The Sevan Podcast - #646 - Jared Graybeal & Arielle Loewen

Episode Date: October 25, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Good morning. Bam, we're live. Jared, dude. What's good?
Starting point is 00:00:21 We're about to do it. Zelos Games, it's coming. Yeah, round two. Hey, it is the second year, huh? Yeah. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:00:29 You demand. Why are you trying? Why you, um, you've had a success in life doing business stuff. Uh, your manager to athletes. Um,
Starting point is 00:00:41 you got a good life. Why are you hanging it out? Stressing yourself, uh, doing competitions. It, athletes um you got a good life why are you hanging it out there stressing yourself uh doing competitions that's funny um because no one let's face it no one no one is doing uh from the perspective of business no one is doing successful events. No one. They are, um, the, hi Caleb. The amount of work it takes to do versus the return. Uh, I think the most successful events, the, the owners are making 52 cents an hour for their work. And it's just all criticism. No one's like, Oh my God, that was the – for every – what is it?
Starting point is 00:01:26 You need 30 positive things to make up one piece of negative self-talk? Yeah, it's very close. It's like in every – there's people like me and Hill are making a fucking living now mashing you guys. What are you doing? Yeah, no, I honestly didn't think about that going into it. I didn't think about it. Good. I like that.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I like that Forrest Gump attitude. I don't know where I'm running, but I want to it. Uh, I didn't, good. I like that. I like that Forrest Gump attitude. I don't know where I'm running, but I, but I want to run. Yeah. Which is rare for me, honestly. It's super rare. I'm, I'm like really analytical and forward thinking and to, to a fault. And so, um, I, I don't know, I think about it often, but I'm really mission driven and I believe in what I'm trying to do. Which is? Well, to create more earning opportunities for athletes all over the world and entertainment for fans. But it's not just for the sake of doing that. Right. Like, um, I think about everything I want to accomplish in life. And this is one of those legs that the table has to stand on. Um, and so like my,
Starting point is 00:02:21 I think like without sounding too, um, I don't don't know, too big picture, like my mission in life is to help reach people all over the world with the gift of fitness. Right. So it's like fitness changed my world. It's what got me out of trouble and eventually led me to my relationship with Jesus and all that fun stuff. It was like the precursor for the life that I live now. I would say the success I get to enjoy is because of me finding fitness and getting out of trouble. And so, you know, it's funny, like technology has changed the world. A fitter world is a better world, right? And so like 20 years ago, we didn't all have iPhones. So, you know, 20 years ago, like for example, you go in third world countries and there's people living on clay that have cell phones.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Why can't those same people know about pushups and pull-ups and, and burpees and kettlebell swings. And you know what I mean? And so it's like I want to expand people's ability to get fit affordably and attractively. Right. And I think CrossFit has the largest global reach in the world when it comes to being able to do that. And I think the sexiest way to reach people with CrossFit is competitions and athletes. There are these celebrities in the space, right?
Starting point is 00:03:37 It's like shampoo companies use Brad Pitt. Like we, to get people fit, we leverage our crossfit celebrities in order to do that we need to have more competitions and in order to do that we need to have more off-season entertainment and so this is like one of you know like you mentioned i also manage athletes and then i do business consulting and so these are all like different things that contribute to my ultimate goal in life um this just happens to be the hardest part of all those things. So what really stands out to me is what you're saying is, is that fitness was sort of your salvation. It led you even to a bigger picture moral code to what you view as eternal life and your purpose here serving Jesus.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And because of that, you're you're doing it. You feel like you're taking on doing it you you you feel like you're taking on the role of like an apostle but but i mean most of us i mean that's what i've done too through crossfit like one a default it's all i know for the last 15 years but two i can rest my head at night knowing that i can tell my kids every day said uh dad what did you do for a living oh i helped save people's lives. I have to empower people so they could save their own lives would actually be more accurate.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah, it's more about empowering other people. I want to help make fitness more affordable, more attractive, and more accessible for people all over the world, right? Because it will make a better world. Because it makes a better world. I can genuinely recall that like my thought processes and like the decisions i was making prior to regular activity um and then becoming
Starting point is 00:05:12 you know i did my first bodybuilding competition in 2011 and i went from eating like an asshole college kid um like you know just mainly everything was about protein and like bench press. Right. So I was 20, 21, 22. And so, um, I committed to my first bodybuilding show and did a 16 week prep. And I remember like my clarity from just not eating a sub and pizza every night and like protein shakes all day to like chicken and rice and like cutting, eliminating some things in my sleep that I had. And so obviously I thought, well, everyone can't live like this, right? Like everyone can't live
Starting point is 00:05:50 in a perpetual state of 16 week bodybuilding prep. That's actually probably unhealthy. Um, but the clarity I got, how good I felt the confidence. I mean, I got like a promotion during that time. I went on to become a GM at the gym at 20 years old. And so it was like, this is fascinating how much different, how much I'm angry less. I'm sad less because I'm not eating crap. And because I have a regular exercise regimen, you know what I mean? I'm paying more attention to what I'm putting in my body and what I'm doing with my body. And I think that if just, if people did three to five hours a week at a CrossFit gym all over the world, it would make a dramatically different world. Like people wouldn't make bad decisions.
Starting point is 00:06:32 For example, there's these studies around daylight savings. And the day that we go back and everyone loses an hour, at least in the United States, it's like crime increases dramatically that day. Car accidents increase dramatically that day. Car accidents increased dramatically that day because everyone in the country lost an hour of sleep. Right. And so it's, people make bad decisions when they're, when they're not well rested. People also make bad decisions when they're not treating themselves well or eating well or exercising regularly, pumping blood throughout their body, releasing endorphins and serotonin in the brain. So it's like we have the potential to be smarter, to be happier, to be nicer.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And inevitably, if we do those things, then we're going to have probably a more intelligent, more capable world. I don't know. So it's like we don't need more doctors. We need more people in CrossFit gyms. Jeff, the starving folks in Ethiopia who don't need more doctors we need more people in crossfit gyms uh jeff he um the starving folks in ethiopia who don't have clean water need a crossfit box in their lives would be so much better i see what you're doing there listen that's not what he was saying i see how
Starting point is 00:07:33 you went there a lot of people go there what he's saying is is that if you're capable of getting a cell phone into every human being's hand who are in the middle of nowhere you should be able to get fitness everywhere not maybe necessarily those people obviously he's not fucking stupid he knows every human being's hand who are in the middle of nowhere you should be able to get fitness everywhere not maybe necessarily those people obviously he's not fucking stupid he knows they need clean water first and and they need um and they need to clear the cobras out of their villages but he was saying as a parallel if we have this capability then we have the capability to send messages to um people who do have access to clean water and who do have access to healthy food not to eat shit i'm we have chris wark coming on uh wednesday he's the author of uh several books
Starting point is 00:08:12 on how to beat cancer and he was saying 50 of the food consumed by people in the united states is ultra processed we'll get into that on wednesday um can what is the date for zelos games tell me all the critical dates for zelos games uh so the online competition is the main competition and that is november 11th through november 21st november 11th through november 21st okay four workouts over 10 days um and when you say that isn't there a quality? Hold on one second. It's a little backwards. I'll explain it.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Okay, hold on. Ariel, six minutes, six minutes, six minutes. Hey, Ariel. No, don't say hi to Jared. You guys don't derail me. Don't derail me. Don't derail. Okay, go back even further.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Isn't there an online competition first that people qualify for the Zealous Games? No, so it's backwards. So imagine more like the open announcement and then the open. Like we're having a live event to showcase the workouts. And really, because again, the mission of the Zealous Games is two-part, right? More earnings for athletes all over the world, which we do that by having an online competition. And more entertainment for fans. And last year, we didn't do as good
Starting point is 00:09:25 as I wanted to do in terms of entertainment. I think you'll agree, like in order to grow a sport, you have to have a live entertainment. And so this is me testing that without having some large or some massive community event. As you know, like events are very hard to do. Doing the online one was tough, let alone doing a live one. And so what we've done is like a sort of a happy medium between like an open announcement with two or three people, rogue invitational with 20 men, 20 women, a small, much more affordable version for myself. Um, so we're doing 12 men, 12 women, uh, are invited out, out to here in Las Vegas to the, to the gym that we train out here. It's called Camp Rhino. It's this 10,000 square foot gym. Um, and it'll be like three heats of four men, three heats of four women,
Starting point is 00:10:09 two workouts on Saturday, two workouts on Sunday. Um, yeah, these are the 3d renderings, which I thought were really cool. Um, so I have to think of it differently. This isn't the open where you sign up and then the events come and then they stream them. This is, Hey, when the events are released, we're going to show you top athletes who do it right away. Yeah. Motivate you to be like, Hey, look at this.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah. This is, you know, we're not surprising people with last minute announcements. I don't have the leverage to do that kind of thing. So we'll have all the workouts announced by the end of next Monday. Another announcement is this Wednesday. And then another is next monday oh i like that and what is that that's next monday is uh october 31st uh yes okay um and then let me get this let me get this out real out
Starting point is 00:11:01 real quick october 31st the zealous Games will announce all of its workouts. The last workout, but yes. The last workout. So by the 31st, everyone will know. No one will have had to have done any of them yet. Right. And the competition is open to everybody. So there are 10 divisions, almost everybody.
