The Sevan Podcast - #601 - Devon Larratt

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. I can't hear you yet, though. Let me see. Bam, we're live. There we go. What's up, buddy? Anything.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I was staying quiet. Very sneaky. Like a ninja, eh? How you been, brother? I'm living the dream, buddy. I'm living the dream. Good, ninja. How you been, brother? I'm living the dream, buddy. I'm living the dream. Good, good. How are you?
Starting point is 00:00:49 I am spinning like a top, man. Like, yeah, traveling all over the world right now. I just got back last night from Vegas. ADCC, man. It was crazy. Crazy. It was crazy. I didn't know that it was wild man these guys have you ever watched jujitsu you went to jujitsu yeah i watched i watched i watched almost the whole the i almost watched the uh entire tournament but i was blown away when i saw this match i was fucking blown away when i saw
Starting point is 00:01:30 this match yeah yeah yeah dude look how fast you are here well hey juji's uh i didn't know going into it i was like oh my god juji's gonna kill me this is gonna be great and uh juju really really has like zero back he's got a black belt in taekwondo and i know he's messed around a little bit and all sorts of things i know he's super super fit um more flexible than me younger than me but watch this transition right here watch this transition watch this transition right here. Watch this transition. Watch this transition right here. I mean, this is, look at that. And you just sink in the hooks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, well, he made it really easy for me, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah. I don't know. You look, I was actually surprised to see you move that fast. I felt really good. You know what? Actually, I'll tell you, after the match i was like oh my god i had no idea i could move that fast yeah okay that's what i was thinking i go i wonder if he shocked himself i i did really because i don't move that fast like uh i really don't
Starting point is 00:02:36 and then i but the sport allows you to uh do things really quickly like um that scramble period you know um like sometimes if a person doesn't lock stuff up there's a lot of opportunity to move through things really quickly how tall are you devon uh i'm like six five and how much do you weigh right there i'm like 260 you're coming down a little bit and what's the heaviest when you When you went against this giant dude. I was like 280. Yeah. So I'm getting lean and mean, buddy.
Starting point is 00:03:14 So you're 280. And what was he? Was he over 400? Yeah, he's right around 400. I joked around that he was 415. I think the scale sometimes says 415 with LeVon, but I believe when he competed with me, he was right on 400. Yeah, that's a Titan. That's a fucking Titan.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It's wild, you know. Is he the one they call the experiment? Was he? Or was it the other guy? One of those guys they call dennis or him i would hear him referred to like in chat rooms as the experiment was he the one i don't know okay i i've never referred to him as to the experiment i mean people normally yeah well look at i i i tend to view it as cutting edge of the sport.
Starting point is 00:04:06 You know, that's the way I like to look at it. I like to look at it as a degree of commitment and sacrifice that few are willing to make. Yes. Yeah. That works. Levon is incredible. Incredible. Inspirational.
Starting point is 00:04:28 The ceiling right now in super heavyweight pro arm wrestling, really high. Really, really high. Because of where he put it? Not just him, but but yes he is the ice breaker right he is the guy who's kind of he's man everybody everybody goes off the number one guy really for the level the level is high and there's a there are guys in pursuit there are i mean i was in pursuit i'm taking a little bit of you know, you can't you can't stay in pursuit of that guy too long. I tell you, it's it's some deep water, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Humbling. Did you have any idea, in all honesty, that it was going to go that way? So for those of you who don't know, Devin and this guy were considered the two best arm wrestlers in the world people were trying to get them together for a while it wasn't happening it wasn't happening and then bam it happened and this is about just after your fight with thor right yeah i guess it's about three months ago now two or three months ago like it was the end of june that i faced him i think yeah um yeah uh i knew going into it i was going to be an underdog you know um which is weird for you yeah well or different not weird different the level like i i knew that the level was really high and I knew that, you know, I I've faced,
Starting point is 00:06:08 I've touched his hand. I met him in person. I've seen what he's done. Uh, you know, there is, you know, there are a few times when you can kind of gather a little bit of
Starting point is 00:06:19 crossover information and crossover information between, I mean, the East and the West are, are touching a lot more now than they ever have, but there, there's still, there was a lot of uncertainty. He is, in my opinion, um, quite a way ahead of most certainly the North American field. Most certainly. Just him particularly, or just,
Starting point is 00:06:51 or, or all of those guys over there training in concrete rooms with a, what's her fucking, what is that room he's in? Yeah. Right. I'd say him in particularly, however,
Starting point is 00:07:02 there's a couple guys who are doing really well who would probably be the favorites against north americans i think that north americans i think probably the top week i i don't think there's anybody who can take the number one spot today today um not to be discouraging like i hope we go for it and you know but but levon i mean at 400 pounds and like extremely well trained that's hard man it's really hard do you even know how strong he is Devin not really um you know I'll tell you round one like I went don't don't think I didn't go there to win because I did you know I I went there even though I knew I was an underdog I knew it was a stretch I also firmly believed that there was a chance that I could beat him um I I thought that the chance was low. However, as you,
Starting point is 00:08:07 you know, progress with your planning and your training and you start to hold onto that little piece and you start to try and make it become the reality. And, um, I had a game plan and I do believe that the game plan was being played. Like round one, everything was going according to plan. He was playing my game, at least the game that I wanted to play and I was comfortable with, which I think that from LeVon's perspective, he just didn't care. LeVon was like, whatever. I can play your game.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I can play any game. It's not going to matter. Which that made me happy because other guys I've played on that level have been more calculated. Like Dennis did not play my game. Dennis was very calculated, very cerebral in his approach, and it was actually more his game that we played than my game um but levon was playing my game and in round one there was light there was light at the end of the tunnel i saw a victory i saw a victory round one and then, and then round two, he completely destroyed that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 My bicep got torn at the beginning. Oh, it did. Oh yeah. Yeah. I blew my bicep. He not a, not a full blow. Just just tore the muscle belly on the inside. And yeah. And after that, I was like, you knew in real time that something had happened oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah um yeah i i tore the in well anyways i got this this uh tattoo now right on the says levon was here and uh in georgian and a picture of a picture of a cat because i used to call him a pussy but not that that is uh you know whatever does he know you got
Starting point is 00:10:12 that tattoo yeah yeah oh that is awesome so you know everything was going to plan round one and then round two you know he basically broke broke me which you know that's kind of the way i wanted it to be i didn't want to walk away from that match with a loss and not to have thought that i didn't give it my 100 so uh in a way it, it's satisfying because I knew that I was beaten properly. Like I was I truly was defeated, which which is satisfying. Yeah, I don't I don't know if there's anybody right now who can stop him. I really, I didn't, I think the only reason I say that is because when I was doing my assessment of him, I thought, uh, his only weaknesses were experience and potentially, uh, the dealing with a bone lock, because I thought in terms of straight up strength, straight up, like arm wrestling, fundamental strength,
Starting point is 00:11:25 I was like, yeah, there's nobody close to him. Like nobody. Not even close. And that's when I ask how strong he is. No one knows because no one's even close to him, right? And his power, it's like there's no human being alive, right? That's my assessment, yeah. So my assessment was there's no human being who can in fundamental arm, and when I say fundamental, I mean like more muscular style of arm wrestling, that can deal with them.
