The Sevan Podcast - #574 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: September 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news.
Starting point is 00:00:22 We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of
Starting point is 00:00:39 American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card other conditions apply if i bring it if i bring up the anal beads and you don't want to talk about it just like hey you're actually the wrong person about anal beads i got a uh i got a crossFit. No, no, CrossFit. Take two. That's why it's scary doing live shows. I got a Savant Podcast skateboard.
Starting point is 00:01:11 The guy, Travis, over at Vindicate made it for me. Oh, I'm wearing the wrong one. I thought I was wearing that shirt. I'm wearing this one. Adrian Bosman is also. Wow, who made that? Travis. Damn, that's sacrilege.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Did you get did you, did you get all of your shirts? I did. I got, I got the shirt. Oh fuck. This isn't it. You really did get the shirt.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Hey, you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Yeah. I think he should have made that more of a silhouette. Although, although I did approve it. Oh,
Starting point is 00:01:41 is it the, the Colt one? Uh huh. Yeah. It's, it oh is it the the cult one uh-huh yeah it's it's it's dude I was giving him such a hard time like why aren't you putting it into production it's pretty explicit I know hey I think maybe it needs to be a little um more hold it up one more time I think maybe it needs to be a little more, hold it up one more time. I think maybe it needs to be a little more ambiguous. Is that the term? Well,
Starting point is 00:02:09 dude, here's the thing. I was wearing it the other day and then I went out to the grocery store and I was like, uh, wow. That's strong at the grocery store. I was just like,
Starting point is 00:02:19 I don't think I can walk around the grocery store with a shirt that just content. That's strong. As much as I'd like to. Oh, well, here's the thing. I was giving them all my dude,
Starting point is 00:02:30 put it out, put it out, put it out. And then I showed the design to a couple of the people and the reactions of the people were not as happy and excited as mine were about it. So I was like, I see why he doesn't want to do it. They're going,
Starting point is 00:02:43 uh, that would be a huge seller in, um, Australia. Yes. Thank you. Wow. Shit.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Mind reader. I know we, we spend too much time together. Australia, the home of the great quant. Uh, I don't know if my phone's hooked up. Someone probably has to call in.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I, because I took the phone on the road with me. Yes. And it may have disconnected, but it looks like it's working. So what is this picture that you put up of this alligator? Oh, so I just made that I made. Wow, the couch got some shit on it. It's always had shit on it.
Starting point is 00:03:24 It really. Wow, the couch got some shit on it. It's always had shit on it. It does? Every single time. Every time. It's got a tripod on it and a hat and some notebooks. Somebody wants to know your email address, just so you know. It should be a dog. There should be a dog on there that's, like, almost dead. It's Sevan Matosian at Sevan Matosian at gmail. Mike. Savon Matosian at Gmail.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Mike the Sauce. Chelsea Miller. Here we go. Oh, phone check. Phone check. May not be able to wear that to tennis practice. That's right. Mr. Jeffrey, hi.
Starting point is 00:03:59 What's up, Savon? Just giving you a little test call. I appreciate it. Yeah, I don't think that one wears anywhere well wear well except maybe the podcast if i was drunk maybe i'll wear that like if i ever wear that you know i've been drinking do you have you have it right yeah i do i have one it was strong it was it's strong it's strong it's a strong shirt it's it's explicit the strongest short that shirt that I own. I have a shirt that says sleeves are bullshit on it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's a tank top. And I tried to get in the Six Flags wearing that, and they wouldn't let me wear it. And they made me turn it inside out. It's the first time. Wait, what did it say? What did it say? Sleeves are bullshit.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Sleeves are bullshit. Yeah. Wow. That's a no-go at Six Flags. Yep. Don't wear profanity. It's like wearing a no-rep shirt in the media booth at the CrossFit Games. Jeffrey Birchfield is a gentleman.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I bet you he has no shirts with swear words on it. Absolutely not. I know it. All right, and you're a gentleman for calling and testing out my phone. I appreciate it. You bet. The only one I have is the newest one from, um, good dudes coffee that says Dave Castro slash is a good dude,
Starting point is 00:05:13 not a prick. Wow. Wow. That's cause he doesn't program the games anymore. That's actually a dig at Dave. All right, guys. We all have a good evening. Thank you, Jeffrey. I drink Paper Street Coffee. It's P-A-P-E-R-S-T
Starting point is 00:05:37 You don't spell out street or else you'll go to the wrong place. Use the code SEVON. Get 10% off. Send a nude photo of yourself and get 15% off. on get 10 off send a new photo of yourself and get 15 off here are my hiller fit review notes i'm glad i have them how many did you have to watch and what did you do while you were watching them this time because you were doing random crap in uh the newport house i i hadn't rode the assault bike in two weeks i came home and just jumped right on the fucking assault bike like literally got out of my car and got on the assault bike.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And I just started, and I just started watching them. I watched them backwards. I watched them from the end. Oh, let me see if I can pull it up. Actually, I got to pull mine up just so I know like what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I told you that before, right? Like sometimes it just kind of, I forget. Well, there's so many videos. I totally get it. before, right? Like sometimes it just kind of, I, I forget. Oh, there's so many videos. I totally get it. Hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:06:28 I need to just give you access to my backend so that you can, so that you can just, uh, run my backend. Hiller fit review show birth of an empire. That was an old one of yours. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I thought that was yours.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Where's, Oh, I like this. I type in Hiller fit. And the three videos that pop up or the seven podcast videos, you motherfucker. How many, how many subscribers do you have now?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Have I caught you since your, your games bump? Since, since I tricked you into working on my show for the games. Yeah. Uh, you, you,
Starting point is 00:07:06 you went up by like a thousand on me and I've been slowly chipping away at you. This is incredible. Uh, YouTube. I have, uh, your channel.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Um, how do I see? I don't see how many subscribers I have. Well, I know that you have 18.8 thousand. I want to know exactly how many you have. Oh, I also have 18.8 thousand.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I go to manage videos and then I go to what analytics. Correct. Or it's 18,800. I have 18 and 28 870 now I just gotta wait till the next CrossFit games where you can pass me up again or maybe the are we talking about the Zellos games
Starting point is 00:07:59 or are we not talking about that no we can talk about that okay you're gonna do some stuff with our guy jared right yeah i'm really excited i'm really really really really really excited that's the thing you're gonna i took a test this morning and my testosterone levels came back at 175 i know for a fact it's higher but i'm a little concerned wait i know for a fact i got two of them right yeah that's this morning i had a hundred no dude that's you read that entirely wrong did you do that on purpose i did i was reading it it was
Starting point is 00:08:34 like swirling around in my head the wrong way and i was like 175 fucking sucks but he got two right see that's why i'm never going to get my testosterone tested because i'm going to i'm going to tell you and you're going to be like oh shit i didn't know it could be negative four do you remember the episode it's going to come back and say none what grazer was on one of your podcasts i believe and he was talking about how he never wanted to get it done or maybe he got it done and he had somebody else look at the results and then all he wanted to know is whether or not he was good because he didn't want to know what it was at. Cause it would kind of get to him if it was like,
Starting point is 00:09:09 well, what if my results were at 400 and everyone else is at 600. He didn't want that to get in his head. Yeah. I understand. I understand. I feel you. That being said every day,
Starting point is 00:09:22 someone in my, and every time I say that no one in my dms ever is like hey good job sebon everyone's always like dude i'm on that shit it's the greatest thing that ever happened to me what do you mean good job sebon don't get your like no like like when i go to my look at my dms later on tonight there's not going to be a dm in there that says hey that's really cool i i respect the fact that you don't check your uh get your blood work done they all are gonna say the opposite dude suck it up and quit being a bitch get your fucking i got on t four years ago is the best thing i ever did well even if you look in relation to like
Starting point is 00:09:55 not getting just your testosterone checked most people and like you're 50 right when you're 50 60 you're supposed to get like your psa tested and all that i had a dude stick his fingers in my ass don't talk all right you're good you're good you're good talk to me you went you went the extra mile you got your i oh this was this was kind of new breaking ground for you you threw a short in there yeah i i heard that that's worth doing. I'm trying to dip my toe into some other stuff, and I
Starting point is 00:10:29 don't really like doing it, because when you click on my videos button, it messes with the look at that. It looks fucking disgusting. It just sits there like a sore thumb, and I hate it. I see. The artist in you is struggling with that.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Uh-huh. Okay. I had a subscriber, though. I'm putting that up there. You got one subscriber. I picked up one from that video, yeah. Hey, I didn't look at this one. Everyone is wrong about loan forgiveness.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Oh, yeah. That was also, if we're talking about things that aren't common of myself that has absolutely nothing to do with crossfit and i didn't i didn't see this one either these are so i got to go back and watch these two oh dude i didn't watch this about that one i didn't watch this one either that one did well i'm shocked i don't think i watched this one either oh yeah maybe i did watch that one Maybe I did watch that one. Maybe I did watch that one. That's the one I made in the airport.
Starting point is 00:11:28 So I didn't watch the High Rocks. Yeah, holy shit. Dude, I'm telling you, Hunter's a needle mover. Hunter's the man. Yeah, he's a needle mover. Everyone hates him and he's a needle mover. And when you hang out with him, there's nothing to hate. Why do people hate Hunter?
Starting point is 00:11:44 It just, it's uh i'm gonna tell you the truth it's not that people don't the people are the the group that's the most marginalized group in the united states the only marginalized group are redheads people just have this thing for redheaded dudes they hate redheaded dudes yep this one's is so crazy this hasta la vista baby comp train what's crazy about it um well first of all you got notes you don't just say dude this was crazy okay i gotta pull it i gotta pull this down then to look at my notes okay here we go and usually you have those things printed off what's up with you i got it over here on my on my screen i know i i fucked up i'm out of practice uh um, so,
Starting point is 00:12:25 so in that 22nd video, 27 seconds. Oh, you know what I'm, you know what I'm going to do? I have three monitors. Fuck this. I can ball this over here.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And I'll do share screen. With this. Uh, no, I'll do Chrome tab, Andrew Hiller, YouTube. Bam. Oh, look at that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:51 This one right here, test positive and competes. Oh, first let's take care of Austin Hartman here. So this guy was taking a test to move up rank in some military organization. Let's say the army. and i think he was on the show this morning or something and he told us that he had to take the test and now he's saying the test had 175 questions and he knows he got uh two of them right which which questions that question's on the screen for a little while uh i love hunter oh i thought that's funny when i read that over little while. Uh, I love Hunter.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Oh, I thought that's funny. When I read that over here, I thought it was, I love Hiller. Um, but different comp train, more like flop chain. Now here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:13:35 You, I, I, you were actually pretty nice to them in that video. You always say that you always say that, you know, I do every single time you say i'm too nice well well no you weren't too nice i i well you weren't too nice but but you you were you were um basically
Starting point is 00:13:53 what's crazy is you were a uh a ben bergeron ista you watched all of ben's shit do you see that it's about four years of listening to every single podcast people think i just talk shit for no reason no i i got reasons and then and then basically i what you claim in the video that you he ran out of content that it started becoming basically like the same three or four books that he reads okay and um did you find something disingenuous about that because here's what the video says the video comes across like this ben bergeron's great but once you get what you need from him it's time to move on but kind of in real and so that's what i thought was pretty nice but in real life i feel like you're more on the side of comp not comp train it's flop train
Starting point is 00:14:42 like you're a little more aggressive in real life about it like like like it kind of bumped like you think he should since he keeps saying the shit over and over maybe he should stop publishing i think that that's good for a certain subset of people and i think that i also said that in the video which was people getting into crossfit and it's good if you're recycling the same stuff because new people are always entering and they all need to hear it. However, and I think you're seeing this, it doesn't work for the high-end athletes after you've been with him for as long as Frazier was with him, which wasn't very long, a year at most.
