The Sevan Podcast - #578 - Prime Time Alex Stein | Dave Portnoy, AOC, Blaze TV

Episode Date: September 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 god i'm lucky i'm so lucky i thought i was gonna get you in i thought i was like small time and i was gonna get you in the car again but look at i got you in a suit uh in front of the fireplace we're fucking yeah i'm not doing good i'm not doing good at all because i'm going to i'm going i'm filling in for a week at oan are you familiar with oan no tell me tell me it's like a news you know it's like Fox News light or whatever you know they have like OAN Newsmax you know it's it's a it's like a news organization but it's an independent news organization so and of course you know they've gotten in trouble for saying stuff about the election and they got kicked off uh they were on Verizon they're on all the Fios's and they got kicked off that for talking about
Starting point is 00:00:42 the election or whatever, even though it was the best election ever. I know we can't say much on YouTube, but I'm filling in for their primetime host this week. Yes. Dan ball. So I'm going to San Diego for a week. And you think it'd be a big,
Starting point is 00:00:57 how I'm tripping. How, how are you going to play that? I'm going to be dead serious. I'm going to have some goofy guests, but I just i mean and i'm not really stressed about that i'm excited to do that but i'm gonna be out of town for five nights i just and then i gotta have a cat i gotta have people come here and take care of my cats my
Starting point is 00:01:14 dogs that's what i get stressed about i'm excited to go there for a week but i gotta book a bunch of guests too yeah this is awesome but but um i'm so cute yeah the cats are a serious issue that that fires up your ocd right yeah a little bit and my ocd is like basically gone away i don't even really have that better ocd but i just know well this is why let's label it something else your cat love how about that co yeah that is a little bit and it's fun i cannot forget about that i cannot stop eating i have and i'm doing i am dude i am cannot stop it is really bad i haven't been so i mean i quit smoking weed i don't drink alcohol so i like well i appreciate that but i almost can't justify not eating cheese fries not eating pizza not eating i've been eating these cinnamon rolls every day now these they're delicious so i
Starting point is 00:02:05 can't stop eating cinnamon rolls what about are you on the ground floor at your house do you share any walls with anyone like and are there any other uh are you in a condo where you share walls with anyone i'm in a duplex where i have the top half and somebody has the bottom half why oh that's not good because i'm gonna say you know you need to get what i do i have this thing called an assault bike do you know what that is yeah i know i you need to get? What I do? I have this thing called an assault bike. Do you know what that is? Yeah, I know. I do need to do an assault bike. And I put headphones on and I just watch and I watch TV.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So like prior to you coming on, you know, I get on the assault bike for 20 minutes. I put the headphones on and I have my phone there and I take notes, but then I'm exercising. And then I drink a cup of coffee to kind of push away my hunger. No, 100%. I need to, you know, I used to be a workout freak. Mast 100 i i need to you know i used to be too much masturbation will lead to hunger too by the way is that really true i think so i don't i don't jack off that that much but that's true jacking off makes you hungry don't you always like to
Starting point is 00:02:57 like just jerk off and then go like eat something like a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of milk i've heard that before but i don't know if I do after I crank it, if I do go and immediately eat, I probably go to sleep usually. Oh, well, that's good. Honestly. Honestly, I'm just telling me if we're just speaking here, but I have heard that where people, something about the orgasm makes you hungry or something or you want to go eat. I don't know. I'm curious how. So I don't I'm making this first number up.
Starting point is 00:03:24 The first time I met you, you you had let's say 6 000 youtube subscribers then the second time we hung out you had 142 now you have or maybe 100 now you have like over 200 i want to say like you're at 242 on your youtube channel and it's all it's fucking hardcore satire jackass but by jackass i don't mean like you're jackass i mean referencing the uh yeah the group um hardcore with a intense activism component and yet these people on a serious news show are like hey come do our come anchor the show at uh oan one america news network yeah well they like it because i have because of all the stuff you named because i have a lot of social media followers now so it helps them a little bit they have me on so you know i mean i obviously this
Starting point is 00:04:18 the show's a serious news show but obviously i'm gonna have a funny take on it you know what i mean so it's not it's not do or die like i can't be myself type like dan ball the host that hosted he has a lot of personality too i mean he's more serious than me but he's you know goes off on tangents and he it's not like the normal news that you know uh the show looks in and there's a little more there's a little more opinion than just news in it. God, I'm so excited for you. This is fucking awesome. Yeah, but that's not even a big deal.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah, dude, that's what I'm saying. The Blaze show, then my Blaze show starts October 3rd, and that's the other thing. So now this is between you, me, and all the people watching on the Internet. So now I'm in the negotiation stages with the Blaze, and they already had me under a contract as a contributor which i signed in february so they have right of first refusal of any shows i
Starting point is 00:05:13 do and so we've been talking about this show for a while for like now about four months and it's about to finally happen it's gonna be a pimp on a blimp the primetime alex stein show is that what it's gonna be called the primetime alex stein show yeah oh no not the pimp on a blimp no but that's that's a lot of the a lot of the branding is pimp on a blimp it actually looks really cool i can't wait for that to release but um the thing about the blaze though and i mean there's only so much i can say but i guess i can be honest is is do they want to take over a lot of my they want to have control, full control over all my YouTube channels, which won the Conspiracy Castle. Well, but listen, won the Conspiracy Castle. I was going to take off YouTube anyway. It's just they were the terms of services at any day, any time they could give me a strike and take that channel down.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So I almost feel like that was if, you know, that always exists. I'll put it on Rumble or Blaze wants to put it on their paywall. Like, I'll always have it there, but it's just with terms of service on YouTube, they can change their terms of service and then retroactively give you a strike. So I feel like that show,
Starting point is 00:06:15 I kind of have to take off, but they want my Alex Stein channel and I don't really want to give them that Alex Stein channel. What does that mean, give to them? Well, I mean, it'd basically be like they're in control over it. They're in control over the monetization and everything of it, even though they're going to pay me more than it gets monetized for. But let's say the channel blows up.
Starting point is 00:06:36 You know, obviously they're going to be paying me more monthly than I'm earning from it. And, you know, there's other payments. They're paying me a lot more than I just earned from that one channel. You get it back when you leave there? Yeah. Supp're paying me a lot more than i just earned from that one channel get it back when when you leave there yeah supposedly i do get it back and what if they it's like i'm leasing them it's like i'm leasing them the channel but i but and the reason why i want to keep it separate they don't want you to keep it separate because then like oh it kind of causes friction because then you're trying to create content for this thing while we have you doing this i do get that yeah which that does make sense that
Starting point is 00:07:06 does make sense but you know at the same time they also are smart the two start competing for your time right your station and then the blaze work yes exactly and you're not really obsessed with your youtube either your youtube's pretty casual it's not like you're like i work with this other guy andrew hiller or even myself and we like, we have to put something out every day. Your shit's you're not obsessed with it like that. Yeah. And I kind of used to be, but I've slowed down ever since I've, I used to be like nuts or I had to do a stream or go live every day. And I probably,
Starting point is 00:07:35 I'm going to have to get like that again because the blaze show before days a week. So really, and truly, I've been kind of purposely not streaming and doing my shows, which I don't know if that was now looking back at that, that smart is now a little rusty, but I mean, I obviously can talk all day. But I purposely was not doing a show because I didn't want to risk getting strikes. Like my small three minute stuff. I don't really have to worry because I can get it monetized and approved. But, you know, when you have these long extemporaneous, you know, conversations with guests like I usually have been doing,
Starting point is 00:08:02 the guests sometimes say something and I've gotten strikes in the past. So I've been really kind of what you could get a strike for like you said we couldn't you can't say anything about the election you can't say anything about the election it has to be fair just that it was the fair and most secure election ever i can't say but there was that movie that showed us otherwise you can't even talk about 2 000 dogs or whatever and it's called something else. But yeah, no, you can get a strike. That's serious. And then medical misinformation, they've backed off that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:08:32 But that's what I originally got my strikes for is mask stuff. I was talking about how I didn't like the mask and I got medical misinformation. I did actually see that recently YouTube said that you're on their policy that you can't say masks don't work you can't i don't think you can't say that no i don't understand how a video streaming platform gives two fucks about that it's because they're the biggest streaming platform so they just it's all about control it's like the same reason of you know the reason why they put in vaccine mandates is not for safety or health so less people get it it's so more people comply to the regulation you see what i'm saying i hear you but they admit that though they admit that it's not compliant you
Starting point is 00:09:18 act like that there's this sentient being there is it's called big pharma it's called the ceos of these companies you don't realize dude even the top 100 companies are probably ran by like the same 15 people uh yeah there is so they meet the same way like i'm like the executives over at blaze would meet these 15 people are like they have their own club that they meet and then they try to rule planet theoretically theoretically yes i mean i kind of can't blame them, right? Like if me and you were the two richest guys on the planet, we'd probably hang out more. Well, yeah, I mean, they go to Sun Valley, Idaho, and then they have Davos.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Those are the events that we know. But, you know, if you've heard of Alex Jones going to Bohemian Grove or take a bunch of, you know, presidents, important people go there and they do gay sex and they do like weird effigies yeah that's the big thing yeah so fun you didn't know that they do the gay sex so they have rituals so they videotape a guy why if you're rich would you have gay sex why not just do the sex you want i guess maybe they want to do it that and it's called honey potting like they want to get footage of you with a child or you with like a guy. So it's embarrassing. So then they have leverage. That's how it's like Ghislaine Maxwell's dad is a guy named Robert Maxwell.
