The Sevan Podcast - #559 - Danny Beeler

Episode Date: August 22, 2022

150 lbs weight loss journey at CrossFit Krypton.Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast!Sign up for our email: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK!Master of Coaching  - COACHING PUBLICATION - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. It's 7 a.m. here. I'm sweaty already. I'm sweaty.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Sweaty. Like I have the meat sweats. Danny, what's up, dude? Oh, nothing much. It's 10 a.m. where I am, so I already got a workout in for the day. Dang. How are you guys? I think you're the second person ever we interviewed who trains at CrossFit Krypton.
Starting point is 00:01:01 You've interviewed Ben? Yeah, that's what I mean. Oh, that's right, Laura. Yeah, that's what I mean. Oh, that's right. Laura. We can put Laura in the pile. You actually see Laura? Laura's a real person? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I rewatched that podcast the other day. It was pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:01:17 She's got a very dry sense of humor and I enjoyed that. You think she likes me? Yeah, I think so. Oh, that's awesome. Would you lie to me to make me feel good? No. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I'm in Newport Beach, California. It's south of Los Angeles, probably, let's say, 100 miles. I don't know if that's true, but it's south of Los Angeles somewhere. I went to the beach yesterday, and I ran into miles. I don't know if that's true, but it's South of Los Angeles somewhere. And, uh, I went to the beach yesterday and I ran into some people I hadn't seen in years. And, um, I'm like, Hey, you want to hang out at the beach? And they said, sure. So I went down to the beach with, um, them and Hiller and my family. And I, and I'm, I took off my shirt and the lady goes, Oh my God, you're fat.
Starting point is 00:02:09 He's not that fat. I was just like, wow. And my shirt's back on. Yeah. I just threw it down. I just drank more. You should push it away. I'm like, what do you mean? She's like, I just figured since you know, you would, you just wouldn't be fat. I'm like, I'm not that. If you're fat, um, uh, they're going to need a new term for some other folks. Dude. And it will, you know, it's even crazier, but, but it's consistent. Two days ago, I was at the, um, I was at the, I was in Santa Cruz and I was with some other friends who I hadn't seen in a while. And we're at the beach.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And this lady looks over at me and my wife and she goes, Oh, are you guys zoning? And I, and I, and I go, I go, look at me. Do I look like I zone? She goes, no, I just didn't want you to feel bad and only ask your wife. I was like, damn, no love. Yeah. I'm good though with it. It's good. It's, it's, it's like therapy. Yeah. yeah i'm good though with it it's good it's it's it's like therapy yeah what made me think about that is is that you you've used you've used that for motivation right people critiquing your body
Starting point is 00:03:14 uh yeah yeah especially it's funny we uh even in the gym i'll uh people come by and you know crossfit is people come by and encourage you oh yeah you're doing a good job and that doesn't do it for me I like it when people call me a fat piece of shit yeah yeah some some fetish some some fetish some negative coaching yeah yeah yeah it helps me a lot um to kind of prove people wrong so Danny Danny, how old are you? I'm 33. Oh man. You're so, I found CrossFit at 34. So a year older than, than you are. Yeah. And, and how, and when did you find CrossFit? You know, I've, I've known about it for years. I grew up in Chesapeake. So, um, and like a mile and a half from Krypton. So I've always driven by it. I remember watching Ben in 2015 win the game. So I always wanted to try it, but it was like super intimidating.
Starting point is 00:04:10 You know, it was always one of those when I get a little fitter, maybe I'll go try that. But I finally started in, it was during the Open last year. I think the day before 22 or 21.2 is when I started at Krypton. Which was 21. What year is that? That's 2021 since it's 21. So, so you've been doing it just over a year. Yeah. About 18 months. Yep. It's a trip. When I think of CrossFit Krypton, I don't think of it as like, uh, like, like an affiliate where people train. I just think of it as like an affiliate where people train.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I just think of it as this place where Ben Smith is. It's a trip. But then when I see your pictures, it's a full-blown awesome, insane, flourishing affiliate. It really is. I mean, they got classes from 5 a.m. all the way to 7 p.m. So, yeah, it's always packed. And, yeah, I really love it there. The environment's incredible.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I know I started on a Thursday, and it was like, man, I don't know if this is for me. And then the guy behind the front desk told me to come back on Friday because they were doing Friday Night Lights. And so I came in and saw everybody kind of cheering everybody on during Friday night lights. And that's when I was, I was hooked immediately. Hey, did you do it that Thursday when you first came in? Did you actually do it that Thursday? Yeah. I did my first workout that Thursday and I'm like, dude, I don't, I don't know if this is it. I thought, I thought he was like, Hey, not today, tomorrow. And I was like, Oh, that's a mistake. Because if you, if you have the guts to go in the first day,
Starting point is 00:05:43 you better get that. But they got you working out. That's awesome. What was your first workout? It had thrusters. I remember that. I ended up doing it with a PVC pipe and couldn't even break parallel with my squats and all sorts of crazy stuff. A buddy sent me a video of me doing it a couple months back and just watching that. It was insane seeing where I started. Off topic a little bit, I saw a video the other day of Noah doing Fran, which looked like two minutes. And someone goes, hey, I don't think I could do that with just the bar. And you know what I was actually thinking?
Starting point is 00:06:27 I'm wondering, and I have great pull-ups. I could probably do 30 pull-ups in a row, maybe even strict. But I don't know if I can do that with a PVC pipe and jumping pull-ups. I need to try that. It was – I watched that video. Two minutes is nuts. That's a lot of movement. That's fast. That's a lot of movement that's a lot yeah that is a lot of movement hey i think it would be a great workout with jumping pull-ups and just a pvc
Starting point is 00:06:53 pipe just just get i mean i'd have to be warm still to move that fast but yeah it's nuts have you ever seen what's do you know what the fastest time suza is you've ever seen someone have you seen someone do frame with jumping pull-ups and uh pvc i've never seen him do it with jumping pull-ups and pvc no no i want i wonder what i wonder what the record time is for that i'm gonna try it i'm gonna do maybe i'll film that maybe that's that's what maybe that's what i should be when i get to get back home for my workout see if it's possible to break the two minute barrier doing that i think you you will. You do? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Cause I feel like mine's like crazy fast and the fastest I've gone, it's like two 32. With the regular Fran you've done two 32. Yeah. Oh God. Susan's fit. Have you, have you done a,
Starting point is 00:07:39 um, RX, uh, Fran, Danny? No. Yeah. So I've still yet to get a strict pull up.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Uh, it's, it's one of, it's one of the main goals I'm working towards. So, uh, I'm, I'm, I'm banded pull-ups right now. And a lot of times during, you know, workouts, I'll, I'll do inverted rows. Um, but yeah, I'm still working towards the pull-ups. I, uh, I got my first pull-up. I was in the backyard. I was in college at my house. I think I was 24 and we were hot. Me and this dude were high on drugs. And he and he was, he was into different drugs than I tree i wasn't on meth or steroids but but it was pretty
Starting point is 00:08:26 crazy it was pretty crazy when i got my first pull-up at 24 i was like holy shit this is a game changer yeah uh yeah that's one of the things i'm working towards i've never got a pull-up in my life so it's definitely a big thing for me i know i had never ran a mile all the way through until i started to krypton um i i told ben how much I hated running and I think he might've, he took that to heart because we do a movement of the month. And so I started in March and the movement, the movement of the month for may was one mile for time. Oh, for time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I don't know if I've ever done a mile for time either. Like, God, that sounds so scary. I'd never ran it all the way through until until that point did you did you what was your time did you break 15 minutes 10 minutes yeah i ended up getting 12 12 and a half minutes i think wow shit and you were hurt oh yeah for days days at that point i'm still you know like i was probably still 380 pounds at that point, I'm still, you know, like I was probably still 380 pounds at that point. And how tall are you? 6'1". You said Chesapeake.
Starting point is 00:09:30 What state is that? Virginia. Virginia, okay. It's right by Virginia Beach. Okay. It's weird. When I think of Virginia, so I never think of Virginia as being on the coast. I just, I can't really in my head, West Virginia, Virginia and DC are all just
Starting point is 00:09:45 like a clump in my head, my geographic mind. It's just like a mess. But you're on the, you're on, Virginia actually is on the Atlantic. Yeah. We're very, the Chesapeake is the very Southeast corner of Virginia. And are you, are you in your like hometown where you're born? Like that's, I was born in Virginia beach and then we moved to Chesapeake when I was probably four or five. I've lived some other places. I, you know, I lived in Alabama for a little bit. And I most recently I lived in Portland for about a year and a half. No shit.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah. Yeah. How did you end up in Portland? So I, for work I do, I'm a project manager in ship repair. Uh, so I, I was like, like ship, like boats. Yeah. Like, uh, Navy ships. Um, so I went and worked out for a ship repair company out there. Um, and me and the family went and we, we loved it. And then COVID hit and we didn't have any friends or family out there and they were insane with COVID. I mean, my wife and daughter were pretty much locked up for too much straight.
Starting point is 00:10:46 So she came to me and said, we got to move home. So we packed it up, moved home. Yeah. It's a tragedy that those people got that town. Portland is such an amazing place and they destroyed that place um i i don't mean this in any way like like if you haven't been to portland you have to understand like downtown portland there's it actually is kind of like a zombie movie i'm not exaggerating it is a the weirdest group of people that um i don't know what they're doing to themselves.
Starting point is 00:11:25 There's, there's nothing natural there. There's no one. We, we were there. It's so weird. It's so weird. We were there right after,
Starting point is 00:11:34 right after George Floyd too. So we, we experienced like the, the riots downtown and stuff where they, they destroyed downtown. It was the million, the million white man, March writing.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It was, it for George Floyd. I'll tell you. You know that Portland is the whitest large American city in the world? I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah. It's ironic. Yeah, and what's crazy too is there were crazy entrepreneurs there. And so it's a big city, but there were so many young people there starting like cool shit, like just a place that serves whiskey, just a place that serves croissants, just a place that makes leather belts.
Starting point is 00:12:16 And you could have that because it was still affordable living. And then something fucking happened. There's a lot of great businesses there too. Columbia's out of Portland. Nike. Adidas. They're all out of Portland. It's a really awesome spot.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I really love that area of the world. They have so much fucking water. Being from California, you just see as a premium. There's a big tech company there too. Is it Microsoft or Intel? Who's there? Intel, Microsoft, they're both there. Intel is there, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah, Microsoft I think is Washington. Yeah, Intel is in Portland as well. How old were you when you started getting heavy? I've been overweight. Looking back, I always thought that I was really big, but I was definitely overweight all through high school. But how about in elementary school? Not so much. I played sports and stuff when I was a younger kid.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Probably middle school is when I started probably putting on some weight um uh and did you do stuff like you just sit down and watch tv and eat a box of ricks the whole box of ritz crackers shit like that yeah yeah um yeah and we I think we had you know fast food and stuff as as kids and uh we we were pretty busy you know my my um when I was younger my dad worked a lot my mom was a teacher so I remember you know me, I have one older brother. So during the summertime, uh, when my mom was off school, we, we'd go to like CC's pizza. I don't know if you know what that is, but it's a, it's a pizza, it's a pizza buffet where it's, it's like four bucks a person. So, you know, it was cheap to take two teenage boys there. Um, and my brother and i would have like an eating contest
Starting point is 00:14:05 he could eat the most pizza yeah so and so you did play sports as a kid so in what sports did you play so you were comfortable in your body as a kid look yeah a little bit i played um so i played some baseball uh dabbled in soccer for a little bit but not not a whole bunch and then when i got to high school i did a marching band i was in the drum line wow uh that's that's so interesting i i think i used a bike did you ride a bike to school did you use a bike for transportation no no i think that's the only thing i did that was like my saving grace i rode my bike fucking everywhere yeah how about capri suns did you have capri suns at home yeah i'm sure we did and the little hugs you know little like uh a hug
Starting point is 00:14:53 containers with a little foil wrapper so they were disgusting sugary juice that was like tang or something right it was in the little plastic it was like a little plastic round jug. I think they were called hugs. I can't remember. Would your parents – because my mom would try to be healthy. We weren't allowed to have soda pop in the house. We wouldn't have Capri Suns, and yet I would still eat a whole box of Ritz crackers for dinner or anything the Keebler elves made that was like a cracker. It would say no fat. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:24 And then I'd eat a fucking box that could feed like five people no my parents were pretty good about as far as dinner goes yeah those hugs wow look at that ghetto that is ghetto a little hug just a little little hug they make it sound so only one gram of sugar well you put like three of those down oh yeah yeah i mean we were pretty good about dinner my parents cooked a lot right my dad my dad's always been like a fisherman kind of deal so we ate a lot of seafood and stuff growing up but uh yeah i mean snacking and we had sodas and stuff like that you know the cookies and sodas were always available do you see where it went wrong do you see where it went sideways? Do you see where it went sideways?
