The Sevan Podcast - #614 - HillerFit Review Show, Sept. 29th

Episode Date: September 30, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Should be the same. Bam, we're live. Oh, this always happens to me. What's that? I'm, like, I just watched, like, five Hiller Fit videos, and your camera puts everything in reverse of this yeah people
Starting point is 00:00:47 used to give me a hard time for that but i think they just found out that i'm going to keep it that way yeah it's fine um uh and is it when you look into a mirror it's just what you're used to looking at and when i make the videos i'm screaming at myself and if it's the other way around it kind of drives me nuts so you ever think about just pulling the car like like like i guess and if it's the other way around it kind of drives me nuts so you ever think about just pulling the car like like like i guess it's it's late there it's 7 p.m for me it's nine for you it is nine 858 we're early huh yeah two two minutes early yeah why what does that do with the way i'm parking the car nothing just looks different like sometimes i just i'm just studying it sometimes it feels like the car is really close to you it's gotta always be exactly i have a reverse hyper
Starting point is 00:01:29 right here and on the other end i have the ghd so i gotta go right between the two of them so it's exactly the same spot it's always in oh was there something called like a donkey hyper what's the thing at rogue you looked at on one of my videos yeah it's the donkey the two thousand dollar combo machine that i wish that i had instead of one of each but i got this one as a christmas present everyone always wants me to do a video on like do a video of your garage walk around and when i end up doing it like i got this in 2014 i got this in 2015 um i just want to show video uh uh i just want to show this uh dear bill and katie look i could click this one here that's the ad one but then you'd have to pay google money so like i don't do that to you i come down here and i click this one see that see that quick see that katie katie how many calls on on assault how many calls on assault how many cows did you do on
Starting point is 00:02:33 the assault bike while you were watching videos before this oh today uh so you know what i did today actually i did a i the first time i got on the assault bike today i rode it for 30 minutes and every minute i made sure i took it to over 85 rpms oh no shit yeah so i did that for 30 minutes well how long did you keep it over 85 for oh just i just had to touch it i just had to touch it and come back down just had to touch and come back down and then relative to your top speed would you say i don't know but there is a place where I feel like I could injure myself. Like I can go so, I can go so hard that I can throw my back out. I got to ask before I forget too,
Starting point is 00:03:14 what happened to your workout videos? You're putting up the videos, you're working out. You had that media guy making you some stuff. Yeah, I guess he called me today and he said, he's, I said, are you still an aspiring filmmaker? And he yeah i said all right so you're just giving a little heads up and you didn't actually to be honest he called me and was like he he's i don't know i think he got into drugs that's not true i'm making that up i'm just trying to avoid talking about it i i think there's more coming you know what happened to is this person said that they wanted to do the olivia kerstetter challenge and so i
Starting point is 00:03:50 started fucking around with cleaning jerks and like it's not gonna be good it's gonna be i mean i don't mind looking like a jackass but like it's gonna be it's gonna be speaking of looking like a jackass the video i put up tomorrow i just just watched it and I never rewatched my videos. I fucking love it. I'm so excited for this one to go out. It'll end up getting like nowhere near as many views as I hope for it to get. But dude, is it good? It's super entertaining.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And the reason I'm proud of it is because every bit of it came from myself. I didn't like take anything from anywhere else, which I I'll do. And people do it like no movie clips, like no movie clips. Well, no, there's a, there's a bunch of movie clips.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And, but, but what I mean is you hear like content creator, right? Yeah. And I, and really it's just, I ripping on Ben Bergeron and Lauren Khalil for,
Starting point is 00:04:40 well, no, like that stuff. Like I, I watched that and I'm like, I can talk about this and really that's their stuff and I'm speculating and talking about it but this one I created a scenario and then I made a video on it have you seen that on Instagram it's that fucking Garrett Sager no
Starting point is 00:04:58 you haven't seen that oh you're gonna lose your shit this is this is my favorite thing i've done thus far so i'm uh it's got to do with the water palooza qualifier workout six oh i didn't watch your thing i didn't watch that so here's hold on one second you're getting ahead of me hold on we'll come back i'm gonna make a note here garrett sanger sanger saint garrett okay just put garrett garrett sager garrett fisher cole sager. Yeah, it's Cole Sager's brother. Is it? No. What is this thing? So this thing has an add-on, but you don't even know what the add-on is.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Is that what you're telling me? The add-on might be, yeah, I don't know. Fuck. So that thing weighs 500 pounds? Yeah, it's a bunch of metal. Usually on the bottom section it says what the add-ons are, or what that is, no? For owner of Rogue Z Hyper who wish to upgrade their existing machine
Starting point is 00:05:55 to a Rogue Donkey, we go, oh. That's my thing. I wonder how that happens, because I have one here. Wow. So you could turn it into that for because I have one here. Wow. So you could turn it into that for $14.75. It gives you a bunch of different metal pieces. Why do you think they call it the donkey? Why do they call it a worm?
Starting point is 00:06:18 Because it looks like a worm. Why don't they call it a snake? Because I thought it was modeled after that anaconda. Oh, because you kick when you do the reverse hyper like a donkey. You're good. You're real good. I'm the world's greatest detective. The world's greatest detective. I know you've watched one of my videos now.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Okay. Yeah, I watched a bunch of them. I better stop sharing the screen before I fuck up. Instagram tab, Instagram tab. watched a bunch of them. I better stop sharing the screen before I fuck up. Instagram tab, Instagram tab. I saw barbell spin. Tell me about Garrett Sager and Wadapalooza before I go off on one of my fucking rants. No, I'm here to listen to your rant and then just give a little bit of feedback on them, right? Tell me about sager and then i'm gonna help the world i'm gonna define for these idiots people who use the word sexist the 99 of the time those are misogynists did i i did a video on that right yeah it's fucking it's so fucking crazy about you there it's so fucking crazy if i say oh my god that
Starting point is 00:07:22 chick has the greatest tits ever that is not sexist if i say that girl's tits are really her only value and if women didn't have tits they'd have no value that is sexist if i say that chick has the fucking most amazing tits ever and you say that's sexist do you know why you say that because you're a fucking misogynist because you don't see value you hate women you hate women's body parts you find them repulsive and disgusting and you know how else i know that is because i'm looking at you and you're a woman i've seen what you've done to your womanhood you've let it get 100 pounds overweight you've dyed its hair blue you've given it a fucked up asymmetrical haircut you put a fucking hole here a hole here and holes here and a giant tattoo of a fly on your neck.
Starting point is 00:08:06 That's how I know you hate women too. But the appreciation for the cup that Conor McGregor wears when he comes out there on fight night in those booty shorts and it looks like he has an 18-inch cock, and I go, wow, look at the fucking size of his cup, is not sexist. When I say, holy cow, Daniel Brandon still has boobs after doing CrossFit, that is not sexist.
Starting point is 00:08:26 You can say whatever you want about a CrossFitter's body, anything you fucking want. They spend 24 hours a day eating, sleeping, drinking, moving to perform in a certain way. No one would ever say, I don't watch a major league baseball event. And someone's like, I can't believe he's talking about the bat. The fuck I'm going to talk about the bat the forearm the helmet these people's tools are their bodies if you're a crossfitter look at what we've done to colton mertens we talk endlessly about his fucking body we talk about his hair we talk about justin uh justin madaris's hair did you like you can say anything you want about Danny Spiegel's ass you can say anything you want about tit size it only becomes sexist when you start making it
Starting point is 00:09:10 like that's their only value but let me tell you these crossfitters no one's watching fucking the um uh these girls um uh um uh handstand walk upside down and not looking right at their fucking both their holes are pointing at the fucking whole world and the camera's there and it's on your fucking 90 inch in your living room you turn to your three-year-old and you're like man they're really good at handstand walks the fuck out of here it's not a double standard oh yeah it is a double standard i know what you're saying yeah we can talk all the shit we want about men but not women but even that i don't care about like i'm okay with double standards too but it's just like it's not sexist and i'm going to read
Starting point is 00:09:50 you the definition of sexist and you're going to understand well some of you fucking idiots aren't going to understand so but most of these listeners do you guys are fucking geniuses but um characterized by or showing oh i'm sorry here we go i still want to hear about Garrett. No, keep rocking. This is good. Sex is characterized by or showing prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination, discrimination typically against women on the basis of sex, meaning their women womanhood. Discrimination, making an unjust or prejudiced distinction in the treatment of a different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, sex, age or disability. different categories of people especially on the grounds of race sex age or disability is it unjust to say that daniel brandon has un un un unnaturally large breasts for a crossfit woman at that level no sorry it's not and it's not sexist by any means and if you think that there's something wrong with her breasts and me talking about it's because you're a misogynist oh what's a
Starting point is 00:10:42 misogynist someone yeah you what's a misogynist, Devon? Funny you should ask. Nice. Strongly prejudiced against women. You have a problem with appreciating women's bodies. I fucking get it. I can see you. I feel the hatred coming from you. I see what you've done to your own body. I get it.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I get your disgust with the female body. And your fucking disdain for me and other people appreciate it. I fucking get it. I get your disgust with the female body. And your fucking disdain for me and other people appreciate it. I fucking get it. I get it. And I'm not even mad at you for it. But use the words right. You are a misogynist. We are not sexist.
Starting point is 00:11:20 The vast majority of fucking talk about Daniel Brandon is her wit, her strength, her dynamic character, her realness. The fact that she took fourth at the CrossFit Games. But fucking don't get it wrong, motherfuckers. We're watching that body, and we're fucking enjoying it. And why is that? Because we fucking love fucking fit women, you jackasses. Okay. So what about Garrett? What? Oh, yeah, men and women. Yeah oh yeah men and women yeah yeah yeah yeah the fuck it's like these fucking idiots who are watching the behind the scenes and they ask
Starting point is 00:11:51 me i i asked brooke wells or someone how did you pick out those pants and they're like you would never ask that to a man you motherfucker i asked josh bridges that every year i him and froning how'd you pick out your clothes you never asked that to me and who cares if i wouldn't it's a projection thing right it's something that they wouldn't feel comfortable asking somebody else so they wonder why you're comfortable asking them and they bring their story to it they bring a whole story to it that's not even true and where did that story come from something happened to him uncle buck touched him and they hate their own womanhood. You don't think it's just society in general?
Starting point is 00:12:27 Both. They just kind of bought into it? It's a combination. It's a combination of – I think a lot of those people who are like that have had some severe trauma that they're trying to pay the world back for. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We do get to see Froney with this shirt off yeah did you like that yep thank you yeah and everyone's like yeah and i'm fine i'm fine with the girls keeping their shirts on i'm not asking for that and i'm fine if they want to take them off i'm fine with that too i saw that that that pfl chick chick the other day throw her lift up her top show her to yeah whatever what's pfl professional
Starting point is 00:13:06 fight league it's just crazy to think that um uh oh and let me go off on one other thing too a couple of my friends are thinking about starting podcasts let me tell you something and i mean this from the bottom of my heart with all sincerity really quick do they watch your podcast uh i don't know i don't i don't think any of my friends watch my podcast that's a mistake continue uh um i uh uh you have no fucking chance you have no idea how hard craig ritchie works you have no idea how hard Heber and Marsden work. You have no – Jason Media, like that guy, whatever his day job is, he does that, and he comes home, watches as much fucking cross-content as he can and editing with the other hand like this. No one in this space at the level that the group of people that you're following who put out content has a life. And if you're going to do a podcast,
Starting point is 00:14:06 you have no life. If it's going to be good. I don't just come on here and just fucking wing it. I had to read this fucking book. Stay up all night reading this fucking book for my guests this morning. Is it good? Yeah. This dude's fucking dope.
Starting point is 00:14:20 If you don't have a balance block, dude, you got, that was the guy this morning. Yeah. He was talking all about that and how there were no balance tests at the games this year. That's why no one has a chance.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Cause you got to make the videos and listen to the people that said about interviews. Yeah, exactly. I do. So whenever I'm so fucking hard, here's the, here's the headphone.
Starting point is 00:14:43 This is the one that stays in all day, all fucking day. This, uh headphone. This is the one that stays in all day. All fucking day. This doesn't... This is... This is just batshit crazy. Hal Roberts. He knows. Do you know what Hiller said to me the other day?
Starting point is 00:15:01 I don't even know if I should say it. Fuck, go ahead. Oh. I can't say it, but he's thinking about upping his output i'm just gonna put it like that and i'm like dude don't fucking burn out well i'm not gonna burn out he's thinking about upping his output. Everyone can speculate on that if they like. Speculate away. I thought Ben Bergeron looked really handsome in that video with Lauren Khalil.
Starting point is 00:15:41 He reminds me of the singer Bono from U2, but better looking. Ben Bergeron is great great looking how old is he 42 if he's not he looks like if he's like 31 he looks like shit but yeah he's a stud hey i kept staring at his triceps the whole time i gotta find this and i'm speaking speaking about being uh sexist you're objectifying their bodies so what i'm not objectifying their bodies their bodies are objects it is the roy it's it's the roids talking uh i haven't i'm not i'm not there yet do you think i'm gonna ask you a fucked up question
Starting point is 00:16:17 fuck you and your videos for planting this seed in my head yeah do you think this is so good okay so so so you think that there's a significant chance that hwpo pays mal o'brien a stipend a stipend i think it's ridiculous at this point to assume anything other than that. Okay. By the way, you've got to watch this. This is a good video. You killed two. Oh, God, I love the island video, the videos you play in that too. I threw it on the ground.
