The Sevan Podcast - #640 - UFC Update Show

Episode Date: October 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Like you slept in or something? No, never. I never sleep in. Bam, we're live. Six in the morning is, even though I've been doing it for a year, it is early for me still. But now I just wake up at 5.58, just kind of, you know what I mean? Like an apprehension of my alarm clock going off. But you know what's really weird?
Starting point is 00:00:23 In the last month, my back is better for the first time in years. I don't know what, I don't really know what's really weird in the last month my back is better for the first time in years i don't know what i i don't really know what's going on i'm not that blind when i get tired and i um when i get tired and at night time it's like old guy shit you can't drive at night is that an exception on your license no i mean i can still see good but but i can tell those are the two times that shit gets weird oh i i actually like to spend a huge chunk of my day not wearing my glasses like when i'm working in the yard i like to take them off i i had heard somewhere i don't know if this is true but that you need direct sunlight into your eyes for some of the functions of your body to work you don't want to block the sunlight get into your eyes i don't know if it's true but there's some like big bigger picture where your your eyes have to see sunlight
Starting point is 00:01:21 to to do some of the processes at the highest function who knows guys listen i don't think this show well that's not true this show is going to work no matter what but the ufc show i'm just going to make it a live call-in show for those of you don't know like like like am radio let's just you guys just call in i have tons of stuff i've done of course always do my research was up until the wee hours the night preparing for this and the Hiller Fit show. But we're going to have to scrap on this show. This is going to have to be a group show. So you guys know, California hormones has been over, uh, not, not overwhelmed.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Isn't the right word. It's been hugely popular with how many of you people are going to see a using the passcode seven, and, uh, they're getting to you guys as fast as they can. Uh, I think they just hired five new doctors. Um, and, uh And please be patient. Those of you who have been DMing me and texting me and contacting me, emailing me to let me know that you're in the queue. I am forwarding all of those directly to the highest people I can at California Hormones. And they are like, you are their top priority. Like they are really trying to get to everyone. And I think you will be very,
Starting point is 00:02:46 very happy. They're trying to get everything right and everything perfect. And, uh, the, the, I've worked with a lot of really high level people in the last 15 years, people who really give a shit,
Starting point is 00:02:58 uh, who said, who are going to do what they say and that they want the best product. And those are the people who we're working with. So be patient. In the end, you will get the best product, and you will be very, very, very, very happy. And tonight when Hiller comes on, we'll talk to him about that. He has some insights into that also.
Starting point is 00:03:20 very happy. And tonight when a Hiller comes on, we'll talk to him about that. He has some insights into that also. Uh, Spiegel, you didn't donate 19, um,
Starting point is 00:03:31 99 last night. I don't think, uh, before the show, uh, ended. So today I will be expecting, um, 39,
Starting point is 00:03:39 98. See that quick math. I've always been good at addition. I finally had a guest tell me this morning in text message, I will not be coming on the show because you guys touch on controversial subjects, which was fascinating to me. I would like to think that they're not coming on the show because we touch on the truth um it is it is a big guest uh but the but in the at the end of the day i'm so crazy uh impressed that this person sent it to me and they were apologetic which they didn't have to be and it was just it was very sweet it was very cool but that's the first time i've heard that oh that's not true uh well yeah i mean even even freya
Starting point is 00:04:32 moose bruger said that although she didn't want to come on the show if she came on this show she'd have to slap me around for being misogynistic which is code from the woke crew that they hate it when people compliment women. Just so you know. Another thing I want to say, the show that keeps sticking in my mind that I woke up this morning thinking about also is the one with Brad Gose. If you have not seen that show, you have to watch that show. If you're sitting around on your ass and you haven't made anything that's making money for yourself while you're sleeping, you need to see that show. You need to do something today and go out and get inspired and write a book. That's the assignment from me. You have to do that.
Starting point is 00:05:21 It doesn't matter what kind of book. The topic can be cutting your toenails. It can be 30 pages. It can called On Writing. If you haven't read it, read it. He talks about how he doesn't know where the shit comes from. On writing. If you haven't read it, read it. He talks about how he doesn't know where the shit comes from. I'm writing a book about beavers. I love it.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I fucking love it. How is it? Say that again. Hopefully she touches on their dams too. Yes. Yes. The beaver with the dental dam. Do people actually use those? The beaver with the dental dam do people actually use those the beaver that i don't know anyone who's ever used one of those but i think they taught us about that in our sixth ed class and i was like
Starting point is 00:06:33 why do people use those yeah anyway when they told me about that i'm like i'm never putting my face in a vagina anyway who the fuck does that and then i matured um but but imagine imagine imagine a beaver um uh holding a piece of uh what a dental dam as he gnaws on wood because he doesn't want to get uh splinters yeah yeah yeah uh jeremy i'm not allowed to say that word on the show anymore i am personally not allowed to say that word on the show anymore. I am personally not allowed to say that word on the show anymore. Because yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, I didn't have my kids in the morning because I was doing a podcast and they went to the skate park and I didn't go with them. And so I went to my mom's house.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I call my mom and I'm like, hey, what's up? Come over. We'll hang out. I mean, I hang out with my mom almost every day but usually she comes here so i went over there and hung out with her and that that word came up and she told me she didn't really want me using that word which is crazy i mean i'm cool with that because there's a lot of other words she could have told me not to use but that one she just didn't like that but what the irony is she did say that she likes it when i look up words on the show she likes that piece of the show you know i like that part say that again i like that part too yeah but that that word came on the show
Starting point is 00:07:58 because we had to look up the definition you remember that i think we've had to look it up a couple times yeah we my dictionary a few times. For those of you who don't know what word we're talking about, someone just said it in the comments. It starts with a... It's Badozzi. Thank you, Caleb. It's Badozzi. Caleb's mom didn't tell him he can't say it. My mom doesn't watch the show, so...
