The Sevan Podcast - #562 - Should Hiller Juice or Not?

Episode Date: August 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I can hear you. I can hear you.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Oh, shit, we're live. Fuck, what am I doing? Oh, my God. Hiller's not ready. Oh, shit. I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm connecting my headphones. I can't hear you. I know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Adjusting your balls. The balls. Where's Caleb sleeping? Where's Matt Souza? Where's the ultimate backup, Will Brandstetter? Just us. Maybe I should share. Maybe I should bring up your YouTube page.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I don't have enough windows to be hardcore. YouTube. And type in Hiller Fit. Can you hear me now, Andrew? Wow, Dave's on a terror making videos. What is this? Greg Dawn visit. Wags and weights.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Wags and weights. Can you hear me, Hiller? What is this? I might as well share this screen. What the fuck is going on here? What is this? Share screen. Is anyone watching all the Dave Castro videos?
Starting point is 00:01:42 Does anyone have time to keep up with all that? What is this? What is the title of this? What is this? Are you watching the Dave Castro videos? Can anyone, does anyone have time to keep up with all that? What is this? What is the title of the, what is this? Are you watching the day videos? Hiller? I've seen a handful of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I haven't seen this one. So, I mean, there's a shitload now. When you say a shitload, what do you mean? Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:02:01 I'm going to, let's see. Uh, there's one, two, three, four, five. It puts one out a week you don't know that he's been doing this every week i did but um and then a couple weeks ago i
Starting point is 00:02:15 heard him make one where he was considering making two a week look look at a couple with 40 50 000 views he did shit, you're right. CrossFit Games questions the new CEO. Wow. So look at these last four. CrossFit CEO, then new CEO, then visit with Greg, and then this one says Greg Don... Look at this one.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Greg Don visit. Ha. I should tell i should he needs to fix his fucking camera angle yeah don't weren't you the head of some media company can't you give this guy some tips i should give him some tips i give i tried to make a video saying hey i'll make these things a little easier to digest but it doesn't seem to matter because he's getting way more views than my videos get actually i could just give him the tip hey look at down here how it's time coded who did that for him that's not automatic right no that's not automatic okay hey so do you think i can go actually in one of his videos maybe third or fourth one it was a suggestion given to him from his comment section. So I know that he looks at the comments and he addresses them in future videos.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And maybe a video after maybe your third or fourth, he's like, hey, I'm going to start time stamping them so more of you guys will watch them. You think I'd get in trouble for playing this? No. He would have to do that. He'd have to go out of his way to fuck me? Just like CrossFit went out of their way to fuck me when they took down Colton Merton's workout at the games.
Starting point is 00:03:49 There are like five other channels I've seen with entire streams of the CrossFit events, but my Colton Merton's video where it's just him in his own lane got taken down. Assholes. I just said an interval timer just now by the way for um 60 minutes okay and it's a beep every minute and i and for the first 30 minutes i just did um five squats with 230 pound dumbbells just five so i ended up doing 150 and then for the last 30 minutes i did uh um seven curl to press with a 30 pound dumbbell
Starting point is 00:04:31 and then the next minute switch to the other hand so 15 on each side and during that whole hour i just watched hillar fit videos no way yeah prepping for this pretty good right i think my arms got fucking bigger you took the every time you wanted to jerk off, you did some bicep curls and applied it to your videos. I, when I watch your videos, that's all I want to do is jerk off. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Let's, let's play a little bit of this Dave thing. Let's, can we, yeah, I just told you. Okay. Easy.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Damn. You've been flying all day. What? 30 minutes ago. I'm so high strung, dude. I was like getting in here and these were hooked up to my phone so i'm like i can't even hear what he's saying let me ask you this was it weird like i'm i'm 50 so like for me it was really weird meeting
Starting point is 00:05:15 you like we just for those of you who don't know like keller and i've known each other over the internet and a couple days ago both him and hunter m McIntyre rolled into Newport Beach. And these dudes that I've only known from I still think this is weird, but that was weird meeting. But but how would you have you ever been friends with someone on the Internet like we are? And then you meet. No way. And you know what? Alexis was kind of big on that for a while. And I always thought that it was weird that she would meet up with people she was buddies with on the Internet. And it's not that weird it was cool it was cool it was cool right would you tell me if you didn't like me yeah i
Starting point is 00:05:51 wouldn't be here right now if i didn't like you i think you know that like you would i do but i just want to hear it did you know that of me so so no kind of but you're so fucking nice to me it's hard for me to believe that but um uh so you basically we hung out this, you came by my house this morning. You said bye to the kids and that, which was awesome. Made my kids day. And then you got on an airplane and you flew home and then you got off the airplane. You went straight to your garage and we're talking. So basically, if you didn't like me, you'd be like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I'm not doing that anymore. Correct. Yeah. And I like the shows. They're good. I didn't ask if you like the show. It's me. correct yeah and i like the shows they're good i didn't ask if you like the show it's me no i like doing the shows with you i mean you are the shows i get to chat with you it's like we're hanging out yeah okay you know you know the and i liked hunter a lot too that was easy dude he's bad i didn't know what to expect from Hunter, and it was only better than I could have ever expected.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Did you win any of the ā€“ so we went to the Yacht Club, and we all raced, and I didn't see who won the first race because I was in it, and I know I didn't win because when I was done, they were already out of the pool. And then you guys, we raced like 25 yards, and then you guys raced again 50 yards and i know it was neck and neck dude i think i beat him on the 50 yard one i don't know who was saying that one of the other one but i think i touched him on the 50 yarder it was hard to tell because he got out of the pool like so fast dude where did he? I think he had a shit. I think he shit himself a little bit and he got out of there. He disappeared. There's a movie and I clipped it in one of my videos once called Warrior. And at the end of Warrior, there's this sequence of fights where this guy knocks this guy the fuck out in a UFC cage and he just leaves.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And that's how I felt. It's like someone goes, Hunter, you beat him. And he just got the fuck out of there. Yeah, I saw the end of the race and i couldn't tell who won i think i think at the very worst it was a tie and i think i'd beat him it was 25 meters down they both did a kick turn and then swam back and he did a flip turn too really yeah yeah no shit he's a good swimmer. I didn't expect that. Yeah. That was a good day. Uh, I, I spoke to, uh, I spoke to, uh, um, miss California hormones, uh, this afternoon, she lost a $10,000 earring at the yacht club. Oh no. Excuse me. I know. I, I, you know, it's funny this morning i think going down the slide with the kids she's pretty hardcore she was going down that slide with the kids and she had she was
Starting point is 00:08:30 she was really cool and uh she thinks maybe it popped off there she told me if i went back there and found it i could have it i'm thinking about going back tomorrow you got it you got a week right yeah i'm gonna spend 800 bucks on a metal detector and go back and get it dude i he alexis and i were on this beach this morning there was this girl walking around with a metal detector and alexis goes why people do that and then you're telling me this right now and it's exactly why she was doing that find a ten thousand dollar ring um not going to lie after seeing hillar's latest ig post seven is way more jacked than i thought i would not want to be shirtless in the middle of those two guys oh i you don't want to
Starting point is 00:09:11 be but you know what or you would want to be yeah yeah don't lie lucky camera says it was um i don't have any brothers but it it felt like we were just three brothers. You and Hunter? Oh, yeah. Me and Hunter. Hunter and I were already on the boat. Hunter got lost and showed up late. The boat had to turn back and go to shore.
Starting point is 00:09:36 He got on the boat. We were stuck on a tiny boat for an hour and a half together with five kids. No one knew anyone. We all felt like family like that wasn't that nuts yeah we don't even know each other but then we did really well so you're so cool you're so cool it's good uh thomas first of all if this is really thomas de lauer uh oh thomas de lauer money if that's really thomas de lauer do you know who that is tell anybody no uh it sounds familiar why why does it sound familiar he has a massive youtube station
Starting point is 00:10:13 i've hung out with him a handful of times i'm trying to get him on the podcast and he is jacked out of his fucking mind i met him through dave did you tell him about the time you got called fat this weekend he's the keto guy i knocked that woman out yeah yeah yeah i told i kicked her in the in the garage yeah yeah yeah you know the first half was true the second half wasn't true i i told the story twice about how you defended me but you know what um it kind of set me free when she did that explain like i don't know i just felt good she's like i took off my shirt and she goes you're fat and i go i'm not that fat and then you go you go he's not that fat just thick in the midsection and she goes i just expected
Starting point is 00:10:56 and then i was like yeah okay yeah okay and then i was free and i just raged. I was free. She sent me free. And then you fasted. And then the next day it looked like you were emaciated. Yeah. It literally looked like you had did lose a couple percent body fat, which is actually pretty wild. You look very lean the day after you fast. Oh, that's cool that you said that. I thought I did too, but I didn't want to like ask you guys. Cause what if it was just my imagination? No, you do. Yeah. Okay. I thought I did too, but I didn't want to like ask you guys. Cause what if it was just my imagination? No, you do.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yeah. Okay. I'm going to fast tomorrow then. I'm a fast day every time before I see you. Hiller doesn't wear a shirt by the way, people. Hiller doesn't wear a shirt. I don't wear shoes.
Starting point is 00:11:38 He doesn't wear a shirt. I try not to wear shoes to impress you that first day. Not, and I burned the fuck out of the bottom of my feet. So Iwalk so i bought those i bought those flip-flops at that boardwalk store and uh then i got this like little rash between my toes from the flip-flops and it was a mess they're good now they're in their shoes or they're supposed to be uh well you tried to go shoeless to impress me i went i tried to go shirtless and some lady called me fat so hunter is certainly fitter than i am oh this is true oh this is thomas delauer i gave seven his first dose of his estrogenous ketones and he tripped balls i can't people don't get carried away he he his he gave me his first dose
Starting point is 00:12:18 of exogenous ketones he gave it to me in a bottle and i I consumed it on my own. Sounds way too kinky. Here's another question. Hiller, is Stefan as good at throwing Frisbees as he claimed? And the answer is yes. Where do you see that? It was up a little bit. Oh, yeah. I'm savage.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I'm glad, actually, you guys got to see a little bit of that. Wild. Oh, I made it a point. Don't worry. Yeah, that was good. I had to make sure that you weren't just bullshit but you're good you just have this full wind up and there's like this perfect level frisbee and your boys are nuts too i'm surprised you and hunter are actually that good uh you guys can throw it straight which is not easy especially for chicago boy yeah i've never really thrown a frisbee in my
Starting point is 00:13:02 life baseball football i can do that i can't kick a ball i can throw a ball and i can't throw a frisbee i'm gonna show you this guy um thomas i wanted to wrestle hunter i brought it up to him maybe four or five separate times and you heard why he couldn't right to be honest with you it made me so fucking uncomfortable. When I asked him to wrestle? That made you uncomfortable? Yeah. Why? Because I don't want you...
Starting point is 00:13:31 It's just too intense for me. Dude. It's too intense. Okay, look at this. This is this guy's YouTube page. And then we got to go back. It's not too intense for you. I wrestled in college, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:48 So you had to beat him up. Look at. No, he would have kicked my ass. Dude, Hunter is like a mountain of a man. He's got 20 pounds on me. 3.21 million subscribers. It would have been an awesome thing for the internet, though. I think it would have been.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I give myself a 30% chance of taking internet though. I think it would have been, I could have, I give myself a 30% chance of taking them down. I'm a realist. Oh, and it would have been all the haters. All the haters would have been happy and you would have won them over. Cause they would have seen Hunter mash you. It would have, it would have been good.
