The Sevan Podcast - #603 - CrossFit Cathal | Affiliate Series Ep. 7

Episode Date: September 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights.
Starting point is 00:00:41 There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and T-Rex equipment. But, like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrollment and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrollment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th. $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:01:03 You know, I was thinking, Sousa, what if we just like, we're live on the air right thinking susan what if we just like we're live on the air right now but then we just hide ourselves and i used to have this friend and we would drive in his uh pickup truck and there would be three of us sitting in the front three dudes on a bench seat and the dude on the right so that the two dudes in the middle were like sitting right next to each other the dude on the right would put his head down really low like in the other dude's laps and then honk the horn so it just looked like two dudes just sitting next to you and
Starting point is 00:01:39 and he was the strongest the guy who would do that was the strongest one of all of us, so we couldn't stop him. He'd just be holding the whole horn down. And he'd have a sliding back glance. Yeah, all that stuff. And then it would just be me cuddled up with some guy driving a fucking Ford pickup. I'd be like, great. Thanks. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Oh, do you know this cat, Brandon Waddell? Yeah. He's from my hometown. Oh, that's cool. That's really cool. So if a guy comes across Tyler Cox, just ignore everything he says. That must be your good buddy who's here to just treat the heat cat. Just roast.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah. He's one of my coaches at the box. Are you at your house? Yes. It'd be a little too loud right now at the box. They got a 9 a.m. going. Gotcha. And what city are you in?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Paragold, Arkansas. Arkansas. So northeastold, Arkansas. Arkansas. So northeast corner of Arkansas. It's like for Californians, Arkansas is like an imaginary place. It's like a far, far away. Is it like that for people in Arkansas too? California is just like a far, far away like land? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I mean, I've been to California quite a few times um not by choice is that when you were served you when you're in the military is that when you came to california yeah yeah i'm still in but yeah i've been uh i've been out there uh three times randy you're still in yeah I hit 20 years in April wow nice can't you tell no I can't tell oh shit
Starting point is 00:03:34 okay I was wondering for a second if you and Caleb were the same person but you're not we both have both of you on the screen at the same time alright just checking making sure perfect all right Caleb I sent the notes over hey so so your dad was in for you think you're gonna make it to 37 like your pops
Starting point is 00:03:57 um I don't think so how do you make it how did your dad make it to 37 years? You go in when you're 20 and you stay in until you're 57? Is that the deal? He went through an ROTC program at the University of Conway, Arkansas, and commissioned. He commissioned as an officer there. He was a National Guard for his entire uh 37 years wow and you started as national guard yes so i was national guard for um well i still am but i'm what's called agr uh so i'm full-time national guard now so i've been doing I've been doing that a little over three years.
Starting point is 00:04:50 But the majority of my career, I was just National Guard, what they call the weekend warriors. Is that where that term comes from? That's a National Guard term, weekend warriors, is it? Yeah. Oh, I didn't even know that. Wow. The weekend warriors are the, some people call it the uh the fake army active duty guys and that's that term's kind of been co-opted by just anyone who only like
Starting point is 00:05:11 just a dude who's 40 pounds overweight who goes hard playing flag football on sundays now right yeah that's what i thought he like goes on a boat on the weekends yeah that's what the weekend it's kind of been taken as that yeah so does crossfit have any weekend warriors do you have any any fucking crazy fucking clients that just come in once every two weeks and just go hard and fucking sore and then you don't see him for two weeks like a guy who comes in two or three times a month i mean i've had before i mean just like comes in and and will like completely break himself off yeah try to hit like rx and then like you don't you don't see him for like two weeks yeah yeah there's always one i think every box
Starting point is 00:05:54 has like we could sit here and talk about characters in the box and every box has the same personalities that's true oh my god i finally made it early to alive ellen hi hi what are you holding on to there ellen what are you hiding from us what are you holding on she's got like a modeling photo for that icon randy uh vest yeah you own um crossfit Best. You own CrossFit. Caffal. Say it again.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Caffal. Caffal. Is that the name of the town? It's not. It's the name of the affiliate. And what's it mean? How'd you come up with that name? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:06:43 That was a struggle with HQ, right? So I affiliated in 2013. Oh, yeah. I remember when your application came in. I reviewed it. What did you review? So I can blame you, right? Oh, hell yeah. So you had to submit like three affiliate names, right? Back when I affiliated. It kind of reminded me of when I was going through officer candidate school and I had to select my top three branches.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Oh, that's like when you apply to college now. You have to pick your top three genders. I'm feeling you. I just want younger people to be able to relate to you. Okay, I get it. Yeah, you have to pick your top three genders and see which ones are not chosen. You get that one. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 00:07:29 So you wanted to pick your top three genders. I'm just trying to relate to your story, Randy. So, yeah, I picked my three. And the first one was just CrossFit NEA, which just was basic, like Northeast Arkansas. I like it. I like it. I like it. And so they kick back with that and they're like, that's too broad. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Cover's too broad of an area. So then my second one was CrossFit Ridge because our city or our town's on crowley's ridge okay and they're like well there's a crossfit ridge avenue in pennsylvania i was like it's in pennsylvania what's the matter right um i i like it it's like a duke's a hazard episode uh we live on top of crowley's ridge i jumped crowley's ridge in the Camaro in 1987. He's the only first guy to do it. We do that in side-by-sides, not Camaros. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:31 My bad. And I don't even remember what the third one was, but they were all three rejected. So I was like, all right. So then I kind of started looking at some other affiliate names like at my L1. I went to my L1 in Texas and Matt Chan was one of the seminar staff. And so I started looking at those names and I was like, well, I don't have to be relate to a geographical location. looking at those names and I was like, well, it doesn't have to be relate to a geographical location. Uh, so I kind of just started Googling some stuff, uh, trying to relate it to,
Starting point is 00:09:11 I guess, life and how we, how we like to battle chronic disease and, uh, inside the affiliate. Uh, so I, I saw the, uh, the word Cathal and some people will say it's pronounced kathal or kaha but you know what it's my affiliate i'll pronounce it however i want to yeah so it so it's kind of and what's it mean and what's it mean it means a ruler ruler of the battlefield oh wow okay so i sent that up and they're like that works i was like all right i'm tired of trying to find a name so we're going with that one oh you got dan on here already well let's see what you said about don don don sorry don crossfit kathal uh for those of you don't know i'm looking at the crossfit kathal uh instagram account now this is randy's Instagram account and he has posted a picture of the handsome new CEO of CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:10:07 uh, Don fall, but not forced handsome, not like backstreet boy over the top. Handsome, just a rugged, handsome, some through in the towel.
Starting point is 00:10:15 When the seas got rough, the rest of us, whether the storm and a society full of crew members, be a captain. Awesome. I love it. Well said. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:23 That's it. I wonder if there's a CrossFit him or a CrossFit her. I don't know. I bet we could find it on Google. Cathal is a common given name in Ireland spelled the same in both the Irish and English languages. The name is derived from two Celtic elements, battle and rule, battle ruler. Do you like the name? Are you glad you chose it? Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I like it. It's really simple and flows off the tongue. So we always say CFC. So it's really easy. But it gets it gets mispronounced a lot but that's okay i'll probably mispronounce it a few times um caleb on the top of the notes there it says a start show with this will you play this this is i saw this this morning um uh from uh this is stefan roche are you familiar with who stefan roche is randy uh i'm not been
Starting point is 00:11:27 around forever one of the most knowledgeable people in the crossfit space i think he i want to say he was a strength coach at the university of san diego big big uh fancy school i think he was l1 on the l1 team then a strength uh strength coach maybe even with the seals too i don't mean to misspeak and And then CrossFit was lucky enough to get him back. But I saw this today and I was like, wow, this is some old school shit he's doing right here. He's kind of like picked up the mantle of, this is like a Greg Glassman thing to say. Okay, go ahead. Action. Find a CrossFit affiliate. If you want to do CrossFit, if you want to dramatically transform your health and fitness, find a CrossFit affiliate. If you want to do CrossFit, if you want to dramatically transform your health and fitness,
Starting point is 00:12:06 find a CrossFit affiliate in your area and walk through that front door. And they will change your life. And you will look back in a few days and say, this was the best decision I ever made. It's funny. He says, you'll look back in a few days. And it's still understated. He's so strong and he's so adamant about it and everything he's saying is true but isn't it crazy that
Starting point is 00:12:29 it it really is that easy right someone can just come into crossfit cathol and their fucking whole life can just start getting better like from the second they walk in like when they walk out that day their life's going to be better yeah and i And I mean, we, we still do it today. Um, you know, and we're in a, we're in a small, I mean, a small town, 30,000 people. Um, some people call it like a hamburger town. You ever heard that? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So yeah, it's a small town. When I think of a hamburger, I think of that thing on websites in the upper right-hand corner, you know, those three lines. Yeah. Or I think of a vagina when a woman's pregnant it gets all swollen like a yummy like a yummy hamburger you know like a yummy hamburger i think of in and out just a big old hamburger in and out right i'm different i'm different but i do like hamburgers regardless okay but i never heard the term hamburger town just a bunch of pregnant women okay so it's a place where people come and stop to eat hamburgers i'm gonna guess
Starting point is 00:13:35 yeah just small town okay it's one of those arkansas. But there are people who come in. And how many people at your affiliate? We've got roughly about 130 to 135. Wow. Nice. And probably everyone in the town knows about it. I don't think so. I mean, for the most part, it's hard to miss if you're driving south, heading out of town. But as far as knowing about it, knowing it's there, yes, I would say so.
