The Sevan Podcast - #589 - CrossFit OneFive | Affiliate Series Ep. 6

Episode Date: September 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Ready to go. Look at your shirt. Hey, what's up, man? Bam. We send those to Australia? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I got your CA one. Got this one. Wow. Oh, your CEO one. I got this one. Wow. Oh, awesome. Wow. I had no idea. The shipping must be crazy. It's not that bad. I'm looking at the town right now. You're in Braxton, New South Wales? Yeah, that's right. Brangston.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Brangston. Brangston. Technically in East Brangston, but yeah brankston. Yeah. 87.2% of them are serial killers. Wow. No, 87.2% of people were born in Australia. 93.5% of the people spoke only English at home. 34% are Catholic.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Why always are? Oh, we're early. I was scared. My number's climbing. Hey, Jacob, is it? why was our oh we're early i was scared numbers climbing hey uh jacob is it um is it surrounded by a big are you are you the biggest town in the area or uh not really so we're pretty central to three uh medium-sized towns i guess you got like singleton which is 20 minutes away um how many people how many people there oh shit i'd say like 50 000 maybe okay so that's the big city yeah oh and then that's 20 minutes away 20 minutes away is uh sesnok which is about 70 000
Starting point is 00:02:19 and then another half an hour 20 minutes away is uh maitland which is a bit bigger again i think it's like a hundred thousand do you see cows every day like you live in that kind of yeah do you go to the store do you see a cow somewhere if i walk out my front door i can see horses shit wow and so and you hear all those sounds like chickens and roosters and yeah so like um we we don't live in like the acreage part we don't live in the acreage part of branston but the blocks are still pretty big so heaps of people have chickens it's all that like acre blocks so people have chickens people have there's a house i walk past every day that has llamas in their front front yard are you born and raised there? No, no, not at all. I was born four or five hours south of here,
Starting point is 00:03:11 another smallish town named Nowra. It's like south of Sydney. But born there but lived all over Australia, yeah. And always in Australia? No, I lived in the Middle east for five years when i was young when you were in the military when you were in the military no no no when i was uh like 8 to 13 was your dad an engineer uh yeah he ended up being an engineer yeah um see that see that suza you're like you're getting psychic now with your questions.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Those fuckers import engineers. They're just building shit over there. So they're just like, oh, Jake's dad's an engineer. We'll just bring him over here. Yeah, he worked in oil and gas. Yeah. Wow. And it was just – so you went there at 8 to 13 yeah wow that's a huge chunk of your
Starting point is 00:04:07 that's a formidable part of your life yeah yeah it was awesome it uh yeah probably helped shape me a lot um where in the middle east like i'm terrible at ball sports and i always tell people like those those years of your life i guess is when you really get into like a team ball sport like afl in australia or rugby are the main ones here and i was in the middle east where they all played soccer and coming from australia i was like that's okay i just never got into it oh south america is now offended um how old are you um 30 30 and you got and you got a baby i do seven month old and you got a wife i do and you got a crossfit gym yeah i do crossfit one one five crossfit one five and are you the uh sole owner Yeah. Yeah. That's right. And how long have you owned it?
Starting point is 00:05:08 We've been open 18 months, so we're very, very new. Are there any other CrossFit gyms in your town? Not in my town, no. So the closest is probably 20 minutes away. But like right in the middle of three that are all about 20 minutes away. And how long did you live there before you opened the gym? Four years. Four years.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Okay. I got out of the army and had no idea what to do with my life. And so my wife's dad gave me a job as a plumbing apprentice. So I did my apprenticeship, became a plumber, and was just not enjoying it. I didn't mind the job, but it just wasn't like a passion, you know? And when you're working for someone who plumbing is their passion and you're just like wanting to go to the gym, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:01 we didn't really get along as well as we could have. Hey, wasn't um wasn't ricky's dad a plumber or an electrician i don't know someone we interviewed someone we interviewed i know hillar's dad's electrician that's not what you're thinking of is it no someone's dad was that someone's dad was like an electrician and they were a plumber shit i know it's someone in australia too maybe someone in the comments will say it does he drink frat fosters jeff take your racist ass back to where you came from
Starting point is 00:06:37 we know that yeah yeah and look at this guy's just hammering you. Thank you for giving us outback. They don't even. Damn it, Jeff. Yes. But Cole is definitely Australian for sure. Jeff. Spicoli from fast times at Ridgemont high. Do you know that movie?
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah. Can you bring up a small clip of that for a, it was, it was a, you weren't even born when that movie came out and Sean Penn played this guy. His name was Spicoli. but before we dig in um jake i can't i was thinking just now i don't think i've ever asked i've always wanted to ask the affiliate owners that i've had on this question but i always think i forget to ask it so i'm
Starting point is 00:07:19 going to ask in the beginning what would you say to someone who is let's say one of your members or one of your friends let's say let's say one of your friends in another city okay here we go oh can you actually play something do you recognize him now jake i recognize the actor but no not at all i can try to play so they're kind of longer let me see if i could are you on a computer yeah that's amazing how is it that we have dudes who are in towns with 3 million people and they're still doing podcasts on their phone? This guy fucking lives next door to a llama and he's actually got a computer screen. What the fuck is wrong with the world? In their cars and shit.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I know. I appreciate you being sophisticated enough having a computer. Most 30-year-olds think it's too much. Too much horsepower for them what would you what would you say to one of your friends in a town um who wanted to open a gym if he's like dude i really want to open a gym i want to open a crossfit gym what would be the first thing you'd say to him is there any other gyms in your town so um okay and i'll answer that uh there's 120 there's three and they're all about
Starting point is 00:08:26 20 minutes away from this one spot that i found that i want to open a gym uh yeah go for it start small don't um overreach what does that mean oh like i mean i had to oh well i didn't personally my wife kind of reigned me back in when i was setting up the gym but you want to like so gyms i've trained at you're talking 15 to 30 people in a class and that's your vision of crossfit gym right um and so setting up a crossfit gym in a small town i'm like yeah i want to set up crossfit gym big facility 15 30 people in class that'd be awesome but um the wife was like let's let's start small and um i'm glad we did because like i'd have classes with one person in it most days every day for like the first six eight months so if i um overreached with i don't know renting a facility or pumping
Starting point is 00:09:19 heaps of money into it you'd be yeah you wouldn't last long most likely and did you have a space when you open when you first started or did you just use your house uh just my house so i'm on like a quarter acre yeah quarter acre we've got like a 12 by 7 meter shed which like i'm not like a shed using man you know like i don't have stuff in there. So it's like, perfect. It was like empty my home gym already. So I just said that that's 40 by 20. Oh yeah. Okay. Here, let's see. Let's play this. This is just going to be a short one that kind of sums it up here. Here we go. Good job, Sousa. Good work.
Starting point is 00:10:00 You guys had shirts on when you came in here. Something happened to him, man. Dude, you got to see that movie. I might watch that tonight. What was that movie called? I'm going to write it down. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. And there's nudity in it.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And it's good. It's good nudity. It's fun. I'll watch it straight after this this yeah it is so it is so ridiculous and and and then you should find jeff and kick his ass the guy who said did you guys give a spicoli because he has like two brain cells oh my goodness okay um you so so so tell me that, tell me that, that origin story about opening, opening your gym. So, cause that's the way, you know, I almost ended up opening a gym. I was, I was always training at a park and then people were like, Hey, what are you training for? I'm like, nothing. This is CrossFit. And they're like, can I try? And then I'm like, yeah, of course. And then there's three of us every Saturday or every day actually at sunset and then there's four and then there's five and then there's ten and then there's two people who are I heard on accident yeah so like I was plumbing and every day I'd be looking at the clock like so it's 45 minutes from this job to the gym if I leave by this time I'll be
Starting point is 00:11:24 able to get there for the five class sweet I'm just trying to job to the gym. If I leave by this time, I'll be able to get there for the five class. Sweet. And I'm just trying to get to the gym every day. A CrossFit gym? A CrossFit gym, yeah. CrossFit Maitland. CrossFit what? Maitland.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Maitland? Yeah, M-A-I-T-L-A-N-D. Okay. Yeah, and I was just trying to get to the gym. Like my plumbing was obviously suffering for it. And I was just, you know, making fuck-ups at work and I was just trying to get to the gym and, like, my plumbing was obviously suffering for it and I was just, you know, making fuck-ups at work when I was plumbing and just not really my thing. And I thought to myself, like, what am I doing in my spare time?
Starting point is 00:11:54 I was coaching at that Cosmic Gym as well, like, here and there. I was like, what am I doing in my spare time? I go to the gym. Like, can you get paid for that? Yeah. Am I good at it? Yeah. I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I was like, I'm'm just gonna open a gym and um like i'd always fantasized about opening a gym like since i started crossfit i started it in crossfit perth in like 2011 or 12 um and yeah i always wanted to open a gym like i've watched there's youtube videos got like 10 videos or so. They're like old as shit. And I don't know, they probably have like 100 views or something. But it's some CrossFit owner going through how to like set up a gym and like just going to play by play. Like this is how he did it and how he grew. And I'd watched them like years and years ago
Starting point is 00:12:40 and always like fantasized about it. And then I was like, well, it's a possibility. Might as well do it. and that was that and was there a crossover so so and so then when you say you opened it you have a 40 by 20 foot shed on your property yeah so i um so i was still plumbing and everything everything i had all the research i'd done to people that have done the shift like from a full-time job to opening a gym, say like grow the gym in your spare time until it's big enough that it's paying you your wage kind of thing and then make the switch. And I was like, easy, right?
Starting point is 00:13:14 But that just was not working. I was coaching. I had a few PT clients. I was like going to some people's houses to do PT at their house and it was mainly PTs and I'm like, you're never going to some people's houses to do pt at their house and uh and it was mainly pts and i'm like you're never going to go across with jimmy if you can't offer like what four classes a day minimum and people choose when they come like i'm not going to be oh yeah mondays thursdays at five i have a class and that's it i just thought i got to go all in so i quit my plumbing
Starting point is 00:13:43 job my wife had uh just finished studying at uni to be a teacher and she just got her first full-time job as a teacher. And so we kind of did this like dynamic shift of like now she was the, she was earning enough to support us. And so I was able to start the gym, start offering classes. We had plenty of classes with like zero people rock up for like months and months and months. I'd have like,
Starting point is 00:14:09 I might have one class with one person on a day. Yeah. Awesome. You remember that, that you, you went through that too, Susie? A little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Mine was slightly different because I purchased an existing CrossFit, CrossFit gym. But as we expanded out the schedule and as the ownership shifted and stuff like that. Yeah. I remember the days, one the days one person two people nobody you got to cultivate those early members too that's your bread and butter right there yeah and like um so our like it's on our property at the back and my our bedroom window looked out to like our driveway that goes up to the back so like 7 a.m uh we're in residential so we can't have early classes but like 7 a.m would come around like quarter to seven i'd kind of wake up
Starting point is 00:14:50 and sit on the end of my bed and just look at the window ready like lightning fast get dressed like oh fuck croon is here clothes on out to the gym let's do this and would you be pumped when you'd see people you'd be like yes yeah i'd be like let's go let's do some crossfit and um and and how many members now uh 43 wow in a town of 1900 people and are you still on the on your property yeah yeah still are we actually just added like a put a slab out the side of the shed and added like a little outdoor area with a rig, just more space. It reminds me of Tanya Wagner's old gym. I remember when we visited her gym, she had like a –
Starting point is 00:15:35 her gym was on her property of her house too. She had a barn. Oh, that's your outdoor area? Yeah, yeah. Oh, that's nice. It is. Hey, is that your neighbors adjacent to you, Jake?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yeah. They just finished building that house. They like, Oh no, you're fucked. It built up high and they like look straight into our backyard. Everybody doing rope climbs, waving at them.
