The Sevan Podcast - #618 - Tracy Henderson

Episode Date: October 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 For those who embrace the impossible, the Defender 110 is up for the adventure. This iconic, award-winning vehicle has been redefined with a distinctive, modern design. A reimagined exterior features compelling proportions and precise detailing. Built with integrity and purpose, the interior boasts robust, durable materials. Whether it's the all-terrain capability, ample cargo capacity, or innovative camera technology, the Defender 110 lets you go further and do more. And with seating for up to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Learn more at Bam, we're live. Matthew, I would like to address... Hi, Tracy. Hi, can you hear me okay? Yeah, so good. I'd like to address one thing really quick. I apologize with some of the cantankerous crowd.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Raw meat does not give you diarrhea, Matt, and that's 20 burpees. Okay. Back to what I said. Hey, thank you. Not only for coming on, but on behalf of all the parents out there who know, who currently are aware of what you're doing, those who don't know what you're doing, and those who are fighting against you who someday will wake up and be like, holy shit, thank God for people like Tracy Henderson. Well, good morning to you. I want to start like way, way back in the beginning about how we were both libtards and how that happened and and how we woke up from that and but but before i do i want to get people on the hook and let them know what
Starting point is 00:01:31 you did um tracy has a uh just a fucking awesome uh husband uh harvard grad marine corps principal of catholic school uh and just all around badass. After a long stint as a principal at a high school, Catholic high school in the Bay Area, he says, hey, I'm going to go do ski patrol in Utah. She's like, huh? Okay. And she jumps on board with him. The family goes to – what a transition, right? Working the ski slopes.
Starting point is 00:02:02 But still in the vein of helping people goes to utah and while she's there and we'll hear more from from her mouth but while she's there um she takes her kid to the high school and some smart-ass kids fucking approach her and say hey you can't be here without having masks on and uh she didn't uh very much like me she didn't play any of the games she didn't do any she didn't do quarantine she didn't do mass she didn't spread the fear at all zero she refused from the very beginning she knew that wearing a mask was contagious and that lying to people was contagious and that when you act scared everyone around you act scared and so she didn't she didn't play that game but here's where it's crazy. You ready for this?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Well, people like me were bitching on my podcast. She became the legal director for Utah Parents United. Is that the name of the organization? Correct. becoming the legal director, she was able to get a bill passed in the state of Utah that made it illegal to mandate masks on kids in public schools. Now, when she tells the story, she gives the credit to all 13,000 people who are part of this coalition. Is that a fair word yes yes but dude but dude crazy that is so bad and and so and in all fairness then she admits she was addicted she had that she tasted that excess she went to her first crossfit competition got on the podium
Starting point is 00:03:42 and uh and ever since then she's been addicted to CrossFit. So you had a victory. You had a victory that was hugely beneficial. By the way, you can still wear your mask. No. Oh, you can't? You can't even wear your mask? Because I was looking at the law that you can wear it.
Starting point is 00:04:00 They just can't mandate it. Oh, yeah, if you want to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a middle road here people like there's people who say you have to wear a mask and there's people maybe who say no no one should wear a mask she's she if you want to wear a mask you can she's just saying you can't force it on kids i want the same choice you have oh what do you mean by say that again i want the same choice you have if you want to wear by say that again i want the same choice you have if you want to wear them you get to wear a mask or not wear a mask i didn't have that choice and i
Starting point is 00:04:31 want that choice for my child for sure yeah it's crazy okay before we get to that story um where were you born california my California girl. And in what city? Fremont, Newark. Okay. I was born in Oakland. Were you? Okay. Yeah. Hospital. Say that again. What hospital? The children's hospital there. Okay. Yeah. Somewhere over there in Hayward. I forget the hospital. And your parents were what, what did they do what was their vocation dad was a pilot uh mom was just a secretary and uh for what airline my dad pan am oh wow yeah wow by the way tracy this is caleb caleb's deployed somewhere far, far away where at night it never drops below 105 degrees.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Wow. Thank you for your service. God bless you. Beaver sport. So, and both your parents were Democrats? No. No, okay. My mom really did politics. No, but my father was very conservative. No shit.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Smart guy. Smart guy. Yeah. I was in Clinton's domestic peace corps. That's how much of a libtard I was. Yeah. I worked in the field. Is that different than the regular peace corps? Oh, because it's local. Because you stay in California. I stayed in California. So yeah, I was, I built a five county housing system for people living with AIDS when I was in college.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Are you watching, total side note, are you watching the AIDS flare up in California and the connection they're putting between that and the vaccine? Are you seeing that? the connection they're putting between that and the vaccine? Are you seeing that? I have, in my world, the people that I associate with in the parents' rights space, that's all everybody talks about. But that particular subject, I don't have time to delve into it. What's going on? I mean, people and their children, their neighbor's children, your neighbor's child has dropped dead in the shower at 12, right? Because of the jab. So that's the world I live in. It's probably good. You don't know about that stuff. I actually, in my notes here, I,
Starting point is 00:06:49 I have a thing. I'm concerned you're spreading yourself too thin because you're such a do-gooder and because there are so many fights are opening up on so many fronts. I'm like, man, is she getting spread too thin? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Um, and what did your, what did you, so at some, were you, um, like in the, in the, you know, in the fifth grade when they have you, I don't know if you did this, but I did this in the fifth grade. They have the school when the elections are going, they have the school vote. Do you, do you remember doing stuff like that? Did you vote when you would vote and do the mock elections? Did you vote you vote for conservatives no this is all about empowering parents to stand up for themselves that's you mentioned the addiction this is i was i was a party girl you know i'm a lawyer but i was drinking margaritas
Starting point is 00:07:38 and no no you weren't even into politics as a kid? No, I hated it all. No, I was not running for office in high school or any of that. No. And California Parents Union is nonpartisan, just so you know. We work to empower parents to make their own choices and stand up for their own choices. Me personally, I see through it all as a lawyer, but some people don't. And so we just want to help you do what's best for your child. It doesn't matter what side of the issue you're on. When you say you see it all, you mean you see the game is both the left and the right are playing. Is that what you mean?
Starting point is 00:08:15 It's about control. There's a bigger agenda here and I'm not going to get all weird, but when this whole thing started, I had a dream. It was a fight between good and evil. And I literally walked around the grocery stores looking at people wearing masks. The heck is going on here? It just, it would be, how are parents going to keep their kids home for two weeks? This is insanity. You know, and then I got jumped by five security guards, dragged through a casino, handcuffed to a bench, charged with a crime of trespass, kicked off an airplane. I went, oh, wow. Was that before the Utah thing?
Starting point is 00:08:50 That was... Before you moved to Utah? It was before the Utah thing. Yeah, a girlfriend of mine and I went to go gamble. And I sued their asses and got some money out of them for what they did to me. But it was pretty serious. And I'm 52 and they're doing this to our children. They're putting children outside in the cold. They're locking them in storage closets. And imagine the cortisol challenges those kids are facing, right?
Starting point is 00:09:20 So once it happened to me and I got past all the trauma of it, I'm like, we're going to fight. And I got your back. So what she's referencing about kids in the closets is, and obviously she hears a lot of these dark stories, and I'm sure we're going to get into a bunch of them. But kids who go to school aren't wearing a mask and the teachers put them in the closet. Okay, fine. You're not going to wear a mask and you stay in the closet all day. And then you were in Vegas and you didn't want to wear a mask and security grabbed you and handcuffed you to a bench and left you there for two hours. And that's,
Starting point is 00:09:50 that bench is in a public setting where people can see you. No, it's the, it's like the back room. They have like a little mini jail with windows and then yeah, the handcuff, you know, a bench lost a feeling in my thumb. And they screamed at me too. You were screaming when you were being jumped in front of children. I'm going to say something really dickish here, but these are 1295 an hour rented cops doing that.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Totally. Totally. They were awful. It was unbelievable over a mask. And you know what they tried to do? They had the medics come in and take my blood and i'm in my lizard break not my lawyer break i'm flipping out i'm sobbing i'm like what are you doing what are you doing and then finally it dawned on me
Starting point is 00:10:34 they're checking for drugs right they're thinking because my heart rate is so high so to pound out of my chest they were taking a blood test see if i was doing blow or something it's totally sober and they're the cops are like you have to calm down so yeah they were they were taking a blood test to see if i was allowed to do a blow or something it's totally sober and they're the cops are like you have to calm down so yeah they were they were going after me they took blood from you while you were handcuffed to the bench yep they were trying they were trying to prove a case against me because think about it i mean what happens in vegas stays in vegas right so who knows what she's been doing i was literally trying to go to the pool it was so they didn't get me this time you know and it was and it was one of those pools where you had to get it was during that time you had to schedule your time to go and you had to wear a mask when
Starting point is 00:11:13 you got out of the pool so ridiculous so i didn't make it to the pool needless to say did you make it back to your room that night? Yeah, that's when they chased me through the casino. And no, I did not, actually. I tried to get on the elevator and some security guards jumped in with me. And I had freaked out by them because there's five guys chasing me. And so I jumped back off. And it was a couple other security people and they're really nice. And we started
Starting point is 00:11:45 talking and I relaxed for a moment. And then here comes the, I won't say the name of the company, security. And that's when they jumped me and they dragged me right out the back door and locked me in. And then they took, they went, my girlfriend got my suitcase. They kicked me out on the street and we went and got the most expensive hotel we could find. Did they try to put a mask on you when you were handcuffed to the bench? No. Yeah, that's even – that's hilarious too. So they don't even really care. No, they don't really care.
