The Sevan Podcast - #565 - Top 10 Moments of the 2022 CrossFit Games

Episode Date: August 25, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Who has his own podcast, Apogee podcast. Who said he will commentate on it to like listen to you guys and tell us how to set it up so that we can get it done.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Close the Wi-Fi down. Make it to where it's password protected and only like those three iphones can have it and all that kind of stuff wait who who's this apogee guy david carter he's a member at the gym but he has uh he owns a physical therapy centers and he also has a podcast called the apogee podcast he's had a lot of people on it that have been on this podcast actually fuck that dude uh so he so and does he use stream yard no but he said he would be up for using whatever you guys say is the best thing to use and then he's going to commentate it he said he would be willing to commentate it or be one of
Starting point is 00:01:18 the people setting up the camera go around interviewing the people kind of like similarly to what susan hiller did so he's taking my job is what you're telling me. Are you flying out here? Well, let me know. I want to do it. I want to be involved. I want to do it. I need, I need, I need, I need practice. I want to do this one. We've got someone else reach out to us today who's doing an event in Vegas. I hope that somehow we can work with them.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Zillow Games. Yeah, Hiller's the head judge out there. I can't tell you that. I can't tell you that. It is. It is that. That's crazy. JR's tongue is way loose.
Starting point is 00:01:58 He must have done his vocal exercises before the show. He's had a cocktail. He's had a beverage. And it would – do you remember how that started we were doing by the way this show is going to be the 10 greatest moments of the 2022 crossfit games the 10 greatest moments this is the show this is gonna be the highest rated show in the history of the seven podcast hey fuck you higher than when dave cast got fired. What'd you say? Oh, this guy. Okay. And then we're going to do the not so greatest moments.
Starting point is 00:02:31 But shit, what the fuck's going on with my headphones? But JR, no, not JR. What's the bald dude's name? Taylor. Taylor wants you to know that it's nothing negative. It's just fun. It's no hate. It's a little hate still we'd still we still still love it's
Starting point is 00:02:47 still embracing the games um so do you remember the first time we fuck with that we it was um it was that event that was in the desert the dubai challenge yep and it was their first day of the event and they only instagram live that shit they didn't even put it to their youtube station they instagram lived it from uh that indoor um uh ski slope the ski slope in the desert you remember that and so tommy marquez and some other chick i think they were walking around with their phone and they were streaming it live to the dubai challenge instagram account and we fucking ripped that feed and played it on our youtube channel and then we even made a graphics that said tommy marquez and like then we would fool around like thank you tommy that's our
Starting point is 00:03:29 uh correspondent yeah we and we have to do that i mean that's basically what we should be doing for them and you also remember we should be doing every event like that yes we should but they lost their stream and we were the only people that had event one on Dubai. Yeah, when Tommy was done filming, whoever was done filming the Instagram Live didn't save it and post it. So now the only footage you can find of the Dubai championship is on the Savant podcast. We were talking about with access and the ability to actually go in and set up and do our thing. That style, I think, would just change the game. It would crush.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And the Crucible, what's it called? The Crash Crucible? Crash Crucible. What's crucible, what's it called? The crash crucible? What's crucible mean? Isn't that sacrilege? No, it's just like a daunting task, like a really difficult task. Yeah, there was only one of those. The long-haired dude carried the cross. Isn't that the, like in MMA, it's called, oh, it's called the crucifix.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I'm confusing crucifix with. Yeah, slightly different. So it is in, it's called the Crucifix. I'm confusing Crucifix with... Yeah, slightly different. So it is in on... It's August. It's September 30th. Crash Crucible. Oh, and you even have fire in the background. I'm coming near this event.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I'm going to hell. So it's from August, September. September... I got to write this down we gotta get we gotta get on this wait is that are we gonna step on the apogee guy's toes is he gonna be pissed at us if we if we want to play no dude david david wants to be a part of the live stream so he wants to do whatever do you have a youtube uh channel for this um for this event uh rick the videographer at the gym has he's already created a crash youtube channel so we've already got that yeah okay which i would love to stream to multiple channels to stream to mine streamers you know what i was even thinking on what would be crazy jr
Starting point is 00:05:17 is and i don't know if they would want to do this but what if someone like mayhem was like yeah we'll stream it for you too. It's no sweat off their back, but imagine all the eyeballs it would bring to the fucking show if they let us simultaneously stream live to their YouTube channel. Right. Well, I mean, hopefully Luke will be here competing. He's competed. He's competed. The famous dude.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Luke Parker. The bachelor. That would be such a fucking incredible experiment. We would change the entire fucking landscape of fucking events if we did that. And the Mayhem Empire could leverage the fuck. I recently saw some statistics on who the big dogs are. It doesn't even matter how many followers they have. The shit that goes on there, the shitstorm that goes on on their YouTube page is insane.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Just the participation and in the the number of people in the minutes watch they're they're the kings even people who have more than them they're they're yeah so last year uh luke dude are you are you sitting on a whoopee cushion what the fuck are you smiling at he's like bouncing on his ball they're giggling i'm laughing at these comments bro fixed bayonets he's already sucked into the comments yeah so i messaged angelo trying to get him to come out here to either bring the team or come compete individually just because it's like a local thing and you know we've we've had some back and forth on instagram when the stuff about the press the handstand was coming out and he posted a awesome workout with press
Starting point is 00:06:40 the handstand and a pegboard and i tried to message him to get him to come out here, see if Luke was going to come back or Sasha to compete this year, but he hasn't seen the DM yet. So Angel, if you're listening, check your DMs, dude. I'll give, I'll burn that relationship. I'll just give you his number. That's the second one today. I didn't give that to you. I don't operate like that. Okay. Well, I'll send it. I'll send a text being like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:07:03 I'm giving it to him even though he doesn't want it. He doesn't operate like that okay well i'll send it too late text being like hey i'm giving it to him even though he doesn't want it he doesn't operate that uh september 30th to september october october 2nd hey it like it matters if jr has your phone number he still fucking won't ever call you text you nothing the man with the fewest words ever spoken in one lifetime jr howell even shortened his name so people he wouldn't people wouldn't feel obligated to say more more words more names or letters jr anybody that really knows me knows that i'll ramble he's never rambled i've been lucky enough to get him on the phone a few times he doesn't know how to ramble fucking ramble um this is exciting uh this exciting show do you guys feel like you're out of your wheelhouse a little bit you guys are the programming guys taylor no i
Starting point is 00:07:54 take it seriously concentrate for a second i mean do you seriously concentrate do not look down there's no pussy down in there shut the fuck up do you don't feel out of your lane like this is this you guys are the programming guys and this is like taking away from sort of like the professionalism that you guys have already established like this is too um too immature silly for you well i haven't established i'm actually a little bit interested to see how many people actually agree with like the moments that i thought were big moments because what i think were really important moments over the course of the weekend other people may have been like that that was
Starting point is 00:08:29 i didn't notice it or it was very not memorable oh god i hope you fuck this show up jr because because you're you're batting like a thousand already can you bet better than a thousand you need someone we need you to do fuck up a show and be like dude he thought the best moment was when adrian bosman wiped the sweat off his brow dude i'm the guy that sits here and doesn't talk everyone in the comments just says hey you guys should have jr on so he could sit there and not say anything don't listen to those knucklehead in the comments yeah i don't think there's uh really that much professionalism established maybe maybe to some degree but i think i'm the perfect man for the not top 10 i'm a great shit talker i would agree jr and uh taylor were kind enough to send us links um to the moments i am terrified that
Starting point is 00:09:14 we're going to over show too too many seconds and in crossfit you do something stupid i'm really nervous when you said that i was like okay but then you said you were nervous now i'm super nervous about it so as long as we thank you bruce you're right fuck professionalism you're right i mean the time stamps that i've sent are like perfect to show six seconds and then yeah yeah me too i'm gonna be hot on that's right that's what i tell my wife too hey don't complain that was a perfect six seconds um okay uh so before we dig in um how what was your crack these are was this hard to do to pick 10 jr no because initially i had some not so positive memorable moments that taylor said were more suited for his not top 10 so i would say seven or eight were really easy to get but then i had to go back and watch some events to find the other two.
Starting point is 00:10:08 And since you sent the list, do you regret it? Are there some where you're like, oh, God, I wish I had to put that in instead of this? No, no, I like these. I'm sure some people in the comments will mention some ones that maybe I didn't think of. JR tank tops only from now on. I agree. Just cut the sleeves off that shit um okay uh you you pick the 10 and and do you think you um it was a fair you you chose them over all how many words you know that fair yeah okay um do you did you look at all the events equally?
