The Sevan Podcast - #619 - Brian Friend vs. John Young, A Lot of Rogue Invitational Talk

Episode Date: October 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Bam, we're live. Oh, there's Caleb right there. Right on time. I was just bitching that you weren't hearing how much I miss you. Not like bitching about you. I need you.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Classic. Yeah, classic. Whose programming is he doing? Coach L from Brute Strength. Probably one of the better programmers who's lesser known in the CrossFit space is my guess. Does he have an Instagram?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh, yeah. What is it? I think it's just at Coach L. The L is E-L. I made this video yesterday for my parenting Instagram account and my parenting YouTube channel, which is blowing up. And I appreciate all of you guys supporting me over there. It's pretty cool what you guys are doing. Kenneth DeLapp, it's really cool the comments you're making. Some of those videos are getting great traction. It's pretty cool what you guys are doing. Uh, Kenneth, the lap, it's really cool. The comments you're making, some of those videos
Starting point is 00:01:26 are getting great traction. It's like called capable child consulting or something. It's on YouTube. I only make shorts. It's pretty cool. Anyway. Um, and, and while I was over there, I made a video yesterday talking about how, if you know someone that you really like in the community, who's doing something. So let's say, let's say you go to Brian's gym and you really like him. The greatest thing you can do is tell other people like all, if you have an instructor, that's your skateboarding instructor for your kids, the greatest thing you can do is tell other parents so that they will go and support the people that you like. If you go to a jujitsu studio, a CrossFit gym,
Starting point is 00:02:00 those, those communities, those gyms only exist. If you actively and aggressively tell other people about how much fun you have there don't be ashamed do it with no shame oh my god i just came from crossroad i can't believe how great it is it's the best hour of my d i felt feel fucking great there's tons of beautiful guys in there the coach is so fucking sweet today a guy came who trains at the gym and brought me this bag of oranges that he has from his tree all just realistic shit these are things that other people don't have in their lives and you can share that with them and it's a healthy way to make them jealous and envious because if you bring them there they become better people but more importantly you support your gym or your or
Starting point is 00:02:39 that instructor or that person who's an entrepreneur or who's a they're basically a small business owner we have to do that for each other and i just realized i want to tell you something about gabe and travis uh gabe who owns paper street coffee and travis bellinghausen and probably to a certain extent this is true for for all four of us you're looking at here if one of you sends a dm to brian it means a fucking lot to him i've never talked to brian about this and he opens it and you'll get a fucking thoughtful response if he has one ready for you every bag of coffee you order from gabe he's fucking excited this isn't like black rifle where there's like fucking like five people or 20 people in the back room just bagging shit and just like counting cash he's excited he puts the
Starting point is 00:03:25 beans in your bag he writes your name on it he packages it same with travis bellinghausen him and his daughter are folding your shirt putting it in a bag and going to the post office and mailing it you don't you're not going to get this shit other places it's like when you make a comment on my youtube even if you're like god you're a fucking chauvinistic asshole. I'm like excited. And so I just wanted to share that with you. Like, hey, the little efforts you guys make all around, none of it goes unnoticed. All of us are like – all these people are stoked. They can't even believe what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Jeff right on cue with a classic comment. Who wants his fingers on your beans yay me put your finger on my bean uh john young um uh and uh brian friend um and caleb i apologize i'm going directly off script this morning right away uh where where do we have any news on what happened to gabby magawa where is she going she left the programming with steve austin uh the bionic man and where did she land i mean this should be big news she's uh top 10 top 5 competitor in the world with uh i mean i mean basically once t gets out of the way, you know, looking at a possible winner of the crossover games. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And, and, uh, no one's covering that shit. Or are they, what the hell's going on with Lauren Khalil? I went to morning chocolate yesterday to poach some fucking ideas, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:56 uh, from her show. Like I always do. And that she used to produce every single day. Now it's like every three days. It's disgusting. That's, I think that's plan B. I plan b she's on a squad cycle so uh she can beat brian i texted her this morning told her she's slipping as for gabby and i think also the same as for hayley adams it seems like they've just been intentionally quiet oh good point hayley yeah
Starting point is 00:05:23 what the fuck and uh i'm not I'm not, I'm not really sure why. I don't know why you wouldn't necessarily want people to know what you're doing and people can get excited about that. Especially in Gabby's case with the rogue invitational coming up, obviously, well, you know, every, it doesn't look like Tia is going to be there. So there's already a lot of opportunity for someone like her. And if she has been training in a new environment or with a new programmer or team or whatever she's doing, I don't know why she wouldn't want people to know that. But we don't know. You know, you just can't say.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I think I talked to you about that after the last show, right? I don't know. You know where Gabby went. You just won't say. I think so. You're very close with Christoph from... I haven't know. You know where Gabby went. You just won't say. I think so. You're very close with Christoph from Frozen. I haven't asked him. He was doing a bar muscle-up with Yellow Host the other day.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Those guys must weigh like 400 pounds combined, and they were on one bar. It's pretty impressive that those bars are so impressive. John, I know you're not listening, but what Brian did is he just changed the subject. He's trying to creep out. No, I thought I knew what Gabby was doing, where Gabby and Christoph were going to train. And I thought that that would be announced. And then it wasn't announced. And so now I'm not so sure.
Starting point is 00:06:39 What about Haley? I see her stuff in her face in New York City, destroying her immune system. Yeah, I always take such a, I have a huge problem with all the games athletes promoting the sugar stuff all the time, donuts and cookies. I mean, for them, I get it a little bit because they're dialed in so much of the year, but I think sometimes lose sight of how big of an impact that can have on people for whom that's a decision that can lead to a serious problem with their lifestyle dude they they went it could be the other way around because i mean they kind of they would pass for anorexic before they pass for obese they're promoting
Starting point is 00:07:19 eating for anorexic people they're baiting already, dude, it's a crazy eat fest they go on. Look at, she looked like she was in metabolic derangement right there, didn't she? Oh, fuck. Every one of us saw that, yeah. Yeah, ooh, I shouldn't have done, shouldn't have put that in me. One of the people I train this morning, they provide programming for messaging me a picture of crumble cookies, half eaten and said, what do you think of my breakfast?
Starting point is 00:07:51 And I said, if that's your breakfast, your rate is double for next month. Good. Fuck Haley Adams is cool as shit though. Look at her. You know, when I see her now, I just think of her running at the games and that what was the one where you pushed the the weight over your head after the sprints oh she juggled the overhead a and b yeah man there's some great shots of her running there aren't there she looks like a
Starting point is 00:08:18 world-class athlete sometimes you don't have to look like the best runner to be the best runner but she looks like the best runner relative to the games field out there it's pretty yeah it's pretty yeah it's so fun to watch her run but she's spent a lot of time with hinshaw i think in the past three four years you know perfecting and dialing that in okay enough nice shit um uh Let's go over another Instagram account. I didn't tell you guys I was going to bring this up. If you go to Bill Henegar's account, Caleb, there is something that looks like a fucking roller coaster that he's building. It even makes the sounds of the roller coaster.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You know, as they go up, there's that metal bar that's like a safety bar that clicks over each. It's like, clack, clack, clack. What the hell is going on? Now, Brian, do you have uh please tell me that's for the crossfitters and not for those fat juiced up dudes at the event do you know brian or no i don't know but i don't see why this can be used for both a strongman event and a crossfit event if i had to guess they put weights on that platform right there, and then you just pull the weights down. They have this in Ninja Warrior.
Starting point is 00:09:28 John, hold on one second. Caleb, can we hear this real quick? Listen, guys. Listen to this thing. Right there. Right there. You can get rid of the sound now. Right there, you can just insert screams.
Starting point is 00:09:49 You know, the roller coaster when they come down from the top. It does sound just like a roller coaster. And how about how the weights dump out at the end? Where do those fall? Crazy, right? Where do those fall? Prevent it from going over the edge. But you see how it dumps, right? At do those prevent it from going over the edge? But you see how it dumps right at the
Starting point is 00:10:05 very end. Um, John, um, uh, here's the, um, here's the problem with that. How would they, would you, are you going to have your legs tucked under something? Because if you're pulling it and it's heavier than you are, then you're going to go up, right? pulling it and it's heavier than you are, then you're going to go up. Right. Um, yeah, I don't know if they'll have it that heavy. I mean, it's a tall contraption. You got to pull it a long way. I'm at like, if for crossfitters, I would think you just jump and pull and then jump and pull. And it's just something that's going to tax your whole body doing it. They do it in Spartan races too. Stuff that Hunter McIntyre does, they have a very small-scale one for it.
Starting point is 00:10:55 But if you did get – if something was holding your legs down and they just used it like a weighted legless rope climb almost, that would be fun. But I don't know. That would be fun to see. Caleb, can you pull that up again? I want to read you guys what's posted with that. Actually, can you go back two or three posts back to the first Brian, do you have any thoughts on what's going on here on what this thing is going to be? Well, like I said, I could see them using it as a strong man implement for weight, for example. And then you could also potentially use it as more of uh
Starting point is 00:11:25 you know you might have to pull it to the top as part of a rounds for time you know do this plus something else multiple times so if you know if they're making something this big and you're advertising it that would be cool if they used the same implement in a different way for the competition as a strongman competition yeah good point and then look at this that he actually wrote on their roller coaster build we do custom first common adrian pop pop ap bosman pumped to see it in action because that i also i don't think it's that common for rogue to advertise their new implements prior to seeing them being used in competition well maybe for their own, maybe for their own event. Maybe for their own event. Did they do that with those pedestals? Well, last year they did advertise
Starting point is 00:12:09 that they were going to make their own hill. We didn't know how big it was or steep it was, but they advertised that. Is that debating what you guys did? Right there? Okay, can I see the next picture, Caleb? Clarifying. There's one more still.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Oh, yeah, this one another i don't know how they would do it but it would be really cool if they could make it somehow sticky with your feet and it would be and it would lock so you could do a sled push uphill and it would get harder and harder hey it's funny you say that that when i first saw it i did i thought the rope was probably just misleading and i did think it was a sled push uphill and that the reason why it clicks into place is it's like that's a lot so yeah yeah yeah how heavy is that and how many of those can they realistically bring there oh well then it would only be a strong man implement right oh just one that's very true unless it was ryan ryan ruining everyone's dreams
Starting point is 00:13:07 unless it was something like um i don't know like a broad jump where you have one station and everyone just comes through and does it you know what type of event would they do like a time trial thing though like yeah that's how they'd have to do it for crossfit but i don't know what you would yeah but i mean i'm just trying to final event four guys left monstrous thing so i can't imagine them having 10 of those no i can't imagine them having two hey that thing's obviously designed right that's that's in i'm guessing that's in columbus and that thing's obviously designed to slide right in the back of a semi, right?
