The Sevan Podcast - #575 - UFC Fight Night | Justin Nunley & Darian Weeks

Episode Date: September 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:43 More details at air What's up everybody is fight week again, live this Saturday night from the sold out a core arena in Paris, France, the main event, Cyril gone versus tied to a Vasa number one versus number three heavyweights in the world. The co-main event, Marvin Vittori versus Robert Whitaker, number one versus number two in the middleweight division. A couple of things I want to point out before we get started.
Starting point is 00:01:17 The early prelims start at noon on the East Coast. The main card starts at 3 o'clock on the East Coast. The entire card is only available on ESPN+. A couple of fights you might not know about. Benoit Saint-Denis versus Gabriel Miranda. They have 25 wins between them. All 25
Starting point is 00:01:38 were stoppages and 23 of those were by submission. Miranda has the edge in overall experience but this is his octagon debut. This will be St. Denis' third appearance for us and doing it in his home country. Both guys have similar game plans. They come right at you with strikes and try to take the fight to the ground. Both like to scramble and hunt for that submission. St. Denis has the horsepower, while Miranda is just very slick. Another fight you might not know about. Abus Megamedov versus Dustin Stoltzfus. Abus is
Starting point is 00:02:13 considered by many an instant top 15 contender with 19 of his 24 wins by finish. Abus is aggressive, and he looks to make an instant impression for his long-awaited UFC debut. He faces Dustin Stoltzfus, who's coming off a big win versus Dwight Grant. Dustin is well-rounded, has slick submissions, and is looking to end the Abus hype train. This is definitely a look into the future, contenders. You do not want to miss this fight. If you don't know, now you know. if you don't know now you know if you don't
Starting point is 00:02:46 know now you know i fucking love dana can i say something woke so unlike me ready i'm so i'm so tired of the stuffy old fucking white guy who fucking owns the NFL, NBA, MLB look. You know what I mean? I love the Dana white look. Can you hear me, Justin?
Starting point is 00:03:11 You're looking around like fucking, you just lost your virginity. You saw your first dick. Can you hear me? I can. You sound good. You got a new mic. New mic.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I did. New mic. You can hear me. We jerking off the jolly green giant or talking about a microphone uh both uh don't
Starting point is 00:03:28 don't pigeonhole me hey uh isn't Dana great well I mean I'm yeah I mean you're the one up here
Starting point is 00:03:35 stroking him off fuck he's great I didn't see the interview what'd he say nothing he just came hard he promotes his fights he's not like
Starting point is 00:03:43 in a box somewhere wearing a suit he just comes off hard he just says hey motherfuckers fights he's not like in a box somewhere wearing a suit he just comes off hard he just says hey motherfuckers look today we got some great fights today here it is and he lays it out he's doing the job of someone who's below his pay grade and he doesn't care he's showing his passion he's invested he's the he's the general who's on the field with the cigar in one hand a fucking girl with his arm around a girl in another hand, and a fucking AK in the other hand. Like, he's handling business. Yeah, look, Jeremy, I just respect it.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I respect it. It's what real professionalism looks like, and yet in some places it's frowned upon because he's not wearing a tie. You know what I mean? I've often wondered what the UFC is going to look like when Dana steps away. It's going to eventually happen. Dude, that, that, that WME that bought the UFC, that thing's 80% woke. That that's fucking Hollywood to the T. They hate Dana over there.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I bet the people who bought that Dana over there, I bet. The people who bought that shit. They must hate him. They hate Trump with a passion, those people. But they got Dana and he's making them cash. So they're going to suck it up. They're going to suck it up. Where's Darian?
Starting point is 00:05:03 Oh, that hurts. That hurts. I'm so exciting right now. I'm bringing so much energy. You shouldn't even notice he's missing. Well, I mean, that's your diversity. You're missing your diversity, Savant. My diversity, equity, and inclusion piece.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I got a fucking bald dude in the military. Fucking he's been deployed. Look at him down there. He looks like one of the characters off Guess Who. Dude, I don't know that show, but 30 seconds ago, Caleb had his thumb in some dude's ass. Milking it, baby. Just raw dogging that shit without a glove. I love it.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Oh, I like this. Javier Acosta, make Hollywood a whore again. Dis again disgusting this early in the morning using such strong words hey listen i showed up once late to a show because i was pooping i didn't even show up late you can't you guys have been running with this for weeks now come on lay off justin you already dropped a deuce this morning? No. Really? 7.05? What time is it over there? It's 9 o'clock. What time is it? Do you have a regular deuce?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Doc, I just woke up. Oh. Like, I woke up. My alarm went off. I was like, fucking Savant. Why does he do this so early? I know. And are you kind of, did you just have a 24-hour shift?
Starting point is 00:06:26 No. Oh. No. It's four-day weekend, man. It's Labor Day, dog. Is it really? Yeah. What the fuck is that noise?
Starting point is 00:06:37 What noise? Nope, it's him. It's Nunley. Nunley's got fucking four ACs on in the background. Do I? Okay, hold on Oh, that's better Something happened
Starting point is 00:06:49 Maybe when you talk, your mic adjusts or something Is it because I'm breathing? Tell me about all these goodies you have You have Black Rifle coffee Which can't be nearly as good as Paper Street coffee Oh, it's just the best And then what's C and f back there c spade f what's that oh that's that's coffee black coffee oh shit they must have given you some loot
Starting point is 00:07:15 i i don't i don't get paid for my services oh i don't take any sponsorship money. I am not a sellout. Guys, Black Raffle has a monthly subscription. You should try it out because their coffee is the best. Discount code Nunley. Nunley on your jock. No, no, no. Discount code Danger.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Fucking disgusting. Turd Ferguson. Hey, you know you have too many followers hunter does that shit too you know you have too many followers when you don't even put your fucking instagram account as your uh name i'm over here just groveling just groveling to get my blue check mark back do you know who i am? Of course I do. Hey, you lost your Instagram account? Yeah, my blue checkmark one. That's the only way I know you. You probably never would have answered me
Starting point is 00:08:14 if I didn't have that when I approached you. No, I answer everybody. Oh, you do? Yeah. Oh, that's crazy. I try to do that too. It's fucking a lot of work. Yeah. Oh, that's crazy. I try to do that, too. It's fucking a lot of work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I tell you, I get a lot of really good, a lot of really cool things come out of checking your message requests. Give me an example, like the Black Rifle people. No. No, because they knew how to get in touch with me but um like i just had a knife custom made for me i still hadn't even opened it i didn't have time to open it yet custom made like movie knife so a fan of yours who's also a fucking blacksmith uh banged out a knife for you yeah somebody made me a action i've got my own action figure man wow okay well i feel like i'm doing the right
Starting point is 00:09:14 thing because i answer my dms too yeah i wake up every morning i wake up every morning that's what i do i try to answer like 20 and then drink a cup of coffee while i do it yeah i'm not i don't know i'm not shit i ain't no better than anybody else so why can't i answer somebody if they take five minutes out of their day to send me a message because there's so many dude well i mean i don't obviously answer everybody but i read everything yeah like some people will ask me like five questions and i just like heart it yeah you know what i mean like i saw your shit but i ain't answering any of that right hey where's darian i don't know cutting someone's hair making money i'm sending a message okay i'm looking i'm to read some texts over here. What's up with you, Caleb? You good? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Get your ass in here. What are you doing there? Maybe that'll work. That'll get them for sure. If I wasn't live on air, I would have had more choice words. Oh, look at,
Starting point is 00:10:21 yeah, yeah, yeah. Here. That's cool. I can play it again. Now on my side, Jerry, get your ass in here what are you doing jerry get your ass in here what are you doing oh you know what i might save that as one of my um buttons on my uh on my uh computer hey did you look at the fights did you see who's fighting
Starting point is 00:10:45 me yeah no uh cyril gone could you pull up the ufc uh is it bad that i come on here like totally unprepared no not at all it's my job to fucking come prepared uh cyril gone you're just you're just a pretty face you're just a fucking piece of fuck me. Cyril Ghosn and Tai Tuivasa, number three in the world and number one in the world. The winner will fight Francis Nganou. Cyril Ghosn's already went five rounds with Nganou and lost. Cyril Ghosn might be the most athletic heavyweight we've ever seen. He's a bad dude.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Can we talk about that last fight first? Oh, yes. Let's do it. Which one? Last weekend. Which was it? I forget who fought. That's a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:11:30 The fucking championship. Oh, yeah. Usman and Edwards. Bro. Bro. Double bro. Amazing. Hey, I hope Leon has to fight Colby.
Starting point is 00:11:44 What do you think? I don't know, but I tell you what, man, I think, and it couldn't have even been more perfect right for the fifth round. Yeah. Well, I mean the, and the announcers were sitting there, they're like, you know, who's been, he's already, you know, he seems like he's already conceded the fight. He just doesn't want to get knocked out and everything. And then five seconds later, bam.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah. Yeah. He didn't even throw a jab. He just showed him his right hand and then just laid his ass out. I'm going to go to Leon
Starting point is 00:12:24 Edwards' Instagram and see if he published that. And how about the fact that his nickname is Rocky? Oh, no, he didn't publish. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He did publish it. He published the knockout. Hey, what did a Camaro say? I didn't watch any post-fight interviews with him what happened
Starting point is 00:12:47 did you anyone hear what he said afterwards i heard he was good i heard he was cool about it i didn't he was i think he was just kind of like the way that the way that it is kind of thing you just who edwards no uzman hey you know what jake you know what Jake Paul has been wanting to fight Usman? Me and Jake are friends. Did you tell him that's a good idea to fight Usman? No, I'm trying to get him to fight Sam Albee. Oh, shit. You see who's going to fight, though?
