The Sevan Podcast - #643 - Policeman Breakdown Show

Episode Date: October 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Oh, cool. Oh shit, Caleb, you're growing some hair. Bam, Caleb has hair. Just like that. just a little bit uh can't i'm i'm a save of fasting for next week possibly have a weigh-in on the 31st of all days weigh-in for what what are you doing what are you doing what are you weighing in for where are you blade you at the gym no this is my garage oh that's nice my daughter has a
Starting point is 00:00:46 had a well-built fort and that was where i was in last time was her playroom i didn't feel like i i didn't have it in me to break it down uh how do you feel about the forts uh uh god i have a love-hate relationship with the forts my boys build a fort and then take all their toys and then dump them out in the fort and it's yeah yeah it's like they want to move their bedroom into the fort i'm like dude yes they do try to kind of finesse it into being a little bit longer and longer and longer into something um i like it just because of the little engineering aspect yeah like man she built like this fucking bridge out of jenga blocks
Starting point is 00:01:34 um like that was put put together two benches i was like dang i took a picture and everything i was very proud of it so when she when she wants to do little stuff like that you know pretty much anything that's not a ipad or a phone or the tv yes i hear you i do i do roll my eyes though because she'll try to keep the fort up for a couple days but she just built this damn fort last night and so i'm like okay yeah i'll give you this one i'll give you this one oh shoot'll give you this one. Oh, shoot. Was I supposed to email this to you? You were, but look, I emailed it to myself. Oh, you're the man. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I emailed it to myself. I'm not going to joke. I was dilly dallying around this morning. Someone sent me a link to the Candace Owens Instagram account. Okay. And then I just got lost in there yeah it's so it was so so disrespectful i i seriously apologize i am a jackass for doing that it's all good bro so originally i had sent you this video for us to do a breakdown on and um in the in the original
Starting point is 00:02:44 version i just sent it in a text caleb the lady you could actually see that the lady was naked and since then i can't find that video anymore they got her all blurred out what's weird i can't find the video like i can't find our whole thread i think i fucked it up because i got a new phone and I switched Apple IDs because my iCloud was full on one. So I started a new Apple ID and it's completely screwed up my shit. But I don't think that would mess up my end. I know. If I hadn't looked at it myself, I would have thought, man, someone bullshitting.
Starting point is 00:03:18 He didn't send me no damn video. Right. But I seen it. Yes. Oh, well seen it. Yes. Well, oh, well. Bizarre.
Starting point is 00:03:28 It does. It does make it more like, like you can use your imagination when something's blurred out, but when it's not blurred, you're like, it makes it more. Oh, is this happening right now?
Starting point is 00:03:40 Uh, there, there's a, there, there is a, a shitload going on in this video. Should I run it, Caleb, or do you want to run it? I can run it.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Okay. I'm going to tell you – first, I just want to tell you we'll watch the video first, you guys, and I'm not going to tell you what I see so that you guys can have an unbiased view. But the one thing that I need to tell you is that the lady who's blurred out, I think she does have clothes on. I think she has a pair of shorts on, but they're pulled down past her butt and her vagina. And then she's completely naked on the top, as I remember. So that's the one thing that
Starting point is 00:04:25 blade and i saw originally that you're not going to get to see um in this video okay uh action oh and so so sorry one more thing just so you guys uh know so i um have uh over the last uh i don't know year befriended Blade first through a mutual friend and Instagram and then we exchanged phone numbers and then I think we FaceTime a few times and so we built this friendship and then I saw a video last week and I said hey do you want to come on
Starting point is 00:04:56 and talk about it and he said absolutely and then like from the heavens within 24 hours of us getting off the call I got another video. I was like, oh shit, Blade, and I got to talk about this one too. This is crazy. And I actually think that this is doing a service because Blade is a very tempered man of high moral values and ethics.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And I am a – by any means fucking keep anyone dangerous away from my kids and so he he's he talks a little bit of sense into me so i think it's a good uh service um for you guys to see okay action oh and i don't know what city sorry one more thing i don't know what city this is cpd chicago police department i think it's chicago okay yeah that's what i CPD, Chicago Police Department? I think it's Chicago. Okay. Yeah. That's what I looked up when I found this version.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Okay. The other Oh, don't hit me, man. Oh, s***. Oh. Whoa. so uh what i see is she's even barefoot what i see is somehow this cop has stopped in the middle of a four-way um intersection that has a stoplight in what looks like a suburb, a pretty busy active intersection, single lane back and forth. It looks like it's a residential area, the kind of place where there might be, I don't know, stores on the bottom, little markets and stuff um and a overweight uh police officer who's older maybe he's 60 wearing a bulletproof vest i'm guessing um he gets out of his car to talk to someone probably to clear out of the intersection we'll hear blaze take in a second and somehow he gets on the wrong side of his car uh wrong side of the door she's she's right adjacent to the door she opens the car door and she gets in the car and he yells at her
Starting point is 00:07:52 a handful of times get the fuck out of the car uh but she still gets in while he's holding her arm and uh she drives off in reverse and how he doesn't get killed is beyond me he gets knocked down and he can't even get up and his life is immediately in danger because now the car she if she would have turned the steering wheel to the left she could have just run him over and then uh by bystanders run out into the street uh to to tend to him i mean look at that pause right there look at that that part is scary right there right where she's like now she's there she's now 15 feet she's now in the car control of this vehicle 15 feet pointed almost directly at him all she has to do is swerve to the left and he's a speed bump uh my immediate feeling is is that he should have like maybe grabbed her by the hair uh and just immediately yanked her out of the car or he should have escalated it super quickly
Starting point is 00:08:57 and the reason why is for me getting into a crazy person getting into a car, and I say she's crazy because she's fighting with a cop. I think anyone fighting with a cop is – you have to kind of assume that they're crazy. And she's naked, and she's stealing a cop car. That's pretty insane. But I have to say that a car is equal to taking the gun from a police officer. And there's clearly bystanders everywhere. So at that point, if you're trying to protect the public, it turns into a Malcolm X situation by any means necessary. Well, and one thing about your take I'd like to add. So you said once she started getting in the car,
Starting point is 00:09:38 he should have escalated it quickly. And I agree with that. There's actually a term for that. Might not be verbatim what i'm about to say but it's like swift violent action just to avoid further conflict like she opened the car door and he should have just exploded on her yeah so so you know he's trying to be calm talking on the radio talking to her at the same time multitasking he's probably a probably a 15 out of 100 oh yeah she's she's
Starting point is 00:10:06 approaching me probably as she starts walking towards him probably elevates to like a 40 but she's not she's not posturing or anything yeah she's super calm she's super calm exactly well once once and he clearly will go this one when you the video, but he clearly doesn't want to touch her. Right. Right. He's like, ooh. Because she got – her breasts are like fully exposed and her vagina and her butt are fully exposed, and she's a woman. Right. And we don't – I could almost – there's a saying, I can smell that picture. Like when you look at a certain picture, like I could almost smell the video.
Starting point is 00:10:46 What do you mean? She has alcohol on her breath and you can see the gaze in her eyes and exactly like there's some there's some kind of something on board whether it's been showered in so long you don't know how long she's been out and about like mustiness the alcohol whatever the breath as she gets closer, things like that. The mental illness from maybe the meds she's on, her breath and her mouth are all fucked up and dry. Yep. And then the part where it's clear what she's trying to do with the car, that's when you go from whatever number you were at, 10, 20, 30, to not 100,
Starting point is 00:11:21 probably because that's skull busting on the ground, but the instant action, 80-90 to let her know, hey, I'm here. We're done playing this game. That's a wrap. And, Blade, how about the situational awareness when he grabs her? Can we look one more time, Caleb? He grabs her through the car window, which puts him at a significant disadvantage. He needed to get that arm around the car door right now she i mean well okay let's even go back further how about right here how about right here i showed this to uh
Starting point is 00:11:51 uh another police officer last night who was at my house watching the fights and he says he has a policy that every time he gets out of his car you take your keys out you never leave your key in the car and he says when he sees rookies when he sees rookies address someone uh who um get uh who leave their keys in the car he'll sneak over there and when they're not paying attention he'll drive away in their car and then he'll call them on the private radio channel he'll wait till they turn around and see their cars missing and then he'll call them on the private radio channel and be like let the person go give them a verbal warning and walk back two blocks where i'm parked and he says he just scolds the shit out of them so it's good right i'm just going
Starting point is 00:12:39 through trying to live the oh shit feeling when they don't know that he took it and they go back to their car to get their site book or whatever it may be or if they did give the person a warning and they turn and see yeah that's something but uh what about taking the keys out of the car every time you stop is that is that good policy because i guess on the other hand is if you need to take off quickly you lose a few seconds having to find your keys and start the car again right so i'd imagine that so a lot of policies nowadays they're preventative but i but but a lot of policies were probably written originally because something happened i always like to wonder
Starting point is 00:13:22 like what what laws or what policies or what rules were put in a place to be preventative and which ones are reactive and that sounds like possibly a reactive one where like somebody's car got yanked like this one like this like after this chicago pd puts out a statement to all their officers no you know what this is um i'm not i don't work for the company or i don't even know i don't remember who sells it but there's something called secure idol that we have and and we showed our sergeant showed videos like this to get it in our cars you turn you could turn your thing turn the keys off all that and then the car's still on even though your keys are a lot of canine
Starting point is 00:14:05 cars have them like if somebody's a canine and their car's kind of newer hold on one second oh you should have paid your electricity no so this this light like a motion sensor oh yes i have a suv parked right here in front of it so like every 25 30 minutes i'll just get up and wave real quick we'll know when the show's running too long when the lights go off three times yeah but uh but yeah secure idle is what we do but or for me my car doesn't have secure idle i have a little carabiner that i keep on my tack vest right here and so i get out and just leave the keys in the car and it running but it's like it's like clockwork when When I get out the car, boom, parking brake, lock. And I'll even hit it twice and then close the door.