Starting point is 00:13:45 It looks like it. They're not taking that apart, are they? What do you do with that after the fact? I guess you could— Bill Henniger's a trip, isn't he? He's kind of like the Elon Musk of fitness. What's that thing on the left of it, all that wood? I hope he's getting really weird.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I hope Bill washes his hands like 40 times a day and shit. What do you think that is, Savant? That wooden thing? Yeah. I don't know,, like washes his hands like 40 times a day. And she think that is seven. That wouldn't thing. Yeah. I don't know, but I want that in my backyard. I love that thing. What I,
Starting point is 00:14:11 those joints make me hard. You know, like those part where the wood, don't you guys love that hardware? You got to love that. Caleb. Jeff Bianco is getting hard right now too. I just want to put that shit together.
Starting point is 00:14:21 You know who that is, Brian? No. Oh, maybe. Yeah. I think you do put that shit together. Do you know who that is, Brian? No. Well, maybe. Yeah. I think I do. You do know who it is.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I have no idea who he is, but he knows me. He wants to tongue your anus. He loves you, John. Oh, goodness. Every show, one of the moderators is like, do we kick this guy out? No one knows what to do with him. They keep him for comedic effect, I think. So we don't know what's happening to Gabby. of the moderators is like do we kick this guy out no one knows what to do with them uh keeping for comedic effect i think so we don't know what's happening to gabby we don't know what's happening
Starting point is 00:14:49 to um uh hayley adams and brian is too pc to guess so we'll turn to john young for this john where are they just guess where they're going for me if you're if you had to be like okay gabby get over enough fucking around get over there. Enough fucking around. Get over there and training think tank and Haley, get up there with HWPO enough of this nonsense. I think that would, where would you send them? If you were to send them to their room,
Starting point is 00:15:12 that would be the worst thing for Haley to go to HWPO. In my opinion, just her and Mal would just, it's like when you have sex with a girl, it ruins all the tension. Mal is already better than Haley right now. I do. I don't see a world if Haley joins their training camp where Mal improves endurance because Haley's better than her at endurance. The thing that Haley has to work on is strength.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And I just think all the cross-fitting stuff, like Mal's already better than Haley now. I don't see Haley jumping the gap and beating her ever. If they are in the same training camp, I just, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see that happening in the same training camp. She becomes Mal's like, just like one of the tools and Mal's shed. If she goes up,
Starting point is 00:15:57 there's what you're saying. Yeah. Well, this, I mean, I hear what he's saying, but at the same time, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:02 Brooke and Tia ended up training together and, you know, you know, was it Brooke's intention to ever be better than tia and if that was well i'm just saying it's it's we don't have a lot of similar comparisons to draw to but we have we have a situation there where tia was the one to beat brooke was a you know perennial top 10 games athlete who's obviously trying to improve year after year, and she chose to go and be with Tia, maybe not to beat Tia, but she thought maybe that was the best environment for her to improve. I guess I'm kind of thinking of like Kalipa and Neil Maddox,
Starting point is 00:16:36 like they were together for a while, right? And Kalipa was better than Neil, and Neil never made that jump ever. And I would see that happening with different scenarios, but I see that happening. If Haley were to join the hard work pays off team. Sure. She would get better and stronger probably, but I don't see her ever beating Mal in that scenario.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Could she go there for a year or two, learn some things that she may not be able to learn somewhere else, and then move on? If I were her, I would go to James Townsend. By the way, that picture of him from the crash crucible, he's huge. I didn't realize he's so big. I knew he's big. No, James Townsend, if there's one thing he's amazing at, it's making people strong. Look at freaking Tudor.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Mal didn't get stronger. Look at his kids. Look at his fucking kids. She moves better, like with Olympic lifting, but she didn't get stronger working with Matt. Let me ask you this. I think the distinction which you guys are talking about is this. This is a loaded question. Are you guys suggesting that Brooke goes to Pro proven knowing that she'll never beat tia
Starting point is 00:17:47 and that that but also knowing that that might be the her best chance to make a podium or to improve even if it means not if it you know if it doesn't mean beating tia isn't that weird i wonder if that's one of the only athletes in the world who trains like that if that's true and before we get to that let me ask you this and then on the other side which are also both of you are suggesting is that Haley wouldn't go to HWPO thinking hey I'm never going to beat Mal she's not there in her career yet where Brooke might be there in her career and accept that well I mean Tia it's just nobody's going to beat Tia Tia is so far above everybody else like in in Brooke's scenario, it's like, man,
Starting point is 00:18:26 if I just get close to her in workouts, I'm beating everybody else then. Like it makes sense for Brooke. I mean, it would make sense for any girl in the women's field to train with Tia. That's how far ahead she is to everybody. Mal is not the same case. This comment from Clive really depends on how you define failure. I agree. I think Clive missed the point on that one.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah, and I think what John is suggesting is that if you're an athlete like Haley, and there are many other athletes like this too who have a pretty well-rounded skill set, but you're not getting strong and you want to get strong in a short period of time, this guy seems to be able to do that with young athletes. It would be really cool, Mike Hal would be it would be really cool uh mike alpin um it would be really cool mike alpin if we could if we could find out if tia how if hayley adams put 20 pounds on her shoulder to overhead 20 pounds on her deadlift 20 pounds just just make her a stronger version if she wins the games if she beats tia and what that number looks like she doesn't beat tia but she might get second yeah it get and i bet you it's not i bet you
Starting point is 00:19:32 it's not a lot of weight i bet you it's not a lot i would say 30 pounds on her front squat would fix every single problem she has okay how how about this what do you guys think about this hayley adams again it's it's a similar situation because Ben's done a lot of work with Laura. Oh, meaning Laura would be just a mal. Yeah, it's another athlete that she's chasing. So do you just leave her at Mayhem? She'll stay the same fifth place at Mayhem. I think it's proven that mayhem is not going to
Starting point is 00:20:07 make her stronger and like if you really think about it and this is nothing against mayhem they make people super fit but who has gotten strong at mayhem chase hill luke parker had a 300 pound snatch before he went there tyler christopher he's strong as shit isn't he he was strong before he got there he's not i'm talking like weren't strong and then got strong. Oh, and how about this kid? What about the – oh, here we go. Here we go. Finally.
Starting point is 00:20:33 It's been a long time. The show has missed you. You've never said anything dumb. You're 75-0 for smart shit, Mr. Jamal Smith. So I was listening when y'all were talking about how y'all were saying Tia and Brooke were doing that comparison to Mel and Haley. But would you think a better comparison would be how Amanda Barnhart went up with Katrin to Comtrain to where it was kind of like that iron sharpens iron and whoever comes out on top you know comes out on top in that way it's an it's another good example and i guess i had not really considered it with those two
Starting point is 00:21:15 for some reason the the fact that the thought of them training together never seemed confrontational to me i'm not sure they're very different in their weaknesses. What happened there, Jamal? Did Amanda get better going up there? Because I'm making the assumption that Katrin was the better athlete. I mean, I feel like they would build off each other a little bit, even though they had the separate coaches with Ben and
Starting point is 00:21:37 it was Harry Polly, correct? I mean, I'm sure there was times where they did have training sessions together and kind of build off each other. So from my understanding, and Brian, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but the people that are with Harry do not mix with the people that are with Ben very often. They do have training camps together, but it's like two weeks at a time. And then the rest, they're by themselves, and they have different coaches. It's just under the same
Starting point is 00:22:08 comp train umbrella. That might be right. I'm not 100% sure. Because Sam every single time I've ever heard him talk, or every time I've messaged him on Instagram, he is by himself training. He is not with anybody else. Mr. Jamal
Starting point is 00:22:23 Smith, thank you for the thoughtful question. Peace and love. Thank you, Brian. Has anyone noticed that Barnhart and Spiegel never interact with each other? Yes, they have different moral standards.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Rogue Equipment, where's Gabby going? Where would you send Gabby? Let's fuck with Brian a little bit. Brian going where would you send gabby let's let's fuck with brian a little bit brian where would you send gabby if no one if no one was listening pretend like no one's listening that's a great question that is a great question um i'll be honest i'm like i am a little surprised that uh that she left the the program and i don't know enough about what it was like there. I think definitely she's still in a stage of her career where having eyes on coach, you know, someone there with her while she's training is going to be advantageous to her as opposed to remote coaching or sending in the videos, stuff like that. So, but if she, you know, there could be any number of reasons why she wanted to leave there and it could be personal and not have anything to do with fitness for all we know.
