The Sevan Podcast - #555 - CrossFit Dynasty, Affiliate Series Ep. 3 | Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: August 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And bam, just like that, we're live. Hey, I had this guest on. Hi, good morning, Sherman.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I can't hear you. Let me see. Hold on. That's my favorite kind of guest. Oh. I'll get my coffee while you can't hear me. There we go. I got it.
Starting point is 00:00:55 We're good. We're good. We're good. I had this. Good to see you, dude. Good to see you, man. It's always weird to know these people, and then you see them every six months or a year you, man. It's, uh, it's always, it's, it's always weird to like know these people. And then you see them like every six months or a year.
Starting point is 00:01:08 And then you're like, Oh, they are real. I know. Exactly. Yeah. They are real. It's,
Starting point is 00:01:14 it's the, um, our world is so different with digital technology. Can you imagine like a hundred years ago, you might not see someone for fucking 20 years. And even though I might not see you for 20 years in person, I still get to see you for 20 years in person i still get to see you every day it's a true it's definitely uh i mean you know how it is definitely
Starting point is 00:01:30 strange with with digital tech and then like you see all these people and then you may meet someone for the first time in real life but it feels like i already know this dude we've been talking for years now right um my dad told me about this um my dad uh is 82 and he grew up in this village um in lebanon and there was you know they didn't have toilets or electricity or phones or any of that shit and and he lived in a 10 by 10 foot concrete um home uh you know no running water no electricity and the whole family was in there, the nine brothers and sisters and the mom and dad, just crazy, right? Just hardcore, different kind of living than we're used to. And he said that they had relatives that were a few miles away. And so if you wanted to go see those relatives, the whole family would just start
Starting point is 00:02:20 walking there. And, and, and, and he, but he also said like nine out of ten times you run into them while they were coming to your house but there was no what you couldn't call you couldn't make plans you couldn't like oh man now i can text you hey i'm five minutes from your house hey i'm three minutes from your house hey i'm at your front door hey i'm at the store you want me to pick something up exactly i would rather have had both experiences than only this one i'm i'm glad i was born in 1972 see i was born in 83 so but but i mean you you still know the world before um i mean there was a time when you were born there were only three three channels oh yeah oh yeah i mean at the time when you leave the house, I mean, no one can get in contact with you.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Yeah. Like AAA was God. You remember that? Oh, I have a AAA card. If my car breaks down, you don't even see cars broken down anymore. No, you don't. You don't. You don't. Nope. Do you remember that? There'd be like a hill by your house somewhere and you'd be like, yep, I know. You know, there's going gonna be someone on the side of the road with their hood open just on any hill anywhere yep steam coming out some lady who has no business taking off the fucking radiator cap yeah army yeah uh you are looking at sherman uh merrick's with it with an s owner of um dynasty crossfit but that's kind of is that old news to you now you've moved on last time i talked to you you were running a marketing company right yeah yeah yeah so i still i still own the gym so it's not really old old thing um i don't coach in the gym uh but i still own the gym still involved in the gym uh but i also own the gym, still involved in the gym.
Starting point is 00:04:09 But I also own Lasso Framework Marketing. Primarily, we primarily work with, you know, affiliates, not necessarily, I shouldn't say affiliates, not necessarily CrossFit affiliates. That's most of our clientele, but we work with small studio type gyms and we help them with their paid social media marketing. But for us, Yvonne, like we're with small studio type gyms and we help them with their paid social media marketing um but for us if i'm like we're not the whole uh you know 30 members in 30 days stuff that's really not us we're not gonna you know we don't promise that we're gonna save someone business you know if this is the last shot we really don't work with gyms like that but uh but yeah we help
Starting point is 00:04:40 gyms grow basically to get out there in front of you know more people how long have you owned dynasty sherman uh since what 2011 so about 10 11 years something like that yeah and how has your impression and this question might be too broad feel free to fucking land in on any little time from how is your impression of what you were running change like doesn't it doesn't affiliate change like a kid like you get a kid home and it's just like keep feces off of them and keep them fed you know and and then now when they're 12 like i saw your sons as tall as your wife taller than your wife now now it's like, keep them focused and away from cigarettes. You know what I mean? Like does that happen?
Starting point is 00:05:29 Does the affiliate change like that too? I think so. My affiliate. Like an example would be like get new clients versus now it's keep clients workouts, get super fit versus now maybe stay healthy and not injured or just some shit like that exactly right that's the biggest thing right when we first when i first started when i personally first started crossing what 13 14 years ago it was basically us you know being online i'm in florida so being on easter's time at
Starting point is 00:06:00 we're jumping on me and my buddies trying to call each other we're looking at what the workout of the day is and then we're like hey we'll meet you tomorrow at three o'clock we're gonna do whatever's written you know five by five back squat all right we got to go heavy we're gonna hang out for an hour or so and do it um now you know and when i was working out back then it was all about performance right that's the only thing that mattered. It didn't matter how you look. No one cared about, can you, how heavy can you look? How fast can you go? Now it's totally about, you know, I shouldn't say totally. It's really about, Hey, I'm trying to lose weight. I'm trying to feel better. You know, you know, I've never done this. I want to do that.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So it's a totally different clientele. Now I always tell people back when we first started, it was sort of like fight club, right? You know, talk about it. If you show up and you survive, you can join. If you don't survive, I guess you can't join. Now, like we've definitely changed things dramatically, right? we have tons of different type of people, tons of overweight people, you know, moms and dads that have never worked out before walking into our affiliate for the first time, you know, and that just wouldn't happen 11 years ago. Like it just would. How old are you now? I'm 39, 39. And so you open your affiliate when you were 28, which for a man is kind of his prime. when you were 28 which for a man is kind of his prime yeah his peak physical uh and so that would make sense also that that's where you were at and that's where the business was at yeah yeah exactly exactly i think greg knew in 2003 um or in 2000 whenever that crossfit was for everyone but but
Starting point is 00:07:44 the but the original videos we got, because you know, they would only release a video once a week or whatever. We were lucky if we got pictures, I guess it made sense. They always showed us the biggest and brightest peacock in the yard. So we saw Josh Everett, Annie Sakamoto, Greg Amundsen. And then, and then it wasn't until like every few months and you'd see like some old dude jumping over like a seven year old dude jumping over a bar and you'd be kind of like, yay, cool. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Give us, we want more Greg Amundson. Yep. Uh, I agree. And like, it's funny that you mentioned, uh, Josh Everett. Cause, uh, we go back and forth all the time now on social media. Cause he's really into that no debt life. Like I am. So, uh, like it was going to what, say it again. Um, you know, like that no debt life like I am. So like it was going to what?
Starting point is 00:08:25 Say it again. You know, like the no debt life, you know. Oh, right. Right. Right. So he's really into that. So we we sort of connected a couple of years ago and, you know, it was sort of surreal for me because that was the original him. And those guys, it was original. And I was like, I can't believe this dude is talking to me. Now we go back and forth. But people that, you know, like I'm always surprised most people that I talk to now that haven't been around, like they don't even know who Sakamoto is. They don't know about Chris Clever.
Starting point is 00:08:56 They don't know. I'm just like, you guys don't know. Like that was sort of what started everything. You know, I would have never been a competitor and all that without really watching those guys and girls do that incredible stuff. Did you have dreams to go to the games when you were 28? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I went to regionals in 2014. And then when I went to regionals, for me, just the way I'm wired, it was like it was a great experience.
Starting point is 00:09:30 But it was hard work, man. It was a ton of hard work. And I'm a team player. I grew up playing basketball. So the working out alone for multiple hours per day for a couple years in a row, I didn't like it. So when I went to regionals, I was toward the bottom of the pack and I was just like, yeah, this isn't this isn't for me. Right. Like not this like not this level of competing. Right. Like not this level of competing. So, yeah. So I went to regionals did some you know did some of those
Starting point is 00:10:05 big competitions but I was just like this isn't for me so I only went to regionals once and that was the last time I actually did a competition in 2014. And you you actually opened the brick and mortar location in 2011 like that was your first? Yeah yeah so we started off in my garage and then some people complaining we got kicked out of the garage so then i had to go okay i remember so then i had to go lease a space a little small um space somewhere so i was our first brick and mortar about 2011 yeah yeah what what year was the first year you got a client that basically needed help with everything? And by everything, I mean even the – what was the first year?
Starting point is 00:10:57 Oh, God. And if you change more, what was the first year you got a scared client? I'm guessing most of us who did CrossFit, like jumped in we were so excited yeah but but at some point right you have to get a client where someone's like dragging their mom there right or your neighbor comes over and they're scared even to do an air squat yeah i would say probably a couple so i was in my first little space that i ran it for about a couple years so i would say probably about a year and a half before that happened because when we first started right like people would come in and they weren't afraid and they were so tough that we would put them through like a baseline workout and they would crush them but
Starting point is 00:11:35 they were so prideful they wanted to be in so bad that they would leave the gym and drive down the road and throw up on the side of the road but they wouldn't throw up in front of me right they were like no i can do this. Or they'd be sore for a month. Yeah, so I would say probably about a year and a half, some folks started coming in that needed to say, hey, I'm terrified of this, but I've seen some results. Can I do this? It's like, yeah, you can. Then we have to figure out how to really scale it way down and all of that stuff. That's when i would say
Starting point is 00:12:05 so probably about 2013 2012 2013 when we started really just seeing people just looking for different things but they were they were few and far between though like it's not like now right like it's not like now but back then you know someone would pop in i want to say around that time we had someone that did like we helped someone lose about 80 90 pounds wow a couple years in or so this dude was like he started personal training with me and the only thing that we would do for his hour is walk that's it that's all we did like we woke we didn't work out we didn't we walked for an hour i was like man like we can do a little bit hey and how did how did you handle that did you were you tripping were you like fuck this isn't right
Starting point is 00:12:48 i should be doing more for him or i wish were you tripping how did you know to do that yeah so in the beginning like when i met him he was like i don't want to be embarrassed right are you like that i won't be embarrassed i was like all right i was like no problem i was like what we're gonna do personal training so it'll just be me and you so you're not gonna be embarrassed um are you like that i won't be embarrassed i was like all right i was like no problem i was like what we're gonna do personal training so it'll just be me and you so you're not gonna be embarrassed um i was like but we'll start off slow i was like what are you doing for fitness you're not doing anything i was like all right i'm like we're gonna start off really slow i was like we'll start off probably just walking man maybe doing some dumbbell stuff maybe like whatever you say like i trust you and um yeah i mean if i'm being honest in the beginning it was a little
Starting point is 00:13:25 weird right dude's paying 75 80 an hour for me to go on a walk with him but he wasn't going to do it by himself and he knew that right i knew that so we would just walk and talk and then you know slowly started adding stuff and all of that so yeah, yeah, it was pretty cool. But, yeah, it was sort of trippy, you know. Hey, when my kid takes piano and the teacher is like 50 bucks for a half hour or something. And now that I think about it, in the early days, the first year he took piano, I'm like, that's $50? Because it's just like he's teaching a five-year-old. And now that he's seven, he gets so much more for that. And he's been playing piano for two years.
Starting point is 00:14:09 He gets so much more for that 50 bucks. Yeah. But in the early days, it's like after a half hour, he still doesn't know where to put his hands, let alone play a fucking note. Yep. And so, and so I guess it's like that. And is that guy, what did that guy what did that guy did that guy leave you when he left you could he do a pull-up no no no no bigger guy he hung around for he hung around
Starting point is 00:14:33 for a couple few years or so um then he just ended up stopping him because of work and blah blah blah um and yeah i still have contact with him but i don't think he's i know he's not as working out like he used to be and all of that stuff, but he can do a pull up, but he could, but he could actually run. He could actually do things, you know, he could actually do things. So it was a drastic, different drastic. I mean, if you teach, if you teach a, if a, if a 60 year old gets a pull up man or woman for the first time in their life, their whole life has changed. Oh my gosh. Whole entire life and yeah i mean that's why i think it's so impressive when we see those masters athletes at the games right the the stuff that they do and i'm just like man there's there's 20 years of my gyms that that can't do pull-ups and muscle-ups and squat their body weight in these.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Sherman, I remember getting my first pull-up with more detail than losing my virginity. And I lost my virginity sober to my girlfriend of three years at 18. But I don't really remember it so good um but i remember being a 24 year old man in the backyard with some of my friends and one of my friends finally like getting me to do a pull-up i couldn't fucking believe it changed my life my whole perception of myself changed yeah i, I believe, I believe. You walk around, you walk around for 23 years, um, uh, thinking you're less than other men, but you kind of start to embody it and you don't think, you know what I mean? I'm not like, oh, I'm less than Sherman.
