The Sevan Podcast - #602 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. See you later. You figured. Oh, shoot. No rumble again. I'm never going to go in and fix that. Bam, we're live for 12 seconds.
Starting point is 00:00:43 It's not working? What? No, it's not working there. You know, there's like two codes, a URL, and then a,
Starting point is 00:00:51 something they call a stream key that you have to punch in. Yeah. I knew, I knew something was weird when I was messing with it, but what sucks is you have to, you can stream free to YouTube, but you have to pay like $25 a month minimum to stream to rumble. So I signed us up for that.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Hmm. More money, more problems. Yeah. Well said. I invited someone to co-host with me today on the show. They declined. I can't tell. Like I'm, like i'm i'm partially like happy they declined but partially unhappy not unhappy unhappy is too strong disappointed well i'm i'm i'm uh
Starting point is 00:01:40 practically i'm glad they didn't, they declined just easier, right? Without them. You don't have to prepare for them. But, well, I just, I, when there's more, the more people are on here, the more I edit what I'm, I, I rethink what I was going to say. Oh, I just want to point out. We almost, we almost, it was two and a half hours yesterday out of the two hours
Starting point is 00:02:08 and 40 minutes you only mentioned COVID one time we almost went all shit wow was it at the very end that I fucked it up no fuck it up yeah you mentioned it right at the end it was kind of funny
Starting point is 00:02:23 darn it darn it, darn it. It was like you read my mind. There is a competition coming, ladies and gentlemen. A competition to end all competitions. Fight for the fittest. I will be there competing in the individual. No, actually, I won't be. Fight for the fittest i will be there competing in the individual no actually i won't be Fight for the fittest. F-I-G-H-T-F-O-R-T-H-E-F-I-T-T-E-S-T.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Just like it sounds. Fight for the fittest. All one word. And. Isn't that. Don't they have an app? Also. I love their graphics.
Starting point is 00:03:22 The two skeletons. Why do I like skeletons? See that second link below that we got? Oh, okay. Here it is. Yeah. Conquest Events. It looks like it's just a site where people go.
Starting point is 00:03:37 There's an RX and there's a scaled category. And there are – it's for men and for for women those are the sexes that may participate i was so disappointed when uh that um austin alexander plays the gender game i was really disappointed i wonder if he even knew though he's just kind of like just just participating in the mass delusion it's so weird how many people participate in that i love jason kaliba but i didn't i didn't i when i was going to sign up for his app like to just check it out but as soon as they'd asked me what my gender is i fucking bailed do you know what they're really asking to when they ask for your gender not only are they asking for your imagination but someone recently showed me a job application
Starting point is 00:04:28 and they were asking for gender and um 80 of the choices regarding gender i i'm making that up 80 it's probably like 95 they're really asking you directly explicitly whose gender you want sorry whose genitalia you want rubbing your genitalia it has nothing it's not like that when i ask you your sex i'm asking you about your genitalia when i'm asking you your gender when there's choices like queer now i'm at now the question is is whose genitalia do i want touching my genitalia you feel me it's like how the fuck is that on a job application it's so weird it's fucking bizarre and how does that apply to like the application itself yeah so let's say even if they just just kept it pure and imaginary shit like gender so you said i'm uh
Starting point is 00:05:19 frog man you know what i mean like i'm part frog part man or or let's say or yeah yeah or i'm rabbit man or i'm i'm rabbit woman or i'm um uh i i'm not sure what i am let's say you check that box at least still you're they're not asking you explicitly about whose genitalia you want sitting on your face but now that's all that's all every job almost asked that it seems like it's so weird do you know the pentagon has a dei chief yeah have you seen her let's find out she looks like she's a fucking 18 year old girl she uses a word um caudacity it means the audacity of white people, like Caucasian caudacity. What'd you fucking pick that up from fucking Kendrick Lamar?
Starting point is 00:06:09 What is that, some sort of rap racism? Caudacity. It's amazing. All the black stuff has to stop too. It's not black. It's African-American culture at most. I don't even – at most. There's no white people in the United States who behave like the white people in Finland.
Starting point is 00:06:38 We're nothing like them. So to say all white people, it's ridiculous. There's no black people. When I mean no, I'm – yeah, this chick. say all white people it's ridiculous there's no black people when i mean no i'm yeah this chick this chick looks like some fucking chick i see at a fucking starbucks just being a fucking bitch to the uh sorry sorry to be so prejudiced and discriminatory on her on her looks but i was looking at a bunch of pictures she looks at someone like a fucking um uh karen at a starbucks complaining that her fucking uh drinks not hot enough i'm so exhausted of these white folks look
Starting point is 00:07:07 how she spells folks it's like that the dumbing down of america this lady actually had the caudacity to say black people can be racist too holy shit this lady works in the pentagon yep probably not the only one that maybe shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:07:38 working in the department of defense holy shit hey just so you know black people can be racist too well but seven they don't have any power fucking they can be racist and play the victim mindset how's that in a fucking credible in fucking and a matter of fact i would argue that probably if you if you were to lump it up that
Starting point is 00:08:05 black people in general are probably more racist than white people racist against white people i mean all the black people i hung out with were always pretty uh hardcore racist growing up fucking nuts and what do i mean by that they have more uh they have more um uh judgment and disdain i i know i i was trying to actually think about it when i saw this article if i know any white people who are openly racist i don't but i've known fucking a thousand i've had a thousand black friends that are openly racist towards white people i i don't care it's so ass backwards oh it's fucking nuts let me tell you there's just as many fucking dipshit black parents as there are dipshit white parents who don't want their kids
Starting point is 00:08:59 to marry a white kid as there are white kids who don't want their kids to marry a black kid easily. And Chinese and whatever. And Jewish. And they're all the same. You know, that brings me to can you play 120? This thing is amazing. Watch Don Lemon here
Starting point is 00:09:24 get bludgeoned. bludgeoned by this lady this is nuts this is he wants reparations paid he's claiming that reparations should be paid even just but before i go on i want to be very clear listen how first of all he looks like he got monkey pox or something he looks like or he's doing meth he looks like he got monkey pox or something. He looks like – or he's doing meth. He looks like he's gotten way too skinny. Something happened to Don Lemon. Something's weird. And on top of that, listen to the words he uses and all the presuppositions he makes. As if something has happened to the people who are here with a certain skin color who are here now.
Starting point is 00:10:08 What if I – my kids are Jewish and Armenian. Both sides of their family escaped. They're 50-50. They're 51% Jewish, 49% Armenian. And they – both their families have one generation ago survived insane hardship. I have relatives I could reach back into history and touch who had their stomachs cut open and their babies yanked out.
Starting point is 00:10:34 My wife has relatives she can reach back just a little back into history and touch relatives who were fucking thrown in a train and fucking gassed. thrown in a train and fucking gassed and never ever fucking lean on that but what's worse is but but there are a lot of armenians who want armenians to lean on that and there's a ton of jews who want jews to lean on that just so you know they want you to remember they want you to more than remember they want you to remember. They want you to more than remember. They want you to embody that, embody that victim mindset. Those are, those are not, those are not good people,
Starting point is 00:11:11 but the worst of them come from people like Don Lemon. He's, he demands, he demands that people with dark skin feel inferior and feel it play the victim mindset. Anyway, this lady fucks him up and he can't even hide it that's the best part okay action well this is coming when you know this all of this wealth and you hear about it comes as angle and it's facing rising costs of living a living crisis austerity budget cuts and so on and then you have those who are asking uh for reparations for colonialism and they're wondering, you know, a hundred billion dollars, $24 billion here and there, 500 million there. Some people want to be paid back and members of the public are wondering,
Starting point is 00:11:53 why are we suffering when you are, you know, you have all of this vast wealth. Those are legitimate concerns. Well, I think you're right about reparations in terms of if people want it though. There's the presupposition. No one's concerned. If you – why do you care that the English royal family has a billion dollars? It does nothing to you.
Starting point is 00:12:15 What do you want them to do? Oh, thank you. What do you want the English royal family to do? Just start giving – handing out their money? What are you going the English royal family to do? Just start handing out their money? What are you going to do with it? I mean, just out of curiosity, what are you going to do with it? Oh, you're going to go onto Amazon and buy something and give it to Bezos. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Gotcha. Why do you care? That's for sure. Right, right. They're going to use it for their own self-issues and it's guess whose hands it's gonna end up in again it's so nuts it's so nuts the presupposition there that something is wrong with rich people that's wrong with them having a billion dollars i I was raised like that too. Why? Who cares? But someone, the discrepancy of wealth is greater than it's ever been. Yeah, the quality of life is – the discrepancy of wealth between the poorest and the richest may be the biggest it's ever been, but it still can't compare. It still can't compare to how fantastic the quality of life is today than it was 200 years ago. the quality of life is today than it was 200 years ago.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I mean, shit, anyone can go to fucking CVS and get a COVID vaccine now. Hallelujah. God bless America. Bradley, hi. Hey, what's going on? It's going to be really good
Starting point is 00:13:36 because I want to play the rest of this Don Lemon clip. This lady works him. Yeah, play it real quick. You can get on with that. Okay. Stand by, Bradley. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:44 So he's saying let's talk about reparations and this this is how this lady responds what they need to do is you always need to go back to the beginning of a supply chain where was the beginning of the supply chain that was in africa and when that crossed the entire world when the slavery was taking place which was the first nation in the world that abolished slavery? The first nation in the world to abolish it, it was started by William Wilberforce, was the British. In Great Britain, they abolished slavery. 2,000 naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery. Why? Because the African kings were rounding up their own people. They had them on cages, waiting in the beaches. No one was running into Africa to get them.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And I think you're totally right. If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, who was rounding up their own people and having them handcuffed in cages? Absolutely. That's where they should start. And maybe, I don't know, the descendants of those families where they died in the high seas,
Starting point is 00:14:43 trying to stop the slavery, those families should receive something too, I think, at the same time. It's an interesting discussion, Hilary. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. We'll continue to discuss in the future. So Don Lemon wants only people to be paid reparations based on their skin color. It's so it's fucking fascinating. The whole thing. It's just it's moreon central hi brad how are you oh good so when you were you know you're talking about uh the whole racism thing quick little story so when i opened up my affiliate um i'm in south louisiana uh i opened up in a city or town small town i had no clue about whatsoever um i literally moved away they didn't have any moved away. They didn't have any
Starting point is 00:15:26 CrossFit gyms, didn't have any gyms, opened up a gym. I quickly found out that the town that I was moving into was very, very hard on the racism side. And when I mean very, very hard, there was a couple of times in the first couple of years that I was running my affiliate that I literally had to remove clients as members of my gym because of their open just dislike for black people. And it was a wild- Can you tell me what that looks like? What does that look like? What do they say?
Starting point is 00:16:02 It's just, so I'll give you one example. I'll remember it to the day I can play it back. It was about seven years ago. What state is this? Sorry, what state is this? This is Louisiana, South Louisiana. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:18 So we do partner-wise on Saturdays. We've done it from the first Saturday I opened all the way up to now. So we partner people up. Sometimes you get partnered up with somebody around the same fitness level. Sometimes it's a little bit different. We partnered somebody up. It was a white woman with a black woman.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And the white woman openly in front of the entire class says, hey, I can't be your partner. I'm not going to be a partner with a black person. And I was like, I can't be your partner. I'm not going to be a partner with a black person. And I was like, wow. I was like, wow. Holy shit. Like, uh, and, and coming back from, from my experience, um, my mom was very open with, uh, bringing people into our, our family growing up. My two best friends were black people. So, so it took me back, uh, you know, uh, by surprise that, that somebody was openly just against, uh, a different race because of color of skin.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Right. Um, so it was, it was a hard experience as an affiliate owner that to go and, uh, and have that experience. Um, but I, but I quickly, quickly found out that, um, that the community that I was in, the town that I was in, was very open to actively in the KKK. They would actively pass out flyers. Up until probably eight years, six or seven years, maybe eight years ago, they stopped actively putting flyers in people's mailboxes. Can I just say one thing here, Bradley? And I appreciate this story. This is exactly the same as choosing someone because they're black. Correct.
