The Sevan Podcast - #569 - The Not Top 10 | 2022 CrossFit Games

Episode Date: August 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Do you want me to bring up the article to start? I panicked at first. Bam, we're live. One second.
Starting point is 00:00:37 We're going to say it. Caleb, what's up, dude? Hey, good morning. Good morning. Oh, this is going to be a fun show today. Oh, yeah, it is. With JR and Taylor. They is going to be a fun show today. Oh, yeah, it is. With JR and Taylor. They're going to be on. We went live about five minutes early because I wanted to address. I don't know if I'm addressing the Jason Dunlop issue or if I'm addressing the continuous, horrible, horrible reporting coming from the Morning Chaka.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And it's almost like they go out of their way to lie. I'm starting to wonder because they know because I watched the interview Lauren Khalil did with LeFranco. And although I'm a huge fan of Lauren Khalil and her insane work ethic, do not waste your time watching that interview. Holy shit, that guy's full of shit. That is 12 minutes of just the only reason that you should watch that is if you want to make content about it like for me it's great because i can make content about how ridiculous it is but if you like want information um it's like let's say you want information about plum trees the information you're going to get it
Starting point is 00:01:41 and i'll get into the details a little bit here, but it's like, mmm, plums are good. Plum trees grow in sunlight. Mmm, plums. The plum industry is thriving. Plums. Plums, plums, plums, some plums are red. Yeah, some are. Some plums are red, green.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And so you're like, Sevan, you're wasting our time. No, I'm being funny. I'm being funny. I'm being funny. Hey, so here's the deal with Jason Dunlop. We've known forever. I'm going to explain a bunch of things to you. We've known forever he's not going to be around. He is a, he sells shit.
Starting point is 00:02:16 So his career is to sell iPad covers that say Nike or CrossFit or, sorry, Caleb, US Army or just any ipad cover that's what he does he sells ipad covers so if there's a business he sells ipad covers for it that's what his job is and some of you are like that's not true listen listen it's a metaphor it's a simile like choose your item like um choose your item whatever hats whatever pens commodities yes he's a marketer and most people are in business and that's why the entire c-suite is fucked over at crossfit because the only people who know how to work the only people who know how to work and who are working over there and i would say this with almost certainty are people like nicole carroll
Starting point is 00:03:03 dave castro i think gary gain Gaines might be starting to figure it out. But if you didn't work there before and you don't fall from the Glassman pedigree, you won't understand what we're selling. And so you bring a guy from Nike and all he knows how to do is sell shoelaces, the cheapest made shoelaces that they can get made in China from slave labor. That's his job. That's his job. That's his job. So there's two huge problems with all these people who are coming over. They just know how to put systems in place and then they want the rats to do the work. That's not what's going on at CrossFit. They still don't
Starting point is 00:03:38 realize, here it goes, here it goes. They still don't realize that they bought the hell's angels and they did not buy harley davidson so you bring people in like this girl aaron jason dunlap uh um gary gains but but i think but gary i think is honestly i think he's figuring out um you bring in um uh eric rosa they have no fucking clue what they're fucking selling it's almost it's not even their fault and then on top of that they're woke you. You have to understand none of, none of those people matter to the day to day workings at CrossFit. If you're on the board, you're wasting money by hiring people like that. You don't need them. It'll be interesting to see if Don can figure out what's going on at CrossFitting. But anyway, so this guy, Jason Dunlap, Dunlap was brought on. We've known he's going to be let go for four months.
Starting point is 00:04:27 We knew he was woke. I explained to you what woke is yesterday, racist, sexist, homophobic, everything you do that you want to do, you get the opposite results of what you wanted. It's a shit show disaster. I wish I could find his fucking Lincoln post that he made about LGBTQ. You guys would fucking shit yourself. It's shit that like uh
Starting point is 00:04:46 20 years ago the left would have killed you for it is so fucking bad is it on his linkedin his whole linkedin has changed now it's all orange theory fitness already it's great yeah so these are serial executives that only know how to do um uh these um systems but like you have someone like nicole Nicole Carol over there. If we could just like go into Nicole's Carol's house right now and take the roof off and Tosh wouldn't shoot us. We would see someone who worked. She knows how to work because she understands what the product is.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Well, seven, you haven't said what the product is yet. It's selling personal accountability and personal responsibility and sharing the cure to the world's most vexing problem, which involves Q Up the Pyramid, nutrition, and movement. And when you have the truth, you say it in as millions of different ways as you can so that as many people can digest it as possible. But you don't focus on selling that you just focus on that message because we don't have we we're not we're going to release um 12 different ipad colors they knew right away when they bought dunlap on like anyone who knows what crossfit is knew that the day he was brought on was the day he was let go but we've known when when uh when um morningalkup says two days ago, breaking news.
Starting point is 00:06:08 He knew too. They all knew. Wein schnitzel is a sieve. He leaks all of that shit to ā€“ he leaks all of that stuff to Justin LaFranco. I just want to read you one ā€“ if you could scroll down, i want to read you one thing that says it all um it is um none of those people know what they're doing there you have to you have to know that and it doesn't matter it no affiliate should be worried about who comes and goes in the c-suite other than dave and nicole possibly gary gaines and and now we'll see what don does if don can figure out what kind if he's in a car a boat or an airplane it's going to be interesting
Starting point is 00:06:50 to see if he can figure it out but um this is this right here what are you looking for um that was the bottom of the article where i just scrolled jr have you washed that shirt yet no sir i was way too excited to watch it i'm gonna find the i'm just glad that it got there it didn't okay here we go here we go so listen um this is this is a quote who knows if it's real i don't know what it's it feels like just morning chocolate just makes anything up uh man it's so it's the the babbling he does he really wants to pretend like he's a news guy um the welcome this is a quote from this from this morning chocolate article and thank you for the content morning chocolate i mean that
Starting point is 00:07:38 sincerely the welcome i've received from this highly talented passionate inspiring team has been a joy and i'm in awe of their commitment, drive and motivation to propel Orange Theory brand forward across the globe. Sounds familiar. Yeah. Dude, he, where's, I want to know where the health and wellness part is. I'm interested in spreading health and wellness and teaching people how to move. I wonder if that ā€“ I bet you that dude does not ā€“ cannot squat below parallel. And I mean that in the grossest, most judgmental way. Like, oh, my God, you can't squat below parallel?
Starting point is 00:08:15 I mean that from the most pretentious, arrogant CrossFit position I can ā€“ I'm excited to work with this incredible team and continue unlocking global potential of OTF. Of OTF, huh? Of OTF? Hey, as soon as you hear someone in a position, unless they're in the military and they start using acronyms in the general public, douche. Douchebag. Widget salesman, iPad salesman. It's's a joke of course he wasn't last and it and the bottom line is everyone woke is getting fucking thrown out of crossfit one by one they're being taught sometimes two by two they're all being crossed out and
Starting point is 00:09:01 that's what's really going on and justin knows that and why he won't say that i don't know i well i don't know if he knows it he might be in denial they might be in denial but weinstein will be next that chick aaron will be next the entire dei team will be buh-bye buh-bye you will all be tossed out because at the end of the day someone on the board has to make money and you have to someone's gonna have to have to figure out, holy shit, this is a fucking ā€“ a company of the highest fucking integrity and only operates when it's completely honest and operating at the highest level of integrity because it's selling the operating system to the human genome. And any noise in that message fucks up the fidelity and the quality of the message and the effectiveness and efficacy of the program wow so i didn't know you could sound smart and it's sometimes wad zombie i got your card who what wad zombie keeps asking this in the comments i just wanted
Starting point is 00:09:58 to acknowledge it finally oh please got it i got it No, I got nothing. Mail doesn't come to my house or gym. It's something from, it's like an inside job. I think Sevan did that. No, listen, listen. All of us behind the scenes don't like you, JR. And we're like, hey, did you tell JR you're sending him shit? Yeah, but you're not. You gotta hit the ground with like 20 different people. Perception of reality.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Somebody called me Tijuana Taylor in the comments. I love it. Wow. It's that mustache. So we can also take bets on the next revolving door, C-Suite Exec, that's going to be leaving and going to another global brand. This is good. This is good. They're leaving.
Starting point is 00:10:36 It's good, right? I don't know what's good. Yeah, yeah, it's good. It actually is really, really good because you have to understand those people have not done anything since the day they were there because they don't know what they're operating with. That's why you see the training department doing so much shit relative to everyone else. I mean you guys are ā€“ we're all in the community. Can you think of ā€“ oh, and LeFranco kept talking about the games as like being the cornerstone of the ā€“ implicitly as the cornerstone of CrossFit. It's not even ā€“ it's not.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I hate to say this, but I orange theory what is it what it's like well here's the thing you pay the same you pay the same price for a crossfit membership you pay like 185 a month and your orange theory coaches have a fucking fraction of the education that any l1 has from a weekend seminar. What is it? It's a jazzercise class? It's basically just- It's like rowing and TRX and bike. It's like circuit training, but you stay within the- They play the skin flute. Work thing.
Starting point is 00:11:35 What's wrong with that? What's wrong with jazzercise, Sevan? Nothing. Nothing's wrong with the skin flute, you fucking level 10 player. My mom has owned and operated a Jazzercise for 40 years. No, is that true? Holy shit. 100%.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Oh, that is in its actual brick and mortar Jazzercise? Still. Hey, that's Jane Fonda's thing. That's impressive. What is a Jazzercise? I thought you were talking about that freaking thing that hangs around impressive what is a jazzercise i thought you were talking about that freaking thing that hangs around your neck the jaws are sized that you put in your mouth and you like chew on oh yeah yeah you're too young to know what jazzercise what what is that that's like it's like you could think of it as like aerobic dance fitness it's the first p90x
Starting point is 00:12:22 dude wow that's pretty cool your mom owns that so you come from a fitness lineage jr yes that's what i was thinking holy shit um dude it's hardcore it's the jazzercise ladies of the day it's fucking hardcore it's like it's pre it's way before zumba it's the shit hey how many brick and mortar jazzercises are left not a lot wow one no i'm gonna send your mama i'm gonna send your mama ceo shirt she might be the ceo of jazzercise holy shit that's pretty cool she kills it dude she still teaches multiple classes a week she's what 65 now and she's super fit oh damn this one in livermore no there's this you don't even know your competition you're fucking half the businessman i thought you were
Starting point is 00:13:10 what the fuck is that that's my competition bro hey that's what i thought hey that's how you work out your tongue. That's clitoral training. Oh, dude, that's cock training, bro. That's flickeral training. What the heck is this? Hey, do you guys know? Susie, do you know the story about the lady who was president? She ended up becoming president of General Motors. She was just a housewife.
Starting point is 00:13:38 No. And she came up through the Girl Scouts of America. Do you know that story? No. I'm going to have to find that story. But if anyone wants to know about how the fucking world really works, it's this lady. Mary Barra? She was a housewife.