Starting point is 00:10:31 And he was killed. They got thrown off his boat. And then when he died, they gave him a proper Israeli funeral because he was a Mossad agent. And what he would do is he was the one that started all the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell stuff. He would get these important people and he would honeypot them. This is in James Bond. You've ever seen James Bond? I have.
Starting point is 00:10:49 How they always have like the sexy woman that tries to have sex with the person and she's a spy? Yeah. That's real. That's real. I know that sounds crazy, but there are real spies. It doesn't sound crazy. I remember reading, and I don't remember if it was in the Washington Post or the New York
Starting point is 00:11:04 Times or the LA Times, but it was one of the liberal rags. And they started planting the seeds of a story that Donald Trump went to Moscow and he stayed at the Ritz-Carlton. And he got peed on. That was all fake. Yeah. Yeah, and that was all fake. But isn't it amazing that the left came up with that idea that the newspapers were planting those seeds? That would be honeypotting, right?
Starting point is 00:11:30 They were accusing Donald Trump of being honeypotted, if I can conjugate it. Well, that's just a lie. Yeah, but that's more just a lie. Like a honeypot is where you would get an attractive woman and she would trick you. Like Eric Swalwell dated a Chinese spy he didn't know about. Are you familiar with that? Yep, yep, yep, yep. That's more of a honeypot because he thought oh this is just this pretty asian girl likes me and then they say hey you have to vote this way or we're gonna tell your wife
Starting point is 00:11:53 oh well yeah we'll leak your dick pics wow and that doesn't would you do it if they had my if they had a picture of like a dildo up my butt i you know as a congressman i'd probably do whatever i don't know that he did that i'm just saying that's why they make you do those weird stuff um and they take pictures of it that's why that's why uh that's how scientology works that's why they get in these big celebrities and they can't ever leave because they have them do these these auditing sessions where they're all recorded and these people say the most embarrassing stuff i can't believe that if they have so many of those one person is just not like, OK, fuck it. Yes, I watch midget porn.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I'm guilty. But you have to know there's this. And then they out the undercover group. Well, that does happen. But then see, you got to look at those people like Seth Rich. Are you familiar with Seth Rich? No. Seth Rich.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Well, you really need to look up Seth Rich. But he was he worked for bernie and he was the one that leaked all the stuff about hillary clinton's emails and uh you know it's never confirmed but he's supposed to the one that gave it to julian assange julian assange leaked it and seth seth rich was murdered outside of his place in washington dc supposedly robbed they didn't take his rolex or his wallet seth conrad rich holy shit holy shit well so this guy was just murdered he was a huge american he was a democrat he was a bernie bro and uh he gave out he was you know robbed in front of the department you know his phone his wallet and his expensive watch they didn't take it
Starting point is 00:13:22 so so there's a thing called the clinton body count the people that do blow the whistle they get murdered and you're actually you know this is how a lot of this is how it works so princess diana do you think that she just died in a car accident yeah do you think it was just you think it was just all accidental i just think that there were reporters chasing her and her and the rich dude got in a car accident. The dude died, too, right? The rich guy? No, no, no, no. He lived.
Starting point is 00:13:48 He did? What was he? No, no, no, no. No, no, no. That was you're talking about. I'm talking about the guy in the front seat, the Secret Service agent. That was Dodi Fayed. But so this is what happened in that thing.
Starting point is 00:14:00 She was supposedly pregnant with a Muslim, Dodi Fayed's kid. And, you know and Prince Philip. They didn't want that because that would be embarrassment to the monarchy because then the kids would be half brothers with some Muslim people that they wouldn't like that. So what happened was they said that they had to kill her. And that's how this works is the reason why they kill her in Paris, France is when an American and a MI6 for UK, they have a thing called diplomatic immunity. So if they could commit a crime in a different country, they can actually commit the crime and get away with it. So that's why we have spies.
Starting point is 00:14:33 That's why they'll go and they'll kill an American diplomat or they killed an English, the Queen of England. The reason why they kill her in Paris is because they can use their MI6 agents to go commit a crime in Paris and they have diplomatic immunity and they don't have to tell. That's like in all these spy stuff. They do that all the time where they have an American person kill another American person in a foreign place.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And that's what happened to her? Those weren't reporters chasing her? That was... Did you not hear how long it took her to get to and dude google the story it took her nearly an hour for them to get from the scene of the accident to a hospital and they passed about 14 hospitals on the way to the one they went to what the fuck look at people in the comments like know what you're talking about look at this late i know over 100 people on the clintons yes how do you explain okay so they have a daughter right what's her name chelsea chelsea yeah when do you tell a kid
Starting point is 00:15:33 uh there's something you need to know like does she know i don't know if you tell but it's kind of like um i don't know my dad never told me he owned a wine and cheese store i just kind of knew yeah well that's what i was gonna say it's like kind of the bail on business my dad kind of never like told me the bail on business but i i mean i guess he kind of did when i got into it but um i think he just kind of ought through osmosis being but she was probably not near her parents that much they were probably busy she probably was always with a babysitter or a freaking secret service agent or something but still dude i guarantee you chelsea clinton knows her mom is an evil bitch and heck was never killed either they killed her because of the pedo movie she was working that was weird did you see her where she got in that fire and then she lifted up out
Starting point is 00:16:19 of the burn bag and they oh that i did see that and i was actually telling someone about that and they thought i was back they were telling me i was batshit crazy and they oh that i did see that and i was actually telling someone about that and they thought i was back they were telling me i was batshit crazy and they're sitting right next to me and i'm like well here's the video and they refused to look at it it was a person like just like me and you talking i know and and like i i wouldn't be surprised half the time at those hospitals when they but hey that was a burn bag that wasn't the body bag right still it was a burn bag but she came right out of it like well let her breathe she probably couldn't breathe inside of a bag i don't even care if there's
Starting point is 00:16:48 holes in the bag um but i i wouldn't be surprised they killed her trying to intubate her at the hospital they don't have those people at the hospital if you go to the hospital you're screwed they they're all nurses from some other city they don't know they don't care they're just trying to you think they killed george washington you think they i don't know who they is killed george washington what three leeches yeah or do you think that was just bad medical practice well it's been bad medical practice ever since i mean we don't really have great medical practice i mean i know we have and i say that as a guy the guy my dad had a you know quadruple bypass surgery and that doctor did a great job i really respect him so there are some doctors you know i'm sure that your mom your mom didn't get good health care exactly my mom didn't get it and i'm just saying
Starting point is 00:17:29 there there are a few specialists out there that are good but the majority of people in the in the medical industry i think are just trying to literally get a check or try to do it for esteem they're not actually in it to try to help people so i've lost a lot of respect for the when i work at crossfit go ahead well i was just going to say no we're talking about all to try to help people. So I've lost a lot of respect for that. When I work at CrossFit, go ahead. Well, I was just going to say, no, we're talking about all these conspiracies. Yeah, I mean, the fact that, yeah, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:55 you're kind of, you know, you're, I guess, whatever. Naive, naive. Naive would be a good word. But I think if you saw a lot of this information, it'd almost be impossible to continue to be naive. Like, it'd be cognitive dissonance at that point because you would know that the government does bad stuff and you're just taking their word for it but that that that's where we're at though here's where you and i differ just a little bit i don't see it as they or the government or as i i need to see that i just think there's this daoist, there are no demons here. There's only people.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And I think when I hear about these abstractions being used like they's and the government, I feel like that is the seeds of the cognitive dissonance because it's really just like other dudes and chicks. Yeah, but not really because the federal government is actually retarded. And so when these people get in the power power of the federal government they feel like they have to do this stuff that they don't even know what they're doing they feel like they're better than us i'm telling you these people when they get elected into this into this position whether it's some lower level politics even if it's city council i see these city councilmen they get the biggest ego i see these mayors they have the of a podunk town they They have these huge egos. So then when you become, when you get in Congress and now you're in that fraternity, I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:19:08 you feel like you're in a special club that most people aren't in. And when you have, listen, this is all you got to look at. This is a fact. Less than 1% of the population has 99% of the wealth. Follow me. Less than 1% of the population has the mass majority of the wealth. So it's totally skewed against us by these people that hold all the power and wealth. There is basically no middle class left. And that's because the middle class still has power, can still do stuff. They're deleting the middle class. You think about it, when our parents were alive, how much easier it was to buy a house. Now it's almost impossible to buy a house, to buy a single family home. When you look at all the corporations like BlackRock,