Starting point is 00:17:58 It's the same thing with people who thought it was okay that Hiller made the video that said Justin was natty. Oh, yay. But they were upset when he said Tia was on roids. Yeah, boo. They're both the same. If you support the videos, you support the precedent of someone just judging people on the internet. If you're going to choose people you like based on your – like if you're going to go out of your way to pick someone because you need a Jew on your team it's the same thing as is is not picking someone okay go on i just wanted to make it clear to people that you can't have um you can't
Starting point is 00:18:32 have it both ways you can't uh they're both racism just because one has a happy ending doesn't mean it's still not racism because eventually it turns eventually it turns yes it's like a little bit of stealing it's okay to steal a little bit that's the problem with canada canadians they think a little bit of thumb in your ass from the government's okay they just don't want the whole it's like it was just like like i said it was just a very weird experience coming from the way i was raised how old are you how old are you when it happened uh 37. Is that the first time? When it happened? No. So it was probably, like I said, it was probably seven years ago.
Starting point is 00:19:12 So I was probably 30. Is that the first time you've ever seen anything like that in your first 30 years of your life? You know, I would say with an understanding of what true hatred towards a different race would be. Oh, you think it was true hatred? You think it was true hatred? Oh, 100%. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. It was – you could tell by her demeanor.
Starting point is 00:19:38 You can tell by – she wasn't joking. It was a true dislike was a true dislike, dislike for, uh, for the different, for different race. Um, so in my 30 years prior, um, I mean, growing up, you had, you know, the country folks that, that when I went to school that we're all into, um, you know, doing FFA and all that stuff. No, no, I don't know what that is. What's FFA? FFA, like in high school, there was a future formers of America. It was called FFA. Okay. Uh, that's where, that's where all the country folks, the individuals that worked on the forms, um, that like to do all kinds of,
Starting point is 00:20:15 you know, the hunting, all the fishermen and everything like that. That's kind of what their, their avenue was if they didn't play sports kind of in high school. So, um, so in high school you had, you know, you had the separation of the country folks versus, uh, the, the black, the blacks or the, the, the jocks or whatever it is by that. But there was no, there was no true racism that was coming from individuals. It wasn't like, I hate black people or, or, or anything like that. This was my, this was my, my true, uh, first encounter with like specifically somebody just disliking a different race. I, um, I had, uh, a bunch of, and it's going to be hard for you to believe, but I used to be really savvy with the ladies and I
Starting point is 00:21:01 would have tons of girlfriends. And whenever my girlfriends who were melanated skin, a hundred percent of the time when I went out with them, a gentleman who of melanated skin would give me a stern warning. The worst was when I was at the Ice Cube concert. I've told this story before and I went up to the front with my girlfriend. I'm holding her hand and five dudes walked up to me who happened to be melanated. And they said, hey, don't hold her hand and five dudes walked up to me who happened to be melanated and they said hey uh don't hold her hand and go to the back and if we see you come up here again or hold your hand we're gonna fucking beat the fuck out of you i think maybe they even said kill you and so um i was uh i don't know 18 19 that was that was in one of the whitest towns in america that happened to me too that happened in isla vista california that particular one but growing up uh it wasn't yeah let me be clear my friends and i
Starting point is 00:21:52 never did that the other way i was jumped all my teeth are chipped on the bottom i'm always trying to hide them i was jumped it wasn't by five white dudes yeah so and and i was accused i drew on my on my school book a picture of the guy that i think jumped me and three three of my friends at school who are these three black girls who i fucking loved i feel like saying their name they were so awesome they started telling people that i was racist because because i got jumped but i drew a picture i just drew a picture of the guy just was and i just said wanted you know you know, dead or alive, had nothing to do with the skin color. I don't even think I colored it. I don't even think I colored him in.
Starting point is 00:22:33 My book was covered with a brown paper bag and I just drew a picture of him. Yeah. But, but I hear you. I'm not, I'm not saying that's a pretty, I kind of respect that lady for saying it out loud. And I respect you for you tossed her out of the gym. Yeah. Yeah. And i respect you for you tossed her out of the gym yeah yeah and i respect you for tossing her out of the gym hey girl we don't what do you say are you just chill you're like hey girl we don't you can't be here yeah i mean you just gotta be you you just gotta be chill and you just i mean it was just basically just say hey look that's not what we're about here you know it doesn't matter uh color size uh age whatever there's we have no dislike towards anybody you know and she went and found another gym um and she worked out there for for years you
Starting point is 00:23:14 know until they closed down um her family how retarded you have to be to think like that imagine her entire her entire family still worked out with me. Her sisters work out with me, her brother-in-laws work out with me. Her kids have even came and trained with me. So it was kind of a weird, weird thing, you know, Brad, have you seen this thing going around? Um, it's, I have some clips of it. I'm going to show today. And it's, it's a girl who was raped and because she didn't want to be raped again she was a young girl when she was raped because she didn't want to be raped again she at 15 years old she had her breast cut off and she tried to turn herself into a boy and now she's older and she's
Starting point is 00:23:56 like holy fuck like yeah i i think that i think that's kind of the – I don't know what happened to this lady at your gym, but those are the kind of things that happen to human beings, right? So you're in a liquor store, and three Irish guys fucking rob it, and they shoot your fucking wife that you're there with, right? Now all of a sudden you hate Irish people. Yeah. You know what's crazy? Now that I think about the same story, right? yeah you know what's crazy and now i think about the same story right the black lady actually ended up quitting the gym uh a couple couple months later right um and then she actually just started working out with me again like three months ago um and she the first thing she said she said i'll never forget how you stood up for me that day she she said, and that's why I came back to you. Hey, and good on you. The weird part is she got – the weird part – this is the part that's so hard for people to process.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It's okay that that lady thinks that way. By okay, I mean there's nothing we can do about it. It shouldn't be outlawed. We shouldn't have thought police. Correct. That being said, she's just got to be, she's just has to be a way of going about doing it. Um, on your own, I guess on your own time outside of an establishment that is in trying to encourage people to be,
Starting point is 00:25:25 um, positive in the most, you know, to be the most positive side that you can be versus bringing, bringing that side of it into it. You know, I wish we could take that lady and like send her somewhere where she's the only white person for like a year. We'll see how that goes. Right. I just think that's the only way um you the whole brain has to be recalibrated i don't i don't think you like you fix that
Starting point is 00:25:53 i don't think you fix that whatever she eventually had you eventually would have to adapt right you would have to adapt to your surroundings i think there was a uh i think there was a movie that just came out recently that was that had something to do with that i'm not really sure for some reason um it's in a documentary or something like that i'll have to look back there there is a movie um it's about um a group of this is the irony in this it's a group of like 30 black boys from Baltimore straight from the fucking ghetto, and they go to school in Africa. It's not the boys of Barack. I've talked about this movie a lot. And all of their black African whatever you want to call it culture leaves them.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It all leaves them. They go there there and they're there for months they within months they sound like they sound and act like totally different kids it can be different yeah they're still surrounded by black people they're complete what the fuck is that movie it won the academy award it's fascinating it's is that what it is yeah yeah this movie is fascinating yeah yeah yeah that was a little story i wanted to tell you you know just thank you kind of i appreciate it was just on the top of my it was on the top of my mind and i think and what sucks though is is that um that's just one story? And even if there were a thousand, the vast majority are not like that.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Well, and I agree with you 100%. And we'll never get rid of those people, by the way. There's always going to be people who want to hurt little kids and there's always going to be people who don't like Jews. For all of society to pay the price for that and some sort of like witch hunt it's nuts yeah so in 37 years I've came across the experience
Starting point is 00:27:52 one time yeah so uh so it's not it it's not this huge out um outspoken number of what it is but it's an experience right yes yes that, that if you've never experienced it, right up to 30 years old and you're just like, Holy crap. Right. It was just something that, that just kind of takes you back and you just kind of look back on it and be like, damn, that was a wild, wild experience. Hey, the first 30 years of my life, this is a rough exaggeration, but the first 30 years of my life, all I wanted to do was bathe in warm waters with naked women.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Not a bad thing to do. Yeah. That's all I wanted to do, just bathe in maybe smoked clothes, Dijarms, and hang out. That would have been like my dream, just to be like warm waters with a thousand naked women unfortunately not only did I never bathe with a thousand naked women but I've heard a thousand women in my life say that they don't like short men well I'm fucked on that
Starting point is 00:28:59 and so I just want everyone to know that that girl doesn't want to work out with a black girl I've heard a thousand girls say they doesn't want to work out with a black girl. I've heard a thousand girls say they don't want to fuck a fucking short man. So I don't want anyone to – don't get all fucking crazy like it's something's all – like that's some sort of – like the blacks have some sort of skin color. Not even the black skin color has some sort of cornered the market on people who get their feelings hurt or shit that stays the truth the truth is is it never fucking hurt my feelings it kind of just motivated me more oh well i'm i'm every bit of five um on a good day no not to get taller, Caleb. God damn it. I'm just saying, like, yeah, everyone's having their feelings hurt out there.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Don't just chill. Yeah. All right. I'll let y'all get back to it, man. Okay, bye. That's cool that that chick came back to the gym. I would love to interview that black lady. I'd like to interview both those ladies.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Something has to have happened to you. What do you mean? To be the white woman? No one's born and they're like, I hate Jews. Or like, they're born and like, I don't like people with dark skin. I mean, do you think you're just influenced by your environment or is it by like your parents or what? Yeah, yeah. Something something happened. Your parents told you they like. I mean, the same way black kids and Jewish kids are told, hey, the fucking world hates you.
Starting point is 00:30:33 You're going to have to work twice as hard or five times as hard, whatever they. So something has something got got to you. There's one incident. I I was I was out with a lady. Who was that? It was yesterday. Yes. Yesterday I was at my kid's tennis. I hear the craziest shit. So about a month ago, I heard a lady say, hey, I'm not sending my kids to school. I said, how come? And I thought it was going to be the same reason I don't want to send my kids to school i don't want them being indoctrinated by the way i'm happy to talk about what that means for anyone who that they just that just goes over their head what it means to be indoctrinated but uh and this lady wasn't
Starting point is 00:31:18 going to send her kids to school because she's afraid of school shooters and i'm thinking to myself that's like being afraid of covid if you don't eat sugars i mean it's like a one in a fucking gazillion but i was like all right fine this is a super smart person who's told me this i've heard this like three times i know three families get out of the public school system because of shooters because they're afraid of shooters their kids are getting shot and i'm just like wow the news is like you might as well just be afraid of covid too yeah well yesterday a lady told me that she's pulling her kid out of the public school system because – what was it? It was something I couldn't even believe.
