The Sevan Podcast - #628 - CrossFit Games News

Episode Date: October 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. Chris Madigan. BZA PR. What's BZA? Someone Google that. BZA PR on behalf of CrossFit. BZA. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:00:18 They've hired an outside fucking company. BZA. They're not even hiding it anymore that they fucking sold out. BZA Public Relations. Wow. PR company out of LA. Wow. Oh, that's not good.
Starting point is 00:00:35 They're years of the nation's leading communications. Ha ha ha! Brian Friend, hi! How's it going? Andrew Hiller, hi. How are you how are you off center but you know do what you want it's kind of where i hang out i hang out here i think the video shit pops up over here oh is that really is that true that's why i'm always offset yeah because i put things up over
Starting point is 00:00:58 here so it was uh jason cf media props to jason cf media and uh matthew souza back from um the continent known as europe uh you know what my wife said uh matt is that the reason why paris seemed like they're the people charles de gaulle seemed like assholes to you is because you can't just blame the french people because she said the people in spain are so damn nice yeah the people in spain and italy were awesome yeah so she said that kind of fucked your your whole radar up perception yeah makes sense look at all these handsome fellas and andrew lewis and reiller right andrew hiller who the hell is Andrew Lewis like CS Lewis he wrote the Chronicles of Narnia I'm his brother I'm a mess I just ran in seven I got your
Starting point is 00:01:53 CEO shirt while competing a crash last weekend for the first time amazing event and it was icing on the cake to get your shirt oh that's awesome Teresa Harvey can we pull up her IG Teresa I will give you my firstborn child if you have a post wearing your CEO shirt. Careful, careful. See you, Avi. Earlier today – Brian, feel free to jump in any time I fuck this up. Earlier today, approximately 33 minutes ago, Pacific Standard Time. I guess anywhere you are on planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Approximately 33 minutes ago, Pacific Standard Time. I guess anywhere you are on planet Earth. 33 minutes ago, a CrossFit released something that says CrossFit introduces updates and improvements. We'll be the judge of that. Of the 2023 CrossFit Games season. That's so funny that they say improvements. The bold play. The shit.
Starting point is 00:02:42 CrossFit introduces updates and improvements ahead of the 2023 crossfit game season like don't waste my time just say crossfit introduces updates to 2023 season that's it pretty wasted a bunch of words new competition maps cool that's cool i like that standardized programming oh that's fun that's fun. That's fun. And other competition improvements. It's checked. Why improvements? I see. Sorry, Teresa.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Harvey, I don't see this Sevan CEO shirt. No. That's disappointing. Unacceptable. Maybe they keep scrolling. It could be anywhere. Maybe. She just got it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Sevan, Greg C, marry, kill, fuck today's guests. I'm marrying Sousa. I'm going to fuck myself. Every day. This comes out of Boulder, Colorado, October 11, 2022. CrossFit Today announces updates of its season-long schedule that will be incorporated immediately ahead of the 2023 Noble CrossFit Games season.
Starting point is 00:03:58 This is how you read all your emails? You just kind of read it and you digest each sentence for a couple minutes? No, I usually just delete. Guys, who wrote this shit? A PR firm for 30 years. How the fuck is what immediately ahead of? Yeah, I fucking know. You just told me.
Starting point is 00:04:14 CrossFit Today announced the update to its long. Listen to this sentence. CrossFit Today announced updates to its season-long schedule that will be incorporated immediately ahead of the 2023 noba isn't that right now why can't they just say immediately yeah immediately or or just the 2020 open on thursday february 16th 2023 okay so the season hasn't started yet and concludes returning to madison wisconsin for the noble crossFit Games the week of July 31st through August 6th. So let's start there.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Is any of this news new, Brian, that the season starts? I guess that means the Open starts on February 16th, 2023 and that we have dates for the games. Is this new? Yeah, they had not previously announced. They had announced the dates for the Open, at least the starting of it. They have not previously announced the dates for the games. So that's new. and it's also new and they wanted to clearly make a point of that that they're announcing these things earlier than they have in the past i didn't see that i
Starting point is 00:05:17 have i got to that that they're no no that's why they're not for that that's what they said uh incorporated them they announced updates immediately ahead of all of that is in contrast to years in the past where these types of announcements would come later or sometimes even after the season had begun. Okay. And when it says, so they're patting themselves on the back without, just tell us you want to pat yourself on the back. I'm okay with some self of padding um and when it says the open will start thursday february 16th that that sounds like because it says thursday that that will be the actual and that's not registration that's the actual announcement for the first event correct no registration usually opens up five six weeks ahead of that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:09 That's the date that I think you guys should be pushing because that's when the dollars come in. And the games are July 31st through August 6th. I'm assuming August 6th is a Sunday and July 31st is a Monday. Monday. But I'm just making assumptions. Changes are being incorporated to the CrossFit Open, quarterfinals, semifinals, CrossFit games, and some athletic divisions. By the way, do you have any issues with anything that we just read?
Starting point is 00:06:32 What are athletic divisions? I know from reading through this, they're referring to some of maybe the master's team or adaptive divisions, but I don't know if I've ever heard them referred to as athletic divisions before. I would assume that all of the divisions are athletic because there are athletes competing in them. We shall find out. Yeah, kids. Our goal is to make the transgender division this year larger than any of the other divisions with a prize money of six million dollars wow that's all game on i'm in hey hillary you're on
Starting point is 00:07:12 so much tea you could be you could be in the uh well no the second i stop taking it i'll qualify yeah just plummet i'm in six mil six mil damn our goal is to increase the amount of people who see a couple people that was a joke that was a joke by the way there is no transgender division and if there is i'm even more certain that the money isn't six million dollars i wonder who the richest transgender person is in the world you know how like they have the richest black guy the richest like jenner what they're a j Jenner. Oh, uh, Bruce Jenner's the really known as Bruce. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah. Yeah. Culture. I got it all. I know. You're right. What about those Wozniak brothers who made the matrix? That more wealthy than the Jenner.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Okay. I don't know. I'm on the spot. I would love to have, uhaitlin jenner as a um seven when's the last time you had coffee oh not recently and i switched to decaf why do i do i seem like i need some i've had too much switch to decaf well that's not true i've been mixing my um paper street coffee with some decaf beans 50 50 difficult light says it's not gender are you transitioning no i am transitioning i want to sleep better and i drink coffee all day our goal is to increase the
Starting point is 00:08:32 amount of people who see and participate in the sport and welcome more people to take up crossfit training as a result you have to know that is a fucking lie by the way they treat this podcast and the fact that this podcast is the most influential media piece in the fucking crossfit space period end of story mic drop so that's not true or else they would be kinder to us although they are very kind it's just recording phase actually strike all that i want to i want to strike that from the record they're actually nonce coming on and we had adrian on yeah i started sweating like maybe i started i felt beat a sweat build under one of my armpits i'll take that let me come back yeah yeah yeah um i just don't think that they're playing me right we wanted to announce future season formats and timelines earlier than we've done in the past so that the athletes and
Starting point is 00:09:24 affiliates have ample opportunity to plan their training scheduling and confidence said, wow. Wow. Justin Berg, GM of sport. This is like, this isn't like,
Starting point is 00:09:35 I don't care about any of this. I think that's what I thought when I was reading it. I just want to know when it is. I want to know what the stuff is. It's like, honey, I want to tell you something. I love you so much. I have a new wife. I'm bringing a girl to our bedroom.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I mean, it's like. Well, let's be fair. A lot of the conversations that we've had over the last year, we have asked for more communication. To not just give us something, but to tell us why you're doing it. Tell us what the intention is. Tell us who you've talked to to help make these decisions or maybe why you've made them. So I think that they're attempting to do that here. I think I'm telling, I, what I think that they're doing is, is they're pat, they're, they're B it almost feels like it's not necessarily that they've done a great job of it,
Starting point is 00:10:21 but that's what they're attempting to do. Okay. It feels like they're feeling feeling insecure or something about it and they're wasting my time by making me read these words that want to make that that mean nothing to me like this is what you tell your own team hey guys congratulations you guys let us say this let brian be like holy shit i can't believe how early they release this not you guys saying it about yourself or make me read it most of the people who anyway i know none of the people who, anyway, I know none of the athletes give a fuck about this. They just want the numbers. How much is it going to cost?