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yes. And how many events were there? 13. Why didn't we do top 13 just to give each event? That way, if one event had two of the moments, it would be really heavy. How did we choose 10? Well, there were a couple events that the only thing memorable that I could think of, or when I went back to watch were things that were like, oh man, that person couldn't do that thing. Like they failed or that
Starting point is 00:11:11 it wasn't so much someone doing something memorable from a positive standpoint. So I think Taylor's going to hit some of those. Well, what JR wanted to do was the top 10 most impactful moments from the games, which I think could be a different show in and of itself but i think what this show is is top 10 best moments from the games and we're going to take a quick look at the not top 10 the 10 biggest fuck-ups but but but but with love yeah yes yes with love with love and with hate love ish okay um i i do you guys hear me echoing alan just said that he heard me echoing i don't no i don't why are we yelling out okay i'll stop yelling sorry or no he's yelling. Alan's yelling. I don't hear an echo. Good, Bruce. Alan's fucking ears are ringing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Well, let's just fuck it. Let's dig in. 2022 CrossFit Games, 10 greatest moments. Am I? Shit, number 10. Really? So I'm going to make sure this is the – number 10 starts with Sean retires. Correct.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Number 10, Sean retires Tia, and then Tia says, well, maybe. Yeah, and so this one was like kind of on the border, and that's why I put it at 10 because it could be a not top 10. it could be a not top 10. Like Sean, like only Sean can with his delivery and his sultry voice comes up with this way after speaking with Shane, after speaking with multiple people in the camp about this being Tia's last year, about this being her last workout. And he lets the audience know during the workout. And then he has this awesome delivery at the end of the muscle ups where he says, it's been said that behind every great man is an even greater woman. Well, now there are two great men behind the greatest woman move over Matt move over rich. And it's like, dude, that's awesome. And then she does the interview and says, that's the question, isn't it? And now we've seen posts on Shane's Instagram saying that
Starting point is 00:13:24 six sounds good but tia seven sounds better and it's like you know in sean's situation he did exactly what he was told but as far as this being an impactful moment to the sport it could have easily been number one but because maybe depending on how you look at it her coming back may be the worst thing for the sport because that just means it's another year for hers to lose. And some people may think it's the best thing that she's going to come back and keep winning until she can't win anymore. Let's play a little bit of this.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And then there's a lot of meat on the bone here to talk about. Finish like that. We have to know, do you come back one more time or is this the end? That's the question. God, I love her her and do you think i love her do you think a great shot of her do you think she or or shane told sean woodland that hey you can announce this or where did he come up with that i mean no sean sean went on i believe and talked to um chase and chase and um and the big dog bill grundler yep yeah he went on, I believe, and talked to Chase and Bill.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Chase and the big dog, Bill Grundler, yep. Yeah, he went on Chase and Bill and said, no, dude, I verified this multiple times with Shane and with others to make sure this is what she did. That's not what I heard. That's not what I heard. I heard he verified it with Mariah Moore, Mariah Oldroyd, the documentary filmmaker.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I heard that she – this is what I thought I heard out of Shane's mouth, but anyone could go on to the Get With The Programming and verify this. I heard that Mariah went out of her way, told Sean Woodland, yo, dude, feel free to, not feel free, please announce, maybe even request it, announce Tia's retirement. By the way, I love the whole thing, how it played out. It's weird how it's 100% Sean's fault because the words came out of his mouth and it's 100% not his fault. It can be both.
Starting point is 00:15:10 It's fine. It's cool. But if I, if, if, if, uh, if JR tells me to throw a rock at his car window and I break it and then he's like, fuck wrong car, dude, it's still my fault. Or if he says I was just joking or whatever, I threw the rock. I didn't have to throw the rock, but I love it. What a, what a great, it's fun, right? Isn't this whole thing fun?
Starting point is 00:15:30 It's giving the women competitors hemorrhoids thinking about is to, I like that. It's energizing. It's giving us something to talk about. I fucking love it. And I, anything I've ever said negative about Tia, I just want you to know it's because I'm upset because she hasn't come on
Starting point is 00:15:44 the show. Mal is drooling and she isia, I just want you to know it's because I'm upset because she hasn't come on the show. Mal is drooling and she is sweating, wondering what's going to happen. It's good. It's good. And when Sean was on Chase, Get With The Programming with Chase and Bill, he handled it great. He didn't even seem stressed out at all. He's like, just like. He's like, dude, I did what they told me to do like
Starting point is 00:16:05 yeah yeah yeah it was it was it was good but i don't think shane ortia walked up to him and said um but but you know what was interesting chase did say this on the show he said um of all the things we could say as commentators this this is like this this would be the coolest thing to get to say i'm paraphrasing as a commentator like it's a really big thing and a fun thing to get to break but unless you're wrong no even then it's good it's good i mean fuck he probably put on some followers i think it's great for the class I would like to see her keep going until she gets beat I'd like to see her keep going until she gets beat I'd like to see all of them keep going until they get beat about the way that she did it this year even though the point spread was there and if she
Starting point is 00:16:57 wouldn't have taken the 22nd or 23rd because of the single unders you still would have had that really dominant performance but I think the style of test maybe was enough of a change for her to say, maybe I should come back and prove to everyone that even with this style of testing, it's not a fluke and I can still keep winning. It's more execution based. And I made some mistakes on the wall ball. And I made maybe some pacing mistakes on the Elizabeth elevated and some uncharacteristic workouts, performances, whatever you want to say that weren't very Tia-esque as far as what we're used to. She's not happy.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Interesting that maybe just it didn't end the way she wanted it to end. Yeah, she's not happy with that result. It's like winning the race but you stepped in dog shit god i hope this is true what jason said i hope this is true uh shane and t are so big in social media and their product maybe it's all by design to keep the chatter up god i would fucking love that i hope i hope uh will smith and chris rock come out and say that was fake too i would love that uh in 2020 to 2022 the will smith chris rock um slap was fake uh and uh covid was fake and the vaccine was fake and tia is not retiring so we have continuity like i squeezed that all in there okay so um and what about what about after day one when tia said after she got mangled a
Starting point is 00:18:28 little bit tossed up she said something at the end of day one right she said all or after day two she she dropped an f-bomb let's fucking go or i'm gonna fucking tear this shit up from here on out or she dropped she looked at the camera and gave a something yeah i think she said like i'm ready bring on bring on day two or something like that yeah i need a fight yeah i like it oh mooney she's not juicing she's not juicing dude if you saw my penis i don't even know what you would think you're not you're that you're like the antithesis of juicing. You're pulling testosterone out of your body and giving it to others. So Tia has made it.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Tia and Sean Woodland and Mariah Moore. I'm going to give that. And Nikki Brazier. Sean. That's their moment. And I like the way Tia said it, too. Isn't that the question? And her smile and
Starting point is 00:19:26 her fucking shoulders and her hands on the hips okay number nine paulson tries to break the bike oh yeah yeah yeah echo press uh he's referring to tim paulson i believe he made it through the last chance qualifier with ariel lowen that's correct guest of the show uh let's check it out yeah this was cool he said after this that no one would beat him in a bike sprint what do you mean when did he like on his social media or just like i think it was on his instagram i think it was like nobody's beating me in a bike sprint do you i would love to see i would let can we can we get tim jason and roman in the same place and just have them do like a 50 cal for time and stream it wow that would be so cool to watch those three i love it seven on
Starting point is 00:20:23 screaming microphone shirts back in stock. Oh. We're going to get fucking a cease and desist for that. Jeez Louise. Jeez Louise. Jeez Louise. Oh, Taylor, you got shirts now. Yeah, I got some sick shirts on the Vindicate website.
Starting point is 00:20:39 SMTP. SMTP. Seriously, you got that? Yeah, buddy. SMTP. Oh, I'm so glad I got it right what's smtp stand for suck my tiny self-made training program we're gonna have to work on your marketing i was trying to keep that so straight. It was impossible. You got to give Sean and Chase credit for the energy they brought to that.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Because they kind of gave you a permission to jump off the couch and get giddy. Yeah, here's the deal with that workout. Until you got to the last bike, the bikes were just something you needed to do for most people and try not to use your arms so that you still had them for when you got onto the block and had to do the wall facing handstand pushup. So the fact that you could get excited like that at the end, because everyone knew that when you got to that last bike, you were going to sprint. And I think that's also by design with Adrian.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I think it was brilliant that he put the bike at the end to almost reward those that had gotten through the other reps to just hammer it at the end and race each other, which is pretty cool to watch. Would you argue that the runner, the bike, the skier and the rower are four of the most boring elements of the CrossFit Games, of the test of fitness? No. No? What would you say is? Running, like a long run, and they just have a fucking aerial view of people doing nothing. Or like the bike, the bike to work.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Like just watching them bike. The crit was fun to watch. Cyclocross was cool. The legless bike repeat was awesome but something like at least with the bike when they're on a real bike there's tension of of us uh um hoping there's a crash i mean crash i mean hoping there's not a crash sometimes but you can see like massive amounts of effort on the machines that i think are fun to watch whereas like you you can see like yeah you can see the tension and maybe them crashing a real bike, but you can also see like the hesitancy and the athletes that suck at real biking.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And they're like, it's like, they just pulled the training wheels off and they're not going fast and they're like scared to like wreck. And they just, I don't know. I think that's more boring to watch. And then, and then as far as, um, uh, machines, was that the most, where would you rank that? Does it do any other machine moments in the history of crossfit stand out to you i mean the only one i can think of is when kalipa set the record for the 2000 for the uh marathon um row the marathon row i mean that was fucking and that wasn't so much his performance in the way it looked but just when you heard that number over the fucking intercom you were like wow what i think watching two two two three intervals with the skier i thought that was a fun ski to watch um
Starting point is 00:23:32 machine wise i think the most fun machine that i can think of is the george sanchez um saltbanger 40 cal into the banger i believe and him getting it done as fast as he did i mean that's 40 Cal into the banger, I believe, and him getting it done as fast as he did. I mean, that's other than, was that like heat 17?
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah, it was heat 17. George Sanchez, 10 seconds, and then pulled the banger across instead of hit it. He did. I mean, that event's probably the most memorable because of, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:01 people saying that certain individuals cheated or didn't do the movement properly and not so much about how much he crushed that bike, but I'll remember it for the bike for sure. Well, I, I can't think of any more. Tim Paulson now kind of stands out to me as the, I wouldn't, I would not only give that number nine and the greatest moments of the CrossFit games of 2022, but maybe one of the greatest bike or machine moments in the history of CrossFit. Something that I'll really remember on a bike too, Taylor probably will, is the year Ben won and seeing they zeroed in on Matt on the bike when he finally got through the parallette and they just stayed with his face as he was trying desperately to catch up
Starting point is 00:24:46 and that's like an image on a machine that i'll remember him like really trying to catch up on that uh not in an event but oh the the craziest thing i've heard on a bike is a matt bickle tore the arm off an assault bike don't even know who that is so if you saw him you'd recognize him from social media he's he's a former-pounder dropped down to 400 pounds. He's basically Sam Dancer's bodyguard. Big old super cool dude. Yeah, I think Hunter's trained with him some. I think, right?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Hunter's trained with him a little bit. Yeah, probably. All the cool people know him. That's why Taylor doesn't know him. And he also, I think maybe he ripped the handle off a rower too. I think maybe he's done that also. Well, that's just a waste of money. Hey, hey, hey, admire.