Starting point is 00:16:58 So then are you suggesting that Justin Medeiros was also offered money? Because there was a – Because he went out there with Adam Neiffer. I remember. That was for a day or two, right? And so hypothetically speaking, you think that there's a chance that she was training with James Townsend? She. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Hal O'Brien. Yes. And HWPO said – I knew this is where you were going with it. HWPO said, here's $100,000. Come train with us. And you think that there's also – so so give me what would that conversation look like pretend like i'm justin madaris and you're uh you would have o'keefe do it matt wouldn't do it right that's what they're there for right that's what i was saying i it literally clicks as i'm making
Starting point is 00:17:58 the video dude i'm sitting there and i'm like holy shit he just said ink dry like when the fuck do you say that like when, when you're signing contracts. Who signs contracts? Professional baseball players. They talk about it all the freaking time. And if you're a baseball player, are you going to go play for the Tampa Bay Rays, the Detroit Tigers, or are you going to go play for the New York Yankees, which are going to have worldwide reach?
Starting point is 00:18:20 You go play for the Yankees. They're giving more money. What? Hang on. Just so you know what Hiller's talking about this we're talking about this part right here it's too quiet it is yeah i can't really hear it i appreciate you telling me that oh because i'm not sharing the fucking screen god i need worse caleb and suza hey by the way i just sent you a link with something
Starting point is 00:18:55 okay okay here we go thank you for uh speaking up with matt fraser absolutely fucking not i guess we want to work with him but it's likely they're also being put under some sort of money i mean there are agents right we know matt o'keefe is an agent we know that story is an agent what do you think that they do you think they just try to get people freaking bang sponsorships or c4 oh get me a c4 sponsorship i love the shit i think that the agents were just like scott boris does for the freaking mlb and when he's got a free agent like garrett cole or chris bryant they're trying to get him as much money as freaking possible from It's Scott Boras does for the freaking MLB. And when he's got a free agent like Garrett Cole or Chris Bryant, they're trying to get them as much money as freaking possible from the organization that they're going to be working with or playing for.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I was just reading something this morning on about what will Aaron judge's contract be. It's something that is a huge part of sports. Aaron judge who plays for the New York Yankees is can speculate. It has to, it has to'm it has it has okay here we go i'm curious like tell us what is going on inside of comp train is this like a new model where you used to train just like like you said for high level athletes but you're looking to expand i know you guys took on sydney uh mcgillish back in february what are some of those plans yeah so we have some new athletes coming on which i'll be excited to talk about when we're not ready
Starting point is 00:20:01 because they have other stuff to kind of work through as well. The ink hasn't dried yet, is what you're saying? It has, but they still have things to work through as well. Sure, fair. We don't want to break the news for them before. I want to break the news before the ink dries. Lauren Cleo is so professional. By the way, Lauren, what the fuck are you doing doing live shows? This isn't live. It's recorded.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Oh, I thought you said it was live no i was in the so it was a live premiere it was recorded oh yeah yeah yeah stay in your live premiere yeah live premiere um i am hop seriously what does it matter if the athletes are getting paid or properly represented good for them a one oh 100 no bad. 100%. I'm saying it's good. I'm saying it's odd. But there does become a poaching component when – and there's nothing wrong with this, but there's a disproportionate amount of power and money probably in the WPO camp, which lets him pick whoever he wants, and kudos to him. But I just would – just from a purely curious – curiosity perspective, just from a curiosity perspective, how much money did they offer Justin Medeiros where he's like, nope, I'm staying with Adam Neiffer? 100? 200? 300? 500? nothing he just wants to stay oh we lost seven i can't wait for him to pull up this link this is good because i'll send him a link on something i missed in the video he's back i sent you that link you got to pull that up i was talking about my link that i sent you say that again i sent you a link yeah pull that up i don't know how many people know this i don't even know if you know this but it would be it would be crazy if
Starting point is 00:21:47 is it the change to the rankings thing yes and it's highlighted in purple or maybe it's just the second paragraph oh yeah yeah yeah I did know that yes yes yes yes yes so it's just interesting it doesn't really mean much. Yeah. Is that – Hiller's showing me this from 2010 affiliate cover rankings.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Two athletes, Ben Bergeron and Derek Muhammad from the CrossFit New England team tested positive for the use of stimulant. That's basically just like taking too much caffeine right yes it was in a lot of pre-workouts back then yeah so it doesn't really mean much that's what i meant by that but it's still it's just something that not many people knew said ben bergeron was one of the original people to pop for using something yeah probably one of the most benign things that someone – Correct, yeah. It was the stuff that everybody liked in the pre-workout back then. But I just do find – I do find it interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:52 And here's another thing about that video. You – what do you think about this? You were saying that, hey, if I went to comp train, I'd want to train with Ben Bergeron. But Jason Hopper's at HWPO, and he's not training with Fraser. He's Marconi's. Pretty interesting, right? Yeah. Do you, are, do you, um, Thanks Mason.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I know it's old news. Do you think that's not the first time? Go ahead. Do you think that, do you think that sucks that I, and I appreciate you bringing it up. Um, do you think that sucks for Hopper? Like, do you not like that? Is he the B team? I mean, because basically you're saying you wouldn't go to comp train unless you had been.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Do we know how much it's that he's working exclusively with Marconi? There is no inclusion of Frazier? It's not that there's no inclusion of Frazier. I've just heard over and over and over that Marconi's his guy. That's his daily guy. And I suspect that Matt is Mal's daily guy. And once again, there's no problem with that. I mean, there's only so much fucking bandwidth one dude can have.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I'd agree with that, yeah. Especially with everything else that he's got going on. I don't know. I mean, it's what Hopper signed up for. I don't think that there's any issue if that's what he's willing to do. And maybe there's just no world in which Medeiros is going to go leave to work with whomever he would have been situated with. Maybe he would have been with Marconi and he's like, I'm going to leave in no world for no amount of money to work with Marconi. That's his decision. And he's just going to continue winning the games. Like, what way are you going to make more money and be more marketable? It's kind of back to the Aaron Judge situation, right? He'll make more money, be more marketable on the Yankees. And Justin will get the Rogue sponsorship that you're kind of fiending for
Starting point is 00:24:35 because he's going to win the games. And Rogue always sponsors the male and female games winners, don't they? And they sponsor a shitload of athletes, don't they? I know it was always like froning bridges the winners i just assumed that it was everyone with a t-shirt that they sponsored maybe i'm wrong uh call her somewhere hi what's up y'all so or not a question but a thought so you know how shane is kia's main coach he's around the other one but he does not really coach the other ones like yes he'll talk to burke he'll talk to saxon but kia is the main one i think it's going to stay that way with matt
Starting point is 00:25:22 and mal he's not taking anyone else. He's not doing Katrin. He's not doing Amanda Barnhart. Nobody. Not Jason Hopper. It's Mal, Mal only for a quality reason. It's like you always want the quality and not the quantity.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And then they got Harry Pauly Harry Pauly for the other guys, the B team. Yep. Yep. And he already knows all, like, what, three or four of them came with him. It was Quan, Amanda, and Katrin. So he already knows them.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Probably knows them like the back of their hand. They're probably easy to coach for him. so like he already knows them probably knows them like the back of their hand they're probably easy to coach for him but matt just coming off of just coaching himself and he had help the whole time but he's like all right i'm gonna stick with mal mal's my girl marconi is probably forced i think forced but not really forced like but he's an employee and an athlete in himself to just do Jason. The other guy can do whatever the fuck he wants with that because
Starting point is 00:26:29 oh hey, you're a third coach. You're an associate. You're not my main guy. Marconi is the head coach of HWTF. Hey, let me ask you this. The comment section is saying that there's a video of Matt working one-on-one with Katrin, by the way. There's a video of matt working one-on-one with katrin by the way there's a yeah but that's like i get one time like he's gonna work with him like in
Starting point is 00:26:52 intervals i guess you could say but like i feel like he's only gonna write for mal there uh you like that that's what i mean by that my bad i didn't let me let me let me throw this in the mix this is off subject just a little bit but another thing that um uh hopper has what fucking jr did uh picking the games workouts this year is fucking awesome it's kind of not even right it's like you i i if anyone wanted to be like hey he cheated and he knows someone there he hacked into ad Adrian's emails. Like I'm down. I'm game for hearing that.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It was just the, there was just too many, like seven for seven on picking shit. It was ridiculous. Well, I'm thinking maybe the only reason why Hopper would go to HWPO is for money. He wants to train and he doesn't want to have to worry about money. And,
Starting point is 00:27:42 uh, Fraser cuts him a check for $64,000, which makes him the richest town and whatever fucking, fucking tiny podunk town he lives in on the East coast. But, but I mean, you got Jr, you got the crash crucible guy.
Starting point is 00:27:56 That guy's no joke. You got fucking Taylor there to fucking, he could use Taylor like a bitch. Yeah. And, uh, so I think it's money, but another thing is games competition.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Like, and it's that crazy experience Matt has that no one else has. Exactly. And it's remember, you can't put a price tag on that. You can't put a price tag on that. No. And so I think he,
Starting point is 00:28:21 I mean, Taylor and J are going to know, right? Like they would probably know the exact thing. Cause they're friends with them. He trains with them, y mean, Taylor and JR are going to know, right? Like they would probably know the exact thing because they're friends with them. He trains with them, yada, yada. But I think he goes there because it's like, okay, I'm going to train with Mal. This is the Matt Tia in quotations, like type of training,
Starting point is 00:28:35 but he sticks with JR, Taylor and Marconi. It's like the head guy, but he's also working with Taylor and J.R. I don't think so. You know, not at all. I think Matt says get up at eight, touch your toes, take a shit, kiss your wife, go to gym, work out. I think like Matt, like not Matt Marconi. I think Marconi's got him on a strict, I would guess. I mean, if they're paying him, he's got it.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I would guess that they're like you have to. He's a property right i think that we're missing the entire point of this is why don't any of them talk about it that's that was the main reason i want to talk about it either i brought up and i don't know i would keep that shit private too yeah i mean i don't fucking want anyone knowing fucking the seven hundred thousand dollars a year i'm making on this podcast what's the difference between these professional athletes and those professional athletes? Why do we get to know how much
Starting point is 00:29:29 Justin Fields on the Bears makes? You know his signing bonus. You know everything. Oh, yeah. The contracts are out there. The teams make sure that people know, too. That's why I like the shit with Kyler Murray, the quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals, leaked that he had to do four hours of film study a week because he plays too much fucking call of duty and he's one of the greatest athletes in the world they're like
Starting point is 00:29:54 and it leaked like and it's not i don't even think it leaked i think they're just like it's out there because most contracts are like that so yeah yeah of course of course it's an nd there's an nda magnus but what what um what um uh mr hiller and mr samuel are saying is you know why why did they have him sign an nda why don't they let it be known out there doesn't that help the hwpo brand and doesn't that everyone think better of them maybe hey another thing you hang with matt and you get a shitload of more followers and you got access to one professional sport that doesn't disclose that information so i mean if anything it's just the trade what there isn't one oh there isn't one right no it would honestly help go ahead it would CrossFit. It would start showing like HWPO,
Starting point is 00:30:45 comp train, training thing. Like, oh, hey, this is the money that you make from these people, like these brands and yada yada. Like not even just as a brand. It's like, okay, I can do an athlete camp
Starting point is 00:30:57 because I'm going to make a hundred fucking thousand dollars this year just with them. That doesn't even count on my endorsement. Yeah, I can do an athlete camp. I'm not working. My only job is CrossFit. and then i would give more people like oh shit you mean i don't have to fucking go do i don't have to play football i hate people knowing my business i hate
Starting point is 00:31:16 people knowing my money business seven one of the games that i was obsessed with growing up and everyone's like you're a fucking idiot for saying this was just a manager game of baseball growing up so when you were like an imaginary team owner and you had to put all the numbers into the right spots so that you were a profitable business and i just don't see any difference between like a hard work pays off as a business and then also using the money that you pay your athletes or players in that baseball game as something to say hey this is how much my business is worth and it's something that you kind of present to everybody and say if you are the cubs you're worth uh you have a payroll of 150 million a year if
Starting point is 00:31:54 you're the detroit tigers you have 50 million dollar payroll a year and if you ever want to sell your business it's like well this is what we pay our players this is what we're worth it just do you think like do you think that I'm like the manager of like Starbucks, like it should be disclosed how much they make. It is. Oh, it pretty much is. It is.