Starting point is 00:15:20 And Mason Mitchell, you say that one had zero substance. I look at my comments section and I don't think that that was the case. And I think that what we're talking about here also means that it wasn't the case, but I want to know why. I like, I like the part where you, you, you talked about, um, the, um, thing with Cole Sager. Which part? In the spirit of the games award. Yeah. And then you said, I wonder, uh, if I can find that. And then you put the Spirit of the Games Award. Yeah, that's where I thought you'd show up.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And then you said, I wonder if I can find that. And then you put little gangster glasses on yourself. That was cool, right? That's me with my extreme editing skills. I wouldn't have been able to do that two months ago. So, do you dislike him? Bergeron? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:07 My disdain for Ben Bergeron comes from the fact that I've had athletes who had done some things in the sport. And I guess at this point I've kind of talked about it quite a bit, but in the time, in the moment, it was never me trying to do anything with myself because of that athlete. And I have a huge sense of him trying to ride the crap out of Catrin's coattails from a couple of years of her doing really well for changing her mindset about some rope climbs where the programming may have changed a bit where they don't show up quite as much. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:16:37 Catrin jumps aboard. So there's two different things here. Do you think it's not okay for coaches to take credit for their athlete success? I don't know of a single coach who does okay really well and i'm gonna probably get unfucked by somebody who knows something about a college football coach or a college or college basketball coach but i don't know of bill belichick doing that people do it for him okay people want the other thing is well check and then so so that kind of like that makes you you don't like that style of his the way he presents himself is maybe taking credit which i don't know if he does or doesn't but we'll even look at t and shane so but but but is the man when
Starting point is 00:17:17 has ben taken credit you've heard him say hey look what i've done it's it's not in the way is that the exact words that he says it's in the way he says the words that he says okay we do this to do that if it weren't for my methods and this success or these things she would have been have had her success did you follow that or does that yeah no that's gnarly that no that's really gnarly that's over the top that's does that? Yeah, no, that's gnarly. That no, that's really gnarly. That's over the top. That's like that's more than saying you're great. That's saying you're you're one of the linchpins. Do you not hear that now? Having like if you if you can reflect upon things you've heard him say in the past. That's the thing. I don't I only know Ben Bergeron is a guy who reads books like books of wisdom and and talks about what he read.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And and the fact that he did a bunch of woke shit that I fucking don't understand. Someone as wise as him could have fucking possibly done. That's the only but but whenever you know what I mean, that's the two pieces. I like when I think of Ben Bergeron, I think, wow, he's read a lot of cool books and he's able to share that knowledge with people. And then, holy fuck, he really put up glass shields in his gyms and push the fucking narrative
Starting point is 00:18:32 that there was something to be scared of when not a single fucking CrossFitter, except the fat Italian in Belgium who died. I mean like, what the fuck? You, you know, we're now we're approaching theoretically.
Starting point is 00:18:42 There's more evidence that CrossFitters have died from the vaccine than from COVID. Oh, fuck. Wow. Anyway, but the other thing that you don't like, here's the other thing you don't like. You don't like the fact that you don't think his athletes are getting better. You think that that's the biggest thing. What about Laura Horvat in her handstand push like helping i can't give you a direct quote but it's in just about every third thing he says somehow
Starting point is 00:19:10 some way i'm coming up with funky ass shit like every single day snoop dogg um uh um what about laura horvat can how many years are you going to give her? What's harder to fix? Let's start here. Katrin David's daughter's rope climbs. Are they still a problem? They're still a problem relative to the field, yeah. Laura Horvath's handstand push-ups or Haley Adams' strength? Which one's easier to fix?
Starting point is 00:19:41 Probably Katrin's rope climbs. And then Haley's strength? And Haley's strength is the hardest to fix? Probably Catrin's rope climbs. And then Haley's strength? Haley's strength is the hardest to fix because it takes the most time. It's been a glaring weakness for us. One, she's got to wrap her head around it. Maybe she should do some Ben Bergeron training to fix that and wrap her head around the fact that she's got to actually take some time off of the cardiovascular and metcons but once she gets past that she's actually got to take the time
Starting point is 00:20:12 to develop the strength to get to where she's got to be relative to the field it's all relative to the field you showed something i don't know if i saw it right because i was pedaling high rpms over 60 um and you said that catrin one one year snatched 200 in the next year she was struggling with 185 that's freaking freaky that's not and the only kickback as i always think about like what can people try to beat me up with in the comment section is that that was at the crossfit games where they've done a handful of events and the one was at the invitational where i believe it was the fourth event of the invitational but they were separated by three to four years and you would figure at minimum she'd be able to do the same thing if not better because everyone else is getting better with the exception of like the matt frazier who's already winning every single year.
Starting point is 00:21:06 If Matt Frazier can snatch 300 pounds, he doesn't have to go to 330. He can just continuously get 290 and finish top three. And that's what he's happy with. And Katrin was top five. And then with her snatch there, she finishes top 10. And she's moving down the leaderboard where she would have been towards the top three years earlier. You listened to all of his content that he put out for four years does does he um is it all uh is it what category would you put it in in sort of the mental category like did
Starting point is 00:21:38 you ever listen to a show where he talks um for 30 minutes about how to do a deadlift like you did the other day no you don't remember a single show of him doing that? Maybe why you would deadlift, but it's not kind of the mechanics of it. None of that. No, absolutely not. By the way, I've been around the best fucking coaches in the fucking world for fucking 15 years on deadlifting. And I'm not saying that someone hasn't been around more better deadlifting and and i'm not saying that um that someone hasn't been around more
Starting point is 00:22:06 better deadlifting coaches i'm just saying i've been around a lot and i know there's people who've been around 10 times more than me but i gotta be in the one percent of one percent of people who have been around coaches who talk about deadlifting like i've just heard so much and i learned shit in your video that i actually and i was actually doing it what's crazy is i was actually doing a five by wait because posted it the day after i put up that no today ironically today when i today i was right basically i rode the assault bike for uh um uh 10 calories making sure the rpms got up to 90 at least once in those 10 calories and then got off and did five deadlifts for 10 rounds and i and i and as you talk as i watched your deadlift video for people don't know it's
Starting point is 00:22:50 how to deadlift for dummies holy shit it's fucking good dude congratulations it's fucking thanks that was a different one people like that one and yeah that one's anywhere as well as the wonder i talk shit about comp train so if anyone wants to know why i don't make more of those it's because they get one fifth of views on the views the fingertip talk the mixed grip which i call switch grip but i know everyone else calls it a mixed grip uh that was interesting the thing about pushing your shoulders down i had never heard that how did it help did it help yeah fuck yeah it helped uh the thing that so i so it's weird too how much you've experimented. A lot. Yeah, like you talk about all the different foot positions.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I've never heard anyone say to get as narrow as you can. I've always heard to get in your jumping position. So I like that, to try that. Do you make sense why I said to get as narrow as you can? Yes, for sure. Because all the mechanical – For sure. Your body. why i said you get as narrow as you can yes for sure the mechanical for sure your body just like
Starting point is 00:23:46 in just in the opposite is snatch grip deadlift is is fucking harder gnarly yeah um uh the thing that i was uh tripping on is the activation of the uh hamstrings because i go back and forth between starting my deadlift like a squat and starting it the way you said and every time i go back and forth i'm like fuck i should be doing it this way and then like so i've been doing whatever way is the way it's loaded oh you just in various day-to-day for you yeah well like usually in cycles like a year so for like the last two years when i've been like just deadlifting and i never deadlift over 135 i always say fuck that i'm not loading up my hamstrings i'm doing it like a squat to protect my back well that's the opposite homie i know well
Starting point is 00:24:35 today i loaded i'm like well i'm listening to hillar today and i loaded my hamstrings and i don't even feel the bar come off the ground now granted i was only doing 155 it's light but still i didn't even feel the – when my hamstrings are all fucking activated and tight, max tension kept on them, I don't feel – I didn't feel the bar come off the ground. The video there, it's 20 minutes long, and I tried to smash that into a Friday class at the affiliate back in the day.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And they'd be like, everyone needs to know all of this shit. It's so important. I've spent so much time trying to figure this shit out. Why is it bad? Why do you think it's... Explain to me the back thing. What? Why, when I do it like a squat, you think it's worse for my back?
Starting point is 00:25:15 It usually depends on how much weight you're doing and kind of the way that you're built up. So do you know who Jacob Anderson is? No. He is the lesser known of the Anderson brothers brothers there's za there's alex and then there's jacob anderson okay i'm sure i've met him before yep uh he has an incredible one physique and two clean front squat but he has got a god-awful deadlift oh he's the kid he does have an amazing physique he's the young one yeah and they're all like fantastic. They're like Ken dolls, but he's had a very bad deadlift. And I always remembered like Frazier going to work with these deadlifters. And all I would ever think is that weightlifters
Starting point is 00:25:52 never pull with their hips high because there's no purpose to do it. And what you'll usually see is that their deadlift relative to their clean is much more compact than most people who deadlift with frequency with the purpose of getting a heavier deadlift. Jacob Anderson is a very good example. And Frazier, until he went and worked with a deadlift coach, is also a good example because he spent such a long time at places like the Olympic Training Center pulling off the floor with an upright torso. The upright torso meaning keep the hips lower and it's all for the mechanical advantages that go into the clean pull. So it all made sense. And it's why he needed
Starting point is 00:26:29 to go figure out how to deadlift by someone who actually knows what to do. So you keep your hips low to protect your back and in reality keeping your hips low really limits your top end strength and mispositions your body for the loads you're trying to put it under.
Starting point is 00:26:47 That all makes sense or no? It does. When I think of the Anderson brothers, but this is what I was thinking about when you're talking, there's three things I think about. One, that their dad went to the CrossFit games. Two,
Starting point is 00:27:01 that one of the brothers had to smoke some dude. One of those had to kill a guy. You don't know that story? It's like a NASCAR. The Anderson brother had to kill a guy? Yeah, it was like a NASCAR driver. Like, this guy, one of the Anderson brothers was with this lady at her house, and the ex-husband came over and attacked him with, like, a hatchet.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I could Google it. And the third story, i can't fucking tell you on the air but it's fucking great i wonder what happened to the the anderson brothers what are they up to i don't know they were always cool and super nice to me i like them they always seem cool i remember so when i made regionals in 16 as an individual alex anderson was in my region and i looked over at him and he was like a centaur yeah he's so big and so perfectly proportioned did you know that no not because i'm trying to wonder if you told me i wonder if i tell you this third story i know i mean i know you won't tell me if i tell you not to tell anyone but i wonder if you knew this story if you would share it no i mean not not that if you heard it for me but it involved uh no no no no no it doesn't involve steroids i don't share shit it
Starting point is 00:28:17 involves girls i think the only reason people continuously tell me stuff is because i don't uh share it like if i were to share some shit on the show people like he's not trustworthy right so i really try to keep everything on the dl and if it's about girls i'm interested yeah yeah i'll definitely tell you off there it's such a good story it breaks some people's heart i i it didn't break my heart i thought it was a fantastic story if anything i learned at all if it breaks my heart now um uh in in the in your squat video that you're squatting which i thought was another cool video we'll talk about that by the way the uh before we get into well we'll do it in order of my notes uh you said that you don't judge people who aren't competing and i think that's fairly accurate but you also do judge people and you'll bust people's balls if they're doing hero wads right and well not if
Starting point is 00:29:06 they're doing here yeah tell me they get i i made that one on uh god i wish i remembered names better but there's the guy who made the 10 instagram post reel of him doing mirth and not one of the repetitions that he did during Murph were to standard. And Murph is something where when you're doing it, the bare minimum you can do is, at least if you have the capability to squat to parallel, which he clearly had. He couldn't stand all the way up. He didn't do his push-ups the right way. If you're going to do it and spend the time to have, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:29:41 your girlfriend roll around you and say, hey, honey, I need you to take all these videos of me doing this workout if you're gonna have her do that sort of shit for you and take the time to put together a 10 page post on instagram you can also figure out how to do everything the right way does that make sense but dude it's so fucking fair it's so fair he took so much time and effort to make a fucking post on the internet, but he couldn't take the time and effort to figure out how to do a pushup. Correct. And then he, and then he says he does it in 40 minutes,
Starting point is 00:30:10 which would be a great time to crossfit games. We know something was wrong. Something was wrong. Right. So, so here's my thoughts on hero lots. So you get the space. So if you're just working out,
Starting point is 00:30:23 you don't get the smackdown, but. One of the biggest, I made a video on this at one point. I'll frequently go into a lifetime just to use the various machines that maybe I don't have here. The affiliate doesn't have that. I'm a member at, and I'll walk around. I wonder why people are doing things, but I won't judge them for it because maybe they have their own things going on. Like, what are they doing that for? It's not any of my fucking business, but what's your most, what's your most guilty pleasure at a globo gym?
Starting point is 00:30:55 As far as the machine I use or the things I do or what machine, like the one where you look around and you're like, all right, no one's. I really, really like the leg press at a globo gym because you can just do that that's when you're on your back and you push up yeah yeah so people load the shit out of that and do really heavy quarter reps and i'll do like the lowest possible reps i can do with my legs and see how many how quickly i can get 20 reps done with what looks like 315 on it or something like that they're all different um i also like bias like creature curl things where you can bend over and do biceps yeah yeah tricep push-out machines the cables are
Starting point is 00:31:31 i'm very fond of at those places mine and then actually the one on that has a cold plunge so i like that too oh shit that's nice i like the uh oh jason cleba sent me a picture of his setup today his gym just his his cold plunge he got it he got this he got one is there one that's called the cold plunge he got a fucking insane like beautiful like one that looks like it cleans itself it's a white tub and it's got a lid um and he's got that and then right behind it he has a sauna from almost heaven he's almost you got a sauna too i look like i've been in a tanning bed look at my shit my wrinkles have tan lines look at like my wrinkles have like it's crazy you spent all that time in the sun i am so dark i am i am yeah that's what i think that's what i think thank
Starting point is 00:32:21 you he uses that abductor uh adductor machine that's what i was well Thank you. He uses that abductor machine. That's what I was picturing. The thing is, when I do those low bar squats, my adductors get fucked up. Hey, it was amazing to me that you said half the people that you think watching this don't know about low bar squats. We had Dave Tate come to CrossFit San Diego. Greg brought him there. Do you know who that is? He's a powerlifting dude. Just a big old...
