The Sevan Podcast - #621 - Bill Grundler

Episode Date: October 7, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Yeah. Bam, we're live. Did you think about when we said, hey, do you want to do the show at 7 a.m.? You're like, hey, dude, I'm West Coast. What the fuck? No, I was like, thank God.
Starting point is 00:00:39 It's someone that's actually on the West Coast because everyone else I have to be. Is that my time or your time? Like me and Chase do that all the time.'ve been doing like our podcast for so long now and every single text hey what time can you go tomorrow uh nine o'clock my time or 11 o'clock your time or yeah yeah who who's winning that whose time have you deferred to mine yeah fuck you chase fuck you chase west coast west coast the best coast no one even does no one even there's not even one notable crossfit fitter in the middle of the country in chicago chicago is the middle is that where chase lives chicago no he's no he's dallas he's not as far as i'm concerned in chicago don't. Don't ever crack me on my show again.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Hey, let's... Did you see this post? Let's do crazy shit. You ready? Whatever you want to do, man. Okay. Tommy Marquez, Brian Friend, leave Morning Chaka. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Are you asking me? I'm just saying that Tom, I don't know. Yes. Everything. Tommy Marquez was the number one guy there. Brian was the number two guy there. Like in terms of just like,
Starting point is 00:01:54 that's who everyone kind of, those were the guys just, you know, they were the names. They were our names in the space and they were the recognized names. Yeah. Like catcher was the number one in the stable at Comp Train. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah, just – and Tommy was number one, and let's say Brian was Sam Quant or Amanda Barnhart. And they're gone. What do they do? That sucks when people – for those other people left there, that's not good for them. Like there's people who came to – who work there because those guys work there. You know what I mean? Well, yeah. They got Lauren Khalil carrying the fucking whole whole boat in the back kicking.
Starting point is 00:02:36 You have to think about what what morning chalk up was and how that how that when that when it actually exploded. Yeah. Is when Greg pulled the plug on all the media stuff and was like okay let everybody else do it so they were all everyone was kind of shuffling around i mean that's when uh they had a boon then i didn't know that they really did like they had some like number they had some growth there they had to because where else was everybody where else was everybody looking i mean even when they still had when they still had the the last skeletons of the of the media crew at hq there was information that was going on i
Starting point is 00:03:13 mean that's why greg was having like you know uh interviews with armin and it was like how the hell did armin get the interview with greg and then how the hell the what was it the the two girls the um they had a podcast i don't remember what it was called it was oh those fucking knuckleheads i got a great story about those fucking dickheads and so it's like all of a sudden all these other people are talking to greg and hq isn't kicking out the information it's all it's everybody else and so morning chocolate was kind of right on there with that um and then they blew up and then as you know the the people who were in the media department or being moved out or having to go had to go out or pushed out they
Starting point is 00:03:53 were looking for other places and that's why everyone was i mean everyone's it was really weird because it it set everyone into a scramble i don't i don't know i know what greg was trying to do i get what he was trying to do but but I think it's one of those things where like, okay, I don't like what this is happening. So instead of, instead of fixing what's broken, let's just throw a fucking grenade in it, blow everything up. And then you'll see what happens after that. It's like a complete reset. It's like a complete reset. And so all those guys started scrambling. So you saw Tommy was going to one place and another place and here and there. And, you know, I mean, you're the one that brought Brian in. You're the one that brought Brian into the whole fold.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And then he was one of those guys. I mean, the stats guys. It's really interesting. The stats guys blew up because everyone heard all the stats these guys were giving giving and then instantly they became the voice for all of the different pockets of whatever whatever we were doing in media and you know those guys were writing a ton um i mean i always crack up i i love the information that brian has but sometimes i laugh about it i'm like all right what's the percentages of crossfit is it all like the color purple? And we're born on a Tuesday. And he gets that information. It's like, I mean, cool if you're like a big mega fan.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Like, that's awesome. Yeah. To me, like, I don't give a shit about this. Or if your favorite color is purple. I'm like, I don't fucking care. Who cares? Who cares? Like, in my world where I am, at least on the media side, like I'm live commentary.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Why is this happening? It doesn't matter if he likes purple. Why hasn't anyone used him for live commentary? Because I think it's a different skill. Stats and desk commentary are two totally different beasts. Okay, but let me put it this way. You have someone like you who can just go off and do the color
Starting point is 00:05:50 and then he's like he would seem like a great for you or Chase, it seems like he would be a great counter. For what we do live, where he and Chad Schroeder are, those are the guys that, that feed the info to the live comment.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Like live. Right. Right. I imagine that. Yeah. You have a block of time that you got to work with. So like, as they're transitioning from thrusters to burpees over the box, that's why that's where I'm supposed to say, okay, well, why is that person doing that? That's why that's where I'm supposed to say, OK, well, why is that person doing that?
Starting point is 00:06:33 All of the percentages and all of the stuff that like, well, you know, if 96 percent of the time there, you know, they work 100 percent of the time and on every other Thursday they do. All that stuff is great before they say go. But once you say go, all that shit goes out the window. And now as a coach, I and as an athlete, I can see how they're moving. Why are they moving? What sort of things should they be doing to get from this point to that point faster? It doesn't matter all the historical stuff and all the data and whatever, because at that point, I mean, virtually anybody can get beat. Anybody can like when you say go. And that's that's what I always loved about sports is you can have all of the all of the stats, all the historical data, all of the stuff. stuff and then when they say go anyone can get beat on any day and i mean i you know i've been an athlete forever and ever i don't know it's kind of cool it's kind it would be kind of cool if um you're you're talking about the box
Starting point is 00:07:19 jumps and then brian says hey there's been 742 CrossFit competitions in the last six years. Every single one of them has had a box jump in it. See, to me, during the event, like, I like that. They all have the boxes. I think before I think the desk show stuff, that's where those guys can go off and have. He should be doing something. He should be doing something. 100%.
Starting point is 00:07:41 More than just feeding intel, I think. No, no, no. No, what I'm saying is like the think about the pre-game I mean I don't want him to I like him just like I like him getting kicked out of the games and people shitting on him
Starting point is 00:07:53 because then he's available for me but I think it's a huge loss he got the bar ban yeah so what happens to morning chalk up Lauren Khalil's over there she's the only I'm trying to think who Patrick Parks Yeah. So what happens to Morning Chalk Up? Lauren Khalil's over there. She's the only – I'm trying to think who else.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Patrick Clark's over there. I just heard that she is now full-time YouTube. She's a full-time YouTuber now. That's what I heard Hiller say. Yeah. I was talking – I wanted her to come and do the CrossFit shit on my channel. Yeah. I saw how hard – she was putting out a video every single day. Oh, she crushes it. And I was like, okay, I need someone putting out a video every single day on
Starting point is 00:08:27 my thing. I went out, I found a sponsor for her. And then I said, Hey, come over. Yeah. And, uh, and she said, okay, let me, let me think about it. And, um, and then, and I told her, I said, Hey, either way, it's a win for me. You stay over there and something good happens to you over there. It's a win for me, which is true. true we should get into that about how it's so important that all that the tide rises for everyone yeah um and then she stayed over there and she's just killing it so they must have offered her i'm guessing she got some good money um good enough and but she can't float the whole boat can she well i think what it'll do is all of the underlings whoever are the other riders that are there yeah they're i mean i i don't think that they're gonna step up yeah
Starting point is 00:09:11 because now the door is finally open like i don't think someone's going to be able to jump over tommy marquez unless they're just like dude i'm i i mean tommy does all of these things tommy's a good rider how much clout those two have how are How is anyone else there going to get that clout? Brian and Tommy have been everywhere. Now they get to. Now those other people get to. They didn't have the opportunity before. I mean, now they can.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And it's like, all right, well, step up, guys. Or what it does, if they don't, then there are two open spots. If there's another Brian friend out there or someone that's been watching the sport and playing with the numbers and looking at all of the things and be like, you know what, fuck it. I don't like what he has to say. I'm going to say this. And they just start feeding a bunch of info. That's one of the things that morning chalk up has been able to do is they
Starting point is 00:09:57 kind of have an open door. If you want to write, if you want to be involved in this, then they're like, come on over. We'll see what you have and we'll put it out there. So it, If you want to be involved in this, then they're like, come on over. We'll see what you have and we'll put it out there. So I think it opens up the door for those other, the other writers that they have. It's like, okay, now you get to make a name for yourself. So go. That's like everything else.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I mean, like when you have the big name, it's like, all right, big shoes to fill. But I don't think it'll be, I don't think it's a. I think they're in trouble i'm gonna be scrambling everyone scrambles when you lose your big dogs 100 yeah and i think the other people there you you i mean you know that there's people at the gym that you're excited to see right like i love doing the podcast because this comes with me yeah 7 a.m and i'm fucking got a huge cup of coffee i mean i'm serious what a great motivation right amen brother i got it yeah um there's people who who work there because they wanted to rub shoulders with i'm sure uh tommy and and brian they're they were
Starting point is 00:10:58 their friends they're like the hot chick who sits in the front row of physics at 7 a.m in college you know i'm not going to disagree with that but i don't i won't say that that's the only reason like they're not there just because like sweet i get to write next to tommy well it's they aren't sitting like desk to desk tommy's doing his thing and they all post it but they're all kind of in the same you know virtual stable i think i think it's cool but i don't think that that is going to be i don't think that that's why people went people went there because they want to be part of it and they see that people can be part of it they have a bunch of i mean they have you watch like when they do their their posts when they they do their
Starting point is 00:11:32 instagram thing you see like oh here's this article that comes out you're like oh who the hell wrote that oh yeah i've heard that name before so they have a bunch of people and now those people are going to get more opportunities so it's kind of like all right who who is going to step up and so i think what they'll probably end up having is whatever that next tier that jv team that's that was sitting behind those guys they're going to be battling to see who's in that new spot now and there might be a superstar in the mix here i'll jump on your side real quick yeah Yeah. What about Barbell Ben? What are they doing? Are they normally a CrossFit rag?
Starting point is 00:12:11 Why are they getting in bed with Brian? That's a good question. I don't really know. I mean, I think that I've seen— Did they reach out to you? Did they ever reach out to you? No. No.
Starting point is 00:12:22 I mean, I've done— Do you know if they reached out to anyone besides Brian? I have no idea. Okay. I have no idea. I haven't heard anything either. I just think it's an interesting move. As of late, and maybe they just decided that they want to add that to their side. know that i've done like i they've dabbled i
Starting point is 00:12:48 mean because i've done some stuff for them um oh they got crossfit as one of their hashtags scroll down just a little bit more yeah so i i wrote some stuff for like the open like the open tips so i did some stuff like that for them um but it wasn't like big let's get heavy into crossfit it was like hey we know we have people that lift and they do this stuff so um we want to have that stuff in there but their main thing is lifting i think it's cool that they that they want to have that avenue because so many crossfitters are into lifting i mean lifting is what brought i mean crossfit is what brought lifting back to the forefront i mean mean, really? Yeah, yeah. So it's a natural win.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And he is a voice. I mean, like if you're talking about stats and you want to know about information, I mean, that guy can, you know, information puke all over you. He can give you whatever number of data and percentages and everything. So did you get a new Bronco? No. Oh, what was that picture of uh there was a picture you were talking about what you did on one of your on some day and there was a there was a car oh it's my it's my fj cruiser oh that's what that is yeah i love that thing toyota makes that yeah it's so cool they don't make that anymore uh they stopped and then i heard they were gonna re i think they stopped like in 2014 and then I heard they were going to re—I think they stopped like in 2014, and then I heard they were going to bring it back out again.
Starting point is 00:14:10 But yeah, this is my little ride. I love that thing. How many—are you tripping on how many people popped onto this? How long have you and Chase been doing the Get With The Programming? on to this how long have you and um chase been doing the get with the programming uh we started um right when the pandemic hit right when the pandemic hit we we started i think it's like two years really god it feels i feel like you guys have been doing it for a long time um you know those two those two girls that we talked about who got that interview with greg they went to his house are those girls still doing their show?
Starting point is 00:14:46 Dude, I didn't know who the fuck they were when it all popped up. How did they get the interview with Greg? Like, where did they? I mean, other than the fact that maybe they were cute girls, I don't really know. But other than that, I don't know how that would have come about unless he just randomly picked, you know, from out of a hat. I'll talk to these guys. When you hang out with someone like Greg, there's two, I always put people, there's two kinds of people in two kinds of camps.