Starting point is 00:23:26 But wherever she goes, I would, I would think that being in a place where she can do a majority of her training with her coach, having the ability to see her is probably important right now. Now, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't pick up on a camp there. Which camp did you say? Which coach did you say which coach did you say well there is i don't know that there is necessarily a camp that i would send her to because uh you know for a lot of the reasons that we've already talked about most of these well-established camps already have one or two athletes that are contending for the top 10 and i don't necessarily think that that's
Starting point is 00:24:00 what she needs i'm gonna say send her to underdogs which i guess you'd have to to say send her to underdogs. I guess she'd have to be willing to move to the U.S. And I don't know if that's practical, possible, or appealing to them. Of course. Yeah, location has a lot to deal with it, too. But I could see her training with Laura. I don't think she'd ever pass Laura, the same kind of scenario. But is she with Ben Krypton? training with Laura. I don't think she'd ever passed Laura, the same kind of scenario, but he,
Starting point is 00:24:25 she, Laura's with, is she with Ben Krypton or just trains with them? I don't know the details with that. I know she just, she's coming on the podcast tomorrow. I'll ask her. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Who is Laura Horvath? Is she really? No. Send Haley to Sarah Cox. I, it's, it's an option. option it's an option make it happen um caleb can you pull up matt frazier's um instagram account oh no no sorry the hwpo instagram account um and uh for uh one two three four five six posts back um it shows him and katrin um leaning over a box
Starting point is 00:25:07 together and a handful of people sent me this and i i think i agree with their sentiment go ahead and watch this and let me know what you guys i don't want to give you plant any seeds besides that's when we're talking about the snatching? Yeah. Will you hit the audio, please? Loosen your elbows, and then from here, keeping that bar against your thighs, so that when you push back on the knee, it's already close all the way up. Is that just with the lats?
Starting point is 00:25:37 So, engaging the lats, but staying over the bar. And it's going to be a mental cue, but the biggest thing is just so that when it's here, there's not momentum coming in, like bump, and then the momentum going away. You just want all the velocity going straight up. So keeping it here and fixing that pull so that the bar is staying close.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Because right now it's out in front, big bump, back out in front. And you're in a position where you can't use your pull the whole way through. It's just a bump and dive at this point. Okay, pause. Any thoughts on that when you see that? I have strong thoughts on this. Okay, please. Do you want to go first, Brian?
Starting point is 00:26:23 No, mine are – What are people doing if they're like, man, I never heard that before? strong thoughts on this. Okay, please. Do you want to go first, Brian? No, mine are. Mine are. What are people doing if they're like, man, I never heard that before. Every Olympic lifting coach says the exact same, like that's how they should snap. Wait, wait, wait. It's not even every Olympic lifting coach.
Starting point is 00:26:35 This sounds like a conversation I have with people in my gym the first day they ever try to snap. Right. Listen, Brian can barely snatch 185. I'm proud of that too. Yeah, yeah. Okay, right. I'm proud of that, too. Yeah, okay, right. I'm glad I got the weight right. But, and he could say the same thing to people.
Starting point is 00:26:50 If this ain't in Katrin's, like, this is how I snatch. Like, what are you doing? I will say this. I will say this. Sometimes it does happen where you spend so much time with someone, and you're trying to communicate the same message to them over and over and over again. Somebody else comes in and says the same thing and you watch them immediately get it. And you're just like, what the fuck? Like, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:27:13 But at the same time, you're happy because you're like, okay, fine, whatever. As long as it got it somewhere. But when you're talking about someone who's won the CrossFit games twice, it's like, this is good. This is a conversation that's going on at the 10th and 12th year of her career let me let me um uh when let me kind of play devil's advocate here because i was tripping when i saw that too for exactly what um uh both you guys are saying this is like you've been doing crossfit for a month and then you and you go into an affiliate or you go your
Starting point is 00:27:41 l1 and this is like just – this is like the beginning. When she went to Yami up in Ireland, Iceland. When she went to Yami in Iceland, I don't want to misquote him, but there was something in there where he was saying like, hey, this is going to take more than a year to fix. Basically, the problems that I see are going to require some serious unwinding and this is going to take more than a year to fix this is nothing we can the bad habits or whatever she's picked up in her career up to that point we're going to take some while a while to unwind is that is that yeah is that what we're seeing just some like serious fucking unwinding i mean and is it maybe it's fair just to go back to the i, this is super fundamental shit he's sharing with her.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It's kind of weird they're even saying it with a straight face. I can't tell the point of this video. I can't tell if it's good for her brand or if they were trying to share, like – it almost seems staged it's so fundamental. Or is this something that every athlete could use? I mean, should someone be harping on Rich, hey, stop bending your arms on the pool you know well and i mean rich has been told that a lot and of course and rich will say i know i've been my arms i'm all right like you know what i mean like he's yeah you snatch 300 pounds you probably don't care right and like there's sometimes where i'm like man there's like eight things wrong but let's focus on like the main two things and not worry
Starting point is 00:29:04 about the other six things that that way you don't overwhelm somebody but katrin's been able to snatch 200 pounds which is always really good her snatch is one of her better lifts she's very good overhead so it is possible that just nobody tried to fix her because she was already strong enough in the crossfit field and then maybe matt sees we could snatch 215 if you would just get it right you know what i'm saying and no and that has never happened before it's crazy if that hasn't happened before but um i could see that as a and i'm sure that there were have always been a lot of people doing this but ben bergeron has regularly and i'm talking about like you about going back years and years now, talked about that there was a prerequisite.
Starting point is 00:29:51 If you wanted to make regionals as a woman or a man, that you needed to have a clean and jerk of X number, and you needed to have a snatch of X number. And they would be basically tracking that, along with other metrics. And like John's saying, probably Catrin well with well above the threshold for a snatch for a female in the sport, you know, to be able to get to the stages she wanted to get to the counter is to that. It would say, okay, well, if they weren't working on that,
Starting point is 00:30:15 then what were they working on? And obviously we've seen over the course of her career that she's continued to have the same deficiencies. Okay. I mean, I, I mean, I i mean i like the discussion like part of me wants to be like what the fuck and part of me is like well maybe i just don't understand that it's actually even champions like i was just i was trying to think of a parallel in another sport like if you were shooting a basketball would you fuck with the guy's shot if it's not the classic shot or golf if he has a good swing but it's not perfect, do you fuck with his swing? Wildly different.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Wildly different. It is? Okay. Yeah. I don't know. Right now, Wadproof has this bionic rowing challenge going on. And obviously, I want to participate in this thing. And to do it twice as far as a pathetic. I literally cannot get a construct zero are you getting this sebon
Starting point is 00:31:08 no i can't hear a thing brian saying brian you're breaking up badly it's bad you turned into a transformer it was kind of cool oh and he's gone there that wasn't cool just to kick him off like that c Caleb, just because his fucking audio went sideways. I swear I didn't do it this time. And finally, I went over to Brian Friend's Instagram account. It's a shame he's not here. And I was looking for stuff to talk about on the show this morning. Oh, here we go. And finally, I went over to...
Starting point is 00:31:44 Yeah, much better. Thank you. Finally, I went over to yeah much better thank you finally i went over to um and then we'll get on script if we have time finally i went over to brian friend's instagram account to look for content this morning and i pulled up his instagram account i was very surprised to see that he snatches 205 not 185 john i wish uh maybe eventually uh oh no can you go to the bio do you have your snatch and cleaning shirt numbers in your bio brian uh no but you also don't have do you have a link tree or anything brian what didn't you used to have something in here that said you uh you had a link to morning chaka yes not a link to it but it was listed that I was the writer for the Morning Chaka.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And are you – wow, you have 11,500 followers now. You're just slowly just chugging away. Oh, shit. Annie Thor's daughter follows you. Patrick Velder, Amanda Barnhart. Don't go to my Instagram after this, please. It says please for followers it says his mom his dad
Starting point is 00:32:48 I got Luka Dukic the other day and I was like oh that's like the biggest name I've ever seen that followed me he's gonna unfollow you since you pronounced his name wrong oh no he wouldn't do that why doesn't it say you work at Morning Chug Up anymore did you run out like you could only put so many links i don't work at morning chalk up anymore like done done i watched
Starting point is 00:33:11 the video uh i find that hard to believe because the last video i saw that lauren khalil did was with you it was posted three days ago uh i forget what the topic was oh well how can we introduce to CrossFit to more people who, how do we get more fans in the CrossFit community? Yeah, that was a fun episode actually with Emily Beers, who rarely goes on the bottom line episodes. And I think that's the last one that I did. She was horrible.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I thought she was good. I thought she was horrible. And that's it, you're done. That's your last piece of work with Wani Chaka I think the last article I wrote was published on Friday and then that video whenever it was published yeah were you fired? no
Starting point is 00:33:57 the Brian Friend post is coming out next week I know that I haven't made you any enormous like enormous job offers where like you're doing backflips um why why would you leave what's going on did you leave on good terms or bad terms was it you or them can you tell me that was you or them i have a new uh a new opportunity you work for crossfit no okay and uh should be known pretty soon is that why they were trying to hire charlie duby's team you went with charlie duby's team nope it is so so tommy marquez sorry to cut you off john so tommy marquez is gone from morning
Starting point is 00:34:40 chaka has been for a couple months yeah he Yeah. He's focusing more on some, uh, he, you know, narrowing his focus onto some of his other endeavors. And now you have left when you say you've left, you'll still, you'll still be over there. Like you'll still do articles and pop on their, their shows occasionally. I don't know. Is morning Chaka up the comp train of reporting? Chalk up the comp train of reporting.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Is the new place – when are you going to tell us the details so I don't have to ask so many questions about it? But I do have one more question. I think tomorrow. You'll announce it on your Instagram? I think so. Do I know who they are? Yep. Barbell spin. That guy who's recently pulled his head over the parable.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Is this how we're doing today? I knew I nailed it. Does it affect your job with coming on to – does your new whatever you're doing affect your ability to come on my show? No. Fuck. Who cares? Okay, next subject. It might make me more available to come on your show
Starting point is 00:35:45 yeah oh that's all we're serious are you gonna work for rogue nice transition all right rogue debating topics he would have known what that roller coaster thing was if he was working for rogue um okay uh where are we for time question one um let the show begin uh is there a time is there a time ever when and this kind of ties into that last video you made with lauren how do you get more fans in crossfit it was fascinating to me last year when we saw the wide shot of the rogue invitational that there weren't more people there you you have to know if you're in the community that if there's an event to bring your family and friends to who aren't into crossfit it's got to be a rogue event you know it's going to be the nicest fucking event cleanest venue nicest vendor best
Starting point is 00:36:37 athletes night like everything's going to be fucking tip-top does that event ever um compete with the crossfit games or surpass the crossfit games like does that does it ever be like future yeah and if so how close are we to that what's bill waiting for why doesn't bill just make it the new play nice in the sandbox oh well i mean on the hand, I have absolutely no idea about any kind of contracts or deals that Rogue might have with the CrossFit Games for a certain amount of time or whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And it might be in his best interest to have both things going on. You know, regardless. Right. Okay. I see what you're saying. Basically, as it is right now. Just because you could be the biggest dragon in the room, why not have two medium sized dragons and just kick ass? Or one large and one medium?