Starting point is 00:14:19 They'd have been like, Oh, hell are so humble. Okay. Look at, look at this guy. 11 hours ago, one day ago,
Starting point is 00:14:24 two days ago, three days ago, five days ago, six days ago, seven days ago nine days ago 10 days ago 11 days ago 12 days ago this guy's good yeah he's not fucking around that's all dense all dense content there's like no it's i mean there's a reason why he's so successful. He looks good with his shirt off, it appears. Oh, dude, his arms are...
Starting point is 00:14:54 They're fucking silly. Yeah, Hiller, this morning I think I saw your moose knuckle. This morning when you came to the house, I think your shorts were so tight i think i saw your cock and balls we were walking at a mirror and i go alexis can you always see my dick through my pants and she goes yeah and her every single pair of shorts and i was like damn that's because they're that tight all the time i never noticed until this morning but this morning i i did see it my bad that's fine i didn't do nothing to me nothing i just realized i was straight that's it that's good i i wasn't ever questioning it
Starting point is 00:15:32 there's a handful of questions this weekend you're uh i'm always questioning it okay let's let's hear what he has to say uh this the lineup down here, he said Greg and Don visit, and this interests me. So this is 28 seconds. Let's hope he doesn't report me. He's not going to. He's your buddy, no? Wednesday had a super cool afternoon. Can you guys hear that?
Starting point is 00:16:00 Wednesday had a super cool afternoon. If you could make it louder, it would be better. Can you hear it? It's still not loud enough? It's quiet. Hold on. For me, at least. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:13 How about everyone else? I'm assuming I'm the same as everyone else. Okay, hold on. Hold on. Maybe I... Hold on. Hold on. I think I...
Starting point is 00:16:22 There's a way to do it so that I grab the audio. Like, if Will were here, he'd fucking just be working. So share screen, go to Chrome tabs. Ah, here we go. Okay. Is that Becca? Becca's here? Cool.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Okay. Let's try again. How's year? Cool. Okay, let's try again. How's that? We had a super cool afternoon session, three or four hours, with Don and Greg. So we went to Greg's house. He's talking about Don Fowle, the new CEO, and Greg Glassman. And it sounds like they went to Greg's house, chatted for a couple hours, and then we went to lunch, chatted for a couple hours.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Like Dave's usually only good for like 10 minutes of talking. And I had some Mexican food. Really good afternoon. Had some Mexican food. Racist. They both enjoyed it. They both had great conversation. I just sat and listened. Ah, there we go. Dave just sat and listened. He didn't say shit. And happy that those two connected.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I promise you, Don, if you're watching this, that both. I shouldn't say it. Come on. OK. Dave was carrying for sure. Why do you say that uh i think he has a concealed carry um permit why does it matter it's just cool it's just it doesn't matter well it matters because if you're out with dave and someone fucking pulled out a gun you just hide behind dave and dave will put them down not that i'm ever worried about that or ever think about that in public but
Starting point is 00:18:08 it's just a fun little only if you're where i live do you worry about that in public it's a fun uh it's just a fun you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna like his video you told me you commented on one of my videos the other day i took it i pulled it down and then you pulled it down. Yeah. You want to play that game? I don't want to fight with the fucking Andrew Hiller army. They're strong. Strong.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah. You know they're strong when they defend you on Reddit. Yeah. They're my homies. I get in there and I'm like, nice. Thank you. Hey, I don't like Elgin intensity. Did you watch his video or my video?
Starting point is 00:18:50 No, I watched your two videos on him. I don't know. If he is a CrossFitter, then I'm cool with him. All the shit he says is funny and cool if you're a CrossFitter. It's kind of like, hey hey i can talk shit about um my wife but you better not you know what i mean it's like this is our family like if if you want to talk shit about it you got to come inside the fence don't talk shit about it like yeah you got to come inside you got to come inside the fence to uh
Starting point is 00:19:21 well did you not hear the part in there i don't know if it was the first or the second part where it actually seems as if he's rather uh educated on a lot of it and i don't know if he just picks up on the fact that hayley adams isn't very strong but i believe that was the point right where yep yep yep he's like she still can't lift that huh it's been however long he's been making these videos and she still can't lift it. And it's like, he's pointing it out sarcastically. And then she's in the world and she's not making any improvements. And so when I heard that, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:19:55 maybe this guy is really trying to poke at the algorithm, getting his 1 million views per video. Yep. Maybe he does know CrossFit rather well. Yep. Yep. But you don't like him i just i just i it's it's a um here here's one thing where you agreed with him on that i totally disagree upon he said as long as they keep having errors or doing things that other that happen in high school sports crossfit will never be big or something like that and i and i was thinking at the tour de france they fucking let that uh every year some fucking ding dong fucking comes
Starting point is 00:20:29 out into the um uh into the bike area and knocks off a a million dollar athlete and is fucking fucks up his whole chances to win the tour de france that shit happens every year that could totally happen at the level of high school too if people were actually watching i agree but the tour de france is huge you go watch cross country in high school like zero well what my point is this he i agree with you that's what i'm saying that can happen in high school but what i'm saying is is he's saying that we act like high schoolers at the fucking at that tour de france like they let the fans just do whatever the fuck they want which i personally think is cool.
Starting point is 00:21:05 But don't talk about our sport as podunk because someone miscounts laps. This other sport, there's fucking dogs that run onto the track, and it's just common. It's every year. How about the Isle of Man? Seven fucking people die on average every year. Spectators. You know about the Isle of Man? That's that crazy car race right yeah the
Starting point is 00:21:25 motorcycle motorcycle the fans fucking die there get hit by motorcycle uh this i had the i had the pga golfer guy on and and there's a there's a course where if there's a hole in one the 20,000 people throw their beers out onto the 20,000 beers go flying out onto the, I mean, that's, you're telling me that's not fucking frat boy high school. The fucking NFL and the NBA are openly racist. They openly hire openly,
Starting point is 00:21:56 openly hire people based on their skin color and their genitalia. They're openly racist and sexist. And they seem to be doing fine. That, I mean, that's some fucking kkk shit so don't that fucking jackass doesn't know shit that's what i'm saying but he makes good points occasionally whatever he does okay fine i'm i'm insanely jealous of his million view videos yeah one of these days i'll make one who do I got to make an ad or not on to get a million views?
Starting point is 00:22:26 You know. I know. I know. Did I miss something? Did Hayley Adams say that she's leaving Mayhem? There was a comment in here. It just said, Hayley is death out. Tasia said that she's leaving Mayhem as well. It was by Jack CF.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Oh, wow. Yeah, I don't know i i was not keeping up on the instagram this weekend i'm looking through but that was that was just jack cf what are you what are you looking through i'm just looking through the comments yeah uh banana hammock streaker in france and that's not if you were in a banana hammock that's not a streaker but you gotta have the full cock and balls i mean if that's the case then everywhere hillar goes he's streaking because his shorts are so damn tight hey i love them it's freeing especially down there i made that buddy my guy on the porch remember he was all into it oh yes yes yes i think he just liked you because he knows that you guys are on the same supplements we are on the same supplements um are are you considering did you see what i titled this video? No. Hiller analyzes CrossFit age.
Starting point is 00:23:46 To juice or not to juice? If I'm considering it? That is the question. Well, you got some blood work done. Yeah, I'm 100% considering it. I think I touched upon that. You know what? I made my video in the airport today for today because I don't have one up,
Starting point is 00:24:04 but I made it in the airport and I was editing it on the plane. It's not up now though. Is it? It's not up now. No, it's not up yet. It's uploading. I hope it's good to go by midnight or else I'm fucked.
Starting point is 00:24:14 You sat in front of your computer and talk to yourself at the airport. Uh, yeah, it was nuts, but I'm totally considering it. Um, it's something that no one's done in the CrossFit space, right? And that's kind of what I'm all about.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I want to do things and explore avenues of things that people haven't done yet. And one of those things, unless I'm wrong, is someone openly, transparently using performance enhancers, but it wouldn't really be performance enhancing. It would be optimizing through California hormones. So, so, so give me an idea what that would look like. You, so you went to,
Starting point is 00:24:54 we, we, you came to California hormones, you saw their facilities, fucking loved it. They did the blood work on you and you would, you would, you like before you started,
Starting point is 00:25:04 you like for a month do a shitload of baseline workouts or what would the how how what would it look like the crossfit open for the past handful of years have been my baseline everything everything through crossfit has been my baseline i know my best friend i know my best back squat clean and jerk i know what my murph time is and all that shit um i would like to see if it's's there's things that I've been told I can do with my elbow as well, which hasn't recovered. I don't know if the boys were playing to this. Like, I still cannot get there. And I've been told that there's things that I can do to prove that as well.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I wonder if it would also give you more insight into other people who are using. I guarantee you it would, because like I always say in any single one of my videos, it's not everyone's like Andrew just says it's to your shoulders there versus to your shoulders there. And I go, the biggest point I made was at the end of the video, which I'm upset about because I understand people usually don't make it there. I'm upset about because I understand people usually don't make it there, but it's the 20 to 30 people that I know who have openly had conversations with me about their use and the ups and the downs and the mental attitude that they go through and the, how they feel with, it's the anecdotal shit. And it will give me a lot more insight. I'm sure as well. And, and, and, and basically then you just make a video like once a week, like one of your weekly videos would be the juice step update.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Correct. Correct. And, uh, by a wide zombie, it's a Hiller on TRT would be ridiculous. And that might not be true because if my numbers are in range, it would be almost pointless to go on TRT. But there are other things that I can do through California Hormones that would be beneficial. Did she show you that little box that they send out? So once you qualify and once you get your blood work done, it's cool. There's preloaded syringes that they send to you.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Insulin syringes, which we talked about on the other show, which means that they don't hurt when you use them. Dude, the whole thing was amazing. The whole facility is amazing. Everything they do over there is amazing. What is the California Hormones Games? Harry J. Soon.
Starting point is 00:27:21 If you give Hitler tea, he would turn into Hitler. That looks good. I think we'll see the games in 2023 i i'm i'm uh 51 percent uh confident of that 51 confident of what that we'll see the california hormone games in 2023 i i i would say that 51% is accurate. Yeah. And if, and if I really, I, but, but,
Starting point is 00:27:47 but, but if you had to act like if you, part of me is also, it's like a hundred percent. Sure. I just don't want to get you like excited. Yeah. Completely out of your mind.
Starting point is 00:27:57 It's a hundred percent, but I'm 51% sure. Well, you know, you know, it might be cool about this entire thing too, is if we do it right. And the thing that I learned about that lab is you can test anything exactly the way WADA would.
Starting point is 00:28:12 So you went to the lab, right? And I know that I might be a bit better with that mosquito first than you are in a couple of the things like there's a machine. And all the things and all the things and all the things over there there in particular because i've kind of obsessed over it for some time i'm walking around like this is what that machine looks like he goes yeah it's only like a half million dollar machine but it could also just like pick out what it is and it would be cool if on my channel i can try to um get by certain tests and show how to do that and why it's rather than just like oh you know hunter hill or do you prove do you prove do you prove it's like well maybe i don't need it maybe this is the only proof you need to show how easy it is it would kind of tear shit up oh hey
Starting point is 00:28:58 are you allowed to open are you allowed to enter the open if you're juicing i wouldn't oh you wouldn't i wouldn't well um what it would be interesting to just keep going until they test you and you just test positive or don't what if you don't test pause what if why don't you just enter the games and just see if like you know what well right here there's i don't know how many live people are watching or how many people end up watching this but but everyone's aware of what I'm thinking about. And at some point or another, I'll put it out there that it's going to be happening if I'm doing it. And that's the entire purpose. Everyone knows.
