The Sevan Podcast - #599 - Live Call In Show with HillerFit

Episode Date: September 20, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights.
Starting point is 00:00:41 There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and T-Rex equipment. But, like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrollment and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrollment sale of Planet Fitness end July 18th. $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Bam, I'm alive.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Bam, we're alive. Bam, I'm alive. Bam, bam, bam oh he did some speed yeah hey you know what i'm looking at uh why i'm all fired up this is look what my my um whenever i go to my youtube now um it starts with uh their suggested trouble we're having trouble streaming to your destination it's possible the rm ppm server url is invalid speaking of which why is your connection so shitty well i'm like stuttering and shit you're you're foggy and you're stuttering a a bit it um it's weird what's crazy is is this computer is uh it's plugged in uh network preferences uh no not that uh the morning chalk up came and cut your internet probably that's
Starting point is 00:01:57 they're gonna have to oh shit uh they're gonna oh i'm better now right i'm better you're better. What'd you do? Get out of here. I didn't do anything. Actually watch this killer. Uh, this morning,
Starting point is 00:02:13 my voice was very loud. I'm sorry. What? Why is it better? What did you do? Nothing, but, but my,
Starting point is 00:02:19 this computer's plugged in. It's not like I use a wifi. Okay. I'm going to show you something. There are these, I'm tracking field. There field there's you know track and field is right that's when people run around the track and throw the ball and the javelin and that shit okay i'm not sure if you're gonna be able to see this but um this is what youtube always suggests to me now whenever i go look at see that chick's ass right there that's a very popular thing i've seen that oh yeah and and then the video starts
Starting point is 00:02:46 and there's i keep getting these um track and field videos and the the thumbnails of these like pole vaulters or sprinters or triple jumpers with their fucking shorts in their ass and uh why do you think it is that they're showing you that i don't know but all of a sudden but what's crazy is i look at this video. We'll have like three point – it's been up for 12 hours, 3.5 million views. I'm like, dang. And then I – so I'll be like, who's the chick? And then I go check her out on Instagram, and she has like 3,000 followers.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I'm like, wow. That's not the right word of – Dude, you cannot – Badoosie is not something that you um that's not a beautiful badusi but is he's a scent and it's not i don't think it's a beautiful scent like the description of the scent it's not a good scent i mean i don't know if it's a bad remember the actual definition of that yes it's a smell where does it come from it's from big it's from um it's the smell of mix of penis vagina and anus um in a steamy room with high humidity after what's it's usually caused by vigorous sex and it's like that it's a it's an odor it's a friction is what causes it
Starting point is 00:03:59 it's like um you know when you uh pee after you eat asparagus? Oh, fuck. Yes. I wonder what that scent is called. Does that scent have a name? I don't believe so, because everyone will just say it smells like I ate asparagus. Asparagus. Asparagus. All I know is that you guys kind of went big on that word when I wasn't on that show.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And you guys were all speculating that Dave had put me into a garbage can or I was in the sandbag at the CrossFit Games. It was at the CrossFit Games. You guys were big on that word. I remember I came in. Did you introduce the word? No, I wasn't there. I had to figure it out. I had to go back and listen to you guys kind of come up with the origin of Bodossi.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Like, oh, this is what it's all about. Do you remember the origin? Do you remember who someone in the comments brought it up? I remember that it was right around the OG meetup. And Suza was walking out of the camera and everyone's like, where's Hiller? And the comment section was saying he's in the sandbag, the one that they brought out at the end, the 350 sandbag. He's in there. Hip and steel put him in there he took his teeth it was all in the comment section it was pretty funny hillar says steven ply pliler hillar says people should should be have transition
Starting point is 00:05:20 before puberty that's fucked because then it incentivizes more on to transition their children oh this is about this video okay before we get into this so you've seen it right i have not watched it um uh i was told there was a transition video is it the one that says it's already been uh men competing against women from five days ago no that is an older one it's the one from today 10 years and no one knew okay no shit and i can watch that one without watching the men competing against women one i can because i'm gonna watch that one later on tonight i try to bookmark a couple of topics and we can i think you said we're gonna watch it right yeah we're gonna watch it we're gonna watch it i guess i can get you up to speed on a couple of things if you're not understanding, but it is kind of a two-parter. Okay. Let me tell people what happened to watch the first. So basically Hiller and I were talking this morning
Starting point is 00:06:11 goes, have you seen the video I put up today? And, and I said, no. And he said, I think it's going to, um, you're going to be, uh, um, uh, I don't know if he used the word enthralled, but it was going to capture my attention, my undivided attention. I said, yeah. okay, cool. And he doesn't normally call. There's actually other times when he's put out videos. I'm like, oh, I wonder why Hiller didn't text me and tell me, um, that he put out a good video or something. But, but I usually catch up with the videos. I sit down on the assault bike on like Saturday nights late and usually ride for an hour and catch up on like four or five videos I haven't seen and um he told me about this video and i was like oh cool i've missed a few videos i'm gonna watch like two or three before
Starting point is 00:06:50 that and then for the treat i'll watch this one that you're saying that you're that's that's gonna light me up and uh then a little bit later someone sent me a screenshot of a comment i don't know if it was on youtube or where but the comment comment said, I would love to watch seven, see seven's face when he watches this video. So then I called Hiller. I'm like, Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:07:10 What's the video about? And he says, it's just about, it's about someone who's been competing at the CrossFit games that was a dude and now a chick and competing as a chick. Now, I don't know. And I'm,
Starting point is 00:07:22 I struggle with even that description because I don't know if you can ever be a dude and then be a chick. I don't think it works that way. I think that best you could be a dude who's masquerading as a chick. It's like, if I showed you a picture, it's like, if I showed you this and I told you it was my iPhone. Oh, wow. That's cool. That reflection, but it's not my iPhone. It's actually a video representation of my iPhone that you're watching. That's being presented on your screen, whatever your screen is. All of you are seeing something different because all your screens are different. It's like a Magritte. There was an artist who said that this isn't a he would show you a picture of a pipe. And he said, this isn't a picture of a pipe. This is or he would say this is a pipe. And then he'd say, this isn't a pipe. This is a picture of a pipe. Actually pipe actually this isn't a picture of a pipe this is a painting of a picture of a pipe and it's like yeah you need to be accurate and so like i have trouble with someone who says if you want to be grounded in reality that you're a dude okay anyway i'm trying to keep up and i think i'm doing it all right but i have talked to a handful of people and it's more like if you're born a dude you're a dude
Starting point is 00:08:25 i think your chromosomes aren't i was just watching this thing the other day i actually have it queued up for my live uh show you're i think your chromosomes which are like the defining factor of why we call people man or a woman based on your chromosomes there's like x's and y's and shit uh they're your chromosomes are like in every cell so it doesn't matter if you chop off your dick you slap on a pair of titties um take beta blockers like you're dude because the definition of that word is based on whatever now that doesn't mean you can't masquerade as a chick and i have nothing there's we do halloween for fuck's sake if you want to do halloween every day go ahead By the way, that's called mental illness, by the way. What's that?
Starting point is 00:09:08 Oh, that's so harsh. When you don't accept who you are and you take those types of extremes to try to find peace and happiness. For instance, and usually society, I shouldn't say usually, you would expect in society for them to help you through your mental illness, not exacerbate it. For example, let's say you are anorexic. They don't fucking take you to weight loss surgery and fucking give you, you're not 6'1", 80 pounds, and they're like, let's make you skinnier if you want to be skinnier and give you bariatric surgery. They work on fucking teaching you how to accept your body for what it is and get you fucking healthy again but for some reason you can say you feel like a chick and they chop your cock off it is it is not a uh it's a bizarre world i gotta touch on the steven plyler comment which is that i don't think that it's a good idea for
Starting point is 00:10:05 somebody to transition before puberty or the age of 12 i said that that is the only way in which it would make sense not that i am in support of that yeah i'm not in support of it period i'm not in support yeah yeah i don't think it's a good idea but i also i don't know i i'm okay it's always like a mental chemistry thing. And everything you're saying is kind of a board that too. You said the whole mental illness, that's the way you look at it. I look at it as a certain wiring that I can't possibly understand what the people are going through.