Starting point is 00:14:51 So then when I come back, I just unlock it real quick with my spare key. Oh, with your spare. Okay, so you have two keys. Yeah, exactly. I have a spare key on a carabiner on my vest, and then my regular keys that have the keys to all the lockers and the sails and all that stuff like that which is the same thing it gives you the same effect of taking your key out of the car yeah some people do though just leave it in the car unlocked and
Starting point is 00:15:16 hope not to get your car yanked does it take forever for like the computers in your car to boot up because i've heard that because maybe because the computer the car is too old they don't shut off their car because it takes forever to turn back this turn the system back on in the older cars definitely like or depending on the weather you know you don't want to turn your car off if it's too hot and so you put your ac on you point the things to the back of the computer so it doesn't overheat and blast out on you. But, yeah, that's definitely a factor as well. But, yes, I would say some people, you know, some people just leave their shit unlocked, leave it on and never got in their car stolen. And then until they do, I guess, and then that's a wrap.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So, yeah, secure idle or locking your stuff in. Blade, there's a lot to break down here, but let's address what Jessica Valenzuela said. And I think I put a lot of blame on what's happened to the villainization of police officers in the last two years to what she's about to say. I want to say something. I want to say something. There's a viral video going around right now where Dana White is saying that he only had 10 years to live, and he saw this guy, and this guy completely changed his lifestyle, and Dana lost 30 pounds, and his skin color came back. He's not red anymore. He's white now. And recently this guy has come out and said something that I've said a thousand times on this show, that the third leading cause of death in the United States is medical error. And I use that word error very loosely. It's medical. Maybe it's negligence, medical, whatever you want to put in there. My point being is that this entire movement that was to villainize cops, I felt like the big statistic that they were using was that 12 unarmed men with melanated skin, skin color that looked more like yours than mine, people who are more – have a biology that better prepares them for living closer to the equator than the polls um because 12 of them were killed unarmed that it started this massive
Starting point is 00:17:26 movement but if you contextualize that to the hundreds of millions of stops that police officers hundreds of millions of stops police officers make every year compared to the fact of how many people have died at the hands of going to a hospital it's completely wackadoodle shit it's completely and and and the doctors aren't being put in harm's way these men and women who are who are making the stops are being put put in harm's way so i i just like to contextualize that first my opinion not blades um but jessica Valenzuela says this, and I've heard this from a lot of police officers. Let's face it. With everyone recording the minute he touches her, bystanders are going to escalate it to unreasonable use of force. And that's my might be why he hesitated. Any thoughts on that?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah. So first off, that has a lot of merit that sentence like there there are some thoughts there are times where people think oh shit okay do i want to touch it oh i i do not want to whoop this oh i do not want to whoop this woman's ass in front of all these people like a naked woman exactly oh um he beat up a poor, mentally ill black woman. Naked. Yeah. And then that's where, honestly, keeping your shit, keeping yourself squared away, training, working out, whatever it may be that can make something like that swift, quick, and keep it moving helps because if you're on the same level as somebody in a fight it's going to get drug out a lot longer and probably look a lot nastier
Starting point is 00:19:11 but if you show that you're squared away and superior in technique and strength and conditioning whatever it may be it's going to look a lot cleaner so like like for like me against another 30 year old man in a fight who's evenly matched there's going to look a lot cleaner. So like me against another 30-year-old man in a fight who's evenly matched, there's going to be bumps, bruises, all that. I'm going to be jacked up. But if I'm wrestling around with my daughter, it's going to look swift, clean. She's not even going to get that injured.
Starting point is 00:19:36 She's not even going to be injured in the matter, you know, just moving around. So in a thing like that, the reason I say that is if he had been able to outmatch her to a level that i feel he should have or your or the as much as i would have it would have been it would have been a lot quicker and swifter like to the point where it wouldn't even been uh escalation or mob mentality uh c, I just sent the wrong video. I sent the video in the comments.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I meant to send it in private chat. Could you play this one? We will get back to the naked woman. I want to ask Blade, this looks like some real training here. I don't know what the incident is here, but are you talking about something more like this where this guy this um this guy just handles his business uh and and ends this situation this is a police officer apprehending a suspect it looks like it's in
Starting point is 00:20:36 front of like a cvs or something this is what i'm talking about this is what i'm talking about you can turn the volume he throws the guy on the ground see look at the arm control well don't look at me controlling that shoulder look swift smooth violent uh swift violent action that's what swift violent keep it moving he didn't have to bust a dude's head in because he's just that much above. Even when he, quote, unquote, slammed him, if somebody would even describe it as that, he decelerated on the way down, kind of like how we're required to do in high school wrestling. You know, like he didn't just make it rain.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Like, boom, slight deceleration. Shoulder, boom. Because I think the dude would have dislocated the shoulder if the officer wanted them to. Especially when he braced like that. And just so you know, bystanders, people, this lady here, think how stupid this lady is here who walks by in the background. You are seeing two men fight and one of them has a gun and you walk by she's not even watching like if you have to walk by any let me just say this real quick as a public service message if you have to walk by anyone with a gun
Starting point is 00:21:59 don't take your eyes off them this is a this this is a piece of machinery that is used to stop human beings with the maximum force possible. And you are watching a man and one man fight another man with a gun. She's not she doesn't even look at them. Why did she even walk that close? I mean, I don't understand what's wrong with people. It's like the people at intersections who are waiting to cross the street, and they're standing either right on the curb. It's like three girls standing on the corner. There's hundreds of cars making right-hand turns, and they're standing. One girl's in the street. Two girls are standing on the curb, and they're all looking at their cell phones.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I'm like, you know your parents made you, right? And and you're their fucking greatest possession and you're completely neglecting it how about take five steps back and get up on the curb behind the telephone pole so if like if someone has a flat tire a blowout if the car doesn't swerve over and hit you we gotta get tornadoes from the gas station, dude. If you see two silverbacks fighting, you ain't just about to... Right. You're walking a long way on the other side of the street. Or you're just waiting on the car. You're like, I'll get my big gulp later. She doesn't even look.
Starting point is 00:23:19 She's seeing... It's nuts. But I want you to look at another thing so in the in the beginning homeboy in the red is putting up a little putting up some fight that's the reason he had to be slammed in the first place but when he realizes that this shit ain't gonna work this ain't the day and this officer's not the one look how fast the fight leaves him so boom he even tries to posture up a little bit but right here he's like what the hell oh my goodness oh this officer knows what he's doing oh okay all right you know what i'm done i'm sorry you're just going do what you got to do handcuff me let's keep it moving at this point right now he's not even he's not flailing because he knows
Starting point is 00:24:06 shock and awe right so actually this guy's actually kept safe by being explosive to him so that he has to like be like okay this there's no fight here the public is kept safe that guy's kept safe and the officers kept safe right and and that, when you know what you have and what you have, it's kind of a term that we use. So when you know that you have the legal grounds to do A, B, C, and D, like your flow chart is going well in your head, it allows you to act swiftly like this and act with confidence. Because if you don't know what you have you might hesitate and when you hesitate that's when you get popped in the mouth so this officer knew it seems like he knew what whatever crime he had the legal standing he had he may have known the dude from past contacts whatever it may be but it allowed him to ramp up from zero to 100 however he felt
Starting point is 00:25:01 necessary you know his dimmer switch was working really well and so back to the original video i don't know if officer didn't know what he had i don't know if it looks like he was probably there for a welfare check i'd imagine when i see that i can you play that again caleb what do you mean he was there for a welfare check so welfare checks a lot of times not this one i'm sorry um the original one that we were on. With the lady, the nude lady. Exactly. So there's different types of calls that we get.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Let me do this so I don't black out on you real quick. It's fine. I like it. It's like our time. All right. So there's different types of calls. And a welfare check is when you simply are checking on someone's welfare. It could end up being a crime it could be uh she even put her hand on him you know she's sweet
Starting point is 00:25:51 talking him there right there right she puts her hand gently on his chest yeah she knows how to deal with men she's dealt with men yeah and so he's probably there more so to check on her welfare than to do like hardcore enforcement action. Like they got it. Like as soon as he sees nude, he sees mental – a mental issue. Yeah, somebody called and probably was like – he either rolled up on her or somebody called and was like, hey, there's somebody in the middle of the street naked screaming at passing cars or whatever it may be. Whatever somebody naked in the middle of the street naked screaming at passing cars or whatever it may be whatever somebody naked in the middle of the street probably do and so he's there and then when she gets up and approaches him he clearly clearly don't want to tell you like get this woman off me but right here this where i'm this where where I'm ending it. So typically, you know, you wouldn't go like
Starting point is 00:26:48 this, but he, he doesn't want to do that. You probably don't want to put his hand on her chest and push her away, but you got to do something because right now she's controlling, she's controlling the call. He's giving her orders, but she's controlling the situation and so definitely right here see this is where this is where you ramp it up however high you need to to get her about the car get her about the paint because let's give her some credit too how in i mean look at that's a great place to stop it he's in such a compromised position but the fact that she has the wherewithal to start the car to get away with only one arm is crazy when somebody is determined to do something it's harder than you think to stop him from doing it like a lot of times you think okay i'm stronger than this person i'm bigger than this person
Starting point is 00:27:43 whatever it may be. Now, when somebody's determined, and we don't even know if she feels pain, who knows, he might be trying to do some kind of risk, risk something eventually. He might be trying to get a little wrist lock or some kind of pain compliance. But either if somebody's not feeling their pain compliance or they're determined for their task, they fight through a fucking broken arm.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's OK to elbow and shoulder deal with the repercussions later. And she knows the streets. She's she's definitely not afraid of anything. She's not worried about going to jail or the fucking pimp beating her or the drug dealer beating her up for not paying for a drug. I mean, she's she's's, she knows the streets. He might know the streets. She knows them better. And so right here is where, right here is where you, you got to be quick though.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You just got to, you got to make it happen. So he positioned himself in the door jam. You switch hands, switch your grip, whatever it may be to get some leverage. Because it'd be a lot harder to operate the car from here than it is from here from here well i'm okay let me go on if i could just fucking get my right arm but from here would it still be possible yeah but it'd be a lot harder and you're coming with me at that point you know what i'm saying do you remember last week in the video when the lady got into the tussle with the guy it was a positioning issue also she was
Starting point is 00:29:05 below she was on the street and he was six inches higher up on the curb and we were both like man if you're going to pick a fight with someone you want the high ground and once again this guy let the um the person that he's talking to the suspect get in between him and the weapon the car right he had he had bad positioning too he didn't have uh wherewithal situational awareness in the ring right and then and okay you got you got caught off guard it happens now this is where you got to deal with it preferably would this ever happen no but it did we're here what are you going to do this is where you got to deal with it. Preferably would this ever happen? No, but it did. We're here. What are you going to do? This is where, this is where training and keeping yourself squared away is important. So like my, my department's dope. Like we get, we got a cool ass, got a cool
Starting point is 00:29:58 ass gym. We get allotted workout time, you know what I mean yeah yeah and does everybody use it no but some people use it and that's if i tell people especially when they're on my team i'm like hey i need you to be right because one day i might be getting my ass whooped and whoever's next please be a plus one please don't be a minus one or divided by one be a plus one because i'm gonna need you there do you know who greg do you know greg amundsen is blade yeah ain't he the self-defense or defensive tactics uh crossfit dude no he's not he's he's he's the the original like like crossfit one of the original CrossFit superstars. I don't get my people mixed up, but I know the name. He's a bald dude.
