The Sevan Podcast - #577 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: September 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 polka dots and shit i don't even have my headphones on we're live oh yeah yeah yeah hair hair's all discombobulated bam we're live you did get that whole box of ceo stuff at house, huh? Oh, shit. Why? Just rocking new shit every day? Yeah, it's cool. It was so much shit. I'm in the same shirt it was for this morning. Yeah, what were you?
Starting point is 00:00:33 I was at our venue where we're getting married. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Were you there all day? For the most part. We drove out and we had to go to a couple of different spots and run some errands and stuff like that out there. Pick a restaurant and go to the welcome. It's just a bunch of crap.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I mean, a bunch of really fun stuff that I enjoyed doing. Grace, Grace, she's like, I can hear you. I like your Paper Street mug in the back. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't like Yetis. They do too good of a job at what they do. Keep it too hot. Yeah. like your paper street mug in the back oh yeah yeah i don't like yetis they keep they like do too good of a job at what they do uh keep it too hot yeah and i feel like i can never drink it even with the lid off i want to ask you questions about your wedding i don't want to get you in trouble
Starting point is 00:01:17 i would just be going from place to place being like oh fuck how much is it going to cost me here oh how much is it going to cost me here oh how much is it gonna cost me here oh how much is it gonna cost me here i wouldn't be able to get settled when you get so stressed you're like hey we can't afford gas on the way home yes yes yes yes yes anytime you can you throw your car in neutral and skate that's right oh the skateboard you got a skateboard i don't hey travis are we selling those i don't think we could sell those um we'll get a cease and desist won't we looks too much like santa cruz are we selling those my kid asked my kid saw it it's in the garage my kids the fuck's going on with my you know when you burn your um eyelashes like they click every time you blink i didn't
Starting point is 00:02:04 burn them but like they're clicking i haven't had that feeling since i've been like a little kid playing with fireworks yeah turn the gas on the uh on the on the barbecue too much then when you go to light it with the lighters uh no that was one okay um i will uh bring it in the next show i'm so i i literally came in here i did we start the show late today i literally came in here at seven i'm kind of a mess i'm not in a bad way in a good way oh dude i got this fucking crazy idea you know how hillar um accused uh is the word accused someone said he didn't accuse i don't care what what you – what should we call it? He made a video about Tia that said natty or not. And I was thinking – and I shouldn't say I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:02:51 My wife actually asked me. She goes, I wonder if he accuses his girlfriend, Alexis, of cheating on him. Like how many signs does he need? You know what I mean? It depends on the views. Ah, right, right. how many signs does he need you know what i mean it depends on the views ah right right hillary that's a great idea for a video is alexis cheating on me and like you like here's a picture of her last night she's not smiling here's a picture of her tonight and
Starting point is 00:03:15 she is smiling what's the difference i can see the thumbnail it's him like you know how they always do that it's like a facial expression and then something her vagina smells like penis. She's cheating on me. Deep undercover to figure it out. I had a friend. I came on the show. One minute before the show started, I'm like, I have nothing to talk about.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I'm canceling the show. I had a friend who his girlfriend this was back in the day when you you would download porn off of um like limewire or one of those like napster what are you checking out i'm twitching you ever get like a peck twitch like in i'm twitching but it's in my tricep weird uh yeah off of like napster it was limewire did you say limewire yeah off of limewire and it sat in your dock and it was like a line and you clicked it and it started bouncing and then then you started down and shit and uh she he he would store his porn in his trash on his website. So his girlfriend on his computer.
Starting point is 00:04:25 So his girlfriend wouldn't fight. Remember the little trash can? I mean, they probably still have it. Yeah. Yeah. I still see it right here. Yeah. Just never emptied it.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Just would double click. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He stored it and she caught him and, and she said that was cheating on her. It was weird. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I've heard that argument before. there's another kind of cheating too it's like emotional cheating like if you're friends with a girl while you have another girlfriend it could be seen as uh i don't really know it's weird life's weird that it is we're trying to get j-rod um scheduled huh yes i see i'm shooting for him to get him on monday because we have that spot and then another day held open for somebody else and they went for the seventh not the fifth so now we're we need to get somebody in that that slot hopefully it's him hopefully that yeah that'll be awesome those you guys don't who don't know, J-Rod is Nicky Rodriguez's younger brother. In the qualifier, he went to go to the Abu Dhabi Combat Club Championships in Vegas this year. At the qualifier, I think he went to the West Coast qualifier,
Starting point is 00:05:39 he went seven for seven in victories and seven submissions, which is pretty fucking awesome and he's just a smaller version of nikki rodriguez even if you're not interested in um jiu-jitsu it's cool it's a young dude who's just fucking kicking ass and anyway i was just like wouldn't that be interesting to hear hillar's take like does he because he he's willing to there were some signs that he saw in Tia that moved him so much in conjunction with the fact that he – what he says I think is that he wants to make videos that people want to see and he wants to put on subscribers and get views. But in conjunction with that, he saw some signs that made him think that it was worth telling the world that he thinks she's taking performance enhancing drugs. I wonder what,
Starting point is 00:06:26 I would love to know what the signs are. If he, if Alexis is banging some dude, does he have a, did you see his video on, on a student loans? I did not know. I wanted to watch it.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I saw it with my kids. I'm into it. Yeah. You should see it right up my alley. You should see it. If nothing else, it's bold. I saw it. It looked like he put some time into it. Yeah, you should see it. Right up my alley. You should see it. I will. If nothing else, it's bold. It's bold.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Okay, that was 147. What are the signs your chick is cheating on you? I'm erasing 148, too. I don't want to talk about 148. Okay, I don't have the notes. Just so you know. I sent them i don't have them i just refreshed it uh sent side note though you remember that show cheaters and that that host got stabbed oh i don't remember i i never got to see that show that was just one of those shows that i
Starting point is 00:07:26 just heard about yeah hold on okay uh i it sent it to you at 651 oh what the fuck is this yeah it's not in my inbox i didn't send it to you what the fuck is going on but yeah sorry so tell me about cheaters sorry so the show they had to send out all these private investigators and like they would get all the information and then once they like soundly had the information that it was going on they would like present it to the spouse or whoever it was right and they'd be like here's what we found and then they'd be like okay and then they'd say and now we have them at this restaurant right now do you want to go confront them and they'd be like hell yeah let's go and they would run into with the whole camera crew and they would like confront the person.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And it was always, it was entertaining, but it was also like sad. You're like, fuck, this is like people's actual lives. But anyhow, they did it to a guy. I think it was on a boat one time. And he just turned and just like freaking just stabbed the host of it. It was like, you're ruining my life. Bam, done. Did the guy die?
Starting point is 00:08:23 No, he didn't die. But he, but I think the show was canceled. Hey, you should kind of expect that. Yeah. I mean, at some point. Okay. I got him now. You should kind of expect that.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I want, I, I, I, I, I know I sent something. It's so weird when that happens. Uh, John Boo. Karya. You're the winner of a 1984 nissan pickup truck congratulations thank you that's really cool i don't even have a like a cool guest on and you donated money oh sorry last news is not a guest all right yeah i was like i don't think i qualify oh shit that's not a good sign john good timing on the money my My wife says Toyota called, and they have an update on our 4Runner. That's not good.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I took it in there today. It's fine, but the maintenance light's on, which means it's time for me to pay them some money. I take it in there. They're like, it's going to be $379. I'm like, cool. Not bad. But for what? An oil change?
Starting point is 00:09:26 That's an oil change. Yeah, that's what it is basically. The guy's like, well, we rotate your tires too. I'm like, hey, I just bought new tires from you. I got any drive anywhere, no flats or whatever. They're like 1,800 for four. You know what I mean? Like you get a flat and you still go 55 miles an hour for 60 miles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah. Those could be a lifesaver, especially for the wife and kids, right? Yeah. And me. Fuck, I don't know how to do it. i don't know what i'm you know you know guys guy you get out there change the tire and change your own oil suze is a main character not a guest the only thing that i can do that's pretty manly is um i do practice opening the safe that the gun's in and i'm getting down like and i can do it in the dark and all that pretty handy skill i guess you have a flat tire you might need a gun uh so what what would be the signs of a chick cheating on you andrew i would really like to i'm going to actually text him that
Starting point is 00:10:19 copy copy uh hillar right that's a good idea for a show right what are the signs of a chick cheating on you your mate cheating on you hillar video oh instead of natty or not it's called cheating or not faithful or not not well that guy from um I think his name was like Derek from More Plates, More Dates. I mean, he made a massive YouTube channel just off of that. Natty or not? Yeah. That's his thing?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yep. And he used to go to like these expo conventions and find these like bodybuilders that were just clearly, you know, not clearly, most likely suspected of being on steroids by claiming to be natty. And he would just confront them at these expos. Very reminiscent of kind of what Hiller was doing at the games, but it wasn't so much a confrontation. No shit. Would that turn into a fight? The couple of them that I watched, I think that it just turns into a little bit of like a...
