especially killing fat men too.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I made a bunch of promises to my wife, like, hey, I will maintain my fitness. Like, I want you to know that that's important to me. And then, you know, I'm not saying babies are a really good excuse it's really difficult to work around that's cool though that you realize it was just an excuse so so what you're saying is is that when you were let go that sucked that put you into a spiral when you were fired when you lost your job no it was free it was freeing for a minute. It was like, Oh, I, for the first time, I don't have to see if Dave Castro's looking on my shoulder about the bitch that I'm not moving. You know,
Starting point is 00:32:54 that was a little bit freeing because of the pressure to, to be, you really are an entrepreneur. You really are an entrepreneur through and through. Yeah. So anyways, I, I, I enjoyed the break, you know, for once not having seven or Dave, like, are you moving? But, and of course you say, Oh, I'll be fine. I'll'll i'll get to moving i'll just take a little break the pandemic break but uh you know then it it uh it compounds right i feel i'm trying how long did you not work out for how long did you not work out for i mean dude there were there were starts i joined in in illinois i joined crossfit Carbon for like a month. The minute the pandemic ended, I joined there. I was there for like a month, but then for one reason or another, I used babies as a reason to not go.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I've tried to start, but I'd say I was not consistent for two, two and a half years from the time my son was born. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, can I, I swear to you, there's one time I talked to you and you said, oh, I hope you're starting killing the fat man three. And I was like, I literally thought about it because after CrossFit, my career with CrossFit, it was over. I had to ask myself, do you know Obese to Beast? What's his name? I don't know his name. Obese to Beast. I think I had him on the CrossFit podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He ghosted me. He ghosted me.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I reached out to him because I thought for a second, okay, the only way I'm going to maintain my fitness is if I really commit to social media. For some reason, I work hard when a camera is in front of me. So I was like, okay, I guess I got to do the social media. It's going to push me. I was calling Killing the Fat Man Project, not like a media. It's going to push me. I was calling killing the fat man, uh, projects, not like, not like a series. It'd be lifetime ongoing, you know, daily posts of me just trying to work. But, uh, I, I decided I didn't want the daily. Well, I reached out to him and I was like, Hey, how,
Starting point is 00:35:19 give me some tips on, uh, once he, I think once he thought I wasn't just a fan and I was looking for clues on how to be an influencer, he like didn't respond back, but I decided at the end of the day, I don't want that pressure. I don't want the daily responsibility that I have to post social media of me moving for 365 days a year times the next 30 years. Like, I just don't want that pressure on me. So I kind of almost did it. You were like, Hey, I hope you're doing something. But then I was like, no, I can't do it. I can't do it. I love that. It's motivating to people, but I can't do it on a daily basis. I can do projects like this but i i don't want to
Starting point is 00:36:05 be on social media forever i like this is the first time i'm hearing that you felt that pressure i didn't know you felt that pressure i'm good with short-term pressure but the idea that it's a lifetime thing that i have to post i just i just didn't i just took a break is what I'm saying. And it's, it's snowballed into a longer break in other areas, but. So now you're back in two. So yeah, two, two months, two months at, one month at Ironside with Travis, one month at Cockham. Iron Valley, Cockham Valley. CrossFit Cockham. And, and.
Starting point is 00:36:43 These are legitimate affiliates. Let's get them right sir okay okay good good stand up look at him look at gary that's the most serious i've ever seen gary he's like fuck you we're fucking around uh and uh but gary wait uh wait what's this uh that dude's a clown i used to watch his youtube correct bruce wayne um where is this he is a clown i agree um uh uh savon looks bored and trying to stay awake uh steve go fuck yourself kim walters he's had three drinks yes that's true uh gary robertson hillary uh okay okay so so you wait hold on what is this private chat to me who are you talking about oh that that was i was telling um i was i was chatting to suza that that
Starting point is 00:37:35 guy's informing me like when you brought that guy's name i was like that guy's a dude i mean that guy is a douche he is he i mean on the highest level he's a woke douche but i don't want to get i don't want to give him any i just want to say one more thing i just want to don't bring that shit in the private gary don't bring that shit up that's for me that's for us that's why i don't bring him up on the screen here okay but just let me finish can you bring those up can you bring those up hold on if i If I look at someone like that and I say, could I do that? Do I want to do that every day? What he does is cool, but that shit's cool.
Starting point is 00:38:13 What he does is cool, but he just went off the woke train. He's just another person who's had success, but then wants to preach the victim mentality. And that's what sucks. Like, fuck the victim mindset. And it's like what you said. And you know what? When I met you, I had the victim mindset and you didn't like what you said. And you know what? When I met you, I had the victim mindset and you didn't. And I used to make fun of you.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And now I'm like, it's crazy how much you knew that I had to catch up to you in terms of mindset. I've become a political biatch. Oh, you're so smart. You were smarter than me and cooler than me when I met you, and I had no idea. Anyways, the point of the story is I just – in order to maintain my fitness and live a long life, I need another way because I love social media. I love to stalk it. I don't want to be it for like where I have a following expecting me. What about the – okay, let me say this i didn't
Starting point is 00:39:05 even think we were going to go down this route but if you want to fuck with this let's do it what about the accountability don't you like a little bit of the accountability like i enjoy the accountability um i enjoy the accountability of the community it may i know it was a lot of pressure on you because you were a beacon of hope for like a shitload of people, right? You lost almost 100 pounds. But if you accept your journey, it can be fun, right? I will say this. I will throw my wife under the bus.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I mean it's cool that you've relapsed. I mean most people have relapsed. You have a pretty normal journey. The only thing that's not normal about you is that you're vulnerable and extremely vulnerable. I i will say this i will say this i will say this i'm gonna throw my wife under the bus okay yeah she saw that episode after thanksgiving where you and tyson were like railing me for having a slice of pizza over thanksgiving weekend and you guys just railed me was that season two season two and my wife's like come on man let the guy like if he's doing so well he doesn't have to be perfect and your expectations of what you want i like the perfect as long as my community understands that i can't be perfect
Starting point is 00:40:21 forever and i'm gonna fall and slip and and that's just gonna be me like as long as my community would know that then i then i would be more okay with it but i can't be the guy who pretends like i don't i don't fail because i think that's why a lot of people would actually would like it. Yeah. Well, okay. I will say this. Me too. Me too. The last time we hung out, you told me your kids were like two. You're like, my sons have never had juice.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Like ever. I was like. I still don't think they've ever had juice. Like, I was like, dude, that's a level of amazing, but I don't know. Like I watered down my juice for my kid and I don't give him juice often, but I can by no means say that he's never touched it. Like, and I don't want to be shamed by you.
