The Sevan Podcast - #629 - Tommy G

Episode Date: October 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I never can get enough of this. Bam, we're live. I never can get enough of this clip. Ever, ever, ever. Why would that keep hitting up the box still, people? Ain't like this whole motherfucking city ain't got stashes all over it. True that. So why?
Starting point is 00:00:17 Because. Because? Indeed. You know why I sent that Tommy why'd you send that man because I said do you want to email and you said indeed yes sir
Starting point is 00:00:33 like a good hood rat holy shit I can't believe how good it is to meet you dude I appreciate you guys having me on you are so how old are you if you don't mind me asking? I turned 29 today.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Happy birthday. Thank you. Happy birthday. Yeah. Thank you. You're in Milwaukee? Yes, sir. Man, everything, you do everything right.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Really? I appreciate that. You do everything right. You do everything right you do everything right i feel more leave better that you leave everything better um uh you go to a strip club club and the people are better for you leave the place better than when you got there i don't know how most people probably don't do that you know what i mean like they leave like they say something offensive they throw up in the bathroom they come in their pants i don't do that. You know what I mean? They leave like they say something offensive. They throw up in the bathroom. They come in their pants.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I don't know what they do. But you leave there like and I think all the people who cross paths with you are like, yeah, my life's better for me and Tommy G. Well, I certainly appreciate that. My mission is definitely to make people smile, make people think, make people laugh. And that one and only that's my first and only visit to a strip club. And I had a great time while it lasted. And, but so yeah, is that the video that you found me about? No, it was the Kia boy video.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Okay. And I'm not a, I'm probably very similar to you. Everything I do, everything I do is to move the podcast forward so i never just scroll on my instagram unless i'm looking for guests i never i'm never like if i'm i'm never doing anything unless it's basically somehow involved with finding more guests so however i don't even and that's not even in my um algorithm that kind of stuff right like i don't know who any of the um i don't the the youtube sensations and like in and like kind of what would you call yourself are you are you journalist are you a documentary filmmaker what do you what are you an entrepreneur artist what
Starting point is 00:02:38 the fuck are you how do i pigeonhole you sure i would say say I'm a on the street journalist, documentarian that gets some of the wildest stuff on YouTube. And I'm also an entrepreneur between the YouTube channel and real estate. I keep myself busy and I come from the corporate world for the last five and a half years and I hated it and knew that I always felt there was something else calling me. And finally, after four years on YouTube, I initially did prank videos and I was, you know, I had some fun doing it, but once I made the jump to documentaries, things have just been absolutely exponential with growth and I found my path and my calling. And so I, I travel about once a month to go shoot three, four or five videos at a time. And then I'm back in Milwaukee doing real estate and jujitsu and coaching wrestling and things like that. You sell real estate.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I buy real estate. I'll sell it if you give me the right price. Right, right, right, right, right. I want to buy something in Milwaukee. Can you help me buy something in Milwaukee? 100% and I can manage it for you. God, I love you already. Look at that. So we'll get you a place that's likely in the trenches, but we'll make it very nice on the inside and we'll find good people to rent from and you'll make a good return.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Can we look at Tommy's YouTube page? Tommy, are you born in Milwaukee? No, I was born in Chris Lake, Illinois, which is about as white bread middle class as you can get. And wrestling in college took me over the border to Wisconsin. A job took me to Milwaukee. And this is where I made my base. Born in Illinois, college took you to Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Do you have siblings? I'm a triplet. I'm the youngest and the dumbest of the three. Are you the – oh, I guess you got – did you guys come out vaginally or C-section? C-section. I was eight weeks premature. I wonder if you would have come out vaginally, which one you would have been. Are you the lightest?
Starting point is 00:04:45 I was baby A, but in the C-section I came out last. And yes, I was three pounds, I think 14 ounces when I came out. Tommy, that's Matt Souza, the executive producer of the show. Hey there. Owner of CrossFit Livermore. Are you a CrossFitter? No. No.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, hill runs, push-ups, pull-ups. I respect CrossFitters. That's some badass workouts you guys have. Yeah, you're a fucking good dude. Yeah, he's one clean and jerk away from being a CrossFitter, though. Yeah. I love trying to choke people too much to probably do i just weights don't do as much for me uh i love the pump you get after weights but i haven't lifted
Starting point is 00:05:30 weights in a long time oh well you got a fucking crazy good body too that's just that's just from uh jujitsu at wanderlay huh jujitsu and i do tons of pull-ups and push-ups and um i coach takedown tuesdays at wanderlay jujitsu so if you. And I coach takedown Tuesdays at Wanderlei Jiu-Jitsu. So if you ever want to learn takedowns, you're in the Milwaukee area, I'll show you a couple of things. There is a, I want to go back to your history a little bit, but there's a video on Tommy G's YouTube
Starting point is 00:05:56 that I highly recommend everyone go see. If you're just going to watch one video, God, there's so many good videos. How about the video where the guys, I'm all over the place. How about the video where the guys, I'm all over the place. How about the video where the guys keep pointing the guns at your cameraman? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And keep having to tell them not to. Yeah, and they, when I told the guy, like I pushed his barrel of the gun down because these are all 15, 16 year old kids that have assault rifles on them. Every kid had two guns and a Gucci bag. Every fucking kid.
Starting point is 00:06:24 You're like, and you're in the middle of the street in broad daylight you're like aren't you guys worried about the police they're like uh and yeah so i i had him point the barrel down because it was pointed right at keegan my camera guy and he's like he like got a little bit mad at me for doing that i was like are you serious dude like what's going on i don't care if you're you flexing your gun, but just don't point it at anybody. It's not that hard, you know? They seem like everywhere you go, they seem like nice, Susan. They seem like they respect you. It's a trip.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I think I have no agenda. I have no, you know, I'm not going in there with an angle. So I just ask people questions. I'm genuinely interested in what they have to say. And I'm trying to, I never try to edit in a way that people look bad. So I, you know, so I think that's what helps me with that. That's not necessarily true. Let me push back on that a little bit. You do have an agenda because there's a couple of questions you ask all these kids.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And that is, what do you see in your future? You kind of, it seems like you always have an agenda to leave them with some of your projection that, that they deserve better than what they're doing. Maybe not. I don't know if better is the right word, but you seem to have a little bit of father in you in all these places, not preachy, but, but, but you you you do seem to have a little bit of agenda to leave these kids with some questions like hey like uh and you don't do it in the in the traditional um way like dude the gangbang in life's dumb or you're gonna get shot by the guns you ask them very gently but it is a theme in all your videos i would say that's fair and i would say because i can see like for the kia boys the kids that steal some of them have stolen 200 or 300 cars holy uh the kid is funny the kid is smart the kids that steal, some of them have stolen 200 or 300 cars. The kid is funny. The kid is smart. The kid is willing to take risks. And if you push that in the right direction, it's like, man, what can't you do?
Starting point is 00:08:18 And when I see and then you see them just make such dumb decisions, that is that's very predictable. You're going to be dumb or a dad or in prison and not a contribution to society. You're likely going to be a teen father. And it's just like, oh, man, I see what you can become. And the unfortunate thing is you probably have no male in your life that sees that also and is going to be brave enough to tell you, like, maybe you should not do that, man. And it's not my job to go. I go there for two hours. I'm not there to preach at them and I'm not going to change their life, but I see what they could become. And it just, it's sad to see. Uh, Jeremy eat world. Did I hear Milwaukee? Tommy G we got to hook up my dude, Jeremy,
Starting point is 00:08:54 you got to find Tommy Jean. Just do at least one cross or workout with him. I'll invite you to the jujitsu gym. I'd be happy to do that with you. There is a video where you challenge um you walk around you challenge guys to they can knock you out they can punch you as hard as they want you say no matter what i won't punch you if i quit uh you get the 200 bucks if you quit it's no no big deal yeah obviously you go undefeated in these videos but the coolest part about these videos if you're thinking about doing jiu-jitsu if you're thinking about putting your kids in jiu-jitsu you have to see these videos because not only and you i don't think you even actually mentioned this
Starting point is 00:09:37 in the first video but you mentioned in the second video not only do you go undefeated against a lot of guys but you never hurt any of them. And there's guys you could have fucked up. You could have slammed on their head. And you still cradle them down gently while they're punching you in the head. It's kind of crazy. Yeah. Yeah, I think.
Starting point is 00:09:55 So I grew up wrestling. That's the single greatest influence in my life. Oh, sorry. Can you go back? Sorry to interrupt, Tommy. Go back to. Look at this chick's fucking body right here. This chick's body is crazy. Oh, I have to watch the end of this. Wait, Tommy. Go back to the... Look at this chick's fucking body right here. This chick's body is crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Oh, I have to watch the end of this. Wait, wait. Right? It's coming up. That. Yeah. She's doing well in the dating market. My God.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Hey, I think that's all natural. That's her genetics. We're too far from Miami to be doing BBL. So she's doing well for herself. Oh, my my god that's like heaven okay sorry i got distracted understandable and i that's one of the nicest bodies i've ever seen in my life like really well i like milwaukee i'm sure you'll enjoy yourself i like like these outlier physiques. Okay, go on. One quick thing on that is I have a theory that anyone who works out, takes care of their body and eats right is minimally a 7 out of 10.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And that almost everything can be physically attractive as long as they take care of their body. I'll even go a step further. I'm attracted to you if you're, if you're making that attempt. Yeah. If I see you sweating, you're seven. Yeah. Lifestyle speaks volumes and people want, we want, we can get into the, you know, that's fat shaming. It's like, no, I see your body and I can see what choices you make in your life.
Starting point is 00:11:23 And I can tell that given what I like to do, that your lifestyle is not attractive and therefore you're not attractive. And I'm sorry. And that was that was the thing when you went to the gay pride parade, too, by the way, when and I'll bring us back to the wrestling. But the only thing I saw from there was people with mental illness who were obese and probably on drugs. And by drugs, I mean like metformin xanax like i'm like i just prefer like a uh i like how you roll just a pair of fucking shorts and a shirt and you're like you're probably like me probably don't you know you probably do you wash your hair i don't project on that really yeah i mean either recently started not using shampoo and seeing
Starting point is 00:12:02 it's crazy. Okay. So we'll get back to the gay one, but it makes me sad to see how much effort they're putting in the journey. They have to take it so much work. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think you can certainly be gay in a healthy way, but I do.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Of course, of course. Of course. But a lot of people in that community, you can just tell like, man, like I, you, I, you look similar, especially some of the characters in that video.
Starting point is 00:12:29 You're just like, oh man, like I can tell things aren't going so well for you. And then you're creating the struggle yourself the same way that those, those, those kids are creating the struggle. They're creating the struggle for themselves. Yeah. Yeah. It's like the same life is going to be difficult and you can either choose the difficulty or you can kind of inherit it based on your, your choices. And I choose to be in the path where I choose my difficulty. Um, so the guys not, not hurting them and putting them down gently. Yeah. I mean, I think wrestling is, uh, if you look at the last 52 UFC champions, 26 of
Starting point is 00:13:02 them are wrestlers, 13 of them are jujitsu guys, and then strikers, which are still, you know, badass dudes, but, you know, boxers like four out of 52, kickboxers like maybe three or five. And so that's – and it teaches you to be so tough. Like if you meet a wrestler, it's like that, and especially if you've wrestled through college, it's like, okay, this dude is one tough son of a bitch. But it does give you the power to take someone down without hurting them. Like striking, you kind of have to clobber somebody to get them down.
Starting point is 00:13:30 But I can submit somebody. I can take them down to the ground and control them without hurting them. And I think if police, I mean, they already have enough on their plate, especially in big cities. They're already overloaded. Yeah, this is the guy you could have crushed. You were so gentle. big cities, they're already overloaded. But if we had, this is the guy you could have crushed. Yeah. I went down to my knees and went down slowly. Cause I'm not trying to, you know, crush his spine or anything, but I think it'd be interesting if police took basic takedown and jujitsu classes. Um, I think they'd have a much better success rate with some
Starting point is 00:13:58 of their suspects. You are, um, what belt are you? I'm a purple belt. Oh, wow. Okay. What belt are you? I'm a purple belt. Oh, wow. Okay. Now it's making more sense. Are you a fan of Nicky Rod and the B-Team and Gordon Ryan? And did you watch ADCC? I watch clips on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:14:17 And, yeah, I'm impressed with both those guys. I hope to – I'm going there. I'm going to Austin in December. And I hope to film a video probably at the B-Team but maybe at John Donahue's gym and kind of do day in the life of the best jiu-jitsu gym in the world type of idea and feel what that
Starting point is 00:14:34 level is like. My friend has traveled there and he's a college wrestler. He does well but he said those guys are some tough bastards so it's fun to go there and see what it's like. You are doing that in December? I haven't lined up anything with them but i'm going there in december and i'll reach out when it gets close to that time okay every 12 texts i send nikki he responds once and comes on the show you got i got a bug in 12 times but he's been on the show a bunch if there's anything i can do i'll start sending them like 13 texts right now line them up yeah uh if you ever come out
Starting point is 00:15:09 california way i'm going to los angeles in february to film with an underground punk rock fight club oh shit uh mexican gangsters maybe some asian gangsters and uh i got a couple ideas out there as well so um are you guys in the LA area? I'm no, I'm, I'm in Santa Cruz, but there is a, um, maybe there there's, there's a, uh, cross her out here. The fittest guy in the world's out here in Lodi, California, Justin Medeiros. He's a two-time CrossFit games champion. How far is that from you would love him? He's seven hours, eight hours. I reached out to the fittest, uhest woman in the world. I think she's an Australian, right?
Starting point is 00:15:50 We reached out to her too. Connections to that man. I would love to do a day in the life and watch him train and see what he does. And if he's open to that, you guys have the right connection there. Let's just line that up for sure. Yeah. you guys have the right uh connection there let's just line that up for sure yeah um when did you get immersed in uh black well let's go let's go back to uh i was gonna say black culture but let's go back to you so when you say your baby a is that just a um how did the doctors decide which babies a b or c i think i was closest to my mother's exit when i when they made that determination
Starting point is 00:16:23 okay and how did your mother get pregnant with triplets is that like in vitro or something today think I was closest to my mother's exit when I, when they made that determination. Okay. And how, how did your mother get pregnant with triplets? Is that like in vitro or something today? No, but they were, she, they had, she was older. So my, my pop was, um, let's see in this early forties and she was in her late thirties when they had me. And so they were on prednisone so that, I mean, they were having, it's, it's the, today's an emotional day because my pop is no longer here and i was just speaking with my mom and you know shedding a little bit of tears before this this podcast because you want to share some of these moments with people you love but um yeah it's uh i'm just happy that they got together and had a hot date and here i am you know
Starting point is 00:16:59 um older women do drop multiple eggs i have twins and and and my wife had the twins when she was 39 and and my wife's like asking the the the uh midwife how can this be and midwives like yeah women over 35 i think it's sort of part of like an evolutionary thing it's like hey you've waited this long to have babies fuck you here's two two one. I'm getting married in two weeks to a woman who's 33 and I'm aware of the fact that time is ticking and a pop has got to lay some, lay some ground when you get home, you know? Hey, but, but let me tell you something. Um, my wife said, you know, three times a week, CrossFit, you know, three times a week, Pilates, yoga gal.