Starting point is 00:13:19 Who? He's going to go fight Anderson Silva. What? Jake Paul's going to box Anderson Silva what Jake Paul's gonna box Anderson Silva he's gonna get his ass corked wow Dana White said it's finally he's gonna have a match like he's actually
Starting point is 00:13:34 gonna box somebody for real I don't know Anderson Silva's pretty old I mean I like what Jake Paul's doing don't get me wrong fuck it I think he's a real fighter I'm sold what he did to woodley was crazy jake paul the box ufc legend anderson silva silva's old dude he's over 40 what weight are they fighting are they fighting 185
Starting point is 00:13:58 i don't know let's see he's not gonna fight sam alvey sam sam alvey's see. He's not going to fight Sam Alvey. Sam Alvey's a giant. He's scary. Silva, 47. Holy shit, dude. I should have said he was 50 and I would have been closer. Isn't Jake 28? I don't know, but he's aggressive. He's a fucking big dude. His T count's high. He's all fucking big dude. His T count's high.
Starting point is 00:14:26 He's all sauced up. He looks great. He looks great. I wish I was sauced up. I'm trying to get you sauced up. That's why I was bugging you. I was texting you saying send someone over to your house to get your blood work done and get you on the California hormones. I know.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Am I not? Am I not? I'm just a piece of shit. I don't answer people. No, you answer me. sometimes it takes me several days you say who is this no i'm cool you know what once you cleared me an insecure little man like me i just need clearance once you're like hey i'm not good at answering don't worry i'll be there friday mornings and like i'm good yeah that's it that'll hold me over at least till 2023. Well, I tell you that.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And then there's going to be one Friday morning where I'm just ADD kicks my ass. And I'm like, and you're like, where's Justin? Kind of like right now. We're like, where's Darian?
Starting point is 00:15:15 But, but I like that too. You said he was going to be in here. Hey, this has never happened to me, but in a pinch, if I showed up to fucking a fuck fest and my dick didn't work i would eat that pussy crazy so let me tell you yeah you just gotta overcome yes i'm prepared the first time that you and justin uh you and justin you and uh
Starting point is 00:15:39 darren didn't show up i canceled the show and i fucking beat my ass all day i'm like you little bitch yeah that was a that was a bitch move i don't think i need your help i'm self-talking right now you're supposed to support me i am i'm okay good that was a bitch ass move and i'm like you know what i'm not doing that again if these motherfuckers don't show up if justin's fucking in bed fucking making a fucking TikTok, then, hey, I wonder if you're the oldest TikTok superstar. No. No, there's a, there, so, GB and me is a TikTok, like, she died, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:16:22 six months ago or so. She was, like, 98. a tiktok homie die i mean people die every day shit is what it is right especially if you she was old she was like you have a dangerous job yeah where people are walking around with dangerous things very dangerous things like bomb fuses. That's preposterous, Justin. Anybody that works with live explosives
Starting point is 00:16:51 has got to be the baddest son of a bitch on the planet. Or you've got to screw loose. Imagine telling your mom you do that for a living. Damn, you want to get kicked out. You're ready. They won't do it to them. I know. Damn, you want to get kicked out. You're ready. They won't do it to him. I know.
Starting point is 00:17:10 He's too far in. He's too valuable. No, I'm not. I am of no value. You think, will you pull up that Leon Edwards? It's like six posts to go. Go to his Instagram. Do you think that, like like are you happy with that by that i mean you know sometimes a fight such a fluke that you're like fuck leon doesn't deserve to be champ
Starting point is 00:17:32 are you cool with that oh he does he was that was not a fluke okay i will be the first to sit here say that was not a fluke he he like the art of like fighting, he waited until the right moment and made his move. It was in the fucking 12th hour, but he did it. Well, is it weird that Kamaru folds over forward first and then goes down as opposed to just getting stiff as a board and just fucking. I know he got kicked in the face and then failed towards the gate. I think when he, when he saw the kick or he saw the faint coming on, cause it was a,
Starting point is 00:18:10 I think it was a left-sided punch, left hand punch. And then he kicked with his left. So he was already like leaning into the punch to like catch it. And then he was like folded that way. That's why he folded that way. Cause he was already leaning to the left or leaning the opposite direction. Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:26 you're right. He is pulling away. Can you play it one more time? Caleb, you think we're going to get in trouble for playing this? Is that why you keep pulling it down? We'll see. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:34 They're playing copyrighted shit. Thanks. Good dude. Let's watch that one time. So you're saying he's pulling away and kind of leaning forward, and that's why he folds over. Yeah, because he faints a little. Like, Leon faints.
Starting point is 00:18:50 He throws a faint, and then he tries to catch it. Yeah, why do they get so upset when fighters get out of the octagon after the fight? Like, it is, like, several people's only life mission at that moment to get their ass back in the octagon. Yeah, that's all theatrics, though. They have to pretend like they care, right? They don't really care.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Just let him run around like a clown. Hey, dude, I'm telling you, 40 is not the new 30 in the fight world. Everywhere else in life, 40 is the new 30. No, the hell it ain't. I took my kid out to Urban Air yesterday. Yeah, tell me. What's that? Is that where you fly around in the thing?
Starting point is 00:19:25 No. Oh, What's that? Is that where you fly around in the thing? No. Oh, what's that? It's like trampoline park. It's got dodgeball. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Old people. If you're 40, you don't belong on a trampoline. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:19:36 No, I already knew that because I had to have a steel plate put in my neck after the last time I went to a trampoline park. Is that true? Yeah. Tell me that story. I fixed it. I fixed it. fixed it send you a picture and you put it up on screen my neurosurgeon who had been doing like spinal surgeries and it was spinal um for the past like 30 years like he had this saved on his phone and he was like look how fucked up his neck is. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Look, I'm sending you an account to send it to. Oh, we're already. Oh, me and you have already done a thread with Caleb. If you can, send it to that thread. Do you see the one that just jumped on the top of your 7,000 text messages? Yeah. If you can send it there, that way it gets Caleb's job and not mine. I'm 43.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I rock those trampoline parks. CrossFit, motherfucker. Oh, fuck you, Adam. CrossFit's only good until you blow a disc out. I was 30-something, and I went to Iceland to film with the CrossFit Games champ that year. It was Annie Thor's daughter, and I got on a trampoline, and I threw my back out so bad. It was. So here, here, the reason why you hadn't seen me get up today or anything.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah. Is because I, I rolled my ankle yesterday. Like it's bad. At the trampoline park. Yeah. Here, here's a picture of my ankle. Tell me what you think. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Wow. I am so sorry. Holy shit. That sucks. Hey, I'm going to make that big for a second. I got to see. Incredible. That's incredible. It's swollen.
Starting point is 00:21:18 It's real swollen. Dude, wow. There you go. There's the real picture. That is beautiful. Because at first it was not me. wow okay that is there you go there's the real picture that is for those of you who want to take a look at just there's justin's ankle it's bad it's so cool you to point to it anyway okay a couple guys on my team are like no you didn't weird yeah that's great.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Good, good, good, good, good. This other one's real? Yeah, that's my neck. Yeah, real tall. So you can see that my spinal cord is pinched in half. I blew that damn disc out so bad. And when did that happen? Yesterday?
Starting point is 00:22:02 No, hell no. This happened like 2016, I believe. How did they... I can share it. I got it, Caleb. Okay, sorry. That's okay. How did they... So what am I looking at? This right here is where it's pinched?
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah, that's... Is this your fucking mouth? This is your pie hole over here? Yeah, that's like my... That's like my nostrils. And then this is... And this is the back of your head? Yeah. Look at all that fat. Fat ass neck.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Got a fat ass neck, boy. And this is what's bad. This is no good right here. No. How that vertebrae. Blew out. And that's my spinal cord. Yeah, that little bulge on that spot is supposed to be within
Starting point is 00:22:47 the darker gray area yes that is supposed to be within the two um like bony prone bony parts right there yeah right there so that gets squeezed out the back i still can't I still have zero feeling in these three fingers and like the backside of my arm. And my right pictorial. I have zero feeling in it. To this day? Yeah. Hey, when you do push-ups or bench, do you feel, does it move? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I mean, I still have good. Contractual? Pictorial control. Oh, yeah. That's nice. Nice titties. How have you not been bedboarded yet? Tell me and we both know. I'm working on it. yeah. That's nice. Nice titties. How have you not been meds ordered yet? Tell me and we both know.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I'm working on it. Dude, that's crazy. I've got a steel plate in my neck. Every time that it rains, what do you mean, my fault? Hodorian's talking to you? Dude, I'm going to give him so much shit when he gets in here. Yeah, but when it rains, the barometric
Starting point is 00:23:47 pressure changes. My neck, it hurts. Yeah, I bet. That's fucking crazy. You should have just said, I'm a bitch. I'll be in there in a minute. That's another good one. That's another good one.