Starting point is 00:19:46 artificially inflating the price of homes, they're buying it. China is one of the biggest landowners in America. And also Bill Gates being one of the biggest landowners, who's not even doing anything with the land, not even growing food on it. So the idea that this government isn't rigged against people, then why don't they make it where we can have a middle class? Why everybody's struggling with fentanyl drug overdoses, people are struggling, you know, able to barely able to afford to fill up their gas tank in their car, if they're going to give $100 billion to the Ukraine. I mean, there, you have to realize that when these people get in power, they don't, they're not people anymore. What's happens is they're being run by these
Starting point is 00:20:21 multinational corporations, these political action committees that donate money to them. So they go from being a human like you and me being like, gee, you know, it's good to share my toys. It's good to be nice to people to all of a sudden, oh, Halliburton, you're going to give me a million dollars for me to pass this legislation that's going to buy a bunch of rockets and kill a bunch of drones, you know, do a bunch of drone strikes in the Middle East and kill a bunch of Muslims at a wedding. Sure, let's do it. That sounds like a good deal. And that's literally what happens. I mean, you look at guys like Dan Crenshaw, you look at Barack Obama, he dropped a drone strike every 20 minutes for eight years. Is that true? Is that true? That's a true. Yes. And he won a Nobel Peace Prize. That's a fact. He dropped enough drones for every 20 minutes for eight years.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Google that. And then on top of that, sometimes the drone strikes would say, let's say there's three people. They would say, oh, just shoot the first two people. So the third person could go tell them what happened. That's how evil these drone strikes were. They shot up. They shot up weddings. They shot up funerals. They killed kids when we were doing that, when we were just withdrawing from Afghanistan. They killed six children. You don't remember that? That just happened. They said, oh, oh, it was an accident. Oh, it was an accident. We killed all these children. I don't think that's okay.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I don't care who you are, whether you're pro-war or not. I'm anti-war. But I don't think it's okay for children to get shot by weapons that I paid for. That makes me feel sick. It's always going to happen as soon as you start building weapons. Always. There's no way around it. What, children are going to die because we build weapons?
Starting point is 00:21:48 It's like the death penalty, right, Alex? Two terms and 540 strikes later, Obama leaves the White House after having vastly expanded and normalizing the use of armed drones for counterterrorism. It's like this. You know that if we arm 1 million police officers on the streets of this country there's going to be there's going to be some killing it's just it's going to happen accidental killing it's like the death penalty if you believe in the death penalty which i don't eventually i don't know either eventually someone's a good person is going to
Starting point is 00:22:20 get killed on accident like it uh you know what i mean and it's happened yeah and it's already happened that's why i'm against it yeah yeah i agree i don't like the death penalty i mean unless it's under some sort of serious heinous thing but yeah i really don't like the the death penalty because if one person has been killed unjustly it makes the whole thing crooked but that's dude we can use that analogy for everything. I mean, you know, unjust people get killed all the time. Uh, you can look at, uh, you know, what is it?
Starting point is 00:22:48 Uh, uh, Pat Tillman, who is, you know, one of the, one of the best football players. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:52 You remember him? Yeah. He was shot. He was shot under friendly fire. And you know how they say that that's a conspiracy. His wife doesn't believe that it was accidental because he was sending letters talking about how the war didn't have a clear objective and how it was pointless. And so imagine he goes, he goes and serves his term and then comes back and says it's all bullshit.
Starting point is 00:23:09 How big of a threat. A pro football player who turned down his multimillion-dollar contract, $24 million contract, for him to say the war was bullshit? That would have been – I mean, they wouldn't have been able to get over that public relations nightmare. This sentence doesn't even make sense seven but you believe in killing unborn children sean if you're gonna attack me make it fucking coherent that doesn't even fucking make sense he's talking about he's talking about abortion i know what he's trying to say i'm not gonna read into it go ahead say what you really want to say dickhead no uh well don't pull it up the haters you know the haters in the chat are gonna it's
Starting point is 00:23:46 early i like that guy go ahead wait why are we why are we doing this so early on sunday morning again because for you it's only nine yeah it's not that bad but i'm still just getting out i gotta i gotta get all my crap in order i leave tomorrow for san diego and you're in la right i mean i'm in uh santa cruz california santa cruz i'm in a small hive of libtards yeah but whatever i mean honestly dude that's the other thing is like you know now that i'm getting known and people are like you're all right first of all i'm not all right i mean there's some sort of liberal values that i kind of vibe with like i don't know if we should have free socialized medicine but we should have caps we should have where these pharmaceutical companies can't be making so much money i mean if you look
Starting point is 00:24:27 at the price of insulin in texas two hundred dollars but insulin in mexico is two dollars socialist you're socialist that's i'm saying you know and you know but and a lot of this like drag your kids to story time now that i told you this guy loves me even though he taxed me he loves me he was just trying to dry fuck me without the loop but what i'm saying is like i don't i don't like any of this this sexual indoctrination for children but i don't care if drag queens have their drag queen brunch for me neither exactly i don't care exactly yeah and i and i love pesto and i and i love going to a um uh play with drag queens but but the gay flag in front of my um school as an excuse for freedom and acceptance oh no i know it just seems it seems kind of nuts but oh no but uh i want to ask out your nation
Starting point is 00:25:12 oh go ahead i want to talk say something about and i think this ties into i think we're going to get to the bottom of this of the government those guys when i worked for crossfitting greg glassman would always say i will and he he was uh the foundation of crossfit is nutrition and then movement to increase to let your dna express itself in the greatest way fucking possible so at 50 you fucking look like me like a fucking little armenian god little dwarf god and um he what's so funny? He said that he would – Poor guy. I think that's a thing. Sorry, guy. He said that – oh, you should put Google pimp on a blimp too, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Kaleeb. Sorry. I'm changing your name, Caleb, to Kaleeb. I think it's more inclusive. He said that he would accept sponsorships from Marlboro, Coca-Cola, anybody. But no matter what, he'll keep telling the truth. So if Marlboro wants to sponsor us, he's going to say, Hey, if you touch these, you're a fucking idiot. If Coca-Cola sponsors, he just doesn't want to be gagged. And when this coffee company paper street coffee sponsored me, I said, Hey, I don't drink your fucking coffee. And they're like, I don't care. I love your show. I go, what if I talk shit about your coffee? They're like, I don't care. I just want to give you money to let you keep talking.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I'm like, well, fuck. Well, that I want. So that's what you're saying. You're saying people get paid and then they turn into whores and they'll defend and stand for anything, which brings me to this douchebag. And I feel bad calling him a douchebag, but that's what Dave Portnoy basically admits. He definitely admits that. He admits that he was bought off to not tell the truth anymore. He says that he's an employee now of his own company. Say that again? Yeah, he admits that he's an employee now of his own company that he started.
