The Sevan Podcast - #616 - Gary Roberts | Killing The Fat Man 2.0

Episode Date: October 2, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. Three minutes early. Just like that. Eric Weiss, Vindicate, are you selling shirts at the Crash Crucible? I know Gabe's there from Paper Street. He's got CEO shirts. Good morning, Travis, Eric, Bruce, Chris, Corradino. Chris Corradino.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Oh, that does. That looks like he's not there. Look at, he got a sad face. I bet you he's doing something with his kids though. I bet you he's doing something with his kids. Give him a pass. I give him a pass. Travis is a great dude.
Starting point is 00:00:51 All the people who who by the way who um work with me from uh support support the podcast from sarah cox gabe travis uh none of those people and there's been a shitload of other people who've worked with the podcast too none of those people ever say uh to me i can't or it's crazy how accommodating everyone is crazy i didn't front the money for those shirts i just asked sarah cox if she wanted to do it she said absolutely i don't i don't i don't pay gabe anything from paper street coffee to uh to to hand out the shirts or facilitate making sure jr gets them that shit's a pain in the ass. Like if I'm walking somewhere to get a cup of coffee and someone's like, will you get me a cup? I'm like, no, because I don't want to carry it when I walk back. When I walk back, I want to be chill, let my loose free arm swing and drink my coffee with my own hand. I'm not getting you a coffee.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You want a coffee? Go get one yourself. And so I know it's a pain when I ask Gabe to do that. We make sure the shirts get there. We make sure JR gets them. We make sure the athletes get them, the 100 shirts that's left over. Can you make sure those go to the right people? I have an idea for a shirt, and Travis, within a week, sends me a one-off.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It's fucking cool. So cool. Everyone's great. I'm sorry for anyone I'm leaving out. Of course, then there's the team, all the other people, Jim McDonald, Will Branstetter, Caleb. so cool everyone's everyone's great i'm sorry for anyone i'm leaving out and of course then there's the team of all the other people jim mcdonald will brandstetter caleb we're a year into it everyone's working hard and we're still winging it it's still like just it's a competition to see who can work the hardest it's fucking cool what's up dude
Starting point is 00:02:21 i want to um hi before gary comes on he'll probably come on in the middle of this little rant i'm going to go on but i want to tell you guys something about my kids i want to tell you something about mental illness and i want to tell you something about being honest with yourself first i want to show you the post i made over here um i have a a new instagram account that's kind of just uh i'm really really proud of it sorry it's a uh Instagram account that's kind of just – I'm really, really proud of it. Sorry. It's a YouTube account. It's called Parenting Consulting the Capable Child. I'm so proud of it.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And that's not a word I usually use. But I put this out the other day. I put out two to three videos every day. I try to keep them all under a minute. And, yeah, Caleb is looking jacked. Before he left, he started getting jacked a little bit he started he started leaning out and yeah i agree some piece of shit right right right that too um uh so uh here we go um this is the video i put out yesterday this is my uh my son joseph I. We went to Starbucks.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Use his shirt when he grabbed the handle of the door. Let me see if I can reset it here. To open. See that door handle right there? I just watched a, I don't know, 16-year-old healthy man, used his shirt when he grabbed the handle of the door to open the door. If you have mental illnesses like that, hide that shit from your kids. You don't want your kids picking up those kind of habits. That's just – I saw a healthy 16-year-old boy grab the door handle of a Starbucks door.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I'm sharing this with you, but the truth. Oh, shoot. I wonder if I can mute this. Oh, yeah. And then – okay, click the comments. And I made a video of it, and I said, hey, if you have mental health issues like that, like you can't grab the handle of a Starbucks door and open it without grabbing your T-shirt to open the door. That's a mental health issue. You have serious problems. I don't know if they're serious, but it's a problem. It's not normal, and you should hide that shit from your kids.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Suck it up and just grab the handle. I want you to read the comments here. I want to read them to you. I've seen too many people walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands to be convinced that people aren't nasty. Sorry, presupposition. Presupposition. What's the presupposition there?
Starting point is 00:04:52 That somehow not washing your hands after you go to the bathroom is nasty. Cool. Okay. Look, 12 likes. Man just wanted to not get a virus. A presupposition there that viruses viruses are somehow bad, right? These are all brainwashed people. But this is the thing.
Starting point is 00:05:10 You can have mental illnesses and still be humble enough to work on them. We all got them. I got them. You got them. I don't know if we all got them. I don't mean to be that person. But everyone has issues they need to work on. But you can't work on them unless you admit you got them.
Starting point is 00:05:22 You literally are talking about it in front of your kid. I don't – someone would have to explain to me. You're right. You're welcome. I am. That's exactly why I'm not having kids. Okay. This man isn't very bright.
Starting point is 00:05:39 He's talking about me. Most likely the kid wanted to be sanitary and not touch the door. talking about me most likely the kid wanted to be sanitary and not touch the door making this assumption that not touching the door and not touching where other people touch somehow keeps you sanitary making the assumption that somehow being sanitary sanitary is the best thing what like this lady i'd have to read into what she's saying huh i'd have to read into what she's saying. How is being concerned about germs a bad thing? Well, if you're preoccupied with it, it's to the point where it's actually hurting you. It's called a mental health issue if you can't do normal risk assessment. I saw somewhere.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I have no idea if this is true. I have no idea if this is true, but just bear with me. The spirit of what it's saying is true. If you wear a mask to protect yourself, I read somewhere that once you touch the mask four times in less than an hour you've actually brought more germs to your mouth and the mask would protect you from on average on some sort of aggregate of getting sick have you ever seen anyone wear a mask for an hour without touching it four times the fuck you have that means the mask is actually causing you more problems of what i said is true. You don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:45 He might be more susceptible to getting sick, and being cautious is never a bad thing. Being cautious is never a bad thing. Wow. Wow. Imagine that life. Those are the people who would say about the CrossFit Games, safety first. No, no. Not safety first.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Safety. Not safety first no no not safety first safety not safety first think about the safety people for the nfl from what happened to that quarterback the other day safety is not first uh and it's and you can't live your life like that i mean this is just all it's crazy i had to look up the word dog whistle this isn't a dog whistle but i'll use the term like dog whistle it's like all the people with mental health came out like moths hi gary like moths to the light we are not interacting with feces residue urine blood etc yes you are you're breathing it in everywhere you go all day every day actually you are you there's no running from it laugh my party on the shirt pardon me Laugh my – How many germs are already on that shirt?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Pardon me? Say that again, Caleb? I said think about how many germs are already on that shirt. Oh, yeah. Right. Laugh my fucking ass off. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? I have gloves just to pump gas.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Now, here's what's interesting about that. That I might – if you're avoiding wanting to touch the gas, that I might give you. But the germs from your fellow man, is she bareed first of all it's a he probably should take your own advice with your lack of compassion so so now the script's been flipped it i'm offering free advice about mental health but i have a lack of compassion somehow i'm looking out for kids and spreading mental illness to them but i have a lack of compassion. I'm totally fine with that dude doing that. I actually am happy you do that.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I actually thought, you know what I'm going to do today? I'm going to spend a few minutes with Gary Roberts after the show, and we're going to invent something that's like an – uh-oh, I have a bad echo. Is that you, Gary? It just brought that on to me? I just muted Gary. Let's see if it goes away. Oh, yeah, yeah. When I muted Gary, it just brought that onto me. I just muted Gary. Let's see if it goes away. Oh yeah. Yeah. When I muted Gary, it went away. Um, Gary and I are going to invent a napkin that you carry around with you that anytime you touch something that you don't really want to touch, you pull one out
Starting point is 00:08:55 and you grab it and we're going to become so rich and they're going to be floating all over the ocean, but it's okay. Gary and I'll be rich. gary i'm getting your echo again you mother fucker uh no your poor parenting simply simple acts that you disregard may may one avoid serious illness hey i shouldn't have even driven to starbucks uh because that would have avoided a severe accident i shouldn't have walked across the parking lot with my kid i shouldn't have carried my kid across the parking lot what if i would have fainted and dropped my kid i mean shut the fuck up and with that you have to see this this is this is my boy dancing the other day barefoot oh you can't see it hold on hold. Hold on. I mean, people are – I'll just tell you this. My kids were born on a living room floor. They didn't bathe for months.
Starting point is 00:09:54 All three of them. They breastfed within minutes of coming out of the fucking vagina. Vagina. All the literature says you don't bathe your kid because right when your kid's born is – I think it's the hypothalamus is taking in as much information as it can as it comes in. And that's when you're building your most robust and baseline for your immune system, and it's getting all of that stuff from the mom as it comes out of the vagina. system and it's getting all of that stuff from the mom as it comes out of the vagina some fucking amazing unexplainable shit that we're not fully aware of is happening at that point baby comes out stays attached to the umbilical cord for i don't know 30 minutes an hour you cut it it's it's already breastfeeding while it's still attached to the umbilical cord goes to bed with mama that night. You wake up in the morning,
Starting point is 00:10:45 you can't even tell all the blood and glue and shit, goo and shit's gone. It stays with mama for the first month. You don't bathe it, nothing. You leave your child barefoot. You leave your child barefoot. Let him dance at the beach. To, uh, to the fucking Bee Gees.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah. Let him dance to the Bee Gees. That's right. I said it. I want you to look. You have a dog. My kid's barefoot down here. Right-hand corner.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Kids are barefoot at a CrossFit event supporting Kelly Clark. Kids are barefoot playing the guitar in the garage. Kids are barefoot striking. Kids are barefoot running sprints. Running sprints. When my friends say, oh, sorry, we can't, our kids have COVID, we can't come over. Do you know what we say?
