The Sevan Podcast - #579 - Live Call In Show | CrossFit CMO No Mo

Episode Date: September 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live oh something doesn't seem right something doesn't seem right i don't oh i don't see a single comment oh there it goes oh that was weird that was weird good morning kenneth thank you for letting me know i'm on planet earth. I don't know how long ago it was. What's up, Kaleeb? Hey, what's up, Steve-on? Thanks for joining me. Yeah, anytime.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I don't know when it was. Maybe it was like six months ago, but I said that it's over, that the whole woke thing is over. They're using racism to fight racism, conflating, um, uh, people's rights to sleep with whoever they want and sexualizing kids. It's over, uh, uh, trick, uh, convincing people with melanated skin in the United States, the victim mindset and blaming other people is the way I told you guys it was all over in in a little micro piece of it is what we're going to watch happen at CrossFit Inc and we're seeing it one by one they're taking out the racist people the homophobic people the people who sexualize kids all the fucking bad people that in the name of goodness we're allowing little schmidge, schmidge of that to
Starting point is 00:01:25 happen. They're going like that phrase, go woke, go broke. It's true. It's almost like if I, if I was a man who believed in good and evil, I would say like evil is being rooted out. It's fucking crazy. It's, it's, it's kind of amazing to watch it happen. I mean, I know I said it six months ago, but I really like, and I believed it, but it's fascinating. And what do I mean by that? I'll give you another example. When I was a kid, when I was a libtard, I thought that affirmative action was cool because what it did was you leave some spaces open for people based on the color of their skin, but that's racism, but they called it affirmative action. They just changed the name of it. That's what woke is.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Woke is putting the LGBTQ flag up high in your kid's elementary school instead of in front of the bar. Totally cool in front of the bar. Gay is welcome. Love it. I fucking love it. Gay talk, not welcome at the school.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Straight talk, not welcome at the school. Sex talk, not welcome at the school. Reprodu gay talk not welcome at the school straight talk not welcome at the school sex talk not welcome at the school reproductive talk welcome at the school not sex talk and just the conflation of these things and that idiocy that is people's justification for their own fucking um uh mental retardation. Not okay, and it's being rooted out. It's a joke, by the way, that in our thing it said breaking. It's not breaking. We've known that this lady who's the chief marketing officer for CrossFit Inc. would be gone four months ago was known.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I'm just joking. Probably right as she was hired, huh? Say that again? Probably right as she was hired, huh? Well, it's funny funny she made it to her one year mark i think she's been there exactly a year um but i'm sure that was just to preserve her resume she wants to all of these serial executives all they do is they go from place to place to place to place to place to place to place to place to place to place to place
Starting point is 00:03:20 they put systems in place and they're, they're, they're morons. She, she hired this company, um, called, um, or someone at CrossFit did, I'm pretty sure it's her called Sylvain. Sylvain started by a guy named Elaine Sylvain, Sylvain, Sylvain, Sylvan. I don't know what they're called but oh rosa hired her how rosa hired her he hired all the fucking racist uh sexist homophobic uh people and why do i call them that because the the divisiveness that they put in ends up costing the people that they're trying to help so black lives matter we've talked about it. It would be ad nauseum, but led to fascinating numbers. But it's done nothing good for people with melanated skin. It's only led to their death. Death. Death. It's so funny, too, that now all these things are coming out. The founder of Black Lives Matter stole $10 million. Who cares? I don't
Starting point is 00:04:22 even care about that. It's the fact that they preach the victim mindset on people based on the color of their skin. It's nuts. But, Sevan, you're ignoring the historical data that shows that blacks have been oppressed for millions. No, you're enforcing it. It's word fuckery. You're enforcing it. You're enforcing it. You're the plantation leader.
Starting point is 00:04:43 You're enforcing that blacks feel this way you're enforcing that they that not only they remember the past of people who had similar colored skin but you're enforcing that they demand something be uh uh uh relived about it it's not here guys it's not here any more than rapists are still here and though they've always been here people you're fucking an idiot if you think that people are not going to judge each other based on the way they look which brings me to number and i'll come back i'll come back i'll come back i'm not done but which brings me to i'll come back and talk about the CMO leaving in just a second. But it brings me to shit. Where is it? 328 size doesn't matter. This is really interesting what this lady says, because as much as it's true, someone's going to be able to explain this better than me. I want to try to get this lady on the podcast. She's fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:05:46 She seems cool. The little bit of an Instagram that I've seen her on Instagram is really cool, but check this out. Size doesn't matter. She's a, this is, she's some sort of,
Starting point is 00:05:53 and when I say doctor, I use, if she's a psychologist, I use that term loosely. And examining boys, researchers found that the leaders of boy packs were always the biggest. The leaders were the ones who didn't back down from a conflict and defended others.
Starting point is 00:06:07 This kind of confidence is the strongest determination of masculinity, even in boyhood. And another study, children were asked to draw their fathers and children with positive relationships with their dads drew them as larger proportion to reality. Emotional. So, so those are conflicting ideas right there,
Starting point is 00:06:23 right? Of course. Like I see what she's saying. It's totally about swagger. There was a fucking five foot two fucking dude at my fucking high school. He was a junior when I was a senior and he had such crazy swagger and he was a fucking pimp. Ryan Nash. Fuck. Everyone loved him.
Starting point is 00:06:42 The dudes loved him. The girls loved him. He was so fucking cool. And he was only 5'2". But that is cultivated differently than the swagger of someone that's cultivated who's 6 two it might even be better it might even it it might even be better and more authentic swagger if you're five two because you had to find it inside of you but if you're six two you already have some of that freebie swagger it's like having tits in the ninth grade that girl is going to get it sorry people don't want to mess with you when you're over six foot. Just yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Makes total sense. And so I get what she's saying. Size you. You can overcome your deficits. And maybe if you I mean, maybe you have someone like me who's five five or Colton.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And then it's good because in turn it makes you have to cultivate. I don't want to say overcompensate i want to say cultivate other avenues of stuff that's um uh non um maybe even non-tangible it's just some abstract shit some like uh just the way you talk the way you hold yourself the But being bigger, to say size doesn't matter is a – I get what she's saying. It's not a limiting factor. It's never an excuse. But it does matter. Okay, go on. And I really like her.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Okay. They shouldn't cause them to view their dads as bigger than they really were. And they shouldn't describe them to view their dads as bigger than they really were. And they should describe their dads as help. And the contradiction part is, is because look at the kids drew the dads that they thought were cool, bigger, meaning that people you could, you could then flip the reverse engineer that and say that,
Starting point is 00:08:37 yeah, people, um, the kids drew the dads bigger because bigger people are cooler. Bigger people are cooler. I mean, just, I know we could argue that, but that 51 true okay go ahead being big's cool it's got to be cool it's
Starting point is 00:08:53 got to be fun it's got to be fun it would be fun to be a little ant for like a day like in one of those movies but being lebron for two days would be better. Okay. Okay. You ready? Yeah. Sorry. Studies involving women confirmed that the most attractive characteristic on a man wasn't his size. It's his confidence, which was defined by a combination of assertiveness and pro social behaviors. And the men who displayed confidence appeared larger to women. Women also report being attracted to earning potential expressed through work ethic and confidence rather than the size of the wallet.
Starting point is 00:09:31 There's a theme here, people. Okay, sorry. So two interesting things there. All the dudes I've ever known who are juiced up appear larger than life. Even my homeboy, Travis Bajent, he, he's six one. He, he, he walks around like he's six 10. Everyone thinks he's huge. Everyone in their mind thinks of him as being like six, five, how your, your wife is six two. That's a fucking jungle gym.
Starting point is 00:09:58 That is a jungle gym. Hey, I met this lady the other day on the beach. She was a former Division I softball player. I wish I could remember her last name. Jen Schroeder. I met her on the beach in Newport. I bet you she was six foot, and I thought I was mesmerized by her. She had her little daughter on the beach. I had my kids on the beach. We'd meet down there every single day.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I ended up actually going out with some drinks with her dad. Former Division I. She's a commentator for ESPN's women's softball she was so fucking awesome i was met and first of all she's one of those girls who's really fucking tall but her shoulders are still back you know what i mean she's not like rolled in hiding the titties and shit she walks around like this she was cool as shit i was mesmerized by i told my wife like you gotta meet this lady she was so fucking fun to hang out with she was fucking confident which which i guess is kind of the flip right if you're a tall girl it might fuck you if you don't know how to work work with it yeah my wife
Starting point is 00:10:54 this fucking chick was awesome what my wife's six over six foot as well what yeah we're both like over six feet tall we're massive people wow people don't want to fuck with her yeah and and did she have to learn to work with that like it like in in the eighth grade are you trying to hide that shit yeah i think she was a little like uh apprehensive about it when she was younger but then she realized how good she was at like literally everything she played every sport. Fucking nobody messed with her. She didn't get bullied.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Does she stand straight? Does she have good posture? Uh-huh. Yeah, posture's huge. I had this friend in college, this girl. She was so fucking cool. And she had these fucking great titties. And she had always had them.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Like I talked to her about it. She had them like from young. And so she walked around like this like hiding them yeah and i just remember fuck what like that sucks i mean i get it like you don't like you're trying not to get that attention but she should be walking around like this they were crazy you look meek when you do that they're still i know her now and she's like almost 50 and they're still crazy titties say that yeah meek yeah well it sends a message to you uh implicitly right or maybe it's even explicitly to everyone around you that's like something's wrong you're damaged goods yeah you lack confidence yeah okay so so so so she's saying what she was saying something here about uh self-assurance. Oh, I remember this girl that I broke up with to be with my current wife.