Starting point is 00:17:44 It doesn't need added sugar. Like she goes out and people will stare at her physique. She's even though she's almost 50, people want to talk to her and like ask her what the fuck's going on. But in all functional, too, there's no you know what I mean? It's not there's no not as functional as a jujitsu, but but it's for picking up, you know, boxes off the ground in the garage and putting them on top of the refrigerator, that kind of functional. And she had our first kid at 39, I want to say, and our twins at 43. And I'm telling you, you're a grinder, dude. You need your 30ss you are a fucking grinder
Starting point is 00:18:28 yeah and it feels good i love being in workhorse and on the note about what you said about your wife is i think what that demonstrates is if you keep your body in tip-top shape and you eat in a wonderful manner uh your athletic prime like we think oh when you're in your 20s that's it like you can be a badass in your 50s my business partner and one of my best friends is a uh 52 year old black belt that dude's strong as shit and he takes care of himself he works out and so uh i think the cool thing about this new generation athletically is we're rewriting the rule book you don't have to be a slob when you're 50, you can still be the real deal. So let's make it happen, huh? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:08 What was your dad and your mom? Was it a one night stand? Was it, is that, was that, no, no, no. They were, but they were married for 25, 26 years. Oh shit. Oh wow. Oh shit. Far from a one night stand. It's a few nights. He passed away when they were married. nightstand it's a few nights he passed away when they were married my my pop was uh wildly overweight and that contributed to his death so he died when he was 63 or 61 and so he i think that's a big part of subconsciously why i make a lot of the choices i do because like i didn't really get to like, even as a kid, like it was more stationary play. Like he could throw the ball and I would go catch it. But, um,
Starting point is 00:19:51 he wasn't a very mobile man. He was, he was probably three 50 plus and, you know, it made doing things difficult, but he was a wonderful man and there for me. And I, but it makes me think like, I really am mindful about what I put into my body. How old were you when he passed? 18. I was a senior in high school. He died in our kitchen floor. Heart attack? That, yep, yep. He was released from the hospital the night before, the day before,
Starting point is 00:20:16 and they're like, yeah, he's fine. And he wasn't, so. You notice there aren't any any I shouldn't say any. I don't see any obese old people. No, it's your body can't take it, man. Yeah. Like my my mom's old as dirt and she's still CrossFit. She's like seventy nine and she's skinny.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah, that's great. And yeah, she doesn't. Yeah, she's fit. She doesn't do any like but she's just normal. You know what i mean she's not like like some weird old lady like fitness influencer she just like no one like sees her and is like wow you do crossfit but like she's probably gonna live another she's probably gonna live to 100 i gotta be careful she might outlive me i do not want my mom yeah i mean it's there's no secret that if you want a long life, there's some simple things you have to do in the kitchen, especially, and in the workout room. And, but it's certainly possible. So then your, your siblings, are they boys or girls?
Starting point is 00:21:25 for Amazon. So he did a, I don't know how much of his past. I just said he was down, like he was on the dark web and the silk road. He was doing some shenanigans on there. Um, and then he's been sober now seven years and absolutely crushing it for Amazon and making great money. And my sister went to the Naval Academy and then she, um, she graduated, she became an officer on a ship and she just recently got out. So they are the two, they were definitely, there was one story that my parents would take us out for good report cards. And I remember one time in high school, I came back with like a 3.4 and they came back with like a 4.1.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And we waited until I went to a friend's house to take them out for that dinner to celebrate, you know? Oh damn. I learned about it way after. but whatever, you know, I get it. How often do you talk to them, your siblings? I would say my sister once every week, maybe once every week and a half, my brother, a little bit more infrequent, but I'm very, I love them and I'm close to them. So if he called, they call, they're on the short list of answer, no matter what, you
Starting point is 00:22:25 know, like there's those people, like no matter what they call, like, you're like, hello, I'm working out right now or I'm filming right now, but no matter what you answer. Yeah. Nearly. I mean, everyone in my inner circle, my, the, the, the people that I love in, in Milwaukee, all my really close friends for sure. Like I love, if I get a call from them, it's a, I love it.
Starting point is 00:22:48 love if i get a call from them it's a i love it uh so so then you're growing up what was your school um predominantly white or black dude it was like 99 white and and when what what influence did you when did you start getting involved with black culture my first job in milwaukee was selling payroll to the hoodies to the hood what's's that mean? What's payroll? So small business, like if you want to pay your employees, you get a company like paychecks or ADP to run payroll through. I was working for a company called paychecks and the territory they assigned me was five, three, two Oh six, which is the most incarcerated zip code in the country. All of the hood zip codes in that area. And so I'm calling on and they want you to dress up.
Starting point is 00:23:23 You have to wear a suit and shit. So you show up and they think I'm the FBI or they think I'm about to bust somebody. No, no, no. I'm from paychecks. And so I got thrown into the fire there and really enjoyed a lot of it. I mean, there's, I couldn't take working there for more than probably two or three in that territory for more than two or three years. Cause there's so many appointments that you show up to their place of business and they're not there and you called them the day before like just so much bad business practices that made it a struggle to make good money but that's how I got into it and that's how I knew the the north side of Milwaukee like the back of my hand I worked in
Starting point is 00:23:58 those areas for five years and then I you know I was doing pranks in those areas I was recording music in those areas so I'm I know in those areas. So I know that area. That's the best. Yeah, coffee makes you black right there. If you zoom in, you see that? Yeah, I took a lot of customers there. And 5-3-2-0-6, man, that is the real deal. How about that trap house?
Starting point is 00:24:19 First of all, what is a trap house? Trap house is a place of business that sells drugs. a trap house trap house is a place of business that sells drugs so so it's basically it's like a neighborhood store 7-eleven that's not zoned properly it's just a regular house but instead of like selling slurpees you get fentanyl and heroin and oxygen you got it and we so you're in this trap house i don't even know how that shit works but you're in this trap house. I don't even know how that shit works. But you're in this trap house, and you ask the guy if he drinks coffee, and he says, no, that shit stains your teeth. That man is a character.
Starting point is 00:24:55 That man is a character. I fucking loved that guy when he said that. How insane was that video? Here's the thing about all your videos and i really appreciate you having the wonder and awe to first of all you never step you never you never um like a lot of white cats they'll when they roll with black guys they start trying to act black yeah they start they like they they like they too much i don't want to use and i don't care i don't believe in cultural appropriation steal whatever you want from anyone but but um but – I don't want to use – and I don't care. I don't believe in cultural appropriation. Steal whatever you want from anyone. But you don't try to like – you don't all of a sudden got a limp or you're not like talking gangster.
Starting point is 00:25:33 You're always you. Yeah, there's no front. And so – but this is – okay, one thing I'll share. But it is clear, especially – I don't know if I've been tainted by your fight videos, but it is clear that no one should fuck with you. Like, one-on-one, you're not someone anyone should fuck with. In a lot of these areas, I'm the only guy without a gun. So, I mean, I can be as cool as I want with my fight moves. But, you know, definitely the best thing.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Still, you walk around with a little bit of, not swagger, but it's very clear. I've never seen it. Yeah, very. You're so confident. I feel good. I feel good. And, but one thing about the, me not trying to act black is, uh, my, so there's a guy that, and when I say black, I don't mean black skin people don't get it confused. I mean, black culture, black culture, black hood. I hate it when the two get mixed up just because you have black skin doesn't mean that you've embraced black culture.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Right. Right. Um, but there's a, there's a kind of a more far left youtuber that covered my kia boys video his name is hasan uh something or other and one of the comments in the stream that someone paid for him to read was this guy is painfully white and now my fiancee loves telling me that every now and then like you're painfully white so um but you're not you've transcended you're not even white you've transcended all that shit you're like above all that shit renaissance yeah anywhere in the world with a smile and good intentions yeah that's awesome anyone who thinks you're white um is uh relies too much on their eyes you should use your other senses because you are a uh a special creature the way you interact so so you have these siblings and you're raised and you and
Starting point is 00:27:12 why did you get into wrestling i was on a little league baseball team and there's this kid named reese deezick and he had the biggest muscles on the team and we're like reese how'd you get such big biceps he's like i'm a wrestler i And there's, we were lucky enough to live in, uh, Chris Lake where one of the best youth clubs in the country, they have like 200 kids out for that team. So many D one athletes came out of that program while I was there. And, um, so we, you know, I dropped into wrestling and I loved it. Like I was a kid that I loved, loved, loved going to practice, but I hated competing for the longest time because I would get so nervous. And it took me until really college to control that and just realizing like, look, when tomorrow hits, I'm going to be one of one of the only people that really remembers or cares about my match in particular.
Starting point is 00:27:58 So just let it fly. And that helped me be I made you know, I was in the starting lineup as a freshman because i just started not giving a shit like no one no one expects me to be here there's no pressure let it fly let's go out and let's upset these guys and let's let them know what's up you know what can i do to help my son is so nervous at jiu-jitsu tournaments all three well two of them one of them doesn't give a fuck he's like let's go um what do i they're two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old we've probably been to like i don't know five or six jiu-jitsu tournaments what should i do should i just pay you to counsel them like if you face them before the uh matches i think letting them know that it's entirely normal to feel that way and yeah anything i told them everyone's scared i go dude everyone's scared yeah i mean mike tyson talked about he's terrified before a boxing match and he's about to obliterate
Starting point is 00:28:44 somebody and so i think anytime you're doing something that's worth doing, like giving a public speech, proposing, you know, doing a $200 knockout challenge in a park, you're going to get nerves. And the challenge is to exercise that muscle to do it over and over and over again. But also balancing that with like, look, win, lose or draw doesn't matter. All you can control is give your best effort. So I love you no matter what you do on the mat, whether you get choked out. I don't care. I care that you try your hardest, and that's all you can control. So I think that lessens it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:18 This guy, Justin Medeiros, that I was telling you about, the fittest man in the world, when I interviewed him a couple weeks ago, he has a wrestling background. You ready for this? He was one in 49. His first 50 matches, he lost 49 of them. I can't even fucking believe that.
Starting point is 00:29:35 He built so much character in that time. I love hearing stories like that. He said he cried after every match. Come home and just fucking crying. Look at what he's doing now. I love that story here's his mom here's his mom in the chat no shit hey mama madero's how you doing i would love to talk to your son and cover his story so you can connect the dots on that uh tommy g mcgee on instagram love to chat with you yeah we'll take care of
Starting point is 00:30:02 you brother no problem tommy how big you um I was going to say, only has 60,000. I wanted to talk. I got kicked off, and now I'm starting over again. But probably hard to contact you on YouTube because you're so big there. How much longer are you going to be able to use Instagram as a way to communicate with people? Because eventually, I mean, you're going to get so big that that inbox is going to be fucked. Yeah, well, one is at the end of every video,
Starting point is 00:30:29 I say specifically who I'm looking for. Like if you know a church that speaks in tongues, if you know a neo-Nazi, if you know this guy, that guy, a Native American reservation, email me at TommyGmagee123 at and people DM me. So, I mean, I'm going to try my best to keep uh in touch with it because the last like when i went to new york there was five or six videos i did and five of
Starting point is 00:30:51 them were only possible because i had inside contact and if i wouldn't have had a contact i would have been lunch meat and so all the videos i saw if you didn't have an inside contact. Yeah. I don't know how incredibly important it is to what I do. I make sure to make those relationships and bridge that gap for sure. Do you have a favorite shoe you like to wear? When I was grinding, I filmed documentaries in over 100 countries, all seven continents.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I filmed in crazy famine. Like sometimes I'd see shit and have to just look up. I don't even believe in god and i would start crying and be like why god why am i seeing this shit and uh but but i had these shoes that i wore they were solomon's waterproof and they didn't have shoelaces they just had like a steel cable and you pulled it up and it cinched down on the shoe but they were like they were like my gear i don't wear those anymore but did you have a shoe um that's your like this is the fucking journalist shoe for tommy mcgee yeah um if you're familiar with that book born to run where
Starting point is 00:31:52 they have the argument about thick-soled shoes and thin-soled shoes yeah i definitely love thin-soled shoes and um i might i beat them up so bad like they i ran a i did this one video where i did a marathon without training and i use these shoes i have like holes in the side and stuff and my dog my puppy frank who i dearly love has recently gotten into a couple of my shoes so i have to find some more but um those waterproof ones seem like they might be a good idea but also i i like to wear shoes that i can run and if i need to run and sprint like i'm i'm good will you pull up solomon um i'm uh i want to show him the shoes i used to get him at rei and they're dope they're just dope because like you could step on needles or in shit or i didn't care i wasn't afraid of anything i'm a barefoot guy too i'm almost
Starting point is 00:32:36 always barefoot now i'm 50 i'm 50 now so i'm like always now i'm just at home with my kids barefoot and that's i'm feeling natural like that all the the muscles in your feet that get worked and it just feels good to be barefoot so yeah i think that's a good way to be man you you go to the strip club and that's the first time i get to see your uh girlfriend your fiancee oh yeah go to trail running i think they're trail running shoes yeah let's see. I haven't looked at Solomons in so many years. They were kind of like that. You see those ones.
Starting point is 00:33:10 The Speedcross 6s. Okay. Weren't they like the popular with the Navy Seals too? Probably. That's basically it. And it was a Gore-Tex. Yeah, I dig that. Pretty well waterproof. But they were cool. And it was a Gore-Tex. Yeah. A Gore-Tex. Yeah, I did that. It was waterproof.
Starting point is 00:33:27 But it was – they were cool. And I have wide feet, and they worked. Oh, they kind of – they got weird kind of. They got a little weird. They got a little weird. We're in your bedroom, and you – that's the first time I get to see your girlfriend or fiance. Sweet cheeks. What is, sweet cheeks, yes. What is her role in your life as a grinder, as a guy who's just, who's on the go, who basically you're on a mission?