Starting point is 00:32:45 He was a Louie Simmons guy. And he came and he fucking tore us all up. He said the reason why CrossFitters are so quad dominant is because they keep the bar so high. And if you do low bar, you get better glute activation. And he was all about the low bar. He was all about the low bar. Why do you think it is that CrossFitters are so upright or about the upright?
Starting point is 00:33:10 And what is it that this Dave Tate guy was brought in for? I mean, Greg just likes learning from all sorts of people, right? And this guy was the fucking man. But I will say this. This guy's mobility was fucked. And speaking about he did deadlifts, he could only grab with his fingertips. I mean, and he did sumo, right? I mean, he was clearly at some point juiced out of his fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I don't know if he was when he came there. That might be the – I've heard a story like that in relation to the CrossFit football, John Wellborn world that I love so much. The first affiliate I was ever a member at or coached at was one of the first 50, I believe, in the country. And it was called CrossFit Naperville. It was in Aurora. And the guy who was very close with Wellborn came from CrossFit Naperville and worked with CrossFit football.
Starting point is 00:34:09 And he had this story about some guy that was unable to walk from the parking lot to the garage without sitting down because he was so winded. But when he got there, he could double up 900 pounds. Yeah, I believe it. That's what this Dave Tate guy kind of looked like. And that's what you're talking about. He couldn't get the bar, which is why CrossFit is so cool because usually you can do both yeah and he only did he only did sumo this guy and why i don't know well at least there i only ever saw him do sumo he never demoed anything else besides sumo and i remember we had a body shape for it say that again you probably had the body
Starting point is 00:34:44 proportions for it. What is sumo supposed to allow you to pick up more weight? Depends on your body proportions. Okay. It limits the range of motion, but some people aren't made to sumo as well. Is the world record deadlift a sumo deadlift or a regular deadlift? Conventional.
Starting point is 00:35:00 It is. Half Thor did it. Okay. To my knowledge, unless someone's beaten it, it was Eddiedie hall who i believe also pulled conventional and then it was half door uh that video that you showed oh i gotta pull this up uh there's no way in hell and uh that uh um that's the squat video hold on i. I got to show you this. This is fucking
Starting point is 00:35:26 crazy. The entire comment section is talking about how front squats and the anterior chain and how it's very front dominant. And it's true. Who was it that said crossfitters have no hamstrings and no ass? And I remember that parallel really well in the Sam Dancer
Starting point is 00:35:42 squats. I'm trying to compare them to Brent Fikowski squats. And at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that they... Sorry, keep sorry. I didn't mean to talk over you. Sorry, go ahead. No, it's okay. Sam Dancer did a lot of posterior work and I know he loves the reverse hyper.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And someone, and it may have been the strong fit guy who I always forget his fucking name, but he was big on posterior work. Okay. There's no fucking way. These are legit.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And then watch this. No, no, no, no, no. Fuck. Yours are,
Starting point is 00:36:17 yours are fine. You're we don't, we don't critique people unless they're competing. We're doing here. Look at, look at the watch this. Watch. Brent Fikowski squat while he's doing wob ones. Mason made it look a lot like a... Watch this. Watch. Brent Fikowski squat while he's doing wall balls. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:36:29 All right, that one wasn't. No. I mean, you're saying that this is a bad camera angle? Dude. No, no, I'm not. I mean, do you love Brent Fikowski? How are you giving him a pass on this? I mean, I guess it's not his fault. It's the judge's fault.
Starting point is 00:36:46 But what the fuck is going on here? Okay, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. When I make these videos, I talk from recollection. Right. I just start talking at the camera, and then I pull in video footage later as I'm editing everything. And I put it in there.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I put it in the actually because I'm trying to say actually they're not low enough. When you watch the live and you go to the round of 40 and the round of 50, they have a front-facing camera and they are all good. I assume you're somewhat yes, 100%. The front-facing camera. Those are
Starting point is 00:37:20 not. I want that judge right there to turn around and slap Brent's judge and be like dude i'm not even watching these and i know they're not deep enough jeremy world says i gotta do burpees i gotta do burpees but when we were doing the live shows i do remember someone talking about fukowski's squats and i was like what do you mean that looked fine like they look close but that's because i was looking at the front basic ones which you can also find on the live stream. If you want to take the time to do that,
Starting point is 00:37:46 go to the granite games, live stream day two, about an hour 45 in, and you'll see. Tommy Marquez. Thank you for coming to the show. He's vaccinated. Doesn't have to go below parallel.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Fine. I understand. Sumo doesn't count. That's kind of my feeling too. Okay. But I think we should examine Cole gray shavers legs. He's definitely doing posterior work yeah usually you'll see that when the quads are a bit hey i yeah i could do a whole show on great on gray shaver's body it's nice is it
Starting point is 00:38:17 we must be not to be talking about the same guy um he's younger there's a guy that competes in the games and his body people were complimenting his body and i don't want i'm not here to trash anyone's body but it was getting complimented and i'm like that's a that's a baby's body that's not even a man's body hey well we're probably talking about the same guy yeah his his legs had no no there was no shape to his legs they're poles and i wonder if heidi is actually talking about i might i don't know if i'm talking about who i'm talking about i don't know i swear to god i don't know if it's cole gray shaver uh what was i gonna bring up if we're
Starting point is 00:38:57 talking about oh look at this mason mitchell sumo is heaviest geez so i i don't think so did someone pull heavier than half-Thor Sumo? False, Hiller. This dude's on fire. Get him. He's on fire. I can easily pull that up. Heaviest deadlift. I bet Half-Thor pops up. I bet they're
Starting point is 00:39:18 all on Bruce's page where they say that Sumo doesn't count. Heaviest deadlift. Mason's just fighting me. he's just picking it he just wants to poke to poke he likes his name popping up he knows if he says enough shit i'll yell at it i'll yell back pro boxer half door bjorkman still retains the world record for heaviest deadlift at 501 kilos 1104 pounds he set the record made 21st breaking rival eddie hall's prior record that's what i just said 500 kilos kilos. But the question is, is whether it's,
Starting point is 00:39:45 um, Oh, well, I don't see the, uh, wow. Then there's another one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Fuck. I'm going to have to share the screen. We're gonna have to start looking. I just make, I just can't type in anything like biggest rip is beta. Um, apparently no one has legs like me except for Danny Spiegel. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I have no hamstrings. So there's this. Yes, this was done during COVID times. Hey, and he definitely isn't taking your recommendation of narrow. Correct. I would say that is extremely correct. He's also, and I'm,
Starting point is 00:40:27 I'm also going to tell you that that's not sumo with my rudimentary knowledge. Are you sure? I mean, I'm not willing to bet my life on it, but like I'm willing to bet a couple inches of my cock on it. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:40:42 It's not sumo. Thank you. Mason Mitchell just wants to try to give you the same thing. We could type in heaviest sumo. If you want. That's a good idea. Do that. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Mother of God. Oh, shit. Mason fucked us up. Oh. No shit. While wearing lifting straps? Oh, so did he. Okay. So did he.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Wow. Look, Mason even wrote this fucking dude, scribbled this dude's name down. Look at this. It looks like Mason got drunk and his forehead dropped on the keyboard, but that's actually someone's name. That's fucking funny. All right, Masonason you win this round good work you know that guy's on the right uh that that's you that's me this right here no that's
Starting point is 00:41:32 greg doucette oh oh oh that is yeah yeah the world record for deadlifts done consecutively or maybe in a minute at a certain weight um it might be 405. Wow, I had no idea. Yeah, that guy's a trip. Craig Doucette. He should change his name to Craig Doucette. Oh, that's really original, Savvy. Oh man, Jeremy World.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Okay, do any sumo wrestlers actually sumo dead? That's a great question. Hey, I don't know wait, what's going on here? I got to stop sharing this page. Do you sumo at all? Yeah. I do.
Starting point is 00:42:15 For every 10 times I convention, I'll do a sumo deadlift. And they're usually about the same. Sumo deadlift. The weights are the same. The weights are the same. The weights are about the same. Are you comfortable in sumo? Yeah, it's easier for me. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Probably because the range of motion is lesser. And if you practice wedging yourself into the conventional deadlift, it makes it pretty easy to do that on the sumo. This guy's saying um you took it doesn't matter from greg duchette he's right oh that's good shit i did i was a big fan of that uh low bar uh i love uh talked about fukowski aramo you gave a nod to aramo 100 000 youtube subscribers
Starting point is 00:43:05 it's badass it's my goal i've never i'm looking at uh what's her name christy aramo o'connell aramo o'connell it's weird it's like hers and her husband's youtube station that plaque is so cool you have a youtube station with your husband. I bet Matt Frazier got that plaque after like three days of having a YouTube station. Yeah, that's a good point. That's cool. I'm going to her state. Yeah, dude, she has 102,000. I have a feeling that, oh, wait, look at that.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Never did a five by 200 kilogram that felt easier than listening to Hiller's guidance. I wonder if that's a good or a bad thing. I'm going to look at that in one second after we look at is it a bad thing are they tearing you up i think it's a good thing i i think i'm just having a hard time reading things right now uh she made a video three days ago 5k a day running challenge then she had another video four days ago 389 calorie dessert 389 dessert that's nothing wait a minute yeah that might be the idea uh uh crossfit games The idea. CrossFit Games feelings three weeks ago. 72,000 views. 279,000? Come on.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Dude, she's a fucking... I know what the secret is. You have to have a life of Christy Aramo panel and make a video on it. How I qualified for the CrossFit Games? 36,000? Good for for her it's awesome what a fucking stud i wonder how far back her videos go oh here's what you do go to the top go to the top and you can sort by on the right and do it by old. Good job. Three years.
Starting point is 00:45:07 My first vlog. Hey, you think you'll get to 100,000 in three years? I'll get there before three years. God, I hope you do. I think I saw it help and bring up Social Blade, and it says it should be there in two years. Wait, go back to that. Go back to that. Bring that back up. A Ramos page. Yeah. Um, or did you,
Starting point is 00:45:34 you, you got the blood work from, um, California hormones. I did. And you got your results back. I did. And, um, are you contemplating, um, jumping on some sort of testosterone replacement therapy? I am not contemplating. I'm doing it. So you're going to take something that would be fall under the TRT category, testosterone replacement category. That is correct. testosterone replacement category that is correct and are you going to document that on your youtube page i am god i bet you if you put on a million followers i could peel off a hundred thousand of those i knew you had a long game oh and do my most popular because i just want to know okay sorry uh most popular yes yes i will uh know. Okay, sorry. Most popular. Yes, yes, I will.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Wow. That's fucking crazy. Hey, comment section. What's my testosterone at right now before I tell you what it's at? Because I know he's going to ask. No, no, wait. Save that for your video. Well, okay. Well, I'm curious to know what they think it's at anyway.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Okay, yeah. You guys guess. Yeah, that'll be cool. Did you, yeah, 880,000. Five stretches you need to be doing every day. Look at that. How to do bar muscle-ups. How to build a back squat.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Day in the life of Christy Aramo. How to build a sauna. Full price breakdown. So in one video, that 800,000, she got like a third of my freaking, oh my God, a third of my total channel views. Here we go. 500, 650, 897. Oh shit, I recognize her husband. Is that her husband right there?
Starting point is 00:47:21 Yeah, I've seen that dude around and I never knew that was her husband. 420. Oh, shit. They kind of look alike. Hey, he looks like Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah, like all juiced up monkey. That's true. It's a good point.
Starting point is 00:47:37 With a better tan and better hair. So he's just better looking. He is. Well, yeah, he's he's an alpha alpha Zucky. Wow. Alpha Zucky. he is well yeah he's he's at alpha alpha zucky wow alpha zucky that's gonna be his uh instagram profile name okay well congratulations to her yeah that's very cool um why did why do so many more men sign up for the rogue uh invitational than women and why do so few people sign up i feel like it kind of flew under the radar to be honest like why isn't it 10 000 people signed up why like you said it was like 144 men and like 80 women go to can you go to real quick we can pull this up yeah
Starting point is 00:48:18 we're uh needing a suzer uh, Caleb on the background. Rogue fitness. Oh, as soon as you type it in, Google just takes you there. Oh, Sarah Cox wants to know what my tea is. Do I tell it? Do I tell now?