Starting point is 00:41:10 If I gave my son. Asshole. Asshole. Because somehow you're able to live perfect. And I can't. I am not. I am not. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I don't want to do that. You're right. You're right. You're schooling me right now. I like it. It's good. And just in general, working for CrossFit, you're around a lot of athletes who do live the life. And it's like, fuck, man, that's another level of respect I have.
Starting point is 00:41:40 But I just, as the guy who becomes fat every few years i i just i'm more normal but i love it well let me ask you this what okay one of the reasons what during this first month and a half that i've been one of the reasons why i agreed to do the california hormones so i was like okay i'm older will that not everything in moderation not everything in moderation no fentanyl and no fentanyl moderation no no dollop of peanut butter in my lamborghini's gas tank in moderation not everything in moderation i don't agree i don't agree uh i was hoping one of the love being shamed by seven i'm a whore for it you
Starting point is 00:42:37 oh kenneth one of the reasons why i agreed to okay so when you and Tyson, you sat me down and Tyson made me send pictures of everything. I know there was 30 days that went by that I had nothing but veggies and clean meats and fruit nuts and measured in perfect. And I was like, my wife said, dude, you, you can't go that crazy. You got to be more normal. And I was hoping that California hormone would help me get similar results without being perfect, if I could just sum up. You're getting juiced up so that you can eat a little pizza. Hey, what about using it this way, way though gary don't you feel the pressure
Starting point is 00:43:27 aren't you like okay now i'm even more motivated to do everything perfect because i'm going out on on a limb and using and using this uh okay we've come full circle we've come full circle matt you asked me how i got that mindset in the very beginning we literally have been transitioning in the last like just mentally i've become stronger more empowered before i was walking into the gym and i was like i'm modifying i'm not i'm not trying to race anybody and i've been that mindset where i told you there was just a little weak bitch. And I don't deserve to be here has completely – a switch has been flipped. In fact, I went – just last Friday, there was two – this husband and wife team from Antioch, California, naval gentleman. They just graduated.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Ghetto, by the way. Antioch, California, ghetto. They just graduated. Say it, Susan. You know Susan. Ghetto. Miguel. Miguel.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Iron Valley CrossFit. Yeah, of course his name is Miguel. Ghetto. He just graduated the onboarding. So for two weeks, I've seen them do special workouts that look just like bitch stuff easy and i was and this one had a mile run and i was like hey coach put them in the class i need to see that if i'm fitter than some dude just graduating from uh onboarding and he smoked me on the run. We came back and we were doing power cleans.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I finally caught up to him. I beat him by eight reps. Of course he smoked you on the run. It's Antioch. He's been running for four years. Antioch High was the high school that would come over and beat the shit out of my high school. We'd beat them at basketball and then they'd beat us up in the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Point is, my brain is back. I am dominating. I'm getting to the gym. I'm no longer scared of the workouts. I'm empowered at the end. Oh, I could say, you know, when you say you got to dig a little deeper,
Starting point is 00:45:38 the well that I can dig, that I can reach in to get to that next level has just gotten deeper. I'm now 70 to 80 percent into the workout before i just wanted to quit and stop and now i'm like empowered i'm digging i'm beating i'm like i'm in it i'm back baby gary can you hold that bottle up for me for a second again the bottle the the vial so what you're saying is because we were talking early on you were having trouble getting the juice out of it so basically what you're saying is is that
Starting point is 00:46:10 the needle didn't go down to the bottom yeah so now what you do is you turn the bottle upside down and just barely put the needle in so it does go to the bottom if they gave you a full bottle but you'll see my bottle it doesn't need to be a full bottle if the needle goes to the bottom if they gave you a full bottle but you'll see my bottle it doesn't need to be a full bottle if the needle goes to the bottom why couldn't you suck the juice out of it no i've been barely getting a half bottle and the needle barely reaches let me see the top of that vial i've never seen one of those vials so that thing is a rubber seal and so when you puncture that it still stays so tight on the needle that it doesn't leak out so what you do is now you turn it upside down and you just barely put the needle in and you suck it
Starting point is 00:46:51 off so there's still some in there right now when you when you saw me squeeze in i was pumping air into the bottle to pressurize it to kind of okay okay help draw so you you put some air in the needle and then you put air in the bottle and it kind of pressurizes a little bit, and it draws it out. Why can't you just shove that – put that bottle at an angle, shove that needle in all the way until it hits the cervix, fucking in the bottom, and then just pull it out from the corner? It's never reached the material. Okay. It's in the – I have to go like this and like get here take to expose the needle again let me see that needle dude let me tell you let me tell you this needle hurts like a mofo bro i
Starting point is 00:47:34 know i heard you okay let me see okay now now stick that into the bottle for me god that's a thick needle why is that needle so thick yeah because because the juice is thick it's a thick oil i can't stick it back in it's been used bro i can't contaminate my business i'm doing i'm doing a podcast why do my friend the three friends i have to one of them's on the podcast and the other two always call me um So, oh, that's cool. So let me see. Is that empty now? You're done with that?
Starting point is 00:48:11 Are you done with that, Gary? No. You can see. Oh, yeah, there's some in there, the bottom corner. Oh, so you're going to use that again. Yeah. Oh, so that's why you're not putting the needle back in there. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:48:25 So you're telling me that needle doesn't go to the bottom? No. That fucking needle's longer than your dick, dude. How does that needle not go to the bottom? I see that. But why does that... You're telling me that needle doesn't hit the bottom of that jar? Multi-jaws. Yeah, I understand, Kenneth.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Thank you. Kenneth, chill. Chill. Oh. Dude. Okay dude okay oh all right it does not thank you listen maybe when i first got the bottle i could stick it in but not after cousins steve cousin says uh mine is an inch longer at the most. Yeah. Are you – hold on. Hold on. Savant, are you telling me today I worked for three hours to produce you B-roll of what I've been doing in the gym and you have not clicked on that shit? Oh, where is it?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Where is it? Where is it? I sent you a link. I clicked on it. Matt Souza. He saw me. Matt Sousa, if you show the very first one, if you see the first 10 seconds and the last 10 seconds, you can see what I've done here. Come on, bro.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Let's see. Hold on. Oh, wait. Okay. Are you going to play it, Sousa? Sorry. Oh, I have to upload it in here. Hold on. I didn't know we were going to play it, Susan? Sorry. I have to upload it in here. Hold on. I didn't know we were going to play it. Maybe I think we just share your stream.