Starting point is 00:30:52 He was a Santa Cruz County sheriff, and he used to train with Greg Glassman over at the gym. And I had him on the show, and he said that he got into a fight with a suspect one time and got beat up, and the next day just started taking jiu-jitsu. He's like, that is never, ever never ever ever gonna happen to me again yeah and jiu-jitsu see jiu-jitsu is dope because so my background is more of wrestling which is better than nothing it's actually really good it's a good tool to have but those guys are currently taking over the jiu-jitsu scene by the way all the grapplers who are way. All the grapplers who are coming, the Division I grapplers who are coming, they're handling their business. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:30 In wrestling, quite often, you turn your ability and strength into offense and domination. The element I like about jiu-jitsu is you also learn how to turn defense into offense. That element is so cool, like whether you need to buy time or completely reverse the situation. Because, yeah, when you're wrestling for a point, you don't want to be on your back. But let's face it, there may be a time where you're on your back.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And rather than being a fucking turtle, like, oh, shit, what do I do? I'm used to just owning the situation. You learn how to be a g about it and just boom okay let me be calm because i know in jiu-jitsu a lot of it's about about like cool calm it's like fucking wrestling you if you if you're against somebody in jiu-jitsu who knows how to roll you don't know what you're doing it's like wrestling a fucking snake you know there's always something like how the fuck i'm up here how the hell he get this or you think you're you think you're whooping ass until you're not well i i
Starting point is 00:32:30 tell people too um a jiu-jitsu practitioner on his back with his legs up in the air and you're on top of him you are not safe right and and to have daughters in today's society and at least not consider putting them in jiu-jitsu i mean uh that's the last place you want your daughter to be is on her back with her legs in the air but if she's been doing jiu-jitsu for five years fuck you better pray for the guy who's on top of her right because they're fucking deadly from the bottom with their legs up in the air i'm speaking from experience with this not as far as getting in a fight with somebody in jiu-jitsu, but when I'm training and I have, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:10 I tend to bring people in, like I work out, I'm actually working out before shift today. When I work out before shift and I have somebody working out with me, right when we start getting that tired point, I'll yell out,
Starting point is 00:33:29 hey, remember, there's somebody right now whose main goal is to whoop your ass. They ain't going back. So it's going to be between them and us. You know what I mean? Ideally, we're both unscathed, but that's why we train. And that's what I try to remember. You know, being jacked, being strong as fuck, all that stuff, having a fast friend time, whatever it may be, is a bonus.
Starting point is 00:33:54 It's definitely fun to talk about with your boys and stuff like that. But when it comes down to it, that's why you're doing it. And if you can remember that, then you're good. Because I have a friend, he's like, fuck, Walker, you get stronger as you go. It's like, because as I'm getting tired, that's when I remember that then you're good because i have a friend he's like fuck walker you get stronger as you go it's like because as i'm getting as i'm getting tired that's when i remember that shit uh at the at the um what what i heard from a friend of mine is at the gym at the uh santa cruz county sheriff they have a picture up on the wall of a police officer who was recently killed in an ambush they called the police officers there claiming that officers there to a house claiming that there was something going on and that wasn't going on
Starting point is 00:34:28 and the police officers rolled up on it and they shot and killed the guy who first showed up on the scene and they got this guy's picture up on the wall and my friend says that anytime he remotely starts to get tired, he looks up at that picture and he just remembers like, okay, like this can't, this, we have to and and to speak to your point
Starting point is 00:34:47 greg amundsen was the fittest man in the world for sure at some point you know 2006 before the crossfit games and he's is he standards what fucking standards is that him uh you know on on that every second counts was that him him? Oh, no, no. That's Greg Amundsen right there. Okay. Okay, cool. Oh, that's a dope-ass picture, too. And he looks like, oh, look at that picture at the, look at the one with the top of his back. I mean, he is a fucking cannonball.
Starting point is 00:35:18 He's built like Yoel Romero. Oh, my God. You know? Yeah, yeah. And they say, know the UFC yeah front is for show back is for dope and he said it was fucking pointless he said it was like all his fitness did was made it that it took longer for the guy to beat him up it's a it's important to have that element of just even the most basic of experience to where you're like, okay, what can I do?
Starting point is 00:35:51 Just have your brain going through what's going to happen next. Because there was a scenario where somebody who we found out had a gun in their backpack. They were some bad people. You know what I mean? And they had made their way over to our jurisdiction and they were running through a shopping mall. Two of our officers saw them about right here. They recognized them from a track flyer.
Starting point is 00:36:17 He saw them and took off like this. Well, little did he know, I was in the shopping mall patrolling their movement and I didn't even know quite frankly and so I hear the radio traffic and he runs like this and I hear the radio traffic that he's eastbound and I'm like I'm eastbound
Starting point is 00:36:36 and they say okay now he's southbound I'm like I'm southbound so then I start looking and I look down the way and then you see a dude running to it looks like a fucking movie you see a dude running through it looks like a fucking movie you see a dude running to a lady and shit I'm like oh that's my guy so I tuck in like I tuck in behind some civilians you know I don't I don't just really stop because he starts running towards me so I tuck in behind some civilians in front of me and so they're walking
Starting point is 00:37:05 and i'm tucked in and he's he's running my way worried about the officers behind him so he's like and then he came do you know you know who terry tate the office linebacker is you ever heard of that name terry yes yes yes He was like a Super Bowl ad. Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes. I got him with the Terry Tate. He didn't even see it. But then once that happened, I got him, and my partners were still chasing. They came, and that's when you slow things down. I got his arm because I crucifixed his arm out. I'll get his legs, get his legs, settle down.
Starting point is 00:37:47 It's cool because he was laying on his backpack and his backpacks where we thought the gun was. So if you're thinking, oh, my God, gun. Yeah, that's right. You need to get shit done quick, but we got to get let's get it done swiftly. You know, steady, steady, smooth, smooth is fast. And so then, boom. OK, now what? OK as smooth, smooth as fast. And so then boom. Okay. Now what? Okay. Let's control his legs. Okay. We're not moving from this position. We got them right where we want them. Not moving from this position until we're controlling it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Let's get them over. Okay. Figure four is legs. Keep your hand up. Keep your hand on the backpack. Boom. And then got it out. Did you find the video, Officer Terry Tate? Yeah. You want to play it? Sure. Let's see. Let's see this.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I think I remember there's a whole series of these, right? Oh, yeah. These are money. These are gold. Believer in paradigm breaking. Outside the box thinking. Hey, buddy. 15 minutes to go, Mitch!
