The Sevan Podcast - #641 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: October 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, thanks. I felt like a walking house. You feel big? I feel big. Too big? Not quite. I don't think we're there yet. I was just saying how I was doing some single arm incline bench and the kilo on my shirt was just like shooting out. Do you have to have a fan on you at night no no oh you're not that big tell me i'm not lumbering walking up the stairs
Starting point is 00:00:33 or anything none of that i have to keep a fan on at night i mean i'm too big well i do it for the sounds do you do for the sound suzer is it for the yeah i do i do for the sounds that's kind of like white noise it's like whale noises stop i'm judging you stop i'm judging you stop i'm doing what do you you don't you don't do any of that dude i view all of that as weakness don't don't tell me that dude are you kidding well you've got kids you have to be able to hear what's going on around no i listen listen listen i don't ever try to go to sleep vampire ass when i lay down at night i i tell myself you are consciousness you are to stay awake the entire time that's i don't use a pillow i tried that once i forced myself to sleep on my back i should just sleep on wood um yeah there's some good jokes there yeah i don't want to fall asleep i want
Starting point is 00:01:38 to stay conscious there's what the fuck is the point of going unconscious every night i'm not i don't accept that i don't accept that but what you do dude i i know i know susan i know don't rub it in but you're gonna down talk sleep listen it's it listen it there's there's no everyone just goes to sleep there's no we need to put some thought into that like how about why why are we going to sleep why can't we just be conscious why can't i just be conscious and and and it happened why can't who what am i oh now you're going deep you know what i imagined just that is like i plug in the iphone and it's charging but i can still use it like why can't we just be like that yeah thank you hey okay i want to tell you something you are getting really good at what just everything that's i don't normally i don't normally i listen i don't know if i've
Starting point is 00:02:33 ever told my i can't remember ever telling like my mom or my wife or anyone that i miss them oh you miss me i did miss you a little bit i did what do you mean you missed that susan i were hanging out in newport without you no no i didn't know no i just i just missed you and let me tell you when i see stuff like this susan will you queue up that video um at the beginning not not the 107 we'll go back to the 107 but when i saw this i'm like fuck he's so he's getting so good wait same video same video yeah same video i just love the beginning of this video. Oh, shit. You're so fucking adorable here. This is why Alexis fucks you, by the way. Start this one up at the very beginning.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Oh, here we go. This is so fucking good right here. The first 15, 20 seconds. Go ahead. Oh, man. Andrew's so good here. Oh, fuck. I'm not jealous, Kate.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah, one of the things that happened. Ready? Here we go. You really didn't understand this unless you were participating in the sport like we were so many so many times is that the you all right i was i was on the assault bike and i just started fucking dying i'm like fuck andrew's going next level the thing is i watched that video three times their video it's 30 minutes long and the first time i was just kind of like taking it the second time i was pulling clips
Starting point is 00:04:00 and the third time i had the clips in my little software that I use, and I was like, holy shit, this guy sounds really distraught. I think there's an exhale in there. I didn't pick it up until the third time through. Those guys. Fuck, I don't know where to start. I told myself I wasn't going to disparage those guys fuck i don't know where to start i told myself i told myself i wasn't going to disparage those guys did you know about them before i have no idea who they are but they're everything that was wrong with the 1980s i mean they are the 80s were great except for dudes like that those guys are so fucking what do you mean the 1980s they're just they're they're just like i was i was born in 91 homie
Starting point is 00:04:55 they're like the badge part of jazzercise i don't want to knock jazzercise because jr's mom has a jazzercise gym and it's dope but they's dope, but they're like the thigh master. They're just like when they brought up F45 in the same conversation as CrossFit. It's like bringing up Christianity and the Ouija board, comparing them as movements, as religious movements. It's like, are you fucking kidding me? The Ouija board and Christianity? I have a part two. Ouija board is brought to you by fucking Matt christianity's brought to you by jesus
Starting point is 00:05:27 fucking christ part two in that video i i go hard because i got i gotta be more pissed they kept on like pissing me off okay we'll we'll get back to those guys those goofballs those hairless cats in a minute they're so bad for Australia. I think so highly of Australians, and it's just been a rough two years for their fucking brand. What do you think highly of them for? They're just – I mean they got like fucking Steve Irwin. They got the dude who did the Foster's commercials.
Starting point is 00:05:59 He's dead, dude. They don't got Steve Irwin anymore. Well, and my friends who've been to Australia and they go to parties with Australian people, they said you always end up naked. Like someone's always naked or they do fun shit. They're just loose. I like Chris Hemsworth. He's from Australia.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Schwarzenegger, no, he's from Austria. Yeah, different, different. I know he can't be president because he's from the united states those guys don't party with their clothes off um hey hillary we did a video yesterday do you know about rope gate i was just listening to a video of youtube but i think it was from two days ago or three days ago what's rope gate rope gate we had velner on yesterday oh yeah i was i was listening to velner too but i got maybe halfway through velner i finished brandon i got halfway through velner and we um and we we started talking about the crossover event and he said that it was weird
Starting point is 00:07:00 that some of the athletes had beaded ropes which is the kind of rope that's ideal for doing crossovers. And I said to him, you've been to eight CrossFit games. Have you ever seen beaded ropes there before? He said, no. I said, well, that's fucking weird. He goes, you're right. That is fucking weird. That should have been in your conspiracy video.
Starting point is 00:07:23 What? Didn't they have ropes provided for them? No. Nope. He said they only had the double-ended rope. Oh, shit. Imagine getting an RPM rope and having to do that. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:35 That's what he was saying. Oh, my God. And someone in the comments said that. Oh, shit. Rope game. Yeah, it was Manny. It was Manny. It was probably Manny.
Starting point is 00:07:43 How did some of the athletes know? Unless those guys just stored those ropes in their ass. They're just anal bead ropes, and they just yank them out six feet away. I know that's something that your preacher would say. He would come with an ungodly amount of random equipment just in case. So that's something that he would prepare for. But it's hard to believe that everybody was preparing with a beaded jump rope. And it makes you think.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Because you also remember you saw maybe RPM traveling around for the games. And there was images of the athletes. And I want to say Horvath was one of them. Did they go to CrossFit Krypton? And I think we saw that they were doing crossover double-unders there. So who knew? Because I put together that Rogue video and how people know the the rogue log is coming certain hard work pays off people uh there is no fucking way first of all bill henniger has said fewer words in his lifetime
Starting point is 00:08:39 fewer than a thousand words in his lifetime he He said, mom. The bug is coming. Yeah, that guy does not talk. Okay, okay. That guy has a smaller vocabulary than fucking the Terminator. And Arnold Schwarzenegger has in the Terminator. That guy came out of the womb. He said, mom, dad. And then he didn't talk again until he was 18. And then he just learned a few more words.
Starting point is 00:08:59 There's no fucking way Bill Henneker would let anything. There was no way. He's like dave he puts a premium you're saying because he doesn't talk they couldn't have possibly told that the log is coming he's too smart programs the workouts no no who programmed the workouts no but you insinuated that maybe henniger would have called the the gayest strongman or whoever that guy is that works – that's the guy that works for Fraser. That's his Instagram handle, the gayest strongman. World's strongest gay? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:35 That's what I said. They're a little – they're the same but different. Same, same but different. Do you know what gay is? Can you look up gay real quick for me? Yes. Sorry. It means happy.
Starting point is 00:09:47 He's the world's happiest strong man. Oh, is that what it means? Okay. I thought it had something to do with – Yeah, just like a bag is a cigarette. Gotcha. Gotcha. In fact, it's a bundle of sticks.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Correct. Yeah. We're getting all of our bases checked really quick. Lighthearted and carefree. There you go. Happy. A homosexual, especially a man. checked really quick uh lighthearted and carefree there you go happy a homosexual a homosexual especially a man but will you look uh homeless uh homosexual is typically referring to a man
Starting point is 00:10:12 why is it especially a man that's not true is it well i guess a lesbian would be a woman that is i thought homosexual was more blanket like it's both um a dude who likes dude penises and a girl who likes vaginas i i was i'm with you on that so the reason we're looking into this word is because you don't think that bill henninger leaked that information to this man i know it's because i don't think bill's gay oh no i got sorry i got my wires sorry sorry i got my wires. Sorry. Sorry. I got my wires crossed. What are we talking about?
Starting point is 00:10:47 Oh, yeah. Dear Bill and Katie. The line. Dear Bill and Katie. OK, look, gay by birth. So I now you have me all thrown off. Is this guy is this guy? Which gay is he using?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Do you see any rainbows? Go up in this thing. Does he got any rainbows up there? He's got a rainbow shirt on and rainbow sunglasses and multiple rainbow flags in the comment. I would Okay, okay. So look up the word homosexual for me. But he also looks really happy and lighthearted. He just looks like a fun guy.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I know. It's all fucking, this guy's confusing me now. Look up homosexual for me real quick. Okay. I want to be I want to be precise. Rob is a good dude. Oh, is Rob the world's strongest gay? That's probably his name, Rob.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I don't know his name. I know he told some people some things that he knew. He did not. I don't know. What do you know? It's actually attracted to – Okay, so this guy is the world's strongest person who's attracted to people of his own sex. Sex referring to what's in his pants, his genitalia.
Starting point is 00:11:49 You said his, but it says one's own sex, not his. Well, that's a dude. Is it? Rob's a dude. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. In the context of Rob, you were saying. Okay, I got it.
Starting point is 00:12:01 As you read the definition. Okay, fine. That's the guy. So now that we have all of this figured out there's no bill henninger he would tell a homosexual anything no no no no he would tell a homosexual he would it doesn't matter to anyone's sexual orientation based on what bill would and wouldn't say to them although he probably wouldn't say let i don't know i mean i want to speculate on what bill says wait his bedroom. He doesn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:12:25 You just said that. It's like you don't think I'm listening to you. Bill doesn't talk, so he didn't say anything to anybody, including the world's strongest. If he's going to talk, you were suggesting that possibly someone from Rogue said, hey, can you test this out or what do you think about this? And then he might have reached out to Rob. Got it out. Yes. Who works at HWPO and Rob therefore either leaked it to Mal.
Starting point is 00:12:54 There's just no way. There's just no fucking way. Impossible. His text messages are going to be on the table. Someone's trying to get a sponsorship for the show. That's what it sounds like. Correct. Wait, with that. There's trying to get a sponsorship for the show. That's what it sounds like. Correct. Wait, with that –
Starting point is 00:13:06 There's no way that they would do that. I just know him, and I just know he's – he's never done a – he just doesn't. He just doesn't. I know. He's a steel trap. He's almost to the point of where he's rude. But like if you were – like not to – I don't think that – I'm not sensitive to that. But 99% of the people in the world who met Bill would either think
Starting point is 00:13:25 he's a deaf mute or rude. I've never met Bill. You can shake his hand. Don't, don't, don't try to talk to him. I wouldn't. You might get, you might get offended. Hold on one second. When you said that, I was just like, when you said that, I was just like, but I did like how later on in the video you said that was way out there.
Starting point is 00:13:47 You were digging deep. You did admit that that was way out there, and I agree with you. It's way out there. Now, Katie, on the other hand, she might have fucking talked a fucking shit ton to Rob. Didn't we already talk about the fact that Bridges is the one writing the programming, so it doesn't have to have come from either of those two. And it's not like they're going to hire an assassin to kill Josh Bridges. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:10 You speculate on whoever. He's a Navy SEAL, not a Marine. Josh Bridges talks, and he's very good with his mouth. But Bill is a businessman. I'm also not coming after Bridges. Who knows what people know? I mean, who told everybody about the jump ropes? Was it Bosman?
Starting point is 00:14:27 Was it Bosman? Well, here's the thing where I would cut some slack. When we asked Pat, we're like, hey, why didn't you – if you had a couple hours, why didn't you send someone out to get you a rope? And he's like, I wouldn't waste my money on that. And then all of a sudden, I'm like, gee. 20 bucks? They're like 20 bucks. Yeah, is that what they were on the site? Yeah it was good with dick's sporting goods yeah 12.99 to uh yeah
Starting point is 00:14:52 jr makes bill henniger uh bill henniger makes jr look like a chatterbox jr got a lot of love in the last show in the comments although while we're on this for one second this is gonna slightly derail the conversation when i was in rome and i was going through the airport i had all this stuff with me we were going back and forth trying to figure out how we could get home because our flights were getting delayed shit was getting screwed up and finally when i sat down after moving back and forth across i looked down in the rogue zip-up sweatshirt that i've had for nine years it was just a comfy zip-up hoodie that i always just threw on especially when i traveled was gone i left it somewhere how long did you have it nine years like it was that first like gray one it might have been the first sweatshirt that they
Starting point is 00:15:35 came it was a gray one with like the american flag on the background that wasn't the i think i've seen a picture of you wearing that sweatshirt and it has like the red road thing anyhow bill katie please ignore anything they said that might have offended you. Dear Bill and Katie, I would love a gray zip up hoodie.
Starting point is 00:15:52 It was a size large 4771 Roy Vista Sweet Age CrossFit Lipmort. I bet if you go to your Instagram, there's a picture
Starting point is 00:15:59 you wear in that. Oh, for sure, dude. I had it for forever. Dude, that's a $60 a 60 sweater yeah they're expensive oh this is vintage too it's probably worth more yes it's 40 bucks oh i like this one i like this stencil hoodie over here another he brought it up on the show it's worth even more it was damn it was that one that one that gray one right there see it's 55 bucks because it's so old they don't sell it the one in the middle yeah that one that's a zip up it's just showing you from the back oh yeah that
Starting point is 00:16:28 was it gone it's in rome suza imagine this right now there's gonna be an ebay listing this is gonna be suza's lost hoodie nine years of uh sentimental value what is it worth to you suza it's gonna be on ebay it's gonna be a bidding war someone finds it please just return it and don't harm it i'm such a shopper i just totally forget we're on a podcast okay i want that i want that thank you thank you i'd like to see this one on daniel brandon this crop hoodie or nick matthew oh either of the two of them yeah what's the last thing you got off here seven off rogue yeah i got i got some ropes i got some the last thing i bought were ropes i re-roped my uh my rig i remember you talking about that right uh and uh but what i want to get is the stair
Starting point is 00:17:19 master the the only one they have on there is the the the jacob's ladder version is it right oh no no they got they got uh oh you know there's it says there's i just searched for stairmaster and there was no what if i just type in stair you gotta type in jacob's ladder and then that one will come up oh but they i did see a a real a real um yeah i think they had a straight up stare like a stair master we're gonna see who knows the rogue website better in about 10 seconds oh i found it's called the stairway oh yeah is it made by the stair the jacob's ladder people probably oh yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right oh he's right damn it it's seven grand
Starting point is 00:18:03 my photographic memory man why even question him click on it but it's not even powered by mechanics it's uh powered by a rope why does it only have a three star let's see this review what the because they probably thought it was powered by like a treadmill but it's more like an assault runner um shit i can't dexter they dexter did oh is that what he did to the people yeah he wraps him up in saran wrap i can't get i can't get i can't uh there's a little x in the top right hand corner i could i couldn't click it oh weird okay i wanted to go i wanted to go back oh here we go i'm gonna read the review let me see this Top right-hand corner. I couldn't click it. Oh, weird. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:47 I want it to go back. Oh, here we go. I'm going to read the review. Let me see this review here real quick. I bought this a while ago and received it recently. It took slightly longer than six weeks to ship. That makes sense. The shipping agent didn't contact me to schedule delivery.