Starting point is 00:49:50 The last time I watched your podcast, you had B-roll flying all over the place from the game. I thought you were professionals. Oh, man. I'm just playing. I'm just playing. I'm getting it
Starting point is 00:50:05 Okay you got it I thought that was going to be exclusive Newsletter action there I didn't want to screw anything up and show it on screen No Oh my goodness Gary He's so big Hey look up here
Starting point is 00:50:21 You say hi To the talking. You say hi to the talking heads. You say hi. So you can see my gut is being shoved out. It's full of fat inside there. It's like rock hard, but the fat is in there. I can't do a pull up. So I'm wearing that shirt at the end of the workout. so i'm wearing that shirt at the end of the workout how long ago is this this is two months ago yeah the biggest thing for me is look how cool your affiliate is that it lets you have your baby right there yeah the thing for me is that i tried to do a rope climb at kako and i couldn't and then at the end i did I climbed up a rope no problem at the Iron Valley. So I am making progress.
Starting point is 00:51:08 I went from banded pull-ups to sorry. I didn't know if it was inappropriate. That's inappropriate. That's inappropriate. I didn't see any talking balls. Wall walks. Wall walks. Nice. Oops. Don't touch that bubby sorry i have to hide that business here so anyways fast forward towards the any side of
Starting point is 00:51:38 any side effects any negative side effects here's where i feel the fat uh no negative side effects? Here's where I feel the fat. No negative side effects. I feel... I feel... I'm ready, man. I'm ready to... Oh, my God. You already look better, dude. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:53 You already look way better. Yeah, there's another side mirror view at the end, too. There's already a massive difference. Yeah. So... Oh, look at that. Squat squat snatch action i'm working on it buddy that's awesome i think the the rope climb is coming up uh here's where i beat miguel miguel i'm coming after. Yeah, dude. It's been a game changer bringing my children to the gym. What do you mean by that? It's just like it drives me, man.
Starting point is 00:52:31 It drives me. Them seeing. My kid is mimicking. When we're working out or we're doing like leg lifts, like warming up, he's in the corner doing the leg things. It's amazing, dude. It's amazing. I'm 49, Jeffrey. It's a, I've discovered really season three is about the children. It's a hundred percent about the children, dude. These guys, um, I'm modeling, uh, what I'm doing for them.
Starting point is 00:53:05 It was never done for me for fitness. I didn't do it for my daughter. And, you know, my kid is going to have a different mindset. His first memory will always have, you know, it'll be related to something like me in the gym doing movements and CrossFit. And, you know, like like i don't think you remember right two two years old right but whatever year he has his first memory one of them will be me busting ass in the gym i know it's so awesome hey what about what about this gary no testicular
Starting point is 00:53:40 dystrophy i think they mean shrinking nuts no no it's fine. No, no, it's good. We're good. We're good. I'm going to get us a dude on YouTube. Dude, listen. The thing is, Sevan. Yeah. The thing that we're missing from season one and season two is that you were always around asking the hard questions.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Right. on asking the hard questions right that's the one thing that's not happening here but i will tell you this there's an uptick in the oh there is that's interest in the really wow i i i wouldn't say buddy i wouldn't say they're getting smaller bro wow okay wow okay um is it are they are they um you know are they i mean i are they like hard are they like could you put a nail in like here's the deal here's the deal here's the deal you know those ones that kind of hurt like when you're like 16 years old you're sitting in spanish class and it's just so hard it hurts is it are they like that again listen listen listen my wife don't tell her this she's never gonna watch this she was concerned about me taking these california hormones because she's like listen buddy you may be getting older your testosterone may be a little lower but when it comes to the loving departments you don't need
Starting point is 00:55:02 no help okay you're good yeah yeah yeah you're good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're good. And she was concerned. She's like, I can't have you more fired up. If you don't. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:12 And I was like, I said to her in the beginning, I said, it'll be fine. I, I want, I can't want it more. But anyways, I cannot tell her. We can't tell her because I don't want her to know that like i mean every day she's looking more and more like like i'm undressing my wife more than usual with the eyeballs and i'm like damn it boy you know someone mentioned i said hey you know you might sexual interest like your 20s again and i like, I don't know if I need that, but it might be happening. The interests, but I can't tell her because she didn't want to deal
Starting point is 00:55:50 with that shit. She's like, it's already fine. Yeah. Um, do you, do you know about edging? Uh, I have, I know what it is. I don't know if I've ever quite successfully pulled it off. Yeah. Yeah. There's no point. There's no point. Are you going to have more kids? No, no, you can't have kids. You're done having kids. I have a frozen boy. I have a boy on ice. Like my cousin had a frozen cat.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I have a frozen baby boy in cryostasis ready to be hatched, and we don't think we're going to. You know when you do IVF, they can do multiple. They can give you backups. So you have a boy that they could just toss in your woman's vagina, and it would just attach to her inside her uterus and start growing? And it would just attach to her inside her uterus and start growing? So my wife, when she was fearful that it couldn't happen naturally. So we went through all the IVF stages and they got an insemination. They grew it in a petri dish. And it's lasted the number of weeks to be viable, most likely.
Starting point is 00:57:02 And then they freeze it. the number of weeks that to be viable, most likely, and then they freeze it. And then they said, Hey, before we implant this, let's try the old fashioned way of just, uh, insemination where they just time it. And I was like, well, wait a minute. Like just squirt one of your loads in her with the turkey beast. Yeah. I said, wait a minute minute why didn't we just try that first like yeah the other way was yeah thousands of dollars they're like well if you want two children what so anyways they did the insemination i call it my first three-way you know because the doctor was right there with the legs up he's like chatting this up and i was like oh this is our first three threesome did you say that yeah it's. It was a joke. Did the doctor get it? Did he like that joke or not? I don't remember. My wife didn't like it. I like it. I give you a pass. Anyways, that was my son. That was my son.