Starting point is 00:25:29 All right, all right. AC 310, 199, thanks for the content. You're welcome. What are you riding? That bike's too small for you. Number eight, Guy doing Guy things in hat trick. Guy Malheros from Brazil, the 22-year-old. Yeah. And sometimes you just have to, usually it's with a barbell with Gui, but sometimes you
Starting point is 00:25:52 just have to watch people move comparatively to someone like Fikowski, how fast he can get out of the bottom of his squat, how much shorter he is than Tim, and then how he can just lift a hundred pound dumbbell six inches off the ground and pull under it that fast and be that stable overhead. He's just, I mean, you can say whatever you want. When he has an opportunity to showcase how explosive he is, there's no one that compares in the sport. Are we going to get to see two clips? Are we going to get to see his wall balls and his,
Starting point is 00:26:24 do we have two clips for this? Yes. You gonna get to see two clips are we gonna get to see his wall balls and his uh do we have two clips for this yes you'll get to see like you did see like the last three wall balls and the first two snatches and just how much how fast they are damn you did good you're doing good let's check it longer frame he also has a really textbook squat very very good mover what if we turn the audio off between him, I'm wondering if that just changes our, if when we turn, does it, the copyright shit. Lizard, Guy is so technical, sound, and fast. You're going to pull up his, him pulling, yeah. Yeah, watching him snatch is just really impressive in this workout.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Well, all I ever hear about gee that the reason why he's so good at that is because his original coach was an olympic lifter but a lot of people have had olympic lifting coaches as their original coaches i think it's a combination of his movement quality but then also the the twitchiness of his muscles it's just not something that you teach and it's not yeah he's got amazing technique like incredible technique top top notch technique and he's also genetically so suited to that time domain that energy system just that that style of athlete quick twitch like jr said extremely explosive hey were the other guys switching at the top too look at him he's switching the snatch at the top where the other guy's doing that yeah most guys weren't we most guys weren't me and taylor talked about
Starting point is 00:27:55 this on the programming breakdown was would have been even more impressive and probably would have increased his margin of win as if he would have been able to do all six with one row and not advance every two. Instead of having to. Yeah. Because and here's the thing. A lot of those athletes can do six touch and go. So so many would have tried. And I think that would have increased the kind of spectacle of a lot of athletes failing going that fast with the hundred.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I think would have been cool. Look at his angle of his body right there. He's already he's two steps out of the snatch. He's already full sprint. I mean, he's like fucking. Can you play this for a couple more seconds, Susie? Let's just see. Say that again, Jer.
Starting point is 00:28:30 He's just born to sprint. Some people just got it. But you don't want to take anything away from him anyway. You know, there for sure is a lot of genetics. But the guy works really fucking hard. Oh, yeah. Go back to that again. Look at this technique.
Starting point is 00:28:47 After the first snatch, he drops it and catches it on a bounce. Nope, nope. Sorry. Sorry. Go back even a little bit further. Yeah, surprisingly, that turf does have a good bit of rebound to it, which is beneficial in a workout like this wait you didn't have to switch hands right there
Starting point is 00:29:09 that was a second of the set oh so okay okay okay okay great thanks suza damn it's good so his speed out of the bottom is just crazy there's no there's no there's no half a second pause to stabilize he's just pushing the dumbbell back up like like it's not 100 pounds yeah like it's just his hand all right number eight gee gee doing gee things uh how did he how did he place in that workout he won he won and how many events did he win at the crossfit games two that one in the sandbag ladder all right did you think that do we have the sandbag in here oh yeah okay uh then i'll wait oh well fuck it i'll
Starting point is 00:30:06 ask it now did you think that that strength was going to transfer to the sandbag that athleticism and that strength for gee for gee yes only because at the light at the heavier loads what was really advantageous is having super explosive hip drive and hip opening once you had it on your lap right to to sort of make i mean this is probably an exaggeration but to make that 340 pound bag weightless for a second so you could get it up there get under it yeah i think for some athletes like gee you notice that technique where he extended the hips really quick and then got under the bag like a power clean. And then you saw other athletes like Cole Sager, Freya Mooseburger, where like they popped the hips extremely slow and like inched the bag up onto their sternum and then their upper rib cage and then their chest. And they like inched the bag one inch at a time and just so different.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And Guy being as explosive as he was for sure the technique paid off um uh nick uh you know that's not true i'm a viscosity guy not a weight guy uh so just you know and you know that i know i know you listen to the show viscosity that's that's the word that's the word uh number seven uh seven, working our way to the number one greatest moment of the 2022 CrossFit Games by J.R. Howell and supported by the thumb Taylor Self. Roman walks it off alpaca. Oh, I don't even know what this is. Roman walks it off alpaca. Yeah. So sometimes you see things and you see the way people finish workouts. A lot of people think of Jason at the Mac winning events when people are rolling around on the ground and he's just pumping his chest and you see things like that. And you wonder what in the world, why does that person not look like they're hurting and everyone else is writhing in pain? Roman is that dude. And when I saw this on the final day, this was just a pure capacity grunt work style workout. The fact that he got done and just walked it off like he could have gone 20 seconds faster.
Starting point is 00:32:14 And seeing Justin and Ricky rolling on the ground right after is one of those moments for me that I'm like, wow, Roman is here to stay. And he really is a contender to win it. I'm like, wow, Roman is here to stay and he really is a contender to win it. So I am not a competitor of any sorts. But the observation has been made by me and millions of others that whoever wins usually is like that. And I think it's because there's some sort of I don't think it's because they didn't push as hard as the other people no no psychological i think yeah like when i see josh bridges celebrate them i for sure agree what the fuck is going on there's dudes dying after yeah but yeah but well then we're going to get into the nuances of of the programming of the actual workout like a
Starting point is 00:33:01 workout like that that josh one was all muscle fatigue it wasn't because you were your heart was going to explode or your legs were going to fall off and you didn't talk about the sled pull but you look at you look at but i agree with seven i mean i really do i you look at a lot of events like uh that was cool that you said you agreed with me until you said i really do like so like it made you batshit crazy look at the look at the 20 thruster 40 cal 20 thruster from the rogue invitational that jason won and he beats everybody and people are like bucked up after that workout and he walks it off or the 21 15 9 echo workout from water pools the same thing it's not affecting him differently than other athletes but the adrenaline of winning that event
Starting point is 00:33:39 and if you're a competitor who really feeds off of kind of the pain of other athletes. Like when you're winning, you get energized by it and you want to go harder and you feel better because you're beating the shit out of people. I think it's psychological more than anything. Yeah, well, don't you think that Justin, after winning the CrossFit Games for the second straight time, would be able to just pump his fist and do the let's go with his mouth wide open? time would be able to just pump his fist and do the let's go with his mouth wide open because he, well, he, he didn't win Jackie pro and he was just rolling on the ground, not even celebrating having won. I know. And I, and I don't think that, I think the reason that is, is because there's another athlete beating you and you're thinking, fuck, how are they going so fast? And then when you're the athlete winning, you're thinking, fuck you. And it's a psychological thing. It's pumping you up.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I mean, I know Justin won the games. I get it. I know that. But in the moment, Justin maybe is not thinking I'm about to win the games. Maybe he's thinking, fuck, this workout hurts. Yeah, that's something we should do. We should just go back and look at just the games, like games, victories, who won the events, and look at their reaction afterwards. Oh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:34:43 That's a show. Make a note of that, Susan. That's a show. That's a show. way can i see can i see your shirt for a second um ladies and gentlemen i want you to know that um uh this is a um this is the uh cult shirt made by um get with the programming and uh we at the Savant Podcast will be coming out with our own version, but it will be the cunt shirt. We are dropping the L. Just so you know.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So don't spend all your money on the cult gear. We will be... Oh my goodness. I'm so fucking annoyed I didn't come up with that idea. It's my idea that CrossFit's a cult. You'll be hearing from our lawyers uh roman won by like 13 seconds laura laura almost a minute on the same event is this just a male highlights uh no we did the obligatory female already tia and uh there yes there will be no more females mr big and flexi what is the duration of the victory have to do with it let's watch the clip clip and J.R. can tell us why.
Starting point is 00:35:45 This is about the walk-off, not about the duration of victory. Roman Krennikov. The flagless man. I mean, Roman does this on the swim workout too. He wins the swim and looks at his coach and says, me? Me? I won? Like it's just – it's the pain tolerance
Starting point is 00:36:07 the capacity you just cannot argue with roman he never never never looks like he is pushing the limits of his capacity that's the point i'm trying to make and that's special when you're looking at people who may be able to win the games please Please tell me there's another girl in here. No more girls. Shit. I have a lot of girls, though. Don't worry. Canceled.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Canceled. I've got girls in the top three. Okay, thank you. Roll that back, please. Roll that back. So here we go, Mr. JR and Mr mr self from smtp look at psychological for me i think it's psychological i mean entirely justin i think the appropriate term for what justin is justin's dick is in the dirt he rolled off like he oh and he just did his nuts he rolled off like he like uh someone rolls off a r, like a dead man rolls off a rower.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And you could definitely make the argument that if Roman would have been in a race on the sled, that he would have pushed harder on the sled and then maybe had the same reaction and fell down afterwards. I don't think that would have been the case. Go read, go read David Goggins and tell me it's not psychological. Putin got him on that good good. All right, shut up. Oh my goodness, you guys. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Why, why, why? Thank you, Roman, for making the list. You're making Jared's job too easy. Number six, crop tops and crossovers. Nick Matthews saves Adrian Bosman's job from being lynched at the end of the CrossFit Games. That makes me cringe. Skill speed medley.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I know exactly what you're talking about, and I couldn't agree more. This is a few different clips of him working his way through this, and then there's a clip of Boz at the end kind of clapping and celebrating i can't stand the crop top either it does nothing for me i'd rather have him tie a fucking shirt up like a fucking daisy duke i think i think the jorts that uh wear a hammock dude let the fucking helmet flash something like that i mean i get here's he's got the balls to rock it and he's doing his own thing he doesn't give a fuck what other people think but damn that's cringy to me yeah okay sorry jr did
Starting point is 00:38:30 you say something about that what are we looking at what what are we what the fuck just showing that you know he was he was he was the most fluid by far on the crossovers and then he was able to do the low start press the handstand on the first attempt and it was just really impressive to see someone move through it like that i'm sure adrian was just really happy that he was able to do it and then gee finished shortly after him justin was coming off the ramp he just needed about three more seconds to finish it as well hold on susan before you push play on that this is also i'm gonna say this is if you don't mind, JR, I hope you're not going to hate me for this. There's a 6A and a 6B to this one.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Is that okay, JR? Sure. Let's give the film crew, the broadcast team, a fucking huge pat on the back for being aware that this was a fucking train wreck. And at the last minute it was saved and they filmed adrian bosman clapping this is a this is a brilliant use of split screen and uh chase and sean talking about how matthew saved the day this is uh this is home run shit this was it's so authentic to adrian's reaction he is genuinely giddy that someone was able to do it he loves it yeah i mean he's just he's just clapping the whole like look at him i mean he's the only person in place
Starting point is 00:39:50 clapping everyone else is like cheering and losing their shit and he's just like beating that drum he's like thank fuck yeah action oh he's oh he oh oh so he that's like a nervous clap he's adrian was clapping like the whole time for that event like once he realized the the no i think the crossover he started clapping after the crossover he's like okay someone can finish the crossover yeah and they showed him again like after he actually finished clapping hey uh teddy teddy where are the big dogs you follow colton mertens he's like number 50 in the all time in the, in the, in the ranked in the, um, athletes, Brian friends, athlete list, a hundred best CrossFitters.