Starting point is 00:16:16 But the day I get that pull up and you can do a pull up, I realized, oh, I had been walking around with that mindset that I was a, I was a less man you because I couldn't do it, even though I didn't really. No, like like the first my buddy that introduced me, my buddy that introduced me to CrossFit, I remember the first time I went to his house, he invited me. Oh, I didn't know it was CrossFit back then. He was like, hey, we're going to work out. know it was crossfit back then he was like hey we got a workout and i don't know what workout we did but he had like a yeah like a heavy kettlebell i would say it's probably 53 pounds i remember he was swinging that thing and i'm not exaggerating i went over and picked it up like there's no way i can swing like how could like how can he swing this yeah like it would throw you across the room you're like that doesn't the physics of that don't even make sense exactly exactly exactly exactly i was thinking like i need to like this dude he's
Starting point is 00:17:11 a rock star he's a you know he's older than i am how can you do this i can't do it and then he was you know he would just say give it time you'll pass me give it time trust me and sure enough you know yeah how on is it hard how would you rate um uh running a gym keeping a gym open for more than 10 years it is hard hard i tell everyone it's why do you still do it if well i'm gonna ask you that afterwards tell me okay it's hard why is it hard it's hard because most of us that start off we don't understand we didn't have a business background right so we get into it for all the right reasons but with all the wrong understanding you know we don't understand profit and margin you have to make money from this is if this is your sole thing so like something that i did to sort of light a fire in front of me years ago is that my wife went on maternity leave with our second child
Starting point is 00:18:12 when she did that i quit my job and i was like hey we're gonna give this a shot i think we can make it your wife's on maternity leave and you quit your job exactly i was like i'm gonna quit because then a light a fire in front of me. And like, we don't have any like fallback plan, right? Like I can't go home and say, Hey, we need $10,000 to get us over with. This is it. So like, I remember that specifically. And, you know, the reason it's so hard because so many of us just really don't understand what it takes to grow a business. The amount of dedication it takes on the front end to really build something special, right? To build that foundation. I mean, just like in our fitness, right?
Starting point is 00:18:51 Like everyone thinks like, oh, like I see whoever do this workout, I should be able to do it. But they don't look at all the back work they've done to get that foundation. And I don't think many of us understand the amount of works it takes to build a strong foundation and build a great business. Like, I really don't. When I just drove my van down to Los Angeles, I bought my van in 2016, let's say.
Starting point is 00:19:21 It's a minivan. Yeah, when my wife had the twins. And if my van was a business no like it is so fucking dirty it smells bad inside it's so dirty there's there's just shoes everywhere there's no matter every day it's like i have to walk over to it with the trash can and throw stuff away whether it's wipes or a wrapper of something or a stick the dog chewed up in there or like a toy they broke or there's just it's just non-stop right i don't know that place um if it were a business it would have failed yeah like like no one would want no one would want to no one ever wants to ride my no one wants to ride in my van except my kids do you know what i mean like it it barely it's only good for driving
Starting point is 00:20:07 dirty kids around in it has no but but your business can't be like that you can't buy it brand new like you could lose a client the one day you take off from cleaning your bathroom could be the day the client goes in there and stops in the and cancels the membership because of something he sees in there he doesn't like right there's no, you're in a bad mood and you, and you, and you're rude to a client, but you don't even mean to be. And they're like, fuck you. I'm gone. Done, done, done. And you don't even know. And you don't even know you're rude. It's because like someone yelled at you on the way to work done. And you know, people, you know, like this is, and they're never like, Oh, Sherman's probably just having a bad day they're like fuck him i pay him 200 bucks a month fuck that dude he didn't smile
Starting point is 00:20:48 he didn't say hi to me i mean right that's the way it is i mean this is a people business right like this is not like these these affiliates aren't like you know opening up a gas station or whatever right like you're dealing with the people so like you you know like you say if you you come in there and tell someone to shut up because you're having a bad day if you're like shut up and leave me alone they're not paying you for another month right they're done right like you're not gonna right but on the flip side you can go to whole foods and cashier or bagger could be rude to you you got you may report them but you're gonna come back to whole foods oh you're coming back for sure yes right so they're rude to you a hundred times and you're still like and then you're trying to be nice to them isn't that crazy when you go to a restaurant i feel like 50 of the
Starting point is 00:21:34 time when i'm dealing with um uh people who are in the service industry i have to win them over like i'm sitting at a table i have the money but i'm trying to be nice i'm trying to engage you i'm trying to be nice to you more than you're trying to be nice to me. So you don't spit in my food when it should be you trying to get a tip from me. Listen, so it's funny you say that because that's one of my big things. I don't mind paying folks. I don't mind tipping folks and stuff. But when I'm paying you, you work for me. Like my wife and I were building a custom home right now. I was building a home, blah, blah, blah. And like, we go into this thing and like, I'm like, I love the,
Starting point is 00:22:10 I love the builders we're working with and all that, but they work for me. So my wife should be like, I want this. I'm like, yeah, tell them. Like, well, I don't want to know. Hey, like we're spending way too much money. They work for us. Like they work for us. And same thing you're saying.
Starting point is 00:22:25 When I go to a restaurant, I want top-notch service because I'm paying you. You're not paying me to be here. If you don't want to be here, that's fine. Hey, find me someone else that's going to serve me correctly. I'm paying. I'm paying. Yeah, but so many people that are afraid to say like, you know, so many people that won't say that. Well, you can't say that. They have to act better because you're paying them
Starting point is 00:22:49 yes i can i'm paying them like right like that's how it works like you were you are working for me so i'm going to pay you appropriately based on your service so, you better make sure it's right. And you worked hard for that money. Exactly. Exactly. So I'll, I'll, I remember one time Greg told me, he said, money is human energy. So like I, you pay me 50 bucks and I use my human energy to teach your kid how to play basketball. Yeah. And that's yeah and that's why that's why
Starting point is 00:23:25 stealing from people so gnarly because you're stealing a little bit of that you're stealing their and it's like a video game you're stealing their energy or like you you break someone's car window and and um uh yesterday mike one of my kids lost a a ring that he had and it was 16 dollars he bought it at like some beach store. And of course it killed me when he bought it. Like what a fucking waste of money for this. But, but I'm just like biting the inside of my cheeks being like, Hey, I remember what it's like to be a kid. Like just be cool. And I told him,
Starting point is 00:23:56 I said, Hey, I wouldn't take that ring to the beach. It's going to fall off. You're going to lose in the sand. Of course he loses it. And he's crying. And I, and I, and as much as I'm trying to just be like, I'm so sorry, you lost the ring. That's a tough break. That's what happens with objects. loses it and he's crying and i and i and as much as i'm trying to just be like i'm so sorry you lost the ring that's a tough break that's what happens with objects they come and go in your life i also explained to him like hey dude that's um that's 16 one hour workouts you did because if he works out i give him a dollar got you and it's like that's 16 16 one-hour workouts you just yeah gone what do you think um the uh crossfit what do you think about what's going on um did you worry about the mothership very much at all they got a new ceo
Starting point is 00:24:35 have you he's done some interviews no i haven't i haven't even been keeping up with it if i'm being honest no not at all not at all like i was like i'll i'll i'll tune in a little bit of what a couple people are saying but what's going on at hq has so little to do as far as on the ground in the gym right like so i just don't waste my like i just don't have the time or energy to waste on that. Yeah, so I just don't. Do you think it's misplaced energy for all affiliates to worry about it? I don't.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Like, I do not. I don't think it's misplaced for all affiliates. Like, my thing is, first of all, I still miss Glassman. I want to meet Glassman. I've never met him, but like, I think that some of that, you know, some of what Glassman brought to the table, like he let us understand that, hey, you can really like stand up for what you believe in. And like, it's OK if everyone doesn't agree with it. It's fine. There's other options out there. Now, I feel like we're sort of turning to the we have to make everyone happy and everyone has to agree with it or, you know, or just don't say anything about it. But some of these affiliates, like if this is your primary income, this is your primary, like if the affiliate model were
Starting point is 00:26:01 to shut down today, right? no more CrossFit is gone. I don't lose one second of sleep. Right. I don't. But there are some people, even guys that have Uber successful, they may have two, three affiliates with three, four hundred people. You know, if the affiliate model shuts down a gym, a gym that big won't be hurt that much. But there's a lot of gyms if CrossFit shuts down, a gym that big won't be hurt that much. But there's a lot of gyms, if CrossFit shuts down, right, like that throws a big wrench in their future projections, right? Because they feel that people are coming to them specifically for CrossFit, right? Like I do think there are some people that come to me specifically because my gym is called Dynasty CrossFit. But I also think there are some people that don't come to me specifically because my gym is called dynasty crossfit but i also think there are some people
Starting point is 00:26:45 that don't come to me specifically because my gym is dynasty crossfit right um but yeah i yeah no i just don't keep up with that i don't like i i don't keep up with it um is is that a um more um seasoned business approach that you have you think i think so i think so i think so like this this probably the man like i've never been um like i missed the games this year when i say missed the games um i didn't watch it um i like i didn't watch one second of it not not and not because i necessarily didn't want to um but it's my anniversary my wife and i were on vacation in the caribbean and it sort of flipped my mind by the way that looked really nice yeah yeah no we had a great time but like i wasn't so when i went to you went to sorry
Starting point is 00:27:38 to interrupt you went to dominican republic correct correct yeah so when i was back to that yeah like so when i went there my wife had her phone i had my phone i sort of left my phone Correct. Correct. Yeah. So when I was back to that, yeah. Like so when I went there, my wife had her phone. I had my phone. I sort of left my phone in the room most of the time. So like she would tell me, oh, the games are on. But then when we get busy, I just didn't watch it. And I remember there was a time, man, that I wouldn't miss one second of it. I mean, I would watch freaking every event in the world. So my love for CrossFit hasn't necessarily changed. I still love CrossFit a lot, but it's different. And I hate to use the word love. I mean, it's just different, right?
Starting point is 00:28:12 Like I'm just not, I'm definitely not as, you know, like I know some people like we had a drop in the other day. She's like, did you watch the games? I was like, I did. And I was on vacation. She was like, I haven't been watching on vacation. I'm just like, I'm not watching the games on vacation with my wife. I'm on vacation. She was like, I haven't been watching on vacation. I'm just like, I'm not watching the games on vacation with my wife. I'm on vacation with my wife. I'm not worried
Starting point is 00:28:30 about the games. Even though they were a beautiful thing, I imagine, and all of that. But yeah, I think that comes with, like you said, season. You've been in it for long enough. You understand there's going to be other competitions. There'll be games next year and the following year and blah blah so
Starting point is 00:28:45 yeah hey hey i watched the entire games and yesterday i was at the beach at sunset and there was a there was a uh a sign out in the middle of the beach like i forget what it said it said like surf lessons or something and it was probably like 40 feet from me and i said hey i want to see i want to see you three boys run around that sign over there and run back to me three two one go and my kids raced that race was more interesting to me than any fucking games event i saw by a thousand i was more engaged i was like oh shit they're shoving and pushing oh like i don't think people yeah it's um i uh it's interesting i watched every second of the games uh of the individual but i i i if it wasn't um if there wasn't something in it for me directly i wouldn't i have no i have no interest in watching it for leisure it's the same reason
Starting point is 00:29:41 why people ask me what would you ever i would never go to the games and just watch them either as a fan as a fan there's no fucking way i have to have a job around it yeah well hopefully you get a job back around it no no no no i'm good okay i'm good i'm good and and i like and i like what i'm doing i'm i'm on the um i'm on the cutting edge again of the technology and the way we're covering the games it It was basically what I did is I just sat here like this, Sherman, in front of my computer, and then I had dudes there on the ground with cell phones. Yeah. And we would basically just report what was going on there live. But it was more interesting to talk to the people than to actually watch the games, talk to the athletes. How many kids do you have?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Three. Three kids. do you have? Three. Three kids. And I have this picture right here. And your son just passed up your wife? Yeah. He's going to pass me soon. Yeah, it's crazy. And how old is he?