Starting point is 00:38:46 No more than seven seconds, Caleb. No more than 7 seconds Caleb no more than 7 seconds that's all I got that was what it was like that's at least what I thought it would look like Blade this late how do you and I know it's hindsight
Starting point is 00:39:04 how would you like to And I know it's hindsight. How would you like to have seen this go down with this lady? Can you play that again, Caleb? Where would you like to have seen the officer do something different? Yeah. So we're running back from the beginning and I'll just say pause and then go. OK, so right here. Oh, she's on the ground.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yeah, that's what made me think it was like a welfare check. She's probably just laying there, whatever it may be. You know, because like this is, I know this is kind of weird to a lot of people. This ain't that weird to me. Right. You know what I'm saying? Like, yeah, it screams she needs help and there's certain ways I would handle it but it's not like i ain't seen somebody acting up before i saw someone just naked just last week uh and i and i kind of live kind a little bit in you could even say the country you know like my neighbors have peacocks
Starting point is 00:39:58 and donkeys and shit and i saw a man the other day just on the street corner in front of the starbucks with his pants below his uh cock and balls and his butt just like just on the street corner in front of the starbucks with his pants below his uh cock and balls and his butt just like yelling on the street corner damn so with this welfare check to be honest right now i'm not even leaving from behind my door i'm opening the door probably posting up chicago is a lot bigger than where i work where i work i might not even know the person right right i'll just oh I want to talk about that too my friends who are police officers that's exactly right that we don't realize when they drive down the street they're like okay I arrested that guy I pulled
Starting point is 00:40:34 that car over yesterday oh that guy ran from me once I could I could address that he says he just drives down the street and just sees just like his his years of history just everywhere i've been in that house before those people have a couple that fights a lot like they know shit yeah like seven what you doing naked in the street bro what you doing man who knows maybe he doesn't or maybe that's why he felt comfortable enough for her to walk up on him i'm not sure or he just really didn't want to deal with the naked woman. Because like I said, Chicago, that's probably a lot of people, a lot of stuff going on. But this cop, he's done some things.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And he might be five minutes from retirement. He's just like, Lord, please just let me get up out of here. Let's just get this woman out of here. You would have stayed behind your door. Yeah. Right now I'm probably still behind my door. There's no reason. Like I'm,
Starting point is 00:41:31 I'm just talking. Cause what? He's probably two feet closer to her than he is right now. If he were to be behind the door, not behind the door. And when you're behind the door, she ain't going to get in the car. What you're going to do,
Starting point is 00:41:44 pull you out the way right so so you're you're even eliminating that so yeah i'm probably kicking it behind the door got me a nice little cover just in case now she's obviously not armed but yeah on the door kicking it talking and when she stands up that is a form of um escalating oh, right there, he probably told her, put your hands on the... See, that's exactly what I was thinking. So he's controlling the call. He's like, all right, hey, go to the front of the car, put your hands on the car. But then he doesn't address it. You know what I mean? Like, right there, he's controlling the call. And she complies. Look at her. Yep. She complies. But then, due to lack of action, she opens the gate and walks back and starts doing stuff. So I actually do like that.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Our cars have a push bumper. I would have been like, hey, just go and sit on the push bumper for me. Okay, so when she stands up, that's a form of escalation the entire situation has changed once she stands up he tells her to put her hands on the car she feigns to do it basically and puts him there for a split second but then her next move is kind of brilliant right from just that female to male just relationship she puts her hand on him she de-escalates him by doing that right yeah like yeah i call it hey honey hey honey yeah she may have disarmed him yeah don't don't worry i don't even know what's being said and and like we said her breasts are out and that's like something that can throw any man off
Starting point is 00:43:18 yeah and then here play a little bit more caleb and then right there now now there's a wow even there she's got her butt up against the fender right she's she's she seems like she's acquiesced okay i give up and so right right there it's over right there that's oh no no no no even even if he goes so there's a car even if he goes boom slam the door shut slams the door shut exactly doesn't hurt her doesn't hurt him not that if he's like for the people oh he was afraid to do whatever it may be no right there just open palm hand on the door boom we're not doing that then with that hand boom you're you're going in cuffs what about right there putting his arm around her neck and pulling her back so i not not the worst move however oh this whole the whole george floyd thing changed so much and so the neck is lava you
Starting point is 00:44:29 know the floor is lava yeah now if you need to use it if you need to do something to save your life or legitimately protect human life then then do what you got to do. But yeah, in a situation like this, or make it so obvious that you're not around her neck, grab her shoulder to where the elbow might be like kind of down here and pull her back. Personally, her arm is already out and extended. I'd probably get control and be here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:04 And then go against the car. Matt Burns, I love these perspectives. Thanks, Blade. You're a good dude. Appreciate it, baby. Okay, a couple more seconds, Caleb, or one more second. Okay, so let's say that he couldn't do that because he was fiddling with his radio still. It's hard to tell with the blur.
Starting point is 00:45:24 He couldn't shut the door, and he couldn't grab her arm and now she's in say that again i said yeah because he does have a handheld see like my radio is is attached to a to a mic yeah and so i'd be able to use my hands freely but it looks like he's a little more old school and it's using a handheld and so he probably is feeling like oh wait hold on he probably didn't even have the didn't want to drop his radio or put it on the car or he probably i think he might have tried to tuck it away if you play it a little further but either way it looks like he's a little occupied his attention's being divided i'd also like to point out that um uh the officers i know they're they're impeccable in their dress and their appearance and everything.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Not only is this guy overweight, and I don't mean to be petty, but look at his pants. He hasn't even taken the time to take his pants to the seamstress and get that shit so it fits on him and he presents nicely. He looks a little like he's one shot of heroin away from being homeless himself. And that's – so we call it command presence, and that's a factor. I've had actual people tell me – there was one dude I was – so he's hopping – he's jumping fences and peeking in the backyard. So he hasn't burgled anybody anybody but he's definitely a problem within the neighborhood we respond to the scene we're looking and i find him and i put my car in park and i get out the car and i say hey bro don't do it because he clearly was getting ready to run
Starting point is 00:46:58 and he sat his ass back down and we safely arrested him and took him and on the way to jail he's like hey could i can i tell you something uh and i was like yeah what's up you know i was thinking about running but then i saw i saw you was in shape and you was black and i was like oh no he probably fast he has more situational awareness than the lady who walked by in the other video. Yeah, it's so that stuff, that stuff does work. And we have another we have another known runner. My sergeant from like four years ago still owes me a pokeball for this because he had a felony warrant and he always runs. Well, I knew where he stayed.
Starting point is 00:47:44 He was a homeless dude. I know where he camped out at. And he looked at me. I was like, hey, bro, I'm not the one. Let's just go. And I told him on the car ride, I was like, hey, I'm glad you didn't run. Thank you for not running. I'm not condoning that. However, I thought you were a runner. Was there a reason that you didn't dip on me? He's like, I probably would have gotten caught, I guess. He assessed you. He assessed you. And I was probably like 26 too. I had time. I would have been, yeah, that would have been a bad idea. But that stuff helps. That stuff does work.
Starting point is 00:48:20 You train. So if you do have to get in that situation, you can handle it swiftly. You're not hurt. They're not hurt. And you keep it moving. However, you don't get in so many. You don't know how many fights you don't get in because you're locked in and you're squared away. I'm just naming a couple where they verbalized it.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I'm just naming a couple where they verbalized it. But you don't know when you're at a domestic violence call or you're at a downtown bar fight, whatever it may be, and somebody's thinking about it. And then they see you, you know what I mean? You got a little veins popping out your forearms. You're carrying yourself well. You're confident. You're postured well. Yeah. well shirt fitting right you know things like that versus you know the the opposite you know i don't want to say any bad things about folks but
Starting point is 00:49:18 you're the opposite where you're clearly unhealthy clearly yeah not in. And it's like, damn. Or even after, this is me just being vain, but afterwards, so our brass, like our supervisors, a lot of them work out, which is why our gym is so dope at work. A lot of them work out and are squared away themselves. And on a use of force, a lot of times brass has to come to the scene.
Starting point is 00:49:44 And when your brass gets out of the car you know sleeves fitting all tight they look good in their uniform the gig lines all straight you know haircut looking nice everything like that it's just kind of a it's just a good feeling you know what i mean it's like okay cool square it away right and and everyone on the team's confidence goes up when someone shows up who's there to um when someone when someone's there who's competent that's why i always got my sleeves on my shirt tailored oh yeah uh heidi has a good point uh jim you should just have to tear the sleeves off your shirt i agree i i don't't know if, Blade, you're familiar with Jim, but Jim did.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Okay. All right. Everyone. That's 365 Murph. Yeah. He's doing 365 Heroes. That boy had taken a day off in two years. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:40 What's that? There's a meme. It's that beast mode. You mean a wick? Right. Right. That's that beast mode. You mean awake? Right, right. That's him. Right. So let's go back to the video.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Blade, this is the second time I've seen this in a video where an officer goes down around a car that the suspect's in the car and the officer doesn't get up. Is that because he's so badly injured? Do you think he broke his leg or something? the officer doesn't get up is that because he's so badly injured you think he broke his leg or something like if i got knocked down and you were in the car i would start rolling to this to the i would do anything i could to get out of the fucking street yeah like you're on fucking fire get out get out yes i would get out of the way of the car yeah why isn't this guy um getting up after he gets knocked down well one thing we forget we we take it for granted because we keep ourselves squared away getting up especially so considering this dude's weight
Starting point is 00:51:30 and his age yeah it might not be easy like he might even have trouble putting his shoes on in the morning his back hurt his knees hurt on a good day his back and knees probably ache probably doesn't he doesn't he can't hinge well and then you add the element of he's probably he's concussed likely because look keep it rolling you're gonna see the back of his head is bleeding oh right right so he's probably concussed right you know that's honestly a reason i i like to keep turkish get-ups in my game because getting up off the floor is something that that like a lot that a lot of folks can't do as they get older and older and older. It gets a little bit more inconvenient.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Kylie Antone says moving with a duty belt is hard. Is the uniform cumbersome? I catch myself every day. I'll put my hand beneath my taser and my gun and i'll just lift a second things like that but i also distribute my gear with them without throughout my vest and so it's it's it's kind of cool for me all i have on my belt i have like this little back brace on the back end because i like to be i want to be preventative it's not to it's not because i've been injured but i just want to stop it from happening i have a back brace a gun and a taser i
Starting point is 00:52:52 think that's all that's on my belt and the rest is on my on my vest why do you do that i didn't understand that why do you pull it just takes the pressure off my hips oh right so like if you're just to give yourself a little reprieve. Like if you're doing Murph and in between transitions, sometimes you'll put your thumbs in your vest and lift it up a second to give yourself a little. While you're doing your squats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yeah. Thank God. Yeah. And so moving with the duty belt definitely would make it hard as well. So it's just a shitty cocktail that this dude's dealing with i'm actually in shape and find it hard to get up kylie antone yeah probably probably and concussed so like i personally wouldn't have a hard time getting up but i don't know i also didn't just have my head busted up against the back of the asphalt.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Can we see that again, Caleb, and see if when he gets thrown backwards as the car is going in reverse. And then drug. Pardon me? And drug, right. So here, he might get, when his head might, okay, right there, His head may have slapped back and hit the concrete when it was behind that car. Very likely, very likely. And then when he gets drug, maybe eight to 10 feet. And, and that door basically rakes him. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:16 It should, that door has to shove. Oh my. Yeah. Am I broke? It broke. He might have a broken ankle. Yeah. So that, that one. Yeah that one, yeah, that's a bad day for any, even the most young spry officer versus this OG right here. Hey, did you see the door open so hard that I think it actually hits the fender? Look at this. Wham. Did you see it bounce back there?
