The Sevan Podcast - #596 - Programming Show: Madrid CrossFit Championship

Episode Date: September 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. I had this thing set up, bam, we're live. I had this thing set up to go live at five
Starting point is 00:01:03 and then I went out to lunch today and it just kept going and going and going. And then I got an invite to come out to the ranch. And then I was like, well, I can't say no to that. And then I had to come home and work out before the show so that I'd be in my A game. Guys, I am so sorry. Soccer Mom, Hector, Fergie,uce travis jeremy bruce wayne thanks for texting me the rest of you jackasses who have my number didn't even use it jeffrey birchfield vindicate where you can get your shirt uh was that the reason why you worked out or did you
Starting point is 00:01:37 have a little uh white monster came with some titas and you felt a little guilty about it oh well all of that i always work out before the show, but I was saucy. I had a, actually I had two, um, skinny margaritas at lunch, but it's nothing that the assault bike can't fix.
Starting point is 00:02:00 None of the assault bike at cadence. Oh, this is my favorite kind of taylor we can't even hear i can't hear taylor can you no awesome my favorite so guys now i can hear you now and i and most importantly i apologize to the all consummate professional uh jr howell and taylor self uh this is our is this the second programming show no we've had several we have good memory sebi good memory um nice guns jr soccer mom uh did your wife beat you for being late this morning savon uh fuck i forgot about that the podcast
Starting point is 00:02:42 this morning ran late and i was like two minutes late to my kid's soccer private class everything kind of it's been a tough you know what the thing is is matt suza's getting married today oh that's right congrats suza he said we were texting about that that's his wedding his wedding's probably going on right now he's probably fucked up i went to his uh i went to like the the party last night and i met all his like family and friends from the gym and friends from high school and this one dude carlos mendoza he's probably like 6 2 2 45 and he's just like big he's like yeah and he looks like carlos mendoza like out of a fucking movie and he's like you're going you're going to the wedding i'm like no he's oh no come
Starting point is 00:03:22 on and he steps a close a foot closer to me like you're on the way i'm like, no. He's like, oh, no, come on. And he steps a foot closer to me. Like, you going to the wedding? I'm like, totally. I'm like, of course. Oh, no, come on. That's funny. Man. Are any of you guys watching the ADCC Abu Dhabi Combat Club Championships
Starting point is 00:03:43 that's going on in Las Vegas now negative all right fine that's good well then we could probably stay on track for this show a couple shows ago i don't know when it was but we were talking and the madrid show came up i don't remember if i was on with brian or whatnot and i started freaking out uh about the torque tank being the last implement in the last workout of something that we're supposed to consider a competition or a sport. It seems like it doesn't make it competition or sport. And J.R. and Taylor, I can't remember, one of them text me or called me and said, hey, that's why we do programming shows. Why isn't this one scheduled? Or we should have done this a long time ago. And then we scheduled it and i in in sounds like something taylor would say i pushed them aside
Starting point is 00:04:30 for brian that's what you said and uh and here we are and i am actually crazy crazy excited about it uh before we dig in there there's some things uh that um taylor brought up to me this morning that i think we really need to talk about before we get into critiquing the programming. And we need to find out what was the purpose. I think JR was saying we need to define some things. Sorry, Taylor, so we need to define some things. What was some purpose of the event? So it clearly wasn't to go to the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:05:00 That's to credit JR. JR brought that idea to me to, you know, play out. It's just they just like watching people work out or they just like making money or they just like throwing parties, whatever the reason. So I apologize for the times when we project stuff onto them. And we're kind of aware we're doing that. We're going to try not to do it. But sometimes we're going to make some presuppositions that this was supposed to be a sport. This was supposed to be a competition. It was supposed to be for athletes at the highest level.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah. at the highest level. Yeah, I mean, when you have games athletes in the field that just competed, you can say that you're programming a workout for the best and the best happen to be people that finished in the top 10 or 15 at the games. And we know that these are, and we need to take into consideration the venue.
Starting point is 00:06:01 In what way? The limitations or what creativity the venue offers um yeah but that venue offers massive amounts of creativity okay and and i think very narrow limitations yeah but i think to like savon's point like if they if they wanted to use sleds well do they have a turf they could use sleds on do they have and do they have a pool like you can only program swimming if you have access to a certain venue so yeah and how how many uh how long has this event been going on no idea years i think i'm not sure how long it's been a licensed crossfit competition oh it is licensed yeah and what does that mean well that that that's a good question. Me and JR were talking about it. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I know to be a semifinal, you got to pay a big old paycheck to be a licensed CrossFit event. I'm not really sure what that takes or how much money that takes. What was the event where someone got injured? Oh, the Scott. Semifinal. The Scott Panczyk incident, right? Yeah. And because that was a crossfit sanctioned event
Starting point is 00:07:06 that one also happening with semi-finals there was there was a um there's like an athlete liaison there though right and we can kind of smart becky marsh and do we know if this madrid um event had that also i doubt it for some reason i think they would send someone out there for the safety if they're allowing the CrossFit name on it. Okay, worth noting. I'm sure they require that you take certain precautionary measures, that you have a certain amount of medical professionals on site and at the ready. That kind of thing, I'm sure that they definitely keep a close count on. And when we say this is HWPO, Hard Work Pays Off Programming, the company that is owned by the Frazers and the CEO is the great Mr. Matt O'Keefe. Is Matt the CEO?
Starting point is 00:08:03 I think so. Yeah, I think so. Do we assume that then Matt programmed it or? I don't think we can assume that he programmed it 100% alone. We can assume that he had input from the event organizers for sure. And from what we've been told by people there and by people close to the competition, that they were given pretty strict parameters to work around. And we can get into that. But we can assume that it was him or part of his team,
Starting point is 00:08:37 part of his other coaches, stuff like that. No, very astute observation, Travis. I'm going to apologize. I think you need to turn his mic around. His mic is, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think the blue dot has to be facing you. But to just pause. We're good.
Starting point is 00:08:50 We're good. Yeah, we are. Oh, shit. I think when they talked about professional media, one of the criteria was production quality. I'm not that. Yeah. With just a simple turn of the mic, we are now at professional level. You can't sit on a BOSU ball either.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And when I fart on this thing, it makes the weirdest sound. Great. But I did see Matt O'Keefe doing an interview with – O'Keefe doing an interview with, I can't remember if I saw it. No, I'm sorry. I saw Matt Fraser doing an interview with Lauren Khalil and it was, it would be, I don't think it's any stretch of the imagination. It was near explicit that he did all the programming himself. And then Matt O'Keefe in an interview with the morning chalk up, um, that didn't seem grounded in reality.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I don't know if it was be the writer's fault or Matt's fault or whose fault, but, um, uh, Matt, Matt O'Keefe also insinuated, I think more than insinuated that, that Fraser did do all the programming. For Madrid or for Canada West games?
Starting point is 00:10:10 For Madrid. Okay. This was for Madrid. Lauren Khalil interviewed him too. No, no. It was some Patrick ass basket or something from the morning chalk up. Which makes me think that this programming did come from the mind of the fittest man to ever, most winningest, most accomplished fucking beast ever to perform at the CrossFit Games. Five-time champion, Matt Fraser.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Yeah, and I would love to know if what he submitted was what was actually put on display. Yeah, that's a good question meaning like they pulled like they pulled it uh um like changing like the taking the shuttle run out of the open like no maybe maybe along the lines of hey man we've got 500 teams we've got 60 to 80 individuals in the elite division you know that like 20 minute workout that you wanted to do, we're, we're going to have to trim that one back a little bit. Oh, okay. Hey, you know, you know, when I said that we had seven event sponsors for workouts, well, now we have eight. So now that one that's seven, you got to turn into two workouts. Okay. And this is speculation, but it's, it's an educated guess. I think on JR's part, um, it's, it's, you know, one of the things we want to do before we dive into monostructural weightlifting,
Starting point is 00:11:32 gymnastics and hinge movements and push movements and all that stuff is to talk about what, what's the goal of these competitions. And I would love to open up dialogue with the programmers and the event organizers to explain some of that stuff. That's something that community has wanted for years coming from the CrossFit games, Wadapalooza, Rogue, all these competitions that everyone loves to consume. Why don't you come on and say, Hey, no, the reason why we put that movement in it is for this reason. Hey, we don't care about having a test over 15 minutes because I didn't want to do it. That's why I didn't do it. And I would love for people to hear it come
Starting point is 00:12:11 from those individuals. So there's no speculation and say, Hey, listen, like the days just got too long. So we had to shorten some workouts or Hey, these sponsors pay this amount of money to have their products in the competition. So if that means we have to use parallettes that are six inches and four inches off the ground instead of using full-length parallettes, people want to know that. Because people are wondering why so many parallette handstand push-ups at a short deficit. Why not just half the number of repetitions and use full-size parallettes? Was that what they use for the deficit? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:12:46 they were, they were like miniature mini parallel. When you say the goal, can you give me an example? Cause yeah, I got a list right here. Let me just, let me just say this real quick before you get that list,
Starting point is 00:12:56 because the goal could be to find the fittest. The goal could be to get it done in, in three days. The goal could be to find something. That's a workout. Like what could be to find something that's a workout like what Adrian had to do at the games that everyone can do with a everyone can do, right?
Starting point is 00:13:16 What workout was that? Was that the swim or what was the event? Swim ski. Swim ski. I mean, what do you mean by goal? Because if someone could give you a really broad goal, the goal is to pick the fittest person to go to the games and, like, it kind of gives us nothing, right? Well, what's the point? You know, kind of that question is what is the point of running a semifinal level event?
Starting point is 00:13:37 And when you just say semifinal level, you think of you have athletes there who could be the fittest on earth. Generally, the field is an elite caliber of athlete. It's not 15 workouts like the CrossFit games, but it's also not a single day event. It's like six to eight workouts across a few days. Um, well, the only thing you need to do to put on a semi, semi-final quality event is that's determined by prize money, isn't it? Well, yeah, see, that's the thing. And I think that's a really, really good talking point because a lot of these athletes sign up for the competition based on the cloud of the competition or based on the potential earnings of the competition. They don't care if there's five hinging movements. I mean, they may care after they've won the money.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I think a lot of athletes care about it. They're going to sign up for where they think they're going to make the most money. I think a lot of athletes, they're going to sign up for where they think they're going to make the most money. They're not going to say, well, let me wait and see if I, if these workouts are a, a broad test of fitness, they're just going to assume that those people are doing their jobs. I, I, I agree in part. I do think a lot of athletes, I would say probably more of a vast majority of athletes look at, can I get meaningful experience at this competition? Is this going to sharpen me for the game season uh am i going to learn some things or is this event fucking dumb i think lazar was going there for one reason and that's to party and win 30 grand i i guess i guess easy and there was nobody there to fucking touch him i guess travel travel distance um also uh
Starting point is 00:15:04 plays a big role in that too right if you're near the cross travis mayor went to spain but but what i'm saying is as if there was well he he may have been paid to go but um what i'm saying is is if you're if you're a high level athlete and you're near the crash crucible and the first pride place is only. You still may go to it knowing that you can sleep in your own bed. For 500. I don't know. I think it's no, really?
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah. No. Then that kind of undermines what Taylor was saying that people go for the experience. For the, for the competition experience. And to know that, I mean, I would say it's almost a month out of your training because you taper for about a week, you compete, and then you
Starting point is 00:15:56 recover for about a week. And you can only do that so many times in a season. So you've got to pick and choose certain competitions to do. And I think what usually draws athletes to that is, is the field going to be a competitive field that I can learn and get better from? Usually that's synonymous with prize money. And then maybe secondarily, you think about the programming. Rogue, for instance, you know a Rogue competition when you see it programmed. You're probably not going to see a marathon row at Rogue or a 10K row for time at Rogue. But you might see put on a ruck, row, do some burpee getovers, climb a rope, run up a hill. It has a certain feel. It has a certain aura.
