The Sevan Podcast - #608 - Ellie Turner

Episode Date: September 25, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. My notes. Oh, weird. Bam, we're live. You know what it is? I'm not, like, closing the window properly or something. But basically, I rebuilt some links for the show notes today.
Starting point is 00:00:43 That shit always stresses me out. I didn't lose all my notes, which is good. But basically there was like, when I go, Oh, Justin Medeiros first showed up on your Instagram account 24 weeks ago. And then bam, I had those links set up for you or holy cow. I can't believe the transformation your body's gone in, in six years. And there's like before and after picture. And I sent you all those links or are you a tier athlete? Those are all questions I'm going to ask her. Okay. And then i re-sent you the links in a second email sorry no no worries and then my coffee machine needed to be re-scaled this morning but you know it's cool when that happens i still have strong coffee
Starting point is 00:01:18 oh you just put a scoop and add hot water so ready to rock after that. Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to share with you something that you can carry with you your entire life. Listen up. Ready? Free of charge. My mom taught me this as a little boy, and now I'm passing it on to you. Good morning, Jamal. Good morning. Ellie Smith does seem like Ellie Smith.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Ellie Turner does seem like a really good dude. When someone calls you and they say, hello, may I speak with Jody Lynn? Jody Lynn and Soccer Mom aren't the same person? No. Holy shit. I am a mess. Jody Lynn's the one in the cabinet shop in Connecticut? Correct.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Wow, I am a jackass. When someone calls your house and says, hi, may I speak to Jody Lynn? First of all, your response isn't speaking or your response is may I ask who's calling? Or you can say, hey, dumb fuck, didn't your mom teach you that you never call someone's house and just ask for someone? You always announce yourself first. Did you not have a mom? Even a woman who works at a brothel knows to do that. Hi, I'm Big Susie. What's your name? Even she knows. Even Big Susie. What is wrong with you? Anyway, there's so many scams out there. Hi, Ellie.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Hello. There's so many scams out there right now. Someone's trying to get into my PayPal account and then they text me on the side and they're like, hi, is this seven? They're crafty too. They are smart.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I always say, Hey, I'm going to show my husband this and he works for the FBI. Instead of pounding my ass tonight, he's going to come find you. what he's going to do investigate do not respond to anybody no amazon's not calling you i mean like oh but we have a uh a weird charge on your phone for an iphone 14 did you buy just hang up on that person. Or if your husband is Nikki Rod, send them over. Ask for the address and send Nikki Rod over.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Anyone scamming you, Ellie? Besides me? Getting you on this podcast? Anyone besides that? No, no one yet. I feel like they try and scam the older people. We're off to a rough start. They try and scam the older people. That's true. We're off to a rough start. They know where to aim their targets. Listen, Jamal, that part where you said Jody Lynn's a good dude
Starting point is 00:03:58 and I said she is a good dude, I'm back out. The jury's out. Where is it? No, no. Let's wait until the show's over. The old people. That made me start sweating. Got them worked up already.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Are you in Australia or are you in Washington? Neither, actually. I'm uh squamish canada oh what's up there um not the u.s which i have to be out of at the moment because i'm getting a u.s visa okay sorry i can be anywhere in the world apart from America some sort of like dance you have to do for uh legal reasons yeah how does that work six months in six uh three days out or what is that um you can do that if you've got like it's called an ester um and I've done that pretty much all year but they've pretty much told me that i can't keep sort of abusing the system and like coming in for three months leaving for a couple days coming in for three months so i've had to go and get a like a more permanent visa um which hopefully after this process is complete i I'll have like three years.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Any fear that you would leave this time and then there would be some sort of hiccup? Well, there's three L's in your name on this paperwork. We have to start everything over again. You'll be stuck in Canada for four years now. Oh, yeah. I'm still like very nervous about it. There's already been quite a few hiccups. But I pretty much I started doing the process by myself
Starting point is 00:05:51 and then realised that that was going to be more of a possibility if I did it myself. So I ended up paying money and getting a lawyer because they do this all the time and like they know exactly what to say because a lot of the questions and the things you have to fill in, there's, like, a right and a wrong answer even though there's not. Like, they're looking for specific things that you say. So, yeah, I chose, I was just like, stuff it,
Starting point is 00:06:19 I'm just going to get a lawyer and make this process quicker and easier, more expensive, but it's it's worth it if i can get back in um your boyfriend will pay for it i swear he will i swear he will he got a little cash i swear he will pay for it well i'm yet to get him to pay for anything so he's definitely gonna pay for this one he's gonna one way or another he's gonna pay for this one okay you keep on him then why um why uh squamish why who's up there um one of our coaches uh jesse lives up here so he's been yeah he's been kind enough to let me stay and um it's been good because a few of the things that i need to work on, I've been able to get a lot more time with him to work on those things.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So it's been really good. So you're not up there like kicking yourself like, oh, this is a waste of time. You're like, OK, this is good. No, no, we're definitely using the time very wisely. I'm looking for a picture of him. I know I saw one. Yeah, there should be a few you're like
Starting point is 00:07:27 oh my god everything happens for a reason you're like your typical 20 year old girl look I'm trying to get her back I'm trying to get her back for that old comment oh my god everything happens for a reason I came up here so I could train with Jesse no shit everything happens for a reason
Starting point is 00:07:43 oh I see Jesse okay i see him i see him let's see if i can beat matt to the house bam yeah oh hey he looks canadian he looks canadian yeah take that how you want jesse yeah no he's a he's a very good guy um isn't he the strength guy isn't that kind of like the last thing you need aren't like i mean i just watched uh justin on talking elite fitness so you're the best squatter he's ever seen um yeah he is the strength guy but that he also works on like there's obviously a lot more to just like being strong in like the overarching picture and I think a lot of like my little muscles get overlooked
Starting point is 00:08:34 because my bigger muscles take over. So we're really trying to like work to redefine those and like activate everything properly and I'm typically not the best deadlifter. I don't, I love squatting, hate deadlifting. So we're really trying to peel that back and, um, get that more efficient as well. Let's dig in there. Um, you don't like that movement or you feel some pain or you're scared of it, or what about deadlifting? Don't you like, scared of it or what about deadlifting don't you like uh i just i'm not very good at it i i'm just like way more uh biased towards the squat like my deadlift and squat is roughly like
Starting point is 00:09:15 there's not much difference in between which shouldn't be the case um i don't get pain anything like that i just fatigue in a deadlift way quicker than I would in a squat. It's interesting too because I would think that most people prefer deadlift just because it's kind of lazy. It's a lazy movement compared to the squat. By that I mean the Assault Bike is so much better than running because you get to sit. Yeah. You get to sit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:46 You get to sit. You know what I mean? Go ahead. I've got a long torso and short legs. So like genetically, Prita's probably more towards a squatter than a deadlifter because like when I deadlift, I obviously have to, the weight is like way out from me because my torso is long so i have
Starting point is 00:10:06 to like i don't know there's something about it that just it just feels wrong so we're trying to like work on that how about your arms do you have these arms or do you have the monkey arms uh no i've got i got short little arms all right i'll take your word for it god i wish i was a better squatter short stumpy arms um when did you how old are you i'm 24 and when did you realize you were um strong uh it's only been since uh like crossfit uh which has been like five years. I started CrossFit in July of 2017. And from then I've probably put on over that 70 pounds. 70. Yeah. Seven zero. Yeah. So you were, you're 150 pound woman who was 80 pounds. Yeah. Wow. So I, there's a picture this, is that 80 pound you? Uh, no, that was like 83 pound. No, that was sort of like, uh,
Starting point is 00:11:28 no that was sort of like uh when I'd started like exercising a little bit more again but yeah I before that I was like pretty slender and I've always been a pretty built muscular person I've always been into sports and I was working very hard to like try and be little and um yeah it's just not me so then when I found CrossFit I was like oh this this makes sense like this is what I was meant to do um and so I just started like you know eating a little bit more and training regularly and the muscle just like piled on and I'm someone that doesn't struggle to put muscle on like I have to be careful because like I can get pretty muscular and um so yeah it like obviously there was a lot of hard work and there was a lot of like force feeding to start with and um working really hard but yeah it over the five years, I've slowly just put more and more strength on.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And, yeah, I'd say now that's probably one of my strengths is, like, the way that I can move some weight. Did you have unhealthy skinny? Like, I'm hearing, like, yeah. Throwing up shit? No. No. But just, like, i will not eat yeah and uh other stuff too like before you go to bed like 500 sit-ups or ridiculous running or shit like that i mean it was definitely a disordered uh way of life oh tell me something tell me something crazy you used
Starting point is 00:13:04 to do i used to have this neighbor this girl she was cool, but she was so skinny. It was in college. I'd be like, what are you doing? She's like, I ate. And I'm like, and I was looking out my window of my house and she's like, I'm like, what do you mean you ate? She's like, I have to do 500 sit-ups and run five miles now. I was like, wow.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Okay. I'm going to take a bong rip. I'll see you later. It was like, yeah, yeah no to be honest i uh i there was probably a lot of crazy things that i did i've sort of blocked it that part of my life like out of my memory at this time um and I'm just like focusing on every step forward in CrossFit and I think there'll be a time when I'm ready to share a little bit more about that but at the moment I'm sort of just like let's focus on CrossFit let's focus on this goal at hand and like doing the best I can hopefully winning the games and then um yeah I think i'll share my story a little bit more um over the next few years
Starting point is 00:14:09 is there by the way you handled that fantastically well done thank you is there um any part of is the new or is the new ellie in the old ell, is it fair to call them that? Are they two different people? Oh, completely. I think there's obviously a ways overlap. I think the same person that got me to that point is the same person that's driven to get me to win the games. I think they're the same person, but I'm just using my mental fortitude in a very different way um yeah that's you now yeah the letter x
Starting point is 00:14:53 big thighs hey do you know benny watson i do very well is that's a boy or a girl? A boy. Boy. Yeah. You must be like, thank you, Benny. Oh yeah. He's, he's a great photographer. That is such a great picture. And what are you looking at?
