The Sevan Podcast - #594 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: September 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Bam, we're live. Oh, I just erased something I wanted to read. Damn, we're getting this notification from StreamYard saying we're not going to be live on Facebook in five days. It's like, we'll fix it. Are we getting banned? No or no no we're not getting banned great question though like our link is gonna expire or something i don't need i don't
Starting point is 00:00:52 need i don't even get it we had one of those for twitter it gave us a countdown of when we were gonna get like have to re re re-doc or something oh interesting i don't want to read doc have you ever seen us on rumble i have seen us on rumble we're starting to load up on rumble say that again caleb so you don't like docking no i don't know i don't know what docking is yeah no i like dry docking dry docking uh suzy you're outside. I'll be able to. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Appreciate you knowing your audience. Caleb's coming hot. Yep, outside. Beautiful. At Dose California. I'm going to see you tonight. Yeah, are you coming? Yeah, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Go to Beer 30. Awesome. i'm gonna see you tonight yeah are you coming yeah fuck yeah awesome i uh i told my i asked my mom if she watched the kids she's like hell yeah i was like all right let's do it awesome i always watch on rumble when i don't catch it live no shit all right so you're that one view yeah hey you know we could actually stream to Rumble Live. It was like, it's like $25 a month. We should probably do it. Might be smart. The platform seems to be growing. You know, our best shows on there are all Alex Stein.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Well, that makes sense. Weird. Dude, did you see what him, did you see him and Dan Crenshaw go at it? Have you guys seen this yeah yeah yeah yes what's crazy is what's crazy is instead of addressing the issue like instead of dan saying uh um uh alex is like hey dude you're a globalist you gave money to ukraine this this and this dan should be like no i didn't or yes i did because of this this and this or come here alex let me give you a hug or instead of like leaning to it he fucking hides behind the fact that he's
Starting point is 00:02:55 a veteran that's it's crazy that he's claiming that yeah he's claiming that alex stein is disrespecting him for being a veteran when he's disrespecting being a veteran by using that to hide behind. It's like someone hiding behind the color of their skin. It's like, whoa, whoa, now you're disrespecting that or your roots. It's crazy. I thought better of Dan. Yeah, I thought better of Dan too. He's crazy it's so fucking dan yeah i thought better of dan too he's making himself look so bad so bad he's like deep in the game of politics now it seems like he's just another one of them yeah totally another one of them it's all ego on his part and here's what's
Starting point is 00:03:39 crazy he did the same thing um alexander ocasio cortez did that the aoc chick he's he we can see what happened and dan crenshaw's lying about it he's saying that uh that uh stein accosted him this is this dude reached out and touched alex it's the same thing with aoc she's the one that turned around and came back to him she said she felt threatened by him but then she confronted him i don't know what the fuck these people are thinking. I guess it's the same thing as the January 6th, the gunless insurrection. It's so weird. It's funny too.
Starting point is 00:04:13 They're public workers at the space, but there's zero accountability. They won't even talk. They just go hurry up across the street, hide behind that barrier. Yeah, and now they're saying if you want to talk to a a public a civil servant like that you have to go through the loops a x y and z it's like dude he's walking on the street he chose that position to represent us like this is the kind of shit that's going to happen you do you want to play that clip go ahead caleb let's play let's play it yeah play it's nuts i run into the man.
Starting point is 00:04:45 The one and only, Dan Crenshaw. I passed McCain. But Dan, why are you retweeting Dave Portnoy saying he wants me to fail? Ask me. Why did you retweet all that? I'm going to put it in the video, but why did you retweet all that? What do you think, Alex? I know, but why don't you like me?
Starting point is 00:04:58 We're both from Texas. I can help you out. You're just not America first. You're a globalist. You're giving more money to Ukraine. I was going to salt at a 65-year-old. I didn't touch didn't touch you're such a liar we have it on tape there it is right there i bet you k is out here still lying you're so he paused a second that's what you're gonna lose dude i know i know you don't know you don't so he's addressing this guy and this and this guy
Starting point is 00:05:19 tries to pivot and say you assaulted a 65 year old woman he's such a bitch yeah like i even if you don't like alex stein it's like you just you're just making yourself look bad you just can't do that with alex no yeah and you can't do that with him right right you have yeah he i mean as much as loud as he is you you have to deal with like logical argument you can't just continue to scream at him do you remember when trump said do you remember when trump said he didn't like mccain because um he was a loser he didn't like guys that got caught that was that was kind that was harsh i thought that was a little over the top yeah um here's the thing Jeff it's not that Alex is so thirsty Alex is thirsty and because of that I give him a pass he he he embodies that um he's not uh he's not like um I don't know her name
Starting point is 00:06:19 Paris Hilton is that who is trying to get eyeballs by releasing a sex tape. That's like being so thirsty. This guy just is that. That's what he does. There's no ā€“ the only way to defeat Alex is to lean into him. And I don't even know if defeat's the right word. No, but he's like that ā€“ he's kind of like that kid in class that's just like you're never going to win that argument with him. And when you get going and you're bickering back and forth,
Starting point is 00:06:48 that's where he thrives. He's literally fighting with a five-year-old. He's chasing down these people. You see the one with the guy that hooked up with the Chinese spy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So good. yeah yeah yeah so good so now he's done now he's done dave portnoy aoc and dan crenshaw and basically he's just put a little bit of pressure on them and all three of them have exploded like i have to guess that's just walking around with giant ego
Starting point is 00:07:20 giant giant giant ego he's got some balls, that's for sure. It's nuts. And then did you see afterwards how the cops came and talked to him? No. Yeah, afterwards the cops came and talked to him, and they were basically saying that, you know, they've changed all the rules for engagement now and the way that the whole Capitol is set up now because of Alex. What do you mean? the whole capital is set up now because of Alex. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:07:47 There was, uh, there's just been, I'll, I'll read. I saw the, uh, a text came in. Someone sent me a text.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Maybe it was even Alex himself. Um, let me see if I can find it. And they basically have just changed the rules of engagement in the last few days at the, uh, um, okay. So, uh, I said, you're killing it alex he said kind of they changed
Starting point is 00:08:09 the rules and now people have to stay across the gate when the politicians are going to vote on stuff and it's like dude they're just people you should be able to talk to them you should be able to do exactly what um stein did to them but also public servants like you should be able to do exactly what um stein did to them but also public servants like you should be able to approach and talk to them and hold them accountable for their actions at any time like if i do something when are you ever going to have that kind of interaction like ever now yeah you won't like if i do something at the time and imagine me walking through and i make some weird policy and the members like hey matt we have to ask you a question here what you know did you think it's a good idea to steal all our money and move these homeless people in and i'm like guys i can't be attacked right now this is ridiculous i didn't do my job like you just
Starting point is 00:08:50 storm off like zero accountability it's like when tucker carlson was uh accosted by that dude in like some hunting store in maine did you see that like that was over the top never saw that that was oh i have tucker carlson is that Tucker Carlson. Is that what you just said? Yeah, and I think that Tucker was saying that basically it was the FBI or something, too. It was like he was being set up. It wasn't just like a random interaction. You guys, I've started this new Instagram account. It's called Capable Child Consulting.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And it's given me i really like it i'm crazy passionate about it and it's giving me something a new lens to look at the world through or not a new lens but to uh reinvigorate polish sharpen the lens that i normally look at the world uh through and to share it with you uh originally inspired inspired because my wife had kids. Then recently some chats with Andrew Hiller and Andrew got me all pumped up about making more kids content again. And then finally when I had the guy, Jesse Cromson on Crossman, he just makes one-minute videos on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And so I've just been making one-minute shorts on YouTube. One of the videos already got 2,300 views. Really? Yeah, which is kind of crazy for an account that's only a few days old. So if you find it on YouTube, you can see that every day two videos come out. They're like a minute long each or less, or I try to. So I want to play 134, and I've never made a reaction video, but I'm going to make a reaction video to this. And I want to play 134 and i'm gonna make i've never made a reaction video but i'm gonna make a reaction video to this and i want to show you this um this video this is a link of the
Starting point is 00:10:31 youtube in that bio yet did i yeah that instagram i don't know in which account in the rinstone oh my other one's gone gone by the way my blue check account is gone. I can't even see it at all now. Not that account. The Capable Consulting account on Instagram should have a link to your bio directly to your YouTube from that account. This is in front. I'll check as soon as I'm done. Thank you for the heads up. This is in front of a Chick-fil-A.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I guess a guy tried to take a lady's car with her baby in the car, and this is in front of a Chick-fil-A here. Action. Holy shit. tried to take a lady's car with her baby in the car and this is in front of a chick-fil-a here action holy shit oh the chick-fil-a guy just got road rash you see his face land on the now go ahead and pause it so it's it's pretty clear that this guy's not a threat anymore they got him on the ground and this is this is the part that really concerns me and i know a bunch of you're going to try to make excuses for this mom there's no excuses sorry this this is what being a parent is all about and this is uh failing as a parent a 100 what you're about to see the lady do. Go ahead. Action. Suspects apprehended. Everything's chill.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Lots of people around. Lots of Chick-fil-A workers with their safety vests on. Look how wholesome all the kids are at work at Chick-fil-A. It's like the nicest place ever. It's like what Starbucks used to be 10 years ago. There's the mom. Now listen. She There's the mom. Now listen. She's holding the baby. Now pause that.