Starting point is 00:16:42 When you go to Guadalupalooza, you know you're going to be under the lights that you're probably going to swim. You, you know, these things about these big competitions. So Madrid is, this is the first time we have HWPO programming it. Is this what we can expect moving forward? This style, this, um, variance in movements, um, lots of different odd objects, not very barbell centric workouts that are a little on the short side? Or is that just a product of the organizers saying, no, this is what you can do and you need to give us workouts because that's what we paid you for. And the event director and the program are often different people. Often. Always. Sometimes. Sometimes. What were you rolling your eyes at, Taylor? Were you rolling your eyes at uh taylor were you rolling your eyes at jr something you saw in the comments uh not something i saw in the comments i
Starting point is 00:17:31 wasn't necessarily a jr but i but i i kind of want to just dig into this okay okay let's do it let's do it uh so so then let me ask you this then what do you what do you think the purpose of the crossfit madrid uh championships is it called championships crossfit madrid crossfit championship So then let me ask you this then. What do you think the purpose of the CrossFit Madrid Championships? Is it called Championships? CrossFit Madrid CrossFit Championship. What do you think the purpose of that is? I think the purpose of that event is to showcase athletes, to offer opportunities within the sport, and to grow the sport. I think that's why the divisions are freaking huge.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I think in line with that, to make money and to grow their brand. If all they care about is offering opportunities for the best within the sport, they're not going to have 80 people deep in the elite field, but they want to make some money and registrations bring in a lot of money for events like that, especially when you've got that number of people competing, that's a ton of money. And then maybe i think they're trying to take over as like the biggest we have the most athletes we have the most division it seems like they're trying to take over like something like a
Starting point is 00:18:35 waterpalooza for europe for europe or worldwide the granite games of spain maybe or waterpalooza is a good a good example the granite games of old had a massive community divisions and was pretty, pretty huge. Um, I, to be honest, I think to find the fittest is probably, I mean, I'm sure they're thinking of that, but I think it's like a haphazard, like off. We just, as long as we do CrossFit workouts, we're going to find the fittest. I don't think there was as much thought put into that as the amount of work
Starting point is 00:19:03 goes into growing your brand, making money. They're not worried about – if someone wins the CrossFit Games and we all know it's not the fittest person, they're not worried about the wrong person winning their event. Wow, that's interesting. That burden only falls on the CrossFit Games. I don't think that happens a lot though. I don't think it happens a lot either i think i don't think it happens a lot either but the burden's not on them well it doesn't happen a lot because and this is an example of why crossfit is so potent but it's really hard to fuck crossfit up but look at this travis mayer took fifth place the fittest person there was lazar
Starting point is 00:19:40 jukic and he won but if travis would have won no one would be flipping out was lazar jukic and he won but if travis would have won no one would be flipping out no i don't think so no where do i go to a leaderboard look at this leaderboard and that's what i mean there are some nobodies on the leaderboard but but that's what i mean if if the wrong person wins at the games everyone would know and everyone be flipping out yeah and you're right and not a lot of people are going to care about this because this is the madrid crossfit championship and they're right. And not a lot of people are going to care about this because this is the Madrid CrossFit Championship and they're not crowning their athlete the fittest on earth. Let's say Luka Djokic won this event.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Everyone would be like, holy shit. They wouldn't be like, oh, fuck, it was the wrong guy. One, they'd be like, fuck, Luka's game's coming together. Or they would be like, look at the workouts. True. But if that happens at the games, the fucking programmer would get fucking destroyed if Luka won the games, the fucking programmer would get fucking destroyed. If Luca won the games,
Starting point is 00:20:26 uh, not necessarily. If Luca is the fittest on earth, he's not going to, they're not going to get destroyed. You have to look at the workouts again. I mean, it's context.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That's my point. We all, we were, we're look, okay, that's fine. I think I drove it home. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:39 We disagree. Bye. No, you, you, you drove it home. I think these events don't really care. And it's, and to your point, No, you drove it home. I think these events don't really care.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And to your point, I don't think a lot of people care if they find the fittest per se person there. But is that adding to the sport? I don't know. I'm just trying to figure out what the purpose of this event was. To make money. So those are the two things we've come down to. To make money and to be the biggest and most prestigious event for sure in europe and possibly in the world and that's not a bad thing either no those sound like great things those sound like great things to me well you know and they're working a live stream which is unfortunate it's ridiculous but
Starting point is 00:21:17 not unfortunate maybe you know maybe knowing that going into it their main goal is like hey we want to put on a show because we don't have other people spectating other than those that paid a ticket to come in and see. We want to put on a show. We don't want certain movements in here because we think they're boring. We want the workouts to look really, really good on the floor. Taylor does too. I know, and I'm willing to admit there are workouts that I knew would be better tests of fitness done a certain way, but because of the limitations I had at my space and because I wanted the crowd to be able to look at the workout and tell who was winning, I tweaked those workouts because of that. And I think that's something all programmers do if they know what they're doing. Slash should do. For sure. Especially if you don't have a stream with commentary and the ability to articulate what's going on and not have to explain it to people. picture first and, uh, and, and describe the, uh, event to me in terms of you, you've done, uh,
Starting point is 00:22:34 how many competitors there were, uh, average time domains, how many days just paint the paint, the event for me a little bit. It's a three-day event. Uh, I think Brian talked about there being 60 to 80 athletes in the elite field men and women not combined but in each field so any just an absolutely uh a crazy massive field i'm sure the compared to water palooza how many water palooza's 40 max so how many and 40 at the games 40 at the game so how many how many at rogue 20 okay uh so you think about the gap between lazar jukic and last place at that event is probably fucking laughable in terms of their skill and the points etc yeah and everything you're probably last place at that event probably did not qualify for semifinals in europe and this is very important to remember when we start digging into movements and stuff like that, because I contend that people are pussies. That's not my contention.
Starting point is 00:23:32 My contention is that if you want people to keep coming, if you want people to keep doing the online qualifier, which brings in money, you don't program eight workouts where half of the field can't finish slash even do the movements to participate, AKA making it too heavy. If the goal is to take over, if the goal is to say, Hey dude, you're not going to have to do X, Y, and Z there. The weights usually aren't as heavy, but look, there's, you're not going to have to swim. So don't worry about that. I would argue though, you're not going to have to do pegboard. So don't worry about that. These are all things to remember when you talk about, Hey dude, I can get into Madrid.
Starting point is 00:24:13 They take 80. I'm going to get to say I competed elite against games athletes. That's a big deal to some people. It is a big deal, but I would argue that look at Wadapalooza. I know the field isn't 80 people and it's not as large, but look at how massive the fucking event is. And they make you swim. They make you do shit like pistol squats and swimming
Starting point is 00:24:31 and cleaning a D-ball, a fucking rubber D-ball after swimming. They make you do like Celebrate 10. I'm sure that embarrassed a lot of games athletes, that workout with the muscle-ups and the handstand push-ups and the overhead squats. So they make workouts fucking hard. Are you saying that a lot of people didn't finish the events at this event? No, he's saying if you look at the workouts and you're wondering why are these so fucking easy, it's because he thinks maybe the events.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Well, that is not what I'm saying. That's what Taylor is saying. I'm being a little nervous to make people do full-depth parallette handstand push-ups because if we embarrass half the field, they're just going to say, fuck you, we're not coming back. I would say this. One of the workouts started with seven rope climbs, 500-meter run,, 400 meter run, and then an overhead lunge. What I'm saying is if you make that workout, seven legless rope climbs, half of the field is going to be like, all right, cool. Now it's legless, whatever. Maybe half the field doesn't even get past the rope climbs. So if you want that spread, if you want heat 10 to be like, all right, cool. Heat 10, nine and and 8 no one's gonna get
Starting point is 00:25:46 on the air runner this is dumb but then heats 3 2 and 1 fly through them and crush it what was what was the point of even having those first heats and if i'm an athlete in those heats i'm gonna i'm gonna think about that when i think about signing up for the competition do you have that same criticism for the game games absolutely not not no not but what about like the skill medley no i don't have that same argument at all those yeah no go ahead taylor no i was gonna say you you're you're signed up for the games qualify you sign up knowing uh unless you have won before that you're probably going to show up there's gonna be something you're not good at and you're probably pretty nervous and anxious
Starting point is 00:26:28 and and that's the point i think what frustrates me about an event like this is it's put on as this massive crossfit license event they're giving 30 000 euros away to the winner and you're like oh shit there's gonna be some cool shit here. And there's not. That's my I mean, so that's a good that's a good segue to go into the programming. And I want to. Well, that's what. Yeah, we can go in in a second. But I do want to say, like, I'm not, you know, here shitting on HBO. You look at the Canada West Games workouts and I fucking love them.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I mean, I was just talking to J.R. on the phone before the show. It was crazy to me. The contrast the two canada west games workouts amazing really for lack of a bit i mean there's no no better word that i would use to describe it's amazing programming any truth here with the guy says the guy with the cannonball biceps uh rogue second biggest but weak athletes are afraid of slight strength bias no see this is where i think this i here's another thing all these events have like slight biases in their programming for sure but i think this notion of what this guy is saying is a result of what we do and what people like brian do and we break down the programming etc etc the athletes who
Starting point is 00:27:45 are good enough to compete at these events aren't looking at it like oh well i'm gonna do really really well at rogue or i'm gonna do really really well at wadapalooza pat velner did rogue pat velner did wadapalooza uh you know what i mean that that's kind of just to me it's it's not a super relevant argument other than to say that each of these events have their own flair. The best athletes at the events are winning. Yeah, and I think it is really, really important to keep driving the point home that when you program something, you're not going to program it without your biases. People have things they really enjoy. They have things they hate.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Some people love light barbell cycling type workouts. Some people despise it, and the only time they use barbells is when it's heavy. We talk about this all the time. I'm sure Brian will do a show where he predicts the finishes at Rogue. He will come on and say, listen, Rogue's programming is usually a little bit more robust. It's usually a little bit more grunt work and heavy. So these are the athletes that you will probably see because they finished this spot this year, this spot this year, this spot this year. And they typically excel there and maybe not at the games as much. So, I mean, there, there are some biases and that's okay.
Starting point is 00:28:55 We love to know those types of things as fans and as people who program competitions. I don't think Adrian gave a single clue intentionally to the five six seven eight things that jr predicted that came true i think that i think he gave clues that weren't intentional that basically that basically jr did his homework and found out what adrian's biases were and brought them to shed light on them. And bam, we had the pirouette. I mean, that's crazy. Did anyone else,
Starting point is 00:29:31 could anyone else guess the pirouette? Yeah. But they would have had to done their homework like Jr did. And that's the bias you're talking about. That was just my point. Yeah. Everybody has stuff that they really like and they're going to program with that.
Starting point is 00:29:44 You would have never put the, you would have never put the pirouette in me yeah you don't have that biased you would have put in the curtsy yeah the curtsy lunge you should put in the curtsy okay uh do you want to um jr predictions were absolutely insane i agree it was crazy but that's because he read he read uh bozeman's bias i'm just driving home your guys's point it's a perfect example where he's he uh he read into um adrian's biases okay you want to dig into workout one uh well let's talk let's start with what makes good uh yeah i mean we i don't we, I don't know. What do you, I want to ask Jr what he thinks.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I think, well, I want to ask you what you think makes good programming before we go. Just to, yeah. So if, if we're talking about a competition like Madrid or like other three, let's just call them three day weekend long competitions where you're
Starting point is 00:30:40 probably going to have six to eight workouts, scored workouts, and your field is going to be, let's just say, fringe semifinalist level to games athletes for the most part. Those are who you're probably programming for, or you should be programming for. So when I look at something like that, I look at movement selection and variance,
Starting point is 00:31:04 time domain, right? And stimulus. And a lot of people say, oh, well, stimulus is the same in time domain. It is not because you can write a workout that's 10 minutes and another workout to 10 minutes and the stimulus is going to be completely different. So those are kind of the three big things I think about when I program or time domain, is there a good spread? Right. And you can just say, let's just to keep it simple, say there's something under four minutes, there's something four to seven minutes, there's something eight to 12 minutes, there's something in the low teens to mid teens. And then there's something about 20 minutes or longer, right? That's five. And then typically you'll have some overlap where
Starting point is 00:31:45 you'll have two that kind of fit the same criteria. That would be six workouts. So those, that's, those are what I look at. And then movement variants, you know, are all the movements, like a form of a deadlift. Like, do you have deadlifts? And then do you have kettlebell deadlifts? And then do you have sandbag loads? And then do you have like, is everything just a hinge from the floor? There should be variants in and then along with that to me variance in implements like are all of your pulling movements hanging from a pull-up bar or all of your pulling movements with a rope or all of your hanging movements from rings or whatever right and then um time mod. Say it again. Modalities.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Correct. So like MWG spread, I think is really, really important. And that goes along with movement variance. MWG monostructural. Gymnastics, weightlifting, and also weightlifting,
Starting point is 00:32:38 gymnastics, loading to a degree is important. For sure. Yeah. Give me an example of, um, uh, so you,
Starting point is 00:32:44 movement selection, we get that, uh, time domain, we get that. Give me an example of um so movement selection we get that uh time domain we get that give me an example of uh two different stimuluses i'll grip like a workout that's like total bar power clean it's gonna fucking blow your grip up and then a workout like ring dip sled push is probably okay this is simple all right this is simple um 10-minute AMRAP, five cleans, 10 toes to bar. 10-minute AMRAP, five cleans, 10 bar-facing burpees. Just change one of the movements and the stimulus changes completely. Okay. And your question to JR is?
Starting point is 00:33:18 What makes good programming. And basically what he said is balance and variance. Did you agree with everything he said yeah absolutely i think i think also in addition to that um some creativity personally i like something that i'm like oh i like that i wouldn't have thought of that or i haven't seen that before or wow that's cool so some nuance some nuance creativity uh the unknown and unknowable i that's a personal bias i love that i love that about boss i was one of my favorite things about this year at the games was just the wow you never would have thought of that but that kind of goes hand in hand with creativity um purpose you like to look at a workout and be like okay that's what it's trying
Starting point is 00:33:57 to do instead of just being like what the fuck is the point of that um and then showcasing the athletes to a degree i think i think an event like this that just goes into ties more into is it fun to watch and they didn't have a broadcast so maybe they just didn't give a shit about that that is the part that you think is going to be the obvious the spectator sport slash competition and showcase element. That whole thing that makes it so as a viewer, you give a shit. Yeah. That's crazy important. It is so important because it's not going to grow if people don't want to
Starting point is 00:34:34 fucking watch it. Right. Or if they can't watch it. I will pay $100 a night to watch somebody get knocked the fuck out because that's cool. Right. Not paying $100 a night to watch somebody get knocked the fuck out because that's cool right not paying a hundred dollars a night to watch those workouts um what what did you think about the um the 550 meter uh
Starting point is 00:34:52 sprint at the uh crossfit games out of 15 events that's okay there's 14 other events right yeah this is yeah this is where me and taylor can tussle a little bit because he doesn't i'm not putting words in his mouth he doesn't think there's a place for a single modality test at this level of competition because it weighs too heavily comparatively so let me hold on just real quick and then i'll let you and then i'll get out of your guys's here that's the diff the difference between that sprint at that race, I think, does everything in the sport, showcase the athletes, and spectator-friendly. It fucking is a 10 on all of them. It's quick. It's painless.