Starting point is 00:15:14 You're looking at Justin in the stands. Hey cutie. Obviously. It's exactly what I was focused on in the middle of that event. Uh, that's exactly what i was focused on in the middle of that event uh the the the tear shoes you're wearing their tear am i pronouncing that right yeah and they just came on like gangbusters oh god look at your body there that's crazy isn't it i mean it's so amazing it is It's been a lot of hard work. I mean, like every photo I put up now, there's always juicing comments, which I think is like. I get those too.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah, I bet. He hates it. He hates it. You don't look like you're juicing in the slightest, by the way. No, not at all. I don't see that. Where'sicing in the slightest, by the way. Yeah, I mean. No, not at all. I don't see that. Where's that vein on your forehead? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Facial hair. Very healthy. Which I think is a compliment to the hard work that we put in as CrossFit female athletes, particularly that like people think we're juicing and it's like, no, this is just hard work. Like we've, it takes a lot of time and i think if a lot of people will try and get to this point and it's they can't because there's so many elements to it than just like working out and eating lots like um but yeah it takes
Starting point is 00:16:41 it definitely like the first few comments i I was a little bit hurt by it. And then you just sort of get used to it. You do get used to it? Yeah. Like you do. You get more comfortable accepting the comments. I mean, they never feel good, especially if it's like a real dig at something you're already insecure about. But you know that these people are literally probably like old,
Starting point is 00:17:14 overweight men sitting at their. Yeah. No, but you're 100% right. Any type of person just can't fathom the hard work that goes into that. Most normal people can't. So they think to themselves, well, there's no way I could do this. There must be something else. There has to be something else because otherwise they're just left with their own excuses as to why they're not putting in the work. It's easier just to accuse. Do you have any idea what your caloric intake went from um we had danielle on here
Starting point is 00:17:45 one time brandon and she said she was uh restricting herself to 1200 calories a day and she had an assault bike incident where her coach is like basically she turned off while riding the assault bike and her coach is like what the fuck is going on? Yeah. Look, I probably, I don't like to talk numbers because obviously it's like a comparable thing and I don't want, you know, there's probably girls out there that are suffering just as bad as I was. And I know that when you're in that, you hold on to numbers and you're like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Fair. But it was very little. It was not healthy at all. Like I would never recommend nor wish it on anyone. And it gets to a point where it's not actually in your, like it's not in your control, like it's a mental illness. So, but, yeah, now I am eating 3000 plus cows a day. Um, all the carbs. I like, I noticed if I have a day where I don't eat enough, don't drink enough, don't sleep enough, like that next week,
Starting point is 00:18:59 I'm going to feel it. So, um, it's not worth to me now impacting like my goal of trying to win the CrossFit Games is so strong that like nothing is worth like getting in the way of that. And I know that's just what I have to do. It's just part of the job. God, you've really landed where you're supposed to land. Yeah. the land yeah I feel I know uh last year at the games it was my rookie year and there was a lot of hurdles to jump through to get there um with COVID and getting in and out of Australia and just traveling by myself for the first time having no family and friends there like it it was it was really hard um but then I like stepped out on the floor for the first time
Starting point is 00:19:46 and I was like, hmm, this is where I'm meant to be. Like, this is what I was meant to do. And I just had, like, this overarching sense of, like, yeah, this is my path. Like, this is definitely my passion. And I think even if I wasn't competing at the level I was, I would still be training the same way because I love it. So, yeah, I'm just like really happy and content with where I have ended up
Starting point is 00:20:16 and the opportunities that I've created for myself. When you win the CrossFit Games, you're going to cry. Am I? cry am i yeah yeah i feel it i feel it i know my family probably would yeah you're you're so there's gonna be a release valve no one stand next to her you could get injured yeah yeah you might be right um you're so calm but i i crazy feel your intensity and in the in the seriousness of, maybe serious is the right word. I will stick with serious. The seriousness of all the words and statements you say.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I'd say I'm like, I've got a bit of both. Like I like to have fun and I'm pretty easygoing, but then, you know, there's always a pretty focused, intense side, especially when training is related. Do you, do you see any, let me go back a little bit. 24 weeks ago, from what I could tell, Justin Medeiros, the two times CrossFit Games champion popped up on your Instagram for the first time, separated by Chris Hinshaw.
Starting point is 00:21:30 What the fuck he's doing in the picture. Chris, get out. I know. Just straight cock blocking. know him and you you have this intimate training environment with him um is are there any things that you notice in similarities between the two of you i haven't picked up any there's an intensity to justin sometimes when i ask him questions like he'll you i can see the brick wall go up like what's your mile nothing heavy like you know did your parents beat you but like what's your mile time and it's just all of a sudden it's like he just changes.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Like none of your fucking business. Yeah, he gets serious. Yeah, he gets serious. Is there anything – but I never noticed – I can't sense that he has a chip on his shoulder or that he's trying to prove something to someone, which I get from a lot of really successful people. And I already picked that up from you. Like you're going to show the world something you're like, okay, hold my beer for a few years while I handle my business out here. Um, do you know what drives him or do you see similarities and what drives you guys? Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I think, um, I mean, I think he's got a very good internal motivation.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Like a lot of people try and use external factors to motivate them and like get them to where they want to go. But I don't think you can fake having like internal drive and like the want and the competitiveness you need to win. And I think you saw that 100% at the Games this year. Like I could just tell from the moment that he like lunged past Ricky in Up and Over event, there was just like, there was just no stopping him.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Like he's just got that like competitive, like internal drive to just be like, I'm going to win this because like no one else is getting in my way. And I think we are similar in that way in the sense of like, we don't need external things to push us. If like, obviously it helps. And that's why we're, and we started training together was it definitely like adds another element, but we both got to the games by ourselves, training by ourselves.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So we don't need it, but it's just like that little icing on top. Is the, you bring up an interesting point um internal versus external motivation is the motivation to be when you want it to be thin is that like an external motivation and the in the desire to win the crossfit games is an internal motivation um no i think they're both internally driven okay like it wasn't my intention to be thin it was more of just like that's what my head was telling me that i was going to do and so like when i set my mind to something there's very little things that will stop me like Like I'm, can be very persistent and very like driven in that sense. Like if I really want something, I'll make it happen. I've never asked a female guest this. Okay. I'm a little bit nervous. I guess it's a, I guess you could say it's because I'm sexist.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Everyone's been right all this time. Have you ever been to jail? because I'm sexist everyone's been right all this time have you ever been to jail no I have not have you ever been oh good good because I always ask the dudes that and now I'm just like oh I never the girls don't get that like I don't assume you guys went to jail I just assume all all of us have been to jail at least once no never I've got no criminal history what like I'm I'm a rule follower not gonna lie um but the before the games last year, when I got to the U.S., I got put in a cell. Like I got taken back. Secondary?
Starting point is 00:25:36 Secondary? Yeah. No, but it was like I was put in a cell. At the airport? At the airport. Yeah. They were in a holding cell. They took my phone and my passport
Starting point is 00:25:47 i was in this tiny little room they brought in like all my suitcases and everything i went through literally every garment of clothing with like fine tooth comb um and i was in there for like a couple hours missed all my connecting flights couldn't contact anyone this was my first time traveling by myself i was like i don't want to be here like what city was that what city was that san francisco oh i got like another customs officer and he came in and he's like um after the process was all done like the most stress i've ever been in he came in and he he was like, I'm sorry, this must be a mix up. Like, I don't know why you're back here. And then I was on my way.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I was like, this was a traumatizing event. Now every time I see a customs officer, I get like freaking PTSD. Yeah. I don't know. I want to throw up. That's crazy. Yeah. I was like, that was my first impression of America.
Starting point is 00:26:47 That was your first time you just landed in – where did you – you were coming from, Sydney to San Francisco? Yeah. Maybe Melbourne, actually, one of them. It must be a mix-up. Yeah. I don't know whether the guy – I was told after, like, since working with this lawyer for my visa, she was like,
Starting point is 00:27:04 I don't know why that happened to you but I know that it's like one of the things they can like pin you for is drugs and I don't know whether I had like a uh like a tank top on and I don't know whether he like saw my muscles and was like oh she must be taking drugs let's get her um i went into canada one time uh a bunch of times i've been stopped in secondary going in there so many times but we were visiting this is in 2008 we were visiting the first crossfit games champion james fitzgerald and they stopped uh carrie peterson and i took us in the secondary and they must have asked us 50 times where the steroids are really wow thank you yeah yeah i wasn't i was only 34 then i was only 34 then 35 where's the steroids i'm like what
Starting point is 00:27:51 steroids hey and you know it's funny it was just carrie and i and then a shitload of muslim women and and there was some oil convention there canada i guess that you know they got a lot of oil so they were having some oil convention there and it was just tons of dudes in three-piece suits just flying through customs and it was myself and carrie and like probably 50 muslim women like like the i don't know if they're muslim but they had the ninja outfits on yeah crazy yeah i could hear carrie's lady yelling at him didn't i ask you If you were bringing any food And she's holding a bag of broccoli Didn't I ask you
Starting point is 00:28:29 Do you not take this serious Yeah that's the thing is that when they Pan you like that and you just like panic You're like I don't like it's hard to answer The questions like Yeah I just soon as they Started yelling at Carrie i dropped my pants
Starting point is 00:28:46 and spread my butt cheeks just as an involuntary reaction search me search me assume the position yeah that's probably from some childhood trauma or something i was acting out yeah it was crazy and those it's it's so stereotypical to the people who are doing it to you like the guys and the women they look just like the ones in the movies it's like oh stereotypes are right yeah and like you do have that haircut i'd only experienced america through movies so like i had all these like ideas of what it was going to be like and i was like yep this this fits the box like this is exactly what I thought. Get me out.
Starting point is 00:29:29 If this is like everything that I've seen in movies is true, I don't want a part of it. Yeah. I hear you. Well, the good news is it's probably only been uphill from there. You just came in on a real low. Yeah. I mean, the first year I experienced like every possible worst case scenario.
Starting point is 00:29:47 So now, like this year, I had so much fun because I was like, Oh, this is what it's like. You're in a good spot. You're in a good spot too. Yeah. San Francisco is probably the worst place in the country. And now you're like in one of the better places in the country, you know, just outside of, well, you're just outside of zombie ville. Have you been to Portland? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah they've got some good coffee there they do yeah where do you know what a hazmat suit is do you know what astronauts wear like those giant suits if you go to portland put one of those on you didn't see all the zombies there was no no
Starting point is 00:30:19 like okay yeah just all the people on the streets just all the drug addicts just by the shit loads everywhere. It's very sad. Yeah. You guys have that in Australia? You guys have a, I think we have more homeless people than you have people. Yeah. I, I thought we had homeless people like just actually asked me that like one of the first days I was here and I was like, yeah, we have homeless people. and then he showed me like we went past the street um and I was like uh actually I don't think we do because we don't like nothing like like you might see a person here and there laying in like on the sidewalk somewhere but like it's nothing compared to what you guys have over here. Yeah. I was blown away. It wasn't like this 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Like all of a sudden we just turned into India. It's weird. Yeah. Except in India, their homeless people are truly are the poor. Our homeless people are, they're just straight up drug addicts. They just went off the deep end with drugs. I actually went down a street in vancouver canada the other day and i like wanted to be sick like it was it was crazy it was like yeah it was so bad it took my breath away like i was like oh my god how is this real life you're like 100 burpees don't sound so bad anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Like my problems do not sound bad anymore. When, when do you come back from Squamish and where do you go? It really depends on when I can get my visa. I have an appointment for an interview in a couple of weeks. Oh, wow. So this is okay.
Starting point is 00:32:02 It's not like tomorrow. No, I wish it's usually it takes like months and months to get an interview but I managed to I've been like going to the embassy and like pests just like sitting there and just like pestering them um and so I've got an interview and then they have like a few days I think it's like a week or two, to like process it and actually like make the visa. And then I'll get my passport back and then I can come back in. All going to plan.
Starting point is 00:32:35 So if your interview is not for another two weeks, sorry for this ignorant question. Are you going to Rogue? Yes, I am. But isn't that, so that's going to be tight that we're coming up against? It's going to be very tight. But you're hopeful? Yeah. I'm going to be there.
Starting point is 00:32:54 You are? Okay. Sorry, sorry. You are going to be there. Sorry. Yes. Stop that. Stop that nonsense.
Starting point is 00:32:58 No questioning it. Nope. And then how long have you been up there? and then and then and how long have you been up there um i've been up here since the start of like 30th of august i flew in so it was like almost a month i kind of remember what it's in i kind of remember what it's like to be 24 are you like just crazy missing justin like i remember being 24 like you have like lots of passion and like like you're giddy you You're like a little kid. Like, are you just dying to just see them and just grab them?
Starting point is 00:33:31 I think it's been hard because we literally, from the day that we met in Vancouver, Washington I was like living under the same roof as him, obviously with our two housemates that we stayed with. And we literally did everything together. Like I didn't have a car, so we'd drive to the gym together, obviously work out all day together. We were like in the same house.