Starting point is 00:27:00 So, listen, he did a great thing, started a great deal, and I know he helped out a lot of people with those restaurant uh but you know i also use it as a tax write-off but neither here nor there for but the problem with uh dave portnoy is that he's so out of touch with reality he started off as this bar stool thing for stoolies you know the come it was like made for the common man by the common man and then when he was arguing with me actually uninvited me on his podcast he's like oh wait you were invited and then uninvited him on his podcast. He's like, oh, wait, wait. You were invited and then uninvited. Tell me that story. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yes. So, so, you know, you know, him and I had beef, right? That's what I'm talking about. He basically, I have this clip of this show you were on and he says, hey, we have a rule since we're owned by a gambling company that we can't talk shit about gambling. That's fucking bullshit. That's fucking when we when crossfit signed a 350 million dollar deal with reebok the next month reebok released a shoe saying it made
Starting point is 00:27:51 your ass firmer and greg goes fuck you that doesn't do shit no shoe can help you at all and reebok goes you're not being a good partner he goes you didn't sign up with me to be a good partner you signed up with me because i tell the truth and portnoy's supposed to kind of represent that do that he he basically just admitted that he could be bought dude and they showed the most degenerate gambling stuff where people would be like on their computer or they live stream it and they bet like all they have on a hand of blackjack and they're like and then they win it they're like ah i mean that's almost worse uh you know they have all kinds of weird gambling content. But my point being is like only showing the wins and not being able to say there's losses.
Starting point is 00:28:31 That's as scummy as it gets. Jeff, Sevan, you're great. Oh, here comes a shit sandwich. This guy's making me a shit sandwich. But this incessant Greg Glasson. Listen, motherfucker. I'm not worshipping him. Is he the creator of CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:28:49 Is he the creator of it? Yeah. Brilliant dude. Fucking awesome. But just because I quote him doesn't mean I'm worshipping him, you jackass. Next you're going to think I'm worshipping you because I pulled up your comment. Go ahead. Wait, why is there so much CrossFit hate? I mean uh you know what i mean what is it they say like being a vegetarian
Starting point is 00:29:08 being a vegan is like being a crossfitter you can't go one minute without telling anybody uh it's the it's the ultimate expression of personal accountability and personal responsibility it's when you decide that you are going to basically take care of your No, I get why it's good. No, that's why people hate it. It scares the shit out of them. Scares the shit out of them. And it is hard.
Starting point is 00:29:31 And doing pull-ups is hard. Doing that stuff right there is hard. It's not easy. I think that's why people are nervous. They see all those people doing it. They don't want to. Jeff brings up a good point. Does someone understand that Portnoy now works for a publicly traded company so basically i guess if
Starting point is 00:29:50 they're if someone could argue that they were put they were attacking their own company that that would be going against their fiduciary duty but but he's 80 that the barstool sports is 95 comedy isn't it i mean all everything is just a shtick on there. Well, now it's like a gaming thing. And they have some of the lowest form content all about drugs, literally about cocaine, talking about taking mushrooms and acid. But if you say that you went to Vegas and lost all your money, that's too far.
Starting point is 00:30:20 That's way too edgy. Is it weird that just some random dude like you living in a fucking condo in texas fucking like basically walked over to his table and flipped it upside down on accident you weren't even trying to fuck with him right i mean you weren't trying to like unravel his whole shit and now like everyone's on your side yeah i know but he's turned it he's turned the narrative because there's an employee that i've known for 15 years that's just friendly with me. Him and I aren't even that tight, but instead of having me on his podcast, he uninvited me and then had this guy on to ask about me. And that guy said that, oh, he called me.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And so now Dave Portnoy's been threatening to fire this guy because he called me on the phone, and they're all calling him a traitor and all this stuff. And so I've gone kind of radio silent because I don't want my friend to lose his job honestly but it's all shtick isn't it it's all shtick isn't it well he's kind of sticking with his friend but it's also a little bit not shtick because the guy didn't lose his job but he got like he got reassigned and and that's what the day porter does he kind of acts like a shtick but he's actually mad you know what i mean that's where you kind of you kind of mix the reality and fiction, and it kind of all becomes one. Like what Kanye's having some outbursts. Well, like if there's a narrative in the office
Starting point is 00:31:31 that he's trolling Ben Mintz, that he's mad at Ben Mintz, and like all the other sycophants hop on Dave's side, and they do treat Ben Mintz bad, even if it is a joke. Does that make sense? Who's Ben Mintz? Is that your buddy? Is that your friend? Your phone friend?
Starting point is 00:31:42 That's my friend, yeah. But it's like a fraternity or something, you know, it's like unwritten rules can become a reality. Kind of. Good morning, gentlemen. Thank you,
Starting point is 00:31:53 Mr. Olson. Good morning. He thinks we're gentlemen. That's awesome. I'll take it. I'll take it. The facade is complete.
Starting point is 00:32:01 So I'll be in freaking San Diego for the next week. I was thinking about maybe hopping across the border and going to Tijuana, but I don't know if I'll have time. Have you spent much time in Tijuana? Just driving through. It's not really my cup of tea. I think once or twice I've walked over. What interest do you have in doing that?
Starting point is 00:32:17 I don't know. It'd just be kind of funny to make some content in Tijuana, I feel like. Would you take a bodyguard? I probably should. I probably had to take at least a cameraman with me just to keep us safe. Not that I mean, you know, I'm my own bodyguard, but I think if I can maybe get in front of some guys asking some funny questions, I mean, not a lot of people speak English, but maybe in Tijuana, more, more people speak English.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I don't know. The order of events was of Portnoy was you made a video had nothing to nothing to do with barstool sport like i mean you didn't ask them to post it they posted it chad ochocinco posted it the nfl football player i think that's what one of them hearing their story like oh we saw ochocinco posted and had a million views so we reposted it not even watching the whole thing because i guess they probably thought oh chato chesnico's you know popular sports figure their sports they saw it was doing well on his page so like oh i'm sure it'll do well on a similar audience that we have and then and then they posted it and then dave got mad because it was it was satire making fun
Starting point is 00:33:18 of gambling and then and then you kind of got drug into it then you told him basically hey you're a pussy for pulling it down you told him basically hey you're a pussy for pulling it down yeah i was like for you know a company that's acute you know their owner and i just said accused of some heinous accusations i didn't say with accusations where i was actually trying to be vague on purpose not really trying to rock the boat too much and he saw that and dude he was like f alex nine i wish for his demise and then Dan Crenshaw retweeted that. Dan Crenshaw retweeted Dave Portnoy's unsolicited hate with my profile. Thinking that he's going to like, David Portnoy thought that he would like rally the troops and they'd all come after him.
Starting point is 00:33:54 But he didn't realize it. It kind of happened the opposite. And then all of a sudden, all these people started talking crap on his page about him. And so. Why did Dan Crenshaw get involved? Because you fucking railed him a few times yeah because crenshaw hates me hates my guts and that's another thing's weird dude now that i'm a public figure i'm not famous or anything but i am a public figure i'm i've gone after aoc i'm going
Starting point is 00:34:16 back to dc and you know at the end of september i'm kind of nervous about that just like uh i hope the capitol police or somebody don't, don't arrest me. Cause now that I know who I am, but yeah, I got in Crenshaw's face. And so Crenshaw, he calls me a Bernie bro. Cause I don't like war.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Uh, you know, like, Oh, he can't be conservative. Cause he's anti-war, which obviously I fucking hate this guy and will now actively root for his demand.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Wow. I know dude. And then a sittingman retweeted that dude there's congressmen that are rooting for my demise savon what the fuck it doesn't even how is that oh man dan crenshaw wow what an asshole yeah he is an asshole why do they even it's crazy that they even tag you why would they give you that attention is that why all your shit's exploding they're trying to hate on you and your shit's exploding i guess yeah i don't know why they and dan kershaw did a similar
Starting point is 00:35:15 tweet where he tweeted me in my name like that that gave me a lot of followers i don't know they want the smoke they want to they want to get in the mud with a pig like me which is fine i mean i don't have anything else to do i can get in the mud i can pig like me, which is fine. I mean, I don't have anything else to do. I can get in the mud. I can mud wrestle you guys. But, yeah, I don't know why they're even giving me that clout. I appreciate it. I do appreciate it. But I got to keep doing what I'm doing, being myself.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Because that's the Dave Porter thing. I wasn't even really trying to start any beef. I was really just calling out what happened. And it really turned into an L on his part. And then when he invited you on the podcast, was it after that? Well, it was like right after it was right after the, the I did the quote tweet that blew up and he wished for my demise. And then, and then, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:56 when he wanted to talk it out on the podcast with you, you're the next day. And then about an hour later, he's like, no, you're too political. I don't like political guys like you. And then like two, two days later, three days later, he's like, no, you're too political. I don't like political guys like you. And then like two days later, three days later, he's like, the Biden speech was like Hitler. You know, he goes, everybody does. Nobody wants to be political. And there was a time in the 90s where Bill Clinton was getting BJs in the Oval Office and probably up until Barack Obama even. And even during George Bush, you didn't have to be political.