Starting point is 00:12:29 One of the last things she said to me after I broke up with her, and I was homeless at the time. I was living in a car. She looked at me and she goes, man, you have such earning potential. And that really stuck in my head. I was like, hmm. I think that's – she makes a very good point. I never even considered it that way but it's always i feel like women are more attracted to men who have like aspirations who are not and and actually work towards them rather than somebody who's like oh yeah
Starting point is 00:12:57 i'm just gonna go work at the at the bank or whatever oh yeah well um when when uh when my i when my wife was writing her book uh um breathing with lily and she would spend like an hour every day working on it and i couldn't get her attention i was that was the best i'm like so impressed i'm so fucking impressed i think imagine suza's fucking god suza's wife must love him i I look at Sousa and I just see dollar signs. I wonder if she sees that too. It's an animal. Yeah, and he wants to make – he's got aspirations. Hitch my wagon to Matt Sousa.
Starting point is 00:13:40 We're two wagons. We don't have any horses. We're just two wagons we don't have any horses we're just two wagons okay so um cool her name is the identity doctor cool um she's even sprinkles in some pictures of her like in a bathing suit next to like i think there's a picture of her next to a transam and like a and a pretty like uh attractive dress could we go to her main page? And she's smart, and you can tell she has aspirations. And, let's see, yeah, she's hot.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I wonder what she is, Greek? Uranian? What is she? Who told us they bought a Trans Am the other day? They joined the Marines and they bought a... It was that affiliate owner. Steve Bart? No. Not Nick Sellers.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I thought it was. Nick Sell was nick sellers yeah wasn't it that's the dude that got blown up in the uh yeah in the cafeteria yeah he said he drives a white chevy silverado now but before he had a trans am look at this lady's um uh oh yeah you're right this lady like posts like all this like smart shit and then every like 15 posts there's just a fucking thirst pic with her next to a trans am fuck thank you followers man she's cool i need someone to take thirst pics of me I need someone to take thirst pics of me. But I just, I just can't, I can only imagine what those would turn out to look like.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Seven. And I agree on the great cities. They're pretty cool. Yeah. Even if they're not yours or you can't see them or like do, do nothing to them. Like they're still just like, if you have just they're cool the answer if someone tells you like what kind of boobs you like is just all of them
Starting point is 00:15:30 yes yeah yes right i remember in high school dudes would be like telling me what like the guys be standing around talking about what kind of chick they like i'm like the fuck the one that likes me in each yeah the one the one the the incarcerated you know fucking one-legged albino that likes me is fucking hot like whichever one shows interest first i don't care yeah i want a girl with black hair who's tall shut the fuck up you know all those guys do the same thing the one that will fucking hold my hand and tell me i'm cute but she likes chubby guys fucking down uh we have a um a guy in the comments uh pretty frequently his name is richard margarine i don't think he is a crossfitter he i don't want to say he's out of Louisiana or Alabama or something.
Starting point is 00:16:28 And his sister, I just want to show you his sister's GoFundMe page. He's a regular in here, and his sister needs a heart transplant. That's fucking crazy. And this is her GoFundMe page. I don't know what I'd do at that point if someone tells me they need to fucking switch out my heart it's it sounds like a lot doesn't it it's a pretty extensive uh surgery that's for uh it's oh it's a uh national foundation for transplant is that is that a go fund me i don't know if It's a foundation for transplants. So it's S-T-E-P-H-A-N-I-E. New word, Weems, capital W-E-E-M-S.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I don't normally do this. Stephanie Weems. Google her. Go to the National Foundation for Transplant and give her five bucks or 500 bucks. a transplant give her five bucks or 500 bucks or um it's it's uh it's i i just i'm so glad i don't need a fucking transplant i don't want to do any transplant i don't want a hair transplant i don't want no transplant a friend of mine or i guess technically my brother-in-law he had a double lung transplant and that was like the most that's both and that's all your lungs right when you say double you mean all your lungs yeah but there's not like a third or a fourth it's like hey you're gonna get we're gonna take out the thing that you need the trans the part of your body that takes the air you breathe in and turns it into fucking mixes with the blood that you use to stay alive
Starting point is 00:18:21 we're taking those out and giving you new ones right that's those things correct yeah like they give oxygen to the lungs right or to the they give oxygen to blood right and then take the carbon lungs also take the carbon dioxide out correct oh fuck you can't switch those yeah so you gotta get a completely transplanted both of them he's doing really well now but it's a pretty serious surgery they do it it's a they basically like crack your ribs open from right below like your nipples and kind of open you up and then they have to harvest them out they put you on like a some sort of bypass type machine and that breathes for you and that circulates everything and then they switch they put in the new lungs and they have to like you got to reattach everything all the blood
Starting point is 00:19:09 vessels got to get reattached the lungs have to go back to the to the tubes essentially and it's it's extensive the thing is with the body the part i always chip on is it's really it's not like a car right i guess some things are like like where you can just hook like two arteries up together it i would say it operates like a car but it does not have the same like interoperability as a car like what's that everything like if i took the engine out of like a Chevy truck and I wanted to put it into a Chevy car, I could do that. But I couldn't, but like in a human body,
Starting point is 00:19:54 it's a little bit more complex. Like sometimes if you do a, even if you do get transplanted, sometimes like the body just rejects the transplant. So like if if somebody gets a set of lungs sometimes the body like even if you do all the testing necessary to match up everything properly and all that stuff you could say like the lungs could get in there and months or weeks later the body just says that there's something wrong with it it's not compatible and then it rejects it then you start having like infection the body doesn't want to like the lungs don't want to operate properly
Starting point is 00:20:28 all that stuff so it's but if you think about it think about it from how the body works in general you like you have muscles that operate with fluids and you could say that the oxygen is oh i see yeah yeah you know what i mean um when you graft the plant so i when you put an avocado seed in the ground and it grows it won't give avocados most of the time most time it won't ever give an avocado but you can take a branch from an avocado tree that does give avocados and cut it off and basically graft it stick it shave the edges and shave the edge and tape it to another one and then it'll start growing okay yeah that so that's the part that trips me out about the body like it's part that you just
Starting point is 00:21:12 got to get the fucking pieces of flesh up against each other and they'll start doing their magic shit but it's also the part like it's got to be lined up perfectly but the lungs seem like i just think of capillaries and i just think of like being in grade school and i'm talking about how fucking tiny that shit is and i just i i fucking can't get my head wrapped around it it's like on a microscopic level that like some stuff we just don't even understand yet and that shit has to grow back in there yeah right i mean you've got stuff like the liver that'll actually just like grow itself back together but then you have other pieces of your body that there's no possibility of that I saw a video one time I was watching a video on fasting and then the next video that came up on YouTube was about liver and it basically said that if you left your liver alone you have to
Starting point is 00:22:00 leave your liver alone for four days what do I mean leave it alone like you can't drink alcohol for four days you can't take Tylenol stuff there's this whole list of shit you can't do to it there's you you can't cause it to go into this certain kind of mode and after four days it'll start rebuilding itself and if you basically leave it alone and don't fucking abuse it for nine months and whatever that word abuse means you'd have to look up the details it'll regrow an entire liver as long as you had 10 of it left so but once you drop below the 10 mark you're toast so it's basically i was thinking like every few years you should take off like fucking nine months of like tylenol advil alcohol and i think that's even coffee yeah i think people don't really understand the effects of like when they do take tylenol for tylenol or ibuprofen like consistently um it can really
Starting point is 00:22:54 damage your kidneys it can damage your liver all that stuff and like if you're taking it on a regular basis rather than addressing the problem from like a physiological standpoint, like exercising or going to physical therapy or whatever it is, then you have some long-term problems that you'll never be able to reverse. Which brings us to long-term problems at CrossFit Inc. Nice segue. Thank you. So this lady, she's the chief marketing officer, Erin, and she's quitting or she's being fired.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I don't know if we'll ever know the truth, but she's leaving. She's been there a year. This is harsh to say this, but she did nothing. This is a CEO sweater. All the shit at Life is RX is insane, by the way. It's so fucking good. It fits good. It feels good.