Starting point is 00:33:59 So like it's been really weird being apart because it's like we literally did everything together. Um, so that's definitely taken some, like adjust, adjusting to, uh, your honor. The witness is not answering the question. She's being hostile, but yes, I do miss him. Like a lot, like giddy miss him. Like, like when you're doodling on paper, you're writing his name and shit. Or as you're doing like thrusters, you're like, J U S.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I'm not going to get his tat, his name tatted across my forehead. I just remember being at that age. And it's like, like once you just, you're in that mode, like you just can't, you just can't stop thinking about the person. I've got my focus i think we've both put our energy into focusing on preparing for rogue i think that's definitely been helpful to take our minds off of it when do you feel the spark when do you know you liked him um i don't know if there was three years ago. She has a 10, she has a 10 page plan, plan of execution. No, usually there's a moment you're there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Page five of 10. Um, Oh, you're only on page five of 10. We haven't seen. Yeah. I like that. There's still way more to go. I'm freaking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Got it all laid out. Um, no, I think like, I I just right from the get-go, we were really comfortable around each other and we got along straight away. So not before you went to Vancouver? No. I'm going to ask you the question again. You're more than welcome to change your answer.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Not before Vancouver? Not before Vancouver, no. Wow. Yeah. Wow. No, we didn't like like we didn't know each other very well like we'd met once or twice um but i was just on my way back uh i had been in canada um and i was on my way back to Australia and obviously like I have to sort of fly pretty much through there to get into like LA or San Fran to get back. So the idea was to just stop in there for a week to get as much experience as I could.
Starting point is 00:36:17 The Games last year was like my third ever like major competition. That's crazy. I learned that yesterday that's crazy soak up as much information as I could um and yeah just felt comfortable straight away um and could just be ourselves around each other like instantly and then I think there wasn't exactly a spark it was just like easy you guys are walking in the gym one day and your hands just lined up and they held and you just cruised in and never let them go yeah pretty much i would love to interview the housemates and be in here there
Starting point is 00:36:58 yeah it was weird all of a sudden they started staying up till 3 a.m talking in the kitchen every night it's really weird after after before justin would close started staying up until 3 a.m. talking in the kitchen every night. It was really weird. Before, Justin would close his bedroom door at 9 p.m. and say, if I hear a fucking noise, I'm going to kill someone. Now he's outside. Giggling. Yeah. I get this sense from Justin and his family that he's super familial, right? And those people like his family means so much to him. And it seems like he has a really warm father and mother. And I wonder if that's why it is.
Starting point is 00:37:34 So because that's his way of understanding the world, right? And there's everyone's kind of family. He's kind of, he's a, he's a love bug, right? It's mom and dad and sisters. And yeah. And you feel that from them when you're there? Like I never hung out with him but that's total the yeah yeah him and his family are very close um and it's nice to see like it's he would do anything for any one of them do they are they excited for him and once when you come into their life are they worried do they hide that um how does how does that hope they're excited how does that how does that work
Starting point is 00:38:13 do you remember first meeting them did you go to wherever they live in that scary part of the country that's a scary part of no i met i met them in person for the first time. I just like to do that to fuck with Justin's dad. Sorry, say that again. I met them for the first time at the games, like right before the games. In the trailer park. Oh, in Lodi. No.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I know, I know. I'm just fucking, I'm just, I'm joking. I'm joking. I'm joking. That was just another shot at Mr. Medeiros. I understand. Trailer park. Did you grow up in a trailer park? Me? Yeah. No. Well, for starters, we call them caravan parks. Yeah. You can call them what you want. I know, I know who lives there.
Starting point is 00:39:01 White people with missing teeth. But no, I did. I did not. I grew up actually like on on the coast right on the beachfront in a little town called munta uh-huh which is about uh it's in south australia and it's two hours out of adelaide which is like the main city crazy hardcore beach community um everyone's barefoot flip-flops with nice bodies uh no it's it's like your typical country town like there's a lot of uh beer bods going around um a lot of what beer bods like oh beer okay yeah old old people old dudes lots of old dudes um it's like it's this obviously still very like it there's an athletic community there but it's not um there's no surfing or anything like like the flat like we're in a bay so there's no waves um but yeah did you spend a lot of time at the beach yeah yeah so it but it's not a beach town
Starting point is 00:40:08 it's a beach town but like it's not centered around like surfing and it's not super touristy oh it's very touristy like oh in our summer holidays uh like the population like triples because everyone comes in to stay there okay has has justin been there he has not no are you anxious to take him there uh we're actually going down uh i'm competing in like the Down Under Championship in Australia with Tia and Brooke at the end of November. And then we're going back home to see my family like after that. And Justin's going with you on that trip. He is, yeah. So I must not understand what's going on.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Well, I know I don't understand what's going on. going on i'm well i know i don't understand what's going on i thought you had to choose between this australia not you ellie turner great fucking name by the way uh um i thought you had to choose between rogue and this australia thing but you're doing both i'm doing both because i always heard that was the reason why tia is not doing Rogue because she's doing Australia Down Under. I mean, she might. That might be her reasoning, especially like, I mean, she's got a lot more years under her belt than what I do. So she's like might not want to do as many off-season competitions
Starting point is 00:41:42 as what I am potentially. not want to do as many off-season competitions as what I am potentially um but I I know I mean I got a late call up for Rogue um so I wasn't like in the initial round of invites um so I'd already agreed to Down Under before I got my Rogue invite but um as I said like I'm I'm just trying to get as much experience as I can so um as long as I'm feeling mentally and physically up to it, then I'm going to try and compete. What's the number of days between the two? When's the Australian one? It's like the 18th to 20th of November.
Starting point is 00:42:22 So 18 days. Do you have to do quarantine when you go to Australia, like two days or something? No, we're all open now. Oh, don't lie to me. No, I'm serious. Last year I had to do four weeks. This year.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Holy smokes. In a hotel the whole time? I was in a hotel for the first two weeks in Sydney. And then because the borders to the States were shut, I had to then do another two weeks flying from Sydney to Adelaide, which is where I was living. And I did the first couple of days in a hotel, but I pretty much just like fought my way out of doing the whole rest
Starting point is 00:43:03 of the two weeks. Oh, I need to hear that. I need to hear that whole story. I'm looking for the hotel room, uh, Instagram post, uh, that I'm so glad to hear you say that you're the first person I've heard say that. I want to hear how you fight. This is the hotel. Yes, that is the hotel. And like the last days. Um, and there was actually a bed that was where i was working out there was a bed that was there and i've like i've only worked out to do this in the last couple days but i like flipped the bed up so i had more room because otherwise i had literally you could only just walk around the edge hey that would have been a great instagram post of you flipping up
Starting point is 00:43:44 the bed by the way you can know that next time they quarantine that's how i got good at the pig yeah man it's like something colton mertens would do just flip the bed up yeah but before i talk about i do want to talk about the quarantine um one of my favorite subjects uh how rich is tia that she what's the prize money for rogue uh susan it's like probably like two hundred thousand dollars right it's like 275 three let's find out how much loot does she have and you know there's someone if she doesn't own a home there you know there's someone there who would be like yes tia shane please stay in our cabana our four-bedroom cabana here on the or our penthouse in this wherever that it's in austin yeah yeah there's someone there who would definitely put her up um how she might life must be good i mean i i think
Starting point is 00:44:38 she would be pretty comfortable in her life but i i think she's probably got her sights set on the next year's season more than um 215 000 for a day's work i mean i know it's not really a day's work but you know what i mean right yeah yeah it would be nice um so uh let's save the quarantine it's so juicy so tell me about how you get tier as a sponsor um i mean i started working with my uh agent like daniel uh just like Daniel, just after. What's Daniel's last name? Robbins. Okay. Just after Waterpalooza. And I think Tia. He approached you there? He approached you there?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Yeah, we met there. Yeah. And then Tia were also at Waterpalooza. They were one of the vendors there. And obviously I had a pretty good, like first few days of competition. So I think. Smashed it crazy, smashed it.
Starting point is 00:45:56 They probably, they saw me there and I was sort of on their radar. So they approached me. And then after I started working with Daniel, he sort of like their radar um so they approached me and then um after i started working with daniel he sort of like did the rest um who else does daniel represent oh um like a heap of games athletes i think obviously justin and then um he's justin's agent too yeah oh no shit i had no way okay wait a second wait a second here i knew stumble upon something yeah i believe you that you're not juicing i never suspected it for a second, but you're telling me that,
Starting point is 00:46:45 that this guy at Wadapalooza has the same agent as Justin, but you went to Fort Vancouver just for training. Yeah. Okay. All right. I just want you to know that it's a, it's not, there's nothing damning there but there's some breadcrumbs just yeah to the house and yeah okay i know i know it sounds weird but it's true well let's say the thing is it's such an incestuous community it's like there's so few people to work with that it does i mean it's not damning it's not but but but it does set off some red flags like okay did he think have you ever asked him, did he think when he met you,
Starting point is 00:47:28 oh, because everyone has a little Cupid in them, these two would be a good couple. I think he knew that we would get along well. Right. He knows his stable clients. I don't think he knew how well. Yeah. knew how well yeah do you um did you what do you think about um your nation quarantining the people for two weeks in the hotels and stuff do you did you like that idea oh no no i didn't like it did anyone do you think the majority didn't like it or the majority liked it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:05 No, the majority did not like it. I think our media did a very good job at scaring people to like it, but everyone that had been through the process was not a fan. I can tell you that much. But, like, I think everyone was just in Australia was so scared of COVID and like what the government was going to do. It was like, yeah, let's, we don't want COVID in here. So all the international travelers like shove them in a hotel,
Starting point is 00:48:36 like we don't want them to infect us sort of thing. It was like a very, they were just creating so much fear. Has anyone in this country, no one has apologized yet. Like we haven't had a – like our president of the United States hasn't said, oh, shit. There was no way of stopping it. The vaccines aren't working. I should have told you guys to exercise. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I shit the bed. Has anyone said that in your country? No, I don't think that is ever going to happen. It seems pretty easy to say. seems like wouldn't it would be nice yeah i i think they're still going with that they like they to be fair i don't think they're like they're just people as well and they didn't know what to do like it was a global pandemic like we'd never been through anything like this before and they were just trying to like make the decisions um that was going to keep ideally people safe and also like not i'm with you i'm not like my right wing these people who
Starting point is 00:49:40 watch my show are fucking right wing fucking nutjobs they think the government did it for power control they think there's like some sentient being up there they think there's some like People who watch my show are fucking right-wing fucking nutjobs. They think the government did it for power control. They think there's like some sentient being up there. They think there's some like Jewish guy with the cane being like, we're going to Illuminati all. I agree with you. I think it's just, I think our leaders were scared and they were trying to do the right thing.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And, and I, I agree with you 100%. Like totally 100%. I would not like to be in that position. The person calling the shots. But Ellie, you can go look now or and Ellie. I'm not fighting with you and Ellie.
Starting point is 00:50:12 You can go. We could Google right now and look at COVID rates in New Zealand and Australia. And you guys own COVID now. It's the highest it's been in fucking two years. It seems to only be in New Zealand. I mean, you guys the because of the lockdowns because like because you held it like you guys did the lockdowns and everyone's i mean our don't get me wrong the united states did some like in our cdc guidelines it says never
Starting point is 00:50:34 quarantine healthy people it says that and yet they did it they went against their own rules but um it's it's not but but i agree with you you don't you don't you're not a conspiracy you don't think it's like some sort of aliens trying to control us or like all the richest people in the world did it to try to control us? No. Yeah, me neither. I agree. I don't agree with the way that our government went about it, but I also don't know what I would have done in that situation. I know what I would have done.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Salt bake. Yeah, I would have fucking, I would have put on a fucking, this is seriously what I would have done if I was the leader of the free world. I would have put on one of those banana hammocks that Sam Dancer wears. And I would have shown the world how out of shape I was, and I would have
Starting point is 00:51:19 moved out of the White House and moved onto the front lawn of the White House in a tent that was clear. So you could always see me at all times except for a little room to have sex and or masturbate. And then I would show everyone what I'm eating every single day and how I'm exercising. And I would hold all my meetings in that little banana, and I would let like my old kind of gross body, let the world show it kind of tighten up a little bit and i would do that and i'd be like i'm the living example of what you all need to do to stay healthy yeah no i think that that would have been the solution right and no shit right yeah people like that's absurd no actually i'd be meeting like with like the the the shah
Starting point is 00:52:01 from iran and i'd still be closer welcome banana hammock closer welcome to my table it'd just be like a little table outside that would be all around the three-piece pandemic yes yeah i would have people like you and justin over yeah you should run for president you can't handle me oh my goodness i don't know if you would have got past that banana hammock before the guys in the suits would have carted you away. Is it – I would always be getting checked. They would always think I had a gun in there, a big gun. When you – when T.E.A.R. approaches you, do you have a relationship? Like how does that work?