Starting point is 00:11:24 Is that how he got so big but that yeah i think that was him in the early days i mean somebody in the comments probably know a little bit more more than me but yeah he he used to make those natty or not videos on all the you know bodybuilders guys in that in that area what do you call it and then he would go to those expos and call them out and be like hey so and so like with-so, like, with his phone, like, you said this. Like, is that true? Are you really not? Like, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And, like, question him right there and confront him about it. Maybe get pissed. It's so weird that you would, in a sport where you can openly use PEDs, that you would use PEDs in the division that – that's like you like you're a fucking third grader and like you're excited you just get a medal like my kids are so fucking excited like it doesn't matter my kids go to jiu-jitsu tournament there's only three people right and in the way so someone's getting the bronze no matter what every kid's getting a medal because there's only three kids and my kids never if they got the bronze they're never like oh my god this is bullshit they're so proud of it like yes like if you have a nice body and you go to a competition and and enter in the natural division when you're on peds
Starting point is 00:12:42 you right that's like being a you just want what you would just want the metal to hang at home that makes no fucking sense yeah especially like you said you could just compete openly doing steroids like the rest of them do it fine was that a call oh i think so mr flexii. Hi. What's up, man? What's up, man? Hey, so I just watched your guys' episode of Justin Madero. Oh, yes. And the lady called in at the end talking about the weight loss surgery.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Oh, yes, yes, yes. I feel like she did a circular argument and ended up agreeing with me in the end. Oh, that's so trippy because my sister asked me about that this morning my sister goes what did you think about that lady i'm like she i feel like she's tried to like stand her ground and then talk and then before and i respected her for that and then before it was over she was like nah fuck it don't do it i mean that's kind of like how i felt too she gave it an honest effort she said there's a place for it and then all of a sudden she said wait no you still have to change your diet and that's all that i said from the get-go yeah it's like when you go over to your ex's house and she's like there's no way i'm gonna fuck you and like you just sit around for 15 minutes and you're fucking all right fine all right there's no okay sure yeah there's no, okay, sure. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:05 there's no way I'm taking PEDs to get better across it. All right. BRT's coming. Yeah. Hey, did Hiller release a video today? I think he did. I think he did.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Got a sneak peek of one of his videos that's coming up. I don't want to talk about it if he didn't release it. I'm checking. How are you, how are you doing, Mr. Beeler? I'm doing great, man. We just finished a whole day at the amusement park
Starting point is 00:14:31 with my kid. Walked around, road ride for the first time in 10 years because I'm small enough to fit now. Oh, awesome. Congratulations. Where'd you guys go? Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. Oh, maybe I've heard of that they allow drinking there
Starting point is 00:14:48 oh there there is i mean it's uh it's owned by anheuser-busch you know budweiser oh so it really is named after wow that's cool all right i like that i'm trying to think of how when i was at disneyland that was the one thing i didn't do that. I kind of wish I would have done. They have, I guess you could buy some alcohol there. And I think that would have made me less downtown Disney. I think a little less uptight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:14 A little less. Yeah. Take some performance enhancing, less uptightness, social lubricant. Yeah. All right. Well,
Starting point is 00:15:22 anything else you want to add to the, the, the lady, the 55 year old lady who does surgeries on baddies, but thinks that people should work hard? Yeah, I think that I think it's probably a good tool to get people started. But you still have to make a lifestyle change at the end of the day man it's it's i i agree it sounds scary it sounds like uh did you hear the guy we had on i think it was um the affiliate owner was nick sellers and he i mean he basically had bariatric surgery but because a bomb exploded next to him yeah and uh his shit's all fucked up he has to be you know he has to eat perfectly in order to get enough nutrients since part of his
Starting point is 00:16:03 intestine the part of his intestine that absorbs certain kinds of nutrients doesn't work so good. Yeah. Just the idea that that is like a side effect of this elective surgery, not elective for him, obviously, but just the idea that that's a side effect that you would have to live with to me says that it's probably not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:16:22 There's no, there's no side effects from eating right and exercising, except for being healthy. If you ask Gary, well, next time I have Gary Roberts on, I'll ask him if he wishes he would have kept his skin, because, man, the price he had to pay for cutting that skin off sounds like a son of a bitch. Yeah, I'm serious about that, honestly.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I know a couple of people that have lost a lot of weight and have kept their skin, and then I know a couple of people that have lost a lot of weight and have kept their skin. And then I know a couple of people that have lost a lot and then got to remove, you know, after like five years, after I make sure I keep it off. But that is really intense. You remember what he said, right? That basically you have a limited number of fat cells. He cut off a bunch of fat cells. So now the fat's going to the cells that are fat cells that are attached to his internal organs so he's getting fat buildup around his organs i don't know i'm no fucking uh doctor well i don't even know if i can say that anymore with my feelings towards
Starting point is 00:17:14 doctors but um that that does not sound good no no i'm sorry yeah sometimes when i sometimes when I fart on the air or even when I don't even know I farted on the air or one of my guests farted on the air someone will say in the comments I heard someone fart at one hour and three minutes and eight seconds you ever seen those comments? no but I remember when that happened with the guest of ours one time
Starting point is 00:17:39 oh the guest farted? I hope it wasn't the guest who claimed that they had someone under the table. No, no. All right, Mr. Beeler. Well, thank you. Yeah, have a good night. Nice to hear from you.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Bye, everybody. All right. I know two people that got that gastric pie shot bypassed stomach surgery. Yeah. And they both had something that lasted from it the crude debt oh you mean like it cost them so much money that they got debt yep like both of them took loans out or took money out of their like equity out of their home i think one of them did don't like quote me on 100 but i'm pretty sure that's what happened and uh both of them look exactly the
Starting point is 00:18:20 same if not have the same amount of weight gain if they had done nothing at all except for they're still paying that down that sucks um that's is and that's look what sean says he knows someone who had it lost a hunji getting it back like got it back on who's this maj uh black guns black guns matter i i can invite have you seen Kanye West is back and active on Instagram again you've seen that yeah I follow yay the truth can you pull up his Instagram let's go over that for a second
Starting point is 00:18:55 I don't understand some of the shit he's saying to be honest with you Maj T-O-U-R-E I can't find that account Maj Tour is it called Black Guns Matter Or is it Maj Tour Accounts
Starting point is 00:19:09 I don't see Maj Tour I need his Instagram Oh yeah Oh shit He's going hard Yeah Yeah Should we just cut off
Starting point is 00:19:22 Okay yeah yeah Let's go through Kanye West Adidas was paying the lawyer to change the contract just puts the lawyer up there well and and we don't even know what he's talking about but the people in the no no and they're not too stoked he put it up right they're right fuck yep adidas was paying the lawyer hey let's do a little snooping on that okay um oh can you open up an uh hold on i'm gonna look it up here i'm gonna type in adidas kanye lawyer on us fifth divorce attorney quits amid divorce from kim kardashian holy shit. Kanye West has lost his fifth divorce attorney,
Starting point is 00:20:06 as reported by TMZ. Standby. As reported by TMZ, amid a separation from Kim Kardashian, which finally has a trial date set for later this year, as reported by Rolling Stone, his lawyer, Samantha Spector, was relieved from the case on Friday
Starting point is 00:20:23 after she requested, as such, from Los Angeles County Steve Cochran. She cited a breakdown of communication as the reason behind the request, leaving Ye without representation in the divorce proceedings. The former couple were declared legally single in March, but they've yet to reach a settlement in regards to the wealth and four children. Caller, hi. What's up? What's up? What's up? How you doing? Was that Danny from Krypton?
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, Danny Buehler. He was on the show. I just caught that. I'm not sure how long you guys have been talking there. Or even what you were just
Starting point is 00:20:59 talking about there. This is J.B. Anderson. I am the guy that does the podcast with ben smith oh what's up jim what's up baby holy shit i'm only uh only uh krypton callers tonight please no one if you're not affiliated with uh crossfit krypton or ben smith please do not call in tonight i mean fuck fuck our streak uh what's up nothing chilling i mean i heard you were talking about biden i know i can hit on that idiot for a long time so joe i don't think did we talk about joe tonight
Starting point is 00:21:34 it was at the title of the show oh yeah i haven't even seen the title of the show the titles of the show are just supposed to be i don't know what they're supposed to be here's the thing they're a work in progress here's the thing jb how do people call you jb or mr anderson yeah yeah yeah uh well jb jb but it is it is interesting me and ben like to rip on the matrix a lot and i'm mr anderson and he's mr smith so that's a little uh uh mind blunder i like it uh mr anderson i don't i don't pay the people who work on the podcast and so there's this very delicate uh level of authority and leadership that i must um uh uh what's that called what do you do with the sword you swing the sword yeah um uh fuck i forget what the word is but basically i have to be very careful i can't yeah brand the What's that called? What do you do with the sword? You swing a sword. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Fuck, I forget what the word is. But basically, I have to be very careful. I can't. Yeah. Brand. The way I brandish my authority, the way I. Yeah. I can't treat them like you callers. I have to treat them a little bit more. Oh, fantastic. I love your creativity. Quick, Cesar, change that shit. Change that shit. Thank you for your contributions. Oh god brilliant work yeah uh mr branstetter mr caleb beaver miss mcdonald even uh uh elise elise is uh right elise has been kicks out some uh the gone gone rogue and uh trina no no that's trina trina uh miss pork chops yeah everyone's just uh yeah i the the newsletter everyone it's just like holy shit sometimes i see that shit i'm like oh
Starting point is 00:23:22 god and you call this person tell him oh but i heard someone say fuck joe biden at his hitler rally speech yes dude but we can rip on whatever you want to rip on i'm down to talk because i'm my wife left her wallet in my car and i drove all the way back from maryland to virginia got back home and she, and she's flying to California tomorrow to see her sister. So I had to, I got home, had to drive to Maryland again. And now I'm driving home. Just got done listening to a different podcast. Click on YouTube. Here you are. Click on it. Danny's on the line.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I know what I'm going to talk about. I know what I'm going to talk about when you get off the phone. Okay. I don't know what I'm going to talk about when you're off the phone. Okay. I don't know what I'm going to talk about when you're on the phone. Interesting. What do you think? I mean, me and Ben haven't talked about this yet,
Starting point is 00:24:11 but I'm intrigued by the Hiller experiment that it's going to do. I feel like it's going to be a little bit of like another Icarus story where it's like, and I don't know Hiller at all, but I imagine it's like, yeah, I got know Hiller at all, but I imagine it's like, yeah, I got really strong, really fast, really capable,
Starting point is 00:24:29 and I still didn't make a game type of story. I saw this dude and I hung with this. Let me tell you, I hung with this dude. Oh, by the way, that Cobra Kai video
Starting point is 00:24:40 is fucking amazing. I don't understand. How does that only have 6,000 views? That's the one where he talks about softball, cheating and softball. That's actually his best video ever fucking amazing. I don't understand. How does that only have 6,000 views? That's the one where he talks about softball, cheating and softball. That's actually his best video ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:50 That was fascinating about the bat. Oh yeah. The whole thing. He really is. For as much as it is, it's easy to critique him and be a hater. I think we're doing a disservice to the community by treating
Starting point is 00:25:08 what he's doing that way. He's doing what nobody else is willing to do. Well, I like all of it, but I didn't like the Tia thing. But that being said, I'm going to go ahead and do it. I hung with this dude. This dude exhibits all the signs of fucking being on steroids.
Starting point is 00:25:24 He's exceedingly handsome he stinks like sex and he fucking is yoked out of his fucking mind and he's just fucking and he's a magnet he's like you just want to be around him and all the dudes i know who've been juiced up who are charismatic so i think that this is his second run i think this is his second go at it if i'm if i'm guessing if i was if i had to bet i'm not sure how old he is or anything like that he's 30 he's 30 okay a couple years younger than me so i'm the same age i'm 32 and am like the most mediocre crossfitter you know of all time what does that mean What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:26:05 What does that mean? Do you have a seven-minute Fran? I mean, I can do Fran in a minute, like maybe like 250, 250. Oh, eat a dick. The mediocre Fran. I mean, this is just crazy. Your shit's all per... You have, what's that called?
Starting point is 00:26:23 You have, instead of body dysmorphia you have crossfit dysmorphia because you hang out with fucking laura horvat and fucking uh and that's another person whose name i say right like justin madaris and i get no credit i'm the only two people in the fucking business that say their names right it is it is weird being in that environment it really is your your humble daily and at the same time you do an open workout right next to laura and she goes unbroken on that stupid uh thruster pull up thruster test the bar thruster bar muscle up workout from this year she finishes in like three minutes or four minutes or something i fell off the bar at like nine minutes
Starting point is 00:27:05 and threw up immediately. So that's why I say mediocre prospect, I guess just because of the people that I'm around. I did this, I used to do this podcast with Josh and Matt. And one time on the show, I said, this is totally a perfect example of where me and Matt's relationship is. Do you know what I'm going to say, Sousa? This is the perfect example of where me and Matt didn't click.
Starting point is 00:27:36 This isn't a bad thing at all. It was great. But we were just like, we were two cog. We were two wheels with cogs on them. And we never did this or rarely did we do this can you see my you can't see my fingers but it's that thing you know when when gears yes we never did that thing where we're uh um a spirograph like are we two wheels were never aligned and we were so i i made this comment where i said yeah i would never fucking
Starting point is 00:28:03 work out with you and josh It'd be too fucking pathetic. I'd be too embarrassed. He's like, oh! And it's just a kind of like just a backhanded compliment of them. It's like, of course I would work out with you. But he took it and fucking ran with it because he doesn't understand
Starting point is 00:28:18 some of the nuances of that kind of humor. He'd be like, oh, you need to, don't worry. You can work out with us. And it turned into this 15-minute thing about how it'd be okay that i work out with them right and i'm just like this is this is this isn't this this isn't it just wasn't the same conversation you're trying to have you're right right about something drastically different then obviously i can do whatever you're doing i should have just told him shut up i'm joking but joking. But I was, yeah, I was trying to be respectful. I was, I was too, he had too much star power for me at the time.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah. Yeah. There was one time that I went to the, uh, went to this invitational or no, it was, uh, it was right before COVID. I did it. I went to Cookville and, uh, Rich was doing the thing at mayhem. It was like the sanctionctional or whatever it was. And Ben competed in it. So I went and we're hanging it, you know, is what it is. The event's over.