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yeah, I think I, I had a little too much freedom as a kid, uh, to, to eat and drink whatever I wanted. Um, and then, you know, uh, go buffets and stuff like that. We, we, there's a Chinese buffet. We ate that in, in, uh, town, uh, pretty frequently once a week probably um so i think stuff like that just carried over into uh adulthood where i just got consumed as much as possible yeah we don't we don't we don't really have too many buffets in california i can't think of actually any hometown buffet is probably like the only one i could think of out of off top my head here yeah i don't even but there's not it's not a popular thing here at all but i can remember being places where there was a buffet as a kid like if somehow you ended up
Starting point is 00:16:55 at a casino somewhere or you know or in the east coast or something i just remember as a kid it's like holy shit this is really this is heaven yeah we had golden corrals they're big around here i don't know if you know what that is i've heard of it i don't i don't think i've ever been in one we actually we actually called them uh the scarf and barf um wow wow we that's hardcore i remember being a kid there was a oh we had sizzler we had sizzler sorry go ahead go ahead danny go ahead Sorry. We ate at Golden Corral one time and saw a family. It was mom, dad, probably four kids. Ate enough dinner to where one of them threw up at the table, which made the rest of them throw up at the table.
Starting point is 00:17:39 They went and got cleaned up in the bathroom, came back, sat at another table, had dessert. You witnessed that? Yeah. Oh, that's amazing. You're getting that another table, had dessert. You witnessed that? Yeah. Oh, that's amazing. Getting that money's worth right there. Wow. Yeah. From then on, it's been the scarf and barf.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Dude, that sounds like it's a 1980s comedy like what Chevy Chase would be in or something. Yes. It was like, what was that movie with Eddie Murphy? The Clumps. Yes. Yeah. That's what it made me think of. How old were you when you got self-conscious about it, about your weight?
Starting point is 00:18:12 High school. High school was, you know, I was always the funny kid, though. So, you know, I used my humor to kind of play it off, and I was popular because of how funny I was. But yeah, I was always self-conscious about my weight. And how would that show in the traditional ways? If the senior class is going to the water slides, you'd be like, fuck that. I'm not doing that. No, I would just make jokes about myself
Starting point is 00:18:47 to make it where nobody else can joke on me. Yeah. Would that make you comfortable with it? Were you cool with it then? Some. I do the truffle shuffle and stuff like that, so I wouldn't have a problem taking my shirt off, but I always make a joke of it. It would try and make myself comfortable to be around people and be like that.
Starting point is 00:19:09 But yeah, it was always tough. Travel shuffle. That's from Goonies. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Yeah. I guess it kind of, I guess it works too, though.
Starting point is 00:19:21 It's a, it's a net positive, right? You want to get out there you need to be free if you have to be the one to crack the joke if that's the way you're mitigating the discomfort i guess might you might as well do that right there's nothing wrong with that yeah yeah i mean i wish i would have put that effort into being more active um but uh yeah i put a lot of effort into being the funny guy just to live with being fat as opposed to trying to do something about it at that point have you put on so much weight that it's it's stretched out your skin or your body to a point where there's no return is that has that happened
Starting point is 00:19:56 in high by high school already yeah i was probably in a like a 2x t-shirt in high school um which i mean it not necessarily huge but i was i was pretty big that's the part that's the part i i as a as a parent i trip on the most when i see kids who are so overweight that i'm like okay that kid's gonna have that for the rest of his life meaning that that body's never going to the skin is going to be so stretched out that that body's never going to be able to contract back down yeah i think you said it the other day with uh ariel that i'll never be able to drive my ferrari right i wrecked my ferrari yeah yeah yeah yeah and and that and and
Starting point is 00:20:43 on one hand that that's OK. But but parents. What should your parents what should you what should your parents done just not buy that stuff, not have it in the house? Like, what do you do to make sure that that doesn't happen to your kid? But you also don't want to fuck your kid up, right? You don't want to give your kid a fucking eating disorder. Right. Yeah. That's, it's something that my wife and I are like super conscious about with the whole eating disorder thing. But our biggest thing is to, uh, try and live by example. So yeah, we, especially at the beginning of this year, we stopped buying, um, you know, we always had little Debbie's and stuff like that in the house. Um, so we cut out as much as we could soda's gone um if you want a soda it's like a zero calorie soda so you can have you know coke zero sprite zero um and then we we
Starting point is 00:21:31 just don't keep the snacks in the house readily available um and it's and that that alone has helped significantly and then we we cook as we cook at home as much as possible um she's our daughter's super busy too she stays uh really active she does competitive dance so she's in the studio like three hours a day probably five or six days a week so hey did you did you follow the games at all oh yeah oh yeah i think emma lawson that's her background i think is that her until one of those one, until they were 13, they were a competitive dancer. I was like, I think it was Emma. Yeah, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, that's crazy. That's hardcore. It is. It is. How old is your daughter? 10. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yeah, and she's, like, really good at it. You know, I know a lot of parents probably say that, but, uh, she, she competed in like a higher age group this year and, and, and won pretty much every competition she went to for her solo. So she, uh, she pushes real hard. She loves it. Uh, she works hard when she wants to get something. So we encourage it as much as possible. Um, she sees me do crossfit so she'll
Starting point is 00:22:45 come in and hang out at the gym some nights and stuff which is cool uh she was doing ghd's the other night which i loved i was showing her how to do some ghd setups dude that's awesome competitive hardcore too huh yeah she used to do that uh before she went back to dance yeah it's pretty it's pretty intense she she did what before dance? Competitive cheer. Yeah. And she's probably doing her own choreography too. By that, I mean you can walk into the living room and she'll be in there just dancing, making up routines and shit. Anytime music's on, the kid's dancing.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah, that's awesome. You can't stop her from dancing. It's relentless. I need to get my kids into dance too. What would you recommend they start? Because they dance like crazy. They dance every day. Same shit.
Starting point is 00:23:30 But what would you start them in? Ballet is the foundation of everything. I know it's like the – They did ballet for a little bit. But after a year, I couldn't see any fucking progress. It's tough. It's really tough. But she's like – yeah there you go she uh she
Starting point is 00:23:46 went to nationals for the first time this year and won and won nationals wow yeah she's she's uh she's a monster she's a beast look at that trophy it's like as big as her how cool is that like i never had any trophies didn't really play so she's got one that's as tall as her man we i made her a wall in her bedroom that is like all of her awards from this year, and she already ran out of wall space. Wow. Does she love her awards? Yeah. Yeah, she does.
Starting point is 00:24:14 She's super proud of them. Super proud of them. The kids love the awards. And did you just stop exercising? Was there a point? What was the heaviest you got? Uh, four 55. And how do you know that?
Starting point is 00:24:30 Uh, so we went, when we were driving back from Portland, um, to here, uh, when we were moving back, uh, we stopped in Vegas for a few days and we went to that, umbreak grill i think it's called on uh fremont street and it's like if you're if you're over 350 pounds you get to eat for free that's i someone sent me that the other day i don't know if it was you someone sent me a picture of that so i stepped on the scale and it was it was 455 and we were intending to go in and get a burger and when i saw that number i was like no we're i not, I'm not eating at this place. What did you think about that? So no, no one who goes there and weighs three 50 like that. So is that, is that, was that heartbreaking to you when you got on the scale?
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's like something moved inside of you. I think that was the start of it. Yeah. That was the catalyst. But it still took a little bit, right. Um, we moved back here in July of 2020. And then, um, I had to go to San Diego for work with my new job here. Uh, and I spent like six months in San Diego and it, um, it was probably November of 2020 when I started like really working out and stuff. 450. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yeah. What kind of car did you drive at the time? I have a little, I have a Ford Focus hatchback that I drive, and my wife has a Ford Explorer. So at 450, you have to have the seat all the way – All the way back. Like it's laying down. No. The Focus was surprisingly big, but, yeah, the seat's all the way back, and the steering wheel is pushed all the way in at 450.
Starting point is 00:26:20 uh, that steering wheels pushed all the way in at four 50. I, I, I can't even. Do you need walking assistance at four 50? I didn't. Um, surprisingly,
Starting point is 00:26:36 I'm, I've got around pretty okay. I mean, I, I still went up on ships and stuff, just not quite as frequently as I did previously in my career. But yeah, I couldn't, you know, crawling into tanks was a big thing. I couldn't get inside of the manholes to get inside of tanks on the ships and stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Do you remember the day that happened? Was there like a day that you could and then one day you're like, not today? Yeah, I remember I put on some coveralls and I went to the ship to go check some work that got done. And I started to crawl in like I was just going to be able to hop right in. No problem. And then I literally could not fit through the hole. And I'm like, don't remember this being this tight. And I was like measuring the, I remember measuring the manhole to see if it was like a different size on this one one ship or something because I just couldn't believe that I wouldn't fit.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Where do you get clothes when you're 450? Where do you get pants and underwear and shit like that? So I got Duluth Trading in Oregon. It was a place I shopped at a lot. They had these fire hose pants they were like real stretchy uh that i would wear um and then uh like walmart walmart's pretty good about having 3x 4x size shirts so basically it's there's a whole market there's there's there's a whole market for it yeah and there's another store called dxl i I think that's an extra large. It's for big and tall folks, and I had some 5X shirts from there at one point. That was the biggest shirt I ever wore was 5X. When I see someone shorter than me, it's kind of weird. I mean I see some women and kids. How tall are you? Like 5'5". Like I see some – I'm like in the – what percentage am I in?
Starting point is 00:28:25 I think I'm like in the – I want to say 16%, but I think I'm lying. I think like – I think it's like 12% of men are shorter than me. You're in the top percentage for CrossFitters, though, so you should be really good at CrossFitters. That's the only reason why I do CrossFits. I'd be tall. But like it's always – like if I see someone shorter than me, it's like an Asian woman or something. Racist. But it's always like, if I see someone shorter than me, it's like an Asian woman or something. Racist, but it's the truth. And, and like cats and dogs are shorter than me, but cats and dogs.
Starting point is 00:28:52 But, but, but when I see someone shorter than me, like, and I'm talking to them, I notice like, I'm just like, I'll be like, oh, like, especially if I'm looking down, it's weird as fuck. When you're 450 and I assume it's like that for tall people. I'm assuming, like, once you get over 6'6", like, you see someone taller than you, and you're like, what the fuck? Like, it's got to be weird, right? Yeah. It's like two black dudes seeing each other in Iceland. They're like, what? Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Is it like that when you're 450? Like, are there other 450-pound people? Yeah, I you, is it like that when you're 450? Like, are there other 450 pound people? Yeah, I mean, yeah. And like, do you see them and you're like, oh fuck, that's a 500er? Sometimes. I watched, I would watch my 600 pound life on TLC. It kind of made me feel a little bit better about myself. Hey, is your, does your brain get fucked up at 450?
Starting point is 00:29:48 What do you mean? Um, those people on the, I've never watched that whole show. Um, but, but those people, some, they don't see something seems damaged. Like their, their intellectual capacity. Like I don't know if it's like pressure on the brain from the fat on the head or if it's just a crazy hormone imbalance, but they don't seem, they seem like, obviously, I don't get this vibe from you, but like they seem like some, some of the, like they seem dumb, like something's broken. Yeah, I think. Like, like, like I used to work at a home for just mentally disabled adults and there's that kind of, there's a little bit of that component to it.