Starting point is 00:23:40 It's thick. It's quality. Is it a heavy hoodie or is it like a it's in the middle it's in the middle i mean i'm fucking all geared up it's fucking so nice i'm sweating i'm forcing myself to wear this to advertise it so this chick aaron was brought in by rosa clearly woke next it'll be the cfo who's gone allison that interim ceo she's woke. She's going to be gone. Trish, the fucking HR chick, she'll be gone. The whole fucking DEI we need safe spaces, but can't talk about Trump or guns in there because that doesn't make it safe. But you can talk about removing the titties on girls at nine years old. Like you're fucked up. You can start acknowledging the fact that it's OK for people on the right to think that aborting babies is killing babies.
Starting point is 00:24:40 You just you just got to start fucking using your brain a little bit. I'm not asking you to do anything crazy. You can still be pro- out here to the outside world you have to understand that that you're delusional and it's okay you can be like well the right's delusional about about god of course they are everyone everyone has some fucking fucked up made up shit that they're doing but it but two wrongs don't make a right so so those people are all going to go because there's not going to be a tolerance from that, from the community. It's gone. People were scared to speak up. Now they're fucking speaking up. The revolution started like six months ago, and you guys will be weeded out. Also, the thing is, is you guys don't work. You guys don't actually do anything. The CMO was in office for a year. She did nothing. The fact that the CrossFit Journal – i'm going to tell you a story
Starting point is 00:25:45 about the crossfit journal when i when i was uh doing the crossfit journal when i was running the crossfit journal it was the greatest publication on the planet if you wanted to know about health and fitness not because of the content that i created but it just was that way and there was a shit ton of content in there that i created but but the first i don't know how many journal articles are all things that were written by Greg Glassman. And it's a compilation of fucking 10,000 pieces of information. At some point in 2018, for some fucking cockamamie crazy insane reason, Greg decided to pull it down from the front. I think he thought that we ruined his journal, that we dumbed it down,
Starting point is 00:26:25 but he's, he couldn't have been more wrong. Greg was so fucking off base with that. The thing with CrossFit, the thing with CrossFit is it's, it's, it's the truth. And so it needs to be expressed. It can be expressed over and over and over and over tens of thousands of ways, just like any truth, just like there's some essence of truth and the fact of the unknown and God and religion. And so that's why there's this constant flowering of expression of it. And so there's this truth in CrossFit in terms of the movements, which Greg, who does not believe in God, always gave credit to God for creating. He never created the movements. And there's this truth in the nutritional component, which is the foundation of CrossFit. And because of that, the journal is just the, the, um, Greg thought that people like when he burned Mars, um, and I don't mean to pick
Starting point is 00:27:09 on them when they express their version of the truth, he didn't like it. He thought it was a dumbed down version and he was wrong. Everyone should be, he was wrong. He wanted the journal just to smart, to talk to the smart people. And that was a fucking huge mistake. And we know now that the smart people are like, like during the pandemic, the smart people were the dumbest people in the room. They're the ones who caused the most damage. So, so basically we had this journal. It was the greatest piece of, of core curation and made content for health and wellness and expression of how you should use your body and treat your body. of how you should use your body and treat your body. And since 2018, it's been hidden. It's not on the front end. So at one point, I got together with Gravitas. They are the publishers of the CrossFit documentaries. And I got together with Gravitas and I put together this proposal with them where we were going to make the journal available on OTTs everywhere in the world. There's like 27 to 35 OTTs around the world. An OTT is the Apple TV, the Hulu, the Amazon fire. When your Samsung TV has a smart TV and there's apps you can download on the bottom
Starting point is 00:28:17 like YouTube or whatever that those are all OTT over the, over the top top that's like the industry term and they were going to make ott's crossfit ott's for every single fucking platform out there whether it be sony tvs apple tvs all that shit right over the top media services it's how japan watches tv it's how it's the only way i watch tv i only use apple tv it's how i get to everything so they were going to make an app and they made us a demo app, uh, them and another company or no, another company that I had paid $50,000 to made us a demo app for Apple.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It was fucking insane. So you could get every single fucking journal article and it would publish every single day. 95% of the shit in there was free and you could just watch it on your Apple TV. This was months before the pandemic happened. I had that set up. They scrapped it.
Starting point is 00:29:09 All Greg or the CEO at the time had to do is push a button and that would have launched and everyone who was trapped at home would have had access to the entire journal. This company, Gravitas, we had arranged a deal for them to help us do that. And if just like 1% of one percent of the people who are cable subscribers would have downloaded that app and purchased crossfit it would have been 30 million
Starting point is 00:29:29 dollars for crossfitting i had the whole proposal ready it was it was like a fucking slam dunk it's idiot it's idiot stuff this chick aaron's been there a year in the journal which is her the only app i mean she doesn't even know what crossfit is first of all but it's the only it's the it is crossfit the journal is crossfit if the l1 trainers are crossfit in in in terms of they can if the l1 seminar staff is the is the um each one of them carries the seed for crossfit like if everyone died and just one l1 seminar staff lived, CrossFit could go on, let's say. Imagine that model. The journal is that in writing.
Starting point is 00:30:10 How the fuck is it hidden? How is it not being published in every single day and pushed to the front in a steady drumbeat? One of the things that we did at CrossFit is we went to the L1 seminars a lot lot and we gave away all that content for free and then we also published every day because we wanted it so that if someone went to youtube and typed in push up a crossfit video would pop up we wanted to own the airwaves that's kind of a uh archaic way of saying airwaves but it used to be by air we wanted to we wanted to own the the ethernet. We wanted to own the, um, fiber optic lines, anything fitness. Thank you. Thank you, Caleb, for your big word. Yeah. Thank you. I knew that a fiber optic line is like the new airways, right? We wanted to own the fiber optic lines. When anyone typed in anything fitness, we, there was a guy there, Kevin Daig dagel and he was in charge of getting our entire
Starting point is 00:31:05 10 000 uh piece library up into amazon so you could buy it even though it was free over here and people are like why are you selling it over there i'm like who gives a fuck we'll sell it here we'll give it free here whatever like we're gonna do it all that's so crazy pardon me put it on candle all that yes we were going it would be it would be everywhere but the point was is in some places you could buy it some places you could watch it for free somebody whatever you wanted like there's tons of shit that i could get for free let's like on youtube but i still buy it on on apple tv because that's where i watch it it's like buying an audiobook and then if you like the book you buy the or like getting the audiobook for free and then buying the
Starting point is 00:31:42 buying the actual hardcover later. Just give people what they want. And this lady was in office for a year and she didn't do anything. I don't want to rip on her because probably her hands were tied too. I don't want to rip on her other than the fact that she's woke. that kept the foot on the black man's neck, hated on the white man, sexualized kids, and ostracized homosexuals under the guise of doing the opposite.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I mean, it's some vile shit. But other than that, her hands were probably tied. She probably had no budget. She didn't know what she was doing. She doesn't know what CrossFit is. She was destined destined to fail do you think they're trying to like create their own database with something else or do you think they just forgot i don't know what dude they're out at sea with fucking no oars in the water you have like here's the thing here here's you have
Starting point is 00:32:42 to you guys have to understand this what's happening right now crossfitting the l1 is so fucking potent and strong and powerful and exciting and generate so much buzz just by anyone going to it that that thing nicole carroll's department is just generating money affiliates are coming and going at a high speed they're losing a lot and a lot are coming in because 20 year olds take the fucking l1 and then within five years they're excited to fucking open and it's just this um it's just this boat at sea that can't figure out how to grow or where to go or where to point the front or how to expand and it's just getting tossed and turned while fucking nicole carroll fucking uh makes enough money to keep the whole thing afloat that that that is 100 what's happening nothing else and then there's these other fucking idiots making noise like fucking justin berg over at the games probably like
Starting point is 00:33:29 like he's gonna fucking contribute something you are not you are not and that's basically so until someone takes control and starts like and you have to understand crossfit is an immediate company because everything is out of – there's nothing – so if you go to this company Sylvain that they hired, that CrossFit Inc. hired a company to tell them who they are. I mean that is fucking nuts. This company was built on integrity and authenticity. Sylvain has a strategy and design consultancy. As agents of progress, we seek to uncover truth, explore possibility, and create lasting impact. That means nothing.