Starting point is 00:31:57 It wasn't shooters. It was one of the parents at my kid's tennis. Not because they could get a sex change without telling their parents. Not because the school kid could take an injection and have their medical records hid from their parents. None of those reasons. Not because they have poor math.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I think it was because some other kids made fun of her daughter because she didn't play kickball so good and she didn't want her kid to have to deal with that is that what it was it was something your kid needs to get better at kickball well ironically these are really fucking cool parents and when i when i walked up to tennis yesterday they had gotten there early and they were in the parking lot playing kickball with their kid that's awesome and home runs in no time anyone can be racist i know and that's the thing when they said when they were saying that um white people can't be racist how about like in these in these cities like baltimore where obama was president the mayor was black the chief of police was black the arresting officer was black but then the guy getting fucking that they're uh who got
Starting point is 00:33:10 killed uh they're saying that it was racism against them and it was like dude like everyone in power above them had the skin color that that you wanted not that it even matters so that lady fucked on lemon up she's like hey dude it was african kings who were gathering up the slaves make sure we pay make sure they pay some reparations too on to more fun topics where's matt suzo there he is come on maddie get in here what's going on uh number uh um oh did you know I testified in a murder trial, Caleb? No, you said it the other day and I wanted to hear the story. I think it's 159. No, two. Let me see. 259. There's an it popped back up in my. Oh, shit. I can't find it not 159 and it's not 259 no happy fourth of july the black lives matter
Starting point is 00:34:10 let's play 285 just for shits and giggles oh we're about to go on we're about to get on a roll here on a roll here. This Black Lives Matter shit, that was crazy during a pandemic. And one of my she hit me up and she was like, yo, we got to do more. And I'm like, what more should we do? Like we done been to 15 marches. She was like, nah, but we got to do more. And I was like, well, what else do you want to do? She was like, I'm sick of these cops killing black men. And I was like, but you don't have 10 abortions. You kill more black men in the city of New York City. Bitch, all your kids going to be a habit.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Like, bitch, why are you marching for them other people? Why are you marching for us? Ouch. And she was like, damn. You better stop fucking these niggas, killing these babies. Holy shit. holy shit yeah and why is that funny well you had more abortions you killed more babies than fucking new york city police killed people it's fucking it's awesome it's fucking uh York City police killed people. It's fucking awesome. It's fucking... 287 Chinese and dumb liberals. 287.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Here we go. Oh, I got it. There's a great one coming up. I'm looking for the article about me testifying in a murder trial that sparked that interest. Do you like my outfit? No? What's up, man? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:36:14 Do you like my costume? You are a... Like my outfit? Not particularly. It strikes me as pretty insensitive. Really? Why is that? It's from another cultural tradition that is not really something you should be using as a costume, really.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Make you mad? No, good. Good? Yeah. Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. Do you have to be Chinese to wear this?
Starting point is 00:36:44 You don't have to. Anybody can wear it. What do you think of my outfit? You really like it? Yeah. Looks good? Of course she likes it. What does that mean? Gonna go with good.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Do you like my outfit? Hey, I don't even understand. The leap you have to make. God, being a young college kid is fucking lame. What a shitty life. My college life was not like that at all. You know, they're like super pissed off and they give you a back slap. And they're just like, yeah, you fucking suck.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's like, chill out on me. It is so nuts. What kind of life is that? You're imagine the hatred that those people have. It's like people who get offended when you when you talk about women and they call it sexist. Really, it's their hatred for the female body. It's their hatred for fucking Chinese. Don't they see what they're exposing themselves,
Starting point is 00:37:48 what they're really saying? Hi, caller. How are you? What's going on? Just having fun. Nice shirt. Thank you. I put it on this morning, and I'm like, I don't sell these. I don't make any money off these.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Why the fuck am I wearing this? You 100% make money off of this. Not this one. I don't think so. I think this is, I don't know who makes money off of this. I kind of just wanted to wear white. Uh-oh. I never wear white.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I always wear black. Yeah, you do make money. How do you not make money off of those shirts? No, no, I think this is Travis's. Not this one. I think this is Travis's idea. Or Hiller's or someone's. It is.
Starting point is 00:38:39 It's Gabe. You know this, right? Oh, no, I didn't know this. Hi. What's up? Yeah, of course you make money i don't really care if you're gay or not by the way but that's nice of you to tell me it's gay but okay i understand i understand i understand i yeah i uh-oh i felt movement in my pants that's weird
Starting point is 00:38:56 now it's weird whether you're gay or gay or both you never know right gay gabe or both you never know right gay game gg that's what something that's what we used to call greg greg glassman gg up there i said it jeff i was uh i was calling because uh i have a quick story to tell you remember that uh day of the wedding that you called me had a long conversation a few hours before that i was stuck in traffic in philadelphia with one of my girlfriend's friends she's black she's like 24 years old please tell me you got a handy i i mean i can't tell you that live on the on the podcast so maybe off the podcast okay but uh but she started talking about her growing up etc etc and then she said something that sparked the conversation about white privilege and i told her hey yeah no i don't believe in white privilege and she flipped the fuck out i think i was the
Starting point is 00:39:53 first ever person in her life to ever tell her or have that conversation the opposing point of view on race with her yeah again her being you know 24 right out of college she worked for ralph lauren so obviously yeah super woke company yes super uh and i told her i'm like hey yeah i'm even though i'm hispanic i honestly i don't believe in white privilege i believe in privilege 100 i believe in in hard work and sometimes you do get uh some things in life go your way and people could facilitate that one because like, Hey, I'm, I'm where I am in life because of one, the chances I took, but also like, you know, take, take a example, our relationship, it was a chance that I took,
Starting point is 00:40:36 but also you gave me the opportunity to reach out to more people. Right. So anyway, we keep the conversation going and I, I then tell her, Hey, you know, affirmative action back in the day was 100 like cool and true but like nowadays it's more racist it's more it's more something that takes uh you know away from minorities and gives the minorities etc etc so the conversation went on her being young try to be louder where she's yelling. We're stuck in traffic. I'm like, Hey, this conversation is just you and I, like,
Starting point is 00:41:10 this is what happens when you have an employee, an opposing view. I completely understand you being emotional. And anyway, she kept on going. She hates you. By the way, she hates you. I mean,
Starting point is 00:41:19 she could have, but then she does now. Trust me. I completely flipped her. I completely flipped the argument because she was telling me like, how would you not give an opportunity to another Spanish person? So we kept on talking. We talked about the Supreme Court justice that was just appointed. And I was like, how racist is it for a Supreme Court justice to be appointed based on the color of her skin and the fact that she's a woman and not based on her marriage? And she started and she started to justify it right away.
Starting point is 00:41:45 She can't answer the question. They just start to justify. Yep. Exactly. I'm like, that's a slap in the face. If someone told me, hey, you got the job because you're Spanish or the only reason why you decided for me to be a sponsor of the podcast is because I was Spanish. I'd be like, no, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I don't want to sponsor the podcast. I'm okay. So then she keeps on going and she kind of starts understanding my argument. And to the point where she was like, all right, so you're telling me that if you had two candidates in front of you that were exactly the same and they were trying to find a position at paper street, would you, would you not hire the Spanish person over the white person? And I just told her, Hey, that argument you just gave me,
Starting point is 00:42:23 if I were to choose a spanish person you do realize that would make me racist right and she was like oh and she kind of so what if you did but so what if you did exactly that's my that's that's my point i told her hey if it was you or another white person i would choose you because that's the privilege that you're having you're my friend you're someone that i know. I would 100% choose them. But I don't want to make a decision based on race. I don't want to make a decision based. And that's my first argument.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I would choose, if it was a black and a white person, I would choose the one who doesn't believe in privilege. Here's the thing. Here's the problem with saying that people believe in privilege. Look what Heidi just wrote. It's fucking nuts. By the way, I appreciate you sharing this story. And kudos to you for having the conversation it needs to be had no one else has ever had it with her because they're scared of her because she holds them
Starting point is 00:43:10 hostage under the threat of her emotional outburst that um no look what heidi wrote rich parent privilege is real it's it's this this all this does is trigger people to go inside your their head when you say this. Rich – what are you saying that if I have money, I can buy stuff? Yeah, no shit. You know what's fucked up? Like who gives a fuck? Did Jay-Z have privilege to become a great rapper because of the way he was raised? Of course he fucking did.
Starting point is 00:43:37 But Seban, he had no money. Yeah, if he wouldn't have had the privilege of his upbringing, he wouldn't be fucking one of the richest men in the United States right now. The privilege of his upbringing, he wouldn't be fucking one of the richest men in the United States right now. The privilege of his upbringing. It's so nuts that word is just used to incite idiocy. That's all it is. So the last thing that's really funny about this particular situation, because I framed the conversation I was having with her as like, hey, we exist in the car that we were in. We exist, me and you. So she was telling me prior to all this, her growing up.
Starting point is 00:44:11 So she was privileged in the way of both her parents are nurses. Both her parents retired early. Both her parents are able to give her and her sister this life that was very, very much privileged versus where I told them, okay, look, I came up living off of welfare. I had to like, make sure I had to look in sofa cushions and like in crevices for pennies to get enough gas or train or bus money to get to college, to go to school. And I told her, if we just stay and take the word privilege from the two people that are here in this car you're a lot more privileged than i am and you're in africa and she's not african-american
Starting point is 00:44:50 she's like asian she like hates you call her african-american she's a black 24 year old and i'm like you're way more privileged than i had you had way better opportunities she had way better opportunity that school she went to a way better school she went through all this and i'm like dude you're way more privileged than i am so what am i supposed to say am i still supposed to believe in white privilege or am i just supposed to believe in privileges those exist i'm sorry yeah privilege yeah exactly privilege totally exists there is no fairness it's redundant it's even like kind of like redundant and it was just it was just one of those conversations like hey you can have a conversation as long as it's like if of those conversations like hey you can have a
Starting point is 00:45:25 conversation as long as it's like if you stand your ground and you understand and even if you're willing like hey maybe people like her aren't willing to uh hear that conversation but she was stuck in the fucking car with me for 45 minutes she had to get a conversation and ended up with her understanding and kind of be like oh shit maybe he maybe he's right. It's like the same thing. Who cares? It's not racist if I like black girls. It's not racist if I'm attracted to black skin, soft skin, if I'm attracted to girls with black hair. That's just my preference. Fuck off if I like black girls.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Same thing with the white or Asian. Like, if you're attracted to Asian girls, like, so what? Like, it's just crazy that it gets dumped into, like, racism. Well, I'm going to go be super Spanish now and get a haircut on Thursday. Well, not the Wednesday. Anyway, I don't go get a haircut now. Is that something like a New York Spanish cultural thing, a weekly haircut? Every Thursday.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Today is a Wednesday, so I guess I'm coming early, but every week. And black cats are like that too, right? Like that dude Darian who co-hosts the UFC show with me, his barbershop is called, even though his last name is Weeks, Weekly because his clientele gets cuts every week. Like he tightens them up every week. 100%. Yeah, crazy. You do gets cuts every week. He tightens them up every week. 100%. You do that every single week. I haven't even washed my hair in a year. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Me neither. And he hung up on me with that. Gabe's like, enough of your shit. He's like, damn, you drank too much coffee this morning. It's his fault black asian girls are chef chefskis asian girls
Starting point is 00:47:17 uh is he get uh uh uh Is he getting – I hope you're paying pesos, Gabe. Okay. So we were talking about relativity and recalibrating. I'm very curious what this one is. This is 292, fat-ass relativity.