Starting point is 00:12:15 So you're just a regular Bay Area kid. You like to drink. You like to party. But you do well enough in school to become to become an attorney to get accepted to law school and at this and then after law school is that when you went into the um peace corps no that that was during college it at sac state it was gosh what year was this 98 97 clinton's domestic peace corps was a big deal you graduated high school in 88 yes okay and what high school in 88. Yes. Okay. And what high school did you graduate from? Graduate.
Starting point is 00:12:48 When did you graduate? 90, 90. Okay. So I'm older than you. Yeah, no, I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:12:52 When I look at you, I can't believe when you said you were 52, that was a test that 80 is. So she's parading as old. It's CrossFit. Yeah. And you, you are a CrossFitter also.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Oh baby. It was a Christmas gift for my husband. And I, that's anotheritter also. Oh, baby. It was a Christmas gift for my husband. And that's another addiction. Every day at noon. And which gym do you go to? First City in Monterey. Crazy. And how long have you been doing that?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Oh, gosh. Four years? Four years? Yeah. I need to eat better, though. Do you think – I can't believe i'm going to open another door do you think that um the fact that we hang that you know there was this uh there were all these articles coming out for a minute that people who were that working out makes you um
Starting point is 00:13:39 swing right and i was like actually they're right They're correct in that assertion. And I think the reason why is, is because you start realizing that your only hope is personal accountability and personal responsibility. And that you're in that gym, you have to, you can't play the victim. You have to work hard to get through to make it out the other, you know, you come in and an hour later, you have to come out the other side. And so people like me who may have entered this program as a liberal, maybe it is just through the hard work and realizing I have to be responsible for my own health and my own safety and all of those things that maybe it slowly does bring me out of a victim mindset, a blaming mindset. That's brilliant. But that article is the stupidest thing I ever read.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I know the article is batshit crazy. But on another hand, I'm like, yeah. And it slows down and it makes you more conscious. You're focused on your breathing more. You have less time for thinking. It elevates your whole consciousness to be put in this oxygen deprivation. It's kind of a sort of a lazy man's yoga. By lazy, I mean not yoga, but a lazy man's yoga, um, cross it by lazy. I mean, not yoga, but a lazy man's meditation because you're forced to meditate. You have to bring your whole being to yourself because you're in essence, you're trying to survive that hour through your breathing. You're definitely trying to survive that hour, but I'll tell you, like you said, it shuts my head off as a lawyer. I need to shut my head off. I, I love it. I love it. I actually
Starting point is 00:15:06 just recently got hurt for the first time ever, but it was me. I was too, it was too. What, what, what happened? I was doing box jumps and I was, I was just, I needed that workout so bad for the stress that I was doing box jumps in the middle of the rig like a dumb ass and so I jumped down and hit barely hit my head on the rig and landed wrong and twisted a ligament so I'm fine now but slowed me down fair I'll take it I'll take it um Greg used to say uh if you're going to help your cardiovascular health, you're going to have to take risk with orthopedic calamity. You're going to have to. You're going to have to get off the couch and risk falling down as you go to the bathroom or just shitting on the couch.
Starting point is 00:15:55 What were the signs that you were a liberal? What were the things that you did then that now you see as preposterous? Anything jump out at you? Oh, goodness. You know, I've always kind of been level-headed. What did I do that was preposterous? You're going to have to let me think about that one. This was 20 years ago when I was a libtard.
Starting point is 00:16:18 And I married my husband who just slowly talked me through everything and showed me how ridiculous liberals are. You know, they think with emotion. That's what it is. I can't think of a specific example, but they think with emotion. We are going to destroy the gas industry and make everybody buy a $50,000 car that nobody can afford because it's electric because we want to save the planet. that nobody can afford because it's electric because we want to save the planet what right that's thinking with emotion love for the planet that's not that's not practical i couldn't even i mean as a lawyer i'm not going to go buy a 30 40 50 000 car right now there's no way so and then as it comes out more and more you can see that the electric cars are actually doing more damage to
Starting point is 00:17:02 the environment than the gas cars yeah they're not going to look at that no they won't look at that yeah it's fat it's fast i'm always fascinated by people who made um the jump do you think you're more open-minded now than you were um 20 years ago oh yeah as a as a especially as a trained lawyer you trained lawyer, you have to see both sides of the issue. So I need to know how they're going to come at me. I was trying to read Rules for Radicals. Have you tried to read that? No. Who wrote it? but I'm trying to figure out the other side because they, the games they play once Calvary parents union about taking the teachers unions down. Cause they're the ones that hurt our kids. And it's about getting in,
Starting point is 00:17:53 getting in money numbers so that we can buy our way just like everybody else does into the legislature. Right. So we're going to, once we get to a million members, which is where we're going, they're going to come once we get to a million members, which is where we're going, they're going to come after us and we need to be ready. Right. So I need to think like the enemy. I told myself I was going to mention this like 20 times. I haven't mentioned it once.
Starting point is 00:18:15 California Parents United is the name of the organization, right? California Parents Union. Yeah. California Parents United started, they're a 501c3. California Parents Union is an actual special interest group for parents. And it's born out of the fact that I was asked to be lead opposition in a bill in the legislature, which means I get to go speak and do all those fancy things. means I get to go speak and do all those fancy things. And my bill got dropped from the agenda, but another group reopened California, Jonathan Zacherson's amazing. He put up, you know, great speakers. And the proponent of that bill is Helix, the company that did, that sells the testing. And it's the one that just went into law SB 1479, which means there's going to be a person managing COVID tests in every school, which is ridiculous. But that bill went up for the committee, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people called in to oppose it. And the legislators turned around and they voted for the bill. And I had spent my whole day there. I thought, these guys are bought. They're bought and paid
Starting point is 00:19:21 for. We need to be bigger than the teachers unions we need to be bigger than companies like helix and parents we can do it there's 40 million people in california we get to 1 million with california parents union it's 25 a year there's 25 grand we can go influence those legislators and have a big voice at the capitol and have lobbyists and do opposition research so so yeah that's i mean that's the point of the whole thing here can you pull that up caleb it's it's california if you type in california parents united i think it's it is it one consolidated website california so i think we got ahead of ourselves i really want people to understand this this is an
Starting point is 00:20:03 organization that is trying to build enough members so it can have a loud enough voice that it fucking makes a difference. And it's trying to raise money to do that. And on one hand, you might be like, well, I don't live in California. I don't give a shit. We're going to give Tracy a chance to explain to you why that's not a good thought. And then the next thought I had was, well, I homeschool my kids. What do I care? Go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And that's not the way to think either. So this, this is your money. This is your money. You man, do you watch to make sure this money isn't spent corruptly, Tracy? So I already own four houses. Okay. Get that out there. This is not about money. This is $25 a year grassroots organization. If you want to drop a bucket of dough on me, then we have a pack that will support parents' rights candidates. I don't want a bucket of dough. This is $25. If you click on the membership lounge there, on the next one there, click on that, for their $25, you get resources. One of the resources you can see is a little faded out is homeschooling resources. We have a whole campaign we're little faded out as homeschooling resources. It is a, we have a whole
Starting point is 00:21:05 campaign we're going to launch on homeschooling because what's happening in our schools. I don't know if you, you do, do gentlemen have kids? Three. Okay. How old are they now? Five, five, five and seven. Okay. So they're trying, they're trying to get your, are you, are they in kindergarten? I don't know. They'll never go to school. My kids will never go to school. Okay. Well then if you were to put them in school, what you're going to see is that they're trying to teach them at five years old, that there are more than two genders. Oh, well, so the reason why, the reason why I pulled my kids out of school, one of the many reasons was they were at this fabulous school. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:21:42 And I grew up in the Bay area and I went to all the gay pride parades. I went to Love Fest, Oktoberfest. I partied hard. All my staff knows it. I'm the first person, like, if you need to take a piss and you don't want to put your beer down, I'll hold your dick for you. Like, I don't care. That being said.
Starting point is 00:21:59 That's a good friend. You're welcome. That being said, if I to to my kid's school and there was a lgbq flag hanging under the u.s flag and i'm like what's that about and they're like oh that's the acceptance flag i said no the one with the that that flag is the genitalia flag that's the one you put in front of your house so people know that you like if they want to fuck with the same genitalia they come by that house the american flag is the acceptance flag if you have an acceptance problem it goes through that flag the lgbq flag is the genitalia flag it's it's a sex flag i'm okay with it too like throw one big
Starting point is 00:22:36 one up on your garage so all the homies can buy come by and have a cold one i'm down but not on the school because i don't want my kid i don't want to talk to my kid about straight sex or um uh uh gay sex or any kind of sex i'll talk to him about reproduction but i don't want to talk to them about sex in kindergarten first grade second grade third grade fourth grade fifth grade i don't i'm not a prude you want to show them to see how two zebras have sex you want to talk to them about sperm and ovaries i'm i'm down you're putting if you're talking to a child about sex you're putting that idea in their head they're not thinking about it they're not thinking about it and you know somebody you should have on your show is gays
Starting point is 00:23:14 against groomers i've been trying i've been trying i got a line for you i'm trying okay i've been trying yeah they're amazing you, what happens in somebody's bedroom is private. Okay. That needs to stay there. We don't need to impose that on our children. No. So going back, I want to go back to the website, California Parents Union. I want you guys to seriously hear this. I don't ask you guys to join in.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I'm not asking you guys to join in, but I don't ask you guys for a lot of stuff. But I want you to think about this if you have kids. in i'm not asking you guys to join in but i don't ask you guys for a lot of stuff but i want you to think about this if you have kids this is kind of the this is the front line where tracy and this organization are going to fight to make sure that the control comes back to the parents and the teachers and is not left in the hands of big pharma or the illuminati or you put in whoever the fuck you want whatever whatever yeah and the teachers unions so this is the teachers unions were the ones that kept our schools closed longer they sat down with the cdc and did that they tried to contract our parental rights away with school
Starting point is 00:24:18 districts and here's the one that really pisses me off every time i tell the story uh roseville joint union high school school district finally after months, passed a resolution banning masks in that school district to give people choice. The teachers unions turned on their own and said, you are instructed to manipulate the relationship between teacher and student to guilt these little sweet six, seven, eight, nine-year-olds into putting their masks back on. I have a video somewhere that went viral where a teacher's screaming at children, I'm not losing my credential. You're putting your mask back on. I mean, that's all the teachers unions and that is them turning on their own. And here's the thing, California teachers unions are 37th in services across the United States, right? But they're perceived number one most powerful.