Starting point is 00:19:02 What does that have to do with Rogue or the product? Delivery was made with it wrapped on a pallet. Make sure you take the height into consideration prior to ordering it barely fit in my garage due to the height at least two people will be needed for safe once it's in place it's easy and convenient to use but it's on the noisy side if you click the stop button it resets the stair climbs and time i'm happy with my purchase you give it a fucking three star and you're happy with your purchase i hate people would be like they give a book a one star on amazon and the reason why is because the packaging came fucked up you're like dude get the fuck out of here yeah that's terrible nothing to do with the book at all
Starting point is 00:19:33 words matter it's not it's not it's shrink wrap not saran wrap fine you work in a warehouse i i bow down to you what's difference? Is one for food and one's for products? That's a great question. That is. Next question, Tony Andrews. What's the difference? I can only imagine what the shipping is for that. Austin Hartman, the answer is because people pay for it. One I think is thinner and thicker.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I used to saran wrap pallets at an old job i had in a warehouse i just got lightheaded i'm too excited i was really looking forward to this show i'm not gonna lie oh good took you a while to spit that out i already told you that i missed you and then now you just kind of try to slide that under there well i was like we had our intimate moment food and i go yeah i gotta leave at, though, because I got this show. I got to be there. And then I was driving home, getting ready to set up the computer. I was like, get Nancy.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Please pass 95% of this on to Hiller. No, fuck off. For the mind muscle, bro. Sevan, you can keep 5% as a finer's fee. I'm sad that those bros are from Australia. Lucky camera straps. I'm sad that those bros are from Australia. Lucky camera straps.
Starting point is 00:20:46 There were such in the, in 2008, they sent fucking Matt Swift and this other savage, or it was 2009 to the CrossFit games. The two guys who came from Australia came out of nowhere and they were like the only two real men there. I'm like, yep. Australia came out of,
Starting point is 00:21:01 Oh, they were savage. Okay. Yeah. They were just insane. It was like Miko Salo from Finland and those two dudes. And it was like, holy shit. Those guys, I mean, the dudes from Australia were the shit.
Starting point is 00:21:12 You guys got Chad McKay. I mean, just savages. Rob Forte. Andrew, can you check this? Sorry, Mr. Crouch. Not yet. You don't get, not yet, buddy. Can barely grow Sorry, Mr. Crouch. Not yet. You don't get – not yet, buddy. You can barely grow facial hair.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Jay Crouch. I love how Alexa commented. Okay. Here we go. So RopeGate, but I think it could have been in your conspiracy video. Yeah, I wish I would have known about that, but I would have needed to have heard Pat say something about it. And he hasn't reached out to me.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Tell me any of this stuff. Got it on the show though. You could cut it. Hey, are your videos, are your videos getting longer? Why do you say that? I just feel like I saw someone like I was like stressing because I allocated
Starting point is 00:22:04 an hour yesterday and an hour today to get caught up. And I see some fuck like that one with you and saw someone like i was like stressing because i allocated an hour yesterday and an hour today to get caught up and i see some fuck like that one with you and suza i was like how the fuck am i gonna watch that well that wasn't longer by design that was have you talked about that you guys no i haven't seen it yet i'm gonna watch it but i haven't seen it yet tell me about it uh oh yeah yeah commando steve from australia that's right commando steve okay go ahead we basically were i was like suze you want to go uh make a video out on the beach and he goes it uh we oh yeah yeah commando steve from australia that's right commando steve okay go ahead we basically were i was like suze you want to go uh make a video out on the beach and he goes about what and i don't know we'll just start talking and that's exactly how it happened right yeah
Starting point is 00:22:34 it was funny that it wasn't going to be any good and i thought you couldn't use any of it i literally thought you couldn't use any of it and then i sat there and watched you cut up that whole video and i was just like cracking up the whole time as you're putting in the little clips and stuff and i was amazed at what you what you got you got a lot of compliments on how you framed that shot which is funny because you were literally like walked over and you're like uh here like set it down and then you're like stand over there okay stand over here all right that's good here we go can you pull up that the comments on that video let me see some of the comments i want to see what the people think i think that they liked it right most of them liked it there was
Starting point is 00:23:10 did you did you hit 20 000 subscribers i don't think so close but i'm close no not yet congratulations we're losing subscribers you're losing 19 995 great so by the end of this show uh maybe well maybe if someone hears that and they subscribe then yeah that'd be awesome will you hit those two replies i'm going to read some of these uh you two plus seven need to be leveraged by crossfit they would need to be intelligent first in order for that to happen uh this is gold wow yo uh what i learned hillar is committed uh as fuck to grow which i dig and seven needs to let suzer talk more nice job fellas eat a dick jeremy uh
Starting point is 00:23:55 henrik a best content this channel ever produced with a guest to share the oxygen with you don't need to talk non-stop and super fast. Yes, he does. Smiley face. Thanks, Hendrick. Now I know you're not mad at me for saying that. Don't listen to Mr. Lucky Straps. Oh, Mr. Lucky Straps. Do you know I have something for you, Hillary?
Starting point is 00:24:13 No. Yeah, I was on the show where you opened that package, I think, for what you're going to show me. They'll be on that couch for a while. I should have grabbed them. I should have grabbed them today, and we could have mailed them out. Oh, yeah, good one. Lucky Straps is the one who said
Starting point is 00:24:24 that he was impressed with the shot. Yes, I know. Yeah. Wow. From a professional. That's cool. Thanks, man. Legitimately impressed with the shot.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Hiller, perfect exposure, balance of sunset and subjects. Well done. Also, cool conversation. I'm pretty annoyed that Matt Rogan interviewed too. Next comment. That came out better than I expected. I'm pretty annoyed that at Matt Rogan interview to next comment, they, that came out better than I expected. Hiller's platform gave it calming nature as it was more dialogue and almost
Starting point is 00:24:52 hostless. It was great to see some of the old Sousa footage where there's passion. You just make it on the fly. And of course it just necessarily without giving a fuck years later, it may look funny, but it was necessary to get where you are today. Huh. Interesting. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Wow, that was a really nice comment. And you missed the cue, it doesn't matter, what I expect. It doesn't matter! Ah, yes. See what they did there? It doesn't matter. That was an important part that you just breezed over.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Heidi Krum, I wish you guys were naked. I love looking at Dirty Harry Don'ts. Wow, Heidi. She's Louise. Somebody in there commented, too, like, Sousa has a lower half. Oh, shit. That's true.
Starting point is 00:25:32 This was superb. You guys rock. You're at my old stomping ground. I can't believe that this background for, this is your background for a video. I'm shocked as fuck. Sunset with Sousa, episode one. This is so romantic.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Oh, I never saw that one by Alexis. How did you like this side of matt suza oh let me see the replies on that one 23 likes people liked it you can't handle the truth you can't handle the truth so i'm gonna leave it at that love it more suza content dude suza was on fire on that it was i i got him going and i just kind of of started prodding him, and he kept on roasting. It was good. And the funny thing about editing that is I was like, Susan, do you have any of these pictures?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Oh, yeah. And he would just airdrop them to my computer, and I'd plug them in. How about that? You got a video of you in that affiliate? He goes, oh, yeah. So in there, he's talking to a couple of affiliates at Rome, and while he was talking about the affiliates in Rome,
Starting point is 00:26:21 we just kind of voiced over him walking through those affiliates, and I thought that was really cool. Yeah affiliates in Rome, we just kind of like voiced over him walking through those affiliates. And I thought that was really cool. Yeah. Barcelona in Rome. I ate D for dinner. Time for a snack. Any ideas? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Contact the world's greatest gay. And we're back. You know, it's funny that thing in Rome that I forgot to mention is the guy that commented is like, Hey, I went to the same gym you did and you couldn't drop the barbell. And I was like, oh, I did forget to mention that because they were doing heavy cleaning jerks.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And she was like, yeah, you're looking good. Keep going up. And I was like, I can't. I don't want to, like, re-rack it and, like, set it down. It was rough. Why can't you drop the – are they on the second floor or something? No, they're actually underground. See, we got some great uh footage in there of like well
Starting point is 00:27:05 we'll go through it but there are some good there are some good shots of the other affiliates one from barcelona and the one from rome jessica valenzuela i would love to stick around but i got to go to bed got to be up at 4 a.m i'll be listening to this at work tomorrow what is the view jeff you don't want to know. It's a crazy woke show. Hey, people are going to look back at that show in 10 years and be like, these are the six most racist women who ever lived on the planet. Two of them are black. So we're going to be the three most racist men on the planet?
Starting point is 00:27:39 No, we will not be. That's why it's just a jackass thing to say. Oh, Jeff. Oh, Jeff. Oh, Jeff. At least Kate says it's the complete opposite, so that's why it's just a jackass thing to say oh jeff oh jeff at least kate says it's the complete opposite so that's nice 19996 i gained one so thank you for whoever subscribed oh so you're super close i'm gonna find out when you're at 1999 and then i'm gonna unsubscribe unsubscribe and then i'm gonna subscribe again so I can be the 20,000. You can be it. It'll be me. We just hit 50.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Did you see that? Who did? The Weeks Elizabeth. I can't say his fucking name. He's from Australia. Weeky. He hit 50,000? 50,000 YouTube subscribers. What a boss. He made a video about it and I think he had a live
Starting point is 00:28:23 thing where he was recording it and it just happened to roll over. Because he's smashing reels. The reels, dude. That's what he's doing? Reels? He's got reels with millions of views. Yeah, it's crazy. On YouTube? On YouTube.
Starting point is 00:28:40 What's he doing in the reels? Lifting weights? No, he's got other people lifting weights. What's he doing in the reels? Lifting weights? No, he's got other people lifting weights. So I remember I listened to him talking about it. I think it was a video of Tia running out of the water where she's screaming and she's all jacked and shit. I think he had that one up and had two or three million views and he picked up like 10,000 subscribers from it. And I think you use that too as part of your argument.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I certainly use that as part of some argument at some point in time. Yes, I did. Let's see if I can find it. What do you think about celebration content when people say thank you for – when I see thank you for 50,000 subscribers or thank you for 100,000 followers, my mental illness radar goes off. Maybe they just show love to the fans. Depends. So if you hit a million, you wouldn't even bring it up? You're like, oh, fuck. I'd just start the show, and I'd be in the corner just sucking my own cock.
Starting point is 00:29:42 What are you doing? I hit a million. I hit a million. I'm going to give myself a hand. What what am i doing what do you think i'm doing over here yeah i'm buying you balloons so you could hold the balloons and i'm gonna get you a cake um you know i i honestly i don't know um when i there's been some live shows we've done where i've seen like that number go up into the way high thousands. And it's given me anxiety before. I think of Wadapalooza or something, I saw like 17,000 watching or something crazy like that on that rainy day. And I think I had a fucking like – my heart started like beating out of my chest.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And I was like, what's going on? I'm pretty sure we broke 2,000. I think we broke 2,000. Oh, not 17,000? You had that many of the games too. 20,000. Oh, not 17,000? You had that many at the games too. 20,000. Somewhere. There was a day where we had 93,000 views, and I feel like at one time concurrently.
Starting point is 00:30:30 I thought you said 1,700. I'm sorry. Oh, no. It was way higher than that. Oh, yeah, yeah. I've seen 5,000 a couple times. Basically, what happens is at the games, but what happened at Waterpalooza is they turned off their live. Oh, the first time I saw something crazy was uh uh dubai yeah
Starting point is 00:30:47 when they weren't streaming and we were streaming their event the shit got weird and i kind of felt my heart like it weird so but but but i but i wasn't god go ahead no well the closest i've got was i remember i started making youtube videos the way that I'm making them in maybe February it was. And I remember I would have however so many views. It's exactly what you're talking about, really. It's just a different sort of format. You've got the live viewers. And I remember after an hour of a video being up, it would have like 300 views.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And at that time, I thought I was at the affiliate and I'd be able to talk to 15 to 25 people at once who were partaking in the class. And I'd be able to tell them certain things that I'd want to say it, but then they were gone an hour and you do it 15 times again, 15 times again. And then I put up a certain video in relation to something that was affiliate bound and then 300 people watching an hour. I was like, holy shit, this is like 15 times more than I could have ever done at the affiliate. And I thought that that was cool. Did it make you anxious?
Starting point is 00:31:50 Like, oh, maybe I didn't say everything right. There was always a little, maybe I talked to you a little bit about this, Sousa. There was a point in time where it was, I don't really want to fuck anything up. But after a while, that went away. Not a while. It was pretty quick. It was maybe a thought. We had a super high-level CrossFitter tell us this morning that they won't come on the show because it's too controversial.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Okay. Who was it? In all fairness, he, she – I appreciated their honesty. I super-duper-duper appreciated their honesty. I was like, wow. Okay, that's fair. But what made that hit home a little harder was last week a close friend of mine said, hey, you know people don't subscribe to your channel because they don't want other people to see that they subscribe to it in their YouTube profile. And then it made me feel like this show was the – what's that hat? The Magna hat?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Magna. Magna hat. I was like, oh shit. Like is this show – It's the Magna hat. Is this show... It's the MAGA hat. Is this show the fucking MAGA hat? Like, that's... Make America great again. There's no N, homie. Fine. Fine.
Starting point is 00:33:14 MAGA, MAGA, yeah. Dude, who's gonna... Oh, my God. I don't know, dude. That's a little bit too much down the hill. I'm never gonna open my YouTube app and be, like, floating around and have someone over my shoulder, like, I can't know, dude. That's a little bit too much down the hill. I'm never going to open my YouTube app and be like floating around and have someone over my shoulder like, I can't believe you're subscribed to Greg Doucette. You're still subscribed to Greg Doucette, you racist. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:33:39 That's a little bit too much. Yeah, maybe. Anyway. I mean, you can see it. I'll worry about that but i do but i whenever people celebrate and say thank you for following me i just get i just sense uh mental illness i i would love to see everyone's instagram account erased like tomorrow like everyone's and everyone have to start over and and see actually not everyone's just like 500 people a day for the next 10 years and i'd like to hear how people react to that because i actually i think that um it would be a good youtube video
Starting point is 00:34:10 i deleted my instagram account to see what would happen it it would fuck some people up because like i've talked about this before when my blue check mark account got erased and suza saw this some of the people on the team panicked and some and some of my friends panicked i'm like what the fuck are they panicking about but i'm just panicking you know what sucks is a month before it got erased no sorry it got erased and and when i got it, I turned over the responsibility of it to someone else, a very wholesome person, a mother of five who never posts anything fucked up. And she ran the account perfectly, and I just stopped posting on it. And then a month after that, somehow then they just decided to pull it down. I was like, damn.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yeah, that part was weird. That was weird. Gladys Del Puerto. Puerto. Gladys Del Puerto. Sending love to all Savon Podcast team members, including Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Hey, thank you, Gladys. Jeff is a fucking savage, man. You say Jeff talks mad shit, but I love his comments.'re so funny uh what this one worst thing about richie is jasmine's constant cackling is jasmine the i don't know if she cackles but like how does he pick up on that like i know jasmine i believe is his girlfriend i've heard she's a very nice lady but she must cackle you've heard she's a very nice lady yeah i have i've heard a
Starting point is 00:35:47 lot of things at this point people think that my videos are just off the cuff now but no they're all based on something that's what richie's uh girlfriend's name is jasmine yeah jazz yeah uh games moving to birmingham do we give a fuck it's gonna be hot as fuck yeah that's gonna be the big thing first thing i thought of when i heard that it's gonna be hot oh and you made and you made a video on it actually that one was too fast that one's like that one's too fast yeah why because you were putting like temperatures and stuff and all that and i was just like i know he's trying to tell me something but like i can't i thought you said i dropped it too early because i was the first one to announce that you know no no that was great your timing was great
Starting point is 00:36:34 but i was just like timing was great speed was bad yeah well here's the thing i wasn't certain so i didn't want to spend too much time on it and it actually ended up taking maybe an hour and a half to do that stupid thing that I did. I wasn't proud of that one. I was done with it and I was like, ah, stupid motherfucker. Look at me. I start the show by criticizing your videos are too long and now already 36 minutes in. I'm like, they're too short.