Starting point is 00:14:15 But knowing what we do, not everybody knows. I bet you someone learns every day. You have any dramatic stories out of there? Like, holy cow, this person turned their whole life around? Yeah, I have a few. One is he's a member. He moved to Mississippi a few years back. But we were we used to have a foundations class where they where we scheduled it three days a week. And so his wife stopped in and signed him up, and he didn't know about it. So he just showed up for our first foundations that week, and he said said I think I'm in the right place my wife signed me up for this CrossFit stuff I was like yeah you're in the right place so so he was like almost full-blown type 2 diabetic I was on meds
Starting point is 00:15:23 and it's been so long I can't remember the amount of Uh, I was on meds and, and I, it's been so long. I can't remember the amount of meds he was on, but, uh, he, uh, he started with us. Uh, we took him through the foundations. Uh, he was in his fifties, uh, and he, uh, he continued to come, you know, three days a week and then he upped it, uh, to where he could handle, you know, four to five. So he went back. I think he went back after it started for like a six-month checkup. And his doctor asked him, he said, what have you changed? And he was like, I started doing this thing called CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:16:02 My wife signed me up for it. And he said, keep going. He said, these numbers are the lowest that I've seen since I've had you. What he meant to say, those are the lowest numbers he's seen in Arkansas. Yeah, no kidding. He completely came off his meds, almost 100%, just by walking through our doors. That's a crazy story that his wife signed him up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:34 He didn't even know what it was. I wonder what happened. And his wife didn't go to the gym? I saw her, like, when she walked when she walked in to sign him up. And then that was it. I mean, she would come to like our, you know, Christmas parties, things like that. When you have clients like that, do you try to recruit them too? When you see her at the Christmas party, you're like, come on, Janet.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Bill did it. Come on. Let's get you in here. Yeah course right yeah yeah look what you did look what we did for your husband like get in here hey i'd love to hear her story like why she did that i wonder if like she was just like going through youtube she saw some old video that said hey crossfit will save your can save your life and she's like shit, my husband needs his life saved. And she signed up. I wonder what the origin story is to that. Do you know? I don't.
Starting point is 00:17:29 She probably told me, but I forgot because it's been so long ago and I have a terrible memory. It's great. I mean, that takes balls to sign someone up for CrossFit. Yeah. Like, what if she would have signed her husband up for ballet? Here's your tights. Here's your shoes. Yeah, but the... Like what if she would have signed her husband up for ballet? Here's your tights. Here's your shoes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:47 But he, uh, he, I mean, his name was Warren. We called him, uh, Warren G.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah. I like it. Perfect. You have two kids, Randy. Uh, yeah. Two step kids.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Teenagers. Yes. canon and kinley how old are they uh 14 i may have messed up i may be 13 my wife's probably listening right now are they twins yeah yeah they're twins don't they look alike? I can't tell. Everyone looks. Yeah, you guys all look alike. And then they're stepkids. Racist. How is that, living with teenagers? Do they go to the gym? Cannon does.
Starting point is 00:18:38 He's been going for a couple of years now. So he loves baseball. And he's pretty salty at it too. Um, and then Kenley's just a naturally gifted, uh, track athlete. So she's fast, uh, but she's not, she's not faster than me. So I don't care what, uh, what they say. Soon buddy. Soon. She probably actually is, but I won't say that to her. And you played high school football, baseball, track and field. You did it all. Yes, except basketball. I stopped playing basketball in seventh grade because that's when I stopped growing, probably.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And tell me how your paths crossed with CrossFit. Oh, man. It was really in Afghanistan or right before we we left or deployed to Afghanistan. 2009. Yes. So we were there. We actually got in country at the end of 2009 and spent the majority of 2010 over there. So I was somewhat introduced to it before before we left. Stakeside. And our armory was on campus of Arkansas State University, which was co-located with their ROTC program. And the professor of military science there then was Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Helms. And he loved CrossFit. And he always had his cadets out there in the morning doing physical training and they were being doing they would do CrossFit so I got a little bit experience at the end just
Starting point is 00:20:33 kind of I'd see them training and then actually when I got overseas we we got out on a fob just west of Kandahar City. There was about 200 of us there. We had a little gym that was like a tent. It had some functional training equipment, like some nasty kettlebells, some beat-up wall balls and a dip station and pull-up bars and then the uh thank you kate fob forward operating base so so when you say fob and it says forward operating base that's um something that's closer to the that's a base close to the
Starting point is 00:21:20 danger yes correct so we're every every individual on there was, uh, we were running combat missions daily. Okay. Okay. Wow. Um, but my, uh, my communications, then he was our communications, uh, NCO non-commissioned officer. Uh, and, and he was doing, uh, just some CrossFit stuff over at that little makeshift gym. And I saw him kind of walking back from it one evening when I got off mission.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And he was like dirty and sweaty. And I mean, he just, he looked like he'd like been crawling through the desert sand. And I was like, what have you been doing? He's like, I was doing CrossFit over here. And I was like, okay. I was like, I want to try it out with you. And so the next day I went over there and i'm like okay i want to try it out with you and so uh the next the next day i went over there and i went with him and uh we uh we hit a main site workout and i think had
Starting point is 00:22:14 some kettlebells and like some dips and pull-ups and then man the rest is history so addicted right away did it and we're like oh shit i need this oh yeah i mean it wasn't like any it wasn't like any other training that i'd ever done you know i i was your typical i did your uh your your standard power lifts and then i incorporated some speed work in my training i'd go out and do sprints, long, slow distance, but nothing like that. You already knew how to deadlift when you came to CrossFit? You already had done that before? Yes. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Yeah. I think that most of us who came during, you know, the herd that I came with hadn't done that. Maybe I'm wrong, but I know a lot of us hadn't, right? I mean, we were like strictly, the group that i came from were um lat pull down machine bench press um you know tricep extensions cables i mean even even when i used to go to the global gym i was like one of the only people who did pull-ups like actual pull-ups like the pull-up bar was always empty at you know golds or 24-hour fitness or wherever i went yeah uh so i got never seen a kettlebell or rope or rings fuck that what are those yeah
Starting point is 00:23:32 uh when i got back i got uh me and a friend i actually met him in like a globo gym uh down in the town i was living in at the time. It's like 20 minutes south of us. I was going to this gym and I saw him doing the main site workout across the gym. And I went up, kind of started talking to him. And so we started doing the main site workout together in here. And they like, I don't want to say they kicked us out, but they're like, hey man, you can't be doing handstand walks down the indoor track yeah yeah you can't do handstand push-ups like you know it's weird when you're at a gym and you're told you can't do stuff and to you it seems totally we weren't i used to work out
Starting point is 00:24:17 the university of california berkeley gym overhead squats were a no-no deadlifts were a no-no wall balls were a no-no they had all this shit you know all the olympic lifts were a no-no. Deadlifts were a no-no. Wall balls were a no-no. They had all this shit. All the Olympic lifts were a no-no. It's Berkeley. I'm surprised they had a gym at all. Well, and it was crazy because it was a beautiful gym. Tons of rooms. And I did drop an overhead squat of 175 from the top one time. I was doing some max effort on that.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Was it metal plates? Or what are they? I think they were. Not metal, but you know what I mean. They were rubber, but like the metal plates or what do they uh i think they were not metal but you know what i mean they were rubber but like the rubber casing yeah the way yeah the ones where you hold the the sides to move the 45s around yeah they have the grip and yeah um and and actually now that i think about it i think i actually maybe had a safety bar down at the bottom so it didn't hit the ground but it was still fucking chaos i mean it was chaotic when it when it went and you know you're kind of proud as a crossfitter you're
Starting point is 00:25:10 kind of proud i think i was going i did 10 and i went for 11 and uh and it fell and i was like i didn't care i was kind of like proud i went to failure which is kind of different, right? Than, than other gym activities. Yeah, very different. Oh, and, and so you, you, you're, did you ever, what was your job before you on the CrossFit gym? What did you do besides being the national guard? I was trying to finish school and they kept pulling me out and deploying me. So it took, uh, I took seven years to get my undergrad lots of people go to school for seven years right i think i was gonna say i did i can't remember now if i did seven or
Starting point is 00:25:54 ten it wasn't deployments that stopped me though it was girls marijuana ecstasy and frisbee yeah and natty light um so i i worked through college for uh i just had a little job with an industrial supplier i was a delivery driver so i was just driving all over uh industrial park uh delivering parts to big factories um and then after that uh you know after i graduated i finally got back when I got back from Afghanistan, I had 19 hours left to graduate, and I was like, I got to get done with school, because I'm tired of going, so I got, I got my undergrad out of the way, and I, I i was i started working for the guard uh it's uh it's full-time but you're not like permanent so now it's called uh i think it's called full-time
Starting point is 00:26:54 national guard operational support hey do they do they ask you to do that because you're capable are they like okay we this guy randy's like an overachiever or were you like okay i'm gonna apply for this job or were people like salt hey Hey, we need to keep this guy close. No, so it just depends. Uh, I mean, it can vary. So we had, uh, we had another unit that was getting spun up to deploy. Uh, so they, uh, they'll hire on additional help. Uh, they're, they're, they're called project officers. They're called project officers. So they brought me on. It was for about a year I was working as a project officer for our engineer battalion. And at the same time, two good buddies of mine, they were in the process of standing up CrossFit Natural State down in Jonesboro.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Okay. So that's who I went to texas with to get my my level one uh and we we got in a tornado on the drive down to texas this was kind of crazy uh guys that and don't uh let randy fool you that happens to everyone in arkansas uh every third day he's like trying to make it like it's a big deal it's the only big deal to us we got in one going to nashville too or franklin we went to the crossfit mobility cert and on the way back we got into a tornado fucking nuts but uh no i was working uh working the project officer and then uh you know i was helping them coach in the morning and then the afternoon and um then uh the the the funding for the project officer position they kind of fund it quarterly so
Starting point is 00:28:35 you you know like three months out if you're going to continue on orders or not so they they're coming to the end of the year and the unit was getting ready to head out. I saw the writing on the wall. I started looking at opening up my own affiliate at that time. What year was that again?