Starting point is 00:54:43 Yeah, she accelerated through the reverse. You know what I mean? She wasn't reversing at a steady five, six miles per hour. She was accelerating through the reverse. At this point, can we go back to where she gets right when she gets in the car? Is there anything on his belt that he could have used? right when she gets in the car is there anything on his belt that he could have used at this point like at some point does he need to like at what point should he have surrendered he should he have surrendered the car at some point kind of just taking his l
Starting point is 00:55:15 just yeah pull the gun out pull the taser out um i would think i don't know if he he I don't know if he over-explanated. How did she have to put it in reverse? I mean, does he see her? Is there a bar on the arm? Yeah, that's how we rock, and it looks like they rock with the Ford Explorers as well. Yeah, that's right. Right here. Yeah, so he theoretically got a visual and audio cue of her throwing that thing into reverse.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Yeah, as close as he was, he probably heard the cuckoo. Yeah. Play a little bit more, Caleb. So she's in the car there. He's probably talking to her, right? Mm-hmm. And somewhere in there... Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:14 So he's actually still trying to get in the car with her. You see that? It looks like maybe he's trying to reach in and grab the keys, maybe. He's in there. Yeah. Looks like maybe he's trying to reach in and grab the keys. Maybe he's, he's,
Starting point is 00:56:24 he's in there. Yeah. And that, that, that's, that was just a situation of into deep. Like, like if you're that close, you hear the gears.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I don't know if you're clearing the door. If you hear the gears and she's going, you got a kind of reverse pivot. Remember the footwork of the dude from last week, how we talked about his footwork? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to have to hit something like that and bail out.
Starting point is 00:56:52 But I'll tell you right now, it's unlikely that his brain will hear the clicks and be able to disengage that quick. Because I want to tell him, hey, bro, it's not worth that. Get out of there. She shouldn't have been there in the first place. Let's deal with it and keep you safe. But when you're that deep into that situation and your brain is committed to getting her up out the car, disconnecting like that,
Starting point is 00:57:24 plus it's got to be... disconnecting like that. Plus, it's got to be embarrassing. It's got to be embarrassing. I guess this is happening really fast for him at the time, so the decision making probably isn't as good as our watching later. For sure, Kylie. For sure. And to finish my thought, it's
Starting point is 00:57:44 got to be just like embarrassing just the thought of getting your car taken by the welfare check because if this is a call on the screen and you go and somebody's in the car you should be thinking about your own safety you should be thinking about ways to safely apprehend her and get her help. Oh, I could. Pepper spray. What about pepper spray? So we've talked about shooting her, tasing her. What about pepper spray? Now, you got to go hands on with her right after because she's in your car because she's still good. I could get in a car with my eyes closed and drive it i'd probably be more dangerous driving a car pepper sprayed
Starting point is 00:58:30 because like i can't see but then i don't know if you've you ever dealt with pepper spray no but i'd rather get tased for an entire year than pepper sprayed once a year it's bad and and quite frankly and i i that would be close for i'd probably get i'd rather get tased once every three months you have to spray and get somebody with pepper spray and then go hug them and be on the bottom because that stuff it's gonna get on you it's gonna get in your eyes and then y'all y'all just bought the boat be fucked up and she probably still probably still going to get the car. The other thing going through his mind may be the department's policy on shooting into vehicle or vehicles not being weapons. That's a huge deal at my department, shooting into vehicles and no-go.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I mean that vehicle is clearly a weapon. I actually – in my younger days, I testified in a murder trial. I walked up one evening on a kid who had jumped into a car and drove into a crowd of people and killed five people. I actually filmed the entire thing. And it was fucking crazy. It was fucking – he hit seven people. Five of them died college kids cars are no joke about the about the vehicle thing so i was i was going through my mind
Starting point is 00:59:53 when you pause it and you said holy fuck look look at where he is and look where the car is and if a vehicle's what if she would have turned the steering wheel right there? He'd be dead. Well, yeah, and so this is a perception thing. A lot of times, there's a lot of situations where somebody fires into a car, and the car wasn't a threat to them. The car was a threat to escape and evade and flee.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Or to the civilians, quack-a-d doodle in the car but and this is one rare scenario where it's like it almost looks like the car is advancing on him just i don't know if it's because of the angle who knows maybe his body camera shows that the car wasn't even close it wasn't even gonna go but at this angle it's like right here it almost looks like you know like when you back up to get momentum to charge forward yes yes it's like oh damn yeah this is bad news but his poor dude his head's probably ringing right now he he probably doesn't even know where he is for a second right his ooda loop his brain pattern was all thrown off his thought pattern he's just worried about oh my god this hurts this hurts my head is ringing
Starting point is 01:01:12 what's going on where am i um my uh police officer told me the other day that he was on one of the busiest streets in our town i think it's it's um it the busiest streets in our town. It's just a street main thoroughfare that takes you straight to the beach. It's three lanes in each direction. And he called in license plate, and the guy had a felony warrant. And he turned on his lights, and the guy swerved over three lanes and started running in his car. And the officer told me he just turned off his lights. He said, hey, I'm not doing that. I'm not putting, it was during a rush hour.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I'm not putting the public safety. I'll see him again later. And then I said, do you go to the guy's house? He goes, yeah, then I went to his house. But you can't just go in because I don't know who's driving the car because I didn't get a visual on him. I can't just go in there and just arrest the owner.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Right. But I thought that part of me was frustrated that he didn't chase. But then part of me was like, well, in this situation, this guy should have bet me. He had two options. He either needed to slam her right away or he needed to back out of the chase sooner. Right. And so in a scenario like that, there will be times where we just put it on the radio. Hey, somebody just, I lit up a car.
Starting point is 01:02:35 They just did a very unsafe vehicle maneuver. If there's another unit in the area, maybe assist me on an area check. And then, yeah if if you're not gonna if you can't get them then you'll get them next time because that's good that's good on that officer that's good on that officer to uh safety first exactly have that kind of mindset going on because if he would have done that and crashed into a fucking car that was occupied by four you know with a with a toddler or something like that oh that would have been he would have done that and crashed into a fucking car that was occupied by four with a toddler or something like that, that would have been a bad day. Another friend of mine went to SWAT training.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And I guess they have SWAT training in Los Angeles and in Sacramento. Oh, SWAT school. SWAT school. swat training in los angeles and in sacramento oh swat school swat school and he was saying that there were there were officers there going through the program that couldn't do a single fucking pull-up and um he also said that they used to send you home for that stuff but they don't anymore he says on day they used to SWAT school, they used to have like a fitness test. And if on day one, you couldn't pass the test,
Starting point is 01:03:47 they sent you home. He says, it's not, he said, it's not like that anymore. He says it's bad. Damn. I know for a SWAT team then.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Yeah. Well, cause damn. So for, for us, when you make SWAT, the SWAT team, then you,
Starting point is 01:04:04 the next goal is to get you into SWAT school. So then, cause then you get some certifications there, but even make the SWAT team, then the next goal is to get you into SWAT school because then you get some certifications there. But even to be on the team, we have a PT test. You have to run a mile in kit and rifle. Obviously, the rifle is dry and inspected and everything like that, but you have to run your mile. You have to do pull-ups. You have to do dips. You have to climb over something. you have to you have to run your mile you have to do you have to do pull-ups you have to do dips you have to climb over something you have to crawl like you know
Starting point is 01:04:29 basically you have to show that you can do something you they even take the heaviest dude like it's not a set weight it's not a dummy they take you take the heaviest person and everybody has to drag drag this year it was me they're like hey walk how much you weigh and then well you had to drag me however far and which which i was a fan of because i'm an actual person i'm not 155 pound dummy and so then to go to swat school not have oh that's number two go to swat school and not have a pull-up locked in. That's wild. A police officer just texted me
Starting point is 01:05:15 and said that at his first shooting, a guy tried to run him over. And he fired into the windshield. Right. And so, like... And he said he got in trouble for it. That's rough.