Starting point is 00:32:13 But I mean like the specific guy, you know, that once your manager at Starbucks, you make between 32 and $106,000 a year, depending on your, but, but, but like,
Starting point is 00:32:22 I own seven McDonald's. My aunt, on your whatever but but but like i own seven mcdonald's who does who does my aunt she does not pay a single general manager less than 150 000 it's in houston wait how many general managers do you need for five stores five wow hey wow Hey, could I interview, could your aunt come on my show? I'll ask her. Your aunt owns five McDonald's? No, it's seven. It's seven and two. Dude, I got a guy who owns some McDonald's if you want one.
Starting point is 00:32:58 So I'll fight you for him, Samuel. Yeah. How many McDonald's does your guy own, Hillary? I'm not going to say it with y'all. Somewhere between three and five. Oh my God. I would love to, I'd love to fucking talk to him. Let me,
Starting point is 00:33:10 let me send this text out really quick. So, well, well boys, I got to go. So good night and fuck Dan Bailey. Yeah. And mind your own business.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yeah. Good. Good. Nevermind. You're a good dude. Bye. Thank you. Oh, geez. I'm sorry good dude, Sammo. Bye. Thank you. Oh,
Starting point is 00:33:26 geez. I'm sorry, Dan. Not sorry. Dan Bailey. Okay. Where were we with my notes? So it wasn't a live stream. How funny was that comment from Alexis? I got to give her props. Which one?
Starting point is 00:33:41 Which one? Oh, that was her. I didn't even look who did it i didn't even that was alexis good work oh oh yeah that was good oh shit that's so funny i thought it was actually a video ideas i thought it was actually a dude whoa i know her hair is short but that's fucked up dude i just saw alex uh it's Alexis, yeah. She's good. She's funny. And no, I don't have to pay her to say that. That shit just comes out of her mouth.
Starting point is 00:34:10 It's good. We talked about people who hate women. And so anytime anyone says anything nice about them, they're called sexist. It's just so ridiculous to me that my process is I just start going. And I don't think twice about it. It's not me trying to be a dick. And then someone's like, wow, he's really going to say that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 You're very, you're very well behaved. So, so do we think Justin was offered money? Okay. I'll pretend like I'm Matt O'Keefe and you're Justin Madaris and you're in the gym and, um, uh, and you're over there and, and there's a bunch of people around and be like, Oh, hi, nice of you to in the gym and um uh and you're over there and and there's a bunch of people around be like oh hi nice of you to come justin good to see you you're o'keefe yeah and you're justin hey o'keefe how you doing good to be here good hey you know eventually i
Starting point is 00:34:58 mean you can see we're building out here it's going to be great here and we're going to have a bunch of athletes here and it's going to be really nice. And I'm glad you're here. This is kind of like a test run, a beta, just to see what it's like to have six or seven people working out at the same time and do some training camp here. Okay. I feel like you're getting after something. You're trying to. Medeiros doesn't say that. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Medeiros would say, fuck, can I bring my girlfriend with? Oh, of course. Of course. Oh, okay. Of course. Of course. I'm not good at role playing. That's not my shtick.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I'm finding that out right now. Well, I don't even know how Matt O'Keefe would bring it. But you're saying that subtly it was somehow slipped in there. That it's like, and by the way, we have a great compensation package for athletes who sign with HWPO. You think that Medeera – go ahead. Raise one eyebrow for me. That's two. Oh, you can't control those fuckers.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You don't control those. Those do their own thing? They do their own thing. Oh, shit. I think that – yeah. Anyway, that wasn't the worst caller in history. I thought that was great. I felt like almost like a sports show.
Starting point is 00:36:08 You have no idea how much of a jackass I feel like for not being able to play along. I can't be the imaginary Justin Medeiros. I can't. That's okay. I was struggling with O'Keefe. It's not built into me. No, you were a great O'Keefe. So Hopper works with Marconi.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Imagine you're O'Keefe and I'm me and hard work pays off wants me to go i can be me i can be me really good andrew will pay you a hundred thousand dollars if you just never talk shit about mad ever again capisce never talk shit about mad ever again okay you might you must know about the video i got coming up i'm gonna need 200 000 200 000 200 000 i'm gonna need 500 000 for this video to never see the light of day oh no it's all fired up oh no that was better i feel i felt a lot better about that one. Is there any truth in that conversation we just had? Yeah. I only speak truth, dude. That's why I'm not good at the role-playing thing. I'm like, all right, I'm going to make up 30 things at once.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I can't fucking do it. You should have seen us role-playing at the Yacht Club when I was 10 margaritas deep, and we were just in bathing suits going down the water slide. He was role-playing. I yacht club uh when i was 10 margaritas deep and we were just in bathing suits going down the water slide he was role-playing i didn't have to i didn't i didn't have to i can say whatever i want about crossfitters boys okay um so but you did say that um so you do kind of lump hopper up in that it's not it wouldn't be ideal for andrew hiller if you signed with hwpo you'd want to work directly with matt if that's what i was not one of your competitors marconi is one of his competitors one of one of hopper's competitors is his daddy he He calls Marconi daddy. Hello, daddy.
Starting point is 00:38:05 What are we doing today? Yeah, that's odd to me. I'm in so much trouble. But Hopper did do better this year, so I'm not – I don't know, man. Hey, he's the last – he's the hope. All the hope's on Hopper. I got nothing bad to say about Jake Marconi. I mean, that's not true about a lot of people as a lot of people know,
Starting point is 00:38:25 but Marco, try to interview him, try to interview him. Uh, let me, let me show you. I mean, Hopper is the hop.
Starting point is 00:38:36 I think Hopper is, um, I think we're going to see, I think he is going to win the games next year. I just, I, I, uh, you got justin madaris uh seven times crossfit games champion um well he's gonna be seven uh roman krennikoff who um is his senior citizen ricky gerrard senior citizen he's 28 man he's 28 as well man click
Starting point is 00:39:00 on bro roman's 27 click on him bro Scroll the fuck up and click on that dude. There you go. 27. And Gerard's 28. Now, Samuel Quant's the wild card. I can speculate on Samuel Quant's body. He looked like shit during the MAAC when he was in the middle of the pack. And this year, he looked like a jacked god.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And then down here, you have Jason Hopper. Hey, all these dudes are just gonna, like, these dudes are gonna die, and Hopper hey all these dudes are just gonna like these dudes are gonna die and Hopper is gonna be number two Hopper is going to be the number it's gonna we're gonna watch maybe one after this 2023
Starting point is 00:39:36 2024 2025 2026 2027 it is going to be just it's gonna be the Jason Hopper Justin Madera show Jason Hopper is gonna be the Patrick a little bit more Madera show. Jason Hopper is going to be the Patrick. Scroll down a little bit more. The Patrick Vellner to Matt Fraser. Look,
Starting point is 00:39:52 Goodmanson, probably going to be in a Bond movie. That's good. That's good. I would watch that. Keep scrolling. Lazar and Saxon will fight it out. Guy will fight it out.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Noah, bye-bye. Cole, bye-bye. Cole, bye-bye. Nick Matthews will probably get into drugs and vanish off the scene. Dude, that's fucked. No one wears a crop top who's not in a meth. Brent Fikowski, I heard last week he went and picked his plot out at the graveyard. I mean, these guys are...
Starting point is 00:40:22 Travis. Travis Mayer's having his eighth kid. Yeah, these guys are for travis travis mayer's having his eighth kid yeah it's gonna these guys are all gonna make room it's gonna be down pepper will come up here and be fighting to get on the podium but it's gonna be the justin madaris jason hopper show jason hopper is going to be the um play the foil roll into the point where we got to Colton. And I was going to say, there we go. Finally, someone who's going to fight Medeiros for the top of the leaderboard. Enrico Zanoni, he's younger.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Well, it is going to be good for Colton. So is Grace Shaber, Cole. Ten of these dudes are going to get out of Colton's way. Colton will be 20th place next year. I'm waiting for Colton just to dominate everybody. Will Moran is old, and he has to be blocked on Instagram. This is the smartest comment of the... Hopper and Mal haven't been properly socialized.
Starting point is 00:41:17 That's what people are going to say about my kids. Oh, no. Dude, your little dudes are awesome. They interact rather well, I think. Either that or they're just trying to beat the shit out of me. So maybe that's not proper socialization either. Boys, you can't beat the shit out of random people you just met. Andrew Hiller, you can.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Choke him out. Choke him out. Choke him out. Oh, yeah. And then he blasted. Oh, that part. Oh, Richard, you're breaking my heart. You're breaking the thing.
Starting point is 00:41:46 He he's getting better and everyone's getting out of his way. That's what I'm telling you. Like all those, all those people in front of him are going to fall off the scene and hoppers getting better. So one way or another, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Something like that. I mean, he doesn't even have pores. And he's much less uh or he's much more lean than i thought he was having had met him in person i should listen to jr if jr gives you a phone call after you make a video on jason hopper's body fat you mean you know he's he means some shit yeah jr called me he goes dude he's leaner than you think and i was like okay you know you got right to the point when ben bergeron was on my show i asked him if he thought colton mertens would make it to the games or something like that and we discussed what his thoughts were on it i remember and he gave a criteria of what the ideal body looks like to
Starting point is 00:42:40 go to the games yeah i remember that i thought that was cool i think that's kind of sort of what i was thinking of as i was doing my little tirade on it because he talks about it he's not going to bring people in that are way outside of his range which you just brought up and i don't blame him he's had so much bandwidth there's nothing there was really nothing wrong with what he was saying. It was just the speculation about the fact that people are signed. And everyone in CrossFit is so fucking stupid. They're like, oh, I wonder what was happening behind closed doors.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Their contracts were up. Oh, with all of them. Meaning that. Why is Katrin leaving? Why is she traveling across the waters? It's like, well, her contract was up. Well, OK, OK, OK. Time for role playing part two.
Starting point is 00:43:33 What if Amanda Barnhart or Katrin or Samuel Quant had two years left on their contract and they came to Ben and they're like, hey, I think my time here is up. I think he'd let them out of the contract. Why? Because Ben's such a good guy yeah he's good guys don't give a fuck about paperwork no yes absolutely not yes how well do you know him i don't know him well at all i know that he had glass i know he had plastic panels up in his gym during cove i know he threw Greg under the bus for Floyd 19. Why is Chandler Smith still there? But that's... Answer
Starting point is 00:44:13 the question. Because he likes Ben. Because he likes Ben. Because he likes Heather's body. Because he's sexist and he likes Heather's body. Is that right? I think he just got married. I'm going to say that's not true.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Here's the thing. He said in that video that if someone wants to leave, he would never try to talk them out of it. What are you going to say? I don't think Chandler – you think that if Chandler Smith wants to leave and he goes up to wherever – let say hwpo oh let's choose someone else um no let's choose chandler smith let's say he's the only one left let's say chandler smith goes up to hwpo you think that ben bergeron's gonna like there's gonna be a public lawsuit he's gonna like send a collection agency you can breach a contract you have to pay me back sixty two thousand dollars no CrossFitters are too scared to do that sort of stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I don't think it would be public either. Nothing in CrossFit is public either. What is publicity? There's no scary money things in CrossFit. Yeah. There's no one. There's no one fighting dogs either. Not,
Starting point is 00:45:21 no, that's Michael Vick's job. Um, uh, when I hear someone say bro science oh god i just think that they're tools like as soon as i hear that i think oh you must be like they're like oh enough of the bro science i think oh you must you're just a fucking idiot like you you don't you can't think for yourself god that pissed me off so much the bro science thing he's referencing a whole lot that every once in a while i'll put up a video with a
Starting point is 00:45:55 thumbnail and a title and i go i wonder if this can get a couple of people outside the crossfit world to come on into the crossfit world and listen to some of the cool stuff we've got going on here that was one of those videos and that person I was hoping would have been someone else, but apparently he's seen other videos of mine and is already in the CrossFit space. And I took that one a little personally. And I was like, dude, you're supposed to be better than this. It's the exact same thing as saying eggs were unhealthy. Now they're healthy. Wait, you know who that is? You know who it is? No, I just know that it's someone who has already been watching my videos.
Starting point is 00:46:29 They reference that. I've seen your videos and I'm hoping that you don't go all bro science-y on us because I'll have to unsubscribe from your channel. And I was like, all right, fucking see you later. Because if this is what you think, then I'm never going to win with you anyway. Because it's very much like everything that you always talk about. You're going to listen to the doctors. You're going to listen to the studies coming out right now.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Is that what you're going to do? Or are you going to listen to the fact that everyone who takes creatine over the past decade still has hair? And like recently, maybe one study with 10 people and it found that five of them have lost hair, but they were also predisposed to losing hair and they also did heroin. So their hair is falling out. Oh, it was from that. It was from that video.
Starting point is 00:47:11 It was in that video. Yeah. And he was talking about creatine specifically to like, Jesus Christ, dude. That's, um, that's one of the ones I didn't see. I can't, there's two that I didn't see. One of my favorite comments in rebuttal to that, somebody goes, I've been taking creatine for a decade and I'm bald. I stopped taking creatine and my hair didn't grow back. I can say when it goes, it goes.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And usually what happens is you take creatine 20, 30, 40, you get older, people lose their hair when they get older. And usually there's a whole bunch of other stuff. People just say creatine is making you lose hair. And they're correlating that with the androgenic side effects of performance enhancing drugs. Androgenic? Why did you have to put your name in there? Andro.