Starting point is 00:11:53 It doesn't matter, as Hiller would say. It doesn't matter. At the trampoline park, barefoot, hundreds of other kids. My kids live free from all of that shit all of that mental illness because because because i mean they're what the liver king wishes he was my kids don't wake up in the morning and have a fucking bagel with cream cheese i can't hear you sorry gary but you're smiling so i know you must be saying
Starting point is 00:12:25 nice something nice i'm gonna unmute you hi i came in late i don't know what you're saying bro i don't i'm just i i'm just so i i knew i i'm i'm i'm i made a post the other day on my parenting consulting thing like hey don't give your kid your mental illnesses all people have to say is this is the thing you're right i do have mental illness. I'm paranoid about germs to the point that I'm actually hurting myself and my kids. My course correction of grabbing a shirt and grabbing a handle, the severity I know, and this could be a whole show I could have a psychiatrist on, but the severity of preoccupate, the out of balance you are, you have a preoccupation with grabbing your shirt to grab a handle and what you're actually missing and what you could be getting from the world in terms of health is actually out of balance. Your cure is more damage than the efforts to be better and protect yourself.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Can I say something? Yes, please. It's funny you say that because my kid has been in the gym. Yes, please. It's funny you say that because my kid has been in the gym. My baby, I took her out of the little bouncy chair because she's crawling around. And I put her in this little pen, but she's on the gym floor. And she's rolling around.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I put all her toys on the floor. And everyone's just like, wow, cleanly. I'm like, Hey, she'll, she's building her immunity. She's rolling in the dirt on the gym. And anyway, I don't, it doesn't faze me at all. I wanted to, I wanted to say this as nice as possible. I don't even know if people got the point, but here I posted this the other day. So this is Avi barefoot at the gym, Team Tufunga, while Haley does pull-ups. Here's Berkeley, California. The baby's crawling just on a city street.
Starting point is 00:14:18 It's barefoot. This is the way – I mean you got to check the ground for shit broken glass needles but dude there there's crazy shit on the ground there there's crazy shit on the ground there i mean take care of your kid feed your kid right breastfeed them let them be born right don't let them be born onto clorox sheets if you can don Don't give them a formula filled with high fructose corn syrup. But, Sevan, some people can't blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah. Then fine.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Then you belong on YouTube making comments that argue your limitations. That's not what this show is about. Go ahead and argue all the limitations you want. Those people, instead of being like, you're right. I have a mental illness. Thanks for pointing it out to me. I'm going to try to make sure I don't pass it on to my kid. They're defending their mental illness. I drink and drive all the time. I've never been in an accident. It's fine for me.
Starting point is 00:15:19 How about just a thank you? It was so great yesterday. Yesterday, my kids had this incident where one of my kids punched the other kid in the shower and there's no there's no horseplay in the shower. So I turned the shower off, dried the kid off, took him to the garage and I made him I told him I was going to make him do 100 burpees. He didn't cry. So after 20 burpees, I just had him throw a ball right and left-handed at a wall like this, taking turns. It was Joseph, but he had to catch them, and he loved it. And when he was done, I gave him three chocolate-covered raisins, and I gave them to the other boys too. And my son Joseph said, why do they get it? They didn't do anything and i said hey can you flip the script on that and be like awesome you guys get chocolate
Starting point is 00:16:11 raisins too i'm so happy for you and they all started laughing but he got it trying to save my kid from having that that's shit that i would say i don't want him to have my mental illness what's up bro let's get rolling my kid's gonna wake up at some point okay gary roberts uh um has been waiting for 16 minutes because i told him to come on promptly at 7 a.m pacific standard time and he did and i've been just a horrible host and uh hi gary gary is a um longtime friend um we met uh filming arm wrestling tournaments i don't know 20 years ago let's say 17 years ago and um he is a avid crossfitter and uh he was kind enough to when he first started crossfit to let me film a series about him called killing the fat
Starting point is 00:17:01 man most popular non-game series as you guys have heard me say many times in the history of crossfit inc if you it's a 13 part series and it's very very very intimate and it was very generous of gary to allow us into his life then there was a season two and now gary is um if you have if you don't know some of the things that happened to gary i'll tell you in a nutshell he basically lost a shit ton of weight he had a bunch of skin removed on on, on the front of his body. When that skin was removed, a bunch of cells were removed that store fat. You only have a finite number of those. When he gained weight back, the weight got started going to his organs instead of the safer places. Titties, heart, liver. What? Yeah. And started attaching to his organs. The fat started attaching to his organs the fat started attaching to his organs and um he that made him nervous that's not good because he didn't have the proper places to store
Starting point is 00:17:53 the fat safely like the rest of us tubs do it started because he had it cut off and removed now so it's been more important for him ever to uh lose weight and i said hey you want to try this trt and gary's 50 i know he doesn't look it november 21st bro that's my name dave castro came to my house yesterday and he i opened the front gate and i'm like hey dude what's up he goes fuck you look old and then he said and then he said how do do I look? I said, you look fucking great. You look handsome. He goes, yeah, I just got a haircut. I think Dave's an alien.
Starting point is 00:18:32 He doesn't age. You guys don't have the skin that I – the thickness of skin that it requires to be me is – Actually, I cry a lot at night um gary so gary i hook you up with california hormones oh yeah look at you wow you're skinny there look how dark dave is dave looks like a fucking gangbanger that's a great photo dude that is That is a... Wow. Wow. Good job, Caleb. Holy shit. Wow. How many years ago is that? 10.
Starting point is 00:19:15 10 years. Gary, what do you think about Maya Flores out of the South in Texas? You know who that is? No idea. Okay. She's the congresswoman who is the immigrant she used to be a field worker i have uh and she ran the news bro oh you're a good dude i didn't find out the queen died for like three days oh you're living a good life fuck you're living a good life where are you are you in the garage yeah because you chose 7 a.m i had to be out of
Starting point is 00:19:47 the house but i'm trying to organize my little man space garage gym yeah uh so uh you helped me inspire me to get some stuff moved around to get my ultimate little studio man space garage gym put together and you're on the west coast so it's 7 16 a.m for you too yes sir why are you so calm no wonder you're scum is that your wife calling you online at 7 a.m is that your wife calling you or is that caleb's saying someone died in the room behind caleb no nobody's probably somebody died okay so so so gary got his blood levels checked and his testosterone was at? They said it was low.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I don't know them. I looked at the numbers. They said it was low. I trusted that that's. Gary refuses to tell us his numbers, which is because it was like seven, but he doesn't want to tell us. That's fine. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I don't blame him for that. That's why I don't want to get tested either, because I don't want to tell you his numbers which is because it was like seven but he doesn't want to tell us that's fine that's okay i i don't blame him for that that's why i don't want to get tested either because i don't want to tell you my numbers i mean i i don't even know i i gotta look at the email once again gary refuses to tell us because uh it's so low it's negative 12. It's so low. It's negative 12. The show's already more awkward than Hayley Adams. No, it's not. I'm just joking because Gary's my buddy, and we're just – the American Urology Association identifies low blood testosterone as less than 300 nanos. I bet you I'm negative.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I don't – god, really? Erectile dysfunction i i suspect i have really low t but that fucking that fucking thing has a mind of its own still speaking of this testosterone business is giving me morning woods seriously seriously yeah yeah every day how long have you been doing it it's like almost five four and a half months now serious yeah holy shit i can't believe it's been that long i seriously thought you were going to say four and a half weeks. No. So tell me some of the other things you noticed.
Starting point is 00:22:10 So Morning Wood. Hold on, hold on. You're jumping ahead of my timeline. Okay, go ahead. Please, take over. Tell me some stuff. Well, I have that as act three because I have questions. Well, I have that as act three because I have questions, but we have to start off with – I need you to read me a message.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Oh, okay. Yes. So I can't read that to you on the air because I never asked her if I could read it on the air, and I have a strict policy. But I will tell you this. A few days ago, I received a – this is fucking – I haven't told you this, Caleb. A few days ago, I received a – this is fucking – I haven't told you this, Caleb. By the way, Caleb, can we send afterwards – can you and I talk about sending Gary a shitload of these shirts? For sure. You're extra large, Gary? Yes, please. So we'll send him like one in every color of the sweatshirt, the whole – he gets the whole kit and caboodle. He'll rock that shit.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Maybe we should send him an extra large first and make sure it fits. Can I set it up first? Please, please. Okay. So here's the thing. I received a DM from his wife, people. It was very unsettling. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You and I have known each other since 2003. And she wasn't telling me I was hot and that she wanted me as a side piece. It was nothing like that. So let's just squash that. All those people got excited about that. Almost 20 years. I've known my wife five years. And try as I might to explain what you've meant to me in my life and how killing the fat man has brought us together that's like an our thing you know it's if you anyone who's watching watched the last time we were on i explained what you
Starting point is 00:23:56 meant to me you know i i can't get more i mean you're very important to me, Sevan, and what the impact you, I mean, except in CrossFit, Coach Glassman, Sevan Matosin, all of that has had an impact on my life where it's totally changed the path and direction that my life has gone. But you personally are the foundation of like, literally, I can point to my two beautiful babies that I have right now, two-and-a-half-year-old Odin and Cora Josephine, seven months. I wouldn't have these babies without you in my life or without Killing the Fat Man. So Killing the Fat Man has been a profound impact and importance. And my wife knows this.
