The Sevan Podcast - #632 - Phillip Kelly

Episode Date: October 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I didn't play that much of it Oh I don't think so either but we got tagged for copyright I just erased it out of the video Bam we're live Phillip what's up dude Hey what's up guys Phillip do not play any Nate Dogg or Warren G in the background please I was going to try to wear my AirPods
Starting point is 00:00:17 But it's not connecting right But I can hear you just fine so Oh I can wait too Do you want to mess with it Can you hear me good I can hear you want do you want to mess with it it's up to you can you hear me good i can hear you great okay then i'll just leave it i was um what made me think of that nate dog and warren g thing is i wanted to show that video that kind of shows your journey but i wonder if i should just show it without the audio even though the audio is so good i wonder if we'll get
Starting point is 00:00:41 tagged for the audio which which one is it um do you see it at the very do you see it at the very top up there caleb it's just in the notes it's just titled the journey guys hi everyone good morning um philip kelly came across my radar because i sit around here in my chair and my little three-plane brother's empire being like, show me someone healthy who's died. Show me. Go ahead. I dare you.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Someone's like, well, hey, this dude does CrossFit, and he was healthy, and fuck, man, he skirted the line pretty close. But I didn't die. No, you didn't. That's true. Thank you. And thank you for not doing that and fucking up my story. Do you ever get annoyed do you ever
Starting point is 00:01:26 listen to the show me yeah always oh so do you ever get annoyed when i say that you're like hey asshole i almost died no and you and i have we've talked before even okay we've talked a few times um just on the phone we talked no no no through dms, no. Through DMs. Oh, okay. Yeah. We can get into that at some point, but yeah. Did we fight in the DMs or were we nice to each other? No. One time, well, I know how you are. How dare you? I know. No one understands me. I'm very complicated.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, I would say that, but- I'm not complicated. I'm complicated. One time when you and I were talking about what happened to me and you were asking what happened and I was talking about how I was isolating in my bedroom, trying to stay away from my wife and my kids. And I think you said something like, why did you do that? Like, why does it matter? And in my head, I'm like, well, because I felt like shit. And I didn't want my kids to feel that way. Even with knowing what we knew about kids aren't really affected the same way as, uh, as older people are. I still just thought I'll just do the damn isolation thing, you know, and try to keep them from getting sick. Cause I
Starting point is 00:02:42 mean, I was pretty sick. It was like, felt like the worst flu you could ever have you know um i don't want to name any names i would hate to throw my wife under the bus but i will tell you this that when my wife got cope my wife knows everything about covid that i know and when she got covid all the i could tell that the property for the first couple days that like when she tested positive, the propaganda still got to her, even though she knew that she was totally fine. And it like, but until you get it, like you could talk all the shit you want,
Starting point is 00:03:13 like from on a podcast or like me and her could be like, this is silly. And we just go everywhere and didn't care. But when she got it, you could tell that the media had still fucked with her. Like she got scared. Yeah. I mean, she didn't say it to me, but I could tell. I media had still fucked with her. Like she got scared. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I mean, she didn't say it to me, but I could tell. I was like, oh, fuck, she's scared. Yeah. My wife still gets that way if any one of us has like a cough. Well, you kind of got a different situation. You really fucking took your family through the ringer. True. True. True.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Whose fault is it? Should I say? Sure. Sure. Who's, who's, okay, see you later. Bye.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I love you too. Bye, honey. Are you taking some plants? Yeah, yeah. Pick up a couple pounds of hamburger meat for tonight for the ufc she's going to the gym right now because they're doing an in-house competition she's volunteering to help so lots of germs in the gym tell her to be careful so what uh anyways what we're saying um yeah about the uh whose fault is it? Who do you think it is? Like when you say fault, like China, Dr. Fauci? Whose fault is it that I was allowed to get as sick as I did?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yeah. Fauci. Yeah. Fauci's protocol or lack of protocol. Man, it's just bizarre. As I dug through your Instagram, know correct me if i'm wrong but i guess the real issue and you sum it up i can hear it in your voice and there's a little bit of an angle to it everywhere is is that um the lack of transparency has made it do you remember
Starting point is 00:04:58 back in the day when marijuana was illegal and the whole thing was is like hey it's illegal so no one can study it like at least let people study it. COVID's like that, too. It's like just there's just there's just not information on it because there's no transparency and that the information there is about it. It's just there's so much lying. Well, it seems like the information and the data and research that actual doctors who are willing to be a doctor and treat their patients that just gets silenced and you get represented you get posted and tagged as spreading misinformation as you know personally yeah um so did you see what happened in california recently what gavin newsom signed which thing you're not allowed to you can't get second
Starting point is 00:05:45 opinions so if you're a doctor and you step out of line of the state mandated protocol for what to do with covid you can lose your license so that's bizarre i can't believe that's real i cannot believe that's real and then you see the way the new y time couches it too, that they're protecting us by not allowing us to get a second opinion. It's so bizarre. How will they, I don't know for what good doctors there might still be here in California. What is to prevent them from saying, you know what, I'm going to go to another state where I can actually be a doctor. Right. Yeah, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:06:24 After last week, me going to the doctor and having a bad experience there. So it was like the timing was impeccable. Right. Yeah, I saw it. It's nuts. Last week, me going to the doctor and having a bad experience there. So it was like the timing was impeccable. Oh, the follow-up. Yeah. Okay. Let's go back. Okay, that video.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yes. It does have background music on there. It's by a Christian artist. So I don't know if you can play and just say, we don't own the rights to the music type of thing. I don't know how the, you know, guidelines use it, but I have it where I selected it from the music that's available.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah. It's different on YouTube. Um, but can you play that without, uh, any, um, music? Thanks. So this is your journey from rock bottom in the hospital with COVID. I would say probably even not rock bottom because for the first 30 days, nobody could come in to see me. Wow. So that footage is after then. Did you see the interview I did with that guy, Paul, who was also in the hospital?
Starting point is 00:07:22 Did that resonate with you? Some of that that some of that shit he was saying yeah i wish i had gone back and taken some notes on it um but i i did watch it i think i even saved it too so i could watch it again but i remember watching it thinking like thank god somebody is uh talking to people like him and i um because I think we weren't supposed to make it, but we did. And, uh, there's not a whole bunch of us like us. So I'm, I'm glad that you're willing to, uh, talk to us. We weren't supposed to make it. I don't, I mean, we defied the odds, I would say, right. I mean, I don't know what the numbers are on people that end up on vents and then come off of them. And you got remdesivir too, right? Yes. I believe I was given that for like four or five days.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I spoke to a doctor yesterday and told him that I was having you on and that you almost died and that I'm, you know, being with my own biases, of course, right? Everyone knows my biases. I want to be like, well, maybe the treatment fucked him up. Well, the first thing the doctor said to me, I said, yeah, he said, did he get remdesivir? And I said, yeah. And he goes, oh, man. So it's kind of interesting that even a doctor, that was his first.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Okay, let's go back a little bit. So you live in Vacaville california that's about a hundred miles north of me you're basically between me and lake tahoe yeah ah that's not cool i guess that's fair that's a good uh and you're you're northeast of san francisco by 40 50 miles yeah i would say yeah yeah and uh and and how old are you i'm 39 now so basically if you would do i look yeah i'm 39 34 34 if i i don't even know anymore the i mean i i was on this whole kick because a couple people were telling me I look old, but there's two things. One, I don't look old.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But two, I want to look 50. I'm 50. I should look 50. I'm happy to look 50. I want people to see me and be like, man, he can get away with murder. He's 50. You said you don't look old? No, I don't look old.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Didn't your mom tell you Dave wouldn't lie't lie yeah but they're fucking stupid okay um if i looked old i mean i don't have bags under my eyes and shit i'm not all wrinkly you think i look old too i don't care if you do look old i'm sure you could probably shit he skirted the question out some other people your age probably outscored it all the dudes in starbucks i can that's my metric um uh here this yeah maybe that's why i can't see my i have a 50 year old body with a 12 year old mind that's that's fair um so so if you would have been 50 they would they would have let you go and die, right? That's one of the things that Paul was telling me, the guy on the show, that basically once you're over 50, some of the protocols that they do to save people under 50, they don't do and they just let you die. It's very possible.
Starting point is 00:10:36 I would guess. I haven't done a whole lot of research into the age demographics and what the treatment is for those people i think from what i've learned a lot of this in the time even when i was sick um last year they're they're treating symptoms and it's just a sit and wait game. Right. And, uh, I mean, you know what I mean? Intubated on a ventilator. Most people don't end up coming back from that. Meanwhile, your family can't come and see you. You're just there. And, uh, I don't know if they, I know that there are some things actually, there was just an article on on on just last week about a guy who was sick and uh because of his age i think he was 50 because of his age they said typically we won't
Starting point is 00:11:37 put them they were going to put him on an ecmo and which is like the ultimate life support and they said typically we don't do this for people his age or older, but because of the shape he's in, because he does CrossFit, because of the shape he's in, we're going to do it. Right. So they did and they ended up surviving. Right. Donna Simon, I have a friend who was also almost killed by remdesivir.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I mean, we had a guest on the show who claimed that his mom was killed by remdesivir. That wasn't even the point of the show. But we had Alex Stein on here and he said, no matter what, do not give killed by remdesivir. That wasn't even the point of the show. But we had Alex Stein on here, and he said, no matter what, do not give my mom remdesivir. They gave it to her, and he claims it killed her. Is this what the guy was put on? Extra-corporal membrane oxygenation, also known as... ECMO.
