The Sevan Podcast - #582 - CrpssFit LYFE | Affiliate Series Ep. 5

Episode Date: September 9, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm alive. My fault. We're a little late. Sorry. Screen. I was screwing around on, uh, trying to launch my new Instagram account,
Starting point is 00:00:10 my new YouTube channel this morning. I've got so excited about it. Screen around. I think it's called the capable child. Did you see the guy? Oh yeah. You were that guy I had on yesterday. You know,
Starting point is 00:00:23 the guy who was in jail. Yeah. He has a YouTube account. He just makes one minute videos every day, like anywhere between one to seven. And I was like, oh, I'm going to do that. And I just launched a YouTube page called The Capable Child. And then, and I'm calling it a parenting consulting service. And I'm calling it a parenting consulting service. My wife goes, how much are you going to charge? I said, 500 bucks. She goes, why don't you start like at 300 bucks? I'm like, cause I don't want to talk to anyone.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I don't want to like, if I talk to you, like I want to know like, oh, 500. Yeah. Okay. I can stop and give you my undivided attention because there's so much other shit I'd rather do. You know what I mean? It's like how you pick your, uh, pick your kids instructors. Yeah instructors yeah you know what i mean you want to work with them yeah and uh i i just i don't know what takes me so long to realize shit but it's it kind of like took me showing hillar the uh the account i mean literally everywhere i go fucking a half like i can't even fucking go to the store without people stopping me and start asking me about my kids.
Starting point is 00:01:28 And it's not just the way they look, the way they move, the way they interact with people. I'm like, okay, fine. I'll just start putting out one-minute videos, start sharing what I'm doing, what I see, and spread the message. And it's fun. It'll add to some creativity. And shit, if I get one consulting job that'll pay for piano lessons for the month there you go too easy yeah done i get zero consulting jobs i get zero consulting jobs it's even better because then i just have to i get to keep
Starting point is 00:01:57 hanging out with my kids and doing this podcast carlos mejias from light crossfit did you see his instagram uh actually i don't even know if it's called light crossfit it's actually i think it's called light athletics i didn't send you because there are no notes by the way you have bugs in the hospital yeah uh life life athlete athletes l y f e l y f e he's he by the way he's not late that is totally my fault like one second before i came on i sent him the uh the link like a douche i don't know why i was just on a day i'm i am really excited about this new instagram account like really pumped hey do you remember that guy david smith do you remember like say that again so maybe this one will get shadow banned because it's so
Starting point is 00:02:51 yeah yeah i don't think my kids want i don't think the three playing brothers one is shadow banned either by the way this is going to be continued in the series of uh affiliate shows um if you go to that instagram account here i'm going to send it to you in the series of affiliate shows. If you go to that Instagram account here, I'm going to send it to you in the private chat. It does say it is a, well, it doesn't say it's a CrossFit gym. It just says helping people improve their lives. CrossFit is for everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Oh, and you know what? I think you know where you're supposed to put in pronouns? I think he typed in gym, physical fitness center. That's clever. Pronouns. There he is. Carlos, I'm so sorry I sent you the link with so late. It's seeing you guys, but I can't hear you hold up
Starting point is 00:03:46 even better I hate to apologize I hate for anyone to hear me say sorry that's what happens I send you the link late completely my fault let's see what happens I got on the scale yesterday Caleb I had to pull the scale out because the kids are getting ready
Starting point is 00:04:06 to do a jiu jitsu tournament this Saturday yeah and 170 170 that's a big version of me you're thick old boy 55 170
Starting point is 00:04:22 I know I don't like being this heavy I'm going to cut back on the two pounds of macadamia nuts I eat every night before I go to bed. What's up, guys? Carlos, what's up, dude? What's up? Sorry I sent you the link so late, dude. That was ridiculous. I normally send it like 10 or 15 minutes ahead of time, and I was just like screwing around, just sitting on the couch, just chilling. That couch behind you? No.
Starting point is 00:04:48 That couch is just for show. That one, no one sits on that. That's his couch. This is just to display my gear. Ah, yes. Love it. Hey, I wore that shirt yesterday. That was poor planning on my part.
Starting point is 00:05:05 That's a really nice shirt. I get compliments on it every time I wear it. Thank you, man. Yeah, the life shirt. Yeah. Did you want to call it Life, L-I-F-E, but it was already taken? I did. Well, it wasn't taken.
Starting point is 00:05:20 They just gave me the excuse that it was too similar to live or something like that and but i was like i gave him the whole bill so life stands for live your fitness every day oh okay i'll buy it i'll buy it and uh we made that because we never stopped working out during the pandemic you know oh yeah god i love that subject yeah hey um it looks like you got a great crew too thank you when you did that did you lose uh every affiliate owner that i've spoken with that was a bit contentious right during the pandemic like maybe some of your clients thought that if you kept it open you were being negligent and and not safe and so they didn't want to be any part of you so they left did that happen um no not really the ones that didn't want to be part of it they they
Starting point is 00:06:17 they stayed home so we gave them equipment you know we gave them our equipment and stuff we gave them like a roar whatever it was It was first come, first served. So when they told us to shut down, I didn't want to do it, but my other partners kind of were on it and they wanted to. So I took enough equipment home to my house to be able to have six people working out at a time. So I had it at my house and then the rest of the equipment, we gave it all out. We gave it all out to people so they can work out from home. And what I did, I was streaming the classes from my house online.
Starting point is 00:07:00 So people were watching us work out and they would follow the workout. But I had at one point at my house i think we had like 70 people coming obviously in and out um we were working out from 7 a.m all the way to 7 p.m um right there in the front porch of my house right outside here well you're in florida yep hollywood florida is that a coastal town yes i have this theory and some people don't like it but i but i but i they think it's not true but i swear i i'm really really convinced it's true that because that the coastal towns have healthier people because well well, not only coastal towns, but warmer clients near the coast. We have healthier people because we've leveraged our egos to not want to look sloppy because we wear less clothes.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's kind of like how I tighten up a little bit in the summer, right? Because I know my shirt's going to be off more. And I think that it's kind of a good way to leverage the ego to be healthy you think that's true um i think part of it i mean it depends um like you go to the middle east where the women are covered and so many of them just seem obese yeah yeah so they're covered up like who are they trying to show off to of course i get that but even even then i think it's more the culture and who you surround with so like down here is a lot of um hispanics and stuff so you'll go to the beach
Starting point is 00:08:32 and you see a bunch of overweight people you know like some we go gordos and gorditos and gordas yes and i'm just showing off i'm just showing, yeah. I see that. So it happens. It depends on where you're at. Like if you go to South Beach and stuff where it's like the ā€“ it's kind of like L.A., right? Like if you go to that where you were at Newport, right? All beautiful people, plastic surgery, all that stuff. You have that here, but you come up a little bit more north, and it starts coming more regular and regular and regular. And by the time you get to, like, mid-Florida, it's just, you know, same like everywhere else, 70% overweight.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah. If you just go 10 miles inland from my house, it turns into just a roly-poly-ville. Just everyone's huge. What did you see carlos how come you weren't afraid of um of of dying from this from all the scare attacks they showed what what statistics or numbers or what evidence did you have that made you feel that it was okay and you have kids right yes three kids so you must and and a wife wife, yeah. So you must have felt pretty confident in some statistics or some numbers you saw that it was okay to keep interacting with people.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I mean, we're seeing now, I don't know if it's true, but we're seeing now that there's a city in China of 13 million people that's being kept inside for something that you weren't afraid of. I'm curious what you saw that made you think that it was okay to just keep working out. So I truly believe in CrossFit and the health benefits of it. So you know how at the games they always talk about the known and unknowable? I think that is more towards the health part of it. So I was like, okay, CrossFit, the known and the unknowable.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I don't know nothing about this. What better way to put it to the test? Every time I talk to my gym members is, you know, CrossFit saves your lives. It's everything. It's the answer for so many things. Cross-set saves your lives. It's everything. It's the answer for so many things.
Starting point is 00:10:51 If I don't believe it and I don't put it to the test, why should I be talking about it? So I said, yeah, I'm not going to stop. We're going to keep going and we'll see what happens. We'll find out. We're going to put it to the test. And that was my thing, the unknown. You know, let's make it know now that CrossFit is the answer. I wish I didn't have quite as much faith as you did. I saw two things that convinced me.
Starting point is 00:11:23 One was I looked at the people who were dying in China and they were, the vast majority were over 65 and they had been smoking for 30 years or more. The vast, vast majority, you know, like in the, and then the second thing is, you know, as a sort of disciples of CrossFit, we've been, it's been really shared to us over the past 15 years, how bad sugar is, right? So I started digging into more into sugar and I started seeing the damage it does to the immune system, not even damage. It makes it incapable. When you eat sugar, it makes your immune system
Starting point is 00:11:57 incapable of working. You know, it stunts its ability to send out NK cells and T cells, the white blood cells to defend against infection. And quickly, I mean, it only took me, you know, less than a day to figure that out. And then I was like, yeah, you're right. I follow this protocol of diet and movement and my immune system should be able to fight off anything. And if it can't, there's no way I'm going to be able to run from this thing forever. Exactly. Right. So what about your family and friends?
Starting point is 00:12:27 Were they scared? Was your wife like, Carlos, I think you've taken this too far. Well, let me go back one step before I ask that. And what shocks me is, is what you just said. I really expected to come out of CrossFit HQ. I really, really expected someone at HQ to say, because we're used to it with Greg Glassman, don't worry, guys, we have the cure to the world's most vexing problem. I've been telling you for 15 years to get on the lifeboats. Don't worry. You're fine. And then to maybe tell the
Starting point is 00:12:55 world, hey, even if they think we're crazy to be like, hey, come on to the lifeboats. You'll be with like-minded people. You can go to Carlos's house and you'll see what they're eating and how to move but but we never received that to this day we still haven't received that and instead they made an effort to get money from the government to support the gyms which went against the kind of the ethos or the spirit of what CrossFit is is to be um accountable right yeah yeah. I was a little disappointed in that. And also like, so I'm a huge, I don't want to say a fan, but I think Ben Bergeron is like a huge mentor to me. Sure. Yeah. A lot of their big names were like, oh, we're the first one to close our gym and do
Starting point is 00:13:39 this and do that. And it's like, man, what is is happening why is no one standing up for what we live obviously craig howard did and a lot of other people did but they met the people that i was followed you know we're more like in the east coast so you kind of like stay with people in the east coast and they i was shocked by ben bergeron too yeah because because he is why he is a man of wisdom yes he can think clearly and yet what he did was kind of worse than because he's a leader um he he perpetuated the fear instead of sort of i don't i know he probably didn't want to be put into a place where he was being divisive or polarizing but when you when you start building those plastic walls and do the mass you start perpetuating the fear the lie you start perpetuating
Starting point is 00:14:30 the lie let's just fucking face it yep exactly exactly so that that yeah that was um the the whole thing i was i was shocked i was a little lost. But then again, right back to what Greg Glassman taught us all. It's like we have the answer to the world's most vexing problem. Let's just put it to the test and see if it's true. And kind of like all 70 of us, nothing happened to us. We kept living our life. These people's social, mental, state, never got affected. I mean, to this day, they miss the days that we were having out here, you know, in the front of my house.