Starting point is 00:24:44 However, during the pandemic, when I was starting to slack, she was like, Hey, go back to CrossFit. And you know, procrastination took over. And I did not. I kept starting and stopping and starting and stopping. Anyway, so from the get go, when you return to my life and you're like we we we did not talk for a while since uh i left crossfit and you know everyone's doing their own thing totally understandable all good never once had a problem like i knew one day i go through santa cruz i probably sit down and hang out with you and your family and catch up. But you called and you're like, hey, let's do let's get you.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I told you my health issues and you're like, let's do it again. And just from that second, my wife was like, oh, I see. You know, I've expressed concern, but Sevan calls and you jump. And I'm like, I can't, you know, let's not make a big issue of it. You knew I was going to start. It just took a little fire. And, you know, so Sevan comes back. To be fair, that's not a cool way to couch it by the way the way she couched that's not cool and there were other things involved too you got free blood work you got free testosterone and and there's they also pay for making the series right so there's a whole and you and
Starting point is 00:26:16 the last two times you lost weight it was it was with um me in your life not that i did any of the fucking work but but it's kind of like um it brings a lot of pieces back obviously the benefits all go to to her and her fam and your family and the kids but yeah i that's i think she just i think she just jumped i think she couched that totally wrong that has that's totally misplaced um but here's the thing here's the thing and i have i i am the father of gary's kids that is that's that's correct i have uh gary keeps wondering why they're only this tall gary how tall are you i'm six six one gary do you have notes for this show yes i do fuck man you you're you've turned into. Hold on. I have to push record again.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I am not coming out today, Bruce, but I appreciate you lubing the entryway in case I did want to come out. Thank you. Okay. I've been scared to broach this subject with you, but because I knew it was an issue with my wife this whole like i i'm just gonna say it's kind of a jealousy thing with the killing the fat man i've never showered with you or been anywhere naked with you have i anyway so when the testosterone came up she was not a hundred percent on board with me doing it i understand drama behind the scenes but i was trying to kind of suppress that drama because i mean there was just to be frank where this is this is getting crazy there was a conversation where she's like
Starting point is 00:28:02 don't do it. And I said, I already told Sevan I would do it. I called you and I was like, I'm in. And she's like, I need to know more. Don't do it. And I kind of proceeded to the next step with Sarah and you, with my wife. It was one of those things where you ask forgiveness rather than permission. And I kind of just, yeah. Yeah. So, so that's combined with the other thing kind of had this resentment that she's had. And I haven't really wanted to talk about it because I didn't want to
Starting point is 00:28:38 throw her under the bus, but the minute she sends you a DM, I was like, Oh no, you did it. So now it's a three way. Now, now I'm in the conversation. You feel more comfortable talking about it. I was trying, you know, I didn't want to bring you into the drama. I didn't, my wife is a bit of a private person. And whereas the first killing the fat man, the second killing famine, I really like I mean, there was nothing off topics that we could talk about with Anissa myself. She frankly was not really bothered with me just airing our dirty laundry. So here to get to the point, sir, you put up that screen, you know, low test a low sex drive all that business my wife and i
Starting point is 00:29:27 we have a great relationship however you know sex i'm like a sex freak i mean i i just i'm what does that mean what does that mean you want to put it in the dumper or you just need a lot i'm just i need sexual activity with my spouse often to function as a human being. What do you mean often? Once a week? Once a week. Once a week is good. Once a week is good.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Huh? Once a week is good. No. No. A Saturday. Okay, okay, okay. How about this? On Saturdays twice, in the morning and at night.
Starting point is 00:30:00 And then the rest of the week, we just chill. We sleep good. That's my story. You're killing me bro how many well how many how what's the sex every day hold on when okay because that was an issue with anisa when i met caroline one of the reasons why we moved so fast is because we connected in multiple ways that being one and i was like hey i need us you guys both love trump you guys both love trump i said i need a spouse who's on the same level as me sexually and she's like i'm in i'm like i'm in and so it was all
Starting point is 00:30:32 great and it was exciting and then as time went on she's like maybe anisa's right you are you're a little bit freaky high on the sex drive yeah when this testosterone business came in she's like i do not need more drive in you oh right already an issue right i don't need to be more of an issue and we just had kind of a a little argument over it because she was saying things like didn't we just do it and really like nagging and i And I was like, Hey man, just it's yes or no. I don't need the negativity applied to it. When you said, didn't we just do it? You mean like it's, it's, it's, it's 6am and you had sex. And then at 8am you're trying to have sex again.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And she goes, didn't we just do it? No, we'd have like love on Monday. I'd give her space on Tuesday. And then Wednesday I would. Oh yeah. That's fair. I'm cool. Yeah. I'd be trying to get Tuesday, and then Wednesday, I would... Oh, yeah, that's fair. I'd be trying to get some lovins, and she would say something negative, like, didn't we just do it? And I was, like, pissed. Can you just not say negative? Like,
Starting point is 00:31:33 you knew who you were marrying. Moral of the story is, we got a little argument. She should take some X-lax, and just every time you want to fucking do it, she just run to the bathroom and just take a big, nasty deuce. We get in an argument. Yeah. Sorry, nasty deuce we get in an argument yeah sorry get in an argument and we're not talking for a few hours and the next day normal by the way normal that happens to me and my wife too the next day when we kiss and make up yeah she says you're gonna be mad at me and i said
Starting point is 00:32:01 You're going to be mad at me. And I said, what's up? She's like, you're going to be real mad. I sent Sevan a message. I like her. God, I like your wife. Can you tell me this real quick? How do you guys make up?
Starting point is 00:32:20 Is it like with me and my wife, sometimes there'll just be this unseen tension. And then I just feel like my ego is in the way. And I just have to get around my ego and like i just want to start over because like you're so far past whatever caused the fight even like minutes after it sometimes it's like or it's too heated i just want to get past it and like maybe the fight will happen again and we can catch it you do you know what i mean and stop it like it's too far gone to fix it kind of needs to happen again and we need to choose different things we say to each other and so i have to just suck up my ego or she has to suck up her ego and just walk over
Starting point is 00:32:49 and be like hey i love you i'm sorry can we did not fight and just and just kind of wait for the next fight and then try to catch it before it like turns into a war how do you guys fix your shit i know it's off subject a little bit does one of you just have to say sorry or here's the thing i just have to say this and i love it that she told you she sent it to that take that's so fucking cool okay normally normally we you know after a few hours go by i normally forget what hey she's like a you you can't handle his wife she's like um she's like i think she's like uh nicole anna smith when i saw her she's like i she's like a she's like a lot of woman she's like if serena williams was white okay go on go on uh gary normally i'm the kind
Starting point is 00:33:33 of guy that normally forgets what i'm angry about after four hours and so that's what how yeah me too me too women are like full fucking seasons they're like fucking months they're like fall i'm like just one of those rain clouds in the cartoons just rain my mood just comes and goes this guy with when it comes to sex one of the reasons why anise and I didn't work is because she shamed me. She shamed me for who I am. We've married 24 years. And I was like, if I'm ever with anyone again, I will not be in a situation where I'm shamed. I am happy with who I am. Do not shame me because I have a higher sex drive than you. When I met my wife, a lot of sex positivity, no shaming. And now here five years later, because, you know, I'm complaining a little bit more like, hey, you know, where's the lovins? She would start to shame a
Starting point is 00:34:34 little bit and like, hey, you are kind of a freak. Like, why are you always thinking about it? And I'm like, dude, you didn't shame me when I first met. And so I was holding on to this. Like, if we're going to be married 50 years, I need the shaming to end. Like, you're either in or you're out. Say, I'll pass today. But I can't spend a decade being shamed just because I have a high sex drive and I want to make love to my wife. So I kept holding on to this. Like, I'm like, stop with that shaming business. And so this prolonged
Starting point is 00:35:08 this, this topic because she wasn't getting it. And I was like, I'm not joking. I cannot let this go. I need it to be more like, Hey, I get it. You're into it more. That that's I it's fine. I'm just not there as much as you are. And you know, you're going to have to meet me next Tuesday instead of like, what is wrong with you? Why are you always thinking about it? Point of the point of the story is this testosterone business has had, it has pushed the elements where it has increased my libido more. And it's like, it was already an issue. So it kind of pinnacled for Caroline, where she's like, I'm going to tell Savon a piece of my mind.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And it came off real nasty. She said, she basically said Savon uses me as like some sort of guinea pig. And he only calls me when he wants something or something to that effect. Am I correct? Yes. Did she say that I could say that?