Starting point is 00:30:24 adults and there's that kind of there's a little bit of that component to it i don't know if you get dumb because of being fat but maybe um i think like maybe lower iq people might be more susceptible to it right because it may be and maybe not even anymore since it's just so prevalent right yeah yeah but but you didn't feel um so uh the other day i i went somewhere i went to a cafe with someone and i hadn't been to this cafe like in three years and i ordered pancakes and it was fucking crazy and the dude i was with was like you're gonna eat those i'm like yeah and he's like dude you're gonna be asleep in an hour and it really was like that like a couple hours later i was like i was like had to like oh uh so so if you're 450 you must go through that like that's kind of i guess maybe what i mean like mentally you're just in this you must be in this crazy roller coaster right hormonal roller coaster yeah yeah um food food
Starting point is 00:31:19 was a weird thing i don't i don't remember like i don't remember sitting there feeling like oh man i'm 450 pounds but looking back i can see it and it was like dude you were enormous um but i would uh you know if we i pick up food on the way home for like my wife and daughter and i and stuff i would always order extra and eat it on the way home kind of thing you know and then get home and have a meal there right but uh the math alone to sustain 450 pounds of how much I had to consume is just absolutely insane. I mean, it was like I ate nonstop. If I saw you, like I saw a lady the other day at the beach. She was probably 6'3".
Starting point is 00:32:01 And she probably was like 230 240. Was it that one chick again that we saw last time in Newport? That you wanted to be friends with? Oh no no no no no no no no. This chick wasn't that big. No no that. But I did do the exact same thing. And my wife didn't
Starting point is 00:32:20 even appreciate it. Whenever this lady would get up and walk down to the water I would get up and walk down to the water too. So I could stand down to the water too so i could stand next to her she carried this lady carried the weight amazing like she looked i thought she looked great for being 50 pounds overweight she's in a bikini it was nuts but she was huge and i just wanted to stand next to her just like to make like a mockery of the whole thing like look at this little man next to this giant woman but my i was like did you see that my i was like no what i'm like the fuck i every time she gets up i go stand next to her so i look at the little man but she didn't she didn't appreciate it um did you ever use the carts danny
Starting point is 00:32:54 no i i refused yeah do you had yeah you had a kind of a disdain for them like fuck those people like i'm not doing that i don't think i did then i sometimes i do now i find i catch myself doing it now i i see people riding around those carts and and i i try and i try and be considerate like i try and look at them and say hey maybe they got something else going on that you can't see but uh yeah i i i i got i got called fat phobic recently, and I think it is actually kind of a good describer for me at this point. I'm going to come back to that in a second. The carts are kind of scary, right? Because if you go in the cart, you're not coming.
Starting point is 00:33:39 It's kind of like a one-way door. What was that movie? Idiocracy, where everybody ends up in the little weird chairs rolling around and stuff i know what what i saw idiocracy i don't remember it there but i believe it but definitely wally world yeah that's what it was and the kid falls out of the cart and the robot comes and puts him in a soda back in the cart yeah it's isn't it weird that it's real yeah that's real literally real happening yeah there's this there's this thing i i'm gonna say this and it's fucking fucking it's for me it even seems batshit crazy but there's
Starting point is 00:34:20 this you know this article came out recently msnbc and MSNBC or CBS something, and they're saying that climate change is what's led to childhood obesity, and it's fucking hilarious. It's fucking batshit crazy. But here's what I think the real truth is, and I think there's a truth to this. I think that obesity has led to not climate change, but I think obesity is an eco disaster. I think obesity might be the world's largest eco disaster and it's not, and no one wants to say it. I think like dialysis centers might be the largest consumers of water of any business on the planet. They're just fucking,
Starting point is 00:34:57 they just suck down water to perform dialysis on people. And when I went to Disneyland and I was surrounded by people who were all over 300 pounds, everything that they consumed, they consumed 5x what I did. 5x the amount of paper cups, 5x the amount of napkins. Their clothes were bigger. And I'm just like, wow, these people fucking use a shit ton of fucking global resources. Yeah. Yeah. Food.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I mean, you consume way more food. Yeah. And just the waste they make. And it's like someone could be like, hey, you're being an asshole. But don't make me be an asshole. It's just the math, right? Yeah. It's just the math. So you never get into a cart. And you said you knew of um crossfit back in 2015 but did you think that those people were weird at the time like fuck those people have like uh issues like they're
Starting point is 00:35:51 obsessive about their weight or they're working out and like something must be wrong with them did you have some sort of stigma i don't think like that but i did have like you know a lot of people that would say that it's you know dangerous and that that was probably the most thing that i heard is that uh yeah, dangerous. And you're going to get hurt if you go and do it. And there's that in a third. So it was always kind of intimidating. And then, of course, it was always everybody you saw, especially Krypton, is like stupid fit.
Starting point is 00:36:19 So it's super intimidating walking into a gym with 20 people that all have six packs, eight packs. Yeah. Were you able just to walk in your first time or do you have to do like a little flyby? Because for me, even when I was going to an actual CrossFit affiliate, I had been doing it in the backyard for a little bit. I remember looking for a driving, like trying to find the building, seeing the group of people that were running for a four meter warm up at me. And I was like, screw this. I'm out out of here and i just turned and i just left and it took like another week to get back were you able just to go in or was how was that process so you can see it from like one of the main roads in chesapeake you can see krypton and there's a
Starting point is 00:36:58 big sign on it says crossfit so i drove past it a few times um but yeah the first time i pulled in the parking lot i went right in no shit that's amazing that story that suza told is pretty i've heard that story a dozen times where people pull up in the parking lot and will literally um i mean i think even i think it was chuck carswell who's told the story a couple times where he's had and i know greg's had to do it where you have to go in the parking lot and like be like hey yeah there's something like i've been get out of your fucking car yeah come on yeah i didn't do that you just and were you tripping by the time you walk from your car to there you're already sweating yeah probably so yeah i can't remember exactly i do remember sitting in my car for a while. I got there, um, you know, like an hour before the class I was going to do. And I sat in the car,
Starting point is 00:37:47 like just fighting myself. Yeah. I mean, at this point, I had already started kind of working out too, though. So I was, I started working out and like November of the previous year. So I I've been going to the regular gym, doing my own thing, kind of just walking on the treadmill and stuff like that. But, um, it was still super intimidating, super intimidating. Did you have any, um, harebrained issues or, uh, ideas before? Like, oh, like, okay, I'm not going to eat for three days and I'm going to stay on a treadmill for 24 hours. Like, did you, did you start coming up with harebrained plans? I mean, not stuff you actually executed on, but. Like, did you, did you start coming up with harebrained plants? I mean, not stuff you can actually execute it on, but.
Starting point is 00:38:32 No, I, um, I was, I was pretty smart about my nutrition early on. And then I got kind of, um, I got kind of lazy with it last year. Um, cause I think I figured that if I was working out enough that it wouldn't matter to too much. Uh, so I actually last year, probably the last three months, four months of last year, I put a little bit of weight back on, um, even go to CrossFit every night, but we, we'd go out with some, some dance parents pretty frequently. And I, I was drinking, I was drinking a lot. So, um, beginning of this year, we changed our diet, stopped buying all this bad stuff
Starting point is 00:39:00 and I quit drinking. Um, what were you drinking beer or? Yeah. A lot of, a lot of beer. We'd go to brew breweries breweries are pretty big here you know like little micro breweries and stuff so we go to breweries two three times a week during the summer and uh you know six seven eight beers a night kind of thing when you started the journey the um so so really the journey started in November of 2021 or even the year before that? No, it was November of 2021 – or 2020. November of 2020. 2020, okay. And so there was a year of like, hey, you do it on your own, and then built the confidence, sit in the parking lot for an hour.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Any pushback from your family or friends? Anyone who didn't want you to lose weight? Like they wanted to keep you as who you were. No, no, not at all. Not at all. Uh, everybody's been super, super, super encouraging and, uh, yeah, it's been, it's been good. Um, any of it bleed off into other people, your wife, your, your, your, your friends, your siblings. Yeah. Yeah. My, my wife for sure.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Um, especially the nutrition side. Right. Um, I think this year she's probably lost 55 pounds just from eating right. Shit. Yeah. And she'll, she'll, she'll come to CrossFit occasionally, you know, everybody at our, uh, 7. PM class. I always do the 7.
Starting point is 00:40:23 PM class. Cause it's, uh, it's probably – it's like all the degenerates. So we all get along really well, talk shit to each other, and really we have a good time. We're actually in the middle of like a small competition, like a 7 p.m. CrossFit Games where we're doing like a five-week bang where we're competing against each other. It's gotten kind of wild. But, yeah but yeah she'll come occasionally and they try and talk her into it but um yeah we have a really good time at class so i think that makes it uh i'm not gonna there we go we were both trying to bring this comment up at the same time and it kept yeah if you if you go look at my story on instagram right now i so we
Starting point is 00:41:06 one of the categories we get judged in for this competition is like creativity of how the team dresses so uh me and two other guys wore sports bras and short shorts last night oh awesome hey what would you say to people who yeah there you go yeah, that's brilliant. Hey, so you, these guys mean a lot to you. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. There's days that you go in just to see them. Yeah. Like maybe you don't want to go, what are their names? Those two dudes. So the guy, uh, the guy in the teal shorts, that's will, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:40 and the guy in the middle there is it's Phil. So you'll be like, it at least i get like it's like going to school i guess i remember being in school you don't might not want to go but at least i'm going to get to play kickball with uh phil yeah yeah we i'm so phil and i work out a lot together uh will will is like stupid fit and so strong so he's a little bit ahead of me but um not not that phil isn't phil's ahead of me, but we work out a lot together. We push each other, which is a lot of fun. But yeah, those guys and there's, and there's a few others for sure that like,
Starting point is 00:42:12 it makes it really easy to come back. Like, you don't have to think about it. You know, it's all the, all the, all the gyms like that, to be honest with you. I mean, everybody there is just like, so when I did the walk where I put the 150 back on, uh, I had like 40 people join me that like I gave them a day's notice and they were like, yeah, we'll do it. Let's go. Tell me about that. There's tell me like that in excruciating detail. I want to hear that, like how that idea popped in your head and 150 pounds is great. You walked a mile with 150 pounds on you.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah. So I put the 20 pound vest on and then I, that, in that ruck, I had a, um, 130 pounds of dumbbells. Wow. Which was a miserable way to put it back on, by the way, like trying to, like, I was bent over most of the walk. Um, cause it was just a miserable way to carry the weight how how did how did that idea come um so will actually suggested it um you know because i i hit 150 i'm like dude i had 150 pounds of weight loss like this is
Starting point is 00:43:19 so you're 300 pounds here are you 300 here 305 305? 305. Yeah. Um, and, and he's like, you should, you know, uh, maybe drag a sled or, or carry some kettlebells and do the, do the ruck. And that guy right there in the middle, actually, Josh, uh, he, he did 150 pounds too. And that's like his fricking body weight. He looks like Hebrew kind of with short hair. Mm-hmm. He does. How did you – so that guy, Phil, asks – suggests – holy shit, it is Heber. That guy asks – that guy says to you, hey, you should put on – and are you like thinking – you just right away say, oh, yeah, that's a cool idea. Let's do that tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:44:02 Yeah, Will's pretty good about pushing me to do way better with myself he's he's uh he will pushes me pretty hard and and so he's like hey you should try this i'm like yeah bet let's go let's do it and so i think that was on like a friday maybe i was like but on a thursday and so i posted i said hey i'm gonna do this on saturday after the nine o'clock class we do a nine o'clock class every Saturday. It's like a pretty crazy partner workout too. So it's like anybody that wants to hang out after the 9 a.m. and do this walk with me, we're going to walk a mile. I'm going to put 150 pounds on.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I'm going to see how it felt to be like this. And what's Ben say? Is any part of Ben like, no, you're not doing that. You're going to hurt yourself. Ben gave me the rucksack oh of course he did and and and two guys help you put that on nah i stood it up on uh on some jerk blocks and put it on and and when you put that on, are you immediately like, oh, this is fucking not a good idea? I walked one lap around the gym, like inside the gym. I was like, holy shit. How did I survive like this?