Starting point is 00:24:03 You should have just said, I'm a bitch bitch i'll be in there in a minute he jerry get your ass in here what are you doing you should have just said i'm a bitch i'll be in there in a minute jerry get your ass in here what are you doing so good so good i don't know why i didn't think of that earlier just start saving your messages where have i where have i like there's times in life where i'm like how did i make it to where i'm at already right like you should be dead already no no no i'm just talking like like with my social media and stuff and and i thought about it during the last UFC fight where I was just openly talking shit to Darian. And I'm like, I'm just talking shit to a UFC fighter, you know, with zero, zero, you know, issue of repercussions.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Yeah. Well, God will talk shit back. God bless StreamYard and video conference calling. So I started I have a StreamY streaming account now and i've started setting up uh my my shit so there may be something on the horizon no shit yeah you're gonna do um like shows yeah i'm taking you out bitch yeah good i'm glad i'm ready to retire caleb's already said he's coming to come in he's leaving you to come be with me who recommended to you that you do that a lot of people everybody that i go on their podcasts are like bro you need
Starting point is 00:25:31 to do this yeah yeah and do you like a stream yard i think it's dope yeah though it's super like i hate to say that it's easy like i like to fuck with things and figure it out right right and um yeah it is easy are you gonna have a phone number like that i don't know well people speaking of phone numbers bro i i have attracted some weirdos lately lately what do you mean because you're too open, too friendly? Yeah, here. Hold on. Please, please. Let's not. We're not going to put this one out on the airwaves, right? But I think Ty two of us is going to win, by the way.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Go ahead. Yeah, me too. Boom. Against Cyril. Dude, it's going to be bad. He is. His eyebrows get so animated when he talks about something he's passionate about, Savan. Yeah, I see.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I study him. I love it. I'm a student of the Caleb game. He's a little more athletic than the old Tye Tuivasa. He's going to get in close, dude. It's going to be fucking nasty. You don't think he's going to get rocked by the Australian? It's going to be fucking nasty. I'm going to see if I can pull up the...
Starting point is 00:26:49 I went and bought a TV yesterday. Oh. I can't wait for the next spot. Wow. You sure did buy a TV. That's a fucking beautiful truck. Congratulations. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It's a 2022 Raptor. It's fucking nice. Hey, throw that up on the screen. I've buy a TV. That's a fucking beautiful truck. Congratulations. Thank you. It's a 2022 Raptor. It's fucking nice. Hey, throw that up on the screen. I've got a question. I want to ask the comment section. Go ahead. So I'm wanting to do something with it, right? With that TV?
Starting point is 00:27:21 No, with the truck. Oh. With the truck. I'm wanting to get it color change route, right? Should I go matte black with lime green graphics or go matte lime green with matte black graphics? Wow. And what will the graphics say?
Starting point is 00:27:39 Danger. It's going to be like the Raptor font, but it's going to say Danger on it. Just in danger none. God, it's amazing how nice cars are. That TV is absurd. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:27:55 What is it? Oh, it's perfect. It's perfect. Where'd you get it? Best Park. Oh, no. It's $8,500. $5,900. What do you mean $5,900? You spent $5,900 on a TV.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I spent a good bit on it. Yeah, the Sonys aren't cheap. Matt Black. Matt Black. Matt Black. I want to show you this. It's not compensation. It's just about liking shit.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Like I like mini trucks too. Like for the longest, I drove a, drove a box S10 that was like slammed on the ground. Like I'd take up road reflectors. How old, what year was that? 89.
Starting point is 00:28:43 It had the digital dash in it. You know how they like a couple of years, they actually it had the digital dash in it you know how they like a couple years they actually put like the digital dash in them but i love that truck if i ever find a picture of it i'll send it to you it was a badass truck wait so you had a truck that was slammed so low was it was it an extra cab oh yeah it was yeah it was extended kind of had the two seats on the side that would fold down what kind of woofers did you have in it? You have woofers in it? Yeah, Kicker, baby. Kicker Audio.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Make sure you go to Kicker for all of your audio needs. What'd you have in it? Please tell me you had something big. 212s, 215s. Yeah, I had 212s. 212s. 212s. They were crossover.
Starting point is 00:29:20 They were crossover. You put them on the lay-down seats? No. It was a crossover. They crossed over. You got them on the lay down seats. No, like it was a customer. So the very first truck that I ever had was a 1984 Nissan Datsun. Okay. It was a mini truck. This truck,
Starting point is 00:29:33 pretty much the motor on it ran like a damn chainsaw. Okay. And it was slammed. It was slammed. No, I was poor. I couldn't do anything with this truck, but I was,
Starting point is 00:29:43 I was, uh, you know, I was middle-class white trash, I guess you could say. That's poor to us Californians. Dude, I put two 12s in that single-cow Nissan. When I drove, it was literally like this, but that thing would shake the whole trailer part down. My God, woofers are so great. Savon, give Justin my number.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Thanks. No problem. I got you. I got you. What for? My wife's not going to be happy about that. Don't worry. Your wife. You're still pretending like you have a wife? You can just fact check that. That's your sister. We all know. I fact checked that.
Starting point is 00:30:27 You're my sister. Hey, you know where I'm from? State motto, the closer kin, the deeper in. Roll Tide, baby. Let's go. Hey, it's college football. College football season. Look how dangerous. God, it's so hard keeping this show on fucking track.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Look how fucking dangerous T, it's so hard keeping this show on fucking track. Look how fucking dangerous Ty Tuavos is. When you're done thinking about Justin's sister, take a peek at your screen. But who is that? Who's he fighting right there? It's those combo. It's that. It don't matter.
Starting point is 00:30:59 He weighed in at 266. Derek Lewis hit him with everything he's got, and Ty didn't go down. He stood in there. That fair that's true he did he did he went to war with him that's for sure cyril better kick him up in the fucking face or else that you better not let this guy get dude how could you be in that good of shape but like not be hey i have in my notes he might be in better shape than fucking cyril gone he might be in better shape than fucking zero gone he might be in better have better metabolic conditioning i'm telling you dude this guy has an engine i don't
Starting point is 00:31:29 know how i that part i can't explain but man he's in good condition i have seen such a gelatinous sack of shit go ahead i've seen some fat dudes out there who can just they can just work for so long they're so conditioned like i used to play soccer with some guys that were like pushing 230 240 and they could they were just running up and down the field for 90 minutes straight i know it's not a fight but at the same time it's really impressive it's crazy impressive here wait till you see this wait till you see his uh his uh sure dog look at this you've seen that in the military caleb yeah some big boys got some baddies that just fucking they somehow pull out pull it out of their ass yeah and then you see some dudes that
Starting point is 00:32:11 look like they they are like in peak you know physical shape and then they get out there and it's like literally they've got like a ferrari body with like a dune buggy engine. Yes, they just gas. Right. It's bad. It's like me. They're walking after a 400. After I jumped on the trampoline for like 10 minutes, like I was dry heaving about to throw up. Three minutes.
Starting point is 00:32:37 It's bad. Look at one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight wins in a row. I wish we could look at it. You've got it like the size of a peanut on there. And then look at, and then he loses three in a row. He's lucky. He must have thought his career was over at that point, dude. Yeah, you got to start over with that.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Sam Alvey keeps plugging along. Did you know that he has the longest losing streak in UFC history? It's crazy, right? I think you said eight. Eight. I can't believe he's still on the roster, honestly. He's not. Oh, he's not?
Starting point is 00:33:15 No, they let him go after that last fight. Do they even wait until he gets home, or do they just walk into his dressing room and back out? Me and him talked a couple days prior, and he had already told me that his next like, um, a couple of days prior and, and he had already told me that like his next fight was more than likely going to be, he already knew going into the fight. That's why I was pulling for him so hard.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Why? Well, so you're saying win or lose. He was toast. Yeah. I think he was done. He was done. He,
Starting point is 00:33:40 he said, man, I'm telling you, I can't speak enough good things about Sam. He is such a good dude. You need to have him on here. I would love to. If I send him the link, can he jump in? Yeah, please. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:33:52 We need somebody with some fucking star power. Yeah, because fucking Darian ain't here. Darian ain't doing shit. Okay, so let's... What are you doing right now? Can you jump on a podcast with me? Can you go over to Cyril Ghosn's Sherdog page? You'll see
Starting point is 00:34:07 the links in the notes. It won't take long. And he can get off whenever he wants to. He can just be like, hey, oh, fuck this show. Sam is weirdly married to America's next top model. Yeah, they're having kids. They're having kids like the damn Brady Bunch, man. Sam is weirdly married to America's next top model. Yeah. They're having kids. They're having kids like, like the damn Brady bunch.