Starting point is 00:30:43 14. He has a mustache already. 14 11 and 8 yeah i know he has a mustache already i know we always give him a hard time that's crazy he doesn't shave that thing right that's just uh no that's just a baby just like the way dave castro grows a mustache. Like he just, in a year, that thing just fuzzes in. Exactly. Yeah. Just like that. Are your kids integrated into the, is your 14 year old have any, has he started working at the affiliate at all? Cleaning bathrooms, training? Yeah. So obviously they've grown up in the gym. Still, they go there a ton. My 14 year old, he just started cleaning, right? Like we have a he just started cleaning. We have about 5,000 square feet, so we
Starting point is 00:31:28 had one of those floor cleaners. We started showing him, hey, you got to be a job. You got to make sure the floor stays clean. You got to use this machine and we'll pay you. He's just starting to get a piece of that. He's really into basketball. We love basketball. He's not into the exercise side of CrossFit like I thought he would be at this age because basketball has taken that over. My dad owned a wine and cheese store in Berkeley. Yeah. My dad owned a wine and cheese store in Berkeley. And I feel like I got my social chops there because I would be there at five years old to, you know, to whenever he sold it when I was
Starting point is 00:32:11 10, 11, 12. And I'd always be there and I'd watch him interact with people. Hi, how are you? How can I help you? Or I would work behind the counter and make change for people. But I was always like dust in wine bottles or doing something. Has, is, is he, has, have you noticed your son and your, your two sons and your daughter like start mimicking your skills of what they see, how you treat people in the gym? Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. They, so. Like their social graces are beyond their peers because of they, they see their dads in the service, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:39 trying to make people happy at the, at the gym. Yeah. My, so my, my oldest and my, my youngest, they're, uh, like, they're not as outgoing as my daughter, right. They're not shy, but my daughter, um, like she can pretty, like you pretty much drop her off and she's going to be like, she's going to, like, she's going to work a room. She's going to be fine. She's going to make friends. Um, my youngest he's, uh, but he he's my personality but he's a little reserved in the beginning my oldest he's pretty just like he's pretty just laid back like you know he can deal with anything but he's laid back like he's totally fine with not even talking to my wife and i at
Starting point is 00:33:17 times if he like he's like come in house not say much do his a thing but yeah like they're all uber social even though they're homeschooled right um because everyone you know we've been homeschooling for about five years now and like my wife she wanted to do it for years and i was just like we're not a homeschool family if i'm being honest i had these yeah that's what i thought too you know i had these palaces in my head like homeschool kids are weird like they don't know this they can't do that and now that we do it there's no other way I tell anyone man homeschool your kids train them up that you want to train them like they're going to learn you're going to teach them that it's going to be fun so yeah um but yeah they definitely gotten a lot from being or being engulfed in that business for pretty much their entire lives, all of them.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I thought that the reason why I couldn't homeschool is because I wasn't smart enough. And then the other day, and my kids are homeschooled, and I heard my two five-year-olds having a debate on whether there were mountain lions in Santa Cruz County or not. And I'm like, what the the fuck like like they're already smarter than me like you just have to keep the door open for them to learn um that is so funny and they'll keep learning go ahead because we were watching uh we were watching family matters last night uh steve burke and it's like an episode and steve went on this show like this game show and like they asked him a tough question like he's not gonna get this question he was like i don't know what the question was
Starting point is 00:34:49 then my oldest answered the question i didn't know the answer i don't know it was like yeah it's crazy right did you know that and that's the answer i never would have known in many years but i do give my wife a ton of that credit because she's very academic oriented and all that so it's definitely why do you why did she want to homeschool him did she not like the schools um i think that was a little piece of it but i think um we have quite a few friends that homeschool and we would see sort of the fruit of those kids and families of life. They had a ton of time together. The kids were very smart. And then for us, we got to spend more time with the kids being, you know, being business owners, right? Like we got to spend more time with the kids.
Starting point is 00:35:41 You know, to me, it's brutal sending your kids away for nine, 10 hours a day, 11 hours a day, and then coming home doing that thing. And that's something that we didn't enjoy. My oldest and my second, they went to school for a few years. I want to say two or three years. And I didn't love it because back then, that's when I was in the business. I'm coaching everything, cleaning the floor every night. So I basically, I mean, there were times that I would leave in the morning to be there to coach the 5 or 6 o'clock class, come home after the 6, 37 o'clock class. So I wouldn't see my kids in the morning.
Starting point is 00:36:23 When I got home, they were in bed or headed to bed. And I was just like, no, this isn't, no, we like no this isn't no like we can't do this like we can't do this yeah people tell me all the time you're so lucky you get to spend so much time with their kids i don't even think they realize like they say it but i'm like really lucky yeah like like it it's like it it's not that i'm so lucky it's like if you're not spending time with your kids you're really missing out. For sure. Yeah, it's dope. Just think about all the stuff they pick up, man. Just the stuff that we don't even know that they're picking up, just how to deal with people and just so much stuff. And I'm just like, man, if they weren't getting that from me, they'd be getting that from some other knucklehead 10-year-old that got it from their knucklehead parents.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And yeah, I just, yeah, yeah. So I'm definitely pro homeschool. other knucklehead 10 year old that got it from their knucklehead parents and yeah i just yeah yeah so i'm definitely pro homeschool i love it but i don't do a ton of the work my wife does a ton of the work so yeah yeah mine too mine too i i basically just because she does most of the educational stuff but if i see them get wild they'll be like all right let's go for a walk i'm that guy i'm i'm the recess guy gotcha are you still doing did you do the podcast are you still doing the podcast sherman man i've been slacking on that podcast i've been slacking um are you gonna do it i i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not harshing you i'm not judging no no no no no no no i didn't take it that way no um yes i am going to do it i think i'm going to do a couple
Starting point is 00:37:41 episodes per month because in the beginning i was doing like two per week. It's a finance podcast. It's advices to people on smart money, lessons you've learned in life. I mean, I think it's crazy valuable. It was so – like we had – like in the beginning, like just the way I'm wired, Saban, like on fire doing it all the time even though I really didn't have time. on fire doing it all the time, even though I really didn't have time. And then when we went on the Dave Ramsey show, and then we were featured on Fox news,
Starting point is 00:38:10 it was just so much. The Fox news thing was recent, wasn't it? Was that recent? Yeah, it was, it was about, but I want to say about seven weeks ago, they put it up and that was bananas.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I mean, that was nuts. Dead and tight. Because. Tell the story for people who don't know, please. What happened? Okay. So my wife and I, we paid off $203,000 in 27 months, right? So that got us on the Dave Ramsey show because we follow his methods, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And then from being on that show, Fox reached out to us. Now, when we got the email uh someone from ramsey reached out said hey someone blah blah like yes we'll do the interview now i'm thinking we're thinking okay someone from fox news is going to interview us but this is going to be a little sidebar article in the middle of nowhere like it's like it's not a big deal about three or four days later like i wake up to tons and tons of texts, people like, you know, Fox News. I'm like, what? And then like, they have us on their main page and blah, blah, blah. So it was just bananas because, you know, I didn't know. Well, I did know, but it was my
Starting point is 00:39:19 first time experiencing, like really understanding that everyone's okay with you having sort of like a come up story, right? Like everyone's okay with that, right? Like, yeah, you were raised by a single mom in the projects and like, okay, that's all fine and dandy. But when you sort of figured things out, man, there were people that were like in the comments, they were like, there were some people that were angry. I know people that were like, they comments they were like there were some people that were angry i know people that were like they were they were literally angry that we made that much money that we could pay that off and that much time and like i was just like wow this is nuts like this is crazy that people are actually upset that we basically paid off our debt like that's all like that's all it was you know like i mean there were, there were quite a few people that were like, that were trying.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I heard when I shared your story with people, I had people say that to me. Instead of saying, wow, how the fuck did he do that? Well, anyone could do that if they had that money. And I'm like, wow. Yeah. Wow. You fucking don't get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:21 No, I was like like i was blown away and like that's what i was i mean that's like that's what really gets me fired up because just like every like everyone's okay with me saying like they don't know anything about me i just tell him i was raised by a single mom you know she raised me and my sister i got married young and you know like we have a little gym somewhere and like oh you're a small bill that's good that's a great story but when you tell them oh hey like I did that, but guess what? You know, I make, you know, I make $400,000 a year. We take vacations. We fly first class. We got to pay for our kids to go to college. Like all that stuff is like, oh,
Starting point is 00:40:55 well, anyone can do it if I made that much money per year. I'm just like, yeah, like I see why people say, like, I see why they say eat the rich and stuff, because that's just like that's just a thing. Right. Like it makes them feel better, I guess. They don't realize that you stopped. You quit chewing gum. You unscrewed half the light bulbs in your house to save electricity that you didn't have to do any of that either. That instead of going on vacation to to France, you used your free miles to go to Dominican Republic. They don't – it's so crazy. They don't – it's just fascinating to me.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I mean just the simple thing when I lost my job. Like you don't wash your car. I don't take my car to the car wash anymore. You know what I mean? I'm happy to do that even if it's a waste of money if I'm really fluid in cash. I like supporting the car wash. I like supporting the kids who are there working. I like – but you just change things. You change things to get what you want. I think he was a charlatan, a scammer, but it was the best financial advice I ever fucking received. And it's so fucking easy, Sherman. He said, if you resent people, and I'm not even a God guy, but he said, if you resent people, rich people, God will make sure that you don't become rich because he doesn't want you to become something you don't like.
Starting point is 00:42:21 So if you see someone driving by in a Lamborghini, you're like, fuck that rich guy. He'll make sure you never get rich. And at that moment, I switched the script in my head. Yeah. And my whole fucking life changed instantaneously. I admired people. I appreciated their hard work. I thought better of them. It's like the same class of people also now that they want to tax the rich. No, use all of that energy that you want to tax the rich and ask your politicians what they're doing with your tax money. Stop trying to get money from other people and put that exact same energy on what your politicians are doing with the money. They're holding themselves back. Why would anyone spend any energy hating on your success? Listen, man, I – and you have three kids.
Starting point is 00:43:07 So, so, so we're going to get off on a tangent on this. We're going to offend some people, but I know you don't care. You know, I don't know. No, especially if we're telling the truth. So one thing that I did probably, I don't know, four years ago, like I found like three or four of the most of the wealthiest guys that I personally knew like three or four like like I knew they were wealthy right like I didn't know I didn't have access to the bank account but like like I knew I could tell I had talked to him before so I invited all four of them to dinner now I didn't tell them what like who else was coming I'm like hey like I really
Starting point is 00:43:43 would like for you to come to dinner with me I may may have a friend or two there and like, it's going to be about finances. I'm really trying to get my finances in order so I can, you know, have some success. And of course all these guys are like, Oh, I would love to help. Like I would love to help. So then we all meet for dinner and then they all show up and some of them know each other and Oh, this is pretty cool. So like we had like a three hour dinner and we just talked about stuff like i was able to ask them so they were sharing stuff and i was like if everyone
Starting point is 00:44:10 that really wanted to be successful in whatever field they're like they took the time to really talk to the people that they thought were the most successful like don't don't go to these folks asking for a handout like i didn't't ask. Like these three dudes, these four dudes or whoever, they made way more money than I did. But I took them out to dinner. Like when the check, before the check came out, I told them, hey, this comes to me. Like this isn't for them. You were paying for some schooling. You were paying for some schooling.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Exactly right. Like three hours with them was worth well more than a couple hundred bucks I had to spend on whatever it was. And, you know, so often people, they see people that are successful and stuff, and they sort of just look at them and, you know, snarky remarks instead of going up to them and say, you know, like, man, how did you do that? Right? I would love to learn, you know, like if someone came to me and said, man, like, you know, ask me a question, I would definitely give them my time. But if you tell me any type of, oh, well, you know, ask me a question, I would definitely give them my time. But if you tell me any type of, oh, well, you know, you just got lucky. That's one of my favorite, you know, you just got lucky or,
Starting point is 00:45:10 you know, like all black people can't do what you did. Oh my gosh, just don't like, don't do that. Like, don't like, don't do that. Like the media has fooled so many people, African-American and white into thinking that a Black man can't take care of himself without the niceties of a white man. And I wholeheartedly disagree with that. And I hate that narrative. And my best friend is a white guy. So it's not that I hate white people by any means, but don't tell me I can't get what I can get without the niceties of a white man. And we got to have all of this because I'm black and this, oh man, like it burns me up. Like it burns me up.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Is that the hardest, is that the hardest thing about, is that the hardest thing about having black skin? Not, not the narrative as opposed to what the reality? Do you know what I mean by that? Like that narrative that you just mentioned, that seems more restrictive than the actual fact of there being people out there who are trying to hold you back. Yeah, no, that's, if anyone buys into that mindset, yeah, black skin, you buy into that mindset, like you're done, right? You're done. Because there are people that actually become successful, which is why it pisses me off so much. Like if me, just take me, right? Like take me, you take another guy. Both of us happen to be black. We're both uber successful. I'm telling you, hey, you can figure it out.
Starting point is 00:46:53 It doesn't matter if every single person hates you or anything. It doesn't matter. You can figure it out. You can do it. You got another guy that's successful, and he's saying the antithesis of that. They're like, yeah, you know, like like it will be harder for you to make it because, you know, this cop doesn't like black people. I'm just like, what kind of crap is that? How can you make it? But you're telling someone else that they can't make it that come from yours.
Starting point is 00:47:17 That's like what kind of like what kind of man would I be if I if I were to tell, you can't make it, but I made it. Like, that's crazy. Like, I would never. What if the truth were different? What if the actual truth was is that white people actually wanted to be friends with black people? And I'm dead serious. I bet you there's – I bet you – I'm going to try to be clean because I know you're a good man trying to say anything to to to i was and he's a really nasty metaphor um well first of all you can have any any belief you what you let's say i said hey the world's
Starting point is 00:47:57 going to be actually better for me because i'm black the world actually the world's going to be better for me i actually do think this i think that the world treats me better now that i'm older some old people have the mindset that the world that they become invisible when they get older i think that the world's nicer to me when i'm older way nicer to me the the grayer and bigger my beard is the nicer the fucking world is to me and and i just tell myself that story people People engage me more. People make better eye contact with me. People at restaurants are kinder to me. And areas where it's like Santa Cruz County, there's more, there's 1.6% of the population. There's native American and 1.4% is black. You know, it's like, it's like, um, yeah, it's a fucking crazy. It's, it's, and it's pointless to have that mindset. Hey, can't you leverage that too? Can't you leverage your ego? Let's say, let's say you leverage your ego let's say let's say
Starting point is 00:49:05 you do think that let's say you do think hey i'm only five five and i'm white and i can't be on the basketball team therefore i'm going to work harder yeah yeah why can't you just leverage it i mean you can man but i always like i tell people that the government wants you fat, broken, uneducated, right? So if they can, if they can- Regardless of your skin color. Regardless, regardless. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah, no, the government just in general, they want you fat. They're really fair like that. They're really fair like that. Exactly. They're equal opportunity, right? When it comes to that, they want you fat, broken, uneducated. So they can give you a little bit, right? Give you a little bit to keep you just, you know, like, hey, don't do too much, right, when it comes to that. They want you fat, broken, uneducated, so they can give you a little bit, right, give you a little bit to keep you, hey, just, you know, like, hey, don't do too much, right, like, don't do too much, just, and, like, I've just seen that over the years, right, like,
Starting point is 00:49:56 I feel like... Did you ever have that mindset that, that the world was out to get you because you were black, and you had to flip the script on it? No, no, no, no, no that's just not it just just wasn't the way i was raised so i guess that was a blessing in of itself but no that was never how about your siblings do you have siblings yeah i have one like i have a sister that i grew up with no she didn't think that way either like we just always thought like i mean we did always think we're gonna have to work 10 times harder than everyone else coming from where we come from but we were were down for the challenge of, okay, all right, I've got to work harder. All right. It's all right. But once I get there, like it'll be fair game then.