Starting point is 00:57:58 So my son was born. Then almost two years later, my wife and I, we were trying to figure out what do we do with the other boy. Was your doctor a male or female? Important question here. Male, male. Yeah, okay. Male, male, female. Chill, Craig. Chill, Craig. No judgment. No judgment zone. Chill, Craig. Chill. So then, it was summer. My son was two two and a half and we're like, what do we do about this frozen embryo?
Starting point is 00:58:28 And before we knew it, my wife, without any doctor intervention whatsoever, 100% natural. We got married seven, which that's another thing I'm pissed off. Why in the world did you not come to my wedding? Bullshit.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I invited Yosemite. I invited you and Tyson. Neither of you came to my wedding. I'm really upset about it. Anyways, on our honeymoon, after our wedding... Ladies and gentlemen, don't anyone ever invite me to a fucking wedding. Thank you. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I was a bit disappointed, Sebi. I know. And you know what? I don't... I know and you know what like I don't I don't I hope he leaves RSVP now I would have liked to have I would have liked to have done anything with you outside like even if I don't like going
Starting point is 00:59:14 to weddings I would have liked to have done anything with you or for you or part of anything that's like means anything to you because just the way our lives are interconnected so you're right even though I think I thank you. I mean, sorry. Whatever I'm supposed to say, I love you.
Starting point is 00:59:31 It's fine. I'm busting your balls. But the point is, one month after the wedding, we got pregnant completely natural. And we had a baby girl. No, not completely natural. You squirted in there with a turkey baster. It didn't shoot out through the head. Oh. He used his turkey baster.
Starting point is 00:59:50 The daughter. My daughter. Oh. That's straight from your penis to her uterus. Yeah, it's completely normal. So, now we had these two babies, and I was like, oh, we're not having that third. We can't. I'm like, this too is hard work, bro, oh, we're not having that third. We can't.
Starting point is 01:00:05 I'm like, this too is hard work, bro. So we can't, we can't do this again. So sadly, they're just maybe frozen, frozen boy. I fired you. You gained weight back. I didn't show up to your wedding and I injected you with testosterone. with testosterone listen i like i told everyone else savon matosian would have to do 20 million bad things to even dent what the man did for me during my lifetime i mean i can't tell you what you've done for me either you've done so much good shit for me too we're even listen for you
Starting point is 01:00:40 we're tied we're tied yeah for you commenters out there, Bustin Savo-Mattosi, he did so many things that I thought maybe there was a little bit of favoritism. I was like, well, definitely favoritism. I was, I don't believe in fair, definitely favoritism. I always did more for people that I'd like more. And anyone who thought that was, I'll never, I'll never forget. I'll never forget. I'll never forget. I will give a little insight here. So we're at a Sky, Montana, and we were having a media meeting. And all the media guys were talking about how it's a pain in the ass having to get reimbursed for luggage costs. And I was like, oh, someone's never made me deal with that shit. me deal with that shit i've never never had a problem i've never had to turn in a receipt for luggage and i just feel bad because you know seven seven took care of me as a as an employee like
Starting point is 01:01:37 like he was the dream dream boss and homie uh okay i only did that because there is in all honesty you were one of the hardest workers in the biz and to be fair almost everyone worked at cross for the whether i liked you or not fuck you guys were hard workers it was an impressive uh group of people gary so your film this is season, and so you've started filming your journey. Yeah, and because I don't have a dedicated filmographer following me, I just – I film so much. No pressure. Because I want a lot of varied shots, so I've kind of filmed every single workout. Like I have like 20 hours of footage.
Starting point is 01:02:24 It's bullshit. It's like, have you done any repeat workouts yet? You know, funny thing is that today we had a repeat movements bar rollout where like you're on your knees and you have to like roll the bar out as far as you can can and then, and bring it back in, which I can only go like halfway today. We, we repeated it and I went a little further than I did the last time. So no, no repeat actual workouts. Oh, I repeated Murph. Oh, so I did Murph. I did Murph, you know, back in what was the Memorial day. And it was a half Murph. I did them one mile half one miles, 56 minutes. I just, when
Starting point is 01:03:07 my crazy coach did a 24 hour Murphathon, I redid Murph full Murph with a vest on the runs. I didn't partition it. And I did in about two hours, no bands. Hey, that's crazy that you've done murph twice in two months you just started crossfit yeah that's fucking nuts dude hey good job 57 minutes and two hours is fucking dope that's a what people don't realize is there there becomes a point where people are like well they're trying to compare times and they're like oh i did it in 50 minutes or i did it in 48 minutes or whatever but like dude two hours means that he was working for two hours. There's a component of that that makes that harder than someone that did it in 45 minutes. He was on his feet for two hours working.
Starting point is 01:03:55 It's nuts. Yeah. It's nuts. You must have been hurting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If I could describe – I was thinking about this at the gym today when i just look at look at this look at this look at this gary you're gonna get that out cobra road legends in the house okay sorry go ahead gary go ahead if i i was thinking about this when i first started crossfit the i was i'd say i was close to hurting myself
Starting point is 01:04:28 so many different times i was so fragile me too like i had excited right i i don't know i already told you i wasn't excited i was intimidated i was sad i was depressed i hated myself oh this time this time this time but i i'm telling you, I was like, Oh, I feel in my age when I'm feeling my mobility's crap. I'm, I'm achy. I feel like everything is going to injure itself. And then I was working out today and I was like, Oh shit, you haven't felt like you're going to injure yourself for weeks. Not only do I not feel like I'm going to injure myself, I'm stronger. Like today, deadlifts, I threw 225 on for sets of five, five, four, four, three, three. Wow. Awesome. You're getting it.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I was like, oh, I haven't done 225 since like 2015. But I was just doing it in the strength portion. And I was like, I do not feel like I'm close to injuring myself. I feel like I'm getting stronger. So I, I mean, a lot has changed since we spoke two weeks ago. I was like, I don't know what's going on. I'm not feeling amazing, but today I'm crushing it, bro. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Any, any, uh, weight loss? Have have you lost any weight i'm down about 13 pounds no shit yeah wow yeah yeah yeah yeah uh if i was a hundred percent on the nutrition it could be more but you told me we had a year so i I was like, well, my wife said, hey man, don't be doing that Tyson stuff. You guys get shamed for a slice of pizza. What do you think I could do today? What do you think I could do to make it so? Here's the deal with me.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I'm far from perfect, and how I raised my kids as far from perfect. I just don't like to show the parts where I'm not being perfect because I don't want to give anyone, it's not that I'm ashamed. It's just, I don't want to give anyone an excuse. I don't want to show that. So I'll give you an example. Um, yesterday, uh, after an insane day, I can't even tell you how much crazy shit Avi did and all three boys did. Then afterwards, they came home and they went on the skate ramp, and I had them skate opposite what they normally skate. So I made Avi skate regular, and I made the boys skate goofy, and I had them do that for 15 minutes. That's some hard shit. I had them do that for 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:07:02 That's some hard shit. And after that, I gave them – as a reward, I gave them ice cream, little tiny ice cream sandwiches, Tofutti Cuties or something. But I would never show that on my Instagram because I don't want to – I don't condone that. Do you know what I mean? But on the other hand, I don't want to alienate people. I don't want to alienate people i don't want to i don't want to just i don't want you're just falling into the instagram fallacy that everything is fake well is it i here here's here's my thought that it's not that it's fake okay let me give you an example let me give you i didn't say that it is fake but there's a let me give you an example
Starting point is 01:07:41 that people only show their bright side on yes yes a hundred percent i only do a hundred percent but here's here's the thing i i um when i watched um mad men that show that motherfucker john ham is always smoking and drinking alcohol and whenever i watch that show i'm like damn I want to smoke and I just want to do shots. And I and I it's not that I want to be fake. It's that I don't want to. I don't want to glorify that. Lifestyle, do you know what I mean? Well, that's very interesting, because the part of my killing fat man on the Savant channel is dealing with that issue.