Starting point is 00:29:14 We all go back to Rich's house. And I'm sitting there with just like the OG games guys, just like Josh, Rich, Ben, Dan Bailey, Scott Pantek, all those cats are all hanging. That's cool. Sitting at the top of my mind,
Starting point is 00:29:33 where the hell am I right now? How is this going on? Growing up, I watched every video on the internet that had to do with CrossFit. They're all a part of all of them. growing up watching i watched every video and on the internet that had to do with crossfit and i mean they're all a part of all of them and uh it was it was pretty wild you should have been like hey guys you want to make a tiktok and like you should ask them if they want to make a tiktok
Starting point is 00:29:57 organize the dance let's tiktok it was wild all of them over there hey look at this oh you can't really see it so good on my phone i got this picture on my phone and it's my son um as a baby climbing on a tricycle um and uh sitting all around him are uh dave castro rich froning james hobart Josh Bridges, some other douche, who was also that you named. And then it was cool. It's a cool photo. I keep it on my phone.
Starting point is 00:30:33 But I cropped everyone out except for Rich and my son. So what do you think about the – Kanye? I'm trying to get into it, but you called. The score is changing. I'll be a minute. All right, let's talk about Kanye. I'll talk about Kanye all day, too. No, I have to let you go, JB.
Starting point is 00:30:50 JB, you did good. You did good. You're a good dude. Hey, can I call you back if I ever need backup? No problem. Okay, bye. Hi, Youngup. Whew. You didn't get it. okay bye uh young up that guy that guy's got that guy's either that guy's either on steroids or he's drunk oh he's just excited to chat he just called in and tried to hijack the show gee like we're talking about this, I can talk about whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah. What's the title of this show? It'd be cool if I knew. I don't see it. Live call-in show, president, and then all I see is dot, dot, dot. I don't even want to know. Do I? Someone will throw it in the comments section.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Okay, where were we with Conley? Okay, so, okay, let's go back to Kanye's Instagram. So I can't figure out. It's something about Adidas. But his divorce has gone sideways. And his trial is set to go on December 14th. And yeah, Cochran requested that Wasser ask Kanye to respond to the case by September 30th. Man, how stressful, divorce.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I have no chill it's going to cost you billions to keep me it's going to cost you billions to let go adidas you stole my fucking design amongst other things i'll give you till tuesday i'm not waiting seven months to leave like the breach letter i sent you refers to it's up to now i'm going to make things unbearable and i promise i've only been playing nice i know everything i promise the fake shoes y'all sold behind my back in china everything wow it's into it's interesting uh that was 12 minutes ago he posted that too by the way it's interesting that he wants to fight like that i would probably just let that go but
Starting point is 00:32:41 i don't know the details. The design. I'd like to know what that means, design. I wonder about the whole thing with him. Has he just kind of gone off the deep end? Is he too wrapped up in his own drama in his own, you know, drama and everything else? Is he still, is it for relevance? Is it like, I don't think he's lost his mind. I don't think so either. In fact, I think he had some, some stuff I've seen him like say in some clips,
Starting point is 00:33:22 I've seen him say, he seems to be more like clear than ever. Right. Right. And then some stuff, it seems like it's a little out there but you know it seems like he's got some dealing with lawyers sucks okay oh can you go back to the can you go back to the big thing okay no sorry no sorry to to all of them yeah okay so that was his what that was uh okay go to that one just in case okay yeah i guess um just in case instagram never lets me post again i need everyone to know one last thing black hats matter case it's not clear i'm not working with daniel son everybody quits and he since he has been here putting weaklings in positions or artificial power demoralizes the whole team. I guess everyone will just blame Casper Adidas when I leave.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I'm still going to take my 15% on the fake 350s you're going to run. Okay, more tennis you talk. Let's see the next one. He's an artist. Okay. Kanye need Jesus. President Biden wants gun control so why a daniel son respects the homeless by having a home
Starting point is 00:34:30 i don't know what that means but i like it that's like hey that's what he i mean i have to guess that satire that's just woke talk right that's amazing for sure amazing good job kanye wow i don't know if that's cryptic javier i don't know i don't know it's fucking brilliant it's uh daniel sun disrespect it's just it's something you would it's woke logic it's total woke logic wait sean solvin said kanye needs jesus but i think he's big on Jesus, isn't he? Yeah. That was the name of your show. Oh, Daniel's son respects the homeless by having a home?
Starting point is 00:35:12 No, but it should be. Yeah. Kanye is battling a porn addiction. No shit. Is that true? Don't make me Google that. Kanye. Kanye porn.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Wait, look at this post. Porn addiction thing is so weird to me. It's fascinating. Kanye West goes on Instagram rant claiming he's battling porn addiction. Oh my goodness. Do you have that? Go to his. Does he have a story?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Does he have a story? No. No. No. How does he only have 16.8 million followers? Because he keeps deleting his account, I think. Or pulling it down and putting it back up. Okay, let's click on the small black guy.
Starting point is 00:35:55 This is Daniel. This is Daniel's son, I'm guessing. That's from Steve Stute, you bum. No offense to the homeless. I'm saying even though he currently has a home, he's a bomb. That's fucking. Hey, click on that guy's Instagram. Let's just fucking go down.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Go down. Hey, you guys don't need to scroll. We'll scroll for you. Same night, same habit. Let me see whose account this is. So these are just other rich dudes who sit in the front row of basketball games. Oh, look. I see.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Oh, my God. Jay-Z looks horrible. Click on that Jay-Z photo. Jay-Z needs CrossFit. Oh, yeah, he does. What the fuck has happened to him? Yeah, he does. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Oh, my goodness. Okay. Look at all the two minutes ago replies, like bum, bum, bum, bum. Oh, because those are people who got Kanye's back? And this was posted on June 13th. Wow. So they're just going through his posts. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Go ahead and like one of those bums. No, I'm joking. Don't. Don't get involved okay uh um kanye's bombshell instagram tyrant artist sharing shares co-parenting kanye says pornography destroyed his family admits he's addicted i have a porn addiction and it destroyed my family wow the rapper vowed his daughters would never appear in playboy like their mom called out his fellow kardashian cum donors and pledged to remove remove his kids from school he they used an asterisk mark when he called out fellow kardashian cum donors why do you have to asterisk that out cum donors you guys want to see that here i'll I'll share that with you. This is – Careful. Why do you have to – did you say careful?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah. What is this? Why would you see that? Like why – it's so weird the things they asterisk out. I think that's Tom, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. Okay. Kanye West has revealed he's dealing with an addiction to pornography and claims it destroyed his family in a series of bizarre now deleted Instagram posts on Thursday night that somehow also referred to his children's school.
Starting point is 00:38:10 He was denied that his mental health was spying and said he was simply expressing undeniable truth as he slagged off former wife Kim Kardashian's family, warning critics to shut the fuck up and worry about your sick own kids. Oh, shit. Today is about control, wrote the post i was driving crazy before i'm not driving crazy no more it's not up to calabasas or hulu where my kids go to school i'm not the crazy one here it's up i won't stop until i have a say so on my kids no matter what it legally takes come and get me i'm a man of god the father's job is to be the bad guy sometimes so trevor noah come speak on my family so i can be the bad guy get him trevor noah is a douche uh west appears to be feuding once again with kardashians notably kim over this choice of
Starting point is 00:38:58 school for their children my kids going to donda they're not going to sierra canyon charlamagne the god and chris get your motherfucking popcorn i don't know who that is oh those are the morning um those guys are woke idiots too you know charlamagne the god that's the the breakfast club people i think those fools are so fucking woke they're pathetic more people driving the black community to fucking hell claiming claiming god they're so bad no i haven't seen anything out of charlamagne the guy that's like that you know you haven't i don't guy for the guy from the guy from uh i don't watch too much of their show too but everything i have seen it's fucking bm that's the guy from the breakfast club yeah i've only seen him with andrew schultz because they're like they're buddies oh that's interesting yeah well of course
Starting point is 00:39:51 he's going to be friends with andrew schultz he has been for a while they even had a podcast called like brilliant idiots oh stuff like that maybe i'm thinking is it the breakfast club guy it's the black guy with the two black women who are your fucking dudes. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Maybe he maybe he's changed. Maybe. But I don't I don't watch a lot of his stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I don't know. I need to check. That's good. I'm glad. I'm glad. Yeah. Give me all fired up. Kanye began the thread by addressing Hillary Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg.
Starting point is 00:40:24 You're going to take me off Instagram. my kid's going to die anyway okay austin had a good one here i wonder how many times he's watched the kim k ray j video oh man uh uh don't let chris make you do playboy like Oh, man. Don't let Chris make you do Playboy like she made Kylie and Kim do. Hollywood is a giant brothel. Pornography destroyed my family. I deal with the addiction Instagram promotes. It's not going to happen to nor the in Chicago. Oh, so he's accusing the mom. Yeah, well, they know what you know what they say about Kris Jenner, right?
Starting point is 00:41:06 What? The devil works hard, but Kris works harder. No shit? Mm-hmm. Wow. Dude, she leaked her own daughter's That Ray J video. She did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:17 You know, Kim Kardashian, prior to all this, she was like Paris Hilton's closet decorator. No shit? was like paris hilton's closet decorator no shit yeah so like kim kardashian would come in and like organize paris and hilton's closet and all that and they were kind of in the social life life and then as she started getting more popular and dating you know like rappers and bass then they made this video and she like curated it made it as a big publicity stunt that's kind of what pushed her into the uh the limelight you know their dad was the lawyer in the oj simpson case right yeah yeah yeah yeah he was oj's buddy yeah yeah but yeah chris jenner is a she, you know how people from Hollywood or people that live in Hollywood are in that section with media and stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:09 It's a little bit different in the world that they live in, right? Yeah. Kris Jenner like owns that shit. Like everybody, everybody in LA will be, will be playing, you know, chess. She owns the chess board. You know, like that's how she is with that game stefan look up andrew huberman podcast about what porn does to your brain he did one on alcohol too stefan you're totally right about what about the that guy charlamagne the breakfast club being
Starting point is 00:42:36 woke they the few times i've listened to him they suck they are so bad they spread such fucking you know what's crazy though too that uh chris jenner did is um she set up i always get them confused because one's like they're not even good they don't even they just have good guests their guests make them it's not like they say cool shit sorry chris jenner what oh breakfast club yeah you're totally right and they just stir the drama so they bring people in that they know there's already current drama so we like know that there's something up with you right and then we bring you in and be like hey you know you got this new album going on but what's really happening with this and it gets you like either worked up or the drama goes from there and they used to go head to head with howard and i would be like why would anyone listen to them over howard stern and then
Starting point is 00:43:19 howard stern lost his mind yeah okay sorry so what were you gonna say about chris jenner so the two younger daughters that came up, you know what's crazy too? If you go back and you see any snippets from the first season of the Kardashians, the two younger ones look like totally just normal young tween girls. And it's kind of funny now
Starting point is 00:43:39 because one of them is a supermodel. I forget the names of which two are which. But the other one that went the route of route of like the um kim kardashian when she sold her like lip liner stuff that she made overnight in one i think it was something ridiculous like how many millions of dollars she made by selling out every single product with just a few instagram posts like that's how she's the one that's the youngest self-made billionaire ever. Right. Right. Which also turned out to be a whole scam too, where Chris fudged all these numbers to get her on the billionaire list. So then they pulled it off, but then it gave her more attention than she actually made
Starting point is 00:44:12 the billionaire list or something crazy like that. Wow. So that was a lie. She didn't really do it. Correct. They just, I mean, you could, they look off like assets owned and stuff like that. And so they just move some stuff around and then totally like fudge the numbers to get it on the Forbes list. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:29 And then it found out that it wasn't true, and then they brought it back in as it was true. Fuck, this guy Michael C. fucked you up. Yeah, I know. I realized halfway talking about some of this shit that I can't take it back, so now I'm like, I'm in too deep. But I pay attention.