Starting point is 00:29:01 They opened CrossFit Natural State in 2011. So I worked 2011, 12. And then after I graduated, kind of in between jobs, this is kind of funny, but I started doing personal training at 10 Fitness, but I had a huge sticker on the back of my truck at the time that said CrossFit Natural State. So I would pull into 10 Fitness to meet my clients and I'd be like, kind of looks weird, you know, CrossFit Natural State truck sitting underneath the 10 Fitness sign. And, you know, the people i would train i mean what kind of workouts do you think we would do is that where you met your wife
Starting point is 00:29:51 uh no i didn't meet her till i opened my affiliate for those of you who aren't familiar with the united states of america uh they and them are over here in san francisco. And he is over here on the red dot. And so this is San Francisco, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Austin down here. And then all the way over here is Jonesboro. And then as you come up, he's, I guess he's closer to the East coast and the West coast. And then you come over here and it's the Eastern side of the United States.
Starting point is 00:30:22 So he's, he's right in the middle. It's a total, it's a, it might as well be a different, we might as well be in different countries. It's a totally different, uh, lifestyle, a good one, a good one, a healthy one. Is your town a good place to raise kids? It is. Um, you know, it's big enough people. Yeah. Yeah. It's big enough to, uh, I guess you could call it a city over here in the Midwest. You guys probably wouldn't, but.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Where's, how close is the closest Apple store to you? Memphis. How far is that? Shit. Like a state over? Damn. No, it's just an hour south. I mean, it's not that far.
Starting point is 00:31:04 But Memphis, Tennessee, different state though. Yes. Yeah, okay. There might be one in Little Rock, Central Arkansas. I don't know. How was your deployment? If you were on a FOB, did you see some hairy shit? Was it scary?
Starting point is 00:31:19 Did life alternate shit happen to you? Yeah. Yeah, we got into some pretty sticky situations. So we were a we were a route clearance and reconnaissance platoon or company. So we our mission day to day as we went out and drove. About three to five miles an hour down the road and humongous vehicles and, look for roadside bombs. Um, Did you ever find any?
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah. We found a lot. Sometimes they found us, but the, uh, you know, the, You ever find anyone who's planting one as you're – wow, wow. You ever find one – do you ever see someone laying one down as you roll up, like kids spray painting on a wall, but it's some dude's putting down a bomb? Yeah, yeah, we saw plenty of that. Damn. What do you do? Do you engage those people, or do you wait until they put it down and then pick it up behind them?
Starting point is 00:32:22 No, so our rules of engagement were different. So we had to have what's called PID or positive identification before we could engage. And a lot of times they had to engage us first. But the ROE changed, I think, once or twice while we were over there. and uh it was uh i think the coolest one was i got to watch live a drone strike on two guys that were putting one in about uh 100 meters outside of our the front gate of our fob so they i think don't give me a line because i don't know like levels that these drones fly. I think it was 11,000 feet is where it, you know, fired in and knocked out these two guys that were putting in a roadside bomb.
Starting point is 00:33:13 So you, I just picture like it's a schoolyard you're against the chain link fence inside the fob and you know, it's getting, you're looking up and there's a drone and you're looking at the dudes. Is it like that? And you and your buddies are like, got to chew in and you're like,
Starting point is 00:33:24 those guys are fucked. I mean, kind of, but we were watching on a, uh, on a TV in our, uh, tactical operation center inside our tent. So they had to put up, pull it up on a, like a big, like 50 inch screen, like the, uh, basically the camera from the, from the drone. I know this is, I know this is your podcast sorry hold on one second have you got to do that yet caleb have you seen the 50 inch screen and the look over the fence we're doing a lot of looking over the fence we don't get to see the screens out here all right all right all right okay sorry so you're watching the screen yeah and then uh so
Starting point is 00:34:04 it you can tell when uh i guess you can can tell when the drone fired because the screen shook and it did a little snow fuzzy. Yeah. And then they came back online and it was like, I don't know, like three seconds to impact. And it smoked them. three seconds to impact uh and it like i mean it smoked them i mean you could tell right before it hit they heard it coming because it was like a reflex and then it was just i mean there was there was nothing left of them i mean what what happens two guys pull up on a fucking old toyota pickup truck and fucking lower the tailgate and they carry out something that's the size of like what a basketball and you see them starting to bury it in the ground and leave a little piece up and then and then
Starting point is 00:34:48 and then and someone sees that and they're like sending a drone strike and then they're like hey guys come over and watch this uh i mean we we didn't see i mean that could be the case but uh these guys just were carrying they were like 40 gallon jugs like yellow jugs they look like uh fuel jugs yeah and they and they were uh packed with uh what we called um what was it called uh hme homemade explosives so fertilizer um and and they would pack these jugs with this HME and then they would bury it because I mean the routes that we drove out there were it was like driving in the desert real sandy so they would bury it and most of them were what was called pressure plate IEDs so if our vehicles drove over and it basically connected the you know know, the wires, it would detonate on us.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Some of them were cell phone detonated. Some of them were command wires. So they would run like a wire back to like a firing point, you know, a few hundred meters away. And then as our vehicles passed over, they would touch the wires to the battery or touch them to whatever. And they would detonate the bomb. The balls of these guys to come within 100 meters. Yeah, they got really close. I mean, we got into some hairy stuff like, I mean, 200 meters outside our front gate.
Starting point is 00:36:20 It was pretty wild. And I'm sorry for my ignorance, and these are Taliban? Yes. So we were there 2010. So I think the Marines were – they were down in the – and we operated in the Helmand province a little too. The Marines were down Helmand province area and they were trying to push all the
Starting point is 00:36:52 enemy up towards central and into Kandahar city. Then the army was up on Pakistan border. They were basically trying to squeeze into Kandahar city, which is I believe where the Taliban originated at. Then it would a Pakistan border. So they're basically trying to squeeze into Kandahar city, which is, um,
Starting point is 00:37:05 I believe where the Taliban originated at. Uh, and then it would just be basically a fight, you know, just trying to squeeze them in and then burst the bubble. So we, we were, we were operating really close to Kandahar city.
Starting point is 00:37:19 You know, what was weird is, uh, when we got out to, uh, our fob, it was pretty, it was pretty dead for a while. And then we were co-located with the unit from the 4th Infantry Division. And they were like, oh, it'll pick up on this day.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Like they had the day like pinpointed down. We're like, okay, like that's pretty random. And they're like, no, it'll pick up. it's called fighting season it's like okay so i mean we drove on and then like no crap like that day that they said it like it kicked off it's like fighting is that a weather related uh no i think it's religious related. Oh, shit. Yeah. When I see things that happened, like the protesters at January 6th, all those people march and they just kind of just start marching into the Capitol, I trip on that. I'm like, they would have never let that happen at my high school.
Starting point is 00:38:24 You know what I mean? I don't understand why something like that can't be stopped like it looks so easy to stop them like just bringing a bunch of trucks the water cannons and spray those fucking people down and the same thing when i watched what happened you know in afghanistan like how do all those people like when you see that and you see that giant military jet and there's dudes like on the tarmac with it are you tripping like how does that yeah it looks so unprofessional like i wouldn't let that i wouldn't let anyone get that close to my kids any like you know what i mean how how does that happen like when you watch that are you thinking that too how the fuck did that happen? Yeah. Yeah. It's wild. I mean, because, you know, we had guys that were, you know, they weren't there when it happened, but, you know, we had guys that flew in and out of there. So it was pretty much secure. You know, we had that place secured when we were there. We had that place secured when we were there.
Starting point is 00:39:29 You know where that was? Do you recognize that airfield where all those people were? Yeah, which I do. We were actually in Kandahar Airfield. But, you know, similar situation. It was secured as well. That was where we pushed out of or flew into and then we pushed out to our our fob from kandahar airfield and i was like you know just trying to relate it to that i was like man that place was secure i couldn't it's hard to hard to imagine uh what that feeling like what the tensions were like for those guys that were over there trying to secure, you know, the Marines and army. It's, I don't, it's something I could wrap my head around.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And how desperate when you were there, did you sense any of that desperation from the civilians there? I mean, basically the story goes like this, right? Those people were so fucking scared that the, I mean, this is just the layman's understanding. Those people who were there, those Afghanistan citizens were so fucking scared that the u.s was leaving that they were trying anything they could to leave with the u.s because they thought they would be killed as soon as the u.s left it's like think i just
Starting point is 00:40:34 imagine it's like mom's leaving and fucking dad's gonna rape me or beat me i mean that's like i mean those people were desperate is that yeah i mean they were. I didn't I didn't feel like that. You know, we we had a pretty strong presence when I was there. So, you know, our interactions with the locals, the local population, it was, you know, it was we we had pretty friendly interactions with them. I mean, they obviously felt safe around the Americans. No one's running out. None of those people were violent towards the Americans. They were trying to leave with leave with them. of them um i mean they obviously felt safe around the americans no one's running out i mean none of those people were violent towards the americans they were trying to leave with leave with them yeah yeah i mean it it wasn't it didn't feel like that when i was there i'm sure it existed but it just didn't it i didn't experience that so um when you when you see that do you have opinions
Starting point is 00:41:23 on it do you have thoughts on it? Do you have thoughts on it? Like, you know, there was the story coming out of the news was that it was done inappropriate. The departure was done inappropriately, jeopardized a lot of people's lives and that a lot of equipment was left behind. They shouldn't have been. I think you agree with that narrative or I do agree. Do you agree with that narrative? I do agree. I mean, I don't know. My opinion usually, I was just talking to, she's probably listening right now.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I was just talking to one of my master sergeants yesterday. And I said, I don't know. I'm just a field grade officer. My opinions usually don't matter. So I think it could have been planned a lot better. I really do. I mean, there were lives lost in it. You know, we still are at my box. I still have the names of each of those soldiers, Marines and airmen written on the whiteboard. uh, airmen written on the whiteboard. Uh, you know, that was over a year ago in August. Uh, just, you know, it sucks to see that,
Starting point is 00:42:29 that amount of lives lost, uh, on something that, you know, from, and I, and I don't know the details, obviously, I don't know, you know, what the full details are, but. Whatever was happening there was pretty bad. If people were handing babies to american soldiers yeah no one like that's a that's a really really fucked up situation like i don't think it gets worse than that i the only thing i think of is just auschwitz right you would hear stories like that of like jews being taken away on the trains and they give their baby to a german family who
Starting point is 00:43:01 they said would protect it i mean that's I mean, I can't think of any other, as soon as I saw, I mean, throwing your baby to protection. I mean, that's a fucking crazy decision to make. That'll be the hardest decision you make your entire life. Yeah. As if you're, you know, throwing your own kid to safety. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:20 That means there's certain death. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. That means you think that there are certain death. Yeah. Yeah. If you stay there and that baby's still there, you're all going certain death. Yeah, yeah, exactly. That means you think that there's certain death. Yeah, for sure. If you stay there and that baby's still there, you're all going to die.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Yeah. How long do you think you'll stay in? You look good. You look like you could make it another 17 years. And you're like, I beat you, Dad. I beat you. I don't know about that. So when I, when you get hired on full-time in the AGR program, you have to accumulate 20 active federal service years. So I had some that I'd accumulated prior to with deployments,
Starting point is 00:44:00 things like that. And I've been in a little over three years in the AGR program. So I've got, uh, I've got about, I can't be exact. Um, I should track it a lot closer, but it's probably eight, eight to nine left. So when I'm close to 50. And the finish line is when you get some sort of retirement, right? Yes. Okay. Is your dad still alive? He is.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah. What's he think about the whole CrossFit thing? He doubted me when I first told him I was going to do it. Yeah. Sounds like a smart dad. Yeah. He just played devil's advocate. That's all he was doing. he he'll tell you that you know he's like i didn't think he'd make it
Starting point is 00:44:50 and i'll be i know you didn't that's why i proved you wrong along with everybody else but yeah he uh he's uh he's happy you know it works he uh he's happy. It works. He's healthy, 72. He's got about 200 acres, piddles with cows and hay, and just works out on his land. He's been retired for, oh man, like 12 years. How close is he to you? About an hour drive and when you say he pills with cows milking or for meat or companionship yeah companionship yeah he's got pet cows no he uh it's for me he'll raise them and then he'll just take them to the sell bar and sell them.