Starting point is 00:13:58 She had a son. And one of her friends is like, hey, would you run the Girl Scouts chapter in our area? And she's like, I don't even have girls. No. And they're like, we really need someone and we know you can do it. And she's like, fine. So she just ran a local Girl Scouts chapter. And then from there became like the Girl Scouts, like regional director.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And then then like the bigger region and then eventually become president of the Girl Scouts of America. And then it becoming fucking the CEO of General Motors. It's a fucking crazy story. And she's kicking and and screaming the whole way doesn't want any of the fucking jobs sounds like the person who needs to have the jobs yeah it's the exact opposite of me i'm doing the kicking and screaming part but i i bet okay the 10 biggest fuck-ups that make it so taylor might not watch the crossfit games next year are they're not the biggest fuck-ups but they're just uh sorry the 10 funnest moments they're the not top 10 and that's a real espn thing oh yeah dude come on man you've never seen that no i wonder if we're gonna get
Starting point is 00:15:06 um, are we allowed to title it that? The not top 10? Yeah. They don't have that trademark. There's no way. Hey, we made it okay through the last one, right? So, there's no little things or marks or discrepancies. Yeah, did you see that we did get a dingo yesterday for playing the George Carlin
Starting point is 00:15:22 bit? Oh, really? Yeah, we did. That was on fucking instagram 2022 crossfit games not top 10 sent to me by taylor crossfit charlotte at jesus you just gave the world my email you fucker no one can spell charlotte dude it's not the first time you got in trouble for that not the first no one can spell charlotte dude it's not the first time you got in trouble for that not the first no one can spell charlotte you know what oh i can't say it never mind all right let's go uh what's the what's the the last thing we did was that uh top 10 uh greatest moments from the crossfit games uh any any feedback you guys got from that any like anything you want to say you
Starting point is 00:16:03 wish you would have changed it you got yelled at you got you got your wife thinks you're great and bought your birthday cake i think it's a shame on some of the stuff even um the grit that rebecca fuseli showed that like people will remember that workout such an iconic workout more so for her or maybe for Haley not able to finish the final 50 feet more so than like Ricky and Gabby I think that was Magala's first win at the CrossFit Games but no one even I mean I remember the like the event ended and you said I don't even know who won that who won won it. And we told you, and you were like, she did. So it's crazy that we don't remember things always for who, who wins them. Yeah. Was it that, was it that show that I was kind of blown?
Starting point is 00:16:57 What was the first workout of the day? That was the bike, the bike. That was the first workout of Friday, the Capitol, but the first workout of the competition was the bike. Yeah. And I was, and I i didn't realize until a couple days ago until i did the show with you or with brian that that was ricky's comeback workout for the crossfit games and he won it i mean what a statement what a fucking statement and even so everyone's going to remember it more so for the ones that didn't do the whole workout more so than for ricky winning. Do you guys watch baseball? No. Oh. Well, I walked by TV the other day, and I don't watch baseball either,
Starting point is 00:17:31 and the Dodgers were playing this other team. The Dodgers are the L.A. team. And the game was finishing, and they were interviewing a guy, and he had just set the world record for most double home run games, meaning he had just hit two home runs in his 20th time in his career. And he was a young kid and he didn't even look juiced up. And it just trips me out in 2022 that in a sport that's that evolved that there's still records uh being said it was something um dodgers new mookie bets mlb record for multiple multi-home run games and then and then i text someone who's a dodger fan and i said holy shit and they said the dodgers are now the greatest team this is the greatest baseball team that's ever been on the field and then i text back
Starting point is 00:18:19 to my friend are you vaccinated and and they stopped talking to me so that was that hey did you guys hear that what the guy called in yet did you guys hear the show yesterday no what are the guy calling about he took all the canadian athletes from the crossfit games and he showed their placement last year to this year and in totality every every single fucking Canadian athlete except for two went down. And they went down for a total of 71 places. Did he remove Emily from that, though,
Starting point is 00:18:59 since she had to withdraw? No. You think that just adds like 30 to it right there well probably probably more than 10 sounds like some objective data it's still it's still pretty uh it's still it's still a lot 40 30 points would be a lot 40 points would be a lot but my question is how many new athletes are canadian versus how many new athletes are American or from. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:27 All that shit would be fun to dig into, too. Let's do a whole show. Oh, shots versus non shots. Let's just cut through the bullshit. That's what we're really talking about. Yeah. OK. Ready?
Starting point is 00:19:38 Number 10. Oh, man, this is tough. We're starting off hard. This is. Well, yeah, we're starting off hard, but it's like towards the bottom of the list you know this isn't funny this is sad taylor she looks like she drank a bottle of nyquil before the event oh shit oh fuck i hayley i did not say that it's not a fuck up it's just like wow you never see her like this it's uh she has really heavy eyes at all times maybe she maybe she does drink a lot of nyquil uh she drops it she's like go hayley falls
Starting point is 00:20:11 prey to the bag how do we know how long she spent on the stairs the stairs are short right it's the shortest part of the workout with three flights at one point she picks up the bag and she holds it for a second she puts it back down she's like yeah i'm just kidding i think that's right here she she ended up uh dragging it up the stairs right and not carrying it as we get to the top did they say you could move it however you wanted it had to be a bear hug yeah i think it had to be a bear hug once you hit the steps no shit you couldn't drag it no i feel like when she was at the very top step i thought i got the feeling that she was dragging it she was like carrying it on her knees that bag fucked her up what do you think went out what happened i just think hayley probably weighs like 130 pounds maybe and that bag weighs 150 pounds and if the bag weighs that much more than you it's just gonna hit a little different
Starting point is 00:21:12 my favorite shot of this event of her her struggle was when the camera the camera angle if i remember it correctly was at the bottom of the stairs shooting up to her and the bag sitting like two two steps away from the top and she's looking watching people come up and it's like oh fuck yeah how many people passed her when she was on the stairs do we know a lot she was she was in first right all the way until that point and then everyone just started passing she was in first place and from here she can see the finish line right yeah it's like 10 feet away from her holy shit the bag was carrying hayley hey anything anything um anything comparable in sports i mean the only thing i can think of is when um it's one of those marathons
Starting point is 00:22:05 where the guy's like you know like the the guy from kenya he just fucking turns into a fucking baby giraffe and his legs stop working you know it call it reminded me a little bit of jason last year the you know when he was on the uh sandbag rope climb workout and it just punted him so i don't think it's anything crazy i just think she her heart rate got up so high and those probably farmer handles blew her grip up and then she's like, wow, I cannot carry this thing. Yeah, the arms just had nothing, like no juice at all to hold on. Sousa,
Starting point is 00:22:33 I know this is a tough ask because it's such a long clip, but could we see when she crosses the finish line? Yeah, right there. Is she at the top of the stairs right there? I want to see what happens to her when she finally crosses. Who is that behind her is that quant looks like cole wow whoa angel forbes puts her hands on her wow wow i'm fucking calling the fucking hr department on that shit i was right over there before they kicked me out i don't think she panicked i think
Starting point is 00:23:05 she just blew the fuck up and was like damn i did not see this coming and and who is that and where is he taking her she drank a bottle of nyquil damn uh what was going on at the top there where did they take them did they have like mats or cots or something or they just flop them down on the concrete over there out of the way they actually took her up against the uh capitol building and she flopped down it was in one of the um mayhem videos and then she just sits there like completely just spent up against the wall in the shade on the grass i i've definitely been to at least two or three crossfit events where at the finish line, people are peeing their pants. Did, did, did anyone pee their pants at the top of the Capitol? Cause if not, whatever, anybody, no, no peeing.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I've I've pissed my pants once in a, on a long run. And it was on purpose. It was like, I used to have this thing where like, I wouldn't stop running. And if I stopped to walk, I was quitting. This was like back when I was fat before I was like in good shape. i was like trying to shed the pounds like if you walk you're a fucking pussy so i'm like running on this run and it's taken me seven minutes to try to pee while i'm running and finally it was raining too so it wasn't like it was you know it was i was soaking wet from the
Starting point is 00:24:19 rain but i was also like i had to pee but i don't want to stop and anyways that's my experience it's weird when you're i don't know i don't want to stop. And anyways, that's my experience. It's weird when you're, I don't know. I don't know if I've ever talked about this publicly, but when you're a dude and you pee your pants, it can kind of hurt your dick sometimes if it's in the wrong position, it almost feels like someone's rolling your dick. Do you know that feeling? It kind of hurts. No, I don't like, I don't like to pee in pools. It kind of hurts a little bit. It's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:24:44 that's a 50 yearyear-old dick, so... Alright, fine. Maybe it's because I'm uncut. Uncut. I'm intact. I don't have mutilated genitalia. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:25:04 What? We're talking about the CrossFit Games it's important all of this stuff anatomy is important hey i'm about to piss my pants right now someone someone prop that's an std you're a bitch it's not an std who pulled that up on the screen suzer or caleb fucking you're suspended for five shows. Oh, my God. Austin Hartman. Okay, please, Austin, tell me about penis discomfort. I peed a thousand times during runs on bikes.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Triathletes are always covered in piss. It stings a little when you're trying to force it out and you're exercising. So you're moving at the same time. You're trying to pee. It stings a little like you have a like you have a kidney stone almost i haven't experienced that but i felt it like it's like twisted in a knot when i'm peeing and i'm like looking like i have to like i have to like shake my pants rattle it let it hang long i kind of felt like a savage afterwards i was like yeah i just fucking pissed myself so i yeah i'm running it's like a level of commitment right i did it playing football once too a coach was like he wouldn't let me go to the bathroom and we were standing on the 50 yard line about to start the game um like about to take the
Starting point is 00:26:08 field and he's like piss your pants and i was like fuck it all right and i played a whole game with wow that's awesome hey it's kind of liberating i hit a home run in baseball too because i had to pee really bad he wouldn't let me go to the bathroom and i was like on deck and that was the only home run i ever hit i sucked at baseball god this is like the story of my life how many times has taylor pissed himself during a podcast no quit in them i have a gatorade bottle i had a guest i had a guest one time tell me that someone was under the desk during the show. I swear to fucking God, 568 shows in, someone got a hummer on one of the shows. I'm not making that up. What guest? You are making that up. What guest? I am not making that up.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I refuse to tell you what guest it is, and I won't even tell you whether it's a man or a woman. Oh, my God. JR just taking it all in. That sounds like something Hunter would do. JR is going to speak to his priest tomorrow and be like, you know, I didn't say any of this shit, but I heard some of it. On the Sabbath. Some of it.
Starting point is 00:27:21 On the Sabbath. Some of it came in. Number nine, up and over. Colton needs a jet pack oh I love Colton but this is so funny why do they have to do this dick move wow that looks taller than him I know it's like the mattress it's like the Matt DeLugos pull-up bar thing like you don't have to have box overs this high just fucking come on man so so that that that that beam right there that we're looking at that um log that's at 50 inches so that's four foot four foot two so that's a still a foot lower than his head maybe more 14 inches yeah but it's close think about i know it from this angle it looks taller than him yeah think about you're looking at an object. You have to jump over and it's at fucking eye level, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah. No, thank you. Okay. Watch him run. He runs. How much of this can we watch without being canceled? You can watch a box jump. He's going to hit it real quick.