Starting point is 00:34:10 But if you do look at their Instagram account, it's pretty fucking cool. They do make some great design, but these people will never know what CrossFit is. They will not. They will, will, will, will, will, will, will not. they will will will will will will not and um what you would never hire someone they should have never hired someone on the outside to tell them who they are if you that company sylvain has worked with like disney amazon twitter it's just all the woke sellouts where their only thing is to fucking make money you can't do that with crossfit you have to get it back on track with its integrity,
Starting point is 00:34:46 its authenticity, and its honesty. Yeah, there's some cool shit in there. They just work with just douchebags, though. And I went to their Instagram account wanting to hate on them, but their shit's actually, I actually like their stuff. But they have no business. They really have nothing to offer at CrossFit. CrossFit has to find, that's like mascara on a chick like if she's if she's uh 150 pounds you know
Starting point is 00:35:12 she's just a overweight she fucking um doesn't go to the gym she fucking um hates jews i mean she got other shit to work on she gotta fucking tighten up she gotta stop hating the Jews, and then she can put the mascara on. Sylvain is like way down the road. Your shit's already tight. CrossFit's not tight. And I'm curious. I told you guys. You guys probably can't afford me, but the plan is so simple to fucking get the boat on track again.
Starting point is 00:35:44 It's so fucking easy. you have to be making content out of the level one you have to be spend five hundred thousand dollars a year doing fifty to ten thousand dollar pieces showing transformation you have to fucking give um the current uh um social media teams some more resources You have to fucking bring the fucking morons at the fucking games who have no fucking idea what they're doing. That media team fucking under control. It's the last fucking bastion
Starting point is 00:36:16 of the woke over there. They have the most important forward facing piece that you have. You got to bring the fucking journal back up don't do stupid stuff like ask danielle brandon to flip the camera off for a photo just wait till she does it she's gonna do it regardless yeah she's gonna do it don't make fucking dumbass videos celebrating that your games team is 13 of the 17 employees are women like fuck off you're dragging it down you're dragging it down
Starting point is 00:36:54 all you do they made that when when i was there there was this fucking crazy instagram post we made where it showed marsden running along the side of the athletes as they were sprinting to one of the events and marston's holding a um gimbal and people are like the world's fastest cameraman it's like yeah just if you like just do shit like that to celebrate the people there's some beautiful there were some beautiful shots i remember of uh mariah moore uh filming with a camera that was three times her size on the field of play in Carson. Just show a picture of that. You want to celebrate a fucking tiny, hot Mexican chick holding a giant camera? Just show that.
Starting point is 00:37:35 You don't have to say shit. We see it. There's another chick out there that's carrying a crazy camera. Like, the lens is like the size of her. I think it's like meg sellers or something like that i don't know who that is but yeah just show that shit fuck she's like tipping over yeah they don't even know what a woman is that's the thing isn't that the irony it's those same fucking woke morons who don't know what women are but they're celebrating women it's a fucking mess
Starting point is 00:37:59 they're it's a joke but the good news is one by one all those people are toast they're toast the revolution is here it's been here there's gonna be we're gonna it's finally there's this daoist saying all problems must flourish before they come to an end i just didn't think it was gonna happen like this i had no idea that the fucking because i was one of those libtards i had no idea that the fucking haters and the fucking persecutors and the people keeping the black man down – black hawk down. The black man down where – I didn't know it was me. I didn't know I had been tricked to do that. Fucking nuts. You want to see an amazing story?
Starting point is 00:38:43 Go read Malcolm X's autobiography by alex haley wrote it kind of weird that it's his autobiography and alex haley wrote it but that is a fucking transformational story about an amazing fucking dude and the shit he had to come to terms with is fucking hardcore i'm gonna get a malcolm x shirt you think we can you think we can get travis to make one oh yeah that's a good idea you're right i wonder if i could steal by any means necessary and it's my face on malcolm x's like i want to culturally appropriate his hair and like some of his shit his his like swagger be the next newsletter wow that book is cheap
Starting point is 00:39:27 yeah this isn't a fucking incredible book this book changed my life i didn't get it when i read it either like now i get it more now i really get it i've been trying to read the tao and i don't think i get it right now either no it's yeah it's a lot right that's the thing with the Tao. I don't think I get it right now either. No, it's, yeah, it's a lot, right? That's the thing with the Tao. You can't really get it. If you get it, you're like, okay, I must be reading into it.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It takes a lot of mental capacity to fucking read that shit. I mean, listen to this fucking retard, Mr. Lao Tzu. Look and it can't be seen. Huh? If you look, it can't be seen. Listen and it can't be heard. Reach and it can't be grasped. Sevan, what do you think of what Chase and Bill are doing by going through the journal one by one on their podcast and chatting about making a binder vision of it I don't know what that means but David I have not watched those but I'm so excited by it excuse me I'm so excited by it it's uh it's gonna be good oh I didn't even put the number up it's a live call-in show and I didn't put the number sorry my bad oh it is okay people just tired on monday i guess
Starting point is 00:40:45 um are is that what if a pay are you in a room that like where patients are seen yeah have you been talked to at all by anyone about the podcast you do from bach rain or wherever the fuck you are um no not really nobody's everybody's kind of cool about it i'm as long as i stay out of everybody's way i think they're pretty cool with it does anyone else have any any like um side hustles there like there's someone there like knitting like scarves and selling them and shit or well there's a dude that we found the other day he like sets up in this common area and he's got like a whole string of like led lights and then speakers he's got like this whole fucking like twitch stream setup and he like plays video games and
Starting point is 00:41:32 he takes up probably like a whole room and if people are getting pissed off with him and i got i started to get a little worried that they were gonna just put it he's gonna bring the house down like be like okay no more of that shit i know it's like bro you're gonna you're killing the vibes hey that's like the other day um my dad my dad's pretty hardcore liberal and my well it's weird i don't know if he is god i should figure that out but i mean i should figure it out it's a trip it's a trip that's a whole nother show but anyway we were
Starting point is 00:42:15 walking along the beach and there was a guy there i used to always buy coffee from and he was gone for three months and then i walked by the other day and he's there and i go dude you're back the city's let you back he goes no and he goes as long as I stay in the street, they told me it's okay. So now this guy has his coffee cart in the street, but not on the sidewalk. And so now it's a complete shit show when he's selling the coffee because the way that people line up around him causes fucking chaos. Right. And I'm like, this is a fucking joke. And he's like, yeah. So as my dad and I walk away, I'm like, man, they should just fucking let this guy go. And my dad goes, if they let this guy go, then there's going to be 20 vendors here. And I'm like, nah, that's not true. Well, on the walk, lo and behold, a little further down, there was someone selling snow cones and ice shavings, you know, with the syrup on them. And then another was someone else selling fresh coconuts. And I had never seen that before. And I was like, oh shit, my dad's right. Turn into India. fresh coconuts.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And I had never seen that before. And I was like, Oh shit. My dad's right. Here we go. Turn into India. You know, bazaars on every corner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:10 No offense to India. I was in Newport beach, uh, for a long time, two weeks. And they have these bathrooms along the beach. This is one of the richest communities I've ever been in. And I've been in some fucking rich communities.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I've never been to Monte Carlo, but I spent a lot of time in Beverly Hills, Scottsdale, New York, San Francisco. And I – Newport Beach has a shitload of money, like crazy money. port beach has a shitload of money like crazy money like so i was in dubai and just every car at the hotel is like a 200 or 300 000 car and there's thousands of them just rolling in constantly but it's like that newport with boats it like everyone has a fucking one to fucking 100 million dollar boat no exaggeration parked in front of their house it's fucking bizarre and boats that are like mansions and um so along the beach you walk there and they have bathrooms every mile let's say and they're they're built on the beach and they're these big huge concrete structures made out of cinder blocks and there's a man and a woman's side it looks like a rest area right like you know when you drive it's like one of those,
Starting point is 00:44:25 but it's just sitting on the beach. And you go in there and there's no fucking doors on the stalls. None of them. I love that. Yeah. The only person who would take a shit in a fucking stall with no door is a child and they don't even want to do it but they could have their parent protect them like i did or a homeless person and yet the reason you don't have the doors on there is to stop from homeless
Starting point is 00:44:59 people going in there you fucking idiots you the third fucking person would be a military veteran oh good good that makes me so happy like because you guys do it all the time open door shits all the time what do you so so probably equivalent to a homeless person right so how do you i'm glad i brought this up on here with you so there's a point when you're in the military so So, so I went to a grateful dead concert one time and I took some mushrooms and, and I was not a fucking hippie at the time. I was wearing like a 49er hat. And the guy was with was wearing a Raider hat. And other guys was wearing Dallas Cowboys hat.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And we all took mushrooms and we went in there. This, I think this was my first year at city college. And I remember going, we're the only three people in here with fucking baseball caps on. We're the only people in here who's like, like, like we look like we were like wannabe NWA guys, three white kids. And, um, and everyone else was a fucking hippie. And my, my buddy looks at me and goes, Hey dude.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And I'm tripping. He goes, you can either trip or you can go with it. And I was like, fuck it. I'm going to go with it. or you can go with it. And I was like, fuck it. I'm going to go with it. And I, and I just sat on the stairs and melted into the stairs and let people like walk past me for hours. It was fucking crazy. Um, and it was good. It was a great trip, but, um, is it like that with, with shooting? So at some point you're in the military and you're like, okay, I just, you just stop caring. Cause I mean, you all have to shower together point you're in the military you're like okay i just you just stop caring because i
Starting point is 00:46:25 mean you all have to shower together and you're like within six inches of each other just fucking lathering yourself up to get in the shower and then sometimes like you just i mean a lot of times you don't have a bathroom like stall like the walls so you're just shitting on toilets with open walls and doors and and then out here it's like it's not ideal so it's kind of the same thing and and so when you're in there and you don't have a door and there's there's a guy next to you or guys and let's say you have to fart you just let them rip you just let it just let it rip yeah and you and you actually become comfortable with it they're like like they're enjoyable shits yeah pretty much i, you just have people to talk to you the whole time.