Starting point is 00:48:00 A-N-D-R-O-genic. Androgenic. Did you catch that part in there too? That's something that I've always thought is very interesting. Andro, A-N-D-R-O-genic, androgenic. Did you catch that part in there too? That's something that I've always thought is very interesting. You go to like a GNC or a vitamin shop and you'll walk around and it has all of these claims and it goes, okay, they're taking this claim from this drug. It's like you take clenbuterol, it's a fat burner. burner and you look at a hydroxy cut bottle and all the hydroxy cut like big old words on the front are very resemblant of what the drug clenbuterol will do for you it's one of the things i referenced in that video i haven't seen that video that's gonna be next it's it's it's the
Starting point is 00:48:36 makes you bald i know no i watched i listen i skipped these two that was what i was trying to tell you this one and this one i i went watched this one, this one, this one. Then I saw Ben and I'm like, oh no, is Hiller hating on Ben? No, I wasn't really hating on Ben. You weren't hating on him, I know. I thought you said you skipped it. No, I watched this one. I skipped these two.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Oh, okay. I watched this one. I was frustrated. I know you're not into that. Oh, this? Yeah. oh okay i watched this one i was frustrated i know you're not into that oh uh this yeah i wonder if i you know no you weren't i don't know what you weren't into it i didn't watch that one i didn't watch that you said you just watched it you skipped i didn't i lied i lied i didn't watch that one i watched this of these six i watched this one this one and this one I watched this one, this one, and this one. But I am going to go back and watch these two and this one.
Starting point is 00:49:28 This one, though, I'm going to have to be put on suicide watch. That's fine. You don't have to watch that one. I do have to. Hey, are you happy with this? Are you glad you did this? Like when you see this, are you like two, four, six? It's an experiment.
Starting point is 00:49:41 That's all. It's 8,000 plus six. It's 14,000 views. Yeah, but those don't really mean much. It's like TikTok. Do you ever go on TikTok? No? I heard that there's a guy at Apple, an executive at Apple. There's a TikTok video where he says that he drives fast cars and fondles tits big tits on women and something else and and it was on tiktok and he got fired he's like a top 30 executive at apple did you see that on tiktok no i didn't see that on tiktok okay so go sorry
Starting point is 00:50:17 tiktok what about tiktok something like so if you you'll have a YouTube video up, it'll get 10,000 views. Let's think your Ellie Turner video the other day got like 10,000 views. That would be like a TikTok video getting a million. Oh, just because of the minutes watched. You got 19,000 subscribers on YouTube, and I think it's 25 to one is kind of the correlation there. So I'm almost going to hit 20,000. It would be as if I had a million TikTok subscriber followers. There is much easier to get in the viewership is odd there.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And it doesn't, it's not. So when I look at these shorts videos and they get like three to 4,000 views, it's like, eh, like, fuck,
Starting point is 00:51:00 I'd much rather make the first failed drug test from the CrossFit games video. Right. 25,000. Are you going to fuck around with any more? I really liked, I enjoyed these. Dude, that took so fucking long to make too. It took me like eight hours to put it together.
Starting point is 00:51:16 And you released them all in one day? No, I did five on Saturday and six on Sunday. Or maybe it was six and five. Well, I really enjoyed them. That thing, the number one thing, or which is the one that's the cage? That's number one. Yeah, that thing's crazy. It's like 10 grand?
Starting point is 00:51:37 Yeah. Well, I actually have the bench. I think that that's number eight. You do have the bench? Yeah, it's awesome it's the it's like my favorite piece of equipment and i put it off for a long time because i didn't think i needed it but i love it do you know what i use for so i'm so this is so pathetic i have a rogue kids squat rack i'm listening i'm listening i have a roads rogue kids squat rack i should
Starting point is 00:52:08 show it to you i wonder if i could find it what the fuck you doing heavy who is this you're live on the air careful who is this it's mccoy motherfucker oh hey what's up you're live on the podcast are you doing a podcast right now yeah you, you're... Oh, because I think it's attached to my other phone. This goddamn podcast going around, the most honest podcast going around, leads to honest shit. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Thank you. I love this podcast. Like, are we really live? We're live. We're live. You're here with Andrew Hiller and 200 other people. Hiller's an interesting cat. People are not sure about that
Starting point is 00:52:46 like, that motherfucker. I'm not sure about him anymore. I like the guy. Hey, thank you. Thank you. I like the guy. I like the guy. I like the guy.
Starting point is 00:52:56 You know, people hate on him, but at least he talks some, like, truth. Wait, who hates on him? Who hates on him? Wait, what are you talking about? Well, people would hate too too hate on the motherfucker. Oh. You know?
Starting point is 00:53:07 All those people they too are fucking bitches. Not all of them. Not all of them. No, not all of them, but some of them, you know? Some of them. I mean, look, you know, we know who I'm talking about. I need a ratio. I want to show you how cool I...
Starting point is 00:53:26 Dear Bill and Katie, look it. I'm not clicking the ad again. I'm going down here. I just saved you guys eight cents or something. Wait, wait. What are you talking about Bill and Katie? Everyone from Rope is cool. I love Rope.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah. I'm just showing a squat rack, McCoy, that I have. I have this kid's squat rack. That's what I use. That's what I use. And I have, that's what I bench on. And I have like a, a jazz or size,
Starting point is 00:53:49 like a step, step something that I, that I bench on. That's my bench, like a plastic jazz or size step up for my bench. It's a pathetic. Yes. As lazy as you were as the head of media,
Starting point is 00:54:03 right? Yes. Yes. Totally. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no were as the head of media, right? Yes, yes, totally. No, no, no. Don't you think it's like you got shit done, and these other motherfuckers pretend to be all about women's health and helping everybody, but they're fucking bullshit motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:54:19 They're fucking liars. At least you never lied about shit. So you think I was lazy over there? Yeah, I think you... I mean, you were just doing your thing, man. But I loved you. You got shit done. Tell me more, Michael.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Tell me more. You were never really around, my man. Yeah. I love you to death. You were on top of me death this motherfucker's for this motherfucker Mike is a filmmaker he was for him to talk to me he needed to talk to someone to talk to someone to talk to
Starting point is 00:54:56 someone he was four levels fucking below me I was fucking too busy getting fucking I was too busy at the top of the fucking ladder you were hanging out with greg killing dog i love it man but look the company ran way better the company sucks now the company like what what is the media they're doing right now what the fuck is the media they're doing right now they don't have they don't have a media team. That's the problem. Do you still work? That's the thing. Listen.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Listen to me. Listen to me. He did right before this call. That's what the smartest people do. Say that again. Devon, you, the smartest people hire all the people to do the right job, right? What the fuck is going on over there right now? You didn't need to do shit.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Mr. McCoy. Mr. McCoy. Yes. Yes. now you didn't need to do shit uh mr mccoy mr mccoy yes yes i was very busy on the 70th floor while you were on the first floor playing with your camera oh man come on man you were you were chilling you were enjoying shit come on i was enjoying shit i was enjoying shit exactly i was enjoying people actually do the shit yes yes What are they doing over there now? Nothing. But don't get it twisted. I got my, until they slapped my hands, I got my hands dirty. I did that behind the scenes every fucking year, and I didn't have to.
Starting point is 00:56:15 You watch it, boy. You watch it, boy. No, listen, Ted. Ted. Yeah, yeah, yeah, tell him. I don't think I'm trying to hate on you. No, I know you're not. I know.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I'm sensitive. I'm a sensitive man. I love, no,'m a sensitive man. I love. No, listen. Come on. Everyone knows you were just chilling, but you hired people to do the job, and the media team went crazy. I mean, we were killing shit.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Killing shit. Savage. At least they did stuff. That's exactly what you're supposed to do. Hiller, don't start buying into his story and saying at least they did stuff. Just. Okay, let's not kill it let's say he was let's say he's telling the truth because there's a there's a truth in everything right there was media coming out every single day you can't say the same thing about present day dude let me tell you something howard dade first
Starting point is 00:57:00 of all i i mccoy you demand you're you awesome. But up until they fired the fucking media team, I was the most prolific fucking person at fucking HQ. I did a fucking podcast every two or fucking three days in that room. And that podcast changed, changed, was the strongest correlate that we had for the increase in sales for the L1. So that's why when McCoy comes on, yes, I do. You were never really around, Sammy. That's bullshit. You were never really around Come on I did a hundred podcasts
Starting point is 00:57:28 Out of fucking CrossFit HQ In 2018 motherfucker From 2017 to 2018 I had to put your name on my videos And I was like you had nothing to do with any of them I'm the reason you had a job Motherfucker What are you talking about
Starting point is 00:57:44 I ain't hating on you. I know you're not hating on me. I know you're not hating on me. Listen, you were awesome. You were always the best to me. I love you to death. But I'm not hating on you in this life. I want you to love me, know that I was chilling, and the hardest worker in the room. All fucking three. I'm not taking on you in this life. I want you to love me, know that I was chilling,
Starting point is 00:58:05 and the hardest worker in the room. All fucking three. I'm not taking two out of three. No, you were the hardest worker in the room. Get the fuck out of here. You were not the hardest worker. Get the fuck out of here. You were MIA 24-7.
Starting point is 00:58:18 You were not the hardest at all. Oh, my goodness. No, listen. You hired amazing people. That's your job. You were like the media director. Okay? I'm sad you're not there
Starting point is 00:58:31 because since you've gone, that fucking place is a disaster. That place is a disaster. Haynes is a fucking, he's a disaster. Okay? Yes, I agree. Like, they need to get rid of,
Starting point is 00:58:43 like, Haynes is like, if we're going live, fuck that shit. If I be Like, Haynes is like... If we're going live, fuck that shit. If I be honest, Haynes is like... Fuck them off, man. They suck balls. They've done nothing. At least he pushed things forward. Haynes has been put into a horrible situation.
Starting point is 00:59:00 That's basically what happened. Haynes is put into a fucking... Oh, my God, dude. I used to love the guy, man dude he's been put into a fucking horrible horrible situation and it didn't and it didn't help you know how so you know how so
Starting point is 00:59:16 the fucking DEI council shit happened they fired everyone they fucking took Haynes on as the guy to fucking run the ship then he was fucking manipulated through his cock. And, uh, and,
Starting point is 00:59:26 and now they got a, just a, they got a fucked up situation around him. And then on top of that, what? And Haynes has changed. And the fact that got rid of like Dave, yourself,
Starting point is 00:59:40 like it's ruined. Look, as much as Tony, like buddy was like a weirdo motherfucker. Okay. When we had the media conference and we like sat down in San Francisco and it was stated, we, we're not a fitness company. We're a media company.
Starting point is 00:59:54 He was correct on that. Where's the media? Yeah. Like, listen, I ain't trying to hate on the situation. I want CrossFit to succeed no matter what happens moving forward. I love being a tech tool company that does well. At the moment, it's crap. Where's the media going?
Starting point is 01:00:16 I like this. Bruce says you're losing your audience. Then Sam says weekly call with this dude. Let me tell you, Bruce, we are not losing the audience. We might be losing a couple people. What do you mean you're not losing the audience? Don't worry. Let me tell you, seismic shit just fucking went out.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Dude, there's no media at the moment, man. I think the real question, McCoy, is, is it better with or without Sevan? Pardon? What was that? Sorry. Is it better with or without Mr. Matosian? It's worse without Sevan? Pardon? What was that? Sorry. Is it better with or without Mr. Matosian? It's worse without Sevan. It's worse.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Alright, so yeah, that's the only question you need to know. I'm probably guessing it's much worse, correct? No, do you agree or not? Do I agree? Oh, I think it's much worse. Colby, I hired everyone who's probably over there.
Starting point is 01:01:05 I'm happy CrossFit fired him because that's the only reason I know him now. Colby, I probably hired everyone over there who's a content creator, who's an actual content creator, every single person who's still there. So to say that about McCoy is like, I hired a fucking hundred people over there, dude. All right, Michael, thank you for calling. I love you. If you want to have a private call later, let's chat. Jeff knows.