Starting point is 00:29:33 The then thing that would then be happening is, am I doing it? And if I'm doing it, everyone knows I'm doing it. And let's see what CrossFit's next move would be. if I'm doing it, everyone knows I'm doing it. And let's see what CrossFit's next move would be. When do I get the random drug test as the guy who literally is telling the world that it's happening? Wouldn't that be nuts? And yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And here's the thing too. I wonder, so let's say, let's say you won the CrossFit games and you're up there and you say you, you juiced. I don't think, I don't think i don't think i don't think you lose i don't think they take the money from you because you admit to it i think they still have to i'm guessing the protocol is that you have to i don't think you can go into a police station and be like i killed someone and they just start and they fucking lock you up if you can't fucking show them the body and prove they prove that you did it then i i think you're good to go even if they have video of you shooting
Starting point is 00:30:33 up and everything if they have the whole hiller series on his journey through um uh uh testosterone replacement therapy human growth hormone whatever whatever you, at the beginning of the video, you put a disclaimer up that says none of this is actually real. And then I say everything. It's like, Hey, what are you going to believe the disclaimer or the words coming out of my mouth?
Starting point is 00:30:55 But you can't win the CrossFit games. It's like, well, did I, did I put a negative test up there? Well, you said on the channel, but did you read the disclaimer?
Starting point is 00:31:03 It wasn't real. Hey, are there any, are there any sports where um look at that comment a hundred thousand million views that's the one i want if if um are there any sports where you can openly do drugs like a strong bodybuilding powerlifting, powerlifting, strong man. Okay. But none of the others. There's not like a basketball league or a golf league or a football league or. There was, I think the XFL, and I could be wrong about this. I'm probably wrong about this.
Starting point is 00:31:40 That's not right. But don't totally just those three that I mentioned are for sure man oh nascar really can you you can be they don't drug test in nascar i feel like corbin's fucking with us the nfl the nfl they're all using gh and you can't test for it well no shit in the nfl if you get popular like a four-game ban i'm not i think it was wes welker wide receiver on the Patriots. Maybe it was another one of those wide receivers on the Patriots got tested positive. He was back like four games later.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Do any Hollywood stars ā€“ do any Hollywood stars admit it? Do you think it's about Ricky Gerrard? Hollywood stars that admit it. Like the guy who plays ā€“ oh, yeah, right, right, right. He wouldn't be a Hollywood star, but he's a like the guy who plays oh yeah right right right he wouldn't be hollywood star but he's a very high profile guy that admits to it i mean like the wolverines or like the thors or no but i guess arnold came out right uh yeah he did he would be hollywood they should high profile the rock doesn't admit it as it doesn't alone got caught going into australia with a bunch of drugs i think his was growth hormone he got caught
Starting point is 00:32:49 with but i mean clearly something happened to him thor chris hemsworth is 100 the guy where it's like hey is this guy using it's like yes but he's never admitted to it but everyone looks at him it's like damn that guy's jacked and i look at him three months earlier and he's not he uses trend i'm like i don't know if you know what that is i don't but maybe he was just fasting like me like i fasted and you accusing me of juicing yeah i did do that the entire expendables cast that one's good they got like dolph lundgren and in one of the videos you you you show Alexis Raptus's uh game shirt by the way if anyone hasn't seen it you do need to see that shirt it's actually one of the coolest uh athlete shirts ever it's her riding a dolphin very
Starting point is 00:33:38 what does that mean anyway why is she riding a dolphin what's that mean I didn't get that far because when she was getting into like the shirt i got a little bit of uh don't make this a stupid questions video okay you know but why you mean you mean you got that vibe from her kind of sort of yeah uh not it was more of a personal thing on my end i was always trying to avoid like what's your favorite sort of sandwich i like peanut butter and jelly. I don't want I don't want talks with athletes to go that way. But I guess I really should have asked, like, why are you riding this dolphin?
Starting point is 00:34:12 But clearly that was a good question. And you said you like it's cool as fuck. It is. It's an awesome shirt. And I did like how her coach I liked how her coach said, are you gonna wear it like hey i'm not giving you a fucking shirt unless you're gonna wear it that like i i appreciate that yeah don't waste oh no i'm not juicing a matter of fact i haven't taken any creatine creatine creatine uh in a week but i have not um i didn't even get the blood work i'm it's a whole nother um no i did not watch danielle brandon live earlier but i'd like to is
Starting point is 00:34:46 that on her youtube i'll go play some of it uh so you so you liked her you said you liked her this is so good because i have to go to the bathroom that's why i put the live call in calling number will you talk to emily for a second sure emily hello what's up savon hey hey will you i got it will you mute your youtube and talk to um hillar for a minute while i pee yeah okay hi emily what's up i just got a question for sav, and he left to go pee. Oh, you're stuck with me. How are you? All right.
Starting point is 00:35:29 All right. Well, you can fill them in after. Yeah, what do you got? So my question is that my wife and I are looking for a sperm donor, and I want to know if he thinks the three recommendations we have or qualifications are possible. Why are you calling to talk to Sevan? Talk to me about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:50 No, I want to know if he thinks it's possible. It's right up his alley. Okay. He's a quick peer. He'll be back pretty quick. I think this is a good question. Do you wash his hands? Usually.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Yeah, I saw him do it at least once. We peed together a good question. Do you wash in his hands? Usually. I saw him do it at least once. We peed together a couple times. You know what crossing swords is? It's like there's a bunch of urinals and he's in his own urinal and I kind of run on top of him and pee with him. He didn't like that. Did the dream come true
Starting point is 00:36:21 for both of you? Sean M. wants to know if you're juicing, Emily This is Maggie No, I'm not juicing Oh, you never said it was Okay, I knew this was you guys You didn't have to tell everybody who it was Hey, Stefan, Maggie's got a question for you
Starting point is 00:36:38 Wait, it's Emily No, it said it was Emily, but it's Maggie Maggie who? I got a question for you, Siva. Okay. Have you been drinking? No, I haven't. But, okay, my wife and I, all right, we want to find a sperm donor,
Starting point is 00:36:54 and I want to know if these three qualifications are possible. We need a handsome, athletic. Wait, wait, I think I want you on my ā€“ do you train in ā€“ don't tell me. Do you train in ā€“ don't tell me, do you train in, don't tell me, in Colorado? I do, yeah. And you, yeah, yeah. I started following you or your wife or maybe both of you. God, I wonder if it was on my blue checkmark account because I was starting to troll you guys because I wanted to have you guys on my podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Oh, that's fucking awesome. The third most important question I have is we need an unvaccinated sperm and I don't know if there's any left out there. There are. You're looking at two of them. You do not. How tall are you? Alright, I'm
Starting point is 00:37:40 5'2", but Em's 5'6". 5'7". You want a tall... What do you want? What are you looking for? I want a handsome athlete unvaccinated. That's it. That can't be too hard to find, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Are either you or your wife Jewish? No. No, she's a Spanish-looking, beautiful lady. I would recommend an Ashkenazi. You want a tall Ashkenazi Jew. Okay. They have some ā€“ they got some issues with that sperm because they're such an inbred people. But they're a standard deviation smarter than the rest of the planet.
Starting point is 00:38:23 It's the truth. It just is. Look at the Wiki article. And, like, you'll never meet a dumb Ashkenazi. They're inbred. They got some weird shit in their sperm. But I think with, like, your guys' stuff, as long as you guys got enough variation, you should be good.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Athletic and unvaccinated. Yep, you need to ā€“ yep, yep. And then if it wasn't ā€“ if not that if you don't find that i would find do you remember who manute bowl i'd find some fucking tribe in africa with this like all seven footers like do you remember manute bowl do you remember that guy he was like seven foot ten hundred and twelve pounds maybe like a simone dude or what no no no no something some tribal dude from like, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:06 um, what's the country that's North of, um, Kenya, um, Somalia, like some skinny fucking giant Somalian dude. And,
Starting point is 00:39:15 and, and none of those dudes are probably vaccinated. That's probably some, just that's where all the pure, the African continent probably has most of the pure blood, blood, uh, sperm. I would guess. You're the best. You gave me all the pure, the African continent probably has most of the pure blood sperm, I would guess.
Starting point is 00:39:27 You're the best. You gave me all the shit I needed to know. Thank you. I didn't want to ruin your guys' great combo yet, but I appreciate it. Maggie, I can make a video on this. We'll find someone. I smell weed.
Starting point is 00:39:39 That would be an amazing video. Are you serious? Are you guys looking for sperm? We want all the athletic babies like you, Siobhan. You don't want them. I'm not athletic. Your boys are athletic. Your kids are.
Starting point is 00:39:52 My tongue is athletic. Your kids are. Well, thank you. All right. I'm being touched. Maggie, what's your wife's name? Emily. Emily, that's okay. and you're using her phone.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Okay, got it. All right, tell her I said what's up. All right. Thanks for keeping Hiller busy. See you guys. Bye, Maggie. Damn, someone's smoking weed underneath my window.
Starting point is 00:40:21 It was everywhere. Yeah, it's pretty. Newports. They got some weed here. You told me to bring that bag with and you didn't do it oh i don't even remember saying that you know you know what i realized when we were talking in person you don't remember half of the shit that people tell you on your lives on your shows no i don't i wouldn't be talking to you about something and it was not even that long ago some Some of them were kind of long ago. I'm like, dude, this was stuff that this person told you on your own show. I went back and watched the interview I did with Alexis Raptus. I don't even remember doing it. That's incredible. You're out of control.
Starting point is 00:41:01 That's not a good situation. what the fuck that's not a good situation um so so you said that you liked her because she's a good mover but you also said hey don't think that just because you gave me this shirt i won't make a video on you sometime you might have to get tore up do you think alexis raptus is juicing no okay if you did what would you say if you did what'd you say okay yeah that's kind of my thing now i'm free like you say if i put out the tia video i became free i'm free i can say anything about anybody but don't say too many because i'm gonna start charging you because i i need my own content you know yes wow that's good we we do we do these shows and you like you'll ask a question oh god i wanted to make a video on that. Now I'm being pressed.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Pounce into the chat. You gave a Jr. Mr. Townsend. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Uh,
Starting point is 00:41:53 you gave Jr. Some serious love. I'm tripping on Jr. A little bit. Jr. Howl because he's awesome. He deserves it. I'm tripping because he's doing something called the crash crucible.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And they had their online qualifier and he didn't tell me. And so I called Sousa and I'm like, Hey, why the fuck didn't this guy tell me so we could promote the shit out of it? We would have put it in our newsletter. I would have had him on and he goes, dude, he's not that kind of guy. I'm like, what do you mean? He goes, he's just not going to ask for anything. And I'm like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I'm going to, I'm going to I mean, I'm going to text him. I'm going to text him. Send him a link. Bring him on the show right now. Let's yell at him. Let's slap him around a little bit for being too nice, for being too good of a guy. It's probably, it's 11 o'clock there. He's on the East Coast, but I am going to text him.