Starting point is 00:48:33 No. What's your tea? No, no. You got to save it. You got to save it. Save it. Save it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah. Yeah. Save it. All right. All right. You earned it. Save it for your, Oh,
Starting point is 00:48:41 look at the guesses. 420. I like that guess. 69. Another great guess. Nate one guesses 420 i like that guess 69 another great guess nate one 420 is my favorite guess sean that's not such a great guess 567 wow wow what higher low wow no i just like that's how it's creative i like the creativity like 420 and 69 are just like yeah i get you and or zero. The closest one is off by 80. 70, off by 70 is the closest one.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Oh, I like that game. Of all those guesses. Okay, so I'm going to share the screen. You're going to tell me where to go. Share. Okay, Rogi. Okay, go to Rogue. Scroll down, please, to probably about two-thirds of the way down.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And on the right side, we're going to see it pop up. There, Rogue Invitational. Click on that. And then click on the – about the Invitational. Scroll down, and we'll see, like, the prizes, I believe. Or maybe we got to go to Prize Purse for that. But I do know that on the scale division, you can win a gift card. I know that for sure. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Go to the, go to the prize purse. What's this get on the list volunteer portal. But where's the, was there like a qualifier website, like the open website? Okay. Well, here we go. Athletes that have not formally been invited to compete in the crossfit competition at the rogue invitational can earn their spot in the field through the online qualifier see below the entry is 20 35 gets you a rogue shirt it's so fucking crazy you fucking sarah just says if anyone gives it gets the correct, they'll give her a year for free.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Wow. Everyone just starts spamming numbers. Wow. Someone's going to get it. If anyone guesses, we will give you one year for free. Wow. Wow. It's got to be on this show.
Starting point is 00:50:38 You only get 35 guesses a person. Hey, why is Rogue so smart and they can give away a t-shirt with your entry but fucking crossfit's been around for 16 years and it can't fucking figure out a way to sell t-shirts to people who enter anyway why did so few people register did you say is there is there a list of all the people who registered somewhere well so that's what i wanted right there here we go prize packages down okay i saw it um see what you can win the overall winner and then the top three gyms with the most participation so that's incentive for the affiliates to push it 500 rift card barbell competition plate set so that's a good incentive like the most people signed up but why wouldn't they um so but didn't you say only like 144 dudes signed up
Starting point is 00:51:31 uh 100 something like that yeah there is where did you get that information why isn't it 12 000 why isn't it 12 why didn't 12 000 men around the world sign up because of the things that I'm mentioning right now, which is there's not much incentive. You see the scaled. There's no incentive to enter the open. There's no incentive to enter the open. Good point.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Actually a great point, but it's kind of something people do at this point. If you're at a CrossFit affiliate. And the big thing I was trying to pull up here was that the affiliates push or do not push the open the same way they may or may not push the participation in this qualifier there's a gym in florida called crossfit hype and they would always just fuck up the participation of these events because they have like one 200 people signed up for things like the rogue qualifier
Starting point is 00:52:22 that's an awesome gym by the way crossfit hype in florida you just you saw it or you just mentioned it i've been there a couple of times the owner's name is rob where's the leaderboard i want to see their leaderboard to the right 2022 leaderboard i got something to bring up about this too someone already mentioned it in the comments section this makes no i'm tripping dude i'm fucking tripping dude about how are there not more people dude there's no reason to sign up and the next thing that i actually made the video on is that if you want to have your workouts in it's a bitch and i have to do it all i talked why why don't these people have their scores and why doesn't luka jukic have his scores in good question we should we should ask him we've got the power right you got his phone number
Starting point is 00:53:10 look at all the why don't any of these people have their scores in what the fuck is going this is over right the qualifier is over that is correct dude have you not seen any of this yet this is the first time for you no yeah just on your video the only the first 99 people have their scores in you go over here to page six and there's no scores the closest trt guess so far was within 27 nanny grains per deciliter it was close so you're trying to keep up oh shit sam samuel corn why i took 21st that Samuel, what's up? But he didn't put his first workout in. And he still took 21st? Correct. Yeah, he did pretty well.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Oh, shit. He would have qualified if he remembered. And it looks like he had something similar happen that Travis had happen, which is that he did not record the weights being weighed. You picked up on that, right? Yeah, I saw that. That was devastating. Now I'm confused on exactly. Jack Farlow. What a stud. Well, if you're confused, Jack Farlow is a good dude. He's cool.
Starting point is 00:54:13 He's huge, strong. He's a, he that's Emma Lawson's dude. That's Emma Lawson's dude. Hey, uh, so, so tell me about the Colton Mertens thing. I watched your video. I kind of, he's kind of he's in he's in yeah what happened you made a video saying he's not in but maybe he should be in when you said maybe he should be in did you mean he should be in i meant well so what you'll see right here is you don't know how much the workouts are worth so you see chandler smith is 392 points but i
Starting point is 00:54:44 don't know how he got those points does that make sense where do they come from we don't know how many points he got per workout i'm guessing that means i'm guessing that means he took a a 100 a 100 a 100 and a 92 and i'm a hyper hypothetically it could be three 96s too. Or four 96s. Do you know what I'm saying? Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I mean, if you say that. Right? Isn't that what you're thinking? Each workout's worth 100 points. But I don't know what place he got on him still. Good call on that one. Okay. So that means that he probably did the worst on the fourth workout. Only two people would have beaten him.
Starting point is 00:55:24 But the big thing to point out here is that Scott Tetlow had his score invalidated. on the fourth workout. Only two people would have beaten him. But the big thing to point out here is that Scott Tetlow had his score invalidated. Oh, look. Look at this. So, oh. So, look at this. I think he was in third. And now he's out.
Starting point is 00:55:40 And that's what bumped up Colton. All right. So, yeah. Wait, that doesn't make any sense then because there is Chandler in fifth, sixth. Which would be like 95 points. Uh-huh. And then over here, he's in... Seventh or eighth,
Starting point is 00:55:58 which wouldn't add up for 400 any longer. He won that one. How about workout three? Click on workout three? Oh, yeah. He won it. Okay. Maybe you're close then. You can do it. And look, Colton's not even on this. Oh, there he is
Starting point is 00:56:17 down there. Okay, so what happened with Colton? He was ranked sixth? Colton was ranked sixth and Scott Tetlow had his second workout invalidated for reasons that I don't think that we know. And Colton Mertens just made a comment in the comment section that said that they have to review everyone's workout three and four before he's officially in. So he's not officially in yet.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Okay. Well, it's cool that they keep updating it in real time i think it's cool maybe they should rogue should write something up here this not official leaderboard yeah i did look for that i couldn't find it like a finalization someone has been within nine on the trt guesses that as well i've been keeping up with those someone's been within nine. It's been close. And then there was also somebody... Oh, shit. Olivia cursed at her cleaned house.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Without a gym affiliation. The Hepburn Barn doesn't have a gym affiliation. I don't think that's her... I think she belongs to a different gym. Because he's not her coach. No. I'm not taking it i'm not taking it you can't call jesse smith christian okay i don't recognize any of these people i only recognize smith i believe is chandler's wife oh okay i recognize uh kerstetter, Annika Greer.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Christine Best. Annika Greer. Oh, Christine Best. Is that the girl from... No, no. Brittany Weiss was on a Invictus team, I believe. Who's the girl who's from the Isle of Man? I don't know. You know who I'm talking about? I keep talking about Wantner on the show. You keep talking about the Isle of Man. Isle of Man. Isle of Man.
Starting point is 00:58:05 All right. All right, fine. Okay, so Colton made it, and the reason why is because one of Scott Tetlow's scores didn't work. Somehow something was invalidated. He may have gone down the route of Travis, which was he didn't record the weight of some sort of implement, which is required. That would be cool if it was something as benign as that maybe scott tetlow is using them weights with the um that were drilled out scott typically moves pretty well but i did bring up in the 22.4 video yeah 21 what the fuck was the last open the last the one of the thrusters he did every one of
Starting point is 00:58:45 those thrusters with his head behind the bar and i kind of gave a hard time for those in a video i i like him because he's the guy that had the the interaction the fuck you interaction at the um semi-finals do you remember that we had both days on the show yeah that's cool too scott's cool too that was one of my first like do i really want to make a video on somebody that i think is super cool that i know in person is cool and i was like i gotta make a video on scott it's it's like that moment where i was like all right if you're gonna do it you gotta fucking do it who's the dude one of the guys who is the other guy do you remember they said fuck you too i don't remember who said fuck you but one of the guys said fuck you get
Starting point is 00:59:24 your hand out of my space. And then the other guy in the back told him, hey, you better not ever say that to me again. But then they ended up being wasn't it. Was it not Nick Matthew? Was it Nick Matthew? Oh, fuck, dude. I'm not going to get Nick's head out of my head now. Name out of my head.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Amy Kringle is the girl from Isle of Man. Thank you, Carlos Romero. my head now her name out of my head amy kringle is the girl from iowa man thank you carlos romero um that guy was you showed a video of a guy who got kicked out of a gym he got a 24-hour ban but they said you can finish your workout that makes no fucking sense yeah that's what prompted the entire deadlift video i was watching that and i was using the bathroom and and then that lady goes on to tell him she's like some sort of exercise scientist she knows how to deadlift like how the fuck would an exercise scientist know how to deadlift i like if she would be if she said hey i've deadlifted every day for 20 years i'd be like
Starting point is 01:00:19 all right i hear you i feel you uh if anyone wants to go to uh nude hdy xyz best adult date site uh now is your chance like does anyone really it may have been will more red which is what no no no it wasn't when will more out it was two dudes i'd never heard of before it was tetlo and someone else it may have been nick matthew i remember you pulled them both onto the show too and that was pretty cool it was cool you did a triple bodyweight deadlift in 2018 i think it was it was right after the regional night here do you celebrate is that like as big as like having a birthday or christmas or losing your virginity is that like holy fuck i've got two things that i worked really hard to get
Starting point is 01:01:05 and i never hit one of them i wanted to be 100 pound snatch and i guess i still would like to do that at some point how much snatch 300 300 and my best is 291 and i remember there was a morning i went to the gym and i was kind of i spent a lot of time effort like working on technique and shit and i hit a 291 that morning and I kind of lost it. It was pretty cool. I got a video on my Instagram somewhere that, uh, and then the other one is the deadlift.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Other than that, I don't really celebrate all that much in relation to lifts. Did you celebrate after the triple body weight deadlift? Like, yeah. And I almost passed out. I think I did like a five week banded deadlift work into that one. And then I didn't know if I'd be able to do it.
Starting point is 01:01:48 God, there must be no enjoyment. Um, how much percent do you get from the nude site? And then I, that would be cool if I did get nothing. Um, that banded deadlifts look like, they're so like, not fun, you know, like, like bench press is fun. Lap machines, fun pull-ups are fun. Um, throwing a baseball out of windows fun banded deadlifts look like they're so like not fun you know like like bench press is fun lap machines fun pull-ups are fun um throwing a baseball out of windows fun banded deadlifts look like they're just it's like doing one of those um presses like with one of those bamboo things with like kettlebells hanging down on bands off the side that shit or you know those water things you know like those tubes full of water the slushy things yeah's like, I'm not saying it's bad.
Starting point is 01:02:25 I hate those fucking things. I like the bandy bars, but I hate setting up the bandy bars. It's just nothing fun. Our band of deadlifts just not fun. They just look like, they just look like they feel like shit. Kind of like the rogue echo bike. It's just, it doesn't feel good. It's just gross.
Starting point is 01:02:41 If you. It's dirty. Use the band of deadlifts. I think you can get COVID from riding the echo bike sorry say again i gotta get this thing out of here i don't know i don't want to get covid again uh the banded deadlift there's gonna be nothing better in my opinion to like bump up your one rep max by about five percent if you do a good cycle of the banded deadlift. But your go-to is...
Starting point is 01:03:10 They'll do a heavy five. They'll do a heavy five once a week. And then all you do is you build a heavy five banded deadlift. Throw the band on there and it brings you right over the top. What do you attach the band to if you don't if you don't have any if you don't if you don't have any like hooks on the floor i i just wrap that bitch around the first set of 45s so you like put 135 on the bar and then you yank the green band all the way around and then you deadlift on top of the green band and i've since found out that it's a little bit more convenient just to like wrap the band over the middle of the bar and step on the
Starting point is 01:03:45 band oh shit what wow i never even thought about that so you just like drape the band over the bar yeah spread it out a little bit and then you step on it and it's easier you still do those i did recently yeah because i'm so fucking crazy out of shape dude it's nuts and that's one of the things that i've done so many things so many times that i'll come back to it right now and i'll do those things and i can't believe the things i used to do just one of my one of my favorite things ever just like a 10 by 300 meter row you dig a one minute rest between it and i've probably done this like 300 times and i'll know what sort of shape i am based upon my ability to hang on to like a 138 pace per 500 and if i feel good 10 by 300 meters with a one minute rest
Starting point is 01:04:40 and and i'll do it as like a accessory piece just to kind of breathe a little bit and hold a 138 per 500 and if i feel like i'm really beat the fuck up i'm like okay i'm kind of out of shape and if i feel like i killed it i'm like okay i'm in pretty good shape just a bit so what is the time on that what if it's a 138 500 what's the time on a 300 it takes you about 58.5 seconds wow that's good wow you're writing it down like you're going to do it yeah well i'm gonna i was thinking i might i like that i do something like that with push-ups what's that i do a uh i usually will do like a 250 meter 250 meters or 200 meters. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:05:26 It's been, it's been a while. It used to be my hotel workout. I used to go to this hotel that had a rower and I would always do it at that hotel. And it's a 15 pushups and then a 250 meter row. And you had to do all the rows in under a minute, but you could rest as long as you wanted, but,
Starting point is 01:05:44 but, but you also had to do all the push-ups uh on one set unbroken 15 how many sets would you do 10 10 sets oh that's good yeah i always look at workouts like that is how much volume of rowing did you get 2500 it's a good amount yeah but you would get um you would get 50 more but you kept all of yours under a minute also. Correct. Yeah, that's gnarly. And then my favorite thing to do is see how close you can get them to one another.