Starting point is 00:10:49 What are the dates? When do we start training? When do we register? We know how hard our athletes work and we want them to be prepared to put their best foot forward as a whole. We understand that while every CrossFit athlete might not choose to compete, there are those who love our sport and see the benefits of this magical community. Getting ahead of our scheduled events will allow more people to
Starting point is 00:11:04 reap the overall benefits of this magical community getting ahead of our scheduled events will allow more people to reap the overall benefits of crossfit i don't know chris madigan you have to fill up 1000 words in your email to the community he gets paid per word you gotta justify that price point uh new competition okay so now we're at the good shit this is the good shit thank you thank you uh so anyone at home anyone who got this email you don't have to read just read the first paragraph and skip the next three paragraphs okay here we go a new competition map this is exciting i'm excited athletes will compete in regions based on their country of citizenship starting with the crossfit open through the semi-finals the most notable changes in the map for individuals and team athletes is the
Starting point is 00:11:45 division of North America into two competition regions, East and West. So does that, Brian, does that mean if you're a citizen of the U.S., you get to choose whether you're going to be in the East or the West? No. So first of all, athletes will compete in regions based on their country of citizenship. I think this is a really important bullet point here. And I don't think if I'm remembering correctly that it was
Starting point is 00:12:09 included in the article, the morning chalk up wrote about this. This is something that I'm not that excited about. That's the way it was last year though. That's no change, right? Correct. And I was under the impression that there was a lot of conversation going on about athletes having the opportunity to compete where they live instead of where they're from. And that's something that I am a big proponent of. And it's just one example, but it's based on some examples from the past. Maybe we'll start with the past examples. In the first year of semifinals two years ago, everyone knows that Tia Claire Toomey had the opportunity or could not compete in Australia because of complications with travel at the time in the world. So she competed at the Mac. She won the
Starting point is 00:12:48 Mac. We know what the implications of that were. In addition to Tia Claire Toomey, there were about a dozen other people who were unable to travel back to their continent of residence or what do they say here? Country of citizenship. Name three, name three. Can't because every other one of them finished last place at the semifinal that they were displaced to and the only exceptions were that if they beat someone else who was also displaced so in in that entire season all of the athletes that were unable to travel and compete they're either finished first one person or last about a dozen other people but what i'm specifically thinking about for this year is roman krennikoff and i'm sure there are other examples like this but it's actually absolutely ludicrous to me that roman Krennikoff should have to travel to Asia two months before the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:13:28 where he's a legitimate contender to win the CrossFit Games, just to go and totally embarrass everyone else there. He's on a totally different level in terms of competition than the rest of those people. And we know how difficult it's been for him to get here and all of the other backstory of that. He's got his family here now. He's got a life here now. He has no intention or need to go back to Asia for any of that. It's only complicated things for him. It's already been an incredibly complicated situation. I know there are other athletes that this would be the case for
Starting point is 00:13:55 because we saw it play out this year already. Or Cohen was unable to travel from Israel to South Korea. Denis Samsonov and Mordaza Hagafi were unable to travel to South Korea. Hamza, right? Hamza Terafi. That's it. Yes. Thank you. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I'm not compelled by what you're saying, Brian. How are you not? Why make him travel there? There's one caveat to this, is that there's a lot of information that's not included here, and there's more information that's to come.
Starting point is 00:14:31 If suddenly the semifinal prize purse for winning it is $20,000, then maybe I'll change my mind because now it's worth it to make the trip over there. But if you have to spend five grand to get there to compete for a spot that we know you're gonna qualify anyway, what is the point of making him go?
Starting point is 00:14:46 Let me ask you this. So you're saying that it's okay for an American, you would think it would be okay for one of the studs from North America to go over and win the Chinese region or whatever that region is? A hundred percent. Yeah, for sure. If they're living there. No, no, not it.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Oh, I see what you're saying. They are living there. It's happened in the past. It's happened in the past. They did that during the Gwesterner. All of the athletes that used to train in Dubai would compete in the Meridian Regional. What's a compromise you want to make?
Starting point is 00:15:14 What's a compromise? Sarah Sigma Sutter was living in Boston. She competed in the Northeast. Sarah Sigma Sutter moved to Cookville. She competed in the Central Regional. It's fine. Let them compete where they live. It's ridiculous to send them across the world for that.
Starting point is 00:15:24 How long would they have to live them across the world for that. How long would they have to live there? I agree with you. How long would they have to live there? The start of the season. Okay, so your second question about North America. It says somewhere in here that once you register for the Open, they will tell you whether you're competing in the East or the West, and your track from the Open through the quarterfinals,
Starting point is 00:15:41 through the semifinals, to the games will be known. That should just be the case for everyone based on where you register, where you live. So why did they do it? Because they want global representation at the games. They'll still get global representation at the games. I agree. Just answering.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Are you telling me there's a handful of individuals who are sitting at the crossfit games who thought about people like roman krennikoff and they're like fuck it this is the better decision or or or this or they really are concerned with people moving somewhere to to china or wherever the fuck that region is where is that region korea who cares because i'll tell you what if there's some guy who's 25th best in the united states and he decides to move him and his family and whatever else to china to live there to try to compete to make the crossfit games and he beats everyone in asia great that means he's better than them and that means the field will be better overall i agree and maybe patrick
Starting point is 00:16:40 velner would be a fucking good canadian and just do it so that more canadians could get in it could be kind of his way of like hey if all you guys chip in a thousand bucks, I'll leave this region. Pay my moving expenses. This is a good thing for Canada because I have had this contention the past two years as well. That the Atlas Games is basically just the Canadian games. And I think nine out of the 10 male qualifiers and maybe 10 out of the 10 female qualifiers there. Or maybe it's eight and nine or something like that. We're from Canada anyway, and a majority of the field is Canadian.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And I had said, well, look at the men in Canada in particular. You have Vellner and Fikowski and Vino, top 10. You have Adler, top 10. You have Alexander Caron. He went second place at Waterpluza. Samuel Cornwallier, we don't necessarily know his. You already can't have that many guys. That's already six guys that have top 20 potential at the game.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Now they can be distributed east and west, and they'll have more opportunity to get through if they're good enough to. So the U.S. had four semifinals last year, and Canada had two, and this year that's six total, and now they just have two? They had four last year, and Canada had one of those four. Three in the U.S., one in Canada, four total. Oh, Atlas Games is the only one. There wasn't one on the West.
Starting point is 00:17:46 There was nothing on the West at all. Okay. So now, so, so now there's only, now there's only two. There are two North America. They take twice as many people.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Do they take twice as many people from each one? They take 10 from each one. They haven't said, I don't think so. Haven't they not said in here, the number of athletes they're taking from each? Wow, taking 10. Okay, so I see what's going on.
Starting point is 00:18:11 They're bringing these events in-house and they're trying to save money. They want to make sure they don't fucking overextend. I'm okay with that. Right, Brian? I don't know if it's in this one or the Morning Chalk Ups article. Do you see it that way
Starting point is 00:18:25 suza yeah they're just they're they're taking the events back they're calling are they calling reducing overhead they're reducing overhead are they calling these regionals again who's going to run these is crossfit running these let's keep reading okay uh because it sounds like it's just a way to just shore up some uh some money evaporating which i don't i can't hate for that this eliminates the need for seating process during semi-finals what's that mean remember during the semi-finals that the in the north american europe there was always a controversy about who got placed where were you placed in the atlas games and could you get there if you were placed there oh athlete opinions came into place all this other unknown stuff. Upon registering for the 2023 CrossFit Open,
Starting point is 00:19:07 each athlete will know the competition roadmap from open through the games. Upon registering. I think they mean after registering. Not on top. Okay. I'm not even a good writer. I just know how to listen. Standardized programming.