Starting point is 00:36:25 But towards the end of Obama's reign, like his eight years, identity politics became so much different than they were, than I remember at least when I was young. You used to be able to kind of like not have to talk about politics because it wasn't your whole identity in the 90s and like, you know, during the George Bush era because there was a lot of people that are anti-George Bush. And I think even the George Bush people got it. It wasn't as divisive.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Now, it's like with the identity politics, I mean, it is so divided. You know what I think the two points are? You know why? When you start attacking people's kids, when you start making it that a 12-year-old can go to school and make decisions without their parents, and that falls into the political arena, everyone who has a kid is now invested, right? I'd love to see all these fucking people who think it's okay for their daughters to come home one day with their breasts removed.
Starting point is 00:37:24 um for their daughters to come home one day with their breasts removed oh we just we just decided i'm 12 and i can legally now just make a decision at school and they took they drove me over to the hospital you have to get involved you absolutely have to once they got the kids involved uh you absolutely have to and then the same with the workplace once the workplace became a place of uh okay racism and sexism and then well i mean it's open season on on it's it's open season on on god on whitey i want to say yeah affirmative action has turned into just open season on whitey hunting season yeah it is it is and and like uh people that on the left you know that always scream racism they're the ones that make everything about color and race and sex and i'm not even saying the people on
Starting point is 00:38:09 the right are perfect either the people on the right i do some really cringe stuff have some crazy crazy shit crazy shit we're all we're all really just populist or we try to be more like populist we kind of want what everybody else wants but uh dude these politicians they don't care i talk about this all the time even the people that are pro-choice even the people when they get you know uh surveyed about it even the person's like oh i'm pro-choice i'm pro-abortion that person will still say that they believe there should be a limit to when the abortion should happen they should they uh you know it's like 90 of people that are that are um surveyed they say oh well not in the third trimester not after 25 weeks or whatever
Starting point is 00:38:45 so you know that's how the majority of people feel the people in power do not they want they want abortion up until after birth so these people are evil they don't even care what the people want that are on their own side they want to take it as far as possible and that's why the abortion thing's such a big deal it's because they use a lot of those fetuses for cultures for scientific reasons they're very valuable in that sense. People think, oh, it's just we want to keep these women free and their sex life open so they can go on their trips to Cabo and keep working in office. No, they don't care about that. They want those baby tissues, those hearts.
Starting point is 00:39:17 They can do testing. So they can do all kinds of things. The populace shouldn't matter, though. It shouldn't matter. The populace shouldn't matter, though. It shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter that every single person, if every single person in the country wanted to enslave blacks again, we have a constitution that protects that. If every single person in the country wanted to legalize abortion. It didn't used to protect it.
Starting point is 00:39:38 It didn't used to protect it. We had to change it. Right. Well, it was it wasn't being being taken seriously it has to be taken seriously it always protected it it's just that they somehow weren't weren't uh acknowledging it right did there have to be an amendment to the constitution in 1865 to get rid of slavery i don't know what i thought it was like two-thirds a person or three-fifths a person or something like that i don't know dude i gotta look back at it i gotta look back at the timeline i don't know. I thought it was like two-thirds a person or three-fifths a person or something like that. I don't know, dude. I got to look back at the timeline. I don't want to speak out. People are like, oh, you said it wrong. Let's see. The Constitution protects slavery. to be uh uh pro-choice that shouldn't be the defining thing if our constitution says
Starting point is 00:40:27 um this document is supposed to protect human life then we have then we have to protect human life that's why we can't vote out democracy you know that right alex the constitution makes it so we can't vote out democracy you know the people of the united states cannot sit down and vote there's no way that they can sit down and be like hey we're going to vote out democracy and put in sharia law that's not how our democracy works we have a constitution that protects that insanity and it's that protects the country from being overtaken by the masses like like fucking the forced injection our constitution protected us against the forced injection yeah but kind of not really i mean i guess it did it was supposed to it was supposed
Starting point is 00:41:12 to yeah but if somebody can be like oh you're gonna lose your job at american airlines and you can't really protect anybody from anything i mean you got a carrot so you can dangle a carrot and make anybody oh here's a free cheeseburger but i guess that's people taking it on their own because they just want a free hamburger. But no, no, no. The Constitution is good. We need to keep the Constitution, but they're constantly trying to erode it and get rid of it. They don't want us to have guns. They want to get rid of the Second Amendment as fast as possible.
Starting point is 00:41:37 So this is the Constitution is in place. It doesn't mean they don't want to keep changing it. institutions in places i mean they don't want to keep changing them there's this group of people in our country who think that um and i use this as an example the death penalty the death penalty is okay until they would be executed on accident and by that i mean there's this example i don't know if it's going to resonate with you but there's this friend of mine and he makes videos he started making these videos about whether crossfit athletes were natural or not are they natty or not and he made one about this guy justin madaris the champion he said he's natty meaning he's natural yeah i know i'm very familiar that type of content okay and justin probably liked that and then he made a video about someone else
Starting point is 00:42:19 and said they were on something but you can't like that content at all because if you don't accept it will go either way right so even though this guy justin was um found innocent if i was him i would still be like hey fuck that kind of content because being in is that is that a real cat yeah that's the angus wow that sounded that sounded like a sound effect and so I feel like I'm trying to draw a parallel there between that and what people think about, hey, anytime anyone uses the populist argument, I don't buy it. Like, fuck you. That's not how this country works. Or else we could all vote that all Jews should be fucking shipped back to Israel. That would suck.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah, but that's not what's going what's gonna happen i i don't know i don't know i don't know if that's what happened in a populist government i don't really like that we only have two choices that that doesn't make sense there should be more than two choices when it comes to the president you know rd you know that doesn't seem very you know populist or that doesn't seem like there's a lot of options. If people want to watch you on, sorry, if people want to watch you on OAN, how are they going to do that? What time? I think it's all on Rumble. I don't know if we're on YouTube anymore, but it'll be on OAN. I believe it's from four to six.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I'll be tweeting about it. If you guys want to see it, follow me, Alex, 999. I believe it comes on from four to six California time. And so, yeah, that'd be seven,xas eight uh eastern i believe i believe i'll i'll get the i'll get the exact details of when it airs but i'll be sharing clips from it too and um it's gonna be great like i'm gonna do i'm gonna be interviewing some people i might even interview you dude i might call you to interview you i gotta i gotta fill up 20 interview spots oh shit that's awesome yeah but they're quick you know they're only five minutes you know i mean they're 15 minutes but they're only air for five minutes on the show basically how's blaze feel about you sharing you are they are they excited yeah they are excited i'm just a little or are they like hey don't go
Starting point is 00:44:21 over there and be giving them your alex stein mojo no no no no they know that they know that like um i can go host a different show they know it's gonna be different than their show so they don't care about that they're actually really laid back when it comes at first they were kind of sketchy about me doing interviews but i do interviews every day i mean i think they realize it's kind of i've been purposely really not doing my podcast just doing other people's just kind of getting ready for my show so i don't have to risk getting my channel in trouble too much i don't know dude uh why don't you stream um the first time you were on you streamed the show simultaneously i did i i did i just haven't been doing that as much so one person complained see you didn't care and then then chrissy mayer my friend who's a friend of mine she didn't like that i did that one time so i was like oh maybe i't been doing that as much. So one person complained. See, you didn't care. And then Chrissy Mayer, my friend, who's a friend of mine, she didn't like that I did that one time.