Starting point is 00:11:53 The only thing I thought was, okay, he's a bit inexperienced still. I mean, not really, but if he has a weakness, it's maybe to a guy who can play the game a little bit better. It's maybe to a guy who can play the game a little bit better. Um, and the potential of, so getting away from fundamental arm wrestling a little bit. So a guy who's willing to test his frame and his bones structures a little bit like, so either a King's mover or,
Starting point is 00:12:17 or potentially some kind of a body locker, like, uh, and I don't want to throw Jerry at him, but. How about the other guy, your other Canadian guy? Why don't we throw him at him? Matt? No, the little guy, the old guy.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Crazy George? What if Crazy George locked this dude and this dude tried to press Crazy George's arm? Now, Crazyorge would have probably one of the best chances of anybody to tell you the truth but the truth is is levon would just rip him apart he would he would break it off yeah he would yeah yeah for sure he would hey just a quick quick thing here so and sorry if my if my if my demonstration but you're pulling like this and so the bicep tears so in your third match did
Starting point is 00:13:06 you try to turn in and just avoid using your bicep yeah okay okay yeah so after that i'm just i'm trying to press i'm like you know you're trying to do anything to avoid having the arm be pulled on again i'm trying yeah i'm doing my best to uh you know like how many times do I get this opportunity? Right. So yeah. Yeah. How is the bicep now? It's good. Um, it's, it's doing very well. I, uh, I, I started rehabbing it probably, I was on a table within just a little bit more than a week afterwards, really light, really, really careful. Um, I, I did a really big reevaluation re like I burned down everything and started back from like scratch in the mental and physical, you know, development of my next go at it.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I got stem cells. I spent a ton of time on the table and I still am. And I've kind of switched up my training just a little bit to try and make the most out of all of it. But I think, I think that it's going to be just fine and i'm optimistic that it can be even better what's going on with your um uh with you lost you there for a second sorry sorry are you back now still with me buddy yeah i can hear you i can hear you you're but you're frozen i'm losing you oh susan's here oh there you are yeah oh're frozen. I'm losing you. Oh, Suze is here. Oh, there you are.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Yeah. Oh. Hi, Suze. I just saw you. Sorry. Hi. I just saw you. Hi.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Hi. What's going on? Hi. Good to see you. Good to see you. I just dropped in. Let me know what you need in the back. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:56 There we go. That's your tech support, yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the executive producer of the show. If it wasn't for that guy, I wouldn't be doing a podcast. He's the one who's like, dude, do a podcast. Come on. Oh, that's great. I know. I'm pretty pumped. You've been on this run. I don't know if it's been two years or three years, what you're going on now, but you've been on this. In the last three years how what's the longest amount of time you've
Starting point is 00:15:25 stayed in one place without getting on an airplane or driving somewhere do you know the longest probably would be um getting ready for mike i took a i spent a lot of well actually michael gould no todd michael todd yeah mike todd mike Todd I did mostly car I just drove places yeah that was uh for 20 it was a 2021 I spent a good period when so that was like from like February like January to like June I basically didn't get on an airplane. Wow. Okay. Yeah. But something's going on with you.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You live in Canada. How many years did you serve in the military? 20, yeah. And now you're out, and you've learned – you've worked hard. You've trained hard. You've been a disciplined man. You've, some people would use the word sacrificed. And now you're kind of out partying. You're living your college years.
Starting point is 00:16:36 By that, I mean, you've really taken life by the balls and you're going for it. And people on social media are loving it. Well, what I do, am I, am I missing, am I misunderstanding you?
Starting point is 00:16:50 I think that it's, it's a refinement of purpose that you're seeing. Okay. I like that. And, and what, what I do is after every significant event that I do, I,
Starting point is 00:17:04 I do, I do my best to do this. Um, so I really think that one of the greatest things you can do in your life, uh, well, there's a lot of great things you can do, but it gets really easy when you're doing things that you really want to do and that make you happy. That makes it really easy. There's obviously a lot of sacrifice and the things you leave behind. But all those things are much easier when it's really in line with things you enjoy. So I think throughout, so what we do is we set goals, right?
Starting point is 00:17:43 We all do it. We set a goal and we work towards that goal and then you get there and you achieve it or you fall short or whatever and then there's the after you know you kind of take your lessons learned or whatever and what I try and do is I try and for that period, that downtime, like I feel like after every major, major event, there's like a couple of weeks where you kind of unravel, uh, and, you know, get oriented for your next goal. And sometimes your goals are like this one, then this one, then this one, then this one. And they're all kind of in a line anyways. But sometimes you reach a hard point where you're like, OK, so from here, where am I going? And I try.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Is an example of that you pursuing arm wrestling versus you pursuing some one-on-one time with your son doing jujitsu? Is that, are those two? Oh, yeah. Is that an example of that? A hundred percent. A hundred percent. Okay. I'm doing a lot of this out here in the world.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Now it's time to do some family stuff. And these are two or some son stuff. And there's two. Yeah. My ideal circumstance right now is, is kind of week on week off, kind of like a week where I'm kind of, you know, look, I'm still not totally perfect yet where I want to be. I still have a little bit more work to do before I can really just really get on the level where I want to be. But like my ideal situation is just basically training and fighting. That's it.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Like that's really all I've ever wanted to do. And it's just, how do you get there? And, um, and who's involved. Yeah. With my son, I mean, I, with my son in particular, my middle one, what I realized was that he fell in love with jujitsu. So, you know, cause I used to drive him to jujitsu class and he'd come out of there just steaming, just fucking just steam rolling off of him. And he talked. That's Canada talk, by the way.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I'm in california we don't i never see anyone steam oh yeah yeah yeah if you if you if you're in canada you're working hard you'll start to steam yeah and it's a sign that you're really going yeah um yeah so his metabolism would just be rocking and and and i could tell that he mentally was really wrapping himself up in the game and then uh and i have a background in judo like from when i was a kid too and i loved it also judo was actually my first love like when it comes to like fighting and physicality like i probably fell in love with judo before I fell in love with arm wrestling. And,
Starting point is 00:20:48 um, and I saw that in him and I was like, okay, well I need to follow him a little bit. So, you know, I fought with them. I rolled them a couple of times and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:21:01 yeah, okay. He's definitely, he definitely knows what's going on. Like I could tell already, like the only reason I was able to couple of times and I'm like, yeah, okay. He's definitely, he definitely knows what's going on. Like I could tell already, like the only reason I was able to do anything with him, cause I was bigger than him. Like my son is already a better BJJ practitioner than I am. I'm just, I'm just larger.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Right. So I was like, okay, I'm going to start to go on the mat with them. So I was like, okay, I'm going to start to go on the mat with them. And because of the time I spent at TriStar getting ready for fighting Thor, I already feel like I learned a lot about that community. And there was a lot of things that I saw, ability for crossover between our communities, things that arm wrestling can learn from the BJJ community just to make our communities things that arm wrestling can learn from the bjj community um just to make our communities better um so yeah so i i i started to go to class with odin he got injured just recently a little bit so we had a minor setback but um yeah throughout all this this is how i ended up getting well how we ended up going to adcc
Starting point is 00:22:06 yeah um which is nuts which is nuts yeah i know what what what injury did your son sustain he ripped his shoulder out yeah it's terrible yeah so he's not to get in a submission that he wasn't tapping on. No, no. Unrelated. Unrelated. We were doing a whitewater rafting and yeah, we were being, we were being a bit dumb. Um, you met this guy right here, Mo, Mo Jasmine, obviously you're in the, what a gem. What a gem. So how did you actually end up there on the floor? That's the guy who helped me out, Mo.