Starting point is 00:19:25 CrossFit will standardize and program all events for the entire season, including all of 2023 semifinal events. Big thumbs up. Yeah, that's good. Meaning every single person who competes in the CrossFit Games will have taken the same road of people who have the same genitalia as them damn that's as accurate as i could say it that's right right yeah that's and that's better for the athletes too because i think one of the from just a fan like viewpoint if you're having to pay
Starting point is 00:20:00 attention to what all the events are what all the semifinals you're like focusing on the events and not the athletes so if you already know it like how it what all the events are and what all the semifinals, you're like focusing on the events and not the athletes. So if you already know it, like how it was with regionals and you watched one weekend and you already know all the events that are coming up. Now you're focused more on the athletes than you are and trying to figure out what event is where and which one is which and everything else. And it simplifies it,
Starting point is 00:20:17 which actually will, in my opinion, help with more people that aren't necessarily super into the sport to bring them back into it, to pay more attention to the athletes. There's less to complain about well personally yeah andrew so they think it's i don't i haven't read through this entire email we're doing now but on the morning chalkups website it says the fields will be stronger but the total number of game spots allocated to these regions will remain the same yeah i thought so so it's five no it's 20 for north america
Starting point is 00:20:45 the same spots allocated so all right so you derive that into 10 and 10 okay yeah 10 for east 10 for west got it um well at least there's another caveat later on here yep okay so so we so i like that we don't need need the seating for the semifinals. Everything else you like, you like the standardization, Andrew, you first. Oh,
Starting point is 00:21:10 the programming. Oh yeah. Yeah. That was one of the best things to tear apart during the season was how it didn't seem as if they were getting the right people there based upon the workouts. And some of the workouts just seemed biased one way or the other. There are a lot of reasons why this is a good
Starting point is 00:21:26 thing some of them are specific to who's doing the programming in a certain region you know there are um i wrote a bunch of articles about why how there were certain things being tested some places that weren't being tested at all other places we drew comparisons to the past where we saw high level games contenders like samantha briggs or katrin davids daughter miss out on a game season because something that they weren't very good at was programmed one year but in this most recent model that could have happened to andrew where he was competing but i may not have had the same high skill level tests in the semifinal i was competing at or whatever how about castro always saying that the open the regionals and the games were
Starting point is 00:22:11 always a linear progression and there was always a plan to each of those things and that was completely thrown out the window when everyone could do whatever they wanted at the level of the semifinals yeah a hundred percent true also you know it's we had that in 2021 where we saw a one-run max snatch at the games but we also saw one-run max snatch at a hand at half the semi-finals oh it's a pleasure hey brian just talked to himself um anyway so yeah that's another great mantra yeah the czar's listening um cross will standardize program all events for the entire season including all of 2023 semifinal events advancing from the semi-finals to the crossfit games there will be a baseline number of crossfit games qualifying
Starting point is 00:22:59 spots for each semi-final in lieu of the last chance qualifier the final games qualifying spots will be allocated from the semifinals according to a ranking system based on the strength of the field so can you pull up tyler watkins instagram story so basically there will be no last chance qualifier and the final games qualifying spots will be allocated from the semifinals. According to the ranking system based on the strength of the field. Is that Z score? Not Z score.
Starting point is 00:23:32 No, but last May or April, Tyler and I co-published an article that talks specifically about trying to solve this kind of solution. And he identified this, uh, these bullet points here, probably from morning chalk ups article, I think, or maybe this is from the email.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I can't tell in this format. And then on the next slide, he shows the table that we had come up with that basically talks about this. This was a model that he created that shows this, basically that we were allocating spots based on strength of athletes in those semifinals from previous years. So I'm not exactly sure how they're planning to go about assessing the strength of each semifinal. This is where I think this caveat is what I think allows for athletes to compete where they live and still have a reasonable distribution of game spots. So for example, if you were allowed to compete where you live, and Roman Krennikoff and Guy Maieros, and just for the sake of conversation, two other high-level games
Starting point is 00:24:32 athletes were living in the United States and therefore competing in the United States, you could factor that into the equation when deciding how to allocate the game spot. So if they're already implementing a plan for distributing some of the game spots based on strengths of semifinal, then why not just do that across the board after athletes register? You know, you're not going to make the strength of semifinal based on athletes, a 100 through 500 in the world.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's going to be based on the athletes that we know about. So what's that mean? What does what mean? What does it mean then what they're saying so what they're saying is that there's a fixed number my understanding is there's a fixed number of spots per semi-final i mean per continent 10 20 in the united states 10 in europe and i'm assuming based on what's been released three two two and one in the rest of the world. Is that right? I saw that in the comments. Jr. Threw that up earlier.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I think three in, in, in Oceania, two in Asia sounded right. Yes. In South America, one in Africa. And this gets us to 38.
Starting point is 00:25:36 That means that there's two remaining spots left and they're planning to distribute those spots somewhere based on strength of semifinal field. Oh, does it say field? I think it, oh, it does. Oh, shit. So we don't know. We don't know what the fuck's going on. This is what we know. We know there won't be a last chance qualifier since everyone's doing the same workout. They're going to try to figure out a fair way
Starting point is 00:26:02 to get people to the CrossFit Games who didn't qualify from their regions. But we're close. Some number 11 guys are going to go from somewhere. We had recommended, we had suggested at some points during the last year that
Starting point is 00:26:16 you could have two weeks of semifinals and if there were standardized programming, you could look at how all of the athletes in week one did. And besides the guys who've already qualified, you could assign one or two or however many spots to the next best in like a cross semifinal comparison type thing and then do the same thing for week two. Why don't we just do it by skin color? Because this is the show from earlier today you're talking about. Oh, right, right.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I got my shows. I got my shows. Oh, right, right. Sorry. This is a different show. I got my shows confused. Shows are messed up. I got my shows confused. Okay. Well, I'm excited to see how they're going to do that. Me too.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And because however they decide to do that will foster a further conversation for if it's possible to implement that same method in addition to letting athletes compete where they live the the part where the part the argument that people have had where this is not fair this standardized testing by the way is doesn't matter whenever anyone brings it up except right here if you have a last if you have a if you're going to let people go in beyond what was already expected and And here's why. The people who go last are going to have the regions that go last with standardized testing theoretically have a better chance of doing the workouts. They know what the scores are ready to break. They can practice more. And so whatever method they come up with, that's going to be one of the arguments I'm sure we're going to throw at it right away to kind of crowbar it or attack it. What was that?
Starting point is 00:27:46 And not that I think there's any validity there. Who gives a fuck what's fair? But it is worth talking about. Were you going to say something, Brian? Well, what's the unknown is whether they're going to assess this ranking system based on the strength of field of how they perform in semifinals or in how they've performed previously. So if they have standardized programming forinals or in how they've performed previously. So if they're,
Starting point is 00:28:09 if they have standardized programming for everyone worldwide in quarterfinals, then they could use the quarterfinal performance and apply that to the semifinal fields and identify the two strongest fields relative to the number of competitors in those fields, and then give each one of those one spot or potentially give one of those two spots if they were that strong. They need to need to just get rid of the quarterfinals go straight from the make the open five weeks again and go straight to the semifinals nailed it agreed yeah but they're gonna make less money that way exactly also nailed it i don't know i don't know isn't it like another 50 bucks to register if you make quarterfinals it's five weeks either way brian isn't that something you and i talked about at one point just making the quarterfinals like a layer of competition to the crossfit games hey what if they did this what if they charge you 20 bucks for the first three workouts and
Starting point is 00:28:54 if you want the next two it's like a video game if you want to unlock and you got to drop another 50 i mean it's basically what it is yeah yeah that's exactly what it is and then with that 10 it's why it would be better off doing that's exactly what it is. And then with that 10%, it's why- They would be better off doing that if they want to make more money, because then you still might have some idiots who are way outside whatever the threshold is that still want to pay the 50 bucks to get their name on the later board. I wouldn't say they're idiots. That was a little strong, Brian. Careful with the idiot, Brian. Damn, that's my word.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I'm watching too many of your videos. That's all the stuff we say. Okay, so this is good i i since we've started since we've gotten into the meat of this i'm i'm enjoying this um okay uh do you want to say is there anything that's really upsetting you at all right so far brian or hillar or suza that like are you tripping that they'll only be east and west in north america are you tripping that we'll be sending 10 like is there anything that's freaking you out so far some of your questions got to that part yeah okay besides that that's fine that means the ratings will be good uh susan uh hill or anything freaking you out so far are you okay with uh north america only having two shows so far we're okay yeah okay i still I mean, if anything, it's just that it's not like it was during the regionals.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I just didn't see anything wrong with it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's kind of what I always say. And they fixed it, which broke it. And now they're not going back to the right way. They're trying, but they're like inching their way back. Well, there are other things to consider here. And I'm sure I have to believe that one of the things that went into these decision making process was a financial sustainability of these events. I am okay with the reduction of events to a smaller number. I think there, you know, it's more easy to sell or market if you have, I mean, just think about if we just were to pull up like the lists of the top 20 athletes or maybe top 15 from the MAC and the syndicate and throw them all
Starting point is 00:30:45 into one competition, people could justify taking four days and spending, you know, $1,500, $2,000 to go to one of these competitions. If that level of caliber of athlete is competing, when you cut that in half and it's not really, you know, it's, it's a lot, it's half as desirable. Did I read or write that in the open you have to perform it on affiliate now there's or there's you can't do it provide a video yeah they eliminated that you could do it in the presence of a judge only and have it count i i like what you're saying brian we're going to get to see people compete against each other big names that maybe wouldn't have met up before and there'll be deeper more competitive fields
Starting point is 00:31:29 in the semifinals in in the so in a way it's like when they dropped it from top 50 people from whatever region to the super regionals and you were you combined like froning with heppner well that's what we advertised to show us. There's a super regional something thumbnail. Correct. Okay. No returns. Okay. So if you say it that way,
Starting point is 00:31:50 I like it. Yeah, that's cool. It's longer semifinal fields. Now there's like in some aspects, there's a little less drama, you know, the first and second,
Starting point is 00:32:00 third place guys who went in the last day are not really in any jeopardy of missing out. And there's 10 spots instead of five, but whatever. People still want to see them compete. Those are the biggest names and the best competitors in the sport. There will be a lot of drama in the probably 6 through 15 range, maybe even 6 through 20 range, depending on the scoring system that they decide to use, because it's going to be competitive.