Starting point is 00:15:57 No. Yeah. That's what I said. Are they, are they going to, are they going to mess with you and say you're not zoned for that? Nah. So,
Starting point is 00:16:03 um, the dude next door, she signed up this morning oh wow wow and we've had and he he's done crossfit before and he comes in he's like yes i've done crossfit before i'm like on the lotto right moved in next to a crossfit gym yeah wow that's awesome that is awesome um they have they sell these um you've probably seen them like uh junipers rich people have like all over like beverly hills and los angeles they're super fast growing they can grow like anywhere from like six feet a year they're like torpedoes and they'll grow
Starting point is 00:16:38 like 30 feet in the air you know what i mean and they're pretty awesome you could plant a row of those between you and that guy. And it would be nice. I mean, it would be a nice. Yeah. His fence still hasn't gone up yet because it's a brand new house, but I'm waiting for that fence to go up and be like, okay, what's the situation?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Like how much can they actually see into our yard? Because we've got these big double doors across the back of our house and like they just look straight down into our house. What's the weather like i walk around naked all the time so i'm like you know you're gonna have to stop doing that i'm like yeah all right somewhere else have any of your members ever come over and see you naked like oh shit no but um like have they seen your wife naked
Starting point is 00:17:25 open gym is a different experience over there yeah we just that outdoor area we just it's a new like access way to come into the gym so we subdivided our our land and so there's a big concrete driveway going up that side and so now we can walk along the driveway straight onto the mats and you're in the gym, but we used to have to walk up the opposite side of the house, which is just along the grass and down the side of the house. And like, we got two main windows that look into our living area,
Starting point is 00:17:56 like right where people walk in. Do you own that place? Hey, do you own the place? Uh, yeah. Well, the bank owns most of it but yeah oh that's awesome that's awesome though but but you're working to own it oh yeah 100 um funny story with the house actually we um when we moved in here it was like an absolute shit box like it's a completely different house now and after um so we have the old and dilapidated and shit like the floors and just disgusting gross carpets rats the whole shebang well so put it this way when we found
Starting point is 00:18:32 out rachel was pregnant we always plan to renovate when we found out rachel was pregnant it was like oh we gotta do the house we can't bring a baby into this house okay yeah the house is actually old it's like it was originally built when we renovated we're pulling newspaper off the walls um with we found some dates saying 1910 so oh wow how many how many bathrooms does that it used to have one okay there's one bathroom with like a pink cast iron bath the toilet was like originally an outhouse but they had done some extensions to like a hole in the ground in the house and so like we'd been open for not long but march we opened and then around june whatever that lines up um we found out
Starting point is 00:19:22 rachel's pregnant we're like oh we're doing the house and we moved out of the house to live with friends um who are members at the gym and um just renovated the house full back to frame knocked the back half off um like fully we did the house so it's pretty much a new house now which is awesome yeah do the members use that one bathroom so like if i'm working out at the gym there do i have to like go through your living room and like use the bathroom nah so um i so being a plumber i i put a bathroom into the shed yeah nice okay so they have their own bathroom they go not up to code but whatever hey is it is there a good fan in there like if someone it's a small shed if someone takes a deuce does everyone know or you got a good strong there's like one of those little like on the wall,
Starting point is 00:20:06 sucks the air out a little bit fans. It's close to the rough. Wow. So that's pretty fascinating. Do you expect – what did you think the capacity was when you opened there? Yeah, so when we – That sounds like a shit ton of people for that spot it's not too bad at the moment so we cap our classes at six um just for space um and we're set
Starting point is 00:20:32 up with like three rows three bikes enough barbells for six people um and i'm not going to change that um and so four classes a day, six people a class, one class on a Saturday. We think around 50, maybe 60 members would be like, okay, this is getting a bit loose. People not being able to book in and whatnot. So just going to face that challenge when it comes. Why did you join the Army? Oh, it was just like my my like the whole like no plan
Starting point is 00:21:09 b right so i've had no plan b with everything that i go into so i joined the army that was my my trajectory for life from birth like my my dad was in the army for 37 years. My stepdad was in the Army. Wow. I've got a stepbrother in the Army. I've got two brothers in the Army, two sisters in the Army, a stepmum in the Army. Yeah, we're an Army family. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And you knew? How old were you when you knew? Oh, man, young. As soon as I was running around playing make-believe i was always make-believe guns you know so like how some kids are like man i can't wait to go to college and get married and take out a 30-year loan and fucking work my ass off being a fucking executive at target you were like i'm going to the army 100 so like how about your wife's family how about your wife's family are they army people how about your kid is your kid gonna be an army person if my wife has anything to say she'd probably say hopefully not okay understood okay i would say like it's a good experience but
Starting point is 00:22:17 if he wants to he wants to whatever right okay uh sorry you were about to tell a story army story uh yeah so like the youngest you can join the army in australia is 17 um but you can start the paperwork when you're 16 and a half and that's when i like i called them on 16 and six months i called you can buy a box of condoms at 17 but you can't use them till you're 18 they just keep them at this i had my dad gave me condoms when i was i don't know how old i was when when fuck when i was probably in the seventh grade i didn't use them until i was 18 hopefully i got some new ones okay sorry go on okay so you started just started the paperwork
Starting point is 00:22:56 at 16 yeah uh at 16 16 six months started the paperwork signed the dotted line at 17 um the army was full at the time like the regular army our army's tiny by the way so um we have two divisions one div and two div the first division is full-time army second division is army reserves kind of like your national guard i think is similar um whereas you guys have like fucking 100 divisions or some shit um and neither of our divisions are full. How many in the Australian Army? In 2019, there were 59,000 people.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah. That's kind of big for dudes who are stuck on an island. The statistic is our whole army could fit in the MCG, which is like the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Okay. So our whole army could fit in one stadium. Yeah, it's not that big better keep them dispersed otherwise for for active and uh for the active and the reserves
Starting point is 00:23:52 the total is 85 000 so i joined as a reserve at the start because the regular infantry was full okay and they were like well you can go in as a cook or a truck driver and i was like nah it's not happening. So I joined reserves as infantry and then started my application to go full-time. And that took about four years until I got to deploy as a reservist. And then while you're deployed, you're on a full-time contract for that period.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And then it's not like a division transfer. It's just a unit transfer technically. And so I was able to just get my way into full-time army. Yeah. When you said you were deployed, where did you deploy to? The Solomon Islands. Where's that? It's like, you know, you've got Australia
Starting point is 00:24:39 and you've got like all the Southeast Asian countries above us. Yeah. Like those islands that you've got Papua New Guinea and the islands kind of trail off. And then you've got New Zealand above us. Yeah. Like those islands, like you got Papua New Guinea and the islands kind of trail off. And then you got New Zealand over here. Yeah. It's one of those like little trail of islands. And why did you deploy there?
Starting point is 00:24:52 Was there a conflict there? Yeah. So every time they have elections, they like burn down Chinatown and we have to go in and do sort of right control and stuff for them. Wow. Yeah. Is that a country, the Solomon Islands? Solomon Islands is the country. do sort of write control and stuff for them. Wow. Yeah, so.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Is that a country, the Solomon Islands? Solomon Islands is the country, and we deployed to the main island or the main city, Honiara, which is the Guadalcanal. You might have heard it. Have you ever watched that TV show, The Pacific? It's kind of like by the same people as Band of Brothers. I haven't seen it. Army people would have seen it yeah it's sick um so that was all based on that island so from world war ii there's a lot of like um yeah they
Starting point is 00:25:34 the americans fucked the country over a little bit by like moving people around i can't believe that i can't believe that i refuse to believe that that main island no one wanted to like build their infrastructure so they went to other islands and got people to come to the main island and work um but then when they left they just left and so there's all these people living on the main island who aren't part of the local tribes and are now like well this is our land and all the local tribes are like no it's not and so they have conflict and so we have you know dominican republic and haiti are like that too dominican republic and haiti are basically on they're the same island and uh they took like a million haitians to work in the dominican republic and then and then the jobs were gone and then the people were just stuck there
Starting point is 00:26:25 yeah no passports no ids no fucking nothing it's crazy lucky camera straps 20 got here late stoked to see an aussie affiliate owner on the podcast he's in uh lucky camera straps thank you he's in a town with uh llamas and shit he can see from his front door and cows and chickens and roosters and do you have a dog uh yeah i do what kind of dog he's a bit so like lots of different breeds all in one he's like a massive mainway and can he just go free can he just is he free is you can he just go where he wants to go most of the time when classes are on he goes in his little um um because he gets very excited anyway he's like 60 kilos so he'll bowl people over he goes in his little kennel area while classes are on um so so you're in the army and uh and is that where you're exposed to crossfit uh no oh well no i got exposed to
Starting point is 00:27:29 crossfit from my brother who was in the army i was just before i had joined oh shit that long ago huh wow okay yeah my brother came home from the army and was like he came home on like holidays at christmas and he goes oh to be doing this thing called crossfit and i was like okay what is that and um we had like the rusty is this 2010 or 2009 nah this would be in 2013 ish 13 okay typical army time sleeping in the cage there yeah um but yeah he come home and he was like oh oh, do you have a barbell? I was like, no. Oh, we've got this rusty thing, like, you know, the screw-on ends and just rust like slits outside. And he, I don't know, we would have put like fives on each side
Starting point is 00:28:13 and he goes, oh, this is a thruster. Like you squat down and then you, and I was like, oh, yeah, and we did that in the backyard. And I was like, okay, okay. And so I searched CrossFit. CrossFit Perth came up. It was like five minutes from my house. And, yeah, I did my fundamentals.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I walked in on like the Monday, booked in for that afternoon to do my first one. Then I went Wednesday and Friday that same week. And my instructor, who's now a seminar staff, he was like, oh, you should come tomorrow. Saturday workout's always like super Saturday. You'll love it. You're an army boy. We're doing this awesome workout. I rocked up and it was
Starting point is 00:28:48 Murph. And I was like, fuck. Wait, he didn't even warn you. He was just like, it's an awesome workout. He wasn't like, hey dude, it's a fucking, it's going to be a beat down. No, he's like, you're loving that. You'll love it. I was like, let's do this. And yeah, just destroyed me. Wow. Who is the guy, the seminar staff guy? Gavin Crown. Gavin Crown. Gavin Crown.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I wonder if I know who that is. Gavin Crown. And at that time, you weren't in the Army at that time, or you were? I was a reservist at that time, yeah. You were a reservist. I was still at school as a reservist and what were you doing for training then before then i was like oh man going to the gym lifting weights um the back and bys thing chest and tries that yeah yeah yeah no idea what to do so you pick a row of machines at the gym
Starting point is 00:29:40 and just do all of them and then leave right god those were the good old days um and then and then running i'd run like three three days a week um yeah that's it but i came from like my family's big into swimming so my whole family are swimmers and so um i come from having at the peak of my swimming when I was probably like 15, I was swimming 12 sessions a week, like the two-hour morning session, the two-hour afternoon session, and a Saturday session. And so like I wasn't – I had fitness experience but not anything like CrossFit or lifting weights or any of that.
Starting point is 00:30:19 But that's crazy. You knew how to grind. You were on a different level than most people. That's 12 sessions a week at 15. Yeah. Say that again? I was a pretty average swimmer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Which kind of makes it even gnarlier, right? If you're not good and you're still doing it, it's like if you're not great and you're still putting in 12 sessions a week, that's gnarly. It's a lonely sport. Spend a lot of time just staring at the line on the bottom of the pool did you have um ever um aspirations to be a games athlete no not games but like you know i've gone through phases of being like yeah let's be competitive and really push this and then realize you know there's like levels to this genetics thing.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And like, so a few years back, I was like, yeah, let's really push and see how fit I can get. And I started doing stupid amount of training and I trained for three weeks and then just die and need a week off and then train for three weeks and then die and need a week off. And I just can't handle the amount of volume that you know games athletes do i guess maybe if i started 10 years ago and had a much lower trajectory maybe but yeah um what what i know you said you were you were plumbing
Starting point is 00:31:39 and it wasn't the passion of yours and you were loving the gym and you were like hey i could do this and get paid for something i love and how and how that that was 18 months ago so so you're and you're still pretty young 30 especially considering like someone like me i didn't i didn't even find crossfit till i was 34 right has that um has your perception of what CrossFit is evolved? How old's your oldest client? Uh, Ian, he's 67. 60. And, and would you, would you know any 67 year old? I mean, this has got to be the first time you've ever worked out or trained with someone who's 67, right?
Starting point is 00:32:23 know any 67 year old i mean this has got to be the first time you've ever worked out or trained with someone who's 67 right oh i've trained with a guy who was 70 in townville at a crossfit gym right i'm sorry but i mean outside of crossfit if it wasn't for crossfit yeah none of us would even fucking talk to anyone who was fucking 50 fuck those guys you got that random dude at like a uh weekend triathlon who's like just old as right and so so when you now that you're around those has your perception changed as a from 18 months ago or 36 has what's the evolution been of your perception of what crossfit is oh 100 um and i think crossfit's changed a little bit, a lot, since I started in like 2011, 12. Back when I started, it was like army and police and fireys and it was like, yeah, we're hardcore because we do CrossFit
Starting point is 00:33:14 kind of thing. And like on a day where there's running and it's raining, you would have more people rock up because they're like, fuck yeah, like we run and it's raining, you know. And I guess as it's expanded to being open to more people which is awesome uh you get people coming in the doors that isn't like they don't know that side of crossfit so they're there to be like it's a gym right like we do gym things they don't know they don't know anything about crossfit and so it's gone away from that a lot i think over the time that i've been doing crossfit and then opening the gym was like a massive change for me
Starting point is 00:33:52 um so like the gym i used to train at i want to say competitive gym but it's not like there was any crazy athletes there but everyone was very like chasing the leaderboard like watching reps calling no rep from the other side of the room, that kind of thing, which is cool. Like I love that gym for like two or three years. But then opening my own gym and you got like old people that, or even people, not even that old, but they're new to training. Like they're new to walking around the block,
Starting point is 00:34:22 let alone coming into a CrossFit gym. What did you say? What about going around the block? They're new to walking around the block let alone coming into a crossfit gym what was it what did you say what about going around the block they're new to going around the block you know like let alone coming into a cross people like who are couch potatoes and who are on the verge of decrepitude who come into your gym yeah yeah or just people that you wouldn't even look at and think oh you're like unhealthy and overweight yeah they're a little bit overweight, but you get them in the gym and they can't touch their knee to the ground when they do a lunge. And you're like, okay. You didn't nail rep them, did you? No way.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Get that fucking knee down. But yeah, so as a business owner, as a coach at that old gym, I would be like, no, no, no, we've got to get that knee to the ground, you know, like don't count that rep. But as a business owner, I'm like, shit, they're not going to want to come back if I do that. And that's worst case. So yeah, like changing things up to be like, hey, I'm not going to know about people.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I'm going to coach them. Yeah. And it's also nice too because now you've extended it. You're like, hey, in a year, we're going to get your knee to the ground. And you're also thinking, cool, lifetime value of the customer just went up. Got them for a year. They're going to want to get that knee to the ground, right? So you're thinking about long term.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I did not have that mindset before I owned my own gym, you know, which I think is like obviously a good change. Yeah, it's maybe changing for the wrong reasons you're doing it to save the the company economically but really it's it's a better way to help people too yeah it's a win-win yeah it's not like hey sorry you can't do the movements you gotta leave it's like oh cool we're gonna work on this and you're gonna keep paying me yeah which like is crossing the job and like scaling and getting people to this to like to an rx lunge you know yeah at 34 i find crossfit and i i just want to get super duper fit like i
Starting point is 00:36:16 really just want to be super duper fit and i remember tony being like hey you should compete in the women's division of the 2008 games and i'm like yeah i'll fucking do it i'm gonna do it and i ended up making every second count so i'm gonna do it and i ended up making every second count so i didn't do it but i i just wanted to get just so fucking fit and and and i didn't i don't know if i had games aspirations but in 2007 2008 2009 i could do all the games workouts and then in 2010 i can't remember there was a workout in there like fuck i can't even do that one and that was that what was it? Amanda. I don't know. I'm just guessing one 35 squat snatch and ring muscle ups.
Starting point is 00:36:47 That was in 2010. I think so. It was a Friday night workout. Okay. I think that I probably could have figured that one out though. And I could have done it. I think there was something with a deadlift. Like I couldn't even do it.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Like if I had three days, there was something like I just could not do. I couldn't pull it. Was there a deadlift in that game? Do you remember? I can't remember off the top of my head no might have been the 315 box jump because i think that yeah maybe that was it maybe maybe that was it yeah that may be because i think that was like my pr 315 so um by then i'm 39 so when i think of you jake Jake, and then it wasn't without from there literally like years and years of Greg Glassman explaining to me, hey, we have the cure for the world's most vaccine problem.
Starting point is 00:37:36 That it fucking finally hit me. I think of this Venn diagram. It's kind of what you were saying. There's people who did CrossFit to be bad-asses, right? And there's that circle. And then there's this circle. There's people who, um, do it for GPP because they know that this methodology will keep you safest in your line of work, whether you're a soldier, police officer, firefighter, if you need to grab a baby out of a burning building, you should be doing CrossFit. Your chances of survival skyrocket.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And then in the middle where those two crosses save your life, the badass and the – for both of them, they're just getting healthier. Has that crept into you yet? I know you're still so young. Has it crept into you like, holy shit, I'm actually – I'm not just giving people pride because we can all wear CrossFit shirts because we can all do fucking 20-street pull-ups. But has it crossed into you that, oh my god, I'm fucking saving people's lives? Like, Mike, I – we are in a tsunami of fucking chronic disease.