Starting point is 00:45:48 How about you? Do you got a freezer at home just full of meat that you get from your dad? Yeah, so he'll slaughter one and he'll ask me if I want it. I always say yes. We usually do a lot of ground beef. Then he'll have some like steaks cut out of it so so yeah i've got a deep freeze out in the garage damn what a good life randy yeah i farmed it what is it farmed a table right is it a trip to you you know where where i live um they don't they they they have never experienced that. They just go to the local store and get Beyond Meat.
Starting point is 00:46:32 They want to make it illegal. Is that the one that's made out of plants or whatever? It's not good for you, I'll tell you that. It's made out of Bill Gates technology. Yeah, seed oils and all sorts of shit. They're going out of business, though, it looks like. We were were looking at that yesterday have you had the incredible whopper yet either one of you no is that is that like some burger king's like vegan burger or something yeah no the incredible whopper.
Starting point is 00:47:06 That sounds terrible. Okay. So you – tell me about the opening process, the mindset. So you're single basically. You're not married when you open the gym, and you're just this dude, and you're like, fuck it. I love this stuff so much. I'm going to open the gym. And I kind of want to know how that process went. And were you thinking, oh, I like it so much I can train all day or I want to help people?
Starting point is 00:47:31 Or what was the kind of the motive or I'm going to get rich doing this? Or what was the motivating factor? Get rich. That's funny. Yeah. Right. No, I got into it when I was helping, helping my friends with CrossFit Natural State coaching. So they they eventually kind of put me into the coaching their foundations. And I really enjoyed helping people and seeing, you know, seeing the success that people have across.
Starting point is 00:48:08 people have across this so then when i i looked in the opening mine um i started looking i started looking for locations in paragon and started going through the affiliate process uh of trying to name it and and why why did you want your own why did you want your own why did i want my own because i i wanted i wanted to be in control of how the affiliate was ran. I thought things could be done differently and better than where I was at. And that's not anything negative towards being an affiliate owner. I had my own leadership style and my own vision of a community. style and, um, my own vision of a community. And, um, I saw the opportunity existed, you know, 30 minutes up the road. So, uh, that's, and you liked it. You liked going, you not only did you think you could do some things differently that you wanted to try out, but you, but,
Starting point is 00:49:00 but what did you like about going to the gym every morning? But what did you like about going to the gym every morning? I liked seeing the people, you know, throughout the day. It was getting the interaction with people, just the relationships that you can build with your members and creating that tight-knit community. that tight-knit community. So, you know, that's what I tell my coaches today, even today, is I tell them, you know, the most important thing is for you to create a relationship with the member. You know, we've got the rest of their life to get them fit. I was like, if they don't feel good walking in your doors,
Starting point is 00:49:43 then they're not going to come back. You're asking for an hour of their time. I was thinking about this the other day with the podcast too. I learned this obviously from Greg and CrossFit. Them coming to you, your goal should be their best hour of their day. They're giving you an hour of their life. I feel like that about the podcast, like, Holy fuck, something better be said or done on here to where people feel like they're
Starting point is 00:50:09 getting value. Not because I want to keep them, but because I don't want to be, I don't want to be a scumbag. I want to take this serious. I respect people's time. Like you said, relationships. Yeah. That's a great reason to have a gym. I, because you like the relationships. That's a great reason to have a gym because you like the relationships. Yeah, I mean, it's the community aspect, really. That ties into everything about what CrossFit strives for with creating community. and that's that's the most important and still is is that you know you help you help people feel part of a community a supporting community you know it's not just like i'm going to support you and get you fit and get you a 400 pound back squat or whatever but uh you know outside of our
Starting point is 00:51:02 our walls too we we support our members and, uh, you know, we try to be there for them and do things for them, uh, do fundraisers. Um, I mean, you, you see these stories all over, uh, the CrossFit world. So, uh, that's, that's one of the best parts of it. And when you opened your, when you opened your own gym, did the, did the gym you were at get upset at you were they disappointed angry supportive how does that work no no they were they were supportive uh so they were they were kind of in the process of uh they they owned uh they had a co-ownership uh so they were kind of um so you knew exactly what not to do. You're like, okay, don't open with someone.
Starting point is 00:51:45 No co-op. Yeah, that was number one lesson learned. But no, they were very supportive. So they were kind of at a crossroads of one of them buying out the other and just taking on sole ownership. And the other one, I mean, both of these guys, they had families of four. So, I mean, you can imagine the affiliate model starting out. That's tough to support, you know, eight people. And in this part of the country, you know, it's still – CrossFit still has like a uh and i don't know maybe it does there too but it still has kind of that stigma you know of the dangerous and i don't know what else the fake pull-ups and the crossfit games like i was like that's not what we are right it's like the and i tell everybody everybody that comes into the gym and they ask about it.
Starting point is 00:52:47 You know, the first question I asked them was, how did you hear about us? And some of them will say, oh, I saw the CrossFit Games online or saw it on TV. And I stop them. I'm saying, hold on. I was like, all right, that, the CrossFit Games? I was like, that's the NFL or the Major League Baseball. I was like, we're the Sandlot. I'm like, this is Sandlot.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I was like, yes, we do that. I was like, but that is the professional, you know, the top half percent of our, you know, community and what, what they do. Oh, look at all the kids. God, I love that picture. And a dog. Kids, dogs. Yeah. How many people would you say come in that said they saw it on the CrossFit games that are interested in starting? Like is that a big percentage of the people that come in or is that a smaller
Starting point is 00:53:40 one? No, it's pretty small. Yeah. It's just a, just a handful that i can remember having that conversation with because it's like you got to slow those people down like especially if they're dudes right and you can tell they've maybe done some lifting in their back you know their past they're like hey slow down you know you're this is going to be different for you um you know it's going to chew you up and spit you out if you don't, you know, come in with, you know, open mind and scale this back. So I don't know what people think about CrossFitters.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I always assume that everyone I know who knows that I do CrossFit knows that I'm fitter than them. I just assume that they know that. I assume if I walk in somewhere and I wear my CrossFit shirt, everyone knows that I could beat them in a foot race. But, but it's weird. The other day I, uh, I went to play 10, I don't play tennis. I, you know, I just fuck around. My kids play it. And in the kids tennis program, all the parents are hardcore tennis players and all the kids are, but not me. And my kid was playing my kid and I met up with this mom and um and her kid and they played tennis for like two and a half hours and then the mom said hey you want to play doubles against our
Starting point is 00:54:51 kids and i said sure and like i i don't know what the fuck i'm doing right i just hit the ball i just have a racket and we're out there playing and i was definitely the weak link between me and this lady for sure um but she goes holy shit you're fast and and then the other day when i was playing frisbee on the beach for two hours with one of my sons and this man comes up to me he goes how old are you and i go 50 he goes i can't fucking believe i'll watch you out here playing frisbee for two hours with your kids it's like yeah i crossfit like what like what what i just have to assume everyone knows like we're not fucking around we're different yeah i still i mean god i've been doing it we're capable we're capable 13 yeah 14 years and um i mean people still give me a
Starting point is 00:55:36 hard time for it they joke about it but i mean i just i laugh it off now. So it's, it allows us just to do, to be, to do so much more. We contribute. I mean, I hope most CrossFitters are like this, but we're the guy who's like lady shopping cart gets stuck in a crack and it's full of shit and weighs 150 pounds. And we can come over there and just lift the back out for them. Just, you know, to it. I mean, it's like nothing for us. Right. And it's like, it's just yeah i i i don't know
Starting point is 00:56:07 if people how people think of it i i do i do believe that all the haters i do believe and i know that all the haters are it's just ignorance it's intimidation and ignorance i don't see any of that among my cohort i don't think i don't, um, I see 99.999 to infinity benefits of, of the methodology. Yeah. I think, I think you're right on that. Um, the ignorance is like, um, was it, was it Glassman that said it said, you don't know what you don't know and it's just you know they're not educated on it and that's the thing that we do in our our foundations so we we we do a foundations now it's like i want one-on-one time uh with these new people coming in um and i want it to be yes we
Starting point is 00:57:01 we're going to assess your movement we're going to assess your movement. We're going to assess your limitations, your fitness level. But I want you to educate. I want you to be educated on what CrossFit is. Right. So everything from what our crazy acronyms are to how we scale it to meet the stimulus. And my coach, I call her my head coach, Natalie. And my coach, I call her my head coach, Natalie. She takes on all of our foundations and she does an outstanding job breaking it down. You know, they meet with her three times over the course of two weeks and she breaks it down within the hour to teach them about the movement standards,
Starting point is 00:57:48 not only the movement standards and maybe new movements that they've never seen in any other exercise program, but also to educate them on CrossFit and what the benefits are. the benefits are, you know, just not being a gym warrior and being, uh, being able to, uh, apply this to, uh, your, your everyday life outside the gym wall. You have a post on your Instagram. It's called the ideal gym member. I really liked it. Maybe, maybe, uh, it's, it's the very last one, Caleb, very last one. I should have numbered these. Sorry. Maybe. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I used to think that anybody who wanted to get fit with someone I wanted in my gym. Now I want people who don't complain, who are coachable and who want to be part of a community. We've turned people away because they weren't a good fit for us. When does that evolution come? Are you already an affiliate owner and you're like, God, I hope I can get a lot of fit people in here. And then after a couple of years, you're like,
Starting point is 00:58:54 actually, that's not what I really want is people who are coachable, who don't complain, who want to be a part of the community. When does that shift happen? I really don't. I don't know when the shift happens, but I think it comes with time. I wouldn't say it comes with, with number, you know, a number of members because, you know, as a, as an affiliate owner, you're you're looking at numbers. I mean, you're looking at bottom line, you gotta, you gotta pay the rent, you gotta keep the lights on. Um, but you know, at some point it's,
Starting point is 00:59:32 it converts back to a quality, you know, quality of your life, uh, and your hour or multiple hours that you're spending coaching. Right. So you don't want to be in there. And I can probably say that 99% of affiliate owners or even coaches that are listening, you know, they've had those members that are just not coachable, that don't want to listen and do their own thing. And they become toxic to the community. You know, the other members see it,
Starting point is 01:00:06 and that's just not somebody you want inside your gym, somebody who doesn't want to get better, doesn't want to be coachable. And I'm like, you know, I mean, if you're not coachable, I mean, if you know it all, then, I mean, go open your own affiliate. Have you said that to someone? If you know it all, then I mean, go open your own affiliate. Have you said that to someone?