Starting point is 00:35:36 You get to see the winners. It's intense. They're showcased. There's passing. There's jogging, the way they had the turn in there. And you got to see all that, right. But it doesn't do this other shit. It doesn't have good movement selection. It doesn't have variance. And, you know, the time domain is just like, you know, very, very short and simple. And the stimulus. Right. There was no hill. There was no carrying anything. And so there you have something on two different ends of the spectrum. And now what I'm suggesting is that the perfect events and the perfect programming, yes, would bring all that shit together perfectly. Really drive home.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I love the sport part of it, the human part. I want to see people cry. Dave is fantastic at that. Yeah. I mean, let's face it. There's absolutely nothing fair about the bike event. Chains falling off, people crashing, but fuck, it's an 11 out of 10 in terms of the spectatorship. The cyclocross was so fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Yeah. Okay. So do we want to go into, want to dig into the 2,000-meter run? So, well, what started was programmed by HWBO. We know that now. They're given two 2000 meter run. So, well, let's start as programmed by HWBO. We know that now they're given parameters to program within. We know that we don't know what the parameters were. Uh, I think it's impossible to really do this true diligence because there's no
Starting point is 00:36:57 broadcast. The only things we could see are a little in fucking Instagram videos of somebody not doing all their thrusters correctly. Um, I guess we know from the, uh, morning chalk up interview that, that Fraser programmed them. Um, I wasn't aware of that, but anyways, we'll dig in. We'll start with time domains out of all. So workout one, six to eight minutes. I'm just going to go through all of them real quick. Workout two, three to five minutes, three, two to four minutes Four, eight to twelve minutes
Starting point is 00:37:26 Five, ten minutes Six, four to five minutes Seven, seven minutes Last workout, four to five minutes So nothing longer than twelve minutes And that fourth workout was twelve minutes for the worst So really you're looking at your shortest workout Is two to four minutes
Starting point is 00:37:41 Your longest workout is eight to twelve minutes And everything else is in between that longest workout the 2022 madrid championships where's 12 minutes for the people who are in 80th place gotcha okay so uh can you ever remember a competition uh besides the 2008 crossfit games where there was uh no event longer than 12 minutes uh granite games 2021 seriously is that true they had a back-to-back workout so we'll say we gave we gave them a little no event longer than 12 minutes? Granted, games 2021. Seriously, is that true? They had a back-to-back workout, so we'll say we gave them a little... This one had a back-to-back too,
Starting point is 00:38:12 but that's when we can get into the nitty-gritty. Is round one and round two really a back-to-back if the work-to-rest ratio is almost one-to-one? Was that what the ratio was, or did they get time and they just went... They started at the 13-minute mark mark so they do this 2k run and for the fastest people being six to eight minutes that's that's one to one or a little more than one to one for the fastest and then they do the
Starting point is 00:38:36 afterwards so are you giving them are you putting them in that same bucket um well here's the other thing someone in the comments uh said a winning female ran a sub five minute that wasn't yeah that's what i'm saying so it wasn't even two kilometers it wasn't even a true two kilometers no you can't call it back to back you did a workout you rested and then you did a workout, you rested, and then you did another workout. IMO, in my opinion. 6.12 was the fastest time. I don't see anyone with a sub-5, just to be clear. Yeah, to me, that doesn't sound like... Man, 5.39.
Starting point is 00:39:22 What is 2K? 1.6 miles? No, it's 1.6 miles no it's 1.1 1.25 25 yeah i can see that so maybe it's a true 2k or a little short but with 80 people in the field that wouldn't surprise me if there are some insane runners i mean a six minute 2k is not anything crazy in the world of running okay but what do you think about the workout uh just in eight events if it was like jr made this suggestion earlier we were just talking about workouts things like you know even if they would have made it two kilometer run right into 30 2010 it would have been way better um but the way it's written i'm not a fan 30 2010 couplet yeah the couplet right after right after so the cut so round two is 30 20 10 uh toes to bar dumbbell overhead squat single arm and why
Starting point is 00:40:13 don't you like it why don't you like a a one mile full out sprint welcome to the madrid championships you're gonna run a little over a mile today uh it was it was a day, um, all, all participants start, all the men ran at the same time. See, that's something that, and even, even, you know, Brian talked about that when we, when I asked him, I said, Hey, have you talked to anyone that was there? Do you have any of these specifics? Because did they release 40 people at a time and they all started from their lane? Did they, did some have to run farther back into the stadium than others to their lane? Or did they make sure everyone ran the exact same distance? If you go on the leaderboard and you look, the separation, like every second past like
Starting point is 00:40:58 six minutes from six to six 30, it's crazy. You're like every second you're seeing people finish. 630. It's crazy. You're like every second you're seeing people finish. So that really matters too. You know, if you have a test like this as single modality and it's not on a machine and it's a true run, was everyone given the same opportunity to get the fastest time possible? I will contend. Wait, was this run on a machine? I'm just making this up. No, no, no. It was a course. Okay. No. Okay. No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I will push back on Taylor and say that I still think you can effectively program a single modality workout for an eight competition or a seven competition, but it has to be done so well with another single modality test that balances it that you really, really, really need to know. Well, here's, here's an example. JR's first year of crucible. He does a back-to-back workout. It's dumbbell Randy for guys with a 75 pound dumbbell, 75 dumbbell snatches reset. I think it was like a, maybe it was like a two minute rest. What was the time cap? Four minutes? Yeah. Four. I think it was a four minute time cap two minute rest and then 300 foot handstand walk for time that's fucking awesome but the way this i it's just too blah and this is an interesting comment jesse mosqueda has this in the comments no idea if this is substantial substantiated with any sort of evidence but he says a source close to fraser said he would have programmed differently if they paid him more
Starting point is 00:42:29 well i don't that's crazy to me if i'm putting anything else that's the most g thing i've ever heard that's so savage i love it they paid a sale price so he gave them sale programming i love it i don't love that would you jr would you ever put you put out a free blog would you put out dog shit just because it's free there's no way matt did that that's that's no but no but but also but also too i can't pick and choose if someone comes to me and wants to pay me 500 bucks to program a weekend i do it because i want 500 not because someone else is offering me 500 bucks to program a weekend i do it because i want 500 not because someone else is offering me 500 000 uh if hlpo didn't do this programming these podcasts about it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:43:14 be happening well that's very interesting uh hard for people to stay interested in something none of us saw again to not streaming so he's basically saying that the people who are going to watch this show are watching it because they're interested to see us critique matt frazier's programming not the programming of some event called the madrid championships in um if it was broadcast that that's probably true yeah yeah if but if it's broadcast i don't think it matters who programs it everyone watches it it's a lot more exciting and we probably still do the show, whether HWPO programs it or nobody else. But to his point, it wasn't broadcast. Well, and also, and sort of to push back on that too, Dusty, you should see this list of programming shows these fucking guys want to do that they've sent me.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I don't think Sebon wants to do it if HWPO didn't program it. 99, yeah, 99% of them have nothing to do with HWPO. Yeah. So events one and two back to back, I really, I don't think they're bad tests at all, but when it's really important to understand that when you're, you're not looking at all the pieces of the puzzle and seeing if you like all the pieces, you're looking at the whole puzzle. So you're looking at the pieces in conjunction with one another. So you, you can like all eight of the workouts on their own and think, oh yeah, that's cool. Oh yeah. I like that one. Oh, that's a cool combination. That's when your opinion comes into place, all subjectivity, but you want to try to back it up with information like time domain, movement variance, movement redundancy, format, all that kind of stuff. I do think it's kind of, you know, I hear, I hear this a lot when people are talking about programming. They're like, oh yeah, the workout by itself is great, but within the context of everything else, not so great. And I think to that point, it's like, it doesn't matter if the workout is great by itself because the workout wasn't done
Starting point is 00:45:05 by itself anyone can write a workout that's good by itself there are eight other workouts and we you know that is the point um so yes i've done a 2k run in training i've done 30 2010 overhead squat toes to bar in training um so if you would have if you would have done here's here's the interesting thing if you would have done that 30 2010 at the end of the 2k run if you would have if you would have done here's here's the interesting thing if you would have done that 30 20 10 at the end of the 2k run right you would not have had people run that run full sprint well no here's the deal you don't make it a back-to-back you make it a two score workout 2k run right into 30 20 10 you have two scores your 2k run time and then the time at the completion of 30 20 10 and then people do run hard because it's two scores just like shuttle
Starting point is 00:45:44 to overhead you have people run really hard and people push jerk really well. And you had people who did both really well. So I think that's a simple way to make it a good workout. I think. I don't know how to ask this question. I don't know what the words are, but I'll take a stab at it is you hear people talk about how intense the sandbag lift was at the CrossFit games. And I think it was the central nervous system that people were talking about that was really taxed, and those guys having to also get up every time. Their spine. Every time they walked out there, they had to basically be setting a PR and get themselves into that set.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Is it all-out 2K run up there with the hardest thing you could ask an athlete to do against a group of athletes? Just between a mile and a mile and a half run all out is a disgusting fucking feeling. I was going to say, I mean, I would I mean, I would put this test up there with a 2K row. Horrible. Maybe worse. As just about like the worst thing you could ask people to do in terms of just difficulty, pain, case, stimulus. And and and kudos to hwpo for putting it first i think if there's anywhere you put this this is where you put it like if they're
Starting point is 00:46:52 like hey we want a running event when they run outside they run the whole um landscape of the property which is essentially what they did maybe that was a parameter and say hey you have to get this in there we want the fans to be able to see him run outside. We want the people to be able to line the street, whatever, whatever. This is where you put it. They put it in the right spot if they needed to put it somewhere. Hey, I'd like to have seen it as the final event. Wad zombie.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Sorry, I'm late. What's the consensus? Did this shit suck or what? I don't even, I don't see that. You can scroll up a bit. Oh, yeah. I don't even, I don't see that. You can scroll up a bit. Oh, yeah. So these guys were worked after that first, I mean, this, this,
Starting point is 00:47:36 and in that respect, is that what you mean by it was brave of Matt to put it in there? Like this really, this is a punisher. No, I just think, I just think it's put in the right spot if you put it anywhere. Okay. They need to feel it the rest of the weekend. Overall, I don't like it. And I also don't really like the dumbbell squat, total bar couplet.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I just think again, it's bland. So bland. There's no creativity. So Taylor, you'd give this a thumbs down. Yeah. And Jr,
Starting point is 00:48:00 what do you give this? I give it a thumb sideways. It's fine. Like it's fine. But once we, but once we give this? I give it a thumb sideways. It's fine. It's fine. But once we start talking about what precedes it. It's not fine. You run into a situation where you're going overhead three workouts in a row. That is something that whoever programmed this, whoever the individual or the team was, the sport is overhead.
Starting point is 00:48:23 And a lot of people will say, well, that doesn't matter, dude. It doesn't matter if you go overhead three workouts in a row, if you do one overhead stability test, if you do one gymnastics overhead test and you do one pressing movement, that doesn't matter. But some people think it does matter. You, I think it also matters to a degree. I agree. So what do we think about – It's a little redundant to go overhead three workouts in a row. So we go from workout one, six to eight minutes. Now we're going to go to workout two, which is three to five minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Right. And what do you guys think about this? 30 toes to bar? It's not enough room for separation with these level of athletes. In my opinion, same thing with the two K run on its own. I mean, I guess that's a great point.