Starting point is 00:12:21 So the whole thing about parenting is not what you do. That's fucking level Z parenting, what you do. Level A is how you react. And then there's the whole alphabet in between. Your job is to react or to not react. And then when you do react to choose wisely she's holding a baby in her hand with some stupid ass thing on the baby's head i don't know why anyone puts those dumb ass things on your head like oh look at i don't want anyone to confuse
Starting point is 00:12:59 my baby make sure you know it's a girl i'm gonna put something around its cranium that's really tight next week i'm gonna go get her ears pierced i'm the opposite of progressive i'm from the south dumbass leave your kid alone she's yelling she's yelling at this at this person on the at this person on the ground you scared the child i don't even actually know if that's the mom, by the way. That might be a bystander who's just yelling while holding the baby. It is so sloppy. She's definitely a bystander. This is not ā€“ this is all your ā€“ so one time I yelled at my kids, and my wife's like, hey, don't yell at them.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I go, they deserved it. She's like, well, all you're teaching them to do is to lose control when you're in situations. And I was like, got it, right? Because I'm showing ā€“ they're not ā€“ they're big picture. They're like, okay, this happens. The way to deal with it is to yell. Yeah, get upset and overreact. Yeah, get upset, overreact, lose control.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Now they're like, okay, that's what you do. And that's what this, I mean, this is, can you imagine, would you want to be that kid in that arm? No. Wait, could you play some more? She is a fucking wackadoodle. How dare you scare her like that? Oh, someone said, man, put your kid in the car. Wow, did you hear that?
Starting point is 00:14:28 How dare you scare her like that? Are you okay, sweetheart? She's squeezing her kid all tight. But, Stefan, they were overwhelmed and blah, blah, blah. Then it's a missed opportunity on the mom's part. But you don't understand. She was pumping with adrenaline. Well, then it was a missed opportunity on the mom's part.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I don't think she was the one getting carjacked I thought she was the first few times I saw but now that I'm seeing this now that I'm seeing this I think with Caleb and Matt here I think that they're right I think that was just some random lady yeah it's all me walking up
Starting point is 00:15:01 look another lady with the baby coming up everyone's bringing their babies to the fucking carjacking. Look at carjacking 101. After the chick play worker took her down, took him down, she started yelling and he's like, ma'am, thank you. Please.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Shut the fuck up. The guy says that? Yeah, the chick play worker that took him down. He's like please stop fuck man just ass parenting the correct situation in that hand and i remember actually my dad teaching me this we saw like a scuffle some people getting loud like you see people start to like move towards the situation so they could walk and see and i remember him being yeah, when that type of stuff has nothing to do with you,
Starting point is 00:15:47 just keep moving to get as far away from it as you can. You don't know if it's going to escalate to a gunfight. Yeah. She still doesn't know if that dude has a gun. Right. Right. She still doesn't know until he's in cuffs. It ain't over.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Right. And he made me, that might be a third strike. He may not, maybe he ain't going back. You don't know what situation that guy's life is in. Where's his buddy?
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah. Where's the dude who dropped him off? Right? Go ahead. I remember some parents were getting into a fight in the middle of a like after a baseball game and like it was like two it was like a mom another mom they were screaming at each other in the parking lot and then the they like started pushing each other around and then like the dads came in and then it like shit got serious so then the son like ran out to go grab
Starting point is 00:16:41 a bat and like started sprinting towards whatever was going where he like ran right past me i like grabbed him by the shirt collar and like threw him up against the wall and i said you don't want to do that who did that who did that i did that to the oh oh it was gonna run in there with a baseball bat and start swinging at people were you a kid at the time i was probably like 17 18 at the time wow you was probably like 17, 18 at the time. Wow, you may have saved that kid's life. 100%. I was like, you are so stupid. Were you just the same size you are now?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Were you just the same size you are now? No, I was just a lot smaller. Oh, because I was going to say, that would be scary. If somebody gets to ever see Caleb in person, he grabs you like that. No, I was a little smaller. But after that, he looked me in the eyes and was like, no a little smaller but after that he like looked me in the eyes and was like oh shit yeah that's probably the only good idea trying to think if i've ever seen any parents get at it at any of the stuff i do
Starting point is 00:17:36 uh a little bit nothing i was at a fair when there was a shooting one time. Was that at Hollister? No, at Alameda County Fair in like 97, 98. Was that the end of the fair? Shots went off and the fair closes? No. They just put metal detectors next year. No, but I mean that day. Sounds like a nice day.
Starting point is 00:18:05 It was like a big fight was going to, and this wasn't like an active shooter situation. It was more like gang violence, but there was a big fight that was going to come by where they have all the carnival rides. Then it escalated and two of them just started pulling out guns and just started doing one of these at each other and running around. And the whole back end where everybody was at by the games and stuff all ran to this big like gate and there
Starting point is 00:18:26 was no way out in the back so they pushed over the fence and then everybody ran out the fence and at the time you didn't know what the situation was because you just heard a bunch of different like gunshots and then people started setting off like fireworks and stuff so the whole scene just descended into chaos pretty quickly and i remember like running with my dad and my uncle, and he's like, you remember in the movies when we watched the horror movies? I'm like, yeah. He's like, that's what we're doing now. Duck behind the bar.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Oh, that's awesome. Run fast when it's open. And I was like, okay. Your dad's narrating it. I text Yevgeny the other day and asked him if he could come on the show, and he said he couldn't come on during the week, so I need to schedule a weekend with him.
Starting point is 00:19:04 We'll get that done soon. I'm curious very curious good guess probably stalking okay uh 135 heart attack it's amazing i'm getting like three of these a day now and to be honest i don't know i don't know what to attribute to the uh to the uh vaccine or not by the way, that, that UFC fighter who died of liver cancer, I, it is, they are saying it is the vaccine. Now a lot of shitload of people are coming out and saying, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:33 no one dies at 34 years old from liver cancer. 17 year old student suffers heart attack after finishing cross country race found two blood clots. Doctors are baffled on exactly what happened. Baffled, huh? Yeah, baffled. So sad. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:54 That's a high school. That's like not even a senior in high school. Dude, that looks like a boy. Yeah. He's a literal child. We will keep you posted. 136. This one I found i found very very very interesting you might be able to argue like sickle cell like unidentified sickle cell but like even in like even high school athletes were we screened for that so i don't know that's a little young too, right? 17? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:27 For sickle cell or just to have that problem? Yeah, sickle cell. Sickle cell to kick in like that. You have blood clot already? Yeah, probably. Okay. This is a trip because I have a love-hate with the deadlift. I'm very curious what you guys are going to think about this. If you think about a deadlift as fun,
Starting point is 00:20:43 if you're not doing that for deadlift's sake, then don't fucking do it. The risk-to-reward ratio is a joke. For deadlift? For deadlift sake then don't fucking do it the risks to reward ratio is a joke for deadlift for deadlifts really a lot of people aren't going to like that i'm saying that but if you go into any nfl uh gym in any division one college football gym and any athletics where people are actually getting paid and it matters what they're doing they're not deadlifting really they're hand cleaning and power cleaning you're deadlifting to be a better deadlifter, fine. If you're not doing... What do you think, Sousa? I don't know. That's a tough one.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I think that if it's taught incorrectly, that yeah, there is an issue with the risk-worth reward there. And I think there's other ways that you could develop posterior hamstring strength and stuff through, like, death marches or single-leg RDLs where you can kind of avoid it. You're still going to get the power output from your power clean or your hang power clean. So I don't totally disagree with him. But, I mean, that just depends on the sport specific and the athlete and a bunch of other stuff. I think for the general public, they should all deadlift. What do you think, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:21:46 My argument for deadlift is always like, if you're going to try to pick your kids up when you're older, you should probably do at least some form of deadlift. Obviously, you're not going to go super heavy, but you should do something. I can understand making it more specific when you're a collegiate athlete, like you're doing hang power cleans and power cleans and stuff, just the power movement. But if you're just collegiate athlete like you're doing hang power cleans and power cleans and stuff just it's a power movement but if you're just a regular person trying to just pick your kids up or