Starting point is 00:15:17 There's people who come over there and all they do is address Greg. And there's people who come over there and they address it. They treat everyone normal, right? So if you, like if you walk in the house and you walk over and you say hi to me, hi to his sister, hi to the cleaning lady cleaning lady hi to his wife hi to his kids and then there's people who like like i don't know why they do this but they only will talk to greg well because he's he is the famous one he's the popular one he's the guy you know of course they're gonna do that and it reminds me of those people who like you're out at a restaurant with them and they're treating you nice and they're treating the waiter like shit. And all I'm thinking the whole time is I'm fucking never going out with you again.
Starting point is 00:15:50 You're a piece of shit. You know what I mean? No, I get that. I get that. Like I know if you treat the waiter like that, you'll treat me like that someday. I'm fucking out of here. Yeah. And if you go with Greg, he never does that.
Starting point is 00:16:01 He'll stop and talk to a homeless guy. Yeah. Yeah, he's always been that way. Yeah, he treats everyone the same. And so those two girls, they never does that. He'll stop and talk to a homeless guy. Yeah. Yeah, he's always been that way. Yeah, he treats everyone the same. And so those two girls, they were like that. They came over to his house, and it was like just all about – it was crazy. It was crazy. And they were fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:16:17 They were ill-prepared. They're fucking – everything about them was shepherds. But I'll never forget that they posted a picture on their Instagram of their feet up on Greg because Greg flew him in on his plane. Yeah. And they had their feet up on his leather chairs. Yeah. And fucking we all just fucking right in front of Greg hammered them like those dipshit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Like everyone like you fucking morons. You posted a picture on your Instagram sitting in Greg's plane with with your feet up on his leather chairs you think he wants your feet his you know well yeah but that's what was weird is from the outside looking in it was like how and greg's cool with that like all right i apparently he he likes a different type of person or he thinks that that's going to be good. He feels sorry for people. Greg likes to help the little man. He likes to help the little man. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I didn't see them as the little man. Yeah. Well, they were fucking atrocious. I mean, that's not cool. I have seen that. I mean, when Greg had his. And they went woke. And they went woke as fuck.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Of course they did. Yeah. I don't doubt that. I love all the people who got access to Greg and then then turned on that's my favorite okay in not a healthy way it's my favorite yeah there was my favorite because it makes me look good it's for really bad reasons selfish egotistical self-centered reasons yeah like like if you're not greg's friend anymore it's more greg for me yeah do you know what i mean it's like yeah yeah i'm glad you fucked up yeah yeah i mean i'm not saying it's a healthy trade i have but like man i remember when all that stuff was going down i remember being on uh like zoom calls with other like affiliate owners just
Starting point is 00:17:58 nothing that was crossfit um driven but just just community like affiliate owner driven and there are so many that like i'm gonna lose members if i don't take crossfit off my yeah my name here and i'm like like you guys okay whether you like or don't like what he did like where did you're the owner here like this is your business if they don't want to come you can't be a slave to them like go get the people that want like this is our time to educate this is our time to educate however you want to go uh but man that that that plucked a chord with people and all of a sudden you have business owners that i mean for the most part especially if they've been around a while most of us didn't know shit about business when we started i mean i didn't i didn't know how to
Starting point is 00:18:51 i wasn't a businessman i'm barely still a businessman now trying to figure all this stuff out but um when all of a sudden you you have what you know and then you feel like the rugs pulled out from under you and you start start scrambling. Man, it was really weird. It was really weird. Such a weird – I mean, it was a weird time anyway, but it just imploded. Someone needed to draw a flow chart and explain that – like, I want to acknowledge that it must have been really hard on affiliates. 100%. So you're barely making it, and 5% of your clients quit because of – or use that as an excuse to quit. Man, in L.A., I was talking to people in L.A. They're like, I'm going to lose because of or use that as an excuse to quit man in la i was talking to
Starting point is 00:19:25 people in la they're like i'm gonna lose half of my people yeah well yeah because it's the high for wokeness right right so so um but the here but but the next step is if you grab your ankles for them and that's what that's the problem whenever i interview anyone from canada they think it's okay to grab your ankles a little bit like and the second you grab your ankles a little bit they're taking the whole thing no one's just putting the tip in no as soon as you give a little bit they're going to be fucking that you're going to be getting just hammered and railed and uh they don't they don't realize that you actually have to stand your ground and hurt for a second the the the only bending over to grab anything would be to pick
Starting point is 00:20:05 up your big boy pants yes and be like okay fucking let's go like all right unless you disagreed with greg said then run that way as hard as you can kick out the people who right yeah and there was i mean there was there was a handful that did i man it was really it was hey how did that turn out for them how did that turn out for them real good real good all those fuck every time i look at one of those gyms they're fucking closed yeah well okay so uh or they're hurting when they're hurting when dave got back in and he started doing those uh affiliate talk affiliate owner little meetings that he was have that he was having he had one here at my place and he had all the local affiliates come in and the owners. And he's like, I'm just sitting back and listening.
Starting point is 00:20:50 What do you guys want to know about? And I think it's because I've been around the longest. One of the things that I was saying was what we want is I want HQ to help differentiate the name CrossFit from everyone else out there. Because the question that every owner asks themselves is, why should I even keep that name? Why do I keep that? I'm paying this money.
Starting point is 00:21:21 What do I get out of it? They don't give me anything out of this. Okay, cool that they do the playbook. You still own CrossFit Inferno. Like I'm paying this money. What do, what do I get out of it? They don't give me anything out of this. And you know, okay, cool that they do the, um, the play on CrossFit Inferno. You're at CrossFit Inferno.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Yeah. Yeah. We're coming up on 15 years. Okay. Shit. For those who don't know, I just wanted to get that in there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Sorry. I didn't mean to take you off track. So go back, go back. So it was, it was the idea of, um, okay,
Starting point is 00:21:44 I'm paying X amount of dollars. What do I get out of it? And I'm like, what do you mean, what do you get out of it? You get the recognition of automatically. I mean, when you have CrossFit on your name, it automatically splits you from everybody else. Otherwise, like, okay, so your strength and conditioning or your inferno fitness all of a sudden you are in this gigantic melting pot of every other gym that's exactly the fucking same that are all doing quote-unquote crossfit like stuff but they're not doing um
Starting point is 00:22:17 they're afraid to say what they are and immediately when i say say CrossFit Inferno, someone's like, oh, okay. Okay. Like it just jumps you out. So like, I'm willing to pay whatever amount of money, um, for that. Cause I want to be differentiated and I will pay that amount of money to differentiate myself out of that. I get to run the CrossFit gym however I want. I mean, I know there are good CrossFit gyms and there are shitty CrossFit gyms. I get it. Just like there are good doctors and shitty doctors, but, um, I automatically get that when, with that name. So that's why, I mean, I, I never considered dropping it. Never. Not even, even when I was like, what the, what the fuck is happening with Greg saying these things and everyone's blown up over here and whatever. And I, I mean, I had a couple of conversations with
Starting point is 00:23:04 members that are like, I'm not going to pay to him. I'm like, what are you talking about? This is our CrossFit. CrossFit Inferno is here. It's not anywhere else. And, you know, in having to use my education to educate as a coach, as a leader of my group, as a, um, someone that's trying to make their life better using whatever resources that I have, which is cross methodologies and all the stuff that Greg talked about. Because I, I mean, shit,
Starting point is 00:23:35 that's what's so great. Like me and Chase are doing all the, the, the Glassman chipper stuff. Now doing our book club thing, every fucking thing that that guy had. Oh, those are awesome.
Starting point is 00:23:44 By the way, it's so good like i well i mean what you and chase are doing is oh man dude it's so fun like but i mean that but that's it those are those are the words those are the mantras those are the phrases and the quotes that drove us way back in the day to now and we we seem to have forgot a lot of those things because it's so easy to get just mixed up with the oh i need to try this thing and we need to do you know so and so training is doing this stuff so we have to go that way or whatever whatever everyone's doing and they forget the basic things and what drew me across it in the beginning was that greg so eloquently would put these complex ideas
Starting point is 00:24:25 into the most simple setup. And, man, I love that. I love that. I love listening to him talk. I could just sit there and listen to him talk all the time. Everyone,.com should publish the five buckets of death on the first of every month. Yeah, they should.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Right on there. I don't know why they aren't repurposing i mean we would go through like every single one of those things we i think we're and we're not even remotely close i think there's like 38 or 58 um of the articles i listened to the what is fitness last night oh dude it's so while i worked out it was so good it's so cool how you guys have highlighted in different colors for like the relevancy. Hey, you know what else too? As I was watching that, I texted him last night and I said, hey, dude, I got to get you on video talking about your process and how you came up with world-class fitness in 100 words.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah. Because you guys were speculating on that. I was like, oh, shit, how come I've never asked him that? What a great thing to talk about. He just, yeah. I mean, I, I wonder if like he had to add or cut words out to make the 100.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah. All that shit. It's like, all right. So I just got to 105 words. So. Took you down. Took too damn long to get this legend on.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I agree. Loving it so far, by the way, Bill, do you ever run into robbie at headstrong yeah every once in a while robbie used to be a member of ours um yeah a long time ago and uh he eventually made his own gym um here in san luis as well he's a powerlifting background guy good dude good dude hey the colt hat. Is the Colt stuff and the OG stuff both you and Chase?
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's from Get With The Programming? Yeah. If you make $12 on that, Chase gives you $6? Well, I think after we give whatever we need to give to Ken for Superworks, for putting it all together and doing his thing, yeah. But you know what's so weird. Like the, it's really cool that it's gone,
Starting point is 00:26:30 you know, the whole OG thing and the cost stuff and all that. Um, it's really, really fun. And it, it, it,
Starting point is 00:26:37 the intent of money never, like that was never even like, Hey, this could be another revenue stream. That was never the thing. It was always, I don't like what's fucking happening right now with crossfit i mean and this is really what happened was like i yeah you're leaning the other way instead of being like hey let's dumb everything down and no one has to go squat below parallel you're like fuck you we are a cult yeah like i mean we hated when people would say that and now it's like fuck that okay well yeah we are i want the cult back give me the cult yes i want it gritty i want
Starting point is 00:27:10 it dirty i want it simple i want it i want the apollo creed you know jim rocky's over here working out and like the flashy everything and apollo creed's over here with just the down and dirty and you know Mr. T like just let's let's just fucking do work man like I don't it doesn't need to be pretty it doesn't need to be the nicest pretty let's just fucking go to work and I love it it's just that's where I exist I think that's my the history of me as an athlete and stuff like that. Like I, I resonate to that. I like that. Just let's just do it.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Let's just go. Not like, let me go over here and shine this up really fast and make it all shining, sparkling. I don't think inclusiveness should ever be the word, um, that you use to try to make something better.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Um, no, no, no. And I, here's someone said on my, so I made a post. I said something on my,
Starting point is 00:28:12 on my podcast the other day where I was just like, Hey, if you, I was talking to women and I was over the top, of course. And I basically said, Hey, if you,
Starting point is 00:28:18 if you don't have kids, you're missing out. And, and I was, and I was pretty extreme about it. And then it was posted on instagram and someone wrote hey dude you're fucking idiot learn to read your audience and it's like holy shit like that's that i'm never doing that that that's not that's not what i'm trying to do i'm focused on
Starting point is 00:28:38 trying to tell the truth and shed light on things and be funny those are the three things if the audience doesn't come while i'm doing those three things, then I'm going to suck. I'm never going to have an audience. I'm never going to have an audience. But those are the truth. Shed light on things and be funny. Read your audience. And so that's what I like about the cult thing and the OG thing.