Starting point is 00:50:32 So like, I've always thought that I had to work harder. I still sort of think that way now, even though it's sort of a, sort of an internal motivator to keep a chip on my shoulder, right? Like that's how I'm wired. I like to keep a chip on my shoulder right like that's how i'm wired i like to keep a chip on my shoulder even yeah me too made up right even if it's made up yep yep just keep it on my shoulder i prefer a made-up one so yeah i had i uh i was a junior in college and and i really liked this girl and one of my friends just flat out told me she was I'm five, five. She was probably like five, 11. And I had almost when you're five, five, like almost all the girls you date are taller than you.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah. But but I had a friend actually tell me, hey, dude, she'll never go out with you. I'm go. Why? Because you're so much shorter than her. And I just I couldn't even fucking believe that came out of his fucking mouth. Yeah. And and the truth is, though, that it's the truth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:29 It's the fucking truth, and it's okay. A woman should want a big, strong, tall man to take care of her. It should be – it's fine. It's fine. It's just – it's something that I'm going to have to – it's just – it's that i'm gonna have to uh it's just it's fine it's okay it's um it's not part of my um i use it it's like the chip on my shoulder i use it to i use it to fuel me not to or to be aware like it's just like if you knew what you were good at what you weren't good at basketball if you're not a good three-point shooter you are going to have to get closer to the fucking basket yeah like there's a reason
Starting point is 00:52:08 why steph curry's so good from the outside something wasn't working for him on the inside probably yep so i mean i don't know that i just made that up i don't know shit about basketball sorry if i said something blasphemous what is your favorite team basketball team the family team man we don't have a team we like basketball oh seriously we just watch basketball man oh that's good we just love basketball i mean my boy probably have a favorite team but i just um i have favorite players though i have favorite players not necessarily team yeah so i um i when i used to watch football and i would only watch when i was a kid and i would only watch the niners and the raiders because i was from the bay area and i i did realize that
Starting point is 00:52:49 i'm not a football fan that i'm a raider and niner fan i never was kind of like a student of the game like every it was either joe montana and jerry rice and that's it everyone else jim plunkett and marcus allen the rest bo jackson everyone else could go fuck themselves yeah i didn't care yeah if um if if someone wants to open um if you had to do it all over again would you if you were going to open a gym all over again would you take the same path would you would you start with uh opening a crossfit affiliate and then build from there? Or would you open a non-CrossFit affiliate and build from there? You have to do it all over again. Not even all over again. I mean, in 2000, if I said,
Starting point is 00:53:32 Sherman, I'm going to give you $50,000 seed money. I want you to open another gym. How would you do it? I would go out and try to buy a successful gym. That's what I would do. I didn't see that coming. Okay. Regardless if it's CrossFit or anything.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Yeah. So, you know. What if you love the CrossFit methodology? What if you're like, holy fuck, man, I just love this. Yeah. So I would try to buy a successful affiliate because here's the thing when i started my gym in my garage i only had a couple thousand dollars i bought some mats and a couple like i don't think you can do that now so taking on you know taking on two
Starting point is 00:54:19 hundred thousand dollars in debt to start something with no recurring revenue i don't think that's the right play to go because the affiliate model is not a franchise model. So if you had 200 grand, I would go out and find an affiliate that was worth that much, that you can get for that much, that already had recurring revenue and systems in place, and you could take it over and you could sort of figure some things out along the way. But starting from scratch man i would tell people listen everyone's not built to start something from scratch especially not a gym it is hard like it is hard work um so yeah no if i had to do it again i would buy a successful affiliate i would that's what i
Starting point is 00:55:00 would do great advice uh Thank you for coming on. I really appreciate it. It's been too long. I think this is the third time we've done a podcast together. I think we did CrossFit, and we did one on the Sevan podcast, and now this is our second one. I think so. I think so.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Well, thank you. And I'll be checking in with you, and it's fun watching your beautiful family. You're a good dude, man. All right, man. Good. When I come to California or you come to Florida, we'll have to go out to dinner. Hey, and I'm going to, the second I'm done with the podcast here today, I'm going to reach out to Greg and be like, yo, there's this guy, Sherman Merrick, you got to meet. I want to help facilitate that. All right.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Let's make it happen. Let's make it happen. All right, brother. All right, this is Bob. Catch you later, buddy. All right. Ciao. See you. Good dude. make it happen let's make it all right brother all right this is all catch you later buddy all right ciao see good dude good dude i'm starting to have people on the podcast more than uh more than
Starting point is 00:55:54 um more than once it's kind of cool let's see what is going on here mr rhodes hi good morning bruce wayne hi kenneth the lap the american flag always Let's see what is going on here. Mr. Rhodes, hi. Good morning. Bruce Wayne, hi. Kenneth DeLapp, the American flag always. I haven't taken a single phone call since I've been on the southern side of California. I wonder if, let's see, I have to leave an hour after this meeting starts. What? I am waiting for you. We are live. Don't be a C-U-N-T.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yes, caller, hi. Hi. Hi. Hey. I was calling because I was going to ask him a question about, did you ever get your dehydrator working with your fruit? Me personally? You were going to ask Sherman a question? I kicked Sherman to the curb.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Shoot. Oh. I'm so sorry. I should have opened the phone lines when sherman was here oh but i thought you also wanted to start dehydrating fruit from your garden i do i do god i have a whole wheelbarrow full of apples right now i don't know what to do with so apples are actually pretty hard to dehydrate because there's a lot well they're not as bad as like mangoes or anything because there's not as much moisture in them but yeah you should totally start doing it if you do get
Starting point is 00:57:28 a dehydrator you should get one with the fan in the back because that way you don't have to re uh what about making a solar dehydrator someone someone showed me a uh a solar dehydrator the other day that's going to be too long it take too long take Take too long. Yeah, it's all, it's all, it's all, it's romantic, but it's pointless, is what you're saying. Yeah, I feel your hippie vibes, and I respect them, but it's too much.
Starting point is 00:57:54 All right, I understand. Dude, this woman's shitting on your day right now. I know, I know. But I just can't believe I have a female caller, so I'm trying to keep her on the line. Don't fuck it up, Hunter. Keep it there. I'm sorry. What were you going to ask Sherman? I'm just curious what her on the line. Don't fuck it up, Hunter. Keep it there. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:05 What were you going to ask Sherman? I'm just curious what you're going to ask Sherman. Hunter knows just about anything and everything. He can answer it for you. I'm a scientist. Let's be honest. No, well, I was actually going to call and ask about the whole buying the affiliate thing
Starting point is 00:58:19 because I thought that was very interesting. Me too. I'm a member of an affiliate and we just got bought, but it was by some of our members. So I think the transition was very interesting. I'm a member of, I'm a member of an affiliate and we just got bought, but it was by some of our members. So I think the transition was really natural. So I don't know how it was. There's going to be some amazing infighting now.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Yeah. You guys should make a reality. You should make a reality show around that. A bunch of members bought it. It's going to be great. Hey, people are going to lose friendships over how many plies of toilet paper they have.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Man, Hunter, your brow is furled. Chill, buddy. Chill. I said your brow is furled chill the fuck out i'm just reading i'm reading all these um these rookie numbers get some glasses i'm reading all these rookie numbers you've been pumping out on youtube 300 views 800 views um uh caller what's your name my name is kate kate did you do you follow andrew hiller's um youtube page sometimes i don't subscribe to it out of loyalty to you but i do watch it
Starting point is 00:59:13 sometimes so that you will have more subscribers holy shit man i didn't even see you you've completely shaved and changed you should see my pub is he released a video he released a video yesterday accusing uh tia to me of doing um performance enhancing drugs and i'm struggling struggle boss over here i'm struggling with it struggling struggling he's that new you remember that reporter that was chasing down um chasing down lance armstrong what was the name of that fucker? He's becoming the new that guy. He literally was like. Here's the thing, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:50 You can't. I don't think you should be accusing people of that. Mike Sauce says Hunter McIntyre's programming is top tier. Caller, do you know what video I'm talking about before I let Hunter take over the show? Leave some tips. I'm aware of it. Yes. Do you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:00:03 I watched the video and and to be honest it was hard for me to watch so i didn't give it a hundred percent of my attention because the whole time i was just like dude hashtag hope not dope let's why you can't that other hashtag i i think basically he admits that he's doing it for clicks, but it's, I just keep thinking, what if that were my sister or my mom or my daughter? Like you're accusing someone with no,
Starting point is 01:00:31 um, it's a bold accusation. It's not, I just doesn't seem nice to me. It doesn't like there's no evidence just because I'm five, five. There's no evidence that I have a tiny penis. None.
Starting point is 01:00:45 His tag is tag is Natty or not. And there seems to be testimony to the – you do have a large penis, Yvonne, so I believe you. I testify to it. Hunter's tonsils testify to it. I'm not in a relation to retiring. I'm not in a relation to retiring. I don't like it. I think he's going to come on tomorrow. I just don't like it.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I think it's a bold accusation to make without any sort of evidence. Well, he shows evidence. He shows all sorts of – but it's just his opinion. And, like, maybe I'm too romantic, but I just see us as still even if we it's okay for me to talk shit about my mom and dad but no one else and it's like hey that's our you're shitting in our in our kitchen you have no you're shitting where we eat we you have no you have no proof that she did any performance enhancing drugs and and because the way and the proof that he does or the evidence that he brings up it would it would insinuate that a bunch of other anyone who's won the games more than once is basically
Starting point is 01:01:50 on the juice yeah hashtag hope not dope hey a caller would you like to see can you see the video right now um i walked away from my youtube but i can look at the video. You have to see Hunter's mic. You're talking about this gold pimp mic right here? Yeah. There's only one thing I want to see him do with that. I found this thing on the internet. Oh, my God. Oh, what a baller.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Look at that gold mic. It's gold. He's a golden god. It's not gold to the core. It's not going to show up. But it's nice. It's a gilded mic it is have you have you ever done any performance enhancing drugs caller i have not what was your name again i forget already i forget my old brain forgets already jackie that's okay it's kate i had some fucking douchebag get on my shit a couple years ago during
Starting point is 01:02:42 a tournament and was accusing all of the time that i did like heroin and cocaine is performance enhancing drugs i was like i don't know if i believe that and he was really making a pass at it and he started to contact my sponsors and stuff and started to really kind of make really chop me down at the knees with my public relations and i had to give him a cease and desist so what if you did coke though i don't get i don't get is that because technically it's considered on the banned list i wasn't like doing this in the middle of a competition like it was more of like the way you were doing so you were doing coke just not and i would think like if you're doing coke in a race wouldn't that just make you more likely to shit your pants later on or
Starting point is 01:03:26 something? So I, I mean, maybe that would help you go faster, but I don't think that would be a performance enhancement. Listen, you're not doing enough then. It's a stimulant. Yeah. What do you think Hunter? What do you, you're, you're, you're sorry, Kate, were you going to say something? Oh no, that's okay. Hunter, what do you think, Hunter? You're – sorry, Kate. Were you going to say something? Oh, no, that's okay.
Starting point is 01:03:47 You're on. Hunter, what do you think? I know that you're pretty vocal. You don't like cheating, and you have a zero tolerance for cheating. You're pretty aggressive about it. What do you think about – have you seen the video Hiller made about Tia? While you guys were like, what's with your furrowed brow, I was trying to read,
Starting point is 01:04:05 um, some of the comments and some of the things that he was kind of trying his points that he was trying to hit upon. But I just think it's kind of unfair to accuse without evidence. Like it's, it's a pretty flimsy. I didn't watch the video, but it's a pretty flimsy move to fucking just start being like,
Starting point is 01:04:21 well, that person's so good. They gotta be doing something. I mean, dude, there's, there's people out's so good, they got to be doing something. I mean, dude, there's people out there in this world that are just genetic outliers, and there's just nothing you can do about it. Like, there's kids that are going to be born in parts of Africa, like high-altitude Africa,
Starting point is 01:04:37 that are going to be running basically national-level times with, like, so little training because of their just genetic um you know composition there's going to be people in you know up in iceland that are basically going to be born to be giants and you can't accuse them of being steroids because just in their bloodline they're just much bigger people and that doesn't make them cheaters because they're giants. And I'm not saying Tia has anything that seems like it's a genetic outlier, but she's a lean, strong woman. And just probably – I've trained with her once before.