Starting point is 00:34:29 And so Adam, that means he's had sex with her too. Just so you know, if you didn't know that he's coming, hold on, let me send him the link. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Holy shit. Okay. Uh, Cyril gone. Look at, look at this. This guy's fucking undefeated except, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:42 uh, Ninganu. And he went fucking five rounds right yeah five rounds decision unanimous hey that's some that's fucking some impressive shit right there those are almost entirely ufc fights too yep he's a bad dude yeah these other three i don't even know where they're from but ladies and gentlemen the smile king how's it going fellas
Starting point is 00:35:14 what's up homie yeah how you guys doing sam alvey is weirdly married to a to a winner of america's next top model hey fuck you adam sorry i won't let that happen again i will never happen again mr albie i apologize like that uh your name got brought up and i said i said shit i want to just see if he's see because this is exactly what i was hitting you up for a couple weeks ago when you was uh where was you with burma yeah i was in where was i poland or kosovo might have been kosovo using kosovo yeah yeah what were you doing in kosovo uh it's for me drugs to find out drugs i could tell you but then i'd have to kill no uh i do this this uh oh fantastic thank you you. You're as good of a guest as Darian. That's awesome. I was going Kosovo to Romania to Bulgaria to Poland.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Sam, we were talking just now. Is that your last fight? Are you done done? I am not done done. That was my last fight in the UFC, but I'm not done done. You just have it. You just want to fucking punch people, huh? I freaking love punching people or getting punched. I don't like getting punched as much as I used to, but I love punching people. Where are you going to go? I'm not sure yet.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I've got a couple offers. Right now, my jaw is broken, so I can't even practice, really. The bare-knuckle boxing is a great idea. I love the idea of that. I've done every other combat sport. I've never boxed, so that would be a good time. Bellator would be a great place to go back to. PFL, the Million Dollar Tournament.
Starting point is 00:36:59 So there are options out there, and I'm a big enough name, and I've got enough talent to roll with any of them. Yeah, I think you can win that million bucks. I think I could too. I've seen some of the guys. I've worked with some of the guys. There's some talent, but I think there's some money to be made. Who do you think between Ty
Starting point is 00:37:16 Tuivasa and Cyril Ghosn? I'm taking Ghosn. You are? I am. No, I've been against Tuivasa most of the time, and I'm wrong most of the time. But Ghan is a big, strong kickboxer. And Tia Vassa is a big, kind of kickboxer. But when you see someone like Ty take a punch from Derek Lewis and keep on ticking,
Starting point is 00:37:41 that doesn't make you think, uh-oh, like he's just going to get in close to Cyril Ghosn and fucking put it on him? No, I don't think he's going to get close enough. Size does matter in Ghosn. I always see it and I always think Ghosn, that's in my head. You can call him whatever you want. No one on this show will correct you. A bunch of pussies on this show. Well, so Ghosn, he's a good kickboxer as opposed to just a guy who can hit hard.
Starting point is 00:38:09 So if he hits Tai once, he'll be able to hit him more than once. And he moves, I mean, he moves, no other heavyweight moves like him, right? Yeah, not even close. I think the world is kind of wanting him to win to give Nagano the next fight. Because Gagne won'tano the next fight. Gagne won't get the next fight if he wins, but Taya probably will. Let's say Taya does win. Do you think that he poses a threat to Nogano?
Starting point is 00:38:40 I don't think anyone poses a threat to Nogano. He hits too hard. The dude hits like a truck. I mean, literally, he hits like a truck. I've seen you at the PI, pictures of you in the PI, and I've seen a lot of pictures of Naganu in the PI. Have you run into him in there? Yeah, yeah. He and I, we're on first-name basis. We don't
Starting point is 00:38:55 really know each other that well, but we know each other, you know, like, fight acquaintances. So, no, we always smile chat a little bit. First time I met him was kind of a story. I was fighting in Colorado. I was fighting Nate Marquardt. I got to Colorado a week early. I was in a hotel room.
Starting point is 00:39:10 I went to the hot tub. He was in there already. At this point, he was nobody bigger than me. He was just a guy. And I could only see, you know, his head. And he talked real thick French, a little bit of English. So we kind of had a conversation for 10 minutes or so, kind of made our way through it.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And then he said, hey, I got to go. And he stood up and he said, holy shit, you're huge. I mean, he was every bit of 275 pounds standing out of that hot tub. Oh, he's hot. It's just lifting, lift a lot of weights. I said, yeah, I guess. No, he said, I don't lift a lot of weights. It's just natural.
Starting point is 00:39:44 It's the way I look. I pulled bullshit. pulled bullshit bullshit you don't lift weights you lift all the weights whenever you want hey um we we have um uh we have a picture sam yes we have a picture uh i don't know if you know ninganu rolled his ankle and we have a picture you can see he rolled his ankle right here. Justin knows Francis, too, and he got this photo. I just wanted to show you. But I think he's going to be okay. He's got to put some ice on some stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Yeah. So you look into his eyes and you call him Francis. Hi, Francis. How's it going, Francis? Hey, Francis. How's it going, Francis? Hey, listen. Did you know that a bee sting can permanently enlarge your penis? Which bee is that? I'm becoming a beekeeper next year. How convenient.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I don't think you need that. Hey, you know I was stung four times at birth. Hey, Sam, did you see that Jake Paul is fighting Anderson Silva? I don't think it's official yet. Yeah, I think I saw there's an announcement next week or something, but they're talking like it's going to happen. I'm going to bet it doesn't happen. Even if they accept, I think something will happen to stop it.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Jake Paul isn't going to fight Anderson Silva. There's no way. I mean, there's no way. He's 47, Sam. He's old as dirt. He's twice as old as you, dude. Anderson Silva is one of the greatest strikers in combat sports history. Understood.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Jake Paul sucks. I mean, it might as well be me versus my kid my kid's seven so you would you would fuck jake paul up yeah i beat his brother up and jake paul wouldn't spark me because of it now there's years ago maybe he's the greatest thing that's ever been since then but uh dude won't look me in the eyes at this point wow and how and how much do you weigh uh right now or how much would i fight at how much would you fight jake paul at whatever he i think he he he fights at 190 i think or 189 so i make it to 180 what but you fought 205 in the ufc right yeah yeah yeah it's everywhere i i'm not i'm
Starting point is 00:42:02 one of the i think there's two fighters in the UFC that have Knocked somebody out in three different weight classes Wow Hey you think you could get Justin down to 185? What's Justin weight right now? No it's just He's 5'6 205 He's 5'6 205
Starting point is 00:42:21 No I'm 5'10 I think I. No, I'm 5'10". I think I'm rocking right at 207. Are you up there? Yeah, you can get 85. Yeah, well, I've been 165 before I went in the military. Like, I had to lose, like, 80 pounds to join the military. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, I was a big boy. I literally pretty much starved myself. It was not healthy at all. I ate one can of tuna and a handful of M&Ms throughout the day just to keep my blood sugar up so I wouldn't pass out. The Southern diet. What are you doing? I'm eating a healthy can of tuna and a handful of M&Ms?
Starting point is 00:42:57 It worked. I mean, I dropped some weight, son. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. No, Sam, do you ā€“ hey, your last fight, right? Yes. Do you think that way ā€“ that tough way that you had,
Starting point is 00:43:12 like played into how that fight went down? No, I think he just punched me in the face real fast. No, I felt great going into the cage. I've had bigger weight cuts. No, it was just he hit me in the face, and it was like immediate. I knew it was going to start fast. I was hoping to slow it down, and it just started faster, and I was ready to catch.
Starting point is 00:43:31 His first day, he poked my jaw, and then from that point on, he wouldn't give me a second to catch myself. Well, I tell you, like I told you, like I told you that night after it happened, dude, regardless of how that fight went down, I think you showed everybody just how tough of a son of a bitch you are. You got your jaw broke. And still, like, the first punch, dog, I thought you was out. I thought it was done.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And then you just kept plugging, and I was like, this dude's tough. And then to find out that you had a broke jaw after that first punch, you're a bad son of a bitch, man. Yeah, I'm something. Man, you know, I've got over 80 fights total, and I've never had my ass kicked until that last fight. It's like, son of a bitch. I've lost fights.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I've lost some good fights. I've lost with fun. But that was just, it was just an ass kicking. And it's, I hate saying I had my ass kicked. I hate it. I might be tough, but I still got my ass kicked. Hey, Sam, did you ever fight John Jones? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:40 He's always, most of the time he's out of my weight class. Didn't John Jones fight at 205? Yeah, I'm typically an 85er. I only went to 205 for a handful of fights because UFC asked me to. Oh shit, I apologize. No shit. No, most of my recent fights have been 205, but my last two were, well, my last one was at 85. What did you think about Rockhold and uh um uh mr costa did you get to see that i thought it was a great fight i didn't think it was gonna be a good fight i kind of thought rockhold was just gonna get slept right away but uh yeah it was a really entertaining
Starting point is 00:45:16 fight the whole the whole time i i was really uh sam meet uh dar, fellow UFC fighter. Hey, Sam, I'm a bitch. Sorry I'm late. You are a bitch. Oh, the shit-talking we did about you, Darian. Poor Darian. He can't even say that he was cutting hair because he's at his damn house. Yeah, I was asleep for sure. He just woke up.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I just woke up. Yeah, just cutting those last few pounds, boy, before fight week. It takes it out of you. You're fighting next Saturday? Next Saturday, yeah. In Vegas. In Vegas. And that's theā€¦
Starting point is 00:45:59 That is Hajmat. Oh, that's a cool fight. Sam, do you watch all the fights? There's too many for me to watch all of them. I try and keep up. But what I mean is on Saturdays, do you turn the TV on, I guess, is what I'm saying? Yeah, most of the time it's on at one point or another. Actually, you know what?