Starting point is 00:22:49 So how did you meet him? What resources? Did you guys serve together in the Canadian military? I'm joking. I know you did. Can you tell me a little bit of that story? Yeah, I can tell you a bit. right so a little bit of that story yeah i can tell you a bit so and listen i don't always know how you know relations are are sometimes made like i don't know maybe i can just say the universe
Starting point is 00:23:14 brought us together but yeah yeah that's a good step but so there's this kid uh his name is dan manasoyu do you know this guy the name sounds very familiar yeah if you smell it look it up dan manasoyu if you look on instagram he's bjj giant or no sorry jiu-jitsu giant jiu-jitsu giant okay yeah this kid is 20 years old he's an absolute killing machine he's like 6'8 um and he's like 275 like the kid is bad news like super super bad news um right this is the dude right here yeah so yeah Dan Manasoyo so he actually he trains in Austin he's been been following around, uh, Dana, her and he, you know, he trains with Gordon Ryan.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Um, anyways, this kid is now I could go on about this guy. I think he's very special. I really think that that guy, you give him just a couple more years, it's going to be frightening. Like,
Starting point is 00:24:22 you know, you talk about like, how tall is he? He's like six, eight, I think. Okay. So talk about like how tall is he he's like six eight i think okay so when you stand next to him he's bigger than you he's bigger than me yeah it's a it's a big kid and he's a big kid who's got all the qualities of like a champion right he's got the discipline he's got the mindset he's got the focus he's got the love he's got the he's got it all he's got it all and um
Starting point is 00:24:45 it just so happens that he also likes arm wrestling a bit he's not going to do too much of it because he um you know he wants to be the world champion of bjj right but so i talked to him a bit and um i think that how it initially started, I think that they were in, uh, I think that their team was in Dominican for a bit. I think they tried to contact me at that time, but it didn't work out. Um, and somehow they started to see, because he, I think that he was kind of following me a bit and he saw that I was starting to get into BJJ a bit with Auden and, uh, and he's close with Mo. So, so then he put me in touch with Mo and, uh, and yeah, then Mo just made it happen. So, and were you supposed to, did you just bring Juju there just because he's your friend? You're like, Hey, Juju.
Starting point is 00:25:44 you just bring juju there just because he's your friend you're like hey juju yeah so the week before the week before so much fun i was uh i was at juji's place in uh just outside of charlotte and we're shooting a rock video for working out it's hilarious oh my god i can't wait till this video comes out it'll be really funny um yeah so juji and i are buddies and uh yeah just hanging out and sleeping in his gym and training and um shooting this video and and i'm like oh my god i'm really spinning right now because i i wasn't even supposed to be there i i kind of got my calendar screwed up and he's like i'm like yeah i got a day at home and then i go to ADCC. I'm like, what are you doing next weekend? And he's like, he's like, next weekend? I was like, God, I'm not doing anything. I'm like, dude, let's go to ADCC.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Come to ADCC. You'll love it. And he's like, he's like, I'm like, I'm like, yeah, you and me could have a fight. We could, we could fight each other. And he's like, he's like, well, I got, i got really no experience whatsoever and i'm like man i haven't done anything in like 20 years i'm like i did judo when i was a kid did a little bit in the military i'm like but i don't i'm out of shape and terrible and and uh so that was it like we decided to have this fight like four days before we had it maybe not even maybe it was like three
Starting point is 00:27:03 days so he invited you there not even expecting you guys to fight and then you just said hey mo can we me and juju go on the mat and he said yeah i'll rep it yeah so so what happened what a cool guy is super cool guy super cool guy and i'm telling you that production that level of organization. And look, I mean, I've always loved BJJ, and I feel like I kind of pay attention. Not as much as a guy who's in the sport, but I'm on the outside as a guy who's got like a foundation.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Right. You know who the Rotola brothers are? Yes. Yeah. I mean, that's what I mean. You pay attention. Like, you know like you know you know yeah just a little bit just a little bit but you know who gordon ryan is you know b team you know dana here yeah you're paying right you're paying you're trying to pay attention it's kind of hard
Starting point is 00:27:55 you have to actually dig yeah right but i feel like that's all gonna change pretty soon like the the level of production that we saw this weekend um it's just so high that bjj is gonna end up on espn it's gonna start to partner with ufc i don't know like i feel like gordon ryan is about to become like an extremely household name um and yeah, I just feel like the sport of BJJ is just gonna explode here. Like, and it's, I want to do interviews. I've been interviewing a bunch of, uh, I interviewed, uh, uh, Nikki Rod a few times and, um, and J Rod, the brothers, but I want to somehow work with flow or ADCC and just interview their guys for them for free.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah. We'll get in touch with them. I am. i am for sure for sure yeah everything yeah i i don't i don't i've just hit him up in his dms i've just been bugging him maybe he'll see this video and he'll uh and he'll be like devin give me that little armenian man's phone yeah yeah well okay well for sure that i'm sure that'll happen because uh yeah anyways i'll send him a message and I'll tell him about you. Cool. Okay, so you end up there and are you literally on the floor? How close are you to the matches? Forever. So like you can, and then I saw you like even you got to meet Gordon Ryan. And then I saw you like even you got to meet Gordon Ryan.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah. Yeah, I got to meet Gordon Ryan. We were going to arm wrestle, but it just got too late. I had my kids there with me and I was like, I'm not going to the after party. I would love to go on the after party. I couldn't go on the last night. And I didn't want to bug him beforehand, right? Like, I mean, he's competing. I feel like this guy wouldn't have cared.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I feel like he probably would have done a a crossfit workout before he competed this dude like what he bit off and accomplished this weekend is completely insane to me insane insane and then look he shouldn't he be back in a room meditating instead you see him walking around talking to people it's not it was nuts he is not on the same planet as these guys he's competing with. I mean, just as an athlete, you know what's going through your head. You know what you can bite off and what you can't. You know what it takes each match. And he was unscathed.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I feel like he could have done what he did. Just from an outside perspective, it looked like training for him. Like the whole thing, like there was no scrambling. It looked like he was in control from the second he walked out on that mat. Like there was no surprises. There was no wild stuff. It was like just him slowly dissecting every dude he faced until they tapped or whatever it was like very very dominant did you get to meet nikki rod by the way um i don't think so i met a lot of people um did you see jason kalipa there jason kalipa. How about, how about this guy? Did you see the liver King?
