The Sevan Podcast - #622 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: October 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 For those who embrace the impossible, the Defender 110 is up for the adventure. This iconic, award-winning vehicle has been redefined with a distinctive, modern design. A reimagined exterior features compelling proportions and precise detailing. Built with integrity and purpose, the interior boasts robust, durable materials. Whether it's the all-terrain capability, ample cargo capacity, or innovative camera technology, the Defender 110 lets you go further and do more. And with seating for up to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Learn more at Bam, we're live. We're live. I was in the comment section. I was just hanging out. I'm not trying to not look 50 like if someone guesses I'm 42 I don't take that as a compliment or if someone guesses I'm 75 I don't take that as an insult ever never have what brings this up what happened oh you're so good hillary so someone said something to you
Starting point is 00:01:11 somewhere dave comes over to my house the other day and he goes dude you look fucking old i go dude i am fucking old how old is he? I don't know. He's younger than you, right? Yeah. But he, and he's all, he, I, to me, he doesn't look like he's aged the entire time I've known him. I've known him 16 years. He looks the same.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Like to me, it looks the same. He looks similar. He looked, he looked best of the long hair. Yeah. No, short hair. The opposite of what he's got now. Oh, I like the long hair. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, short hair. The opposite of what he's got now. Oh, I like the long hair. Do you think I should cut my hair short, like your length?
Starting point is 00:01:54 No. I mean, you've got nice long hair. I've seen it in person. It's good. And you told me your routine to keep it that way as well. So my mom goes, I go, hey, mom, i told her this today dave told me i look old my mom goes you look old tired and sun ravaged your mom told you that yeah it says that castro is 44 according to google and then I said Alexis never said you were
Starting point is 00:02:27 sun-ravaged and she's into that sort of stuff she's always like dude I have nice skin let me show you on in the 4k my complexion is impeccable no I've seen it it's good I'm a wrinkly old man I'm a wrinkly old man but but fuck my my skin is like I I'm I'm a wrinkly old man. I'm a wrinkly old man, but, but fuck my, my skin is like, I I'm, I'm like, perfect. What do you attribute that to? I don't know. I just, I'm sweating. There's, there's, there's a big one. You're supposed to say it. It's genetics.
Starting point is 00:02:59 No, no, no. Crossfit. Refined carbohydrates. Oh yeah. Yeah. No sugar. Yeah. Come on. That was a softball dude you fucked up you don't need sugar i i look at uh um uh joe rogan or dana white sometimes and i'm like fuck i hope i don't look that red kelly starrett went through a phase where he looks super red that that's all gone from him now. I have blood pressure.
Starting point is 00:03:26 That's what it is. But then I was like, I'm not trying. So then I told my mom, I think I look fucking amazing. And my mom says, you've always had a healthy sense of self-image. I'm like, I can't fucking win. win i can't win what brought all this up
Starting point is 00:03:48 just because dave came over and said i looked old and then i was and then just now before the show i was in my yard taking a piss and i was like oh but here's the thing i don't i've never tried to look young i i i i'm i'm happy i'm enjoying getting old i'm old. I'm excited to be 50. When you pee, do you just walk outside and piss in the yard like there's no bathroom? Because you do that quick. Yeah, I just pee right out the door. But just now, it took me a little bit longer because I think my neighbor was just right.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I thought I heard him outside the fence there. And you didn't want to have him walk around the corner and see you peeing? He wouldn't have seen me. I just didn't want him to hear I'm just pissing on his, on his, Oh, you pee on his fence.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I mean, it's our fence. It's our side. Yeah. Your side is. Yeah. Yeah. I think we own one third of our fence,
Starting point is 00:04:35 right? That's their fence. That's their fence. And that's our fence. I spoke to him. I spoke to Matt Fraser a couple of days ago for 45 minutes. I asked him if it was okay if I talked about the conversation. I think he said yes.
Starting point is 00:04:49 You think? Well, if you're not going to get him on the show, this could determine that. Oh, moisturize. So before the show today, I asked my wife if – I pointed to some – like she got all the bottles on the sink and shit. And I was pointing at something. I'm like, can I put that on my face? And she goes, what for? I said to like, I don't know, like to Bondo the wrinkles and shit. And she goes, that's coconut oil.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I'm like, is that what I put on? And she goes, no. And she gave me some some something in a jar. I said, can you order me a jar that she goes, just use mine. That means I'm never going to use it. I don't want to touch her shit. You want to know? Have I told you this? I think i told you this in person i have this lifelong thing with these certain things
Starting point is 00:05:28 which is lotion if you give it to your body it's going to want more so it dries itself out so it's like oh my skin's dry put lotion on the only reason it's going to know like become dry is so you put more lotion on it and i can't wait to see what the comments have to say about this but alexis hates when i say that shit she's like no because you know she's an esthetician skincare this and that what do you got there then that that's interesting what you say about the lotion i like that well don't you say you don't do much with your hair and look at your hair it's great well so my mom goes have you thought about washing your hair i said mom if i do you know what will fucking happen to my hair
Starting point is 00:06:11 if i wash it and she's like well yeah she's like okay don't do it because i'm going to a party at greg's house tomorrow night she's like don't do it tonight do it the next night so in the next couple days i'm going to come on the show with my hair washed everyone's going to be like what it's going to be like this is that what happens to it yeah it's gonna be yeah i have it i have so much fucking hair but it's just so i've never i don't i haven't washed my hair since the 80s and so it just stays like a helmet it hasn't been washed in 40 years holy moly dude i'm excited it's getting like all long and shit in the back someone accused me i walked i went to greg's house today i don't know who it is someone accused me of dying my hair i'm like
Starting point is 00:06:48 dying it no it looks good you're like a silver fox jason's got the idea chapstick is addictive that's what i say people put chapstick on your lips get dry why your lips get dry because you put fucking protective layer over them so they don't protect themselves they get dry that's what i'm talking about so then i I said to my mom, well, some people think I look good. And she said, is that Hiller? She said, well, just know this. Dave wouldn't lie. I mean, she was fucking me up.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I would be like over here, over here. She was just drilling me. Pow, pow. You know, everyone's going to hound you until you tell them about the Frasier talk oh yeah that was good that was good Lucky Straps it's my leather Lucky Straps
Starting point is 00:07:34 camera thing this thing is so fucking nice this came from Lucky Straps camera it's got the Sevan logo on it I showed this to a friend and they go holy shit and i go what they go they had to make a steel stamp for that uh-huh do you even hold a camera anymore like what are you gonna use that for well that's a good i didn't well i wasn't gonna be an asshole but i was really hoping this was a belt you could i i was wondering if it was
Starting point is 00:08:03 some kind of odd belt, but Hey, what if I was just went full hipster and I made a case for my iPhone and this just hung around my neck. It had my iPhone. You're freaking shame. That'd be very, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:19 no, it's gotta be one of those sling bags. They kind of go around the one shoulder. You know what I'm talking about? Have you seen those girls who wear those purses that are sideways lula lemon's popular with those right now um what's his name's rocking that suze is rocking that in europe yes or he wore it at the uh crossfit games too he kind of lodged his iphone camera on top of it when he was streaming that's cool yeah you put that on i probably like you should attach it to your forerunner
Starting point is 00:08:47 key and sienna key my two toyotas but this and then i got these listen you fucking knuckleheads you and camera strap guy and wad zombie stop sending me stickers the fuck to do with these i got my thing what am i gonna do with all these seriously seriously fucking cracker jackers i only got has he made any new cards lately i've got velner i know you did i'm gonna be pissed because i haven't gotten it hey i had grunler on today how do you do i haven't been able to watch that one yet well he's old and he's lived a life and so old yeah he's 50 okay are you saying you just said you were not old no i am old he's but i'm not trying to not be old he's 50 and he's lived a whole life like he's been a fire captain and he's been a crossfit athlete and he's a father and so like we 90 minutes went by like that because there's depth to him there's like layers
Starting point is 00:09:50 to him like it was crazy no i'm so you sure they're doing just jackasses what are you sure he's 50 i think he's 57 i actually think he's 57 no he was he was just in like the 40 to 44 age room not long ago he's older than me he's older than me. He's older than me. Bill Grundler. Hey, Sebon, just some gifts for you and the team. Thanks for being awesome. Someone Google Bill Grundler. Dude, you had him on the show today.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Did you not ask how old he is? No. I mean, I'm just telling you. I thought he was 44. Fuck no. I was right. I was right. No.
Starting point is 00:10:22 That is such bull. There's no way. Fuck you, dude. I knew that one. I was like, he was right. No, that is such bull. There's no way. Fuck you, dude. I knew that one. I was like, he just competed. No. Okay. Hey, Sevan, just some gifts for you and the team.
Starting point is 00:10:33 For the team. I'm sharing this shit. Thank you, Mr. Lucky Straps. Hopefully one day we can camera and crossfade. That would be cool. I actually would like that. Lucky Straps, not a hipster. I don't mind being – well.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And I wanted to open this on the air. I don't know what this is. William C. Oh, no. Oh, no. What? This is going to be one of those gifts that's so nice that I'm never going to want to use it. You're holding the gifts on this show. I'm never going to want to use it oh no oh wait what
Starting point is 00:11:08 are these placemats what are these iPad covers oh I thought this was oh these are mouse pads oh you will use that that is nice I will use the shit out of this wow oh my god it's got matt's name on it oh my god if there's one here for andrew i'm gonna hillar i'm gonna fucking vomit no you know what i got you want to see my oh my god oh my god there's a fucking
Starting point is 00:11:39 he's not part of my team we use use Hiller. Yeah, you use me. I was just telling that to Alexis. I was like, do you see Savant's freaking title right now? Hiller pronounces Haley Natty. He also wants to pay an athlete. J.R. Dude, that's sick. Taylor Self.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I'm going to need that shirt or that ASAP. Holy shit. Brace yourself. Brace yourself. Heidi. Oh, he went deep. Brian has one Taylor,
Starting point is 00:12:20 Heidi, Jr. Andrew Hiller, Matt Sousa, seven Madison, Will Branstetter, and my homeboy, Caleb. Caleb Beaver.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Dude, this is crazy. Hell yeah. I might keep yours, Andrew, for my other computer. What a dick move. You could. I don't know if I can. This is what I've got. It's just like a bad look.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Oh, that's nice. It's like a freaking giant mouse pad. I had to pick up the whole computer to show you that. That is nice. Hey, this probably cost the dude 50 bucks to make. I think this guy's Australian. That thing is sweet. He made it out of a kangaroo.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Can't stop smelling it. Thank you. This is really cool. I was waiting. I've had this here next to me waiting for you to pop in the comments so I could open it and you could see me open it. He's in the comments, then. Yeah. He just gave $14, $15. Oh, look at the camera. That's who's up there. I just read Persephone's skin cream.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I never read who it was from. know you like it i'm hearing stories about me um when i do nice things hillary so you'll appreciate this i do like those things i was at uh i was at uh the store today and with my kids and just now i was at the market and i got a cantaloupe for them to eat for breakfast tomorrow and a bunch of other shit and the cantaloupe sitting at the top of the bag and I got a cantaloupe for them to eat for breakfast tomorrow and a bunch of other shit. And the cantaloupe sitting at the top of the bag and you get kind of like a reusable, if you spend more than a hundred bucks, you get like this reusable bag.
Starting point is 00:13:51 So it's like sturdy and all my shits in it. And I'm walking out and as I'm walking out, there's these like seven Hare Krishnas in a Escalade. What's that? They're the dudes with the orange robes and they got the fucking dot on their head. I don't even know if they're really Hare Krishnas. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I'd have to look it up, but I think they're Hare Krishnas. And, uh, and I pulled the cantaloupe out of the bag and I told one of my kids, I said, Hey, go hand that to the dude in the Escalade. And my kid looks at me like, fuck no, Joseph. And I said, okay. So I, I, I walked over and I handed it to him and he goes,, hey, why did you give that guy in the robe the cantaloupe? And I go, just because they're like religious dudes and they're do-gooders. They're like trying to make the planet better.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And Ari looks at me and he goes, Heidi, that means dad. I go, yeah. He goes, you're really nice. I'm like, yeah. Andrew Hiller thinks so too. Because you gave him a cantaloupe? That's what he said to you? Yeah, he goes, you're really nice. Now, was the cantaloupe pre-planned or were you just walking around with a cantaloupe that's what he said to you yeah he goes you're really nice
Starting point is 00:14:45 now was the cantaloupe pre-planned or were you just walking around at the cantaloupe no no no it's their breakfast in the morning but you got to give dudes and robes shit you got to it's just part of the it's part of my way where did you pick that up you have to give dudes and robes shit so now i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna get in trouble i'm gonna walk up to some dude and give him like a piece of pizza. He's like, what the fuck? Yeah, the Haley Natty or Not videos is – Do you watch that? Yeah, I thought it was super fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:15:15 It's really long. It's kind of long, yeah. It is super fucking cool. And it kind of made me feel good when you did that because I didn't get the response I thought I was going to get from Brian and John Young. I thought they would have been like, oh, that's really cool. I wonder what it looks like. And it's just kind of like, like when I threw it out there, it didn't hit. You know?
Starting point is 00:15:40 So the fact that you picked it up. Oh, they hung up. What's a funoism? A funo-muston. Smiley face. hit you know and so the fact that you picked it up oh they hung up what's that who knows smiley face do you know what that word is no do you know fitness lonnie is andrew yeah he's armen hammer no that's a good guess though okay what about him there was a guy in the community named fitness lonnie and uh he used to hang out with all the cool kids and he made and he had all these alter egos and he made these fucking hilarious videos he was really out there and he was pretty damn fit and he was always with all the hot chicks
Starting point is 00:16:15 and the cool kids and he just yeah kind of like that but but but different but so different robert was more serious like this guy was just kind of like the homeless buff court gesture jester okay and um sort of like a sam dancer meets robber somewhere in the middle there and he um he but both kind of hold on. I hope everything's okay. You're live on the air. What's up? Hello? Haley?
Starting point is 00:16:52 You're live. Haley? Haley? Maybe she pocket dialed me. Bill Grunler is 53, guys. I texted him. You think everything's okay in the house? Should I call my wife just to make sure? You should. Has she ever been on the house? Should I call my wife just to make sure? You should.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Has she ever been on the show? I don't think so. No. One time we did a show together and for some reason it didn't upload right. Of course. Thank you. SDF DFDG.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I could text her. Did everything happen okay? Everything? Did everything happen? Okay. Everything. I mean, did, did every, is everything, did everything happen?