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah, I love this woman so much. So she is my best friend and she is really good at the stuff that I'm bad at. So I'm relatively unorganized. I've gotten better over the years, but she's a project manager at a marketing firm. So she knows how to herd the cats and she holds everything together and makes my life very easy and stable.
Starting point is 00:34:24 So I get to have this home base that I just have so much trust in and fun. And like, she's so good at enjoying the little moments of life. So when I come back from a wild trip, I can go, you know, go walk in the woods and walk our puppy Frank with somebody that I can just laugh with and walk with and hug. And yeah, I love her so much. Getting married in two weeks to this woman. Congratulations. Thank you. hug and yeah i love her so much getting married in two weeks to this woman congratulations thank you
Starting point is 00:34:52 and and then you go to the strip club and it's it's to me it's clear you're a good dude um but there's the uh big booty hose grinding on you relatively mild like nothing crazy i mean you guys told me to get a lap dance i'm'm like, I'm not gonna, I don't. So, um, we're definitely not an open relationship for swingers or anything like that. Like it's her rules is her rules are just don't touch anyone. Don't have sex with anyone. Um, and so like, I just went to an only fans party in Las Vegas and covered that. And so is that video up? No, not yet. Not yet. Probably not till November, but let me know if you need me to screen that one. Yeah, I show her everything. And so, uh, like I, I, I showed her the, the uncut version of me getting danced on
Starting point is 00:35:33 and she's like, she's laughed at it. She's like, you had no idea what you were doing in there, man. And so, um, I, it's, it's fun to have somebody that we have such a high degree of trust in each other. And it makes like the fact that I was allowed two weeks before my wedding to go to Las It's fun to have somebody that we have such a high degree of trust in each other. And it makes like the fact that I was allowed two weeks before my wedding to go to Las Vegas, cover an OnlyFans party. And it just I'm just so grateful for her. So she's a big stabilizer in my life.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Yeah, I have one of those, too. My wife let me just fucking do anything. She knew that like, like I was basically we're like secret agents. We go out, we do our fucking job and we come home and, but we need them. They're like our rocks. Yeah. They don't even know how much. And then I would say that my relationship with my life is with my wife is my crowning achievement in my, in my life. I've been with her since my twenties. And it's like, it's, it's, it's, it's so good. Every,
Starting point is 00:36:27 every, like, it's like you said, like you take risks and you go through troubles and every time you come out on the other side, you're stronger and better for it. Yeah. And you can do all these cool things in life, but if you don't have that rock to go home and share it with, or to be with like all that would feel meaningless or not as cool as it is i i have a lot of friends who have achieved and it's kind of funny it doesn't even take much they'll go from 2 000 instagram followers to 20 000 or to 12 000 it's weird how it affects them we'll get into that in a minute but um it even affects their relationships like their mates get jealous i always tripped on that.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Like your mates jealous of your success. Like, shouldn't they be happy for you? I think it's probably a defense mechanism where they know that their partner is climbing ranks and status. And that, especially if they're a man, a lot of women are attracted to status. And so just being kind of evolutionarily aware that if their partner is not trustworthy, that they might have to be a little bit more on their on their toes. I don't see a lot of I don't see very many happy men who who who jump from women to woman to woman to woman. Almost none. All those guys that like the guys I knew that like because I lost my virginity late in life. It was I was 19. I was in college and I had sex a couple of times in college, cause I, I lost my virginity late in life. It was, I was 19. I was in college and I had sex a couple of times in college, but I wasn't a playmaker. I didn't
Starting point is 00:37:50 really like understand women and feel like I knew my game until I was maybe like 26 or so. And, but all the guys I knew that were just swimming in it, we're not happy. Like they would be like in the night they were happy, but the next morning they were depressed as hell. happy. Like they would be like in the night they were happy, but the next morning they were depressed as hell. And so they're not bad people either. Girls are like, when you're a boy, girls are kind of like candy and you could eat too much and get sick. A hundred percent. And they also like, they, everyone fills their voids in different ways. And I think that's just one way they were filling their void. You know, maybe their parents were divorced and they didn't have love at home and they've had sex with as many women as they could.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And it doesn't doesn't fill the void. You know, no, it makes for great stories. 100%. So you do wrestling. When is the first time that you start to immerse yourself in black American culture, this fucking hip hop, carry a gun, smoke as much weed as you can? Sort of like there's all those accessories and accoutrement that come with black culture. When did you start doing that? Growing up in white bread America, I was always fascinated with any sort of any sort of culture or people that kind of don't obey the rules of society or march to the beat of their own drum. Like when I was in college, I stayed with a tribe in the jungle of Ecuador for
Starting point is 00:39:10 two weeks and drank spit, shot blow guns, all that kind of stuff. And so it's not just black culture that I was fascinated with. But when I started working in the hood and seeing what it's like and the stuff that people do,'re just like holy shit i can't believe they did that or or um you know it is and it's a very casual culture in some ways like i've worked in uh areas where it's more uptight and you have to talk about the weather than the green bay packers and no no whereas in the hood it's more like what's going you know what's the word matt how you do it like it's just a lot more uh casual in some ways and so like when i got opportunities to you know work with rappers
Starting point is 00:39:46 there or prank there i've just always been fascinated by gangsters because they don't like they'll do what they want to do and i thought that was a very interesting thing do you trip when i was 16 years old um my mom kicked me out of my house and i moved into an apartment building that my dad had and i was the only white person in the neighborhood there was like one asian dude who slang heroin and then it was all black dudes and chicks and tons of just the hood yeah crazy yeah so much fucking heroin pimps everywhere yeah like pimps even like with dwarf prostitutes the dudes with the fedoras and the feathers and it was cool and i started and i probably like you i started i was fascinated i started making as many friends as i
Starting point is 00:40:31 could mostly all older guys who like were kind of like over the hill and out of the game like 40s and 50s which was like old for like a thug right and um everyone had a crack pipe and tons of 40s and i tripped now in hindsight when i see things like um i see the news saying that like um uh so so where i came from you could never drink alcohol on the street you would be arrested or ticketed you couldn't jaywalk and where i came from they were like and then even in the hood only the black people could do that so if the cops were there and i jaywalked i got stopped if i was drinking i got stopped none of the black dudes ever got stopped and it was kind of weird because it's the exact opposite growing up in the bay area the story that the media is telling that
Starting point is 00:41:23 the cops are racist towards black people black people could do anything they wanted yeah everyone was terrified of being accused of being racist yeah like i would i would see cops like pull people over for speeding they would just let them go and shit whereas white dudes that never happened to you i jaywalked i drank in public i couldn't sleep on the sidewalk there was nothing i could fucking do that they could do and i and i wonder if you experienced that too and then now in hindsight you're seeing the narrative and you're like wait what the fuck is going on where's this narrative like coming from i think we're in a position right now where the pendulum is swung like
Starting point is 00:41:58 over corrected it's over corrected because it started with good intentions for sure and like when i was in college, there was affirmative action. I thought it was cool. Yeah, let's let some people in who maybe didn't do as well, but come from a harder background. And if you're a true American, you want everyone to win. And so I think there's a lot of people cheering for guys in the hood that are struggling. But I think one thing that we've come up with is, like, for example, these Kia boys. Like, it's a slap on the wrist to steal somebody's car.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Some of these guys have 200 or 300 car thefts and we've gotten so scared of being called a racist that you won't hold somebody responsible for something. And these things are universal. I don't care if you're an Asian dude, a white dude, a black dude, if you steal my shit, you steal a car, you should get punished. And that shouldn't be something that just flies. But, um, and I think it's hurting. I think it's hurting. I think it's
Starting point is 00:42:45 hurting that community too, that like, if you love somebody, you hold them to a high standard, but you would never let your kid go steal a car. You never let your friend go steal a car. So we have to hold people responsible. And I don't believe in like sending them to prison for 20 years and not being able to live a life, like help guide this kid, Mr. E break that kid can be guided into something that he's good at and he'll be a net benefit for society. But right now he's wreaking havoc on society and no one wants to do anything about it. You said something in the video that hit me kind of hard, um, that, or one of the people you're interviewing did that basically they're stealing a car from a
Starting point is 00:43:20 lady who's sleeping right now, um, because she just got off her second shift and she's raising three kids and she's going to come out in the morning and her fucking car is going to be gone. And they had no sympathy for it. Like I tried to explain like your chances are you're robbing a car from a single mom. Chances are she'll get, if she can't get to work, she'll get fired. Then she'll get evicted. And there's a book called Evicted. It's about, about Milwaukee actually. It's one of the best books I've ever read. And I've read it probably three or four times now. And I actually owned a property that was mentioned in that book. And it is staggering what happens. That's why some of these neighborhoods are so chaotic. Because before they had blocks and everyone knew each other. So as long as you
Starting point is 00:43:58 were in that block, you were cool. But now the deck gets reshuffled. It's like one out of nine single moms in Milwaukee get evicted every year. So no one knows their neighbors anymore. There's no consistency. But the fact that these kids don't care, like they're going to be the same kids that are like, man, we got no resources here. Like no one wants to help us. It's like, well, why do you think the property values are low in your area? Why do you think no one wants to extend a hand to you? Because they're afraid of what you're going to – like if anyone gives them an opportunity if you give them an hvac opportunity that was one of the things he said
Starting point is 00:44:27 he was interested in yeah i let him into a customer's basement alone no that's such a liability and they and he kept saying and they think i'm gonna steal while he's waving his fucking machine going around i'm like yeah of course you're gonna steal dude they're making the cycle worse and kind of playing the victim card at the same time. And it's like, dude, I just. Oh, but I will say this. I did see more personal accountability from them. Then once again, going back to the gay crowd.
Starting point is 00:44:56 The LGBTQ festival you went to, it was all I felt it was all blame. Yeah, all blame. And at least some of those kids are like i feel like they know the the they know what they're signing up for they can at least intellectually they can at least intellectually think about the risk they don't really know what it's going to be like to go to jail for 15 years but i think when you have like for instance a zip code like 53206 six out of 10 men walking around have been to prisoner jail so when it it's so normal, it's just, oh yeah, like I'm doing my little stint, doing my little bid. And it's not like, holy shit, dude, you're going to jail. It's like, yeah, yeah. I'll be gone for
Starting point is 00:45:32 a year or so, but I'll be back. You know, it's not as big of a deal. It's normalized. You're getting this crazy PhD. You're going to be like one of the most like knowledgeable, educated people about in this. Yeah. You're going to, you're, you're going to, you're becoming an expert in your field. And also being in real estate in those areas. Like I've seen so much crazy shit and like the first, so I, the first property I got, I got a four unit building.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Uh, guess how much a four unit building in Milwaukee can go go for in the hood like 250 no 600 157 yeah and so i inherited four tenants fixed up the building like hey had they paid their rent like in years my dad those buildings i told you i moved into my dad bought them from the bank the rent rent there was like $25 a month and no one had paid their rent in years. It was ridiculous. I learned a lot in boundaries and getting walked over. So initially when I was a landlord, people walked all over me. If they were late, never gave them a late fee. If they didn't, so like now I know that having good boundaries is very important and healthy.
Starting point is 00:46:42 But the first tenant I ever had to evict, they owed me three grand and which is four months of rent. They were paying like six 50 or something a month and got rid of them. And on their way out, they cover the entire floors and chicken grease. They flood the bathroom and they open up the windows in the winter and turn the heat all the way up. But they owe me $3,000. And I guarantee if I owe them $3,000,
Starting point is 00:47:03 they would send people to my front door. People have died in Milwaukee over like $10. No joke. I have a homicide detective friend in jujitsu who's told me the pettiest things people have died over. Recently, a guy took a hot pocket out of the microwave. Another guy is too early. Boom, dead. One guy lost a push-up contest. Boom, dead. You owe me five bucks. Boom, dead. I so I've seen the best and the worst tenants. I have people that I would love to be neighbors with and that I think are really good people that I can count on. And I've seen just absolute animal behavior. I evicted a tenant that I always try and buy vacant buildings so I can renovate them really well and pick the people that move in there. I inherited two tenants in a duplex I got.
Starting point is 00:47:46 The last landlord said, hey, they're on time. They're good. Okay, I'll give them a shot. Within a month or so, the upstairs neighbor spit on the downstairs neighbor and was like slamming on her screen door like, bitch, I'm going to beat your ass, bitch, and like acting crazy. I call her the next morning like, hey there, saw the video of you spitting on jasmine uh you're gonna have to go she's like what i'm like yeah donna i probably shouldn't say her name but um you know i draw the line that was a made-up name that was a made-up name hey i draw the line at spitting and yeah spitting's not cool and i didn't get rid of them
Starting point is 00:48:22 you would think i'm crazy so So I'm so stuff like that. You have to explain to somebody that that's why they're gone. And they're like, what? And, you know, initially she would cuss me out. Like, you know, you don't you call me one more time. You ain't going to have your motherfucking property back, bitch. And I'm like, you know, just OK, Donna, I'm talking to you. But, you know, it's been interesting.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Interesting. Did she get tossed? Did she leave yet a hundred percent she actually she left very well she she cleaned the place before she left and we credited that to her and her security deposit back like we we were very fair with her even though like the day she was moving out she would call me kind of drunk cuss me out threaten me and then like after a couple weeks after she called me she's like she's like you know what tom i love you man i love you but i hate you like keep doing your thing on youtube blah blah blah i'm like donna i do wish you the best and uh you know take care so spitting on someone's
Starting point is 00:49:16 hardcore yeah that's intense oh apparently yeah she was it's like worse than hitting someone yeah she's she was kind of built like the most womanly version of a linebacker you could imagine. She wasn't built like that girl that we saw at the beach? Oh, my money's on Donna. Donna would have pieced her up. Master. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Wow. uh you the the youtube station i think i heard you say um you made a commitment to publish one video a week for 52 weeks well can you tell me your original can you tell me your entry into youtube because you're younger than me when i was your age there was no youtube when i was 29 there was no youtube or 30 how old are you 29 today 29 yeah so I began YouTube I think I posted my first video seven years ago I was in college and I was a rapper and I made a party song yeah I saw it good job by the way that's awesome thank you and then I did prank videos and I a lot a lot though it's not like you were putting out content every day I put a lot of them on private and oh because i feel like for my current brand a lot of them were stupid but um and i had fun doing this stuff like don't get me wrong it was a good chapter i'm glad i got to make people laugh
Starting point is 00:50:33 and so anyways it's it's up there it was very juvenile like stuff like i'd you know put uh i'd have a fake turd that i drop in front of somebody and be like, oh, my gosh, my stomach's killing me, something like that. So it was fun, but I think really where I stood out was the documentaries. And ever since I launched a documentary, it took me four years to get 80,000 subscribers. And then in the last four months or so, I've gained an additional 210. under 10 and um and i i really think that some of the stuff that i have filmed now i i'm ready to take over youtube and really change my family's life with you know with what's coming out what's the first documentary you do kibwe okay oh wow okay oh and is that the and that one has over two million views that's my biggest video it's almost at four million i'll probably hit four
Starting point is 00:51:24 million next week. And so before I launched that, I had done like a couple of prank videos. Like I shot an iPhone and tried to return it to 18 teen actors. Nothing happened. And I was averaging like 10 to 20,000 views a video. And I was like, my channel is dying. I probably have to quit YouTube. I don't think this is going to work.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Why? 10 to 20,000 is not good? I think given what, like to make money off it, is this a career? No. 10 to 20,000 is fantastic as far as, I mean, we see big numbers and we get deluded. If you have 2,000 people watching your stuff, that's an entire big high school watching your stuff. That's a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:51:59 So definitely be appreciative of it, but you can't make a living off of 2,000 people or 10,000 people watching your videos. And I thought before I released the Kia Boy video, I'm like, this is probably going to bomb. Nobody cares about Milwaukee. We'll see how it goes. And then ever since then, it's like, okay, man, you're on the right path. You're on a mission. So it took you – what's the longest you went – in those seven years, what's the longest you went without publishing?