Starting point is 01:00:27 I've kicked, uh, I've kicked one individual out my entire time as an affiliate owner. What does that look like? Yeah. That's what I want. Hey, I've been through nine years myself, man. I know. I love Greg's stories too, where he's like, he either kicks someone out or he just works to kick them out. Coach them up or coach them out.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Yeah, Greg says you just go over and just fucking make it so they don't want to come back. I mean, mine had to do with some inappropriate stuff being said to one of my coaches. And I told that coach, I was like, I said, Was that a boy being attracted to a girl? Yes. Oh yeah. HR had to step in. HR.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Did you put on your HR hat? Yes, man. I'll tell you what. And I was like, I was like, I said, you need to confront him or I will. And she had no issues. She still coaches for me today. So she's like, oh, no, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:01:31 I will say something. So, you know, she confronted him. Will you tell us what he said? Is it okay to tell us? I would like to check out your snatch. No, it was like. it's a good guess i like that that's a good guess i can't be exact but it was is it like no girl's gonna tell me what to do or was it like damn you got nice tits no it was like what side of the fence was it okay if you don't it was uh yeah it was on that side if you don't like uh if you don't like me it. I got plenty of other women in here that like me.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Oh, wow. Wow. Come on, dude. So, you know, she was married and she was like. Oh, wow. So I confronted him about it and I was like, and he lied to me. He was like, you know, he kept lying. I was like, I'm going to give you one more chance.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I was like, you tell me the truth, I can work with you. he didn't so i'm like man you gotta go i said it's not uh this isn't the place for you relationships that shit's gonna happen right relationships yeah so and that was years ago. It was like, God, it was two, two locations ago. So like 2000, I'd say 15. How many locations have you been at? First location was 900 square feet. We knocked a wall out within a year. And then we moved to a standalone location. It was 3,000 square feet. Next move was an old warehouse, like truck repair shop. And then from there, I took the plunge and bought some land, and we built our own. Oh, shit. Yeah, that's the one you're in now, right?
Starting point is 01:03:29 With the photos of it and stuff. Yeah. We see. Yeah, that place looks awesome. Wow. Good on you. I would be – that sounds like the worst thing to ever do, move a gym. That sounds like –
Starting point is 01:03:43 Well, compared to most businesses, it's easy. I mean, you're pulling – God, it sounds like well compared to most businesses it's easy i mean you're and usually you have a lot of work community of people that are fit that usually would you know if you bring them some food and stuff at the end usually come and help out grab a ball ball slide a mat over throw it in the truck and drive it down the street yeah god that's a dope place man congratulations look at that roof yeah that's and that's kind of uh if you go back to talking about um you know why why i opened uh but you know as we started building the community uh there there was just not a lot of oh that's nice great location windows yeah and i just like, you know, I want to build something for my community. Like, I want, like, I didn't build it for me.
Starting point is 01:04:31 I mean, yes, you know, I'll pay the note and property taxes, which property taxes are, you know, whatever, rip off. Come to California, brother. I know, right? You really want to get it are there did how what size square footage is this one now sorry if you already said it but uh so it's 6 000 square feet wow nice 60 wide and 100 long and then we've got uh i've got a build out upstairs uh where i put my office and just a big uh open kind of a balcony or um so we got about 1200 feet or 1200 feet upstairs oh that's awesome you're approaching 10 years yeah oh is that guy your client right there
Starting point is 01:05:17 november 21st to 22nd that yolk dude no that was uh that was a repost i think that was uh that's the dude hillary okay that's the dude hillary approach hillary accused we met him and juiced up and hill and then they they had a confrontation it was it was good but intense at um at the crossfit games that guy's body is ridiculous yeah goals right he is a specimen i mean Hiller's a big dude, and this dude was standing next to Hiller, and he's dwarfing Hiller. This is a solid man. Yeah. So you're approaching 10 years. Yeah, a decade.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Why are you still affiliated? After all this time, is any part of you like, hey, I've paid enough of my affiliation fee? Wow, that place is nice, dude. You fucking murdered it. Congratulations. That's what I was looking at last night, and I was a little jealous. You built it. So you bought the land, and there was no building there, and that was built on there?
Starting point is 01:06:17 You had that built? So this is kind of wild. So the very first place I looked at putting the affiliate to rent was on this spot. There was like an old, like 2000 square foot garage building. And it was there for the whole time I was in Paragold. And then I remember driving to my box one day and i took the road always took the back way to it because it was faster and i drove by this building and there was like smoke pouring out of uh the bay door and i was like what the crap nobody was there and it had caught on fire
Starting point is 01:06:57 so that building burned down uh and then that was uh Uh, and then that was, uh, they ended up tearing it down finally. And then the, uh, the lot went up for sale. So I bought the lot and then we built, uh, we built on it. So how much does it cost to build that? That here, uh, with the land and the building and build out everything, turnkey, it was just under $400,000. God, I would want to live in there.
Starting point is 01:07:35 You could. $400,000. Yeah, I would love just a giant floor plan like that for my house so I could always see what the fuck my kids are doing. Just a little sleeping loft upstairs, a little crow's nest sleeping yeah it's a fucking bb gun yeah dude yeah god do you get do you still get excited how long have you had that uh just over so it'll be it'll be four years this coming february that we've been in there there. February 14th and 15th is when we moved into it. So four years this coming February. I have this minivan.
Starting point is 01:08:11 It's the only – well, my mom bought me a car when I graduated from high school. Well, even that car, I remember every morning I would wake up for years, and I couldn't fucking believe it was my car. I couldn't believe I had a pickup truck. Is it like that when you come here? Like every morning that you go there, you're like, are you just kind of just like, yeah. Yeah. I mean, that shit looks like it never gets old.
Starting point is 01:08:34 That shit. Look at just those med balls in the corner. I want to go hug them. Yeah. My wife, I have to watch it because I'll just – I'll go up there and piddle. Yes. At the time, my wife was like, are you still at the box? I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:50 She's like, what are you doing? I was like, I don't know, just trying to look and see what I can do to make it better for the members. That's what it is. Yep, yep. Dude, my favorite part about this whole picture is the two little girls who are just at home there. They're probably someone's in the pictures daughters right they they they are so excited to go to the box with their moms because their moms are working out but then they get to see their best friend right
Starting point is 01:09:14 and i just fucking love that i mean that's the that says it all right there yeah i think that's uh why so many people there right then is that an event that's not like are your classes that big that's nuts uh did we no classes aren't that big that may be what's the date on that memorial day that's murph the day we did murph so someone probably bought brought like free coffee or something and everyone showed up yeah pizza you know awesome this picture was like you know like when you're talking to one of your buddies about something and then a pretty girl walks by and everything gets quiet in high school and everyone's like that this picture did that to me i was gonna ask you about why you affiliate and then i saw this picture and it was i was just wow overwhelmed
Starting point is 01:09:59 why affiliate why keep affiliating why not just um go your way thank you i took the l1 did you take the l2 also yes wow uh did you like the l2 i'm still not gonna let you answer the first question did you like the l2 yeah i did i like the l2 a lot it was uh probably probably one of uh one of the best uh certs that i've gotten um i'll probably say l1 l2 uh i'll rank l2 above l1 yes it's more it's but it's in terms of coaching right is what you're talking about in terms of practical application where you could yeah come back and you're infinitely better inside the classroom like yeah you are you have like this drive and the coaches do too they're like i want to teach them so much i'm like that's awesome and then the l1 is just like i mean this is cliche but you know my mind was blown in the l1 i was like wow the amount of knowledge uh
Starting point is 01:10:57 and just simplicity of how they can teach it uh so that you can you know we we call it uh we, we call it in the military, it's called train the trainer, you know, so you have these subject matter experts and they train, you know, individuals and those individuals go back out into their units and they, you know, they teach and train subordinates. But yeah, it was, you know, it was, it was mind blowing on the L1, just the amount of knowledge you get. The L1 was mind-blowing, and yet Randy says the L2 was even better. What would happen to the U.S. military if they had every single guy in there take the L1, take the two-day course? Would you see a massive transformation in our fighting force?