Starting point is 00:45:18 I mean, granted, it was distributed differently, but there you go. Huge. Damn, dude. Look how much older you look, too. Yeah, that's the first thing I noticed, too. You look older than me. Fuck. That's a 4X hoodie.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Wow. So when you put that on, do you ever take it off? No. I walked a whole mile with it. Did you sit down nope i if i wanted to rest i'd bend all the way over and let it kind of rest on my back some so it wasn't pulling me straight back um but no we i walked i walked a whole mile and then i i josh was moving kind of slow because 150 is a lot for him right so i was that i was actually the first one to finish and i was um and ben was like man that was fast i said well dude i've been training for this for 33 years yeah yeah yeah this is this is my workout right here um and i put it down and ended up going back
Starting point is 00:46:17 and walk finishing the walk with uh some of the other guys do you know your time did you do you know your time under 30 minutes it was it was like it was right around 30 minutes my goodness and so look at that lady in the red shorts she got a dumbbell on her back yeah yep oh to both those ladies do yeah and what if it's got a weight vest too people dragging sleds and oh yeah will uh will's crazy ass was carrying kettles but kettlebells which is just absolutely he's like you know like liver king does that um yeah that uh barbarian or whatever he does did you cry no no no not not then not that day no day? No. Did you ever cry going back to when you were heavier, like 300, 400 pounds? Did you ever just like, what the fuck have I done?
Starting point is 00:47:13 Yeah. So I moved my wife back here and daughter in like July of 2020. And I had to go back to Portland and I had to stay there until September for work. Um, and that was, uh, cause that was like after I had done the heart attack grill thing. And so that was a pretty dark two or three months for me. In what way? It seemed like an insurmountable task. I'm 450. I'm just doomed. Yeah. And, you know, that and all like the furniture was out of our apartment that we were in. So I had like a air mattress on the on the living room floor and a TV.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And, you know, just I was alone. So I'd go to work and then I'd come home and close all the blinds and just sit in the apartment and do nothing. Did it ever get did you ever become suicidal no no not an option you got kids yeah yeah i but yeah that's never even been a thing for me when you are tempted do you have a go-to um you know like an aa it's like okay i just need to go one minute i just have to not have this drink i don't need to worry about the i just need to do one minute at a time one day at a time one second at a time is it like that at all with food yeah now or even then even then at any time um now i'm i i can be pretty forgiven but i I, you know, if I, if I want to eat like a cheeseburger or something, I'll have a cheeseburger,
Starting point is 00:48:48 but I avoid fast food as much as possible. If we do fast food, it's usually like Chick-fil-A because you can, you can do pretty good at Chick-fil-A. So. But, but, but to be 450, you have to be doing some crazy shit. You have to go like go to Safeway and buy a cake and eat it. Right. Not there. So I was never a sweets guy. I was always like a savory person. crazy shit oh yeah you have to go like go to safeway and buy a cake and eat it right not there so i was never a sweets guy i was always like a savory person so if i went to i would go to like wendy's and get like a spicy chicken sandwich and then like two dave's doubles um and eat like you
Starting point is 00:49:17 know two giant burgers and a giant spicy chicken sandwich and stuff and a milkshake yeah frosty yeah and fries i've got to dip the fries in the frosty man yeah no shit yeah yeah hell yeah wow mcdonald's i'd always get like three mcdoubles three mcchickens that was like a big and so like i was saying earlier i would eat like a mcchicken and a mcdouble on the way home and then have the four at home. The, the, the thing with, um, fast food and I wish I could remember there was, uh, when Greg was doing the, um, those, those kind of medical summits, they called it, they're like doctor's club. He would have all these experts come in and talk about nutrition.
Starting point is 00:50:02 And there was, if you just drank the shake by yourself, were fucked if you drank the ate just the fries by itself you were fucked if you ate the hamburger by yourself you were you were okay but there was something about mixing the way they cook hamburgers in those fast food joints and mixing it with fries and a shake you have all three and you have a fucking dumpster fire yeah the way the body would i wish i could remember it's nothing that sophisticated it's just my brain's not operating so good right in the second but it would basically it was it was a a disaster like for anyone who's out there who's still eating fast food like do not get the fucking milkshake and fries like do not you're all just get the fucking hamburger do not get the milkshake and fries
Starting point is 00:50:45 it is so fucking bad what it does to you metabolically yeah um yeah it is it is bad and uh one of the big things i learned like at the beginning of this year was uh how bad alcohol is for you when you eat that kind of stuff because you know your liver break your liver breaks down fat so uh if you're eating the fries and stuff your liver is working to break down fat but if you follow that up with alcohol uh your liver starts breaking down the alcohol and and doesn't work on the shit that you're eating yeah i i think i think i heard that also basically yeah basically your your body views alcohol as a poison and gives it a number one priority when it when it's in your
Starting point is 00:51:25 body to get rid of it and it basically fucks up all your other metabolic uh right slows recovery from workouts and stuff like that too for that same reason that sucks drinking so fun i know you guys like coffee so shout out taxes street coffee i saw jb in the comments that the guy that does the podcast with um ben jb oh oh yeah yeah he's got a he's got a really awesome coffee shop here they they they open in one of the breweries every morning and it's that's good stuff what's that guy's name again jb jb anderson jb anderson yeah i like him every time I listen to those two, I wish they were, well, I shouldn't say I wish they were. I don't know if I listen to more.
Starting point is 00:52:10 But they're casual podcasters, too. But they're so fucking good. If they did it regularly, I think everyone's kind of blown away because Ben is such a quiet man. We don't hear him. He hasn't been in the limelight a lot, but I think people really respect his opinion and thoughts on shit a lot.
Starting point is 00:52:27 They're both pretty busy guys too. I know JB does a lot of work with Young Life and stuff like that. But yeah, they're both great dudes. JB was my judge in the Open this year, and it was a whole lot of fun. He was talking about how much it fired him up i did 22.2 rx um you know the deadlifts and burpee ones and i i absolutely absolutely murdered myself but uh missed the score i wanted to get by like five reps so i
Starting point is 00:52:58 ended up redoing it two days later you should have me judge you. I totally give bro reps. I totally, I am a, I totally give bro reps. That was for negotiation too. And I'll, and I'll defend it to the death. Like if, if like killer made a video of you, like, Hey, I don't want bro reps though. I give, I give the, I'm not your judge. I give total. I want to, I want to get better at the sport and I want to, you know, that's like my goal now is to be better. I want to,
Starting point is 00:53:28 I want to be good at CrossFit. So you're a better man than me. I want, I want people to call me out and say, Hey, you know, get your ass lower in that squat. I'd do that. But if you didn't jump over the bar and you just stepped over, I'm good. I'm good. That was basically the standard this this year anyways i'm good or or if you're doing handstand push-ups and and you can't get your feet over the tape mark fuck off
Starting point is 00:53:51 if i see your elbows lock out you're good yeah bro rep bro rep i got my own i got my own rules i gave a i gave a bro rep out this year though it was uh you're a good dude oh don't throw dustin under the bus here no no that's not not Dustin. Not Dustin. There's a coach. There's a coach at Krypton. I think she competed team at one point, uh, Lindsay and she's, she's, she's probably as tall as you, Saban, but a girl, big girl. She's, she's intimidating for being such a little stature. So she, uh, she came down to her wall walk with her hand
Starting point is 00:54:25 behind the line i was like watch your hand maybe don't hurt me fuck off danny yeah so i'm on five yeah i try and seek out things that uh i hate that i know i need to get better at right, just recently started running a lot more. I go to running, we do running club every, uh, Saturday. Um, I didn't, I didn't go today cause I wanted to do the workout before talking to you guys, but usually I do running club on Saturday and go do the 9am workout. But like, you know, there's only one way to get better at things. So for me, I want to know that I'm doing bad so I can, I can fix it. And then I'm going to work on it a lot harder to try and get better at it.
Starting point is 00:55:08 What about running at 300 pounds? What are you now? You're 300 pounds now? 298 as of this morning. So I just broke the 300 mark a couple of days ago. I plateaued for a while, which is a weird thing for like a weight loss journey. for a while, which is, which is a weird thing, uh, for like a weight loss journey. Um, you know, I hit three Oh five, probably a month or two ago when I did that walk. And it took me, it took me a while to break that 300 mark. I just kept fluctuating from like three Oh one up to three
Starting point is 00:55:35 Oh seven. Um, and that, I think that that kind of stuff like messes with people when they, um, yeah, you can see my, my wife wife on on the left picture there and then on the right picture she's yeah 55 pounds is no joke that's a bag of dog food yeah so so so tell me that going to that more you you were you were saying about how it's a man that's a great picture of you on the right yeah you're aging backwards getting younger yeah what do you mean it's a weird thing can you explain that to me like uh demoralizing or frustrating or yeah it's a mind fuck man because you're you're like you're like okay i'm still doing the same stuff i was doing
Starting point is 00:56:17 uh a month and a half ago you know why am i fluctuating the weight i think um i think homeostasis has something to do with it. Your body gets comfortable at a certain size and stuff. It's almost like it bites you on losing at a certain point. It's one of those things that you kind of got to stick with it. My mindset, losing weight, has been kind of different. I haven't been focused on weight loss necessarily. It's just like an observable metric for me. I've been focused on being more fit, being more active,
Starting point is 00:56:51 eating right, being a good example for my daughter, and the weight loss comes with it. But when you're constantly using that weight loss as a metric and it just doesn't change for a month and a half, it messes with your mind it makes it tough so so the emotional motivation is your daughter is is it as simple as like i just don't want it i don't i need to stay alive for her 100 i want to i want to walk her down the aisle one day you know i want to see her graduate high school and go to college if she wants to she i mean she wants to be on broadway so she makes it to Broadway, I want to go watch her on Broadway. I want to see grandkids maybe, if that's in the cards. But also, I want to just show her how to be healthy so she doesn't have to deal with the same shit that I'm having to deal with right now.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Does a 10-year-old girl notice she's 10, you said? Mm-hmm. has she commented on the on how her dad's shrinking all the time what does she what does she say would you remember her first observation uh yeah she she notices she doesn't really point out the weight loss as much um until she sees like old pictures um but she she notices the going to the gym and eating right and things like that and then um like out of nowhere a few months back it was like she was like uh just randomly started always getting diet dr pepper or coke zero and stuff and so like after like a week of it i'm like why aren't you know usually if we go out to eat you're gonna have
Starting point is 00:58:24 like a regular soda because it's like your one time to do it she's like why aren't you know usually if we go out to eat you're gonna have like a regular soda because it's like your one time to do it she's like well you always do it so you know that kind of stuff um um does the caffeine spin i've never given my kids caffeine does that spin your daughter up if i gave my kids caffeine i think they might explode. Oh, shit. We were bad with what we allowed her to have at a young age. Does she drink coffee? She has. Oh, wow. Like before a dance competition?
Starting point is 00:58:56 No, no. So she likes to make a little concoction she calls milky coffee that's probably yeah me too 90 90 milk and creamer and 10 coffee oh man uh but yeah she decaf sometimes you know stuff like that i try and avoid as much as possible now uh that i'm more conscious about what we put in our mouths um uh you and you just have one you have one daughter no other kids yep yeah if i if if i it's fucking nuts at my house with three boys it is absolutely fucking nuts i it would be it would be a crazy experiment to uh like give him some espresso beans or something chocolate covered espresso beans and see what happens don't tell my wife i don't know what's wrong with the boys right now they're 10 out of 10 hey dude when they saw hillar
Starting point is 00:59:47 they fucking just attacked him for five hours they just were on his jock punching him grabbing him wanting to feel his muscles climbing on his back like they do with you suza are you just saying that to make me jealous is that what you do yeah probably it was nuts i'm like guys guys they give him some space it was nice though when that girl called me fat yesterday um uh hillar did say he just he's not that fat he just he could he's a little thick in the midsection but he's not fat i was like thank you he's yoked that's fucking yeah he's yoked. He's a, he's a specimen. Yeah. Good shape.
Starting point is 01:00:27 He's a specimen. Um, just, uh, you, you posted the, the, what really fucking tripped me out,
Starting point is 01:00:33 which made me really, I have to talk to you or want to talk to you. Danny was, you posted some pictures on Facebook. Yeah. Uh, Instagram. That was Instagram.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Yep. Where you got the shit pulled down yeah so what i did was like um you can boost your post and basically you like pay a few bucks and and instagram will put you differently into the algorithm or whatever um and so i did that and apparently I violated their terms and agreement when I went to boost my post. So, yeah. Explain that to me. What were the pictures and what was the violation? So it was me on the scale at 305. And then the pictures were like just some simple before and after pictures.