Starting point is 00:10:38 There's lots of mental illnesses I can't understand. There's tons, all of them. The only one that I understand is the one of having a huge cock and what it does to your ego. That's the only one I know. Dude, I can't understand. There's tons, all of them. The only one that I understand is the one of having a huge cock and what it does to your ego. That's the only one I know. Dude, I can see that. I see it now. I'm not transphobic at all.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I'm not transphobic at all. Bring me a handful of trannies. I'll fucking bathe with them in my big ass rich man's bathtub. I ain't transphobic at all. They cannot fucking be in sports. I don't have a favorite child but sometimes one of my child gets a bigger bar than the other bar it's just the way it is and my other kids will go well
Starting point is 00:11:11 that's not fair and i go that's a fucked up way of looking at the world i you should be happy for your brother that he got a big bar what do you want me to do break off a little piece for him just like a like a like a perfect bar or something you know what i mean like like some sort of bar you should say he's bigger. He needs more food. Or you're smaller. You need less food. That doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Or he's growing. So he needs the bigger bar. You're already bigger. How about this too? I'm perfectly okay with women participating in men's sports too. But men are not allowed to participate in women's sports. But that's not fair. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:11:43 What does even fair mean nothing is fair absolutely nothing is fair nothing it's a mental illness to even use that that's the victim mentality even use that magnus nice what i got a bj from a trans woman back in 2005 in thailand i'm gay because of that no i'd have to you had a gay experience got a gay experience jeffrey how was that how was that you by the way how was that you with that candy bar i'm like what are you giving him chocolate jeffrey picked up on that you're like no it's a perfect bar did you did you last longer magnus knowing it was a dude or did you not know until after no he knew he was just trying things out it's like
Starting point is 00:12:33 it's like eating mushrooms at a restaurant uh like paying 100 bucks for them to like grind some mushrooms on your what's that called they do it in fancy restaurants and in where they like shred cheese? Truffles. Yeah, truffles. Dude, one of the best movies ever is a Nicolas Cage movie, and someone steals his truffle pig. It's called Pig. I know you haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I have not. Sometimes I read these comments that I don't know if they're actually angry, if it's just so deep sarcasm that I don't understand it. Like Guyana, Beddington. That seems like it could be sarcastic or really angry i used to go to the biggest tranny party in the well i'm gonna i'm gonna say this and someone's gonna be like no it's not but i don't care i used to go the biggest tranny party in the world every year it was called the erotic exotic ball in san francisco
Starting point is 00:13:19 massive tranny party massive and one time i fucking, I walk in there and there's this fucking giant woman who's like fucking six, eight. And she's got these huge set of tits and they're just out. And I run over and just put my face in the titties. And then I feel my friend grabbed me on the shirt and they said, it's a dude. And then your response was, so yeah,
Starting point is 00:13:45 he's fucked up my night boy. What are you trying to ruin my night for? And you dive back in. Um, I've told this story before, but I got to tell you, did you ever, did I tell you about how I use the,
Starting point is 00:13:56 when I use the bathroom at this place? What happened? Yeah, I think I was on the, I was on the phone with you. You're like, where the fuck's the door? Is that what you're talking about
Starting point is 00:14:05 no no no no um maybe not no no no so i go to the erotic exotic ball i'm in high school or just out of high school i can't remember definitely not old enough to be in there and i go there and and there's two bathrooms men and women but it doesn't matter you can't fuck it's just it's just you know what i mean like no one cares at the erotic exotic ball it's it's both both are both sexes you know and it's just trannies galore the majority of people are dressed like in uh it's men dressed as women and i have to be so fucking bad and there's this huge i don't know if it's 33 or 50 gallon i think it's 33 i don't 50 gallon 33 gallon trash can and it's one of I don't know, 50 gallon, 33 gallon trash can. And it's one of those steel ones with the huge black bag pulled. And I just walk over to it and I'm just tall enough.
Starting point is 00:14:51 And everyone's around. There's thousands of people around. It's a huge end. It's at the Moscone Center, huge indoor place. And I crest my balls and my penis over the lip of the trash can and I just pee. Before I'm done peeing. And I don't pee for very long. I got a small bladder there. I'm shoulder to shoulder with dudes peeing in the trash can. Um, I, I don't think my dick touched anyone else's penis,
Starting point is 00:15:16 but, um, when I went by that trash can 15 minutes later, it was fucking to the top dude with urine are you trying to say you cut you were the person who broke the seal it was the most disgusting thing i had ever seen i would i can't believe i know i'm just a trendsetter i'm just a trendsetter that's it you're a trendsetter yeah so so before that there was no urine in there it was just a garbage can uh and that was yeah it was just a garbage. It was just a garbage can. Uh,
Starting point is 00:15:45 yeah, it was just a garbage can. It was just a garbage can. Then my cock and balls hung over the edge and I filled it. I love that this show is such a safe place that, um, how did that dude get blown by some, I'm glad he told the story,
Starting point is 00:16:00 but how do you get blown by someone? Not know, not know. It's a girl. It's a boy blowing you, but, but then then afterwards you knew how did you find out afterwards well he's like i have a penis gotcha maybe he woke up the next day i don't know something you pulled it up and said he was drunk right yeah but what i'm saying he said he didn't know that it was a dude but at some point he had to find out you've never been in a situation like that where i was hooking up with someone and then i later on i found out it was a dude
Starting point is 00:16:33 well didn't find maybe not that sort of way but find out something in the middle of or after that you're like oh i'm thinking differently of the situation now in hindsight. No, the only – It's totally a hindsight situation. No, the only – I put my face in the boobs of that tranny. And then another time I was at – I was in San Francisco at like some wine and cheese event with my buddy Chad. And this chick walked by, was she was so fucking hot and me and chad like it was like one of the situations where she walks by and we just go like this and this cop walks up to us and goes that's a man hindsight see yeah you can't take that look back just like
Starting point is 00:17:22 was it greg who said he got the blowjob from a training he can't take that look back just like, was it Greg who said he got the blowjob from a tranny? He can't take it back. He found out after. No, it was some guy, Magnus. Magnus. Yes, Magnus. Enjoy the underwear money. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Oh, thank you. Wow, Cameron. That's bold. Every single person now thinks that I've been blown by a tranny and cannot confirm nor deny. The day after from my friends. See, it developed. We got it. Hey, that's because one of your friends sucked his dick, Magnus.