Starting point is 00:38:37 People are dying all around us by the millions on the planet. And you have the answer. You have that pyramid, nutrition and movement. And you're like, you're like well hey come over here i'll save your life and your generations to come like or are you too young to even go there yet yeah no like um i see it in members of the team already like um we've got a member who like that couldn't touch the edge of the ground in a lunch and then eight months of training and she goes on holidays and walks up the mountain. It's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:11 that's awesome. Yeah. Quality of life skyrocketed, right? Yeah. Gave her freedom. Gave her freedom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:20 So I get emotional talking about it. Oh, good. I thought you were like, fuck no. What the fuck is someone talking about? um oh good i thought you were like fuck no what the fuck is everyone talking about good okay no you're getting right good let's hear it what's he talking about this shit don't make you healthy this is to get chicks no good good tell me get emotional let me hear it let me hear it uh so like i'm gonna i remember lisa she's got two knee replacements, two titanium knees. And after like three months of training, she comes in. She's like, I can lift my leg up and put it in my gumboot without bending over.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And I was like, shit, that's sweet. Yeah. Do you cry right there when she tells you that too? Or are you like, I got to take a piss? Yeah. Do you cry right there when she tells you that too? Or are you like, I got to take a piss? Wow. How old is she? 56. Man. You're giving her her life back.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Those are the back years. You're giving her those back. Now she went from somebody who probably thought before she walked into the gym, this is it. This is just the slow descent down to no movement and everything else and now you've like restored the hope that she's like oh my gosh i could i could put these on i could move i'm independent and i and i'm getting better as i'm getting older it's so powerful jake explain it to me what what did what did she graduate to being able to do put her shoes on there and put a gun boot on what's a gun boot having to like bend over and like sit down and fuck around like she said she's walking her
Starting point is 00:40:53 back door lift her leg up put it in a gun what's a gun boot is that like a cowboy boot uh like rain boots i guess you know like oh galoshes okay yeah yeah yeah okay oh i'm gonna get tore up in the comments here i'm about to get people about to fucking up and and why does she have two titanium knees oh she's had fucked knees since she was like young young she had a she had a patella removed when she was like a teenager or something so her knees were shot from the beginning um and then she her knees are probably like eight years old or something so her knees were shot from the beginning um and then she her knees are probably like eight years old or something now so yeah she's had her new knees for like eight years or something like that yeah how long has she been a client she was like one of my firsts um
Starting point is 00:41:38 so yeah like 18 months and when she comes in are you like oh fuck what am i gonna do with this when she first started i was like this is a challenge hey um she can't so one of her knees doesn't bend past one can like just get to 90 degrees and one is like from dead straight to like 45 and that's it and so she squats she started off squatting to a bench with a bunch of plates now she squats to a bench um yeah and uh do you know her family uh she's like a local brankston person so i don't know her family like personally, but like, yeah, my wife's family who's all local, they kind of know her family. She teaches, uh, she's a teacher's aide at the same school as my, my wife. So they work together and stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:33 So is she, um, is she tripping? Why did she come in there? Shouldn't she have just gone somewhere and died, like gotten in a wheelchair and rolled away? Like, why did she go in? Why does someone like that come into a CrossFit gym and think how did she know that you you could work with her she didn't she knew my wife at school knew that i was opening a gym and she recognized that she needed to do something and she came in and wow yeah and and did you think that did she has she progressed
Starting point is 00:43:04 further than even you thought oh mate she was progressing further than i thought from day one i was like she honestly pushes the hardest out of everyone at the gym it scares me i'm like fuck i need to get a d5 machine oh shit i'm just i knew it i'm getting torn up in the comments. I fucking knew it. Savant can't be any more California. What's a boot? We don't have boots here.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I didn't wear shoes all day today. He's in Australia. He doesn't need to wear shoes either. When you have 43 clients, does everyone know everyone? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Yeah, everyone gets to know everyone yeah pretty much yeah um yeah everyone gets to know everyone there's a few you know you got the morning people who never really meet the afternoon people sort of have that but not really i guess there would be a few one member there he doesn't know
Starting point is 00:43:57 that member but not really like everyone pretty much knows everyone those successes like lisa's success um do you tell uh who do you tell that to do you do you tell your um do you tell your mom and dad that no no you do you do you tell you tell your wife oh yeah yeah i come down and tell my wife everything dude someone spit on the floor in the middle of the workout and fucking beat them those two members i saw them kissing in the parking lot i knew it yeah um uh and any sparks um in your in your gym i won't ask too many questions about that but and you seen any sparks like you're coaching and you're like dude those two can those two not stand any closer together jesus christ not yet but it's across the gym so it's inevitable yeah right yeah you um are you happy are you happy
Starting point is 00:45:00 doing what you're doing yeah it's awesome i um yeah it's just like my perfect day is go coach and my house is right here so i coach come down get to spend heaps of time with archie um and then go coach again sweet you have you have two kids when we move into a bigger gym i'll probably just like and say i have a coach that coaches every class i'll probably like hang out at the gym and yeah that'd be my life anyway so um did you say you have two kids no just one okay so when you say you hang out with the team you mean you hang out with your wife and your kid yeah i said i hang out with archie which is uh yeah my son's name oh that's awesome that you get to do that does archie ever come in the gym while you're coaching yeah yeah yeah rach brings him up all the time she comes up says hi to all
Starting point is 00:45:51 the members and archie's with her all the time so yeah god it sounds like you want to be coached what is rach train rach is about to do a level one so he'll watch her coach no she she is gonna do a level one yeah and why is that uh just take a bit of pressure off me like i was really sick last week and so like we managed to have all our classes covered but like that was that vaccine you took by the way but go on we'll talk about that later could be it could be uh but like yeah she would be able to get the booster eight days ago and you got six seven days ago is that is that what you're telling me okay go on sorry sorry i just can't resist i'm sorry it just comes out it doesn't even it's an impulse yeah so so you were really sick and you're and she wanted to
Starting point is 00:46:41 take some pressure off you yeah yeah and you don't respect how hard she works at her other job as a teacher she actually just went back to work one day a week as a teacher um so i mean the other four days a week get to coaching let's go yeah you got time before you go to school in the morning classes um. Do the seven classes. I can sleep in. When did you take your L1? Did you take it because you wanted to be a coach or did you want to learn more for yourself? What was the... I was thinking about this the other day. I first took my level one in 2011 or 2012.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Okay, I'm having trouble with the timeline because I thought you said you did a thruster for the first time in 2013. i think what happened there the confusion was is i had the picture up that picture was from 2013 at the same time you asked what year it was i brought that picture up so he wasn't talking about the oh i've been like am i gonna call this motherfucker out on the okay okay i'm sorry i'm like what the fuck is going on with this timeline okay happened there and also your light hasn't been on seven your light hasn't been on, Sevan. Your light hasn't been on.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I don't know if that's a... My light? What light? Yeah. It seems darker where you are. I don't know. You don't have a light on? Oh, no, I do.
Starting point is 00:47:53 No, I do. But do I not seem sharp? Do I have a stroke or something? No, you look great. Should I go fucking check in? You haven't met, like, what? The background's brighter. That's all.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I put it in the private chat. I was like, I don't know. I seem okay to you, Jake. I didn't stroke out. I'm'm 50 if you guys see me like start doing shit tell me i just figured we could all have you like earlier okay all right i'll just the light on that show you're scaring me my bag of weeds there i got my my Colt Merton playing cards from Wad Zombie. Yes, I feel good.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I feel good. Okay. Your first L1 in 2000. I think it was 12, 11 or 12. I've been at my GM CrossFit Perth for maybe a year. And like CrossFit Perth hosts the level one. And I think the people that host them get a free level one or something. They get some members that can go on it for free.
Starting point is 00:48:54 And yeah, the owner, Jace, was like, hey, do you want to do your level one? I was like, yeah, sweet. And he had started getting me to do demos and stuff in class. And he just said, do you want to be a coach? I've got a level one you can do. I was like, okay, let's do it. No idea what it was at the time. Did it and was like, holy shit, like, that's awesome. Started coaching there.
Starting point is 00:49:14 While I was waiting for, like, transfer to full time, I was coaching at CrossFit Perth and, yeah, kind of fell into it. When you talk about your brother coming home from the army the way you say like hey you guys just started doing thrusters i mean that's how like so many of us did it it's like and i always use the bible as an example it's like holy shit like if you want like people who found jesus and shit they're like oh my god look at this verse in the bible it's a guy here says that we have dominion over all the animals fuck you know what i mean in there they just want to share some crazy shit with you they found out and uh your brother was like that that's the way i kind
Starting point is 00:49:49 of imagine it dude i gotta show you this thing it's a thruster yeah pretty much and then you come out and be like oh we've been doing jujitsu in the army like check this out and you throw me across the back backyard like throw me into a wall in the house and i'd be like oh sweet and then like that year was like oh check this thruster out is he older or younger uh he's uh three years older yeah is he cool he sounds cool yeah he's cool yeah um so did you ever went did that did you have that before you took your l1 or when you took your l1 did you get that were you like oh shit i gotta show my dad this or my mom or like oh fuck my mom eats that stuff i gotta tell her no no you didn't you didn't no no not like that
Starting point is 00:50:33 or run to your wife and be like dude we gotta throw all the cereal out of the house now or like hey we gotta start doing fucking we need an ab mat i just started doing it for myself it wasn't like spread the news you know all right until i was like in the army and i was doing like crossfit training in the army and i'd always be like nah let's come and all the guys would be going to do their buys and tries and i'd be like fuck that i'm going to go outside and take a rusty barbell and flip that tire a bunch of times yeah a rusty trombone um uh sorry i just hear the word rusty i think of that phrase in the early shows do you remember that picture full of the rusty um uh so so you had your l1 when you went to the army yeah wow that's really cool
Starting point is 00:51:22 and then so you started coaching and did you enjoy watching people move? Yeah. Like I enjoyed coaching people through movement and seeing progression, you know, like can't do a toaster bar, spit a cue at them and now they can do a toaster bar. It's like, Oh sweet. Like you had the ability, you just need more information, you know, and information given to you in a certain way, because it might not work with that cue, but it does with this cue. And kind of like a game, you know, like problem solving, how do I get this person to that skill?
Starting point is 00:51:55 That's what their initial draw was for me. Do you remember the first person you coached that touched you the way Lisa touched you? Were there others? Did you, did you did you no no really that's probably the first first one yeah it's it's a pretty um because everyone else i'd coached up until then was like already fit you know i was like getting someone from a from i don't know they can do kipping pull-ups to now doing kipping toast above you know which is cool that's awesome or like getting them bigger numbers on their lifts which is awesome but
Starting point is 00:52:27 wasn't like life-changing stuff yeah all of a sudden someone can put their shoes on yeah that's nuts that is nuts yeah like you said you set them free empowering did you take the L1 you said the first time you took your L1 you took it again yeah so my l1 expired um and then when i was looking at starting like after five years right
Starting point is 00:52:52 it's five years i was a couple years out and it from it expiring and started to redo it um which is cool i got to go down to sydney do my level one gav crown the dude who did my first ever fundamentals was my instructor on my second l1 i was like that it's good comes full circle yeah cool what do you think how do you think your wife's gonna react to it i think she knows a lot more than she thinks she knows she's listened to me talk shit a lot so like my latest thing has been going back and watching all the old Greg Glassman stuff like just everything Glassman you can find on YouTube and so she's going to get into a lot of the lectures and be like this lecture cool oh oh yeah I know what comes from this you know is she nervous yeah a little bit I think she probably
Starting point is 00:53:44 thinks she's not ready for it but she's definitely ready yeah everyone's ready everyone's ready even if you've never done cross before you you glean different things from it for sure right i mean the second time you took it was different than the first time but i think like if you're a human being and you have more than six months to live take it it's a good it's a good use of two days and even if you have six months you might get six more after you take right right great point is is the gym of when you open the gym what was your aspirations for members you're in a town of 1900 were you hoping for 20 members or 30 members or 40 so the initial goal was 50 members so just
Starting point is 00:54:26 doing like napkin maths 50 members was gonna be paying me more than when i was plumbing so you know there's no s on that word right math like the rest of the world doesn't say maths that's just you guys in australia we just say math i didn't even pick up on that we'll go ahead they also put r's in places too i mean just be like there's no r in that word with language okay sorry okay so sorry uh so but the girls seem to like it so what the fuck do i know uh okay so so with napkin math maths yeah i was like yeah sitting down cool if i get 50 members that's going to be paying me more than if I was plumbing, and so that would be worth it. So the goal was always get to 50.
Starting point is 00:55:09 And what timeframe, Jake? I don't really have a timeframe. Okay, okay. No plan B, you know, just get first in bed. Let's go. Yeah, yay. So when we first opened the gym, it was like March. Rach fell pregnant, June, whatever that around mid-year um so we're like cool move out of the house start renovating um and then we had
Starting point is 00:55:34 lockdown happened like our second big lockdown like melbourne had had even in those tiny little cities like you're in they they lock you guys down? Yeah, yeah. It's just like the state. The state is like, boom, the state is locked down. I would just think people who own llamas are like, what the fuck did I spit on yesterday? You can't tell me shit. Yeah, so, nah, so. You wear boots and you let the government tell you what to do?
Starting point is 00:56:01 There's no fucking way, Lisa, let anyone tell her what to do. I don't believe it. So, like, Aussie small town town they get all of the information from tv right so we got like three main tv channels all their information is from tv so all they're seeing is what's being pushed by the government so everyone in all these small towns is petrified okay damn and so yeah and everyone abides you know because it's like fuck everyone in all these small towns is petrified of COVID. Damn. And so, yeah. And everyone abides, you know, because it's like, fuck. And so, yeah, we went into lockdown after like pretty much just opening the gym.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And like I could have gone and. Just after opening the gym, you guys went into lockdown. Yeah, like six months after, yeah. Jeez. And so, like, I could have gone and picked up a couple days plumbing a week but i don't know that just never crossed my mind looking back i'm like fuck probably should have done that but um just never really crossed my mind why because those jobs were still those jobs were still good to go yeah so like construction and there was like
Starting point is 00:57:03 that was seen as a priority job you know like okay keep the floor rolling on construction um and so yeah like i could have gone and plumbed but it never really crossed my mind it was like and we were renovating the house so being like i'm pretty like hands-on plumber like have a trade and can do most stuff but um so i'd come and coach the morning classes get changed into work gear go and do work on the house quickly shower change back into gym clothes and coach the other classes um but yeah i could have gone and like done a few days of plumbing earned like three four hundred bucks a day just rent like cash on the side but i don't know just never crossed my mind it was like no i'm a gym owner now i'm not i'm not doing it right yeah screw that other job that's done yeah i i uh
Starting point is 00:57:52 i don't want to be an asshole but i can't help it so here we here we go here we go what's happening here oh jeez i want you to see i want you to see new zealand and australia what the fuck your governments did to you guys. This is Google. These guys are fucking the biggest fucking sellouts ever, and even they're showing the truth. Look at this crazy shit that your government did to you. They locked you guys down, and I'm over here on the Sevan podcast saying don't do it. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Don't do lockdowns. The worst thing you can do is quarantine the healthy people. Don't it and look at your death rates oh man and everyone's like aha no one's dying over here you're all dying in the u.s and i'm like don't do it don't do it don't do and now look look at 2022 holy shit the shit's over here i mean it never was here yeah but but i mean it's just you don't even want me to look at new zealand they make they you guys make them look like fucking like they have an iq of three and i'm embarrassed to say that you one of your ladies over there is like armenian like your health minister she's's a fucking knucklehead. So like the original approach, right? So like when COVID started, it was like,
Starting point is 00:59:08 everyone was a little bit scared, right? Not me. Okay. Go on, go on. Everyone else, let me go on. Holy shit. Like, this is going to be crazy. I was like Googling.