Starting point is 00:52:29 Oh, when I would launch my music videos, it'd be like once every few months. But then when I went to prank videos, it was probably longest I ever went was like three weeks, four weeks without publishing. But I was, I was pretty consistent, like once a week or once every two weeks. And now it's once a week for sure delivering something unless YouTube's like a lot of my videos i have to wrestle with youtube to let them not be age restricted or demonetized and sometimes i just have to post it anyways if it's demonetized but um yeah once a week for sure give me one second pause pop you're running through me yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah wow is that this is that the second guest ever should we do my a solid and pull them down my
Starting point is 00:53:05 let's do that for a second i um we got to talk to him afterwards because um i mean we're doing great on buzzsprout we don't get 10 000 of you and i feel like we're making a fucking every day the money pile gets bigger and bigger yeah but there's a couple different factors that go into it, especially like the lengths of the videos and different stuff like that. There's a lot of contributing factors that go to the algorithm and viewability too. I mean if one of these podcasts we made got 2 million views, it would be – I can't even imagine how much money that would be. That would be massive. Yeah, it would be i can't even imagine how much money that would be it would be massive yeah it'd be it'd be crazy yeah whereas on the other hand where i'm doing the shorts on the child um capable uh 600 episodes and i think you're only the third guest that ever got
Starting point is 00:53:57 up to pee but let me tell you something i've gotten up to pee early in the day or when i first started this podcast i used to get up and pee all the time. You've taken photos. You've got your bladder. You fortified yourself. Well, no, I just kind of changed my habits. Like I, like it's really early. And I get up at six in the morning and I have one, I have a shot of espresso diluted in a pint of water. And then, and then I pee once before the show.
Starting point is 00:54:23 And then during the show i drink another pint so you got your rhythm yeah i got my rhythm and i can usually last like two hours the other day i did a four hour fucking podcast and i didn't pee it was like i was kind of like flexing on my on my crowd like fuck you because i like to talk shit about me yeah impressive fuck you guys it's my small bladder talk yeah if, if I got, yeah. If I, I would totally, if I got two million views, Magnus, on a video,
Starting point is 00:54:50 I would totally buy a new Sienna. The thing is, people, people think they're going to start this stuff and blow up overnight. And, if you, like, there's no overnight success in this game.
Starting point is 00:55:04 And if you are an overnight success you're going to be disappeared in the overnight too like any rapper you hear the one hit wonder then you never hear of them again so it's like to have the slow burn is really good and also like a big piece of philosophy i love is the thousand true fans essay where you know if you want to make six figures off your craft you don't need a million million people to follow you you need a thousand people that'll pay a hundred bucks a year your t-shirts your cds your information your course and so like we get we get kind of a false sense of reality when you see we just we get the curated list of all these creators that have so many millions and millions and millions and we think if we're not
Starting point is 00:55:40 at that level that we can't do it but the like even I always conceptualize it in my high school, I 2000 people in my high school, like to think on Instagram, I have 30 high schools that equivalent that follow me or 150 on YouTube, but just that's staggering. And so it keeps it in perspective. Do you allow the platform and the algorithm to sway anything you create? Meaning like, do you follow it and say, Oh, if I make a video over 15 minutes, I don't get as much. So I'm going to keep it short. Does that, does that allow to change any of the creative process when you're making the videos? No, not at all. One, I don't do anything that's trending. I don't, Oh, Kim said this, Kim Kardashian said this, I'm going to cover it. Or the new, this movie is coming up. I don't follow any trends. And, but as far as length, I definitely
Starting point is 00:56:22 try, like I, my goal is to make probably between 12 minutes minimum all the way up to 30 minute episode just because i want to i want to deliver i want to take a deeper dive into things like i have a episode either coming out today or tomorrow day in the life of a hundred million dollar man and that will be probably 26 minutes probably 26 minutes um one of my um like kind of uh close peers a guy who comes on my show a lot he's really really excited to get a shitload of subscribers and to get a shitload of views and he's really open about it he'll just ask his audience hey what do you want to see you know what i mean and he'll just go after that and he'll like just be like okay guys i made this video this video this video this week this one got the most views. I'm going to
Starting point is 00:57:07 make another one like this for you guys. Like he really, he really chases the metrics and I respect him for that. I just feel like as long as it's growing, no matter how small on some level. And by like sometimes growing means, um steps forward one step back two steps forward one step back right so like you're going to have your kia video and then it's going to settle down a little bit but where it settles down to if it's higher than before the kia video came out it's a win a hundred percent i think it's always about progression and it's always about like being aware to make kind of new goals every, every couple of months. And I don't really make goals by numbers anymore. Cause I, you can't
Starting point is 00:57:49 control that. I just control my mission is to make the best and wildest and most interesting stuff I can. So I have to travel frequently. I have to make my connections. I want to, you know, I've brought on editors that make it cooler. I want to improve at this aspect of the video creation. I'm going to invest in this mic, but I can't say, oh, I have to average this many views of video because I can't control any of that. What camera are you using? Sony a6400 with a Rode mic. I just got that. I used to have a lavalier Sony mic that I would duct tape to my chest, but it's a lot easier just to not have to worry about
Starting point is 00:58:25 that you know fallen or people think i'm an undercover cop with that wire on me so now we have a directional mic um what i like the sony choice great low light why not the um for some of the why not the a7s3 low light fucking monster 4k 240 frame you got it all upgrading upgrading okay is that where you'd go a7s3 is that like the that's the is that a sony yeah yeah i would that's just you're not a camera geek you're not a camera geek no i'm very not technical and my one of my camera guys does have i think that 7400 or something and that'll be where i upgrade wherever i decide it's time to go up. I'll get the latest Sony that fits the best for what I do.
Starting point is 00:59:08 There's this one dude that can shoot fucking like in pitch black beautifully. It's fucking crazy. That would be good. I've also invested in lights too. That like the cube lights that go above the camera. Cause I've, yeah, you won't even need those.
Starting point is 00:59:20 If you get this camera, it's fucking bizarre. Yeah. You got to check it out. I'll send you, I'll send you a link to it. And then, and then all your lenses from your 6400 will work with it cool dream i don't know if all most um and then do you use a gimbal no my cameraman keegan is he's steady right here he's just he's great yeah he's a boss dude yeah the guns pointed at him huh he's
Starting point is 00:59:42 a fucking boss he's a boss what a good dude how'd you find him real estate he tried to buy a property of mine and he's he's only 21 but you would when you talk to him you think he's like 38 because he just he's so focused he's extremely gifted in different things like creative financing that i hadn't even heard of before and just um so he's gonna be a guy that i feel like takes over mil in the years to come. But so, and that's the cool thing is we do a little bit of wholesale real estate together. And so when we're traveling, he'll be calling negotiating deals. I'll be calling contractors. We're trying to line up deals as we're traveling and then also shoot and make it happen. Um, you get a call from someone hey this is going down you should come film it uh what's the
Starting point is 01:00:28 what's the cameraman's name again keegan keegan is he is he game is he always is he like does he prioritize the youtube channel yeah i mean the thing about both of our lifestyles is because we don't have any nine to five paper job we get to be very flexible and we get to make our own schedule. And he sees the YouTube growing incredibly. He sees the opportunity there. He sees the opportunity with real estate. So we can really wheel and deal on both fronts. It's so hard finding hard workers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:57 People just don't fucking get it. Yeah. I love it. I'll wake up in the morning, like we're at Airbnb in New York and he'll be up in his room, like journaling, reading love it. I'll wake up in the morning, like we're at Airbnb in New York, and he'll be up in his room like journaling, reading complex books. Like that is a man that he's up there for work ethic. Like he gets after it.
Starting point is 01:01:15 When you were interviewing this gentleman that you used to be friends with whose YouTube channel exploded or who you are friends with, youtube channel exploded or who you are friends with balin levine he said something and that that's a great video too by the way anyone who wants to see a great video of just two hard-working cats chopping it up there's some gems in there some secrets in there um i i do not pee sitting down that I will not tolerate. I mean, I can crazy skills, but I don't. If you're at a guest house and you're trying not to make, or you're at a friend's house, you're trying not to make too much noise.
Starting point is 01:01:54 You probably sit down, but if you're. I pee on the side. I hit the side. Listen, when you got a dick like mine, you can't be sitting down. It just thing hangs in the water.
Starting point is 01:02:01 So just. I hear you. Just be chill. I won't be chill. He says, he says he says uh he's got he's got his cadre of cats that he rolls with but when they go out at night he he stays back editing and that really is the life that's what i did all in my 30s that's what i do now like like last night i was at a party and uh at uh from six to eight i was getting my swerve on and then i leave i come home i shower my kids it's now nine o'clock i go in the fucking gym and i fucking get at it while i watch tommy g
Starting point is 01:02:38 videos and i got my cell phone there and some pad and paper and i'm a little buzzed and fucking an hour in i'm pouring sweat i'm sober and i'm fucking like it can't stay at the party yeah dude i think like if you want to do anything special there's a particular lifestyle you have to follow and like i lost a decent amount of friends they were more so people that would invite me to stuff and they're like nice people i like them but hey i'm not i refuse i almost i never go to a bar unless there's like a family function that i have to go to yeah me neither it's just you stay away from that lifestyle i never went to one either when i was when i was younger no never it never appealed to me i'm gonna pray overpriced money to feel like shit to be out of shape never so like the thing is like instead of like there's a lot
Starting point is 01:03:26 of people like if you want to live a normal life then go to the bar watch whatever the insert local sports team and become a diehard year-round and care about care about that more than your own health or your own journey okay you're gonna have a certain path and if you're happy with that fantastic but if you're dissatisfied with that make some changes buckaroo you're gonna have to put in long hours you're gonna have to struggle but the thing is getting to do what i do real estate youtube it doesn't like yeah there's tough days or there's long days but it doesn't really feel like it because i love it i love it and so i could put in a 12-hour day and it doesn't i don't have that like feeling where i get back from the office of doing something that i hated and it's
Starting point is 01:04:07 I don't have that feeling where I get back from the office of doing something that I hated and I'm still going. And so if you want your life, I think lifestyle design and lifestyle architecture is something that we should really focus on from a young age because you really can create the ideal lifestyle of your dreams. And you have to even know what you want. You have to know what the target is before you shoot on it. So think about like, want to take a quarterly vacation the sweet cheeks and go to an airbnb where i don't have to check the price and we're somewhere warm and sunny and we recharge and we're refreshed yeah that's a goal of mine um do i want a house that is located in the area where if i'm on my back porch naked no one can see me yeah i want that i'm gonna have that one day but you have to be aware of what you're even gunning for and if you give a shit more about if the local sports team lost you're gonna be pissed for the rest of
Starting point is 01:04:49 the week and you're not happy with your life i don't know man i've never regretted staying home working been like oh shit i should have gone to the party but there's tons of parties i went to where i'm like shit i shouldn't have gone and don't get me wrong i think socializing like we bought a house milwaukee and one of our goals is once a month especially in the winter we want to be a place of community you want to have the boys over we want to have these yeah yeah and that's my and i watch all the ufc fights every saturday i have a little party at my house and watch all the fights that's extremely important yeah but the extra nonsense not for me yeah eventually you think uh sweet cheeks will become part of the business
Starting point is 01:05:32 yeah i think or do you keep her at arm's length like everyone has their own shit uh it's gonna depend because she i mean she's very good at what she does and we're still actually having that conversation now like hey if you want you you want, you can retire in January. Uh, and, but I also want her to be busy enough to be happy and have purpose. So it's, it's, we're figuring that out. Like, I really think she'd be a good property manager. Like my goal is to buy three properties in 2023. I think she would help me with that. Uh, she can help manage my books. Like every, you know, I come home from New York, I have a bag of receipts. There's a lot of stuff that she could do that would be helpful. I think we're still figuring that, that out.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Um, how, can you tell me how many properties you own now? I had a fourplex and a duplex myself. And then with a partner, we have, we've bought, I think 26 doors since maybe 30 doors since December. We sold six of them. So, um, we have like 10 to 12 duplexes. We have two, four plexes, one, three plex. Um, just close it.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Is this with your jujitsu buddy? Yeah. Um, are you afraid that this is going to, this sounds like it's going to squash your YouTube career? Not at all. No, okay. If you're efficient enough with your day, you can make a lot happen. And so, yeah, most certainly we want to build up that portfolio of properties.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Because the thing is, I think the type of content I'm making right now is more timeless. I mean, I think I can have a five-year arc. I can have a 10-year arc. But I certainly can have a one-year arc. And I can't control how long this show lasts. But as long as it does, I'll be enjoying it. But when it's over. The YouTube show?
Starting point is 01:07:19 Yeah. I mean, who knows? I don't know how long I'm going to stay interesting or people are going to want to watch me. Right now, it seems like it could last a really long time, but I do want to be ready that if it ever doesn't work out or, you know, the arc is ending that I have a lot of properties and I still have a lifestyle that I love. Yeah. You think you're going to leave Milwaukee?