Starting point is 00:42:41 All right, never mind. If you do it. I love JR. Yeah, that was just so impressive, everything that he did with his predictions. Oh, my God. And right before that, I think you and I had a conversation
Starting point is 00:42:51 about how that's never been my thing, guessing what's going to come out. Yeah. And then it is his thing. He smashed it. That was awesome. JR, you need to let us help you promote please
Starting point is 00:43:08 don't please I spelled please wrong please don't hesitate to ask please and then I'll do another please with an exclamation mark and then a heart and then I'm sending a heart
Starting point is 00:43:24 you're needy exclamation mark and then a heart and then i'm sending a heart then i'm sending a heart i'm sending a heart you're needy you're needy oh i'm not being needy really when you when you add exclamation points and emojis it's like one emoji and it depends on the emoji if you send a couple oh damn it you didn't go through that stage you didn't do like the tinder stuff and you missed out um oh i can't take it away i can't i can't withdraw it no you cannot i could write strike that last emoji and then then all of a sudden you're a badass no i'm desperate i'm no no i'm i'm not i just he's he's done so much for me. I want to participate. I want to help him. I'm not desperate. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:44:11 I couldn't find on. I don't know if I'm supposed to say this, but he's got, it looks like it's going to go well, his event. Okay, good. I was talking to him a little bit. And I know you told me not to talk to your dad, Jr, but I was talking a little bit. It looks, it's going to be cool. So I may even be toxic and he purposely didn't ask me because he doesn't want any of my toxicity on his event uh no no i think i responded to something where him and i have been chatting a week or so ago and it came up organically
Starting point is 00:44:37 i didn't like it's not like no it's not like that i'm not trying to get inside your head that stuff if if it was anyone else man my nose is red i feel like i look like humpty hump today um if it was anyone else you talk about no coincidences you don't think it's a little weird how many jr got right just a little just a little weird pirouette how the fuck did he come up with the pirouette, dude? Please. Please. Well, all right. So let's say you don't believe in coincidences.
Starting point is 00:45:10 What's next? Why? Why does he know so much? There's got to be a next step. You got to get deeper. Who's he know? Who's he know? So there's two ways here. Either you don't believe in coincidences,
Starting point is 00:45:23 and he's moving his way down the pipeline and you are merely a vessel for him to rocket ship into some sort of programming done at the level of CrossFit. You're the sounding board. Everyone heard him say it and now he's going to be moving his way into the CrossFit world or
Starting point is 00:45:39 maybe Adrian Bosman is just really easy to read. Castro wasn't. Wow. Okay, so you do believe in. So it's not a coincidence. It's just that JR has amazing analytical powers. Teddy said it right there.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's in 100 words. He literally just took fitness in hundred words and went to the roots and we're done with jr bring teddy and bring j we're done with jr no like if you were a betting man and you were in jr's position and you're looking at the entire thing and you're all right how is someone like bosman really going to kind of stick his foot in the ground and show that he's the real deal go to the roots It's something that maybe some people had forgotten about. Okay, Mr. Teddy Williams.
Starting point is 00:46:29 You're all fucking braggadocio and fucking cocky because you're Colton Merton's personal fucking video media guy. How the fuck would you explain the pegboards? Huh? Explain what about them?
Starting point is 00:46:44 That wasn't in a hundred words. JR even got the pegboards right. Will Plummer, hi. How we doing? I'm not having fun. I'm just loving on JR. It's called giving JR a lot of backhanded compliments. Yeah, I was going to say I think Hiller's right
Starting point is 00:47:00 with that. Boz is easier to read than Dave because, I mean... So JR isn't that special. Boz is just a read than Dave because I mean so JR isn't that special Boz is just a schlep and his brain's a fucking open book well I think he did his work he did his homework and he listened to all of varied not random because there's I mean you look through that
Starting point is 00:47:16 and that's just a glimpse into his mind about all the stuff yeah I did you did anyone hear anyone else say anywhere on planet earth there would be pirouettes or a a legless uh pegboard no not to my knowledge pretty good he's pretty impressive but if you look at high school gymnasiums forever,
Starting point is 00:47:45 no one even knew that you should be using your legs. That was like, Hey, how do you have the pegboard? Like you climb up the fricking thing. Hey, get up this pegboard. How would anybody do it?
Starting point is 00:47:56 Nobody would think to use their legs. Yeah, that's true. So that's maybe where you grabbed it from. Has anyone interviewed Emma Lawson yet? No, thanks. So that's maybe where he grabbed it from. Has anyone interviewed Emma Lawson yet? No. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:48:11 The Chaka? Will, what's up, buddy? What you need, boy? Well, I wanted to say thank you. I took your advice on, I forget which interview it was, but you were talking about Adam von Rossfelder, the owner of Strong Coffee. Yeah, good dude. And you said that you go into business with a dude with the last name von Rossfelder, and I ended up getting an internship working with them for Strong Coffee. Awesome. Did you ever met him yet?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, no, I worked with them at the game. Oh, awesome. Yeah, no, I worked with him at the game. Oh, awesome. Yeah, he's cool. So if you need coffee, let me know. Hiller, I think we got you a pretty good gift bag, two of stuff. What? I don't remember. Did we get you some free coffee when you were there?
Starting point is 00:48:59 When I was where? At the game. I never got coffee. I don't get shit ever. Well, we'll get you some coffee. How's that sound? I mean, I'll try it. I'll try anything.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Heidi just went nuclear on you. All my friends are vaxxed. All my friends are vaxxed. Damn, Heidi just went nuclear on you. Sorry, Will. What'd she say?
Starting point is 00:49:24 She said plumber's vax, sadly. Meaning that Emily and Maggie can't use your sperm. Yeah, and anyone that's still in the military has to be. Thank you for your service. Unfortunately, that... Fighting combat bag. That and then my very liberal university made it mandatory you're a good dude you're a good dude no shit yeah i don't know anything dude they all did
Starting point is 00:49:52 all those fucking schools did well in like the biggest part about it was at first they were only going to make student athletes do it so they made you choose between your sport and getting vaccinated and then they so they made boosters. They said that it was going to be required last year. And they said after like March 20th, basically they're like, there's going to be a disciplinary action if you don't get it. And they kept sending the emails. And then once the day came around, they never sent any email.
Starting point is 00:50:23 So I didn't get boosted. And then at the end of the semester, after they said it was required for everyone, they changed their policy back to basically saying that it wasn't required. So now boosters aren't required. Hey, look at Jack Buchanan says, not West Virginia University. Yeah, that's because there is no university in West Virginia. What the fuck are you talking about? A school in West Virginia University. Yeah, that's because there is no university in West Virginia. What the fuck are you talking about? A school in West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:50:49 That's all notes to me. For those of you who are not from the United States, West Virginia is our state where they don't even have running clean water or electricity yet. They just have meth. Yeah, they just have meth and rocks and sticks. Is meth a performance enhancing drug? Yes. I heard a lot this weekend that yes,
Starting point is 00:51:10 meth is a performance enhancing drug. Holy shit. Did I hear some stuff about that? Was I part of those conversations? Because I don't even remember. You were there. You weren't the one telling me, but you were there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:24 All right, Will. Thank you, buddy. Yeah. Have a good night, guys. Love. Congrats on the new internship. Those guys are good at that coffee joint. Dude, they really just made people get vaccines at college. Yeah, tons of people. Tons and tons and tons. Tons of people. I dropped out. Tons of people. Tons and tons and tons. Tons of people.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I had a buddy who was pretty high up in McDonald's, and he was like the most anti-vax person you would have ever met in your life. And he had to get it or he was going to lose his job, and he went straight sad. So depressed. Hey, how about the dude Royce Dunn? How about the dude Royce Dunn couldn't come to the United States and be on the demo team because he wasn't juiced up, backstabbed?
Starting point is 00:52:09 I don't think I've ever really talked about it like this before, but imagine two years from now. I mean, even we're seeing it right now, right? CDC said something along the lines of vaccination versus unvaccination. You're just the same people now. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Now imagine two years from now. But you're not the same people unfortunately no no you tell me about that what do you got well it's not a coincidence that the only two people in the history of the fucking crossfit games who've gotten a blood clot were this year and both from canada that's not that's not a coincidence oh but seven you're wearing a tinfoil hat. Fuck, I don't care what you say I'm wearing. Was it you that I was talking about, about births that are just kind of all going wrong as well? Birthing issues? Yeah. Or like premature births and miscarriages and stuff?
Starting point is 00:52:57 Yeah. You got to have this ā€“ You know that all. You open up my world. I don't look into this stuff. You do. You just have it sent to you at this point. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I don't want to upset anyone in the youtube comments just kidding i don't care
Starting point is 00:53:08 what you guys think um but i do want to ask you about this if i understood this correctly is it true that the unvaccinated athletes did better based on your video no no what i want to ask you is were you really only off if you ranked all the athletes based on their instagram followers yeah this is a good video right and were you telling if did i understand that right that you were only off 2.46 places for the women on average dude that's fucking incredible dude well i tried to like bring it back a little bit the other way saying that because the programming was so different that it would have been by stand by hold that thought stand by sorry what's wrong with the canadian vaccines nothing nothing frederick that isn't it amazing
Starting point is 00:53:58 i don't even know how you went there but nothing is wrong with the canadian vaccines okay go on sorry yes yes tell me how did you do this? It was just Instagram followers. And when I made it the first time, I knew it was going to be an awesome video because as you're watching the video, the thought process that I want to put people through would have been, wait a minute. That's a, I mean, it's weird, but I can see it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:54:20 And then I was, I was talking a little bit. It's like, all right, this guy's lost his fucking mind. By the time that hits you, then I say it's Instagram followers. But as I was looking at it, like, okay, you could probably see Brooke Wells finishing up at the top somewhere, which is also where she finishes in relation to her followers. And the really eerie part were the people that I had nailed. Like, I believe it was your girl, Sydney Mc micklelish and i had like spot on like she finished 31st and she was also over the 40 the 31st in instagram followers so those are you
Starting point is 00:54:51 vigno you hit 25th and 25th correct yeah i think i had the same number of direct hits that brian had on his list and i was just instagram followers it's fucking amazing well it's amazing but also i i always try to go both sides of it so yes it's amazing but also you figure the better you are the more screen time you get the more people see you the more people follow you the more sponsors you get the more followers it's a circle right so i mean it's crazy even the men even the men being off 6.6 is is it's kind of remarkable uh 6.6 from being incredibly accurate right like that was under one it being that i just had the perfect list in my opinion you're like one place off in general of course the whole thing and six like isn't that bad and really like of course like justin i would have
Starting point is 00:55:45 picked him to win and he finished fifth and there were a couple people that were really far off but it at the very least awesome i'll do that every year i'm still doing these videos which i think i will be every year it's like hey here's my instagram followers list um yeah i'm very curious how it's going to be next year the problem is going to be well we'll get uh i mean if sarah sigman's daughter would have been there she probably would have finished last of the games but she would have been had the most how dare you sorry sorry sorry she finished somewhere in the middle sorry um uh uh so you talk about coincidence it's not that's the whole thing it's not a coincidence and uh frederick the country of canada first of all your leader has said some of the most
Starting point is 00:56:33 outlandish shit ever said i mean it is honestly hitler-esque it is fucking scary the shit he said he's tried to segregate your company your company your country the the divisive shit that's come out of his mouth the way he spoke about people who don't want to get vaccinated basically saying that they're racist and sexist and just and just like there's some fucking connection there is a fucking nuts it basically shows how racist and sexist he is, and I could go on to it ad nauseum. But the country is a socialist country, and at its core, it's a ā€“ and I'm overgeneralizing. You're a group of ankle grabbers. You will ā€“ it's kind of like let's just not disturb. You guys have tall poppy syndrome there, and you guys don't want to disturb.