Starting point is 00:12:28 ECMO, okay. That's right, yeah. Is this pretty serious when you put on this caleb yeah i would say so you don't want to be most people probably aren't gonna come back from that cardiac and respiratory support for persons whose heart and lungs are unable to provide an adequate amount of gas exchange yikes okay so you so i mean how did you find crossfit what year did you find crossfit um i had known about crossfit for some years because my wife had a friend from high school who did it and i remember seeing a video of her and this was probably. Oh, eight or nine, maybe. Oh, shit. OK.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And I remember seeing a video of her and she's doing a workout and it was just her and this other guy. I can't remember the workout, but I think it shit. Maybe they're doing Cindy. I don't know. But they're doing pull ups, push ups. And and she ends up beating the guy and i was like damn like you know so i had known about it and then i would say a few years later so in 2012 i saw a replay of the crossfit games on espn and i was like all right i want to try that i was
Starting point is 00:13:41 like i want to look like that and so i called around to a couple gyms specifically rich froning specifically rich froning uh i don't know i mean josh bridges dan bailey okay i mean all those guys you know okay fair enough yeah so uh anyhow i saw that and i remember thinking like okay because i i just was going to a Globo gym at the time and doing shit in my garage, freaking like P90X and stuff. And so I called around the gyms. The first one that called me back was a whole city over at the outskirts of town. And they were about to start like a beginner's like on-ramp course. And I said, okay, I'll sign up for that. I did that. And I mean, I was, I remember taking those classes and I would look over at the, the members taking their regular class. And I just remember thinking, I can't wait to be in those regular classes. And, uh, tried going back to my Globo gym on a Sunday because, you know, CrossFit gyms are closed on Sundays typically.
Starting point is 00:14:49 And I went in there and I was just bored. I just, and that day I remember thinking, okay, I'm turning off this membership and I'm just going to go with the CrossFit thing. And I'll never stop when people ask me, do you think you'll do that forever? I look at them and I'm like, why wouldn i why would i stop yeah yeah and that was if that was 2012 that's 10 years ago so you were 25 wait how old did you say you were you're you're 30 39 oh 39 so you were 29 yeah 29 my wife was pregnant with our son was she like hey dude you're wasting our money we need to save our money no she was uh she at first i don't think she was happy with all of the new friends that i'd made
Starting point is 00:15:33 which i think is common when you have a couple and one person does crossfit and the other one doesn't i don't know if you've ever ever experienced that but that can be a thing my wife just told me it was dangerous as shit and i was gonna hurt myself so what and that all and that all those people there were gonna hurt themselves and that they would be doing um rehabilitative yoga within 10 years i think she was right for 50 of them probably but that's why i'm like so what i'm still gonna do all this i know oh of course the the and that's the thing too the as especially as you get older you start scaling it and being smarter but the choice on the other end to just sit on the couch and turn into a pile of shit is the trait i mean you have to take your own risks
Starting point is 00:16:18 okay so so you're doing crossfit and and you go in there thinking it's going to be this this uh physical activity but at some point you must be like oh they have a they have a kind of a nutrition plan too that's at their foundation right you're at crossfit level two right yeah yeah that's crazy okay so let's go from there when do you take your l1 how long are you there before i think a couple years after maybe 2014 let me see i'd have to i think 2014 maybe and why do you do that because you have aspirations to be a trainer you just want to learn no no because i'm a i'll call myself a crossfit nerd and i i dude i've watched so many just videos on uh like from crossfit's youtube page um the journal. Is the journal even still active?
Starting point is 00:17:06 I wish it was because, I mean, I know you can go on there and pull up old stuff, but is there new stuff in there really? It is going. I think Dave recently did a video where he said it's going to be back and it's going to take like a year or a year and a half. Okay. I have such strong opinions on what they've done with the journal. It's linked directly with the downfall of CrossFit. I mean, like if they don't bring that up they're toast yeah yeah i just
Starting point is 00:17:31 remember i remember realizing wait a minute i've been paying for the journal for over a year now and i haven't seen anything new put on there all this time um anyhow uh yeah i just nerd out on it um wait a second. You said you still pay for the journal. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, back in the day. There was a time period where I realized, wait, I've been paying for this. And I don't even know why Greg really turned it off.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I think, I think he thought it was diluting the core message because there was so much content in there and there was shit in there that he wasn't proud of. And so basically around 2018, he turned it off and he was going to cut a deal with beyond the whiteboard to just kind of bring the pieces from the old days up forward i personally didn't agree with that at all there's 10 000 pieces of amazing content in there and if there's shit in there that's not doesn't isn't enough to snuff it's okay isn't it crazy to think how many trainers are out there probably that haven't ever even looked at anything in the journal? It's a fucking unbelievable if that's true. Unreal. I bet you.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Unreal. We had, we had so many subscribers to that and 95% of the stuff was free already. So the fact that people were paying, it was, it was another piece of kind of this model that Greg had of the brand loyalty payment. Like, Hey, do you want to support this? Go ahead and support it. If you don't, don't, you still give 95% of the way and 95% of the stuff in their way for free. It was killer. Yeah. One of the, one of the things that I've always enjoyed is taking classes from different coaches. And even when I first, once I finished that beginner's program and I went into the regular classes, I remember like making a mental note and saying, okay, I'm going to take it. So typically I was a 5am-er and they had a rotation of coaches for 5am,
Starting point is 00:19:20 but there's other trainers that would come in in the afternoons and do those classes. So if I saw that there was going to be a coach on schedule that I had not taken a class from but they were going to be in the afternoon I would go in the afternoon instead because as you guys know different coaches give different cues different things you know ring with people differently so um and I always tell even the other coaches this now, you can learn a lot of good stuff from other coaches and you can learn bad stuff too. And I think I've probably learned probably more bad than good. So I've learned a lot from taking
Starting point is 00:19:56 classes from trainers that could do things better. And I'm not, I'm not trying to like pipe myself up as this amazing coach. I'm just saying it's a good idea to learn from other people and also take classes from other coaches instead of just training on your own. Give me something that you learned that was bad, just so I can understand what you mean by that. Oh, easy things. Project your voice so the whole class can hear you. Oh, okay, okay. That drives me nuts if I'm in a class and I can't even hear the coach. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Can't hear the coach. The members obviously aren't paying attention then. So that right there is already, it distracts me if I'm in the class because I'm trying to focus on what they're trying to say. That's like an easy one, but it's common. My wife takes this Pilates class one day a week. It's a hot pilates class and every every every all the people i know who take the class one oh there's only one person i know who
Starting point is 00:20:52 took the class and never went back all my wife's friends my friends who take the class like they it's like the most popular thing that everyone's talking about in santa cruz this one pilates class but when i fucking hear about it they their descriptions are always the music's too loud and you can't hear a word the teacher says did you tell her are you sure you're not doing crossfit well she does a lot of crossfit too but it drives me fucking nuts i can't stay that's why i hated bars i hate clubs and bars i hate going anywhere where i can't fucking like talk to someone and and if i can't hear the instructor, but people love it for some reason. Even though they all say the same thing.
Starting point is 00:21:28 The 10 of my friends who go there, oh yeah, you can't hear what she says. You have to look around and see what other people are doing to know what pose to be in. And the music's too loud. I would fucking lose my mind. I usually turn down the music just enough. I don't need it dead silent in there, but yeah but I'll turn it down so they can hear me. So after two years, you take the L1. So then at that point, you know that diet's the foundation of the…
Starting point is 00:21:58 I already knew that because, of course, at the time, the gym was into doing doing like challenges nutrition challenges paleo challenges stuff like that so i actually ended up dropping a lot of weight by doing their paleo challenge and then i did that for like a while even after the challenge then realized that i wasn't eating enough food i wasn't having enough carbs in my diet. And so, you know, you go through that journey as you or, you know, I think probably a lot of people do and they're doing CrossFit. And with as much as I was training to, I'd still go at 5 a.m. And then at that point, I would go back in the evenings to do their weightlifting class. Because I remember taking a class and there was snatches in the Metcon and I had never done a snatch before, not even in the beginners class, the little on-ramp program, we didn't go over snatching. And, uh, in the workout,
Starting point is 00:22:52 I'm like, wait, how do I do this? I'd never even been shown. And so the coach came over and one of the owners came over and he said, we have a barbell class, a weightlifting class. You should come by and check it out. And I was like, I'll fucking be there because I want to know how to do this. So I'm not standing here looking at everybody else feeling like an idiot, you know? And, uh, so then I got hooked, of course, on the weightlifting side of it. Um, and now it's like, I get CrossFit ADD, not so much now because I'm not able to do as much. Uh uh but for a long time i would get it i'd i want to just do weightlifting focus on that and then oh okay i want to get back and focus on like my friend time and stuff like that um just going back for a second uh donna sim as
Starting point is 00:23:39 as subsequent studies revealed 97.2 mortality rate among those over 65 who were put on mechanical ventilators in accordance with the initial guidance from the WHO. But look how much this number drops under 65. Only 26% of the people die. 27% of the people – oh, wow. Okay. Over 65 who weren't put on mechanical ventilators. I know that that's not basically she's saying if you just looked at these numbers you would not want to be put on a ventilator but
Starting point is 00:24:11 i know that there's some i know that this isn't like science we're looking at that there's a lot of factors that we don't know like why weren't they well probably because they weren't as sick so that's why probably why they didn't die so i don't want to blame the ventilator but i but i still appreciate the numbers didn't die. So I don't want to blame the ventilator, but I, but I still appreciate the numbers Donna. Like I hear you. I want to lean your way. I hear what you're saying. And you're, and there's probably some truth there. So when you take the L what did you have a day job at what was your job then
Starting point is 00:24:36 your vocation? What did you do? It's like a desk job. I worked for a title on an escrow company. God, I was hoping you worked like in a spray paint company or something. I'm just looking for anything. I want to be like, aha, your lungs. Oh, I got so sick. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Okay. So prior to doing CrossFit for about maybe nine or 10 years, I would smoke socially. So on the weekends, if I was having a couple of drinks, I would have a couple of cigarettes too. Yeah. I smoked for years. Yeah. was having a couple drinks i would have a couple cigarettes too yeah i smoked but i wasn't like years yeah i didn't like need to take breaks at work and just like you know puffing away or anything but you weren't leaving the crossfit gym and going in your car and smoking three
Starting point is 00:25:15 cigarettes on your way home from no when my wife got pregnant with our son i quit and i was like i'm done i'm not gonna do it anymore and then when i started doing crossfit i was like, I'm done. I'm not going to do it anymore. And then when I started doing CrossFit, I was like, I definitely can't be smoking. There's no way. Were you ever diagnosed with anything as a kid? Did you ever have any health issues before this? No, no asthma, nothing. No, you weren't type 2 diabetic? No.