Starting point is 01:07:40 I don't know. I just, it takes a long time to build up a community of people. And I have a lot of people I love here. Uh, I'm 10 minutes away from all my properties, the airport. So easy to get in and out of. I go through security in like 15 minutes. I mean, that's nice. I see having doing more stints where it's like, all right, sweet cheeks in February, we're going to be in Florida for a month. Uh, but I think, I think i've built enough relationships that take a lot to take me out of milwaukee at the moment when you were with the um the dude you have to you have to see this video can you go to the um most dangerous city in the world or some shit and there's 15 kids in the
Starting point is 01:08:19 street and they all have gucci bags and bare minimum every kid has two guns and you ask them I just want someone to you can't even believe it you can even see a little bit of the disbelief in Tommy's face it's broad daylight you must have asked them three times are you sure your neighbors don't care that we're out here
Starting point is 01:08:40 with all these guns and these are kids they're not little guns yeah here this video is so crazy and you ask them if they're trump or biden guys and these are trump guys they love yeah yeah yeah this was just it was just staggering and like every car that drove by i was scared that something was going to happen like i was not after this video me and keegan made a rule that we don't do any more gangster shit with 15 year old kids they have to be kind of the ogs of the block that because older guys are they have more sense to them they know what's up they've been through enough trouble that they
Starting point is 01:09:19 don't want it anymore these guys are so reckless that it was just like they offered me a gun when we they're like you want to go to the corner store with me we'll give you a gun that it was just like they offered me a gun where they're like you want to go to the corner store with me we'll give you a gun too it was just like no and they're still trying to prove themselves in the hood too so like they're still trying to make their mark and everything else they're they're loose cannons younger groups yeah a hundred percent hey um i want to interview that white dude in 10 years what happens if that white dude goes to prison because he's gonna have to choose to go with the white dudes or the black dudes, but he only knows black dudes. Yeah, I guess it depends on what state. I think in California, he would have to probably join the white car.
Starting point is 01:09:55 That's the prison lingo. And how beautiful is this boy? I see this kid and I'm like, what the fuck? Get a modeling job. Dude, you are so fucking handsome. This kid looks like he fell out of a magazine. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:10 A lot of these kids have a lot of potential, dude, but they're on a very predictable path right now. Hey, what was that gray line when you were scrolling right there, Sousa? What is that faded – see above the timeline when you touch the timeline there's something youtube offers up some metric yeah that's right it's all like the most like the more interesting like spots and then when it died down versus when it picks back up and then right here it says most replayed so you could tell that a lot of people would watch a certain portion and they'd come back and re and replay that and then you could tell the longer the video goes the more it starts to drop down oh that part was when they had me they had me throw up rival like basically dissing another faction in the city and they told me it was just
Starting point is 01:10:54 a saint louis thing but really it's called it's crunching twos and that's like basically talking shit to whoever like i don't know if it's second street or what, what twos correlates to, but yeah, I could have been in a lot of deep shit for that one. You don't, you don't drink or smoke weed. I smoke weed. I probably take a puff once or twice a week and I go work out or edit, but I rarely, I probably drink once a quarter, once every half year. And I stay pretty clean. quarter once every half year and i stayed pretty clean when you were in the trap house and there was all that um all those drugs everywhere were you tempted to just like snort a little line just go no but i do there is some drug exploration videos like i talked to a guy that runs a ketamine
Starting point is 01:11:36 clinic um i might use like a mushroom video like just be the guinea pig and and try some of these things man yeah if i was in that i've never shot up heroin but i've always been kind of curious when you were there i'm like i wonder if he wants to do a little no no zuza in that neighborhood dude i'm not getting strung out in a frightening place yeah it's a good point That's a good point. That's a good point. Did you ever have the opportunity to not break off and do your own thing and just kind of ride Balin Levine's look like you were close with him. Could you have been part of that? It seems like he has a cadre of people who just like live in a house together and who are kind of like part of his team.
Starting point is 01:12:23 I would never live there in a million years. I just, the culture they are like they seem like good boys that they're not there it doesn't seem like they're drinking and smoking weed and shit no they are they are sober and like they but they eat like shit they stay up until like 6 a.m uh yeah his complexion would clear up by the way if he changed his eating like 100 that's obviously uh like he's eating too many refined carbohydrates or something they're they're like balin is a good i like talking to him on the phone i like hanging out with him but when he's with his crew and like they there's they're a little obnoxious sometimes like they're making pirate call noises until 2am and i just feel like i'm in a different chapter of my life. And so, and plus, I don't ever want to be the sidekick guy.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Like, Balin is going to be the king of that. Yes. And then everyone else is going to be Balin's friend. Balin's this, Balin's that. And so that's not for me. Is that, I've stumbled across the, I've stumbled – sorry, I'm reading a text message. You crop dusting? My kids are – oh, yeah, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:33 I am podcasting. That's what my friend calls it when I'm podcasting. Crop dusting. Yeah, crop dusting. It's his way of, like, making fun of me. Is this the correct do i have the correct guy up here yes yeah yeah every middle school kid in america knows who this guy is he could literally start a cult he is massive yeah how cool how how amazing and he's
Starting point is 01:13:59 so self-confident he is that's one of the things i love about balin the most is he was ready to bet the whole casino on himself when he had zero subscribers he is so sure and so confident he has such a good pulse on what his people are looking for he's an interesting guy he's still editing his own video suza he says he has someone just do their first run and cut out the garbage and then he'll stay up and edit while his friends go out that was the most impressive thing i've seen yeah yeah he could choose to outsource a lot but he is very aware of having his touch on things and being a very integral part of of it so is it kind of like a david del thing? I would say if you look at the tree of YouTube, there's a guy named Danny Duncan that kind of was the predecessor. But Balin has made his own path in the prank world.
Starting point is 01:14:55 And then now Balin Levine's tree, there's so many little pranksters in his tree that you're like, oh, I can see the influence there. Is this David Dobrik guy, you said, is he a prankster also? No, I think he's more of like an LA, like, Oh, he was real popular on vine. And then he kind of moved to YouTube, but he kept all his videos at four minutes and 20 seconds. And it was real like cut, cut, cut, cut, cut. And it was like, joke, joke, joke, joke, joke. And then he moved more to the LA scene, but it just took off for him. He's got a discovery discovery channel thing he was on the nickelodeon awards and all this type of stuff just really blew up he's got like 20 million subscribers or 15 million or
Starting point is 01:15:32 something i um i i read uh tommy these guys have come across uh i first started seeing him at ufc fights the the the full send kids yeah and then i um they were hanging out with dana white so i would see them right yeah when i was at home i'd be like he would or the full send kids yeah and then i um they were hanging out with dana white so i would see them right yeah when i was at home i'd be like he would are the full send kids and the nelk boys the same guys yes okay um those guys and then i saw they did the interview with donald trump i got to see that i would happen to be exercising when it popped up uh on youtube so i got to watch that before it got pulled down which was really weird that that got pulled down there didn't seem anything controversial in there and then they interviewed um elon those do those and do those guys have a main guy or are they all like equal like as i
Starting point is 01:16:16 couldn't tell who i can't tell who the ring leader like with baylor you can tell he's the ring leader but with that group i can't tell who the ring leader is yeah they're they're they do a good job of that um kyle is definitely the head honcho there which one is that is that the ethiopian looking kid no that guy they brought oh man they brought salim yeah okay i won't get into it but i don't they're they're fine people um dei it's interesting to me who blows up he wasn't brought in because were you gonna say he was brought in because he's black? No, no. He had a prank channel that was really thriving. But to me, again, it's like it's just always fascinating who blows up.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Like I don't know if he had an original idea that he did. And then he's going to be a multi-multi-millionaire, got signed by the Nelk Boys. And nothing on him. I just – I like people that are original. I like people that are grinders. I like people that – Hey, none of those guys seem special. I think that's what their whole shtick is i think what right they just they're just it's just that they're just regular boys like they
Starting point is 01:17:13 ask trump they're like hey why don't you just call putin and talk to him i'm just like i just love that they know their audience they're down to earth i would say yeah or inexperienced even like they have a naiveness to them that's just pleasant i think there's a amount of like the younger kids on youtube like there's people like watching like the low effort like the harder you try the less the less far you go like the prank channel world like some of these guys do the lowest effort stuff you could like the first part of their videos they're getting slurpy with their friends then they are driving around then they make an old person mad at walmart and boom we have a video together and they get a lot of views on it what happens when um so i interview a lot
Starting point is 01:17:59 of people a lot of people so the very day apple released final cut pro 1 i was a homeless guy and and i bought the computer that could run it the software and the software and a car to plug it into the cigarette lighter so i could start editing you're staring at the guy who probably is one of the first guys ever to make and then i'd have to show it on a public access channel and i had the most successful show in the history of santa barbara history i it on a public access channel. And I had the most successful show in the history of Santa Barbara history. I put it on public access channels called Ivy TV. I made 30 episodes editing it in my car. I was like beyond pioneer.
Starting point is 01:18:32 I never tell anyone this. I don't know if I've ever even said it on this show. I was like, before girls gone wild, I was doing fucking. I was the man. It was nuts. You were feeling banana shit.
Starting point is 01:18:42 I didn't even know. I didn't even know. Yeah, but I didn't, but I didn't even know I was the man okay enough of that i got some cum on my face sorry um uh and since then i have so much fucking life experience like more than anyone i fucking know uh fucking raised armenian 16 years old lived in an all-black neighborhood for two years went to college became homeless um been to 100 countries all seven continents filming documentaries just i done it i'm not and just crazy when i talk to you
Starting point is 01:19:21 i see a guy and so i now and i've interviewed thousands of people but in the last 600 days, let's say I've interviewed 600 people. I don't know if that's true, but I think it's pretty close to true. Probably more. When I talk to you, we can go anywhere. Yeah. We definitely have some parallels in our story. Me and you can talk about anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:39 A lot of people I interview, if I interviewed Balin Levine, part of me wonders if he has any life experience. And sometimes when I interview some of these CrossFit Games athletes and it's a 19-year-old kid and he's fucking the third fittest guy in the world, there's nothing to fucking talk about. He's only done – he went to elementary school and then has been doing CrossFit ever since. You know what I mean? Like what happens like – what happens with with these like if you've been making YouTube videos from when you're 12 to when you're 30 and they're all prank videos and you've never gone to the hood or you've never gone to the gay pride parade or you've never like what well are you drawing from for from your life? are you drawing from for from your life yeah i think i don't know i think part of it is you look at who are the readers and who aren't because if you read and you have a a big appetite for all sorts of things then you're going to be curious about a lot of things you're gonna be able to talk about anything and and it trades off into your your life so i think i don't know yeah there are
Starting point is 01:20:41 people that are singularly focused and i think there is a superpower to that you want to be the best boxer in the world all you care about is boxing i think it's probably going to help you but i i definitely want to die an old man with many many stories to to tell and share like i didn't watch the show but you did a show of being homeless for a night and like for me i was homeless for like i – I was homeless for probably two years and then another five years living in cars. It was the fucking greatest time of my life. It's like my greatest well that I've ever drawn from. I wasn't a drug addict and all the other people who are homeless are drug addicts. That's the fucked up part.
Starting point is 01:21:20 But yeah, it's interesting you say read. But you don't just read. You're putting yourself out there. Yeah. Half the country will never meet those kids that you met. And yet they're on CNN like talking heads like they're experts. It's funny that the most woke people right now – Now we're talking.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Now we're talking. When you get the stereotypical blue-haired overweight woman that's mad at everything and call it like i've been called a racist because i call like just because i cover some people in my videos i'm like bitch you would never set foot into this neighborhood you would be your answer you can hold your blm sign in the white part of town where there's no danger but you would never go to 27th and burla and do that shit never and also you know you're not you went to compton you went to compton yeah i'll go anywhere and you went to a gas station and for people who don't live in the fucking hood and never been in the hood the gas stations in the hood are fucking crazy they're the watering hole
Starting point is 01:22:21 yeah they are fucking nuts when i started the gas station i was like because like when i because i lived in the hood for a couple years and you go to the gas station like you you got your head on a swivel the whole fucking time not only was i there but back in my prank days one of my my most successful bits was i would pose as a gangster rapper and i want to spit a few bars for people and i would say the most homosexual things. I saw that. That was brilliant. That was brilliant. That was such a fun chapter. Did you just watch people start processing?
Starting point is 01:22:52 What did you think? First couple of bars? Like, Oh yeah, this guy's pretty good. Okay. What? And then,
Starting point is 01:22:56 Oh man, I love that stuff. Yeah, I know. It's like three or four bars of good shit. And then, and I can't wait to get his dick in my ass. And I'm in there like, I love the girls.