Starting point is 00:25:07 That means we're fighting a perception. We get to a million members, we win. We get oppo research, we get lobbyists. You want to be a representative or on the board of California Parents Union because you're a powerhouse? Call me. This is not about me.
Starting point is 00:25:20 This is not about money. This is about getting to a million members so that when we walk in the door, they listen. It's time. There's a school district called the Roosevelt School District. Is that what? Joint Union. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And that's in California. Yes, correct. And their board passed a law or passed a rule saying you can't mandate kids to wear masks. It was right around January before the CDPH changed the wording and the guidance. Yeah, they stood up. They were the first one with balls to do that. Is that up in Shasta County? It's near Placer.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Okay, yeah, that's up north. Yeah. Scott Hubert is the president of the board. You know, Renee Rogers and Shemene Phillips, all those guys, those parents out there did it. NorCal Freedom Alliance. And what does that look like specifically when the teachers union gives guidelines for the teachers to manipulate the students into wearing masks
Starting point is 00:26:13 there's examples there's some sort of communication method like all the superintendents across the state get on zooms and they spew whatever order it is and then dumbasses do their marching orders. Same idea with the teachers unions. There's a communication method and I haven't figured that out yet. And these teachers, they told them that their teacher credentials at risk. And here's the thing, a teacher's credential is at risk if a teacher or an educator, like a principal that has a teaching credential, it breaks the actual law. So we parents use that tool against teachers who discriminate, harass, bully, hurt children, right? You can complain to the California Teacher Credential Commission. And it's a big deal. They'll get investigated and their credential could be at risk. But the teachers unions turned
Starting point is 00:27:00 and used that tool on their teachers and said, if you don't force mask and manipulate, turned and used that tool on their teachers and said, if you don't force mask and manipulate your credentials at risk, which is legally stupid and cruel, but that's who the teachers unions are. They spend 60% of their 500 million that they have on politics and it's not politics for everybody. So, and teacher, teachers are scared. The teachers that I talked to across the state of California, they feel like it's the mafia. They feel oppressed. And they just stick their head down, do their jobs, but they're not being supported. And the teachers unions take $1,000 a year out of their salaries.
Starting point is 00:27:37 That's a lot of money for a teacher. So there are other organizations that give you what you need. And California Parents Union is working to partner with them. So you leave the teacher's union, save the thousand dollars, come over to our side and we'll, we'll get you supported. I mean, you don't have to be, you don't have to join the teacher's union if you're a teacher. No, there's what's called the Janice decision that came down. I forget what year it was. I think it was 2019 that, that yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:00 made it voluntary. And if you know that they spend 60% of that money on politics right there going back California Parents Union is non-partisan and why am I saying that because let's say you're a teacher let's say you're a teacher
Starting point is 00:28:18 and you're like hey I don't want to be with these fucking rednecks right wing fucking gun toting god loving jerk offs that's not what these people are about that's not what these people are about fucking rednecks, right wing, fucking gun-toting, God-loving jerk-offs. That's not what these people are about. That's not what these people are about. No. These people are about giving the choice back to the students, the teachers, and the parents. And not being bullied once again.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Does Big Pharma own the teachers union? I don't know. Who owns them? I don't know the answer to that question. But, you know, we're about choice. And one place where we all came together is we are all anti-mandate. Republican, Democrat, Independent, we're all anti-mandate. That's where we come together.
Starting point is 00:29:00 It's about choice. I wonder why – it's interesting that the Democrats are so – what's the word I'm looking for? So easily influenced by all of this and the Republicans aren't. I mean JFK said it great. What was the line he said, the famous line? Don't ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. And they've kind of flipped the script on that. They lost their way somewhere. Yeah. It's delusion. They're,
Starting point is 00:29:35 what they're really good at is sticking to an ideal. It's crazy. They all stick together. The Republicans, the infighting is crazy. It's, it's embarrassing. So what do you mean by that? Just like you mean at the very top, like theumps and the santos and the cruises not getting along and the the republican the state republican party of california is sending money out of state why are they doing that they don't believe in any of the republican candidates it's crazy and on a more local level you've got the patriots versus the rhinos the patriots i had a situation here where my you've got the Patriots versus the Rhinos. The Patriots. I had a situation here where my local congressman, the candidate for Congress running against Panetta, was thrown out of a Patriot meeting because he's a Rhino. I don't know what that is, a Rhino and a Patriot.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Establishment Republican. Establishment Republicans are pussies. They'll go party line. They're not afraid to stand up. They're really part of the problem. So you've got this new crop of conservatives, if you will, called patriots. It used to be, I don't know, like the T-Col.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Are they more like libertarians? They're just no-nonsense stand-up. Like Anthony Tremino is a great example. He's like, first day in office i'm doing this taking this down no more this no more that whereas you've got dolly who's sort of you know running for governor you sort of middle of the line we're going to work together that kind of thing and that concerns the patriots the people like me who have been through hell and back right and but the problem within the republican party is they're fighting each other. They're not working together. Whereas with the Democrats, whether you like each other or not,
Starting point is 00:31:09 they're all in lockstep on their ideals. They stand by a candidate and they all, you know, put all of their money all the way to the end. So, so the Democrats credit, they're better at organizing. It's just the way it is. And it's tragic. If, you know, if all the Republicans could come together, we'd take down, we'd take back California. Did you know that 23% of only 23% of Republicans voted in the recall? Wow. What? I voted in the recall and I don't vote. I voted in the recall. Yeah. So anyways, that's what's, that's what's happening. Gavin Newsom's a bad, I think he might be like a, like a sincerely a bad human being. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I would say narcissist. This last thing, I was in a room full of Democrats a couple nights ago, and they can't even believe that he signed that. I mean, hardcore Democrats. Which one are you talking about? There's no more doctors in California. It's done. Everyone's just a tool of the government now. doctors aren't allowed to give you a second opinion if they don't if they don't read it off the government website they're not they can lose their um i mean i know
Starting point is 00:32:15 you know i don't mean to be i know i'm preaching to the choir but basically what happened is last month the bill passed that basically says the doctors can't give you a second opinion on your covid you have to basically read off the government website and that those are the rules you have to follow and now a month later gavin newsom he could have vetoed it and a ton of people around him i'm talking like really dumb libtards around him were like newsom do not sign this this is crazy and he signed it i think he signed it last night or the night before it's done so there's no you can't get you can't get any information doctors will lose their license and he signed it. I think he signed it last night or the night before. It's done. So there's no, you can't get, you can't get any, doctors will lose their license if they give you their opinion on COVID. It's AB 2098. What is it? What's the bill?
Starting point is 00:32:57 AB 2098. And I'm part of a group of lawyers that are getting ready to amass litigation. We just had a meeting yesterday. My mom's an attorney. She's in, I don't want to out her for her politics, but I was happy to hear her say that shit ain't going to fly. Yeah, it's unconstitutional. It's unconstitutional. The question is what are they going to do? People will die in the meantime because of it. People will die in the meantime because of it. Yep. It verify, it validates that the, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 If you go down, I think it validates that the COVID vaccine right there, number C, the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine have been confirmed through evaluation. That's crazy. It's not even FDA approved. That's a flat out lie. If you're taking the COVID vaccine. Crazy. Yeah. You're entering yourself into flat out lie. If you're taking the COVID vaccine. It's crazy. Yeah, yeah. You're entering yourself into a medical trial.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Do you understand that? You're entering yourself into a medical trial. Go ahead. But it is not confirmed safe. Millions of people are dropping dead because of it. Dicks are stopping working. Have you heard about that one? This is, you're entering yourself into a medical trial and now it's in a law that it's safe and effective i'm on this thread with a
Starting point is 00:34:10 handful of doctors and um every day uh there's five new people young men it's all young men it's kind of weird not all young men i'd say 85 young men who are dropping dead all around the country all health all athletes too it's weird because those are the ones i guess that make the news yep exactly it's tragic a public school enrollment uh across the there's 20 states in the last two years that public school enrollment has dropped 10 percent and in california it's dropped 1.8 percent and and there's uh i'm just putting this in context for people listening there's there's about 49 million kids attending public school in the United States. Meanwhile, private schools in California enrollments got up 1.7 percent. What is what is happening?