Starting point is 00:25:41 You weren't into poppers and Oxycontin? You don't have aids no just trying just just want to make sure just need to look look under yeah just digging around a little bit you know when i think back on it i was just talking to a buddy of mine um when i think back on it i would say I know at that time, as far as work goes, I was I was working a lot at the time. And so maybe stress, maybe maybe I was under a lot of stress between that and just everyday life. I don't know. I think at that time I had taken a break from coaching because of my schedule. It was so busy. I was working so much, um, waking up early, logging onto work. Cause I was working from home. Cause everything, you know, I'd shut down or was still somewhat. And, uh, I work all day, go coach at some point, try to figure out time for me to work out, come back home late at night, and then log back on and work some more, and then wake up early to do it again.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Isn't it amazing that Paul I had on, he was smoking three vape cartridges a day. He was six months sober from doing everything you could with meth and heroin and cigarettes and amazing yeah he got he you got pop you they put a hole in you here right yeah you you barely can tell like you see right here yeah some some people's it's and they obvious they put a hole in him down here also. Did they do that too? I think like the vacuum out is no. No. I had a pick line. I'm trying to get where you can see it.
Starting point is 00:27:32 See right here. Yeah. Right there. That's where my pick line was. Are you familiar with that? Yeah. My wife had an infection and they couldn't figure out what it was, so she had to have antibiotics pumped into her for like five weeks. She had to pick line in the bag on her.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Just kidding. Yeah, thank you. That's so small. Me too. Okay, so on August – don't tell me. Okay. On August 17th, 2021, you woke up
Starting point is 00:28:07 in the hospital. The 17th? Yes. No. So much for that research. What day? August of what? Of 2021? I didn't wake up until...
Starting point is 00:28:21 It was September. Shit. My shit's all fucked up. It's okay. I positive on august 5th okay and went into august 5th 2021 yeah okay so let's go back a little bit let's go back two weeks before then what's the first time what's the first time you started feeling sick shit i was just looking at a calendar earlier probably around around the first of August. Yeah. And what did that look like when you felt sick? Um, was it unique or was it just another cold fever, fever, headache, uh, typical things you feel when you have a fever, uh, some chills, pretty crappy, you know, just the fever alone will make you feel like i don't but anything
Starting point is 00:29:06 anything unique about it or like hey i'm just this is like just i've been here before my wife had been sick she she was at the tail end i would guess had she been tested did she have covet she had not tested we that's at the time we were kind of like, Oh, it's probably COVID. Right. And, and all along her and I were always like, we're healthy when we get it, because when this all started, I remember telling my office, just give it to me now so I can get it over with. And, uh, so anyhow, when she was sick, um, she didn't test, but I mean, in the back of my mind, I was like, it's probably COVID. And then when I started to feel like, so she was isolating in our room. Um, so then when I started to feel like crap, I said, okay, I remember texting her,
Starting point is 00:30:00 I was in the living room and I was like, I got it, whatever, you know, I'm like, I'm pretty sure I got it. And so I told her I'm going to go get tested just so we can say this is what it is. And so I ended up getting tested on a few days later on August 5th. That must have been because it was so busy. You couldn't get an appointment right away. I mean, it was when I went there to get tested, the drive up thing behind the hospital, it was a line of people in line to get tested. That was during the time at the Delta variant, and it was hitting our area super hard. I think I read that story. You were at the testing center, and a giant 747 flew over the testing center. It was Air China, and it just dropped it like set 10 000 tests yes okay so so you finally get in there and get tested on the fifth and how long before they tell you are you just is it just one of those ones i would see on tv where you're sitting in your car and someone comes like and swabs your nose like no they actually had us get out you had to wear
Starting point is 00:31:02 a mask of course get out walk in it was. It was very like robotic. Tell them your name, show them your ID, go around this corner. And there's literally like almost like a dressing booth set up. And you walk up to the person that's standing there and they're ready with a Q-tip to swab your nose. of standing there and they're ready with a q-tip to swab your nose it kind of reminds me of the vibe in like a marijuana dispensary every time i go into marijuana dispensary i'm like god the vibe in these places is so fucked up and weird everyone's so fucking weird it's it's like that right everyone's just acting weird everyone's quiet no one's talking dispensary so oh it's fucking weird it's just weirdo central you just you're doing like the same thing so frequently you just get into a rhythm like everybody is just an object at that point and even but even the people they're like kind of acting weird right like you're not there hey what's up girl good to see you in here for the
Starting point is 00:31:54 test everyone's like oh everybody's masked and freaked out yeah it doesn't it doesn't there's no personality between anybody. It's just like, everyone's wondering. Yeah. Okay. This over there. Um, it's just,
Starting point is 00:32:11 so you go over and get tested and then, and then how long on the fifth and how long before they tell you that you're positive? I think I actually tested on the fourth. I'd have to look at my medical record and got the positive on the fifth or maybe it was i'll accept that right around there okay and how do they tell you you're positive you get something in the mail or computer no so uh text no no uh i think they email you they emailed me and said
Starting point is 00:32:37 uh you have a new message and so i just go onto their app and and take a look and see and said you were a winner and and by then is it do you see do you sense it getting worse probably yeah i mean i i felt pretty crappy it was i didn't want to eat i just had no appetite i didn't lose my sense of taste or smell but i had zero appetite so if i had anything i i kept having uh i the only thing that sounded good was like fruit or like a like a fruit smoothie from like jamba juice and so i remember getting jamba juice a few times i think i door dashed it and a couple times my wife went and got it do you know anyone else who got coveted as bad as you yeah you do yeah in your town no oh but people you've met since but since yes since people have found me on instagram
Starting point is 00:33:37 right but before then like do you know anyone in your immediate friends who do you know anyone who died from it not personally yeah interesting so you got it worse than anyone you know as far as i know and i mean you know what i mean i'm not talking about now you know a shitload of people because yeah i mean when i came home from rehab and people would start to come visit me and and whenever i'd see people, everybody has also told me they couldn't believe that I got so sick and they knew nobody else that had
Starting point is 00:34:11 gotten that sick either. So it was like a two-in-two there. Why did you get so sick and me of all people? Right. Are your parents still alive? Yeah, hold on. I'm reading what that person said what carlos say uh carlos ruiz for four dollars and 99 cents thank you carlos i'm listening to this and
Starting point is 00:34:33 thinking how many people would have to be included in this lie that the planet isn't round what the fuck i refuse to believe it's flat carlos you uh are um don't believe anything just it's easier that way just roll just be cool just believe that your wife loves you and um and and that's and and that your penis is a magic wand look into it carlos you'd be surprised i don't know if the earth is flat either but what a great practice to talk to that guy and, uh, and just keep an open mind instead of like roll my eyes at him. Let's talk.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Okay. Yeah. I don't want to do that. I want to hear. Yeah. Yeah. What was interesting. Did you watch that show to fill it?
Starting point is 00:35:20 No. Basically the guy wasn't even a hundred percent sure that they're like, he wasn't like demanding that i believe it was flat in the slightest i was like so do you believe like i was gonna pin him down and be like hey would you give bet two inches of your cock on the earth is flat around but we never even got to that because he was still like well let's he wanted to explore it too like the idea so um no one should nobody knew that i was nobody nobody that I know got as sick as I did. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:47 And so you're getting sicker, and the big thing is you're not eating. I never got tested, but I think I had it because a bunch of people around me had it, and my wife had it. And I remember thinking at its peak, like, I probably shouldn't even be driving. I don't know if that's what you call brain fog, but I didn't I remember there was one or two days where I'm like, hey, I'm going to take the boys to the skate park and I got loaded in the
Starting point is 00:36:17 car. I'm like, fuck, I really shouldn't be driving. I'm not here. Yeah, I'm not here. It was a very unique sickness. It wasn't just it was a trip. I didn't lose my taste or any of that shit either. My wife did. I wonder why everyone – why doesn't everyone lose their taste and smell?