Starting point is 01:23:09 I love how real the girls are in the hood with you. How about the girl lifts up her shirt and she's like, and I'm a fucking girl. And she's all fucking tatted on her chest with the gang shit. And then she tells you, hey, and all the black girls are going to love you, you little white boy or whatever she calls you. Yeah. Fucking, I'm just like, oh God, she's going to eat Tommy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I think, I don't know. I wish we had politicians. I wish we had people that actually had experience with the thing that they were talking about. We have people that are career politicians, no success in other parts of their life, and they're going to advise you on war or business or making a community better. And I just wish we had a more of a meritocracy and an incentive for people that are successful. What's that mean? What's meritocracy mean? What's that mean? That you are put in a position based on how good you are at your job, how competent you are.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Your merits. The best idea survives. Yes. And, but the thing is we don't have a, like who would want to be president? If you're balling and doing very well and you're going to go to make $400K a year, half the country is going to hate you and there's going to be all this weird shit you have to get into to just do your job. No, no thanks. I'll stay in my happy life. Someone like the only bad feedback I got from the Kia boy video is I had a very small percentage of people just they're just unhappy with the fact that I was white and filming that if I was black and filming that no issues, no issues at all because I'm white. I'm a how do they say what do they say? Don't they know that they're being overtly racist when they say that you're allowed to be in this in that sense? Like as long as they're saying it to me, it's no big deal. Like I'm a culture vulture for asking a teenage boy why he's stealing a car i didn't ask funny i see you more as an anthropologist yeah i didn't ask that kid because he was black i asked him because
Starting point is 01:24:53 he's stolen 200 cars buy me a white guy i'll talk to him every day i don't give a shit hey anyone who thinks that too is crazy watch the video where he goes to the wrestling, um, place. And it's just, it's a, it's wrestling where they just hit the, everyone's bloody as fuck. It's crazy, but,
Starting point is 01:25:13 but it's all white people. God, those people have some serious, uh, they're reliving some serious abuse from their childhood. I think. Could be onto something man that was a pretty good video you got your swerve on there one of the videos you got your
Starting point is 01:25:33 swerve on oh no that was at the strip club you took a shot of whiskey or something yeah i'm i haven't been drunk in years i've been buzzed a couple times in the last few years but i'm pretty good with alcohol you do your best work sober yeah i don't even like the way alcohol makes me feel anymore i just i just are like i know oh in three months i'll be tempted to have a couple drinks and i'll remember why like i don't know don't get me wrong i'll buzz off of two beers and have a good time and i'll wake up even after two beers i'll wake up the next morning be like oh like i don't feel so good there's the video where you go to a place called kensington um philadelphia kensington kensington pennsylvania yeah it's kensington is a little part of philadelphia
Starting point is 01:26:19 it's a neighborhood in philadelphia and when the video starts, there's a you're just walking down the street. I'm paraphrasing. I'm not everything I said about his videos is off by about 25 percent, guys. Just so you know, I can only do so well to remember. I'm paraphrasing the the the the words and shit. So bear with me. But but the spirit of what I'm saying is right. You're walking down the street and right when you get there and you see there's someone
Starting point is 01:26:44 shooting up. And as a filmmaker, I'm like'm like oh he's so stoked he already got someone shooting up it must feel like a success already and then three minutes into the video look at this is a guy i don't know this is a guy there's people everywhere in this town shooting up like all of a sudden everywhere you look in every shot that was the the guy right there, Sousa, while he's filming dies. And while Tommy's filming, they come over with Narcan and they fucking revive him. And I'm thinking, holy shit, Tommy's the luckiest guy ever. And then someone comes over to capture the shit.
Starting point is 01:27:18 And then someone comes over and they're like, nah, dude, this happens every hour here. That was a very frightening place and um shout out to reek and bull if i didn't have that guy with the goggles to bring me in i would have been lunch meat there dude and so uh and then even like that guy um hot shot shakur and then the guy that pops up later in the video in the white t-shirt uh egc murder guys that are in very crazy environments but they were very brotherly and kind and um oh this dude this dude was a boss he was a man yeah he's the man so very thankful for those guys so you are tripping here i mean it doesn't look like you're tripping but you're telling me in hindsight, that was, it was, that was a lot. Every one of these experiences is almost like, there's like a period of maybe 15 minutes
Starting point is 01:28:09 after I'm done filming where me and Keegan are trying to conceptualize what happened. But like, there's a short period of time where it's like hard to put anything into words and just like letting it settle in and be like, holy shit. And then as we get driving and as we get talking we we have a good conversation about it but like same thing going to the i just got back from vegas i went to the underground tunnels where people are living down there and so you're searching in these tunnels and like every sound you hear every light you see oh that might be a guy around the corner and uh you look at all the makeshift weapons that are on the ground like a pipe with a nail in it the first guy we come up
Starting point is 01:28:41 to to interview he's wearing a wrestling singlet on a mattress and he's with his girlfriend and like hey sir just want to hear your story yada yada yada he has a fucking sword he has a double-sided battle axe and that was another one that the entire time was just like oh my gosh this is real life like There are people, there are a hundred, maybe even thousands of people that live in this manner. And, um, whoa. That's underground. Underground. Hey, you look like a little bit like a young Darren. I'm in a meeting for about another 20, 30 minutes.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Okay. Sorry about that. Thank you. Should I send that person a link? I have a handyman at a house that's uh gonna fix a job so anyways uh tommy you look a little bit like darren till there that's uh well thank you i hope i wish i was uh i wish i i thought after darren beat up cowboy i thought he was gonna fucking catapult into the fucking, I mean,
Starting point is 01:29:46 he got big, but I thought he was going to be the next superstar. I mean, he fat, he fought absolute dogs. And when you're at that level, like Chandler Poirier fight, is it five for five?
Starting point is 01:29:57 You know, if they fight 10 times, I don't know. And then your trajectory just goes from there. And those are guys that like such good hands, such technical, brutal fighting that, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:07 you can, you jump up to that level. He's still a bad-ass fighter and he might, he's still as many years in him. So he could still be at the top of the food chain in years to come, but maybe they pushed him a little too hard, too early, but you don't know that until afterwards.
Starting point is 01:30:22 That's hindsight bias. You know, last question. I always say that it's not the last question uh you you get sweet shakes pregnant and um and kids are great fuck like all i want to do is raise my kids like it's all like soon as i that's why i do the podcast so early in the morning yeah i'm just gonna like and my kids are dope yeah i got three little boys um but but i i'm projecting onto you like it's too soon for you like you need you need eight years of grind like you need to be like untethered for
Starting point is 01:31:05 another eight years like what if like you get soft from like you're not gonna go you know what i mean like you're not gonna let's say someone's like let's say next you're gonna go to fucking uh what's the capital of kenya um nairobi nairobi let's say you're gonna go to nairobi and do a piece there on fucking like nighttime carjackings like maybe you'd be like i'll pass i got a kid now i hope i get soft in the sense like i get more of that uh you know tender loving side like i think that's a very healthy side you got plenty you got plenty don't rush it you got you are so loving in your videos you got plenty but i think i think you can do both and like will it be an element of like well i want well i want to do less dangerous things knowing
Starting point is 01:31:52 that there's i mean a lot of these videos it's a very small rush and roulette wheel but there's a chance you'll come home after doing this stuff but i think this is what i'm on like the missed chapter of my life this is what i'm meant to be doing this is what i'm on like the missed chapter of my life this is what i'm meant to be doing this is what i'm on earth to do and i feel that the path is going to open up and if i die i hope like i want to have enough properties and money that sarah's okay and tell good stories at my funeral but i really think because this is the path that i'll live to be an old man yeah um i would just like to put in one request i'd like to see you um uh enter a jiu-jitsu tournament yeah my friend brandon buckingham has been telling me to do that for probably a couple years now and i and it would be a cool it would be a cool video i like the
Starting point is 01:32:41 stuff that shows you're capable i think it's it's a nice mix it's like you know when um jake paul uh like when they interview his mom and his mom's like yeah he doesn't want to be the bad guy it's hard on him and when i hear that like that gives me this fuck it gives me this um kind of reality shift like hey don't forget these are just fucking kids these are just people and so sometimes i see you in these fucking dangerous places like you're saying that people will piss their pants it's no joke you guys i you guys are all bitches you would piss your pants at a gas station in the hood you would not last there um let alone with fucking uh 15 15 year olds with gucci bags each of them with two guns one of them a pistol and the other they were machine guns and uh so so i'd like to just see every once in a while oh this fucker's capable yeah i need to do a video like that and i would certainly love to share
Starting point is 01:33:39 that side you do in the fight video where you let people punch you you're fucking a stud you are a blind dog gets a bone every once in a while right though we'll say it again a blind dog gets a bone every once in a while yeah yeah no you were stud it wasn't a bone once in a while you're a stud you were you were so good in those videos it really shows your character there's this really tough side of you it's not even even tough, this crazy capable side, but then also the gentle caress. There's a man, men trying to beat your ass and you're gently taking them to the ground, put them in side control. And then when they're done, you always hug them or shake their hand or you can tell like you can tell that there's a you guys respect each other. They stepped up in front of the camera and and you respect and they respect you for how how you handle it because they know i know they know when they're underneath you they're like oh fuck yeah i would always like there's definitely like that i experienced more of that like that
Starting point is 01:34:35 gritty uh dominate side in college like and when i was there was partners i had in the college room that if they didn't score a point against me all year, I was entirely okay with that. And I would, if I could score thousands against them and completely be in control. Sure. But as I've gotten older, I haven't really felt that. I mean, it's balanced. It's in the, you want to be in a, you know, in different situations, you got to be a different person. And I've not like, I haven't had a street fight since like sixth grade. All that stuff is petty. There's nothing to prove. You're the bigger dog. Whatever you can call me. Like, you know, there'll probably be lines that no one really did. I've never been really, really disrespected in part because I don't go out and drink and get douchebags mad at me. And but, yeah, I think it is fun to have.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Like, I think being powerful gives you the ability to also be very peaceful. And I prefer way to be peaceful, to spread the love to get to know you, give you a hug. I don't want to punch anyone for the rest of my life. I don't have to. interviews I've done and the thousands I've done before then I never was I never once have thought oh I hope I ask good questions because I just know I'm always going to ask good questions but when I this morning uh when I interview went to interview you and I've interviewed some fucking huge names like um I just had Aljamain on recently. When I went to interview you this morning when I came, I thought, this might be the best interviewer I've ever interviewed. I appreciate that, man. What you do and what comes out of your mouth on the fly is, besides me, you have no peer. We sit on the mountaintop by ourselves. I watched a lot of 60 minutes. They got nothing on us.
Starting point is 01:36:30 They got nothing on us. What's so fun right now, dude, is the guys that are running and gunning on no budget with one cameraman is we're kicking the shit out of mainstream media at the job that we're doing. Like people, the mainstream media in Milwaukee got mad at me for doing the kia boy video because they didn't get the scoop because they don't have the balls they're gonna you think you're gonna go to the hood in a suit and doubt like they want and the guy's gonna set up his tripod they're gonna steal that shit they're like oh we saw
Starting point is 01:37:01 like this one lady tried to ambush me the first real interview I ever had with a news channel. She acted out cool on the phone. Oh, you're so interesting. We'd love to hear your story. The second I get there, she's like, I noticed you laughing in the video with those key boys. There's been families that have died because of this. What do you have to say about that? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Everyone laughs. And so we're beating at their own game and it's fun. And I'm going to run and gun. And I'm going to make really good relationships. I'm going to really try and love the people that I film with and get their best story. And there's going to be a lot of adventures along the way. But I feel like I have the best job in the world. And I'm very grateful and happy to be in this position after years of struggle of not knowing if it's going to work, not knowing if I should quit and wondering where my place is in this world.
Starting point is 01:37:46 So I'm here. I'm happy. And more adventures to come. Yeah, you're awesome. I want to. That's it's so funny when they say stuff like that. You laughed. Hey, that's when they're doing ad hominem.
Starting point is 01:37:59 They want to attack you. They're trying to take. I want to show you this video. They wanted me to go to that block and shake my finger at these boys with pistols on them like good luck do you know how that would have turned out for you not a good idea so they don't realize that you're basically assimilating with them you're empathizing with them you're becoming one you a piece you has to become one of them god i want to see this i want to show you this property walk through and have to leave for about
Starting point is 01:38:29 10 minutes. So just a heads up. Okay, fine. Be that way, Tommy. But I would love to join you again. This is one of my favorite conversation I've gotten to have. So I really much appreciate you guys bringing me on here. I can't even believe you came. You're big time yeah right i'm just uh i'm just a monkey making things happen out here so why did you do it okay we'll finish on that why did you do the um uh why did you do the podcast why why not just um why not just why not use your time to do your own shit i mean i it's not i don't have a i only have 19 000 subscribers they're not even going to watch this because you're not even mean it's not i don't have a i only have 19 000 subscribers they're not even going to watch this because you're not even a crossfitter i don't i don't i was interested
Starting point is 01:39:09 why you reached out to me given that i saw you like you were big in the crossfit community and i didn't even look at your subscriber count that didn't matter to me like i i just collaborated with guys that had like you know 9 000 subscribers that did the tunnel video and i there's guys with millions that i'll never talk to because i don't like their character their personality but i thought you were like the homeless making documentaries i'm gonna call you after this is over because i want to pick your brain on things but um yeah and i need to pick your brain on real estate i need to get schooled yeah man there's a lot of community out here but i saw your backstory i thought i saw a lot of myself and you so i thought this
Starting point is 01:39:45 would be a good guy to talk to you the man hey well thanks for coming on i saw your kia video and i was just like holy fuck this is like a real anthropologist like this is like a real filmmaker you don't see very many of those i appreciate it guys i'll catch up with you in a in a bit and text and call me anytime i don't sleep by my phone so you can text me 24 hours a day you know man thanks tommy appreciate it bye Text and call me anytime. I don't sleep by my phone, so you can text me 24 hours a day. You know, man. Thanks, Tommy. Appreciate it. Bye.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Bye. I rank him in the top 10 best guests we ever had. He's one of those guests that like right when we're like talking. Look at clock cutter right away. Seven best guests. What a score. He's one of those people that you just want to keep close to after we have him on the show. You know, like a Jorge Ventura like that. Like you just want to keep close to after we have him on the show you know like a jorge ventura like that like you just want to like continue to have them i gotta introduce him to jorge fuck you're right yes that was right when i saw that i was like oh that would
Starting point is 01:40:35 be a great mesh can you hear all this shit that's happening outside of my apartment right now no well at one point in the show i thought i heard someone on a skate ramp and i was like my kids can't be skating it's 8 40 in the morning like I thought I heard someone on a skate ramp, and I was like, my kids can't be skating. It's 840 in the morning. They're painting over here, and this person is always talking about this leaf blower. It's not bad. Brandon Waddell, a good point. Patrick Bet David is good.
Starting point is 01:40:55 He is really good. Especially for how rich he is. Say that again, Sousa? Especially after he sold PHP. Is that something he did recently? He's close to a bill. Yeah, he just did that recently. He's got, I think, like a year and a half or two-year deal with him where he's still a part of the company,
Starting point is 01:41:13 and then he's kind of stepping out, and then he'll fully move away from it. But I imagine that that was a hefty nine-figure deal. Hefty nine-figure deal. We need to – I reached out, but we got to stay on it because i think this guy would be interesting especially as a follow-up where he goes to the hood for his videos and then antagonizes these gangster looking dudes until almost the point where they like fight him and he's got a gun pulled on him like multiple times. He's been beat up because the video, because he'll start saying this. Here, let me play. she's the same where you from bro earth earth will keep on walking go straight bro okay but you're giving me attitude though i'm trying to get rocked out here or what that's supposed to
Starting point is 01:42:07 me huh bro get the f out of here i'm telling y'all making it so you want to play with me get up out of here is it cool you're on video man get the f out of here all right and there's a couple of them that get like intense. So that would be an interesting, interesting guy to get to. Oh my God. I don't know if I like that. Spend a minute and just go through his, uh,
Starting point is 01:42:33 his Instagram and you're going to be like flowing away. But Tommy was a delight. Uh, uh, I got a designer working on the crown shirt. Oh, cool. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:47 That, that, that friend of his, Balin Levine, he asked him one time, he goes, what's the most amount of merchandise you've sold ever? And he said one month he sold a million dollars worth of merchandise. That's crazy. that is crazy right yeah i mean that's the scale that you like need to make make matt like big money off of that why tired why will um is tomorrow friday no i don't know what day tomorrow is what why is um why will darian be tired on Friday for the UFC show? I don't know. Maybe he's got a crazy Thursday night planned.