Starting point is 00:32:24 It's going to be tight. That'll be pretty cool, actually. Yeah, it'll be great for the fans. Hey, look at this. This is so funny. This guy was sucked out of a fucking, the cockpit window of his airplane 30 years ago. Why would you?
Starting point is 00:32:43 At 7,000 feet. You just talked about the airplane stuff. I'm terrified of you bringing this up. Flight 5390 is one of the most storied and remarkable near-missed in British Airways history. 27 minutes into the flight from Birmingham to Spain,
Starting point is 00:32:59 somewhere over the English Midlands, two of the cockpit windows smashed, depressurized the cabin, and pulled Tim Lancaster out. Does this fucking dude survive this? That happened to a chick on a Southwest flight, too. That's an artist's rendition. She didn't survive, right? No, she didn't.
Starting point is 00:33:14 The engine blew, and it hit the window, and it sucked her partly out the window. Oh, my goodness. Someone just sent me that text. That's what I get for reading text. That's what you get for me reading text, Brian, during the show. I'm, like, more terrified now now here we go um crossroads uh advancing from the semi-final there will be a baseline okay we did team eligibility here we go on to my favorite subject teams all team athletes will be required required to individually perform the crossfit open
Starting point is 00:33:40 workouts with their affiliate check okay. Okay. Thank you, Brian. Fine. We're cool. After the open, it's interesting. It's interesting wording. They were required to perform them from their affiliate as different than being able to just submit a video and do it.
Starting point is 00:33:58 So there might be a different expectation for teams having to be at their affiliate. But if you're an individual, you could do it in your garage with a video camera. Okay. Okay. After the Open, teams will then select six athletes, four competing members, and two alternates who will
Starting point is 00:34:14 compete in the quarterfinals, semifinals, and CrossFit games together. Once the six-person team is selected, the roster is locked in for the entirety of the season. What are you laughing at, Brian? The way I'm reading or something? He omitted one word.
Starting point is 00:34:29 It's never mind. It's just a typo in their email. I omitted the word? Yeah, a typo. Once the six-person team is selected. Oh, once the six-person. Yeah, there's another typo in there somewhere, too. The devil.
Starting point is 00:34:42 There is an episode of Shouldn't Be alive on that yeah crazy right yeah wow okay i'll check it out big thing there is that you're not going to see crossfit east nashville at the top of the leaderboard next year who correct so i wanted i made a video on this and it was how crossfit east nashville was the fittest team coming out of the open. And then they finished somewhere in the 200s in the quarterfinals. And that was because they still had Tia, Saxon, Street Horner, Brookwell's scores in there. And when you put those scores onto a team, they're at the top of the leaderboard. And when you put it in this wording,
Starting point is 00:35:18 it says that they've got to commit to either being on the team or going individual. Do you know what Street Horner's count is? Do you know what his testosterone levels are? It was in the 500s, I think. He posted it. He got it done through something. He did? Did he do it because I was making fun of him? I'm only like 80% sure on that.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I remember seeing out a story of his maybe a year ago. Okay. So that's all we got on team eligibility. Improving the adaptive competition. You guys can't say improving unless it's more money and more athletes. New eligibility requirements will be introduced to compete in the adaptive competition, and this information will be shared soon.
Starting point is 00:35:58 So please take our word. It's improvement. It's improving the adaptive competition. So all they're telling you here is that something's coming, but we're not going to tell you. Did I read that right? And trust them. It's improving the adaptive competition. So all they're telling you here is that something's coming, but we're not going to tell you that I read that right. And trust them. It's going to be good. And it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:36:11 God, I love PR firms. Do you know if we sent something out like this one, Greg was CEO. He'd have fucking killed somebody. Uh, athletes must be good news, but he probably would have liked it if it was for the games
Starting point is 00:36:27 because it would fuck the games up. Makes him look bad. Athletes must complete CrossFit Open Work. Okay, here we go. The CrossFit Open. Thursday, February 16th through March 6th, 2023. Athletes must compete CrossFit Open Workouts at an affiliate with scores validated by the affiliate manager
Starting point is 00:36:43 or by submitting video evidence oh so you need that that's going back to the old way right where you submit your score and then then the affiliate owner has to go through and uh okay that's cool we like that right that's good but we gotta be you know we really have to be careful and check on the rule book later because under the teams, it did not give the or option. It said that they will be required to individually perform the workouts from their affiliate. So if you're planning on competing on a team, stay tuned to find out if you have that video option or not. What would be the argument against just making everybody do it at a registered affiliate? Like it has to be an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:37:24 You have to go there to do it. What be the argument uh against making everyone have a video or both but what if their their goal is to push people into affiliates and find more people that are going to be training crossfit shouldn't they eliminate your ability to do it at home and make you go to your nearest affiliate to do it well i can think of the reason why they don't want to what brian said why everyone doesn't have that video because they don't want to what brian said why everyone doesn't have to have video because they don't want to discourage people from from registering like someone like me like who cares if i if i don't tape the wall when i do my hand is it the same answer for matt's question then uh uh matt's question if i have to go to an affiliate to do it oh right instead of doing it in my garage where i work out the other 350 days of the year right and then you got to get
Starting point is 00:38:03 judged by a person and then you know whatever you can but. And then you got to get judged by a person and then, you know, whatever. You can still get the video. You don't have to get judged by a person. You can do it on a video camera and submit it. Yeah. Okay. But either way, if you tap the dude on a register affiliate, why wouldn't they do that? Because you don't want to.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Like if I were to enter the open, I would probably just do it. In years past, they allowed you to submit a video as well. No, I know that but i'm just saying if they're if their whole if they're going to present this as a drive to help to like queue it up to help the affiliates by saying by making this in streamlining it's going to have more people want to train crossfit wouldn't you just drive more people into the affiliate doors maybe they're at their garage gym and they work out 365 there but they never been exposed to the community so i forced somebody like sevenbon to come in and actually do with the community and people cheering on he's like holy fuck i've been missing out on this the whole time i'm gonna buy a punch card
Starting point is 00:38:49 i'm gonna sign up for or he might just say fuck it if they're making me go somewhere else and i'm used to doing it i'm not gonna do it yeah so it'd be interesting on how much they would actually lose out because if they're if the ultimate goal is to help them drive more traffic into the affiliates with the crossfit games being the biggest advertising. That's not their ultimate goal. They would say that in here if it was their ultimate goal. What do you think their ultimate goal is? I don't know. But everything in here they've worded to the 10th degree.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And if they had any sort of thought process that they were doing this to get people into the affiliates, they would have said so. Yeah. Our goal was always to – our goal, I remember at HQ, the main goal was to get as many people to sign up as possible and i never thought it was no one ever said explicitly it was to uh make money it's to cast a big net to find the fittest on earth but yeah just to like get as much participation as we can if for no other reason bragging rights like holy shit we got 500 000 they'll unless they um create a media team they'll never ever get close to that what do
Starting point is 00:39:46 you think the more driver of having people sign up for the open would be to have the affiliates make big grand events of it and have somebody like me an affiliate owner yes about it all the time yes you have to get the affiliates cooperation yes you need fucking nutball affiliate owners who are like nagging events and you got to put incentives to it and you got to put incentives to it, and you got to say, sign up. We used to do it with our nutrition challenge every single year, and it got your team points. Now I don't give a fuck. I would do this if I was an affiliate owner.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I demand everyone to sign up and to take the $20 off of your fucking monthly. So you would eat the cost? Yep, I'd eat the cost. Because first of all, I don't think most people would do that. You could do it 50%. I'd do the whole thing you have 200 members uh it costs you uh that month it costs you 4 000 bucks oh didn't you just this morning i know i'm just this morning you're talking about how expensive it was crazy crazy i just think that if cross it i'm saying if i if i wanted to support
Starting point is 00:40:42 the mothership i would do that because it would be so fucking cool the energy you would have in your affiliate if you had all 200 fucking people do the Open. Do you know how fun it would be on Wednesday night at your gym? It would be fucking crazy. We used to get members that way because people would bring their friends in because they were into it. They would show up, and they'd be like, this is what it's like when you work out. And they would sign up. They'd be drinking at the affiliate that night, like a lot of it. Big party on the last one there usually is and that would happen and then and then you go back to five weeks
Starting point is 00:41:10 and i mean that's what i'd do i'm just yeah oh it's just interesting that's all i just wanted to point that out yeah okay we get back um and here's the thing here's the thing kudos for crossfit for not making anyone do shit still yeah okay uh what do you mean make them do shit like like hey if you want to be an affiliate i don't i don't know like you have some sort of rule i like the fact that it's still up to the affiliates like there's affiliates out there like fuck you someone i don't care if we do the open okay got it okay okay adaptive athletes will be uh we're still under the crossfit open uh bullet. Adaptive athletes will be able to mark CrossFit Open workouts as scaled and make modifications based on their ability. So basically, they're not even in the competition.
