The Sevan Podcast - #645 - Jack Farlow

Episode Date: October 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How are you on it are you oh caleb could you change his name to his instagram account thanks dude um jack uh are you on a computer yeah i saw this this morning i just don't even get it um caleb one more thing could you look up uh lost sierra high school i think it's in los Los Angeles and find out if it's a public school. Look at this, Jack. I'm sure you've seen this. This, this has been making its way around the internet now for, uh, forever. For some reason this morning when I was having you on, I thought, oh, this is Jack. This is 1962 in California. Have you seen this? This is their PE program.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Extension push-ups are among the toughest of the drills. As an incentive to excel, the color of the shorts the boys wear is determined by their ratings on performance charts. So they wear different color shorts depending on, like, how good you are. Yeah. Tell me if you see one dude who doesn't look good. A lad who has mastered the pegboard will find a military obstacle course as snap 200 schools across the country that's right crazy i know my dad used to tell me they would play shirts versus skins uh in gym class and no way that was gonna fly i even went to an all-boys
Starting point is 00:01:59 school and no chance that's happening yeah yeah yeah i mean i was born in 72 i was born 10 i was born 10 years after this was made and we used to do that too it sucked for me i was a fat kid i mean i wasn't fat but i didn't like my body that's for sure on a hot day they wet down the wrestling mats for sliding the boys at glassiera are learning that it's not only good. You think those kids, you think anyone? It's just not. Caleb, is that is is that a public high school? Yeah, it's a public school. Fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Jack, you're in Canada, right? Correct. Sometimes I'll go to the skate park and they'll be like during the middle of the day and there'll be like seventh and eighth graders there, you know, like just a field trip or something or I'll be somewhere out with my kids during the day. The kids today look nothing like that. It's true. Yeah. I remember in hockey every year, like every year that would go by, like,
Starting point is 00:03:01 you'd look at the team coming up behind you and you think no way we were that small and that slow and and that like big too there is some like chunkers and some chunkers absolutely and uh and i think there's some truth to that it seemed like every year like looking back at now the new year coming into that team just wasn't uh wasn't quite the body that that your team had i don't know if it was that that was just us mentally, but it seemed that way for sure. I think now if you, what's crazy is is like all those dudes have like little CrossFit bodies that
Starting point is 00:03:35 we just saw. Yeah. Pretty lean. Yeah. And triceps bulging and those dudes were doing, those dudes were doing the pegboards better than the CrossFit Games athletes. Legless. That's true, yeah. Nuts. It is nuts. And I don't see how a single one of those person would be worried about the flu or getting sick.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I bet you those guys weren't worried about shit. I bet you they got chicken noodle soup and went to school. Nothing. Good old days, I guess. It really is. When I started CrossFit, Greg said that the tsunami of chronic disease is coming because of our lifestyle choices. And, man, we are in it. We are in it.
Starting point is 00:04:27 You train at an affiliate, right? Yep. CrossFit PSC. CrossFit PSC. And that's Josh Woosley? Uh, no, he doesn't own it. He doesn't own it or actually coach there. Um, that's, uh, Nick Anapolsky and his wife, Kate Anapolsky are the owners of that So So you don't go there anymore? No I do Just Josh Coaches me and he's not
Starting point is 00:04:55 He doesn't own that gym But is he there at the gym? Occasionally, maybe once a week He'll come in with us but He actually lives like 35 Minutes away From that gym and it's pretty close to me. So he has a wife and kids at home and a full-time job. So it doesn't really make sense for him to be coming in every, every day of the week. And we have such busy schedules too, that, uh, like we could never make it work during the week. Like we could never make it work during the week. Um, kind of explain to me if you could, the scene, because in my head, I see, I have this like, um, image, like, so what I talked to Emma Carey last night and a couple of days ago, I talked to Daniel Brandon and I just picture like, um, they have this area that
Starting point is 00:05:38 they work out in and they go there and three or four of their athletes show up and Matt Torres is there with like a whistle and a stopwatch, you know, and are too short and that guy dom is there you know what i mean that's how i just i just picture all these uh but but yours who are the owners of it's crossfit pic psc strength and conditioning is what that kind of stands for in what city uh that's in waterloo or maybe kitchener ontario okay ontario yeah um and i think that is actually the way it is for most of these kind of training camps like when we went to spend a week uh or actually a couple days with the proven group that's exactly what they did like they just wait for the classes to basically leave and then everyone shows up at the same time and like yeah there's shane whistle in hand and like writing up on the whiteboard but that's definitely not how we
Starting point is 00:06:30 how we roll like I mean maybe that even is ideal but um for us Josh just does our programming so like every morning on our phones we'll just go in see what we have for the day and it's basically up to us to find time to make that work like my school schedule is different every day um i also don't have like a home gym that i can do stuff in so uh i i work at my schedule um emma does hers like she'll do some of her working out at her own house and then maybe come into the real gym in the afternoon um the only kind of scene that you'll see that's kind of like that proven or or the brute camp like you're talking about is maybe once a week on a Saturday or Sunday. Sometimes both.
Starting point is 00:07:12 We'll plan like, OK, let's meet at the gym at this time. And that's the time when the classes are done. We have like the full gym to ourselves. And then, yeah, Josh will get ready on the whiteboard and we'll kind of tackle those workouts. But for the most part, it's we kind of steering our own ship a little bit caleb could you pull up a map and when you say we who's who's the who's the crew under uh josh uh strictly me emma and and josh coaching us so his two athletes are you and emma correct yeah and i think i think that's the way we want to keep it like uh i i know for a fact that uh he could have more athletes if he
Starting point is 00:07:53 wanted to but um i think we're we're all happy the way it is mine he's he's ours josh is ours okay let me look at okay so i see uh i see new York and I see Detroit. It's, it's kind of dead center in between those two on the Canadian side of the border, a little North of Lake Erie. Um, I've heard of London, Ontario. Okay. And then, and then, so that's perfect. And then, so that's where you train. Where does Josh live? that's where you train where does uh josh live uh emma and josh both live in cambridge ontario that's just a bit outside kind of kitchen okay i see it yeah yep okay um so yeah that's like a half hour drive uh for them i live uh like seven minutes from the gym in it kind of in that town? In, yeah, I'm in like, they call it KW, Kitchener-Waterloo. And when, so, when you say Emma lives in Cambridge, she lives there with her parents? Yeah. And then you live in your town with your parents? Correct, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And you're born and raised there? No, you see Mississauga there to the right, just outside of Toronto? That's where I lived all the way up until grade 12. And then I moved to, or my whole family, my parents moved to Waterloo because that's where I was going to school for university. Oh, your parents moved there because you went to school there? A couple of factors. I'm like the youngest kid, and some of my older siblings, who also went to Waterloo for university, had kind of moved back there with their kids. So for my parents, being close to grandchildren, and it works out super well for me, too. So I don't know, best of both worlds, kind of.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah, that's cool uh what what's your sibling status um i'm the youngest of nine i have five sisters three brothers are you mormon nope catholic yeah yeah no contraception in that house i did what it's pretty you think i should have gone Catholic first Caleb? no no I would have guessed Mormon too no offense we're not overly like growing up
Starting point is 00:10:14 yes you are we went to church maybe once a week when I was a kid but really like once I turned like 13, 14 it kind of just faded out god i'd love to meet all the kids don't want to go anymore and then yeah but the parents get fed up with this they're like screw it we're not going those are all your real siblings like your mom and dad your mom
Starting point is 00:10:38 they all made those two made all those kids and your mom birthed all those kids out yeah yeah oh she's a warrior what an amazing hey she Caleb look that up real quick what what there's got to be you know like when you look at like people who juggle balls like it's like three balls a shitload of people can juggle then four it drops a lot then five it's like and then finally you get to like 13 or 14 balls that someone can juggle and it's like one person in the world can do it you know what i mean it's like nine kids must be uh how old's your oldest sibling uh he's 23 years older than me so 43 yeah okay so about every was she going about every two years yeah there's some the gaps basically like two to two to four yeah what a great life yeah for those of us who loves kids
Starting point is 00:11:33 that's the dream i would have loved to have had a shot at nine kids yeah growing up it was always like jack's the kid with the big family and then i went to high school and there was a kid who was like no no you know 12 yeah so everyone stopped caring immediately about me which is which is fine oh what's the um what's the vehicle what's the family vehicle what's your mom and dad drive um well with such a porsche and a miata, I was such a big age gap. We like, I never lived with my oldest couple siblings. So like it's not like we had nine kids in the house at all times. Like they're already gone. Um, no, we just had like a mini, usually like a minivan and then like a,
Starting point is 00:12:19 like a smaller car for my dad to go to work in. A lot of illegal driving, like two kids to a seat and people sitting places oh absolutely yeah yeah for sure i already do that shit and i only have three kids just you got to get the tennis bag in there and some other shit and then three kids are sitting in one seat yeah one seat belt um that's gotta really shape you. Yeah. Yeah. And I think it kind of plays a different factor on every kid in my family.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Like the oldest has been shaped differently than me as the youngest. I feel like, I don't know if it's just because like what I'm into, like it's easy to get behind me because I am like doing these competitive sports all my life and whatnot. But I definitely feel like being the youngest kind of my whole family is like rallied behind me maybe more than more than anyone else. But yeah, just like the constant support. It seems like it sometimes I've like, like 1010 parents, like someone I can go to basically for anything. And then obviously, my two parents are great as well. But yeah, like having older siblings, especially as it's crazy. Nice. Yeah. That's I love hearing you say that. Okay. So 14% of women have four or more children. Can you see how many, what percentage Caleb have? Is there
Starting point is 00:13:36 like a breakdown of it? It's gotta be getting into the 1% of 1%? They stop at 4? Yeah. That's a lot. Yeah. I guess I know a handful of people who have 4, and it's always like they're the ones who have a lot. Yeah, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:14:03 So I have this rule of people, if they me i answer no matter what so like my and it's it's really just my wife my mom and my sister like no matter what like even if i if i see the phone ring i'll answer and just be like hey i can't talk and yeah but but i but i always so is do they all get that all not all nine you have, you would have like 11 people on that. Well, and I guess Emma, you would have nine, 10, you have 12 people on that list. Yeah. It's pretty nuts really for having such a big family.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Like, I feel like it'd be easy for like certain people to drift apart. And obviously some people are like closer with others than some other people are but uh like the things my siblings will do for other siblings is nuts like my brother-in-law one of my brother-in-laws and he came into the family was like I remember him saying something like this is like crazy like the extent people will go to to do things for other people um and I like yeah so like it's it's i've never once thought like man this sucks to have so many people here like it's only ever been a positive so um yeah and all my siblings are are great for their own reason too so it's pretty awesome things start getting weird to scale like even with three kids like if i want to buy one of my kids a scooter
Starting point is 00:15:22 and it's 150 bucks all of a sudden it's it's 450 bucks or like let's say you wanted to get one of your kids a phone in a phone's 1200 bucks a new iphone all of a sudden for your parents it's like it's like the cost of a car yeah yeah like a gallon of milk's not even a gallon of milk's like not even enough for today. Yeah, it's crazy. My mom was a super frugal shopper. She had to be at one point. So yeah, she definitely made it work.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And then I've also just had certain things that my older siblings just didn't get. When my older brothers were playing hockey, there's no chance my dad can watch the game like we have six kids at home who all need them but like my dad would drive me to my games watch my games just because he had more time so um yeah i definitely um kind of have there's some benefits to being the youngest for sure look look at uh bailey walker 14 holy shit yeah um another thing is is each kid i think gets a little more what i call benign neglect and by that it's not bad neglect but you're super worried about your first kid you think he's gonna hurt himself putting on his socks and then and then and then your your last kid he's like playing with the lawnmower and you're like yeah it's fine yeah uh my mom always jokes that like potty training for me she just had enough so she she claims i don't know how to the story is that she just put me on the on the toilet and played this movie
Starting point is 00:17:00 called once upon a potty and said call me when you know what you're doing. So I didn't know. I believe it. Yeah, I believe it. You're just like, you don't even know. I mean, my, my first kid, I know all of his firsts, my second and third kid. I don't like when they walk any of that shit. I didn't pay any, like whatever, like you better just get in where you fit in. They probably, yeah, that's amazing. But the trade-off for that is you're right. You, your dad did have, your parents have way more time for you, right. You, your dad did have, your parents have way more time for you, right? Because the others are flying out of the nest. Yeah. Yeah. Even now they can like fly to competitions and stuff to come watch me or travel to competition. So, um, even just financially, like they're significantly more stable now than, than they were when they were like 22 with a couple of kids.