Starting point is 01:43:34 I don't know. I want to – oh, did you see this? Did you see that – did you see – yeah yeah i don't know if i liked him either should we should i explain to susie david why didn't you like that guy nah this dude is whack i i like it i like that that the video that susie just showed i want to watch that but i don't want anyone to know i'm enjoying that just because i don't like just shit that's antagonistic for the sake of being antagonistic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:07 Um, uh, I guess if you are a dude who transitions to a girl, you still have to register for the draft, the Biden administration, dude, that says it all. What's a man. They just admitted. They, that says it all. What's a man?
Starting point is 01:44:27 They just admitted they know what a man is. If you're born with a penis, you still have to register for the draft. I mean, I don't need them to admit it. I mean, I know what a man is. It's like the same people that will say, like, hey, Global Warming is happening in Florida and New York. It's all going to be underwater soon. But yet the banks are still giving out 10-year mortgages on everything to get a return on their investment. Go fuck yourself. There's no way the bank is going to look at that. And the same with the insurance companies. I mean, those are the real truth tellers because their dollars depend on the outcomes. So if you really
Starting point is 01:45:02 want to find the truth, turn off the fucking politicians, go talk to the bankers because their income and the livelihoods of the bank survives. That's where the real science is. That's where the math is. That's where the PhD actuaries, that's where all the science is. They could only care about the predictable outcomes. They do not care about any of the political bullshit. They don't care about any of this other stuff. They just want to know, well, they make their money and what's the math look like on it um you you think you think uh roger was a um a home run that's it what about there it's so interesting what you guys like what yeah it always sways from sometimes i feel like at least i let you guys down. I mean, I had a great time talking with Roger. Four hours, dang.
Starting point is 01:45:52 But I wouldn't have thought you guys would have liked it for some reason. But you guys loved it. Hey, when I saw this guy Tommy, as soon as I saw this guy's Tommy's Instagram, YouTube station, I thought, oh, maybe we could do him like we do Hiller. You know how we bring Hiller on and review his videos? Yep. It would be cool to bring Tommy G on every once in a while. Every couple of months and go over a handful of his videos. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Oh, yeah. The Daniel Brandon Loveline Show was the best. This made me blush a little. Oh, how nice how sweet you haven't seen this you know the camera strap guy who always gives us money I do know that I helped him set that up
Starting point is 01:46:35 to send it to you you did? I'm glad you got it I wasn't sure because he had mentioned that he was sending it over yeah dude there's one in here for fucking heidi oh really yeah he said he was he was gonna do like a hand a handful of them and he asked like who else and i was like no just send it send it to savann and yeah they're mouse
Starting point is 01:46:55 pads they smell so good yeah he's a good dude. Justin hooked it up. I don't know how I'm going to get all these to everyone. There's a Heidi, a Brian, a Taylor Self, a JR. We know how we're going to do it. I'm going to have to come hang out. I'll grab all of them. I'll bring them over here and I'll mail them to everybody. Andrew Hiller, Matt Souza, Will Branstetter, and The Beeb.
Starting point is 01:47:22 I wonder where The Beeb is this morning. I always wonder if he's okay when I don't see him. I know, I always get nervous. Like when he has something and he's like, Oh, I got a work trip or something. I'm always just like, it's just a little thing in the back of your head. Cause you know, he's not in a exactly safest spot on earth. Not, not safest. Um, I want to show this, uh, so they're not. I'll show this to you guys now, but I'm going to bring it.
Starting point is 01:47:54 I'm going to bring it up again on the live whenever we do a live call and show. I don't know when the next one is, but Biden requires trans women to register for draft if they were born male. So that's how confusing the phrase is trans women because you have to say it again down here if they were born male like i you can't be a trans woman unless you were born male that's part of the that's the package that's the package deal right it's so funny it's so funny just say yeah i should just say if you're born a male you have to register for the draft i was talking to someone the other day yesterday like i guess i can say i was hanging out with allison nyc and she has a boy i'm like you know your boy's gonna have to register for the draft right and she's like what really i'm like, you know, your boy's going to have to register for the draft, right? And she's like, what?
Starting point is 01:48:45 Really? I'm like, yeah. Every dude you see out here is registered. Like, we're all. She's like, but they don't do that anymore. I go, they have. They don't. But we still got to register.
Starting point is 01:48:55 But hold on. All of us boys got to register. Shit might get squirrely. And if you don't register, you don't get some shit. I think if you avoid it, too, you could be jailed. And I don't think you don't get certain you don't get some shit i think you could be avoided too you could be jailed i and i don't think you can ever borrow money right i think that's one of the ways you can never i mean that's always how basically out of the punishment yeah look at this one this is great fuck it i don't know what i'm doing right now but this is great look at this this is ronda rousey I forgot how good she is.
Starting point is 01:49:25 She's fucking amazing. Quite a large pay dispute happening with our Australian women's soccer team at the moment. Is it frustrating for you as someone who's so prominent in your sport? And we heard you say on the Ellen Show the other day you are the richest fighter in UFC that that sort of thing is still going on. show the other day you are the richest fighter in UFC that that sort of thing is still going on I think that how much you get paid should have something to do with how much money you bring in I'm the highest paid fighter not because Dina Lorenzo wanted to do something nice to the ladies
Starting point is 01:49:57 they do it because I bring in the highest numbers they do it because I make them the most money and I think that the money that they make should be proportionate to the money that they bring in. And do you know why she brings in so much money? Because either girls want to be like her or dudes want to fuck her. And no one wants to be like WNBA girls or fuck WNBA girls. It's the same thing why girls girls softball is not big either. I'm not saying that that's a right or wrong thing, but that's why WWE does so well as fucking stupid as I think it is.
Starting point is 01:50:32 Cause a lot of dudes want a little, a lot of little boys want to be like that. Yeah. A hundred percent. And like that, that's, and that's the way it should fucking be. The financial market should be driven by what people want.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Yeah. The market, the market's always correct it's always yeah especially when it comes to entertainment the um have you seen that's what people forget you're fucking entertainment wnba or nba you're nothing but entertainment there's nothing vital to your existence zero go away tomorrow and the earth politicians go away tomorrow if the nba went away tomorrow the world is a better place how can you say that savon well uh for starters think of all the how much trash uh that they produce you have to imagine that all the eco-friendly people would love that what is that a million less just flights? 10 million less styrofoam cups? 100 million?
Starting point is 01:51:29 One of the things I learned at the Coliseum here in ancient Rome that's still true today is that people need bread and they need entertainment. Because otherwise they got too much time on their hands and they start to question all the bullshit the politicians are doing. Oh. And it's even more so now. Keep scrolling. Don't pay attention to anything we're doing don't worry about that and you know what else was interesting this is a jordan jordan peterson point on the equality of women being paid and stuff he goes it was i think it was like brick
Starting point is 01:51:56 layers or something the example to use he goes it's it's a 99 dominant male industry he goes why aren't people coming up there and saying we need more women laying bricks or doing the sanitation or doing more stuff within infrastructure or anything like that it's always c-suite executives it's always athletes it's always power positions it's not about equal pay it's not about equality and jobs it's about fucking power and status oh hey one of the wealthiest guys i know in town what let me phrase it one of the most successful guys i know in town is the plumber he's got 10 plumbing trucks. He fucking balls. He goes to a CrossFit gym.
Starting point is 01:52:28 He's got four houses. But he comes over to my house when I call him and fixes my fucking toilet. But I bet you he's making $350, $400 a year. And it's – but why aren't there women doing that job? Exactly. And why aren't they on TV on The Ellen Show talking about it, saying we need more women? Yeah, that's even more important. You're right.
Starting point is 01:52:47 I don't care that there's women not doing it. You're right. That was what you said was more correct. No one's pushing for it. Yeah. Yeah. How come they're not on The Ellen Show? No, they just want to compare them to NBA and WNBA.
Starting point is 01:52:57 Yeah. Nobody fucking watches the WNBA, unfortunately, for the WNBA. How about this? Oh, come on. How about this? Oh, come on. How about this? Man, do you know who Lizzo is, this fat black girl? Yeah. Is that a singer?
Starting point is 01:53:17 Is she a singer? Mm-hmm. Yep. So she's not a model? No. Okay. And why are you going to say the fact that like lost 10 pounds and the people went after. No, she said this.
Starting point is 01:53:30 I don't know how you can say this. And like anyone likes you anymore. Uh, she said, uh, uh, I am not making music for white people. It's like, well, all right. I mean, you have to read into it.
Starting point is 01:53:53 I mean, the next sentence she may have said is I'm not making music for black people either. Maybe I make music for myself. Yeah. Maybe that's yeah. But I have a feeling that's not what she said yeah and i don't know if you saw kanye's been destroying her i i've been
Starting point is 01:54:11 i yeah i've been following the uh kanye stuff you watch his interview with tucker collison not just pieces i haven't watched the whole thing yeah i've watched i've watched majority of it's it's pretty funny kanye is interesting have you seen the new thing that he released on his own youtube channel it's weird. No. Fuck. No. It's like the first four minutes is like a weird real life video game reenactment. And then the second like 20 something minutes is, uh, it looks like kind of like a, somebody documenting him going through meetings, but it's through this small little pinhole view that's weird.
Starting point is 01:54:44 Abstract angles. Fucking odd. Uh, bring it up on the live calling show. through this small little pinhole view that's weird abstract angles it's fucking odd uh bring it up on the live calling show okay please god there's something i really wanted to show uh tommy g i just can't and i put it in my um i put it in my live calling notes but I just don't see it anymore. I don't know what happened. Porn stars fighting. Old men. Funny, not funny.
Starting point is 01:55:31 CDC. Holy shit. Holy shit. porn stars fighting old men funny not funny cdc holy shit holy shit it's everywhere now i don't know if you guys are seeing but now the cdc is admitting and i guess pfizer pfizer executive came out and said that they never tested the vaccine for having abilities to stop transmission from day one they they had no evidence zero testing to prove that the vac so that means all of the the whole argument you can go back to my podcast and i said this from day one anyway they have no proof that it stops transmission so that means that all the people that we know and i know we all know them who said um get the vaccine because it's the right thing to do to take care of other people that was all a lie you getting the vaccine doesn't's the right thing to do to take care of other people. That was all a lie.
Starting point is 01:56:07 You getting the vaccine doesn't help anyone. It doesn't reduce transmission. Yeah, it doesn't reduce transmission at all. Maybe, maybe it reduces your symptoms a little bit. And so therefore, maybe, maybe with less symptoms, you reduce your transmission. A lot of maybes there it's crazy all the shit coming out and all those fucking people i know who were telling saying all that crazy shit it's well it's interesting because all those same people that were saying people should be jailed
Starting point is 01:56:38 for misinformation or all this stuff they were the Misinformation. And the crazy thing too, is they were the most harmful because when there was certain treatments that would have helped people that had COVID, especially if they had comorbidities and other conditions through ivermectin or these other treatments that would have worked, you, your hands were tied as a, as a medical professional to even explore those opportunities, because then you would be, you know, classified as a conspiracy theorist giving horse dewormer out out so how many people died that shouldn't have died that could have alternative treatments but they only said oh one thing works stay inside and the other thing works is the vaccine and we both we know that both of those were complete lies and there was no science there's
Starting point is 01:57:17 no pretty good value staying inside actually did made things worse maybe exacerbated the issue and technically you could say that the vaccine then harmed people that normally wouldn't have been harmed by COVID that are now dealing with cardiac events. God, I would love for those cardiac event things to come out. Like the two gentlemen we had on, the two doctors we had on during the games, they said, just sit back and wait for the insurance companies because they'll be the one oh untangle everything and you'll know and you'll know the truth because it's not going to come from the medical community because the medical community is the pharmaceutical community they're lock and step they have to be locked yes yes yes yes the doctor the doctors are the pimps yes and they need those hoes out there working the doctors yeah that's it's sad it sad i don't know i don't know if this is what i wanted to show you but let me see what this is in black boys last year they wanted to play in the nba of that
Starting point is 01:58:13 million only 400 000 will even make it to play high school ball of that 400 000 only 4 000 will be able to play college ball of that 4 000 only 35 will make it to the NBA. Of that 35, only seven start. And the average life in the NBA is four years. So the real problem is we have a million brothers looking for seven full-time jobs the last four years. And yet last year, we had 100,000 jobs available to be a computer programmer, engineer, or doctor, and only 1,000 brothers qualified. So our appeal to black males is to realize the odds. That that you do most will be that that you do best. I mean, we were the first doctor, not Hippocrates, M. Hopetap. So we have the ability either in math or science or music and sports,
Starting point is 01:58:54 but that that you do most will be that that you do best. If you play basketball from three o'clock to nine o'clock, you'll be a very good basketball player. If you went home and went to the library, you'd be a very good scholar. We need more black male role models that will encourage our youth in math and science there are millions that's not that's by the way from sherman if you don't follow sherman merrick you're crazy this dude's so cool yeah he's been on the show a couple times do i dare click on this what's this we may never let this slide. Oh my goodness. Becky, look at her Bible. It is so huge.
Starting point is 01:59:30 She looks like one of those preacher guys' girlfriends. But who understands those preacher guys anyway? They only talk to her because she looks like Mother Teresa. Okay. Good dude, Sherman. You are a good dude. All right, guys. Susa, Sherman. You are a good dude. All right, guys. Souza, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:59:49 Sevan, thanks for coming on. Tommy G, happy to be in touch. Thanks for doing all this hard work. Tomorrow... What? So Calvin just no-showed us. Yeah, but he emailed me back. He knows...