Starting point is 00:31:08 I heard he was there. Well, Brandon Allen was, I saw, I hung out with Brandon Allen and he is, uh, he is liver King stunt double. Oh, really? You know, Brandon Allen, right? No. Who is that? What did you see? I heard the liver king was there though did you see him yeah i heard he was there too i did not see him and i probably think i would have seen him just because of where i was seated everybody kind of made their way through there um no i didn't i didn't uh i almost had another fight with lex fried. Almost. Oh, so he was there. Okay. You do a jujitsu match with Lex Friedman.
Starting point is 00:31:48 That would have been crazy. Right. Because so I would have fought jujitsu. Juju. Who's like a massive untrained athlete to fighting Lex. Who's like, you know, I don't know how much Lex weighs.
Starting point is 00:32:01 He probably weighs seven pounds. Right. But he's super skilled. I thought it would have been so interesting to, to have a role with him and just to see what it's like to, to scrap a black belt at my level. Um, but, uh, yeah, maybe that'll happen another time, but. Doesn't he have to be worried that you, you roll over on him. Imagine,
Starting point is 00:32:24 imagine a 600 pound. Retarded woman, and you have to escort her across the street and you're only four eleven ninety five pounds if she falls over on you. Absolutely, you got to treat them with a little bit of respect. That's why I thought it would be horrible. Could happen to him. If you, if you, yeah. And I would never do that. I wouldn't be, but I'll tell you that jujitsu game is violent.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah. I did not realize it was that violent. Like, uh, they are really going after each other. Like, uh, that's one of the worst.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Um, uh, uh, what's his name? Andre, Andre galvo yeah yeah warped him at least that's what it looked like from the tv it's true it's true and right away i thought that i'm like okay he's he's a he's a larger human being he's larger frame um you know at least equally athletic you know i'm like there's problems there's problems here yeah it was it was an amazing experience for me and for my boy uh i'm just super grateful to mo and uh to the to the community for kind of letting us in and letting us watch. And I took away a lot from it that I'm going to bring back to arm wrestling and just, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:49 I was so excited to see you there. I was so excited. Cause I was kind of, you feel like when you watch Jiu Jitsu, you're watching it in a vacuum. Like there's no one else watching it. Oh, there was a lot of people watching that event.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Like a lot of people, um, a lot of influencers, a lot of influencers a lot of people who aren't necessarily jujitsu dudes like that uh there was a well joe rogan was a few seats away i mean he's a jujitsu guy but you know when you have joe i mean i don't think that there's a bigger influencer out there than joe rogan in the world So when you got him at your event You're probably The word's gonna get out, that's for sure
Starting point is 00:34:28 Joe went to all three He went to that, he went to the Canelo fight And he went to the UFC fight He's a busy guy That's a busy guy Gary Goodridge I saw a picture with you and him Where was that at?
Starting point is 00:34:45 That was, that's crazy. Yeah. So that was at, um, a Toronto event. Okay. So that wasn't okay. Okay. That's not in Vegas too. No, no.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Okay. But Gary is, well, Gary's going to an event to commentate, which should be really interesting. They have him as kind of a guest of honor slash commentator for East vs. West. You know that Engen is doing this East vs. West series now? I think I do have heard about it, yeah. Yeah, it's a pretty awesome series. He's having a massive massive massive event with extreme relevance like every like month and a half in turkey and yeah he's bringing oh yeah john went out there
Starting point is 00:35:34 right yeah john's been out there a couple times um yeah john's actually competing here i think it's i think it's like the first of october or something like that i think that there's another one has he lost since he's pulled you or he's he's back on the terror again he has lost i believe only one match and there's and it's yeah he lost but i'll i'll make some excuses for john i'll say that the word on the street is that he had bad COVID and was considering pulling out, but he didn't. But he lost against a guy called Kurtagali Angrabayev, who is just a total killer from that village. I think it's in Kazakhstan called Shadra where they raised the kids from like a young age arm wrestling. Um, yeah, this guy's like a gold medal.
Starting point is 00:36:32 He's he's incredible. Okay. So like it's, it's definitely, when you say he lost a match, he lost the best of five to him. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So he won the first round in extremely dominant fashion. Like like when I was watching, I was like, oh, well, there's a there's an easy win for John. Like just, you know, just took everything from the guy like and Kurt Agali. Like, please let me put in your mind how great Kurt Agali is. He's really, really, really good good so when John did that to him
Starting point is 00:37:06 I was like oh my god this is insane but John looked super dominant but then uh round two the guy went way outside on John kind of got into a long protracted fight where John's wrist was a bit compromised and uh you know it's a match know, John probably should have just let go right away, but you know, he stuck it, he stuck it and he tried to win and like, you know, 30, 30 seconds later or whatever he lost and he never recovered. Like he never, yeah. So it sounds like it was a good event then people must have been excited oh yeah you know all the east versus west stuff is really hot in arm wrestling right now like uh
Starting point is 00:37:50 there's a lot of big relevant matches that engen is putting on um there's a ton like i mean jerry catarat is facing ermys gasparini coming up here. John's got another match with this guy, Oleg Petrenko. There's a ton of super high-level things going on in arm wrestling. Would Devin have beaten Magnus Samuelsson in arm wrestling? He is the strong man who broke the arm of another strong man. I mean, you beat Thor really easily when I saw you arm wrestle him. Yeah, but Thor's not an arm wrestler. Magnus was actually an arm wrestler. Oh, he was? Oh, yeah. Oh, I didn you arm wrestling. Yeah, but Thor's not an arm wrestler. Magnus was actually an arm wrestler.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Oh, he was? Oh, yeah. Oh, I didn't know that. Oh, yeah, 100%. Magnus was like European champion a few times. I don't know if he ever was world champion or if he even attended. However, I am very certain that Magnus was European champion a couple of times. And, uh, and I know that I saw videos of Magnus where he was training like an arm wrestler,
Starting point is 00:38:51 like he was doing arm, arm wrestling, specific lifts. And, and yeah, Magnus, Magnus definitely had some arm wrestling pedigree in him. So he had no chance of ever beating you.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Ha ha ha. Exactly. Magnus, you had no chance, a different era. Heus you had no chance uh different era he's a big dude he was really good really strong um for sure we would have had a go at you know but it's it's hard to say i mean i feel like i gotta say that uh i'm gonna kill him but at the same time i i know he was really good, really, really good. When you pulled LeVon, was there – you were viewed by many as the best in the world. Obviously, your goal is to be the best in the world, to sit at the very king of the top of the mountain.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Was there any part of you that was – it's two questions. Was any part of you relieved? And is any part of you like, holy fuck, that guy's so fucking good that, I mean, obviously you're not going to drop down to 198. But you know what I mean? That it's like, hey, it's not climbable. Like that can't be climbed without oxygen tanks. That mountain's too tall. I had all those thoughts. Everything that you said, I had those thoughts. So after, you know, the match and reflecting, thinking a lot about it, I came to, um, I came to that moment of relief because I'll tell you in, in all my years of arm wrestling,