Starting point is 00:57:20 You guys aren't interested in the truth. You're interested in some sort of socialist experimentation. You don't believe in humanity as the best rising to the top. That's that's what's going on. No one can come into this country. Unless they're vaccinated, so we know both of them are vaccinated, but you can also tell you can just go to Emily's Rolf's Instagram and see she's been vaccinated. Go to Emily's, Rolf's Instagram and see she's been vaccinated. But the likeliness of a Canadian not only being vaccinated but boosted to the max and following all the protocols and doing the least amount of research is ā€“ that's your country.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And a huge chunk of Europe actually got a real vaccine. They didn't do the mRNA shit that the United States and Canada did. They got a real vaccine, I believe. No one knows for sure. Has anyone ever heard follow the money? People have their fucking minds about...
Starting point is 00:58:22 Keep going, sorry. And this person says someone else said seven xenophobic against canadians that's like saying i'm um uh anti spider because i don't like the brown recluse like dude that's like i'm saying like if i tell you that i think ferrari owners speed more than sienna owners you think like i'm anti-ferrari you use you use a word like xenophobic it's so loaded and derogatory it's not even true it's not even true it has nothing to do with the land you're on it has nothing to do with the land you're on it has to do with the fact of fucking your Canadian politics there and the way
Starting point is 00:59:05 your people have been raised and what you guys, the experiment, the social experiment you're running there. I get it. We're running social experiment here. Uganda's running one. China's running one. India's running one. Everyone's running a social experiment. I get it, but don't act like it's, it's like xenophobia. It's crazy. That's woke. That's woke ism what you're doing now what punk bitch i'm sorry that was all in relation to that
Starting point is 00:59:31 canadian comment right someone got a smarty pants on thank you um i am canadian i had my job threatened if i did not get back by the way my job was here we go here we go hello great state of colorado where mushrooms and pot are legal i don't know if that's a good idea but i'm interested to see how it plays out for you guys hi hello i was just wondering if you had any thoughts on that jokovic not being able to enter the country because he's not vaccinated completely fucking idiotic and it's racist you know who suffers from jokovic not coming to this country all the fucking puerto ricans that we're gonna fucking sell popcorn and drinks at the fucking u.s open all the fucking minorities that hang out the
Starting point is 01:00:16 stadium selling fucking t-shirts and shit like that once again totally agree those are the people getting fucked. Not me. Yeah, it's fucking idiocy. It's all, and I don't really think that by the way, but I don't actually, but if I was woke or on the left, that's what I would be saying. You know what I mean? That I'm using their logic. Like Djokovic is a massive draw and you don't let him come to the country. So fucking all the mom and pop stores in the area can't sell fucking
Starting point is 01:00:46 knock off US Open merchandise where does US Open happen is it New York yeah Flushing Meadows just fucks the Puerto Ricans your boys love watching tennis tennis turned on and they're like stuck at it
Starting point is 01:01:01 the only thing they like better is their hiller that's right um they liked alexis too if you go to the bad babysitter i like that yeah yeah i bet you did you're hey alexis you're the bad babysitter i'm like what do you think about them not letting djokovic in terrible yeah it's disgusting also I think the CDC is going to change the rule right after the U.S. Open to allow people in just to fight him. Hey, do tennis players take steroids? What do they take?
Starting point is 01:01:38 Those guys are fucking skinny. I think they'd probably take more like what Lance Armstrong and stuff would take. Right. Some kind of endurance drug. Yeah. Someone said, probably our cost says it's disgraceful and embarrassing. I totally agree. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:01:57 It's embarrassing that there's people in our... Andrew Long, that's good. In our midst that think that it's okay i kind of know i met i have a bunch of i had a bunch of friends visit today and we were talking and we were talking about our friends our mutual friends who are afraid who got the vaccine and who didn't and it's it's just textbook it's just it's just gonna suck to say this this blatantly i guess but it's just that fat ones it's just the obese people the unhealthy ones the ones that smoke they're all the ones who who were for it but i just wish that they could
Starting point is 01:02:31 have just been cool and been like yeah i'm fat yeah i smoke i'm taking it but instead they start that rhetoric like that we're selfish i'm fucking selfish because when hillar comes to town we all go out of our way to work out an hour or two every day like fuck that but do you know the last big name tennis player to get busted for drugs and what it was for no do you yeah richard gascade you know who that is no i'll look him up though i was yeah he's a french french guy what for cocaine do you know how he got out of it? Wow. How? He shared it. So there's this big tournament in Miami every year. It's called Masters 1000.
Starting point is 01:03:13 It's called like the fifth slam. He was out at the club partying and he said he kissed a girl who had cocaine on her lips. And he only got a two-year sentence instead of a, or maybe it was just a one year instead of a two year. Wow. Yeah, I see it here i see it richard richard gas gate test positive for cocaine based on a kiss yeah i mean think how far we've come do you remember when clinton said that he didn't inhale and everyone's like okay i mean it's just like, right. Uh, Hey, what do you think about this?
Starting point is 01:03:48 What do you think about this? What do you think about him? Um, uh, what do you think about a, a president of the United States? Um, putting a cigar in a white house intern who's 18 years old. Is that cool?
Starting point is 01:04:00 Is that okay? Since she's 18, what do you mean? Or 20? I would say morally morally it's not very good but the guy wants to do what he wants to do and she left him um she she she was an intern he was in a place of power and he has a yeah and he has a daughter and a wife yeah it's weird right yeah he's not a good person but do you know do you know um why the
Starting point is 01:04:27 president united states isn't supposed to do that kind of stuff be like fucking 18 year old girls are just cheating on his wife is because it compromises the security of the entire nation definitely because then they can be like hey you need to sell um fucking uh venezuela fucking suitcase nuke or we're gonna tell the whole country you fucking banged a 19 year old. You never thought that, right? That's crazy, right? Blackmail. That's why our fucking president should look like Gandhi. It should be a fucking packy
Starting point is 01:04:54 in a fucking robe who sleeps on the lawn of the White House. Are you saying you should be president? Yeah, yeah. I'm an Armenian but I'm close enough to a packy and I should sit in. I'll sit in Lotus position and live on the fucking front lawn in a fucking robe. And I won't wear underwear and everyone can see my intentions and all my angles.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I'm serious. I know people are like, that's fucking crazy. No, I'm serious. No, no. It's a. The president of the United States should be. Should be allowed to be investing in Bitcoin or investing in fucking anything. Shouldn't have any bad laundry,
Starting point is 01:05:28 so he can't be blackmailed. That'd be the ideal president for sure. Everybody at that level's got dirty laundry. Yeah, you have to to get there. How about this Canadian fucking stuff? Keanu Reeves should be president. That's what I think. He's got no dirty laundry.
Starting point is 01:05:41 He's a good dude. Look it, Gravitron33, this is the Canadian dude. He just fucked no dirty laundry. He's a good dude. Look it. Gravitron 33. This is the Canadian dude. He just fucked me up back. Your president is a corpse. Yeah. You win. You're right.
Starting point is 01:05:51 He is. True. True. All right, brother. Well, thank you. That was cool tennis facts. Oh, wait. One more.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Last tennis talk because I know your son plays, right? Has he graduated to a full-size racket yet? No. Not a kid's's racket but he got a nice 26 inch i can't remember but he's in the like they're starting to get expensive it's like a carbon racket and it was like i want to say 159 dollars the wilson clash is that what he's using the clash oh maybe it is you know that it's a black one. It's pretty. Black of orange on it. Yes. Wow. Wow. Yeah, I know all about racket.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Wow. I actually have a racket company. I could send him one if he wants to use it. Oh, shit. Hey, have we talked before? You're a coach. Yes, I am a coach. Yeah, we have talked before. Wow. Yeah. Can you email me and then i'll share and then i'll send you my real phone number and we can just take you to anybody's yeah your email on your like rackets that's the red that you'd save me a lot of money i got three kids and my wife plays now too and she needed a i can send her a racket i already already fucking bought her $259 racket. I use a fucking $23 racket.
Starting point is 01:07:08 From Kmart? Just the cheapest one I could find on Amazon that's adult size. And it looks like an adult size racket looks huge next to me. Like when I'm holding the racket, I look like it's fucking ridiculous. You need a 26-inch racket too? It's like how my penis looks on me. It's just ridiculous. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Can I find your email on your Instagram? Um, seven Matosian at Gmail. Okay, perfect. Don't email me. Pretend like you didn't hear that. Cool.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Email you. See, we can do some rackets and you can talk about them. You're a good dude. Of course. All right. Nice talking to y'all. bye bye bye bye i gotta point tennis so i can talk to you with these people he kissed that guy said he kissed a girl and got the coke uh it's like the emily abbott story yeah that's where she got the uh i think it was i beat him more and mk677 the growth hormone precursor.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Do you believe it? She got it through kissing her husband or something like that, right? Okay, yeah, I'm not supposed to ask you any questions. I was going to ask you, do you believe her, but I'm not allowed to ask you that. Sorry. Strike that question. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't believe her.
Starting point is 01:08:17 What if you want to make a video on it later? What if you want to make a video? No, ask me questions because that one, like, there was a comment. It's like, hey, is Hillary going to make an editor on Seth on. It's like, no, no, that one won't get any likes. I'm like, you guys see right through me. Emily Abbott, whatever. That's so five years ago.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Ask me all the questions about that. Okay, so do you think she got it from kissing? No. Do you think she ate it or shot it up or rubbed it on her it's a sublingual under the tongue oh well that okay that's why she used the kissing as the reason yeah i think other people were speculating that it came through uh something else no that was a different athlete that was the asian girl from berkeley she actually said it came from semen john hi got it okay hey how's it going see hillar i do remember some shit when it's around semen good man you saved my life right there because otherwise everyone would be like
Starting point is 01:09:16 andrew said it was from this i think seven saved my life go ahead caller do your thing hey how's it going good um hey i have a t-shirt idea for you hillar let's hear it you know how yeah you know how rogue uh with uh josh bridges they did like his hat and his like facial hair that's good you should do that you should do, but with your eyebrows and your facial hair. Just eyebrows and a goatee. This is coming in a little bit. Hey, did my kids say anything to you about your eyes? Although they're looking awfully symmetrical tonight. No, no, they're not. Never mind.
Starting point is 01:09:57 You should have one eye that's like half closed too, don't you think? Yeah, definitely. There's a actor like that i i've got a legit uh question for you guys regarding testosterone replacement therapy um i i'm 22 years old i'm working at being i'd say more athletic more fit um i got blood work then i have my testosterone number and it's low and i want to know like what is it it's 377 yeah and my doctor didn't give me like i i have a personal home doctor, my family does, and he didn't give me like any recommendations for testosterone replacement therapy. That was going to be followed up, never followed up.