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah, yeah, it's fine. Point is, it's just not true. I only call, just so you know, it's not you. I only call anyone when I need something. Sometimes all I need to do is be nice to someone. Go on. The point is we have this connection that is unrelated to anyone else and it bonds us. And like, we'll always have that. I mean,
Starting point is 00:36:34 we've been friends for a very long time and it's, it's okay to have that. And everything in my, I met my wife because of Savon it's fine oh shit sorry gary he's got a suzer's full european he's got a fucking dildo hanging out his ass a small coffee cup and a soccer shirt on you are now a european you can see it from back over there hey gary she did she did send me a DM. It – to be honest with you, it stung me because I didn't like the way she had painted me, but it wasn't like – it wasn't like off, off base. You know what I mean? Like she didn't accuse me of like anything that was like absolutely crazy. Like I see where she was putting the puzzles together.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Do you know what I mean? Like when I, when I got involved with California hormones, I thought, Oh, I wonder if Gary would want to be a part of this. Just like, just like, but just to, just to be frank, I had, I had, I had a Jim Klopman on the other day. He's the balance block guy. And I immediately thought,
Starting point is 00:37:51 Oh, I wonder if Travis Bajan would want to be involved with this guy. And I contacted and I connected them. Or I said, I wonder if Adam Neif would want to be involved with this guy. I don't see it as, as, as using you.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I thought it would be just a mutually beneficial, uh, relationship. And, but the way she painted it, she painted it like it was dark and it fucking hurt. It hurt me because I don't want to treat anyone like that. Do you know what I mean? Hurts too strong, but it rocked me. And then I was like, fuck, do I show Gary this? And my wife's like, sit on it for a few days. And I go, well, if you sent Gary a DM, I'd want you to show it to me. I think Sousa told me the same thing. Just sit on it a few days. And then you called me and you're like, did my wife send you something? And I was like, yeah. Hey, I have a question about, um, have you, have you ever not wanted to have sex and had sex anyway? Dude, that's the question. Because I have. and afterwards i'm always like that was great
Starting point is 00:38:48 i've never like regretted and been like shit i wish i didn't do that i wonder if it's not like that for girls i wonder if it's like i wonder the most frustrating thing with this whole sex topic is like i would love i would love my spouse i don't care if I'm in, in or out. Like if my spouse needs something, I would be like, no problem. Let me take care of you. Like that's my job is here to serve you. You asked me to mow the lawn. I mow the lawn in the reverse. Like, Hey, I need lovins. You should provide lovinsins when you say mow the lawn is that is that a metaphor you mean is that a metaphor when you say mow the lawn no if she says can you mow the lawn i go mow the lawn whether like the real lawn you're not okay
Starting point is 00:39:38 okay okay i thought you were saying something else okay i understand the thing with the dm is it's a bit unfair to you seven is that i downplayed because i was exciting about because i was i do get excited when you call i won't lie i love myself some seven matosi and i downplayed her hesitancy with the testosterone business so it's a bit unfair to you because I kind of hid that because I didn't want somebody put in the comments, my body, my choice. I really pulled that card. I was like, Hey, this is my body. I don't know. Yeah. Do you agree with them? I think, I think when it comes to testosterone, you should have a conversation with your wife, but that's the thing. I do think you should have a conversation. She did say,
Starting point is 00:40:23 Hey, that's not fair. I agree with her. I i should be an equal part like you're the father of my children you don't buy a motorcycle if your wife doesn't want you to maybe you leave your wife but you don't and here's why it costs a shitload of money it's a killing machine and it doesn't offer practicality now there's other shit like i mean there's shit you got to put your foot down on i mean don't uh um but there's some things like you're going to inject testosterone into your body i think you got to talk you have to have a healthy discussion with your wife you're going to get a motorcycle you got to have a healthy discussion because she loves you and you're going to be riding around on it she's going to be stressed out and it's like well so here's and here's why I didn't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Beginning, I wanted to get Caroline out of the way because you were asking me questions. And if I'm more honest, if I were just straight honest with you, I would say at this moment, four months in where the benefits have come from are a bit inconclusive for me. Is it because I've been going to the gym five days a week and I'm killing it at the gym? I'm going as hard as I can. I hate my coach. He keeps programming wads that I don't think I can do. And he keeps asking me to do them as hard as possible. And it's like, are my benefits from that
Starting point is 00:41:45 you told him you hate him too right what you told him you hate him yeah yeah yeah i did i said i'm starting to hate you you're joking he said dude that's my job if you're not hating me i'm not doing my job so is it that is it that i have cleaned up my nutrition a little bit not amazing but i i definitely made improvements and then the testosterone like where are the benefits coming from if i could say anything about this california therapy to me it's kind of like which is why my wife kind of has a point is that i look at as kind kind of like a gateway, a gateway truck. To what?
Starting point is 00:42:29 You're going to get on like some of those things that Hiller talks about? Ambulon, Trestelone, Comdalon. Well, I've been doing this now and I'm like, now, okay. And I'm like, well, now I kind of want to know. I want a more conclusive. Yeah, yeah. And so I talked to Sarah. I said, what, you know, she's like, double the dose, double the dose, bitch, double that shit up, Sarah.
Starting point is 00:42:51 What do you want Sarah to double the dose? I mean, I want to know more. And it's kind of like, you know, my wife's not really happy that I would go on this path of like, okay, I am, I've seen what I can do where I'm working out, where I'm eating better, and I'm on the testosterone, but I'm not sure how my – How is the arm wrestling? How is the arm wrestling? How is the arm wrestling?
Starting point is 00:43:18 Are you strong on the table? The last tournament I went to, I won two. I lost two. Good job, dude. Were, and, and were you on the, were you on the, I mean the TRT? No, no. There is a tournament in December though, here locally that I'm going to go bitch some slap at or slap some bitch ass. Hey, are you, um, are you, um, uh, are you training, uh, uh, for, for arm wrestling specific? Are you getting some time in to do some arm wrestling training?
Starting point is 00:43:47 You know, I've been a lot so busy. I'm just working on my false grip with the rings. I want to get my muscle ups back. You know that helps with the arm wrestling. So I'm just working on that in the gym. Nothing arm wrestling specific. Don't pop a bicep. But I have another question
Starting point is 00:44:06 so in the last month i found myself starting to really try to compete with people in the class and like i know there's a couple people in the class i really uh shout out to iron valley crossfit by the way all my peeps coach travis it's an awesome gym susan that's some relationships there it's really cool to go to the gym meet the same people and i want to beat them i'm tired of getting my ass whipped and i'm like am i a performance enhanced person now yes yes yes yes you're a ped user yes so hey hey but here's the thing but no but i don't know it depends i mean the from what i'm starting to feel is the entire this is going to be weird but to say this but i think that maybe don't tell anyone i'm saying this okay promise gary
Starting point is 00:45:00 i think the entire fucking master's field at the CrossFit Games might be juiced out of their fucking mind. All of them. I mean, it's starting to – some weird shit's starting to surface. I cannot tell you how much shit people are telling me and Andrew Hiller now that I can't even fucking believe. But – so I don't know what to believe anymore. By the way, Susie, that is the best I've ever seen you look in years. I don't know if it's the buildings, the shirt, your camera. Are you just on your phone?
Starting point is 00:45:31 No, this is the laptop. The internet's running off my phone now. Thank you. It's the espresso. Are you in Rome? No, Barcelona. I didn't even know that they had the skills to build buildings that high in Madrid. I respect the Spaniard.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Just joking, everyone. Settle the fuck down. Settle down. Okay, Gary. Hold on. I'm trying to win. I'm trying to win life, right? I'm trying to live longer.
Starting point is 00:45:58 So I'm doing this testosterone therapy. That's fine if it's just me but if i'm in the gym trying to compete with other people in the gym even though it's not official should i have an asterisk next to my name because yeah yeah i dare you i'm gonna get you a fucking shirt that says ceo and then below it it says enhance travis can we do that? TRT CEO, enhance, just enhance CEO. I want you every, what'd you say Caleb? Asterisk. Put the asterisk at the end.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Do you write your scores on the board, Gary? Yeah. Okay, I want you to write your score on the board tomorrow and then put an asterisk, California hormones and then give them the phone number, give them the website. So here's the thing, Travis, the coach at iron Valley CrossFit, I told him that I was on TRT and I don't think he really said anything, but we would start, we were having a conversation about the old, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:59 open announcements and how awesome it was and how he missed that. And, uh, announcements and how awesome it was and how he missed that and uh he's like ah the games it's just so steroided up now i'm i'm losing interest like it's not even travis knows even try even your gym owner knows everyone's juice to the gills yeah and i i was like stopped i was like i forgot i told him that i'm taking trt is going to judge me when this comes out? Because I've been filming. How old is he? How old is he? How old is he? He's 30. Oh, my God. I think he's 35. He's not judging you. He's not judging you at all. I want to ask you some other questions here really quick about that.
Starting point is 00:47:38 When you wake up in the morning, are you is you're getting up differently? Because that's the thing that everyone keeps telling me, that when they wake up in the morning, something's different. Besides the wood hillary hillary told me he doesn't even feel like he needs to sleep i'm like oh fuck that's the thing he feels so rested that's the thing all this is intertwined like when i eat cleaner i wake up better if i have a shitty meal, I wake up like shit, TRT or not. So I don't know where the benefits of what's starting and stopping. Like we've done CrossFit and we've done Killing Fat Man now for two seasons. And I achieved like 50 pounds in roughly three months.
Starting point is 00:48:24 But in that three months, in that three months my biggest transformation was my mental thinking my brain power that I could take on the world and now we've been doing I'm there mentally I'm I'm getting stronger I'm just I'm I'm ready to bitch slap the world again yeah and it's like where are the benefits what road have the benefits come from i feel amazing i'm crushing life uh but i i don't know i just feel overall generally better is it california homer or is it five days kicking us in iron valley yeah i don't know which one is you know where i don't know how to break it out but but but the thing about this whole california hormone business is i know i know when i get to my ultimate goal of like 210 i know
Starting point is 00:49:22 physically what i look like now if we do add some more stuff she mentioned something about growth hormone is that something i should do fuck we got that andrew hiller on here i have no i fucking idea i have no and my wife is pushing back like i i want to try to see what I can do. Hey, why don't you, the way I would do is I would set yourself up for treats. So, like, I would do a year first. And I would get down to your desired weight. And then from there, I would figure out what you want to do next. That's what I would do personally.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And then I'd get a tattoo and I'd get a side piece. No. Um, by the way, um, I don't think that, um, anything that your wife did by sending me that DM, I just see it as that she cares about you and her relationship with you and your kids. That's the only way, that's the only way I take that. So just, just so you know, like if she, like,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I'm not mad at her. I'm not tripping. I'm not like, it's all on me. Like she didn't say that. And I go straight to the fact of like, I, even if you tell me maybe she's jealous or maybe she wishes that she would
Starting point is 00:50:37 like, I don't believe any of that. All I just put it into a cubby. Oh, this fucking chick cares about Gary and her family. Just so you know, like I give her a full, I give her a full, I give her a cubby, oh, this fucking chick cares about Gary and her family. Just so you know. I give her a full pass. I give her a full pass.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I give her a full pass. She put her head down, she powdered her lip, and she's like, oh, I feel terrible about saying it. No, fuck that. It's her fucking kids. I accept, I accept, but I also don't hold it against her in the slightest. It's her fucking family. I have to restart my –
Starting point is 00:51:07 Gary, any – so you're not sure – so here's the thing. The only definitive thing that you're saying that you know that the TRT has affected is your cock and balls, the cockings. And even that you're not sure because maybe maybe maybe that's just from doing the crossfit needing healthy maybe you're on a placebo would you be pissed if i told you that we we we the whole time we've had you on a placebo program god your wife would be so happy if she found out we're just shooting you up with fucking uh i'd be mad because of that water salt water still hurts uh i mean is it bad we need to know your levels we need to know what your numbers are we need some numbers since you don't know what the fuck's going it just came and
Starting point is 00:51:55 they just redid my blood and they told me i have to give blood they told me i have to donate some blood did you ever see the um yeah oh you have to wait yeah yeah you have to wait to get your numbers they richard just came and retested my blood that's the asian guy yeah okay and and he so she's gonna tell me what those new numbers mean what they compare to the first one i don't know yet but she did send me a message. She said, you need to go donate blood. She said it's normal for people on TRT to have to do that, to keep your blood from being too thick. Have you heard this?