Starting point is 00:40:26 all of them, everybody who I've ever faced win or lose. I have always been left with the feeling that I could defeat them. You came back and beat John. Yeah. Yeah. Even when I lost, right.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Even when I lost to John, I was like, because I lost to him before I beat him.. Even when I lost to John, I was like, because I lost to him before I beat him. Right. When I lost to John, I was like, okay, I can beat him. You felt how strong he was. You felt how strong he was. Felt how strong he was. And I thought, okay, I can beat this guy. I can beat him. Um, everybody. And that's every single person that I'd ever faced. I thought, you know, okay, I think I've got a place. I've got a way to beat this person. And what that did is it made me continue to chase, continue to chase.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And when I ran into LeVon afterwards, I was like, okay, that might be the limit right there. I'm like, this guy, I might not be able to beat him. At the time, he was 33. He's about, you know, one and a half times the size of me. Okay, so if I'm 270, you know, cut me in half, put that half back on top of me. That's, that's LeVon. I'm like, he can still get bigger. He can still get bigger. He's 33. He can still get the speed that he can get better. I mean,
Starting point is 00:41:56 it would be disrespectful. It would be disrespectful for me not to believe that it would be disrespectful for me to think that. And him already, the way he defeated me, he basically, in arm wrestling, he did a kill shot. He killed my body. He broke it.
Starting point is 00:42:21 At that time, I was like, okay, I can kind of let go of that mission to be the overall best on the planet. I can kind of let it go and I can reevaluate and I can, I can change my mission a little bit. Sort of like what we talked about earlier i can refine it and um and potentially i can come down in weight a little bit because that's hard i'll tell you staying in 270s hard it's difficult yeah you have to eat more weight that's that's one of the things that i dislike the most about the super heavyweight division is yeah super heavyweights big dudes you can't be a super heavyweight really without being a big dude anyways like you know I'm I walk around
Starting point is 00:43:12 250 without really doing anything whatsoever this is crazy did you just see that him bench that that's not even as crazy stuff uh savan look at his hands on the bar dude it's a fucking kids bar savan you watch his arm wrestling lift like that's a bench press that does have very little to do with arm wrestling like it's great for overall upper body strength which is going to help obviously but in specific movements of arm wrestling like you know wrist flexion like rising pronation is bicep stuff it's insane man it's insane he's like okay you take like the elite level the elite level of strength in arm wrestling he's like double he's basically yeah he's like double. He's basically, yeah, he's basically double what the top of the hammer curling, uh,
Starting point is 00:44:08 one 35. He's hammer curling to 70. Yeah. Yeah. Stuff like that. Yeah. Like he's way, way ahead.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And he's really what people deadlift. And, and, and, and Savan, he is no dummy. He's a smart guy. He's a funny guy.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Like he's the hammer is in the right place with this guy he he'll be he'll be tough oh yeah so those are those are 20 that's over 200 pounds right there right and he's just repping it out wow okay sorry so i so so you re you re you you're in your rethinking mode okay a new mission not to be not to sit alone at the top of the mountain, maybe. Yeah. Yeah. So now what I get to do is I feel like I can tone it down a level where, you know, I don't need to feel like I'm pregnant from morning till night, sit on my couch and just lift super heavy weights. I can actually have a lot more fun with it. I can spend a lot more time training in clubs. I don't need to spend quite as much time, you know, lifting weights. I can eat like just whatever I want. I don't have to eat to get totally huge. If I want to eat a
Starting point is 00:45:18 lot, I can, but I don't have to, you know, um, which is, which is a really nice place to be i i i believe that i'll arm wrestle forever and competitively i i really do think i will um but it one of the things i love to do is just practice the sport of arm wrestling you you know, and there's a big difference there between competitive and practicing like, but I really enjoy just being able to practice a lot. I love beach Frisbee. Frisbee golf just makes me want to vomit. Right. Yeah. I just want to throw like to like just have fun and practice i still want to try some crazy shots i want to throw for some distance i want to throw into the wind and catch and show you like how much control i have of the frisbee and high winds and
Starting point is 00:46:16 and do weird shit but uh but i don't want to frisbee golf it's like all the fun's gone for me it's like i'm not enjoying that game at all stress got to get it in the basket discs are fucking weird you know what i mean and so i see that you you like being in the room with the 30 guys practicing on the table that's different than flying to fucking poland and fucking disco lights and fucking pressure and and having to put on extra 30 pounds exactly and there's another there's a lot of things that i want to accomplish which i think will do great things for all of us uh there's a ton of things through the app which i'm we're continuing to work on uh which i think are going to do great things for our community. And I want to do... Tell me the name of the app again. It's Armbet.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Right, Armbet. Yeah. And it's a community builder, right? It helps people find each other. We have a lot... There's still a lot of issues that we have to make better to make it really, really be able to light up our community even more. But... And I want to do more freedom arm wrestling.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I've got a freedom event coming up. What's that? What's freedom arm wrestling? Freedom arm wrestling, in my opinion, freedom arm wrestling is, and a lot of people will take objection to what i'll say about freedom but i really believe that it is it's our end state i i believe that i i believe that the arm wrestling table is is okay it's okay but it's really stupid at the same time um i believe that the best way to arm wrestle is on natural structures um which you know you can find them all over the place i think that the arm wrestling table dining room table sure dining room table yeah now there are better and
Starting point is 00:48:27 worse um you know freedom tables you know you can find naturally occurring arm wrestling tables just out in the parks you know you just gotta like my favorite freedom table that i've found up to this point is in Simcoe park, uh, in Toronto, Canada. Perfect, man. This thing is a beautiful table. It's so good. It's how do you find that table on the internet? Um, well, actually, uh, you will see, Oh, um, if you type in Freedom Arm Wrestling, maybe something will come up where we're in Toronto. It sounds like Gi versus no Gi. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I see it. You see it's like a big marble slab.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Yes, yes. So, Vaughn, this is incredible, this table. Like, it makes the sports. That's the one right there that's the place this this will make um the sport like fighting in a phone booth to like fighting in a in the open planes or a ring like much bigger like the technical options you have on this thing are huge right like you have so much space to adjust and play and retreat and the thing is it lets people go out and do them in public places i feel like all over the world there are these things there are these naturally occurring structures people should
Starting point is 00:49:59 just meet there and do it like you know got to protect your elbow get arm sleeves like arm sleeve is cheap it's easy to transport what honestly do you keep keep your elbow from like hurting and and keep your arm warm yeah exactly you don't want to do damage to your elbow on a hard surface so you know you got to protect it but uh you know you want everywhere i go i'm looking for these things i'm looking for these types of tables and the rules are just slightly different it's based off of japanese arm sumo which has been around obviously longer than arm wrestling and they do it on a smooth surface i remember when i first saw arm sumo i was was like, wow, I'm like, this sport is cooler than arm wrestling. And then what I did is, you know, tweaked a few little things.