Starting point is 00:17:56 This guy Cameron and I are friends and we text. And he shares some pretty crazy information with me. Like a world that i didn't even know existed anyway i'm not transphobic it's the same reason i don't let i don't i i don't think you should let um it's no different than letting adults adults 99 you don't let adults compete in kids competitions um but you would let kids adult like you'll let olivia kerstetter compete in the open division but the open christy arama o'connell cannot go keep compete in the kids division you guys fucking get it
Starting point is 00:18:37 stop everyone just stopped acting stupid i know you guys in the comments aren't stupid but everyone else like it's okay women can use the men's restroom men do not get to go use the women's restroom do you know why because men are disgust oids and we're driven with one fucking goal in life and women just have to pee a hundred thousand subscribers on youtube everyone wants that everyone wants it i knew every guy wanted so shallow hillar the rest of us normal guys us guys who aren't superficial we just want pussy and you're so shallow you want subscribers that's all i want you're so super you've lost your way my friend no i got i got my pussy it's inside i don't usually i don't usually say i don't usually call her that but i got i got i
Starting point is 00:19:22 got what i need i'm good now i need I need subscribers. 100,000 of them. You have an adequate vagina in your life. The best. You have enough labia majora. You have an underwear drawer in your vicinity. You're happy. An underwear drawer? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I can go through it whenever I want. You're lucky, dude. You no longer got to go climb through windows to find that stuff. Austin Hartman, disgustoid. I got that from climb through windows to find that stuff. Austin Hartman disgust. I, that's a, um, I got that from my buddy,
Starting point is 00:19:47 Travis Bajan, Spiegel snatch. Us girls can be pretty disgusting, but a large part of me wants to say that that's a guy running that account. Yeah. There's no way. I have a feeling that's a male.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Chad, you don't like that. She cut him off. Really? It's a hundred K. Oh, Hey, I had Patrick bed, David on. chad rama would dominate you don't like that she cut him off till he hits 100k oh hey i had patrick bed david on uh-huh i know and uh-huh he didn't allow him to help to get off until he made a million dollars it was like 17 months i want to know i want to know how chad knows that Is there some truth to that?
Starting point is 00:20:26 You think I'm having fun making five-hour videos a day, Chad? Come on now. You think I'm doing this for any other reason? Jorge Fernandez. I call him Jorge. I call him Jorge Fernandez. Jorge Fernandez. Hey, this guy is thick.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Oh, he was with Castro. Yeah, I hug hugged him it's like hugging a bundle of two by fours it's it's silly it's i took a picture with them you know when you take a picture you can just kind of like cup their whatever that that thing is the trap this guy yeah the trap i just i almost did a one-arm pull-up on his trap he's a big dude yeah he said i'm doing strict muscle-ups the other day that looked great and then the next day he was with castro and i guess you too so that's cool i just popped in for a minute i want to uh what were you doing there or get him on the podcast what was fernandez doing which workout at that point it was weird something something weird's going on over there there was uh um i'm trying to remember the other – Devin Kim, and I want to say there's this chick named Patricia or Melissa.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Okay. And this cat here, Jorge Fernandez, he qualified for Rogue, right? That's how he popped on my radar, I think. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. And they were there doing the 2008 workouts. Very strange.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Wow. Wow. A separate – so Dave's running those three through workouts. Very strange. Wow. Wow. A separate. So Dave's running those three through workouts. Wow. No shit. A local gun shop had a, I think this is the thing. Maybe Jorge needs to come on here and tell us, had a party at the ranch that Dave was hosting.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And there were like a hundred dudes there. there were like a hundred dudes there and they were like uh it was a trippy mix of filipino chinese mexican um and like and like white like you know what i mean like uh duck dynasty cats a whole mix of those because those are like the gun people filipinos love a gun and uh and then there were vendors there and and they were having some sort of party there to celebrate the gun shops like millionth gun sold or something it was a gun party it kinda okay i follow i was looking for a really big way to throw that i don't know what was going on it was just weird party at the ranch while they were going through the games workouts yeah hey and that in that in that, a tranny that fucking blew Magnus was also there with an AR. With an AR.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah. Everyone can do whatever the fuck they want, right? Anyone can have an AR. He paid someone for sex, and they said it was a woman, but it was a man. I wonder if you get your money back when you figure that out. Half off. woman but it was a man i wonder if you get your money back when you figure that out half off castor said sevan doesn't want him on because it's all about sevan oh did he say that he owes me something he's gonna he owes me something i fucked him up the other day on the show when i i was ripping on him because he doesn't um because he because he does that lazy he doesn't watch my videos yeah well he makes lazy content he he
Starting point is 00:23:30 wants to talk about you so bad and be involved in the conversation but he pretends like he has to wait till someone in his youtube comments asks about hillary to answer i got i got an incredible video to make on mr dave castro and you you unknowingly helped me out with that oh shit completely completely accidental am i gonna have to choose between your friendships no no no it's not that bad you're just helping me out and you didn't know it okay i'm gonna tell you something one of the guys who's on the get with the programming podcast has also been blown by a tranny i can't tell you which one
Starting point is 00:24:08 that's false that's just misinformation i was gonna giggle until you said something else that's cnn that's cnn i don't think i've ever heard that on cnn magnus didn't pay for that for that blow job oh he didn't no he said that as well now all right maybe it's because he got his money back after he found out so technically he didn't pay i'm glad you have standards okay give me the scoop here so it's already happening in a long time i bet i bet we haven't talked about a thousand of these yeah but we're gonna we're don't uh no i've we've talked all the way up to um we we have the last 10 days let's not talk i don't want to talk about any of these uh oh maybe wait oh yeah i don't want to talk about this one this one this one this one i want
Starting point is 00:25:00 to talk about this one yep that's the one what And what I need to know about it before I start watching this one right now. What you need to know about it before we watch that one is that Leah Thomas is the swimmer who was a male, was about the 400 and somethingth of rank, 462 ranked male NCAA swimmer, transitioned to a female,
Starting point is 00:25:24 won a particular event event became a highly ranked or the number one ranked female swimmer after having transitioned because in that one year transition she kept her testosterone levels under 10 nanomoles per liter which is the equivalent of about a 286 nanogram per deciliter, which is what you're familiar with, right? So when you see my testosterone, which was at 733, remember that number? So the female number had to be 286, which is Olympic standard, 10 nanomoles per liter.
Starting point is 00:25:59 It's just the same. It's just a different increment of measurement there. That is the current CrossFit increment of measurement. Now, there are a handful of males who can go into a clinic right now and have testosterone pretty close to that number. They'd be considered hypergonadal. However, if you were a female, and I've seen plenty of females' blood work, usually they're hanging out in the 50 to 60, if they're like a well-hormone-profiled female, nanograms per deciliter.
Starting point is 00:26:30 So remember, 50 to 60, and I told you 280. 280 is almost five, six times as much. That's the cutoff for the Leah Thomases of the world. What is it? Say, what's the number? 286-ish, which is the equivalent of the 10 nanomoles per liter but i heard okay so for one year you've got to keep it under 286 and leah thomas supposedly did that yes and then broke that record now most females 50 or 60 so 286 50 or 60 so the way you should look at this is the female should be able to take the exogenous testosterone up to 286 and then the playing field is level does that make sense yeah yeah so you're you're a normal
Starting point is 00:27:26 girl you're working out and you're like what the fuck she's over there just suppressing but i should be over here giving myself a boost because she's already got a boost now what ended up happening as a result of what ended up happening as a result of this is the olympics say all right we can't fucking do this anymore clearly so they brought it down to 2.5 nanomoles per liter which comes out to about that 60 number that i told you so now they did they did yes but and and the the olympics can do that sports specific so swimming has done that and a handful of others have not yet so weightlifting has not for example and we saw has anyone sued the olympics has anyone suing not that i saw no someone might be able to say something about that now the other thing with that is that 2.5 that i just told you has to be having started before you hit puberty or the age of 12.