Starting point is 00:28:15 This is crazy. And this is more of like savage for him to just the fact that he had to do this and he still beat people in this event. Oh my God. Yeah. His legs kind of go out a little bit right to give him that extra inch oh and then he walks off every jump like that yeah everyone he gets a running start and he still beat people crazy i forget what show you're talking about it
Starting point is 00:28:36 but someone was like anyone who got beat by colton this workout should quit and i don't know if they should quit but they should definitely reevaluate some things. Hey, I wonder what is it? Wouldn't it be awesome if you knew what his inside talk is right there? Like, fuck all these bitches. If I can jump, I would be I'll be hype. I don't know. This is I think he's cursing his grandpa. You fucker.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, he's probably cursing Adrian Bosman. Like, why are we doing this stupid ass fucking box jump overs? Hey, and that shirt right there, is that that custom did he tear the sleeves off that because that's boss they don't know it looks it looks like there's a seam because i want to say when ricky was wearing the leader's jersey they zoomed in on him once and it looked like it was hemmed like that i'm just gonna say colton's got a little brad pitt in him i'm just gonna say it a little a little brad pitt yeah a little oh dude i'm gonna get fucked up for this i hope he fucking drives over to your house right he's
Starting point is 00:29:36 in iowa right next to it's out of me he's about the message he's about the message and comment taylor how's the road qualifier going for you? Probably. You're not doing it, are you, Taylor? No, I'm not doing it, dude. Fucking full of sex. He's doing it. I want to know what his time is on that row handstand push-up workout. So what's going on right now? Him and Tetlo.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Tetlo probably smoked that, too. There's a road qualifier going on right now? him and tetlo tetlo probably smoked that too there's a there's a rogue qualifier invitational qualifier i thought so how they're doing a qualifier this year they went back to qualify they invited what maybe 10 and 10 and then the top 10 and then the rest i think are qualifier and how many is that 20 so 30 total. Okay, so 10 invites, 10 qualifier. Oh, shit. Okay. I bet he flew.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And Colton's doing it? Yeah. Yeah, Colton, Samuel, Vukowski. Samuel, Cornoye. A lot of people. Oh, fuck. That would be awesome to see Samuel compete. We kind of need to see it.
Starting point is 00:30:45 You think he'll make it? Samwell compete. We kind of need to see it. You think he'll make it? Sam, yeah. Training team for a year? You think he still trains hard? Yeah, I think he's still fit enough to qualify and something like that. Teddy Williams, media guy for the great Colton Mertens. Colton made it through the qualifier
Starting point is 00:31:01 the last time they had one. I mean, At least the AMRAP, the bar-facing burpee front squat jerk workout, that's another really good one for him. He's awesome online. Anything online. The 20-minute AMRAP with the step-ups is a question mark.
Starting point is 00:31:18 That's going to be nasty. Jeremy Williams, can California hormones get Colton some leg extensions? Definitely not a big Brad Pitt. Samuel Corn Rose, or I, is that English? Fuck. It's 726. You're drunk already.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Why this one? Why did you pick it? Just the absurdity of it, of the guy, the five foot four guy doing 50 inch box jumps next to. Yeah, it was just unreal. And the fact that even the announcers kind of like in his heat, that's all they were talking about.
Starting point is 00:31:54 It was like, and cold Mertens, you know, having to jump. I just, there was a not top 10. They didn't one. I,
Starting point is 00:32:02 well, I picked it for two reasons. One, because he's a savage for being able to do that to begin with, but also nothing special because he's such a freak athlete. Like it's not something ā€“ you know, it's not out of the question. But I think also because the announcer is just like ā€“ you didn't have to spend an entire heat talking about it.
Starting point is 00:32:20 And I bet Colton probably would have appreciated them not spending an entire heat talking about it. Did you guys think for a second that he might not be able to do that? No. No. Did you suspect he'd take last, or did you also know that he would still be, because of who he is, he would still not be last? Maybe just with the GHDs and the ring muscle-ups still playing a big role that he wouldn't finish last. What's the highest we would go at the CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 00:32:47 Do you think next year we'll see a 52-inch box? No. Any chance? No. I think it's about as tall as it gets. Is Colton going to the Games next year? Yeah, I think he's probably on a steady trajectory. JR? He's only getting better.
Starting point is 00:33:08 It was close this year, man. It was close. That argument of just the pull-up bar that fucked the Lugos is scary. I'm going to save any prediction like that until we know for sure whether or not event organizers and programmers get to program the majority of their semifinal or if Adrian's going to go back to making them all uniform. But here's the thing. I think this is the other point too. If the fact that he can make it with these event organizers programming the way they are programming, I think is the evidence that you need to understand that he is going to qualify,
Starting point is 00:33:38 especially if CrossFit goes back to programming. I think. I think that's good shit. JR, he got you. I think if CrossFit goes back to programming, he's even more likely to make it because he's so well-rounded and he is really good with gymnastics and i think the way programming has been at least this year is so machine heavy um i don't know especially at korean games i mean they had some workouts that you look at on paper you're like wow those are terrible for him. He is, how about this? How about this? He is the least likely
Starting point is 00:34:09 person to have ever made it to the CrossFit Games. And now he's been there two fucking years in a row. Just his anatomical makeup, just his fucking physique. Just like, wait, what? He's got an awesome chip. It's like fucking Herbie the love bug showing up to fucking f1
Starting point is 00:34:28 yeah but i mean a lot of people would push back on you and say that because of those same anthropometrics he really isn't someone that we should be so surprised at like there are events no one can ever beat him on because right right but i agree but that's what kind of makes it what inspired me to say that right i agree is that that's what kind of makes him a superstar like it doesn't like like i mean that's the thing i mean josh bridges had a beautiful body fucking incredible tan fucking amazing celebrations a great pedigree from being a seal but the trippyppy part was that he's so little. And same with Spieler.
Starting point is 00:35:08 But now this guy has them beat. I mean, right? Wouldn't you say he's the greatest outlier we've ever seen at the CrossFit Games? Yeah, that's probably true. Yes. And the women have never had one of him. And the sport's progressed so much that the fact that he can make it now when the sport's margins of error are so much smaller and everyone's so much better comparatively like the entire field. Yeah, it's probably more impressive.
Starting point is 00:35:30 But here's the other thing about it is while he is a little bit shorter than Josh and Spieler, he's fucking twice as strong as those guys. Right, right. Oh, my God. Have you seen the guy's squat? It's fucking ridiculous. Right. right and in the in the women when are we going to see a six foot tall woman just fucking amanda barnhart with fucking four more inches on her just fucking walk out onto the field i don't know yeah it's interesting that we see more women of small stature like
Starting point is 00:36:01 rebecca fuselier than we do see someone like over 5'10 ever have made it. God, I'd love to see that. Wouldn't that be fucking freakish? Didn't Kelsey Keel? Well, she's not over 5'10. She's fucking big, though. How about Taylor Williamson? Sorry, go ahead, Jay.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Taylor Williamson, I think, is 5'9". How tall is Christine Kullenbrenner? Like 5'7". She just looks big. 5'8". Taylor Williamson's only 5'9". How tall is Christine Cullen-Brander? Like 5'7". She just looks big. 5'8". Taylor Williamson's only 5'10"? I think Annie's pretty tall. Annie's what? 5'8"? Can you look up Taylor Williamson's height?
Starting point is 00:36:34 I don't think she's 5'10". I think she's 5'9". She's 5'11"? I refuse to believe she's 5'9". Dude, she dwarfs Rich when she stands next to him what about a please please please uh like a how tall is annie oh melissa said that's the same thing five eight uh number eight there's no link for this there's no video for No, I just wanted to talk about it because it fucking makes my blood boil. Hiller takes his shirt off.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Dude, the guy is fucking huge, by the way. You know, I have to say something about Hiller. 5'9", wow. I was spot on. You know why? Because all these, dude, CrossFitters are fucking midgets. And then you see one person who's like a normal height, and they look like they fucking play center in the NBA.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Guy, too, right? Guy's not that tall, but he looks like he's fucking 6'4 out there. He's like 5'9", probably. Yeah, it's fucking weird. Well, on video, Taylor looks like she's fucking 5'11", 185. I mean, she looks fucking like a statue. I just saw a text from you guys. Is this new?
Starting point is 00:37:48 Do I need to read this? Oh, it's from five minutes ago. We're done. No, we're good. Okay. Oh, Jeff Patzer. That's this guy brought it up in the comments. That's a great point.
Starting point is 00:37:57 2017 Jeff Patzer. But he reminds me more of like Josh Bridges or Chris Spieler because he's a smaller guy. Oh. Yeah. Insane at gymnastics. Wow. because he's a smaller guy in gymnastics yeah insane in gymnastics wow he's not that strong this is the thing about colton especially is he's smaller but he's so fucking strong dude hey it's not just that he's smaller like his legs like his his legs to like he has like short legs for his torso too he's got like the torso of like a fucking six foot man he's got
Starting point is 00:38:22 perfect squatting legs colton yeah even someone like cody anderson weight wise was really really really small but then when he started to really focus on weightlifting and got a lot stronger he hasn't been back to the games yeah he sucks at everything else now whether he's trying to or not just the fact that we would talk about colton's body this much meat it shows that what an outlier it is he's the man we're only talking about it because he's eight on the list let's go to or nine okay well at least he made the not so something list uh uh jeff patzer from 2017 that he was a trippy dude too i really liked covering him god he was fucking weird he was fun uh hillar takes his shirt off when is that by the way when hillar was here but let me say this real quick hillar came out out to Newport while I'm at Newport
Starting point is 00:39:05 and a handful of people who I'm friends with are like, Hey, why'd you invite Hiller? Not me. I did not invite Hiller out here. I'm glad he came. I really enjoyed his company. He's nicer. He's even, I get along with him even better in person than I do on video. It was crazy. It was like fucking long lost brothers. I really did feel like we were brothers, but I didn't invite him. I did not invite him. I did not invite him. I did not pay for him to come out here. I did not like nothing. He just came out here.
Starting point is 00:39:31 So for those of you upset that he came out here and that I didn't invite you, maybe I should be upset at you that you didn't just come out and see me. So that you should be upset with me. Yeah. Assholes. Okay. And he's huge. He's huge.