Starting point is 00:17:45 So, um, yeah. 22. How old are your mom and dad? Uh, I think my, so there's the same age gap between me and my oldest brother as my oldest brother and my dad. So, um, I guess that puts my dad at like 65, 66 now. Oh man. He's still so young. Holy cow. Wow. Um, and you have all their numbers in your cell phone and is there, is there a family text thread with everyone? Um, not a text thread. We have a Facebook group that's like very, very active. Just like, it's mostly like things like the, my nieces and nephews. So my parents, grandchildren are doing but like any big event like just sharing it on there like and people are definitely active on that it's pretty cool after the show start a text thread just to fuck with them you guys all in canada um currently yes i think um one of my my sister and brother-in-law
Starting point is 00:18:51 used to live in seattle another sister used to live in california so they've they've gone out a little bit but now they're kind of all moved back to waterloo uh seattle and california are California or pretty much Canada. Yeah. We've adopted your policies. Yeah. Uh, how about the, um, the whole, the, the, the, the way, I don't know if it's politics, but how about the last two years of just all the divisive subjects that have risen to the top? How has your, how has your family navigated that? Has everyone stayed, stayed friends through all that? Um, yeah, yeah yeah we've stayed friends i think there are definitely like some some different ways of thinking uh within my family yeah absolutely um so so yeah like it can get a bit dicey at times uh but i think sometimes
Starting point is 00:19:40 we just kind of have a code just like whatever whatever. If someone's going to get all up in arms about something, just don't bring it up, I guess. But yeah, no friendships or love lost, but there have definitely been some kind of raised voices and such at family gatherings. My dad doesn't want to talk to me about certain subjects too i don't i don't think that's the way to go yeah i think for me i like if i had kids sorry if i had kids like i want i want them to be able to talk to me about anything. Yeah. I, I feel that's how I am with my parents. Uh, granted, I think we think similarly on a lot of things, but, um, yeah, like I, I would never be afraid to, to challenge something they say and, and they would do the same to me. So, um, yeah, I don't know for me,
Starting point is 00:20:41 for me, I agree. And that's the way it is, but, uh, I don't know. For me, I agree, and that's the way it is. But I don't know if the viewpoints are just so extremely different, then it's obviously tougher. Not that it can't be done. Right. Well, I'm glad it didn't tear away. I'm glad for me, too. It didn't separate the family. Grandchildren will help a lot with that. I think that's a lot of the reason why my parents are so patient with me is because yeah and my sister is because they love the shit out of their grandkids how many um nieces and nephews do you have uh in total five and with more coming uh um none on the way just yet but yeah i'm sure and and how many of the siblings are married um there's a lot to to keep track of so pardon my my weight here um i think your time maybe weird long silent pauses are a trademark of this show hallmark i think six of six of nine are married or engaged you see yourself getting married yeah for sure kids yeah yeah man and you and you're a good kid uh yeah i'd like to think so i think i think uh growing up like a lot of the stuff i did was to make my parents happy or proud of me and like
Starting point is 00:22:16 in in turn that's just made me happy so like whatever doing well in school doing well in whatever uh just being a good person basically like was for them at the beginning but like now i'm so glad that i have those type of things so yeah it's it's how old are you uh 20 20 i i was in that um i think probably like the first 23 years of my life all i wanted to do is make my mom happy and i think that that was a good thing and then probably like somewhere it might from my 23 to probably 30 i i started like that's when i went through my kind of like my rebellion and that was good for me too i needed to like turn my i needed to like be like okay i'm doing fuck that i'm doing what i want to do but at the end of the day when i look
Starting point is 00:23:02 back those first it's i think it is really important that kids want to make their parents happy yeah i think my my rebellion phase is probably like the summer of 2020 and it was far from a rebellious phase but i like bleached my hair and like yeah and that was that was basically it for me just to just to do something that's kind of out of the ordinary and yeah my parents were like oh that was stupid but they didn't care so like you don't even tell them you just went somewhere and you come home and you're like here take that exactly yeah yeah uh any any of the siblings do crossfit yeah they uh they're the ones who got me into it so my oldest sister um originally started working out at NorCal um she has a good story of at Khalifa's gym yeah yeah she told me the story of uh one time she showed up to like a 5 30 class or whatever no one was there so she called the
Starting point is 00:23:59 number on the wall that was um if like if the coach doesn't show up call this number and it was Khalifa's number apparently and he was just cussing through the phone at the thought of his coach not showing up yeah let me tell you i've never heard kalifa say a bad word that guy is squared and shit i'm gonna ask him when he comes on but i believe it because he takes his business serious yeah so yeah that was my oldest sister and so she got into a little bit um and like she still does a lot of fitness stuff um she doesn't like go to an affiliate anymore but she then got my other sister and brother-in-law super into it and they're kind of the two that i um kind of looked up to the most growing up. Like, um, if, if I have two second
Starting point is 00:24:46 parents, it's them. So, uh, um, when they got into it, like I always wanted to be like my brother-in-law, like I love them so much. And then, so when they got into it, uh, they kind of got me into it a little bit too. So, um, and then, uh, it wasn't really until later that I really started to go for it, but yeah, my siblings introduced me to CrossFit for sure. How old's your brother-in-law? You know? He'd be 34. And so when your sister brought him around, you were like, oh, this guy's cool as shit.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah. So I've known he's a sibling to me. I've known he's, I think he sibling to me um i've known he's i think he first probably met me when i was one so he's been around um since the dawn of time for me um but yeah growing up like and he was like strong uh like we have a good picture of like us both flexing when i was probably like seven or eight and i'm just a little twig and he has this big old arm beside me and i was probably so impressed and and now we still work out together and I can like I'm taller than him I weigh more than him and I can outlift him now and and that's it's just kind of crazy how that
Starting point is 00:25:54 happened when you say your oldest sister is she the oldest sibling no I have a brother he's older and what is the makeup of the siblings how many boys and how many girls uh four boys including me five girls oh wow your parents got lucky yeah what a great mix um how do you find this guy uh josh woolley who who is that can you tell me about him who is he how old is he uh he's probably mid 30s or maybe low 30s yeah uh 32 is he ever a games athlete no he was definitely competitive back in his day but like never regionals or or games uh caliber um so the way i was originally following just like kind of those general programs, like whatever, like Mayhem and DECA comp back in the day. And then I moved here to Waterloo when I started university.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And I did the Open that year. So that was 20, that was maybe even last year's Open. Like not this last year that just passed, the year before that. And I was not too pleased with how I did there. Just, yeah, I think I came, like, a thousandth worldwide, which isn't bad. But, like, I kind of thought I was going to do better than that. And I just thought, like, man, I'm doing these, like, a lot of training every day. But it's not tailored to me. And, like, I'm doing these like a lot of training every day, but it's not tailored to me.
Starting point is 00:27:25 And like, I'm not attacking these weaknesses. And so Emma's at this gym and she was coached by Josh. And and I would start I started doing some workouts with her. And and then one day she kind of just said, like, hey, you should you should like see if Josh would be willing to coach you, too. And I think she had actually already talked to him at that point and so I kind of called Josh one day and um he kind of said like yeah I got I'd be down to coach you and he talked about kind of like what he saw in the future for me and and you could tell like he had a lot of faith and confidence in me um and so that was kind of
Starting point is 00:28:03 reassuring to hear and And so, yeah, it's been almost two years now since I've started working with him. Oh, what did he tell you? Oh, sorry. Sorry. I got it. Uh, uh, David, shut it. Just shut it. It's my show. I'll ask him as many times as I want about the sex of his siblings. Okay. Um, uh, what, what did he tell you he saw in you? Well, so that was the first year that they had the kind of the quarterfinals, semifinal hierarchy thing. So that was this conversation would have been just after the Open before quarterfinals. And I remember thinking.