Starting point is 00:59:20 What are the best masks to get? Yeah. Right. I probably Googled that too. I probably Googled that too. You believe what you're being told, right? googling what are the best masks to get to yeah yeah right and it's like yeah cool so you probably googled that too i probably googled that yeah you believe what what you're being told right and then the lockdowns i saw is the government their approach was let's lock down and you know flatten the curve right so get the um get the medical industry the hospitals get everything set up ready to cope with what will be crazy right yeah and then the thing
Starting point is 00:59:46 that like the thing that i noticed is that they're not getting anything ready it's not like they're hiring more people putting on more nurses like they did nothing to get our hospital system ready and it's like so why they brought a huge ship off the fucking western seaboard in california yeah they converted like baseball stadium medical fucking military ship that they and i think they ended up mixing healthy people with sick people on it and fucked like like 200 people yeah it was crazy but sorry go on it was a shit show here no but at first i was like oh yeah cool it makes sense what we're doing okay cool but then it's like what why are we putting this off like why like if you're not getting anything ready you're not preparing it's just like it's inevitable so
Starting point is 01:00:29 why are we fucking over so many people's livelihoods just waiting if you're not getting so many people the stories the australia stories were the craziest because you would fly back to australia and have to be in land in like sydney and be quarantined for 30 days and then you wanted to go to your region you had to be quarantined another 30 days and you had to back to Australia and have to be in land in like Sydney and be quarantined for 30 days. And then you wanted to go to your region. You had to be quarantined another 30 days and you had to pay for it. And the shit they were showing us, I was like, I think first, but those people fucking kind of deserve it at some point. Like, Hey, why are you traveling? Like, dude, now go out into a field and just bang your chick. Like now's the time to party.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Like what, what were people doing? Hang out with your kids. I think you need to, um, you need to recognize though, like the stuff that you get shown and like, we see it in Australia. Right. So if I go to America,
Starting point is 01:01:15 I'm probably going to get shot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. By the police. By the police. By the police. Obviously.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or someone's going to have a go at me for being racist. Cause I'm like they'll hop it up at the same time it's just yeah we get flogged at the airport for being white yeah and so it's all accurate it's accurate that's what we get fed and it's like holy fuck america's this crazy dangerous place you know don't send your kids to school there no
Starting point is 01:01:39 wonder well that's true that's the first true thing you said that part is fucking true the other shit's not true but that part is so take what you see of australia come down a few notches and that's more like reality right um yeah that's good i'm glad you said excuse me one thing uh hey just because bruce your dick's hard from looking at me. Don't accuse me of using a filter. It's because that light. Fucking filter am I using just because you're aroused. Okay. Yeah, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Yeah. Thanks for – I needed to be schooled like that. That's good. But the thing that got me is like – so we're getting all that stuff from mainstream media, right? And I always try and assess things and play devil's advocate. My wife fucking probably hates it. But even if I have the- She does. They all hate us for that, yes.
Starting point is 01:02:30 But I'll just do it because I find it fun. Like, I don't know, the abortion thing. The abortion thing. And I'll have my views in my head, and then me and my wife are very similar, but then I will just play the other side of the story and try and change her mind. It's like, well, how cemented are your views into this? I'll just, well, what about this?
Starting point is 01:02:52 What about that? And if her mind doesn't get changed, it's like, yes, sweet. You have a good belief, you know? Or like the evidence behind your belief is withstanding like my questioning of it. It's like science, right? You have a belief and you test it like my questioning of it it's like science right you have a belief and you test it and try and prove it wrong and if you can't oh shit did you hear what he said it's like science you have a belief and you test to see if it's wrong that's the problem with the media they're trying to prove everything that they're right are you jackasses that's what i
Starting point is 01:03:22 did like i'm like oh yeah we need to prove what's wrong. This is what the news is telling us. Well, is there anyone saying the opposing thing? Holy fuck, there's heaps of people saying the opposing thing. Okay, well, I'll listen to both sides and come up with a view. And it's like, oh, we're somewhere in the middle, you know. And then, like, just how they were hammering home. Like, no, this is one. Don't even listen to these people.
Starting point is 01:03:44 You can't even. Yeah these people um you can't even yeah what they do is they attack the people that's when they go ad hominem yeah like what trudeau said if you don't get the vaccine you're a racist misogynist it's like wait what how did you make that yeah and so how come no black people in the states want to take it then when you start when you start blaming the other person and not their argument you know it's like okay well obviously your argument's pretty shit you know and so i'll start doing that i'm like fuck maybe the mainstream media is pretty you know useless and then this is something that got me um i was thinking about governments right so government puts all their
Starting point is 01:04:21 trust into um the chief of medicine right they have a board of doctors and people at the top of their field and they put all their trust in you are going to give us guidance as to what to do right but do i trust that our government is trusting the right people right so i just look at so marijuana is still illegal in australia right and it's like what the fuck why it doesn't make sense especially when you got like it's legal in the states and illegal in so many places and if they're still putting their trust in the people that are saying no it's good to keep it illegal well then how do i trust that they're putting their trust in the right doctors to be
Starting point is 01:05:01 informed about code yep the crazy part here in this sorry go ahead no sorry go ahead yeah and then like um the difference in values as well like so a doctor might say oh we need to lock down because it's going to save all these old people they don't say this but we need it's going to save all these lives and to them they're thinking of saving all these old people's lives because that's what's's killing, right? Whereas I'm kind of, I guess, same sort of views as you. I'm like, well, if one baby dies because of it, how many old people could I stand dying to save one baby? I'm like, fuck, 10?
Starting point is 01:05:39 You know, like, I don't know. Like, where's that number? But there's definitely a number there somewhere. But are the people they're trusting to give them guidance are they like no no no if the baby dies that's one life if 10 old people die that's 10 lives not worth it you know not worth it not worth it 300 million when how about this just for simple logic when the average age of the person dying from COVID is older than the average age of the person who dies in your country overall, then killing no young people is worth it to save no amount of old people. You already live past the fucking average.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And some people in like I think Sweden or Switzerland, one of those countries figured that out. They're like, wait a second. Our average age of death is 80. And average age of death of COVID is 80, 82 with COVID. You live two years longer. That shit's good for you. I mean, that's like, that's science. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:33 It's like, what the fuck? I was fucking the problem with the problem that made it so obvious in the States is that you could go on the internet and you could see the CDC says, if you're sick, never quarantine the healthy, only quarantine the sick. And they quarantine the healthy in this country. And they,
Starting point is 01:06:51 and they started killing tens of thousands of old people. And then the second thing was, is it said 94% of the people had comorbidities and 6% there was no data on. Once you have that, you're like, Oh shit, this isn't killing CrossFitters. This is not killing Crossfitters true one of the one of the final straws that like yeah yeah i can't wait to get a lot of distrust did you think we would go here on
Starting point is 01:07:17 the show did i didn't think we would go here it's just the predictive value it's it's pretty high okay go on go on sorry yeah so like um straw that broke the camel back with jake's like i refuse open the doors let them let them pull up so there was like trump said like that he was on whatever that drug was that he said ivermectin ivermectin yeah there's another one it was one of them but so trump said something about hydroxychloroquine yeah that might have been the one and um so he said about how you know we should be using this and blah blah and then the australian government made it illegal to prescribe that drug in australia like right after he said it yeah like right after he said like a few weeks
Starting point is 01:08:03 after he said it right but there was no studies had been done yet like that that drug was so new to treating covid there was no studies to show that it worked didn't work whatever but the government just jumped in and like made it illegal like banned it um and it's like okay so what it's political now because we don't like trump we're gonna ban it that doesn't make sense like you should be doing you should have the interest of the people at heart like what is going to keep people the healthiest not what looks good politically you know so i was like that's fucked and that's when i was just like you know what i'm off it yeah yeah it doesn't make any sense the the banning of of of the open discussion was bizarre i mean it still it still goes on
Starting point is 01:08:46 yeah it still goes on someone just did a podcast with trump and youtube pulled it down the nelk boys just did a podcast with trump it was up for two days i'm glad i got to see it and then they took it down he didn't even say anything crazy it was just chill did you did either of you guys see that interview i didn't see the interview now they asked him they're like are you they go are you friends with putin he's like yeah they're like well why this is in the beat this is they're like why don't you just call him and and ask him if he plans on like using any nukes in the ukrainian war i mean it was so just like you know what i mean like it was like just like it's such a good interview that's awesome it was so
Starting point is 01:09:22 awesome i wish i could remember what trump said just simplify it because people have like all of this like illuminati and crazy government and flying saucer shit and they're just like hey why don't you just call them on your cell phone and ask them not shoot what's up all our lives at stake um so you think do you think you're gonna make it to 50 um uh you know do you think you're All our lives at stake. So you think, do you think you're going to make it to 50? You know, do you think you're going to make it to 50? What'd you say?
Starting point is 01:09:51 You're like 43? 43. Oh yeah. We'll be at 50 in a couple of months. I reckon. Yeah. And what's it look like when new people come in? If they just pull up to your house and they're like, is this a CrossFit gym?
Starting point is 01:10:04 So we've got like a sign at the front and before people come in um like we do a lot of like lead nurture stuff so we'll call them and be like hey come in uh to do an intro blah blah blah and then we explain like yeah it's on our property follow the sign jim's at the back kind of thing yeah and and do the do most of people like it like the the well i guess you're in the country. People are kind of used to more camaraderie. It's not like it's in Sydney where, like, I'm assuming Sydney is like L.A., like no one looks at anyone and they just have their head down and walk around. But it's not like that in your town.
Starting point is 01:10:34 People, like, nod and hi. Yeah, yeah. You walk past someone on the street and you wave on either. And you ever had any issues with the city at all? No. So that's, like like i looked into it obviously before i opened the gym but um it comes under at home occupation so the same as if i was to be a massage therapist and have one of my rooms as like a massage therapy room or something
Starting point is 01:10:57 awesome and so like the main thing is that there's a whole list of things that you can't do and the main one is you can't interrupt. It was a word. It's funny. You can't interrupt the natural habitat of your community or something, which to me just says, don't get complaints. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Right. Right. Don't, don't, they shouldn't park and block your neighbor's driveway. Yeah. The council was very reactionary. So as long as we don't get complaints,
Starting point is 01:11:24 no one's coming out of here looking at what's going on. Is your town, I'm still trying to get the vibe of your town. When's the last time someone gave you eggs? Oh, one of our members has heaps of chickens and they've got heaps of eggs. She hasn't given me any of it yet, though, unfortunately. But yeah, it's that kind of town. If someone brought you eggs, you wouldn't be like, what are these? You would be like, oh't be like what are these you would be like oh thank you no you'd be like why haven't you bring them to me earlier like yeah um do you buy do you buy um like locally is there a place you
Starting point is 01:11:55 go and buy locally raised eggs or oh yeah there is so there's like a small grocery store an iga which is like an independent grocer um like store and they source everything mainly local, but obviously big name brands as well. And then we just have like a Coles supermarket that we get all our food from. And most of, I don't know, they say it is, most of like the Coles and Woolworths is sourced fairly locally anyway because there's so much around that it can be. It's's not like i don't know maybe i'm wrong with this but like uh in the states you have a lot of farm areas that are
Starting point is 01:12:32 very far away from your big cities you know whereas you can drive three hours not even two hours out of sydney like our biggest city and you're in farmland yeah i get you could do that in the states too ah in the bay area you can probably not so much southern not so much in southern california there's just just because there's two hours of traffic everywhere it's a conky jungle what do you think i always trip on the the life expectancy of an affiliate owner what will happen when um and and not for any reasons of the affiliate failing i mean even successful affiliates i wonder you're 30 right at some point like probably down the road you're going to want more
Starting point is 01:13:19 you're gonna um you're going to you're gonna want more money you're gonna be you want to be richer you're gonna you're gonna start seeing the end of the road and you're gonna want more maybe it's more stability is a better way to put it yeah so i think when i think of a gym owner i think of someone who's 25 he's like holy shit they found this they want to share it with the world and they do it for 10 years and at 35 they're like okay i'm ready for something else or some of them maybe flip it there's another some of those gyms go from being a caterpillar to a butterfly i don't know what that looks like is that what opt did is that what jason kalipa did is that what rich froning did i i don't or craig howard like um do you know what do you have any do you see the next chapter in your life do you see yourself
Starting point is 01:14:11 doing this for 20 years 30 years not that long um i mean i could um so my goal is to get well move into a bigger facility end up with around 150 members would be awesome. That's like five-year goal type stuff, five to ten-year goal, and then put systems in place and hire people so that I can have the business and only need to be in the business a few hours a week. And then I can hire people to give me my time back to then focus on other endeavours, anything that I want to do.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Yeah, so whether it's, I don't know, open a second location or it might be a completely different business altogether or, I don't know, travel around Australia or the world, you know, get the gym, hire enough enough people even if it means that my take home isn't as high as it could be if i was doing more work in the business myself at least i have a business that is self-sustaining and i can focus on other stuff if that makes sense yeah yeah cash flow baby do you have any do you have any do you do anything um and do you have any, do you have any, do you do anything? And do you have time to do anything else? Like paint, write a book, read? Do you have any other, do you have time for any other hobbies?