Starting point is 00:28:20 oh and that's what that guy is saying he hates even that wiggle room because now we're saying you need to start fucking castrating people at a young age chemically castrating them and yeah that's a really that's a really good point it was a good idea that wasn't me i'm just saying that's the new thing and it makes more sense much more sense does it mean it's fucked up i'm at 69 nanomills per gallon i i'm 69 inches tall i'm at 69 nanomills my birthday is on march 69th i was born in 1969 it's it's everyone knows my favorite item on the mcdonald's menu is item number 69 what i did with your mom last night chris well you know you sense the pattern here so did you understand all that i do i basically um crossfit files old swimming so nothing you've said has made me feel like so basically what they're trying to do is they're trying to find
Starting point is 00:29:19 a way to make it fair without addressing the real subject, which is, hey, nothing is fair. It doesn't matter what you think you are, what you're not. The fairest way, if we are going to do it, is we look at your chromosomes and that's where you compete. If you have these chromosomes, you compete in this category. You don't even have to call it man and woman. I don't even care. You can call it XX, you can call it XY category. But basically, and they should leave it at that. They should stop trying to worry about this 1% of 1% of 1%. What you basically just said is they made it so hard for it to be possible. My IQ is 69. Someone might do it.
Starting point is 00:29:57 And then it's going to cause its own controversy. It's just so far down the line. It's like just rip the bandaid off. Right. So bad. It's so bad. None of it. It's like, it really is that people who drink, like people who like to drink and they also want to lose weight every weekend. They drink, they drink. It's something, it's something that a phenomenon that you have as an affiliate owner,
Starting point is 00:30:23 people like to fuck their entire workout on the weekend so they go out they party friday night saturday night and then sunday they eat like shit all day because they don't want to move and then monday they come out like oh i feel like shit and then by the time thursday rolls around they're good to go again but then they fuck it all up on friday again it's the circle and at some point in time you gotta like work your way away from it or just say hey i'm not drinking anymore on the weekends because i want to work towards a better place. And swimming, in my opinion, is just making it worse in the future. So you're getting fatter and fatter and fatter and you don't even know it.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Just say, hey, we're not allowing this. We're not going to drink on the weekends anymore. It really is scary when you think about that for a second what he just what was that guy's name plyler like i know he his his accusation towards you yeah his accusation towards you is misplaced but the spirit of what he's saying is truly scary you're what what uh it's putting it's it's it's taking something that's so fucking insane changing your your your your designated sex at birth and saying you can only do it before you're the age of 12
Starting point is 00:31:41 kind of and i don't know and that's just fucking nuts because like really i what i think i think you should have to be over 70 like you just know at that point you have so much life experience like okay yeah now i want to be a girl or just to help chris out 69 yeah it's just by then you've used up most of your life and it's like okay fuck it it's kind of like i'm used up most of your life and it's like okay fuck it it's kind of like i'm gonna get a tattoo i think when i'm 70 you know what i mean um yes i know exactly what you mean i almost got one once and i'm happy i didn't and then i almost got another one and then i was happy i didn't yeah so now i'm pretty sure i'm just not gonna get one
Starting point is 00:32:20 because every time i'm happy i've never had anal but if i do i'm going to wait till i'm over 70 i can't believe you've never had anal it's like the last thing on the menu i probably you don't know those people where it's the first thing on the menu oh god i do some of my friends are just fucking great bat shit crazy hey just because they like that doesn't mean they're crazy oh that's the tip of the iceberg it could literally be the only thing that's a little off of them and you're calling them crazy okay you're come on i should yeah stop being so judgment i still like them good i have these friends who are addicted to porn and i know they talk to me about it so that because they know that i'm just so intrigued by it and that i don't judge them for it but then all
Starting point is 00:33:02 it does is normalize it for them i know i'm like a codependent i'm like oh tell me more tell me now what does it look like when someone's addicted to porn uh like i'm just over here on a computer watching it now because i can't stop or what i don't i don't know what that part looks like but the part that's addicted to it is like when shit starts going wrong in your life like if your kids come home and catch you watching porn you're addicted to porn it's like getting that's how you know when you're you have a problem with drinking when you fucking wake up and you're in the fucking pokey and you're like oh shit i'm in jail i'm not sure i know anybody who's addicted to porn then you do they just haven't told you yet i know people that you know they're addicted to porn i know two people that you know uh and they're both addicted to porn or you only have two yes yes yes or we're 100
Starting point is 00:33:55 here for people that we both know that are addicted yes at least two okay we're this we're 33 minutes into the show and and we haven't started yet. Okay. Okay. So listen, I'm going to watch this video and we're going to pause it periodically. I'm going to only talk when spoken to as well. Okay. Unless you don't want that to be the case. I could see Sevan with Hiller's face tattooed on his chest. I could see it. It is. You ever seen some of this shirt off? He got it done when we were in California. Hey, would it be on one pack or would it be,
Starting point is 00:34:29 Hey, I would put them right in between my titties with his eyes looking up at me. And so when I look down at him, it's like, he's looking up at me. I heard, I heard you and Josh talking about my eye. You're going to put like one boob lower than the other.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And that'll be the droopy. Hi, just a giant one. That'll be the droopy. Hi, just a giant one. His nipples are my eyes and I have one of my nipples surgically fucking altered. So it matches his eye. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Uh, so, um, I'm going to do, um, share Jeff. It's on fire in the comments. He's telling me to take all these different steroids.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And now he's saying I'm one letter away from being a bad dude. Since we have one Armenian and one white guy, we might as well have one Rodriguez. Go ahead. This is the true D.C.I. Thank you. Thank you. Can you please incorporate essay and Holmes into your, or Vato into your statement, whatever you're going to say.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I don't think that's in my vocabulary. I'm both fabulous. Let's proceed. Anyways, with the respect to hormones and everything, I have a few questions about his process and how he's going about it. I'm about 25 years old. I went to the doctor and I found out that my t-count was 200 and they gave me the option of going on a trt for one cycle or whatever it is it's four shots i think it's uh every two weeks and after considering you know just everything um i took it and it felt great it's
Starting point is 00:36:29 amazing and there's no absolutely like uh no physical benefits so far but the mental emotional and and if there is anything spiritual about it, it's absolutely incredible. You feel happy all the time. That's how I felt. It's amazing. But I'm wondering if I continue to do this, is there anything negative that could happen?
Starting point is 00:37:02 They told me to take it for one cycle, four shots and to get my blood work done again. And if my testosterone levels out in the long run, then I should hop off. But if it doesn't, you know, am I stuck with this forever pain, however, many hundreds of dollars for four shots, two, three, four times a year for the rest of my life. I'm just trying to get a little bit of input from Miller.
Starting point is 00:37:31 My input is, are they giving you, you said they give you a shot once every two weeks? First of all, you need to know this. I think we're supposed to say this. I don't know if this is for a fact, but we're not doctors. Yeah, we're not doctors. But we are smarter than doctors and i mean that let me let me put it this way and we're not smart we're not doctors we're not smarter than doctors we have more common sense than doctors we can think more logically than doctors doctors are really good at memorizing the states and their capitals we're really good at telling you where the states and capitals should be placed so that they don't get fucking swept away by flood or tornado anyway go on go on. Yeah, tell me. Shot every two weeks?
Starting point is 00:38:06 Not a doctor. Yeah, shot every two weeks. Yeah, so that's fucking retarded. That's the stupidest thing that doctors do, and that's the biggest thing in relation to this is that no one in their right mind would do an injection. The half-life would suggest that you should be doing that, but if you want to level yourself out, you should be doing that. But if you want to
Starting point is 00:38:25 level yourself out, you should be doing it at least twice a week, typically like a Monday, Thursday, or a Sunday night, Thursday morning are what the educated doctors are going to tell you. So what I'm hearing is that the doctor who also recommended that you stop after four weeks or potentially like just, no, we're going to see if you level off. There is no leveling off. The fact that they gave you the testosterone means that you're going to get worse. As a result of that, you were at 200,
Starting point is 00:38:52 they gave you stuff. So your body's going through a circle feedback loop. And now your body doesn't think you need to produce any. So when you stop taking it, you're going to go below 200. That's how that works. And I would suggest finding a different doctor or reaching out to california hormones and as it and i know that
Starting point is 00:39:09 i always say reach out to california hormones but the doctor you're with doesn't seem to know what they're talking about hey why why is it so low at 25 are you drinking too much are you not eating right no i don't no i don't i don't drink i don't smoke um it's probably my nutrition and the fact that i get you know six and a half hours of sleep every day ah yeah it's the sleep it's for sure the sleep dude you you know you know i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you some all my buddies who got into meth and coke and stayed up and up, they all turned into girls. You think I'm joking? It's the 100% truth.