Starting point is 00:08:20 Thank God. I don't know if she... My mom's old school. She probably doesn't even get the Mike don't know if she's my mom's my mom's old school. She probably doesn't even get the Mike Hunt book. She actually probably thinks that's a children's book. I told everybody I worked with about all those books. I started like playing them all on TikTok. Everybody was they thought it was fantastic. Yeah, it's great. It's pretty great. It's even better when the when the bald black guy reads My Big Black Hawk, isn't it? I love his voice. It's so perfect for that. uh jeremy eat world oh you're such a good dude look at him he uh one step
Starting point is 00:08:53 forward two step back he just kind of stepped back into the crowd i'm so sorry rosemary i'm still not entirely sure what it means good that's good just that one that's let that one just fade off into the. Good evening. I have no idea where you're calling from, but good evening to you and good morning to you, Mr. Wad Waddell. The next book will star Phil McCracken. Oh, I like that. Don't tell him that because he's not going to do it yeah i want him to make a book on myocarditis just kids just dying from i saw that note and i wanted you to elaborate on it but i'm just afraid he won't do it if i if i if i would have told him and then i thought it would be cool to do one on fake boobs
Starting point is 00:09:40 just on just like just every page is just a chick getting a set of titties. The, the, the Hiller fit review show is going to be pretty funny tonight. I don't know what my friend time is. Do you want to know the truth about a Fran and me? I,
Starting point is 00:09:57 um, I bet Hollis Malloy. I owe Hollis Malloy 50 bucks. I bet Hollis Malloy at one point that I would get a three minute Fran and he said, there's no fucking way. And he gave me two years to do it. I don't think I ever broke five minutes with Fran, and I used to be a thruster machine. um i i did this workout one time it was um 10 thrusters at 135 10 burpees and i did the first 10 thrusters at 135 unbroken then i did the 10 burpees and then i got i literally had to do the rest of the thrusters onesies i couldn't fucking string another pair of yeah crazy just put me
Starting point is 00:10:39 but this was that was probably over 10 years ago and anytime i put 95 pounds on the bar and i started doing thrusters something just doesn't feel right in my in my spine you know how embarrassing it is to have to do singles on thrusters like you can't even squeak out a second one well like 135 but yes it is i mean just yeah in general like i did that one time i think it was at 115 and 135 and i didn't go to the gym for like a few days after that i was embarrassed myself i was like i can't show my face around here because i just did fucking squats clean thrusters for 15 minutes i don't know if i've ever i'm trying to think if i've ever been embarrassed there was this i thought of myself as kind of a uh muscle-up god
Starting point is 00:11:23 and the only time and I wouldn't say I was embarrassed but I was really disappointed and I went it was just Heber um and I uh Heber Cannon and I the guy from uh Buttery Bros and we were in the gym and we started doing weighted muscle-ups and I I just with the vest or with the dumbbell I I can't remember, but I think Heber ended up doing one with 45 pounds, and I don't think I made it past like 15. I know, it was crazy. I think I filmed it. And I don't think I made it past 15 pounds. And I don't kip.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I don't think I've ever kipped one muscle-up in my life. It's just not something I do for whatever reason. muscle up in my life i just it's just not something i do for whatever reason and i think it's because when i learned to do muscle ups i always did it from the seated position because i had to hang my rings underneath some outdoor stairs but um i wasn't embarrassed but i was i was very very disappointed that he not only beat me but he fucking destroyed me because i kind of thought of myself as like special at those um seven we need more kids like avi in the world at the end of the pull-up video he says to his brothers don't rub it into his brother's born leader yeah that was pretty cool right the truth is too afterwards uh
Starting point is 00:12:38 his brother came up to him goes what does that mean rub it in and and when the other kids won um he all even though they really look up to their brother i mean really it in and and when the other kids won um he all even though they really look up to their brother i mean really look up to him when the other kids won when riley won the hang contest he he said also in all fairness ari did say she won she won so i think he was just kind of celebrating the victor but but you're right it was uh my mom liked that that too that's cool i um i told i told obby the other day so when kids play tennis there's different color balls they play with they play with uh red balls which bounce don't bounce a lot then they go to orange balls which bounce a little more than they play to then they go to green ball my kids will skip green ball but they bounce even more and then there's yellow ball and that's
Starting point is 00:13:25 what the pros play with where was i going with that oh and i told obby after he was done with his tournament i said hey will you walk over to where the yellow kids are playing and tell them that hey whichever one of you won i challenge you right now and i'll i bet you i'll smoke you because i think he will and uh the the tennis you right now, and I bet you I'll smoke you because I think you will. And the tennis instructor looks at me and goes, oh, you're trying to create a cocky asshole. Said, maybe. Kenneth DeLapp with the family guy, quote, thruster machine, giggity. Oh, I get it. Like thruster machine, like having sex, like doggy style thruster yeah i get it okay uh you only played with blue balls i had those once once
Starting point is 00:14:14 brutal brutal i feel twins never get jealous my boys never get jealous one another they are competitive but not envious yeah you know i don't think they get jealous. My boys never get jealous of one another. They are competitive, but not envious. Yeah, you know, I don't think they get jealous, but at the end of every tennis class, the kids play for a dollar, and Joseph, one of my sons, won the dollar like five times in a row, and Ari came over to me, and he said, hey, I'm really happy for Joseph, but he was still crying. He was like, I really want to win the dollar. Caller, hello.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Oh, is this not working? Is the phone not working? Caller? It's working. It's Heidi. Hi. Heidi. Heidi, is this the first time you've ever called in?
Starting point is 00:14:56 No, I think I called in once before. Oh. I appreciate you more than ever right now because I think this UFC show is going to have to lean on callers. Yeah. I, I didn't want to say anything, but I felt like you guys are struggling a little bit.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So I thought I might call in. Struggling. I'm scared. A mercy fuck. Just trying to help out. I appreciate it. Are you going to watch the ufc fights tonight or tomorrow um no not planning on it well if you were you should know that they are starting 7 a.m tomorrow
Starting point is 00:15:33 pacific standard time because they're over in dubai and the main card doesn't start till 11 a.m or i shouldn't say doesn't start does start at 11 a.m. or I shouldn't say doesn't start does start at 11 a.m. And then maybe I will. Well, the thing is, too, is right. Wait, what did you say, Caleb? I get to watch them all day at work. Yeah. It'll be free for you guys over there. Yeah. I don't think I'm to tell you the truth. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to watch them tomorrow. I got all that kid shit in the morning. But the good news is, is then it'll be free for me later on when I come back to my TV. Heidi better be wearing her shorty shorts on this call. You have shorty shorts?
Starting point is 00:16:18 I am. Yep, I'm wearing my Vindicate head-to-toe outfit right now. Wow. Does Vindicate make pants too? No, short. Well, I'm short.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Oh, I want to say they make pants too. I think him and Gabe are somewhere. Yeah. The master's fitness collective. Yeah. Okay. I just sent Gabe a link.
Starting point is 00:16:42 We'll, we'll check him out. Oh, no pants. Sorry. So thec's in dubai uh this weekend um some are calling it the biggest card of the year uh i am a little concerned because i did not see dana white at the weigh-in um or the press conference and i i like him like i like dave castro at the games it's like a huge element for me to have dana there uh are you concerned about that heidi it's concerning although maybe he's just uh focused on his health right now and not his business who knows maybe he also had a black eye i saw him being interviewed and he had a little uh black eye is not the right word what's that call when you just have like a bruise under your eye it's a hematoma i think it's maybe
Starting point is 00:17:29 heidi have you ever been a sex phone operator matt burns no my accent is way too much for that oh wow so wow so oh, wow. You look good. Thank you. Yeah. Wow. Thank you. I didn't realize you were so attractive. Holy shit. Well, it's, it's all in the angles and the filters, you know, this good job. I don't look that good in real life. And the shorts are cool. You got those from Vindicate? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:10 God, I hope on the back when you turn it on the butt, it says Savon was here. It doesn't. Oh. Although when you roll them like that, see, that's the thing. It's like, it's cute when you roll them like that in the front, but you can't wear it out like that because then it's too short in the back. Gotcha. Like if you bend over, you got plumber's crack no more like cheeks are out yeah oh wow wow right there was this asian lady at the uh at the beach the other
Starting point is 00:18:36 day um and she didn't fit my my prejudice my racist because she was she's walking on the beach watching her kids surf and she did have that her shorts were so short that a little bit of her ass was hanging out and you could see the crease and she had she had a nice physique but i just don't picture asian ladies uh you know just outside of silicon valley dressing like that but it was cool i liked it yeah that's not right yeah i wouldn't want my wife to dress like that, but for me at the beach, it was fine. Well, your wife's not Asian, so does it matter? No, she's not, but white girls do that shit all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Right. So. Cheeks and taint, Spiegel. Fight started at 7 a.m. for the prelims, 11 a.m. for the main bout. They are in Dubai. I'm really surprised at how many Russians are there. When Oliveira, the guy who's fighting for the belt and on the main card against Islam Makachev, when Oliveira went out there, they booed him. I mean, those people there love their Russian fighters.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I didn't really understand that. I mean, is it because, those people there love their Russian fighters. I didn't really understand that. I mean, is it because you didn't make weight? Oh, from the previous fight? Well, so, so those of you who don't know, the belt is vacant. Charles Oliveira defended his belt in his last fight and he didn't make weight and he won the fight. And if you don't make weight and you win the fight, you don't get to take the belt. So the belt is vacant. There no light uh weight champion right now and uh it's going to be between charles oliver and islam makachev islam makachev comes from that lineage of uh khabib
Starting point is 00:20:16 uh the greatest you know people who say he's the greatest uh his coach is khabib nurgaman nurgama nurgama yeah thank you here let's try that again his coach is Khabib Nurmagomedov. Yeah, thank you. Let's try that again. His coach is Khabib Nurmagomedov. And if Islam wins, that will be Khabib's first champion that he's coached. Wasn't Islam underneath Khabib's dad or something too for a while? He trained with Khabib's dad for 20 years which means since he was a toddler and uh his dad always said that islam was his favorite student oh they're muslim okay so here we go david
Starting point is 00:20:55 uh they're they are muslim and cheer for their bro okay so they're oh okay that's not like it's not because of the russian It's because they're Muslim. Muslim, yeah. I suppose it's the same with Charles' camp, too. Like, if you're a Brazilian, every Brazilian is going to root for you. Yeah. What's interesting, though, that's based on nationality, and Islam's is based on the category of who your god is. Which book you read to cure you of your sins.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Did you see Charles' whole team? There's like 15, 20 people there and they all dyed their hair the same. Yeah. It's like a massive party. I'm not really into that look, the dyed blonde haired look. Why not? I don't know. just don't like about it i don't think i think this isn't going to be good to say this but i think that when when
Starting point is 00:21:52 on men it just for it just doesn't look good when people start getting outlandish like that i don't see i see mental illness i don't see like um mental illness i don't see like um like what sugar it's a little it's like an unnatural right yeah like sugar shane i just i i appreciate the blonde more than i appreciate than sugar sean's hair yeah that's too much i will say this i am not a sugar sean fan but peter yawn told him in the press conference you look like a whore. And they asked Sugar Sean, they go, they go,
Starting point is 00:22:28 do you want to say anything back to that? He goes, no, that was pretty good. And that actually made me like Sugar Sean. They just took it on the chin. You know what I mean? He's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:36 that was pretty good. Sugar Sean does look like a cheap trans transvestite whore. He said it is something like, Oh, it looks like a, like a chick you pick up on the road or something like yes i was like oh shit that's good yeah you saw that in the press conference yeah yeah and just the fact that sugar took it that was awesome that's good that made me like him a little bit but i still don't think he's gonna win bruce are you gonna write a
Starting point is 00:23:01 book get that shit on amazon have it self-published? A Book of Rhymes by Bruce Wayne. The Sheik of Abu Dhabi built full facilities for training sauna for Khabib's team. They have a chef drivers at their disposal. Isn't she? Thank you, Heidi, for calling. Sugar Sean doesn't deserve the fight it's interesting
Starting point is 00:23:30 you agree with that basically Sugar Sean O'Malley I think is ranked number 12th in the world at his weight class I want to say it's the 145 class and Peter is ranked number one and so a lot of people are saying he doesn't deserve the fight um caller hi good morning how are you And Peter Yan is ranked number one. And so a lot of people are saying he doesn't deserve the fight.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Caller, hi. Good morning. How are you? I'm great. I'm actually better than great. I'm pumped. It's Michael C. I figure I'd call in and I'm the one with the accidental dick pic. Accidental dick pic.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Remember? We talked about it the last time on your live show. I don't remember. Refresh me, though. I like the subject. Send it to a bunch of 5 AMers at my CrossFit gym by accident. You did that. That's right. Yeah, remember?