Starting point is 00:28:57 We're not trying to read the audience. We're actually trying to repel people away who are sensitive to these things and just bring in the people who like. It's like greg said we're never going to get everyone on the lifeboats and that's not the goal no no that's not the goal i think it i think what makes everyone's welcome anyone's welcome but the goal isn't to get everyone and people will follow a beacon like they see it as a beacon the beacon doesn't change to suit all the people so that like because then it's not a beacon anymore it just becomes the the mass of everyone else talking amongst themselves then i don't i
Starting point is 00:29:30 don't think that that's right and it's really funny with how everyone you know even when there was the you know with the big change with rosa and all the things that were happening and, and the way that it felt like everyone was afraid to be, uh, confrontational, which I mean, the world is like that anyway, you can't have a discussion with anyone and they flip out and whatever, but like, that was what CrossFit was. The, the, the old, the every day, they would have a workout and on the rest day, whenever the rest day would pop up, there would be an article that was posted and it was like what do you think about this and then people would like comment on that what they thought it would be political it'd be nutritional it would be military it would be and like whatever the scenario but it was always like
Starting point is 00:30:18 a drop a little nugget out there and it's like okay talk about talk about it. I mean, nothing ever came out of them. And it wasn't like a, and this is what we've discovered through the comments that we've had. It was a, hey, look at this. Climate change, the Patriot Act, anything. Yeah, anything. Nothing was off limits yet. That was awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And I think what is great about that is, I mean, especially like with the stuff that kind of Greg is getting into now, it's really interesting when you can do it with yourself, kind of see where you are, where you started, and then how you got to wherever it is that you may be in that person's life. And it never really looks like there. It can look like you're bouncing back and forth until you turn around and look back and you see like, there's a direct line between all the things that got connected. I might do this with like my career and where I am and stuff like that now. And I feel like I've all over the place, but when I look back, I'm like, there was a distinct line from where I am to where I started. And with Greg, he was doing that same thing way back then. So here he is looking at all of these things that are out there and it's like, oh, let's discuss, let's talk about this, that let's look at this side. Let's look at that
Starting point is 00:31:29 side. You know, he's pissing people off over here because he's doing these workouts, but yet it's working. He's pissing the people off in the gym because he's, uh, throwing the intensity on top of whatever and making people work hard when breathing hard and climbing up and down ropes and doing weird things with dumbbells. It's that's not a dumbbell curl why are you doing overhead weight or walks or you know something lunges whatever so the kipping pull-up yeah yeah how dare you i mean and i was one of those guys i mean right right who wasn't i shit i was at a party with greg when i i don't even know who he was at the time and everyone's drunk and was this in santa barbara or slow or what was this this isn't this isn't santa cruz this was it um so my and this is the whole like the nick massman
Starting point is 00:32:17 thing this was up at nick's house um way back when and so nick up in santa cruz um i was friends with him at cal poly His wife was my wife at the time. They were best friends. I played water polo at Cal Poly. And it was their baby shower for their oldest daughter. And we're all there. My daughter's like six months old. And Greg and a group came in.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I don't remember if Nicole Carroll was there. I don't remember who all the characters were. I didn't really know because I didn't know who Greg was. And what year was this? Oh, man. 2001, I guess. Damn. Before the website was up.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Yeah. Yeah. And so we're all out there. It's nighttime. Everyone's been, you know, drinking and having a good time. It's not like people are wasted, but like everyone's talking, everyone's doing the thing. And out of the blue, Greg's like, let's do a pull up contest. And I'm like, oh, you guys are fucked. I'm a wrestler, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Like that's all I do is pull ups.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And Nick had a home gym. I mean, because that's like kind of when the home gym thing was kind of starting. So he had his little outside setup. And we started doing pull-ups. And I'm like, what are you doing bouncing this other guy? Whoever the guy was, I don't remember who he was. But his legs were kicking all over the place. And I'm like, what the hell kind of pull-ups were those? You look like a damn frog over there.
Starting point is 00:33:39 What are you doing? Hey, you think it was Amundsen? No, I wouldn't recognize him. Oh, okay. Brendan? No, I just remember he was like an Asian Asian dude but I don't remember who he was like all those guys I I think I would have remembered those guys right I think I would remember those guys um especially with Greg like I I Greg was one of the guys that I would follow in the comments in the videos I'm like okay who's this guy all right I gotta beat
Starting point is 00:34:06 this guy and every and every whatever the workout is um but that was I mean what ended up happening who won the pull-up contest uh honestly I want I think it just kind of fizzled because I'm like you're not doing right pull-ups right those are those are wrong right and i wasn't at that place where i can understand i don't even think like greg didn't go through and pull out a whiteboard and explain the no i would call bullshit off i saw keeping pull-ups too i told him like what the hell are those yeah yeah yeah um but then here i am now and i would get into the discussion we have a um an rotc kid here from cal poly who comes in and he was a convert you know one of our one of our trainers um she was going to school at cal poly and brought him in and stuff and that was the thing it was i'm never gonna do those stupid pull-ups you guys do
Starting point is 00:34:57 i'm never gonna do them and it's like okay let me let's talk about the why what's the reason for doing these pull-ups? And it's like, I get that your test, you have to do strict and that's what they're gonna test you on. So you gotta train that. Okay, cool. But I don't give a shit about your test. I'm looking for work capacity.
Starting point is 00:35:14 How can I do more work faster? Because if I can do that, then I am doing better, period. And I have used that lingo. And that's what I'm talking about. All the stuff that greg used to say when you have those man those are like ultimate weapons i have stopped engineers when i've done stuff like the fire department they're like yeah but you're cheating because
Starting point is 00:35:35 you have momentum and i'm like force or uh uh uh look at the equation of what we're trying to do of who can do more work here. Force times distance. I don't give a shit about like if it's circular or whatever. How many times is that body moving up and down? Yes, I know. But you're totally cheating because I'm like equation it, man. Like pull out your formulas.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And they're like, and it would piss them off. And that's what Greg was so great about. He made it simple. And so you then are, if you use those things, you are now armed with like the sharpest of tools, you know? And it's like, come at me. Every CrossFitter or CrossFit gym owner, even more affiliate owner, that doesn't like to get in that discussion, like you're missing it. You should be like the second you have that option. Like Greg,
Starting point is 00:36:28 probably if he wasn't, he was probably like, here's my chance, man. I'm going to school you on pull-ups and why I wish you would have. I really, at the time I wish you would have now, no,
Starting point is 00:36:38 you know, looking back, but man, those, that stuff is like, yeah. Oh, you're moving around.
Starting point is 00:36:47 You're cheating because you're, you're using your legs and you're using your bill. What year did you become the captain of that, of the, of that house? Whatever you guys call that group. Um, I,
Starting point is 00:36:59 I became a captain in 2000, 2000. I think. Holy shit. Yeah. God, that's forever ago. Yeah. And were you always at that? I visited that station a handful of times and it wasn't,
Starting point is 00:37:16 it was a house in a neighborhood that was converted into a fire station. Yeah. So we had in, in Pismo, in Pismo beach, small town. How many people? how many people how many people um what is it i want to say it's like 12 000 but it's like in the middle of like here's this little town and then this little town and they're all kind of shoved together so if you look at the area there's a lot of people but like the town itself the actual jurisdiction um is relatively little beach town bill Bill is not guys. He don't listen to him.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Ah, there are not a lot of people there. Bill's still in a small town there. When he says that there's the towns are smushed together. These are the Pismo was the biggest town and it had 12,000 people. I mean, it's like this town is stuck between the Pacific ocean and a cliff. And I'm not even joking joking but it's so great
Starting point is 00:38:07 man we're like oh it's so great we're like a fucking dream i'm not hating uh la like southern california 1970 1974 god it's so fucking amazing if you can make ends meet uh living down there oh that's that's the hard part that i mean's not cheap. It's not cheap at all. But The house. Most of the departments were volunteers. They had a giant garage
Starting point is 00:38:35 and they would have their little offices where they would do their weekly meetings or monthly meetings or whatever they would do. Then they had to come back and as fire departments and cities and towns needed to have more of a full-time residency of their fire department, they started reconverting these houses. So the Pismo station, we lived in the garage when we started there. And then we rented the house across the street for a time.
Starting point is 00:39:06 And then they brought in like a double wide that they put back in the back of this parking lot. And they always said they were going to build this big station, which they never did. The Shell Beach one that I remember you came to a couple of times, that one, they did a full renovation, turned it into an actual living quarter. So it wasn't like a, you're living back in the locker room kind of thing. They actually made quarter so it wasn't like a you're living back in the locker room kind of thing they actually made but it still looked like a house like when you buy it yeah it looked like a house yeah and that was and that was what they wanted to do because it was in a residential area they they you know they had the the siding that looked the same and they kind of colored it that looked the same and um yeah it was fun though is it is living next to a firehouse a good thing like if you're in
Starting point is 00:39:47 a neighborhood like is that where you want to live like the sirens go off like when you guys pulled out at four in the morning you didn't just fucking blare the sirens right no we no we tried not to do that but we would usually have the lights on just out of habit right and i'm sure that that's bright i mean i bedrooms and shit yeah i my uh my condo that i had um when i was at the fire department when i was in the fire department was over by one of the ambulance stations and they wouldn't throw the the sirens on but you'd see the lights and it was like it would light up your room you know red and white and flashing all over the place so it i mean it's it's not that big of a deal but but it's there. But if you need any help, you know you got help right there.
Starting point is 00:40:29 The dudes are there. Yeah. That fire station was – when I say to you guys that this town is smashed between the ocean and a cliff, also smashed in there is this highway called the 101 and it's a major corridor and um for all sorts of shit uh it's it's exactly it's where the ranch is on that corridor too just up the road you know 100 miles or whatever from bill's place is dave's ranch where the games are and it's it's this really fucking narrow corridor that kind of runs along the ocean just off the water a little bit um you must have seen some hellacious shit in terms of accidents on that um like life-changing shit working there right no it um being in a small town you think that you would not see anything
Starting point is 00:41:20 but because we had the ocean right there we have have, um, the Diablo power plant. We have the freeway that goes right through. We have train tracks that go right through. We have cliffs that we deal with the amount of, of incidents, the different types of incidents that I've been involved in that I've been around with. Um, I mean, I've seen more things than big city fire department, big city. We'll get the, like, if you're in a certain jurisdiction, either you got your people or you got your, um, your high rise that you're dealing with on a regular basis. And that's all you do is that one thing. But man, I'm, I'm all over the place.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Water rescues, cliff rescues, traffic accidents, uh, big rigs, turnover. Um, was the freeway the worst. Was the freeway the worst? Was the freeway the worst? Like if you could get rid of one thing, would it have been that? No, I mean, I think probably the worst stuff, and most firefighters would say this is the medical aid stuff. I mean, you pick a lot of people up that fall down, and it's really
Starting point is 00:42:26 i mean there could be some what do you mean like like the stuff i always joke about on my show like someone fell behind their toilet and they weigh 400 pounds yeah and they're naked and they and they you know like they've been stuck there for a while and they gotta go they gotta go to the bathroom and all i mean all of those like they and that's what's, I mean, on one, on one hand, on one side, you know, firefighters are, I think generally firefighters are pretty compassionate people. So it's like, I want to help you. So here's a person that is falling in the shower, falling on the toilet. I mean, they're in the most precarious embarrassing moments that they could possibly be in and they call us or we get called on and we got to go help them out and like the last thing
Starting point is 00:43:13 you want to do is go and be like motherfucker there's shit all over the place hey clean yourself up we'll be back in an hour you know and i mean in in you know stuff smells and it's like but that's not what that's not what we're there for. We're there because that person doesn't want to be in that place anymore. And now, especially now, you know, my, with my, my, my mom is older and, and I think if anything was to happen, like when I, like when I, when I would roll up, I'd be like, okay, if this was my parent, how would I want these guys to act? And that's what I always try. I try to do that because I think that's what i want man yes yes yes it is they are they are i mean and i mean literally shitty situations it smells bad there's shit all over the place i want to try doing that
Starting point is 00:44:00 every day but find one situation every day where i say, like, I'm not sure how I'm, like, I'm feeling like I'm losing my cool. Yeah. Even if in a good, be like, hey, I should behave like my mom's here. Like, that's my mom. Did that, it saved me in a lot of situations. Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:44:19 But with that, I mean, here we are talking about the shitty situation, but like I've seen, I mean, some of the ugliest, gruesome, I mean, here in are talking about the shitty situation, but like I've seen, I mean, some of the ugliest, gruesome. I mean, here is a little small town. It would have had 8000 people or whatever you had on that. You ever show up somewhere and one of your friends is dead? I know people that have died.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah. And you show up to the incident. You're like, oh, fuck. I saw that guy at the bar yesterday and here he is dead. Yeah. Yeah. Or I'm surf. I'd be surfing with one guy. We'd roll up and I know it's that guy's house. And I'm like, oh, shoot. I hope that so-and-so is OK. It ends up being his kid that we have to do like CPR on or something like that. It gets it gets crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:06 ours who started his career as a firefighter um at at that house and he told me one time and i could be screwing up the story i think the spirit of the story is right but basically you guys rolled up on a highway accident a car driven off the road and you show up there and there's three like japanese cats in there like the mom the dad and like one of the kids and they look perfectly healthy like nothing's wrong they're just like with their eyes closed or whatever but they're fucking dead because from the impact their fucking organs got scrambled yeah and they were there just visiting like their daughter at cal poly yeah and i just remember him that fucking him up like hey dude they look perfect dude they were fucking dead they just from the impact their shit got they just all fucking died instantly the i was like fuck i don't know how you're doing that it is the the people i don't think that and i i say civilian meaning just people that aren't in that in that realm whether