Starting point is 02:00:04 Oh, tomorrow we have Brent Stephenson on. Mm-hmm. I think that's the two-times Ninja Warrior champion. And the real reason I got him on is someone told me he was a flat earther. And I kind of want to hear the… A flat earther. Like he thinks the earth is flat, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:24 Brett? He? Like he thinks like the earth is flat, right? Yeah. Right. Isn't it funny how everything in life, it just goes in continuous cycles. Like when we were learning about like the dark ages that came in and then they destroyed all the aqueducts, which therefore like set like hygiene back, you know, centuries. And then ushered in like all the more like you know the plague and stuff like that and all those diseases that come with the lack of hygiene but it wasn't it wasn't just focused right there in rome but they after they destroyed that and they got and they got rid of it and buried it it just was like that for a long time everywhere else it's like the same it's like the same thing that's happening now like the more that we start getting away from the truth and
Starting point is 02:01:05 getting away from reality it just slows down progress for all of humankind and it sets us back so far rather than focusing on some of the stuff that could better humanity we're caught up in this politics and bullshit and we're losing track of you know definitions and truth so far down the rabbit hole. And it's a real disservice to humanity in total. Let's look at this. Speaking of which, let's look at this. Do you actually think that flat earthers believe we're on a disc out in space? Oh, okay. So you are misinformed. Well, if you didn't know, flat earthers don't believe in an edge. So nobody's
Starting point is 02:01:45 going to be surfing or finding the edge of the earth anytime soon. Why assume that there's an edge to the flat earth when there's no edge to space? And if you've been misled to believe that we think that there's an edge to our level earth that we live on, no, dude, there's a shoreline, bro. Antarctica. Here's all the pictures for everyone that keeps asking, like, where's the picture of the shoreline? Where's the picture of the edge? This is as far as we can go out, okay, until they start shooting people. And do you think I'm joking? I am not joking at all. No independent exploration is allowed beyond the Black Circle, beyond the 60th South Latitude, okay? You go past this, just look up videos of
Starting point is 02:02:23 people doing it but in reality antarctica isn't a continent that's on the bottom side of a ball it's actually an ice wall that encompasses the level earth that we live on containing all of the ocean water what you thought 500 billions of gallons of water was sticking to an oblate spheroid that's spinning oh no one in history believed the earth was flat and you may say well then give me one proof that the Earth is flat. Come on, like, show me one proof. Like, I've seen curvature from a plane, man. Yeah. Notice here, 200, about 300 miles is 11 miles of curvature.
Starting point is 02:03:14 200, how much do you think 273 would be? Like, around nine? Have a look at the current world record distance photograph. 273 miles away. That's 9.4 miles of missing curvature. And I can already hear all the heliosexuals in the comments, dude, the Earth's not a parabola, bro. This was from Zetetic Astronomy, Samuel Rope-Otham's book. He was a flat earther. This isn't even our curvature model. what i'd say to that every single curvature model is within feet under a thousand miles and we were talking about 273
Starting point is 02:03:56 you know now that i think about it sea level is a great description, overall description of the earth that we live on. Sea level, because all of the seas at the same level. You think sea level makes sense on a constantly curving ocean? No container, no level water, constantly curving. I don't know. It could look something more like this. But if you want more content like this popping up on your For You page and your following, make sure you're following me here. I'm not convinced. I'm not convinced. I've got my podcast that we're coming out with.
Starting point is 02:04:32 Wait, wait, wait. Do you actually think that… We don't know how high the guy was when he took the picture to show the distance furthest. Do you know what I mean? It looked like the guy took his picture from above sea level that that distance picture and if you took your picture above sea level then you can see further beyond of the curvature so that was a horrible example that one was just easy to prove wrong well let's see if there's one yeah well because like even when you shoot a gun from that distance too don't you have to almost angle it up to count for the bullet as it falls
Starting point is 02:05:00 over the long period of time so but that's not have to do the same thing with the picture right you'd have to get up above up above it so as it curves you could see that far right i don't know and you could tell that the picture number one an elevated thing let's see this blows this blows the supposed giving curvature okay okay here we go one more the horizons metamorphosis we globe earthers have had it wrong for thousands of years. There is no geometric horizon. And those crazy flat earthers were the only ones to figure it out. What is a horizon? It's actually a good question. Well, we globe supporters used to think that it was the point of the geometric earth that began obstructing distant objects, like in this diagram, or in other words, the physical visible tangent point to the globe where the sky and the ground
Starting point is 02:05:45 meet in the distance but we globies were wrong in order to defend the globe from these many flat earth horizon issues and what is commonly known as the black swan we globe earthers have now discovered that there are multiple horizons on our globe and the horizon morphs and flattens out when people actually try to film and test the shape of the Earth. Look at this video, for example. For this video, the cameraman, BMLS B69, was at an elevation of 105 feet. There are three oil platforms he's filming. The closest one is at 10.9 miles.
Starting point is 02:06:18 The second is at 21.9 miles. The third is at 26.4 miles. From that elevation, the horizon line cannot be further than 12.5 miles in other words under the globe model the horizon should appear in front of the second platform and 58 feet of that second platform should be hidden behind the earth's curvature no i know but i'm not buying it i'm not buying it i don't think that math i don't think that math is right. I don't think it works like that. But anyway. Yeah. I need to explain to me more. But I do like the idea of us just being surrounded by ice like Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 02:06:57 I do. Yeah, I'm going to have to look more on it because otherwise uh i'll get tore up in the comments apparently that's fine i think it's okay i love watching um i i love watching these things they're so dumb it's entertaining um this has to do with projections and where you put the center of the ear of your of the earth um is a 45 pound plate flat or round oh it's a good question depending on how you hold it yeah i don't date insane people or narcissists i don't know i think it's kind of narcissists are kind of fun i mean we're all narcissists you got to be just emotionally prepared winter is coming emotionally prepared.
Starting point is 02:07:46 Winter is coming. You guys be nice tomorrow in the comments. We have to go into this with an open mind. His wife's beautiful. He's kind of a ninja warrior. I don't understand. What's the optimal outcome here? Oh, wow. What the fuck is this?
Starting point is 02:08:11 Before a D&E abortion can... Oh, man. I'm going to have a blast on this guy's Instagram today. It's going to be fun tomorrow. It's going to be cool. I, I, you know how, like, if you're like,
Starting point is 02:08:35 like Gary Roberts, like he's a Trump supporter, but his wife was a Hillary supporter and like, in like they're married and shit. And I wonder if like you're a flat earther and if someone like doesn't believe that your earth is flat, like if that's like a strong point of contention. It just seems weird because like who benefits from that outcome regardless. Like whether it's round or whether it's flat, like. Well, like my wife was so, my wife was against vaccines.
Starting point is 02:09:07 Yeah. But then I thought she was a wackadoodle. And then I did like five years later, COVID came and I started researching vaccines. I'm like, holy shit. With this much of an open mind and fucking 30 minutes of research, you're like, and looking at some graphs, you're like, oh fuck. Oh, like anyone can Google, like soon as the doctor says to you, measles are super dangerous. You can just go to the CDC website.
Starting point is 02:09:31 You can be like, how many kids have died of measles in the last 10 years? And then right away you have to be like, Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh Nelly. And then the next thing is you're like, how many people get measles and ever get it again? How many people get the vaccine to get measles? fuck and every question you you but you have to do that but i wouldn't i understand vaccines and kids but like i don't know if i would care if hayley thought the earth was flat and i mean i'd be I'd be kind of tripping on how I would like to see her explain it to me, but it doesn't seem like life or death vaccine.
Starting point is 02:10:10 It seemed like life or death, right? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Like one of them is affecting you like personally, because you're taking something that may or may not be harmful to your body as opposed to like, if there is flatter around, like what it. Yeah. Okay. I like, i like the fact that someone can think out of the i'm just stimulated because you can think out of the box right yeah i mean i like that's always good to question status quo because that's how you develop progress right yeah but
Starting point is 02:10:38 that particular argument i don't know there's a lot a lot of them we can spend our time on that would give you an optimal outcome for quality of life. Like if you study the fact of what carbohydrates do to your body and processed foods, and then you go down that rabbit hole and you realize, Oh shit, this is all really bad for me. You stop doing it. Your quality of life gets better. But if you convince me that the earth is flat, like how, how is that going to change my quality of life? Well, speaking of quality of life yesterday, I made some quite cavalier statements about fake titties. I talked about the maintenance of fake titties and I was a dear friend of mine who has some fake titties. Well, they claim to have fake titties told me that, Hey, I got my fake titties in 99 and I've never had to have them, uh, uh,
Starting point is 02:11:22 worked on. So this thing that you were saying, like if you get fake titties and every, you got to give up a day every year to go to the doctor or whatever, it was horseshit. And I apologize for misrepresenting. Yeah. Well, you know what happens if somebody comes up and wants to have the fake titty argument with me in person?
Starting point is 02:11:40 Let me start my motorboat. Yeah. He says he makes a little joke about it. Oh, and I know someone's going to come up and guess what I'm going to do. Uh, I watched, uh,
Starting point is 02:11:51 uh, yeah. I was just thinking about motorboating, random fake titties. I watched you. I watched you CrossFit games crossfit games uh show i was the one who texted you okay okay i do so the wheel wad games are coming up in december and could we get i'm going to you're on that text with judias uh snelson yeah i just saw another one
Starting point is 02:12:21 come through did you see that one too no oh oh Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I did see that. Should I read that one or is that going to throw me off? It's going to throw you off. Oh, no. Is it bad? No. They're not asking to have it pulled down, are they? Oh, no. Wow. Okay. Standby. Oh, no. Wow. Okay. Standby. group going to text me the other day that said they're going to russia and they want to take a bunch of they're going to a bunch of affiliates in russia and they want to take some crossfit uh affiliate shirts there so we're going to have those people on and we'll find an address for
Starting point is 02:13:11 you for anyone who wants to like contribute to that and then we should have uh and that'll just be we just need them on for 10 or 15 minutes like you said and then we should have um jediah on also for 10 or 15 minutes on one of these live calling shows to promote that. Okay. Yeah, that'd be cool. Oh, man. I'm going to click it now. Okay. wow right this is a copy and paste.
Starting point is 02:14:14 Wow. Holy shit. Mm-hmm. Holy shit. You see – so this person is saying because we didn't get a release from them that we have to pull it down and yet they came on our show do you see the disingenuousness of that that they're lying to us like why wouldn't they just tell us the truth hey i'm uncomfortable with something i said and i want the video can you pull down the video not seems weird man yeah that especially if you go to the text right above that yeah
Starting point is 02:14:46 wow this is incredible wow everybody in the comments you'll have no idea what this is wow i'll tell you guys soon let me let me get this person might just be mentally unstable and they just fucking like something basically someone i guess we had on is saying that we need to pull down the podcast but i mean i mean there's a whole litany of text saying it was like the greatest experience of their life and shit like that and the reason they're saying their point like i understand if you're like hey i didn't like some of the stuff i said i feel fucking horrible i wish i wouldn't have talked about my mom like that but this person is saying because they didn't sign a release we have to pull it down
Starting point is 02:15:32 and that just pisses me off like first of all that's not true yeah there's the explicit when you go on and you know it's live and you knew it was live and it's explicit. Like I just don't like the dishonesty, but anyway, whatever. I don't give a fuck. Interesting. I guarantee you it's some woke shit. That means they're lying. That means they saw something else I did on my podcast and they somehow don't want to be affiliated with me.
Starting point is 02:15:57 That's what that is. You know that, right? Most likely. Yes. Yeah. Mason Mitchell. So quick, hurry record all the thumbnails and see which one comes up i'll tell you guys i'll tell you guys the whole thing it sucks too because i really i thought that uh and you know what you know what's funny and unique i thought it was a great podcast yeah and you know what's unique about the way that you operate stuff is actually how much
Starting point is 02:16:24 like we give the audience in terms of authenticity. Like people are like, like, I don't think they realize how real and authentic the show is because getting more involved with the media space, like in CrossFit and stuff, like what is presented on certain things versus the way it operates behind closed doors is very different as opposed to with us here at the podcast. Like you're just completely open with everything well that's exactly what this text says too it says that they don't want to be real that it was too real right yeah look at this last paragraph um and look at the threat in the last paragraph yeah it's all about this whole thing says that i was too real look at that last fucking sentence i want to come in with a better game plan for future interviews
Starting point is 02:17:15 like like what you how i would love to see someone come in and do an interview with me who has a fucking game plan see what that fucking looks like man she was amazing too she fucking killed it i think she did so much for her brand by by by being um they they real it's too late i fucked it up yeah okay no it's not roger it's definitely wow um uh okay okay listen settle down settle down melissa stay. Melissa, be a good girl. Go outside and get some sun. Everyone be good.
Starting point is 02:18:09 You'll get grounded. Take your shoes off. Take a little walk in the grass. What does that mean? What's gaslighting mean? Where is it? Someone wrote gaslighting. Where is that?
Starting point is 02:18:20 It's like made to believe. Like we all can kind of conspire against you to be like, no, you crazy one but you're the one that's actually like you know oh right right right right right i always and i think it had to do with like the turning down of actual gas gas lamps yeah didn't didn't they they they turned that you turned on the gas in the house and then the wife starts to go crazy because gas makes her crazy yeah no and it was like well what are you talking about we could all see and everything's fine but like yeah oh oh okay you're the crazy one you know like did you ever like screw with a friend when you were younger and everybody like smokes weed and then you're like hey everybody pretend that we could hear each other but don't say any words
Starting point is 02:18:56 and we'll just pretend that seven would meet like somehow you can't hear anymore you ever do shit like that no well maybe to my kids i cannot fucking believe this text i know i can how embarrassed she's not embarrassed that she sent that to us this is so embarrassing this is there's it's not it's not from what i'm reading into it it doesn't really look like it's a it's a her decision it looks like there's more of um some sort of other entity that's involved in it that's that's pursuing because the and she's being manipulated like a motherfucker in the text before versus the text afterwards is is um completely different sides of the pendulum i i will share the text eventually i can't share i can't share it now. It's just not...
Starting point is 02:19:45 I just... I gotta be cool. That's fucking weird, man. Andrew, what's up, dude? Taysom Hill is the man. Who's that? Oh, okay. Respond back.
Starting point is 02:20:03 New phone, who dis? Who dis? okay respond back new phone who dis I'm gonna let you do deal figure I'm not writing back that's a fucking executive that's above my pay grade alright Andrew I'll call
Starting point is 02:20:20 I'll bug you later today alright tomorrow we got Brent Stephenson on and I'll call it. I'll bug you later today. Um, all right. Uh, tomorrow we got, um, Brent Steffensen on Steph Steffensen on, and, I will talk to you guys later.
Starting point is 02:20:32 Uh, uh, Tommy G great guest today. Thanks Tommy for coming on the show. Love all you guys. Heidi, you're the best. Uh,
Starting point is 02:20:39 Spiegel always. Thank you for the 1999. I'm both. Bye.

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