Starting point is 01:01:23 And then the pictures were like just some simple before and after pictures. And it was so I got a notification. I still I still have it. They're like right at the top there. It says that I can't I can't run ads. Promotions are disabled. Ads are disabled. So like like because you showed your weight loss once, you're still being punished.
Starting point is 01:01:43 You still can't. Yeah. And I've I've like basically and then eventually so i asked for a review of it a few times and eventually they they took the whole post out so the post the post is completely gone at this point and what was the post it was just the you know highlighting that i had made it to 305 150 pounds of weight loss and uh the first picture of it was just like the one that you just saw it's it's the scale um that said 305 pounds and then it was uh like a four four pictures and it was you know two before and after pictures on each one one of them wasn't wasn't there a picture of like you holding like wearing old pair of pants uh maybe i think i i think i was like you had an old pair of pants pulled out showing like how much
Starting point is 01:02:28 like small your waist had gotten that's what i saw i had an old shirt and i was wearing it like a like a muumuu like a robe and what and it's just a generic like did they say anything like it's just a generic hey you violated policy that's all that's it said hey you violated policy and then it sent me to a like a website about their rules on ads and and it said that i can't promote uh weight loss by showing before and after pictures and i can't can't promote weight loss uh by showing a scale um Um, unbelievable, unbelievable. You could go and show your flat ass chest, get some big old fake fucking Silicon titties fucking put into you.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Yeah. Yeah. Have some fucking bizarre surgery that fucking women are having everywhere that at some point people are going to look back in a thousand years and been like, man, the wonder women are so everywhere that at some point people are going to look back in a thousand years and be like man the wonder women are so fucked up yeah you can show that you can show those women injecting botulism into their fucking face botox put toxins that would fucking kills a fucking horse yep yep and it was right after that i i still this is fucking nuts but you can't show the fact what
Starting point is 01:03:47 happened when you the it's i get ads all the time for weight loss pills it's like just take a pill a day and you're gonna lose weight and i'm and i i comment on them all the time like this is the biggest bunch of misleading horse shit you could possibly peddle wow that really want to like you know because the people that are going to take those possibly pedal that really want to like you know because the people that are going to take those are people that really want to do something about uh their weight and you know they obviously feel bad about themselves and so then they see this magic pill that is is promoted showing weight loss and that's perfectly fine we can allow that to happen um but i don't want to even evil but man this is like if there was this is like this feels like it
Starting point is 01:04:26 yeah i could i guess i use the word evil because i can't get my head wrapped around it i can't fucking explain it yeah um does that does that motivate you or does that hurt like what did you think about that when that happened were you tripping like can you were you like this can't be real yeah i was pretty disappointed i'm still pretty disappointed about it because like you know i run the i did the promotions thing because uh i want i want to help as many people as possible that are like me right um even if i just help one person like i want to yep show is and and i, and a lot of the people that you see nowadays are like after the fact, or I don't want to, not necessarily after, but like they've already lost all the weight. And I feel like I'm like midway through the weight loss thing. So I feel people seeing it happen would be helpful too.
Starting point is 01:05:23 seeing it happen would be helpful to, so I try, I was trying to provoke myself to, you know, get a little bit bigger of a following and things like that. So, so more people would see that it can be done with, without the bullshit pills or the goat gummies that supposedly burn belly fat in a month.
Starting point is 01:05:44 They have that. I had somebody send it to me. It was amazing. If you can take, if you could eat one gummy a day and burn 20 pounds of belly fat in a month, would you do it? And I'm, I'm, you can't one, you can't target fat. You can't target fat loss, right? You lose fat. You can't just say, I'm going to lose my belly fat. It sounds like an IQ test.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah. Take the gummy to lose the weight on your belly. Yeah, I'm going to eat sugar to lose weight. Yeah, sign me up. And so people are so susceptible to that kind of shit. And I want to do what I can to kind of fight that crazy narrative that there's an easy way. Well, I think it's still being blocked a little bit, too, because when I went to put into to bring up some windows here to have your Instagram and stuff, when I typed it into the Google search bar, including your handle name in your first and last name, your Instagram still didn't populate. in your first and last name, your, your Instagram still didn't populate. I had to actually go to mine, search you from there. Cause I was already following you and then copy pasted into the
Starting point is 01:06:49 browser, which is really uncommon if I have a first and last name in the handle. So yeah, I still think there's a bit of a shadow on band on you. Do you know how to search by hashtag, um, on a computer, uh, without clicking the hashtag first? okay i just i just did it okay so i just put in the hashtag yeah yeah i put hashtag weight loss just to see oh what happened yeah so this is just totally random i'm gonna bring this up okay danny ready and you tell is this um is this legit like like so would would if you could she boost this is this not allowed yeah i mean technically that would yeah that would not be allowed before and after picture what the fuck yeah that looks like a selling black latte drink some drink fix yeah i wonder if it has to be because yours wasn't attached to a product right it was just
Starting point is 01:07:52 you i wonder i wonder if that had something to do with it i didn't mean to promote that but so wow so because this is some that that would be like fat shaming because you're saying danny you're a criminal I'm so proud of you. I know. Me too. Bro, that guy, I think he's in his 60s, and he is one of the fittest guys at Krypton. It's dumb.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Jerry Becker. He's got a great name too. Hey, I bet you that dude could fight. He could run. I know that. Okay, when your last name is Becker, elementary school is a son of a bitch. Oh, look, Jimmy's in the comment. I love that dude.
Starting point is 01:08:28 The guy that did 365, that guy's a monster. So that's considered fat shaming right there? That lady is basically, by showing the before and after, she's suggesting that being overweight is unhealthy, which could hurt someone's feelings, which Instagram doesn't want. I guess. I guess. I'm not fucking believable. I had a troll account commenting on one of my posts a while back and messaging me, calling me a fatphobic piece of shit because I was doing the weight loss thing. What is fatphobic?
Starting point is 01:09:04 What does that word mean? Afraid of being fat. uh doing the weight loss thing and what is what is a what is fat phobic what is that what does that word mean afraid of being fat like it sounds it sounds like it sounds healthy maybe yeah yes phobic why wouldn't you want to be like i'm afraid of being bitten by spiders what you what is fat oh phobia of fatness obesophobiaesophobia is an intense, overwhelming fear of gaining weight. Yeah, and sure. Irrational fear. There's nothing irrational about me. I'm terrified of being 450 pounds again.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Me too. I'm terrified of me being 450 pounds. Yeah. And because of that, I found out there's like different levels of fatness. I don't know if you guys know that. No, tell me. Like obese, super obese like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Even better than that. There's like, damn, I wish I could remember them. Morbidly obese. No, it's, it's like, it's like woke terms. So it's like super fat. I think they have a super fat or something like that. You know, it sounds like a superhero or something. It was like the, yeah, the fatness scale or some shit.
Starting point is 01:10:10 It's wild. The stuff that you can find. Oh, there's a comedy. Oh, oh God. I wish you could just type in woke fat scale. Maybe you can. Social justice comes for obesity obesity five levels of fatness that might be it hey when i was a kid they had a section that um i think i would even shop in my
Starting point is 01:10:36 mom and it was called husky yeah do you remember that i didn't like that so much i didn't i didn't like that as a kid i didn't really i didn't like that so much. I didn't, I didn't like that as a kid. I didn't really, I didn't like that so much. Yeah. The fatness spectrum. There it is. Small fat, mid fat, super fat, and infinite fat. That one's my favorite. Wow. Infinite fat. Yeah. I was super, I was previously super fat. Wow. Infinite fat sounds like you've gone past the point of no return. It sounds like a, like a superhero that comes and eats all the McDonald's cheeseburgers. So nobody. The thing is, is at least for me,
Starting point is 01:11:14 like I don't, I don't really care. Like I'm not, I don't look, I know that there's a lot of people who look at fat people and they're like, that's gross. Like I fucking love humans and I love the bodies and I'd love going to the beach and looking at all the skinny and fat people i i fucking love it i i'm excited to go to the beach and just see all the bodies yeah but it
Starting point is 01:11:35 it's not i even see fat people that i think are fucking hot like I don't know what's wrong with me, but, um, but the older you get, the less attractive it is because the older people don't hold the weight as well. But fuck, it's just, you're going to die. Like you're going to die. You're going to die prematurely. So why, what, how many morbidly obese people do you see at 60 years old? Like, that's not a thing wow you know what i mean like it's not i see none you're right i see none right it's uh that's not
Starting point is 01:12:11 a thing you don't you don't get past uh most i'm morbidly obese you're not gonna most aren't gonna make it past their 50s um wow so like and the truth is is the real all the real old motherfuckers you see are like just skinny. Yeah. Like really skinny. Yeah. Like you see a 90 year old dude and especially if he's spry still, he's skinny. Yeah. You're not even buff.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Yep. Yeah. My mom's probably going to live forever. She, she does CrossFit and she got skinny. She looks great. She's not skinny. She's fit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Sometimes I see her. It looks like she's, she's like, she's reversing sometimes i see her it looks like she's she's like she's reversing her aging that's awesome yeah i i'm probably gonna catch her we'll get rid of that uh midsection with some of those gummies yeah send me send me god that's all you need you can sit on the couch you can watch tv you can eat mcdonald's and do all that other stuff and and as long as you take the gummies man you said um danny who who um so so when you were sitting in your car you you got there and why did you get there an hour early
Starting point is 01:13:21 that day that your first day of crossfit uh because i knew i was gonna fight myself uh what do you mean i knew i would have to like talk myself into going in so you needed the hour maybe you're saying you're saying if you would have gone up gone there five minutes before and what was that self if you had gone five minutes before the class would have started and then you'd been like, okay, now I'm not going in. I probably would have drove right by the gym and gone to fucking Wendy's.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Did, did Ben see, did you, did you, had you ever met Ben Smith before then? Yeah, I think we, we've met at some point.
Starting point is 01:14:00 We've, we've been Facebook friends for, since like 2012. So at some point somewhere around chesapeake he went to great bridge high school i went to hickory high school so we were like high school rivals and maybe baseball or something i'm not sure so you know that there's this dude in your town who's one of the fittest human beings who's ever walked on the planet and you're like okay i guess i'm gonna go to that gym if you're gonna go to one right go to the one with the best there um yeah great and um and and then so uh that day
Starting point is 01:14:33 when you go in do you do you go in and you have to go to the front desk and fill out a waiver and you're doing all that yep there's a there's a in the evening there's a little guy about your height that stands behind the desk steve sounds like a good dude he's he's a great he's a great dude um he he was the reason i came back the next day wow oh interesting yeah i legit came out uh of trying to work out and he said how'd you like it i said i don't know if this is for me um you know that was miserable uh and and he said uh we do the friday night lights come check that out tomorrow just come hang out uh and they were doing friday night lights for 20 21.2 i think and and and when he's saying that to you he's making eye contact with you and it's not like
Starting point is 01:15:24 a fucking recording he's like hey i fucking see you danny big and flexi yeah 100 yeah yeah like i see you like come back yeah it was kind of smart too because he was like come back and see the community and the people that'll be around at the support so it wasn't like come back you're gonna like tomorrow's workout it'll be easier or something he was like well just come check out the people and the support you'll get here right yeah he's come hang out it wasn't even like a come workout it was come hang out yeah um and yeah i came back and i walked in the gym and and it was like 5 30 so they were already doing heats of 21.2 and so people were working out and everybody's around them going batshit crazy cheering them on i'm like okay yeah i can do this
Starting point is 01:16:08 this is yeah what did you wear your first day i know that's an issue with with giant people like they don't know what the fuck to wear to the gym like shit what am i gonna wear i wore um like an under armor compression shirt underneath a like a 4x t-shirt at the time i was oh like to strap down all your fat yeah at the time i was in like a 3x t-shirt so i wore a 4x so it was like really baggy over top of wearing the compression shirt um and then wore shorts and then you go back the next day. And that was it? Those first two days after that, you were just in? Dude, I was hooked.