Starting point is 01:10:53 And I want to know. I did. And he wasn't, he's a naturopath doctor and he's not necessarily for that stuff i'd say um keep going but i i i want to know cost versus outcome like if uh how's your head how's your head space good question you mean how's my head like are you like when you get up in the morning you good dude like you wake up and you're like fuck yeah let's party i can't wait to see that chick in my ochem class oh fuck i love my fucking car even though it's got a dent in it this life's good yeah i i mean yes i i i am that way however i feel like i'm oftentimes in a fog is that like yep that's a low t i mean it could be low t it could be any number of things it's a symptom
Starting point is 01:11:41 though i'm not saying it's exclusive but basically like i have aspirations to someday be a pro athlete and especially in the crossroad world is the testosterone replacement therapy going to inhibit and cancel that sort of future did you listen to the beginning of this show? Because no one knows your name right now. I did not. The beginning of this show says that there's a little chunk in there where I'm considering doing it, and I would not be doing the open because of it. I think I should do the open, but I don't think you're supposed to. You're not supposed to. The answer is if you're going to do this, I do not recommend it for the purpose of becoming a professional athlete
Starting point is 01:12:25 unless you're going to go the route which is trying to skirt the system which i'm also not recommending but people do why aren't you recommending that skirting the system because i'm not going to recommend people cheat you crazy okay fine oh okay so i i did do that part i wasn't sure if that was the beginning of the show and what came to mind uh did you guys ever watch the netflix uh documentary icarus yes sir that's where they that i mean that's pretty rudimentary basically they just steal the glass bottles break them open and change the his butt. I can't believe it's so just fucking old school. It's like 1542 fucking shit. It's insane.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Yeah. How good are you right now at CrossFit? Like, what would you say your fitness is? Where'd you finish in the Open last year? Did you make the quarterfinals? Are you in semifinals? No, I... No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:13:20 I'm like 50th percentile. I'm nothing. And I want to get better. Like, my goals are five, no, no. I I'm like, I'm like 50th percentile. I'm nothing like, and I, and I want to get better. Like my, my goals are five, seven years out. Um, and I, you know, I can, I can do most gymnastics movements. Like I can do ring muscle ups, no problem. However, it's like going to be like a 30 second break between each one. So like I'm, I'm intermediate, i would say like just as far as my skill level my and all the things i want to get better at i'm wondering if
Starting point is 01:13:51 testosterone will help and improve that testosterone will help and improve everything especially if you're as low as you are the thing is that you're 22 years old and you got to do it the rest of your life if you start conference outcome is it worth it if there's studies done saying that like let's say you do trt for a decade when you're 22 and you want to stop when you're 32 and you want to have kids you can do all of the ancillaries and get yourself in a position where you can then have kids but you're so young where there are a lot of other things you could do and i know i read sleep in the comment section is a big one your diet you could play with some things to try to bump it up naturally and of course of let's say seven years down the road you're in a position to go to the crossfit
Starting point is 01:14:33 games you've been on testosterone for seven years you stop taking it your body's gonna plummet you're gonna be dog shit when you come off of it so twice a week for the rest of your life that's the only way for the rest of your life that's the only for the rest of your life that's the question you're playing how often do women have to like take care of shit like what like i shouldn't say have to but i just think of it as like waxing your like i guess you have to brush your teeth i brush my teeth three every time after i'm done eating maybe sometimes i brush my teeth five times a day but i just it seems like a lot to be responsible for i can't even get a haircut it just seems like a lot to be responsible for if you just start at 22 and do for
Starting point is 01:15:12 fucking 20 years i tell you what though it sure the fuck sounds fun what's that getting on testosterone replacement therapy so i believe it's about 200 bucks a month and if it's going to improve your life in every single way it's 100 worth it because if you are spending that you'll probably end up making more money somewhere else to counter that and then some the thing is you're 22 you don't even know you don't even know what you want. I'm 30 and I'm sitting here and I'm like, if I start now, I'm going to be doing it forever. And it's something that I thought about a lot. So think about it a lot.
Starting point is 01:15:59 The fog, it could be something else, but it very well could be the low testosterone. I just don't know very much about you. Haley, Heidi says that you should need to have more sex. I'm a virgin. So I don't know. I might, that might answer the question. Hey,
Starting point is 01:16:15 what's the longest you go without ejaculating? That's a pretty personal question there. Would you ever, do you ever go like three weeks? Yeah. Wow. That's hardcore. That that is hardcore is that my issue no i don't think so i think that just shows amazing discipline i always like i don't have any issue with that i just wanted for the record i don't have any issue lowest hanging fruit answer says try that first you'll have it's a hey how do you know how have you gone three weeks without ejaculating do you
Starting point is 01:16:47 have like a method like if you if you want to rub one out you just jump out of bed uh i i would say i mean it's been a while since it's been like a three week uh break period i would say so i mean yeah but it came from more so like i don't want to do this anymore like moral uh church background i guess yeah that takes some fucking crazy willpower good on you i don't know if i agree with the moral part i'm not sure i understand that part but i'm always impressed by feats of willpower sure at 22 yeah try some shit out get your blood work done again and again and see if the shit works and if it doesn't work then readdress the question is my recommendation so try like just all all the basic things that might get rid of the sugar that that whole spiel stop calling it and ruining our commercial we're
Starting point is 01:17:42 supposed to tell you if you're feeling frisky, go jerk off. But I'm not telling you. Okay. Hey, are you getting married? If that all fails, of course, yeah. California hormones totally give it a shot. But it's for the rest of your life. Hey, are you getting married soon?
Starting point is 01:17:58 I'm not, no. I'm single. That's a good one. I think that's a good one. Is that a ā€“ does that make you a high-value target for Christian women since you're ā€“ because of your ā€“ Are you assuming I'm Christian? Sorry. Yeah, I was assuming. Are you assuming I'm Christian? Sorry, yeah, I was assuming.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Because of your, well, shit, even if you're not Christian, does that make you a high-value target for a certain demographic of women? Is it ego if I say yes? No, no, not if it's true. Not if you're just like, not if like, you know, my, my son's seven and he does one arm pushups to impress people. But I'm just wondering, like, if women find out, like, if you go to church and there's a buzz about you because you're a virgin and all of a sudden you're a high value target, like chicks are trying to get you. Sure. I mean, I'd say like where I'm at location wise and my age group, like most guys my age are douchebags. I'm in Austin, so we've got all the college station and UT.
Starting point is 01:19:11 I don't know. I feel like I'm a high-value target. What's your diet like? Are you a vegan? No. Hell no. He was about to fuck you up. Good answer. Good answer.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Just curious. I can see was about to fuck you up. Good answer. You're lying. Good answer. Just curious. I can see. Hillary started salivating. You want to know my diet? Yeah. More than that. I mean, I eat a lot of, I'd say about three times a week. I eat red meat.
Starting point is 01:19:40 I eat a lot of chicken. I'm a sucker for hamburgers, though. And that kind of stuff, like late night McDonald's. I eat a lot of chicken. Um, I, I'm a sucker for hamburgers though. And, um, that kind of stuff, like late night McDonald's, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:50 I'm hungry. Do you do the shake? Do you do the shake? No, I don't. Unless it's in and out, then I'll grab a shake. I kind of wanted to go to McDonald's with Hiller and just have like a,
Starting point is 01:20:00 just a cheeseburger. Oh, uh, double is like two2.89. Yeah. They used to be on the dollar menu. Fuckers. I just wanted to just say we did it.
Starting point is 01:20:10 There's nothing on the dollar menu. It would be kind of like we both did something like we shouldn't have done in our friendships around it. Like, okay, we ate at McDonald's together. Don't tell anyone. Let's see if, you know what I mean? Like I want it to like, it to be something like really naughty we did together. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:24 I want to have like a secret. Hey, you did some naughty shit easy but okay thank you for calling thank you for calling tell me tell me if you lose your virginity call back bye don't worry i'm not gonna tell damn it hillar what nothing i want to show you this we don't you you you think that possibly emily abbott might not be telling the truth but look at this this is a two-year-old showed signs of puberty after he was exposed to his dad's testosterone gel he developed pubic hair and his weight was off the charts um barnard barnaby brownsville developed a sizable penis and pubic hair at the age of two doctors told his family it was because of prolonged exposure
Starting point is 01:21:16 to his father's testosterone so imagine if you're a dad and you rub that shit on your stomach or if you're a woman and you put whatever they fucking rub on themselves, their gel, some vag cream of some sorts. That kid is so fucked up. That's what I was thinking too. But that could easily happen because my kid sits like ā€“ even today at the beach, my kid got out of the water and he's freezing cold. And I come and hold him and we lay each other chest to chest. And if I would have had fucking juice cream on me, my kid would have a fucking giant penis and fucking armpit hair.
Starting point is 01:21:54 So you do think that kid's fucked up? Like that's going to set him back? That kid's fucked, dude. It's so fucked up. I mean, you get one shot and you go through puberty. The biggest thing, like the biggest level. Oh, that's what you think happened? You think it sped up his onset puberty?
Starting point is 01:22:11 No, I mean, it's just going to. You think he's shooting loads? You think he's shooting loads? You think that that kid ejaculated? Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I mean, that's what happens when you go through puberty, right?
Starting point is 01:22:21 You just shitload of testosterone into the male body. Oh, my God. what happens when you go through puberty right you just a shitload of testosterone into the male body and then you start to develop like facial hair and your dick gets bigger and you grow muscles and bone density gets it's all it's it's everything you've ever read about what testosterone does that's what happens when you go through puberty as a male look at father's deeper adam's apple this guy says that guy's father the difference between between this child and Emily Abbott is that she was a professional athlete. And you don't think that a professional athlete is going to take that sort of shit into account. If she doesn't,
Starting point is 01:22:53 then, uh, Hey dude, if you don't know your boyfriend, if you don't know your boyfriend's taking the shit and he's got it under his tongue and you're in your French, you're open mouth kissing them. Some people do that.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Some people kiss and they, they do that French kiss where they swirl the tongues around each other. Some people. Silly gooses. We're all abstinent on this podcast. When you closed
Starting point is 01:23:20 your gym CrossFit Alpha dog, how long had it been open? I didn't close it it's still open i sold my stake in it okay um you did it actually opened without me as well so it opened in 2013 and i became co-owner in 2014 oh wow okay um and uh so at crossfit alpha dog at one point you sent out a survey and there's a video of this on your on the hill or, at one point you sent out a survey, and there's a video of this on the Hiller Fit YouTube station. You sent out a survey, and you sent it out to 3,000 people. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:23:54 And that survey was ā€“ those 3,000 people were all people who had at one point been to your gym and filled out a waiver. Yep, through Wodify. That's crazy that you had 3, you've had 3 000 people in that gym uh through would have been six and a half or seven years at that point yeah that's fucking nuts oh you know what's nuts is the thing and i made a post on my instagram about this not long ago but i remember i had a thousand views on a video in a day and i was like i don't even know if i've seen 3 000 people in the affiliate the whole time i was there but right now you're telling me that i had but still when a video gets like 30 000 views it's like all i want to do is talk to
Starting point is 01:24:35 more people about some shit and i just get to do it quicker and easier that's why the youtube thing thing is so cool to me yeah it's it's um so you sent out that you sent out that um survey you got the answers back and then you made a video addressing those 3 000 people i wanted to but i couldn't pull the trigger on that oh that's the first time it's ever been seen it's never been seen okay sorry okay it was sitting on my laptop and I saw it when I was at the games editing on the laptop. I'm like, holy shit, I still have this. I'm like, this will be cool. Was it cool?
Starting point is 01:25:12 You did look older. You look like a messed out version of yourself. You look fucking laid out. Was that fucked up? It was so bad. I have it in my notes. Messed out Hiller. Messed out Hiller.
Starting point is 01:25:22 I haven't done Alexis, but I was like, dude, I don't know how you put up with that shit. I look like hell. And you wanted your gym to be a happy place. I wanted to make everybody happy. I wanted to make, yeah, and it was impossible. For a long time, it was awesome. And then COVID made it impossible.