Starting point is 00:36:59 That one was too short. I agree. And it also was like dinged for using too much Forrest Gump or something. I don't know. I love Gump. The movie or the food? The movie. It's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It's one of the best. It is. Yeah, for sure. What's up, Rich? That's the comment section. That was my favorite part of the recent one of the Mind Muscle people. One, two, three, four, 12 bets in in your comment section you think they're talking about covid you don't know what a bat means then you're gonna make a freaking 30 minute video on how crossfit is
Starting point is 00:37:34 present day here we go it was that video is jerk off central we'll get to it uh crossfit needs a super bowl commercial uh yeah when you said that you and i have talked about that i couldn't agree with you i couldn't disagree with you anymore but that video did make tell me why think a little bit is that silly funny why is it oh this is for my elbow oh it just sits here and i just like have my elbow kind of like smash it's like a lacrosse ball i forgot i was holding it how many how many times does 10 000 go into uh five million uh five fifty thousand times does it if you had four zeros to it is that what you say 50 million or five million or is it five thousand times five thousand times it It adds four zeros to it.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Are you saying this because that's how many YouTube videos you could make with that amount of money? You could make – are you doing the math real quick, Sousa? Moving the zeros around? Yeah, it's 500. No. What? I just did the math. Oh, you did?
Starting point is 00:38:42 Yeah, 10,000. How many times does 10,000 go to 500? You could make 500 epic fucking vignettes, 10-minute vignettes, like on a woman who lost 100 pounds and went to her L1, a guy who turned his life around from drugs and alcohol, someone who is obese and who's now in the games, a little kid's football team that started CrossFit never won a game.
Starting point is 00:39:10 The next year they won all their games. Video of someone how in the flivella had type two diabetes. They started doing CrossFit and they're cured. How there was a company that was going downhill and everyone started doing CrossFit and the whole company's uh things turned around just all just i mean endless vignettes and you could put out one a week for 10 years for that money and it would fucking change the fucking landscape like no fucking other this is for five million dollars for five million isn't that how much isn't that what you said and so i just think i i your argument was well said you actually moved the
Starting point is 00:39:53 needle on me i was like he's when the first time brought to me i'm like you're fucking crazy and now i'm like yeah you brought it off we're on a phone call and you're like fuck you idiot i'll just say it on my own accord. Um, by the way, I like the leaf blower in the background of some of these videos. I am a, I love leaf blowers.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I'm kind of a leaf blower. That thing's sick. Yeah. Leaf blowers are cool. It's like the only power tool you've got, right? No, easy,
Starting point is 00:40:20 easy, easy. Damn. Easy. Do you have the same one? I know, but I have a leaf blower. I have one of those, easy, buddy. Easy, easy. Damn. Easy. Do you have the same one? No, but I have a leaf blower. I have one of those lights that the power tool's battery is going to. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:40:34 Do you have a flashlight? I have a flashlight that some of my power tool battery is going to. I have a blower and an industrial light. You're a manly man. I like what you said about finding in that video about making gyms more accessible like really making that affiliate map and finding ways so that people can find affiliates locally to them or when they're driving super duper easy that was some great fucking advice um yeah that is good you talked about what's the return i think i think i
Starting point is 00:41:01 was talking about that in relation to the mcdonald's and burger king statement right i don't remember i'm just looking at my notes that was three days ago well i made this video now two weeks ago i'm trying to remember as well but my affiliate was right next to an export and we had a lot of traffic from that export because they'd be like crossfit and they'd wander on over and from what i've heard that's how burger king also places their locations they find a mcdonald's and they put them right next to each other yeah chick-fil-a out here oh yes hey and it would be so easy so when if i'm driving around and i have my starbucks starbucks app open it'll tell me you just drove by starbucks it would be so easy to fucking do that for crossfit gyms that'd be sweet yes yeah but that's a that's a
Starting point is 00:41:46 million dollar idea careful where you say that oh dude i was the head do you not know what my job used to do you know how fucking g-r-e-a-t-i-m go ahead and drop go and drop that's the the fastest growing yes as the chief marketing officer for the fastest growing company in the history of this fucking planet earth That's the one This is what fucked me up This is where I was like fuck Hiller kind of got me in a weird spot Here we go
Starting point is 00:42:13 Hiller says you put in What's the return on investment And it's 5 point If the commercial costs 5.6 million dollars This is how easy That money would get back to affiliates. If 2,300 new people, just 2,300 of the 50 million people that saw the commercial, I don't know how many who would see it. If 2,300 people went into a gym and signed up for 12 months at $200 a month, the affiliates would get that $5.6 million.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It would be transferred to them. Boom, like that. If, and then from there you could extrapolate how many of those people take the L1, how much of that money gets back pumped into the ecosystem every nine people, every 10 people who take the L1, then open an affiliate and you could figure out. But, but you're right. Just with that simple math if you did a super bowl commercial i i would have to think you how'd you like my idea for what it would be too oh yeah what was it it was funny it was good it was tia and justin 10 second clip and they give the camera the finger they say we're fitter than you and then it just goes like a crossfit clip yeah yeah that would get so many people to google
Starting point is 00:43:25 crossfit so many yeah they'd be like what the fuck is this and then they if a hundred people if 99 people think it's ridiculous and one person's into it out of what how many people would see it 100 million that's a lot of people who would be into it how many people watch the super bowl suza 208 million oh okay you just put that up okay so divide 208 one percent divide 208 million by uh 2300 what do we get for that 208 million divided by 23 yeah yeah that's right you do need daniel brandon in that commercial yeah that's i was just thinking when you said flip off, I was like, or just put Daniel Brandon in there. 90,400
Starting point is 00:44:09 90,434 Oh, no, no. Sorry. Sorry. The other way. Divide Sorry. 2300. Sorry. Sorry. 2300 divided by 208 million. Sorry. That's what I meant. And that should give you what percent, right? That would give you the percentage..00001 Yeah, give you the percentage point zero zero zero one yeah that's the percentage of people who would have to fucking go to a you'd have to convert
Starting point is 00:44:31 of the 208 million and and with that hillary wins the argument yeah with that you win the argument i'm just chock full of ideas over here i don't even know where they come from that one came on a phone call with you actually i know where that one came from just you didn't like it in my head you know what do you want a freaking leech i sapped it through the phone wires i don't sleep and the phones are freaking stealing my brain powers that's what i've learned on this show from you so far uh how to catch a cheater um that was that was good that was good it's cool there's this there's this theme where you give insight into how you think every like once a week you'll make like a video and like okay this is how i think this is this is what i'm doing guys yeah that one that one i like that one i got a couple of negative comments it's just be like all right
Starting point is 00:45:23 well now what are you gonna do you're gonna keep on going back to the past it's like no this is how it happens in the future you picked up on it a lot of people picked up on it does anyone else make content like that like like youtube people who make youtube videos and then and then you know they they have all this content coming out and then they take a break like you do and they'll be like hey this is how i think this is how i came up with it's okay to do steroids or this is how i came up with my rank like you made a show for the rankings for the game go ahead i don't think so no i mean i was just like filling that in the background no i don't think i've ever seen anybody doing that which is interesting that you say because i've never thought about it that's an original thing that i do but there are certain things i do like the bench press one that came
Starting point is 00:46:01 from an idea of someone else's i'm like maybe this will work in crossfit that guy was on my show you know that who the guy who pays people to do bench there's a couple of people who do different things like that but the guy that i the big one the big one was on my show the only one subscribers the big one the big one i think i saw him doing pull ups too right he does a handful of stuff like that yeah across my channel he's hunter he's hunter mcIntyre's boyfriend. Don't tell anyone that they're trying to keep it on the DL. Dude, dude.
Starting point is 00:46:31 How many live viewers you got right now? Don't tell anyone what you said. What was that guy's name? Austin? Yes, Austin Alexander. He's also a runner, right? Yeah, he's something. He's very positive. I had no vodka sodas, but that is a very astute observation. I was at the beach today drinking. I had three beverages. beverages. That was... It doesn't need to be said.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I haven't had a drink in four hours, and I worked out hard. So there's no way you can really tell. And I napped. Were they saying that you looked flushed? No, he says how many vodka sodas in are you, Sevan? When people drink, don't they get a little red? I was at the beach.
Starting point is 00:47:22 A little glow. I haven't drank in a long time You don't I think you don't drink Yeah I don't really see the point Yeah There isn't
Starting point is 00:47:31 There isn't There isn't So why What did you have three drinks At the beach for What would you do it for Cause I Cause I just like to get my swerve on
Starting point is 00:47:39 Just I just like it It's fun It was It was like my treat I knew I was gonna be at the beach all day Got it Okay So I can get comfortable Taking my shirt off Talk to random moms I just like it. It's fun. It was like my treat. I knew I was going to be at the beach all day. Got it.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Okay. So I can get comfortable taking my shirt off. Talk to random moms on the beach, shit like that. You can just do that anyway? Not as, no. I mean, I probably could, but I just don't. Have you ever had a drink while on the show or been like tipsy? Other than the time Sousa was running it.
Starting point is 00:48:02 I remember that one. I think that was the only time. That's like when dad has too much to drink and you kind of just have your permits license. And he's like, shit, son, you got to drive home. And you're like excited but also terrified at the same time. You killed that show. You killed that show. Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Sousa took the wheel. Yeah, I was watching the kids. The kids were surfing. I was on the beach. was it took the wheel yeah i was watching the kids the kids were surfing i was on the beach i so i ran into this lady today on the beach and um i started talking to my kids were talking so i walk over to her and i talked i'm talking to her it's one of the moms and she's basically we're talking she's like yeah i know who you are i see your kids all around town you guys always travel in a pack and then she goes everyone knows who you are that made me a little uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:48:41 and then i and then she said our kids went to gymnastics together. And then I was like, oh, okay. And then I walked away from her and then like, and I didn't give her a second thought. And then 30 minutes later, I realized who she was.
Starting point is 00:48:54 There was, there was a foam pit at the gymnastic center where my kids, um, would go to. And I would jumped in there one time to help one of my kids get out. And then I couldn't get out. And this fucking late. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Yes. Were you freaking? No, no, I wasn't freaking, but I was just like, this sucks. This sucks.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Cause I, what did you think about the foam pit? Cause I was in gymnastics when i was younger and god damn that thing is disgusting that's what people say it's like there's just like this little like trickly gross particle crap all over you i think you're working out you're kind of sweaty and then you're just covered in gross foam that everyone's been in like there's no way they clean this foam ever so then i walk back over to her now her husband's with her with her and i go hey i think i remember who you are and she goes yeah i'm like did you help me out of the foam pit
Starting point is 00:49:50 once and she goes yeah we helped each other out and we didn't help each other out like she was like yeah i'm like uh i just remember me being stuck and you putting your hand down and then her husband goes oh that's when the foams were old and they were squishy and it was hard to get out i'm like listen guys listen listen as you say careful careful i appreciate you guys uh smells like a pussy no i was oh that's two shows in the day saying it i'm not allowed to say that word anymore how come um my mom doesn't want me to say that word oh she doesn't want you to do a handful of things but yeah but that one she was that when i was at her house the other day and then we were doing some gardening and she just like dropped it on me i don't like that word and it was i felt like i was a little kid again like i wasn't allowed to say pissed off in the house i
Starting point is 00:50:48 wasn't allowed to say pissed as a kid you couldn't be like oh i'm pissed she would fucking light you up i don't think i really ever had any of those it just made me uncomfortable to swear in front of my parents for a long time yeah you know like you're gonna disappoint them if you say fuck yeah and then did you break the seal finally yeah and then i was like oh it's cool all right all right we'll keep this going oh funny my younger brother did he was the one that started cussing all the time and then i was like okay well i guess we're doing this now so you're like you're like i don't want to i don't want to do this yeah do this that? That was last year. My kids cuss a cup of storm.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Like, they were just in the – they were – before the show, they came home from the beach today, and they're all in the shower together. And I'm in the kitchen with my wife, and I just hear the craziest cuss words coming out of their mouth. It's crazy. Does it ever come back to you? Like, they're anywhere around other kids, and they're they're like hey your kids just won't stop swearing oh uh uh glassman's wife the other day because my kids hung out with glassman's kids for fucking two weeks straight and she's like hey and i go what and she goes my kids came home and they're calling everyone everyone and everything a douchebag wonder where they heard that from was it avi you have been saying something about like a like a nut sack he was just like letting that word fly and i was like whoa that's funny is that coming out of your mouth he uh i gotta i wonder if i could find this video it's probably on hayley's instagram i want to say
Starting point is 00:52:22 he said like he's like your face looks like a ball sack i believe it when you when you first met me he goes what's wrong with your face it looks like a ball sack i was like what the hell one all right one of the first times i one of the first times i heard my son ari uh swear is i was like cuddling him or something when we're in bed together and he goes oh your breath smells like cock and balls yeah i was like i i i didn't want to laugh so i just got up out of bed i think i went and brushed my teeth but i'm just like i cannot fucking believe i just some four-year-old just said that to me oh you know what they probably you have you have airpods everywhere right yes you don't think they listen to the show but but they're walking out of their pods and just listening. They know everything.
Starting point is 00:53:06 They haven't said the B word yet. Which one's that? Borat? No, the one that I'm not allowed to say. You said Rich Froning's out of the team comp. Uh, didn't he speak on that?
Starting point is 00:53:20 Like he said, he was done doing that. And now he's going to possibly go master. So we don't know that for sure. Not like Tia saying that she's officially back doing her seventh thing. There's no official statement. But you've heard it through the grapevine and around random ass sources that with no validity to them that he could potentially be doing the masters 35 to 39. Your conspiracy show gives conspiracies a bad name.
Starting point is 00:53:43 What? Yeah. Because like most conspiracy theories end up being true, but yours are just so far out there. I think I had four big conspiracies in there. That was one of them. The other one was Rogue. Do you remember the other two? There's four of them, I know. Those are the two that stuck with me.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Probably the other two were good so i was like i'll just focus on the negative this is well what is rich doing no one no one knows right other than just trashing on fukowski for not being good on the pfa do you guys see that oh yeah hey that's fucking what's fukowski doing? That's Samuel Cornwallier's provocative – what's the word I'm looking for? Countryman? No. Damn, I can't think of it either, but I know that's what you're saying. It's up to him.