Starting point is 00:39:51 If you know any meth addicts, they stay up too much. They stop producing testosterone. They start getting all sorts of fucking bizarre feminine traits. And are you doing any drugs? You're not doing any drugs? No, no, no, no. Yeah, you got to sleep. If your doctor had any sort of brain on his shoulders,
Starting point is 00:40:11 he would have given you something to produce or like to kickstart your balls, like give you more testosterone. But he gave you a shot of testosterone once every two weeks. Do you know your dosage? You only make testosterone when you're sleeping. I don't think you any other time i'm gonna look it up the the 200 uh whatever deciliters it's not milliliters is it it would be milligrams or uh milligrams per milliliter okay it was that it's the shot is 200 so they tried to level it out so that I could be at 1,000.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Brother, here it is. Let me say this real quick. Changes in testosterone levels occur naturally during sleep, both men and women. Testosterone levels rise during sleep and decrease during waking hours. Man, it's why like two seconds after I go to sleep to the second I wake up, my dick is like a bat. Something's going on not that kind of bat not the kind that Jose can say
Starting point is 00:41:09 say that again when I got on it you know I didn't think that it was really going to change all of that but it did every single day waking up it was like you could hit a fast pitch ball with that thing you could
Starting point is 00:41:26 yeah you know yeah to the bathroom yeah yeah baby yeah yeah yeah sleep is great man sleep is awesome uh i don't sleep so good so i'm i'm clearly biased in one way you're very i know that going into this is that i'm biased but there was but I've been taking the exact same amount of caffeine at the exact same points in the day since I was 16 years old. Wow. You started caffeine at 16? But there was a time in my mid-early 20s where I decided that it probably wouldn't be the best idea to do that forever. And I stopped caffeine cold turkey for about two months. And in that two months, I didn't like who I was. I didn't like the way that I felt.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And I never really had any negative side effects from taking the caffeine, at least to this point in my life. And I was like, why the fuck am I doing this? I'll buy everything I need to to feel good and live the life that I want to live. I'll pay whatever the fuck it means. If I can't afford it, then I'll make more money so that I can afford it. That's kind of the circle that I put myself into. And I guess would be my suggestion towards the price point. If you feel better and you like it,
Starting point is 00:42:39 make it work. And you can, and you, by the way, you can get, what state do you live in? Texas. Oh, okay. All right. all right well anyone just so you know i gotta plug this our our biggest sponsor our best sponsor our kindest sponsor our most uh consistent sponsor is california hormones um if you put in the code seven gave him a call oh okay ca hormones and did they get back to you
Starting point is 00:43:03 no i literally called them two hours ago they were close they haven't got back to you and it's been two hours hey it's okay okay you let me know if it goes over four hours and we'll consult a doctor um so i i wanted to reach out not to deviate from the program even though i know that this isn't a live call-in show and there's a bit of intimacy and you know letting go of ego since this is being recorded but you know I really wanted to reach out to you guys because I had some you, some questions that my doctors wouldn't answer. Like when I asked them what type of, if there even is a type of testosterone or a brand, I asked them those things and they didn't tell me.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I asked them if it was going to affect me, if my body was going to stop producing testosterone. They told me no and not to worry about it go find old california hormones or hey yeah leave that doctor hey just so you know so i want to tell you how stupid people are i'm so sorry for doing this to you jeff you had when people say stuff like this nothing like some good old bro science you are so smart to use bro science doctors are the i don't know how to say without sounding mean because i really like doctors a lot the way that i hear his statement is that at some point a doctor read something in a book maybe 10 years ago and it said give yourself a shot of testosterone once every two weeks and that's what they're spitting out at you they read like a
Starting point is 00:44:41 chapter in a book however many years ago and that's what they're telling you they haven't kept up with anything and anyone who's like kept up with it says that's gonna fuck you up hey hey dude did you i don't know if you heard the show with gary roberts but he fucking lost 60 or 70 pounds they removed his fucking skin and they never told him that when they removed his skin they removed a huge amount of his fat cells and that you can never grow those back you're born with a finite amount and now the fat is growing on his organs and killing him that's not that's not like a one-off with doctors that's how doctors fucking operate they're nothing but fucking um drug pushers you only want to go to them when you really really really need them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Like when you get elbow surgery, it doesn't fucking work. No, that doesn't. I mean, the half-life, the half-life of a, um,
Starting point is 00:45:36 of a surgery is seven years, meaning that every seven years on average, a surgery that they thought was cool and safe to do is no longer safe and cool to do. They don't do anymore. It, it, the anymore the shit is scary so um do you're doing the right thing i mean how crazy is it that you ask those questions about trt and he can't answer you could fucking go to your neighbor's house and buy a sack of weed and he knows where the weed is but this fucking guy because he has a white lab coat doesn't know fucking where this fucking chemicals from that he's it's it's a joke dude fergie are you talking about the guy who died
Starting point is 00:46:11 with the crazy eyeballs i know rich piano why do i need to research him sorry so much that's okay all right well thank you for calling and maybe we have to cancel this show no please don't cancel it okay you know cancel this show. No, please don't cancel it. Okay. You know,
Starting point is 00:46:27 you're going to, you're going to answer your questions. Do we answer your questions? All right. All right. All right. Uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:39 should I get a vasectomy or just go off my wife's cycle? Um, uh, uh, definitely don't get a vasectomy. I don't approve of that. Hey, um, i want to do a sex and dating show with daniel brandon where people can call in and ask her questions you've been talking about that for like 30 years when are you going to actually do it i know i keep texting her she's just ghosting me all right let me call her you ever number call her yeah
Starting point is 00:47:02 hey get on the show right now we're changing that we're gonna completely go a different direction uh uh how crazy does he have to be to fucking go to a doctor to get information i don't think he's called i don't think she's calling you crazy i think that it's crazy that the doctor sucks so bad that this is what has to happen not all doctors are idiots uh yeah and and not all deserts are dry you know antarctica's wet like like what do you mean not all doctors idiots it means that that means fucking nothing you're you're trying to walk some middle ground chris i know you you're a good dude you want to like the thing thing is, is that they, all doctors are indoctrinated and some of them get out of it. That's what medical school is. They're fucking
Starting point is 00:47:50 indoctrinated. And most, and most of the generate, most people on the planet are indoctrinated, at least, at least the people that I've met, but more and more of us are starting to realize, holy shit, there's a guy, Richard Smith, look him up he was the editor of the british medical journal for 13 years he says the editor that you have to assume that everything you read in a journal is false that's how bad the journals are that's how bad they are dude well they can be bad but why do i have to assume it's all false like is are they being paid to say the wrong shit or why no uh well there do you know about the replication crisis most studies i'm gonna find out though most studies can't be replicated most studies
Starting point is 00:48:33 can't be replicated and yet they're put into fucking medical journals when i learned in high school sciences that they should be repeatable. High school taught me that. Isn't that funny? My 100 level science class. You want to really look up some scary shit, guys. There's a company called Amgen and they
Starting point is 00:48:58 sponsored with over a billion dollars a guy named Begley and Ellis, two guys, to reproduce 54 of the most important cornerstones of cancer research on the planet today. What almost all cancer treatment is based on. And they couldn't even replicate half the studies. I think they could only replicate like 16% of the studies. Begley and Ellis, Amgen. Look it up.