Starting point is 00:40:31 You're his video guy. You don't give us direction. Teddy Williams is, is Brian friends. Make sure you read this. He's got a good point. Is Brian friend, the new Todd McShay. Cause I, Todd Mcshay is so fucking annoying it's the nfl scout but brian did great yeah i love brian like so is hillar mel kuiper
Starting point is 00:40:52 oh no hillar's like uh hillar's like fucking uh paul feinbaum hey go back to that again where adrian walks off and he's clapping i think oh is it too hard i know it's hey guys it is a huge timeline that he's scrolling on it's like it's it's a massive timeline i blame uh taylor and jr for not giving them they needed to give him the links to the to the actual spots next time i i taylor's hurt he is so low on the list dude he's like he made the fucking list uh and jr's tried to defend you in the comments too taylor by the way i didn't see any of that what'd you say jr i didn't even know i was talked about until someone i sent a text that i believed would be received in confidence and then it was
Starting point is 00:41:45 shared we shared it wait someone in the comments shared it or seven shared it he sends me a private text i'm like i normally don't do this but fuck it and i read jr's text what was it it did fucking you were decent crossfitter i just sent him a screenshot of the leaderboard from crucible last year and who was in it and the point spread and that when healthy, you're very, very fit. I wasn't even healthy then. I had no ACL. That was right after the rant. He was talking about how great you were and I dismissed it as just home cooking.
Starting point is 00:42:14 We really need to bring up the picture on this show if we can. Taylor, I'm sure, has it saved of what was in Taylor Self's knee. Oh, can we do that, Sousa? We really should do it right now. Let's just do it. What do you mean by that? Explain that to me. There are lots of there are lots of objects non-living.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I had removed in this last surgery person's kneecap and they were inside Taylor's knee. Like here we go. Like like like when a woman in her ovaries like has a cyst and they open it up and there's like hair and teeth and shit like yeah like uh like i had a surgery in 2019 from a skateboarding hardware i had a surgery in 2019 from a skateboarding accident like i fucked my shit all up skateboarding um were you high no i wasn't but i was doing some stupid fucking shit like i mean you know if you skateboard you get your balls get big after some shit and you're like all right i'm about to hit this and then it hits you so yeah i fucked myself up and the surgeon just did a really shit job you would have thought i
Starting point is 00:43:16 fucking got surgery in tijuana is like the way that that it was i mean pull this picture up susie got it is susa i can do it too if it's crazy you got too much shit going on want me to do it yeah okay i want to know what caleb's live reaction is we need caleb too he's another medical professional i i'm hiding my texts i'm hiding my texts the other day on the show i showed all my fucking texts and i just sent a text to brian saying i was gonna be a couple minutes late to the show because i was dropping off a last minute deuce and someone someone fucking screenshot it fuck me that's fucked up i imagine could have been worse could have been so it could have been bad it could have been bad i imagine like the other day at the gym i walked in the bathroom and there was like it smelled like shit but there was one little nugget in the toilet like just the size of like a little chicken popper from popeyes and that's how i imagine you poop just like one nugget
Starting point is 00:44:09 at a time and there's three nuggets in there me let's just go ahead and say that everything on this four by four for those of you that aren't medical the four by four is the square of gauze everything on the four by four was inside of his patellar area. Inside my joint capsule, all that. Like, what the fuck? I didn't even know that was in there, dude. You didn't? I mean, I knew two of the screws were in there for, like, fixation points for the ACL.
Starting point is 00:44:41 What's the doctor's dental floss doing in there in his fishing line? Exactly. And they're like knots. He tied like fucking, he tied his shoelaces in there. There's like, what the fuck? There's some,
Starting point is 00:44:53 there's some sutures that probably were supposed to dissolve in there. I asked, I asked my, my current surgeon, who's a fucking pro. I was like, would you, would you,
Starting point is 00:45:03 this is the other thing. The surgeon thought it was crazy enough to pull out his personal cell phone and take a picture of it. surgeon who's a fucking pro i was like would you would you this is the other thing the surgeon thought it was crazy enough to pull out his personal cell phone and take a picture of it in the middle of surgery hey look at that piece of string that's right here stuck to the top of the screw that's unsettling so anyways i i asked him i was like would you ever use this in surgery and he like takes like a five pause, and he's like, they're all appropriate medical devices, and that's all he says. I was like, fuck me, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Wow. Wow. So I've got some hope. So he was competing at Crucible, at Wadapalooza, everywhere with all of this inside of his knee, wondering why his knee felt tight why did they take it out because i don't need it so what happened is i i have no acl and before syndicate i tore my meniscus and i guess i had torn my acl at the ranch over some over the summer
Starting point is 00:45:57 and retore it uh well i didn't actually fully retear it because that string they used to like beef it up you're not supposed to use a fucking string for your acl it's supposed to be tendon anyways so they removed all of that and then i had the holes that they used for the acl last time filled with new bone and this time it's like a first time surgery from scratch they fixed the meniscus all will be well so uh they took that out because it doesn't need to be in there. And because this guy's a pro. And the last guy was from Tijuana.
Starting point is 00:46:30 No offense to anyone in Tijuana in the chat. Offense taken. Yeah, but fuck that guy. I mean, all right. So crop tops and crossovers. Nick Matthew saves the skill medley um can can we see one more time um his his um him doing the um the from the the seated position from the tuck to a handstand and you're saying jr he got that on his first attempt yeah that was first attempt
Starting point is 00:46:59 how close was he to the time cap when he crossed the finish line you know i want to say maybe 30 seconds under he still had time and and justin almost finished it and he's the only person at the crossfit games who finished this workout no gee finished it okay nick matthew and and everyone calls him nick matthews but it's actually nick matthew for those who know us yeah no s thank you for those who – No S. Yeah, no S. Thank you for those who don't want to offend the man. And he's from Tijuana, you said? No, no, dude. Stop that. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:31 He's from Minnesota. He's a great guy. He's a really nice dude. He's got a fucked up shirt. This is something, too, while we're waiting on this to talk about. His shirt's from Tijuana. So you got a dude like Nick Matthew who finishes top 20 at the games. He gets in only because someone tests positive at his semifinal. He gets beat in the last chance
Starting point is 00:47:52 qualifier doesn't get in. He goes to the games and essentially wins the sandbag. I mean, he does what the other three athletes do at three 40, and then he gets beat in the tiebreaker. So the breadth of his fitness to be able to do this and the sandbag and essentially win like what that dude wouldn't have even been at the games can you imagine he's probably still riding the high right now well there's a lot of that there's a lot you look at christy aramo you look at tim paulson um christy aramo last year you look at ariel lowen ariel lowen yeah question the The question is not, clearly Nick Matthew is extremely fit. The question is, should these semifinals have free reign to program
Starting point is 00:48:29 wherever the fuck they want? There you go. I think clearly the answer is no. Fuck no. And on that being said, please correct me if I'm wrong, Nick Matthew relative to Ariel Loewen, Tim Paulson, who was the other guy you said? The other guy.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Sorry, I said Christy Aramo. Oh, Christy Aramo. Yeah. This guy's a nobody, meaning no one knows his name. And Roman Krennikoff last year was in the last chance. He came out of nowhere. Roman Krennikoff. Has Nick Matthew ever been to the games before?