Starting point is 00:52:37 No. Did the doctor tell you that? Just Sarah did. Is Richard a doctor? No, he's just the blood work guy okay so you haven't heard this people doing trt have to donate blood no i but i'm also thinking maybe you misheard her or something um after this soon as we get off this call i'm gonna make sure the doctor calls you and you guys talk about it. Those who are participating in TRT may be encouraged to donate blood in order to keep red blood cell levels optimal and viscosity within normal limits.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Oh, in order to collect your blood, we must have a physician's prescription, documentation of testosterone therapy, and an appointment for a phlebotomy procedure. Oh. Oh, yeah. I imagine it probably just increases your red blood cell production and then it thickens your blood and it can cause clotting if it's not. Yeah, it's just. Oh, Bruce Wayne says he needs to donate blood, too. I'm not sure. So so maybe I wish I could tell you.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I don't know. I'm just like interested about how it's helping you lose weight, your cock and balls and your mental clarity. know i'm just like interested about how it's helping you lose weight your cock and balls and your mental clarity but but but um but but but i it's a it's a it's a learning curve for me too that's the first i've heard that it says my blood viscosity is increasing which can um blood and platelet adhesiveness is increasing which blood is more sluggish and thicker. Well, that would be horrible if you're vaccinated. Anyways, I don't know if I can do it, Savon. Gary, Gary. Savon, I don't know if I can do it.
Starting point is 00:54:18 That would be horrible if you were vaccinated. Whoa, who's that? That chick has a nice body. Savon. What? I don't know if I could do that year before I do anything else. Oh, wow. You're a full-blown addict. I didn't even know that about you. Simon Aguilar, the TRT is having an effect. Don't kid yourself.
Starting point is 00:54:35 It's like my mom has told me before that caffeine doesn't affect her. And so, like, I give her a cup of coffee and I just watch her. And it's like, all of of a sudden we double down on conversation i'm like how does this lady not know that this fucking caffeine is coursing through her bloods right now her blood right now yeah i don't so he's saying that trt is having an impact but going to the gym five days a week is having an impact so how do you know which is which um you don't you don't you don't they're it's all it's all it's all hell it's all it's a it's a combination of everything just like as you work out you feel better about yourself so you want
Starting point is 00:55:12 to bang more you know what i mean like like no one wants to like it the way i mean have you ever been like man i'm gonna come home and smash my wife tonight and then you eat two pounds of hamburger meat and a block of cheese and you're like yeah maybe a pound or tomorrow night like you just want to fucking pull your shirt up and watch some tv instead you know what i mean and so you're you're doing the you everything is moving forward in the right direction i i think i think the things are getting crossed but the fact that you're 50 and that you're in that you you're your crossfit coach is giving you workouts that make you hate him and you're not getting injured and that you're staying strong and that your CrossFit coach is giving you workouts that make you hate him and you're not getting injured and that you're staying strong and that you keep going, I have to say that there's a huge mental component
Starting point is 00:55:56 that's been affected by the TRT. In the past, you've been kind of after four months also, as I remember in the Killing Fat Man series, after four months there's some ups and downs now you're kind of excited yeah do you know what i mean you're like your excitement is like man i want to like you don't want to waste the trt i feel that vibe coming from you like yeah the biggest difference is like i'm really prioritizing the gym like two, three months ago because of the babies, you know, something came up. I was,
Starting point is 00:56:32 I was missing a gym day here or there just because, you know, I got baby shit to do, but now I'm like, I don't care what's going on. The babies are coming with me. Or are you taking the babies? I'm leaving the babies. I got to go to the gym and I'm i'm getting to the gym you know rain or shine and not letting anyone stop me and that's kind of like the biggest transformation that's happened the last two months like i'm even the coach i did miss a friday and he's talked about it the entire next week he's like i'll see you tomorrow and i was like of course every day he goes except last friday so like my coach is riding me not to miss days too but i mean just in general everything coach would tell your coach he needs to get on the TRT he's not old enough to appreciate why you would need it right um
Starting point is 00:57:30 no who knows who knows oh that's my final question seven have I like unwittingly or unknowingly kind of taken part in the normalization of PEDs. Like, am I part of that camp now? Because it's very controversial. I have to ask you the same question. Have I taken, am I now, I have to ask you that. Have I taken part in the normalization of PEDs? Because I get why people don't want it in in competition but like in normal life i have not
Starting point is 00:58:09 taken part in the normalization of getting a forced injection from the united states government i know that matter of fact i've taken part in i'm not saying that you should do it and i've been right for two years yes yes i don't want to be right people i do not want to be right you have to know that i do not want to be right i want all of you to made the right decision but yesterday a 20 year old girl playing blah blah blah fell flat on her face do you guys want to see it uh i don't know i don't know gary i i know that you've made it normal here i i know this i can tell you this i don't know. I don't know, Gary. I know that you've made it normal here. I know this. I can tell you this. I don't know what you've made normal, but I know for me, what I've seen is you've made normal that CrossFit works, that changing your diet works, that it's never too
Starting point is 00:58:53 late to start, that you've been a huge motivator for people who want to take personal responsibility and personal accountability. I know that you did it twice, at least twice on your own without taking testosterone replacement therapy. I know you're 50 and that you're trying it now. And I know that you've been very transparent with sharing it with the world. And there's not much more that we can do than that. I don't think that you've been a negative influence on anyone through any of the content that you and I have made together. I think it's quite the opposite in all realms and not only in the physical and the health, but in the spiritual realm, your dedication to trying to, um, uh, keep together with your first marriage was fucking unreal, unreal. And I think, uh, I mean, kudos to you for all that. So as much as we joke around, there's 10,000 people who probably – there's a million people that we could pull easily right now together who – and you took all the best influences they've had on the world, and it's not – it doesn't measure to the influence you've had.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I think you've saved people's lives. I bet you, you yourself, if the Killing the Fat Man series has a million views, let's say, and you you I bet you each of those person had one day saved on their life that's 1 million days if each of them had 10 days saved on their life because of what you did that's fucking 10 million days I don't know what that is if each of them saved and then divide that by 365 and that's how many years you save so that's how I think of it uh and dr fouch you can't say that thank you i have one more thing before we part yeah i was at the gas station i don't want to part i don't want to part i want to stay with you we have 30 minutes okay go ahead super guns and i was like oh this i wonder if i'm gonna get an honest answer from this guy so i walked up to him i was like hey dude i want guns like that i want some arms like that is does it take enhancements to get that i thought he'd be honest and he's like oh no natural i work hard like you just have to work hard in the gym and i'm like is that true are you bullshitting me hey can you pull some buff
Starting point is 01:01:06 guys caleb and i want to see how and give gary a choice so we can see how buffed um caleb's going to google buff guys and when you see the guy that's like of the equivalent to the guy you saw at the gas station um was he was he a white guy or black guy white guy the thing was he was a nurse and so he was in his nurse juicing juicing juicing juicing he was very out of place to be ripped as a nurse like with these i'm like the best medical caleb's a non-juicy medical professional all the others are juicy okay uh like that did he have any of those veins i mean he wasn't pumped but i'm sure he could have looked like that his arms yeah yeah right there right there that arm right there was sticking out of
Starting point is 01:01:54 his scrubs and yeah dude and scrubs are made to be loose was it tight on them yeah yeah tight so they're not made to be loose caleb no way those things are tight so if you had a huge dick and thick thighs people would see it through your scrubs yeah you can get they fitted scrubs and you just look fucking yoked are there are there dudes and like girls who are known like oh you always see that chick's nipples oh you always see that dude's penis through his scrubs like and there are yep yeah that's great step on perverts you know this better than me in the crossfit world are people honest about it if i feel like no no no no no no your honesty so maybe you are normalizing it because you're on this dude no oneikes this. Sorry for being so self-serving here, but no one dislikes me because of anything I say.
Starting point is 01:02:50 They dislike me because I'm exposing because I'm so honest and that it makes them uncomfortable. That's it. No, no, no one's like no one's upset that I mentioned Daniel Brandon's boobs like like there's just people who are upset about it because it makes them feel uncomfortable and they go to some like something happened to them as a kid so no one's upset no one's no one people are loving you because you're being honest about it and they can learn about it and some people you might be influencing in a bad way because they may get on trt too soon or they may get on it when they don't need it but the vast majority of people are being are like okay good i needed to see an honest honest presentation of what the dilemmas are of going through trt and so they have andrew who's this young man andrew hiller who's this young man who doesn't have kids and who's like super into fitness
Starting point is 01:03:41 and then they just have a fucking regular joe like you even though you're not regular um uh so it's good and no one's being honest like the vast majority are not being honest and there's other people who've plowed the way for honesty look at mark bell but he doesn't fucking look normal right so my point is that whatever i do i'm just going to be open and honest about what it is. Cause I'm very frustrated when I want just honesty from people who are like jacked. And I say, Hey, how do I get like that? They all, they all want to scream just innocence, like completely. These are my genes, like hard work in the gym. That's it. It's like, like you know i want a little bit more like exactly what you did like anyways hey when i take um when i take uh i didn't take creatine for like the last three days
Starting point is 01:04:35 just to like just to stop taking it and i noticed that like all my shit fucking went down like all my and i don't know if it's placebo or not but when i get in there just took me longer to warm up just everything. Like the first 10 minutes of my workouts were kind of miserable. And I've stopped drinking coffee later in the day for the last week, and I've noticed that my nighttime workouts are just more miserable. And I just think that as long as you're just aware of those things – I mean I haven't heard you say one bad thing about TRT except maybe your wife's concerns, maybe about wanting to bone too much. Is there anything else bad? Like is your poop – did your poop get runny?