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah, I mean, right now he has the CrossFit Games, which is the pinnacle event where he gets to put all of his equipment on display. And he has the second biggest event where he gets to put all of his equipment plus some new stuff on display. Is that the second biggest event? Yeah, I think so. By far. But how about Wadapalooza or the Dubai Finish Challenge? It depends how you're defining it. Yeah, certainly Wadapalooza is the biggest event from a participatory perspective still.
Starting point is 00:37:56 But in terms of the elite level of the sport, the prize money available to the athletes that are pursuing this as a career. It's the games and rogue and really nobody else. I look at it as it's just, it's just money. When rogue offers more money than the games, then I think it will become the games until it doesn't. Then the CrossFit games will always be the CrossFit games. But there's another element of that, which is that, you know, the CrossFit gamesfit games john you have a chance to to get there just as well as anyone else you just have to be good enough for rogue
Starting point is 00:38:30 it's really it's a lot more limited the opportunities and some years if you like last year for example if you weren't at the games then you don't have any chance to go to rope and it's and it's it's political i don't mean that in any negative sense at all. But as soon as there's one person who's inviting people, it's political. I mean, yeah. Yeah, it's fair. I also think, though, if Rogue were to get close to the money-wise, at least for first through five, that the games would raise its price too. Rogue feels more like UFC.
Starting point is 00:39:04 As long as we don't have any more competitions promising to pay people who can't pay them oh i can't wait to i can't wait to talk about that with andrew i guess but to add to your point to add to your point i'm pretty sure the strong man payout for rogue yeah it's much more than the world's strongest man payout the world's strongest man doesn't make very much money at all and rogue and that are the two big it correlates very nicely to the crossfit games and the rogue invitational but rogue gives more money i'm almost positive than the world's strongest man gives i don't i don't remember them advertising the payout for strongman so aggressively last year is it a lot i don't need this year i i'm not sure but what i just, I'm almost positive they do not make that for
Starting point is 00:39:46 the actual World's Strongest Man competition. It's a legit payout. Those guys don't make any money at all. It's really bad. Huge drop-off from third to fourth, but those top three prizes are pretty substantial. You said huge drop-off. I'm almost positive fourth place gets like a thousand
Starting point is 00:40:05 dollars at world's strongest man like you know you might be right um will you pull up their youtube page really quick so it's basically like a semi-final what do you mean the world's man yes yes yes yes like the winner gets 50 000,000. Well, I mean, like if Waterpalooza was it. Like the winner gets $50,000, and then it goes to like $15,000, and then it's $10,000, and then it's like $1,000. Oh, it's really dramatic, I guess. Yeah. And there's just not a lot of money in it, and they don't advertise it well as far as the world's strongest man goes.
Starting point is 00:40:37 But it's still held as like the title. Like if you win that, you're the world's strongest man, no matter who wins rope. So that leads to your point, what you were saying, even if it's more money. Go to the videos list. Caleb, I just want to tell Bill and Katie something. Dear Bill and Katie, these videos you have here, this live stream, 2022 Iceland's Strongest Man four days ago. Iceland's Strongest man four days ago uh iceland strongest man uh four days ago any of these events i mean how to use the road uh no how to use not none of
Starting point is 00:41:12 those anyway any of these events you're doing please please use me use me pick the winners of those events give them my contact information send me a text. Send me a DM and say, hey, Sevan, get this guy on. Give me his contact, and I will help blow these fucking events the fuck up. I will do anything. I mean, the fact that this video only has 1,700 views, I mean, these guys work too hard to only have this many views. Hook me up with the winners the of these events let me get them on the show let me and brian pick their brain let brian tell them that gabby mcguire was fitter than them let john young tell us how he can snatch more than them please please use me thank you bill thank you katie okay um so so john just thinks it's a money thing. And Brian, you kind of think it's, it's, it's not a relevant big picture. It's, it's good that, uh, basically rogue has their teeth sunk into both events in a way that's beneficial for the company.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Now, now, Brian, do you, do you think if, if say it was 300,000 for the winter that the games would raise its price to just to stay as top dog as far as money goes? Possibly, but... Like say Bill tried to take it over and the games... It depends at what cost to increase the price first, that the games would be willing to do that. Ryan does bring up a super valid point, dude. The fact that 2, 3, 400 hundred thousand people enter the CrossFit Games and not even two thousand enter the Rogue Invitational is like, I don't really even understand it.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I guess that's just the affiliate, the power. Well, all the elite people want to do Rogue and like the qualifier. We know it's going to be elite people in the qualifier. It's not like. But the primary qualifier is the CrossFit Games season. Right. But I'm saying the five spots left, even those guys, they're all Games competitors.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So... Well, you would put the winner of Rogue normally... You'd put the winner of Rogue normally against the winner of any other event worldwide. I mean, the winner of Rogue should be the winner of the CrossFit Games. Say that again, Brian? Tia's the only one who's ever won it for the women, first of all.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Okay. So there's that. Right. And on the men's side, the winners are Fraser, Vellner, and Medeiros. Right, okay. Vellner's the only guy that didn't win the Games the same year. So it's pretty much the best of the best. Who did Velner beat?
Starting point is 00:43:47 Did he beat Matt or, uh, that was your Matt wasn't it? BKG, Noah Olsen, Chandler Smith, Saxon Pancha. Um, are, are we glad T is gone from the rogue event in the sense that this, it allows some tension to be built. We can kind of like those of us who really, who us who have wild imaginations will be like, oh, shit. Wow, Annie's really gotten a lot better.
Starting point is 00:44:12 She's going to beat Tia this year. Like with Tia gone, it allows us to build some hope up, allows some of the females to build some confidence. Are we happy she's going to Australia? Is this a debate question now? I guess. What's the question? Are we happy that Tia's not at Rogue? There's this thing in arm wrestling.
Starting point is 00:44:32 It's probably in a lot of sports. You arm wrestle a guy, he beats you. And you need like six months away from the guy for your memory to start like, so you can start lying to yourself and think you can beat him again. You know what I mean? You need a break from him. He just smoked your ass on the arm wrestling table, and now you need some space.
Starting point is 00:44:48 And six months later, the dream and the delusion has grown again, and you're like, okay, I can beat this guy. With Tia gone from Rogue, is that going to allow us as fans and the athletes to start thinking, oh, shit? I just want to say last year, Annie gave Tia a run. Annie was ahead after day two and then day three tia got back but it was a competition but i do think it will make the race more fun that's it but i mean we always know tia's going to win so i mean it'll make the race fun but whoever wins we know tia would have won if she was there but it will make you know it'll make the race fun, but whoever wins, we know Tia would have won if she was there.
Starting point is 00:45:29 But it'll be competitive, and we don't know the winner until it happens. It is nice to see things like that, to see Annie ahead after two days. If you go back even to the first version of the Rogue Invitational, Vellner was leading after day one. He was ahead of Fraser. But in some ways, it reminds me of the conversation between Mal and Laura at the games this year. At the end of the day, they were very close. It looked like Mal was way better than her because of the way that the events were ordered. But until someone actually beats that person over the course of the entire competition, then it's like John said, it's more of the same. I am excited for the women's division this year. I would be more excited for it if Mal and Haley were in the field because I've really wondered if absent Tia, who's the next best woman. And, and there is an element of what Savant's talking about 100%.
Starting point is 00:46:13 That is the belief coming into a competition that you can win. And even if you write off Tia and you're like, okay, I'm going to try to beat every other woman. It's different than showing up and thinking to myself, I can win this competition and like actually believing that and i think every you know every woman who's finished well we could say there if mal and hayley were in the field i think there'd be five or six women coming in really really confidently believing they could win and that there still are probably that many women who believe that and have a chance to but there's not only tia that's missing there's also
Starting point is 00:46:42 the second fittest woman from this past game season that's missing and so there's not only Tia that's missing. There's also the second fittest woman from this past game season that's missing. And so there's still that. It's like, so do we know why, why aren't I more, I'm honestly, I'm more disappointed than Mal and Haley aren't going to be there.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Then I could really care less about Tia. Why aren't they there? Have they said why Haley is implied, or at least my understanding is that she's, is not competing this off season at all with the intention of actually trying to solve some of the problems that are stagnating her performance at the games. Mal has said, as far as I know, said nothing about it.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I don't think she taught, has anyone ever heard her talk? Like the sound come out of the, the sound come out of her mouth. No, I didn't think that's that's a trip i want to add on to what brian said too last year last year when justin won i still thought belner was the fittest guy in the world and then when justin won rogue i was like man justin's better like it it's cemented that justin was the fittest guy in the world at that point for me even though everybody you know people pick at different times, it doesn't matter. I didn't think Justin could beat Belner at another competition. And he did.