Starting point is 00:54:34 If he wants to fucking – it's not provocative. It's – Provocateur. No. But basically, if he wants it – What is it? Provocative. Provocative.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Woo! Hey, I saw smoke come out of Suze's ears. He turned on that all three chips were running. I heard the fans turn on. It's his prerogative if he wants to fucking compete, qualify, not go, go. Fuck you. He can do whatever. Thank you, Melissa. Prerogative. Yeah, he can do whatever thank you melissa prerogative yeah he can do whatever he wants
Starting point is 00:55:07 and i guess the truth is that he can do whatever he wants to and talk shit sorry go ahead yeah that's exactly what i was saying however he also happens to be the head of the pfaa well that's the issue yeah and then froning unloaded on him do you guys have that like can we pull it up is that yeah i got it right here the morning chalk up there it is nice wow zoom i was getting really close oh yeah wow this thread is fucking long by the way i can't wait to talk about that that video crossfit ruined me you let that girl off so easy um okay so i know
Starting point is 00:55:46 i did yeah i know i did so fukowski says i guess google has been out of service in his area since august glad he gave advance notice though so maritz can fill the lane and compete like first of all it's it's it's passive aggressive i i had to ask someone what that means it's like it's millennial twitter talk it's like that's why i don't do twitter it's like what are people saying on there what am i supposed to read into it's like a sarcastic passive-aggressive comment what did you find out from asking these people what that he was talking about that basically he did i guess that google comment meant he should have googled and found out how much airline tickets were and realized he couldn't afford going before he entered
Starting point is 00:56:30 so then rich responds uh weren't aren't you the director of an organization that's supposed to be advocating for athletes to help these situations not bashing them for making a smart financial decision decision proning comments on the internet all hell breaks loose it's just awesome it's like a you take a mic drop every time you see a comment from him make sure you mask up where that's it oh geez you were waiting for me to shut up so you could bring that one up hey charlie boats look like it looks like donald trump jr doesn't he yeah he's got a little he's got a little junior 185 likes 125 likes keep going let's see if uh keep going down oh keep going down i want to see if uh uh looking forward to compete next to you right here uh looking forward to compete next to you so so Moritz is like just trying to keep the peace
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah Oh Scott got in the mix Who's Scott Oh yeah Fikowski seems plausible He was waiting to see if there would be any type of travel Lodging stipend from the competition to offset the cost And that's the filmmaker over there at Mayhem
Starting point is 00:57:42 Scott Vanderslut Ben Davidson was on Mayhem Justice, that team that wasn't supposed to be there. Oh, Ben Davidson chimed in too. Wow. Yeah, he's basically, he says you should be thanking Sam since the number one spot is on the table now.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Ouch. Damn. Mayhem. It looks like Froney commented. Good comment though, good comment. Yeah, it is good. Anything more? Good guy, good comment. In. Good comment. Yeah, it is good. Anything more? Good guy, good comment. Invalid team.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Just the Mayhem Squad. Damn, damn, Hiller. You couldn't resist. Hey, did that invalid team get to compete? Yeah, I think they finished dead last. Oh. Not dead last. They were in the bottom because what's his face? The one who looks like Thor was like,
Starting point is 00:58:24 are we ever going to do any CrossFit? What's his fucking name? He came out of nowhere and drove his van from California to work out at Mayhem and set the world on fire. And then was complaining about the first year ever to CrossFit that they weren't doing any CrossFit. While the other Mayhem team ran train on everybody else. Who said that?
Starting point is 00:58:47 What's his fucking name? The jacked, long-haired dude i may have justice oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey listen he's got the biggest quads on the planet oh when froning talks everyone listens here you go people dig deep into your memory susan hiller are not going to get this. There was a crazy commercial. It was the most popular commercial in the world. It was when EF Hutton talks, people listen. Do you guys remember those commercials? No. Who remembers that?
Starting point is 00:59:18 It was like Where's the Beef? Do you guys remember Where's the Beef? The Where's the Beef lady? The Wendy's commercials? They were huge. Steph Stovall. Steph Stovall makes bread. This one that's in like black and white?
Starting point is 00:59:29 Probably. It was like a financial company telling you how to invest, and they had commercials on TV when there were only three stations. When EF Hutton talks, people listen. Wow, it's that old. If we play that, will we get in trouble? Probably. It's a old. If we play that, will we get in trouble? Probably. It's a Jeep, Riley.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Does anyone in the chat remember these commercials? Here, go ahead and play it. Let's see it. Fuck it. Let's play a little bit. All right. Just pause it every six seconds. Oh, not bad.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Did you die? You're supposed to get YouTube. I'm not on the right YouTube destroy him destroy him I mean I remember you telling him he could did it
Starting point is 01:00:12 put it on the company credit card you said it live my broker says it's a real good buy what does your broker say my broker's EF Hutton
Starting point is 01:00:22 and Hutton says look everyone leans in yeah when e.m. talks people listen i'm old as fuck i think i saw you in that video you were like wow oh look at this guy this guy's older than dirt they parried it in trading places god do you remember uh oh anyway we don't have time for that god trading places what's her name was topless in that movie i was a little kid i couldn't believe it i don't know what trading places is. Is that like the parent trap? You did a video. You critiqued a woman's video, and the name of your video is CrossFit Ruined Me.
Starting point is 01:01:20 And it was a girl talking to the camera about – it was obviously a clickbait title. She obviously has no idea what CrossFit is. She's just like those fucking jerk-offs fromralia they think crossfit's a sport like they have no fucking clue what that it's they have no fucking clue what crossfit is and um she has pronouns she has her pronouns what i noticed that i noticed that but i don't attack people for their usage of whatever the hell they want to do on their instagram page that's your stick you don't have to you don't attack people for their usage of whatever the hell they want to do on their Instagram page. That's your stick. You don't have to.
Starting point is 01:01:47 You don't have to. And I wasn't suggesting you're like pronouns. You don't have to attack. But when someone but when someone comes forward that they have pronouns, what they're doing is that they're telling the world I'm a codependent of supporting people with delusional ideas. It's OK that people believe Bigfoot. And I'm also going to support their delusion. I'm going to make small talk with them that Bigfoot exists. It's like, no, Bigfoot
Starting point is 01:02:10 doesn't exist. Yeah, you're making people unhealthy by doing that. All of a sudden, I'm pissed off. The title is The Victim Mindset. CrossFit ruined me. 1999. CrossFit ruined me. Jamie Lee Curtis, Dick Butter, for the win. Yeah, and you know what? 1999 CrossFit ruined me
Starting point is 01:02:25 Jamie Lee Curtis, Dick Butter For the win And you know what? What are your pronouns? I loved Jamie Lee Curtis They're whatever you want them to be I loved Jamie Lee Curtis She actually is non-binary
Starting point is 01:02:40 She was born with a penis and a vagina You're kidding That's facts That's facts. That's facts. And let me tell you, as a 12-year-old boy, I had no problem with that. I was open-minded from the beginning. What are the true lies?
Starting point is 01:02:56 What's bullshit? What's bullshit? That she has a penis and a vagina? Or that if you do pronouns, you're participating in someone's delusion? Because they're both true. Well, I know the the first ones i know the participating delusion what are the odds that let's just say there's a world where instagram's like hey fill out your profile and it's like well yeah i'm a dude he how about you're saying the odds are slim that that's something that happened with this person.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Oh, that it was just – We've updated Instagram, and now you're going to include your gender, and it's like male. But you don't think she was just like her. No. I am a she. All right. All right. Well, I – someone also – after that, you made that video. Someone said, hey, check out Hiller's video. By the way, the sad part is this chick dumped her husband for a girl so i'm assuming it's it's not it's not it's not it doesn't mean that all lesbians do the pronoun thing but it's just a correlate i i get that stuff sometimes too but
Starting point is 01:03:54 and like all right i'm like well what do you want me to do about this video i was exclusively looking at a video where she's talking about crossfit and you brought up her profile and her pronouns and this is in relation to her like love life. And I'm just like, how did she feel about CrossFit? Okay. If we want to talk about that, well,
Starting point is 01:04:13 but these are important where I was talking to a high level athlete, female. And she's like, this is complete bullshit. Being somebody who has competed at the highest level for multiple years now, having not used performance enhancing drugs. She was very offended that this person just like easy way out. Fuck it. I'm not competing because everyone's on drugs.
Starting point is 01:04:32 That was the biggest thing that I want to point out about her video. Negatively, of course, is that it's such a fucking weak mindset. They're on drugs. I quit. I didn't like that from her. And that was pointed out through a high level athlete that that reached out to me, five-time games competitor. Like, fuck this bitch. Man or woman? Woman. Maddie Sturt.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I thought you were talking about Jamie Lee Curtis. Jamie Lee Curtis. It just – it's all part – it all fits under the support. Everything she says, these pronouns, is the supporting cast of the victim mindset is what I'm saying. The title of the article is CrossFit Ruined Me. And it's just – right away, you're just blaming. You're just giving your power away. Unless you know that they're doing it to get people to click on it in the first place, which you don't think she was.
Starting point is 01:05:24 No, I do think she was. I think both. Hey, you are the five people you hang around the most anyone who's watching her shit and her she was victim mindset through the whole video anyway that was that she was just she's just a finger pointing blaming like she there was nothing light-hearted or fun about the video she goes on to say this this is what i thought was fascinating too she says so basically it was too much pressure for me going to the gym and seeing all these people perform at a high level and i had to do what the joneses do i just wanted to keep up and it was their fault because they were so good it made me push into areas that I didn't want to push into. And so I just started going on walks. Oh, no, actually, you didn't just start going on walks. First, you did your hair.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Then you dyed your hair. Then you put on a shitload of makeup. Then you put on lotion. Then you got those tattoos. Then you not only put on one necklace, but you put on a second necklace. Then you got a nose piercing. Then you painted your nails. Then you painted on your eyebrows. Then you put on a second necklace then you got a nose piercing then you painted your nails then you painted on your eyebrows then you put on a bra then you put on all those fucking
Starting point is 01:06:30 stupid strings around your wrist nothing about your life is easy and those are just the things i see that you have to do to prepare to be fucking comfortable do you know what i have to do have to be on the assault bike for 10 minutes and wash my fucking hair and i granted not everyone can be as fucking cool as me you wash your hair no but i run water through it thank you i don't even wash my hair i don't even wash my hair thank you susan um she she her whole shtick her whole life is a struggle because of who she's trying to be i just look at her i'm like fuck that's a lot of work author wadzami said author looks like hillar off trt who's author arthur from the movie arthur from the 80s uh i'm thinking of that little aardvark looking motherfucker from the cartoon but uh ken walters our our uh in-house official fact checker has
Starting point is 01:07:23 spoken uh rumor actress jamie lee curtis was born with both male and female sex organs that's right from google what that's what kind of fact checking is that so am i right or am i wrong yeah he didn't really put it the stuff that i read when i was looking through it said that it was that it was false oh that it was uh it was a rumor but it doesn't actually like prove it either way because a couple of them say the rumors were revealed and it turned out that a doctor spoke out. It was true. I don't know. It's a mystery.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I don't use any product in my hair. Miss Radau. Yes, you can be as cool as me. You can. For 1999. I try to only hang out with people who are cooler than me. 1999. I try to only hang out with people who are cooler than me.
Starting point is 01:08:10 If I'm not cooler, if I'm not cooler, if you're not, if I'm not cooler, then, then, then, then you don't listen to the show. You have nothing to offer you. Like I hang out with people who are cooler than me. So are you saying that by watching the show, people are kind of hanging out with you becoming cooler for it? Yeah. You are the five people you, we're all just mirrors. One, two, three, and then people in the comment section yeah that's why i struggle with jeff bako because you don't want to hang out with him and become less cool i don't yeah i don't want to be
Starting point is 01:08:38 less cool the thing that kind of got me about the whole simply mander video was her saying that crossfit ruined her all while not working out with a crossfit affiliate within the class she was in an affiliate but she was doing her own shit on the side because she felt like she wanted to compete in a competition but that means she doesn't get it at its roots so she wasn't even part of the community and the funny thing is, to your point, is that her audience is the victim mentality, which is now the hero of our day.
Starting point is 01:09:11 The more downtrodden and oppressed and the more terrible your life is, the cooler you are. She attracts the poor me crowd. Yeah, it's big. It's big, baby. It's big. Big business.
Starting point is 01:09:23 It's big. Yeah, and she knows nothing about we're having a lady on the show tomorrow who's a blind crossfitter full-blown in the dark that's cool kim something or another i can't pronounce her name and she was fucking terrified to go to a crossfit gym and she went to the fucking gym and her first thought was when she was left i'm addicted to the community bingo and if the super bowl just put out one commercial you know how many people would also be addicted to the community yeah oh yeah you're going for that you might you might you might have won that one you might have won that one i don't want to talk about it publicly anymore but call me later
Starting point is 01:10:02 and and i might fucking give you a subscriber. I was at nineteen nine nine nine. Now I'm at nineteen nine nine eight. Susan pulled the trigger too early. I've been refreshing it so that I can celebrate publicly instead of I can worry about my mental health. Do you got your balloons back there? You're there somewhere. They're in the car to open the doors and the pigeons fly out. Can you pull up that video? And I want to rip on hillar a little bit it starts the video at 7 30 this part's awesome wait start at 7 30 yeah you're you're pulling an audible on me not the video we talked about earlier the same video no no sorry different one crossfit ruined me we'll we'll get to that one too that's a great that's a great line from Hillary. Stand by.
Starting point is 01:10:47 We're back to 999. She says the CrossFit culture is insane. She talks about the CrossFit culture, and she thinks that the CrossFit culture is insane. And do you know why she thinks the CrossFit culture is insane? Because she has no idea what the CrossFit culture is? Right, because she's batshit crazy. And that's what she sees.
Starting point is 01:11:07 She sees a batshit crazy world. Oh, no. Yeah, hit play here. This is so good here. Let's see if I... This is... ...about performance-enhancing drug use and whether or not it's a good idea to be telling everybody that you think people are...
Starting point is 01:11:24 Susan! telling everybody that you think people are... Susan! Fired! Because when you enter the space, the saying is, shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you end up in the stars. Now, let's just say a steroid user is somewhere in the clouds and you're just trying to... Someone hit pause on that.
Starting point is 01:11:43 I think that's funny anyway. This is the way what he wanted to talk about, but I remember talking about it. I'm like, does Hiller know something I don't know? Shoot for the moon or shoot for the stars and you might land. Wait, what the? I think it's shoot for the stars and you might land on the moon. If you miss, you'll still land on the moon.
Starting point is 01:12:00 I think you had it backwards. It's shoot for the moon, and if you miss, holy shit shit you're still in the stars did i say that that's what you said but i don't think that's the same it's yeah shoot for the moon it's shoot for the moon and if you miss you're still among the stars oh it is i said oh okay okay then then i thought it was shoot for the stars and if you miss you're still on the moon okay well, well, fuck. Fuck me then. 20,300. 20,300? And by 300, I mean three, because I don't know how to say numbers. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:12:34 I did that earlier, too. Stefan, check your DMs for a story from Barbell Spin about the Rogue Invitational right now. Thanks, guys. Now, what do you think about that? Hey, Hiller's 2-0. I'm 0-2 against Hiller tonight. The first one was the Super Bowl. This one was my saying of the stars.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Yeah. 0-2. All right. Zombie subbed the three different accounts. Thank you. And now everyone can unsubscribe. We're 20% of the way there. Oh, funny. Enter Patrick Clark saying there aren't a hundred thousand crossfitters to watch your videos there are don't worry you're gonna you're you're gonna do it i'm not worried
Starting point is 01:13:15 what's the what's what what are your strength numbers skyrocketing from the california hormones dude i don't know if i can talk about this because it's got to do with the Zellos games. Are you entering the Zellos games? No, I'm the head judge. Right. Okay. But let's just say I demoed a workout and I did some stuff I shouldn't have been able to do. Wow.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Awesome. I'm going to put a video up at some point, but I can't because it's a workout that they'll be using. Like, you know how Castro would have the people at wherever demoing the workouts and determine whether or not they were okay? I guess I did that. I was the person who demoed the workouts. And I was like, you know, I'm not in the greatest shape and I haven't done this movement in quite a while or these movements and I was able to do them very well.