Starting point is 00:49:11 I think that's a great point. We could have put into what makes a good program to vent at a semifinal separation. You need, not only do you need separation in time domains, but you need separation within workouts of those time domains. I for sure think that there should be one or two workouts where seconds matter and if you so what would you do just increase the weight of the dumbbell just make the dumbbell 40 pounds make it ascending instead of descending what's the
Starting point is 00:49:36 difference ascending workout when you're fatigued and not when you're fresh yeah ascending is way fucking harder uh and to credit descending rep scheme is at the meat of CrossFit. It keeps the intensity in the workout high. And that's great, especially for a training stimulus. In training, you want to make it as easy on yourself as possible to get maximum intensity. But this is testing, not training. What's better for the spectator piece? To see this ascending or descending
Starting point is 00:50:06 descending because that because the whole field is always moving yeah because when you get to that last round you're not wondering who's going to break up the set of 30 15 10 5 you're just you just know that oh no one's breaking this set of 10. So I know this person's probably about to win. And going back again, sorry to ask this question again, but what would you do to get that separation if you were going to keep this exact same workout? It looks like the only thing you could do is increase the weight of the dumbbell. You could make it a dumbbell squat snatch. make it a dumbbell squat snatch if you if you keep if you kept the volume the same and you kept the movements the same all together you you could either make there be less rounds so you got two rounds of 30 and 30 for time three rounds of 2020 and maybe the last round gets difficult but
Starting point is 00:51:02 this level of competitor toward the top, no one's even thinking about breaking that up. So maybe two rounds of 30, 30, or you just go 60, 60 for time. Yeah. So if you kept the volume and you kept the movements, that's probably how you create more separation. 60, 60 for time would be a lot of separation. I think ascending as well, or back to the original point,
Starting point is 00:51:24 2K run right into 30-20-10 with it being two scores. 2K is your first score. Like the marathon row they did when Jason Kalipa won the 2K. It was 2K for time, and then he fucking won the marathon row. Half, right? Half marathon, sorry. What's going to happen here as we get each workout
Starting point is 00:51:44 is going to be under more and more scrutiny because it's based on the workouts that came before it as jr and taylor were both saying 2 000 meter uh run might be okay but you better have something to fucking balance it out as we go on and that you basically that truth that's for every workout as they the the window for what's acceptable is a work a good workout narrows each each workout we add to the pile all right let's move on this next one's crazy okay uh good crazy or bad crazy well i really wish the event was broadcast because i cannot believe until i see it with my own fucking eyeballs
Starting point is 00:52:25 that it's one set of 25 double unders i just don't i have a really hard time believing that but that's was it a 75 pound rope yeah where they swing the fucking chain do they tie a bunch of horse dicks together and fucking jump over them uh how many oh is it 25 heavy dubs and then four cleans then 25 heavy heavy there's 25 heavy dubs then four then three then two then one then run across the finish line wait we're are all the oh but the cleans were different weights. Yeah, they ascended. But still, to a weight, to me, it doesn't move. Roughly for males, 230 to 300. Oh, those are kilograms. There's not separation at that level.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Everybody's powering that, or should be, or at least, yeah. The best athletes are all powering that, and it's all fast. Okay, so I was going to say, let's look at it from the positive side. We just got through with the CrossFit games that valued execution and not making a mistake more than any other CrossFit games ever. So if you had one trip up on the double under, that was a spot. If you got no rep for not standing up a clean all the way, which happened a lot, you missed out on spots. If you rested one 1,000 too long on the last barbell, it costs you a spot or two. So from that standpoint, we'll look at it. Okay. Maybe that was the point. Again, we would love to know that. It would be sweet to know.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Yeah, man, I knew it was kind of light. I just wanted to make it light to see people go as fast as possible. But I want to present the argument to Taylor. Like I talked about earlier, maybe Matt submits this or Jake submits this or Harry submits this and it goes, yeah, man, four,
Starting point is 00:54:15 three, two, one, right? 10 things. We're going, we're going two 50 to three 50 baby. And they say, Oh no, man, I don don't i don't think anyone's gonna get i don't think many people but the top five or top 10 are gonna make it to that second
Starting point is 00:54:33 to last bar but you're gonna have to make it lighter time out so brian is 80 the field is 80 deep i spoke with brian and he said to me or the conversation we have with there was something along the lines that he was led to believe it was one set of 25 double unders into four three two one cleans and zellos games is reporting that they had to move their rope each round and it was in between each set and and if that's true that's that's the way i read it initially and it's still the same that makes sense to me to do 100 for sure makes way more sense and i like it better but i said i would i would still contend that the weight's probably not heavy enough taylor what's not heavy enough yeah at all i don't think yeah so justify it for me why did they pick this weight
Starting point is 00:55:23 well that's what i'm saying need for speed the workout they want to value execution and they want it to be an all-out sprint that's the only thing i can think of okay zealous games was there so okay well that's i mean that's a good point um and here's the herein lies another issue of not having a broadcast we're having to wait for someone in the comments to tell us how the workout happened rather than being able to go back and watch it, which is just tough for an event that's giving away 30K to the winner
Starting point is 00:55:51 to not have a broadcast. It's crazy. Why didn't they have a broadcast? Do we know? It definitely wasn't. I don't know. If they paid Matt a sale price, maybe they couldn't afford a broadcast.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Do you know what we did at the 2008 crossfit games um uh carrie and i started two twitter accounts because there was no video then and so we were just constantly reporting on twitter just updating on twitter they could have and i don't know if you guys saw Dave Castro's YouTube page today, but he had athletes. He had Jorge Hernandez and a couple other people at the Fernandez. What did I say? Hernandez? Fernandez? Whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Same thing. And they were doing events from the 2008 CrossFit Games, and he was posting them on YouTube in real time. They could have easily have done that right yeah they didn't and and then and then you see and this isn't a dig i just i just not sure what happens you see the dubai um fitness championship and they didn't
Starting point is 00:56:58 have anyone covering they only had tommy marquez there with a cell phone going live to Instagram for the first event that was inside the ski center in the desert. But they still – Yeah, that's weird, but at least you still got to see it. Right. Okay, and kudos to them. Someone, maybe someone – there was no one, not the Madrid Championships. There was no one even there just doing it from their live Instagram. For whatever reason, it strikes me as it wasn't allowed i
Starting point is 00:57:26 mean why not have an event that big giving away that much money with that caliber of athlete everybody people want to watch lazar jukic compete and travis mayor so it's just correct you know making a comeback emma tall emma mcquade all those athletes fuck yeah people want to watch that so it's just uh it's suspicious to me why they and why would sponsors want to be on board oh my god well i got them in spades yeah but you live forever on youtube yeah but you're right you do but foot traffic is huge but yeah you do live forever on youtube uh elijah muhammad took first place in event number three with the heavy double unders and the cleans. No surprise. That was easy weight for him, and he's – the guy can jump.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I mean, double unders are nothing for him. Yeah, and once again, maybe the intent and the stimulus was about a two-minute test, and if that was, they nailed it. They got the weights exactly right. stimulus was about a two minute test. And if that was, they nailed it. They got the weights exactly right. We'll get to these next workouts, but there, there isn't a traditional suit heavy workout, but there are heavy implements. Like maybe the one 85 overhead walking lunge was really hard for some people. Maybe the, the yoke was the heavy workout and Hey, that's your heavy right there. The yoke that's, that was supposed to be the heavy workout, not the cleans. Jason made, or this is Tyler, made a, I believe, Jason T. Watkins is Tyler, right?
Starting point is 00:58:51 Yeah. Yeah, he makes a good point. Think about the equipment required for that many athletes to compete. And they're probably like, oh, we can't do 315, Matt. There's too many people. Wow. Matt's getting off the hook. I like it. We're at a six minute, we're at a six to eight minute time domain,
Starting point is 00:59:14 three to five minute time domain, and now a two to four minute time domain. So we see this pattern shorter, shorter, shorter. These are, these are basically, we've seen three, three sprints in the first three workouts. Should we move to workout four? Yeah, let's go. Okay. Uh,
Starting point is 00:59:32 30 deficit handstand pushups, 20 sandbag cleans, 25 carry 25 deficit handstand pushups, 15 sandbag clean, 25 meter carry 20 deficit handstand pushup, 10 sandbag clean, 25 meter carry. First thing I want to point out, this is now the third workout with the descending rep scheme. 30, 20, 10, round two, four, three, two, one, eight for speed, 30,
Starting point is 00:59:55 25, 20, 20, 15, 10. Not the worst thing in the world, but just like you said, the worst thing in the world but just like you said the room the margin for what's acceptable narrows as the workouts go and the variance and the creativity is just a little bland vanilla and this is the and this is the longest workout 8 to 12 minutes yeah but key key i mean i really think the key word is eight eight minutes there like fuck 60 to 80 don't matter what was this one called again need for speed atocha this this okay okay okay uh fastest time was 10 20 martin cuervo martin sorry martin and the women uh second place was i just gotta try to say this dude's name.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Anal? Is that anal? No, it's not anal. Haziel Suarez Hernandez. Wow. That's a lot of A's. And for the females, we will go to Atocha and Amatol819. Flying. She's fit.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Yeah. Thoughts on this workout, JR? I really like the workout i really like it there comes a shit sandwich here comes a shit sandwich there's their top piece of bread now here comes the shit shit schmear i really like the volume 45 cleans i really like the volume 75 deficit six inch four inch i, really like the carry being involved. I think horizontal displacement is one of those, or just carries or sled work is one of those things where you're moving something that gets overlooked a ton. And I also think it's very hard to do in programming for most competitions because of equipment and the space required. But I really like the carry here. To Taylor's point, the descending rep scheme again,
Starting point is 01:02:10 I think you make this three rounds for time of 25 and 15 with a carry after each round, and it's freaking amazing. And you look at JR's event from last year, and he's got a workout. His first workout is – they must be watching your shit, man. Anyways, his first workout is three rounds 16 sandbag squats carry the sandbag eight parallette handstand push-ups to full depth carry the sandbag back um which is a sick workout uh say what you think the workout should be again jr 25 handstand
Starting point is 01:02:38 push-ups 15 cleans three rounds sandbag three rounds and then and then with what a carry in between i yeah i mean i i really like for the floor you know if it's possible and it may not have been to start on the end of the lane opposite where you're doing your handstand push-ups you clean you carry you drop your handstand push-up you carry back you clean you carry back you drop you do the handstand and it also it increases the room for separation for better athletes too again with the descending rep scheme is great in training it's great in training because when you're training six to eight hours a day which i'm sure at his best matt was you want as much opportunity to get cheap and easy intensity as possible. And a descending rep scheme is the best way to do it or single modality.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I'd like to throw my hat in this one too. I'll go with the 40-meter sandbag carry across the stadium. Do the three rounds of the couplet and carry the bag back 40 meters. You only carry the bag twice, but you race at the end. I like in-between with JR because carrying that in-between rounds just spikes your heart rate so much,
Starting point is 01:03:55 especially if it's a bear hug. It is so hard. Same sandbag? That's the one they carry? Presumably. We don't't know there wasn't broadcasted yeah yeah i mean you have some of the best in the world there and the juxtaposition in winning times from male to female i don't think that's because of the deficit on the handstand push-ups i think it's time to just uniformly boss if you're listening 150 120 from now on 150 yeah i mean it is it is the most arrogant thing jr's ever said on the show it is a toy it is a toy for the females they're like oh watch i'm gonna go 20 touch and go right here
Starting point is 01:04:40 no no dude is even thinking about that yeah it's it is a huge difference it would be like 135 65 uh the fuck someone needs to someone needs to just put that in a loop that would make jr feel so uncomfortable someone take that where he goes jen jen mcdonald's watching she's got it just take that line where he goes boz if you're listening uh for now on 150 120 boz test is this mic on boz for now on wow hold are you drinking a bang over there jr what's up that's another thing tyler tyler puts in the comments i experienced this at crucible last year he goes i'd hate to be in that last heat after everyone is sweat all over that sandbag we did that workout last year was like six minutes seven minutes and by the time i think this is on video but by the time i
Starting point is 01:05:30 get that workout the sandbag in my lane was soaking wet and i asked jr if i could take chalk onto the turf and i literally painted that red sandbag white what's the is it canvas does that mean does it make it slip more slippery or it doesn't make it, I guess, not necessarily that much more slippery, but it's just soaking wet. It's just weird. It's like why am I lifting an extra five pounds of this dude's sweat? Yeah, Jason Hopper's sweat. But does he? Yeah, but five pounds of but does he?
Starting point is 01:06:01 Are we getting concerned here? We're halfway through the workout it's just uh i think through the event i i don't i mean look all this is crossfit i'm gonna go back on my earlier statement all the workouts by themselves are good but to this point they've kind of painted themselves into a box. 30, 20, 10, 30, 20, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1, 30, 25, 20, 20, 15, 10. It's like the same, the same, the same. And it's going to keep continuing to be the same in the next event. And if I look at the workouts right now, at this point, I look at these four, this is what I'm saying to myself. Thumbs up to classic CrossFit couplets. There's three of them so far.
Starting point is 01:06:47 The movement combinations are good, right? The dumbbell overhead squat and the toes to bar is midline. There's a lot of shoulder fatigue here in this workout. And then there's a sprint with grit being a limiting factor in the clean double under workout. I see three weightlifting, different weightlifting implements, which is a huge thumbs up. There's a dumbbell in the second workout. Then there's a barbell. Now there's a sandbag. That's all great. The only thing I'm thinking right now, when I look at the workouts are, Hmm, no pulling yet. Nothing over 10 to 12 minutes yet. That's
Starting point is 01:07:22 what's going on through my head. If I'm just looking at it, event by event at this point, four events gone and nothing in a long time domain and no pulling, no pulling. And people are going to be like, Oh, there's toes to bar, but toes to bars hanging. And we wouldn't consider it pulling their athletes who suck at upper body pulling, who are great at toes to bar. That's a grip thing. So we're just not going to, and I mean, this, this is, this is a little more nitty gritty, but I'm, I'm also counting movement patterns.
Starting point is 01:07:48 So at this point, um, it's safe to say that most of those athletes did not full clean the barbell. So at this point you have two hinges from the floor. You have a sandbag clean and a barbell clean. So if I see a clean again, that's going to be a huge red flag. I think twice back to back,
Starting point is 01:08:03 even if it's different implements to me is not a huge red flag, but it's like, ah, where's the creativity be a huge red flag. I think twice back to back, even if it's different implements to me, is not a huge red flag. But it's like, ah, where's the creativity? Could have not been a snatch. Right. You have one squat so far. So my eyes are definitely looking for another squatting movement in an eight competition workout. And then, you know, again, like we already talked about something long and some more upper body pulling. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:23 So you're going to get something you like here you're going to get you're going to get at least uh we're not really going to call ring muscle-ups upper body pulling no we're not let's just go there let's just go there yeah i i mean me and jr both really agree with this and that is when athletes fail well let me just say this let me say this you get i'm going to cheat a little bit you get ring muscle ups and then you get rope climbs but go on let's go back to the to the ring muscle ups well just think the best athletes in the world don't fail ring muscle ups on the turnover to the rings they fail it in the dip and in comparison most heavy most athletes don't fail a bar muscle up ever because of the dip they just fail it because they can't get up and over the bar so that i would consider that more of a pull yeah so so okay so so uh we're at workout number five 15 uh ring muscle ups 40 wall balls handstand walk ramp down and back
Starting point is 01:09:20 and then obstacle down and back and then we go descending 12 ring muscle ups 30 wall balls nine ring muscle ups 12 wall balls always finished with the handstand walk so 15 yeah 15 12 9 on the ring muscle up 40 30 20 on the wall ball again again with the descending rep scheme again by itself killer workout to me i just like creativity i like looking at it as an athlete that has to complete them. I like looking at a workout and being like, fuck, that looks cool. Or like my eyes get wide. I'm like, whoa, that looks fun to do by itself. It looks fun to do as the fifth event of the weekend after four other descending rep scheme workouts.