Starting point is 00:34:59 Parents don't want their kids to be indoctrinated. CRT, where the white man is the oppressor. One of my board members is actually going on Dr. Phil to debate this issue. They're filming on Tuesday. So CRT, the sex ed curriculum is incredibly unbelievable. Here's one for you. Have you heard of the Trevor Project? No. Or or if i have i blocked it out of my mind right so big companies big celebrities all got behind the trevor project and it's the idea behind it is it's a place where lgbtqp whatever kids can go and be supportive in this little chat rooms the problem is adults are going in there and they're identifying as littles and they're
Starting point is 00:35:42 chatting with the kids and they're selling them sex toys and they're chatting with the kids and they're selling them sex toys and they're trying to get them offline to go through yeah trevor project you if you need to go find out if this is connected to your school and the kids are using it and i have seen things that i can't even repeat that are so unbelievable happening in those chat rooms. These are kids below like under high school age. Yes, yes. And they're coming after, pedophiles are coming after them in chat rooms. And this one is where you're sitting there
Starting point is 00:36:14 and you're a little kid and you're chatting and your parent walks up behind you. There's a button you can click to escape so your parent can't see. It gave me a prompt when I opened up the website. It says click escape three times to click out see see that is scary you that means something really bad is going on back there one hub needs that they do need that uh that's crazy right and it's in san luis business the website dude it's it's it's it's the white van
Starting point is 00:36:46 driving around your neighborhood offering candy to the kids totally holy shit and there's a way i can't believe they have an escape so if you're i mean it just says you're doing something wrong it just admits you're doing something wrong are you guys techies because there's some way they're getting them to go offline through xbox or something it's just weird oh come play with me outside and we'll go play over here it's it's like it's creepy how old did you how old was your daughter sorry for being so personal but how old was your daughter when you gave her a cell phone oh great question it was middle school it was six seven eighth grade, something like that. And the reason and I don't like that I did that, honestly, I think you should wait till high school't get the vaccine is because I did a risk assessment, right? I saw – I just did the simple math.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I saw that the vast majority of people were dying, had four or more comorbidities. I scoured the internet looking for one healthy person who died. I couldn't find it. Sixty-five percent of the people who died in China had been smoking for 30 years or more. When the science started saying it was old people who were dying, I said it's not old people who are dying. It's people who have had 40 years to drink coca-cola every day like i just and i'm like hey there's nothing here for me and i live with three boys who they they're professional germ collectors my boys are unvaccinated born on the living room floor and everything they do they
Starting point is 00:38:15 just collect germs and shove them and go like this i'm not even joking just walk through airports wiping their hands on all the walls and then lick their hands and shove them about their nose. And my kids never get sick. They've got an immune system. Yeah. Uh, and so I made the risk assessment and I didn't do it. Is the phone thing, is that just ridiculous too? Is that, um, and I appreciate your honesty because all the coolest kids I've ever met now, all the kids who make eye contact, shake my hand, stand up straight, talk with a cadence that's that's perceptible to me um you have an enlarged vocabulary aren't uh have weird social issues they're either homeschooled or their parents didn't get them a phone until they were 15 or 16 yep amen and i'm like holy shit this is a pretty strong correlate i mean i had no tv for seven years and i don't have girls
Starting point is 00:39:04 either so so bear with me mine are boys i had no tv for seven years and I don't have girls either. So, so bear with me. Mine are boys. I had no TV for seven years when my daughter was born, but that phone it's, it's pressure and it is, it's horrible. Don't do it. They don't need it. They don't need it. Don't give it to him.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Give it to him in college. If you can, you can hold off or give him a flip phone. Don't do it. I was, but we did it because of safety. She could call us if anything happened. What's your husband's? Did you and your husband, did you guys see eye to eye on the phone? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah. Yeah, we didn't fight. We don't, yeah. We fight about money, but not anymore. I mean, he just seems like I don't even care about money anymore. So we don't fight. God, I love your husband. What's he doing now? What's he doing now? So he, he works for a company called curriculum associates. He's teaches software to teachers and principals, diagnostic software. And he goes to schools. He's in Lodi right now.
Starting point is 00:40:02 How hard was it to pass that? So, going going back i want to tell you guys this took me i i watched um a ton of videos yesterday and i'm going to try to explain to you in utah she passed a bill her and her organization passed a bill making it so mass wouldn't have to be mandated in the schools for some reason in cal California, she's not using the legal route. She's going to use a coalition of parents. Why different tactics? And she wants to take over school boards. So she wants to build a base of a million parents, get them excited, invigorated, have them get invested in the schools, and then slowly take over the school boards. So the school boards will protect the students and the teachers. Why that route and not the political route like you took in Utah?
Starting point is 00:40:48 Because we have activist judges. So let me tell you a story. Did you see the video of the four-year-old that went viral? Did you see that video? Yeah, I got some issues with that too. Are you talking about the dad who took the kid to school? So that just – let me summarize for you and then we can take issue. I don't like the dad put the kid So that just, let me summarize for you. And then the issue, I don't
Starting point is 00:41:05 like the dad put the kid in that situation, by the way. Well, all he did was take him to school and take a video. That's all he did. He didn't. And then he gave it to actually a friend of mine. I don't want to name him, but, and they mishmash the video that went viral. Okay. That school district backed off in 24 hours. Now I represented that family, right? You were the, you were, but I had two other sets of families, uh, Eagle Peak, Montessori and mountain, um, Allam Rock over here in California. I actually went the legal route and filed restraining orders. Now listen to this, the Santa Clara County, so the judge denied the restraining order, okay? So I lost.
Starting point is 00:41:49 The day before the judge denied the restraining order, Santa Clara County rescinded all health orders. Now if you understand that school districts don't have police power to mandate any of this, but health officers do by law, you're sitting here with a health officer who's rescinding all these orders and there's a thousand kids sitting there masked because of superintendent Hilaria Bauer. A week after I filed a motion for reconsideration, the judge denied that. A week later, the Santa Clara County Superior Court pulled their mask requirements. So we've got the court, the county, everybody else in the county, not masking. And this one school district is allowed to do it. And I went through the court
Starting point is 00:42:29 system, but I lost, but I went through the court of public opinion and in 24 hours, it was over. That's why we need a million parents. It's, it's, it's standing up and not complying. I did it in Connor. Basically saying it's corrupt. The other way you, you, if you go that way, you would have to become governor and even still then. The judges, I have another case in Santa Monica on the APA. I've had it there for a year, the Administrative Procedures Act. This judge is finding every way he can to kick this case. We don't have really good judges in California. There are some. I haven't found them yet. So it has to be
Starting point is 00:43:05 money in numbers. It's it. Nothing else is working. The difference in Utah is that it's a more Republican state. It's smaller. So 13,000 parents literally called the governor on that bill. I was, I was getting calls from parents. They're like, I've been at home for 30 minutes. I swear to you, all 13,000 parents called the governor. And you met the governor and looked in his eyes and had a chat with him.
Starting point is 00:43:29 He's, yeah, he's a, he's a, he's a, he's full of it. He's a, he's a liar.
Starting point is 00:43:35 He's a, he's a Democrat. They're all, the whole entire state of Utah is like, you fooled us. He's a Biden, he's a,
Starting point is 00:43:42 he's a Biden lackey. Oh man. Who is the governor of Utah Cox governor Cox I love Sarah Cox that's my friend by the way who is that his wife who's Sarah no no Sarah Cox my good friend I just want to make sure that there's no everyone knows there's no relationship she's a big sponsor of the podcast big sponsor big sponsor I'm just being funny let's talk wonderful about it what does she do yes she does everything great she says no wrong she doesn't even when she walks she doesn't even touch the ground oh i'm gonna meet her i can set that up um uh two questions um they're both fun do you you think the God talk alienates the Democrats? I'm not a God person at all. I'm not a gun person at all. And in the last few years, I've realized that there's no one rather I'd rather live to than someone who has a shitload of guns. I want all my neighbors to have guns and I want all my neighbors to be God, God people. And when I was a libtard, I, for some reason, I felt like I had to battle these people.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And now as I wake up, I'm realizing these people have an enormous value to society. They keep the moral fiber and integrity of the society intact. They keep, um, I would, there's a friend of mine, uh, Russell Berger, who used to carry a gun. I'm not, I don't see him anymore, but like, I know that if something happened, he would just pull his gun out and blast the bad guy. And, and I have a handful of other friends who like that too, who have concealed carry. I'm not sure how that happened to me.
Starting point is 00:45:17 I'm not sure if it's because I had kids, but I can see their value without being one of them. Do you know what I mean? I see the enormous, I would love to be in a neighborhood full of fucking Mormons. You know what I mean? Like, it's good.
Starting point is 00:45:31 No one, I don't have to, I can leave my car unlocked at night. Totally different world. What can we do to the Democrats to get them to understand that we need these people? Well, your other guest serves in the military, right? So he's the better expert on guns.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I just learned how to shoot guns. By the way, don't be mean to him, Tracy. He's not a guest. He's a permanent feature. He's like a lamp. I thought he was waiting for his turn. I don't know. No, he doesn't get to say nothing. He's just a permanent lamp.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Honestly, I ask people if they're believers before I go into that world because it is a different conversation. Like on our website, California Parents Union, we have two trainings if you're running for office. One is for believers so that you don't go up there on the podium and start saying scripture and alienate the whole planet. They teach you how to bring your worldview into politics, which is really important. And then we have Leadership Institute, which is completely secular, right? So we don't lose an audience. It's obvious which one I am, but some people don't even notice and some people don't say anything. So I always ask. But I'll tell you, when I came back from Utah,
Starting point is 00:46:43 this is going to sound weird if you're not a Utah, this is going to sound weird. If you're not a believer, this is going to sound weird. So just get ready. I literally fell to my knees and cried. We were at the beach. We were at the beach in Aptos for a week and I could feel the difference in the evil. My relationship with God is a feeling. When I say what I'm supposed to be saying, I get chills and I know I'm on the right path and that's what drives me. And it's a bigger high
Starting point is 00:47:06 than anything in your life when you realize that you're working for somebody bigger than yourself. And so the way when you're not a believer that I talk to people about is I'm doing this for the kids. And I can see, I can see the ones who get chills. I can see the ones that are doing it for their ego. Like you start to get famous, desperate desperate to stay relevant i could name a couple of parents rights peoples and i won't that are doing that and it's and you can see it and and that clarity and the that comes with working for god is just so powerful and i'll say one last thing i'm a control freak i'm a lawyer right i own four houses i run airbnbs i'm a i'm a manager, right? I own four houses. I run Airbnbs. I'm a, I'm a manager of a corporation, right? President. When you can just let it go, it's, it's a sanity keeper. I don't have control
Starting point is 00:47:54 walking into this courtroom and it's in God's hands and I'm going to win or I'm going to lose. And then I have the conversation with God later. Why did I just lose? Right. But it's very, very free. So that's, I mean, yeah. The only way you would have the energy you have to do what you do. Go coffee. You couldn't do it. You couldn't do it without God. And CrossFit. Trust me. And CrossFit. God gave you CrossFit. God gave me CrossFit. In WOD we we trust god gave us greg glassman in wad we trust i love that um so so so you are aware that that might alienate people um and so you you try to regulate you try to you try to know your audience yeah yeah more and more people are finding out that that's what's missing them.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Having God in their life. Yeah. I'm new to it. Three years, 40 or something like that. When I walked on the camera, he's been chasing me for years. I'm like, please just don't have a tragedy come so that I have to like, listen to you now because I'm not ready. You know, that was me. Like, I don't want to get into it. I had a cocktail and I drove home. Don't make me, you know, that was me. Like, I don't want to get into a, I had a cocktail and I drove home. Don't make me,
Starting point is 00:49:06 you know, crash into the tree. They hear you. Right. Seriously. I hear you. But now, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:14 I walked onto the mission, the Carmel mission where my husband was principal and I felt him and that was it. And I was, I was doing a speech. What year was this?