Starting point is 00:50:54 And now you can do freedom on any table. Freedom is just basically a rule set. You can do it anywhere on any table. But some tables are just, I'd better than others you know it's crazy i typed in japanese arm sumo and like the first seven of the eight videos are you i was the first i was the first international dude to be invited to their championships yeah big big honor for me i went over there a few years ago uh how'd you do well i won but but i mean i japanese dudes are typically not as big so and their best guys
Starting point is 00:51:36 actually did not come that day uh yeah i didn't actually get to face the best dudes in japan Yeah. I didn't actually get to face the best dude in Japan. So, um, I think the one guy was in the, on the verge of retiring. Um, what's his name? The guy who pulled you filmed them. Oh, and from the movie pulling John. Yeah. Yeah. I forget that guy's name. That guy's still arm wrestling. No, he retired. Oh, okay. Right. But he was just in the process of retiring when I was there.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Like, just right at the end. And I think that actually the guy who's kind of taken over for him, I think that they were having some big final last match or something like that. I don't know. Anyways. But it's incredible. I would love to go back there and do more of it. I really think that it's, um, it's interesting, the Japanese culture and the way that they get their rules to work. And then, you know, I, I, that was my inspiration to, to really push freedom was, was what I saw in Japan. Actually, I saw it for the first time back in like 99 or 2000
Starting point is 00:52:47 when I went to the World Championships. Yeah, anyways, I'd like to do just a whole lot more of that and continue to develop that until it just becomes more normal. And like there's tournaments like that kind of all over the world. I think the people, like I would love just the arm wrestling community just to just keep their eyes open everywhere they go. Um, and just kind of like how in CrossFit, um, people used to do handstands everywhere and just take pictures, right?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Like you just, you're at the graveyard and just do a handstand on like your mom's tomb. Just like, Hey, snap a photo. Yeah, exactly. Like you can, Oh, here we are arm wrestling on my dad. The two brothers are arm wrestling. Oh,
Starting point is 00:53:31 maybe my boys will arm wrestle on my tombstone. That'd be cool. Right. I could set up. You know what? LaVon, that's not going to be because of this conversation, I'm going to start putting aside some money and I'm going to make my tombstone,
Starting point is 00:53:43 uh, an arm wrestling table. Oh, because of this conversation. Wow. Yeah. Please arm wrestle over Devin Lorette's dead body. It was his final wish. Right. Yeah. I'll set up like I'll design an even better table than that one in Toronto. Oh, my goodness. Arm wrestling tombstones will be the new vertical at Arm Wrestling. Right. Right, right. It's funny. People think we're joking.
Starting point is 00:54:09 No, I'm not. My final bit for you. I'm so impressed at the YouTube, the Instagram, the TikTok, the vulnerability, authenticity, frequency, kindness, generosity. The vulnerability, authenticity, frequency, kindness, generosity. Why do people like you? There's this TikTok video with 11.2 million views. There's no – what's the guy's – what's the famous soccer player's name? Ricardo Montalban? No.
Starting point is 00:54:41 What the fuck is that guy's name? Susan, do you know the famous soccer player's name? He has 400 million tiktok or instagram followers ronaldo christian ronaldo yeah christian there's no christian ronaldo in you i mean everywhere i see you you're in some fucking old arm wrestling shirt your fucking hair is disheveled yeah um what why do why are um you have no makeup on when's the last time you wore makeup Devin yeah thank you Wadzombie pitching in for the tombstone
Starting point is 00:55:16 thank you sir 11.2 million views on TikTok. Why? I don't know, man. Just some skinny military boy. Look at you. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:55:32 I don't get it. Just some dude who does pull-ups and looks at his forums. Right. It's weird. The algorithm works in strange ways. in strange ways. I guess I just try to
Starting point is 00:55:50 what I try to believe is that there would be even more I would like to share. I think that there's a lot of... You're not comfortable sharing yet you mean well i am very comfortable okay i'm i'm extreme i am extremely comfortable yeah that's
Starting point is 00:56:14 why when you even start the sentence i try i'm like he doesn't even try it's just no i don't really i really don't but i am mindful that, there are just some things that are more adult than, than others. And I have to remember that I I'm speaking to a very wide audience and, um, you should have, I wish you would have taught me that a couple of years ago before I fucking, it's too late for me. I've gone over the edge. Yeah, no, it's tough. I mean, but, but what I do try and do is I do try and keep things as real as, and as honest as possible. Always, always. Um, and I just try and have fun. I don't know, whatever. Uh, it's, it seems to be working. Okay. I mean, uh, my life is very simple. I don't think, uh, that the, the only thing that I really have to show people is that we're better off when we're all together.
Starting point is 00:57:06 That's it. Like, we're better off together. We're better off doing things together. You know, the strength of the human being is through togetherness, no matter what. Like, one plus one is more than one, right? One plus one is more than one, right? In this entire interview, the thing that caught me most was when you said you went to visit Juju and you just slipped it in there. Yeah, yeah, I went to Juju.