Starting point is 00:22:11 do random things around the house you probably should look who liked that velner liked it he's a physical therapist so here's the thing that here's the thing that's trippy right here's the thing i totally get what he's saying but but on the other hand ā€“ and I'm not lifting probably ā€“ I'm lifting one-tenth of what that guy lifts. But on the other hand ā€“ one-eighth. On the other hand, if you just ā€“ I'm going to mute you, Caleb. I think it's a hum from your room. Yeah. On the other hand, now that my back is so tender, I would rather do smart, controlled deadlifts than explosive movements.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And so it's kind of this it's kind of this fucked situation. Once you're already injured, I don't know if what he's saying is right. But then on the other hand, to defend what he's saying also, I think there was like a three year stretch or something uh back in the day where josh everett said he never deadlifted all he did was clean and snatch and then when he went back to his deadlift it increased by 200 pounds or something crazy like that yeah rudy nielsen actually did a test on that and had part of his class on a deadlift cycle and part of it just on a power clean cycle and the people that did the power clean actually improved at the same rate or more than the people just on the deadlift cycle so i guess at the end of the day you you got to be smart which is hard to do when you first learn that if you're 24 years old and you just learned the deadlift very hard to be smart but i think you could it still should be taught to the general
Starting point is 00:23:43 public addition to be overdone and in his case when he's talking about what he goes in these athletes that are being paid, these guys are actually ridiculously strong. So the weights they're going to be lifting are a ton more than my mom. And I'm just teaching my mom how to do it because I know she's going to pick shit up off the ground. I want her to know how to do it properly. She's not maxing out her deadlift. max deadlifts are necessary because kids are obese if you want to pick them up you got to be hitting 350 pounds deadlifts uh um will i think you're a little behind in your technology we'll check with uh matt here but i think pretty much every fire station now has a fat person forklift did you know that so yeah my wife's apartment has it it's a bariatric it's the bariatric unit yeah they because i guess what was happening is the number one cause of injury in the fire department was actually this that picking people up who've fallen in their bathroom so someone would fall behind their toilet you'd get in some fucked up angle to pick them up and your back would go out so they fucking made a machine and my buddy who's been a firefighter
Starting point is 00:24:40 for over 20 years said it used to not be like that he said all of a sudden it's just like people who are 200 pounds overweight are stuck behind toilets but they have a machine and you just it's like a pallet jack for for humans yeah i've heard stories of people having to take like literal uh like tow trucks and like bring them up to the door and strap the human into the into like straps like ratchet straps and then have to tow them out the front door to get them out of the house and then tow them out to the hospital like i heard that's how it was beforehand i'd ejaculate if someone did that to me with me the pallet jack
Starting point is 00:25:18 uh i we we had an employee at crossfit and I remember she told me that, um, her, her, I can't remember if it was her mom or dad. I think it was her mom hadn't left the apartment in years and she needed to go to the hospital and, um, the fire department had to take out the doorframe. She got so fat in her. It's like one of those ships in a bottle. She got so fat in her house that she couldn't come out of her house. Imagine that. It's like that movie, What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Like they have to burn the house down
Starting point is 00:25:52 just to like do a funeral for the mom because she died in there. That's exactly what it's like. Really? Because she was so fat? Yeah. She was just so obese. She like died on the second story of the house and they were just like, well, I guess we're done with the house now. and they just burned it down and that's how they buried her
Starting point is 00:26:08 man okay well um and someone got so rich off of those human forklifts oh yeah yeah i think about i think about somebody who got rich off the shopping cart the other day i don't know why but i like pushed it in with all of them and like clicked it. And I was like, damn, somebody out there patented this and they're sitting on this hill and they're like, what did that king do? And they're like, shopping carts. have like one of those um like conveyor belts and it's just covered with like all the way up like 200 feet tall of shopping carts it's like a whole graveyard i don't know hey did you see that um i guess there was i just typed in shopping cart patent did you ever see the that uh um some state or states made it so it was illegal to use plastic straws and in the united states there was only one paper straw manufacturer and that dude became filthy rich that's so that's the right place right time right product huh and what's crazy is those don't even work like no one likes those no they taste like
Starting point is 00:27:16 your drink tastes like shit when you drink through it oh that makes me that makes me realize something i want to tell you there's a great story here this is going to bum some people out did we talk about this uh smoking with the mask on racism towards white people uh shit um there was a did we talk about the kid who just died with the metal straw yeah no but it's a four-year-old it was it was in usa today people buy and sell underwear beyond meat failing superstar netherlands reparations okay here it is 144 this this kind of shit blows me away but it doesn't blow me away you you have to understand. I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:05 I'm open to being wrong here, but how a knife works, the difference between a knife and like a steel beam, you know, is that a knife is the steel is comes down to a pointy end and a steel beam is a rectangle. So you don't take a steel beam and try to cut a shake. You take something that's a,
Starting point is 00:28:23 that's hard and make it a really pointy angle and that makes it sharp and you cut it i could take a fucking plastic straw from mcdonald's and probably fucking kill you you open your mouth you lay on your back and i'll fucking ram that thing into your throat and fucking like what did you after a few tries, I'll figure it out. So I'm coming straight down on a puncture hole throughout the back of your fucking neck. Okay, Jason Bourne. Why? I mean they use Jolly Ranchers.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Oh, the other day, the other day I pulled some packaging tape off a box, and when I pulled it off, it rolled up into a cone. And when I saw that cone i that cone was so fucking hard and sharp i used it to open up the tape on the rest of the box and i was like wow this is how prison shit works prison shake yeah it was a prison shank yeah sit down into that yeah imagine thinking that it's okay to give any human being a metal straw to put a metal straw on your hand and your mouth, a mat, just that anything could fucking happen.
Starting point is 00:29:31 It is a thin, it is, it is, it is, it is closer to being a knife than a metal beam. It's a fucking, you're putting a human hole punch in your mouth with the with the metal straw a three-year-old could fucking kill you with a fucking straw what did trish say is trish in here i like trish what's
Starting point is 00:29:56 trish saying lays on back opens mouth and waits for ramming yeah thank you yeah thank you this this this four-year-old died and this isn't an isolated incident by the way because the mom thought it would be a good idea to save the ocean I mean can you that's more just God I hate to say it
Starting point is 00:30:19 that's just more libtard shit it's no it's no forward thinking it's no forward thinking. It's no big picture. It's like an experimental vaccine for the cold. I'm not asking anyone to be paranoid. I've never seen a needle at the skate park. And yet every time I go to the skate park, my kids are there for two hours.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's no big deal. I call Matt, Suze. I talk to him, and I walk around the skate park and I just make sure I look for stuff on the ground, knife, needle, can of raid, something in the park that their skateboard might hit and go over. It only takes me five minutes.
Starting point is 00:30:53 It's not, it's, it's, it's not, it's not because I'm afraid if I didn't check, like if I just dropped them off at the skate park, I'd be fine too. I'm not worried about it. I don't not send my kids to school.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Cause I'm afraid of a shooter. That shit doesn't really happen. Like whatever, but putting a fucking, well shit doesn't really happen. Like, whatever. But putting a fucking ā€“ Statistically speaking. Yes, thank you. It definitely happens. You ā€“ it's like when you stand on the street corner and it's a green ā€“ and you're waiting for cars.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You stand behind the telephone pole. That way if a car jumps up onto the curb, you know we live with idiots. It hits the pole, and you're safe why would you step inside the pole and then look down at your phone i i you don't have to be afraid it's just common sense thankfully it looks like the child is alive Thankfully, it looks like the child is alive. No, no, no. This child ā€“ oh, the child did live?
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah. I like the title. I watched life leave his eyes. Parents warn against metal straws after a four-year-old is stabbed in the throat. Yeah, that's what it is. You know why they use the word stabbed? Because that's what it was. Yeah. Those metal straws are dangerous, though. dangerous though it's all even if you just
Starting point is 00:32:08 normally were sipping out of it you stopped your car quick and it hit your thing and like rammed into the back of your throat yeah that's not good hey it's exactly like it's exactly like covid the cure causes more damage than the uh than the original issue than the problem yeah experimental vaccine for the cold. I have a great idea. Let's give kids metal straws. It's such just stupid parenting. It's just not.
Starting point is 00:32:33 He enjoys slurping his yogurt with it, so I'm on. Oy, it's, yeah. Jesus, we said, would a plastic straw stab him? It would, but it gave it bent. It would just kind of like. Yeah, yeah. The odds of it killing him significantly decreased don't get me i mean that that was that was my point even a regular straw is dangerous but but i but i'm not like um i'm not paranoid but a metal
Starting point is 00:32:56 straw there's just no there's no point just make him lap it up thank me later yeah it's just yogurt you know how kids are too there's a chance the kid would just be pushing it against his cheek anyway to see if it could puncture a hole uh these are the same do-gooders these are the same people these people who buy these metal straws and give the kids these are the same ones they give boys beta blockers that say it's okay if 15 year old girls have their breasts removed they can just get more later it's all it's all the same just like just dumb thinking it's just that's a band forks too yeah definitely dance work for flies matter jeff kind of grows on the other comments a little bit a little bit he reminds me of, who was that guy that we had a while back?