Starting point is 00:15:15 But, man, that got, we did that for eight months, eight months straight. And it was working from seven to seven everybody at my house every day not gonna say i got a little tiring towards the end but i was happy to open the new gym and and and go back and and um and start working out at the gym i had my home to be my home you know so did so when you went into the pandemic when you came out the other side, your gym had closed and you had to open a new gym? No. So what happened? Let me go back.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Okay, please. When I started CrossFit, I started at another gym. And then from there, they asked me to become an owner. I did. We grew that gym right before the pandemic to 227 members. Wow. Yeah, I quit my job. I used to do drywall construction.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I quit that. That wasn't changing the world. I wanted something to do that will help the world be a better place. So I did that. We were there for five years. And then I was going to ā€“ it was too many of us. It was five owners. It was too many of us. So I was like, let me go. I'm the biggest one here. I'm going to go so you guys can keep going. And the pandemic was perfect. It was like, okay, look, I'm already not there. Let's, let's make this happen. was gonna go move to tennessee and my that
Starting point is 00:16:48 happened on my birthday when we decided to move and then on the next day is my wife's birthday and she finds out that her mom has leukemia so she tells me right there we can't leave i gotta stay here and i told her that her mom lives in hollywood also yeah she yeah she was down here too okay and she didn't want to leave her so i totally understood told me she told me figure it out and i did i got up that morning at three in the morning i started looking for a place uh an empty spot and and another gym had closed, another CrossFit gym. And then I went to go look at that place, and it was empty. I contacted the landlord, and we went for it.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And here we are two years later. It was October of 2020, our first date. So you go into a location where there was already a gym. Yep. And you didn't feel like maybe it was cursed or, hey, maybe the foot traffic or. No, no, not at all. I think it's up to you, man. It's all up to us to make it work and make it happen.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I don't think of any. Like, man, this is a shitty location no none of that no excuses we don't put any excuses if you put your heart you work into it and you believe in what you're doing I think it's going to
Starting point is 00:18:17 pay off so Carlos this is totally off subject here why not run a why not do both? Why not run the, what, where are you from, Carlos? I'm from Venezuela. Why not find some Venezuelan homeboys who just came across the border, tell them, hey, come to Hollywood. I'm going to teach you guys the drywall business.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Keep that business going. Have some young men drywalling for you. I don't mean to be sexist. I just don't see a lot of women doing that job. No, I have women. I have women doing it. Fine. Fine.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And some hot women. And then also run the gym. Do both. I did. I did both for a little while when i was at the other gym and it you can only do one thing a hundred percent all right right um so i had those two things going i was basically doing 50 to 150 to the other one then my family everything else you have going on in life. And I decided that, no, if I really want the gym to work and be a business, I have to be in it. And dude, yeah, once I did that, we were able to, everyone get a salary.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Now the gym is actually a business. It's running. We're changing life. It's growing. Now the gym is actually a business. It's running. We're changing life. It's growing.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I can provide full-time jobs for other people, other coaches that want to do this full-time. No part-time. I want to make the box be better than what it is. Like the whole business of, okay, have a gym, but then you have a bunch of side hustles. I don't think that's a good idea. I think we should have a gym and not keep it. I have a 6,500 square foot gym. For me, I think that's old school now. That was the old school way to do in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:20:21 My goal is to create one day to take over a hospital and make that a gym. I want it. You mean like an old hospital or an old elementary school or old preschool or something? Yeah, and make that a gym. I hate when I see hospitals
Starting point is 00:20:41 and they keep growing and growing and building on top of buildings, on top of buildings, especially down here, it's crazy. And it should be the other way. We should be the ones having those big places and changing people's life. Like 300 people at the gym is not going to do anything. 300 people at the gym is not going to do anything it's not that let's say there's 15,000 affiliates and each have 300 members that's only 4.5 million people like in the world we should have affiliates of 3,000 5,000 you know more and actually change the world make it a real thing. So we got plans. We got plans coming up. When you said hospital, sometimes I drive by like abandoned high schools or abandoned like city colleges.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And I always think that, man, what a great place. Dude, amazing with a track, a pool, everything, you know, like everything in one spot. Even you can have the doctors that actually want to help people be in your facility and have their practices running through there. And then guess what? I'm going to give you this for now, your insulin and stuff, whatever you need for now to keep you alive. But the cure is right outside these doors. Carlos, do you think this is too harsh what I'm about to say?
Starting point is 00:22:05 I'm about to say something kind of fucked up. Ready? No, nothing you say is too harsh, man. Okay. In California, they say they're building homes now. They're about to pass a law to build homes for homeless people. And I think that that's a lie.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I think that they're building homes for drug addicts. Okay. And then I had a guest on yesterday. He said said that's a lie too. They're not drug addicts. They're people with trauma. Okay. Like how deep do you want to go? Okay. Instead, we built giant centers like the one you're saying. And so you can join the army, right, when you're 18. You can join the Peace Corps. Are you familiar with that organization? Okay. Why not build something that you go to? God, I hate to say it would be the government. But why not build somewhere where for a year you go and get just your health back? That's it. It's just a place you work out for a year you go and get your just your health back that's it it's just a place you work out for a year and it's free and it's subsidized by the government if they're gonna i mean i would rather open a facility for people who want to help themselves than a place to house drug addicts who are on the street yep 100 it doesn't it seems like a no-brainer right and then we're investing in our kids future we might have to suffer a little bit with the homeless people and the drug addicts but within 10 or 15 or 20 years we'll have this whole army of people we'll have 4.5 million people in the united states alone who've gone through this one-year program where they lived at one
Starting point is 00:23:38 of these hospital school abandoned places that was a yeah that's the goal so easy so easy to do that and that's why like um you know we have gyms that like the easier keep taking care of the sick and not the healthy like why don't we just take care of why don't we invest in the healthy a friend of mine told me one time i said hey what shouldn't i eat and he said stop worrying about what you shouldn't eat and just focus on what you should eat and i don't know if he was right but i really like that yeah exactly like hey here's the list of things you're supposed to get focus on that and you'll manifest those things that's it easy it's easy so then that's that's the goal like my goal is to it's always harder to change someone that's been 40 years fucking eating like shit and and you know like they don't care like that's the five percent of people that are not going to care
Starting point is 00:24:34 i have family members that see my change i am fitter i got abs a fucking 38 that I never had in my whole life. And they see me, they see me, they tell me every time, holy shit, Carlos, you look amazing. Yeah. Hey, here, have this fucking cupcake or have this or come here home so we can have all this fried food. And it's like, dude, you have to change that. And they just don't want to hear it. So for me, you have to change that. And they just don't want to hear it. So for me, I think the easiest thing to do is like my kids and any in my gym. I don't I let all the parents bring their kids.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Those kids, when they literally I have a mom right now that she just had the baby and brought the baby two months old to the gym. And she puts him right in front of her working out that as it should be yeah and that life that kid that gym our community is going to be in their dna forever right i'm never going to have to tell them like a kid right like an infant you don't have to teach them how to squat they're squatting from the beginning right when my kids started doing crossfit i didn't teach them i told them grab the barbell and do a squat and they got it that's it and you have to teach them anything but if a 40 year old comes in literally it's like they're breaking in half trying to do a squat, trying to do something. So, dude, for me, the sacrifices that we're going to make today is what's going to change the world in 30, 40, 50 years from now for my kids to see this. And, dude, like the government and all that stuff, everyone is, you know, like the student loans and all that shit and all this sickness that we have to take care of. I'm not going to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:26:31 My kids are. Right. And their kids and their kids. We don't fix that. You know, we're going to get to a point where it's all going to go to crap. So as you as you decide you're not going to move to Tennessee, you're going to stay there and open the gym, did you already have the name already decided, Life Athletics?
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah, we decided that over here on the driveway. We kind of make it a little thing for us on the driveway. Yeah, one day my wife got up and she's like, I got it. This is the name. And again, because we literally never stopped. It was so funny. So maybe day three of us being at home, literally they shut our gym down on a Friday, Saturday morning. I had the rig up in the front of the house I had my the whole floor the session everything Saturday morning we're working out by Monday uh people were calling the cops already you know my neighbors and stuff and the cops will come in and they're like dude uh this is amazing I can't believe you guys are doing this. And I can do nothing to you.
Starting point is 00:27:46 You're inside your house. Like, it's not like you're running out. You're not doing nothing outside. You're not breaking any laws. Do you mind if we stay here and watch you guys work out? Dude, we had like at one point, like five cops sitting there outside working out. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Dude, my neighbor must be pissed. Whoever called, I don't know who it was. I never working out. That's awesome. My neighbor must be pissed. Whoever called, I don't know who it was. I never found out. But whoever called is like, I just called the cops on this guy. And now the freaking cops are working out. What the fuck is going on? Yeah, that doesn't work so well, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:18 So at the end, they ended up calling code enforcement. They're like, again, we can do nothing to you, but please put down the rig. I had literally a whole rig in the front of the house. And I put down the rig so I can tell them that you did that at least. And all right, fine. We took the rig down and we did pull-ups in the carport. And that was it.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Someone from the city came and said that to you? Yeah, they kind of like give something so that you can, so they stop calling. Like it's just annoying about it. Like now they were calling every day. That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:56 So we did that and that was it. We kept going. Fight for the fittest. Being a medical professional, I'm someone torn here. Everything has its place. Fitness and health is a major part of my life, but medicine has its place too. No one is saying that medicine doesn't have its place in the world. Unfortunately, though, that profession and what came out of there in the last two years has been nothing but lies.
Starting point is 00:29:18 And when I mean nothing, I mean 99% lies. You have to realize that you just got on ā€“ at point if that if you're you're on the wrong side of the fence for and i'll give you the most clear example everyone knew the science showed the statistics showed the third grade math showed the cdc website showed that you never quarantine healthy people they quarantine healthy people and medicine has now probably, this year is the leading cause of death in the United States. It usually hovers around the third. Medical errors are usually the third leading cause of death.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Now, granted, when I say medical errors, I understand that people are complacent. You go in 300 pounds overweight and see the doctor, and they fuck up and you die. It's like, yeah, you met them at the 50-yard line. I get it. But the medicine has completely jumped off the deep end i don't know if you saw it was released today but the cdc told facebook that the vaccine was completely um uh um 100 useful for kids before the trials on children had started of all, we know none of that's true. It's not 100% effective, but it's fucked.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And I always pose this to you. Show me a healthy person who's died. Show me one. Show me just fucking one healthy person who's died from COVID. And what do I mean healthy? Someone who looks like Carlos. That's it. Just some Venezuelan dude who eats right and works out in his driveway.
Starting point is 00:30:50 That's it. Nothing special. You don't got to be a fucking Olympian with a gold medal. Nope. Carlos, when did you come to the United States? You're born in Venezuela? Yeah, I was born there. I came when I was 11 who brought you my mom
Starting point is 00:31:08 and and how did you come uh my uncle was here already and then we just flew we flew um we were coming for a trip we were going to go to the disney world i think We were going to one of those parks. And it was a vacation. It was like a winter vacation. And it was literally right when Chavez had taken over, I think. And my uncle told my mom, look, stay here.