Starting point is 00:11:23 We have an elite division, which is where the majority, where all the cash prize goes to. And there's a pre-qualifier. We use the quarterfinals as a qualifier. So if you're top 500 in the worldwide quarterfinals, you automatically qualify to compete for the cash prize associated with the elite division in the Zalos games. And then we have the RX division, which is 501 plus.
Starting point is 00:11:43 So technically that is for everybody. And then we have the RX division, which is 501 plus. So technically that is for everybody. And then we have eight age group divisions. So the two teenage divisions and then six masters divisions. For those divisions, we have a top three like prize purse. It's pretty dope. So there's like $1,100 in prizes for first, $600 in prizes for second, and then $300 in prizes for third. So are you guys going to pay your prizes? Well, these are prize packages.
Starting point is 00:12:07 So are you, are you guys actually going to pay them out or is this just to get people to sign up? No, this wasn't a valid question a year ago, but today it is. Yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:12:16 it's funny. Hiller texted me that the other day. He's like, Hey, just check me. I'm like, yes, Hiller,
Starting point is 00:12:19 I have the money. Dickhead Hiller. No, it's fair, right? Like who wants to be associated with a competition i mean he's making all these dang videos right so like he's like should i prep a new one um no uh so yeah so like there's 35 000 in cash prize associated to the elite division and then there's close to 33 000 in prizes for all the other age groups in rx um thank you nick that's awesome i appreciate that um and so those come from like yeti and lskd and paleo power meals and stuff like that but then
Starting point is 00:12:52 the cash obviously comes from the bank for the elite division and um that is sitting in an account just waiting to be emptied taken okay i i need to do this one more time i hate to be the dead horse by october 31st all the um uh workouts will be announced yep one tomorrow and then another one on monday then on november 11th sorry on november uh 11th people can start doing the workouts yes and on november 12th and 13th um we'll be doing a live show where you can watch um super high-end athletes do the workouts you'll be broadcasting it yep and then the next date after that that will be there'll be some sort of closing date for who goes on to the next stage no it's just like so the live event is sort of a showcase style event for all the online workouts yeah and the online competition is from november
Starting point is 00:13:52 11th to november 21st and at the okay and then so from the and then the so what is this thing about the top it doesn't seem like that there's a top 500 people it's just everyone's in it no so like to what i wanted to do is build more value in the elite division i didn't seem like that there's a top 500 people it's just everyone's in it no so like to what i wanted to do is build more value in the elite division i didn't want like but they're the same workouts aren't they they're all slightly different we've just like okay right like we've changed them for the 14 to 15 division we changed it for the 55 59 division okay but the elite so when you say these workouts will be released, there'll be scaled versions for the different divisions. Yep. They're all in competition corner where the, where the competition lives. So you can go and register for elite and you'll see the workouts for elite. You can register for 45 to 49 and you'll see the modified version of the workout in that competition, like registration page.
Starting point is 00:14:46 page um and so you know this year we last year we only had the elite division and scale division but obviously with crossfit kind of cutting that division in half for the games um i wanted to add another off-season opportunity for these athletes to to take part in some competition where they're rewarded unfortunately i didn't have money for all 10 divisions right like that would be a lot but we were lucky enough to leverage a lot of the sponsors and partners partners to get basically what these people would buy with money if they had it anyways, right? Like they're buying the Paleo Power Meals and the daughter headphones and all that fun stuff. So we were pretty cool. What's the website URL to register?
Starting point is 00:15:24 T-H-E-Z-E-L-L-O-S. One L. what's the website URL to register? The Zalos T H E Z E L L O S. One L. One L. Z E L O S. How did you get that? What's that name mean? Uh, it's a Greek of rivalry.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Love it. Nike's brother. Nike's brother. I'll put the competition corner registration in the chat. That'd be cool. Thank you, Kevin. Uh, oh, I'll put the competition corner registration in the chat that would be cool thank you Kevin oh Jeff Bako says we're ready for the headliner well if he says so Jared you da man
Starting point is 00:15:53 thank you bro we'll be seeing you soon we'll have you back on to talk about this obviously before registration opens appreciate it thanks for the love Jeff okay thank you bye registration opens. Appreciate it. Thanks for the love, Jeff. Okay. Thank you. Bye. Fastest 15 minutes of the show. I can't believe that was 15 minutes. Hey guys. Hi. Oh my goodness. We get two guests for the price of one.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Oh yeah. You get a surprise guest. Uh, what's her name? Blakely. Don't worry. She can't hear hear anything you say so you can cuss all you want Siobhan oh good how old's Blakely she's three um you are when you qualify for the games next year you are not you were thinking about not taking her to the games correct too hot and I too long too hot and it's not for kids we're not going to take her to Rogue either because who wants to sit for hours and just watch someone compete as a kid? I like what she said to you too last year at the games. What about just taking today off and we hang out, like just skip this day of the games? Exactly. But she still asked to go back to the hotel almost every day. So the hotel she loves.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Oh, kids love hotels. Yeah, I didn't realize that. Games, not so much. Elevator, escalator, people, restaurants. They love that shit. My kids get a swimming pool. My kids just want to go to hotels. I'm like, we don't need to go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:17:21 They're like, we have hotels in this town. Go to the Motel 6. Treat them. Rogue, you're going to Rogue. Yeah, we leave tonight, actually. And then we'll get there tomorrow morning. How come you're going to Rogue? How come?
Starting point is 00:17:40 I think it's like the best, besides the games. I feel like you have to qualify for the games to get invited to Rogue. But it's probably like my favorite competition, hands down, just because they treat us so well. And it's in Texas. Let's give let's love on Katie. Dear Katie and Bill, open a bottle of wine and enjoy this segment as we love on you. Why? Have you met Katie and Bill? Bill and Katie?
Starting point is 00:18:06 I've seen them, but no, I haven't met them face to face. Huge mistake. Really? Huge mistake. Huge mistake. First thing, if they try to start the first event and you haven't met them yet, just walk right. Bill, hold on. Walk over and introduce yourself to Bill and Katie.
Starting point is 00:18:22 You met them quite a bit? I have. Yeah. I have. Yeah. I have. You know, I was actually thinking yesterday, I may be one of the few people who's ever interviewed Bill. Bill doesn't do interviews, but when I would do the behind the scenes, I would just run up on him and just ask him questions like, how many trucks did you bring? How much weight is here? You know, and he would answer answer the
Starting point is 00:18:45 questions he's a man of few words i like it i like to make fun of him on this show okay everyone's fair game oh halib you got a haircut speaking of making fun of so Yeah, self-made haircut. Why is it the best event? What do they do? Jared's watching. What do they do? Jared's got his pencil and paper out.
Starting point is 00:19:15 He's going to take this. What do Bill and Katie do that makes Rogue the best? I think you've heard they give a travel stipend. They cover the hotel. But what really stood out to me last year is they put us all on the del diamond baseball field and like briefed us for the event and like the first thing out of their mouth was we're not here to kill you we're here for you guys to put on a show people are paying to come watch you like and then they went over the workout standards and they're like get over the log get under the log they're like we don't care if you go with your right foot, with your left foot.