Starting point is 00:17:29 Okay. Hey, your phone just called me. Is everything okay? Is everything. Yeah. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 00:17:36 I love you. Bye. Jesus Christ. Okay. Uh, uh, she's good. She pocket dialed you.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Um, right. Uh, okay uh uh she's good she pocket dialed you um right uh don't read this out loud on the show someone just texted me something why this is a great text why can't i read it yeah she or one of the kids did wait this guy just gave 30 dollars no it's 10 it says 10 yeah but over here he gave 20 i'm doing the math for us yes okay you're damn i didn't put them together dude i'm off today i'm like floating around over here you're you're you're loving the comments it's the hill or fit show i haven't asked you one fucking question it's okay no we were talking about the hailey netty or not but that was really a okay hole in from your own show i was in the shower listening to you talk to brian and john and then when i grab ideas i screenshot it and i take a note in my notepad and i'm like i gotta
Starting point is 00:18:34 do a video on that oh i like that so i i have a time stamp so i don't have to go back and find the point in time which you said that and if you don't write it down you're fucked because you you'll forget it forget yeah i had i had to like and i had to get the phone without dropping it this could be one of those shows where we this could be one of those shows where we never make it to um uh who texted you the actual show what did fr Fraser say? 45 minutes. We're 45 minutes in. Oh, no, no, no. You said, Oh, let me just say this. Let me say this about what he said. First of all, cause this is the most important thing. And then there was tons of stuff. So basically he called and he basically said, Hey, I just want to clarify that I don't get paid to do
Starting point is 00:19:19 programming for events. No shit. Yeah. And I said, okay, cool. And he goes, so I just don't want there to be any rumors out there. And I go, yeah, I go, a lot of people came to your defense and he goes, yeah. And he goes, um, uh, it's not like I do, I don't do any one better than any other one. I put my, you know, I give it my all in all of them and I don't get paid for them. And, um, not only that, but there are tons of restrictions. So I'll just give you one example. I said, what, why do you use the torque tank? And he goes, because we have to. I could be mischaracterizing that. Hold on. I could be mischaracterizing that. The way I'm saying that is like that he would never use it if they didn't have to.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I don't mean to say that. If I could get away with saying that, I would need I should have clarified that with him. So I don't want to mislead down that. But he he did say i said does the torque tank have to be in there and he said yes that was that would be more accurate okay um did you ask him whether or not it's worth having in or like we did talk we did talk and i don't want to say what he said because i disagree with it so much and i don't think he's right and i don't want to make it seem like i think him and I need to have like more open diet. He his views of what you can and can't do with a torque tank are different than what I know. What someone has to do is they have to have a torque tank and they have to just do some sort of a test with it. Let's just see a torque tank race. Let's just see a race. Twenty of the fittest guys at the game. Let's just have give up one of the events.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And you just it's a race across the field. Torque tank. have give up one of the events and you just it's a race across the field torque tank that'd be i promise you that um justin will do that or adrian will have to do that if you give a million dollars thank you dear torque tank for a million dollars they'll let those jackasses uh and and and if if i'm right whoever comes off the line first is the winner um i think it could have been a dear bill and katie they sell it on rogue but they wouldn't be the ones who sponsor only dear bill and katie if it's the shit i want i got it fucking i want a torque tank like i want a shanker on my caulkins patrick clark i owe you a sincere apology um that that comment on my instagram is taken a little bit out of context. I respect your contribution to the community, and I really respect your contribution to the show, and I've always appreciated you in the comments.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And I – and I owe an apology to Lauren Khalil actually too because I think she's amazing. There's people over there that I think are fucking amazing, i'm and i'm all about you guys and and so sorry you're telling me that that's directed at others i made a wise crack on my instagram that without tommy and brian that shit's fucking gonna tank and that's not true that that's it's not true i just know You meant just without Brian. Oh, Andrew, no. Okay, well, you tell me what you meant. Don't let me put words in your mouth. I don't want to say anything else because I think you're closer to the truth than I am. Okay, I need to show you this and get your feedback on it.
Starting point is 00:22:18 You ready? I'm excited. Yeah, show me some shit. Show me. I sent it to you already. Where? To your Instagram today. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:32 But I'm going to show you now anyway. Oh, okay. And maybe a little refreshment. Live reaction. Yeah. So you guys, I want you guys all to watch this. This is Dave Castro. It's three very handsome men, Dave Castro, Gary, sexy Gary Gaines and Mr. The True Silver Fox, Don Fall, all sitting with the most handsome man on earth, Ricardo, Ricardo from Brazil. brazil um and dave is answering some questions from the audience this is in brazil i think
Starting point is 00:23:07 they're an affiliate and it looks like we don't know for sure what they asked dave but it looks like they asked dave hey are you done with the games forever i'm guessing i don't know they don't play the question that's all that's all yeah yeah yeah this is good shit this is really good can you operate the vacuum without your team i think we're about to see i'm waiting for this thing to pop up okay uh so i go to share um i don't see share oh present oh they don't have a share button on streamyard anymore present oh share screen drew that is the question what if i put what if i just said video file and i just shared the the video file uh sir trolls a lot hey i'm having serious problems in the bedroom
Starting point is 00:23:54 when the live call-in show and daniel brandon affair great question great question great great great question i decided the last one oh. I just did it. Wow. Okay. Here we go. Could you guys hear that? Yeah. You have to listen very carefully.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Here we go. I got closer like I was going to do something. Yeah. Here we go. Listen up. Listen up. Here we go. So that's Gary Gaines in the middle with the shorts and the sunglasses hanging in the middle. That guy runs the affiliate team.
Starting point is 00:24:25 The dude on the right, that's Dave Castro. I don't know who the chick is. On the left with the baseball cap is Don Fall. And to the left of him, I think, is like the big affiliate dog in Brazil, Ricardo. I had him on the CrossFit podcast. Good dude. Chicks swoon around him.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And I'm not using that like in hyperbole. Like chicks get around him and they get all lightheaded that brazilian guy okay okay i'm ready okay here we go i decided the last one that was going to be my last announcement i was going to move on from that i d dave said i decided that that last one was going to be my last announcement. Dave said, some decisions in 2022. And he gets a laugh from the crowd. Some decisions in 2022
Starting point is 00:25:27 threw a wrench in there. So it sounds like his plan was to make whatever his last season of the games going to be his last season for some sort of announcement or something. But he never got to do it because we all know he got fired. Algunas decisões do ano de 2022 meio que aceleraram essa... Now I do feel like I have unfinished business.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And there it is. Dave says, and now I do feel I have unfinished business. So if the question was, hey, are you ever going to work in the games again? And Dave is saying, hey, I do feel like I have unfinished business. Yeah, he got fucking tossed out and it wasn't
Starting point is 00:26:06 on his own terms look at Don Gary's loving this because he knows it puts Don in a weird space because you know fucking the games to the games team that hates Dave is tripping they're like oh fuck and they know Dave's gonna go out with Don tonight they probably
Starting point is 00:26:22 are sharing a king-size bed to save money they're hole to hole they're sleeping hole to hole don't worry have you ever sat like that Dave's going to go out with Don tonight. They probably are sharing a king-size bed to save money. Hole to hole. They're sleeping hole to hole. Don't worry. Have you ever sat like that? Like what? Yeah. I try to sit like that because it's what old guys are supposed to do. It's hard. I can only do it with one leg.
Starting point is 00:26:39 It basically tells all the women in the room not to try to ride your dick. Because you have not. No. It's kind of a late night thing I do. I do it as a challenge. But I don't sit like that out of.
Starting point is 00:26:52 You just look so comfortable. And if I even try to get in that position, stuff gets in the way of stuff. Something has to be special about your hips. Wow. Oh, and look at Don's nodding. And now he does the head scratch. That's what I would have done if I was him. I'd be like, oh, fuck. What language are they speaking?
Starting point is 00:27:18 Spanish? Portuguese. Can anybody tell us what they're saying in Portuguese? Oh, I think that might be Daniel Chaffee on the left. That's Europe's big dick in CrossFit. That's a cool dude, by the way. All those dudes are cool dudes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Oh, my God. They're freaking out. It seems like it's been going on forever, but it might be. It's because it's closing. Hey, guys, we got and look at the chat what huh who bill bill grunther's in the chat now so everyone can ask him how old he is okay now look at now now look at dave how he retracted into his his seat i want to analyze this body posture here like he's not he's either he's either like fuck
Starting point is 00:28:05 i'm cool for dropping that bomb or he's like fuck i can't believe i said that in front of don look at look at dave posh that tells me he's he's like i can't believe i said that that's what it looks like yeah to me too oh fuck yeah yeah oh shit me and are going to have something to talk about on the flight home from Brazil. And Don's doing. Yeah. He's like, oh, son of a bitch. There's going to be a whirlwind. That's the first time I've used present video. I wonder how I make it that shit go away now. video i wonder how i make it that shit go away now uh remove from screen oh i could have full screened it i want to see what that looks like oh fuck that that gets rid of us we're back it ain't no hill or fit but it's pretty cool no that was cool that means he's uh he's kicking
Starting point is 00:29:01 adrian out what's that mean no i don't well shit i don't know no i don't think so when he says he had an unfinished business his main business at the games was to write programming like that that's what he's passionate about from what i can tell right and i've done quite a bit of looking into on what he said about the games. I mean, there's a whole lot of course, but he had a plan. You read his book, didn't you? Or did you not? I did not. Programming the CrossFit games. It was like the 2017. And there he talks, he talks about like the year leading up to it. You read it?
Starting point is 00:29:39 Oh yeah. It was, it was really good. I actually read it with my eyes. I didn't read it while listening to it. I don't think they have a listen. Oh, yeah. I'm wearing my OG shirt. Grendler, great podcast today. Thank you for coming on. I forgot what it's like talking to someone who actually has lived a life and they got shit to say.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa i'm sitting right here man ask me something deep sorry how many years did you serve in the military oh yeah all right keep going back to back to the natty or not right right back uh okay um what did i have anything so what do you do you want to say anything about that about the um i mean nothing more than i just said i mean there's not that's probably the biggest thing right is whether or not that has anything to do with what adrian's been doing over there and i guess how uncomfortable it could make certain people correct or incorrect correct I mean that's really the biggest things I'd have to say
Starting point is 00:30:50 and the boss was right there so we can read his temperature on it we can like look at his face it didn't seem like he was all that happy about I mean it's just the way he was sitting there's something big about that position yeah it tells me he's trying to look comfortable but there's no way he's actually comfortable sitting like that.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Kate came saying it's bad for your back. Why would you do that to yourself on purpose if you weren't trying to look a certain way? That position is bad for your back? That's what Kate was saying. Her chiropractor said. Oh. Oh, here we go. Patrick Clark says they were talking about open announcements in that
Starting point is 00:31:27 context. Okay. So they, meaning what do you do more open announcements? I can't see. I can't see Dave. Do we open announcements? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Under the current, uh, under the current leadership. Yeah. I just can't see him playing nice with current leadership yeah i just can't see him playing nice with uh i just don't see that i mean maybe i'm wrong i think i think bob's been knocked out of the park last year me too i think i think it might be not the best to go i don't know though because they both do so well maybe they work together i don't know but you can't
Starting point is 00:32:02 really do that it's a it's a presentation we see what happens at fucking guadalupalooza when a whole bunch of people try to put their opinions onto a set of workouts then you get garrett say you're popping out of the woodwork oh my goodness okay uh i'll i'm gonna put a star here i spoke to fraser and we'll come back and i asked him a bunch of questions about mal and other shit and he was really gracious and answered so you're working on that retention time huh we or to keep everyone in the audience here by coming back to the first no this is just a hill or fit show and we got to get through some of these it's an amazing line it's a fucking shitload of videos an amazing lineup okay i gotta pull up a hill or fit youtube page hill or fit youtube i did the same thing i don. I never remember where we ended off, though.
Starting point is 00:32:46 What's the last thing we talked about? I don't remember either. I think it might have been the shorts because we didn't talk about Tommy Tillman, did we? We did talk about Tommy Tillman. Okay. We did talk about Tommy Tillman. Tommy Tillman was the dude who got busted once by you and busted once by CrossFit. Correct.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Have you heard from him? Have you heard from him? And I haven't heard from his relatives either. They're out. They're gone. Sprinkle in a little Fraser every 15 minutes. So you did – there's a video here on Wadapalooza, and in the beginning of it you say uh that where is it where is this is it the one with britney spears on the front some of these thumbnails i think that i get super
Starting point is 00:33:37 creative with this one here from nine days ago you say that you made it and then you got new information and so you had to remake the entire video again. And when I heard that, I was like, holy fuck, poor – where are we? Where the fuck did we go? What do you mean? We're not on the screen anymore. I'm in Illinois, man. There we are.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Did you have to remake that whole video, and did you want to blow your brains out? Yeah, that's happened a handful of times. And it always fucking sucks. Like one thing that happened is, I guess I can just talk about it on here, is it appeared as if CrossFit was going to come out with a series of trading cards. And I had this entire thing set up that was ready to lay into them because you know where we get our trading cards from, right? Wad zombie, wad zombie.
Starting point is 00:34:25 So I had this whole thing put together. And I and i'm like fuck yeah here's my video for tomorrow and then someone let me know that they were just digital copies and they weren't actually going to be making them and i was like well now i can't release this fucking thing yep there you go so in the entire video you had spent hours lifting the ax to chop the balls off of CrossFit HQ. And then, and then like, I found out that it wasn't going to come to fruition. So I was like, ah, now it's sitting in there. I guess I could just release it. Cause that's kind of good, but it's good for no reason.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And with this one, I don't remember what it was that I had found out. Maybe I just wanted to realign all of my thoughts on it. So it was similar, but I guess I had to change a handful of things based upon something I had heard from a couple of people. That was maybe two and a half or so hours deep into it. And I just had to restart, which sucks. I had three hours of notes from the Tracy Henderson video
Starting point is 00:35:21 I did last week. That's the lady who, the attorney who basically got masks banned at at schools in utah which is fucking amazing that that was that was a good show i like that thank you and and i and i lost three hours of notes and people have dm me telling me i'm a fucking idiot for taking my notes in in gmail but i lost my notes and i had to start all over again and that show took me six hours to prepare for. I cried a little bit, Andrew. Did you actually? Yeah. I went into child pose. Do you know what that that's like?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Do you know what child's pose is? I went into child's pose and put my hands like over my head and, and kind of like, and like a, a moisture, my tear ducts turned on and a drop came out because I'm feeling sorry for myself. What happened to your paper notes? That's how you used to do it i know and i bet you were paying for it then when your child's supposed to cry in your eyes anyway everything happens for a reason 30 minutes or so and i used to have to like hook up a series of different microphones for my program
Starting point is 00:36:22 and i stopped doing that at one point because it became such a fucking nuisance. It would take 45 minutes to record a 30 minute video. And then one time I found out that I hadn't recorded and I did the same thing. I was like, I got to do it all over again. It was done. It makes you want to throw up a little bit, right? It's fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:36:41 It's not even a bad thing. It's not like someone called and was like, your best friend's dead. But for some reason, it rocks you.rick i know it'll be used patrick's so good i know i'll hold on it's i still have it it's uploaded it's ready to be released it's just somewhere it was maybe about that it was before the games like right before the games there's so many um i have so many uh beta qualities but i will tell you this there's absolutely no bitch in me be very clear about that very very clear lots of beta qualities lots of beta beta
Starting point is 00:37:17 um tomorrow tomorrow's i have a live call-in show it's gonna be interesting it's funny they i have all the people i've told you's gonna be interesting it's funny they i have all the people i've told you they were gonna get fired got fired and i one more guy that andrew weinstein douchebag who fired me who feeds all the shit to fucking who feeds all the shit to lefranco that's the funny part about that whole thing too that dude's gone and that's a fucking yeah well that weinstein guy's gone he's out since when basically they from what i'm hearing they got some crazy corporate douchebaggery basically he hired a pr firm which is crazy that that should have never happened under greg's watch hired a pr firm to to work with the games and work with crossfit and then now
Starting point is 00:37:58 he doesn't work for crossfit and he works with that pr firm and and how that corporate douchebaggery you know how that corporate douchebaggery works right i get you a big contract with um i work for the cdc i get you a huge contract with uh uh i i get something passed for pfizer because i work at the cdc making 120 000 a year and three years later i'm making 500 000 a year at pfizer that shit happens all the time dude that's not tinfoil hat shit and so like when and this dude's in that business the pr and it's all the pr guys who do that so he worked for crossfit hires this firm and now he goes and works for this firm that's what i'm hearing i don't know if he works for this firm on on uh you're not sure about that though yeah those are
Starting point is 00:38:40 the rumors coming out they're pretty good they're're pretty good. I'll keep you guys posted. Okay. Yeah, I'm a master beta, yeah. Yes, yes. Master beta. I like that. Yes. ATM, you ever see that movie, Human Centipede?
Starting point is 00:39:01 Have you watched that? I've seen all three of them, dude. There's three of them. Oh, I know. Yeah, and they get worse and worse. They turn the entire prison into the human centipede. We shouldn't talk about this. This is bad.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Has anyone in the comments, does anyone in the comments know about the human centipede? I bet that 75% know about the human centipede. I have so many questions about that movie. Can we get the director on here? It was a low budget movie, wasn't it? What a great excuse for me to watch the movie. You've never seen it? No, dude, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I don't know if I can, dude. I don't know if I can't they sew the lips of the people onto the anus they do the worst of this i don't fucking want to talk the worst scene in the movie that the doctor is just like eat feed him and he just yelling it's pretty messed up do they they show you close-ups and shit? Mm-hmm. And then they're like, there's infections and shit going on. Anyone who's had a weak stomach should not watch that movie. I saw a movie yesterday called Smile. That movie's good.