Starting point is 00:24:23 No, but I love this story. It makes me realize that this show is actually better than I even think it is. I hold the show in such high esteem. It is way better than you think it is. Okay. The picture of your dick or the event or the show? Both. Hey, refresh me on that story again. What happened?
Starting point is 00:24:42 We were talking about supplements at the gym. I went home to get my vitamins ready, took the picture, sent it to my group, looked back at my group text. There's about 50 text messages. Scroll back to the top. Thank you. Thank you. And then somebody put in there, hey, dummy,
Starting point is 00:24:57 did you look at the reflection in the mirror before you sent the picture? Oh, oh. So you took, hey, dude, there's a few times where i've made posts like at my coffee machine in the morning buck naked and i'm like i'm so yeah i'm so paranoid that in the reflection of the coffee machine you're gonna just see dong i i think caleb said no pictures below 90 degrees or something the the standard that we should look at hey that's kind that's kind of cool that's kind of cool you know that there's someone in your group who thinks you did that on purpose. Oh, for sure. For sure. Yeah. You know, there's
Starting point is 00:25:32 somebody in the group. There's somebody in the group that probably saved the picture. I want to say something to you that I want to say something to you that I've never said to a man. I want to say something to you that I've never said to a man. I'd love to see your dick pic. Or to anyone. I'd love to see your dick pic. I'd love to see that pic. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:25:55 That is great. So there's a couple hot topics that I've kind of been paying attention to the last couple weeks that I thought would be good to call in and, you know, see you, hear you go off on your uh tangents about him but uh JJ Watts did you hear about him with his uh arrhythmia problem with his heart I did I would love to stay on the subject of the UFC but I did see that um I'm on I every day there's there's two things I get every day every day someone sends me a DM uh saying hey I took my l1 because of you and i can't fucking tell you how happy that makes me and every day i get five dms of people of young people who are dying of heart attacks yesterday someone sent me a um a post that a 13 year old
Starting point is 00:26:38 boy died of a heart attack so i quickly did the searches for i think it was in the united he died in the united kingdom there's there hasn't been a child who I, and all I could look back was 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. There's never been a child who died of a heart attack in the UK during those years, a 13 year old. And now there is one. crazy crazy the other one the other one is uh you know i follow the crossfit book on instagram and uh there was an interesting uh post the other day uh where noble made a quote of one of coach glassman's quotes but forgot to add his name on it and uh the crossfit book kind of blasted noble for it yeah we i i i talked about that quite extensively i'm not sure exactly how i feel about that i i did i did talk with greg about it uh briefly yesterday um he said he could give two fucks really um yeah he said hey man it's it's theirs they can do what they want i've moved on to bigger and better things um he really is this he's really taken this mindset that he used to create CrossFit and to tell the
Starting point is 00:27:46 truth about health and fitness and really, really looking at science now. I mean, like in a way that I don't think the smartest people in the world can hang with. I mean, he just had this meeting at his house. I think the videos will be out soon. And it's basically showing that, um, science has completely lost its way, that there's absolutely no room in science for consensus. It doesn't matter how many people vote and say something. It does not make it true. That's not how science works. And he's really breaking down into where it broke down and where it got lost.
Starting point is 00:28:21 So that's really where his focus is at. down and where it got lost so that's really where his focus is at that being said those people are despicable uh in my mind not because they didn't give greg attribution but because of what what else was in that post there was something they took a screenshot they basically accused greg of being racist and they when when when it's it's um who what they are i'll give you the metaphor for it imagine that we're putting together a posse and we all get on our horses and we're going out at night looking for the bad guy right and what the bad guy has done is he's riding with the posse there's no better place to hide and that's what noble is they are the consummate racist they demand they don't they either they're really bad people or they don't understand how the mechanism of the brain works but they're
Starting point is 00:29:12 demanding there's racism where there isn't racism and and so they're riding with the posse pointing at bad guys when they are the bad guy the posse needs to turn on them i think the posse is turning on them i don't think anyone i mean we just want daniel brandon on here now we've had daniel brandon and rich froning both say on the show that their shoes are a complete fucking joke and and and they're they're a joke and and they also support outwad who supports the sexualization of children that they're all you know they're all they're all for that shit it's gross it. It's really fucking gross. I'm probably going to completely mess this up, but there was this,
Starting point is 00:29:48 I think it was like a YouTube video about the difference between a democracy and a republic. And it gave the example of somebody steals a horse, somebody develops, gets a mob of people, they're getting ready to hang the guy or whatever they're going to do with them. And then the lawman pulls up and says, no can't do that arrest them and then the guy sits in front of a jury one person finds him not guilty he's free right like so you know it kind of the way
Starting point is 00:30:15 that it's written is so that the mob rule doesn't take over that we follow you know the this this process when we when we do things so i don't know maybe i messed that up completely but kind of made sense to me and you know oh complete hey it's exactly why there can't be slavery in the united states if everyone wanted slavery in the united states we could not vote it in the constant we are not a democracy exactly it's just one of the elements we use to push some things forward. But the Constitution protects that, protects us from going out and getting all the Jews together. Even if 99 percent of us want to make all the Jews slaves, it can't be done. That's the thing with abortion, too. The Constitution is supposed to protect people's lives.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You guys all know I'm pro-choice, but the Constitution is supposed to protect people's lives. You guys all know I'm pro-choice, but the Constitution is supposed to protect people's lives. Yeah. A friend of mine... Ryan Gort... Oh, go ahead. I was just going to say, a friend of mine is in the comments. I've never seen her in the comments before.
Starting point is 00:31:15 This lady here, Alison Bishop, also known as Alison NYC, recently moved into Santa Cruz. She's a longtime friend, old friend. I met her in 2008. I made a bunch of CrossFit videos with her. I made, I know her husband, Brendan Gilliam, and they moved into town like two weeks ago and I've been seeing them like every other day now they have two kids.