Starting point is 00:49:24 think they could they could only replicate like 16 of the studies begley and ellis amgen look it up hey someone said that the guy who talked to called in a couple months ago about the steroids was good that's dr d and he's right so there was a good doctor uh i don't know if that guy's a real doctor i think that guy's a phd i don't think that guy's a i don't think i think that guy's a just like just like we're not real doctors yeah i don't by doctor i mean he's a phd he's not a um i don't think, I think that guy's a PhD. Just like, just like we're not real doctors. Yeah. I don't, by doctor, I mean, he's a PhD. He's not a, um, I don't think he's a physician. Roger that. And, and, and it's not that, that they're, they're all bad. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:49:58 But if you, but if you ask a, if you ask a police, a guy who works at a prison, are people bad? He thinks all people are bad because he spends all day with bad people. Chris did say that, yes. No, there are no reputable journals. There are no reputable journals. Yes, he was. Yes, he was.
Starting point is 00:50:19 He was talking about the Lancet, the American Journal of Medicine, the New England Journal of Medicine, the british medical journal the fuck he wasn't what are you what what what uh this he's he's trying to come back with this richard smith shit i think that yes and that is true sorry that is the one doctor you can trust dr fauci sorry there yes hey guys i'm friends i have i have a hundred doctors at least in my uh phone that i could text at any minute that are friends of mine i know tons of great doctors i know some doctors yeah and i'm and i'm a doctor of of of i'm a uh a child uh expert consultant five hundred dollars an hour my mom is not a doctor. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:51:09 Well, I think it's going well. You literally did say they're all bad. Literally. Literally. Dude, Jeff is Jeff. Is this this Jeff guy that I keep hearing?
Starting point is 00:51:19 He's CNN. He's a fucking CNN talking point. Most of the time when I listen to your shows, I have a headphone in. Yeah, yeah. I put up a video of me golfing on Instagram, and in my headphone, I have your voice in my head as I'm swinging the golf club. I hear you talking about this Jeff guy all the time. I'm like, who the fuck? I haven't been on this show in like a year, and I'm just like, Jeff has just come on like a fucking hurricane.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Jeff, occasionally, once in a while while rattlesnake will be born and uh it won't be able to uh it'll have the teeth and the fangs but it won't be able to uh make toxic uh venom it does happen patrick parker's came in with the mr deeds reference so um i would just want you to know all rattlesnakes aren't poisonous um either i've said it a thousand fucking times. If you have a fucking accident, like a tire bounces through your fucking windshield on the freeway, you need a fucking doctor. It doesn't even matter if they're a shitty doctor. If you fucking go to school, University of Southern California, and a straight bullet hits you while you're in fucking econ class, you need a doctor.
Starting point is 00:52:23 If you live in Chicago, you need doctors. Jeff is Dan Bailey. Fucking jackass. You literally said fine. I literally said it fine. You did literally say it fine. Someone's going to clip that. You got to be careful,
Starting point is 00:52:40 man. You literally, it's fine. I don't care. Clip away. I got you, Patrick. I knew that was a Mr. Deeds reference. We got to go careful, man. You literally, it's fine. I don't care. Clip away. I got you, Patrick. I knew that was a Mr. T's reference. We got to go see Dr. Pepper.
Starting point is 00:52:49 He knows it all. I so want it to be done. I work with a couple of doctors. And you want to end it in nine minutes? No, we can't now. It's supposed to end at nine minutes. I want to work out with the kids, but I'm prioritizing. I don't have a watch on anymore. Fucking hate the the apple watch it just constantly buzzes on your wrist like shut the
Starting point is 00:53:09 fuck up apple watch jeff i just wanted to put a fucking clock on it why do you wear an apple watch i think that lowers your t count i wear the apple watch because i need to tell the time and i i have everything set so to do not disturb but for some reason, it always informs me when you walk too far away from your phone. Some people push the notify anyway button, and it makes your wrist buzz. I'll be doing something with my arms over my head, and the wrist will buzz. I'll let the light look what the fuck is happening on your wrist. Why the fuck does the whoop not have a clock on it? It's the 4.0. And I had a watch in third grade that had a clock face on it,
Starting point is 00:53:50 but it's $30 a month for a fucking stupid wristband. I haven't done anything on the whoop in a while because they don't no longer pay CrossFit. Um, I just wanted to say, Jeff, thank you for the, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:01 Jeff, or Justin LaFranco, whoever you really are. I just want to say thank you, uh, for the uh jeff bayouko or justin lafranco whoever you really are i just want to say thank you uh for the channeling my wife uh i apologize for speaking in absolutes i think there is one good doctor or two or three oh you're not going to name names but no okay abstractly talking about just trying to show my more humble side i'm'm acquiescing. I'm realizing that he was right. I was wrong. You know, it's nuts when you know doctors that don't like really practice what they preach.
Starting point is 00:54:36 You know, that's everyone, though, isn't it? Uh, what? That's everyone. No, everyone doesn't practice what they preach i mean everyone's everyone's trying well give me an example everyone's trying to i'm not everyone's trying to i suppose i see what you're trying to say with there's something that people want to do to put on a play so that they don't like look a certain way to certain people correct for example you don't walk around not wearing a face mask because you don't want people to look at you thinking that you're a son of a bitch who whatever people think about you and you didn't wear a face mask about a
Starting point is 00:55:20 year ago so you put it on just because it's easier than confrontation yes yes so i guess maybe that's why some people don't practice what they preach i don't know i don't this isn't the route that i want to go not my favorite topic okay fuck it um so transphobic means having or showing a dislike or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people so in that regard maybe i am transphobic because i have i actually have uh uh the having a showing a dislike is not the opposite is true i'm actually quite intrigued by them and i would the more friends i had that were trannies would be the better um prejudice against them i'd have to look up that word exact definition of the word prejudice but i i'm not um i'm not um like i would never date i would never date anyone like that i can't see myself dating anyone like
Starting point is 00:56:13 well i mean you're married homie yeah but like but that probably that probably would be a deal breaker for me i don't i don't think i would stay with my wife if she wanted to be a man dude what you did miss in that first video but i don't think that's think i would stay with my wife if she wanted to be a man dude what you did miss in that first video but i don't think that's because i'm transphobic it's just not what i want to do with my life it's like i don't i love saint bernard's i don't want one of those either sorry say that and i'm not saint bernard phobic i wouldn't want saint bernard either they slobber too much but they're cool as shit i love a tranny i think it's cool it's cool but i'm not i'm not i'm not interested in like rubbing my genitalia on one and that is like you know one of the cool things i get to do with my
Starting point is 00:56:51 wife in the first video i said if alexis walked into the garage right now and goes i was a dude i'd be like, all right, not anymore. Yeah. What if I don't like when, when was that? Cool. Why didn't you tell me earlier? That's what I would say to Alexis if she did that right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:16 There was a movie like that. Like you don't want to be a dude again. Right. No, we're good. All right. Then we're good. Yeah. There's a movie you saw like that. Yeah. There's a movie you saw like that. Yeah, there's a movie.
Starting point is 00:57:28 There's a movie. It was made in Ireland like that. I saw as a kid. That's why you're transphobic. It fucked you up. The guy was dating this chick. It was a black chick. But then he finds out it used to be a dude who is in it.