Starting point is 00:28:40 2021? 2021? Yes. Yeah. So like after the open of 2021 um and i remember after the open having this conversation with my brother-in-law who he was never like he never programmed for me but um for all my comps basically leading up to that point he would come and be that like coach figure kind of like whatever whatever you need like food caring yourself and And he knows enough to like kind of give me strategies and whatnot. But I remember talking to him thing, thing about this new format that CrossFit just put out and saying, yeah, I have no chance of making semifinals this year.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Next year I'll be fighting for a semifinal spot. The year after that, hopefully be in the last or make semifinals, but the middle heat. And I laid it this like five-year plan maybe six-year plan and at the end of that would be to make the games so like six years away or five years away whatever it was but I've had no chance I can make um the semifinals this year and so during this call with Josh he um he like he said like he told me what I had basically like what I was working with and it was significantly more than kind of I I valued myself for and he said like yeah like I even think this year like we could make a semi-final um and I kind of thought he was crazy at first but
Starting point is 00:29:57 uh hearing him say that just put this the confidence in me and when I have confidence I'm definitely significantly better athlete than when with not so I actually did make semifinals that year and and that kind of just reassured me like yeah this guy knows this guy knows like that I I have potential so yeah I had made two feature-length documentaries they'd circled the globe I'd won a shitload of awards and I still didn't think of myself as a filmmaker I just figured saw myself as a dude with the camera who fools around on his computer eight hours a day and then i got this job with this guy he owned the company vitamin angels it was the largest distributor of um your catholic roots will like this it was the largest distributor of vitamins to malnourished children uh anywhere in the. And he's like, Hey, I want to take you around the world with me to make films about what we do. And it didn't pay. And I was living at home with my
Starting point is 00:30:54 mom. But he treated me like a professional, like a professional filmmaker. And he turned me into that just by treating me like that. It was so weird. I guess he just believed in me. He saw something in me that I didn't see. He saw me like as an artist, and it was weird. It works. I just turned into it for him, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Yeah, I think that's very similar. There's some details there I want to know about um so when you how did you meet em i was making the i was under the assumption that you met emma because you threw josh but you knew emma oh which one is josh uh not the far right one over yeah that guy there okay the tall guy yeah okay good he that that's the one i would choose to be your crossfit coach just just by judging people by their outside appearance um what um how did you meet emma so you met emma before josh yeah yeah long before how did you meet her yeah so we both made the 2019 games uh in the teenage division um and so we i don't know like um we talked a little bit there uh kind of became friends and then um later on i want to say
Starting point is 00:32:16 february of 2020 um there was this partner comp at my gym at the time. Um, and we did that together. And so that's kind of when we became like much closer friends. Um, but then, uh, then when I moved to Waterloo, which would have been like 10 months later, maybe, um, that's when I was first introduced to Josh. So you show up at this, this competition in 2019. Had you ever even heard of Emma before? Which one? The games?
Starting point is 00:32:51 Yeah. The games. The teenage comp. Yes. Just because there was another team who lived 50 minutes away from me that was going to the game. So just word of mouth, Instagram kind of stuff. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:04 But you'd never talked with her you just were like oh there's another crossfit games yeah no never never spoken with okay and then um you're at the games and how was there time to talk to her did you actually talk to her there like you shake her hand you're like hey uh i'm close to you i'm jack uh not much time uh the the few interactions i remember were during the opening ceremonies like all the canadian athletes are kind of lumped into a group and i was probably too scared to try to talk to any of like the big dogs so it was just kind of the the teens that were all together so maybe a couple words there and then uh i remember coming or me going out for the ruck we had a ruck run and she was coming in and i just asked her how hot it was and she said hot and then that was
Starting point is 00:33:57 that yeah that was the only did you say and were you like yes you are wink wink uh no no i didn't have the guts to do such a thing um at that age at that age did you talk to you did you talk to girls growing up like i didn't talk to girls i scared to death of girls i was afraid of like what could come out of my mouth uh in elementary school uh sure yeah like i yeah me too elementary, uh, yeah, I was quite the player in elementary school. I was a more popular kid in elementary school. Um, so like, yeah, whatever. Um, but then yeah, high school, like I said, I was, I went to an all boys school and, um, I'm actually like really proud of my high school years. Um, I was honestly just so focused there on, on school and working out.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I like really had no desire to, to do anything extracurricularly in terms of girls. Wow. You dodged a bullet. Yeah. I think in junior high, I started thinking about girls and then I was just obsessed until a month ago. Um, so, so what, what were your workouts like in high school um kind of progressed with with the years um like i took it more more and more serious each year honestly to make the teenage games which i would have done um my third year of high school you don't really have to be all in on crossfit like i don't know i i was i was working out pretty hard like maybe two to three hours a day but like if something came up on the weekend and it just
Starting point is 00:35:32 made training inconvenient like i wouldn't have done it like i you were no emma carrie you were no emma carrie exactly like i i cared and everyone knew me as like the crossfit kid, but I was, I was not like committed fully, like as much as you need to be to like actually be good in the open division, but for the teenage division, it's good enough. And yeah, so I made that. But then grade 12 I kind of started getting into it a little bit more and more dedication. I remember going to the gym, little bit more and more dedication i remember going to the gym i'd go at like 6 a.m for two hours and then from 4 30 to 6 37 for another two two and a half so um a little bit more discipline there but when uh when all the gyms shut down um uh i i kind of just gave up for a year almost. Um, you did, I would still work out, um, every
Starting point is 00:36:29 day, even for an hour to two, but, um, I had this, um, this job working in a car factory that was like 10 hours every day, six days a week. Um, and I remember just sitting there on my barbell in my garage, crying, thinking I do not want to do CrossFit anymore. Like I, I cannot work out for five hours and then go stand on my feet all day. Um, and so I remember. Was this all pressure you're putting on yourself? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. No one would have cared if I, if I stopped working out.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Um, so yeah, during that summer, um, I remember talking to my brother-in-law and he said, well, just you want to do then and so uh for whatever reason during that time I got super into like running and biking uh and honestly looking back on it this is whatever two three years ago now um it probably helped me build a base that I wouldn't have had otherwise but so I do uh I follow like Chris Hinshaw programming. So like every day I would do like at least an hour of running some biking in there. And then I still sprinkled in whatever lifting and CrossFit workouts I wanted to do too. So, uh, it kind of, it kind of turned from, I never wanted to CrossFit again
Starting point is 00:37:40 into I'm going to do what I want to do and put no pressure on it. And that ended up being actually a fair bit of, of working out. So, yeah. I mean, uh, 10, 10 years or 15 years ago, you couldn't have done that because there weren't computers for you to look up and, and get the programming. It's crazy. It's crazy how small this world's gotten. What, what cars, car factory, what cars were you building uh well the company is fiat chrysler but we made in that factory um dodge chargers and challengers so pretty cool cars actually and what did you do in there uh so for the summer students they usually give you like the shittiest job possible like like on the line, like you're doing
Starting point is 00:38:25 the same task hundreds and hundreds of times a day. But me and my three buddies who went all together, we all scored with like these jobs only for like 50 year plus people. So I was what they call the torque auditor. So I would go around and check the torque on different sections of the car and just make sure that they were up to standard or whatever. So there would be a bolt and you would have like this thing in your hand and you'd put it on there and push a button and you'd give you a little digital readout. OK, that one's torque good. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. A little torque wrench and it's attached to this little computer type thing. You give it a little go and it would either give you like a good beep or a bad beep um and so maybe once every like five weeks you'd get a bad beep and then you had to write write up about it uh was that exciting
Starting point is 00:39:18 were you looking forward or was bad beep just like fuck the paperwork oh no no you did not yeah you didn't want to get anything uh yeah because that thing took like half an hour to write up and and the job was um like i said it was only for the the 50 or plus people so you had to do like three rounds of uh this list of checks every day and so a round maybe only took two two and a half hours and and the day's 10 hours long so there's definitely some time for for relaxing in there too when i was in in high school i worked at a place it was kind of like a it was a it was called drug barn it was a hybrid of like a costco and like a uh like a cvs you know what a cvs is yeah yeah and it just had aisles and we would screw around so much like we would like we would all stand on like at the when the place was closed at night we'd all stand
Starting point is 00:40:12 on one end of the of the pharmacy or the store and like everyone got to like you'd pick like candy bars and see how many aisles you could throw over and we would just do crazy and just crazy shit too like we would get on the mic and you know and say like oh a child's taking a dump on aisle three oh we need to clean up we would just make shit up or just try to get people's reaction did you guys do fooling around in there no they were uh they were a no bs type place like you get in a lot of trouble um if you start messing around i remember um and you had to wear a mask uh in this hot car factory all day and i started getting like oh so you were prepping you were prepping you had to wear a mask already that's cute how cool well this is 2020
Starting point is 00:40:56 this is 2020 yeah it was only for oh it was because of that that's why you had to wear the mask yeah and i remember getting the worst acne on my face so i started rolling the bottom of the mask up so that my chin wouldn't be covered and like eight people went immediately to the supervisor guy and i got ripped on for that it's crazy oh canada oh canada okay you should change the name of your country to compliant because ankle grabbers is already taken by australia uh when by the way you were you were on possibly so when i have these guests on i always listen to other podcasts they're on and i i truly feel sorry for people who come on to this podcast and i say this with fucking all humility because it's really all downhill from here it's just it's just you were just on the worst podcast that's
Starting point is 00:41:51 ever been done in the history of the world uh it was 10 days ago it was published um i don't remember the name of it but i listened to it yesterday and it has an echo first of all the two hosts i don't know what i don't know what the two hosts like just took they just split a bottle of oxycontin uh yeah i shouldn't i shouldn't rip them too bad the one guy's a pretty good friend of me but oh did you tell tell them that they need to just watch my show endlessly find all the things that they like and steal them all right yeah i was tripping up on my own words they, hearing the echo for an hour and a half or however long it was. What the fuck is wrong with those guys? Those guys are taking server space at YouTube. Tell them to fucking delete that shit. Listen, you knuckleheads out there who are doing podcasts, your goal should not be to ruin people's brand. Did those two guys get together and be like, we're really going to fuck Jack Harlow's brand up? Jack Harlow.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Sorry, Jack Harlow. I'm already fucking up your brand. Jack Harlow. Jack Harlow, that's a famous guy, right? Yeah, a rapper. And I do like him. He's pretty cool. But he used to be a guy that would always go showing people his songs when he was small.