Starting point is 00:19:45 So going from the games, which is very rigid of how it should flow, Rogue was just like, put on a show. And it was kind of refreshing. And almost like they take a little bit of pressure off of you. Exactly. They say they're not here to kill you but they've added a thursday event that was what they said last year this year might be a whole different ball game um do you have any thoughts on what thursday's event might be i'm like 90 convinced i was talking to one of my friends about it last night bob from accounting he came over and worked out with me, but I guess you have a friend and that's his title, Bob from accounting. When we first met him, we knew him
Starting point is 00:20:29 as Bob and he told us he was an accountant. So we literally for like a year called him Bob, the accountant come to find out he is not an accountant and he's like way of CFO CEO. Um, but he told us there's like a park in Austin, Round Rock, kind of next to the venue. So I'm debating it's going to be a trail run through the park with a ruck, something like that. Let me also throw out there that Bill and Katie also own what I suspect to be a massive ranch. In Round Rock? I don't know where it is, but I know it's in Texas because I see it on a massive ranch. In Texas. I don't know where it is, but I know it's in Texas because I see it on Bill's Instagram.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Really? Yeah. Yeah. We've been told to bring trail running shoes. So to me, I just assume outdoor run. If you go to Bill's Instagram, you'll see there's this giant pile of rocks. And he takes a picture of it every once in a while. And this giant pile of rocks is a
Starting point is 00:21:30 place, he runs a trail there. And every time he runs the loop, he puts one rock there. And it's a massive pile. And it's sort of, do you see it, Caleb? You pull that? I'm looking for it right now. Last time I saw it, it was on a story and then the time before that it was on dave's story so
Starting point is 00:21:50 i'm trying to scroll through okay um i i and and maybe maybe maybe uh maybe i wasn't supposed to say that everyone forget what i just said but it is gonna make us clean up all his rocks he's been collecting. We're going to have to throw them in our backpack. Oh. And carry them all back. That'd be funny. You were on the Mindset, Invictus Mindset podcast. I was.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And you said something about dead lifting 315 for the first time for the first time when was that that was at the games on the back nine final day of competition uh this year this year yeah and and that's that was a pr for you yeah it a PR. I actually didn't even know if I could lift it until I went to pick it up, and it honestly felt lighter than I expected. So I was pretty excited. And yet you're going to the Rogue event, which I think is sort of notorious, if you were to put it in a category, is heavy stuff. Oh, yeah. Are you – what are your thoughts on that are you do you embrace that does it add fear it's a challenge all it adds a little bit of fear but i've also been working on heavy stuff
Starting point is 00:23:14 because like i'd be a fool if i didn't look back at like the old rogue programming and start programming to fit it so i've been trying to do my best to program rogue-esque workouts like if i'm doing double unders i'm not going to be using a regular rope like you got to use the rogue heavy rope just trying to be smart but i also know like certain girls can lift a lot i can only do what my body can do so i'll be excited to see what happens i guess come this weekend why haven't it seems to be a staple of like people's um uh instagram accounts to show things like how much they can lift and in the in the weights we the the movements we often see are right deadlifts um cleans right i would say are the most popular.
Starting point is 00:24:06 What's the other one? Front squats, back squats, snatch. Why haven't you taken, why haven't, have you put pressure on, you haven't put that pressure on yourself to get just super duper strong and make some of these posts?
Starting point is 00:24:20 I wouldn't say I do it for the posts. Like if I look at people I idolize, I mean, you look at Tia, you look at Froning. Do you ever see them post their maxes when they hit them? Probably not. So I would more like after Rogue, I'm going to go to a strongman gym here in Midland and just be like, okay, I don't, how do I get stronger? So maybe after Rogue, there'll be more PRs, but those will be more like I don't know I like PRing on the competition
Starting point is 00:24:47 floor live in front of an audience with the adrenaline I'm not the type to like set up my camera in the corner of the gym slap my legs and try to do PR it doesn't work for me as much who's doing your programming?
Starting point is 00:25:03 I actually after the games I took over my own programming who was doing your programming i actually after the games um i took over my own programming so who was who was doing it um a guy at the gym i go to there's a midland guy but um that'll be one thing i'm a little nervous about at rogue is i have i not that you have someone to fall back on but like if i blow up on an event okay it comes back to me if i don't do well at this okay it's all on me because i've been kind of taking the reins who else programs for themselves ariel um i guess tia and shane if you'd consider that i don't know at least they have two of them. Why not?
Starting point is 00:25:45 Do you subscribe to anyone else's programming to check it out? Do you have a subscription to Proven or to Mayhem or to CompChain? I've reached out to Jared. Obviously, me and Jared are good friends about underdogs. I've got a buddy, Josh, who works for Hard Work Pays Off. But I don't have the time. They'll send me the programming and it's like three hours and I don't necessarily have three hours so I might like pick a piece
Starting point is 00:26:11 and then if I were to pick that piece and then Tuesday gets difficult because I didn't do all of it so it just gets complicated so I was like you know what I'm just gonna do it for myself up until rogue and then I'll kind of evaluate from there to see where I want to go. But after the games, I sat down with, like, I kind of know what my weaknesses are. I sat down with my husband and like four trusted friends. And I was like, okay, where do I suck? And then I like wrote down and I was like, how would you improve on that? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:26:40 And then we kind of went from there. So I have like a little bit of a team, but I don't know if it's perfect just yet. And you'll be really honest with yourself. If it's, if it's something you suck, let's say it was rowing, just for example, and you want it to get better at rowing. You have that discipline to be like, okay, here we go. If someone joins me. Yes. Like if I could sucker in Dylan to doing it. Absolutely. But by myself, not so much. It's fascinating talking to you. It's so different than talking to someone like Emma Carey. Emma is like, I'll cut off my leg in order to get the training in. Well, I listened to that episode, too. And I'm like, man, she's got the heart to a T and she's going to like push herself to get there.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Or, or even Velner, like, um, he said it's been eight years since he's missed fulfilling all of the training that LaTondra gives them. Eight years. Eight years. Of never, of never, of never. And I go, you do it all. He goes, yeah, sometimes I rush it. I've never, I've never, I've never. And I go, you do it all. He goes, yeah, sometimes I rush it. So, so yours, how do you not have that pressure? How do you not put that pressure on yourself?
Starting point is 00:27:57 Did you ever have that pressure on yourself? I think I used to, but I've kind of come to the point now where I'm like secure in my abilities as an athlete and secure in like who I am as a person that even if I go to rogue and get last place which like knock on some wood like I I know I'll still come home and I'll live in the same house and go to the same gym like I I love the title I have of like fittest mom in America 11th on earth but I also know that um I'm not willing to make the sacrifices of like being in the gym eight hours following this rigid program to stay at the level i'm at have you kept all of your programming do you have an organized journal or spreadsheet of everything you've done in the last five years ten years i have started now that I'm programming for myself. I've started my
Starting point is 00:28:46 own programming journal. So if road goes well, I will love that journal. If it goes bad, you'll see it thrown in the fire. Um, it is interesting what John Clark is saying here. Um, we need high level programming for parents that want to compete at the games. I bet you there would be a lot of. That's actually a good idea. Moms who would be curious. So. Because I'll put it this way. I have a window from like 11 o'clock to 130.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And like if I don't get all my stuff done in that window, I can't do it. So I need to make sure what I'm doing is intentional, high in that little bit of time and there's time for strength and then i go about my day after that and like you look done that's it then it's bye-bye crossfit it's it's it's mama work uh wife yeah monday wednesday friday me and dylan will work out at our home gym in the evenings, but that's just like as supplemental, like a second workout. Exactly. But that's usually like a month before a competition. That's not on the regular by any means. Um, does he show any signs of getting, um, tired of your pursuits the all the i know oh i think now that i'm reaping the benefits of it obviously we're married we're both reaping the benefits of it but he actually has a bet coming up in the open come here my brother-in-law does crossfit and dylan does crossfit
Starting point is 00:30:20 so they're going head to head each open 150 bucks per workout, 650 total, whoever like wins the whole open. So I think he's secretly, he's starting to try and get into this CrossFit and trying to make money off of it. So it's, it's actually the, cause you'll, you'll hear that, right? Athlete spouses being like, okay, that's enough. We want to start a family or we want to do this or that. And for you, it's the opposite. This thing is just ramping up in your husband. Maybe if anything, not that he was never not supportive, but if anything, he's more supportive than ever. Exactly. No. Oh, my daughter might've gone to the bathroom. So I got a quick wipe, but give me one second. Wow. This is a first for this show.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yesterday I spilled the coffee, and today someone dropped a deuce. This is what it means to be a mom, the fittest mom in America. Podcast with Siobhan at 9, got a wipe of butt at 9.30. Someone at my gym did the 60-minute hard work pays off. It's definitely not 60 minutes unless you're super rushed through it. Yeah. Were you, that first year you made it to the games and were you just doing, uh, affiliate workouts where you just go into the affiliate and working out and you made it?