Starting point is 00:52:40 Do they just send you a check or do you know someone there? Do you like working for them? How does – Yeah. you know someone there do you like working for them how does how does yeah um they obviously have like uh people that deal with the athletes um so i went to dinner with when i was actually in miami still i went to dinner with um one of the guys there um and what is he high up or is he does that guy still work there or is he yeah yeah yeah Yeah. Yeah. I think, I don't know. I don't want to like say a role that he's not in, but I think he's like athlete, like,
Starting point is 00:53:13 I don't even know what you would call it. He's in charge of the athletes. Yeah. Relationships. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And so sat down and he sort of just like explained the company, what they are, and sort of what I would be looking for. And then, yeah, you sort of just like we built the relationship up and I decided that it was a company that I really wanted to work with. And yeah. And why is that? I'm going to be kind of a dick here. Is it a company you want to work with because of the check?
Starting point is 00:53:46 Because the shoes fit you nicely? Like, how do you decide that? Um, I think I, being a up and coming athlete, I really liked the idea of working with brands that were up and coming also, and like getting the opportunity to grow with them. Um, they were still like developing and they still are like developing products and things like that. And I liked the idea that I could be a part of that and give them real feedback and they could use that to make their products better in the future. And so like, I didn't just want to be like another athlete on a roster. Like I wanted to be involved in the process so that it fit with them
Starting point is 00:54:26 really well is the guy who's the liaison between the athletes and the company is he was he a former professional athlete um he competed in crossfit actually oh he did okay okay yeah he was on a team i want to say um and i think a couple years like was at the games on a team and then um i think he does triathlons and things now as well it's a beautiful shoe yeah how's that toe box it's they've nailed the shoes actually they've done a really good job god i hope it's like the have you ever worn the nanos nano too um i have not no how's that toe your toes um i can't wear any of the other shoes because the toe boxes are too narrow how's do you have wide feet i do um and no i i really like it especially the lifters the lifters are like really good for uh wide feet i see colton wearing them
Starting point is 00:55:28 and i have to guess his feet are like this wider than they are long just by looking at his body so i'm guessing that they they would fit me yeah no they um they've definitely like tried to accommodate that for sure. Yeah. It's cool. Yeah. And they've, and they've come on, um, they've come on hard. They got a ton of athletes. Yeah. They, they did, um, definitely like work to get their shoe out there. I think I remember lying, lining up. Um, I think it was for like the capital event. We all had our runners on. And I think there was like 20 of us in the line. And I think like 17 of us had tier runners on. Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Oh, look how skinny that guy is. Holy cow. Swimmers. Yeah. That guy needs to talk to you. Yeah. Need some squats.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Yeah. Maybe they'll do like a athlete day where all the swimmers and crossfitters get together share tips so you get quarantined you land in in one province and you're quarantined for two weeks and and then when you get out you you drive to the other one yourself or your bus there they try to keep no because i had to fly so i was like put in a special like shuttle to the airport and then i flew back to um adelaide and i hadn't seen my family or anyone for like close to six weeks and um i remember getting to the airport and i wasn't allowed to see that like i wasn't allowed to like go near them um and it'd been like an emotional journey so i'd like they were standing on the other side of a glass wall and i just sort of had to like wave to them as they were escorting me to another hotel like some weird network show it's like black
Starting point is 00:57:26 mirror shit it's fucking crazy yeah like they they knew what i'd like obviously i and i also felt as though i didn't get an opportunity to celebrate being at the games my first time because it was like i came home it was it was like our flights back to Australia kept getting cancelled and pushed back um so it was like stressful trying to get a flight and then when we eventually got a flight it was like flying back straight into quarantine and then a second quarantine and so like once this whole process was done it was like oh yeah I went to the games like now it's a bigger deal that you're out of quarantine than you went to the games yeah it was just i was just happy to see everyone like
Starting point is 00:58:10 we didn't i didn't really get the opportunity to celebrate the fact that i'd just been to the games with my friends and family like it wasn't a a big thing which and you didn't and you and you you did you break out of your second quarantine in adelaide um i broke out of the hotel so they were gonna make me do another hotel which was like we paid for the hotel so it was like three grand per oh my goodness so i'd already paid for one and they're gonna make me do another one and i was like i, I'm not doing this. Like, let me out. Um, and same thing. Like I pretty much just like pestered them and my brothers, um, had to move out of my house at home. So I could quarantine there because that was the only way they were going to let me like do it at home. Um, which they very unwillingly did. I don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:59:09 I think that that was all a show and that they actually stayed there. My brothers. Yeah, but you can't say that because you don't want to get them in trouble. No, they definitely moved out. They did. Yeah. So it was just me and my dog for another two weeks, but it was way better than obviously doing it in another hotel room with no fresh air, no, like you can't move anywhere.
Starting point is 00:59:31 At least I have a bit of a garage gym set up at home so I could at least do a few things. And, um, when I was actually in the hotel in Sydney, I had some like really nice people drop me off a bike and some like dumbbells who are those nice people who does that um these guys were from a gym called rec gym um and i don't even know them they just know that one of their country mates is yeah like i know of them i've never met them in person before um but like we sort of – everyone in the Australian CrossFit community, I think, knows everyone. Like it's a very – we're pretty close-knit that way.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So I'd sort of just like – they'd seen that I was stuck in a hotel and, yeah, they offered. And they just roll – so I'm guessing they can't see you they just find out you're there they go to the front desk they're like hey we have a package uh for ellie and they throw some dumbbells and a bike up there yeah man those dudes are cool yeah that's really special yeah they're they're really amazing people that's the kind of stuff I would do, by the way. If you live near me, I would have done that for you. Thank you. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Yeah. I'm cool as shit like that. Those dudes are cool too. Maybe, what's the name of their gym? Rec Gym. Rec Gym, R-E-C? Yeah. Are they a CrossFit gym?
Starting point is 01:01:02 Are they affiliated? I think so. Let's contact them and have them on, Susan. They must be good dudes. Yeah, they're good. I would like that. When I go to – there's this lady who sponsors the show. She is the owner of California Hormones.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And when I go to Newport to stay at her house, she has a house there on the beach. It's so nice. It's so cool. She always brings 30-pound dumbbells. And it's upstairs in a condo. And she just brings those over. And I always think, wow, that's so fucking thoughtful. And me and my wife, we don't work out with 30-pound dumbbells at home, but it's all we have.
Starting point is 01:01:38 We go nuts. You just start making up all sorts of shit with what you have. But it's so nice having some stuff stuff to work with oh for sure i was still in a period where i wasn't like technically i was still having time off after the games but there was nothing else to do so it was nice to have that to just like take some time out of my day just to do some sort of movement is there anyone in your family that's like um um, abnormally that you, from a young age that was abnormally strong or, or, or you saw this, this Greg says, Hey, people would be like, I don't want to, you would hear girls say, I don't want to get bulky.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I don't want to do CrossFit. And my response to those people is first of all, you don't have the work ethic to get bulky. So the fuck up but but it's really um that shows a huge sign of some sort of mental disorder because you're given a body and there's only one person that you should really try to love the whole time you're here on planet earth and accept and that's you and you work out and your dna is just going to express itself and we're not having you do weird shit we're having you squat and stand up and lift shit over your head. It's not like you're sitting there doing curls all day. And so your DNA just, did you ever, is there anyone in your family that now that your DNA is fully expressing itself?
Starting point is 01:02:54 You're like, Oh shit, I see it. Yeah. Uncle Joe. Now that makes sense. No. Um, I think so. I, I'm very much like my much like my dad in terms of my build and I've always like resented it because I've always been the muscly girl
Starting point is 01:03:15 but I've always been very athletic and I've always like battled with that. with that um and then in 2017 when and I back it out in the final I like obviously both of those girls were Aussie so I saw them in the media and I was like that's that's pretty amazing like I think that's what I was meant to do. And then, yeah, got into CrossFit, tried it out, and four years later, I was competing with them. Your audio went out a little bit. Can you tell that story again? I heard Cara, but can you tell me even in more detail where you were? How did you see the TV? What you thought when
Starting point is 01:04:05 you saw a car and i didn't hear the other girl's name was it tia or maddie okay yeah tia so when they were um battling it out in the 2017 final um i had i saw that i'd start i'd tried crossfit a couple weeks before the games um so i was i'd, I'd already tried it, but then I didn't know you could compete in CrossFit. Um, and then when I saw those games and obviously it was pretty big in the Australian community to have both of those girls at the top. Um, so everyone at the gym was talking about it and I happened to watch it and I saw both of those like strong like amazing females um and I just like saw like the emotion that they had felt out there and like I just instantly knew that's what I that's what I needed to do like did you'm, I'm projecting onto you here.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I, I, I'm, I don't know how, how appropriate this is. Um, not in that sense of appropriate, but whether if I'm spot on or not, nothing I say is appropriate. Um, did you ever apologize to your dad, even though he may have not known? Did you ever say, Hey, I resented you when I should have said thank you for this body? Yeah. I mean, we joke about it all the time. Oh, good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:29 It's like he knew that I wasn't like be because like now I like love my legs because obviously I can squat like a fair bit of weight and you can run like a damn you can run uh yeah I'd say it still needs some work but oh but dude it's crazy what a good runner you are. It's crazy. I mean, before CrossFit, I didn't compete in running or anything, but I enjoyed running, and I did a fair bit of it. But yeah, now I'm very grateful for the build that I have. And yeah, I've got four brothers, And, yeah, I've got four brothers, and we're all sort of like built very similar. Are they doing CrossFit, your brothers?
Starting point is 01:06:36 No. So there's like an older one, then there's me, and then I've got three younger. You're the second oldest child. I am. Oh, so what you're doing is important what's the how old is the youngest uh like i want to say like 14 wow wow yeah okay around that age it's all sort of like the same age you know yeah yeah um but yeah i think around 14 but uh i've there's like the top is it is the 14 year old a sister or a brother she's yeah a sister but um the top three of us are all like from the same mom and dad okay um and then the bottom three are half siblings. Moms or dads?
Starting point is 01:07:35 One of them is from my mom and stepdad, and then a girl and a boy is from my dad and stepmom. Okay. Are you close with all of them? Yeah. Because the 14-year-old is kind of like falling behind. You're 10 years older. Yeah. because the 14 year old's kind of like falling behind you're almost you're 10 years older yeah i i would say that um like i grew up with uh when my parents divorced like i moved with my mom um and then so us like the three kids that were you know already like from my mom and dad and then the kid that she had with her husband,
Starting point is 01:08:08 I'd say that we're all super close. Obviously I didn't grow up with the girl and boy that my dad had with his partner. So it's not like the same, but we're all still like, we all still get along really well. It's not like the same, but we're all still like, we also get along really well. Yeah. It's just not quite the same as growing up with someone 24 seven, as opposed to just seeing them on a few weekends. How old were you when your parents separated?