Starting point is 01:05:16 She just puts the fucking work in, and I've spent a lot of time around athletes. And there's people that put work in, and there's people that don't put as much work in or put the right – What if I looked at your shoulders over the next – I went to all the Hunter McIntyre videos from the last 10 years. And I looked at your shoulders and I used that to say, hey, you are – you're not on steroids. I mean that's basic. Shoulder mass is one of those kind of things that typically end up becoming enhanced by performance enhancing drugs because it just takes so much to stimulate that small muscle group. But that being said, man, like if you take a period of time, let's just say her eight
Starting point is 01:05:55 to 10 year CrossFit career and you focus on a muscle group and it gets bigger over time, that's not crazy. Listen, what this guy says, I couldn't disagree more with jim hiller backed it all up with what he that why he thought that he never just accused based off of her being in one backed it up off of what's between his ears like nothing in the outside world nothing real like he backed it off based on his perception of things it wasn't like hey i saw a needle hanging out of her ass, and I spoke to a doctor who said he gave her testosterone. I mean, it's fun to hypothesize what could be things.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I mean, it's just you making a wild guess. But when it gets to something as serious as doing – like, I like to look in the hills whenever I go into the mountains. I'm like, this might be a place that Sasquatch lives. Hey, he even says here – these are the kind of trees. He even says here, should I make more of these? Sorry, Hunter. He says, should I make more of these?
Starting point is 01:06:52 I mean, there's a lot of people on the internet that do the natty or not thing. And that's already been played out. So it's not necessary. Do you have an opinion on whether it's okay that he does this? I think it's bad necessary. Do you have an opinion on whether it's okay that he does that, that he does this? Do you think it's easy? I think it shows, I think it's bad,
Starting point is 01:07:06 bad, bad character. I think it's a very low hanging fruit. I'm still here, but I'll go soon. But yeah, I think it's low hanging fruit and it's a bad path for him to go down. Cause I think it's just playing on just clicks and it's not,
Starting point is 01:07:20 it doesn't actually add anything to the conversation and he should post that shit on Reddit. But I will go and thank you very much for taking my call. And I will. And yeah, thank you very much. Thank you, Kate. I think he's pretty, the only thing that I think is transparent is I think that he is transparent that the fact he's doing it for views.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Well, I mean, I could, Jim, views well i mean i could jim my point is that i could say anything in tmz of um the crossfit world now because there's not much to talk about in crossfit now that the crossfit games are done like what the fuck are you going to talk about so try to find some like some like dirt on all these people and then just be like well i, I think Tia's sleeping with Greg Glassman based on the fact that I found these tweets from 2008. It's trash.
Starting point is 01:08:16 It's hot trash. He's had multiple conversations with doctors who literally specialize in helping people cheat. I agree. Hiller does a ton of research on the subject. I totally totally agree i i hear you i just think to call why why do that to her i mean we know we know what the main reason he's doing it is for views he he admits that i but and i appreciate that honesty but um but where do you stop? What won't you do for views? I guarantee you within a few months that this dude is going to start an OnlyFans in his garage.
Starting point is 01:08:53 He lives in an auto shop. He's got low morals. Why do you say he has low morals? Because he lives in an auto garage. No, no, that's his gym. He doesn't live in there. You can live in a garage and not have low morals. I'm's his that he doesn't live in there you can live in a garage and not have low morals i'm just not i used to live above johnny's auto body shop and
Starting point is 01:09:10 um and you had low morals that's a correlate that's not a uh i was a dirty guy at the time i had just like a spongebob blanket that i bought from walmart that i just you don't want to take this conversation serious i'm pissed at you dude i am taking it seriously i'm struggling with it because he's my homeboy you want to struggle 45 minutes going back and forth of whether or not that this guy is a bad person he shouldn't have done it and what's he gonna do he's not gonna take it down it's probably one of the biggest viewed things that he's ever done and he's probably stroking his cock in a dark room right now being like i'm so fucking cool even everything he said is true and it probably is true like all the the observations it it doesn't mean you well i mean
Starting point is 01:09:51 here's the thing if he would put his penis in a guillotine it's not i will not say he's been hot on this stuff for a long time right he has come on and just fill you in on the likelihood of people being on performance i didn't even want to fill you in i was just going you in on the likelihood of people being on performance. I didn't even want to fill you in. I was just going to give you the data points on all of the available research on how many people that have popped in CrossFit. And I was just going to read the fucking names to you. And based on just numbers of people that were tested versus number of people that popped positive is fucking huge.
Starting point is 01:10:19 So I wanted to come on and have that conversation with you. And I didn't want to dig deeper because I recognized that people were going to get hurt for no fucking reason and trying to make a public podcast that if something that i don't really even give that shit like about like i competed in crossfit one year based on the invite i don't care about it like and trying to take people down that i'm not involved with daily other than my friends it's not valuable but when i when i was going to come on and have that take. So you would take your friends down? Did you just say you would take your friends down?
Starting point is 01:10:46 I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. And when I was going to come on and do that podcast with you, this dude reached out to me immediately. And that was probably. You mean Andrew Hiller? Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Andrew Hiller reached out to me immediately and wanted to like dig into the weeds of this stuff. And we had a conversation and he wanted to know, he's like, do you know people's names? Like what? And I was like, no, I don't. But I'm just going to give you guys the probability of it happening based off of the metrics that are available to us through CrossFit's testing system.
Starting point is 01:11:13 And it's a very cheap testing system. Like you just piss in a cup. They called me, I pee in a cup. Like, you know what? Like it's very easy to get masking agents and also just cycle off of steroids before a competition. Like it's not a very elaborate system. So based on the corollary of the fact that there's people popping all the
Starting point is 01:11:31 time, the, the ability of getting like not getting caught is very, very easy based on just like knowing like, Hey, it takes this long to get out of my system type shit. Um, it was just one of these kinds of things where I was like, yeah, you take one and two and equals three. That was my guess. But I wouldn't make a fucking podcast about it accusing people based off of very flimsy data. And that's fucking low. It's a TMZ type move. It's one of these kind of things where he wants clickbait. And if he wants to run his career like that, I don't know what he does for a living. And I'm assuming that he's probably making pennies off of the work that he's putting in to get out of this thing so i don't know his motives it's fucking good that hillar
Starting point is 01:12:14 has brought in boxes across the world are now squatting a little lower and locking out just a little longer he needs to stay away from accusations if he were to say i'm okay with the video if he said hey i think people are doing um uh well here's the thing what is the thing one of his first videos he made was talking about whether about steroids and crossfit that was one of the first videos that people are like hey you got to check out this guy's work and he used footage of rich froning without saying rich froning was doing um steroids and it was footage that i shot back in 2010 and i even hated that i even like i even hated yeah but dude you have to understand you have to put context to accusation like it's anytime you're like hey we think there's doping inside of of um you know tour de france're going to fucking put footage up
Starting point is 01:13:05 of Lance Armstrong on there because he's the most interesting, winningest, most athlete there is. So I don't blame him for that. So if they were talking about the pedophilia ring that circles the Tour de France just because they use pictures. This is trying to say with an alligator mouth
Starting point is 01:13:19 that Hiller's cooler than me. P-N-K-L-O-D-Y-0-2-5. You could suck a dick um jim uh um says i see what you're saying sebon i agree it's a pretty big accusation to make without knowing with that being said it's entertaining yeah i'm with you on that and then and then but i like i know tia i've stood next to tia i know uh shane i've stood next to shane i i don't maybe that's why they're real people to me she's a hard-working chick dude that was the point that i was trying to make like just it just takes years and years and years of work and you know
Starting point is 01:13:58 eventually what risk did he take by making those accusations what what like if he had his penis yeah there's no risk on his part he could technically get um he could technically what am i trying to say i know actually maybe there is some risk he was probably a little scared posting that he's probably a little scared he probably made that video and was like oh fuck i'm opening pandora's box i'm currently wonder in a position right now where i'm talking to lawyers based on some – Suing Hiller? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Based on some poor business decisions that I made to get associated with scummy people that you know. And I – instead of taking the route where I was like, I'm just going to fucking blast these people all over the internet because I have all the evidence. And I talked to the lawyer about that and everything, i was like there is some fucking fine lines you can get away with a lot but then also you can get yourself in some fucking hot water really quickly if people wanted to do it but i don't know like if you mean like a tia could sue him maybe technically i didn't watch the video so i don't know what he's what boundaries he's crossed but uh damn like it's a messy road it's a messy road. It's a messy road. He opened Pandora's box. Did you see what I'm saying by he opened Pandora's box?
Starting point is 01:15:10 Of what? Accusing people? Just it's it was we're in we're in a we're in a cult. We're in this small community. Nobody gives a shit, man. I had this conversation with Noble yesterday. They were talking to me about wanting to get into different markets. And I was like, if you walk into a room, like I was just at a wedding
Starting point is 01:15:30 and you go into a room of 20 people and you say, how many people do CrossFit here? You maybe have like one random person raise their hand. If I said, how many people are running here, like run here? I would say more than half the people will raise their hand. It's just like we're in a very, very tiny bubble, and it's a very obsessive bubble. And that's why you're creating a podcast about another person's podcast. Like that's how culty and fanatical it is. It's like you're giving responses to a low-level integrity person in a garage filming himself talking about people.
Starting point is 01:16:05 I don't want to, I'm not, I don't want to slander him. I'm still processing it. You're not, you see, it's not, it's not that I want to say,
Starting point is 01:16:13 but you just want me to say it for you. You want me to throw the rock first. And then as soon as I start throwing rocks, you're like, now I'll throw rocks. If, if, if that's the case,
Starting point is 01:16:23 I don't, I don't, I'm not, I not uh aware of that no here's the thing i'm trying to think of how to think of it because right now how i think of it is not good it's not good like it's not i think what he did was bad um yeah of course yeah uh i i'm thinking i'm gonna hang out with andrew for like the next four days in a row does he live down there in southern california no we're just hanging out. But I saw this come out yesterday and I'm just like, Where do you guys hang out? Is this like a virtual chat room?
Starting point is 01:16:50 No, no, in person. He's coming. We're going to hang out at the beach. You guys are like that intimate already. Very intimate. Do you guys touch tibs? We haven't. I'm open to it. If you're ever going to do docking, you should do it in Newport Beach. I, I, We haven't. I'm open to it. I think if you're ever going to do docking, you should do it in Newport Beach. I am not asking you to throw the first rock.
Starting point is 01:17:13 I thought yesterday when I spoke to you on the phone and I mentioned this to you, I was a little surprised because I know you're really, really against cheating. But even you expressed like, yeah, maybe this wasn't cool. And I, and I've been struggling with it. I've called a handful of people. And, and when I talk to people about it, they conflate the issues. They're like, well, he presented the evidence. He did this. He did that. He did. That's not what I'm talking about. That's different. If he would have done that to me one-on-one, I understand it. But publicly, he's taken someone and drugged them through the mud. And I wouldn't want that done to me. I mean, I know.
Starting point is 01:17:54 I get it. I'm saying it's a shit move. It's a shit move. But what are you going to do, man? I mean, as long as athletics has been going on. Well, first I'm going to make a podcast on it try to get some views on it like damn right dude we're gonna get 300 fucking views as long as as long as this stuff's been going on and performance enhancing drugs has been around there's always
Starting point is 01:18:14 the question of whether or not people have been doing it and to say that this guy's a bad person to insinuate that it's a possibility, it's not that crazy. It's not that crazy. He's not a terrible person to just even open up the conversation. Are the top-level people in CrossFit doing steroids? It's not that crazy. And it's unfortunate, but that's what comes with the territory. If you're going to get into public sports, there's going to be people
Starting point is 01:18:42 criticizing you, analyzing you, all these kind of things. You think this girl is just going to have a public sports, there's going to be people criticizing you, analyzing you, all these kinds of things. You think this girl is just going to have a clean record coming into a sport, winning the CrossFit games five or six times and then walk away with no shade whatsoever. No, just not.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Wow. That's that. Wow. Yeah. Okay. She's not like, listen, maybe I just don't like it that it's one of my friends doing it.
Starting point is 01:19:04 True, but someone's got to do it. So now the fact that you actually have a level of affiliation with this person, you can have an honest conversation with him. Probably will sway it towards it not happening again. No, I think I think that he's open Pandora's box and I think he's going to be off to the races. I think like there's going to be one on fucking Matt Fraser tomorrow and fucking Ariel Loewen. I was going to say Ariel Loewen the next day. God, I hope he makes one on me.