Starting point is 01:25:43 You couldn't please everybody. Uh, Hiller, will you work out with me in the morning? I think your, your wife's going to bed. Uh, no, I will be sleeping in and then I got a client. Do you want to make everyone happy? Yes. Uh, your wife wants to work out with her. No, no, no, no. I have a client in the morning. Fuck. Fuck. No, no, no. I have a client in the morning. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Okay. And so, and so did you, do you think you've turned a corner in your videos? Like you've realized like, fuck, they put Jesus on the cross. He couldn't make member, a really good friend of mine, actually reach out and he goes, I'm happy that you're no longer putting yourself through that because he was a member through 14 and all the way until I sold my stake. And then some, he stayed for a little bit and he saw like the progression. He goes goes this is just very cool and i responded with if it weren't for that this stuff wouldn't be possible i wouldn't be able to like sit there and like read reddit posts and go all right well can't make everyone happy or hear people like say shit about me that isn't true they don't fucking know me so there's a is there a moment when you became liberated like is there a moment where you're like okay fuck it i just i i i the first video i made the one you hated so much it's almost got a hundred
Starting point is 01:27:17 thousand views at this point i'm like i'm just gonna put this on the internet and see what happens because i want to say it but i was so afraid right i was so scared and so you you you make that video and and it's like okay um do you do you reach some sort of like peace with yourself like i don't care what people think or i do care what people think but there's still just nothing i can do about it. Or what is the, and do you ever feel it come creeping back as you get more popularity? Ebbs and flows. Yeah. Um, but in general, every day I do something and say something and believe it or not, I mean, Alexis is my sounding board.
Starting point is 01:28:02 She hears every thought that I've ever got. She goes, put out that Tia Toomey, Natty or Not video you've been wanting to do. I'm like, I don't know. Then I did it. I'm like, okay, it's out. It's good. It feels good. The more stuff that happens like that, the more free it gets.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Who knows what the fuck else should come out of that? What do you guys want i know that makes me nervous when you ask what people want why i don't know fuck what they want hey hey you gotta give the people what they want seven you know this is i've said that before too to me it's i was obsessed with video games growing up and to me i'm just like plugging away and i'm trying to figure out how to like climb the leaderboard. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:28:52 Yeah. I mean, like part of me gets that. Everyone's like, who just wants more views? It's like, no fucking shit. It's YouTube. Yeah. Are you out of your fucking mind? Right.
Starting point is 01:29:00 You're going to talk shit about the fact that I'm trying to get views on a YouTube video? The part that's really endearing about you is the fact that i'm trying to get well youtube video the part that's really endearing about you is the fact that you just say that i think that's where you and i align the strongest we just lean into shit your eyebrows are strange i know isn't that a trip like look i'm gonna make it now i'm gonna make a t-shirt that you guys are all gonna buy that has my eyebrows on it yeah that's cool thank god thank god my eyebrows are fucking so unique uh i hope alexis gave you a bj for putting out the tia video how dare you talk to him like that his girlfriend's listening his wife fiance fiance and i hope she responds with yes yes i did
Starting point is 01:29:40 what would what do i have here in my notes there was one oh you made a video about with nicole carroll about how cool that was you got to meet her that was cool and biggest thing about that video and i want to say this many times as possible is that i met so many people that it was like alexis she did it. Yes, I did. Alexis, I hope your mom's not watching. That's the bad babysitter right there. Yes. She was walking over to Susan and I.
Starting point is 01:30:15 We were just kind of like decompressing over in a corner. And she was walking over. I'm like, oh, she looks familiar. And she walks up. We stand up. I'm like, hey, how are you? She goes, hi, I'm Nicole. I'm like, oh, Nicole.
Starting point is 01:30:26 And I felt like such a dickhead because I'm like, Ile carol i should be like running over to nicole carol but after that what go ahead after that i mean it was just an awesome conversation and the coolest part of that conversation is when suza erupts he goes like he's so smart he said he had some stuff to say to her and it was all good stuff like i don't know if anyone knows this or if he said it on here, but he was doing what I'm doing before I was doing it. He was talking about the things that need to be heard at the level of the affiliate, and maybe I talk a little bit more games, but he's very well-versed in the level of the affiliate,
Starting point is 01:31:01 and he's very passionate about it. I'm sure you know that. I don't know if anyone knows that. He's crazy and um and he's not a hater at all no like like like i mean he wants the best it's kind of like that guy the guy we talked about who made the the the the video earlier about the game bagging on the games a little bit um that guy's that guy's he's not inside the fence suze is inside the fence hiller's inside the fence hillar's inside the fence you guys are like it's your family you're talking about he has a shitload of ideas suza does he yeah he this is gonna be so weird to say but he'd actually be a
Starting point is 01:31:37 could be the ceo of crossfit like damn right yeah oh he's smart too the way he got awesome yeah he gives a fuck and he's a smart. The way he got his affiliates run, awesome. Yeah, he gives a fuck. And he's a smart man. He got a lot of shit going on upstairs and he has a lot of ideas that he would love to implement. When you met Nicole, there is a kind of a superstar quality about her. Did you think that? No, no, because the superstars I i bet aren't that cool uh i guess what i mean is um she's too cool yeah there's but she has crazy presence i just whenever i would see her walk she commands like a i don't know i feel like she's a superstar. She commands presence. I'm not good at that. Alexis will always say like,
Starting point is 01:32:31 I could walk up to anybody and it doesn't matter who they are. Have you met Rich Froning? Yeah. Did you think that he commanded that he had good presence? No. Oh, no. Cause I get that from him too. Like he, when he, he's just so fucking present. What is the word you use? Swoon present. What is the word you use? Swooning. What is the word you use?
Starting point is 01:32:47 Yeah. Swooning. Like when you were swooning around Nicole. No, no, I don't really do that. Everyone, everyone's the same to me. Like I'll, I'll like, I don't know. Did I do that with you? I think so.
Starting point is 01:33:03 All right. Next question. Oh my goodness no i generally think that i just i want to meet somebody and then they can go one of two ways and they can either get better and better and better and better or i you i meet you and you put yourself back a step but it's not like oh it's rich froney i'm expecting so much and here we go and you're commanding the room it's a come to me m m is the wife of the caller from earlier maggie and m alexis is uh that's like something a vampire would say come to me come to me my my lovely come bring your blood to me if you were to wrestle hunter you don't see why i would be kind of afraid it's like two big slabs of meat the size of your erection no not my i'm always afraid from losing all the blood in your head and you pass out uh you guys would um it would be
Starting point is 01:34:00 dangerous it would have been dangerous there wouldn't have been an area that would have been and i wouldn't have wanted to do it in the sand because i'm a pussy i hate like sand in my eyes and ears and shit yeah that's why he'd win too and and i wonder like would you guys feel each other out to see like if you're all both going to go 100 or would you guys just do there's no bit of hunter that is anything less than 100%. Like, we started to, like, mess around with your boys and doing gymnastic stuff, and he just did a backflip, and all right, we were doing this. But I'm like, fuck, I can't do a backflip. I'm like, he wins. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:36 But he starts off hot. Yeah. Bruce Wayne, fuck that. Wrestling is the worst. Sand in the Wang is always wrong i mean it would have been it just would have been a lot it's a lot it's a lot of it's a lot you're both big dudes it would be a lot of fucking meat and it would be it would make me really uncomfortable i would be like oh fuck someone's gonna get hurt there's there's i got these buddies that i've
Starting point is 01:34:59 known my entire life and we played pool basketball and that sort of shit we'd be throwing elbows and people's faces and chins would be bleeding and people would have cuts on everything and bruises come out of it and there was one instance where somebody just started splashing at me and i was like stop splashing me and they'll never let me forget that because i just hate the stupidest shit like sand in random spots or like water being thrown at me lightly but he would have taken me down to the sand because uh him kicking sand at me he would kick sand i'd be like god damn it stop it hunter i would i would rather take a knife to my gut than throw sand at me i was in the bedroom at my mom's house and i was in there with this dude named tra Bajent, who was like, he was 300 pounds.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Like, yeah, he was like two, probably 96 at the time. And I was in there with, there was another dude in my room named John Brzenk. I know that name too. And John was probably like 225 at the time. He's the world's greatest, the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived. And they're crazy competitive and they were nemesises and we were in the my bedroom at my mom's house and we were recording some vo for an espn show that i had made i know it's fucking weird how big is your mom's room because
Starting point is 01:36:16 it was this it was a big it was my bedroom at my mom's house at the time was huge it was like as big as this living room that you were at where we did the show. Not huge, but it's a big, it's a big bedroom. It's a big bedroom. For some reason, I just imagined your mom having like a small room. No,
Starting point is 01:36:31 no, it was a big, big fucking house. Yeah. And it wasn't my mom's room. It was my bedroom at my mom's house. And, and I had my computer set up in there and we were doing a voiceover for
Starting point is 01:36:41 some ESPN shows. And they're sitting on the bed and we're waiting for like the computer to render something and they start kind of getting into it a little bit like pushing each other that you're like grabbing each other's hands and it fucking starts to turn into a fucking wrestling match and like there was no fucking way it wasn't gonna fucking destroy break my bed put a hole in the wall, knock the computer over, just fuck everything up. And yeah, you should watch that movie, Hiller. The movie's called Pooling John.
Starting point is 01:37:11 Yeah, it's on the list. But anyway, it was 500 pounds of dudes fucking wrestling my room. And I just like, Jesus, this is fucking not cool. This is not safe. So you guys are PTSD. Yeah, I yelled at him. It was probably like 150 pounds. I'm like, stop it, stop it. Stop splashing Yeah. I yelled at him. There's a price for like 150 pounds.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Like, stop it. Stop it. Stop splashing me. Boy, stop it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Alphas. Yeah. Just crazy alpha shit. No, there was no reason for it to get physical and it just escalated like fucking out of like in two seconds. And I was like, like dogs barking at each other.
Starting point is 01:37:42 I was like, what the fuck? Biggest letdown this weekend was Hunter's bubble guts. Oh, you mean the fact that he's this Superman, but he's got a bitch gut? He said that two weeks ago he ate some shit and his stomach was like descended and huge. And it's slowly making, he looked great, but he's slowly making his way back from shitting his brains out. It wasn't my first lgbtq plus experience it was just my first gb experience i didn't get to the l and the t and the q plus
Starting point is 01:38:13 oh i gotta tell you this comment section i gotta tell you a story about i went to the erotic exotic ball once not this show but it was fucking nuts it's it's a It's a ball that they do in San Francisco at Halloween. It used to be called the Hooker's Ball. And it's this giant fundraiser, and they give all the money to orphanages. But you could imagine what it's like on Halloween in San Francisco. I got a better idea for this weekend. Yeah, what? Nuts.
Starting point is 01:38:42 The joke all weekend was what? That I don't leave the garage yeah it's not far from the truth i only know what i know and now i know more like okay we were talking about the meth earlier right now it's a performance answer do you think we'll ever see each other again in person yeah you do you don't i don't know my uh. My friend asked me that today. Do you think you'll ever see him again? I'm like, I don't know if I'll ever see anyone. I can never.
Starting point is 01:39:10 I can't even ever believe. It's like you said, you're in your garage. I can't even believe I'm not at home. I can't believe I'm not at home right now. It's weird. You don't leave very much. I don't leave very much. Yeah, I've been everywhere already.