Starting point is 00:49:01 Sorry. Even close? Has he ever been to the last chance qualifier before? Yeah, last year he was in the last chance and he was at my he was at granny games with me and he was the spot above me okay so he's not a nobody but he's good he's woke that's from uh travis dude i need one of those what i want to get fired for my affiliate i'm gonna wear that every day oh yeah wow wow wow and he's not making the shirts for those knuckleheads get with the programming guys is he no they're doing something travis i need one of those please please i need one of those and could you make the clown a different
Starting point is 00:49:38 color like like like maybe white or i don't know're going to make that guy make a whole screen for one shirt. He's making me one that says suck my tiny penis. I'm entitled. I'm entitled. Okay, okay, let's hit play. Let's watch Nick Matthew. Enough of this. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Adrian Bosman. He's watched so many. He's watched a ton of people try this already. Oh, no, there's only four in this. No, he's only watched one person try this. He the first person to get there and he smashed it none of the women got there yeah so the time cap is three and he finishes almost under on a minute under jesus suze i had to remove that what are you high on drugs or something oh shit suze is multitasking he's looking he's checking his fucking porn hub and fucking letting
Starting point is 00:50:27 clips play for seven seconds i was trying to use a new fancy technique hector was saying with the with the uh letters and it wasn't it wasn't going well jesus hector we get canceled because of you okay uh i i um i i think adrian's the the clip of adrian saves this one for me i'm gonna i i i appreciate this taylor what do you think of the of the five that we've seen uh-oh my list goes from six to four that's just a typo it's okay okay okay uh so so of all the ones we've seen i think this was the most on the edge that maybe wasn't going to be worthy of the greatest moments. What do you think, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:51:10 Well, no, I think this is for sure one of the greatest moments just because of the crowd going fucking wild. And Nick, like you're in the stands. Think about it this way, from this perspective. You're in the stands. You've watched all the women scream and cuss and fail. You watched Tia bail a single under. You watched none of the women get to the breast to handstand.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And you're thinking, oh, this is fucking dumb. Boz is shitting his pants. He's got – Yeah, you're hating on Boz. The chat's going nuts. Oh, everybody's fucking hating it. And then he destroys it. And people go fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:51:44 It's like a – he's like a gladiator in ancient rome fucking cutting somebody's head off yeah there's no doubt this is the most polarizing event this is the most controversial event so i mean you already know that going into it people are going to remember this games for i mean a lot of them will remember it for rebecca fusilier and the sandbag and they'll remember it for this workout they'll remember it for Rebecca Fusilier and the sandbag, and they'll remember it for this workout. They'll remember it for a couple other reasons that we'll see later on. The sandbag ladder, they'll remember it for that. Okay, number five.
Starting point is 00:52:17 The Canadian, Patrick Vellner, puts on a clinic and soaks it in. Elizabeth Elevated. puts on a clinic and soaks it in elizabeth elevated this was uh elizabeth 21 15 9 with a couple more nines on there yep and uh and and uh instead of rings the parallettes were used and you had to traverse them back and forth and break all the sets up into thirds uh i thoroughly enjoyed this event i want to preface this and say this could have also potentially been on the not top 10 because his celebration was so come on man he's come on man he's paying he's paying
Starting point is 00:52:52 homage to his roots and he gives you a little good little finishing salute there what place did Colton Merton's taking this second third I predicted he would have throttled it but I can't remember how he did i remember him doing really maybe winning his heat yeah i think he was in the heat prior and then he got beat like by a minute right yeah i mean it wasn't close pat you know who to crush this event is uh nicholas joyelle okay okay buddy i don't even know that making shit up. Yes, his first clip is him coming off the second to last dip and kind of crouching down and starting to enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:53:30 He kind of nods to the crowd like, yep, it's happening. And I'm going to enjoy this. And he's talked about it before. What goes into winning an event at the CrossFit Games and how much time goes into perfectly executing a workout and being able to say you were in the best in the world at that workout. When it does happen, you should enjoy it. And sometimes he's gotten crap for not having the most memorable or the best celebrations comparatively to people like Josh and Rich. But this was, I think he knew what was going to happen. comparatively to people like Josh and Rich, but this was, I think he knew what was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:54:11 And so he, he did, he did soak it in and kind of bathe in a little bit. And I think the pause right before the last dip was really good because you need some of that showmanship every now and then. Uh, you can also notice, um, he is at eight 25 and the time to beat is nine 20. You can see that up in the corner and he's standing there and all he has to do is traverse one more time and then three dips after the traverse. Right. Yep. Okay. That 1.52.35 should give you six seconds of his finish
Starting point is 00:54:36 and then his one that maybe Taylor doesn't like so much at the end. Yeah, I didn't like that celebration either. I didn't like that. Come on. I would have put that in the not so great moments and the not so great moments okay here we go patrick bellner from canada doing canadian things yeah that oh oh are you trying to fly he lowered his t count by doing that he lowered his t count jr liked it yeah i dug it i I dug it. I thought it was good. Steven Flores, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:55:10 It was a fucking curtsy. You know what a curtsy is? That's why you liked it because you're from the South. It's a curtsy. It's a gymnastic thing. For women. No, men do it too, man. All right, fine.
Starting point is 00:55:29 I should have, yeah. I mean, there have been worse celebrations for sure. Hey, why did he, this part's good. It's when he comes back down and gives a little flap. That part was all fucked up. Yeah, he might as well have been wearing a half shirt at that point. No, he brings it down and then he like, like taking flight to the crowd right he's elevating stephen flores the guy who looks like the one of the diaz brothers the third diaz brother that no
Starting point is 00:55:54 one knows about says fuck your curtsy yeah but it's getting punched in the face a hundred times he got hit in the face with a dick a hundred times uh i i i don't know about this one i don't know i'm struggling with this one i think this one's on the wrong list savon still hasn't done my burpee workout he's too scared i will do it i'm going to do it i'm going to do it i'm going to do it uh my boy taylor and savon throw down yet great episodes so far so boys. Hashtag curdusy. Wow. It's hardcore. Instead of budusy, curtsy, dusy.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Budusy, curtsy, dusy. Interesting. I'm pretty sure this is the largest margin of victory in any of the workouts this year. Oh, look. Taylor was prepared just in case. Some backup ammo. Taylor? What?
Starting point is 00:56:44 Sorry, JR. JR. JR. prepared just in case some backup ammo taylor what sorry jr jr it's all one one person to me and this next one for everyone who's counting um number of events to sexes this is the last male one and then the rest are all female hey if one female at the top would have been enough. Yeah. Number, number, Susan must be hungry or have to take a piss. He's like just forcing shit up now. Number four, Ricky wins event one.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah, we need to hear this too. If we can, we need to hear this. Well, is this the right time stamp? 28 seconds in? That's right. Ricky wins event one after a four-year ban. Wow, okay. Will you set that up for us, JR?
Starting point is 00:57:29 Tell us what the deal is. That is pretty cool. Yeah, so this is the first event back at the Games after serving his suspension. It's an event we know going into he probably feels a lot of pressure because a lot of people think he should or could win it. He won cyclocross. Everyone knows he's going on a bike.
Starting point is 00:57:46 The gymnastics movements won't be an issue. But we also know that at Torium Pro, he was so nauseous that he couldn't even eat. He was just throwing up because of his nerves. So, like, what happens in this? Like, he looks really confident, but does he go out and, you know, finish 18th and everyone's like, oh, yeah, you know, he was washed.
Starting point is 00:58:06 He's not going to do well this year. No, he goes out and he he ends up taking advantage of some other people's shortcomings that I'm sure are going to be on the next list. But he ends up hawking down Yana at the end and winning his first event back. That's that's a big deal. That's awesome. This could have also been huge. That's a big deal. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:58:23 This could have also been. And what Chase says here, too, is like kind of says it all, which I thought was a great call when the camera was on and before the event even started. He looks like fucking Victor Crum, dude. What would they have done if he would have like with a sharpie wrote on his chest, fuck you, Matt. Just like right here. Fuck you, Fraser. They would not have let him compete they would have they would have fucking hillard him dude made
Starting point is 00:58:52 him turn his titties inside out yeah fuck he looks like god look at that helmet on him he just looks like a troglodyte ready to do battle troglodyte taylor making me feel stupid he's a savage i mean i don't know what a troglodyte is he looks like a like a man johnny says he looks like a man victor crumb uh great harry potter reference okay good now i thought it was like something i missed in biology class okay great okay that makes me feel better um okay, action. Are we ready, Jer? Let's do it. To the moment itself, and it's event one of the games. He's back from a four-year ban.
Starting point is 00:59:34 This has been his life's goal. Yeah, nuts, right? Yeah, crazy. Holy shit. Sets it up and then, like, takes care of business. He called Benny or someone after this, right? Like, he called his mom or dad. I mean, he did something where he was like, I of business. I mean, he called, he called Benny or someone after this, right? Like he called his mom or dad. I mean, he did something where he was like,
Starting point is 00:59:48 I did it. Like this must've been a huge release. I didn't even think about that. Catharsis times a billion. Just take it. He just took a massive shit in front of everyone. I don't know. That's the same feeling.
Starting point is 01:00:03 How do those unicorn ones where you wipe and it's just nothing. The toilet paper is cleaner than when you pulled it off the roll. A ghost poop? Yeah. Good on him. That's cool. Good find. Great find.
Starting point is 01:00:19 That is the highest ranking man on the 2022 CrossFit Games 10 Greatest Moments. Ricky Garrett at number four. Coming back after getting popped for juicing or doing something four years ago. Coming back, stepping on the field, and just whooping ass. What was the event? What did you have to do? What was the event? It was 75 chest-to-bar, five-mile bike. 75 chest of our five mile bike and then and then kind of and then a
Starting point is 01:00:49 sprint right and then they and then you sprint across the field right little field sprint uh wad zombie let me ask you this wads i mean is there a ricky garrett uh um card because i have six cards but i don't have the Ricky Garrard card. You got to make up like a Pokemon CrossFit game, like how you play them against each other. Oh, you should be in charge of that. So,
Starting point is 01:01:14 yeah, right. Going to the beach. Got a show. Oh, okay, good. Nice. Okay. I just got the text okay uh guys we have to end the show jr just sent me a text he's got some uh he's got some personal shit we'll see you guys
Starting point is 01:01:34 tomorrow bye we'll do the last three tomorrow sorry about that open your blinds jr that was uh no there's some people actually believe that i just said um number uh dick butter give me your colton mertens no over my dead fucking body dude i ain't giving you nothing got a handful of colton mertens pubes and ziploc bag he sent me two i didn't get any of those either um number three ariel lowen takes on tia head to head in elizabeth elevated uh for those you don't know ariel lowen came in through the last chance qualifier uh last year in 2021 she said she was only going to the semi-finals to get the signage and here she is i've picked on her so many times on the show and made fun of her and And she, every time throws it in my face.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Yeah. And Sousa, Sousa, I apologize ahead of time, but if you, if you can get all those stamps and show, like they really do tell this story without letting it play for like a minute straight.