Starting point is 00:45:07 So I was like, oh, maybe I should stop doing that. That's what she said. I should stop doing that. Listen, that's the default response. That's small thinking. That was like when you first did when you came on, you first did as like this asshole. And within 30 seconds after I let that thought pass, I thought, oh, that's fucking brilliant. Well, I'd streamed your show. It't like i was yes exactly it's good for everyone that's what i feel like and i and i will stream other stuff like usually debates but dude i have
Starting point is 00:45:38 i just haven't been streaming on purpose because i don't want these people to get like false copyright strikes or whatever i've just been extra careful about my own content because I had, because like I said, I've been in this negotiation process now for, you know, and Simon, I didn't get, I didn't get kicked out,
Starting point is 00:45:55 but I did, uh, that I was supposed to speak and I just, but I'm good. Everything's great with turning point USA for me. I didn't get kicked out, but they, they didn't like that.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I spoke with Nick Fuentes. I didn't know about their corporate war. Um, who's nick he's like this right wing guy that's you know i think he's funny actually but he's just you know people are really controversial they don't like him because he says the n-word and stuff but i mean i don't i don't dislike him at all i think he's funny but you know you just he's if you say Nick Fuentes, Oh, you're a white supremacist. You're this, you're that you're, you're anti-Semitic. He's got a really, he's like me, except way more popular. So would primetime 99 ever run for office?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Yes, I will. I'm probably going to have to run for office. I think there's no choice. I don't, I don't think they've left me any choice and now hopefully I can just keep growing so I can actually run for a big office like congress or senator and then they'd be toast did they put me up on capitol hill a pimp on a blimp i mean i would just oh i would be going insane they would not know what had the whole landscape of politics would change until they killed me they would have to the cia would have to kill me hey what was it like seeing um aoc in public she's hot dude she's hot and i'm about to see her she's very tiny very good shape yes she's and people like over google
Starting point is 00:47:15 eyes she looks pretty she looks really pretty in purpose and on person you can always take one screenshot of a person's face you know make them look you know stupid that's what they always do they do that to my girl, Marjorie Taylor green, Marjorie Taylor green's pretty. Yeah. She is pretty. I mean, she's not, she's not AOC fine, but AOC is like fine, dude. She's like a nine or a 10 and I wouldn't, and I'm not saying that just to be like, Oh, for stick because you like her or whatever. She's actually in good shape.
Starting point is 00:47:42 She's has a great butt great body great breath i mean just whatever i mean i don't want to be too perverted even though i don't care that much but she has all of the assets that would it was just you and her trapped on an island somewhere you would procreate with her in a second yes i would procreate with her if there's a billion other people around yeah i'm yeah i'm yes i'm procreating i'm a procreate with her if there's a billion other people around. Yeah, I'm – yes, I'm procreating. I'm a procreation pimp if we have to. Do you think – If it's our job, if it's our job to bring back the human race, I'm humping.
Starting point is 00:48:15 When she told that story, it's next to a video that you can actually watch, and her story doesn't match the video at all. She says you approached her, and yet story doesn't match the video at all she says you approached her and yet she came back to talk to you she says she felt threatened by you and yet she came back and talked to you do you trip when you see that are you like wow these people are fucking retarded well dan crenshaw did the same thing he said that i assaulted him and assaulted one of his employees luckily i had three other camera angles i was able to share this shit i didn't even touch anybody they touched me if anything um and so yeah i mean these politicians will they lie no dude they live in a vacuum and that's what i thought too and i thought when they get to this point of being a congresswoman i thought aoc would
Starting point is 00:48:58 have had like a bunch of hate right so she would just be used to like oh people cuss me out and that's how marjorie is marjorie says all the time she's walking in D.C. and they're just like, bitch, or, you know, the C word. You know, they call her all kinds of names. So I think she gets used to it. But most of these politicians, they live in such a small vacuum where they're only going to their own events and their own supporters and they're only, you know, aligning themselves with sycophants.
Starting point is 00:49:19 So they never hear somebody be like, hey, you suck. And they'll say like, what, I suck? I suck? I don don't suck i'm the best they can't even take a little heckling who is this um who's this tiffany smiley do we know who that is no she's running for senate and she might be fine let me look look her up we can look her up okay i bet you caleb will pull her up and that's the other thing is dude dude when i sit when i sit when i sit there for like an hour um i don't even know half the congressmen or women honestly oh yeah she's pretty she looks pretty she looks pretty but i'm saying there's so many congressmen that you don't even
Starting point is 00:49:57 know senators you don't even have any idea who they are it's funny but then you have a few like aoc mtg you know uh like ted cruz is a senator but you know he's famous you know there's have a few like AOC, MTG, you know, like Ted Cruz is a senator, but, you know, he's famous. You know, there's only a few that are actually famous where you're like, oh, I know that guy. They're all known to somebody, but they're all not known to the pop culture. When you called her a big booty Latina and you heard that come out of your mouth, were you even shocked? Were you like, oh, shit. No, I was planning that. Oh, you were planning that?
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yes, dude. I had talked about that on the Blaze the day before. I was like, if I see her, I'm going to call her Big Booty Latina because there's a viral video and photo, whatever you want to call it, where she was eating at a cafe in Miami on the sidewalk with no masks. And this is during the height of the pandemic. And obviously, I don't think you need to wear a mask when you're eating outside of the cafe. But all these people were trolling her like, oh, she's so masked out. Why she had a cafe in
Starting point is 00:50:48 Miami during this is like the height of the pandemic. And then there was a picture of her, of her with Riley, her fiance, that same thing. And he's wearing a, he's working, wearing a Birkenstock sandal. And it's like, toes look kind of gross because nobody's toes look that nice. And everybody's like, like oh my god look at his nasty feet and and then they were like oh she's so much hotter than him why would she be with this gross guy and then she proceeded to say oh that's the reason why the republicans hate me because they all want to date me and that's right that's right that's right she's like the only reason they don't like me is they want to date me so in my mind when i first heard that i was like if i ever see i would
Starting point is 00:51:22 see i'm going to try to date her i i had that idea i remember when i first saw it i was like oh i'm gonna sexualize her i'm gonna be a damn girl you're so sexy and uh that's what i did and the one time it's ever happened like out in the open where she got sexualized dude she lost it she made 10 instagram videos uh talking about it she uh really she made 10 videos she made 10 complaining about it and you didn't see the one where i it's like reverse and I'm waving at her. That's the most legendary one where she's like, this guy is just sexy harass me. And she's in reverse camera mode.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And I, and she shows me and I'm just waving like a total goofball tourist, which I am a tourist. I was, I had just gotten off the plane and like put my bag down at the hotel and just walk to the Capitol to kind of check it out to see how close I could get. And little did I know I was going to run into my, my girlfriend AOC. Total accident? That was a total.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I mean, I was on the steps of the Capitol, but I was just lucky that she walked by at that time. I mean, I got Adam Kinzinger. I got some other Jamal Bloman or whatever. Bloman. He was there. Jamal Bloman. That's a tough name. Yeah, I think think it's bowman but he can blow me not really but you know what i mean and he's part of the squad so these these politicians are really you can go to the capitol you can get access to them you can call them or whatever you want you know freedom of speech i know you can't threaten them you can't impede them on their way to a vote now that is a federal crime they keep on being like alex we're gonna get you for a federal crime if you if you impede them walking like if you get in front of them at all on their way to a vote did anyone
Starting point is 00:52:48 ask you that did anyone actually tell you that like anyone of authority yeah the cops yeah we had the cops like oh we see what you're doing do not get in front of them you have to stay to the side because there's other you know there's other like uh journalists and stuff trying to film and ask some questions i just with the aoc thing i got in front of the tmz guy i got in front of all of them because i want to get aoc and all of them want to get aoc like there's paparazzi out there and and aoc is the one they like to get they like to get the conservative ones too like lauren bobert and matt gates you know but they want to get aoc she's like the creme de la creme person to get a picture of on the capitol what do you know about her and her boyfriend what's uh what's the deal
Starting point is 00:53:23 they're engaged i mean i don't know their vibes are weird what is he rich i i know he's like helped her with her campaign i just think she likes him because he's probably pussy whipped just a beta dude just worshiping her she's probably got a lot of dudes who worship her though yeah i know but she found the right one he probably does whatever the laundry or, you know, cleans up the dog poop, does whatever he needs, whatever she needs him to do. And she probably likes being the boss, I'm guessing. Cause he didn't say he was right there. He walked right by.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Didn't say a word. Didn't even. Oh, he was there when you saw him? Yes. Yes. He was right there. And I said, big booty Latina. And he didn't turn around or do anything.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Wow. Yeah. It was a total cuckold moment. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Oh, shit. anything wow yeah it was a total cuckold moment yeah yeah yeah wow yeah oh shit watch this video can you see him in it yeah yeah aoc my favorite big booty latina i love you aoc you're my favorite okay you'll see that's him in the hat beautiful and then walking the dog very beautiful that's him right there very sexy look at that booty on that's him why do they have their dog at the fucking capitol building and notice how she has her mask on none of them do because they have tmz there she's just doing it for a you know
Starting point is 00:54:36 photo photo shoot you know she still has her mask on outside none of them none of the people she's with have theirs on though i can't and she took it off immediately i can't believe her boyfriend doesn't say anything to her yeah that's a really nice body yes he's in good shape yes that dresses could that dress be any tighter i couldn't see any panty lines i know that so hey did you see uh what what do you think about pelosi's uh husband are you following that at all I mean getting that DWI and that $200,000 Porsche it's not even surprising doesn't even surprise me does it surprise you no no no
Starting point is 00:55:13 no I mean everyone no not not at all it just seems like that there's so much more to this story than what we're being told oh for sure yeah for sure and like they give us a little it took him forever for us to get the body cam footage but like he was so drunk he couldn't even stand on one foot and all that stuff i mean who he's in wine country in napa they're probably
Starting point is 00:55:35 drunk all the time him and gavin newsome and that's i think that's her nephew is gavin newsome so that's their culture you know it's like smoking weed that's their they probably don't smoke weed or i think he might have had weeds or supposedly they said there's a rumor of that but who knows did you see her when you were there no nancy no i'd love to see nancy i know can i be like let me get some milk from those you know tater tots you got on your chest could you imagine you see this picture of her big boobs in Italy? In the bathing suit? I'm like, take me to Italy with those big titties of yours.