Starting point is 01:05:39 So I don't... I obviously don't know. The thing is that there's... The thing is this. From the civilian side. When my mail lady pulls up to my house and I meet her at the mailbox, she'll say to me, hey, can you not have anyone park in front of your mailbox so that when I drive by, I can just drop the mail in? That's the right thing to do. That's a part – I don't be like, fuck you, bitch. I can park drop the mail in as a, you know, that's the right thing to do. I fool that's a part. I don't be like, fuck you, bitch. It's I can park wherever I want. It's a, it's a, it's a partnership
Starting point is 01:06:11 with these, with the civil servants. I guess that's what they're called. She worked for the government. She's delivering mail to me. She has a fucking job. I clearly see she's a 70 year old woman. No problem, ma'am. We wonam we won't park here no no not a problem at all so that you can you can go by when when when i put my garbage out my garbage cans have to be distanced one foot apart or two feet apart and they have to be facing a certain way so when the garbage and it has to be out by a certain time and i have that partnership with the garbage man when when the people come by and they want to hang the things in my tree to see if we have fruit flies because we live in the agricultural empire here in California, I let them. I say, yeah, go ahead and hang the fly trap up there because they're looking for stuff that could damage crops locally, like those rare flies that they don't want around.
Starting point is 01:06:59 For some reason, people don't want to do the partnership with police officers. They are not giving them the fucking partnership that they deserve and it's um it's just it's um and i granted i didn't think this way when i was 18 but i'm 50 now and it's like it makes complete sense like it's also super convenient to be friends with cops. What do you mean by that, Caleb? What do you mean? Or let me give you one more example.
Starting point is 01:07:34 You're on the freeway, and there's a fire truck coming, and everyone pulls over to the right. Just fucking just be a good – like you have – this isn't science. This isn't a social experiment we're running in the United States of America. All we're doing is – no one's done this before. We have 7 billion people on the planet. We're trying to figure this out. Do your fucking part. Go ahead, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Being friends with cops. Yeah, it's just super convenient to be friends with cops. If you ever need any DMV paperwork, you're trying to get a gun license or any... They know how to do the paperwork. They know how to route it. You don't have to fucking go through it multiple times. They'll help you with so many different things. They're so capable and they know what places not to go in the neighborhoods. They know the best
Starting point is 01:08:25 restaurants usually like they know the community so that they're helping you like like learn the community essentially and you bring up another good point if you're friends with a cop if you don't know a cop you're you're making a mistake everyone should have a cop and they should have the cop over to their house for dinner once a month. And that will change your entire perspective and realize they're not cops. They're people. They're just people. And so you can spin this whole narrative you want about how bad cops are,
Starting point is 01:08:58 but get one as a friend. Go out of your way and make – A relative. Yeah, a relative. Find someone who's a cop and realize and then as you build that friendship you'll be like oh fuck i hope no one gets i hope no one hurts blade today because he's coming over with his kids tomorrow for dinner and we're going to watch ufc and then we're going to go in the backyard and and you know and shoot hoops it's like we'll change your whole perspective you won't you won't be on
Starting point is 01:09:25 this weird um i say that with everyone have you have strong opinions on what it means to be gay how many gay friends do you have you have strong opinions on black people how many you have strong opinions on jews make a fucking friend do the fucking experiment it's your life go and get one you can make friends be like hey i chose you to be my friend because you're a cop can we be friends and just figure that shit out yeah and i actually like i try to slowly put those building blocks in on the streets you know like i my my community my jurisdiction that i work in is isn't humongous to the point where it's impossible to know people. Like you can,
Starting point is 01:10:06 you'll actually see a lot of people that you've dealt with or deal with people multiple times because most of the community screwed away. Most of the community handled self-polices, their, their own house deals with, they keep their, keeps their kids in line. Don't, don't hit their spouse. Don't steal things like that. So then you deal with that with that minority over and over and over and but then you put good building blocks like there's one dude who's god he's always putting his hands on his woman i think she just had a baby always putting his hands on his woman
Starting point is 01:10:36 but for whatever reason he took a liking to me called me superman and and, things get a little bit more even keel, you know, because he, I got, you got to stay ready because the one time that I go in and compromise officer safety, that's the time I'll get got. However, I do appreciate those other hundred times where things go smoothly just because, you know, developed a decent rapport and I kind of humanized myself. Because the new wave of police officers is getting, I don't, I want to say getting better, but I was a part of the old wave of police officers. But a lot of us now are trained to use our mouthpiece
Starting point is 01:11:17 a little bit more to disarm people and let them know we're people. I tell people that all the time. I'm like, like look if you punch me in the face hard that shit would hurt i'm a person too and so let's just just try to meet me in the middle here please what do you think about do you think body do you think body cams were a good idea do you think we should get rid of those um i actually do not they could be lame sometimes you know and you can't, and quite frankly,
Starting point is 01:11:46 like, let's say you wanted to joke with somebody on a scene. You can't even joke with the person on the scene, even if it's in good nature, and both you and the suspect understand the joke. So it does kind of keep you tight a little bit, you know, booty cheeks all tight, but it's good because there have been
Starting point is 01:12:01 scenarios where IAs were completely avoided because, you know, they call the sergeant. What are internal affairs? Yeah, internal, yeah. They call the sergeant and complain about something. And then the sergeant reviews the video and, like, no, that didn't happen because I'm looking at the video right now. He didn't say this. He didn't do this.
Starting point is 01:12:23 And so it's unsubstantiated like it's not it's not real or somebody filed a claim that i like i lost their thing but in the body cam you could clearly like see them set it down and do and do something and yeah i ended up taking i ended up hooking her taking her to jail but she had put whatever, her wallet or something down at her house. I said, no, you just need to check your house again. Right, right, right. So someone says, hey, he stole my wallet. And then the whole entire time, the ballet cam footage shows you never even interacted with her wallet.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yeah, but where it's not our friend is ill-turned. So what was that video that we just watched, 24 seconds or something like that? With the guy? Yeah, the original video. About a minute. About a minute. Okay, so it turns something like that into a frame-by-frame nightmare. Like basically what we were doing
Starting point is 01:13:26 exactly but like we were doing it with perspective but when you're when when you're in a shooting or you're in a use of force and your brain is still right here but then this is happening so then you need to skip to here you don't get frame by frame of, oh, maybe, oh, I didn't see that cap, right? Because airsoft guns, they look ridiculously real. I don't know the upside of having an airsoft gun that looks exactly like a real gun. Or, oh, it was a cell phone, but you guys were in a dark alley. This person was wanted for freaking assault with a deadly weapon, and the weapon happened to be a gun. Whatever it may be, you're in a use force and you're and you fight somebody and you body slam whatever it may be you like go frame by people go frame by frame by frame by frame and go well
Starting point is 01:14:14 why didn't the officer just and so that's one part where the body cameras are like god dang like this is happening in real life y'all i don't get a redo. I don't get to pause in a frame by frame and figure this out. I don't get to analyze this. And so people expect us to be, you know, primetime Steven Seagal. And it doesn't it doesn't necessarily work like that. You know, you know, I'm saying so that that's where body cameras suck. But outside of that, I don't think they're I don't think they're too bad. I wasn't looking at my airsoft gun, but I bought this in Wyoming. It's not a real gun, but it feels it's not a real gun.
Starting point is 01:14:54 It's just a cap gun. But I mean, but it weighs five pounds. And when I bought this, I was with Greg Glassman. I went into some store in Jackson Hole and he goes, that was stupid. And I go, why? And he goes, dude, why would you buy a gun that looks like a real gun that's going to get you shot? That's not a real gun. He's like, if you want a real gun, buy a fucking real gun. If you don't, don't fucking buy a gun that someone's going to see and someone's going to fucking shoot you. And then right then I was like, well, fuck, what am I? I was going to give this to my kid.
Starting point is 01:15:23 He's like, no, don't be fucking stupid. You better paint that thing lime green. Right. Put not a gun. Right, right. My first, well, yeah, my first gun find was actually not a gun. But I just remember the excitement. I got a gun.
Starting point is 01:15:40 But it was just a very realistic, uh, CO2 airsoft gun. Uh, Jim says it's, I shit you not. It's getting so bad that if I pulled you over for going a hundred miles an hour and a 55 and you literally just said, Hey, sorry, I'd probably thank you and give you a warning. So, so speaking of warnings, uh, I'll uh i'll touch on that but i got a rule where it's not set in stone but it's just kind of a fun rule if on a traffic stop if you weren't doing something egregious like where i just like you weren't dui or something crazy and you make me laugh oh you good
Starting point is 01:16:21 you get your word get the hell out of here like here so some people and they don't i don't tell you that rule but if it's organic and you make me laugh god there you got me all right go and keep it moving but a lot of in the climate especially so my department i i i like my department i feel But I feel like they still try to keep a lookout for us and have our back for the most part. Because let's be real, if it really hits the fan, you're getting hung up to dry. So for the most part, they got our back. But in a lot of agencies, quite a few agencies that they're they're there's haters in the ranks there's haters in the ranks yeah there's just just like people say hey cops are out to get people there's people inside the police department who are out to get police right and they're hesitant
Starting point is 01:17:18 to do something they're like oh my god okay if i do this this is gonna rain down on me and you shouldn't be having those thoughts when you're in a fight for your life or a potential fight for your life or you're trying to keep your officer safety right you should be worried about where the suspect hands are how many people are in the car what what you're what you're dealing with what crime you have but it seriously is a situation where you just checked and balances because now because people it's like the sexy thing to come at us. You know what I mean? Like you said, the trendy thing these days. Yeah. We're, we're people,
Starting point is 01:17:51 but a lot of people forget that. You know what I'm saying? It, it, hell no FTP. I mean, what the police? Um, there, a friend of mine the other day uh called me and told me this um he got pulled over in santa cruz he said he ran clearly ran a stop sign cop pulled him over cop says you ran you ran that stop sign sir can i see your driver's license and he says as he handed the um driver's license to the cop he said uh officer that stop sign right there uh identifies as a yield sign and he said the cop didn't even call in his license he said get the fuck out of here and Officer, that stop sign right there identifies as a yield sign. And he said the cop didn't even call in his license.