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah, I was doing the affiliate workout and I had like two days a week where I would sprinkle in some extra stuff. How come this doesn't make sense to me? I just want to call bullshit. This is true. This is true story. True story. I went to,
Starting point is 00:31:52 it was called renewed strength here in Midland. And I went there for a little bit, but once I like qualified for the games, of course I upped my stuff. But until then it was like very chill, very chill affiliate very chill. Affiliate programming, a little supplemental strength here and there. And then Granite Games took off and I just kind of ran with it.
Starting point is 00:32:18 There was a girl in Italy who made the games last year, I think. Fiona? Can't remember her name. And the big thing with her, she was a – I want to say she was a graphic designer. She had a full-time job sitting in front of a computer, and everyone was like, holy shit, how did she do it? And her body, she looked like a cannonball. You know what I mean? She was so – she looked like she worked out a lot. Uh, I, it's, it's just fascinating that you can do this because the conventional wisdom would be
Starting point is 00:32:47 like, no one could have got to the games the way you got to the games. Like that window closed, I don't know, in 2011. And here we are in 2022. And that's how you're rocking it. And I think that's why, like, I mean, obviously I listened to your show, like when certain people, like don't ever put me high up on the leaderboard because it's like okay well look at her training she can't compete with the other people but it's just like it's worked for me and i'm just like running with it as long as i can that's why i kind of don't want to do the other people's hard work pays off what everybody does because i feel like it i don't want to be like them. I want to be different. Right. You know?
Starting point is 00:33:29 Right. Right. And, and, and, you know, I said it on this time a shitload of times after your first year, I said it was a complete fluke. Oh, this late, this young lady. Yeah. Alyssa Fuliano. Oh, she's a graphic designer. She does something where she sits in front of a computer all day. I remember. Um, I thought it was a fluke.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Did you think it was a fluke the first year? Oh yeah. Fluke's too hard of a word. Did you think it was a, wow. Everything just aligned perfectly. It's one and done. Did you think that?
Starting point is 00:34:02 That's what I thought for sure. Oh yeah. We even went into me and Dylan went into syndicateicate and we're like you know what if we qualify which syndicate was the semi-final this past year and we're like if we qualify cool if not we've already got way farther than we ever did like what a cool experience so and i think even now still like going to rogue we're like okay let's have fun at Rogue because not many people get to do this. We're kind of like the fan, like the fanboys and fangirls. But like when it comes time for game time, we'll be serious.
Starting point is 00:34:33 But we still got that little kid inside of us just like. Would you pull up that picture with Ariel? It says you compete with Beast at Instagram. Let's look at these girls. Alexis Raptus. Yeah. Hayley Adams. By the way, that picture of Hayley Adams is freaking amazing right there.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Zoom in on it? Can you zoom in on it? She doesn't even look she doesn't even look real god she's a stunning human being uh emma lawson i mean freak of nature it just seems perfect in every way mal o'brien this is fucking a cyborg. Laura Horvat, you know, one of the biggest threats to the title. Mama Ariel, and then there she is. I mean, you're stuck between, I mean, those might be the two fittest women who ever walked on the planet that are standing in between.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Isn't that powerful? Yeah, it's nuts. Were you stoked when you got this photo? Oh, yeah. I just wish I wasn't looking goofy fixing my hair. I wish I looked more like Hayley Adams. Then it would have been perfect. Oh, you look great.
Starting point is 00:35:51 No, it's cool. It's cool. Yeah, it's pretty cool. And then Terrence, our fearless leader, telling us to go out. Like, yeah, it's pretty cool. It just doesn't make sense. If you look at that photo and I mean, you pull up all their profiles, it's like not even just the follower count,
Starting point is 00:36:10 but their titles and what they've done. And then for me to just be like, yeah, I work out in this window. Like it is nothing I can say makes sense or justifies it by any means. I can say makes sense or justifies it by any means. You mentioned in the podcast that after you finished elevated Elizabeth, and that was the event you won at the CrossFit Games, which once again is just nuts because when I think of doing bar dips, one of the hardest workouts to do because once they go away, they're gone. Right. You're toast. So you went, you win this event and Shane or came up to you. Can you,
Starting point is 00:36:54 can you kind of, I want to hear the, like the super details of that. So you finish and you go up there onto the stage and you won. Do you, do you see Dylan at that point? No, I didn't see anybody until I went backstage. Well, no, I take that back. I didn't see Dylan cause there's like. Well, no, I take that back. I didn't see Dylan cause there's like a coaches section, but I could never find him. But on like the right side, I kept like thumbs upping mom. My mother-in-law was there. My former coach and my PT were all there.
Starting point is 00:37:18 So like I saw them and that's why I was like jumping in the air for and doing my silly arms. But I win that event, go off stage. And Shane actually doesn't come up to me till the next day. So like we're warming up for the shoulder to overhead shuttle event. And he just comes up and was like, man,
Starting point is 00:37:36 that was a great showdown last night. And then gives me a knuckles and he's like, good job. I wonder if he, um, I wonder how long he had that thought. wonder if it was just like he's walking by and he just said it or if he had a thought in his head that night you know he's laying there and Ben he's like oh I need to make sure I tell Ariel uh I wouldn't say we were walking by each
Starting point is 00:37:59 other like I was somewhere and he like made an effort to come up, which to me was even bigger. It wasn't just like walking in the hallway, fist bump. Yeah, it was pretty cool because to me it's like he's like saying, hey, good job. You beat my wife. That never happens. Very humbling of him. Never happens. These coaches, you have these brilliant coaches like these max el hajes right and these guys that rich froning who can just step up to the whiteboard and yet here you are
Starting point is 00:38:34 um i guess we haven't seen completely behind the curtain because we haven't seen your programming but they have to they have to be they have to be wondering yeah as guys who want to hone their craft they have to be like what what is she doing but i think it just comes down to like you just do intensity like i don't i mean of course i need to work on like weaknesses and strengths but like if you're in the gym working on your intensity and like dying every time you're in the gym i feel like that's got to count for something. Cause you can have the best program in the world, but if you're just like, but that's against it,
Starting point is 00:39:11 but that's kind of against some of the conventional wisdom that now we're hearing from some of these athletes, like, uh, like Emma is saying, and I think Jack Farlow and I apologize to both of them if I'm mischaracterizing what they said, but they were saying like, Hey, that's not the way. That was a mistake. When they started CrossFit, that's what they used to do. They used to just go in there and just try to suffer as much as they can.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Right. And you're saying, hey, it reminds me of Eva T. I don't know if you remember her. She was in Nasty Girls with Annie Saccomano and Nicole Carroll and her whole thing. And I know this is 2008 I'm going back to, but you just need to do one workout a day and you really have to hurt. I agree with it. Do you do that? How about you hurt really bad every day? Like, Oh, I can't believe I did that again to myself. I wouldn't say every day I'd say Tuesday and Thursdays are definitely more chill,
Starting point is 00:40:04 but Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Do you have a workout? Barely. Look at me. I'm just kidding. I do. No, I really do like doing like the class workout. So if I'm framing, I'll take you through my mind. If I'm framing my week, Amanda, the owner of our gym will send me her week's programming for her gym. So I'll write down like the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday workouts, see what's in there. And then I make a list of like what's missing. So like there's no double unders program, there's no chest to bar, there's no ring muscle ups. And then from that list of what's missing from her stuff, I program my workouts. So like I hit all
Starting point is 00:40:45 the movements I need to, it's just like piecing them together. What affiliate is this? It's actually not an affiliate. So come open time, I won't be able to go. It's called hit for fit. Hit for fit. Yeah. High intensity interval training is what that stands for. Hit for fit. And the gym is immaculate. If you pull up a picture, it's beautiful. Let's see if it'll come up, some pictures. But like we have an upstairs.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Upstairs, we have air runners, C2 bikes. Those are our GHC machines. Oh, that is a beautiful gym. And a beautiful, not only am I. Is that Amanda right there? No, that's actually one of my training partners, Nicole. And so you just have randos in the gym that are your training partners? Yes. And it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Cause like I show up and all I need is just someone there to suffer with me and like help me set up my workouts and smile and like mentally suffer with me and i actually really enjoy it uh for all the members at hit for fit who are watching this you are crazy i know I know it's scary. I would be terrified too, but you have, if Ariel's open to you working out with her, you have to, wow, that gym is amazing. Isn't it beautiful? So half of coming here is like Blakely is beyond comfortable in their kid's room. The facility is amazing. Amanda is amazing, the owner. So it's definitely the perks of, I would say, this facility. Like it might not be a CrossFit affiliate, but this makes up for it. You have to approach her. You have to jump in and work out with her. You are going to kick yourself