Starting point is 01:08:38 Like five. Oh, so pretty young. I think I was probably three. I think my sister was five. I think the older you are, probably the harder it is. Yeah. My older brother was like seven or eight. And I think it was definitely a lot harder on him at the time. My sister has some really – well, she had kids first. My sister had kids before me, and she started having really strong thoughts and convictions about separating. Has that happened to you? Do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:09:20 Like if you have kids that you – I'll never do that no matter what, or do you have any strong – have you – I haven't really thought about it, to be honest. Did you ever – were you ever into drinking or drugs or anything? No, like not heavily. I definitely went through like a party phase when I was sort of like, I'd say like 16 onwards to like 19 was when I found CrossFit. So, um, it was sort of like a few years of, you know, going out and drinking, but like nothing crazy. Just the normal stuff. Yeah. Just that the kids did on Friday and Saturday night. Yeah. Maybe drink too much, throw up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:08 God, I hated that. I'm so glad i don't do anything like that yeah it was it was enough to like make me appreciate not doing it like it was enough to just like give me a good fix of it and then like okay i can move on with the rest of my life now you know yeah did you lose any friends to drugs like have friends in your circle who'd like gotten a meth and the next thing you know they kill someone and they're in jail i did not know pretty lucky like that um i i think i think everyone um sort of well i don't't know. I never asked Sousa this. Maybe I should ask Matt this. But I feel like a lot of people – I don't know if I – I never resented my parents for my body, but there were things that – I think everyone, there's parts of their body they don't like no matter who they are, right? There's no one – you don't see someone – I don't think there's anyone, even all these people – even these people, there's these women who have these Instagram accounts. They're shitloading them.
Starting point is 01:11:14 I guess there's men too, but Instagram seems to think that I want to see the women more. And you click – they're basically – they have had tons of plastic surgery. They're really thin, big boobs, and it's just their whole profile is just shitloads of pictures of them. And they have 2.3 million followers. And like all the comments are just hearts or I would, can you marry me or just shit like that. They don't even look like real human beings, but probably those women, when I look at those, I'm thinking they're probably the least happy with their body. Yeah. Cause they're, they really need, they're really need some affirmation. Yeah. I would say the people that sometimes the people you think are the most confident are usually the most insecure. And maybe that's just a natural part of adolescence.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Yeah. I know it's just too big. My fingers are too long. I'm too tall. I mean, there's girls who think that they're too tall that's crazy to me yeah i i think it's definitely a i would love a girl who's six foot five or seven foot eight seven foot eight whatever the bigger the better i just would just fuck yeah just fuck yeah is that and you went through that well you're going through it i don't think it ever kind of like never i'm 50 and it never really completely goes away no i yeah i think every
Starting point is 01:12:40 female sorry go ahead ellie i was gonna say every female or like every male especially like doesn't really matter gender goes through a period of trying to find out who they are and also like questioning who they are um like you're still trying to find like your way in the world and then you're so influenced by all the external factors around you um even like your friendship group if you're in a different friendship group at school you might turn out a completely different person you know like um and I think that's a big like shaping period of your life it doesn't have to like indicate where you're going to end up obviously but i think it definitely like makes you sort of like have to choose a path either way you know you're this you're this person who had a ferrari in their
Starting point is 01:13:35 garage and all they ever wanted was an empty garage and you fought it and fought it and fought it and then one day you're like fuck it i guess I'll just be a race car driver. And now you fucking got the cool car. Pretty much. It's crazy. The whole time it was just in your garage. Just waiting. Hey, and there's no one who could tell you. There's no one who knew either.
Starting point is 01:13:56 That's the other thing. It was all, you did it all yourself. No one could be like, hey, that's a Ferrari. You should get in it and become a race car driver. No one even knew. I would have been like, no. Like you tell me to do something, I'm not going to do it. Oh, that's a Ferrari. You should get in it and become a race car driver. No one even knew. I would have been like, no. Like, you tell me to do something, I'm not going to do it. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Susan, what the fuck do you know about not liking yourself? What are you talking about? Everybody has things that they're insecure about. Tell me. I want to hear one of yours. Like one of my insecurities? Yeah, yeah. Let me hear one that someone made fun of you as a kid.
Starting point is 01:14:20 See? I'm telling you, you ask Ellie and I that, and we're like, five will fall out of our mouth. My nose, my penis is too big. I'm too short. I mean, it's just three. Boom. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:32 I guess I've never really had to battle that too much. So I guess it never was. The seed was never planted. Although I get some gray hairs coming in. Good. Ellie, did you ever have a pet and your house stunk like pets and you didn't want people over uh to your trailer park because then they would you were embarrassed about the way your house smelled no my the only dogs that i've had are like the hypoallergenic dogs so they don't
Starting point is 01:15:00 like they don't really have a dog smell and then i I'm not a cat person. So hypoallergenic dog. Fuck that means. Do those bite? No, no. They're like big teddy bears. You lived with your siblings. I lived with two of my brothers. Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:23 How does that happen? So we all went to boarding school because we were from the country. So we went down to Adelaide to get a better education. In high school? Yeah, from like year 10 onwards, year 10, 11, 12. And then from there, we all just like moved out of the school when we graduated and went to university um and so our my mum and stepdad had uh a house that they owned but didn't live in um for when like they'd come down and visit us at school and whatnot so we all moved out into that place and like studied went to university and yeah live there I think like obviously the
Starting point is 01:16:14 plan is like we're getting our own places but like it's definitely a when you're 17 and graduated high school like we didn't want to go back to munta because there's not a lot of opportunities there and it was like my parents way of like supporting us through um university they were happy that we were you know going and furthering our education so they were happy to support us in that way um the crazy shit must happen at boarding school uh yeah but in like in australia like boarding school i was trying to explain it to justin because he was like boarding school isn't that for like really naughty kids yeah yeah but um in like it's it's like a private school like it's a pretty prestigious thing uh i hear you i hear you but if you have boys were there boys there there was yeah yeah so
Starting point is 01:17:12 crazy shit happened uh yeah i mean i i was like very studious you were so i like would you say you were a dork no no I was like um I was just I was very driven to get good grades but I I sort of I wasn't like like all into my study but I just knew when I I wouldn't go out and like party with the rest of the year because I had homework to do. Have you ever been in a relationship where you thought you were going to get married? No. No. And is.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Not yet. Right. Right. Not yet. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Totally.
Starting point is 01:17:59 You've got a lot, a lot of time for that. And did you, when you met Justin, did you have a boyfriend? No. No. Oh, wow. How convenient.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Yeah. And were you interested in – did you have a conviction that you didn't want a boyfriend? Like, hey, I need to stay focused on athletics. I'm not going to let boys come into my life. No. It wasn't like a decision that I made. I wasn't going to like turn it down if it came up, but it just when you're at the gym for most of your life,
Starting point is 01:18:34 the only place you're going to meet someone is at the gym really. And so like I wasn't out searching for anyone, but if someone happened to like stumble into my life, I wasn't against it. But yeah, that was just all sort of worked out. Yeah. Just because it's, you know, people will have these walls up that not allowing that type of interaction. Yeah. I think I definitely probably had walls up unintentionally right um
Starting point is 01:19:10 that i have like have been told that i've probably had up by like the people that knew me well but um i didn't intentionally have walls up if I'm, if my, um, if my wife's having a bad day, it affects me like pretty dramatically. Uh, and, and I view myself as being like a cat kind of, I'm very, um, uh, I don't know what I, for lack of a word selfish i can keep really really strong in my little egg like like bulletproof but not with her that there's not there's no i don't know where she starts and i start and i end and she ends it's just one you know what i mean like if she does if she gets rattled i'm rattled um i don't know if it has to be like that way in a relationship, but in a relationship with someone like Justin, where there's two people and there's so much on
Starting point is 01:20:12 the line with your, you know, you know, like someone goes to work, let's say I work, let's say I'm some sort of fucking executive at Starbucks and my wife has a bad day and I have a bad day and I go to work. It doesn't matter. You know what know what i mean yeah like i'm still just making sure that the dairy farm's producing cream and that the beans are getting sent here and there but um it can't be that way for you too right i mean or can it like we're i mean we're normal people so like it's probably going like we're no different than everyone else but But I think we're both clear that like we both have pretty big goals in life and we're both clear that we're moving towards those. And at the end of the day, like when we're in competitors mode, like they take priority, especially like in something like the games.
Starting point is 01:21:14 And so we're both on the same terms of like during a week like that, it's like we're there to do it. That's our work time. So like we're there to do a job and that comes first. So like throughout the season, i think it's just it just takes like communication and like getting used to one another but like yeah i think we're normal people so that that still happens but uh i think having like a clear goal definitely helps like move through that. And just the sheer math complicates it. So if Justin's just working in a bubble by himself, right, it's just, he has to just worry about like his best friend getting hit by a car and going to a funeral, or he just has to worry about him um whatever happens in his life right but now
Starting point is 01:22:06 he's with you and you're like my best friend in australia is getting married i'm going to the wedding come with me or he's like they're become it just there i see all of these chances for like wasted energy like people um but on the other hand there must be some benefits too yeah no i think we're both on the same page in terms of like i know that if anything is going to affect his training and like he's competing like i wouldn't ask that of him and like why didn't you text me why didn't you text me well because i was at rogue baby well i i was watching in between event two and three you could have easily texted me. I mean, this is the way the world works.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Sorry, this is the way the world works now. You know that, right? Yeah, I know. I would fucking kill someone if they said that to me. If my wife said to me, why didn't you text me? I'd be like, because I was interviewing Ellie Turner. So, well, you could have just been like, hold on a minute. I'd be like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:23:01 Yeah. I think that's where the benefit of us both being in this world comes at an advantage because we both know what it takes and like what it's like that I mean I wouldn't want to get in the way of his like competing and training and like hopefully vice versa so like i would never if he's got sponsor obligations or if he's like got to travel for a competition or what like i would never get in the way of that um and you just know like just a little bit more like it's just because i'm experiencing the same thing so uh two days before uh he goes to a competition you're not going to be like, Justin, just so you know, yesterday I saw you looking through my phone and reading my texts.
Starting point is 01:23:52 You'd wait till he came back. Like even that you would wait. Yeah. Just suck it up and be like, Hey, suck it up. Everything takes the competition takes a precedent over everything. Hey, I saw you talking. I saw the way you looked at whoever. I saw the way you looked at Annie Thor's daughter.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Yeah. And that probably works better because sometimes when you have couples that don't have that deep understanding, they start to – well, you care more about your competition than me. Well, you care more about your sponsors than me. Well, you care more about answering the DMs of your fans than me. about your sponsors than me well you care more about answering the dms and of your fans than me and so at least you guys have that mutual understanding of what it takes because that's where i think the real conflicts arise with the couple it's not the ones that understand and give each other space but the ones that feel like they're competing for the other's attention and whatever they're doing is taking up too much of it yeah for sure my wife no matter like no
Starting point is 01:24:41 matter where if i'm going in to do a podcast and let's say we're fighting, she'll bury it and just be like, give me a kiss. I love you. Good luck. And it's like I need that. Like even if I'm mad at her, even if I just did something like just was just fucking losing my shit and throwing passion fruit around the house. You know what passion fruit is? Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah you know big in australia um yeah we put a it's like
Starting point is 01:25:08 pretty common to put on like the top of a pavlova a what it's like a um it's like a cake it's like an australian cake a pavlova it's like pretty much just like whipped egg white and sugar and it sounds like it sounds like a female part of the female anatomy the pavlova well it's a it's a very popular like yeah there you go you put like fresh whipped cream and fresh fruit it's very common in like summer like at christmas because our christmas is in summer i imagine that to be cold and refrigerated um yeah it does need to be refrigerated but like you can the crust of it is hard and crunchy so it can actually sit out for a little bit i went i took my wife to the doctor the other day and she got a Pavlova. She got a Pavlova.