Starting point is 01:16:49 I went home that night. I watched the old games documentaries. I watched the Bond behind the scenes. I ordered some Nanos online and some Metcons. Fully indoctrinated. I'm sorry about the Metcons, but good job on the Nanrinated i'm sorry about the metcons but good job on the name yeah i was sorry i was sorry about the metcons too but then i your feet are too wide for the metcons sorry i know that's way too wide yeah mine too i only wear the the nano 10s because they have so they have a really wide toe box and i love them um
Starting point is 01:17:21 but yeah krypton's community is like it's stupid, uh, how incredible it is. Um, everybody there wants everybody else to be the best version of themselves. Um, and they're, and they're going to push you to be it. And it's, it's such an awesome thing to be a part of. And yeah, um, I was hooked, man. I ordered a case of fit aid i mean i was done yeah hey do you own your own jump rope uh actually i don't oh you pussy i know so i look i've been on rx smart gear like 20 times looking at which one that i want to get and i after the show if you don't have your own jump rope geez louise you're not not even i i travel with the jump rope everywhere i don't use it but i got it but i got it i do i do i got it i mean i fake that amazon jump rope i can't make
Starting point is 01:18:12 i can't pull the trigger on buying a uh like an expensive one right oh yeah yeah hey yeah it's yeah and and to be honest like i mine have been given to me over the years because I was, they are expensive. Yeah. But you got to have one. It's part of the. Yeah. You got to have it. Yeah, it's part of the gear.
Starting point is 01:18:31 You'd like to, you know, I got the. Shoes fitted, jump rope. Yeah, I got the bag and the Alex Smith grips and the knee sleeves. You're not a crossfitter if you don't have grips hanging from your bag, right? So true. What about surgery, Danny? Did you ever think about having surgery? Dude, so right before we moved to Oregon, I had actually gone through the entire process.
Starting point is 01:18:55 I was going to have the sleeve gastrectomy where they remove part of your stomach and just make the stomach smaller. I didn't want to do the whole gastric bypass my mom had gastric bypass probably 15 years ago um and it like wrecked her man she's still if she eats something greasy she'll get sick and stuff like it the gastric bypass is crazy but yeah i was i was real close to um doing the sleep gastrectomy i I think it's called. But I basically, I got injured at work in 2017. And I was out of work for two years, trying to settle a case with workers comp because when I got injured, the company, the little shitty company I was working for fired me. And then said, we're not gonna pay workers comp. So but I had an opportunity to go work at this
Starting point is 01:19:41 company in Portland. And so it was like, Hey, I can stay and get this surgery or I can go back to work, you know, and I'd already been out of work for three, three years, I think. So I was ready to go back to work. You know, I, at this point, I'm, uh, that was, that was probably a big reason I got up to 450 pounds for those three years. You know, I i how did you hurt yourself at work i i was picking some like an exhaust bellow up um and i i tore a couple of ligaments and stuff in my uh left shoulder oh no shit yeah yeah i had to get like uh um biceps teonesis um slap tear repair they had to put some cartilage in uh i was had a lot of
Starting point is 01:20:26 bone old bone stuff going on it was it was bad god i loved all those words bone on bone slap tear what was the thing you picked up i like that i don't even know what that is but i like that too it was a ssdg exhaust pillow so yeah yeah ssdg exhaust pillow bellow yeah bellow there you go Yeah. Yeah. Exhaust pillow. Bellow. Yeah. Bellow. That's an exhaust pipe on a boat. What is that? Yeah. So it's for a, like a diesel generator, standby service diesel generator on a ship. And then basically it's like a, you fit the pipe all the way out the ship and then there's this last piece that goes in. It's like a flip.
Starting point is 01:21:00 It can flex because when it heats up it needs to expand and then when it needs to contract. Yeah. i have one of those i have one of those when it heats up why so why didn't you get the surgery what what what made you you just kept thinking about how it fucked your mom up or why didn't you do it uh because it was i had to take the job in portland uh like it it was hey you got to move out here now or you're you're not going to get the job in portland uh like it it was hey you got to move out here now or you're you're not going to get the job so just by just by accident you didn't get it yep i was i was a hundred percent going to get it like i was scheduled for surgery probably two two months later uh okay look at k where where is caleb what the fuck is caleb Caleb? Yeah, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 01:21:45 I was like, who's this guy, Whisper? I was about to fuck that dude up. That's my homeboy, Caleb, talking shit to me. How are you getting there? There was a point where I remember having a conversation with a friend, a really good buddy of mine, that he's like, you know, you probably should lose some weight. And I'm like, look, man, I've tried everything.
Starting point is 01:22:02 I just can't lose it. I'm going to have to get surgery i remember a point where i i i'm just medically not possible of losing weight and in actuality what it was is i was just a lazy piece of shit but you fully believe that at that time that you just weren't capable of losing weight and you fully believe like i tried everything and you're like i told people that i tried everything i've worked worked out, I've dieted, blah, blah, blah. But none of that was really true? Like you knew you hadn't really actually given it your all? Yeah, not 100%.
Starting point is 01:22:32 You know what I mean? The diets I used to do were so drastic, right? You know, like I would cut out everything for a month. And then after a month, you're just going to binge everything. So it's... Right, no longevity. Yeah, you got to find something that you can. And a lot of people ask me, you got to find something that you can do for the rest of your life because it's not, you know, diets are temporary. A lot of people are like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:22:56 I need to lose 40 pounds. So I'm going to do keto. And then as soon as you stop keto, you're going to put the weight back on. So you got to find something that you can do for the rest of your life. Uh, something that you can do for the rest of your life uh something that you can sustain for the rest of your life because it needs to be a lifestyle change um to really make it last yeah when when you say you went through all the steps of the surgery like you'd like you'd gone to the doctor you'd done like there's meetings and shit you have to do right and yeah you have to go to uh like group therapy classes to talk about weight loss and then you have to uh you have to do a um like six appointments with a dietician and uh so you have to attempt to lose weight on your own and you have to like log all the stuff that you eat
Starting point is 01:23:43 um and all i did was just log certain shit and i didn't log the other stuff that i was eating i'm like look i'm dieting but i'm not losing weight is that is the whole process bullshit or is it is it legit or is it just like going through the strokes to get the surgery it's just it's just um a charade is it a charade or a charade whatever that word is yeah's bullshit. Me and my wife were both going to do it. And she actually started the nutrition stuff. You have to be a certain way to qualify. So either you have to be a certain weight, like a certain BMI, or you have to be a little bit lower BMI and then have another health problem. So like if you're a BMI of like 35 and have sleep apnea, you might qualify. But if you're a BMI of 40 or above,
Starting point is 01:24:26 you just qualify no matter what. Um, so she like started the diet. Fuck. Holy fuck. So you could accidentally lose some weight in the diet and then lose your chance to do the surgery. That's what happened to my wife.
Starting point is 01:24:37 She, she, and, and they said they legitimately told her if you want a surgery, you have to gain weight back. Holy shit. Hey, when Gary Roberts tried to get on The Biggest Loser, do you know who Gary Roberts is? He's been on the show a few times.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Yeah, I watched him the other day. He's the killing the fat man, right? Yeah. He tried to get on The Biggest Loser, and he was, I think, 290 at the time or something. And they told him he needed to put like hey put on 50 more pounds and then come back yep too small i i actually i had a friend i had a friend in high school uh a buddy of mine mike we we tried to do the biggest loser too it was like two or three years out of high school we were both right at 300 pounds so we didn't weigh enough i i mean i
Starting point is 01:25:22 could understand being the producer of the show and thinking that but to tell someone to put on more weight is come on man that show is that show's awful man they don't do so they don't do reunions uh and it's because everybody gets fat again because like i was talking about they do such drastic changes in such a short period of time that you know they're working out four or five six hours a day and and then eating only the shit they're allowed to but then when they go home nobody can sustain that unless you're you know a sponsored athlete that gets to work out every day nobody can sustain that so they put it all back on so you know anyone who's had the surgery successfully like where like like you said it fucked your mom up like i um gary roberts did a piece on it the other of many years ago
Starting point is 01:26:04 about a woman he met and she said she regretted having it too because she has to take these pills the rest of her life because the part of the intestine that they cut out absorbed like nutrients or something and she can no longer do that yeah the gastric bypass is really tough like my mom my mom's kept most of her weight off um i think she it's probably been i was in high school i think when she got it so it's probably been 15 years was in high school, I think when she got it. So it's probably been 15 years. Um, and she's kept most of her weight off, but, uh, yeah, she deals with like, you know, eating some greasy food and she's sick for like hours, like throwing up diarrhea because it just tears her intestines up.
Starting point is 01:26:41 It's wild. It's wild. Cause I mean, they, they they cut your they cut part of your intestine out and they reroute your intestine to this little tiny pouch that they make and yeah it's i mean they just fuck your digestive tract up and i just don't it's wild wow um this guy right here jim yeah that's jim yeah that the 365 Murph guy. Yeah, so tell me about your relationship with him. You went and fucked with his Murph thing? You're crazy.
Starting point is 01:27:10 I wouldn't go within a thousand miles of that, dude. I like it that he just is on the show and lives on the other side of the country from me. He scares me. He saw my TikTok video of me doing 22.2, the RX1 and and he's you know commented that it fired him up he was you know i i think he even told me that he was close to not doing murph like he was just you know after a couple hundred days or something like you were really starting to fuck with him and then he saw me uh like giving it everything and and it fired him back up to keep going so i did a murph by myself here i did a couple of them um my house is exactly one mile from krypton okay so i can run my mile
Starting point is 01:27:54 of the krypton do all the the rounds of shit there and then run home and it's like a perfect and fucking fall right down in the shower yep and uh so hey that last mile of murph is batshit crazy it's so fucking nuts and the miles it's horrible it goes over a good but horrible you gotta come up a you gotta come up a hill so after that it was bad you ever did you have you ever done it with the vest yeah i did it this year with the vest and the video that I made, I did it with the vest. I've never done it with the vest. So I scale the pull-ups. I do inverted rows, but I do it with the vest.
Starting point is 01:28:37 And so you – how close does he live to you? Probably three hours. He's up in like eastern shore of Maryland. So it's like right up the eastern shore of Virginia, which is, you know, like two and a half, three hours for me. So you just, you just text him or call him and like, Hey dude, I'm that guy. Can I come up and do Murph with you one day? He invited me, he reached out and was like, Hey, come do a, uh, come do a Murph with me sometime or whatever. And, and I never got up there while he was doing the Murph. Um, but I ended up having to go to Philly for work recently and so i the way i drove to philly was up the eastern shore i went
Starting point is 01:29:09 up to chesapeake bay bridge tunnel and came up the eastern shore and i told him hey i'm coming up let me i'm gonna stop by drop in so we did a we did it here he's doing 365 hero wad right now so we did a hero wad together um and and then did he's that guy is built different bro because we did we did a hero wad and he's like first i did my stuff that i needed to do for the day for krypton so i did my weightlifting i did my little wad and then he's like all right let's do this hero wads i would do that he's like hey i want to keep moving you want to do something else and so then i do another one and it's like it was like uh and it was something simple too like wall balls and uh skiing but it was oh god he he does he does 15 cows on the ski while i'm
Starting point is 01:29:52 doing 15 wall balls so and it was like five rounds and you just alternate there's no stopping right after here what i'm the dude is he is a he is built different. Hey, were you sore as shit after training with him? Dude, I really, it takes, it takes a lot for me to get sore now. Hey, are you really strong from being 450 pounds? Like, can you deadlift 300 pounds? I deadlift 425. Holy shit. Right now, I think I squat 315.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Wow. Yeah. Wow. That's crazy. how close are you to getting a pull-up uh i can do them banded i use like uh two green bands and i can i can do one so i i still got a little ways to go when you're warm what's your negative look like like can you hold your chin over for a count of three, one, two, three before it rips you down? Yeah, I can do jumping pull-ups and I come down pretty slow.