Starting point is 01:14:09 How about the stem cell? It's not called a stem cell because it's called what's it called? It's like a PRP sort of deal, an injection of the elbow. First of all, look at the vascularity. Isn't that cool? I'm just sitting here. You got it too no right so yeah they shot a bunch of it's like a prp there was a word for it i got a picture yeah do one of these wicked shield geez uh um why did you say um susan
Starting point is 01:14:43 am i not supposed to talk about the stem cell? It's not what it's called. It's also not a PRP. Stem cell is illegal. Remember? Yeah. Yeah. But I think that's working.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Hillary, Susan, just go like this when I do that. I'll do it subtly like this. Yeah. They essentially take some sort of uh god i should just read the box i have a picture of the box one second it's got something to do with the placenta and they essentially ejected a placenta into my elbow and it's gonna it has healing effects and it's like a prp and i don't like talking about things I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:15:26 But it's in your body now. What is it? It's in my body now and it's working. Surprise, the Rogue Invitational shared the news with the athletes this afternoon. The competition will now begin on Thursday, making it a four-day competition. Wait, what just happened?
Starting point is 01:15:42 The Rogue Invitational starts on Thursday. Was that a post on their thing? Can we bring up it's i guess it's on barbell spin uh uh hillar are you fix are you hillar did it make your dick bigger um when it's hard yeah it's bigger when it's hard did we get it before and after measuring it uh no but it's definitely bigger wow that's wild but my you know what i know it's not just an effect of the balls being smaller because my balls are smaller they tightened up alexis alexis is like not so fond of that that your balls got smaller yeah but i, well, they never really did anything. So it wasn't a big deal.
Starting point is 01:16:28 That's what you think. I guess that's what I think. She's like to play with them. Wait a minute. How many people are watching this? Is Alexis still on here? No, she's asleep. No, you didn't measure, did you, Hillary?
Starting point is 01:16:44 You just eyeballed it. It's not me who's saying it. Wow. Wow. Wow. Third-party fact checker. Wow. Verified.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Verified. She's pissed. She's super pissed. Oh, she's in the comments. Super pissed. You used to have huge balls. All right, she's not pissed. She's pissed that they're smaller.
Starting point is 01:17:04 She's not pissed at me for talking about it right okay cool so there's your confirmation ladies and gentlemen so um and and how about your sleep you weren't you you you said you were you were feeling more chipper when you woke up in the morning uh i am indeed much more chipper i don't need to sleep quite as much so So like when Susie came in, I think I saw him and I was on two and a half hours of sleep. Nowhere to be found. They don't exist. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:32 That ain't true. They're in there. Hey, wait, wait a second. What do you mean? When he came in, where you'd only had two and a half hours sleep.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Susie got the new port of what? Like 10 o'clock at night. I was like, yeah, I flew. I left here at 6. Am and chicago edited a video so i went to bed maybe three o'clock woke up at no i went to bed two woke up at five that was my three hours of sleep was on the plane on three hours of sleep and i just kind of like did the
Starting point is 01:18:01 whole day and we were cruising around like we injected my elbow we worked out did everything and i saw suze at 10 i think we stayed up until like what 11 11 30 yeah so it was pretty wild i like wasn't dead i was like still cruising woke up the next day yeah we got up pretty early the next day too and and and what are you doing you're you're doing injections on sund and Thursdays, just Thursday morning. That's it. Yeah. Once a half of the CC and I got my blood work done last weekend.
Starting point is 01:18:32 So I'm waiting for those numbers to come back. Have you done an unboxing video yet where you get the box with, with the kit? I want to put it all together. So I have the box. Can we film something? Yeah, I have it ready. i just want to do it
Starting point is 01:18:46 along with my updated blood work i want to make it like one video i don't want to be like you'll never guess what so-and-so did and like never talk about it for 20 minutes and have just one thing i like to put a whole bunch of stuff into one video so there's stuff to watch oh are you what is your plan to showcase the new you like you have like a series of videos you're gonna do showcase the new me yeah like are you gonna show like are you taking pictures of yourself naked every day are you doing did you do a baseline weekly weekly did you do a baseline weighted pull-up uh So the issue with that was my elbow. Like a lot of the numbers would be skewed because when I started all of this,
Starting point is 01:19:30 I hadn't really done much working out at all for four or five months. Like there was nothing. It was me sitting at this computer and it was almost my injury that thrusted me into the freaking world of the computer because I couldn't do anything. It was driving me nuts. I had all of this time that used to be spent training. I'm like, I'm just gonna put it of the computer because I couldn't do anything. It was driving me nuts. I had all this time that used to be spent training. I'm like, I'm just going to put it in the computer. And then the computer went like tenfold.
Starting point is 01:19:50 But I didn't do any strength numbers. And everyone's like, you should test your benchmarks. You should test those things. But one, I can't really front rack still. So I can't grab my shoulder. It's getting better. Every single time I do one of these, I notice that my hand is getting a little bit closer, but I, there's a handful of things that I can't test.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Squat I can test the squats going up. Have you started doing two? Have you started doing two a days? I've been doing two hour sessions, which is about all I can fit in right now, which is much more than like my 30 minute stuff. I would fit in before. Uh, Tony Andrews would like dick pics before and after. I'll put those on the subscription on,
Starting point is 01:20:33 on Instagram. I think Heidi said she was signing up for that. Uh, too much focus on the AI guy. I don't know what that is. Sousa. When is Jackass five coming out? You kind of do look like Steve-O.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Is that what he's talking about? Yes, that's what he's talking about. I got stopped at the mall recently. You did? I thought you were Steve-O. It was a reset. I was actually getting fitted for my tux, and there was a mom there with her 16-year-old son
Starting point is 01:21:01 getting fitted for his junior prom. And she kept looking over, and then Grace kind of looked at her, and then she uh junior prom and she kept like looking over and then grace kind of looked at her and then she came on she's like i'm sorry you look a lot like steve-o and then grace just thought it was the most funniest thing she started cracking up and i was like have you talked about this on the show yet or no yeah when i first came on they used to call me low budget steve-o low rent steve-o low rent steve-o yeah but you look way better he's a drug addict he looks like shit he does look like shit oh my god you are steve-o holy god steve-o hot sauce for your butthole i used to love jackass movies
Starting point is 01:21:32 his podcast is soaring me out too what does that mean all right that maybe that's the name of it um so you're happy you're happy you're you're are you excited you wake up every morning a little more excited like now that you're experimenting with yourself are happy. You're you're, are you excited? Do you wake up every morning a little more excited? Like now that you're experimenting with yourself, are you like, fuck, this is fun. It's pretty nuts. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Oh yeah. The coolest thing like today I did a workout. It was just build every 10 bench press and then go do 10 sets of 10 in the ring row started off. And I just had like this huge pump, like four sets into the bench press, which was wild. Like usually it takes quite a bit of work to get to that point. And just like four sets into the bench press which was wild like usually it takes quite a bit of work to get to that
Starting point is 01:22:06 point and just like four sets of 10 a and i think the heaviest i had done at that point was 185 and i ended up getting up to 245 which again did you watch that bench press video where you pay people money yeah maybe i skipped around in it not much much. Maybe three minutes. Fuck. Which means it was shitty. No, no, no, no, no. Not at all. I put myself in there. And I haven't, my best ever bench press was maybe 2019. And I think I got 17 reps at 225. Like I just told you, I haven't done shit.
Starting point is 01:22:39 And since basically March, when I like had to stop in the quarterfinals. And I was like, fuck it. I'm going to do this bench press quarterfinals. And I'm just like, fuck it. I'm going to do this bench press at two 25 and I got 19 reps on the bench. And your form is in your, in your PR prior to that in your life was 17, 17, two more.
Starting point is 01:22:54 And I haven't done this much bench press training towards it. And back then I did a lot. Like I was trying to like NFL combine style. How many reps can I get at two 25? Yeah. It was awesome. It's kind of like, it's better than waking up and having a new car every day.
Starting point is 01:23:08 I bet. Well, you are the new car. Yeah. That's what, that's what I'm thinking. It's pretty cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Partner and a partner, partner workout and hellers fit. I don't know what you're talking about. He kept coming over to, and just like crushing the assault bike. And he's over here. I haven't worked out in five months. And I'm like,
Starting point is 01:23:26 okay, it's been a little bit for me. And he's just like, Oh, 10 cows. All right. It's your turn again. And then I'm like dying on it.
Starting point is 01:23:32 You were doing laps around the room. I was just trying to fuck with you. We were like going back and forth on the assault bike. And he like tried to do a lap, but I'm like, fuck you. I'm going to have to get some self-taught. She ran away.
Starting point is 01:23:44 19 reps at 225. That was a record. I wanted that 20 so bad. Susan, he did fucking Fran in 208 the other day or something. 216. Yeah, I know. I saw it. Ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:23:56 And then he tried to peer pressure me into using the 70-pound dumbbell. Get to 70. And then I put the 50 over there, and then we started the workout. I just wouldn't use the 50. there and then we started the workout i just wouldn't use the 50 and he was like damn it i didn't think you were gonna fucking do that 208 yeah but there's people out there who are doing it in a minute 51 across the world for the water polo qualifier don't worry they're all on trt2 the whole world's on it are they just the masters competitors 40 plus oh what about 35 let's hit or miss um i was talking to someone the other day
Starting point is 01:24:34 a masters competitor and they were in a lesser age group at one point and they're like oh so that's what i'm gonna look like in in five years. Oh, when I, when I get older, I'm going to finally hit my peak and like look giant. Who was it? I'm not telling you who it was. How about the dude that, how about the dude you had? You're going to look like that guy that you accused of being on the sauce. And then you ran into him at the games. You're going to look like him.
Starting point is 01:25:02 That'd be nice. Dude. He's shredded. He still hasn't reached out to me. What? He still has not reached out to me. No, he's not. I told him to. I'm like, dude, send me a handful of pictures over the course of the past couple years. Let's watch this progression and make sure it didn't happen in a year.
Starting point is 01:25:20 I will. Say sorry. Don't make a video. I'm not on it You know what'll be awesome Is next year When you run into him At the games And you guys are the same size
Starting point is 01:25:29 He was taller than me though That dude was thick He was jacked Yeah he made me look like A little bitch I was back at watch I'm like how did I handle That video
Starting point is 01:25:43 And I'm like oh I handled it well. And I look like a piece of shit next to this guy. You handled it really well. Yeah. If it still is competing this weekend, he's in third place after day one. Oh, at the master, at the, at the master master's fitness collective, that thing that, uh, Gabe's and Travis are at. Yeah. That's crazy. He stopped by my house travis what was that like he is
Starting point is 01:26:09 you know how i heard you talk maybe you were saying it to me on the show but how when you met me in person there was a different aura about me same thing with travis like he was not what i expected but only in the best ways like he's a little bit thinner, a little bit more muscular. He seemed like a Greek. That's what I told him. That's the first thing I said to him. I'm like, you know those Greek statues? It's like, you're closer to that than I could have ever imagined having met you.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Wow. Yeah, he's in great shape. Wow, that's awesome. I tried to ask him to work out, and he said he didn't want to, but he was on the road. He was coming from Iowa, he was like passing by. He sent me a picture of his side and said, Chicago, how close are you?
Starting point is 01:26:50 And he was 20 minutes away. And I go, Hey, I'm in the garage. Come stop by. Oh, that's cool. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:26:55 that is cool. Is that the first time? And that's the first time you met him? Yeah. I hate fucking meeting people. I know over the internet. You hate meeting me. Well, I was, I was, it wasn't looking forward to it.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Why? I just, it gives me anxiety. Like, I don't want to like, I don't want, I don't want my like internet world and my real world colliding. That's very interesting. But, but, but we broke the seal on it. Now I'm excited. Like, I'm happy to see you now.
Starting point is 01:27:23 I wonder when the next time will be probably the next time you're in newport i'm going out there in december for two weeks first two weeks of december yeah how often are you gonna go out heller do you have like a schedule that you go out on no just basically i'll be reached out to say hey we open i'll go now i am yeah yeah i said i got like a checklist of things that i need to like make happen and that's very high on it like there's this podcast and then there's go to newport hey are you free friday night dude hey hillary's never friday night you've never turned down a podcast and um you've never and you've you've never gone back on your word.
Starting point is 01:28:07 And I have a lot of wiggle room for that. But some – okay. Settle down, Seve. You're too nice. No, you're too nice. You opened the show this way. Someone pissed me off. Some people have pissed me off.
Starting point is 01:28:19 There's only so much I can fucking take. If I know you're going to be on here, I put, bring a different persona. If I know Suze is going to be on here, I bring a different persona. Like there's nuances to what I bring to the show. Basically who my cohost is going to be.
Starting point is 01:28:35 So if I think my cohost is going to be Jr, I bring a different persona. Like jar makes me feel like my fucking dad's in the room. And I bring that persona on. Oh shit. I invited, I didn't send Jr. I invited Jr to the show. I didn't follow up on it. God damn on. Oh, shit. I invited JR to this show. I didn't follow up on it.
Starting point is 01:28:48 God damn it. Oh. Yeah, we talked about it. I should have been on top of that. I completely spaced out. What the fuck was I going to say? I hate when I have a thought and I want to talk about it and then I forget. It'll come back to me. Okay, let's talk about washed up CrossFit athletes.
Starting point is 01:29:03 The two guys from Australia. That video you made. this video the best for last or what yeah you made this video on these two guys and they talk about crossfit being washed up and um when i finished the video i thought what was the point of their video good call because i didn't even think of that but now i'm angry again what the what was the point i mean they're stealing your life they're putting out content for 30 minutes yeah whatever it was it's just like i mean well the point for us is it gives us it gives us content yeah i didn't think about other than that it was so bad uh they didn't make the simply bander video and But other than that, it was so bad. I felt like I had just made the Simply Bander video, and then they made that. And I was like, God, I hope these people fucking stop it.
Starting point is 01:29:49 But I get to keep on making videos on their videos. Both of those people who were criticizing CrossFit never mentioned the small business miracle that CrossFit is. Do you guys understand that there's 15,000 gyms in 162 countries on all seven fucking continents and people go to these places to fucking run a business and put food on their table for their kids? If each of those gyms employs three people, that's 45,000 fucking people, not to mention the rest of the ecosystem. How many people does Rogue employ, RX Jump Ropes, etc. How do you talk about CrossFit if you're going to act like you know anything about it and not mention the massive economic impact it has and the freedom it fucking gave so many people to get out of their dumbass 9-to-5 jobs?