Starting point is 00:41:58 What did you say? The athletic division? Yeah. athletic divisions yeah you're hey a dear adaptive athletes when you go that far to change the rules you're no longer in the competition you have to know that if i lower the test scores to get into medical school for all armenians when you finally become a doctor you are not really a doctor and no one wants to talk to you and everyone knows, and everyone's going to avoid you like the plague because they want the Chinese guys who had to get the highest test scores. You're not really an athlete. Adaptive athletes will be able to mark CrossFit open workouts as scaled.
Starting point is 00:42:36 That's fine. And make modifications based on abilities. That part makes me nervous. Why? Because what are those – those modifications need to be um universal across the board we all have to be if you want it to be a competition i'm not saying it can't i'm not saying it's still not a great workout you get physical stimulus from it you're getting but it goes back to that video like um that event you can do pistols or
Starting point is 00:43:01 step ups like no you guys are not competing anymore you could run a mile or 800 meters the people who sub the when it's run and you jackasses you poor folks who have bad knees who sub the rower and the bicycle you are not competing with the class anymore just stop don't even write your shit on the board
Starting point is 00:43:19 I'm glad you're there I'm glad you're there I really am glad you're there but you're not competing with the class anymore it's not a competition i don't disagree thank you it's just did you watch dave's thing on uh is this workout crossfit yeah they're not usually a competition with yourself is what i took away from a lot of that brian do you have any things anything to say about the adaptive i know it's been a point of contention of how they've handled that in some instances in the past I don't know specifically why
Starting point is 00:43:50 they're including this here except maybe for the hopes of saying that we've heard the complaints in the past and we're going to try to correct them this year they're saying that it allows hip and seal to Hillary already told you Hillary already told you what's in there because chris gets paid per word that's why i put six six they gotta justify
Starting point is 00:44:12 that a hundred thousand dollar paycheck every time they write something elimination bullet point four under the crossword open elimination of using a registered judge as the sole way of validating scores i think that's redundant we've already been told it, right? Because you can submit a video. Is that what they're saying? There used to be three options. Now there are only two options for individuals and possibly only one option for teams. Team members.
Starting point is 00:44:40 In the past, you could do one of three things. I'm not understanding this right now. In the past, you could do one of three things. Okay. You could submit a score at an affiliate you could submit a video of your performance or you could do the performance anywhere in the presence of a certified crossfit judge even if it wasn't affiliate and even if it wasn't uh recorded on video the third option that i just said is no longer an option this year so you're at my so what'd you say hillary that was the that was one of the
Starting point is 00:45:06 options i uh dug into this year with my videos in the open along with the videos of people uploading videos with nothing on them like hey i'm gonna put a video of my workout it's just like an error screen it's like all right how the fuck did they one of my favorite videos in the history of the crowd so games you know there's always this one or two people that would put up a score that was ridiculous on a workout. Yeah. And one year a guy put up a video. He had the top score in the world, and you could link to it,
Starting point is 00:45:32 and you could watch it on YouTube, and he was in a kilt. Do you remember this one, Andrew? I do. He was wearing a kilt, and he's, like, just doing ridiculous lightweight. It didn't last very long up there. No, it didn't, but it was a good memory I have. Those were in the good old days. So athletes can compete.
Starting point is 00:45:52 No, no, no, no. So anyone who's scaling shouldn't compete. No, everyone should compete. I'm just saying, or participate. Everyone should participate. I'm just saying that if you're doing different movements than everyone else then you're not competing against the um the pack you're only competing against people you do movements with okay so uh we like this and this goes against the narrative that all they care about is making money
Starting point is 00:46:19 by the way so anyone who says they only care about making money, this, this makes it harder for them that we throw, throw that narrative out the window. Yeah. Because before you just can, you could have a judge. Like if I was a judge and my wife was a judge, I could just judge her and she could judge me and we're done. Now. I guess.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I'd send in a video. We're, we're, we're, we're merely lines away from the point where I wanted to talk. The CrossFit quarterfinals. Next paragraph. The top 10% of individuals of each age group and top 25% of teams will advance to the quarterfinals based on the CrossFit Open results.
Starting point is 00:46:59 That's where they want to make their money. That's the same as last year, right? That's the same as last year, and that's something that I think is is a i'm not a big fan of the top 10 or the 25 five and ten yeah yeah five and ten would be better brian brian and and the reason why hillar says it will be better i think is because then it puts more weight in the open correct Correct. Exactly. Good job. And lets us be fit easier to be a fan because there's fewer people to track. I mean, like I said earlier, I think that they are,
Starting point is 00:47:31 are weighing financial implications throughout the entire planning process of the season. And I'm, you know, you, you can, we can look back. We've looked at it before and seen when the top 10% qualify,
Starting point is 00:47:44 what percentage of those sign up. And I was curious about where is that sign up percentage coming from? Because it was about five. It was like half the people that qualified in North American males, for example, signed up. But if you looked at them, let's just say there were 10,000 to make it easy numbers. And you look at the top 2,000, the next 2,000, the next 2,000, the next 2,000, the last 2,000. It was fairly evenly distributed across those. So if you're cutting out the bottom two, 3% or whatever of there, then you're losing a fifth of your revenue stream in the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I would pay every dollar I own just to see their financial reports. How much money did they pick up when they increased it to the 25% and now they're not willing to lose that amount of money? This is where they're trying to make their money. In lieu of, as you were saying, making the competition better.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I think it makes it less prestigious too, but I don't, I don't really have a strong opinion about it. I don't, the quarterfinals are like nothing to me. They're just a time to hang. It's just an excuse to hang out with Brian once a week. I can say,
Starting point is 00:48:54 well, it's one week, but I can say that it's fun. I mean, it is fun for me, at least in the affiliate experience, it's fun for the five to 10 of us that have a chance to make it or make it to the quarterfinals to get together and do those workouts. Yeah, I agree. There's a, there's a
Starting point is 00:49:08 couple of people in my gym where that's like a big incentive for them. And if they narrowed it, you would kind of take that away and they might not join the open at all. In which case, if you kept it the way it was, they have a chance to advance and you get 70 bucks out of them instead of 20. Okay, here we go. Uh, individual quarterfinals. Nope. Sorry. Uh, both the teams quarterfinals and the age group quarterfinals will happen during the same week.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Each competition will have two 24 hour scoring submission windows instead of three teams will compete wednesday through friday and age group will compete friday through sunday i think that this uh decision standby standby hold on craig howard fifty dollars guilt payment for not contributing in the past this works out to be two dollars for each complete episode i've listened to good let's audit let's audit his um uh youtube channel i guarantee you he's watched more than that craig you're the man thank you love you you're the best thanks craig go ahead brian sorry this means nothing to me either i andrew will have an opinion on this i think okay
Starting point is 00:50:17 what having everything done in the same week no uh having the entire team competition on wednesday through friday i know that there are you know teams are often talking about how difficult it is to have that schedule anyway and that the weekends are obviously easier to align all four or six people schedules or whatever is needed for that and to find space at your affiliate to do it in the midst of the normal class schedules that are going on during that time. I think that they're counter to that. Well, we're giving you the information way ahead of time so you can plan for it. Okay, I still think this is going to be a logistical nightmare for a lot of teams.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Well, 25% of the teams competing can do it. So what if you have three teams competing? Then you've got to find all that time for recording the videos and sending them in? It's, it's a nightmare. Some of my favorite videos were, okay, we were looking at this athlete, but that it's behind three people who are doing a class right now. Like I would, I would team competitors just really low rent influencers anyway, and they don't have jobs and they just sit around and,
Starting point is 00:51:22 and they're too lazy to work on their weaknesses. And that's why they compete team they got a 600 pound snatch and it's 15 minutes has entered the snat return has entered the jet low rent influencer froning i don't know i think this is a logistical challenge for teams to do it on three weekdays alone uh you know and they have to be at their affiliate where they're, like I said, there are full schedules of classes oftentimes going on, and they have very specific parameters usually for these workouts of how the floor has to be laid out.