Starting point is 01:30:50 That's, that's one of the things I do to try and get close to doing them. I think I'm, I'm such a huge proponent of negatives. I don't want you to like do them cold and fuck yourself up. But man, I feel like negatives, like,
Starting point is 01:31:03 yeah. Yeah. So strong after i do negatives holding that position you know gets those muscles that you need to uh to do a pull-up and get some working so yeah um when when you were sitting in front of the place for an hour do you remember that the final thought before you open the car door was it like hey don't be a pussy or hey just do it this once and i'll let you and you don't ever have to do it again or hey you can buy ice cream after this or no i was i was i call myself a fat piece of shit yeah just going hard get out
Starting point is 01:31:37 of the fucking car quit being a bitch yeah yeah you know uh i've something the other day, people say it's not that simple, but like, it really is that simple. Just go and do the fucking thing. It's, uh, weight losses. Uh, I say it's, it's, it's a simple thing, right? Losing weight is simple. It's not easy, uh, but it is simple. It is very, it's a very simple very simple formula uh but it's not easy to do you just got to do the work that's that's all it is uh motivation is horseshit right discipline is is what matters you just got to show up and if you show up and matter i did not want to do this podcast this morning i was so fucking tired yeah i was so i've not this is the most tired i've been like i never i've never not wanted to do a podcast thing and this morning i woke up i was so fucking tired. Yeah. I was, I've not, this is the most tired I've been. Like I've never not
Starting point is 01:32:25 wanted to do a podcast thing. And this morning I woke up, I was so fucking tired and I, and I'm so glad I did it. It's just discipline. Yeah. Great. Shit's not going to happen myself. Hey, you talk about a sustainable diet. What would a psychologist, is that sustainable talk? Is that it? I think it is. I don't think there's anything wrong with it but i'm guessing that there's some psychologist out there who's like hey that's not sustainable talk but but um is that i mean do you still use that talk yeah oh yeah yeah so uh go asshole yeah right right now uh our movement of the month is uh 500 meter row for time so the faster you do 500 um and so we we tested at the beginning of the month and then we trained through the month is a 500 meter row for time. So the faster you do it, and so we,
Starting point is 01:33:06 we tested at the beginning of the month and then we trained through the month and then tested again at the end. And so like, I'm sitting on the rower, um, pulling for deer life. Uh, and somebody comes over and they're like,
Starting point is 01:33:20 you're doing really good, man. And I'm like, no, fuck that shit. And so then the coach that knows me really well, he's like, don't talk to him like that. You know, so I think it's different for everybody. You know, some people want to be encouraged and coddled.
Starting point is 01:33:33 But me, yeah, the thing that's going to fire me up, you need to call me a fat piece of shit. Especially if we do running. Sally's 55 and she's rowing faster than you, Danny. What the fuck? Would that work? Yes. Yeah. I she's rowing faster than you, Danny. What the fuck? That would, that would, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:46 I ended up, I ended up rowing a one 34, 500. I did it again. And so I'm like, how I'm going to do now. You're going to beat that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:55 One 32, baby. Yeah. So that's got that. That makes me happy to hear that. So that scarred you the first 500 damage, like Mike mentally scarred you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:04 You're terrified of the next 30 days what's gonna happen yeah i'm machines are my thing like if it's a machine workout i'm i'm gonna beat you and i'll die on it i'll die on it before i lose too hey what um when you do that i don't go 100 very often um like like not very often at all. But in the last, I would say two months, I've been going as hard as I can at least once a week. And I noticed like, it felt like I started CrossFit all over again, I noticed some like immediate adaptations in my body. I was like, holy fuck, like everything just all my clothes got a little bit tighter. I just feel like good. Yeah. Yeah. Do you notice that like after you do a hard fucking pull as opposed to like just
Starting point is 01:34:46 fucking i just need to get through this murph but as when you do those 500 meters do you are you pretty like wow something happened yep yeah i try yeah i'm usually pretty conscious about uh giving it 100 um and and like i earlier, the guys that I work out with will and Phil, they're really good about pushing me to like, just be beat yesterday. You know what I mean? Be a 1% better than yesterday. Um, and for me, like if, if I'm going to, if I'm going to do it, like, why am I going to half-ass what's the point? Like, I've never understood like shaving reps or anything like that. Like, I don't know what – if Ben prescribes a workout that's 21-15-9,
Starting point is 01:35:31 why am I going to come in and do it 15-9-6? Like, what is that – how is that benefiting me in any kind of way? It's not, right? I'm coming here to get better. I'm coming here to get fitter. I'm coming here to get leaner. So I'm just going to do the work, and I'm going to give it 100 percent every time. What about when you go on these trips, do you visit other CrossFit boxes like a work trip or do you just work out in your hotel?
Starting point is 01:35:57 What do you do? I visit other boxes and sometimes it's pretty funny. I went to I had to work in Mobile, Alabama for a little while. And I went to a gym down there and I walked in with a Krypton shirt on. And there was like a 23 year old kid behind the desk. And he's like, he's like, you here to do a class? And I said, yeah, man. And he said, you go to Krypton. Isn't that Ben Smith's gym? I said, yeah, man. And he said, you go to Krypton? Isn't that Ben Smith's gym?
Starting point is 01:36:25 I said, yeah, it is. And he's like, well, I think we would probably need to put you in an intro class or something because you don't look like you do CrossFit. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Oh, my gosh. I looked at him. I said, you know what, man? There's a gym down the road. I think I'll just hit that one up.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Oh, my God. Hey, I i saw your girlfriend on the parking lot it looks like she needs to spend 30 minutes with me like you ain't serving us or good enough i had to fuck that dude up and talk some mad shit to him yeah i'm going back to your mom's house you asshole it was wow that is nuts it was kind of i feel now i don't feel bad for that girl. Call me fat yesterday. Holy shit. Yeah. He said, you don't look like you do cross. And my mentality, that gym, what was the name of that gym?
Starting point is 01:37:10 I can't remember. And the funny thing is I called the next day and the lady was like, yeah, we're, we're selling it in two days. So I think they sold it to somebody else. So it might be a different name now. Uh,
Starting point is 01:37:19 but I'm getting the kid. The kid was probably just looking back. I should have stayed and, and buried everybody. Um everybody because I've been, I've been to some gyms and done some workouts where it makes me feel really fit because we do a lot of volume at Krypton a lot. And, and the, the weights we do with like dumbbells, like guys. He didn't even ask you. He wasn't like, Hey, like,
Starting point is 01:37:42 like I would have been more tactful. I'd have been like, Hey, how long you been doing CrossFit? How long you've been at ben smith's right yeah he's been really a nice guy like he seems on the videos like i'd like to feel you out a little bit yeah oh what's your favorite machine you know what i mean like like yeah kind of like yeah i don't know maybe maybe maybe i'm just a woke joke maybe i'm sensitive. But just to say that to you is just fucking – That's terrible. Yeah. It was early on in my CrossFit thing too, so I was like, I'm just going to go somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Wow. That pisses me off. I hope Athena is not listening to this show because she tells me stories like that, and I don't want to believe them. Yeah. I don't want to believe that there's people that – The one I went to after that though was great. I went to the latest class there and it was i think the owner was the only guy there and so he he and i did some like extra work together
Starting point is 01:38:31 and then we did like a deadlift ladder and stuff and it was it was pretty cool so i ended up going back a couple times with him uh so it worked out in my favor that that was in mobile too yeah what was the name of that gym crossfitFit Roadhouse. CrossFit Roadhouse. That's a good name. Yeah. Yeah. I wasn't thinking that, but now I am. Yeah. I didn't think of it
Starting point is 01:38:58 until now. Thank you. Good job. Great. I polluted Sousa's brain. Poor Sousa was such a nice boy when I met him. I was thinking like Patrick Swayze. Me too. There are some really cheesy fucking CrossFit gym names. CrossFit Krypton, CrossFit Roadhouse.
Starting point is 01:39:16 CrossFit Cowtown. Yeah, I just love it. I think Ben's been on the show now two or three times i have never done like like a sit-down interview with him it's always just like hey we're talking shit about specific game stuff i'm like picking his brain but i should have him on the show and like hear his whole story he could be an affiliate show he's a good he's a he's a good dude he He's a really, really good dude. And the thing about Ben is like, I remember, you know, he is very intentional
Starting point is 01:39:51 about remembering people's names and things like that, you know, to make them feel at home as soon as they walk through the door. And he doesn't like, you know, he's not like, oh, I've won the CrossFit Games and I'm famous or whatever.
Starting point is 01:40:03 He's just a normal dude that wants to make everybody better. His genuine passion is just helping people become healthy and fit. And he just really loves what he does. And he is such a great dude. Does his dad work out at the gym? His dad's a beast. Yeah, I remember his dad being a very nice man and extremely strong.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Super nice. The whole family is like Dane, his youngest brother, and his wife, Emily. They're both coaches, and they're awesome. Alec has been fantastic to me i helped i helped him um hook up a sauna at his house and he just like showered me with noble stuff go online pick out shoes and a bag and all sorts of yeah they're yeah there you go jared yeah there ben cleans the floor man he they're just all like good hard-working people that just care about the members there so much. Hey, is this – dude, is this – is Leslie a man or a woman?
Starting point is 01:41:11 Yeah, that's Les. So he was with us for quite a while. He's in the Navy. He just ended up moving up to Annapolis. Leslie can fight too. Yeah, he's – so me and Les were workout partners at 7pm quite often until he moved. Um, cause I don't think, I thought it was a woman, but that, but a woman doesn't talk like this. My man pushes it daily. I've never heard a woman say that. Yeah. Yeah. We, we call him my man. My man. It's funny. So Travis says that, and he's from West Virginia. Travis Bajan says,
Starting point is 01:41:42 my man, my man. So he's a really good runner, less is. And every time we do running workouts, we would always pass each other. And he'd be, he'd be like, oh, you're doing a really great job, Dan. Good job. I'm like, dude, I'm running like a four minute 400. I'm not doing a good job. Like, tell me I'm a fat piece of shit. Be honest with me.
Starting point is 01:42:01 So from then on, you know, I, I'd call him a geriatric fuck and he'd call me a fat piece of shit. And we would just put each other to the limit. I think but like I said, everybody's different. Right. And I think that's why I work out at 7 p.m. Because, you know, we do. We're a little bit crass compared to the rest of the folks there. But we all really care about each other.
Starting point is 01:42:23 And it's dude, it's a it's a great group it is a great group have you have you ever um gone to a class that you didn't want to go to because you knew it was important for someone else to see you go i mean in the gym like oh i like leslie and phil are gonna expect me to be there. Like, I don't want to let them down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like Saturdays, Saturday workouts.