Starting point is 00:57:42 That black guy that won the Academy Award was in it too the fat one who's really cool um he's got murphy no he's got the professor he has a real fucked up eye his eyes not like yours where he just got the droopy eyelid like one of his eyes is doing something denzel washington no no no no god who is this guy denzel washington no i went to this guy's this guy actually gave me an award at a film festival he won the academy award for best actor fat black dude crying game everyone's saying in the comments
Starting point is 00:58:10 come on use your comment section it's gotta be crying game yeah that was the movie but I'm trying to think of who the actor is oh Forrest Whitaker thank you yeah Forrest Whitaker alright I know that guy I like him yeah he's cool I think we're related with our eyes um
Starting point is 00:58:24 what about this okay let me ask you this Hiller Yeah, he's cool. I think we're related with our eyes. What about this? Okay, let me ask you this, Hiller. You're so happily in love with Alexis that if she told you she were a dude, it would just be something you'd process and you'd just get back to taxing that ass. What if you found out that for the last three years she's also been fucking your neighbor would you be like wow that's i never knew that's a that's a that's i never knew i was into girls who were fucking other guys what a fantastic new component you son of a bitch this is not the same situation but what if what if you you have this beautiful relationship what if you found out that every time you're about to have sex with her,
Starting point is 00:59:06 she ran next door and had the fucking neighbor lick her twat to get it wet and then came back? That's what she needed for you to bang you. Someone's life would be over. I don't know if that's – but you're okay. You draw the line there. Someone else – she could have been a dude, but no one else could be banging her, even if it means your okay fine everyone has their i'm not judging i'm just trying to figure out where
Starting point is 00:59:30 your where your boundaries are in my situation where she walked into the garage it's entirely on her in the situation where she's banging the neighbor it's a little bit on me it's a little bit on the fucking neighbor it's a little bit on her and i gotta figure out like who's at fault here like it could be my fault maybe i'm making too many videos i'm ignoring her and she fucking hates me like all right it's my fault then maybe does this brunch matter patrick wants to know would you care about what his bench press is yeah i mean he can't even bench anymore he can't get his arms straight yeah it's actually fucked up i wish i could bet you guys god damn it you you had a nerve there there's no way magnus there's no fucking way i can take a call i love i would love to talk to you
Starting point is 01:00:11 but we're we haven't started the show and we're an hour in alexis what the fuck is going on she's here oh yeah yeah our neighbor is like a 65 year old man that's not going to be and she does bench i think she benched 200 pounds that's crazy maybe it was 195 but it was fucking close if not 200 yeah it's crazy um okay okay so this is this is do we can we can push this show to another time alexa says because she was a guy once we can she's been watching she's been keeping up before we dig in oh man what is going on here why the fuck do i live in chicago because i was born here and i'm fucking stuck i'm ready to to leave. We're going to Newport.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Oh, that's awesome. If you did that, we'll be within shouting distance. Actually, you're like 10 hours away from Newport. I could I could I could do I could do Wednesday morning for the show. The training show. We're really done. I don't know. I mean, are you do you want to this show?
Starting point is 01:01:22 If we start in now, we're going to go another hour. I'm up until fucking 3 a.m. every day, dude. I'm good. I don't know what's up with you. It's 10 o'clock here. Do you guys want to keep going? You got to work out with your kids? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:33 I'm good to go. How many of you are watching live right now? That's the real question. 238. 243 on my side. That's decent. Andrew Kowalski, get out of your programming. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Hey, I'll go golf with Jeremy World and Brian Friend, but it's got to be golfing golfing. I wonder if this show has been flagged already. Oh, no. For what? That just happens if we say crazy shit. Oh, I didn't turn on monetization boy the comments in this show are going to be off the fuck oh yeah yeah yeah fuck this show's already been flagged yep i don't even know what we said i didn't even say the v word
Starting point is 01:02:17 or the c word is there like a robot that does that? They just look for certain words being said and then you're in trouble. So I let, I leave Hiller to take, to run my show while I go play. No, but you're supposed to be doing the reaction to my video. That was the whole point. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Okay. Okay. Let's go. Let's let's do this. Hey, no pressure. I can do a Wednesday morning. I can do Wednesday. And it should be early.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Here we go. 5am fuckers. Here we go. For you. Seven for me. Here we go. 5 a.m. Fuckers. Here we go. For you. Seven for me. Here we go. But tomorrow I have Connor Murphy on. Is that the guy who.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yes. Let's do this show. Let's do this show. I would feel better doing this show. Wednesday morning. Yeah. Can we do it Wednesday morning. At 7 a.m.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Pacific Standard Time. 7 a.m. Your time. No. Can we do it Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time? 7 a.m. your time? No, I cannot do that. What about... I have a client that I see 9 a.m. on Wednesday. What about tomorrow evening? Tomorrow evening, I'd have to be a seven your time, which would be nine my time. Not earlier earlier i wouldn't be able to do earlier okay i can do seven you can do seven yep there was something i wanted to bring up in the comments but then i had to start thinking about my life when i'm in the show i'm in the show and you're trying to bring me out of the show this is my happy place uh hillar brings in the viewers jesus state of life is hey listen that we gave you that was an hour of of of of deep talk about trying to figure out how what is we've defined we've talked about
Starting point is 01:03:53 what videos uh he's made a little bit what you need to watch before you watch this video we define what transphobic and trannies are you know where we stand on the issue and he had to do it in two parts why can't i do it i do gotta go alexis said she's gonna go bang the neighbor andrew you cannot do wednesday night all right no i can't get it started okay what's oh i totally can't do wednesday night but but tomorrow night you can do correct i. Okay, so I'm going to tell the boys, can we schedule a killer for tomorrow night,
Starting point is 01:04:37 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, a tranny show? Magnus, does Magnus bash me? I don't think anyone does any real bashing i don't care they can bash here's the thing i like a good bashing can we do thursday at six who said that oh i know i had one job i just couldn't keep it on track i just did you say before we get off did you see those pictures i sent you for anyone who's here i guess you could bring those up those are fucking wild already i texted them to you maybe 10 15 minutes before the show started
Starting point is 01:05:13 no i don't see those i see i would love to see it's in with you and the owner of California hormones, the group message. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. You can put those up if you want. It'll be a, it'll be a consolation prize for people who wanted to see something else. I suppose. Oh, of your before and after photos. Correct. Yeah. It's crazy. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:44 It's crazy. Yeah. Let me see. Can you can you can you throw them up i don't know if you have that power i do it's fully capable it'd be about two and a half weeks difference which is nuts do i put the um the one in the not the gym is second. I took that today. And if anyone else is curious, I was running today, and it felt like it was the easiest fucking thing ever. So that's after. Sorry. This is after today.
Starting point is 01:06:18 You fucked up. You're supposed to do before first, but it's okay. This is after. So when is this? September 6th. I left that in there so you could see it. September is after. So when is this? September 6th. I left that in there so you could see it. September 6th. And today is the 19th.
Starting point is 01:06:33 That's 13 days later. Now tell us the truth. Here, you just woke up and you haven't worked out. Yeah, but usually I look the best in the morning because i am i don't know over the course of the day as i eat i think i look leaner and yeah i do have a pump in that second one but the thickness look at your chest already look at you got like a like a that's what that's what alexis said you have a you have a shadow there on your right pec on the inside correct i i always like the when i look good i'll like take a progress picture in that mirror
Starting point is 01:07:06 with that lighting and the fact that i look better here is is wild to me before so for some reason yeah before and after look how you hold your iphone like you're fucking throwing up a gang sign um you know what i'm gonna do you see this spot right um here where this shadow is on my chest i'm just gonna leave a patch of hair there like that so it looks like a shadow huh huh i like the idea i like the idea and yeah chest looks good and i can't even fucking bench press dude it's just happening no not just no not just creatine not just creatine not just are your
Starting point is 01:07:54 balls retracting to to a normal size are you inferring that they were bigger before because they're oh yeah that's right and it was the it was the the skin the sex the nut sex so no no noticeable decrease in ball sizes of yet so you do work out hard but what you're saying is is in 13 days your body's already going through a transformation i felt it today you did yes You did? Yes. Specifically while running, which was weird. And I'm heavier. Wow. I was 201 this morning, and I've never been that heavy without trying to be that heavy. And how much are you here?