Starting point is 00:31:38 You got to stay here. You got to leave the kids here. To this day, I'm freaking grateful that that happened. And yeah yeah we stayed we stayed and then my mom filed for whatever and we became citizens tell me some of the complexities of that so what about your dad does he get pissed does he call your mom be like hey what the fuck are you doing get back home yeah so it's a little complicated because my dad was raised in that size so he was a chavez supporter and all that stuff and the government needs to help you
Starting point is 00:32:12 and give you all this shit with the government's only giving them like 100 bucks a week you know what i mean and that's it that's and i'm a believer of you earn your shit you work for your stuff you make what your life you make it what it is. I don't need the government for anything. People who can't dream love socialism, by the way. I can remember being a 17-year-old boy thinking how cool it would be to get $3,000 a month from the government and that I could just do that
Starting point is 00:32:42 the rest of my life and smoke cigarettes and draw pictures in my bedroom. I seriously dream. I had no dreams. I had no goals. I had no aspirations. I had nothing. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So then when that, um, before that, my, my dad was never in the picture. Even when we were in Venezuela, he, I, maybe I saw him a lot when I was in the around six, six and seven. And then after that, he, he always blamed my mom for moving to another city to, to be better, right. To be, she was looking for a work, better jobs, better opportunity for their kids. So, um, did you have siblings? Did you have siblings? Yeah. I yeah i have uh uh two sisters okay older younger
Starting point is 00:33:26 younger younger yep so then we moved a lot and then he always blamed my mom for for not being part of our life right and then he um which fits perfect right blame someone else yeah it's perfect okay exactly like if you want to be part of our life, you move too. That's it. Yeah, so we did that. And he, yeah, obviously had issues. And over there, the government, anything they say about the United States in schools, everywhere is bad. Like we're like kind of like it is a regimen in the united states
Starting point is 00:34:07 everything's bad there's no freedom so everything like i didn't know nothing like when i came here i was like holy shit it's all bullshit yeah yeah yeah and uh yeah and then we just stayed we stayed here and um and build our life here. I'm grateful for that. So when you came on your trip to Disney World, it was you, your mom, your two sisters. Do you think that that story you're telling me is the truth? Do you think that maybe your mom already knew you weren't going to go back and she just didn't tell you because she didn't want to scare you? No, because we came, literally, I came here with like a backpack okay so you left all your did you have a bedroom back there everything with all your toys and shit got left over there
Starting point is 00:34:52 everything got left behind everything even our my mom had to go back and grab all of our documents and like everything and then she came back did that scare you when she went back like oh shit what if she doesn't come back no i don't think so um i mean maybe because i was too young um because it is scary she could have got stuck there yeah she could have yeah she could have got stuck there but i guess when you're a kid like that you never think of it you know she just went on the plane and comes coming back in a couple now she came back like 30 days later. So, yeah, we just stayed here. We started school. Normal, normal life.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Like, you know, it was happening in Venezuela. I was moving a lot. So it's kind of like, okay, we moved again. And now we're here. What do you, do you speak Portuguese or Spanish in Venezuela? Spanish. Spanish. And when you came to the United States at 11, how was your English?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Did you speak English? Zero. Zero. How about your sisters? Zero. How about your mom? None. My mom still to this day can manage.
Starting point is 00:35:58 But down here, it's super easy. Like in South Florida, right now in South Florida, it's so big with Spanish-speaking people that a lot of schools literally just teach in Spanish. I don't think it's right. I think you should learn both languages. But, yeah, back then it wasn't as bad as now, but I was fine. The place that I moved to to there weren't a lot of spanish-speaking people so it forced me to learn i had to walk around with a little dictionary whatever translator thing so i can speak with friends and i go outside and play baseball play
Starting point is 00:36:36 football play whatever um so it forced me to learn once i got to school then i was like holy crap i can speak spanish and be fine because a lot of spanish people again and it took me how old were you when that happened still at 11 like you went to 12 god that must have felt good to be like oh shit there's other spanish speakers here yeah it was cool it was cool but at the at one point like my wife came from canada only speaking french right and she learned english in four months because there was no one else that spoke french like zero what's your wife she she's canadian she's canadian she's she's born and raised there she doesn't have a in quebec no wow yeah How did you guys meet?
Starting point is 00:37:26 In high school. We met in high school. So these are Canadians who came to Hollywood, Florida? Yeah. Her and her mom. We met in high school. She came a little bit before me. She came when she was seven, I think.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And then we met in high school in the 10th grade. I started the ROTC program in my high school. It's kind of like the Navy, the Navy JROTC in high school. So it kind of like prepares you like if you want to go there, right? So it's like you do all the ranking, supply officer, everything, like all that stuff. Me and my two best friends, we started it.
Starting point is 00:38:07 And my wife enrolled in it. And one day she walks out of the room and I told my best friend, I'm going to marry that girl. I hadn't spoken a word to her. And for one year, I tried to pull her in and she said no. The whole 10th grade. So I spun it. I said, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And in the summer of that year, she called me. And she's like, oh, I broke up with my boyfriend, but I have another one. I'm like, nope, no, you don't. And yeah, it's been this since then, 2011. So 23 years. Congratulations. That's awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Do you think it's worth it staying in a relationship that long? Do you think there's value to it? Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I think it shows commitment you know discipline consistency all of that is yeah like
Starting point is 00:39:13 it's good I don't think it has any unless you want to be crazy and party all the time and do all that stuff you know
Starting point is 00:39:22 I never was that kind of person. Like we did that a little bit in high school and that was it. Like it didn't interest me. I struggle because I'm in a relationship that's 20 years long too, or, you know, over 20 years. And I can't think of anything better. Like for me, it's the crowning achievement of my life.
Starting point is 00:39:43 It is like, it's the greatest thing achievement of my life. It is like, it's, it's the greatest thing I've ever done. I cannot believe in every day it gets better because there's added value to it. It still deepens and enriches. That being said, there's other people I see in relationships and I'm like, man, one of you motherfuckers is crazy. And I don't know if you can fix crazy. Like, and so if there so if you're committed, I appreciate the discipline and all of that, but there's even a rusted barbell you have to throw away at some point, right? I mean, it's like. Of course. is dude one thing I
Starting point is 00:40:27 it's not that I regret or anything it's just I was following the footsteps of their or her parents right like even society right graduate high school, go to college get married, have kids
Starting point is 00:40:43 like like we're all told to do yep and then so i'm going through all that and i'm like dude what what is my purpose in life like what the fuck is going on like i'm i'm i'm being an autopilot for the for maybe 10 years of that right of that life and then i found CrossFit and I found like mindset and all these different things, listening to you, listening to Ben Bergeron, listening to all these great minds, Greg Glassman. And I was like, holy shit, the one thing I would have done differently was I would have built the empire that I want to build right now and then have my family.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I could have done it with her. It would have been fine. But with the kids and everything, dude, you're right. You have your kids and that's all the time you give to, but your empire is already built. Right, right, right. I'm still in the the you're doing both at the same time you're building your empire and trying to spend time with your with three kids is a big family and one always suffers right like you're always going to give one more to the other
Starting point is 00:41:56 um so that's the one thing i would i would change other than that i love it It's been awesome. We're good, dude. We're a great, great couple. We love each other. We have good shit. Everything is awesome. I would have never have joined that in high school or college. I would have been like, I'm not giving my life to that. I'd rather go to the store and drink or drive around at night with my friends and find girls. That seems already so mature. Why did you do that? So I was doing a bunch of crazy shit. And my mom is like, dude, you're going to end up nowhere if you don't fix it.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Right. And I had tried out baseball and I didn't make it. That was my sport that I liked. And these guys were working in uniform. I was like, holy shit, they look cool. What are you guys doing? And then I asked and then literally they they were we were the two the first person that was they spoke to. It was us. Like, oh, we're building this thing do you want to come in and like fuck what do we have to lose did you hear your mom's voice at that time too um say hey you're gonna end up in jail not really i think man it's like that's you know when you um i'm big into manifestation and things like that and like when obviously my mom was the best for me.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And I think it just happened. Like, it's just that was it. That was what I needed to hear. Whatever they said, you know, they didn't like give me a big spiel or nothing. It was literally like destined. Like, and to this day, you know, I didn't have the father figure in my life. And to this day, Commander and Chief Ramirez, to this day, that's who I am right now. Those are the guys who ran the ROTC program there.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I learned so much from those two guys, man. And they shaped who I am today. And how long did you do ROTC? Three years. Three years because they started on the second year of that school. That school was ā€“ we went on the second year, too, when the school started. So I had ninth grade. They weren't there yet. And then on the 10th grade. So 10, when the school started. So I had ninth grade. They weren't there yet.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And then on the 10th grade. So 10, 11, and 12. So three years of that. Why didn't you ever join the Navy then after that? So I was going to go to the Marines. I wanted to do infantry, you know, straight through it. to do infantry um you know straight through it and my my now wife back then girlfriend she's like nope you're not gonna do that if you do that i'm not waiting for you here and um i don't know maybe that saved my life too because i'm right dude like i kind of like dave castro right like greg
Starting point is 00:45:00 glassman saves dave castro's life right, right. Probably would have been one of those guys. Like, I love straight-up comeback. No, you know, just go straight to what we're there to do. Not play around being a mechanic or anything like that. Fight for the fittest, thank you very much, and thanks for the good conversation. uh fight for the fittest thank you very much and thanks for the good conversation um this guy jeremy he wants to ban jeff from the live chat the live chat's always what that guy jeff still there yeah i divorced my rusty barbell
Starting point is 00:45:39 uh and and then tell me when did crossfit first pop on your nope i'm gonna save that still yeah so you come here was there any chance you guys would be deported how how can was it hard for your mom just to say hey me and my three kids are staying yeah yeah so she had to uh do a lot of so she had to have she had to marry, she married an American, like a citizen. And that's how we were able to get our papers and stuff. But it took like, dude, it took like 2001, 2011. So 12 years, 12 years it took for us to get our papers and stuff. But once we got it, it was really fast. Residence and then citizenship right away. But the process was super long.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Before that, we had like permits. Like we were here legally and we couldn't, obviously you can't mess up. If you do something bad, you're out. So you had to, you know, know behave be good be a a contribution to society not a burn right like do great and help help the country be better no worse so we did we did all that and and so and you've always been in florida always yes yeah tennessee was uh it's tennessee for some reasons always been in my mind to retire there or whatever. And that's why we were going to move there.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Actually, Angelo, Angelo De Chico was going to be our realtor. Oh, wow. Yeah, Angelo took me to everybody's house. Matt Frazier's house, his house, that house. I'm like, dude, I just want to live in the ranch. I don't want to live next to this guy. Can I just set up a tent over there yes um yep carlos i was raised um it's it's so crazy how profoundly racist this is too i was raised to um that if you were uh Democrat, if you were a Mexican, a Venezuelan, a Brazilian, a black person, and you lived in the United States that you basically had to be a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Like that was that was the rule that I wasn't raised that way, like by my parents, per se. That was the that was. That was the message coming into the Bay Area, the Bay Area being San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland. That's the way it was. And you had to do that, and you had to maintain the victim mindset. You had to maintain the narrative that people hated you because of your skin color. You had to maintain the mindset that you were field workers, that you were cleaners. You had to maintain the mindset that someone was keeping you down. I mean, it was all there. And, and, and, you know, their quick, their quick automatic response was, well,
Starting point is 00:48:34 if you don't maintain it, you're ignoring the 200 years of oppression. And it's like, finally I woke up and I'm like, no, it's actually you who's maintaining the memory of the 200 years of oppression. and you're insisting that it continues. Did you ever go, did you feel coming here as a Venezuelan that you needed to politically be on one side of that? Like, did you feel that message too? Like, hey, these people are trying to keep you down, get on this camp. Did you feel that message too? Like, hey, these people are trying to keep you down.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Get on this camp. Well, that was, it's kind of like my mom and my dad's thing, right? Like that's who they, like the rich are here. Then they're here because they're bad people and they did something bad. That's how they get money. And dude, it took me a long time to become who I am again by listening to you, literally. I learned more. Well, I didn't know this shit at 38 either, so fuck, man. You're ahead of me.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I learned more in the past year of this pandemic listening to podcasts and understanding, like, holy shit, this is all a lie. It's just all there so that these people are trying to get, the Democrats are trying to get that brainwash those people to think that so that they can get their votes and then whatever the other party is just doing. Yeah, so they can get their votes, their votes and their boats. Yeah. So then it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:50:08 dude, how, how in the world? So we'll never become rich if we hate the rich. Yes. And it's so obvious now it's like, Oh shit. I get it.