Starting point is 00:57:35 He worked out in his gym, slept in his gym. And I'm thinking to myself, no one else who sat in the front row at the ADCC slept on the guy's gym floor the day before. I'm basically a homeless hobo most i'm i'm like very much a homeless dude very much like like when i go traveling like a lot of times i'll be out sleeping in the parks like you know sleeping underneath trees and don't get me wrong like i like to have a hotel room too but a lot of times don't, a lot of times I'm out sleeping in the woods and wherever, just going from practice to practice. It's just what I like to do. It's, I enjoy it. Yeah. And I don't know, I guess it's, it's more rare. I think that it's, it's more rare,
Starting point is 00:58:20 but I think that that's what I like to share with people that you just, just there's a lot of pressure pressure to look a certain way to act a certain way to have certain goals but some of the best times in my life don't have anything to do with with any of those things you know like a lot of the best times like when I look back at where some of the best places that have slept over the past two years, probably the best place that I slept was a beautiful August night. It was dry. There was no bugs. And I slept underneath a willow tree in a park in Toronto. There was junkies and stuff all over the place, but man, it was nice. Yeah. And if you don't do stuff like that, which most people don't, you also never have the
Starting point is 00:59:12 experience of two squirrels. I'm having sex doggy style on your back that wake you up at seven in the morning. Right. Never. Oh, I got some squirrel ejaculate on me. Oh, I got some squirrel ejaculate on me. Hey, one day, one day, Savan, in the not too distant future, you might not be able to even get me on a phone. I'll just be that much of a vagrant. I'll be that much of a homeless dude. I'll just be I'll have some connection where I can just walk from practice to practice. That'll be it. And I'll be, I'll be, I'll be in paradise. I'll be fighting, fighting,
Starting point is 01:00:00 eating, sleeping, whatever. Try not to get in too much trouble, but yeah, it's my destiny. Hey, I hear you, but I think that you have so much to contribute to the world in terms of, uh, almost things that can't be said in terms of just your persona. And I do think that you're having a ton of fun with social media, which I don't think a lot of people are. And I think you'll, I think we'll, we have still a lot of years left of watching you, um, enjoy yourself. Oh yeah. Yeah. There's lots to come. Hey, what about you, buddy? Life's good down there? Dude. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:00:29 Do you know how cool it is? I don't take it for granted that I can text someone like you. You say, sure, I'll come on. Let me know when. We agree on a time. And you come on, and I get to do it. And this is what I do.
Starting point is 01:00:45 And I just get to talk to Devin Lorette, you know, on, on a show. It's, it's, it's a fucking dream. It's I'm stoked.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And then I get to go, I'm going to, as soon as I get off with you, I'm going to go inside and eat a pound of raw meat that my wife has blended for me with some, with some dates and some butter. And then I'm going to go to the skateboard shop with my kids and get them new skateboards. They're killing it still still they're still like dude yeah savage every
Starting point is 01:01:10 time i see a video of them i'm like wow they're really killing it yeah they're the next devin lorette's shorter that's that's great that's great well good that's the thing. You got to find out what your kids love and follow them, right? Yes. Yes. And follow them. Yes. Yes. Yeah. I'm not into leading my kids anywhere. Yeah. Much better to follow and guide from the number two position. There's this poem that Khalil Gibran wrote. Are you familiar with that poet, Lebanese poet? He wrote a book called the prophet and there's there's a section in there that's called on it's on parenting halil jabron i think it's with a j susa anyway he basically says the parent is the bow and the child is the arrow right and you shoot the arrow out yes and then it's now ahead of you. And now you're now,
Starting point is 01:02:05 now you're now learning from it. And I, I just had a guest on this morning who he got his parents to do CrossFit and I got my mom to do CrossFit. And it's like both. It's like, yeah, they followed, they,
Starting point is 01:02:17 they followed us down this path that's given them, uh, uh, enrich their lives. And yeah, it's totally, it's, I'm,
Starting point is 01:02:23 I'm not quite there. Yeah. This book right here. It's great book. The prophet, um, uh, enrich their lives. And yeah, it's totally, it's, I'm, I'm not quite there. Yeah. This book right here. It's great book. The prophet. Um, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:30 I'm not quite there. I'm still doing a little bit of the leading, but I, but I see how my mom worked it with me. And, and I, and I'm, I'm looking forward to the struggles of then of taking that back position more
Starting point is 01:02:41 and more, you know, it's still, it's still, it's still a little bit protecting them from, from the world a little bit. How far are you from Modesto? Uh,
Starting point is 01:02:52 and, uh, what am I? So is it like an hour? Yeah, probably about two hours, two hours, two hours.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Why you had, you had it out there. I got a seminar, um, on the 15th of October in Modesto. I was like, oh, that's close. It's close. And then I'm going to go and see John from there.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Oh, that's cool. Yeah. So on the 16th, 17th of 8th and 18th, I'm going to be with John. We're finishing up the documentary, right? What documentary? Dude, we've been filming a documentary for like the last year and a half. About your guys' match. Just about, yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:31 they've been following me. I don't, at this point, I don't even know what the movie's about anymore. Okay. Okay. Fair. But obviously it's,
Starting point is 01:03:38 it's heavy arm wrestling and it's about my journey, you know, to, to, to John, to LaV, and afterwards. So filming the final portion of the movie in October, he's going to come up here,
Starting point is 01:03:54 and then he'll probably follow me down into California and into Arizona. Who's the filmmaker? He's a young guy called rory mcintosh yeah um okay let him know that when he wants to promote it i would love to help him promote it oh yeah yeah okay yeah i'll put him in touch with you yeah okay he's good he's really good he's young and uh he's done a couple projects already but he's got a lot of footage he's good. He's really good. He's young and, he's done a couple of projects already, but he's got a lot of footage. He's got awesome.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Yeah. It's a lot to work with. Um, so yeah, anyways, so it'll all wrap up by then. So yeah, if you want it,
Starting point is 01:04:36 well, if you want to come down and hang out with us for, for a couple of days there, tell me about your Modesto seminar. It's, is it sold out? Uh, I don't know how sold out it is. Where would people go to sign up if they wanted to go? So the great promoter, Devin Lorette, watch. If you go to my YouTube under upcoming events, I think that there's a link there that will take you to,
Starting point is 01:05:07 um, the dude who's, who's kind of setting it all up. Yeah. That's probably the easiest way. Yeah. Let's show that before. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Let's see if that works. Um, are you pulling it up? Susan? I've, uh, holy shit, dude. You have 500,000 subscribers on your YouTube now.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Am I at 500? Not yet. Almost. 499, right? Crazy. I know. It's getting up there, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Okay, so equipment, get it at Android. Where's the button to sign up for your seminar? No, okay, so just click onto one of my videos. Just click onto my Jujy Fight video because I for your seminar? No. Okay. So just click onto one of my videos. Just click, click onto my juji fight video. Cause I think it's on there. Yeah. Um, so go into the description.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Do you see the October 15th? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Click on that. Let's see. Yeah. See what happens when you click on that.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Let's take you anywhere. Okay. happens when you click on that it's taking anywhere okay so this is right let me see the title this so this is uh dr d dr alex fitness dr alex fitness d-r-a-l-e-x fitness okay he's the guy who's setting up the whole thing okay yeah alex will be the the point of contact so all information through him dude arm wrestlers are weirder than vegans and crossfitters put together they just love there has to be an arm wrestling photo every every every couple photos oh that's all i do basically yeah yeah that and forearm flexes too basically yeah yeah that and forearm flexes Devin thank you yeah I gotta run buddy I I gotta perfect yeah we gotta I'm late for a business call right now 66 minutes of love with you thank you have a good one I love you Siobhan let's talk soon yep you too ma'am thank you bye-bye
Starting point is 01:07:10 yo hey good shows you think the connor murphy show is good i liked it yeah i still have a probably about another 15 minutes maybe left but i got to listen to it rolling out to hayward and on my way back i enjoyed i got a little got a little anxiety yesterday around, like I was talking over Hiller too much. But, and then I got a little anxiety about that with Connor today too. But I just feel like I have to do it to, I'm fine not saying anything. I just feel like if the energy drops below a certain level, I need to jump in there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good. I need to jump in there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:45 That's good. I don't think there's any issue with it. I didn't feel like you were, um, interrupting him like overly or anything like that. I watched part of the, the one with, uh,
Starting point is 01:07:55 um, you and, uh, Hiller last night as I was getting, you know, unpacking all this whole box of stuff I have in my living room. So, but,
Starting point is 01:08:02 um, I don't know. I feel like that that's good. You guys both have a lot of energy and when Hillary gets like going on a subject, like he'll get going a little bit. And I think a lot of the times that you're in, or like you're interrupting going,
Starting point is 01:08:13 you're adding context, you're keeping the conversation moving forward. You're doing so it's not, I don't, I wouldn't worry about it. Okay, good. I think it was good.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Um, love you. And your response is thank you. Really? Seven. Love you and your responses. Thank you. Really, Sevan? Love you and your... Oh, did he say love you and he said thank you back? Oh.