Starting point is 00:43:02 But now it's everywhere I go, I get that comment. At one point, those guys asked you about being famous i wanted to i screamed at the tv i think nobody in crossfit is famous nobody not one not one we're we're we're in a little tiny fish bowl the only time you think you're famous you go to a comp and maybe you're famous for a second no there's no one famous. Oh, I was going, I was losing my mind. Okay, sorry. They're your friends.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I'll go easy on them. Losing my mind. And the echo. Yeah. My goodness. Did those guys just start? I couldn't really tell you. The guy who runs it, I don't really know much about him. The other guy, I don't think he usually goes on the guy who runs it. I don't really know much about him. The other guy,
Starting point is 00:43:46 I don't think he usually goes on the podcast, but that's the guy I know. So I think he, Oh, well he was the better of the two. I felt bad for him too. The guy on the left, um,
Starting point is 00:43:56 the guy who didn't do as much question asking. Yeah. Yeah. I felt a little sorry for him too. My goodness. My goodness. It was okay sorry sorry jack peace and love yeah peace and love i'm just like my goodness but he's he's not they're not alone
Starting point is 00:44:14 they're there's all sorts of people out there i i want to i should invite him on my podcast and ask him uh yeah yeah this yeah this kind of shit, Jack, tell our audience a little bit about yourself. Fair enough. Okay, settle down. Back to Emma. Okay. So, 2019, she tells you it's hot out there on the – or no, sorry. Yeah, 2019, she tells you it's hot out there on the, or no, sorry. Yeah. 2019. She tells you it's hot out there on the field and, um,
Starting point is 00:44:47 any, any, what was her status then? Did she win that year? Was she, was she who she was like, did you know, did everyone know, Oh, that's Emma Lawson. She's going to tear shit up. No, I think she came third maybe. Um, yeah. So, and that was um i think maybe emma carrie won that year um and i'm not sure who was second but yeah it was a pretty good pretty good group there um but yeah i i didn't i don't know not not really much didn't know much about her really at that point and did you feel any sparks then when you
Starting point is 00:45:25 saw her were you like oh i'd like to get to know her she lives close to me um i think only on catholic catholic school mode catholic private school mode no i think only in the sense that it was like like finding another team who does crossfit is so rare uh and then never mind someone who's at such an elite level um so i think that was kind of the initial interest is that someone who shares um something that you really can't find anyone else who does so that was cool and then so you cut you come back to to canada and and you just and you guys start basically talking through instagram or whatever? Um, yeah, we, uh, we talked a little bit, um, but I'd say we really only started actually talking after that competition.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I said we did, which was, um, like a year later. Um, so whatever, maybe a couple of things here and there between the games and that competition. But then after that competition, uh, to the time i moved to waterloo there's pretty like we talked somewhat regularly and sorry i missed that see david there here's something else i didn't listen to so after that that competition in 2019 the crossfit games you ran into her at another competition uh well i asked her to be my partner for the competition oh no shit yeah so this that's awfully forward right sure yeah this picture you see here is that competition but the year following so it was the same competition this bros and does it's called but the year prior
Starting point is 00:47:01 was was the time that we first did the competition together. Wow. That's, that's a, that's a hell of a name for bros and does. That is good. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:14 And I'm surprised they didn't get canceled for that. That's really good. Uh, and, and, and when you competed with her, that's an intimate setting, right? Competing with someone,
Starting point is 00:47:22 whether it's man or woman, it's like, you guys are, you're close with that. You're going to get close with that person or hate them. You're either going to like them at the end or hate them. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Um, and that was like, I mean, we were both pretty young then. And, uh, I mean, not the athletes we are today. And we actually won that competition, which was kind of like, uh, no one saw it coming. So, so that even just added to it, having such a crazy week. Shared something, uh, really, you guys share it by winning, meaning not only you did something tense, but you shared a, a, a high together. Exactly. Yeah. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:47:56 if you, if you see the podium picture for that, I think if you scroll down a little bit in my account, you'll see, um, I was basically too scared to put my arm around her on the podium so i just have this this fist that's just laying on their shoulder oh you're such a good dude god i hope my boys turn out like you all that shit sounds so healthy you should be terrified of them um i mean it's just healthy uh and did you meet her parents there uh yeah yeah they were there and is that the first time you met them uh yeah it would have been i want i would love to hear their their talk afterwards if they knew because parents know shit yeah i remember her mom followed me on instagram like a week after and i thought oh that's that's a good sign so yeah so that's where
Starting point is 00:48:46 some so something did happen there to you with her like like your heart grew for her at that event that's where yeah i think so yeah yeah that's fair to say god what man being young is fun yeah you're doing your favorite thing um uhFit, and then you're having this – the thing that we're all made to do is just have intense relationships, loving relationships with other human beings, and you got both of them all. Yeah. It's pretty crazy. In one show, yeah. tell me if I'm skipping ahead too far, but at some point that's quite the commitment on her part to offer her coach to you. I mean, in the CrossFit space, that's about as fucking intimate as you can get. I mean, that's really intense, right? Yeah. At that point, are you guys,
Starting point is 00:49:41 have you guys told each other you like each other when it comes to that point? So we did that, that competition. I, I moved to, like I said, the gym that she's training at maybe eight to 10 months later. Um, and that's kind of when things picked up a little bit. Um, uh, let's see. And then, so then I started doing a lot of training with her and I mean, it was, it was good for multiple reasons. But Josh wasn't your coach. You were kind of just,
Starting point is 00:50:12 no, I, I just stole it. I just stole the programming. Awesome. God, I love this story. Um, so, and I think obviously that was good because I wanted to spend time with her and she wanted to spend time with me, but, um, with someone else and uh you know people always talk about like not having direct competition so that kind of like male female and we're obviously very competitive with each other but it's like when I lose to her it's not like oh that's my my competition there um so I think we also found that it was very beneficial for both of our training um and yeah i remember just it was like just sitting on the couch one day and she said like yeah you should ask josh and as soon as she said that the idea had never actually crossed my mind but as soon as she said that i was like yeah
Starting point is 00:50:56 that's a great idea um and i think i'd talk to josh maybe a week or two later god when i think of the two of you sitting on a couch together i just think that couch must be gross it just must be just it was like the sweat couch yeah crossfit athletes should never be allowed to sit on any couches yeah no i think that that wasn't at the gym so probably at least had a shower between you guys are always sweating you're always do you sweat a shitload at night jack um when you're sleeping that seems to be a theme with these guys like in the middle of the night you guys are just overheating and just dumping like little kids my little kids do that but it seems like high level crossfit athletes do that too sweat a shitload at night not really a night unless i'm sick but i don't know anyone
Starting point is 00:51:40 who sweats more than me uh at the gym i got yeah i'm just raining like to where people comment like hey there's a puddle under your rower oh absolutely when i do biker workouts um yeah they call it the river farlow because it actually starts like flowing there's frogs laying eggs in there by the end of the workout there's tadpoles yeah it's really nasty uh you and you do in your so because of that are you conscious you just drink shit loads of water yeah and lots of salt what's that look like the water and salt how much water and what do you do for salt well i've i've kind of played around with different things the number one thing for salt though is that like just all my food is like a dousing of salt. But if I'm at the gym for like a long session, then I have these like they're called LMNTs that I drink just like sodium in there.
Starting point is 00:52:37 So, yeah. What flavor do you drink? I think I have like raspberry and watermelon. Yeah. Do you like the chili one? What's that? Do you like the chili one? No, no, no. The spicy ones. I'm not a fan of. Yeah. It's kind of weird to, I want to try the habanero one. So I like it. It's good. Yeah. I've tried it. Uh, not my favorite. So you need alcohol in that. Don't, when you retire from CrossFit, that, you need. Habanero would be good.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Maybe that's why I like it. And when she invites you – so you – let me go back a second. What made you think that you were good enough to go to the CrossFit games as an individual athlete? I mean, it seems like such a crazy goal. Are we talking as a teenager? No. Well, okay, let's start there. Yeah, I was talking about right now, but even as a teenager,
Starting point is 00:53:38 what made you think you could go? I honestly don't know. It was probably a goal in the making for three, four years when I first started, when I did my first open, I wasn't even old enough in the 14, 15. So I signed up under my brother's name and I, I did not place well at all. And then, uh, the next year, like there's a significant improvement, significant improvement. And then it was when I was 16 in the 16-17, I think I came 30th and top 10 or top 10 go to the games. And I thought, OK, next year I have a legitimate shot. As of now, what makes me think I can go?
Starting point is 00:54:18 I don't know. That's kind of like a constant struggle is kind of how how good I really am um one of the things I've actually started looking at is my trajectory versus Emma's uh and I think Josh pointed out that I'm I'm kind of following her a year behind that's not to say I'm going to be six at the games next year necessarily but um the year before last she was actually ninth at atlas and i think had the same quarter final placing as me in north america too so she made that big of a gap or jump in one year and uh if i can if i can do the same uh that put me in a pretty good spot to make the games um i was talking to emma about this yesterday too what happens you – were you doing CrossFit before you went through puberty? Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:13 The first time I did CrossFit definitely was before. I would say a little bit late in the maturing game. So, yeah, I was. late in like the maturing game uh so so yeah i was and and what happens um when you go through puberty and you're doing that and in your in your training two or three hours a day like do you know does it feel like i mean i said the same thing to her and she's like i'm like i guess you don't know because it's just you but were you yeah do you remember transitioning like into into manhood and being like oh shit something's like happening like does it become harder to yeah do you remember transitioning like into into manhood me like oh shit something's like happening like does it become harder to move do you get stronger like like what are their
Starting point is 00:55:50 obstacles are there good things like what are some of the things because most like we see the kids now they're not doing shit through they go through puberty but it seems like that's the time when you should have your foot on the gas pedal taking advantage of all the hormones right yeah one summer uh i remember like i mean i'm pretty strong now and like it all came seemingly in that one summer like and that was the summer like i talked about i wasn't even doing that much that much working out but um like it seemed like any time i touched a barbell it was going to be heavier than the last time i did um like you can just do no wrong basically in terms of working out there your body's just gonna like adapt like never before
Starting point is 00:56:30 to what you're to the stimulus you're putting on it so um yeah i'd say that summer absolutely is kind of when i got that man strength a little bit more and how old were you? 17, 18. Were people starting to notice too? Like your family, the siblings and your parents? They're like, holy shit, Jack. I don't think so, actually. I don't actually think I was ever really that big. Maybe even until like last year or the year before.
Starting point is 00:57:11 So I maybe even wasn't looking that much different or getting that much bigger. But just like, I don't know what about my muscle just made it that much more effective or whatever. Hey, was that Shane Orr running through those pylons? No, that was some knucklehead in front of me, and I actually got ripped on at school the next day when I posted this because apparently that guy's running like an idiot, and people thought that was me. I think that's Shane. Where is that?