Starting point is 00:51:54 My first opinion here is that that's a bit of an oversight to force the teams to do all of the quarterfinal workouts in their affiliate on weekdays. Every barrier for entry makes it less and less likely that people are going to do it or even do it well. That's like the biggest thing with this, in my opinion. Pascal Bosiger, I've given head to one of the guys four times. Wow. Guess which one?
Starting point is 00:52:24 Wow. Stop texting from your phone sorry the desk right now sorry so you belong on your knees sorry sorry pascal shh uh susan's got the brain uh individuals quarterfinals will consist but but it's a but here's the here's the thing we're at the quarterfinals now so these teams these teams just in defense these teams like these are these are more these are more serious athletes right we're at the quarterfinals like take some time off ah maybe not you know i don't you're saying because they have they need to be at work right at google and like making money they have work they have families and but the other important aspect of this is that there's classes going on
Starting point is 00:53:15 all days at these affiliates you might have to do a workout that requires you to film all the plates to show that you've measured out this space you have to have time to warm up you have to have to clear out the gym. You have to set, you know, you have to get the cameras in place. You have to have a judge who can do it. You have to have athletes that have schedules that are available and daycare for the kids and all these other things. And you're forcing all of it onto weekdays. So there's no option. Some of the teams would do all these workouts in 24 hours on a weekend on a Saturday, because it was the only thing that they had available. They could all get together and do it and have space in their affiliate. It's going to be a lot harder to do that on a Thursday or a Friday or a
Starting point is 00:53:49 Wednesday. Completely agree with that. Brian agree or disagree. There was nothing wrong with 18.1 CrossFit open, which was, I believe that rowing total bar dumbbell, hang clean and jerk with no standards on where everything had to go. It might've been the same.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I think it's 18.1. Is this relevant right now? What's the, yeah, yes, it's relevant. Tell me the, tell me the work of the dumbbell,
Starting point is 00:54:20 hang clean and jerks with the total bar. Oh yeah. And the thing that people were doing is they were putting the rower under the Toto bar and they were trying to get everything as compact as possible with a 20-minute AMRAP. I think Brent Fikowski did that too in that one. Wasn't he the one in particular that would
Starting point is 00:54:35 jump off the bar onto the seat of the rower almost? Yep. The point I'm trying to make here is that with what you're talking about which is everything needs to be taped off and set up and recorded on a Wednesday in the ass and it's even harder when you got to do it in this time time frame and i didn't see an issue with having it be kind of a mental hurdle for the teams it's like hey you can't figure it out then it's on you uh i don't know if i'm allowed to give this person credit but thank you for the text
Starting point is 00:55:21 the richest transvestite is Jenny Pritzker. I looked into that, but I left it. And she's the reason this is happening. And by this, I think, I mean, the chaos of definitions of words. Is this relevant right now? Yeah, I tried. I tried to move it around.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Hey, it's plenty relevant. It gave me time to seep some gas out with anyone noticing. It was plenty relevant. Oh, we heard. That microphone's good. Okay. I thought it was relevant. Individuals quarterfinals will consist of three days of competition,
Starting point is 00:56:00 similar to the 2021 and 2022 season. Okay. Okay. Yes. Final bullet point under CrossFit quarterfinals, athletes can compete in any quarterfinals competition and as many competitions they have qualified for, i.e. age group, individual, teams, individual, or age group. Oh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:56:24 That's fucking cool. Previously in the email, you guys age group. Oh, I like that. That's fucking cool. Previously in the email, you guys helped me out here. All team athletes will be required to individually perform. Teams will select six athletes who will compete in the quarterfinals, semifinals and games together. Once that team is selected, the roster is locked. So you can lock in the roster for the teams, but those people can also still compete in the other divisions is that am i reading that correctly yeah yeah so you cannot yeah okay fine which means that which means you could put if one of your teammates goes all the way to individual they might pull out they could pull up but you can't replace them as an alternate at that point and also this is why they had this
Starting point is 00:57:03 so this is why they have the teams competing on three days and the masters on the next days the next three days in the same within the same week so that you could potentially do both let's talk about why brian and tommy left the morning chalk up uh if you want to because they were getting head from that guy patrick boygle now you know goodness that's what i thought too breaking news um i heard that breaking thank you hillar hey hillar did you destroy someone yesterday for cheating again on your channel no yeah yeah yeah i did wait i was like wait a minute oh yeah i did someone texted me they're like oh fuck hillard
Starting point is 00:57:45 fuck someone up again i put up a a reel which is pretty good i found it it was his wwe preview he was trying out for the wwf or something like that i like how one of his friends in the comments said he cheats like fuck but he's really a good dude i love him you know what i got like i have friends like that what what i got like four or five messages that said the same thing. It's like, dude, this guy's so nice, but he cheats his ass off. He just takes a little sand out of the wall ball. I know him personally. He's on everything you know.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Under the sun, injecting. But he's super nice. I'm like, all right, I guess you can be both. You could be nice and a dickhead. Hold the door open every time. We move on to semifinals. The list is really long here uh when we get to semi-finals how many athletes are we talking about uh men and women let's read
Starting point is 00:58:32 we'll find out okay uh so we have to open the quarterfinals and now we get to the semi-finals we're one step away from the crossfit games of 2023 bullet point one CrossFit will standardize and program all events for individuals and teams like that yeah we already talked about that we're in favor a bullet point two CrossFit will operate all semi-finals in the United States parentheses two and Europe one so they're regionals. They are regionals. They're super regional. Read the next bullet.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Okay. Well, point three CrossFit will partner with semifinals organizers in Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America. Yeah. So these last two bullet points I think are relevant to consider together.
Starting point is 00:59:26 So you have CrossFit who is taking over completely and operating entirely the semifinals in the United States and Europe. So this is more or less what regionals were in terms of CrossFit's involvement. And then you have four other continents where there will be semi-finals going on and they're partnering with them and that's more similar to the language that was used in the last two seasons when they had basically leased out these events to different event organizers around the world uh you know what in my my where my brain goes is what is crossfit's level of involvement in those events to make sure that they don't get too far left behind what's happening in the United States and Europe,
Starting point is 01:00:09 where it seems like they're going to be investing a majority of their assets and resources. They're going to send a liaison out there to not make, to knock out the ropes. That's what they're going to do. Yeah. So I would say that I have a question here. What does that mean that you're going to partner with them? How are you going to be supportive of them? Obviously, the financial viability of those events is a topic that was discussed at length this past season. We know that there were some that seemed what we we know that there are some who seem to do pretty well and some that seem to struggle. And there's some of them we know that struggled. And so I want to know what their plan is to make sure that those events that they're partnering with, partnering with not leaving out to dry to make sure that they don't have a financial struggle again this year. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Will there be sponsors that CrossFit brings in that are not just for the ones that they're operating, but ones that those others can draw upon the resources from, for example? Those are questions that I'd be curious about. upon the resources front for example like those i heard that i'd be curious about what i heard uh from from very some very progressive individuals very intelligent very progressive individuals highly educated that they don't want to do uh events with any continents that have start with the letter a that's why they got rid of africa asia and australia i mean that's and that's why they refer to them as the United States instead of North America. Yes. I did read that.