Starting point is 00:45:56 it's like yeah like people like you know like like military let's use andrew hiller andrew hill perfect he doesn't know anything um the things that you see in that job, it doesn't matter what you have done before or how you prepared yourself to see it. You see things that the regular person will not see, won't see. And if you do see it, a lot of times it's going to be some of the gruesome stuff. Think of the ugliest horror movie stuff you could possibly think of. And that's like, yeah, you will see that.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Not you might see that. You will see that. I mean, I like, like, like, like someone's body is intact, but their head is spun pointing the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And they're laying in the street. I saw that one time when a card hit five people, I've seen a face. And that, I've seen a face, a face, the face next to the head oh god oh god like it oh god i i feel you i see it i i've seen a in you know not in the trying to like
Starting point is 00:46:55 all glorify the the gnarly stuff but like no one of one of the first hey how does your brain process that because when i saw the head spun around on people my brain was like i felt like i did acid i was like what the fuck am i looking at i couldn't not that i was growing later on i was really tripping but at the time i wasn't even grossed out i was like i couldn't process it i'm like this right and i think that that is i think that is the safety mechanism i think at the time okay you you know you know when you have all your stuff on and you're rolling up on the engine you know you're gonna see something nasty your stuff on and you're rolling up on the engine you know you're going to see something nasty like you're kind of almost ready for it so you're you're there's a an element of being prepared for it um and then whatever happens is happening is
Starting point is 00:47:35 happening it's always that after fact so when they talk ptsd on stuff i mean it's like how do you try to put that together and that's why firefighters military, like their humor is so skewed to the rest of the world because you laugh at the things that people like, what the hell are you doing laughing at that? And it's like you have to laugh at it. You have to somehow lighten it because that shit's fucking heavy. It's heavy i have seen bodies that the very that the first like big call that i was on that i'm like oh dang okay i'm gonna see some weird shit was there was a lady what year are we talking now this was 97 okay 97 i think yeah 96 97 97 okay 97 i think yeah 96 97 um i am a lifeguard and i'm starting in the fire service and because the lifeguard department was running underneath the fire department same place pismo you're yeah
Starting point is 00:48:35 yeah okay yeah so i was a i was a beach guard there for a cut for a handful of years before i got into the fire service and that kind of like got me into it um i decided i was a high school teacher at the time also so i would lifeguard during the summer but i decided i was a high school teacher at the time also so i would lifeguard during the summer but i would i was a high school teacher in arizona um teaching science out there so i'd kind of go back and forth and i decided i didn't want to teach anymore i'm just going to do the the fire thing so i'm jumping into the fire academy and i'm like a reserve firefighter or pcf firefighter which is a pay call firefighter so you have your little pager at your house and something goes off, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:07 tones go off and you run down to the fire station and you join. Dang. That's an old picture right there. Wow. Which one are you? I got the hat right in the middle. Damn. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Look at that bronze goddess. God, not goddess. That's me on the right over there with the big old titties and the hat on oh man um but anyway so the tones go off and it says body recovery down at the cliffs hotel and it was down at the cliffs down by the water and i'm like all right so we roll up i'm like okay cool and so me and uh a handful of other guys that were new we all get up there we we roll up to the scene the captain comes up and he's like hey okay our job is we're gonna go down it's a body recovery so the person's already dead i'm like okay and the and the captain was like hey uh this
Starting point is 00:50:00 is a very ugly call so if you're not ready for this, you know, you don't have to go down. And me and a couple of guys are like, well, shit, if we're going to do this stuff, we should probably go and check it out. Anyway, we go down there and the story was this mom. It was like in February. Her kids, it was one of the warm days that we get in February. Sometimes the kids are out in the water. They're getting, they can't get back in with the waves or whatever. She runs out into the water to go get them,
Starting point is 00:50:30 pushes them in on a wave. The kids make it in. The lady doesn't make it back in. Oh, fuck. I hate these stories. Why are there so many like this? I don't know,
Starting point is 00:50:38 man. Always someone's uncle gets fucked up. I know. So, you know, we, we spend the day trying to do um you know body searches and everything in the water we're paddling the water we're doing body searches don't see anyone
Starting point is 00:50:50 um can't find her they cancel the call it's at nighttime whatever then uh the next day we're out on boats looking around don't find anything the next day the tones go off for body recovery so we go down there that's where this lady is so this is the lady that we're. So we go down there. That's where this lady is. So this is the lady that we're looking for. We go down there and I'm looking at the lady when we get down to the water and we're supposed to help the corner, get the body and put it, put her in the, in the, the stretcher in the, in the body bag and stuff. And I'm looking at the lady and her face is completely perfect. She has a little scratch on her head. Her face is completely perfect. Her hands are completely perfect. She still has her watch on her wrist her feet look perfect but everything between the middle of her forearm her neck and her ankles is as a complete skeleton like no organs no skin no tissue nothing it was like it looked like a wax figure that you would see in a haunted house
Starting point is 00:51:46 wow the weirdest thing i had ever seen i'm looking at her and i'm like like you don't know even how like i've never seen that before so i'm like i don't even i don't even know how to process i have no idea what you want the heck i'm looking at and we're supposed to get the pull the body out and put her in the bag and then we carry her up yeah um no idea how that would ever happen i mean of course you know me and the guys were trying to figure out what it was um she was in a this is what we figured out she was in a sundress when she was at the beach she had sunscreen on her face she had it on her on her wrists and on her arms and had it on her feet because she was sitting in the sun everything else was covered so whatever the sea creatures were that were
Starting point is 00:52:29 oh shit so yeah if you don't want your body to get all eaten up i guess you got to put sunscreen on but like those are the things that we start laughing it's like oh i guess all right so if you want your body you got to put sunscreen on so things don't eat you you know it's like that's where you start that's where you start going with the with like just your head you're trying to put it into perspective like okay there obviously was nothing you can do yes it's totally said these kids you know now they don't have their mom anymore um this lady tried to go in and save her kids she i mean all all of these things which are extremely sad extremely like hardcore and then here we are like well shit i guess next time you go to the beach you better put sunscreen on otherwise you're
Starting point is 00:53:10 gonna lose your skin ha ha ha yeah it's a trip man it's a trip and i was like okay this shit's real like you're gonna miss it i missed the i missed the calls and i missed my crew i don't miss the politics of it like i i, I like being out. Um, but I, it was really fun. Especially as the captain, the politics are fucked,
Starting point is 00:53:30 huh? Yeah. Cause you're, you stand right in the middle. You stand right in the middle of, uh, the overlords and the, and the common man.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Yeah. You're trying to like make the common man happy, but you, but you got the overlords. Yeah. It's, it's, it's a,
Starting point is 00:53:44 it was, I didn't like that, but I would get into – actually, where I was, I would get into a lot of arguments with my chiefs and stuff based on physical fitness stuff. I'd do that all the time. All the time. Did you ever – I remember when our mutual friend went and first started working up there and he started training with you. He would say he would tell me the shit he would do and i couldn't even fucking believe it i had to i thought he was lying and it was shit like running fucking cliff stairs with all the fucking gear on and pulling hoses up the stairs yeah just madness shit did you did you ever um think you were
Starting point is 00:54:20 gonna break someone my friend was addicted to it though like he wanted to go he wanted to get crushed yeah um i i didn't do it to break anyone my my whole mentality said you did all the shit too and you would set all the fucking records and no one could fucking beat you i my mentality was and he wanted to beat you my friend wanted to beat you bad oh i know he did the only time the only time he would is if there was like if there was a swim event like he was such a damn good swimmer it's like all right you got me on that one dude you got me um the the mentality that i always had was in this it was an athletic mentality but it was also a small town mentality wanting to be you know like i want to be a whenever i compete with whatever
Starting point is 00:55:06 i want to go shoulder to shoulder with whoever is the best and then and then get after it that's as an athlete that's what you do and so when i was training um like the firefighters it was if you are not training for the absolute gnarliest day you can think of, then you are, you are wasting your time out here. Like there's a lot of firefighters that they're like, Oh, I need a recumbent bike because it's low impact. And I need to make sure that,
Starting point is 00:55:34 you know, I can watch the football game while I'm doing it. It's like, shut the fuck up. When did firefighting become a low impact of sport? Right. It doesn't. So you need to be able to be ready.
Starting point is 00:55:44 100% of the time to like the world's crumbling and i am relying on you your family is relying on you and you need to be ready to go if you aren't preparing for that then then you're wasting everyone's time and so we would do like our trainings would be with that sort of mentality and the the stair thing was one it's so damn pretty where we would do it it's this beautiful cliff you got the ocean right there and these rocks and the waves and the sun and i'm like all right guys put all of our stuff on we're carrying hoes on our shoulder and they're on uh i have them wearing their mask and so we're up and down up and down up and down and i would stop them up at the top and i would make them do multiplication tables and i'd like tell me how to put together a z a three to one mechanical advantage rope and you know rope system
Starting point is 00:56:37 and you know the eyes are all spinning around as they're trying to like put this stuff together but that's what i need you to do i need you to be super tired and have all your mental faculties there so that we can be safe and kick ass on whatever it is that we're trying to do. And so those are the kinds of things that we would do all the time. I would, dude, I had so much fun trying to put together whatever drills I could do. I mean, we would do these. Were you ever reported? Did anyone ever tell on you uh captain
Starting point is 00:57:07 bill is pushing us too no i always had no i i was lucky enough to when i was younger i had um other captains that kind of agreed with that idea of like let's get after it and then as i got older my partner captain um at the shell beach station he was a, honestly, I was great at operations and I was great at training and I was great at like getting shit done, but I was not great when it came to like paperwork and all the admin stuff. And so he was really good at that. So he did that. The guys, the firefighters that we had, um, they would rotate in based on where we were. So if the firefighters that were on my shift they knew they were going to have a blast we were going to drink coffee work out and train all
Starting point is 00:57:50 fucking day long if they were on the other guy's uh shift they would be um going shopping um scrubbing the grout on the on the tile they They'd be making sure that everything was organized and it has the proper labels on the boxes of whatever. They'd be doing all that shit. And then the ones in the middle would be like, I have one shitty day, and then I have two really fun days. Or I have two shitty days and one really fun day.
Starting point is 00:58:17 So we kind of go back and forth. So no one reported me, but they thought I was crazy. What if you get a call and you're doing that shit? It happened, and I didn't happened and I didn't care. Yeah, I didn't care. And that was that was a I would get into that discussion. And this and this is I mean, this all of this stuff led to what I do now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:36 But what if this happens? And it's like, OK, what if does that mean that we do nothing because something might happen well shit i mean you might get hurt when you're training you might get hurt whatever so while you come here to work just wrap yourself up and bubble wrap sit on your lazy boy don't do anything because you might trip you might get a call you might have like who gives a shit there were times that we would get calls we did this one so nobody likes fran everybody knows what fran is we would do fran with our turnouts on we have done triple fran where you do fran you rest for five minutes you do fran again you rest five minutes you do fran again on i mean you're trying to and the
Starting point is 00:59:15 thing was how long can you make your air your air bottle last so we'd have a 30 minute bottle and it's like can you do three friends on that 30 minute air bottle? Wow. So you're doing it the whole time. And there'd be time that we would get calls and it would be, yeah, it would be tough. But if you're in between friend number two and three, you're like, motherfucker, here we go. And, you know, not to say that it wasn't it wasn't hard. And, yeah, OK, maybe if you needed to have the biggest day of your life that day,
Starting point is 00:59:46 then that's not the greatest way to go into it. But the chances of that are low one. And if we did get a call, we would do this on a regular basis. So our recovery would be really fast. Would you put your guys up against any other firehouse in the country? Yes. Hell yes. Without a doubt. And I'm not going to, I'm even the guys that I had that weren't like necessarily super athletic. Yeah. But the thing is,
Starting point is 01:00:13 we would, we'd get after it, man. And, and they may, you know, they may lift weights funny or, uh,
Starting point is 01:00:19 whatever, but you know, you get them on a call. If there's a hill, they're going to mash that hill. If they, if we have a big 400 pound person that we need to like get up and downstairs, no big deal. If I go down and because of something happens to me, I know that they're going to be able to pick me up with all my stuff on and get me back, get me back out of the building or whatever. We would do that
Starting point is 01:00:42 stuff. I like that you know being an affiliate owner is the same thing as being a firefighter in terms of like you just swam upstream right i mean you're basically doing the same thing now you're saving people's lives but you're not waiting till like they get into a car accident or they fall behind their toilet one of uh you're just in a different place in the linear progression of how, how things could get better or worse. I have a buddy that I hired, um, at Pismo. He now is a captain up at, uh, Sacramento, Sacramento, Oakland, Sacramento, I think.