Starting point is 00:39:44 How tall is Hiller? He's, I don't know, 5'10", and he's huge he's huge how tall is hillar he's i don't know 5 10 but he's he's fucking thick he's 5 10 to you or is he actually 5 10 uh i don't know he's actually 5 10 he's he's like the same height as me we're okay we're the same but he's thick he's like he's got fucking massive he's big he's big he's a big he's he's a meat sickle he's a big dude he's not um he's not fucking a pinner like street horner you know just a fucking just a good body like he he's thick he's a hamburger so do you know where i'm going with this not top 10 number eight oh shit yeah there he is why is this picture up take this goddamn picture down dude i know seven purposefully positioned his children to cover up that old midsection buddy i did i didn't but i
Starting point is 00:40:37 thank god i didn't but thank god hey here's the thing the other 10 pictures where they're not there will never be seen. Yeah, Hillary's used to the gills. My sentiment, exactly. I tell them that all the time. We were training in J.R.'s barn. When was this? Was this before the games, J.R.? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Wow. So this was a little while ago. I was fully fucking off at this point, just eating whatever I wanted. Off the juice? Not really. No, dude dude i don't juice maybe like tart cherry juice i was for sure off of that anyways not training hard even whatever the fuck i wanted i have my shirt off and and jason goes dude what the fuck
Starting point is 00:41:16 you just shit on me it was a fucking come to jesus moment i was like damn fuck you jason anyways that's what i first said yes i want some lady on this trip called me fat it was liberating though i kind of liked it i was like oh fine okay i accept it it was liberating i'm fat fine um oh no so i don't know what you're talking about when hillar took his shirt off at the games dude is when they made him turn his fucking no rep shirt inside out the media bits fuck noble right i agree fucking had to say that they're fucking they're shit clowns what do you think they're gonna leave now that they're sponsoring the nfl combine do you think they're gonna take that and ride that little pony no i i don't know but as the as crossfit slowly pulls out their their
Starting point is 00:42:05 woke arazi um one by one uh no i mean noble's woke as fuck maybe that maybe they will want to split too well you've got tears now sponsoring waterpalooza noble was their sponsor last year now tyr is the sponsor damn dude and their shoes look dope yeah they're fucking dude they're blasting their pecker sauce all over everybody, dude. Everyone ā€“ They've signed so many athletes too. Like everyone you see. Yeah, what is that?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Everyone is signing with them, right? Everyone is wearing TYR shoes. I'm like, where the fuck did these come from? Bring up their shoes. I'm digging their shoes. This kid at my gym has a pair. I'm like, where the fuck did you come from uh bring up their shoes i'm digging their shoes this kid at my gym has a pair i'm like where the fuck did you get those dude are they even out yet uh those they're red and white ones everyone was wearing look dope god i hope these guys are cool oh hillar's in the comments hillar are you about to be on the california hormones
Starting point is 00:42:59 he's talking about let's go me hillar about to be huger yeah those ones tx1 trainer the one with the red i think uh colton was wearing those two fuck they're sold out of course they're tight they do look tight hey they look like something a superhero would wear right like a flat like part of the flash suit or something yeah colton's a tyr athlete dude they're fucking on everyone he's signed with them oh yeah dude uh who else i would love to know what that looks like page powers pat velner uh jazz mayor wait pat velner's a rebar dude no he's here for a while yeah he was back in that like i remember six months ago looking at his shoes and being like what fucking shoes are those and then i figured out that he was wearing tear shit and
Starting point is 00:43:45 they were probably annie oh yeah everyone dude that's what i'm saying no i gotta know someone's got to talk about the toe box i cannot have noah olsen holy shit i cannot have a skinny toe box i cannot wear fucking metcons or nobles or anything travis mayor dude i hate nobles you heard uh rich say on the podcast they're garbage right emma's area dude you know what's crazy uh staff level one staff get 40 off of yeti uh saxon oh so they got everyone they literally did lazar yeah they literally have everyone they fucking took their money we're like fuck it we're about to own this space well someone dm me i promise i won't share whether the toe box is any good or not before i buy a pair of those who owns trx uh it sounds like middle eastern person with oil money god i hope so that'd be
Starting point is 00:44:42 cool isn't it called tear tear? Is it pronounced tear? I'm not sure how to say it. Tire? I think that's what Ariel Lone said last time she was on here. She was like tear. Yeah, I almost need it like there's no ā€“ I'd be fine with a pair of tennis shoes where there's nothing covering my toes. Like, just my toes need to wiggle.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I don't need anything on my toes like the babush slippers i can't remember i can't remember when he said it but he was pretty vehement about it he said that their shoes are garbage that being said the only shitty pair of nanos i ever had were the rich fronings roman roman and ricky are both tier athletes uh i remember when travis first became a tier athlete it was just the grips right Roman and Ricky are both tier athletes. I remember when Travis first became a tier athlete, it was just the grips, right? I just remember seeing those commercials. Shirts and sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Oh, okay. Travis is a victory grips, I think. Yeah. Oh, okay. I made an IG post with Rich saying it. Oh, shit. Can we see that? I would love that. Well, I queue up number seven. Hillary, you made the made the fucking list dude when they made you turn your shirt inside out
Starting point is 00:45:49 and just a note to that it wasn't just hillary it was anybody who had access outside of just speculating the event had to turn their no rep no rep shirt inside out coaches we have no video that sucks i know and he wasn't even that mad about i remember act asking him about it i was like dude that really happened like i was fucking heated i was right oh hiller's so chill dude oh dude he's not he's not chill but he's chill he's emotionally even though because he drinks so many fucking energy drinks he buzzes around like a fly a little bit but his nothing can nothing takes him off of his game he's like uh he's emotionally very stable and the uh lady was funny too because hillary goes wait i gotta turn
Starting point is 00:46:32 it inside out she goes yeah he goes can i ask why and she does you know why and he's like no how did you not film that, Sousa? Fuck, dude. That's hilarious. You didn't want to kick it out? No, I just got to go there with the intent of filming stuff outside of it for post-production. You know what I mean? You're in the little... I'm in the zone from one spot to the other, not really thinking about it that much. I was in the zone, Sebi.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I couldn't get the good stuff. Damn, we need no-rep shorts so that they can make you take your pants off and turn them inside out heller liked it because he got to take his shirt off in the stadium hillary you should hit me up and get the footage from the noble uh interviews you did inside the booth because i still have all that footage i should probably funny uh okay um can we play this real quick i want to hear this me and cara don't get paid by noble so it's a little different and so it might be a little bit different if she was getting paid or i was getting paid by noble um their shoes suck. I do like their apparel.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yes. Flip it. Flip it. Oh, what was that little video? And then it's a kid dancing. That's good. Rich is great. I love how he just says whatever he wants for the most part.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And he even tells you like, hey, if they were paying me, I wouldn't say what I want. That's like how I feel too. Yeah. Yeah. I love the transparency. Number seven, Echo Press Mal goes spinal. Mal O'Brien goes spinal. Echo Press seven.
Starting point is 00:48:14 There should be two timestamps for this. Is there, Sousa? Dos timestamps. Yes, there is. I'm assuming we'll play this first and the second one. Okay. Okay, you guys zoom in on her. Can we zoom? Where is she? Which one is she?
Starting point is 00:48:30 She's right about in the center, and you're just going to see. You'll pretty much know which one. Yep, that's her. Okay, okay. Put it on your big screen, people. Put it on your big screen. Scream! Oh. Ooh. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Play that again, dude. That's called like the scorpion right her freaking pelvis smacks the freaking plexiglass too sir that was better hey does someone uh oh oh yeah she did come off the wall there and then back on is that a no rep if your body leaves the wall? Yeah, what was the rule on that, JR? I was looking for that almost the whole time. You saw some athletes were able to just keep their toes on the wall, but then a lot of other athletes were just resting their thighs and waist and everything. So I think you just had to stay in contact with the wall probably was the only standard.
Starting point is 00:49:22 What makes that number seven is the fact that she gets off the bike first. It's first to the wall. She's like shaking her arms like, I'm going to fuck this shit up in the first rep. Body comes off the wall. Pelvis smacks the plexiglass. Shatters her T-spot. And she almost does a full scorpion backbend. Hey, I wonder what the deal is.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I wonder how the tips of the shoes rub on the glass there. I wonder if there will be an iteration of shoes, of like comp shoes, where you're only wearing comps that have velvet on the tip like that. You know what I mean? Because you're probably not allowed to rub Vaseline on your shoe, right? Just a little fuzz on the tip. Yeah, just a little fuzz on the tip. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:49:57 You know what I mean? Have you guys had a show where we all kind of wondered about using the block and having to walk up the wall like that. Do you guys ever hear what the reason for that was? No. Have you? One of the behind the scenes Craig Ritchie videos actually.
Starting point is 00:50:17 How dare you? At the end he was back when they did the press conference right after that workout. They had a panel of a couple of athletes that did really well, and Adrian was on there. And they asked him about it, and he said his first exposure ever to a handstand push-up when he was a gymnast was his coach saying,
Starting point is 00:50:37 this is a handstand push-up. And he did like a cartwheel onto just some normal steps, like stadium steps, and goes down and touches his chest to it and then presses right back up freestanding and like he has that lasting image of that experience so that's why he used the block well why didn't he fucking did they should have demoed that then seriously and shown um someone cartwheel up onto it instead of had to walk up on that's like that's like the that's like those are the things that you wish everyone knew because it's like hey why use this block like why do this but that that was uh that was like
Starting point is 00:51:09 inspiration from his experience as a kid you know which is cool but it would be cool if everyone knew that and i do think it was a failed expression of it like really like really bad failed the block was weird like it shouldn't have happened. They should have tested that and been like, hey, and looked at some video footage and been like, this does not work. I think the biggest negative feedback people had was that there was no tactility of the judging. And that if you had something to touch.
Starting point is 00:51:43 But that's what he didn't want. He didn't want you to know how low you needed to go he didn't want you to be able to slam your head on it he wanted you to have to know where you're at and stop and go back up but then that also cost of judging a little bit more controversial hey then put swim caps on them then put swim caps on all those motherfuckers and i also think it's kind of like what at least what i noticed is when they're like bringing the blocks out onto the floor like the announcers are trying to hype up the handstand push-up i'm just thinking what the fuck is that and it reminded me of like a failed expression of when they rolled out the assault banger in 2017 and rogue like rolled out the banger and it was like oh shit like that was
Starting point is 00:52:18 fucking cool you roll out this massive chrome fucking diamond. Vant ended up being stupid. I thought, eh, I don't know. I liked that event. You do. The blocks were like metallic and shiny. You'd have thought it was cooler.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Yeah, dude. If they were fucking diamond plate chrome, I would have nutted my ass. People were cut from fucking bumping them and shit. Uh, uh, so yeah,
Starting point is 00:52:43 that's, that's not a good look for Mal she'll have that fixed next year right i broke my back my back is broken what ah golden that's tough that's probably one of the best uh technically one of the best things either suzer or caleb's ever done good job That makes up for the fact of what that other shit you brought up posted. Do you think she'll laugh at that or block me like he'll or?
Starting point is 00:53:10 Blocked. You're blocked. You can say whatever you want about her. Has she ever done a public interview? Has she ever done anything? No, she's quiet. I think she's probably a pretty cool person. I've never met her.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I mean, I know Jason likes her a lot. Yeah, you can say whatever you want. You can think she's quiet. I think she's probably a pretty cool person. I've never met her. I mean, I know Jason likes her a lot. Yeah, you can say whatever you want. You can think she's pretty cool. She's in the HWPO tower locked away with Hopper and the other athletes. The tower. You can't talk to him. You can't see him. Jason, do not talk to them.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Don't look him in the eye. Number six, shuttle to overhead. Pat takes five. Uh-oh. Like a five-minute break? break no like he only takes five reps in the event oh shuttle to overhead oh shit he only got five reps what was the win what was the winning amount he only got five reps and listen to this he got four in the first interval 18 maybe oh my goodness uh gladys gladys Gladys del Puerto. Gracias.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Gracias. So he gets four reps in the first interval and then one in the 600 and none in the 800. I wonder if his myocarditis was kicking in. Let me. Not funny, Sevan. It's not funny. It's not funny.'s not funny uh okay let's see let's see so how wait how many shuttle spins did they did they run total they did a 400 a 600 and 800 so this was so there was a round where he failed every fucking lift yeah the last the last round
Starting point is 00:54:40 the round 800 poor fucking pat and the round of 600, he only gets one. But you'll see a miss here, I think twice. Holy shit. Or just one with a seven-second limit. Oh. Has he talked about this? Him and Ricky and Jason all do the same thing when they jerk. And I noticed this, but they kind of like lean to one side when they go overhead and then they stabilize.