Starting point is 00:49:28 What year was this? This is when when we left so it was like 2020 ish 2019 2020 2019 it was 2019 and uh is it i i could feel them i just and it's very private it's weird you know i don. I don't understand the Bible personally. I suck at that. I need people to explain scripture to me. And I'm a lawyer. I have a brain. It's convoluted in my mind. I'm a people person and I can feel it.
Starting point is 00:49:55 That's my relationship with God. How do you keep, thank you for sharing that. How do you keep the... For those who embrace the impossible, the Defender 110 is up for the adventure. How do you keep the... Whether it's the all-terrain capability, ample cargo capacity, or innovative camera technology, the Defender 110 lets you go further and do more. And with seating for up to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey. Learn more at When you say it's nonpartisan, the California, I want to just keep saying it over and over, California Parents Union. You say it's nonpartisan, people should give the 25 basically what this is going to do is this is going to put the control back in the parents hand and in the teacher's hand and not let the teachers
Starting point is 00:50:49 use you and bully people yep um in where you're allowed to maintain choice um and and not in where how do you keep that organization nonpartisan we go read it there's nothing there about politics. I mean, we, so one of the things we're doing is you kind of have your rule. You have your, Hey, this is what we stand for. Parent choice, parent voice, parent choice done. What is your choice? You want, you like CRT. Great. I'll teach you how to advocate for it. You know,
Starting point is 00:51:21 one of the things we're doing with candidates across the state of California is they're applying for endorsements from California parents union. for it. One of the things we're doing with candidates across the state of California is they're applying for endorsements from California Parents Union. And we help blast that all over social media so they get popular and people can see. But they have to sign a pledge that says we will always choose parent choice. Like if you're sitting on a board and something comes to you to decide on, you will always say the parents get to choose, right? And we have those and they sign up. So now we're going to watch them and we're going to hold them accountable. So, you know, it's, it's always about parent choice. It's never going to be anything
Starting point is 00:51:55 else. Why do you think that the parents can make the right choice? They know what's best. You know, what's best for your kid. We don't co-parent with the government. They don't, they don't know what's best for your kid. We don't co-parent with the government. They don't know what's best. Come on. That's an easy answer. They know what's best for their kid. And it's up to them what kind of life they want their child to lead. If they want them to grow up eating vegetables and farming or they want them to live in an apartment or whatever. Thank you, Heidi. Please distract him or her and to tell me tell me about you why are you not a believer no um i looked up the uh this is falling into the weeds here a little bit um i looked up the, uh, this is falling into the weeds here a little bit. Um, I looked up, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:49 as I started listening to more, I looked up, uh, collapse and mask. And I couldn't believe how many kids Google is just full of kids who've collapsed from wearing masks all over the fucking country. I found this one in minnesota 14 kids collapsed because they were forced to wear masks i went to a jujitsu tournament and um uh where was it uh in santa cruz the other day took my kids there to compete and there were kids there competing
Starting point is 00:53:19 with masks on oh so two of my clients can't can't that be abuse? Can't, how is that? How is that taller? How, I mean, you can't hit, you can't just beat the shit out of your, you can't hold, walk around holding your hand over your kid's face. Can you, and restrict oxygen to a child? Wouldn't that be, I feel like 20 years ago you would go to jail for that shit. Yeah. Two of my clients cracked, passed out. One of them said those seven-year-old passed out heat exhaustion. The coach was making her wear a mask. My other one was 11. He's running. He's wearing a mask. He passed out, cracked his head open on a pole. These are clients of yours? Yeah. And I know a little five-year-old who the kindergarten teacher made him wear a mask
Starting point is 00:54:03 while he's playing in the mud. He got a sinus infection, went to a bacterial infection, his ears and his death. Those masks are child abuse, but no shit, no shit, no shit.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Deaf. This is in Watsonville. I told that woman, I go, she should sue. They have a hot, they got a hundred million dollars in COVID money. I said, you should take every damn dime of that from them.
Starting point is 00:54:25 And she's like, really nice and really yippy. And she's like, no, it's okay. Your kid is deaf. So, yeah. It's crazy. By the way, anyone who doesn't believe me, just start looking that up. It's endless. You can scroll through Google forever of kids collapsing from uh wearing masks it's it's it's not an isolated um incident um do you do you homeschool
Starting point is 00:54:53 your daughter oh hell no she's 16 okay tell me why not my daughter's most important thing in her life is her friends and right right he's getting straight a's she life is her friends. And she's getting straight A's. She's a lifeguard. She's working for the football team. She's working for the newspaper. That social part of it, it would be more detrimental to keep her home. The lucky part for me, so this is why I fight for everybody else's kids, is my daughter grew up with conservative parents and she's a liberal.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And so we have those conversations and she's developed the ability to think for herself. And so I'm not afraid for her. She's going to be fine because she is good for herself. But your daughter is a liberal. Oh yeah. TikTok makes, TikTok's manufacturing liberals. Totally. My daughter hated me for this whole mask, you know, the fighting until she got a conservative boyfriend. Her boyfriend's Mormon.on it's like yep and they don't they're not having sex it's just like
Starting point is 00:55:51 this is the parents dream but before that she hated me she was so embarrassed i'm a little tiny teeny little weenie instagram star here because i went up against in my little town because i went up against the superintendent who called the cops on me even though I have a mask exemption and the boyfriend knew me and he comes over he's like hi it's so nice to meet you it was so cute and he's just lovely so I want to tell you guys that story by the way she just referenced she went to a Carmel Unified School District um meeting I'm just showing off so you know how much i know about you and um she uh the the school board meeting started they took a recess and then they reconvened in another room without telling her because they didn't want to deal with her that's fucking insane yeah the
Starting point is 00:56:40 the eight sheriffs showed up it was hilarious hilarious. They called – he called his lawyer, and the lawyer's like, you better stop this because you're going to get sued for discrimination. It was hilarious. They made the parents wait an hour and a half without telling him what was going on. Yeah. Anyways. I didn't sue him. I didn't sue the superintendent.
Starting point is 00:57:03 He deserved it, but I just let it go. That's crazy. That kind of must feel good a little bit though. Then you know how scared they are. I mean, to take a recess and meet in another room and not tell you and start the meeting up again is pretty crazy. yeah yeah it was it was pretty interesting there he's in that he's he uses pronouns and and then he would go to the board meetings and he'd read these letters i'm not going to be bullied and we all knew he was talking to me you know it's just it's he's just and you know what in the end here's where this is where god comes in in the end the whole entire district that works for him put in a vote of no confidence and his contract's not being renewed. Oh, wow. Yeah. Can you imagine working and your bosses, the school board, didn't renew your contract?
Starting point is 00:57:56 I think that's enough punishment for him. Why is Carmel, is Carmel a liberal town? Oh, hell yeah. Why? How is that? Those are all rich old people, filthy rich old people. It's just leftist. There's a lot of libtards here. Lovely people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Near the beach, but no, no, no. I am in enemy territory. But you know what? I make my way around, and people still love me. I have lots of recovered Democrats as friends. Yeah, me. Nice to meet you, by the way. I'm so proud of you that you homeschool.