Starting point is 01:06:13 So like 58.5, I want to get every single one at 58.5. And if you've done it like 300 times, it becomes easier. I'm going to do that workout tomorrow. Not yours, mine. I haven't done it forever uh that's just 1k a row is 258 whose is when somebody asked mine oh your fastest 1k correct is how fast 258 oh that sounds like that hurt. It does. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I think that comes with a deadlift, but this video, what? I'm going to show you a video here. Suck My Tiny Program? Is that where it is? Is it in Suck My Tiny Program? Isn't that funny? No, no, no. Yeah, that is funny.
Starting point is 01:07:03 No, no, it's here. It's this Top 100 video okay so basically what andrew hiller does here is he takes the 100 uh best women and 100 men and basically ranks them so 100 people get cut and only theoretically 50 men and 50 women would be in there what did it work out it doesn't end up being 50 men and 50 women right uh it ends up being you want me to tell you it's 51 men and it's 49 women wow the only reason that happened on accident you didn't even try to and it could have been 50 50 but the female in 50th i couldn't pronounce her name so i kind of hodgepodge. He was like,
Starting point is 01:07:45 Oh, I'm just going to throw in the guy so I can say the name. Oh shit. I think it was like a late. That's not science, dude. It was science all the way up until 99. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Even that it wasn't science because science is definite. And I'd said the entire time, but it was my opinion, but I did think that it was cool. In fact, that Brian put up a list of 100 in his order and then if i made my little stupid list it ended up being about 50 50 which means that after you go that was nuts that is nuts okay but this is the best part of the
Starting point is 01:08:17 video no one has to go watch this video even though it is a really cool video um and here's the thing about these videos if you want to be like a gamesista you want to be a games expert you want to know start learning about the athletes you watch this video and of all the videos i've ever watched like this one like this makes you realize how this teaches you about them but also uh it makes you realize how much you know i couldn't believe how many of these people i fucking knew a lot that girl and uh you have at number 90, Manon and Anganese. I don't think she could go to her semifinal because she didn't want to get vaccinated. But she is strong as a fucking ox.
Starting point is 01:08:55 And she was doing touch and goes with the 150 or 100 pound D-ball that really fucking inspired me at one of the events. When the other girls weren't doing it. Okay. This is, there's a guy named eric zanoni he looks like his fucking body fell out of fucking from the heavens uh literally like oops but this one wasn't supposed to be on earth and um but but but fucking hill or fucking bends him over and gives it to him here and i just fucking love this shit listen to this tell me if you can hear this was a block for the freaking females all the way up until enrico zanoni at 94 being a block for the males and that's because i think that while he looks the part he's super fucking jacked i think
Starting point is 01:09:35 that he's kind of a one-trick pony he's an insane push-up wizard i'm a what harry you're a wizard. I'm a what? A wizard, Harry. I'm a wizard? Yes, Harry, you're a wizard. But I'm just Harry. Well, just Harry, you're a wizard. Listen here, Hagrid, you fat oaf. I'm not a fucking wizard. For God's sake, Harry, what is with this language?
Starting point is 01:10:04 You're a fucking wizard. I don't give a fuck, you fat, hairy bastard. I'm not a fucking wizard. Listen, Harry, you're going to go to Hogwarts and do spells and shit. And you're going to be fucking pleased about it. I don't want to do your fucking spells, basket case. Stick it up your fucking dick basket case. I don't want to do your fucking dick hole.
Starting point is 01:10:28 My fucking what? While you get further along, he kind of fell. I cannot believe you let that play out that long. I was like, holy shit, what has happened to this video? That was incredible. Bruce Wayne, I had mixed feelings on this one.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Oh, why? Why? Tell me, Bruce. What's up? Probably because of stuff like that. that was incredible bruce wayne i had mixed feelings on this one oh why why tell me bruce what's up probably because of stuff like that like what the fuck is this but i i started making it and i couldn't let it stop you've probably never seen that video have you thought i'm a what no where's that from that's like some satire about harry potter if you type in you're a wizard harry into youtube that probably has 50 million views. Wow. Something like that. So some kids just make that trying to be funny and they can't even fucking believe that it got 50 million views.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Correct. Have you done it? Are you doing it? Should I? You want me to do it? No, I don't mind doing it here. What do I type in? On YouTube, type in you're a wizard, Harry.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I'm just doing it in Google, you're a wizard, Harry. I'm just doing it in Google. You're a wizard, Harry. Oh, yeah. You're a wizard, Harry. Dylan Edwards? Yep. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 01:11:40 How many views does that have? Maybe this is a cut. 1,316,000 that's not right all right god i knew i had to i gotta do everything here uh so someone this is like someone just reposted it correct stole his shit oh you know what maybe that is the one i'm sure hey you're a hard hard time. It says this video defined a whole generations of school kids' humor in the UK. No shit, this was that big, huh? That was very popular. So the closest person guessing the number has come within six. It's been close. And there's also been one within eight.
Starting point is 01:12:23 I'm keeping up with the comment section and the guesses on the TRT or my testosterone levels. I'm impressed. Yeah. Who the fuck is Bill Leahy for? What the fuck is that? I don't even understand that video. What video was that? That's the same one, man.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Yeah, you keep talking about the guy. Bill Leahy the fourth. Oh, the fourth oh the fourth that's just me being a freaking idiot so that video maybe i'm an idiot too opinions you guys i i i have uh alexis makes fun of me for like being in the way that i am about certain things and she would watch that and she goes why the fuck did you put all that harry potter shit in there and i go don't stop me from being me dude hey what's cool is it's crazy pop culture i mean the comments said that the people in the uk fucking must love you for that that's right that's
Starting point is 01:13:16 pop culture from 10 years ago if they're plus or minus about eight years of my age i'm sure they fucking love it in the uk. Yeah, that's nuts. I just remember the stupid crap. So I'm making the video, right? I speak for 30 minutes straight. And I just kind of look back and forth at the list. And then I edit it. And I say, he's a wizard.
Starting point is 01:13:36 I'm like, I'm going to put the you're a wizard Harry thing in there. I'm like, I'm going to do it. And then I spend the next half hour clipping in pictures of myself and eric zanotti for the so people laugh at my stupid youtube video you you you also gave a plug to california hormones in one of your videos i do that a couple of times i think i i saw i saw um when you talked about doing cycles uh deadlift cycles or something and yeah you look up in the corner and it pops up the logo that is cool i've gotten pretty good i think i even mentioned that like since my first video and all the way through here now i'm thinking things like i'll put that in this
Starting point is 01:14:18 video can i think about it as i'm talking i only i out. Um, I only work out barefoot, but why would you, why? Like you talk about deadlifting without shoes on, but you were wearing socks. Why even wear socks? Why don't you take your socks off? You would take your socks off.
Starting point is 01:14:35 I think it was in the winter. But you had your socks on. You mean in the demo video where I put my shoes right back on after I was done recording. That's why. No, but, but,
Starting point is 01:14:43 but I also saw, why do you ever work out with shoes? Depends on the movements. So if you're doing double unders for some reason, I can't do double unders with my shoes off. Yeah, that fucking hurts. That really hurts. Okay. That really hurts if you fuck up a double under barefoot.
Starting point is 01:15:03 That's fucked up. I guess I don't need to work out with shoes on. No. Actually, my heaviest squat ever came with my shoes off. I think, yeah, it was definitely shoeless. They curl like his eyebrows. What does? What does?
Starting point is 01:15:20 Someone's been within six, seven, and eight on the comment section uh taylor self's programming you looked at it i did and and you're impressed it's like it's like thorough he's it's like a lot of work it's thorough and the thing that i can say very confidently is that every program i've ever looked at i don't think i know know of one where it seems as if someone has put as much care into it. And I already said in the comment section that I sucked off Taylor in my Suck My Tiny Penis program review. But it's deserving of it.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Because what I saw was I saw his three-month progression that no one else sees. Everyone sees like a day at a time. How did you see that? You asked if you could see it? We have a winner. Someone got it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Do you know my number? I think I told you. Do you see the winner? No, I see someone's close. I see someone's really close no someone's got it um let me double text me let me make sure that i got it right to make sure and then yeah we got a winner someone's got it hey i'm gonna in the private chat i'm gonna type in a number and see if that's the winner.
Starting point is 01:16:49 That's exciting. I like that someone guessed it. Now we get to tell everybody what it was. Oh, wait a minute. No, it's wrong. It is wrong, right? It's wrong. It's close though. Fuck yeah, it's close. I'll type it back to you. I typed it what it actually is. Now everyone's going to be like, holy fuck. Oh, okay. I actually thought it was this. This is what I thought it was.
Starting point is 01:17:11 This is what I remember you telling me. You already typed it what you thought it was. Oh, no. The first one was what I saw. I saw the guess I saw. Let's just say there's some that are deadly close. And I liked the way you described Taylor as a mad madman he's a bit of a madman i never thought of him like that but he is a bit of a madman like you talk about how i brought up with him pissing himself while running story i didn't want to stop i just could see him he could play
Starting point is 01:17:35 a dude in a movie who like knocks on your door and fucking kicks in your teeth for not paying your fucking bet somewhere like you know what i mean he would have one of those fucking funny little hats on and i just he he you know he pulls up like in a volkswagen bug and gets out with a baseball bat and just fucking just beats you and takes your wallet and he's like hey next time pay your debts yes he has a little bit he has a way to describe him yeah and it's and i kind of love him for it right yeah yeah as long as he's 3 000 miles away from me when we do the shows i do love him for you well he kind of reminds me of those italian gangsters that are just like gonna defend whatever the fuck they believe is right
Starting point is 01:18:16 right right is that kind of what you're getting at as well yeah and and just to just go off the oh someone to guess what i thought it was hey um, I want to guess myself before just saying who won because I want to, I want to try to get off the show before someone gets it. Triple body weight. Oh, in one of your videos I was watching, there was a promo. It was in the middle of the video and something was written on the bottom and it said, Eric Rosa didn't fire Dave.ave you did did you stick that in there is that like some technique you're trying so you're promoting another video at the halfway point of one of your videos i wanted people to who have
Starting point is 01:18:55 possibly who wanted to possibly look into it see which video it was it wasn't like i was putting people into that video oh so you said something about so i could do that in this video and i could go back and like, we're talking to everywhere that we talked about something. I could annotate it and people could click on those videos right on the screen and you could leave my channel and go to your channel. Yeah. Do that in post-production.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Yeah. Did you know that this is Adrian Bosman on here? No. What shirt is that? That's cool. This is the, Oh shit. Wow. Vindicate goes the extra mile yeah it's a silhouette of adrian that's cool can people buy those yeah i do believe so
Starting point is 01:19:34 you just go to the vindicate website yep the ndk8 how the fuck did he get that website? That must have been hard to get. I wonder if he actually got that. I have that shirt in green. Elise Carr Ridao. Sarah Cox just said, wow. And I think it's because there's so many people who are so close, but they're just not quite hitting it. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Holy shit. Yeah, he did get it. He did get it. Holy shit. Holy shit. Uh, then yeah, he did get it. He did get it. Vindicate. Wow. Jeff.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Wow. Why are you saying, holy shit. I don't want to say why I'm saying, holy shit. Okay. Um, I think just talking about before you brought up vindicate and I brought up Adrian Bosman.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Um, I'm just looking at, I'm looking at the scores coming in. Uh, you listen to all of Ben's podcasts. Who the hell is bill lee i think i went through all my my that's all that's it the show's over i did all my i did my whole shtick the heller fit shtick uh bruce asked why i dropped my program from 35 to 10 and it's almost like i was trying to do a service to some of the people who have been on for so long what's the website what's the website my website yeah so the way that this kind of all transpired was i sold my stake in the affiliate and i was
Starting point is 01:21:01 depressed as fuck and you may or may not have been able to pick up on that in the one video that I put up, but I was just kind of like rolling around and be like, all right, what the fuck do I do? And one of my members goes, put your program online, please, because we really miss it. And we hate what's going on at the affiliate right now. We just want to do your workouts. And I was like, Hey, if you just want to do my workouts, I've got no problem. Just like put them on a lot of five.
Starting point is 01:21:23 And I was like, hey, if you just want to do my workouts, I've got no problem. Just put them on Wattify. And I always thought if I put it too little, it would devalue my service. And there was a point in time where I made demo videos and whatnot. But with everything that I've got going on, I don't have any longer, any time to put demo videos up anymore. So at this point, where I have with my one-on-one clients and it was just something where I no longer had to have those people supporting me anymore. And I wanted to like, do them a service to bring it down to the $10 a month.