Starting point is 01:19:36 You're probably doping. There's a point in my life where probably when I'm just so beat to shit that I'm just going to use all of the synthetics that are available to human fingertips. And I will just start pumping myself full of all the drugs. Like when I'm in my 50s. If you won – do they test at High Rocks? Were you tested? No. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:19:58 They're just a flimsy company to begin with. I mean fucking for Christ's sake. Easy, easy, easy. to begin with i mean fucking for christ's sake we easy i'll be honest dude at world championships this year they just walked up and took a plate off of the sleds because the german athletes were not strong enough to move the sleds and i warned them forever i was like you guys know that you use different material for the sleds in europe so it is not going to be easy for them over here so like that is not true the german sleds are very very hard and then they came over and the athletes could not move the weight so they just took the fucking weight off like it's a low integrity company that's why i like i i love the fact that i get to compete
Starting point is 01:20:35 i love the fact that there's athletes that are out there that are hard working and i get to compete against them but i don't expect a company that is willing to change weights the day of a championship are nationally internationally accredited weights for this event are willing to change it on the fly to accommodate other athletes are willing to go the extra mile of testing athletes also to have a clean sport if the germans are such fucking pussies they can't move weight why would you want to test them to prove that they're not doing illegal drugs because they're already so fucking weak? The opinions of Hunter McIntyre are his solely and not do not represent the administrators or the employees at the seven podcast. The Hunter, this is what I'm talking about, about people not understanding the conversation.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Look what this person's right. If we are saying he made his opinion based on doctored picks. The question is, why are you doctoring pics to make like i mean do you see this is just like following down uh sorry i'm i'm not picking on you uh pink lady zero two five this is that girl a new one this is like the dumbest shit ever like that's not even what we're fucking talking about what that's like uh it's the pics that are posted by CrossFit. None of that matters. That's not the point. That's not the point. She's been doing CrossFit for six years.
Starting point is 01:21:51 You're looking or 10 years or 15 years, and we're looking at pictures of the greatest CrossFitter who ever lived. And then to get views and clicks, we're accusing her of doing steroids. It's fucking nuts. It's not nice. It's not nice. It's not cool. You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you. The only thing I've heard so far that kind of, like, makes me feel a little understanding is what Hunter said. This is inevitable.
Starting point is 01:22:19 In this day and age, with six world champs in one of the hardest sports that's ever existed you're a six-time world champion obviously someone's going to question um based on the context of how many athletes do drugs and the prevalence of doping um someone's going to question it but he didn't just question it he i mean he we should i should watch the whole video before i really comment on a deeper level. He uses this word. He says, what was the word he used? Not partake. He says she deployed. In 2017 or 18, she deployed PEDs.
Starting point is 01:22:54 So he is 100% saying that that's when she started doing stuff. Basically, yeah. Yeah, but she's been winning for a long time. She was just the unassuming champion for such a long time. And then all of a sudden, I don't know whether or not her programming changed. She definitely got a little bit more muscular, but that's not that fucking crazy. Like I literally right now, I could disappear for a year and train my ass off. And if you didn't see pictures of me for that year and the progression of me moving forward,
Starting point is 01:23:21 you'd think I would definitely on drugs. But if you put, i could put five to eight pounds of muscle on me and i'd look like a different fucking person hey dude the difference between pat barber from the morning he would show up at the crossfit games to the night when he would do his last workout he looked like a fucking skinny little kid when he showed up at the games and then by the fucking sick crossfit pump yeah it would be fucking nuts he would he would fucking leave there looking like a fucking action figure. We all know Hunter was definitely on EPO
Starting point is 01:23:49 to win his last High Rocks. Nice, nice. A little slander, dude. That's the stuff that gives you red blood cells or something? The sad thing is I don't need it at all. I partied fucking leading up to that championship and I put the Baltimore beat down
Starting point is 01:24:02 on those guys on a half-ass effort. I'm not sure what this... And you're a beast uh he doesn't not accuse her I don't even know what that means are you sore after you do the high rocks world championships unbelievably but the fitter I get the beginning of the season when I first start doing high rocks again and I'm like just training and then all of a sudden I do my first race of the season I'm wrecked and then all of a sudden it you you just, it's just like calluses on your hands. Eventually at the end of the season, you've done so many and you're so acclimated to it. It just makes a, it doesn't hit as hard. Like I literally the, during North
Starting point is 01:24:35 American championships in January, I, I literally had to go home to my hotel room and lay down the rest of the evening when everyone was partying, and I just couldn't handle it. And then two months later, I raced in the Dallas where I set world record, and I was totally fine afterwards, but my core temperature was so high, I couldn't sleep all night. So I was just drenched in sweat. I went to the airport. I booked an earlier flight at like 3 a.m. And then at World Championships, I went out and ate a bunch of mushrooms and played play craps and i was totally fine did you do the mushrooms like the chocolate ones yeah dude i've got boxes of them over here i shouldn't say that because
Starting point is 01:25:14 if there's cops on here i don't have boxes of chocolates mind your own business is it is it like you eat like two two pieces and you're just like happy you eat four and things get a little loopy and you eat six and the walls start dripping yeah man i mean when i was younger that's what someone told me up until like five years ago i used to eat mason jars this big full of them and it was my favorite thing like i love just reaching outer space and completely breaking my my mind down and now i'm at the point where like i can get a similar response. I like speeding when I was a kid. I don't need to go as fast nowadays.
Starting point is 01:25:51 I get a similar response and feel out of it with much less. You bought a fucking 700-horsepower truck. You're still so immature. Don't act like you're still. How is that immature, dude? You have to understand. Dirt? I'm not a dirt. I'm a dude.
Starting point is 01:26:02 If there are horses, I'm going to ride all of them. And if there's 702 horses that I can a dude. If there are horses, I'm going to ride all of them. And if there's 702 horses that I can stick under the hood of a car, I'm going to fucking ride the shit out of that engine. Eddie and I went out on it the other day. We tried to street race people. It was a blast. But my point is, yeah, mushrooms are the shit. Hunter at the CF Games compared to Hunter at High Rocks is pretty wild.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Dude was thick. Yeah, I had to put on a lot of weight to try to move that crossfit shit and it was hard ready when eddie wentzel i'm not saying i agree with what hillard did but i do think that with all of the positive tests these questions for sure become more prevalent who is sure sure let's see this for a second banned usada um it's heroin ban uh a banned usada product what drugs are not allowed in olympics yeah dude i'm not allowed to use heroin to go to the olympics now i would consider heroin to be probably a net negative for um net negative for for for sports but it's still banned there's probably a lot of people doing things year-round that technically would pop them if they got tested and i'm not even saying performance enhancing drugs i'm just
Starting point is 01:27:19 talking about shit that you don't even know about well i i know i'm sure i'm sure there's athletes who've popped a few vicodin uh at the crossfit games before they do like the final you know three events on sunday at at the um at the uh at the uh carson i don't know if i can see legal but but they're doing it definitely is dude it's not the narcotic yeah so they're doing it to numb the pain so that they don't feel the fucking discomfortin is illegal, but they're doing it. It definitely is, dude. It's a narcotic. Yeah. They're doing it to numb the pain so that they don't feel the fucking discomfort. Actually, I thought that was kind of a brilliant move. I mean, dude, yeah, but it is. Is that legal?
Starting point is 01:27:52 Can you do Vicodin? No, no, no. That's not legal either. No, no, no, no, no. I mean, a couple years ago, I rolled my ankle really terribly in 2018 before a championship, and I would have loved to have taken a Vicodin, but my coach, Mike Tramello just duct taped the shit out of my ankle and we were eating like four advil every hour i thought only girls rolled their ankles that's weird i never heard of a guy i actually have really dainty ankles look at these things i mean it's because my thighs are buddy i'm so thick
Starting point is 01:28:18 they're called donkey legs you know how donkeys have like these gigantic ass cheeks similar to me but then they just go down to these very narrow little hooves that's what i got going on my how do you how do you know when you're washed up when people ask questions like this what does that mean is hunter still competitive canoeing oh yeah going to the olympics for canoeing i have started the process um why are people accusing us of being washed up oh me or you by the way i think bruce asked where i got this thing i got this in the ladies section it's a it's a women's blouse that i got in in switzerland before um this wedding that i just went to last week hey last night you you brought up this subject and i apologize if I'm not supposed to bring this up, but that maybe you implied that maybe Hiller's behavior making that video could also tarnish my reputation.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Well, you know this just as well as I do. Your association with anybody is reflective of who you are as a person. you know, it's just like, if you live in a den of thieves, you're associated with like thievery. You could be like, you could be assumed that that's the kind of person that you are. And it's tough. I mean, like I definitely keep very odd characters around me at all times, people that are doing drugs, saying weird shit, um, questionable behavior, but that's because I just like living life on the edge. And those kinds of people entertain me in a way that normal people don't. Like not saying I need to be entertained.
Starting point is 01:29:51 I just have a better time with those people. And for sure, I've been questioned a lot because the people I spent my time around. And I don't, I've actually always liked Hiller. Like I've got nothing bad to say about him, but if he becomes this person that this is the scope of business that he's – content he's putting out, you might want to take a step back. He makes his own observations and states his opinion.
Starting point is 01:30:20 I hear you. Wad Zombie says I look like a slightly worn out David Duchovny. I fucking love Californication. And I'm going to tell you something. No one ever said that I look like David Duchovny. And I started watching that show Californication. And I started like power watching it. And people started saying I look like him.
Starting point is 01:30:40 I've never seen the show. So weird. Oh, it's the greatest show, dude. You should watch it. Hunter, are you going to do hunter try not to be going to be negative on this okay okay let's go let's go don't tell me don't tell me what to do savon okay fine well hunter are you going to do a joe disenya race anytime soon are you banned from joe's races since you are talk since we are talking banned? We're talking about Spartan Race.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Why would you be banned? Because you talk so much shit? I've talked a ton of shit. I mean, dude, everything that I've said about them is coming true. Like I can show you right now a screenshot on my phone of Wall Street Journal. It's put out like two articles in the past three months about them going bankrupt and not paying athletes. three months about them going bankrupt and not paying athletes. It's one of those kinds of things where it's like, I've watched the people at the top live very, very fruit bearing lives.
Starting point is 01:31:30 And the people at the bottom just get fucked over constantly. And the guy, Joe DeSena, who founded this. Come on, buddy. That's the, you're just whining.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Don't hate on him. Cause he's successful. I'm not saying he's a really, really good guy. I've got the utmost integrity of a relationship with him and great things to say about him but in reality dude like when you're busting your ass and in they're not paying out i've said because he's rich and some people at the bottom of the food chain aren't i've got money i've got no problems not you other people oh i've got nothing i don't need to lean on these people at all anymore. But at one point, they were my entire sole income.
Starting point is 01:32:07 So I kind of got myself in some murky waters because I was really fucking calling out these companies and saying shit about them publicly because of their questionable behavior. But I'm not banned anymore. I can go compete whenever I want. Are you going to become a Noble athlete? No, no, no. Speaking on behalf of another project. No. I mean, Noble is was speaking on behalf of another project. No. I mean, Noble is a cool company and everything like that,
Starting point is 01:32:29 but based on the lifestyle I live, like Noble makes clogs for shoes, and I live that hard in the paint life where I only wear Ugg boots or Combat boots. I'm reading a text message. I'm sorry. It's all right. It shows that you're not validating or paying attention to what I have to say.
Starting point is 01:32:47 No, no. This was an important person who knows you who's sending me some dirt on you. Oh, dude. Let's go. I want dirt on them. Give me their fucking name right now. I'll get it done. They said...
Starting point is 01:32:58 I used to sleep with Hunter, and he was insatiable. Thank you. Thank you. Let's just get that truth out real quick you guys his name is mike his name is mike whatever dude if you can i prefer them to be known as the person that can satisfy everybody okay uh noble shoes would explode if hunter wore them they don't even hold up for crossfit uh meaning yeah meaning 100 100 work can work a pair of shoes that's for sure damn right dude damn fucking right i mean dude look at this this where is it see that right there that's a fucking chainsaw mark on my ugg boots like noble couldn't handle
Starting point is 01:33:36 that shit i fucking i'm chopping down massive trees in chain in my ugg boots hey do you know who wears uggs inappropriately super hot chicks and fucking hunter mcintyre have you worn a pair of uggs yet no i haven't but there i can't yeah i have once do you know that my core if i put on a fucking pair of uggs in the in negative 40 degrees and i go outside naked i'll still sweat they are the one they're on they fucking warm a human being up i can't even wear wool socks i will overheat in a second i can't wear a hat a beanie or wool socks yeah probably but but you are that kind of person i see hot chicks doing that all the time like my wife will fucking do that be wearing like something and then and then a pair of uggs i'm like i guess that works because you're hot and
Starting point is 01:34:24 you have a good body and you're like that too you think just because you're hot and you have a good body that you can just wear uggs like to go out chainsawing fuck you guys dude it is an athletic shoe i have an instagram i have an instagram called ugliffs and it's just let me see that chainsaw mark i want to i want to see that i want to is it really did you really cut your fucking on the holy bible do you see that fucking mark right there i'm lucky though because if it literally had been hit with power right there dude it would gone straight into my toe because this is maybe like an eighth of like sheepskin between me and losing a toe god it's like the most feminine product and the most masculine product you're such a you have a
Starting point is 01:35:04 chainsaw and uggs at the same time you are i can't believe you keep on coming down to southern california to hang out with your sugar mama yet you don't even make the pit stop of dropping off in malibu or my cabin it takes two seconds hey i feel like at this point we have enough depth in this relationship that you could just stop off and say hi i i could i could why don't you come here and say hi i have three kids you can bring your three kids here it's paradise i would come a i would combust if i were to try to wear uggs yeah me too they're so fucking hot um what was i gonna say uh i want to ask you about europe what you were doing in europe but go ahead go ahead you go first real quick how long you in newport for two weeks dude you gotta come meet this lady what i'm i'm uh i get back on sunday from this wedding and we'll just we'll rage i
Starting point is 01:35:59 gotta go down there anyways dude that's where my training is for for um canoeing don't you have a world championships you're participating in like a a swimmy swim run swim swim swim run run run can we defer this question to another time sure thank you uh ask hunter next week about run swim yeah thank you yeah let's let's just you know let's just push that off for a second. How many people in high rocks want to be professional athletes? I would say it is. I mean, obviously not nearly at the level that CrossFit is just because CrossFit is so, so much bigger, but the percentage of people that are going to do high rocks, I think are higher. Like if you took a pool of 100 people to do High Rocks versus CrossFit, it's higher in High Rocks than it is CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:36:51 Because it's just much more attainable and you can do it year-round all over the globe. And there's 15 people that make it to the Elite Wave every single year. So it's actually a more narrow achievement than it is to make it to the CrossFit Games. But the level of competitiveness is definitely a lot better than the CrossFit Games. Nathan, hi. Go ahead. I want to respond to that in a second and ask your opinion on something.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Nathan, hi. Nathan, I prefer if you refer to me as Captain Beef. Captain. Nathan, you're on with Captain Beef. Captain Beef. Oh, one captain to another up here in Maine. It's raining. It's ass off today. But, yeah, I'm listening to the show, and it's crazy because I love Hiller.