Starting point is 01:05:18 Does it pee when you burn? What does it – like does your piss burn? I mean my only thing is – Did you punch your mom in the face? Like has anything weird happened no nothing weird i just i feel like it's this thing like okay the first time i was doing it my children were right there and i was like should they be watching this like is that should i be hiding the injection yes i don't i think you should that you should yes i think you should yes I think you should. I feel right. You should. Yes, I think you should. Yes, I think you should hide that from your kids.
Starting point is 01:05:54 So it is a private thing, like taking a poop. You do it alone. No, taking a poop is not like if they need to learn how to wipe. They got to see that. I don't think you should do – I don't think you should fuck in front of your kids I'm pretty adamant about that I don't think you should I don't think you should do anything
Starting point is 01:06:13 that involves I wouldn't like that thing holding my shirt to open a door I wouldn't want my kid to see me doing that I don't want my kid to pick up on things that are unnecessary I wouldn't even take Tylenol in front of my kids I don't want my kid to pick up on things that are um unnecessary i wouldn't even take tylenol in front of my kids i don't like my my wife takes like all sorts of vitamins and shit
Starting point is 01:06:30 and i can't stand my kids fucking seeing like seeing that shit you know what i mean even though i'm guilty of it too um taking all my fucking uh uh seven my time is up liver king stuff okay bye thank you i'm excited for you in summation i think that this thing has been is fucking having a huge positive effect on you what are you going to do about all the need for boning let me just ask you that real quick what are you just going to jerk off more or are you going to just you could just jump out of bed and just immediately do something else and transfer that energy that's what i would recommend so i i supplement with the masturbation of course okay what what if you did this what if you instead you um uh just took cold baths and started saving it up what if you went a week without letting one fly just as an experiment here's the thing i think masturbation can be a bad habit well this is a real conversation yeah
Starting point is 01:07:28 yeah i see the benefits by holding off seven days yeah to maximize like the feeling like okay fine there's that benefit but that's like say 20 more that you get from your orgasm but like by not holding then you're having 95 orgasms every time for the rest of your life i why would i withhold for seven days to just get a 20 increase when it's amazing as is so i'm just, I'm not even saying so it feels better. I'm just saying for experimentation sake, like, like, like what, what if instead of like, let's say if you woke up in the morning and you're horny instead of jerking off, you went out and just sat on the assault bike,
Starting point is 01:08:18 or if you had some 20 pound weights and you said, okay, I'll let myself jerk off. But only after I do uh 30 easy thrusters with 20 pound dumbbells i guarantee you after you do those you'll be like you'll switch to the next thing you'll be like yeah i'll jerk off later i'll go make some bacon now yeah yeah you just kind of just reprogram the brain a little on day five i'm a pretty nice guy i think i'm a great guy i think i'm a great guy right you mean five days a great guy. Right. You mean five days without – I'll be more of an asshole.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Like I'll be grumpy. I'll be irritable. Like it's an obvious impact when there is no – If there's too many in the chamber. Yeah. It's obvious. And people think I'm – she thinks I'm like exaggerating. I'm like, no, bro.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I literally function worse as a human. Like I'm not as awesome. Like I can't help it. I didn't design me. All right. She's going to have to take one for the team. Thank you, Gary. I'm excited to talk more.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Hey, so on. I apologize. But thank you.. I'm excited to talk more. Hey, so on. I apologize, but thank you. And I'm filming. I film my movements every day. I turn on the camera and the only reason you don't have anything yet is because I have two small babies and it's, it's hard to find time to edit, but I will get, I will get Sarah's happy. As long as Sarah's happy, I'm happy. Yeah. Take your time, buddy. Thank you everyone and uh
Starting point is 01:09:46 somebody said who is gary roberts in the comments they know exactly nobody that that guy's that guy's that guy's colin lawrence and he's confused gotta go he's he's going through identity crisis he should buy colin your alter ego should be a girl and you should be like in transition and shit dude hmm hi what's up Sousa what's going on guys I think my the wind might screw me up here
Starting point is 01:10:18 so let me know if you guys get too much feedback from it it kind of picked up while I'm out here god that was a great show ah I miss being on here totally been like six days but still there was a there's a there was i just saw jordan peterson video where he's basically saying like if you have to i'm not i'm not doing it justice he was a little cooler than this but he was basically saying if you don't ask your if you have to ask your wife about anything uh you've lost a piece of your masculinity but he he was he couched it better than partnership
Starting point is 01:10:50 yeah it's a partnership yeah it is uh austin hi hi what's up how's it going thanks uh thanks for the show yeah thanks for calling um hey uh kind of throwing a different topic at you guys going back to the unknown and unknowable do you want to chat about that for a minute or two or not really today austin you do you buddy so say what do you think when you hear a guy like travis mayor uh come out and get a little frustrated about other people, you know, kind of having a different jump rope with them, like the unknown and unknowable.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Like, do you think word gets out to these different camps and stuff? Like, isn't that a little unfair in your opinion? I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you saying that Travis was frustrated because of the CrossFit games? There were people who got to use jump rope. There was more advantageous to the crisscross and he didn't come
Starting point is 01:11:47 prepared and so instead of like being like fuck i didn't come prepared he's bitching uh yeah that's that's kind of the idea i guess what i'm trying to say is if it was anyone else besides travis mayor i would say fuck that dude but since it's travis i'm not gonna say that all right how about that all right let's right, let's forget about the crossover double under. What if Bosman kept his secret to himself and didn't ask anybody to test the movement ahead of time? Isn't that really the only way it can be unknown and unknowable for the field? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:12:21 Otherwise, when Bosman's asking dude, hey, I need you to test this for me three months in advance and then dude tests it and he also lets it leak out to him her and the other person and then dudes on the farm like colton who aren't in these camps they don't get the word you know what i'm saying hey let's say it's not even that let's say let's say it doesn't even leak out but the guy who tests it then makes a post on his instagram where he's using that rope and someone like fucking jr who's got the fucking greatest sniffer in the world is like that's weird why is that what was that guy's name why is something such raleigh using this fucking rope that no one uses in CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:13:06 So, I mean, I'm standing up for what you're saying. It doesn't even have to be something malicious. There's these motherfuckers like JR who are just combing everything and are going to see this shit and be like, okay, Pirouette's going to be in the games because I heard fucking Bosman say at one time in 1932 that if he ever programs the games, Pirouette's going to be in the games because i heard fucking bosman say at one time in 1932 that if he ever programs the games of pierre weston yeah i mean you're right if it's going to be truly unknown and unknowable no one uh can suza lick the camera for a minute what the no he'd know it's fine that's
Starting point is 01:13:36 just the sun geez um uh not for 499 yeah i mean in a way you're right in a way you're right i think it's a little too extreme. I think it's like using your shirt to open the door. It's just like we're approaching mental health issue status. But it doesn't mean that in an absolute world that I disagree with you. Word. All right, well, I appreciate you taking my call, Sivan. I love the show.
Starting point is 01:14:02 All right. Hey. I look forward to listening next time. Did you just say word? I said word. Well, I appreciate you taking my call, Sava. I love the show. All right. Hey. I look forward to listening next time. Did you just say word? I said word. Word, yeah. So one time I went on, I can't remember, I was on Craigslist, and I asked a guy, I said, hey, can you, I forget, I want to buy that thing from you. And he said, I can't remember what he said he said it's sold or okay let's set up a time to meet and i wrote back word and he fucking blasted me telling me that you have to
Starting point is 01:14:34 remember i'm from the bay area because i guess he has mental illness but he's like you fucking asshole you don't know me how dare you say word to me and he just put me on blast like saying word to someone was too intimate it was crazy oh wow i didn't know that i better watch out then i guess i do that no no no no don't i don't mean to share the mental illness use it i love word word i do it all the time word word it just shows that we fucking listen to rap in the 80s word it's like run dmc shit word yeah yeah right just means i heard you. It's, it's polite. Actually. I think I hear you. I feel you.
Starting point is 01:15:08 I grok you. I grok you. For those of you who read stranger in a strange land, you know, that term grok. Ooh, you got me there. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Let's looking it up. It's a, it's a, anyone who uses that word grok, you know, they read that book. All right. Uh,
Starting point is 01:15:21 we happen to have a second caller on the show, so I'm going to try to answer it. This is a record for us. Yep. See you later. Thank right. We happen to have a second caller on the show, so I'm going to try to answer. This is a record for us. Thank you. Caller. What are you working a fucking animal control officer
Starting point is 01:15:36 in the dog kennel from far away? You know, you know, you process it In a processing plant? Man, it's loud. Send me a link. It's Gabe. It is Gabe?