Starting point is 01:22:00 And you, and you program one week out ahead. My brain. and you and you program one week out ahead my brain so the is wadify the same as sugar wad is the same as beyond the whiteboard is behind they're like i'm trying to think which one my programming's on is mine on they're all very similar i've just become very ingrained into wadify and it'll be hard for me to ever leave because you were asking Jeeves is. Yeah. Yeah. You still use ask Jeeves. Yeah, I do. No, I don't. I'm kidding. I don't use ask Jeeves. But, but when Google was around,
Starting point is 01:22:38 everybody was using Google and I may have been the last person to move over to Google. It's just called ask now. Yeah. So I was still using when it was ask jeeves i wonder uh i'll type uh three plane brothers programming i wonder i have programming i made 50 videos they told me they didn't have any actually where is that patreon no not a patreon do you not have a patreon? No, I did. I did. But that was very short-lived.
Starting point is 01:23:07 This is like something where I made 50 videos. It's different than the Patreon. They said they didn't have any kids programming, and I did it. I remember you talking about this. What are some of the programming websites? Fuck, my brain has turned into fucking... Oh, someone said it's in SugarWad. It is in Sugar programming websites. Fuck. My brain is turned into fucking. Oh,
Starting point is 01:23:27 someone said it's in sugar. What it is in sugar. What? Awesome. Well, thank you. The comments are sick. They're so helpful. Uh,
Starting point is 01:23:34 I want, so if you go, how do you, can you just go to sugar? What? Crazy. As I said, is I still sell one of these every day.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Where do I see? Uh, you sell one of these a day. Where do I see? You sell one of these a day? Fuck yeah. Yeah. But where do you search? I don't know. I've never been to this website. Free trial?
Starting point is 01:24:00 No. Maybe. About? Our blog? Customers? Well, no wonder I only sell fucking one a day. Is there a link for people to get to it or no? Fuck, does this thing work?
Starting point is 01:24:14 I don't even know. Well, I know if you went to Wattify, you wouldn't be able to get to my shit off of Wattify. I know that for sure. Maybe you have to put a forward slash three plane. Sugar. I know that for sure. Maybe you have to put a Ford slash three plane. Oh, there's no way that works. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Cool. Cool. Uh, somebody, somebody in the comments has been within one of my testosterone levels. You need to have an account and put in an access code well then how the fuck do people buy it they wanted me to do it every day i can't do it every day that's why i'm so impressed that you and taylor do that i just like hey i'm gonna make a whatever it's called
Starting point is 01:24:55 i'm gonna make 50 i'll make 50 workouts and i'll make 50 videos and people then can hopefully get ideas and uh sugar wad marketplace look at at Mason Mitchell, just tearing shit up today. I've done it for like eight years now, made sure that the workouts are in for the next day, programmed the way that I programmed. And you know, you saw the reason I brought up your Patreon is because I had people like reaching out all the time,
Starting point is 01:25:20 asking like how they can support my YouTube channel because they are asked in the Instagram comments on my Facebook messenger that somehow they get my phone number and email and send me text messages. And I figured like if they really wanted to, maybe they could also just get some workouts out of it. And I would drop the price to 10 bucks a month. And I could kind of combine that with helping out the people who have been helping me out for so long.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Yeah, that's pretty cool. Patreon's a fucking shitload of work hey uh um with with with it's not the lack of money it's the lack of feedback like i just yeah there's just like this is so much better you want there's interaction like i fucking love this is so much better it's like when you have a baby in the first three months it doesn't do shit and then what like you're getting ready to be like okay i'm done with this kid and take him and put him up for adoption and then he smiles at you you're like okay i'll keep you for another three months it's like that the patreon that's just like there's no interaction look at this you go to sugarwad marketplace and they got fucked from when i signed up for this shit when i started participating two years ago these are the exact same people that they always pushed in the beginning look at
Starting point is 01:26:29 may this is this is their fucking home page why don't you call it instead of sugar wad the mayhem empire money machine you fucking disingenuous cunts what if that's just the most popular program and of course it is and it's filtered by most popular program? Of course it is. And it's filtered by most popular. Of course it is. Let me unfucking filter it then. I don't see fucking, look it. I don't see any filter. Type your shit in there.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Type your shit in there. Fucking crazy. Type in three playing brothers. Go to the fucking top and type in three playing brothers. Partner. Let me see if I'm a fucking partner. Let me see if I'm a. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Look at three Plane Brothers. Hey, Savon, now we've got a winner. Oh, we do? Yeah. Oh, there it is. Hold that shit up. I get $38 of that. $38? $38? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Fuck, it took a lot of work to make that thing. After the marketplace gets all pissed off at you? Sean M., I got banned. Got banned from where? Where did you get banned, Sean M.? I'm trying to see if I see the guess. Oh, Sean M., I got banned. What are you waiting for?
Starting point is 01:27:49 What do you mean? All right. Yes, David. I received it today. I opened it today and we took it out to... We took it out to... Oh, he got banned for putting in too many fucking guesses oh shit
Starting point is 01:28:07 oh shit David I will have to bring you the racket in and show it off on the show I took the racket to school today and the instructor slapped Avi around told him he couldn't use it because it was too big but I used it
Starting point is 01:28:23 and it's fucking dope. Is that the guy that called in the other day? We shall talk. Yeah. He's a smarty pants, man. He, he sounds nothing.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Look at in his, in his, uh, profile picture. He's like dancing and shit. When he calls, he's like, hello,
Starting point is 01:28:37 I'm David Smith. I make tennis rackets. And it's a good tennis racket. I'm still talking too fast. Yeah. I think he's a tennis coach. It's a good tennis racket i'm still talking too fast yeah i think he's a tennis coach it's a great tennis racket it's awesome you know what my favorite thing to do right now is it's not my favorite thing to do but it's a guilty pleasure of mine right now is i work
Starting point is 01:28:55 with a female needle in your ass and plunge it it's about to be my biggest guilty pleasure give me a week and a half or so right maybe maybe half a week we'll see um but anyway it's i work in this pickleball player she's a very high level pickleball player she travels around she does the big competitions and she brought up the fact that pickleball has youtube live streams the same way crossfit does so i go on there and I just fuck around in the comment sections and I love it. I had such a good time. She's had people in there that know that I'm her trainer and it's pretty
Starting point is 01:29:34 funny. You got my head thinking about this because you brought up tennis and rackets and pickleball rackets paddles. I have noets and pickleball rackets, paddles. I have no idea why pickleball is exploding. But it not only is it fucking exploding,
Starting point is 01:29:56 but I heard like D1 college tennis players can just fucking enter the pickleball scene and just fucking dominate, just fucking like rise to top 10 players in the world. I think that the girl I worked with was a D3 tennis player. I think she does really well. I don't know what her ranking is technically. I should figure that out. I'm going to type that in. Best pickleball player in the world. I wonder if it's Ben Johns.
Starting point is 01:30:19 I'm curious to know who that is. Andre Agassi. Is the best pickleball player? No, wouldn't that be awesome? That would be funny. Can you put that on the screen? Yeah, yeah, it says some guy named James Johnson.
Starting point is 01:30:34 That's interesting. Have you ever had a pickleball player around here? No. I guess I should before they get fucking too huge and won't come on. There you go. Benjamin Johns. That's the one that I know of. He's fourth.
Starting point is 01:30:48 You know that guy? The girl that I work with, I think, is sponsored by the same company. So they know each other. And she talks about him. You want Ben Johns on your podcast? I can hook that up. Benjamin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:01 He has his own line of pickleball paddles and everything with the company Yola, which I guess is the biggest company in pickleball. So he's, it'd be like getting a fucking Nike sponsorship for pickleball players. That's what Yola does for them. I cannot believe Benjamin Johns. That's him.
Starting point is 01:31:23 23. I've never heard of him in tennis hey why don't I just fucking why don't I just go go oh it's not a good oh it figures Naples I get it why don't I just look at this guy James Johnson
Starting point is 01:31:43 who David Smith also does pickleball paddles. Okay. You got to compete with the YOLA paddles. I wonder how you got. I wonder how that'll do. I don't know much about them. I can have my athlete let me know how they compare. James Johnson pickleball.
Starting point is 01:32:04 Yeah, look him up on Instagram, because that's something that I noticed. The Instagram CrossFitters smash the Instagram Pickleballers. This can't be him. 217 following? No. 6,000 followers? That sounds about right.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Ben Johns has about 15 000 so this is the guy fuck i'm gonna mess oh it's mr smith pickleball's fun as shit by the way mr smith hi hello i just thought i'd call in and chime in because i know quite a bit about pickleball Hello. I just thought I'd call in and chime in because I know quite a bit about pickleball. Let's go. Hey, when I handed the racket to my kid's coach, he said, oh, this is a poly something. I go, what's that? About the string? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Yeah, it's a shaped poly. And what does that mean? Does that mean it's good or bad? It's good. It means it has a specific shape. So it's got rough edges so you can get more thin with it oh like he i couldn't tell is it not is it cheating is it is it frowned upon no no all the pros use some kind of shape string these days it was interesting that that's right what he looked at and he he i couldn't tell if he was poo-pooing it or not or if he was suggesting that it's too much for my kid like like my kid. It might be for a young kid like a little spit. Hey, how dare you? How dare you?
Starting point is 01:33:37 A young kid. He's seven and he's a world champion in the making. I hope he's a world champion in the making. I hope he's a world champion using my product. It'd be badass. So I'm going to message this. Should I message this guy, David, and try to get him on the show? It's a little beneath me, 6,000 followers, but I'm willing to if he's... Ben John?
Starting point is 01:33:55 No, no. Did you get him on the show? No, J-Dub Pickleball. Oh, J.W. Johnson's awesome, yeah. Okay. Which one's better to have on the show? Well, it depends. J.W. Johnson's like up and coming. He plays on
Starting point is 01:34:06 a different circuit than Ben Johns, but sometimes plays the tournaments that Ben Johns plays. There's three major circuits in pickleball right now. The APP, the PPA, and the MLP.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Ben Johns has an exclusive contract with the PPA so he only plays those tournaments. J.W. Johnson plays ACP. Yeah, Ben Johns is really, really good. So he's probably a good place to start. He's known as the best.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Okay, well, Ben, so you think he is known as the best? I shouldn't look at the ranking. Ben Johns, let's see. Ben John. Let's see. Ben. Ben John. Yeah. Oh, Ben John.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Oh, he got a fucking blue checkmark. He's a boss. 19,000 followers. I got you beat, Ben John. You're not bad for a pickleball player. Yeah. I was just at a pickleball tournament last week, and Ben John was there. I was playing at a pickleball tournament last week and Ben Johns was there. I was playing in like the amateur and he was playing in the pros.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Hey Ben, you were playing? Yeah. I want a gold in my bracket. You don't think it's a little bit below you to be playing. I mean, you're a tennis guy. Aren't, shouldn't you like be snobby or something? I'm trying to bring them together. I really think it's the future i like both sports oh that i really do that hurts me that you think it's the future it's it's part of it's part of the idiocracy isn't it am i trying to i'm not trying hey ben um don't you think it's kind of like dumbing down tennis well yeah i'll tell you why and i think that's why it's popular because the learning curve is so fast for pickleball you can take a beginner and make them able to rally in like an
Starting point is 01:35:51 hour and a half or tennis requires a little more work guys don't read please do not read any of my my comments from people on the side here stop looking okay sorry hillary go ahead the the in neighborhoods in relation to pickleball courts because when you hit a pickleball with a pickleball paddle it's just a click and because people are popping up everywhere people are losing their fucking minds because they can't sleep anymore it's just a whole bunch of clicking all the time yeah my neighbors put set up a court and and it is like. I mean, it doesn't bother me, but it's,
Starting point is 01:36:26 it's a lot of clicking and clacking. Imagine if there's eight of those things just in like a little subdivision. You have a house there that had never had to deal with it before. Yeah. I read articles about that all the time. Yeah. No complaints. What's crazy is it's not even, um,
Starting point is 01:36:46 it's not even loud.'s not even loud it's just like yeah my kids have a skateboard my kids have a skateboard ramp you do not want to live next to that shit yeah it's probably louder fucking do they use that thing uh yeah what do you mean do they use that thing thing costs 10 grand of course they use it i would fucking kill them if they didn't i want to try out pickleball but i don't want to give up sex you think it's like that i bet you it is like that right like your wife sees you play pickleball and she never fucks you again no it's not it is it is david you know it is your t count just plummets you pick up one of those big dude you pick up one of those big wooden paddles i just threw away those dumb ass wooden paddles that people play with at the beach
Starting point is 01:37:31 with the little red ball and they hit the ball back and forth to each other paddle ball yeah beach tennis that's beach tennis yeah that bye-bye i just threw i saw two of those paddles in my closet a couple days ago my wife's like what are these i said throw those away we play frisbee at the beach we spit sunflower seeds and we surf yeah while we're only if we're not checking out hot chicks you know what sting pong is sting pong seven oh it's stink pong is and i ain't playing it s-t-i-n-g sting pong no i'm gonna look at that we sure uh it's where you play on a freaking table tennis what the hell is that called ping pong table yeah and you just put you put the shirt over each other's eyes and wow wow i love sting pong you do like this game this is the only way to play ping pong
Starting point is 01:38:20 you'll lose a point you get get smacked. Yeah, wow. This epic sting pong. If you get Ben Johns on your show, he was actually a really high rated ping pong player before he played pickleball. No shit. I can see that. Those are the two
Starting point is 01:38:39 sports that transfer most to pickleball is tennis and ping pong. Is he English? No, he's American. He has a podcast, a pickleball podcast as well. There you go. I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 01:38:54 You smack at each other. It's ping pong, but when you lose, you just smack the ball at each other as hard as you can. There you go. Let it play here. This will be good. I'm done. I'm done. I just did, buddy. can. Here you go. Let it play here. This will be good. I'm done. I'm done.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Just tap out. I just did, buddy. Good. Thank you. Come on. You've never done that, huh? No. But hey,
Starting point is 01:39:17 I've lost. This is a true story. I've lost. I used to play a lot of racquetball in college. Like a lot lot like five days a week like i loved it we fucking loved it and um i lost three three partners what because they just didn't know they didn't want to play with me just too too aggressive
Starting point is 01:39:40 too competitive too nasty in there i mean shit would get crazy in there. Did you ever play David? Have you, have you guys ever played? I played a lot of racquetball. I think pickleball is kind of replaced racquetball. There's a lot of like high level racquetball players in my Valley that used to play racquetball, but now we're coming to pickleball. Nobody's playing racquetball anymore. I was like the best shitty racquetball player. So like if someone knew what they were doing I had no chance against them
Starting point is 01:40:05 but if you didn't play rat like I don't know if there's there was ABC right and like I yeah I own this I own the sea I could just be anywhere in the court but I just like some old fat dude could come in there and if he was a shitty a player I couldn't score one point
Starting point is 01:40:21 against them he just fucked me up oh just all sorts of fucked up shit But I always Would hit people would get hit in there People get hit And that really like if you think that Ping pong hurts that shit really hurts It makes that crazy echo sound and then smacks
Starting point is 01:40:37 You in the back I bet you that ball is going over 100 miles an hour No people have lost eyes from racquetball That's why you wear glasses. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I always wore glasses in there. It's dangerous. It's not because it knocks your eye out.