Starting point is 01:37:35 So far, I've, like, listened to everything he's got. And Hunter, I appreciate what you got to say, Hunter. And at first, I was like, God, like, both of them are so edgy. And then, like, parts are true. And then other parts, I was like, God, like both of them are so edgy and then like parts are true. And then other parts it's like, ah, it's a stretch. So like, how does the common CrossFitter like find their way? It's hearing both sides of it. That's where I'm just like, I don't know what's true right now. You know? I mean, what's your take?
Starting point is 01:38:01 I mean, a lot of us grew up playing baseball, but not many of us like are going to look like Jose Canseco just blasting balls out of the fucking stadium. And when you find out your hero, Jose Canseco, is just on the juice, I'm still going to play the fuck out of baseball. You know what? There's some people that are going to push the limits and they're going to cheat a little bit. But if you accuse him of being on it, I'm not going to hate on him. But if I caught him being on it, I'd be heartbroken. So I've got, I would choose to believe in these people being good, honest Christians, not doing the dope. And if you can live like that, then
Starting point is 01:38:37 you should be, you'll be feel for fine. Nathan, I'll say something to you. I heard the question differently than Captain Beef heard it. Captain McIntyre Beef, but Captain Beef McIntyre. When the New York Times released that article attacking Greg and they had a paragraph in there attacking me and the implications that I was involved in some sort of fucking sexual misconduct. I never went back and listened to that podcast with Stacey Tovar. I did. I know that Stacey came on the podcast several times. We were friends and I to that podcast with um stacy tovar i did i know that stacy came on the podcast several times we were friends and i know that she thought it was bullshit and i and i assumed it was bullshit but i never went back and then recently andrew hiller
Starting point is 01:39:13 made a video defending me which was fucking awesome and i would be lying i would be lying if i said it didn't fucking warm my heart and he showed the video that the new york times referenced that made it look like i was some sort of fucking sexual predator when it was actually the exact opposite which i which i fucking knew it would be but it showed it showed stacy tovar talking about if you do uh take um birth control pills that it would affect your uh uh competitive level and instead i should have been fucking rewarded and held on an altar but instead I was destroyed and lost my job because of fucking idiots like Eric Rosa. Now, woke, lying douchebags that manipulate and lie to society and attack and basically hate women.
Starting point is 01:39:54 But – and that's me being gentle. That being said, so I have that bias. I'm like, wow, I really like that Hiller did that. That was – I mean that really warmed my heart. I'm like, wow, I really like that Hiller did that. I mean, that really warmed my heart. But what's it say to – what do you think? In the same way he maybe helped get the story straight about me, he had evidence.
Starting point is 01:40:21 He could show the video. Yeah. But you know what? I speculative to fucking accuse Tia Toomey of, of, of performance enhancing drugs. I mean, well, well, what I, what I think and what I hear is like,
Starting point is 01:40:34 there's criticism from the outside. Like when CrossFit was not, you know, giving no reps, it was like, it was clear, you know, and it made sense that somebody finally,
Starting point is 01:40:42 you know, stood up and said something. And yeah, it was a lot easier. He real evidence yes well yeah he had real evidence based on standards and now this is like okay it's a it's a viewpoint but at the same time it's like he's been in the space like hunter's been in the space you've been in the space to know like what people look like what activity you know so it's hard to like like really concretely stand up and it's like is it even necessary to stand up i mean that's kind of where so it's hard to like like really concretely stand up and it's like is it even necessary to stand up i mean that's kind of where my head's at is like you know like
Starting point is 01:41:09 we don't want to just bring everything down on what we're trying to make better like and that's what i love about hillar it's like he's trying to make things better and it feels like he's being a dick but in reality like is this like too much is this like just trying to bring things down for the sake of you know that's where i'm just like well what is this for the sake of right now hey quick question you know well he admits is andrew is andrew hiller a crossfit athlete like did he compete in crossfit yes he's so good he's fucking great this is one of those things i just want to put out there typically this kind of behavior comes from people that were always on the edge of being great and didn't make it and then as soon as they didn't make it they start casting shade
Starting point is 01:41:49 i'm just telling knowledge is that too he acknowledges that that that perception of him he said i think he's top 50 in the world in the open one year which is fucking nuts it's legit it is not even you could do that hunter if you if you are literally if you're literally like on the cusp then you have this compelling need to convince yourself and you know verbalize your reasons for not making it and the doubt involved but if you're making yeah you don't have the fucking time of day to be prone shade at other people because you're fucking made it you got to train your ass off and keep on moving forward that's why you're not catching a lot of fucking top-notch CrossFit athletes pointing fingers at other top-notch CrossFit athletes.
Starting point is 01:42:28 They got their head down. They're getting shit done. They're smashing. Yeah, I know, and I believe that. But also, you know, he wanted to make a video a day for a year, you know, and this isn't something like he's trying to get clickbait and make money. Like, one thing I know where Hiller's in the right space is, like, he doesn't just from the get-go say, hey buy some merch on my home page and do this and do that
Starting point is 01:42:48 like he you know that's on the like peripheral so i do know like he wants to be a head judge at crossfit you know i love that he does want to be well i mean i've heard him say if boss wanted to invite him to be you know they're up on the judging stand and be ahead like that's what I've heard and your guys have talked too like he wants CrossFit to succeed he wants it to be the best it can be I believe that 100% and yeah he had his moment back in the day but like his elbow's gone like and he knows that and he says that and that's why I appreciate his honesty on everything he wants a big YouTube station with a shitload of likes. I think he's interested in popularity and I, and I don't mean I'm not hating. That's,
Starting point is 01:43:29 I don't mean that. I think he's been very transparent about that. Piece of trash. He wants to be more famous than captain beef. Not going to happen. A video, a video like yesterday. So you do think so.
Starting point is 01:43:43 So that's fascinating car. So you think that does, does hurt his reputation? You think that makes him less likable? No, no, no, no, not not. I think if you look at a body of work of everyone's videos, you have to see a progression of things. And I think, you know, I think what Hunter said earlier, like, you know, you see a progression of people and events and i you know i want to go on the ride with hillar because so far like it has taken me to a place of better understanding of my own you know uh fitness and my in just the space in general and i have to tell you like what you guys did at the games this year and how you covered it like that that shit made me so excited to watch every youtube and watch you hadz on every night and it was because of
Starting point is 01:44:25 like your guys's effort in the last six months or year whatever like that made that possible so you know what like I'm on board and yeah if you want to make a great YouTube channel like that's fine and his subscriber count is only going to go so far as the CrossFit community just like everyone like we we have to be good at what we do and who we're talking to and unfortunately there's only so many million crossfitters anyway you know and maybe i'll have it my number is like way off but i'm in general like if you compare it to major league baseball like we're a a 100th of a you know a scale you know so it's like remember who you speak to but also like know who would affects, you know?
Starting point is 01:45:07 You brought up a good point. I wish you could see what Savan's doing. He's doing some creepy shit in the background. Did you hear how loud it got outside? What's happening? He's like putting on a poncho or something. I got to get a little pee out of the tank. Fuck. I gotta get a little pee out of the tank fuck I do this every single time where I get on these podcasts and I chug a fuck ton of coffee
Starting point is 01:45:28 and water and I just like at the 45 minute mark my bladder's about to explode you just need a catheter Hunter you can just sit there and like your face changes from like really angry to like more placid you know I've got a I've got solid aim
Starting point is 01:45:44 dude I can like get a gatorade bottle down on the floor and just nail the rim of that bad boy no problem all right you guys wait whoa you peed on this podcast before while we were live i'm not gonna confirm or deny such things but all the fucking time during podcasts do i pee in bottles i'm gonna tell you this i had a guest one time tell me that there was a girl there servicing him during the show, and I believe him. Adam, I don't see your calling. If you call, I'd
Starting point is 01:46:12 answer. I'd fucking kick this dude to the... Caller, thank you for calling, Nathan. You're a good dude. Bye. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. I don't see anyone calling. Oh, yeah. It says someone called eight minutes ago. I don't know what didn't, I didn't, I don't, I don't see anyone calling. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:26 It says someone called eight minutes ago. I don't know what's going on here. Okay, here we go. Mr. Mr. Holiday. Hi.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Speak your mind, Mr. Oh no, hold on. Mr. Holiday. Hi. Hey,
Starting point is 01:46:41 Hunter, how's it going? He's, he's not listening. He's just, Oh, you're in your fucking underwear, dude. What's up? You're in your underwear. We just saw you walk by the camera in your underwear.
Starting point is 01:46:51 No, dude, these are my fucking, these are my short shorts. You trying to get some of this action? Hey, you have red pubes, huh? Oh, it's like an amber bush. Strawberry. Amber bush. Okay, go ahead, Mr. Holiday. Hi.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Sorry. Go ahead. Hey, Hunter. I just wanted to say what's up, dude. I met you a few years ago. You were doing that campaign for the games. You came down to a gym in San Diego to train with Sarah Sigmund, daughter. Oh, fuck yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:47:20 And yeah, you guys did like that whole, what is that, that FitAid campaign or whatever. She beat the shit out of me. Were you attracted to her physically? Yeah, you got flushed. She's a beautiful girl. She's such a beautiful girl. Yeah, she is very beautiful. And then, yeah, you guys were snatching at the gym and just kind of hanging out, watching you guys work out pretty much.
Starting point is 01:47:41 But you just wanted to say what's up? Well, dude, if you ever want to come up with a name. No, you can't just call and say what's up well dude no you can't just call and say what's up dude this is a fucking like yeah come on weigh in on their shit how big of a piece of shit is i just wanted to call and touch it run my finger through your pubes fucking adam dude it's the same material now i regret answering that's the first time 500 shows in and finally someone
Starting point is 01:48:07 grows this set. Hey, Siobhan, I do appreciate your podcast and then, nah, I think,
Starting point is 01:48:13 I think Billy's doing a great thing. I was going to say, you should also check out Oh yeah, you think it's great that he's fucking calling out Tia Toomey?
Starting point is 01:48:19 She fucking did nothing but work hard, mind her own fucking business, put in the work and because he fucking is some sort of fucking self-proclaimed fucking expert on fucking PEDs. Yeah. He can assess shoulders.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Let's do this, dude. Like that he should, he's fucking should be calling her out. You think that that's good? You think that's good for me to hang out with people who do that? I think someone needs to, I think someone needs to grow some balls and really dig in deep with what's going on inside the sport. throw some balls and really dig in deep with what's going on inside the sport. If I told Rich Froning one time, if I saw him walk out of a brothel that I would automatically assume that
Starting point is 01:48:50 he was there saving someone's life. 99% of the men I see walking out of a brothel, I would think that they were there fucking banging whores. And my point is this, whatever you'd be in there doing mushrooms. My point is, my point is this. You'd be using their treadmill because it's the only one within 100 miles
Starting point is 01:49:08 and you need to get a workout in. My point is this. I don't see anything in her character that deserves to be treated like that. You're right. But, hey, take a step back. Let's think about Lance Armstrong, right? Look at Lance Armstrong. He was a top cyclist for the whole – Yeah, he was a douchebag. But, like, he was a at Lance Armstrong. He was a top cyclist for the whole...
Starting point is 01:49:25 Yeah, he was a douchebag, but he was a top cyclist. He was their number one man. And then he went and fucked over the whole sport. And that's what I'm worried about with CrossFit. I'm worried about that one of these top athletes one day is going to pop. And it's going to happen at some point. Whether it happens right now or the OGs that we have. Yeah, but I mean, other than that.
Starting point is 01:49:44 I'm talking about even a bigger name than that. What do you think would happen? Let's say someone like that did pop. That's not going to fuck over the whole sport, dude. You got to understand, it comes with the territory. If you're going to play in the big leagues on any kind of level, you're going to catch some shade. And that's the same thing for you, man.