Starting point is 00:55:06 It's weird. Hey, what's Ricky doing here? He's trying to fucking move his fucking jerk blocks. If you pull up Pat's Instagram, he goes through event by event and gives a pretty lengthy explanation of kind of what happened and whether or not it went well
Starting point is 00:55:21 or didn't go so well. And he's got one written up about this one. Can we take a look at that? What he say can you can you give it a uh what's the spark notes what's the spark notes you can pull it he really says one the technical nature i think of this lift under that fatigue makes it to where when you miss one it really does kind of get in your head and you're like, okay, I'm not in a groove. I need to find the groove. And then if you're not grooving the movement, kind of like a snatch, sometimes it can be really hard just to get another one done. I love the title of this. I'm going to give this a quick read here. This is a Pat Velner's take
Starting point is 00:55:57 on the event that is number five on the not so good list um sorry number six uh shuttle to overhead pat takes five pat titles it the rockiest of bottoms meaning he fucking hated this he was bummed right this fucked his head up right is that what that means for sure this event got delayed to the thursday due to a rainstorm there was a word that they may change it to be strict press instead of the heavy shoulder overhead but they opted for this instead as annoying as it is to have schedule changes and lose a day off it was the right call for safety nobody is here for 300 pound split jerks on a wet platform i kind of we had opening ceremonies first so a nice little warm-up standing in the sun. The way this event was scored, the run was very valuable. It was 100 points plus it was the tiebreaker for the shoulder to overhead reps.
Starting point is 00:56:50 In a big tie situation, it could be worth as much as 120 points. Jerks aren't my most confident weightlifting movement, but it was too much to ignore. We made the decision to go after the run and have some confidence. I would be able to weather the storm on the jerks. I would be able to weather the storm on the jerks. I wasn't. My legs were heavy from the day before and the run took more out of me than I thought it would. Right from the start, my movement on the jerk wasn't sharp. I missed my first rep. This kind of workout, you have to get into a rhythm on the barbell. make it routine. I was just not able to do that Oh, here we go. Every miss you panic just a little and get out of your groove for the next one That's pretty honest in the second round. I think I missed four or five jerks and only hit one
Starting point is 00:57:36 I could feel the walls closing in I had switched from push jerks to split but it was just off I was very frustrating. But now I clearly had to go after the run. I did a hard 800 and was able to take fourth overall on the run. Lost my spot. Anyway, I took 10 minutes to vent. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:57:55 After 20th on the bike and 35th here, I was quite certain I wouldn't be able to win the games after that event. Oh shit. That's it right there. Right? So what day is this? It's Thursday. Technically, it should have been day one,
Starting point is 00:58:08 but it was like day two. So even before Friday, he had in his head, I can't win the games. Yeah, that's tough. That's not where you want to be at early on in the weekend. All right. The great Pat Vellner is fucking keeping it real. What do you think goes through Rich's head
Starting point is 00:58:24 when he takes that fucking terrible finish on triple three? And it's early in the weekend. He's got a really bad finish under his belt. Do you think it's that same kind of mentality? And Jason is on fire. He like wins like he's doing well and he's crushing him on a workout like that, too. I don't know. How could you not be discouraged by it?
Starting point is 00:58:43 Well, I just want to know what goes through Rich's head. Does he have that similar experience? Does he have that similar self-talk, or is he thinking, no, I can still win? I got a lot of work to do, but I can still win. There was a games where Rich went into the fucking last day, and he was not in a good place. I mean, what year was that? It was the same year, 2014. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Sorry. And then he pulled his shit together he had darren hunsucker there though just talking shit to him the whole fucking time like crazy shit like just like like just fucking him up you know what's interesting he knows rich it motivated rich sorry go ahead no i wonder what taylor thinks about that um as the event going on, Pat's got all these things going through his head, and he's like, okay, I've got one more interval left, and I've just missed five. At this point, I'm not going to find my groove. Maybe a less mature athlete would be like, okay, just go a little slower on the run,
Starting point is 00:59:37 and then you'll be able to find a groove, and you'll rip off seven. He's like, no, man, it's not going to happen. I have no choice but to just try to do as well as i can on the run and then take my medicine on the other it's interesting that you make that mental switch two-thirds of the way through the workout yeah but he still made one rep on the or no he didn't he made one rep on the 600 and none on the 800 so you're right he did yeah i mean it's a good mental switch i just wonder if i don't know like do you think you would have done it or you're like no this is a fluke i'm gonna i'm gonna get 10 on the last one you know what i mean impossible to say and you got to be in that situation to know i think i think he probably hurt himself a little bit mentally thinking that
Starting point is 01:00:20 it was him just needing to get into a groove and panicking and continuing to fail rather than taking a little you know a second a breath having some composure and hitting some reps because he's capable of hitting that who won who won that or saxon did um did saxon miss any lifts any reps saxon and ricky tied on that on the totality like ricky did one spot better on the run sax so ricky took second on the run saxon took third and then saxon took second on the totality like ricky did one spot better on the run sax so ricky took second on the run saxon took third and then saxon took second on the lift and ricky took third i think adler won the lift dusty it's not it's not up to me they'll never uh in 2018 they uh greg stopped me from doing it and uh i can and that was a huge huge huge mistake and i didn't do it in 2019 i didn't do it in 2020 i didn't do it in 2000 they'll never let me back on stevan was the hard knocks of crossfit and i fucking love
Starting point is 01:01:12 that show thank you i don't know that show but thank you hbo dude you should watch it it's great no hard knocks was was the behind the scenes they copied me it's been around a long time no i'm 2000 i'm 2008 has greg ever apologized to you for that no i'll call him though right after this be like hey do you want to apologize to me oh we've we've talked though i mean he straight up said to me you think i fucked up by getting rid of the media? I said, absolutely. Shit. And what'd he say? It's just casual. It's like nothing.
Starting point is 01:01:48 It's like, hey, do you want to go fucking get a burrito? It's like the conversation's that calm. It's not even that emotionally charged. I mean, for him, fuck, he's rich as fuck. He's like, yeah. Yeah. It all worked out good. In the end, it all worked out great.
Starting point is 01:02:07 yeah it all worked out good in the end it all worked out great i also wish we had video on here of some of the rumors about tutor and james townsend i've seen james in the comments on a couple shows i gotta have him on i gotta do a whole james townsend has it has has tutor left i don't know we heard that he went to torres right is that on his instagram i don't know these are caleb's looking into it the only person i know like i i basically stopped this the day the games were over i basically stopped following him unless it's you or brian on here i got i od'd i od'd that's like I ate too many cookies. Me too. Number five, speed skill medley. Tia fails a single under.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Nuts, dude. Nuts. That's kind of sensationalized. It was such a weird format for her where you had to do 75 unbroken reps, but then you have the greatest CrossFit athlete ever. Can't do 75 unbroken single unders. And how about people blaming Adrian for that that where do you guys fall on that like hey the fact that you made them unbroken and that it took the fittest woman out is fucking bullshit no i don't think that's bullshit i think i think two things on that event one it's the athlete's fault if you can't do 75 unbroken single unders and i
Starting point is 01:03:23 can guarantee it t is thinking the same thing she's not thinking fuck you boss for making me do 75 unbroken single unders she's probably thinking you fucking idiot how did you fail a single under or at least that's what i would be thinking i think the only thing that is in boss's court on this event and i've expressed this on other shows is that i thought that the crossover should have been tested earlier in that cut so like in the first round in the second round instead of single under double under it was all crossover at least that way the people who are good at the crossovers could advance to the final and make the spectacle a little more exciting like you have the brent fikowskis and the laurel horvaths able to do them in the final round
Starting point is 01:04:00 instead of what we're about to see here who lost placement though in there who lost money who who fucked up on the single unders in that workout where it cost them money anyone pop up what if she wouldn't have won the games because of that you guys be okay with that i think i would be okay with that yeah if you can't do a single honor it's like well it's like rich not being able to do the rope climb and dave saying if you can't do a rope climb we're not giving them the fucking games if you can't do single unders what do you think jr that's single under i mean everybody there can is capable of doing 75 unbroken i think it's just a another reiteration of the fact that this year
Starting point is 01:04:41 execution and accuracy was valued at a really really high level and one trip up like that cost you i don't think it was valued at a high level i think it was valued at an equal level for the first time ever wow wow so so that and that answers your question newbie and queen so that's i guess that's how is it boz's fault exactly. If you put such a premium on accuracy and precision and, and rules outside of actually just completing the movement, when does it, I hate that. When does it affect us being able to actually crown the fittest? That makes me cringe though. It's one of the, it's never been valued this high. So it is valued high comparatively to any other year before. You're right. Compared to every year before, but it's not valued high in context with how all the other
Starting point is 01:05:28 10 general physical skills are valued. And I think that's on purpose. And I like that. And I think when people freak out about it, it's like, well, go take your fucking level one again and understand that the 10 general physical skills in order to be the fittest, you have to be as fit across all 10 without detracting from one or another. So if you can't be accurate. That piece of one piece of the pie of fitness what are the other pieces uh the hopper model yeah but but i think in terms of the objective
Starting point is 01:05:58 fitness across these domains what are the domains we're testing at the games it's they come they pull from those 10 general physical skills so for the past 10 years they pulled from nine of these skills and one of them has never been fucking touched except for a handful of times you know that's a little it's a little away from the methodology and it's away from the methodology in a way where like a not a lot not a lot of people are going to notice and care because, Oh, accuracy, who cares? But at the same time, I think it's still important. Like in life, in war, you accuracies, you know, maybe more important than any other 10 general physical skills. Did you, did we watch the video of her failing? I see there's a link.
Starting point is 01:06:44 So I just, I think I like how he puts a premium on it. Cause in life life you don't get a second try in a lot of circumstances. You have to do it once and you have to hit it right. And I like that. Same in the NFL. There's a lot of that, you know. You have to hit it once and you have to hit it right. Okay. Clip that.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Can we see the video? Is there a video or is this the video just looking at pretty girls? This is the video just looking at Tia pissed off, watching everybody else continue in the event. And then there's other timestamps where like Daniel Brandon goes, what the fuck? And her judge, her judge is like,
Starting point is 01:07:14 you pull that up. And then we've got three timestamps timestamps. I think there's, I just see one. I just see one. Suze has got three. So I think Timestamps, I think. Oh, I just see one. I just see one. Sousa's got three. Oh, I see. I see.
Starting point is 01:07:29 He fucked you, Sousa. I see what happened here. Okay. I see what happened. So Sousa's screwed. That's a little fucking flog. I think there's a couple of reasons this is fifth. One, Tia fails a single under.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Two, the Danielle Brandon moment where she's like freaking out at her judge and she can't get the standard right or it's not being communicated clearly maybe it's not her fault but just like her on screen saying what the fuck to her judge is definitely a not top 10 moment oh wow wow i she really does say that i thought you were just fucking she oh wow you're on camera buddy they're down to jason mcdonald gives her the stare down as he walks as he walks by we need to do we need to do a uh a uh a mic'd up for crossfit like in an event mic'd up that'd be fucking cool um but anyway so you've got tia founcing hey was she in the right what's the
Starting point is 01:08:23 deal with daniel brandon what happened there why ison saying, hey, was she in the right? What's the deal with Danielle Brandon? What happened there? Why is she saying what the fuck? Is she in the right? Oh, that's great. I don't think she's having great communication. I think what the issue was is she's doing a single under into a crossover in one movement instead of crossing and uncrossing for a double under. Right. And so I just think that the standard is not communicated well,
Starting point is 01:08:45 and maybe she's getting frustrated. She's like, well, what the fuck? Would you just tell me what to do? So nothing, nothing against her, but that's a not top 10 moment. And then you have the final timestamp. Hey, I, when, when I, when I was running the media department over at CrossFit, there were a gazillion fucking employees, and everyone was different.