Starting point is 01:01:29 You cutting me off? You cutting me off? Just because I have to move on with the show. But, I mean, you have a nice voice, and it's nice having you on. What's the show? What's the show? Tell me what the show is. Tune in to the Sevan podcast forward slash YouTube forward slash.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yes. Okay. Final point. Yes. Sevan was the man. Even final final point yes the one was the man even though he was lazy he was the man and media sucked balls without him there all right thank you brother appreciate it nice talking to you homie all right give us a lowdown mccoy right right? That was his name. Michael McCoy. Yeah. I can't. You don't want to say anything about Michael, but I will tell you this. You can just go on to you can just type into CrossFit and look at all the content that was made from when I started from 2000.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Just type in my name and start searching around from 2006 to 2018. out just type in my name and start searching around from 2006 to 2018 and those last four years that there wasn't much i could do they fired the entire media team and they the the ceo who gave his mistress uh the director of media position and so i was just i just fucking just hung out basically i was told not to make any content and then and then when greg sold the company i started making shit loads of content i became the number one content maker again no no one can dispute that not even the second the second no you can just go on it i made a fucking 100 podcasts in a one year period i made the behind the scenes every year it was fucking nuts that was just the tip of what i did i pretty when he says i had to put my name on your video yeah motherfucker because i had to manage the dude who had i had to listen to the dude who managed you complain about you for three
Starting point is 01:03:08 hours a day because you were fucking off in australia spending too much money and fucking too many chicks and doing too many drugs that guy was from australia i couldn't tell jesus criminy i like lazy you're out he did repeat himself a couple of times so i get it why he thinks i'm lazy though i'm not offended like i get it he doesn't he doesn't he like he was on the food chain he was he was he was a creator i flew in the jet he's mad at you he's one of those people no he's not he loves me we're fans no he's cool hey you wanted you you heard gary roberts say i gave him a camera i met that dude in fucking new zealand at the affiliate gathering in 2012 i had a brand new 3500 sony camera after hanging out with him
Starting point is 01:04:04 for two days i I fucking gave it to him. I said, all I ask is that you make us a video for CrossFit. One video? Yeah. I don't even know if he ever made it. Hey, but he called you a decade later. Yeah, we talk and text. And all he did was talk
Starting point is 01:04:19 mad shit about you. Yeah. You didn't do anything. I know. Thanks for that camera, by the way. Oh, you jackass. Oh, look, he's texting me now. You jackass. What do you say? Dude, don't hate on me.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I love you. I love you, too. I'm not hating on you. You're just wrong. I'm not hating on you. He's one of those friends that you want to have. You don't want friends that are just going to say good shit about you. I had so much fun hanging out with that guy.
Starting point is 01:04:46 I've always enjoyed myself with him. And he's a great filmmaker. He's wild. You know what those are? And he says, and you did give me a camera. Yeah, just like, but that's not why we're friends. But, I mean, the first time I met you, I gave you a $3,500 camera. Oh, let's talk about till tommy tillman
Starting point is 01:05:05 you know that was one of my favorite videos up until i made the one for tomorrow the one for tomorrow is it's fucking nuts can you believe that though it's not about matt fraser is it depends how much he wants to pay me um um uh there's a guy named tommy tillman and he did some workouts and hiller made a video that wasn't ripping on him but was ripping on the criteria in which he was judged sorry i was also ripping on him okay he was ripping on him. But my takeaway was, is that it was this weird, it was this weird workout where there was a, you had to jump through a certain amount of hoops to move to the next phase. Yeah, it was a death by. What did you call it? It was a death by. Death by, okay. Death by wall balls, yeah. Yeah. So if you didn't get enough
Starting point is 01:06:00 reps done in a certain minute, you didn't graduate to the next minute. And early on, this guy has some seriously questionable reps that it's obvious aren't good so he should have been stopped but he was allowed to go through the entire workout and then he was just penalized a couple reps and and there was no he wasn't penalized at all okay he wasn't penalized at all but even if he would have been penalized some um hiller made some compelling um arguments that that wasn't enough that basically people could cheat on purpose and still get better scores than people who follow the rules. Just like the quarterfinal workout three where CrossFit did not look at it.
Starting point is 01:06:32 They didn't check the shuttle runs anywhere with the exception of like the top scores in the world. Like, Nope, you didn't do that. So they cleared off the top of the leaderboard. In this case, they didn't look at any of these wall ball workouts.
Starting point is 01:06:43 So you could put in whatever the fuck score you wanted, and that's what happened. And when Hiller made the video, instead of people coming to his defense and being like, hey, Hiller, you're wrong. He actually did do the workout correctly. They attacked Hiller, and it was kind of fucking ridiculous. It was like, hey, chill out.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And Hiller's like, hey, these are his family and friends. I kind of get it. But like, hey, you guys should shut the fuck up anyway flash forward to the games and the games have released they've started releasing well did they release it or did he come clean with it that was on it's on the game's website actually barbell spin that dude you know he's pretty good he found someone on the inside how do you good. Does he have someone on the inside? How do you get that? Does he have someone on the inside?
Starting point is 01:07:28 I think he checks a couple of spots that I don't frequent. And I asked him, I go, where'd you get that? And I was able to get the link to the page where it was releasing people like Tommy Tillman. There's no one else as of substance who popped for anything. But Tommy Tillman did pop for Clomid, Clomiphene. there's no one else like as of substance who who popped for anything but tommy tillman did pop for clomid clomiphene okay so this guy right so so in this video basically hillary goes so the guy that shouldn't have made it to the games has now popped yep so not only did he take the 11th place guy i believe the guy's name steve, was Steve Mann. Damn, I'm proud of that one. Steve Mann was the 11th place guy in that division. He should have been there. And now everyone who finished under fifth place and had points taken away. And it was just, I wonder if that had any repercussions on the leaderboard.
Starting point is 01:08:22 How did he do? Fifth. He finished fifth. And, and you spec, you're speculating now that you think a bunch of the dudes in the masters are on TRT. Uh, and that's not legal.
Starting point is 01:08:37 You think it's not legal, not, no, it's by legal. I mean, it's against the rules. I have, I have a video that I can put together, and I will soon.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I want to do an unboxing video of the stuff from California Hormones. I have a series of things that I want to do, but one of the videos for California Hormones I want to make is of the lab that they've got. In the lab, I'm walked around by one of their techs, like, here's this machine, here's this machine, here's this machine, going through the price points of all of them. And there is one machine that does, it'll tell you whether or not you've got X or Y in your blood.
Starting point is 01:09:15 And then if it has X or Y in your blood, then it ships it off to another machine that determines what Z is. And the reason that you don't run everything through Z is because it costs a shitload of money. I want to say it's 500 to a thousand dollars per test to look to see if you have, and in this case, what you would be looking for is testosterone in your system that wasn't made by you.
Starting point is 01:09:38 And I've mentioned somewhere before. So the first machine's like, I smell something and you're like, all right. And then you send it to the other machine. You're a good dude. Yep. And then it figures out what machine's like, I smell something. And you're like, all right. And then you send it to the other machine. You're a good dude. Yep. And then it figures out what it was, like that shit.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Right, right. Or that's weed. My neighbor grows weed. I smell it all the time. Hey, you, you. Here he goes. You were supposed to bring that to uh newport you know you so you so you can take testosterone i thought it was just human growth i'm not listening well enough to you i thought
Starting point is 01:10:13 you could take human growth hormone get off of it and then and like stop taking it for three days and you're good to go for the crossfit games human growth hormone yes you're correct but testosterone is something where you could be taking it through as long as you're within the reference range of testosterone to epitestosterone and is and is epitestosterone god you're popular shoot i don't know i i hope this is... You know we're on the air, right? Yes, I do. Okay. Last caller didn't know. I fucked that all up. How are you, bro?
Starting point is 01:10:52 I'm good, man. This is Blade. Blade? Correct. With a B. He's going to be guest on the show here soon. Very soon. Blade. Anyways, with all this TRT talk, I was just like, I know it's not allowed in the Masters division, quote unquote, but when somebody pops in the Masters division, I kind of think of it like when somebody pops in the NFL. I'm like, well, yeah, these motherfuckers are running into each other,
Starting point is 01:11:26 weighing 300 pounds and running 18 miles per hour. And then you have masters, you know, 55-year-olds cleaning 300 or whatever numbers they're putting up. And so I'm in the camp of just letting it be open season for everybody, you know, so then you take away all all the dirty popping and all the testing stuff but maybe a step toward that would be okay masters here and above y'all go ahead and do it because y'all are old as hell good for y'all with your range of motion because you know crt you'd be swole as hell but if you can't move you can't move and so okay you're jacked as hell you but if you can't move, you can't move. And so, okay, you're jacked as hell, you're on whatever testosterone
Starting point is 01:12:07 or whatever hormones you're on. In this division and up, it's open season because you're however old and you want to have a kick-ass quality of life rather than breaking down. You know what I'm saying? What do you all think about that? Well, my opinion on whether or not I like it is different than whether or not I think it's possible or should or will happen. I like the idea. Just for Masters Blade?
Starting point is 01:12:34 Are you guys about just for Masters or for A? Yeah, yeah. I'm talking, I guess, step one, Masters 45 to 49 and up. Y'all go ahead we expect you guys to do this much volume this many workouts of course you're gonna fucking do it now whether you get caught doing it or not okay are there some that don't do it and they're clean and just got great genetics and have been moving well for years yeah but then also it's like okay yeah yeah bro so that's why i brought up the nfl because like when somebody pops in the nfl it's like um duh how else you think they make
Starting point is 01:13:12 it 16 games running into a bunch of 300 pounders at 22 miles per hour right and the nfl they only depend for four games at a time too that's a big difference big difference. So Tommy Tillman's out until he's basically 70. He's done forever. And then also, you were talking about the expenses of testing. I don't know if this is already in place, but what I think would be, well, it probably wouldn't be a deterrent because people do shit if they want to do it. But if you pop, you have to pay for the test.
Starting point is 01:13:43 So if you don't pop, CrossFit takes the bill, as they probably do already. But if you do pop, in whatever terms and conditions that you probably skipped and signed at the bottom, if you pop dirty and you fail the appeal as well, you have to pay back pay for the test. you have to pay back pay for the test blade i really like where you're coming from but jeffrey birchfield put in the perfect thing it's it's very counter to the crossfit philosophy and one of the coolest things about the masters is that you would assume that they're doing it on their own accord and that's something that crossfit will never entertain because of that fact what do you mean i'm not following you hillary um the crossfit philosophy is live to be 100 it's like what ben bergeron always says it's like hey you see a pia gun in the 65 plus
Starting point is 01:14:30 females and she's doing all of this stuff it's one of their biggest marketing points to say do crossfit this is possible and whether or not like people are doing it on that level that completely goes away when you're also saying they're also taking shit. Like, well, everyone will look at it and say, well, if I just take shit, then I can do that too. Right. So that's why I don't think it ever happened. Do I think it would promote the shit out of testosterone replacement therapy? If we, if you found out everyone over 45 at the games is doing TRT. And to be honest, it's coming, it's coming because we're in a phase now.
Starting point is 01:15:06 I work at a certain profession where I see, well, a lot of folks who their, their, their bodies are outliving their minds. And unfortunately, a lot of people have a auntie, uncle,
Starting point is 01:15:19 grandparent, great grandparent with certain early onset dementia or Alzheimer's where their bodies are there, but their minds are just turning to mush and, and their bodies are breaking down or whatever else it may be. Now is it diet? Possibly. But, you know, old folks just want to feel awesome, you know, cause we're living to be a fricking 110 now.
Starting point is 01:15:43 If old folks want to feel great, cool. You know, you want to still be kicking ass when you're old, rather than this bedridden watching Wheel of Fortune all day, then, then cool. And I think that would be awesome if CrossFit just made it open season for everybody and was like, yeah, look, we're promoting health. Cause if you do it correctly, TRT could be awesome. I bet I haven't done it. Well, everyone I've noticed taking has talked about the, the, the mental aspect. health because if you do it correctly trt could be awesome i bet i haven't done it well everyone i've noticed taken has talked about the the the mental aspect is is just like off the chart especially the people look at hillar saying yeah and especially especially yeah everyone loves the
Starting point is 01:16:17 mental component i had a blade i had a friend uh who was juiced to the gills who didn't hide it from anyone and he said it was so crazy addicting, the mental component. He said, you just feel on top of the world. Exactly. And then just imagine all of the domino effects from that, just wanting to get stuff done. Sounds better than Xanax, right? It sounds better than all those Xanax.
Starting point is 01:16:39 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. That's what I try to remind myself whenever my dick's in the dirt or my knee hurts or something. I'm like that's what I try to remind myself whenever my dicks in the dirt or my, like my knee hurts or something. I'm like movement medicine. Does it have to be a 400 pound squat? No, but maybe 135 moves slow, stop at the range of pain, just get some blood flow. And that applies to probably when people are on whatever they're on, as long as they're doing it right. Cause TRT would also promote doing it correctly versus, okay,
Starting point is 01:17:07 I got this from my boy in Tijuana. He said it works. Yeah. Over that, I need to say something. I got to bridge it. You guys haven't watched that Clarence Kennedy two-part video that I keep talking about. Have you? Oh no, but I do love me some Clarence Kennedy. That boy is bad. He has a two-part video about why he thinks PED should be allowed in all sports. And I think one of his biggest points is the fact that there are people who are going to be able to bypass the tests due to the funding that they have available to them.
Starting point is 01:17:47 to them. And I always hear the Dave Castros of the world saying, we will never catch anyone at the top of the leaderboard. We're always going to catch people on the cusp. And all I hear is what Clarence Kennedy is saying is the people at the top have the money to bypass the test. They have the knowledge to be there year after year. And the people who are on the cusp are trying and they're not, they don't have the access. Clarence Kennedy talks about it in the Olympics country to country and it's just uh levels to this stuff it's a really good two-part series and and to dig back into what to dig back into what you're talking about here in relation to the master's age group I don't think it's okay to do it for one or the other I think it's a I would be all aboard doing it for everybody.