Starting point is 01:50:04 You got your panties in a bundle because you're upset that people are throwing shade at you for some of the shit that you've remarked upon in the your your years as a crossfit media guy you it's even in the header of your instagram you ran like the biggest fitness company in the entire world media not just biggest fitness biggest i'm big i'm the chief marketing officer the biggest chain that's ever existed on the planet fuck you apple starbucks mcdonald's subway exactly okay but then you're sitting here and you get a upset you put yourself in that position man so it's like what do you why are you having trouble identifying with that if you put yourself in a position where scrutiny is available people will scrutinize you.
Starting point is 01:50:47 I'll say one. I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm not disagreeing with that. Hey, fuck anyone who's going to go on my DMs and be like, I agree with Hunter. I agree with Hunter, too. Just chill. Okay, go ahead. Hey, hey.
Starting point is 01:50:58 I want to get in the mix. I agree with that, finally. Hold on. Hold on. I got to go back to work, but I got two comments. First comment, Sav savann do you think you'll get rehired with uh crossfit since we have the new ceo what what are your chances um i could see i i could see myself doing something with them i could never go back and work for them like like i could see them being smart he does seem like his he's got this guy's
Starting point is 01:51:21 got his ego in check and i could see them doing like if they gave us access to semi-finals or to the games and let us do basically the behind the scenes like we did this year they would get so much out of us we would probably grab our ankles yeah i mean so if he learns how to manipulate me they could fucking use the shit out of me but they he still got some massive ego trippers over there. But yeah, I could see myself. Yeah. I could see something happening, but I'm a free bird.
Starting point is 01:51:51 Go on. Yes. Second thing. Second thing. Since we're talking about Hillary, you guys got to check out this guy. He's been on YouTube for a long time. Name Elgin intensity.
Starting point is 01:52:00 He's basically just talk shit about people in the fitness space. I'm not the biggest fan of him, but he always shots videos every once in a while, just basically harping on CrossFit form and all that. What's his name? Just give it a shot. Elg, E-L-G, Intensity. He's like this Asian lawyer.
Starting point is 01:52:18 He's like a power lifter or something like that, but he creates like a bunch of just videos, basically just harping on people in the fitness industry not just crossfit powerlifters all those um everything but he just came out with a new video basically talking about that oh yeah yeah i'm looking at you know i'm not a fan i'm not a fan of the hater that like the bio lane guys and i'm not a fan of the dudes who they just the hater shit that is one thing about he's not a hater and and neither is um neither is trevor cashew the biochemist i had on yesterday just the hating is i'm just not a fan of it maybe i'm old
Starting point is 01:52:56 yeah i i think it's good to have both i think obviously we need people in this space i love the sport but it's good to have obviously that's a little bit too much hey it's kind of pushing it but um i think it's a great thing for the sport and like i said savannah i appreciate your time and i gotta get back to work if i get in trouble okay don't have anal without a condom thank you so how you get monkey pox now monkey pox i gotta leave in four minutes three and a half minutes so if you want to get something off your chest say it now bro Monkey pox. I got to leave in four minutes, three and a half minutes. So if you want to get something off your chest, say it now, bro. What were you doing in Europe?
Starting point is 01:53:36 I went there to launch my supplement company and go to two weddings. And what's your supplement company? I wish I had a container with me. What's up? No, go ahead. Go ahead. Tell me. Tell me.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Our company is called Builder, Building Better Athletes. And I just took what I thought was the best things you could put in a water bottle into a scoop. So one serving size of our drink has six grams of BCAs, three grams of taurine, and just under 1,000 milligrams of electrolytes. of taurine and just under a thousand milligrams of electrolytes and i just am sick and tired of like the fitness industry selling you products and where the serving sizes are like one-tenth to one quarter of what you actually need they taste like shit and they're making a lot of money off of you so i was like fuck that no go to builder sports bldr bldr Enhance, enhance. Oh, shit, bro. Can my kids, can I make, here's what I want to do. I want to get, is this, so I can put a scoop of this in water and then pour it into like popsicle sticks and give it to my kids to eat on hot days.
Starting point is 01:54:49 It's way better. The only thing that I would say that is better for kids is Tang. Do you remember Tang? Oh, you are an asshole. I fucking love Tang. What about Ovaltine? The only hydration product that helps you maintain your strength during endurance. When do you drink this?
Starting point is 01:55:04 Because my kids are just going all day day i literally start off every single day because most of us sweat like you can get on the scale at nighttime at 200 pounds and you'll wake up the next day at 197 like you sweat throughout the night and lose lose a lot of water so i replenish it first thing in the morning when i wake up and then i train for every hour of training that i do are like you know fairly intense activities. I basically will take one scoop of this stuff. Is this new? I don't I feel like I've been on your site.
Starting point is 01:55:34 How come I've never seen this before? We've just been rebuilding shit on and on. Oh, shit. My kids can't take taurine, dude. Dude, do you even know what taurine is? It's like it's caffeine. It's crack. It's like something. It's like it's caffeine it's crack it's like something it's like it's just it's in bang yeah i know but that's just it's it's just a component
Starting point is 01:55:50 of having energy it doesn't actually hit your body like caffeine does it's just another amino acid that like allows your body to push its limits without bonking all right yeah it's it's not it's not an energy thing like if you drink this it does not energize you at all it just is meant to hydrate you okay i'm getting some look you have five star are those real reviews you you know if you someone gives it a one star you don't go in and erase it um you know what's really cheesy? I'll be totally honest, like full transparency. I don't deal with this at all, but I did find out for my team that people can make reviews, and then we can choose to put them on or not, which is pretty fucking dirty. The app that we use is like that.
Starting point is 01:56:39 So I could write on there, Hunter has a huge dong, but it's covered with hair from base to tip. I would put that at the top of our reviews. I would put that at the top of our reviews because that's some honesty I want people to have. Yeah, it's one of those kind of things where basically it's kind of fucked up that the app allows you to do that. But we have great, great responses, and it's one of those kind of things where I'm not like a billion-dollar company that's going to pump out advertisement. I let word of mouth run my fucking shit. Yesterday I went out to lunch to talk with a potential new sponsor. And it was a neurosurgeon guy who has a husband, gay neurosurgeon
Starting point is 01:57:26 and super fucking smart, super smart, super personable and he is married to television super high up television executive and
Starting point is 01:57:41 it was just an incredible conversation but he taught uh log cabin conservative have you heard of that no those are it's it's a it's a i should look it up real quick it's a term i had heard it before log cabin conservative it's a term um log cabin republicans nation's largest republican organization decade oh it's it's a lgbt lgbt oh by the way did you see that the lgb community is dropping the t have you seen this they don't want trainees on the team nope i don't blame them total it's a totally different thing it's it's like the soccer club having football guys on it. It's like, no, this is a soccer club. You can't touch the ball with your hands.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Wait a second, wait a second. Isn't LGBT directly related to your sexual orientation, not being a heterosexual orientation? No, no, no. Lesbian, gay, lesbian, gay, bi is like whose genitalia you want to touch in relationship to your genitalia. So if you're a lesbian, you have a vagina, and you want to touch other vaginas.
Starting point is 01:58:41 If you're bi, you touch both genitalia regardless of yours. And if you're gay, you have a penis and you want to touch other vaginas um if you're uh bi you touch both genitalia regardless of yours and if you're gay you have a penis and you want to touch it rub it with other penises now yeah but i mean he but he has nothing to do with that t has nothing to do with that category where you're touching dicks and vaginas and you're a train well then you hey i could be on the football team but also play soccer but it's two totally different sports. I don't use my fucking football card. You're a multiple-letter athlete, dude. Yeah, but it's a different organization.
Starting point is 01:59:14 You don't want to – I don't want to – those fuckers over in football, they use hands. I don't use hands. I'm a soccer player over here. We don't allow hands. You know what I got in a really big trouble not too long ago? Hey, why don't we lump up something else in there too, like people who eat pancakes we're at it lgbtpe pancake eaters go on savant's happy hunter gave him that out prom um i used the word tranny in a situation and i was like oh i think that person's a tranny and people got super upset with me like you cannot use that word and i was like what do you mean they're like it's transsexual and i was like what do you mean they're like it's transsexual and i was like well just the abbreviated version of transsexual and they're
Starting point is 01:59:48 like dude that is very offensive no it's just like no it's not it's like saying like you're a homosexual and i called you a homo abbreviated into homo why does that all of a sudden have a negative connotation attached to it i know that like it's easier to say and probably more often used if i was tell that person that they should come on my show and i will unfuck them hey tranny is such a cool word it is a great word it rolls right off the tongue and it's it's cool and i'm not using a derogatory word like in a sense i'm just using it in the way of like proper labeling if you if you identify the last play yeah yeah it's fine no no tranny cares no tranny cares just like no woman cares if you call her a girl no one cares like like like you should use words correctly isn't it funny it's
Starting point is 02:00:39 the same it's the same group of people who are offended who are women who are offended when you refer to them as girls and yet they conflate gender and sex when those are not even close jordan peterson i think was like one of the first people to really start to pretty much try to put some structure around this and they they've pushed him away they're not allowing him to be a voice of reason anymore. Whether or not it's the right reason. Oh, he's a voice of reason. He's the man.
Starting point is 02:01:10 I think he's pretty fucking intelligent, but people are fucking pissed. Hunter, please help Seb on next show without a shirt, but keep the hat and views will go up for Seve. Why do you always have to go? Why? Your life sucks i'm literally i'm literally leaving right now to go pump iron because only way you can wear a fucking sex panther shirt is if you look like a sex panther so i gotta go pump iron and then i literally have to get in a car and
Starting point is 02:01:38 go straight to my cabin because we're trying to buy a bigger cabin up there so i have to go do a little bit of research because you're not going to come visit me unless i'm a fucking rich middle-aged woman so how am i going to get to become rich first i got to make the money and then the middle-aged woman thing that's something i'm gonna god i so want you to reach you have to meet my rich middle-aged woman she's so fucking cool i'm pumped to meet her she sounds hey you know it's so funny guys i will leave you on this note. There's something on this app we use, StreamYard,
Starting point is 02:02:11 and Hunter and I can talk to each other without you guys knowing. It's in private chat. And the last person I would ever think would use private chat would be Hunter because just shit just comes out of his mouth. And yet he wrote me something in private chat. Can you imagine how dirty it must be? It took you a while to pick up on that. I was like, I don't know where he's going to read this. Can you imagine how dirty it must be, people?
Starting point is 02:02:30 I didn't even know. I didn't even know that there was a private chat. And then you were talking with me yesterday and you mentioned it. And I was like, oh, fuck. I got to give him some private chat notes. Because there's this bar of just consistent bullshit from people over here, which I love to read, by the way. Thank you for,
Starting point is 02:02:46 do you want to come back on in the next day or two and facilitate a conversation? Me and Hiller might need some mediation. Bring me on. Cause I want to, I love Hiller and, and, but,
Starting point is 02:02:56 but we might need a mediator. We might, I can start crying and you might need to like talk me down. It's gotta be Thursday morning or Monday morning. Sign me up. I think probably he'll be in town today. We'll probably do it tomorrow morning. What's got to be Thursday morning or Monday morning. Sign me up. I think probably he'll be in town today. We'll probably do it tomorrow morning. Is tomorrow Thursday morning?
Starting point is 02:03:09 Thursday morning, dude. Sign me up. All right, guys. I got to go pump some fucking iron. All right. Get strong. Stay beautiful. Adios, guys.
Starting point is 02:03:17 Thanks for having me. Peace. Bye. Bye. All right. He just wrote. It was nothing. I'll tell you guys. guys he wrote that dude wants to milk you he was referencing one of the callers meaning like the guy was riding my jock like loved me like why would if you i don't you wouldn't if you didn't love me you wouldn't
Starting point is 02:03:36 call if you didn't want to milk me so okay uh sherman merrick uh dynasty crossfit uh what a great guest to have on um third time he's been on. I highly recommend going back and listening to some of the previous shows I've done with him. Very intelligent guy, go-getter, ambitious, and a wealth of knowledge in those shows. Hunter McIntyre came on. It was nice catching up with him. Andrew Hiller will be on soon. don't know when but very soon um and i oh my tomorrow show got canceled tomorrow i was supposed to do a show with a gentleman who had a heart attack in a crossfit gym named mr kessler uh he has to reschedule um and let me see on friday you guys, Allen Stein is coming on. Oh, and the MMA show with Darian and Justin Nunley. Okay. You want to get that book by Allen Stein.
Starting point is 02:04:34 It's called Sustain Your Game. At least give an hour or two to listen to it today. You will really like it. Sustain Your Game by Allen Stein Jr. I think you'll be excited to have him on. Maybe I'll even open the phone lines if you guys have questions for him. Brilliant guy. Cool. It's in that, I hope he doesn't get upset with me for saying this, but it's in that vein of pop psychology books like Malcolm Gladwell, but better than the four-hour workweek guy. Definitely better than that guy
Starting point is 02:05:05 okay and i and i like malcolm gladwell's books but this is a great book okay step on what was the name of the book uh sustain sustain your game here i'll show you this is what it looks like on the and for whoever said that i look like a low rent david ducovny i love you peace out

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