Starting point is 00:47:41 This one – God, I hope there's some giant asses in this. Let's see. I really want to find that murder trial thing. The guy that I testified against, I think he's about to get out. How thin privileged. When I go on a plane, I might need a seatbelt extender.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I may not feel good. People may say sh** to me, but I don't need to buy a second seat or risk getting kicked off the plane. That means that I have privilege compared to people who have that experience. Almost all of us have some thin privilege. It's a spectrum and it goes by degrees. Right. If you need a seatbelt extender you still have thin privilege because at least you fit into one seat she says now you can kind of see the self-serving
Starting point is 00:48:32 i would really call it brilliance of the thin privilege spectrum concept because all at once it allows the fat person to claim victim status, you know, competing for gold in the oppression Olympics, while at the same time rationalizing their gluttony by also claiming thin status in comparison to people fatter than themselves. It's the best of both worlds, or at least it would be if the world's actually existed, but they don't. Because as a great philosopher once said, I think it was Aristotle, he said, quoting, he said, the mere existence
Starting point is 00:49:05 of a fatter ass does not make your ass any less fat i have and there is that recalibration you'll you'll walk into you you'll be somewhere you know and it'll be just you and and you know like six six girls and it doesn't matter like how fat or how attractive or how unattractive or how thin, like you'll recalibrate whatever you find attractive or unattractive, you'll recalibrate to those. Like there won't be six ugly girls in there. They'll be just the prettiest, ugliest. It's the same thing with dudes. If a chick, I don't mean to pick on women. If a chick walks in a room and there are six guys, they're not, even if they're all ugly within like, I don't know how long it takes one hour or three days of being in that room
Starting point is 00:49:48 they'll be the ugly guy and the handsome guy you'll just calibrate you'll start it's all relative it's like living in a small town you just have like a small talent pool and then like like your town like there it's like a seven but then if you go to the big city it's like a four or three yes Yes, yes. You just recalibrate. I've always been – I've always – I don't find – it's not that I – I don't find really – it's really hard for me to find something that's unattractive to me. It's really hard. I see – I'm not – there's nothing about fat women that I find unattractive. I mean as long as you're mobile, there becomes a point where there's a decrepitude.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Like if you're so big that you're decrepit, I don't find that attractive. There's something about decrepitude that I don't. I can't help but then start like not. Yeah. Hi, Zach. But like some chick who's like 50 pounds overweight, I could think is hot as fuck. Like I'm not like – I'm not offended by – yeah. I would – there's many, many, many times that I've thought women who are the heavier chicks that some people would think were fat or hotter. Like if I was in a room and there were 10 guys and 10 girls, I would the one I pick would probably. Yeah, they're all pretty much good to me as long as they can walk and talk and shit.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Is this how you picked up so many chicks? You just had like some people are. I just have a deep appreciation for beauty. Uh, I've never had a 300 pound girl on top. I have not, I have not, but there was this girl that I dated. I don't, I hope this isn't fucked up,
Starting point is 00:51:34 but when I was in, um, I was probably 20. I can't remember if she would, I think she was like a size 16 and she was like one of the hottest chicks I ever dated. And she, I wouldn't even say she was like a size 16 and she was like one of the hottest chicks I ever dated. And she, I wouldn't even say she was fat,
Starting point is 00:51:47 but she was a size 16. Yeah. It's hard for me to go shopping nowadays with all the plus size models they have on the wall that target. They do turn on. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:01 The, um, the mannequins got that. Yeah. All that shit's stupid. They should have never let the mannequins got that yeah all that shit's stupid they should have never let the mannequins get fat they should have kept them at these impossible skinny bodies i didn't even uh like the first time i saw it i didn't know what to do hey think of how bad that is for the the ecosystem for all the eco warriors
Starting point is 00:52:19 like why do you need to make all new mannequins? Think of, like, the pollution that causes. Well, the mannequins, it's a good industry to be in. The mannequin industry? Yeah. Every two years, you got to make a mannequin that's 10 pounds fatter? Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Stupid people, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Stupid people, yeah. I mean, I'm not not uh i have a um i like like just like i like a kingsnake with its stripes and i like a rattler but i also like just like those black rubber boas like those are cool too i just like i i say beauty in everything pretty much i love going to the apple store and just looking at it. I just got a new iPhone the other day, and I was looking at the glass, just staring at it. The glass is so beautiful. Yeah, thick. She was thick. She was awesome.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Dude, she was so awesome. She was, yeah. Okay. Sorry, go ahead caller no I was just you want to just talk about fat chicks yeah I guess I mean I don't
Starting point is 00:53:35 I think it's mostly just like a mindset that's unattractive like if you're overweight and you're looking to get like healthy versus like that mindset of like you're overweight, but you hate people that work out or like eat a strict diet. Like there's a difference, like a mindset thing for me.
Starting point is 00:53:54 And how about this? How about this? Like that's the date. Probably like an overweight chick. Like I'm being 100% honest. You would or wouldn't? I would not. Oh, well oh well eventually how old are you 23 oh well that will change um i had a friend that will change go ahead oh this is gonna be
Starting point is 00:54:14 a great story and hold that thought real quick caleb the crazy part is too like i would never ever ever ever date a chick who was racist like like never like if you like i would net like if you hated asian people or hated jews or hated black people like that lady and i don't care how fucking hot you were no i wouldn't i wouldn't even like one night bone you i wouldn't nothing i would never in a fucking million years let my fucking temple go near that that polluted fucking mindset that being said i bet you most of these fucking uh people i guarantee you like most of these people would like their dick would overcome the the racism and they would they would drill that chick if she was hot. Okay, go on. Just remember there's a friend who wouldn't date somebody if they'd like going to brunch because he said that they were too lazy.
Starting point is 00:55:13 He's like, oh, if you're going to brunch, because of a time frame that you want to wake up, you're not going to date that person. It's very similar, I think. Hey, dude, all my friends who are the fucking pickiest dudes ever all have the ugliest wives now and i'm i trip on that i trip on that like dudes who would make fun of me for like some chick i was fucking in love with now their fucking wife is fucking like my those girls i was dating are tens compared to their their fucking threes they're stuck with now. It's fucking amazing. I had the – oh, it's so amazing getting old and keeping up with your friends and watching the fucking crow they have to eat.
Starting point is 00:55:55 It's so great. I love it. I love the growth that they have to go through. The guy – you don't like black people? I can't wait until black people move in to the right and left of you. And when your kid crashes on your bike and you're not at home and the fucking guy next door, the black postman next door picks your kid up and takes him to the hospital
Starting point is 00:56:11 and saves his life. I can't wait. And his son fucks your daughter. I can't wait to watch the lessons you have to learn. Jack ass. Do you think we're screwed? No, not at all. No.
Starting point is 00:56:26 We're too... Do you think we're screwed? No, not at all. Because there's so many fucking good people out there and fun people. There's too many of us. There's too many of us. We're too cool. But it's going to get weird. I think it's going to get weirder. It's so weird. That's why I didn't choose to go to like a university.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I know you're talking about the education system earlier. Like I ended up just going to kind of like a local state college, but the every single class, no matter, at least like the introductory courses are just so tailored towards indoctrination that there's no room for critical thinking or debate or even an intellectual conversation because everyone, even including the professor, just gets offended and is not,
Starting point is 00:57:15 I guess, generally just naive to history as well. Just blatant ignorance is appalling. And it's what scares me with my generation at least i'm having this guy on that's a flat earther i want to be that'll be interesting yeah i want someone to like i want to put myself in those in these like like who cares if the earth is flat or not flat like i really don't care but i think it's preposterous that someone thinks it's flat but i want to like do it as like a test for me just to be really open-minded and really be open to the thought of having him convince me that it's flat yeah it's kind of a safe place to practice right
Starting point is 00:57:54 he's not like trying to convince me that like there's i don't know something that's like um yeah it's like it's it's weird how those things kind of scare me a little bit too like i don't like you you know like the the big things are we didn't go to the moon the earth is flat the world trade center was you know a complete setup it wasn't bin laden but or that there's aliens all those stories kind of scare me a little bit i have have a little bit of like... Because they would alter my reality a little bit. Look, see if Bruce is fucking with me here. We didn't go to the moon. Stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:58:31 You're scaring me. I can't. He's in the army. I don't think he knows much of anything. Is Bruce in the army? He was, yeah. Just reading a lot of history books has altered my reality. Like it, it terrifies me.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Like, uh, like I was reading a little bit about Stalin and he was funding Pavlov, uh, experiments during the Soviet history and how to like indoctrinate and brainwash people. Oh shit. Really?
Starting point is 00:59:03 That's the origins of Pavlov's money. That's awesome. So, Pavlov was working during the Soviet Union time. I don't have the dates off the top of my head because I read this a while ago. But he wasn't necessarily in support of Stalin,
Starting point is 00:59:18 but he was obviously funded by them. The tip of the iceberg, a lot of his experiments like we learned about the dog like pavlov's dogs that's what everybody knows but from what i've read from that it was he wasn't just tracking like how to condition animals that completely change their personalities entirely and i guess what happened like he was tracking the dog's personalities individually and so like you would have like oh this dog's introverted extroverted quiet whatever and
Starting point is 00:59:54 there's a huge flood in the laboratory and all the dogs almost died and he came back in the next day and all of the dogs had different personalities. And so that was the crux of how to indoctrinate, I guess. Okay, well, thank you, Zach. What I learned from you is that flood the room and everyone's personality will change. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you for calling.
Starting point is 01:00:20 When I look at the comments, sometimes it scares me, too, because I'm like, holy shit, am I running a right-wing fucking nutjob conspiracy show? I thought – like my whole identity is fucked up by the group that hangs in here. I just saw Jeff. I just saw Jeff's a liberal. I need to be nicer to him. I need to be way – He's a libertarian, not a liberal. He's a liberal, dude. He way he's a libertarian not a liberal he's a liberal dude he wants to be i know but he's like he's like a a gay dude who's still parading around his straight we i just need to just i need to just tempt him a little bit i need to be more gentle with him to closet the bro somewhat you are so i don't i i can't be i'm not i might refuse to accept the
Starting point is 01:01:06 the i cannot i cannot do the i cannot it's not that black and white dylan dykes yeah dylan okay uh two two uh 76 jewel cooler what the fuck is that jewel cooler you think it's like balls being cooled the jewel cooler what the fuck is that jewel cooler you think it's like balls being cooled the jewel cooler you think i was being clever like the jewel cooler i think you're right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this thing is dope yes the first car van accessory for staying fresh and cold between your legs while driving around on a hot summer day. This one-of-a-kind breezy upgrade device will magnetically snap onto your car's vent and features our directional head that easily slides under your shorts. Then just crank up the fan speed and live your best life feeling crisp all summer long.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I invented the Jewel Cooler, the first... What's funny is you think that's a joke but he really did invent it well you know there was we just saw yeah there was a toyota had it like already in the dashboard like it was they already had one installed in this in the model of toyota it is so it was like i can't remember which which one i think it's like a Toyota Camry or something. Are you fucking serious? No, I'm dead serious. That's what those, one of my cars has like AC comes up through the seats and that's basically what it is.
Starting point is 01:02:38 God. A jewel cooler. That's so great. Oh, we did fat ass relativity, right? Okay. That one I didn't even get and get my own shit uh oh you're looking for the the jewel the original jewel cooler that came uh stock in the toyota corolla 1974 toyota corolla i'll read some text messages while you do that by the way the next one we're going to put up is 302
Starting point is 01:03:11 respect people's decisions looked like it was a Volkswagen but here's the tweet okay oh this is fucking crazy I forgot about this listen to this fucking nut job you can play it three times okay it's 14 seconds
Starting point is 01:03:55 look at the guy in the background his face that's what i picture like all the dudes to look like who are in the comments they all have just they they all just look like that to me sure like all the dudes to look like who are in the comments they all have just they they all just look like that to me masks for their own individual reasons they may personally be vulnerable they may have events i want to make sure they're not they may not have had covid19 we all just need to respect everyone's individual decisions people will use masks for their own individual reasons they may personally be vulnerable they may have events i want to make sure they're not unwell for. They may not have had COVID-19. We all just need to respect everyone's individual decisions. Look at her face, what she does. So she's signaling us right there that if we push back, we're wrong. We are so past.
Starting point is 01:04:44 COVID-19. We all just need to respect everyone's individual decisions so if i walk around with the klu klux klan klu klux klan mask everyone should just respect it we are so we're so past it's your individual decision it is your individual decision we're so past that though the two years of forcing people to wear masks you you fucked that up you fucked that all up and and the fact that you actually said that there's actually something to be afraid of i'm by the way i go places every day where i see people wearing two masks still dude it's not who it it's not coup not who it's not. Coup, not clue.