Starting point is 01:09:08 And people who were creatives, it's not like telling people how to work at a fucking fry machine at McDonald's. Stand here, put the gloves on, don't spill the oil, turn to the left, bring it back, soak it back down. Creatives aren't like that. Every person had to fucking make a video. So let's say I told you to fucking make a video about Tia Toomey and her ascent through the semifinals. And the guys who would make them, all of them had different processes. Some of them were like complaining. Some of them were excited. Some of them cried. Some of them stayed up all night doing the edit. There was no fucking one way to do creative shit. Everyone had their own process. So when I see, and there was no process that was right. And so being the manager of those people, you just learn like, Hey, this guy's fucking always complaining. This guy's always positive. This guy's always late. It didn't matter. I needed at the end of the day, work from them. I needed to get the product from them at the end.
Starting point is 01:10:06 end of the day work from them i needed to get the product from them at the end my question to you is this when people say i like daniel brandon like what dusty garland is saying here i like daniel brandon but the professionalism in a tough situation is different than tia and daniel tia and i don't know who uh and daniel brandon i don't even know if that is that i don't think it articulates it as well as it probably could be. Like who cares? Like if what the fuck is part of her process, I have no issue with it. I'm not interested in who's more professional. I don't give a fuck. I'm interested in who took first place and how they got there. I don't care if it's like ā€“ I don't get this like ā€“ unless he's going to articulate to me like, hey, that mindset of what the fuck is always the loser.
Starting point is 01:10:44 You never win with that one. That's where I would go. I think you look at professionalism and I think the event in 2020 where Dave makes him take another lap and Matt Frazier flicks Dave off is like, fuck you. Yeah. Where's the professionalism there? But Matt was already winning the event and he's like, you're going to make me do this again and prove again that I can win it? Fuck you. And then he goes and does it.
Starting point is 01:11:02 You're going to make me do this again and prove again that I can win it? Fuck you. And then he goes and does it. So it was that professionalism is probably not there in that place, but that has no bearing on whether or not he's going to win. But I do, in Danielle's case, you could make a case for her resiliency, her mentality, her ability to handle adversity, whatever. Heller needs to make a fuck you compilation.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I just think Matt hated Dave, and that's why he said that. I think Danielle in this case is like she's not handling adversity so well. Yeah, that was good. I like that you brought that up. That Matt hated Dave. Or just the fact that he did that fuck you thing. That's pretty cool that Fraser did that. And then it won the event. That's the best part
Starting point is 01:11:42 about it. And I think he had fucked. I think there's stories of him head fucking Medeiros on that run. Medeiros won the event. That's the best part about it. And I think he head-fucked. I think there's stories of him head-fucking Medeiros on that run, Medeiros on the run. JR, when you played, you played college basketball, right? Correct. Was there any value in fucking being angry? Yeah, as long as you're able to harness it. I mean, so many dudes talk on a basketball court and it's,
Starting point is 01:12:15 it's tough. And then you have the fans that are heckling too. That's the one thing about CrossFit. You never, you never think of comparatively to other sports or games, whatever you want to classify it as no, no one's heckling you. Yeah. No one's like no yelling during your snatch. Miss it. Miss it. These athletes have it too fucking easy. Dude. You know, we don't think about that, but it's like a gentleman's, it's like golf in that regard. When people are listening, you're quiet.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Don't worry. I'll be there next year. You know, stuff like that is, I wish we had more of it when I work out with Taylor and Jason and, you know, like, look at him, give him a little stare down or something like I mean, that that's fun. That makes it fun. And we don't really ever see any kind of banter like that back and forth. I think what would happen, what would happen if if Ricky yelled at fucking Justin as he picked up the 320 pound bag? Use a bitch. He'd probably be kicked out. They'd be like,
Starting point is 01:13:08 that's not like conduct, but here's the thing. I think I love what they are said about harnessing the anger. I think the best athletes can do that. They can manage their emotions and use them. And the worst athletes react to their emotions and get controlled by them. So I think in the situation where you see Matt flipping off Dave, he's managing his anger and controlling it. And he's taking that anger. He's like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:13:31 You're gonna make me do it again. I'm gonna make you look like a fucking idiot. And I'm gonna destroy this run. And then Danielle, maybe, maybe not too far to the other extreme, but it's like, what the fuck? She's reacting. Her emotions are controlling her a little bit rather than harnessing them. Did we ever see Tia fail the, why are we stuck on this photo? Let's play this.
Starting point is 01:13:49 This is driving me crazy. That was too far into the timestamp. Oh, okay. We're going to see this, by the way, this isn't Suze's fault. He's the timeline. Yeah, I was like waiting for it and seeing what was going to be in all out there for just just ignore it search feel free to search around okay let's go to number four no unless it's gonna be easy to find uh tia fucking up a single under does anyone want to see tia fuck up a single under and have i don't think they kitchen on video okay uh number
Starting point is 01:14:20 four noah gets pegged. This really trips me out watching the athletes do pegboard. He throws the peg. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was good. That's the only reason it's not top 10. If he would have just fell, I don't think it's making, maybe it's making the list, it's like eight nine ten maybe but him throwing it when i've never ever ever ever seen in an affiliate anyone but i've seen it in
Starting point is 01:14:54 the games i've never seen anyone climb a pegboard the way i see some of the crossfit games athletes i i've never seen you have you ever seen that thing where they do this where they climb the pegboard like this like they don't bend their arms at all the first you see the girls do that sometimes like you're gonna see every technique possible at crash crucible you do that do you have the pegboards there you're doing pegboards is a pegboard event yeah what what's the event 100 pegboards for time how many you're an idiot i was joking i said 100 for time do you remember you don't remember that video me and jr did that together you did 50 pegboards each yeah back and forth 100 for time we asked samuel corne and rich to do it i don't think they ever did it
Starting point is 01:15:38 what was your time on that 30 something no 27 or 28 we were really wait it's on my instagram i don't what's the workout at the crash crucible what's the uh what's my i can't tell you the workout but yeah but there's but there's gonna be pegboard on the last day and you think it's gonna be so the way it's positioned it's gonna be so fatiguing we're gonna see some fucking awkward uh we were 32 21 some fucking awkward uh we were 32 21 i stand corrected i was thinking three a minute and you're right that'd be 33 minutes and we're fast i slowed down and you carried me um yes that was catrin's move yes i remember that that that is that is does not seem like it's a smart move i think you're going to see a bunch of different techniques i think uh you know and i put that out there almost as like a professional courtesy, because although we do have a lot of semifinal athletes, there are over 30 that are signed up to come between the male and female field. have access to and i just thought it was the right thing to do this isn't the crossfit games this it doesn't have to be unknown and unknowable to that extent that hey this has been around in
Starting point is 01:16:49 competition since 2015 this is something that semi-final level athletes can and should be doing in a competitive setting so i've made the decision to program this year and they're cool as fuck when you do it right i'm really excited who do you think the best athlete that's going to be there that weekend is at pegboards i've been told brooke haas is amazing at pegboard wow hey what does your pegboard look like is it the rogue ones is it just the narrow just straight up that's what you got yeah yeah there's no i've i've looked into trying to get the plexi attachments for a rogue rig but i think that's reserved only for crossfit games yeah you don't want those anyway they're competitions yes these are all fucking crazy big and they're all big
Starting point is 01:17:30 boards they're the same they're every one of the same they're all painted the same color they're all the exact same height everything is uniform what about vaseline in your shoes uh on regular backboards. I would fuck their ass. Yeah. Well, if you, if you were going to do, uh, um, legless so that they slide up. No, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Cause what about what else you're doing in the workout? They will not, they will not be legless. Little petroleum jelly on the shoes. Now we know, now we know. Well, you're welcome people for getting,
Starting point is 01:18:00 letting, getting me, uh, J prying into Jr steel trap and getting information for you. You're all welcome. I'm happy to give that information. No one's going to watch this. None of the athletes that are competing are probably watching this deep. They're all watching it.
Starting point is 01:18:12 I think they are. So what do you think about Noah throwing the pegs and giving up? You okay with it? He won Spirit of the Games. So I'm not sure if that was... I do think he did it with a smile he threw him with a smile on his face i think he's deserving of of of spirit of the games but i don't think that was a spirit of the games moment so i don't know i mean that was like a
Starting point is 01:18:39 come on i love it man he's he's human he gets gets mad too. It's all good. He is not human. Yeah, he's not. But I don't think he got that mad. I think he probably did smile when he did it, but was like that angry smile. Yeah. What if the peg would have hit a little kid in the stands? Noah, did you think about that? Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:19:08 That's funny. Number three, bike to work danielle spencer and lazar skip a workout uh and uh and sung young choy puts in some extra extra practice time yeah she doesn't make the list because she did the right thing they make the list because they all fucked up um so so what tell me what the fuck happened here remind me what a fucking weird event has anything like that ever happened at the crossfit games before uh yes but it's always been i think judging complete judging error so like there's the year that uh cara advanced on the overhead squat workout it was two two two three intervals she hadn't finished all of her overhead squats the judge told her she was two two two three intervals she hadn't finished all of her overhead squats the judge told her she was done and she was like what are you sure and the
Starting point is 01:19:49 judge was like go go and so she jumps across the finish line and then they go back and they're like wow uh she didn't do all the reps so we have to make a correction this year did that cost her the win of the CrossFit Games? Yeah. And this year, they were supposed to what? Do five laps, and some of these guys only did four? Some did three? Yeah, they did four. They did four laps. You're supposed to do five.
Starting point is 01:20:19 I think that's just one. I mean, there's two things that make this top three. One, why is it on the athletes to count their own reps? We know half of them are retarded. That should have never been the case. Clinically, no one be offended by that word. He means it in the clinical sense. The other thing is, if you're an athlete, how do you ā€“ and the timestamp will show 3304, will show Lazar stopping in the tunnel
Starting point is 01:20:43 and being like, wait, no, I didn't do all five and trying to go back and someone telling him no go in so I think with the exception of Lazar he was probably trying to go do the right thing but everyone else is like running across the finish line great workout or Danielle jumping from like 20th place to like 8th in the event
Starting point is 01:20:59 you just didn't actually do the event hey what did that Danielle did Danielle ended up taking fourth at the CrossFit games with that mistake what do you think about the argument there's some people who are adamant from other disciplines who say hey you would be fucking dropped from the um you'd be dropped from the fucking that'd be a DNF you'd be toast yeah I hate I hate that they were given the average of their like worst or best whatever the average of their lap time I hate that they were given the average of their worst or best, whatever, the average of their lap time. I hate that that was the penalty.