Starting point is 01:10:00 I'm like, well, here you go. Same fucking workout again. Just different movements. Wow. Really? That's how you see that. Yeah, that's just my opinion. workouts i'm like wow here we go same fucking workout again just different movements wow really that's how you see that yeah that's just my opinion and that's let's make sure about that it's just my opinion but yeah that's i would look at that and be like damn but i kind of see exactly what you're saying that last workout we were talking about was a couplet with then a sandbag
Starting point is 01:10:19 carry and this is a couplet with a handstand walk. This is a triplet. But then you could say this is a triplet too. You could call both of them triplets. You could call both of them triplets. You could only call one of them a couplet, in my opinion. I get what JR is saying, but no. To me, where you were going, Sevan, correct. It looks like the same workout, different movements. You have 30, 25, 20, 20, 15, 10. Now you've got 15, 12, 9, 40, 30, 20 with something different
Starting point is 01:10:53 in the middle between implements. It's essentially the same workout just with different movements. It's the same exact format with just different movements, which 15 events and one's the first event of the weekend and the other is the 11th cool in eight events across three days and their workouts next to each other i don't like it personally this is the sixth event we're looking at this is the fifth event one two three four five yep, four, five. Yep, fifth. And Emma McQuaid won this in the female, and in the male it was… Anal? I like saying that guy's name.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Who doesn't? Sorry. Oh, Lazar Jukic. Wow. Imagine that. It's a great workout. JR, do you want to push back on that at all? Is there a consensus here? Well, I don't know if I want to push back.
Starting point is 01:11:52 I want to applaud HWPO for a couple things here. The ramp started 2018. At regionals. There was a workout. I believe that this is an, this is a, this is a homage to that workout that Dave made. It was what I think is the most varied and well-programmed regional ever started with the triple threes.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Then Linda, then this gymnastics test. And it was nine ring muscle ups every round, handstand walk, pistols, handstand walk back. It is eerily similar. The only difference is the type of squat. The squats went 36, 45, 54 on the pistols. This is a descending rep scheme. That was a descending rep scheme. So I want to commend them for putting the obstacle in a competition, not at the CrossFit Games. It has been since 2018 that we've seen it at any level other than the games.
Starting point is 01:12:56 And at the games, it's just gotten harder and harder. Wadapalooza, Wadapalooza. Right. I'm saying that CrossFit has programmed. The only other time I've seen it, other than at my competition, is at Guadalupalooza when they did it with a snatch ladder that and said, Hey, the athlete said that this obstacle actually felt a lot different than the AAI ones that they use at the CrossFit level competitions that the incline was steeper and it was squishier. So, I mean, that's cool to know stuff like that too. So maybe people struggled with it a little bit more than the traditional ramp. I just think it's
Starting point is 01:13:40 great that instead of just programming a hundredfoot handstand walk in between or after the wall balls and the muscle-ups that they brought this out and used it this is not something that a lot of people in your gym can't do which yeah it's also to me kind of like the argument of let's keep the workouts a little more vanilla so that the people can finish them and and not not sign up next year i feel like this kind of this workout is kind of maybe speaks opposite to that sure yeah this is by far the the highest skill that we see i guess you could argue the parallette because there's 75 repetitions but it's just shallow yeah i don't think you can i think the this this movement is the most high skill movement of the competition yeah without you can i think the this this movement is the most high skill movement of the competition yeah without a doubt i want to see this thing is this it right here
Starting point is 01:14:29 this soft fence no no way it's definitely had to climb over an ab mat i i like it did you call them rooster i think that's the company i would say i would think it's ruster like yeah with a tack or not a trill i liked it better the way calling it rooster if their name's not rooster they need to change it uh okay uh here we go uh five workouts done um are we feeling any balance um uh to that to that outlier that 2k run? Is anything making us think, okay, that's been softened a little bit. We're getting some... For the outlier of the 2K? Well, I think let's go back and probably...
Starting point is 01:15:13 I don't know. I like to think what JR's guess about them saying, hey, we've got another workout sponsor. We need to split these two first workouts up and make them separate. I don't know. I mean, this is a good workout. We'll get to the end, but I didn't like the dumbbell thrusters where they were placed.
Starting point is 01:15:34 And I thought that if the dumbbell thrusters were placed in this workout instead of the wall ball, and if the wall ball was placed differently in the final workout, you wouldn't have had the issue with Anal doing none of his dumbbell thruster reps. Wait, where's the dumbbell? Oh, in the final event you wouldn't have had the issue with anal uh doing none of his dumbbell thruster reps wait where where's the dump oh oh in the final event the final event like i like i would have liked this workout better if it was kind of similar to the way jr said three rounds for the last workout where if this was three rounds of 15 ring muscle-ups handstand walk ramp down 15 thrusters handstand ramp walk back um again that's a lot of pressing but yeah the wall ball in that volume is a lot of is a lot of overhead pressing too it's a lot of shoulder that workout's not a squat issue for the athletes with the wall ball wait what workout is on where did you go taylor what workout
Starting point is 01:16:15 are you on rings in the ramp i'm talking about rings in the ramp and how i would have liked it differently okay and taylor i just got some more um information from a very reliable source that was in madrid to my point of trying to program for maybe the bottom half of the athletes just as much as the top half about 50 of the 70 athletes didn't get more than one walk across the ramp obstacle yeah that's embarrassing and here's the ramp obstacle. Yeah, that's embarrassing. And here's the thing about that. The core CrossFit methodology is program for the best and scale for the rest. And that's not shit talking scaling.
Starting point is 01:16:55 It's that if you don't program the standard, the group is never going to reach the standard. You're keeping all of these unfit people who can't do a handstand ramp. If you don't include it, they're never going to be able to do it. But now that 50 of them failed, they're like, fuck, let's, they're going to their gym owners. Like we need a ramp in the gym and they're going to get fitter for it. So here's my question for you. Here's my question for you. And it's a little bit, it's a little bit longer winded. Let's just say you're SMTP, right? And you're in the same position as HWPO. You love to program. I would argue at this point, HWPO has more steam in the programming department as any of the other companies do. CompTrain, Mayhem, Invictus.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Definitely got more steam than CompTrain. Okay. So that's what you've got going on. And someone comes to you and they say, hey, do we want you to program this event? You're like, really? You want me to program it? Dude, what an honor.
Starting point is 01:17:55 I would love to do that. Cool. And you send them the workouts. They're like, dude, I'm sorry, but like, are you programming these for games athletes? And you say, well, yeah, you're going to have games athletes coming, right? Program for the best, scale for the rest. And And you say, well, yeah, you're going to have the games athletes coming, right. Program for the best skill for the rest.
Starting point is 01:18:06 And they're like, yeah, well, you know, you can leave the obstacle in there because it's cool. And we actually have a, uh, you know, equipment supplier that, that makes those. And I would think they would love to showcase them and sell them after the event to make money Taylor, but that clean ladder, a little bit too heavy. That workout- This is what I'm telling them. Wait a minute. That workout with the legless rope climbs, let's just make those regular rope climbs. So I'm just giving you a scenario that you're in their position. Do you tell them,
Starting point is 01:18:41 thanks, but no thanks, I don't want the money? Or do you acquiesce and say, okay, I think I can make them a little bit more accessible? I think they probably paid him. Then he sent them the workouts, and they're like, nah, scratch this. He's probably thinking, fuck that. And then they're probably thinking, yeah, but we already paid you. I don't know. I mean, look. i don't know i mean look hey he's not he's not gonna he's not gonna let them say that
Starting point is 01:19:07 they're hwpo workouts if they're not hwp workout exactly i agree he's gonna he's gonna send the money back but i i mean what jr is saying is sounds like how the conversation it happens no matter what let's say it was the other way around hey guys we have a lot of heavy hitters here we need to make everything heavier like you have to assume that what jr is saying is true on on some level what jr is saying is true they did have a conversation he didn't just hand them the workouts and they're like thank you and then it went straight to print i can't be can it and that's this is why i that doesn't even happen at the games that doesn't even happen at the games dave or adrian don't just be, here's the workouts and it goes to print. Even shit gets changed after that.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Yes. But, but here's, but they don't get changed for the worse at the games. Like, and that's why I, no, listen, that's why I think, that's why I think events. Look at the word you chose worse though, is based on just like you saying that it's not at the highest level. It's my opinion. Right not even you i think but worse you just mean too light too easy too easy i think in my opinion the best competitions are run and programmed by the same people and you don't have these group of organizers putting handcuffs on the person who's doing the programming look at jr's events so then where do people go for bitch programming?
Starting point is 01:20:27 Where do they go for bitches at my event? Who should I choose? Oh, Perfect. I mean, like, right? I mean, where do you go then? There are athletes that do that. There are athletes that go around to their, you know, next local competition that's programming fucking single unders and kettlebell swings and i'm gonna i'm gonna get so much trouble for saying this uh we want an event
Starting point is 01:20:49 where there are no winners uh this is where we love everyone and we just want everyone to get fit i don't even know what what you're alluding to just street parking is just like their whole thing is is that like go out there and have fun nah fuck that i'm competitive right and that's what i'm saying but but what jr is saying is is like i just think that if we go back to how we started the the conversation about what the goal is hey this is what we're trying to do here we're trying to take over we're trying to in the first year not scare everyone away and not program workouts that hey man yeah They take 80 people, but you're basically just giving them money to pay the podium winners.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Because if you finish 60, this isn't the first year though, this isn't the first year. I just want to address. Go ahead. I mean, it could be the first year of these people programming it. So do you want to scare everyone away and just be like,
Starting point is 01:21:41 Oh yeah, the workouts are only for games, little athletes. I'm never going to make the games, but I still want to do this competition. There's a fine line there. You can have great workouts. You can have, but you, again, you can have creative. This is just one negative aspect of the workouts. We're not even talking about, we're not even talking about the fact that five of them are basically the same style of workout with the descending rep scheme.
Starting point is 01:22:03 I also want to address Edward Payne. Oh, that means we won that argument, JR, just there. We won. He pivoted. Did you see that? We won. No. Yeah, you guys won.
Starting point is 01:22:10 I want to address Edward Payne. Payne said he commented, can't ramp walk equals unfit. I speak in extremes, Edward. It's part of my personality. And he's not saying that you're unfit. He's just saying that. Program for the best, scale for the rest. Yeah, is it an and he's not saying that you're unfit he's just saying that program for the best scale for the rest yeah is it an elite event or not like the rest of those fuckers should be doing bear
Starting point is 01:22:29 walks bear crawls i did oh my god dude on my program we did this workout that hobart and let me just i gotta talk about this for a second please austin maliolo and james hobart shout out to these guys back back when they had the hand plan. Tested a workout for a hero, Alvin Cash. He had his Silver Star, I believe, upgraded to a posthumous Medal of Honor. Crazy story. A guy basically saved six people out of a burning Bradley fighting vehicle in Iraq as he was engulfed in flames.
Starting point is 01:23:03 He's on fucking fire dragging people out of this burning uh what's his name alwin cash a l w y n c a s h e anyways they tested this workout and he posted it on his instagram and i saw this workout and the day after i saw him post i'm like i'm fucking doing that and i texted my coach was like, no, let's not do that. And I was like, nah, fuck that. I'm doing it. And, uh, the workout was one mile run, 400 meter bear crawl, a hundred burpees, 400 meter bear crawl, one mile run in a vest. One of the most savage fucking workouts. So savage. So just to emphasize, you can fuck people up with the bear crawl. I love bear crawling. Awesome. You throw that vest away when you're done
Starting point is 01:23:51 with that workout. Dude, I finished that workout and pissed myself. Literally? No, not literally, but it was bad. It was gnarly. The vest with the bear crawl is one of the hardest things I've ever done. I did it last weekend without the vest. I just started running again, so I'm like, I'm not running with a vest. And it was still hard. But the vest, with a vest, it's fucking insane. Anyways, moving on. The Madrid CrossFit Championships brought to you by Rooster. Created to push your limits.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Rooster. Roostergymn workout number seven seven six uh six six uh seven rope climbs 400 or 500 meters on the true form that's that uh i don't get that either that's that machine where it's a treadmill but it doesn't have power you power it and then uh 12 meters what is that 30 40 feet overhead lunge if i'm a lady i'm insulted that i'm running 100 meters less than the true form what's the point yeah what is the point of that well you could put more weight into the belt and pull it easier with more weight that that's the argument i'm not saying i agree with it that's the argument do you agree with it wait what do you mean put more weight in the belt it's it's it's it's running yeah but you you the bigger you are you're still pulling it with yeah especially
Starting point is 01:25:13 a true form there's like a little resistance into true forms and the bigger you are and the longer your stride is the more advantage you have uh six uh sixth workout you guys happy with it now we're getting some pooling jr wanted some pooling we got seven rope climbs that's not enough pulling and it needs to be legless to make jr happy i like the workout like this no that's not yeah that's not true uh we we haven't seen all the workouts yet we don't know if there's another higher level upper body pull yet what's going on through my head though when i look at this along with the other workouts is, okay, so this is a mini chipper. Is this the chipper?