Starting point is 00:50:19 One day you said it best. It was, God will never give you something you resent. Right. And that right there stuck to me. I was like, holy shit, there it is. Someone drives by in a Lamborghini, and what you should do is you should give them the thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Hell yeah. You should be like, dude, nice car. You should show the humility, the appreciation, the artwork, the craft, the hard work. You know that guy didn't get that shit without working his ass off, right? Yeah. You see a guy with a brand new Corvette, you walk over to him and you go, sir, that is a beautiful car. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:50:53 You must be a hard worker. Yep. I have something here. I learned from the book called ā€“ holy shit. I cannot think of the name right now. Whatever. Listen to this part. Wait, hold on. Caleb, what book is he talking about?
Starting point is 00:51:08 It's coming. It's going to come. Caleb's like, how the fuck would I know? It's coming, Caleb. I'm going to say it. So, I will succeed by attracting the right people. Eliminate hate, jealousy, and envy, and develop love for all humans and negative
Starting point is 00:51:28 attitude towards others will never give me success every morning i read that um uh think think and grow rich that's the thing can grow rich yeah isn't it amazing too all so the people when you read the book and these people at the top too i i know i oh yeah yeah napoleon hill yep i haven't read anything by napoleon hill but i hear so much good stuff it's good you should read that one it's it's a cool book because you have it makes you go back to it and read it again and rethink your life. And man, that book right there will change a lot of lives. Who turned you on to that book? I don't know if it was Ben Bergeron or maybe, I forgot. Yeah, maybe it was Ben Bergeron.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I would ask him what books he would read, top five books or whatever, and he always give me like five books to read yeah um what is your what is your what is your wife and friends think about your kind of your evolution and and thought um i don't know i don't know i I don't know. I know my friends, they, I don't know why I don't see it, but they always tell me, man, Carlos, you're unique. You're special. You're always trying to do better and love everyone and do all these things and change people's life. And at the gym, I mean, you can ask the coaches.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Everything I do is for somebody else. I never do something for me um something that greg glassman says as chase excellence and then the money will come yeah i do that every with everything everything i chase and try to do the best of and everything else will take care of itself. And that's how we kind of like go for it. Are you in the gym? The gym actually, it sustains you and your family. Yeah. And your wife works there too.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah. She just got promoted to general manager. Yeah. Yeah. Is it a hard life running the gym running a business yeah yeah yeah it's definitely um i wouldn't say a hard life dude i it's my dream i'm living my dream i've been ups for eight hours already i got up at four in the morning and went to go coach my five and six love my so you've already coached a couple of classes this morning.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah. And then came back to do the podcast. Yep. And then came back to the podcast six hours. Like it's been, yeah, six, seven hours. And I can't wait to get up tomorrow morning and do it again. But I love it. I love the drive.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I love the challenges is that warrior mindset, right? We don't want, there's the victim mindset, persistent, optimistic, realist. The warrior mindset chases this shit, loves it, the challenges. It's going to be a challenge. No business is easy. There's no do this and tomorrow you're going to be rich. Zero. That doesn't work. That is, you got to put in the work. You got to put in the hours, put in the effort and change people's life. If you don't change people's life, especially in our business, our business is not, we're not in the fitness business. CrossFit did that for us already. CrossFit made the greatest fitness methodology there is. Nothing better than that. We are in the relationship building business as gym owners. We need to change these people's
Starting point is 00:55:13 life through CrossFit, but more than that, remember, we only have them for one hour. We need to change their life. What are they doing the the other 23 how do we change their lives with that and that's our job that's how we're going to build a great community change the world change their lives make them be a bad fucking individual that wants to like kick ass into their 90s you know that's right and so you're the sole business owner now. Uh, not yet. So I still have some partners right now. So when I, when I opened the gym,
Starting point is 00:55:49 um, the second gym, um, one of the members gave us, uh, some money to like make it happen. So we made it nice. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:55:58 we made it nice. So he's a part there. It's a partnership. They're part owners. There's another business that they have. But hopefully in January, I'm going to be the sole owner. I'm going to buy them out, and then I'll be the sole owner of the gym. Oh, is this your wife in the comments?
Starting point is 00:56:19 Natalie? Yes. Oh. I can see the comments. That's her right there. You have two locations? No, no, no, no. Oh, second year.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Okay, okay, okay. Carlos, how did CrossFit pop up on your radar? What was your first, when you first saw it, noticed it? It was my wife. So my wife was, after having the second baby emily she was like 175 pounds and she's like dude i gotta do something and i i used to do mountain biking so i'm like i know there's no mountains in florida but we did it we built some trails and we did it right so that was what i was doing and then i tried getting her into that she said nope i'm I know there's no mountains in Florida, but we did it. We built some trails and we did it. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:06 So that was what I was doing. And then I tried getting her into that. She said, nope, I'm not doing this. I'm going to die. All right. One of her friends came to the house and she lost a lot of weight. And she's like, hey, what are you doing? I'm doing CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:57:19 I'm like, all right, cool. Go try it out. She went to go try it out. Tried out her first class. Came back to the car. I stayed in the car waiting for her. Hey, I have a question. Her friend who came over and lost weight, what was she?
Starting point is 00:57:34 What was her background? What was her ethnic background? American. American, okay. Yeah, yeah. She was American. She was from here. She lost the weight. She comes back, and then she says, yeah, yeah I like it I think I'm going to do it
Starting point is 00:57:47 the whole right there I was telling her you're going to hate it you're not going to like it and I think that got into her head and she's like I'm going to prove you wrong which I thank God that happened and she goes but it's expensive it's 180 bucks I got out of the car gave the $180
Starting point is 00:58:03 to the dude and get on it did you take the class too or did you just go out of the car, gave the $180 to the dude and get on it. Did you take the class too or did you just go back in the car? I stayed watching her for three months. Oh, so you would go there and just sit down and watch her workout? Sit down and watch her workout
Starting point is 00:58:19 holding her baby. Oh, you really do love your wife. Holy shit. I like doing that too. Isn't that fun love your wife holy shit i like doing that too isn't that fun watching your wife work out i was like this cool shit yeah she's probably she's gonna prove me wrong she's gonna like this thing and she got hooked then i'm like all right i can't do mom biking and this like it's too much time we don't have enough time so let me try this so i tried the free class meaning meaning not you weren't even working out you didn't have the time to drive her and you're like hey this is taking an extra two hours a week i need to spend my time try the free class meaning meaning not you weren't even working out you didn't have the time to drive
Starting point is 00:58:45 her and you're like hey this is taking an extra two hours a week i need to spend my time better yeah yep and so you just okay okay yeah so i wasn't doing anything and then i mind you i used to do 12 hours mountain bike race 24 hours mountain bike race all by myself i'm in shape i can do this they put me to through the free class whatever bear claws met ball cleans sit-ups push-ups stupid shit i threw up everywhere i was like wow oh hell no i'm doing this and i came in um and it. And literally three months later, they asked us to be part owners of the gym. How much later? Three to five months later.
Starting point is 00:59:36 I can't remember exactly. Had you even taken your L1 at that point? No, I didn't. Oh, I got a good L1 story. So what I did, I did. Somebody introduced me to Ben Bergeron. I went to go take his seminar when I took his chasing excellent seminar. owner and I came out a better man. That guy changed my life, right? Like he's very good at changing people's life. That's what we're here for. And I came back a better man, a better father, a better husband. And I was like, I got to pay it back. I got to do good. I got to do what this guy did to me. I got to do it to other people.
Starting point is 01:00:25 So I started coaching without my level one, like shadowing people. And then I finally go to do my level one and everyone at the gym is like, dude, you're going to pass it. You don't need to study. You're fucking amazing. You got this. I go do the level one and I'm a bad test taker, horrible. And I failed this test. Best thing that happened to me test best thing that happened to me best thing that happened to me dude i get this shirt from the level one because you get that shirt that says the pyramid in the back whatever and i put it in the middle of my on my on my drawer where i get all my shirts and i put it in my head you You're not going to wear that shirt until you earn it and pass that test. I went to the journal and, dude, read that journal from the beginning days
Starting point is 01:01:15 to the end days, back to back to back to back. I became such a better coach because of that and a better person again you learn more than just coaching and that was it that for me that was the best thing failing that test made me the coach that i am right now and that i strive people to be you know um it's cool it was a cool cool cool thing and and when you're doing this this is when you're doing the sheet rocking you're doing the wall yeah i'm still yeah big back then i was still doing that yeah and did you have your own business or did you work for someone i had first it was i was working with that with my wife's um dad yeah that's the day i passed the test first i was
Starting point is 01:02:03 working with my wife that he had a huge company and then he closed down in 2008 when the whole recession thing happened. And I told my wife, hey, do you mind if I open a company? I told her that, and she said, no, open it. So I ran a little, not too big, but a nice company for three years. I was the contractor, I I guess with her brother. So me and her brother did it together for like three years where he was going to nursing school. And then, and then, and then they ask you, I wonder that,
Starting point is 01:02:37 doesn't that seem a little soon to ask someone to be a part owner of the gym? You've only been there three to five months. So they saw the, the saw the passion, I guess, and the drive that I had. So the moment I became a gym owner, I renovated the gym. It used to look like shit. So, you know, when CrossFit first started,
Starting point is 01:03:00 bro, everything rusted, everything everywhere. Who the fuck cares, right? But obviously by now, 2014, that doesn't happen anymore. Now you're competing against SoulCycle, Orange Theory, all these other gyms that look badass and they're charging the same price. What the fuck is going on? So I, man, I remodeled that place, made it amazing.