Starting point is 00:47:55 And it was the second best competition that there is. So, like, if Mal were to beat everybody, for instance, I think Laura's better than Mal. But I think, you know, Laura got zero points on one of the events of the games. But if Mal were to come into Rogue and beat Laura, it would cement she is the fittest girl in the world that's not named Tia Tooney. And right now, I think it's still a huge debate. But if she were to win Rogue, it would cancel any of those – for me, it would cancel any of those. I think some people are maybe saying that's why she's not going because she doesn't want to risk losing to laura but i'm like come on you're 18 years old like take this
Starting point is 00:48:30 opportunity when it's there you could win a hundred thousand dollars for getting second like that's a big deal that's the part i don't understand yeah any strong man has ever gotten in his life in a competition so if that's the reason that she's not showing up which we're okay again we're just assuming because she hasn't said anything bruce at least spell his name right then you know that's the reason that she's not showing up, which we're again, we're just assuming because she hasn't said anything. Bruce, at least spell his name right. Then, you know, that's if you're going to be someone's puppet and you want to win the CrossFit Games, it's a good person to be. And if Hopper's doing it, Hopper is doing it. Qantas is doing it.
Starting point is 00:49:02 All the hardware people are doing it. Like she's the only one not doing it. I'm not counting. Yeah, it's it is. Is Catherine doing it all the hard work people are doing it like she's the only one not doing it i'm not counting katherine yeah it's it is it's katherine doing it no no but she didn't really uh have the chance she obviously didn't make the games and she didn't attempt to do the qualify she's she's not a games competitor right now she's working on her snatch and she and she wasn't invited and she wasn't invited she wasn't invited she And she wasn't invited. She wasn't invited. She could have been invited. That's right.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Annie was invited. Oh, man. I made this comment on one of my shows that as a woman, the greatest gift that you could give to yourself is to have a child. Like without having a child, you're not going to experience your greatest gift. And fucking 20 women who either can't or won't have babies fucking are going off in the comments it's pretty crazy and then you click and then you click their bios hold on brian so it's only the first time i've strayed on the show um and then when you click their bios it's like them with pictures of dogs and shit and i'm like yeah i know i know it's okay it's okay if you don't
Starting point is 00:50:02 have kids i'm not saying it's not don't get all defensive it's okay it's okay i'll never be able to dunk and that might be the coolest thing to do in all sports i just some of us don't get to do everything it's okay i did i just wanted to someone had made a comment you got someone pregnant you got someone pregnant you're about to have a kid i don't know what i honestly have no idea what you're talking about for the last minute okay good but uh i was looking at another comment over here that someone was saying that maybe hal and mal and hayley excuse me are not competing at rogue because of the strength bias that's there they did fine last year hayley was fifth at rogue last year basically what she does at the games and mal was eighth last year at uh rogue uh i don't think that the strength bias net is going to impact their performance as much as
Starting point is 00:50:45 some people think it is beneficial for the athletes that are very strong but it doesn't really diminish the performance of the athletes that aren't as strong it's not josh leak the programming to matt is there any truth to that no no this isn't just another account that uh jeff biaco is running no no, no, I know SEMA. Jan Clark, Katrin would have to pay to play. Okay. Tia said she wants to do Legends. That's not true either, right?
Starting point is 00:51:15 Do we know? Is Tia going to the games next year? Is she competing? Do we even know? She said that she is, but we'll see. If Justin gets third or lower at Rogue, let's just say second or lower, if Justin doesn't win Rogue, all of a sudden, it's kind of the same question,
Starting point is 00:51:34 but for the dudes, do we see, oh my God, there's a kink in his armor. I mean, you guys kind of aren't bought in on Justin the way I am anyway. I think we're looking at Dynasty. I think he's going to win seven in a row. I'm working on an article that's focusing on Justin Medeiros right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:50 But if he got second place at Rogue, I think that would be amazing for the men's field in general. There are definitely a group of people, and I think that there's some merit to it, that think really that Roman lost the games for himself this year by making the mistakes that Justin doesn't ever make and he just had a few executioners he went out hot in a couple workouts he'd you know had a few things here that cost him points it was pretty close between them and if you look at at the way that Justin approaches workouts compared to the way that Ricky I mean that Roman specifically approached the workouts he did worst. And there's a noticeable difference. And it's, uh, I would call it just an experience or a maturity of understanding, you know, what your capacity is and where to make your moves on different workouts.
Starting point is 00:52:34 But that, you know, even if you look back at rogue last year, like Pat Belner, it looks like he was really far behind Medeiros, but it pretty much just Pat mailed in the last event because of an executioner. That's what, and I've said it before and i'd say it again that's what this guy is so incredibly good at so if someone's able to go there he obviously has a very high level of fitness and and and beat him suddenly we have a really really an interesting 2023 season for the men see i if he gets second i think like in my head he's still the fittest guy in the world just because rogues programming doesn't like hayley and mal not to the not to the same extent but it doesn't benefit him it's always strength biased and there are events where people there
Starting point is 00:53:20 could be more events where he could get eighth instead of fourth justin yeah like like not not a lot of like one event where he could get eighth instead of the fourth he always gets and he did it last year nothing worse no no he didn't he didn't but that doesn't defeat the purpose that rogue there can be events like that in rogue where i think that could happen it's always a little bit of strength but he a lifting event was amazing for him last year um that was the one with the where you lifted the you put the balls on the pedestal no no no no no the clean jerk front squat jerk complex oh okay okay um but like if roman we like the fact though john that's not criticism right john you we like the fact that rogue is strength biased it's like no no yeah yes okay all the events are have a little bit of a twinge to it
Starting point is 00:54:09 that i think is great for the sport but like if roman were to win and justin were to get second and it's close i still give the edge to justin just like in the game for 2023 just because of what brian said he doesn't make mistakes now over, over 15 events, that will bear itself out. But if he were to get third and two people beat him, I think the distinction between second and third is huge. Because if two people were to beat him in Rogue,
Starting point is 00:54:36 he's not the best. Then I think it's a three-way race between second, first, and third. Is Ricky going? Is Ricky going to Rogue? Yeah, it's a three-way race between second, first, and third. Is Ricky going to Rogue? Yeah, it's a really good field. The names might not necessarily look much different or better than last year, but like we talked about before the CrossFit Games this year,
Starting point is 00:54:58 all of these athletes that are in the top 10 for the men's field, they're getting better. You have Vellner and BKG that it's like, are they getting better? Are they just as good as they've always been? But the rest of these guys, the Lazar Jukic, the Ricky Garrars, the Jason Hoppers, the Jeff Adlers, the Sam Quants, they are improving. They are still continuing to improve. And so I do think there is an opportunity for an event
Starting point is 00:55:23 that would generally be a fourth, fifth, sixth, to be a seventh, eighth, ninth for Justin. And if there are a couple of those, and those happen to be really good, I mean, I didn't even mention Guy Maieros in that conversation. I know people are not sure what to think about him, but Chandler Smith has historically done well at Rogue. There are a lot of guys that could play spoiler in terms of points if Madera slips on a couple events.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And if Vellner or Adler or Roman or Ricky or these guys just have a really clean run through, I don't think it's a lock for him to win. What did he place last year? Sorry, go ahead, John. Go ahead. I want to respond to a couple of the comments. I don't just mean weightlifting when I say strength. Like Rogue traditionally doesn't have a really long endurance workout and rogue traditionally is not super skilled that's why jeff adler is amazing
Starting point is 00:56:13 when he's at rope um i'm not just talking about weights i'm talking about us like echo bike sprints i'm talking about workhorse events just capacity like it's a grind that's coming from the comments if we were to see a 40 pound if we were to see a 40 pound vest the place we'd see it as a rogue if we were to see a 40 pound med ball the place we'd see it rogue it's i was trying to think of it kind of like car racing like size matters at rogue you know what i mean size matters there's a reason quant always does good. Chandler does good. Like Roman is going to be awesome at Rogue.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And it's not a skill base. It's just not. Go ahead. I was thinking the CrossFit is kind of like auto racing, and it's kind of cool that it's being like this, and I hope it continues in this way, meaning that there's tracks that are just the oval tracks and that are tracks with like 30 turns, and the ground's always going to be wet and
Starting point is 00:57:09 there's going to be tracks that there's going to be races that are six hours and then there's going to be races that are just one hour and it's kind of like that there's never going to be swimming at rogue there's always going to be swimming at wadapalooza right there's always going to be some bizarre weird shit uh in dubai like running up that ice mountain because they just the different resources and the different things that are available to them right and the fact that it's always a little endurance based right it it's uh it's cool it's it's really cool i it would be fun i like it i hope rogue does introduce keeps pushing down that that avenue down that way someone says the scott Tetlow's is Scott Tetlow is road.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Good for Scott Tetlow. Scott Tetlow. If you're not familiar with him, very similar. Where he can have a couple of events that he's can certainly impact the top five of a leaderboard. And actually in the online year, the 2020 year that Velner one, I think Merton's had one or two event wins that year. Two wins.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Yeah, and so while I don't think that Scott Tetlow will really factor into a podium or probably even top 10 conversation on the weekend, he can if the event comes up that Justin maybe struggles at that we're projecting, this guy certainly could take some points from him too. He could win an event. There was a deadlift overhead squat event that Colton beat everybody by 40 seconds. Beat Vellner by 40 seconds. Just because range of motion. This guy shows up near the top of the open leaderboards regularly. He qualified for the games in 2020
Starting point is 00:58:40 through the open. Range of motion, barbell cycling, strict handstand push-ups stuff like that is very good um do the do the directors of these events um embrace kind of their their niche like is dubai like happy like do they um does rogue like the fact that they're the strength event is wadapalooza like it the fact that they're the strength event? Does Wadapalooza like it? The fact that whatever their thing is, swimming, that Dubai Fitness Challenge likes the fact that they can do some stranger locations, some unique events? Or is everyone trying – it seems like everyone's embracing it and they're not being like, hey, I want to be the perfect event. Yeah, I mean I think it's – I think of it – i think that what you're doing makes sense you know extrapolating it to other sports and you think about what does the u.s open in golf look like
Starting point is 00:59:31 compared to the british opening golf or what does the french open different grass different weather different holes they do have their their unique elements and you know at the masters we can regularly see people winning with 10 to 15 strokes under par. In the U.S. Open, if you shoot five under par for the weekend, you're probably going to win. And I think that if the major events of the CrossFit offseason develop identities like that, there's nothing wrong with it. It distinguishes each of them a little bit and gives different athletes perhaps a chance to either do better or feel like they can do better at those. better or feel like they can do better at those, it might appeal to different parts of the audience. Like, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:06 John, like John Young loves the rogue invitation because there's all these strong opportunities. Doesn't everyone love it? Doesn't, doesn't everyone kind of love the strength stuff better? It's kind of like going to a goal. Like you said,
Starting point is 01:00:18 going to a golf event where there's, he does. Like there's a, you want there to be a chance for a hole in one on every court on every course. Right. I mean, it's exciting.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Yeah. Are you, I mean, you get a lot more hole in ones in a lot more hole in ones in disco. I don't think strength. I don't think strength events are just better, but I think everybody just likes what they're good at. But I can appreciate a good,
Starting point is 01:00:45 just 5k row or 5k run. I like seeing who's the best runner. Like when Ricky took off on the Capitol, like there's fewer things that are awesome to see than that. You know, when Haley dusted everybody and then got stomped on at the Capitol, there's fewer things that are awesome to see than that. I'd argue that that was the strength component of the event.