Starting point is 00:34:06 It's like GP or something. No. Oh, maybe that's GP. YOLO to the moon. YOLO to the moon. It's funny. It's funny. If someone gives me a paper straw, I have to get like four.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I don't ever drink with a straw. That's what someone else said too. Caleb, do drink with a straw no i can't i don't drink with i don't drink with the straw it's always funny because i like put it on the table and i'm like i'm sorry you're gonna have to actually wash this cup yeah i'm sorry i'm an alpha please get this beta straw out of here no no straws uh number number 313 this is this is fucking hilarious i guess the governor of florida um ron de santos ron de santos oh this is good has been sending i don't know if they're illegals. They are. And we've learned from Jorge Ventura that they're probably not Mexican because Mexicans don't come across the border. But they're sending migrants to, I guess, a place called Nantucket where liberal politicians live. I guess Martha's Vineyard.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I guess it's like the ā€“ it was the hub for the kennedys i guess the obamas but listen how dumb this is this is crazy talk this is crazy retard talk again i don't know like why doesn't someone be like no mom don't aren't her kids there no don't say anything to the media you're dumb listen to this shit. This is crazy. The difficult challenges are. We have. Oh, no. OK, pause it. So we cannot. So the difficult challenges are at some time and point they have to move. people who who two million of them supposedly have come in who fit in this this category of migrants into the united states in the last 365 days and now i think how many 10 or 50
Starting point is 00:36:13 a bunch of them were flown a bunch of them were flown up to martha's vineyard to a town you know i don't know 2 000 miles north of border. And she's saying that at some point they have to leave. Please go on. We don't have the services. Oh! They don't have, imagine that. So I looked, I think the average home in that town is $1.6 million. That's the median.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And she's saying they don't have services. Imagine if any of the don't have services imagine imagine what if any of the border towns have services what services they have have any of you guys ever driven down there it's crazy it doesn't even feel like america have you ever driven like gone to the south and followed like on the 10 or any of those highways where you basically the u.s highway goes along the border wall it's crazy dude they have a starbucks there that's it there's nothing there you're not telling me you don't have jobs in martha's vineyard for for for migrants like what the fuck are you talking about services what what services do migrants need they're not even being COVID tested as they come across the border. It's so just double talk bullshit
Starting point is 00:37:28 rhetoric. No one has services for fucking migrants. Oh yes we do. We build the plastic houses for them and we give them counselors and blah blah blah blah blah. It's the over there policies. We like to inform all these policies
Starting point is 00:37:44 over there. Not here in inform all these policies over there not here in my neighborhood but what you should do with your neighborhood over there and the second it comes in my neighborhood oh wait a minute we don't have resources portland home of black lives matter but but don't move here but but please don't move here how does anyone fall for those dingleberry dude can you believe we're getting that guy to come on the podcast which one the willfully positive yeah yeah holy shit i went through his account after he sent it i was like this is gonna be a good episode holy shit i can't believe i can't believe that guy's not every that guy hasn't gone gone on i can't believe the biggest
Starting point is 00:38:24 podcast in the world haven't asked him to come on yet hey they will because you scout the talent can't believe that guy's not every that guy hasn't gone gone on i can't believe the biggest podcast in the world haven't asked him to come on yet hey they will because you scout the talent a lot of these people that you plucked out of there that were just starting to get a little bit of attention then we look and they're like at dinner with joe rogan or like on you know all these other all these shows and blowing up all over the place so i I think he will. I got a bunch of Liver King stuff yesterday. I'm so excited. Supplement? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Well, I just got shitloads of protein powder. Did you get his shirt? I really like his logo. No, but I'll ask him for one or I'll buy one. Okay. Sorry, Caleb. Can we keep playing? Let's see if she says anything else.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Fucking brilliant. We don't have the services. No one has the services. No one wants fucking homeless people in their neighborhood. You jackass. And you do have the services. You throw out more shit than the services that they have available at the border. You have more food in your garbage than they do at the border. How do I know? Because I used to be homeless and surf your garbage. Go on. And we certainly don't have housing. We're in a housing crisis as we are on this island. And so we don't, we can't house everyone here that lives here and works here. We don't have housing for 50 more people. Oh, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Don't worry. They don't, they don't need housing. They don't need, they don't worry they don't they don't need housing they don't need they don't they don't have housing in oakland california either oh you totally don't understand these people are awesome they don't need housing yeah they're very resourceful for those of you who've never lived in like a really rich area like santa barbara california or something like that you can literally live out of the food from in dumpsters behind restaurants you can get nicer furniture than most people have in their houses that people just leave in their front yards and porches there's an abundance abundance of shit abundance lamps i had an insane lamp collection it was just lamps that people would throw away
Starting point is 00:40:23 crazy what are you going to do with those i mean i don't have many more i got rid of all that shit now i clicked like a lens just take them around give them to people just shit like that but i had a whole house full of lamps like a hundred lamps here comes the barefoot lamp guy yeah yeah it was kind of like that yeah yeah you carried them around you just like no no no i would like just like you know set them up in people's houses and shit find someone when i when i first started doing that i actually had a place to live when the lamp collection first started put them in people's backyards what was it there was like stage houses for realtors and stuff or what there was this hippie couple buden buden low buden what were their names i can't remember but i would put stuff in there in their in their back collect stuff in their
Starting point is 00:41:11 backyard senior year we collected a bunch of traffic cones all over livermore like single traffic cones and we just stored them behind this like big electrical box in the industrial area we kept thinking someone's going to take all these and they didn't and we had like 50 or 60 cones that we had just collected a group of us over the course of multiple months and then one time we just decided it'd be a good idea to go to some random chick's house who one of us probably had a crush on and we like tipped it around and set all the cones up over there i like like it. I like it. I totally like it. And then Ray McDorbell like went back and like hid in the truck and drove by slowly.
Starting point is 00:41:48 They were just outside like looking around like, what the fuck? Where are all these traffic cones? And then they went inside and we collected them all back up and went and did it to another house because we thought it was that funny. So we just went around collecting and cleaning cones. Dude, those things are expensive. I bought some traffic cones for my house so when my kids play outside i can put them out those that shit's expensive yeah uh the best time to dumpster dive is when universities get out the dumpsters are full of brand new stuff that's never been opened yeah sema yep she knows yeah it's basically four times a year right every
Starting point is 00:42:23 at least at uc santa barbara four times a year, right? At least at UC Santa Barbara, four times a year dumpster because people were coming and going at all times. Anyway, I love migrants being sent to Nantucket at school. Hey, they're so negative. They should just see it as cheap employment, people that they can pay minimum wage. You mean the $35 minimum wage? Yeah, exactly. Which completely eliminates all small businesses from being able to start and do that, but completely helps out all the corporations that can afford to pay their employees, whatever. Someone the other day was at my house and we got into it. I thought for sure it was going to get heated. They're like, oh, it's so great because the cost of living here is so high. I'm like, dude, it puts every mom and pop out of business. Yeah. It kills small business.
Starting point is 00:43:05 All these policies about minimum wage, upping the minimum wage, all these benefits that are owed to employees and stuff. It may sound great on the surface, but what people don't realize is you're killing all your like entry-level jobs and you're killing all small businesses from being able to start and get a leg up. It gets rid of the middle class. It gets rid of the middle class.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Absolutely. Amazon, McDonald's, they could really, they could roll with these policies and they're just going to pass the buck on to the middle class. It gets rid of the middle class. Absolutely. Amazon, McDonald's, they could really, they could roll with these policies and they're just going to pass the buck onto the consumer anyways. So it's no big deal for them. But for all the small businesses that are struggling or just trying to get going, it's massive.
Starting point is 00:43:34 It's a really big deal. I think they're going to raise it to $22.50 an hour in California. That's crazy. Number 312, Illinois this is this is nuts and by the way most people aren't worth that when they start working i agree that's not a dig at them either no not a dig i started working at 425 an hour granted it was yeah 35 years ago mainland skate shop for seven bucks gri Really? Yeah. That's cool. Illinois passes an actual purge law.
Starting point is 00:44:08 You want to think this is a joke, but listen to this guy. This is nuts. How are things going to affect it? People need to be aware of this. It abolishes cash bail for almost every offense. This includes, but isn't limited to, kidnapping, armed robbery, second-degree murder, drug-induced homicide, aggravated DUI, threatening a public official, and aggravated fleeing and eluding. Hey, will you pause this? So at first I thought abolished cash bail meant that they couldn't get bail.
Starting point is 00:44:47 That's what I guess. But it doesn't mean that. What it means is that you can't ask for bail. You have to let them go until they're proven guilty. You can't arrest someone for that shit and now hold them and ask for bail. You basically just have to let them go it's fucking nuts illinois is fucking nuts parts of us there's things like this in santa cruz already too it's so fucking bad okay please keep going this is nuts this guy's pissed by the way you have to be in violation for 48 hours before law enforcement can act. They could almost
Starting point is 00:45:25 drive to Alaska. Violate your probation for them. It denies victims their constitutional rights. And keep this in mind, businesses and homeowners. Officers will no longer be able to remove trespassers from your residence or your businesses. Someone could decide to live in your shed, and all we can do is give them a ticket. You have to decide what level of force is required to remove them and whether or not it's legal. As of January 1st, Fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Fucking nuts. That's insane. The 20 people I know or so who live in Illinois all hate it. I don't know anyone who likes it. They all hate it. Who's that? That's Grace. Oh.