Starting point is 01:25:49 Is there another chipper? Is the other chipper long? Is there still a long workout coming? That's what's going on through my head. This is a four to five minute workout. This is really short. So short. I like it better if it's three legless, four regular, 500-meter true form, 60-foot lunge.
Starting point is 01:26:05 And then it's all numbers pretty for JR. Three rounds. No, one round. Three legless rope climbs. Why not three rounds? I mean, we need something that's 20 minutes long. Three rounds and we're good. They castrated Matthew Frazier.
Starting point is 01:26:19 How can he fucking program a good event when you cut his dick off? Right, all right. They gave him a clock that only goes to 14 minutes all right is that is that your is that how you're going to defend him to jr like why isn't this three rounds why aren't we going for a 20 minute workout no i don't i don't think this is the one that has to be long i just think there should be well we're running out of time here we only have two workouts okay well let's spoiler alert there's not a long workout let him program a long workout yeah i will say it's worth noting too that so we have we have um what uh 40 feet 40 ish 45 feet overhead walking lunge for the meters people um with about one 35. So after running hard, yeah, that's going to hurt. And people that
Starting point is 01:27:07 don't have good overhead stability, maybe they can't do that fast and unbroken, but it's worth noting too, just to look and see what we've done so far. We've done handstand pushups. We've done handstand walking over an obstacle. We've done overhead lunge. Um, we've done dumbbell overhead squat, which is also an overhead stability test. So if we're looking at movement patterns and redundancy in movement patterns, we're seeing a lot of overhead in the competition. Again, maybe just the style of HWPO that you know it's going to be overhead, a lot of overhead. I love overhead. It's just a thought going on through my head.
Starting point is 01:27:44 I like overhead i don't yeah i don't mind the overhead i love overhead i also don't mind the redundancy of it i think kind of like the 2017 crossfit games and how much squatting there was like when you look at it's like that's a lot of squatting but it's also it's still a good test that year was just squat heavy this guy also jesse mosqueda says we're obsessed with pulling and let me just tell you it's really fucking important to be able to pull your body weight body weight pulling is important it's like running look at monkeys this is something i always push back on people too and they say you fuck you you have a lot of upper body pulling but you don't have a lot of upper body pulling, but you don't have a lot of upper body pushing. Why? Well, because in by design of weightlifting, snatching, clean and jerk, you go overhead loaded. So you do push presses. You do push jerks. You do clean and jerks. You do snatches. You don't do upper body
Starting point is 01:28:43 pulling movements with a barbell that's why that's why you make sure that you program enough upper body pulling you do that once sumo to the high pull people don't do that anyway so it's yeah one a that's why you program a lot of upper body pulling but also because climbing is a fucking fundamental part of being a human being we're not meant to sit in a chair behind a computer and talk about workouts we're meant to go climb and run and swim and do shit um uh let me go back to that for a second when you said you're saying that a dead a deadlift to clean um a snatch is not upper body pulling negative lower body pull lower body pulling your arms are straight and in those movements through the pole meaning lower body pooling,
Starting point is 01:29:25 meaning the pole is driven from, from the hips. So if you think about a snatch and your arms are straight, right? Right. Like if you go through and you just list, um, all the CrossFit movements,
Starting point is 01:29:37 you know, Savon, yeah, you're going to list way more presses than you are pulls. Right. Right. Because, because you're going to be able to
Starting point is 01:29:45 list a lot of movements that can be done with dumbbells with a barbell with a kettlebell whatever that are all pressing and you're not going to probably say gorilla rows or bent over pin lay rows because those are never programmed in competition ever uh fair i i do want to say this just from the the layman's perspective the three coolest things that happen inside of a crossfit gym are uh and probably in this order is uh someone getting their first pull-up i never thought they'd get a pull-up in their life um someone someone uh deadlifting you know 135 or 225 or for the for the first time you know you get some uh someone in there and they finally get to put the 45s or 245s on
Starting point is 01:30:25 and then the 30 the third thing is is when someone fucking gets a double under who's five been in the gym for five years these basic things um and and when you when someone can finally pool i know i'm just way off subject because we're talking about elite people but when someone can finally do a pull-up their whole fucking life changes their whole life changes i never climbed a tree in my life until i got a pull-up as soon as i could climb a tree uh do a pull-up i i lived in trees for years i climbed every tree i fucking saw heidi shut up she's still talking about jr flying is important too uh okay that's my horse adrian listen up 150 120 from here on out sandbags listen all right let's go on the next workout okay i'm getting a little nervous i'm getting a little nervous so the two big things
Starting point is 01:31:14 that we still have not seen uh the pulling we want to see and we haven't seen anything to balance out this 2k we also have still only seen um and you guys don't have any good excuses for that you guys are keep you guys want to defend matt to the death on uh the short time domains i get it there were 7 000 competitors okay 500 teams um but uh but we don't have an excuse for no pooling and uh the in the 2k yet right maybe they only had one rig i don't fucking an excuse for no pooling and the, and the two K yet. Right. Maybe they only had one rig. I don't fucking know, but yeah, not,
Starting point is 01:31:48 not a great excuse. Okay, here we go. Uh, yoke and roll workout. Number seven. I'm a big fan of the name too. No offense,
Starting point is 01:32:01 but come on. Yoke and roll. 60 Cal row, 40 cal row for the women then four rounds 20 ghd sit-ups 20 meter yoke carry uh uh what was the weight of the yoke at the games for the men 560 560 this looks to be around this is around like a 500. This is heavy, right? Yeah. Absolutely. This is good.
Starting point is 01:32:37 This checks that box JR mentioned in the beginning for... You must like the... I love his affinity for i love his affinity for odd objects or whoever was the stimulus number three stimulus you like you like this movement selection jr right we got row ghd and yoke carry you like the stimulus but uh time domain i i do not i do not like the first two and a half to three and a half minutes at all it's the same thing as round one and two
Starting point is 01:33:13 you have a monostructural buy-in with now a gymnastic core movement and a weightlifting movement i just don't like that we're doing still doing buy-ins of machine when everyone knows that you can only mess up the workout by doing that at too fast of a pace. And everyone just does it at a 1,400 pace. And everyone's like, okay, cool, guys. So we're going to get off in about two and a half to three minutes. And everyone's going to go to the GHD at the same time. Yep, that's what we're all going to do. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Unless you make it part of the score. Score one, 60. Or you put it at the end. Yeah. Oh, my God. You do four rounds, and then you end on the rower. Now, for viewership experience, there's nothing worse than doing that. There's nothing worse than watching. But wait, on the machine, waiting on hands to go in the air.
Starting point is 01:34:10 There's nothing worse. But for a stimulus and for a test, there's maybe nothing better. Remember the year in the open that you had the muscle-ups, the wall balls, and the rowing, and you had to do it the way you wanted to do it. And a lot of people that were really successful finished on the row and they just emptied the tank on the row. It is an exciting way to finish a workout from a pain tolerance standpoint, maybe not from a viewership standpoint.
Starting point is 01:34:39 So to me, either you make the row part of the triplet. So you make it part of the four rounds, like 20 calories per round that already makes you have to row a little bit harder. But if anything, you just don't put it as a buy-in because at that point it's meaningless. Look at Jackie boss made it certain paces so that everyone couldn't game it. And let's just look at one more thing. Go i see what you're saying for those of you sorry real quick for those of you who don't know uh jackie he's referring to jackie in the games this year and if you didn't do the row in a certain amount of time the workout was over for you and
Starting point is 01:35:15 that actually did happen to uh rebecca fusli and christy aramo o'connell right wow okay i like it uh what about this uh taylor don't forget what you're gonna say what about this uh okay no i won't forget what i'm gonna say go ahead taylor scroll up to round one and round two they were back-to-back workouts allegedly 2k run then dot dot dot 30 2010 total bar overhead squat. Now scroll back to yoga. Oh, shit. 60, 40 calorie row. Then four rounds per time, GHG setup, yoga. So you got, I mean, it's just so-
Starting point is 01:35:52 There's something I'm starting to feel like this is lazy programming. It's just so similar. It's so similar. So we're lacking to the creativity. Let's just do five 2115 nines. What about this, what jesse masqueda is saying uh we got some pulling is is rowing upper body pulling since i mean lower body pulling since you open the hip i don't think you can ever put pull put rowing or skiing within a workout into the category of well there's your pulling right there yeah you get because you
Starting point is 01:36:26 get you you get an advantage for being heavier and bigger on a row and a skier and you get punished on a legless rope climb or a strict pull-up or a pegboard if you're heavier so different thanks for letting me read that and get my shit torn up. Jesse, thank you. Okay, but we do like the movement, GHD, and we do like the yoke carry. We're happy to see these. Welcome to the club, guys. I love that combination.
Starting point is 01:36:56 I think it's an awesome midline test. I think if you just did five rounds of 20-20, that's a perfect, that's a great workout on its own. Do you think it's a great workout in conjunction with the other seven and in conjunction with the 30-20-10 midline test? Yeah, I don't think that this gives us much variance other than like a different kind of implement and another form of horizontal displacement. Like you have the sandbag carry, you have the yoke carry, and then they'll do the sled at the end. So in that regard, I think it's great. But as far as fitting together to form a complete test, I don't.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Hey, what, what if we, what if we throw in four rounds to make this one longer? Because this one is a seven minute time domain. It's not high rep bowling either. Let's do, what if we do 20 toes to bar 20 ghd sit up 20 meter yoke carry four rounds just really start attacking the midline even i hope someone has the balls to do that one of the one of the really nasty workouts three rounds for time 30 toes to bar 30 ghd sit-ups nasty another weird one that i don't know if a lot of people know you i'm sure you guys know but when you start mixing ghd and uh ring muscle-ups some way to be ring muscle up ghd bar facing burpee yeah some weird shit starts happening it was in the quarterfinals
Starting point is 01:38:08 this year flexors hip flexors get all fucked up it's fun to watch i want to do okay so this up till now this is this is the worst workout we've seen no worst god no it's just the totality, the context and the totality. Relative to the other workouts. Yeah. But, but, um, Jr was pretty adamant about, um, that's a good look for you, Jr. Just cover your face and show your arms. Um, Jr really doesn't like that row at the beginning. Yeah, I don't like it either. Let's talk about this a second. We're 90 minutes in.
Starting point is 01:38:48 Why can't someone just say to Matt, Matt, dude, awesome workout. Throw that rower in at the end, and it'll be a barn burner. If I'm Matt, I'm going to push back and say, no, dude, that's going to be the most boring thing ever to watch. Well, there's no fucking broadcast, so who cares? So what you're saying is, and I agree with you, you're saying that that 20-meter yoke carry at the end of the fourth round, people are going to be pushing it and there's going to be tension there. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:17 I think it's cool to watch Tim Paulson fucking go on the echo bike. I think it would be cool to see who's in pain and who's fucking selling out on the rower to win. You can still see the race there. Hooked our screens up to the TV and you can still see the race. What, what, what,
Starting point is 01:39:34 what, let me, let me challenge you guys with this. What would you, let's take the row out. What, what would you put in there to finish it then as a race? What,
Starting point is 01:39:44 what if the workout started for four rounds, 20 GHD sit-ups, 20 meter yoke carry the workout started four rounds, 20 GHD sit-ups, 20 meter yoke carry, and then four rounds of that, and then a race at the end? What would it be? I like JR's. I like the row at the end. No, JR's, but JR's saying I don't think JR's 100% happy with that.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Because of the spectator. You can't lunge again. There's already been an overhead lunge, but that would be a really cool finish to that workout because of how spectator uh you can't lunge again there's already been an overhead lunge but that would be a really cool finish to that workout because of how midline focused it was yeah and i kind of like what we've been doing we've been looking at the workouts and saying okay cool yeah we like this but this is maybe what we would tweak about it to make it the same or you know to make it a little bit better so just putting the row at the end or putting the row within the triplet and not just have it be i don't think you just need to say the row at the end or putting the row within the triplet and not just have it be. I don't think you just need to say the row doesn't need to be there at all.
Starting point is 01:40:29 If the row needs to be in there, we can look at the MWG spread, but there's not like it's super heavy and monostructural. If the row's in there, great. But I think at the end or in the middle is better. What was the name of that workout? Yoke and roll. How come I can't find it here on the... Should have been Yoke and Row. And move the row to the end.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Would have been cool. Oh, here it is. Okay. Emma McQuaid won this 639. Then Emma Tall. Amy Kringle from the Isle of Man. I'd like to have her on the show. For the dudes. Hey, this show is now twice as long – more than twice as long as how much time they spent exercising.
Starting point is 01:41:19 They were on the floor for a total, according to this document, about 46 minutes in the in the women 50 minutes uh jeff oh some guy named jelly hosty hosty jelly 636 46 and 50 640 what are you talking about i'm just i'm looking at the uh the winners of that event oh so the totality so the entire eight events i'm looking at the total minutes of this document you made the women the women were about on the floor about the most was 46 uh 50 minutes and the men 46 minutes and this show already is 100 minutes so we've doubled the shows twice as long as. Yeah, we're working way harder than them. And finally.