Starting point is 00:31:38 So we've been getting our kids together and it's been awesome. That's awesome. Yeah. So the other, the other, other couple of times we'll start leaning more towards the UFC. Uh, you know, the second bed, second best podcast in the world,
Starting point is 00:31:50 Joe Rogan, uh, Savant's number one. Um, he was talking about how Ryan Gordon, uh, got, got banned from Instagram.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It's fine. Yeah. I've been trying to get Gordon on. I really want to get him on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:03 He got banned from Instagram. I don't know what he posted But he's extremely outspoken So Sunday I started CrossFit 2012 to get back into Jiu Jitsu Then fell in love with CrossFit Never got back into Jiu Jitsu
Starting point is 00:32:19 But Sunday was the first time I've been on the mat In 8 years and I rolled for about an hour And man what Different muscles it takes. It's a completely different game. A jujitsu. Tell me. Yeah. Um, hip flexors, crunching, all the lack of mobility stuff that I've been working on and age just showed up everywhere. So.
Starting point is 00:32:40 How old are you? Um, I'm used to, uh, 47. Oh, good job, dude. Getting back to it. Yeah. 47. So, you know, I. Getting back to it. Yeah, 47. So, you know, I used to, you know, I've had the opportunity to train with Jesse Taylor, Terry Sokoju. I don't know if you know who he is. Just a bunch of fun guys that.
Starting point is 00:33:00 What state are you in? There's a big difference. California. I'm in San Diego. Oh, okay. Wow. Strong, strong juitsu uh contingent down there oh for sure for sure so um the last one is if you haven't had a chance to watch somebody made a a youtube documentary on the diaz brothers man what a cool story what a cool story about those guys man. And it really talks about some of the mental health states and how, you know, I think it was Nate.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Nick Diaz dropped out of school and, you know, eight hours a day in the gym and how it kind of saved his life. But how they were kind of, you know, pushed back and used a little bit and never really given the opportunity. It's a pretty cool pretty cool story okay i'll check it out hey did you have all these talking points written down or you remembered him in your head just remembered him in my head wow impressive wow 47 and your brain's still working all right thanks for the call brother you're still working you guys have a good one uh oliveiraira holds the UFC record for most finishes. Pretty incredible.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And Islam has finished all of his opponents. If I will go five rounds, you know somebody's going to sleep. I'm excited about that one. Islam's on a 10-fight win streak, and he's obviously going for that vacant title. One of the outlets was suggesting, speaking of not deserving the fight, that Dana White wanted Islam to fight Benil Dariush, who's also on the card.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And then the winner of that fight between Benil Dariush and Islam Makachev was supposed to then fight Oliveira. But supposedly, supposedly, and this is just from a little bit of research I've been doing, Joe Rogan chirped in Dana's ear and said, no, just let Islam fight Oliveira for the title, and Dana agreed.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Islam's ranked number four. Islam's more deserving of that shot than Shiger Sean against Peter Yan. Yeah, what I, I think that they were having, what was the reason for that? I think that they were having trouble finding a fight for Peter.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And I think Sean had been goading Peter. I don't think Sugar looks very confident, do you? He keeps claiming he's an economy Gregor. I don't see any economy Gregor in him. Say that again? No, absolutely not. He doesn't look like Conor McGregor at all. He kind of looks like a clown. But I don't know. He doesn't look confident. I don't think he's ever kind of looked confident at all.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And I would say the same about Aljamain too. You don't think Aljamain looks confident? I don't know, man. there's something about him the the two of them have like this weird maybe it's just their personalities but there's something about two of them the both of them that just doesn't seem right like they're just either getting extremely lucky or maybe they're i don't know uh jeff bako says my favorite podcast is dan john i don't know who that is, but that's a crock of shit. Your favorite podcast is this one. The numbers don't lie. I'm keeping track of how many you've watched in a row. So stop lying. Liar, liar, liar, pants on fire. um they were uh charles olivera says that islam will not stand with him and he says his jiu-jitsu is better than islam sambo that is uh islam said yesterday that he has defeated many many black belts and so is khabib and they are uh they are supremely confident that his sambo skills are
Starting point is 00:36:39 better than any uh jiu-jitsu skills that's basically a better martial art i don't even know what sambo is honestly what is that a ground game combat sambo maybe we should google it and look at it let's do that i i i also heard that islam's going to enter the ring at 180 pounds you know there's they weigh in at 155 people are saying he'll put on 25 pounds after the weigh-in. I don't know if that's true, but it seems – that guy, he does seem unbeatable. He – I think if I had to bet money, I would bet with – I would bet on his arm. Yeah. Russian Sambo, martial art with Soviet origins and internationally practiced combat sport and recognized style of amateur wrestling. I feel like it's got some judo to it that basically – yeah, see how that guy is getting thrown down?
Starting point is 00:37:39 I think that – That looks like a judo throw. Yeah, I think that they are throwing people to the ground is like kind of their specialty i mean the guys wear like e-jackets the people who argues the greatest ufc fighter of all time feed or uh i mean that's what he was combo combat sambo and he was a savage interesting uh i don't know shit about fuck regarding the ufc spiegel is here to learn it's good to you spiegel uh i hope yon destroys o'malley i hope he does too i think he's going to what do you think about yon pushed o'malley at the weigh-ins do you think that that's indicative of that he's afraid or do
Starting point is 00:38:18 you think what do you think that's about or that he's trying to sell tickets i think yeah i think that was more of like a a show essentially and i don't think he actually has any like personal irritation or like i don't think he's irritated with sugar sean i don't think he really gives a shit about him i think he's just kind of like whatever but he's gonna do that just to make a show of it because he kind of has to this is like the fight what do you think about this all of their said that uh to. This is like the fight. What do you think about this? Olivera said that Islam doesn't deserve the fight and the only reason why he got the fight is with
Starting point is 00:38:51 some home cooking through Dana because Khabib and Dana are such good friends. I don't know. Let me look at Islam's record because I feel like he He's only lost one fight. I think he has a 10 or 11 fight win streak. I feel like he deserves it i'm still saying that he deserves a fight better or more than uh
Starting point is 00:39:19 sugar sean deserves that fight with peter young but i understand i agree i agree there's no question there's no question yeah uh i don't know i don't know how you could be on a 10 fight win streak and not get a shot at the belt, to be honest. Oh, man. Say that. Yeah. Look who he's beat. Bobby Green, Dan Hooker, Drew Dober, Tiago Moses. That's his biggest win right there.
Starting point is 00:39:41 That guy. Armin Sorokin. Yeah. Yeah. That was the guy we had on the show, wasn't it? Yeah. That guy lost his last fight to a guy who's fighting on this card, Garment. The guy who's fighting Benil Dariush.
Starting point is 00:39:53 But I don't think Armin lost to him. I really don't. I think Armin beat him up. I think Benil Dariush is in big trouble, though. I think he is going to get the fucking shit kicked out of him. Who is he fighting again? He's fighting the guy that Armin fought last, Garmin.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Gamrot, yeah. That guy, Gamrot, is a savage. Pull it up quick. Another interesting fact about Charles Oliver who's fighting in the main event. Benil Dariushush 21 and 4 versus uh gamrot 21 and 1 uh gamrot is a complete savage yeah no doubt that's crazy not that benil's a pushover but i think he's towards the end of his career uh in the press conference he almost sounds like if he loses he's going to retire because when they ask him what's next um say that again jerry does yeah
Starting point is 00:40:53 because when they ask him what's next him and his coach their answers sound like it's a guy who's like just doing one fight at a time but not in the way that like hey we're just focusing on one fight at a time it's like hey we could be at the end of our career. Oh, yeah. I haven't heard much from him in a while. So I'd imagine he's probably about done too. I'm famous.
Starting point is 00:41:13 You guys are all entertaining. This is making me wake up early. Good. I'm glad someone else feels like they have to wake up early too. As misery loves company. I, I, that's a great question.