Starting point is 00:46:21 She's running away from me. Is she going for a swim? She decided. I don't think he gets here. Yeah, she's going down from me is she going for a swim? she decided I don't think he gets here yeah she's going down to the beach that's I think who thinks this is a good idea? like
Starting point is 00:46:40 it's all DEI stuff you know that's what it is too it's all basically it's all in the name of it's all dei stuff it's all you know that's what it is too it's all basically to it's all in the name of um uh it's unfair to p to to to bad guys i mean it's it's all it's all under the guise of it's bad it's unfair you know it's funny i traveled recently last week and i was just paying attention to how many times i had to show my id. And I was like, it's so crazy that they said that being able to do that for voting was racist. But yet that means you can't, like, get on an airplane.
Starting point is 00:47:11 You can't buy certain things. You can't book, like, hotels. So how is it that all of that slides under the radar and is fine? You can't buy alcohol, all these different things. But yet if they ask you for a vote so you can make changes within your local community or at large, they're like, Nope, no need for that. Don't worry about that. I don't even know how that logic works there. It's crazy. At the beginning of COVID, I've told the story half dozen times. Garth Taylor, the guy who's, you know, my kids go to his jujitsu studio. He was held up at knife point at an atm machine and uh 24 hours
Starting point is 00:47:47 later the guy was let out knife point at a fucking atm less than 24 hours he was held for like 14 hours or something the guy like sorry for that comedian sir here is your knife and have a great day here's the thing they had to catch him it wasn't like they caught him at the scene of the crime like someone had to go find him that is crazy think about all that effort to go get that guy and then for like 24 hours later he just gets out i'm probably not even 24 i bet she was like more like 12 to 15 tax dollars well spent citizens are safe think about how much oh god uh uh 3 3 11 this should be interesting maybe we've shown this one did you see that the navy isn't um gonna make seals get the covid vaccine i'll pull we'll pull that article up next Oh, yeah, I think we showed this.
Starting point is 00:48:46 You're not going to. We can show it again. It's good. This is from July 21st. You're OK. You're not going to. You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:00 There's your. President of the United States letting you know it's fucking nuts there was a whole constellation Jeff's Jeff's perseverating down there he's so frustrated
Starting point is 00:49:20 you should start your own podcast buddy or call in you got the vaccine and you're fine He's so frustrated. You should start your own podcast, buddy. Or call in. Allow our stories. You got the vaccine and you're fine. I drove home drunk once and I was fine. 20 times. Dude, you have got to be one of the dumbest people in the comments.
Starting point is 00:49:39 You say the same thing over and over and over. Like you have like playground logic. Like you're. He just, he copy pastes the same thing into the comments. crazy i hope you're i hope you're joking i i hope it's for fun because if not it must suck being around your wife must hate you oh my gosh my goodness you live in the comments on youtube and you're not fine My goodness. You live in the comments on YouTube and you're not fine. Hard as Jeff.
Starting point is 00:50:14 He diagnosed you from fucking here, dude. 309, 98% gay. This is, if you're, this is the, I think, a monkey pox story. Oh, good. He's divorced. I know. I know. I was joking.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Trust me. I know. Your wife's right, right over here. Monkey pox virus infection in human across 16 countries, April, June, 2022.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Before April 20, 22 monkey pox virus infection in humans was seldom reported outside of Africa regions. The results we reported were 528 infections diagnosed between April 27th and June 24th, 2022 in 43 sites in 16 countries. So 16 countries, 43 locations. Overall, 98% of the persons with infection were gay or bisexual, plus one guy named Jeff Baco. Oh. Who says he's not gay. Oh, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Well, all right. There's always one outlier. That story you told about when you and Greg were in Africa. Yeah. About the village with the with the gay dude and greg being like wait there's only one i'm just thinking about that that's so crazy like there has to be two that doesn't make sense how'd you get how'd you catch him
Starting point is 00:51:38 i so wanted to leave there's so few reasons why i would want to leave a place but as soon as they said they killed the guy for being gay i was like i'm done here i'm not i don't why i would want to leave a place but as soon as they said they killed the guy for being gay i was like i'm done here i'm i don't i don't want to be here ever fucking again get me the fuck out of this country yeah half the people i know think i'm gay i don't want oh 302 is 302 is fun smoking with the mask on oh by the way for people in the comments jeff is necessary part of the comments don't oh it's gone just embrace him smoking with the mask on it was a guy pulling down his mask to hit off a cigarette was that the one where he's like up against like a um like a slot machine or something in the gas station and he's just like it might be it might be i've seen a handful
Starting point is 00:52:46 of them they're all they're all pretty good okay uh let's do um 300 racism comedy I don't know if you know this, like being racist isn't like a yes or no thing. You know what I mean? It's not like you have it or you don't have it. Like being racist is more like being hungry. You know, it's like, yeah, you're not right now. You know? It's like, yeah, you're not right now. It's like, yeah, you're not hungry right now,
Starting point is 00:53:32 but a cheeseburger could cut you off on the highway. We're hungry all day. The cheeseburger is Jewish in that that joke cheeseburgers whatever whatever type of cheeseburger you thought it was that guy is funny that guy is funny and and what he's you know he's just he's just he's just he's just fucking pointing at the truth did i hear someone in the background just say this is your mess are you in trouble caleb somebody said that but it's not me
Starting point is 00:54:17 oh this is your mess hey that was a surgeon staring over a guy whose fucking guts are hanging out of his stomach talking to another surgeon. Being like, hey, dude, this is your mess. Dude, that happened one time. I was like, I'll just stand in the corner and watch you guys figure that out. Oh, my God. That's not what you want. A doctor's fighting over that while you're fucking spliced open.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Who has to put you back together? This is your mess. 303, this is an old one. one man i got some old ones in here but i don't think i've shown this one uh let's start with the top one there's two clips let's start with the top one oh no maybe they're the same maybe they're the same clip so basically what let me go back let me a minneapolis man fired bullets into an apartment of a single mother with two kids under five years old and was killed after a six-hour standoff with the police activists proceeded to raise fifteen thousand dollars for him so this is a guy he fired bullets into an apartment
Starting point is 00:55:21 that's nitrogen discharge for sure and he was the blm crowd came to his uh um came to his defense after the guy was killed after a six-hour standoff i think they show the mom yelling at the blm crowd like what the fuck are you guys doing because they came with their signs and shit and everybody's like no no it's okay like just calm down you're like no motherfucker yeah is there another slide where they show them fighting with the mom it's fucking crazy she thought she and her two kids were she thought her and her two kids let me go back into that we're going to die wednesday night after she
Starting point is 00:56:10 says to kel sunberg fired these shots through her apartment she says she called police summer was shot and killed by the mpd ending a six-hour standoff more at 10 o'clock tonight look at all the fucking holes did you see the holes in their bathroom and shit and meanwhile people are raising money to save this guy. Holy shit. George Floyd's no different. No, here she is. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:34 This is crazy. This is terrible. This is terrible. You're lying. Shut up. This is just letting go. This is just letting go. Grief is silence. This is not okay.
Starting point is 00:56:48 This is not a George Floyd situation. George Floyd was unarmed. He was unarmed. Hey, first of all, let me tell you something. Driving a car, that is a fucking, that's, I think, a bit of a misnomer there. That's, I think, a bit of a misnomer there. Driving a fucking car in a town when you're high on meth, fentanyl, he also had COVID, drunk, is being armed. That car could easily kill someone.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Easily. More easily than a gun just sitting in a fucking sewage somewhere, sewage ditch somewhere. To say that George Floyd wasn't a danger is fucking insane. I know people are going to start splitting hairs. Well, they had him pulled over and they had, you know, if you're equating the car to the gun, they had taken the gun from him. It's like, it doesn't matter. It's what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:57:38 It's hilarious that their argument right now against her is like, well, you're alive. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's crazy. Fucking stupid. it's idiot it's too idiot fighting she right away starts like acting like George Floyd was innocent
Starting point is 00:57:54 but this guy wasn't fuck crazy I think too she was trying to like level with her memories I did not hear Fuck. Crazy. I think, too, she was trying to level with the memories. I did not hear about it, Jessica, but I did see the bronze bench with George Floyd. The George Floyd bronze bench memorial where you could sit next to him and he's a bronze statue and take a picture. I had someone Photoshop a woman standing in front of them with George pointing a gun at her stomach for my version.