Starting point is 00:56:11 That'd be nice. In the bathing suit? But I think she's been notorious for that forever. It's a shame that it took so long to come out. Oh, that she does illegal business dealings? Yeah, and sells us out to foreign countries yeah yeah well that that too hey what and what about the monkey pox thing wasn't that pretty obvious to you when the first study came out and they said it was 98 uh gay men in all 16 countries
Starting point is 00:56:36 where there was monkey pox you're like well i'm not getting that yeah i mean i'm not too worried about it like uh yeah i remember them telling them i keep on saying using they and them but i remember in eighth grade sex ed which i think that's probably the right about the right time to learn it they showed you the book of all the stds but they did say you can't get an std from a toilet seat do you remember that yep yep that was like a big thing they're like do not worry about a toilet seat uh so i guess that's my point like as long as i can't get it from a toilet seat from these guys yeah i know i don't have any threat i'm not too worried about it do you use ass gaskets i don't use ass gaskets no i don't i go straight i raw dog the toilet seat
Starting point is 00:57:14 yeah i'm an insane person i usually wipe it off though i've always to wipe it off because there's usually some urine on there and something i probably i probably killed a small force with the amount of toilet paper i've used wiping off public uh public bathroom um seats that's just how it goes that toilet paper is is uh trash so anytime that free toilet paper is just low quality you know and you got to use a lot of it is my point handful what what's next so blaze oan um uh the bat uh dave portney aoc what is there is there anything else brewing like is any part of you like holy fuck i've kind of figured out this machine on how to keep the limelight on me is there is there anyone else no i haven't figured it out it's actually it's actually kind of a lot of pressure i feel like now i have more pressure like i when i go to have more pressure. Like I, when I go to DC, I got to cause more drama. When I go to
Starting point is 00:58:07 San Diego, I feel like I got to go down there and create some content, which I like I do. So it's pressure. It's like good pressure because I like to create stuff and I like to do crazy stuff. But at the same time, no, it is a little pressure that I've had some viral success this past year. It's like, how do I keep it going? How do I get an argument next? And I don't want to just argue with everybody, but I just, it's like, it's almost inevitable at this point year it's like how do i keep it going how do i get an argument next and i don't want to just argue with everybody but i just think it's like it's almost inevitable at this point that there's going to be somebody out there that disagrees with me then i'm going to argue with on the internet so and that interview you did with those uh the were those two homeless people the ones that met yeah in austin yeah yeah that was nuts yeah yeah they're homeless people just at
Starting point is 00:58:43 the lid that lived at barton springs trading pizza for pussy no that's that was real that was nuts. Yeah, yeah. They're homeless people that lived at Barton Springs trading pizza for pussy. No, that was real. That was insane. So that guy was hanging out at a dumpster that he knows where the pizza is thrown away. He got the pizza, and he took it to her, and then he had sex with that girl. Yes, and no condom, and he's coming in her. That's where we're at, dude. That's where in the world.
Starting point is 00:59:04 That's just how crazy.. That's how crazy. And that's what my show is going to feature. That interview went a little long, but I'm going to have to do a lot of interviews like that and showcase it on the show. So it'll be like an hour and a half live show, but I want to have a lot of clips of me showing all my kind of weird interviews and weird stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:59:20 And what was that event you were at where that was being done? It was just a meet and greet I was doing with the info wars guy uh in austin you had a little over 100 people there and uh yeah this is the wait the info wars guy that's what's his name that's alex owens shawyer but alex jones wasn't not a part of it but owens shawyer was and harrison smith so and so is this just a park where all the homeless people hang out and so you went there yeah well no it's barton spring so it's like this really cool spring of like this fresh Harrison Smith. And so is this just a park where all the homeless people hang out and so you went there? Yeah, well, no. It's Barton Springs.
Starting point is 00:59:50 So it's like this really cool spring of like this fresh water. So there's like just there happens to be a lot of families, all kinds of people that hang out there. It's like really cold water. So there's like a hippie side where like the homeless people go because you can pay to go to the Barton Springs. Or there's like the free side. And the free side has all. It's wild. There's people doing every kind of drug every kind of was any part of you aroused when you were watching this no i was worried i was gonna get monkey pox i was already gonna get monkey pox uh seven on all that crossfit and
Starting point is 01:00:16 you can't even hold an air squat over a toilet i'm only five five alex could do that i could but i don't do that speaking of air squatting i'm about to go air squat myself okay so we got to wrap things up i'm about okay let me ask you this what about the trt you abandoned it i haven't i haven't taken it no i'm afraid to take it because my hairline's already receding what if i receded more dude i'd be toast understood stay in contact with your local doctor all right well thank you for coming on you're a a good dude. We'll do it again soon. I'm pumped. I'm pumped for you.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Peace and love. Take care of your cat. Congratulations on the AOC contract in San Diego. A-O-N. O-A-N. AOC. Peace and love, buddy. See ya. Dave Portnoy is a good dude all right fine that's the cat in the fire Jeff has come on to the scene large in the comments he has become quite active active playing the balancing act of nice guy and asshole. Caleb.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Hi, Khalid. Last night on the show, on the live calling show, I decided I was going to change your name while you were deployed to Khalid. Seems like a good change. Appropriate.
Starting point is 01:01:47 You have no pushback? Nope. Kaleeb. Kaleeb. No, not like that. Not spelled like that. Not spelled like that. Thanks, Kenneth. Maybe 9am's
Starting point is 01:02:02 too early for him. Yeah, it might be. He seemed just a little off his game maybe i should have been better prepared a little bit more nocturnal kind of guy oh i think um i think it's a good show i wonder do i have a show tonight do we have a show tonight no i don't think so i i'm i'm glad he showed up i'm glad i got alex stein in his suit i wonder if he was wearing he probably wasn't even wearing pants right no chance no way all right he is amazing i don't know how he does it all i guess he doesn't have any responsibility uh except for those cats savon is on the right track but he's still a bit blue-pilled when it comes to politics oh oh let me uh translate it for you he thinks rationally and still asks questions and doesn't accept they and them and governments as a sentient being
Starting point is 01:03:07 that's it i think a little vague a little too vague i think that's my biggest problem i don't i don't i don't do uh i don't do i don't do gender i don't do evil i don't do demons i don't do they and them i don't i don't do abstractions Like if we're trying to drill down to some sort of truth, I accept the unknown. There's an unknown entity, but I'm not going to let you label it as God or they or them or tranny or sis or any of that weird shit. It's all the same shit to me. It's all imaginary land. Yeah. There's all the same shit to me. It's all imaginary land. Yeah. There's no specifics.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Like if I was next to Caleb and I went like this on his forehead, I'd be like, yep, that is your cranium. That's a five head. Kaleeb. Kabal. No, not Kabal. Kaleeb. Oh, yeah, yeah yeah yeah the cabal that kind of shit yeah
Starting point is 01:04:07 uh simon he only started to woke up to wake up a few years ago he admits it a lot to learn oh below me you fucking assholes go get on your horse somewhere else this is my show i get on my own horse uh i mean plus it sounds like it's the way alex stein uh talks if i wake up anymore and i say that shit on here i'm going they're going to just kick me off that's it i mean that's what he makes it sound right yeah i don't i'm not sure i understand like i haven't watched a ton of his stuff but how can he really get away with it i guess he's also moved to different platforms yeah but it sounds like even if people went through and looked at the light like if at some how can he really get away with it? I guess he's also moved to different platforms. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:47 But it sounds like even if people went through and looked at the light, like if at some point YouTube wanted to get rid of me, they could just go through and find, go through all my videos and be like, well, he's broken the policy here, here, here, and here.