Starting point is 00:41:22 So does O'Malley get a shot at the belt if he beats John? I think so. You think so? O'Malley get a shot at the belt if he beats John I think so you think so yep no way I know but I think so pull up pull up the I think their weight class is bantamweight pull up the bantamweight rankings hey I don't think Dillashaw is going to win either do you think you don't think so no you think he's going to win I thinkaw is going to win either. Do you think Dillashaw? You don't think so? No, you think he's going to win? I think he's going to win. He looks small, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Well, I mean, I think he's had a good amount of time off, I mean, obviously, because he had to. But I think he got his whole life figured out. I'm thinking not his whole life, but I think he got his shit figured out. So, TJ Dillashaw is going to fight Aljamain Sterling for – I think it's the bantamweight belt, and that's the 135-pound class. And basically TJ Dillashaw used to be the title holder in that weight class. He popped for drugs, and they took the belt from him. He never lost the belt.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Then he went up a weight class, and I he lost alexander volkanovsky and now he's coming back down you think tj's on the juice you guys you guys you guys think that huh just because he's on the juice one time doesn't mean that he's still on the juice i mean you could say the same thing about ricky gerard like yeah no one ever wants a very similar comparison yeah yeah and that's and that and every time i've seen anything al jermaine says about tj it's like oh you're on you've been doping you've been he has no he has no no ground to stand on other than the fact that he was doping three years ago in kaka you think he's saying that just to get in his head it's just all just oh yeah tj was i think tj got a little irritated when he said that he said oh you gotta speak up like a man he's like what you can see like he got
Starting point is 00:43:12 lit up about that instead another story i heard uh was that uh they offered peter yan uh marlon vera cheeto marlon vera marlon cheetah Vera, and Peter Yan refused. Really? That's what I heard. You think he's going to lose him? Uh, Cheeto's tough. I mean,
Starting point is 00:43:35 let's not forget what Cheeto did to, uh, sugar, sugar, Sean. That's what I think actually is going to happen. I think Peter Yan in the first round is going to kick, is going to chop Sean down. I think he's just going to chop his legs down
Starting point is 00:43:45 I agree I think it's going to be a kick fight this might be like a comeback fight for Peter for sure I think he's needed something that he would actually win and then I think Peter and Marlon Vera will fight and then the winner of that will fight the winner
Starting point is 00:44:01 of who will fight Aljamain Sterling after he beats TJ Dillashaw yeah i can see that oh okay that's who it was too thank you travis it wasn't volkanovsky it was henry sahudo you're right thank you you're right that's probably a good fight too i haven't watched that one uh we need to see we need to see Volkanov. I want to see. Oh, did you know Volkanovsky is there in Dubai as the back? Yeah. So even though he's a 145 or if for any reason, Oliveira or Islam don't make it into the ring, he's stepping in. What? Crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:44:41 He's just he's there to back up one of the two. One of those two fighters. Yep. And Charles Oliveira also said that him and Alexander Volkanovsky have said that after this fight, him and Oliveira will fight at 155 and then at 145. Those would be some incredible fights. Yeah, I agree. That's crazy that he's just going out there just to be a backup.
Starting point is 00:45:08 For those of you who don't remember, Oliveira recently, a few fights back, fought Tony Ferguson and armbarred him and basically hyperextended Tony Ferguson's arm and Tony Ferguson wouldn't tap. That was absolutely nuts. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:45:24 They don't want a vacant title. I don't know. What do they care? Do they do that normally, though? What? Do they normally bring backups to fights like that? Yeah, big fights like this, yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I don't know if they bring them there, but they have one ready. This is the most explicit I've ever seen it. But I definitely hear them talking about backup fighters all the time really yeah it makes sense uh i don't know maybe i don't know maybe i don't understand the technicalities of bjj i love watching uh gsp training or listening to his coach for ross but not interested in fights the fights are barbaric i think i think it's i think it's healthy to not uh want to watch the fights oliver said this will be the first fight in his
Starting point is 00:46:12 life where he can see not that he was blind but he had corrective eye surgery you know he has that one eye that's just doing some weird shit oh yeah he's got like a he's got a wandering eye or something it was like yeah and he wears those thick fucking coke bottle glasses everywhere his eyes get magnified every time whenever he wears the glasses i was like who the fuck is this guy you want people to tell their kids weird put those glasses on your kid and send them to school when i wear my glasses, that's what I look like. Do you have contacts in now? Yeah. The reason why I don't think they care if there's a vacant title is because now they don't have to share the pay-per-view earnings. The title holder gets a cut of the pay-per-view, and since there's no title holder, it all goes to the house is my understanding.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Oh, interesting. I didn't know that. I think Oliver's chin is suspect. Why do you say that? I just feel like everyone gets one good shot on him. I think even Chandler got a good shot on him. Has he ever been knocked down? down i mean he has eight losses oh yeah the thing is is that when he goes to his back no one usually wants to go on the ground with him because he's so damn nasty on the ground i mean one of the nastiest people on the ground is tony ferguson and he treated tony ferguson like. Yeah, the only time he lost by
Starting point is 00:47:45 blows was from Paul Felder and the TKO to elbows. Otherwise, everything was a submission. Wow. Wow. God, I bet you that was a bloody fight. Man, Paul Felder. Oh, I take it back. He lost to Cub Swanson
Starting point is 00:48:01 by KO. Oh, no shit. That was also 10 years ago, though. Wow. Man, Cub just got beat up in his last fight. Dude, he got annihilated. And he went down a weight class. Yeah, that's got to be so shitty. I think if Oliveira wins, this will be huge for his career it's going to push him up into this
Starting point is 00:48:28 uh you know super super duper uh elite class he's the underdog even though he was the last champion he's the underdog he's the underdog i don't even see that yeah i think he's already so big. Who? Oliveira? Yeah. Why did they call him Charles Dubronx Oliveira? I was wondering the same thing. Legacy fights for both the guys. Both the guys.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Huge legacy fights for both the guys. I think Islam will be a mess if he loses. It's because he's from the Bronx. Oh, really? That's what it says. I mean, is that the name? Oh, I don't think so. No.
Starting point is 00:49:15 His nickname Dubronx comes from the Bronx, borough of New York, literally meaning from the Bronx, as Bronx was a slang. Oh, Bronx was a slang used for favelas and poor neighborhoods. Okay. I should read more. I watched a video of him where he grew up. Wow. a slang used for favelas and poor neighborhoods okay i should read more i watched it i watched
Starting point is 00:49:26 a video of him where he grew up wow wow i mean it's the kind of shit like your sink is just a pipe coming out of the out of the wall that kind of shit wow yeah instead of doors you the homes had just have curtains they're not even homes i, it's basically worse than camping. Yeah. Oh, wow. So you never explain this on the show might turn into a call and show Nunley and other dude flake on you. No. So they were becoming kind of I love Darian and Justin Nunley. They're awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:59 But Nunley Nunley went kind of MIA last week. And so did Darian. So I was like, you know what? I don't know any call-in shows for UFC shows, so fuck it. I'll just do a call-in show. And I'll just try to keep it focused on the UFC, and I'll stick with it for a year. And if it takes off cool, we'll be the only UFC call-in show. But it just kind of reminded me of AM radio.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I don't know what this podcast is founded on anyway right thank you uh tj beat cory sanhagen who is a bad dude uh we talked about how tj never lost the belt it was stripped from him for drug use he's a legitimate contender he deserves a shot at aljo aljo is on a seven uh fight win streak um they are both crazy in the first round you're only going to watch one round of a fight that's the fight to watch these guys come out tj and aljo will come out full throttle of you couldn't pick two uh two guys who come out more hot i mean they will come out hot. I think Aljo is going to be a little faster.
Starting point is 00:51:08 You think so? Yeah. Uh, TJ, I just, whenever, whenever I've seen TJ fight, he just seems like a one step behind in the striking than,
Starting point is 00:51:16 than the guys he's fighting. I feel like, uh, TJ is a division one wrestler. Uh, and I think Al Jermaine was a division two wrestler in college. I do think TJ was a top of the food chain. Division three.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Division three. Okay. And I think TJ was even a better division one wrestler than Al Jermaine was a division three. So that, I mean, if it goes to the ground, but that being said, we did see, um, no one's been able to keep Aljo off their back. So, well, look at this. Look who we have here. Hey, guys. Paper Street Coffee, Travis,
Starting point is 00:51:53 Vindicate. Where are you guys? You can't hear us. What's up? We're at the Masters Fitness Collective. Can we see a wider shot? Can you turn the camera around? Are you indoors or outdoors? Are you looking at the male, female, 45 to 49 RxLT individual? What is the Masters Fitness Collective?