Starting point is 00:36:44 Why can't that just be like a – because everyone who got sick gets a fever, right? Is there anyone who gets sick and doesn't have the fever i mean you can just have a cold and not have a fever with it but i mean with covid were there are there any indications that every single person had that had covid i guess not 80 percent of people are asymptomatic okay i don't even think i had a fever when i got covid but i still my, my taste and smell too. How did you know you had it just from a test or you had some other symptoms? Yeah, I had to get, I had to get tested. They wouldn't let me go to work. That's a beautiful shirt, Caleb. It's very nice.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Hey, I have one. I just, I literally ran out of time to go throw it on before cause I was trying to set up. I saw one of your videos, you were in the tdc ceo shirt yeah actually that wore my heart live i was wearing it yeah i like that yeah okay so so when you test positive do they tell you anything do they give you like a two-page sheet and they say do this this this this and this and tell you like how to heal yourself is there a protocol they give you because that was like one of the big complaints that like hey there's there's no they're not saying stop eating sugar or make sure you go for a walk every day or there was no there was no protocol on how to heal yourself no they had to do
Starting point is 00:37:54 whatever anthony fauci said which was lock yourself in a room is that the only lock yourself in a room so that you don't spread it to others, even though you're spreading it to others in your house. Um, but, and that's it sit and wait. I think we were just giving people, I mean, at least from our hospital, we were just giving things to treat symptoms. So like see if it called cough drops to like alleviate coughing, maybe some Sudafit for the congestion
Starting point is 00:38:25 stuff like that but it wasn't like but then they also like hey stay home for the next five to ten days or whatever and shit like that how long did they tell you to stay home philip is it two weeks i can't even remember if that's something they told me okay so um so when you find out you have it you you're at home, I'm assuming you're on your computer. And at that moment, do you quarantine yourself? That's when you're like, okay, I'm going to go hang out in my room for, for, and how long did you plan on doing that?
Starting point is 00:38:56 Probably till I felt better. Okay. So if that's on the fifth, what can, can you walk me through the days and the decline before you're like, OK, I'm guessing at some point you're like, hey, I should go to the hospital. No. Oh, OK, great. I was sick in my room and I had a really bad cough on top of feeling like crap. And I would take I would take medicine to bring down my fever. You know, so typical thing, like when I'm sick, if I have like a flu, a fever, I'll take something
Starting point is 00:39:34 to break the fever. So usually I'll end up falling asleep. Then I wake up and I'm sweating because I'm breaking the fever. And then I feel good for a little bit. Then eventually fall back asleep. Some hours later, wake back up, feeling like crap again because the fever's back. Just going through that for a few days. And so it was August 5th. I was positive. 11th was my kids first. It was my daughter's first day of kindergarten and my son's first day of fourth grade. And I don't even remember my wife sending me a picture of them, but apparently she sent me a picture of them when they were ready for school. And my dad has said, you sent me that picture on that day.
Starting point is 00:40:24 And I don't even remember doing that. And my dad has said, you sent me that picture on that day. And I don't even remember doing that. And then, uh, so I don't remember anything that happened. It's funny. You asked me because just before we started on here, I ran inside into the bathroom and I asked my wife, I said, okay, what happened the day that you found me? Because her and I haven't ever talked about it. I get, I can figure it out, but we haven't ever actually talked about it. Um, so I just said, what, what happened when you found me? Was I just not breathing or what? And she said, no, you were breathing. But she said, uh, this was just this December. This was after I came home. Uh, but she said you were breathing, but it was like, you're, you are non-responsive. And she said your breathing was like this big, deep, like trying to really try to breathe.
Starting point is 00:41:12 And I wasn't responding to her at all. And what is that? You weren't getting enough oxygen and you were basically just going brain dead? I would guess because when they came and picked me up and they checked, my oxygen was in the 50s. Holy shit. That's what the – And actually – Let me just backtrack really quick.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Okay. Yeah, yeah, please. A couple days before then, I called the advice nurse. So this is around the 9th? Probably. If I pulled up my record, I could do it, but – The precision is not that important. The app is a pain in the ass.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I actually just the other day, I asked for, I just ordered copies of my medical record, everything from the day that I tested positive up until now. So they're printing it all out and they're going to get it to me, but it's a lot. So I wanted it in time for this so I could, but whatever. At some point, I called the advice nurse to tell her I'm COVID positive. I have a really bad cough on top of the other symptoms when I'm coughing it feels like I need oxygen and I said I don't even know if that's the right way to describe it but that's the only thing that I can think of how I'm feeling and she said for people you're oh I
Starting point is 00:42:20 said can I get an oxygen tank brought here I was like I does that sound crazy but I was that something that we can do? And she said, we don't usually do that for people your age. We don't usually prescribe oxygen. And, uh, I said, okay. And she said, well, we can give you an inhaler of, uh, albuterol. And I've never had an inhaler in my life, but I'm like, okay, if that's what you'll give me, I'll take it. So my wife went and picked it up at the pharmacy and I had that for a couple of days. And any relief from that? Not really that I could tell. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:58 You know, it's just such a weird time because I already felt like shit. And I was just like, okay, I'll just do this inhaler. Never really done it before. Did anyone say, hey, you should take hydrochloroquine or ivermectin or any of those things it mentioned to you no no none of your friends even no one swung by with like some like yo i got some ivermectin take this no my dad probably would have where does he live ari. Your mom lives there too. She lives here in Vacaville. Yeah. Your dad definitely would have living in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Well, he used to live out here. He's a retired police officer. So you, so, so basically on the 11th, your kid's first day of school, you went,
Starting point is 00:43:40 you went basically unconscious and your wife called an ambulance. Yeah. It was, it was that evening. I want to say, cause the kids, I think the kids checked on you. Yeah. She just came in to check on. I just asked her, I said, were you texting me?
Starting point is 00:43:54 And I wasn't responding. And she said, no, I just came in to check on you. And, uh, yeah, good thing. I know. I see that Donna. Right. Any, did you take, she's, I think that's a question. Were you taking any vitamin D, vitamin C c i was taking a multivitamin uh i'm sure you're familiar with um x endurance they have a
Starting point is 00:44:14 multivitamin it's called immune or immunity boost so i was taking that i started second i the second i ever get sick i start taking between one and two thousand milligrams of vitamin c every hour every so and so i'll get up to like 20 i'll get up to like 20 000 milligrams of vitamin c a day that's almost okay go through your you're just gonna pee almost all of that now so they say i mean it helps so they say but like 90 well so what you gotta be anyways yeah uh yeah so uh vitamin c cures cancer and erectile dysfunction and bad moods and um athlete's foot no it doesn't cure athlete's foot all that other stuff. Those are misinformation. Carlos Rua is nine 99. My wife tested positive.
Starting point is 00:45:12 And so me and my two kids got tested. I came out negative and my kids positive. I think that's basically what we did in my family too. Something like that. Kids only felt sick for a day and got over it. I felt sick. I never felt sick at all. My wife was sick for a week. Yeah, my wife was sick for a couple weeks. My wife, even after a month, she said she wasn't normal. When was your wife sick? Maybe a year ago.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Uh-huh. That was during the Delta variant. How did they know? And that's the variant you had? You know what? That's a good question because that's what was going around at the time. But I remember being in the hospital once I was finally awake and when I could actually talk to people, I remember asking. And I think my wife said they really don't have any way of knowing. And that's probably what she was told.
Starting point is 00:46:03 There has to be a way though, right? knowing. And that's probably what she was told. There has to be a way though, right? Well, kind of the way they do it is the numbers aren't right, but the spirit of what I'm going to tell you is right. Basically what they do is for every thousand positive tests, they send one out. And so if a place gets 10,000 positive tests, they send a hundred out. And those hundred tests are then figured out, okay, 80% of those were Delta, 20% were Ami. You know what I that's and then they tell everyone okay there's an 80 chance you have the delta variant or you have the or they'll just fucking lie to you and tell you hey you have the delta variant because that's the one that's that they tested for most from the sample
Starting point is 00:46:36 they took yeah my wife's doctor was taking ivermectin every week for two years he would take one prophylactically like every week and so we had that shit all over the house i think she took some i never did you guys take it yeah i think she did i think she did now there's a lot of other things that you could take and i would hear found um without taking ivermectin or hydrochloroquine that can, uh, help you. Like you don't necessarily, it's not obviously like, like not the only one answer, but you can take a combination of these other medicines along with supplementing with vitamins and not need the ivermectin and hydrochloroquine. Um, we'll get back to that. But when she started taking the ivermectin at night, I would hear she started snoring and it sounded like this.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I'm sure she loves you for sharing that. I was like, whoa, I'm sleeping with a horse. Yeah. She started turning into a horse. Did you record her? No, she didn't sound like a horse did you record her no I would have done that she didn't sound like a horse but okay so
Starting point is 00:47:52 so you go is that the last so you don't have any memory like basically you were just as your oxygen levels went down you just basically turned off and you went unconscious and what day was that that you went into the hospital? August 11th, 2021. And when is your next memory after that?