Starting point is 01:30:41 No mention of that. Including these guys. Yes, him and that girl and then on top of that you're comparing it to um f45 that's like comparing mcdonald's to the to the mom's local uh mom and pop local a burger place that gets their fucking cows locally their meat locally like f45 you have fucking you you sell fucking – you're the Happy Meals of fucking fitness. You're P90X in a fucking store. I'm not poo-pooing you, but don't compare yourself to the fucking small business miracle that is CrossFit. F45 is a fucking money-making machine, end of story, period. There's no global altruism or this core group of people who do it because they
Starting point is 01:31:26 love it you're not even in the same fucking talk they never mentioned that crossfit's the cure to the world's most vexing problem our fittest man in the world his friend lost 100 pounds and and his dad probably saved saved his life and is alive because he learned about the CrossFit nutritional protocol and changed his diet. Just for two simple examples. When you put out a challenge, when F45 put out a challenge, if you want to do the games thing, we challenged Rich Froning. You know what we did? We sent Ronnie Teasdale over to the competition in his jorts and he beat your champion and took the check for fifty thousand dollars do you remember that i remember that fucking ding dongs
Starting point is 01:32:12 those guys those guys are pathetic those guys are pathetic here's the thing if you want to talk all the shit you want about crossfit at the end be like well fuck it still is the healthiest greatest thing on the planet and what an amazing movement and it's so fucking powerful and i and i and it's it's uh no one can touch it hey i just that's all they had to say that's what they should have said that's all they should have said we hate crossfit we're little whiny fucking hairless cats and uh we're so upset because this thing is not only creates the fittest people on the on the planet but really at its core the inside the internal organs of it is to fucking save people's lives add light add uh add uh years onto people's lives inoculate them from all chronic disease save them from covid you fucking ding dongs i hope they see my video and your rant
Starting point is 01:33:10 right there good me too we gotta clip it uh and if you guys do please like and subscribe thank you yeah they were they were they're toddlers they're pp they're mental midgets they're toddlers. They're mental midgets. They're toddlers, and they're prepubescent boys in a room full of fucking savages. The CrossFit community. They're nothing. It was – but they should come back to CrossFit. They will come back to CrossFit. That's the funny fucking thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:42 That's why they made that video. They were just like, all right, how's the community doing? Did we get 10,000, 20,000 views? Oh, we made that video there is like all right how's the community doing do we get 10 000 20 000 views oh we made a view on crossfit we had 20 000 views okay we'll start making more crossfit videos yeah remember that first one from years back mark walbert does mark walbert does fucking crossfit f45 is fucking wednesdays at your crossfit gym except people around you care about you days at your crossfit gym except people around you care about you nice that's a good one right there and every and every and everyone yeah f45 is that class at 10 a.m that's like the high cardio class at your crossfit gym like so what like my mom does that did that class for a few months and
Starting point is 01:34:20 then now she's like i want to do more strength training so she went back to just the regular crossfit it's all still just crossfit they're fucking crooks mark walberg's not natty patrick no way i like mark i like mark mark wall i do like mark walberg mark walberg yeah fuck those guys i used to like them a lot i think the methodology is a perfect business model too you improve on one movement then move on to the next movement so on and so on it just keeps going i love it uh this this girl trina mccloyd i cannot believe her instagram account has not grown more god i'm such a self-serving arrogant douche but it's called going rogue with sevan i think or the sevan podcast and she picks out all the craziest shit like that i wouldn't want my mom to see that's what it should be the shit savon doesn't want his mom to see instagram account yeah the bio the bio in that one hillar's on the juice
Starting point is 01:35:14 he's not wrong you know it's it's so weird like hanging out with my buddies i've known my whole life and we're just talking about it openly that that's the most unique part about and they're all so interested um dude i know when you wake up in the morning now it's like fucking christmas every day i remember getting like my first fucking apple laptop or i remember like learning how to edit like 2007 and i couldn't stay away from my fucking computer i just wanted to be outside all day filming and editing and now it's like that with your body every day you're it's like it's like when you get your first pubic hair
Starting point is 01:35:53 and you're like one six it's pretty much like that yeah yeah but we can't even fucking believe what's happening to you veins and it's like oh again huh you're you're turning into the incredible hulk just in slow motion right in front of us you're going right in front of us yeah i can't wait till my neck's just too big and i can't breathe anymore that won't happen uh patrick clark did you see a rod is doing crossfit what's that mean meow we that's that's the third or the second or third meow we've gotten this show is that like a new thing is on meth you're on meth i did meth uh in college for like 30 days straight i went to i went to i
Starting point is 01:36:40 went to these girls house they call it glass now i went to these girls' house. They call it Glass now. I went to these girls' house. There were four of them living in this house. And I went over there one night, and we did meth, and I basically didn't leave there for 30 days. We just did meth for 30 days. What the fuck? It was incredible. What is that like? What happened?
Starting point is 01:37:00 I can't tell you on the air. I'm not that open, but I'm telling you, it was. You can't tell me at all what meth was like. Oh, it was fun. It was cool. It's great. It was great.
Starting point is 01:37:08 It was awesome. I just want to know what it was like to be on meth. Everyone tears their clothes off and drinks and dances. How's that? And then. No, that happens after the 30 day mark. Well,
Starting point is 01:37:20 that's what was interesting. After 30 days, I was like, I can't do this. How'd you stop? I don't, I don't really have a personality like that well i'm trying to think the only the only thing i've ever been like addicted to addicted to that's like i've struggled with is nicotine but everything else like i can just i can quit drinking coffee or i cannot drink or i can not eat or but meth is because you can't do normal shit
Starting point is 01:37:46 anymore that's basically like that's why I stopped smoking weed like there was like there was shit that I wanted to do that I couldn't do while you were smoking weed yeah just like all of a sudden was like going for walking my dog became hard I didn't want to
Starting point is 01:38:01 like I became like just socially fucking and I was like dude I need to walk my dog but I don't want to what if, I became, like, just socially fucking. And I was like, dude, I need to walk my dog, but I don't want to. What if someone talks to me? And I was like, fuck, I'm done smoking weed. This is stupid. And it was like, that was meth. Like, holy fuck. This shit, like, this is destroying your life.
Starting point is 01:38:16 I'm done. You guys were talking about Andrew Huberman the other day. Do you know him? Can you have him on? Because he can talk to you about meth and weed and all that from what i know he knows about meth i'm pretty sure he knows about meth the way you said that was like you were interested like he has not yet what did you know what did you know are you wearing your uh born primitive pants i'm wearing my primos my primos from uh blaine barber
Starting point is 01:38:47 uh oh you got primos from blaine oh bro oh bro man i need to they're the most beta thing i wear but they're so joggers i wear joggers i can't even believe it i used to peg my pants in the eighth grade it's like my it's like i'm back to that again pegging my pants oh i'm wearing the born primitive one these ones are hecka comfy hillary you would love you would love meth i'm snorting it's so fun cocaine they're like dude you'd love cocaine yeah i got that's why i've never tried it the whole the whole protocol someone brings protocol Someone opens up their Altoids container They pull out a rock, they crush it They start chopping it
Starting point is 01:39:29 Everyone's gathering around As soon as you see the shit, you have a Pavlovian response And you have to take a shit Do you know about that, Sousa? No You need a party and someone's like Some guy's bringing coke And all of a sudden it's just a line of people
Starting point is 01:39:43 Lying up to take a shit in the bathroom. So it's got to poop before you do Coke? When you do Coke, you drop a deuce. You're like, oh, Coke's coming. And then you just have a Pavlovian response and you want to drop a deuce. Did you do a 30-day bender on Coke as well? No, I didn't fuck with Coke. No.
Starting point is 01:40:04 I mean, maybe once i did it i just i didn't i i fucked around a little bit with mdma and i fucked around a little bit with meth i did maybe lsd once or twice i did mushrooms maybe 7 000 times no i didn't i didn't i know a guy who is obsessed with the micro dosing benefits at a sports performance level. And he might be interesting. You have a show that guy can talk. If you have any interest in like having a guy on that has any,
Starting point is 01:40:36 that does talks about micro dosing mushrooms and LSD and stuff, they'll be like, yeah, you take this amount of, I think it's a mushroom and then it just zones you out for two hours on the biker. Wow. You're in the zone. You're just like at another level. And you know, how many followers does he have? Not many. That's, that's the thing. No one knows about him, but in person, this guy, and I, maybe it's a trickle down from the drugs, but my, my, my, one of my roommates, I had never done that, but one of my roommates i had never done that but one of my roommates for a whole year he's my roommate was just juiced to the gills and addicted to meth so he's doing steroids and addicted to meth and it was crazy i really enjoyed hanging out with him his life
Starting point is 01:41:14 took a fucking pretty sad turn but he was fucking jacked and he would do these crazy workouts he's the one who actually taught me how to do a pull-up. I wonder if we're talking about the same guy. No, this guy's a couple years older than me. Because this guy's crazy jacked, too, but no, he's my age-ish. Patrick Clark doesn't know him. You don't know who I'm talking about. Stefan, would you rather Coke or Coca-Cola right now? Neither.
Starting point is 01:41:41 You have to choose. What? Pick one. No, I can't. Coke or coca-cola no i'm not i'm not no i don't condone i don't condone any of it uh it's like this or that you don't play that game it's like i never have i ever or any of those those are fun you don't like those games if i was alone with me if there weren't people watching, I might do it. If everyone in the comment section started throwing comments at you, it'd be like, would you rather do this or that?
Starting point is 01:42:11 You wouldn't play along? Well, no, someone just did and I didn't play along. Okay. True. Good answer. True. True. You do not still have that bag.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Hey, I keep telling myself i'm gonna bring like five bags here to like really up the uh ante is that how big your dick is hillar well i've seen your hands and if it gives me any reference it's bigger than that oh my goodness nice one just squeeze that watch it turn to dust yeah it would be dust i don't even know if this shit can get you high anymore it's been in that bag for two years kill fuck mary that's a fun game coke coca-cola and meth um something else that those guys said in the video that i want to make sure that i emphasize to you guys for just historical knowledge the crossfit community did not take off because of the crossfit
Starting point is 01:43:10 games it it did not it did not take off because of the games the games were those you're so it's you're so confused you're so misled you're so myopic and i get get it. It happens. I do it all the time. But the foundation of CrossFit, the base of the community was and probably still is first responders and mill guys. It's little boys in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force. It's those guys, little girls in there, our kids that we're sending into the military. Those are the people who started doing it and realized its value. And the rest of us jumped on the bandwagon because we want to somehow experience the hardships that they experienced. And when they did it, it would enhance their camaraderie. They already had camaraderie, but they realized quickly that suffering through workouts enhanced their camaraderie. They were all the base. And we know that so obviously,
Starting point is 01:44:13 because we used to look at where all the Google searches were coming from, and they were all coming from military bases all around the world. When we were at war with, I can't remember if it was Afghanistan or Iraq, the searches coming out of those countries were greater than the searches in the united states it was like funny oh yeah i fuck i didn't know cross it was so popular in iraq it's number one you know what i mean it's like coast guard sorry coast action is agreeing with you yeah like everyone and and the games are cool i'm not shitting on the games at all the games are cool cool promotional thing but but the best way i can describe is the crossfit games are your skin and everything else is like your heart your liver your lungs your blood your veins your arteries all that shit inside that no one's paying attention to because we're too busy looking
Starting point is 01:45:00 at the exterior we're too busy looking at daniel brandon's outsides really the crossfit community is what's on the inside and so many people miss it and obviously that girl missed it because you can clearly tell she only gives a fuck about her outside and in a way i don't blame her these guys they're fucking ding-dongs they're super young but don't but but uh eventually they will come around every fob in ira Iraq had a CrossFit affiliate. I found CrossFit camp Rafi John Kuwait back in 2014. Are we scheduling Patrick Clark? No way.
Starting point is 01:45:34 We need to get him scheduled up. What's an FOB? That's a great question. It's a forward offensive base or something it's i think it's the guys who are in the line of fire the guys who are close to the enemy i think that's what that is it's some sort of base is close to the enemy let's see patrick will tell us i'll tell us i love daniel brandon's outsides i know i love her outsides too her outsides are great i love forward operating for oh thank you forward operating. Forward operating base. Yeah. It's the guys,
Starting point is 01:46:05 it's the guys who like when they leave, when they leave the fence, all they're worried about is fucking IEDs. Everyone dropped that one forward operating base. Thanks friends. I did not know those. Those are the guys. Those are the guys that gave validity to CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:46:22 And then since then, since then the own, the second most validity that's ever been given to crossfit was the the um largest insurance company on the african continent the owner one of the two or three owners of that company had us fly out to africa we sat in his skyscraper with him and he showed us the dat he scraped names have you heard the story hillar yeah i think i've heard you tell it before he's you can tell it keep going he scraped the names off of um from the open and then he ran all the people who did the open and he found like 1600 people in africa who had his insurance from the open or 16 000 and then
Starting point is 01:47:04 he looked at the cost that they cost the insurance company relative to the rest of the people who had health insurance with them. And he's like, holy shit. These people every year cost us less and less, where the rest of humanity every year they get older cost us more and more. And by the way, if you want to track what's going on with COVID and you want to know the truth, start watching what insurance companies are going to do. They don't fuck around because they do real science. It's called math, arithmetic. What do you figure they're going to do? With COVID?
Starting point is 01:47:40 Insurance companies, yeah. Well, they're just finding – they're looking for ways to make more money so of course they would love to have they love crossfitters as clients you basically you're you basically subsidize the company and they know that they want they want to entice people they want to entice people to do crossfit because it low it increases their profit margins they don't they don't they don't like oh well you're going to see insurance companies are start you're going to start changing their policies because they're going to they know there's already stuff coming out to dig around where they know that people who got the vaccine
Starting point is 01:48:12 are now having a significant higher well their life insurance policies and all that shit are coming in faster and faster and faster than the general population so they're going to drop them or what no but but the but the truth is going to be there they're going to insurance companies sort it out why the fuck are why aren't you fucker life insurance claims coming at a faster rate from people who have got the vaccine than not got it and they're going to start running the numbers they have actuaries there and they're going to um that's an interesting way that CrossFit could get more people into entice them through insurance
Starting point is 01:48:47 like they had to work in insurance companies and make a Super Bowl ad the insurance companies knew about the crossover double-unders before they were announced rope game they know about everything before it's going to happen uh Sevan are we going to get wes on here for an affiliate series show
Starting point is 01:49:06 wes over at hollister crossfit crossfit he did this workout range it's like five thrusters on the minute and every five minutes you increase the load. I think that's the one. Yeah. That's like one of the hardest workouts ever. Yeah. I think I filmed that. I filmed that in Palo Alto. On the driveway? I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:49:36 It was a gym I had never been to before, and Pat was just working there. Can you pull up that video? Yeah. It was at his house, though. It was at one of their houses. Oh. Then maybe I didn't film it. They're in a driveway doing it oh who's i wonder whose driveway this this affiliate had a driveway it was it was like basically like a gas station
Starting point is 01:49:55 no this was for sure a house oh maybe i didn't film it let's see try to see if I can find it I heard life insurance companies are denying claims due to the jab I did look into that story that was coming out of France and I think it was false I do think it was false that story
Starting point is 01:50:16 can we get I found it you find it Susan yeah fuck you beat me to it. That's the one. Now, when are the ads going to pop up? That's the question. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 01:50:31 I'm on mine. I need to switch it over. Do you want to watch some of it? Fun fact, after watching this video, I bought those pants. Oh, you did? Yeah. I think I had a pair of those pants. No, I don't think I filmed this. I don't even... I don't recognize the house. I think I had a pair of those pants. No, I don't think I filmed this.
Starting point is 01:50:46 I don't even, I don't recognize the house. I think that's Pat Barber's house. Because wasn't there like a Progenix commercial that he filmed in the side yard too? I think there was. Yes, Bruce, it is. All right. Great show. So that wasn't you who filmed that?
Starting point is 01:51:03 No. But it is one of the hardest workouts ever. Have you ever done that, Sousa? Yeah, I didn't get very far. Tell me, what's the workout again? It's zero to five. You do five thrusters on the minute. And I believe it's 75.
Starting point is 01:51:16 Sousa's had it pulled up. It was Yeah. Yep, 75. And it's from like 2011 or 2013. And then it's going 95, 115. Yeah. And then every five minutes to 95, 115. Yeah. And then every five minutes, you just keep on adding five pounds
Starting point is 01:51:29 until you can't do the five thrusters on the minute. Yep. And I think I've made it through 235. Holy shit. Wow. Which is really close. It's really close to Wes Pyatt's score, which is like 35 minutes of thrusters. Wow.