Starting point is 01:42:09 The best event. How come I can't get there? How come I, oh, this workout is completely batshit crazy, although it opens up. JR, are you immediately happy when you see the 50 chest to bar? Yeah, for sure. 30 calories on the fan bike not so happy uh 20 uh double dumbbell thrusters uh they needed a heavier squat so in that regard i think that is good but i'm not saying that's where the thrusters need to be or that i would
Starting point is 01:42:46 have put the thrusters in this workout is that a heavier thruster it's a seven well it's a it's almost a 75 yeah yeah it's 65 what i would have liked to see and i was alluding to this earlier i thought it would have been cooler and the workout then for the ring muscle-up workout three rounds 15 ring muscle-ups hand handstand walk, 15 dumbbell thrusters, and then you put the thrusters in a place where the athletes aren't sprinting to such a degree that you have an athlete like anal getting away with bullshit reps. They're just, you can't operate at that speed in the ring muscle-up workout anyways. And you take the wall ball and you start this workout with 60 wall balls, 50 chest-to-bar,
Starting point is 01:43:37 And you start this workout with 60 wall balls, 50 chest to bar, maybe 40 cal bike, and then a 30 meter tank push or 60 wall ball, 50 chest to bar, 40 meter tank push, um, 30 cal fan back to finish. Get them Jesse upper pulling, but it's not enough. It's not enough in the totality. Jesse, unfortunately. Too little, too late. JR on the, on the pulling. No, I think with, I think with seven rope climbs being a set of seven, not just like seven sprinkled throughout a workout, there's density there. I think starting the workout here with 50 for the level of athletes that we
Starting point is 01:44:04 know were there is a good chunk. Then some are going to argue still, and you can argue that a ring muscle up is an upper body push plus pull or pull plus push, whatever. Again, I think the chest-to-bars are good here. I think they needed to be here. You still have some hanging with the 60 toes-to-bar, even though me and Taylor don't think of that as an upper body pulling movement i don't think the workout that the competition as a whole is lacking pulling movements i would just say maybe that the types of movements are not something that we would put in there volume or type could you guys tell i just shut the door to my office yeah we heard it did you could you hear
Starting point is 01:44:45 the noises outside no no my neighbors are having like movie night in their fucking backyard well on like a giant projector it was like someone was getting killed it was crazy what movie are they watching i don't know but i was like what the fuck is that i'm glad you guys didn't hear it uh jr and taylor versus friendly where did savvy go i did okay uh fan bike um before i go to the fan bike can we take out the torque tank and just put how about what if we just had it finished with another 50 chest of our pull-ups or not even chest to bar just 50 pull-ups and i'll be back would have been cool if the rigs advanced i think they're looking for a race finish where you can visually see people across the floor but you don't get that from the tank because it's not you don't get
Starting point is 01:45:36 rewarded for pushing harder you get punished so why the fuck would people race on it i'm looking for there's two things i'm looking for i'm looking for uh uh anyone healthy who's died from covid and anyone in a competition event who has passed while pushing the torque tank has there ever been a change of position fucking nuts in the 550 meter sprint at the crossfit games there were change of positions god it's fucking so bad okay fan bike let's go you don't like the fan bike there jr people that was the separator people that were at the competition have relayed information so i don't know what to do but to trust what they say that after the bike there there was no separation.
Starting point is 01:46:25 So essentially whoever could hammer the bike was the person that won the workout. Yeah. Whoever could go on broken on the chest to bar and hold a hard pace on the bike, which is I actually, maybe not even go on broke. Yeah, you're right. Maybe not even going broken on the chest of bars. Yeah. I mean, with the amount of work done on the bike, with the chest-to-bar coming first, I think it does balance it a little bit with that big chunk of 50. But I do still think that the bike mattered a lot in this workout. And maybe that was the intent. Remember, we have to say that, that what we think the workout looks like as far as balance standpoint, maybe the point wasn't balanced. I didn't want balance. I just wanted the bike to determine who
Starting point is 01:47:08 won and that's it. It was a race to the dumbbells and no one should put down 20, do 10 advanced, then do 10 more and then push the sled. But it's tough. It's tough because if the fan bike is what matters in this workout, uh, and the 2 K run is what matters in that workout. And now you have two workouts where what really matters was the monostructural and you've only got eight events. And why, and basically the workouts even worse than I thought then, because the fourth movement, you already know, whoever gets to that first is the winner. So, so, but now you're telling me that whoever got off the fan bike first is the winner. So as soon as the fan bikes done, you can just go out to the parking lot and get in your car and leave and miss the traffic. Yeah. So this is what
Starting point is 01:47:53 we talk about when we talk about something mattering more in a workout. I think it's important to explain. So when you look at this workout, you look at time per movement is what a lot of people will do. So one second, a rep for the chest to bar, they're actually done faster than that by a lot of the elites, but let's just say one second per rep and you go unbroken with transition. That's a minute of work. And then the dumbbell thrusters is no more than a minute of work. Definitely under a minute. If you do 10 advance, take a breath, do 10 more. And then the tank was probably about a minute so i don't know of many people that are going to hammer 30 in a minute probably a little bit more after 50 chest war so what we're
Starting point is 01:48:29 talking about is more time by far is spent on the bike than any of the other movements out of the four and what's the conclusion there what is there it's just an observation or there's a point well i think there's a group of people out there that'll say, oh, this workout just came down to who is good at echo bike. And then there's going to be people that say, oh, no, I actually think that there's a little bit more balance here than you think. I think the dumbbells maybe were a little bit harder coming off a hard bike or that the 50 chest of ours slowed some people down. We're talking about the elite of the elite. Right. And when I look at it, I say, okay, whoever can put out on that bike is going to win.
Starting point is 01:49:09 And I just, I also don't like how it's those 20 dumbbell thrusters, such a hard movement to judge. And you put them right there where people are going to sprint them and fuck them up. And you watch the guy do no reps and let, you know and jump Sharanki in the standings and make 9,000 more euros than him. No shit. That's what happened in that workout? Yeah, he jumped Sharanki, got 9K more euros, and he didn't do a single fucking thruster to standard.
Starting point is 01:49:39 Wow. No offense to the guy. His hip creased close to going below the top of the knee, and he did not lock a single fucking thruster out overhead. They were all pressed in front of his face with the bent elbows like this. So this guy, David Schrunck, was ahead of this guy. Oh, shit. Three points.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Oh, my goodness. That's ass. Wow. It's judging. It's not the dumbbell thrusters fault it's the judging but you're not making it easy on the judges 9 000 euros shit and if we go back to the whole echo bike discussion here that was a big topic this year when we talked to athletes about semifinals programming and what seemed to be the, the, um, bias toward machine work. And I think it's really important to understand that you can put machines in a workout and not make them be the linchpin of the workout. You can put an echo bike in a three
Starting point is 01:50:38 minute workout and you can still do it to where the bike doesn't determine who wins. can still do it to where the bike doesn't determine who wins. You can put it in a 20, you could put in a 25 minute workout and not let it decide who wins. So, you know, to end this, and I think this is just something good to do. You pull up one of Taylor's workouts from his competition that starts with a hundred calories on the echo bike. You pull up a workout from one of my competitions that's a 21 15 9 workout a three minute workout that starts with 21 calories on the echo bike and in neither of those workouts the shortest of time domains and the longest of time domains did the bike decide who won yeah uh jr's workout was 21 calorie echo bike 15 muscle up nine thrusters at 165 115 and so again i sent the pictures to the group yeah i pull it up the bike mattered the bike mattered for sure but if you're
Starting point is 01:51:33 breaking the muscle ups you lost the workout if you drop the barbell on the thruster you lost the workout so it's not the linchpin uh my workout was a long chipperipper of 100 calorie echo bike. Here we go. Event seven is from his first year. That's got echo bike. No, event seven is from last year. Well, I'm sorry. I was reading from left to right. Yeah, left to right. This is an example of a pretty big chunk starting on the bike with a dense set of strict handstand pushups and a sled that was long enough and heavy enough. And that rewarded you for output because it was on attack turf with the same sleds. You guys are making me, I knew I hated the machines in events. I hated the bike. I remember I hated the rower. I hated the, uh, the true forms. The, the fucking skier is the
Starting point is 01:52:23 absolute worst idiot, idiots program that. And, uh, and now you, the, the fucking skier is the absolute worst idiot. Idiots program that. And, uh, and now you've only convinced me even more. They're basically just training implements to put them anywhere is lazy. Well, any competition is fucking lazy.
Starting point is 01:52:38 It is one step less lazier than the torque tank. You, you don't know you're a programmer and you don't know how to fatigue someone and so you put that fucking thing in there that's it that's what it is you oh i don't have enough room oh i don't want to make them do thrusters they've done too many thrusters i don't want to make you how about just do fucking double unders so many times say that again you you can only run and do double under so many times i I hear you. Have their place. I, and I,
Starting point is 01:53:06 I get what you're saying, but there, they do have their place. It's an aspect of fitness, but to just put them in, there's, there's, there's no, there's nothing from the fan perspective where I can empathize with what the
Starting point is 01:53:20 athlete is going through while he's on that machine to then how he feels to the next event unless i've done it okay i i get what you're saying but if i see a guy pick up a refrigerator and run across a fucking field i know i i can't do that that's fucking gnarly it's that's cool i i know what you're saying you also got to keep in mind uh sponsors not everyone's as smart as me that's that's all i hear you say anyways to kind of counter ourselves i do want to mention we just talked about not 10 minutes ago what the point of the 60 calorie row was in the beginning of a workout where it didn't matter and now we're talking about putting a machine in a workout where it isn't the linchpin so we're kind of
Starting point is 01:54:02 uh contradicting ourselves a little bit. I think it just goes back to what was the purpose of the workout. Do we all agree that putting the torque tank in there is just... At the end is fucking stupid. It should have been in the middle or at the start. I think the buy-in should have been the torque tank push, then 50 chest to bar. Fatigue them a little bit. I like the 50 chest to bar, and I'm a lot more happy with the volume of upper body pulling. Why not just give them a regular sled if you want to fatigue them? Well, they don't have turf. That's fine. You put the sled, you put the torque tank at the beginning. It doesn't matter if you can't race on it. That's fine. You make them push it 60 meters
Starting point is 01:54:39 kind of light and then do 50 chest to bar savage workout. Don't shake your finger at me. There's also, there's also something consistent with the workouts that you just had on the screen that is not similar to that row into the couplet. All those workouts we put up were chippers. They were all, there were two of them were trip were many chippers with three movements. So once you did the bike, you didn't come back to it. Once you did the handstand push, you didn't come back to it. Yours was a longer version of that where you only did the machine once. The difference in the yoke and roll workout is once you did the row, you didn't just do a big chunk of GHDs and then finish on the yoke. You use the row as a buy-in to the four rounds for time.
Starting point is 01:55:23 It was presented in a much different way when you have that many transitions there are two transitions in this in these two workouts that are event sevens two in that workout there are seven transitions you're just saying yeah from the rower you're saying in that workout the the row is irrelevant and you're saying in your workouts the machines aren't irrelevant but they're also not the linchpin. I agree. Just the same in my workout, a hundred calories. There's no way you can call that irrelevant. It's just not the only relevant thing. Yeah. I think that in a dead sprint in any of the three workouts that we put on the screen was a recipe for losing the workout. Absolutely. It was on the row. So people aren't going to do that.
Starting point is 01:56:06 People aren't going to waste themselves on the row. I'm just saying it was more consequential in those three workouts. Yeah. Cause you, cause while you can lose it by sprinting it, you can also lose it by sandbagging it. Correct. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:19 You can't sandbag a hundred calorie row. You're going to be there for 10 fucking minutes and then your workouts over the same thing with the 21s. Can you, can you program an entire CrossFit games with no machines and people be okay with it and be like, yep, that was the best games ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:40 A CrossFit games event. Yeah. Yeah. I believe so. You could use real life implements that aren't machines jr i think you need a little bit of a monostructural variance and if you're not going to be able to bike for real or swim for real if you're not going to be able to do those things
Starting point is 01:56:59 that you need to be able to do something other than run you need machines for sure but i think the games you don't because you can do all those other things. You can swim, you can row, you can run. Lots of shit you can make them do. Make them run in sand. In Wisconsin? Bill can get it there.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Dear Bill. We will buy sand. sand yeah they could sell that to crossfitters uh gentlemen overall uh please please we're not done i want to put one more thing can you pull up the canada west programming quick and we just shuffle i'm in no hurry i'm chill i'm all right all right i think when we're done, I'm just going to eat and watch TV. Watch fighting. Me too. Me too. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:57:50 I know you sent me a link. Just go to your email. Click the link in our bio. I already pulled it up. I don't know where the fuck it is. Where did you buy that shirt? On Amazon? Zach got it for me.
Starting point is 01:58:07 Shout out to Zach Strill. I didn't know this was actually a Sopranos quote. I just like to say it. It's not. No, it's not. I would like for Travis to take a picture of me and act like put a cigar in my mouth and I think that would be a funny shirt. Brian Friend gave me a really
Starting point is 01:58:30 cool shirt Travis you could get this cast up it would just say your programming sucks dick. I'm not sharing the screen right now right because I'm going to my emails. Okay good. on your screen right now, right? Because I'm going to my emails. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:58:49 So this was the event that happened just prior to the games. This is where people who didn't make it to the games went to the games. Right after the games. Right after? No, right before. Right after. Right after, okay. These workouts are fucking awesome and programmed by HWPO. So cool.
Starting point is 01:59:04 Games workout one. Wow, you know what i just did i just a cool website oh the website's so cool i need to i need to hit up their web designer i just hit the full screen so now our video is in full screen and i can't see the chat and i'm kind of liking it oh yeah that is nice okay so you like this rope climbs running barbell snatch 15 rope climbs and the ascending snatch so cool hey did you guys watch the get with the programming version of of review of the madrid program madrid uh championships crossfit championships i did not yet i've been crushed not enough i know that's stupid that i didn't watch that
Starting point is 01:59:43 one of my favorite workouts and it has a torque push in it. Still one of my favorite workouts. Justify that for me. Justify that for me. It's in the middle. It's in the middle. It's not inconsequential, but it's not the linchpin of the workout. It's going to make the next set of strict handstand pushups harder.