Starting point is 01:01:06 It was. But I'm saying her running, though, we already talked about how beautiful it is to watch her run. Right. I appreciate a very good just endurance test. And same thing with gymnastics. But I wouldn't say just strength is the best thing. I think people just, I don't know. They like to see weights move.
Starting point is 01:01:26 But in my opinion, they all have their own niches. I'm just better at the strength one, so people think I like it a lot more. When Chase wrote this, he laughed. You know, like as he's typing this out, the Shire has produced some incredible athletes. What an asshole. And Fraser's on the edge of the Shire. He's kind of like not quite Hobbit.
Starting point is 01:01:47 That is true. He could go to the club, but he's not part of them. Wow. Wow. Just about like an inch. Like if from his knee to his heel was just an inch shorter, he'd be in the Shire. Yeah, he could walk through the land, but he'd get funny looks. Yeah, like who walk through the land, but he'd get funny looks. Yeah, like, who's this
Starting point is 01:02:06 weirdo? Is Rogue anybody's last event? Are we going to see anyone go to Rogue and retire? Is there a chance we could see Annie retire? Is there Chandler Smith? The one that jumps out to me as possibly
Starting point is 01:02:21 is Kara Saunders. There are some rumors around the games that it could be her last year i kind of have a feeling she'll continue to compete but she's the one that jumps off the page most to me mr young anyone retire there um yeah i could see annie retire annie has always done really well at the Rogue event. But yeah, I mean, I don't know. Annie would make the most sense in my head. But I also think she still wants to,
Starting point is 01:02:54 she wants a good run at team. And this year was not her, not the good run that she would want. I think going to team is the same as retiring. Hey, I think Annie wants to go individual. How old is Annie? 47? 33, I think.
Starting point is 01:03:14 So she still has a couple years for Masters? She still has a couple years to Masters, yes. Oy. Oy. Oh, that sucks. What? I just got some news about Rogue. We're going to be sending two guys to Rogue. Well, we're going to be sending three guys, but only two guys can get in.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I just got the notice. Fuck. Okay. That'll be something fun to deal with all day today the other you know the other people that are like uh maybe approaching the the tail ends of their careers are mostly on the men's side i'm thinking of guys like cole sager noah olsen you know that have been doing this for so long they're not retiring there no i don't think so either especially because they're one year away from making it to 10 consecutive CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:04:07 And that would be a pretty cool accomplishment. Maybe Rich. He's doing Legends. Does that count? Rich is? Didn't last year he just show up for one event when he did Legends? Like he showed up for one and split and he had to go to a birthday party or something? No, he did team.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Didn't he do team? at rogue rich he showed up for masters for like one day and then went back to went back to tennessee okay maybe i'm thinking the year previous um we talked a lot about the programming rogue and they have a speed. I think Spieler and Katie and Josh are the three who are doing the programming. Do you think that it's really just a Katie? I'm trying to figure out how much like Spiel and Josh and Josh play a role, especially when I see these giant, these giant contraptions that Bill's making these Elon Musk type,
Starting point is 01:05:04 you know, it could be Musk type, you know, it could be, I, you know, I've been, obviously programming in general has been such a huge topic of conversation this entire season. And I was, I was speaking with someone the other day about it. You know, when I program for a competition, I do the entire competition because I don't really know if there's like personally, and I know that I can't always do it at the same level of the athletes that I'm
Starting point is 01:05:30 programming for, but I can, you know, I have a good enough feeling of, of where I am relative to the field that I can do something similar and feel the stimulus. I'm not sure that, uh, oh my God, I'm sorry for that noise. if you can hear it. I'm not sure if – Do cats fucking? No, it's a salon thing. But can you hear it? Barely, but it's kind of cool. It makes me feel like you're in the Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Oh, that's nice. It's really loud. That's nice. That's air raid siren testing in your hood? They do it on the first Tuesday of every month. they do it on the first tuesday of every month anyway i like to do the entire slate of programming over the you know sim in a similar amount of time that the athletes are going to do it and even if i have someone else test it i don't necessarily feel like i get the same feedback as when i do it myself hey caleb did you see that yesterday North Korea fucking launched an intercontinental ballistic missile over Japan?
Starting point is 01:06:27 Literally right over top of it. What the fuck are they doing? It's the first time they've done it in like four years. Crazy. I hope it's not over Brian's house. Is it still going, Brian? It's just finishing that's uh anyway um but that's what makes me
Starting point is 01:06:49 feel like chris and josh are probably involved you know pretty heavily in it i would expect that especially guys like that would want to do the workouts that they're planning to program good point it's interesting that they've chosen two small characters, right? That's, I mean, that's just choosing to focus on a specific detail. You could say they're choosing to program two guys that have been around and seen it all. Did Josh program last year?
Starting point is 01:07:19 I think so. That might be why it's heavy. Cause people that aren't super strong, we like, we can think, Oh, but these guys are monsters. So we should make it like 40 pounds more than I was thinking. You know what I mean? Like I'm rich together last year. I think. Who? Well, that Josh and Rich. Oh shit. Why not have Brian Shaw program, the CrossFit event?
Starting point is 01:07:43 It would be five minutes long, the whole entire thing, five events, one minute long. Um, a hundred, a hundred meter row for time. That would be one of the events. What do we know about,
Starting point is 01:07:56 uh, Rich Froney next year? I think he'll be turning 35. He'll be eligible for masters. Uh, there was a lot of talk that this was his last time on team. Do we know anything about that? What's happening there? Have we heard anything?
Starting point is 01:08:13 I have not. I have not heard anything about Rich. I don't know what he's going to do. I think that it's most likely that he either won't compete or will compete as... I don't know. I don't think he's going to compete next think that it's most likely that he'll either do that he either won't compete or will compete as i don't know i don't think he's going to compete next year you don't i don't know i think he's going to do i think he's going to do one year of masters every four or five years whenever the cutoff is he'll do it his first year win very easily and then not compete again until
Starting point is 01:08:43 he turns 40 and then win that one very easily and then not compete again until he turns 40 and then win that one very easily and then not compete again and just win in every category. That way his name can just live on in infamy and the rich dynasty will never be broken. He'll win in every single division there is. And that way is three years off one year to get it back together and then beat everybody in the next division. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Look at this. Maybe he will full-time coach uh i can't see him taking a year off i really can't do you think he'll run it back with the team for what um you never know what these guys was he happy with his victory i mean you never know what i mean i want to i want to say the same thing that i can't really see him taking a year off but i just asked myself is he going to go individual again i i don't think so i heard this story last night i went out to dinner last night with some people and i heard this story that um uh the the i think it was the the new york mets i think it was the New York Mets.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I think it was the New York Mets. I can't remember exactly. But they did a thing where basically on a screen they played, hey, can you beat the number of pull-ups this guy does or something. And Rich Froning did a certain number of pull-ups, right? And then they asked someone from the stands who thinks they can do more pull-ups than Rich, and they come down into the stadium and they do pull-ups right and then and then they ask someone from the stands who thinks they can do more pull-ups than rich and they come down into the stadium and they do pull-ups and the guy that they pick from the stands beat rich and of course his range of motion was fucking a joke right i
Starting point is 01:10:16 mean he the guy cannot beat rich and he beat rich by i can't remember by how many and the guy had half range of motion he was doing pull-ups like this, right? And then afterwards, they asked Rich, the sponsors asked, hey, will you make this guy say, hey, congratulations on beating me? And the story I heard is Rich was like, no, fuck you. I'm not doing that. I'm the best, and that guy didn't beat me, and I'm not saying congratulations to him for beating me. And when I hear this story, basically what I'm trying to convey to you
Starting point is 01:10:45 is that this guy is a fucking winner. And this guy wants to fucking compete and he wants to fucking stay at the top and he wants to win. And I don't think his itch, I don't think any of these guys ever scratch their itch. I don't think like, like Tia, like I don't think like you win the,
Starting point is 01:11:00 same with the Super Bowl, all these professional athletes, they're chasing something that can't ever be caught and they'll just, they just keep something that can't ever be caught, and they just keep chasing it. And I think Rich knows that, and I can't see him taking a year off. He is a fucking winner. By the way, that was a great story I heard last night.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Thank you. There's an ex-Rebok employee who told me that. If I had my pick, I would want him to go Masters and have Sam Dancer go continue to be masters and have that battle because Sam Dancer looked on another level until he got hurt some I don't know some weird injury that just took him out forever but uh I would like those two to go together I would like Rich to go masters and actually be challenged an individual just a little bit it'd just be cool to see him do individual events again i think it'd be awesome to see him do individual too to do masters i mean i spoke to sam and he thinks you know even despite the injury with the
Starting point is 01:11:56 comeback and rehab that he he can still compete in the individual field i know but that's why i would want rich to do masks because i think Sam legitimately thinks I can beat him. And I want to see people try to beat him. You know what I mean? I don't think they can, but I think it would be fun to watch. The dancers always hurt throwing all that meat around. Sam Dancer was one of those cars that the guy put an engine so fucking big in it. I had a friend who did this, that the guy put an engine so fucking big in it i had a friend who
Starting point is 01:12:25 did this that the car then uh becomes unhandleable and you got a fucking 1200 horsepower camaro but like no one can you just can't it just can't like if you floor it the fucking chassis will twist i think sam's i mean i love sam to death and he's fun to look at god bless his speedo collection but he's he's never going to get out there bless his Speedo collection, but he's, he's never going to get out there on the field and tear shit up. Do you think that too much? I think someone was saying, I think,
Starting point is 01:12:51 yeah, Rich is listed as a doing the master's division or the legends division, excuse me, at rogue. Also Chris Beeler and Josh bridges. Are, do you think they also, they program for that and are competing in it?