Starting point is 01:40:50 It's the suction from the ball, like cups around your socket, and then sucks the eye out. Come on. Oh, God. I'm going to Google that later. I also work with an individual who won the pickleball championship. Not pickleball championship, not pickleball up racquetball championship two years back in the 65 plus division.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Oh, sweet. National. His name is Anthony Cosmonaut. There's a guy I'm in contact with. Who's like the Michael Jordan of racquetball. He's the fucking man. Kate Kane was me.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Yes. The best of all. Yes, yes, yes. I'm going to check his email again. Hold up the email again. Get him on your show.
Starting point is 01:41:28 He was unbeatable for like five straight years. Kane. People couldn't even score a point on him. Kane. He was amazing. Yeah, Kane. How old is this guy? Yeah, Kane.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I see him. Kane. Let me see. I'm going to see if I can find him. Wozniak or something? Yes. Something like that. Woz and Len Chuck.
Starting point is 01:41:45 Yeah, there you go. Yeah, okay. Here. I'm going to see if I can find it. Wozniak or something? Yes. Woz and Len Chuck. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, okay, here. I'm glad you're calling. Kane, I'd love to have you on the podcast. I've added my producer message. So, we never followed through. This was from March 10th. What should I say to him, David? Hi, my friend David said I fucked up by not
Starting point is 01:42:03 following through on this. Yeah, he's a legend in that game. The best of all time. He's the best racquetball player of all time, no hands down. Yeah, my buddy flew out to wherever he lived and paid him $500 for like an hour to be in the court with him for like an hour.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Oh, yeah. That's a discount. I'd love to have you on. Cheers, Sevan. Okay. What do I want to do? You can sleep with my wife. No, you can't.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Sorry. Can't offer you that. We're going to open up a whole new world for your podcast. Racket for it. Yeah, I'm going to get like six. It's going to be worse than having on a UFC fighter. I'm going to get like six. It's going to be worse than like having on a UFC fighter. I'm going to have like six views on that. The comment section.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Well, I don't know. The live racket player. But if you get a. If you get some pickleball players, it might boost the tennis. If you get tennis player, you'll get a lot of views. Hey, do you know who I have? No, it doesn't matter who I have. I had fucking Volkanovski on here and fucking I got like six views. I had Aljamain Sterling on.
Starting point is 01:43:08 People are still like, you suck, someone. But I'm going to keep trying. But you know who said they were going to come on was Serena Williams' coach. You should have stopped with Serena Williams. Or the old guy. The old handsome guy who charges $5,000 an hour. Yes, Patrick. Patrick Montalou?
Starting point is 01:43:26 That dude, he's a legend. I watch a lot of his stuff. He's a really good coach. He's got a really sweet academy in France, too. Told Dylan Dyke's comment. There's a guy named Dylan Dyke? D-I-D-Y-K-E-S. Pull that up.
Starting point is 01:43:44 That's all you need to know about why no one watches oh i understand he's the matt frazier of racquetball i get it now who who are we giving the juice away to are we doing that like how do we tell this person good call should they email you because you get your email address all that but they don't know who the fuck it was i know who it is now i don't know if he's still watching oh shit i just gave away to he i don't even know if this is this guy's real name how do we do this one of you motherfuckers guessed it well i guess they didn't guess what it was but they because they guessed a thousand times we could say who it was yeah i know you i know i know they get a thousand times we could say who it was. Yeah, they guessed so many times
Starting point is 01:44:27 they got banned. Well, now you know who it was as well. I know a lot of old... Are you on human growth hormone, David? No, I'm not. Are you on testosterone replacement therapy? I am not. Your voice sounds like you're on something i know the first time i called in do you remember you called me like a piano instructor i love that oh yeah yeah yeah i could totally see that
Starting point is 01:44:56 why is your why is your profile picture like show like you had a rave or some shit that was me like at a tough mutter a long time ago. Jumping over the fire. You know how they do that at the Tough Mudder? Oh, yeah. That was like 10 years ago. Look at Elisa Carr-Riddow. What's wrong
Starting point is 01:45:17 with Sean? It's my real name, Dusty Garland. What is? Shit. Bring Novak on the show. I'd love to. And then there's Novak. Oh, you got Novak. I get like 300 followers. David, what's the name of the... Do you guys have a website?
Starting point is 01:45:39 Yeah, it's for our pickleball one, and for a pickleball one and Komodo for our tennis dragon. My favorite dragon. Yeah. Where are they? Is that, is that Easter Island shit?
Starting point is 01:45:55 Komodo. I think it's like, uh, they're Indonesia and stuff. Malaysia. Komodo. Stylish design. Yeah. It's a beautiful racket it's very light the grip was awesome i don't know shit about tennis but i played it i top spin the fuck out of my boy
Starting point is 01:46:13 with an orange ball i fucked them up we hadn't played in two weeks we normally play like five or six seven days a week and we're usually pretty even uh coming back i and and this at first the bracket was awkward right because i normally used to play with the kids racket fucking didn't want to spend all this money on this bracket our pickleball website's a little nicer if you go to that one uh can i go there from here no unfortunately not a web designer didn't hook that up hey bruce bruce wayne's looking for a paddle. How do we hook him up? Put a pickle. Bruce Wayne is looking for a pickleball paddle.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Are you spelling pickle wrong? If you go to Komodo Pickleball and you order one off there, if you use code DAVY15, you'll get 15% off. Bruce Wayne. D-A-V-Y 15. You have to put WWW
Starting point is 01:47:04 in front of it. Without trying to insult the crap out of you, what's the difference between this pedal and the ones I can get at Costco? The core is a little more stable. The surface will be a little better. It'll grab the ball a little more. I'll tell you what. I'm going to give you an honest answer, not the David Smith answer.
Starting point is 01:47:24 These rackets are 12 times as much and because they're 12 times as much you won't leave them outside and you'll take care of them that's a great great observation look at that this is a great website website i know you thought the same thing oh my god what a waste of land. All those pickleball courts. It's fucking worse than a golf course. Makes me sick. You know what golf's like? What?
Starting point is 01:47:52 You don't like golf? No, golf's stupid as fuck. I told you I was golfing yesterday, didn't I? Yeah, how was that? Awesome. A shot of 42 on nine holes. I was happy with that. I don't know. So there's nine holes. Nine goes into 42.
Starting point is 01:48:10 Five times less than four times. 42 is good. Four times nine is 36. So you took like four and some change. 4.8 shots a hole. Correct. What's your handicap, Hiller? I'm about 20. His eyebrows and one of his eyes what are you talking about you shouldn't ask him that on the air it's not it's not very it's not very
Starting point is 01:48:31 good it's good for for me i'm i'm the worst bogey plus what's yours i'm double bogey plus but i'll play you for money because my handicap's so bad I could probably take you down oh shit this is a fucking this is a nice I need this this makes me want to play that's the one I use the Evolve 8 that one
Starting point is 01:48:57 shaped the way I like it you do a two handed backhand oh yeah definitely hey do these come with Allen wrenches no you don't need to adjust You do a two handed backhand? Oh yeah, definitely. Hey, do these come with Allen wrenches? No, you don't need to adjust anything.
Starting point is 01:49:10 I know. I'm just joking. Everything I buy these days for my kids is a fucking Allen wrench in it. Jeremy world. That is a great movie to make a video on. Basketball. Hell yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Great. I'm sure it is addicting. I know. I could see pickleball being totally addicting. I get it. My little cousins have a pickleball court in their driveway because really all they needed was a net and they spray painted lines and I played over there and it's fun. It's fun every time I play it. I know we talk shit about pickleball.
Starting point is 01:49:40 I've never tried it or they don't like ping pong. Why are you guys going to make kids rackets is there is there no money is there no market in kids rackets for yeah we we we try to have prototypes and it just didn't come out right from the manufacturer so and we weren't getting a lot of interest in it but we is is tennis is tennis actually um getting bigger because of pickleball too or or is it waning?
Starting point is 01:50:05 Is it hurting tennis? Tennis kind of saw a little bit of an uptick during the pandemic for the same reason as pickleball, because they let you do it. Right, right. And that is why my kids ended up doing it, because you didn't have to wear a mask to be in a tennis clinic. Well, maybe you did. I mean, they didn't enforce it i'll put it that way you know they would you know you have to walk through the lobby of like a country club in like this country club that i go to is like just ghetto when i say country
Starting point is 01:50:34 club i'm i'm i'm exaggerating are you not but the lobby is like 30 feet of walking and there's like some 16 year old kid at the counter and same thing every day. I go in there fucking three days a week and I walk through there and he's like, sir, you have to have a mask on. I'm like, okay, thank you.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Would you like me to get you a mask? I'm like, sure, no problem. And then he hands me the mask and I walk through and I never put it on and I walk out the other side. And it was the same thing. Hey,
Starting point is 01:50:58 you still have to sign a waiver that if you get COVID while you're there, they're not responsible. And it's a fucking, and I have to sign it're there they're not responsible and it's a fucking really and i have to sign it every time i come in there and it's your phone number your name your email address your signature uh it's a couple other things too the date and and so i've i when i uh i filled it out you know 100 times and then like 50 times all i did was scribble on it and they didn't say anything. So now I don't even turn it in.
Starting point is 01:51:27 I just walk by them. Yeah. It's kind of cool. Did you ever have the cops called on you for not wearing a mask anywhere? No. Did you? Oh yeah. Really?
Starting point is 01:51:35 Where at? The health club that I was a member at. And what did they say to you? What did they say? It was like a four-step process. And what did they say to you? What did they say? It was like a four-step process. Well, first of all, I was a member there for about a year and a half and then they, everyone shut down. They reopened. They didn't, like, they didn't say you had to wear a mask. And then a month later, I like re-upped my membership and they said, you got to put one on. And I was like, I'm just not going to kind of like everywhere else that I go. So I went in there and I was on the Stairmaster. And this is a health club that not many people know of.
Starting point is 01:52:09 So I was one of five people in 80,000 square feet. I was on a Stairmaster by myself. And someone walks over and they go, you got to put a mask on. I go, dude, I'm just on the Stairmaster. I got like 15 minutes left. He was benching on the other side of the gym. And he came over to tell me to put a mask on. I'm like, I'll be done. He goes, I'm going to go tell on you. He was benching on the other side of the gym and he came over to tell me, put a mask on.
Starting point is 01:52:26 I'm like, I'll be done. He goes, I'm going to go tell on you. He goes to the front desk, the front desk lady comes down and she goes, sir, you're going to put a mask on.
Starting point is 01:52:32 You're going to have to leave. And at this point I'm like, I got 12 minutes left. I'll be done. I'll be done in a second. Don't worry. There's no one here. I'm not hurting anybody.