Starting point is 01:18:26 It would be a huge roll of the dice on CrossFit's part. And that's a roll of the dice that they definitely won't ever take, but it would put them in a camp of powerlifting. People at the top ends of powerlifting, you think of like Halfthor, he's the back squat bench press and strong man. People do that everywhere. What would happen to
Starting point is 01:18:46 our women our women would get all fucked up looking you don't know that maybe they may come on dude come on dude hey hey hey you know people who use peds i do you're right you're right but they look the women they don't look good they look good they're right you're right you say they look fucked up that's a bad statement you're wrong you're right you're right they look good the ones the ones you're referencing look good but like i just see like if you let the cat out of the bag we're gonna see some like people like people gonna start having the nicknames like the experiment andrew the experiment hiller used to be used to be a girl now it's just andrew hey blade are you coming on the show next week we have you scheduled right believe that I got the reminders and everything
Starting point is 01:19:28 okay cool and you saw the video we're going to talk about I sure did okay cool I'm going to ask you like all sorts of crazy questions about it I think that cop was too aggressive much more research is done on TRT than on the COVID shot Robert Counten but I'm curious
Starting point is 01:19:43 about 70 years more on TRT than on the COVID shot, Robert Counten. Much more. About 70 years more. Sorry. That's all good, baby. I look forward to people, I've watched it a few times, I look forward to giving my input on it and being open-minded and cooking
Starting point is 01:20:03 on the episode. I'm going to hop off there. I just wanted to throw some two cents at y'all, throw some love at y'all. Y'all keep doing your thing, all right? Cool. Thanks, brother. Thanks for calling. Thanks, Blade.
Starting point is 01:20:11 See you next week. Bye. Yep. How'd you like that? I chewed in for you, son. You did what for me? I chewed in on Robert for you. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:21 What did he say? Okay, Robert, why is it okay to take trt but not okay to take how much research is done on trt dude you go uh go buck wild and get that covid shot get it get it i'm not sure i'm not sure i think i know what you're trying to ask um robert you're a good dude point taken but uh you don taken. But you don't have to take either if you don't want to. You don't have to take either. Unless you want to come into the United States. Oh, Jesus. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:20:55 It's crazy. It's embarrassing. Oh, what do we got? Hi, welcome to the show is that logging off oh uh yeah they hung up damn oh that i met mccoy saying i met oh that's right that's right the first time i met michael mccoy that australian guy uh was at the 2010 crossfit games i was working my fucking ass off and he was the new guy there and everyone was being an asshole to him and i was nice as shit to him i do remember that yeah and then years later i saw you in australia and gave you my camera or new zealand i saw you in
Starting point is 01:21:42 new zealand and you're crazy if you've ever thought that i've fucking had a lazy day in my life you can speak my talk never i mean not i can't even when i was lazy i was world class at being lazy the best that you you you were the laziest of uh the biggest multinational company to ever grace the face of the planet whatever your typical shtick is yeah the laziest of the lazy yes i lazied my way to the top um you want the open to mean something me too yes oh dude dude you want the open to mean something that was, I think my define means something.
Starting point is 01:22:28 You mean something means something to get like, you want to have some validity to whoever, to whoever wins that you want, you want there to be some urgency to do better at it. Is that what you mean for the games, for the games athletes? I know that I'm not unique in saying that there was nothing cooler than having a yearly benchmark to participate in. And everyone gives like the five weeks being a hard time.
Starting point is 01:22:55 But that completely goes out the door with how shitty and how non-well-rounded the three-week test is. And here I go again again talk about training think tank but they talk about how this year i think that the workouts were pulling and pressing on the first two because it was the box jump over on the wall walk which looked very similar to the deadlift and the burpee and then you got the got the final workout, which was just whatever. And before you know it, you're missing how many components of fitness and you've hit how many time domains. And when you do the three week test instead of the five week, and you also say it doesn't matter, especially towards the top of the leaderboard, no one gives a shit.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And it's very unmotivating for a whole bunch of people. So that's interesting interesting i've never heard it like that not only is it not well-rounded but it but there's but but it doesn't matter correct yeah it doesn't oh no no well i had a clip of sam cornway at mayhem saying it doesn't matter like oh the open doesn't matter so like i'm just going to do this as my 38th session of the day because we're mayhem and we just work out and we'll make it no matter what now the people who own affiliates the gym owners they're the people who are like 500 to a thousand usually right maybe they're really good maybe they're making a kick towards semi-final level quarterfinal like upper level
Starting point is 01:24:24 but they're not really trying to reach for the regionals anymore and they're they don't have their entire affiliate backing them that's something that i experienced very closely which was i was always like right on the corner of making it to regionals individually and i made it in 2016 and then 17 and 18 i had my team going and the entire affiliate was like super on board with everything crossfit because of it. They were super engaged. They were like, holy shit, Katie Cosentino, just a member
Starting point is 01:24:52 who took the 430 classes, also on the team and an awesome female, she's beating Brooke Wells on this workout and they're going to go watch the Brooke Wells content that you put out on YouTube and it was just a circle of things that they're completely missing out on by saying oh we're gonna take the top 10 and fuck it you follow that i totally follow it i also like the fact that um uh i totally follow it i i like
Starting point is 01:25:19 the fact that you also liked it that um you could claim that your affiliate was the fittest affiliate in the world fittest gym in the world illinois fine illinois let's say the world well you said you were fitter than mayhem on average so let's just say the world hey that's crazy and you know what as much as i'm a huge hey we have a we have a solution to the world's most vexing problem i love a gym that's fucking like that gym right there has the fittest people in the world where is it it's in chicago that guy andrew hiller owns it what do you mean it was super we had it at the top those dudes can outbout squat and outrun anybody say that again we had at the top of our website crossfit alpha dog finished gym in illinois
Starting point is 01:25:57 yeah it was like really cheesy but it was also like did you did you hear the little segment i did like if you took the 500 mayhem average, Kevin Neal, why'd you pull him up? He's the guy who was walking around with me at the games on that final day. Actually it's his dad that I want to get on. Hey, tell Kevin why you want his dad on for McDonald's really quick. That's his dad. He's the one who owns a couple of McDonald's. Oh, Kevin, you got, I want to talk to your dad.
Starting point is 01:26:23 How many McDonald's does he own kevin put that in the comments yeah good i'd love to know about the ins and outs of running a mcdonald's yeah it'd be cool what was i talking about before he's starting to get the old mark bell moon face is that he's talking about you i hope so jeff talks shit he doesn't mean anything by that that's colin law, by the way. Jeff's name is new Lawrence. So that's Colin Lawrence. You remember Colin?
Starting point is 01:26:49 Kevin said he owns nine McDonald's and. Oh my God, Kevin got to, I, I, if I can't get him on, will you come on? I want to talk it to the son of a guy who owns McDonald's.
Starting point is 01:27:00 I'll take the console. Kevin works in McDonald's. He can tell you some shit. Unless he's scared He might be scared Oh my goodness Hey so it was easy for Tillman to pass he just fucked up
Starting point is 01:27:16 Did you hear the bit on sometimes doctors Will give them clomiphene to Boost their testosterone levels and I think that's Actually what Barbell Spin reported Which was that here's clomiphene it gets your balls to produce more uh but they are also a handful of people who use it as a yes psychotherapy when they're coming off of shit to kind of to to yeah to mask as a mask right there have been a handful of people who popped for that and yeah as a no not as a mask. It's let's say you did a bunch of testosterone right now. You know what your body says.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Okay. I don't got to make any. And you've got to tell it to start making some more. So you take cloned, which is what he passed for or what he got caught for. Do you follow that? Yeah. And then similar to the GW five,
Starting point is 01:28:02 zero one, five, one, six, it just sits in your system for a while. So when you pee, it's still there. The testosterone might be gone. Cool.
Starting point is 01:28:10 This will be cool if you get Kevin's dad on. Kevin was a member of that affiliate. He was one of the fit dudes at the fittest gym in Illinois. Kevin's really jacked. He's got giant biceps, and he can straight press 225 wow how much does he weigh uh he was probably 475 when well no 195 when he did it so it was one and a 1.2 times body weight in that final year at crossfit hq that i worked there when i was there every single fucking day here we go um i would work out in the gym there and we had one of those 7500 um
Starting point is 01:28:53 fans oh you had a big ass fan yeah i never had no idea that was a 7500 fan i treated it like shit i would i seriously would have respected it more. Speaking of which, I brought this thing over here. If we're going back to that, there it is. Isn't that thing awesome? Yeah. That's $700? I think it was $600 something, but it just it's sweet.
Starting point is 01:29:18 It makes cool sounds too. Oh, yeah. You like that? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I need one of those. I really needed an incline bench press. That's something that crossfitters can't bench press where the fuck. And I talk about that all the time, but they really can't incline bench press.
Starting point is 01:29:37 I need an adjustable bench. And that one's how much does that, is that thing roll around easy? Yeah. It's all wheels and a handle and it stands up right too. That's actually a really cool feature on it. Oh, to get out of the way. Yeah, don't just sit there.
Starting point is 01:29:53 That's pretty cool. That scares me. Like, it's going to fall on your car or fall on one of my sons. No, it's not. I mean, I wouldn't put my word up against your son's lives, but it's not falling on my car. Hey, so Tommy just fucked up. He needed to get off that shit sooner. Yeah. wouldn't put my word up against your son's lives but it's not falling on my car hey so tommy just fucked up he needed to get off that shit sooner yeah because you said it or not every day there is potential he was taking it to cheat it's it's like two sides of the coin he took it to cheat or
Starting point is 01:30:16 he was cheating and he had to take it get off it earlier um have you got any shit from his family for that not yet i haven't been to the comments in a couple of days but i i keep up with them for a little bit and then after a while i can no longer keep up with the comments on videos i kind of want uh don't pull them up it's so oh i failed the drug test yeah yeah yeah let's oh shit there's oh yeah this is gonna be good let's do this okay this will be good. Let's do this. Okay. This will be good. 10, I think that decline bench and flies hit very similar of the peck that flat bench will also hit. Well, I guess I should say that because a lot of people put an arch in their back when they're benching flat.
Starting point is 01:31:04 If Tommy finished fifth, you can bet the house the four guys ahead of him are on gear. Is that fair? That's not fair. No, that's not fair. I don't like that either. I'd say 99% of everyone competing is on some type of multivitamin. No, exogenous steroids. It's nothing new.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Everyone does it. I wouldn't say 99%, but I would say much more than the general audience would say. It's most likely TRT from a doctor. It's become more and more commonplace. The simplest answer is usually the best answer. I would say that that's accurate. That's probably, that's a good take. I do look at the comments.
Starting point is 01:31:47 I say, good take, bad take, good take, bad take. And then when they're really outlandish, then I post it in my Instagram story. Michael C says something interesting here. When graphed out, the actual clearance slows over the course of days and it's not linear. Correct. It isn't linear. But it's still in there i've never seen that calculation before though but what are you saying is correct
Starting point is 01:32:12 uh i listened to the podcast the other day when you talked about 286 being the upper level for female uh athletes regarding the hugo ana called this thing do you think a lot of the female testosterone to hover right around the 286 level and still be legal it isn't they aren't looking at that number they're looking at the testosterone to epitestosterone and i've heard rumors of specific athletes yes using testosterone on the female side not none of which i can say because it's not a great source but i've had a couple of sources so it's enough for me to at least say that much and they've never tested positive uh there's probably more abuse of peds and masters than in other categories not to mention the blatant disregard for movement standards this
Starting point is 01:33:03 show has become just a complete not only are they transformic homophobic uh uh racist sexist but now they're ageists this is just a beat down on motherfuckers who are over 35 Jeff's right half-life is what that formula was likely I've never seen
Starting point is 01:33:20 the formula for half-life uh I wonder if I get a pass on the Aegis thing since I'm 50. Tamoxifen, which is Novadex, is better for PCT, and that's accurate. Go get them, Batman. Cheaters
Starting point is 01:33:37 gonna cheat. Let's say you, Andrew Hiller, wanted to compete in the CrossFit game season. Now that you're taking TRT, since you openly acknowledge it, what would you have to do? Stop and wait till the next season.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Just test negative. Hey, I don't think that, I think he just has, I think he just has to test negative. I don't think it matters how much he says or shows. I don't think you can walk into a police department and be like, I killed someone and then they can't find the body and they still arrest you.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Yeah. But that's also the legal system this is a company that does whatever they want as long as they want to do it so i think that it would be in their best interest to kick me out i don't i don't either i would love to see someone get juiced up win the games pass all the tests. And then just up there, like while they're except the check, be like, sorry, I'm juiced and hand the check back.
Starting point is 01:34:30 That would be cool. Yeah. Well, what is that huge comment? Do you read through that? This fucking thing? Yeah. Tom,
Starting point is 01:34:38 I think the comments that most all older masters athletes are on TRT is completely off base. Many should be, or could be, but are they? I doubt it. I'm not, I am 65 and finished the quarter finals in first place. Oh,
Starting point is 01:34:49 what a beast. I know. I knew that name. I'm looking at it right now. I wanted, I thought he did really well at the games. No, then finished the semifinals in first place.