Starting point is 01:15:57 Oh, it's Gabe? Oh, shit. I didn't even know it was Gabe. I'm like, send you a link, motherfucker. I don't know who the fuck you are. Hold on, Gabe. Here we go. You need to save his phone number. Hang on real quick.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Okay, here it comes. It's a podcast line. It's a podcast line. You get the pass. I know. You know what's funny? Every six months or so, I'll pick the podcast phone up and I'll fuck with it and I'll be like, people just send texts to this number.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Oh, anything good? No. Just like, no. He's processing dogs in Korea. I think that's – if it's true that they really do eat dogs in Korea, then it's not – I don't know if that's racist. I thought that was China. But it's not. I don't know if that's racist. I thought that was China. But it's definitely stereotypical. It would be like to say,
Starting point is 01:16:49 it's like Sousa wearing that soccer shirt in Europe. I don't know if it's racist, but it's fucking stereotypical as a motherfucker. I don't even know who the player is or the team. He went through customs and they just give that to you. Gabe, what's up dude hey show us hey we can't hear you but could you turn the phone this way okay there it is hey speaking of juiced up i've been looking at the videos coming from the crash
Starting point is 01:17:24 crucible those athletes look like they're all juiced to the gills they do not look like crossfit games athletes they're huge okay well it's nice talking to you gabe wow okay so that so we couldn't have so we couldn't have streamed from there we couldn't have streamed from there not even kinda and that might be the problem that the zello games too uh but anyone who wants to uh do anything with gabe sorry gabe got to meet you for a second anyone who wants to do anything with gabe uh can you guys hear me anyone wants to do anything with gabe he is at the crash crucible i think it's like in north carolina or georgia or south carolina it's basically jr howell's gym um i'm guessing taylor self is there maybe jason hopper's there
Starting point is 01:18:09 there's a ton of just dudes yoked out of their mind there you can also go to their instagram and follow uh jr is the guy who often comes on this show and talks about programming uh he did the games with us this year awesome dude wow dude. Wow, his gym's huge. Yeah, it's big. All right, Gabe, thank you. If I keep you on any longer, you're going to ruin the show. Choppy as shit. I love you. Bye.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Bye, Gabe. Thank you. If I keep you on any longer, you're going to ruin the show. Nothing subtle there so what time is it in madrid it is barcelona 5 15 p.m and it's it's so mellow where you're at i've only seen one person walk behind you yeah i'm actually in the hotel they have this kind of like a second story hangout place so it's just a little patio to kick it no swimming pool or anything here but just some lounge chairs um can you turn your computer around so we can see what's in front of you what you're looking at yeah yeah so i'm looking at this oh that's dope and then this is the whole little area over here okay and so you're in kind of like a courtyard
Starting point is 01:19:28 on the other side of that hotel is the busy city yeah so if you go on on the opposite side of where i just showed you guys the hotel is right in front of me that's the hotel i'm staying at that you just saw it's the busiest portion of barcelona called las ramb. And you could take Las Rambles all the way down to the beach. The topless beach. No shit? No shit. Have you seen some good stuff? My man's married. He's married now.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Hey, full on showering. They were like completely naked at the little beach showers where you just rinse the sand off and stuff. Yeah. Full nude, full nude. And usually when we're talking about that, it's always the people you don't want to see.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Right. It's like a super old dude with the wrinkly balls or the chick. You're just like, Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm familiar with him. Not here. You're like, Whoa, you kind of like, you have to stop for a second and be like,
Starting point is 01:20:23 am I seeing what I'm seeing? It's a little, it's trippy. do you put your cell phone down you're like yeah i mean the cell phone's a little weird also to the place where we're at there's like a heavy pickpocketing area and stuff and having your phone out and stuff like that kind of targets you a little bit because if you're looking at a map and kind of going they'll follow you a little bit so i actually have this i would have gone gone full European on you guys and rocked this sucker across the top too because you got to keep everything out in front of you. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:53 I get it. And I've had that shit happen to me all over Europe. I'm trying to think how many times I've been robbed in Europe. At least three come to the top of my head. God, one time on the train it was fucking nuts yeah so we got a ticket on the train in germany so we ended up our we had a layover in a short layover from munich to barcelona and in the san francisco side our plane delayed for multiple hours two hours and then we ended up already missing the flight the next day from Munich,
Starting point is 01:21:27 Germany to Barcelona. So you're stuck in Germany. So we're stuck in Germany with like a seven hour layover. That's what I talked, I chatted with you and I'd been up for like 28 hours or whatever. Yeah. And I don't sleep very well on planes. So I was kind of in and out of sleep, didn't really sleep much.
Starting point is 01:21:41 And when we got to Munich, there's this train that comes off and you could go to this park super nice park i filmed the whole thing not one single homeless person not one single 10 drug addict there's craziness so anyhow grace was getting the ticket and i go are you sure it's there and back she goes yeah it says journey we're good well on our way back headed back to the airport we get stopped by the people asking us for the ticket and they go this is wrong we need your passports and i'm like oh shit this ain't good so we give them our passports and they write us out i look down i'm like 60 euros for a ticket the the train ticket was only a dollar it was only a euro and they're like oh sorry and the the lady was just super rude clear and i even wrote a joke in my instagram i was like someone's still upset about World War II. Oh.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Hey, they know you're just fucking dumb Americans and they still give it to you? They're not like, oh, hey. Yeah, it wasn't the police. It was just the train police. So it's just a way for – it's just income. That's all it is. And they probably even targeted us because of everybody that was there. They walked right over to us and were like, where's your guys' tickets?
Starting point is 01:22:48 And we were only up one stop. Did you pay for the tickets? Not yet. Yeah, don't. We actually met a guy at the CrossFit gym we went to today. He's from Germany. And we're asking him, we're like, do we have to pay this? And he's like, well, are you going to go back?
Starting point is 01:23:05 And we're like, yeah, probably not. He's like, don't. Don't pay. He's like, fuck it. We're not going to pay this and he's like well are you gonna go back and we're like yeah probably not he's like don't don't pay like fuck it we're not gonna pay it but yeah definitely targeted don't pay it fuck a couple notable things out here far far less uh overweight and obese people in spain in madrid yeah barcelona and um barcelona sorry barcelona yeah and it's just like Spain and Madrid. Yeah. Barcelona. And, um, Barcelona, sorry, Barcelona. Yeah. And it's just like, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Like you would think that there would be more and there's still a couple of people that are overweight, but not nearly like it would be in the States, especially at a tourist spot in the States. You know what I mean? Like you go to a tourist hub. Yes. It would have been insane,
Starting point is 01:23:40 but not out here, but everybody smokes. Like everybody smokes out here. it's a good way to keep your weight down smoking sections that's true yep have you smoked at all since you've been there yeah tempted no oh maybe a little bit tempted if i would like roll my own like cigarette or something just to like you know just but yeah um do the locals dress like that are the locals all rocking the soccer shirts and shit uh yes and no you know what's funny is a lot of the locals have random college um like shirts on it'd be like nebraska and you're like wow wow so it's it's kind of
Starting point is 01:24:22 american university of fucking agriculture or something yeah and there's a lot of like i saw like a lot of like santa cruz skate stuff like quick silver things out here a lot of volcom it's kind of interesting a lot of nike obviously but that's kind of prison yard man i want to show you something oh maybe, maybe I already. The other thing that's crazy that's unique to this area is how late everything goes. Like dinner doesn't even really start out here to like 8.30, 9 p.m. So when you're walking the street at like 11 or 11.30, it's packed. Every restaurant is full. People are all outside. Like that was one of the things because, you know, back at home, you go out at like 11.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Everything's pretty much closed down. Everybody's gone to bed. But here it's the it's the exact opposite. That's fun What are you drinking there? Do you drink wine beer? What do you drink there drinks mixed drinks? Yeah, I had a little bit of sangria because they got a lot of sangria out here But honestly mostly espresso. I was really enjoying the espresso and stuff out here just getting fucking high on caffeine Yeah, we just tried to see a lot of stuff Like we went full tourist the last couple days and took like one of those double-decker buses where there's no roof you know we're walking around with your map and your headset we went and saw the uh uh big at big church out here like i like the double-decker bus tours yeah i mean you've only been on one but they're cool yeah it was fun
Starting point is 01:25:41 well let's say we took a cooking class serious that was your wife's idea that was your wife's idea you pretended to like it you pretended no actually actually that was my uh that was a recommendation of my uncle and he said you'll meet a bunch of um you'll meet some people and you'll kind of see a bunch of stuff that you wouldn't normally see which was true because we met at this bar and so we each grabbed a drink there and it was funny because habitually uh we run a little bit behind if you could imagine so we're trying to get there and like find the spot that was a dig at your wife that was dig at your wife got it yeah oh she's not she's not listening um so we get there and we're like oh shit we got time like you know we don't even have like you know let's grab a. And so we literally I ordered a beer and she orders like a Moscow meal.
Starting point is 01:26:27 And we go to we go to have the drink and the lady walks up and she's like, oh, you guys are here. OK, we were waiting on you. Everybody else is here. We had to go. We were meeting in the back. Oh, shit. So we just double gulped, you know, the pound round. Were they all Americans or were you just the douchebag Americans? No, there was. So actually actually the table that we got sat with they were here for a pediatric oncology conference so they were all they were all uh doctors um from the states from chicago did you go hell excuse me oncologist it's it's actually uh cancer is a
Starting point is 01:26:59 metabolic issue did you tell them no you guys are all barking up the wrong tree you didn't tell us we didn't get into that discussion their specialty was actually treating uh tumors um i don't know if that's like a specialty or whatever but that's what the conference was about and uh one of them let me decode that for you uh they are all tools of pharma um under the guise of saving kids lives not all sorry sorry there's% of the doctors were good. And then the other people were from Australia. Some Australians here. Those fuckers got to be late.