Starting point is 01:01:15 And, and our other mutual friends at captain too. I get, you made a lot of captains. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. That I don't really think about the age thing, but then when I look back and I see all these people that are like captains and chiefs and everything that I hired, I'm like, God dang. Yeah. I I don't really think about the age thing, but then when I look back and I see all these people that are like captains and chiefs and everything that I hired, I'm like, God dang.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah. I really am old. Yeah. Oh my gosh. But he's, he's getting ready. He loved the job, but he's like, I'm ready to get, I'm ready to get the fuck out of here. He's like, I,
Starting point is 01:01:39 I wish I can retire like you did and just be out because he's like, I pick people up. You stop people from needing to get picked up. Yeah. And he's totally right. And that was, I mean, that was the stuff that Greg talked about before. It's like you have the, the, the lifeguard, um, that stops people before they get in the water when they don't know how to do, or you have the swim instructor, um, who teaches
Starting point is 01:02:00 them. So you don't need the lifeguard. Right. And we are the swim instructor. And I really like that. and it's the same thing like i i would watch my firefighters realize as you know i crush them on the on these workouts and then we get to a call we have to pick someone someone up and they're like dang we lifted that person up so easy i'm like yeah or wow we were we were packed up and we hiked those hills and we smashed every other crew that was out there. That was awesome. Like, yeah. Then it's the same thing here in the gym where you watch people that have, you know, and this is not, not time, not trying to be stereotypic, but when you have like housewives that were not athletic, athletic girls when they were younger. And then all of a sudden it's like, no, I don't need the little tiny pink one pound kettlebell.
Starting point is 01:02:47 It's like, I'm dead lifting 180 pounds. You just picked up your kid. You picked up your husband. You did something that like most people wouldn't be able to do. And that, that to me is just as cool. It's like, that's that same feeling. I love, I love watching people do that. It's awesome. It's funny. You probably see this in your gym all the time but people who like
Starting point is 01:03:09 even callers yeah the first month like they're like they treat them like they're and the next thing you know they've been there a year and they're just like you slap those suckers on yeah yeah totally like oh you're comfortable with collars now you've come a long way or you get that you get that um the really nice the the super sweet older you know the mom wife the kids are out of the house because they're too open you know it's like the kind of like the den mom and all of a sudden they grab the bar you hear more than like oh yeah or they yell or something like that you're like fuck yeah that was cool you know what's funny is when I hear my son play tennis, I hear him make sounds that I don't hear him play.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I can't even believe that it's coming from him. Really? Yeah. It's, it's, it's like watching a professional, like he grunts and I, in like,
Starting point is 01:03:56 do you think he does that because he, he does, cause he watches it and he hears, no, no, no, it's natural. It just,
Starting point is 01:04:01 yeah, yeah. It's crazy. It's, it's just, it's just, uh, it's like those things sounds that I, it's funny you say it., yeah. It's crazy. It's just, it's like those things, sounds that, and it's funny you say it because that's exactly what I thought. I go, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:04:10 That's just the byproduct of working this hard. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I. The first 30 minutes you're playing, you don't make those sounds, you know, and then at least for him, and then, you know, two and a half hours in and every serve he's grunting uh dude i'm i'm i'm a i'm a noisy worker out person yeah and that's noise i like the noise no and that's not because i'm an old that's not i mean a lot of people like
Starting point is 01:04:35 i'm old but that's why my grunt and groan when i'm knees are creaking or whatever it's i make that's just what i do i have to yes yeah boom it's down uh that was one rep okay cool uh when i play tennis with him i talk shit like crazy shit and one time his tennis and i remember the first time his tennis instructor came over and he's like hey dude he's six does that make you feel better and i couldn't tell if he was joking or not and i just like him said yeah it totally does and and my wife's like hey you know you can't do that in like real tennis you're not and i'm just like i'm said yeah it totally does and and my wife's like hey you know you can't do that in like real tennis you're not allowed to talk to the opponent i'm like well if this is real tennis and i'm talking to i talked to him the whole time or like i i i point that way
Starting point is 01:05:17 and then hit it that way you know what i mean like when he hits it to me i'll be like yeah and then hit it the other way i think that's i think there's nothing wrong with that one. No, that shit's all great. I mean, I don't know about the talking shit part, but it's like, oh, you got to talk. Oh, man. I want to read this to you and then ask you. What you're what makes your day in in specifically in regards to doing your podcast um get with the programming okay i got this i woke up this morning and i and i got this and like i can't tell you like this makes me so fucking happy i listen to your podcast every day during my workouts i've been homeschooling
Starting point is 01:05:58 for 16 years i have a farm regenerative practices that include 500 fruit trees. I used to be a liberal before COVID. I love your sense of humor. It was my 18-year-old who got me to listen to you and Matt and Josh. She said, Mom, this guy is on the same page as you. I'm thankful. I just wanted to tell you. I said, wow.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I said, can I read this on the podcast? And she said, of course. It's people like you that kept me sane these last couple of years. Yeah. And I read that and, like, all – like, I'm going to just, like – Did you get all warm inside? Oh, dude. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Like, I want to go visit that person. You know what I mean? Like, it's, like, that's, that wasn't my intention. But like, now that's like, she just wrote my, now that's my intention. Like, that's my goal, to get one of those every fucking day, and I'm fucking good. My dad, my dad was a great coach. He cared about his wrestlers. He was a wrestling coach for years and years and years.
Starting point is 01:07:03 And he was one of those guys that just worked. He was a wrestling coach and for years and years and years. And, uh, he was one of those guys that just worked. He worked for his athletes, wanted to make them the best, did everything. I mean, he put it all out there for those guys. I mean, there was,
Starting point is 01:07:15 you know, my mom and dad, there were three brothers. And then we had basically all of these almost adopted, adopted other guys because my dad just cared about all those wrestlers forever and ever which brother were you i was the oldest okay oh so that and that's that's like obvi that's interesting okay yeah um the he never did it he never did anything for he didn't do it for any sort of self-gratification yes he always
Starting point is 01:07:46 wanted to win he's very competitive and he saw his teams as like the the mechanism to win but it was always what he could do for his teams and how to work them and how to make them better and and all that kind of stuff he never thought about it until he retired and then everybody came back and there are guys that are 20 years past when he was being, when they were being coached by my dad, where he was, they would still say, I still hear your voices in the things that would you, the way you would push me is how I push my kids. And the things that would keep driving me when I was, uh, when I was in high school, I still hear to these days. I think the people that, that, that element that he had, that
Starting point is 01:08:25 characteristic that my dad had, that to me is what makes a good coach. You don't, you are not a good coach or a good leader or a good podcaster or a good presenter or a good teacher to be like, yeah, that's right. Look how cool I am. All these people are following me. Look at me. Like there are people like that. There are people. Yes people yes there are i see people put on 4 000 instagram followers and they turn into that yeah it's like the second it's about you then you remove yourself you now come off of the pay the the platform of a i'm a leader i'm a coach i'm a teacher i'm a whatever because and you're not having fun anymore god that's the worst place to be well they think they are because they're looking at stats.
Starting point is 01:09:07 But the second you start looking at stats, you're not doing your job anymore. Like the the the job is do what is the best for the people. Like that's that's the whole thing about like playing to your audience. No, fuck that. Yeah. The audience is not there for you to play to them. The audience is OK. What does this guy have to say?
Starting point is 01:09:25 Wow, that really resonates with me. That helps me to move further. That makes me better. I'm going to follow that guy. Not because you dumbed it down, you watered it down, you tried to do whatever here. It is because I see that as a light. I see that as information or something that's going to make me be better, do better, whatever. And what I like about that stuff, I mean, that's something that I think I carry from my dad is the same thing. I don't think about a lot of that stuff. So even when we're doing the podcast, it isn't like, you know what would make us really cool is if we put cult on here and put pukey back on there and say i'm an og you want to be an og like me that it has it was nothing it was none of that it was this just feels good let's
Starting point is 01:10:11 just go yeah yeah it's fun it's fun not that not that um i also want to say not that i'm um not open to uh feedback by the way so i don't know what this post says but this guy right here jeffrey birchfield i dm with him a lot okay and um and sometimes he will give me um feedback in my dms like hey dude that was a little harsh what you said about that person or hey dude do you really think that that that's true about police officers and i appreciate that and i think he's on fucked me a handful of times it's it's it's not that I'm not open to what the audience has to say. I'm totally open to it. But I'm not going to – No, here's what –
Starting point is 01:10:52 If they don't like me, I don't have the energy to try to bend and make them like me. I have to just – I'm really hoping you guys like me and I get fucking rich and get a billion followers. But if I don't, I can't bend to do that. I can't. Yeah. Well, you can't – it can't be about – that i can't yeah well you can't it can't be about if you chase money then you're gonna be chasing the wrong thing then i think you've you've even greg used to talk about that like old crossfit it was like that it wasn't
Starting point is 01:11:14 it's not about the money the money will happen if you're doing the right things it it will happen i mean like the fitness will happen the body will come if you do the right things totally one of the things I think that you have that works well for you, and it's not that we're trying to like the Pump Up Sevan podcast, you know, is the fact that, yeah, you can be harsh at times. And you're very, you will be, I think. Absolutist, as the great Pat V pat velner said he's an absolutist oh yeah with your i'll say you're you're very committed about the comments that you'll say but the one thing that you do do all the time is if you you aren't like i'm only on this side of the line and that's it like if he's if you are going to talk shit about something or someone if that's something or someone does something that is right you are always like you know but i love when they do that like this right here dude nails it he's so good at but i just think
Starting point is 01:12:18 that he's black so whatever but you always give the good and the bad. So like, I, I don't, when people get like, like when the feathers get so ruffled by what you say, and you've always had this, you've always, even back in the day when you were doing the podcast or the, the, the video stuff for, for CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:12:37 you would come around and people would have, I'd watch them. They would mentally prep themselves for, Oh shit. What am I getting myself into instead of like i always thought it was so crazy i never thought it was funny oh you were great you i thought it was like it's like oh man like in chase chase would be like this you would come around if we were if we were called if we were doing commentary he would come around you'd come
Starting point is 01:13:00 around he'd be like fuck i'm out like i don't want to talk to him. I'll talk to him. Because you always ask the question that would push people's buttons. And your whole thing, you know, what you would get by pushing buttons, you would get a reaction or a response or something in a way to kind of, you know, move the conversation this way or that way. And it made people nervous, you know and i i thought that that was cool and it's like well i don't know what these people have to be nervous about you know but like you would give them props if if props were there but if something i mean you would do it to me so here i am i'm the old guy competing you'd be like bill so are you too old to really do this like you you can't do this you're too oh yeah just right there on the field yeah it's like you just want to work
Starting point is 01:13:45 out and i'm coming up to you instead of being like congratulations are you gonna be able to do this because you're fucking old are you gonna be able to do this you know the next workouts in 30 minutes right and i i i saw it as i i just saw it as like fun banter i guess like i i don't know if it's tougher skin or whatever i i never was like you i wonder if it's your wrestling background i wonder if it's your wrestling background i think some wrestling i think you know being in the service like you kind of get used to you kind of you know you're constantly you know rubbing on rubbing and jabbing at people and brothers too i mean it's you get you have to get some tough skin at some point uh i think that we're in the world now we're like no one has tough skin everyone's walking around with like a damn cellophane bag around them
Starting point is 01:14:28 you will never make a great catch without a bad throw never ever ever and that's kind of how i feel about my um uh uh podcasting or interviewing i have to i have to i'll play the heel and i will throw you an alley-oop. Yeah. And you might fuck it up, but I think the vast majority of people on this podcast leave here looking better than when they came on. I think the world – because I throw up these alley-oops, and they fucking – most people figure it out, and they fucking smash them. If someone can get off their high horse on whatever it is, and this is on anything. We're at a place now where we do not know how to communicate. We do not know how to have a discussion, which is, let me hear what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Don't just tell me that I'm a hunk of shit. Just tell me why you feel this way. I'll tell you why you feel this way i'll tell you why i feel that way and then it allows it allows an opportunity for me to be like huh well let me think about that for a little bit you know without without the the defense is going up of no fuck you you're an ass no fuck you you're an ass and it's like that's the discussion no that's not the discussion let's get back to the points of whether we're talking science or whether we're talking fitness. Don't ever bring me into the conversation. Let's just talk about this out here. The second you say, Bill, you're blind, you can't see, that means I've lost the conversation.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Yeah, we're not talking about that anymore. Yeah. You know, and— Is it an orange or is it an apple? Well, you're a fucking idiot. Well, now we're not talking about that anymore right oh man i that it's it's a we're in such a weird time man and i think that's where uh going back to the og stuff whether it was crossfit whether it was whatever like i just was so tired of all of the crap and here i am repping crossfit and it's now a watered down whatever and i'm like ah and me and chase would talk back and forth off air we do our thing we'd come off air and i'd i'd vent about whatever he would vent about
Starting point is 01:16:30 whatever and i'm like dude i just wish it was the old way where no one like no one cared you could talk about what everyone talked about and then it was like okay cool that's awesome you feel that way you feel that way okay start the clock we're gonna do 21 59 or whatever and then we'll high five afterwards and you can think that the moon's made out of cheese and i'll think that the you know we live on a flat earth or you can think that you know you know we're going to the moon tomorrow whatever i don't fucking care we're gonna put some weight on and that's it yeah and then that's cool um and i just that's where it started and that's cool. Um, and I just, that's where it started.