Starting point is 01:11:43 Yes. Massive, right? Yeah. How many people are in the military? Can you look that up, active U.S. military, Caleb? I think it's a million. Is it between all the branches? Let's include those guys on the boats too, the Coast Guard ones.
Starting point is 01:12:03 We go 1.6. Okay, so let's say it is 1.6 million so that means it's a okay okay 1.3 so add two zeros to that that's 10 million that's 103 million dollars do i have that right no no sorry 103 million uh That's $1 billion to give every – that's $1 billion, right? $103 million would be if they got it – you just add three zeros to that, right? If it's $1,000, take the L1. I'm sure CrossFit would give them a deal if they bought a million L1s. Yeah, get a little price break.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Get a little price. And all they have to do is send a little bit less to Ukraine and we're good to go. Yeah, let's negotiate that down a little bit. Let's keep it at a flat billion. So for $1 billion dollars and and caleb how much did we send to the ukraine and and i'm okay i'm not saying that we shouldn't send money to ukraine or we should i don't mean to say that any of that shit at all in this i'm just and i i understand that um when people are like hey why doesn't elon save the world instead of uh save all the starving people instead of buying twitter money doesn't work like that.
Starting point is 01:13:06 But, man, it seems like you would have a massive repercussion, positive repercussion, $2.98 billion. It seems like you would have a massive repercussion if you just put 100,000 U.S. soldiers through the L1. I mean it would change all their lives forever. You that your whole life right your l1 expires every five years but no but you know what i mean like college the information yeah like like we all took our l1 and we're never going to be the same you go there for two days and you're never ever ever going to be the same there's lots of things a week will pass and nothing happens to me that changes my life you spend two days there and the whole trajectory of your shit has changed and other people there's whole aisles in the grocery store you'll never visit again
Starting point is 01:13:52 never you'll never go down the cereal aisle again unless there's some hot chick down there right now they have a deal with the Army that they can get it for free. How is that? Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah. Okay, sorry. I just can't believe the impact it would have. I'm pretty sure we get more worked up about the L1 and the L2 and selling it than CrossFit does at this point. Well, that was pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:14:22 That Stefan Roche video is pretty fucking cool. Yeah. You can't – I mean it's still understatedstated but man it's good to see that coming out of hq they need to beat their chest a little bit they need to get on top of the empire state building and fucking pound a lot of it a lot of it yeah i completely agree we need more videos like that but at mass scale all the time okay rent over that is your that is your i mean that is the cornerstone of your sir that's the survival piece in the military right what's that your your ability to perform physically and mentally yeah i mean it uh you can relate the uh the attrition uh or even the the pool of recruiting um i forgot how many years ago. I'll say it's like 2012. I'd have to look up the video,
Starting point is 01:15:08 but I think a retired general gave a speech discussing the impact that physical activity or lack of physical activity has had on the recruiting pool and even inside the army with injury rates or outside the recruiting pool is they, I mean, they can't recruit because these young kids are not physically active. So they're, they can't pass a simple, uh, physical fitness test, uh, to, to get in. Um, and it's, I mean, you talked about, I mean, he did it,
Starting point is 01:15:53 I don't have a video, but I mean, he did a study in the, in the, the cost, the cost of, uh, the harm he fixed in these individuals, uh, just due to like basic injury training was, I mean, it was significant. A lot of it was like stress fractures. Because they're not conditioned to it. I worked with the U.S. Air Force recruit guys, and we would help them kind of do a development day
Starting point is 01:16:20 where they would come in and take the PASS test, and these individuals are getting ready to go to special operations. And I was discussing it with a few of the recruiters and they were saying that they actually have the data on that everybody has just gotten weaker and i don't mean that in a sense of like you know just to use that word like literally and physically they've gotten weaker to the point that they don't play sports they're not conditioned for it the ones that even want it maybe have it up here end up broken with stress factors and stuff because their bodies just aren't conditioned for that type of physical activity because they weren't exposed to it at younger ages. And it's making the cost of bringing those individuals in exponentially higher because
Starting point is 01:16:57 they have to cast a wider net. So more goes into marketing and then it takes more to get them through the process. And then therefore more dollars are spent just to get them through the, down the pipeline. Yeah, you know, I see it at my level because, you know, right now I'm an executive officer of a battalion, and we work hand-in-hand with recruiting and retention. And we have an individual in our building that he is he's over over the new recruits coming in. So they spend some time in R&R before they shift to basic, but they get to basic. And, you know, every month we look at the losses that we have for these individuals and, you know, while we're losing them.
Starting point is 01:17:47 And it's, you know, our chief of staff has said that it's, it all relates back. Everything that we see a loss of can relate back to the physical well-being of an individual. You know, because if they, you know, if they can't pass a physical test, you know, if they're being processed out for injuries, then that's a waste of money and that's a loss of a number for us. Yeah. Here's the crazy thing too. You could take anybody if you made the first year of coming into the U.S. crossfit you could take anyone you'd bring them in force them to eat this shit start them off walking start them off leaning against the wall and uh if even if they're 200 pounds overweight in a year you would have a fucking warrior you could
Starting point is 01:18:39 do it it would be so fucking easy it would be not for the person but that if they signed up for four years and you turn the first years into into into crossfit here's your steak here's your broccoli let's go we're going for a walk today yeah i think you'd have to rewind the clock they should just make the fucking u.s military giant weight loss program first year you lose weight the second year you kill somebody so have you seen shit i'm i'm not i'm not joking it would be better than what it is have you seen the new uh the new physical fitness test that they have it's been like being developed and redeveloped and we're like no i've heard about like these 15 minute miles and weird shit like that though it's the army army combat fitness test right so our our old one was just uh you did uh two minutes you had two minutes to do as many push-ups as possible and then you
Starting point is 01:19:32 had two minutes to do as many sit-ups and then uh you had uh you had to run two miles so it all is it all is around your age like how old you are it's like where your score falls right so the older you are the longer you have to run two miles or the older you are the less push-ups and sit-ups you have to meet the standard so that was that was a standard or that was a test for years i think i think it changed in like the 70s to that and so they just revamped it and they've been working on this new test for years now to implement it and it's called the army combat fitness test so if you look at it it's got deadlift yeah you better pull it up so movement. So a standing power throw. So what does that look like? It's a kettlebell swing. Or, you know, you can train it through power cleans.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Hammer release push up, which I like the hammer release push up, because if you ever witnessed the Army fitness test and you see some of these guys ranges of motion or range of motion on the push up. Or lack thereof yeah yeah dude it's right and then um so the sprint drag carry it's it's funny so if if you've never seen somebody tap into that metabolic pathway on the sprint drag carry it completely destroys them and i mean they just they take off running and it looks like a newborn giraffe that's a great fucking picture by the way a great image a new giraffe like knees knocking and shit oh yeah and they just they just biff it like i mean i've seen it it's pretty funny biff it like i mean i've seen it it's pretty funny um and so the plank they replaced the uh the plank was knees to elbow um and i mean i'm i don't care i'm indifferent i can do either but
Starting point is 01:21:37 they had so many issues with knees to elbow uh in my opinion it was because so many people could not do a knees to elbow so they lowered their standard to a plank so yeah the standard that's what i wonder why why the hell like why would you put a plank in there like why not even a farmer carry or something because you could do that with midline stability and everything else with a farmer carry yeah so the sprint drag carry has a form it has a former carry in it it does yeah two spring drag 40 yeah 240 pound kettle bills it's got reverse sled drag what are some of the numbers can we get to the juicy part what are the numbers what are the what what's your what can we see these numbers uh caleb what are some of the things you have to do uh fitness uh how to uh 60 pound hex bar uh standing. It doesn't show what the requirements are?
Starting point is 01:22:26 You could look them up. They have a minimal and a maximum that you can reach. So each event scored 100 points. So you can score up to 100 points. Oh, the CrossFit Games. Yeah, there you go. Randy, why are you – why still stay affiliated after 10 years? Why still pay the dues?
Starting point is 01:22:52 Nope, we're not going to get to that either again. We're going to have to circle back to that. I'm going to need some more time to think about it. So Max Deadlift, 340 is 100 points for a man, 210 for a woman at the highest level. Oh, for three repetitions. Okay. Let me see what mine is. Look at the man's weight really doesn't ever go down.
Starting point is 01:23:17 I guess neither does the women's. The deadlift stays pretty steady. I think I could get 90 points. Okay, that's good. Oh, you should do this for one of the videos here. That would be cool. Okay, what's the next one? What's the next one?
Starting point is 01:23:35 Oh, what was that yellow line at the bottom? What was that yellow line at the bottom? That's where you just get the fuck out of here. That's the minimal you have to lift to pass. oh shit so d is for degree 60 oh one wow wow so obby's ready yeah wow holy shit that's what's crazy my deadlift might be weak as shit like i probably don't want to deadlift ever over i don't know i don't never deadlift over 245 but i i could probably do two sets of 50 with 140 it would hurt but wow that's crazy that's the wow uh standing power throw um so it's a 10 pound like a 10 pound mad ball like a little it's not a med ball it's like a rubber
Starting point is 01:24:27 like slam ball wow uh that's pretty far to throw at 36 feet for the dudes it's pretty easy actually it is did you get the roll do you get to use the roll no no it's where it where it's where it lands okay how do you do is it small like this, like a little D-ball? You shot put it? No, so you can like, so imagine an American kettlebell swing. Okay. Oh, so that, okay. You have your pack to the lane and you load and then you just, yeah, you have to release, you know, at a 45 and if you want max distance.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Throw it over your head or release at a 45 in front of you? distance but throw it over your head or release 45 in front of you yeah throw throw over your head okay over your head okay let me see what the minimum is here so someone has to throw the minimum like if you're like a like a woman has to throw like 10 feet down there at the end wow yeah they just have to get it over their head wow hey so the funny story on this when when i went to the uh the acft uh instructor course uh out and uh where was that at fort jackson uh they talked about injuries uh the most common injuries were on the standing power throw i could see that so how how would you think that they injured? What do you think they injured?