Starting point is 01:15:31 Is there anything you're doing that's innovative or that's leading you down that path? Growing tobacco, making fentanyl. I'm open. I don't mean to pigeon. I didn't mean to pigeonhole you with the traditional shit. Nah, my hobby is CrossFit, so I just do CrossFit in my spare time. Yeah, yeah, totally. And then just run this gym when I have to. Yep, yep. And I think that that is part of the no plan B thing.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Going back, you were in the military for seven years and your dad was in 37 years why did you leave uh so i got in a bit of trouble with the law oh awesome this is awesome so yeah um got in trouble with the law and then the army does this thing where it's better for them in the newspapers to say ex-army member has done this than current serving army has done this, you know. So they're very quick to get rid of you if you get in enough trouble. And so, yeah, that kind of – my plan, so the whole no plan B, right, joined the Army.
Starting point is 01:16:47 That was me, career soldier. And then, yeah, I got booted out of the Army a lot sooner than I had planned. And, yeah, that's where I had those years of plumbing where I had no idea what to do. And then, oh, sweet, this is what I want to do all in on the gym, you know. Was that depressing oh fuck yeah yeah um not so yeah looking back it's like fuck what if i hadn't have done that dumb shit or what
Starting point is 01:17:16 if i didn't get caught um yeah yeah yeah i like that yeah and so you obviously look back and go where could i have taken my career right um but the more depressing thing i think is just leaving the army in general so um like it's a pretty big problem ex-army suicides and stuff and it's like you get indoctrinated right into the army it's kind of like you could probably relate to this so head of crossfit media you're part of this big company everyone's everyone is just all crossfit you know like that is everyone's so tight-knit you know and then you get booted out and now you're on the outside and not that you are on the outside if you called any of my mates in the army yeah cool we'll have a chat but you're not in it you know i wanted to
Starting point is 01:18:02 put a gun in my mouth i usually have like a jesus i have a it's not a real gun but it looks like a real gun when i when i bought it one day greg was like dude that was we were together he goes that was stupid i go why he goes because that's a fucking fake gun that looks like a real gun he goes yeah he goes you know what happens to those people he goes what he goes they get shot and they can't shoot back i'm like oh fuck i was gonna give it to my kids but i never did it was in here somewhere yeah yeah so yeah it's horrible it's horrible i am i am i am i am on the outside and it's all i know it's horrible yeah and like ready to fucking it's horrible it's horrible so like um i was infantry and i did my specialty
Starting point is 01:18:41 was reconnaissance and like maybe it's because i was reconnaissance but like the reconnaissance is the sword after like it's like the special forces of the infantry before you actually go special forces you know okay like we do small man teams behind enemy lines stuff like whatever um i was like one of the fittest in my battalion i was in reconnaissance it was like on top of the world and then this happened and then you get out and you start plumbing and you I don't know old mate plumber you're an apprentice you're like yeah man used to be three hour reconnaissance and they're like what the fuck does that mean I don't yeah yeah yeah and you're like fuck everything I've worked so hard to achieve literally means
Starting point is 01:19:20 nothing to anyone else you know at least at least they didn't leave the army to a bunch of dipshits i have to watch from the outside and just okay anyway uh the way the army's going is fucked up it's bad um when you're dead are you allowed to say what happened, what you did? Yeah, so – yeah, it's important to – You don't have to. It's not important, but unless it's a fun story. It's not – I don't – okay. So I think it's good to talk about because, like, it opens their eyes of, like, what being in the Army is like, right?
Starting point is 01:20:00 Okay. So in the Australian Army, you join – especially in the infantry, you're always doing exercises. So I was away for six months out of the year two weeks here three weeks there five weeks there back for a week back for two weeks um so you don't spend that much time like at home you spend a lot of time in the bush like literally living in the bush and when you say you come back home you come back to like some sort of barracks or you come back to your parents yeah so i was based in townsville when i was full-time army um okay so you come back home, you come back to like some sort of barracks or you come back to your parents? So I was based in Townsville when I was full time army. OK, so you come back to live.
Starting point is 01:20:29 I have an apartment in Townsville City. It's awesome. So you come back and so stay away for five weeks. Right. You get back. Obviously, you have to do a post Bush period piss up. Right. With all the boys. So you do that. And then that's weekend number one.
Starting point is 01:20:43 You spend the week at work and then weekend number two. They're like, oh, you're going out. So you do that. And then that's weekend number one. You spend the week at work. And then weekend number two, they're like, oh, you're going out bush again in a week. So you're like, well, let's do it. Friday, Saturday night, you're partying, right? And then the weekend before you actually leave, it's like, we're going out bush on Monday. Let's party, you know?
Starting point is 01:21:01 And it's just a cycle. And the bonus thing is money becomes kind of like monopoly money, right? So like you get paid on Thursday when you're outfield, you can't spend it. You get back below most of it on that first weekend back, survive through the week, blow the rest on that next weekend.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Then you get paid on Thursday again, right before you go out bush next week. And so you blow everything again, because you're going out bush, you don't need money. What's this term you're using?'re going out what uh out bush it's like going into the field okay okay yeah like big they have like thousands of acres of just bush land where you go and play army man pretty much uh the other day jeff this guy jeffrey birchfield said to me, Sevan, you're a great friend.
Starting point is 01:21:46 And I didn't I did not let it touch me at all because here less than 24 hours later, he says you're an idiot. And I also refuse to let that touch me. You cannot. And so you cannot compliment me and you can't tell me. OK, so you were out back and forth in the bush, getting paid, having time to part. And how old were you at the time? bush getting paid having time to part and how old were you at the time uh 20 uh my time in townsville would have been 21 2 3 okay yeah that's how you get crazy shit you're partying partying a lot yes um and like the drinking culture in the army is massive like we would have thursdays when you're on base is sporto days so you go and play a sport in the morning.
Starting point is 01:22:25 And then at 12 o'clock at lunchtime, you go to the boozer. So every unit has their own boozer, like their own bar. You go to the boozer and find out the results of all the sports from the morning, right? And that's the knockoff. You knock off from there at lunchtime. But like, so you all come, right? Everyone, everyone got a drink in their hand?
Starting point is 01:22:42 Yeah. Okay, now let's find out the results of the sports. You know, it's like mandatory. It's not mandatory, but it's like mandatory fun. And everyone drinks all the time. And are there any girls there?
Starting point is 01:22:54 Yeah. Yeah. There's girls in the army. Yeah. Okay. Not, not, not that many,
Starting point is 01:22:57 but yeah, there's girls. Okay. Okay. Um, I'm going to go with, no, there's none.
Starting point is 01:23:02 That's what I get. Like functioning alcoholic is like, like, I wouldn't call it alcoholic because you're not drinking every day, but you'd be in your strength like a champion. Right. Drinking 12 beers is nothing. Are they like natural ice? They're like Coors Lights. You're just throwing back just light beer. We don't drink that shit in Australia.
Starting point is 01:23:21 No, you don't. No, no, no. My go-to drink was a jackson coke oh shit yeah wow drink it um and so like if you as long as you could do your job that like awesome if you rock up i've had multiple days like i deployed to uh malaysia on like it's like a training rotation. And I would come to on the back end of base somewhere at seven in the morning doing PT, like, how the fuck did I get here? Like, I'm just like doing burpees. Like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:23:59 Oh, shit. Wow. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And like, if you can do that and like even if your side finds out he's like good work mate still do pt yeah okay you know it's like cool whatever and so yeah and then you know partying drinking a lot often leads down into getting involved into other drugs you know like
Starting point is 01:24:21 mdma and whatnot that was my go-to drug because I was – Because it's fine. I get blackout drunk when I'm drinking and I was like, not ideal. Can't remember what I did. But MDMA, it's an awesome night. You're going to remember the whole thing. You don't do as much dumb shit. You'll look like clear of mind.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Yep. And so I started doing some recreational drugs and yeah, it all kind of come back to bite me in the end. They caught you and there was zero tolerance for that? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Does everyone know what's happening and you were made an example of? Sort of.
Starting point is 01:24:59 So at the time that I got done, they had a massive crackdown on drugs in Townsville. And so the week before I got done they had a massive crackdown on drugs in townsville um and so the week before i got done there was like five people in my unit got done as well and then they went off like text messages off their phones and then the cops raided a bunch of houses and got more phones and did people for text messages and so like um did you go to jail uh No, not – well, depends how good your lawyer is. But did you go? No, no, I didn't go to jail.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Okay. Fuck, you could have, though. That could have gotten better. It could have easily gone a lot worse than it did, yes. Yeah. Like if you'd been selling MDMA, you'd be fucked. Yeah. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:42 So like for them – I mean, if you were selling a lot I mean, if you were selling a lot. Sorry, if you were selling a lot. So, for them, like, selling MDMA to, like, the police is someone messages me, one of my mates, hey, man, you going out this weekend? You got any pills? And I'll be like, oh, no, not going out this weekend. Speak to Jono.
Starting point is 01:26:00 And technically I've supplied him with a means of getting drugs, so that's me saying that. Oh, shit. You know what I mean? Damn. And so, yeah, that's the kind of shit I got done for. And the army just, like, suspended me, moved me, and then I was suspended so I couldn't work,
Starting point is 01:26:20 still trying to live in Townsville, and then was like, I need to work. So that's when we moved down. Did you know your girl, your current wife, did you know her at the time? Yeah, yeah, we were together, yeah. Oh, that's when we moved down did you have were you did you know your girl your current wife did you know her at the time yeah yeah we would go yeah oh that's amazing what a great trip to what that's awesome though that you're still with her yeah and so we um that's like a how long ago was that a while ago now i would have been 2017 16 17 is it completely gone it's a lifetime ago? It's like there's nothing, there's no? Yeah, starting to be, yeah. Wow, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:26:51 My wife, I've gone through some shit like that too that my wife's seen. Yeah. And so, yeah, I mean, it brings you closer together as a couple. Yeah. Yeah. And was your family cool? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Yeah. And was your family cool? Yeah. I called my dad and he was like, he thought I was calling him to tell him that I was going for like special forces selection, which I was actually training for. And then I told him that and he was like, oh, he was almost relieved. Oh. he spent um the majority of his career within the special forces community and he was towards the end of like just getting treated like a number and realizing that the army doesn't really care about you and so he was kind of like oh well at least you're out of the army i guess and my mom was just like hey you deal with your shit and cool if you need any help let us know that's it
Starting point is 01:27:46 i think your story is a pretty typical story not not in terms of the army but i think that there's like a shitload of us who that happened to we had some run-in with the law fucking changed our path rattled us you know what i mean just fucking knocked us off our our the path we were on when um those when you opened the gym 18 months ago and they told you to close down did you did you close down did you train people illegally nah so we closed the gym because like the fine for getting called out was like 15 grand or something oh sure okay and like like i said everyone kind of follows mainstream media so people were to see me training how did you survive just on your wife your wife's yeah yeah so we said to the members we didn't have that many
Starting point is 01:28:36 members at the time anyway but uh we said something you can't work whatever um keep paying membership if you can if you can't we'll just. Keep paying membership if you can. If you can't, we'll just, like, go and pay membership. Everyone kept their membership. Who can pay can pay. Whoever can't, can't. And the majority of people kept paying membership. Wow. They couldn't afford it.
Starting point is 01:28:57 And then I offered, so the rules were you could train outside with one other person for like your own training. And so I took that as well. I can do PTs at the park. And so I would say, hey, I'm going to be at the park between this time and this time. And we did like half-hour slots of one-on-one time pretty much. Is everything uplifted now in your town?
Starting point is 01:29:22 Are you guys free? Yeah, everything's fine. If you go out right now, do you see people wearing masks? Every now and again, yeah. In my town, you do. In my town, you still see these knuckleheads. A lot of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:35 I just went to a jiu-jitsu tournament, and there were little kids wearing masks while their parents weren't. They got their fucking six-year-old out there fucking fighting with other kids with the mask on online. They're going to get sweat in each other's mouths. That doesn't matter. You fucking hate your kid. Yeah, you still see a fair few people with masks on, but not like – you might go to groceries and there's three or four people you see the whole time with masks on. So I just showed you the numbers according to Google.
Starting point is 01:29:59 It's like deaths are skyrocketing, highest they've ever been during all of COVID, the entire pandemic in Australia. But they're not trying to shut you guys down again. They're like, that's it. We're done. Like if you do a positive test, you have to quarantine for like seven days and that's it. God, if you test, if you dear citizens of planet Earth, do not get tested. You jackasses
Starting point is 01:30:25 anytime someone tells me they have covid i'm like how the fuck do you know it's like it's like we went to this we went to this village in africa greg and i were were um he was building some schools crossroads building some schools and one of the guys there is like hey in that village over there a dude was killed for being gay like they killed him and greg's like just one dude and they're like yeah and greg's like that doesn't make sense you know what i mean like how'd they know yeah like what do you mean what do you mean like just one like yeah that's looking at gay porn how'd you figure that out it's like does it add up he's like yeah holy shit um the so have any of your members have gone off and opened other gyms too soon 18 months too soon what do you do when that when that happens are
Starting point is 01:31:14 you gonna be like oh good luck and then go inside and tell your wife fuck i hope that guy fucking gets hit by a truck i mean it's gonna happen. If you want to do that, sweet, whatever. Hopefully it's not too close to our gym. Do you get along with all the gyms in that 20-minute radius? Yeah. So I coached at like two of them. I coached at CrossFit Maitland, and then their like main coach left and started his own in Cessnock called rip training,
Starting point is 01:31:45 um, or CrossFit Cessnock. And I coached at both of them for a little while. They still talk, whatever. And then I left both of there and made my own. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:56 That's awesome. Is there, is there anything you'd want to, that you'd want to share to the other affiliates out there? Is there, well, let me ask you this. Did you even follow the drama at HQ?
Starting point is 01:32:06 You kind of haven't been around long enough for too much of it. I mean, you've only been around for three CEOs. I followed it as like a crossfitter, like interested in crossfitting. Right. But no, like none of that really affects why do you pay your affiliate fees
Starting point is 01:32:30 like do you do it for the same reason Matt Souza does why do I do it I have no fucking idea either do I why do you pay your affiliate dues I'm sorry too I'm totally open to you paying them too i i know
Starting point is 01:32:49 i'm trying to i'm making fun of you guys but i would only do that because i know matt also pays them so i do i'm i'm okay with you paying them at least to your face until i go talk to my wife if you if you were to open a gym and you're running you're doing mirth and you're doing hero workouts you're doing this you're doing that do you think you would pay you're using the you're using the level one methodology yeah like when people i wasn't crossfit at first because i needed to save up to pay the affiliate fee right i was functional fitness whatever and people come in they're like oh so what's the kind of training I'm like I'm like have you heard of CrossFit right very similar to that you know I would tell you that but I have no integrity and I'm not willing to pay the money to say it
Starting point is 01:33:34 yeah it's like and you and you're like fuck that I'm not doing that it's Elizabeth on the board technically a CrossFit workout don't tell anyone but it's. But the goal was to always become an affiliate. But you'd just feel wrong if you didn't. You're using my whole philosophy on training is based around CrossFit. It's like saying you're a Christian church, and then people come in there, and you have the fucking Koran in there. You start teaching them the Koran. So it's like the old bait and switch.