Starting point is 00:58:37 That is the answer. I just can't. That is the answer. Who doesn't? Well, I'm in a similar situation to you. Yeah? the answer who does it well i'm in a similar situation to you yeah i so well before i go into that let me you were on a show um with a guy i watched yesterday it was a couple months ago and he's an attorney also i can't remember his name and he was trying to um explain that he was he was showing signs of compassion and i'm being very nice to him for people who
Starting point is 00:59:06 don't who haven't awakened yet and he i'm always can i have this war going on inside of me to be like you're victims or are you accomplices like i don't care if you're fucking ignorant part of me doesn't care if you're ignorant i see you as an accomplice if you wear a mask i see you as an accomplice to the hurting of children and people. If I see you who took the vaccine, I see you as an accomplice because basically we're all just mirrors here. And every time you do something, you're telling everyone around you it's okay. So when I light up a cigarette in a room, I'm telling everyone that smoking is okay. We all want to mirror each other. It's built into us. I know, I know how hard it was for you not to wear the mask i know
Starting point is 00:59:47 because i avoided almost every because i refused to ever wear a mask i avoided the places my wife didn't my wife's a very kind docile gentle woman but she would go to whole foods and they'd be like we won't help you ma'am so she would just move to the next checker and the next checker and finally one checker would help her and she would she'd be the only person there without a mask i avoid people um where are you giving these people a pass these people who are do you see them as i mean there's something libtardish about it to call them victims like you're arguing their limitations for them and and i'm struggling with it i don't want to do that i want to be be like, Hey, you're an accomplice. You're not, you're not, you're not a victim. A big pharma tricked me. No, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:00:33 You know, I'm human. So I'm very imperfect and I don't have patience for people who wear masks. I have to look away and, and I would let the adults pass, but there's a lot of times where i'm walking down the streets of carmel and my husband just keeps walking because i'm like why are you wearing a mask outside because i can't help myself when it came to children like there were times i'm walking down the streets of carmel and again my husband would just keep walking because he doesn't want to deal with it why do you know that within three minutes you're hurting your child's brain with a mask you know most of the children i see wearing masks the parents aren't wearing masks around i'm in
Starting point is 01:01:10 santa cruz i'm just up the the city from you and i'm like yeah and i'm like what is going on here your kids mask but you're not masked and that's the vast majority here so i just walk now i walk on the other side of the street because i'm gonna to stop it. I don't have any patience for it. I don't talk to anybody. I now go, when I see people, because I've got to do something. And at least I'm being funny, right? Instead of, why are you abusing your children? You know, I'm like, I walk away. And then I've gotten it out of me and it's enough.
Starting point is 01:01:37 But no, I'm not as kind as you are. I'm a lawyer, not a kindergarten teacher. I'm sorry. They don't do anything. But again, it's your choice. It's your choice. I respect your choice. But personally, I don't believe in them.
Starting point is 01:01:51 That being said, the reason, the only reason why I speak up is because I have kids and because like you, it sounds like I have some investments in homes that have made it so that I can do this so that I can fight. I have a little tiny I've climbed to a higher elevation. I've not a lot, but I got a little tiny edge of a cliff I can stand on and throw rocks at the bad guys, little pebbles. And I want to do my part for my kids.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Do you think your daughter will someday be like, oh, my God, mom, I was so'm so proud of you stood up for us i hope you'll see it yeah i hope so she's too strong girl but i have to say to you thank you for standing up as a man because we need more men there there's there's very few men they're doing it so you get to keep your man card and god bless you oh thank you the truth is with that my wife is like 10 times like i said i avoid the places that require masks i just stopped going to anywhere that required a mask good because i didn't want because i don't want the confrontation but my wife just kept going there and just refused to wear the mask yeah well good for her god bless her yeah she was like she was like you she didn't talk to, she wouldn't, my sister's more like you. My sister-in-law straight just talk shit to people. Excuse me, ma'am.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Why are you wearing a mask? Just like, I'm like, oh fuck. Tell her to come over. I'll pour her some wine. Oh, you would love her. That's awesome. Well, give your wife a hug because even though she makes it look easy, it's really stressful. There were days. Oh, it's so stressful.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah. There were days where I'm like, please go to the grocery store. I can't deal with it today. I can't. I can't. And my husband would go and he'd put his stupid mask on and go to the grocery store. And I would just be like, I didn't see that. I didn't see that.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I can't do this. But yeah, it's hard. It was hard. it was hard my my wife um you know there were there were family uh gatherings that we didn't attend because they wanted us to be tested what yeah oh that breaks my heart did you have that with your any of your did you not get to go to family gatherings no no all of my family was like this is silly silly well actually i have one sister i haven't talked to in a really long time she moved to oregon oh she went to the dark side yeah yeah i haven't talked to in a while have you been to portland no my husband skis so he went bend it somewhere yeah yeah it's a trip
Starting point is 01:04:20 is it have you been i've been there i i spent a lot of time there uh in portland and uh i've been there probably a hundred times a week at a time i feel like and uh it's zombie land you can you you don't even recognize the if just i want you to do a study on the men there it's a trip they're not even like men they're not men i mean they're men they have penises but they're not they're suppressing their expression of their dna and you can see the suppression of it oh it's pretty crazy yeah they've been doing that and they're i guess they're buying into it you know what the one of the keys to erectile dysfunction is um vitamin d you know being outside being outside sun yeah in utah what was really wild is all these erectile dysfunction um commercials i'm like what
Starting point is 01:05:14 but there's less sun in california than in california it's crazy yeah i think if you're just not if you if you uh drink lots of water you're not obese and don't eat a lot of sugar, you should be fine. Well, vitamin D too, actually. Why aren't you on YouTube more? Everything on you is on Rumble. Oh, they'll probably take it down and censor it, right? Yeah, all the places you end up are on rumble like when i looked at even even the like couple videos i found of you on youtube they seemed like they were just previews for videos
Starting point is 01:05:49 that were on rumble so then to see the whole thing i had to go over to rumble interesting i'm really impressed by you you you're prepared really well this is this is the best interview i've ever had oh thank you yeah i say with all humility almost everyone says that to me thank you. Yeah. I say with all humility, almost everyone says that to me. Thank you. Aw. David, no. Porn is not. Okay, some porn. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Everybody, what happens in their bedroom is private, right? Yes. We all watch porn, don't we? In moderation. My mom would say everything in moderation is okay. Yeah, right. What happens in your bedroom is totally fine. It's your private bedroom. You were a public defender.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Oh my God, you went that far back? That's crazy. When I saw that, I go, you were a full-blown libtard. So here's what's fascinating. So the whole infrastructure is libtards right all the teacher all most teachers are libtards and most public defenders are libtards right and so it's just like basically like someone commits a crime and they feel sorry for him because he got molested by uncle buck and so they let him off and then so and then and then the teachers are given well if they want to come and talk about who they that they sleep with men and they are men it's okay because you know we should we shouldn't censor speech. That's the whole, is that the whole infrastructure?
Starting point is 01:07:07 Is that why you say homeschool your kid? They're also smoking pot. I never met, and I don't, if you smoke pot, I don't have a problem with it. But when I was a baby lawyer, you're like in your suit and everybody's high. Like the whole public defender's office smoked pot. I'm like, is this for real?
Starting point is 01:07:23 They're literally libtards like so you know you live in santa cruz everybody's high in santa cruz all the time everybody's high in california now but back then in 2012 when i passed the bar it was unbelievable they're yeah they're very liberal i haven't smoked pot in um 30 years and i don't know if that's true 20 years 25 years now i don't i don't miss it for a. To each his own, but I was in court the other day. I have one criminal case because I hate practicing criminal law. And some of my former colleagues are still masked with the shield and that's politics. If you're still like that, you're drinking the CNN Kool-Aid. You're not. There's no. That's delusion at this point.
Starting point is 01:08:08 One by one, we all kind of fall, right? So the only thing I can think of, and I know people can't stand this comparison. The only thing I can think of is Nazi Germany. There had to have been a point where you're like, okay, am I going to report my neighbors for being Jewish to save myself? Or am I going to report my neighbors for being Jewish because I really don't like Jews? But for one reason or another, you report them, and you got kind of on the bandwagon out of either fear or because you really hated Jews, and you start pushing them towards the gas chamber. But one by one, and you hear about all sorts of fucking germans who fucking flip right who are like fuck this and they started protecting the jews or they left the country
Starting point is 01:08:52 but you also see tons of jews who turned on other jews right i mean shit tons of them how do we i feel like i like what you're doing i feel like what we have to do is we have to the problem there's this daoist saying all problems must flourish before they come to an end. And I feel like what's happening is the left keeps crossing the line more and more, forcing more and more Democrats to jump ship. So as soon as you find out they're telling your fifth grader – this isn't to joke people in California. They're telling your fifth grade boy they're showing him pictures of how to 69 with another man if he wants to have intimacy with the man. You just you're like, OK, I can't have that for my fifth grader. And you jump. Is that like what's going to what do we have to do? I'm kind of I'm kind of open to the experiment of
Starting point is 01:09:38 letting them just push so far that everyone just jump ship. You know what I mean? Like, like, do we have to start taking homes from white people and giving them to black people like like what how far when why hasn't everyone jumped because that side's just crazy it's it's really hard it's really hard to stand up it's easier just to come home pour your glass of wine and forget about it. Right. So because I have money, I can do this. I think it's for, I don't, I don't know. You tell me why you're doing this for me. I can't do anything else. It's like, you have a choice. It's for the kids or against the kids. Yeah. I'm for the kids. So this is easy.
Starting point is 01:10:23 You know, I mean mean masturbating with vegetables and you're letting that happen and you're pretending you're not seeing it i don't know you mean being taught that in the schools yes that's the california healthy kids act teaching them how to masturbate with cucumbers and you're i mean i went and i read the curriculum in carmel it's not here but it's in orange county it was happening in our time this is a couple of years ago there's a there's a kid in san luis obispo who identifies as a raccoon and is demanding a litter box in the classroom and holy shit superintendent in in moms for liberty we're going to work together on a campaign on this but the superintendent's like i don't know what to do what are you he doesn't get to keep his man
Starting point is 01:11:05 card. What he does is he says, you go be a raccoon at home. At school, you're a human. Yes. You know what I mean? So if you're a parent in that classroom and you're letting that happen, you're going, yeah, give the little kid a litter box so that we can watch him poop in the class. What? I mean, I don't know what to do with those parents. I can't help you if you, if you're letting that happen, because the power starts in your locality and you stand up and say, no, they're not raccoons. They're people. Hello. Right. It's, it's, I don't know. I don't know the answer to that, but I will say something to you. Have you met Lee Dundas? Do you know who Lee Dundas is? No.