Starting point is 00:40:17 It's in theaters right now. It's one of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time. Oh, fuck, killer. I'm into horror movies. Wow. I don't put very many of those into my videos most of them are you know comedies but horror movies are where my heart sits oh what wadapalooza releases notifies people of which videos which workouts they're gonna do they're gonna require videos on can you believe that that
Starting point is 00:40:46 that i think that may have been the bit that i got that made me start retooling everything now that you know that you say it like that i part of me likes it like the honesty of it all uh if you're going to cheat on we're only going to require one two five and six uh all the others you know and right away and right away you spotted people cheating hey i will say this that workout that that that is a that is a wheelhouse workout for some for a lot of people there's people who can fucking crush one of them there's people who could crush fucking deadlifts and toes to bar who just aren't good at other shit yeah i guess you could say that who who comes to mind when you think that i don't know i just i just know that like who just aren't good at other shit. Yeah, I guess you could say that.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Who comes to mind when you think that? I don't know. I just know that, like, that workout that they had at the games that year, whatever, at the games, that 275 deadlift, 10 burpees, or five deadlifts at 275, 10 burpees, three rounds. To get to an half-minute workout?
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah, like, I fucking crushed that and beat half the field of the games. And I remember thinking, Oh, I guess I'm good at that. Cause it was just burpees and deadlifts. I mean, the fucking, it's all in my wheel, like crazy wheelhouse to an extent,
Starting point is 00:41:54 there's going to be those workouts for everybody all the time somewhere though. Right. But you're, you are right about this workout. It's a, it's certain people's wheelhouses, but the motherfucker who I called out for cheating on this,
Starting point is 00:42:04 that he's not that guy. You're not that guy. And what's a it's certain people's wheelhouses but the motherfucker who i called out for cheating on this that he's not that guy you're not that guy and what's that guy's name garrett sager garrett sager and and people ponied up did um can you believe that people ponied up money and they were basically saying that if he sends in a video, did he have to beat you? No. All I did was – so I was making the video, right? I was remaking the video. And I'm just like talking about it. I'm looking at the leaderboard, and I'm like, the people on workout number six are likely not all legitimate, starting with the person in first place, Gary Sager. I think I said something along the lines of you're, it's not, you're guilty until proven innocent.
Starting point is 00:42:46 And then I kind of sat on that and I listened to it a couple of times and I go, you know what? I'm going to offer this guy 200 bucks to show me his video. I was like, why the fuck wouldn't he show it to me? If he had already had it done. And then everyone in the comment section did it on their own. I didn't do anything. I think it was vindicate first goes, you know what?
Starting point is 00:43:02 Fucking I'll put a hundred bucks in. And then it just kept on going that thing is like 300 something comments on it and 75 to 90 of them are people offering money to this guy do it show them it's all on instagram hey so for people who don't know what andrew is referencing is there's basically this is a great this is fucking such a good video it's it's an amazing uh roasting but basically this guy garrett sager um but basically wadapalooza said hey we're not gonna ask for a video for a certain workout and and hillary's like wait a second that means everyone's gonna cheat on that workout and he looks to the guy who took first place and basically says hey um i'm really cliff noting it hillary says
Starting point is 00:43:46 hey i've raised 7100 if you'll send in a video and show your time and the fucking guy won't send in his video and show it's time you you want to know what though right i mean that sums it up right the other day i'm a fucking asshole this fucking guy he's such a he all right the other why is he an asshole though he's not an asshole he just he just he puts this thing up the other day oh i didn't put this anywhere it just says this is the video everybody wants to see right and it's legitimately time stamped around that time now all i can think is if you had the fucking video ready to be posted, you would have done it for $7,000 unless you're Justin Bieber. Hey, here's the thing, though.
Starting point is 00:44:29 You kept saying that, like, hey, if you post the video, I'll eat crow. But you don't really eat crow. What do you mean? Like, if you're wrong, who cares? Well, what I told him in the comments is I go, dude, no matter what you say, I'm like, no matter what you say, I've got a 10,000 view video coming out of this. I don't really care. I'd rather you don't do it because I'm out 200 bucks if you do do it.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Right. But either way, it's just good. I was proud of the entire thing because it was me creating something basically out of nothing. There was nothing there. And I kind of pulled this out of the freaking Wadapoo's wildfire. The guy who offered the $5,000 is a douchebag.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Care to share? You don't think he's going to do it? David Danny or Danny David or whatever. That guy makes posts on my account, and he's just a tard. Who is SDFDFDG? This is not real. I mean, he's not wrong with what he's saying. I's a tard. Who is SDFDFDG? This is not real. I mean, he's not wrong with what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I kind of felt that way. Like 10% of the people would probably pony it up. The last two weeks of videos have been bangers. Yeah. I mean, he's been saying things that are good. I just don't know who he is. Don't drag Bieber into this, Chris Birchfield. Hey, I love Bieber, Bieber's a good guy
Starting point is 00:45:46 okay so that's a great video for anyone it's called getting paid $163,000 per hour and it's a fun go back and forth between this guy Garrett Sager and Hiller it's just kind of a troll roasting
Starting point is 00:46:03 that's my best video of all time if i had to wow i i would have to say so well thank you garrett for the inspiration because you're kind of like killer's muse he is he said he was living rent free in my head and i i was like you know what if that's the case then i'm happy because he gave me my best video yeah of my opinion i thought it was my best put together that That's got, that can't be used anymore. I'm living rent free. And someone said that we needed something new. That's, um, it said 2020. It makes them sound like a tool. Yes. But yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's just a good thing. Okay. What's this workout you kept talking about that was misunderstood where people
Starting point is 00:46:43 had to subtract from a row row from their workout their workout, or they weren't supposed to subtract? Explain that to me. I couldn't follow that in the video. What happened? Workouts four and five. A Wadapalooza qualifier. Yeah. So the example very easily put, we can say, Stefan, you've got to do a 1,000-meter row as workout number four, and then you've got to do a hundred burpees.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Okay. Your score for workout five is the row plus the burpees. Got it. But people were only giving you the time in which they spent doing burpees for their workout five score. So let's say you went four minutes on row, four minutes on burpees, your score should be eight for workout five. People are giving themselves times of four minutes on burpees your score should be eight yeah workout five people are giving themselves times of four minutes so so workout four was a thousand meter row and workout five was whatever it was you haven't told us yet but it was the it was workout four and five combined correct i couldn't have seen that before what's the point of that what's the point of that that's what happens when you've got a whole bunch of people putting workouts together thinking it's a good idea when in reality it's one of the worst ideas
Starting point is 00:47:48 of all time because if you have that fucking row in there you've got a whole bunch of dipshits all over the world on an open leaderboard trying to say i'm gonna win the row and then completely tank the back half so it's screwing a couple of people over, and those people were mostly in the intermediate categories of the leaderboard. I will say this. If you want to hear one, I would love to hear someone argue this back to you, but what was workout five? Do you know off the top of your head? I'm trying to see if I can pull it up. It was some sort of wall walk, wall ball, devil's press, box jump over workout it was a chipper and i don't remember
Starting point is 00:48:28 the exact reps i know there was five wall walks can i find it on here a bunch of shit uh athletes workouts workout five and four and five right so So is it over? Is the qualifier over? So this is why I couldn't name it. It's like a bunch of chip or the bunch of shit in a random order. Is the qualifier over? It is. And so we know who's going to go to Waterpalooza.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Correct. Uh, there, there may be verifying scores. And, but they invite a lot of people anyway. They're pretty cool. Last minute. Like at least O'Keefe used to do that. Right. Last minute last minute if someone's like hey they want to come as far as that i don't
Starting point is 00:49:09 know but i don't think that o'keefe's any longer affiliated with wadapalooza is he right right but i'm guessing the spirit of it is still it's pretty like i know it's top 20 go elite 20 through 40 go rx and then everyone after 40 they shit out of luck on the open leaderboard and then they have an intermediate leaderboard as well which i think takes first through 40th you have to watch this video to hear hillar talk about why it's so fucking stupid what's that to program a thousand meter row in a qualifying event didn't i just tell you you did but i like to it's better in the video when you say it okay at least for me i wouldn't i wouldn't have been i wouldn't have been able to understand what you said just now if i hadn't seen the video
Starting point is 00:49:58 i have a buddy who lives in color who's 6'3", 260 pounds. He was at my affiliate, and he hasn't worked out in a year. And this dude could go pull a 1K and 255 if he wanted to. Now, this is one guy, and this is an open leaderboard. And there are so many people across the freaking world who could also do this and skew the leaderboard drastically just because they can do a 1K. Now, this guy wouldn't be able to do fucking anything on the back end, but he'd be able to tip his cap and say, I won workout number four on Wadapalooza. Fuck all you guys.
Starting point is 00:50:38 And then he wouldn't say anything about workout number five. I have the fastest 1K of everyone qualifying. And it's very much something that happens and and and then what ended up happening happening is enough people actually did what andrew said and put a fucking bubble there in that fucking workout pushing people out say that again the intermediate leaderboard it's very apparent like if you're still a lot of clues to pull it up click on it we can look at it and then go scroll up oh fuck go on athletes do they have the leaderboard up they don't you'd have to google a lot of palooza qualifier leaderboard maybe not maybe it's not worth it
Starting point is 00:51:18 it's base it's basically like just imagine all the outliers if there were 100 people who were outliers who did really well at that they fucking put a huge bubble in the score, and they pushed people out who were shoe-ins to qualify who now won't qualify because of a bunch of shitbags. And by shitbags, they're not bad people. I just mean they sucked at everything else, but they got a crazy good road time. Well, it's one of those things where you can't blame the people.
Starting point is 00:51:41 No, no, no. I don't blame the people. I don't blame the people. I wouldn't blame my buddy in Colorado for doing itbags i just mean the quality they're not good they're not great crossfitters they're 6'3 and 255 yeah yeah and it puts this crazy bubble in there well it's just like how chase always says that there should be no one rep max is in a in a worldwide open sort of competition and if there are there should be a handful of things to offset it yes like really offset it and there's nothing in that
Starting point is 00:52:11 qualifier that offsets it actually there's things that go the other way and make it even more power output based and sdfg is right it's a bad scoring system you said you said that bill and chase should be the guys who review every comp. They should. You like their stuff that much? I think they've got, at the very minimum, a level head on their shoulders. In that What Is Fitness video that they have where they review the Greg Glassman article, What Is Fitness, they even go – they basically just open up the whole fucking thing. They're like, these are the three tools that we use to determine if there's good programming or not. We take it right the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Like, they show you the tools that they use. Get With The Programming has been around for so long, like much longer than some of these people who are programming competitions. I just don't know why they don't have some say in some stuff. They can bring JR in too. He's pretty smart yeah yeah yeah yeah um you you think that these are um do you think wadapalooza is a professional event i don't even know what the fuck i'm asking that hurts my soul to ask that question why does it hurt your soul because i don't know what professional because i don't know what soul means either but you did it twice in a row i don't know i don't um i don't know what professional means yeah what's a professional event to you like wimbledon an nba basketball game is that a professional event in the most extreme thing um a professional
Starting point is 00:53:38 is someone who when you what when you changing your kid's diaper you change his diaper like it's your own cock and balls you're taking care of in your own ass. Like, you make sure, like, hey, the baby's three months old. He's got diarrhea everywhere. Like, don't be in a fucking hurry. That's the only professional that I've known of in the CrossFit space. Right. It's either to get shit off you or save someone's life.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Those are the only two professionals. Because at Wadapalooza, they're not doing it with that in mind. They're doing it with pumping money through in mind. And what, what, what are the other people do to look for some sort of fitness looking for capacity, staying true to the test. I already brought up earlier in this Castro brings up staying true to the test. He brings up putting himself in the shoes of the athletes.
Starting point is 00:54:24 And you just said the cock and balls. Yeah. Put himself in the shoes of the athletes. And you just said the cock and balls. Yeah, put yourself in the shoes of the baby. Yeah. Yeah. Like, are you going to clean the baby perfectly like a professional? Or are you going to be in a hurry and like not do it right? There's like a catering to the masses that you do to protect your self image. And then there's like what you would do if you were in the shit.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And Castro's the do it as if you were in the shit kind of guy. And I've competed at Guadalupe Luz a lot. And I always have some shit to say about the workouts because it's always like, pump as many people through this as you can. And that's not something that Castro would do. But maybe that's what you have to do in order to make money at these events
Starting point is 00:54:58 because I've never heard issues about Guadalupe Luz at payouts. Like that event where the guys were standing on the box and the rings were hanging on the box and the rings were hanging around the guy's neck and people were doing that was not water polo and that was not any sort of crossfit sanctioned event but that wasn't perfect that's not professional that's epitome of what's not professional exactly that's you wouldn't do that you wouldn't do that to your kids or ask your wife to do that no not if you're smart some people ask some pretty stupid shit though all right so bill bill you endorse bill and chase it's like some sort of like um like if
Starting point is 00:55:32 like oh they should have a stamp looks like this yeah yeah clearly i endorse bill and chase yeah i do they're smart i'm getting a little ahead of myself fuck i'm not gonna do it um okay uh um you brought up the other day that i can't control my eyebrows and now it kind of bothers me a little bit because i can't they just look in the mirror and work on that you You become the next Jim Carrey. I don't understand my notes here. Can you help me? Power output games. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:13 At the very end of that video, you go, unless you want the power output games, like that was a dig. What does that mean? I don't get that. What does that mean? It's what I just said. I don't get that. What does that mean? It's what I just said. The last year that I competed at Wadapalooza,
Starting point is 00:56:30 if everything is in a five- to ten-minute time domain, it's going to favor a certain type of athlete. If you look at the qualifiers over the past couple of years for Wadapalooza, this year I think they did a much better job making it more towards your typical crossfitter. I've always looked at it and said, hey, would Rich Froning win this? And if the answer is no, because he wouldn't be able to keep up with someone like a brick shithouse, then the answer is it's a poor program competition.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You could say the same thing about maybe being too gymnastics heavy. That's kind of how I've always looked at everything. It's like he should win or Frazier should win. And Frazier ended up dominating everything at one point froning was always close right he was always like close he was there some people pushed him at times fraser ended up dominating so maybe he wasn't good a good example but there were are things that people that froning got demolished on um there's a distinction here chase i think you bring up a good point um doesn't everyone get so there's that definition of what's a profession, what makes you a professional, like in that term, like whether you got paid or not, I'm talking, um, Hiller and I are talking about what makes someone a professional in terms of just kind of, um, a true professional, not something outside of the, the economic um definition you're you're you have a you have a certain criteria of expectations or caliber of effort um um that's why it's above
Starting point is 00:58:00 them that's above the medium people say that again that's why i asked what your opinion was because i don't think that I'm anyone to be determining whether or not someone's professional. I can determine whether or not criteria is hit. I can look at it and say, okay. I think your content is very professional. Well, that's nice of you.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Thank you. How can you say that? What do you say that for? You stay in a you stay in a bandwidth. Not that that's necessary to be professional, but you stay in a corridor and you present this content. present this content. And all your content has a certain kind of continuity, meaning it's you, the cadence of it, your message, your subject, your logic, your values. There's just this whole, if your first show was a diamond, you've polished it. Nothing has changed. It's just getting brighter and brighter and brighter. You're not changing the angles of it. You're're not cutting it it's just this thing that just keeps getting better and better
Starting point is 00:59:08 and better but there's a continuity between all of them and uh i i just see it as a um i mean i see what you're talking about no i gotcha because you do the same thing your shows have gone a long way i listened to one of your original podcasts. They're very different. Oh, good. But they're still the same. They're still good. Yeah, it's just this refinement, this effort.
Starting point is 00:59:34 You haven't fallen asleep. Every time you change the baby's diaper, you should care. It shouldn't just be like really fast so you can get back to your favorite Netflix TV show and you're slapping the fucking things on there. It's like, hey, make sure it fits nicely around his legs like it's you're a fucking professional like do this this is your fucking kid this is your greatest piece of artwork treat the fucker like perfect and that's what you do you present you present to you care about what you're presenting to the world. Oh, I sure do. And people are like, that's just clickbait.