Starting point is 00:57:37 That guy looks like Shane Orr. It does. I don't think it's him, though. Oh, is that you right there? Yeah, green shirt green shirt yeah you're smooth that other guy i knucklehead's a little harsh but he's definitely a spaz he's his neck's doing something different than his body yeah it's almost like he was making fun of it a little bit yeah oh he looks so bad yeah uh is it has it been smooth sailing since you went over
Starting point is 00:58:08 to josh yeah absolutely i've uh i've never trained as much as i do but i think more importantly is like i've never um put as much into training as like training is absolutely like my number one thing i think about every day um like like like I said before when something would maybe come up on the weekend to make training inconvenient like it was like oh whatever and like now it is like absolutely training first and then whatever else I have time for uh as well and and that can be that can get tough like some things I just don't get to go to like oftentimes my family will have like a gathering in the middle of the week, and there's just no chance I can go to that. Just things like that. Absolutely, I'm putting more into it now. I wasn't able to do that, I feel like, until my 30s. I was able to draw a line between what I wanted to do and what other people expected me to do or wanted to do. How do you, how do you think you came about
Starting point is 00:59:06 that so early to put yourself first? Um, well, I, I think I started doing that when the transition to working with Josh started. And I think one of the biggest things about that is now I have someone else who's directly invested in, in me doing well. And like, he's putting in time to help me out. out um and it's like now that that's happening i don't know what it is but like now i don't have the option almost and i don't i don't want to have the option to be honest with you and i found the same thing um doing nutrition like with a coach i tried to do some stuff on my own and it was it just got ugly and uh when i had like a coach giving me whatever numbers to hit like that's
Starting point is 00:59:45 what i was going to do there's nothing that was going to change that uh pressure from your parents to are your parents supportive of it or do they get disappointed when you're not able to come to the family functions or do things that they that they think maybe you should do um they they understand they're supportive um i feel like just kind of now they're especially my mom is like fully catching on to like like you have to really train to if you want to be good at this um i remember one time this was probably last december and then the opens in whatever february march um i i think i was going to the gym and whatever, maybe I was missing something. And my mom just asked me, what are you even training for?
Starting point is 01:00:27 You don't have a competition coming up. And she didn't really understand that. Like you got to be training now if you want to be good come March, come June, come July. So yeah, but and then she started coming to some of the bigger competitions and just gets more and more and more on board with kind of what has to go into it. Jack, you're the first. You might never be invited back on again.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I do this show. I'm probably 700 shows in. I spilled my coffee for the first time with you on the show. And because I play the victim mindset, I can only blame you. That's right. Fair enough. I can only blame you, son of a bitch. You spilled on your new phone too? Yeah, new phone.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Ruined. It's all your fault, Jack. Thank God I have this rogue cup with this sealed lid. And actually, I think Paper Street Coffee is actually good for computers. If you just pour a cup of Paper Street Coffee into the back of a computer, it actually increases the memory. Yeah, and works faster. It's all good. Has Joe Rogan ever spilled his drink in the middle of a show?
Starting point is 01:01:43 Probably. He's 2,000 shows in in now to wipe my tears off you um uh any downside to training with uh emma um challenges yeah some sometimes she can just beat me in things by so much that i feel like there's no hope for me um but uh yeah i don't know it's 95 positive probably um but then there's kind of like the opposite thing that can happen where i do crappy in one thing and uh and she might even still beat me but I realized I didn't do as bad as I thought I did so um it can kind of go both ways it can make you feel bad about a workout you shouldn't feel bad about and then better about a workout that maybe you should
Starting point is 01:02:35 feel bad about uh where Joe doesn't he no Joe doesn't spill drinks great now who's the rookie podcaster all right all right i deserve that all right fine i deserve that i'll take it uh games this year is is it is it doable yeah um yeah i think absolutely um like that's the goal um uh and honestly i didn't even know if i'd be totally satisfied just to make the games and kind of be a no name in the first heat um i kind of want to make the games and be relevant i'm not really sure what that means in terms of a placing or whether i just want to have a couple events or something but um i just want to be a more relevant name at the games this year um and i think i put a lot of pressure on myself last year to make it and i honestly just don't think i was i was ready like i didn't have the the base and the skills to do it you're 20 um a pretty common uh question theme is the young men have more trouble jumping the gap from
Starting point is 01:03:51 teen to individual than the women uh fair is is that true yeah i think um is that science is that biology yeah i'd have to think so dallin's maybe the best teenage competitor of all time. He was in my year at the games and, um, and he just made it last year. So, uh, yeah, I think that says something. So when you look at the landscape, you're not, um, you're not disappointed. You're like, Oh, I I'm, I'm in, I'm in the game. Yeah. And, and yeah, and honestly, I didn't even care about making it at a certain age versus someone else making it at a certain age. Like, I feel like I am kind of developing a little bit later.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Like back when I was a kid, the strength number difference between me and like the top guys in my age group was huge. And slowly that gap started to close and close until maybe like last year or a year and a half ago and then i've kind of kept going a little bit more that's just in terms of strength obviously there are other elements that to be considered but uh yeah i think i think i'm still on the up for sure uh emma has had no uh i mean she she showed up yeah and and is just uh demolishing it did you when you saw did you know that like when you train with her i i know you guys train in a bit of a vacuum there it's just the two of you but when you um before she went to the games or even before the
Starting point is 01:05:22 quarterfinals or semifinals started were you you like, Oh shit, the world's about to see something. Uh, not until before the games. Um, I mean, she was very impressive in quarterfinals and I think she had COVID as she did it and still was like, I mean, she just had like a gnarly cough a little bit and I think she still came like 10th in North America or even better. I'm not, I don't remember, but that was impressive. But are you saying that COVID made her better?
Starting point is 01:05:47 That's what I'm hearing you say. It might have. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Um, it wasn't until before the games though. And at that point,
Starting point is 01:05:54 my season was over. Um, just watching her train and thinking like, this is nuts. Like she's the paces on machines, the times on certain things. Um, like I knew she was like for her next level. I didn't know what that meant at the games though. Like, does that mean she shows up and now she is like 20th? Does that mean she's 10th? Um, and as soon as they
Starting point is 01:06:19 released that first workout, I was like, okay, this is like wheelhouse like she would she would smoke anyone at the gym and this type of thing um and that was the bike to work like the biking chest of our and toe to bar event and i was thinking like okay this will be like the indicator for what a good event for her is and then uh she came third in that one but basically won it in terms of being behind by like one one or two, um, that kind of set the tone to like, okay, like, yeah, this is going to be a pretty crazy weekend. I think. When and why did you go to, um, Nashville to train at proven? How does that work? Tell me about that story. How that, how that happens. Um, yeah, I think I, I mean, I kind of just tagged along i wasn't really invited um but i
Starting point is 01:07:07 remember emma yeah uh emma and t at the gym at the gym at the games i think had some uh conversations and it it seems like t and shane um kind of really appreciate the fact that they were trying to poach her from josh i'll fill in the blanks for the listeners. OK, go on. That Emma and Josh are learning to do things like on their own and that she kind of they kind of talked about in Nashville how that was kind of like them when they were coming up, like they were learning together. And they said that no one really lent them a hand in terms of learning. So if they could do anything to help speed up that process a little bit, that they were more than happy to do that.
Starting point is 01:07:49 And so I think Tia made reference to maybe coming down to train during the games. And then a couple of weeks later, message them and said like, for real, come down and train. And then they threw me the invite as well. well so i tagged a lot and britain and you can bring the help yeah emma common you can bring yeah yeah i think that was after rogue uh announced like the qualifiers and they saw me and thought oh maybe this guy isn't like a total joke
Starting point is 01:08:21 and they invited me as well so so when uh when, uh, when rich invites you to mayhem, you'll bring Emma. That's right. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Uh, so, so when was this? And so tell me about that. So they invite Emma to come down. Is it for any amount of time? Is it like four weeks, five weeks? Like what's the, um, I'm, I think they kind of just said a couple of days. Um, but we could basically only make it work for flying out friday night and then training saturday sunday and leaving we either left sunday night or monday first thing in the morning so like two days so so you get so then saturday and sunday you guys are just in the gym all day trying to just get as much you can from Shane yeah and uh yeah so Shane and Tia
Starting point is 01:09:06 were there and then also uh the Wells twins and Saxon Pancheck no shit god and you got to train with Saxon yeah uh me and Emma did everything the same as Saxon uh because he's leading up to Rogue uh we just like we weren't gonna travel all that distance just to do our own programming so uh yeah we did everything with saxon and then t was kind of still in off season mode a little bit so she did maybe 80 70 with us uh it would be do it would be such a douchebag thing to show up there and do your own programming like yeah right yeah and and they they definitely put it out there like no pressure do whatever you want but we were all like yeah right yeah and and they they definitely put it out there like no pressure do whatever you want but we were all like yeah there's no there's no chance we're gonna just use this space that we flew to it it must be kind of i mean saxon god that were you excited to train with him i i
Starting point is 01:09:59 personally think like he has some of the most promise like i see him the closest person to kind of like justin madaris i just think when I think of Saxon, I think he can fucking do everything. Every time he steps out on the field, I'm blown away. Oh shit, he's strong. Oh shit, he's fast. I just think – I don't know why. Maybe it's because of his brother, but I just think that he is one of the biggest threats to winning the title. I just think he's so complete. And he has a normal body.
Starting point is 01:10:27 You know what I mean? He doesn't have any of these outlier, like, weird traits. Did you glean a lot from him? Was that fun? I mean, he's got all of Saxon's, like, all of Scott's wealth of knowledge, too, right? He's basically two generations in one yeah uh and like yeah i i don't get to really train with like an elite level male ever unless
Starting point is 01:10:54 i'm competing against them uh so you know you don't want it to become some like next competitive thing but i was definitely like eyeing him up a little bit the whole weekend like he's like the exact picture of like what what you need to be to be good at the game so um there was like if he wins the games no one's surprised if he would have won the games last year so it would have been like wow good job saxon but no one would have been like it's it's not like completely out of left field at all yeah exactly so i was kind of, comparing myself to him a little bit all weekend. And there are some things I was like, wow, like he is significantly better at those things. But honestly, some things went the other way, too.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Like I was thinking like, like, I can do this. And like, he doesn't have that in him. So it wasn't totally like just like. It offered you hope, not demoralizing exactly exactly yeah is he nice very yeah he's uh saxon's i'm pretty quiet but so am i so uh we we kind of just did our thing yeah okay so even though he was quiet you didn't take it like he was being standoffish or dick no? No, not at all. Interesting. And another interesting thing about Emma and Tia is their body composition.
Starting point is 01:12:12 I guess Tia is the same way, or Emma is the same way. Her body is just like a normal body. It's like you don't see her as some sort of outlier. She seems proportioned, her body composition. And you see that about Tia too. She's just like, you know, if she stopped doing crossfit for two years she just looked like a normal chick yeah they uh i think they're pretty similar athletes actually did they bond yeah yeah i think um and emma i think tsc is like a bit of her younger self and Emma for sure. So, um, yeah, they definitely did.