Starting point is 00:52:18 It's just strictly old people? Over 30? Over 35? Yeah, I think so. 49 RxLT. Old people? Over 30? Over 35? Yeah, I think so. There's the Vindicate No Rep shirt that's been trying to make it past the cease and desist. Gabe, you got a really bad connection, but good luck, buddy. Anyone who's at the Masters Fitness Collective, what state is that in? I don't know. Let me look it up. Fuck, that's a nice venue.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Look at those lights. It's a massive stadium. Hey, how many people they got there, Gabe? How many people are they expecting? It looks like it's before the show started. Okay, we can't hear. Anyway, thanks, guys, for checking in. in yeah i don't know if you guys can hear have a good one anyone who's at the masters uh fitness collective today
Starting point is 00:53:11 please go over and check out the booth say hi get your coffee get a ceo shirt get a pair of shorts that heidi's wearing it's in indiana uh no i was watching earlier they had a 30 to 34 division uh east indiana No, I was watching earlier. They had a 30 to 34 division. East Indiana. Started at 7 this morning. Oh, 7 Pacific Standard Time. Okay. Thank you for the conversion, Bruce.
Starting point is 00:53:38 It's streaming live. Wow. Okay. That's cool. Okay, I have it here. TJ lost to Henry Cejudo in the weight class above him. Good morning. Hey, man. Sorry. Yeah, the internet connection here.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Oh, no problem. Yeah, but Travis is here. We're in Indiana. And what kind of stuff can people get at the booth? Are you serving coffee? I'm serving coffee. I actually ran out.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I had to go do a coffee cup run. So that all my coffee cups were good or not in like an hour and a half. Wow. Holy shit. Yeah. Yeah. Travis is out here. He's selling his shirt. It's a beautiful setup over here, to be honest with you. It's so nice, the venue. I didn't realize how well put together this competition is. It is amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Yeah, the pictures you sent back are beautiful. The lighting looks beautiful. And are there a lot of people there? I guess there are a lot of people there if you went through all your coffee in an hour and a half. Yeah, people, vendors, and spectators. I mean, some competitors, I think they have over like 300 or 400. Yeah, Travis just told us they have... Travis just... Travis just told us they have 550 competitors. Fort Wayne is a shithole. Oh, I think that's where Cobra Rhodes lives, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You want to hear a cool story that just happened to me right now? Yeah. About the shithole of the place that Indiana is? Yeah. I'm going to pick up these cups from a nice area, right? A retail restaurant store. from a nice area, right? A retail restaurant store.
Starting point is 00:55:28 I see some guy riding his bike, no shirt on, with a machete, like a machete. I've seen that. Hey, that's normal in California. I swear to God, I'm not even joking. I've seen that. Well, this is Indiana.
Starting point is 00:55:42 It's pretty cold. He's riding shirtless. I mean, that was pretty funny. mean hey how much you want to bet that that guy is uh either fentanyl or heroin addict or both i'll bet you every single dollar i mean yeah uh but it's uh no the the venue i mean as far as the people out here it's beautiful it's so, so cool. You should get one of the organizers here. Like, it's so well run. And it looks like the regional would back in the day. They have one, two, three different areas where they're competing.
Starting point is 00:56:18 They also have teams up here. So that's pretty cool. I'm guessing there'll be several thousand people there. If there's 550 competitors, each competitor brings two people. That gets us up to 1,500 people. You get another couple hundred volunteers. I'm guessing there's thousands of people there. There will be throughout the course of the day.
Starting point is 00:56:37 They have an off-venue event, a swim event, which will be later on. And that's happening maybe in an hour or so, so I'm assuming some of the people are there as well. Awesome. Someone's saying that it's the Morning Chalk Up that's streaming it on their channel. I'm not sure. I know Pat from Flambale is here,
Starting point is 00:56:57 and yeah, I'm not really sure, but they do have camera crews, and they are streaming it live, so if anyone wants to go see it, definitely go see it. Definitely use another forum other than the Morning Talker. Thank you. Well said. All right. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Thank you so much, Gabe. No problem. Also, Dana White is there. Also, O'Malley is going to lose. Also, I would take the underdog and I would take Charles Oliveira if you were a betting man. Wow. Okay, I'll bet you a cup of coffee.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I'm betting like $100 today. Alright, I'll catch you guys today. Okay, bye. Alright. It's like he listens to the show. Sugar said he's surprised Peter Jan took the fight because he listens to the show. Uh, sugar said he surprised Peter. Yon took the fight because he is ranked number 12. Uh,
Starting point is 00:57:49 sugar also acknowledged that Yon is the best guy in the class. He thinks he's better than Aljo. Um, we, we talked about how the, the, the fans and the media can't get past a TJ's drug use. It seems to be just the continued focus.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Uh, sugar did show up two weeks ahead of time in Dubai. He said it took him three or four days to acclimate. He's super happy. He got there early. Three or four days. Yeah. Where's he coming from?
Starting point is 00:58:15 Uh, I want to say he's in San Diego, California. I could be wrong. I don't know. Yeah. That makes sense. I guess there's going to be,
Starting point is 00:58:24 there's going to be another great fight. I thought it was going to be a great fight, actually, between Sean Brady versus Bilal the Woke Muhammad. He's one of these woke fighters. And I was really hoping Sean Brady would put it to him. But when I looked at the face-off, Bilal looks huge next to him. He's a massive human being. And yeah, and Bilal
Starting point is 00:58:47 is calling out Kamzat. By the way, I think Kamzat's done at 171. What do you mean? They do not look, Bilal Muhammad looks more than one inch taller than Sean Brady. You think he's like six foot? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Or I think it's more likely that Bilal is 5'8 and sean brady's 5'5 um i i also saw that uh kamzat's coach uh and dana talked and they want to give kamzat's next fight at 185 they don't want to ask him to cut back down to 171 again. Because it's too much of a cut? Yeah. I mean, he didn't make – he got sick in the last – something went wrong with his last – you saw it. The last UFC pay-per-view, something went wrong with his weight cut, and they had to scramble to fix the card. Wouldn't be a bad idea. God, I hope you're right, David.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I hope you're right. I hope he does murder him and and i think i want to say sean is 17 and 0 or 18 and 0 but this is a big step up oh really calms out his fighting covington dana said interesting okay because yesterday the report i read is that uh they decided he was going to go up a weight class we shall see that'd be a great fight between him and colby uh yuri prochaska um is has been set up to fight glover to share again that was the fight where glover was winning uh up until the last 15 seconds of the fifth round and lost the fight. I thought it was interesting. There's this some videos going around and some social media posts talking about how Yuri Prochazka sat in a dark room for three days and didn't eat any food to go in and deal with his inner demons.
Starting point is 01:00:36 And what I found fascinating about that is, to me, that's the difference between doing ayahuasca for spirituality versus someone who's handling their business the same would be the difference between doing crossfit to get fit versus getting liposuction this is like like you're gonna fly down to south america you're gonna spend a day flying down to south america then you're gonna spend three days down there you know doing your fucking uh caveman retreat tent tent sweating licking the back of toads and eating mushrooms and then you're gonna spend a day or two to come back why not grow a fucking set of balls and sit in a dark room for three days and don't eat food and face yourself what about that what about that this is like what tosh did with the running and the shipping container for
Starting point is 01:01:26 24 hours yeah that's what that reminds me of except like no no food no exercise kind of thing yeah just you think he needed to have the belt in there too i don't know if he actually yeah who knows i wonder if he actually sat in that room i mean it looks like somewhere you could deprive yourself for a while. By the way, it's cheating if you bring books or journals in there. You should just be sitting in the dark. Is it cheating? Yeah, it's totally cheating.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Totally cheating. Is it like adding electrolytes to your water when you're fasting? No, no, no. It's way worse than that. If you're going to take the inward journey take the inward journey everything else is a distraction oh i need to write this down i had a really profound thought it's just a distraction it's just it's still at that level it's all just becomes avoidance of facing yourself no matter how pleasant or benign or like what it looks like, Hey, just sit with your mind three days. He sat three days. My wife did a, um, several times has done a tent of the PAS and a course where you basically,
Starting point is 01:02:35 you're not allowed to make eye contact with another human being or say anything for 10 days. And you go to this retreat. You're not allowed to write anything down. You don't bring anything to read. You're not in the dark. You're just out and about? Like, is it like a community of people? You just can't look at them? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:54 You basically, it's like you sit for an hour and a half. And then for like 30 minutes, you would do something at the retreat. Like sweep or clean or something. And then you would sit for another hour and a half. And then you get up for half an hour. Something like that. And it's in you would do something at the retreat like sweep or clean or something and then you would sit for another hour and a half and then you get up for a half an hour something like that and it's in these intervals and you do that for 10 days it's it's anyone who's thinking about yeah and you eat food and basically you start having to deal with just the fucking nonsense of the mind you start seeing the most ridiculous shit that sort of is the catalyst for your thoughts.