Starting point is 01:05:27 It's coup, not clue. OK, thank you. Whatever you want to know. I wrote in my I write. I call him the Clu Clux clan. Well, I'm the dudes, the dudes I hang with have an L. It's so bizarre to me that you want me to, how about you just respect the fact that I don't respect that they're wearing masks? How about that? You need to respect the
Starting point is 01:05:52 fact that I don't respect that you're wearing a mask. It's not that I care you're wearing a mask, it's I know the origins of where you started, why you started wearing a mask and what you're saying to the rest of society. It's why I don't like the Ku Klux Klan mask because you're walking around screaming that you want to hang people based on the color of their skin and Jews. That's what I don't like. If you had a big swastika tattooed on your forehead, it would be difficult to get a job at a CrossFit Inc. You probably wouldn't make it past the DEI council.
Starting point is 01:06:23 You want me to respect those people? You think that the mask, the N95, is different than the Ku Klux Klan mask? No, it's not. It's worse. You're yelling to the world, something is wrong. I'm afraid I'm going to die. I'm going to put on the stupid mask. It doesn't work
Starting point is 01:06:45 i'm on this thread with a bunch of doctors and i've told you guys about it before it's nuts um all they're all they're doing is sharing um deaths from the vaccine it's brutal it's brutal well you see now everybody's having like heart members and stuff and they're all unexplained like so many healthy healthy kids like under 30 years old yeah uh they don't know what happened let's uh let's go to uh oh okay let's do a 122 to piggyback on what caleb just said nobody nobody oh yeah this is funny you said 122 yeah and then from there we'll go to 125 i like i i totally understand why people like tiktokordinated dancing, even if it's bad, is fun to watch, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:07:48 It's very cathartic. Yeah, thank you. That's the word. When none of your family has died from blood clots. you don't have the bandwidth to show this damn it hey after it plays once it should play the next few times like well right like it loads in your cache or something yeah yeah is it not playing very well? No.
Starting point is 01:08:29 I try to look at the boys dancing, but my eyes can't get off the girl. Pure Bloods Dance, yes. Number 125. The first one or the second one? The first one. The second one I've been told is not true. The second one I've been told is not true. The second one I've been told it's not true, but I think this first one might – let me see this first one. Oh, I've been told that this whole thing – so I've been told this whole thing is not true, by the way, by some reliable sources. A wealthy businessman who got out life insurance for millions of dollars. He got the COVID vaccine and he died.
Starting point is 01:09:12 So the life insurance company is not paying out because they decided that the COVID vaccine is a medical experiment and death from a medical experiment is not a covered entity. Furthermore, even the judge says that the side effects from the vaccine are well known. They've been made public. There's absolutely no way that this gentleman could not have known the side effects. He willingly chose to get the vaccine and he died as a result. And because it was a choice, they're calling it a suicide. Can you repeat the part of the stuff
Starting point is 01:09:56 where you said all about the things? And suicides along with death from experimental drugs are not covered in life insurance. So I know what you're thinking. Oh, that happened in France. That never happened in the U.S. Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but the American Life Insurance Council has also said that life insurance policies may deny payment if you die from the COVID-19 vaccine because they are experimental drugs.
Starting point is 01:10:32 In France, there was an elderly – All I see when I hear – I just see some chick. Is that chick anorexic? I just think, wow, she needs to eat. I don't even hear anything the doctor is saying. Anyway, I heard that's not true. But I found the idea of the whole thing fascinating. That would be pretty nuts though.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I've kind of reached this point where all the people who are – I heard this thing that was blaming corporate America the other day. I can't remember who it was. It was someone I liked was blaming corporate America, basically saying it's not your fault if you eat the shitty food. It's not your fault. It's corporate America. It's corporate America. And I was like, I'm not – I think it – not only do I think it's people's fault, but I think they're accomplices. Not only do I think it's people's fault, but I think they're accomplices.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I think – What do you mean? All those people out there who were pushing to get the injection by CNN and those that are waking up now and saying we were victims to the media I don't think so I think you were an accomplice because they're willingly making the decision to do it and not choose the other path so you're giving all your power to CNN
Starting point is 01:12:00 like all like there's so many people oh bye Caleb there's so many people we have uh oh have said there's so many people. Oh, bye, Caleb. There's so many people we have. Oh, I've said there's so many people. There's so many people we've had on the show that say stuff like I didn't know. No one could have known. It's like, no, you're saying that that's the cork in the bottle because you can't admit that we've always known you weren't you weren't willing to look at the data. It always said it on the CDC website. Don't quarantine the healthy.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Well, I think the vaccine, they never claimed that the vaccine would stop COVID. They only said that they were hopeful. They never knew anything about shedding. We knew that it only killed obese people or people with four or more comorbidities. Everything was always out there. You were just an accomplice because you saw the refrigerator truck on CNN with 10 dead – that they told you 20 dead bodies were in, and you got scared. And so you were an accomplice. You're not a victim. You're an accomplice. You're an accomplice to the narrative yeah oh i didn't i rounded up the jews because the german government told me that they were stupid if i would have known that
Starting point is 01:13:12 they jews weren't really stupid i wouldn't have done it i was a victim of german propaganda no you're an accomplice we've we've already passed we're past the victim shit we're past it's the same thing with that mask we're past except we're past accepting it shit. It's the same thing with that mask. We're past accepting it. The people with the mask need to accept the fact that we don't accept them. That's what needs to be accepted. You're asking me to do something, and it's something that if you did, the problem would also go away, then you do it. You're wearing a mask, and you're upset that I don't accept you for wearing a mask, and accept me for not accepting you wearing a mask, and the problem's done. Solved. Agreed. You guys, have i mentioned anything about crossfit yet can i make it a whole show without talking about crossfit probably can't
Starting point is 01:14:13 you have made it a whole show without telling us about the murder trial though oh which is what i was like looking for right yeah um how i told you i wanted yellow cabinets not green cabinets gotta double check that send your man over and have that shit uninstalled please by the way your kitchen is perfect you don't need anything done there oh my kitchen is disgusting no it's not well you got three boys what do you want i live kind of i i my life is taking a um a dismal turn to the ghetto well you have three boys it'll it'll be like that for a while yeah it is really because of that right someone was telling me oh my god oh susan was telling me oh my god i got the nicest fucking dyson cordless
Starting point is 01:15:10 a vacuum cleaner jody and i'm like oh yeah i know that one i fucking have had three of them because i have two dogs and three boys we just suck up so much dirt in a month that they break and it is a really nice piece of equipment but fuck man my in 15 years you'll you'll you'll see what i mean because my house will start being clean again yes exactly someone came in my house the other day and said my house smelled like dog that fucking broke no no my couch my my sister goes hey i sat on your couch it smells like dog dog. It broke my heart. I am like, I am fucking white trash. Well, we'll we'll look beyond that. I am calling with a few questions. Proceed.
Starting point is 01:15:58 OK, how's your stand up routine going? I haven't started. Have you got that ready? Oh, my goodness. I know that's actually I'm going to write here, Stan. I need to put working on it. Have you got a set ready? Thank you. Oh, my goodness. I know. Actually, I'm going to write here, Stan. I need to put together one. How long does it need to be? Five minutes.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Okay. I'll work on it. All right. All right. Hey, I'm just going to destroy my wife for five minutes. That works. Hey, come on. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:20 She's my muse. I'm calling on behalf of all the ladies. Okay. Heidi, Elise, Susie, Melissa. Elise Carr-Redau. Alyssa. Alyssa. Alyssa Carr-Redau.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Listen, we all love hearing about you guys and your TRT. But what is in it for the ladies from the california hormones uh okay i'll find out i know that there's something i met a bunch of ladies when i was down there who were all who were on who were doing something with the trt and they were all attractive and they all had we love hearing the stories of your morning wood and everything like that. But hey, what's it do for you? You got a lot of ladies here. We want to know what we can do.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Okay. Okay. Fine. All right. I'm on it. Yeah. Yeah. What do you, who do you think that morning woods for?
Starting point is 01:17:20 Good point, Kayla. We appreciate that, but we would like to have part of the California Hormone Senate too. Okay. I'm going to find out. I'm going to, I'm going to, she, I was told, I was already told I'm just so biased and one-sided that I, that I, you're right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:17:35 So I need to, good. You're, you're like really doing some house cleaning. I need to get off my ass and get together my standup routine. And I need to stop just reporting one-sided on the California hormones. Got it. Okay. Yeah. And great job on the capable children endeavor.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I'm having a blast with the YouTube station. I'm having a blast with the YouTube station. Yeah, it's really good. My kids are much older, but i hope that it hits some people and changes the trajectory of some of these kids oh my goodness trajectory i sit here in my desk with families and some of the kids are just so despondent despondent i don't know what they're
Starting point is 01:18:24 i don't know what they're doing with their kids trajectory despondent what does despondent despondent i don't know what they're i don't know what they're doing with their kids trajectory despondent what does despondent mean like they don't listen no they're just dead like no no eye contact no no way they just can't interact oh that's something caleb would say uh patient number three is despondent and then you're this they just have i mean they're like zombies walking around and because that's all they do all they do is that they're on the on the uh youtube or on the uh electronic god i wish my parents would my parents i wish my kids would act despondent for just five minutes a day. Well, that's what these parents are doing. They're making their kids.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Anyway, I like that endeavor that you're on. Okay, cool. Good job. Thank you. Okay. Hey, talk to you later. Bye. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Feedback. Public feedback. you okay hey talk to you later bye bye bye feedback public feedback i bet you she's a great mom she seems dope yeah where were we uh okay 123 123 and i think this is think this is pretty fucking funny. I think this takes us to Dave Castro. I think you can start just play from the beginning. Okay. Or maybe
Starting point is 01:19:56 a few seconds in. Let's see. Let's see. I'm going to start with... Oh, here we go. Last week, there wasn't a ton of comments, so let's go through them all real quick. I'm going to start with going. Oh, here we go. Can you pause it real quick? So this is the, this is the, um, Dave is now become like, you can just go over to his comments and just ask questions. And then he makes content off of it.
Starting point is 01:20:29 I can't tell from, from the content perspective perspective i think it's fucking lazy as fuck but but i it but but i've changed my ways i'm like wow this is fucking brilliant someone should have been doing this all along at crossfit inc i wonder i wonder if don appointed him to do that or if he's just doing it. That's what they spend it. That's what they pay him millions of dollars to do now. I mean, dude, there hasn't been a voice ever coming out of HQ like this. The closest thing was the CrossFit podcast and then when Greg would make some videos. But we never really –
Starting point is 01:21:02 He doesn't even screen the comments either. What did you say? He doesn't even screen the comments first like he doesn't like cherry pick them he just scrolls and fucking responds to them so if one of them said hey did you ever kill anyone and when you were a seal he would answer it i mean he would be super vague about it he'd be like well i don't know and then scroll through like he would he would read it and then give some sort of answer and then scroll to the next one right his answer might be I'm not answering that right exactly but either way
Starting point is 01:21:29 yeah he's not cherry picking anything which is surprising okay okay let's keep this okay let's play a little bit I've studied for a level 3 and there's plenty of study material provided when you register for that and I'm wondering if and when the CrossFit Journal will ever be made public again.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Pause. Years and years. So someone's asking, will the CrossFit Journal ever be made public again? Someone's asking that. You guys have heard me go off about the CrossFit Journal, right? Heard me go off. I'm assuming that someone from this show has finally gone over there and slapping Dave or Mr. Castro around a little bit. Okay, let's go.
Starting point is 01:22:05 And Dave is the leader. He is gives us an answer. I think I really, really miss the journal. Yep. Yep. The journal is a great resource. We're actually, there's a push to bring it back. So hopefully we can see some progress. I hear an echo. Next year, year and a half i think would be a great value add for trainers for affiliates and for the community at large
Starting point is 01:22:32 to have the journal back are you fucking kidding me a year and a half dave a couple things it's fascinating that he's answering this i don't know what position dave has i've talked to dave less in the last less in the last month and i've talked to him in the last fucking day we don't talk that much right now i don't know why probably because i'm i'm big time in them i'm big dick in them but um first of all it's fascinating to me that he's answering this question wow like is he running media now? Who is running media now that that other chick got fired or quit or whatever they're trying to spend? But now Dave's answering media questions.