Starting point is 01:18:28 He said, get the fuck out of here. And he said he just heard the cop laughing as he walked away. Exactly. Interactions like that. He's a genius. Isn't that genius? And my friend's like, dude, I thought for sure that I was just completely fooling around. I deserve the ticket.
Starting point is 01:18:47 He said the cop just was like, all right, beat it. And he said, you know. The cop was probably so refreshed not to get motherfucked for doing his job. Right. Yeah, he made him. That followed my rule. Made him laugh. Keep it moving.
Starting point is 01:19:04 But at the same time, it's just refreshing not to get motherfucked just on a daily. It's like, oh, man, this is nice. This is what people deal with every day. I almost forgot. Blake, can anyone go on a ride-along, any human being? Yeah, except I think you have to be 15. There's actually a kid who I'm going to take out on his 15th birthday. And how does that work?
Starting point is 01:19:21 You go to the police department and you just say, hey, could I go on a ride along? Yeah. So you get you get a form and then you submit it. And I do think there's a little bit there's a little bit of a look in because we're not just about to have a convicted felon for attempted murder or whatever on a cop in a ride along. You know what I mean? But there's a little bit of a screening process. I don't think it's too intrusive, but a little bit of a screening that goes on. And then we go from there and we ride. I actually, ride-alongs could be uptight sometimes, depending on if the person that you're riding with could carry a conversation with you.
Starting point is 01:20:00 But I actually, I like them. I think they're cool because that might be, to me, when we roll up to something, it's my thousandth time doing it that year. But to this person, this person probably never seen a meth pipe in their life. They probably never seen a gun in person. They probably never seen drugs in person. drugs in person they've never been in a traffic stop and felt the chill of your spine we don't know who's in the car that just pulled over and they're watching like right then and there like oh my god i actually tell the person like yeah it's something you do 50 times a day but until you're in the car you're like like we see traffic stops on the side of the road all the time right you're driving around but until you're in the car with the cop and they pulled someone over and you're like oh fuck he's gonna go up to this stranger's car it's a whole different thing when
Starting point is 01:20:48 you're in the car with the cop yeah and it helps keep you sharp because sometimes i'll talk them through whatever okay so this car i'm gonna stop him for this and i'm gonna try to set this up in this and i'm giving myself a refresher because a lot of a lot of people that have coached something know that like coaching it helps sharpen up your skills if you're doing it for the right reason and you're doing it the right way and so i'll let them know what i'm doing why i'm doing it if this happens this is what i'm going to try to do but i'm going to try to do this to prevent that from happening and then i go about it and i'll come i remember one time i came back in and the person
Starting point is 01:21:25 was breathing hard i was like you good like yeah i was just a little nervous i'm like you know it's all good baby what is is there any consensus that um that you get from the people who do ride-alongs like a perception shift or any feedback you get? Oh, that's a good one. Our community is pretty squared away. They enjoy us. So during that whole defund the police thing, we got an overwhelming amount of support, actually. Yeah, we had some intersections blocked for protests and things like that. But what I mean is the people who go ride-alongs with you, is there the same thing that they say to all of you?
Starting point is 01:22:05 Like, oh my god, I didn't realize how scary this is. Or, wow, I didn't realize. I went on a ride-along, and I just couldn't believe how fucked up the general public is. The stuff that people say to police officers that I saw was insane. People who are clearly guilty. No registration on their car. Four kids in the back seat without seat belts and the cop pulls them over and the lady gets out and starts screaming
Starting point is 01:22:29 at them yeah and i'm like what the fuck yeah what yeah so that that i just couldn't believe i just couldn't believe how rude people were to police officers like just on not even on the defensive on the offensive and that that that definitely happens where they're like wow i have no idea of this or why did this happen and then you answer oh really holy shit you guys can't do this yeah you guys can't do this yeah that that's one do this. Yeah. That's one, because a lot of the same civilians that think, why didn't the officer just do this? If they were presented with that same situation in live time, they would have done the same thing to defend themselves. And even a ride along puts you that much closer to it. So then you could kind of understand you're actually there in person you you see the you see
Starting point is 01:23:25 the mannerisms you're fearful because quite frankly the cop is your partner for that day you're fearful for you you're fearful for your partner as well then so then you feel a little bit of adrenaline you feel your heightened senses a little bit and it kind of opens your eyes yeah we've gotten some of that and it's really cool when you see them in a safe way a year later. Why do most people do ride alongs? Some people we've gotten right along because you know, if somebody laterally over, they kind of just want to get, get a vibe of how we do things and how, how a shift is with us.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Some people do ride alongs becauseongs because they just want to educate themselves on what it's like being a police officer. Some people like that they're not all little kids, but like that 15-year-old, he wants to become a police officer one day and kind of see what it's like. We'll have a 24-year-old or somebody after we've recruited them for an entry-level position. They're like, yeah, could I do a ride-along? what it's like you know we'll have a 24 year old or somebody after we've recruited them for entry level position they're like you know yeah could i do a ride along i'd like to see what it's like
Starting point is 01:24:31 over there then you show them the department and you take them for a ride and things like that did you ride along before you were a police officer i did that's actually why i'm a that's a big reason i'm a police officer good friend of friend of mine, he's a, he's a Lieutenant right now. And I believe he was a newly promoted Sergeant when he gave me my ride. And it was, it was, it was pretty cool. I was like, and so it was showtime from there. I did a ride along just on my own. And then I did a ride along as well, a couple ride alongs with the department that I was going into. When there were all the riots going on in Portland and in Ferguson and in Oakland and they're burning down hundreds of millions of dollars worth of our tax dollars stuff, I had this idea that anyone who has sent a letter previously to their congressman or city councilman if you've written a letter to your politician i'm going to give you a pass on throwing that fucking molotov cocktail into the federal building but if you haven't if that's your first course of action
Starting point is 01:25:40 that we're going to fucking lock you away forever. I really felt that in my head. Like, oh, you're protesting? What steps have you taken? It's like if your kid leaves the refrigerator door open and the first thing you go over to do them is just start beating them. No, that's not the first course of action, actually. The first course of action is to be like, explain to them, show them the electricity bill. Be like, hey, I pay not the first course of action actually. The first course of action is to be like explain to them, show them the electricity bill.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Be like, hey, I pay for the electricity, and then show them the food bill, and I pay for the food. And you left the refrigerator door open, and the eggs went bad, and this is costing us more money to keep the fridge cold. Then the second course of action is maybe to make them eat the rotten eggs from leaving the door open. And then maybe the third course of action is a fucking ass whooping. But to just go from – you've never ridden along – you've never done a ride along with a cop, and yet you have all of these fucking opinions about police officers. I seriously – I even remember with this cop, we got a call, and there was a restaurant that the alarm was going off at. It was early in the morning. And we rolled up and the door was open to the restaurant. Someone had gone in the back door.
Starting point is 01:26:50 And this female fucking cop gets out of the fucking car and goes in the restaurant. And I'm like, is she fucking nuts? And it was nothing, right? And then she came out and it was nothing. She called the owner. They came and closed it. But I was terrified for her. She went in solo?
Starting point is 01:27:09 Honestly, I can't remember. Maybe she waited for a backup, but they went in. And I didn't like it. I'm like, why does she have to put her life on the line? I didn't like it at all. Yeah. Yeah. And but but people, you don't think that like you're saying until you're in the car and you've you've had words with this cop and you've started to build a relationship with them. And now all of a sudden their life's being put in danger. You won't like it. It's funny that you say and I almost shot a mannequin clearing a building one time. Wow. It's dark. It was like it was a Halloween mannequin looking all big and scary. Olivia Hudson, never go on a ride along with your husband. All right.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Fair enough. Fair enough. I have a Bob in my garage. You know who Bob is? The mannequin that you punch. Oh, yeah. And I and I've had him for two years. And every time I i go into the garage at night he scares the shit out of me i feel like a little fucking startle good good because i'm never used to him and keep keep that because if hopefully it never does but
Starting point is 01:28:18 something does happen at least your sentence senses are heightened a little bit to deal with it uh joy how is i'm in justice studies in college what a great podcast i'm in canada but what we deal with has crime has similar situations these careers are hardcore but rewarding thank you joy i i always wonder about canada too that if um if crime has seasons and the kind of crimes because it's so cold in Canada and places in Canada that if you go outside like I can't remember where I was, not Ontario, not Toronto. I can't remember where I was, but I was somewhere in Canada for something doing some filming. And it was so cold outside that I felt the liquid in my eyeballs starting to freeze. It was negative 16.
Starting point is 01:29:00 And I felt it kind of getting chunky and crusty in my eyes. And I was like, what the fuck? You can't be doing outdoor crimes. Weather 100% affects on stuff. So like when I was on training, I stopped a car. It was a good stop. I walked up to it. And for some reason, you know in movies when it goes from zero to just all that raining I used
Starting point is 01:29:26 to think oh that's fake that don't happen no I get out the car and halfway to the car boom and so I'm on trains I'm like I got my jacket I'm trying to keep my officer safety I know I got eyes on me and I'm talking to him I get their license I get all that and I walk back to the car and I tell my I'm like what the fuck was that and so i have to get rid of like the first few tickets um on the thing because i was outside the door and they got soaked and they got soaked so you had to peel them off yeah and so then i finally get to i finally get to drive and then i get out the car so it it seized a little bit in the time that i was writing the ticket i was like oh, oh, it looked like it was just like a crazy-ass cloud that went by.