Starting point is 00:47:06 So like, you don't have your phone, you don't have your phone on you. Like you can't just like, you talk to people while you're shitting. Yeah, of course. Wow. I can't like read the back of my shampoo. Like, wow. You just fucking, you just have, you just talk to the dude a couple stalls down or whatever. I would only, um – incoming text message.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I would – I talk to my wife while I'm shitting. My kids. My kids. That's the kind of relationship you have. I mean the bathroom in our bedroom doesn't even have a fucking door it's it's one of those bathrooms you just it has no door like you just walk into it yeah um and i always ask my wife like is any like if i'm gonna shit one of the other bathrooms in the house i ask her hey is anyone coming over and she says no and then i never shut the door
Starting point is 00:47:57 but but i don't know if i've ever you just caleb what – Caleb, what are we doing later? I don't know. I don't know. You want to go out for a spin in the Humvees? Sure. That's cool. Let's swing by and get some caffeine first. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:18 All right. That's when you find out who wipes front to back and back to front too. Wow. I actually thought about asking that, but i didn't want to bring that up wow wow who stands when they wipe and who sits when they wipe wow they're standers yeah for sure because think about it if you're gonna sit and wipe like you kind of i don't know how you do it in your whole arms dirty right i guess but so your standard, my thought is, is that if I have to stand to wipe, it like pushes the butt cheeks together and makes it, creates a mess. No, I feel like if you're sitting, your butt cheeks are squished together, no? All right.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I have to be, I'm kind of open to each his own about this. If there's an open urinal, I'm using it, dude. Sorry, I got a piss. I'm like that too like fuck you hey get over it buddy yeah and what sucks about urinals is all the different heights if they're too low they splash and for here's no standard no standard and you can tell yeah this is gonna be whoever designed the urinal you're a fucking idiot because only 10 of the urinals don't cause splatter and that means someone figured it out i don't want to finish pissing and look at my pants and it looks like someone's fucking sprayed it with a mister yes exactly like dude have you ever thought about it like when
Starting point is 00:49:46 you're holding it like you're based like all of your arms are just getting covered in urine yes so if you don't do like a full fucking scrub in the arms you're carrying that into dinner you're carrying it into bed all of it you're fucked i went to the bathroom one time and came out i was wearing some lululemon pants and they were blue and they, and I didn't realize it. And I came out and they were, it looked like I pissed my pants and there were like fucking 20 people there. And Greg said something to me out loud in front of all of them.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Like, Jesus Christ, did any of it make it in the toilet? I was like, fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck i gotta stop i want to ignore this guy why do i click on his shit who is this guy
Starting point is 00:50:33 jeff no more jeff no someone give him a wrench so he can ban himself seven answer this answer what call into the show and ask me uh there is a um if you don't get the newsletter uh you should get the newsletter uh you would go to the seven podcast uh the seven sign up for the newsletter and every newsletter there are two things that we try to promote uh for sure every newsletter i believe one of them is the l1 and one of them is the larger bodies uh seminar which is brand new and it is awesome everyone i've talked to who's gone to it has loved it it has been organized created curated and being continued to work on by the creator and founder of it, Athena. And I'm trying to think what is the – I think that they have their inauguration maybe this weekend.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Let me see. Do you know what the seminar is called? The one that Athena is running? I can't remember. Yeah. And you know what they're doing? They're taking this – this seminar has already picked up quite a bit of steam and they're taking it to brazil i think i already have 50 uh people signed up um here uh here we go it's scaled nation scale yes scaled nation was definitely the group i know that was the facebook
Starting point is 00:52:21 group athena pres builds course aimed at educating coaches about working with larger body athletes uh i'm looking for the exact um looking for a link to it oh she also has a pretty amazing book uh that i read when i had her on the air um working with larger bodies that's just did you find the website to sign up she has a book called lifting the weight i highly recommend this book. And she has an amazing voice, and you should get the audio book. It's called Lifting the Weight, W-A-I-T. And, oh, yes, yes, working with her. Oh, so she's here in the comments.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Austin, Saturday, September 10th. Thanks, Athena. This is someone who has taken the Crossfit journey and just fucking run with it and now giving back in uh i don't even know what this means giving back in spades i don't know what that means but i think it sounds fancy the um so i we we publish a link to her seminar in our newsletter, and we publish – and obviously I had to have sent 1,000 people to the L1. And the L1 – well, I shouldn't say no one, but I don't get any money from that. And Athena sent me money. She did?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah, I didn't cash it she sent me like an electronic check and i never cashed it because i just want to do it but for the people that have signed up where she can see she can track them where they came through the newsletter she sends me she would send me a cut i did not accept it it's not because i don't want the money i want the money it's just not part of the deal she's also hella nice yeah and she's just starting and i'm just starting like that shit has to like i i don't want to take from that i want to uh i want to give to it and make sure it grows when you're selling that when you're selling a thousand a weekend i do want a large cut then i want a large cut okay where are we back to back to back to the uh so we know so another executive gone that this executive was they called her the chief marketing officer um when i was
Starting point is 00:54:35 there i was called the executive director of the um media department she is part of what they call the c-suite meaning she's at the highest level below the investors in the board so the c-suite would be the um chief financial officer that's the chick allison who uh i suspect is won't be there much longer and uh the ceo dan fall is in that group i don't what the irony is is or the bizarreness is i don't think nicole carroll is in that group i don't what the irony is is or the bizarreness is i don't think nicole carroll is in that group and yet she's probably the most qualified anyway so this girl this this girl's gone i don't know where she'll go i'm sure she'll go to some other but she was the one that came from ways app. She was the chief marketing officer over there. Waze is that app that tells you where to turn if there's traffic.
Starting point is 00:55:29 I don't know if they'll replace her. If they do replace her, God, they better do it from within. You just need – speaking of heart transplants, you need someone – you put a new heart inside of this person, and you forgot to fucking hook up all the arteries. So it's just fucking sitting in there and blood splatter everywhere at least like promote someone from within so they can get the original shit back up and running like the journal like the ott they finish the ott project get someone who's me when i was when when when greg sold the company and andrew oh andrew weinstein's
Starting point is 00:56:05 going to be gone soon for sure for sure these are all there's there's this club in there there's this group this like of allies the woke allies andrew weinstein trish the hr girl allison aaron one by one you guys are toast. Go woke, go broke. Nicole Carroll is not in the C-suite because she actually provides value to CrossFit. C-suite is for worthless employees. Understood. Imagine that.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I'm going to invite Nicole Carroll on the show. I've invited her before. The only reason why I don't bug her incessantly is because I'm a little bit intimidated by her and I don't, I not intimidated by her. I don't like, I don't want rejection. It's like asking like the pretty girl to the dance or asking like, you know, one of your friends to spend the night and I just don't want them to say no. But fuck the parents first. I asked Bill Henninger to be on the podcast. henniger to be on the podcast i asked katie to be on the podcast did you get ghosted no no no okay good i don't think bill henniger's ever done
Starting point is 00:57:17 a podcast i don't think so dear bill There's like barely any information on him anywhere. I tried to Google him and there's like nothing. Dear Bill, I would like a Stairmaster and – that's a big ask, right? Dear Bill, Henninger, and Kate. Maybe I should Dear Katie. Dear Kate – Dear Bill. Dear Bill and Katie. Mr. and Mrs. Henninger.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I used to have a little bit of a crush on Katie. I never said that out loud. It was a little more than a little bit. Cause she won the 2008 CrossFit games. Oh yeah. She's like, that makes sense. That's when i was a child and i used to have crushes you grow out of that i wonder if my wife knew that i had a crush on her yeah
Starting point is 00:58:15 kind of i did i kind of do i kind of only have eyes for my wife now my wife's awesome i'm not just saying that I'm not just saying that should we should we I wonder if we should revisit every show I was thinking about visiting Kanye's Instagram so I just saw some stuff about Kanye recently oh let me finish my love letter to Bill and Katie dear Bill and Katie it was crazy, because I was already with my wife. Like, she was my hardcore girlfriend. I knew I was going to be with her my whole life. But when I saw Katie win the games, I kind of had a crush on her.