Starting point is 01:23:12 And why is it going to take a year and a half? Just put the fucking link on the main site already. Do you think they're trying to, like, compile research or something? I don't understand why that's going to take so long. Like, new stuff? Hey, all they why that's going to take so long. Like new stuff? Hey, all they need – oh, it's so crazy. It's so crazy they don't have a fucking media director over there. It's so nuts.
Starting point is 01:23:33 They could do so much so quickly. There's people there who can do the job. Small budget, $100,000, and they'll get all the – they'll basically go and spray wd-40 on all the old fucking relics get them working again and start publishing to it the relics i mean you mean old people or no no but basically the juror i like all you'll need some it help to to dust off everything that's just been fucking sitting idle so you know what i mean let's say you have a train in the train yard and you want to bring it back and refurbish it.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Spend some money, get the train working again, get it on the tracks, and then it can start transporting cattle from point A to point B. But it'll be awesome. Okay, sorry. Go ahead. Why do you think somebody just hasn't, like, picked up the reins on that and started doing it on their own? Do you think there's no initiative in CrossFit anymore? I will give you a metaphor that is very apropos, but maybe some people won't like. The people there who work there, you have to remember they were married and in love for 10 years.
Starting point is 01:24:48 The employees at CrossFit Inc. were married and in love for 10 years. And then one day when they woke up, their wife was a fucking prostitute. And now when she comes home, her breath smells like dick. And now once she comes home, her breath smells like dick. For those of you who don't understand the metaphor, for 10 years, that was an employment brand where every single person there just wanted to spread the message that we have the cure for the most vaccine problem. Even if you did it in a disassociated way by – let's say you were just a Gamesista. Games, games, games, games, games. Let's say you're like Huber mars and ian wittenberg games but but you you are still um it's still fed that we have a cure for the world's most vexing problem it got people in the door everyone was pushing for
Starting point is 01:25:33 that that was the end state then all of a sudden the end state is fucking monster energy drink venture capitalists whoever the fuck bought it and it's all just about making money no matter what they say the vision is no longer how are we going to help people the vision is now all superficial shit increased traffic open more affiliates just dumb shit harvard mba shit that's when they turned into a prostitute and that's a horrible thing to go through these people this isn't their job there those people that that wasn't my job there that was our life we didn't we didn't work at um no one wanted to go home we didn't punch in or out there was no time clock there were no bosses like telling you when to come and go oh shit my my heart i saw dave in one of the windows down there and my heart skipped a beat like i got scared oh shit is dave coming on to fuck me up
Starting point is 01:26:30 but it's just it's just uh yeah yeah of course of course of course you you dated her for 10 years and you don't care that she's fucking other dudes and her breath smells like cock now i get it that it's it's hard it's hard to let her go but it's also different you don't work there it's like putting an artist talking about the people who work there it's like one of your kids turning into a fucking heroin addict it's like being put through public school yeah i mean this sort of works uh nathaniel i'll take this one uh um you have a high performance ferrari and then you shove a bunch of hundred dollar bills in the gas tank now you can't even drive it yeah it's um you have c-suite executives um that have no idea what the business is well
Starting point is 01:27:19 that that yeah exactly and they'll never know because if they acknowledge what it is they'll have to also acknowledge that oh shit we bought fucking the wrong company we should have never bought this what's funny is they would have these meetings there would be these meetings that eric rosa would be in where he would fucking chuckle and allude to the fact that they stole this from fucking greg for the price they got it for when really it's the other way around it's crazy i always feel like the best way to like lead people is to just let them do what they want to do instead of like enforcing demands on them if if they told us that that was yeah it's funny to say that that that um that come this is i'm stealing this from ben bergeron that company grew at the speed of trust people were just trusted to do whatever you know just go make shit right uh seven my dude it's a happiness platform yeah as soon as you hear people start calling
Starting point is 01:28:25 crossfit a platform and the goal is happiness it's it's it you just knew that they complete lost away and i in those people's defense those those fucking idiots over there that just pour out of harvard and stanford and and they're chasing money instead of excellence. I used to be like that too, so I get it. I'm not saying you can't unfuck yourself. And I'm not like, I don't hate you or nothing. I'm just having fun and doing my shtick. But you will be miserable your whole life. but you will be miserable your whole life.
Starting point is 01:29:10 It's like you're going to be miserable your whole life. There's no happiness that way. But those people there, it really is like that. 121 anal beads anyway thanks dave for trying to get the journal back thanks dave for taking leadership position it is really awesome that he's doing those shows um i've come to that conclusion now right before your eyes it's awesome he's doing those shows it's awesome he's answering those questions. And it's good that things – it gives us hope when you hear things like the journal will be coming back. Magnus Carlsen resigns after just one move, protesting rival player accused of using anal beads.
Starting point is 01:29:57 This dude supposedly – I don't think I believe this story. What? So this – do you believe it? Do you know the story? No. But so if you haven't seen the documentary on this kid, you should go watch it. Magnus Carlsen. It's a really cool documentary.
Starting point is 01:30:13 I'm glad I watched it. anal beads in his butt and that someone is um vibrates the anal beads to some like morris code vibration type thing um that tells him where to move his opponent where and how to move let me read the article uh one of the most controversial sporting storylines in recent times is the chess rivalry between hans nieman and magnus Carlsen. Yes, a chess rivalry. Incredibly, Niemann made headlines around the world last week when he was accused of using anal beads to beat world number one Carlsen. It's claimed the vibrating sex toy would send messages about his opponent's potential next move. Anyway, well, now the saga...
Starting point is 01:31:02 Oops. Oops. Anyway, well now the saga Oops Oops Well now the saga has taken Another wild twist as the two bitter rivals Faced off again as part of the champion Chess tour Dude, what's crazy Is I want this story to be true so bad But I think just
Starting point is 01:31:22 This is his main move before night f64 yeah definitely and what and what no no what no what happened that's it we're gonna try and get an update on this oh so he just left oh it's echoing again resign oh so live during the chess championships
Starting point is 01:32:00 they were playing like over a computer zoom and he just wow how would you even know that he was what They were playing over a computer or Zoom, and he just... Wow. How would you even know that he was... What? Anyway. We will... We will...
Starting point is 01:32:16 We will keep you up to speed on the anal beads. Austin Hartman, I had a buddy go to five gyms in San Francisco, and none of them would let him drop in for open gym, saying members only. Had the same thing happened to me at two gyms in Brunswick, I didn't think it was very CrossFit-y. I don't know. Hmm, anal beads. We'll keep you posted on that.
Starting point is 01:32:44 We did the CrossFit Journal is coming back in 18 months you will be dead from covid by then um 126 so now there are ads talking about kids, early signs of kids who might have myocarditis and people on the internet are saying, and doctors are saying, Hey, we've never even seen at, Oh, that's one 26. Oh shit. Hold on. It could be, I could have been, Oh, Oh, there's two one 26 is I fucked you, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:33:25 I set you up for failure. Do you see that? But well, we can, we can go to that Caleb. That's fine. And then we'll go to the other one below it. Uh,
Starting point is 01:33:33 so this is just in Costa Rica. A 24 year old surfer, uh, died, had a stroke or a heart attack, suddenly died while surfing in Costa Rica. 24. Suddenly died while surfing in Costa Rica.
Starting point is 01:33:42 24. Kalani David. Looks like a kid. Yeah, he is, right? Just 24. Look at that treasure trail. Beautiful. No one will be surfing that anymore.
Starting point is 01:34:07 As a teen, David was ranked higher than superstar skaters Bobby Burnquist and Bucky Lansack, all the while competing as a surfer in the World Junior Championships in Bali. Hawaiian-born David suffered from Wolfe-Parkinson's White Syndrome and seizures had become a part of his life, at one point even undergoing open-heart surgery following a six-hour episode at home in oahu all right sorry brother oh look at when you scroll up and down um that thing turns yeah yeah yeah that's cool wow wow that's okay caleb has anal beads on right now yes I wish otherwise I would have known what link to click yeah
Starting point is 01:34:50 myocarditis for kids alright I'll get this one this time shit we're at an hour and 34 that's crazy bam why would anyone try to normalize myocarditis when it's easy to try to reduce it lower doses space out doses no moderna and fewer doses in young men exemptions for future doses for people who already had covet 19 this guy vinyar prad, if it's who I think it is, the guy with the YouTube station, he always tries to walk that line.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Like he's against the vax, but not against the vax. It's crazy. He's a douche. It reminds me of Joe Rogan, actually, in the beginning when Joe was trying to walk the line and he didn't want to say
Starting point is 01:35:38 only fat people were dying of COVID. Will you scroll? Say that again? Like use use it but only sometimes yeah so this is just this is this is just bizarre that we have commercials like this today action i've been into fashion since i can remember but one day i just got my cake so bad i didn't want to do anything echo echo team at new york Presbyterian said it was actually my heart. It was severely swollen. Something called myocarditis.
Starting point is 01:36:11 But doctors gave me medicines and used machines to control my heartbeat. It saved me. So now I can become the next great fashion designer. Dude, are you tripping that there's a commercial to help kids recognize myocarditis? Because now it's so prevalent in kids that we have to advertise that we can treat it. Like, this never would have... That's fucking weird. Most of the chess world is defending Hans Niemann, or at least demanding magnus offer evidence of his insinuations magnus the world champ is taking a
Starting point is 01:36:51 lot of heat right now for his behavior good okay that's good it's it's funny though to accuse someone of anal beads i drop into gyms everywhere i go and some are just complete ass hoax about dropping in there was this on a bigger lady that owned a gym in Lexington and she was such a dick about us dropping in. Doesn't that reach a drop in fee? Like shouldn't, isn't that just blanket? They just charge $200 if you don't want people to come in.
Starting point is 01:37:24 I hope Hiller does a piece on the ass beads. God, I hope he does it. It's a little bit out of his lane, but not really. He likes stories with cheating and shit in it. I guess you kind of put him in a weird position a weird position because it's like oh he's using anal beads but the other guy doesn't probably want to admit that he was using anal beads or if he's not using anal beads what's he supposed to do after every match just like bend over and fucking relax his fingers so we can look in there yeah are you supposed
Starting point is 01:37:58 to like crouch and cough like this I don't understand like is he shelving them you know is i don't understand like is he shelving them you know hey they should that should be part of you that should be part of a chess match you know how like in boxing or like in mma they like feel your whole body yeah you should get to if you want to put your fingers in your opponent's anus i suppose it's probably easier when you're doing it over to like Skype or zoom or whatever too. You can hide that. I wonder if he's ever actually played him in, in, in, in person. And that's why he was, if he hasn't,
Starting point is 01:38:37 then that's probably why he was nervous about it. Like I'm going to lose. He's the grand master. Everyone's using anal, but yeah, the grand lose. He's the grandmaster. Everyone's using anal. Yeah, the grandmaster. The anal bead grandmaster. Everyone's using anal beads. Oh, it's the new PED.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Wow. Wow. Wow. Dylan's on fire. He's relaxed. Yeah. Uh-oh. I dropped.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Oh, that girl lady's pretty, Jessicaica jessica valenzuela i dropped into ariel lowen's gym she was very welcoming and all the members there were very very nice and she's more beautiful in person than on stream yard say that again uh caleb have you ever seen the movie firedired Up? Fired Up? Yeah, the cheerleading movie. No. So these two guys drop in into a... Or they become male cheerleaders because it's like,
Starting point is 01:39:33 oh, we'll get girls if we go be male cheerleaders. And every other male cheerleader there is gay. And one of them starts hitting on the two straight guys. And he's like, here, let me give you my beads. So he, like, gives him his beads. And he's like, oh, these are cool. And he starts, like, putting them in his mouth and shit.