Starting point is 01:34:56 I've been to the games four times. I would, I would have been competing with Tommy Tillman, had a, had a heart issue, not cropped up two weeks before the games, making it necessary for me to withdraw a precautionary measure. Did you get the vaccine?
Starting point is 01:35:10 There we go. There we go. It's got to be asked. I know most of the top athletes in the division, and although you cannot know what someone else is doing, I doubt most of them are on TOT, or maybe I'm the – oh, I like Tom so much. I'm the only poor sap with testosterone in the 96 to 200 range.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Dude, Tom, that's low. I don't think, don't listen to Andrew. It's fine. Hannah called us as higher testosterone than you and she's not. It's fine. So what if your testicles start to look like a vagina? Don't worry about it. Between Tommy and David Hippensteel
Starting point is 01:35:47 that's 20% of the men's field is cheaters oh god Mr. Hippensteel unrelated but curious did anyone notice Matt and Tia were at the Arnold Tia shared stories on her Instagram that had her and Matt tagged in them Matt didn't share a notice Matt and Tia were at the Arnold Tia shared stories on her Instagram that had her and Matt tagged in them
Starting point is 01:36:07 Matt didn't share a single thing that Tia in it yes notice Hiller fit please try to find out why hey Kevin Neil sent you some money and he's gonna get you his dad to come on the show oh shit well thank you use that to buy a Big Mac.
Starting point is 01:36:25 I'm going to eat a Big Mac tomorrow. He's going to do it live on the AM show. Yes, thank you. Thank you, Sean. Thank you. Thank you, Felix. Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Thank you. There we go. Classic. Can't wait for our supporters to respond to this video. They haven't done that yet. We haven't seen a single supporter video. Mario Duvernay. I know most older masters and I know most older masters age members at my gym are doing TRT.
Starting point is 01:36:55 And why wouldn't they? They come to the gym to stay in great shape when it comes to health and wellness. As you age, HRT is a common part of the equation. I think you meant trt they all know it means they can't compete at the games level because they are taking what are considered peds which is why they don't participate in the semis you know hrt and trt are almost one in the same right oh no oh what's hrt hormone replacement therapy oh okay testosterone is a hormone so usually yeah hrt but that's true i mean it kind of goes along with what blade was saying right there
Starting point is 01:37:33 this mike mccaskey i believe that after a certain age masters 55 trt should be allowed only if therapeutic athletes should be able to register and record their protocol to prove compliance interested to hear any objection. That's what blade was saying. Exactly. I think you're right. I said, we need to have a testosterone test and they have one.
Starting point is 01:37:55 And I think it's the LCMS machine, liquid chromography, mass spectrometry machine, and California hormones has one and it's a thousand dollars a test to run it. So think about that. 80 athletes and $1,000 a test and you're out quite a bit of money. I used to think Andrew...
Starting point is 01:38:14 Alex, how'd you know? I used to think Andrew Hiller and Hip and Steel were the same person. It's actually my dad. We're in this together for the clout. Hip and Steel, Hiller. It all start't start with h oh the beer electrician looks like the wall street lifter kind of jenna does i don't like those glasses though i'm not a big fan of those glasses it's probably because the buttery men wear them the butter oh that was nice of you
Starting point is 01:38:41 buttery men that sounded right you see uh why aren't why is chicago a wasteland for uh crossfit why is it not a um is it because your mayor is fucking a nazi or um it's interesting so the person who made that video was a member of my affiliate. His name is Alex Rocha. And he, when, it's actually a really cool interview that he did with the Brute Strength crew in Shoemaker. Just to be clear what we're talking about, you can find amazing CrossFitters in Florida, Nashville, California. There's all these places you can go where there's these meccas of just just of CrossFit shit going on but Chicago for some reason one of the biggest cities in the United States got to be top 10 right uh there ain't shit no one's ever like I'm going to Chicago to work out okay go on well the other ones that you just mentioned are usually warm correct sure uh well I mean you could say now in washington fort vancouver i mean that's that's not a mecca
Starting point is 01:39:47 that's a justin madero's house elliot turner house the house of madero's and 10 times and 10 times crossfit games athlete adam knifer adam knifer okay okay cole sager wait a minute why is jeff saying cole sager because it's over on the East Coast and it's cold over there potentially? No, he might. Oh, Spokane. They're saying he's in Spokane. He's a Spokane guy. Well, so what happened there is Alex brought up the fact that my affiliate,
Starting point is 01:40:16 CrossFit Alpha Dog, used to be where many of the athletes went. And I would say 2000, he brought up Michelle Fumagalli Weisenhocker, who qualified in 2018. Is that the year they had the bike event? And I think she fell off the bike and broke her wrist on the first event. And she was like the best athlete to ever come out of the Chicago area. There was a handful of people on the regional cusp. And I can't really say why but from what i'd have to guess it's because
Starting point is 01:40:46 nobody could really afford to do both if that makes any sense at all because everyone here these are your rent for a one-bedroom apartment's four thousand dollars a month in chicago like how the fuck do you have time to train full-time and pay your rent and work. Correct. Yes. Whereas Colton, whereas Colton just, just needs $18 to pay his dad a month. 17, 17, maybe, maybe 19. I don't know. But that's probably what I heard most is people like had to move on with their lives or wanted to move on with their lives or were becoming torn between wanting to make more money and spend more time working out to move up higher in the fitness world.
Starting point is 01:41:33 I'm trying to think of somebody who kind of exploded that came out of Chicago and there really aren't many of them. So it's also just, I don't know. I don't know. I don't got much more than that. And I didn't see it. Email. That's me. Did Gabby McGaw was signed with someone. She was with the program.
Starting point is 01:41:53 I know, but she, she left. That's Brian friends department. He, that that's her best, his best friend. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Gabby very well. Um, CrossFit alpha dog was the Mecca in Chicago as much as it could have been at that time. It should have been the mecca? No, it was. It was the Chicago fitness mecca at that time. I used to have like all of the... What are you talking about your gym?
Starting point is 01:42:22 I'm going to start calling you Andrew Ben Bergeron Hiller. Hey, no, it's not my affiliate any longer. Are you kidding? But I used to have like everything placard up and people would walk in and they'd kind of see all the accolades of the team and the athletes that would go to the Waddle Paloozas and the Granite Games. You know those placards? Yeah. I had them all posted up on the wall. It was pretty cool to look at.
Starting point is 01:42:42 I mean, there was an entire entire wall like the size of that freaking wall with all the people's names not like my name but everyone's name like hey if you don't want that placard throw it on the wall and it was it was very cool yeah that is cool you were gamesista and you had a good successful big gym uh yeah 150 to 175 members on average the whole time i think you have any shit bags in there were there any just like sloppy just fucking shit bags just like like people like me just like people who just like i wouldn't say you're a shit bag well you know what i mean were there any people in there did you have any uh my mick i i shouldn't have opened the door beta cucks my god that's strong damn um uh just like like was your gym like would you be laughed out if like you didn't um did you have any people who were just um like soccer moms
Starting point is 01:43:34 like oh yeah one of my favorite classes was the 9 30 or the 9 a.m beach fit class monday wednesday friday what do you call it beach body class class? Beach fit. Oh, my, my, my partner at the gym was on the bachelor in 2013, the bachelorette, my ex business partner. And at that point in time, they started up the beach fit class and there was a handful of ladies that popped in there because they saw him on the TV show. And then I ended up like being the one who kind of helped kept him for
Starting point is 01:44:05 eight years or so have you ever seen that show the bachelor of the bachelorette i watched it eight years ago it is i watched um i had luke parker on that's the dude who trains over mayhem and i watched that season that he was on. Holy fuck. I'm not even – it is the most moral decrepitude. It is – I'm not even like – I cannot believe how vile it is. It is the worst thing I've ever seen on TV. It is so bad. I've even seen some episodes of like the Kardashians or some of those reality shows from when I was a kid. Episodes of like the Kardashians or some of those reality shows from when I was a kid. This it is so fucking bad. It is so disgusting. Tell me what's disgusting about it.
Starting point is 01:44:56 It's so I think I know what you're going to say. It's been it's so fucking shallow and so not real. It's so everything I don't like about people it's just 100 posturing it looks like the most unhealthy environment to be in but do you agree with what jeff has to say need a cross yeah absolutely yes absolutely we need a crossfit version of the bat hey dude it's got awful but we need oh i wish i could tell you some of the shit I was working on 2018. You know, I I want to do I'm going to talk about it right now. OK, one final question for you. Wireless microphone.
Starting point is 01:45:34 What's going on with your microphones? You had that wired microphone that you got. Yeah, the cheapy. You like that? That's great. It just sits here. I don't you know what? The one that I had that wired this one, I don't know where the fuck it went.
Starting point is 01:45:45 I know I recorded that the one on the airplane, it was like on the way back from Newport and I used that wireless mic and it was great. I don't know where the fuck it went. I lost it. So I had to get this $17 one and it's good. I got to buy another one. Hey,
Starting point is 01:45:58 so we need to get those. I need to get one. You need to get one. And we need to start running some tests for the Zello games. Yep. And then, um, for rogue,
Starting point is 01:46:10 um, I think we're, uh, we're sending Jr. How old Taylor self and Brian to be the men on the ground there. And, and me and you will, uh,
Starting point is 01:46:19 uh, man, the desk. Yeah. You like that? I'm all about it. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:46:25 And we won't have access to the stream, but we'll get to watch it. Then we'll talk about it. And then those three will be down there. You know what's awesome about that? You assumed what it was I'd rather be doing. And you were right. What? Oh, be on the...
Starting point is 01:46:37 You can go there if you want. Do you want to go there? No, no, no, no. Okay. I mean, I had a great time at the games, but it was not easy. I didn't sleep very much. I got like maybe eight hours of sleep over those four days. Kardashians, when you were a kid, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:46:55 You were 45 when the show was big. All right, asshole. No, The Bachelor. I don't see any idea. Imagine that you walked into a room with 20 women and was like alright let's find my wife in a series of fucking a month it's so ridiculous
Starting point is 01:47:15 I wanted to vomit the way people treated each other they brought up the worst people hi caller hi yo how you guys doing i'm great i can't speak for hillary i'm good you know you guys are awesome i want to say that first uh thank you listen to you guys all the time uh but uh savon i wanted to ask you uh i just opened up a crossfit gym it's been maybe six months now. I love it. I've been doing it
Starting point is 01:47:46 for a very long time. I've been in the space doing CrossFit myself. I've been coaching. I started doing personal training probably four or five years ago. I remember you were doing that affiliate
Starting point is 01:48:01 podcast. I would love to possibly get on one. I don't know. I was calling in to see how I can hook up with you. Why do you want to get on that? I mean, just from listening to your podcast in general, like everything you kind of talk about and your vibe and everything you do,
Starting point is 01:48:19 I mean, I really like you. And I think it'd be cool to sit down and chat with somebody who'd been in the space for, I mean, gosh, since it kind of started. Um,
Starting point is 01:48:29 did you see the last one I did with, uh, Rob best? No, I did not. Um, anyway, okay.
Starting point is 01:48:39 Uh, uh, to be, to be completely, um, Frank, you know, what's interesting?
Starting point is 01:48:45 You're in California, huh? I am, yes. Yeah, from where that number just came in from, you're in the hood of where the new HQ may be. I think your gym is very close to the CEO's house. Oh, that'd be fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:01 How long have your doors been open? We've been open for going on going on our seventh month but like six seven months wow and you're right in the hood with like kalipa and austin and shit like that uh yeah um to be i mean well so you yeah you saw my number come in it's a 408 number so i my originally my um i was from san jose from the bay area up there not there anymore uh my affiliate that i opened up it's it's on the central coast it's uh near pismo beach oh shit wow um can you dm me and send me your instagram and your gym's instagram so like i could like vet you and be like, yeah, no, yeah, no.
Starting point is 01:49:49 Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Okay, cool. I I'm really having a ton of fun with the affiliate series and it's being, it's being, um, very well received. So I'm pretty happy about that. Yeah. I've listened to a couple of them. They're, they're, they're really awesome. It's cool to, to, uh, to get a look on the other side. Cause like I said, you, you've been doing this for so long on the media section and, um, being able to kind of give the affiliates an outlook and being able to speak out on how they've been doing. And I feel it's a really cool, uh, segment that you've been, that you've added. Thank you. But really I was just lazy. I was just like, just sitting around. I wasn't doing anything. Like I was just, I just like, I just hired people.