Starting point is 01:11:49 No. Okay. So she's a human rights attorney over in Southern California. She's a firecracker. Do your Googling thing with her. Her speech on the Nazi Germany is very powerful. Newsom passed more laws in six months or signed executive orders in six months than Hitler did in six years. or signed executive orders in six months than Hitler did in six years, two thirds of your neighbors, when we have to go 1776 in this state, meaning we're going to have, when tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty, and we're gonna have to pick up our guns kind of thing in this state. If it, if it keeps going the way it is,
Starting point is 01:12:20 two thirds of your neighbors are going to turn you in because of psychology. That's scary as hell. That's what happened in Nazi Germany. I don't, I'm not a psychologist. I do not understand it. I would say we get a psychologist in the room here and ask them those questions. 1935, yeah, it's scary. Two thirds of your neighbors, you guys know me. I will pick up my gun and fight to the death for you.
Starting point is 01:12:41 But I don't know about my neighbor. Kyle, you don't know shit about raccoons i don't don't ask me that's just identifies as a raccoon and wants a litter box in the class yeah don't heidi are you serious please tell me you're joking please tell me you're joking please tell me you're joking heidi please tell me you're joking she's in uh well she is she's in madison another another zombie land. Where, where, where,
Starting point is 01:13:07 in what state? Oh, Madison, Wisconsin. It's basically, it's just Libtard, Libtard central. What?
Starting point is 01:13:14 I don't know. She might be joking. She's wily. She's wily. She's wild. Is it Wisconsin? Like more on the conservative side? Not Madison.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Not Madison. Not Madison. It's where the college is. And, um, it's where the indoctrination is at its peak. My neighbor wouldn't, for the first year of the pandemic, he must have hated me. He would only talk to me through the fence. We used to be really close. He wouldn't let my kids come to his house. His kids wouldn't come to my house.
Starting point is 01:13:43 He wouldn't shake my hand. He wouldn't get close to me. I mean, he was truly fucking terrified. That's another, that's another thing that a lot of these people say, oh, well, we all didn't know in the beginning, or we didn't know, or I had a doctor on here the other day and he goes, we were all fooled in the beginning. And I'm like, no, no, we weren't. No, no, I could do third grade math. I, I have, I have a little bit of logic. I could be like, hey, I just need to see a healthy person who's died. I just need to see one. I just need to see – show me one CrossFitter who's died. Are the CrossFitters – are CrossFitters getting the jab?
Starting point is 01:14:19 Yes and no. Shitloads of the athletes are because to move from country to country. I'll tell you this interesting story you'll like. So the CrossFit Games have been going on for 16 years. They just had their 16th year. I know. I met Dave. Oh, yeah. That's how we met, through Dave. Yeah. So this year was the first year ever where two athletes had clotting.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Both Canadians, both vaccinated to the gills, I'm sure. That's the job. That's the job. friends even my biggest most libtard friends are like hey how can anyone ever have a clot in 2022 2022 and it not be reported in the newspaper as the first question do they have the jab the reporters are avoiding it and even the libtards know like you have to ask that now everyone knows yeah but but every article you find you have to read 10 articles and find some obscure one before someone says they were vaccinated. So-and-so, the soccer player was vaccinated. And then you're like, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:32 So are CrossFitters getting vaccinated? I don't know. I'm in a bubble. You know, unfortunately, I've scared a lot of people, and I feel like I have alienated a lot of people. A lot of my friends are vaccinated. caleb's vaccinated he's in the military right the guy who's the co-host on the earth the the back back end guy on the show um tons of and we've talked about it and tons of my friends i know um have been vaccinated but i feel like a lot of people who listen to the show maybe they feel like i judge them for doing it and so they
Starting point is 01:16:03 don't want to um so they don't want, they don't want to talk to me. Because we think you were misled. We think, I don't know. I don't know. That's where I'm stuck. That's where I'm stuck. Tracy. Like part of me thinks like you were misled, but you're still responsible for it. I have thoughts. I don't have to act on them, but I'm still responsible for them. Let me, let me just, let me just please share some compassion. Yes. I want to be more, and I want to be more compassionate.
Starting point is 01:16:29 One of my daughter's friends, mothers has been acupuncturist nutritionist, Kristen Roth here. He's got a great business. She she's, you know, alternative medicine, if you will. She got the job and her husband was like, what? Right. Cause she's all about, you know, good things, healthy things. So she comes to the beach, drops off her daughter and she stands there and she knows who I am, how I feel, what I think.
Starting point is 01:16:53 And she just starts talking. And she said, I was pressured into getting the job at the risk of losing my license to practice. My family couldn't afford that. And she said, I felt like I died and I gave myself protocols and I felt like I was reborn. That was one of hundreds of stories I've heard, right? What does that mean? She gave herself, she felt like she died, like in a religious, like reborn? In a robot, physically something,
Starting point is 01:17:21 the acupuncture. So she did a treatment on me because of childhood trauma and she went and she did movement and sound and herbs. And to some people that's weird, but it works. It really works. It's like crystals are weird, but they work. There's power there. You have to use them, right? That kind of stuff. Okay. She, for her to, for her belief system to allow herself to take the risk. And she knew she was entering herself into a medical trial. She said she, she did a protocol and she's died and she feels like she's reborn. So for the people who have made that choice, they've made it for reasons. You have to have compassion about the reasons. Some people just listen to CNN and
Starting point is 01:18:02 thought they were supposed to do it. Others were literally forced to do it or lose their livelihoods. I, you know, we, we are lucky. We're lucky. We didn't have a job. We're going to lose.
Starting point is 01:18:12 My husband took particular steps that I can't say publicly. Right. That's completely different from mine. We all have to make our own personal choices. So what I can say to those who have chosen to get the job, please go get a protocol. Find somebody like Kristen Roth and treat your body because there's crazy shit happening to it.
Starting point is 01:18:34 And I love you and I believe in you. Just go get a treatment. Seriously, please. When you say, by the way, that's cool. Is that girl local in california kristin roth she's here in monterey kristin roth dr roth and i think she can do telemed appointments because during the the scamdemic she was doing all those zoom telemed appointments so call me basically protocols to help cleanse yourself of any damage that was done by the uh yes like like
Starting point is 01:19:03 i i'm not a doctor it's like iron and silver and all this you know woo woo stuff but it but it worked for her it worked for her and i wanted to work for all the people that are watching that got the job when you say forced um you don't you don't really mean forced they weren't held down and taken the injection. You're basically saying that there were the weight of losing. You're a single mom. You're a nurse. You have two kids who are in junior high. And if you don't take the jab, they're going to fire you.
Starting point is 01:19:35 And this is a fuck decision. Where someone like me, I can talk all the shit I want from my little fucking comfortable home in Santa Cruz. Collect rent from some people who live make ends meet pick apples off my own trees yeah it's fucking it's a mess you know people it's i want to have compassion i'm just so i'm i also know that okay how about this how about we meet halfway we have compassion for the people who have kids but fuck the people who don't have kids if you don't have kids and you're not up for the fight you have nothing to lose who cares if you become homeless it's fucking the best years of my life was i was homeless for five years was the best years of my life it was awesome that's free that's
Starting point is 01:20:19 a cool story oh yeah it was great so you didn't have any responsibilities at all you didn't have to pay the mortgage you didn't have to go grocery shopping. Like my laundry, you just see my laundry, you have to fold your laundry. No, no, no. You just get your clothes out of a free block, free box. And by the way, that's another interesting thing. Of all the, when I was homeless, of all the thousands of people I met when I was homeless, there were only myself and one other guy I ever met who weren't drug addicts. So when I hear people say that there's a homeless population in California, it's a misnomer. There's not a homeless population. They have chosen to be, they've chosen drugs over homes. And so when you build them homes, you're not addressing the issue. When you address the homeless population, you are not addressing, and my listeners have heard me say this a million times, you're not addressing the problem. The problem is they're drug addicts. They've put a priority.
Starting point is 01:21:10 So a normal person wants to breathe, eat, fuck, shelter. These people have put drugs above fucking and shelter. I love you. Right? And it's like, well, I can't help you. Now we're going to build them homes they need to try crossfit that's a better drug you know they move them to i like what um uh that that governor of florida did send them to martha's vineyard oh that was hilarious wasn't that awesome ron desantis so
Starting point is 01:21:42 so my question is is trump and desantis going to run on the same ticket? And if DeSantis won't run with Trump, I think that's a little disrespectful because Trump needs to have one more chance, right? But DeSantis needs to be president. He's amazing. How old is Trump? If Trump gets in office, is he going to turn into Biden right before our eyes? You don't like Trump, do you? I voted for him. You did? Yeah, I did vote for him. You're a Democrat? You did? Really? Well, I voted for Obama and Hillary.
Starting point is 01:22:17 And then, I know, I was a libtard, I'm telling you. And then the last time I voted for Trump. Do you know, I whispered that into my dad's ear. He was at my house. I'm like, hey, you got to know I voted telling you. And then and then and then the last time I voted for Trump, you know, I whispered that into my dad's ear. He was at my house. I'm like, hey, you got to know I voted for Trump. And my dad, like, looked at me and just walked outside into my backyard, like with his hands behind his back, like I just gut punched him. I can't have I can't have anything that's bad for my children. You can't you can't you can't sexualize my kid, force them to take drugs or cover their mouth. Yeah. And those are the three things that i how i view the democratic party not that i'm a
Starting point is 01:22:49 republican but you can't cover my kid's mouth you can't force them to take drugs and you can't sexualize them i have to protect my kids from those things i have to what are your libtard friends saying about all that i mean what do they say um well what's interesting is um two of my friends who have the uh two of my friends who have the kids that have gone the the boys have turned into girls and the girls have turned into boys i i actually saw them do that to their kids they thought that they were being open and giving their that's the weird part right i saw them do i saw them lead their kid down the path of what was supposed to be openness to to from day one you know what i mean like they did the stuff like they have a boy and they're like oh look at this dress thinking that they're being open not realizing hey dude you're a fucking parent you make their reality for the first few
Starting point is 01:23:47 years like you turn i watched them the other the other the other kids they they have girls and they didn't want their girls to be girly girls so they dissuaded the liking of the color pink or or or toe pointing in gymnastics or ballet it's crazy well i Well, I used to hate pink. I used to hate it. And that's fine. You mean as a parent or as a child? Yeah, as a parent. I'm like, my daughter's never worn pink. And that had nothing to do with making her a boy.