Starting point is 01:25:49 Like hip flexor, shoulder? Low back. That's what I would assume. You know who was injured? Dropping it on their head? Yeah. Is it? No.
Starting point is 01:25:59 So they would smoke themselves in the face or the guy? Oh, like throw it straight up in the air and it would come down yeah or they're just releasing hit their face oh friendly fire friendly there are some goofy fucking people out there the giraffes would have wow baby giraffe shit wow so you have a marker in the lane right down in your lane who the ball lands, they go up there and mark it, and they measure it. So the marker or the guy marking your standing power throw, sometimes he wasn't paying attention, and he would get, like, biffed by a 10-pound ball to the face.
Starting point is 01:26:38 So that's what they said was the most common injury when we were there. This makes me afraid for the shooting range. That's for sure. Okay. Let's go through these. Let's go through the next one, Caleb. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:26:51 This is great. I'm so glad we found this standing power throw. Okay. We did that. Hand release pushups. So that, so that you have two minutes. So that's 30,
Starting point is 01:27:06 30 a minute to get the best score yeah so you have to like you have to take your hands all like you know a crossfit our hand release push-ups we just pop pop our hands off the ground right yeah so these you have to go like all the way out into a t position okay okay that That's legit. I like that. Let me see what the minimum is. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. That's two minutes?
Starting point is 01:27:38 Ten? I can't wait for you guys to look at the Air Force standards. Hey, do you guys see shit like this? Do you actually see someone who can't do 10 in two minutes? I haven't yet, no. Okay, well, that's good. That's good.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Goodness. Goodness. Sprint drag carry. That's my favorite one. you're pulling a sled some distance yeah so 25 meters down reverse so it's a 90 pound sled and then uh 25 meters back okay so first you do you sprint you sprint 25 meters down, 25 back. Then you drag the sled. See what else?
Starting point is 01:28:31 Sprint, drag, carry, drag the sled. Then you do like a side shuffle. Okay. I don't understand. And then you do a carry. So you have two 40 pound kettlebells in each hand and you carry it 25 and back. And then you do your last, your last one's sprint again. I think I've covered all of them. So you sprint twice, drag, carry the kettlebell,
Starting point is 01:29:00 and then you do the side shuffle. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, this one, that's not bad. That's not bad at all. Okay. Come watch it. It wrecks people.
Starting point is 01:29:15 No, it's not bad for us. No, I mean, anybody that's trained in CrossFit can smoke this. How much does an ammo can weigh? Like a fully loaded ammo can. I don't know. Buy and Google it. I wonder if it's more or less than 44 pounds or 40 pounds. Anything else, Caleb, on there?
Starting point is 01:29:40 Let's do one more, and then I got to get to this question. Hey, maybe you don't know why you pay your affiliate fees. Maybe you don't know why. I have to pay them to stay open. That's the... Plank. Maintain. Maintain.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Okay, so you have to hold the plank for three minutes and 40 seconds. That's legit. It's a legit plank. Yeah. That's legit. Let me see what the bare minimum is 10 seconds this might be the hardest one oh ah yeah that's legit that's legit people got to go to war especially if you've never done a plank yeah yeah it feels like an eternity
Starting point is 01:30:25 for some people yeah my wife's fit as shit she took a pilates class the other day she said they had to do two two minute planks in it she said that shit was hard yeah if you're not conditioned to planking that's tough as a crossfitter you could probably get some capacity in it in like a week though
Starting point is 01:30:41 two two mile runs wow so that's legit wait uh oh wait let's go see the bottom uh-oh 13 22 13 that's good yeah that's legit okay in 22 minutes okay wow so you could bear crawl it if you had to. Wow. Yeah. 23 for the women. Those should be close.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Yeah, wow. Randy, what do you mean to stay open? You think you have to pay your affiliation? I mean, why not just drop the name CrossFit and just call it Cathelfit? Catheter Fit. I mean, I don't know. I like CrossFit. I like what it stands for.
Starting point is 01:31:36 I like the community. I like to say that it all comes back to the community ties is what CrossFit strives for to create. And, you know, I look back at when I first started, and I was at – I had to go back to Kandahar Airfield on a mission. We had to go back and get some supplies. So we usually rested overnight there, and then we would come back in the morning. But I remember going to their little tent gym and Kandahar, Kandahar airfield.
Starting point is 01:32:11 And I went over there and I was going to do a workout and they had a little section that had, you know, some functional fitness stuff where there were these guys in there and like when you're deployed, you can tell, like, you can pick out who the operators are, you know, your, your high speed SF guys. And then, you know, you can tell, like you can pick out who the operators are, you know, your your high speed SF guys. And then, you know, there I was. I was I was just a second lieutenant in the National Guard from Arkansas. So these guys were in there training and they were kind of doing their own thing. And I wanted to get in and knock out a wad with them. And man, they were just welcoming.
Starting point is 01:32:43 You know, there was no judgment. They weren't like, oh, you're a National Guard piece of crap. Get out of here. You know, like, hey, man, come join us. You know, let's get sweaty and let's get fit. Let's get better. And I was like, you know, that's kind of always stuck with me as far as, you know, that's what the CrossFit community is. And I'm like, wow, that's spread all the way over here to the other side of the world, um,
Starting point is 01:33:10 you know, on Kandahar airfield. And, and when you come back, um, you know, come full circle there, uh, CrossFit infected, uh, every fitness industry, uh industry in the world. I mean, would you guys agree? Absolutely, yeah. Changed the whole industry. Forced the industry to change. Changed everything.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Olympic lifting, the way everyone does sports, the NFL, the NBA, changed everything. Major League Baseball changed everything. Yeah, so there are gyms, I mean, even local gyms in northeast Arkansas, there wasn't lifting platforms, there wasn't bumper plates. You rarely saw kettlebells, a these other gyms incorporate functional fitness or CrossFit was infecting their their gym. And that's not a bad thing. You know, I mean, they have CrossFit equipment, functional fitness equipment at local gyms around Paragon. And it's not it's really not a bad thing. These people are getting in there and and training CrossFit. Does it necessarily mean that they're doing it right or being taught right?
Starting point is 01:34:39 Probably not. But it opens the door for them to say, Hey, I want, I want to be part of this. I want to get better. And then guess where they're going to come to us because we have the knowledge and we have the coach and staff that will get them to where they want to be as far as being fit and healthy. So, you know, it's just kind of, I don't know if you would say, I don't feel like I owe it to them to stay affiliated. I want to stay affiliated because of everything that I've seen CrossFit do,
Starting point is 01:35:13 uh, for the fitness industry. And then, uh, the main thing when it's done for people, uh, so when, you know, people helping people. So, you know, people helping people. So, is that good enough? No. It's not fire. It's not fire.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Wait, just to recap that, just to recap that real quick. So, you're paying the affiliate chief, so that way- Matt doesn't know why he pays his affiliate fees too,
Starting point is 01:35:40 so he's probably stealing your answer right here. That's what I'm trying to do. I just want to clarify when people ask me. You stay affiliated because the name is CrossFit there and that ties into the larger community of CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Would that distill the answer down? Here's what I hear. People do Ecstasy and they go to a rave and all of a sudden they like techno music and they think they like techno music. Same thing with the Grateful Dead. People do fucking Mushrooms, go go to Grateful Dead concert and they think they like the Grateful Dead because they were in this fucking super high fucking arousal state and something got in there. Right. Weren't sure if you were going to fit in, but this place where you connected with them, these other people in the military, the way you guys trained fitness transcended any differences you might have. That's the story you kind of opened with. And I get that too.
Starting point is 01:36:39 My mom used to go to a box where it was fucking 200 Filipino people. And she never told me that until the day I went in there. And I was like, you train with 200 Filipino people? She goes, yeah. I was like, why didn't you ever tell me that? She goes, I don't know. I was like, you train with 200 Filipino people. She goes, yeah. I was like, why didn't you ever tell me that? I don't know. Well, because she worked out with them. Like that wasn't the piece.
Starting point is 01:36:50 You know what I mean? Like they transcend. There's nowhere else where you go and there's a 65-year-old dude with a turban on the left of you and a fucking kid who's 12 years old who lost his foot in a lawnmower accident. There's nowhere you go besides the CrossFit gym where all that shit's happening. It just transcends everything even though yesterday someone called in in the show and told us a story about how a guy said he wouldn't work out with a black lady which is just crazy to me but for the most part this thing transcends everything yeah yes yeah and that's you know and you want to be a part of that but but so so it's a tithing again you're paying it out of um you're not saying
Starting point is 01:37:25 i love i love the way crossfit um speaks to the world on my behalf you're not saying that you're happy because um uh the posters they send you at christmas time you're not saying that they love it because of all the continued education they send you for free no they don't you can't point to anything you're you're not you're not it not. It's not the DEI council. Yeah. You sound like a fucking liberal. It's all about feelings, Mr. Randy. It's all about your feelings.
Starting point is 01:37:52 How sweet. Randy has feelings. He likes the way it feels to be a part of the community. So you say. Conservative people aren't allowed to be. I don't I don't even know if you're really conservative, but you're not like that feelings. I'm a I'm a warm-hearted person i know i can tell you're fucking warm as shit it's just amazing it's amazing i i'm saying all of this tongue-in-cheek because i i really do like your answer um it's um so and i think the world needs to hear it because i don't
Starting point is 01:38:24 and i think especially people who work at CrossFit need to hear it. I don't think they realize they would, it's, it's really hard to grasp why we all, why you guys pay affiliate fees, but it's a super valid reason. It's a super valid reason, but it's hard.