Starting point is 01:01:27 That seemed like a typo. They're A-ist. A-ist, yes, yes. I've heard that. That's why they don't like me. I'm from really deep, deep thinkers. It was my first name. Fuckers.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Deep. Bullet point number four in our CrossFit semifinalsinals individual athletes and teams from the same affiliate individual athletes and teams from the same affiliate will compete at the same semi-final location and upon registering for the crossfit open would know what location that will be should they qualify that far well shit that i mean that's some fucking healthy logic right there right this is great of course yes but there you know i i don't know why it's necessary to say that if there's an east and a west you would presume the geography has something to do with the location and so that if i'm competing but it didn't last year because there were people in texas being sent to canada right but yeah in context of last year yes this Right. In context of last year, yes, this is necessary.
Starting point is 01:02:26 In context of this year, this is an unnecessary bullet point. I don't know if I agree with you. I agree with you, Brian, in logic, but remember this guy gets paid for word count. Oh, yeah, that's right. I knew it. It's very...
Starting point is 01:02:42 I mean, yeah, of course they're going to be at the same location but that's nice that's good that's good makes me think that someone cares there someone gives a fuck well i guess that the big thing to take away is that they're not going to be waiting until a week or two before the semi-finals to know where they're going they'll know after they sign up for the oh don't count your chick oh yeah yeah location wise yeah yeah i see what you're saying that's what i'm saying yeah crossfit is a and they won't know upon you'll know upon you'll know after crossfit is eliminating the semi-final seeding process that was used in 2021 and 2022
Starting point is 01:03:17 this is well in the next bullet we've already talked about these as well as the last chance qualifier uh next bullet point top individual athletes and teams will advance to one of seven worldwide semi-final competitions these are just for word count continue yes uh next one the top 60 individual women and top 60 individual men and top 40 teams will advance and compete at the north american east north North American East, North American West, and European semifinals. It was a mouthful. And so before, did those regions only have – did those semifinals only have 30 in the past? In the United States, if you were a male or female, there were 120 available spots for semifinals. They were distributed across four.
Starting point is 01:04:01 There are still 120. In Europe, there were 60 for each. There are still 120. In Europe, there were 60 for each. There's still 60. Last season, I made a case for and used data and whatever to illustrate how there's a discrepancy here and that the talent in Europe is catching up to United States and it's not being reflected or represented in the way that the season unfolds for those athletes. So basically what I'm saying is that athletes 61 through 90 in Europe are better than athletes 91 through 120 in North America. But the ones 91 through 120 in North America still have the opportunity to advance in the season where the 161 through 90 in Europe do not. Anyway, there's no change of the number of people in those continents advancing from
Starting point is 01:04:46 but but but they brought i want that brian's top 20 most fuckable athletes men and women i'll do the man brian stay in your lane um do you consult with pascal for that list dude that was terrell john uh no big and flexes is. No, Big and Flexy's is funny too. Hey, Big and Flexy, please, he wants to be milked. I'll send Pascal to your house afterwards. He can milk the fuck out of you. He'll milk you up. Hey, Brian, so what you're saying is that it's nice that they've kept the same amount, but all the problems that were with the past, not getting the best athletes there
Starting point is 01:05:21 that would have just required some minor tweaks, they they brought with this new, this new way. Yeah. And I mean, there was a guy, for example, there was a guy two years ago who finished somewhere in the sixties in, in, in, uh, Europe and he was able to get a backfill because of athletes declining their invite. And he went to the semifinals and he placed eighth. It's pretty good. We did see a case like this in the, I think that, that would have gotten to last chance qualifier back then. We did see a case like this in the i think that that would have gotten
Starting point is 01:05:45 to last chance qualifier back then we did see a case like this in the united states i think it was a super anomaly of a case with bailey rail who was outside of 120 and got an invite and went and qualified for the games and then made the top 20 at the games but i you know there's there can always be some exceptions in general what i'm saying is that if there are if you were to look at the top 30 those next 30 out and the men's side, and in particular, if you wanted to talk about the 121 through 150 in North America compared to 61 through 90 in Europe, there's no comparison. The 61 through 90 is significantly better. But Europe is getting… They get 60 spots.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And what I'm basically saying is that in Europe, the 90, I think that there could be a conversation to have more. Or in North America, there could be a conversation to have less if you want to have based on the performance in recent years. It's not a huge thing. It's just something that I've dove into in the past. It's not a huge thing. It's just, it's just something that I've dove into in the past. Next bullet point, top 30 individual women and men and the top 20 teams will be invited to
Starting point is 01:06:50 compete at each of the semifinals in Africa. Same as Lester. Okay. Asia, Australia, and South America. The top 30 athletes in each age group will advance to the semifinals. All age group semifinals will be held online.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Similar to 2022. I think that's the same. And that is implying to me that they're probably also going to keep the number at 10. I would struggle to see them have a competition of 30 and only reduce it to 20 that advance to the games. So it doesn't say that here, but I'm assuming that that means there's only 10 athletes per Masters division going going to the games, which I think is not, I don't think, I don't like that. I have talked about before how not every division needs more. For example, the 60 and plus crowd have a far, far fewer number of registrants participants than the 35 to 50 crowd, for example. And I would like to see a reversion here, at least for probably
Starting point is 01:07:45 at the very least for the 17 to 18 year old division. And for the 35 to 49 year old divisions, I would like to see them go back to 20. I don't think that's going to be the case based on what I'm seeing here. And I think that's a loss in terms of competition for sure, possibly also revenue and maybe even interest of some of those athletes that are on the bubble. possibly also revenue and maybe even interest of some of those athletes that are on the bubble. One of the moderators just blocked a porn site from posting, but only blocked him for five minutes. That was actually that was actually me. You know what? Come back later. Come back in five minutes.
Starting point is 01:08:21 The poach was strong. They got five minutes. Brian, someone from the adaptive class who I had on this podcast, and I can't remember his name, reached out to me. No, he's a Masters athlete. Is there some huge Masters competition coming up? There are two, Masters Fitness Collective later this month, and then the Masters Legends Championship in December. Whoever that was who contacted me, you text me. I can't remember your name.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Who's the guy who's the stud on the show? I texted you? No, no, sorry. Jason Grubb? Yeah, Jason Grubb. Oh, Jason Grubb. Did he? I'm on fire with the name.
Starting point is 01:08:53 I got a new phone, Jason, and my shit got all sideways. If it's you and you're watching, please re-text me with that. What did you say? You dropped your phone and shit? That too. I dropped my phone and shit too. It was in my back pocket, and I saw the shit, and I pulled my pants up and shit too it was in my back pocket and i saw the shit and i pulled my pants up like really slow was around my ankles but it was your shit no no be cool oh i
Starting point is 01:09:13 continue continue go to my instagram for all the juicy details each each semi-finals competition will receive a designated and guaranteed number of CrossFit games qualifying spots. That word guaranteed makes me nervous as shit. So this is what we were talking about earlier. So that's what they've included here in the morning chalk ups article. They wrote that the fields will be stronger, but the total number of game spots allocated to these regions will be the same. So there's potentially a little bit of an inconsistency there. But what I think is the main takeaway is that every semifinal will have a minimum.
Starting point is 01:09:45 And then the leftover spots will be distributed based on the unknown ranking system that will be assigned at some point during the season. That's replaced in the online qualifier. That's replacing the last chance qualifier. Last chance. Thank you. A semifinals competition may be awarded additional CrossFit games, qualifying.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Oh, let me start that over again. This is good. A semifinals competition may be awarded additional CrossFit games Games qualifying spots based on the strength of the field present at the specific event. No shit. So they can just call an audible. Yeah. So what this is accounting for, because at the start, we'll just take North America, for example, because I think it's most likely to happen here.
Starting point is 01:10:20 However, you could happen in Europe, too. But in North America in particular is the easiest example for people to understand. The East and the West will be determined in the Open where you're competing, and they'll each get 60 spots. But it's possible that the East field is statistically significantly stronger than the West field. And if they're also statistically significantly stronger than Europe's field, then the North American East semifinal would be rewarded with one or two additional qualifying spots. So instead of 10, which are guaranteed, they could get 11 or 12. What I'm curious about, and I'm hopeful about this because I've talked about it before, I think John Young mentioned in the comments too, is if that distribution of those
Starting point is 01:10:59 extra spots will vary between the men's and the women's field. So we could have North America East get the extra two men's spots, America East get the extra two men's spots, but Europe gets extra two women's spots, for example. Hey, it's basically telling the people who don't get it. Your region sucked. Hey, there's going to be. No, it's not. It's reporting for the competitive excellence of the field.