Starting point is 00:58:38 They'll probably take it down in like 200 years. Like they did all the Confederate statues. Listen to this. Did you see what the guys what the guys uh what the guy's response was ben crumple they're saying that the guy had mental health issues and and why wasn't that considered before they killed him hey just so you know everyone wielding a gun in a public place threatening other people has mental health issues it's not a um yeah good point it's like there's no it's ubiquitous it's not a point uh ben crump more on number seven this is teckel sunberg minneapolis police department killed this smart loving and artistic 20 year old after an hour long standoff while he was experiencing a mental health crisis such so stupid well maybe that person thought he said autistic maybe ben crumb could go down
Starting point is 00:59:34 there next time and walk in and uh settle the issue hey that lady right there was having a mental health crisis because of what he did so don't worry his mental health crisis still lives on yeah that's okay manifested to somebody else i've invited joel on i can't get anyone on now that i don't have my blue check mark hey craig jeff wants you to go visit him at his house i'm worried jeff got blocked or put on time out i haven't seen him here in a little bit. Maybe he did. I hope he didn't. I hope he didn't. Don't worry, he'll come
Starting point is 01:00:11 back with a vengeance. I'll do a different account. Let's look at another. Oh, what's's 288 there's nothing written underneath it that scares me i'm starting to recognize some pattern in the urls maybe you'll be able to leak the crowd this is tom hanks's son oh yeah he he's he's he's a piece of work he kind of came on the scene he was on some show um and he's a rapper and they were asking if he wants to apologize for his lyrics and he said fuck no and and he's come on to the to the scene um pretty strong here we go. Stay sober. We got to get jacked.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Pray. Meditate. Don't fucking think it's all just a bunch of kumbaya bullshit. If you're like, I don't believe in God, fucking believe in him, motherfucker, because he believes in you. And if you don't want to use the word God, then fine. Pick other some fucking word. It's God, motherfucker. God.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Guidance, order, and direction. Period. So we got to stay sober. sober we gotta get jacked pray and then meditate this is what i like about i think it's all just a bunch of listen to the right up here he says uh i don't uh i don't believe in god because to believe implies there's still room for doubt that that's my thing too but but it's but it's even more it's even stronger than that people who believe in god you have a, you will never know God because you are holding something in front of you that blocks your view of what God really is. It's a belief.
Starting point is 01:01:53 You have a belief. You believe something. Everything you believe is your imagination. You're holding it up, and it's blocking your view. I believe God is this, this, this, and this. If you stop believing that and move it away, maybe you'll actually know God.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Or you have a mental illness and you just hear voices in your head. Because that's what I think. Every time anyone says I talk to God, I'm like, definitely mentally ill. Like Ben Carson. I like him. I like him. You know who that is? The politician? Black guy? I like him. But every time he starts talking about his conversation with God, I'm manalil he's gonna get shot by by a cop uh somewhere
Starting point is 01:02:31 no i wasn't busting your balls i was i was i wasn't busting your balls at all i was hoping that you could fucking talk some sense into jeff bako oh there he is. He's back. Sorry, I had to take my morning constitutional. Good fucking Susan missed you. We all missed you, Jeff. Oh, my goodness. All right, guys, I have to run.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I got some people showed up here. Someone I'll see this evening? Yes, 7 o'clock. Me too. See you there. Bye. Awesome. That would be awesome if you showed up here. Someone I'll see this evening? Yes, 7 o'clock. Me too. See you there. Bye. Awesome. It would be awesome if you showed up. Bye. Bye, everybody in the comics. Peace out.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Bye. What number was that? 288? Yeah. Yeah, 288. I can't believe Susan's getting married. That's pretty cool. It's this weekend, yeah? Yeah. Whenever weddings are.
Starting point is 01:03:30 It's Saturday. Call her. Hi. That was nice of you to wait until Suze left. We needed a third person. Yeah, that's what I figured. How goes it? How's California? California is great.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I think so too. I'm having a blast. So I'm calling to tell you guys, this is so crazy. You have to go to Are you, are you, are you ordering a Caleb around? Yes. Okay, go ahead. Keep going. And then go to their anti-racism resources. Business agency neighbors trusted.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I can't believe they have anti-racism resources that sounds racist as shit so this company is a company where you oh i see it i see it yeah yeah i've i've been kicked off of next door so many times when the pandemic first started i'd be like hey just stop eating sugar you're fine okay i see it okay i'm here So I have a friend that lives in the, um, Northern California region. And she got kicked off because she saw a black homeless male throw knives on the ground. So she thought she would let the neighbors know.
Starting point is 01:04:57 And they kicked her off because she's racist. Oh, because she said that described the color of his skin. Yeah. You can't talk about black people. Hey, black people. Yeah, well, look, look at the lady. Hey, that's what you know that that's what happened with the BART, Bay Area Rapid Transit.
Starting point is 01:05:12 They stopped releasing all of the footage that showed crimes happening at BART. All that footage used to be public and they stopped because they thought it would promote racism. And so then my question to you is, that just gets my brain thinking. So are you suggesting to me that all of the people who are doing the crime on BART were white Jewish kids and you don't want that to get out because then people will start hating white Jewish kids?
Starting point is 01:05:35 Is that- Yeah, exactly. It's crazy. That's fucking nuts. Oh, look, they even have the race. They're open about their racism. We stand in solidarity with black neighbors. Like, why would you put that?
Starting point is 01:05:49 If you post anything about blue lives or white lives matter, you get to go. Oh, it even says, look it, it even says support for white lives matter is prohibited on Nextdoor. Holy shit. Holy shit. But it gets better every person i looked at who runs the company it's all white people of course it is of course it is oh my goodness yes oh my goodness openly racist i i wonder if this chick's on um instagram sarah sarah uh fryer well then i thought her from san francisco it makes sense oh it's so bad here in the bay area it's so bad yep it's crazy hey it's it's kind of the worst people in humanity who are on next door by the way it's like the people um it's the most entitled
Starting point is 01:06:43 crowd ever it's crazy it's like the people, um, it's the most entitled crowd ever. It's crazy. It's like the people who don't want any moving forward of your neighborhood to increase property value. They took away the, they took away the, um, forward to police too. So you can't even tell the police what's going on. Oh, she is on. Oh, really? On next door. They took that away. Yeah. Oh, this is awesome.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Let me see ladies. Oh yeah. She's got all the equity shit. Look at her. She's, she's checking all the boxes. Yeah. Oh, look at this. Wait, scroll up.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I want to read that. That human right thing keep going scroll the other way other way hey jeff you're gonna like this right there sorry oh down a little more uh no other way up a little more a little more uh there food is a human right we are committed to ensuring that no one goes hungry thank you for your support right okay oh my god it's I guess I am
Starting point is 01:07:56 starting to understand what virtue signaling is I'm starting to understand it how many followers does this lady have like 4,000 4,000. 4,000. She's got a blue checkmark though, so on. So she's,
Starting point is 01:08:13 and she, yeah. And she's English. Mom. Yeah. Or Irish. Go back to the United Kingdom yeah we did craig we talked about de santos and martha's vineyard it's their response is just hilarious they don't have the resources fucking nuts hey did we ever get to the bottom of why joe rogan won't have donald trump on
Starting point is 01:08:46 was that ever i thought he had tried to and he just like it either got it never worked out or i thought he said he wouldn't do it i thought he said he wouldn't do it i don't know race is a made-up word well all words are made up but i think i know what you're where you're going with that like look up the definition of race we'll get to the bottom of this jiggy josh was he was getting getting pretty adamant about this word too uh oh oh what are the five races? Yeah, I don't think that's accurate.
Starting point is 01:09:30 What are the four types of races? According to Nextdoor, blue lies are a race. So the definition of race is a category of humankind that shares distinctive physical traits the term ethnicities is more broadly defined as large group of people classed according to a common racial national tribal religious linguistic or cultural origin so i in that regard that when you're saying it's made up it it's um it's um it's just subjective are we going to lump people together like we could um just not use skin color and just use heights of people right or we could just use just oh there's only two races obese and not obese it could be anything it could be rich and not rich oh someone has a baby
Starting point is 01:10:17 i have twins just like you how old are your twins? 18 months. You're partying. Are you, are you breastfeeding? Not anymore. I'm actually a deputy sheriff and I went back to work at five months. So I had to stop. Wow. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Are you on patrol? Like, do you go out in the, in the hood? I was. And then I quit. Actually, I recently quit to stay
Starting point is 01:10:45 home with the babies because I was like, this shit's crazy out there. I'm not trying to die over some retard with a knife. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. That's good. So I quit and now I stay home, but I did it for nine years. Um, I probably, I don't even know if I'm supposed to say this, but one of my friends who you probably know of him and his wife, his wife is a cop and she has at least one kid. And she was hit while she was doing just a routine pullover, a fucking drunk driver fucking hit her. Could have fucking killed her. Yeah, exactly. I had too many situations, so I quit to stay home. Exactly. I had too many situations, so I quit to stay home.