Starting point is 00:46:17 On TikTok, they stream them for free. Half the time, I just watch them on TikTok. I had no idea UFC streams that shit on tiktok for free no ufc doesn't but people do you gotta know where is that yeah you just put it on you go to live and you just kind of scroll and it's there's like dozens of people that are just streaming it you have to deal with them talking in the background and i never want to you can just turn the volume off and then watch wow Dana must love that Sam did you see dude well no you wasn't in here hey uh Caleb throw that throw that picture
Starting point is 00:46:50 back up check out check out my new tv setup for next Saturday for the fight I'm ready to break it in you guys live near each other you and Sam Sam Sam's a little further north He's about six hours north of me And Darian's another six hours Northwest Yeah We're all in the same area Where you at Darian? Missouri Okay yeah I'm in Nashville
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah No one's close to No one's close to Savan over there He's by himself Nope I'm in Wokeville I'm in Wokeville. I'm in Santa Cruz, California. I just escaped California not too long ago.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Where were you at? I was in Temecula. Just north of San Diego. Let me guess. You're into motocross. No. I'm from Wisconsin. How'd you end up in Temecula?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Your girl was there? No, but yeah, it's a big... No, my girl was... found the gym for me. She moved me out there. Then she moved to... Then she went back. She got me to California. Then she went back to Wisconsin for a couple years.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Then we hooked up again. Hey, what about Dominic Reyes? Did you ever train with him? He's down there, right? Yeah, yeah. He and I, we were training partners for a long time. He started dipping. You know, he lost his last one.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Shoot, it's been a minute since he's fought. So he kind of dipped out and started doing a couple other gyms. But, no, we trained together for a couple years. Darian's not going to like this. He's a huge John Jones fan. But I no, we trained together for a couple years. Darian's not going to like this. He's a huge Jon Jones fan. But I think Dominic won that fight against Jon Jones. He did. He did.
Starting point is 00:48:33 It's debatable. The reason they didn't give it to him is because when you're the champ, when you're facing the champ, you've got to make it undeniable. Those last rounds, he didn't come out and make it undeniable. Yeah, he might have struck him more, but, I mean, Jon Jones. So you're saying that he won the fight, but he didn't win the fight. Basically. So he won the fight.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I mean, at least he's telling the truth. But I'm saying, like, they do that all time in the UFC. Like, when you're fighting the champ, you've got to make it undisputed that you beat the champ. You know what I mean? Pull some Leon Edwards shit out and knock his ass out with 30 seconds. If Kamaru Usman wasn't around, Colby Covington would be fucking maybe the greatest welterweight who ever lived. He may have surpassed Tyrone Woodley already. Can you say the same thing about robert whittaker if there was no israel adesanya he'd be fucking just lord
Starting point is 00:49:30 just lording over that weight class i would say so yeah just because he's one of the only ex-champions that didn't go on a skid he just started beating everyone and like handedly he he whooped cannon here he beat mark nice i actually think marvin's gonna win but oh no don't say it sam i do i and it's it's based on nothing more than winner can't be at the top of his game for this long it just can't i mean physically it can't. There has to be decline in him at some point. And I've trained with Marvin once or twice. Marvin's sound everywhere. And how good was fucking Vittori against fucking Costa?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Let Costa go up in weight. Costa didn't make the weight cut, got in there with him, and fucking just warred with him. But hey, dude, this guy fucking fought yoel romero twice twice i fucking want to see any i want to see fucking ningano do that not only did he fight him twice he fought him for 50 minutes fucking savage dude i was at one of them i was at one of them and was it nuts yeah i mean it was it was incredible uh the whole the whole thing uh ufc will usually give you tickets and they usually give you good tickets i got to set up close and personal with it um yeah it was it was a lot of fun are there any good tickets at the ufc
Starting point is 00:50:57 be honest like i feel like it's nothing's better than being at home and watching there's something about the crowd there is i mean it's like the best seat in the house being at home and watching there's something about the crowd there is I mean it's like the best thing in the house is at home but that crowd gets fired up yeah the dudes the dudes in the stands though aren't watching the fight they're watching the TV right I mean like I
Starting point is 00:51:17 well most of the time that's what I'm watching yeah it's kind of crazy I went to the Super Bowl in Dallas one time and the tickets were like five grand and i don't think i looked at the field once i was just yeah i have always done summer slam a few months ago and uh i had the nosebleed seat i mean i was up there and we're just watching the tv the whole time but being there was cool is summer slam is that wwe stuff yeah yes sir of course savon no savon you can't you can't talk about it because listen if you've Is SummerSlam, is that WWE stuff? Yeah, yes, sir. Of course.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Savan, no, Savan, you can't talk about it because, listen, if you've never been to one of those big pay-per-views like WrestleMania or SummerSlam, you don't know what you're missing. I went to WrestleMania 1 on a closed-circuit TV in Richmond, California. Really? That was before they could stream it to your house. We had to all go into an auditorium and watch it on a big screen. I took my kid to uh wrestlemania 34 in new orleans and i'm telling you that is still one of the best sports experiences i've ever had yeah yeah i will say it is a it is a i mean it is a live event going to a wwe i mean, it was great. And they get, I mean,
Starting point is 00:52:25 there was 48,000 people are close to it, uh, in the stadium and they were all on the same page. It was, you don't get the same feeling. The UFC is not as big. UFC, a big event is like 12,000 to 15,000.
Starting point is 00:52:38 There's a 48,000 screaming fans. It was, I mean, it was, it was amazing. Are you going to do that, Sam? You think,
Starting point is 00:52:44 are you,, you think? The only thing in the world that would get me to quit fighting is WWE. That's what got me into fighting. That's what got me into anything. In a heartbeat, I would quit everything else and do that. I can see you as a WWE character. I feel like you have the charisma for that.
Starting point is 00:53:02 For sure. I'm smiling, Sam. I've already got a name. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. That'd be good. I fucking love it. I want to show you this guy. No disrespect to any of the ladies you guys are with, but this guy's name is Charles.
Starting point is 00:53:21 He's fighting on the card. His girlfriend's so fucking hot, it makes my fucking head explode. But he always refers to her as his stepsister. This guy's a savage, dude. He always refers to her as his stepsister. It's like some fucking weird porn fantasy
Starting point is 00:53:40 this guy's got fucking going. It's so fucking crazy. Say it again? I said he's dating her for sure, though. Semen retention is important. Fight, kids. Don't do like me. Look at him. Click the tag thing. Go to her IG.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Oh, where is she? Which one is her? Go to her IG. Go to her OnlyFans. Come on. This? This? Yeah, there you go bang bang yeah look at that she's she's still in school my god that's the one you click on on the next one you click on that one hey buddy i'm old school i'm old school you want to see this one he fell as i got to dip out I got a doctor's appointment here in a second
Starting point is 00:54:25 My wife's going to whoop my ass if she finds out I'm in here looking at these girls He said, hey, we're on this thing I got to go Hey Sam, thanks for coming on, man It was really a pleasure meeting you You're awesome Thanks for inviting me on Cheers
Starting point is 00:54:44 Hey, and good luck in your fight next week thank you brother thank you my man yeah absolutely I'll be watching on tiktok probably hey later brother later see you later
Starting point is 00:54:58 Justin do you ever when you see those things where like tiktok is part of like some communist China agenda are you you ever like, fuck this, I'm canceling my account? I don't give a fuck. Good. All right, good. Why does that bother me? Do you really think the one billion people that are on and out, like me getting off is going to sway the boat one way or the other? It don't fucking matter, man. Hey, that's what everyone says. That's why the communists are taking over.
Starting point is 00:55:27 That's all. man, I tell you, you know, I, so I used to like, like, and I,
Starting point is 00:55:32 and I'm not talking shit about you or anything. No, please, please. Yes. Talk shit about me. I like it. But I,
Starting point is 00:55:38 you know, I used to like concern myself with like politics, a lot of everything. And dude, I was miserable. Like I was always in a bad mood and i was worried about shit that i have no control over when i when i'm telling you when i stopped worrying about shit that i couldn't control shit got 10 times easier for me man i agree with that i agree with that i think i think I think I think that's those are words of wisdom.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I think those are words of wisdom. But not to knock on any political pundits or anything. I mean, you know, what we have gotten in this society is so sad because it's like anybody that that disagrees with you, you know, or anybody that you disagree with. Like you're just like, you know, you just write that person off. You're like, fuck that person, you know, or anybody that you disagree with, like, you're just like, you know, you just write that person off. You're like, fuck that person, you know? And it's like, I mean, we all have different opinions based on where we were, based on where we were raised, how we were raised, who we were raised by and everything. So it's like, you know, I don't know. And I'm not woke by any stretch of the imagination. I just hate that we judge people based off, you know, kind of their perception of things, I guess. Hey, and it really is true. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Starting point is 00:56:52 And if you know, I don't know who said it was like Mother Teresa or Gandhi or something. But when you when you sometimes when you fight violence with violence, the last person left is violent. You know, it's just like this. And it's not uh you're just back where you started from yeah i totally agree with that one yeah well look at it look at it like this ben shapiro right ben shapiro has been arguing with people online for how many years now he's still arguing about 12 so at least 12 years still arguing about the same shit and ain't nobody changed their mind you ain't changing nobody's mind right at all so but but people's minds get changed my i don't know how my mind changed life experience through life experience not through
Starting point is 00:57:36 people arguing right well and i don't know and and in most like yeah like you said life experience or just coming at them in a in a, you know what I'm saying? Like to like accept some of their views like, oh, yeah, I can see why you see that. But this is why I see it like this way. Like people should have more conversations than arguments. You know what I mean? Kind of like what we're doing right here. You know, we don't. Go ahead. It's awesome that the guy who fucking beats people's faces in for a living and the calmest, sweetest voice ever is like, yeah, we just need to be friendlier in the discussion. That's what it is. And if they don't, you know, I could always choke them out and just like take them.