Starting point is 01:08:27 And I was like – Where do you draw the line? Where do you draw the line between being fake but not – like I don't want anyone to be like, well, Savant has ice cream, so I should have ice cream. Now, fuck you. Yeah, I don't want to get permission by posting. Yeah, I don't want to give people permission for that. There's already a bunch of people that are around us. I want to try to be perfect hey listen listen i can't believe you said
Starting point is 01:08:48 i can't believe you did it you you you teed me up for a perfect okay do it listen i've been trying to equate i haven't i'm not successful at it so i don't know if I'm going to butcher this, but I've been trying to equate finance and fitness. Like there's some sort of parallel analogies here and follow me for a second. Like I hear a story like, oh, don't eat that cookie. It takes 20 minutes to burn that off on the treadmill. And then they always stick that in your head but no one's talking about well the person who is who like there's a person who's living i like they're overeating i say they're getting into debt or the person who is uh building muscle is the person who's saving financially for like a better
Starting point is 01:09:46 future. The person who's living financially smart can afford to splurge and have a pizza because they can afford it. And they can also, they're working out so they can afford it on their body versus the person who's living a deficit, like in debt, that pizza is just going to go to more fat. Like they can't afford it.
Starting point is 01:10:06 You know what I mean? And so I think like, when I think of what I'm doing right now is I'm a person who's trying at 49, who's trying to kickstart their fitness again, is this analogous to the person who's tried to save for retirement multiple times, but has failed to do so. The later you take to start saving money, you have to put away more to get less back. And I feel like my fitness journey is very like that. I'm having to work harder to see even less results versus somebody who's younger and start saving the compounding effect. So when it comes to can you afford to have ice cream, I think it really comes down to that. Like, are you living smart financially or fitness wise for most of your life
Starting point is 01:11:02 so you can afford to do these little things and not take a hit. That's kind of what I think of as ice cream. Like right now, my fitness journey, because I'm trying to lose weight. I can eat clean six days a week. All it takes is one Sunday barbecue to crush the potato chips, crush the red vines, have a couple of Cokes. And I have lost all my gains for one week. And it's like, to you, you're like, hey, how come you didn't lose any weight this week? And it's like, but I did so well for six days. It only took one to F me all up.
Starting point is 01:11:43 So that's kind of like where I'm at. that's better though than doing um uh six days of fucked upness in a row right but back in killing batman 2 i ate clean for 29 days in a row and you guys shamed me on day 30 for having a slice of pizza was that that good or bad? Yeah, that's what I want to know too. I mean, I don't think it's realistic to expect if you're, if I'm trying to inspire people to do Killing the Fat Man themselves,
Starting point is 01:12:16 I don't think it's reasonable to expect that they're going to be, out of 90 days, they're not going to have one cheat day and to shame them if they do. I be out of 90 days. They're not going to have one cheat day and to shame them. If they do like, I just think that's unrealistic. I'm not disagreeing for,
Starting point is 01:12:32 for killing fat man purposes. It was awesome. It worked out. And I met my wife and I now have two babies and thank you. And Tyson so much. However, me going forward, I'm trying to just,
Starting point is 01:12:42 so you think it should be 29 days of strict eating one day of shit eating with no shaming and then back to 29 days no i'm just saying the shame factor versus what's reasonable expectation like right like not just completely like shit but not you know what you know it make me feel like I killed my wife because I I wish I could remember I can't remember that you just have to watch the episode
Starting point is 01:13:14 bro I have to go back and watch it I just actually was watching some of them and I saw that part about pizza you know what part he's talking about he's like what is on my phone what did you eat that's not on my phone right now what did you eat he's like looking through all the photos that he sent him seven matosi is running through the background of the
Starting point is 01:13:32 oh my god did you hear it did you hear what he said he had pizza you can see you running in the next room going, did you hear? He said pizza. He had a Coke. You came up to me. You had a Coke. This is what my face looks like when I feel like an asshole. Hey, what if on this time, Fat Man Season 3, when you went to have one of your balanced meals, let's call it, or you indulged in the ice cream, what if you talked about the feelings that you had leading up to it? And then if it was satisfying after you had that ice cream or not? Because you said you don't have, well, it might just also be
Starting point is 01:14:15 a good exercise, not in a sense of shaming, but just in the sense of awareness or the realization about what led me to the thought to actually eat this ice cream? Did I feel I deserved it or whatever the case may be? And then as you finish it, say, hey, what led me to the thought to actually eat this ice cream? Was it, did I feel I deserved it or whatever the case may be? And then as you finish it, say, Hey, what were the repercussions of that mentally? Like how did that make me feel afterwards? Did it change anything? Should I have just avoided it in the first place? And so it's not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Did you say it's never satisfying? Is that what you said? What did Gary say when you asked that, Matt? You said, is it, you said, is it satisfying? Right. And what did he say? I believe he said it's never satisfying. Okay, listen, listen, listen, listen. I'm about to say something I wasn't even going to say.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Is sex satisfying? Oh, fuck, yeah. Yeah, but drinking a Coke, is it? Here's the deal. Here's the deal. I'm going to release something here that I was going to hide from Killing the Fat Man Season 3. And I was 100% You look good, by the way.