Starting point is 01:00:05 And you're like, yeah, what did you think? Was it good at it? 100%. I saw this. I wanted to bring this up. I didn't want to interrupt you. Go ahead. The best golfer won't always win, but the comp should tell us why they're programming.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And when I put out my little fake workout thing, which I know it's not your thing to talk about. You kind of drive you insane. I tried to talk about why the things were where they were and i also referenced the froning mayhem event in 2020 maybe it was 19 right around there and he put out a little prelude to every single one he goes here's what we're doing this is why we're doing it here's what inspired the event have fun go do it they're like little one minute clips but those one minute clips were deeper than any single competition has ever gone explaining what they were with i guess the exception do that what was the comp what where did he do that mayhem classic 2019 maybe they're all on youtube
Starting point is 01:00:56 you can pull them up that's really cool yeah pull one up can you do that yeah yeah uh i want to say this to jr though um because he he he talks about golfers um but but do do when when golfers play courses do they get like hey this is why this hole was designed this way this is why this hole was designed this way i'm sure you can find that because usually the golf courses are hundreds of years old. You can find like the history of the course. Oh, yeah. 2019. Highlight day one,
Starting point is 01:01:32 may I'm classic week for, it's like a, they're like one minute bits and it'll say event something. You think I should go to YouTube? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 01:01:42 yeah, yeah. I see it. I see it. Okay. It's running, sitting there with like some graphics around him i know what it looks like let me and jaren started doing crossfit one of our first workouts that we did you know the bottom of the mountain that we live on or that we're on right now it's almost exactly a five feet from bottom to top you know there's
Starting point is 01:02:00 a lot of things in those woods it's where i grew up it's where i got lost a lot growing up and uh we're gonna run right by some of my old stomping grounds when we used to be dude this there's a lot of things in those woods. It's where I grew up. It's where I got lost a lot growing up and, we're going to run right by some of my old stomping grounds when we used to be. Dude, this is fucking brilliant. Uh-huh. This is what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I've been, you know, your shit Hiller. What? Say it again. I, I made two videos off of this series of videos. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:23 It's good though, right? Yeah. This is fucking dope i got some fronting content stored back here it's always ready to be pulled out hey do they do this every year i don't think he's done a mayhem classic since this but it was what i think it was one of the best program competitions of all time be out in the woods you know these hills can be pretty devastating and unpleasant so let's
Starting point is 01:02:47 make it a little bit more unpleasant and add a ruck so go rucks come on and uh we're gonna have fun on this event rogue invitational was the first i guess uh real first time i've rocked uh we did it again at the games and so when we looked at doing the classic i wanted to have one god and giving other people credit and the whole fucking shebang that it's good yeah and he did one for each of these oh go ahead go ahead you read it go ahead tiller water palooza is a great event it's not supposed to be the fittest that's the games it's a well-programmed and fun event. Wadapalooza honestly has been and is the blueprint of events and how to do it. Well, Bill. Yeah, Bill.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Well, Bill. It's just Chase now who's reviewing all of it. Yeah, yeah, Bill. You're out. Bill, you have seniority over me in talking about things, so you have to defer to Bill. Bill, that's fine, but they did shit the bed on releasing, which is fun. It gives us something to bill bill. That's fine. But, but they did shit the bed on, uh, releasing, which is fun.
Starting point is 01:03:46 It gives us something to talk about. They did shit the bed by saying which, which events, um, we're going to be, I want to say him and chase did a show on that as well. They did. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:55 They fucking hate the 500 meter row by and every course is different. This is from Jr. How every course is different. Some are made for putters, some law longer off the tee, et cetera. So you have favorites for those majors, and they aren't always the number one in the world. CF comp's not the game similar.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Correct. That's kind of what I was thinking. I have no idea what he just said. I don't even know what I read. You don't like golf. That's right. Oh, he should have heard a cat. A thousand meter row.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Yes, a thousand meter row. Can you hear the cat? No, can't hear the cat. I was trying to see if I could see anything on your book stand when your chair moved. I couldn't. That's a picture of my wife. That's a picture of me. That's a picture of Avi. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Has anyone ever asked you to do a walkthrough of your room like this is the room that you do all your podcasts in like everyone wants to see what's in my garage it's like yeah there's there's a bench there's a worm i have a worm there's a uh have you noticed this thing this worm oh yeah this guy's coming on the podcast oh shit i just fucked all my notes up this guy's coming on the podcast my rad hunt smells like fish mike hunt smells like fish come on dude when's he coming on soon dude you should totally do an mtv crib show this is my house everyone's seen my house all over everyone's seen my i work out video guy uh what say it again the workout video guy that you're supposed to be doing a workout you said you were going to do friend right do you think that it would be impressive if i no i didn't say
Starting point is 01:05:38 i was gonna do friend i mean maybe to you i did in private but yeah but that's if i bring it out of the show it means you're going to do it. Do you think if I snatch a 100-pound dumbbell, that would be impressive? Fuck yeah. Okay. I do. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:05:53 I've got one over here. I want to impress you. Bald from creatine and eggs. Horseshit. Not true. Not true. Not true. You have five pet peeves. i take people who ask should i take
Starting point is 01:06:07 creatine like like fuck yes shut up exactly that one stemmed from a haircut that i had barber i was sitting there and he goes every single time i sit there it's like the same conversation i sometimes i get pissed off i'm like do you even fucking listen to what i'm talking about and he's like whoa whoa whoa what are you talking about? And he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking about? Take the fucking creatine,
Starting point is 01:06:27 dude. Just take the fucking creatine. So that's kind of, I, it gave me a little bit of a, what is it called? Uh, motivation.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Agro from your TRT. You got agro from your California hormones. A little bit, a little aggressive. Yeah. Yeah. That, that,
Starting point is 01:06:43 that peaks out at times. Oh shit. I'm looking at what Patrickrick clark said what do you say uh it looks like uh um homeboy got a new house who's homeboy madaris can you imagine being that young and owning a fucking house let's go check it out so the next couple weeks We're gonna be freaking working on the shop Hopefully we can get it done In the next two to three weeks or so But we'll be kind of following along We'll document the whole process See everything we're doing
Starting point is 01:07:12 From flooring to paint to drywall To freaking installing everything in the gym So make sure you guys like, subscribe Follow along And can't wait for the next one That's where Ellie's gonna That's where Ellie's gonna get pregnant Fuck, dude You know what? Every time I look at him i imagine him as if he had no hair because i just want to be
Starting point is 01:07:30 ready for the day he does it oh just because bald there will be a day and i'll be the only one to recognize him who is that barrows congratulations justin fuck you got a house. 25? 24 he is? 17? I think he's 24. When you pick clips for movies, do you ever like, oh my god, this would be a great clip if I could just find someone saying, I don't give a shit, and then just type
Starting point is 01:07:58 into Google movies, quote, I don't give a no. No? No? So today's, for example, is the Hayley Adams one, 40 minutes long, maybe it's 42. And I got it down into 20 minutes and nine seconds. And as I'm like cutting things out and going through it, I'll say something and it'll like buzz in my head and I'll go, oh, this is from that movie. And then I, and then I grab, I pull up in YouTube and I'm like this scene from this
Starting point is 01:08:23 movie and I screen grab it and throw it into the computer. By the time I'm done making a video, there's just thousands of little clips. So you can deduct everything you do. Deduct. I mean, in your taxes, everything you watch. Oh, yeah. Everything. Whether it's the fucking news or anything, it's a deduction for you because you're always on the fucking lookout.
Starting point is 01:08:48 A hundred percent. Everything I do goes into the video. Your internet, your electricity. Yeah, your electricity. It's all fucking great. Yeah. I thought you were going with that. I thought you were going with how the fuck do you remember that stuff? I't know just some people do that i'm one of those people so there was a there was
Starting point is 01:09:09 a clip in there where that said you fucking cocksucker you're telling me you'd seen that movie you're fucking cocksucker yeah okay you're a cocksucker that's that's nicholas cage in uh colorado space that's what you're talking about i guess i just can't believe i'm like 2021 and i watched it during covet times maybe 2020 then raw eggs number four you do or you don't like people who eat raw eggs um i used to do it and i was always being given shit by people who said that it would pull biotin out of you or something like when you have when you have it, the albumin in the egg is going to start pulling biotin. You're going to have a deficiency and your hair and nails are falling out. And the other thing I would always tell people is I want to wake up. I want to have the amount of protein from the egg.
Starting point is 01:09:56 It's like a protein shake. Just cook the egg. I'm like, yeah, but if I cook the eggs, I got to clean the pan and then I got to clean up everything around it. And then a study came out recently saying that there's no difference. That's the, you absorb the nutrients and they don't sap your micronutrients and it's all good.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Paul Saladino says you shouldn't eat the whites. Yeah. Everyone's going to say some shit. Everyone says some shit. The question is that I always go back to my, does it make you feel bad? Well, he says you shouldn't eat the whites raw.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Hmm. And he says, so probably forget why he says why there's some chemical in there that's no bueno you ever done raw eggs have you done them yeah well i got was into the liver king for a long time i might have one tonight just to just to so i can say i did one recently how how how is it so easy so i did it for a year first thing in the morning i do five raw eggs wow i've probably done 10 in my life wow oh no i would go to costco every week i'd buy two dozen or two 18 packs so 36 i would do it every morning and it's fine i never got sick never felt like shit didn't really do it it was just food you remove chalk from your gym i've never used chalk in a crossfit workout in my life you picked up on that i was wondering if anybody would pick up on that yeah chalk i don't like i
Starting point is 01:11:16 don't even i don't even understand chalk i don't know what to use chalk i don't use chalk i don't know. What do they look like? Are there calluses on them? They do. Yeah, I see some. Yeah, it depends on what you're using it for. I haven't got this one here still. You know what its purpose is, right? So you're not wet? It increases the ability of you to grip onto something. Yeah. The only time I get slippery is I... it increases the ability of you able to grip onto something. So like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:11:47 the only time I get a max snatch or a max clean, you chalk up your hands. It increases the adhesion of your hand, your skin to the bar. Yeah. It might make it feel five or 10% more stuck to the bar. Yeah. I always tell people don't use chalk until you get up to a heavier weight and then it gives you a little bit of a boost because you feel like you're
Starting point is 01:12:03 stuck to the bar a little bit better. I think I mentioned that in the video don't take your sweatshirt off until you just fucking you've wanted to take it off like for it's the fifth time you wanted to take it off that's i had a bolt do you know what the bulldog is it's that zamboni looking machine they have it at crossfit affiliates things awesome oh yeah yeah cleans the floors yes i would do that like four times a week and if there is a week in the summer where everyone was like sweating like crazy and just throwing shock maybe the class after i had zamboni the whole place it looks spotless and i'm always really proud of it and like usually people
Starting point is 01:12:35 are like oh i'm sorry because they don't want to walk on the wet clean floor i'm like it's going to get dirty anyway but that day people were like throwing shock in there like lebron james i'm like no chalk for a week and then people were like throwing chalk in there, like LeBron James. I'm like, no chalk for a week. And then people were better about the chalk again. And no one at my affiliate ever let me forget about it. Remember that one week where you took the chalk away? Like, oh, I remember. Best decision ever.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Yeah, I like that. I like it that you did that. Sevan uses lube at the gym. Patrick Clark, I'll do the rope 1,000-pound challenge. I'll do it with my deadlift and my back squat. I don't do X because of Y. What? Yes, that's your number two pet peeve in the video.
Starting point is 01:13:21 I don't deadlift because I don't want to hurt my back i don't want to deadlift because i don't want to hurt my back that's me that's my x and that's my y and then the actual reason is your x hurts because you don't do y yeah yeah you should be squatting because and if you haven't been so your knees hurt and it's always someone who's a little bit older who thinks that they know better and i'm like i don't know why you think you know better and i also know you're not going to listen to someone like me because or 10 to 20 years 30 And it's always someone who's a little bit older who thinks that they know better. And I'm like, I don't know why you think you know better. And I also know you're not going to listen to someone like me because we're 10 to 20 years, 30 years younger than you. And we haven't been there.
Starting point is 01:13:53 And I guess you're right. But also, I know a handful of 50, 60, 70-year-olds who have been exercising their entire lives, going through a full range of motion. And they're all good. They never talk about their knees. I have one guy in specific. He was a weightlifting coach at my affiliate and he was 68 years old. His name is Bob Bondeman. And this dude has the most crazy mobility ever.
Starting point is 01:14:14 And he's in great shape. And Bob Bondeman, Bob Bondeman. He's the man. And there's a chance he scrolls across this. He's 70 and he's 145 pounds. He can snatch like one 60. Wow.s across this. He's 70, and he's 145 pounds. He can snatch like 160. Wow, wow, wow.
Starting point is 01:14:29 He's strong. He's amazing. He's a really good dude, but there's no problems with his knees. Why? Because he's been going through full range of motion his entire life. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Plus. Yes. He can do the middle splits at like 70 years old. It's nuts. Bob Bondeman. Bob Bondeman. He could sit like don fall in that video oh he could for sure uh number one you hate hypocritical comments if you're going to do
Starting point is 01:14:53 something own it don't feed into people's bullshit and be the codependent don't participate in your client's justification of their failures i fucking love that that's that that's like half of society is doing that now it was easier for me well no one could have known no one could have known don't worry no one could have known don't don't feel bad no one could have known i do that with all my buddies present day too anything comes up i'm like well you guys knew about this the whole time and you it's like when i told my mom i'm'm like, some lady told me I look great. She goes, Dave wouldn't lie. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Thank you, mom. Your mom's right. My mom's living rent-free in my head. It's always usually the drinking, the one that you brought up. It's the easiest gym one. Well, you know, I had to go to this party it's like well you didn't have to and if you did have to go you didn't have to drink you threw raves in there i just want to say something that raves are good for your fitness first of all i didn't
Starting point is 01:15:53 appreciate you throwing raves in there raves one uh you do ecstasy or mdma and so you you go on a caloric restriction and two you dance your fucking ass off so i don't i'd like you next time not to throw raves in there something that that causes weight gain i should have said concerts i should have said concerts i'm sorry yeah i did go to a rave recently not recently maybe a year or a half ago with alexis and she goes fucking crazy she wore the apple watch and it's like i burned 3 000 calories in the past two hours it's like did you do did you do mdma never have no did she never done it uh not that i know of you would like you would you know how like the incredible hulk says you wouldn't like me when i'm angry i would love you would love alexis on some mdma is that right yeah oh yeah if that is
Starting point is 01:16:43 if we were both on it or just, she was on it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. What you think? Just, just somebody, just what, just,
Starting point is 01:16:52 just somebody. I've never done anything harder than pot. That's the hardest I've done. Yeah. That's good. I know. I listened to you talk about nicotine. My parents were hardcore smokers growing up.
Starting point is 01:17:06 I think I'm traumatized from that. I'd go to school and they'd be like, dude, you smoke? I'm like, I'm in eighth grade, man. I'm not smoking. I want to ask you, how much do you think it costs to charge an iPhone? A cent, two cents, not much. How much does it cost to charge an cents? Not much. Does it cost to charge? Not even.
Starting point is 01:17:28 I just said the cheapest amount of money I can think of. It's probably a fraction of a penny. Oh, charging the iPhone 6 costs 47 cents a year. There you go. It's a fraction of a penny. Why do you ask? I can't believe it's that cheap. How much does it cost to charge an iPhone in the UK?