Starting point is 00:58:16 It's fine. I think what about two weeks ago, two weeks ago, I put a I put a video up and it's still up. I don't even remember which one it was now. But in the same video. Right. I mean, like you've got trolls and stuff like i get that like i don't even worry about trolls i love the engagement crystal worries about the comment section she you know she changes stuff because of the comment i'm like why are you worried about this shit but anyways in the same in the same comment section i had p i had one person calling me woke two two uh two comments down somebody was calling me a trumper.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I was like, yeah, I don't get it. Yeah, maybe I'm doing it right. Yeah, if you get called both, I think you did it right. I'm going with Tai Tuivasa and Robert Whitaker. It has to be. It has to be. Well, not according to Sam Alvey. Robin Whitaker's getting his ass whooped.
Starting point is 00:59:09 What do you think, Sam? You going with Sam on that one? Yeah. I'm going with Tua Vassa. I'm going with Marvin. Yeah, I'm going with Tua Vassa, too. We're all rolling on that one together because he did some uh some heinous
Starting point is 00:59:26 shit to your boy fucking uh mr lewis yeah derrick lewis i mean some hate him with the elbow some heinous um and i mean i'm gonna go with savannah on robin whitaker Let's go. Hey, Whitaker. I believe Whitaker. The best is still ahead of him. I think he's going to. I think he's going to. You're not going to like this probably, guys. But I think he's going to get back to Israel again. And I think he has something for Israel.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I think this guy's committed. Well, Israel may not be at the top of the mountain no more once he gets up there, though. Him fighting Alex Pereira. Oh, yeah. Can you believe how fast they made that fight but you knew they were gonna make it that fast because that's all that's been talked about that's the only person izzy's got knocked out by you know but they were gonna they were i think he may have knocked izzy out twice um i think he beat it twice but I think he only knocked him out once. Crazy. So, I mean, Marvin, I don't know if Marvin can.
Starting point is 01:00:37 I mean, Marvin's just too much of a one-dimensional for me. What do you mean? Just a striker? You know what I mean? Oh, he's a wrestler? Yeah, he just tries to wrestle. Yeah, he's not a striker. He just tries to wrestle, you know what I mean? Oh, he's a wrestler? Yeah, he just tries to wrestle. He's not a striker. He just tries to wrestle, wrestle, wrestle. Didn't he just try to...
Starting point is 01:00:50 Didn't he stand and bang with... Paul Acosta? Yeah. But it looked... It still didn't look like a striker by any means. Can we go over to Justin Nunley's's account justin danger none there was one this thing hasn't been updated in forever re-watching the lorax oh no that's that's my pin pin videos what is it tell me how does this work
Starting point is 01:01:22 you can you can pin certain videos. Oh, right. That one right there with the ruler thing? She killed me on that one. She killed me on that one. Did you say the ruler, Siobhan? No, but let's play that. Okay, now I'm confused. Thanks for unconfusing my people.
Starting point is 01:01:42 You better lower your motherfucking tone when you talking to me. He said, what the fuck? Let me see that again. If this is you, you better lower your motherfucking tone when you talking to me. No more raising your voice at this podcast, Sivan. Hey, let me see this fetish girl in the red. If this is you, you better. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:02:08 That one was... That one got me. Dude. That one got me. What are you looking at? Yep. Listen, did you know that the word oxymoron is actually an oxymoron? And look, and this is where it got me. It was a fake account that just added to your account, Justin.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Dude, why did you do that? That's just a fake account that just added to you, huh, Justin? Dude, why did you do that? That's just a fake account that just added to you. What are you looking at? How does her dress go on her ass like that? And where did you meet her? Are you really in the same room as her? No. I've learned the art of green screen.
Starting point is 01:02:39 It's over. The internet is fixing to shut down. I'm fixing to be everywhere but nowhere at the same time. Wow. It was pretty hilarious, man. I clicked on her account after I seen that video and realized she only had that video. No, she does. But her TikTok account, that's off her TikTok account.
Starting point is 01:03:03 She had an Instagram. there was nothing on it she had like 200 followers and when i posted that video i tagged her in it she put that video up after i tagged her in that video and i don't know how many followers she has now but it grew exponentially overnight hey look i found her on instagram 1.2 million followers get the fuck out of here yeah i'm gonna send a um justin tagged her wrong did i really why no it it worked initially because i clicked on it too but when he posted it and then i just clicked on it again it's not it like disappeared so i'm not sure yeah because i clicked on it and it's not it like disappeared so i'm not sure yeah
Starting point is 01:03:45 because i clicked on it and it worked yeah it sent me there uh i'm gonna show you this i but strictly from a scientific i just need what the fuck dude is this real no that's not real absolutely not so those are implants look at her thighs look at her thighs why would someone do that to themselves yeah that's absolutely false is a doctor allowed to do that i guess yeah and that's why i don't understand like why would you want to have thighs like that oh there go to that one where she's by the window you can really tell this one where she's facing out the
Starting point is 01:04:33 window yeah I mean look at her legs does that even look like that goes together no but but but fuck I don't know look at her back look at her back get the fuck out of here. Her lower back is the tiniest.
Starting point is 01:04:49 So this is all just a surgical, like for all we know, this is an AI? Yeah. Yeah, maybe. Shit, probably. A lot of silicone. What Justin just did, peep out on us? Yeah, yeah. I'm not sure what happened.
Starting point is 01:05:08 His computer was having issues earlier. Oh, well. Yeah, that's... Well, yeah, that's... She's everything but real. Fuck that. She's probably one of those girls who has those big-ass lips, too. Well, I couldn't stand that. Can's probably one of those girls who has those big ass lips too.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I can't stand that. Hey, are you going back and forth between your phone and your computer, Mr. Ferguson? Yeah. What's up? No, I'm not. I'm just curious why. Let me help you out with some technical shit.
Starting point is 01:05:40 No, because my computer was about to die. When I rolled out, while I go, I was looking for my charger. The charger that literally my power cord was set right beside the computer. All I had to do was just plug it in. Does your wife ever call you a bad looker? No. My wife calls me a bad looker all the time.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Like, where the fuck's my wallet? I'm looking for there. Oh, like losing shit. Losing shit. Tell them. It's all about knocking that little man out of the boat you know what i'm saying i no i don't um tell me uh so you're are you starting a podcast are you starting a podcast tell me about your podcast you're starting i don't know and we better be on it yeah yeah absolutely like. Absolutely. Like, yeah, everybody that I've talked to, everybody's podcast.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I think you even told me, Siobhan, the first time I came on here, when we stayed after in the backstage and talked for like, you know, 20, 30 minutes when you had to pee real bad. And he's like, bro, I got to get off here. And then you kept talking. I was like, he pisses himself. That's not on me. But everybody, everybody's podcast that I go on, they're like, dude pisses himself. That's not on me. But everybody's podcast
Starting point is 01:06:46 that I go on, they're like, dude, you need to do this. Like, you would kill the game. So, I don't know. What's your YouTube channel? Oh, I see it. Dude, you already have
Starting point is 01:06:54 fucking 7,700 subscribers. Yeah, I just now figured out YouTube, like, within the past week. So, that's, all those followers are from the past week. I finally figured it out.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Hey, do you know what you can do? What? Go fuck myself? Yes. You can make it so that when we do it, when you do other shows, you can stream it to your account also. So like I have this guy, Alex Stein on. And when he comes on my show, he streams it to his account also. Oh, that'd be dope.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Okay. Really? Yeah. Okay. stein on and when he comes on my show he streams it to his account also oh that'd be dope okay really yeah okay so so simultaneously it could be on mine and your channel at the same time so you could be like hey asshole i'm not coming on your account unless i can fucking stream it to mine too and i'd be like okay if you insist and then you get to stream it too oh damn and then i could keep it up and that helps my watch hours for monetization why have we not been streaming to my fucking YouTube this whole time? Hey, buddy. Hey.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I love it. You're going to keep the booth mic in there? That's nice. Who, Nunley? Yeah. It looks like it. All right. The show's early tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:08:04 It's at noon Pacific Standard Time, the main card. Yeah, you know what's crazy? They have that one. I don't know who that middleweight is. They have that one middleweight on there who's fighting Buckley, who's a ranked middleweight, and he's in the prelims. Wait, Buckley's fighting? What?
Starting point is 01:08:20 You didn't know Buckley was fighting? No, that sucks. I didn't know that. You should really do better at your research Savant I know I know it was a little bit Savant the same address rehearsal
Starting point is 01:08:32 I came on 30 minutes late and no more information about this oh shit you're right Joaquin Buckley Joaquin Buckley okay so that's a good that's a good fight to watch in the prelims. Yeah, that mob guy is like number 11.