Starting point is 01:15:11 You look great. Thank you. I was 100% going to hide it because of the shaming that Sevan has done in the past. Yes. Which is my wife. Hold that Coke up that's down there on your desk right now, Gary. Hold your fucking coke up listen my wife
Starting point is 01:15:28 is someone who can have a soda every now and again she doesn't overdo it she's just normal she could drink a soda and not even finish it maybe and she's like hey dude fuck Simon
Starting point is 01:15:43 I'm not gonna not have a soda just because he's shamed. I am normal. I don't go crazy with it. By the way, she didn't say that. That's my ad lib. Understood. So we still have a – oh, no. I can't believe I'm doing this.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I can't believe I'm doing this. Take me to the fridge. Take me to the fridge. Take me to the fridge now. This is your father speaking, Luke. My biggest problem – Come to the dark side, Gary. So my biggest problem is that it's still around.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Oh, throw it out. Coke shaming. Coke shaming. Let me see. Please be a Diet Coke. Please be a Diet Coke. Please don't be regular Coke. Please be a Diet Coke.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Holy shit. You're a fucking distributor. That's a nice fridge. God, please tell me there's some booze in there. Listen, we had a party. We had a party. And so there's all this leftover soda. And my wife, she can just avoid it all the time.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Do you know all I'm thinking about right now is how good your internet is, that you can walk around your house and your fucking audio and video don't break up. And we have these fucking knuckleheads on that can't fucking even find one place in their house that they can be on the show. So I wasn't going to talk about that. I would probably do better if my wife, if it was 100% eliminated from the house. So what I've done is I was like, hey, can you? So I'll wait for her to open one, and then I'll steal a sip. And I'll be like, okay, that's it.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I just stole a sip. What does she drink? Does she drink Diet Coke? No, she just has a Coke every once in a while. But she's a normal person. I can't drink a regular Coke. I can have a Diet Coke. I can't drink a regular Coke for some reason.
Starting point is 01:17:42 So anyways, I was going to kind of avoid that because I didn't – What about 7-Up? Would you have a seven up oh sure what a waste there's not even caffeine in that gary what the fuck is this i mean you told me 45 minutes am i boring the audience i i feel no this is awesome this whole episode has been amazing so i didn't even realize it had already been that long. I'm doing the rest of the show like this. I can't believe I get to stand up. So between going to the gym, I'm eating clean most of the time.
Starting point is 01:18:18 I'm doing the California hormone. I'm feeling awesome. And it may not be perfect under Sevan Tyson's standards, but I'm seeing results. I'm feeling awesome and it may not be perfect under seven tyson standards but i'm seeing results i'm feeling better so i'm you know hopefully the community can accept me for who i am how much of this podcast is fake fake no okay good i've done The only thing I would do... Here's the difference between killing Fat Man today and killing Fat Man season one is I'd been married 25 years and Anissa and I, as you know,
Starting point is 01:18:55 she left me in season two. Anissa and I, I had zero fucks given. So I was 100%. I was 100% honest about our sex life. And my wife's like, hey, man, I appreciate a little privacy. A little discretion. She's a little – she's shyer. So that's the difference between season one and two and three is there will be less sex in season three.
Starting point is 01:19:21 I really fucked up season three, but it's okay. Well, here's the deal. That's why I said you were missing because if you were around, you would ask some hard questions. It might get me to sneak out some information, but when I'm just talking, I'm like, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:34 I'm not going to just, yeah, she's just shyer. And what, how did you, why are you? I thought she was a Bay area gal. Why,
Starting point is 01:19:44 how did you guys end up in portland why aren't you guys back in the bay area uh i know you moved up there for your dad yeah during the pandemic we just had a baby she was on maternity leave so we were like we're gonna go visit some grandparents so we ended up in the chicago area her father got sick and I had to nurse him. I had to take care of him on his deathbed. During that time- Both your dads passed away in the last year? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Crazy. During that time, there was a family tiff between a family member who lived here in Oregon. And they told me I was a terrible son for not being in Oregon and that they were taking care of my father. And, uh, anyways, I, they were making me feel
Starting point is 01:20:35 bad about myself that I went to Illinois and not Chicago. And then when Xavier was being sick, I was like, Oh, I just felt this urge. You mean that you went to Illinois instead of portland you went to chicago instead of portland yeah yeah and when he when he was dying i just felt a calling i just like your your father you're talking about caroline's father caroline's father was sick right he was passing away and i was taking care of him and i felt i i told you earlier i'm not not religious. I'm not, I don't believe in divine intervention. The timing that you called me right when I was experiencing these crazy, unhealthy acid refluxes, like weird timing. I don't, it felt divine, but I don't, I'm not divine guy. Right. But it was the same thing. Xavier was sick.
Starting point is 01:21:21 And I was like, I felt this, I was like, oh my God, my dad's getting old too. I got to be near him. And just at that time, Caroline's work kind of opened up the work from home movement. You know, she's a corporate girl. They're like, Hey, you can work from home. And I said, would you consider relocating? And she's like, let's do it. So we came to Oregon and my dad passed away in less than a month from the time I got here. Wow. Yeah. And her dad had passed before you left. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Yeah. So you took care of him until he passed and you went and took care of your dad and he passed. Yeah. There was. Did whoever shame you stop shaming you? We haven't really spoken that. That conversation. At least I shamed you and we still speak though.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I would again like to reiterate. For all the shaming he has done, has done a lot hey, listen, listen I'm a world class shamer, I don't care it's fine, it doesn't matter and I am a world class tool I'm one of God's greatest tools and that's just, I'm just a tool, I just can't help it
Starting point is 01:22:38 I mean, just onto that I'm open to being used as a tool and I'm a tool to be used to do whatever so just to go back on that. Whatever homie needs. Yes. We're working for CrossFit and, you know, Coach Glassman was on the, you know, we're just throwing everything and trying to, you know, kill Coke. And you were like, you kind of set up an environment where like, it was almost like religious zealotry.