Starting point is 01:17:47 Jeff, my parents smoked a shitload when I was in grade school. That's why. How much does it cost to charge an iPhone one time? An average price of 12 cents. To charge an iPhone one time, it costs 12 cents? Yeah, that's what it says here. Fully trained. Come on.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Where are you reading that just i'm just googling charge does charging i how much does it cost to charge one iphone you're looking at around two dollars per year to fully charge your iphone every day much less if you have a smaller smartphone something you said in one of your shows made me be like wow i wonder how much it costs to charge an iphone oh i didn't talk about it but it was in that it was in the something that inspired in that sager video cole sager video jared sager garrett garrett sager hey and how about uh how about fucking nicholas joyelle made a cameo that's fucking hard that's why you're a fucking professional that's hardcore how do you figure it's just like it's like it's like on the muppets at when fucking michael jackson showed up i mean i don't even know if michael jackson ever was on the muppets i don't either i just like it that it's just i mean it's hardcore con it's
Starting point is 01:19:03 hardcore crossfit content to have Nicholas Joyel, the fucking juiced up kid from Canada, come on and fucking can't beat this fucking dude's time. Jared Sager. Essentially a CrossFit Games athlete. He couldn't beat this random nobody. God, that was fucking great. And we knew him as the gymnast monster, knew him as did like the gymnast monster,
Starting point is 01:19:26 right? He was like the gymnast man at the Atlas games. That's all we heard about him. Yeah. We got to, I, when we, when we cover rogues,
Starting point is 01:19:35 the jello, Zello, Zello, Zello games, we should have him. If he wants to be one of the commentators, it'll give people shit to talk about. Those guys over there are using the juiced up guy to commentate.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Who's going to be talking about that? Anyone. Anyone that just more clicks, the better, like you say. I agree. I agree. Okay. Speaking of which. Wow, I'm through two pages.
Starting point is 01:20:02 I tried to freaking plug the Danielle Brandon one a couple of hours before your supposed podcast with her. Oh, yeah. On Sunday. I put that in. I'm like, this will be good. It's right before I'm on show with it. It'll get it even more clicks. I'll put it up.
Starting point is 01:20:15 They'll bring it up. People will go to that one. They'll see that it's just Alexis and I talking. I thought you'd like that one. That video, I did not like. No? No. I thought you'd like that one That video I did not like No No I thought you'd like it
Starting point is 01:20:27 For the sheer reason No Maybe I thought Sousa would like that one I did not like that video Fuck Why Cause it's the opposite
Starting point is 01:20:34 I don't want to I don't know if I'm ready To tell you Hmm I'm ready Oh That would be awesome If he had Phil Toon
Starting point is 01:20:43 Oh What if we could get Phil Toon to do it with us, the rogue? Phil and Nicholas. Should I text him? Phil, you, and Nicholas, and me, and I'll be the only person who's not juiced up. That'll be funny. Hi.
Starting point is 01:21:03 For those who embrace the impossible, the Defender 110 is up for the adventure. I... Whether it's the all-terrain capability, ample cargo capacity, or innovative camera technology, the Defender 110 lets you go further and do more. And with seating for up to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey. Learn more at I know it was fun, but there was like a, that video with Alexis was fun. Everyone fucking loved that video, man. But there was a meathead component to it that I just didn't like. Like, like I, I'm, i'm such a curmudgeon like when you're like if a guy if a guy is a seven and he goes to the crossfit games three times is he higher or lower i'm gonna be like he's a fucking i i
Starting point is 01:21:58 can't even relate to why anyone would fucking give their life to try to win the CrossFit games. So he's a four. Let alone, if you've tried three times and you haven't won, like, switch. Something else. Go, like, I just couldn't relate to, like. How about this, Sevan? She's been vaccinated, but she's got big old titties. Is she a zero or is she higher than... It's just I wasn't asking...
Starting point is 01:22:32 She's a 10. She's a 10. She's a 10. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Hey, she doesn't even have big old titties. She's vaccinated and she has titties. How about that?
Starting point is 01:22:43 Oh, she's a 10. She's a 10. All bodies. It wasn't mine. I don't want to talk about that video right now. Okay, that's fine. You did Fran barefoot. What was your score?
Starting point is 01:23:02 208. Yeah. That was cool. What was cool about it was that And what was your score? 208. Yeah. That was cool. But what was cool about it was that it didn't hurt that bad. That's what was cool about it. I don't think a single one of your listeners can do that. I beg to differ. Not one.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Not one. I know there's a couple of games athletes that watch my stuff. They can't do it. You don't think so? No. Did you ever hear that? Did you ever hear that? That that's that idea that I threw out there.
Starting point is 01:23:28 And I said, I don't think half the games athletes could do a sub two minute Fran. I think I was on that show. Yeah. I think I may have been. I mean, that's not even a dig. A two minute Fran is absurd.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Who do you, we were talking about how the taller guys, you don't think Bukowski could do it and stuff like that, right? I don't think Medeiros can do it. You don't think Medeiros could do a sub-two-minute Fran? No, no, I don't. You think he could do a 208 Fran? Yes, maybe. I think he could, too.
Starting point is 01:24:02 It's more about the same height. It's really much like height. It's a height thing. So Fraaser could probably do it in 150 saxon can do it why saxon but not spencer i don't know i just those are just like that's what i think i don't know i wish i could height colton can do it he could do it. Yeah. Cold down gear, 130. You should totally do it. When's the last time you did friend? Oh, my God. Years ago, and it fucking broke me off.
Starting point is 01:24:37 It broke me off. That 95-pound thruster is a lot for me. In what way? It's just fucking, I get buried. get buried i get like that many of them john young can do it you think john young can do a sub oh jr just said he can do it in 207 no yeah his pr dude that's fucking 18 years ago for that fucking dude that dude has fucking three gray hairs already a picture of jr and his profile is uh like two years ago when he was at the games dude i bet he cannot do a fucking two he can't he's a he's a he's a 249 guy if he goes in the garage and does it now and he has to do
Starting point is 01:25:17 two shots of espresso which is still incredible it's not a dig i've i've got this thing stewing and no 304 304 for jr 304 304 304 where do you see that no i'm just saying i changed it i was being too generous you think you could do in 304 oh my god no jr could do it without work without working out for three months you'd be able to break 245 i bet taylor self 415 taylor self can't bend his knee. With his current leg situation. He can't squat right now. Oh, my God, Mason. It's in a cast. They are not dime a dozen.
Starting point is 01:25:50 What are you doing in that photo? I don't know. It looks good. Why did you pull him down? I wanted to look at him. Looks jacked. Yeah, he's juice to the gills. Mason Mitchell.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Is he riding a concept tube, buddy? He's jacked. Are you looking too? Oh, it looks like he's using one of those old school cameras. No, that's a concept tube bike, dude. He's bent over.
Starting point is 01:26:11 I agree. He's like grabbing onto the monitor. I did Fran in two minutes with heavy thrusters, no pull-ups. We had a, we had a smoke and pancake after smoking a pancake. You did 45 heavy threat. So you basically just did 45 heavy threat. What?
Starting point is 01:26:27 So you basically just did 45 heavy thrusters in two minutes. What was the weight on that? That's fucking good. Damn Jeff. There's been, I don't know. I love Fran. Friends go work out.
Starting point is 01:26:38 There's a video of Fronin doing Fran with strict pull-ups with a 35 pound dumbbell and a one 35 barbell for like 2012. What's the dumbbell for? I think Rory McKernan is doing it with him. Wait, Oh, he's doing, he's doing the pull-ups with the 35-pound dumbbell? Correct, between his feet. Like he walks over to the bar and kind of grabs onto it. Does he do them on broken? He does.
Starting point is 01:26:59 I think it's 2012, and I think it's Rory McKernan who does it with him. I wonder if you type in rich froning heavy fran if that comes up rich froning heavy fran what was his time do you know i do not probably just over three yeah yeah yeah i see i'm good eight years ago i was off by two years though and what was the weight of the oh i? Oh, I can't show this because these jackasses will fuck me. Yeah, but it's a five-minute video. I'll pull it up.
Starting point is 01:27:31 I'll tell you how long it takes. Did you do this video by chance? No, I don't recognize it. He does it in a five... I bet you Kerry Peterson did. 5'19". 5'25". And Rory does it in five i bet you carrie peterson did 519 525 and rory does it in 618 it's pretty good yeah rory was fucking a great crossfitter he is a great crossfitter he's a fucking giant dude john young is right with this question friendly friend should be
Starting point is 01:27:59 the standard for what's your friend time oh is john young in the comments john what's your friend time? Oh, is John Young in the comments? John, what's your friend time? Don't lie. Do not lie. Andrew, get your sniffer out. As soon as John, yeah, start smelling John's comment the second he puts it down. It's going to be 248, John Young. Do you think it's weird that you distinguish between Alexis being your girlfriend and your fiancé, that you're so adamant about it being fiancé no i don't think so okay um i don't understand it's weird yeah i think it's weird why i think i think your five-year engagement man yeah yeah maybe that's why i think it's weird.
Starting point is 01:28:47 You've got something. I will say this after I watch that video. The one with Alexis? Yeah. I notice I judge people by how many cameras they have on their iPhone. Three. Yeah. Like if you're two, I think less of you.
Starting point is 01:29:04 That's all I got. That was my takeaway from that video. Why? She's got three. Yeah, yeah're two, I think less of you. That's, that's, that's all I got. That was my takeaway from that video. If you're why she's got three. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. Not, but I'm just saying just in general, like when someone holds up an iPhone, I immediately like, Oh, are they a three camera or two camera? Like, did they get the good one or did they get the ass phone? What did you, and what's your takeaway about Alexis and I video? That's it. that's all i got
Starting point is 01:29:25 that's over that's all i'm willing to give right now oh fuck are you trying to say she's a two camera no no she's a three camera chick i'm just saying no there's no connection there i agree alexis is gorgeous and and she was super fun on it i could relate to her more in that show um i could i will john young says i will do a sub 215 um for 7100 dollars um somewhere above but he said that he's never done it before i'll do a sub 215 with video proof tomorrow morning for y'all no warm-up what's what's john he's not allowed to be on your your show if he has never done Fran before. John Young Instagram. Let me see what it is. The other day he told you not to pull up his Instagram.
Starting point is 01:30:11 I do remember that. You were talking about Brian. He had like 11,000 followers. He was like, don't pull up mine. Oh, he was just being funny. I don't see that John... John Young CrossFit Instagram. Oh. She's a seven, but has two cameras on her iPhone.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Yeah, she's a five. She's a four. She's a four. See, now you're getting it. He's your best friend, but he has two cameras on his iPhone. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send him to the gas chamber. Send them to the gas chamber. Seven shaming poor people. No, it's just your priorities. Just your fucking priorities. You need to everyone.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Okay. So everyone, uh, John young dot CrossFit. Oh shit. I don't follow you. Jesus Christ. It's fucking disgusting. There have totally been videos I've been making where it's like,
Starting point is 01:31:01 I'll be, I'll be making it. I realized I don't follow them, but I want to put their thing in there so I gotta follow them as I'm making the video God John Young is such a quirky guy look at he's got a fucking quirky
Starting point is 01:31:12 that's a corgi dude with a G whatever whatever quirky corgi okay so this fucking meathead thinks he's gonna fucking do it too you are not doing shit dude hey 405 20 pound pr he's wearing fraser shoes everything he says is biased now he's wearing fraser shoes you're a fucking hoss
Starting point is 01:31:39 oh how come you never come on the show with facial hair Do you have facial hair in some of these Dude he's jacked Look at him Are you talking to me or are you talking to John Him John Natty or not That's all I think when I see John Natty or not
Starting point is 01:31:58 I thought you were going to say when you see jacked people Hey I've had John on the show fucking 50 times And I would have guessed he has blonde hair That looks good Nice snatch dude look john it depends look how committed he is look how committed he is what he is fucking committed i haven't dude i like i love white beers don't take that out of context right it's the shirt he's wearing you know right yes yes the apparel the apparel in the mexican community affectionately known as wife beaters look at him look at him look at him holy shit his head started bobbing like a pigeon i wasn't gonna
Starting point is 01:32:37 miss that lift no jeff hey the rogue 1000 pound challenge is i i don't really get it did you see that set on the rogue thousand pound challenge before we go there i want to say one more i want to rip on john one more time the reason why john's so committed to that is because he has a fucking iphone 6 with like 64 gigabytes of fucking memory and he had to erase like three months of photos and set that up that camera he probably has one lens and he and he knew that, like, I was gonna fill up his fucking iPhone. What's your deal with the one lens versus three lens? Yeah, three lens,
Starting point is 01:33:11 max capacity, one terabyte. Get the fuck out. If you're not gonna get the best phone, just get the fuck out. That's gonna be your next IG reel. Okay. Three lens or GTFO. Let's love on Bill and Katie for a little bit. Where should I go? Rogue where? Well, I don't know if you want me on it. We're going to love on this.
Starting point is 01:33:27 I ain't going to love on it. I don't get it. Rogue Instagram. Uh, you can go on Instagram. Yeah. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:33:36 Oh, a thousand pounds challenge. Okay, here we go. We're way off topic now. Way the fuck off topic. Yeah. I'm just not sure I understand it.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Hey guys, the best part of the show hasn't even happened yet. The Hayley Adams video is fucking brilliant. Natty or not. Thousand Pound Challenge, that. The next Rogue Challenge of 2022 is here. The Rogue 1000-pound club. Find your max cumulative total in one hour for the following three lifts in this order.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Which means you have one hour, do these three lifts, and add that shit up. And don't cheat. One rep max bench press. One rep max back squat. One rep max deadlift. So basically, if you do 334 pounds on each of those you're in the fucking club you think you can do it no me so the comments or you're paying 30 for a t-shirt that you might not get okay hold on a 30 entry fee gets you into the competition athletes achieving a cumulative total of 1,000 pounds 750 pounds at
Starting point is 01:34:49 any time during the competition will be awarded a custom oh achieve I love the total by the way this is my favorite thing I don't understand you get a shirt even if you get 750 pounds not true athletes achieving a cumulative total of 1,000 pounds,
Starting point is 01:35:08 750 pounds at any time during the competition. Will be awarded a custom t-shirt. Oh, shit. So if you don't make 1,000 pounds, but you have two lifts that equal 750, you get a shirt? Correct. Wow, that's some crazy shit.
Starting point is 01:35:23 I wonder why they did that. Fuck those people that's really nice of them the challenge is open now is it that what about for girls it's 750 oh what do you mean what about for girls
Starting point is 01:35:39 I misunderstood that I misunderstood that I thought the 750 meant that if any if you did any two lifts at any one time and crossed over 750 but didn't get to a thousand with all three lifts okay i misunderstood okay i think that they should have different tiers of shirt like here's someone who hit 500 here's someone who's 750 1000 1250. And then you can walk around the CrossFit community with your 1,500 or 2,000-pound Rogue Club Challenge shirt. I think that was a missed opportunity.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Okay, I like that. I think more people would have signed up for it if there was an opportunity for just that. Yeah, it would have been more inclusive. That's really sweet of you, Andrew. I'm not saying inclusive. I'm saying I'm going CrossFit 2014 where you're trying to get as high on the leaderboard as possible so you can flex on your buddies. No one enters this unless they already know they got 1,000 pounds.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Probably, yeah. Oh, dude, this is brilliant. Let me tell you why this is brilliant. They're going to get 500 people to enter, let's say. Those 500 people are all going to pay $30 gonna get 500 people to enter let's say those 500 people are all gonna pay 30 bucks which is gonna cover the cost of the shirt right and then it's free advertising for them and it's free and it spins up the community everyone gets really excited and these people and it's just it's just great synergy you know what i mean they get their shit
Starting point is 01:37:01 tagged i like what you're saying more i really really do. Hey, John Young, my total is barely close to 1,500. I'm a... I'm a what? I like it, but you're right. If they would have had different shirts... I'm not saying inclusive, but yeah, I'm saying just fucking... Even if you made a participation one, dude, what the fuck? Why not? They did it for every other one. different shirts i'm not saying inclusive but yeah i'm saying just fucking you know even if you made a participation one dude like what the fuck why not they did it for every other one
Starting point is 01:37:29 like the mule i have a mule shirt and it's just for doing it everyone gets that one yeah well it's something that we had high school. And I remember in the weight room in high school, everybody was like getting to the 200 club, getting to the 300 pound club. Yeah. I remember that hearing about that shit. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Look at that fucking yoke. That's nuts. I hope that they make the, uh, crossfitters do this. Wow. I hope that they make the crossfitters do this wow that's a custom yoke did you see that I think so I mean I was watching it I don't know what you're seeing in particular it was it's just beautiful I like that squat rack better in the black and the red this no the? No, the one below it.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Two below it. Yeah. Yeah, that's all nice. To the left of the Dome Weekend. What is this right here? That's Rich and Josh doing push-pull. All right. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:38:41 This isn't the time to scroll the internet, Seban. You're running a show. right okay this isn't the time to scroll the internet seven you're running a show um um um so some events that was heavier so some events didn't pay crossfit athletes can west and european championships what i'm surprised is that how shocked you are that these two of course dude what that entire fucking country grabbed their ankles for two years you can get away with anything with those dipshits up there europe same thing with europe same thing with europe dude you know countries like ug Uganda didn't do fucking COVID?