Starting point is 01:03:24 It was dying. It was probably going to close. It had like 40 members left. And when I became an owner, we brought it up to 120. Wow. Yeah, and then we expanded. That's what it was, yeah. That's what it was before.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Tiny little place, 3,000 square feet. And then when we got to 120 members, we took down that wall and we made it double, 6,000 square feet. And then when we got to 120 members, we took down that wall and we made it double, 6,000 square feet. Yeah, and still there. They're still there. Great people. It was just too many of us. I love them. I still talk to them. Whenever they need help, I help them. They're awesome, awesome people. We need more. We need more gyms so so so in october of 2020 that's when you open your gym that's when i open our gym yeah uh and you call it um what do you call it you just call it life what do you guys call it we call it life athletics um we would love to have life cross the cross the life but they just wouldn't give us the name i'm
Starting point is 01:04:24 i'm i'm i'm working every day as well not every day but like here and there i send an email try to get a change for them to give us the e and and you you'll have when you open your new gym carlos why did you um make it a crossfit gym why why not why and by that i, why pay the $3,000 a year to be an affiliate? Why did you continue down that path? That, okay. So for me, I think the thousand bucks to take the level one, the $3,000 to do the affiliation. The journal has more information in there.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I think it's worth a million dollars. Do you know what I mean? Dude, it's the greatest piece curation of, of, of everything of, of, of,
Starting point is 01:05:21 yeah, of, of literature and videos and stuff to help humanity. If one thing survived the nuclear war, I got, I hope it's the CrossFit journal. Dude. Yes. One thing I want to do also is apologize. I listened to your podcast the other day of, um, you like, you like calling show where
Starting point is 01:05:39 I was one of those guys that I'm out when Greg Glassman said that shit because Ben Bergen was out so I'm out and I was like fuck so I'm out right I'm literally man Ben Bergen to me that guy I'll stop I'll run in front of the boss for this dude right like that's how much he changed my life. That's awesome by the way
Starting point is 01:06:00 I respect that loyalty and recognizing what he gave you. And then, but I was just lost. Like, dude, like, you know, all this shit is happening. It was so crazy, right? Like right now I'm, I'm, I realized that when, on that live show, the, the greatest thing someone can do for a human is them power, empowerment, right? You empower them to be better in life, to get educated, to do all this stuff. Greg Glassman put that
Starting point is 01:06:33 out there for free. How are you going to call that man a racist? Do you know what I mean? I was like, holy shit. shit for free when people told him in silicon valley he was a fucking idiot i for free yeah or free dude and it's that's why like i can i will never stop paying the crossfit thing like it is i think it's my my deuce like i it's i hate people or other gyms
Starting point is 01:07:09 when they they okay we're out we're we're not going to be across the gym anymore you still have a whiteboard you still have a clock you're still doing what the definition of fitness is if you ask those what's crazy too is I stumbled upon that Instagram account that was a curation of all the haters, right? And it was someone who was trying to, who obviously hated Greg. But when I went through all of the posts, they actually couldn't articulate why, what Greg did. And that's when I realized it was just it was it was i mean
Starting point is 01:07:46 i always knew but i realized wow this is really bad this is a witch hunt by the way i've never heard anyone i've never heard anyone apologize you're the first person i've ever heard be like hey i fucked up i shouldn't have done that yeah and there were some people who said some fucking horrible shit and some influential people you're the first person I've ever heard be like, yep, I fucked up. I shouldn't have. You know, I'm not telling you what to do at all, but I bet you would mean the world to him if you sent him an email and told him that. What do you think happened? Why do you think so many ā€“ you think it was just people got overwhelmed with the George Floyd and the pandemic, and you think that there was just like a mass psychosis, like we couldn't think clearly?
Starting point is 01:08:29 We were, at that moment. We held him like to some standard where he was like, he couldn't express himself. And so like. Yes. Think about it. We were at the worst, right in the middle of the pandemic, right? We're all stuck inside. wasn't i mean i was outside doing my shit i didn't care about nothing but most people were and the
Starting point is 01:08:52 there's no way you're you think you have so much and now you're thinking and then overthinking and you forget who you are you're forgetting your background your your values everything and it just goes out the window it was just the perfect storm dude like like they they always say like people in business is some of it is um you know some of the things hard work and but a lot of it is luck right like at what time in the when when he happened, right? Like this, there's no way Greg was ever going to sell the gym or nothing. It was just this unfortunate moment.
Starting point is 01:09:32 I know. I can't believe he sold it. And, and, and, and I know, um, some people,
Starting point is 01:09:37 uh, have accused me of, of being, I've said plenty of, uh, harsh criticism towards Greg on this show. Yes, you have planning
Starting point is 01:09:45 so no one should think like i'm just like i'm fucking pissed we got rid of the media team i'm i am disgusted at the fact that the journal is still hidden i know who did that i know that that was part of greg's thing in 2018 i'm really disappointed something but um to i i mean Um, to, uh, I mean, that's 1%. That's my frustration with working with them as, as a, as a colleague in the business. The other 99%, it's like, thank God he, Greg fucking came along. Like, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. I would fucking do go out with Greg, any fucking time to go have lunch with them and love on them and hug them and fucking tell him what a great man he is.
Starting point is 01:10:25 He changed my mom's life. That's really my only bias. And my sister's life and my wife's life and my kid's life. Dude, we're changing the world, man. Yeah. We're literally doing it and doing it the right way. It's not, you know. Have you seen any of your friends?
Starting point is 01:10:42 Do you have any Venezuelan friends? Yeah. You do? And is have any Venezuelan friends? Yeah, you do. Um, and, and, um, is there a Venezuelan community there?
Starting point is 01:10:50 Oh God. Yeah. Huge. Now, especially now that, um, when this last migration or whatever that, that just happened,
Starting point is 01:10:58 um, there's two, literally maybe 30 minutes away from here, real close to my gym. There's Western, uh, they call it Western Suela now because it's two, literally maybe 30 minutes away from here, real close to my gym. There's Weston. They call it Westonsuela now because it's just all Venezuelans everywhere. And Pembroke Pines right by my place.
Starting point is 01:11:18 And then Doral. It's literally all, it's a little Venezuela. It's like a. Is there camaraderie amongst those people? Like if the Armenians come, there's comrade, you know what I mean? Or the Brazilians, or there's a camaraderie.
Starting point is 01:11:31 They, they kind of stick together. That's one thing. One thing about the, the Latin America culture is you, I mean, do the, like when you have the teams playing each other,
Starting point is 01:11:45 you see like the Colombians and Venezuelans or whatever in baseball, it is a family. Like everyone is united. Everyone does everything together. So that's one thing, the passion for that, for the country and stuff, you'll see it. Like if you see it on, like in the World Cup this year, you'll see how it is.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Like it's super intense. And that's something that will never leave my heart. Like, that I love and nourish forever. But, yes, yes, we're very like that. Yeah. Do your kids speak Spanish? No, because my wife and I, she's, you know, she's canadian i'm venezuelan so she speaks french i speak spanish so we don't really like speak it i'll speak to them here and there but not really
Starting point is 01:12:32 like they'll understand it actually when my little one is taking spanish spanish in school so that she could uh speak it you know normally so like i practice with her, but no, no, not fluently. No. What's the next plan? Actually, I want to go back to the pain of the payment. So basically, I've spoke about the affiliate payment as a tithing. Yeah. Like you would pay to the church. Yeah. yeah like you would pay to the church and i i feel like i hear that from you too it's not what they're doing for you it's what they've done for you yes it's it's all that they did and i will say i would love for them to get out again like Like you said, the media, putting down the media,
Starting point is 01:13:28 it was one of the worst things that could have happened. Getting rid of Dave Castro, one of the worst things. Not doing the Open like Dave was doing. Dude, like, I got my gym literally last year without having Dave there and shit to sign up to the open we had 172
Starting point is 01:13:53 members I think at that point and I got 167 signed up wow yeah how did you do that? explaining what i what everything crosses have done for us i literally explained it's not the open it's not the workout crosses has changed your life and it will change your kid's life and forever you're paying 20 to help support that yeah Yeah. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:29 You go spend $20 on fucking McDonald's, which is going to kill you. This is giving you life. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. That was it. People then, you know, they had no argument, right? Like, again, you have the 5%, right?
Starting point is 01:14:41 That they don't give a fuck. Fuck it. But this, yeah they they love it so i'm hoping this year we'll get that close again and we can be one of the the gyms that holds one of the open workouts but i wonder if there's any that i've never heard of such numbers i wonder if there's any gym that has that ratio besides you that's pretty crazy yeah i don't know i mean i there was a one another gym close to us in kendo um you know we i we we got together to do this and i don't know man i think they got 240 members and they were like a three 300 members around 320 and they got 240 to sign up yeah yeah that's crazy too yeah we're above us yeah yeah so you you're running the gym now you pay the affiliate you pay the affiliate fees
Starting point is 01:15:35 and when you see what's going on do you pay attention to what's going on like did you like did you see that a couple days ago um, released their chief marketing officer. Yes. All through you. Obviously I watch your show every day. Um, I think it's not anything you watch. It's not anything you're, you're paying attention to other than the fact that like, I just talk shit and you're like,
Starting point is 01:15:54 I'll go see what someone's talking shit about. Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't pay attention like that. I'm more, um, the education part.
Starting point is 01:16:02 So I'd rather cross it. Um, man, I don't, so that's what you see. So I'd rather CrossFit. Man, I don't... So that's what you see. So do you get the email of the day from them? Yeah, yeah. I get all that stuff and I love it. I think more, I want CrossFit to be proud
Starting point is 01:16:18 of who owns a gym. You know what I mean? Like, right now, anyone can go pay three thousand bucks daily level one and they get it okay i see what you're saying we had another affiliate owner so that you'd like to see sorry if i'm putting words in your mouth you'd like to see maybe okay let's require a level two in order to own a gym you want to up the commitment of the gym owner. You know how you're thinking, the way you think of a seminar staff, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:50 You think of them as gods and they're amazing. Yep. Imagine if every affiliate had one of those. Right. Right. That's it. We would not have space in our little gyms we will have to grow
Starting point is 01:17:08 right so I want to be a level 4 I want to become a red shirt that's one of my goals but maybe I agree with you let me tell you what's on the other side of that
Starting point is 01:17:24 and maybe we'll maybe we'll come up with some solution yep god they should fucking you dude send me a fucking check for a million dollars already crossfit um i agree with you i mean you described it perfect how crazy would it be if every single um oh that's how many people signed up for the open yeah yeah so but that's not relative to how many members they have also which is which is kind of the fascinating part yeah so we were 71 is this in the world caleb or on the on the u.s world uh worldwide worldwide yes so if that other gym if chimney rock crossfit i don't mean to pick on you if they had 400 members then you know yeah 135 is expected it's just crazy how few yeah i think we're trying to go put it on the u.s real quick i think the u.s i forgot what we were in the u.s
Starting point is 01:18:16 that you see the i didn't even know there was a leaderboard like this this is cool yeah it's super cool and then so spain had a gym where 383 people signed up but that gym i think that gym has like a thousand members wow that's a huge gym it's kind of like a record bridge uh record yeah 27 on the u.s so see we were trying to get because the the crossfit does the announcement that jim that did the announcement on the last day the last week of the crusted open um they had the most and that's why they did the the announcement there so whoever has the most in the u.s signups they get the announcement of the open there oh shit okay henderville yeah they got 288 and i think they have like five six hundred members that that huge gym 12 000 square feet what state is that is that nevada
Starting point is 01:19:13 where the hell that's uh tennessee oh nashville tennessee yep cool cool place so on one hand you want you want it so that every gym has someone that everyone looks at and is like, oh, my God, that person is just like amazing. Like we view the L1 seminar team. But what about this other element that was kind of the low barrier of entry that CrossFit has always had that has made it ā€“ I think the word that Greg liked to use or that he used in Every Second Counts was egalitarian, meaning it's open to everyone and accessible to everyone. And there is a nice element to that that you could be illiterate and still be the greatest CrossFit coach that ever lived. You could not know how to read and write. There was a ā€“ it leveled the playing field of what genius could be, right?