Starting point is 01:13:01 I think Josh said he is competing in it. I know. Do you think they did the legends programming also? Yeah, that i don't have an answer for you yes yes i was josh bridges i would just uh do strict handstand push-ups and uh uh air squats and lunging and uh and those were all the events and you could say you were fitter than rich froning for that weekend um i would just program every event that i was great at um or something he was training for for a whole month like just like he he's programming it he knows what it is where is uh olivia kerstetter gonna place at road well i don't think we should just do a an entire show about the rankings yeah but i want
Starting point is 01:13:46 okay can we talk about her let's just integrate her in the show then what do we want to say about her inside the top 10 outside the top 10 i love you curse inside inside the top 10 inside top 10 can we see the list of women competing she will place higher at this competition than she will at the games. How many people, how many women are there? Are there 20? There are 20, and they're... You want to read off the roster? I'll tell you higher or lower, just to give me a name. Oh, I like it.
Starting point is 01:14:16 I like it. You guys play that game. No, why can't you... Caleb was going to pull it up now. You can play too, Brian. This is a two-person game. Two-person game. Okay. So I will write down all the people who you think are going to beat her. And when we get to 10, we'll see.
Starting point is 01:14:38 These are all the people against Olivia Kerstetter. They're going to guess. God, this poor girl. The pressure we're fucking throwing on her. Okay. Will these people beat Olivia Kerstetter, they're going to guess, God, this poor girl. The pressure we're fucking throwing on her. Okay, will these people beat Olivia Kerstetter? Laura Horvath. Yes. Brian?
Starting point is 01:14:54 I'll just comment if I disagree. Okay, Danielle Brandon. Yes. Okay, Emma Lawson. I don't know. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Okay. Okay. I'm putting Emma over here. I'll come back to her. It's like flashcards with my kids. I always give them a second chance. I'm not confident enough to say no. I'm putting it in the back.
Starting point is 01:15:18 I'm going to put it in the back. Hey, I see a video that keeps popping up on my YouTube that says Emma Lawson is training over at Proven. Is that just a one-off? I will take Emma Lawson over Olivia Kirsten. Wow. Is Emma Lawson a Proven athlete now? I don't know if they've announced anything except that she was there. Also, Jack Farlow was there training with them a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:15:43 All right. I'll go out on a ledge i'll go ahead and say no no okay uh uh carl saunders yes uh gabriella gabriella magawa waiting on brian over there uh yes god this is a good women's field. Well, it could be better. But it's pretty good. It's pretty.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Hey, if she breaks in the top 10, it's going to be nuts. It's going to be close. I think that it's very practical range of finishes for her is 8 to 12. Yeah. Hey, she's going to shit the bed on one event. Yeah, but if you look at the you know, we'll just look in that range from last year of the 8 to 12 place finishers. Emma Carey was 12th
Starting point is 01:16:36 with a 20th and a 16th place finish. Daniel Brando was 11th with a 17th and a 19th place finish. Barnhart was 10th with a 19th and a 16th and another 16th place finish. So you can 10th with a 19th and a 16th and another 16th place finish. So you can have it one, two, or maybe even three bad events and be right near the top 10.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Caleb, did I, can you go back up for one second? I feel like I missed someone up there. Do we know when the programming is announced, Brian? Oh, I would have guessed very close to the competition.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Okay. So when we get the programming, my Olivia Kersetter will heavily be influenced on when the program is announced. No, no, no. You got to stick with your plan. We're going through the list. I will say what I think, but I'm saying my rankings will be skewed hard by the program.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Alexis Raptus. No. Yes. the program um alexis raptus no yes i think alexis beats olivia okay uh annie thor's daughter yes annie wins andy beats olivia ariel lowen yes you think ariel beats olivia yep I will say I'll take Olivia um this makes me think I'm too much on Olivia right now what's funny is when the game season comes around I'm gonna be the complete opposite Emma McQuaid Emma McQuaid Emma McQuaid I don't know God can Olivia just come from the fucking little girls fucking
Starting point is 01:18:09 competition and fucking beat someone like Emma McQuaid come on man didn't Emma destroy the fuck didn't she impress the shit out of us with the sandbag you're thinking of Jacqueline Dahlstrom that's Jacqueline Dahlstrom she's also in this field we'll get to her I'll say I'll. I'll say yes.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Yes to what? She beats her. Emma beats Olivia. I agree. Okay. You have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven people beating Olivia now. Amanda Barnhart. Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Now you have eight. Who's that next? Is that Jacququeline dalstrom yeah jacqueline dalstrom no wow here we go here we go i'm gonna get a run here now carolyn privo no uh matilda garns no to the next three. Wow. Andrea Solberg. Andrea Solberg. Yeah, her. Annika Greer.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Annika might beat her. Might could beat her, but I'm going to say no. But she has a shot. Bailey Rogers. All right. And I think she beats all these girls. Ellie Turner and her are going to finish right next to each other. So you have her beating Danny Spiegel? Yep.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Hey, you know what's interesting, too, is when you have her beating Danny and Manon Anganese, these are women with similar strengths, right? Give me, put on my list, Danny Spiegel ahead of Olivia, by the way. You have Ellie ahead or Olivia ahead? my list is all fucked up anyway i fucked it all up i couldn't repeat shit to you except john's oh good well where did john have her time they're not much different they're not they're not much different well uh how about uh so you have you have olivia beating bailey rogers danny spiegel man and anganese how about uh how about ellie turner they're right next to each other for me.
Starting point is 01:20:06 So what is she at right now? So you have Laura Horvat, Dan Bailey. No. Who did I put for Dan? Daniel Brandon. Laura Horvat, Danielle Brandon, Kara Sanders, Gabriela Magawa, Annie Thor's daughter,
Starting point is 01:20:25 Ariel Lowen, Emma McQuaid, Amanda Barnhart, Ellie Turner. Number 10 would be cursed at her. Yeah, there we go. That's what I got.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah. I later cursed at her 10th place. That sounds good. Who is the Andrea Solberger? Andrea Solberg from Norway. She been to the games? In 2020. She's a gymnastics freak.
Starting point is 01:20:53 I've never seen her before. That's the only one. That's the only girl I didn't recognize her name. Yeah, she hasn't really competed at most of the competitions that you would have taken notice of so what do you have her at ryan 12th or 13th 11th like one one apart what that's why i asked you because i knew it would be close and should she be happy with that you think she should be like holy shit i'm in the top 10 at rogue 11 i don't know i don't know no it's for her no this is i mean just getting a great opportunity for her to go there and compete and honestly i think that that's a approach that a majority of the athletes should be having with this competition this is a really
Starting point is 01:21:37 prestigious event it's a really cool opportunity you don't know the next time you're going to have the chance to do it last year after the games you know j Jason Hopper was obviously really disappointed with how he did there. And he's trying to decide, what do I do in the offseason? He had the opportunity to go to any or all of the competitions he wanted. And he said, and I told him, I said, dude, you got to do Rogue. Like, you never know when you'll get, when you, it might be the only chance you get to go there. And for some of these people, yeah, they assume that they're always going to make it. But it's usually, you know, majority of the field,
Starting point is 01:22:07 if not all the field is invite only. And there's a lot of prize money on the line. The spotlights, it's a small field. The spotlight's on you. It's in North America. Like all of the check marks are there. I don't, I really don't know why someone would pass up this. It's a top tier games level field.