Starting point is 00:58:53 And I think Bill was her coach then. I don't even think they were dating. But then quickly after that, they were dating. And they began to build the rogue empire. No, Katie's not my spank bank empire no katie's not my spank bank i only my wife's in my spank bank that's how i kind of know by the way i don't know if i should go off on that right now but in the like when i met my wife even even like it took me five years to get with her but even i always have just thought about my wife the only person in my spank bank is my wife it's weird i'm just i just i'm just all about my wife i'm not saying that and like to be some goody goody
Starting point is 00:59:33 it's just it just is that way i just can't help it i just want to be with her she's so awesome i'm gonna fucking end the show and go fucking and get in the spank bank the thing the crazy thing now is is my kids at my kid my kids are like starting to like get a little protective over it and so i can't help but you know when you know something's going to piss someone off so like so if if if they're like watching tv i'll just be in the kitchen and i'll start hugging and kissing my wife. I'm like, hey, boys, what do you want to do after the show? And they look over and they fucking lose their shit.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Ari will actually come run over. Don't touch her. Fucking get off my wife. So dear Bill and Katie, I would like a Stairmaster. Katie, I would like a Stairmaster, and I'm concerned about the ropes that I purchased five years ago because they've been outside. I purchased like seven 15-foot ropes for my rig, and I'm concerned that one day I'm going to be climbing them and they're going to snap. Please give me a significant discount that a poor podcaster like me can afford. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And, and you should probably offer something right in return. And in return, I'll kick Katie out of the spank bank. No, she's not in the spank bank. She's not in the spank bank.'s not in the spank bank i promise uh in in return i have fucking nothing to return i can't give you guys anything you guys have
Starting point is 01:01:14 everything uh i would also like more shit i would like to get access to the rogue invitational i would like to send two or three people there to with iphones to uh film like behind the scenes stuff and cool shit like that thank you thank you bill thank you katie katie was never in the spank bank either that's i didn't let her in so don't don't believe the rumors uh in return you can let them sponsor the show ah well, well, yes. Thank you, Wadsom. That's a great investment. Yes. I don't know. I'm obsessed with the Stairmaster.
Starting point is 01:01:50 It's going to be one of those things I purchase here soon anyway. You? How long do you go on the Stairmaster? I don't know. But here's the truth. The 100% truth. Because Matt Fraser uses it,
Starting point is 01:02:08 I want it. You want one of those uh i do i want one of those too i want one of those too i don't think my garage is has so many little knickknack things like that that i don't i i did not pull the trigger on that that is within reach of me i could like probably buy that today but um check my piggy bank um but the stairmaster fuck just the fact that matt talks about it the way he talks about it i told i um hillar and i when we were together we were brainstorming shows i go you know what show would fucking kill? Just start doing shows promoting shit you want to buy off of the Rogue website. Their website's so beautiful.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Do the top 10 things that you would, if money was no object, you'd buy. Do the top 10 things that you would buy if you wanted to start doing CrossFit. Do the top 10 things you should not buy. I mean, just fucking do a fucking whole milk that that site is so dope they just put it they just installed a new weight room at like university of maryland or something and it looks incredible like i remember when they just like first started doing like outfitting colleges oh rogue did it rogue did it how do you know can you pull it up how do you know yeah i think they posted about it elisa car redow elise uh stairmasters are awesome and jacob's ladder if you use it correctly the thing i you're not gonna like this
Starting point is 01:03:39 at least but i'm gonna tell you but don't tell anyone else the reason why i want the stairmaster is because i think i can watch tv at the same time like I do on the assault bike so that I can be doing research on podcasts I'm going to do. I like to go in there late at night, like at 10 o'clock. Let's say I was going to have Kaleeb on. I would go in there at 10 o'clock the night before and watch a podcast that he did while I sit on the assault bike and just drench sweat. Yeah, so if I got the Jacob's Ladder, I don't think I could do that. and watch a podcast that he did while I sit on the assault bike and just drench sweat. Yeah. So if I got the Jacob's Ladder, I don't think I could do that. The Stairmaster is fucking. Okay. I feel you.
Starting point is 01:04:15 I don't know what that means, but I feel you. I feel it. I feel it. It must have been a story, but it's it's crazy it's fucking wild Stairmaster it's Sevan it's not the Stairmaster you're wanting to be like Matt Fraser I think I want to be more like Rich Froning and I think the Stairmaster is the way to it. I am not obsessed with Matt.
Starting point is 01:04:50 This is not correct. Here it is. Wow. Wow. Dude, it's beautiful. It's beautiful. Is that... That just plays automatically, that slideshow? Yeah, it's just a reel I think they created.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Wow. I don't approve of the reel. It's jank, but that's cool. Look at those bars. What bars are those? I don't know. I've never seen those before. I was going to wait.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Wow, that's incredible incredible that room is incredible hey that's not one that's not one of those universities uh where they tell you you can't deadlift yeah no way did you did uh will plumber he was talking about how at his school they wouldn't let him do any olympic lifting they won't let him do olympic lifting or deadlifts or anything like off like pulling off the ground because they said it's too dangerous it's fucking silly uh how sweaty do your headphones get uh they get sweaty i'm sure that's the thing oh what's Jeff again? I don't want to click on Jeff. Uh, got one used for like two K you do have one. Gabe.
Starting point is 01:06:11 P a P E R S T C O F F E Paper street Don't spell out street. Do not spell out street. It's just S T Use the code word SEVON. Get 10% off. When I first started talking to Gabe, he said that it was just a hobby of his. Then I spoke to him the other day. He was on the air, and he says it's getting close to not being a hobby. Dude, he's been sending me coffee out here and it's like everybody loves it job oh gabe i'm down to my last bag speaking of which thank you people keep asking where it's coming from i'm like it's from the show you're welcome does he does he grind your shit or did you get it as beans i get it as beans yeah i get
Starting point is 01:07:02 his beans too and then how do you have a grinder there yeah i just have a little like hand crank grinder wow wow hey you should force yourself to use your left hand oh yeah left-handed so you get balance um i saw something this morning when i woke up that i'm a little bit embarrassed about but i I'm also really excited about. I saw that. Um, so the other day, Andrew Hiller, when, uh, after the show was over, we stayed on StreamYard for like 20 minutes and just chatted. And I showed him my, um, three plane brothers, YouTube station. And he was like, Holy shit, you fucked up. You shouldn't have done podcasts. You should have kept pushing this three plane brothers thing. This thing be huge um because i just kind of stopped making videos of the brothers and uh today he released a video talking about my kids and that in that in that youtube station the three
Starting point is 01:07:58 plane brothers it's called uh who will win the crossfit games next i don't think my kids will win the crossfit games in 2032, but they really are spectacular. It's weird going out with them because if you go out with them, we will always get stopped. Always, always, always. By lots of people. People want to come over and talk about them. And it's because they do like trippy. They look cool, but they also do just trippy shit.
Starting point is 01:08:23 And they're polite. But if you go to the coffee shop, they'll jump or climb on something, and everyone's like, whoa, what the fuck is going on? Yeah, these dudes. And because they're dressed like girls. It's metrosexual, right? Hey, so I got them. I got – those were too tight, and I got them bigger stretch pants now. And now the stretch pants he has are baggy on him around his waist,
Starting point is 01:08:45 but not on his thighs and his ass. Cause they're so fucking crazy developed. And the other day I took him to tennis and his tennis instructor, who's as serious as a heart attack, never cracks a joke. He goes, those pants are a little loose, huh?
Starting point is 01:09:01 Like making like finally after two years, he's like letting me know like hey the pants you put on your kids are too tight like he puts fucking stretch pants on your boys fucking idiot oh my god mud water is superior to god whatever you're a jackass fucking jeff guy jeff uh yeah right when gyms were trying to sell all their shit because they were closed i pick one up jeff jeff reminds me of how i feel it felt about andrew hiller back in the day Jim's were trying to sell all their shit because they were closed. I pick one up. Jeff reminds me of how I felt about Andrew Hiller back in the day. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Tomorrow morning show is going to be crazy. I wonder if I should invite someone on to fight with Brian. I should have Rich Froning. Maybe he'll come on and be like, what the fuck you mean I'm not at the top? Maybe get Pat on. Oh, Pat. I do want to have Pat on. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Brian will tell us who the 30 best CrossFitters of all time in the world are. Dudes. Penises. Got them balls in the front. Meat and potatoes. It's going to be good. And, you know, he says to me, too, like he goes, well, there's not a lot of changes. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:10:23 Even one change is awesome. one it is yeah i mean it's gonna be uh it's good it's gonna be good and this thing doesn't change this one doesn't change a lot i think we've only done this show once before i wonder how often this changes but i'm pretty fucking excited it's gonna be good it's gonna be really good down at the bottom two i think the first year he only went 10 or 20. And then there were some honorable mentions. And this year, it's going to 30. I would rock the shit out of a cardigan CEO shirt.