Starting point is 00:42:40 that you never worked out with her, but you a chance to if you're a member of that gym don't be stupid just do it who cares of course she's gonna smash you right just die along with me that's it uh amazing let me see what bailey walker here's ready uh but the volume is different too at the volume that ariel is doing it's important she hits intensity and it's about intentional and it is intentional about what she does yeah that's a good point bailey but bailey everyone everyone it's all the athletes would claim that they're doing intensity and that they're being intentional they did but they would claim they're doing it three times a day and ariel is just doing it once true um uh let's see what trisha has to say here uh ariel don't name names but is that she can do
Starting point is 00:43:26 whatever she wants but is there anyone who you feel like you are in direct competition with we all have that one person we always want to be are there people that you look around when you're on the floor and there's you're like yep i'm gonna get her i cannot say a name but there's one person that like i have to be and dylan's even told me like, you have to beat this person. If it happens afterwards, I will tell, um, the Savant crew, but there's one person, I don't know why sweetest person. She is a female. And, um, it's just like, there's nothing wrong we've ever done. There's none unspoken rivalry is, I don't know. There's just something that like, I just really want to beat that one person. Wow. Trisha. I thought that was a really dumb question and it ended up being a great question. And I apologize. Brilliant question. But I think everybody
Starting point is 00:44:12 has one person they want to beat. If they tell you no, like they're a liar. Yeah. Well, I'm assuming you want to beat everyone. It just helps to narrow it down onto one person. Uh, I want to be top 10 like if i'm talking about my goal top 10 if i'm talking about my dream top five but if i get top 10 i'm very very happy i'm very realistic some people like walk into a competition they're like i want first place and like if first place happens amazing but i want to be proud of what I did. That's the biggest thing. You mentioned that Tia would walk, would say to the group, you know, before events, she would walk by and say, good luck, ladies.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Dave used to do this thing to me at work when we worked together. He'd be like, I'm so proud of you, Sevan. And I took it as like, fuck you. Like, what do you mean you're proud of me? You ain't my daddy. But you like it. I took it as like, he was being demeaning. It was his way.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I don't know if you've ever seen two dogs meet, but one dog will put his head over the other dog's neck. No, I don't see it as demeaning. I like words. I like encouragement. So I took it as encouragement. It might not have come off from her that way, but yeah. She's not like, she's not like the, it's not like good luck ladies.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah, exactly. And roll her eyes. Right? No, it was an Australian good luck ladies, you know, little accent. Um, you have, uh. You have your life. Well, do you have your life managed? Is your life, is it a good concert? Like if everything's, it seems like because you have this CrossFit thing beast under control and you haven't let it turn all consuming is your life managed the way you the way you'd like it to be what do you mean by managed define managed in
Starting point is 00:46:13 your life meaning you have you've expressed concerns you've expressed observations or not wanting crossfit to be everything. So for Emma, it's like clearly everything and she's taking that risk, right? And somewhere down the road, you know that that's going to hurt, right? No matter what, at some point that's going to end and she's going to have to deal with that pain, right? Right. But you sort of express that you're already working on that. As not as a games athlete you're not even as a games athlete at the highest level you're not going to let that happen you're not going to let this thing take
Starting point is 00:46:52 over your life so for some reason it were gone you would have nothing right oh totally you're not going to let it interfere with the raising of your daughter or being a good wife or those things yeah i'd like to say i'm i'm rooted like if that makes sense like crossfit isn't one of my roots it's just like a really cool budded flower right now and like god is obviously rooted my husband blakely my family and like if those come up they're take priority. And eventually I know for a fact, it might be next year, it might be in three years, like the CrossFit flower is going to die and fall off the tree. And I think it's realistic to know that because I'm 28. We have one kid, obviously, we're going to want another kid sometime in the future. Like I can't live this life forever. But while I can, we're going to soak up like every little piece we can. I love that metaphor. It's not the roots. It's just a piece of fruit on the tree. Yeah. And right now it's an awesome piece of fruit. So like, of course I'll be sad when it, when it's over, but I'm not going to think about that until it happens.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Could you be pregnant right now? No, I hope not. i um i take birth control for a reason oh you do that will not happen i do i learned my life that was so 1998 crossfit like what what what are you what are you doing that for what if that's fucking with your performance do you think that's messing with i don't Is it though? I don't know. I know we're not allowed to take hormones as men. I take one that's like non-hormonal based, my doctor said. But I feel great since being on it. I've been drug tested.
Starting point is 00:48:40 It hasn't come through and I've qualified for the game. So I think it works pretty good. And you're not pregnant i know double win for right now is that your new house it is isn't it beautiful yeah it's really cool right after the games kind of we came and moved in and now we're living here officially so that's another fun thing is like of course we were married before but now we have like our own space and it's it's been fun it's we've had more fights of course who wouldn't live in a house um but like we've never had to hang pictures before so we bought all these pictures before the games like beautiful pieces of art. And then we went to hang them.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And like the number one rule of art is like you want to eye level. But Dylan loves it. Like our ceilings are a little bit higher. So he wants it higher. So like our biggest fight since being in the house is like where to position the art on the wall. Just like petty stuff. How about that TV?
Starting point is 00:49:40 Is that TV too high? Man, you'd have certain things i care about certain things i don't you'd have to ask dylan on that one do you watch tv i do um you ever heard of love is blind no oh i think i saw did i see an instagram clip of that the other day where it's two people at a table with a buzzer in the middle no this this one is even yeah exactly i don't know if you would tell her i can but basically two there's a bunch of people it's a social experiment like is love blind bunch of people they put them in what's called pods one guy goes in one girl goes in and there's a wall separating them so they can't see each other and they just talk until they feel like
Starting point is 00:50:22 they've found their soulmate and then they propose to them and then they meet and see if they're like physically attracted to the person and then they get married four weeks later so it's definitely like a reality tv social experiment but it's they just came out with a new season so i've been watching that pretty entertaining it's absolutely comical it's so comical has anyone actually gotten married oh yeah quite a few but i would say probably like three of them are still married and all of the other 10 are divorced um what happens when you uh they see each other and and they they're like uh-uh i'm not getting naked with that person they they haven't done that like i watched an episode last night where it was very clear like one girl did not like the guy's appearance but then i had to go to bed because
Starting point is 00:51:18 it was too late but like you can tell who really is attracted to each other when they see each other and who's not and it And it's cringy. It's so cringy. They like go to bed with all their clothes on and they sleep on top of the blankets. Like that kind of cringy. They're just like, oh, shit. This is not what I expected. I heard you talk about The Bachelor too.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I had never seen that show. And I watched the season that Luke Parker was in before he came on. And I want to say it was probably one of the most vile things I've ever seen on TV. I didn't even know I had morals and values until I watched that show. I hated every person on that show. The creators of the show, I think, should be flown off the planet and dumped in a garbage bag and on pluto i cannot even believe no one should be treated the way anyone is treated on that show no after no one's nice no one's cool no one's real no one's and if i worked on that, what do you tell your kids you do for a living? Maybe I'm just getting old.