Starting point is 01:20:08 Yep. What about that? Do we lose anyone by forcing them? I don't think so. Or does it come across as like, you know, some people are going to say, I don't think this, but some people are going to say, hey, it's a money grab for CrossFit. They're doing that in order to require another seminar.
Starting point is 01:20:22 What could we do to keep the barrier of entry still down low? And, and, and fuck all the scholarship shit either too. Like if you're not willing to pay the thousand bucks to get in, then you really don't want to be there. Like, I mean, we, we, now we know affiliate owners who've slept in their car because they couldn't afford a hotel. For sure. Yeah. So definitely. And it's not a lot, dude. It's not a lot. Again, that's another thing. Like those classes, I would have paid 10 grand to go to level one. You know what I mean? It's not a lot. So I will say still, obviously, get in the door.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Get in. It's more don't stay down there, right? Like the excuses of affiliate owners. owners oh my town is too small dude my town is big but then i have 18 cross the gyms is that true in your area you have 18 gyms at least i mean it like and then the gyms are doing cross it but they don't call cross it right right right so and it's always something? It's never going to be good. But what makes us great is that service and changing lives and like, you know. You know, they couldn't say, Carlos, they couldn't, if they did this, hey, take the L1 to open your gym.
Starting point is 01:21:38 And then every year you have to take another class. class the reason why they can't say that though is because i think a shitload of people would just use that as an excuse to not pay their affiliate fees well fuck you i'm not gonna do it that's there has to be there has to be some sort of way and i know that the and i'm not hating on crossfit for that at all they have to run a business they have to keep the money coming in um it's it's interesting how do you raise the well for starters you know carlos and this is a pretty easy cheap wow man that's nuts um it's a pretty easy cheap shot to take it but they don't seem to put a premium on education you can't even find the journal on the main site anymore yeah that that that has to come back and it is i know it's
Starting point is 01:22:23 coming back i mean it has it has to right um not only does it have to come back. I know it's coming back. I mean, it has to. It has to, right? Not only does it have to come back, they can charge for it. 95% of the shit in there is for free. Just charge $50 a year for people who want to like ā€“ it's nuts. Easy. People will pay it. If you don't pay it, it's because you don't care.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Right, and then who cares? Yeah. Exactly. It is nuts. if you don't pay it is because you don't care right and then who cares yeah yeah exactly it's not it is nuts uh people sorry to uh chris cooper but people you you you over at crossfit just hire mike workington give him two hundred thousand dollars a year bring him to the united states and pay him to run the crossfit journal he will chris even chris all those guys should be part of crossfit like you know did you ever use any of those services business oh you use ben bergeron i use ben bergeron a little bit of chris cooper um actually chris cooper denied denied us because we he knew like we had too many owners on him so he you get you don't you you get chosen to be part of his thing wow yeah you don't just pay for
Starting point is 01:23:30 his services and that's it so that's interesting so he's like hey i don't know if we can help you you have too many cooks in the kitchen yes yeah wow really yeah so he's like he actually told me like if that's respectable yeah he told me if you need a job, you ever need a job, call me. I'll find you a full time, uh, a hundred thousand dollars a year paying job because you're,
Starting point is 01:23:54 you're good. But he's great. Isn't he? He's something else. Amazing. Man, those guys are awesome. And again,
Starting point is 01:24:01 they're empowering people. All their stuff is out there for free. You don't have to really buy his book, buy his two books and follow everything he says to the T and you'll have a successful business. You don't have to do a side hustle. You don't have to do any of that. You just got to work hard, man. Work hard every day. I work 14, 15 hour days. And, but it's not, I know, I don't feel like I'm working um it's i'm living my life it's your life yeah um and by the way carlos says um go out and buy the books you should know that there were years where he just gave the books away free he yeah it was crazy it was like and everything's
Starting point is 01:24:42 crazy and the books aren't a sales pitch there's like real i had him on the show and the amount of useful information he gives you is nuts you can listen to so i paid for ben bergeron he you can pay him and you go to his gym for a weekend right and i go there and i tell him you know he's telling me everything. I listen to every single one of his podcasts and it's all there. Everything he's telling me on this thing is all there. So at the end of the class, he asks everyone, you know who was there too? Madero's coach.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Oh, Adam Neiffer. Adam Neiffer was there with me was there yep we were both there and because adam had just finished competing that was his last year so he wanted to make the gym legit right and you know he goes around all of us and he i'm the last person and he goes and he goes ben to tell you the truth nothing I didn't learn anything because you gave everything for free and but one thing
Starting point is 01:25:53 that I'm never going to not learn from you is the way you make me a better man and a better person and all of this and right then and a better person and all of this. And right then and then, Heather, him, and Catherine, Catherine was there too. The next day, they're like, hey, Carlos, if you ever want to come and work for us, you have a job here.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I was like, holy crap, that's crazy. So it was cool, but too cold up there. That's what my wife said, it's too cold. But yeah, that's that kind of like, you know, that, that kind of change in life. That's what we want to make and create and empower people to do something that they're afraid of and and that they never thought possible and and go for it and go for it and and do it have no excuses have any of your um uh carlos is inspiring me to open an affiliate here has anyone um have any of your members gone on to
Starting point is 01:26:59 open an affiliate um we have we had uh two guys they didn't open an actual affiliate though they was more of a like a little hit training place tiny little gym awesome willie and and and chris i love them uh yeah they went up there and they did their own thing um other than that no people just want to coach man they want to coach and and learn from me and stuff um do, people just want to coach, man. They want to coach and learn from me and stuff. Do you think they want to coach for the same reason that people want to spread, um, the gospel, the word of Jesus,
Starting point is 01:27:32 someone, someone's down in the dumps. They're addicted to drugs. Jesus fucking talks to them. They see a burning bush or some shit. Next thing you know, they get off the drugs and they're like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:27:42 I can't fucking believe God's real. And then they have to tell every tom dick and harry for the next five years about god it's exactly it right yeah and that's what i want them to be right like before that happened to your wife did your wife just lose her mind when she started doing crossfit was she just like yeah yeah she will tell everybody she went fucking nuts and that's what we do with our members. Our members are, we never spend any money. You never want to spend money on advertisement. Zero.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Your advertisement is your members. How many members you have is how many lives have you changed. If you don't change your members' life, they're not going to tell anyone else. So you're not going to double that. So if I had, I have 40 members when I started, I might go, okay, I got to have 80 in two months. What am I going to do with 40 people that is going to have them talk about us so much? And then when we got to 80, all right, now we need to get to 160. What are we going to do with these 80 people that is going to get them to talk so much about us? And, dude, all it is,
Starting point is 01:28:45 is walking in. Every time I walk in, the first thing in my head is how am I going to make them better today? Because they're going to tell someone, yep, dude, you got to come to, um, uh, life athletics with me. How come dude, the guy owns the place is so cool. The people that are so nice. I leave there feeling so good. The other day, my car fucking, I got a flat and someone gave me a ride to my job. And then when I came back, another, some, one of the other employees had fixed my tire. You can't even fucking believe this. Yes.
Starting point is 01:29:16 We have a member that does that. We had a member that her, the dealership was going to charge her 400 bucks to fix this thing. I went inside, grabbed my tools, put it in there. Boom, done. She's like, holy shit. You just saved me 400 bucks. I'm like, yeah, man, go ahead. You have to see how many cute guys are in this gym.
Starting point is 01:29:34 It's nuts. And they're all, they all have jobs and they're all cool as shit. Really? Really, Sally? Oh, dude, there's at least three guys that are single. You got to come, come. Wear your tightest Lululemons you can. Come.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Everyone that comes in is. I couldn't get so-and-so to stop talking about you. I had to see the shit. Yeah, that's awesome. And then that's it. And it's just a steady growth, right? Like you want to have like all the numbers and all this stuff. Obviously, you don't want to have gain more members than you lose.
Starting point is 01:30:09 But if you do it right and you can take care of people to this day, our first year we have every month we have 10 new members. This year, obviously, we're getting bigger. So we kind of like, you know, you raise the prices, make it a little bit harder to get into. It's five, five members every month. And next year is going to be the same, five more members. And so you outgrow the place and you get something bigger and you just keep going and going and going and changing lives. I want to have a school. I want to build a school in the gym, the next gym that I build.
Starting point is 01:30:48 I mean, we want to do great things um what's what's the biggest um i don't want to say mistake what are there any lessons that scream out to you if you were to talk to um carlos uh the new gym owner are you glad you started with partners do you wish you wouldn't have? Do you like Florida? Would you rather, what about the, anything that's just like, man, this is what I wish someone would have told me. Yeah. The, the partners thing. So that for sure is, is the biggest, I mean, Chris Cooper didn't take us because we had too many partners right like that should be a sign right so it is and on his whole thing was even ben bergeron he said it was it's not if you have a line let's say this is your your top right like your greatness you have five people like this
Starting point is 01:31:39 trying to get to it but they're going all up all have great ideas but it's just taking longer because it's five of you sticking differently now you have all these four coming to one right becomes boom you get to it way faster i grew their our gym right now our gym right now is 200, and we have like 285, but a lot of those are class passes and stuff. So let's say like 230 of those are like memberships always, right? It took me six years to make that happen at the other gym. It's been two here, right? So that's the difference of having partners.
Starting point is 01:32:24 It's not that one is a bad apple and they it's just when you have too many good ideas it takes longer when you have one person running the thing everything happens a lot faster and that's all it is it's like when they built it reminds me when they built the railroads to in the united United States, a team started on the East Coast and a team started on the West Coast and they missed each other. Yeah. They fucking didn't. And because they weren't on the same team. They were two different companies.
Starting point is 01:32:57 They were two different, two different ideas. Yeah, but that's it. That's pretty much it. Everything else is learning, dude. You're going to learn. Take every lesson as a learning experience. Failure, nothing is bad. Everything is good. Don't be a victim and be like, oh, this is happening to me again. Oh, I lost some members. This sucks. No, it's all a learning experience. Take it all as a learning experience. Move on,
Starting point is 01:33:21 It's all a learning experience. Take it all as a learning experience. Move on. See what happens and go on the next day. The only other advice I will give is do what is performed the common and commonly well. That's what Greg Glassman said about movement. The same thing goes to when you walk through those doors. Do the common and commonly well, right?