Starting point is 01:23:06 If you have a Coke in your hand, you are the enemy. And I was like, oh my God, this is for real. There was probably a year where I went to the movies once a week, movie theater, and I always had a Coke. Diet Coke, Diet Coke, Diet Coke. Coke to the movies once a week, movie theater, and I always had a Coke. Diet Coke? Diet Coke? Diet Coke in the movies. And I was like, now I'm working at CrossFit, and they're like, oh, they don't do Coke. Diet Coke?
Starting point is 01:23:33 Diet Coke? I – Sparkling water is better than a Diet Coke, I will say. Mike Celiaris? Yeah. You know Mike Celiaris? Yeah, yeah. He told me, he said, do you know any skinny people drinking
Starting point is 01:23:47 Diet Coke he's like it doesn't work oh that's a good point I just don't like the taste but hey you know who lived off of Diet Cokes or Cokes do you remember which arm wrestler just lived he didn't eat or drink anything
Starting point is 01:24:03 all he had was Coke I do not remember rj molinare how rj all he had and he was so skinny and he was so ripped and he would just drink a he would whenever we'd go out and film with him in homo louisiana h-o-u-m-a homo hom, Homa, Homa, Homa, he would – go ahead. He would nurse a Coke for like six hours, a 16-hour Coke. I'm not joking. That's disgusting. He'd be out there.
Starting point is 01:24:38 We'd be out there on a boat, and he'd have a Coke in one hand and a gun in the other hand. Hey, can I change the subject? I'm sorry. I'm not. Go ahead. Yeah, whatever. My wife asked me during the game. She's like, Sevan, not at the games?
Starting point is 01:24:56 I was like, I don't think he is. Do you not go to the games anymore? I don't. I got fired from CrossFit. What would I do there? But you would be like a media guy. You crossfit what would i do there but you would be like a media guy you would have your podcast set up and you would go around and you let me tell you let me tell you i'm not a media guy what is this i don't know what the fuck this is hey um oh before you finish i would like to say i didn't even get started what are you
Starting point is 01:25:27 talking about before i finish go ahead well just on the game thing i was watching media and i was like feeling nostalgic and i was like oh my god such great times going to the games with everyone and it's like i did feel sad this year watching the games uh and i reached out to eric for the first time in like a long time he's like oh i'm at the games i was like eric who eric my man you know he filmed all season two eric why can't i remember eric's last you know oh maceal eric maceal yeah yeah dude i fucking i i drove down to newport today it's like seven hours from my house, five hours from my house. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:06 And before I went to Newport, I took my fucking Sienna into the Toyota dealership to get it checked. Right. And the guy who I dropped it off with, his name, his last name is Maceo. And I'm like, man, that's gotta be a pretty common last name. So I'm like, I'm like, don't say it. Don't say it. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:26:22 I'm like, are you Eric Maceo's brother? Like I couldn't hold it. I am. Yeah. You lie shut up. I'm like, are you Eric Maciel's brother? Like I couldn't hold it in because I am. What? Yeah. You lie. No, I'm serious. And at the games, I saw Eric Maciel working there,
Starting point is 01:26:32 and I told one of my other friends, I'm like, I can't fucking believe it. I saw Eric Maciel like in some video at the games, and he was wearing a CEO shirt. And I thought like that was like – I was like, wow, Eric Maciel supports me. But then someone goes, no, no, no, he'll wear anything that's free i was like he came up and hung out with me he came and said hi we chatted he he did awesome yeah yeah he used to run the podcast he was the engineer for the podcast at crossfit he was fucking awesome it made him god he he he he was like uh it was kind of a trip having him on the show because he was He just berated him the whole time?
Starting point is 01:27:05 Yeah, well, he didn't like that. He wanted to be – a few times he's like, hey, you got to treat me like a professional. I'm like – but I liked it that he fucked with me like that. I was like – he's like, don't disrespect me on the podcast. I only know how to disrespect you. What are you talking about? You've got to go back with seven on 20 years to be cool with it. Oh, Gary Roberts. got to go back with seven on 20 years to be cool with it oh gary roberts well hey i'm this is great we got it we're gonna so we're gonna check in every month to see how like what happens with
Starting point is 01:27:34 you and crossfit and trt and california hormones yeah and i i i am getting more motivated by the day to produce like yeah it is empowering i'm ready the people want you you do that injection thing you do that we saw you do at the beginning of the show when i was drunk now i'm sober but you do that every um you do that every day monday and thursdays oh just two days a week yeah all right oh we forgot sarah chimed in with a super chat you didn't say hi i did oh i didn't you're right i didn't but we were talking did. Oh, I didn't. You're right. I didn't. But we were talking about California.
Starting point is 01:28:07 She told me the other day, she's like, hey, you don't always have to say hi to me. So I was like, all right, fuck it. I won't. Yeah. Hi, Sarah. Thank you very much. I'm feeling great. I kind of felt bad because I was like, I'm not sending enough updates on texts.
Starting point is 01:28:21 But I mean, I'm still crushing it. So stay tuned. Stay tuned. What are you making? Anything else? Are you doing any other projects? I forgot about my camera. Nice camera.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Oh, so every camera I have set on gave to me. Well, that's good. Oh, so we want to talk about what Sevan Matosian there was one time no no you don't have to no no no
Starting point is 01:28:51 no no one time we were at the games we were at the CrossFit games it was the first day I think it was the same day Sevan found out that my wife was leaving me
Starting point is 01:29:00 sleeping with her high school boyfriend while I was at the games he was playing with a new camera and I was like, oh, that camera's awesome. He's like, you want it? I said, are you joking? He was like, no, you can have it after the games. After the games,
Starting point is 01:29:14 he brought it to me and let me take it home. Is it a nice camera? It's this one right here. $3,500 camera. Well, I'm a good dude. That doesn't happen every day. Seven can fire me a few more times. I still have, I still have stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Seve gave it to me. I love you, Gary. You're fucking rad. I loved all the people I worked with that were good to me. You were so good to me, dude. You're so good to me. You're so fucking good. You were good to me, bro.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Um, just to, to, just to recap, you have to know that gary roberts and i when we were uh first started covering arm wrestling there was no one else doing it it was just the two of us probably 2000 i don't know four or five six and we were just two dudes that would fucking go around to chasing arm wrestlers all around the continental united states around the world even podunk tournaments crazy shit for some of the wildest characters you've ever met and uh gary and i were just two hustlers just two dudes with video cameras who had you know thought we had struck gold when really we hadn't struck shit and uh we bonded and we've kept that friendship ever since yeah yeah can i tell you a little small story before you end please please please you
Starting point is 01:30:20 remember denise waddles i do do. Yeah. She's awesome. Yeah. Okay. So listen, you say I work harder, but every once in a while I drop the ball. Okay. Denise Waddles six years ago sent me a box of VHS tapes of old arm wrestling tournaments. I was supposed to convert them to digital, convert them to a DVD. She would let me air the footage, but I would send her the copies of the footage. So I basically was doing free conversion from VHS to digital. Six years ago, she sent me a
Starting point is 01:30:54 box. Okay. Well, you know, I sold all my shit in 2016 and I was traveling around the country. And so that box ended up in storage and forever. She's like, Hey, where's my tapes? Where's my tapes? And I always had excuse. I was in Chicago. I said, my tapes are in storage. I'm sorry. Six years. She's been following me. And this, when I moved to Oregon, I told her, I said, all my stuff is going to be in one place. I will find your box and I will get it back to you. And I find, I found her box yesterday and I messaged her. I was like, I have your box. I'm going to convert it to digital.