Starting point is 00:44:42 That could be the host. No, oh. I thought he meant just because he's saying you're woke that's what i thought he was saying too and like you and like know about the hollywood i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure at one point uh greg i think i was in the room one time when greg had a call with chris jenner oh man i would it wouldn't work out because the stuff that i would like the questions i would ask like she wouldn't ever answer because there would be no faith that i wouldn't you know
Starting point is 00:45:09 blurt them out or whatever but wait wait what are you talking wait what huh like chris jenner like if i had a few minutes to like talk with chris jenner oh no no i said i was in the room one time when greg spoke to chris jenner yeah and i was saying that was awesome i wish i could speak with her too oh oh right right just ask her a bunch of questions about how she built that whole entire market. I mean, it's just, it's nuts. The way that they're able to cultivate attention and keep attention for as long as they have
Starting point is 00:45:31 and make one thing like really clear, like attention is currency. Like that is literally our new currency is attention and data. And a couple of things that the Kardashians do really well is they could collect a lot of attention and they can hold onto of things that the kardashians do really well is they could collect a lot of attention and they can hold on to it for a long time i mean who doesn't know the name kardashian like people could pretend like i don't know i don't follow
Starting point is 00:45:53 bullshit you may not know my name like i don't and could like come point them out but you know of them and you know of the kardashians and you know of kim kardashian and you know of this that's happening and i think she went to the white house and asked trump for a pardon for some one of her homeboys exactly like you don't need to once you collect enough influence it's more powerful than anything else right like you you could have status by having like a lot of money but if you could collect a lot of attention and then yield that attention to point it wherever you want and hold on to it as you collect it, it's more powerful than money would be. Someone wrote in here she paid someone to raise her kids. Did you see the Instagram thing I made today?
Starting point is 00:46:37 I made that video. Can you pull up my Instagram? I made that video in using just Instagram editing and reels. I'd never done that before. Have you ever edited clips together in reels? Yes, I have. That was the first time I'd done that. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Man, you are not populating even with that other account. Super banned, dude. So banned. People are like, hey, dude, you're gone again. I'm like, yeah. All right. I'll have to go through Google. i could do it too i got it i just i was just trying to search it just directly through you follow me yeah yeah yeah i like that picture by the way oh you do jim jordan took it the guy who took that picture of me took it of me in Newport. And that's the guy that introduced Greg to Kris Jenner.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Small world. It is. Damn. That's crazy. So I want to tell you a story about this. And I didn't write it in the write-up. So a few months ago, some of you may remember, I've talked about this story before. Avi's my seven-year-old son.
Starting point is 00:47:42 And I've always pushed my kids pretty hard. And push may be not the right word, but I bring a lot of opportunities their way, and I keep them on a very strict schedule. And although they get a shitload of free time, we roll. We handle our business, and we work hard. They do. I do. We all do. do and he was uh in class he's he was in my opinion he's by far the best technically in jiu-jitsu of all the kids in his class even the kids who can beat him he's by far the best and i
Starting point is 00:48:12 think it shows because whenever anyone's going to take a belt test or whatever obby's almost always to the the go-to guy they always put him with the little kids they always put him with the new people he's just fucking amazing and he has an incredible bedside manner he's not what i was gonna say yep yeah he's he's a gentleman of the highest order he's still a wild seven-year-old boy but like he's he's a stud he's a little man and so this when he goes when he rolls against kids who aren't as good as him even if they're bigger than him he takes it too easy on them and i've told them that and so a lot of kids come there and they start kicking and flailing or when they're down they start up kicking and he puts himself by trying to be nice in compromised positions this kid right here um kicked avi in the uh stomach and avi always
Starting point is 00:48:58 correct corrects me when i uh say that kicked avi in the bladder he said hey he walked off the mat and he goes hey that kid right there i go yeah He goes, and Avi calls him the spitter. Cause he spits when he does jujitsu and Avi goes, he kicked me and, uh, and it hit my bladder and I felt my pee go up into me. And for like six fucking weeks, he basically, he wouldn't do any tennis tournaments. He wouldn't do any classes. He would only do one-on-one training. He stopped doing jujitsu classes, stopped doing tennis classes, uh, stopped. He didn't want to be involved in too much skateboarding. He would just do music and just one-on-one classes, and he never wanted to be away from a bathroom ever. I always had to have the toilet around, the shit in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Excuse me. around the shit and toilet excuse me so that when that happened and there were six weeks of that my whole my whole perspective on my kids changed and i no longer um wanted my kids to do well i just wanted my kids to do i was like oh shit as long as my kids are in the game it's fine i need to take a step back and not push them so hard so um this was uh his first time this and that was probably i don't know six months ago and this is the first time avi has uh danced with this kid since uh that kid kicked him and before class i said hey that kid's in class today um and there's some other big kids in class today. Make sure you don't go too light on them. Remember they're big, they're heavier than you and they flail. And so this, this is, this was the match and you can
Starting point is 00:50:33 pause it right there. So right there, you can pause it. I asked Avi, I said, Hey, why did you get off of them? Why didn't you hold them down right there? And he said, because when he hit the ground, he said, ow. And I asked him right there, are you okay? Yeah, he's looking at him. Avi's looking at him. Yeah, Avi said to him right there, are you okay? Isn't that awesome? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Anyway, I edited the rest of this together. It's pretty cool, I think. It is cool. Watch him frame up the neck. Yeah. And the arm pose. I love watching him roll. good night that's so good right i just saw him he look at the clock it like look how gentle he was right there too
Starting point is 00:51:14 yeah yeah and he's not even really pulling the arm he's just kind of kind of hanging oh in our bar bam tapped him yeah but right here bam and that kid goes out and then obviously yeah he said are you obviously he said are you okay real quick so uh i was pretty stoked i was i felt like okay that was good that was like getting with that kid helped him overcome his uh okay whatever whatever happened was there some sort of like injury there with that or anything? Or was it just like, no, it ended up going away.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I think, I, I think my mom, my mom, I think my wife may have taken him to, I don't know what happened. I think, I think maybe he had some checkups or something.
Starting point is 00:51:59 I can't remember. Oh, I think we did take him to the doctor like two or three times because we, we, at first we thought he had a bladder infection. i think we took him to like some holistic doc some hippie doctor and they'd be peeing a cup and they checked it attention is currency probably true but dang that sucks for kids yeah it sucks for kids because they're being mined for their attention how do you keep getting banned isn't covet over well that Well, that's how I control my kids with attention too, right?
Starting point is 00:52:27 I give them more attention the better shit they do. Did you see the – I can honestly say I never watched one episode of the Kardashians. I think I can say that too. I can't ever remember watching a single episode either. You don't have to watch it to see it though. Oh, that's true. It's all over.
Starting point is 00:52:43 And I know who they are. I did watch an episode of the show that was before them what was the reality show that was huge before them with the family and the crazy they had the crazy wife to the crazy mom too they had their own chris jenner the husband couldn't talk and he was a rock star ozzy osbourne show yeah yeah that show yeah harriet and ozzy yeah yeah i had seen probably two episodes of that that show is fucking garbage yeah yeah hey so here's here someone says uh let's talk about the trans thing let's talk about the trans world with our youth here i'm tripping on i'm tripping on all the shit that i've been reporting on a little bit because i'm like am i only seeing this stuff because i'm talking about it so much like when you buy a
Starting point is 00:53:29 new car and you're like nobody has this gray civic and then you get on the freeway on the way home and you're like everybody has a gray civic yeah is i i sometimes think holy shit maybe maybe like maybe it's not. Maybe there is only one tranny, and there's only three people in Black Lives Matter. I guess not. I mean Ferguson burnt down $760 million. I guess there's those idiots around the January 6th who think that's an insurrection even though there was no guns there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:02 The tranny thing is so weird. Obviously, it's just fucking disgusting. You know what I think? I think that a little bit of that stuff, the corporate media and stuff almost fans the fire with that a little bit. Because if you kind of wash that stuff away and you really – because we've talked about this on the show. Hey, schools in poor neighborhoods are – they're too hard, so we're going to lower all the test standards, Right. And then it's like, well, you can't, how are you going to do that? Because then you're not even educating the kids. But really, if you looked into the issue and you said, oh, wait a minute, we realized that these schools are lacking the resources to teach these kids
Starting point is 00:54:35 due to the economic situation. Where does the schools get their money from? Oh, they get it from the property taxes in the area that's around. Well, the whole area has gone to shit. So you mean to tell me that there is no money to fund these schools? And like, even here in Livermore, I was just talking about with Grace. I was like, our teachers that are at the gym and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:54:53 they buy a lot of their own school supplies for these kids. So you mean to tell me we have all this with the property tax I'm paying? I just got hit at the beginning of the, around April time. And you knew this with the gym because it was just such a heartache for us. we got charged when the building got sold with the property tax because the new owners could pass that through to all the tenants and it raised my went 2200 a month
Starting point is 00:55:13 overnight and then they wanted did you hear that people will you explain that one more time what happened to you this is fucking nuts yeah so the building that i had in this awesome location to live in more than the owner it was the original guy that built it. Well, he unfortunately passed away, gave it to his kids. His kids sold it to a, uh, basically a corporate commercial, you know, real estate, um, company. And so they came in and the building was originally appraised for like 4.5 million. And then they bought the building for $16 million in that valley of $11 million between what it was originally, you know, appraised that and being paid property taxes off is now being paid off of the other one. So it's skyrocketed and, and a commercial real estate, they usually get a lease that allows
Starting point is 00:55:56 this thing called the cam for them to pass through certain, um, expenses onto you and property taxes is one of them. So then overnight, that normal that normal yeah that's normal for commercial real estate it's triple net i need to ask other i need to ask other um if i would have asked you that before they raised your rate that that was in your contract would you have known it is yeah and they see the thing was is i didn't what i didn't fucking nuts i gotta ask other affiliate owners if they know that they're so you're basically saying if you're paying uh let's say you're paying a portion of the property you're paying the property tax and it's five hundred dollars and they have the building re-evaluated and it's worth twice as much as the last time and now you're going to pay a thousand dollars a month yep how much were you paying before um
Starting point is 00:56:35 almost exactly what you said it was like 520 something dollars 580 dollars and now i pay like 2200 something on it so it went up four times and it's fucking nuts did anyone go out of business in your building i think so because there's quite a few like there's multiple units i'm an agent like way down at the other side there's multiple of them that are up now like for lease and stuff like that it wasn't before that whole building was filled yeah good training story this week country artist going at another country artist wife Maren Morris and
Starting point is 00:57:08 James Aldean's wife the wife spoke up against transitioning kids and his PR company dropped them what the fuck had you heard that story no and start listening more country music I'm a paramedic and one of the services I used to work with,
Starting point is 00:57:26 it's having pronouns put in our charting system, and we're supposed to put what sex they say they are, and this is a medical chart. Holy. Wow. Wow. So I could say I'm a dude, and I could say I'm a chick, and in my medical chart it would say that, female.
Starting point is 00:57:44 In all of this changing of stuff as far as you put the genders and maybe i'm wrong here somebody correct me but it's just to make certain people that might be transitioning or identify as a different gender comfortable right i get yeah i guess i mean what's the point of it they use this word saying they're marginalized they have all this shit that they have this whole fucking crazy narrative built and then it's supposed to be um true and it's supposed to be effective at at opening up uh avenues for them to to participate in society with with acceptance it's fucking nuts and i'm when really it's doing the opposite it's doing it just does the opposite that's what i was gonna say because i'm completely okay with any trans person operating how they want to in society however any adult wants to whatever two consenting adults care to do with each other that
Starting point is 00:58:32 don't hurt anybody else is 100 good by me you guys are good to go the problem is is when it starts to get pushed into everyday life for everybody that normally wouldn't even you know care about it in the not in a negative sense wouldn't care about it but just they're doing their thing i'm doing my thing it's all good and now it's almost being just like forced upon you everywhere you look and especially once they get the kids involved because then all the parents have no choice but to get involved right so that that's what i think this person is saying the exact same thing that you said too uh the the lady wasn't even against transphobic it just went against the woke thought process.