Starting point is 00:48:16 Aside from the dreams that I had when I was sedated. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I have a glimpse of a time when I was in ICU and I think this was maybe within the first few days where they FaceTimed. Um, I think it was with my mom. I was so hoping you were going to say, I have a memory of one of the nurses touching me inappropriately, but okay. FaceTime with your mom. I was so hoping you were going to say, I have a memory of one of the nurses touching me
Starting point is 00:48:46 inappropriately, but okay. FaceTime with your mom. I'll go with it. That, that wasn't till later. Uh, no. And, uh, otherwise other than that, um, okay. There was a point where after all of this crazy dreaming from the drugs that I was on, um, I couldn't, I couldn't see anything anymore in my dream. You know, there was no more images.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Everything was just bright light, just bright light everywhere. Oh shit. I hope you've turned and ran the other way. You went the other way. Do not go to the light no and it wasn't light bulbs oh my god my watch it wasn't light bulbs it was just light everywhere imagine just a a screen of a bright light everywhere i look couldn't see anything i kept hearing a faint like you know in movies where they uh they have to like shock somebody to get their heart going again they make that sound yeah i kept hearing a sound like that every 20 seconds and i just remember thinking like what the is going on and then slowly faintly i could hear voices and it sounded like like doctors and nurses talking and so i thought like doctors and nurses talking. And so I thought, okay, I must have died. And this is like, I don't know where I'm at right now, but I must have died.
Starting point is 00:50:14 And I remember thinking, okay, is my family okay? How are they taking this? And however long I remember feeling that way and thinking about that, then all of a sudden I could start to kind of like make a vision out of like looking straight ahead. And it was I could see the face of a nurse right above me. And of course, it's like a movie, like a sci-fi movie. They're masked up. You know, they got all this shit on them. And she's smacking my face saying wake up wake up and she's like come on she's like we need more she said something along the lines of
Starting point is 00:50:51 we need more little league coaches because she knew that my son plays in little league baseball wow wow she was really saying that or you're making that shit up no she really said it wow she ended up coming back later to see me once i was awake in the hospital wow yeah hey that's it that's a sign that someone gives a fuck i'll tell you more about her if you want yeah that's awesome uh like that can't be in the protocol she wasn't like okay uh find out what client uh is a client who's almost dead find out one of their passions and slapped them in the face. And I mean, that's,
Starting point is 00:51:26 she had to, she's improvising. I mean, she's, she's being a good nurse. That's for sure. She's being a good human. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Right. So long, you know, I had been there over a month. Let me take one quick, Sarah Cox chimes in our COVID testing tells you what variant it is. Oh, shit. Look at Sarah fucking up my whole show right there.
Starting point is 00:51:49 California hormones. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We got to get you. You know, they do stem cells. Two things if we never get to that, just real quick, and we'll come back. Stem cells, hyperbaric chambers, and testosterone replacement therapy. Maybe there's something there for you.
Starting point is 00:52:05 And we report every – you do or you don't want to? No, I do. Oh. And we report every test positive and negative to the state and county. All right. Fair enough. And then down here she says she has monkey pox. No.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah, yeah. I have monkey pox. No, she doesn't. Sarah. Okay. Oh, my gosh. Sarah, you don't have monkey pox, right? you have to be a dude gay dude you don't have to be but um okay uh okay so so so she's slapping you and she's saying uh we need more little league coaches and that's one of the memories you have
Starting point is 00:52:40 you have no idea what day that is that would be crazy for me to ask you that right i don't know i could probably figure it out once i get my medical records and oh no we are testing for monkeypox how come you always want to test she always wants to test my t count but she never offers me a monkeypox test so fucked up i want to i want to get tested for everything so what but just really quick what day did you finally wake up and stay awake if you went in on the 11th well august 11th was when i went in i didn't wake up until september hold on i'm so happy you don't know that off the top of my head people will be like what's your I can't wake up until September. Hold on. I'm so happy you don't know that off the top of my head.
Starting point is 00:53:30 People will be like, what's your kid's birthday? What's your wedding anniversary? I don't know any of that shit. You don't even know the day that you came back to life. Well, I know it was. Hold on. I started putting some of these dates into my calendar. Are you a religious man?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah. Did you see religious man? Yeah. Did you see God when you were in the... No, but I wonder about what that light was that I was seeing. Yeah, me too. It's going to suck when she says it was just her putting a flashlight in your eye, checking for pupil dilation. It's going to ruin your whole narrative. People are responsible. I saw God. No, no actually it was my light it was my pen light dude well i can see god in a pen light god is everywhere so funny um no i'm trying to find the date that it was okay i'll tell you this
Starting point is 00:54:19 it's on your i i have in my notes that you that you oh wait oh you had your one year anniversary on your instagram hold on hold on hold on but the day that i woke up i might have it don't you have your one year anniversary didn't you do your anniversary on your instagram one year one year anniversaries that i've experienced to be honest with you one year of going in one year of um coming out yeah one year of when i was one one year when they did the the trach one year from the time when i had a blood clot when you came out did you forget that you were did you still know you were a man or did you think there was a chance you might be a woman when you woke up i was glad that i was still a man oh what if they would have had you know those surgeries that go sideways like you go you
Starting point is 00:55:06 have the same name as someone going in and they take out your liver when you were only in there for like fucking colonoscopy oh my gosh yeah right that shit happens that shit happens that shit happens not those two specifically but sure the new colonoscopies in the different okay the day that i my mom or my sister just texted me i'm assuming she's watching she said september 20th is uh okay wow so you were out for basically a month and 10 days 40 days yeah september 20th back alive and that's and that's that video where they're saying shake your toes wiggle your toes oh what day was that there's a video there's a video in there i know i remember that was my wife in the background saying that i was just telling caleb not you i i don't mean to be telling you what's on your instagram i apologize for the miscommunication uh
Starting point is 00:56:09 probably yeah let's see and and then and then and then you so you come out and then how long before you wake up before they send you home well i had to leave there. I left ICU and was transferred down to another floor where I obviously didn't need as much care anymore. And I was just being held there until the LTAC facility had room for me because I had to go and do rehab. And are you vented at this point? because I had to go and do rehab. And are you vented at this point? Yeah, they didn't take me off the vent until, let's see, September 23rd. What's that like being on a ventilator? You're basically alive, but something's breathing for you? Well, you have to remember, I was like intubated and right away.
Starting point is 00:57:06 You were intubated right away, right when they put you in there? Right when I got there, they intubated me that night. Caleb, is that a good idea? Yeah. I mean, he doesn't know. I'm sorry I asked you. If you're having trouble breathing and you're not conscious, they're going to intubate you. That's almost like, yeah yeah that's almost instantaneous like if you're getting picked up by an ambulance they'll probably intubate you
Starting point is 00:57:28 in the rig on the way to the hospital if you're sats like if his hats were at 50 percent then like they're not going to just put you on an oxygen mask because it's not going to do enough you're going to can't you and basically once you're intubated the concern with that is is that once something starts breathing for you that your body turns off the mechanism that does it on its own and so that when they pull the intubator off of you you just die that's the fear right i would imagine if you're on it for too long yeah then you that's that would be the concern like and then the other issue is and then the other issue is is that they put too much oxygen in there and they fucking start fucking up
Starting point is 00:58:05 the capillaries and the mechanisms that allow you to get oxygen into your bloodstream. Those are the two big things, right? Correct. Damn. Did they have to get approval from your wife before they do that? Probably. Kayla makes it sound like if they just put you in the ambulance, they just fucking poke it. For intubating me, they probably just did it. I mean, yeah, kayla makes it sound like if they just put you in the ambulance they just fucking poke yeah a lot of the stuff at that point right a lot of this stuff will just happen instantaneously just because like this you're trying to administer life-saving interventions
Starting point is 00:58:38 on somebody um and you're like you're not just gonna be like well honey how can i help you or how can are you allowing me to administer all of these things like you're not just gonna be like well honey how can i help you or how can are you allowing me to administer all of these things like you're not going to take the time to ask them you can do something you're just going to do it because you're trying to save their life uh philip looks jacked any previous steroid usage great question i was sure to ask that no i'm not jacked apparently apparently covid hits dairy yeah very hard yeah you're pretty good dude shut up you're shaped like this yeah i'll tell you as opposed to like this so later on we'll get into my training post covid but uh i'm hardly jacked we don't have time we don't have time for that this isn't a three hour show whatever but yeah but uh you know okay i'll just tell you real quick what i've been doing since i've been home because i can't intensity is relative however i can't do these crazy like
Starting point is 00:59:31 metcons like i used to be able to my lungs just can't take it because i still have scarring so i thought okay but i i can get stronger so i'm gonna and i needed to put weight back on i wanted to look like i was healthy um and put some size on so i've been doing dave lipson's programming which i think i think the foundation of that is steroids well that's not uh you have to dm him to talk to him about the uh the hormone growth stuff i i uh just follow the programming and um i only speak to sarah cox about testosterone replacement therapy at california hormones use the code seven to get a free consultation thank you amazing i wonder what i would what would happen if i did take testosterone though sarah will be contacting you shortly i'm wondering about hyperbaric chamber also and
Starting point is 01:00:25 and stem cell so now we're off on another tangent here let me ask you this you're saying that you you have your met cons are hard because you have trouble breathing but is it basically just what all of us feel but yours comes sooner no it's not like hey you used to be able to do fran in 10 minutes and now it's 15 minutes it's actually like it fucking something's something's weird what happens you know when you're training and you're in the middle of a metcon and you might say to yourself oh i can't breathe right yeah you put your hands on your knees or you take a break at like you're doing burpees for time and like you're like shit i gotta rest i'm fucking i can't breathe yeah so the way that the best way that i can describe it to somebody is uh i because i have the scarring in my lungs the way that it feels is i don't have
Starting point is 01:01:13 the reserves in my lungs of oxygen that you would have in in just when you're exerting yourself or just in everyday life so when you're breathing hard and exerting all of that, my lungs don't have the extra air that's just in there kind of. And so it really does feel like I can't fucking breathe. Like I've never had asthma, so I don't know what wheezing feels like, but I imagine it's similar to that where it's like I take breaths in and it just doesn't feel like it's getting me like replenished the way that used to. But it's really but that that happens to me, too.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I just have to rest. I think that can happen to me. Even if I even if I drink too much coffee, sometimes my chest would get tight and I'll be like, OK, fuck, I need to chill. I'm having trouble taking a deep breath. Feels different. It feels totally different. It really just feels like i can't breathe and and now with as much time as it gone by i know i know about like how far to push myself um and i don't i don't like check my oxygen as much anymore on this thing because can you check it right now for us yeah sure um is the apple watch good for that i i don't have the new the latest one yeah the watch that i have um doesn't measure it
Starting point is 01:02:37 right now my oxygen is 96 oh oh and what's it normally now my heart rate's a little high right now because i had coffee what's it what's your what's your blood your um what's that oximeter yeah around there 96 97 94 and above as normal what is 94 and above and and are those things aren't really calibrated perfectly right like i've heard that as long as, like it doesn't matter, like on the Apple Watch, mine's always 98. And they said as long as it's like consistent. Have you tried checking it on your watch in the middle of a workout? Yeah. And it's still 98?