Starting point is 01:39:27 Nope, we're not doing COVID. Yeah, we're not going to do it. Tanzania. Nope. No COVID. All of fucking Europe grabbed their ankles. Not only did they grab their ankles, they did it while yelling at you. You're a bad person for not doing it.
Starting point is 01:39:41 They did that for two years. Okay. Dale, you don't have to pay them shit your word data like the word means nothing in those places you should not be surprised dear event organizers if you're gonna put events on in detroit and you don't pay they're gonna beat the fuck out of you in canada do what you want in europe do what you want also it's completely fine what's the what's the place that didn't do covid uganda tanzania are you saying if they held a crossfit event they'd also pay their athletes no you you no you can't uh you can't i'm just saying that it's just so – these people will fucking do anything up there. They don't stand for fucking – like who cares if you don't pay those people?
Starting point is 01:40:35 They don't stand for anything. Hey, listen. Those people – here's where I want to push back on you. Those fucking people had an event in Canada last year. I don't know. Let's say 1, thousand people were there. I bet you Patrick Clark was there and fucking 30 minutes before the event was going to kick off. They said, everyone go home.
Starting point is 01:40:51 COVID. I remember that. And the fucking event didn't happen. You motherfuckers are lucky. First of all, you're all dumb if you didn't go to the crash crucible. I agree with Hiller on that. But you Europeans and Canadians are lucky that fucking China hasn't come over and just fucking mopped you guys up yet.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Cause you already, you already take your orders from fucking Beijing. All I know is that I told you a motherfuckerrican accent yeah thank you what african accent all i know is they told them they were to give them 15k i didn't really look too far in now you don't got to give them anything listen listen you get two free boosters and uh and t-core is gonna come over and lick your asshole that i mean that that's what you get if you're fucking Canadian or if you're European. Don't worry about it. Don't watch
Starting point is 01:41:50 that video of Hiller's. That's the only time of the three and a half million videos that Hiller's made, that's the only one you don't have to watch. Ken West and European championships, you did everything fine. I don't expect you to take a loan out to pay some fucking jackasses who are
Starting point is 01:42:05 locked in their houses for two years who can't just be thankful chandler smith isn't a jackass who's locked in his house he went over there to compete for 15 grand okay break chandler smith off a fucking loaf of bread and a bag of like a block of brie cheese everyone loves brie cheese like a big old like 60 roll of brie cheese there what does fence sitting mean what is it what is this in relation to it i think i know what it means i just don't know what it's in relation to hey look at i don't think who makes the three camera phone chinese kids i don't know toddlers i think is more, is more appropriate. It's okay. You want me to look up Urban Dictionary, fence sitter? It means that you don't want to take a side, right?
Starting point is 01:42:50 But I don't think that's really what I do. I've never heard anyone call you that, of all people. Person who means neutral or uncommitted. No, he blasted these motherfuckers. I'm just taking the other side. I think it's incredibly retarded that the canada west and east are not paying out their athletes and i think that they should be giving them money and seven thinks that because they are super covid crazy that they some for some reason shouldn't
Starting point is 01:43:15 have been expected to be giving you can tell these people to do anything yeah give them money that's what i'm telling them you You listen to me now, Spider-Man two, Dr. Octavius, the final one hour and 40 minutes of that movie. Um, it just,
Starting point is 01:43:34 it just seems normal to me. I, I'm not sorry. Um, here's the thing. Would you, so, so Hiller says this,
Starting point is 01:43:39 he uses this logic and I'm open to be corrected. This is, this is, I'm paraphrasing. He says towards the end of the video would you rather compete for fifteen thousand dollars and not get paid or compete for five thousand dollars and get paid and i'm saying also with that also with that logic would you rather um uh compete for for say saying you're going to get $15,000
Starting point is 01:44:05 and not get to compete, or would you rather compete and say you're going to get paid $15,000 and not get paid $15,000? I think you'd rather compete. And that's what they've been doing the last two years. They weren't even allowed to compete. Who was it that posted? There was an athlete,
Starting point is 01:44:23 female athlete, that posted a picture of her laying on the floor at the competition. Said, we do this for fun. Fun? I got one more nasty thing to say to you. Go ahead. F-U-N, fun. Ellie Turner says she'd do it for free.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Why? Does she have sponsors that pay for everything else no she's just that's how much she loves it you said call your lawyer let me tell you listen listen listen whoa whoa whoa what i did i didn't throw a huge spiel about that did i no but you said it yeah like waste your own time call your i would rather how i said it i would rather be friends with a guy who doesn't pay me than a guy who who's who sues to solve his problems now you did back it up you're like hey dude this is all business this isn't a time to be feely touchy feely this is business and i didn't say that and i respected that comment what you did say that i did yeah yeah and that kind of put put
Starting point is 01:45:31 me back on my heels for a minute i'm like he's right it is business it is business and there is a kind of a touchy feely component but like i don't want to be friends with uh i don't want to be friends with, uh, I don't want to be friends with people who sue to solve their problems. I agree, they're annoying as fuck. I mean, sometimes there's a point to it, but I'm a learn from your mistakes sort of guy, right? Yeah, don't go to Canwest or European. Do we even know why they didn't pay? Like, like maybe something horrible happened. In all reality, they went to Canada to compete.
Starting point is 01:46:06 They didn't get money. Don't go to Canada to compete again. They kind of shot themselves in the foot. Don't sue them for it. Hiller has some valid arguments in there too. I'm paraphrasing this. Obviously, he does. All the videos are good.
Starting point is 01:46:20 But basically, you have $200. You spend it all to go up there knowing you're at least going to finish in the top 10 and make 500 and i'm making up the numbers but the spirit of what i'm saying is true and then you don't get paid and it's like what the fuck you could have just stayed yeah and it's like and those people obviously you could say with some certainty that chandler smith doesn't go up there if it's not $15,000. Correct. Yes. You would think so, right? You don't think he's going to go there for the hell of it. No. Magnus, show me the money. Is that the reference you're talking about?
Starting point is 01:46:56 I used it in that video. Show me the money. But yeah, I mean, you pay, you, you want an apple. What was the example I used in there? Like you buy an Apple. Oh, here it is. It's in my hand. I like what you say about, I like what you say about you offer rich and,
Starting point is 01:47:11 uh, you're, uh, you throw an event. It's called the Gotham classic and it's rich versus Matt with a million dollar payout prize to both of them. And then, and then 300 people show up because that's the way the community goes.
Starting point is 01:47:25 There's a community that realized that this is kind of all their own fault. Right. You know, that shit happens in arm wrestling tournaments. I know I can know name three arm wrestling tournaments that in the last 15 years that I've heard of where the arm wrestlers, the dude left and didn't pay out the prize money. No shit.
Starting point is 01:47:41 It does have, I heard it happened at Spartan racing too. And those dudes will fight. The arm wrestlers will fight. Yeah. The guy who... You can't hang out there. They'll lock arms and they'll arm wrestle you to death.
Starting point is 01:47:57 They won't fight. They'll just arm wrestle you to death. Did you like that though? That little spiel I went out at the end yeah i did the united center because everyone wants a cool venue they want to take that back watch that video that was a good little bit at the end yeah matt and rich they said they'd come out of retirement for a million dollars so we put that up all of a sudden andrew hiller's into it 10 million dollars and they're ready to sell out the seats but crossfitters don't want to go because they're too cheap to pay for tickets,
Starting point is 01:48:26 and they don't want to buy the apparel because $70 t-shirt's too much, and then they won't buy the food because it's too expensive at the venue, and then they won't watch the stream because it's not free. It's so good. It's good. It's good. And then all of a sudden, everyone's wondering why they're not paying Chandler Smith. Did you try to contact those dudes by any chance? No, I don't do that. I have no interest in doing that end of it.
Starting point is 01:48:52 The Strongman Road Rage would be such a sight. Yes. What's he still doing awake? You need to go to bed. Does he have a show tomorrow morning? Do you have a show tomorrow morning, young man? I had this rant here in uh about being real okay and and being being so many people think that they're being real because like you're just coming out and making a video like oh this look i use botox i'm real i'm being like transparent or okay where does where does it go i'm ready i don't know i don't know that's not enough
Starting point is 01:49:31 that's not that's not being real that's not being real just because you admit you do something doesn't mean you're fucking real so just because you hate kovat doesn't mean you're real no you actually hate kovat we know you're being real because you've COVID doesn't mean you're real. No, you actually hate COVID. We know you're being real. Cause you've done a hundred shows on it. So people do a hundred. I feel bad for all the people who,
Starting point is 01:49:55 uh, couldn't do third grade math and didn't think that their knowledge is more powerful than cognitive horsepower. You say that because I often feel bad about people who do things in a certain way. Yeah. I guess COVID is one of those things. Like the CDC says,
Starting point is 01:50:12 everyone must get this shot. And then down at the bottom, it says 94% of the people had four or more comorbidities and 6% we don't have information on. And yet I feel sorry for the people who just see the top headline and like refuse to look down and then they can't do the math so you can't do third grade
Starting point is 01:50:27 math and you don't all you you're just a really good reader who graduated from harvard english school it's like dude that's all knowledge how about some cognitive horsepower to do some critical thinking and it's like uh real is being yourself and not playing to be someone else yeah i i had it i had a um people don't even know that they're playing you know that right right that's what that's what i realize a lot people are kind of stuck i had this buddy who is dating a girl and she was the pinterest chick and everything had to be done via pinterest and it's like you don't even realize that she's decorating your living room to look a certain way. And she's just stuck.
Starting point is 01:51:10 It looks like this now when you're spending all this money to have like a blanket ladder and like the perfect setup with candles and shit. And it's not for any reason other than it's you're doing it for no reason. It's all fake, but it's going to make me happy when it looks perfect. Even that could be real if you're – God, it's so hard to put your finger on. Like even that could be real.
Starting point is 01:51:37 It could be, but not if you're doing it because other people are doing it. You got to do it because you want to do it. Right. It's got to come from you um just saying like like some people think that saying every thought that comes to your head is being real no that's kind of dumb no exactly and there's a whole like that's that whole genre of uh of um of bikini botox girls they think they're being real because they're sharing their shit their adventures to fucking uh fucking chemical transformation
Starting point is 01:52:12 and it's like god i wish i i guess i don't really know where you're going with this i tried to help i'm not going anywhere with it i'm not going anywhere i appreciate it i appreciate your help kate said that it's aesthetic, the Pinterest stuff. And I guess that's true. If you need aesthetic help, ask Alexis. She won't let me put a picture frame up when I'm in the job center. Look at the way your shit, like that's, your background's really nice. Oh, but.
Starting point is 01:52:39 I've been told that, but it's accidental. This is just where I put everything. So everything fits. It's functional. Yeah. Here's a fascinating idea. All of this was done just because I thought it looked cool. And the camera was put here last without it ever being intended to be there.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Uh-oh, I don't know if I should get this. It will happen first. So if I'm going to get to the vaccine or Hitler does a partner workout with hip and steel, we are me doing a part on the air. Okay. How's that? Who's that? I don't want to say they're welcome.
Starting point is 01:53:20 You're welcome to join. You're welcome to join. My thumbnails are not real. 10% of the time. Today I made my thumbnail last second. And I was like, actually I knew I was going to make the thumbnail. Usually I make it final.
Starting point is 01:53:39 It's the last thing I do. I go, all right, what's my video? Can I kind of make it look as extraordinary as possible? It's Matt Fraser. That's what Kate said. She knows. You put, you, you propose this idea that Matt, um, that, that if, if everyone, if everything is programmed by Fraser, then it's not special that it's programmed by Fraser. True. Um, You disagree. And you use the Gucci bag reference.
Starting point is 01:54:16 You know what happened recently? I feel that way about tattoos. Tattoos used to be cool. Now I just think you're a tool if you have one. Good thing I don't have any tattoos. That's why you like me. 90% of the listeners are like, fuck, why do I listen to this show?
Starting point is 01:54:33 This guy's a dick. Well, I don't know. The Gucci thing is something I noticed recently. All of a sudden you see a lot of them. And why do you see a lot of them? Because a lot of people have more money for no reason whatsoever. And they just pick up a Gucci purse. And then all of a sudden you see a lot of them? It's because a lot of people have more money for no reason whatsoever. And they just pick up a Gucci purse.
Starting point is 01:54:50 And then all of a sudden you look at it and you go, you got that for the wrong reasons. Yeah. So hardware pays off. It's just programming for everything. It's like, well, you're doing it because you want to look cool. Not because you think it's actually even a good idea. You think people will flock to you because. Or what about this what if someone hired what if um uh um well cash only did their games the regionals the open and that was it and i guess the quarter
Starting point is 01:55:16 finals when he did those what if what if what if like one of these organizations told matt like hey like so like madrid he told me that that he was stuck in with those time domains. Yeah. So maybe he, he should have pushed back and said, okay, I'm not going to do that. That's not going to be a good reflection of HWPO or that the Madrid said you
Starting point is 01:55:37 needed to use torque tank. Maybe he should have pushed back. Maybe he should do all of them and he should do them for free, but it should be within the criteria of like, Hey, I only work with watercolors on a canvas that's eight by 11 and you can't tell me what to paint. That's not a bad idea. You know what I mean? Yeah, but then it becomes like you did a show the other day. I don't remember which one, but you were talking about how each competition has their own flavor.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Like you go to Waterpalooza, you're going to swim. Yeah. And that's kind of a cool thing that happened for a long time. And I don't even know where the workouts fucking came from, but they came up with that collective at a lot of Palooza and granite games. You kind of expected that he'll run. Um, what the fuck else was there for a long time?
Starting point is 01:56:19 Well, you and rogue, you expect some new, new toys. Correct. Yeah. It's just heavy shit. Yeah. And if you had Fraser programming everything, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:56:28 You're going to see a biker with a clean at the end of it for repetitions within a certain interval window. And then you're going to see an EMOM. I'm not trying to trash on Frasier, of course, but it does kind of become repetitive. And I think that you look at something like JR's and it's almost a breath of fresh air. It's like, oh, it's kind of classic CrossFit, but you can also tell that it's a different spin on it. What's that spin? It's like, oh, I haven't looked at very much of JR's programming. Maybe this
Starting point is 01:56:53 is what his stuff looks like. Does he program other events or only Crash Crucible? To my knowledge, only Crash Crucible. Are you asking him? No. I'm seeing if someone wants to come on who I'm texting with.
Starting point is 01:57:17 By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if you see the total at the Rogue Invitational. Oh, because of the thousand pound because of the thousand pound yeah i'm not gonna say whether or not that's a jr insider but it's a jr insider he texted me while we were talking about that stuff and he goes that'll be there and i go can i tell him he goes don't give me credit i'm like i'm giving you credit oh he told you that he did yeah okay i wasn't sure if you were joking no jr thinks that there's going to be a total there he's right he's right he's he's always right okay uh i have to stop texting i have to focus uh yeah man i'm trying to carry the show now um i can't do that another cool thing and well and another thing is is um in dubai i
Starting point is 01:58:09 feel like anything goes the prince rules the show anything jubai was like a slaughter fest you should expect anything in dubai yeah if the prince wants you to fight lions you'll fight lions there was a year there where they had like 17 events and And I, I remember looking at it and thinking like, they're going to make it out the other side. Holy shit. I think Fraser won that year. It's like no surprise, but that was something you could expect from Dubai.