Starting point is 01:26:08 It's cool. I thought I could be there for her. You won an event at the CrossFit Games. I did. Yeah, I would have liked it to be more, but take what you can get, I guess. God, you're greedy it's crazy that the the hat trick yeah and and uh what's cool is is and i and you beat tia it's the thing is with tia is that i mean correct me if i'm wrong there's only going to be so many shots at her yeah and she's
Starting point is 01:26:43 so special it's almost nonsense that we do shows of who's the greatest ever i mean yeah whoever's the greatest ever she's also the greatest ever it's like you know when you'd be like hey i saw this guy at the university he's the hottest guy i've seen and someone's like you said that yesterday it's like yeah there's 20 dudes here who are the hottest guys like what am i gonna do it's a 20-way tie there but but tia is at the top no matter who you put up there yeah no she's incredible and you got to beat her i did i i think i'm in the first heat in the ass you were in the ass heat right yeah we don't need to touch on that all right but it's still crazy to do it from there yeah yeah i mean will you tell us what what that workout is for people who don't know Do it from there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Will you tell us what that workout is for people who don't know? So it was three rounds. People like me. In a two-minute window, you had to complete like a sprint down to the rig, and then it was 20 11-foot wobbles and then six dumbbell squat snatches and then sprint to the finish and uh then you got four minutes rest and you had to repeat like three times and then it was your accumulated uh time um your splits each round did anyone beat you in any of those i don't think so no so cool and did they go ahead i was just gonna i think i made up like most of my time on the warbles like i do have a very fast like cycle speed so um i think like once i got off the rig it was just like as long as i didn't screw up a snatch it was
Starting point is 01:28:28 like i was pretty good to go how much were the dumbbell snatches that was 70 pounds and any concerned about that weight um i'm the first round you never really like you you're standing in the crowds for a little bit and you cool down a little bit. So I was a little hesitant on the first round, but then once I had a feel for it, I was like, no, it'll be sweet. 70-pound dumbbell. You're just a little girl.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Big girl. Yeah. big girl that dumbbell is only 10 or 20 pounds less than what you used to weigh when you started crossfit yeah chucking myself around it's awesome holy smokes it's it's it's five It's five years of just straight accumulated work just grinding in the gym. Yeah. I think that was like the biggest thing for me was just being consistent.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Like no matter what, I'd always just get the work done. And I think a lot of people sort of like chop and change programming and like try and look for those like almost easy fixes. But it's literally just like just do work like and do it consistently and it'll pay off in like long term. How old were you when you went through puberty do you remember probably like 12 13 and you didn't start crossfit until you were how old 19 19 damn it's weird that girls go through i don't know much about girls going through puberty but i just saw this video that andrew hiller made about a guy named clarence kennedy are you familiar with who that is and it shows him it's he he there's this video compilation of him starting to work out when he's 12 and he's so skinny he's just this
Starting point is 01:30:36 fucking stick boy and basically when when he's 17 and he goes through puberty in that year that 17 i mean he gets strong the whole time but in his when he's from and he goes through puberty in that year, that 17 – I mean he gets strong the whole time. But when he's from 17 to 18, he starts like clean and jerking like 500 pounds. And he's still a petite guy. I mean he's not like a giant dude at all. And I wonder what the year is for women if it's – yeah, this guy. I mean look at this guy. There's a great video this 585 i think by
Starting point is 01:31:07 i'm sorry i think guys are a little bit different in terms of like going through puberty because they've got like a whole heap of testosterone like flooding their system so like that time they can might be like some of the strongest they'll ever be because they've got all this testosterone which then like decreases as they get older obviously um whereas i really like driving that home i really like this theme as they get older old people yeah everything just gets worse um and when's the peak for women do you know when do when is there is there an age is it after you have baby maybe it's after you have a baby it's like women are at their peak physiological state in like late 20s early 30s i mean it changed it's a little bit like individual so it's there's not
Starting point is 01:31:59 exact like age but like late 20s early 30ies is when we're like at our strongest. Wow. Yeah. That makes sense too. For some of your behaviors and in the women in their early thirties, it's a different show. I needed to get a specialty doctor on. Wow. Okay. Yeah. Look at, look at Christy Young. She knows thirties. Yeah. Wow. Okay. So, so that's kind of cool. You look, you're 24 and you look down, uh, the timeline and you're just like, yeah. Yeah. You see an open highway. Yeah. And you just look at this, this speedometer on your Ferrari and you'd be like, I'll show you. Yeah. and you just look at this the speedometer on your ferrari and you'd be like i'll show you yeah how fun yeah i'm i'm excited and um what are what are some of this could you even do one pull-up when you went into a crossfit gym no i was like purple band purple band the crossfit games yeah i had when i started i was so like adamant that i wanted a strict pull-up that um at home i put like a bar in our kitchen and then every time i went in there
Starting point is 01:33:14 i had to do like a strict pull-up and then yeah just that's how i improved them um going back to this workout, this hat trick, how long did it take you to get a strict pull-up? No. I progressed pretty quickly. Probably like a few weeks to a month. That's crazy. When you first tried, could you even get the bar
Starting point is 01:33:41 to your head or was it just kind of like... Yeah, no. Oh, sure. I like was probably pausing like there. Okay. It's nuts. Wow. And were you excited when you got your first pull-up?
Starting point is 01:33:56 Do you remember that? Yeah. I was like excited for about a second and then I was like, sweet. Now I want 10. Oh, shit. Now I want to muscle up not to 10 yeah okay i'm starting to understand you that's the problem with those high achievers they're never satisfied never satisfied when when when you were doing the hat trick um you had to do
Starting point is 01:34:16 two dumbbell snatches and then move move forward right to the next two if it would have been just all six in a row, would you have been fine with that? Would you have preferred that? Could you have just done six with 70, no problem? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, especially given games adrenaline. I mean, I'd say I'd probably be able to do that in training, but when you're out there on the games floor, definitely you do things that you never thought were possible. I I'd say I'd probably be able to do that in training, but when you're out there on the games for like a,
Starting point is 01:34:45 definitely you do things that you never thought were possible. Uh, do you know what your PR dumbbell snatches? No, the heaviest I've done is probably maybe 80, but like never tested it out. Yeah. PR dumbbell snatch. That's an interesting one what would be
Starting point is 01:35:08 a little bit sketchy to do i think i used to do i used to do that that was like one rm yeah i wasn't very i wasn't very good at it and i would start i would literally go to this like meathead gym this juicer gym um and in berkeley it was cool and i would just i would literally start uh with the five pound dumbbell and just and just work all the way up i never made it i got to 100 yeah i never got to 110 yeah both arms it's impressive thank you was that when you were younger i was younger yes i was in my 30s, yes. I was younger. I see. I see. I saw Heber the other day do like 20 snatches or 30 snatches with a 70-pound dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:35:52 Like, oh, my goodness. And he doesn't even go to the ground. He's like just swinging it between his legs. I think that would like break me fucking in half. What's the heaviest dumbbell you have at Fort Vancouver? Ooh. half um what's the heaviest dumbbell you have at fort vancouver oh maybe like i don't know justin's got some pretty heavy ones that he has there probably like i want to say like 120 130 can you hear my dog barking is it badhmm. Is it bad? It's not terrible.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Should I close the door? No, it's stopped now, too. Yeah. It'll start back up. Last night at like 3 in the morning, my neighbor's dog was barking. Mm-hmm. So now I kind of don't mind that my dog's barking at 8 a.m. on a Sunday. Get him back.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Yeah. Ah, yes. It's 8 a.m. on a Sunday. Get them back. Yeah. Ah, yes. Ellie, how long after the games before you were normal, like mentally and physically, like when you lick your wounds and you come out kind of the other side? Like this year?
Starting point is 01:37:00 Yeah. I mean, I had three weeks off of just doing nothing which is the longest i've i've had um and where are you for that um we were in california okay at justin's parents place oh so you went shit we went to the low you went to jud you went to low die for three weeks the 209 wow that's the same as being quarantined. Holy shit. Snuck another one in there, didn't you? Yeah. Yeah. How, this is great.
Starting point is 01:37:32 How does he take, and you, had you ever been to Lodi before? No. So he's like, hey, come back to my parents' place after the games. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I really liked it. Yeah. Actually. It's a good place. Tell me about it. What'd I really liked it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:45 Actually. It's a good place. Tell me about it. What did you like about it? It was nice weather. It was nice and hot. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Definitely. Very hot. I like the country feel. Yes. I do like small city living, you know? Mm-hmm. So that was nice. I didn't see it.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Like I didn't see a lot of Lodi, but. There's not much to see. You saw it all. Yeah. Went down one couple of streets and good to go. Does Justin still have his bedroom at the house that he liked when he lived at home there in high school? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:24 And that's where you guys stayed? Yeah there in high school yeah and that's where you guys stayed yep like ninja turtle sheets and everything yeah yeah no it was it was actually funny like seeing all the you know like you go back to someone's place and you've got like the family photos and things like that so that was it was nice to see. That's cool. And so you're there for three weeks, and you guys don't do any training? Just hung out. Yeah. Was that hard? No.
Starting point is 01:38:58 It was nice, actually. Yeah. Did you ride on that little motorcycle he bought in previous years with his prize money? That little Honda thing? The little Honda monkey? Yeah. No, I actually didn't. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:12 It's a true senior, isn't it? Yeah. I'm not a daredevil. It's too risky for me. Oh, no. Justin's a good boy. He would be so chill with you on the back. No, it was just like they they've got a, like a beautiful house there.
Starting point is 01:39:25 So I just, we just hung by the pool and, you know, played some basketball and Frisbee and just really like did what we wanted. It was nice. There's a video of him doing a backflip and he lands on his face. And I asked him, I said, who is the camera person for that? He goes, Ellie. I said, dude, she didn't even flinch yeah are you sure she likes you no I because I actually told him not to do it okay I was like a like risk benefit here like I don't know if this is
Starting point is 01:39:59 yeah I approve of that I think that's a healthy relationship. Good. I'm glad there's people. And so then when he did it and landed on like almost his head, I was like, told you. Awesome. This is warm up for it here. Yeah. Is it,
Starting point is 01:40:19 is it intimidating at all training with him? No. Look at your camera work is just amazing. Coaches and agents are just freaking out. Yeah. And so how about in the beginning? Was it intimidating early, early on? Yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Like, I mean, I didn't feel like I had anything to prove, but it was nerve-wracking going in and just not knowing what to expect. And then I'd been there, literally flew in. I woke up at 4.30 in the morning, flew in um like i woke up like 4 30 in the morning flew in um he picked me up from the airport and was like oh um we've actually got a mile time trial today and so i hadn't eaten gotten up early and i was like okay so just like went to the track did a mile time trial um and i guess it was probably good because it probably shook the nerves off a little bit and I was like oh it's sweet like it's just normal training and you did it too you did it too I did it too I mean I didn't have to like they I think him and Adam sort of said like we understand if you don't want to but then I was like well I can't just say no to these guys like i'm not gonna be a little wimp so i did it um sorry i must tend to
Starting point is 01:41:49 my fans yeah um i did it right and left-handed i want to say maybe i did even more but i don't want to lie i want to say maybe i want to say maybe i did 110 or 120 maybe at one point but but i was i'm a dumb i'm kind of a dumbbell guy i'm more of a dumbbell guy my body prefers a a dumbbell over a bar bar's too far too restrictive what happens when you get old there at least yeah i'm free flowing old old mobility i did not start at five pounds and end at 35 this is not This is not, this is not correct. This is not correct. I was actually, the other day I was, I was, I don't know, six months ago, I was inspired by, I forget her name.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Anon Manganese. Is that her name? Do you know, do you know who that is? The athlete from Europe? Anyway, she was, she was between her and she was touching going, I think like a hundred or 150 pound bag. And then with Heber doing those 70 pound snatches, I was like, okay, I'm going to start snatching like, like a mofo again.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Yeah. So, so what was your mile time? I can't remember. Yeah. Yeah. That always happens with these athletes. No one ever remembers their PRs or their mile times. Well, I know it was a PR because I'd never done a mile before
Starting point is 01:43:06 because we don't do those in – we don't operate in miles. Oh. It's a default PR. So I'll give you that. Yeah, that's good. I like that for sure. How about this kind of this narrative you have, the story? It's similar to Sarah Sigmund's daughter, you know?