Starting point is 01:24:12 I just hated pink. So I kind of get it. But what is, did you say anything to your friends? Because you're friends, right? What, did you say anything? What did they say? I mean, what did they say? These parents, I try to talk logic to these people.
Starting point is 01:24:25 These are the same parents who think that if you get your kid in the martial arts, that it's going to make them violent. Because they don't know how to think properly. They don't realize it's actually the exact opposite. Right. My kids do jiu-jitsu, and they're the most calm, patient, loving. They love physical contact. They love hugging. They don't feel threatened. They're the most calm kids everywhere they go and uh they don't and that i
Starting point is 01:24:50 credit jujitsu garth taylor jujitsu for that like well isn't it's defensive you don't ever attack you're just well defensive right they they do attack they do it they do attack but you know when they go to competitions, there's an attack. In real life, the point of martial arts is to use your enemy's energy against them. But I think most people attack when they feel threatened, and people who feel threatened are weak people. So the reason why I don't feel threatened by COVID is because I'm not a weak person. And I looked over the fence, and I saw only the weak people were dying. And I did the math. It's not because I'm arrogant or pompous. I just did the fence and I saw only the weak people were dying. And I did the math.
Starting point is 01:25:27 It's not because I'm arrogant or pompous. I just did the math. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what the libtards think. I don't know. I don't know what my friends think. Did you have a conversation with these parents and they didn't respond? I mean, I would die to be a fly in the room when you ask them, why are you doing this?
Starting point is 01:25:43 What is the point exactly? They think they're being open-minded, but they don't realize that they actually did the, and then in the name of being open-minded, they weren't open-minded. They led their kid down that path. That's how much influence we have. I mean, even my 16 year old who supposedly hates me, she loves me, but you know what I'm talking about? Teenagers. She listens to me. You know, she, she asked my opinion. We have a lot of influence over our children. So that's really scary actually. You know, it's crazy scary. And, and I don't think, I wonder when you do something that's that severe to a child or you do something that bad, I don't know if you can ever admit it to yourself. It would be like if you own 20 McDonald's and then you found out that
Starting point is 01:26:29 being vegan was the right way. I don't think you could ever entertain that because you're filthy rich from owning 20 McDonald's. You know what I mean? I'm not vegan, by the way. I just use that as an example. My daughter was for a while. She was, it's hard to feed vegans. I was vegan for a while. Were you vegan for a while? I can't. I like bacon. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Oh, that's hard. Then you weren't a full-blown libtard if you were never vegan. I'm taking back your libtard card. Thank you for my man card. You don't get a libtard card. Oh, I love it. I so love it. California Parents United, California Parents Union. Is the website
Starting point is 01:27:16 Calm. If you go to, a lot of the Newsmax and all those guys always say California Parents United. If you go to that website, there's a California Parents Union link. So you can't pick a website. It's there. This is But if you went to, there's a link here. But this is the better website. And it's actually getting revamped right now. One of my board members is like, this isn't pretty enough so we're going to make it pretty and then we're going to we're going to start doing some marketing um because we got to get 10 million members um you should have written on that chalkboard diversity uh equity and inclusion yeah can you go back to
Starting point is 01:28:01 that a second caleb um and can you click i want to just walk because I'm going to do it as soon as the show is over. Can you show me how I'm going to send my $25? So you go over to – Join CPU. And if you're a parent, you click parent. If you're a teacher – Okay. I'm a parent.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Okay. Click parent. And then you drop your $25. Okay. Thank you, Caleb. Yeah. And then you drop your 25 bucks. Okay, thank you, Caleb. And you have membership benefits. I want to make sure that people know, I love you too. People know, and your wife, don't worry, I'm married 22 years. I just don't have my ring on.
Starting point is 01:28:37 But people know that there's benefits in there. There's homeschooling, there's legal resources, there's teacher resources, there's how to find bad bills, bad curriculum. I mean, anything you can think of. We're going to have an expert. We have a good newsletter. You have a good newsletter. We're working on that.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Yeah. Give me a newsletter that I need. I need it. I like shit thrown in my inbox so I can be like, OK, you know what I mean? Like just bullet points. I like good bullet points in my inbox. I do. Well, we are having an expert webinar with Lisa Logan from Utah. She's become
Starting point is 01:29:06 social emotional learning experts, October 20th for members. And she's going to teach you how to look into your curriculum in your schools and find all that sex ed curriculum that you don't like. Also, one of the cool things we're developing, and this is where we got to get bigger, but we have a mini Facebook where it's not censored. There's a whole community behind there. It's called CP United Community. And you can build your little profile and nobody's going to come and censor us. And so could you imagine how awesome that's going to be when we get to a million members? People are going to be like, screw Facebook.
Starting point is 01:29:36 And I'm not trying to compete and build another social media site. Please, God, there's too many. Telegram, Signal, TikTok, Truth. site, please, God, there's too many telegrams, signal, TikTok, truth. But for California Parents Union members, there's going to be a safe place for you to go hang out. Awesome. Thank you for coming on. I really appreciate it. This was amazing. God bless you. Thank you for, it was fun. I had fun. Thank you. And we'll be in touch touch if there's ever anything you need from me, anything you ever want to talk about, um, anything you ever want to, I can help promote. Uh, let me know, uh, the, all our shows are live. Um, we can just have you on for 15 minutes and let you just go off on, on whatever, um, whatever needs to be said. Deal. Deal. And let me know when you're in Carmel. Cool.
Starting point is 01:30:20 I'll see you up here. Cool. Yeah. Same. Oh, awesome. And same thing. I'm up in Santa Cruz. If you ever come up this way, just text me or call me. Oh, and, and, and if you do any public speaking or there's any videos you ever want to send me, just please text them to me so I can stay up to speed. I, you cannot bug me in the slightest. Oh, you're God said, and thank you for being a man standing up. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:30:47 I bet she had to pee he's gone what's her IG that's a good question I couldn't find her on Instagram but her Instagram is for the organization is california.parents.united yeah she's cool she's fired up she got that god energy
Starting point is 01:31:13 oh my my son joseph wants everything hot pink everything pink everything pink my three-year-old loves purple and pink so now he rocks his favorite purple shirt all the time and his pink cup. Haha. His choice, not mine. Stop controlling everything, parents. But you must control some things. You must control some things. I think the problem is not enough parents are controlling enough things.
Starting point is 01:31:49 I can't imagine giving my kid a cell phone in junior high. Maybe if I had girls, definitely not boys. Boys are capable of anything. Even the best boys are capable of any. There's no activity. No bizarre behavior that should surprise you. Who's on tomorrow? Oh, we got Brian Friend coming on tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Let me see. Here we go. Tuesday. Tuesday. It says in the calendar, it says Rogue Predictions with Brian Friend. For some reason, I don't think that's accurate. I think Rogue Predictions are the following week. That's the rogue invitational. But I could be wrong.
Starting point is 01:32:48 I think tomorrow actually is going to be another debate show between him and John Young. I'll have to find out now, and I'll update the YouTube page if this is wrong. Then on Wednesday, I don't know if those of you, this guy, Andrew Walker, he's a Livermore police officer, a CrossFitter, and he's going to be on the show
Starting point is 01:33:05 we'll do a live call-in show he i i saw this video of this cop pull this guy over it's this lady cop and i just think she's too aggressive with him she started like pushing him and shit when he wouldn't listen to her and uh there was some weird middle ground there. Like I just, I felt like she, at some points I feel like you either need to escalate the situation to full blown, just tase them. Right.
Starting point is 01:33:33 Or, or, or, or don't be confrontational and just back off and let the situation breathe a little bit. But she's somewhere in the middle ground that just seems like it's just causing danger. She starts pushing a man.
Starting point is 01:33:46 And I'm like, man, like that, that's not going to end well for you uh and then on and it'll be fun just to hear hear his um his views and then i'll ask him too it's it happens to be two white people a white cop and a white lady cop and a a white dude but then i'll ask him i'll be like hey what if the guy was black what if the cop was black what if it would play the race game just for shits and giggles. Then on Thursday, I'll do another live call and show. And this won't be with Bill Grundler. I cannot believe I'm 600 shows in and I haven't had Bill Grundler on five times, let alone this is the first time Bill and I go way back. was doing crossfit before me um and i he has uh he was kind of legendary in the fitness community um in california uh he was a captain
Starting point is 01:34:32 of a fire department that one of my friends was a fireman on and uh the stories that would come out of there were insane and that was even before bill knew of crossfit he would put his guys through the ringer so it'll be fun catching up with Bill, finding out what's going on with the programming. And then on the 8th, we have Jamie Jenkins on. This is going to be good. This is a Zoe Harcomb
Starting point is 01:34:55 recommendation. This is going to be a crazy show. We're going to talk about the vaccine. Am I going to get kicked off of YouTube? All right. Thanks, guys. Caleb, thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:12 He's back there. He won't let me bring him on. All right, guys. I'll see you guys later. Have a good day. Peace.

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