Starting point is 01:08:37 In that one, I'm 192. But that's also my actual picture, though. So that one, I was 192, but typically I would have been like 195, 196. I probably didn't eat very much the day before so you're nine pounds heavier it's been 13 days are you eating more have you noticed your appetite increase actually no wow i think i'm eating less which is wild i don't know where the fuck it's coming from i drink a lot of water like i always have water on me when are you going to start making these videos that's going to get your your youtube station is going to explode i have a handful in the pipeline are you going to have a day that you were like it's going to be
Starting point is 01:09:14 like um uh trt tuesdays like every dude that's not a bad idea every every tuesday a video comes out shows your progress 52 videos a year that might be fantastic hey tuesday seven come on you need to start making some videos of your own listen have you seen the videos i've been making two videos every single day it's on my it's on my capable child consulting YouTube station. Can you plug that really quick? Pull it up. And hey, dude, you should make your videos the exact same way as this. I got this idea from a couple people now. Basically, you make the videos with your phone.
Starting point is 01:09:57 You try to keep them – what's that? Capable child. Yeah, that's a capable child. Yeah, that's a lab. It's you hit your thirties, which is magically comes on. Yeah. I don't eat that much. Uh, so it's, it's hard to tell here. Let me see if, oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Vascular all the fucking time too. That's something that's different. I don't even need to get a pump it's just there are you still taking that no2 stuff always okay look so this is the this is the thing you click here and then these are all the videos and they're just made with my phone and so basically them or no no they're not edited at all so basically every time i think of something that has to do with raising the children that I do fucking superior to all other parents on the planet, I then make a short video and post it on here. Jeff, I'm just joking, Bako. I don't actually do it superior than all other parents. There's tons and tons of great parents. It's just part of my shtick. Okay? Okay, Jeff. There are not, dude. There are not tons of great parents it's just part of my shtick okay okay there are not dude there are
Starting point is 01:11:06 not tons of great parents all right fine but listen i was feigning humility people let me let me rant for a second everyone always gives me an alexis shit for not wanting kids i think we even told you guys we're not interested in having kids and then we'll interact we'll interact with someone who's got a kid somewhere and all you see is the kid just zoned out on the fucking phone every time you ever see the kid and you're like all right what was the point of having it in the first place like are you ever gonna bring him or her anywhere to do anything or is that going to be the kid's life i know what's interesting is the other day i was watching a football game and i saw a friend of mine who had a baby.
Starting point is 01:11:45 And I held the baby and the baby looked up at the TV and then just didn't look away. I was like, what's going on? He goes, well, she's never seen the TV before because we don't want her to become addicted. I guess it's incredibly easy to become addicted at that age. I didn't know that. But then I saw it happen in real time, not much later, just stuck. And I'm like, holy shit. It's like the nicotine that you always talk
Starting point is 01:12:06 about or it's like if you do it 10 years later you couldn't have been doing it but you're still gonna want it you're gonna want that kick like this kid is already fucked on this screen through addiction it could be 10 years no screens and it's gonna want a screen it's gonna want that dopamine thank you uncle hillar for introducing me to tv yeah right i was sitting there watching football i'm like how come she won't look away from like what's going on like i'd turn the baby and the head would swivel and just stare at the tv screen um uh so so these shorts these shorts basically when i when i go to someone's account that i'm interested in what they have to share and there's just like 100 shorts, I can just start playing the shorts on Apple TV, and they'll just play seamlessly. And each one, you have to be so direct and clear and show – here, I'll show you one.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Look at this one. Wait. Oh, shit. Hold on. Can you hear that? No. Okay, hold on. Idiocracy is a good movie.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Do you know what an NPC is, Sevan? Yeah, what's an NPC? I do know what it's... Non-playing character. It's like people in the real world who are just like standing there they're just to be there okay so here so here's here's the video can you see it yeah yeah i can hear it too now okay let's see joseph if you can do this this is cool
Starting point is 01:13:36 this is what is that black slack block slack block Slack block. Slack block. I did it. Mine's soft. That's not cool. Mine's soft. This one's not as good as i thought it was but but basically it'll be over in a minute i think at the end of i want to say at the end of hey there's a there's a song from an old video game i would play and it just says get over it get get get get get over it that's what i that's what i hear you stubbed your toe get over it yeah
Starting point is 01:14:27 so the whole videos and so you just make these videos and they're they're a minute they're a minute a piece and uh and and i think they're gonna kill minute a piece didn't you have someone on the other day who was telling you about how that's kind of the way to do it? Yeah, and I was just like, shit, I should do this with parenting. And it's so gratifying. It brings me happiness to do it. Somebody, child services will be knocking on someone's door shortly. Yes, they will. Your child is screaming as you forced it to stub its toe.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Someone was reporting all the videos. I've said this before, but someone was reporting all the videos on on my three plain brothers account where they were working out with their shirts off and they were and they i guess people thought they were girls and eventually someone from instagram who works there uh who is in my dm said hey you know what they're trying to do and i go what like if you get enough of these reported instagram and facebook has to report you to child protective services no fuck yeah so i went through and i erased all the workouts where my boys were just working out like in trunks uh i am gonna talk with liver king again i texted them quite a bit i need to get him on the show again i really want to he's blowing up that was a good show did you see the most recent
Starting point is 01:15:41 video of his or somebody puts up a video of the liver King standing in what appears to be what the, where the hell does the queen of England live? She lives in some. Oh yeah. Yeah. And he's, and he's doing curls at the gate.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Yeah. Yeah. And then it's, and it wasn't legitimately what was going on. It was taken at some other point in time and it put up at a bad time. Oh really? Yes. Oh, really? Yes. Oh, that's awesome. It was some random account with like 200 followers that put
Starting point is 01:16:09 it up. And it was just some account trying to get a bunch of clicks and it worked. They got a bunch of clicks, but they also made him look like a dickhead, but he wasn't being a dickhead. Actually, you want to hear something, Cody? I'm trying to get his wife on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Wouldn't that be cool to talk to her? Liverqueen? Yeah, Liverqueen. Okay, thank you, everyone. I'm going to work out with my kids. Hiller, I apologize for bringing you on just to get more people to my account and then not even promoting your shit.
Starting point is 01:16:41 What a douchebag I am. You're good, you're good, you're good. I didn't really mean that. You're good. You're good. Uh, um, I didn't really mean that. I was just saying that. And, uh, I'll talk to you guys later, but I don't,
Starting point is 01:16:51 none of you guys really probably know this, but we tried to stream to rumble tonight and I can see it failed. That sucks. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Did the liver King compete in the WWE? I don't know,
Starting point is 01:17:03 but he was at the, he was in the crowd at the ADCC this past weekend. Interesting. I don't think he was in the WWE, but you know that he used to compete in CrossFit competitions, local ones. I can see that. All he does is
Starting point is 01:17:18 CrossFit. Chris Birchfield picked up on the fact that I call kids its, and I do it on accident, but it's because they haven't chosen their gender yet. Oh, you're a good dude. Yeah.

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