Starting point is 01:03:16 Still 98. Okay, so I've tested this with my wife. She'll go for a run, 400 meters meters in the middle of her workout, come back in. And I'm like, check your oxygen. Cause I want to see if hers dips like mine does. Hers is still 97,
Starting point is 01:03:31 98. Yeah. Sometimes maybe at the, after a workout, if I'm laying on the ground, I'll test it and it'll dip by one. So you're saying on the ground, what you,
Starting point is 01:03:41 plus you're, if you're laying flat on your back on the ground, that may have an effect too on your lungs. So you're telling me yours dips significantly? Yeah. So if I put you on an assault bike and had you ride it for 10 minutes. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:03:55 If I went for a 400-meter run, I would have to break. I'd have to rest or stop and, like, just walk for a little bit before. So you can't just pace yourself? You can't just slow it down. You can't just like be like, okay, I'm going to get on the, um, on the air runner and do a 12 mile mile. Not for 400, not for 400, 200. You're saying 400 so long than at any pace at some point.
Starting point is 01:04:17 So can you, can you walk, dude, you're doing a slug drags. Could you, can you walk five miles unbroken without stopping except to pee? Yeah. I can now. Wow. drags could you can you walk five miles unbroken without stopping except to be yeah yeah i can't now wow i don't know why i would want to but i can't i don't know just to get better i've pulled my sled most recently for two miles my legs were dead my legs were shaking like crazy when i was done what sled did you have someone that uh a guy made and then sold to me for $30. Dear Bill and Katie, I could really use a sled for my kids. Sarah Cox saying it helped Paul big time.
Starting point is 01:04:57 It would be great if Paul would fucking come back on the show, Sarah, and talk to us. What's going on? Oh, yeah, there it is. Paul was a guy I had on the show sarah and uh and talk to us what's going on oh yeah there it is paul was a guy i had on the show he got on trt and he and i do chat with him and he says it fucking helped a shitload yeah three months ago i could barely walk and he's a brown belt in uh jujitsu at one of the best jujitsu schools in the country three months ago i could barely walk to the bathroom without supplemental oxygen i want i wonder if um it's kind of interesting you're putting on you're putting on muscle which requires more oxygen
Starting point is 01:05:37 yeah right yep it's interesting um in in one of the um in one of the videos you talk about how you met julie foucher at the crossfit games you wanted to talk to her about crossfit health i know this is totally fucking off topic but i just i have we should talk about it though i want to okay i just have to tell you that that triggered me, even though I'm untriggerable. CrossFit Health had nothing to do with getting healthy. CrossFit Health was Greg Glassman's pet project, as I what Greg did, to talk about the ills of modern medicine, you're basically choosing the biggest boulder that exists on planet Earth and trying to push it back uphill, which is big pharma. And Greg was pointing to the vast amount of evidence that's staring us right in the face. Anyone can just go to Wikipedia and look up replication crisis. And you know what he's bought and paid for, but they still can't even hide it.
Starting point is 01:06:44 And you can see that more than 50% medicine is complete bullshit it's worse than bullshit it's actually hurting people more than 50 basically the conventional wisdom from anyone in fucking the super high levels of fucking scientific research know that fucking 50 of everything in journals these days is complete horseshit unreplicatable irreplicatable and that basically they're doing consensus science they're basically saying um they don't care they're not doing science anymore which is two plus two is four they're doing what let's take a vote that is not there's no voting in science there's no consensus in science it's not even an element of science it's fucking batshit crazy that anyway so when when when i hear that julie fuchesi she was not a part of
Starting point is 01:07:25 crossfit health it's karen it's karen thompson's thing karen thompson is the one who fucking like with her not at the fucking helm after greg is like having doctors be in charge of crossfit health and no offense doctors i love fucking doctors millions of great fucking doctors out there especially in the crossfit community but to have her in charge of crossfit health is like inviting the fox into the uh into the chicken tent complete batshit crazy she has no she was never involved she was never intimate with what crossfit health is it would be like when they sold crossfit inc that they threw out the l1 manual and brought in the mcdonald's menu you're talking about bringing julie crochet yeah? Yeah. Like she has no fucking idea what CrossFit health is. Zero.
Starting point is 01:08:08 She couldn't, like if I were to invite her over to Greg's house tomorrow, she couldn't talk to Greg for five minutes about the ills of modern medicine. It's like asking someone who works at McDonald's what is the best protocol for getting healthy. And so for CrossFit, as soon as the company was sold, they should have just thrown CrossFit health away or paid Greg a million dollars a year to keep running it. Because there's so few people on the planet who have the mental horsepower, the cognitive skills to see through the bullshit of what pharma has duped the masses with.
Starting point is 01:08:38 And so when I heard that, I was like, wow. But there is someone over there. I think she still works there that Karin Thompson knows. But since she wasn't the doctor, they didn't put her in charge of it. I'm guessing. I don't know. I would say this. Karin's a beast.
Starting point is 01:08:53 I would say because now I know more. Yeah. Karin knows everyone. Yeah. She's the – she's the – she's the – I feel like it's a secret that she's – that Karin is the one, I would say. Well, they're just duped. The people – most people in charge think that doctors – doctors are like encyclopedias.
Starting point is 01:09:13 They have shitloads of knowledge, but if you don't have the cognitive skills to fucking assemble that knowledge, if you can't be like – like Dr. Fauci has zero cognitive skills. He's a complete mental midget when it comes to cognitive skills he he cannot tell you three plus three is six he cannot yeah i mean he proved that he proved that he proved that to us i'm sorry say that again i just wonder how many covet positive patients he's actually treated himself yeah it's none anyway yeah okay go on sorry so tell me yes the reason why i wanted to find julie fouché is because from my perspective she was somewhat of like a face i don't want to say the face but i agree it's across yeah they put her in charge of it they fucking put her in charge of it right and so my perspective was she's a game she was a past games athlete right so she
Starting point is 01:10:07 understands crossfit and and she was i believe she was a trade uh at least at l1 she was on the staff so she's yes more than that i agree and so i thought okay she's on our side and she's a doctor now and i said if i've come across her i want to go and talk to her because nobody is talking about people like me post-COVID and what we should be doing or what we could be doing to improve like our lungs, basically. I know how to do CrossFit, but is it going to help? Is it not going to? I know it's not going to hurt me, but it's just crazy to me that nobody is talking about this. Everybody's like, if I look up stuff online, the only thing I can find is people talk about these, uh, long COVID symptoms. It's brain fog.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Maybe they still can't smell or taste, or they get, uh, like dizzy lightheaded. And I'm like, cool, different, different topic. I'm talking about people who came off of ventilators. What should they be doing to get their lungs better? That's one thing. The other thing that I wanted her to see was like the power of the CrossFit community. And when I was sick, I'm a trainer, I'm a coach at two different gyms. When I was sick, my wife had the idea for the gyms to do a workout for me. And she said, that's something that I would have done for one of our members. And she's right. And so there's a video of that too, on my, on my page, you actually, when they were going to do the workout, Savon, uh, one of our guys
Starting point is 01:11:41 sent it to you and you did post it on your story that there was a workout that was being done for me. And people all over one of our coaches, she just come from Japan. Her old peeps in Japan were doing the workout for me too. I mean, there's, wow. Oh, I think I kind of remember that. I think I kind of remember that. One of my past members who had moved to Texas for nursing school, he did the workout for me just on his own at his new gym that he was at. And so people everywhere doing this workout. I remember my wife, once I was finally awake, maybe like the second day, and my wife showing me this video somebody had done on their phone. And she was like, oh, yeah, the gym's at a workout for you. And she shows me this video.