Starting point is 00:59:05 So these nut jobs flipped in their collective group. Think lids. There you go. Yeah, that's exactly it. And going back to what I was originally saying about it, because then there, there, there isn't any accountability for the actual issues that all of us, the people, all of us, especially the middle class are experiencing. We get to fight over these little nuances that are
Starting point is 00:59:25 happening. And nobody else is saying like, oh, hey, shouldn't we structure our taxes differently so those schools actually get the resources they need? Or wait a minute, is the middle class evaporating? Shouldn't we look into that? It's like, no, no, no, don't worry about that. Focus on these issues here. And if you don't want to focus on them, don't worry. We're just going to shove them down your throat everywhere you look. Thank you. Thank you, news. Yeah. California spends $20,000 per pupil. Add that up, Brian. I think his name's Matt. Add that up. And the crazy part about it is where does that go to?
Starting point is 01:00:03 Bureaucrats and administrative people. They keep putting in all this layer of administrative people and bureaucrats. And it comes from the top down. So if you really want to have a failed system, just look no further than the school districts. Because what's happening is all this money is flowing into these administrators. And they're coming up with all these different jobs and initiatives. And who gets screwed at the end? the kids trying to get educated, right? And so if you flipped it and you started to allow the teachers to have maybe a little bit more
Starting point is 01:00:32 control over that money, get rid of all those administrative people and give the money to the teachers that deserve it. 30% of the teachers in the school probably need to be fired immediately. 20 or 30%. That's very, that's very, uh, and then, and then the ones that are there, the ones that are truly teaching and are involved in the community and are educating the kids, they need their salaries need to be tripled. I agree that I fucking agree upon.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Like, let's give more accountability to the teachers and, and pay the ones that are deserving and get rid of all this bureaucratic administrative mess that the money's just bleeding out everywhere. Andrew said, uh, it's a good video. I'll need to let it simmer. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Were you going to chat about number 148? Because it kind of goes with what we're saying. No. 148? Yeah, on your list. The problem with 148 is i don't want to call those people out by name got it okay you know what i mean i already did a pretty hardcore rant on them right um i haven't i even wish i wouldn't have said i hate them like i don't hate them but i was pretty fucking pissed i really don't hate them
Starting point is 01:01:46 i think you say it was like a weird collective change in consciousness that people just kind of like flowed it was like a tsunami yeah i pictured it i mean i have no proof of this this sounds like fucking hippie dippy shit but it felt like the same thing happened i experienced it in society when 9-11 happened when those planes hit the twin towers i feel like this there was a collective consciousness that just swept over the country and made people stupid you know what i mean it was like it was like uh like if you step on an anthill and they just all go fucking nuts right uh i feel like just around the george floyd thing and just all that and uh people in around floyd 19 and covid people just went fucking nuts and basically that instagram account curated it was it was an
Starting point is 01:02:33 instagram account hating on greg and it curated people who said negative shit about greg but once again once again it was and these people are people that like i like but it was all and it wasn't even i'm not upset that they said something bad about greg i'm saying because they didn't say anything all fit not one of those people said greg did xyz and that's why i'm mad at greg it was all the same thing it was just hey i didn't like greg i didn't i don't appreciate what greg said so i'm not supporting cross anymore and i'm just, well, what'd he say? And, and no one would ever say,
Starting point is 01:03:07 yeah, cause they didn't know they got swept over by this idiocy. It's like, it's like if you try to go and find a racist shit, Trump did like towards the Mexicans and you look for, where did he say it? Well, all he said was,
Starting point is 01:03:22 is that Mexico was sending in their rapists and killers and their worst people. That's not racist at all. And saying that he would rather have a Jew as an accountant than a black man also isn't racist. What that is, is that is doing – that is discrimination and what starts with a P? Prejudice. Prejudice based on – that's – actually, you know what that is? That's like science. Predictive value.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Science is about the greatest predictive value. If I wanted a surgeon, I would want my surgeon to come from Stanford Medical School, not the JC. come from um stanford medical school not the jc regardless of his um if i wanted an accountant i would pick a jew because of the my prejudice and discrimination the jews are better with numbers it's just uh it's it's just it's just not it's just not um it's not fair to lump that up as racist i bring that up because someone's like, well, Trump said that he would prefer a Jew over a black guy as an accountant. So what? If you blindfolded me and walked me through UC Riverside, the University of California, Riverside, you said, Stefan, I'll give you a million dollars if you tell me what ethnicity the person is you bumped into, what race they are. Sorry, what race they are.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I would say Asian, and I'd win the million because 94% of the kids there are probably Asian. Statistically. Yeah, it's like, dude. Statistically, sorry, what race they are, I would say Asian, and I'd win the million, because 94% of the kids there are probably Asian. Statistically. Yeah, it's like, dude. Statistically, right, right. If I took a fucking Native American and a fucking fat woke kid, and I gave them both a fucking bow and arrow, and you said, give you a million dollars if you choose which one of me is gonna
Starting point is 01:04:59 shoot the fucking bullseye, I'd go with the Native American kid, not the fat kid with blue hair. Sorry. I have discrimination and prejudice you want to hear something funny about the blue hair is uh my uh one of my coaches at the yes it's efficiency it's science it's pretty what it is is we're just using predictive value my dad i've said this a million times guess Guess what my Middle Eastern dad's job was when he came to the United States? He ran a liquor store. Guess what the other Armenians did?
Starting point is 01:05:32 They ran carpet stores and jewelry stores. That's it. That's your three jobs. And now they fucking rule Uber in L.A. Armenians, it's like, so what? Uber in LA Armenians it's like so what the uh the coach at the gym at my gym his uh his cousin um spent some of his intern time he's in there spent some of his intern time at a psych ward and went there and uh he came back and the joke that he said is he goes yeah I learned one really important thing by being in there he goes what's that he goes never date a girl with blue or green hair and he goes wait why and he goes because every
Starting point is 01:06:09 single girl that was in there especially long term all had colored hair especially green and blue wow danielle danielle obviously that's just his experience but i thought that was pretty funny i'd rather i i i'd rather my nba pick to be black than asian is that racist no not at all hey and that's why that fucking asian guy that one year who fucking killed it david um what was his name that's what was so spectacular about him no one said it holy shit it's an asian guy what was that guy's name lynn uh you know what i'm talking about i do i don't i don't know the his full name like let me tell you if that was just some fucking rando white dude that would not have been as fucking cool
Starting point is 01:06:52 and and and don't and and uh let's face it jeremy lynn yeah yeah jeremy lynn no no one likes colton mertens because of his fucking, I mean, we like him cause he's short and fucking, he works on a pig farm. I mean, it starts there. I'm not saying that there's a,
Starting point is 01:07:13 he's learned, we've learned a fucking, that he's fucking cool as shit too. And smart and all this shit and hardworking and a humble and just, and, and arrogant and cocky at this in confident. We love him for, but,
Starting point is 01:07:24 but it started because he was fucking short and didn't work on a pig farm with 16 000 pigs i mean something's it's okay we we just we like him for discriminating and prejudiced reasons yeah the other thing too to put a wrap on the school thing a lot of people are saying like school choice is like the way to go and um and then somebody else had a good one in here where he said like that's why you don't let the state educate your kids and like yeah i agree with both those things i want to show you guys something i was uh i hung out with hillar um after one of our shows the other night and i showed him my three plain brothers youtube account and it was it was trippy what andrew said to me he said hey you fucked up
Starting point is 01:08:05 and i said why he goes you shouldn't have done the podcast thing you should have just gone full full steam ahead with the three plane brothers and for those of you who don't know i i still do all the three plane brothers shit i just don't uh take time to edit the videos and put them on youtube but but i had i hadn't been to that YouTube channel in a, I don't know, a year, six months. I don't know. Five months was the last video. Okay. It feels like a year. And if you look at that YouTube account, if you have little kids and you want to see just crazy shit, you should go to that YouTube account. Yeah. And actually you were right. It was a year ago. Cause there's one post five months ago. And
Starting point is 01:08:42 then the last one before that was a year ago. Okay, can you pull up that account? Yeah. And then just kind of hit videos and scroll. I didn't realize how much shit I had published. Hiller says that he thinks this YouTube account would have just fucking exploded if I would have used video. The podcast too from Meet the Parents. Oh, yeah, when I was doing Meet the Parents, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:02 And look, there's Stacey Tovarn. Now look at that, guys. meet when i was doing meet the parents yeah and look there's stacy tovar now look at that guys she came on meet the parents a year ago and yet that and yet the new york times said ambiguous shit about me the year prior to that is what is what got me fired oh joely gentry that was a good podcast too that was only 42 minutes thing about having kids hey what are your thoughts about re-releasing some of these on the channel? Yeah, I'm fine with it. Hiller thinks I should reload the entire – oh, see that one with Allison NYC and Brendan? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Someone said that they saw that on my Meet the Parents Instagram post, and they thought that it was like the beginning to a porn. It's just a couple sitting on a bed. Isn't that funny? Look, Sherman was on that Meet the Parents podcast. Wow. Yeah. on a bed isn't that funny look sherman was on my uh on that meet the parents podcast wow yeah anyway you could just keep scrolling and there's a lot of big body work through here yeah and uh you can basically see um videos of if you're raising kids man you'll see uh a lot of workouts yeah you'll see just fucking why it's like that. You'll see how much time.
Starting point is 01:10:08 It's not so much what I did with my kids. It's how much time I spent with them. How much time I still spend with them. Thanks, Chris. So if you have kids or if you just want to see some just insane shit and a parent who spends a shitload of time with their kids. You ever wonder. This is. Uh, and you ever want that? This is, uh,
Starting point is 01:10:26 Oh, you got a commercial. You didn't subscribe. You, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta use the, uh,
Starting point is 01:10:30 seven on media LLC card and subscribe to get the premium. Yeah. Lock it down on this one here. And these are probably, these might be, Oh, this is, these might even just be previews.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Yeah, they are because, uh, you have to go to sugar wad to see the whole thing so i think obby's done 100 burpees for time five times in his life like as fast as you can maybe less maybe three and i think his record is i want to say 440 it's pretty nuts favorite thing ever was we were at the beach and uh there was like a couple of those girls like his age maybe like a couple years older and um you kind of see him looking over there and i think you made some sort of comment like you're like go over there all right go say
Starting point is 01:11:20 hi you know and then he just like looks at us looks at them they kind of look back and he just drops down and hits a couple one-handed push-ups oh like just like to show off like look what i got like he kind of like got stuck and like they were looking we were looking like screw it let me just knock these out and just take dominance of the situation my wife uh my wife had him on the um living room floor no yeah living room floor and uh he breastfed for fucking ever the only reason why my wife stopped breastfeeding was around 18 months the doctor said or the midwife said hey you got to stop breastfeeding now because when the new babies come out um obvi is going to be jealous of them if they're getting high on the same supply. Adele Levasseur. Adele Levasseur, relatively new listener.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Love what you guys are doing. Great variety of guests. Thanks for speaking logic, Sevan. You're welcome. I try. Thank you. I try. Slim crowd tonight.