Starting point is 01:11:26 All right. Well, thank you for calling. Thank you for doing the coolest job in the world and making good kids. Oh, yeah. Anytime. All right. Bye. So I didn't understand. So she went back to work, but she doesn't work. Yeah. It sounds like she went back to work but she doesn't work yeah she went it sounds like she went back to work after she had a babies and then realized that that's fucking stupid when you have twins and decided to quit oh all right yeah smart um say that again said i don't blame her at
Starting point is 01:12:02 all no me neither i'm just gonna to pick something right in the middle here, just because there's so many. 247, Harry Armenian. Uh-oh. 247. Bam. Cool. bam here's our hairy armenian prank of the week here's our hairy armenian prank wow can you really do that just walk up to someone and stick something on them like that that's so wow yeah that what they use for like waxing and stuff it's like super thick and sticky and then you it's fucking great that's hilarious
Starting point is 01:13:08 i'm gonna try that on myself uh stefan you should try to get brent steffensen on the show dude used to do ninja warrior and is now flat earther and owns his own cbd company would be okay fine will you send me in my dms will you send me a link to his instagram i'll invite him on i don't understand flat earthers at all every time they say something like i don't think it works like that and then i look it up and it doesn't but i'm okay with it it's weird like 20 years ago i would have been like those people are fucking stupid now i'm just like i'm okay with it i've seen i've seen so much dumb shit i'm starting to become immune to it um uh number uh 245 oh i even put play play this twice oh this is the redheaded girl with the giant boobs 245
Starting point is 01:13:53 giant fake boobs do i have to say that they're fake does that matter the giant implants oh no these no. These might be. Okay, here we go. Let's play this a couple times here. This is true. Across from one. Necklaces with a T on it. That's across. Across from one.
Starting point is 01:14:20 One of those gold necklaces. I can. We played itlaces. I can, I, we played it three times. I still can't hear what she's saying, but she says, I want one of those gold necklaces with the T on it. And the guy says,
Starting point is 01:14:32 you mean a cross? Anyway, I'm not a fan of belly button. I'm not a fan of belly button rings at all. Zero, zero. Not a fan no zero i think i think that they they make people look worse like they accentuate they do something that's unflattering. Like they have an Audi or something?
Starting point is 01:15:08 Oh, fuck. Yeah, I don't know. I don't mind an Audi, but I just don't understand. What the fuck is this, Chase? Stefan, if you get a message saying I reported something that was completely unintentional, I'm at work with my phone in my pocket, and somehow it says I reported something. I hate you. That's true true you're worse than jeff you made my back get tight i just felt my back tighten up uh 244 uh ryan long this is another guy who said he was coming on the show and then i now i'm never gonna get him because i was talking to him for my blue check mark account.
Starting point is 01:15:45 And there's no fucking way he's going to answer my other account. And thank you to those of you who are, who are, who take care of the seven podcast, Instagram account, we'll brand setter and Jen McDonald. Thank you for doing that. Cause I would have fucked that up already.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Okay, here we go. Nice. You said a jugs, Elizabeth Warren or Camilla Harris with camilla harris we'll go with the white shit do you go with the white titties why is it that you take the like the white kazumbas over the black today's her ideology is not breast like um i actually thought i entered a time warp and went back a hundred years because i could not believe somebody was asking this question. What question? Yeah, you said, who's got the biggest, the nicer titties, Elizabeth Warren or Kamala
Starting point is 01:16:29 Harris? What did you think on the answer to that question? I don't have an answer to that question. I had to pick between the two sets of Kazoombas. By the question. I do not know that mental illness can come in pairs. Of titties or? Of new phenomena.
Starting point is 01:16:42 What were you saying about a pair? Like that you guys are paired together in this absurd... I'm an anti-porn activist, as a matter of fact, but you're not going to get an interview from me about the subject. What's your favorite anti-porn? Is it people's ants? Your mother would be very ashamed you're doing this kind of work. Who do you think has the nicest set of jugs? Elizabeth Warren or... It's incredible, isn't it it's incredible it's so good i like it how the other lady comes up
Starting point is 01:17:13 and she's like wow both you are mentally ill it's so good i didn't know they came in pairs in pairs of what titties oh my goodness finally you should do a rep michael c you should do a raffle for a free ceo shirt for anyone that sends a super sticker i don't know that'd be kind of like manipulating you guys to um put money in interesting it's about free will michael holy shit david hasn't laughed in 30 years holy shit i can't believe you laughed wow congratulations i wouldn't say what you said is positive but it's definitely the first non-negative thing you've ever posted in the comments incredible in a fucking incredible 243 please oh hi caller thank you
Starting point is 01:18:11 I have a really stupid question it's been bugging me for a while it can't be dumber than most of the comments so you're in good company well this is the kind of stuff that just like boggles my mind and keeps me up at night at the CrossFit Games when the athletes had numbers on their jerseys what the hell did that signify and why do they have those there was something to it i think hillar and suzy got to the bottom of it
Starting point is 01:18:37 it was like their placement in the open or their placement in semi-finals or their placement last year at the games there was some wasn't it there was some rationale to it right caleb yeah i want to say that the like age groups like from 35 on had like 30 it was like the first two numbers were 35 and then four zero and four five and etc etc and then the teams had like i don't know i couldn't tell you but i know there was there's i don't i um froney was 11 because he won in uh 11 i don't know if that's true but there's something there was some rationale to it but it's like it's kind of it's kind of like the secret menu at um
Starting point is 01:19:18 first tune oh so this guy was this guy won the games here we go oh shit here we sorry first two numbers is division. Last number is ranking from semis. I don't know. What does that mean? Division. First two numbers? Like adaptive team age group.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Like what I was saying about how 35 was the first two numbers. Oh, okay. Okay. Does that make sense, caller? Something like that. I know we didn't give you a direct answer, but we gave you kind of an idea. The spirit of the numbers for oh okay okay does that make sense caller something like that i know we didn't give you a direct answer but we gave you kind of an idea the spirit of the number provided a little more clarity and uh clarity it's like the secret it's like the secret menu at in and out like you
Starting point is 01:19:54 have to like know it to know it if you don't know it you don't i gotcha do you want an animal advertise that or give some more context to it because i guess it could help somebody understand oh yeah i totally agree. There's tons of stuff that would help us appreciate the games more than needs to be talked about. Thanks for ruining my show. Are you the first person to mention CrossFit? Are you the first person that mentioned CrossFit on the show today?
Starting point is 01:20:17 You fucked the show up. We were doing great. You did. I can talk about something else. Too late. You already fucking. I'll talk about jujitsu. I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Thanks for calling. No. Yeah. Cool. Take it easy. Bye. Hiller out. Hiller out. Uh,
Starting point is 01:20:37 what about, um, can you go to, uh, Hiller's YouTube page? He put up a, um, I, I, I need to catch up. i need to do a hillar fit review show i need to ask him
Starting point is 01:20:50 if he'll come on and do another one of those with me he's put out so much content but there was one the other day and i haven't had a chance to watch it but i have too many people visiting in town but man there was one that i thought was just gnarly uh crossfit are you talking to oh yeah yeah that's crazy. There's this email that goes out from the CrossFit Games. It's called The Hopper, and someone sent me a copy of it the other day. And this fucking whole video, the whole email, it should just say, Dear Jason Hopper, it should say, Dear Andrew Hiller. It's almost like the CrossFit Games is just 100% acknowledging him.
Starting point is 01:21:24 It's nuts. Who is that? That's not Robert De him. It's nuts. Who is that? That's not Robert De Niro, is it? Who's that right there? I don't know. It kind of looks like it, though. Oh. A young Robert De Niro.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Yeah, crazy. Okay, will you go back to that? I want to read some of the videos he's put out. There's definitely one there that I was tripping on that I can't wait to watch. What's weird is it didn't have a lot of views either where is it um men's oh that one men competing against women it's already happening holy shit i can't i can't wait to watch that say that again it's ridiculous i haven't watched it but i the fact that that's happening is insane crazy oh yeah jeff jeff does say that that was deniro
Starting point is 01:22:16 from taxi driver wow yeah you're talking to me oh look andrew's here andrew said he did it yeah i can't wait to watch all those. Sometime today I'm going to get on the assault bike and catch up on all my Hiller videos. See, that guy called and mentioned CrossFit. Now the show's just taking a dive. We lost a few viewers too. 243, this guy doesn't care about handicap spots. What I really want to know is what's going on with Andrew Hiller and California Hormones.
Starting point is 01:22:51 I'm curious if he started his regimen. His regimen, his prescription. His penis has gotten larger. Oh, it's gone. All right, fine. 2.48, the state of California posted the names and addresses of all the people who have terminated pregnancies, killed babies, you know, abortions in the state of California. 248. Did they really is that Hopper article email that went out.