Starting point is 01:03:29 For those of you who are having trouble wrapping your head around why someone would do that, it's like this. Why would someone get a tattoo? Well, because you want to remember your mom who died. Okay, what was your thought before that? And then what was your thought before that and then what was your thought before that and it's basically just seeing following your thoughts deeper and deeper and deeper and you can do that very easily to see what the catalyst is for each thought you're not allowed
Starting point is 01:03:58 so basically in those sittings uh caleb you're not if you have an itch on your forehead you're not even allowed to itch it you're not allowed i've tried that out here like just like sitting in i mean very not even the same but like sitting in my office like we get a shitload of flies and i've tried to just like let them like crawl wherever the fuck they land you know because you can just like heal them yes that shit is so hard that lasts maybe like 10 seconds and then i'm like swatting away at it that shit is super annoying yes and if you just sit there and you sit there and let's say you get past the sensations of the tickling or whatever the discomfort then your brain will start coming with stories oh what if a fly comes crawls into my ear and i can't get it out your brain is always spinning stories to get you up and into
Starting point is 01:04:45 action that's why this concept of free will is so fucking ridiculous anyone could test it out you have free will let me see you sit still for 60 seconds even when i meditate i can't sit still sometimes yeah it could the mind is a fucking just a fly that switches, twitches from one pile of shit to the next. Tramp stamp, Bruce. I'll take a tattoo over fasting all day. Of course you will. Of course you will. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:20 No, see, but that's it. I mean, join the military, get something done because everyone was doing it. But what was your thought before that? And what was your thought before that? These are just superficial answers that you use to answer the question. It's just your brain covering up the real reason. Sit with it. Me too. I only have one tattoo that covers my whole body too. me too i only have one tattoo that covers my whole body too uh bobby green uh was a a fighter i asked to come on the podcast he responded with for 1500 he'd come on which i thought was kind of funny uh he uh recently took a uh last minute fight with islam and islam beat the shit out of him. And then Bobby Green recently has now gone on to Instagram and said that if he were to stand toe to toe with Islam, he would whoop his ass. He would his exact words were I would violate him. TJ and Sean or whoever the fuck, they're like so far removed from anything, for any fights, any like, they have no shot. They're not even in the top 10.
Starting point is 01:06:36 And they're just like, oh, fuck TJ Dillashaw because he took steroids. And they're bitching and moaning about,aning about who's taking away opportunities from other people. Hey, you had your opportunities and you're like five and 15 buddy. Right. Where are you? You have no room to talk. You had plenty of opportunities and none of those were fighting TJ Dillashaw.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I wonder how many of those dudes have taken EPO or steroids or things like that too. Oh, I mean, it was just like the Nicholas Joyal thing. He's like, I've been getting my shit kicked in for so long and I haven't broken through. So, you know what? I'm going to take fucking droids.
Starting point is 01:07:14 I'm going to get juiced up. I think it's weird when UFC fighters say, well, I would have beat the guy if we would have gone to the ground. Or I would have beat the guy if we would have stayed on our feet. Then take him to the ground or I would have beat the guy if we would have stayed on our feet. Then take him to the ground or keep him on his feet.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Yeah, exactly. Dana White and Lorenzo Fertitta are starting a new league. Did you see that? Yeah, what the hell? It's the Slap Fight League. I looked for their website.
Starting point is 01:07:43 I couldn't find it. Is it like how the... i've been seeing some stuff of like russian people like i feel like it's a that's it yep that's it that's it that they're gonna start a slap fight league it's gonna start in either november or december what yeah bam i want to know the rules to this thing like it what because some of the slaps i see don't look like slaps they they get a little too much purchase up on the wrist and they look like punches oh yeah i've seen some gnarly slaps like people you get knocked out of this yeah yeah yeah yeah you see people's necks snap. Oh, I just hurt myself. Don't do that.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Fucking TBIs all day long. And they have to like hold on to it. It's like almost like the arm wrestling. We have to like hold on to the table. I think so. Yes. Or like you have to. No, no.
Starting point is 01:08:37 No. Is it? Maybe. Okay. I can't wait to hear the rules, though. I'm going to give it a chance. I'm going to give it a chance. I've seen some ladies doing it, too,
Starting point is 01:08:46 and they just get... They fucking throw some slaps. Johnny, Bobby Green has a cool story, but I bet he didn't tell Rogan he would do the interview for $1,500. In all fairness, I'm being a whiny little bitch. If he wants to charge $1,500, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Dude. Oh, that guy's eyes immediately rolled up into his head. That's a good concussion. Oh, my God. That was so weak. Wait, go back to that first slap.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Is he? What? Oh, see, that wasn't a oh see that wasn't a slap that wasn't a slap that was that was like a wrist punch that was yeah uh in all fairness like if he wants to charge 1500 bucks he should like yeah he you know that i can't believe that counts as a he didn't even slap him i I could take that slap, that first one. Look at that guy's arms. What did that guy do to his arms? Those are bicep implants for sure. That is fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Look at his legs. They're like a quarter of the size. Oh, did you see that guy turned his hand at the last minute so it hit here? Oh, that was an incredible slap, slap though that guy came over the table oh yeah yeah right there yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that guy's fucking bummed oh he hit him in the neck. Dude, you could like punch an eye out with that shit. Oh, that's a throat chop. Oh, man. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Hey, those seats that those guys have there in the front row is crazy. You're so close that you could get slapped. Yeah, you could get slapped, and you're going to be touching the dude that just got slapped. I'm more into sword fights. Yeah, I hear you. Of course you are. Brandon Waddell, Bruce, the only sword fighting you're doing is in the bathroom. Is Jon Jones done for good?
Starting point is 01:11:09 He's been kind of quiet lately. He was supposed to fight Nganou. Nganou supposedly had knee surgery. He's out for a while. We'll see. I think maybe Jon Jones is done. I think maybe he is done. Didn't somebody say that they were going to,
Starting point is 01:11:28 that DC should come out of retirement to fight him? Yeah. That was clickbait. That was some Hiller shit. Basically it says, is the, the video said is DC coming out of retirement to fight John Jones. And,
Starting point is 01:11:39 uh, then you watch the video and it's DC saying, absolutely fucking not. So stupid. Uh, watch the video and it's DC saying absolutely fucking not so stupid in the face off between TJ Dillashaw and Aljermaine Sterling Aljo is I think I hear Aljo from the microphones there telling TJ hey
Starting point is 01:11:57 we're going to stand up and fight we are not going to wrestle me and you are going to stand up and throw down you think he's just like goading him into it maybe he's trying to get him to fight his fight instead of whatever his game plan is uh john and stipe rumor for december i know i kept hearing that too and then it went away johnny then it's i don't know where it went i wonder is johnny wearing medals what did he win he probably ran the local 5K. I hope it's a slap fight contest he won.