Starting point is 01:02:36 And it's just something that, I mean, I think Taylor weighing in on is really cool too. When you're in a race like this, you know it. And it's almost like no one else is out there and it's like the coolest feeling ever you know the most dominant crossfitter who's ever lived is to her left right there you you know it's like okay this is how it is it's going to be me and
Starting point is 01:02:56 you and we're going to go rep for rep until one of us can't hang and little things like they both jog back to the bar. When they leave the bar, Tia walks back to the P bars. Ariel doesn't. She jogs briskly back to the bars. Those little mind games, those little ways to try to make your opponent feel inferior in the moment, that kind of stuff is real. And whether or not people admit it or not, it's just like trying to pass someone on a hill. You want to try to bury somebody when you know that they're struggling.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And I mean, how many times has anyone gotten to go head to head against Tia in a workout like this and see her be the one that slows down and blows up? I mean, I can't imagine how like the feeling Ariel Lohan had. And that's why I say that finish, when we talked about Roman, Roman and alpaca is psychological. It is because of moments like this,
Starting point is 01:03:49 when you are, when you're fighting back and forth with somebody and you're thinking, you know, you pull that card, she trots back to the parallel bars and Tia doesn't, that's a, that is intentional. And it's a fuck you.
Starting point is 01:04:03 And, you know, in like, you know, on like, you know, on my list, this was still on the number three slot, but it was just for when have we ever seen Tia crouch down huffing and puffing because she can't catch her breath or because she,
Starting point is 01:04:17 she actually went out too hot and couldn't hold onto someone else's pace. Never. But you know, it was probably a little bit better suited in the not top 10. So just for me, watching this live and thinking about the back and forth, like how memorable it had to be, not only for
Starting point is 01:04:34 people watching, but for Ariel forever. I mean, so cool. All kidding aside, this is a great idea, by the way, right here. All kidding aside. JR needs to narrate the next game. I totally agree. They won't let an outsider in unless you get hired back i don't know let me tell you what they're doing everyone who knows everyone knows jr and is like tripping they're like fuck oh hey who's the person on the seven podcast last documentary who's the person i didn't watch it
Starting point is 01:05:00 i haven't seen it yet either i'm gonna watch it but the jr is eventually gonna they'll he'll try to pull him to the other side of the fence for sure, but they're struggling right now. They – they – Is it still – You do not know how hard it was for me to find JR and Taylor. I interviewed 350 people before I chose the two of them to work with me on this show. Are they? Hey, what's more true, that or I looked up to the heavens and said, dear God, send me your best.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And they arrived. One of those stories is true. It's not the first one, motherfuckers. Yeah. I want to say one more thing, too. Notice that on the left of her is Tia Toomey, like JR said, and on the right of her is tia toomey like jr said and on the right is laura horvat two of the most intimidating figures probably um at the crossfit games
Starting point is 01:05:51 definitely on the in the women's field and she's right in the middle of them also notice that tia's documentary crew is behind her and the fucking a broadcast camera and this is uh like jr said i didn't even think about about it so he said this must feel really good for ariel she must have got like a fat t-spike is it do girls get t-spikes uh that was good i mean this is this has got to be i mean this is something she will never forget she'll never forget the birth of her children. She'll never forget this workout. All right, action. Oh, and there it is.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Okay. And this is going into the nine. This is going into the 999. So it's about to really start, like the last 27 reps of each. Taylor, when Ariel jogs there, do you think that Tia would have jogged there if she hadn't seen Ariel jog? I think that probably forced her hand.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I don't think Tia wanted to, but I think seeing Ariel, and the other thing is this, Tia's extremely experienced and knows that running transitions is really important, but I think you could tell at that point in the workout, she wanted no part of that. And seeing Ariel do it was like, fuck, I guess I have to. And then on the way back, she's probably thinking, fuck, I don't know if I can. And Ariel's like, fuck you, I definitely can. So you were the man. If you can show all these clips, let's tell the story.
Starting point is 01:07:14 This is awesome. And what is this other movement here they're doing? It's the dips. Squat clean. Okay. And what's the weight on this? 95 for women. And is this heavy for either of them?
Starting point is 01:07:27 No. It's light enough to where they have to take a risk, but it's giving them some feedback for sure, and it's getting their heart rate up. What do you mean feedback? Meaning they feel it. It's not like an empty bar. It's not like 55 pounds for the ladies or even 75.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Think about doing 21 touch and go squat cleans at one 35 as a guy for the games athletes. That's not a heavy weight. It's a light bar, but you do 21 unbroken and you're going to feel it for sure. It definitely makes it. So you don't want to jog back and forth between the transition. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And it gets your heart rate up the full, the full clean for sure. It gets your heart rate up. So the length of action is. And they probably want to wait to let their triceps get some rest and their chest get some rest my heart right down yeah yeah okay all right and what did you like about this part jr just how they both kind of decided like okay so we're gonna go touch and go now and they're almost rep for rep they're gonna roll forward together
Starting point is 01:08:21 and then after this next transition we kind of see the i'm running back to the p bars you're going to run with me no okay i'm going exactly and and the leaderboard there shows that uh uh in that previous shot that we couldn't see who was in first but here in this next shot you can see t's in first by one rep. No, I'll jog. Yeah. Okay. That's baller.
Starting point is 01:08:52 And I'm right to work. I'm not going to chalk. I'm not going to look over. I'm just going to go. It's like you're not even there. I mean, that's got to be the mentality. And Errol Lowen's probably the most kind individual maybe that you've ever interviewed. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:09 She still has that inside of her. They all do. The what? The killer? Absolutely. And one of these clips is really cool. There's one of these clips. We need the volume because Chase says, here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:09:27 When you can see Superman bleed, when you know there's blood in the water then now everyone says maybe she can be beaten like that he says that oh yeah it's awesome man that's so sean woodland wow good job chase job uh howell gets everyone's heart rate up except his except his was that a commercial i saw on your youtube suza for a second yeah yeah we've been battling those two that's what's let's let's go big and get you youtube premium why don't you why don't you cut yourself uh 25 bucks out of the old uh salon media llc account good dude promoted promoted that's your first race uh o'connell on the right a quick chalk up for ariel lowen and then in the background you see tia toomey's uh she's already traversing and tia is not even up on the bar. Right. And he's got her head down.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Like she doesn't even want to see it. Right. It's just starting to set in. She's starting to, it's just kind of starting to blow up. Yeah. Johnny, he will be putting that on his Lincoln profile that he got to raise as
Starting point is 01:10:42 executive producer of the seven podcast. profile uh that he got to raise as executive producer of the seven podcast throwing that out and this might be where this might be where we want volume i'm pretty sure it's this clip it might be the next one but it's on her final set of three and ariel rowan has an event win it's the next one and they go back to showing Tia and her finishing up and how she's dropping to seventh in the heat or fifth in the heat or whatever. And then that's when Chase makes that call. A well-deserved, while Suze cues us up,
Starting point is 01:11:18 this is the number three greatest moment at the 2022 CrossFit Games. A well-deserved Ariel Lowen beating Tia. How many people have beat Tia? Do we need Brian here for that? How many different people have actually had a win on Tia? Or Chad. Chad, we need Chad.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Several this year, several last year, almost none at the 2020 Games. Was it two events this year several last year almost none at the 2020 games and then was it it was it two events this year taylor only two event wins oh four tia yeah yeah and so several um this was still a big deal to to beat her she's she's got to be she's the most winningest uh not only in terms of titles but most winningest in terms of first-place events too. Yeah, and you'll see this. It ain't the same women beating her frequently. It's like, oh, one specialist beats her in this workout. Another specialist beats her in this workout and so on and so forth.
Starting point is 01:12:16 What's crazy is I don't think Ariel Lowen knew. I think we may have interviewed her. Yeah, she's one of the interviews we did after the games, and I think she said she had no idea she would be so good at this event like she didn't go into it knowing that this was her event which is yeah i mean they they've all said in the warm-up area there were no p bars so you couldn't practice that wow and that's kind of a movement that unless you're pat and you spent time on the parallel bars because it's a male event in gymnastics you're probably wondering how it's going to feel everyone probably was but you know yeah traversing for sure but there are a lot of athletes that do a lot of bar dips yeah she beat mal o'brien by 16 seconds second place that's huge huge okay yep we're ready. Thank you, Cesar. Remaining.
Starting point is 01:13:07 She is your leader on the floor right now. But as you mentioned, Chase, times from prior heats are starting to... And then if you go to 57-11, I think that's Chase's announcement. 57-11 or 56-55. Damn, you're good. Yeah, for that pro winning. Final set of three. damn you're good so 56-55 must be that must be that clip i hope i put it in there god chase sean must have been so bummed when chase said this he must have been like fuck i wish i would have said that i hope i'm right i think you're wrong i think it's
Starting point is 01:13:43 for the first time ever i think it is sean who said it. For the first time ever? I think it is Sean who said it. It's not Sean that says this quote. Whether or not this is the right time stamp, that's another story. Okay. Fighting for second place with Matt O'Brien. Ariel Lohan trying to lock up her. Look at Sousa.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Swinging a mess. He's scared. Good. I like it. Be scared, buddy. Get our fucking YouTube station shut down. Because fucking. I'm sure it's right.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Pace Ingram off. I'm sure it's right within there. But that was our time limit there. Yeah. Chase, you're not. You're not. Your handy's not coming to a conclusion. I hope he's listening. He knows he said it. He talks about if you can see superman bleed if you know i remember the quote yeah it's awesome yeah but do you think chase said it or sean it was for sure
Starting point is 01:14:34 chasing for sure yeah the only slip up is yeah for sure chase he said it i remember ladies and gentlemen number two greatest moment in the 2022 CrossFit Games. Danny Spiegel, Jacqueline Dahlstrom. And that's it. Bring his picture. Those two. You got the picture, Sousa? Oh, shit, Sousa, is that my job?