Starting point is 01:08:51 He's ranked. And he's on the prelims. Hey, I think Joaquin may have lost his last fight. I think it went to a decision, but I don't think he lost. Let me see. Let me see here. Andy called out Hazmat. Fucking Buckley.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Oh, you're right. You're right. You're right. Oh, fuck. Hey, dude, they're just lining this dude up with Russians. Yeah, they're trying to get him to fucking, like, because he's a striker. But he does pretty well against a wrestler, I'd say. I mean, I'd say.
Starting point is 01:09:28 I mean, I don't know if they're trying to take the steam off of him or what, but for a minute there, he was just knocking people out cold. I get Joaquin Buckley confused with the other dude. Who's the other dude who had the fucking crazy knockout, the flying kick? That was him. That was him, okay. Someone grabbed his leg, and with his other leg, he kicked it. He kicked him and knocked him into Another century He did a
Starting point is 01:09:48 A good job with that I mean he's super athletic I think he used to take Taekwondo is why he was so good At that spinning kick like that It was nasty Alright so that fight's early Just so people know that fight's 9am Pacific Standard Time
Starting point is 01:10:04 It's college football starting tomorrow. They know they can't compete with Saturday Night Football. Oh, God. Who gives a fuck? Oh, look at this guy. College football sucks. Listen, Justin, this guy figured it out. So this is how manipulative I am.
Starting point is 01:10:21 I pretended like it would be good for you, but this guy really figured out. Sevan is just stealing your subscribers with the bait and switch. Sevan can bait me anytime. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, Greg. So fuck you. But Greg figured it out.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Who is Heidi? What? Who is Heidi? She's a hardcore listener. She runs the fake sebon podcast instagram account so every time we do a show she rips us up she talks shit about us okay so she's tagged me in a bunch of stuff on instagram i didn't know because i think i followed that account too and i really thought for the longest that was like your account and then i realized it wasn't yeah yeah yeah i think you tagged her a few times i really because it was like way better graphics and stuff so i thought way better i know it's crazy the fake accounts
Starting point is 01:11:13 when did you finally turn your phone sideways yeah it's magic when you left us. Nah, I did it just like 15 minutes ago. I realized like all you guys. This is usually him. Yeah. Hey, his agent told, made him watch a 15 minute video on fucking self-promotion. And one of the first things is turn your video sideways. I realized that all your cameras always look different than mine. So I'm like, how the fuck are they doing this you just not figured that out today i did actually i figured it
Starting point is 01:11:50 out yesterday i was on some dude was interviewing me and he's like hey can you please turn your phone sideways and then i did it and it looked like this and i was was like, oh, shit. I need to do that more. You're like Justin and Sevan must hate me. They don't ever tell me that. I tried to tell him one time, and he never did it. So I said, okay. And I just left. He said, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:12:20 It's on him now. Darren's like, if I turn it sideways, everything will be sideways. I don't want to do that. I don't want to watch everyone sideways. Yeah, talk to people like that. Hey, Darren, so what happens next week? Will we see you Friday? Or we just play it by ear, whether you'll come on or not,
Starting point is 01:12:37 depending on how you feel or the way. Oh, yeah, that's a dependent because I'm still 20 pounds out from 170. So if I'm dead, no, you won't see me. Okay, yeah, no pressure. We'll still send you a link. But if I do have the strength, I would like to come on just so you can see the difference in my face. You guys will be like. Yeah, because you look a little chubby right now.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah. I mean, my eyes will be in. It'll be in. It'll be horrible. Hey, does it make your dick look bigger when you cut that much weight? It actually fucking takes weight out of your dick. It shrivels it up. Huh? Really?
Starting point is 01:13:17 Like a little shriveled dick. Hey, that's the first thing to go. All the extremities. I think it's just because of all the water you're pulling out of yourself like yeah yeah you don't even you don't even wake up with a boner anymore you know are you oh man are you are you bringing me to vegas to like you know set your corner just talk shit the whole time hey uh like darian fuck him up i'm telling you i one time i just want to be that guy just the crazy one you gotta talk shit and get a beer remember that's what we talked about hey hey give me a beer just be drinking beer and fuck that stuff i just sat up there and just hit a beer stick behind
Starting point is 01:13:56 you in between every round that would be savage that would be hey hey dude johnny walker's on the card now yeah he i think he's been on the card for a while tony ferguson's on the card now. Yeah, I think he's been on the card for a while. Tony Ferguson's on the card. Kevin Holland's on the card. I know, that's crazy. That fight is going to be nuts. Is Daniel Rodriguez really fighting? Twist his dick.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Hey, I don't see it. I don't see the Kevin Holland fight on here. It was just on there before. What, is it not now? Unless it's in the early prelims I'm looking. No, I don't see the Kevin Holland fight on here. It was just on there before. What is it, not now? Unless it's in the early prelims I'm looking. No, I don't see it. Oh, well, they must have canceled it then because he was on there. Yeah, I think something's wrong with Daniel Rodriguez.
Starting point is 01:14:37 He was one of the fastest up-and-comers in the 171, and then now he's been gone for fucking two years. And you know he's got a pretty crazy background he got like 100 street fights oh yeah that's the guy with 100 street fights yeah yeah i think he got into some street fights hey you're opening that shit up opening all the way up yeah yeah so after you win that fight, after you fucking knock Johan out, then you get to go out there and sit down and watch the fights? Yeah, I do. Hell yeah, I'm going to. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Yeah, especially the Leach and Tony then uh especially the main event that's the only two i want to see anyway i hope nadea is just fucking somehow just knocks cosmon out cold oh that would be fucking insane in fucking sane i'll be like let's go hey t-mobile arena would fucking explode if that happened explode what the fucking internet would break hey is this this guy this guy lee lee uh jing liang did he did he used to be a 71er he's not the guy that hazmat picked up and carried over to the edge of the it is him yeah He's dropping down to 55 to fight Ferguson? Nope. Ferguson, since it's a...
Starting point is 01:16:10 Oh, no. Since it's a late notice fight, Ferguson's doing 70. What the fuck? Yeah. What the fuck? Which, let's... Maybe Ferguson will have more power with a little more weight behind him. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:25 He's got a trip. Uh-oh. Amber Alert. Someone fucking kidnapped their kid in the South again. Yeah, because I live in Florida. I get Amber Alerts all the damn time. Someone diddled their sister in the neighborhood again. No, I love that we have the ability to push Amber Alerts out to, like,
Starting point is 01:16:48 everybody at once, right? But Dade County is Miami, okay? It is ā€“ I could be in Nashville and have, like, four hours to play around in Nashville before I could get to Miami. So why would they send you the Amber Alert? Yeah, I don't know. I'll start the fake Nunley podcast. Come on, man. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:17:17 She's good. Hey, jiu-jitsu, crossfitter, mom. She does it all. Oh, she does crossfitfit that's how you know her internet fame yeah hey what is your background with crossfit I think we've talked about this before but I thought he was a washed up crossfitter right
Starting point is 01:17:35 kinda kinda in it what just we just come on here and just talk shit to you In it, in it. What? Just, just, we just come on here and just talk shit to you and you just take all of it. He probably gets off here, like, just fucking punches the air when he's done. I just kill myself.
Starting point is 01:17:57 My wife, like, locks the gun up. I ran the media department for CrossFit Inc. When I started working there, I was basically the chief marketing officer for CrossFit. I grew the company from integral and growing the company from 300 gyms to 15,000 gyms on all seven continents in 162 countries. I say with all humility, there's never
Starting point is 01:18:17 been anyone who's done what I did. No one at Apple, no one at McDonald's, no one at Subway. Fastest growing chain in the history of the world. Because I never tried to do it just saying yeah i'm joking uh we didn't make the money apple made but we have the we we had the presence i i did some very very very very uh special shit over there good shit damn i see yeah y'all here y'all here being a legend going down in history huh yes and so now i'm just now i'm just doing my shit just whatever just fucking dm and tiktok stars and ufc fighters and
Starting point is 01:18:51 dudes and now he does crossfit in his garage and dudes like caleb who are locked away somewhere so they'll work my back end i love when caleb works my back end oh my god working your back end thank you so you you know, Savant is like has has a name around the community when like I did his show for the first time. And I had buddies on Facebook that I'm friends with here in my local community. They're like, bro, you was on Savant's podcast. Like, that's badass. I listen to shit all the time, you know. And I was like, I guess it i because i didn't i i go
Starting point is 01:19:25 on podcast and have no clue how big or small they are like i really don't give a shit right i'll come on and just talk shit for an hour and be done you know and uh after that i was like i was like huh i guess it's a big podcast which i mean i love the vibe so i had to came back anyway but fuck yeah you're one of the best guests i ever had. You and Darian. I know, and you pay great for me to come on. I love it. Yeah. Don't tell Darian. Don't tell Darian.
Starting point is 01:19:54 He's been sending me free fucking shirts. Hey. Hold up. I haven't even got a free shirt. You won't send me your address. Send me your address. I'll send you guys. Send me both your addresses again.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I got a bunch of new shirts and sweatshirts. Hey, um, what was I just going to say about fuck slip my brain. I had a good rip on one of you. I can't, and I couldn't even remember who it was.