Starting point is 00:52:26 It's cloud chasing. No, I stopped watching it. It's bad, right? It's not healthy. It is bad. No. And, like, you look at Luke P's situation. Like, he had standards, and they made him look like this.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Oh, he got destroyed. He got destroyed. I know. I never saw that show. I never saw Jersey Shore. What do you watch, Siobhan? You'd love that Just the UFC And Instagram
Starting point is 00:52:54 Look at your daughter Hey mom, how about a shirt? Over here Come here Here, I'll turn the camera a little bit And give her some privacy Come here You're a good dude
Starting point is 00:53:03 I am Do you know those Instagram clips where they're in Times Square and they ask someone how many stars are on the flag and the person's like 21? Oh, I love that one. Or who's the first president of the United States? They're like Thomas Jefferson. And I'm just like – it just breaks my heart. It's pretty bad. It's bad. Do you think that that shit's real?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Do you think that they had to interview? I always tell myself they had to interview a thousand people before they found someone who didn't know who the first president was. Absolutely not. You go to Walmart and ask people questions. You even go to some college campuses. You'd be surprised. This is a funny story. I can't take the vaccine to save those people i cannot i know i cannot sorry i just cannot my sister-in-law was watching um abraham lincoln vampire slayer the long old movie never
Starting point is 00:54:00 seen it but um you can tell by the title you know what it's about abraham lincoln's vampire slayer she watches it and she tells us you think this is based on a true story You've never seen it, but you can tell by the title. You know what it's about. Abraham Lincoln's a vampire slayer. She watches it and she tells us, you think this is based on a true story? I think some people don't even realize what they're saying until they're like, oh, crap. At least that's what I hope. Oh, yeah. Maybe it is just like that. That's what I'm hoping.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Have you ever been in a spelling bee ariel absolutely not i'm not good at spelling yeah me neither i was in a spelling bee one time and the teacher asked me i was in the second grade and the teacher asked me to spell wood and then and then she and then she said it in a sentence and was like would you like to ride my bike and i spelled it w-o-o-d And I was in the second grade and I wanted to kill myself. So, so I guess I'll give those people a pass, but that stuck with me. I was like, holy shit. I had the same thing happen to me. My word was container. I was, I got to the state. At least that's a harder word. At least that's got some shit going on.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Yeah. I got to the state spelling bee and and my first word was mountain, and I got it correct. And then my second word was container, and I spelled it with an O-R instead of an E-R. And then I just wanted to fucking evaporate. I just wanted to be dead right there. It was so embarrassing. I'm just like, how did I not know that? Second grade. Was that your last spelling bee?
Starting point is 00:55:23 Last. That was my last. Was that your last, Caleb? Yep, that was the last the last one all done i never wanted to go on stage ever again uh as you approach rogue is is everything um is every is everything perfect diet sleep training training apparel apparel yes no good one of four i know sleep is never great like um even with blakely she's three years old i'm still up every night helping her but it will be good at rogue so maybe that'll be a caveat nutrition i'm very flexible with my nutrition but i try and just like eat whole foods. That's code flexible.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Flexible for like last night I had pizza and Brussels sprouts and ground turkey. So like people might not see pizza as the ideal, but like it has carbs and fats, like stick to the whole food groups, you know? When's the last time you slept eight hours uninterrupted? Honestly, You know, when's the last time you slept eight hours uninterrupted? Honestly. Never. Yeah, I couldn't even tell you. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I know. So I'd like to think. Me neither, by the way. Me neither. And Caleb, there's no fucking way Caleb sleeps more than two hours uninterrupted. No way, dude. Not even. No. No no it just doesn't happen isn't that amazing it's all nothing makes sense about um you uh where you are i know that's where it's like it's not natural so i know it's super natural and that's why like um like i give god so much credit because if i like line it up
Starting point is 00:57:06 on paper it literally makes no sense other than like god has put me here for a purpose and i'm going to use it i wonder if he's put me has he put me here for a purpose? Oh, absolutely. For me, my platform is just CrossFit. Like everybody has their own platform. That's my mom. I never knew that. My mom was, was the sixth grade spelling champion. You let her down. That's crazy. I didn't know that. Where does she live?
Starting point is 00:57:39 Just right down the street. Aww. Yeah. Before this podcast is over, she'll probably be at my house. What was her championship word? Yeah, Mom, do you remember your word? Probably would. Let's probably spell your last name.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Do you have a day job, Ariel? I do not. I used to when I was pregnant with Blakely, but then COVID hit and I actually lost my job and then CrossFit took off. Yeah. Oh, poor Savon. I got in trouble. I got fired because I asked someone about their birth control. You did. Is that right? Yeah, that's right. I mean, basically, I mean, that was, that was the nail in the coffin. Wow. You know know i was thinking about the other day savon you work out do you have a garage gym or do you work out an affiliate garage gym okay um when you're working out what music do
Starting point is 00:58:37 you listen to i don't you don't no i never i never listened to music when i work out what do you listen to? Well, most of it, like yesterday, I was in the gym for a long time because I was trying to get prepared for you and Nick Matthew, Rich Froning, Jared, Gray Beal, and Ricky Garrard. Holy shit, today is going to be a long day. That's a long day. But if not, from a young age, when i started doing crossfit i always just thought i just want to be with my alone with myself i have i have weird habits i don't try anything no but if i say it again that's a little psycho but it's okay
Starting point is 00:59:20 no i don't why what what do you listen to no i'm just curious i mean dylan you know dylan's an avid listener we like dylan loves rock and roll i like like i wouldn't say like good vibes has a good beat behind it happy music and i was like i wonder what savon listens to and i would have pegged you for like an indie i don't know like a hipsterish vibe if i listen to anything i'll listen if like if i if i um uh like i'll put on rick ross fuck with me you know yeah rick ross fuck with me you know i got it or i'll listen to jay-z or um yeah i wouldn't have expected that and any any old rap i'd listen to uh biggie smalls tupac yeah gangster stuff yeah and i used to listen to eminem but but i but i he got so woke on me that i i it's like okay i'm taking a break from him.
Starting point is 01:00:25 And my kids love Eminem too. They love his music. He's got good stuff. Yeah, he does. So are you a machine, machine gun Kelly or Eminem? Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:37 I really loved. Wow. That's great. You bring that up. I really liked machine gun Kelly's destruction of Eminem. I thought he torched him. Wasn't it awesome? Amazing. The video was amazing too too the video is so good he's just eating like a bowl of cereal or something it was so good i mean i know it's like five years ago but i still remember it like
Starting point is 01:00:55 yesterday um what what is he what kind so then i looked into him and he's not even a rapper he just does everything he does everything like he has a rock song out that's pretty good yeah he's kind of everything and he's an actor he was in a movie bird box on netflix oh yeah i never saw that that was like the worst movie of all time or something someone said was that was bird box like no it's not i thought it was pretty good what'd you think i thought it was pretty good okay that's the one with sandra bullock right yeah yeah yeah that's pretty good okay i kept seeing that around as like hey you want to see the worst thing ever may check this out i mean shania twain is my go-to i could see myself getting into country as i get older like
Starting point is 01:01:42 in the next five years shaniaania Twain. That's a good one. She's country, right? I think, I think she's country. I don't know. I don't listen to country, even though I'm from Texas. Um, if this CrossFit thing comes, sorry, when this CrossFit thing comes to an end, when you're not competing, not competing at this level anymore, do you know what you're going to transition to? Have you thought about it? I really don't think that far ahead. But I have my MBA, so I'd like to think I could get a job almost anywhere. Dylan is actually like, don't let him fool you.
Starting point is 01:02:20 He's a very smart guy. So I might not even have to work because he is a very hard worker but I do like working so it would just be kind of like whatever's open but like right now my priority is staying home with Blakely because I only get like four years of her life actually at home with me every day and then she goes off to school and then college so I I'm just going to soak up as much as I can. You're not supposed to send your kid to school. You're like super God-fearing and like you're supposed to homeschool your kids. No, I don't know because then they're so sheltered that when they like experience the world, it's like such a culture shock.