Starting point is 01:12:30 He looks like he could slap someone. Slap the shit out of someone. John's done in the UFC, but not done fighting or committing crimes. Holy shit. Good one. Allison Bishop, my friend Courtney did slap fighting. It was nuts holy shit
Starting point is 01:12:46 Allison you suggest people for me to have on the podcast how about that girl get me her how about her I want to know more yeah uh Joe Rogan will not be at UFC 280 simultaneously while UFC 280 is going
Starting point is 01:13:06 he said that he will be in the O2 arena that's that giant arena in the UK how many people does that hold he's doing stand up there fuck dude that's massive massive that's the one where they
Starting point is 01:13:22 play the Wembley in or no nevermind 20,000 that's the one where they play the Wembley in. Or no, never mind. 20,000. Bobby Green also said that Sugar Shane is getting preferential treatment, that he had no business fighting Jan. I think you agree with that, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:13:40 The 12 guy shouldn't be moving up and fighting the number one guy. I can understand if that's the only thing that they could find, find for him. And Peter wanted to fight. I wonder if he and Peter had like one fight left in the year and like his annual contract maybe. And then they needed to find just anybody.
Starting point is 01:13:58 John Jones. Next fight will be a prison match against Cain Velasquez. Did he get convicted? I don't know, but I think he is in jail. That sucks. Daniel Cormier said he would never go back
Starting point is 01:14:17 to fighting, even for the interim belt with Jon Jones. Daniel also said that he thinks Oliver and Islam is the best fight remaining for the year. Listen, Daniel, there's only fucking two months left in the year.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Yeah. When I heard him say that, I'm like, we're literally at the end of the year and there's probably maybe five weeks of fights left. I'm so glad you picked up on that too. I'm like, what the fuck is he saying?
Starting point is 01:14:42 Like no shit, dude. That's it. Yeah. It's the only one. They always put the good ones right before like what the fuck is he saying like no shit dude that's it yeah it's the only one they always put the good ones right before like the holiday season i feel like they're there and i don't know if that's true i think i'm i'm more interested in watching um israel adesanya's next fight i think the i think the 282 ufc 281 in november is going to be more interesting for me. Yeah. Adam,
Starting point is 01:15:06 Adam Blakeslee, DC's only fighting diabetes. Magnus Holmgren. Look up sparring between Marab Divashvili and Katrina Kaveleva. It's like Sevan versus Brian Shaw. Fun to see. But isn't Katrina, uh, Katrina Kaveleva. It's like seven versus Brian Shaw. Fun to see. It is,
Starting point is 01:15:27 but, but is it, is it Katrina? He's wrestling with a girl. Is it a giant chick? Let's find out. Hey, my kids know who Brian Shaw is because they asked Alexa,
Starting point is 01:15:42 who's the strongest man in the world. And so whenever, like I'll hear like, in the back of my car, do you think Brian Shaw could beat up the Hulk? Like, I hear them debating that shit. I heard my boys, I heard my boy, I can't even tell you that story. Oh, my goodness. What the fuck? Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:16:04 He's not even real life dude there's no way holy shit holy shit dude he's at her belly button oh yeah yeah yeah hey will you go to her Instagram account Katrina we gotta get her on why don't we get we gotta get her on I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie like soon as I see a girl that's
Starting point is 01:16:38 that big I'm attracted to her like I like I'm shallow like that like if you're like like if you're a six foot four woman I'm attracted to you end of story he's just climber do shallow like that. If you're a 6'4 woman, I'm attracted to you. End of story. That's wild. He's just a climber. Do you like that?
Starting point is 01:16:50 Are you okay with a 6'4 woman? Yeah, I'm 6'1, so we're both over 6 feet tall. Oh, let me see that one. Let me see that one where that guy's putting his arms around her right there. Yeah. Dude, holy shit. Oh, dude, he's standing up on the fucking ring, and he's only a few inches taller than her. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Hey, let's see how many followers she has. Crew's up there? 115,000. Six four. Does she – scroll down a little bit. 115,000 6'4 does she keep scroll down a little bit I want to see if there's anywhere where she's talking okay so
Starting point is 01:17:37 they're in Dubai he's in Aljo's camp I want to see if she speaks English are her posts in English that one is not all emojis super weekend full of fun okay i need to follow her that's how shallow i am guys i just see a tall fighter, and I'm like, okay, I want her on the show. Katrina? Katerina Kavalova?
Starting point is 01:18:11 Katerina. Oh, yep, she pops up right away. Bam, got her. And she does personal training. She does personal training all day long. And tall Steve follows her. You know Steve Mowry, who we've had on the show before the guy who's 610 and bellator yeah yeah yeah of course he does that's fucking crazy yeah there are some crazy pictures of her body in here too yeah she's definitely
Starting point is 01:18:45 pretty attractive wow there's some pictures of her doing the splits holy shit what an athlete looks like she's a she might be a taekwondo practitioner too oh yeah it's not
Starting point is 01:19:06 oh yeah yeah here we go I'm looking at my own phone when you got it up here how the fuck hey she moves well and she's proportion good you know like some people like women get that tall and they start it starts not like LeBron you get LeBon tall and you just
Starting point is 01:19:25 have no idea how to articulate your body she's she'd hold sebon in a baby carrier like cf kate held josh bridges i'm done focus sebon yeah focus i'd be carried by her for sure she's from belarus does she speak english cool oh oh that girl yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so you did suggest her allison okay yeah yeah that now and now i remember who that is i said she was too nuts imagine being called too nuts to come on this show then think of some of the people we've had oh i'm gonna tell you a crazy story so i probably shouldn't say this story so i was at matt suza's uh the ufc show is over for those of you who tuned in for it it's over that's it watch the show tomorrow watch the ufc tomorrow at 7 a.m the prelim start pacific standard time 11 a.m main card or wait a day and you can watch it the next day thank you for all of you who called in what a huge success the show was assholes uh so so i was at matt suza's um he had a party the
Starting point is 01:20:31 night before the wedding and i went to it it was right by my house and there was it was at a place that serves all these like beers just it's called beer 30 and she says shit loads of beers outdoor setting really nice and this chick walks in and she's attractive, but, but, but the way she's dressed, she kind of looks like she's on the hunt, right? She's at a wedding, you know, there's lots of guys there. There's lots of girls there, young people there. And you could tell she kind of looks like she's on the hunt. So I went over to Susan and I made some crass comments like, Hey, you know, or one of your homeboys, who is, who's this girl? And I think, I think she was one of Matt's wife's friends. And I said, Oh, is one of your homeboys going to smash this girl and i think i think she was one of matt's uh wife's friends and i said oh is
Starting point is 01:21:07 one of your homeboys gonna smash this girl hook up with this chick and we started laughing and giggling like little high school boys and anyway i don't think anyone hooked up with her she the party happened and no one no one got her um or or spin it the other round, she didn't get anyone. Well, yesterday, this girl sends a picture to Sousa's wife because she's Sousa's wife's friend with this guy and says, oh, my God, I really like this guy. I'm going to go out on a date with this guy. And you know who it is? Alex Stein.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Put the fuck up. Yeah. fucking crazy small world right they fucking live in texas i saw this girl i saw this girl at a at a pre at a party for a pre-wedding and and then and she lives in texas and she sends this picture and so she sends the picture to uh suza's wife and she's like hey i really like this guy i'm gonna start dating him and picture to Sousa's wife. And she's like, hey, I really like this guy. I'm going to start dating him. And then Sousa looks at the photo. He's like, you're never going to fucking believe this. That girl is dating Alex Stein or is going to go out on a date with him.
Starting point is 01:22:16 What the fuck? How do those two even meet? At a bar. At a bar, mutual friend. It's just crazy what a small world this is uh you got to talk about the big booty latina i think we uh aoc i think we talked about her that all right guys thank you everyone uh enjoy the fights uh hope you enjoyed the show uh we'll keep doing these uh caleb thanks for coming on and um we will see you guys this evening. I want to say the show is late.
Starting point is 01:22:47 7.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Hiller Fit Review. Oh, tomorrow morning we have Kim. I don't know how to pronounce her last name. Deckerill? Deckerill? Deckerill.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Deckerill. Decker roll. Decker roll. The key roll. Uh, CrossFitter. Um, I want to say she might even be a games athlete. Uh, and she's blind. She doesn't.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Oh, Spiegel. You're a good dude. Thank you for the comeback. Oh, she remembered. You think that's a, she,
Starting point is 01:23:21 Oh, I was just going by the, whatever their, their name is. I was danny uh she could make a killing on only fans i wonder if i could make a killing on only fans we'll see you guys this evening bye

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