Starting point is 01:34:13 I came in here for Christianity. No, no, theran it is christianity yeah you you are loyal to the uh to that message you feel some sort of obligation unspoken obligation that's it exactly what but but how about the brand value how about the fact that you can how about just not the fact that you can some people will say well when i tell them that it's crossfit it scares them away but but but how about the is it the opposite for you that you say it and you say it with pride and you're like hey dude this is the shit you can wear a crossfit shirt and you'll have a fran time and everything yeah definitely yeah that's how yeah um and then like people the general public don't know what's going on with hq right yeah could hq do more to could they do more like produce more media and drive more people into affiliates and
Starting point is 01:34:58 all the rest yeah they could do that but at the end of the day people don't know that the crossfit hierarchy are retarded you know they just see crossfit it's my job to tell them that hey truly oh don't worry we'll inform them yeah like half the time i have to explain to people what crossfit is yeah so they're not going like oh is that the company that's had three ceos and right you know what is really to say something really positive is you know when you have a pair of pants that are too tight you just don't throw them out and i have pants like that they're like been in my drawer for 10 years and like every once in a
Starting point is 01:35:40 while like i'll clean out the drawer and there's like dust bunnies all over it that's how long that you know what dust bunny is just like those things, cobwebby things. And, and, and I am like, dude, really?
Starting point is 01:35:50 I still have never, I'm never going to be a 29 inch waist again. Like what I'm, I never was a 29 inch waist. Like just because these are $800 pair of pants that I fucking happen to have. I'm never going to fight. Like just throw these away. Give them to someone.
Starting point is 01:36:02 You know what I mean? Poshmark. Uh, HQ isn't doing that they're they're they're they're looking for the they i might not agree with the path they're on but they're they're not they're not settling you know what i mean they're like nope these don't fit nope these don't fit no and and you know I'm over here being like, I got all the fucking answers. But whether that's true or not, it is impressive that they're not holding on to those things. They are looking. Someone invested a shitload of money in this. Some people think that the people who bought it did it so that it would go away. But the thing was sinking and it looks like they're making an effort to save it. So, I mean, it's good that they're not doing the dumb shit, saving an old pair of pants that are never going to fit them. They're throwing that shit out.
Starting point is 01:36:54 Yeah, like you've talked about before, right? The people who bought it, whoever they are, big investors, they thought, buy this company, do the cookie cutter model for how to grow a company. And then, cool, we're done. We can, I i don't know whatever they wanted to make money from it take it public take it public and fucking i mean that's obviously the goal to just whole cycle the fuck out of it but they're realizing well the cookie cutter didn't work shit okay well let's start to uh freehand cut some cookies here and figure out how we can get this to work and like it's capitalism right if if it's not making money and their idea of what's going to work isn't making money they're going to change it and it looks like they're doing that now and hopefully they
Starting point is 01:37:36 come back around go full circle and end up going like oh okay well when was it working these years okay well who was in charge in these years what did they do or how do we how do we just copy them yeah emily yes yeah and so i think that's starting to happen okay yeah showing signs of it it is it is impressive it is impressive. I am super impressed with anyone who has stayed on the bull for more than seven seconds. I remember when Eric Rosa came on, there was this thread going around that I happened to see. I wasn't part of it, but I saw a snapshot of it. It wasn't from my department. It was from another department and the people's goals before the goal was, is like spread the message of the world's most vexing problem. And then the goal became, Hey, can you out, can any of us outlast Eric Rosa? Like that became like an employee goal there. And like that, and that, that was like, wow, like that's not a, that's not a, uh, but I, I think now I kind of respect
Starting point is 01:38:48 that goal because those people are put under who worked there, who've been there since Greg was there now put under an enormous amount of stress and they're surviving and they're, and they're, they're staying on the, um, on the bull. It's like, uh, that, um, what's that called? Resilience. Yeah. But I i was gonna make some dirty joke it's like uh you know there's like the rusty trombone the dirty sanchez there's another one that's like called the bull rider or something and it's you're having sex with your you're having sex with your wife and you yell out her sister's name and see if you can stay in there for another seven seconds or something it's like called like the bull rider it's like that those people have stayed are staying on the bull sorry i don't know why my brain goes there it's it's
Starting point is 01:39:34 broken it's broken but before i forget yes um good segue thank you for saving me you're hired you're um you're three plane brother stuff i had it in my notes to say to bring that up and be like what's going on with it like get back on that train um so so like obviously someone's told you that and you're starting to do that that's awesome yes awesome thank you i need that too that you're that's the you're the universe uh speaking to me yes Yes. I basically told myself now every day I'm going to make two videos and I'm going to try to keep them under a minute and I'm going to put them up to this, what I call this capable child consulting. And I'm just going
Starting point is 01:40:20 to upload them to YouTube and everything that I see, everything that I do, I'm just going to start doing two of those videos every single day. And then I'm going to start them to youtube and everything that i see everything that i do i'm just going to start doing two of those videos every single day and then i'm going to start spreading them out over over all my instagram accounts and i'm just going to push that and it's just like and the reason why i look like fucking like a mobster and all of them is because i usually come up with the shit after i worked out so my hair's all fucking wet i was going to say like just those that's the perfect um way of doing it I reckon like just little snippets of wisdom. You could say someone argue with that, that word, but yeah. Just practical advice. Like today I made one. It's like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:40:54 you got to plant a fruit tree every year with your kids. You got it. The thing that makes me say that is when you've talked about not taking the opportunity away from your kid, like they fall down, give them the opportunity to get back up. Right so from when archie was born like the first time he rolled over he rolled over and his arm was stuck underneath him and everything in you was like oh just go and like pull his arm out so he's having some happy um tummy time but i'd be like let's just see what happens and he was struggling struggling struggling and then eventually his arm comes in
Starting point is 01:41:23 and it's like sweet like he's learned how to pull his arm out from underneath him you know in a safe environment where you did what you were supposed to do you're there in case he fuck it gets in a bad position then you come and pull it out or if the dog runs in the room right you're like all right enough of this bullshit i gotta get him off the ground yeah yeah you just have to yeah and so like those little bits of like oh fuck that's a good idea and then that has like impacted like archie's life a lot just having that patience to step back and be like like he rolled over and pulled a blanket on top of his face and like the first thing like you hear that's like a pretty dangerous thing right for babies especially if
Starting point is 01:41:59 you're like co-sleeping and stuff and um my wife was like oh shit get that get that off his face i'm like he can breathe like see what happens and um my wife was like oh shit get that get that off his face i'm like he can breathe like see what happens and he just starts struggling yeah and then he's had enough and he stops and i like got in a position where he could see me from under the blanket and he just looks at me and he's like and then he struggles and struggles and then eventually he gets the blanket off him and i'm like hey if that happens when we're not here i got faith that he might be able to get out of it now you know like yeah i just like keep doing that shit dude i love that hey and you know what else that is for you that's um that's a meditation so now you saw a thought and you didn't react to it
Starting point is 01:42:37 and you became conscious because you wanted to take the blanket off him too right but something catches you and you're like what are my other options and now you're like a conscious being yeah you're no longer a fly buzzing from one pile of shit to another you're you you've you're now you're not you're now not just avoiding your own personal discomfort you're doing a selfless act i'm now a warrior and a guardian of a child to allow a child to grow in a safe space it's oh it's fucking dope thanks for sharing that that makes me happy i need to hear i need to hear that because um i need i need to hear that it's good yeah like the one of your first videos on this new page when
Starting point is 01:43:18 you said like um you don't care about what they're actually doing but the instructor that's teaching them i was like i've never thought of that you're like oh i wanted to do jujitsu put him in jujitsu and just like step back and yeah they'll teach you will do their thing but shit maybe i should get to know what that teacher's like first and then either keep them there or change their instructor or whatever you know i've never thought of that before so What's interesting, you can – and that being said, I have taken the stab and just put them in classes. Like his tennis class, I didn't know his instructor. I only put him in – I didn't even fucking like tennis, but I put him in tennis because they didn't enforce masks. It was the only thing I could find.
Starting point is 01:43:59 And lo and behold, his instructor is a savage. Like he's just – he's just – I mean – and now anywhere I take my kid, people watch him play tennis. Like I just took him yesterday to a public park to play tennis, and the people gather around. Like they've never seen a 7-year-old play like this, even though they all play like that in Japan. But this is a Jew in Santa Cruz, so it's not fair. Well, thank you for sharing that. That's awesome. Hey, am I allowed to text you?
Starting point is 01:44:31 Like, what's the deal? Does that cost you money if I text you? Are you on Android? Why are you on Android? Why not? Okay, fair. Yeah, you can text me. It'll be like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:43 I don't know. That's probably a fake. I don't know. don't know there's probably a fee i don't know is it do you do you do australians whatsapp is that what you guys do i don't lots of people do but i i don't i normally like facebook message or yeah or text messages how do you communicate how did you communicate with them suza just text you did dude when he texts you is that like 35 cents for every text or anything crazy like that not on my end no hopefully it's not on yours jake yeah i apologize it's pretty good these days yeah okay no extra cost showing
Starting point is 01:45:16 your agent okay well so okay because i it's for some reason europeans just don't want to uh they don't want to text they want to to WhatsApp. Yeah, they usually do. But he's in Australia. Most of our Australians have texted, though. They have? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would say.
Starting point is 01:45:32 I would say. Majority of them have. It's a European to WhatsApp. Another story I think you might enjoy. Please. I'm just trying to get off, too. This better be fucking good. This is good.
Starting point is 01:45:41 You'll like this. I've noticed you've asked a lot of other affiliate owners about their upbringing uh like their upbringing like what did your parents do were they active my parents are obviously very active that special forces type military and my mom was like a triathlete i i was actually my mom went into labor with me while she was in the gym so she was doing a pump class with my dad and she was like oh i'm not feeling too good i might just like sit out goes downstairs starts to shower and change and then fully starts going into labor is on the ground can't stand up he's calling out for help um because she's like yeah in labor my dad's just upstairs in the pump class like i'll just finish it off hey what year was that uh 92 think about how advanced that
Starting point is 01:46:28 was now in the crossfit area you see all sorts of pregnant women just fucking getting it but 92 they're like people must have thought your mom was batshit crazy probably and your parents did pump class together yeah wow that Wow, that's awesome. My mom would go and do triathlons, and the army guys would be doing triathlons, and my mom would be right behind the lead pack of mainly SF guys doing their running and biking. My dad would look back and be like, who is this bitch keeping up with us? Yeah, yeah. Who is? And it was your mom.
Starting point is 01:47:12 And there's two of you you and your brother there's um i got five brothers and five sisters but that's very blended family but like how many how many did your mom have my mom had four. Wow. My dad's father, five. And then there's a couple of step and half and like adopted thrown in there. Your parents adopted kids too? Oh, well, they fostered kids and then they got an 18 year order. And then they ended up getting them like as close to adoption as you can. Like they have our last name and everything. But they grew up in your head. They grew up in your house.
Starting point is 01:47:47 We got them like straight out of the womb. It was like this crackhead's having a baby. Do you want it? Holy shit. Holy shit. And the brother of your parents adopted. We got one when she was a few months old and then we got her brother like straight out of the womb. Oh shit. pit your whole
Starting point is 01:48:06 picture is like getting colored in now now i'm understanding more about you uh how old were you when they when they brought home the first baby uh early teens 14 14 oh wow were you raised religious not really no no well my mom and dad my biological mom and dad divorced when i was like two and then my mom remarried who already he already had two kids so there was me and my brother his two kids then they had two kids together and then meanwhile my dad had two kids with his next wife and then another kid with his wife after that and then my mom my biological mom and stepdad i called him my dad like he was my dad since i was two um they fostered why did your dad do your dad leave the scene uh no so i like my biological dad yeah oh he was still he's still he was still like um in defense
Starting point is 01:49:00 so he just goes where defense sends him um and then my mom moved back to perth because she was from perth met my dad my stepdad is it is it what's your dad say about you calling this other dude dad never talked to him about it no he's so he's just cool with it he's pretty cool with it yeah like i'll go backward fly you call your dad dad do you call your your biological dad dad yeah yeah i'm like that he's got two dads it's just how i've grown up yeah and then my brothers and what's normal for kids is normal for kids like if your parents beat you you just think it's normal kids are cool like kids are cool like that until until until they're older until they're older and like having so many brothers and sisters from like half and step and from so early on when the foster kids come was like yes wait another brother and sister like they're just
Starting point is 01:49:55 part of the family you know like yeah dude that's fucking intense it's it's weird i didn't understand foster parenting and every year I get closer to the grave, I understand it more and more. I understand it now after having a kid and especially watching my wife be like, I don't want to have another kid yet. Cause it might be our last. And I don't want to not be pregnant again.
Starting point is 01:50:18 I'm not having a baby again. We'll probably have a few more than two, but I can see getting into like later years, your kids are leaving home. And it's like, I want that baby experience or that baby like connection again. Right. I can understand it from that point of view. You do.
Starting point is 01:50:34 How old is Archie? Seven months. Well, and do you guys just not practice? If she gets pregnant, she gets pregnant. Are you guys just like off birth control, just rolling, rolling the dice all the time? Yeah, we're not, we're not trying, but we're not actively not trying. So yeah. Is that your first one planned?
Starting point is 01:50:53 Oh, it was the same sort of approach. So we, we were planning on doing like a, a world trip, like pack everything into one backpack and travel the world. And then with no, with no condoms. It's just one backpack and travel the world and yeah with no with no condoms and then i think it's just one backpack just clean underwear yeah it happened it was like shit well we can't travel now and then it was like well let's just i'm getting towards 30 rachel wanted kids before she was 30 she's like 28 now um or younger 27 and so yeah it was like let's just if it happens it happens and then it happens so how close to your parents live to you uh so my parents live a long way away my parents live my mom lives in perth which is like the opposite side of australia and how about her parents?
Starting point is 01:51:47 Her parents live about a five minute drive. It's that. Yeah. They live very close. So we, when I got out of the army. Do you like them? Do you like them?
Starting point is 01:51:54 Yeah. Yeah. They're good. They're good. Well, I did my apprenticeship with her dad for four years. Oh, that's right. That's right.