Starting point is 01:38:37 It's fucking hard to understand. Yeah. I mean, I can give you an example, just like you said, please, you know, working,
Starting point is 01:38:44 working with the Filipinos and that doesn't matter. Right. But I mean, we're and other people have their views and we have extreme one side and extreme the other side uh in our members and you know what we don't care like we come in there and train together and we have a common goal and it's i mean it's man it's a kick-ass atmosphere i mean it really is. Um, and, and we don't, we don't point that out on each other. Um, it's a common ground. We come in there and, and I mean, we, we lift heavy and breathe and hate the workout while we're doing it, but, you know, there's, there's such a diverse crowd in there, but that's such a diverse crowd in there.
Starting point is 01:39:47 When we come together in CFC, it's nothing but love for a common goal, and that is to walk out of there that day and be better than when we walked in. That's one of the reasons
Starting point is 01:40:04 I guess I pay the affiliate fees or that i love the the crossfit for the community piece is it it does that brings people together so you can have like you said a a ceo and a janitor on the same floor. Yeah. They're all equal. You're all welcome. They, them, he, her. You're all welcome. Get fit. Get strong.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Everyone respects someone who's taking personal accountability and responsibility for their health. Yeah. And again, HQ. I think it's the most respectful thing you can do, period. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say, I think hq is they're diluting that they're diluting the fact that it already is open and welcoming to everybody by trying to like force it for no no reason other than some sort of agenda i think they put the brakes on that though i really hope they have because i think they put
Starting point is 01:41:01 the brakes on it i sound like a broken record but if they just developed a media team and showed what was going on inside these affiliates, that would speak for itself and you wouldn't have to do all this other. Although that survey they sent out last week was weird as shit. Did you see that Randy? Um, I did not. It's probably in my inbox.
Starting point is 01:41:20 So I, I get to between my, my other job and what my coworkers call as my,, working for the guard full time and my other job as a box owner. I probably hadn't opened up that email. It's some weird shit. So when I ask, if you were to ask me and Matt, hey, are you guys brothers? Would you really be asking Matt and I, did we we come out did the same man impregnate the same woman and did we both come out of the same vagina that that's that's what you're asking
Starting point is 01:41:51 what most people don't even but that's it and um there are some questions there are some questions in this survey that they're basically asking you without asking you who's genitalia. Do you want to rub your genitalia on? And it's like, why the fuck is a survey from CrossFit HQ asking box owners that what from HQ? Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:42:16 you'll see it. It's in your inbox, buddy. It's in your inbox. They want to know what your binary quotient is or so. Well, I don't even know what the fuck they're asking but if you ask someone what their what their what their gender is you're you're basically asking them
Starting point is 01:42:30 who they want to rub their genitalia on and uh it's fucking but it's a bizarre question to ask someone who i don't think it's relevant to uh box owners i don't know i think it's okay to ask what their sex is you if you want to do figure out like if the majority of your box owners are male or female. But but but but their sex life is their own private life. If I tell you I'm a male, you're not still not asking me who I want to rub my genitalia against. And maybe I want to rub it against Matt's face. So maybe. So this is the Apollo box.
Starting point is 01:43:02 OK. Yeah, it's a survey for box owners. They sent out there. That kind of shit is just hard. OK, I take it. Yeah, it's a survey for box owners they sent out. That kind of shit is just hard. Okay, I take it back. They're not walking it back. They haven't stopped. You're right, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:43:11 I was going to say, this question seems like it didn't stop. Oh, you found it. Yeah. Yeah. What? How? That's so far off. Sorry to take you.
Starting point is 01:43:21 You finished the show on such a good note, Randy. CrossFit is a science. There's no science in the word gender. It's Dungeons and Dragons. OK, thank you for coming on, brother. I appreciate you guys having me. Yeah, you're a good dude. You have my phone number. Text me any time, day or night. I hope I make it out to Arkansas. I want to tell you, when I saw that box, I actually thought,
Starting point is 01:43:49 shit, maybe I should look at real estate there and I should move to Arkansas. We'll build a car. I've got an acre behind it you can build on. You're a good dude. How's the water? How's the water? Are you on city water or are you on a well? City.
Starting point is 01:44:03 City. City. Could you dig a well there? No. I guess I could but I mean... Is water cheap? It was when I was on Western Grand County water and then they switched me over to city
Starting point is 01:44:16 and they charged for it. Yeah, it's so expensive here. You have to have a well in California or you're fucked. So I threw them under the bus, didn't I? But... Alright, brother. I will see you around. California you're fucked yeah so I threw threw them under the bus didn't I all right brother I will um see you around all right guys good to talk to y'all thanks Andy it's 100% of our answers they do all the affiliate owners pay the affiliate fee out of integrity in wanting to stay connected
Starting point is 01:44:46 to the community. I'm incapable of understanding any of the answers. You know why? I really like him, though. That dude would be fun to hang out with and like, go camping. Yeah, he's a cool dude. And you know why, too? Because you said, I'm just going to speak for myself here when you're like, you don't fucking know why. I was like, no. You know why? Because Craig Howard convinced me. It wasn't for having my discussions with Craig. And it was just a bunch of like, well, if we don't stay connected and try to save it, who will? And I was like, fuck. Okay. it who will and i was like fuck okay and then i was like one more year let's see what happens and so far we've had what four ceos uh somebody's fired somebody's rehired it's kind of like it's kind of like you're paying to be part of a train wreck oh it's um all you save people's lives man and they're still not shit out on the l1 or L2. Can you invite Don to come on the show?
Starting point is 01:45:47 I have. I invited him day one. We could do it again. We'll reach again. Yeah, just send him out again. Just a nice, hey, Don, we'd love to have you on the podcast. And I applied to host an L1 at my gym. You guys remember that?
Starting point is 01:46:00 I did it live. I got nothing, not even like a confirmation for thank you for filling it out i didn't get anything i got a survey over here stefan roche is too busy fucking pushing people into they use their whole media budget on that video but don't you know the one where stefan roche it is a really good video i saw it this morning it got my dick hard a little bit i was pretty pumped that one did you see the the interview that he did with with don no i saw it this morning it got my dick hard a little bit i was pretty pumped that one did you see the the interview that he did with with don no i saw it's in three is it i saw part of it for sure there's frustration leaking out of him and sorry stefan if i if i mischaracterize
Starting point is 01:46:36 this but i watched that interview probably two dozen times and maybe you've been overanalyzed it but at one point he stops and he looks over and he goes in and um uh had a legal what's what's uh marshall marshall brenner marshall he goes marshall's gonna hate this but it is a cure it is a cure and i was like oh because you could see that they're talking about and they're trying to change the terminology from the way that great well that's cool they released that you can see that in the interview yep they kept it in the interview so at least they kept it in the interview. But he says, if you do something and you get a positive outcome that improves your health, by definition, it's a cure. And so and then he apologized to legal for it and everything else.
Starting point is 01:47:14 And Don kind of sat there and I was like, fuck, now we're apologizing. We're apologizing for telling the truth. And you could see it like you could see that frustration leaking out of him of like, here we have. Stefan knows. Yeah, he knows. He's the shit. like you could see that frustration leaking out of them of like here we have stefan knows yeah he knows he's the shit and anyhow that was the first thing that i saw and i was like fuck put stefan in charge let's just him let's just put him in front of media the whole time and just start releasing it out because they're so afraid everybody's afraid to tell the truth they don't you know he looks great too doesn't he yeah and he's a i've met him i had the pleasure of meeting him
Starting point is 01:47:44 very briefly man got a chance to shake his hand but yeah it's really and he's a i've met him i had the pleasure of meeting him very briefly man got a chance to shake his hand but yeah it's really cool he's exactly like it like the uh l1 staff people like you meet him and they have this glow they have this aura i'm sure he was a flow master i'm sure stefan was a flow he was yeah and um and when you talk to these people and you go up there for a minute they there's just some energy there's just something that kind of like comes off of them and you're like, you want to take on the world afterwards. And if you just started putting cameras in front of these people and quit tying their hands behind their back because what they could say and what they can't say, because we got all these fucking
Starting point is 01:48:13 CEO and executives from other tech companies that are so wrapped up in all this bureaucracy. If you just ditch all that shit and just talk about the methodology and push the truth, like I think, what was Greg's thing? Let's start with the truth. Yeah. Let's start with the truth. There we go. Get back to that. Quit being so afraid. I think we try to use that in our newsletter regularly too. The one that promotes the L one every single time. Yes.
Starting point is 01:48:39 Stop sending surveys. Oh, L one coupons to affiliate owners to give to their members. Can we, can we talk about that fittest competition real quick? Do we have that link? Sorry. Let's make sure we plug those guys. There's I have to go, though, but I'm already 15 minutes late. My kids are in the car. But there is a competition coming up called the fight for the fittest.
Starting point is 01:49:00 We will post a can we post a link in the YouTube? Yeah. Caleb did a little bit earlier. We'll post it now. The MFLH Fight for the Fittest Partner Series, November 1, 2022. You can go to this website. There will be a link, and you can compete and fight for the fittest. There will be – it's a two-part event.
Starting point is 01:49:21 RX divisions including an online qualifier, a two-part event uh rx divisions including an online qualifier online qualifier followed by an in-person final that will take place at the mflh gym and roca con comma new york yeah we better see some people sign up from the podcast better see team badissi on there pretty soon uh thank you guys for watching. Tomorrow is Friday. I think we're going to do a live call. Are you around tomorrow morning, Matt? Yes.
Starting point is 01:49:54 Yeah, I could be. We could see if Grace wants to jump in and coach for me at the gym. I think we're going to cancel the UFC show because there's not a UFC show this weekend. Thank you, Caleb, for letting me know this morning. And we will talk to all of you guys really soon. But we will be here tomorrow at 7 a.m. with something. Or 6 a.m. maybe. Bruce Wayne, love you.

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