Starting point is 01:12:20 And I was like, I can't watch that right now. Like, I just started crying. I was like, don't show me that, you know? Yeah. So that's a healthy response, by the way. They had a professional videographer there. He actually goes to my church who did. He made a whole video that day when they came together and that's on my page. And that's my point of saying this is that video that I don't know why HQ isn't taking that and putting it on TV for people to see the power of the CrossFit community because you're not seeing that happen
Starting point is 01:12:51 at 24 hour fitness you're not seeing that yeah it's in Planet Fitness yeah it's an easy thing to just show hey look this is the power of the affiliate just to just to curate just to curate those things and you don't even have to pay for it like they could just repost it it's you know uh yeah so that's like that thing that has been frustrating to me because i'm like aside from there is no there is no media vision and and to be honest there hasn't been since 2018 that there's no me there's no media vision there's no goal there's no um it's it's it's interesting and maybe that maybe that will change with uh with dawn maybe they'll finally put someone in charge i mean maybe we're coming out of this pandemic too so what better thing to use than showing what our community does for its people. It's within the community, you know?
Starting point is 01:13:48 I don't know. I mean, I try to tell people all the time, like, come try CrossFit, whatever. Call us a cult and all this shit, but it's a good cult. Just lean into it and embrace it. Hey, from 2020 to 2022, media consumption skyrocketed.
Starting point is 01:14:03 There's never been anything like it. It was fucking absolutely crazy. And now it's on the decline just a little bit because people are starting to get out 2020 to 2022 media consumption skyrocketed. There's never been anything like it. It was fucking absolutely crazy. And now it's on the decline just a little bit because people are starting to get out and do their shit. But there's an enormous missed opportunity for CrossFit. And I saw Stefan Roche actually do an amazing interview with Don Fall that he was basically saying this in a nutshell. Like, hey, not only do we have the then i would me seven i want to throw on top of it we can't ever let that opportunity happen again where there's not media for people to consume who are who are being quarantined for two years what an amazing opportunity it would have been to just been start producing masks
Starting point is 01:14:38 they basically haven't made any media besides this road to the game shit in in years i mean yeah it's uh and at least you're right there's tons of content out there that could be curated from people like your affiliates who do these fundraisers just to show the the kind of to rally the community to be like hey this is the power of the community. When's the last time you went and saw a doctor? Last week. How was that? What did you go for?
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yesterday I had pulmonary function tests with a respiratory therapist, and I will get the results back probably this coming week. And you had to demand that, right? If it was up to doctors they would be done with you already you have sales off to this doctor that i saw last week yes and what did the doctor to say to you that you saw last week that was when we talked on the phone right you were going for a follow-up and you i texted you and said make sure you ask me about my doctor's appointment yeah tell me and that's that's the only thing you and i talked about in advance. Cause people have asked me, what are you guys going to talk
Starting point is 01:15:47 about? I said, I don't want to know. I just want him to ask me, but, um, he basically asked me, okay, what are you here for today? And I said, I wanted to speak to you about getting a referral to see a pulmonologist. And he said, why would you need to see a pulmonologist? he said why would you need to see a pulmonologist and i said well have you ever seen this doctor before uh i think we've talked on the phone pulmonologist is a doctor who diagnosed and treats diseases of the respiratory system okay why would i need to see him yeah that makes no I mean, this guy can see your file and see that you got fucking, you tussled with COVID, right? But of course, he wasn't one of my doctors that saw me when I was, during my time in ICU. It doesn't work that way.
Starting point is 01:16:36 It should. I should be able to go back and see one of those doctors and talk to them. What? Okay, so what did he say? He said, why would you need to see a pulmonologist and i said because i have scarring in my lungs and it's been a year now um i still get shortness of breath with exertion and i haven't actually seen right i said you know i've actually never i said i had a i had a scan done on my lungs last december that i requested you didn't i requested and that was
Starting point is 01:17:18 upon the advice of one of my respiratory therapists she had said you should ask for that so you can get, you can find out what like your new baseline is. And then in a year, do it again and see if there's been improvement. Basically, look how shitty your lungs are today. So that in a year you can be like, okay, my diet and my exercise plan has been working. I'm right. So, so I said, I told him, I said, you know what? I had a scan done on my lungs in December and I got the email from you guys that said, oh yeah, there's scarring in there. That's what we expected.
Starting point is 01:17:50 And that was pretty much it. I said, but I've never actually seen them. Can I see them? And he said, yeah, you can go downstairs and order them and they'll, they'll put it on a disc for you. And I said, okay, but can I just like sit down with somebody and they show me and explain to me what I'm seeing? And he said, well, I could do that, but I don't know why you would want to see him.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Why does he need to know why you'd want to see him? That doesn't even matter. And I was like, so I'm, I, it was just like, I was like just getting like hit and I'm like, okay, I guess I'm a fucking idiot for asking for this stuff. So I said, well, why wouldn't I want, I said, why wouldn't I want to see him? I said, would you want to see him if you were me? And he goes, what do you like? He goes, what?
Starting point is 01:18:32 Like you? And I said, yeah, for somebody like me, would you want to see them? He goes, well, what do you mean somebody like you? A black guy from Vacaville. Did you tell him that? I said, somebody who spent 43 days on a ventilator and survived and now has scarring in their lungs, what would you tell somebody like me? Wouldn't you want to see them? This guy's a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:18:51 He goes, I wouldn't want to see them if I wasn't in the medical field. Hey, holy shit. Holy shit. This is crazy talk. I know. Do you know what it is, though? I want to say this in defense of the doctor. It's because our peer group of human beings are such knuckleheads.
Starting point is 01:19:14 It's like I feel sorry for cops. They must think humanity is just lost because they just deal with idiots all day. Doctors just deal with idiots all day. all day cops or doctors just deal with idiots all day so he can't imagine he can't even imagine that you are like that there's a group of us that are just a little bit smarter than idiots like they can't how dare he ask i know it's nuts yeah and uh so he said well i wouldn't want to see him if i wasn't in the medical field and i said okay and okay. And I just said, I said, well, what would you tell somebody like me then? I said, I know you, you can see my medical record. And I said, I know you haven't read everything that happened to me while I was sick, but I said, what would
Starting point is 01:19:54 you tell somebody like me? What should I be doing? I said, I know you see me and I look, I look fine, but what would you tell me? Because my lungs are still trash. And he said, oh, I would tell you to rehab. And I say, what does that mean? What the fuck does that mean? And he doesn't even know what that means. He goes, I said, I've already done the rehab. I said, you see me, do I look like I need rehab? And he's like, well, you know, if you don't, if you don't exercise and use your muscles, then they can atrophy. And I'm like, I start shaking my head. I said, I fucking know that.
Starting point is 01:20:29 I said, you know what? This is not how I was expecting this appointment to go. I'm asking you just to go see a pulmonologist. I can't get that from you. This is crazy. I said, I just never would have expected it. This is Kaiser? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:44 And so he's a family medicine doctor. And I just, I got never would have expected. This is Kaiser? Yeah. And so he's a family medicine doctor. And I just, I got up and I left. Oh, I said, before I left though, I told him, I said, I get it. I said, I'm not sick anymore. So I'm not making you guys money. I said, but what I'm asking for, I don't think it's unreasonable. But I said, this is fucking crazy that this is how this is happening. So I got up and I walked out.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Was it, was it an mp a doctor or a pa uh i think a doctor i can get back to you on that no it's okay some of them i know some of them they like follow these algorithms like mps follow algorithms and that's all they want to go by and they're horrible about like thinking outside of whatever algorithm medical practitioner is that what mp is nurse practitioner so basically like like a doctor of nursing essentially um no i would guess that a nurse practitioner might actually be a little bit more have a little more empathy i don't know but i walked out of caleb i immediately went downstairs i ordered my images and then i went over to another department and switched doctors.
Starting point is 01:21:46 And that new doctor's office called me the next day. And this doctor, he told me, you still have, you already have a referral to see a pulmonologist from when you were sick. And it's good for two years. Family medicine providers. How did the other doctor not see that in your file i think he could see it but i from everything else that happened in that appointment i just think that he would just wanted to i mean he's being a dickhead i wanted to hit him how old is he that'd be a good test of your fitness probably probably mid-40s
Starting point is 01:22:30 a good test of your fitness probably probably mid-40s uh did you were you vaccinated prior to getting covid no why does it matter uh it matters because um if if you i don't know why it matters i i guess so we should we know whether because supposedly if you take the vaccine you you there's a lessening of symptoms lessening yeah thank you caleb a lessening of symptoms is that true i mean that supposedly that's what people are saying that's what people have been saying this whole time but no i don't think anyone knows exactly no i know it's not true thank you it's not true but but we don't but but not because it's not true it's because we don't no one fucking knows because there's no transparency around what the fuck is going on okay and and when you were in there did they give you the vaccine no i i no no because when i, uh, you still don't have the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:23:26 No. When I was sick, uh, I ended up with a blood clot in my lungs. And so they had me on blood thinners. I don't know if I was probably already on blood thinners. Maybe. I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure I was, but I ended up with a blood clot in my lungs. And one of the things that they ask you when you go to get the vaccine is if you have had a blood clot within the past six months.