Starting point is 01:27:32 They don't give a shit, right? They got to be late. We were actually on time. They were just like, for whatever reason, everybody got there earlier than we did. We met at six and we were there like two minutes before six. Hey, the show is suffering without you. I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Starting point is 01:27:52 People are coming and going. I can't figure out what Danielle Brand is doing tomorrow, although she was super cool and texted us back right away yesterday, which was awesome. I've been sending you emails to schedule guests. I am trying to act cool. Like I don't care that you're over there and leave you alone, but it's all fucking fake and a lie. Weirdly, that makes me feel very loved. It's good.
Starting point is 01:28:15 I hope so. That's why we get along. You take all, you're like me. You take all that negative shit. You turn it to positive. Cause weirdly I was like, I was like, shit, I'm going to come back. And he's going to be like, no, you're back. This this is we don't actually even need you anymore bro yeah that would be great i'd be like hey dude you're no longer 50 owner of the so on podcast we don't need you i wish
Starting point is 01:28:34 it's fucking i'm so fucking like i'm just have to bite i just feel you know how like i get paranoid that shit's falling through the cracks i'm like just like holy fuck like i don't know if you could tell this morning when i text you i'm like i'm texting you this i'm emailing you this and here's a screenshot and then i act like but don't worry just enjoy your honeymoon yeah yeah it's all good no but did you see we're still laying down all those other guests and we have the the pie funds rolling everything i know you're doing great yeah i was actually waiting for you to come back and then it was funny too because we had the um the turn of the month for the gym too so that's always a big deal because everything's everybody's
Starting point is 01:29:10 got to get paid they're instantly paid we have the ins and the outs of the membership and all that type of stuff too um so it's definitely felt a little weird like being this far away from it it would be fine if the time difference wasn't so extreme, uh, with being nine hours ahead, that does feel, but, um, but yeah, it's, it's, uh, yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready to get back in the routine. I I'm like, part of me is like stoked that I got to go, I'm gonna get to go see another city. We fly out to Rome tomorrow and then, um, we'll be in Rome for four days before we fly back. And, um, yeah, but I'm like, you know, I'm excited for that, but I definitely want to get back into the routine. I feel too far away from it. Like I need to like wrap my hands around everything again.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Are you decompressed? Like, like for me, like if I go to Hawaii, it takes me like three days before I'm like, I kind of have to be in this mode that like, I'm never going home again. It takes like three days to be like, I'm just going to move here. Have you, do you, have you been to like able to totally let go? No, not really. Um, cause you look great. You look like you have, you you do you have you been to like able to totally let go no not really um because you look great you look like you have you look like you have oh i've been getting eight hours of sleep every night which is crazy because usually i get like four to six on my regular and
Starting point is 01:30:15 that's just kind of the routine i'm up till 10 30 11 pretty much every night and then i'm up at 4 45 in the morning coaching by 5 30 a.m so the extra sleep has definitely been has definitely been nice but um but no i don't i'm not in the there's too much there's too much going on man the podcast is crushing and uh there's a couple interesting opportunities i won't share on here with you but uh that's also come up while i was out here but yeah. Caleb, has your sleep gone to shit since you've gone overseas? Yes, I'm getting like no fucking sleep. But you nap during the day, though, since is there a lot of downtime to where you know, you can't just go like right now. You couldn't just go like throw your feet up in your cot and nap for an hour.
Starting point is 01:31:02 No, no, that's crazy. It's crazy it's crazy well you look good but but uh definitely your personality has changed since you've been over there you are a not that you were ever uh you you're never a gary roberts but you've become more um stoic i feel that way yeah yeah you look jacked though but you know your workout videos looks like you're just crushing it. Just got nothing better to do. Do you have good workout partners there? No.
Starting point is 01:31:31 I work out with nobody. Oh, shit. I want to show you guys something. Well, your wife's happy to hear that. There's a massive protest happening here, too. Oh, you guys probably can't see that, huh? Is it for Iran? No, I don't know what it was
Starting point is 01:31:46 i don't know what it was for caleb just let out some top secret shit right there if you listen if you read through the lines can you guys see that bam we're live oh where was that max grit crossfit you wrote it on their board on the wall oh they have everybody that comes through like sign on the wall and grace and i bought a bunch of shirts from cfl so we're like we drop in we hand out shirts we've been to two gyms out here and a workout spot on the actual beach say that again i saw that that was cool yeah yeah we um so the first day we went to la julia crossfit super cool they were actually doing some sort of like testing stuff with their programming so we did some one rep max uh power clean and um and then a bunch of other little test stuff afterwards and then the next
Starting point is 01:32:36 day we just walked down onto the beach and i was like i guarantee you they have an outdoor workout spot here and sure as shit they did and so there's all this stuff you know what the cool part about it is they just have all these rocks of different weights that they've collected and you just pick up rocks and people will squat with it people are doing like thruster where was that was that your story uh yeah i think grace posted it and then um she got all bent out of shape because there's so there's trainers there right and they come in and there is like these where her and i were doing a uh kind of like partner thing so we'd run all the way up the pier touch the other side and run back and while the person was running out and back you were doing
Starting point is 01:33:12 uh strict pull-ups we did uh five strict pull-ups and then five push-ups and just that circuit of it and some guy came over with like bands and he was training some some girl and he kind of like looks at me and i was like oh do you guys like want to work on the space and he's like oh no it's okay so then he sees grace come in and then she jumps on the bar and he just walks over like puts the bands on while she's doing it and she doesn't even move and she just drops down she starts hitting it hitting her uh push-ups right and she in the at this point the band's kind of over her and she doesn't give a fight she just jumps up there and just starts cranking out her strict pull-ups right right? And she, at this point, the band's kind of over her, and she doesn't give a fuck. She just jumps up there and just starts cranking out her strict pull-ups right in front
Starting point is 01:33:48 of the dude. And he kind of, like, says something, and he's like, we were here. And she's like, I'm here. And the dude just kind of, like, looked at it as I came up. She's like, watch out for bitch boy. It takes off. And I was like, and I was like, why were you so upset?
Starting point is 01:34:03 She's like, well, because he wasn't going to say anything to you. But the second he saw that I was there, he decided he was going to enforce his way. And I was like, ooh, she wasn't having that. So that was kind of interesting. The Spaniards have a different view of men and women. Yeah. And it was funny, too, because then he's just watching her do the strict pull-ups. And she's just cranking them out.
Starting point is 01:34:26 It was pretty funny. Fuck yeah. Thank you for coming on. I get to take the kid to tennis. Today is Avi's birthday. Happy birthday, Avi. That's right. I won't be going because I have a podcast tonight.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Fuck him. Hey, you know that I did – we did our podcast together two years ago on his birthday? No shit. The one from the CFL podcast, the CrossFit Livermore podcast, You Came to My Garage. That was on Avi's birthday? Yep. That was like the beginning of our friendship. I mean, we knew each other before then, but that's like when we started talking on the phone shit
Starting point is 01:35:05 yeah crazy yeah because after that podcast i started making and by the way too i showed this to hillary when we were hanging out and i was like see you weren't the original uh video maker and i went back and through my instagram and if you go back like back in there a little bit of ways i was being critical of the new administration of crossfit at the time. I was wondering what they're doing because all these different like things were popping up with Rosa. And I had done the whole entire spiel on Frazier on Joe Rogan and how that negatively affected the affiliates and everything else. And he was like, oh, shit. Yeah, that's awesome. I was like, yeah, no more. No more time for that. Actually, that's a lie. I haven't prioritized.
Starting point is 01:35:44 I'm so happy with the capable child the oh that god there's so much i want to share with you the capable uh child consulting youtube is killing it dude i'm so i'm so fucking happy did you see i i went after these two dudes on there no comments no and i never do this and this was great advice that you gave me way early on we started the podcast and you were like hey dude like don't like don't feel a need to respond to anything people are always gonna have your thing like don't you know what i mean and i was like okay and it was the world's largest bush oh yeah yeah yeah and then somebody commented like boys
Starting point is 01:36:21 with a question mark like yeah question marks yeah and um and uh somebody else underneath it was like this this he meant to say this world is getting weirder lol and but he put this world is getting word lol like misspelt it and i commented back to the dude that wrote boys i don't know why i like pissed me off but anybody that like i'm i'm like weirdly protective of him i didn't even realize until i saw that comics i was like i will i will kill you bro but uh i love it when he wrote other boys that i put i put um i put their their uh they're super young and already uh more respectable men than you'll ever be or something like that on there just kind of like whatever just got in the trenches with it a little bit too much but it was um yeah it was funny because i didn't even realize it like brought it out brought it out of me a
Starting point is 01:37:08 little bit there i love it well thank you you can kick anyone's ass over there anytime you want um i have to take i'm gonna take obby to tennis and then drive him over to his birthday party uh caleb thank you suza i will thank you guys for coming on uh uh especially you suza a 10 out of 10 thank you for coming on for you only a 9 out of 10 for caleb i'll see you guys and coming on uh uh especially you suza a 10 out of 10 thank you for coming on for you only a 9 out of 10 for okay i'll see you guys and i get it i take caleb for uh granted all right thanks everyone for tuning in um i am going to i don't know if we're going to do a show tonight i mean we're due for a live calling show um and uh but for sure let me see who's coming on tomorrow oh tomorrow it does look positive for Danielle Brandon tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:37:47 I'm going to tell you. Oh, Brendan McNeary, CrossFit Macklenburg. That's an affiliate show tomorrow. Yep. Okay, so tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. we have an affiliate show, and I'm trying to get Danielle Brandon on the schedule for tomorrow evening, 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. That show is basically, we're just going to fool around.
Starting point is 01:38:03 I'm going to open up the call line, and you can ask Danielle any love advice, dating advice, boy-girl advice you want. And, yeah, you can ask her where she's living now if you want. It's not the most exciting question, but I think it's important. Spiegel, thank you for the $19.99. It's a thought that counts.

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