Starting point is 01:04:55 It sounds like you're just not allowed to talk about a lot of shit. I, I honestly had no, I mean, I hear people say you can, I've experienced that on Instagram. I haven't, I haven't experienced too much of that on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Yeah, every time anything happens on YouTube, we're able to appeal it. And we win. Yeah. I'd say 99% of the time, the appeals we make, right? Yeah, even the appeal we had with Justin Nunley a couple days ago, that even went through. With the kielbasa, right? With the swollen ankle. ankle yeah the swollen ankle show
Starting point is 01:05:27 oh it depends on your following so you think of enough people complain that that's what it is basically that people who watch this show it's not big enough yet to attract the turds and so people aren't complaining I suppose that's possible. I would say that it's because I'm not, I'm not willing to be delusional about the narrative. I don't want to, I don't want to fall down the path of delusion. I want to keep it real. I did watch the fights.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I love the fights. Did you watch the fights? Yeah, I watched most of them. It was wild. How about when, uh, when, uh, Cyril gone in the post interview said, yep, he knocked me out cold. Dude, that's the first time he's ever been knocked down. And then he said he fucking came to and fucking had to fight. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Just imagine the survival instinct that has to go into that too you're just like oh shit lights out and then yeah that was fucking crazy and tied to avasa is tough i can't believe he kept going he like he would just like shake his head and he was right back into it every time i liked how his corner yelled at too. You don't have to prove how tough you are. Like, yeah, you just kept going at it. I was I was actually I was really impressed with him. Actually, I didn't expect him to do so well. Would love to see seven react to the video viral video of Alma Ohin.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Oh, pair see critical race theory is meant to prevent any immigrant from thought like this. He speaks rationally as a patriot against Biden's divisive speech. Okay, I'll pull it up and watch it when we get off the air. Let me see. Oh, excuse me. Yawns are contagious. Don't watch shows with yawning. Alma Ohin O'Pair. If I follow this person on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:07:27 That's what comes up. Video. Oh, OK. Proud legal immigrant shares this message to Biden. OK. One hour ago. Damn, you guys are up on your shit. Yeah, both fighters were in survival mode.
Starting point is 01:07:43 It was amazing. What was the fight before that that oh robert whittaker's on another level robert whittaker is on because martin vittori is no joke i did not i when i saw them fighting i was like there's no way this is the number two contender in the middleweight division did i i can't even believe this is right but the commentator said that between the two of those guys the only fights that they had lost in the last 13 years was to Israel Adesanya. I was like, holy shit. No way.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I didn't hear that. That's crazy. That's true. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Robert Whitaker took him to school. He fucked him up.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Robert Whitaker took him to school. He fucked him up. What you guys see as a sentient being, I see as more as just a virus. So, so someone will be like,
Starting point is 01:08:35 there's the secret cabal meetings behind closed doors. And that's like saying, well, at CrossFit, we used to have closed meetings behind closed doors all the time. That's what organizations do. And if the 15 richest people in the world, if you were one of them, you would want to meet with them also. And you would have opinions on how the world worked, and you would want to be with someone who also has a lot of money. It's not like some mystical crazy shit. If you want to talk about mystical crazy shit, let's talk about your rancher and about the aliens that circle the planet harvesting emotional energy from us. Like, okay, now you kind of got my attention on some weird shit. But like it's not – it's not – it's spun into this fucking like
Starting point is 01:09:26 spook spook narrative and it's like no it's just people here it's just fucking people here it's been a while since we had podcast newsletter exclusive video uh oh
Starting point is 01:09:41 what the hell that's all that keeps me going some weeks okay I know it's because i was in newport for two weeks and my aspiring filmmaker was and i were uh separated yeah that that lone star that is going to be an incredible fight that is when adesanya meets that guy what's his name not michael pena the fuck is that guy's name anyway that's gonna be crazy that guy is that's not even a normal man i was looking at his jaw on one of the shows his jaw is nuts you know we're talking about caleb the guy who's gonna fight adesanya next he knocked him out he knocked he beat him twice in kickboxing i think he knocked him out once oh yeah i can't
Starting point is 01:10:23 remember his name i'm'm looking it up. He's nuts. And he trains with, I think that he trains with Glover Teixeira up in Maine. So you know those guys are bad dudes. Is it Alex Pereira? And so there aren't the, yeah, yeah, that is who it is, Alex Pereira.
Starting point is 01:10:40 So there are these people who think it's like a sentient being, but I don't think it works like that. I think it's like 20 people who have a fucked up understanding of logic and thought. And so those are the people – for instance, you get 100 parents together who all believe that anytime their kid falls down, they should rush over and pick them up. And then that turns into 1,000 people, and then they think – it's the same people who are just confused. You'll see it in the comments all the time and that's what that's basically what the democratic party and the republican party are they're not sentient beings they're just i think i've heard it called as groupthink i think that's kind of a deeper uh more realistic uh view that most people
Starting point is 01:11:20 don't really understand including myself the way consciousness can sweep over a group of people. And get them just to keep thinking wrong. And be dipshits. I think it's something like that that's happening. And not this fucking scary boogeyman. Just shit that everyone just keeps talking about. I don't think it works like that. Yeah like this.
Starting point is 01:11:38 The Rockefellers. And the. What's the. What's the other family that always gets mentioned? The Rothschilds and the Jews and the – it's like, dude, chill. Just fucking – just people. Some of them got a lot of money so they can do more shit. You have to remember too, energy is human – money is human energy.
Starting point is 01:12:03 We've all accepted that. It's not really human energy, but we've've accepted it that's how we use the currency i give you fifty dollars you come over and mow my lawn you give me fifty dollars i babysit your kids it's like that and then with that you get to buy my human energy my time uh alex perera is the guy that lives under tony ferguson's bed yeah he is i if you're just kind of tying all the conversation together that he's the scary boogeyman, you're absolutely fucking right. He's freaky looking. He's 6'4". Dude, wait till you see his jawline.
Starting point is 01:12:38 His head is massive. Yeah, he's huge. Sevan, what do you think about Hiller going on the juice? yeah he's huge seven what do you think about uh hillar going on the juice um i'm i'm excited to see it anytime anyone gets on any like medication who i care about who's my friend i i like hmm i really but um everyone i know not one person who's gotten on tr i've never heard anyone get on trt and be like i wish I wouldn't have done it. I think I know some people who've gotten on some other shit and wish they wouldn't have done it. Yeah, that guy's... Look at that.
Starting point is 01:13:15 He's a savage. Yeah. What's his name again? Alex Pereira? Yeah. Ooh, he's fucking gnarly. They say he's the hardest kicker in the UFC too I mean who's they I don't know but I just every time everyone talks about him they say getting kicked by him is like getting hit
Starting point is 01:13:32 with a piece of mahogany he walks around at 230 are you kidding me what the fuck so that dude's going to that dude's gonna drop down to 185 that's nuts I emailed California Hormones I'm going to drop down to 185. That's nuts. I emailed California Hormones.
Starting point is 01:13:49 I'm going to do it. You're already juiced up. I had my level test recently. My T for a woman age 12. It's supposed to be 80 to 112. That's what my T is too for the 12 year old girls also yeah Alex
Starting point is 01:14:16 Pereira nice Denise I am more interested in what it does for females the girls I know who are on it too fucking love it okay thank you everybody have a great day see you guys tomorrow
Starting point is 01:14:39 who do we have we don't have anyone scheduled tomorrow no we don't that's awesome I'll take tomorrow Who do we have? We don't have anyone scheduled tomorrow. No, we don't. That's awesome. I'll take tomorrow. I've got Brian in a couple days, though. Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:14:50 I will not take tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. I see. Oh, maybe I'll see if Dale Saran wants to come on tomorrow. Tuesday. Top 30 men of all time with Brian Friend. Top 30 men of all time. The 30 fittest men who've ever walked the planet according to Brian Friend
Starting point is 01:15:06 which I think is the best source for that kind of information okay see you tomorrow oh no Jeff you take tomorrow off buddy I've had about enough of your shit give us all a break please what do you mean are you on the list
Starting point is 01:15:21 yeah you're on the fucking list of course you're on the list you're on a list Jeff yeah

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