Starting point is 01:51:44 So how long does that take you is that like an hour workout then no it's 35 minutes because so at minute 20 you do 135 and then at you know 155 175 195 would be minute 30 and then 215 is minute 35 and minute 40 is 235 yep so like right around the 40 minute mark and it is not as bad as kalsu good point yeah kalsu is the absolute worst the people who do that shit under 10 minutes are incredible i think there's people that do that what is that one that one's like 100 thrusters or something yeah 135 95 but five burpees is it five or is it ten five i think it's five i've done that workout twice i want to say i want to say my maybe my wife went to an affiliate and they were doing that workout and she wanted to scale it and they didn't let her and i think she hurt herself what oh i didn't mean to laugh that it's five what which affiliate was it
Starting point is 01:52:52 no it's a great they hurt your wife let's end their lives no no that's great it's a great affiliate it's a great not haley what uh what happened to your workout videos pardon me where's your guy where's your guy shooting your workout videos uh you only did like two of those those were good so um we need those back my so you know what i'm working on right now i'm going i'm working on putting to which this is kind of crazy coincidence but in a video recently when i was watching you put like a little compilation of shots of me talking about how great the l1 is yeah and about a week ago i came up with this idea or maybe it was right after i did the interview with don i came up with this idea that um i've
Starting point is 01:53:37 been telling susan i've been talking about this a long time i need a one minute commercial that i can play so i can take a piss so let's say like right now I was just going to be like, Hey, I need to take a piss. And I would just, I could, I could play this right here. Honestly, hold on guys. I'll be back in 30 seconds. And then I pushed this button. Honestly, there's a lot of great people in our space that do awesome things. But as far as I'm concerned, I think Sevan is the best in the business when it comes to podcasting, when it comes to bringing out the best out of the athletes, when it comes to setting the athletes at ease and getting some real honesty and some real unique answers from them. So, man, he's going to love this.
Starting point is 01:54:21 But he really is the Joe Rogan of CrossFit. He's going to love this. But he really is the Joe Rogan of CrossFit. He's going to love me saying that. I guess he needs a longer commercial. Oh, that was funny. It'd be funnier if he just screwed it up and not come back. Shit, I didn't make it back in time. But you were close. Basically. You time, but you were close. Basically,
Starting point is 01:54:47 you were basically, you were close. I was. So basically I want to make a one minute video that just me talking about how great the L one is, but make like five different versions of it. So anytime I have to take a piss, I can just hit it and just start promoting the shit out of the L one here.
Starting point is 01:55:05 That'd be, that's a good idea. How close are you on doing that? We already did some filming for it. We already did a bunch of filming for it, but I think I kind of shit the bed on it. I don't like it's, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:55:15 It was hard for me. Like I wasn't, I wasn't in the, like in the, all you gotta do is take clips from this where you were kind of shooting down the fucking mind muscle project. Dim bows. I'm just like clip that and put it in here easy wiki's the shit wiki subscribers is now at 50k yeah thanks we talked about that thanks we know thank you kate says play the 25 minutes of susan hill or the beach oh i'm taking my l1 in the spring because of you sebon yes miss reddow
Starting point is 01:55:48 take pictures of uh you with the l1 staff and post it up and tag us please please wear your ceo shirt right yes oh yeah that's a must yeah what was my amazing intro to the noah olsen video the one the top gun one dude let's see it let's see it let's see it it was oh i forgot about that i you had just done that when i when we met up and i was like dude i gotta show you this and i don't do that i'm not like you look at this video maybe once out of 30 for like something you gotta look at this i'm so really don't do it it's crazy i see videos you made i'm like i can't believe hillar don't do it. It's crazy. I see videos you made and I'm like, I can't believe Hiller didn't call me and be like, hey, did you see this?
Starting point is 01:56:27 Do you know how many fucking creators do that? And you never do that. You never bug me or like, hey, I made a video. I don't like to bug anybody. And I also, when I'm talking to people, I try to assume they haven't seen anything I've ever made. Yeah, that's smart. You've never seen anything, but I feel weird.
Starting point is 01:56:43 I fake humility too. Okay, go ahead. Fake humility. Is that Mach 7 pushing 8? Temperature's climbing. Response is still stable. We're feeling good. He's the fastest man alive.
Starting point is 01:57:12 Talk to me, Yus. I wanted Travis in front of me, reminding me to make sure that I lock out. Mach 9-3. 9-4. Approaching high hypersonic. Come on, sweetheart. Just a little more. One, two, three, four.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Come on. Come on! put that in you better god budget just a little push i hope as we see that all the reps look clean and nobody gets too crazy on me out there. I don't need the Batman emoji being tossed on the video or anything like that. Hey, is it legit? Is it legit 148 no oh it's not no and he still doesn't say anything yet like what the fuck noah come on man you know it's not legit look at my video and you call your call your workout legit well what wasn't legit about it his elbows don't lock out on basically 85 of his thruster reps and then there's a handful of reps where his chin doesn't get over the bar you never can really even see his legs so i mean
Starting point is 01:58:52 there's only 90 reps in the whole workout and probably 12 to 18 of them are good for sure more if you want to count those pull-ups but you can't really tell because of the camera angle how many seconds do you penalize him if he slowed down he could probably do it under two he's at the he can do it under two clean i bet we have the capability that's like the six million dollar man well that was cool i really like that intro that's good dude my like my favorite part of that is it's like just a little push and he's like i don't want any bats and then tom cruise goes oh shit like i could see noel olson being like hillary poached the video oh shit that's like tom cruise
Starting point is 01:59:36 in the back of my head i'm like that was really funny uh training think tank girl got a 154 today isn't he a training think tank boy? Wait, wait, wait, wait. What? TTT? His training think tank? Yeah. So this guy wrote a training think tank girl today got 154 and Noah's a training think tank boy.
Starting point is 01:59:54 And he got 148? Correct. But he didn't get 148. And he's also not doing the Wadapalooza qualifier. From what I know, maybe he is. Maybe he's on the team. Maybe he's with the boys. And what is that?
Starting point is 02:00:06 What, what, is there a point to what you're saying that he's not doing the water Palooza qualifier? Then he should be, you think, or. Well, they probably got an invite.
Starting point is 02:00:13 Oh, he knew all the workouts. It seems. Cause he's in all the demo videos. Oh, oh, um, uh,
Starting point is 02:00:22 who, who's running water Palooza. Now, who do we talk to about? Like, like, can we steal your stream, who's running water Palooza now? Who do we talk to about? Like, like, can we steal your stream? Like we did last year or whatever. Like, like, like O'Keefe let us take their stream last year. Now that you bring it up, I have a text message I have to respond to.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Oh, I think it's from whomever is running a lot of Palooza and they're like, we've seen your videos, please reach out to us. Oh, awesome. And I completely forgot it's in my phone somewhere. Cool. Put in a good word for us. Yeah. Yeah. I'll, I'll, I'll work on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:55 All right. Patrick Clark says his name is Dylan. I believe that that is correct. Oh, I know Dylan. I put up a picture on my phone the other day. It was at like 400 something on red text messages i wonder if i have his phone number i i got it down though i think it's under 100 i definitely don't have it spelled right if i have it i said how many how many notifications do you have on your phone rock rock hard long i. Well, right now I have 120 tech unread text messages stressing me out from,
Starting point is 02:01:27 from like the past day. Yeah. Well, no, well, yeah, maybe the past couple, maybe the past couple hours,
Starting point is 02:01:32 dude. Now, how do you keep up? So you, you respond to all your IgE messages. How do you do that? Well, my,
Starting point is 02:01:41 you know, it's my, you know, my max is out at 20, 20. Yeah. Mine does too. It never says more than 20. then i go in there i'm like there's fucking 200 in here is that a thousand calls that's a 1300 voice messages
Starting point is 02:01:56 yeah but how many 100 emails do you have too many 100 oh my god 100 000 guys i got the anxiety 113 000 emails oh my god what's your pay call me call me hillary oh that's a clean phone yeah i have to keep it that way i write a lot of stuff that gives me anxiety i think i've sent savvy 40 ig. Dude, there's these people. So those of you who send me videos, I appreciate it, but usually what I do is I'll just go down to the last one you sent and watch it, unless I see something
Starting point is 02:02:33 that catches my eye. 100,000 of those are from Hip and Steel. It's a picture of his pedosy. heller doesn't even say it right that's how square and squeaky clean he is badussy I can even say badussy my mom doesn't care about badussy
Starting point is 02:02:57 badussy that's the word I can't say oh my goodness I don't think I said it right there okay great show thanks for coming on That's the word I can't say. Oh my goodness. I don't think I said it right there. Okay. Great show. Thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 02:03:09 I apologize. I wasn't more, I wish I was been a little more prepared. What do you mean? I just, I just, I probably only watched like eight of the last 13 videos so far. I did watch today's though. I was pretty proud of myself with that.
Starting point is 02:03:22 I watched that up until like, right, like, and then right until like, right. Like, and then right until like, it was going to be not barely enough time for me to take a shower and make it in front of the screen. You know what I mean? I'm looking to see if there's anything big that we didn't touch on,
Starting point is 02:03:35 but I thought we would talk more about the bench press thing, but we didn't. That's okay. I, I, I, I, I brushed over that one.
Starting point is 02:03:43 I should have given it more love. There's still time for next week. Just don't die. Seven has responded to 100% IG direct messages. Hiller. Now that's another story. Thank you. Yeah,
Starting point is 02:03:53 dude. I fucking can't. I try. I do everything I can. I go in there and I'm like, look around them. I leave them on like, I like open it up and I'm like,
Starting point is 02:04:03 okay, can I respond? The thing about responding is then something responds back yes yeah it never washes out yeah I never told you about this I told you I have to talk about the time where like there was a day I woke up at 3 a.m for no reason and I was like perfect this said it would have been like four months ago and i responded to every single message in my instagram and then i like fell back asleep around seven i woke up at nine and i had an entirely full inbox again like everyone i texted to respond to like it's about i wanted them to go away like suza i'm like all right i want to get
Starting point is 02:04:39 to everything but don't you need to open all those so you can get like because people are dropping bombs on you like hey did you see this? That's why, that's why I go in there. I do see. Yeah. That's, that's where I get a lot of stuff actually.
Starting point is 02:04:49 So I do appreciate it. Daddy or not. Hitler's emails. They're real. They're right there. What do you mean? please, please do a,
Starting point is 02:04:56 please do a salt bike for money next. I want to see how hard Tim Paulson goes. Oh, you coughed up 1300 of your own dollars. Well, 350. The other thousand came from california hormones oh that's awesome yeah it's sponsored by california hormones oh i love it i really wanted uh some other people to see it's like oh cool that was a nice plug by california hormones i want another company to reach out and say hey hey, we'll throw you some money if you throw it back at the athletes.
Starting point is 02:05:27 And I'd be like, hey, such and such company said 500 bucks for who can do the most on broken ring muscle-ups. Get five athletes and put a video together and plug our company. And I'm like, this is a good circle. It's like we're promoting their complex. We're throwing money at the athletes. All they need to do is do one set of muscle-ups.
Starting point is 02:05:44 It's not going to ruin their training everybody in the community gets like uh oh cool look at this video andrew hiller has traffic on his channel it's all good i was kind of opening hoping for that oh and it might still happen andrew you you should have been like um you should patrick clark my man um you should you we should have been like, you should have been like, Hey dude, California, this video sponsored by California hormones. Make sure you watch this one and plug the shit out of it on the show. What do you mean? Like, like for the Hiller fit review,
Starting point is 02:06:15 like if you did a show that was sponsored by California hormones, I could have done some home cooking for you. Like I could have been like, okay, I'm going to go out of my way to watch that video and like, take extra good notes on it and really push that bench press video is sponsored by california hormones by the way i would have watched it if i'd have known it was sponsored by them oh well i cook a brother up i i somewhere down there i figured that you would have low-key i was like he's gonna click this one he's gonna go holy shit he set this up how didn't i know about this and i thought you'd call me oh fair okay i'll do that i was like i was like throwing the hook out like
Starting point is 02:06:52 did you really do that and i go yeah it was a good idea right i'm trying a little pat on the back from yeah yeah it's a it is a great idea the thing i'm trying to do two podcasts a day minimum like for like two or three weeks until like suza sees me cry and so it's like she's just gonna get weird he's gonna see me cry with this laundry list pile of guests i got in the on the burner here did you see you have those listed somewhere yes i know you put those out before yeah where are they on the podcast instagram no there No, there's multiple. There's multiple lists. The one scheduled, the one's coming up, the one's in queue, the ones that are in conversation.
Starting point is 02:07:29 Hey, listen to these three people we have queued up coming up. Jason Grubb will be visiting again. Three or four times CrossFit Games champion. Vacuums for the lines of the carpet. Affiliate owner Matt Schindel. And I'm going to lean in heavy into the CrossFit community in the next couple weeks. Matt Schindeldecker, he's of the carpet affiliate owner matt shindle and these and i'm going to lean in heavy into the crossfit community in the next couple weeks matt shindle decker he's a crossfit affiliate owner who has started a program focusing on on naughty kids so instead of them
Starting point is 02:07:56 going to juvedal hall they come to his gym and he's fucking he's murdering it and former CrossFit Games athlete Phil Toon. You're kidding. No, I'm not kidding. Phil's coming on? Phil's coming on. We're going to have a chat with Phil. Talk about that 600-pound basketball. Yeah. I'm pretty excited.
Starting point is 02:08:19 Pretty excited. Patrick Clark. Patrick Clark's coming on. Patrick Clark. It should be easy but I'm really excited I was gonna I was gonna that's gonna be great
Starting point is 02:08:29 that's gonna be a good show I've never met the guy never talked to the guy he's kind of off limits dude I can't believe Phil's coming on can't believe Patrick's coming on I'm excited for Phil
Starting point is 02:08:39 Phil was never a games athlete easy easy easy Patrick that's gonna be the first question that's brought up on your show He was never a games athlete. Easy, easy. Easy, Patrick. That's going to be the first question that's brought up on your show. So in the comments section a couple days ago, you brought up how he was never a games athlete. Oh, Spiegel, Spiegel.
Starting point is 02:08:55 Gary Gaines. No, I haven't scheduled Gary Gaines. What do you call games athlete? You have to have gone to the games. Fair enough. He wasn't a games athlete. Gone to the games. Qual enough. He wasn't a games athlete. Gone to the games. Qualified.
Starting point is 02:09:07 He did qualify? Well, he qualified to the Granite Games and never made it there. Because between Granite Games and the games, speaking of which. I wonder if Phil's balls shrank. I guess that came out through CrossFit. No, no, that came out through Phil. Phil posted something about his positive test, I think, that never came out through CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:09:31 Because from what we've heard, the semifinals haven't paid out yet. And the only reason that was a thing was because possible drug testing hadn't been finalized. Did he win the semifinal and qualify for the games And then get caught I'm not sure he won He was top two Saxon was at MAC I don't remember who won Granite Games
Starting point is 02:09:53 I think he was winning But he didn't win Maybe Tim Paulson won Granite Games No one's going to watch UFC 280 In the United States It starts at fucking 7am 7am I'll be doing the podcast to watch UFC 280 in the United States, Trina. It starts at fucking 7 a.m. 7 a.m. I'll be doing the podcast when the UFC 280 starts.