Starting point is 01:51:59 He doesn't hate you because you, uh, where's Perth? Oh shit. Where's Perth? See Adelaide. My brother lives in adelaide and if you keep going keep going keep going oh shit keep going oh this is fucked there
Starting point is 01:52:13 it is oh literally on the opposite oh my god literally as far away yeah hey that's that's a bunch of time zones away oh yeah i think they're like two hours behind us or three hours behind us oh wow at least it's a straight line for an airplane it's true um so so you have her parents to help you and stuff yeah yeah they live just down the road and like yeah it's lucky that we got her parents like i don't know how people do it without any family around what a weird country this is is australia considered an island i think so and that's a country down there too tasmania they got their own shit going on that's part of australia oh it's one of our states and uh that whole middle part that whole brown part your tan part there's just no one lives there oh very few people you might have heard of like um all the route or like
Starting point is 01:53:14 airs rock you know that big red rock that sticks out of the earth you may have seen that when people think of australia they think of that it's like a touristy place that's why can't people why can't people live here at lake mckay because that wouldn't be like um like a lake like you guys have like your inland lakes are like legitimate lakes that would be more than likely just not that plus around it is just desert and yeah so that's just is that just salt is that like just six inches deep and just full of salt? I don't know. Not sure.
Starting point is 01:53:48 But if you look, there's nothing that feeds that, right? So your lakes are all fed from like snow melting higher up. Yeah. That just like happens to be there. You know, it's not like constant being fed from fresh. A geology and geography lesson by Jake Singleton. Did I say her last name right? Singleton. Also not a doctor.
Starting point is 01:54:09 So that could be wrong. Okay. Understood. What about this top part? What's about this top part here, Darwin? Like, what do you guys do when you graduate?
Starting point is 01:54:17 Does anyone do, is any like from high school? Is anyone okay? Let's get a car and just search out the weirdest spots in Australia. Heads of people do that. Like trips around Australia. it's mostly retirees like get a caravan and drive around australia for 10 years until they die dude look there's no roads in here look at this look at this city jiggle look at jiggle long you can't even drive there
Starting point is 01:54:40 you see this jiggle long what the fuck hey do you have states that are like where like your gambling is and like in like prostitution is legal and all that stuff like we have like you have like a nevada everything's everything's pretty much the same gambling's legal everywhere um i think prostitution is legal hey that's a great answer to the prostitution i think prostitution is legal. Hey, that's a great answer to the prostitution. I think prostitution is legal. That's a great answer. I like that answer. It's a great answer.
Starting point is 01:55:11 A big difference is in Perth or Western Australia, you can't have like pokey machines in just normal pubs, right? Like you have to go to the casino to gamble. This is a pokey machine? This one? The one on again come on uh 2022 survive you just slap it pokey machine yeah you did the pool oh that's right oh shit wow wow but in on the eastern states they're like everywhere like you go to a pub and
Starting point is 01:55:40 there's a pokey's room and like like i don't get gambling at all but you see people i'll see people go in there and just feed at 50 notes and then just sit there like wow and then they always everyone has that story of like oh fucking jono won 10 grand the other day jono jono do you know we don't have do you have a lot of jonos over there everyone's name can be like be finished with an O. Oh, because we don't have any Jonos. But I just picture an Australian. So you could be Jayco?
Starting point is 01:56:13 Probably not, but Singo. Like, everyone calls me Singo from the Army. How about Ricky Garrard? What would you call him? Would you call him Rico? Probably not. How about his brother, Benno? I'm punching your story up.
Starting point is 01:56:24 How about Benno? Benno? Your story, I'm punching, I'm fucking your story up. How about Benno? Benno, Matt. Benio. Benio. Matto. Yeah, I'll call someone Benno. Matto. I've got a cousin named Benno, I'll call him Benno.
Starting point is 01:56:35 And Jigalong has 333 people that live in it. Wow, are you fucking kidding me? No. Hey, how do you get there? Did you pull up their wiki page? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It'd be like Dirt Road Inn. That's it.
Starting point is 01:56:51 Man. Is that where it is in that town? Yeah. It's remote. Remote private. Pretty funny. Dude, it's 46% male, 53% female. That's awesome. I wonder what the... Oh, it's 47 46 male 53 female that's awesome i wonder what the oh it's 300 aboriginal people
Starting point is 01:57:19 there you go bruce don't like don't let seven what are you guys talking about let me see what you guys are trying they probably saved their lives kudos to good foster parents and there are a lot of bad ones that do it for government check. Nah, that's got to be a rumor. No, it's some bad foster parents, eh? Yeah, but you think anyone really just takes it for the – I could see you get a kid and you just turn out to be an asshole. I have my days where I'm an asshole, but I can't see taking a kid just for a check. It's not that much money. You hear about these bad foster parents.
Starting point is 01:57:43 My parents, being foster parents, they get respite care. So when a foster parent needs a break, they can give their kid to another foster family for respite, it's called, right? And you just hear some pretty horrific stories about foster parents. And it's like, it sounds like you don't even like kids. Right, right. Why are you doing this?
Starting point is 01:58:03 The only explanation i can think of is like financial but like like beating them locking them up shit like that yeah like more abuse than they probably would face not in foster care right which is fucked up but i mean obviously not all like that but you hear some pretty bad stories that's that's a good note to end this on I appreciate talking to you cool meeting you technology is fucking amazing what a cool thing
Starting point is 01:58:36 stay in touch text me anytime I can't see the group thread that you and Matt are on so if you ever want to text me and I don't respond just start a new thread. Or just text me directly because for some reason the group that I did when you responded, it bounced stuff on out of it. Yeah, somehow. It's an Android thing.
Starting point is 01:58:54 I think it is because you're on Android. I'm on a crew, man. Thank you very much. Thank you. And thanks for letting us push the show an hour. I appreciate it. Yeah, thank you. Appreciate it. Thanks for letting us push the show an hour. I appreciate it. Yeah, thank you. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:59:06 Thanks for having me on. Yep. And we'll talk to you again sometime in this life. Sounds good. All right, brother. Thank you, Jake. Thanks, Jake. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:14 Appreciate you, bro. Bye. It's a cool dude. Yeah, he was. That was fun. He did his research, too. Like like he like he was he was prepped oh with the kid stuff just all of it yeah he was like when you normally ask this on the show it's like he like he knew like he he did his homework he came in did his homework
Starting point is 01:59:38 i was the least prepared ever for for uh for i was pretty unprepared for this podcast i wouldn't say yep yeah least prepared really did you do that because you knew i was going to be here as affiliate talking at any point in time you could just be like getting the weeds well there's this i i kind of i like these shows because i can um there's so much meat on the bone like you like i gotta know everything i gotta know everything i probably i mean i prepped some and this guy's in the middle of nowhere i couldn't even find his i couldn't find i should have asked him i couldn't find his affiliates instagram it's the he even had it as his handle oh i fucked that up well i went to his website and there was an instagram button there. And the link was broken? Yeah, show me.
Starting point is 02:00:26 I don't think you actually found it. I don't believe you. Hold on. No, look it. I'm on his. Oh, he had it in his handle. On the show. Oh, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 02:00:36 Okay. But look it. If you go to his Instagram, he doesn't have it as a link. Look, it was the first one that popped up. CrossFit 1-5. Oh shit, you're fucking me up. CrossFit 1-5. You follow it.
Starting point is 02:00:55 Oh, I do? God, I suck. I think he has Lisa right there on the front. Damn, I should have pulled it up and asked him. He's got a good Glassman coat on there. Our understanding is that the needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree and not kind. Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit. Jake Singleton goes on to write, this quote from 2002 stands true today.
Starting point is 02:01:22 Lisa is performing a heavy clean and jerk here, just like you see at Olympics. She's doing this because she knows this will carry over into everyday life. Oh, I just had a minor stroke. Lifting a heavy object to place on a high shelf, the benefits of this type of training are limitless. Cool. Looks like a clean gym. Yep. Definitely.
Starting point is 02:01:51 He was raised in a caring home. Yeah, for sure. With the amount that I pay and rent, I always make the joke with Grace that we should just move into like a mansion out here and just run the classes in our backyard. When people show up and like, oh yeah, this is our new location. This is the one we're running shit now. So I like how you established a timeline during these types
Starting point is 02:02:14 of podcasts helps create a story. Oh, like of their life. I know this one, I was kind of trying something new. I didn't want to like just start at the beginning. Thanks, Bruce. Just did my hundred burpees.
Starting point is 02:02:31 Damn. One of my, two of my firefighters at Hayward fire did a thousand burpees the other day. Wow. What do you say when someone does that? Do you tell them that you don't like that? You probably shouldn't do that. You're going to hurt yourself or you're like, attaboy. The first question is, is I was like, did you actually really do a thousand how long did it take
Starting point is 02:02:46 you and and he was like two hours and 38 minutes oh my god and then i said what was your strategy because instantly like i don't know i always just i'm way more curious about that side of it like how they broke that into small parts or anything like that and then this one is also a friend of mine i've known him since uh high school so then afterwards i was like dude you're an idiot that's so excessive and he was like yeah we did it for the point of it being uh excessive we just wanted a really good challenge and the guy he did with this dude ben crew is just a savage dude it's like 100 mile 100 mile runner and stuff like that so just what is what is six a minute is still almost three hours of burpees, right? Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 02:03:29 That's 300. Yeah, they did 10 a minute on the minute. And you're like this one because this is your go to like, you know, traveling workout, 10 burpees on the minute, every minute. And they did that for the first 500. Holy shit. But every hundred, so every 10 minutes, they would take one full minute off. And then after the 500 burpees, they went to seven on the minute, every minute, and then started taking two minutes off. Oh, man.
Starting point is 02:03:58 I wish you wouldn't have told me that. Yeah. And so I think if you do it for. Makes me want to try it. That is crazy. that yeah and so i think if you do it for makes me want to try it that is crazy seven of them on the minute for um like 143 minutes gets you a thousand and one something like that hey dude i wonder how their hips feet are gonna feel they were he he was torched his midline and his hip flexors yeah and he said even too he was like my chest was just blown out just from the repetition
Starting point is 02:04:25 of like but these these especially these two that did it they're just how old are they uh ben is probably like 37 andrew's same age as a year older so he's 35 you know what's crazy is i'm really flexible and even as i'm getting older like just like walking like i walked a lot when i was in newport and i'll notice i'll just get tight from walking or even uh even how i how i did bench press today and even on the bench how i straddle the bench has gotten narrower i don't really like it yeah you gotta work that stretching i need to too i've been bad about it lately and i lately I could ride on the back of an elephant still I've never seen an elephant in person So I wouldn't know
Starting point is 02:05:09 Like if you can't get your legs open wide like this You can't ride it it'll just fucking rip you open At the scene That would probably be me I have to say Those two guys at the Hayward Fire Station By the way most of those dudes at the Hayward Fire Station Are just savages
Starting point is 02:05:24 But you know Jeff Leonard he won the 2009 snatch event he's there in the 2009 games and he won uh fittest firefighter two or three years in a row yeah he's still he's still a firefighter yeah yeah he's still in great great shape too i just requested a review for this show we got already got flagged because of our covid talk oh hey i went i i went kind of crazy on uh inviting some guests there's a couple like out there people to where if they respond and say yes i still have to run by you oh who tell me who let's there's this one dude named opto who um he goes up and he recently just came on my like explorer page he pops up but he goes to the hood like into the ghetto and then we'll just walk by and like stare these dudes down or he'll come up and he'll be like you're trying to get jacked
Starting point is 02:06:16 and then they're like what and it's like it gets intense like he's had multiple guns pulled on him and in one of his recent videos he got he got popped in the face pretty good yeah i like it it's a bunch of weird pranks that he does but he does it in like areas that no and he goes up to people that nobody would ever mess with so it was him and then i reached out to a couple more of the b team jujitsu oh uh mo oh his shit's private yeah but on the 80s uh the adcc instagram they have contact information there and same craig jones had his look like his phone number listed on there so i just shot a little text i i wonder if flow i wonder if that flow organization would want to work with us at all i think dude they there's this video there's this video that they fucking made that i watched today that's so
Starting point is 02:07:10 fucking good and it only has 6 000 views it's um it's gordon ryan versus uh the preview i think it just came out right yeah no because usually anything with gordon ryan gets a lot of views because he gordon ryan versus um uh what's that guy's name galanzo galazo yeah i think that was a recent one that just came out but they've been kind of hyping that a little bit i also went on flow and looked up like the main players in the flow grappling and tried to see if any of them were on instagram and stuff to have those conversations or see if we could invite a few of them like some of the you know the ceo or something like that on the show oh okay yeah yeah that's all good i'm down with all that oh here it is look at oh you're right it's only been up for five hours oh okay
Starting point is 02:08:03 yeah because you need to go right you want to know what something you want to know what something you're right. It's only been up for five hours. Oh, okay. Yeah. Cause he's Gordon, right. You want to know what something you want to know what something so, so, so I'm going to show you guys this video here really quick. Um, I think forgot we were still on for a second there. Uh, so I don't know how to just go to the thumbnail,
Starting point is 02:08:19 but it's called the ultimate Gordon Ryan versus Andre Gal, Galvo, Gal, Galva, Galvo, the ultimate Gordon Ryan versus Andre Gal, Galvo, Gal, Galva, Galvo, the ultimate Gordon Ryan versus Andre Galvo preview. And it says flow grappling says 19,000 views, five hours. It's, it's the buildup to the fight this weekend. And it's so, it's so worth, um, watching both of these guys basically say that they're capable of doing anything.
Starting point is 02:08:45 Not only are they, not only are they the two best jujitsu guys in the basically say that they're capable of doing anything like not only are they not only are they the two best jiu-jitsu guys in the world but they're capable of like anything like they i we we could be the best guys to solve the rubik's cube build a treehouse invent a new fucking element on the periodic table their confidence is like out of fucking control on the periodic table their confidence is like out of fucking control but in this video it shows the build-up to the fight and the history of their relationship and in there was a moment this guy gordon ryan slaps this dude one time did you ever see that video backstage yes yes i have and and in this flow grappling documentary they they don't show Gordon slapped this dude. Interesting. They they they.
Starting point is 02:09:30 You hear him talking about it in the background. Yeah. But right when he goes to slap him or just prior to slapping, they fade the screen to black and they don't talk about it explicitly and they don't show it explicitly. And I wonder. Like that had to be some sort of choice of course i wonder if there's some legality to it or something but what sucks is they they need to show that because that builds the hype that's why you want to see this this dude this dude gordon ryan basically how it went down is this dude gordon ryan was like having fun talking shit on the internet right and just and
Starting point is 02:10:03 having fun talking shit on social media building hype this other guy fucking got started getting pissed and confronted gordon in person and pushed him and then gordon just slapped him across face it was it was a pretty crazy slap it was like a bitch yeah and this dude didn't do anything back he just said dude what the fuck and they and he followed him around for a little while. And the cameras caught the whole thing. But I don't know why they omitted it from the documentary. Let me see if I can. I wonder if they did that. No, it's not this video. I wonder if they did.