Starting point is 01:21:27 I personally think, and granted, this is just my opinion and who fucking cares what I think, but I just think it should have been a DNF. You didn't do the fucking workout. You didn't do all the laps. JR, too harsh, too harsh? What about the emotional component of like, fuck? Fuck that. Okay. Yeah, we just really disagree on that i think that
Starting point is 01:21:45 having them dnf all together is way too harsh of a penalty when they were in fact some of the best performers on the workout well what about workout so good for lazar well what about workout so good for lazar here's the thing what about an athlete what about one of the best players on the football field strong safety accidentally lowers the helmet he's not intending to make fucking use of his helmet as a weapon and he gets ejected from the game you think he should be given a second chance just because he didn't mean to it was an accident but that was a subjectivity call on the referee not on the athlete themselves he didn't he didn't he didn't throw himself out of that game the referee would have exactly so but that's what i'm saying i think whether it's accidental or not lowering your head and using your helmet as a weapon has
Starting point is 01:22:29 to be punished harshly so that it's not done ever just the way i think skipping a lap on a workout has to be punished harshly so that idiots don't do it again uh here i don't know if the if the penalty was severe enough i feel like, what's this guy saying? Rack, biceps, and curl athlete. DNF are twice the worst round of the worst competitor. Yeah, it seems like maybe. Twice the worst round I would have been okay with. So this is Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 01:22:57 So she's finishing first place right here? Eighth. She's finishing like eighth. No, I think she finished eighth in this, or maybe fourth. I don't know. Hey, that's worse than fucking missing a lap there's an eighth up there beside her name she's finishing eighth and still like seven people are beating her with doing the whole workout wow wow and then not that that sign being there that's a fuck up and i also think this is the
Starting point is 01:23:23 other thing i think way more than three people skipped a lab on that workout wow i think we talked about that when that when that when it happens well no i think we talked about that when that happened it was like it looked like way more people jumped places and things happened that we just had no and maybe maybe that's just my perception because the coverage was terrible, but it was just impossible to follow everything. If we ever have Boz on again, I'm sure we will. We can ask him if they checked every single athlete's accountability on that. For some reason, I thought I heard that they did.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Okay, because how else did they find Sung Yong Choi? I think that was just like, whoa, what the fuck is this? That's a good point. Number two, Alpaca Boz scaled the crossfit games the alpaca boz scaled the crossfit games this was the event where weather conditions changed it yeah the rain two one of two events where weather conditions changed it and i like the way you call it a scaled the games because it really did change the workout tremendously right it changed i mean it it took a lot of money out of a lot of athletes pockets explain well christy aramo her finishing that workout i think it probably cost her at least ten thousand dollars explain christy aramo isn't very very good at legless rope climbs
Starting point is 01:24:41 then the athlete or the workout goes from maybe not being dependent on the legless row climbs but the legless row climbs being equally weighted against everything else and contributing to the difficulty of the other movements to now they're just not in there and if you're big and strong and have a lot of capacity you can win the workout and christy is she has capacity but she doesn't have she's not big and strong so the sled and the kettlebells are way harder for her than they are for someone like laura horvath whereas if the seat of legless would have been in there christy armo does way fucking better in that workout judges were waving people in at random waved me in on the fourth lap i kept biking
Starting point is 01:25:18 colton mertens holy shit fuck yeah, I love that. Holy shit. Holy shit. That's gnarly. That's gnarly. Should have flipped him off. He should have been like, no, fuck you, you idiot. I'm not done. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Wow. So that's to Lazar's point. He maybe got waved in. And I fuck with Colton because he did the right thing. Lazar. Hey, they were only waving in the white athletes. Lazar took the bait, but then he got in the tunnel. He's like, wait, this isn't right.
Starting point is 01:25:50 And he tried to go back and they're like, no, fuck you. Wow. Yeah, that's best. This is wow. Yeah, that is. You can't have that. That you cannot have that. But I think that's it goes back to the reason why it's number three on the list is if you're an athlete it's your fucking job to know where you are how can you miss a lap i'm gonna go back to number two because taylor fucked up explaining it he just expects everyone to know everything uh the alpaca workout had rope
Starting point is 01:26:15 climbs in it and then he did legless and it was a legless descent too thank you now we're getting somewhere and there was some rain there was some weather conditions that made people concerned about the ropes. The ropes were left out overnight. We don't know the exact reason why. Maybe the ropes got slippery. Maybe it was going to be dangerous if people slipped off the rope. But I think at the last minute, they finally made the decision. They said, we're going to take out the rope climbs. And this would have been the first time in the CrossFit Games where there was a legless ascent and a legless descent. True or false, JR? True. True. And starting from a seated position would have been a first and so when they took this out this changes everything and historically rope climbs have been where we've seen some crazy shit happen at the crossfit games by crazy i mean people falling um huge positional changes rich froney being one of the more famous ones, but also Matt Fraser basically lost the games one year on a rope climb. And so when this is changed, there's an argument that it changes everything.
Starting point is 01:27:16 It does. Someone asked in the comments if they hadn't announced the rope climbs, like if it was written without the rope climbs, would people still complain? I don't think so. But I think when you looked at it with the seated legless rope climbs, you're like, wow, this programming is complete. It looks amazing. This event is sick. It was going to be without a doubt, my favorite event of the weekend. It looked like probably the hardest event of the weekend. And then you take it out and it's just like, you just got castrated. So I don't know. I just, uh, what would you have done jr what are you going to do at the
Starting point is 01:27:48 at the at the the crash crucible when um when it rains no this is a really good question actually because in south carolina sometimes you have a lot of rain you have a big like block and metal building like that the condensation gets crazy on the inside. The walls get slick and you literally can't stay on the wall to do something like a pegboard. So there'll absolutely be a contingency plan in place and there already is a substitute workout if that happens. Do you run a dehumidifier in your gym 24-7? No. Thought about it? We've used them before, before a competition because we've had to get heat guns to put all the markings on the floor
Starting point is 01:28:33 because the floor has been soaking wet. So we've had to do stuff like that before. I think they had a contingency plan. I think this was the contingency plan. I just wish they would have put the legless somewhere else in the weekend. You had the final final day could you have moved legless inside could you have added legless to some degree in the back nine workout made it instead of just a weightlifting triplet could you have added a legless to it i don't know i mean i just i just
Starting point is 01:28:58 hate that that movement was programmed as a part of the crossfit games and then it was taken out it's tough where is the crash cru Games, and then it was taken out. It was tough. Where is the crash crucible? Spartanburg, South Carolina. Spartanburg, South Carolina. Why can't they do the rope event inside? They could have. Remember, they had the broadcast deal going on inside, and that, I think, when you have that many levels of communication that you have to tell cameras and the broadcast deal going on inside and that I think when you have
Starting point is 01:29:25 that many levels of communication that you have to tell cameras and the broadcast, I mean, you could probably speak to that more so set on, but right. It's got, it's got a, it,
Starting point is 01:29:34 I think it would be really, really hard to modify either of those last two workouts. But can answer this seven. Is that something that would have affected Dave's decision? The broadcast. Yeah. At some point he wouldn't have had a choice and fair question i want to say dave would have said fuck off but no i've i've had seen dave have to bend the knee to the broadcast too it's uh he nailed it jr nailed it okay basically what happens is is the broadcast is so tight it's down to the seconds
Starting point is 01:30:01 right you just hate that though fuck yeah no one even watches cable anymore anyways but it's down to the seconds right you just hate that though fuck yeah no one even watches cable anymore anyways but it's like is cable like cbs or is that what yeah well that's what the broadcast is it's for cable and for the first time ever this past year more people streamed than had cable so fuck the broadcast and fuck cable everyone's watching youtube everyone's watching us anyways do the workout the right fucking way booyah kasha uh number one 2022 crossfit games not top 10 sandbag ladder oh this is good sandbag sandbag ladder freya and page take wwe lessons you know what's crazy about this as soon as i saw this i think i called hiller text hiller i'm like dude are you making the fucking blooper reel of
Starting point is 01:30:45 this or am i someone like podunk stations youtube stations like mine and hillers this is the kind of thing that takes you to the next level i don't think either of us have made it someone should put together a fucking 60 minute fucking reel and should say crossfit fails and it should just be the sandbag uh lifts i i like it by the way by fails i don't mean in a derogatory way i fucking loved it i have a question for this comment real quick. It's pissing me off. I gotta respond. Has fucking Justin LaFranco ever made it to the CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 01:31:13 Is Taylor allowed to say anything until he actually makes it to the Games? Same with JR. Sevan's the only one with actual experience there. And to be fair, this is why I'm responding, because I'm the only one who's targeted in this comment, because JR has been in the games. This just shows how stupid this fucker is.
Starting point is 01:31:29 There is a, I saw a picture of JR and Dave talking at the CrossFit Games once, and Dave was in his gear, and JR was in full athlete regalia. So I believe that JR has been there. I will say this. We sure as fuck put in our time this year watching so um fair so so what so what happened here is are you suggesting that the fail should not have looked like this or do are these what these fails are you saying that these aren't athletic fails i'm saying oh they're not athletic feels at all i'm just saying this is as most uh parallel to espn's not top 10 as it gets at the crossfit games this year you know usually the not top 10 is like a blooper of athletes doing something stupid looking like an idiot uh like for example a football player catches a pass it's like a 90 yard touchdown pass
Starting point is 01:32:22 and he drops the football and celebrates as he's at the two yard line it doesn't cross the goal line and now he doesn't get his touchdown that would be on the not top 10 list because it's fucking stupid these athletes maybe there's less idiocy involved and more just lack of physical capacity and control but the way it presents on screen is as blooper as it gets it's just just perfect. Before you play, Michael C. I watched seven on a Matt and Josh podcast last week. I like this seven way better than when you had to temper back to not offend.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Sensitive. Matt, did you guys see the fucking, the, the opinion post that, that Patrick ass hat wrote in, uh, about,
Starting point is 01:33:03 um, in the, in the morning chalk up. And there's an interview of Matt O'Keefe and Matt O'Keefe quotes in there and about how all the good that Fraser's done for the sport. Did you guys see that? No. What was the quote? Being sensitive ruins everything.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Just to fucking pause it. Yes, I agree. It's just crazy. It's crazy. I'll do a show on it later. They have a guy over there who's so fucked. There's so many confused people. Okay, can we watch Freya Mooseburger get pushed out?
Starting point is 01:33:38 Is that her in the middle? Oh, shit. No, that's Paige Powers. Hey, what's wrong with that? Isn't she just committed? Can we see that again? Isn't that just commitment? What's wrong this is hey what's wrong with that isn't she just committed can we see that again isn't it just commitment what's wrong with that i'm cool with that it's just funny it makes the event exciting it's a blooper yes okay good okay body slant it's yeah there's nothing wrong with that she's a savage she's taking it okay so you don't so you don't
Starting point is 01:33:59 think this is shows lack of athleticism no i just think that it's a blooper holy shit and if you can't watch yourself and laugh at that like as an athlete her shoes are nice she's got the tear shoes man hey let's watch again let's watch again jr you want to coach her tell her what she's doing wrong how much is that bag that's 170 yeah and to be fair she goes on and clears several more bags but that just punts her so she so wait a second you're saying after that she gets up and fucking yeah she hits it she gets back up hits the bag and goes beyond it ones after that i think which is savage hey i guarantee you that there are so many stiff people who were involved in this event still
Starting point is 01:34:46 feel like some shit in their bodies from this event like in their back a little bit their neck i think dylan pepper's low back was blown up for like three weeks after this fucking nuts hey can we watch freya mooseburger uh get fucking body slam please a lot of it well i didn't include also her getting reps where like the it's not a sandbag to shoulder it's like a sandbag to freaking rib cage come on come on hey so what's the deal if that bat you really got to be careful that that bag doesn't start going too far into your neck it'll just push you over right there's like a pretty set even though it looks like it you got a a lot of wiggle room you really don't right it's just too much weight and and
Starting point is 01:35:28 it's too too big right if you go just a half inch too far you're going over oh yeah here's here's we're getting thrown oh bam oh my god oh my god if you're her mom or dad you're you didn't like that at all dude that was gonna land on top of her that's what was so cool about this workout it was like a wrestling match and it makes me want to see an event at the crossfit games of like athlete versus athlete uh emma lawson grabbed her neck uh after she tapped out taylor having pig flashbacks god if we had the pig footage, it would be amazing. If you had the pig. Is there any way Dave has surveillance at the ranch where, like, that could be on a surveillance video somewhere? Hey, that's Freya Mooseburger right there.