Starting point is 01:30:08 I bullshit you now. I get out. Boom! Again. I put the ticket book down. I walk up to the driver. I go, I don't know what kind of God's son you are or whatever like that, but you are not supposed to get this ticket.
Starting point is 01:30:24 So just get out of here and get home safer. Cause they weren't DUI. I didn't get those vibes from it. They were just, you know, I forgot, I even forgot the violation. Like I can't think back to it,
Starting point is 01:30:34 but I was like, just get out of here. So somebody's looking out for you right now. Save, save by, save by the rain. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Uh, depends on where you are in Canada. I'm in Saskatchewan. Negative 40 has less property crime, but more violent crime. Okay, because people are inside the house when it's negative 40 and probably more domestic violence. Negative 40. I know, right? What?
Starting point is 01:30:59 Hell no. Blade, thank you so much for coming on. I look forward to having you on again good since it's fresh in my mind yes i just tell you one last little please please please please so the uh miss lady who said that she was in a justice class or something like that in canada joy yeah that reminded me so i'm working i'm working downtown i'm working uh a bunch of drunk people okay and there's a little tussle that goes on. And so me and my partners, we show up, I think we're three deep. Two of us are right
Starting point is 01:31:30 here. Then another one of us is up there and he walks up to somebody and starts talking to him. We cover him and he does, he arrests the guy. And so he's arresting the guy and walking back to his car. Well, as he's arresting the guy and walking back to his car, the arrestee's friend starts running after them. And so you do not run up behind a police officer, period, let alone when he's just arrested your friend. So me and my partner, we intercept him. Well, what's wrong with you? We sit him down, we cuff him, we detain him. We're like, hold on. We don't know if you were trying to assault our friend. What the hell was going on? So we're talking to him.
Starting point is 01:32:08 And he goes, officer, I'm a law student. I don't know if you know that. So I suggest that you uncuff me immediately. And I talk to my partner. I go, oh, my God. Did you hear that? He's a law student. The law clearly doesn't apply to him.
Starting point is 01:32:24 We should have just let him run up and clock our partner at the back of the head. I am so sorry, sir. And that's a fun moment with me because the partner that I was with, he's like one of the most straightforward robotic dudes. He's very smart. He could tell you penal codes verbatim. By the book guy to the T. Exactly. So I call him Tonyony stark the way he could operate our computer and things like that it's uh and even he laughed he like laughed on scene he was trying to stay buttoned up and he started laughing he's like i don't know how that's relevant to this
Starting point is 01:32:57 situation so but yeah that when she said the justice thing i just reminded me of that moment The justice thing just reminded me of that moment. It made me chuckle. And on that note, that's another thing. Just common sense. Don't walk. There's no need to walk too close to police officers. There's no reason to ever walk behind them. Be patient. Be smart. They just want to keep their eyes on everyone. Don't just be – have some situational awareness. You're in a tight quarters or there's police officers somewhere. You don't need to walk so close to them that you fucking touch them. You don't ever need to be behind them. Just do your part. It's not hard.
Starting point is 01:33:39 They're just guys out there just having – trying to do their job. It's just like I always feel that way about Uber drivers drivers and taxi drivers they're working right let them go the guy hasn't in his uber he's he missed the turn he's trying to get in put on you i mean you're going to fucking soccer practice with your kids slow down and let the guy cut in front of you and don't flip he's working he's he's just just do your part. Just be civil. All right, guys. Thank you, everyone. Blade, Uniman. And I'll be looking for that next video to have you on again soon.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Right on. Until next time. All right, brother. Bye. 90 minutes. I fucking love it. Yeah, stay out of their way. Yeah, just stay out of their way yeah just stay out of their way
Starting point is 01:34:25 they're the bees they're moving pollen around you don't go over like that you have a bush at your house once a year it fills with bees it's fine you and the kids stay away from that bush during that time of the year it's not you don't get rid of the bush the bees just do their shit stay out of their way
Starting point is 01:34:42 oh Emma Carey tonight I'm really excited to talk to her always been a fan uh i think she won the crossfit games as a child as a little kiddo yeah and i think she's like uh legally a woman now i think she's a 18 year old and uh we didn't get to see her compete last year at the games because i think just prior to wadapalooza she had an injury um great promise i i think you can throw her in that camp with the um olivia kerstetter's like and emma lawson's well i guess there's three camps right there's mal o'brien who's the young and who's just clearly killing it and hayley adams then there's the then there's the next camp holy shit emma lawson showed up on the scene and uh and and and now and now we're going to get this year we're going to get emma carrie
Starting point is 01:35:34 and olivia kerstetter and that women's division is absolutely insane i'm excited i've never interviewed her before um i do dm i don't know if it's with her dad or mom i don't know but just a great family and uh if you want to see me on my best behavior that'll be um that'll be tonight uh by the way yesterday my eyes from that podcast we did with kim my eyes were burning for like four hours because i cried so much like i could not fucking like they were like this they were like this all day for the four hours my wife's like what happened to you i'm like podcast severe allergic reaction yeah dangers dangers of the job oh yeah spiegel right thanks thanks um oh i think rogue last year hurt her. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Okay. And then, but was she signed up for Wadapalooza? Or maybe that's where I was just like maybe disappointed that we didn't get to see her compete. Sevan, you're a master at your craft, but I give you 10% chance of success tonight. No, it'll be good. It'll be good. Go back and watch the podcast with Olivia. She did great. Yeah, it's gonna be it's
Starting point is 01:36:47 gonna be cool um the the one squirrely part is um i do want to ask her about her relationship with daniel brandon over there and the daniel brandon energy and the podcast with danielle the most recent one was it's more aggressive. Danielle's significantly more aggressive than I am. I mean, if you were to, if Danielle and I were both in the room together, she'd be the alpha male. So I don't want to judge her for her aggressiveness, but I do want to ask Emma about it, but i don't also don't want to put her on the spot i'm not trying to create some any weirdness or beef between them so i'm not sure how i'm going to handle that let me see who we have tomorrow tomorrow morning Monday morning oh Jack Farlow Emma Lawson's
Starting point is 01:37:46 boyfriend that's gonna be cool the super strong kid yeah the kid's a beast and he'll be at Rogue also then on Tuesday for 15 minutes we'll have Jared Graybiel on the founder of Zelos Games
Starting point is 01:38:01 and that'll be cool and then and then he's just on for 15 minutes so we can kind of promote Zello Games, talk about it, talk about the qualifier. And then someone's supposed to come on after him, and I believe it's Ariel Lowen, but I don't see her on the schedule yet. And then later on in the afternoon, we have Nick Matthew on. I've never interviewed him before.
Starting point is 01:38:23 I'm pretty excited about that. on in the afternoon. We have Nick Matthew on. I've never interviewed him before. I'm pretty excited about that. Then on Wednesday, listen, guys, there is an author named Chris Wark. K-S-H-R-I-S-W-A-R-K. Chris Wark. And he has a website called Chris Beat Cancer. And he has a book called Chris Beat Cancer that I'm reading right now. Yeah, that's him. And it's a blue book. And you can get it. It was written in 2018.
Starting point is 01:38:56 And it's on Audible. Oh, he has a bunch of books. This story is crazy. This is going to be a fun podcast right up my alley. So that's on Wednesday the 26th. Then on the 27th, we have the Rogue pre-show. Oh, shit. It's not on the screen.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Oh, no, sorry. On Wednesday night. So on Wednesday night, we have a show with Taylor Self and J.R. Howell. It's the Rogue Programming Show. We're betting by then that Rogue will have released the workouts so that we can dissect them. They added an extra day too, so that'll be interesting. Say that again? They added an extra day too, so that'll be interesting. Yes, Thursday. And then on the 27th we have uh two
Starting point is 01:39:47 rogue shows i am doing everything i can to get a special guest to come on with me every evening of rogue thursday friday saturday sunday i cannot tell you who that special guest is but you guys can probably figure it out then on the friday the 28th we'll be covering the rogue invitational all day the 29th the rogue saturday rogue invitation all day sunday the rogue invitational all day oh it says i have to clean my um washing machine on sunday i have that on my schedule. All right. I'll get done. I'm too big time to have to clean my own washing machine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:33 It's actually, I just have a pod. It's a cleaning pod and I just throw it in there. It probably doesn't do shit. It's probably just a scam to have me buy more shit. It's more descaler. Yes. Caleb, when are you coming home?
Starting point is 01:40:50 Fucking never. All right, cool. All right. Caleb will never be home. If you're wondering what negative 40 is, your testicles become tonsils. Wow. They go up that high? Wow.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Holy cow. Just shrivel up into fucking... The last live call-in show I did, Matt Sousa doesn't usually give me harsh feedback, but he gave me feedback saying that it was pretty intense. He didn't use the word negative,
Starting point is 01:41:22 but he said it was pretty intense. So, the next live call-in show, I don't know when it's going to be, but I'm making sure that I'm putting way more comedy in it. And if I rubbed anyone, if I, if I made it, maybe he said depressing, but I don't want people to be depressed. I want people to have fun. All right. Fifth boosters are now available in the city of Los Angeles. Those of you who don't have your fifth booster run out and get it today. Only 7 city of Los Angeles. Those of you who don't have your fifth booster, run out and get it today. Only 7% of Los Angeles has received the fifth booster, and I'm very concerned.

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