Starting point is 01:33:47 Say hi to everyone. Hug everybody. Give everybody a compliment. Teach them something new. Have really good toilet paper at the gym, not the shitty one. Clean the bathrooms all the time. Keep your equipment automated. Something breaks, change it.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Do that every day. Day in and day out. breaks, change it. Do that every day. Day in and day out. And that's it. You don't have to invent the next fucking movement. You don't have to invent. CrossFit does that. You let them cross to do the thing. You just do the common and commonly well. And that's it. Is your gym humid?
Starting point is 01:34:23 Yeah. All down here is humid what what bikes do you use the assault bike or the echo bike echo bike we the assault bikes again down here because of the humidity man is really hard to make like i kept them up but like other gyms you'll see them and they're falling apart because do you have a stairmaster no no i have an assault runner i that's your bill yep here's bill henniger i want to say something about uh bill and katie um they so when i opened the gym it was all like this like three months right fast and i sent them an email with the order, and they're like,
Starting point is 01:35:10 listen, it's going to take us to February or January, something like that, to get it to you. Because the pandemic, they couldn't keep shit on the shelves. People were buying shit for their houses, right? I'm like, guys, my due date is October 1st, and this was like September 15th, something like that. And not the date. So you wanted the equipment in October, and they were telling you it would come in November, December, January, February, four or five months later.
Starting point is 01:35:35 And you're like, dude, I can't. I'm trying to run a business. Yeah, it's not going to work, right? So then I went. So Bikini came to your gym and beat your ass. Nope. I talked to nope I talked to I talked to
Starting point is 01:35:47 I was talking to the regular reps right like the regular reps and they just couldn't do anything I go on Instagram and I find Katie Kate and I send her oh you're gonna fuck Katie's shit up now her Instagram is gonna blow up I know but I have to I have to give her this
Starting point is 01:36:02 I sent her a text and I go I tell her a whole story, how it happened. She's like, I got you. That was it. That was the response. Nothing else. It wasn't a date, nothing. Dude, two weeks later, big-ass fucking truck is in the back of the gym. On load.
Starting point is 01:36:22 I was like, mind-blown, dude, mind-bl mind blown and then i always see her working again right like she knows everybody's name in her company she works all the events dude like crazy and man for her to like literally she had to have put a stop and did everything like, okay, we're going to take care of this guy. And that's it. And, dude, two weeks. My chair was there the week after I opened. Bam. Put it together.
Starting point is 01:36:54 I want to say thank you. Love him. Hey, you know what I heard? I heard that the stuff they gave you was her own personal equipment from her house. Hey. No, I just made that shit up. Whatever it was, dude, I couldn't care less, man. But all came in boxes.
Starting point is 01:37:10 All came packed up. You know, we had to put it all together. And now I will never use any other equipment company other than Rogue. I don't care who comes and, you know, gives me their shit half off. I don't care. Yeah. Yeah, they're good people. That's awesome. They're don't care. Yeah. They're good people. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:37:25 They're such great people. Yeah. Um, uh, what, have you ever had a rope break on you? Never. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:33 No, those things don't break. Maybe the, the monitor one time at a older gym, the, the monitors that, but the first bikes that came out, those were like,
Starting point is 01:37:41 the monitors were a little bit off, but I got the second generation. These things are like, dude, nothing. Just wipe them down and keep going the echo bikes yeah i've never i mean every time someone um i ride an assault bike but every time someone tells me they're like hey dude the echo bike is is like people love the echo bike everyone always says to me it's better the way you ride it like you ride your bike, listening to podcasts and stuff. The Assault bike is better for you. Like, because the Echo bike.
Starting point is 01:38:09 I want to try. I want both. Do you think that's great? Can I have both? No, you can have both. Why can't I just put both in my garage, a Stairmaster? For sure. Just the freaking bike.
Starting point is 01:38:18 The bike is huge. It's kind of like the size of a GHD. Like it's so big. But whatever. Like, yeah, you can have both. But it's more like like the size of a GHD. Like it's so big. But, but whatever, like, yeah, you can have both,
Starting point is 01:38:28 but it's more like we love it. We, we do rich front end programming, the, the Mayhem program for affiliates. And man, they, we,
Starting point is 01:38:39 why do you do that? Why do you do that? I'm surprised you do that. I'm surprised you're not doing your own programming. Why do you do a Mayhem? Oh, dude. Okay. So. Do you have time? Do do you have to are you good yeah yeah no i'm good the reason i do that is again remember what i told you we're in the we're in the business of
Starting point is 01:38:58 building relationships no we're not in the business of fitness. I can follow Rich Browning's programming. I could follow Comtrain. I could follow the CrossFit programming. You have to spend every hour that you have free building a relationship with your customers so you can earn their trust and then you have them hooked for life. If not, they're going to go somewhere else. That's just how it is, right? You have to change their life. So if I'm spending, I don't know, man, like, I mean, the programming that Rich Froning does is amazing.
Starting point is 01:39:41 I bet you they spend a week building it, right? Every week. If I'm doing that, then I'm not doing the other thing. Right. And the other thing is taking care of your own personal health, reading books on how to engage people better, being more present for your clients because you're not thinking about something else. Leveraging the fact you probably also at least this is the kind of stuff i do you probably tell yourself hey i'm spending all this money on the mayhem programming i better make sure i do my job and be present in engaging my clients all that shit yep it's interesting i've never heard that explained like that um it's like um when, the, the first computer I ever bought,
Starting point is 01:40:25 I was homeless when I bought it, but it was, I'd say I'd saved every fucking penny. And I even bought a car to plug it into the cigarette lighter so I could do my first editing. And I remember thinking, I have to learn this because it was so expensive. I have to. And after two weeks of failing every day, like not being able to figure out how to edit, I finally figured it out. And I was like, oh, and I guess you can leverage that. I'm paying for the,000. Again, that's something else that's worth that much money. Easy there, Caleb. Easy. I'm not that old. I'm not that old.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Easy there, buddy. Holy shit. Easy. 1964. I love Caleb. What's the most touching story out of your gym? That in terms of like, let's leave it on the success side. I'm not talking about the guy who got hit by a car in front of your gym, but what's the most that you're like, you're so proud of?
Starting point is 01:41:36 Like you go to bed at night and you're like, yeah, I work with that person. Well, there's a bunch, but I'm going to tell you one. There was Chris, this guy chris he loved uh universal studios all the rides there and stuff all that and dude this guy was huge right big um i'm gonna tell you two stories for this one first and then he comes to us and is like, dude, my family is planning a trip to Universal, but I don't want to go. I'm like, why? What's up? Dude, I don't fit in any of the rides.
Starting point is 01:42:15 I'm like, what the fuck do you mean? Like, I'm too big. I was like, holy shit. You know, he was like 300 pounds. And man, I remember this kid passed out in the warmup. Okay. Passed out in the warmup when I first saw him. And I said, Chris, we're going to work hard and let's work hard with me for this next
Starting point is 01:42:36 six months. And then you'll, you'll be able to get into some rights. Let's do this. For six months, you said? Yep. And we went, this kid lost 96 pounds, I think it was, when he finally got and went there. Obviously, couldn't get in all of the rides, but he got in most of them. He's like, holy shit, Carlos.
Starting point is 01:42:58 So he was a 400-pounder. You got down to 300 pounds? No, no. He was 300 and went to two, 208 or something like that. Yeah, and then he got on. He got on these rides, and yeah, then he can just keep working on it. What that meant for him was the world. Like he always had to be the one waiting at the bottom for everybody to ride the rides.
Starting point is 01:43:26 That's awesome. Wow. Yeah, and then there's this other guy, Gio, that came into our gym and do no job. He has something in his head. I forgot what it was,
Starting point is 01:43:42 but always headaches. He had to be on medication for pain medication and all this stuff. And now he just competed on his first ollie lifting competition, 203. I think he went in there. And he was, again, like 300 and something pounds, 203. What's he say to you when he comes in and he doesn't have a job? That means he can't afford the gym, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:12 He couldn't afford it. I mean, he was on that disability and stuff from the government because, you know, you get that. But, you know, we make it work, man. I always say, listen, I tell people, show me your bank account. Show me your bank account. I'm going to find 140 bucks, 150 bucks there that you can use towards this. And this is going to be the best 150 bucks you're going to spend. Show me your bank account and I'll show you. And it's usually share. Like they go out, they don't even notice. They go out to fast food restaurant here and there and there and there. a month it's like two three hundred dollars it's like you have you
Starting point is 01:44:49 can't afford it you just gotta change some habits and yeah now he has a full-time job um he helped me do the whole entire gym um bro i love that guy to death. Gio, that's my dude. But those lives, you know, changing people's life. Again, like, you know, he's going to live a long life and be able to see his kids grow and everything. So you just don't see it right away. You got to know that what we're doing is worth a lifetime. So when we're all fucking 80 and 90 kicking ass, that's when we're going to be like, oh, that's what we did all this for. And can you can you imagine to my wife and I talk about this often?
Starting point is 01:45:38 If we wouldn't have found. Greg Glassman's CrossFit. What would we be doing to work out? Like, can you imagine if your wife hadn't shown you CrossFit, you'd be still panicking every day to get out on your mountain bike. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with mountain biking. It's great. Everyone should fucking do it. Everyone should have a bike. Everyone should be capable on bike. But for, for that to be your core method or running to be your core method of working out, it's, it's, for that to be your core method or running to be your core method of working out. It's, it's, it's, it's nuts.
Starting point is 01:46:06 It's nuts. Yeah. Cause it's crazy how, when I stopped biking and I started doing CrossFit and then when I went back to, I do it here and there to go have fun with my friends and I'm, I'm better, I'm better at biking than I was when, before CrossFit. So I was like, Holy shit, like this transferred to everything. So yeah, it's pretty crazy. I'm looking for something right now. See if I can find it.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Look for it. Do you think you would ever, do you think you'd ever open a second gym? No. I want to do, like I told you, the compound. Have everything in one spot. Have a pool, have a track, have the gym, have doctors at the gym, have a restaurant in there that does the right nutrition,
Starting point is 01:47:04 living for the elite athletes that want to come and compete there. A restaurant in there that does the right nutrition. Living for the elite athletes that want to come and compete there. My dream place is literally the CrossFit Games floor layout and the outfield. I have that at my facility. Like I'm going to have Bill and Kate build me that in my place. That's the goal. That's the the dream that's the vision you think that'll be in hollywood florida i probably a little bit more west and north of this but yeah close to it 40 minutes i want to be the first one to do it so that it goes and everyone else does it.
Starting point is 01:47:47 This is at the new CrossFit. How many members do you need for that to happen? Do you know? You don't. You need you. We need to do it. Like, it just needs to happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Not even the question doesn't even make sense what happened. Yeah. Like, I would say. Not even, the question doesn't even make sense. No. Yeah. If we have our members right now, right? By the time our list is done, we're probably going to have 350 members, 400 members close to, right? Yeah. With that, I can start that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:18 Yeah. Again, everyone is going to want to come. This guy did something like that in the bodybuilding world. Alpha Alito, Alpha Atli, something like that. It's in Texas. And he had a 12,000 square foot gym and then found this crazy 18 acres freaking thing. And he's doing it.