Starting point is 01:39:23 I don't want to go anywhere. I'm good. I'm good. You know what it's it's like been there done that well i figure i figure i'll see you again i don't know where california hormone games oh go though will you no i'll go to that i'll go to that because we'll do those at the ranch we'll set up the podcast there you know what we should do we should open an affiliate you me and susan it'll be the hub of the world at the ranch i wonder if you'll move to california you think you see yourself moving to california we talked about it alexis and i uh we don't have the money to move to california unlike whatever on our reddit fucking things i do but i i was looking at something that's something along the lines of if you make
Starting point is 01:40:11 a mil and a half a year you take home 700 000 of it and that doesn't include like your house and shit and taxes on the house like that doesn't seem any better than illinois and illinois is not the best no it's bad here it's bad stefan i didn't know you directed pulling john yeah i directed and filmed most of it and produced it um didn't know even if the credits say otherwise and um it was my idea and i went to fucking 10 countries and filmed it yeah and i went to uh sochi and uh filmed with alexi there i filmed with alexi in canada and i filmed with alexi maybe in warsaw poland he was a good dude he's a trip he's a trip he's like a real life vampire massive man massive massive massive man ended up winning the gold medal in the olympics for
Starting point is 01:41:05 bobsledding maybe or the silver and the silver medal in judo in olympics i mean he was a fucking real time he's the real deal all right um anything else andrew i appreciate you coming on doing this is cool i think i had something i don't know what it was oh are you gonna do another are you gonna direct anything ever again you talk about this and everyone talks so highly of them i'm gonna watch them and i try to call myself a movie buff and someone fucked me up the other day because i just like stupid ass movies so they're right but uh i mean not any time what would it be about you don't even know i i would like to do um there's you know i wrote a screenplay called five years to fornication it's the five years that i courted my wife before i drilled her
Starting point is 01:41:50 i mean made love to her and uh it would be a fucking amazing movie i like i like coming of age movies i like movies like the boy next door like it's caught like you know falls out his window while he's trying to watch the girl next door change like i liked it like you know or like a nat mean girls i fucking love oh fuck that was so good what's the other one it's like there's one that's just called the girl next door that's crazy there's so many dude that's one of my favorite movies yes my favorite scene that movie is when he goes up the guy with the tie and he just like wipes it with his hand i think that's so funny and i hated that i i can't stand any of seth rogan's movies i can't even believe they're so like i'm super bad and all that stuff is just
Starting point is 01:42:34 knocked up knocked up just garbage to me that's not the girl next door though what that's not the girl next door that's no no that's what i the girl next door. No, no. That's what I mean. There's these two kinds of comedies. I also would... I liked... I liked that movie, The Bowling Movie. Kingpin. Yes.
Starting point is 01:42:54 The guy without the hand. Movies that are so fucking outrageous, but for some reason I'm able to suspend my disbelief and go with it. That movie was just ridiculous. How do you feel about Napoleon Dynamite? Oh, loved it. Just loved it. You just went up another
Starting point is 01:43:09 notch. Napoleon Dynamite's the shit. Just loved it. Just like I'm able to... Dude, I did a presentation. I knew those characters. I knew those guys. What'd you say? I did this presentation in high school. Completely didn't give a shit about it, but I opened it with the entire monologue which is like last week japanese scientists
Starting point is 01:43:29 displaced placed explosive detonators in the bottom of lake loch ness to blow nessie out of the water and i knew the whole fucking thing you know that he's just standing in the classroom and i can do the whole thing i can quote it napoleon dynamite that's amazing and you did that performance at school yeah and it was it was for like a math project and look how proud you are go back and look at this video you're so that that's the hill or proud face dude i and when i was in high school i gave this presentation it was for an engineering class and you're supposed to create something that's going to change the world and whatever and and i opened it up with this lapointe dynamite scene and everyone's like where's you gonna go with this and then i texted everybody in my high school that i had the phone number
Starting point is 01:44:14 to and i'd go hey uh what is your opinion of the loch ness monster and i made this pie chart and everyone's like it's not real it is real and some people are like it's not made of butter it's like i don't want to see your Loch Ness monster and it was like a pie chart right i had like 300 responses from my high school and it was a 40 minute presentation our classes were like 40 minutes long wow and the teacher was like keep letting me go and it got around the school and then other classes i were in they're like hey can you give a locked ass monster presentation so I was in a math class or in a foods class and I was giving this locked ass monster presentation and it's funny because I ended up failing that class because it was the whole year like create something that you're going to like change the world with
Starting point is 01:44:59 so it kind of backfired your best work you got you got an F on. Yeah, they gave me an F. They're like, dude, this has nothing to do with the project. You get an F for the whole semester. I'm like, all right, I don't need it to graduate. But then I gave it in English and math and foods. And then the rest is history. I still have that. I should make a video on that. Yes, you should.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Seth Rogen's Canadian total is an F of a five. Damn it. Fine. I hate people just because they're from canada fine no not even from canada just that that land mass up there and you know what unfortunately alaskans do we need a vote for seven shirt like a vote for pedro shirt i don't even remember that that part of the movie vote for pedro it's the whole shirt man it's the whole thing at the end of the movie. Vote for Pedro? It's the whole shirt, man. It's the whole thing. At the end of the thing, he's trying to run for president against what's-her-face, that blonde cheerleader chick.
Starting point is 01:45:50 I have to watch the whole thing again. Yeah, Talladega Nights. I liked those movies. I can't do any of the Seth Rogen movies. You know which ones I did like, though? Who made The Wedding Crashers, those movies? That's Owen Wilson and the tall dude. But I mean the director and the writer of that is.
Starting point is 01:46:08 It's stuff you know. I don't know. I know the actors. John Lithgow. Judd Apatow. He's fucking great. At least likes it already. Vote for Seth on.
Starting point is 01:46:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And Seth Rogen is well. Vince Vaughn. All those movies, the swearing in him the kim jong-un movie was so dumb the interview is that what it was yeah but it's got one of the best lines ever in it they're they're standing there and it's like they're they quote lord of the rings somehow some way it comes out of nowhere and it just gets me do you watch those movies lord of the rings yeah i need to go back
Starting point is 01:46:46 and watch them again they're fantastic you mean alexis are gonna have a lord of the rings showing because i can't get her to watch it with me i can't do star wars yeah i don't like star wars either i watched all of them with my kids i was like this is the the dumbest shit ever i couldn't even i couldn't i just couldn't this is 40 is good that's paul rudd that's your kind of movie this is 40 you'd like that i do i watched. That's your kind of movie. This is 40. You'll like that. I do. I watched a 40 year old virgin.
Starting point is 01:47:08 I can't believe this has turned into a movie show. What the fuck is going on? I just didn't know you watched anything. Oh, this guy's fucking kicking my ass today. This Canadian guy, never going to say anything bad about Canadian. It can again,
Starting point is 01:47:21 Bruce Wayne, Harry Potter. I did not take you as a Harry Potter guy. So here's the problem with her. I watched one Harry Potterter and i liked it and i watched another one and like nothing happened it was three hours long and nothing happened i know exactly what you mean you probably watched the sorcerer's stone and then you watched the chamber of secrets i've read those books through like eight times you have yeah i would sit up and sit at the barnes and noble when they released the books and big harry potter fan game of thrones last season was the best season
Starting point is 01:47:51 you don't agree i was really disappointed with the way it ended this is a call. Let's see what they have to say. Hello? Hello? It's going to be a spam. Hello? I really like Game of Thrones, but I was really disappointed with the... They wrapped it up too fast. All of a sudden, the last two episodes, they just...
Starting point is 01:48:21 I don't know. Did you see that they're coming out with that new spin on the game of thrones yeah i the the the filming of it that looked weird the people looked weird i won't watch that because i i don't want to get wrapped up in any more stuff that i might possibly like it just oh right because you have videos to make yourself i i went back and watched the movie you ever see the movie wanted it's a movie i guarantee you haven't seen but it's really good is it with liam liam nelson no that's taken good nice though that one's good it's it's a different action movie with one word which had a lot of guns in it but 2008 uh action thriller morgan and joe lee yeah chris pratt the big thing is like the curve of the bullet that's the big thing in that movie
Starting point is 01:49:13 it's very good but i went back and watched it and it's i'll probably make a video and i'll have a whole bunch of see the comment section loves the movie wanted 342 million it made in the box office it was made 75 million to make is that good i mean fuck i it's just so risky right spend 75 million and just hope that you make fucking money back it's so yeah they got they got morgan freeman angelina jolie though man and then the movie here they said they were here they said they only made in another place it said it only made $134 million. And Angelina Jolie was paid $3 million to make it. Is that a lot to pay an actress?
Starting point is 01:49:51 I don't think so, but maybe in 2008. Not if you're in California. Remember, by the time you put money in your 401k and pay your taxes, half of it's gone. There's a comment here that's got big twists wad zombie he's right that if you're into like twisty movies and i don't know bruce wayne what's your favorite dinosaur velociraptor for real though and i love you man is a movie that i think you'd like a lot if you haven't seen it yet i love you man you know it reminds me of us i love you i'm not i'm not i'm not actively seeking out somebody that i need to stand up in my wedding oh but wait a second one of these fucking guys
Starting point is 01:50:37 one of these guys has fucking cancer right and i love you man yeah no oh okay fine then i'll take it if it reminds you of us that's good no one dies of cancer in this they're just like two goofy dudes and does anyone die of cancer or aids or anything no that's marley and me okay cool well then i'll take it what is this comment you pulled up i'm trying i don't know this guy i i just saw my name and i got excited i'm a fucking sucker for my name but but he wants me uh we don't have a boy name uh seven you know what i was thinking the other day i was thinking about there's a guy there's a guy who texts me i probably shouldn't tell you his name he's in the comments here sometimes and he's in the comments on youtube and his name is will and i don't know what his last name is but it starts with a t i i should
Starting point is 01:51:29 feel comfortable saying it because i've seen that name in the comments okay yeah because and today i actually thought about his name and there's something about his name that draws my attention to him his last name makes me think that he's smart you do know so you know his actual name well his name on youtube is will the bow or something t-h-i-b-e-a-u or something and i whenever i so maybe you want a name where people like it has clout will t i mean like look at these people's name in here. The first name that popped up in my head, I don't see him in here anymore, but James Townsend's got a great name.
Starting point is 01:52:10 That is a good name. Yeah, that's a fucking great name. How about this? Elise Carr-Redau. I mean, that's a fucking good name. Chris Birchfield. Jeremy Garcia. Nah, not so good.
Starting point is 01:52:24 Not so good. I mean, it's a beautiful name but he but but he's he's not he jeremy you're what what the fuck is it then that picture you didn't your avatar your profile pic used to be a picture of you with your shirt off what happened you hate me david smith like that's a realtor i love you man is badass like david smith's a realtor you know all these people i mean Are they looking for a female name? I mean, Jeremy Garcia's a good name, but he's like your P.E. teacher, Mr. Garcia. That seems like someone's dead.
Starting point is 01:52:53 Seth Duvall, now here we go. This, this, this... Dude. Yeah, this guy does something. He may even swing both ways. Like, he's a Hollywood type. Just based off his name yeah yeah right yes uh i used to have i used to have the one ring i'd wear on my neck and shit carlos ernesto like so this guy's a musician but does he did he say something about the but
Starting point is 01:53:23 does he said on you should make a podcast filming that documentary how would you film that because it's do you have film on it of the pulling john no no no the five years of fornication oh I would just have to someone I would have to just finish up the screenplay and then
Starting point is 01:53:41 fucking someone give me a hundred million dollars and make it why a hundred million because I just want there to be famous people and lots of nudity and sex in it oh so you have you have it all yeah i wrote it i wrote it all dude dude you know what you should do you should hunter to play you and then like uh daniel to play your wife wow wow and and then the you know who i would get to play my wife is get daniel brandon and i'd put her in a lot of like sunflower sundresses and shit hippie shit brawless like a lot of hippie flowy clothes brawless and they spend a lot of time on the beach together who would play you nicholas joy al oh good answer thank you damn you've thought about this there's no way that joy al would play me shit he'd be doing crazy shit with danielle they'd be carrying her around
Starting point is 01:54:42 a lot of stand-up sex okay i gotta I got to go. I got to go. I'm getting carried away. All right. I love you guys. Hiller and I will see you again soon. Bye, guys. Good night.

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