Starting point is 01:36:16 There goes her disc. Hey, look how quickly she, look how quickly, though, she gets back up and pushes the bag over. Like, she's, like, she gets back up and pushes the bag over like she's like she's back at it right away she doesn't even like she falls and puts her hands straight back on the bag boom and then look at look straight yeah get down bitch hey someone should have flipped the bag off daniel brand should have flipped the bag off fuck you number one hey what about what about the um how about when they were doing the cleans in that final event or one of the final
Starting point is 01:36:52 events the back nine and people were getting spit out there were some good there were some good clips there too people wow that's a miss all mine i didn't think of that one and people not being able to do it i think i yeah because they you know what that reminds me of when people um have you ever seen uh do you ever watch surf videos when the guy's getting barreled and right at the end when the barrel closes it spits on them just like fires them out and there's just they get spit on it kind of reminds me of that when i when i watch people do cleans and they fail and they just get just spit out the back it's pretty cool yeah pretty cool well there's this time there's a whole another year before the games we can do a uh we can we can do just a show ripping on people instead of celebrating them like this one did well that's what the sport's missing
Starting point is 01:37:36 i think killer's doing i think tiller's well you're right you're right you're right now killer's fucking it up but to jr's, there's no shit talk really in CrossFit. And if like especially not in competition. And then there's also not a lot of like it's to be honest. There's not a lot of criticism of the athletes. It's so like, you know, you look, you turn on the TV and you get these you got these other sports and athletes getting fucking railed by the pundits by us uh railed sport they're not they're i don't know it's it's weird and it's too i mean i don't know it almost feels like it's not real life like where's i um i got a uh i got a text from the other day i I was trying to remember exactly what I said, but I got it.
Starting point is 01:38:27 I was texting with the champ, Mr. Medeiros, and he said, hey, I'm coming on your show to talk to you about some of your opinions. And I'm not sure what he's talking about. But the only opinions I could think about is I said that he looked like a baboon, and I showed a picture of a baboon next to him. Oh, Jesus Christ. And then the other thing, and I'm kind of scared. I don't know how, I mean, he's always been nice to me. I don't know how hard he's going to come on. And then the other thing is I was concerned about like him
Starting point is 01:38:53 hooking up with Ellie Turner and if it's going to affect his like his constitution. Is that a thing? Are they actually a thing? I don't know. I don't know for sure. I mean, I haven't seen any footage on Pornhub or nothing no like i have no like i have no evidence but i mean like they're at dave's ranch together and i know anyone i know i only go to dave's ranch with people i'm hooking
Starting point is 01:39:15 up with dude you're fucking ridiculous what no i'm just a man of facts i'm not gonna make assumptions what i'm safe i'm safe for a second i thought maybe i talked some shit about him and he's coming on the show to rail me but i'm not important if people don't give a fuck about me so i know i'm safe from his shit uh we're gonna get wrecked so look at look at this i mean they're not they're not touching right there um she's got birkenstocks on he's got God, he probably can't wait to take those shoes off. What does he wear? Oh, Nobles?
Starting point is 01:39:47 Yeah. God, I hope he's getting up. He has to wear toe spacers. I hope he's getting so rich off of them. For every hard question he asks me, for every time he puts me in a headlock, I'm going to ask him how much he gets paid by Noble. You watch out, Justin. JR, you going to lay in?
Starting point is 01:40:04 This is somebody putting the comments jr's not talking a lot today that's because all we're doing is talking shit jr's a man of class and integrity jr wants to seem professional this is your list dude you're taking the reins that's how it should be do you think do you think justin ellie you're hooking up oh let's savor this for a minute i can't wait to hear what jr says about this uh do you think that they're romantically involved i would also like to second to get your opinion on that jr the the only thing that can be considered anything more than speculation that we showed was o'keefe's comment that said power couple so whether or not so whether or not he's just messing with them or not, and he could be,
Starting point is 01:40:46 he could just be messing with them, but that's the only thing I can tell. I didn't even know that was a comment. Yeah. Yeah. Do you think that they've, they've, do you think that they've, if you had to guess, do you think that they've done, gone to first base, second base, third base or home run? Like, do you think they've, they've held hands or where do you think they are in their relationship? No idea. I don't idea. I don't know. I don't know. I'm not going to begin to explain
Starting point is 01:41:09 what their moral compass is. Do you think that they just run side by side or they do clean and jerks? I feel like Justin Madin. I feel like he presents himself as like a hand holding type of guy, but I feel like behind the curtains he like a hand-holding, you know, type of guy. Me too. But I feel like behind the curtains, he's. Nah, Justin's fucking.
Starting point is 01:41:28 He's a virgin for sure. He definitely is in the hand-holding phase. No way. They shared a box of popcorn and Justin was happy. Dude, he is a good mom and dad. His mom told me he hasn't been to the mall. First time he went to the mall is when he's 12. Yeah, but in the last show, you told me in the last show,
Starting point is 01:41:45 you told me that because he was from the ghetto, like that's how ghetto he was. Oh, maybe that's what he's going to talk to me about. Cause I called it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:41:54 he's going to fuck you up, dude. I'm good to go. I can't wait. There's nothing more. There's nothing that turns me on more than a flogging from the champ. I hope he, I mean,
Starting point is 01:42:04 we need to see some, some authenticity from him laughing and fucking around. It'll be good. Look at Liz letting a little bit of her experience. He's a wrestler, probably a freak. Wow. Sounds like, it sounds like Liz had a wrestler in high school. You're either, you're either a freak or you just have like lifelong MRSA and cauliflower ear. There's like not a lot of in between there. You ever had a staph infection either of you?
Starting point is 01:42:29 I wrestled. I never had a staph infection. But that's pretty common with those cats, right? Or I shouldn't say common, but not uncommon. MRSA. Is that a staph infection, Caleb? MRSA? Yeah, MRSA is a type of staph.
Starting point is 01:42:41 Methicillin or cefalocaucas aureus. Staph a cock in your anus? I aureus staff a cock in your anus i love this i love this staff a cock anus uh chris birchfield the mullet says it all jesus up front porn star in the back jesus up and that's what concerns me and that and that was sort of my concern that like hey like how do you stay champ and have um if you're boning your training partner it's emotional leakage right it's emotional even my even my kid said it the other day um he was uh obby said he we're playing tennis and he started crying and he cried for a long time for like five minutes and i went over to him i'm like hey you good he goes that just fucking drained me i go what did he goes all that crying drained me and like like he got it at seven like there's emotional leakage in a man who um is is being intimate with the woman like that takes energy well it's either
Starting point is 01:43:36 gonna here's the other thing pr's never leaked emotionally it's all sealed up this is so speculative but if it is a relationship good for him you can't live your i mean oh i agree yeah it's it's a painful fucking existence to be single and lonely especially when you're in a sport like that and you look at athletes like tiger woods you go off and fuck everything's in sight but you know behind the curtains it's like he's doing that because it's lonely at the top and so if he's found a companion that can train really hard because he's rich and because he's rich and because he's rich that's that's and handsome and handsome the most handsome baboon that ever lived and us yeah good for him and a good family he's got a good family he's a good catch yeah wealthy handsome good, handsome, good family. He likes guns.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Yeah. It is interesting, though. At that age, romance was kind of the most exciting and titillating thing. I mean, I don't know about a woman, but it is the most exciting and titillating thing in a young man's life. Just even the prospect of liking someone. You know what I mean? Like you go to college and there's a pretty girl there and you walk by her and you're like you know you're gonna see her every tuesday at three i mean it's it's a fucking charged thing and so it's a distraction it's a distraction for sure but is i don't know i have a hard time agreeing with that it's a distraction was sammy a distraction for Matt? Was Hillary?
Starting point is 01:45:07 Never mind. I'm not going to go there. I think in some ways it can be. In some ways it can add to the situation. So it's just, yeah, each relationship is pretty unique. JR was headed to the NBA and then. It was not. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:31 Ah, shit. JR just saved his marriage. We'll get off the phone here and find out what the truth is. Okay. Tomorrow, do we have a show tomorrow? What is tomorrow? Not yet, but we'll most likely be discussing this with Justin Medeiros. Oh, tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:45:51 So we're trying to get him on tomorrow morning at 8 a.m., right? Yeah, 7 was a little early, so hopefully we'll push it and get him on. Can you ask him if he will talk some shit to other competitors? Hey, dude, if there was any, the closest thing to shit talking we saw at the CrossFit games was the energy between him and ricky i'm actually gonna put that down during that sandbag event there's something there's something that's the thing ricky's a great shit talker but i think now that he's back and he feels like he's kind of on thin ice with some people he might not be as he should just lean into it twice i know he should be like hey you fucking you're gonna hit this yeah yeah yeah if everybody else gonna like well i didn't people said he got booed and stuff i didn't really hear
Starting point is 01:46:28 it when i was out there i don't know if you guys heard it on the broadcast or something like that but i didn't really hear it i think the crowd was relatively receptive of him but i figured if they were gonna boom he should just lean into it and be like yeah fuck y'all that's what i'm gonna rightfully take my place i'm back yeah okay so are the things I'm going to talk to Justin about. Ricky in the sandbag. If he's related to any baboons. Does he live in the ghetto? And what's the relationship like, the intimacy level?
Starting point is 01:46:58 What base has he been to with Ellie? Those are the, any other? When does he actually get the money from that check? Do they just mail it to him or is it a direct deposit? Oh, that takes six months. Didn't Velner wait like almost a year last time? Yeah, it was like a long-ass time for him. All right.
Starting point is 01:47:18 Anyone have any questions for the great Justin Medeiros? Is he uncut? Wow, wow, wow, wow. for the great Justin Medeiros. Is he uncut? Wow, wow, wow, wow. Is he planning on doing anything until the season next year? So is he going to do Guadalupalooza? Is he going to team with Jason? I think he announced he was doing Rogue.
Starting point is 01:47:42 Oh, I have no idea. I just remember Jason said he was going team with someone with weird hair hair oh no shit wasn't it like a hair reference or am i just starting rumors good no i think that's right he wouldn't say who it was with though but he did say he's doing he's doing team at wadapalooza he did say that jason is yeah it was funny they did like this whole little show like you who's jason going team with like who fucking cares damn damn sorry jason i love you it was a clout grab he talked shit to me and jr about trying to chase clout to be on this podcast i'm like chill bro that was a clout grab god i hope you are i hope you are that's exactly was a clout rap god i hope you are i hope you are that's exactly why i'm on here god i hope you are damn i'm in shit talking form today we gotta we gotta get off air one more thing let's get you canceled and then we're good all right guys uh
Starting point is 01:48:39 tomorrow we have uh if we either way we'll be on tomorrow morning. At some point, we'll either be doing a live call-in show or we'll be doing an in-depth interview with JR and find out why he's so quiet. But something will happen tomorrow.

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