Starting point is 01:42:55 Usually it's like a part, it's always a partner workout and it's always like 40, 45 minutes long. So I love going because yeah, that's, um, I got my good friend that I had the conversation with about, I had to have surgery to lose weight. He's, he started coming about once a week and I make sure to show up when he's, when he's there. Yeah. That's exactly the kind of story I was looking forward. Wow. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Like, fuck, I already worked out today, but he's going, I went to the morning class, but he's going to the evening. I'm going just because that's my homie. I'm going to support him. Got to be there. A hundred percent. Yeah. I'm going to be there and I'm going to push him and and and he's gonna push me man it's yeah wow that that's really awesome i don't think people like you who or any anyone who doesn't fit in the box i like and i was thinking my mom specifically i don't think my mom realizes the contribution she's making to her box into humanity i don't think and no matter how much she she could
Starting point is 01:43:53 think she knows she doesn't it's and and i think the same is with you i don't think you um it's it's uh i mean i could just only think back to the 450 pound you and maybe you do know maybe it's me who doesn't know but like did you have a role model at 450 was there another was there someone you were like oh that dude did it like like do you know this guy matt bickle um he he was on the crossfit podcast I want to say he was over 500 pounds he trained he hangs with Sam Dancer really fucking cool dude huge fucking guy like he's fucking he's a fucking giant tall too tall guy yes and his Instagram name is like bike something, right? Maybe I just, uh, I thought it was Bicolo. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like B I K E. Yeah. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. He's yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:52 He's yeah. Like, did you know him before you started on the journey? Was there like, yeah, that's why it's so important. There's people like you fucking blazing the trail ahead. I'll tell you actually. So, uh, I was in. Yeah. This dude, this dude's cool as shit i don't want to fuck this i don't want to blow this dude up but you should reach out to this guy this is a dude worth knowing i'm really he's one of those people i'm so happy that i got
Starting point is 01:45:14 to meet yeah i've seen what the buttery bros um and he seems yeah i would love to meet him i've watched a lot of his stuff and yeah he i feel like we have a lot of the same mentality and yeah love just pours off this guy like when you see this dude you'll just you just hug him like this dude is cool as shit yeah i so when i was in san diego i went to like a i think anytime fitness is where i went my first time and it was like a i walked in and i went and got on the treadmill and then i came down because i used to lift weights a little when i was in like high school right out of high school i lifted weights for a little bit but nothing just the normal stuff like bench back and bys this lat machine yeah that's cool shit and so i when i
Starting point is 01:45:52 first started i walked on the treadmill for a little bit and i came down and there was this guy down there that uh he had like long hair long ponytail looked like a surfer dude and he just seemed like a cool guy so i was walking around and he looked at me and said, Hey, are you looking for something specific? And I was like, well, I'm, I'm huge. And I really just don't know where to start. Uh, and I will never forget it. Man. He looked at me and said, just start, pick anything, pick it up, do it. And, uh, he was a trainer there and we ended up working together in San Diego, like three times a week while I was, while I was living there. And, and that guy really, um, I don't, I don't think he knows it, but he, he, he had a big impact on me. His name was Will and he had a really dry
Starting point is 01:46:38 sense of humor like me. And he would always say where there's a will, there's a way. say where there's a will there's a way uh so tell me about that when he engaged you that first engagement there was something in that 100 yeah he walked up to me and that was that was the time that i really remember it like like clicking when i went to the gym because i was bored at this point right it wasn't like i'm ready to lose a bunch of weight or whatever. I just wanted to do something with my time outside of my job. And so I was walking around looking at the stuff, and he said, he looked at me, just start. And I was like, okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Let's just start. Did he stay with you? Was he like, hey, come over here? Yeah, he was like, hey, why don't you grab a kettlebell and, and, you know, do some swings like this or, um, those yellow bands. I think they're called TRX bands. Uh, he showed me a lot of exercises on those. And then, and then after that, it was like, uh, off to the races. And he's just some kid who worked there. He wasn't like, he wasn't, he was, he,
Starting point is 01:47:44 you didn't pay him for that personal training. He's just some kid who worked there he wasn't like he wasn't he was he you didn't pay him for that personal training he's just some kid who's like hey i'll help this dude out because and he worked there he he like helped start that one i think he moved there for for it he came from like new york whatever he's a he's a he does like bodybuilding and stuff he's a super fit dude and he was just like really mellow and chill you know he's a surfer and uh just an awesome guy man and he uh i think he saw that once i started doing it i had like a drive in me um and and it fed he fed off of it so yeah i i'd love that story i just love how people can just fucking one like just random fucking dude in a gym can just change someone else's life.
Starting point is 01:48:26 Like that's the snowball going down the hill. Two words, like literally two words out of his mouth completely changed my life. Like, yeah, I wouldn't be in CrossFit without just start being said to me. And I can it's such a a vivid memory i can see his like facial expressions saying it um how about how about your wife does she ever tell you whisper in your ear or your mom and dad i'm proud of you do they tell you they're proud of you yeah yeah yeah is that huge um yeah i'm not a not real emotional touchy-feely kind of person so yeah it is it is huge i know i don't show it enough but it is and my wife's really good my wife's really good about pictures like um she takes a lot of pictures and so i'm really grateful that she because i don't i don't like
Starting point is 01:49:26 pictures i don't like i don't like videos and and i and i so me posting on instagram is like really out of my comfort zone but if i can be the person that is that just start for somebody else then then it's all worth it to me um but she she tells me pretty often and she will be really good about sending me old pictures with like a recent picture next to it and being like dude look at this you know pretty often so god she sounds like a fucking angel she's uh yeah she's she's great man she um i work she stays at home with our daughter and and you know they do she does the homeschool with her and uh and then they do the dance uh you know she's like all in uh as a mom which is which is just she's young she's we we did it kind of backwards we had a kid and then got married me too so we're
Starting point is 01:50:19 like a little you know not typical that people end up lasting but uh yeah she she adores that little girl and and uh it's not typical for somebody her age she just turned she just turned 30 so she oh so she had a kid when she was 20 she was 19 when she had aubrey wow is aubrey your your daughter also it's but both your daughters yeah okay okay the way you were talking i wasn't sure like no it's fun so i had a dance i had a dance mom come up to me one time um are you the real dad she even worked she came up to me she's like it's really awesome of you to step up and take care of her like you're right because i mean do you crossfit are you a real dad that's what i was gonna say that's right up there with that other one blonde blonde hair blue eyes and i mean she's a absolutely dropped that gorgeous
Starting point is 01:51:13 kid right yeah yeah but yeah so i get it but yeah it was dude when i have the beard i'm the kid's granddad and it is fucking nuts. That's funny. It is fucking nuts. Yeah. I'll be out with my mom with a beard, and people will think that we're the grandparents. Yeah. And my mom thinks it's funny. I'm like, no, mom, that means they think we're married.
Starting point is 01:51:37 None of it's good any way you look at it. It's all fucked up. Why are you guys homeschooling your daughter? Why isn't she in a public school? So it started because of dance because she's dances. It starts pretty early in the afternoon for her. So it was tough, like getting her from school to dance. And then we also saw that she was doing a lot better with the ability to like the program she does.
Starting point is 01:52:09 She like sits down for like 20, 30 minutes, does like a lesson or two in 20 or 30 minutes. And then she can go and run around and do some dance stuff, go stretch and work on her technique and then come back and do some more school. then come back and do some more school. So she does three or four hours of school a day as opposed to sitting in a classroom for eight hours and she gets two or three days work done in that little bit of time. So it just works out better for her. I think she's got a little ADD like her dad does.
Starting point is 01:52:38 So it works out good for her. Good on you. I can think of a thousand reasons why it's the fucking, tell you why it's the fucking best thing to do. You're going to have a, as long as you keep your kid away from, don't get your kid a cell phone, you're going to have a fucking great kid.
Starting point is 01:52:56 You got her a cell phone already? Here's Coke Zero in your cell phone, young lady. I'm not judging you. Yes, I am. She's a dancer three or four hours a day so we we it's nice to have the ability to communicate if necessary okay my kids would do horrible shit if they had a cell phone um oh are you have you thought about taking the um uh danny have you thought about taking the l1? Yeah. So we, we, I think we talked about it before and, um, on this show. Well, yeah, we've discussed it either in text or whatever, but that's like,
Starting point is 01:53:30 my memory, my memory is really bad. That's like my big next goal is the L1. I wanted to take it. Uh, they have one actually in Virginia beach at the end of this month and next weekend, next Saturday and Sunday. And I was, I was hoping to take it, but, uh, you know, we're, we're a one income family and i'm actually transitioning jobs in about a month so um don't use that word transition transitioning i'm quitting my current job and and taking a a government job that i applied for two years ago so if i'm running fucking crossFit media, which doesn't exist anymore, but if I'm running CrossFit, I film with you one day at CrossFit Krypton. I film with you one day at home, and then I put you in the L1.
Starting point is 01:54:17 I give it to you for free, and I film with you at the L1, and I let people know that the l1 is the operating manual for the human genome it is the way to fucking you everyone must take it to unfuck you of what um you've learned from television and uh and and i just fucking milk milk you for content um and i god yeah milk him call him up and yeah yeah get if you work at crossfit fucking dude this is the get this guy into an l1 and show that fucking a 300 pound dude can take the l1 so it's it's funny they they actually use you know they post out a workout of the day uh so they they use the picture of me a couple months ago for the workout of the day um yeah i would fucking work the fuck out of you i'd manipulate the fuck out of you and sell a thousand l1s off your back i i would absolutely
Starting point is 01:55:10 let you be whored out like that uh you whore me i'll do anything for free shit message um but i i think it's great so i was researching l1 i i found one a little bit later in the year i think i might do it's in it's in Cookville. I figured maybe I could go meet Rich or something. They have the training manual. It's actually sitting next to me literally read the content of the L1. I mean, not get the instruction and stuff, which is very important, but you can read that content and have it for free. Greg used to start the L1. Sorry, Susan. Greg used to start the L1 in 2006. And he would be like, hey, well, he would teach the whole thing. And he would say, you guys have all paid $1,000 to be here for what any 12 year old could figure out how to get for free on the internet that's how we would start to start it was fucking nuts but of course when you're there and you're with those trainers like don't get me wrong read the manual and you're you're at the 99 yard line but that extra one yard that those train those l1 trainers give you yeah like i mean you get you'll be in there
Starting point is 01:56:25 with like lisa ray or chuck carswell or some shit and they'll blow your fuck michelle moose they'll blow your mind i'd love i'd love to learn something from hobart man that guy hobart yeah oh my god he might be retired he's old he might be no no actually he still travels he's on the team yeah yeah yeah jay if you could just be in Hobart's presence and watch him move, at least for someone like me, you'll become a better mover. Yeah. I just seem like demo the air squad or something. And I become a better mover. It's like taking a weightlifting class with Ben. Ben does a barbell like an Olympic lifting class on Saturdays at 10. And dude, like I couldn't uh to save my life and then all of a sudden i took this one class with ben and he gave me one cue and everything changed but he can just like analyze somebody's
Starting point is 01:57:14 you know olympic lift and be like hey you should put a little more weight on the ball of your feet and look forward while you're doing this and all of a sudden boom snatch i'm, oh. And Ben learned all that stuff back in the time where you're just sourcing it off the internet and he's filming himself and then he's watching it and he's going back and forth. And there's something to learning it that way that really allows you to help apply it to everybody else too.
Starting point is 01:57:36 So that's cool. Yeah. He's got a life-size picture of the fridge in the gym. It's really cool. Oh, he does? Yeah, it's like a life-size picture of the fridge in the gym it's really cool oh he does yeah it's like it's like a like a sticker on the wall and uh so it's like you know the fridge is right there um yeah that's cool danny i really appreciate you coming on brother giving us two hours of your morning what what a what a awesome awesome uh story you are a chill dude and uh you're're, you're making a huge impact on the world. I love it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:58:08 Thanks for having me. I guess I really appreciate it. Yeah. Thanks so much for sharing your story. And, uh, and stay in touch. I mean, we have each other's phone number obviously and we chat in the DMS and feel free to tell you, but you can text me anytime because everyone in the DMS is kind of just one person to me. You know what I mean? It's just like, it gets crazy in there
Starting point is 01:58:25 sometimes man yeah all right have a good one brother thank you thanks cheers 8 58 a.m pacific standard time you feel a little more awake now no i don't know i don't i think i just went too hard last night. I went too hard. Just crushing it down by the beach just too much? I guess. I played hard yesterday. Yeah? Yeah, I'll tell you off the air. I played really fucking hard. But I had a good time. I had an amazing time. hard but i had good time an amazing time i'd never i usually i wake up at 6 a.m and i'm like i'm just awake i usually wake up at 5 59 right before my alarm goes off and um oh look nice
Starting point is 01:59:15 you to join us nice shirt with one minute left in the show peace peace are you coming on or what no you're not coming all right well good. Well, good to see you, Caleb. Anyway, so tomorrow we have a live calling show in the morning? Yeah. Oh, God. I'm so looking forward to that. And I think Hiller will be here. He's in town, so I will invite him to come into the kitchen, set up his computer, so we'll be sitting side by side on the show tomorrow. Oh, interesting. That'll be fun.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Yeah. Where are you sat? I know. I know. Buck, what are you doing to me? You're like, oh, the boys fucking love Hiller. They're dancing around. The only thing I'm thinking was, I was like, when he shows up, I hope the boys fucking hate him. Oh, he was so.
Starting point is 01:59:54 I hope they want nothing to do with him. Just like, yeah, those are my boys. Don't worry about that. And now you're giving him my seat at the kitchen table. Gosh. He's going to end up wanting kids. He's really good with the boys, too. He's going to end up wanting kids. He's really good with the boys too.
Starting point is 02:00:06 He's going to end up wanting kids. I told him. Your three boys in particular will do that to you. But I think it's false advertisement because you get out there
Starting point is 02:00:13 and you have a great time. You're like, this is so easy. Oh my gosh. And like, it ain't that easy. It took a lot of work to get them to get them
Starting point is 02:00:20 to where they are now. Train those dogs. All right. I will. So you'll be here tomorrow morning with us. Train those dogs. All right. I will – so you'll be here tomorrow morning with us? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Caleb, will you be here tomorrow morning on the live calling show?
Starting point is 02:00:32 Maybe. Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Thank you. Hope you enjoyed the show. I will talk to you guys soon. All of you. Bye-bye.

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