Starting point is 01:10:56 By the way, I'm wearing these pants again today. I don't know how to describe these pants. I got them. They're my first joggers I've ever had. They're from a company called Primo. I was turned on to them by Blaine Barber. These pants – oh, wow. I don't usually use the word gay to describe something, but if I were to go to a gay bar, I would for sure wear these pants. Are they fabulous? Or if I went went out with gay friends
Starting point is 01:11:25 i would go out with them they just put me in touch with like my they put me in touch with my masculinity they're just so fucking nice the golfers wear on me golfers i mean you see the way those guys dress it's like just too it's like just these pants are so nice they're like lululemons to the next level lululemons were feminine these are like homo masculine i can't explain it but they're dope even my sister said my sister even made a comment, but she did say they look really good on me. But she said that it looks like, you know, maybe I bat for both teams. I'm fine. I mean, I'm fine. Hello. Caller. Hi. What's up, guys?
Starting point is 01:12:14 What's up, dude? Y'all doing all right today? Richard. Yeah. Yeah. What's up, brother? How are you? I'm good. What about y'all? Having fun. I have,
Starting point is 01:12:25 uh, I have, uh, 17 more minutes left with Kaleeb and then I'm going, um, to, uh, jujitsu with my kids and then I'm free all day and it's going to be a
Starting point is 01:12:35 fucking great day cause it's going to be hot. And, I have some friends in town and my sister's in town. I think I'm going to go to the beach and I'm, I'm like approaching 36 hours of, uh, fasting. Cause,
Starting point is 01:12:44 uh, so I get to eat today cause I didn't eat all day yesterday. So I'm pretty excited. What are you going to have? My wife, as we're speaking, is blending a pound of raw beef with three dates and a third of a cube of butter. And I'll go in the house and sprinkle some salt on that. Wow, Caleb, good job holding a straight face as I say all this. And I'm going to sprinkle some salt on it and eat it, just a pound of raw meat.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Yeah. I'm thinking about putting – I'm supposed to put some pork tenderloins on the smoker, so I'll think about you in a little while on how you do. Thank you. How's your sister doing? She good she's uh she's good right now she's got an appointment uh like i don't know the middle of the month to go back to uh birmingham down here in alabama and i think they've got to do some tests uh to see uh like check the pressure in her lungs and because that was the big thing to start with. They were talking about doing, like, a double lung replacement and a heart transplant if they couldn't get the pressure down in her lungs.
Starting point is 01:13:53 But they think they may be able to just go with a heart transplant. Is she going to, like, the University of Alabama hospital? Yeah. That's a fantastic hospital. It's a great hospital. You're not just saying that to make him feel better? No, I'm dead serious. That's a great hospital.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Hey, what happens to her heart, her old heart that she needs a new one? Well, so we've got me and my sister and my dad, we've all got, I think it's hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is just like the thickening of the walls of the heart. I have that on my penis. I have that on my penis. I have the thickening of the walls of my penis. Regularly.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Regularly. It's a problem. Since I've been in high school, it's been a problem. Since I've been in high school, it's been a problem. But over time, it just gets stiff in the middle, and the blood doesn't pump from one side to the other as efficient. And, I mean, like, I don't know, a couple weeks ago, she had an episode where she was feeding the dogs or something. She had to sit down in the yard, and she woke up where she had passed out,
Starting point is 01:15:02 and her defibrillator had shocked her, woke her back up. But I think they said her heart rate had got up to like 270, about 270. So if she wouldn't have had the defibrillator, she would have probably died. How long has she had that? She's had it since she was 16. Oh, wow. She's 43 now.
Starting point is 01:15:26 But I've had one since 2015, and then my dad, he's had one for, I don't know, probably 14, 15 years, something like that. Did you say you have one, Richard? Yeah, I've got a defibrillator, yeah. You, your dad, and your sister all have defibrillators. Yeah. Has yours ever had to save a life?
Starting point is 01:15:49 No, mine had never went off. I had never had any kind of – we've just got a pacemaker built in too, but every time I go to the doctor every six months, they check it, and I've not had any kind of – it doesn't even have to pace for me. they check it and I've not had any kind of, it doesn't even have to pace for me. So it's more of like a preventative thing for me, uh, as far as just in case something happens,
Starting point is 01:16:10 you know, it's there to save my life, I guess. But yeah, it's just, uh, they've done some genetic testing and all, and which I have another sister.
Starting point is 01:16:22 She doesn't, she doesn't have the heart problem, which I've got a little girl we've uh done the genetics testing on her and she they said she was she doesn't carry the gene for it so that's that's the good part about it you know oh congratulations that's awesome yeah um how long did your grandfather live till? He lived until he was, I think he was 82. Oh, okay. But I think it came from my dad's mother's side, because she died when he was three.
Starting point is 01:16:58 That was back in like 62 or something like that. They were, it was just one of those things. They were in there laughing and playing in the bedroom. And next thing you know, she fell over dead. And, you know, back then they didn't really have any idea of what went on. But I think that's what happened with that. You know, heart rate got up too high.
Starting point is 01:17:19 You know, she just didn't, never woke back up. But it's hard to make this a serious show, but you know, Richard's sister's name is Stephanie Weems, W E E M S. And Google her name, find her, uh, GoFundMe page and donate to her getting a new ticker. Fuck. How, how long does she have before she has to get it, get it? Uh, well, she's number four on the list. oh uh they they you know i mean she that could change at any time but so she's just waiting for four people to die and she'll get a call and that's it
Starting point is 01:17:52 she goes pretty pretty much i guess she's uh which she could move up on the list that you know oh someone's gonna die labor day weekend from drunk driving for sure she's she's gonna be number two by fucking tomorrow yeah if they if they don't you know if they don't if they get a heart that doesn't match with some of the others you know then she may move up list but she's got it's about a three and a half hour drive from where we are so she's got like a four four and a half hour window to get there so um they told her pretty much to have her bags packed and be ready to go at any time. Why? Because as soon as they get the heart, it has to go in. It can't get old.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah. They've got a certain, you know, I guess I get a certain time limit on it, I guess, but I don't know. Caleb probably knows more than that, more than I do on that. What were you going to say about drinking drunk driver's hearts, Caleb? Are those no good? Yeah. Usually if they're like, donate certain organs, i mean you have to be a pretty healthy individual to give away your organ also have to like pass away or die from like something not super traumatic which is i mean it's not not something that will happen
Starting point is 01:18:59 there's plenty of people that die like that all the time but but you could get decapitated in a car accident and your body still be okay and your heart still be good yeah probably decapitated oh caleb just broke up uh richard thanks for calling in brother enjoy your your your pork tenderloins i'll be thinking about you yeah man i appreciate you uh you know giving a shout out and uh I appreciate all you guys you guys do a good job I appreciate it Richard Margin okay thank you thanks Richard all right man all right man thank you is this a CrossFit show or a medical call-in show god damn it Jeff it's not a CrossFit show ever think this is a CrossFit show not even tomorrow when Brian's on It's not a CrossFit show. Ever think this is a CrossFit show?
Starting point is 01:19:49 Not even tomorrow when Brian's on here, it's a CrossFit show. To show to pay the bills so my fucking kids can go to jiu-jitsu. And so I can tell, I can express my temper tantrums about being fired from CrossFit. Is this therapy for you? Sometimes it is. That's for sure. sure okay no bathroom dolls on the stoles so so but so we don't you don't newport needs them right they're not soldiers right or do you yeah yeah no newport needs your stalls for sure good okay fine newport gets stalls okay three 326 i don't know what this one is it just says biden biden i think that's referring to joe biden or maybe hunter biden maybe jill biden but it's a biden it's a show about nothing maybe no thing i would go oh this is insane you guys this guy
Starting point is 01:20:41 is fucking running for fucking governor this is insane the perks of florida sure i cover the white house normally will we be seeing you in florida do you want biden to come and campaign with you absolutely listen look what joe biden's done for our president. Biden, forgive me, has done for our country. He's been exceptional. Look what he's done for the world. I mean, what's happening to him bringing NATO together? New members to NATO, Finland, Sweden. It's remarkable. The EU. I mean, what other president could have done what he's done? He's been phenomenal. Gas prices are down.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Inflation is trending down. Democracy is trending up. I'm running against a guy who's against democracy. He doesn't support mail-in ballots. He doesn't support African-Americans and their right to vote. Joe Biden supports all of that. He's a good man. He's a great man.
Starting point is 01:21:42 He's a great president. I can't wait for him to get down here. I need his help. I want his help. And he's he's the best I've ever met. I know this man. You're talking about the person. So. So there's people who've said that Donald Trump is racist and I've looked for it. Joe Biden is openly racist. Like you can openly you can just go online, just go to Google and just start perusing.