Starting point is 01:03:00 They're either going to rebel super hard or they're just – I don't know. shock, they're either going to rebel super hard or they're just, I don't know. I feel like there's a healthy way to teach a kid values and send them out in the world knowing what's right and wrong. Cause you can't shelter them from the world. Then they're going to learn from their peers, what's going on in the world. And it's going to be their peers view. We haven't had to experience it yet, but I'd like to think that we'll like instill values at home. So when she goes to public school, she knows what's right and wrong, even though the world is a little bit different. I was personally, go ahead. Is that why you like church? Cause it instills values. Yeah, exactly. It doesn't like force it down your throat, but it like helps you
Starting point is 01:03:42 see like who you are, who you believe in, who you stand for. But I was personally homeschooled. And when I figured out what the world was, I rebelled way too much. So I think there's a healthy way. Yeah, it was bad. There's a healthy way to do it. So tell me about that more. You were homeschooled and you felt that that made you sheltered.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Tell me about the moment you realized that there was a world out there that you hadn't been seeing. So we were homeschooled up until about eighth grade. And then in high school was when I like went to school full time and made friends. I'm like, I had grade high school, high school, ninth grade. Yeah. Ninth grade. So I hadn't had to experience picking friends, if that makes sense. Like we were at church and I had those friends. So like when I went to school, I picked whoever would talk to me. And that happened to be like the bad crowd.
Starting point is 01:04:35 So I learned real quick that like what it's like to pick friends and friends that are going to get you into trouble and friends that are going to not get you into trouble. that are going to get you into trouble and friends that are going to not get you into trouble. So I feel like I had to learn the hard way. I got, when I was young, I got an MIP in high school. So just hanging out. So just like hard lessons of like get your stuff together. Why did your parents stop homeschooling you in ninth grade?
Starting point is 01:05:02 Why didn't they just take you all the way through high school? Man, I need to ask him that. Were you scared? No. Maybe we just realized what we were missing and we wanted to go to school. I don't know what made them change their mind. Homeschool kids are always doing weird shit like microwaving their boogers
Starting point is 01:05:20 and shaving their eyebrows. Oh, you're breaking my heart. I don't even own a microwave do you own a microwave do you homeschool your kids savann i do you do that's not that's not accurate my wife does yeah which i don't think there's anything wrong to it too late too late don't backtrack now ariel i just no don't shelter them that's the the point I would make. Do you own a microwave? I do. Oh, man. You want to hear the worst thing I've ever done with a microwave? Please, please.
Starting point is 01:05:52 This is how stupid I was. We don't say stupid. I know we don't say stupid, but this was how silly I was. Oh, busted, busted. I was a lifeguard in high school, and I dropped my phone in the pool, and it's soaking wet wet. So I'm like, oh my gosh, how am I going to get this water out of it? I had the great idea of putting it in the microwave to get the water out of it. So I straight up microwaved my phone. And after like 10 seconds, it was just like popping and bursting. It sparks flying off of it everywhere, right? Oh, absolutely. so i would not recommend that strategy at all ariel i'm gonna lump that up with not knowing who the first
Starting point is 01:06:30 president of the united states is holy you honestly should it was it was so embarrassing bless you i've had a lot of bad moments like that though like i said in high school i was figuring everything out i had my favorite car and I like ran over mud and I was trying to clean it off and instead of using like a clean towel to wipe it I grabbed the like scouring brush to clean your dishes oh shit scrubbing it off and it left a horrible mark just like all along the side so just stuff stuff that like, you would think I would know better, but I did not so bad. Well, I'm guilty of using my t-shirt to clean my glasses. And like, I feel like so many of my glasses are ruined because of that.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Oh, I was homeschooled until high school too. I think it's just about what activities you're involving your kids in outside of the house. But this's weird as shit will branstetter this guy works on the podcast he's a superstar runs the instagram account he i he he will you might be case in point for her bro come on will it's homeschooling till, too. I think it's just about why... I mean, I think he's pretty hardcore churchgoers. I think sometimes I contact him and he's like... He's at church. But I think he swerved...
Starting point is 01:07:56 I think he swerved off the path for a minute. And then he got back on. There you go. He's very successful now. No one tried to take will from me i know a bunch of motherfuckers are doing that i don't like it at all oh let's call him out uh dubai wadapalooza what's the schedule look like definitely not dubai um wadapalooza too far too far and okay they don't like rogue helps you with travel,
Starting point is 01:08:26 helps you with, um, hotel. I don't think they do any of that, which actually my mother-in-law used to live in Dubai. So like in a perfect world, we would have gone there and competed and stayed with her, but no,
Starting point is 01:08:37 too far. Wadapalooza. What did she do there? What did she do? Her, um, new husband is in the nuclear field. So he works over there in like the oil nuclear industry.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Is he an engineer? He is not. Oh, okay. I'm not sure his title. Is he a terrorist? He is not. He's American, actually. You can't be.
Starting point is 01:09:01 We got a couple of those. Okay. Okay. you can't be we got a couple of those um okay okay so so dubai um too far uh doesn't make sense economically a wadapalooza i plan on being there maybe individual if i feel good and then for sure on a team and and do you do any of these to to try to get the money like do you just part of you do rogue to try to get the money just do wadapalooza to get the money? Like, does part of you do Rogue to try to get the money? Do you do Wadapalooza to get the money? Oh, yeah. I wouldn't be doing – Rogue I might be doing if there was no money. Wadapalooza I probably wouldn't consider if there wasn't a prize purse.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Because, like, it doesn't make sense to be like, let's go to Miami but not go on vacation. Let's work out the whole time. Like, I'd like to be compensated a little bit. Is he a terrorist? he's american speaking of those examples of people who are not knowing i should have clarified they used to live in iowa he's been transported there for a little bit but now he's he's back uh he swerved off the path and he hooked up with Savon. So the money is nice. It is nice. It's nice to be able to contribute to the family.
Starting point is 01:10:12 I'll put it that way. Dylan works so hard. It's nice to be like, hey, I got this one. And if you win Rogue, it's like a shitload of money. Oh my gosh, Savon. Right now we don't have a yard because irrigation is expensive. And it's like a shitload of money. Oh my gosh. Yvonne, we, right now we don't have a yard because irrigation is expensive and it's expensive. So if we,
Starting point is 01:10:30 if I win rogue, we definitely get a front yard and a backyard, but I don't even think we could fathom that because not only winning rogue, obviously the price purse, but just the, like now people are going to notice me and maybe more sponsors. It would, it would just be
Starting point is 01:10:45 wild right and to say i did it with my own programming that's two hours you know it would just the whole thing would be kind of mind-blowing who's um who's who can we see a list of who's going to rogue there's a pretty good list. They posted something on Rogue's Instagram yesterday. But some of the monsters are gone, right? Hayley, Mal, and Tia. And Brooke Wells. And Brooke Wells. And Christy O'Connell.
Starting point is 01:11:18 And Christy O'Connell. Yeah. None of them are going. None of them are going. Which Rogue is such a fun event. I wonder why. yeah none of them are going people none of them are going which rogue is such a fun event i wonder why imagine how much money tia and mal are making and hayley are making that they don't have to do rogue i know i kind of heard that on your podcast the other day that like certain people just don't
Starting point is 01:11:37 need the money so why not not go annie oh annie's going oh yeah that's gonna be fun competing with her right yeah there's still some good people even though um hayley and them are not there so annie's the one that you always want to be actually no oh uh she was not even individual this year wow so um this you're gonna make podium the goal is top 10 the dream would be top five oh my god so car saunders is going to yeah she'll be there too yeah this is gonna be hard yeah yeah like this is a good lineup yeah you so you say like t is not their mouths out there but they're still the gallus they are like really good people and and everyone and everyone's going to be like that it might even be harder with those three gone because everyone's going to push that extra mile to get up there like all of a sudden it's a lot of people pushing for that first place spot i think so but like t is so dominant now it's going to be
Starting point is 01:12:45 interesting to see like who wins the cardio event versus the strength event versus the sprint event like i think the points are going to just like fluctuate a lot i'll be interested to see if like one person just dominates all of it like we're used to seeing um speaking of people who think that george don't know who the first president is i'd really like to see pat sherwood get invited to the legends comp yeah i'd like to see peewee herman get invited and uh rock would be pretty cool and the rock pat sherwood to the legends what's wrong with you you, Patrick? Oh, you have a bias. You have the same name.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Well, I'm excited to see you compete. Your house looks amazing. Oh, why spend that money? So you said you have an NBA. Why spend that money to fix your backyard? I had a guy on the show the other day, and he told me that what he does is he buys homes in Milwaukee, and he has a 2% rule. And that 2% rule – and I had heard of the 1% rule, and I thought it was crazy. I just heard about it this summer, but this guy has a 2% rule, which I thought is even crazier, but I've been talking to him quite a bit lately.