Starting point is 02:10:14 Then the main card starts at 11, and then I'll probably be out surfing with my kids. Before we're done with this, I've got to figure out where Phil finished at the semis. Castro would never, ever in a million fucking years come on with Andrew Hiller No? I don't know I just made that up To get your attention We're more likely to get Bill Hanager on Fikowski Phil, Travis, Sam, Colton Hey I am really excited
Starting point is 02:10:38 Oh say that again sorry Hiller Fikowski, then Phil Toon Travis Mayer, Sam Quant Colton Mertens, Nick Matthew. That was a fucking loaded semifinal looking back at it. So Phil Toon was going to go to the games. He was going to go to the games. He was, yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:54 And then who took his spot when he popped? Would have been Nick Matthew, who ended up finishing, what, 12th or 13th? Yeah, that's awesome. That's what I'm saying. And then Tim Paulson qualified out of the LCQ nuts that's a weird semi-final Chandler Smith finished 11th in there and Tim Paulson made it out of the last chance qualifier Nick Matthew ended up finishing in the teens look at the high teens Colton was there. Sam Kwan ended up finishing, what, fifth at the games? Pekowski won that and then finished not so hot at the games.
Starting point is 02:11:31 Interesting. I never looked back at the Granite games since the games had been finished. Daniel Brandon. Wild zombie card. Dallin Pepper. That's a shame Dallin Pepper's not going to be a rogue. Alexis Raptus. Colton Mertens Eric Utley
Starting point is 02:11:47 Klansman follows two people keep that one next to my heart keep that one next to my heart keep it close Pat Vellner keep that one in my pants Jason Hopper oh we gotta get Jason Hopper on
Starting point is 02:12:04 well I don't know about have you reached out to isn't Hopper going. Well, I don't know. Have you reached out to, isn't Hopper going to row? How I'm going to text, going to check Jason right now. Yeah. I text him and I'll call him.
Starting point is 02:12:13 I'll put you on the, um, he's asleep. Yeah. I don't call him. Don't wake him up. Jason. He,
Starting point is 02:12:19 he doesn't even have his phone next to him. He's on like some strict schedule. Did you see the video I made on Castro? I know. Yes. Yes, I did. I did. It was, even have his phone next to him he's on like some strict schedule did you see the video i made on castro i know we're yes yes i did i did it was i thought that i made it it was i made a sandwich eat it dave castro and are you watching that jeffrey dahmer series i finished it oh you're sick hi ken what do you mean you didn't watch it who's ken Ken? Oh. Come on. Come on, man. Don't you want to watch the Jeffrey Dahmer show? Colton, did you see where I put your card? No, I'm not watching the Jeffrey Dahmer show. I just like Evan Peters, man.
Starting point is 02:12:56 I don't like Jeffrey Dahmer. I like Evan Peters. He's cool. Yeah. Eat it, Dave Castro. The Jeffrey Dahmer video is nasty. That's what I said in my notes. I said I liked your talk about – you were talking about Kennedy again, who's a cool guy, but it's unethical to test for steroids. Clarence Kennedy. That was a huge thing. I tried to plug in one of your old, maybe a year ago, episodes with Dave. He's sitting in a truck.
Starting point is 02:13:26 Yes, that was good. Yeah, that was good. Or he admits that he knows that there's stuff that they can't test for, but it's not anything you've ever heard him say anywhere else. Yeah, that was good. Oh, and I have a question here. I wanted to ask you this. How much money do you think you have to be making to not compete at Rogue?
Starting point is 02:13:43 Ooh. Hayley Adams, Mal O'Brien. I don't know. Who else is not going? Tia Toomey. I'd say... Are you saying salary over the course of a year? Yeah, like how much money do you have to make to... I mean... Three to $500,000 a year? No.
Starting point is 02:14:03 You think more or less? More. Moss. No way. Especially if you... So you know Tia's not going. And you're Mal and Haley. Rogue pays for you to fly out there. I think they put you in a hotel.
Starting point is 02:14:23 What if it throws off everything else that's making you money? What? What if the stage at which you have to do that competition throws off everything else that's making you money? Right, and that's what I want to know, how much money. Yeah, so if you have a chance to win 250 there, I'm guessing you have to be making 750 somewhere else to not go, to think that it's going to interfere.
Starting point is 02:14:43 So you threw an extra quarter million on top of my 500? At least. That's an interesting question. As soon as they've carried their way in? It's hard to tell. There's so many factors that I'm sure go into. I mean, maybe they're injured. Let's say they're not injured.
Starting point is 02:14:59 They're just assuming it's a dollar amount. I'll set you free. Let's say they're not injured. Let's say it is just about money. Yeah, then I would say $500,000. Between $500,000 and $750,000. No way. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:14 Dude. Because you know that you're fucking one of the first place spot. What's second place? Do we know the payouts? Everyone gets money. First of all. Everyone. Everyone. Yeah, but if it throws off your entire year of training for the next year that makes you all of your money then people have a periodization they train for the game season oh i'm so glad you brought up this
Starting point is 02:15:41 video i got you're gonna love this hiller i, you're going to love this, Hiller. I think you're going to love this. This one, I really was trying to impress you with this. I hope this impresses you. I hope you're like, you're a good dude, Sebi. This is how you've mentored me, and I appreciate it. Oh, fuck. You pointed out in that video that the Wadapalooza videos, hey, $215,000, and let me tell you,
Starting point is 02:16:04 if you're gonna make $75,000 and get to hang out with And who are the two if you're a CrossFit athlete who would you want to hang out with For a weekend If I were a CrossFit Athlete who would I want to hang out with Yeah but you're talking about Tia and Mel dude
Starting point is 02:16:19 You're not talking about me Let me tell you if you're a businessman And you give a fuck about money Or you're an athlete you give a fuck about money uh take the two days and go visit uh the rogue invitational and rub shoulders with bill and katie it's a fucking no-brainer that's the stuff i could say i'm gonna withhold but yeah it's a no-brainer oh tell me what what are you gonna say to say? Hopper's going, right? Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 02:16:47 I asked Matt also that question. I said, why would you, if Mal's going to work on other stuff, and why would Hopper go? Doesn't he need to work on other stuff? And he goes, well, he thinks that one of the things that would help Hopper is more floor time. So I thought that was cool. That's, I agree with that very much. He doesn't have very much of that okay so here it is new blood you said when we get off the air i want to hear what your thought was
Starting point is 02:17:12 about rubbing shoulders with bill and katie um um uh you said that wadapalooza shit the bed by telling people what the what what workouts were gonna have to be submitted for videos that threw everything off because then everyone could kind of short their reps because they know, okay, workout number three, they're not going to make me turn in a video. I can basically do whatever I want. The cat's away. The mice will play.
Starting point is 02:17:38 All right. Yes, yes. So basically, drug testing is not drug testing. It's avoidance. It's testing for like A, B, C, D, E, and F. And you know what they're testing for, right? Do they tell you what they're testing for? You finally picked up on that after a year?
Starting point is 02:18:02 I get it. Motherfucker. Hey, do they tell you what they're testing for? Go look at the wild. Is it green? You want me to send you the fucking link to it? So then if they tell you what they're testing for, that's the same as them telling you
Starting point is 02:18:20 which workouts you're not going to have to submit videos for. So the truth is it's not illegal to do performance enhancing drugs. Um, I suppose. And the biggest, the biggest thing to all of this is that when you compete at the Olympics, they have a biological passport. Do you know what that is?
Starting point is 02:18:42 No. It means that they will year after year see where you're at. And if there's any huge abnormalities, then they look deeper about what's going on there. So let's say every single year my testosterone is at 700. One year it's at 1,100. Like, well, what happened there? And then they can figure it out. Or they keep your samples for years into the future.
Starting point is 02:19:04 I sent you this. So samples for years into the future i sent you this so yeah years into the future let's say 10 years from now they can test for something that they didn't think was around now and that's how they go back and say well i'm not saying it happened but 2012 so and so is using what gw501516 because that wasn't tested for back then. They can go back and take away medals and championships. Do the CrossFit athletes have all of their semen samples stored? Semen? Whatever they take from them, extract from them, urine, blood?
Starting point is 02:19:39 No, they don't. But Olympic athletes do? They do, which is why... So we couldn't go back and test Ben Smith's shit from 2010 or whatever. And I bring up Ben Smith because I don't think for a second he's on anything. That's 2005, correct? Yeah. Yeah. He won in 2005. No, you can't. But that's why there's all.
Starting point is 02:19:58 Can we check Carl Lewis's shit from 1984? Yes. They got it. Wow. Wow. Well, is it Carl Lewis uh who was the guy in 2001 sprinter you think winstraw i don't remember what his name was but i remember the compound he was popped for the guy from canada the fastest man alive yeah ben not carl the ben johnson ben johnson yeah but that's got to impress you when I come up with shit like that Doorknob like me
Starting point is 02:20:26 Good job Ben Johnson That's the list as long as you're not taking any of that stuff You're good to go But they can So something could not be on the list in 2001 But it's on the list in 2020 And they can go back and check your sample and bust you for it Yep
Starting point is 02:20:41 Wow that is fucking That's lame Castro is aware of it too he said that in that video from a year ago yeah thank you Patrick he's always known thanks guys 1984 people used to I'm glad you finally picked up on that after a year of doing this together yeah like I get it it's not it's not drug testing. There is no drug testing. It's testing for these 10 things over here. Drug testing would be if they could test and just don't do those things and you're good to go. Yep. It's an impossible game. Hey, if you won the – if you –
Starting point is 02:21:18 I was in California. I wonder if you have to give the money back. Sorry, say that again. I was in California and talking to somebody who says that they personally know somebody who does this and they can do it for 10 grand or cheaper. Give you drugs. They can create a drug for you that will do whatever you want it to do. Can they get me to 100,000 subscribers? A drug, not an abstract number of followers. I think you get to pay companies to give you followers too
Starting point is 02:21:47 you know what's cool about youtube is that on instagram i get a dm every day telling me like offering to sell me followers but i never get that on youtube kate says yet people still get popped and those are the people you always hear cash for talking about i don't think anybody at the top level is using anything it's everyone who's trying to get into the top level. And you know why that is? Did you watch the video? Why is it that the people who are trying to get into the top level always get popped?
Starting point is 02:22:14 Because they're the ones using who can't pay for the $10,000 or don't have the access to find the stuff. Right. I don't know. You can find a couple of rich kids.
Starting point is 02:22:28 And I actually, I actually used Phil as an example because I think he was popped for Nandrolone, which has been around since the sixties. Oh yeah. And you said that takes a year to get out of your system, but it's good for your joints. Yes.
Starting point is 02:22:40 Good boy. He has done his homework. Wow. Good. Well, I fucked up the other one. I had to, i had to i did oh my goodness but he but he knew ben johnson i know and i know anyway i remember anyone with
Starting point is 02:22:52 the last name johnson that's a given they can't pay for the access to the stuff bruce wayne those are the people who are trying to get into the top tier those are also the people who like can't pay to fucking go anywhere the same people who were trying to get into the top tier. Those are also the people who like can't pay to fucking go anywhere. The same people who were trying to say, need to get paid from the Canada West games. How are they going to pay $10,000 to create a drug that will probably kill them in 10 years? Yes.
Starting point is 02:23:16 Sam, Samuel Cornwall. I can't even afford to go to Dubai. How the fuck's he going to get an Andrew alone? No, no. Andrew alone. He can get,
Starting point is 02:23:23 because that's cheap. Oh my goodness. It's abstract steroid Nandrolone he can get because that's cheap. It's abstract steroid X. How is he going to get that? He can't. Everyone wants to know the Nandrolone dealer. I know. I'm so glad. What if my neighbor sold Nandrolone? I'd be fucking on it. I can't stop looking at men's nipples,
Starting point is 02:23:39 breasts. You pointed Phil and Tunes out, Hiller. Dude, I can't believe I'm the one who's doing that. Trina's just looking at titties for roid use. How do mine look? They look good? Yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 02:23:54 Yeah. Have your nipples changed at all? Have your titties changed at all? They haven't, no. No. I got sensitive menastrosol, though. He just yelled. You know what that is?
Starting point is 02:24:04 No, sensitive nipples? It comes with California Hormones kit, and it's for high estrogen. So it basically stops your body from converting testosterone into estrogen. So you don't get the boobies. Aromatization. Correct. So you don't get the boobies. There's also another one called
Starting point is 02:24:25 caber which is for prolactin build up when you try and blow prolactin prolactin it's what happens it's like makes your boobs swell up different thing another topic prolactin okay tr trt uh and Andrew Hiller has spoken. The nipples are not more sensitive. Trina. They're good. Proactive. Prolactin.
Starting point is 02:24:54 I wonder if, um, last question. I wonder, I wonder if your pheromones are going to be like, like the dudes I've known have been juiced up, like girls, like, like waft through the air towards them.
Starting point is 02:25:04 I wonder if it's going to be like that for you. Like if all of a sudden, like girls are going to be like, like sleep, right? Like smelling your sack. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 02:25:12 uh, there's a high T count. Alexis said, I smelled good this morning. And though there's a high T count male, she literally said, Oh, they know.
Starting point is 02:25:22 They can sense it. And I'm like, what do you mean? I sense that you smell like you mean? I sensed it. You smell like you. I was working out next to him, and I was just weirdly attracted to him the whole time. I don't even know. You're like, well.
Starting point is 02:25:32 Yeah. You were talking about birth control and how some woman wanted a different husband on a show of yours a couple days ago. Yeah. That's a real thing, you know, right? Well, I don't know but i i want to believe it just hormones and what they do to what you want out of a mate yeah um how many people do you know come on and off birth control who've come off of it on and off like started taking or stopped taking
Starting point is 02:25:59 or changed birth controls none i mean i mean i've been with my wife for over 20 years i remember sometime in college like she tried it for a month and she's like fuck this this stuff's horrible maybe suze's because i learned most of this through the affiliate because just through like conversation you kind of figure out like who's using what sort of birth controls and like what that might be doing to them and you definitely learned some more. All I know is that that was one of the cornerstones of why I got fired from CrossFit. Oh, fuck. Miller, stop talking on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:26:36 You're going to get fired from the world. I'm never going to get hired back. It's a hormone, right? What is this? Is it progesterone? it's a hormone right so they're giving what is this is it a progesterone progesterone yeah the hormone in the pill and when you take that it's going to have a downstream effect on the way that you feel and it's the same way where i feel different as i'm taking testosterone they feel different when they take that pill yeah their body has an effect to it
Starting point is 02:27:00 they can change the entire way that they were operating for their entire lives and vice versa when they stop taking it what do you think about the pill do you like it oh my gosh are we going into this for a little bit i gotta i gotta run no no we're getting off we're getting off i'm glad you just didn't like it no i don't like it okay uh oh yeah go susan get out of here i'm done i i could go you guys could stay oh yeah go, yeah, go pee. Go pee. All right, guys. No, no, no. Yeah, pee. Are you gonna pee or eat?
Starting point is 02:27:28 No, no, no, no, no. I gotta go to my, I gotta go see my brother. They're in a bar at my house and I'm here hanging out with you guys and I need to be over there
Starting point is 02:27:35 to go say hi before I leave. Okay, okay, bye. Okay, bye. Oh, we're still here. We're still here. I thought he had to pee. He looked like me
Starting point is 02:27:43 when I had to pee. He did, but I think he was just getting anxious because it was getting late. Over there, what is it, 930? You know what the thing is? Is Sousa saw me throw a temper tantrum today when... Sousa, I would never do that to you. Sousa saw me throw a temper tantrum today when we had a scheduling issue with someone else. And he's probably like, I fucking exploded.
Starting point is 02:28:03 I've never seen you explode. I had a bad, I had a bad flip out at a bad flip out. Oh, look, there it is. Show's over. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:12 That usually means it's over, right? Yeah. Are we done or what? Are we going to Matt? Brian? All right. That's a little mean,
Starting point is 02:28:21 rich. That's a little heavy handed. All right. Spiegel. Thank you for the 1999. Uh, love you guys. Andrew Hiller is the best.
Starting point is 02:28:27 See you guys soon. Tomorrow morning.

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