Starting point is 01:12:50 And then, and then, and then you go home. Did, did Josh go with you? He did. Yeah. Oh, sweet. Yeah. And then the last night we all went out for dinner with Tia and Shane and she probably just answered questions of ours for two and a half hours straight. So, um, yeah, they were awesome. Wow. Uh, anything that stood out to you that just popped the top of your head that she said to you that, that Tia said anything about winning her mindset training? Um, well, I mentioned, um, like I mentioned that Atlas for me this year, uh, there were, there were two workouts that I knew I was going to crush. And my mindset going into those workouts was that like, I cannot be beat here. And like if someone else speeds up, like, either they're going to fall off or I have more in the tank, like one of the two. And the other workouts I went in with such fear of what could happen and I think that like those weren't going to be my best workouts but I think that made them significantly worse than they are and she basically said that every workout you go into like there's no different mindset
Starting point is 01:13:58 it's like it's like you know what you have in you and whether that means winning or whatever coming middle of the pack, uh, you can't let what other people, what you think other people are capable of affect how you're going to attack a workout. So, um, that was one thing that I kind of just took with me from that conversation. Um, another interesting facet might be the fact that you were saying about how your mom is starting to understand, you know, the that it takes, that even though there's not a competition coming, that the training still has to be at a super high level. When you started dating Emma, that must have brought some perspective also for them, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Yeah, so they kind of – I mean, for me i wasn't doing much like at that time uh like whatever i'd go to a competition here and there but like there wasn't semi-finals or anything and then they go see emma uh in her last year in the team division like just clean house um and then they were like oh wow like if you could do anything like that like we're in like legit territory basically so yeah she's definitely helped that cause a little bit. When I think of two things that would be really difficult to improve in movement, I always think of like ring dips. Like they just suck, right? Or just dipping just because of the fact that once they go away, they're gone.
Starting point is 01:15:25 At least that's the way i think of them right you do a max set of ring dips and then you go to do a second set and you know and there's you know let's say you did 40 the first set next set you got three the other thing would be handstand push-ups yeah and yet you were able to take that weakness if i had that weakness and i was a competitor i'd be like oh shit am i going to be the guy who fucking never who is is like oh that's jack farlow he could win the games but he doesn't have handstand uh push-ups you were able to actually become really good at handstand push-ups yeah and can you tell me about that journey like did you have that fear did you see that as like oh i suck at these i'll never be better uh no um no i think when i was like as you kind of progress from being a kid to more of an adult um i think also your skill set changes um so like when i was super light like i could because
Starting point is 01:16:19 of your levers because of your your levers or yeah shorter arms smaller or less body weight everything like that and so like as a kid I used to like be as good as anyone on like strict handstand push-ups or uh burp like body weight stuff burpees and stuff like that um and then as you get bigger I mean obviously I'm getting a ton stronger but but yeah now I have longer arms I'm significantly heavier and um and so I always kind of felt like I had it still in me. It was just a matter of getting it back, even though that might not have necessarily been true. Um, but yeah, I did the one quarter final workout and just my handstand pushups fell apart a little bit and realized that was something that I now needed to work on, which was almost, uh,
Starting point is 01:17:01 like it was eyeopening because I kind of still thought that I was good at them um but yeah just over the course of like the next six months we just hammered them and um yeah then the next year in quarterfinals uh I knew what I had in terms of capacity for handstand push-ups um but it didn't really occur to me that that was now like an elite elite level of handstand push-up capacity so then I did that uh quarterf elite level of handstand push-up capacity so then I did that uh quarterfinal workout with handstand push-ups and I think I came like fourth in North America or something I was like oh wow I might I might have uh I might be pretty good at these now and so I knew I got better but I didn't know how much really would you say that you literally took
Starting point is 01:17:39 it from a place to where you feared them in the workout to like now you see them and you're happy to see them um strict handstand push-ups or really any handstand push-ups i never feared i kind of fear movements that i think i'm bad at and that are very uncomfortable to do but going to like failure on strict handstand push-ups in a workout now you just have to like rest so it's not i don't know i feared it in terms of my placing, but I didn't like seeing them in workouts. Really. Um, you said in one of those podcasts that I listened to that there was a time where you, and you didn't condone this, but you would do, you would do 50 handstand pushups like every other day or every day for a summer for time. Tell me about that. That's wild. Yeah. Uh, so that was, how old were you? Uh, that was a summer, for time. Tell me about that. That's wild. Yeah. So that was.
Starting point is 01:18:25 How old were you? That was a couple. That was maybe four or five years ago. Actually, maybe even six. So, yeah, like I feel like handstand pushups have really come in waves. At first, I sucked at them. And I remember doing an open workout that ended with like 55. And I think I got like two. And, yeah, I'm just like a kid kid at this point i was so bummed out um you got two of 55
Starting point is 01:18:51 yeah in like probably two minutes on the wall um yeah that's pretty bottom of the barrel and i would even quite when someone tells me they only got two of 55 i'm thinking they probably he probably didn't even lock out on that second one i redid that one recently and i still only got two yeah anyway so yeah i would go i would go home there and and this is at a time uh even before i started following any of like the online programming um and i would just do whatever i want i still have some pictures of like the whiteboard on my phone from those times and just the workouts i would write up were like just crazy in terms of like volume of things but every day i had um just on like this left column of my whiteboard my 50 handstand push-up time and i probably tested it six times a week um
Starting point is 01:19:42 and like so it started with like having to do sets of three, then two, then, and then eventually got to like opening with a set of 20 and, and just getting better and better. So, uh, yeah, that was probably like, what was your worst time ever back then? Five or six years? Like, did you ever do like one a minute for 50 minutes? Did you ever do that? No. Um, when I, the first time I did it, I was probably like 12 minutes. minutes did you ever do that no um when i the first time i did it i was probably like 12 minutes oh okay okay yeah i mean uh that that two of so your difference between ass and my difference between ass is so different like 50 minutes like if i did one a minute for 50 minutes i'd be like that's a great place to start yeah this is a kipping handstand push-up too so uh if that
Starting point is 01:20:21 makes any difference not as checked um what is this caleb this is this is one of his old school workouts this was the i don't know if this is for sure but this was the 55 workouts that i was oh okay we were talking about so you made it to the end and just chilled caleb yeah pretty much i did two handstand push-ups and then i just stared at the wall for the next five minutes or whatever um what when you're you're with this guy Josh and he must be everyone must be coming up now right uh Emma has this outstanding just year and you and Josh are in her tent and i just say her tent because of just the statement she made right it's obviously um what's the name of his what's the name of his program the mammoth uh mammoth training methods yeah but like he doesn't sell programming to anyone so that's
Starting point is 01:21:20 just kind of like a play on words for his last name does he work at a crossfit gym no no he's uh he has a full-time job that's unrelated oh god what a what a weird um do you guys see yourself with him long term like are you like wow this i mean it's it's it's unique yeah yeah um absolutely i think uh and i think as we get kind of bigger and bigger um it like the idea of it becoming a more of a full-time thing for him just makes more and more sense um so yeah i think like it's not gonna probably stay like this forever um like he might be our coach but uh and not even to say he'd be coaching other athletes but just kind of he'd be more involved into like a full time CrossFit gig. I don't know what that would look like, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:09 But you sense growing. Yeah, absolutely. You feel it. Has your relationship changed? Well, I mean, you're obviously both getting older, but with Emma's success, has your relationship changed? Has it put any strain on the relationship or or added any value to it no I think um yeah no nothing's changed and I think like uh I think that's kind of like we have like our CrossFit training partner side and then our like kind of like boyfriend girlfriend side maybe that's a little bit different so
Starting point is 01:22:43 I'm not sure the two really carry over as as much as they could and maybe that's a good thing to kind of just separate life a little bit yeah uh rogue yeah so that that's going to be the biggest stage you've ever been on yeah by far and uh i think uh if i remember right for some of the stuff that i've heard from uh my friends that 14 of the 15 best guys from the games will be there yeah and then five other people plus me yeah and then you it's all the best guys from the games and you, Jack. Are you freaking out? I'm nervous, but I was freaking out. I would be freaking out more if I felt like
Starting point is 01:23:34 I was going into a competition with people thinking I was going to win it. I feel like I go to Rogue and I, I cannot mess up. Like, like I could come last in every event and everyone would just be like, Oh, and I, I really don't think that's going to happen. Like I training has been going well. I have good confidence in myself. That's not to say I think I'm going to win it, but, um, like I think I'll hold my own for sure.
Starting point is 01:24:01 And you're going to, and you, have you met any of these guys before? Um, briefly a couple i did um a competition with chandler this past summer and i met noah briefly at the games um good dude that's about so so you met the two nicest guys in crossfit yeah uh yeah i, I only talked to Noah for a second, but no one has ever been so down to earth as Chandler and being so good. Let me see who's going to be. Who else is there? Let me tell you who's going to be a dick to you. Scroll. Let me see. Keep going. Not Bjorgvin. He's too nice. Not Jason Hopper. Not Lazar. Nope. No dicks yet. No. No. No no there's no dicks there you're gonna have a good time those are all good dudes yeah yeah i'm super excited though it's gonna be sweet dang jack you're doing it yeah everyone get going for go ahead sorry qualifying for rogue um i put nothing on it like honestly i was just doing the qualifier because i like have struggled doing online things in the past and whatever would be a good thing to do i was only like a week or two back
Starting point is 01:25:17 into training after uh like a month off or a month taking it pretty chill after, um, after I did an off season competition there. So, um, and then I just did the first workout and I was thinking like, actually, I saw the workouts come out and I thought I'm not even going to bother doing this because this is just going to drain my confidence to see how low I finish. Uh, cause the workouts were not what I would consider good for me, but I just did the first workout and it was super smooth. And, and I kind of just kept that train rolling and, uh, end up submitting my scores and they were good enough.