Starting point is 01:31:32 I'll send you. She goes, absolutely not. Do not convert it. Just send me the tapes. I said, why would you want me to send you the tapes? It costs money.
Starting point is 01:31:39 I'm going to convert it to free. She goes, no, no, don't do it. She was like all pissed. And I said good i said i the last thing i messaged her i sent it by mail today but i said i said you must think there's
Starting point is 01:31:52 something like really viral in here like some million hits i know she doesn't i said you don't want me to see it so i won't post it, she must think she has some gold in there. There's no arm wrestling gold anywhere. No, bro. Listen, listen. Hey, the moral to the story is never agree to help anyone. Fuck everyone. Anyway, she was a little short with me.
Starting point is 01:32:23 And I was like, well, that's weird. But I can't. John Bass gave me some tapes because I never returned to them. I feel horrible for it. Hey, if anyone wants to be as upbeat and positive and as fit and as healthy and as happy and as motivated and as charismatic as Gary Roberts, you can do it you have to go to ca password seven and you'll get a free doctor's consultation and if you live in california you'll get free blood work i wouldn't i don't understand why you wouldn't do it and um and and then and then you're on the path to be in the next gary roberts hey hey stay tuned okay gary thank you crushing it good um i will uh i will uh talk to you soon
Starting point is 01:33:09 all right peace out bro peace and adios man that was sobered up in the whole show the energy at the beginning when you were just like going through that whole history and he just busted the sheets up the testosterone what is happening oh he's so much fun i'm in the kitchen again so i i'm tripping and like the same spot that we were before right yeah yeah and i can stand up i think uh i think hillary's coming to newport on thursday and oh my gosh when you kept walking to the back by yeah i can walk all the way back i couldn't start laughing because he was like in the middle of like making a really good point about finance and fitness and you're over there like that
Starting point is 01:33:59 oh my gosh i i hit um i hit dream rare up today too told him i was back in town i said we got to get you on the podcast yeah would you would he would he come do it in person that'd be cool would you actually said he would that kind of makes me nervous doing it in person oh i think it'd be cool but i guess it's second time you've had him on and you've like hung out with him so it's not like it'd be, you have to meet him or something. R and Macau. This was like a good MDMA trip. Maybe I've done so much MDMA in my past.
Starting point is 01:34:33 So whenever I get my swerve on it, it feels like I'm with. Oh my goodness. That was great. We just switch all the shows to the evening and just see how it rolls from here on out. It's going to be a fun two weeks. Coming right down from Dory's place.
Starting point is 01:34:50 When I came back right before the show, I was a little buzzed, and I came into the kitchen here and did 100 burpees, and my boys did them with me. It was pretty cool. That is cool. That's the work out there. No mushrooms. Not yet. Okay. that is cool that's the work out there no mushrooms not yet um okay so tomorrow morning we have uh do we have trevor cashy scheduled yes he's scheduled and uh he's on he's like the he's like the email but he's all um squared away okay and are you on tomorrow morning show
Starting point is 01:35:21 no i will not be i'll be at the fire department. How about Caleb? I wonder if Caleb's on. Caleb might be on. But if I go to StreamYard, we are, it is scheduled. I'm going to send, that is a question. I'm going to see. Okay. So we have Dr. Kashi and then we have Sherman. Yes, that is scheduled on StreamYard. And then we have Sherman Merrick.
Starting point is 01:35:46 That's going to be fun. That'll be. So those are those are. And then we have Kevin Kessler. Oh, and Alan Stein. Listen, you guys, if you want to. On Friday, I'm having the author on of a book called. Shit, what's the name of the book?
Starting point is 01:36:02 It's such a good book. It's called Sustain Your Game. That's it. Sustain Your Game. I'm going to have the author of this book on. I promise you, you will not regret it if you download the audio book and start listening to it now. You'll be pretty happy come Friday that you started listening to this book. Sustain Your Game. It's a really,
Starting point is 01:36:26 really good book. The notes I'm getting from it are already fabulous. It's, it's, it's, it's, um, he works with great athletes and, uh, he talks about, let me see if I can find some of my notes here. Okay. I'm not going to give any of it away but you want to get the book check it out sustain your game uh the author is alan stein and don't confuse it with uh alex stein although he's a great guest also and that's on friday so you can download the that audiobook or buy that book sustain your game and start listening and i think that uh the podcast will have more value for you then what do you think about the vindicate t-shirt bosman is also a prick i haven't seen it but it might be blasphemy to do that that that's what i kind of thought to be honest when i saw that was a seal a seal thing with d. Yeah. Might be a little black.
Starting point is 01:37:26 It was like a big backstory behind that. Tall Steve. When it's like, dude, the, the fight got, um, stopped.
Starting point is 01:37:33 He got poked in the eye and the fight got stopped. Crazy, right? Co-main event. Boom. Okay. Do you need me on always? We always need you on.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Okay. We will see you guys tomorrow at 7 a.m. Thanks, everyone, for tuning in. Gary Roberts, thanks for coming on. Matt Souza, thanks for being here. Sarah Cox, thanks for everything. California Hormones, get your stuff today. Bye-bye.

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