Starting point is 01:17:06 And I, I was getting, you know, I was pissed off at some stuff that was going on at HQ and, and, and like the changes in the field. And it's like, you start feeling like you're on an,
Starting point is 01:17:17 on an Island or that's what I was feeling like in the, like in a CrossFit world. And it was that weird over there for a minute. So bad. So bad. It was getting weird over there for a minute so bad so bad it was getting weird over there for a man but like that's what the og was it was he's like i'm gonna make you a shirt just to make you feel better and it was we just kind of started playing with it and that's where it started and it was like wow you know what we actually we as a community of people that do this stuff we need this let's get back to what's important,
Starting point is 01:17:45 like the grassroots stuff, not the we're leaving money on the table and we need to be inclusive of everybody because it was always inclusive. I was so pissed when people were saying that it wasn't inclusive. I'm like, to who? Well, you know what?
Starting point is 01:18:02 Because it was too expensive. Well, so what? I want to own a lamborghini but or how about this exclusive because i don't have the money i don't have the money like how about this you walk into a gym you walk into a gym and there's six military flags and they're saying that that that's not inclusive hey i went through that i went through that yeah when i first showed up to crossfit i didn't fucking like i didn't know any cops or military people. When I showed up on the scene, I hated fucking cops and the military. It's not their problem.
Starting point is 01:18:33 It was my problem. Yeah. It was my fucking problem. Yeah. You don't – yeah, it doesn't mean that it's exclusive. If I'm offended by that, it doesn't mean that it's exclusive. I never went to a gym where I didn't feel 100% welcome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:50 It's crazy. Yeah. Hey, we're on this text thread, me, you, a couple other people. It's pretty free. It's one of the freer text threads that I'm on where people say what they mean and say. text threads that i'm on where people say what they mean and say and um you sent me a text uh a couple months ago on that thread um and you said hey are you gonna accept don yeah you sent that yeah yeah and i thought that hit me kind of hard because then i thought oh like fuck i hope bill just thinks like i hope bill doesn't think like i'm just a hater
Starting point is 01:19:25 i mean it was a good question i was glad you asked me that no i i don't i i i know that sometimes you can um you'll have a particular opinion and then it's like the opinion hops on the train and it just goes and goes and goes and goes and goes and goes and goes and now i was like okay so here's this guy that comes in i mean he's got a much better resume than eric did as far as like military and you know same kind of personality and okay i see the grittiness um is he greg of course not i mean nobody's greg uh but is he gonna is he gonna to be able to work? And I said that to me, too. You got pretty poignant there, too. You said you not only did you say, are you going to accept them? You say, hey, are you ever going to accept anyone besides Greg? Like you were really like sticking it in my ear and twisting around.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Here we go. Here we go. This is a great thread, by the way. I'm lucky to have friends. I don't want to say who else is on the thread just in case they don't. But I'm lucky to have friends in a safe place like that to like shoot the shit with people. I mean, to be fully honest, like I don't know much about Don at all. I don't I I don't I mean, honestly, I want to hate him or distrust him. None. No, it's like, OK, I will give you the I mean, you're stepping up. Cool. I like some of the things I hear, you know, but it's like, I'll give it, like, here we go. I'll let you, you get your shot, like everybody.
Starting point is 01:20:53 But if he doesn't, if I don't like what he does, then I still have CrossFit Inferno. And I will run CrossFit Inferno the way I think that it should be run because it's my little gig. And that piece is what I think is one of the greatest gifts when Glassman set up the affiliate program, which wasn't like some, I mean, reality. It wasn't some well thought out plan of what we were doing. We licensed the name. But the thing is, it was not what is HQ going to do for all of us. It's a, hey, you get to use the name and you get to do whatever the hell you want. You get to do it. You design it how you want it to be. You make it as awesome or as lame as you
Starting point is 01:21:38 want. You can make it as flashy or as gritty as you want. You can make it as big and commercial or you can make it as homegrown or whatever as you want. And that's through Greg, through Eric, now through Dawn, through a pandemic, through whatever, like Crosswind Inferno has been here because I believe in what the methodology is and I believe in what we've made. And I like it. And like, i i mean i retired early out of fire for the gym it got to the point where like they were i was busy so much on both of them that something had to give otherwise they were both going to be i i respected
Starting point is 01:22:19 the job as a captain in fire too much to be just a shitty right side, sit, you know, sit on the seat and whatever kind of guy, which there are plenty. And I don't like that guy. Um, or I let other people in other gyms come up and pass me by.
Starting point is 01:22:36 And I didn't want that either. So it was like, there are people doing that. I guess that makes sense. Just coasting at the top. They get to a certain level on coast. There are people that coast in general. I mean,
Starting point is 01:22:44 like CrossFit Inferno started as a fitness program for firefighters. That's how it started. It was online, and it was just for that. Because I was so sick of seeing firefighters that thought that because they had a badge on their chest, that now they would be able to be this Superman to be able able to do whatever superman superwoman whatever wonder woman whatever and the fact of the matter is is that they couldn't i would see these hunks of shit physically not able to do their job but because they had been there for 10 years 12 years they figured they have done it all seen it all that they're going to be able to be just fine and they hey i'm going to say something pretty crazy here but i think it's i think it's
Starting point is 01:23:29 kind of true um if if you're if you're a police officer or a firefighter and you're not doing crossfit you're probably not doing your job nope but seven i go to the gym okay i'll give you i do back buys and try i do bodybuilding okay fine fine but probably probably if you're a firefighter or a cop and you're not doing crossfit you're probably not doing your job there which is kind of if you aren't doing kind of an asshole bold thing to say but no it would take a lot to fucking unfuck me out of that i'm pretty certain it's true no it wouldn't take a whole lot of anything. There's a lot of people. When people. What can affiliates do to get them in there?
Starting point is 01:24:11 Why don't affiliates just make. What could you do this? Is this just crazy? What if you did. For every cop. What if you had. Let's say let's say you charge your affiliates $200. Let's say you charge your members $200 hundred dollars let's say you charge your members two hundred dollars a month right and you tell every but for cops it's a it's
Starting point is 01:24:32 a rolling fee depending on how many cops are in there there's two cops are in there your shit goes down to 199 a month there's three cops in there everyone's goes down to 198 a month so it's a win-win for the cops and the affiliates. They don't have to give anything away free. Everyone should have to pay. Fuck that. You know, there's gotta be some way to make it that these fuckers all come in there.
Starting point is 01:24:55 There's gotta be. Yeah. The, what I, what I don't. So we, you know, we do a,
Starting point is 01:25:02 a percentage discount for, duty, cops, fire, that kind of thing. Mostly, I mean, reality, it's mostly a thank you for your service. And since I come from that as well, it's like, yeah, thank you for your service. yeah thank you for your service but i don't want to like personally if you are a firefighter a cop a military person and you need a discount to come in to be a better cop firefighter whatever it's like fuck you no no no i don't i don't I don't want to incentivize with a discount someone to come in and to be better. It's like, you should be, I hear you. You, I mean, in cops, like they get paid well, like they get paid really well. So you can handle, you can handle that amount of money to come in and do whatever.
Starting point is 01:25:58 And if, if it's a money thing, whatever, if it, but you think about it, it should be a... You are a paid athlete. That's what you are. You're a paid athlete. I'd rather get rid of the transvestite reading hour at the public library and give that money to cops to subsidize
Starting point is 01:26:20 their CrossFit fees. Just me, personally. Sure. You okay with that i mean yeah totally hold on who's this hue far from true what's far from true the fact that uh cops and fire don't get paid well no yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i knew that one was gonna set someone off well i hey i come from both my parents were teachers and so i come from the fire service i'm not saying that everyone is a millionaire or anything like that but uh you know they they what firefighter makes twenty28,000 a year? Angelo in Cookville.
Starting point is 01:27:07 There is. Yeah, but you could buy a house out there, buy a four-bedroom house for like $150,000. Okay, firefighter, firefighter two. So you're looking at full-time firefighters and that sort of thing. The volunteer firefighters, the paid call firefighters, the seasonal firefighters. Yeah, they don't make a whole lot of money. I'm not saying that they make a ton. But what I am saying is this, is if you think that you are in one of those services and you need a discount to be a very strong, very powerful, very.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Well, endurance, well in shape athlete that can do anything. Yeah, I know the grundle. I know that can do anything on the job when the tones go off, when the community picks up the phone and they call 9-1-1 and they're like i need help they're not calling for someone that sits on a recumbent bike and watches the football game or someone that uh can lift weight one time they're calling for superman and motherfucking wonder woman yes and if you aren't that and if you aren't training to be that then you're in the wrong job and i'm sorry but not everyone deserves to be or should be a firefighter or a cop or in the military. We've lowered standards to let everybody in because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or because we don't have enough people to get in there that can do these things. Or we make standards for you to get in.
Starting point is 01:28:42 And then once you're in, we don't have any standards anymore, which doesn't make anything. You know, those people are still getting called, still getting called 18 years later, but they physically can't do the job anymore. Like, I'm sorry. Like, I don't buy it. And this is the nice thing for me now is when I was in the service, I had to be very careful about what I would say because of, you know, my chiefs and the unions and, and all that kind of stuff. Now that I'm out, fuck it. Like they're calling for help. They want someone, they're calling for a superhero. They're not calling for someone that can't bend over and touch the toes because there's their, their stomach's too big or their knees are bad or whatever. Like we, we take, we have a great fire engine that can do all the stuff it can do.
Starting point is 01:29:30 And if one little extra safety measure, there's a thing called a retarder on the pump. If the water doesn't have like an emergency overflow in case there's like a a pump in the uh in the water flow how much pressure is coming out it'll dump out the bottom because it now it'll go out towards the end of the hose if that piece doesn't work which is a minute part for the most part then we take that entire engine out of service even though it does everything else perfect yet if there's a person on the engine or on the fire in the cop car that can't pass whatever standards or whatever doing or can't do the job that they need to do, they're allowed to stay there because of unions. And I love the unions for what they've done for the fire and cops. I'm not saying that they're bad.
Starting point is 01:30:19 But when people are allowed to stay in because the union or the department is worried about discrimination. Fuck it. They can't do the job. Get off the engine. Caleb, could you Google retarder and fire engine? The retarder. That's what CNN should change their name to. The retarder.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Are you an able-bodied thinker can you think for yourself watch cnn three hours a day we will retard you we are known as the retarder i i want to have i want here's the thing with don i want don to um he's coming on the uh retarder in the engine what is the retardage for retarders are used to further improve the braking performance on commercial vehicles like engine brakes. They are wear-free, continuous brakes. Retarders relieve – Different kind.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Interesting. Okay. Well, thank you, the retarder. For all you social justice warriors, get on that shit. Okay. Don Fall, CEO of CrossFit, he's coming on the show on the 17th. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Super excited to just hear a story where he came from, what it was like growing up, what it's like raising the three daughters he has. You know, one of the cool things is we tried to set up a time for 7 a.m. with him and he said, hey, I got to go to the gym and get my three daughters ready for, you know, in the morning. The morning, you know, daughter time. I'm assuming take them to school or whatever. I fucking love that. That's just the way he said that yeah um but and i just want to be chill i'd like it to be like uh so he feels comfortable coming back again that also being said i i feel like it would um i'd be betray myself if i didn't ask some of the more poignant questions like, is the affiliate program really just a loyal brand loyalty payment?