Starting point is 01:14:05 even crazier but i've been talking to him quite a bit lately he'll buy a home for a hundred thousand dollars in milwaukee and then rent it for two thousand dollars a month what's the two percent money that's the two you're saying the rent that's every month so basically only buy homes where the monthly rent is two percent of the cost of the house so if you bet so so he'll buy a duplex for um uh a hundred thousand dollars in milwaukee which is just nuts to me and then charge each tenant a thousand dollars a month it's smart ariel you're an mba i can't believe dylan i mean that is that is next on our list it's funny you say that they have what's called beaten bow homes which are just like cookie cutter pop-up homes. If we went rogue, we'd probably get one of those and the front yard.
Starting point is 01:14:52 But I don't want to reveal all of our financial secrets. Right, right, right. But they say, like, go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. They say what? They just say real estate is like the safest thing you could put your money into. We messed around with stocks for a little bit with how the climate is it was not for us but real estate is one that you can't really mess around you can't uh landlording sucks i don't know man
Starting point is 01:15:16 uh it's been my saving um grace do you have rent houses i do all right how many uh three three in california have you had great tenants see charge it i just well i and i haven't had any in shit neighborhoods and i charge a shitload of money always more than the market value so that i'll make sure i get someone who's like committed you can respect it. Yeah. And then I use one month of every, I use one month of every year's rent to like do something cool for them. Like have all the windows cleaned, have the screens pulled down, have the walls painted inside the house, just make the house like so fucking nice for them every year just to maintain landlord. You're a good landlord. Sorry. Yeah. Good boss. good boss and um and i used to always
Starting point is 01:16:07 when i was when i had a job i would put all my money into paying down my mortgage i mean like the couches in my house are the same couches i grew up with in the eighth grade like i like i'm frugal as shit you took your mom's ask caleb ask caleb how much he gets paid that's why he had to shave his head because he couldn't afford a haircut yeah dude with the rock out from the desert yeah i had to sharpen up a fucking stone and i'm lucky i don't have more nicks on my head geez um just i think you're i think blakely would be happy this is what i think your plan should be for your yard okay yeah tell it to me do you want to get pencil and paper or anything or you'll remember i've been waiting this whole time okay here we go uh a new garden hose okay and a kiddie pool we already have those two things you're done
Starting point is 01:17:06 we actually we go to a friend's house um and they have a grass and a pool in their backyard so she's just like can we get grass and a pool and we're just like sure my kids want three years can you imagine my kids want to pull so bad and do you know what they do stuff like every day in tennis class the winner at the end of they do a little competition and the winner gets a dollar and my kids give me the dollar to put towards a pool fund and i'm just like what do you do with the dollar what do you do with it put it in my wallet and spend it that's hilarious they're so expensive i'm sure just the upkeep and everything it's two hundred thousand dollars to get a built-in pool with solar panels in my neighborhood for just as
Starting point is 01:18:01 solar panels why I don't know so that the pool can be warm no fuck those kids just put the filter and it'll do it just fucking make it nice and it'll be fine yeah they do have an ocean we do live by the ocean and we do go you do have a see you don't
Starting point is 01:18:22 need a pool then you've got the ocean final question what about Oh, you do have a note. See, you don't need a pool then. You've got the ocean. Final question. What about a book? Is there going to be an Ariel Loewen book? Is there a book in you? I thought you were going to ask what I'm reading. I haven't even thought about a book. No, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I did this year do read a book a month. Wow. If you want to talk about books, which just seems like nothing. Most months I've read two or three. It's just a little goal to get into reading. Wow. Fiction, nonfiction? Definitely fiction. I like storyteller books, not romances, but there's a plot usually with a male and a female and like how are they going to get
Starting point is 01:19:06 together or is there nudity is there nudity no not like those type of books there's one book those who are listening it's called the silent patient it's the best book i have ever read ever read hands down it was so good but it's a not going to reveal anything you can read this on the back of the cover. A lady has something happen to her. She doesn't speak. They put her in a psychiatric ward, and this guy is learning why she can't speak. I'm trying to figure out what happened, but it's such a good book.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Yeah, that's it. As a mom, a book a month is an accomplishment. Sorry, say that again, Arrow. Almost 138,000 reviews on Amazon. Wow. A lot of people reading it. It's a really good book for those of you who like thriller. I'd say it's a thriller.
Starting point is 01:20:00 When do you read? See, that's the thing. I read usually before bed. So we're talking like 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. Wow. I'm impressed. And is that so you won't watch TV and you won't do screen time? I would say yes. It helps me like put down my phone. And I really think reading helps with so much. And people don't really read books anymore. No, they don't. much and people don't really read books anymore. No, they don't.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Or like in the lobby of like getting my car oil changed. If I look around and see everybody on their phone, I want to be the one person who like actually has a book in their hand. I just feel like that's so rare nowadays. I want to try and bring it back. Yeah. Yesterday I took the kids to the pool and my mother-in-law was just sat there and read a book. My mom does that too, just sits there and read a book. My mom does that too,
Starting point is 01:20:45 just sits there and read books. That's what I'm saying. If I look at people who are older than me and smarter than me, they're not on their phones. They're reading a book. So I feel like there's something to that. Right. Right. I wonder what Joe Biden's reading. I got it right here. It's called Sophia Takes the Lead. It's about buttercups who go... I'm just kidding. Shit. That's what his wife is reading. That's what his wife is reading today. No, but I don't know if there'll be an Ariel Lohan book
Starting point is 01:21:19 to answer your question the long way. I think there will be. That'd be sweet. Yeah. All right, girl. Thank you for coming on. I'm super will be. That'd be sweet. Yeah. All right, girl. Thank you for coming on. I'm super excited to see you compete in Rogue.
Starting point is 01:21:29 You are a role model, an inspiration, a class act to everyone in the community, to everyone who meets you. Thanks for being you. Thanks for having me. We'll see you later.
Starting point is 01:21:38 All right. Travel safe. Thanks. Bye. Bye. That's what it looks like when I'm not 100% prepared. I tried. She's cool.
Starting point is 01:21:53 She's easy. She's awesome. Yeah. No, my notes weren't very long today. Well, we're basically like friends at this point. So you guys can just talk about whatever. It's nice having her on. Whenever I have someone.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Holy shit. Okay, so are you going to be on in an hour and a half? Yeah, I'll just probably go grab dinner, change, and hop back on. Okay. So at 11 a.m., we have Rich and on hello to Chico. That'll probably go an hour. Then we have Nick Matthews at 1230. Oh, I don't see Ricky Garrard on the calendar.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Do you see him on there? Not on the calendar. I don't think he that's on there yet. Let me see if I can bug Susan right now. It looks like it is on the calendar, but it looks like it's for tomorrow. Oh, it is for tomorrow? Oh.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Don't we have Ricky... Tonight? tonight uh shit did i screw it all up it is on the calendar you do see it on the calendar yeah it's on wednesday wednesday for you thursday for me oh Oh, so we don't have any podcast tonight. I think we still do.
Starting point is 01:23:27 It looks like we have Rich and Nick Matthews tonight. Oh, but for me, that's the morning. Yeah, sorry. My bad. All right. Guys, thanks, John. Wad zombie. Joe Biden's reading Mike Hunt.
Starting point is 01:23:45 That's probably true, James. Ariel is the best, says Spiegel. Good luck, Ariel. Eric Wise. You know Savant isn't prepared when he uses a Trish question. Good point. Valid observation. Dick and Angie.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Oh, for a children's book. Got to go over to Amazon and get Heidi's book. Mine arrives today. Heidi Kroom. Oh, shit. The show's over. I didn't even see that. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Spiegel, thank you for the $19.99. On that note, myself and Caleb Beaver will be back in one hour and 36 minutes with the coolest dude who's ever walked on planet Earth, except for Jesus, Rich Froney. Bye-bye.

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