Starting point is 01:23:30 That is directed all at you. That's someone who just you're stuck in someone's brain. Breaking. California accidentally released full list, including name, home address, sex, birthday, and race of every concealed carry permit holder. Oh, so it's not a question. Imagine that. Developing tonight, the state of California under fire after posting a list of every person with a permit to carry a concealed gun,
Starting point is 01:23:58 including their names, addresses, and phone numbers. The list included celebrities, judges, even victims of domestic violence. CBS 13's Laura Haefeli is live outside the Department of Justice with the concerns many gun owners are raising now. Laura. Well, this goes way beyond a simple filing error. The AEG's office releasing a list of names, birthdays, gender, race, and home addresses of every single person in the state of California with a concealed carry weapons permit. This all happened last night after the AG released a website in the effort to be more transparent when it comes to gun safety. The website had in it firearm safety information, record sales, and a link to a portal of concealed carry permit holders. Except when you clicked on that portal, thousands of columns came up with
Starting point is 01:24:53 all of that personal information included that I just mentioned. Now that website has since been taken down, but too late. Victims already saw it. One who spoke to us about the danger this has put his family in. Most of my family members do not know that I have a concealed weapons permit. I have a good reason. For now, though, developing. It's so funny that they keep using the word gender. They did not. The good news is they didn't release anyone's gender because no one knows their gender. anyone's gender because no one knows their gender so that's the good news the bad news is is your address has been given out for any antifa wackadoodles to hunt you down and now have a gun fight in your yard uh i like i like uh i like this pretty bummed no one has come to my house
Starting point is 01:25:41 to ask me about it yet uh buy more guns, folks. I agree 100%. Now everyone needs to get two guns. 2.5 guns. I had COVID twice and my wife never got it. She got the vaccine so we could travel to Hawaii. After the second shot, she's broken out in hives every day for the past year. Of course. Michael C.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Michael C. But don't worry. Jeff got the vaccine and he's totally fine. I got the vaccine too he's totally fine I got the vaccine too 35 boosters I smell bacon actual pork bacon hey when she said that in the
Starting point is 01:26:19 when she announced that what did she say it's a little bit more than an oversight. What did she say? It's a little bit more. What did the, what did the news lady say when she said that? Was she like, Oh, this is so clever. I'm so funny. Yeah. She was, she was pretty stoked to use that one. I think. Yeah. I'd be stoked too. Oh, I'm sure they suck. Right. I'm sure. You just look at them and they suck. You just look at them and they suck.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Everything that guy does sucks except smiles. His smile is gold. His tequila's not even good. And he married a hot Armenian lady. And he seems nice. And his skin's soft. I haven't touched it. It just looks soft.
Starting point is 01:27:06 But fucking he's a complete fucking sellout. I hate to say it. I like the guy. Should we look at his shoes even? Oh, you want to? When I see anyone who buys marshmallow shoes now, I'm like, why? I have some marshmallow shoes. And every once in a while I put them on by marshmallow shoes i mean just shoes with a thick sole
Starting point is 01:27:27 they suck they absolutely suck i wish i was shorter i wish i was four foot two so i'd be closer to the ground every every inch i'm higher off the ground i hate it the The Rocks deal with the UFC isn't going well. Fuck these shoes. I mean, hey, but you know what's crazy? They're better than Nobles. Yeah, I guess. You know that's true. They're way more comfortable than Nobles.
Starting point is 01:28:02 They're just probably just, you just can't do anything athletic in them. They probably just suck. Nobles are so fucking bad. You know what I was thinking about the other day? I have all my nano twos that i ever had pretty much still those things were that was another thing with those and i and i heard that um reebok was really bummed at how bomb proof those shoes were you could wash those shoes 20 times and they'll last 10 years the nano twos lasted forever woke bull yeah oh yeah that's i mean it's just they look like the shoes you get at like tj maxx that are like yes and his logos is that his logo or is that underarmors logo that bull thing oh the bull
Starting point is 01:28:40 is his that's his logo god that thing sucks like his, uh, based off of his original tattoo. Sorry. Once, uh, sorry. Hey, I'm, I'm, I'm live on the air doing a podcast. Everyone can hear you. Don't you think it's a little bit, uh, a little bit crude that you didn't invite me on. You don't even talk anymore. It's like, you don't even care. I do. I do care. I do care.
Starting point is 01:29:07 You don't have half a heart in that old crusty RV. When you told me that the WODcast podcast had higher ratings for me, I put you on timeout. Listen, I can't deny the facts. Let's just get some data.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Yeah, let's get some data. Let's get some hard data. Let's get some hard-ass data. Who are you interviewing today? It's just me and Caleb just doing a live call-in show. That's it. I'm not going to lie. It's just a little bit thin.
Starting point is 01:29:32 I'm not going to lie. It's just a little thin. The show's over in two minutes. I'll call you. All right, you guys have fun. Bye. He's talking about your hair, Caleb. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Jeez. What are you doing? He said it's a little thin. I got to get on some TRT or don't do it he said it's a little i gotta get on some trt or something geez he said it's a little thin um 237 this is just and then and then i'll leave you guys alone for the rest of the day thank you um i should have sent him a link um uh uh this is this is uh 237 democrats running for office as republicans this is fucking bizarre.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Has this shit been just going on forever? This late. Okay. We need them to run as the other side, even though they're for our side. We need people to run as Republicans in these local elections. This is the only way you're going to change the dynamics in South Carolina. We can battle them in public all day. As long as we know we're working
Starting point is 01:30:29 for the same goal, when we get enough of us in there, we can wreak havoc for real from the inside out. Then we can flip some s*** from the inside out. We gotta take back some of these seats, especially in these local elections. I still gotta struggle to raise money for my campaign. Where the f*** is my black people with money?
Starting point is 01:30:46 I don't care about no dope money. Give me that dope boy money. Where the f*** is dope? Where the duffel bag boys? Get you fighting with somebody from your family that don't even know you donating to my campaign and put that s*** under their name. We need some folks that can wear all black at night
Starting point is 01:31:01 and take their f***ing yard signs down when they sleeping. We ain't got to make a f***ing noise about it. We it we ain't gotta go live about it just don't say s*** just like when somebody dropped money and you pick it up you pick that s*** and keep walking we need some secret sleepers like hey so that's a lady who's i don't know if she's in office but she's running for office and she's talking to a prisoner i think she is in office i think she's running for office, but she's running for office, and she's talking to a prisoner. I think she is in office. I think she's running for reelection, and she's talking to a prisoner at a jail, seeing that if he has people on the outside who can help her with dope boy money and taking down signs at night.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Crystal Matthews, South Carolina state rep and U.S. Senate candidate. So I don't know what a state rep is but she's one of those this is fucking nuts project veritas is crazy i think they like booted her from the campaign i think too they did yeah like legally but uh i just think the democrats are like not endorsing her anymore i hope not hey they should move her to martha's martha's vineyard or wherever the island is where they sell the maybe they'll give her money there podcast has been helping get me through helping podcast has been helping me get through my surgery recovery i'm glued marco calderon calderon sounds like
Starting point is 01:32:27 it's speaking of drug dealers fucking you're writing a script with a drug dealer that's a great great name all right i'd rate this show a 6.5 today thank you for tuning in i take full responsibility for not being a 10. I tried my best. Caleb did his part. Matt Sousa did his part. Tomorrow we have nobody.
Starting point is 01:32:59 What's wrong? We do? Who? Supposed to have Austin Alexander, it looks like. Oh, shit. Okay, fantastic. Maybe I Alexander, it looks like. Oh, shit. Okay, fantastic. Maybe he'll make it this time. Oh, yeah, that's Hunter's friend that stiffed us last time, which is perfectly okay because he has over a million YouTube subscribers.
Starting point is 01:33:16 And I will take a stiffy. Justin maybe. Yes. I will take a stiffy from a guy who has a million YouTube subscribers anytime. So tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., Austin Alexander. I'm ready to go. Tons of notes. He is friends with Hunter McIntyre. It sounds he's the guy you've probably seen some of his videos where he'll just go into a parking lot
Starting point is 01:33:34 and give people five bucks for every pull up they can do. And he has like a pull up bar hanging from the back of his truck. I think it's called the Battle Box. Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. Battle Bunker. Battle Bunker. oh uh also i got um yesterday i got this thing it's called a slack block from a company called slack bow balance and i started putting my kids on it and it's a pretty cool video um i keep trying to post it
Starting point is 01:34:01 to instagram and for some reason all my instagram videos keep getting rejected it says error yesterday i had like 10 errors maybe i should delete my instagram app and reload it must be misinformation yeah but anyway it's a really cool device um it's just it's basically this this piece of wood that sits on a foam block and you just balance on it with one foot and it's got all these got these activities. Anyway, the creator of it is coming on the show here next week. I think his name is Jim Klompman. And I'm trying to get the liver king back on. See what this guy's up to. And, of course, we'll try to get Alex Stein back on.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Not try. These are things that are going to happen. All right, guys. Thank you. In five minutes, I'll be on the tennis courts. I'm sorry if you're not doing something as fun, but it's time to take control of your life and do something fun. Do you have tennis courts where you're at?

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