Starting point is 01:39:50 And then his buddy's like, dude, those are his anal beads. And he's like. Is it a comedy? Yeah, it's really funny. Fired up. Okay, I'm going to check it out. Did Velner compete with anal beads that's a fabulous question i'll ask him i need to get velner on it's been a while should ask him um 13 – penis versus height.
Starting point is 01:40:30 You can – okay, go ahead. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here we go. Penis versus height. Here we go. Oh, this looks racist. This is fun. Because two Wong don't make a white –
Starting point is 01:40:42 Why can't two Asians make a white kid? Because two Wong don't make a white. Why can't two Asians make a white kid? Because two Wong don't make a white. Why can't two Asians make a white kid? Because two Wong don't make a white. Listen to that a hundred times. Oh, look at this one says racist humor. Play three times. This one I must really like.
Starting point is 01:41:06 135. This one must... Oh, shit. Are the gardeners here? What is that noise? Do you hear that noise? Oh. Is that one twice?
Starting point is 01:41:20 I put that one in there twice. Oh. You might click the wrong one again oh good my endo beads weren't going off that's your fault not mine yeah oh good no it is the shit it is your fault it's the same one okay uh 136 retarded humans do you guys like it when the show goes over an hour and 30 like we're pat now we're like way 136 retarded humans. Do you guys like it when the show goes over an hour and 30? Like we're patting now we're like way into OT way into OT.
Starting point is 01:41:57 It's a 90 minute show guys way into OT. Okay, here we go. Oh my goodness. This is crazy. This is hilarious. Okay, here we go. Hey, look, Slim Jim commented on this oh my god they have a great marketing team oh my goodness have you seen their actual instagram page no is it incredible that's pretty funny okay i can't might be a little immature but but I like it. I like immature. Very sophomoric. Okay, let's lose weight with AIDS. Here we go. Gaining weight.
Starting point is 01:42:31 I'm losing weight deliciously with the aid of AIDS. The AIDS diet plan really works. AIDS candy contains a safe and effective appetite suppressant when used as directed. Helps curb your appetite so you can lose weight. Candy. And I you can lose weight. Mmm, candy. And I'm not gaining weight. I'm losing weight deliciously with the A's and A's. I can't believe.
Starting point is 01:42:54 I'm always blown away that that's in 1981. I wish that was like 1936. Weren't you like 40 at that year? Yeah, I was. I was. Don't be rude. I just turned 21. I had my first drink in 81.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Wow. That's nuts. Did you use AIDS? Holy fuckball, the AIDS diet. I know. It's. I like the way I like the way I titled that retarded humans. i like the way i i like the way i titled that retarded humans if oh um a someone contacted me the other day a uh and they told me hey you got to pull down the podcast i did with you um the woke the woke media is after me and so i took down this so i
Starting point is 01:43:42 i took out this podcast. It was on YouTube. And I told the person, I said, hey, dude, that podcast will live forever on the Wayback Machine. I don't know if you guys are familiar with the Wayback Machine, but everything that ever goes on the Internet is forever. Because there's a Wayback Machine, something that copies everything on the Internet and saves it. You can Google Wayback Machine and look at the Wayback Machine. It's a bit clunky but but it's a it's a real thing i've used it before and uh but but also i left the i and this person's like oh my god thank you so much but the podcast is also on facebook and on twitter and on twitch it's everywhere i don't even know how to pull it down off of those places it's on rumble it's on spotify it's on it just goes everywhere but i but i just pulled it down
Starting point is 01:44:31 on this person like off of youtube and this person was happy weird i kind of lost respect for this person like what do you care if the woke crowd's going after you i'm like what did you even say i didn't even think this person said anything in the pot i thought this person was kind of like was walking the line of like being firm and yet a coward at the same time on the podcast yeah he was i feel like he was being very diplomatic like wasn't he wasn't super aggressive about anything you know what i'm talking about yeah yeah he didn't want to stand with the woke but but but he did uh then he was like saying he was standing with the freedom for the freedom fighters
Starting point is 01:45:12 yeah it was weird the whole thing was weird that's what i mean canadians are a trip um i i know it's not all canadians leave me alone let me alone. Let me just use some broad strokes here. Well, 142. This warms my heart. This really warms my heart. Sousa wanted to be on the show so bad today, and he had to go work with the Fire Academy. Beyond Meat cuts about 40 jobs in cost
Starting point is 01:45:45 cutting move cuts are said to hit operations team in multiple locations analysts say fake ass meat maker is burning through cash keep going it's awesome they're they're they're in real trouble i think they have like a half a billion in investments let's see um plant-based meat maker beyond meat eliminated 40 positions part of a broader cost-cutting plan chief executive officer ethan brown told employees in an internal memo oh we can't see the whole thing yes not is there a button you can oh get it i have to like subscribe i think anyway i just love to hear that they're burning through cash. I'm so happy that that shit's failing. Did you see the CEO or whatever bit somebody's nose off?
Starting point is 01:46:32 Of this company? Yeah. What, recently? Yeah, it was like the other day. Oh, this is going to be so good. Oh, this is going to be so good. Thank you. Sorry, I'm going to use CNN. Oh, i'm gonna oh yeah yeah yeah yeah look at this
Starting point is 01:46:55 beyond meat ceo is arrested for biting a dude's nose at a football game wow wow fucking nut job oh please i hope this guy looks just how i think he looks oh oh no wow he looks nothing like i thought i thought he would I think he looks. Oh, oh, no. Wow. He looks nothing like I thought. I thought he would be just he looks like just an alcoholic. Let me. Beyond Meat suspended its chief operations officer after he was arrested over the week on suspicion of biting a man's nose during a fight allowing an arc following an arkansas football game police arrested the vegan food purveyor coo doug ramsey on charges of terroristic threatening and third degree battery on saturday night he was released on eleven thousand dollars bail i want to i want
Starting point is 01:47:36 to read the part where uh oh you can get suspended from work for doing something at a football game um the driver of the subaru told police that ramsey pulled him in close and started punching his body ramsey also bit the driver ripping the flesh on the tip of his nose that dude's not a vegan liar dude listen to this shares have fallen of beyond meat by more than 90 since 2019 the stock was trading at 16 a record low and the most recent earnings report the company blamed inflation for disappointing sales wow beyond meat sells for 8.35 a pound compared with usda ground beef which sells for 4.90 just buy real beef dude fuck hey you should see the shit that's in there too i bet you there's like all i've looked before i think there's like all sorts of fucking seed oils that are horrible
Starting point is 01:48:36 for you yeah just buy from your local farmer have them butcher it for you and then you have meat for your entire fucking year just buy a whole cow that's all you need yeah and you can get in different cuts too you can get revised and a refrigerator you need yeah and then to get a refrigerator from lowe's for like 200 bucks just a big closet refrigerator or like uh top door refrigerators. You can throw so much meat in there. Shopping with Caleb. That's going to be a new segment. It's so easy. My mom and I were. You can what?
Starting point is 01:49:15 You just go hunting for it yourself. And then now you've procured all of your meat for the rest of the year of your own volition. There was this, I was at the beach the other day. Oh, i was at the beach the other day oh i was at the beach the other day and there was this lady who was crazy tan and crazy fat and she was probably um she was young and um and she was wearing a bathing suit that prop that she probably was bought like 30 pounds earlier she's probably like 80 pounds overweight i still thought her body like i could not stop staring at her i thought
Starting point is 01:49:50 her body was awesome i thought her body was so awesome but anyway there was no one really at the beach it was just me my mom my wife my kids and like 10 other people it was and it was to the left of this jetty so it's kind of a small beach, but it's where the waves break. And this lady's, uh, just, just this,
Starting point is 01:50:09 this, these rocks that just go off that are supposed to like manipulate the water and how it approaches the shore. And we were to the left of the jetty. It probably goes out into the ocean, probably like 200 feet, just these big pile of rocks that make like a, uh,
Starting point is 01:50:23 it looks like a P you could walk on them. Okay. Not everyone can walk on them. like crossfitters could walk on them your average person cannot and kids can walk on it your average person cannot walk on them and they're just big boulders and uh so so this lady's in the water with her kid she's probably 60 she's probably 100 pounds overweight huge tits crazy cannonball ass. She was a fucking specimen. I could not stop fucking staring at her. I'm just watching her, and she's having trouble keeping her tits in her top. Every second, she's going like that, and I'm just watching.
Starting point is 01:50:58 I was eating sunflower seeds. My mom's sitting right next to me, and my mom goes, she's looking out the same direction I am. I just assume she's watching what i'm watching you know what i mean she's just watching this lady's body move it was it was fucking amazing watching her body move i was so enthralled by it um you know like those those marble games where you put the marble in and it goes back and forth and dry and right it's like it's like that i just like watching shit or like on a windy day watching a seagull or crows just like navigate the wind it was like that i just couldn't this lady's body was a miracle the way it was moving around but i was also hoping her top would fall like i could
Starting point is 01:51:35 get a glimpse like because like of a boob with some nipple or something and she's she you know she's 100 feet from me and my mom goes my mom goes uh look a sea otter and a seagull hanging out together and and i and i and and i look out into the water and there it is there's an otter out in the ocean on his back and right next to him is a fucking seagull like just and they're just like hanging out. And I just thought it was just so funny that two different perspectives. Yeah. I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:52:12 my mom, my mom, like, no, I'm not a, I'm not a perv in the slightest, not even. And I'm glad you brought that up because,
Starting point is 01:52:22 um, uh, I was thinking about, I saw this the other day. Let me see people on the – I never see someone – no matter how attractive a girl is or anything, I see a girl and start like um uh uh uh thinking about having like i would never be out in public and see someone pretty and start thinking about having sex with them i wish i could find that article it was talking about oh shit where is that it's a it's a pastor who talks about it's a pastor talking about something fuck i wrote it in my notes how come it's not here oh shit this didn't
Starting point is 01:53:07 copy over um uh i'm gonna send you this in the private chat we'll finish on this this is fascinating and and i and i knew this i've known this when i talked to other boys too i was like oh shit they fantasize like they see a pretty woman and start lusting after her. I don't think I ever – Yeah, I don't think I ever do that. I don't think I have lust in me. I don't think – I don't even – I'm not sure. Listen to this. This is tripping me out.
Starting point is 01:53:37 First of all, I have to say this. This is the – I've always kind of liked this thought that like you see a girl, and she's pretty. kind of like this thought that like you see a girl and she's pretty and and and then and then all you want to do like i don't i might not think um or or even a flower let's say let's use a flower i see a flower and it's it's nice and it's beautiful so maybe i want to get closer to it and i want to smell it and then after now i've done two things i've seen it and i've smelt it now i may want to touch it now i've done i've experienced it with three and now i may want to capture it and I've smelt it. Now I may want to touch it. Now I've done, I've experienced it with three and now I may want to capture it and take it home. There's these, there's these series of events that happen that more and more of your senses want to sort of explore things, right? Like my kids see a snake in the yard and they want to catch it and bring it inside and put it,
Starting point is 01:54:16 you know what I mean? They see it, then they want to touch it, then they want to own it. And I mean, you could say it's like that with flowers or with pussy or just whatever. But I don't – With lizards, is that what you said? Yeah. Yeah, lizards, snakes, yeah. Reptiles. I was big into that with reptiles. But I'm never – I can't ever remember just like looking at someone and being like – and then all of a sudden I'm picturing them giving me a blowjob.
Starting point is 01:54:43 I just don't do that. My brain doesn't even – I don't even don't do that. My brain doesn't even, I don't even know how to visualize. My brain doesn't even work like that. Like when people will be like, I visualize shit. I'll be like, how do you do that?