Starting point is 02:10:38 Oh, there you go. I wonder if they did that for some sort of like legal reason for it or something like that. It was weird. It was weird. It was weird. I mean, it was so trippy that they, oh, is that it? Oh, that was probably it. Because it looked like it was backstage right there. Yep.
Starting point is 02:11:00 Yeah. Okay. So here it is. He's following. Okay. So this is the guy guy he's on his cell phone that's the uh andre galvo guy right he's on his cell phone backstage i think and then gordon ryan's there on the left you see see on the left there shirtless dude right yeah shirtless yep and then they have this exchange here oh they kind of and gordon ryan's narrating it and then look then they just show black screen. Oh, they kind of, and Gordon Ryan's narrating it.
Starting point is 02:11:25 And then look, then they just show black screen. They don't show you the slap. And, uh, it's weird. It's weird. And then,
Starting point is 02:11:39 and then they show, go to the back and turn into a fucking like crazy. Interesting. Wait, is that, Oh, look, is he ripping on, is that oh look is he
Starting point is 02:11:45 ripping on is that a fauci shirt with a mask on what's he wearing no this was all before that oh this was before that 2019 yeah look at john danaher right there right there look at him oh with this with this gray hat on the gray beanie and the fanny pack just cool as a cucumber he used to be a bouncer though yeah like a pretty like his shoulders are pretty he needs to see he's all messed up yes yeah get shoulders back anyway i i don't understand that i i would i would i don't know how i would work with flow they could just start pushing guys to me to interview and they could run my interviews i guess i guess that would help my my channel but honestly i would love to go to an event and kind
Starting point is 02:12:35 of do what we do at the games with some of their guys there oh shit that would be awesome i think they'll have their own well if their own guys wouldn't be threatened by it it would be cool yeah like if they just welcomed us and we just kind of did our thing i mean honestly i think they'd be stoked about it because they'd be like hey there's some out like outside independent media here because before we would have hated we would have hated you if you came to crossfit yeah but that was different okay you guys were a hard nut to crack how about how about these fucking guys are gonna fight oh i'm not sharing my screen anymore. How about this?
Starting point is 02:13:07 This is crazy. I don't know why this show should be over. I got shit to do. We're just hanging out now. How about this fight? Jake Paul and... Is that Anderson Silva? Yeah, they're going to fight at the end of the month.
Starting point is 02:13:19 No. Fuck, Anderson needs a paycheck. Dude, first off the, the Paul brothers are just genius marketers. So I don't hate on him for that. But I mean, why are you just constantly finding guys well past their prime that haven't worked? You know, it would be me like, like, uh, finding some, you know, competitor in 2007 that we know hasn't worked out in forever. And I'm like,
Starting point is 02:13:43 you want to do a one-on-one workout together? And I been training my ass off for the last five years and i pull up tanya wagner and i you know challenge her to 30 muscle-ups for time yeah i like it i like it you're like zello games the super fight matt sousa versus tanya wagner 30 burpee muscle-ups for time. You better pick someone else. Yeah, she'd probably smoke. I heard that Rich Broding's washed up. I'll take him. Yes. What's the – oh, hey, I just saw you called. Oh.
Starting point is 02:14:20 What did I want to tell – I wanted to tell you something. Oh. Dude, talk about the tournament. I was just looking at the – did you watch the show last night with Brian? Not the whole thing. Tony Andrews says, Sebon, off of his game tonight, I started getting annoyed of his constant over-talking. Fair. Rich Froning Sr., Brian
Starting point is 02:14:45 is on target again about the athlete opportunities for different training camps. Talking about under 25 men and they forgot the champ. Oh, fucking we didn't mention Madaris. Good point. Stop the video as soon as the caller comes
Starting point is 02:15:01 on near the end. Fs, get over the COVID ranting already. Love, Brian. Get over the COVID. There was a Canadian caller who called last night who was pretty good. Talked about how fucked up everything is. They just had a UFC fighter there die of liver cancer. And he's like, hey, do you think that's related to the vaccine?
Starting point is 02:15:27 Yeah, I saw this part. And honestly, like when he said that, I said no, but I do know, I have seen some statistics that showing that basically what's going to happen is, is there, it's going to get spread to basically everyone's immune system who got the vaccine is fucked. And we're going to see climbing numbers everywhere across the board everywhere. But I'm like, Hey, what are the, I mean, he's 34 years old, liver cancer, who knows? fucked and we're gonna see climbing numbers everywhere across the board everywhere but i'm like hey what are the i mean he's 34 years old liver cancer who knows but dude i thought that would be ridiculous fucking tinfoil hat shit look up statistics for liver cancer nobody
Starting point is 02:15:55 nobody fucking dies at 34 of liver cancer nobody like it's fucking nuts it's like for every hundred thousand people who die of liver cancer, it's like point six. It's not even one full one is 34. Yeah. Let alone this morning. Right. This morning. Was that this morning?
Starting point is 02:16:18 Yeah. Yeah. Because I saw I saw this part that you're talking about here. Can we get a chapter section? So so I mean, I didn't even think about going there but fuck i just looked up liver cancer statistics man if you die there's there's whole age groups where no one dies from liver cancer like 14 to 18 just no one in the united states dies from liver cancer so if you die from liver cancer 14 to 18 something's wrong like you live too close to power lines or something who knows uh
Starting point is 02:16:43 can we get chapter sections for these long podcasts sure if someone well the problem is is that because of the content material inside of it youtube won't allow us to generate timestamps automatically how it's done a lot of the time so we'd have to go in by hand and do that which makes it a lot tougher, obviously. Yeah, tougher. Let me know when we're back on topic. Brian said that when I – I'm such a professional all the time. My god, man. Ease up a little. Brian needs to stop being such an adult and laugh at some of this shit.
Starting point is 02:17:17 That was – when I put – did you see the humbler? Did you see the humbler? I – yeah, yeah. I like it though when Brian ignores it. Yeah. Because I know he owns a humbler yeah you see the humbler i i yeah yeah i like it though when brian ignores it yeah because i know he owns a humbler he owns a fucking humbler it's a good uh yeah it's a good dynamic but i could see how people i don't even i don't even touch my own balls sorry go ahead susan go ahead no i'm just gonna say it's a good it's a good dynamic but yeah sometimes brian seems a little sassy when it gets off topic there.
Starting point is 02:17:48 He's serious. I like it. I would imagine they had Annie set as a backup. I don't know what that means. I'm only going to read the comments if you're talking shit to me. When are we seeing Craig Jones on the podcast? Dude, I would love to have Craig Jones on. Hey, I'm trying.
Starting point is 02:18:02 I'm trying. Dude, the J- J rod podcast was insane. The last half hour J rod opened up. That was so good. I love it. Did he exponentially grow like with the camera from the first time we had him till now? Right.
Starting point is 02:18:14 Well, even the first five minutes of this podcast, when Jason was on, it was fucking weird. Not because of Jason. Yeah. He was, he was great in those shows.
Starting point is 02:18:23 Yeah. I, I, I really liked Jason's, uh, I really like completely put his input on the jujitsu stuff because he's like the Brian of that world a little bit, right?
Starting point is 02:18:33 Like you have all the baseline, but he's not close to being the Brian of the world, but right. Right. He fills that role. You get what I'm saying? Yes. He fills that role.
Starting point is 02:18:42 Right. Right. Right. And he's into, well, he's intimate with those competitions and stuff like that stuff like that you knew what i meant you knew hey what did happen we do need to um oh this is sony webster again this is good this is good brian yelling at seven on like a disappointed dad someone writes where dealing with someone
Starting point is 02:19:02 is like explaining the cloud to someone at a retirement home have you ever tried to explain um cell serve like sometimes i fuck i'm in i don't i don't i try to explain to my mom cell service versus wi-fi yeah and holy fuck you understand those things i don't understand it enough to try to explain it i understand all that shit i'm a fucking genius someone's a big picture creative everyone knows all the deets should go through suza but they're funny when they get it into it for sure savon is big picture creative everyone knows all the deets should go through suza okay oh because the scheduling stuff oh like the times removed and then he was like i was on there duty i was watching it and he goes oh yeah I know I'd let him do it
Starting point is 02:19:45 that was fine I was just like I told you a week ago and I was like I didn't know about these shows a week ago that doesn't make sense I pretend like I listen to that stuff laughing asshole oh my goodness
Starting point is 02:20:03 I saw Avi what did he say the other day he like gave my mom the heisman or something my mom and i were close to each other talking and he walked between us and like gave her a little body contact i'm like i guess what did i say to him you just push my mom he goes maybe so funny it was so funny i go today we're today we're at the beach and my mom's carrying carrying a chair or something i'm like hey carry that carry that for for your grandma because i'm not carrying stuff for her until she has a cane it's like damn my mom's like goodness oh boy the armani story was hilarious.
Starting point is 02:20:45 Yes, I agree. Women like Haley raising good humans are country. Okay, good. I like the Armani story too. Those are some of my favorite members at the gym. A lot of times the women at the gym, especially when I coached all the classes, it's not as much now,
Starting point is 02:21:04 but I'd be one of the first people that they would tell majority of the times before their family about their pregnancies. Wow. Yeah. And so it was, um, it was something I kind of took with like a badge of honor a little bit and it would be real early. So they wouldn't, you know, you wait that certain period before you start telling everybody and everything else. But I would get uh told the first and i would always instantly think like now i get i get like uh buy one get one free like not only am i helping the health of the individual that's there but i know that if this mother is exercising and they're eating right throughout the whole entire pregnancy like i've just i've just made your kid that much smarter right like with our with with you staying active and you eating right and you being focused on your movement your health the whole time through this pregnancy like it's going to
Starting point is 02:21:48 exponentially help the child's health and development and all that stuff especially when you very first are pregnant and you start eating oh i could have done a cool book reference but i don't have it on me don't have it on me but but it talked about... Is that Paper Street Coffee up there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just saw the P and I thought it was a Plan B packaging. I got like the most recent books that I read up on that show. I should shift it and put something here. I just haven't yet. But anyhow, it talked about how nutrition, when the baby's first being formed and stuff like that,
Starting point is 02:22:24 is massive for different things that will turn on or trigger in the genetics of that baby. It's a book. Yeah. I don't have it on. I'd have to go over there and look at it. Hiller is so good. Hiller is so good with the kids,
Starting point is 02:22:42 man. He was so good. I told you, I really enjoyed my time with him on the the week at the games like generally like did it like when we were like it was funny grace was making fun of us a little bit and so was alexis but when we like left i was like because you know he's in chicago and be wild for i saw him in person again so i was like all right man and then she was like oh it's like when you meet a friend at summer camp and you have to leave and like you guys spent some quality time together too yeah we did grinded
Starting point is 02:23:11 he did and he was picking me up on uh on uh sunday when i was dragging it was like the last little bit of fuel i had to get me through the finish line hey we're about to go to uh 19 000 subscribers yes that's cool yeah all right uh tomorrow morning castro is doing timestamps good i don't even know how to do timestamps i wouldn't even know where to start dude brian was sassy this morning sorry go, go ahead. No, I was just going to say, he's doing a time stance because his material is PG. Oh, and his videos are so short. Right. Okay, we talked to Jake.
Starting point is 02:23:55 That was tonight. Then tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., we have Women Top 30 of All Time, History of CrossFit Games. And then at 10 a.m. we have Keelan Henry. I think he took 40th at the CrossFit games. He had to pull out. Yep, from South Africa. And then Wednesday we have the greatest racquetball player to ever play a game.
Starting point is 02:24:18 I am so excited to meet him. Kane Waislanchuk. Like by far the greatest. There's not even, like, a second place. And then on Thursday, we have Kevin Kessler on. He's a heart attack survivor. I think his ticker fucking stopped working in a CrossFit gym. He's like a judge in L2, I think, too.
Starting point is 02:24:40 He's not vaccinated. And then Friday it doesn't look like we have a I don't know what we're doing Friday I don't know if we're doing a UFC show with that in regards to that because it's the Corey Sanhagen fight it's a pretty weak card I do like Corey Sanhagen but it's a pretty weak card and I don't know what's up with
Starting point is 02:24:57 Darian we should check in with Darian yeah and then the 17th it looks like on the evening of the 17th we've moved the Madrid programming show to, that's going to be fucking gnarly. I have some strong opinions about that. That's going to be fucking fun. That's what we were going off with.
Starting point is 02:25:17 That's the event that had the torque tank as the final movement and the final event. Yeah. I watched a video. You know what's crazy? We were talking about competition, and today a video came up in my YouTube. Um, it was Patrick bet David talking about what is competition. Do you want to be a competitor? Have you seen that five minutes? Yeah. It was a recent one, right? I think so. He's wearing a red shirt. He looks pretty lean
Starting point is 02:25:38 and mean. Yeah. Hey, is Patrick bet David invested in a, in a fitness company called like, is he invested in a fitness company? Not that I know of. Not that I know of. I think you'd know probably for some reason. Yeah, he's like one of my guys that I follow pretty closely online. I cannot wait to our next live call-in show. Do I have some fucking fun shit to talk about?
Starting point is 02:26:01 We might be able to squeeze that in Friday, huh? If there's no UFC show. You see I blocked it off. It just says not confirmed. Yes. Yes. But it also says live call in there. I had to schedule like live calls out in the future because there's just so many guests that are just like pouring in and keeping up with everything that if I don't put them in, like there just won't be one for weeks.
Starting point is 02:26:24 I appreciate that. Yeah for weeks i appreciate that yeah i really appreciate that oh we got new sponsors two new sponsors coming on board holy shit i the numbers are crazy now yeah cooking with fire i think i um by the way the next two the next two events i think that we're going to be covering i'm not sure what we're doing for the Crash Crucible. I need to figure that out, how I can add value to that for JR. And Tyler Watkins had some stuff with that too. I'm just going to be gone. And that's what I had told him.
Starting point is 02:26:58 Yeah, I can do something with Hiller and Taylor probably. And Caleb. Oh, where's Calebaleb tonight sleeping i think yeah i think the mornings work better for him and then um and then and then and then i it looks like maybe we're gonna have a couple people on the ground at rogue i don't know for certain it's in the works in the works and then uh zello games i think we'll be doing our first attempt at actually streaming an entire event yeah that's that's going to be cool. Yeah, which makes me nervous as fuck.
Starting point is 02:27:27 Yeah, me too. We come full circle. Started with the Torque Tank, ended with the Torque Tank. All right, yes. Okay, guys, I'll see you tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. with Sassy Brian. Mr. Sousa, thank you. I didn't think Brian was sassy today, by the way. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:27:45 I thought he was fine. He's good.

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