Starting point is 01:08:32 I like that color. I love you, Sevan. Thank you. Go ahead. You can call in. Go ahead. I want to go, but I'm curious what a Thaddeus Bell needs. Oh, he hung up.
Starting point is 01:08:48 He called and then hung up. Oh, really? Murphy Show is great. Okay. Yeah, Murphy Show was great. Okay. That was cool. And I thought it was funny when you asked him about the other Connor Murphy.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Yeah. Dude, I love the other. The other Connor Murphy, I'd never heard of him before, but he was so fucking funny. Yeah. Well, it was funny because I made that mistake. And I was like, dude, that's awesome. the other the other connor murphy i'd never heard of him before but he was so fucking funny yeah well it was funny because i made that mistake and i was like dude that's awesome this guy has over three million youtube subscribers and you're like no i don't think it's right and i was like i dm that guy and invited him on the show too maybe he'll come on it's so fucking it's so fucking cool what he does it's so fucking ridiculous i think I just love the fact to see that women like men with good bodies.
Starting point is 01:09:28 It's makes me realize they're no different than us. Hi, Thaddeus. Thaddeus. Hey, what's going on? Thaddeus. Enjoy your show. Question for you, Siobhan. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Do you know how to tell the difference between a male and female chromosome? No, but hold up. But oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Hold on. Hold on one second, yeah, yeah. Hold on. Hold on one second. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 01:09:48 How do you? I think it was a joke. I think we set up a joke. Oh, it's a joke? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you got to pull their jeans down. Oh, I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 01:10:00 That's all. That's all I got, man. Enjoy yourself. Thank you. I like it. Hey, what do you think? Boys should stay in boys sports and girls can play both sports if they want? That sounds...
Starting point is 01:10:11 Yeah. I think you bring up... Yeah, 100%. You bring up some good points about what true sexist is. If my company doesn't have enough of this or that. Yeah. You bring up a lot of good points, man. I definitely don't agree with how,
Starting point is 01:10:26 how many world records in women's sports are held by men. It's in the argument that it's not fair is just ridiculous because nothing's fair. So that's a pointless argument. It's like when people say it was God's choice. Well, everything is God's choice. It's a,
Starting point is 01:10:39 it's a fucking pointless argument, but it's the same thing with why olivia kerstetter could compete with the adults if she wanted to last year or she can compete with the kids but the adults don't get that choice well that's not fair yeah so what so the fuck what shit ain't fair life isn't fair no it should be honest it should be honest we should be trying we should strive for honesty but fair is just ridiculous fair just leads to lying well but i would say it also doesn't bring honor or respect to like the sexes right you know i have a lot of honor and respect for like what tia and all them females are doing and for one of these guys who have an advantage to go in there that's not love that's
Starting point is 01:11:21 not respect and i don't know those are big things to me so how about you're a dude if you had four daughters and then all and you just that's so hard and then all of a sudden fucking there's do and you get them into sports and they make their whole life sports and then all of a sudden there's dudes in their sport like fuck that that's a
Starting point is 01:11:39 bus game goes in late how about a dude goes lay out your daughter in high school sports who knocked her out or something like that or he's in the dressing room with her oh right how about fuck you well hey man i was actually i'm in the middle of one of uh hwpo sessions okay all that you're on never got to call in love your stuff and. And I'm going to go back to working out, which I could say and talk. You're awesome. If you do. Thanks a lot,
Starting point is 01:12:07 man. Thank you. Bye. Devin had to go. Oh, that guy just said, you're awesome. And I said,
Starting point is 01:12:16 thank you. Default answer. I love you. Thank you. I like that shirt color thank you yeah every time i have sex with my wife when i'm done i just say thank you thank you thank you i always think it's weird but but i am i always think maybe i shouldn't say this but i always do anyway thank you she goes yeah what i want she always says thank you back but i wonder
Starting point is 01:12:48 if she really means you're welcome okay um tomorrow we have a live call-in show in the morning um yeah i scheduled that because you you you got a stockpile of stuff there and I know you were itching it. I'm wondering if that'll still be there tomorrow though. No, it's good. It's good. No, it will. I don't think.
Starting point is 01:13:14 And then, uh, you know, yesterday I tried to do the tranny show with, um, Hiller and we could, I couldn't, I don't know what the fuck it was like. I was on crack yesterday. I know. I saw it get like brought up and then that caller came people weren't stoked about that first caller they were like screen it hang up he's going too long but i thought it produced a lot of good conversation just text me and said wow you really put out the vibe today but i'm gonna text him back and say what vibe is that yeah what does that mean yeah just
Starting point is 01:13:47 thank you thank you i'll tell you maybe maybe if i tell you who it is that would help hey um we gotta get daniel brandon on the show yeah she's like let's text her right now. You're a good dude. Thank you. I know what the fuck is going on with that rock star. Okay. I will call you later today. I'm going to head to the skate shop and then. Awesome. What are you picking up?
Starting point is 01:14:19 You know, there's Ryan. Well, a couple of things, you know, my kids have been skating a shitload with Greg Glassman's kids. And one of those boards got left out in the rain. So I'm going to go get the board fixed for Greg's daughter. And then, um, and then, uh, uh,
Starting point is 01:14:35 one of the guys who works over there at California hormones is friends with Ryan Sheckler. Oh, that's for a skater. That's awesome. And Ryan gave, Paul got three boards from Ryan who he gave to my kids
Starting point is 01:14:48 when I started building out those boards. Awesome. Yeah. That's cool. I miss going to the skate shop, gripping boards. Yep. Alright, I will talk to you soon. Peace.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Oh, wait, I have to hang up on everyone else before I hang up on you.

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