Starting point is 01:32:11 Did the owners do the owners who bought CrossFit realize that the way they're running it is like Harley Davidson when it's really the hell's angels that they're, that they're not, that you're not selling a motorcycle is you're actually selling a brand and a lifestyle it's a cult um there's all of these you know uh who who what happened to in the nsca case oh i need to write that down on my note like do i ask him that when he comes on is that i mean he may he's so he's so new he might not even know about the nsca case the fact that it was settled it was settled and the affiliates never got to know what happened. I don't think that that— Do I ask him that stuff or do I just be chill and like—
Starting point is 01:32:54 Yeah, because honestly, I mean, whether he knows about the NSCA case or not— And I wouldn't blame him if he didn't. He's only been there fucking six months or three months like what the fuck how much could he possibly know like for me it would be like okay you stepped into a you came into a gigantic ball of shit yeah you know that right yeah like what made you another good question what made you want to step into that like what made yeah what made you want to use that yeah totally why did you want to come back here? Can I use that? Yeah, totally. Why did you want to step into a giant ball of shit? I mean, maybe the potential is massive.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Well, of course it is. When you step into a ball of shit. Of course it is, because you kind of have nowhere to go but up. Yeah, I know. I don't want to fuck it up. I don't want to fuck it up. But if you if you aren't asking i won't fuck it up just so you know if you i i i i don't i wouldn't even be worried
Starting point is 01:33:54 about that if you weren't asked if you weren't being you and asking the questions he's coming on here yeah he's coming on to your show knowing what kind of questions you're going to ask. Right. And I don't think it's wrong to ask those questions. I mean, because, again, what you do well is you ask hard questions, but you always give the props on whatever it is that they're doing well. Right. So if he gives a good answer, you could be like, wow, come on, seriously, on this one? Or if he says something, you're like, oh, okay, cool. I get that.
Starting point is 01:34:26 I mean, he really is. If I was in his spot as a old school CrossFitter, as a military, you know, ex-military guy and having that sort of, um, personality, I'd be like, bring it at me, dude. Like, let me say what I have to say. I might not have all the answers. I might not, you know, I might not, might be like, oh shit, I didn't think about that one, but at least it's going to be like, look, I'm going to, we're going to try to get it back to where it's supposed to be. And if, I mean, I think what it's like, okay, what is it supposed to be then? What do you see it as now?
Starting point is 01:35:10 Let me ask you this. Let me ask this. If you were born into – let's say tomorrow I had you switch into – what's the guy's name? Usain – Usain? Usain Bolt's body okay how long would it take you to figure out you're the fastest man on the planet and i use that as a metaphor that don has landed in the position of ceo and those of us have been been around forever we know shit like we know that he he's we're
Starting point is 01:35:48 looking at usain bolt me like dude you're the fastest man in the world but he doesn't know because he just landed in there you see what i'm trying to draw here like he doesn't know the power probably of the that the media team used to have he doesn't know that um what causes affiliates to leave or affiliates to come back he probably probably doesn't know about the NSCA case. He doesn't know who the enemies are, who the good guys are, who the – like he just appeared, but he's in this fucking amazing body. Maybe he does know. And who's going to tell him?
Starting point is 01:36:18 I mean there's a thousand – like there's the fucking justice wars. Like you're a black man who's been a victim of the white man and you're oppressed and then there's those of us over here like you're the fastest man who's ever lived don't listen to them it's not relevant do you know what i mean yeah you can win you're gonna be a billionaire with your fucking puma contract do not listen to those people over there you're a a poor Jamaican. You're a poor Jamaican. Run for office. No. Go to – I mean, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:36:49 Like he's landed in this – the potential for CrossFit is fucking insane. So check this out. And does he know it? He jumps into Bolt's body, has the ability to be the fastest man on the planet. Yeah. And then actually realizes that he's really good at chemistry and comes up with something that, like, saves the world that way. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:13 So maybe when he comes into Greg's spot. Yeah. He can see the things that he has. But, you know, again, like, it doesn't have to be. He doesn't have to be he doesn't have to be greg oh shit maybe i'm not going to give don a chance maybe you pegged me and no one clipped that and say maybe you pegged me oh man i saw your face caleb um i mean i i you know at the same are you saying that i that i want that do you hear in my voice
Starting point is 01:37:48 that like i'm just trying to make it go back to the old days and that that's yeah there's an element of that because they're the old days were fucking good fuck this podcast they were huh you said fuck that and we're done thanks for coming and talk to you later go on go on um i think that uh i think that you know when you look back at how it was, it was so new and so exciting and man, it was rolling so fast. And like the, the upper trajectory of what CrossFit and what Greg was doing was, I mean, the explosion was out of control, out of control. And it felt so good to be some, to be part of something that was so cool and so exciting and so fun and so like raw. And it was amazing. Then even,
Starting point is 01:38:37 even at Greg, like I remember like 2018, like, I mean, Greg was pulling away and he you know pulls all the media stuff out and and he goes from he goes from uh you know saying okay here's how you're going to decide what division you're into all right we're going to do what the olympic does and you can say whatever it is you want to be in you can identify with whatever and i'm like like everything just imploded all of a sudden all the stuff that we are part of just fractured all over the place and you know and greg had his reasons for doing whatever he was going to do it was greg's show he could have you could do whatever he wanted if he was going to go out and he's like, I want to pull the plug on everything. Okay, fine. The pieces that Eric had to pick up when he came in, he came in with the skill set that he had, which is I'm going to be as inclusive and we want everyone to be in and we want to be it.
Starting point is 01:39:39 It turned into a money game. And us, old people that came from Greg's, that cloth, that made no sense to us. Made no sense. And the brand couldn't handle that. The brand couldn't handle that big of a switch from, fuck you, we're going and it's going to be down and dirty. We're getting after it to, it's really pretty and everyone come in and we're not going to hurt anyone's feelings. And it's like, that's all we do is hurt people's feelings.
Starting point is 01:40:07 And we talk about call man, call. We don't care about that. It's okay to have your feelings hurt. Like we'll all come back. I'll give you a hug afterwards. It's fine. Like we're all good.
Starting point is 01:40:16 So that's okay to have your feelings hurt. It's okay. You're lucky. Yeah. You're lucky. It means you're alive. You're lucky. So they're out.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Don's in. And it's like, okay, man. What do you think? Hey, you know, that stings a little bit, by the way. For all the people who got fired by the regime that's now out, that sucks. Yeah, totally. Do you know what I mean? I was talking to someone the other day who got fired.
Starting point is 01:40:42 I'm like, damn, the dude who fired you doesn't even work there anymore. And they're like, yep. And that sucks. Yeah. Yeah. Do you ever think... Put up Mike Bell's fitness shorts, dude. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:40:58 If you two do CrossFit, then why do you two look like superheroes? Do you ever think that... Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Line it up, dude. Line it up. That's funny. Do you ever think that
Starting point is 01:41:19 on yours and Chase's show that you're both kind of wide open? There's no... you're both kind of wide open. There's no, like you're, you're the same guy twice. Do you know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 01:41:31 like, like I understand Sean and Chase. I would understand like Sean and Bill, but you have like two guys. Like I couldn't, I couldn't imagine a show with seven and seven. It would be like, I don't,
Starting point is 01:41:44 I would not want to be around another one of me. I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't, you don't think that like you and Matt are like rolling down the same. Come on. Ah, me.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Here's what me, here's, here's what I'll say with me and chase me and chase are not, I wouldn't say that we're the same. Uh, we are cut from the same cloth on a lot of things. We're both athletes, long-time athletes, so we have a lot of the same kind of feels. We like the firing, you know, get excited and get fired up about certain things.
Starting point is 01:42:16 But I don't think that we are always exactly the same. I don't think you're exactly the same. I just mean you're both extremely outspoken. No, wouldn't i wouldn't disagree with that spoken yeah i wouldn't disagree with that i i think that you guys make it work don't get me wrong but oh you're talking about how we push that way so i just on the show there's there's there's not the um there's no pen and teller no it's chase and bill i i think that that I realize and maybe this is an age thing. Yes, this is the nice version of me. Yeah. Yeah. Chase. I know that Chase gets on roles and he wants to get up on his on his soapbox. And it's like, hey, man, do your thing. Me, I don't I don't.
Starting point is 01:43:03 If I was younger, I think I would maybe feel like i want to get on my soapbox too a lot of times for me i'll just like i i'm a little bit more patient now so i can just kind of sit back and wait and then i can just say my piece okay so you guys do so you do see yourself as different in that way i think we're kind of complimentary yeah totally yeah yeah it's like i Yeah, totally. Yeah. Yeah. I love when he gets all right. It cracks me up. It's funny. Do you think that some would some like out of like how often do you guys go go on once or twice a week? It's kind of impressive what morning chalk up is done. That dude, LeFranco, started as a email. Yeah, just an email he sends to people
Starting point is 01:43:45 and then um now it's a full-blown they're doing all sorts of shit you know they do writing they're they do video they they're just everywhere um who now there's a lot of people in the space i feel like there's a there's a there's so many choices there's kind lot of people in this space, I feel like. There's so many choices. There's kind of the lifestyle stuff that maybe Craig Ritchie and the Buttery Bros are doing. And I don't mean to just pigeonhole them. They do other stuff too. And then there's all these podcasts or reports, and they're different lengths. Everyone's trying different things.