Starting point is 01:52:39 And she goes, yes, you are. And I go, I'm going to finish this up and then I'll be right out. And she goes, I'm going to have to call the cops out of you. And I'm like, all right, up and then I'll be right out and she goes I'm gonna have to call the cops out of you and I'm like all right another guy comes in and this guy was like the
Starting point is 01:52:50 sheriff of the area he goes sir we're gonna have to ask you to leave the property you're not abiding by the rules of which you signed up and I'm like I didn't sign up saying I'd wear a mask and then I'm like I'll be and at that point in time by the time he had gotten there I'm like well my stairs are done so I can I'm gonna leave now and i walked out with him and uh they said that i was never allowed back and i didn't go back that's fucking crazy which sucks because it's like four minutes away from my house and the one that i go to now is like 19 minutes away from my house do they recall why You should go back in there. They still require masks again.
Starting point is 01:53:28 They never took it down the second time around. That's Illinois? That's Illinois. They're not the one that I was at. They never put them back on. That's why I'm there now. David, what state are you in? Colorado.
Starting point is 01:53:43 Colorado. Are you near one of the hives,? Colorado. Are you near one of the hives, like Boulder? Are you near Boulder? No, I'm west in the wild, wild west. There are no rules over here. The Boulder people are fucking truly, truly
Starting point is 01:53:59 the largest group of beta males you've ever seen. It is. It may even trump trump uh um berkeley california it's a special place i've heard i've heard bad things about boulder but it used to be great it used to be great it used to be great there's no culture there that's for sure well what what culture there is there is just hideous but man the fucking people there do not look like they've ever been under anything like people there do not look like they've
Starting point is 01:54:25 ever been under anything like it seems like the only difficulty they've done is run 100 miles everyone looks like a fucking ultra marathon runner there it's fucking weird yeah they're all lean on that high carb diet are injuries high in pickleball david is there any truth only if you talk shit to my kids. Well, probably the truth in that is that it's mostly senior citizens that play, so I'd say the injury rate is probably high. But among young
Starting point is 01:54:53 people, I don't know very many that have been injured. Dude, the old people I've seen playing pickleball around here, they're fucking like, they got all the shit on them. They look like they're going to play football. They have so many fucking tendinitis fucking tape and slings on their fingers and they have david hippensteel's new knee sleeves on and and hey be honest here david the people in the tennis community are the biggest assholes ever seriously hanging out at tennis courts is like get is like when an airplane lands you
Starting point is 01:55:25 know like everyone just turns into a fucking prick they can be yeah and that's the way it is like at tennis courts and i think pickleball might be worse why and yeah people are fighting over limited resources there's only so there's these courts are huge there's only a few of them and only one or two people can play at a time. And it's like, people will be like, how long have you been on? And I'll be like, listen, asshole, the fucking sign says I can be here for 90 minutes. No one plays longer than 90 minutes. So get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 01:55:56 Sorry, go ahead, David. Yeah, each court and each city has their own rules, and it can get pretty heated if you don't know me i feel like kind of like feel your way into the like a little community in each city to know like the rules of the court and what's cool what's cool is sometimes like at least when i go to this this one place jade street it's a fucking ton of like old people who think they rule the roost but they're like if one of them talks shit to me like someone else will come over like who knows my kids and they'll be like hey leave them alone and they're like well they're teaching lessons here and i'm like no i'm not and then the guy's like you can clearly tell he's a teacher because of how many balls he has i'm
Starting point is 01:56:32 like look i'll only use six because i always come there with like 200 balls yeah hopper yeah yeah just like two of them two two full hoppers and uh and sometimes i even bring my cart dude roll my card in there and i have three different kinds of balls but but i'm not teaching no one is there a rule yeah there's a rule what that you can't teach there yeah the public courts have rules like they don't want to use in public court to make money if he went through the the park district he could rent the court for an app like two dollars an hour and then he could do whatever he wants. Dude, people are nuts.
Starting point is 01:57:10 Sean, email me, okay? Savonmatosian at Gmail. You can get shot at a pickleball court. Savvy, love your passion, but how do you never come on the podcast with a black eye or a broken nose? Matthew Carbajal has been on fire in the
Starting point is 01:57:25 comment section all night. He deserves a shout out. He's been on fire. He's been still a pickleball invitational. He said the other shit here, like, Hiller's pickleball is greater than Tia's single unders. He said other shit here that was like, Hiller's whatever, better than Tia's single unders. Hey,
Starting point is 01:57:41 I'll tell you, Beta Male. Beta Male is a guy who um runs more than 100 miles a week and is six feet two inches tall and 147 pounds and proud of that and wears a only wears like North Face, Arcteric type, those type of outdoor Patagonia type jackets, and wears them so fucking tight because they're so fucking cold from fucking their lack of caloric intake. But they've never fucking climbed. The only elevation they've climbed is when they're doing their ultra running marathons. And within three dates of a girl, they're talking about getting counseling together so that they can work through their problems. And their idea of having fun with their girlfriend is going shopping for knives and coming home and cooking.
Starting point is 01:58:38 And there's a whole there's a whole list of those things. Their hair looks like fucking Hiller's hair. of those things uh their hair looks like fucking uh hillar's hair that's in like i like they're they're the way they're they're kept like killer you know like too much attention to detail in the face every dude could have a few beta things you just can't have all of them and the dudes it's like a competition for beta qualities at uh in um so how long like you drive a vol you drive a Volkswagen Golf sorry say that again how long have you had that one just like on the tip of your tongue I haven't I haven't but I just know I can see the guy
Starting point is 01:59:14 Jason Dunlop you have a girlfriend but you wear the LGBTQ converse like go fuck yourself go fuck yourself very very descriptive yeah i thought you got to 147 i mean you can you have to go i'm gonna fucking type in here boulder colorado boulder colorado man older colorado man i'm gonna see what what type of
Starting point is 01:59:41 fucking images come up jason dumblop's the guy who just left for orange theory yeah yeah he's fucking he's a super he is the epitome of eric rosa was the epitome of a colorado dude just with a little bit more muscle he got he got he got taken off of his crossfit took him off of his beta track he doesn't have hair like me he's just really he's all well kept just like they you know like they they they they they wax stuff they do stuff to stuff you never waxed anything before no you ever had your butthole waxed oh oh oh i don't fuck with the cheerio at all the old starfish you don't like it getting tickled no i The old starfish You know like getting tickled I'll rub a bar of soap on it to keep it clean Once a day and that's it
Starting point is 02:00:29 Where's that picture of the people I thought you were going to throw that up There isn't It's not a good I don't see Beta male I don't know Or how about I put in ultra marathon men But I'll try beta male first
Starting point is 02:00:44 Beta male or how about i put in ultra marathon men but i'll try beta male first beta male um uh uh yeah these these are the thing is is that the colorado beta males they're they haven't fully accepted they're still trying to be like alpha by doing the running thing um this is like too extreme beta here. Let me just go with ultra marathon runners. Ultra marathon runners. Images. It's all fucking shoes.
Starting point is 02:01:23 Oh, it's funny. A lot of pictures of just dean carnasas pop up yeah i'm not getting i'm not getting it's it's just all the best dudes in the world it's hard to call these guys yeah there's some pretty alphas that do ultra marathons as well yeah like like like you know who lives up there is tosh brian shantosh like no one's gonna call him a beta but he fucking runs 100 miles you know what i mean and he lives in boulder but you're just mad you can't make it 100 miles that's all but he but he also but he also has like whatever the the whatever that star like okay fuck hey did you know you described yourself i did minus the fact that you can't run 100 miles you're just jealous
Starting point is 02:02:09 are you fucking kidding me i haven't fucking put soap in my hair since 1937 yeah but you look well kept look at you you can't disagree that look at this guy, that's what I wanted to show you guys. Okay, David, you're going to like this. So I had this fucking golfer on named Blaine. He only knows you described himself. Blaine, what's his last name? It's way too much silence for a podcast.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Blaine, fuck, what the fuck blaine barber blaine barber and he was wearing these pants in his primo clothing he was wearing these pants in his in one of his instagram videos and i said hey those are fucking amazing pants. And he goes, oh, say it again. Are they tight? Oh, fuck. I wish you wouldn't ask that. Sorry. Hey.
Starting point is 02:03:13 Ruined your joke. Oh, no, it's not even a joke. They are tight, but I don't I'm not comfortable admitting I like tight pants. Dude, I wear the tightest fucking pants. Yeah, dude. These fucking pants are crazy. i got two pairs of these have you ever owned a pair of pants that are called joggers yeah yeah yeah i own a couple pants i own are joggers and they zip up at the bottom no what the fuck no i know almost my own hey isn't it funny he called me almost my whole wardrobe jogger oh serious i think i think joggers might be just total beta gear but fuck i love these pants
Starting point is 02:03:54 these things i i got two pair of them and i cannot stop wearing them and i don't know what i'm gonna do i i'm afraid i'm gonna buy too expensive either it looks I'm afraid I'm going to buy too expensive. Even it looks, I'm afraid I'm going to buy 10 pair of them. They, they don't look like they have a waistband that like stretches, but they do. Ah, I just sent you a link.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Like that Lulu lemon material. I guess. You mean when you try on your girls, Lulu's David, careful, you're, you walked into a trap. No,
Starting point is 02:04:24 I have a couple pairs of Lulu's Yeah me too But pants not the tights right? No yeah I have the pants Like the ABC I think that's the one It's like that stretchy fabric Looks like nice fabric Anything but
Starting point is 02:04:38 What the fuck does that stand for again ABC I can't remember Anyway if anyone wants to Try a pair of joggers these are the ones to try and they got a million fucking sizes even for like midgets like me mine don't fit like this mine don't look tight that tight like that i don't think unless i'm lying to myself i wonder how they got that name do you remember primo used to mean in like the early 2000s? No.
Starting point is 02:05:08 What did it mean? Wasn't it like a joint with Coke in it? Isn't that a Primo? Oh, let me see that. What would I look under Primo Urban Dictionary? Primo's an anabolic as well. Thank you. Urban Dictionary.
Starting point is 02:05:24 Okay, here we go uh that refers to a first cousin no that's fucking what that's what it means in Spanish oh primo a joint or blunt containing and the sprinkling of
Starting point is 02:05:42 cocaine that's true do you smoke cocaine A joint or blunt containing and the sprinkling of... Cocaine. That's it. Do you smoke cocaine? No, I've never done it. Can you do that, though? I thought you snorted cocaine. No, you can smoke it. You can boil it.
Starting point is 02:05:58 You can do all sorts of stuff with it. Hey, dude, once you're into drugs, you can do whatever you like. Once you're really doing drugs, you can just do whatever you go into fucking your friend's mother's fucking med cabinet and smoke a Xanax. I'm not joking. Once you're like really doing drugs, you just do whatever. Yeah. How the born primitive joggers are insane, too.
Starting point is 02:06:19 The only thing is I actually told my wife this. If I were to redesign those, like if I were to have a born primitive pants for seven, it would be called like. The big dick or something like you can't have a lot of meat in the front or the way the way either I have a huge cock, but also maybe the way it's positioned. I can't wear like maybe it's like up high on me and it's like – I don't know. I'll give you an example. Let me just – I want to show you something actually that one of the female – the born primitive are nice, but they don't hide your junk so good. But I want to show you something. What do you need your junk hidden for? I guess you don't i mean yeah you i mean i saw your balls pretty clearly the last day i was walking that
Starting point is 02:07:13 day i believe in like towards a building and there was a giant window reflecting on my holy shit it's my whole dick it's right there this is amazing not a part of it but the whole thing okay well alexis is this what it's always like she goes uh-huh hey look at this this so some i i showed this on my podcast it's nikki rod and then some girl goes hey look at his dick look at his dick moving around in there it's like a trunk yeah it is imagine if he knew how to work out oh he looked down at his dick right there you know like you'll see chicks look down at their tits he just looked down at his dick watch give me give me a second hold on on. Here it is. Here it comes. Look. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:08:09 People know what they're doing, man. He knows his dick's all out. He's trying to get views. He knows. Oh, I didn't even notice it. I'm disappointed. But someone might have sent me a DM and is like, some girl's like, hey, ask Nicky if he always free balls. I can't believe he was on my show. I was drawn right to that.
Starting point is 02:08:28 That's healthy. Dude, Heidi's mad at at you you're getting her all messed up before she tries to go to sleep oh you know no showing just take your odd dick dicky dicky dicky rod i stayed up late last night listening to this Armenian man talk about pickleball. Not going to get laid like that, Heidi. Okay, tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., we have Justin Nunley and Darian Weeks on. We will be reviewing the amazing UFC card this weekend, Cyril Ghosn and Taito Iwasa. It's going to be a savage, savage heavyweight fight. It's going to be in Paris on Saturday.
Starting point is 02:09:08 It'll start playing at 12 PM Pacific standard time. You don't want to miss it. David Smith from Komodo tennis, the creator of the Komodo tennis racket and Komodo pickleball racket. Join us late on the show. Check out his website. Thank you for your contribution. And Andrew,
Starting point is 02:09:24 thank you, Andrew. Eye And Andrew. Thank you. Andrew. Eyebrow. Hiller. Carried the show.

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