Starting point is 01:43:25 Her – I think she has similar – although she knew she was strong. I want to say when I interviewed her, she has a similar story. And I wonder how many girls have that similar story. But in the early years, Greg would talk about that a lot, about how women would come in with eating disorders and working out would make it doing CrossFit would make it kind of go away. Like you start instead of you start focusing on the right thing. Do you feel like when you hear your story, you're like, yeah, I've heard this story before. No. um no i think i've got a when i'm like ready to tell my whole story i think it's it's a pretty unique one yeah i think it's uh yeah i can't wait it's definitely something that i look back on and
Starting point is 01:44:21 it's like different lifetime um is is one of the reason i mean obviously it's on and it's like different lifetime. Um, is, is one of the reason, I mean, obviously it's intense and it's personal, but as another reason, maybe you don't want to share it because you use it to fuel you and you don't want to let it out. Um, I mean, it's no, I think part of the reason was I don't want people to think that I'm using it as an excuse or as like ways to get my name out there. Like it's not that at all. I want people to know me for what I achieve in CrossFit
Starting point is 01:45:03 and in CrossFit alone and then have that, like, you know, be like, yep, I've also been through this and still achieved what I have. I don't want it to be the other way around. I like it. That's awesome. It's not that you're afraid to be vulnerable, but, um, or, or that you're using it to drive you it's that um you want to make your uh you don't want that to be the cake and then your crossfit career to be the icing you want your crossfit career to be the cake and then oh by the way here's some candles for you yeah and i think it's getting better but people still treat you differently when they find out about mental illnesses um and I just I want to yeah be known for my crossfit and then um eventually uh I want to help others in that have been through similar things to me um
Starting point is 01:45:57 in fact like I don't I'm not scared of being vulnerable now like I'm not scared of being vulnerable now. Like I'm not scared of talking about it and people close to me know that, but it's like, it's not something that I'm ready to share quite yet. Um, I don't know how to explain. I used to ask this question. I kind of haven't never asked it the way I'm going to ask you, but I used to ask the question like this. Um, did you have something happen in your past that that that you're that you used to
Starting point is 01:46:28 fuel you so like and um you know like when i've talked to rich i've heard that some of those stories talk to matt i've heard some of those stories talk to jason cleep i've heard some of those stories and those stories would be like you know the story that jason told was at his high school graduation his principal in front of the whole fucking school openly fucking bashed him for not being smart yeah he said that that so dramatically impacted him that he was like, fuck you. I'll show you guys. And, and, you know, and, and rich had some deaths in the, in the family that were with people who was extremely close to, and then there's even Mike Tyson. They said, Hey, do you want to go to a, you should go to a shrink and get that fixed.
Starting point is 01:47:01 And he said, no, that's what I, if they they fix that i wouldn't be the killer that i am and crossfit is so um you could say uncomfortable but choose whatever you were you want intense there's a an effort that has to be put in to become who you are who ellie turner is that um is it a before you didFit, is that intensity familiar to you because of your past? Like if I didn't, do you know what I'm saying? Like, are you trying to match some intensity in your daily workout that was an experience you had somewhere else? Um, I'd say there's definitely been multiple experiences that have shaped where I am today. And I use that to move me forward. I don't, I can't think of like a single incident, but like those incidences together have formed
Starting point is 01:47:59 like my drive now. my drive now um and i think like moving forward like in a workout like that's that's something that i'll probably continue to use like to get me to where i want to go like so you let actually you intellectualize and you'll hear a voice talk to you during a workout where you leverage some incident in your life to be like hey i can make it through this no not specifically i think it's more of like the way i am now like it's um i know that i'm not a quitter so like in a workout that's just not an option like it's not an option to pull back it's not an option to like not give my all because the experiences that i've been through have like made me into that sort of person
Starting point is 01:48:49 like I'm now someone that like I'm just I'm just grateful to be here and grateful to be like doing what I love that like this is I it's my choice to be doing this and like I know that I'm gonna be giving it my all every single time anything else besides rogue you'll do this year rogue down under and then reassess do you do you have any uh resentments too strong but frustration with the fact that like you come out of Australia and Tia's there and there's all these other monsters down there? I mean, in your young career, one of your greatest achievements has to be coming out of that region. I mean, I would say it's equal to winning an event at the Games. It's nuts to be a woman and come out of that region. I mean, it's nuts to be a man and come out of that region. I mean, it's nuts to be a man and come out of the region,
Starting point is 01:49:46 but you guys don't, do you ever get frustrated or can you not even think about that? No, I think I'm grateful to come out of that region. Like it's turned me into such a better athlete to go. I mean, I went up against some of the best athletes in the world at my semi-final so like once I tackled that it was like there was I'd done the hard yards like the games was just like another
Starting point is 01:50:13 like that was just a bonus sort of thing um and you know you you rise to the competition you're up against like knowing that I'm going up against the best. You've got to bring your best in every single workout. So it was like I think it brought the best out in me and does to the girls in our region, and that's what makes us so strong and that's what keeps developing like such like great athletes out of the Oceania region. such like great athletes out of the Oceania region.
Starting point is 01:50:54 I, it was, I do think it was a little bit like frustrating that we only, we didn't get the spots, the amount of spots that I think we deserved, but obviously that wasn't in my control. But no, I, I, I think we've got, in my control um but no I I think we've got I'm like very lucky to get the opportunity to compete against those girls um and like you want to compete against the best like you don't want to win against people that you know you can be you want to compete against girls that are going to challenge you and they're going to make you really fight for it. So, um, no, I think I'm very lucky. This is 2020. You took sixth place. This is B um, for those of you who don't know what we're talking about, by the way, uh, Ellie Turner's from Australia, Australia has an enormous
Starting point is 01:51:38 population of CrossFitters there, but for some reason they only get to send three female and three male athletes to the crossfit games every year is that correct ellie yeah it used to be when i was back in like regionals which like um was before i started competing base i think we still got five spots um but ever since going to like the semi-final. Yeah, we're back to, we're down to three. And this competition that you're showing now, like that was my first major competition. Wow.
Starting point is 01:52:12 And the problem with that, guys, is they have Kara Saunders and Tia Toomey down there. And then a super veteran who's also been to the game, Madeline Sturt. And Jamie Green. Jamie Green, right. a super veteran who's also been to the game madeline sturt and so uh jamie green you know jamie green right i mean you have all women who um are better who are top 20 finishers at the crossfit games i mean it's nuts it's absolutely uh frustrating um because and it's frustrating because as fans we want to see all of you oh how do i oh switch to semi-finals okay
Starting point is 01:52:45 change the name okay and then here you come to um is it this one torian pro and we switch to the girls boys to girls uh t2 me car Saunders, Ellie Turner, and Madeline Sturt. Man, Madeline was hunting you down. She was. That was close. Very close. Are you tripping here?
Starting point is 01:53:16 Like, what's this final event like for you? I remember I was very nervous nervous but also weirdly calm like when i think back to like what was on the line now i'm like whoa like i should have been even more nervous than when i was um i knew obviously it finished with like 10 deadlifts like heavy and I knew that Maddie she's like she would have one of the best deadlifts in the females field like in the world like her deadlifts are insane um and I knew I needed to sort of at least like stay close to her in the rankings. I knew the row was going to be no problem for me. It was just going to be like trying to hold off on the deadlifts.
Starting point is 01:54:12 And, yeah, she got in front of it. She beat me in that event. And I didn't know if I'd done enough. And it was just like a waiting game until they called my name. Um, but yeah, it was, it was pretty intense. Wow. You didn't know. Okay. And, and, and, and kind of the good news is what's interesting is here is she, um, she beat you by four seconds, but you beat the person after you, uh, by five seconds, Bailey Rogers. yeah yeah and so okay did you see bailey rogers while you were doing that i didn't no matt i muted you just because there was a crazy hum i hope yeah
Starting point is 01:54:54 coming from uh well listen let's see if you can hear it hear that ah peace i think it just happened like your ac just turned on it's 8 53 in the morning in livermore now it's 100 degrees there livermore california um the um the sandbag event uh when you saw that uh were you excited by that i was uh i knew like obviously i like strength events a little bit more than your high skill events so um i was nervous because i'd never done like a heavy sandbag and i don't think many of us had probably apart from Danny Spiegel and um so it was like a little bit nerve-wracking not sort of knowing where people were at and knowing that
Starting point is 01:55:54 it could just be like a technique thing that could get in the way of like an event that I needed to capitalize on um whereas if it was just a barbell you can sort of like you sort of know who's gonna do well and who's not in a way um so yeah it was a bit nerve-wracking but I was like excited to see like how heavy we could go um when I picked up the first bag like in the warm-up area I got nervous after that because it felt like really heavy but then you get out on the floor and the adrenaline kicks in and it's just like yeah game on i can hear my neighbor yelling at my dog what did he say i don't know i just heard someone knock on the door come in justin
Starting point is 01:56:43 oh no you're in Squamish. Yeah. It was fun to watch. Yeah. When you're back there, do you and Justin talk technique at all? Does he tell you? Like after watching him go, he – I mean he's since spoken that like he didn't have any special, you know, just watch some YouTube videos. But did you guys prepare for that one together by any chance? Yeah. I mean, we watched the like videos together.
Starting point is 01:57:12 You did. Okay. But I didn't, I don't know whether it was like, because he's got like slightly like he's got longer arms than what I do. So like that technique works a little bit better. I did try it and I didn't like it I personally couldn't like get the hang of it quite as much as what he could um and so I just went with what I knew at that point did that did that event injure you at all no I actually pulled up I thought my back was going to be sore just because of like the positions that it gets you in.
Starting point is 01:57:46 But I actually pulled up really well from it. I saw I would see people throw it up and like pushing on their neck and shit. Oh, yeah. Afterwards, when they were done, they'd be like this. Yeah. No, I did. Like it did. Like your neck was sore, but it wasn't like bad sore.
Starting point is 01:58:04 You know. Dang. He really showed up for that one. Yeah. Yeah. You think you're getting some, um, being with him, you're getting, um, something that can't be, that you can't put your finger on from, from, from training with the champ, from like unconscious behaviors. Like, you know, like if,
Starting point is 01:58:31 like if you had a friend who always did this that you would start doing this, I think there's ways that he moves or talks or thinks or. Yeah. Potentially. I haven't picked up on anything yet, but who knows? Did your diet change? Did your diet change since you're around him? Like you're like, Oh, I should really be eating this kind of oatmeal instead of this kind or, Oh wow. He doesn't do bananas.
Starting point is 01:58:55 That's weird. If anything, it's probably like, yeah. The other way around. Yeah. What if he wouldn't have won this year would you have like fucking been like oh my god that's my fault yeah seriously really yeah you would have owned a little bit of that that's what i mean your shit's your guys's shit's all fucking intertwined and shit i knew it i knew it i knew i'd get to the bottom you guys are just regular people with emotional fucking – you guys are emotional octopus. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:59:27 I knew it. I think like it would – like if anyone knows us, they know that that wouldn't have been the case. Right. But I think – Keep telling yourself that. It's always in the back of your head. You're like, well, I'm the thing that changed. Just a small little thing.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Yeah. Wow. But it didn't. Just a small little thing. Yeah. Wow. But it didn't. That's like, this is going to be a fucking harsh switch. But that was like when my wife had a miscarriage. I think she did the rower that morning. Not even that hard. And all of a sudden she made that connection.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Ah, the rower caused the miscarriage. I was like, nah, rower did not cause the miscarriage i was like nah or did not cause the miscarriage but but but but you make that the association happens quick yeah oh suzy your audio is better the ac went off yeah grace she turned it off for me she's a good dude yeah matt's married that's nice for one week oh yeah that's an important part yeah um he just like agent daniel robbins got married yesterday oh yeah and i know i couldn't because i'm stuck oh that's awesome that's awesome i couldn't go to matt's wedding either because i had a podcast he's gonna do it live from the event but we changed our mind That's awesome. I couldn't go to Matt's wedding either because I had a podcast.