Starting point is 01:22:23 It's the only other competition where it's a games level field throughout throughout most most of the whole entire roster waterpalooza and dubai they have great people but after the top five it's not a games level field rogue is different yeah and i mean look you know like or not, the fact that it is in North America is like separates it from Dubai. That's way far away. Most people aren't going to be able to get there and following it time zone wise, it's not as appealing to most audiences. Guadalupalooza, there's so much going on. There's a much bigger field. There's less spotlight on each individual athlete. This is a great opportunity from a brand perspective,
Starting point is 01:23:03 marketing perspective, competition perspective, competition perspective, experience perspective, financial perspective. To me, passing up the opportunity to go to Rogue outside of being injured is totally crazy. Let me pose a scenario at you. Hayley Adams wants to get stronger, let's say, hypothetically. Is there something that would make it so that row would interfere with that? That maybe let's say,
Starting point is 01:23:32 I am fucking. Haley doesn't bother me. Haley doesn't bother me that she's not doing it. Mal bothers me. Again, I have no say in anybody. It doesn't matter what I think, but I respect what if Haley doesn't want to do it.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Let's say Haley, let's say Haley's just trying to get stronger and she's, and she's put on 20 pounds and she's just eating like crazy and she's kind of just letting her fitness wane and she doesn't want to be exposed there or slash, um, it would interfere with, it would, it would stop her. She wants to put on 15 pounds of back squat this year and going to rogue would make it so she could only put on 10. I mean, is there,
Starting point is 01:24:08 is there some world where that's a reality or no, it's like, dude, suck it up buttercup. It's six events. Get out there. I would buy that. The first scenario that it would interfere from getting stronger.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Right. I would, I would buy that's a reality. I, I, you you know i agree with john i understand more in the case of haley than mal i still i still think it's a mistake i still think it's a crazy decision what what are what i mean maybe they're injured but so outside of being injured the decisions are money, prestige, and training. And money and prestige are tied.
Starting point is 01:24:48 If I'm one of their sponsors, I'm like, what do you mean you're not going to Rogue? Yeah, and that's what I meant by prestige. So my thinking is she better be 20 pounds stronger then. If she gets to the Games and she's the same Haley she's been for four straight years, then she just wasted an opportunity to have $50,000 in her pocket. She just sent $50,000 away if she's not 20 pounds stronger. So if she's the same Haley, complete wasted opportunity. If she is 20 pounds stronger, then it was well worth it.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Call her high. Yeah, I'm wondering about the sponsorship potential. And I think it's something that you talk about, Siobhan, that, you know, CrossFit is not a Harley Davidson. It's the riders, you know? And I think that maybe for them,
Starting point is 01:25:31 it's more important to win the CrossFit games because of the brand than it is actual earning potential. And I have a feeling that the hard work pays off team has some type of branding plan for Mal as well. That's a great point. The eyeballs on the games are fucking probably a hundred yeah their branding plan is for her to win the games that's their brand i mean it's nothing more marketable that's a good point like i can't remember how many times
Starting point is 01:25:57 matt won uh rogue but i know how many times he won the crossfit games right right right right right right right and And like I said, even the stands at Rogue, it's kind of weird how empty they are. Full live stream 2021 Rogue Invitational. 1.1 million views on YouTube. Oh, well, shit. Well, shit. They are a little easier
Starting point is 01:26:17 to follow. Tia's doing the games this year. She ain't winning this next year. Doesn't matter. She's not winning what next year, John? The games. Tia's doing the games this year She ain't winning this next year Doesn't matter She's not winning what next year, John? The games Tia? No, Mal Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, that's a good point too, caller
Starting point is 01:26:34 Like Mal's not gonna win the games this year anyway So she might as well do Rogue and the games Might as well win the 250 Great Yeah God, it does seem like a lot of money Day one of the 2021 crossfit games three million views so well come on just so you know i was gonna call because i was getting ready for
Starting point is 01:26:54 work and my wife's like they're not gonna call savannah in the shower after you told your story so you know wait until wait till you're done and ready then call it you could always call in the shower just put it like on a ledge on speakerphone that's why the phone's waterproof oh what do you think about the missile that uh korea shot over um japan i think we live in a crazy world right now man yeah all right i think we live in a crazy world you guys have a good day okay bye i think i'm just happy i don't live in japan then that's what I think. Fuck. That whole island goes away if someone wants it to.
Starting point is 01:27:29 It's a fucking scary world. We went through it. We got through a lot of shit. Anyway, I just want to finish this with Olivia Kerstetter. I think that for a lot of reasons um she's just absolutely amazing we got so many people got to follow her um from when she was just a itty bitty tiny little girl to now she's stepping onto the big stage she's with jacob heppner the positivity that comes from that camp and those videos is fantastic she just seems unique i feel like she adds a different uh side to the the normal cast of characters that we have for women and time will tell maybe she'll get sucked up into that you
Starting point is 01:28:10 know kind of that archetype that all these women get kind of like start pushed into but as of now um i have great great hope for her for her bringing a whole different angle to the games and in the cast of characters it's cool and it's fun getting on the band on the on the bandwagon early right um i that i mean i only have one question left do you guys have a what is what is the best what is the best training camp? If you're an athlete and you can go anywhere, where do you want to go in the world? Brute strength.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Brian's going to avoid the question. I already hear him. He's going to be like, well, it depends on the athlete. No, no. I mean, I guess it depends on where you're coming from like what are you just entering crossfit brand new raw to it have you done it before where would i send you that kind of question uh no you want to go trying to win the crossfit you want to win the crossfit games pursuing the you know crossfit for three or five years yeah it depends on your top 500 finisher in the open. It depends on your top 500 finisher in the open. Let's say that your top 500 finisher in the open and you're ready to go to
Starting point is 01:29:29 the next level. You've done that in your own, you know, in your own local affiliate. So I has made a semifinal, but hasn't gotten to the games yet. Where do you go? So I,
Starting point is 01:29:41 you know, my honest opinion about this is that it doesn't matter. The programming is not one of those places or the other is not what's going to make the difference for you. It's the atmosphere. So it's just got to be the place where you're comfortable and confident and your coach or coaching staff is comfortable and confident to address the things that need to be addressed in an environment that's not intimidating or threatening and i would argue uh different people thrive in different atmospheres and it's not the same for one person at all i mean quant is a part of hard work pays off he is by himself in his garage most of the time um fort vancouver are we calling that a camp because justin is a camp of one and ellie but that's a freaking family for them over there.
Starting point is 01:30:30 You know, like it's just, it's different for everybody. You know, Fikowski and Valner, they work better along, you know. Roman? Roman is a part of Brute Strength and he's, is he still in Madison? Yeah, but he's mostly isolated as well and always has roman's a part of the brute strength camp but he's works out by himself most of the time and i mean when we talked about it earlier today you know someone in the comments was making uh you know an allusion to some of the mayhem athletes like lazar jukic or um cara saunders who are following mayhem programming that they're training in an environment where the coach isn't there. I would, I was just was suggesting, was it in certain athletes cases,
Starting point is 01:31:09 it's really beneficial to have the eyes on and for other athletes, they don't necessarily need that. And I think that's probably the, you know, those are some good case studies to, to suggest the fact that it can be done from anywhere. You just have to find something that fits. And I think that can look a lot of different ways. I think the changing of the camps over and over and over again is not good for any top athlete. Yeah, and that's tough because when you go and try something and it doesn't seem like it's fitting well, then you're in this dilemma. Well, how long do I have to give it a try?
Starting point is 01:31:41 Will it be better after two years or three years? And if not, am I wasting that time? And how soon do you have to give it a try? Am I, you know, will it be better after two years or three years? And if not, am I wasting that time? You know, and how soon do you necessarily know if it's working? And I do think that in some cases, I wish there was a better word for it, but some people just get lucky, you know, like this thing with Medeiros and Adam, you know, Justin wanted that. Adam didn't necessarily want that. And now both of them are looking back and saying, yeah,
Starting point is 01:32:06 this has worked out great, but did they just get lucky? You know, how did Justin know that that was going to be the coach for him? That's a great question. Tia said she wants to make her record impossible. Did she say that? That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:32:19 If she did, that is fucking awesome. Make a record impossible to beat. I am a size large this shirt is a large so i wonder if she'll just keep competing until uh she thinks laura can beat mal and then be like okay laura you can start winning now um or olivia or olivia or olivia yeah uh that no not olivia because she's young i'm saying that just because mal has 10 years left to do it you know what i mean that would ensure that nobody beats it caleb just sits around and works out all day it's all and just eats mres or rems or whatever
Starting point is 01:32:58 the fuck they eat over there no food here just waits this way uh brian john is there anything um you would like to bring up before i turn us off the world has to go another week without seeing us competition did it run well brian yeah it was really very fulfilling and rewarding did you crash programming crash crucible programming and I did all the workouts myself beforehand for both divisions. Was it a well-balanced test? Well, I think so. What was the event you did, Brian?
Starting point is 01:33:36 Just a competition in my gym. Mostly athletes from the gym. Who won? Three athletes from the gym. Barnes. Somebody named Barnes. That gym who won three athletes from the gym barns somebody named barns that's who won she got second did she really who's that who's barns that's just some girl from brian's gym she's a she's a ba master's she's unbelievable dude you would not believe it if you saw her working out it's crazy it is crazy i don't understand it do you have the bug now brian what bug the bug to do more programming for more events this is the sixth one i've
Starting point is 01:34:11 programmed for my gym holy shit how many events uh well the athletes took the floor three times each but there were four scored events and then the top four rx teams had a final and i was really happy that they had the final because it actually caused a change in the podium. Did you use Z-score? No, not a big enough field to really to have an effect on it using Z-score. Awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Hopefully we can talk more about Z-score soon. Crash Crucible just happened. First event to use Z-score. They did use it at one other, but it wasn't quite as, uh, big of an event. I think this was the first chance for us to really get a chance to see how
Starting point is 01:34:53 well it works and whether it's practical going forward. I'm going to, uh, up my dose of Xanax and then we'll do that show. Yes. Yes. We know how you feel about those shows. Caleb.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Thank you. Oh man. I got beat up today in the text thread man oh man okay bye everybody

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