Starting point is 01:15:00 I don't have my text hooked up to this, so in order to do it, I have to do a whole thing. So, yeah, text me the photos. I got it, I got it. And in the future, it would be better off if you guys email it to this, so in order to do it, I have to do a whole thing. So yeah, texting and photos. I got it. I got it. And in the future, it would be better off if you guys email it to me, then I can show it that way. God, we fucked up. I got to make sure nothing shows here.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Fuck, I don't know if I... I actually got to close... No nudies. Close all my texts. Pull up the picture. Is that a screen grab? Oh, now I know why you wanted to show this i get it now when i make it when i make it full size like this i get it i didn't get why this was so important at first wow so cool man wow if you look at if you look at that there's no angling
Starting point is 01:15:38 involved they're sitting on the same bench okay yeah look at that and you tell me which which athlete you think can put 240 on her shoulder. No one's going to say both of them. OK, yeah. And that I mean, this event in general and until it got to this point, at least on the female side, I didn't find it as exciting. And then after the females went, maybe if the males went first, the females would have the same kind of build up because they knew that, yeah, the first five or six bags are kind of boring. But then when we got to these, I mean, I can't think of a more exciting event to watch. And when you see like Tia in this clip, like nodding her head, smiling, like, wow, like it's, it's so cool that these two were standing and going head to head and a workout like this.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Yeah, this is great. And, um, there's a considerable size difference huh 10 10 15 pounds and is is dollstrom taller than her you know no but i want to say on the call chase says that um dollstrom's body weight is 148 and her max cleaning jerk was 245 which is very impressive so we know she's great with a barbell already, but the fact that it would translate over to an odd object like this is super impressive. And I mean-
Starting point is 01:16:53 Wait, you're telling me her clean, her clean and jerk or her clean, what's 245, her clean and jerk? Yeah. I wonder what her max clean is. Because think of how much of that bag is off the, off the off the i don't know what do you call it the midline or the uh off the uh what what's the plane called
Starting point is 01:17:12 the uh transverse plane fuck i forget i need to take my l1 for the 75th time but but basically there's a big difference between carrying a fucking 100-pound D-ball and a fucking bar, and let alone this fucking gigantic bag. I mean it's crazy. For anyone who doesn't know, I have to assume all 3,000 of you who are watching live now know that it's like the difference between holding a plate out here, try to hold a 45-pound plate out here versus here. plate 45 pound plate out here versus here and she's doing that she's holding a 240 pound bag which is basically holding half the weight out here or some big large portion portion of it which is equal to her max clean and jerk it's crazy and and danny spiegel didn't use you got to give her a compliment either she wasn't sloppy at all it wasn't like just watching some big girl just muscle that shit i mean she was fucking explosive and technical as a mofo.
Starting point is 01:18:07 It looked like she could have stepped into the men's heat. Yeah. It would have been so cool to just let her keep going until she failed. Are you okay with that? Are you okay with, like, Adrian, like, just walking out there and be like, hey, we're going to let her keep going and give her fucking two grand a bag oh now if you do that yeah yeah i think that would be so fucking cool to do to win the workout i i don't think she's like she's not gonna stay out there and risk injury just for your enjoyment yeah but there's money
Starting point is 01:18:40 on the line what if that would dawn was there the new ceo what if that would have been like his first like that was like his first day at work. And he just, why? Oh, hold on. Danny, Danny,
Starting point is 01:18:48 five grand a bag just for trying them. That would have been like some fucking Vince McMahon, WWE shit. Greg would have done it. David had done it. I mean, I don't know about now today, but back in the day,
Starting point is 01:18:59 that's, that's what made us bad-ass. You won the CrossFit games. Here's $6,000 in a handgun. $600 in a handgun six hundred dollars in a handgun yeah the first clip of jackie dahlstrom doing it and then seeing the the juxtaposition of techniques too is really cool i mean danny just can just pop her hip super explosive and almost drop under it and catch it. And Jackie kind of works,
Starting point is 01:19:25 works her way up. But the fact that she can do it at that load is crazy. Do you think anyone on ESPN has ever like picked a chunk of their toenail off while they're live on the air? I just fucking just ripped a chunk of toenail off. That's disgusting. I'm taking a pee break. You're gonna miss the clip.
Starting point is 01:19:43 You're gonna miss the clip you're gonna miss the clip uh jacqueline dulcim weighing 145 pounds do we know what bag this is 200 toes that's the 240 yep round nine so she's lifted eight bags before this already we're definitely getting we're definitely getting banned for this definitely getting canceled i tried to queue it up right before the lift this one these are that's what i sent sev on yesterday i was like dude we can't show any of these clips things it takes some 30 seconds to get it from the ground to their shoulder yeah i'm gonna just press this button why do you think that they were able to figure out the women's weight and not the men's weight correctly?
Starting point is 01:20:28 Do we know that they figured out the women's weight correctly? How many more guys do you think Danny could have gotten? Well, but once someone won, you only need to know one guy. Yeah, that's true. Adrian said like it was like most of the stuff was tested multiple times. And then after testing, they were like, yeah, no one's going to do over 340. You know what I mean? It was like, so I wonder what the heaviest one anyone did in testing. And he said, okay, with adrenaline athletes will perform. Let's go 40 pounds heavier than what we think they're going
Starting point is 01:21:04 to hit just to plan for it and then in the warm-up area what three guys hit 300 and that's it who day and a couple more and then look how many went past 300 it's crazy if you were to ask nick ricky justin roman gee maybe not gee but those other guys i bet you they would all say that they experienced something supernatural out there because of the crowd and adrenaline and all that that it was like holy shit yeah and in such in such maybe more of a a primal way because if one thing is a millisecond off or a millimeter off in a heavy snatch or even in a clean you're not going to hit it you could wrestle that bag for 40 seconds or for 20 seconds or for,
Starting point is 01:21:46 you know what I mean? Way less technical, just like getting energy from the crowd. I'm sure was felt a lot more than like in a one second lift. What a trip getting energy from the crowd. Uh, did you see the video that a breathing coach breathing expert, um, did on Justin Medeiros is left. Did either of you guys see that? No, it's a pretty, Oh, his bracing. I noticed that when I watched him do the event, the way he braced at each stage. So, okay.
Starting point is 01:22:15 And that, and he was doing some interesting mouth breathing. Like, you know, he would take a huge breath where you have to force it down. She's claiming it down. Yeah. Oh yeah. I noticed that when he was lifting, I was i was like wow he has his technique dialed in more than almost any other competitor on this bag and i think that's what allowed him to go as far as he did yeah we were watching yeah we were watching i remember we said he's been trained to do it like he didn't just
Starting point is 01:22:39 see the strongman guy do it once and say okay i can do that like turning the bag on the way up is the right way but way more technical so what i am i was gonna say what i noticed more than even the sandbag technique like you you keyed in on the sandbag technique during that event i was just locked in on his bracing like i watched him breathe and i was like wow no other competitor is doing that um It was awesome. By the way, I think this – Newbie and Queen says, Guy said it was dangerous. I think that this workout was significantly more dangerous than what people think.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Significantly more? More dangerous, yeah. Oh, my God. Get the – Sorry. Well, who got hurt on this event? I don't know. Maybe no one.
Starting point is 01:23:25 But I think it was fucking. Scott blew his fucking knee out on Legless Robicon. So anything. I'm just saying. Anything is dangerous. Anything is dangerous. I mean. I'll give you that too.
Starting point is 01:23:37 At the professional level, these guys are going max, max throttle, full throttle. That pisses me off. Shut the fuck up, Guy. You're getting paid to be there. It's still dangerous. Don't go. Am I allowed to say it or do I have to shut the fuck up too? No, you can say whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I love you. I didn't get paid to be there. Danny Spiegel, the winner of the event. This is going to be less than seven, I'm sure. Oh, so she did. Okay, yep. God, she's so fucking strong it is you remember that uh jr do you remember that event that is that is not the technique justin used no she her and gee are very similar you mean the you mean the event at wadapalooza that she power snatched the whole
Starting point is 01:24:18 time yeah yeah circus i think it was called circus uh it was the males and she won it for the females yeah she fucking powered all the snatches at like 220 not 220 it wasn't 225 i want to say it was like 165 yeah it was nowhere near that heavy sorry i'm freaking out um but she it was an insane weight and she made it look like the men it's crazy yeah jr howell stradamus i agree i wish i wish that flowed a little better but i feel you i want a broken clock i love gear man i think he's a great athlete i just don't like when athletes complain about something being dangerous when they're getting paid to be there that's like a running back being complaint complaining about having to get tackled well yeah that shit's dangerous too okay i don't think that we're going to make it to the second part of the show.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Oh, dude. Don't be afraid. It could be a standalone. Yeah. Don't be afraid. Let's let that thought percolate. Go ahead, Jer. Go ahead, Jer.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Go ahead, Jer. I was going to ask Taylor, can you come on tomorrow night? Let's do it. Back to back nights. We already got the buzz. Wow. Yeah. I can come on, baby baby i'm good to go
Starting point is 01:25:27 i can do tomorrow night fuck yeah all right okay um ladies and gentlemen the number one first of all big and flexy eat a dick we showed a bunch of girls ladies and gentlemen number one crossfit games 2022 was just going to say we should see if people could guess it in the comments. Okay, guys, start guessing. So you need one second to guess it right now. Oh, yeah, just let them roll. Before I do the big announcement, did you consult these with Taylor before you – no. No.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I asked him to review mine. He told me to go fuck myself. He asked me what I had on my list and when i started telling him he goes no dude that's not on the that's that's not a positive moment that's not that's not he said that goes on mine so that i got frustrated and had to find five more clips hey everyone on the show i'm friends with um who off the show the only person i'm not is Taylor. Let that be known to everyone. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:26:28 What did you say? Read the comments. Got it. The number one 2022 CrossFit Games best moment of the year. This is the moment. Number one. And the best commercial that Rogue's ever made without making it. Well said. number one and the best commercial that rogues ever made without making it uh well said uh rebecca fusli a rogue commercial finishing the capital just the crowd starting to oh so here's a girl who barely made it to the crossfit games did she come through the last chance qualifier no no but but she was in that she was in that uh one point away from brookwell's one
Starting point is 01:27:11 point away from kelly clark right yeah good memory yeah okay and so so basically she took she took fifth or fourth well either way the point the points at the semifinals were 242 243 and 244 some crazy shit like that and she make and she and she's tiny she's a she's a she's probably the smallest uh uh lady in in the um field athlete in the field uh and she arrives at the games um she she's probably one of the newest she's probably one not one of the newest people to crossfit also too right she doesn't have a like this long illustrious career this is on the front page of right now wow that's pretty cool they would never show
Starting point is 01:27:54 it on cnn though because you know and uh and because uh working out will make you a right wing. Everyone knows that. Um, she shows up to this event and, uh, and go ahead, Jared, let her rip. Yeah. And I think there's a moment,
Starting point is 01:28:14 um, maybe it was on the, do you want to tell us the workout first? What, what, what happened? What transpired to get to this point? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:28:20 this is the Friday morning workout. Uh, it's the Capitol. They did 20 pig flips. They ran three and a half miles. Then they did 200 meter Jerry bag carry with 100s and 70s. And then they did a Husafel carry 200 meters ending with climbing stairs, 200 pounds and 150 pounds. This is 150. I'm sure it's well over her body weight. And I think there was a moment maybe when you interviewed Adrian and said, you know, what's going on through your head when you're watching her, because there is no time cap. And if he didn't say this, I apologize, but I want to say that he, he said, he went up to her at one point and said, you're going to be able to finish this. And she said, yeah, I'm finishing it. He definitely said it to someone. I don't
Starting point is 01:28:59 remember if it was her, but I, but I think you're right. I think you're spot on. Yeah. And yeah, just, I mean, to a lot of us that go to gyms, this is CrossFit, this right here, that's it. People crowding around people, people helping you finish something you don't think you can do. Maybe you finishing something you don't think you can do. And you know, this, this kind of a moment wouldn't have been possible in, in any other year because this backdrop was the reason why it was so special. And if anyone who is wondering, like I was, is Adrian Bosman suited for this job?