Starting point is 01:58:32 It's going to be everything under the sun, no movement left unturned. So yeah, exactly. It was just cool. And I just don't know why. It's one of the things that's, are we participating in dubai this
Starting point is 01:58:46 year you and i not to my knowledge oh we got kicked off and i made these three consecutive fraser videos i really like this hayley this hayley adams video you did watch it already yeah i watched it right before the show. It's the last one. So I did a show with Mr. John Young and Brian Friend, and I suggested, hey, I wonder what would happen if we took some amount of weight and increased Hayley Adams' strength by a certain amount. I think I said 20 pounds across all her lifts. And what would happen? How that would place her. And I didn't think
Starting point is 01:59:28 John and Brian maybe even heard me. They didn't bite at it at all. A little bit. John said something like 40 pounds to her front squat fixes all issues. Okay. And what did Brian say? If Haley is not natty, she is on the wrong drugs. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:59:45 Interesting. Hot take Okay. Interesting. Hot take by John Young. He's been hot in the comments. And he's right about Dubai has gotten better in recent years. He's been drinking. John Young probably. I bet you John Young's never had alcohol. Or haven't in a while.
Starting point is 02:00:00 So the question is, what would that look like and andrew hiller did that he took four or five of her lifts added 10 to her maxes based on any historical record he could scan the internet and then he used with that known extra strength he ran her through the CrossFit games again, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. And you know what? I'm kind of surprised with the 10%. I wonder if what she thinks when she sees this,
Starting point is 02:00:33 I wonder if part of it. I wonder if she'll watch it. Uh, I think it would be good for her to watch it. It's fun. It's like someone did a free analysis of her. It's something that you would think maybe even one of her coaches may have already done interesting you think taj has watched it i mean if i was her coach i'd watch it it's a fun it's a it's it's some fun shit i'd i'd called
Starting point is 02:00:56 you and be like hey can i just have all your notes too she can have them this thing took a while to put together believe it or not i just sat here and then i had to like think on it as well so i went through every single year and i had to click back and forth between a couple of different screens and each year probably took 40 45 minutes to put the little spreadsheet together so it was like a three hour background work your hair is nuts it's fucking natural fucking dirty grease and oil and and and beach sand and badusi i want to know if you're not in your hair color. Tasia's too busy drinking PSL and hiking. What's PSL? I don't even have a cool guess on that one. But yeah, she finished sixth, fourth, fifth, and ninth,
Starting point is 02:01:54 and I thought she could have finished fourth, second, third, and third. I thought she could have had three or four. I really wanted to do something with Fusile, so Rebecca, and her competed in the teenage division, I think, at the same point in time. And Fusile's best snatch was 145. And at that time, Hayley Adams' best snatch was 165. And I couldn't find any recent data on Fusile's best snatch. But they're also, conveniently enough, still the two weakest females on that end of the spectrum.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Who are Fusile and who else? Hayley Adams. Wow, serious? also conveniently enough still like the two weakest females on that end of the spectrum who are fusile and who else hayley adams wow serious you're gonna i like oh rebecca i'm so sorry for what's about to happen there's no fucking way hayley's is weak as fucking rebecca fusile rebecca fusile is like no rebecca fusile is a bird i agree agree. Hey, Brian. Brian, hi. Is this who you were texting with? Yeah. Brian, does Rebecca Fusli ever make it back to the games again? No.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Yeah. See? No. Interesting. What if she puts 10% on all of her lifts? Well, then you'll probably make a video about it. Hey, Brian, he ran those numbers. Did you see the – it came out today.
Starting point is 02:03:09 It's basically – I watched all of it. You did? Actually, I fell asleep watching it. Because it was right up your alley, right? It was not because it was boring. It was because I was just exhausted. I fell asleep in this chair.
Starting point is 02:03:21 But it was – I was very impressed. Thank you. Thank you, Brian. Wow. I'm impressed. Somebody said that this is actually Brian feeding Andrew info. And Barbell Spin took it the other way. And he said that what now he learned is that you've been feeding me all this info for the last several years.
Starting point is 02:03:38 That's right. Hey, so that means several people. I know you don't traditionally watch content. You're too busy making your own. But you kind of have told me the litmus test is if three people tell you to watch something, you'll mosey on over. So three people told you? No, that's for your stuff. Hillers, I just watch.
Starting point is 02:03:57 Oh, right, right. Understood. Thanks, Brian. Hey, Brian. So you are at Barbell Spin now? No. Barbell Spend. Thanks, Brian. Hey, Brian. So you are a barbell spin now? No. Barbell spend.
Starting point is 02:04:10 Barbell bend. Barbell bend. That's what Sousa called it. Bar bend. Bar bend. Bar bend. Bar bend. No shit.
Starting point is 02:04:18 Before I talk about that. I've heard of them for a while. Yeah, I think they've been around for a while. Actually, a handful of the articles I always pull information from from my videos are off a barbed from like old for a while 17 18 is that right they've been around for that long yeah they've just never really pushed the crossfit space they've prioritized some other stuff and uh but most of those things seem to have done well and i think they want to make a bigger push into crossfit now you have anything published in here yet one article when did that go up two days ago the so you guys were talking the other day
Starting point is 02:04:57 and they they were talking about how you were leaving the morning shock up and the first thing i saw was an invictus video with you on my youtube feed i'm like did brian go to invictus no uh bryce bryce invited me on to the invictus mindset podcast and uh accepted invitation we recorded a while ago and they released it i don't know yesterday maybe got it oh is this it right here? Nope. I couldn't find you in the search. It's too new. How do you feel about the website, Seven? I mean, so far, I love it.
Starting point is 02:05:33 Okay. I know you're a website man. Go to the top left there where those bars are. Maybe it's in the CrossFit area. It's called a hamburger. Did you know that? Vertical lines. I don't know where it is.
Starting point is 02:05:51 It's not that important. Who's over there right now holding down the CrossFit news? Over where? Over at Bar Bend. I'm not really sure, actually. I haven't had like a meeting with the team yet. And you're exclusively with them. Yeah. For written content. Yeah. That's awesome. Congratulations. Are you happy? Yeah. It's a, it's, you know, it's a, anytime you make a change like that, there's always going to be some challenges and some different, you know, differences in the workflow and the communication patterns and stuff.
Starting point is 02:06:31 So it'd be probably a good challenge, but I was really encouraged by what they were offering, what they were hoping to do going forward. So I decided to take a chance. Was there a headhunter or did you, were you looking for a job or did someone reach out to you? I was not looking. And you just saw they, they reached out to you. They reached out to me. Wow. That's awesome. And, uh, is the, so you don't, there's no one like there who's in charge of CrossFit shit. Now you report to them. There's not, I don't, I don't actually know all of the employees, but I don't think there's no one like there who's in charge of CrossFit shit. Now you report to them. There's not, I don't,
Starting point is 02:07:05 I don't actually know all of the employees, but I don't think there's like one person who is specifically responsible for the CrossFit coverage. I think they were just kind of covering it like, uh, other members of their team. I don't, I don't know,
Starting point is 02:07:19 but there's now I am that guy. I think CrossFit weightlifting powerlifting strongman bodybuilding those are their sports verticals click on bodybuilding really quick if you could what do they talk about in here wow
Starting point is 02:07:37 shit wow that's a big dude his head looks like his shoulders wow it just looks like another shoulder. Look at that one rep max calculator. I love those things. If you put in one by 10 at 225, it equals a 315 bench press on a one rep max calculator. I guarantee it.
Starting point is 02:07:58 Hold on. I'm subscribing. Okay. I need, I need, sorry. I may continue uh continue oh sorry where do i go where where do i go so that picture that's luke parker from from jr's event this last year oh shit oh that's awesome which is the thing that's the picture that they used for the article that i wrote so it's it's weird that it the picture that they used for the article
Starting point is 02:08:25 that I wrote so it's weird that it's showing up here presented by Lululemon studio someone just put it and it says Theomatic someone just put the drop the picture in the wrong oh yeah there's Theo there's Theo you wrote this article?
Starting point is 02:08:40 oh look cause it's right below it look at it here it is. That's that guy wrote. I saw this. I don't know where I saw it. Probably on your Instagram. Brian, he adds 10%.
Starting point is 02:08:57 He adds 10% to Haley's strength. 10 fucking percent. That's a lot, right? It's 10%. I think it's reachable in 2019 she goes from 6th to 4th in 2020 she goes from 4th to 2nd in 2021 she goes from 5th to 3rd
Starting point is 02:09:18 in 2022 she goes from 9th to 3rd she still doesn't get on the podium well it's the podium every year but the first. What? So she gets to the podium on the second, third, fourth years, but not the first year. Sorry, sorry. She still doesn't win the game.
Starting point is 02:09:33 Sorry. She still doesn't win the games. Oh, no way. No, because the gap between even second place and Tia in those years is substantial. But I think he acknowledged this in his video that if he accounted for the points that her moving up would have knocked everyone else down, there's a chance that those finishes would be even higher, or at least one or two of them.
Starting point is 02:09:56 Correct, yeah. So the first year where she finished fourth in my arbitrary rankings, she could have beaten out Jamie Green for third because she would have probably pushed her down a little bit sitting higher i didn't like push everyone else down i just said hey if you finish here these are your points for finishing here so you scored it like the um the qualifier event number three at the cross the game fuck you no i didn't i didn't want to take i didn't want to take the extra hour to push everyone else down there.
Starting point is 02:10:27 What were your points? What were your points? How often are you, how often are you publishing on, on bar Ben? How, how are we going to see a lot of you there? Uh,
Starting point is 02:10:37 maybe slightly more than morning chocolate. What is that? Once a week, twice a week. We'll see. I think two times a week is a good execution. A good expectation. Karina, thank you. Just because.
Starting point is 02:10:52 Yeah, you're cool. Thank you. She gave me one of my best guests. And, God, I'm so intrigued by this. And who tells you what to write? They're just what i come up with so they they just trust you you you have a reputation out there they've seen your body of work and the deal right now is like hey welcome on board and we want you to start producing crossfit content for us what if you started you're gonna hate this next question what if you started writing some uh em this next question what if you started writing some
Starting point is 02:11:25 uh emily beers content like um how to meet a cute guy at the crossfit games would they would they accept that i don't think brian's he'd be writing a lot of guys some guys might be excited about that uh you're gonna be writing it's gonna be brian friend stuff it's going to be like yeah the next article i'm writing is uh let's see in-depth analysis about uh why justin madaris has had so much success the last two years do you think hayley would is going to make the 750 club at the rogue invitational is that what it is for the women 750 and that's how it's 50 yeah i they have higher expectations for the women on the strength aspects than CrossFit does by about 5%. That's right. 75 into the 70. That's per rogue, though.
Starting point is 02:12:13 That's not me. It's 1,000 for the males and 750 for the females. Haley is about as strong as me, so let's see. Oh, that's so funny. You say that when, when he put up her numbers, I actually thought about you. I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 02:12:30 she has the same. Cause she has at one 85 snatch and that's your snatch, right? Yeah. My max bench plus squat plus deadlift is a 820 pounds. So I think she could do it. I don't think Haley can do it. I think she is. I don't think Hley can do it i think she's i oh i don't
Starting point is 02:12:46 think hayley's bench press is much higher than 160 and that's the crux for her the bench press between 327 deadlift she had a 265 squat of the games in 2020 and then her bench is the odd man out the biggest mess up from last year's quarterfinals, outside of the obvious, which we've talked about, is that they didn't tell you how much everybody was bench pressing. It's 593 without the bench press. I think that we... So she has to do 163 to get there?
Starting point is 02:13:20 Yes, I do. 153. Yes, Haley 2.0 for sure makes it. Haley 2.0 would get it, yeah. But doesn't that bother you, Brian, that they didn't tell you how much everybody was over at squatting, bench pressing, and cleaning during that? Yeah, 100%. Other total. 100%.
Starting point is 02:13:39 It was annoying. I think Chad might have that. She benched 185. Wow. Wow. Okay. Haley has a 320 squat now. Where did she bench?
Starting point is 02:13:48 Oh, what the fuck? Where are you guys getting this information? Patrick Clark knows all. Where are you getting this? Patrick Clark's awake. I should have called him instead of coming on here with you. Yeah. If Haley has a 320 squat, that means that she's already more than 10% stronger in the squat from 2020.
Starting point is 02:14:06 I'm going to need to see that pat clark i did ask fraser uh what if hayley was coming to hwpo that's one of the things i'm not sure if i'm supposed to talk about there was like a whole like he said i could talk about it but then but then after i got off the call i'm, I don't know if I can. I mean, he definitely wanted to be adamant to say, hey, I'm not getting paid to do this programming. So let's just squash that. Let's squash that there's tears to the programming or that I got paid. She doesn't squat 320 because Tia's best squat is like 345. Right, Brian? What's Tia's best squat?
Starting point is 02:14:43 It's like 345. And she's nowhere near tia's best squat it's like 345 and she's nowhere near tia's back squat i think um patrick's just messing with us god damn it okay okay well it won't work you got to me um brian are they um are you will you still be coming on the podcast uh with um over here with me are there any restrictions with the bar bend of you coming on the podcast no not at all i'm hoping to come on more often oh awesome and um what about your role over at morning chocolate will you be doing any writing for them or any podcasting with them no no and and did you leave on good terms pretty good terms pretty good terms so lauren's lauren's in the ocean all by herself now that's no bratton oh i mean not like that but you're not going to be going on the show
Starting point is 02:15:33 no okay wow i love how there's always just shit just going on it's great for you yeah it's so good for me you know i heard weinstein was let go you've heard that again yeah now now now i've heard that what i heard was is that he was let go but hired by the company that he hired to be a pr firm for crossfit very straightforward yes very um when is when is our next show do we have a show tuesday we're firm for CrossFit. Very straightforward. Yes, very. When is our next show? Do we have a show Tuesday? We're doing our Rogue Predictions? Yep. I got a graphics guy working on it already. Are we
Starting point is 02:16:13 allowing John Young to come on that show? He's listening right now. Perfect time to invite... Let me rephrase that. That was such an asshole of me. Inviting John to be on the show. Yeah, we had talked about that.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Yeah. Okay. He wants to know too. Am I on the show? We had this thing planned like an hour ago. Hey, don't let John fool you either. The other day,
Starting point is 02:16:44 all of us had to we had all of us had to fucking wake up an hour early we did the show at 6 a.m for johnny boy so he's got he's got some oh oh what do you think about um hillers 208 fran but is that what he did recently yeah just fucking just did 208 fran and so i said hey i don't think madaris can do a sub two minute fran and then john young gets on here and says i'll do a 215 fran tomorrow 250 oh but john young i think john young is also garrett sager wow wow oh i told john he can't come back on to set on his podcast until he does it under 245 or does it under 245.
Starting point is 02:17:25 Or does it in general. He's never done it before. Fran? That's what I said. Yeah, John said he's never done Fran before. You really are watching all of Hiller's shit. Well. He's got to stay in the loop, man.
Starting point is 02:17:39 You know, real media over here. Crazy. What do you think? We've had this discussion before. Do you think half the athletes who attend the CrossFit games, men have a sub two minute Fran? Hmm. So what? So what's up with two minute?
Starting point is 02:17:54 Yeah. No, I think they all have a sub two 30 friend, a hundred percent. And I'd say all of them, all of them, depending on setup and depending on height, a lot of them are pushing two minutes or faster.
Starting point is 02:18:08 Yeah. But I think there's a, there are athletes in the field that will not can never do it in that, in that time. I would say, yeah, no chance. I would say I would, I would be confident to say that 10 out of the 40 games athletes this year could do a sub two minute frame or even two minute. I'll give him two minutes. How about two 15?
Starting point is 02:18:33 Uh, it's like 75%. It's like 25 out of 40, something like that. Fuck it. Let's, let's just roast people. Let's give people something to talk about in the morning.
Starting point is 02:18:41 Let's pull up, uh, the, the, let's call it crossfit games leaderboard we'll just we'll just put an end to this fucking thing right here uh please don't get your feelings hurt um and maybe we do the same with the okay we'll start at the bottom uh keelan henry i think he can yes me too i think he can too i think he'd have one of the
Starting point is 02:19:03 maybe one of the five, one of the ten best times. It was really excellent. We had a great time. After talking to him and his coach at the games this year, I was pretty bummed that he came into the game with an injury. I would have loved to see him do it. Bicep, right?