Starting point is 02:00:48 He's going to do it live from the event, but we changed our mind. Are there any harsh things? I heard that for the hat trick, as you went out onto the floor, Coach Knifer knifer knifer mr adam knifer he said to you um uh set a time yeah set a time to set the time to like to be yeah uh yeah yeah sorry yes give them a time to be and that's an interesting way to word it, right? He's putting pressure on you, but still a little ambiguous. He's a new coach to you, right? Mm-hmm. How does he know that that's going to work for you? I think he's been around me long enough to know what sort of makes me tick.
Starting point is 02:01:47 And I'm someone that probably is still trying to find my feet in CrossFit and, like, knowing that I deserve to be out there. And he knew that I could do it. And he said to me before, he was like, you can win this event. And he does, he does say that to you. Yeah. And I, I trust him completely. Um, he definitely knows what he's talking about.
Starting point is 02:02:15 And so when he said that, I was like, he knows what he's doing. I'm going to attack this. I'm going to attack this. And yeah, I think it just was what I needed to like leave nothing out there. Wow, that's some crazy trust. I feel what you're saying. So you have a really intense relationship with him also. Like he sets you it's like you're the dog and he just he took your collar off like okay yeah there's no strategy for this one this is go out there and war yeah and and is that was that hat trick just a full sprint
Starting point is 02:02:59 uh it was it was just like how fast you could move um it was no saving energy no none of the rounds there's no saving energy like if you would have if the wheels fell off the bus they fell off the bus yeah there's four minutes of rest like we knew that we could recover in that time at least enough to get through the next round like you're not going to blow up completely that you can't do a squat um but yeah it it was like just go out there you've got nothing to lose um we both knew that um i had like i have a very fast squat so he was like just see what you can do you you hear these um stories stories of the proven camp being like super duper heavy into machines. And you hear stuff like, same with Matt. Matt was doing a lot of machines.
Starting point is 02:03:56 Is there anything that you see at this camp that you're with? I don't even know what I would call a camp at Fort Vancouver. Is there something that's your guys' bread and butter? No, I think we do a pretty good job of making sure that there's nothing that's our bread and butter and that, if anything, it's the things that we need to work on the most that we do the most. So he'll say to you, um, uh, hi Ellie. Hi Justin. Justin. Um, you're the greatest ever to go over there and have a piece of cake. Ellie start doing handstand walks.
Starting point is 02:04:34 Pretty much. He would. Yeah. He would say that as well. That's exactly how he would put it. Oh, really? Yeah. we would put it oh really yeah wow um have have there have there been any times where he him or justin have said something to you or like wow that was a bit heavy-handed um probably actually yes um we're doing hill sprints one day and we're walking uh down the hill to get ready um and justin was like oh ellie you're gonna smash this because like your legs are so powerful um you'll probably like beat me and i was like there's no way i'm gonna beat you like whatever and then adam turns and goes yeah not not this meat wagon oh oh wow that's awesome so uh i mean he's got a huge justin's got a huge ass too i mean i don't know i mean speaking of
Starting point is 02:05:37 meat wagons but yeah so like this i mean if justin said that, I'd probably like turn around and hit him. The nickname has now stopped. So I'm Meatwagon. Wow. Hey, it's better than muscle hamster. That's true. That's like 10 times better. I like Meatwagon.
Starting point is 02:06:00 Yeah. Yeah. That is true. And I wonder if he'd ever used that phrase before. That's incredible. Yeah. I don't know where it came from. How did you do on the Hill Run?
Starting point is 02:06:11 I mean, I did okay, but I didn't beat them. Right. There needs to be an event at the CrossFit Games with some insane dune. Do you guys have dunes in Australia? You must. Yeah. Yeah. Big dune. Do you guys have dunes in Australia? You must. Yeah. Yeah. There has to be some insane event someday.
Starting point is 02:06:30 Just the biggest pile of sand anyone's ever seen. You make the athletes sprint up it. It would be so nasty. No. It would not be good. That would be harsh. I really appreciate you coming on. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:06:44 Thanks for having me. Yeah, you're really thanks for having me yeah you're wonderful i enjoyed every minute maybe not every single minute i did i enjoyed even the old comments it made me i quickly i'm such a um uh narcissist that i'm like oh she wrecked she's she's looking at me she sees that i'm an old man like i turn into into a positive. Like that's so cool. Yeah. Oh, that's so nice. She actually, she's actually, she knows who she's talking to. Yeah. We'll be in touch.
Starting point is 02:07:12 I really appreciate you doing this. I really do. It's only superstars like you who come on and give Matt and I your time that make the show. And I know that there's a lot of trust involved and you handle yourself with such poise and dignity. Your family, your family, your boyfriend, uh, your coaches, everyone should be super duper proud of you. Thank you. I appreciate that. Felix Shumsky. All right. Uh, we'll be in touch. I'll try not to
Starting point is 02:07:41 text you too much. I'll try not to burden you. Don't piss off Justin. Yeah. Yes. And tell everyone, tell Jesse I said hi. I'd like to get him on the podcast sometime. I will. He'd love that. All right.
Starting point is 02:07:55 Okay. Ciao. Bye. Dang. She's awesome. She's awesome. She's cool. Stretch out your back. No, my back's good.
Starting point is 02:08:15 I'm just... She's cool. I'm just processing how much she gave us. It's a great show. She tolerated a lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah she navigated herself very well yeah she did awesome it was fun um she's hungry yeah yeah you're gonna be a rock star in the sport yeah you you feel there's the monster underneath when you're talking to her you're like sure yeah and it's so early in her career. She doesn't even really want to let it out and discuss it or anything yet. She's like – I don't think she realizes, but she's still harnessing it.
Starting point is 02:08:52 She's like, oh, the story is still being written. I'm still definitely using all this as fuel and the way she pushes herself. I listened to like three interviews that she did before this. interviews that she did before this and uh i i the the most recent one was uh uh the one with tommy and um sean did with her oh with her and justin yeah with her and justin and in every interview she's even though that was recently every interview i see she's come further she's come further she's getting reps in hey those two that interview that um tommy and sean are doing with them of there's two it's in the uh kitchen at hq well the old hq i don't know i think um charlie duby's company is now in that spot that's the guy charlie duby's
Starting point is 02:09:40 the guy who does all the uh live broadcasts Okay. But his company does Nathaniel Rhodes Productions or something. Something Rhodes. Anyway, they're doing that interview in a kitchen and there's two pictures hanging on the wall. And I took both those pictures. Always lurking. I know. I'm like, damn. Just little pieces of you everywhere.
Starting point is 02:10:03 Yeah. Just everywhere. And I was flattered. I was like, well. Just little pieces of you everywhere. Yeah. Just everywhere. And I was flattered. I was like, well, that's cool. And I bet Tommy and Sean aren't stupid. Like, they probably know that. So it's cool that they weren't petty. Took them down just because.
Starting point is 02:10:15 Took them down, yeah. You just saw it too, like, where it's still nicer, where the pictures used to be in the dirt frame around it. Yeah. It's very obvious. Or even worse, I have this clock of katrin in my garage and someone drew i i seriously don't know who did it but someone drew devil horns on it but i never was going to take the clock down you know what i mean it was a one-off it's just like
Starting point is 02:10:38 like a yeah just a one-off clock with her picture and and but someone drew devil horns on it and i still just leave it up i was gonna ask ellie too if she uh if they if they let their head down and partied a little bit out low die i you know i've only had a few run-ins with the uh maderas but they seem like they're just a fun group like just hanging out over there for the summer at the house by the pool and it would just be like an awesome time load i load i i should move out there everything every time i hear someone live somewhere that i where i don't live i want to move there like arkansas oh Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. People send me the great ethically unjustifiable scientists from Harvard and John Hopkins found that the covid-19 vaccine is 98 times worse than the virus.
Starting point is 02:11:35 Someone just sent me that article. Sounds like a doozy. People know way to my heart. people know way to my heart oh there's this guy i'm going to send you his contact information he is from um it's brendan from crossfit uh mecklenburg in charlotte north carolina he sounds like a cool dude i'm going to send you his contact and uh maybe we can invite him on for one of the shows shoot him on in about oh very soon here i was gonna say just yeah i send it all over because very soon here i get on a airplane to spain oh yeah like today or tomorrow like i already should have probably been off here about 10 minutes ago oh shit okay there's got a few things to get ready but check this out we got invited to the next party oh nice nice um and i and you guys invited me to the last party, and I apologize.
Starting point is 02:12:26 I couldn't make it. I forget what I was doing. You weren't in Newport. I was brushing my teeth or something. What was the name of that gym that brought her the bike in Australia? Wreck? Wreck. But I tried to find it.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Is there any gym in CrossFit? I looked it up, and nothing popped up that matched what you were saying. Hey, Victor, if anyone knows that gym that brought her the bike, crossfit i looked it up and nothing popped up that matched what you're saying hey victor i saw your if anyone knows that gym that brought her the bike can you send me their instagram i would like to have them on i want i want to know why that they did that uh victor brown i saw that you said that you didn't believe that you called bullshit i will the heaviest dumbbell i own now is a 50 pound dumbbell and i think i've posted some videos of me like snatching it 20 times but i will now order when we get off from amazon a 70 pound dumbbell and i will work my way up to getting my hands on 100 pounder i appreciate i accept the challenge challenge accepted accept
Starting point is 02:13:18 the challenge it's crazy when you drop a hundred pound dumbbell. They look like cartoons, like cartoon dumbbells. It's just the bounces and shit they start doing. And just like, yeah. Yeah. Victor. Victor.
Starting point is 02:13:37 Look at, look at Victor's in his favorite position on his hands and knees. Victor. Victor, who's standing behind you in that photo you don't want to know victor there you go all right uh dear bill and katie thank you thank you dear bill and katie oh shit i'm in big trouble now i am in big trouble okay fine you want to fucking fight or what there he is there he is my guy that's my guy what's up brother that was a murph photo if you'd like to know that was me doing push-ups and murph pal hey is this your real voice yeah hey hold on hold on hold on hold on hey suza yeah congrats man where on. Hey, Sousa. Congrats, man.
Starting point is 02:14:25 Where are you going in Spain? Thank you. I'm going to Barcelona for five days, and I'm headed to Rome for another five. Nice. Beautiful. Beautiful. When you're in Rome, have a little cacio e pepe, you know? Get on the street.
Starting point is 02:14:37 Find a little cafe. Do a little bit of that. Victor, are you in a witness fucking protection program? How the fuck? Is that your real voice we're hearing? No, I'm just talking to you. Oh, good. Because it's scaring the shit out of me.
Starting point is 02:14:55 If I'd have known you had that accent, I would have never been talking shit about you. Did we lose him? Did we lose you, Victor? Oh, shit. What's going on here we lost you victor hi hello damn it uh he was giving me some advice in barcelona too all right uh victor thanks for calling guys thanks for the show tonight we have not heard back from daniel brandon yet we'll keep our fingers crossed uh get your get your calls. Get your calls ready to speak to Danielle Brandon tonight, because you can ask her any question that she did.
Starting point is 02:15:33 Like, what's the best way to talk to a girl? How do you approach someone in your CrossFit gym? Yeah, she did a guy that's weaker than her. Does she prefer a wild? Does she do this hair on the balls bother her? What should if you have you have questions about your wife, your wife's not being the wife that you want her to be. Daniel Branagh will be here and I'll be here to answer. We're the two most experienced people in the world when it comes to relationships and you'll have us both on the same call.
Starting point is 02:15:58 Victor, hi. Sorry. I don't know what happened. No, no. We cut off. I don't want to keep you guys. I know you guys got to jump. Hey, Sue's a good trip, man. Have a a good time you guys always do great interviews man thank you guys thank you anytime you have the most beautiful voice of any mobster i've ever heard anytime in the back all right bye thanks uh guys we will see you this evening um i will check in and start even if uh danielle doesn't show up uh i'll i'll come on and say hi uh tomorrow's show is going to be absolutely unbelievable for anyone with an iq over 50 we have scott sharon he is a
Starting point is 02:16:30 physician um and he is the one of the foremost expert on uh hypobaric chambers it's going to be a great show all right bye

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