Starting point is 01:29:35 And it's hard for me to say that because he is a dear friend, but I wondered that. And if you're wondering if he's suited for the job, it was his leadership, his, his call at the very moment that this was going on to allow the crowd to come in behind her. And, uh, and, and that's, that's quite the audible that requires some real situational awareness, understand the drama, understand the stage, understand just the gravity of the situation, how you want it to be portrayed to the world. And you're, and you're right i think jr nailed it adrian did grow up in in the affiliate that those are his roots at crossfit san francisco and that is that's an affiliate moment at the crossfit games you're absolutely right absolutely right you ever see people at your gym that fucking hate that when they're the last in a
Starting point is 01:30:20 workout and everyone's like cheering them on they're're like, yeah, fuck you. People in my gym don't do that. Really? So we, Andy, my, my boss, he's always like, you know, he's really big on like, don't clean your equipment up when there are people still working out in the workout. And when the last, when there's one person left, like go cheer him on and he's, you know, it's that affiliate thing. But as soon as he's the last person in a workout, you better stay the fuck away. Hey, I've even though I never belonged to an affiliate, I've worked out in affiliates and with people, you know, obviously hundreds, if not thousands of times.
Starting point is 01:30:54 And I it never bothered me. It's always motivated me. It's always me. I've never been like, fuck you. It's always, I can remember specifically times just being on a rower and wanting to like calm down. And I'm the last person in fucking five people come over and start yelling at me. And I'm always thankful.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I'm always thankful. I don't even hear it to be honest. Like it doesn't bother me, but I don't also wouldn't go as far as to say like, is it, it pushes me harder. I think I've like got this really loud internal self-talk going on that I just kind
Starting point is 01:31:25 of don't really hear much, but I love it. And why doesn't it happen at your gym, Mr. Howell? You don't allow it? No, no, no. It's not that. I think a lot of people like to suffer in silence. He's got a young crowd. And they don't want the attention on them. You know, this is some, this is a conversation for another day when me and Taylor get together, maybe talk about what's the right way to program for your affiliate. And do you program for who's in it or do you program for general fitness or whatever? But we had over a hundred names on the whiteboard today and not one person put up their time. It's a very, it's a very interesting, it's a very interesting dynamic.
Starting point is 01:32:04 It's a very interesting dynamic. There are lots and lots and lots of really, really fit competitive people. And some people that aren't competitive in the sport anymore are still just crazy fit. But for some reason, that push that you get trying to beat each other only lasts during the workout. It doesn't last after when you go over the whiteboard and you look at the times it's strange but they don't put their times meaning they're egomaniacs no one does because they're embarrassed the people that win the workout don't and the people that finish last don't it's just it's something that kind of went away over time um you know i think probably a lot of people worrying about it too much and maybe the temptation to not do the full workout just so you can beat someone or you know if you train it if
Starting point is 01:32:52 you train at jr's gym and you don't and you're watching this and you don't put your score on the board tomorrow you're a douche you have to do it just to be a contrarian you put your fucking score up yeah yeah you still you still write everybody's name up on the whiteboard before every class yeah it's like i would say i would say on you still write everybody's name up on the whiteboard before every class. Yeah. Like I would say, I would say on average, if a hundred people's name on the board,
Starting point is 01:33:10 maybe to put a, put on a time, but two coaches, but two coaches ask for it. Cause we asked for them to give me, it's, it's, it's always just a voluntary thing.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Do you ever encourage them on like benchmark workouts that you know, you're going to repeat or workouts that you repeat often in the gym? Yeah, or just that they track it somewhere like on their phone or in an app. Some people still have stuff like Wattify active and things like that. I think there's two ways to look at that. There's the way to look at it where like you're worried about who's going to beat you and you don't want to put your time out because you don't want somebody else beating your time just because they saw it. But there's also like and this is what andy preaches is accountability like your score is your accountability your scores that
Starting point is 01:33:50 you did the workout to your standard your scores that you did all the reps your score that's the culture that's the culture they teach you in the l1 and i fucking love that uh yeah makes my heart melt the thing is is like i want to be but jr's so fucking weird already like melt the thing is I want to be but JR is so fucking weird already the whole thing is just weird everything is just like he looks so good in that shirt yeah he does look great in that shirt everyone looks great in that shirt
Starting point is 01:34:16 go and buy a fucking shirt make me rich bitch tomorrow what a great show top 10 we did it tomorrow we will shit on crossfit for uh 90 minutes um it's taylor's fault is we're gonna do the 10 most fucked up moments something just came up for me tomorrow night fuck you dude you better be there will will you should make a um a thumbnail for this brand setter.
Starting point is 01:34:45 It should be Taylor squatting over the word CrossFit and diarrhea pouring out of his ass. Oh my god. Do not do that, dude. Do not fucking do that. The CrossFit Games logo. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:34:58 And people who can't take a joke can shove it. Okay, I saw your private comment suza ads are playing okay yeah just an hour anything um just just for shits and giggles um do you guys have a few minutes yeah um if anyone wants to uh call in um feel free to call in a chat with jr or uh taylor for a second uh are you happy with this uh jr now that you went through and looked at them or like because it's different when you're looking at them i think it probably would have been this year i think it probably would have been
Starting point is 01:35:35 better and maybe harder to just do a top five and then do a couple honorable mentions because i do think some of them were memorable to me maybe maybe just from a nerd geek standpoint of watching competitors compete versus things that will be more memorable to the general population. Did you sweat or feel embarrassed? Did anything even come up? You're like, oh, fuck. I thought this was good when I was by myself. No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:59 There weren't any like that. I just asked that because sometimes when I do the live call-in show, clips will pop up that I chose. And I'm like, oh, shit. Why did i choose this like what was i thinking i was taking a shit on the toilet and i thought the whole world would want to see this with me like what what was i thinking but also real quick yeah we're looking uh me and jr looking for sponsors for our programming show just throwing that out there for all the shows for any show you're on or any show me and jr on yeah we're looking for sponsors for the show when was the last time i've been in a box uh i we're here in newport and everyone went to a box and worked out except for me i saw that why i saw that picture i think that oh i i didn't see the oh i don't think i saw a picture which box did they go to
Starting point is 01:36:42 did they go to chalk yes yeah yeah they went to chalk that's why you didn't go the, I don't think I saw the picture. Which box did they go to? Did they go to chalk? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They went to chalk. That's why you didn't go. And no, no, I like, I'm good. I'm good with Brian Fisher. And they went to another,
Starting point is 01:36:50 they went to another box too. I'm trying to think the last, I mean the last box, the last box I've been to is CrossFit Aptos, but I don't think I worked out there. I used to go there all the time just to watch my wife workout. I would just sit on the bench and watch with the kids. That's a cool gym. Zach,
Starting point is 01:37:08 didn't he sell it? It wasn't his? Zach Pine? Yeah. I can't remember the lady's name who bought it. Yeah, Zach Pine. That's a cool gym. Work out there. How can you be the CEO and you don't work out at a box? It's not how I want to allocate my time, to be honest. I don't want to drive there.
Starting point is 01:37:24 But it's a good question. I just don't want to allocate my time to be honest I don't want to drive there and um but but it's a good question I just don't I just don't want to allocate my time maybe I should rethink that when your kids get older then you can just take them and you'll have an excuse to go I've been to a lot of boxes though my friend and worked out and worked out in a shitload of boxes it just if I do that now uh it would be probably you know extra hour or two out of my day and i do like to work out every single day do you think your kids would ever want to go into crossfit and do a gym and become member you know yeah yeah yeah my kids would love that shit they did actually we did they used to do uh crossfit classes at uh crossfit santa cruz with um not michelle moots with lauren
Starting point is 01:38:02 galat lauren galassi she's like one of the original gymnastics girls that was, and she was an amazing coach. She had great videos on handstand walking techniques, pirouettes, rope climbs, stuff like that, like really good stuff back in the day. Do you follow SMTP? I follow. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 01:38:22 I'm on the assault bike track. Dude, we have awesome workouts. There's a lot, there's a lot of fan bike in there. You guys can pick on me all you want. I'm, I am far, I'm far from perfect, but I'm better than the rest of you. So, all right. You lost your opportunity to call in. Bye.

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