Starting point is 01:25:49 So, um, you went to, you went to can West and took fourth and you went to can East and took first. Yeah. Were one of those competitions, the competition that didn't pay, like they had some financial issues. Uh, kind of both. Oh, they both did. Oh shit. You took first. Yeah. those competitions the competition that didn't pay like they had some financial issues uh kind of both oh they both did oh shit you took first it's the same uh production um uh there's this movie from the 70s or 80s called Excalibur I don't know why I thought of it the other day in
Starting point is 01:26:21 the shower but I I wanted to find the clip at some point played on the show. But they tell – the king says someone steals something from the king or kills someone he knows, and everyone in the court is demanding that the king get retribution on that person. And the king says in the movie, true power comes from forgiveness. And I always loved that line as a kid like like i mean i know it sucks that they didn't pay or whatever but it's it's on them it's their problem and like if you're mad at them then it's like it's kind of like you picked up some shit there that you didn't want you meant to leave with money and you left with anger fuck that i don't want to like how about i just leave with nothing how did you process it and then other people like well several people spent about their last thousand dollars that was for their rent knowing that
Starting point is 01:27:10 they were going to get 1200 back and they didn't and they're really pissed i'm like yeah but like now you're arguing with reality and arguing with reality makes you a tard yeah um like i have no anger in me like do i want like the 10 000, the $10,000 that they owe me? That's how much you should have got? $10,000? Well, five from each. So five for coming fourth at Canwest, and then another five for winning Canies.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Oh, that's a lot of dinners with Emma. Okay, that's a lot of dinners with Emma. Oh, shit. And they seem to have the intention of working towards one day paying that. So whatever, that's good enough for me now. But yeah, I have no resent. And honestly, the two people who run the show there, I really like. I think they've been super good to me.
Starting point is 01:28:00 So outside of that money, I have nothing bad to say. Thank you, Heidi. I was quite proud of that one. Arguing with reality makes you a tard. Yeah. And I do it a lot too. Like, you know what I mean? The rock pops up, hits your windshield, your windshield's cracked and you're pissed. It's like, Whoa, Whoa, easy. Like it's broken. It's like, what are you doing? It's broken. It's chill. Why do you got to be angry too? But I'm a wise man i'm old i'm old and wise right caleb ish oldish and wisish are you going to school yeah full-time uh i i do biomedical engineering
Starting point is 01:28:37 at waterloo here at university what what are you doing? Is Emma going to school too? Well, she's finishing high school right now. What the? You're going to jail. You're going to jail, Jack. She's finishing high school? Yeah, last year.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Romeo Juliet Law. Oh, my God. How old is she? 17. Oh, my goodness. Oh oh my goodness oh my god biomedical engineering that sounds like some transhumanism shit like you're fucking money what'd you say he's gonna make so much fucking money uh that's a good job oh yeah we have that job in the air force and it's like a year-long school and then once you get out like people just get out of the military because you make stupid money are all your siblings um uh
Starting point is 01:29:32 overachievers like the whole family like like what why don't you just quit school and chill just do crossfit what are you doing i don't know uh, well, to answer your first question, yeah, most of my siblings, like, I think four or five of my other siblings did engineering at Waterloo too, which in Canada is like the top engineering school. So it's like, it's a pretty big deal if you're there. And everyone, everyone who didn't do that, like, they're doing pretty well for themselves. they're doing pretty well for themselves um why why not quit school well uh i i've said this before but i feel like it like if i have the time to do all the training i need to do and i have the time to get enough sleep have the time to do stretching um i don't see it as like a negative and it can only i view it as a positive just like when, when I do shitty in a workout, um, like, like, for example, last week I was retesting like a running distance I did. And I got slower over the course of like two months of, of training that time. And obviously it's just like a bad day, but you know, you start thinking like, man, like, how did that go that poorly? Um, and just to know that like,
Starting point is 01:30:42 I'm doing something else that this could all blow up and I'd still be fine in terms of like making a life for myself. Um, and then also like I get home and, and I don't have time to think about that run now. Like I have class to go to or homework to do. So, um, for now I view it as like a positive thing. Maybe there's like a couple of times in a year that it's like, oh man, there's so many assignments to do. And now whatever,
Starting point is 01:31:08 I have to take an hour or two out of my sleep for that one day. So maybe that's a negative. But who knows when I'm done in, in three years, if, if things are going well on the CrossFit side, like, like I'll, I'll take some time off between school and finding a job to, to like kind of put all my eggs into one basket. Spiegel says, your career is biomedical engineering, not selling toast spacers on Instagram. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:35 You asshole, Spiegel. That's incredible. And you have three years left? Yeah. Yeah. Look at all the parents are jumping in they're so happy good kid please speak to my boys yeah it's definitely it's like definitely doable um it's hard um but 100 100 it's doable at least for me i mean um i don't i don't go for top marks in the class
Starting point is 01:32:03 um like i do enough to yeah exactly that's what in the class. I do enough to get by comfortably and not come to the final and need some 90 to pass the course. I just kind of stay baseline through the whole year, and whatever mark that gives me that's acceptable to pass, I'll take it. acceptable to pass i'll take it um uh my my wife bought my son this huge box my three sons this huge box of rubber bands and they've been making like bracelets and necklaces and rings and what's funny is is he said what color do you want and i said black and white and he said oh we're out of black and white rubber bands do you want rainbow and i said yes sir i'll take rainbow that's fine i'll take it thank you and i'm like oh my that i deserve it i'm gonna have
Starting point is 01:32:52 to wear a rainbow bracelet for the next year and i deserve it and then he came and i was just like who might argue with reality right there it is again so i'm just like i just thought okay i'm gonna be wearing a rainbow bracelet and people are gonna be tearing me up and i'm gonna be a hypocrite but i was gonna enjoy it i kind of love that space and then five minutes later 50 minutes later he's like oh i did find enough black and white i was like oh yes so i keep losing it i keep every time i take off my sweatshirt it falls off and i can't find it i don't think it's gonna last long to be honest but it's kind of cool like when you're a parent anything your kid makes you you you wear uh do you have family are your mom and dad going to rogue no they can't make it sadly but they'll definitely be watching
Starting point is 01:33:36 the most important thing you do when you go there is you know jack right away no okay i'm gonna tell you ready yeah meet bill and katie okay that is the most important thing you need to do hi shake their hand thank you like i mean you're a good boy i mean i already know you're you're you're a gentleman of the highest order but like uh thank you this is you know what i mean i mean just sincere or if it's shit tell them hey this is shit but uh it won't be yeah you can take a ride in the roller coaster leave an impression on them you know what i mean like hot like yeah like try to make googly eyes at bill like look right into his eyes like all right yeah there's nothing but the greatest things about them. Good start. Good start. Good start, Jack, right here.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Me too. I've heard nothing but good things about them too. Okay. I really appreciate you coming on. Yeah, thanks for having me. What a blast. If you ever want to come back again, don't hesitate to reach out. I don't say that very often, right, Caleb? No, this is true. come back again uh don't hesitate to reach out i don't say that very often right caleb no yeah you're always welcome on the show i enjoyed your company um i think that there's i think you've had a pretty amazing life and i think that there's a shitload we could always talk about all right sounds good all right man i'll be uh watching you at rogue i'm sure i'll be texting you and
Starting point is 01:35:03 bugging you try to get you on. I never take offense when people ghost me, so don't even worry about it. I know you're busy, but we will be bugging you because you fucked up and gave us your phone number. That's right. All right. All right, brother. All right. See you later. Ciao.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Another one in the books. What a good kid. Oh, he's dope. He's so cool interesting right uh uh emma doesn't want a plan b to put pressure on herself he has a plan b but it is also interesting that he leverages it to not let his mind wander. So it's not only not necessarily that he has a plan B, but he, it's almost like he's medicating himself with the fitness. So he doesn't stress about school. So I, I think I approve.
Starting point is 01:35:57 Do you approve? Yeah, I think I approve. I agree. I mean, you could say the same thing with what Matt did. Like Matt got a degree before he, I mean, you could say the same thing with what Matt did. Like Matt got a degree before he, I mean, he was competing at the same time. I think Camille, believe it or not. I think Camille,
Starting point is 01:36:12 um, got the, did the same thing. She did some, she did some hardcore biomedical engineer or something like that as well. I know. I, uh,
Starting point is 01:36:22 that about a week ago, I sent a text to, um, or two weeks ago, I sent a text to Caleb and Sousa and Will and Jen to the whole team. And I was like, Hey, let's just start doing two days. Give me, give me like, let's just go crazy. I want to go just go as hard as I can for the next month until I just want to vomit and don't want anything else to do with CrossFit. So I'm kind of like, you know what I mean like i'm trying to i get in that i get in that space before the games we get in that space we go absolutely nuts and by the end of the games i'm like oh i tell matt please no more crossfit but uh i'm kind of reinvigorated and i'm trying to
Starting point is 01:36:56 get everyone to come on i think you know i'm really excited about obviously is i think we have rich coming on tuesday what's oh pop up on the calendar oh is that tomorrow yeah we have Rich coming on Tuesday. I saw that pop up on the calendar. Oh, is that tomorrow? Yeah. We have Rich Froney and Angelo coming on tomorrow. Oh, shit. What? I said, oh, shit. Yeah, it's cool, right?
Starting point is 01:37:13 Super cool. Tomorrow's going to be crazy. Listen to this. Jared Graybiel from Zello Games. Pump up the Zello Games a little bit. Talk about it. Talk about the qualifier. Then Ariel Loewen.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Talk to her. She's cool. She's easy. Rich and Angelo. Super easy. And then, for the first time, I'll meet Nick Matthews. I'm basically on for five and a half hours straight tomorrow. Can't wait.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Are you going to be here? Yeah, I'll be here. You're nuts. Camille was twerking five classes during the summer she was taking she was twerking
Starting point is 01:37:48 why was she doing that I guess if you got it shake it I'm struggling to uh Devesh Maharaj Devesh Maharaj
Starting point is 01:38:01 struggling to keep up watching two weeks old episodes on the live um have plenty to go back and watch did you guys know that uh Heidi um
Starting point is 01:38:15 oh yeah Heidi made this book beach to it damn it I want to lift weights like my mom up go to uh I want to lift weights like my mom up. Go to Amazon. Type in Heidi, H-E-I-D-I space C-R-U-M-E. She's an author now. I get my book tomorrow. I'm so freaking stoked I can't believe she did it
Starting point is 01:38:46 hey Heidi you gotta come on we gotta come on and talk about how you did it like what happened did you already have it written and you cheated or after you saw the Brad Ghost episode were you inspired and you're like fuck it how did you do the pictures I mean I know you're crazy talented and capable
Starting point is 01:39:02 I mean I've seen what you do on Instagram and you're creative you're crazy talented and capable. I mean, I've seen what you do on Instagram. And you're creative. You're just oozing with, you know, one-liners and creativity. But this is so cool that you did this. The fact that she has more than one line is impressive. The fact that she has more than one line. Yeah. Heidi suggests Maharaji.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Abdul Maharaji watches at, oh, no, uh, Abdul Maharaji watches that. Oh no. Devesh Maharaj watches at 1.25 speed. Uh, Justin Velner, top dudes getting degrees and killing on CrossFit word. Good job, Eric. Yep. Uh, good tidbit of, uh, info. Uh, you, you're kind of an author.