Starting point is 01:44:23 There's you guys. There's Clydesdale um there's Jason Media yeah there's Hiller there's um uh who who who's the other what other podcaster there's the wads and pods guy um do you who do you think do you think someone's gonna tap like do you think eventually like like um Armin, like Armin tapped, right? Yeah. Did Armin tap? I haven't seen that guy around in a long time. Yeah. So he had a he had a crazy run. He was the guy. He was the guy. And then he had unprotected sex and now he's not. He's he's kind of we don't know where he went he just um i think people will tap out when they
Starting point is 01:45:07 it's always easy to be in the mix when things are flowing easily or like you're in the beginning so you have all this energy yeah yeah but you have to kind of i think if you for us for me and chase we're we really try to stay in the space of the programming realm. Is something programmed a particular way? Why is it programmed a particular way? And I think even with the Glassman book club thing that we're doing, it falls into the why are you making it this way? Why are you designing it this way? Here's all you really need to do to have an effective program or to have an effective gym or whatever. Um, and, and it's,
Starting point is 01:45:49 we try to stay in our lane with that. I know that we've had people that have wanted to have us talk about different things on our show. And that was something that we always tried to really hold true to, which is we're going to stay in our lane. I think that wherever these other people go, they're going to have to play with that. They're going to have to play with that realm. If they want to compete with, I'm going to look at everything. Okay, well, then you have some giants that you're going to have to compete with. And you may compete with them for a little while or be all excited in the beginning, but then you're going to have to, after the first handful of months of being out there, it's like, are you doing it because you're trying to get something or are you doing it because you really enjoy this? I think
Starting point is 01:46:32 you have always been the talker, the questioner, the, let me kind of see what I can dig on under the surface of whatever, of, of all of the different aspects of things that you're talking about. The morning chalk up, I think something that they need personally, that they need to be careful of, is how broad they go. Because if they go too broad, then it's a very shallow depth on all the things that they're talking about. It would kind of crack me up when they started talking about how the affiliate should run their business. I'm like, well, what the hell are you guys talking about um is anyone is anyone even listening to you for that because what do you think they should stay in uh it's a good question i don't know i i could see them as the general they're like the general news source the the you know the the silly little stories that you hear on the sideline
Starting point is 01:47:26 it's silly and i don't mean that in a derogatory way do you think they should keep it superficial do you think that's their thing like to tell us when the games is to tell us that someone did crossfit and they were blind and now they can see again they should tell us that affiliate fees have been raised their thing is the facts or their thing is like um talking about the fact that like athletes aren't getting paid on the podium or about the athletes sick dog you know do you know what that's in reference to no someone someone used i can't fucking remember what was it emma mcquade someone used basically that their dog had a seizure as a reason for why they didn't do well at an event and i'm not making fun of them that's fine like i like each his own but it is still but
Starting point is 01:48:13 i am also making fun of you too like like you got to make fun of that oh man i did i i don't think i think where they are when they talk about that kind of stuff, it's like, oh, that's pretty interesting stuff. And I would browse through that like I browse through the normal newspaper clip things that kind of come across my feed. I don't see them getting super, super deep. I see you getting super, super deep. I see... Should they? Should they? getting super, super deep. Um, I see, should they, should they, um, I honestly, I think
Starting point is 01:48:50 they're where they do best is there, um, a lot of information, not on a, not a lot of information on one thing, a lot of information, all, all of the things, these guys aren't paying these things these things came up here this uh this thing happened over here this thing happened over here it's almost like these like nuggets like maybe they should be a conductor and just pointing shit out and the rest of us go down and track down the the details yeah yeah kind of i mean i think that's what like when you look at like what brian does they will have the one little piece and then brian is one that goes deep on it yeah you know and that's why i think that that uh um barben you know saw him and and decided to take that it's pull him into that are you um do you do you do you work
Starting point is 01:49:40 for crossfit every year is there something like it do you cross pass with uh ink hq every year like some sort of um if they do commentary stuff and they bring me in then i i deal with them that way i've never i've never officially worked for crossfit i was always a like an independent contractor whenever they brought me in have you ever missed a games where you didn't commentate yeah yeah recently yeah um i didn't do the 20 i didn't do the 2019 games that's when they had that first weird thing and the rogue kind of did their thing and everyone kind of separated out that was the nations when they had like all the nations there okay yeah first one and then um i didn't do what was the that was the one before was the aromas 21 oh the one where there were only five athletes went to yeah the one before that i didn't do and but you did 2022 yeah i did it on the i did it with the masters i did the uh the
Starting point is 01:50:44 division and when you're called to do that is that through um doobies company like Yeah, I did it with the Masters. I did the Masters division. And when you're called to do that, is that through Doobie's company? The last time, yeah. The last time they did. So they say, oh, we're covering the Masters. Will you commentate it? Yeah. And who did you do it with? I did it with jeff brightwell um do they um where did you did you put on hiatus because there wasn't work or was it political um or yes from what i was told yeah um someone in hq
Starting point is 01:51:19 didn't feel that i was uh growing as a commentator um enough and so they decided that um i shouldn't be there and i was like no one told me what it was no one told me who it was if you were on the l1 team they would have given you the feedback straight to your face well i don't know yeah i mean in the old in the old days in the old days you were for dave and nicole they would have told you someone in the old exactly in the old days and that were for Dave and Nicole. They would have told you someone in the old, exactly in the old days. And that's, that was the whole thing is like, you know, the, uh, I, I just wanted like, tell me like, man, I'm a big kid. Like I'm, you know, like if I'm not doing something, but also like, if I'm not doing something, don't tell me after the fact, like if there's a reason that you don't want me
Starting point is 01:52:04 cool, but if I can fix it, tell me before you say that you don't tell me after the fact like if there's a reason that you don't want me cool but if i can fix it tell me before you say that you don't want me because i'm not doing whatever like just let me know you know i'll fix it but maybe i should do a ranking show for commentators with brian well no one's tried to cancel me yet, so who knows? Who knows? What about 2023? If they want me to come out, I'll come out. I love doing it. If they want me there, I love being part of it, yeah. Oh, another thing.
Starting point is 01:52:35 A bunch of people told me yesterday, were reaching out to me, telling me that the games in 2024 were moving to Birmingham. You guys, I said that on the show fucking eight months ago really yeah birmingham alabama it's definitely it's definitely uh i mean going back to 2019 or 2018 it was a um very serious possibility it was one of the possibilities um even before madison birmingham madison uh jackson was also uh i remember jackson but like geez oh man like in summertime florida ew how about birmingham's gonna be fucking hot as shit too i mean what are they gonna call it like the humidity games what are they gonna call it
Starting point is 01:53:18 um so you don't you when you don't work the, you don't go to the games. No. Yeah. No. Me neither. I can't. I couldn't do that. Yeah, it was very, I mean, obviously, I wasn't very happy about it. I mean, I was, no, fuck it. I was fucking pissed.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Yeah. Because it was like, again, just fucking tell me. If you want me to fix something, tell me. I can't. And it's what you do. And it's what you do. Trust me, I understand. Well, and I when I wasn't going either. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like I feel that, you know, what's really hard is that there I mean, there are friendships and relationships that are there. that there are friendships and relationships that are there. And when you've worked with a group of people for a really, really long time,
Starting point is 01:54:13 you think that at least that's the least you can do is just tell me. Give me a heads up. If you want me to fix something, I'll fix it. But loyalties are a big thing to me. That's always been something that's real important to me. And even back in the old grid days, you were the first person that I talked to about grid. I'm like, Hey man,
Starting point is 01:54:29 I know you got the inside track over there. I really want to do this grid thing. Cause I need masters athletes. Oh, that's right. That's right. You were, you were the first person.
Starting point is 01:54:39 Cause I knew you could talk to Dave. I knew you could talk to Greg and I wanted to know, I mean, I don't want to ruin what I had at the time, you know? Right. So what were the politics? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:49 And, and it was like a, Hey, well, he's the voice of CrossFit. So if he's, if he's going to be part of that, then like,
Starting point is 01:54:57 these are two competing things. And I'm like, okay, well then I'm out. And I was going to be offered, they were going to offer me a lot of money to do that stuff. I mean, I probably would have never gotten paid because a lot of athletes didn't get paid on that.
Starting point is 01:55:11 But because Masters were such an inch in the beginning of that setup, you had to have a Masters athlete. And I was one of the good older people back then. I mean, they were going to offer, I mean, way more than I was getting. Even if we're doing commentary stuff, I'm going to a big party on,
Starting point is 01:55:29 um, I don't know if it's a party. Yeah, it's a party. It's a brain party on Friday night. And the, and the host just sent me a text and told me to invite you. Really?
Starting point is 01:55:40 Yeah. That's cool. Yeah, that is cool. I didn't know this person even listened to this show. It's making me nervous. Brother, thanks for coming on. Love you to death.
Starting point is 01:55:54 Dude, I love it, man. Anytime. I've told you that before. Like open whenever you want me to come in. Let me know. Okay. Anytime. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:04 And same. You're always always welcome i don't know what i don't know what took so long it was kind of funny too i just remember just i was just kind of like wherever i was i was like laying in bed or whatever i'm like holy fuck i can't believe we haven't had bill grundler on yet and i just said we have come on we have it's hysterical how we've all gone in our directions but like like our history is i think one of the classic crossfit stories of all time i think it's hysterical yes for the next show we'll tell it okay cool um all right guys everyone thanks for checking in uh bill grundler you're the man um you are and i'll talk to you uh well i'm sure i'll be texting with you today like every day perfect later brother later man can you come on ah yes
Starting point is 01:56:49 nice to see you he's great isn't he i didn't even have to use any of my notes i was gonna say did you even touch them you had a lot of notes for that yeah i didn't have to touch any of my notes hey i would love to do a live call-in show with him like where we don't talk about crossfit but i just bring up all the crazy shit but i feel bad i don't want to drag him into the fucking insanity yeah drag him in front of the fucking in front of tranny talk but he'd be so fun he's such a good talker yeah he's good all right um i don't know uh i don't i don't i don't see the uf do we have the ufc show scheduled tomorrow um i don't we have live call-in show yeah i think that's what we have tomorrow but have you if if you go to um YouTube and you type in UFC schedule, you usually see this fucking amazing schedule.
Starting point is 01:57:50 Oh, so there are no fights again. Really? Oh, there are no fights. Oh, yeah. Not until next week. Yeah, and I only see two at – They don't even have the card laid out. Yeah, they only have four fights scheduled. Look at this guy, Victor Henry.
Starting point is 01:58:15 Can you see him? Yeah. Look at that hair. He looks like Tarzan.. He looks like Tarzan. He does look like Tarzan. You guys want to see something funny? That I sent to you. Yeah, he looks like Tarzan.
Starting point is 01:58:38 Holy shit, it's a 35-year-old dude fighting a 40-year-old dude. That 40-year-old dude's 5'4". Oh, my God. I would fit right in between those two. 35 year old dude fighting a 40 year old dude. That 40 year old dude's five, four. Oh my God. I would fit right in between those two. It's five, five, healthy five,
Starting point is 01:58:51 five. You think you'd take either of those guys? No, I couldn't even be at one of those guys if they were fucking blindfold, blindfolded. Um, did you, did you see the link that I sent you? Can we just play that before we... The car?
Starting point is 01:59:10 Yeah. Let's just play before we go. This shit is fucking crazy. Did you watch this yet? Yeah. This is fucking nuts. Check this out, guys. This is in California somewhere.
Starting point is 01:59:22 What the heck is going on right here? This person's sparking. all doors open right here i cannot believe this guy's car is even going down the 405 freeway but he's making it happen here on one wheel apparently rather dangerous situation happening here on the 405. Tailgate open. There's no tailgate party going on in sight, but this guy is just letting it all hang loose right now. Front wheel is definitely out. Let's see what this person's smoking.
Starting point is 01:59:57 Man. Man. That camera works amazing. Get off the road. Miss, get out of the car. Are you on drugs right now? No, not at all. My car gave out.
Starting point is 02:00:19 I mean, I had somebody help me before. And apparently the brake did not stop. Do you know you're driving on three wheels right now? Your wheel's completely out. You just crashed into this gentleman right here. You're a hazard. You're on the freeway. Hey, Demise, on the freeway. On the three wheels.
Starting point is 02:00:33 I'm going to trade in. You need to get out of the car. I will. Just leave the car. Just get out of the car, miss. Just leave the car. You're on drugs right now. You're on painkillers.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Yes, you are. Oh, my God. You are on some drugs right now oh my god put your car okay hold on a minute hold so here's the thing when he's telling her to get out of the car i want to fucking kick him in the face like hey dude don't tell like shut the fuck up like you've overstepped your bounds but but was he right yeah dude she's she's fucked up that's i can't believe she was like actually driving that so well and she's on she's on drugs oh my god that was and she kind of talked normal and the way she was holding her wallet in her
Starting point is 02:01:25 hand, she just looked like some lady who was in line at fucking Safeway. You know what I mean? Like she had like a little bit of a slur, but like very minor. She probably, I saw that this morning and I'm like, do I maybe like if,
Starting point is 02:01:39 if she gets bad with bill, I'll play this. What do you mean? There's no way I'm five five i look like i'm five nine or something five ten five eleven i know i know i look taller i'm proportioned perfectly uh seven that lady's on the road with you and your kids don't be sympathetic towards her she high as fuck fair okay brandon waddle fine waddell fine you win thank you for unfucking me that's how we get away with it right trish i know we know who trish is right that's like someone that's like wad zombies alter
Starting point is 02:02:14 ego or some shit it's gotta be they're so good trish is so good i'd say trish is like mvp this is pretty good oh you that's bullshit. You mean 6-1. Typo. Typo. Typo. All right. Tomorrow, 7 a.m. If it's a live call-in show, it is going to be one of the craziest live call-in shows ever.
Starting point is 02:02:35 Because I have so many fucking crazy notes and good videos. I'm so excited. I got a 60-pound. So someone in the comments said that I can't snatch a hundred pounds with a hundred pound dumbbell and that I was lying that I'd never done that. So I had, I had a 50 pound dumbbell that I've been playing with. And so yesterday I got a 60 pound dumbbell and I actually snatched it 20
Starting point is 02:02:59 times yesterday, not in a row. 20 rep max. But, but I, it was just, it was like 11 o'clock at night i went in there i rode the assault bike for 10 minutes i was dripping sweat or maybe 10 30 at night and then i just did 20 alternating hands with the 60 pound dumbbell resting in between like 15 20 seconds in between but the 60 felt good totally doable the 60 does not feel doable cold by the way like if i if i have to move the
Starting point is 02:03:26 60 pound dumbbell from one side of the room to the other and you ask me could you snatch that there's no fucking way but after 10 minutes on the assault bike and i'm dripping wet it goes up it goes up pretty easy so now i need to get a 70 pound i'm gonna just keep buying yeah i'm gonna wait a month i'm gonna get a 70 pound. I'm going to just keep buying. Yeah. And I'm going to wait a month. I'm going to buy a 70 pound dumbbell. Progressive overload. I like it. That's smart. Is that what that's called?
Starting point is 02:03:51 Yeah. And then I'm going to snatch a hundred pound dumbbell and that that'll be that. Maybe one time. You're going to get it. You're going to have it filmed. Of course. Everything is to be filmed.
Starting point is 02:04:04 Caleb. Filmed or it didn't happen. 2022 baby. It it's all for it's all for likes and follows all right guys thank you see everyone soon bye

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