Starting point is 01:20:22 It was me. So I'm glad to just, you guys, you guys were both fucking amazing and i and i could i couldn't believe when both you were willing to do the ufc show to fuck around with it you guys were both i mean darian was one of the best guests i ever had but best you one of the best ufc fighters i had and i had oh this is what i said i invited fucking i had a bunch of you know i had al jermaine on here i had a volkanovski i had a ton of fucking cool dudes on here those dudes weren't like you darren they're not real though they got a little bit of like they're afraid to go to some places and me and you went to some places right
Starting point is 01:20:53 yeah um but i invited fucking bobby green on oh he goes crazy and that motherfucker's like you got you got to pay me that That's what he said? Yeah. I was like, no. I appreciated him writing back, but I was like, no. And then his next fight, he got Islam Makhachev and got, I think it was Islam. Yeah, he got dead in the first round. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Yeah. Wow. Why would he think that? Why would he think you had to pay him? He must think he's a bigger star than he is. I've been on some of the biggest podcasts in the world and never got paid a dime for being on any of them. And I don't think people look at it
Starting point is 01:21:29 the way you should look at it is that the podcast game, unless you're hosting one, is not about getting paid, but it's about the self-promotion and the follower sharing. You know what I'm saying mean and this is like one
Starting point is 01:21:47 of the only times people actually get to see me be me you know and just sit here just talk because everything else is curated video with me throwing one line around you know yeah when i go on podcasts i always feel like it's not me i feel like the real me is on my podcast and when i go on other people's podcasts i'm being fake it's weird i can't feel like the real me is on my podcast. And when I go on other people's podcasts, I'm being fake. It's weird. I can't do that. Like I've never been able to like, wherever,
Starting point is 01:22:10 like I have the same person right here. And you see on Sunday morning at church period. Like I don't change. You talk like this in church. You take your vape pen into church. I do. I usually go to the bathroom to vape, you know. He probably sent those pictures that he was at,
Starting point is 01:22:29 that he sent us pictures last night from church. He sent you some? I will take some pictures out to my buddies in the congregation, right? Like pictures like that, like during service, and just watch from across the auditorium, watch them open them up. And they're always like, Oh shit. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Darren, you saw, did you see the rolled ankle photo? No. I fucked my ankle up pretty bad last night at the trampoline park. Whoa. On a trampoline. Why were you on a trampoline?
Starting point is 01:23:00 It was my kid's birthday. Dude. It's, it's so bad Darian it's fat you still have a fat egg you wanna see it I'll pull the picture up it's so fucking bad it's crazy
Starting point is 01:23:14 it's crazy it is nuts dude fucking asshole hey am I gonna get in trouble for that? Yeah. Probably. All right, I have to go.
Starting point is 01:23:33 This show is already 22 minutes longer than any of our other shows. You guys are the best. I'll see you guys in the text tomorrow. Darian. Hold on. I've got one more piece of business. Yes, yes. You never sent me your address. I know. Darian Hold on I've got one more piece of business Yes yes You never sent me your address
Starting point is 01:23:48 I know I'm sending the address And I'm sending what I want To alright And send me your address too so I can send you Shirts Mr. Nunley Nunley you must have just crazy t-shirt Collection absurd My house looks like a damn thrift store
Starting point is 01:24:04 Like I get shit i get sent shit like every single day did you order that one off offline the one you got right now the rocks shirt right there no he gave it to me shut the fuck up i'm joking do you like that do you like that shirt darian that looks tough i like this oh I can't stand his shit. I love Under Armour brand. I take short sleeve hoodies because it's no secret. I love short sleeve hoodies. Mainly because it hides the
Starting point is 01:24:33 dad vibe really well. And they look good. God, the South is so different. You guys like Under Armour, short sleeve sweatshirts. I'm so out of the cultural. I'm so... It has nothing to do with the South.
Starting point is 01:24:48 I don't give a shit. Oh, let me tell you, it does. No one wears a short-sleeve sweatshirt in California. No one. I dig the short-sleeve sweatshirt. Yeah, but you're from the South, too. They're comfortable as hell. But New Era makes one of the best short-sleeve sweatshirts
Starting point is 01:25:04 I've ever found. I'm fixing to start carrying that line in my store well yeah I'll give you this I'll give you this Savant I don't like the shoes that he has but that sweatshirt's tough do you not like them because they're like fucking marshmallows they're so fucking thick
Starting point is 01:25:21 no they just look fucking hideous yeah dude I just bought some Yeezys last week. You did? Dude, they're the most comfortable shoe I've ever put on my feet. What's it called? Yeezys. Yeezys?
Starting point is 01:25:35 Dude, my kid was so... Come on, you're from California. You should know. My kid was so pissed when I showed up at home with some Yeezys. He's like, are you serious? And I'm like, your foot's still growing. You ain't buying any of this shit. Wait, tell me. Say it again.
Starting point is 01:25:49 I can't find it. Y-E-E-Z-Y. Is Kanye West a D issue? Yeah. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Yeah, that's actually the ones you can find in store
Starting point is 01:26:05 and stuff please tell me you don't actually have those not those no yeah he has those women ones right there with the high heel hey did you see Kanye's gotten he's posting now on Instagram oh yeah I know cause Kim's single now so he's trying to get her back
Starting point is 01:26:22 oh is that what he's doing I don't know. I'm just fucking kidding. That woman fucked him up. It did. It did. It's like a real-life Samson and Delilah story. Like, she just.
Starting point is 01:26:35 She tore him down. He ain't never going to be the same without her. No. She fucked his mind up. Hey, did you know? This is like the wildest shit that I've ever heard in my life. The night
Starting point is 01:26:49 that O.J. Simpson ran from the law with Al Callens, O.J. was sitting on Kim Kardashian's bed talking to the police when they were trying to get him to turn himself
Starting point is 01:27:06 in. She was like six then. Yeah. That's how you know she's bad news. That shit's crazy, man. Her dad was buddies with them. Good friends. Armenian dude, like me. Yeah. Died of cancer.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Are you Armenian? Oh, good shit. And neither one of us still pronounce his name right and he never corrects us. Savon, right? No, it's not right. You try, Nunley. You try. Savon. See, he always says nope, but he don't tell us how to say it.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Yeah, it's five fucking letters. There's only... It's Sevan. Sevan. There, you said it right. Justin cannot do it with that sweatshirt on. Sevan. Yes, right.
Starting point is 01:27:55 You got it. Sevan? Sevan. Sevan. Sevan. I'm saying it just like you're saying it. No, the fuck you are. I'm saying it just like you're saying it no the fuck you are i'm saying seven seven seven seven seven fuck it
Starting point is 01:28:15 look at brandon brandon wattle wants to help you. Save on. Save on. Hey, save the number seven. Seven. Yeah, now say seven. Seven. Seven. Seven. I think it's 80 to you. All right.
Starting point is 01:28:40 I got to go. This is too much attention on me. I love you guys. Love you, bro. Darian, if for some reason we don't talk, we love got to go. This is too much attention on me. I love you guys. Love you, bro. Darian, if for some reason we don't talk, we love you to death. We're fucking rooting for you. We're going to be fucking going wild for the show next week. But hopefully we'll see you Friday, at least for a few minutes.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Well, yeah, appreciate it. Love you guys, too. I will send my address to both of you, especially you, Mr. Fucking Nunley. Because you owe me. But, yeah. Well, I'll try to do it. I I, you owe me. But yeah. Well, I'll try to do it. If my foot doesn't go too bad, I'll try
Starting point is 01:29:10 to get on there. I'm going to send you your top shelf and then I've got another present to send you too. Send him a picture of your ankle. I'm going to sign him up for the fucking, I'm going to sign him up for the used underwear of the wheat club. Oh, I bet you there is that.
Starting point is 01:29:25 There is. I've got a buddy. I know they don't watch this because they're farmers. I've got a buddy that he doesn't even know I have his address. And I send him this shit. It's called used underwear, right? And like, it does not come in discreet packaging. He has no clue where it's coming from.
Starting point is 01:29:42 He has no clue who's sending it. And like, they like package it for like part of the laces hanging out. This dude's like a Midwest farmer and he's getting like this nasty shit. Sit to him in the mail. Hey dude, I have a friend who has an only fans page, this guy. And he sells like dudes.
Starting point is 01:30:01 He goes on only fans and there's a menu there, and dudes will be like, do the splits naked, and they pay him $7. And they'll be like, hey, can you wipe your ass with some underwear and mail it to me? That's $250. You're paying for all this, Savant? What do you think he's wearing? Hey, the other day he goes, hey, I got my first female like fan on OnlyFans.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I'm like, dude, that you have no female fans. Zero. You have just disgusting men. Is he straight? This guy, he claims he is. He has a hot girlfriend. Yeah. Only people who get on OnlyFans.
Starting point is 01:30:41 I can't see a female get on OnlyFans and want to see. Hey, I asked him one time, too. I said, hey, do you ever do anything with your girlfriend? Like, your OnlyFans, like, have your girlfriend suck you off or something? He goes, dude, I did that once, and, like, I lost, like, a shitload of people. They told me that was disgusting. They never want to see it again. It's just dudes.
Starting point is 01:30:59 It's just disgusting dudes. Oh, man. Fuck. Hey, dude, he sells underwear with poop stains on it for 250 bucks. That's nasty. I'm going to throw up. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Peace!

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