Starting point is 01:39:44 I got two books. I got two books. i got two books i got two books i got two books be tied with you after tomorrow um oh my goodness listen i'm writing the second one today should be on amazon by tomorrow oh you're killing me you're killing me uh vindicate let's let's uh let's i hate let's fucking go but i love travis if i never heard anyone else ever say that again i'd be happy somebody that i work with says that they hate that too and i don't i just think it's funny now i use it all the time just to piss them off you're a good dude
Starting point is 01:40:22 caleb i'm watching a 1.5 speed i'm indian you know our brains are stronger than yours 1.25 ha for the white man maybe uh her goal is to catch up to brad gross no not not brad gross oh thank you i thought you were being funny geez louise oh blow me, Bruce. All right. Um, that's it for me today. I got, I got so much to prepare for tomorrow. Today's going to be just a full blown panic. And the thing is, is Wednesday. And I have to read this book by Chris Wark that I'm, that I'm almost done with, uh cancer book c-h-r-i-s-w-a-r-k chris wark
Starting point is 01:41:08 uh is our guest on wednesday that's going to be an amazing show and then in the evening we have the rogue programming show we have invited ben smith and dave castro to be on that. I'll be curious if either of them come on that show with J.R. Howell and Taylor, the Thumb Self. Hopefully, Ro will release some of the workouts
Starting point is 01:41:35 so we have something to do a show on. Dear Bill and Katie, please do a workout. Yes, thank you. No, I only ask for objects. Seven, I'm giving away an l1 i hope you are happy what's that oh yeah he's yes the mdk with one of the shirts that he's selling he's he's gonna pick somebody from one of the shirts that he sells to get a free l1 i hate that that's gonna cut into my shirt sales what shirt is it i think it's the one that he sells to get a free L1. I hate that. That's going to cut into my shirt sales.
Starting point is 01:42:05 What shirt is it? I think it's the one that they quoted Greg Glassman on. Oh, oh, okay. I see. So what's going on, Travis? Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Let me see what's going on here.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Invite, copy. Do you have Travis's number? I think I can. Yeah, I have his number. I think I can yeah I have his number I think I got it I can reach you I can reach you you're faster than me
Starting point is 01:42:32 Travis Bellinghausen is that his last name that's the one oh okay I sent you a link Travis if you want to jump on. I got to convince my wife to let me buy the sweatshirt.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Why? Just do it anyway. Be a man. Just do it anyway. I'm not a fan. I probably shouldn't say this, but i'm not a fan i'm not i probably shouldn't say this but i'm not a fan i'm not a fan of shirts with like all all that writing on them you always said that i've always said that yeah yeah i like pictures then you'll really like heidi's book i'm a picture guy i'm a picture guy so basically what travis is doing i don't why doesn't it say that on here that you get an l1 if you buy the shirt i think it was on his instagram
Starting point is 01:43:31 well it needs to say it here right i click there along with the purchase of this item we will select one winner to receive a paid registration to the level one certification course of their choice don't forget to check that i'm interested in the l1 box at checkout wow wow and is this kind of the the um the fuck you to uh noble for not noble correct yeah they played close to that almost immediately. I was impressed. God, we have a great group of people. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:44:11 They're awesome. When would you have Daniel Brandon back on? You miss her already? She was great, right? Probably next year. I want to have her on for that dating show, but I know no one's going to call in. But I still need to try it anyway. But I'm like nervous to do it because if we do the show and no one calls in, it'll just be me and her talking.
Starting point is 01:44:32 I guess that's fine. Man, that's badass. I agree. You have to choose. You have to choose to do the in the draw. Oh, right. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:42 When you buy it, you have to sign up for the drawing also. Oh, gotcha uh yeah there's also i thought it was a hoodie yeah there's tons of stuff shirts hoodies it looks like it looks like there's a whole bunch okay oh there he is here comes travis to talk to us about it oh and he's no bye travis and he fell off the screen oh send you the questions and then you'll ask them i know but it's so much better when the i appreciate that you're so solution oriented it's so much better if people would just call in and ask danielle stuff it would be fucking hilarious what about getting other single crossfitters on the love call-in show i don't care if they're single oh i i just i just want
Starting point is 01:45:24 you mean but wouldn't i think to just daniel brandon would just be so good for that yeah that would be pretty funny what's this super badass hot chick think like what advice does she have for you like i could just see her just slapping guys down no that's fucking stupid oh he's in his car. Wow. Here we go. Unmute yourself, brother. Unmute yourself. Hey. Hey. Sorry. I'm on the interstate. Hey, Hiller said you have a nicer body than he imagined.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Hiller's smaller than I thought he'd be. Oh, shit. Oh, my God my god oh my goodness no actually we're we're about the same size i might wow yeah i think we're about the same size i'm i'm he's pushing 200 i'm 194 are you are you taller than him no we're like exactly the same thing oh what what's up with that headset what's up with that headset yes no oh this that's my dad it's i'm borrowing my dad's truck oh what is he what is he like uh i was 976 uh love me what is he like a phone operator i don't know why he has that actually i think he's old uh what's going on with these sweatshirts i'm on my way home from uh masters fitness collections oh cool is it raining great great
Starting point is 01:46:59 it's going to the farther head west it's's getting darker. It's not raining quite yet. I actually headed back. I didn't get done packing up the booth until seven last night. So I started heading back. It's a 10 hour drive. So I stopped about four hours in cause I was done. Oh, what's up with these shirts? I'm giving Greg props for his quote. So we made shirts. Oh, what's up with these shirts? Giving Greg props for his quote. So we made shirts. Get started with the t-shirts and the tanks. And then I started getting more messages like, Hey, we need sweatshirts.
Starting point is 01:47:36 So I was like, all right, we'll put up sweatshirts. And then I got messages that we need flags. So I put up flags. And I was, it was funny. I was actually, so I'm going to circle it back. I thought about it on the way to masters fitness collective. Um, I crossed the border from Iowa to, uh, Illinois and I saw the Chicago sign and I sent Hiller a picture. I said, Hey, I'm coming to get you, motherfucker. You're going with me. And I couldn't get him to come with me.
Starting point is 01:48:09 And he messaged me. He's like, where are you? I said, I'm on my way to the competition. I said, I'll be going right by Chicago. He's like, dude, come over. Like, all right, cool. So I actually met Hiller for the first time on the way. And we were sitting there talking and he actually brought it up to me.
Starting point is 01:48:28 He's like, you know, you should do a shirt for the, for that Glassman quote. And I was like, I was actually thinking about that while I was driving. So that kind of kickstarted it to actually do it. And then the flag's cool. The is really cool i thought the flag would be really sweet for gyms like yep that's the mantra put it on the wall yep that's cool so then i you know i was like okay the shirt's cool but what else could i do i was like i gotta do an l1 why not so what we're doing um the pre-orders are by day and then i'll pick there's a check box when you fill it out if you're interested in l1 select yes and then
Starting point is 01:49:14 whoever selects yes i'm gonna pick a random person to give away an l1 to wherever whatever their location is i'll just pay the registration fee that's awesome dude i fucking love this it's like yeah i can do a shirt that's me but let's tie it even more to greg hey let the person know i'd love to have them on after they take the l1 and and ask them about their experience at the l1 definitely yeah i'd love to hear about that. What a cool thing. You're a boss, dude. That's dope. Thank you. Had to do it. I was like, come on, you guys, you can't use this quote and not attribute it. I get it. They can do what they want. It's, it's theirs, but at least given at this point, all that matters is that it motivated you to do something cool. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:50:01 definitely. It was, it was getting a good response we've it's done well i was very happy awesome all right lots of love at masters fitness collective too a lot of people came up saying how much they love the show oh cool cool yeah gabe said it was gabe said it was cool hanging with you brian said it was cool meeting you, meeting Gabe. Sounds like it was fun. Oh my God, I met, I met so many people and fucking Ron Ortiz is the man.
Starting point is 01:50:31 Oh, he's such the man. He was like, I've never met him, talked to him. He was one of the first people that came up and we talked for 10 minutes, just hanging out.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Oh, Trish. It was a good time. Oh, Trish, you know, I can't say that word on this show anymore you mean Pidussi
Starting point is 01:50:49 yeah that one thank you Caleb yes thank you alright Travis good to see you brother keep up the good work I'll see you in the text messages sounds good bye and that's our marketing for the show selling books for uh listen listen i'm all about this uh this this winning the l1 but but but partners apparel seven podcast
Starting point is 01:51:17 this is the shirt you want oh this is the shirt you want. Oh, this is the shirt you want. Yum. One of my favorite shirts. It's kind of so my favorite that I kind of get nervous when I wear it. Like I'm wearing it out. Which one is it? Just the blue one. Oh shit. You guys can't. I thought I was sharing screen. It's the one with the, the, the flag. Oh yeah. It's so good. Yeah. I have that one tucked away it's only for special occasions yeah i mean this one's always great too my shirt's on sale
Starting point is 01:51:50 i don't know if i approve of that i don't know if i approve of that at all why does that shirt look so small too it actually fits really big on me in a good way or in a bad way no no in a really good way compared to the other like the american flag one yeah the american flag one's a little tighter yeah it makes my biceps pop that one i can like it's a little bit more comfortable with how big it is i like the girls in this one is this one one for girls? No, it's for me. You have this? No,
Starting point is 01:52:27 I want it. I want one though. Just for fun. Oh, order one, get one, tell him. All right.
Starting point is 01:52:32 I'll get one then. Yeah. Dear. Oh, this has reviews. Let's see. It's sexy. Elaine.
Starting point is 01:52:37 Oh yeah. These are all girls who got it, dude. Okay. I got a really good review then. I think that might be a girl's shirt. No way. All right, fine. It's unisex.
Starting point is 01:52:49 All right, fine, unisex. Uh-oh. Everything okay there? Oh, shit, yeah. Sorry. Yeah, there's noise. How close is the runway to where you're sitting? I could throw a rock outside this door and be on the runway.
Starting point is 01:53:07 Wow. All right, Kayla. It's an interesting life. You live. Thanks everyone for tuning in. Jack Farlow. What a beast.
Starting point is 01:53:15 Thanks for coming on the show. Uh, we will see all of you guys tomorrow. Uh, Rich Froning, Angelo DiCicco, Nick Matthew, Ariel Lowen,
Starting point is 01:53:23 Jared Graybiel. Did I forget anyone? No, I don't think so. Will Branstetter is coming on tomorrow. I just saw him in the comments. Okay, guys. Bye-bye.

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