Starting point is 01:50:24 That's what we know and that's what we know that's what we've heard i didn't do much oh yeah man you had that other you had the other caller on earlier i mean he was he was kicking your ass it was crazy you didn't do shit uh all right brother yeah dm me please it's if you can find my account on Instagram, it's so damn shadow banned. Yeah, you lost your blue checkmark, man. That sucks. Yeah, that did suck. There's two other guys down there
Starting point is 01:50:55 that I know that have gyms. I'm trying to remember their names. I think they're both on the L1 team. One of them for sure. He is cool as shit. Yeah, you know, we got Bill Grundler down here. He's at CrossFit Inferno. Yeah, and who's the other guy? bill grunler down here he's uh uh crossfit inferno yeah and who's the other guy there's grunler and who's the other guy maybe it's in slow or pismo he's on
Starting point is 01:51:12 the l1 team like super crazy good looking i can't put a name to it like girls can't even like when he's around no one even tries to hide it like everyone all the girls just take one step closer to him it's like fucked up it's like yeah it's hobart no it even tries to hide it. Like everyone, all the girls just take one step closer to him. It's like fucked up. It's like, yeah, it's Hobart. No, it's not Hobart. This guy makes Hobart look like a fucking just a pile of shit. This guy, what's this guy's name?
Starting point is 01:51:37 Dusty, Dustin, Dustin. Dustin. That might, you know, I, I, I think I might know one guy who's from, uh, what is this still in for now or no? Mason. He did or no? Mason. Eat a dick. No, no, it's not Inferno. God, what is that guy's name? Dusty or Dustin?
Starting point is 01:51:54 Dusty. Fuck it. I'm useless on this one. I got no... Hold on, hold on. Just hang tight. I'm going to look on Instagram if I type in Dusty. I hear your girlfriend giggling yeah yeah she's on the phone too she's calling into your life podcast man jeffrey knows him as my doppelganger
Starting point is 01:52:16 not dusty highland not dusty tuckness dusty highland uh that's the owner of the gym in Soak Dogtown. Shit, I don't know. Yeah, that's gymnastics. Let me try Dusty. Dogtown CrossFit. Yeah, let me try. Don't leave yet. Don't leave it at Dust.
Starting point is 01:52:36 Just put it in Dust. Is he Jeff Ferguson? That's just because I DM with him so much. Dusty Coochie. No. Thanks, Jeff. Shit. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 01:52:56 I'm fucking losing. Tell me some of the gyms in your area. Tell me some other gyms. CrossFit gyms. There's a CrossFit San Ynez. There's CrossFit Solid Core. I do know the owner of CrossFit, Sandy and Nez,
Starting point is 01:53:08 I think Guido or something. He's a foreigner, Brazilian guy. I used to be friends with him. Yes, he is. Yeah, he's a cool guy. Yeah, he's cool. It's not that I used to be.
Starting point is 01:53:14 I just haven't talked to him in a long time. But I'm friends with him. I like him. I like him. Okay. All right. I know there's also,
Starting point is 01:53:23 oh, I wonder if you're talking about Darren. What's his last name that doesn't sound right oh i don't know his last name but he's from uh crossfit ohana in lompoc no but i do is that the guy um we made a video on that cross that's the guy where the guy was running with the kettlebell and he threw his back out and they thought he was paralyzed for life you know that story i don't know that one i think it's from that gym crossfit ohana that's a fucking scary story another video that i just put my name on mccoy and and what's this fucking mason shut it shut
Starting point is 01:53:56 your pie hole official uh crossfit affiliate map um i'm zooming in here i love the name McCoy yeah he's cool he parties it's like someone who deserves to be on a boat the McCoys I'm zooming in can you see the screen yes now I can not you
Starting point is 01:54:18 yeah I'm watching I got you guys on the TV I got you muted though okay Sandless Bispo I wonder if I click on these Yeah, I'm watching. I got you guys on the TV. I got you muted, though. Okay, San Luis Obispo. I wonder if I click on these. Well, tell me the name of the gyms. Which one? Mine? Oh, CrossFit Inferno.
Starting point is 01:54:36 CrossFit Inferno. WooHoo. There's one called WooHoo CrossFit. CrossFit San Luis Obispo. Holy shit, how'd they get that name? Where's the CEO moving to Oh the pit The pit's still affiliated Holy shit That's where Chuck John Hackleman's CrossFit gym
Starting point is 01:54:56 Wow Who is Chuck Liddell's coach And And Glover Teixeira's CrossFit solid core. What did you say, Hiller? I said,
Starting point is 01:55:09 could you point out the CEOs house? Yeah, no, Jeffrey. I didn't forget about the conversation with Josh, but you did just, are you talking about the guy who is sitting and that Josh thought I looked like,
Starting point is 01:55:21 I can't find this. This is the different guy. The Dustin guy. I love this. I can't find it. This is the different guy. The Dustin guy. I love this guy. That's me right there. One by. Where? Here?
Starting point is 01:55:30 The one you're on. This one? Ohana. Right here. Santa Maria. Yep. Oh, shit. There you are.
Starting point is 01:55:42 Is that you? If that's you with the man bun you're in yeah Santa Maria that's you with the man bun yes that's me that was me at the what was that the NorCal Classic up in Sacramento yeah I placed second at that competition
Starting point is 01:56:02 uh Sevan you look just like my Yeah, I placed second at that competition. Sevan. You look just like my Sevan Matosian at Gmail. You look just like, you have the same hair, you look like your owner
Starting point is 01:56:18 is handsome. Fuck, congratulations. You're fucking doing it oh you want to look at his schedule thank you man yeah it's been it's been it's been awesome like i said we've only been open for about six seven months but prior to that i mean i was uh coaching full-time and managing at a, another CrossFit gym that was in town. And then, uh, after doing that for about almost three years, the owner ended up moving out of state and, um, yeah, I mean, I can tell you the rest. You get me on, get me on the podcast, man. Let's talk. Let's have some fun. All right.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Why don't you have a Thursday morning class? Why don't we? Cause Sean Jones is busy and he holds down the ford on thursdays that's right damn hey sean you better not fucking be getting lazy just because you do one two three four five six seven eight classes in a row you better bring your fucking heat you better i want to see you drink a bang before fucking the 615 class. Yeah, he's getting it, too. That's my business partner. We ended up going in together.
Starting point is 01:57:30 He just got a new job with Levels. I don't know if you guys heard of Levels, Bill. He's working at the glucose monitor, the ones you put on your tricep. Let's see it, Salon. I used the microphone to block it all right brother thanks for calling in i appreciate it sounds like i'll be talking to you soon sounds good i'll talk to you guys next time have a good one bye uh i i wonder if that guy dusty doesn't have his gym it's dusty coochie no okay guys thank you very much 855 andrew hiller thank you for coming on last minute i appreciate it yeah help me scratch help me scratch that itch hey anything for you homie um when do you have any um are you planning on taking a day off from making a video anytime soon?
Starting point is 01:58:28 252 days in a row I've been going. I only have 104 more to go. And then you're going to take one day off? Who knows? I don't know. I'll just set like a new goal. Yeah, like five years. A video a day for five years?
Starting point is 01:58:43 I don't know. We'll see where the wind goes. Today, I've told you, my favorite video I've ever put together for tomorrow. There's no sign of burnout. No, it was great. It's actually better now than it was two months ago for whatever reason.
Starting point is 01:59:01 The hardest thing I've done thus far was doing it at the games. 500. 500, 500 shows is your thing, right? 1000. Yeah. You know how many you're at right now?
Starting point is 01:59:11 How many are you at? I think I saw that that channel has 700 videos. I probably have done more than 500. Probably. I probably done more than five. I'm guessing I've done, let's say i've done 500 podcasts and then 100 shows i'm just making this up that are um like i don't consider uh
Starting point is 01:59:32 us covering the games podcasts so i think there's 100 shows like that you know what i mean i think there's like i think there's like a week we did 20 shows on the fucking games or something. And like, those can't really do for a month. We did three a day on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, just about game shit. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:54 During semifinals. Well, by four, that's 48 shows in a month. Just have a semifinals. So I think there's a hundred games, right? So I think there's a hundred,
Starting point is 02:00:04 I think there's a hundred shows like that. The semifinals was i think there's a hundred games right so i think there's a hundred i think there's a hundred shows like that the semifinals was the bulk of them probably another 25 for the games and another 25 for just random shit like guadalupaloozas and stuff yeah but i probably have a hundred podcasts i'm pretty excited how did you uh which one i I've never got a DM where, oh. I was talking to, I don't know, which one, I like the Brian, let's do a Sevan review show. Oh, where my podcasts are reviewed? Brian Friend versus John Young, I like that. I like how feisty John gets. He gets really angry.
Starting point is 02:00:44 He just defends the fuck out of himself. I like that. Have any girls solicited you to have sex with you since you started your YouTube channel? No, Alexis would fucking end them. I know, but no one sent you a DM being like, Hey, Andrew, I've watched all your videos. I want to take a load off you. No.
Starting point is 02:00:59 Have any dudes? Have any dudes? No, which is why I haven't dabbled into the only fans was all i hear is that dudes are into it so dudes if i was getting a couple of them i figured there were way more that weren't uh ballsy enough to reach out and i would just say hey multiple movies and documentary oh i was listening to oh i thank you by the way chase it's just so fucking absurd that he says that it's like the dude who runs the fry machine saying that the people at the register are fucking lazy at mcdonald's like you have no fucking idea you make fries all day shut the fuck up before i
Starting point is 02:01:36 buttfuck you into oblivion alma okay henny of how do you say that that's a great show that's a great show no one got buttfucked say that? That's a great show. That's a great show. No one got butt fucked in that show. That was a great show. I actually stole something from that show for one of mine. Probably one that you missed. Which one did I plug in there? Hunter did a review on Sevan recently and it wasn't nice. Ooh.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Hey, pull up Hunter's channel really quick. He just wants... Sure. He just... Hunter just wants my attention. Dude, I love Hunter's channel really quick. He just wants... Hunter just wants my attention. Dude, I love Hunter. Hunter McIntyre
Starting point is 02:02:11 podcast. Those are the... Oh, by the way, when the last show we did, 10 days... No, it wasn't the last show we did, but we did a show 10 days ago, and you said, hey, I'm having Connor Murphy on. And I was like, dude, no way you're having a connor murphy and then i turned the show on that morning i'm like this isn't who i thought it was oh yeah right dude who did like a one day or like maybe a
Starting point is 02:02:34 five day i'm not eating thing and he was like the original semen retention man and he was also a yoked motherfucking youtuber for a while he'd like walk up to the chicks on the beach and go yeah what's he doing did he hey he got into drugs and he spun off did you see that now he has a different youtube station that's all talking about like spirituality shit have you seen that is that what you're talking about oh yeah he is doing that now yes he's completely spun i really gotta get him on i really gotta get him on that's who i thought you were talking about when he said connor murphy i was kind of excited for that and then i was like damn it but then he was pretty good too i like that connor murphy too he shot this video this is good no no he got a good
Starting point is 02:03:18 he has a he has a legit video guy but um you know what's crazy is i think hunter is was supposed to row to catalina look at i think the these are the people he's training with for the olympics that's his smoke then there's no those No, those people are in the boat with him, Rowan. Those ladies row. That's his team right there. What's he doing right there? What's he doing right there? Beef stick, homie.
Starting point is 02:03:52 He loves beef jerky. So we were hanging out in Newport. I was like, hey, we're at the grocery store. You need me to pick anything up? He goes, get me some beef jerky. I'm like, all right. And no, he wanted beef jerky and coconut water. That's the thickest beef jerky stick I've ever seen.
Starting point is 02:04:08 I got him like the typical beef jerky. I didn't think he liked it too much, but he chugged that coconut water. I got to go to the bathroom before things happen there, so wish me luck. Hunter's got the coolest truck ever, too, by the way. Oh, no. Okay. Hunter's got the too, by the way. Oh, no. Okay. Hunter's got the coolest truck on the planet. I don't know if you know that.
Starting point is 02:04:30 I do. Have you seen it? Yeah, no, but my friend has two of them. Is it Greg Glassman? That's cooler than his. I bet it's Greg Glassman. I cannot say. You mean he rose them along lots of dead what jeez jeez mason you've been drinking yeah i think only greg glassman could afford two of those trucks along
Starting point is 02:04:56 with the gas yeah fill that thing up like twice a week at least he he has a helicopter fly next to him and just fill it up you have to while it's in motion someone just sent me someone just sent me some max el haj stuff which one i bet i've seen it twice already it's a um it's a bio on max el haj okay i guess it's from his website i don't i don't know what the point of sending me this is, but I'll look at it soon. Uh, Glesson drives in TRX. He does all of them.
Starting point is 02:05:32 He has all of them. He has, he has all of them. He's trying to be Michael Jordan now. He has all, he has all the, all the trucks. He has the,
Starting point is 02:05:40 that Toyota TRX. He has the Rams. He has the Raptors. He has all of them. Okay. You are, you are not a car guy to dodge TRX. He has the Rams. He has the Raptors. You are not a car guy. It's a Dodge TRX, homie. I got you. It's a cool fucking car.
Starting point is 02:05:51 It's loud. Everyone be nice to everyone. It's a rough world out there. Before you sign off, I want to know what he was saying that wasn't nice. Who? Hunter. Oh, someone told me nice. Who? Hunter.
Starting point is 02:06:07 Oh, someone told me already. It was nothing. He told me he was telling the world that my dick tasted like poop. And I was just, you know, what can I say about that?

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