Starting point is 01:22:11 And he's saying DeSantos is against, like I don't want to defend DeSantos. But like, dude, are you out of your fucking mind? No offense to Joe Biden's an insult to people with Down Syndrome.
Starting point is 01:22:26 He is a fucking marshmallow, googly-gook fucking mess. He's dysfunctional. He's not even like a – he's not – I would be willing to debate that he's not a man. If the world crowd wants to go with he's a woman i'm i'm or maybe that's not nice what a mess sorry i know he's your commander-in-chief caleb and i don't mean to uh diss him but he is um it's okay we're all concerned he he's uh and i don't mean to pick on the geriatric i don't care actually i don't care i'll pick on the geriatric. I don't care. Actually, I don't care. I'll pick on the geriatric. I don't care. Like, if you're a retard, you're a retard.
Starting point is 01:23:07 It's just the way it is. Like, don't be in denial. Like, he's a retard. I feel like he's just doing that just to try to get some clout. That guy's running for fucking governor that's probably why he's saying those things just so somebody will listen to him so you don't think he really believes that you think he's he knows he's lying part of me wants to he's just yeah he's just bullshitting. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Okay. Okay. That was so bad. I can't believe CNN gives people the bandwidth for that. I don't know what 319 is. I didn't write anything about it. Maybe we can... 319. I raised 320 what i'm a little scared i'm a little scared oh this is
Starting point is 01:24:12 insane this is insane have you seen this caleb no i haven't this is fucking insane and so this is the thing you have to understand so this is why I get so angry with the woke. This is why I go after fucking the DEI council at fucking CrossFit, Weinstein, all those people. I lumped them all up, whether it's right or wrong. I lumped them all up with people like this. This is the same methodology of confusing people that Andrew Weinstein has used, that Allison Chick has chick has used trish all those fucking idiots over there this is all this is they come from that woke mob where they think they can just change the definition of words like gender versus sex and i know the rights equally as fucking retarded when it comes to fucking using those words wrong and by the way if you don't see the importance
Starting point is 01:24:59 of using those words correctly you're part of the problem you have you should start using those words correctly, you're part of the problem. You should start using those words correctly. You should definitely not talk shit about people like me who fucking explain why it's important to use those words correctly, because it's because of that that everything's fucked up. Gender is in your imagination. It's between your ears and sex is on the outside and it's real. It allows us, it's a signifier for something that's real that we can agree upon no one could ever agree on gender when you see the words on a bathroom sign all genders are welcome that's idiot talk of course all genders are welcome they've always been welcome it means that when you walk into this bathroom you can think whatever
Starting point is 01:25:41 you want there's no way they can stop that gender is just thinking it's just thinking it's like saying it's just thinking what it should say is this bathroom is designed for people with penises this bathroom is designed with people with vaginas that and what that's why those the man and women characters signify that. That's it. And so this, this is the kind of talk, by the way,
Starting point is 01:26:12 this is a great Instagram account. Everyone should follow it. Gays against groomers. Everyone should follow this. This is fucking nuts. These are these people on the, this is the woke crew. This is the left trying to fucking normalize pedophilia.
Starting point is 01:26:31 That means 50-year-old men having anal sex with 4-year-old boys. That's what pedophilia is. That's what pedophilia is. Minor attracted persons. I'm just going to pump the brakes right there because allowing language control to enter the scene is what causes the slippery slope to begin. Do not let your language be controlled. These are not minor attracted persons. These are pedophiles. Let's continue watching. Because they are probably the most vilified population of folks in our culture.
Starting point is 01:27:02 And most folks are making incorrect assumptions about them without actually knowing much about them. And those assumptions create harm for an already marginalized population. They are lucky that our assumptions are the only things bringing them harm right now. But please do continue. This term simply means that the person has an enduring sexual or romantic attraction to minors. They've not chosen this attraction, just as the rest of us have not chosen whatever our attraction is. And that right there is why I bring up language control and why this is so important. Saying it in the same terminology as we don't choose our attractions as adults, saying that in terms of pedophilia is extremely dangerous. Let's be clear. Pedophilia is not a
Starting point is 01:27:53 sexual orientation. It is a mental illness. It is a disease that requires treatment. It is not normal and it should not be accepted. You cannot comply with this language control and you cannot comply with self-censorship. This is dangerous and it has to be addressed today i want to talk about and it's the victim mindset again i don't choose i don't choose to eat a snickers bars every night before i go to bed i don't choose to fucking uh ass rape a fucking four-year-old boy it's this shit is fucking nuts fucking nuts hey i love the idea of fucking going to the store i love the idea of watching a bank robbery movie and then fucking getting 10 of my friends together and getting all the guns and robbing a bank i love the idea of that that sounds awesome i would never fucking do it in a hundred million years because i i don't want to be i don't want to get killed i don't want to kill anyone but just robbing the bank sounds fun and exciting riding in there on fucking horseback
Starting point is 01:28:53 having guns on my side but i don't do it i don't fucking do it this is tombstone i just like i've always wanted to rob a bank since i was a little kid. It sounded crazy. Have a fucking car, a muscle car, waiting outside with Vin Diesel. I run in. While I'm grabbing the money, some chick's like, you're cute, and I fucking squeeze her ass. Get her number. Fucking they don't have a choice. I mean, just as soon as you hear that it's just imagine using that your honor i saw to my 64 boys i did not have a choice hey dude the left
Starting point is 01:29:36 the left went after kyle rittenhouse for killing three white guys when one of them was running down the street screaming kill and you know he said that word kill you know that word kill all the that racial epithet you know what he said then he he ran up to Kyle Rittenhouse and attacked Kyle Rittenhouse, and Kyle Rittenhouse shot him from the seated position because he got knocked down by this guy. And then when we look into it, that guy had been released from prison earlier that morning for sodomizing fucking seven boys or something between the ages of 4 and 13. Like shut the fuck up. And that – and sorry – say it again khalib i said but he didn't have a choice it's just what he did thank you yes yes but i didn't have a choice right that's what i see that's all the people on the left that's what those are the people they're defending
Starting point is 01:30:40 they're somebody saying that like after their kid just got sodomized oh but i didn't have a choice like like i i could give a fuck dude you're dead i don't i don't care if you're attracted to fucking little boys i don't care if i want to rob a bank it's not okay we have rules for a reason fuck you it doesn't justify it's there's no slippery slope there's no room that's why that's why it's fucking open hate season right now on all races, all ethnicities. It's open hate season because we let in a little bit of room and we called it affirmative action. And the whole victim mindset and everything proliferated. And it's like a little bit's not okay.
Starting point is 01:31:15 In the name of goodness. It's okay. They're marginalized. That means nothing either. So what if you're marginalized? Think of every time someone from the left says that they want you to bring a whole narrative to it i don't care if you're marginalized that should not matter will you look up that word for me real quick marginalized fuck i gotta go i'm gonna read
Starting point is 01:31:35 this definition of this world and that word and i gotta go i'm attracted to john young but i don't act on it thank you jeff thank you That's the first cool thing he said. Tell me what you want to do to John Young. I want to hear what you want to do to him, though. Marginalize. A person or group treated insignificant or peripheral. So what? Yeah, you mean like kids?
Starting point is 01:31:57 You mean like when kids talk at the dinner table? Shut the fuck up. The adults are talking. It's okay to marginalize people of course there's marginalized people when i went to the dead concert i was wearing a 49er hat i was marginalized so what it means nothing and they want you to bring they want you to bring this whole fucking narrative to that every time someone uses that word that's what that's that triggers their emotions i know no one wants to hear it i hear you i know i saw my sister in the comments saying she's fucking turned the show off i don't have a choice in finding pedophiles disdainable scum
Starting point is 01:32:38 that need to be purged from the society i know my wife doesn't want me to say anything that that leads to people getting hurt or anger so i always just say this I put him in a fucking rocket ship and shoot you to pluto So Savon you wear hats, but no shoes. I wore shoes back then too I have no idea. I I think it's both I think it's both. Here's the thing. I think that if you I think honestly I think you take all the women off the planet and all of us are butt-fucking each other in fucking 30 days. Dudes recalibrate so quick. That's the thing. The whole thing, if we want to be completely honest about it, I hate to fucking just go down this because I was being so articulate but men are disgust oids my friend told me one time if a man does something sexually that fucking shocks you you don't understand men
Starting point is 01:33:29 that still doesn't give you an excuse to fuck with boys it fuck you we have to protect our boys and our girls of course of course okay um send them to uranus. That's fine. God, Jeff. Fucking how are you always in the fucking up on the screen? Richard Margin. Paper Street Coffee. What do you recommend? Medium roast. Love you. Khalid, thanks for coming on the show.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Guys, see you tomorrow morning for the 30 best CrossFitters who ever fucking lived, who have penises. Those are men. And this is not a fucking CrossFit podcast.

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