Starting point is 01:12:25 It's because you're here, Mr. Richard. Saturday night. We had a show this morning, and we got a show tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., Alex Stein. You think he shows? Alex? Yeah. The one cool thing that he's always done with us is communicated.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Right, that's true. So even if something comes up up you'll know at least like half hour before which isn't a lot of time but at least he communicates which is nice right and uh i i hope he's not in his car i really hope he's not in his car okay oh fine fine you guys want to do it 149 transitioning kids 149. You want to see some transitioning kids? Fine. And then 150 is talking about vaccines. Do you want to do it? You guys want to do it? Let's do it. 149.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Transition your kids. To transition or not to transition. Trans masculine parent. I don't know what the fuck that means uh of 10 year old trans model plans for minor gender minors gender surgeries at 16 imagine so trans masculine i socially transitioned at four years old legally legally at six years old, and I'm being monitored and hoping to get hormone blockers soon. So this is a – how can this be? So she's the same age as your twins? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Exactly. How could this be? How could you – I scroll down a a little bit this is a fucking mess keep going uh a 10 i want to find out that young it's the 10 year old first of all if you're a model you're fucked up all models are fucked up there's just um but they belong to two trans identified female parents who additionally have a non-binary baby. So both of my parents are transmasculine. We are one big queer family. What does that mean, transmasculine we are one big queer family what does that mean transmasculine those are
Starting point is 01:14:46 they have penises but they dress like women or they're women that they're men that have vaginas i think so hola hola hola hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué estás haciendo? Hey, caller.
Starting point is 01:15:18 I don't think they're there. It was from Watsonville, so I just said. I don't deal with Mexicans. there it was from watsonville so i just said uh what is the uh what is the makeup of um hold on i'm gonna look real quick so if i if i know if my prejudice and discrimination is accurate holy fuck ufc was gnarly tonight oh my goodness uh watsonville demographics i race is that what that i don't know uh oh shit watsonville's 44 percent uh white they don't even have latin listen to this it's 44 white 43 other seven percent two or more races that's bullshit wait other 43 no 43 are just other yeah
Starting point is 01:16:18 first of all i'm trying to think of when i go into Watsonville, I don't see any other white people besides me. You're actually considered an other, so I wouldn't get too crazy. Asshole. Asshole. Blacks, 1.78%. I've never seen any black people there either. Native American – I mean Mexicans are nothing but raped Native Americans by Spaniards, so it's got to be higher than that. Pacific Islanders, 0.15%. There's no mention of Mexican or Nicaraguan or none of that. But it's 0.15% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
Starting point is 01:16:59 I have to show this to someone. Dusty said 43% among pot growers. Yes, yes, probably. I mean, it is a – Watsonville is – it's home to – it's just fields of – I mean, it's where the Salinas Valley starts. It's Steinbeck country. It's fucking Berryville. Farmland. Yeah, it's
Starting point is 01:17:27 where you live if you fucking pick all the food that's it's by Dave. Dave lives in Watsonville. Guess what? Dave's Mexican. Dave lives in Watsonville. Pornography leads
Starting point is 01:17:44 to men wanting to have sex with all women and not wanted to continue like continue a family the only difference between men who have sex constantly and transgender is that the man can reap repo i don't understand what that means i don't i don't think um lost in that one pornography i wonder if that's true pornography makes you want to cheat on your spouse I don't think... I'm lost in that one. Pornography. I wonder if that's true. Pornography makes you want to cheat on your spouse.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Works in the LGB. I don't think it does that to me. Isn't that the... I don't want to be in denial either. Wouldn't it be the stopper of that? Yeah. Well... Right? It wasn't that...
Starting point is 01:18:28 What if you only watch home videos i i think it's just like anything else like once you have too much there's there's an abundance of access zero friction right you click a few buttons sometimes you don't even mean to, and it pops up on the screen. That's what it is. I can add your shit. I didn't know that. I socially transitioned at four years old. Here's the deal, people. I know everyone here knows this. There's nothing a child says that you should be reacting to.
Starting point is 01:19:03 A good parent does not react to their children. That is at the core foundation of being a parent. 90% of all the bad parenting I see is because parents are reacting to their kids. What does that mean? That means you're sitting at the dinner table and your kid says, I want to wear an Elsa dress to school tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:19:21 And you react to it. You feel obligated to say something because you're, because you're on autopilot. You're not an enlightened being. You don't have space. You haven't created distance between what other people say and the demand for you to react. So like a robot or like a fly twitching from one pile of shit to another, you say to your kid, no, you won't wear an Elsa dress. That's weird. Or Elsa dresses are for girls only. Or, oh, that's interesting. After dinner and after we do the dishes, you want to wear an Elsa dress. That's weird. Elsa dresses are for girls only. Or, oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:19:46 After dinner and after we do the dishes, you want to go online and look for an Elsa dress? You don't have to say anything. My phone rang one time in my house when I was a kid. And those of you who might not appreciate this story who have cell phones, but there used to just be one phone in the house. And it sat there in the kitchen, and it had a long-ass cord. And and the phone would ring and my sister and I would race to the phone to answer it. And then one day my mother said to me, you know, you don't have to answer the phone. I looked at her and she continued that phone's for us. That phone is like for us. If we want to call out or if we want to answer, we can, don't have to and that moment a light went off in my head oh shit and a little piece of me woke up that day and eventually a
Starting point is 01:20:34 huge piece woke up you are not to react to your kids if you're putting your kids to bed and they're like i want to eat something i want to something. Your biggest tools are redirection or silence to create space. They their brains, they're still unconscious beings who are just developing. Their brain will then jump to the next thing and jump to the next thing. And so these this child right here, it's it's I would I would I wouldn't bet my life on it, but I would damn near bet my life on it that these parents made this kid. What do I mean by that? They made that kid. They gave their kid their mental illness by their unconscious reactions to what the kid was saying.
Starting point is 01:21:24 And that's how simple it is to raise a kid. The greatest parent is a non-reactive parent. Now, there are times you do have to react. There are times you do have to react, and there's times you want to react in order to manipulate your kid consciously. In order to manipulate your kid consciously. Your kid finishes his homework. He walks in the room.
Starting point is 01:21:52 And he says, look mom, look dad. And you look down. You put your phone down. You go, wow. And you give them your biggest smile. And you look at their work. And you give them attention. That's it.
Starting point is 01:22:09 It's that fucking easy. Now, where shit goes wrong is when your kid's kicking and screaming, they're throwing a temper tantrum, and then you get into a power struggle with them. And I recognize that that can be hard. But it's all about creating space. So many bad kids around me. And I see who created them. It was their parents. So many. You know, what's interesting about what you just said there too, and like not reacting, you're actually in the story you told about the telephone when you paused for a minute, it's because before there was a stimulus and then you just had this response. There was like nothing happening in between, right?
Starting point is 01:22:46 Which is essentially what you just said. And then when your mom had mentioned that, all of a sudden you realize, oh, there's a space, a little tiny space between the stimulus and the response. And the more you could cultivate yourself that space, or like you're saying, not reacting to everything your kids are doing. Now they have a little room to start to cultivate. Like, hey, I have this thought or I have this action. And then I was going to go your kids are doing. Now they have a little room to start to cultivate, like, hey, I have this thought or I have this action, and then I was going to go ahead and do it. There was a stimulus up here and then there was a response. And then when you didn't respond
Starting point is 01:23:12 or react to it, it like slowed that process down. And then, like you said, when that space created, they just jumped to something else, something new. But as adults, as you create that space, it actually gives you time to choose your reaction or response to the stimulus. And that's actually the only thing that actually that separates us from the animals. Right. That's the biggest thing that separates us from the animals. So regardless of our circumstance, that part's huge people. What he just said there, that's the part that separates us from the animals. That's the part he just pointed out.
Starting point is 01:23:42 It's the only thing we have that is that much profound different between them and us as being conscious beings right where we can create space not our free will to do something but our free will to do nothing yes our free will to choose our response whatever that response may be most and you're not obligated to respond most of the time you respond you're responding because you're uncomfortable not responding you should sit with that especially you fucking people who have tattoos 100% of you don't know why you got the tattoo
Starting point is 01:24:17 you know what's funny 100% why'd you get the tattoo well I got the trident because I became a seal really what was the thought you had before that i don't know what do you mean what was the thought you had before you decided that you were getting what was the thought that led to you having the thought that i'm i just got uh became a seal i'm gonna get the trident what was the thought for that i
Starting point is 01:24:41 don't know of course you don't fucking know because you're fucking unconscious you don't know and drinking and drugs that that's why all that smoking weed shit and drinking shit that's where all you guys think that it's fucking making you better it ain't making you better it's making it more difficult to maintain that space that's what that's another reason why you don't do bad shit. That's another reason why you don't eat sugar. It makes it very difficult on the sukha to maintain that space. One of my members, her daughter just turned 18, and she goes, you know what she wants to do? And for some reason, I was like, buy a pack of cigarettes.
Starting point is 01:25:22 I don't know why I thought that, which would be terrible. But it wasn't that. She goes, no, she wants to get a tattoo. And I went, oh, okay. And she goes, no, no, I don't. She goes, I got a tattoo. And I go, okay. And she goes, I wish I didn't get them.
Starting point is 01:25:40 She goes, I got this one here. She goes, I have another one. It's on my butt so people don't see it unless I allow them to see it. She goes, it just looks like a blob. And I go, well, what does she want to get? So she's kind of explaining it and stuff like that. And I go, and you don't want it? She goes, no, it's just because if she knew what I knew, she wouldn't do it or she would think way more deeply about what it was going to be.
Starting point is 01:26:03 I was like, that's fair. Way more deeply. You know what the cool tattoo is? The one that the fucking gang made you get. Oh, shit. The one when you're in fucking prison and they fucking tell you, we either
Starting point is 01:26:22 tattoo you or kill you. And you go with doing the tattoo. Yeah. I'm getting a spider web. You get it done with a piano wire, some ink, and a battery. Savon and Sousa forming a cult. I had some delusions of grandeur like that. I had some delusions of grandeur like that in college.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Oh, cool tattoo of CEO. There's a Netflix thing about that. About what? Like a cult, I think it was in Arizona, and it turned out to be like about polygamy. I can't say the word. Polygamy. Thank you. Polygamy.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Thank you. And yeah, they were doing all sorts of crazy shit over there. Hey, why is that illegal, polygamy? Why can't you have more than one wife? What else can't you have more than one of? I guess you can't have a tiger. You can't even have more than one of i guess you can't have a tiger you can't even have one tiger right now i wonder if there's any loopholes to you know what i mean like like
Starting point is 01:27:34 you can you could get a permit to have you could have a permit to have tigers zero tattoos here's zero piercings i got i got my ear pierced in england one time it's so funny i've heard my mom tell this story in front of me like 20 times 50 times 100 times where she tells a room full of people oh seven went to england and he got his ear pierced and he came back and he did it to shock us and when we didn't react he pulled it out and i always just sit there and look at my i'm like i'm thinking myself i don't even know if that story is true how the fuck does she know if that story is true i just sit there and i'm just like
Starting point is 01:28:20 every time i hear that story i'm like i know she only has one son. I know it's me. I know I went to London. I know I got my ear pierced, everything. But the rest of this part, this part about why he did it, I always trip on that. My dad's got a few stories he tells about me, too. I'm like, you know, I'm in the room, right?
Starting point is 01:28:39 You know, I could just be like, hey, that's not exact. That's not why. There's three sides to every story you know i was a little kid my parents my my parents my sister and my mom were convinced that i shaved my eyebrows and i didn't shave my eyebrows and that's not a good thing they're like you shaved your eyebrows like i didn't shave my eyebrows like we can see you shaved your eyebrows i'm like no i didn't shave my eyebrows I didn't cut my eyebrows and do nothing to my eyebrows. And then I'm just like something wrong with my fucking eyebrows. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:29:11 Start second guessing. Yeah. And I couldn't, it was just like, no, that's it. I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 01:29:16 I, I, but I was always, I guess it was just, I would just, all right. There becomes a point where you just roll with it. We got the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the uh like i told you that it was like that in the in the podcast with fraser like i
Starting point is 01:29:33 was talking about like i tell jokes and he takes it seriously and then i would just roll with it i wouldn't like try to unfuck him afterwards i would call josh and be like you know that was a joke right and he goes yeah i'm i was like all right well here's your answer uh u.s government made polygamy illegal in 1862 largely in response to the lds church that means nothing that that sentence there means nothing largely in response to the lds church meaning what so you read into that as because the lds church was doing it but that still doesn't explain to you why it's not good or why the u.s government would care how the fuck does the government care how many people you're telling me i can marry a dude but i can't marry four women i guess i don't even know what
Starting point is 01:30:20 marriage is what is there a legal definition of marriage the church realizing that support for polygamy was like preventing utah's statehood outlawed the practice in 18 oh yeah likely oh so they because the federal government didn't like it and it was preventing them from becoming a state they made it easy they outlawed it interesting countries where polygamy is legal in 2022 let me see that so what happens if you have five wives and then you move to the United States? I don't know. I guess you classify one of them as a wife and then the other three as friends. Can you put in why legality and recognition of polygamy – oh, wait. Here we go. Can you put in why legality and recognition of polygamy? Oh, wait, here we go.