Starting point is 01:54:53 I don't even, I'm like, is it in color? Is it in black and white? Like, and my friends like close your eyes and can you picture your mom? I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Do you like thinking images? What? Do you think in words? no do you like thinking it's just dark in there images what do you think in words are you thinking images i think i'm i think i'm in words yeah i must there's some study about people thinking in words and thinking in images but i'm never even like writing i'm never even thinking in words either like, oh, I wish I could be naked with that person or I wish I could have their Ferrari. I just don't go there with it. Almost the opposite. I become quieter and more attentive. I don't want to miss any of it.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Why would I go into my own head? There's nothing better in my head than this chick in a bikini that's too small with the giant titties okay okay let's let's let's uh but i think to be a perv you have to start like a good uh lusting i think i don't know let's listen to this pastor this is so funny that he's saying this like to a thousand parishioners i love this okay let's let's see in the eyes now this is the key because you might say okay i got it it affects my family my faith my relationship with god it affects my future so what's the answer pastor okay it does not begin in the heart that's what i don't know it begins in the eyes this is this is so simple to to overcome this and gee here's here's remember it says she cast longing eyes.
Starting point is 01:56:27 Remember we read that? She cast longing eyes on Joseph. All right, here's Jesus backing it up. Can you pause that? Matthew 5, 28 in the Sermon on the Mount. I see my kids do that when they like go into like a bakery and they look in the glass cabinet, they cast longing eyes.
Starting point is 01:56:46 And I guess sometimes when I go on like uh like the bnh website with all the camera gear i cast longing eyes but i don't do that to uh women i'm not is that just because you're married no i didn't even do it when i was younger i can't ever remember. It's such baby steps for me. I would never go from I saw you to I want to fuck you. It's always like I saw you and now like I kind of want to like I wish I could talk to you. It seems like too much of a leap. I think that's probably to undress them and put them in your brain.
Starting point is 01:57:27 I wonder if that's why some women or women are attracted to men who think that way like they just like want to be friends with them like they there's no they're not trying to like get something out of their relationship like the man just wants to like be friends with them they just appreciate them as a person and then well there's steps to it i mean at some point you get close enough to them and you crave their physical intimacy or you want to see them naked. Yeah. That's weird. Okay. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:57:53 Let's see how the pastor. But it's like that with everything. But it's like that with everything. Flowers, cake, electronic gear, fancy cars. I mean, it's not. Women and men, sex doesn't have the market on that. They don't have that monopolized. But I say to you that whoever looks, looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her. Now, when you look at the words I underline there. Just look at them. Leave that on the screen for a minute, all right?
Starting point is 01:58:25 Look at the last word, adultery. Before that, when you back up, you'll see the word lust. But before that, you see the word looks. See, somehow we think and we see that he's already done it in his heart. So we think this is in the heart. Before it ever got in his heart, it was in his eyes. Listen to me. This is very simple.
Starting point is 01:58:52 Don't look at handsome people. I need to hear that whole thing. I don't know what the fucking heart is. Some of you think Gians in the eyes. Anyway, I thought that was the, the, the, I looked up the word lust here. It says very strong sexual desire. I mean, the strongest sexual desire I've ever had in my life is, is there's no one, no one's been around. I just wake up in the morning.
Starting point is 01:59:22 I'm like, oh fuck, what am I going to do with this? All right. Don't lust. Lust is a psychological force producing intense desire for something or circumstance while already having a significant amount of desired object. Lust can take any form such as lust of sexuality money or power maybe that's why i don't understand maybe i don't understand that thing with that people always say too that the whole covet thing is just a play for power i struggle to wrap my head around that also maybe that's why
Starting point is 02:00:03 and i have no idea what the heart is every time someone uses the word heart i have fucking no idea what they're talking about i mean i have that one not the physical one no there's must be another one i'm not sure i understand that either because it wouldn't i don't know so just the brain feelings yeah why is seven's wife never around when he has morning wood oh she's around and there's three other dudes in the room too those guys fuck everything up and a dog i don don't care about. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Hey, if my wife wouldn't have sex with me because the dog's in the room,
Starting point is 02:00:57 I would think that that's just a fucking, that, that, that, that's just, she doesn't want to have sex with me. Oh, guys, thank you. Two hours. Caleb, thank you. Long show today. Susan's going to hate us. We miss him.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Oh, for the guy I invited to come on the show today who didn't show up, I hope I get credit for inviting you. That's all I really wanted. I didn't really want you to come. Don't be scared. Dave, don't have your feelings hurt i i've uh changed my mind all through the show you saw me evolve as a human being i'm glad that you're doing what you're doing i think it's cool that you're answering the questions uh and uh you should come on my podcast darn it i thought we were going to end at exactly two hours
Starting point is 02:01:45 caller hi good morning how are you good just uh you know it's funny i was thinking about i used to listen to you for crossfit but i'm starting to like these open topic podcasts a little bit more so just wanted to touch base with you and see i like the kid thing that you got going on oh thank you i'm having a blast with that. So just wanted to share a little experience that I've had with my 14-year-old and see if something other people relate with. So 14, we made the mistake allowing for him to have social media,
Starting point is 02:02:17 probably a little bit too young, around 11. Found some inappropriate messages between him and a girl and then I guess it resulted in some fighting a couple months later teacher calls from the school says that they didn't think my son had done it but they had a kid that wrote a suicide letter in class and you know they talked to him and they didn't think it was him but after a couple days of questioning him he finally broke down and said that it was him so you know I think I got so focused on keeping him away from drugs and all the other things I completely looked past what social media and influences outside of your
Starting point is 02:03:05 household could create. So the other day on your podcast, you talked about, you know, putting them in jujitsu, finding, finding, um, what defines them. So just wanted to kind of give you props on, on that advice. I think it's really good. Thanks. Yeah. Uh, easy easy easy for me to say my kids are only five and seven i have to think that 11 is way too young i have oh absolutely i have to think so there's this kid all the i there's not a ton of them but all the kids i know that are older and all the cool like young adults i know who are in their 20s they're all they were all the weirdos when they were younger whose parents didn't give them electronics this this kid that fucking my son plays tennis with is 15. He's like the best tennis player in the County, 15 year old tennis player in the County. And, um, he recently went on a family
Starting point is 02:03:54 vacation for two weeks and I was, I'd called him and text him a few times when he came back. He's like, Oh, sorry, I forgot my phone. Or when I text him, he doesn't text me back for like 48 hours. And it's because his parents didn't, his parents didn't give him his phone until he was 15. He's not even attached to it. Well, you know, it's funny as a parent, you know, you think you control, like when we were younger, you, you know, everything, all the influences came from the household and whoever you were allowed to hang out with. And, you know, as a parent, man, I missed that boat, you know, cause you think about
Starting point is 02:04:23 YouTube being like cartoons. I used to think to think oh it's just saturday morning cartoons you don't realize the algorithms and how it starts feeding all this different information and you know the different directions that it takes things so definitely an eye-opener hey dude i i i um it kind of goes to that the average well a couple. The average age I hear now for a child to see porn, a boy to see porn, is 11 years old. That would have fucking ruined me. I literally – I can remember my being 15 years old and having a girlfriend. She was the same girlfriend I had when I was 15, 16, 17, and 18. And I can remember every – like first it was we just held hands for six months.
Starting point is 02:05:02 Then six months after that, I kissed her in the car. Then six months after that, maybe I touched in the car. And six months after that, maybe I touched her boob on the outside of her shirt. The six months after that, two years into the relationship, I unsnapped her bra and, and, and, and, but, but even after I unsnapped her bra, I probably just ran off and like celebrate. I probably didn't even like, and now kids are like, now kids are doing this shit.
Starting point is 02:05:21 Like I was, I'm so glad I didn't see any of that. I didn't need there's i have a whole lifetime i can watch all the porn i want now i'm 50 yay but it was so much more fun exploring girls at my own fucking pace well you know it's funny you say that because i had that conversation with him when we we found out that he may be looking at some videos and i was talking to my wife about it and i'm like when was younger, you had to actively find the friend that the dad had the porno magazine, flip a few pages and then run home and use your imagination. I said, nowadays, and I told him that I said, you know, porn is going to expose you to things that you're never going to experience in life. So you're going
Starting point is 02:05:57 to be disappointed the first time you have a sexual experience because that girl ain't going to let you do what that girl in that video did and the truth is you probably don't even want to do that you're just mimicking for sure for sure i'm so glad i've never stuck my dick in anyone's asshole i'm so proud of that i'm so proud of that i'm so proud that i have i think i'm healthy because i have it i don't want to do that i think i'm healthy i think i'm normal and the rest of you are fucked up. Not you, but it's crazy. It's so crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:33 Well, I just wanted to call and check in. Thank you for sharing all this stuff. It's a cool podcast. Thank you. One question. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done? Look at you, quiet. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done? Quiet. I can't think of anything.
Starting point is 02:06:51 I can't think of anything. I don't know why this popped in my head, but one time at a roller, I used to go to these roller nights in high school. The high school would rent out a roller rink and all the kids would go roller skating, you know, from the high school. And there was this kid, Jocko Rodriguez there.
Starting point is 02:07:11 And he was cool, but he scared the shit out of me. And, and he was kind of like one of those bullies, but he was like a nice bully. Like he'd put you in the trash can, but he didn't hurt you. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:07:20 Yeah. Or, or like, or like if you were in his way, he just moved you out gently, but it was him first. Right. And like everyone just kind of like, if he picked on you, it's kind of an honor anyway but he chewed tobacco and i remember one time at the roller rink he was spitting into a a cup and i saw this
Starting point is 02:07:35 really hot chick fucking drink out of it not knowing it was his tobacco and i and i had a like an adverse reaction to that. I did not like that. You know, it's funny. My friends, if they ever listen to this podcast, they're just going to live in infamy on YouTube. But we have a 5 a.m. boys group text at our gym where we all kind of razz each other throughout the day. So I had been taking this Joe Weider healthy testosterone support
Starting point is 02:08:04 they sell at Costco. So a friend of mine was like, hey, you know, send me what it is that you're taking. So I get home, put my vitamins out on the counter. I'm like, oh, shoot, I should snap a picture of this, take a picture of it, hop in the shower, get to work. And I'm just about to go in and run this meeting. And I look and I have 57 text messages. And I'm just about to go in and run this meeting. And I look and I have 57 text messages.
Starting point is 02:08:30 And I'm thinking to myself, our group text blows up, but I haven't seen something like this in a while. So I scroll back to the beginning. Hey, thank you. Cool. Awesome. Awesome. Cool. Then one guy says, hey, dumbass, did you happen to look in the reflection of the mirror before you sent this picture?
Starting point is 02:08:41 Oh, shit. Sent an accidental dick pic with a bottle of testosterone in my hand what kind of meme can you create out of that oh shit so i'm standing there getting ready to go i'm standing there getting ready to go into this meeting and i have a light blue shirt on and i am just pouring sweat so i'm just pouring like my i walk into my boss's, what's going on with you? And I share it. And all of a sudden, I'm in my meeting, and they're like, hey, so what are you sweating so much for? So lesson of the day is slow down.
Starting point is 02:09:14 Hey, how awesome is it? Imagine if you would have said – so if you sent an accidental dick pic, like, what if it was, like, to, like, some woman you worked with? Thank God it was just the guys at the gym. Thank God. That's right. That's right. Oh, you'd be fucking toast. You'd be toast, dude.
Starting point is 02:09:30 You'd fucking be on suicide watch. If, uh, there'd be, there'd be no explaining that away. Right. Yeah. Uh, the lesson to this, the moral story, never take a picture of your penis ever. Uh, never take a picture of the bathroom. My wife is like, are you really answering your phone in the bathroom you haven't learned your lesson yet oh man well you guys have a good day
Starting point is 02:09:53 but all right brother thank you bye fucking point that i never point i never let my camera like turn down like that dressed or undressed never passed 90 degrees no keep that thing upright at all times all right uh caleb thank you caller thank you finished on a good note um remember we're all just humble monks trying to find our way on a planet with harsh climates and harsh environments

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