Starting point is 02:19:20 Hamstring. Was it bicep? Hamstring. Yes, bicep. Yeah, bicep femorisstring Yes, bicep, yeah Bicep femoris, yeah He's a He is a stout man Arthur Semenov
Starting point is 02:19:32 No Sub what are we saying? Sub two minutes or sub two ten? Let's do sub two Two minutes or less Two minutes or less, no Augustine Raquelme Yes
Starting point is 02:19:44 Well, depends how low if you give him credit for the 98 squat yeah but if and but yes he should be able to do it georgia care care of this no yeah i think you get close i would i would say. He's an online stud. He is? Yeah, he is. I think he'd be about 205. Meaning his Instagram is just savage. No, he does really good on the qualifiers. I think he's like top three for Dubai qualifier.
Starting point is 02:20:15 He might even beat Lazar Djokic in the qualifier. I'm going to try something here so crazy. Should I see what his fan time is? Okay. It's not going to be listed. I know, but just for shits and giggles. They also took ages and weights off the game's website.
Starting point is 02:20:32 I don't know why they did that. If you go to the game's leaderboard... Fran, 218. Georgios Karavis? Yeah. Yeah, but he probably put that in there when he created his games profile when he was 12. Right.
Starting point is 02:20:47 Moritz Fiebig. No. Austin Spencer. No. Tudor Magda. No. Cole Grieshaber. No.
Starting point is 02:20:58 Colton Mertens. Yes. Why is Brian not answering? Colton's a yes. He agrees with you. Abayden Brown. No. Caron. No. A Baden Brown. No.
Starting point is 02:21:06 Caron. Oh, Alexander Caron. That's a tough one. I say no, not under two minutes. Under two times. His deadlift's too heavy to be good at squatting fast. Enrico Zanoni. Ooh. I think this might have it.
Starting point is 02:21:24 Maybe. I'm not sure. The thing is, to be under two minutes, you also have to have pretty fast-twitch muscle fiber. I'm not 100% sure. I don't know enough about Zanoni yet. He looks like he's got fast-twitch fibers in the shoulders. 230. 230.
Starting point is 02:21:38 Oh, really, Hiller? Did you just do it? Did I do what? Did you just do an adi or not? Did you just do a natty or not did you just do a natty or not I'm referencing the time I said he looked like a Greek god I'm sensitive I know you are Enrico Zanoni we're going to say no
Starting point is 02:21:57 yes no Jay Crouch I don't think so Ryan I say no Who day Andre who day Guillaume Blanc Alex Vigneault
Starting point is 02:22:13 Henrik Hapalappen Timothy Paulson Will Morad I think so too Fireplug I think Uldis has it as well Uldis Uldis be close
Starting point is 02:22:29 We'll throw him on there because we didn't throw the last guy on there Spencer Panchik Well it depends how deep he wants to squat He squats really deep typically So know if he does that I'm not sure about the Panchik brothers He's too deep Scott could do it So no, if he does that. I'm not sure about the Panchuk brothers. He's too deep.
Starting point is 02:22:47 Scott could do it. He's not in the games this past year, though. Correct. Spencer and Saxon, they squat too deep, which typically is awesome. So Spencer, does he go in or not? No. I think he's in the 205 to 210 range that breaks my heart Dallin Pepper
Starting point is 02:23:07 no Travis Mayer no oh this next one is tough Willie Jorge Willie I think Willie
Starting point is 02:23:19 might be a two minutes is so fast I know it's ridiculous. We're getting to the guys where the answers will be yes. They're coming up. I don't know. Willis?
Starting point is 02:23:32 Willie, I'm going to say no. I'm going to say no as well. Vukowski? No. Yonikowski? Koski, I could see doing it. Koski, Koski, Koski. Nick Matthew? He could be close
Starting point is 02:23:49 You know he's good at all that shit I'm just gonna say yes Dude that guy weighs 200 pounds Nick? Dude Nick is fucking jacked Did you not realize How strong he is? How big he is? 605 deadlift? 375 clean and jerk 300 pound snatch i think
Starting point is 02:24:05 i've seen all those videos on his instagram that's crazy hey i sent you a private chat that is we can look at it after the guys it's totally worth bringing up uh it's just it's just a link to a video oh okay holy shit wow that video you just sent me is crazy You pulled it up already Oh sorry Wow Fuck that up Sorry guys you can turn off the show now Yonikoski
Starting point is 02:24:34 Nick Matthew No yes No yes I'm going to say no on Nick Matthew I think Andrew said yes I think I say yes to Nick Matthew I say no to Cole Sager I say going to say no on Nick Matthew. I think Andrew said yes. I think I say yes to Nick Matthew. Okay. I say no to Cole Sager.
Starting point is 02:24:48 I say yes to Noel Olsen. Ryan? Cole Sager and Noel Olsen. I say yes to both. Wow. Okay. All over here on the side. Ryan's B team.
Starting point is 02:25:02 Sax and Panchik. No. No? I think Saxon Panchick. No. No? I think all the Panchick brothers can do it. Gui Majeros. Yes. Oh, please. Ryan.
Starting point is 02:25:19 Hey, you want to remind me who won hat trick and why? Other than the fact that he moved that dumbbell like it was nothing. It's the squat speed. I think he could do it. I think I swayed Brian with that one. He did. Björg van Carl Gudmundsson. No.
Starting point is 02:25:42 No. Lazar Jukic. No. No. Lazar Jukic. No. No. Jason Hopper. No. No. Patrick Valner.
Starting point is 02:25:53 No. No. Jeffrey Adler. No. Hmm. Adler? But he's closer than the previous four. Damn, Adler's almost 200 pounds, too.
Starting point is 02:26:04 It's crazy. 202, man. I'll 200 pounds, too. It's crazy. 202, man. I'll still say, wow. Okay. 202. Fuck. That's the fastest time we've seen in the profile. Not that the profile means shit, but...
Starting point is 02:26:17 All right. Well, I should eat crow then. Atta boy. Adler? I don't know. I was going to say no. I'll stick with no, but after seeing that, there's no chance Adler is a guy. There's no chance that he's put a score up on his, uh,
Starting point is 02:26:34 on his profile that isn't accurate. He and Caroline Lambert have the highest standards for that stuff. So if he's been that close before, I would say in a competition setting, it's definitely possible. That's one of the most filled out games. Let's put them in there. Let's put them in there. Let's put in Adler.
Starting point is 02:26:49 And the yes. Yeah. I'm a mercy. Yes. For the fifth fittest man on the planet. Uh, Samuel quant. No,
Starting point is 02:26:57 no. Ricky Garrett. No. Hmm. Mr. What the fuck happened to his flag? Mr. Roman Krennikov. Krennikov.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Oh my gosh. No. Big dude. Big dude. Some people were getting offended at the gym when we put Russian kettlebell swings, so I just put a white flag and then wrote kettlebell swings next to it.
Starting point is 02:27:19 You're kidding me. This is why I do all of my training in the garage now he's joking you're joking brian just medeiros he can i think medeiros could yeah you think medeiros can i do not think medeiros can okay so but i do think you pull that video up. Yeah. One second. So, uh,
Starting point is 02:27:48 Keelan Henry, Augustine, Raquel May, Colton Mertens, Will Morad, all this. What's that guy's last name? Upanix.
Starting point is 02:27:57 Upanix. Yonakoski, Noah Olson, Guy and Adler. It's 10. It's 10. One of you guys said, Brian said, uh, Brian saidsen, Gee, and Adler. It's 10. It's 10. One of you guys said probably 10. Brian said 25 or so, right?
Starting point is 02:28:09 I'm not sure I gave a number. No, no, no. I was saying 25 guys under 215. Got it. I think there'd be a lot of guys between 205 and 215. This show is like up and running. It's like we started a new show. When's the last time you did Fran, Brian?
Starting point is 02:28:27 Maybe 18 months ago. Look at Daniel Pulliam. Pulliam says future goat and training. Holy moly. Want to take a peek at this? Hell yeah. Here we go she got depth she got an extension at the top right right you see anything i don't like that
Starting point is 02:28:57 right that right elbow just on her never looks that good oh i see it i see it i see it are you trying to pause it on the right elbow yeah she's hauling ass yes freeze frame it yeah well look her look her her left arm is straight and and something is that with the right arm i I wouldn't say it's not straight. Oh, that time it went straight. That last one. Well, the last one is different than the other one. These are fast. She looks like she's getting them too.
Starting point is 02:29:43 Wow, crazy. Crazy. But that's the thing. To do Fran under two minutes minutes you have to do pull ups like that also where you're not wasting any range of motion if you're just literally just getting your chin over correct and then the thrusters almost does she have a change point on the inside of that she does an actual 95 pound bar or a 65 pound bar so it's uh okay i see i see there was a video not too long ago sometime in the past year of paul trombley doing a really fast fran and it's just i mean it's the finest margins he is squatting as high as you possibly can to
Starting point is 02:30:27 break parable and he's getting over the bar as minimal as possible where it doesn't even necessarily look like he is getting his chin over the bar um but you have like that's to go under two minutes you have to do that do you know how fast you went do you remember no i don't and it's been weird this year a lot of people over the course of the year have asked me for the world record fran time and i just there's one guy here i sent it in the chat i think i found it and i'm looking at some other looking at rebecca fusli's video video she posted two weeks ago she does not look like the petite girl that was at the
Starting point is 02:31:05 crossfit games yeah but that has to do with the angles and the cameras and shit or the fact that she knows she just finished the crossfit games and she's getting strong she's eating oh she's taking the hayley adams advice i i think this is the video is Is it an all black gym, Brian? The trombone video you're talking about? I can't remember. He's doing it on a shorty bar. If I saw it, I'd know. Is that it?
Starting point is 02:31:39 Yeah, I think this is it. Wow, he is flying. But you see that he's like, I mean, it doesn't even necessarily look like he's breaking parallel i think he is and he's just pulling the bar down that's what you have and the distance the distance between the pull-up bar and and the barbell and look at that two steps backwards and here he is and look at this oh i don't know if that for those don't look some of those that's what i'm saying he's right He's riding the line as close as he can.
Starting point is 02:32:06 And that's really why you can't, no, fuck Paul. Oh, Paulie. Oh, Paulie. See how quick it was though.
Starting point is 02:32:17 See how quick it was. Go to the end of the video. Maybe he thought you just had to get your nose over. Maybe he just thought you had to get your nose over. Maybe he just thought you had to get your nose over. Black shirt, black shorts. Oh! Oh, my goodness. Brian, is this the fucking...
Starting point is 02:32:38 Come on. Wow, I give it to him. I give it to him. I got to give it to him i give it to him i gotta give it to him oh my god come on you're fucking kidding me wow paul trembley that's hardcore he's still under two minutes with it yeah you knew that that was going to happen, Brian? Yeah. It was – yeah. Good job, Brian. I mean, someone said that to me when it just first happened. Wow. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:33:12 I've never seen that before. But will she – but she will not make it back to the games, huh? Hmm. Just not strong enough, right? Someone posted in the – I mean, look. I think John Young posted there that Mitch Wagner had a 154 Fran time. That's not true. What?
Starting point is 02:33:31 Mitch Wagner is the one that I remember seeing. Yeah, but that's not guaranteeing you making the games. Correct. Also correct. Yeah. It's actually the opposite. That's why someone said friendly Fran is the standard. Like if you have a sub four minute friendly Fran,
Starting point is 02:33:48 you're probably in contention. And what's the weight on that? 115, 75 or 85? 85. 85. And that is a guarantee you're going to the games. That's a good correlate.
Starting point is 02:34:03 Like, oh shit. Like you got a sub four minute friendly Fran. You're good to go. It's not a guarantee you're going to the games? That's a good correlate? Like, oh, shit, you got a sub-four-minute friendly Fran, you're good to go? It's not a guarantee. It's way fucking closer than Fran. Yeah, I would say it's a better predictor, but... All right.
Starting point is 02:34:17 Well, thank you, Brian, for coming on. Is there any stone left unturned? Oh, my God, my ass is sore. I mean... Lot to unfold. Yeah, this is what i thought and it's actually interesting so these were the five guys to do it under four minutes fraser olsen scott tetlow baden brown jacob heppner adler was exactly four minutes and that's the only year that scott tetlow made the games he only qualified through an online version of it, and I don't think he'll ever make it again,
Starting point is 02:34:47 and he has a sub-former at Friendly France, and he was the one guy I was wondering about from that year. So I don't think it's a guarantee either. What makes you think Scott's never going to make it again? Ask him about Colton Mertens while you're there. Well, because he's never made it to begin with. Okay. So the abnormal year is the year he made it.
Starting point is 02:35:11 How old's Tetlow? 28. I don't think that's in the games profile anymore. 27. Do you think Colton Mertens makes it again, Brian? He was 27. He was either 27 in that year or he's 27 now.
Starting point is 02:35:27 He's 5'3". No shit. It's in that year. They always backfill him. So if you were to go to 20, 16, he's 29 then. Do you think Colton goes? To the games again? Yeah. He's made it
Starting point is 02:35:43 two years in a row. I know. It's crazy. I'll say no. No Colton. No Colton. But I also think that it's a premature question anyway because I need to see what the structure for qualifying is going to look like. Do you have any reason to think it'll be any different next year?
Starting point is 02:36:04 Yeah. Okay. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Well, just are you,
Starting point is 02:36:10 are you saying just because the semifinals are going away? So there's a lot of things that I've heard that I'm not sure about. The one that I do feel confident about is that you'll be able to compete where you live. And if that, but that just brings about a bunch of more questions. So, you know, we just take one case study. Roman Krennikoff is now in Madison. So if he's able to compete in North America, you know, what does that mean? Will it, will North America get any extra spots because someone like that is living here and competing here or not?
Starting point is 02:36:43 I don't know how the spots will be distributed under that new system. I've often made the case that Oceania should have more athletes, but that's when you're considering all of the athletes from Oceania there. If there's athletes that are native to that part of the world but aren't living there and there's some of the athletes that are regularly making it at the top of the sport, then I don't necessarily think that's the case because the only reason I've been saying that is based on the performance of the athletes from that part of the world that have regularly been making it to the games. And since those athletes like Jamie Simmons and Cara Saunders and Tia Claire Toomey on the women's side have been doing so well for over a period of time, I have made a case that that should earn them as a continent an extra spot. But if they're not in that continent anymore, living in that continent, therefore not competing there. So should I move to China then, Brian?
Starting point is 02:37:32 Yeah, that'd be great. Then we don't have to worry about having another show. Hey, Brian, so you think that they're going back, you think they're going back to some sort of regional, you think they're going back to some sort of regional standard where basically if you live, wherever you live on Jan 1, that's where the region you're going to compete? I think so, yeah. I don't have a problem with that.
Starting point is 02:37:57 No, I mean, there was, you know, and the thing is they didn't, like, you know, Sarah Sigmundsdottir or Katrin Davidsdottir, for example, they moved to the U.S. for a year or more, and then they would just be in the Northeast regional, or they would just be in the Central regional. And they didn't give them more spots that way. So under that assumption is where I would say that it would only become harder for someone like Colton Burns to make the games, because then you have the potential for anyone from outside of North america who decides to to come and live here to take one of those 20 spots away del le basur nice yeah that's yeah that's impressive brian what time you work in the morning tomorrow not early i was like, what the fuck are you doing right now? Okay. Good job. Taylor and I live in the same time zone.
Starting point is 02:38:53 I know, but he doesn't have a real job. It's 1138. He gets juiced up, fucks Alexis, and makes videos. American psycho. Yeah. Oh, wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 02:39:08 You know the scene, right? I do know the scene. I read that book, too. I don't know why I did that to myself. Wasn't good? No. Horrible. Did you see Jeffrey Dahmer? Did you see the Jeffrey Dahmer TV show?
Starting point is 02:39:20 No. It's good. Brian, you're not going to watch that, are you? You know, I've never watched an episode of just YouTube before maybe I should do that what do you mean just us you're just seven on Hiller on this yeah maybe if it was on Hiller's channel I would watch it
Starting point is 02:39:36 no you got to watch the Jeffrey Dahmer TV show then you can watch seven on it's like the same thing okay thank you I wasn't far from Brian and I either thank you Brian for coming on then you can watch 799. It's like the same thing. Okay. Thank you. I wasn't far from Brian and I are either. Thank you, Brian, for coming on special guest.
Starting point is 02:39:51 Always nice to piggybacking off of the great content you make to get bolster my numbers. Thank you. You know it. Patrick. Bye.

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