Starting point is 01:31:12 Polygamy is illegal and criminalized in every country in North and South America, including all 50 U.S. states. Criminalized? You go to jail for that? There's got to be something we're missing here, right? You have two husbands and you go to jail? Yeah. you go to jail yeah a dude fucking held a guy up at the fucking atm with a fucking knife and he fucking got he didn't go to jail you're telling me if i'm fucking three dudes on polk street and i marry them all i'm fucking going to jail this is fucking nuts i can't what planet am i on i'm
Starting point is 01:31:43 on the wrong planet i'm not even in the wrong country I need more freedom there was a um there was a guy Jordan Gravatt who is a great filmmaker uh who is married to Paula Gravatt who is holy shit there you've heard me talk about Mike Warkington yes okay this girl was fucking Mike Warkington was one of the greatest
Starting point is 01:32:14 employees ever to work at fucking CrossFit HQ everyone knows that did you was not going to find anyone to say that's not true like find someone who hates my fucking guts and be
Starting point is 01:32:24 like someone said this like well he's right about that he just i if you want to know why you can go back to one of my other episodes he just was fucking brilliant and so good got along with everyone just knew his crossfit shit hard worker never start working there was someone else like that this woman named paula gravat and she worked on the affiliate team. And she was a fucking one-man powerhouse, one-woman power fucking Taj Mahal. Did you ever meet her? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:32:55 She could do it all. She could call affiliates and get them to pay their money. She could fucking get a new affiliate in. She could fly in and hold an affiliate gathering. She could organize the Whistler event. She could fucking do anything affiliate related they fucking fired her why do you know why no probably she was part of the toxic culture right she's even part of fucking any culture she's a fucking hard worker work dude if you're an affiliate and you wonder why shit's fucking gone to fucking hell in a handbasket they don't even have a link for the crossfit journal on the main site oh shit we're an hour and
Starting point is 01:33:29 33 so anyway so jordan made a her husband made a video on a tattoo artist i think he was a tattoo artist for like matt chan and chris spieler or something anyway i said hey will you do me a favor when you go talk to this tattoo artist and ask him why he gets tattoos? And Jordan asked him, hey, why do you get tattoos? And his response was, and this dude's covered in tattoos, and he's a fucking world-class tattoo artist. And he said, I wish I wouldn't have gotten any of these tattoos. Wow. I wish I didn't have any tattoos.
Starting point is 01:34:06 If I could start over, I wouldn't get any that's crazy yeah seven you do realize you do really seven do you really do you really five wives i don't know if i seven do you really five wives do i have five fingers ten fingers i have five fingers on my right hand. You know, it's funny. One of my buddies is now a tattoo artist as well, too. Also covered just like neck, a couple of face tats, different things like that. And I'm pretty sure I've also heard him talk about that same thing. About that. Oh, about wishing he had no tattoos.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Yeah. And because he's so covered in it. I mean, like every every like knuckle, like just everything to where like there's not even like really spots to like put him anymore. And they're kind of. Oh, I like the way you did that, the way you were moving like that. It's my tick tock. Hey, and there's I love I love Tupac's tattoos. And I fucking love Marvin Vittori's tattoos that were that he had today in the ring. And I fucking love a Conor McGregor's tattoos. There's it's not like I'm I don't like tattoos by the way a covenant by which a
Starting point is 01:35:09 man and woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses procreation and education of offspring I don't I don't know what any of that means i need a fucking whole podcast to break that down but it's pretty it was nice to read it's funny i never got tattoos because being an artist i always like would create something and then the moment i was done creating it i just started picking it apart like i would draw something and spend like multiple days on it or whatever and then right when i would like finish i'd be like oh that, that line's off.
Starting point is 01:35:46 That shit's flat. That shading isn't right there. Like the highlights is off. Like, you know, and you just start criticizing it. And I knew for a fact that if I ever got a tattoo, instantly it would be done. I would just look at it and I'd be like, yeah, I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:36:01 The line consistency is not there. Like, you know, whatever. And you just start breaking it down. And so personally, that's why I never ended up with one. And then after a while,'d be like, yeah, I don't like it. The line consistency is not there. You just start breaking it down. Personally, that's why I never ended up with one. Then after a while, I was like, eh, it's not really my thing. If my kids ever get a tattoo or piercings or do any fucking stupid shit,
Starting point is 01:36:16 they're going to. I'm going to get a tattoo of their fucking mom on my forearm with just her big old titties hanging out. Just on my black with big old just her big old titties hanging out just on my black and white huge and you know what i may even do i may have her sitting on me is not like in cowboy position you know what i mean and i'm naked with like with my hands like that like with a fucking a fucking uh dejarme or a fucking uh american spirit hanging out of my mouth just her big old fucking floppy dogs just hanging there and and see having her long hair
Starting point is 01:36:52 red hair the whole thing will be black and white except my wife's crazy fucking mane hey that's kind of a dope tattoo it is right and i'll be smiling i'll be like no i'll be like this and that's the fuck you to my kids. Hey, I fuck your mom. Go ahead. Get another piercing. I dare you.
Starting point is 01:37:12 I got another forearm. It's going to be you and your, it's going to be one of your girlfriends. Oh my gosh. Fucking knuckleheads. The debates and things that are going to go down as they like get into their like teenage years are just going to be. God damn it. I obby gets a tat is there like a limit on the size of the tattoo like oh my god small and then you're just like
Starting point is 01:37:36 okay that's it just the whole piece i'm gonna get like a tongue tat i swear like if my kids are gonna get tats they better they better fucking be post malone i'm fucking telling you no jacket like winning the olympics isn't enough you're not getting the olympic rings you douche you're gonna fucking have to choke out one of the ratola brothers if you're gonna fucking get a b BJJ, Garth Taylor fucking tattoo. Fuck. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry. There are some CrossFitters.
Starting point is 01:38:14 So when I started seeing some CrossFitters like in the early 2000s, like 2008, 2009, some of these guys getting tattoos, I was – because it wasn't like that in California. You didn't get a tattoo unless you were a bad boy. Or bad. At least in where I grew up, you had to be like, hell's angel shit. It was a little off subject, but I remember when I really wanted a pager. Remember the pagers? Yeah, yeah, I had a pager.
Starting point is 01:38:41 I really wanted a pager. I think I was in like maybe the eighth grade, seventh grade and a couple of the other kids i knew had pagers and my mom was like i distinctly remember i still bring it up she goes pagers and cell phones are for two types of people doctors and drug dealers yeah yeah mom i want to be a drug dealer oh god i want to be a drug dealer i want to be a drug dealer i dabbled i dabbled i tried you sold a couple timebacks uh chris spieler is a try you are a fucking mind reader sean m seven are you planning any more challenges what do you mean christian fazion fazon that's your workout your workouts oh uh yeah my so i've been gone for two weeks and um now i'm back
Starting point is 01:39:28 and um there is a uh miss kerstetter did um say that there was a rogue workout number three i looked at it it looked scared the shit out of me but uh but i think i am in the next week or two here gonna give it a whirl um so uh they bought the hell's angels now evident by the number of tattoos and cf gyms yeah totally right god there's some fucking horrible tattoos in our community like all of them uh so don't transition your kids don't react to your kids if you have kids just be chill tranquilo be chill try not to respond really you shouldn't be responding for every five conscious thoughts you have maybe you should respond to one that's like a good place to start some to tell you this is going to be a hard one for people to swell but the vast majority of people aren't even aware of their thoughts zero of them they think they are their thoughts they can't distinguish the difference between
Starting point is 01:40:27 the monkey brain and themselves i used to not be able to it was crazy it's crazy when i Since 2017, there have been 396 cases of polio caused by the wild virus. By that, I mean since 2017, there have been 396 cases of polio where they don't know where they came from. They just fucking spontaneously combusted. It was the real polio. versus the 2,600 cases of polio since 2017 that have been linked to the oral vaccine. What a fascinating word, linked. According to the figures from the World Health Organization and its partners.
Starting point is 01:41:22 I want you guys to think about what I just shared with you. Think about what I just shared with you. Think about what I just shared with you. 396 cases versus 2,600 cases. is thinking about having kids and wants to know whether it's a good idea to do vaccines or not. You have to just remember, really, 90 percent of it's just peer pressure from the fucking idiots in the crowd. But you can do the you can do the research yourself and you can make up your own decision. For what you want with some of the things to start asking, I'll give you an example of a question you might want to ask yourself when they're like, Hey, I want to get my kid. You should give your kid the measles vaccine. Measles kills a lot of kids. Then you should just go online and type in how many kids have died from measles in the last 50 years and look and look at
Starting point is 01:42:17 that. And then ask yourself how many people have died from the measles vaccine in the last 50 years and just start, just start digging and just basically like that and and use use all of the liberal um pharma resources the people who are the most biased who would want you to take them use those resources that's what i do because that way if i can if i can see oh shit even they're telling you it's fucked up because that that's that's that's the thing with covid they were never hiding it now there's this huge thing from the right oh they were hiding or they like they were never hiding it we always knew they always said that hey we're not sure if the vaccine is going to work we're not sure if the vaccine will stop covid we're not sure if it causes the transmission that we always
Starting point is 01:42:58 knew was just fatties and who smoked fucking vape pens were dying we i mean there was no hiding it no one was hiding it that's it that's almost dumb that the right keeps saying that no one's hiding it you should you just know if you if you just have a really simple fucking idiot brain like me you can just be like hey um on tiktok today i saw someone cross the street and get hit by a bicyclist so you know when you see that for every 300 fucking of the smartest people in the world that cross the street one of them gets hit by a bike it just fucking happens have you guys seen that one that's fucking gone totally viral now it's like a bike race and the lady crosses in front of the biker and it hits her and she goes she gets fucking do you know what i'm talking about yeah yeah okay so so that means
Starting point is 01:43:51 let's say for every 300 people who crosses the street one of them gets hit by bike you pick the number maybe it's every 3 000 i don't care what you pick pick the number so you know if you're going to do 7 billion injections around the world and for every 100 000 injections artery is poked and someone dies then you know that those 7 billion injections that are benign are good for you divide 100 000 into 7 billion someone can do that in the comments 100 000 into 7 billion move your o's around that many people are going to die on accident sorry i found the lady in the comments 100 000 into 7 billion move your o's around that many people are going to die on accident sorry i found the lady in the bike race yeah i know it's crazy right uh seven they were kicking people off of twitter and facebook and instagram for saying things i know i lost my
Starting point is 01:44:35 blue check mark account for that i wasn't even i'm not like hey you should transition your kids cut your kids four-year-olds should have the right to cut their penises off i get it kick me off for that i don't think that's cool those people get to stay but i fucking have to go because i just want to do some fucking math bill gates was kicked out of india for the new polio vaccine is that true that's kind of cool if it's true okay will you show us the video of the girl getting yeah i hope this is i hope it's the same exact one you're talking about but this one actually seemed a little bit older this is it first the man crosses and then the woman like he goes there he goes now what the fuck is she looking at boom she's looking past him. She's looking past him. Oh.