Starting point is 02:00:02 They still get all the money from the torque company. You can still push the sled on any surface, and it's fair for all the competitors. I'm trying to think in what sport. Is there anything like that? It's almost like the checker flags up in racing. I can't pass anyone here. I mean, I'm trying to think like like the checker flags up in racing i can't pass anyone here i mean i'm trying to think like the checker flag or what what the white flag sorry the white flags up what's the flag in racing i think it isn't a yell i don't fucking know dude in nascar can you do you are you okay with the torque tank jr you you justify that that's okay it's in the
Starting point is 02:00:41 middle it's okay yeah it's okay it's in canada it's okay. It's in the middle. It's okay. Yeah. It's okay. It's in Canada. It's okay. No, no. I'm just saying within the context of the workout, it doesn't make the workout bad at all. No, it's fine. There's going to be separation when they get to the tank already. So separation has already been created.
Starting point is 02:01:02 And then it's going to fatigue them a lot for the back half of the workout, which is uniform throughout. I hear you. And as a spectator, i think we get zero appreciation for that fatigue i think it i can't stand it yeah i'm not convinced whatever it's an amazing workout regardless of the torque tank move on to the next no it can't be an amazing workout if somewhere in the middle it's not it has burpee bar muscle ups i have an erection it's at some point it's not even a competition in the middle of the workout it's just so fucking cool uh here uh you like this one uh this is savage i love this workout so fucking cool i'm gonna do this tomorrow sorry i rest tomorrow i'm doing this monday i was just reading yeah so i mean if you know if you look at madrid and i really don't think
Starting point is 02:01:44 anyone's gonna to argue that, Oh no, man, that was, that was your interval. That was your work rest. You did the run and then you got some rest and you did the couplet that workout. You just put on the screen that format. We talk about looking at movement variants. We talk about looking at time domains. We talk about looking at formats of workouts, creativity, chippers. Do you have rounds for time? Do you have descending? Do you have a sending time do you have descending do you have ascending do you have a short chipper do you have a long chipper do you have an interval workout this is beautiful it's awesome yeah yeah you look at the first workout as a descending rep scheme weightlifting gymnastic the next workout is an up and back chipper this workout is interval let's go
Starting point is 02:02:20 to the next one wait hold on let me also show you this i didn't see any of this hwpo branding on the madrid did you no i think they bought i really do think what that guy said maybe has some weight to it like maybe they bought the fucking the scaled package i mean they're up there i mean they're up there at the top they're up there at the top on the yeah kind of but look at this this fucking can Dude, Canada West game sucked his meat, and it was worth it. And Madrid just kind of like fucking. Oh, wait, wait, it's not here on this workout. Wait, what workout is this?
Starting point is 02:02:58 I don't see it here. All right, well, you don't see it. Anyways, another sick workout. Axelbar thrusters, very cool. Handstand walk, axelbar thruster, handstand walk, you don't see it. Anyways, another sick workout. Axel bar thrusters. Very cool. Handstand walk, axle bar thruster, handstand walk, axle bar thruster. I mean, they're kind of giving away a little bit of what he likes, that descending rep scheme. But I still love the workout. And then to finish with an overhead lunge, that's a nasty fucking workout.
Starting point is 02:03:20 So if you were going to fix Madrid's it's take the torque take out i think they just buy whatever whatever canada west bought uh take out the 2000 meter run at the beginning and uh make everything and change the time domain make make it get some longer workouts i was gonna say i i mean i think simply you cause we can, and what we've been doing for two hours is basically just saying what we like and what we think is good and not necessarily what wasn't CrossFit and what was CrossFit. I think if you make a workout 15 plus minutes, it's already exponentially better. That's it.
Starting point is 02:04:00 This is, this is a cool workout. You start and finish with the row keyword finished with the row. You got chest a bar in the middle they count another nasty workout why do you say why do you say that jr would you say that if they made it a 5k instead of a 2k now it's longer for sure and i wondered actually this that's a great question because i thought to myself if you go to the Instagram announcements of all the workouts, which are really cool from Madrid, they show the running course for that. That's why I said that in the beginning, if Matt was like, okay, cool. Listen, we got 4k run into 30, 2010. So you have four, three, two, one, essentially like the numbers look pretty 4k run into blah,
Starting point is 02:04:44 blah, blah. and they're like yeah that's gonna be a little too long can you just do a 2k like if you make that a 5k run i think it's i think it's a it's already a way way way more rounded competition taylor will probably say well you still got that single modality that i don't really like. No, I like it. I like it in that. Going right into the 30-20-10-E. 30-20-10-E-10. Dusty's saying, hey, do a cut maybe after day one and after day two and get the programming. He's trying to tell the competition not to make as much money,
Starting point is 02:05:20 meaning don't bring in as many athletes. I was going to say, do you think that cutting people is going to um he's saying don't let it end up for the following year they're trying to make money dusty all right to be sensitive to that oh he's saying just allow us peeps from the beginning well that's even worse exactly um all right is there anything else you want to talk about Just allow us peeps from the beginning. Well, that's even worse. Exactly. All right. Is there anything else you want to talk about? What are we doing next?
Starting point is 02:05:51 What's the next programming show we're doing? Who's getting it next? Who's getting it? We should do one on Rogue. Oh. And when do those announcements come out? Probably the week of. We can do one on Beach Brawl if we want to. Oh, that was Mayhem Programming.
Starting point is 02:06:04 I hate to do a show on their competition though. Yeah, we don't, I mean, it's not, it's not as big as like it's sacrilege. Like if we say anything bad, we're not going to heaven.
Starting point is 02:06:15 No, no. It's just like, why do we want to talk about beach brawl last year? Their workouts fucking sucked so bad. They paid mayhem to do it this year. Let's talk about rogue can we talk about rogue a little bit can we talk a little bit about what we're thinking about doing it rogue yet
Starting point is 02:06:31 oh shit yeah that's a really that's a really good point uh let me click this one to rich froning real quick test endurance power and strength with concept to skier comment your favorite skier by the way no one no one in the world has ever looked this good doing the skier just right here is that i did today yeah taylor has a picture on my instagram it looks i look so fat hue of skin um all of it same of skin i'm going to go to uh Is that the website? Let's check this out here really quick. Share screen.
Starting point is 02:07:12 Real media doesn't do this up front. We do this behind the scenes. Do you see where it says on here the event shit? What event shit? Now you scroll up, I believe. You think it's up here somewhere um somewhere i think it's down at the bottom maybe you're right about us policy website contact rogue gym rogue athletes rogue equipment index zeus i think they've got their own i think it's rogue
Starting point is 02:07:39 invitational is it's like is its own website or at least when it's happening it's that banner just look up rogue invitational there you go there we go just type in one letter in his google search history bar let's go one letter at a time this is this is oh this was this is i'm still on the site um and so uh buy tickets uh prize first tickets, quality. Oh, where's the button for like to be media? Get on the list day to day. Volunteer portal. No, no.
Starting point is 02:08:17 Contact us. Other info. Contact. Oh, they don't have a place to do email they're smart connect app I don't know where you sign up for the media
Starting point is 02:08:35 dear Bill and Katie oh yeah we gotta do that get Suze on that hey Suze your wedding's over now dear dear Bill and Katie I i would jr ropes j jr and taylor um are going to be in columbus for where is it austin they're going to austin texas for the rogue invitational we would like a special wristband so they could get closer than the other peons and, um,
Starting point is 02:09:05 stream stuff, uh, reports back to me, um, in my office here. Thank you. Is that a tennis racket on that, on that sofa?
Starting point is 02:09:14 Yeah. Pretty cool. Right. Dude, do you play tennis? I do. I do play tennis, but this guy,
Starting point is 02:09:19 um, from Komodo, they, uh, they sent this to my son. Wow. That's pretty cool. That thing, dude, playing tennis will fucking make you sweat.
Starting point is 02:09:29 Komodo as in like dragon? I guess so. I guess so. Tennis is fun. Up, down, up. Up, down, up. Cover your mouth. Tomorrow my kid's playing a tennis tournament.
Starting point is 02:09:44 I'm pretty stoked proper proper coaching cues up down up cover your mouth love what all your short cuts are savvy i believe i saw that shirt is cool as shit i have one oh that's good thank you um oh and when are the Crash games? The Crash games. That just gave... JR's got a hemorrhoid. He didn't like that?
Starting point is 02:10:13 No, he did not like that. Worse than Sevan calling it the Rogue Classic all year long. Oh, my God. What? What did I... The Rogue Invitational is not the Rogue Classic? No. Oh, you guys are fucking petty. It's in two weekends, man. Two weekends. CrossFit Trials. The Rogue Invitational is not the Rogue Classic? No.
Starting point is 02:10:26 Oh, you guys are fucking petty. It's in two weekends, man. Two weekends. CrossFit trials. Crash. Crucible. Oh, shit. Do you have a website? Local comp fitness event simplified?
Starting point is 02:10:41 No, no, that's not it. That's registration. We're getting new websites made, actually, for the gym and for all the competition pages so there's not one up for the competition page right now just instagram and uh have the athletes been picked for this yeah you can go to male roster female roster right there in the highlights and you can see it yeah let's scroll through this oh i like like that guy mark great dude that's a guido trinidad oh i know who that is is that the guy uh i was at the games what's that guy's name marquand jones yeah he's coming yeah he was there last year Sam Quant Caleb McClure he was second place in the 16-17 division this year at the games no shit yeah is he and he's gonna compete against uh lazar jukic you're travis travis uh williams light
Starting point is 02:11:50 hunter hunter mcintyre oh my fucking god i love you dude thank you thank you uh nicholas joyelle coming out of uh i didn't know so you can test positive oh dear this is sam dancer dude that's your boy you better say his fucking yeah that's jen that's jen's husband man the go back go back no shit that's mcdonald's husband yep he is fucking he looks gnarly how do we it's a big boy right there It's a big boy right there. It's a big boy right there. Look at his abs, the size of his pecs.
Starting point is 02:12:31 I touched him today. I touched his abs today. Did you? Yeah. He got five kids. He smiled at me. Yeah, go to the female roster. You'll recognize some more people there. Oh, there's your wife, Jay McDonald.
Starting point is 02:12:46 The female field is pretty deep this year. Pretty deep. How do I do that? I go click on this. Dude, I'm volunteering at this event. Is that on? Someone of your fame is just going to cause problems there. Who was that?
Starting point is 02:13:04 Who was that? People are going to be trying to find him. Alexis Johnson, Mayhem Girl. Yeah, and Luke is coming also. Luke Parker, he'll be competing. Oh, no shit. Hey, wait a second. Is this at the games?
Starting point is 02:13:15 Yeah. Yeah, Brooke Oz. Oh, look, there's Angelo back there. That's the squad. And right behind her, Luke Parker. Who's this? She's a long shot that brooke peregrine but brooke haas is how you know her probably that was emily bridgers stop uh icelandic girl african what's her name michelle basnet. That is right there. Yeah. Click on her. Click on her handle.
Starting point is 02:13:47 From Africa. Oh, yeah. I recognize her. I just have never seen her with her clothes on. Oh, my God, dude. Jesus Christ. What? Follow on Instagram.
Starting point is 02:14:04 What? Who's that uh steph grain she was a team games athlete last year there's a lot of really really good females coming it should be good competition both sides got a lot of good teams too. Who does this? Who does your Instagram? I made all these posts, but Rick does all the cool videos if you actually want to see some good work. These are just like my fifth grade posts. Yeah, but it's a shitload of work to make all these highlights. I don't even know how to do that.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Hey, is Amy kringle coming no she's from the isle of man you have any foreigners you have any foreigners at your event jr i don't i don't think there are any international people coming jesus this is gonna be cool uh speaking of being critical of people not i thought you had that mexican team that competed last year you're not streaming right jr there's gonna be no no way for anyone to see we we we are when we get off here we're gonna talk about how we want to do that david the guy from apogee really wants to do it and he's pretty good on you know with streamyard and gimbals and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 02:15:25 So we still want to try to make it happen. That sounds like a sex toy. Hey, did you get that picture I sent the group? Long time ago, like a few nights ago, maybe last weekend. I don't know, but I'm going to send you something if you're not careful. The Versafuck? Dude, someone sent me this crazy shit today. Dude, I fucking died when i saw that jr need to get one of these for the barn
Starting point is 02:15:50 okay guys i will um oh yeah michelle basnet she's a foreigner she's from africa oh yeah and she follows you oh that's crazy really it's crazy what's wrong with her okay uh we will be doing so uh it sounds like we will be doing as soon as rogue starts putting out um events we'll start um talking about do you have any predictions for that jr rogue events yeah i don't even know i don't i got i got some things that i think we might see. Okay. Maybe we'll do a pre-Rogue. Who's their programmer? Last year was Josh and Rich tested. Yeah, I think this year the two –
Starting point is 02:16:39 I think there's a couple guys doing it from what I've heard that are guys that have just been in the game for a really, really long time. Maybe not names you would necessarily know right off the bat like former games athletes, but people who have been involved in different levels at the CrossFit Games and other big competitions and have a lot of experience
Starting point is 02:16:57 on that side. Would I know them? I don't know their names. That's just kind of what I was told. I just text Josh and said, are you programming rogue again? Rich on Spieler last year, apparently.
Starting point is 02:17:14 Okay. Guys, thank you everyone for tuning in. You guys were great. Great show. We will get another show programming show on the schedule ASAP. Thank you. Bye.

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