Starting point is 01:11:18 This is what I've always wanted there to be. Right. But it's going to be like, hey, your field sucked and you still didn't make it. This is going to be we're going to be we're going you still didn't make it. This is going to be, we're going to have some debates about this. This is going to get juicy. I have to have heard Brian say that at least a dozen times over the past couple of years, that there are regions that are not as strong as others and they deserve or don't deserve more or less spots. So he's not lying.
Starting point is 01:11:40 And he also said significantly statistically. And I'm like, say that five times fast. So I thought as he was talking said significantly statistically and i'm like say that five times fast so no i thought as he was talking significantly statistically why is brian rock hard why are you rock hard right now brian pascal because he finally got it oh scout for your turn um okay okay i i think i think that part of you i see brian when you read this you like it but i think in the end this is going to bite you in the ass i think that somehow the math isn't going to be right and you're gonna be like fuck they chose the wrong guy and gal uh we'll see how it plays out i think i have confidence they're putting brooke wells in right it's going to be like
Starting point is 01:12:21 the central beasts again east pride baby i'm already a team. I don't even know what that means. It'll be the individual with the most Instagram followers. It'll be somehow, some way also the strongest field will have the most Instagram followers with the individual who misses out. That's true. I'm calling it. That is true. Okay, here we go. I'm calling it. That is true. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Semifinals competition may be awarded additional CrossFit Games qualifying spots. Okay. Second to last bullet point. Previous last chance qualifier spots will be allocated. Okay. Redundant. Okay, yeah. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Word count. Next one. And the last one answers a question we were talking about earlier. Okay, final bullet point on the crossfit semifinals the top 40 individual women men and teams as well as the top 10 athletes in each age group will advance to the crossfit games so we'll start with reverse there so yes the speculation that i had about the top 10 in each age division will be going to the game so there's no no difference regardless of if you have 15 000 people sign up for division or 150 you still only get 10 spots the the teams they're adding two spots back there were only 38 available in the last two years now there will be 40 they have not specified where those other two
Starting point is 01:13:36 spots will be coming from and for the men and the women it says the top 40 we know that that's not the top 40 fittest in the world that is just just 40 that have been distributed across semifinals in the way that's been explained already in this email. And Justin Medeiros will be winning the men's competition. Final bullet point, and Tia Toomey will be winning the women's. You know it. Agreed. Roman will be stuck in wherever he has to be. In Brian's head, Roman Krennikoff is the champ.
Starting point is 01:14:05 You all agree? Are we done or are we going on? We're going on. Maybe Patrick Vellner. No, that's John Young. John Young likes Patrick Vellner. Everyone loves Patrick Vellner. The Noble CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:14:19 The Noble CrossFit Games, Tuesday, August 1st, Sunday, August 6th, 2023, Madison, Wisconsin. They'll be introducing a new six-day format. the games Tuesday, August 1st, Sunday, August 6th, 2023, Madison, Wisconsin. They'll be introducing a new six-day format. I think they've had a six-day format in the past. I remember going to the games in 2016 and the Masters division started on Tuesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
Starting point is 01:14:38 six days. So it's new relative to recent years, but it's not the first time it's ever been done. However, August 1st, August 6th, yes. So that doesn't mean that the individuals – Oh, that's interesting, though. Again, I think if you read in the – oh, no, never mind. That doesn't mean that the individuals will be competing all of those days.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Correct. Okay. Total number of – so I don't even know what that means the total number across the game spots remains the same across all divisions is not true as i just mentioned there'll be two more teams this year than there were the last two years otherwise this is the same oh get fucked oh damn you got him damn hey i i'm not joking i'm not joking brian that dude who do you know how much this guy gets paid for fucking writing this a lot do you know how much his company gets paid more than uh any of us make yeah andrew you should do a video where you acquire a quote from them for your company and see. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Not a bad idea. It's crazy that they paid someone to do this. You're not willing to fork up information. Please sign up for the Sebon Podcast newsletter if you want something extremely well-written. How much does an email like this go for, Sebon? How much does an email like this go for, Sevan? I'm sure that they have some $3 million fucking five-year minimum deal with this fucking company, something like that. Three-year, $5 million deal, something like that. And then this guy probably makes – who writes this?
Starting point is 01:16:14 Anywhere from $1 to $4.50 a year. And we make a prediction that this will be one of many emails that will come out too. And he probably – and I don't even know if he wrote it, this guy Chris Madigan. I don't know what they're doing over there. wonder if that's the company that weinstein let's look at his website afterwards and see if weinstein got hired over there i'm just so curious this idea of clive's is a good idea this is basically what can west games tried to do can i read it before you answer sorry sure clive mclaughlin 449 of something Euros Thoughts on a second tier CrossFit comp To include those who miss out on the games And reduced games field
Starting point is 01:16:52 Second tier comp Could be outside the states It's called Wadapalooza No he's talking about like a competition After semifinals and before the games For the athletes that were close that didn't make it So Canwest Games was supposed to be this year which it was kind of like that the obviously there's been the unfortunate situation with paying out the prize purse that's you say the puppy bowl
Starting point is 01:17:12 the toilet bowl secondarily there was a french throwdown during that same time period where a lot of the high level athletes who barely missed the games or some of them many of whom were some of whom were also in the last chance qualifier competed. So there are some competitions like that that do exist with at least advertised prize purses that are somewhat attractive to athletes of that caliber. I think French sword are most likely we'll continue in that regard. The big question is going to be what's going to happen to these competitions that were semifinals last year.
Starting point is 01:17:42 You know, what is strength and depth going to become if, and who is CrossFit running that competition now. Will they hire people from strength and depth and low-lens throwdown to help run those competitions in Europe on behalf of CrossFit? Or will those competitions go back to existing on their own? And if that's the case, then maybe they can fill in some of that opportunity
Starting point is 01:18:02 or need, Clive. Brian, I wouldn't normally bother you with these questions, but this does bother me. This isn't true, right? Brian probably rooted for a drag on Rock and Roll. You did not, right? It's complicated. Oh, God. Call me when the show's over. You had a $2.25 pleaded in press.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Come on. 225 pleaded and pressed come on uh and closing closing Chris Matt Chris Madigan from BZAPR on behalf of CrossFit CrossFit needs someone speaking for them in the 20 years
Starting point is 01:18:40 since its founding CrossFit has grown from a garage gym in Santa Cruz California into the world's most effective program for improving health and performance through nutrition and exercise. CrossFit is the world's leading provider of accredited performance-based training courses and certifications, and has more than 125,000 credentialed coaches across the world. The program can be modified to welcome people of all ages and abilities and millions of people have already experienced crossfit's transformational benefits in more than 13 000 affiliated gyms across 158 countries crossfit also directs to the
Starting point is 01:19:15 crossfit game season beginning with the annual crossfit open through i read something wrong there cross open through which athletes at every level compete worldwide and culminating in the CrossFit Games where top athletes compete for the title of fittest on Earth. There's something in here that's a trip. The program can be modified to welcome people of all ages. You're not modifying the program, people. Oh, I don't recognize him.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Oh, he's a communications expert. Well, then you should know that you should never put two ands in one sentence. Jackass. I sat next to this guy at the games in the media room. The program can be modified to welcome people of all ages and abilities and millions. First, the program is not being modified. You don't modify the program. Who are you, James Fitzgerald?
Starting point is 01:20:07 Ouch, that hurt. No, I'm talking to the writer of this article, not you. Oh, thank you. Who are you, James Fitzgerald? Chris, welcome to the club. Good first try, buddy. It actually, I give you, there's always room to grow. That's going to be a swing and a miss.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah, but no, he, pop fly, pop fly in the infield. Good first try, buddy. I give you... That's going to be a swing and a miss. Pop fly. Pop fly in the infield. Foul tip off his own toe. Hopefully he watches this and he learns that he can make it more to the point. That's what we're here for. What if you wrote something perfect?
Starting point is 01:20:40 How would I make $36 off this video? Yeah, thanks, guys. Brian, thank you uh for being available on such notice uh andrew hiller thank you for being available on such short notice suze at least you could do for being gone for two weeks and leaving me and taylor and jr go fuck yourself for not showing up love you guys uh There's a chance we'll be on late tonight with some follow-up on the same subject. I'm just not sure how I'm going to swerve on. Okay. Bye-bye.

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