Starting point is 01:48:43 And it's like, why can't you do that? freaking thing and he's doing it. It's like, why can't he do that? Is that the YouTube guy? Is it Elliot? I don't know his name. Oh, this guy. Yep.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Yep. This dude, man. He did it and in the first, you know, He was the same. Look, it's a huge compound. Alpha land. Yeah. We're going to make the life compound, something like that. Some crazy shit. Yeah. Huge. What was that place? huge i mean what was what was that place it was an office building i think it was okay he got it he at first he was gonna do like you know built around it and then he just said no fuck let's
Starting point is 01:49:33 just do it how we want it to be and he got it all out look at his youtube video and then yeah maybe have him on the podcast it's cool dude yeah will you uh caleb can you send me that the podcast it's cool dude yeah will you uh caleb can you send me that carlos i really appreciate your time dude you're you're cooler than i even imagined i appreciate you sir you keep doing what you're doing all of you guys matt caleb thank you for your service brother um and uh yeah man every single one of you guys are awesome keep doing what you're doing and again we're changing the world we're doing good things here
Starting point is 01:50:13 and at the affiliates guys keep grinding keep grinding and keep pushing and again do the common and commonly well that's it so the advice I have anything you guys need, call me. Hit me up. I'll help you. We got to help each other.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Carlos, how do you pronounce your last name? Mejias. Mejias. Carlos Mejias. Thanks, Bruce. Anytime, brother. Bring it in. Life athletics. Yep. All right, dude. You the man. Thank you. Thank you you brother thank you and uh and i'm sure this won't be the last time we talk oh no it won't we're gonna get together with the kids soon
Starting point is 01:50:52 awesome all right all right brother thank you thank you bye easy peasy what a happy guy I'm starting to see the days that I do the affiliate interviews is kind of like my days off they're so fucking easy yeah they're so fucking easy oh my god
Starting point is 01:51:19 they have so many stories to tell it's awesome love these affiliate podcasts so great getting to know these It's awesome. Love these affiliate podcasts. So great getting to know these owners changing people's lives. Miss Pugface, love this podcast. Oh, I connected with this lady the other day on Instagram. I finally figured out who it is. Like I got to put a face to it besides the bug face. One of the best interviews on the podcast motivated.
Starting point is 01:51:41 Yeah, that dude's cool as shit, huh? Jeffrey, hi. interviews on the podcast motivated yeah that dude's cool as shit huh uh jeffrey hi um i was just invited to a party on october 7th i'm pretty excited at greg's house he just sent me that's why i was i was seeing if i could lure greg on i was like hey there's an affiliate on that really loves you and i sent him a link to the show i thought thought maybe he might jump on um oh shit wow jeff why did you not remind me of my wife's birthday next week if you're gonna remind me of the air force birthday you need to know these things oh shit oh shit did that really happen yeah jeff reminded me of the air force birthday yesterday
Starting point is 01:52:26 oh but you forgot your wife's birthday fucking right i did that's awesome that makes me feel better because that's the kind of shit i would do i was just i have a calendar and i don't even look at it apparently and how does she react is she cool as shit with that she doesn't care yeah she's she almost forgot too so it's fine i'm calling to remind you that you got old as shit yeah right because why why do i not have any packages i don't know it sounds like a weird thing um have you looked to see who's fighting this weekend yeah it's weird will you get to watch that over there uh yeah i'll probably i'll get a i'll be able to find a way to watch it i think uh legally like someone there like someone there will buy the pay-per-view i don't know about that just some big government satellite just sucks it down off of wherever the fuck it is
Starting point is 01:53:30 uh we take this thing this is ours now yeah oh my god it's gonna be so crazy we i don't know if darian's gonna make the show this week because he fights on he fights on saturday and the show's on friday morning that's right it would be crazy um uh oh if he does yeah i think he said if he feels fine he'll get on but i wouldn't be too sure that he's gonna hop on there he's got a crazy weight cut oh shit my kids went to skateboarding without me this morning it's so fucking hot here i guess who am i to tell you it's hot how hot is it where you are i think today was a hundred and twelve at what how hot 112 holy shit it's super dry though so it's like nothing really you don't look very tan you haven't been going out and sitting by the pool you haven't been going out and sitting by the pool uh no not lately please tell me there's a pool there may or may not be a pool oh my goodness if there's no pool and it's 112
Starting point is 01:54:39 it's i when i walk outside my eyes feel like they're melting so that's how hot it is yeah like if your eyes get i don't know i've never had my eyes get so hot before they're just like just hurts uh he said dry beaver hiding not hot beaver he said it's dry there it's super dry dry beaver two words that that never should be used in juxtaposition of each other. Oh, that's interesting. And you know what? Maybe they do. UFC should provide you guys for free since y'all are military.
Starting point is 01:55:16 Do they do that? I want to say that they do have it for free on like the, because there's like a TV, like an armed forces network or whatever. So they, they, but everything on there is like a week old. Oh, right. By then it's free somewhere else too. Yeah, exactly. Uh, seven, have you turned your power off yet and do your part and flatten the curve? It is pretty funny. They are saying, I don't have ac at my house it rarely gets over 100 where i'm at because i'm pretty close to the beach but um i uh not only that that they've asked people with electric cars not to charge their cars i think it's fucking how stupid do they sound that's ridiculous
Starting point is 01:55:57 hey someone so i made a post the other day just so you guys and i should probably talk about this on the live calling show but i made a post the other day showing just so you guys and I should talk about this on the live calling show. But I made a post the other day showing that the guy at the U.S. Open that was sponsored by Moderna. Basically, he he he had to stop playing because something was wrong with his heart. Right. And so the implication there, obviously, is I'm making the implication that he got the vaccine and something was fucked up with his heart. And someone in the comments wrote, why don't you talk about all the dudes who were vaccinated who are doing really well hey listen listen fucking knucklehead it's it's crazy how fucking retarded some people are i don't sit around and talk about all the people who were drunk driving who made it home safe that's not what i do i talk about the fucking idiots who
Starting point is 01:56:41 drove drunk and died i'm not like well for every 87 people who blacks out when they're driving, only four kill someone. That's not what I'm doing. I'm talking about, hey, people who drive drunk and who black out behind the wheel kill people. I'm not here to point out the fucking I'm not here to point out the obvious for the morons today. I bet you tomorrow the sun will come up. I bet you tonight the moon will come up. I'm not here to point out the fucking, I'm not here to point out the obvious for the morons. Today, I bet you tomorrow the sun will come up. I bet you tonight the moon will come up. I'm not doing that. It's knuckleheads like you that can justify anything and refuse to observe some fucking really obvious things that are going on with young professional athletes dropping dead or fucking having myocarditis out on the field.
Starting point is 01:57:22 It's everywhere. You know, why don't you talk about the success stories it's fucking like you're not thinking clearly you're not thinking clearly and listen you want to be right i want to be wrong you know i want to be wrong right you know i want to be 100 wrong i want i want i want for I want a hundred percent of the people who took the, um, uh, injection to be, to be safe. I'm not like rooting.
Starting point is 01:57:49 God, I hope I'm right. I'm like, yo, dude, look, this motherfucker fell. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:57:53 What were you gonna say, Caleb? The, the crackhead. And then the, the person, the person was cracked out. Now the person that was on heroin,
Starting point is 01:58:01 the heck, got in a car accident and killed each other. Yeah. Is that your story? Yeah. yeah oh it just got released they're yeah like two people they like went to an intersection and like had a head-on collision that's like jeffrey domer and uh jeffrey domer and george floyd fucking uh crashed into each other in a head-on collision yeah very similar or that one or one of those dudes that written house blasted go ahead i i wonder i want to just just because i don't know why hasn't it's um
Starting point is 01:58:36 written house child molester i want i wonder if i if that if i can just find it um let's see if i can just find uh if they'll give you the exact numbers the numbers of how many people that guy had molested is nuts. Actually, the word they used is sodomized. One of the guys in the Rittenhouse Guild. Molested or sodomized? When I think of sodomized, I think of anal. Like I think of like someone sticking something in your ass. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:59:21 Do I know what that word means sodomized i think i want to say the definition of sodomized is penetration and any or in any of your orifices oh yeah having anal intercourse i i think the implication is that it's unwilling unwilling yeah right oh sodomy or buggery is generally anal or oral sex between people oh i thought buggery was when it was non-consensual. I thought that was like old school way of talking about molestation. All right, this shows. You guys deserve better than this on an affiliate show. Off the rails.
Starting point is 01:59:59 Yes, yes. That's what, Amy, that's what that guy is saying. Getting the vaccine, not having a cardiac event should be celebrated. That's what that guy's saying. Like, if you make it home drunk, you should celebrate and just be like, hey, look, most people make it home okay. I did it. I'll do it again. Man, I drove sober once in a while when I was in high school. Once in a while. once in a while when i was in high school once in a while um uh dylan dylan dykes caleb beaver c beaver what do you do sounds like it sounds like a children's book yeah c beaver what do you do all right dr seuss dr dykes did caleb ever try and wipe his butt this is great because
Starting point is 02:00:47 you know after that show i have to go fuck it after that show my wife goes hey there was no one better that you could have talked to about the fucking no tower uh stall door stories how awesome was it caleb was there oh caleb you have a fly on your hat you have a bug on your hat you have a fly on your hat um did caleb ever on your hat. You have a fly on your hat. Did Caleb ever try and wipe his butt sitting and realize his arm came up clean and cause you don't poop down your crack? Remember how you were saying that you have to stand up so you don't get poop on your arm or something? This guy's saying that that was a ridiculous notion. Adam is trying to suggest that's a ridiculous notion. Okay, Adam. Well, show me how you wipe your ass and then we'll talk send him a video send him a video and his dms shoot me a dm we'll
Starting point is 02:01:32 talk about oh shit uh uh when i see beaver i yeah something like that like the kids book. I could see. Is that what you're implying? Yeah. Yes. Okay. Uh, I don't think we have a show. Do we have the UFC show scheduled for tomorrow? Yeah, it's on there. Okay. So 7am UFC show.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Um, I'd like to do a live calling show sometime. We don't even have, we don't have a show scheduled, uh, Saturday either. Yeah, I don't even have we don't have a show scheduled uh saturday either yeah i don't think so saturday the reason why saturday my kid's jiu-jitsu tournament is going on i keep asking matt i called max i'm like what the fuck dude we don't have a show saturday he goes what the
Starting point is 02:02:17 fuck dude you kid has you jiu-jitsu tournament i'm like oh shit damn you're right he knows your schedule better than you do. I know. I don't see a schedule. I don't see anything on Sunday. I don't see anything on Monday. Okay. Oh, no. Oh.
Starting point is 02:02:33 On Monday, we have Ryan Moody. Oh, yeah. I forget who that is. He's like the explosive coach or something. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. Wow, we didn't fuck around. We got him quick.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Okay. Yeah, you guys scheduled a shitload of shows. All right. He's secret squirrel need to know he's, he's a secret squirrel. I'm not a vet, but I look like, look at a beaver. You know, bitch. Okay. All right, guys.
Starting point is 02:03:16 Uh, thank you very much. Carlos Mejia. Thank you. Awesome. Uh, one step closer today to taking over the world. Bye-bye.

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