Starting point is 01:23:51 And so that was obviously, of course, coming right out of it, I thought, well, you dodged a bullet. Thank God for that blood clot. So, but you want the vaccine? Are you pissed? Did you want it when they said they wouldn't give it to you were you like no i need it i want it they would have given it to me if i wanted it oh okay even even though i mean the nurses and everybody were pushing it hard one of the doctors while i was still while i was still sedated one of the doctors was just constantly giving my wife shit about not being vaccinated even though even though even though that seems inappropriate like that wasn't the time to do that
Starting point is 01:24:32 that's like yelling at someone in the hospital for not wearing their seat belt it's like i don't think right now is the time they're fucking on life support i don't know uh that's just jackassery hey but but you don't even need you don't even need the vaccine now because you have you had it and you have the antibodies right well how long do the antibodies last forever i fuck i don't know that's longer than longer than i would guess much longer than the vaccine the vaccine i think that they're saying now i mean even that it has like a 15 to 90 day window i don't even know why we're calling it a vaccine do you know what the window is caleb if it's if it's uh effectiveness i have no idea
Starting point is 01:25:19 i've never really looked into it. I can look into it right now, though. Well, they were saying. I've never seen Donna in the comments before. Donna's working it today. Most vaccines take 12 years, and I got it done in less than nine months. Trump. Boosters, boosters, boosters. The answer is always big pharma.
Starting point is 01:25:47 So I'll just just real quick. I want to pop this in here. So I got this book sent to me. Oh. Have you read it? No. I have a handful of, I have that book here somewhere too. And people told me it's fucking wild. So the person that sent it to me, Michael Butenob.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Yes. Yeah. I know who that is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah. That's cool that he sent it to you. Yeah. Cause we found each other on Instagram and he asked me a million questions and then told me who he was. And I was like, wow. And I said, you know what? I'm not asking for anything. I said, but if you just get the opportunity to, would you please tell Greg, thank you for what he's done. And I said, if I had not been doing CrossFit, I surely would have not survived being on a ventilator. And he said, he already knows I've been telling him everything that you've been telling me right now.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Yeah. Your name came up the other day. I was actually with Mike and Greg a couple of days ago and your name came up, but I'll make sure to tell him that I'm going to actually see him today. Philip, is there anything that you want people to know about this journey of yours? There's a lot of things. There's a lot of stuff I want people to know. I want, because there, I have to assume that there's people who survived the event who weren't healthy. I mean, survived and maybe now they feel like they're stuck on their supplemental oxygen. Cause I had that when I came home, I had a tube and my workout consisted of get up off the couch, which takes a lot of energy because at that point I had lost so much weight.
Starting point is 01:27:32 No, no, no muscle really at that point. I would shuffle my way to the kitchen, which is about 30 feet from the couch, rest in the kitchen because I needed it, and then walk back to the couch and sit down. And that was in my mind, that's my workout. That's what I can do. I'm going to do it. And even my wife was like, okay, we're going to do it every hour. Right. And then before you know it, it's okay. I'm going to go to the kitchen. I'm going to make myself a glass of water. I'm going to walk back with that glass of water. Even though at the time my hands were like this, you guys, I mean, I was right. And I don't know if that's from, I think it's from the drugs that I was on. Uh, and so then it just goes from there.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Then I'm like, okay, let's walk outside to the sidewalk, take a break, come back inside, then eventually walk to the mailbox. Then I'll walk into around the corner. I am sure that there's people who aren't doing those things because they think that they are just going to be stuck with this oxygen tube on their nose because they don't know about taking these baby steps, but how quickly over time those, they become bigger and bigger and bigger. And before you know it, you're just so much farther than where you were. And I wish there was more awareness around it. That's kind of like been one of my frustrations too. Aside from what should I be doing? I don't know. But I know that what I'm doing has been helping.
Starting point is 01:29:00 So even if my lungs are the way that they are for the rest of my life, I'm not going to stop doing CrossFit. It's just at a different intensity than what you guys might be able to do. But so what? I hate running anyways. You want to be used as a resource. You know what it's like. You went through this shit and there wasn't resources for you. And so kind of you're like, okay, if anyone out there went through this, basically contact you. Well, just talk to me because I know those people. It can be – I can see where it would be easy for someone to become depressed maybe even about their situation. And I've got – Hey, you think think of course right well i mean yeah i mean i mean someone that sounds fucking horribly depressing to to not be able to get off the
Starting point is 01:29:53 couch to work to be a challenge to get off the couch and get a glass of water yeah or even take a shower oh my god i hated that so so when you say you'd like people to know you'd like people to know i think what you're saying is you'd like people to know that you're a resource. Reach out to me. You'll help them. You'll talk to them. It's a combination of things too, right? Because I want people to know, maybe even people who weren't in my situation, just everyday people, like get up off your ass and do something.
Starting point is 01:30:23 Like exercise. I mean, I don't care what it is. If you're somebody who doesn't exercise, you can walk. Okay. Let's go for a walk. And even if it's a short distance, then that's what we're going to do. And then before you know it, we're going to be walking miles together. You know, um, did you lose your job? Are you working again? I didn't lose my job. I've been working.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Wow. I've been working there for almost 20 years. And so when I was sick, uh, because of like time that I had on the books, they were able to use that. And, uh, so that was, that worked out. Holy shit. Yep. And my wife and I had,
Starting point is 01:31:08 um, you know, we had, uh, well, the gyms, they did, uh,
Starting point is 01:31:13 uh, what's that called? The go fund me. They did. They raised quite a bit of money. My dad, uh, he,
Starting point is 01:31:19 he did one on his own and got a lot of money, a lot of donations from, um, other police officers. Um, so that, that helps support us too fucking awesome i had a guy they'll find me i want to say this real quick i had a guy who found me on instagram he was on event for 15 weeks he's a crossfit affiliate owner can you say his name david harris what's the affiliate? Do you know? CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Is it Contender CrossFit or CrossFit Contender? Fuck, 15 weeks. That's a long time, man. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Almost four months. And what about him? You just want to say hi to him or? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:32:00 It's been really nice. He found me. His PT lady found my page and sent it to him and said, you should talk to this guy or whatever. And he was, he was already doing stuff. I think it's been nice for him and I to be able to talk almost like a support group because we can understand each other. You know, he's got further to go in his journey because of how long he was in. Um, but it's been great. Like we faced the first time we faced him,
Starting point is 01:32:26 we were on the phone for over an hour. I mean, we should have recorded it and put it on YouTube, but, um, so we talk, we talk every week, every few days. Oh, that's awesome. What, what state is he in? Did you say what state? Yeah. He's in Texas. He's an affiliate owner, him and his wife. She used to be a regionals, I believe athlete. And he's also an attorney. I'd love to, I'd love to find out, talk to you again in six months. Okay. See what, see what happens on this, on this final note before, before we leave, has the journey only been getting better since,
Starting point is 01:33:02 Oh yeah, of course. Since September 20th, has it only been getting better since, Oh yeah. Since September 20th. Has it only been getting better? Yeah. No, there hasn't been any backsliding. No. No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:13 That's awesome. No, man. I mean, I can do, you know what? I haven't gotten back into doing rolling is, is Olympic lifting in my training.
Starting point is 01:33:21 I've been doing mostly dumbbell stuff. Uh, so maybe that's on the horizon i would like to start i love lifting like when you turn 40 when's your birthday december 28th oh that would be it's the worst it's the worst day of the year to have a birthday let's do that let's let's schedule december 28th for your to come on the show on your 40th birthday it's three days after christmas and three days before new year's nobody wants to do anything Let's schedule December 28th to come on the show on your 40th birthday. It's three days after Christmas and three days before New Year's. Nobody wants to do anything. The podcast never rests, my friend.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I know. The podcast never rests. Resting's for pussies. Make a celebration of it. Brother, thanks for coming on. I really appreciate it. Good talking to you. You know what? Honestly, thank you, Sevan, because it's hard having a voice.
Starting point is 01:34:06 you know what honestly thank you so much because it's hard having like a voice i'm just a guy who has two kids and a wife and i i'm not like looking for followers or anything but i can only do so much so much through hashtags and instagram oh your account is so humble dude you're such a humble cool dude some people don't want help i get that yeah um so i'm like even if you just want to talk i don't need to you know be your trainer but and biden's right anyway yeah right if donald trump and joe biden can survive because covet anyone can i don't know about anyone all right well thank you thank you guys and uh and and we'll talk again. Definitely. Ciao. I feel like there's another hour and a half meat on the bone,
Starting point is 01:34:49 but I do have to take, I'm four minutes late to leaving for tennis and my life, my life. When you leave this podcast, Caleb, where will you go? Usually go out into the trauma bay
Starting point is 01:35:04 and hang out for a little bit throw a chew in watch some porn yeah just a fat lip all right uh bruce wayne i saw your comment on there that you because i talk about vaping so much you want to try it i'm so sorry i'll never talk about it again do not try it stupid the only thing that comes with vaping is that you eventually have to quit that's it it's worse than masturbation uh i'm gonna try to do a live calling show tonight or a hillar fit review show and i i've my my notes are getting fucking insane um i'm going to talk to Caleb later on today. We're going to go to tennis, Susan and Hiller and see what's going on, what we can get going in the
Starting point is 01:35:50 next day or two. We need to go through my notes. I got too much shit. All right, guys, I will talk to all of you very soon. Thanks for checking in. Donna, great contributor today. Hope to see you around some more.

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