Starting point is 01:45:27 Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Como estas? That's tough. That's tough. What's up up talk to me okay fine don't talk to me do what you want to do hello okay number 153 are we still going or is the show over
Starting point is 01:46:06 we're at 145 you want to do one more she got trucked she got something i think you spelled fucked wrong not uh kick us off the platform here explain to me uh why um oh do you see this one it's not even numbered it just it says explain to me why american men and women have to deal with this at their workplace imagine if that was your son or daughter i think this might be cops having to deal with some crazy shit okay look so this is at the border this is this is nuts so the this is maya mayra flores's instagram account she was born in mexico she worked in the fields in the united states she ran for congress she won then cnn said she's not a real mexican
Starting point is 01:47:00 She won. Then CNN said she's not a real Mexican. Isn't that crazy? Isn't that fucking crazy? That means being Mexican has nothing to do with where you're born. Anyway, hence why I'm CEO of CrossFit. Because it doesn't matter. Okay, so here's a cop.
Starting point is 01:47:45 He's got a coyote down. And you'll look over here and there's shit. Because it doesn't matter. But if that cop just pulls out his gun and shoots that guy, I'm cool with that. Look at all those people watching from the Mexican side. Why don't they get to shoot him? Their lives are being threatened. They have guns on them. They could fall down in that sand and that guy could take their gun and hurt them. Why can't they shoot that guy could take their gun and hurt them why can't they shoot that guy why is it okay for us to ask cops to go out there and put their lives out on the line fathers sons mothers daughters nephews nieces and all the all our fucking people we love and you have to fucking
Starting point is 01:48:18 deal with the psycho like that i fucking don't get it i really really really really really don't get it what if he falls down and they grab his gun yeah that's intense hey if i was there i would feel like my life was threatened yeah well it's crazy too because a lot of people have opinions on on stuff like that but they've like never had to like deal with any sort of violent situation out on the street you know what i mean and uh unless you unless you've dealt with certain situations i've been around certain situations like that and how fast they escalate and how quickly you're just like you have to make decisions it's really tough to cast judgment on people that are actually in that decision in that scenario while we're just chilling on our couch looking at it on our phone or on tv
Starting point is 01:49:14 screen or something what if i were just what if i were to propose the case to you that that cop should be fired because he didn't shoot him and he put all those people in the surrounding area and those other cops in danger because if he would have fallen those people in the surrounding area and those other cops in danger because if he would have fallen down and gotten the cop's gun he could have hurt i mean i mean yeah you could definitely run that scenario i don't know if like shooting him in that in that case would have been the right answer but for sure like tasering him or something like that um something something really really effective needed to be done to him to end that. Yeah. Like right away.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Like he was an aggressor of the situation and he obviously wasn't going to go down when he got hit with a stick. Listen, you don't have to have a gun. Everyone listen to this. You don't have to have a gun to be a threat to a cop. The cops have guns that are a threat to themselves and to you the second you do something that fucks with them i think that you should expect to be shot i'm not saying it's right i'm not saying it's wrong i'm saying that you have chosen to fuck with someone who has to run the immediate scenario that you might take their gun and shoot
Starting point is 01:50:26 them that you may shoot innocent bystanders if i'm walking by that scene with my three playing brothers and my hot ass wife tatted on the arm i fucking i'm pissed that the cop didn't fucking shoot him sorry make it Donald Trump they could shoot I'd make it Donald Trump or Joe Biden or uh Olivia Newton John no sorry she died or uh Tom Tom Cruise one of my favorites he's acting like that and I'm walking by with the kids cops got to put him down it also shows the like luxury and privilege we have here in the u.s like go fuck around like that in russia oh my god it's crazy i'm not i'm not saying any other country for that matter i i'm not i'm not uh uh yes totally correct savon um i i agree i'm not saying what i'm saying is right i'm saying it makes complete fucking sense. It's completely logical. It's just like anal sex will always lead as the safest form of birth control.
Starting point is 01:51:37 Probably 100% right. I don't agree with it. I'm not saying it's right, but it's true. It's like that. Not one of my best examples it worked i just i just can't stand uh why does it take me an hour and 15 minutes 51 minutes to get into my groove i don't know it's kind of scared to do today's show. Really? Yeah, because I just wasn't – I was running late. See, what happened was I had too many people at my house today.
Starting point is 01:52:15 I'm really – I wonder how many of you are like this. I'm really, really, really in my – I'm like really – I'll use the word selfish. I don't think that's the right word, but I'll use the word selfish. So if you come over to my house, let's say you were visiting and you came over to my house and you showed up at three, but I wanted to work out at 3.30, I would just tell you,
Starting point is 01:52:31 hey, I'm going to work out. And I just go do it. I don't care who you are, my mom, my dad. I only have five minutes left with you. I don't care if you're visiting from another country, you're only going to be there an hour.
Starting point is 01:52:38 Like I'm do, I do my shit. That's just what I do. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not interested in like, and you could jump in and work out with me but i just gonna i have to do this because at seven o'clock i have a podcast and i have to do it and today there were so many pressures on me that i was having trouble staying do you know what i mean i was having trouble being that selfish. And at like 6.10, the podcast at 7, and at 6.10, I knew shit was gone wrong. I knew I could see 50 minutes down the pipe.
Starting point is 01:53:10 I was like, uh-oh. This isn't like the two. It went off the rails. And I owe it to all the people who are here on the side, and I owe it to you, and I owe it to all the people who have invested time. The Brandstetters, the Caleb, Kaleeb Beavers. Kaleeb. Hey, I should start calling him Kaleeb. You know what?
Starting point is 01:53:38 That works with where he's at right now with his job, right? I know. I know. I know. Kaleeb. I thought it was funny. With a K. he's no longer caleb he's khalid khalid beaver hey i just started sweating just now too that means like i'm warmed up and ready to go should we should we hit hit another hour and a half people are dangerous and they can
Starting point is 01:54:01 people are dangerous and they can harm officers and others in a big way without weapons however in this case shooting would be too aggressive i think but less lethal should be used okay what like tell me what like i mean i mean that bear i feel like that's just like i feel like that's the conversation i just had with like someone like in 7-eleven in line behind me just to get past the conversation i hear and I'm not trying to be mean as as but um yeah yeah go fuck around like that in Mexico right right exactly and that's what's cool that makes our country you know cool you don't get blasted for being a douche but no but it sucks that people abuse it all the time. And it puts other people in danger.
Starting point is 01:54:48 And as soon as the cops are there, just stop. Just be like one of those lizards that rolls over on its stomach and just... You're never going to win the war on the street. It's always done in the court, and it's like that for a reason. So whatever the situation is, try to fight it there. You have a better chance of winning.
Starting point is 01:55:09 Dear America. No, sorry. Dear planet Earth. is try to fight it there you have a better chance of winning dear america no sorry dear planet earth when a police officer pulls you over turn off your car put your keys on your on your dash dashboard and put your hands on the steering wheel and turn on your dome light and look at the officer and say, good evening, officer. That's it. That's all you have to do. They're just doing their job. Meet them halfway. Do your part as a citizen. They're doing a job that we're supposed to also participate in.
Starting point is 01:55:39 They're there to protect us. He doesn't need to be nice to you. He doesn't need to be polite to you. I've met a million assholes who are cops but just do that every every good mom and dad tells their kid to do that not because you're black not because you're mexican not because you're a jew boy but because it's the right thing to do. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:56:11 In 11 years, you've never once had someone react to a stop like that. That's fucking nuts. No one ever even told me that, and I knew to do that. Sevan, do you have contraband in your car? I remember one time a cop said to me i'm fucking barefoot i'm fucking high as a kite officer i don't know what contraband is he goes you know like weed i'm like no i don't he's all he goes he goes registration please i fucking open it's nighttime and i open the glove box and there's a fucking my gloves off just foolish shit you know foolish shit and there's a fucking steel pipe in there like one of those steel ones packed with the greenest bowl it's all the hairs are like look
Starting point is 01:56:56 at me and he points his flashlight in there and he doesn't say nothing i don't know if he didn't see it or he was just thought i was cool because i put my hands there but um and i and i dug through and oh oh man i mean yeah hey and you know what if it doesn't if it doesn't work for you that what i just said like like i don't know what you want to like the outcome you want for the police officer should be from worst to best. You don't want to get shot. You don't want to get more tickets than you deserve. You want to have a healthy interaction with one of our civil servants, I guess what they are. And then ideally, you get out of the ticket.
Starting point is 01:57:38 There's some like hierarchy of – I don't know what it is. But the guy has a gun, and he's there to get bad guys. And you know where you fall when he pulls over on the spectrum act accordingly some of the only times when i was younger that we actually got off on stuff was when we were just like bluntly honest yeah to pull you over do you guys have weed in the car yeah it's right here in the glove box we We just got it from a little bit ago. We haven't smoked it yet, but we know the whole entire car reeks, and we're guessing you pulled us over because he has a back right brake light out that he should have gotten done forever.
Starting point is 01:58:13 He actually had a fix-it ticket from another officer right here from it. Life sucks right now. And they're just like, all right, hang tight, guys. That was a true story. One time he comes over and he goes, all right, let me see the. That was a true story. One time he comes over and he goes, all right, let me see the weed. Everybody hands it over. There's like six of us all sitting in the car. And he goes, dumps it out, stomps it, goes over, goes, get this fixed.
Starting point is 01:58:33 I'm going to be around this area for a while. I know you guys live over here. Don't screw around. Have a good day. Awesome. Yep. I had a bunch of those. A guy, a friend of mine who's a cop pulled a guy over the other day for running a, the guy ran a stop sign.
Starting point is 01:58:50 And I think it was my buddy told me this. Someone locally told me this. And they, or someone used it. Maybe someone, one of my friends used it on a cop. Anyway, he got pulled over and the cop said said hey uh you ran that stop sign back there and oh it was my buddy i told the story in the podcast it's one of the parents it's one of the parents with the cool kids at jujitsu too and he goes to the cop he goes uh officer that that sign identified as a yield sign and the fucking cop goes okay it's not's not. It's a stop sign.
Starting point is 01:59:25 Go on. And I think he may have said that's the best excuse he's ever heard or something. And let him go. Well, that's my truth. Yeah. Okay. Alex Stein, tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., he had the interaction with Dave Port portnoy sending him to superstardom um he had the interaction with alexander acasio cortez aoc yeah and uh he he's just fucking killing it he'll be
Starting point is 01:59:55 on the show tomorrow he just uh posted something funny on twitter where it shows a bunch of people like saluting a coke bottle so it'll be fun fun. He's never short on topics to talk about. I actually won't prepare for that show. I don't think you need to. I think you just got to follow it, right? Get him going on the day, port noise stuff, and there's 30 minutes,
Starting point is 02:00:19 and he'll just go and then ask about the AOC thing. I hope he streams it to his YouTube account simultaneously. Me too, because then we know that he's not in his car. I was just thinking so we could peel off some of his YouTube followers. That's the thing with Hiller. If Hiller's going to get juiced up and he's going to document it, he's going to put on a million followers.
Starting point is 02:00:39 You think so? Yes, he's going to put on a million subscribers. And we're going to peel off a fucking 110% of those. Perfect. God bless Hiller. Thank you, Andrew Hiller. Thank you, Hiller. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:00:52 Again, let's just say a few thank you. Thank you, Andrew. Thank you, Mr. Hiller. Oh, man. Okay. See you guys tomorrow at 7 a.m. Everyone, thank you sean sullivan uh nico d jim lubinowski gusty garland a house of justice doing the lord's work always good to have one of you guys in there
Starting point is 02:01:14 as um sean sullivan javier acosta sean sullivan uh jeremy eat world okay matthew r sean m Jeremy Eat World. Okay. Matthew R. Sean M. Chase Bryan. Tommy Marquez. Gravitron 33.

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